•' r ' *
Our ^"ew_,Addfess is | 681 Branded Theater -Building.
'. Qus* Xew Xnmber is AT-lanfe 1*50.
I VOL. HI—No. 18 "
^ 1 1 ^ ^ ?gt? Omaha : 6 ^ . 8 Hebraska. . ? * " natter o? gnaw the Act of (tare*. S. WTO.
for National Hospital Campaign Begins Immediately to Raise Omaha's Quota of $15,000 Towards This Xew Building. Nebraska's Quota is $20,000. Jewish men, women, and children, are begging the people of this community to help them—help them gain a foothold'in life, So that they may be good members of a community. Men, who are anxious to make a livelihood for their dear ones; women who can longer bear the burdens of motherhood and little -children, boys and girls, who cannot play with their little dolls and playmates, because they are afflicted with the terrible disease of the white plague. There are. more than a hundred of these people, all clamoring to get permission to enter the National Jewish Hospital for Consumptives at Denver. Picture their haggard faces, their shrunken limbs, their deep-set eyes glowing with fever, their withered'hands stretched out in an impassioned appeal to the National Hospital to admit them, and to alleviate their suffering, suffering
Omaha is especially interested in the National Hospital. In a conversathis campaign for the building of the tion with this woman she told me this infirmary building which Trill house story: an additional one hundred patients. Her husband had been killed in Omaha has had more than eighty paa pogrom in a little tewn in Polond. tients in the- National Hospital. ToHer two oldest boys served in the day Omaha has eleven patients in the Russian Army and were both killed. hospital or" more than any other city She anil three children emigrated to in this district -with the exception of this -tMmtry. The two older-ones Chicago. •.' are working -and are earning about I t costs the National Hospital about $20.00 a week each. The youngest $15,000 per year to take caTe of Omachild, on account of being exposed ha's .patients, and.they have been redoting the War through all kinds ceiving $1,500 per year. Omaha o"wes of weather without a roof over its it to the'National Hospital to repay head or shelter, or without proper it- in part for -what it-has done for clothing for approximately "two the men,' -women and children. years, when their family was. driven The campaign to raise Omaha's out of their home from their little quota of $1S",000 '-wall begin -immeditown-where they had practically exately. .„ Nebraska's quota is §20,000. isted in the prairie, sometimes eating Harry A. -Wolf is" state chairman; the b-"ts of trees and .sometimes Henry Monsky, Estate vice chairman; not eating at all,* and. after going Joe L. Wolf, state treasurer; Harry through all this agony, torture and Malashock, city chairman, and Irvin pain, this little child has contracted Stalmaster, city vice chairman. The that disease. The mother did not members of the entire committee -will realize that until after she had been be published in next week's issue of in this country approximately a The Jewish Press. year, being under the impression at "This campaign is the most imall times that the reason for the portant of all," said H?-rry H. Lapipuniness of the child was because dus,' chairman of the district camof the suffering, but after being paign. The money must be raised here a year the child commenced to immediately. During my recent trip have terrific fevers and complained in one of the cities near Omaha, I was constantly of pain in the lungs, and told of a woman who had recently when this child was taken to a doccome to th.'3 country "rom Europe tor he pronounced it tuberculosis. that she had a little boy who was The mother immediately made" apaffected with this terrible white plication to the National Jewish plague disease. The mother begged Hospital for admittance, also to .me to come to her home and talk "to other institutions, but it is now four her and also see what was possible to months and so far it has been imbe done to get her boy admitted iiv possible to admit this child on account of the inadequate facilities. This mother, in talking to me, said: TO PRESENT SEPHIR AT SYNAGOGUE "Don't you think I have suffered enough by giving up my husband The public is invited to attend the to "be murdered in a pogrom, by presentation of a Sephir Torah to the sacrificing my two oldest children B'nai Israel Synagogue, Eighteenth in the war, and here is my poor and Chicago streets, Sunday afterlittle baby who contracted all of noon at S .o'clock by Mr. Philip Goldthis terrible sickness through no berg, 1143 North Eighteenth street. fault of its own but just because it Rabbi J. M. Charlop will speak and happens to have Jewish blood in its the guests present will be entertained veins; and here I am pleading to from 3 o'clock to 12 o'clock in the you prosperous and wealthy"Amerevening. ican Jews that can afford to ride in limousines, that "can afford to buy POLISH ANTI-SEMITES expensive, furs, that can afford to EENEW BOYCOTT PKOPAhave jewels and diamonds, but canGANDA BEFORE EASTER not prrvide a place for my baby Warsaw. (J. T. A.) With the Easboy fo get at least some relief.' ter holidays approaching, the Polish Think of *he appeal of this mother. anti-Semites have renewed their old There are many more such mothers, boycott propaganda, under the slogan, many more such -vrildren, who are de•'Trade with your own." They hope thereby to hurt the business of the pending upon their healthy friends to Jewish merchants, whose busiest sear help them get admitted to the National Hospital so that they may fight son is at Easter time. Thousands of leaflets have been cir- this dreadful disease. culated by the boycott organization, Bozwoj, all over Poland. In Kieice. JEWISH INSTITUTE OF REthe Rozwoj issued such an inflammaLIGION ENLARGES FACULTY tory circular against the Jews .that the New York. (J. T. A.) Dr. Stephen police found it necessary to confis- S. Wise, acting president of the Jewcate it because it agitated one part ish Institute of Religion, Sixty-eighth of the population against theother. street • and * Central Parw West, has announced that the faculty of that CHICAGO TJNTVERSITY institution would be shortly joined by UNDERTAKES NEW. - . Dr. David.Yellin, head of the TeachTRANSLATION OF BIBLE ers' Institute of Jerusalem, who would Chicago. (J. T. A.) The University give courses.in. Hebrew and on the ) , Chlei A Of Chi Chicago lias undertaken a new Bible, and by Dr. Henry Slonimsky, American .translation of the Bible. formerly of the Hebrew TJnion Col-The translation will be made from lege of Cincinnati, who will occupy the1 original Hebrew by a 'group of the Chair of Ethics and the Philoso•'j>Tftffi!:"'OT5 from the university, -under phy of Religion. •• ' W editorship of Dr. I. IL Powys. Dr. Yellin, who is a;. Hebrew and ...Smith, Professor of Hebrew "Lan- Rabbinic scholar- of high distinction, '- -.gua&o. - and Literature at the TJniver- will serve -as a visiting member of : the Institute during. 1924-25. -•-, r-. ¥*
New York. (J. T, A.) A new-branch office-of the Hebrew-Free Loan-Society, Inc., has been opened at 1804 Eighty-sixth street, Bath- Beach, Brooklyn, for the convenience of people residing in Coney Island, • Bath Beach, Bensonhurst, Bay Ridge and Boro Park. Money is loaned, irrespective of nationality, religion or race, to those who wish to avail themselves of a loan up to, §500-, without charge of interest or expense -whatsoever; • \ . • • -The Society has bees in existence .for over 32 years .and has-loaned more than $15,000,000 to about 500,000 people. • -- •• • '
Leo Rosefrthal was nominated a s : city commissioner. That's just the beginning: of the real battle. It's only the half-way mark on the road to victory. Hard WO^J, persistency; energy ' systematically and sincerely expended resulted in the nomination of Mr. .Rosentha.1 „ Harder and more- diligent work; a closer and more perfect organization, and- greater sacrifices on the part of his friends will be needed to.bring victory and place him. in the city hall. : The same organisation will be maintained, but will be developed so that it covers • the city like a netr The campaign headquarters will be kept open until after the election. Starting Monday the daily luncheon conferences "will be resumed. The evidences of confidence now being shown Leo Rosenthal by his frietfds; the labor now being. expended in his behalf by those who desire to see him as a city commissioner are only rewards, in .a small •way, for past services well' done in the. most important field of aH— •I. ~.Z~ social service. LEO ROSENTHAL He has shown his worth! Those who seek his election are not doing so because his name is Leo Bosenthal, but because they feel he has the qualifications "and the ability; the character and the stability to make him a good and Teliable public servant. Every Jewish man and woman should make: every effort from now until election night to help elect Leo RosenthsL Volunteer your services to the orjpaniza±io.n. committee and be one of those who will have the satisfied feeling oL having aided in a gqofl Job well done in selecting a man, well-fitted to be a member of our city commission. - ^': . . Mr. .I&,%3sq$tuiL3ia^ to thank all of those who aided him in securing the "nomination. He is exceedingly grateful and appeals to every member of the organization to "stand by his gun";until the battle is over. . • '. _ • . .• . : > .
BESSARABIAN RABBI - '• TAKES:STAND IN FA.YGS OF -SOUMANIABucharest. : (J. T. A.) lEabibi Zirelson, the lead of the Kishneff Jewish -Community, has taken astand in favor of Koiisaania, in the matter of Bessarabia. He held a public meeting several days ago at which resolutions were passed asking for the retention of Bessarabia by Soumatda. There is great indignation among the Jewish population at this partisansMp of the RabbL It "is generally considered that the attitude of the • Jews of Bessaragia, in the present conflict between Russia and Eoutaania, should be a strictly neutral one, and tlie action of Rabbi Sirelson is considered a breach of this neotrality.
Famous Editor Thinks World Will' Recognize Jewish; Idealism. M A N K I N D IN NEED MANY-HUED CULTURE,
New York.—^Norman .Hapjrood, editor of Hearst's International Mag-? azine, in ©n address delivered at one of the metetings held' in connection with the New York drive for the 'Ke-r. ren Hayesod, declared that anti-« Semitism tkfoughout the world will be lessened by the establishment of a Jewish homeland in Palestine. "Anti-Semitism is a relic of bar-* .barism that, has come down to us from earlier centuries in which wars were fought about religion snd ia Large Class of Candidates Initiated which the story of Christianity was Work of First Free National Tubertold in narrow and foolish terms, Into Membership. culosis Institution'to Be DisMr. Eapgood said in urging that cussed in Chicago. . RABBI GARRY J. AUGUST OF Christians should be equally interested witb. Jews in the Zionist moveST. JOE, 510, SPEAKER. $350,000 INFIRMARY BUILDING ment. "That barbarism has not endFOR HOSPITAL TO BE More than one thousand people at- ed yet ,bttt we are progressing. The BUILT BY B'NAI BUTCH tended the thirty-second annual cele- Palestine ideal includes a great Hebration of the Omaha Hebrew club brew university. It includes the Chicago, 111., April 10, 1924.—fadlast Sunday evening at the Municipal emphasis -and' purification of the highing Jews from all parts of the "counest Jewish ideals, those ideals from Auditorium. try will meet in Chicago on April 15, which sprang not only the Jewish re?"No matter what the label is, we to attend the twenty-fourth Annual Meeting of the National Jewish Hosare Jews,*' said Kabbi Garry J, Au- ttgion but the religion -of Jesas. pital for Consumptives of. Denver, **This untangling of the ideals that gust, of St. Joseph., Mo., who was the Colorado. these strong people have held and deprincipal speaker of the evening. "We The Omahans who will-attend'this veloped for 6,000 years from smaller have gathered here because we are" convention are: Harry H. Lapidus, Henry Monsky and Harry Malashock, Jews; therefore we are Jews and we questions and perhaps from * conflictThis year's meeting will' mark .the must pledge. ourselves to be good ing. tendencies such as are shown la twenty-fifth' anniversary of the openAmerican Jews and to serve our com- any people, will diminish Christian ing of the Hospital, which -during-its prejudice all over the world. It will munities." qusrter-<:entuTy of existence "has per; formed unparalleled service for the •.". "We' isust •eflucate" 'ourselves as felses have an excellent -effect ""ion"^«rw* people of America in the treatment Jews," said Rabbi August. "We must ish psychology, because it will tend and- study of tuberculosis.' teach ourselves what our religion is, to fix. tHe pride of the Jews oa their Consisting originally of but one so as the younger generations will spiritual tradition and spiritual conbuilding, erected under the leadership tribution rather than ori any material continue to be good Jews." of Rev. Dr. Wm. S. Friedman, by the Jews of Denver, and with a capacity Kabbi August repeatedly drevr ap- accomplishments, and that is what of but 60 patients, the Hospital today plause from the large audience which the world most needs now. comprises 12 units and -has facilities y is •» y ™ JJ. k SS«y- r 'Those who argue that the Palesassembled for this occasion. Aiepk Zdi &sgh Ckpier for caring for 185 patients. The open- I . W. WS I . W. O. iL H0KIS Rabbi J. M. Charlop, a newly elect- tine movement will increase antiing of the first building-was spon-j • ' Installatilffl of Offic Initiates Six ;Jtew Hembeis. ed member of the Omaha Hebrew club, Semitic feeling seem to roe without sored by the Independent Order of " »"»WIMUttB VI• UUIi B'nai B'rith, which has ever since been The y M > a n d T> ..W ; , H > A > The Omaha Chapter No. 1 of the \ m a d e t h e ™sp™™ *OT the large class knowledge of popular psychology. There are temporary local difficulties _ _ _ s stalled the newly elected officers at Aleph Zadii AlepTi organisation ini- !o f . * h e n e w l * e l e c t e d ^ m b e r s . but it is clear that in the long run an have' assistedinthe development and \ their regular meeting Monday even- tiated six -candidate's..at.its last reg- with gpeat pleasure that I have the growth of the Hospital, the major • jXig> April 7, at the Jewish Communit*/ idealistic-emphasis of this land can occasion to be a member of the Omaha ular meeting, Sunday, April 6, at the support of this Iife-saving;work comes C e n t e r Hebrew club," said Ra1*1-" Charlop. "I aSFect the world attitude only for from individual Jewish philanthropyJewish Community Center. good. " There is no chance to get tich Those installed -were Mr, Dave The pioneer institution in national The' six, young men initiated were know the "work that the Omaha He- In Palestine. 'What it accomplishes Freeman, president; Miss Kate Goldbrew club is doing, and I am •well free care of tuberculosis patients, the Messrs. Fred Kurtzman, Stanley LeNational Jewish Hospital for" Con- stein, vice president; Jtfiss Merele vine, William Gherkefsky, of Lincoln, pleased with it. The Omaha Hebrew must be 'in the domain of the spirit.™ sumptives is at once a'haven of refuge yriedel, secretary; Miss Lillian SchifMr. Hapgood declared that through David Beber, Isadora Mewitz and Abe ciufo is the representative organizatioii -F/yr t l l 6 sICJ£ S l i d ST1 -SUWQXUIJSC 321OTH1" j . . « , -ur Y TX~ a homeland of their own the Jews in the community." •mo +• "fr» +Ti** TiTiil'iTfcf'TiTfYTlV fl"F tflfi Tprrg x c * j <toaiatf«xil{< i»Cfc*xcw«Ai.jr;j m i . w u c i i c c " Freidman. Teti .candidates are exwould give virtue and .strength to The membership contest prizes were of America. Although a" strictly Jew- 1 man, treasurer; Mr. Leon Gross re- peeted to be admitted at the next iniish Institution, supported by Jews and ' porter; Messrs. Marcus .Krasne and ation that will, be held in -several] won • Philip Gorelick and John Feld- world democracy and lielp to defend operated strictly according to Jewish Barney Theodore, sergeant-at-arms; man. Messrs. Irvin Stalmaster, Fred tsitiotghoTSTxldrtueandeiWigttrens' 2 2 dietary .laws, the Hospital is non-sec- j ^ H Kneeter, athletic director; weeks. . The club's first spring dance will White and Sam E. Haver were in it from its 'greatest danger—standtanan m its service. * , ' . • • , , , ,. In the twenty-five years of its ex- j Mr. Albert Finkel, assistant athletic be given Sunday evening, April-27, at charge of the initiation. Fannie Fish ardized -materialism. "My enthusigave a violin number, accompanied by asm, for Zionism has not "been sepaistence the National Jewish Hospital director; and Mr. Israel Goodman, the Rome Hotel .Ballroom. has cared for more than" 5,000 patients m e m ^ o f t jj e executive committee. Miss Evelyn 'Yore. Max Fromtdn, rable from my theory of democracy,** of all classes and all ages, without. A s h a m - f o n o w e d. of the Omaha Hebrew club, he said. "If one thinks of -a demr regard to race or creed. Not only _, _ = ,, . . , KEREN HAYESOD .TO MEET P«sided as chairman of. this celebra- ocratic future as a reduction of «U has it accomplished wonderful work| Mr. Dave Freeman, ithenewly electMr. A. I." Kulakofsky, chairman of civilization. to ' one standard, such in the treatment of those cases, but ed president of the organization, anby taking these poor ..-patients from nounced that a musical program is the local Keren'Hayesod, is calling a standardization would leave me withtheir old environment aand u ccaring a m g ifor m b e i n a r r £ I 1 gfoe d t o b e given during Ka- meeting for- Tuesday evening, April BENEFIT BALL. out any ardor for the picture of futhem with the best facilities known to ° , * __„. lo,4 at the Jewish Community Center. For the benefit of the Jewish San- ture civilisation. I like to think of medicine, it has prevented the spread • tional Music Week. The program will Business of importance will be transitarium, to be built in Palestine, the democracy' as a setting of the peoof the disease to those persons with be given Monday evening, May 4, at acted. •-••'; " • ••-.-• Jewish - National • Workers* Alliance is ples of.the world free to follow out whom these 5,000 men, women and the Jewish Community Center. All giving1 a Masquerade Ball Sunday their aptitudes, their traditions, their children came in daily contact before t h C T o r g a n i 2 a tions are invited to atDIASPORA JEWRY KNOWS their admission to the Hospital. By evening, 'April'IS, at the Swiedislx Au- ideals. Instead of being all alike, I ; thus arresting the spread of tubercuUTTLE OF PALESTINE, • ditorium. Novel entertainment anS Bhmild like to see them as different The Y will hold its, regular semilosis, countless numbers have been -...' SAYS; HEBREW POET Desdune's Orchestra will "be featured as the flowers in a garden. The Jews, saved from suffering and possible monthly dance this Saturday evening •••Jerusalejth. (J.'T. A.) "The Jews in for the evening's entertainment. death. perhaps on account of their original at the Jewish Community Center. In addition to its work for the pathe Diaspora know very little of the charateristics, perhaps largely on sc« tients, the Hospital is maintaining a TURKISH~GOVERNMENT charms, possibilities ; and opportuni- 600 JEWISH FAMILIES -SUF| count of their history, have developed Research. Department, thoroughly ties which Talestine holds for -them," "- FES FSOM VISTULA FLOODS j very highly those attributes which INTRODUCES NUMERUS modern and completely equipped, said Chairh Nachxnan Bialik in an CLAUSUS MEASURE Warsaw. <J. T. A.) Now titst the I caused them originally to produce "where experts in tuberculosis"*" are making rapid advances in their-work Constantinople. (J. T. A.) .The Na- interview • with . the: Palestine Tele- floods from the Vistula have subsid- those conceptions of religion atld of finding a permanent cure for the tionalist spirit introduced in Turkish graphic Agency. "In fact," he con- ed, it has become possible to estimorality which have been accepted by life by the Kernel Pasha Government tinued, "the propaganda carried on mate the damage done by them. Six the European world as the highest." perThasTan"international reputation! is finding expression in a new meas- by the Zionist Organization with re- hundred Jewish families in Prague, among radical men. - • ure proposed in the National Assem- gard to Palestine is entirely- insuffi- oa the right hszik of the Vistula, have KIGKTS OF AMERICANS IN The most important topic fordfe- H y a t Angora. The new bill aims to cient. The :propaganda of the Zion- lost most of their possessions and LEBANON ASH SYEIA TO ist opposition' is very harmful, and suffered great hardship. BE PROTESTED BT TKEATY This calamity of nature did not faii; Washington. (J. T. A.) A treaty Building for the Hospital, the cam- Turkish town to 10 ^er cent of the should be stopped.". paign for which is 'now being con- population. Asked as to his impressions of the to provide the Polish police with an with France, providing equal rights ducted by members of Districts No. 2 Another law introduced by the Gov- country, Bialik. said that Tel-Aviv is opportunity io display their racial for American nationals and interests and 6, Independent Order of "B'nai ernment is intended to prohibit the a charming city- and that his belief discrimination. Although voluntary B'rith. ' • 1B Syria and Lebanon, territory under The new Infirmary Building- will I foreign-speaking elements living in in £he: great future of Erez Israel citizens' committees were organized Lespae mandate to France, has bfeeti rroidde facilities for 100 additional Turkey from forming separate na- had been strengthened. for the purpose of aiding the flood concluded and will he signed in Paris 4 patients and will reduce the long wait- tional or religious communes. The temporary Hebrew center cre- victims, the police found it necessary by Ambassador Herric and the French ing list of men, women and children These proposed r measures have ated iss- the. last few years in Berlin, io ina!:e raids on thesireets, to gather pleiupoteniiarr. whD are daily imploring for admitis now,": Bialik" continued, "dying on up stray passers-by and compel them tance to the Hospital, only to be de- caused a great deal of exci Difficulty arose over the position of nied this hope of fife because the*pres-' among the foreigners in Turkey, account of the general chaos prevail- to perform the Hardest part of Hie the Standard Oil Company's ent buildings are filled- to capacity. among whom are the French, Ger- ing in .central Europe. All the He- cleaning v.p work. All th.e captured in Palestine, according to a At the same time, the Infirmary Building will permit the Medical Be-;, mans, Greeks, English and Americans. brew publishing- houses are being "volunteers" were Jews, wiibost dis- of Secretary Hughespartment, under the direction' o? piu It is not lojown as yet whether the transferred -, to • Palestine. The pub- tinction as to age or sex. Many J i * Samuel Swezey, the superintendent, to measures will also affect the Jevrs lishing nouses of 'Dvir' and *Moriah' isli citizens were mistreated in the YETA MO KEWS - - J extend what is known as.the,Com- who Tiave up till now been considered have united for the purpose «£ carry- process of being enlisted. The YcU Mo Club will h&vs la|«eplete Immobilization treatment to TurMsb. citizens. There are in Tur- ing on the work- of publishing HeThis matter has been brought to ball practice Sunday looming.,- <4t * many more patients than is now pos- , brew books oa a large scale. A spekey,at the -present .tin: the -attention of the Sejm \>y ais in- recent.party held by the club sible. " * - "- " | Jetrs; • 200,000 are. in Constantinople, cial department for Arab literature ] terpellation by the JeisMi Deputies, •«eere ,«.-warded to the ClttfeV J The Brotherhood W Temple Israel 50,00 in Smyrna, 10,000 in Adriano- has been created, - and tne head of and an hrrestigatioa lias been -re- liall yJajjers. . Sev*»n msmfeers ef thfe will meet Wednesday evening,-April ple, 5,000 in Bodosta, and the Test are that department will -be a ^veJl known j qnested into ti*edisciin^ii»Etoiy actions club were the^'OM Black -J[««W*' hi 16,, at the "Temple. . . . i scatteredfcaxQCgkoatJ i e ss^Ii - *--*• .Orientalist., and ^Arabic schsdar. "-"_^«. j of the Warsaw'poliar
Jews ©f Entire
PAGE 2—THE JEWISH PRESS, THURSDAY, APEIL 10, 1924 about two weeks ago. Mr. and Mrs. AMERICA FOR AMERICANS JEWISH CALENDAR. Lehman will make their home in. Lin6684-1034 AIM OP JOHNSON BILL, Bosb-Cbodesb KTI«HI gnt Apt. 6 J COUNCIL BLUFFS! STATEMENT OF MAKER Passover (Fesarh coln. —,...,—.-Bat., Apr. vt I'assover (Seventh r>°r) , «•»« Apr. £3 Published every '.Thursday at Omaha, Nebtaska. by Mrs, L.-S. Braunstein entertained Washington, D. <X, April 5. (J. T. Kosb-Chodnsb «n» ' »»"»T May & Mr. Dave and Miss Ev>&;.Cohni ..THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY. A.)—Both Houses of Congress are Lag h'njmw fi-MI.. Hay 22 at five tables of Bridge at her home Omaha,- spent the'-' week-end - In ~•Lin- ^jt V HOHb CfelOflesh fcjjvan ... Tues., June 3 -Office: 681 Brandeis Theatre Building—Sfeiephone: ATlantie 1450 racing to finish the debates on their 6ilttt>aatHt (Confirmation Day)-Sat_ Jane 8 Sunday evening. Prizes were won coin, visiting with friends. T a m m u i _ _ - _ _ T l i o t s . July S by the liesdanjes" A.' Gilinsky and , NATHAN -E. GREEN, Manager. respective immigration bills, each V T ' . A as. 1 differing from the other on the FSBt Qt A!] Ab A Hebrew Educational Meeting will .$2.50. Subscription Price, one year.., _ S a n - Aug. 10 M. Solomon, and the Messrs. S. H. San, Ans. SI Katelman and Ben Kooler. Advertising rates furnished on application. matter of the census to be employ- Kosh-Cbadcsh E!nlbe hfeld Sunday, April IS, at the Ivre 5SS5-IS34 _Kon. Sept. S9 ed as the quota basis. In the House New rear's Ere. club rooms. CHANGE OB1 ADDRESS—Please give bOtb Jtfce Oia ana new address; Mrs. B. Saltzman returned home bo-sure and give your name. of Representatives, Congressman Monday evening..'after spending the Mr. M. Weil, who has been ill for Johnson, opening- the debate on his NEW RELIEF ORGANIZED The Jewish Press is supplied by the Jewish Telegraphic Agency (Jewish FOR VOLGA DISTRICT •week-end in Hatlan, Iowa, visiting some time, has heen improving and Correspondence Bureau) with cabled and telegraphic Jewish news, in addition bill, based upon the 1S90 census, will be out in a few days. New York. (J. T. A.) On the in- Mr. and Mrs. Ben Cohen. to feature articles and correspondences from all important Jewish centres. stated that the purpose of the bill Inquiries regarding news items credited to this Agency will be gladly itiative and appeal of Dr. Gejrge E. w. to keep "America for AmerMr. Simon Micknicfc, member of Mr. Joseph Sarbach, of Nebraska answered if addressed to Jewish Telegraphic Agency, 114 Fifth Avenue, Leikin, Chief Rabbiof the Volga disicans." the Abraham. Lincoln High. School City, was in Lincoln on business this New York City. "It has become necessary that the trict in Russia, a new organisation 5.3 Basketball team, was in Chicago, 111., week. "United States cease to function as being formed to give aid to the pov- last -week to participate for the Na!•_• EUROPEAN HAPPENINGS an asylum," he declared. . . . "This erty-stricken, war and famine rid- tional Championship. A nominating committee was ap- The tragic news from European lands is strongly tinged at bill will restrict immigration greatly. den Jews of central Russia. With pointed Sunday at the Junior CongreMr. and Mrs. A. Aginskee and gation, including Miss Ida Sajzman, times with items of-a comic character, for strange things are It will regulate the flow of a limited the liquidation of the Joint Distribuindeed happening in Europe. The other day it was reported from immigration. It will prevent conges- tion Committee in Russia, there is daughter, Dorothy, returned home and T'es-rs. / Ibion ^peie. and Ed. Pobind, where anti-Semitism is still unabated, where pogroms and tion at Ellis Island. It will decrease now no organization to ameliorate after spending a few days in Chi- Lowenstcin. Elections -vill t&ke placi persecutions are still daily occurrences, that many Christians are the number of deportations. It will the many hardships that the Jewish cago. Sunday morning, " prii ' " embracing the Jewish faith in order to be "permitted to marry protect the United States. This communities are undergoing ir. reLOUIS MARSHALL Jewish women. There is one instance in which a Bussian prince Following the conference of non- protection is our inherent right and building their devastated J i s t r c s ; The Young Folks Hebrew Associa- Mr. and Mrs. M, Levy, of Lincoln, and Dr. Leikin, who is here as a rep- tion held a meeting Sunday after- hav« returned from an extended trip Who had occupied an important and prominent position in. the lionists on Palestinian problems, duty." court of the Czar, and who after the. Russian revolution fled to leld March 17 at the Hotel Astor, At the same -time the ' Senate resentative of these communities, has noon at the Hebrew School Booms. to Carolina. interested the following to form a so- Mr. and Mrs. Charles Saltzman Warsaw, became converted to Judaism and married a Jewish A Community Seder will be held at Sfew York, Louis Marshall, president started its debate on the bill of ciety to assist them: Joseph Barongirl of very froor parents. Senator Reed, based on the 1910 surprised in their new Jjome the Temple Friday, April 18.' )f the conference, appointed the folwere This is indeed comical, although it is not at all out of line lowing committee in conformity with census, but making no provision for dess, Reuben Brainin, Herman Hern- unday evening by the members of with history and tradition. For from the time of Abimelech, two the resolution adopted at this con- the exemption from the quota of stein, Jacob Richman, Nathan Isaacs, Mrs. Saltzman's Afternoon Bridge Miss MLxi-.e Frosh rnrnt-heir spring1 objects always did attract the attention of anti-Semites and ference: Dr. Cyrus Adler, Phila- close relatives. There was little Rabbi Solomon Goldman and Rabbi Club and their husbands. The eve-vacation in Douglas,, Kebr,, visiting Abba Hillel Silver of Cleveland, Dr. appealed to their cupidity—Jewish money and Jewish women. her sister, who is teaching school. A. G. Becker, Chicago; Jacob headway made on the matter because N. Mosessohn, D. N. Mosessohn and ning was spent in Bridge. The Polish and Russian anti-Semites are evidently not aware of lelphia; While there Miss Frosh gave intellithere were constant interruptions illikopf, Philadelphia; David A. Philip Frieman. Mrs. Simon Steinberg entertained gent tests to the first and second the fact, however, that they could gain these objects far better Brown, about other matters, particularly Detroit; Dr. Lee K. Frankel, and more easily by fraternizing with the Jews instead of Dr. Leikin is a man of unusual her Evening Bridge Club at her home grades. The tests proved so successNew York; Elisha M. Friedman, New eneral discussion on the political scholarship. After being ordained a Tuesday evening. antagonizing them. ., ful that the school board is in favor situation. Dr. Abram Simon, WashRabbi at the age of nineteen, hd seof having her return and test the Another item of a comic nature comes from Kovno, the York; A new situation, however, was Hon. Horace Stern, Philadelcured doctorate degrees in jurispru- Miss. Reva Gilirusky: returned home children in all the grades. capital of Lithuania. That countr,y abolished last week the ington; created by Senator Lodge's support s.&t week after spending two weeks ministry for Jewish affairs, which s/ae had maintained ever since phia; Samuel "Untermeyer, New York. of the amendment to the immigra- dence at the Universities of Petrograd in Chicago. . The Misses Louise and Helen WesLithuania gained her "independence as a result of the world war. tion bill, sponsored by Senator Reed and Heidelberg. He later occupied sel, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter The ministry for Jewish affairs seemed all along to be a thorn some time ago, proposing to limit the chair of jurisprudence in the UniWessel, of Nebraska City, spent the in the eyes of the anti-Semites. These simply begrudged the versity of Kazan, being the only Jew .mmigration to 300,000 per year, LINCOLN 1 week-end with relatives. Jewish people the "kovod" of having a special ministry in the beginning with 1926. This would ever a member of the faculty of that •Lithuanian Cabiet. . Among their contentions against the JewMrs. Lewis Ellis entertained at allow a 1% quota based on the institution. A Fydannth club meeting will be ish ministry was the argument that the Lithuanian Jews do not bridge at her home Tuesday after- held at the home of Miss Ruth Zolat number of naturalized immigrants of saac M. Wise Memorial Meeting speak perfectly the Lithuanian language. Recently, in order to noon in honor of Mrs. Phil Green- Sunday, April 13. each nationality in the United States FORMER RUSSIAN ARMY Also He!d at Miami, Florida. prove their contention and to render the Jewish ministry ridicin the year 1920, with a bonus of OFFICER BECOMES A JEW stone, of Omaha, who is spending ulous, they adopted what they thought to be a safe and sure plan the week here. High score was won additional percentage to nationalities to embarrass the ministry for Jewish affairs. They demanded Cincinnati, Ohio, April 1. (J. T. exceeding 50% naturalization. The "Warsaw. (J. T. A.) A most un- by Mrs. Harry Snader. : PIANISTS—ATTENTION! that Dr. Rosenbaum, the then newly-elected minister, deliver a A.)—Founder's Day in memory of amendment provides for the creation usual event took place today when POPCI.A.R MCSIC — Filling in "bam" he late Rabbi Isaac M. Wise, origPrince Zoslowski, raised at the Czar's A large number of the Ivre mempublic lecture in the course of which he was to refute certain Full harmony, and "breaks" or "extras" of special board to determine the court and a former officer in the bers attended the Ivre Convention anti-Semitic arguments. It was known that- Dr. Rosenbaum inator of reform Judaism in the facts for that purpose. E»"M. KAHN came from a home in which Lithuanian was not spoken and it United States, was observed at the This plan is entirely different from Czar's army, was circumcized and re- held in Sioux City, la., Sunday. 2nd riowr Mickel Bl«l«r. 15th & HarflejHebrew Union College on Saturday. ceived into the Jewish faith. The opwas supposed that he had but a slight knowledge of the language. Fhones: Studio At. 4301: Son. At. 43(52; Bes. At. 3210. To the surprise and chagrin of the anti-Semites, however, Dr. The occasion was particularly festive the one row before the Senate Im- eration, which was performed suc- Mr. and Mrs. Nate Lieberman and Rosenbaum not only refuted their arguments with the kind of because "it was also the 50th anni- migration Committee which provides cessfully, took place in the presence Mrs. S. Lehman entertained inforlogic andforcefulness that disarms contradiction, but he did it versary of the opening of the College. for a 2% quo'ta on the basis of the of the Radsener Rabbi; and he was mally Sunday evening at the home of all in the Lithuanian language and his syntax was a pure and Announcement. vras made of the lJ>10 census, irrespective of the pro- given the new name, Iser. Zoslow- Mr. and Mrs. Lieberman in honor of D R A Y on the day before you die. his style as charming as had ever been heard by the natives and various donations to«'the College and portion of naturalization. In view sky's mother was a baptized Jewess, Mr. and Mrs. Lehman, who returned * But since you do not know on to the several co-ordinate activities of the fact • that so prominent a During the war he crossed into Aus- to Lincoln Friday after a two -weeks' just what day you ate going to tlie, inhabitants of Kovno. • • ; • " trip. Mrs. Lehman was formerly Miss of the Union of American Hebrew Senator as Lodge is supporting SenThe Lithuanian anti-Semites have evidently not yet' found fongregations. Announcement was ator Reed's amendment, it is believ- tria and became a Major in the Aus- Pauline fiene, of Chicago, and her pray every day.—-Hebrew Proverb. trian Army. A year ago he went to IKSURE the day before you die. out'that things which, other people ..consider as impossible are made of the practical- .completion ed, in well-informed circles here, that Warsaw and there he fell in love with marriage to Mr. Lehman took place at «• But since you do not know when often possible where the Jew is concerned. The Pharaoh of also of the two new buildings of the the amendment may win unexpected a Jewish girl. It was then that he the Ambassador Hotel in Chicago, HI., you are going to die, buy life insurEgypt learned this truth when he commanded the Israelites to college—the * "• ance to-day.—Prudential Proverb. dormitory building cost- backing. decided to become a Jew.. 1 make bricks without straw.—"The Jewish Ledger." ing §250,000, the money for which The fact that both Houses are To-morrow may be too latet cbatmg separate bills with so many was provided by the National V£e ANNOUNCEMENT Ladies Bungalow Suppose He'd Paid Up? to California, he later-followed her eratT6n~of~TempTe~Siste'rhoads;"-aTid points"- of variance creates the possi' H. SINQEB, - We Serve Kosher Meals for PassOne day, not long since, a Baptist from his Eastern European residence the Gymnasium building, which cost bility -that the entire matter will not over, at (TJw Prudential Mun) preacher of our state was out-hunt- and married her, changing his relig- in the neighborhood of $100,000, the be acted upon in a final way before GINGHAMS and PERCALES , . HANDEL'S JA. 1W5. HA. 4554. ing. During, the day a rainstorm ion and eventually becoming' a Bishop. gift of Mrs. J. Walter Freiberg in the session is over*. 500 New Patterns, Value to $1.50. 1819 Bart St. 321 City National Bank Bldg. After givfrtg birih to foil* children, came on. In order to keep dry, he memory of her husband, the late — a t ,-*— • • . • . "• Jerusalem. (J." T. A.) Four Iranhis Gentile" wife suddenly disappeared. crawled into a hollow log. When the president of U. A= H.-C. dred and eighty-mne Jews left Pal rain began to fall the log began to The family scattered and the -whereRev. Dr. Jacob H. Kaplan, Rabbi swell, until he could get neither way. abouts of the children is unknown. of the Reading Road Temple, and an estine during the-months of January with all repairs or remodelHe thought his end had come. He The deserted husband invested in oil alumnus of the college, delivered the and February, according to officia figures published. The figures do not lands land became immensely wealthy, thought Of all the wrongs he had done ing at $25.00 or over memorial sermon. specify the reasons for these deparand when he recalled that he had whereupon he changed his naem and Among the announcements was not sent a subscription to this paper was lost to his family. Twenty years mentioned a donation of §20,000 by tures. I t is believed, however, that 1831-^3-35 North-24th St. 2818 Leavemvorth St., this year he felt so small that he ago he died intestate in Mt. Sinai Mrs. Edward L. Heinsheimer for the most of them are of a temporary na- North Omaha's Big Dept. Store Omaha, Nebr. Tel.: Harney 2763 crawled right out of the log without Hospital of New York, leaving the establishment of the Edward L. ture. difficulty. The Western Baptist huge estate of $43,000,000. The Cal-Heinsheimer Memorial Fellowship, in ifornia state authorities have been en(Winnipeg, Manitoba). deavoring" to tvace the heirs, and only honor of her late husband, for many recently' communicated with Mrs. years President of the Board of GovDISAGREEMENT MARKS ernors of the Hebrew Union College.' sister in New York. BEGINNING OF RUSSOThe National Federation of Temple ROUMANIAN CONFERENCE Sisterhoodsy, which is composed of Vienna. (J. T. A.) The first meet- WORLD JEWISH STU. 300 chapters, contributed approxiing of the Russo-Roumanian ConferDENTS' CONFERENCE mately $23*,000 in scholarships durThe Rush for ence was held yesterday under the TO OPEN AT ANTWERP ing the current fiscal year. In the chairmanship of Austrian Foreign Antwerp. (J. T. A.) America wil eleven years of' their existence the Minister Gruenberger. The purpose be. represented in the world confer Sisterhoods-;, have collected nearly of this first meeting was to outline ence of Jewish" students which will $113^000 for-scholarships. a program for the conference, hut no open here on April 13th. The con- The Hebrew-Union College has 88 agreement could be reached because ference will last for five days and will students,- 13 professors and instrucRoumania' demanded, as a prelimi- take up a number of questions which tors and a number of lecturers and Is On nary to starting the conference, rec- are of primary importance to Jewish instructors in special branches, inognition of the present frontier, •which academic life. cluding social service, elocution and includes the retention by Rounjania physical -culture. There are 4239 of Bessarabia. Russia, on the other FRENCH IN SYRIA Leave your desk long enough to make graduates •from the college, occupyhand, insisted that Bessarabia be reTAKE STEPS AGAINST ing pulpits iii every large city of the leased by Roumania, claiming, that your selection now. We suggest that HUSSEIN SUPPORTERS United "States;-^with" a - -number in Bessarabia /which is the only door -Bagdad. (J. T. A.) The French Canada and England.' of ftussia to the Danube, is- of vital administration of Syria, after a "peyou come early in the day—gives you The budget of the college for the necessity to its economic existence. riod of watchful waiting, has taken current year is $173,800. It is believed; in neutral circles that definite steps to prevent the Syrian more time for careful comparison—gives Miami," Florida," April 1. (J. T. A.) Russia's purpose, in bringing up the Mohammedans ixoxa. giving support -~"I am defending Moses against the Bessarabian question is to obtain to King Hussein ,aa. Caliph. Investi- Gentiles for I am with Moses in tellus more time to serve you properly. compensation for Russia's economic gation, by the seqret police uncovere ing the truth about where people : loss in being deprived of it. . a tribal organization tormed to, ten came from" was one of the stateThe conference is being, followed did and carry on propaganda for Hus- ments made by William Jennings •with great interest in Jewish circles sein as Gallph* in Syria* The French Bryan, principal speaker at a "memobecause one of its .purposes is to police also found evidence that the rial meeting held here recently in regulate the passage of refugees be- money for-this .activity is- coming honor of Rabbi Isaac M. Wise, tween the Ukraine and Bessarabia, from Transjordania, which • is the founder of the Hebrew Union College. and to fix points on the Dniestre kingdom of. Emir Abdullah, son o: •Mr. Bryan praised the work of •where passage can be legally niade. King Hussein... . „ • . Rabbi Wise, and said that if Mr. Many refugees have recently been Wise had been only a great intellect shot on the frontier in emigrating PUBLICATION OF- CRIMEAN they would not be building a \taber\ f mthe Ukraine.to Bessarabia, , . DECREE POSTPONED nacle to his memory.-'"" <1 ~ '•Among the othfcr'.speakers at the .. (J* -T—AO-'-Snte publi • -•_ give®, hy the " JEWISH TAXI DRIVER'S WIFE , toin of-"th§ decree .concerning the gg memorial meeting' Were the? Hair. Jo. - - MAY.INHERIT $8,500,000 tablishment of a Jewish 6tat6" in th seph Mendel, SIay& "of". Miami, 'who r Detroit. (J. T. A.) Mrs. Sadia Cfitttfea lias beeh-pdstponed. • Accord recalled» how in" 1846- Jhis~ parents And Others at 040 to $65 FfsKer, -wife of Irving Fisher, a-taxi- ing to -well-informedelicles, -this de- received-Rabbll Wise,-thbrf a p"8or-itn-at the " driyer,.inajr be the heiress to $8;50<V ctfee, vftifcfr is Expected to define th iAigrant, .at. theiiSUiome'. In Albany, 000* according to a report • that has terms' "tinder vfhich :thV proposed Jew*, and RabBi Joseph' "Jasini a- graduate _P#y_4jonr. election hot with a • come to. her from her sister,-Mrs. Min- ish agftcifl'turat sfcafe In"So8fh'"1Ilus of the Hebrew Union College. '.- \ ~ : : L / Nebraska Stetson Hat. a_ ahd tHe-"CTrim6a is to "be' estabnie Spitzer of 189-North Fifth street,' "After telling of the' h lished;'-is being Brooklyn, JJ-Y. because pr. Wlisie, Rabbi Jasin said that* al: Admission 50c. £ rgiy Change; ih the5 attitude-of-the tKoUgh Div Wise , was a great re" AAn n d g y interesting story is o£ : - Dan:Desdi3nes .Orchestra. related by -Mrs. Fisher in connection Government on- the'- proposition^ but former in* -ihoHerri Judaism in Amtetwith the exported inheritance. Many because of political arid technical cir- ica he wanted to see the. fundamenag>V=olte Rabbi Sehonfcergeh the cSunistaftces.- -4fo neftV date-has- been tals of his - f£tth*'-3st&blislied Benefit of the Jewish-"Sanitarium to be built in firrnly. So along those lines, £>r. / of- Mrs. -Fisher's motiiery be- sfc its : . ... * : - "- ' Palestine: Wise started-a program df-refbrniH ' ££i&€ enamored of a'young Gentile Y«»ur-ata6«iHp£iori,for The Jewish and discarded things that were not j j / '/kervtiht-girl who had been In the faniPS'.' i'//'iiy'Jos, several years. ;;6endiflg -hei- Press is Due •w an essential part *a£ mod^ra Judaism,
Appoints Committee On Palestine Plans
founder's Day Celebrated at Hebrew Union College
Easter Clothes
Be Sure to Attend
Young Men's Smart Spring Suits
ifli National Workers illiasse, Braneh 5 4
isll MditoriiHn, m Sunday Evening, April 13
PAGE 3—THE JEWISH PRESS, THURSDAY, APRIL 10, 1924 entertaining six couples at her home The next meeting of the- club will buying up all the available coal mines William Rothschild to Receive Friends at bridge Friday evening, hohoriftg be held May 4, when members t)f the in tip|>er jSilesia, -after the original Tuesday, April 154 to Celebrate 102nd Birthday her sister, and Miss Belle Rosenthal club are requested to bring tooth German owners had sold them in dis~
To honor Mrs. William-Rothschild, who is celebrating her 102nd birthday entertained a t her home "Wednesday brushes and tooth patte to be sent to couragement. Now, it is said, Koron Tuesday, April 15, her friends will call at her home at 719 South Tbjrthy- evening; for-Miss MaizeL • • Palestine. A program will be given fanty wants to demonstrate his paeighth Street, to congratulate her and wish her many happy, and healthy at this meeting. triotism by buying back Bosel's share Rabbi Freierlck ' Coin's - - sermon years. . - • ' . . . : '• so that the property may remain iti On her hundredth birthday, relatives from all parts of this country topic for this Saturday morning at The Jolly Juniors club of the City Polish hands. and a grandson, Mr. Mark Pollack, who lives in Havana, Cuba, were hare for the Temple will, be. "Thomas Jeffer- Sunday School gave the following proBosel, -who, it is reported, doubled son Memorial.". On Friday «venmg gram at its last meeting, on April 6; the celebration, • ' . ..' ; . *•Mrs. Rothschild has five daughters, Mrs. Alexander Pollack, Mrs. Samuel Rabbi Win. S. Friedmaa, &f Bemrer, Recitations by Edith Whitebook and his fortune recently by'Incfcy speculaKatz, Mrs. Mattie Jacobsen, and-Miss Annabel Rothschild, of Omaha, and Mrs. Colo., will talkjat the Temple tm "Jew Rose Fisher, and a piano selection by tion in-francs, may not be anxious, at ••;;.' • "..'.::.: Ann Tretiak. The next regular meet- this time, to give up his rights in the Louis Herzog, jof Lincoln. Seven grandchildren, Mrs. Dollie Elgutter, of and Christian."' Omaha, Mark Pollack, of. Havana, Mrs. Frank Rubel, of Minneapolis, Minn., ing of the Jolly Juniors will be held mine properties. Mr. Arthur -H. Giiiniburg, of and Mrs, Emanuel Kinsler, of Chicago, HI., children of Mrs. Pollack; Mr. Jay Sunday morning, April 13, s>t the Katz, son of Hrs. Samuel Katz, and the Misses Fay and Carits" Herzog, York City, is now making his home B'nai. Israel Synagogue. A program SIR ALFRED MONO WEDDINGS ENGAGEMENTS her*, sfepieseating-.-iiiie. .Friedmaa has been arranged. TO VISIT PALESTINE BOSE-KOOPER. Mr. and Mrs. J . Fengeret announce daughters of Mis. Louis Herzog. Her great-grandchildren are Mark Pollack, Brothers," elothites, of New Yer Jr., Robert and Elenita Pollack, children of Mr. Mark Pollack; Catherine London. (J. T. A.) On Ms return The marriage of Miss Hannah Koo- the engagement of their daughter. a local office St 401 Paktan block. A musical and literal}' program will •voyage from India to England, Sir daughter of Mr. and Mrs. I. J . Sosella, to Mr. Ben Civin, of this city, Elgutter, daughter of Mrs. Dollie Elgutter, and Mrs. Edwin Kirschbrann, be given at the next regular meeting Alfred Mond -will visit Palestine where Kooper, to Mr. Jack Rose, of Chicago, son of Mr. N. Civin. of New York daughter of Mrs. Prank Eubel. Two children of Mrs. Edwin XlrscJibraun . ••••• • T H O E P E I A N . N E W S . . : : . : of the Auflebnng club to be held Son- he -will be the guest of Sir Herbert represent the fifth generation of the family; they are Frank, Charles, and HI., son of Mr. and Mrs. Morris Hose, City, jfo -wedding date has been set. The first annual Thorpeian -open day evening, April 13, at. the Jewish Samuel. He is expected to arrive in Jack'Kirschbraun. . irill be. solemnized Sunday evening, Mrs. Rothschild came to Omaha thirty-seven years ago with her hus- meeting forT.tne/Jfirosh young;;men Community Center. Jerusalem on March 17th. Mr. Louis Bialac returned Tuesday April 13, at 5 o'clock at the home of of Omaha will "be held next Wednesthe bride's parents. Eabbi J. M. Char- from New York City, where he had band, who died here shortly after they celebrated their golden wedding an- day evening, April 16, at the-Swed- KORFANTY ARRIVES lop "will read the marriage lines be- been attending University for the past niversary in 18D0. They were married at Sulzbach, Bavaria, and came to ish Auditorium club irooms. IN VIENNA TO NEGO;: When Thinking: of Metis' Hats fore the presence of the immediate four years, having graduated last America on their honeymoon. A -program consisting of speakers, TIATE'WITH BOSEY or Furnishings June, He will now make his home relatives of the couple. A reception six Tsudeville acts and a feature Vienna. (J. T. A.) Albert Korfanty, KEMEMBER for friends and relatives -will fOTIOTY here. Woman Judge of the "Kid Party" to Be Given nKreie has been arranged. the notorious leader of the Polish rethe ceremony. Supreme Court of Ohio Miss Reva Kulakofsky is arriving By Junior Hadassah Medals are to be jiresented to the bellion in upper Silesia, has arrived 1421 DOUGLAS ST. The out-of-town guests who arrived Friday from Ann Arbor, where she is to Speak Here The Entertainment basket-ball players. here to negotiate with Signraud Bosel JOE Xi. WOLF SAM Jf. WOLF Committee and this week to attend the wedding are attending the University of Michigan, Judge Florence E. Allen, of the • As an added attraction the "Y"for the sale of Bosel's share in the the Intellectual Advancement ComMrs. Morris Rose, mother of theand will spend her spring vacation Supreme Court of Ohio, who is of tiie Omaha Junior Hadassah chwincible. Four a quartette from upper Silesian coal mines. groom; Miss Gertrude Rose, sister of with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Ku- acknowledged as one of the foremost mittee are making plans for a. <{Kid Party" Harmonyland will render a few The story is told that Sigmund Bothe groom, and Mr. Meyer Rose, lakofsky. feminine minds of the generation, to be given by the club Thursday even- numbers. sel, "who is a Jew and the richest man brother of the groom. will be a guest in Omaha" Sunday. ing, May 1, at t i e Jewish Community All Jewish young men are invited in Austria, recently went into partMiss Ivy Cohn, of St. Paul, Minn., She "is coming here under the Center. Prizes for original costumes to attend. Mr. Rose and his bride will make nership "with Korfanty, -who is a bit> their home in Chicago, after a wed- who is the guest of Mrs. R. M.auspices of the League of Women will be given. Members will liave as The meeting will open, at 8:30ter anti-Semite, for the purpose of Schlaes, was the honored guest at Voters, and will speak at the Branding trip. promptly and everyone attending is several affairs given for her this deis Theater Sunday afternoon, at their guests prospective members. requested to be, on time. Miss Bess Horn left Saturday for week. Mrs. Schlaes was hostess to 3:30 p. m.. Her subject will be "The The Misses Bess Snitzer, Beulah At the last -regular meeting a Sioux City, la., where she is spend- twelve guests at bridge Tuesday aft- Supreme Challenge."' Mittleman,. Gertrude Cooper, Lucille program consisting of three of the Announcement ing her school spring vacation with ernoon at her home, and Miss Reva Judge Allen is the only woman in Marcus and Beatrice Cohn will enter- fastest bouts ever witnessed by; the 10 to 18 years old friends. "So doubt every Jew In Omaha Ziev entertained twelve at bridge at the United States presiding in a tain at a dancing party this evening organization was held. fcnoiTB that Koslier Soap £or at the Hanscom Park Pavilion «omThe feature bout was between Pesach (Passover) can be Becnred Miss Sylvia Abrahamson is visit- her home on Wednesday afternoon'for state supreme court; l>r calling plimeritary to Miss Rose Hertzberg Battling Moco and the "Canary Kid". ing with relatives in California. She this out-of-town visitor. Webster 3527, Rabbi J. M. Charlop will .speak at and her fiance, Mr. Abe Roffman, who .-wilt visit in Los Angeles and other or call a t 1515 No. COth St. Messrs. Myron Blotcky and Lester The Shebas club held their regular If I "do not get nroora to ymir California cities before returning Slosburg are expected to arrive Fri- the Adass Yeshuren Synagogue, recently announced their engagement. meeting Sunday, April 6, and elected home. I vrlll greatly appreciate home. She will be gone indefinitely, day from the University of Michigan Twenty-fifth and Seward streets, on OUTFIT INCLUDES j-our courtesy if you call, nnd Saturday morning on "The Signifi- Miss Mary Maizel, who was visiting officers for the'. coining term. Miss Best all wool, two pants you •will get prompt attention. to spend their vacation with their Miss Ivy Cohn, of St. Paul, Minn., cance of the Big Sabbath." "On Sat- for the past" six months in New York Sophie Sandier was elected president; Yours truly. Suit, regularly p r i c e d parents, the former with Mr. and Mrs. Miss Lillian lapsey, secretary; Miss City with relatives, returned home M. is visiting here as the guest of Mrs. at 16.50 L. Blotcky and the latter with Mr. urday afternoon at -4 o'clock, Rabbi Tuesday." On her return she stopped Jeanette Levinson, treasurer, and E. M. Shales, She will be here for and Mrs. J . Slosburg. Charlop will talk at the Beth HameAny pair of Shoes tip drosh Hagodol Synagogue at Nine- at Chicago, Hi.,, and several other Miss Lydia Ross, reporter. several weeks. 6.00 to eastern cities. Miss Zena Maizel is teenth and Burt streets, and will give Mrs. Ernest Meyers is at the SweMrs. A. Anchell and daughter, Amy, Any 1.50 Cap. detail a thorough course on the of "New York City, are stopping at dish Hospital, where she underwent in Any 1.00 Blouse. RitualL of Passover. All Omaha Jews the Fontenelle Hotel while visiting an operation. MONHEIT'S 50c Stockings. Est. 1890. with relatives here. They, are visit- Mrs. L. J. Herzog, of Lincoln, Nebr., are invited to attend. 50c Tie. MODERN CHIROPODY ing with Messrs. and Mesdames My- is visiting here with her sister, Mrs. Mr. Morton Degen returned this A!O> BEACTT SHOP. Permanent wavingo and ron Kahn, E. M. Kahn, L. Asher and Samuel Kate, at the Blackstone Hotel. week from New York City. Mrs. De- marcEllnc s Specialist in each department. S. Alperson. gen, who accompanied him east, is For apJKnntment «ttflThe Misses Rita Mantel, Florence Ja-cfeBOQ 9774. SECOND FLOOR Ground floor ISIS Haniey. Dr., H. M. Levine, formerly of Wolf and Betty Furth are leaving still in New York'-visiting with her .'-• , : :. INTERNATIONAL BALLADIST | Blanchard, la., is in Chicago, HI., Friday to visit at the home of Mrs. sister. where he is specializing under Dr. D. Eugene A. Levy in Lincoln, Nebr. E. Lee. Dr. Levine will be in Chi"The Store of Individual Shops" Mr. Ralph Cohn, who is instructor cago for a year. Mrs. Levine and Tickets at the Box Office. Psxttm Block, 16th and Farnai* little daughter, Harriet Phyllis, are of Chemistry at the University of now> with Mrs.- Lsvinets parents, Mr. Michigan a t Ann Arbor, is expected 937 North 24th St., near 24th and Itard Sts.; , and Mrs. M. Horn, and wiU leave home Friday to spend his vacation : • EXCLUSIVE AGENTS FOR ";-1' " Omaha soon to join Dr. Levine in with his parents, Rabbi and Mrs. Frederick Cohn. Chicago.
A Complete Easter Outfit for the Boy
The Greatest -Singer of Jewish Folk-Songs
worth lor '20
Ton%ttj Friiay, April 11, at &aifieis Theatre
Mrs. Lester Goodman, of Ida Grove, Miss Sarah Riseman will arrive Friday, from Elk Creek, Nebr:, to be the la., is the guest of her sister, Mrs. L Jasobsen. She is being honored at -a. guest of friends here. number of social affairs being given Miss Rose Fried left last Wednes- for her during her. visit. day evening for New York City, where Miss Ann Weiss has as her house she was a bridesmaid a t the wedding of her cousin, Miss Miriam Katz, on guest Miss Sybell Iibermann, of ChiSunday, April 6. Miss Fried will re- cago, 111. main in New York indewinitely and Mrs. Lester Kirschbraun left on her return she will stop off atWednesday evening for'her_home in Cleveland, O., and Chicago, 111., to New York City after a several weeks' visit. visit here; - ~ Th'e P. E. D. club entertained inMrs. Julius Newman entertained formally at an anniversary Tea Sun- eighteen little boys and girls at a day at the home of Miss Leona Pol- birthday party Wednesday afternoon, lack. The installation of officers took April 9, at her home in honor of her place. The newly elected officers in- little' daughter, Harriett Rosalie, who stalled were Miss Sylvia Adler, pres- celebrated her first birthday. main in New York indefinitely. and reporter; and Miss. Grace Rosenstein, Miss Julia Wise entertained twelve treasurer. couples at bridge at her home Tuesday evening, April 8, in honor of Miss At the last regular meeting of the Rose Konofski, of Chicago, HI., who Sisterhood, the following were elected is the" guest of Miss Mina Friedman. to serve on the nominating committee Prizes were "won by Miss Mary Mosof ths Temple Israel Sisterhood: Mes- cow and Mr. Henry Osheroff. Miss dames Flora Rosenstock, Sol Gold- Friedman was also hostess for her strom, David P, Feder, Leo Rosenthal guest; entertained Thursday evening, and H. Rachman. Members who have April 3, at an Orpheum Theatre Party names to suggest for -*':cers can-cal for four couples. Other affairs are or see one of the above members of being planned for the visitor. the committee. The election of offiMr. and Mrs. S. Robinson have as cers will take place in May. their guests their son, Mr, Sidney Miss Kate Goldstein „ returned Robinson, of Walthill, Nebr., and his Wednesday evening from Sioux City, fiance, Miss Hannah Rosenberg, and la., where she was visiting with Mrs. Miss.Rosenberg's mother, Mrs. Louis Lester Heeger for the past week. Rosenbetg, .of Kansas City, Mo., who Mrs. Dave Solomon was hostess a' arrived yesterday evening.! Before bridge luncheon at the Brandeis Tea coming to Omaha Mr. Robinson and Roftms Wednesday afternoon. Cov-> his .fiance. were in "Sioux City, la., ersj; were laid for eighteen guests. where they attended the Ivre club Prizes were won by Mesdames. A. dance Sunday "evening.- Somberg, Charles. Harding) and Charles Levinson. Mr. Sam.Horn, of Cincinnati, O., formerly of this city, will arrive next week to spend, the Passover Holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. Horn.
J.LIEB/ Kosher Delicatessen 310 No. 16th Street
Everything . Dr. and Mrs. L. Linsey and little Strictly. Kosher for daughter, Mildred,- of «an Francisco, Passover Calif., are visiting here as the guests ; | MATZO&—MATZO MEAL . of-, J&rY and Mrs: PhiHp Sherr • Also Kosher Meats . Will visit here for several months. ~Mr:. Max Guttman, who-is-attenti" ing the University of Michiganris arriving home Saturday evghihg" to spend his school Vacation with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. S." Gutfcman.
fainting and Paprkspig
Gooa-WoW Guaranteed 2This Sunday afternoon, April .33, < .References Furnished if Required. < Jiiss ,F,lora Bienstocfe, is entertaining CALL L. MANDEL : the Ra-Oth Society- at her home a* 1919 Burt St. -•- : Atlantic 5440 4811"' -Bodge- street. -:
We carry a full line of all Passover supplies Telephone HA rney 2729
• Announcing The Opening Sommer's Food Shop Fruit
Baskets 'Artistically Packed Finest Food Specialties
Nebraska's Third Industry In Nebraska every year 15,000,000 fuzzy, toddling little chicks grow up into great flocks of clucking, cackling," crowing hens and roosters. Poultry raising ranks third among the industries of the state. The average annual income from the. sale-of Nebraska poultry and eggs is $35,000,000, or nearly half the value of the state's average annual wheat crop. Poultry raising and other Nebraska industries are steadily growing, and as the state grows, more and more local and long distance telephone service will be required. To keep step with Nebraska's growth, the Bell System must spend about threefourths of a million dollars annually for new telephone equipment in this state. In order to provide for the growing demands for telephone service, vast sums
. '
Candies Fresh Traits Milwaukee and Kosher Smsages Imported and Domestic Cke&se
of money- must be obtained constantly from investors. Nearly half a million people already arefinanciallyiaterested in the business. We shall be pleased to have you, also, ss an investor. Our Manager or finy telephone employee will gladly give you full ^formation about Sell stock or
Fine Sandwiches
Sommer's Food Shop is a shop where food delicacies are sold which have been prepared Toy specialists in .their -respectiveMlnea. It 'w'iTl be the aim- of this shop to offer •nothing Imt the highest grade .fead products. Special emphasis' is placed OHfeeassttance that the prices, en each ami evfer^f commodity will be as low as it is possible tortiake'tnfem,"consistent -with qimlity. ' ' • A cordial invitation is extended to you to visit this shop whether, ytm intend to make a purchase 6r nefc Oaf location is most convenient—last .* step from the earner at 16tn and FatTssm Streets.
Take a Biie Home"
As Kt&Ksskk. prospers, the telephone i» _. , . successful* Tfeerifbre", Wfc canstatitiy strive to-pKfv?d6.xeHS&le tdejjfcone service at the- - • lowest possible charges consistent -with reasonable wages to employees smA a fair return oa the money invested in the business.
NORTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE CO. B E U SYSTSfW OnsFolies 'One Sgatem • Enlserael Service
with a complete, line 'of table delicacies
1614 Famam Street
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Salad* Fancy Nuts Fine Sardines jiitssien Caviar Spiced Fruits Fancy Tea
Delightful Beverages
Flione JA ckson 9823.
i -Danger-?—- ".: 1
.vJewish' Youth, of Russia -As Seen by Professor George Leikin; Chief Rabbi'of Central'Russia
Almost the entire new-generation of get no schooling at all and grow up young* Jews is being torn away- from in the streets. the Jewish community and morally Education and the Jewish Section. corrupted. Not only are Jewish "chil"It is necessary here to note that ,' dren 'becoming estranged from Jewish iite, but they are even raised as ene- the entire field of education is today - mies of the Jewish people, with dis- in a considerably worse condition than respect and hate toward; everything in the early days of the Soviet GovJewish, If theyVere brought in con- ernment. At first, education was one tact with 'some other spiritual force of the chief points on the government which stimulated them to be noble program and much was done to bring and honorable men, the above* facts education to the people. Now condi•would not be so deplorable.-, But the tions are changed. The budget of the trouble is [that the Communism they Ministry of Education is very small. •are taught is a cheapened interpreta- Compulsory education is almost non' tion of the genuine article replete with existent. The free schools have been the irresponsibility and corruption of abolished and parents must pay to the transition period. As soon as send their "children from the Kinder•• children reach the age of twelve they garten to the University. In addibecome "free people" who betake tion, the' parents of "prospective stuthemselves into all those ugly paths dents are cross-examined on their bepermitted them by the" "new free- lief in Communism and, if suspected dom." Thus the new generation is of unorthodox views on Communism, not only a complete loss/but even a are not permitted to send their childistinct misfortune and danger to the dren to the intermediate and higher Jewish communal life. And when we schools. In a recent" statement, Luare considering ways of caring for nacharsky, Commissar of Education, .the economic ills of the Russian Jews. admitted that in comparison with pre, it is equally incumbent upon us to Revolutionary years the number of give consideration to the terrible mor- graduates today in the highest schools al epidemic which has come over the is only 70 per cent; in the intermediJewish youth of Russia. Should we ate schools, 60 per cent; andin the .ignore this problem there is grave primary schools on 50 per cent. .danger that there will remain no Jews . "This means Jhat the impoverished to carry the Jewish cultural tradi- Jewish" masses have.no,means of sendtions and communal interests in the ing their children to school'. The schools that are open to them are .such next generation. .. • '. that the parents prefer seeing^ their The above view of the needs of "the children in the - streets- rather than Jews in Russia is brought by' Prof. them- there. Of new Jewish .G. Leikin, who, as Chief Rabbi" of the sending schools, what is there to say? While Volga Region, represents over 4,000,- other nationalities are given the 000 Jews. While some conception of means to conduct their own schools, the cultural demoralization • of the the Jewish Section of the Communist Jewish youth could be gleaned out by saw to it that every Jewish the many reports that came in durintr Party school not their direct control the last few years, to date no one should be under closed as counter-revoluhas given us such a clear and vivid tionary. While ' the Russian Church ...description of the Jewish youth as and the Holy Synod have regained has Dr. Leikin. their powers, while Christian theoloirical seminaries once more flourish in Moses and the Bourgeoisie. excellent condition, the Jewish Com"There is a general belief," he" says, munists took care that even modern "that, in the various schools and in- Jewisli schools should not be permitstitutions for children under the su- ted if not entirely controlled by them. pervision of the Jewish Gommissarv, politics of the Jewish Section the children get a Jewish education These on despite the fact that they or, at least, instruction in the Jewish is going the' whole. Jewish population language and literature. It is. true have against them and that they have even that in many schools the instruction lost the confidence of the government, of the various subjects is carried on knows well that the Jewish Secin Yiddish. But, to give you a clear who does not and cannot represent the idea of what is taught in those schools tion masses in Russia. There is no and what views of Jewish history.-lit- Jewish doubt that Jewish Section is reerature and culture are planted in the sponsible forthe the anti-Semitism which minds of the young, let me tell you is beginning to spread in the Russian ot a lecture in Jewish history which government circles. Today it is no 1 heard in one of the schools. secret that the various departments "In Bogorodsh, not far from Mos- of the government are getting rid of cow, together with another prominent more and more of their Jewish offiRabbi, I visited the Communist schools cials. . Budhenny has openly stated to witness how instruction is carried that he wishes to rid the Red Army on,.-something we could not hnve done of all Jews. The failure of the Jewin our own towns. The subjert hau- ish Section can easily be seen by those pened to be Jewish history and the symptoms. And no matter how elad teacher, a very enthosiastic young the Jewish masses of Russia may be : man, was lecturing in Russian on Mo- over the weakening, of; the Jewish ses and the Jewish Exodus from Section, it is nevertheless. painful to Egypt. This is how he characterized see that, while other nationalities are gaining in .prestige and are progresMoses to the young children: sing on their road to free national • " ' A t first,- Moses was a splendid development, the Jews are constantly young revolutionary who fired the losing their influence in-government Jews in Egypt from slavery aid treat- circles. ed Pharoh in approved revolutionary style. Later, .however, he sold.himThe Moral Condition of the Youth. self to the capitalists and hid rev,' , "These are the facts of education in bourgois views are evident from the general and' of Jewish education in Ten Commandments that he issued. particular. No sooner do tKe children Take, for instance, the Commandment, leave school than the so-called 'League Thou shalt honor thy father and moth- of Communist Youth' awaits them. er! What were our fathers and moth- This organization accepts children of ers, that they deserve our resppct? twelve and over—girls as well as boys Nothing but superstitious barbarians —and reduces them to such a low who lived in a system that idealized state of moral corruption that it is serfdom, supported the de=pi tic rule impossible to describe. The Communof Czarism and oppressed the working ist young are looked upon as the hope . people. Should we honor them for of the land and they are given every that? On the contrary, we must show 'liberty' which these immature and the greatest hate and contempt for uncontrolled children utilize according evezything^that belonged to them. We to their tastes and interpretations. must free "ourselves from them and "If the marriage records show inshow themsihat we will have nothing stances of 16 year old girls who marry in common with them. Or, tako an- three times a year, no record is kept other of Moses' Commandments, Thou to show the conduct of the young peoshalt not kill! What does that mean ? ple who ignore entirely such bourAt a time when the capitalist world geois institutions as marriage, divorce" - and the dark forces of reaction stand and records. Their attitude toward ready to put down every movement the whole subject of sexual relations of .liberation and when the sword and is one of absolute irresponsibility. If rifle-are our only means of .defense, they, do marry, yhey rarely consent to what does he mean by saying, Thou have children. ' If children are' born, shalt not kill.' . the young parents do not raise them, give them to public institutions "In this tone the Communist teach- but to raise. . The birth rate is terribly er continued to harangue/his puoils. low, the instincts of parenthood and The other Rabbi, and I could not,help motherhood basely degenerated. nudging each other in comment on In short, thehave of Russia are. the • this farce, but, as silence is the only worst victims youth of the transition period. . thing permitted us, we could do nothing else. The same method is apWhat Can Be Done. ' plied in teaching Jewish literature. "Today Russia, therefore, it is a Into the writings of MendeU, Sholem question in solely of • religious Aleichem and Perez are put interpre- o-chools or'not of special Jewish national . tations for the most debased forms of culture which is suppressed. It is communism and license. No wonder rather a question maintaining that there. is nothing in common between degree of spiritualofhuman responsibilparents - and children. While the. which is' so absolutely necessary • young .«h->-"Ter. *i«*n!-~ hut contempt ity lest the demoralized youth of Russia and ridicule won their parents, the become a menace to the \vhole world, . latter must look on silent] v, for it is not permitted them to protest. J. J. FIUEDMAN. Atty. ' "Naturally, parents do everything 302 Omaha -Uatioual Bank Bltlg. l'KOB.VTE SfOTICE possible tc keen '^eir" children from in the County Court ot Douglas County, Ucbraskn. :. these schools. But in the orphan a^vtin- matter of the Estate of Daniel lums there is-noone to take an in- InBernstein, deceased: J.terest in' the spiritual uT>brinsrin«» ,nf - To the helnt-at-luw. creditors, aud all other persons interested in said estate: the. orphans, and they grow up anti1 You are hereby notified a petition Semitiesv This is *»»>•» of the reasons haa l>een illed In this court that on the 4th day •why the American Joint of April 1024, by William Bernstein, alleging tbat Dawiel Berusteiu died on the l>.,.>.- Committee, which has done such 20th day of March, lWiO, intestate; that at . -work in' Russia, is so ' the time of his death he was a resident of - the Russian Jews., The Joint DistrihDouglas County, Nebraska; and thnt he jiOBSessed of the following described •', uting" •Committee was in,«sfnitvip'Ti+'>l *« •waa real estutc, to irit; .„ Tjrinj&in'jj* about th<* TwfffinatinT' in Lot two (2) lii Aldlnc Square, a Sub.anti-Jewish demonstrations of fhnu- division ol Block six <C) in B. V . Smith's to the city of Omaha. -Douglas •- sands of Jewish ornhanft who did not Addition : County. Nebraska, us surveyed, platted -U ...i«v«n know, why their parents, most of and recorded. That said petitioner has an whom were pogrom-victims, had djpd interest in said real estate being a son ot deceased, said petitioner prays that a : Were' it jiot-for the Joint.- the Jewish uniu" be had on said petition, thnt notice Section -would--not have heen in a hearing thereof lie i'tven a s required by inw, and upon said hearing a decree of beirshin tjosition to lord ifc over" the Jewish that be entered and furtlier administration of :,'(communities and the Jewish orphans said estate'be dispensed with. imehi have been restrained iron) rar- Yon nre therefore notified that a hearxy'ma o« spiteful activities ^gains* ing "«iU be had on said petition nt the Court liooin of said County, on •their parents who were" Syiiw for County Stli day of Stay, 1931, at O o'clock a. in., their Judaism. To repeat, therefore the and that if y o u foil to .appear at said timj> mjdi there is no one .to tak« a., and p)aci> nutl contest the said petition the court may grant the-same, enter a decree interest irpthe orphans; the «ui« at heirship, -nmV decree that further ad-
'and thus bring: new- misfortune on',
Boot Shop Manager at Goldstein-Chapman's
BURBON & CO. INCREASE f FLOODS COVER POLAND the Jewish race. And this danger ex. • ; •• BUSINESS PATRONAGE AND LITHUANIA ists. The irresponsible young generaBurbon & Co., Omaha's newest apWarsaw. (J. T. AT) A flood, such tion of Russia will go "out into the parel-shop for women, is progressing as has not been experienced for the world and "carry destructive ideas wherever it will go; and will become a daily. The' shop appreciates the co- last ten years, occurred here recently source of new troubles for the Jews operation of the Omaha1 public and when the Vistula river overflowed, of the world. If not for our own -Wishes 'to take this opportunity to compelling thousands of inhabitants sakes, this generation must be" saved thank the.Ornaha.people for their sup- -in the city and suburbs of" Warsaw on account. of its menace to, others—, especially since there are ways of port.1 Mr. Leslie Burkenroad and Mr. tor£fee from their houses in order to I combating this menace. - i Joseph .Bonoff are-two of Omaha's save their lives. • ' . "Formerly, the" government did not' young Jewish business men who have Great chunks office are• floating in permit religious instruction to "be givbeen successful" and are known for the river, and it is continuing; to en to young people under 18. The their integrity and square dealings In swell. The^ght bank, on the Praga law has just been changed. It is nowpermitted to form groups of six-chiltheL business world. These young men side,-has been flooded to the extent dren for the purpose of religious ininvite each" and every one of you to of two miles inland. Citizens 'comstruction. Naturally, the hardships inspect'their new shop and they de- mittees are being formed to rescue are still great.' Instead -of having "a sire your patronage. teacher for a class, of twenty or thirty, and aid the stricken population. we must now, have one for each group of six. But.' something ,can be done BESSARABIA TO BE MAIN after all." "I" have myself organized $40,000 BEQUEATHED . QUESTION OF RUSSO10,000 to" 12,000 children into such JEWISH PHILANTHROPIES groups. • Jewish religious communities ROUMANIAN CONFERENCE BY S. C. GUGGENHEIMER are now getting more and more opVienna. (J. T.'A.) Bessarabia will portunities of carrying on. their work. ] New York. (J. T. A.) Forty thoube the most important subject disIt must be- admitted, too, that the] sand dollars has been left to the Fedcussed at the Russo-Roumanian Con- eration for the Support of Jewish work.is much easier in those parts of central Russia where the. Jewish. Secference,'which has opened here. The Philanthropic Societies of New York tion doe's not;eontrol so absolutely the other matters that will be taken up, in the will of Solomon C. Guggenconditions of Jewish life as in White in the_ order of theirimportance, are heimer, who died last month at TerRussia. There are other" ways" and —Photo by Ogata. territorial, financial, economic and ju- ritet, Switzerland. This was the means that can be employed to bring A new and very interesting addi- dicial-political questions. The adjusta more human as well' as Jewish education to the young. But the Jewish tion to Goldstein-Chapman's Store of ment of the Bessarabian problem will, chief bequest in a total, fund of $i20,communities in Russia, on account of Individual Shops is the Children's Boot however, determine the course of the its lack of financial resources, of conference. The head of each delegateachers and books, and on account of Shop on the second floor. It is in charge of Mr. Leon Graetz, tion will' preside at the sessions of this THE BRINN & JENSEN CO. the great expense connected with Wholesale' paper small group .instruction, cannot carry who has been connected with large conference, alternately. distributors for the whole burden on its own back. In shoe concerns for the past 15 years. a short time," outside help, will be abNorthern Toilet Tissue This shop is an innovation in Omasolutely-necessary. • - . „ . 1112 Barney • Street TVillnrd'tiaiterles .Brunswick Tires ha, as it is the only exclusive Chil"If you will ask. What can outside AT-Iantic 6409 Batteries, recharged in one day assistance accomplish?-1 "will in reply dren's Boot Shop here as well as in tell you of the old Jewish, legend of the .state. Yousem Battery & Tire Co. the' spiders' who were .bringing fire 815 North !9th nt Coming St. Shoes for little tots and-for boys Bond Serviet! Any 'Place while the Jewish Temple was burning PAXTON-MITCHELL. CO. . - ; J Phone Atlantic 0862. and girls to 16 are carried," with spea'nd' the birds which were' bringing :7th and Martha Sts.. ' ' BA. 1663 water. Although the birds did not cial attention paid to properly fitting &) an ofert Brers ot .Brass, Bronze. succeed in putting out the fire, the young feet. t l m n l n o n and Soft <iray Iron Castinps. Too are essEred of soft raRtingrs, as historical gratitude of the Jewish peoThe slogan of this new shop is "Bet- Office Pbone-JAckson 312S « e marts!n» Rome from • etefy heat - l o ple remains. Again it is to be remem•nr.ow.o shop. . . bered that if the burning of the'tem- ter Shoes for Less." "Standard »lsp cast Iron and bronze JOHN FELDMAN oashinc* tn utoofc. ple were only a result of; the fire Clothier brought by the piders, it is possible der of Karl Tatransfcy have been arthat the birds might have been- suc- rested. Tatransky and his wife, who Full Dress Suits and Tuxedos cessful in their work.. Since the gov- are Czechoslovaldan Christians, were Moved from 10D No. ICth St. to ernment itself is not now taking steps attacked at their camping place be- 303 Knrbach. Block, ]Sth £ Dooglas Sis. OMAHA. NKBR. in opposition to Jewish education, the F. S- MOKEX. Prop. destructive activities of the Jewish tween Nablus and Jenin several days Section may possibly be eliminated or ago. Tatransky died of his wounds, Phone Webster 0820 counteracted with outside help." while his wife is in a serious condiTHE LAUNDRY THAT tion. Tatransky, who in a previous EVERYBODY LIKES. cable was reported as Stransky and a PALESTINE GOVERNMENT fir Jew, has been identified as a ChrisURGED TO TAKE STEPS AGAINST ROBBER BANDS tian journalist. . Residence, 1342 So. S.">th St. Sam? B. LepSfm P ^ . S f Tel. ATlanriP CS37. J«8. Pepper. Vlee-PrwSfi«a8. Jerusalem. (J. T. A.) The entire W. O. Ore. Secretary. Place of Business, S415 Cnmlng St. Palestinian population is greatly ex- NATIONALIST PARTY Tel. ATIantir 3831. Omaha Fixture & cited over the numerous cases of murPUBLISHES PROGRAM FOR der and robbery which have been ocRETJJR NOF MONARCHY - • Supply Co. curring in the last few weeks, and Berlin.: (Jj T. A.) A program COMPLETE STORE AND for which unknown Arab robber bands for the return of the monarchy in OFFICE! OUTFITTERS GLARENCB' DRSDUNBS are held responsible. The Govern- Germany has been issued by the NaWe occupy ment has been urged to.take, strong tionalist Party. Th chief plank in Concert Violinist and Teacher trrci 70,000 square teat lltdg.. Hit >a tttb at S GaoJhwert Center measures to apprehend those respon- the program states "Fight every- Studio: HawfclrTa Phone, Webster W>36. I Eleventh am) Bnnslai- Ksreett. Offce Hours. S:31J lo 6. I sible for the many crimes. where the destructive spirit of the . Vhenr; Jnfkxrm S~24 Violin botra and easei for sale. 4 Seven Arabs suspected of the mur- Jews." OMAHA. :ITRB.
Emerson Laundry
000 left to various charities. Amonj, the other Jewish charities that participate in the will are: Mount Sinai Hospital, $7,500; National Jewish Hospital for Consumptives of Denver, S2.500. Two thousand dollar? is left to the Jewish synagogue in Krunibacb, Bavaria.
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