New Address is
Our Xese Telephone *'' Ximiber"js, ATlantic 1450*
681:, Brandeis" Tlie&ter., - 1
I i ; • • !•>::,••> ^ A -
^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
^ad-elasa mall matter oa January 87th. tSKtt at
Ksbrasla. nadei the Act el t&uch 3. 1SX9.
BAILIE AND LEVIXE CARDINAL O'CONNELL RECEIVED ENTHUSIASTIC• FAVORS JOINT MANDATE ALLY IN PALESTINE FOR PALESTINE Jerusalem. (J. T. A.) Chaim NachHew York- (J. T. A.) While praisman Bialik, the Hebrew post Laureing the British Government for its" exate, and Dr. Schmarja Levins were cellent rule of -Palestine, Cardinal very enthusiastically received upon OXJonnell of Boston, who arrived here their arrival in Palestine. There was on the "Franconia" after a pilgrimage to the Holy Land, stated that he .would llass of One Hundred Can- a public reception given them by the population, and there was much, reprefer another mandate in-which other didates to be Initiated joicing over the fact that the national IS ONE OF T H E LEADING ORATOKS OF THE* nations, including'America, would take STEED OF A J E W I S H COMMUNITY CEN- part. _ ' RABBI GABRY J. AUGUST poet had come to make his home in PULPIT—TAKES ACTIVE PART IN. the Jewish homeland. "With. Bialik TER BUILDING SHOWN BY WORK OF Cardinal O'Conneil' recently-comWILL SPEAK AT and Dr. Levine caiae Dr. Jacob KliatALL CIVIC AFFAIRS. plained to the Pope, according to reCELEBRATION YOUNGER GROUPS. zkiii. ports from "Rome; of" the British' adIt is the intention of Bialik to esThe Omaha Hebrew -club will celeministration -in Palestine, claiming Rev. Doctor Wm. S. Friedman, cf f inan is vice president of the Denve? : The. second annual Y. M. and Y. W. H. A., vaudeville show that it discriminated against the brate its thirty-second anniversary tablish in Jerusalem a Hebrew pub- Denver, Colo., will be a visitor in I public library, is a member of the •which was held at the Brandeis theatre Sunday evening again Catholics. Sunday evening at the Municipal au- lishing house which would act as the Omaha next Thursday, April 10. Dr. state board of charities, and was vice • ' . proved itself of the wonderful work that is being carried on by ditorium. There will be an initiation center of Hebrew literature through- Friedman is nationally known as one president of the city charities before the members of these groups, which meet at the Jewish Com•* of a class of one hundred newly elect- out the world. of the leading Rabbis in the pulpit. that organisation was merged with munity Center. ed members, according to the comFor more than thirty-five years Dr. the Conrmxmity Chest. He is on friendmittee in charge of arrangements. . From the'.raising of the curtain at t h e ' beginning of the Friedman has been the leader cf the ly terms -with all denominations, in "We have secured Rabbi Garry Jperformance to the grand finale, the show was one of amazement Jewish community of Denver, has Denver, and his pulpit has always August of St. Joe, Mo., as the prinand perfection, of the entire production, its snap, rapidity of been prominent in the civic and been open to representatives of all movement and freedom from the many faults usually attendant Workers Will Canvass' Entire XTity to cipal speaker of the evening," said S. philanthropic life of city and state creeds. Pr, Friedman is widely known E. Klaver, chairman of the committee on amateur productions. • - Help Elect Rosenthal. and has a national reputation as an thro-ag-hout the United States as a in charge. Rabbi August will be re- "Talk Klaver for Coanty Assessor" orator of exceptional ability. Erom the .little boys and girls to the senior members in the lecturer of T-ote. Of particular interest to our read- membered by his many friends here is Slogan. Dr. Friedman is head of one of th© cast, the entire performance was one of perfection. On Thursday evening, Rabbi Friedman will be the guest of the com- largest congregations. A review of the performance must picture and each was presented with- ers at .this time are incidents in the as having taken an active part in the life of*Le<3 Rosenthal, who seeks the Keren Hayesod delegation meeting for S. E. Klaver, who aspires to the munity at a banquet to be given in With the completion of the $175,000 begin with tribute to the work of I. F.. out flaw or blemish. . Goodman, general director, and SamStarting the-show were the dollies nomination for the office of City Com- Chaim Weizrnann. Rabbi August is office of county -assessor at the pri- his honor at the Omaha Athletic addition to Temple Emanuel, it will be one of the largest and best equip-« uel Schaefer, business manager, upon who at the bewitching hour of twelve missioner. Mr. RosenthaFs activities one of the leading younger Rabbis of maries next Tuesday, has another Club. the country. campaign to look after. whom fell the burden of the entire' came to life and enjoyed and hour of The following men are in charge ped church buildings in Denver. The The other campaign is that of the cf arrangements for the banquet to completed group of old and new build"We are making preparations for production. Theirs was the task of fun, with acts of dancing, singing and big membership drive of the Omaha be held Thursday evening in honor ings will represent an investment of having more than 2,000 people at our developing the undertaking, of adding acrobats. The little boys and girls 1 annual celebration, " said Max Fromof Dr. Friedman: Rabbi Frederick §400,000. The large auditorium will and eliminating, of polishing-and re- who took parts of "the dollies and kin, president qf the club. Cohn, Jay Katz, Harry Malashock, polishing, of attending to hundreds of entertainers in this act. worked in There will be no afternoon meeting Abe Herzberg, Harry A- Wolf, Dave details of costuming, properties, stag- wonderful uniformity. A feature clasof the club, because of the evening Rosenstock, Henry Monsky, William ing and lighting effects until the per- sical entertainment by Harry Bravircelebration. Holzrnan, Dr. Philip Sher, Selwyu formance shone and sparkled like a off and Al Finkel brought forth much A special feature, of the evening's Jacobs, Harry Lapidus, Harry Eachrare gem. They were ably assisted applause from the house. program will be the presentation of man, A. B. Alprin, J. J. Slosberg, by the following committee' of "Y" "Thursdays Evening," a dramatic the prizes to the winners of the memM. Kulakofsky. members: sketch, was one of the features with bership contest. Louis Abramsoa Estelle Lapidus Rabbi W. S. Friedman has occupied all members of the cast taking active David Beber Sadye Levey The following program will be givthe pulpit of Temple Emanuel for parts. Sam , Beber Helen Levlnson Lillian Chudakoff. Sain Sice en: A-piano duet by Harry Bravirof thirty-five years, ever since his gradIn the "final act, Abner Kaiman and M. Plnkel " Anne Sellcorw and Al FLafcel; a violin solo by Fannie Dave Freeman ^laticai from the Hebrew Union ColJulia Wise A. I. Rubin held the large audience. Earl LapidUB AL Z. A. Club Fish,' pupil of Frank Mach, accomlege at Cincinnati. During that time Immediately upon entering the stage, •. Next" in order mention must be these men as cabaret entertainers panied by Evelyn Vore; several vocal the congregation "has increased from m^de of the efforts and abilities of were a "hit". Little Dorothy Lustselections;-response from the class by forty-seven to 500 families. Dr. Friedthe four special directors, the result of garden as a newsboy,entertained on Rabbi, Charlerjv a n d an address by man has refused calls to pulpits of wh,ose months of work were seen to her violin. Rabbi Garry J. August. . the largest synag'ogues in the United such advantage upon the stage. To States,- preferring to complete his With the singing of the .grand Mrs. B. R. Boasberg, dramatic direc- finale, the children and- entertainers, 'iife's work i n Denver. He has taken tprf*-TMss~"-D_b¥iSthy - Devsre,,.dancing sang their way into the hearts of th£ SXL active part not only in Jewish affairs, but in local and national director, and Miss Cecelia Feiler, large audience. philanthropic, civic and social activmusical director,- the thanks -of the " LEO ROSENTHAL, ' . The entire production of the show ities. entire community must be given for cost $946. The amount received at in the community extend over a peBoard Members Present Mr. Schaefer their tireless and unselfish labors in ( t h e b o x office w a s ? 9 8 2 j o r a p r o f i t o f He was the founder of the National riod of years. S. E. KLAVER With. Beautiful Gift. connection with the show. Jewish Hospital for Consumptives, the 536. Mr. Rosenthal has resided in Oma• Last but not least comes the work More than three hundred people at- Hebrew club, of which Klaver is the first free tuberculosis hospital of its ha . for twenty years and has chairman. of the individual performers. Each kind in the United States. Dr. Friedtaken a very active part in all com- tended the farewell reception held in Although busy with his own camof the eight acts was a stellar attrachonor of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel H, munal work. He has taken an active • DR. W. S." FRIEDMAN' paign, Klaver has never left a minute tion, each formed a beautiful stage part in Jewish and non-Jewish civic Schaefer Monday evening at the Jew- go by without looking out for the inseat 1,500 people. There is, also, c ish Community Center. The reception and philanthropic work. ' terest of the club. His sole purpose Community Center auditorium, seating was held under the auspices of the Finance Committee * to Assist in Col-' During the world war, Leo Rosen- Jewish Welfare Federation. is to stage one of the best celebra800 persons at a lecture, tod 600 at thal was actively" engaged in doing tions ever for the club next Sunday dinner. Large kitchens are installed lections. • "We are sorry to have Mr. Schaefer relief work. He was vice chairman at the muny auditorium. in" connection with • this auditorium. Is Making a Tour o£ the United leave us," said Harry A. Wolf, one • Your Federation payments are due. of the state of Nebraska United War of the speakers of the program, "but A personal appeal for men and which includes a v«ll»ec(uippsd stage* States. Omaha Chapter Degree Team Will Statements have been sent from the Work, was a member of the executive Formal dedication of the new "buildwe "hope that the man that will suc- women to vote for Klaver is being Initiate Members. Jewish Welfare Federation office for committee of the^Salvatipri Army Re- ceed Mr. Schaefer will have the same made by volunteer workers who are Jacob Billikopf, one of America's ing will take place, In Septetnbe'r, lief, and was on the board of directors payments of pledges. These paycanvassing homes throughout the foremost Jews and at the present Congregation .Emanuel has BOW S fine spirit and the same support from The Charter Members of the Des of the Red Cross for more than two 1 ments should he made quarterly so as county. • time head of the activities of the membership of about 500 heads t>Zr the community.' Moines Chapter No. 4, Aleph Zadi years. He was a director of the Comto avoid all the work of making a The women seek to impress on the Federated Charities and Social famflies, representing about 2,O0C "The Jews of America must be in Aleph, have been announced in a letmunity Service League and was one house-to-house canvass of the city. minds of the voters^ especially those Service "work in Philadelphia, is persons. • -. ter received from Mr. Sam Isaacson, of the organizers of the Colored Com- closer contact than ever," said Wil"We have sent a letter to the memvoters who are not-familiar with the making a tour of the United States, liam . Blumenthal, superintendent of who is the.representative of the Omamercial club. He is a member of the ha Chapter in the Iowa cities. He bers of the finance-committee-to as- Men's Service League for Boys, which the Los Angeles Federation, who was various candidates, the qualities of it was learned here today. • " ' Several prominent Omaha Jews SEJM -UNANIMOUSLY states: "My report of the doings and sist in the collection of these pledges," is fostering National Boys' Week to visiting in the city. "The place foi Klaver and why they should vote for ' ELECTS JEW TO SUPREME. have been in telegraphic communicathis enntart- U the Jewish Welfare work of .the order of Aleph Zadi Aleph said Joe L. Wolf, chairman of the be held the latter part of April. STATE TRIBUNAL . "During my *front door" campaign tion with Mr. 'Billikopf in an enFederation." was received very enthusiastically by finance committee "We have set our Mr. Rosenthal was the second presWarsaw. (J. T. A.) Jrof. Hosss goal for the quota for 1924 at §60,"Our children must continue to the past few days, I am fully satis- deavor to have Mm stop in Omaha Alerhand, of Lemfcerg, hia been .unanthe boys who will be the charter memident of Omaha Lodge, I. O. B. B. 000. We must have the. support of ie while on his way to the western bers." Those mentioned are as folcomelo *e~Cornmunity'Center"and M d with the results and the sentiimously ^elected by X\m Sejm a .memthe entire • community and •' these and at- that time he organized the the lows: ,• Y. M. H. A.," said Harry H. Lap- ment.'of the- voters," said Mrs. E. L. coast. social service committee 'of the Jewber- of the Supreme State Tribanal, pledges must be in.". Foy, Miller Park' resident,,'who has Mr. Billikopf became nationally The other.seven members-;on the TriCharter members and officers of idus. "We must realize our ambition The workers.will be organized dur- ish Welfare Federation and the Jew- for the new Jewish Community build- canvassed her own home district. famous during the Wsx Relief cam- bunal are Poles, the Jews' beiag fh.* the Des Moines Chapter "No.- 4, order ish Community Center." He was vice "I know from-xsy own personal ex- paign of 1921 by doing at that time of Aieph Zadi' Aleph':" Aleph Godol, ing the next two weeks and each will chairman of the war-relief committee. ing." •••.••:.' •".,. perience that Mr. Klaver has the abil- what no one individual had ever done only minority group now represented . Charles Shane; Aleph Sigan, Morris be given statements for collection of These are but a-few of the genera' - Mr. Schaefer was presented with a the subscription" pledges. ity to serve the people. By his actual theretofore or has done since. It Rosenbaum; Aleph Mazkir, Adolph activities of a man who" has always "beautiful diamond ring os a gift from "When these men call on you, do experience of four, years as deputy as- V.ES he who single-handed obtained . The Supreme State Tribunal Is th.* Goldstrom; Aleph Shotir, George l i believed in rendering public service for members of the board of directors of not hesitate in making your payments sessor he is'capable of giving the pub- from Julius Rosenwald of Chicago a ultimate judiciary body in Poland, nud bles;,Aleph Gisbor, Louis Williams; the welfare of his community, and the Welfare Federation. hss the power to pass upon the conimmediately," said Joe Wolf. lic real service." contribution of one million dollars stitutionality of Sejm. legislation. Senior Adviser, Seppy I. Silberman; who has carried out • every "labor to "I am sorry to leave you, but alL I The • Klave'r ,'for County Assessor for the war sufferers in Europe. members, Sam Isaacson, Joseph Berncan say is that you give the same which he has lent bis talents, in club, of which Ralph- Van Orsdale is Many College Students The leading Jewish journals of stein, Henry Herschberg, Alfred Ginssupport that you gave me," said Mr. thorough and efficient manner^' president, has'been "b'ssy lining up America have published from timr FORMER PAOLE ZIONIST. berg,- Joe. Ansher, Chas. Levine, Mor- Spend Spring Vacation. Here "Leo Rosenthal has done very" good Schaefer in his farewell address, "to ris Siegel, Kaiman Givant, George work for the community and should my successor. You must continue to workers'fo.r primary day. More work- to time the manuscripts written by NOW COMMUNIST, ARRESTEB FOR COMMUNIST AGITATION Goldensou; Sherman Rudston, Robert Seniors, Juniors," Sophomores and be elected to the office which * he carry,out this good work. Let us ers are needed. Those who desire to Mr. Billikopf, who is considered an Warsaw. (,J. T. A.) Gerson Dna-, Ellison, Harry M. Turner, Harry Gold- Freshmen of the" University of Ne- seeks," said Henry Monsky. Every hope that when I come back in your see Klaver nominated" and are willing authority on social service trork. In his trip throughout war-stricker, whose pen *-nme is Aimoni, has hern enson, Mose Goldenson, Daniel Siegel. braska will be returning to school the man and woman should help elect' him city that I shall see the new Jewish to assist* him' in any way should call Klaver , headquarters, Atlantic 9501, Europe Mr. Billikopf gathered data Eurc?tesi for ComTmim>t agitation The Omaha. Chapter is planning to latter part of thisweek," having, spent at the corning election next-Tuesday. Community Center building." send their Degree Team to Des Moines the spring vacation at home or at the Other members of the program were Lefiang building," Sixteenth and Cap- and statistics which he ha? made use among the Jewish workers. Dwa, "Leo Rosenthal is the logical can of in his speeches delivered since his is a former Poale ionirf. tvas toward the end.of May to initiate the homes of classmates.vocal selections by Miss Celia Feiler, itol avenue. » didate for the office of City Commis Irvin Stalmaster, who has talked return. He is a very forecfu] and from Pslostinc last year, and The Misses-Helen Robinson, Fanny sioner," said Dan A. Johnson, pres- accompanied by Mrs. Henry Monsky, above members'. In order to-'defray ly returned to the expenses of the trip a dance will Kully, Lillian Margolin and Messrs. ident of Leo Rosenthal for City Com- and a reading by Mrs. B. R. Boasberg. for Klaver at various meetings, is cf effective speaker. be given at the Hotel Rome April 27. Louis Somberg, .Ben .Ravitz, Bennett missioner club) today. "I know him Rabbi Frederick Cohn and Rabbi Char- the opinion that Klaver will easily deA prominent orchestra has been en- Cohn, Harry Cohen, Harry Mendelson, and I know that he will serve" the lop made short talks. Dr. Philip Sher, feat his opponents from sentiment he gaged and'the affair promises to be Herman Kully, Edwin,Rosenthal and community faithfully."! president of the Federation, presided. has seen displayed among the voters. "The voters should-be informed cf one of the outstanding social events Joe Linsman all will return to school "Leo Rosenthal has done wonderful the fitness'of the candidates for counof the spring season. Tickets can be during the' latter part- of the week. work in this community for men RITUAL MURDER ty, assessor," said Henry Beal, county procured from any A. Z. A. member Mr. Norton Lieberman,' of St. Paul, women and children, and I know that POSTCARDS CONFISCATED attorney. "We want Klaver nominated or from Messrs. Sam Beber, Harry Minn., who is also attending the Uni- this work will continue after he is BY AUSTRIAN GOVERNMENT Lapidus, Harry Trustin, I. F. Good- versity • of Nebraska, was the guest elected City Commissioner," said Abel Vienna {J. T. A.) Picture postcards because he is the-most capable and man, David A. Freeman and Prof. Na- here of Mr. • John Beber, a former V. Shotwell. 'It is the duty-of every; depicting, ritual murder scenes were most efficient." Fred White, who-is also' assisting classmate, 'anil Mr. 'L'eland Goldberg, man and woman to help elect Leo put on the market by the anti-Semitic than Bernstein. We are now in our new offices at . . ~" of Shenandoab, la;, was visiting with; Rosenthal to the City Commissioner.1" Hakenkruezler, In preperatioB for the Klaver, is another wlio has been workMr. Ben Ravitz. •'* '-" POLISH ANTI-SEMITIC approaching Passover holidays. The ing day and Right-to meet the vari681 Brandeis Theater building ORANIZATION FIGHTS Omaha students attending the Uni- JULIUS IvAHN ILL Attorney General of Austria ordered ous voters."There is no use to lay back, alOur nevr Telephone Number is JEWISH DOMINATION versity of Michigan at Ann Arbor are , OX VOYAGE HOME the confiscation of these picture cards though reports ate encouraging," said Warsaw. "(J. T. A.) The "Rozwoj," arriving home Friday, April 11. They as being obscene and unfounded. The Havanna. (J. T. A.) .RepresentaWhite. "We must hit- the ball ratal ; ATlantic 1450 the anti-Semitic, organization, has is- are Miss Reva Kulakofsky, Messrs. tive Julius Kahn, Chairman of th Hakenkruezler Party appealed nest Tuesday night." See your, friends Come up and visit us. sued an appeal*to the Polish" people Myron Blotcky and-Lester Slqsburg. House Military Affairs Committee, this decision of the Attorney General 1 from now until jiriinary day so they for the immediate purchase, of- shares to the Court, but the Court .confirmed was too ill to leave the" sKip; PiieslSome students, - who are- attending The Jewish Press Publishing1 Sn the Polish' State Bank in order that school.farther away from home, will tient Polk, whim it arrived here. Con the confiscation order, statins* that in will rote." the Jews may not be able to buy spend their vacation with relatives ox gressman Kalm is on .his way to hi3 its opinion they accuse the Jews | eriou~!i to dominate ** . - wrongly and agitate the population, i PATRONIZE - OUR ~ ADVEKEISESS. classmates in cities-near-their schooL, "home in California.
ebrew Club _ to Sunday Eve
Thrill Entire Audience In Second Annual Performance
Elect Leo Rosentkl for r, April 8 City Coi
est of ril 10
Work Carried on to Heel Haver County Assessor
for Mr.-and-Mrs. Sckefer
Jewish Welfare Federation Pledges Mast Be Paid Now
A. Z. A. Chapter No.4 Organized at Des Momes
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"farthering ike Work of theCouhcir ••
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Mrs. Henry Q.; Marx, active in club work of several local organizations, gave the.following talk before.the members of the Omaha.Council of Jewish Women at its last regular'monthly meeting Monday afternoon, March 31, at the Jewish Community Center. The report will be sent to the National Council. Monthly Magazine for publication Our r/brk as anational organization fuel that furnishes our driving force. is or?1, nature that needs no extolling. A man once drove up to a filling staMrs. Holzinan and.Mrs. Nathan, who. tion in, a popular little car. "Gimme are in constant touch with our immi- a gallon of gas," said he. The garage gration and Americanization work, man looked up at him quizic'ally and caii tell.you far more eloquently than said, "Whatcha tryin' t' do, wean I what a. marvelous y^ork that is. Only 'er?" I think RabbPCohn might be ; li of y^u.as can remember your forgiven for thinking the same tiling own trip to America before the ad- of us. If we are to accomplish anyvent of the Council, or who have had thiig we need refilling oftener. it told you countless tiniesby • youi' It i sa sad commentary e n o w times pcrcnts as I have, can have any real that in this day- when our labors have conception of what a Godsend it is to been lightened to a minimum, when our poor- people - who1 have . escaped our household machinery runs with -from untold horrors,-.to be met here the teast possible amount of individwith kindliness, sympathetic under- ual attention, that we can find less etandinga nd practical help. Insofar time to devote to our religious life as we are a unit of that splendid or- than ever. We have so much leisure .. ganization, so that each one of us can time that the Sabbath is no longer feel that we are doing, out bit to make THE day of rest, and what was a joy iI.J.path of bur people in thfs land a to our ancestors we will not even aclittle less thorny ,we have more than cept as a duty. From a people who justified our existence. -• '- • • permitted themselves to be;martyred religious freedom, we have become But that is not enomh. - We must for a people who ask nothing but ffeedor-. jjustify our exixstence as a local or- from religion- We are "going so*;, ' ganization^ otherwise we might: each, because are doing the things "we of us just as well send our- $3.00 a prefer towe rather than the things year to our national organization and we ought do, ta do. Nothing big and "have done with it. I do not know worth while ever donu during how many of you, like ..myself, have one's leisure was -time, - It is the busiest been asked countles^times,,..'^Wh'ajt -dpwho accomplish the most. We we need with a Council in Oniaha1?" people cannot inspire unless -we are our"What is the Council doing here?" selves There is nothing like 'Some of our members are. asking that. a fixedinspired. habit, a set duty, to put the ?I shall not attempt to' answer '.this needed iron our backbones. What !que&tion. You must answer it for better habit into can we acquire than the yourselves. After all, i t takes each old one 6f our ancestors—the habit individual one "ofJ us to;t6rm._a Coun- k>£ -aittending'.«e_rvi|es; The return of Isa. Kremer, the 1 feve'ry Sabbath til,'and if we cannot- answer this morning, in- reverence- and dainty. ;and great Russian; singer v/iui q, sinv question satisfactorily, as it-is being cere desire in o u t hearts to give ourknown throughout "the - world as answered in othe rcommuniites, then selves up to our devotions for those "The International Balladist" will ,ours is the blame and the: shame. fewhouTS, that we will go from therr'There is unquestionably something truly cleansed and renewed. A sort certainly meet "with" the approval of wrong with us, when put reason for of weekly spiritual We every music lover in this city. Those 'existence has become sdofasured that wouldn't think of housecleaning. without our of us who were fortunate enough, to ,it can be questioned. ; The; place # we physical bath; you going the constant .occupy as a necessary local organiza- care and attention know it takes to keep hear this wonderful young" Avoman tion ought to be as clearly defined you the fine ldoHng, well groomed last season have not 7 forgotten her. -and self-evident as the Statue-of'Lib- lot of women that you ate—and if you Hers, was one ' of; the 'most"^delight-crty. That, in fact, is :my; conception •will just think a- bit you will, realize ful evenings, of niusic e.ver,hfeard- in "of'the Council of QJewish:,Women. that.it takes something more than an jTORCH BEASERS. Carrying en> occasional and wneflsHe appearsron the inspirational lighiment to our people-^-and that soul bath tointermittent night of April 11th, (next Friday) keeD ourselves spiritually means more than Bust teaching them worth while. . I am afraid the comcertainly every music lover !will be a new language. mon old joke about taking a bath once present to welcome her, fotf "everyThere is' a vital need in this com- .a year is more truth than comedy one knows that Isa Kremer retruns munity of jjust such an organization when we" apply it to our'spiritual life. as'the Council of Jewish Wun;en^but And yet that is an important -and *with SaStrtte m.e"s^age, as weir a s , a before we can begin to fill "that need; necessary part of our beauty tulVwre. giieifitofiun^w songs and -.; a we must see clearly just what op; I wish some of you could have'nqticed p ^ ' ; - b t nj^v. ^pwns. . '•.-," ^ • • task is. and we must set about if in •some of the-faces on Council Sabbath; ' softened and touched ,ahd tender. • If \i It n^is beeiiv niany years since a the right spirit, by first learning hqw to perform our service., 'Such of tis you could only see how the BOUI shines •foreig^f^artist %asrcpme to our j shores who have been given a definite task to through—more ;plainly than anything who has made such a pleasant appeal perform must perform that task with we can amply outwardly. It's a rare, catch it, but every bit of intelligence and enthusi- precious thing. We can 7 asm that is in her. Make no mistake /wfe/CEuVthold ifc: We cquldntvlive in ckn only be this when we work" togethratified atmosphe^ all* tK'time tabout it, ladies, this task is no light; that wfe/CEuVthold ifc: We cquldntvlive in er harmoniously, althruistically, with-Vne, to "be -undertaken whenever you that ratified atmosphere^ all* tKe'time, out thought of self, and with $Ht;ijne jnay har>«cr. to feel like it. ' I t can- or wo about with a Joan of Arc ex- common purpose —• making the wijrk n o t be accomplished either indiffer- ptession on- our -faces—and yet, p y , if we of the Council so felt tin this -com; ;cntly or half heartedly. We can nev- tturned d f S b b t h morn- munity, that no cjuestion can "ever our faces every Sabbath , iing ""toward Temple a^ain arise^ o{- ita need or worth. - t d ,our4 T l jjiust i t as religr li Hioosly.-: a sif i it \cere. • "ailTapnomimettt
Palestine it was stated in the pn*s8 that he was leaving on a mission «f conciliation of the various ~"*-''~"°'*' ties in Palestine.
Counsman Republican Candidate
Dr. Felix Baum to Be Connected With National Jewish Sanatorium Demrer, <3olo.—Dr. Felix .Baum. of Berlin,: a specialist in .the study ;of: tuberculosis, for .years .attached; to the;research .laboratory;.\©f. the XJnirversity. of Heidelberg, has been addedto-:the\.Etaff Df;.the; national Jewjsh h o s p i t a l . - .•..":
to American concert goers. Miss Kremer is a singer understood by. all. • She could pantomime a song and every one would grasp its true meaning. Her audience belong to every nationality. .She can sing an Italian folk song that will make every •son of Sunny Italy stand up and shout "Brava". The French numbers would cause a whole regiment of poilus to applaud, while with the Russian, Jews and the other- inhabitants of Central and Eastern Europe she could sing for hours and not one would leave the hall. But Miss Kremer is to sing in English this season. Already she has selected several songs by our own American composers, whose names will figure most prominently on the programs. Miss Kremer has become very much interested in American composers and wants to sing as many of their works as. her. programs will allow. (Not long ago she met the celebrated negro composer Harry Burleigh, he whose versions of spirituals have become favorites throughout the land. Mr. Burleigh has promised to coach POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT
those few hours absolu the outside world,and let the service sink right dovm into ourselves, it won't be necessary for us to say "every day in everyxway we are getting better and bettef."r: I t will reflect in everything we say and do, in our personal lives, and in jour life as an organization. We cannot go ahead without inspiration and enthusiasm. This is the age- of specialization. We have a number iof Jewish? -yomen's orjganizdtions in?this city,,each organ-' ized fora special purpose. "As -the result of an inspiration of Mrs. Frederick Cohn, we are soon to; have a 3 j joint meeting where each organization can present an outline of the type of work for the furtheri»nce of which it .was founded:-.:? What are we going to say when-we meet this challenge? Aga national organization our work is well known and its value unquestioned—as a local institution our field is limitless, and it is a field which in the very nature of our organization and the type of women who comprise our membership, is peculiarly our own. TORCH 'BEARERS. Spiritual leaders in Jewish thought and impulse and inspiration. A true Council of Jewish Women. And we
Herbert Samuel, British High Commissioner. His arrival has crested a great-deal of comment by reason of the fact that upon his departure for
Berlin Specialist Joins ' National Jewish Hospital
«at,.^ur docloridi
?!>O a spiritual one, and in : order to fulfill it we must first be fimbucd with that spirit. We are dy. imsfof inanition. We car.r.ot go on as y e are. We need a <»ood old fash.' ,ioned revival. What are w£ pomg to Rabbi Cohn, in his ser?dg about it? *mon.on Council Sabbath said: "What vou do speaks so loud -t&at I cannot hear what you say."- What are we doing? Before we C2n overtake upj rthe..task of Americanizjng: pur >for-; .cigner^ we must first Judau;e pui-' selves, and'when we will have "done tha\ the rest will be easy. You may Y;6hder why I am talking about our c religious life; you may fail to see any connection betweenthat.and, our-life as an organization ~ but to mymiind '" ouV-'Jewishness is.tjhe yexjy ffaiundation •UDpn; which we stand; — -Itfis; God's pity.'that we cannot have a Council Sabbath every week. We all know how quickly enthusiasm dies down. 'We' go to an occasiohc'-jlecSture, we hear an occasional inspirational talk, • we catch a momentary glimpse of the splendor of our possibilities. We leave --' filled with renewed strength, renewed - purpose—and soon that impetus dies •down. We can't go far without the
her in some of his works, whica she will sing on her coming tour. It is her intention to ^yisit the land ' of, Dixie,, this seastfn and - get her own impressions of the negroes.) According to her manager Miss Kremer is booked for sixty or move recitals; this season. Last-year she sang forty, eleven" of which were, in' New Yorkiand Broo:lyn. Her popu* larity in.the.Empire City has seldom " equalled. .' > ,, • , ••-
.- -.-, _ . . . . .
County Commissioner
; >Dri' Baiizn,- frftoi arrive/d.-from,-1 tKe-i German xapitalvtbtlay, is regarded a e | one of the leading experts on tubercu- | losis of that country. He will be con- j nected with the research laboratory of the hospital here. "Tuberculosis is raving the children of Germany today as an aftermath of war , conditions," said Dr. Baum. "As a result of the lack of nourishing foods, fats and milk supply, the disease has taken hold of ini«nts to an alarming degree. A million children in ttie country are suffering from the malady, and even those of tender years are victims. The aid received from the United States for German children is accomplishing much, but the deplorable conditions existing among the working people due to industrial conditions have been heartrending throughout the nation." Dr. Baum with his wife and family have moved to Denver to reside permanently. They passed through the war period in. Berlin and suffered many hardships. Mr. Baum is an American, a native of Louisville, Ky., and expressed great pleasure upon returning to this country to live after many years spent in Germany.
5th District
BEATRICE Candidate for Republican Nomination
OSCAR STRAUS ARRIVES IN PALESTINE Jerusalem. (J. T. A.) Oscar Straus, the well known" philanthropist and statesman, has arrived in Jerusalem, •where he will be the guest of Sir POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT
1HO0LDVOTE -For*-'«
"' <*
YOU can have absolute confidence in his ability. S. E . Klaver is well qualified for th'e office by four years of actual experience as deputy county assessor, We the-.undersigned voters wish to urge you to vote for S. E. Klaver, republican candidate for county assessor. We know that Klayer has always been courteous and efficient. We know that Klaver is not making extravagant promises. We know he will-do his best to reduce taxes. • Klaver has always been active in civic affairs, more especially as a member of the B'nai B'rith and Omaha Hebrew lodges. . .
'Asks Your Support For Re-Election as
District Jud JOSEPH BROWN, Bailiff
BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH (From (he Beatrice Daily Express) Adam'- -McMullen was bom on a farm in Alleghany County, New York. He is of Scotch parentage and l i a s been a resident of Gage County for over forty years. In his youth he learned the printers* tradeUnd; worked as a newspaper reporter .in Lrncdn while studying at the state university, from which he graduated R e S O Fii896: - Later he graduated from the Columbian Law College ^ He practiced law for many years at Wymore, where lie ^as mayor anPd also president of the school board Twelve years ago he-retired from active practice and since then has devoted his. timeTto extensive farming operations. . ' " . . • DuriTirthe w^rldwar Mr. McMullen offered his services to the government and was in officers' training camp at Camp Meigs, Md. Mr McMullen has served three terms m the state legislature,, twice in the house during the sessions of 1905 and 190rand once in-the senate during the session of 1917, where he represented Gage and Pawnee counties.. In the famous session ot imu mi. McMullen took a leading part in moulding some of the most progressive legislation ever put on the state statutes. He was the first to introduce a direct primary bill and was chairman of the, joint house and senate committee that drafted the present -law, He was author of the precinct assessors' bill; also author «f «ift present law providing for the city.manager -form of government He was author of the employers' liability bill, the first law of its kind passed by any state legislature. He supported the two-cent fare law, the anti-pass law and the railway commission bill. Mr. McMullen is a member of the Episcopal church, and has "always taken.; an active part in any movement advancing the moral .'.and-anaterial-well-being of tht community and state.
Candidate For
Pledging Himself, in the Interest oft the People
Mrs. David P. Feder Benj, Baker ,. • Henry Monsky ' Nathan Bernstein Sam J. Leon -* Dr. Max Block Harry Lapidus T. G. Devaney Arthur Bosenblum . .Henry F. Meyers , . ?Abe Silverman .. . M. Linsman • •> Nathan S. Yaffe .. J. J. Friedman v:,f Reuben Ferer - T ftL,Blank,; ;-7-.. V;j. SiinkferC « \I•• ' "V..- •/ ~
*JJilr* V s "*
--' - • ' - - . "
' - ""-If
Sam Beber Mrs. Max Fromkin Henry J; Beal Mrs. Ben Handler • Harry Malashock Mrs. H. M. fcaldrige John Feidniaii R. A. Van Orsdale Dr. M. Grodinsky Irvin Stalmaster Harry Trustin -Morris Milder Fred White $. Altschuler Dr. Harry Jenkins David Kline J. X. Slosberg-
Mrs. Herman Auerbach L Ziegler Dr. A. (Jreenberg -Mrs. Ida Levin F. J . Stack . Edward Wirshaf ter :. Gordon Nicholson - J, <3.-Travis , Arnold Browar Harry Silverman Beiulustgarden : A. Cohn Abner Kaiman S. Ravitz Nathan £ . Green Dhn J. Gross .
We endorse Adam McMullen for Governor:
PAGE 3—THE JEWISH PRESS, THURSDAY, APRIL 3, 1924 pose of celebrating: the holidays with of the Legislative Committees were sport and Joy. Many guests and vis- missing. As developed later, the Jewitors are , expected to arrive for the ish Scjra members had not been inevent and" a'miniature city of-tents vited to the conference. The relishwill be erected on the outskirts of Je- Jewish '.paper. *'Nasz Przeglond," in rusalem- fear .their accommodation. The commenting on the event says that ORTHODOX JEWISH Executive Comiiiittee of the Maccabee the old Czaiistic principle of "except PARTY URGES AID World Organization informed the cor- the Jews" is still the pet idea of tho FOB RUSSIAN JEWRY respondent of the J. T. A. that all Polish rulers. •Vienna-.. (J. T - A . ) "He who for- national Jewish sport organizations gets tW-situation of Russian Jewry is are entitled to participate. Biga. (J. T. A.) The Jeivish Comlike one who forgets Jerusalem." Thus munist papers of Soviet Eussia re"The Yiddischa Presse," the official KEW-.BITUAL • port, -with indignation, the news that organ (central) of the Agudath IsMURDER ACCUSATION Sir Herbert Samuel, British Hig-h. rael, describes the emergency of the Kovno. (J.'T. A.) The old cry of Jewish situation in Russia. The ar- "ritual murder" is again echoed by Commissioner in Palestine, has proticle, vrhich is of an alarming nature, the-« official newspaper of the Chris- hibited the importation and circulation is based upon conclusions which Pe- tian Socialist Party in Kovno. A of the "Ernes," the Jewish Communist lalaolokue, the former French Ambas- twelve year old Christian srirl disap- newspaper, published in- ' Moscow, sador to Petrograad, made during a peared, in Kovno, and the paper has Other Russian Communist papers unlecture •which he recently delivered in taken advantage of that fact, together der . the ban are "Izvestia" and Paris on the situation of the Jews in with the approaching Jewish holidays, "Pravda." Russia, and on private information to make the traditional charge. from Soviet Russia which has reached the Executive Committee of the Agu- POLISH PRESIDENT IGNORES PAXTON HOTEL dath Israel. JEWISH SEJM MEMBERS TURKISH BATHS Warsaw. (J. T. A.) At a confer"It is the duty," says the paper, now "of all Jewish parties to unite at ence called by the Polish President PAXTON HOTEL this moment to rescue the Russian for the purpose of considering a pro- Steam, Turkish, and Electric Baths. Jews from the total economic and posed measure for the self-governAH Modern moral destruction which threatens ment of towns, the Jewish, members them in :the- near, future. All means available have to be based for this end unless we want to incur the eternal curse, of'.Jewish history/' • 937 North 24th St., near 24th and Izard Sts. SPORT FESTIVAL IX JESU, EXCLUSIVE AGENTS FOR ••' •••- • SALEM~pURESi<*-PASSOVER Berlin. (J. T. A.) The Maecabee World Organization has arranged a sport festival "which is to take place in Jerusalem during the Passover holidays. . This is the first time since the dispersal, of the Jewish people to We carry a full line of all Passover supplies all parts of the globe .that there will Telephone HA mey 2729 be an international gathering of Jewish youth in Jerusalem for the pur-.
a subsidy for the now existing schools in Warsaw. The proposals of the Jewish aldermen were. rejected by a majority of votes which included those of the Polish Socialists.
H Sweet Home By MORRIS SCHULTZ <©. 1S34; Western TJ«w»i>ai>er Union.)
»OOI>-BY, dear. I must run tot T that train. Mighty busy a t the office these days I" '• Her husband kissed .her and disappeared Into the street, to join^the. line of harrying; commuters. Johnny and Sally, left alone while she was at the door, began dipping bread in milk and spattering each other's faces. The baby, Sylvia, began to yell. At the sound Mrs. Morrison came quickly back. "You children, stop thatl Harry or you'll be late for school." She -was attending to the kicking child. "Johnny! Where's your satchel? I don't know what.yon,did with your school books. No, I'm. not going to cut yon &ny more. sandwiches, Sally; you've" more than you can eat Plum cake? Of course there isn't any plum cake. . . ." 7 Sylvia was screaming at the.top of her voice and growing red in the face. Above is a picture of the .Y. M. A. A. Juniors, who won t h e city and the inter-city cHampionship of .the The cause, the offending pin, was Y. M. C.-A. Sunday School League, heavyweight division. They-are left to right: Harry Kneeter, coach; found, the children hustled off to Sam Leibovitz, guard; Maurice: Reiss, guard and center; Max. Aitschuler, center; Ben Geldware, forward; Sam Ban, guard; Meyer Green, forward; Isadore Schriebman, forward and captain; Philip Mandel, manager. ichool. Sylvia temporarily hushed. )&rs. Morrison gave her her bottle and The Y. M. - H. A. Juniors success- Hebrew lads romped away with their "Y" Jrs. 10; 1st M. E. Zips. 2. . • cleared away the breakfast things. " -••-.::• fully closed their - basketball season o p p o n e n t s • : .••;.. "Y" "Jrs.-lOrWildcats 2. ".: " j TblB done, she washed and dried' them, and put them away. She swept last week by defeating the Second The Y Juniors made a total number '.'Y" Jrs. 12; Bethany 5. the kitchen. She went upstairs and Baptist five from Council. Bluffs to of 151 points throughout the season "Y" Jrs. 11; Grace M. E. 0. made the beds. A ring at the door- the tune of 21<to 8,-thereby annexing: as compared with 49 pointe--for--their Semi-Finals for City Championship. bell brought her down. the inter-city title of-the Y. M. C. A. opponents. They made an average of • "Ko, I don't want any brooms." Sunday School, heavyweight league. 12 7-12 points per game" as compared "Y" Jrs. 10; Dundee 5. " -fMadim, I-want you to take this They had previously defeated the to their opponents 41-12 points per Finals for City Championship. and try. it. If you don't like It, you Grace Baptist in.a'thrilling game for game. Twice during the season the r "Y" Jrs. 16; Grace Baptist 10. needn't keep It—" ' 1 UU you I don't want a broom—" the city championship. • This cham- Juniors shut out their opponents and First Game for Inter-City Champion"Only,fifty cents, lady, and I'm a pionship game .'gave, them the chance three times allowed them-.-but two ship. to annex another title and anijex they points. Following is -a- list of- the p*or man' out «f work—" •"Y" Jrs. (Omaha) 9; Second Bap: "Walt there 1" Mrs. Morrison dashed did, for they won the-first game from £ames played and the results::• % tist (Council Bluffs) 7. into the kitchen and came back. the Second Baptist^ when the latter "Y" Jrs. 11; A. Z. A. 5. \ "Here's a quarter for you. Now take journeyed to Omaha, by the score of Second Game for Inter-City Chamyour broom away. Don't thank me. 9 to 7; and-the deciding game of the "Y" Jrs. 10; Wheeler 2. 1 : ; ' pionship. IV* Juet to get rid of you." "Y" Jrs. 24; 1st; Presbyterian -0. . "Y" Jrs. (Omaha) 21; Second Bapseries was played, at the Council ' Hog-Hug. "Oh, how do yon do, Mrs. tist(Council Bluffs) 8. dsmalchaei. Yes, n i be -pleased to Bluffs Y. M.;C.-A." gym,'.where the "Y" Jrs. 10; Dundee V - - ; come to the (Mid meeting—let me see, when was It? Oh, Monday Mrs. NO SPECIAL REPRESENTATIVE the British representative at Jedda. DEMAND FOR JEWISH Scmj^fi's coming to do the washing, Zing Hussein, it is reported, is" reSCHOOLS REJECTED TO-NEGOTIATE for me. No, tta so sorry." Warsaw. {J. T. A.) That the city -ANGLO-ARAB TREATY sentful over the fact" Jtfoat' Premier She rang up the grocer, tho butcher, Cairo. - (J.-T.-A:) - No special rep- MacDonald did not extend his 'Con-budget should include the expense necthe bate*, and the vegetable shop, resentative-Will-'be'sent to" England gratulations to him upon his assump- essary to maintain special schools for - end save her orders. Xhen she took fha xaeet cot of the Icebox, r u t It by the Rajas-.for^ the-purpose of ne^ tion of the Caliphate, whereas on the the Jewish children where special through the chopper, and made the gotiating an Anglo-Arab treaty, ac^ occasion of Zagjlul's appointment as Jewish instruction would be given, Easier—cottage pie: the children liked cording ot,; information' from a semi .Prime Miiiister of Egypt, 'the new was the demand of the Jewish aldertea*. All too soon they cams troop- official sourcei- -The - negotiations Prime Minister was felicitated by the men in the City Council of Warsaw, in the discussion of the school budii "Whatl TonfflOat-m&feQno pifi- "which have.-jreeii-^going on for some Premier. get. The aldermen also demanded that iame"wiil'-be7''<A»htinued- through the ; usuarciaTmelsSvithVMajjor Bullarj PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS. the city appropriate a special sum as • "Ssy, *any pudding,' not *co padPOLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT <Ma&* johnny. "When will you learn to ' POLITICAI, ADVERTISEMENT epeafe property?" .-„ nAw, say—only them stale old ap{ j emapllags r\. muttered Sally. "Bit dovra anfi eat and bi» thankful, tboasbt t gave you eandwiehes to yoar Isacb. at schooiy* ire eta them. YOB didnt give ensago. Don't want us to go ; fio yoo, Horn?* oo-ao-ce-aef" from Sylvia, chfl&ren dsshsd from the table.' •vita put to sfesp. Mrs. Mortook the washed clothes out of tue basket and began Ironing. She Homed her thumb against the edge.ot t|>e Iron—badly. Salve and a bandage —rSylTla -«& the rampage agaln—tlngIJn^^ttlie front door. "Madam, . I . -wonder what.. sort.- ot gramophone you have!" "Jnst tha one we want Tm .sot
Mariischewitz Matzos
JEWRY is invited to attend
32nd Anniversary Celebrate at
Can Have Confidence
"Madam," how-'aae you fixed for- rec"Kot buying any—" * Her. -wedged his.'foot In.the. door. "Maybe I could interest you In. our new style sewing machine—" Mrs. Morrison slammed the door in his face viciously and went back to her Ironing. The agent kicked and rang the bell several timesj then went away. The Ironing: done, Sylvia, crawling ton the floor, ran a nail into her hand. This meant antiseptics. Sylvia yelled. Johnny and Sally came back, their faces plastered with mud. '" "He threw at me first" : "She's a liar!" • "Johnny, bow dare you use that language 1 Go upstairs, both of you, and get clean." Sylvia dropped off to sleep after a crying fit Mrs. ^Morrison cooked the dinner. It was just «m the table, and the children "washed, and Sylvia In bed when Morrison came In, ' "Hello, little woman I Qee, fzn as hungry as a hawk! Been up to the ears In work. What sort ot day have yon htiS—pretty easy?" "Oh, Just an ordinary .clay, dear. Dinner's just ready."
because He has the confidence of countless numbers of men, women and children of this city. His many years' work in the " business and{cqmmumty activities''of Omaha has taught him to know people and to understand human nature. He knows Omaha's,- needs. For a .
Vienna,. (J. T. A.) That Admiral Borthy, Regent of Hungary, knew leforehand of the plan to murder the Focialist editor, Somogyi Raco, and permitted it to take place, is the erelation made by Venitzky, the forner Minister of the Interior in Hun^ry. Venitzky's statement was-reprinted in the "Wiener Abend" from Jie Hungarian newspaper, Azujsag." JAEON DE ROTHSCHILD NOT TO GO TO PALESTINE iJerusalem. (J. T. A.): Baron.Edfiund de Rothschild will not go to &rusalem as planned because of ill l a i t h *
• •-' : = " ; •
- *-'"
Sunday Evening, April 6th, 1924 8:15 P. M.
Public Initiation, of 100 Candidates Fine Musical Program Address by Rabbi Garry J. August OF ST. JOSEPH, MO.
Public is invited
sioner PrHnaxies April Sth. rtrtr?^^
PAGE 4—THE JEWISH PRESS, THURSDAY, APRIL 3, 1924 Eliashev," in his honor. Balmach- tlefield, and on behalf of their widows, shoves, whose real namp w.as Dr. tsa- orphans, and parents, we -refute^.his ' " '." dore Eliashe\v-was a' •well-known Jew- charges." Published" every Tbnrsdny at Omaha, Nebraska, by ish writer and critic of-£ovnoV RUMORS OF READING'S THE JEWISH- PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY. RESIGNATION DENIED Berlin "Ort" Takes Interest in CriOffice: 681 Brandeis Theatre Building-—-Telephonei, AT lantic 1450 London. (J. T. A.) The rumors mean Project. RUSSIA MONAKCHISTS -. ' " " ', NATHAN E. GREEN, Manager. • that Eaii Reading was to be recalled 'PROTEST JEWISH ..$2.50.' Subscription Price, one year.....: :».... - COLONIZATION PLAN by the new- Labor Government ;;and Berlin. (J. T. A.) That the Soviet Advertising" rates furnished on. application. Government is ready to grant free New York. (J. T. A^) The plan Edmund Montague to be given his CHANGE OV ADDRESS— Please Rlvo both the old and'~neW"address: land and reduced taxes to settlers in for Jewish colonization in the Crimea, post have been denied. In official .- be sure nnd give your name. South Russia and the Crimea, but which has- aroused so much discus- Indian circles there is only praise for ffi ThVJewish;Press ia supplied bythe Jewish Telegraphic Agency (Jewish will not extend any financial support, sion among the Jews, is also receiv- Reading's, handling of the recent cri: Correspondence Bureau> with cabled and telegraphic Jewish news, in addition is the information contained in a ing attention from other quarters. sis. ?• to feature articles;and cojrVespbndences froin'. all iinpbrtant Jewish centres. statement issued recently by the Ber- The Russian monarchist paper, "PraInquiries-regarding «6Ws items credited to this Agency will be gladly lin headquarters of the "Ort," the voye Dielo," published hfcre, in a Dear Editor: v^hswered^ if - addressed to .Jewish Telegraphic Agency,: 114 Fifth Avenue, : I wish to call your attention to the j : . : ^ ^ y p r ^ : C i t y , * : ^ | ^ : ' ^ ; ^ : -:;;:;:,/ : ;': :; ....;. .;,.-•; *;%, V. .: :V':^...; Russian-Jewish organization for the recent editorial expressed itself on candidacy of Allan A. Ttikey as Repromotion of agriculture and trades the subject in the following manner: publican director of the Metropolitan among the Jewish people, to the cor-"This (the plan for Jewish coloniza- Utilities District. Three years of work with Mr. Turespondent of the J. T. A. tion) is, of course, an incredible in/ f^Ite ^ the emotions oi* the key in the American Legion and welsolence—monstrous even within the Defining its own position on the ^strongly mooted bp&ibni;of a large number of people are involved fare and chic work has acquainted me borders and circumstances of the So- with his capabilities and qualificamatter of an autonomous Jewish it is: exceedingly difficult'to- get from many of the a fair arid gion in the Crimea, the statement viets. The conceited Judas-"Bolshev- tions. His sympathies are with all open-minded conside^tibn of the subject. This is.;true"-in;.:-ques-: r i : says that the "Ort" has no connec- iks dc? not conceal any more the fact the people and he appreciates their ^tibns' o^^Jipp^; :D|;r ^liticsi:"i)r: social or economic development. tion with any plan for the establish- that they are an obedient instrument wants. Vvq^e^TOiaiti^bxy^thi&i^^^tetr-lie^p-- of superior stock is not prone to Recent developments in the water ment of such an autonomous region in the hands of international Jewry; board proves conclusively to me that ijtisten with patience'tb^^e: opinions of those he considers^ of inin Russia, nor is it mixed up in any that they are exercising the will of new blood and energy are needed in aferior niouldr unless pierchance they happen to bolster Up his own, v the Universal Sanhedrin which has this most important body. of the political tendencies ascribed and then he i s h'kely Hto show his appreciation in stich a lordly In order to vote for Mr. Tukev brought them to Russia, and that their that plan. It considers that to imand •patronizing way as:td rob it of all grace >nd' good feeling., everyone must be sure to vote the program coincides t o the letter with pose political aims upon the colonizaThere, are some" quiestionB Which are susceptible of accurate short ballot. tion work would only damage and-hin- the one drawn up in the Protocols of Sincerely yours, Secisiori because the: facts to which they relate are clearly MORRIS E. JACOBS. der the work of reconstruction. Its the Eider- o* Zi?V aecertainable. T h e y ^ e material in their nature, and }he correct P. S. Mr. Tukey stands for "Courown aim is merely to introduce prounderstanding of thenTfe]aepends merely on careful, observation The editorial quotes Israel Zangwill ductive" "work among : the Jewish as stating that Zionism, as far as the tesy in' the Gas and Water Office." :<and:-the^^ intelljgerice and fairness to masses in Russia. JEWISH CALENDAR. program, for the stablishment of a derive a correct and logical conclusion from the,-facts as they • The economic position of the Jews Tewish state in Palestine is concernS6S4-IC24 pyesent themselves. , Of:cditrs6, in mattei's that depend upon faith Rosh'Cltodpsh *"««»" , , .•• ..,,, «*TI*,. At>ri"'S Mr. and Mrs v S. H. Schaefer and son Louis, left Omaha Wednesday in Eussia and the Ukraine is contin- ed, has received a severe and irre- Passover (Posnch S a t - Apr. 18 atid:^th6 matters of which is Tiot open to theTesults of inyestiga- evening for Chicago', where they will be for two \vc«ks, prior to their going Day) —,.•,.,.Frt^ Apr. SS ually-growing worse and is heading parable setback, because the Arabs rassotrer (Seventh t •tibh -and: observation jinjys measure of certainty is not possible. to Deflver, Colorado, where they will make their future home. y . 1 . . . B « n i May 4> for a catastrophe. There is therefore Lave defended their country, and con- Rosh-CSmdesb Lag i»'»nu.r 11 ., ,1-. 1-1,1 T "r*\ May 83 Men belieyein^thec truths of the religion that appeals to vthem for Kosb Chndesb Hi vac ,.,. Toes., a natural tendency on the part of the tinues: "In this very moment the fiOBOb hIkillDUI^nU *wx^»» «*OH» ruuv S « inany reasons; b u t they are not, by any means; always- consistent two Jews among its- members. Al- existence of a minorities problem Jews C fPIVIIU i t i Sbabaoth (Connrtnatinii Day).8«iU. JMW* 1 1 to settle on the land. There are KoBh-Ch»rtpsh Taminn2»____Thnrs^ JoUr S To-viet'Comrades' hastened torelieve in theix Beliefs. -.The controversy between the •ifundamentsdists though according to the law,, one rep- might indicate either a reversal of> its now many new farms in various parts Rosh-Chodesb Ab PrU An*. 1 and the niodernists clearly, dembnstrates the coi^ecthess"> of- -this resentative is allowed to 50,000" popu- former position that there were no of Russia, particularly in. South Uk- the Messrs. Zionists, and truly, how Fast l>f Ab ^ ^ ^ M u R n i i u AO*. W Kosh-Chndesb EInl ,, ,, , „..., Bon, AOBi 81 conclusion.- Neither 6ide is; consistent; and neither"^ lation, this requirement was cut in national minorities in Poland and that rainia, and they are very successful. else could i*- h^?- Russia is vast and 5(385-1024 _Mon_ Sefrfc 89 New Tear's Eveabundant: Why should 'ScHmoule* anyvconsiderable portion,of people'-of open and impartial minds order to enable the Jewish popula- all the inhabitants ought to be con-For that reason the "Ort" is in favor yitchs' and 'Finkelsteins' cross the as to,the merit of^^the line, of reasoning on which it depends. tion, of Komonba, which is below that sidered Poles, or that the new office agricultural settlements on a large sea in their fortune-hunt, when ft is ! There have been no controversies that have occasioned so figure, to have two representatives. has been created for the purpose of of ; MONHEIT'S scale. Since it is impossibleto settle entirely possible to establish a Jewish inuch and 'such long•.'drawn but bitterness as those arising from They are Joseph Pasha and Asian checking national feeling. Est. 1890, the Jewish farms in the present ag- Republic, say in the Poltava and in MODERN CHIROPODY religion.' In fact, a large part of the wars that devastated Europe Cattani, Vice Presidents of the Cairo In this connection, the fact that the ricultural districts of- White Russia AND REACTS" SHOP. Permanent Wnvings and " from the beginning "of the fourth century tc- the end of the sev-Kehillah. The King fuither honored man slated for the new post is a lead- and the Ukraine, -it -favors having* the bordering Little Russian Govern- marceling, a Specialist tn enteenth had their origin i n religious differences. Millions of lives the Jews by appointing Joseph De- er of the National Democratic Party, these settlements in South Russia and ments?" ..-••• each department. For appointment call ^vere lost in these struggles, waged by Christians and Moslems, picciota" Bey, Vice President of the known for its extreme chauvinism the Crimea. . Ja-ckBon 0774. Ground floor 1513 Harney. and^ many; thousands more were lost in • the persecution directed Alexandria Kehillah and founder of and anti-Semitism, is significant. JEWISH WAR VETERANS PROagainst the Jews by adherents of both of the daughter religions the Pro-Palestine Society, a member Since:the Russian Government TEST LtfDENDORFF'S CHARGES of•,Judaism.,;. The .teachers and writers = who - pretend to: believe of the Egyptian Economic Council. ACCUSATION OF ANTI-SEMITE not extend any financial support to Berlin. (J. T. A.) At a conference that the. Jews are of inferior stock, and who in the name of the agriculturalists, the "Ort," of Jewish war veterans who have seen SILLY, BUT IN"G'0l*D FAITH, biolbgy, or ethnology or some .other science which they misapply TURKISH GOVERNMENT WILL SAYS GERMAN COURT thrdugh the proposed "Reconstruction active service, from all parts Of Gerfor .their; own biased purposes, try to prove that they cannot fit NOT ABOLISH GRAND RABBerlin. (J. T. A.) The court char- Fund," will devote itself to that pur* many, a protest was issued against into the scheme of modern civilization may be, and often are,BINATE, SAYS GRAND RABBI acterized as "silly" an accusation pose. It estimates that it would be the .many vituperative statements that entirely without religion nowadays; but we frequently see how Constantinople. (J. T. A.) "The made by Major Muellenhausen, the easily possible to settle, in South Ludenddrff has been making at his they top, in the great nanie of science, seek, t a hand on and per-Turkish Government will not abolish publishers of .the German edition of Russia, 10,000 Jewish families within trial in Munich about the Jews, par- E 310 No. 16th Stteet § petuate the bickerings, the |ealousies and the''differences which the Grand Rabbinate in Turkey," t^*- the Protocols of the. Elders of Zion, the next ten years. ticularly with reference to their con- 5 Everything '. § have an inherent odor of religious bigotry still clinging to them; Turkish.'Hakam Bashi, Effeudi Be- The accusation in question is a state duct during the war. The protest sStrictly Kosher for . S Science is. not honored by the sciolists who; thus misapply its jjarano, declared today in an in.er- ment by Major Muellenhausen that STREET WILL BE NAMED reads in part: "General Ludendorff's = Passover S teachings. T^ afl'tob^nianjK'^jeoplfe wh4 iview given to the representative of the statues of headless birds decontt statements are unheard of. On beAFTER BALMACHSHOVES half of the innumerable Jewish war I MATZOS—MATZO MEAL | regard the utterances; of a university professor as the last word k e J..T.' A. j ing the .villa of .Walter Ratheriau were (J. T. A.) The City Coun- cripples, on behalf of the twelve thou-. = Also Kosher Meats § 6n the subject he teaches: but it often happens that even sucH; The" Grand Rabbi further declared intended as a mockctyicf the German cilkovno. is considering naming the street sand Jewish soldiers who led by Lua person who is extraordinarily able in gathering or observing that the Turkish Government is tol-monarchy. iihe" basic facte,- has no real conception of the right way^f- apply- erant to. the Jews, and its order, clos- Frau Rathcnau, the mother of Wal- where Baliiiachshoves ' died, "Dr. deadorff met their death on the bat-niiiiiiuiiiiiuiiiiuuiiiiiiiiliiuiiiiiiiliin^ ing the non-Turkish national chools ter Rathenau, brought suit fir libel •:-.V:in^them.':-..^:;^^:..;'; ?\^T^::'^:-:'.:.''"„»'.'.:,'.-'•''-'.y\-\-'-~ - " ' in Turkey, does not affect the Jewish against the Majcr for this statement, : •• "-X-The great faiiit! Col Anyricmi education whether i elementary or advanced* i s its failure to teach e people how Schools maintained by the Alliance and the court in handing down a deIsraelite and the B'nai Brith. cision, acquitting the Major of libelous intent, said that the accusation ™a? POLAND CREATES SPECIAL silly, but made, in'good .faith. sphererof Religion and^politicsv ^&i;nMK&,b^ii^-wbrk*of the OFFICE FOR AFFAIRS OF schools is; directed towards straight, clear and logical thinking. NATIONAL MINORITIES Amman. (J. T. A.) King Hussein, That is the most potent cause of the failure of democracy to ae- Warsaw. (J. T. A.) The Polish the new Caliph,.is leaving for Mecca «omphsh all that it is able to bring about in the right ordering Government has decided to create a at the end of this week. Official cel0f the lives of the; ifep*ple.-4'The Exponent." special Under-Secretariat of State for ebrations in honor of his return there the affairs of the national minorities •will be held next Tuesday. [ in Poland. It is reported thata Senand ask them to defend us. Our rec- A Defender of. Israel ,ator Koschnitza v>i\\ be appointed to • - Hon. Samuel Walker McCall, Gov- ord and our mass will to human bet- the new post. ernor of Massachusetts, has written a terment is our real fortress. In the• The Polish press carried a denial of Announcement book called "Patriotism of the Amer- last" analysis Israel must light its own the reports recently circulated that Ko doubt-every'Jew In Omaha 1 battle. • Indoing so itsincerely beican. Jew." 'Aside from its contents knows that Koshef Soap for the Government intends to take dipWonderful Values l'esach U'assorer) t a n be secured . the book is particularly significant.' lieves it is fighting for humanity. That lomatic steps toward the abolishment by calling its struggle has provoked unanimous Heretofore the enemies and severe Webster $327, of the national minorities treaty. ' • Featured at critics of the Jew have held the cen- disapproval is the sentiment which or coil nt lbl5 No. 2OtU St. 11 Poland, in establishing ii ' If I do not get around to your ter of the state. A frenzy has swept the clamor of recent months has home, I will' greatly appreciate Over the world in which the Jew hasevoked in some minds. To find itself fice, follows in the footsteps of Sovyour courtesy if you call, nnd you will #et prompt attention. t«;en caught and whirled about as in not only with friends, but with' such iet Russia, Lithuania and Ukrainia, Yours, truly. • H maelstrom. This frenzy was one of honored associates, is an encourage- who were the first states in Eastern Europe to recognize the needs of naMOSOMIT, Accusation. It was fostered and fur- ment in its holy purpose unlooked for, tiona lminorities, by establishing ppeunsought and deeply gratifyihg. thered by publicists who (filtered, to cial departments for them. the current whims and "who sold their The leaders of the national minoriJ XPECT to see a showing of New products. The sale was brisk because tis in Poland, to which belong ' the ^herc was a demand "for tfyat sort of Ladies Bungalow *-** Spring Clothes that will exceed your Germans, Lithuanians, Ukrainian thing. Mr. Ford, the shrewdest salesand Jews; "are greatly interested in greatest expectations; models that emman in modern history and perhaps of this sudden decision of the Polish jail times, exploited the article as he Munich. .(J. T. A.) Declaring';! am GINGHAMS and PERCALES phasize new high standards of design— The fact that the tlid his automobile. It -was in .de- the Army and responsible for its vic- Government. 500 New Patterns, Value to §1.50 Government gives recognition of the Jnand and he met the market squarely tories, . . . I glory in my lifefabrics and patterns, colors andweaves — at — tvith quantity production. The lesser work for Germany," General Ludenof unexpected attractiveness at most atlights did the same thing and thedorff concluded the bold iustification ^rorld was inundated with a destruc- of his actoins' in the" Hitler-Ludentractive prices. tive flood of watery comment on the dorff putsch a f his trial here. He clothesdoii'c make Good Work Guaranteed 3few. Mass and "speed characterized then' dramatically announced, "The References FnrnisUed if Required.* men, b u t men the campaign to such a degree that it Nationalist movement alone can save CALL L. MANDEL 1831-33-35 North 24th St. •was impossible for the Jews to make Germany." make clothes. 1919 Burt St. North Omaha's Big Dept. Store Atlantic 5440 headway against it and many thought A very . sympathetic audience atSome men make ihat the whole world * had turned tended the final day of the trial. There ^gainst themthem better than was much cheering and applause for 1 others. The significance of the book lies in the anti-Semitic sentiments; some the appearance of a champion from members of the audience being moved You are dressed i n unexpected source and particularly to . hysteria. Ludendorff and Hitler, New Blues, new grays, new correctly, in clothes in the fact that an introduction to the in the role of heroes, were showered browns, new plaids, new stripes Ibook -is written by Charles W. Eliot. with flowers and other tributes by the a gentleman would Dr. Eliot's foreword is fraught with women. wear, when they in wonderful array. tremendous meaning and should be A verdict is expected on April 1st. are tailored by lead by every. Jew and non-Jew.', He 'The prosecuting attorney, in his sumSTEIN-BLOCH. says'that the publication of the book ming vp. last week, demanded,a sen-' is timely. He attri^utes'the rise of tence of eight years for Hitler, and eAs low as Every new style idea in New Spring Clothes anti-Semitic feeling to the, striking one or two years for Ludendorff. ; for young men, plus Nebraska reliable quality. success of well educated Jews,' the re The rest of the defendants followed ^ent immigration and to the'active the same line of defense a s their lead- propaganda, on the part of narrow ers, accusing the Jews, of all the trou« p O T H E R N E W SPRING SUITS and ignorant Christians. Leav- bles that have:befallen Germany and midd and i •avowing their own intense patriotism; i ' f h |^|^||p|ny||^ti|s^:^fjfehe4cat^ again calling the Jews traitors and de^ ^ | ^ ^ ^ ^ | p ; | e f i j f c : o f ^ J i ^ - - - serters, again accusing them of having caused the German.revolution, and making the original charge that the Jews were allied with-the "Catholic International/'' 1
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Jewish Colonization in Crimea Discussed by "Ort"
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J. LIEB .v.J
Kosher Delicatessen 1
Young Men's Clothes *25
"I Am The Army" Declares Lnderidorff at Trial
Painting and Paperhnpig
Only the Very
C? JHEY say
The New 2 and3 Button Models
The New Doable Breasted Models
<&eUghts your Sftends
Burgess-Nasb Company
TWO JEWISH SENATORS IN "f EGYPTIAN PARLIAMENT Cairo. ( J . T . A.) When the Egyp r opens tfcexe -will "be
£AGE S—TH2 JEWISH PRESS, THURSDAY,/AFEIL" S, 1924 and Louis Zlotky, A recitation was day afternoon in honor of the Bar given by Miss Anne Kavich, a violin Mitzvah of Stanley Passer. ; ' solo by DoroQiy ELavich, and a ' AH Jewish .Women's- Organizations in Omaha, both Junior and Senior which starts at 7:30. violin solo by Miss Syvia Krupinsky, Miss Minnis Friedman left Tuesday Groups, will hold a joint social afternoon and get-to-gether meeting Wednesaccompanied by Miss Jeanette Kru- for Kansas City, Mo., where she will day afternoon,-May 7, at the Blackstone Hotel, for the purpose of -voyrldng pinsky. Rabbi Frederick Cohn of attend the wedding of her cousin. out ways to better and. to acquaint each organization with the work of the Omaha gave a talk on "Why we Mrs. Ben Wolpa and two children Other organizations. • . • : Miss Mary Yabroff is spending her have Purim." The remainder of the returned home Monday after spending • . This social event was originated by Mrs. Frederick Cohn and will be spring vacation visifiiig at the home evening was spent in dancing, music a few days in St. Louis, Mo. sponsored by the Jewish Women's Welfare Organisation who plan to make of Mr.and Mrs. Sam "Weinberg at furnished by the Pathfinder Orchesthis a monthly conference. Fremont, Nebr. . •" . • tra, under the direction of Louis Mrs. Lawrence Krasne entertained Twelve organizations will meet and each president will talk on the Zlotky. Refreshments were served. at bridge at her home last -Thursday Mr. and Mrs. Sam Wessel and Miss afternoon. work that her organization is doing. Mrs. Max Fromkin will be in charge of this affair and she is being Sadie" Sarbach left for Nebraska City Mrs. Chas. Saltsman entertained Sunday, where the celebration of the assisted by Mr. Dollie Elgutter, her Afternoon Bridge club Thursday 75th birthday of Mr. Joseph Sarbach Mo., and then left for Memphis, Tenn., A regular meeting of the Ladies' at her home. was held. Miss! Hose Minkin is expected home As a feature for this-meeting the •where she -will visit for two weeks, "f •; WINTROUB-SOREF; Auxiliary will be held Sunday at S Miss Esther Brown is leaving Sat- basketball team will be presented The marriage of Miss Anita Soref, then leaving to visit in Minnelaus, p. m. at the Synagogue. Mrs. Herman Speirer, who spent DEATH OF RABBI IN TUNIS. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D. Soref, to Ark,, to spend about a week or ten urday for Sioux City, la., where she with medals. the past three months in California, will visit with friends for a week. Tunis. (J. T. A.) Rabbi Abraham The Y. M. H. A. Juniors winners The Ladies' Aid Society will hold a "Mri William "Wintroub, son of Mr. and days, .from there going to Alexandria, returned Monday morning. Castro, former Chairman of the Jewof the Sunday School basketball La., for a short -*"y, and then on to meeting Tuesday afternoon, April S. Mis. IL Wintrotiib, -will be solemnized ish Community of Tunis, and a well championship have been invited as Big Cane, La., -where she will visit Sisterhood Entertain at The Misses Helen Aaeh, Bernice Sunday evening, April 6, at the home known editor, died here from injuries, Mrs. Harry Cherniss entertained at honor-guests for this meeting. Luncheon and Social AfterDiamond, Nina Shostak, Kuth Herof the bride's parents. Rabbi J. M« with her sister, Mrs. A. Goudohaux, received in a motor-car accident. a seriesof bridge parties at her home The Thorpeians are having an noon at Regular Meeting formerly Miss Mollie Singer, of this man: and - Sada Asbyll are visiting Charlop will officiate before the presEabbi Castro carried out the r e last Wednesday and Thursday afterelimination boxing. tournament. The city. Miss Singer will be gone for friendsin Omaha. ence" "of the immediate relatives and organization of the Jewish hospital .noon. At its regular monthly meeting, the tournament has .reached, the semir two months. friends of the couple. Mrs. Simon Nefsky was surprised and was instrumental in the establishTemple Israel Sisterhood will enter- finals which will be held at th& next Mr. Wintroub and his bride will The Mogen David club will hold its ment of a Jewish food kitchen and A The B'nai Brith Auxiliary will hold tain at a one o'clock luncheon and so- meeting, April 9. The finals are.to by a number of her friends , at the leave for a short -wedding trip to Kan- its next regular meeting Thursday home of Mr. and Mrs. David Nefsky, regular semi-annual election Sunday, Jewish Hotne for the aged and cripsas1 City, Mo., and upon their return evening, April 11, at the Jewish^ Com- cial, afternoon at the BurgessrNash be held at the open meeting, April honoring her birthday. April 6, at 2 p. mJ at the Synagogue. pled,, in Tunis. He was a great HeTea Booms Monday iafternooni April 16. All the members are urged to •will; make their home "with, the bride's munity Center. All members are requested to he pres- bvaist and had published a number 7. Mrs. Harry Rosenf eldt is in charge be present at the next-meeting as Mr. and Mrs. Morris Weil snd Mrs. ent. • p a r e n t s . ; " " - : '..• • ' / '•'••'"- , ' . '.:• of works, including a Hebrew-Arabic of the affair. there are some fast bouts on the Sarah Lehman. have returned from Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Pesseir left dictionary. card. Chicago, where-they will attend the ^Monday f or St. Louis, Mo.^ where they : -This luncheon and social afternoon A Talmud Torah meeting was held Miss Goldye Chesinsky, daughter of will attend the Salesmen's Conven- is one of a series of entertainments •wedding of Miss Pauline Hene and Tuesday evening at the Synagogue. PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS DAUGHTERS OF ZION CLUB. Mr. Morris Chesinsky, wfli be married tion. Mrs. Pessen was formerly Miss that have been given by the Sisterhood Mr. Max Lehman. at their monthly meetings. A regular meeting of the DaughSunday evening, April 6, to Mr. Sam Dorothy Shpiro. • A regular meeting of the Chevra Mr. and Mrs. Sam Speier, of Sioux B'nai Yisreel was held Wednesday ters of Zion will be held Monday, Hried, son of Mr. Jacob Fried, at the Wfeen Thinking of Mens'Hats JEWISH CLUTUBE LEAGUE April 7, at the Adass Yeshuren Sj-n- Falls, So. Dak., and Mrs. Rose Eli- evening at the Synagogue. home of- Ae groom's sister, Mrs. A. Mrs. Nate Kort will entertain at a or Furnishings Arhitman. Rabbi J. M. Charlop will family dinner at her home Sunday! The last regular business meeting agogue, Twenty-fifth and Sevvard scu, of St. Joseph, Mo., are the house : ; REMEMBER Mrs. Herman Meyerson entertained guests of Mr, and Mrs. Albert Speier. Officiate...- • -.••.•.- .;.••• ' '.-••-' -."".'.-/' • evening, honoring her father's birth*] of the Jewish Cultfore League was streets. Election of officers will be at a few, tables.of bridge at her home ••';' Mr.- Fried and his bride will leave day. Covers will be laid for twenty-jlield. Sunday afternoon, March SO. held and a report will be given of WOLF BROS. •. - • The Hebrew Educational Society Wednesday evening. . A program consisting of the follow- the money raised from the First Anfor an _ eastern wedding trip and upon five guests. 1421 DOUGLAS ST. heid a regular meeting Sunday evening participants was given: a vocal nual Ball that the club held recently,. their return will be at home in their JOE I - WOLF SAM N. WOLF The Sisterhood Society held its reging, March 30. There will be ^o meeting of the solo by Mrs. L Osheroff, a short story iiewly built home at 2855 Sprague ular monthly meeting Wednesday aftDeborah Society next Tuesday oil read by Mr. H. Feldman. s t r e e t . -.•,., -.••-•" " . . . ' . - '..!. -• LABOR LYCEUM CLUB. A number of Lincoln Ivre club ernoon at the home of Mrs. O. Hochaccount of the coming Holiday of The Ladies' Labor Lyceum club will members are planning-to attend the The members: voted, that all the s The date of the iiext books which were collected hy the entertain at a card party Wednesday Ivre Convention at Sioux City April man. E. -M. KAHN Mrs. Harry Snader, of Lincoln, Passover. Teacher of Dance and Orchestra Nel>f;,-:spetit a few days here, with meeting will be announced in , the Culture League during the recent afternoon, April 23. The B'nai B'rith will hold a meeting 20. Piano Playing ''•.. drive for a Liberary be placed in the her mother, Mrs. Ida Barmish, leav- "Jewish Press." next Wednesday evening, April 9, at saCKEI, BI*»G., 15th nna H»rney Bt. Miss Bessie Epstein, who is teach* ing for Des Moines^ la., where she . T h e April Card Party of the Omaha Library of the Labor Lyceum for JEWISH NATIONAL the Danish Hall. Phones: Studio At. 4301; ing in York, Nebr., spent the weekpublic use. • " • • V WORKERS' ALLIANCE will visit with her sister, Mrs. Irving Chapter of Hadassah will be held Mrs. B. Saltzman entertained a end in Omaha. • Suntlay'B At. 43C2; lies. At, S210. Branch 54. Stone, and Mr. Stone for two weeks Monday afternoon,'April 7, at the All members take not that there number of friends at her home SaturFurther plans have been made by before returning to her home in Lin<- home of Mrs. A. G. Weinstein, at 2421 will be no notices sent for the regFREMONT NEWS. Charles street. The Mesdames M. ular meetings to be held every Sun- the committee of the Jewish National The Fremont Jewish Ladies Relief Horn arid K. Tatle will.be the assist- day; at the Labor Lyceum at 4:30 Workers' Alliance Masquerade Ball Mrs. L.. Baum .entertained at four Society gave a Charity Purim Ball that is being given Sunday evening, p. m. • . • • • tables of bridge Wednesday, honoring ing hostesses. April 13, at the Swedish Auditorium. Thursday evening at the Hub Hall, Mrs. L. Bolnick, of Chicago, HI., who A program was given the first part The Ra-oth Society meeting, which THORPEIAN ;NEWS is visiting here. Mrs. H. Novey, who. was to be held this Sunday, April 6; A big open get-together meeting : •will be given by the of the evening. Those taking part AUFLEBUNG CLUB. is soon leaving foi* California, where 1924, at; which Miss: Flora Beinktoek for Thorpeians and their friends is A regular meeting of the Aufle- •pere Rosella Vefbin, who sang Eli she will make her home, shared hon- was to be hostess, has been postponed to be held at the Thorpeian club bung club will be held Sunday even- Eli, accompanied by Abner Verbhx ors. Prizes were won by Mrs. A. D. to April 13 and will be held at her rooms on the evening of April 16. at the Frank and Mrs. M. Gotsdiner. home at 4811 Dodge street An unusual program and entertainment consisting of music both • Mr. and Mrs. Michael Cohn enterMr. and Mrs. I. Gerber announce Admission 50c Dan Desdunea Orchestra. tained their bridge club at their home the birth of a baby daughter, born vocal and instrumental, soft shoe dances, boxing and movies is being iast Tuesday evening. Prizes were Thursday, March 27. Benefit of the Jewish Sanitarium to be built in Palestine, prepared. A light lunch will prob Vvon by Mr. and Mrs. Roy Roffman. ably be served. Miss Bernice Diamond, of Lincoln, Mrs—A. Riklin entertained thirty- Nebr., is the guest of her. aunt, Mrs. "The Store of Individual Shops" five guests at a surprise birthday A. H. Diamond. 16th and Farnam Paxton Block party Friday evening, March 28, at he? home, to honor Mr. Hikl'in.***"''*'" Two hundred women were guests of the Jewish Women's Welfare Paxton Block ' 16th & Farnam • Miss Nina Shostak, of Lincoln, Nebr., is returning home the latter Organization at its social afternoon part of, the week after visiting here and card party Wednesday afternoon, April 2, at; the Brandeis Tea Rooms. with MiSs Fanny Kully. : Mrs. AtnSld • JBrowar was in charge , Mrs. Dave Greenberg and Mrs. 'of the' affair. * Dave Cohn will be hostesses to fifty The Sisterhood of Temple Israel guests at a' one o'clock luncheon at the Brandeis Tea Rooms this after- will entertain at its annual Children's Every day during the party and entertainment for the ChilSpring Vacation Period noon. dren' of the" ^Temple Israel Sunday the Boys Shop will present Miss Juliet Markins, of Chicago, 111., School on Friday afternoon, April 11, an item of Merchandise carefully• s e l e c t e d for arrived this morning to be the. house at 2:30 in the Vestry of"the Temple. Juvenile Patrons. guest of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Kop- A program will be given and refreshpel. Miss Markins expects to remain ments will be served. in'Omaha for several weeks. Mr. and Mrs. O. P. Wolfson have Mr. and Mrs. Koppel will entertain moved from Omaha and are now makat a bridge at their home this even- ing their home'in Miami, Fla. ing in honor of their house guest. Mrs. N. P. Feil and Mrs. I. Rosens The Shebas club will hold its next thai were hostesses at a one o'clock regular meeting Sunday afternoon, luncheon Saturday afternoon at the March 6, at two o'clock at the Jewish home of Mrs. RosenthaL Community Center. "The True Grandeur of Nations" . Rabbi J. M.- Charlop's sermon, sub- will be Rabbi Frederick Cohn's serject for Saturday morning, April 6, mon topic fo* this Friday evening at at the B'nai Jacob Synagogue, will be Temple Israel, and on Saturday morn"This Month Shall Be the First Month ing his topic will be "life and Law." Out-of-the-ordinary Unto You.'? Miss Hannah Bernstein entertained Miss Kate Goldstein left Wednesday at an surprise linen shower in honor specially, priced for Sioux City, la., where she will of Miss Mary Gorelick at the bride's .visit with her cousin, Mrs. Lester Hee- home Sunday afternoon. Prizes were ger. She expects to be gone for a won in bridge by Mesdames D. Miller, week. M. Hahn, W-. Slutzkin, and the Misses —are suits of sturdy tweeds Rose Lazarus, and,H&hiu with two pair of knickers, Miss Yetta Stiefler, who left for an adding to their desirability. -extended trip to California with Miss Over one hundred women attended Excellent tailoring insures and 1 Hhea''Fromkin, was honored at a the last'regular meeting of the Jewa perfect fit and extended number of social.affairs before leav- ish Women's Welfare Organization wear in gray or tans. ing. Mrs. H. Singer entertained at Tuesday afternoon, April 1, at. the 8 to 18 year sizes.4514.50 bridge Tuesday evening. Miss Libby Jewish Community Center. An. adFneden entertained at a luncheon dress was given by Dr. George NeuWednesday at the, Brandeis Tea haus on "The Mental Hygiene of ChilRooms. Mrs. S. Frohm was hostess dren." A short talk was given by at a bridge tea Thursday at the Bran- Mrs. L< Richards, of San Jose, Calif., deis Tea Rooms, and Miss Hellas Sing- the first president of the organization, —in which to lead er entertained at home Thursday who is now the guest of Mrs. R. Kuthe Easter fashion parade! evening for Miss Dorothy Singer, -who left for the South, and for Miss Stie- lakofsky. Miss Brenner, of the Kan•fler and Miss Fromkin. Miss Stiefler sas City Orphanage, also spoke. Fashionable apparel • for street, sport and dress—was the honor guest at a surprise Rabbi Frederick Cohn -will address in modes for women wearing sizes" from 16 -i»--53 Headquarters for party given Friday evening by a num- the Nurses and Convalescing Patients ber of her friends, who presented her of the Lord Lister Hospital Sunday r •with a gift. Mrs. D. B. Gross enter- evening at 7:30. ' . . AUen *A Hosiery tained Wednesday evening at her Mr. and Mrs. Dave Rosenstock enhome for Miss Fromjkin, Miss StieBuster Brown Shoes fler, and for Mrs. Samuel Schaefer, tertained at a dinner Wednesday evenwho is leaving today for Denver. Miss ing at their home. —sizes 3.to 10 years, in the CinderellaHais wanted materials, colors Sarah Snitzer entertained at a theand styles. Mrs. E. A. Levy, of Lincoln, Nebr., atre party for Miss Fromkin and Miss arrives today to visit with her parents. Pftoehix Hosiery Eseelently Tailored Stiefler before-they left Mr. and Mrs. H. RehfelcL A beautiful assortment of new tailored SUITS,; at the Jewish Community Center. 'A Joint Meeting, of All Jewish Women's ' ing Several Jewish playets and musical . Organizations Will be Held May 7 at the Blackstone numbers will be given at the meeting
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MASQUERADE BALL * Jewish national Workers-.'Affiance, Branch 54
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Munsing Urtderwear and Other Well Known
PAGE 6—TllE JEWISH PRESS, THURSDAY, APRIL S, 1924: gave only this himself and demanded urday" mortiiftg. and never engaged in I first, last and always be a good, loyal the Board, and0 at the -Hotel'-Astor ne| and devotion to an ideal. same of others. . ._ He-was a true and sincere friend to any .business or secular occupation on (citizen, intensely zealous m discharg;- • Oft times • Ms- -idea • -©£--citizenship started tfce"fund w.ith: an outright coning all the responsibilities high or low, rich or" poor, powerful | the Sabbafeh <*r 'on tfieHoly -Festivals, tribution of .two hundred thousand With Schiff citizenship ranked came in direct conflict with the ideas dbtlars or four per cent of the entire or humble, and was easily and -always j Seder Services on Pesach were never ship. sec£. Tie held that unless a man and the' ideals that leading-JewsJW* fund, and pleaded'with'-all the" elo- accessible' to all persons and on all .omitted,- no" matter .where he' was so- above a worthy citizen he cannot be either tained in regard to certain movements at his command .for others to subjects, and answered every letter he journing, for "even' in 1907, when in is No name has so impressed [jtself hard College for-Women, he gave one quence a worthy Jfcw'or Gentile. Everything in Judaism.1 One of the-subjects.$h£t Japan for the purpose of being re; received no matter from whom, on the p or e p p g liberally, - and. - wh,en the -upon American Jewry as has that: ef million dollars, and for many years contribute, with him is secondary to citizenship;, particularly ' aroused his" feelings *f«s day it was received. He believed in ceived by theMikado, he wrote to his y ed. e campaign lagged, he would send in Jacob H. Schiff.. .Knov .^all over.the was the treasurer of this College. *He his public service, all his givings Nationalistic Zionism or the Estabanonymous contributions to stir seeing justice done to every one. Al- friends- of his delight in being able to, all vrorid as one of the greatest bankers- was a contributor in substantial sums large to education, his continuous donations lishment of a Jewish Political State in observe this holiday in Tokio, at his though one of the richest men. in it' Up. ' His contributions-to. the. relief and financiers of the century; JameH to various funds for Negro, Catholic of war victims and War sufferers will America, and daily surrounded by an hotel. He read his prayers regularly ;to charities, even his endeavors for Palestine. Although an admirer of as'a philanthropist who knew no race and -Protestant- Institutions, and de- total millions of dollars. ' He gave atmosphere of greedy and grasping every morning at the stated time, and ,the promotion of the best literature Dr. Herzl, he opposed Zionism as it or creed'in his gifts and contributions lighted to give to them all. When away during his lifetime" a,total of capital, nevertheless, he never would after meals-he recited, the prayer and of his race—all had been prompted by was first proposed, and he vigorously the opinion in public and for the benefit of humanity, prp'mi« asked to give, his question never was labor to be imposed upon. On blessing; he did not eat the foods for- his sense of what citizenship de- expressed private that his.sympathies were with nent in eve'ry civic and communal by what creed or race the project was sixty 'million' dollars, and yet left an allow mands." bidden by the Mosaic Code, and true one occasion, when visiting the Henry estate of fifty million dollars. :ln his movement, pre-eminent' as a. citizen sponsored; he but wanted to know He took part in every civic and Jews by Faith and not with Jews by Street Settlement, to which he gave to the' "ancient traditions of priestand a patriot, yet withal he was and that the cause" was" for the betterment life and his gifts is the living proof large hood, of which he was a member by communal activity, and yet never held Race. He wrote many forceful artisums and to whose wonderful is" the outstanding Jew ,of American or uplift, of humanity, and then he that he who gives' liberally Jto the welfare work he suggested the addi- virtue."of his ancestry, he never en- any public office except that of a cles against Zionism in the press, and history. • . . . " ' . . . - • found it a pleasure to contribute boun- poor, sick and downtrodden is" in re- tion of a Visiting Nurses' Department tered within the walls or gates of a member of the Board of Education of when his very dear friend, Dr. Schechbounteously blessed'.by the Lord. -Born on January 10,1847, inPrank- teously, oft-times giving in larger turn himself financed it, he made in- cemetery. The day of Atonement was New York City, a trust which he ter, joined the movement in 1906, Mr. Schiff believed that he who gave" gen- and fort-on-the-Main, Germany, where his amounts than requested. quiries the industrial con- a real-day of fasting and prayer to greatly treasured and to which he in Schiff in an open letter to the Doctor of his wealth and service for ditions regarding ancestors had settled in 1370y he was of the poor in the neighbor- him, carefully-observed to his dying turn brought great honor and pres- in the New York Times expressed the' In his contributions to Jewish erously descended from a family,whose- his- Causes, he recognized ho distinction others,. himself profited in body and hood, and thereupon learned of an day, • and o,n Wednesday, September tige. He was Vice-President of the opinion that Zionism was incompatitory for six hundred years:'was,an between Orthodox, Reform or Con- soul. impending strike of the Garment 22, 1S20, three days before his death, York Chamber of Commerce for ble with American Citizenship. He As he gave liberally of his money, Trades. Though opposed to- strikes he fasted the entire day on Yom Kip- New unbroken line of rabbis, scholars, servative. He believed that there was many and was chosen a -mem- gave it as his opinion that there was preachers and communal leaders. In room for all in America and that each so also he gave liberally of his time as a means of settling labor disputes, ur, and although too ill to go to the ber of vears. the Committee 15 and later a great danger; in the formation of a the Fourteenth ^Century the< .first had its sphere for good. In 18,85 he and himself, to many charitable and he agreed to'bring the manufacturers Synagogue, he read the services at of the Committee of 9ofwhich sought distinct Hebraic Group in the United Schiff of .whom we have traeej-"waa a- was-jone of the ..founders i and .there- philanthropic institutions. Of the to a conference with the workers and home and expressed the greatest de- and obtained many reforms in ^the States, seeking to procure recognition many causes -that claimed his atten"Dayyan" or Ecclesiastical Judge'of: after a member of the Executive Comthe contractors. He himself came to light at having been able to get municipal government of New York for Jews as a nation, and when in the Frankfort Community, Another mittee of the Jewish Theological Sem- tion, none- ever received the time and the conference, and left it convinced through the day. City. He was many times appointed 1920 it was proposed that the Jews was "Farnas" or President of the inary, which was" established by his interest, to say- nothing of money, that of the oppression that had been pracHis intensely Jewish life is the best a member of important special com- seek representation as a Nation in the Community in 1626. .Still • another. beloved friend and that distinguished he lavished on the Montefiore Home ticed on the employees of this branch argument against the false charge mittees the mayors of New York Council of the League of Nations, he Was Chief Rabbi of England in. 1765. 'Jew, Dr. Schechter. All during his life and Hospital. This institution was es- of the trade, and all through the long that the.Jew cannot be a good citir City andbyserved-faithfully and fear- wrote, "In view of what has been and others were authors,.writers and he was' a staunch supporter and a tablished in 1884 on the one hun- drawn, out strike, he furnished the zen.for Jacob Schiff was the embod- lessly in -every trust. He knew proposed by the Committee of Jewdredth birthday of that great Jew, Sir leaders of the community in business regular contributor of very large sums money to relieve the needs of the fam- iment of good citizenship. With him, one platform for the public servicebut ish Delegations in Paris, we can only of and civic matters. With this, history .to this .School. He was the largest Moses Montefiore, and in 1885 Mr. ilies of the strikers, until they his American Citizenship was an idea? pray that God grant .us protection himself and others — honesty and behind him, another might, have been individual contributor to its endow- Schiff was elected President and held emerged triumphant from the strike (Continued on page ?)' . . a fetish. One writer said of him: -lolled into inaction and inactivity, ment fund of five hundred thousand that office for 35 years. He called and finally contracted better terms and h t a man roustt faithfulness to the trust assigned. -He content to bask in the glory and sun- dollars and on his 70th birthday gave- it his "Labor of Love," and under his for their labor. No> people were too "It was i i s creedd that shine of such an' honorable ancestry.' it one hundred thousand dollars to be guidance, it grew from a small home humble for him to mingle and meet POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENTS POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENTS .; POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENTS Instead he came to America; in 1865 used as a fund,to increase the salaries for chronic invalids to one of the withj^ior any place too modest for him to seek new conquests and-to add new of the faculty,' arid in his will he be- greatest hospitals in the country, with to visit. He frequently came to the glory to the family name, and was queathed it an additional one hundred over 800 beds. He familiarized him- Henry Street Settlement for his evendestined to outshine and'outrank his thousand dollars. The Isaac Elchanan self with every,detail of its manage- ing meal and to learn first-hand the illustrious forebears. Theological Seminary known as the ment,-and knew all but the transient needs of the work carried on there, personally. He visited the and often said that his visits there His accomplishments as a financier, Yeshivah of New York, the extreme patients "Sunday regularly, and "exalted his spirit and inspired other if he had done naught more; "would Orthodox School, also received gener-. hospital.every never allowed any other engagement good deeds within him. ous assistance at his hands and to the forever entitle him to • a place in any time, to take him from this American History, for his reorganiza-' Hebrew-Union College, the School of: at he was already in iion of the Union. Pacific Railroad in Reform Judaisnv.he gave one hundred duty. Evenof when VOTE FOR With all the wealth and power of '"llness he co-operation with Edward Harriman; thousand dollars in Ms will, and dur- I p™ P 1 ? ^ o f tthe '!lnefs, t h a { w a l t o millions untold, with his world-wide made possible the growth of the great ing his life time made liberal gifts to * a l « him home to his less than fame and renown as a financier, western agricultural empire;Of- the its endowment and building funds.,: two months before hisMaker, death, he came sought after by kings and monarchs, United States, and through it the AtHe was a''patron and a steadfast' away.from a sick bed.to spend his he yet remained always the devout lantic and Pacific were joined. As a friend of the Jewish Publication So- Sunday there as usual, and to chat Jew of his birth, the home loving partner' in Kuhn-Loeb & Co.r'h"e fi- ciety, and father and husband, and the respectain 1908 presented it with with the older patients. nanced at one time or another in his fifty thousand dollars to enable it to With. Mr. Schiff, his'charity, his ble, honorable and upright citizen. No career all. the great .Railroads of, the carry out the idea ; • : : • • • . for . a new English philanthropy,, and the service that he breath of scandal, either in his busCountry. In "one year'alone. ^Kuhn- translation of the ofbible by -Jewish felt he owed to humanity, were as im- iness . or ^personal life, was ever Loeb & Co., of which Jie was 'then scholars', "and upon the occasion of the portant, and on occasions even more breathed or whispered about him. He head, floated a-loan of one Hundred dinner- given to celebrate the comple- important, to him than his business. lived the life tof a Jewish Patriarch of and ten million dollars for the Penn- tion of the translation, another loved and watched over this "La- old. ever faithful to his family, his sylvania Railroad and. it was he that fifty thousand dollars gave to print a He. bor of Love" as another, would over country, and the God of his fathers. made possible the building, of the .tun- .translation of Jewish Classics. nel under the Hudson River and • the made possible a Jewish department He his children. The story is told of Although a member of the Reform of him, and vouched Great Pennsylvania Railroad Station the New York Public Library and crefor by the Literary Temple, he never forgot his early rein New York City. He ^financed also, ated a Jewish Section in the Library Digest which on his death -eulogized ligious training, ond the observances Fifth District many of the great jndusjtvfaLcqncems" idf Congress, and he erected at his him in highest terms, that during the taught him by his parents. He often of the country, and served-as^Qirector: sole expense the building for the hous- height of the Northern Pacific Rail- said that no Jew could be a good Reof a great'number of'tfierh: But al-> ing of'the Semitic Museum at Har- road panic in Wall Street • he was form Jew unless he had once been an MR. COUNSMA3? IS AT PRESENT THE COUNTY •ways his money and hiSjinfhriSiceas: 'vard, needed by his-firm, and eaeerly Orthodox Jew. He never failed to then personally paid the ex- badly spend Friday night at home with his a financier were used constructively, pensesand sought at his office. They were unan expedition to Samaria to able to find him where .he was usu- wife and family, and to read the ASSESSOR. HE IS ALWAYS CONSERVATIVE and that others might profit thereby, search of and uncover the sites of and never to destroy or crush any ancient out services regularly on this night. Every ally located when important'matters IN TAX VALUES AND HAS PROVEN TO BE A Hebrew literature, and .culproject or engage in any financial ture. needed his attention, but he was final- Chanukah the lights were lit as of old, feud with anyone. B. C. Forbes, a not only in his own home, but he even COMPETENT PUBLIC OFFICIAL. ly located at - a meeting of- the staff well known financial writer., said in- . Out of the first fifty thousand dol- of the.Montefiore Home. He was told went to the houses of his children and speaking of Schiff, "KuhniLqeb & Co. sent in 1914- for the relief of how badly the situation demanded his was present at the .lighting of the have issued'more -good-investments larsJews -in' Palestine, he- gave twelve attention, but he sent back this mes- candles there, as it was his dearest and fewer bad ones than any other thousand five hundred dollars. He sage: "Tell them to wait.- I think and highest wish that the traditions banking concern in America."- Such a was chairman of the committee ^o these people.here need me as much as of ancient Jewry be transmitted to his compliment and such a tribute would raise five million dollars in 1917 for ^they^do.downtown. I will finish here children and grandchildren. He alnever have come to a Jew unless the Jewish War Relief and Welfare first.". Such .was his view, of service ways attended the Synagogue on Satrichly deserved. •. POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENTS POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENTS POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENTS His influence as a financier was not confined to the United States,~but was felt and manifested'-all -ov.eti;EBrQpev South America, and-the Orient. Hia aid and advice was sought" in" nearly every big loan- and-financial venture of the 3world.~' Burihg^inerRugijjo-JJi.-"' panese War he financed a loan of two hundred million dollars for Japan, and in 1905 the Mikado conferred upon him the decoration of "The Second Order of the Sacred Treasure of Ja pan," and in 1907 Mr. Schiff visited Japan at the request of the Mikado and was received in private audience and entertained at dinner by Wm—the first time that .any foreign. priYatek citizen was so honored/ and-on this occasion the ruler of Jaftan 01conferred upon him the additional hpi? ?*^ "The Order of the Rising Sun,.-" *\..J • H,e consistently* refused'to partici1 pate in Russian. Loans, and prevented Our Loans to Russia from being, floated in America, because of the cruel treatment of the Jews in Russia. On one occasion, when Russia was sorely, in need of funds, agents of^the pzar'pfs fered to Telax-and rempyieiresjbjrHjtiQiHf upon the Jews in certain portions" of Russia in return for a loan of fifty million dollars. Mr. Schiff -rejected j the, offer, saying he would not buy I HAS GIVEN OMAHA a wonderful system better treatment for a section of his I . of Parks and Boulevards. He is now co-religiouists which he. believed and claimed, belonged to and should he engaged in a plan to have the City take accorded them as a matter of 'right and justice. He refused to allow his over tKe old circus property at 21 st and firm to - participate in the AngloFrench Loan of 1915 because.no as-. Paul Sts., remove . the old unsightly . surances were given that Russia shacks; and convert it into a park and \?ould not share in the loan, but after the fall of the Czar's Government in play*ground for the.kiddies of that great 1917, he sent word to the Allied, Bank.This is what Allan A. Tukey, Republican Candidate for ers- that he no longer had any. objecdistrict: tion to participation, in the plans of Director of the Metropolitan Utilities, District, stands for. the Allied Financiers. He was in sympathy with the Kerensky* Government, IT IS A commendable piece of work and because he believed it meant freedom for the Jews of Russia, and personally "It's a very important thought in making- Omaha Bigger - ; -every-resident in that, district should gave large contributions to it "and made large subscriptions to' its loans, ;*. show his approval and appreciation of and Better," George Brandeis said. But, he had no sympathy for the Soviet, Government, and opposed* it "on Mr. Hurnmel's work by sending him back every occasion. to the City Hall by a large vote. ! These are but a few examples o£ .Investigate the imen.-who are opposed to Tukey, and if : has financial operations, and his power : ? and influence in the world of finance. you concur with us, you will vote for Mr. Tukey. Many more could be cited, lout/these* .• •/ . ...... •will suffice to show the scope of his; biiainesj activities. But however great' -may have been his fame as a financier"/ even more to his credit and lastIn order to vote for him you must vote the small, separate . HARRY MALASHOCK • ing"' memory is his philanthropies. ballot. ' *. " . Many men are famous for the for- MORRIS FORBES tunes they have made and createdibut " V i n comparison are Tenowijed.for SAUL H . KATZ i fortunes they have given awa-tffo^ 1 the : benefit and the betterment of huVICTOR ZUCKER manity. With Jacob Schiff to give' H E N R Y MONSKY '„' to his fellowmen was truly a 'pleasure and a privilege. - He often gave im. CHARLES LEVINSON * ,-asked, and eagerly sought the- oppor* ~; tunlty to contribute to worthy causes: H . A. W O L F '"• IJfS1 greatest hobby was to bcrpenriif;ABE SILVERMAN ted^to give anonymously. He, disliked1 show and notoriety, in'givirig, and conJ. j . GRKENBERG JOE JACOBS JOE GREENBESG STALMASTER " rented to'have his name broadcast as NATHAN E . GBEEN ROBERT HOOPER E . FLEISHMAN \ a liberal' contributor, to jany cause, CABI. " only when it could be made the means WILLIAM GEODENSKY SAM LEON HAERY TRjrsTiNr - ana the agency of encouraging-and . - 0» inspiring others to give .promptly and HARRY LAPIDUS JAKE ISAACSON : HAEEY SUTEEMAN . .. 1 liberally." • „ . ' • ' it : ; " .Bis" pnilanthropies and charities r wte^e sa varied that it,is difficult in »-r-. thia-brier: sketch to. even -attempt.to ." catalbguethenr. He gav# liberally and ously to all the leading Colleges ". ?-' s" Country. To one alone, Bar. • \ * '<•
Jacob H* Scfciff^Jewish Here
Park Commissioner
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1890 Census Retainedin Immigration Bill in Congress
ally urged upon Count Witte, Eussia's Pole, resented the statements.be issued yearly to polish emigrants tablishing a Council of Advisers, to j The report further states that he is representative to thePortsmouthPeace Slonimski recently visited Pales- desiring to go to America. the Caliphate. The conference'"vill convening, in Mecca, a world Moslem Conference in 1905, that the" Czar's conference, which will give financial, probably be held in Meccr. •Government straighten out the pass- tine and upon his return wrote many ACTS OF VIOLENCE (Continued from page 6.) INCREASING IN PALESTINE politcal, and moral Support to th» port question. But 'nothing came of complimentary articles. . It is reported -that he is at present in a this, as nothing had for forty years, against our friends, and leave us to Jerusalem. (J. T. A.) Mr. and Palestine Arabs in their fight againbl HUSSEIN AGAINST New Phases Have Been Added to get on with our enemies as best as although the matter had been taken nervous state verging on insanity. Mrs. Stransky of Czechoslovakia, who political "Zionism. ZIONISM, ACCORDING the Bill. we can." up by every President and Secretary were touring the world on foot, were TO LONDON EXPRESS He resented the idea of the Zionists of State during that time. This inattacked and robbed early Thursday Moscow. (J. T. A.? The Soviet ability to get results inspired in Schiff London. (J. T. A.) King HusIBN SAUD CHALWashington. (J. T. A.) Barring trying to capture or control existing idea of organizing The American morning by Arabs a t their camping sein ,the new Caliph, in a cable- to Government has again commenced acLENGES N E W CALIPH unexpected events, the Johnson Bill Jewish organisations in America the their purposes, and for this = was Jewish Committee in 1906, and it was for a two per cent quota on the basis for (J. T. A.) Ibn Saud, place between' Nablas and Jenin. Mr. Musa Kazim, president of the Arab tivities against the Zionist leaders in bitterly attacked in the Yiddish Dress he that lead the fight of this Comof the 1890 census, in its latest form, and by Yiddish speakers from the .mittee before President Taft and the Emir of Nejd, has issued a statement Stransky died of his wounds, while Executive, attacked political Zionism. Russia. Last week mote than twenNo. 7995, -will, probably, come u p for platform. Some of the more violent American Congress, insistent that in the Arab press challenging the his wife is in a critical cpnedtion. The as unjust to the Moslems, the Chris- ty Zionists were arrested and imprisand justice and a proper retwo murderers have been arrested. tians and the orthodox Jews, accord- oned. Among them are Bichovrsky, consideration and vote on Tuesday of and vitriolic adherents of Zionism even fairness spect, for American Citizenship and right of King Hussein to the Caliph- . Another attack was made Thurs- ing to a Jerusalem report published Jeshaje Goldberg, an engineer, Pro» attacked Schiffs Jewishness in their next, week, /when it -will be reached on frenzied outbursts. But while oppos- the American Passport demanded the ate. He charges that Hussein, whi day night. Two Jews who were refessor Belkovrsky afcd Mr. Aronoff. the calendar in due course. ing a Jewish political state he was same treatment far that citizenship claims to be a direct descendant of turning home with their wives from by the anti-Zionist Daily Express. and passport when held by a Jew as Mohammed, which would justify liis meanwhile, not without interest in The House Immigration Committee Palestine, and while all this contro- when held by a person of any other claim to the Caliphate, has no grounds a -village near Jerusalem were athas filed a new and revised report of versy was being carried on he was birth or faith.* "When President Taft tacked and seriously wounded. One is this bill which was originally Intro- contributing large sums to the Jew- could promise no help,-it was Schiff for the claim; but that he himself is in a dying condition. that carried the fight to Congress, and a real descendant of Mohammed and duced by Johnson a few "days ago. ish Agricultural Experiment Station the assistance of Judge. Mayer as such entitled to the honor sought The new report contains , changes at Jerusalem, and the Hebrew Tech- with Institute at Haifa, Palestine, to Sulzberger and Louis Marshall, pro- by Hussein. He further charges that SENATE IMMIGRATION COMMITaimed to meet Secretary Hughes' ob- nical which latter project he gave one hun- cured at the hands of Congress the King Hussein has : achieved his presN TEE ACCEPTS BILL WITH NO abrogation of the treaty, the resolujections that the 189Q census basis dred thousand dollars. i Cake Meal Redelfaeim PROVISION FOR CLOSE RELAtion for which passed the House of ent prestige through unfair,personal violates some of our treaty obligaKaufman BRANDS { Mated Meal Schiff was bitterly wounded by •Representatives with but one dissent- intrigues. TIVES. ' tions. The references of a previous theMr. attacks made upon him by some of ing vote and the Senate unanimously. ( Egg Matzos Manischewitz Washington. <J. T. A.) The imIn Arab circles, this is considered report denying a discriminatory pur- the Zionist enthusiasts, and finally This action on the part of the repremigration bill submitted by the Senpose against Jews are retained in. the made a statement which Mr. Cyrus sentatives of the American people the' most serious blow to King HusS . and all Mnds of Passover Necessities s new report which quotes Israel Zang- Adler says "Has the dignity and must ever and will ever be' a lasting sein's claim to the Caliphate, inas- ate Sub-Committee on Immigratk.i ij for the Passover table at the lowest 5 pathos that remind one of the words monument of the justice that is and to the full Immigration Committee, wDTs\ statement that the Jews are in of Samuel after Saul was crowned." must be accorded, to every citizen of much as Ibn Saud, who is chief of E prices. H no sense opposed to the Nordic The Mr. Schiff said in this statement: "I this free land, whatever his race or re- the Wahabi tribe and has an army and which contains no provision, similar to the one in the Johnson Bill, ieport continues": 'Th© Committee have lived for 51 years in New York* ligion "or whatever be the place of his equal in strength to that of Hussein's, does not feel that" the restriction I am now almost three score and ten,birth, and the leadership and devo» is a very dangerous rival. It was exempting close relatives of AmeriI.believe ever since I have grown tion which Mr. Schiff gave to bring* can citizens from the quota, has been aimed to be accomplished in this bill and Exclusive Agents for the Kedelheira & Kaufman Brands H into manhood, there has not a day ing about this result, should and will even rumored in Baghdad that Ibn accepted by the Senate'Immigration 5 is directed at the Jews, for they can passed that I: have not been seeking ever mark him as a Jewish Patriot, n6 Saud planned an invasion-of the Heds for the State of Nebraska. H Committee without change. The bill, come in the quotas from any country.* the good of my people. Whosoever matter who or where his critics may jas territory of King Hussein We. 5492' •§ which will, probably, come up for vote = Warehouse and storeroom 1804 No. 20th St. can assert, that for the time he knows be. .-*• •: - . "•.! A new paragraph has been added me ,or who knows of me, I have ever in the Senate on Tuesday, calls for a 2 denying that the Committee has as- denied myself to my people, have deJacob H. Schiff died on September RABBI KOOK ARRIVED per cent quota on. the basis of the saulted the religions of various peo- nied myself to their wants, have de- 25th, 1920, at the age of 73 years TODAY IN N E W YORK ples. This has apparently^ reference nied mys%lf to any cause, that I have after a life spent in the service of • New York. (J. T. A.) The city of 1910 census. to Italian Catholics. It states: "Mind- waited until Jewish problems have Judaism. Truly, he was a Jewish New York paid its tribute to the S24 North 16th Street Telephone: JAclcson S47S brought to me instead ongoing Hero. He fought-not with sword, rifl^ 2,400 PALESTINIAN VISAS FOR ful of the Constitution of theUnited been after them in my desire to co-operate, •or cannon, nor- did he ride to battle three great Jewish leaders, Chief RELATIVES TO BE DISTRIBUTED Residence Phone of M. PeKz—WE bstcr 5472 . States, the question of~ religion has that I have nbt given not only of my for the cause of Judaism at the head Rabbi Kook of Palestine, Rabbi SchaJERUSALEM. (J. T. A.) Two Country and phone order will be given our prompt attention jiot entered into the arguments that means, but day in and day out, and I of a valfant army, but, like the Macca- piro and Rabbi Epstein, who arrived have led to the construction of this might say night in and night out—• bees of old, he fought for his people on the Olympic, as the representa- thousand four hundred visas for relahave not given of myself, let him rise with the weapons that God so nobly tives vrill be distributed between April • b i l l . " . . . .-; ••-.' • . . . > • . ; • ' : \ \ _ " \ and accuse me." This statement lays and bounteously endowed him. With tives "of the Central Relief CommitThe new report also'.lays .special bare Mr. Schiff's philosophy;of life, all the power of his wealth, his f amej, tee in its canii-aiga for $1,000,000 for an dOctober by the Palestine offices POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENTS POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENTS . emphasis on the exemption of close and one cannot help hut see in it, not his ability and his personality, he the support of institutions of learning- of the iZonist organization, in accordance with a concession made by the egotism, not a desire for the plaudits went forth to do battle for the Jews Relatives allowed by, thecbilL This .the people, nor. any attempt to and Judaism, ever steadfast to its abroad. The delegation was esorted Palestine Government to the Palesexemption, the report states, is more of claim praise or glory for himself, but cause, ever-devoted to its ideals and from the Olympic by the Mayor's boat tine Zionist Exxecutive advantageous to the new_ immigration rather the cry of a wounded and a ever faithful to its tenets. His serv- to the battery where it landed to the VOTE FOR than the old of eighteen-ninety, and broken heart that protests with dig- ice was inspired by no desire for re- accompaniment of cheering, crowds in this way demonstrates that the nity the false accusations of the peo- ward, and he sought not glory and and flag-bedecked streets. An aut(. FLOODS INUNDATE for what Ke did. He labored not WARSAW SUBURBS charge of discrimination against the ple he loved, served, ministered to and fame that he might receive the-praise and procession several miles long, accomfought for. new immigration is unfounded. A new plaudits of the'people, but modestly panied by a squad of cycle police., . Warsaw. (J. T.A.) Te floods which But while he did not believe in and humbly and like all truly great table of population and immigration political conveyed the guests to the City Hall have taken place in Poland have Zionism, and bitterly leaders he worked and labored because statistics is added to the report. posed it on every occasion, he strong- within him there was something of whera they -were accorded an official greatly increased, and Warsaw subelieved in a Jewish homeland, and divine that needed expression and reception by i\e Mayor and officials burbs and neighboring' villages axe A significant fact about this new ly the thoughts and ideas expressed by the completely inundated. All Taffic Kon-Political Candidate For needed translation into action in this of the city. report is that Representative Bacon him in 1917 in an address before and communication have stopped in busy world. But because he gave so of New York, 'who, in the present re- the League of Jewish Youth of Amer- generously- and so bounteously of hirtlr that region, and conditions "will beport, filed an individual minority ob- ica have now come to be popularly self and of his wealth, the- world in JEWISH HOMELAND WILL come critical unless the floods .abate. accepted at least in this country, as jection, to the 1890 census basis,.rep- the latest aim of those Zionists who general and the Jew-in particular hon'r LESSEN ANTI-SEMITISM, resenting the New York bloc, this believe in the cultural mission of the ors hinv and reveres. his-name. He SAYS HAPGOOD HUSSEIN WILL CONVOKE builded himself an intangible and Fourth Judicial District time signed with' the majority. This Jew. He said on that occasion,"It has an everlasting monument in the New York. p. T. A.) 'Anti-SemMOSLEM WORLDCONFERENCE change of mind may indicate that the has come to me while thinking over hearts of American Jewry. itism throughout the vrotlii will be events of recent weeks — and the Jerusalem. (J. T. A.) Before leavNew York opposition bloc has been statement ES AFEIL 8 may surprise many—that lessened? by the „ establishment of, a ing for Mecca, King -Hussein, anbroken up. Congressmen Sabathand the Jewish people should at least have Jevrish Homeland in Palestine, Nor- nounced,.his,,intention, of ^oBvoldng a Dickstein "are preparing their minority a home-land of their own. I do not HABIMA ARTISTS TO man Hapgood/tltHlor -of Hearst's~ mean by 4jhat, that there should be a VISIT NEW YORK Moslena'Wdrid Confer£iice,"aSdrcf est Teport and expect to file it within two -Jewish nation. ^ L axct not a believe^ •.;- London. (J. T. A.) Mrs. Joelit ternational Magazine, declared jsA, &:. or three days. in a Jewish nation built on all kinds and^Vardi, of the Habima, the He- dinner last night given in honor of of isms with egotism first and agnosticism and atheism among the others, brew theatre in Moscow* after a visit Dr. Chaim Weizmann, President of EGYPTIAN PRESS CHARGES but I am a believer in the Jewish peo- in Palestine, Waited" Saturday on the the World Zionist Organization, by SIR HERBERT SAMUEL the Flatbush and Coney Island Compie aiid the mission of the/ Jew. and Adriatic for New York. AIDED KING TO CALIPHATE I believe that somewhere there should mittee of the Palestine Foundation Carlo;. (J. T. A.) The Egyptian be a great reservoir of Jewish learnFund at the Hotel St. George, Brookin which Jewish culture might GRANDSON OF FAMOUS press discusses broadly the latest steps ing, lyn.: '••:. ••••: •. be furthered and- developed* tmhamJEW PUNISHED BY POLE of Eing| Hussein since his proclama- pexed by the Tnaterialisnvof the world; "Those who argue that the Pales: FOR ANTI-SE tion as -"Caliph of all the Faithful and might spread its beauSfuT53eals :!. :; i tine; movement will increase antiMoslems." The leading organs of over the"woriar and naturally -that Warsaw. (Ji; T. A.) Antony Slo- Semitic feeling seem to me withoiit would be Palestine, If t that /ever Egyptian public opinion severely at- land develops—and: the present ;War; may Jiinisky, ithe grandson' of a famous knovrledge ofy popular psychology. tack King Hussein for his self-proc- bring the development of this ideal Hebrew writer and the son of a bap- There are ten^porary local difficullamation, and charge that he has nearer—it will not be accomplished tized jew, in the third generation,^ ties, but it is ytear that in the long achieved: his life-long ambition only in a day or year, and in the mean- rabid anti-Semite, was put to shame 'run an idealistic .emphasis of this kind it is our duty to keep the flame by the Polish artist Szczuka, -when the with the. "aid of the British authorities, time can affect the ^orld'attitude only for of Judaism burning brightly." latter slapped his face in the pres- g o o d . " and especially 'With the support of Sir v -- - - r . If anyone needs any further proof HefberttSamuel, British High Com- of Mr. Schiffs loyalty to his people, ence of many guests in a cafe. Other speakers included the guest Slonimski, who i s a talented Polish of honor, Dr. Weizmann, David v: A. missioner of Palestine. , : such person need only to.be told of The press goes as far as to agitate the part that Mr. Schiff played in1the poet, and whose-, grandfather was Brown, Max Kiss, the local campaign great question of the recognition of Chaim Selig Slonimski, the Hebrew for the calling; of a special world the chairman, and Dr.r'A>-H.?- Heller,' American Passport when held by Moslem Congress, to be held in Cairo, Jews traveling in Russia, and the writer, mathematician and editor of presided. ~ ' "~r • ~ the city .of many Moslem traditions, time and effort that he spent in this the Hebbrew Daily Kazefera, recentfor the purpose of choosing a new cause, which finally resulted in the ly1 wrote an article in the "Wiodomoabrogation of the Treaty of 1832 be- s* Iiterackie," a literary periodical, PROTEST AGAINST EXCESSIVE Caliph. *-••'••'•.. tween Russia and America. He POLISH PASSPORT FEE first brought the matter to the at- charging the Jewish artists -with polCAUSES DECREASE HAS PROVEN HIMSELF a capable and fearluting Polish art. He also stated tention of President Roosevelt, and "FALASHA SABBATH" Warsaw. (J. T. A.) The recent even suggested to this President that that 90 per cent of the Jews were less city official. He is now engaged in a DURING PASSOVER WEEK because of the failure of Russia to white-slavers, that Jewish: art was order of the Government increasing TO AID COLORED JEWS recognize the American Passport when -irty, and finished by att cMr. the the price of foreign passports to gigantic plan to build a sewer which will New York. (J. T. A.) The annual held by the Jew from America, and young Polish poets for associating $100 caused such a sterna of protest "because of the cruel treatment of the drain the district from 17th to 33rd Street appeal of the American Pro-Falasha Jews in Russia by the Government with Jewish artists. . The upshot of that the Government has been forced Committee, in behalf of the Jpalasba there, the United States should inand from Cuming North to Ames Avenue. Jews in Abyssinia, has been announced tervene in Russia as it had in Cuba. this article was, the incident in the to reduce the price. Three thousand by Rabbi J. Max Weis, Secretary of As a resultPresidentRoosevelt person- cafe by Szczuka, who, although a passports at a-cost, of $5 each vrill the Committee and Director of the ap- POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT THAT DISTRICT has suffered for lack of POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT peal. Rabbis throughout the country proper sewerage. It is important that have been asked to devote their mesevery home owner in that district should sage at one service, during the week of Passovr, to the Falasha cause, the do his best to send Mr. Koatsky back to first Sabbath in the Passover week, CARROLL O. the City Hall as head of the Engineering April 19th, being designated 'Talasha Sabbath." The appeal is for $30,Department with the highest possible vote. 000/ The officers of the American ProFalasha Committee include: Dr. Elias Margolis; of Mt. Vernon, New York, Chairman; Dr. Elias L. Solomon of Candidate for RE-ELECTION AS New York City, President of the United Synagogue of America, Treasurer; Rabbi J. Max Weis of New E . FLEISHMAN York City, Chairman of the Falasha Committee of the Central Conference SAUL H . KATZ of American: Rabbis, Secretary. CHARLES LEVINSON
City Commissioner
CONSTITUENT ASSEMBLY OF. MESOPOTAMIA TO . CONSIDER CALIPHATE Bagdad. (J. T. A.) The newly elected Constituent Assembly of Mesopotamia will be opened by King Feisul. One of the principal questions that the Assembly will consider will be the Caliphate* It will be remembered in that connection that King Feisul, who is a sort' of King Hussein, did not participate in. the conference at Amman, called for..the purpose of proclaiming King Hussein Caliph. Ever since thf1- proclamation of King Hns-1 ssin as Caliph, King Feisul has gi'*en ' ao evidence of supporting his father.
We know Judge Stauffer to be fearless, fair and upright as a Judge and a Citizen, and without any prejudices of any land either on or off the bench.. We know him to be capable and possessed' of a fine judicial temperament HE BELIEVES THAT EVERY, CITIZEN, REGARDLESS OF RACE, RELIGION OR PLACE OF BIRTH IS EQUAL BEFORE THE LAW. ISIDOR ZIEGLER ARTHUR ROSENBLUM MARTIN L. SUGARMAN EUGENE BLAZER HENRY MONSKY <. , IEVIN STALMASTER CHAS. BATTELLE B. F. THOMAS HARRY MALASHOCK JAKE SIMON WM. ••£ -RANDATX ' "
Oakland, Nebr. former home of Judge Stauffer
1 Both .declare that America is inway to ing Hussein, the new Caliph, Mayjsras still one step-ahead of Wm.^ only access that the Ukraine has to 'danger unless there is the strictest has'been the subjject of conferences • v'aSJey* talked It over,;laaJEhlrig. "TU the sea. kind cf immigration. Botb indicate between ing Hussein and Sir Gilbert never "catch up* •&#& youV" May;" Jins Clayton, the _ Civil Secretary of the that the American Lgion and the saia} as he sat fa fier magnificent re^ INSTIGATORS OF BOMB , cept?OTt ropin. "r suppose r d better OUTRAGE RELEASED American Federation are in 'agree- Palestine Government, at Airman. *- New.. York, March : 8.—Records" of ued.J. Tie ^worshippers, .within - -th6 : cohfesst^myself beatei.- Only, if you Budapest. (J.-T. A.) The Piroska ttretrtfHjjscm!; the; -desirability • of"' air abHilmy Pasha has cen appointed disynagogs faced towards the-west, b u | a.t\. Hebraic community life" and culbrothers, who "were the leaders of thesolute stoppage - of. immigration' for rector of .the. railway. • ture iwhfch 'had existed In China dur- whether in'the direction of Jerusalem May softened again. "Oh, Jim, bomb, outrage in Chongrad, were re- tKe'Ifresentj^butiin""'the-".absence • of ' Sng the- Ming Dynasty, hundreds or or towards the suspended tablets of what's "the.use of talking" about what such". iStoppage,,;»'they.', demand; the years ago, 6f which all trace had the emperors., no clear information might havefbeen?" she saW. 'at makes leased from prisor en Monday^ respite i l y CLARA DELAF1ELD strictest' possible limitation. was obtained. The synagog itself the.protests;of the State attorney. ' been- completely -lost to- civilization, me so sad to thlfik-you've loved me sq 1 f<S, 19 S4, Western Ntwapaper U'olonl) . Their release recalls the 'terrible were brought to light today by Adolph was tottering in ruins; some of tlie hopelessly all your life. " Some .day " S. Oko, librarian of the Hebrew Un- ground had been alienated to Pagan TT> BEGAN this way: 'jim Banning you'll "meet the right girl. You're still incident which occurred during the iigfi • grade •.ion College of Cincinnati,- who - ar- rites, and ,a portion of the fallen • aijd "May Winton had been sweet- a young man. And I shall be so hap- last Christmas ball given by the Jew- ARREST OF ZIONISTS CONTINUES I N RUSSIA py." materials sold to the neighboring ish people of Chongrad. In the midst hearts in their home town. When May ' rived Thursday on the Berengaria Jit® , : Berlin. (J. T. A.) The continued from a book scouting exxpedition in heathen. Some time previously they went to'the city and did so well, her The crash of the post-war panic hit of the festivities a bomb was thrown the electrical company. Toting East arrest of Zionists, particularly of letters back gradually grew colder and by a young farmer, named Sinko. The Europe... Mr. Oko brought back fifty- had petitioned the .Chinese emperor to acted unwisely, though he was a man nine Chinese Hebrew manuscripts have pity on their poverty and to re- colder^ Jim was wildly In love with of fifty now. He was ruined, but Jiminstigator of the deed, however, was Chaluzim, in many parts of Russia, and at length he sold his share Acting First Lieutenant Pirosko, who especially in Berdichew, Zhitomir, bound in the original Chinese silk, build; their*temple.. No' reply had May In the: little farm and went to the city, saved the company by the skin of Its •which,-with the exception of four been receicved from Peking, but to too. ' - /. teeth and reorganised it. He owned had as his accomplice his brother Kiev, ."Gharkoff, Ekaterinoslav and Moscow, is reported here from MosDiamond & Platinum Specialists which were stolen years ago from an this feeble hope they still clung. Out Disillusionment even more complete the majority of- the stock now. East and" several ether members of thecow. Among the Zionists arrested are of seventy family names or clans, only died that year. It was two years more Awakening Magyar organization. 1514 Dodge St. ' ' exhibition in London, constitute all the awaited .him when he called on May. Three people, two of them non-Jews, many who left the party years ago. manuscripts known to have been writ- §e,yen tfow remained, numbering about He 'found her in a small apartment before Jim and May met again. Est. 1894. 3a. 6619 She was living modestly In a small were killed, and scores wounded. Si- Some of the arrested have been ban- ft m •• • ' i • ai ii 260 individuals in all, dispersed over with another girl and three young men ten by Jews living in China.' apartment. She liad aged a good deal. multaneously with the throwing of ished to Siberian villages. the neighborhood. A few of them callers. They regarded Jim, in his : These manuscripts consist of hymShe met Jim without a trace of the old the bomb a fire was started in the nals and prayer books.' In addition $fljre shopkeepers in the city; others country clothes, -with- mild contempt challenge. May. was plainly mortified at'his awkbasement of the hotel where tha ball CIVIL SECRETARY OF to -their general rarity, these manu- w^ere. Agriculturalists at some little "Well, Jim, you've beaten me," she -It was not until he was being1 given. • -PALESTINE VISITS HUSSEIN scripts- are curious also in that in- djstan'cj! frqin the suburbs, while a ward.'manners. ( said. 'Tve gone down a good many was Just going that Jim bad the Jerusalem.' (J. T. A.) The quesstead of being in the form of scrolls few Lfa1n|}§p also lived in the temple chanqe to speak to the girl. AUDITING AND INCOME steps." - • ' • : • tion of turning over the- Herijas Rail"Well, you held your end up pretty .they 'are in • the shape of 'fans. . The precincts, almost destitute of raiment TAX REPORTS ' "I guess It's all over, May?" GOMPERS DEMANDS TOTAL oblong pages are folded one upon and shelter* According to present She softened a little. "That was well," said Jim. . ". 20S Karbach Blk. Atlantic 1031 IMMIGRATION RESTRICTION the other and the reader pulls the appearances, in the jjudgment of our just nonsense, Jim. Forget i t I'll al- "Jim—you remember what you said Washington. (J. T. A.) Samuel THE BRINN & JENSEN CO. pages out fanwise. Several : books native Messengers, after a few years ways'be a friend to you. That's all." to me about the pity we—hadn't—you Gompers, President of the American And Jim put May out of his life and know?" contain translations of hymns into all traces of Judaism will probably Wholesale paper distributors for have disappeared and this Jewish entered the electrical corporation. He Jim looked at her -with cold ap- Federation of Labor, himself an imthe'Jewish-Persian dialect,, thereby praisal. This woman, who had tasted Northern Toilet Tissue indicatin ga relationship between ihe remnant have been amalgamated with had always had a knack for Invention. the best of life, now deliberately offer- migrant and a Jew, has, in a stateIn three years' time a useful little ap* 1112 Esrney Street . and -absorbed into surrounding Mo- pliance of his brought him to the at- log herself to him because, he had mei.t to.appear in the April issue of ^Chinese and Persian Hebrew tituals. the "American Federationist," the ofachieved I A sensa of flisgust came AT-lantic 6409 hammedanism." - T h e s e manuscripts^ Mrv. Oko says,' tention of the president over Mm. ficial organ of the A. F. of L., issued Following the introduction, which From this, time his fortune was as'were brought >fromChina to London, TOr AND FROM. "Tea". It's a pity thing? went the way by the London Society f or Prpinoting closes with a dramatic description of sured/ He had" kept ~ In touch with they did," lie answered with an effort. an appeal to the unions to fight the propaganda for unlimited immigraALL PARTS OF CO. Christianity among the Jews in China, "the disintegration of the Jewish com- May, tout had only seen her occasional•Tve broken your life, Jim." tion. ' In his statement he jjoins forcly. -"Now, from the height of his afSTttrv'nd Martha Bts, ' • . .H A . toea munity of that village, is an explanaTHE WORLD" an :org^ni2ation which-sept mission-' "Oh, .no, my dear. -You see, I'vees with John E. Quinn, Natisnal ComManufacturer* of Brass, Erocir. he called to.see her. May was AlttmisotB and Soft Gray Iron CastSnjrB, aries to that country for "the first ;tune tory note by the author'of the book, fluence, been happily married for a good many mander of the American Legion. still 'a stenographer. yob' ire- asem-ed -et soft casting*, aa VAL J. FEIER ^COMPANYTin 1849.; The manuscripts purchased which tells of the acquirement of the They talked over old times. "Well, years, and my eld«3t daughter's wedire fxtanhlo* * Dome from every . bpat in >of < J W X > shop. ding comes off nest weefc. I hope manuscripts. 1307 Howard St^ Omaha, Ne& by'Mr. Oko were obtained by the I guess I've made my way. May," he Standard size1 cast Iron and bronxe ATlantic 0340. ' missionaries of that society in the vili Mr. Oko purchased a unique set sfiid.' "Only I've alwayg regretted—," you'll come to It" In stock. Jage of Kae-fuhg-ioo.'. Accpmpany- of. the Talmud of the sixteenth cen"Oh." Jim, don't get sentimental 1 It's ingse the documents is a history of tury. It is a first edition and is not a bit of use. You see. I'm engaged THREATS MADE ON ACCOUN TOF CRIMEANthe experience of the missionaries in known,as the Goyish Talmud, because to bo. married—to young Mr. East" COLONIZATION PROPOSAL : that 1 village. The introduction- to ;the although it is a Jewish book, it was It was a knock-down blow. . Young Residence, 1342 So. S5th St. Atlantic 6637. Any way yon get them in any package history reads as follows: -: ['.'•never in the hands of Jews. -This East t was. the son of the president of Leraberg. (J. T. A.) "Woe to the Place ofTel. F. S. KQEE^. Prop. Business, 2413 Cumins St. the electrical company. May, at one Tel. ATlantic 3831. . '.- . 'fSince- the -British treaty<>f Nan-book was obtained from the Earl of swoop, had outclassed him again. iUkranian Jews if the plan for JewPhone Webster 0S20 GRAHAM CRACKERS : are K-o-o-<t eating for Wng*-in 1842,;-many Christians in Crawford library, which is being THE "LAUNDRX THAT She married East, and Jim wasish colonization in the" Crimea is acAsk your grooer for ITEX CRACKERS EVERYBODY LIKES. Europe' have -directed., their attention broken up because of the need of wall sometimes asked to-the house. "He was cepted," is the threat made by the by name always. Get the genuine and towards the- Jews in China; and an-space in that home. This Talmud is general manager, at a ftuge salary. "Dilo," the leading Ukrainian newsbe satisfipd all ways! NIC ticipations in some instances . niay j n its original bindings and it con- But there was always this subtle tri- paper here, in protesting against the Children's Bobbing 2 ^ > have been cherished; respecting their, tains inscriptions of its various own- umph- en May's part: Just as she had Crimean plan. The paper goes on Scalp Treatment 25c Shampoo 50c Earrr B. LepSdos. Pres.-Twas. ahead of him when she left the : present condition and future destinies; ers. I t is.not bound in tractates as Son. Pepper, V!c»-Ppesiaeat. - Expert. IndividnaJ Service to state that the realization of the Carpenter Paper Co. and went to the city, so Suni.i.vs snd Ereninjrs. W. G. Ore. Secretary. .such as1 the incidents .of the subjjoined all books of the Talmud are. but in little.-jtbwn plan'jis possible.pnjEy with.the assistDlstribntore ot she was still ahead of him as tlte Wife narrative -will fail to gratify or" cdn- sections. It consists of six sections of young East. SALON L'CHARME Omaha Fixture. & anceJ of the Jews' all over the world. Western Bond—and High This .volume 'firm. .A benevolent, lady lately * de- and thirty trastates. It 3vns a struggle between them, a It also states that it would result in 212 Conrtney Blk. : . At. 1819 Grade Stationery . Supply Co. ceased, and well known for her deeds? evidently was never used and is bound silent,} half-humorous struggle that ter- "Jehova's sons" having two fatherOmaha. Nebraska. COMPLETE STOKE AND in vellum and parchment. It was : of pious munificence in the support of minated when the president died and lands. OFFICE OUTFITTEES Christian: missions, placed theneces- printed by Daniel Bomberg, a- non- Jim was made president of the comCLARENCE DESDUNES According to the paper, the chief s a r y fundsfor carrying out; such an Jew, one of the most distinguished pany.-, £Joi other man could take his c m 7S,(TO ssntm f n t Concert Violinist and Teacher _ SentJnrest Comer inquiry at the disposal of the-Lftndon Italian printers of the fifteenth cen- place.-. He was a poorer In the coun- reason that the Ukrainians would Studio: Havfcln's t i l d e * 1 " No- &t2) St. try. .He. Was? worth several '-millions. fight" the plan is--because*the Jews tury. ' Phone, Webster 8536. : {Society; "for. rPrpmptrng Christianity ESerenih and Ooaetas- Streets. Q£?ce Boors, -S:SO h>~6._ But "jeans- East,- ttfth- seventy, -i>_er would be placed ;in^a position that . Among t h e Jews..-'uft :was 'at her -re.."" Violin 5o*s.an3 cases for sate. 1 cent of ihestock;cdatrollfta3iJ&Xt^ ad^bl 4 h f e 4 blockade the ........OStAHA. )nSB. . • quest- that thevwriter; of 'these intro- ARTHUR; ductory; femarits' oindertook f to difect \V TO PA1TEI "3E>EJUDAISJ:D'* theigeneral plan and^ management of "••^V-.';;':.. tHfi-^NEW^TESTAMENT the undertaking.. j .The subject is thus Berlin^ (J. T. A.) The New Tes.noticed in the Society's Annual Ee- tament, , free_ from ,311 Jewish influ."port"^of/1849:'-i:'.r:'v '-:'-^:--::-'?'../::::.-: :••"'< ence,' is^ the latest invention-o| the Every Knowo Kind ;• '-'ft *Your. committee • have- gladly German anti-Semites in.tihieirfight tp of Insurance availed themselves of the opportyinity' rid themselves of all Semitic elements 209 W . O- W. Bldg. J A , 3944. offered by t h e establishment of the in their;political and..religious life*; JAcksoB 1862 Bishopric of Victoria, Hongkong, -to Arthur,Dinter, the. well-known antimkke; furtherinquiries respecting the Semite, who tried in a book published : Jews in Chinay - arid the practicability recently^ to "thrpw light" upon the Gate City Fisraiture Co. WASH AND KEEP WELL of establishirig a mission in that coun- Talmtkd, has accomplished this marand A RULE OF HEALTH •-.V-.trsv There appears t o be peculiar velous work. He claims t o have been Globe Van & Storage Co. . difficulties, in the way of the realiza- able to "dejudaise".the New TestaFRONTIER TOWEL: SUPPLY owned nnd operated by taon of-: their wishes i n this respect, ment on the basis of the original XS10 California Street. GROSSMAN & SONS sand.-:their--:present efforts rnust be Greek text which' he has translated 520-23 Ko. 16H) St. limited toy a tnissibh of inquiry; in into German. . He •widely advertised At. 0230 Ja.. 4338 \ ^ c h the. bishop has kindly prom- the book in the press, stating that he ised, his assistance. That munificent has been able to omit, what he calls, friend of-Israel.MisaCookj has placed tiie Jewish and dogrflatical falsificaEFFICIENT and RESPONSIBLE IACNDBS ;; in theliands of your 'treasurer a sum tions.; The anti-Semitic press claims : WHO.LES&1JB. . •, _ Where yonr clothes come home ; sufficient to cover the amount of: |he that the, Jews are exerting pressure^ denser and last longer. '•'•--• «Kpenscs by. t h e establishment of'the Druggists" and "Stationers" ^ upon the Government to have the ATtsm«»> etim. • 1507-11 •Jackson St. 4CI-4OS-4O& Sontfa lOtb Street: book legally prohibited. § H. A. J A O Q B B S E G S K . Pres. ^ ;;:;;:.;mls'sion.*-."'.'>-.;'
lewdry at the .,. riglit price. ^I*shock- Jewelry Co.
Emerson Laundry
Marcel and Bob Curl,
Made With Milk
Your Subscription to
E. E.. Bruce & Go."
.';••''f-';":*:"'-'..-V'.>-*••• A friendly'feeling'was .generally eyinced by them toward our RABBI MASE LOSES EYESIGHT Moscow. (J. T. A.) Rabbi Jacob visitors, which'is in no small masure Mase, the renowned Russian Rabbi •".•-;.iart^utafeie/to:;fte.>Hebrev;:iettBtv.of and Chief Rabbi of Moscow, has been :v introduction from Shanghae, of wh ich • althottgh the: Jews understoodriotthestricken, with blindness as a result of • " . ' ,'..; purport ^hey read^y perc^iyed;Vits kidney trouble. T identity^ with their^own sacred writ: v irigs^-•[ Without such an introduction, '.'FREIHEIT 'SUPPRESSED IN POLAND •;v they ;wouldi- probably have'•'•be.eS.'y^ve.'. : Warsaw. (J. .T. A.) The New ;. ceiyed with••'.«uspicjon and distrusted
as spies. Our visitora learned;that York "Freiheit," the Yiddish GomY:'-: during the yeat 184? the whole;pir the uunist daily, has een prohibited' dis• littieAJewish comrriunity of Kae-fwng- tribution in Poland by an order of ;v•*• foo; was thrown itnp^ great' ilann* arid the -Government. ^exposed vto danger^of ; persecution, on >;-ia!Ccpunt. of-T-suspected cohjriectton with ;''/: :fpreigher3, v by a vlettfer; written ' iri i::: v Chinese and dispatched-jsome •ti»4h e / ; :Kfdre;~b^h the^: late* Temple .Eayton,"Esq., W c ^ B-MiC<msul a t A m ^ SSijgpse] of procuring spriie Hebrew MS§.;,| I S i > *>*> "•i'PfiC^' ^Here, inyihe/ .midst. pt ."a v Js# surrounding pbpuiation,ttwo-thirds;of f^wh.ojt^-^ere''. professors1 ofiMohaniriied-ts^aaisip; aiid dose jad3pinii?g"-W a^ath-f;' |l^Jiiemplev.dedic^^' : : : ^^the.^^d^ : of^ |g^re}'^;f'ew> Jewish ;vfattflftis/f^|t'vi}i;i
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