April 17, 1924

Page 1

* i,

;. Our New- Address. is 681 Brandeis Theater. : Building.

- I ' Number is ' A T knlje -• 1*50." •



•jnd-cl&BS mat] matter on Jsmcar? .2Ttti. IBS. et Nebraska, ondet i t e Act ol t b t d i 8, IS79.

No. 19

for the Erection of Infirmary Building for National Hospital Remainder of $15,000 Must;Be Raised This Week— Com-' : ' mittees Are Out. - Omaha Jewry responded to the appeal made for the National Jewish Hospital at the dinner held at the Athletic Club last Thursday. More than ?7,000 was raised at this meeting. Omaha Jewry must subscribe the remainder of its quota. The quota is $15,000. All Omaha knows the need of the hospital/of its crowded facilities. The money will be used in the erection of the new infirmary building which will house an additional 100 patients. - -• ..There are more than a hundred patients who are waiting patiently to be admitted in the National Hospital so that they may have the chance to fight that dreadful white plague disease. Men and women who have left their beloved ones, boys and girls who have left their fathers and mothers and playmates, are all waiting—waiting for the people of this community and the entire District, to help them, help them be members of a community.



NUMBER OF JEWISH STUDENTS - DECREASING BECAUSE OF ANTI-SEMITISM" 'Bucharest. (J. T. A.)—The number . Every Jewish man and "woman should make every effort of Jewish-students; at .the University from'now'until election night to help "elect;Leo RosenthaL of Klansenberg has been* decreased Volunteer-your services to the organization^ committee and. to one-third on account of the antibe' one of those who will have the satisfied feeeling' of having Semitic -movement in the university. aided in the selection of a man who is well-fitted to.be a mem- Only 100 Jewish students are reg-Was'Executive Director of Federation at Los Angeles. istered at the Medical School of the ber of our city commission. - university out of a total of 634. Last Leo Rosenthal .will be elected to the. city, commission. the number was 300. At WILL ASSUME NEW DUTIES Many prominent men of this city have issued statements that semester - - HERE JUNE I the School of Science, only IS Jew- • Leo Rosenthal is the man for City Commissioner. ish students are registered out of a William R.. Blumenthal, Executive Leo Rosenthal will be elected with the united support of total number" of 153. Director, of the Federation of Jewthe entire community. Those who have worked for him in the ish Charities of Los Angeles, resignn nomination, are working harder and more dilligent, to place ed his position this week in the Calihim in the city hall. • a;; fornia city and wired his acceptance "Leo Rosenthal has a record to be proud of," said T)an of the superintendency of the Jew- ' A. Johnson. "He has done good for this community. He has ish Welfare Federation of Omaha : taken an active part in communal work. It is the duty of the Special Programs Arranged, for Boys offered him a few weeks ago. The During This Week. people of Omaha to get behind him and work to elect him city work in Los Angeles i s chiefly in the' : commissioner." . ' ' • ; : Boys' Week will be observed in field of dependency and relief. K r , ; "I know Leo Rosenthal, and I know that; he willjnake a Omaha from April 27 to May 3 in Blumenthal desired work with greater good city commissioner," said Henry Monsky. ' "Leo Rosenthal co-operation with National Bays' opportunity for educational and rechas been an active member in many -Jewish, organizations. "Week. • Mr. Louis is executive reational service such as there is Workers Will Make Thorough Cam. • His social service work stands out as a record to work for. chairman in charge.Hiller The program for in Omaha. - paign for Collections. - - He has always done things for the good of the community." Boys' Week will be conducted Mr. Blumenthal was born and under reared in Cleveland, Ohio, attended the supervision and auspices of the The Welfare Federation is in- need the public schools and private Hebrew Men's Service League for Boys. of money. They pledges are due schools there, and was a student and Members of Jewish organizations and should be paid now. At a meetvolunteer worker in the Educational are on the executive committee. Mr. 1 ing of the Board of Directors of Louis Hiller is executive chairman, Alliance and the Hiram Honse. He the. Federation held last Sunday Eabbi Frederick Cohn, Leo Sosenthal, received the degrees of Bachelor of morning, workers were -given- pledge Science and Bachelor of Education a t The Spring Dance of the Omaha j Temple Israel- will hold special Henry Monsky and Dr. Philip Sher. cards, so as they will' collect the Ohio University, and Master of Arts services Friday evening, April 25, SatChapter, No. 1 of -the Aleph Zadi The object of Omaha Boys' Week is: pledges. " - :- • at Harvard University. Mr. To interest everyone in Boys and "The Federation needs the money Aleph, will be held Sunday evening, urday morning, April.26, and on Sunmenthal has about completed his immediately," said Joe L. " Wolf, April 27, at the Rome Hotel -Ball- day mctning, April 27, to observe to interest Boys in themselves. work for the degree of Doctor of Boys' Week which is being celebrated A drive for publicity, not for funds. chairman of the finance, committee. room. Philosophy,, "with major in Economics A recognition, that America's BoyThe committee In charge are Messrs. in Omaha .from April 27 to'May 3. There are a large number of pedges and minors in Applied Psychology On.Friday evening at the services hood is the guarantee of its future. Wise and Myer outstanding which should be. paid Abe Babior, Harry.. and Sociology. The subject of this j The emphasizing of fundamentals quarterly. We have sent "statements Freeman. The proceeds of this dance Mr. John L. Kennedy will talk at the thesis is "Vocational Guidance and Temple., in connection with Boys' in character building for citizenship. will be used to. sen*! the" Omaha Chapfor these amounts."To inaugurate "Boys'* Day" demon- Vocational Education in the Program The "workers helping in the .collec- ter's Degree Team to Des Moines to Week. Saturday morning will be of the "Abolition of Poverty." tion of these pledges - should report install the Des .Moines Chapter, No. "Boys' Sabbath,"-and the service will strations in America that will express Upon leaving college Mr. Blumenbe conducted by the Boys of the Sununity, loyalty and patriotism. 4 of the A. Z.. A. immediately.to the Welfare office, thal was Principal of the Albany, day School. " Rabbi'. Frederick Conn To develop the spirit of co-operation A number of. out-of-town guests ,The Federation is behind _ in its Ohio, High. .School, and from there payments to the affiliated- organiza- from Lincoln, Des Moines, Fremont will talk.on "Boys." There will be "between Boys* Worker and Citizen. went to Denver to assist in the tions who are in need of the money. and Sioux City are planning to attend special -musk; and the. Temple orches- , To focus the public attention upon organization" of the Deliver Public tra, -under-the leadership of Mr. Abthe many desirable agencies working this dance. Mr. Nathan Mnookin, of Unless these payments are paid.here Opportunity School, taking charge by-, the subscribers, the- Federation Kansas City, Mo., the founder of the raham" Kohn. ; On Sunday morning •with Boys. of., the Academic Department. He will not be able,to pay these, pledges. local A. Z.-A. organisation, will be in Mr. Martaii [Sngannan. will be": the During the entire week of April 27 was later • transferred to the East principal, speaker,,-, \_..,;^, ... , fatJffay,. a... special .^programs.willhe Omaha during' the Passover Holidays ~ ^'Oraaha has set the quo.ta'for Denver "-High'-School rrhere he inThe ."Boy$*-~" Week" "celebration-prepared for the Boys.$60,000 to be raised by the. Federa- and will attend the dance. 1 augurated' vocational Guidance, Stu« • Tickets for the dance can be ob-throughout the city" is under, the dition during the year 1924,"' said 'Joe dent Placement, - Employment SuperL. Wolf." We must raise "this tained from any member of the local rection of Mr.. Lotus Hiller.." "."' vision, and a School Survey of DenA. Z. A. organization. amount." When the workers come ver Indastrres. He organised ther* to your home, do not hesitate, ;pay the High School Business Clubs, the them' your pledge so .th^t we may High School Senate, and was manit the Biggest Post 'Keep continue the good work that is being ager of the -musical undertekinge' of World,"' is Slogan. • carried on. : ; ^ t^wd™ of the the schools, the proceeds of which go

EIGHTS OP AMERICANS IN. PALESTINE TO BE SECURED i BY SPECIAL TREATY i Washington, D. C. (J. T. A.)—The rights of Americans in Palestine, will be secured by a special treaty to be concluded shortly between the United States' and England.' Great Britain expressed her desire - to resume negotiations rafter the treaty between the' United States and France concerning the rights of Americans in Syria and Lebanon was concluded several days ago. The signing of this treaty- "with Great Britain would constitute- additional recognition on the -part of America of the provisions of tne •Mandate for the creation of the Jewish National- Homeland in" Palestine.

Observed April 27-Msy 3

Urge Payment ofPledges For Welfare Federation

Omaha is interested in this cam- Sam Leon, Sam Beber, David Feder, paign. Omaha has had more than John Feldman, I. F. Goodman, Dr. A, eighty patients in the hospital. Omaha Greenberg; Dr. B. T. Friedman, Arhas today eleven patients in the hos- nold Browar, Harry. Rachman, J.- J. pital. At the dinnex held in honor of Greenberg, Dave Greenberg, S. S. -JaXlev. Dr. William S. Friedman of Denver, -who is the vice-president and "With the proposed Infirmthe founder of the hospital, short talks ary Building it will be possible "were made by the following: Harry by the complete Immobilization H. Lapidus, Dr. Wm. Friedman, Henry treatment, not only to relieve Monsky, William' Holzman. Rabbi the patients in one-half to one- . third the time it now takes, bat Frederick Cohn was toastmaster. also will enable - 50 to 75 per The .campaign in Omaha is now on. cent moTe afflicted to be treat- The workers will campaign the city ed in the same period of time," during tfie weekr'" * . said Irvin Stalmaster. - . "I have just received a letter from . --"The thing' that struck me a little Omaha girl who is a patient at i most is the sincerity which the entire staff and • officers are the hospital/'.said Harry H. Lapidus,' working in the National "Hospichairman of the district campaign for tal," said Harry A. Wolf. "The the new infirmary building. interest which the" doctors are taking.in the patients, not only in their physical wants, but also This little girl left Omaha their mental'and social requireabout two years ago. - She was ments, are one spirit of co-op-taken to the depot on a - eration." ~ ' stretcher. She left her father "Omaha has sent at least 12.,. and--"Hnrthrav~"She left - her .;: patients to the Hospital during brothers And sisters. She .left the past couple of years." These Omaha for. her only chance to patients were in the advanced regain her health. Today this stage," said Dr. A. Greenberg. little girl is about ready to come "Some of them have returned home, thanks to the National ' cured and are now able to- go Jewish Hospital.. Thanks to the about their business," . people of this country who have "I believe that the National made is possible that this little Hospital is the greatest hugirl should regain her health. manitarian institution in the There are many of these cases. More country/' said Joe L. Wolf. Many of them cannot be taken ' "This hospital gives the person Omaha Post''of the American to defray the expense of the musical .„ r' City Talmud Torah will take part in care of because of the crowded The committee of j ^ T a l m u d T o r a l l P a s s o v e r (PeS ach) Legion, is now in-the midst of organ- education of talented students who who is affected with this dreadfacilities. You can help them ful disease the chance of rethe Keren Hayesod and the Theolog- Playlet to be presented Monday -eve- izing for its annual membership cam- cannot afford the costs. by subscribing to the new Infirgaining his health." mary Building campaign. ical Seminary elected officers for itsning, April. 21, -at eight o'clock, in paign, "with the hope and expectation From Denver. Mr. Blumenthal f a s "The Hospital is non-sectarcoming campaign. The campaign for the new annex "of the Talmud Torah of breaking all past records. called to San Francisco to i ian. Those who can pay cannot The following men are on the comthese organizations -will be held dur- Building1.."~ , "Keep, it the Biggest Post in thethe •work- of Ac Jewish Committtfe ' enter," said Harry Malashock. mittee who will- help raise the quota j ing the Rosh Hashona holidays next Proceeds are for Benefit of Sunday "Only the poor can enter the The playlet represents all the tradi World" is the slogan of the campaign. for Personal Service in State Institufor Omaha: Harry Malashock, Harry fall. The quota to be raised "will be tional customs and ceremonies con-'Omaha Post, "with a membership' o: tions, which is -an organisation gpon* hospital." School. H. Lapicjus, Harry A. Wolf, Henry $30,000. "The Infirmary Building is nected with the- celebration of thenearly 3000 last year, was the largest sored by'the Federations cf €h«ritie« one designed especially for the Monsky', Joe L. Wolf, Nathan BernMr. Irvin Stalmaster was elected Des Moines, la.—The Congregation E, W.and all of the important Jewish, .canso f p asE ^ V er. The language in Legion Post in the world. care of infirmary patients," stein, Abner Kaiman, Max^Fromkin, ^ Gentzler, chairman of the member- munlties of California for the M Tifereth Israel of Des Moines, Iowa, chairman of the joint campaign, fca-! ^ ^ ^ p e r f o r m e r s ^ s p e a l £ said Henry Monsky. "The in. — ^ . , _ T w - , / ._+„__„.„-,, ship campaign committee, said that tlon,- care, and after-care of tlie is sponsoring a Minstrel Show for the than Bernstein, A. I. Kulakofsky and . sing firmary patients are those who will be in'Jewish, interspersed benefit of the Sunday School. This J. J. Friedman, vicepresidents; Sam have to spend most of their and "there "with Hebrew, redta- he will strive for a -100 per cent in- hundred Jewish inmates in the time in bed. The Hospital has show is under the supervision of and crease over that of last year. .s, melodies and dialogue. . renal, reformatory, fifteen on its waiting-list a large numThe first part' of the play' represents "With a roil of more than S000 es- custodial institutions of that State* ber of applicants who are in- Messrs. Izzy Bernstein, Izzy "Cohen treasurer. The members of the exand Ben Sherman. The show is to be ecutive committee are Harry H. Lap- the departure of the Jews cf Egypt. ssrvics men in Omaha, there is noThe orgsrizatMHi "*•&* a piece of firmary -patients. These pagiven at the Berchel Theatre on San- idus, Henry Monsky, William Holz- It displays the struggle cf Moses, his reason why Omaha Post of the Amer- piciseor work and iTTsmetfiatelj- was tients should be- taken <*are "f immediately." day, April 20th, and Monday,' April] nr.an, J. B. Eobinson, A. Theodore, pleas with' Pharaoh, King of Egypt, ican Legion should not hsve at leapt given official recognition Tsy the . 21st. This will be the second annual! Mrs. Sam Robinen, Mrs. J. Iinsmaru and the final liberation. The second 5000 members," said Chairman Gcnts- Stale government. Tho Comiadtiee, Twenty-fifth Annual Meeting of Hoscobs, Morris Milder, M. M. Rosenblatt, * s h o w ^ v e n b>'t h i s organization, as j I. Goldstein, N. S. Yaffe, Harry Mala- part of the play, however, represents ler. "It is a privilege that everyone during the oourse o Us Srst t&vr pital Held at Chicago . the modern Jew and his celebration can't have, to be a member of t h e j y e a r s succeeded in salvaging xrmny Dave Kosenstock, Dr. Philip Sher, J. the first was held on.April 5, 1923,-j shock and Jolin Feldman. .. OTHER OMAHANS ARE HONORED J. Slosberg, Irvin Stalmaster and "with great success. American Legion, It is a privilege men and women, converting thetm I cf the Passover. • The cast will consist of about .100 NEW YORK JOUBNALIST j ON BOARD also, because the American Legion is from social liabilities to social assets. Fred White. The entire Jewish public is invited people, including the best local talent FETED IN JERUSALEM | j attend doing a great good, helping the Angeles Air. 3n in the Jewish community. ' • •" •' Jerusalem. (J. T. A.) Jacob FishChicago, 111., April ,15. <Special to distressed and disabled veteran; makfor a survey that v a s Mr. John. B. Eobinson, of The first act -will be "Happy School man, Managing Editor of the Jewish THE JEWTSH COMMUNISTS • ing this country a better place in mad? by ft? Bureau of Jewish So« the "Jewish Press".)—Omaha, LinNorfolk, .Nebr., who was a visDays" with the following 'as princi- Daily Morning Journal of New York, itor at the B'nai B'rith meeting which to live by fostering American- cial EcFtarch of the various activcoln, Sioux City, Des Moines, DavenEXCLUDED -FROM SOVIET pals: Izzy Cohen, Abe Meyers, .Aubrey was feted by the Hebrew journalists held last Thursday evening, has ization, and being- of service in many ities of the Federation asd its port' and central west generally "were DELEGATION TO ENGLAND taken the chairmanship-of the Fisher, Sailey Myers,. Sara .Grundj at a tea given in his honor. Many honored here today by the trustees London. (J. T. -A.) Maxim Litvin other ways." ccmstitucrt and c«>-*>perstin£ organ-* campaign at Norfolk. ~"I be- Ida Grund, Ben Hochenberg, Joseph visitors and government officials par- off and the Jewish. Communist Sothof the National Jewish Hospital for Chairman Gentzler s&id that if the isations. He instituted the depsu-tlieve that this "is a wonderful Tolchinsky, Ben Sherman and Clarence ticipated. Greetings were extended cause," said John Robinson. "I Consumptives at their twenty-fifth stein are not included in the official membership campaign is a success mental plan for t>ic different funcSchmidt. .».'/. 1 ,to him on behalf of the Zionist Exwas greatly impressed with the annual meeting through the choice Soviet Delegation- which is leaving the American Legion will broaden its tions of Use Federation nnes work of the National Jewish The second act will feature Mr.; Sam ecutive, the Jewish National Fund, the for England for the purpose of tak- scope of service by employing a man ize« the work e£ the Relief Depart* of prominent men of those cities to Hospital after hearing what Isaacson, tenor, in a series ox songs. Kehillah and the journalist group. Mr. ing part in the Anglo-Russian Con- to devote nearly all of his time to serve as directors' and trustees of was said about it at the B'nai roenl in keeping- with rooderm statuSThe third act is a jazz'band act with Fishman was praised as a brilliant ference' to be be held here. The ex- aiding disabled veterans in fretting j s B'rith meeting." the Hospital. A noTjtBtandmjr piece of social Ray Harrison's Band. journalist and a devoted Zionist. Harry H. Lapidus of Omaha, who clusion of these two 'Bolshevik lead- full compensation from the govern- work pccotnplJshpd toy Mr, Blumen* The fourth act is the Minstrel Act In reply, Mr. Fishman spoice in ers is the result of objections on the •nient; by expanding their welfare is directing the drive in District No. tho organization *>f with a cast of seventy-five people, ac- English and in Hebrew, touching- upon part of Great Britain to the partici- work among:' distressed and imfortu- thai 6, I. O. B. B., for the $350,000 InEmployment Bureau v--fcich is operatcompanied by Al Levich's Jazz Band. the state of affairs in Jewish jour- pation of Litvincrff ar.d Eothstein. natee ex-service men and their famifirmary Building for the Hospital was y both for theabls ing The cast are as follows: . . „ nalism in New York, and the activi- both of whom are considered by the lies; by developing their Employment elected a member of the Executive Problems of and disaMed. The City Talmud Torah has begun a Interlocutor and Musical Director— ties of the Zionist Organization in the Government to have*Ar.g3ophobic scn- Department to take in all trades a Committee, and Henry Monsky of and dependency in. "Los Angeles aro Izzy Bernstein. United States. He declared that he Omaha was elected a national campaign for 200 new pupils after a other kinds of work, -and by increas- still in the forefront and it in I tlments. trustee. In addition these" Omahans meeting of the Board of Directors of End Men—Izzy. Cohen,- Ray -Byrnes, j was charmed with everything that he t issued in Moscow de- ing the size of the ex-eervic men's apparent that that city will not fee Ben Sherman, Aubrey Fisher, Joe had seen in Palestine. were selected as directors of the in- the Talmud Torah held Monday evei ready for community center work for 1 clares that the reason for the elisai- ward at St. Josephs Hospital. Levey, Sam Isaacson, -Melvin BernMn F i s W n was also received by . a t i o s o f L i t v i l i o f f a n d stitution: Harry A. Wolf, Jos. L.ning, April 14, when a motion to that The dates of .the drive are May 8 , | s o m o r p a w to come, I s this eon<is stein, Sam Barman. Sxr Herbert Samuel the Bttfash H h j "Wolf, Harry Malashock and Irvin effect was made. 9, and 10. Campaign headquarters {r.ection Omaha offers immediate Eabbi J. M. Charlop was''appointed Circle Men—Sam Rubinson^ Abe; J . Commissioner, -vrfio denied to him the j Stalmaster. > have best! established in the former} opportunity for ronstmrtrro W f c . Meyers, Will Wittenstein; Julian recently circulated reports that he in-; TWO JEWISH' TOWNS IN M. Wasserman and Wm. Gold of chairman of this campaign with E. Schulte Cigar Store location at 16th jjjr. Blumculhal Is expected t<* begins Chapman, Marshall Oberstein, Sid- tends to resign. "There are no dif-j POLAND S T J F F E R FROM FLOOD and FarnaTE Sis. Lincoln were selected as directors, Block, secretary,- Dr. Philip. Sher, A. work in Omuba the first of ney Segal, Barney Betck, Lawrence ficulties between myself and the Col- ; Warsaw, {J. T."A»)—The to-wns cf as was also L. Oransky _ of Des B. Alpirn, S. Eavitz, A. Cohn, Mrs. "Every ex-service man should be a , Moines. ,David Davidson of Sioux S. Robinson, Mrs. M. Tatle, Mrs. S. 1 Beriovich, Ben 'Hochenberg, Joe onial Office in London/' declared the , Brest, famotis for the Bussian-Genaan i member of the Legion," saM Com- FIFTEEN ZIONISTS RELEASED * Tolchinsky, Phil Sherman,;,Ben liv- High Connnissioner. j treaty of Brest-Litc-rsk, and. Tercspol,t dander Leo S. BQECIL "Tha Amer- OF SIXTY AKH.ESTE0 IN City, Rabbi Jos. L. Baron of Daven- Prohm, and Mrs: L. Kneeter are on - ingston.;j • as "srell &s suxTGiindhug districts, have,; ican Legion is a great power for good. port and Robert Lappen of Des the committee. Moscow, (J. T. A.) During the Passover holidays Eabbi Ballad Shigers—Sam - -Pibtz, Ben ANTI-SEMITES SUCCESSFUL j been completely- submerged by the jj and has cicms remarkable work, not sixty Zionists arrested her* Moines were elected national trustees. Jordan, 'T IX BAVARIAN ELECTIONS! overflowingcf Bog and; fli f the th rivers i B d;only ly jn j idi the th disabled d i b l d veteran,, Under the direction of .Harry; Lapi- Charlop "will in his sermons "urge the This inimber ',, Messrs. Belkowsfey, Biehnowskjv dus, the eight states comprising dis- people to cooperate" "with the commit- Soloist—Mrs. Sonia Sands.' { ) p p y p g Munich.-{J. T. A.) Over 25 per ; Muchowiets. It is practically impos-! regardless of whether he is a member Director—Izzy Bernstein, f and TsenwJakoff* %% ig - fcrict Wo. &iffiH raise §150,000 for the tee in securing the proposed quota. btit in making centt of the X i or not, b f the th votes t castt in i the th generall i slble lbl to t send d aid" id" into i t .the th strkkenjof t k k j f th Business Manager—Ben Sherman. elections to the Bavarian Diet were j regions, and the population is Irvine j this eour.try s. better place in which I pected tJjat the Telcasft ©f the %firmary Building. Reports made at Eabbi •> Frederick Cohn will particast for the anti-Semitic Voetkische j to Stid • shelter en the roofs «f the ; to live. Its 5<ieals are the htgrhest; its *he meeting- here indicating that the soon take placs, Tlie s«a,?oa fde LABOR LYCEUM CLL'B. Partei. The Voellcssche Partei has i higher houses.' Many ISTCS have been' motives are the test; it ^principles their innareeratici? is st81 tdibaown drive was going over the top in both! cipate a t the Parente-Teachers meet1 The Ladies* Labor Lyceum dub "«i51 gained considerable ground since the:lost by drowring. i t is as yet im-are the same for which the youth of inasmtich as there is no Zionist districts were enthusiastically re- ing of Central High School Tuesday, evening. He will speak favoring a entertain at a card party jWednesday concloslon cf the Hitler-Ludtadorffi possible to ^fimat«'the"aaiss.ge» h i h America journeyed across- the seas to izatlon m -Eussia, ami nb {Continued, on page 2} new auditorium- for,Central afternoon, April 2? • i trial here. 'is believed iSght for"

Aleph Zadi Aleph to Give Spring Dance April 27th \

Officers Elected for Joint Campaign; ToBe Held in Fall

st-Temple Israel April 25th

Present tmmtt Playlet

Minstrel Show Staged by Des lollies Congregation

Harry H. Lapidus Elected To Executive Committee of National Hospital

City Talmni Torah Begins Campaign for 200 Kew Pupils

rtW^^Aff^;^;^^^^;!^ UU±,^i^«,






^4 A « .


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x«AGE 2—THE JEWISH PRESS. THURSDAY, APRIL 17, 1924 liberty* fqr whicji his soul yearns, so that he may the better

serve'his Gwf'aiui'lus f&tey*.m«i.

:^ Si•££ ^Bublirtjifcevery*^hnisaay:at.Omaha. Nebraska, by//

.' . . .


" It'is a great time for gopd fellowship, for entertaining the homeless, arid "in the United-States especially, fp? extending the hope of freedom iq' those' pot yet so, blessed" as are thpse who live bepeatb, its banner. As thp Feast' of Freedom it is welcomed by ypiing and p]d.


Aleph Mazkir—Israel Novicoff. The Menorah C!ub held a meeting Aleph* Shotir—Herman Shukman. Sunday evening. Book reports were Philip Stine, and Louis Letweeh. given by the Misses Ida Ruth Bog-en and Lillian Margolin. FORD AGENT, ACQUITTED A Passover Play "will b,e given folSECOND TIME BY CO LET, lowing the Community Seder, parts TO BE TRIED AgAJN to be taken by pupils of the Sunday Budapest. (J. T. A.) Titus De School. Bobuia. declared by the local press to The election of officers was held be the agent of Henry Ford in EuSunday morning at the Junior Con- rope, and Deputy Ulain, accused of an gregation and the following officers anti-Semitic Fascisti conspiracy to were elected: president, Saul Arenson; overthrow the Hungarian Governvice president, Elsiei Poska; secretary, ment, simultaneously with the HitlerIda Jtuth ??.<?g£PJ treasurer, Everett Ltidendorff putsch in Bavaria, have Pearlman; entertainment chairman, been acquitted by the "Court of ApAdelle Aachj and reception chairman, peals. r'The State Prosecutor has-1 |||r ; Rpunced his intention of apppajiwf Bernice Diamond. this decision to the Supreme Court. • The Ladies Aid have appointed the following nominating committee: MrsDiamond, and the Misses Sarah Friend and WerfheSmer. Good Wprk Guaranteed Jlr. Harry Diamond has gone Squth' Ecfcrences turnifibed if Kequired. on a business trip and he will spend a . CALL L. MANDEL few weeks. 1919 Burt St. Atlantic 544fi Messrs. Millard Krasne and Krasne were the week-end guest of the Z. B. T. house.

Rabbi J. M. Charlop, of Jhis city,'asked the Jewish Press to print the telegram, received from the chief Rabbi in Chicago, so as to notify its readers and Subscription- Price, one year. all ' Jew? that the Macaroons Advertising rates furnished on application. from Chicago) III., except Redelland, Ohio; 'Harry H. Lapidus, Qraaha, ''CHANGE) OF ADDBKSS—Pleasa give both the old and new address; heliri's and "Rafman's, are Nebn; Milford ' Stern, and Leo n . , . . , , . „ . -"--'•-tse-sijrty und give your name. Chametz and are not allowed to Stern, Detroit, Mich.; Harry Meiss eat them on Pesach (Passover)". The and Leo Westheimer, Cincinnati, O.; Fpllpwing- is a copy of the tefegram"received "irom"Rabbj Max ' B M ^ J ^ F ^ ^ ^ - ' M ^ ? * ? 1 ^ ^ 1 Pi .to feature"articles' and correspondences from all important __ . .. from Chicago: au:ee? Wis.; Mr. and Mrs. Sol Bpstein Inquiries"regarding"news items credited to this Agency vrill bs gladly (Continued from page 1) . :. Cjiicagq answered if addressed to. Jewish Telegraphic Agency," "114 Fifth' Avenue, Kiser, Indianapolis^ Ind.; E. j . J. M. Charlop, New Yotk. City. ' " ceived by " the national! trustees Schonfarber, Columbus, O.; Alfred 706 No. T^entyrThird St. present. Benesh, Cleveland, O.; Henry EirQniaha. Statement by Mr. Lapidus that §tein, Rochester; Ben Althpimer, New The macaropns that you J$WS 4NI) CONSUMPTION $7,000 ^vas. raised at the first meet- York, treasurer of the Hospital; A. inquired abouf are not only Ppnsunjptipn, which" is frequently cal]e$ the white plague, ing in Omaha last Thursday night G. TYqfms.er, JCaps^s "City; Herman Honiitz but. they are also : plajm§ Tnany thousand's i$ lives eyery year. It is an en,emy' far was greeted by cheers; spd ids pledge - ttafe "same has" been an4*'.Fedgr, J5aryT Bab_bi .: snovfneed by the Jewish Press .worse than those we fight on the battlefield. It inyaojes pur.hpmes that Omaha lyottld go qypy the tpp . Barron,' Dayen|i.qrt; Sf. ^.Strain, of Chicagp in the name pf an4 pauses the most intense suffering' to its yic|;inis. brought the convention to. its fpet and the fp]}o\yjng GfiiMisrpae" "' Hprobpnim of * While much"in the way pf sanitation has fceen done tp de-with enthusiasm. cagoans: Mrs. Jos. IJarris, IVIrs. J. Chicago. crease this trouble, yetthe fLvekd disease §tjll continues its havoc The necessity for the new In- M. Huffman, Lpujs Friejierg, Mollie unqn hjumanity. Ratbi Israeje Epstein. firmary JJujlding was brought forcer jSpldberg, Ju^ge B. J. Samuels, Statistics* show that there are forty I&pusand !?ewish pon- fi|lly to, tlje attention qf ^hg rneeting Judge Adolf Krajts, Mrs. M. M. cefebrated her bjrthday. Prizes at sumptives in'tfus country, ten thousand of whiph require nnnie- time after time during fhe sessionS} Rpthard, Mrs. L. Ijisenstaedt-Bibas, were won ^y the Mesdames Ijl diajje sanitarian care,-and there are only one, thpusan4 peds avail- in the report by ^ m . E. Woolner, Rabbi Jos. Stolz, Rabbi George Fox, Ijrjjlge Philip Friedman, E. Marcus and L.H. able "in. all the Jewish sanitariums in this country,'sp that 90 per of Peoria, III., president of the Hos- A. M. Krensky, Edward Menkin, Cohen, and the Messrs. E. Marcus and cent pi the most urgent cases dp not receive the care that they pital and of t)r. ^Tm. S. Friedman, Ruben Levin, Louis Harris, Mr§. L. L p C h PIANISTS—ATTENTION! The Mizpah Society was entertained L. . Cohen. shpijldl ' • of Denver, Colo., chairman pf the Rieger, Mrs. J. L. Grossberg, Hx. POFlIYiAR. M p s i p — Filling In "bass" by the Misses Sayah and Ann Wax We believe that few people realize the great danger there is Board of Managers of the "Hospital Sonderling. Miss Minnje Friedman is in Bur-man. Miss Minnie Greenstone andr ViiTl hnrmonj", arid "breaks" or "extras" in having the consumptive within the famijy circle, especially in apd founder of the institution. The following qfBpers were elected: lington, la.., visjting with friends. E. VL K4HN Miss Ida Freshman won prizes. thecrpwded homes of the popr, or even in the homes of the'well- Prominent authQrjties in the iteaX- Wpi. BjT ^qolnpr, president; Dr. Wm. 2nd Floor Michel WAK., ISth & Hnrncy '43m.: Sun. At: 4302; j t'prdd, where there is constant contact between the family and the ment pf tuberculosis endorsed the S. Friedman, Denver; Dav|^. May, St. Mrs. Max Simon was hostess to her Mrs. Max Lehman accompanied her I'libnes: Studio"At; Ees. At. S21Q. Afternoon Bridge club at her home parent. enthusiastically as providing Louis; Harmoi? j^ugust, Ifew York; husband on a business trip this week. Ttie Jewish institutions arg g wonderful work in caring g project Tuesday. ' Ttie Jewish institutions arg doing facilities for the Hospital to extend B. Flesher, Denver;' Cfeas. H. Stndin, for unfortunates, limited facilities. "Many fare these th t u tinstitutions s with with their their limited facilities "Many cases cases the cqmplete immobilization cure to New Yprk, Herman Wile^ Buffalo; Mr. L Gilmsky and daughter, "Mrs. Miss Irene Adelson entertained at cured in f'these which are not in the experimental tuberculous "patients through the In-Ifathan J. Miller, New York, vice- Louis Simon, spent the past week in three tables pf bridge Sunday evening. sfage by many means, as some'people thjnk? '4- nnouncement presidents; Ben Altheimer, New Fort Dodge, la., visiting with Mr. been firmary Buildipg. •T Ofcourse, Of'course, n nott all cases aree cur'etj* )wtppome might have b A Hebrew Educational Meeting will j* )w "TJ are. np more hopeless conKo fioubt every Jew Sn Omaha Yprk treasurer, and Mrs. S. Pi^ko, and Mrs. Ben Glazier. ? l d theiy rceived l}ad received institutional treajmgnt jn time be held Sunday. knows that Kosher Soap for " id D F r i d sumptives," said Dr. Friedman Denver, secretary. " - As is natural when Jewish people are sick they wish to go to Pesach (Fassorer) can be secured Mr. and Mrs." Philip Sherman and hy calling Jewish institutions, because the Jews are Jjpund'together more by "Patients in" the most advanced The executive" committee for the daughter, Miss Irene Adelson entertained six of Allen, Nebr., are ex'Webster 3527, stages of the disease can now be coming year comprises the officers custorja and manner of daily life than any other people, and* for couples at a bridge party Sunday or caH nt 1515 Ko, 20fh (St. pected to arrive Friday to spend the this reason it is hot wise to place Jewish consumptives in ngn- restored to health through the com- and the following: Louis D. Beau- week of Passover with Mrs. Sher-r evening. High score was won by Sf'ss If I do not get aroond $o yoiir home, I -vrill greatly apprecinte Jewish institutions, no matter hpw n#e tlie' medical attention plete immobilization treatment. The mont, New York, N- L. Dauby, man's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Elizabeth Sandlovitch, Tilb'e Pol sky, your conrteisy ii you call, anil National Jewish Hospital now hasCleveland, Alfred Benesh, Cleveland, Jay Pollick and Sam Bergen. you will get prompt attention. may pe. facilities for treating only three Sol S. .Riser, Indianapolis, Adolf sky, and family. Yours truly, Experience has shown that those Jews who are obliged tp go patients at a time -with this new Krause, Chicago, Edwin J. Schon- Mr. Albert Krasne returned last ' M. SOB1IT, A. Z. A- Njujninate Officers. to an'institution prefer to^ go where ttyere are other Jews. They cure, and there are 164 on our wait- farber, Columbus, Harry Lapidus, Saturday from a business trip and is At the semi-annual nomination of ing list, begging and imploring us Omaha, and Max Freschl, Milwaukee. now in Fullerton, Nebr. officers of Gimmel chapter, Aleph from the depths of their despair to Zadik Aleph, pn April 7, the following institution under Jewish auspices^ -Je'dical science has- prqy.ed that cpnsumption can be cured rush the erection of this new build- j COU^OII, BLUFFS I Mrs. Philip ^riedmah arrived home were npminated: week <axtex spending ten days in Aleph Godol—J. M. Finkelstein and when properly treated,, and this can besf b!e 4 on ? in sanitariums ing so that -we can give them the | a s City? Mp.» as the guest of Mr. Jake Marx. benefits of its wonderful • work. I COUNCIL BLUFFS esjiablfstied "for that special purpose. ap«i Mrs. Sam Harding. She attended JUNIOR COUNCII, TO Aleph Sgan—Harold Shapiro, Hart e t our. Jewish people throughjb^t tfte ppuntry bear this fact knqwj and all of us here know, that |hg MUier-Fxiedman \yedding while ley Davidson, anfi Hyman Evnen. GIFE CAB Districts No. 2 and 6 is going over in mind and contribute liberally toward the suppprt of such institutibnsV. ^which'if eqjijpped wpj t?^ be th^ nieaijs of "saving the Jpp in this great life-saving The Council Bluffs Junior Council there.i e h ' i f properly fi|u|pped'iy||f" 310 No. 16th Street Aleph GizboxTrrBarris Sirinsky. ; : ; campaign will give a bridge party Tuesday ^thpJsandsVofr ;hV^ . ' • . V . , .••:•,••"••:•.• .:••• Everything Mrs. Harry: Cohen will entertain '*•f ^Kerei$ nqthing «i^e pathetic and nipr^ l]$$rt;l<M§" ^jan to Actual evidences of the beneficient evening, April 22,'at the home of Mrs. her Afternoon Bridge club at hpr Strictly Kosher for • ))e ^bilged t$> rei&is^ to admit thpse pfpj$|jn£ke ^icluns to sanP results of the complete immobiliza- L. S. Braunstein/ 201" North ' First home Tuesday afternoon. Passover vi^riujqll wh'ere they cai} he loured, ^gc^jisg'i^eye i^ norpom:ior tion treatment were given the del-street. Everyone is invited to attend. We Serve Kosher If eals fqr PassMATZOS—MATZQ WEAL '-" ' " pyer, a t ' I - f l i e m . : > " V • V ' V ' . o - ' v : : . ; - - : " : : - ; ' 7 ; ' ^ - - •'-•.:•': V . ' ; ' i ^ - ' - : < : . : ; ; • ; > • ; " . ' " ;' ' . : ' ' ••••";*• egates and local geople at the dinner The. Yr ?• I?: ]k~ *^eht -fo B;g Lake ?v Messrs. Philip and MiUard K r ^ Also Kosher Bleats ";' |^efe:u& hot turn a deaf ear tg the ^Bpeajs tljgsg institutions foljowipg the n^eeting. Here a young hike Tuesday aftgrnopn "under :^a]ie; ^)?;US>' f'te-^urelsv^fchjEir;^re entitled to our liberal; su|p9y|l man of Chjcagq who returned last are spending their vacation with their the guardianship i M I. I P St. of Mr. Prppper. Saturday .from "a fifteen months stay parents, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Krasr -'• •''• ^ ' ^ v ; C ^ C - " - ; • • • ' " . • • : v ^ ' ' - ^ l s s f i l a n ^ J e ^ i s I } fleYi^w. ^ n ^O b s e r v e r . " : Mr.: and Mrs. Sam Meyerson and at the National Jewish Hospital told ne. They will r^urn" to Apn Arbor •fepaily motored to Schuyler, Nebr., .»,,, ; v how he Jiad gpne to Denyer suffering next week. jpAjsgqffiji is HERB :: ^ from tuberculosis and -with all hope Sunday to spen4 : the day with Mr Gertrude: "Cherniack returned and ^ B Gteh ^-"^ " i r will be" wglcomed lay the Jews, the of his recovery abandoned. He told to MJSS schqql in' Ifew York last Sunday v ., :6§;>'^w^''th^*eyewng.V';-WB41S ?l 'i?P5J-'how he had taken the complete im- night. ; * • • cure fop "six months. He ; agp^j| j^9f Special ijjij&fjip '$fp jews, as the annual ocjcaslon for mobilization A Junior CouricH meeting was held " The1* :E*y'aanntBiari" jneialjeys stood before bis audience Tuesday (sele^E^tiji^||ie|)irt^ gf h|erty/piJtfteir pghple. The special feature njght the picture pf health, full of at the home of Miss Jeanette Gilingky entertained at a bridge party Sunday ;qf ;)}pmg flh^§rp|jge,-^||h:|;p festal meal/ is o"f jn|ere§|;even*to energy and ambition, back at work Tuesday night. * afternoon at the home of Miss Ruth for'accprdmgt*o'..thje New Testament' is-"was"just this again, self-supporting and with un'the" |^ast'^u'ppe.r ^t w^ich Jesus celebrated the bounded ambition fpr £he future. Mrs. L. S. Braunstein entertained Zolat. Prizes were won by Miss 'appstjp^" A'ddecl interes.^ is shed upon ^he oc- His stp.ry, 'told sjmBly and fK9m the twenty friends at a surprise party at Maxine Frosh and Miss Esther Freshman. Plans are being niade for a x^sron lay tj^e ^e§?erifis jn : |]|^ptt f^f J#k ^ |o;rn|)s i i pf f jPh^araohi^who PKh h fcreathipg in pyery word un- he? Jipme ^pnday. evening in honor of picnic to be held in ^ few weeks. e, a^4 ^4i|;| is"hppe.d s pApmAmen .e ntjiaj yyhei all pi p ||;he e .contents .conents heart, her sister, Jlrs. *S. II. Katelman, who thanks fgr the mary.ejous care are bought tP pf p Jgng g g Tfc'kh; Tufcan'kh;fc 'are ht tplfghf t f h f mpch dying given at the National Je\yish n bj» jdisftoypred ypred bearipg nppn ppn thp ppprpss^on pf Israe] while m Hospitaljiirn was the signal for repeated Egypfc and ppssjb]y inen^o pf tfie Expffus as one p,f the sflrrmg pledges on the part pf all thg Chipyepts, pf the fyme. BRVIGE—satisfaction — men want botH cago pepple at the dinner' tp assure At least one schpjar claims that King Tut was the Pharaoh the $60^Qflfl needed irom Illinpis to M when thp linal Easter clothes rush is on— pf tKe Exodus, b,ut most ijgyptqiQgists h.q|d ^hat Barneses IJ was provide th? Ixifirojary Building. d id $n!y the store with a vast range of patterns in the Pharaoh-pf the ppnresipn p and his S9U Mereptah, th^e t»hara.qh thara.qh JJudge d Adlf Adolf & ai'cnaeolpgical 4jscpyenes 4jscp,yenes ^yjH of tl>e Bxptlus. Only 1#PP ai'cnaeolpgical jHplear l r up the Independent 1J? president pf your specjal sise cangivp it to you—it's here. p B'nai tt^ese points. Order pf. B'rithh praisp.d the work pf the NaThe main consideration with the Jews is that at spjne tjnae tional Jewish Hpjsgitai inf treating - centuries ago their enslaved ancestors were delivered from patients regardlpss." of race qr relirSt Sfouts, hongs, Shorts, Short tian* bondage and led to freedom by the greatest pf ajl gipus belief, as one pf the mpst emancipators,-'Moses. That aftep SQQmany .Jeivs important coptribj?tipns tq spreading n p , p y hundred years, yeas, the t h .Jev Stouts, Ifpng Stoitis, Young snpuid' :past npuid' still be mindful" of of- theip p historic :p t time gppd-will between Jew ^pd Gentjle sn r r and mark thp Stouts, All Sizes! evidenc of f the faithfulness faithfulnes of f th Beautiful styles in' coats, byy roepTal' al' celebration is evidence the l d t i n the country, "jj; pught to *be cf| i ^ pjeoples o^ the right tp more generally knqwn, bqth by Jews oples to their ipast, past and their appreciation of i suits and drpsse$ that are bfe^fre^'lin^ffie^iOTgHago^ ^ and non-Jews, that the Rational different. Our new models Jewish i Hospitall has h npw, p d h^ cqpiprjse the most authenalways had, apnrpximatejy 2!Q.% of tic collection in, the (city. in feasting'and praise of God for all his mercies to Israel thrqugh- its patients whq are not Jewish. This qjit'thji a^es. To see them is to know, is really a wonderful thing." Fpr seven d^ys1 (the Orthodox observe ei^ht) the unleavened "Then, too, the work qi tb,e reinstantly, that here are the eQt-Groups at $25 to $ti5 ]^r^4 iMafzoth) "will 'be eaten "as a piempnal", and fhoughtful search department of £he Hospital, master creations of the JBWB will'recaH.th^ pastj while even .'the thoughtless may be~ihade were experts ar^ constantly .at work styje authorities vrha rule '^h^tvlhe^j^owe ^feb; tiiQsg who fought and suffered tfctt to find a' cure f<?r tuberculosis, is No other store between Chicago and the coast pquals the Fifth Ayenue and Rue de e^p^^he fruits p£ freegfi??^ " " " ' " * " '^ • • - ><-- already knqwn ampng scientific' men '"-" Nebraska for special jnpdpls for everybody. Ja Pajx. Your early inthe world pver. What an achjevpsecond book pf inept for. the jjews, |f | cuig is found spection is invited. You at this Jewish H.qsp[tal f of a, disease will be pleased with our ^ettlemept of the Premised Land, a that assails one miljjon geqple eyery individual merpljandise at year, and d to t the h ?ay&ge§ of f which hih moderate prices. ICfljQQQ people .succumb each year", said Dr. Fri,edmaji. Other matters brought tp the attention of the meeting Tyerp tjje- fact ^^Wthe that 4,397 patients had been treated in the twfinty.-five yearg pf- the hos&'^iS#|^"e pitals existence, that most pf IJue patients treated pame tp: the hospital I W t Q .amuse arg g en enhgliten the c A delipitfui array of smart «ew abquf; in the advanced stages pf the ii tabje.. It is a £tFjH?ng l te f ^ m||linery. Hats'Jpi every • conn gsipg th m d more'tfaaii ' f a i ^Q% fif al} l} patients tJipft p NEBRASKA JUNIOR ,. pp SliB^fi§liS».f llRftfflss|(?n5^ 'and ceivable color and style; fjeaati, iABERDINES — UTILITY LONG BANTS'StlTjS had been restored tq -independence fg|J|anj gfllftically trijgiKed. COAT SUPEE^Er-BEpfED SINGLE 'AND"DOUBLE the spirit pf and strength. W t h % & ?? .J^ieyer •.*l|tt|e; : raodels ,'for..4|e OB $tip$'-pAC$. STYLES BREASTERS' *" . ^qbb^;.li^|;' ^tunnin^ .creatipng . :! ^po#rfi^ ^^pjaiM :iji;^crigtur-e/::§§;: duie 1$ the , •••|^r.- ';^p.!.-''Jdgne" up"*, coifiire;carjrigfor mgnj ^yomen and children,


Alpisurific 1450

Harry H. Lapidus Elected To Executive Committee of Natioja! M M


Every New


^ § i i l l Ifi :Ei#er: Milliiif ff


^]yii?ig "ihp- - ^y^cal, 'pjjsptaj' and Others at $1$ ip

sp|ritaal a|ientJ^n. Absolut^ Kosher igobseryed'at theBpsijital. the'Bpsijital "" ' \ ig-obseryed'at ".The jneetirtjgy \y^idii was .one of the ost'successful ii}'j»an|r years, vyas j •' - . C I '•~-"JT?

?•_• J .

J - .

-*~- p v




Others at $20 to $35



i«Jh i^t

'Phone'K«T Xtiantlp 8010


PAGE S—THE JEWISH PRESS. THURSDAY, 'J&RTL 17, 1924 u I V E U I N N E E I N HONOR OF MR. A3$p MRS.. KULA&QF8KY Fpr Mr. and Mrs. I I . Kulakpfsky, who are leaving scpn for an extended trip to Europe and Palestine, the Beth Hamedrosh Hagpclel Synagogue, the Mizrachi Organization, and the Omaha Zionist District are entertaining at a. Kosher Dinner to be given a t the Beth Hamedrosh Hagpdel Synagogue, Nineteenth-and Burt streets, Tuesday evening, April 22, a t 7:30.The committee in charge of the dinner are Rabbi J. M. Gharlop, M. Gross, S. Bavitz, J. J . Friedman, A, Cohen, A. Davidson, A. G. Weinstein Lpuis Blptcky, j . Katleman, II. Adelson, A. Bloch and M. Blank. Reservations should be made "with Mr. A. G. Weiistein not later than Mopday, April 21.

Fourteen Jewish Wonieffs ^-Organizations To Hold Joint Afternoon §.cscial,May 7 4,t The Blackstone

ing of the Confirmation Class at the resentative in the League of Nations, B'nai Israel Synagogue. Those elected has expressed himself in favor of tjbe were Lazar Kaplan, president;.Sybil plan. •> Members of„ fourteen Jewish "Women's .Organizations of the. city will Adler, vice-president;. Louis Asorin.] : — *1~ ~ secre;tary-tr;easurer; and Helen Fink-' EXPDRTS FROM PALESTINE enstein, reporter. ' STATES INCJ|p4SED day afternoon, May 7, a t the Blaekstone The class is planning- a hike to be Jejrasatem (J. T. A. Correspondence) The meeting lias been tried i n other .cities ,and h a s proved -successful, held soon. . . . and.in adopting-this pi^n in Omaha it.will be rnade a monthly .event if jprpven, exports from P^l,e§t|^^.,r|.p. the successful, so. that eachi organization jean keep close in -touch with ,the -york; l Spates yere §4 tlpf^ f I of the other organizations; " ... . .... ' ' .. • " -DANZIG SELECTED.'AS CITY jin l f | S W i n 1921, and egufjjgd. •FOR JEWISH D I V E R S I T Y c f - t h e " ' T h e fourteen ^omen's organi2;atloiB ,to ;meet are the Jewish ^Women's exports Welfare Organization, the B'nai B'riEh Auxiljaiy, £he T£mj)le.Israe;l e"~j—' ippjiprts amounted.^ <J. T. A.)—Danzig has I n ¥ hppd, the Council of Jewisli Women, .,th'e ^ Golden Hill ;Sqciety, Jthe been\chpsen as the city where, the. ? 2 t .pflun^s and in 192? tbfy had , Hadassah, ;the Debpxah Sp.dety, f ; p p . y , propps.ed Jewish University : in Europe Jan^ied to 340,000-pounds. Thf L Omaha ChapterofofIsrael Hadassah, the ~" the Daughters Aid Society, .the Dh Daughters of Zi Zion, the Women's wfll be built. A site for the build- §rti?i?E p.f f wine, hpneympon in California. They will Progressive Club, the Jewish Orphan Society, the Women's Free Loan Society, hplons, soap, whfrat, ings has already been bought, and J|ye a t the Ml. Yernon Apartments. ROSE-HOOPER. and the Y. W. H. A. organization. egsaraO; and almonds. j detailed plans for the construction of Mr. and Mrs. I. J. Epoper announce Mrs. Sam HarBuij^ of Kansas City, Presidents of these organizations will give two-minute talks showing:!,the university as well a§ dormitories The principal articles of import for the marriage of their daughter, Hanthe purpose and work of her organization. '.Other interesting numbers are]for the professors and students have|l9?S were cotton g-oods, pg.r#i» oil, nah, to Mr. Jack Epse, of Chicago, Mo., is visiting in .Omaha wifh v She is stopping at the being prepared for the program." "."'" 1 been prepared by the Jewish architect, j animals, potatoes, flour, tobacco and 111.; on Sunday evening, April 13. Thp friends. stopping a t the Fontenelle Hotel. Mrs. Mas Frpmkin is in charge of the entire arrangements for this affair,] Stiefelroan. This is the informstion j motor cars. ceremony v a s performed a t the home snd she is being assisted by Mrs. Dollie Elgutter. published today in the "Moment." Karl E . Tunberg, "well-known Proof the bride's parents before the presDr. M. Grodinsky and Dr. A It appears that many .influential ence'of the immediate relatives of thp Greenbprg have moved into their new fessor of Pianq, is presenting Miss Membership committee, Louis A b- al by recalling the performers time Jewish circles of Poland are .interested fHiiidcifig ©f couple,, Rabbi J// M . Charlopp officiat- qpjces a t 740 JJrandeis Theatre Bldg. Regina Leone Franklin in a. piano in thq project, and the Warsaw ramsoru recital a t the Schmoller & Mueller after time. or furnishings i thififceffpmbn'y b ' Mrl~and l~ g££ '' Following Courtesy committee, Estelle LapiBabbi Fredericlc'"~C"ohn will deliver Auditorium Wednesday evening, April Another open meeting will be held financier, Doktorowitz, has left today ' Mrs. Kooper entertained at a "wedding - • - ' Franklin ^ —«-• will •""*•sermon Friday evening a t the 23, at 8:15;' "Miss on April 90. DUB to the large a t - ] for Geneva for the purpose of taking be dus. I dinner for, the immediate ifamilyi and Dance committee, Ben Mjnkin. tendance a t the first open meeting, a definite stepg towards the establishfrom eight to eleven o'clock they en- Passover services pf Temple Israe assisted by Mr. Warren Waiters ' i4£i' Conduct and Decorum, Ann Seliccw. SAM K. at eight o'clock on "True Freedom'?, large p.sll has been reserved for this | ment of the university. " If is reported Baritone, and will be accompanied by tertained at a reception for friends. that Mr. Salandra, the Italian repConstitutional, David Sher.. and on Saturday morning a t ten second meeting. Mr. Tunberg. Miss Ldllie Eooper, sister of the bride, Financial, Joe Freeman. One of t h e features secured for the •was maid pf honor, and Miss Gertrude o'clock his sermon topic will be Miss Flora ~T3iens£pck entertained Social Service, Sam Beber. second Tneeting will be a string orKose, of Chicago, sister of the groomj,' "\yhat the Lord Did fpr Us." Closat Bridge Sunday afternoon for the Intellectual Advancement, Kate chestra composed of pupils of Prof. with all repairs or remodel•wag bridesmaid. Mr. Rose had as his ing services will be observed ThursRa Oih Society and for Miss Juliet Goldstein. Harry Kononqvitz's school pf music. best man his brother, Mr. Meyer Eose, day evening, Ap,ril 24, when Rabbi ing- at $25.00 or over Markjris, of Chicago, 111., who is the A regular meeting of the club will Athletic, Harry Knceter. ajso of Chicago. During the past Cohn will taik on "Two Spngs". guest of Mr- and Mrs. 13. Kpnnel. be held next Wednesday evening, •week,,-prior to their marrjage, Mr. Mrs. Dave Sampson left Sunday Club prizes ?rere won by the Misses 2S18 Leavemvorth St., If April 23. and ]$ts. Rose •were extensively enTHOBPELVST NEWS. morning for her home in California Rae Wolosritz, Martye Weinstin, and Omaha, Nebr. ' ' Tel.:.Harney 2763 tertained. They are now a t Chicago? after having visited here with her Flora Bienstock. The Misses Eva The first of a series of Thprpeian j AUFLEBUNG CLUB Jl}., where they'wilj. make their home. mother, Mrs. L. Bothschild, who last Alpirn apd Bert Leon "won gues' Athletic club open meetings was held The monthly dance of the Auflebung week celebrated her seventy-fifth prizes. Wednesday evening, April l§f at the: Club -will be held Sunday" evening, LEVINE-SOLOMOH. Swedish Auditorium. birthday. Mr. Marcus Solomon, pf this city, April 20, a t the Jewish Community Mr. Paul Sievers, of Minneapolis; : An interesting and unusual program Irishes tp annpunce the marriage of Mrs. Sam Cphn, ~bf Lincoln, Nebr., Minn., foj^grfy pf "this city, visited was given before a gathering of 150 Center. h(s 'daughter, Esther, to. Mr. is the guest of Mrs. Fred Hirschberg. here last week with Mr. #nd Mrs. A members and friends. B. Levine, of Red Lodge, Mt. The Empire Cleaners Open New Place Silyerman: The following program was preMiss Sally "Helphajid entertained Tnarriage'took plac,e at Billings, Mt. The Empire Cleaners have opened at a "Kid Party'- for sixteen guests pn Monday, April 7. Mr. and Mrs. Max "Krasne and'Mr. sented: their new establishment in the new 1. Address, President A. Meyer. $f r. ang'Mrs. Levii^e are now honey Sunday afternoon a t her, home in and Mrs. Aaron Shafec-have as thei: Elks Building, 110 South 18th St, 2. Presentation of medals to the Y. Mr. I. Sehoenwald is manager in honor of MIES Ruth Slobpdisky. jnopning in the east and will be a guests Mrs. Krasne's sister, 3 M. H. A. Juniors and Thorpeian A, C charge. Mr. Sehoenwald has been in J •home at Bed Lodge after May 1. Aim Reiss, qf Aurpra, 111. Mr. and Mrs. Morris Levinson reBasketball Teams. the cleaning business for the past turned Monday from P o t Springs, 3. Spftshoe dancing, Ed. Jlahoixey; fifteen Tears. "Service is our motto," Miss Cecelia Razovsky, who is secThp marriage' of Mjss S.ara Babin- Ark., and Miami? Fla., where they retary of the Department ox Immi- accompanist, Wm. Monoghan. said Mr. Sehoenwald. ovitz, of New- York City, to ftlr. have been spending the past five and grant Aid pf the National Council of 4. -"¥" Invincible Quartet Songs— Maurice JJ. Gold, of this city, formerly ha|f months. They are now a t the J i h W JOINS INSURANCE FIRXL i iin H Havana, Max Jasobsen, first tenor; Wm. FineJewish Women is : pf Boston, Mass., was 'solemnized Morris Apartments. gold, second tenor; Harry Green, bariMr. Hairy H. Singer, who was forCuba, where she is investigating cases announce the removal of their oflices Sunday evening, April 13, at the B ! nai of European Ittanigrants who are tem- tone; Ben E. Ellis, bass. Accompan- merly in the clothing business! is now Mr. and Mrs. William Lazere, of ' Ja^filj Ssnagpgue s n g p g ff Raty}i ty} J . M. CharJpB with the Erudential Life Insurance from #36 Brandeis'Theater Building to Memphis, .Tenn., annoupce the birth porarily, ip pup:* until they are able ist, Miss Leona Kovitsky. ting *rK"e bridp brid had d as h id officiating. her maid Co. "t would like to have my friends 5. Piano Solo, Albert FinkeL pf a baby boy Friday, April 11, at to come to the United States. of hjjnpr ' 3$ss ' $ya "Friedman, of call me," said Harry Singer. 6. Kano §olo, David Kahn. Omahans, Tsho have relatives in Bpstbn, ^|s§..^"an(i Forbe^ the Nicholas Senn Hospital, Mrs. Guba awaiting to ^ome to this counB t Jf d Mr. M Jack. Jak Forbes 7. Address, I. I. Levine. served as thV gjpqjn's bpstman. - A tazere was formerly Miss -Bess try, can cill Mrs. S. Nathan at WebOffice Phone: Jackson 3400. §. Moving Pictures, through the CONFIRMATION CLASS OF ; wedding reception at the home of the; Moiisky., . CITY SUNDAY SCHOOL courtesy pf the Wintroub Bros. . ster 3506 if tnpy wish to have their grooni's s]ster7~Mrs. X Forb>s, fqlAn election of officers was helti The Annual Seder for the children Immigrant case investigated. Miss AH numbers were- well presented •fo*5?ed* the "ceremony. pf the Temple Israel Sunday School Razoysky will he in Havana for only and the audience showed their approv- Sunday morning at the regular meet'M~' •••"•••••' ;}g a r e n o w m a k f n g will be held Sunday morning; April a few weeks, so immediate action 20, at ten o'clock. Rabbi Frederick should be taken. their home in jCohn will cpnduct the Seder and grppnvs sister. The Council of Jewish Women has Mr. Harry A. -Wolf.. >7JU SK7? a helped a great number of persons who i l talk. s are" bringing relatives from the Eu937 North 2«h St., near 24th arid Izzrd-Sts. - - \j Party", to be given Thursday ever After -a short stay here Mr. Sid- ropean countries to the United States. EX6LUSWE AGENTS FOR S i W l & the the Jpwis^ £pjn- pey Robinson, of Walthill, Nebr., Y. M. & Y. W. H, A. NEWS. mumty Center. and fiancee? Mjss Helen Rosenberg, Announcement is made that a feaand mother, Mrs. Lquis Rosenberg, Paxtpn Block "The iStoTe of IndjvjduaJ §h Mr. ture program will be given at the next pf Kansas City, Mo., left Monday planning a]i" extended eastern trip, They' were -the regular meeting of the Y. M. and Y. leaving Sunday, April-2?, for Chi r for their honjg. W. H. A. Monday evening, April 21, We carry a foil Une of all Passover supplies «ago, 111., and from Ghicago they will S»g$ts "rbere - Rf. .Mr-- Robinson's at the Jewish Community Center. Sevparents, Mr. an4 Mr?. Sgo to, Commbus and Cleveland. OTelephone HAxney 2T29 eral song numbers Kill be given by From GJerplang they ^yjll. gp fcy boat ~Xi l^fr. srtd. Mrs. A7 M. Shlaes, of Chi-Mr. Jack Frieden, a recitation by Miss to Buffalo, N. Y., and. then on tq cago;,' III.,' are the guests pf fheir Betty Steinberg, and orchestra n i ^ gone son, Mr. R. M. Shlaes, and Mrs. bers by Paths' Melodians. CommuNej? Yqr]c Cjty, to ^e until abput ^up'p 1 Shlaes. They will visit here until nity dancing will follow the meeting. after the Passover Holidays. A At the last regular executive com- j Mr. and. Mrs*. Pri'jTSlqsenstock and of entertainments are being mittee the following chairmen -sreTe Me. an^ ^ Mrs. M t>ave t Rosenstqck, R t k 4hnumber 4 appointed to head committees: ,({) Miss Loraine Bosenstock returned given for them during their visit. tome Monday morning from a week's April 26, 1923, t o April 12, 1924. Important business will be transstay ii} Milwaukee, W^s., wljere they $5,000 at Age 35 §64.55 753.77 Cash balance on h a n d April 26, 1923.. attended the wedding of Mr. Gus acted at the next regular meeting of (Participating and includes Disability 51.63 Old cijsh balances-turned i n later.™™ the B'na} B'rith" Auxiliary to be held and Accidental Death Benefit) Rosenstock tq Miss Edna Strauss, of Ter Thursday eyening, April 24, at the •• FF gggte'lMJ., Rn jVpril ;p. T o t a l Balance — _ „ _ .._ S S05.40 Jewish, Community, Center. Receipts—" §35,509.09 Mrs. Teresa'Arnslem left Monday Pledges paid The Prudential Man Miss B,ess G^qjdjaerg |eayes tji?s week 7.00 Annpnyrnous. l e t t e r s „._ fpr her home in California after a 1IA. 4554 2,4GS.OO p e s koines,- Ja., where she will JA. 1275 •Eeveral we>ek!s visit here a t |he home vfop i 321 City Xatlonal Bank Bklp. O m a h a National B a n k Loan .—. f jt &V ^ v e r a 1 W k s ' bef prp "going of her spn, "Mr. "iferb,e'rt Arnstein. §37,954,00 to phicagp. III., where she expects to Total Receipts __.— . . ph k h ' ' ' " ' Mrs. Fanny issacson and daughter, ?3S,789.40 makp her hpnig; WILL SHAEE a Five Eoom '. Total Cash, t o be accounted f o r !Mrs. Adolph Zalkus, left Tuesday for Expenditures— J^Ir. and Mrs."" 'ATTe* Silyeirnan. anFurnished Apartment with ! (California, where they will makfj Payments t q - ^ p ss5.ooa.oo nounce the birth of a baby daughter, ! Jewish couple. Walking dis- ' Advertising '*LJLL 1_.1_... their home. '• .-_" 2i:i 9 Geraldine Elaine, on Friday, April 4. tance. Call Harney 6971. Refund on. Pledge 25.00 Mr. and MrsI- Ben Ta^m^n ^pd Stationery and: Postage , 53.45 Mrs. Max Frbmkih eentertained the Dr. Abramovitz „ . children" of'ljansa's ^Jity, Mo., wiil 39.61 Repay Omaha- National Bank_._ 235Q0.CO arrive Friday'to yigij; here for sev- internatlpnally known singer, ' Isa Kremer, during her stay here last k with i h Mr§. M T ' Ta^nian's erall weeks Total -Expenditures. ...._„., $38,139.2o For High Grade week. J. il^' €50.15 .parents,''Mf. an^f Cash Balance April 12, 1924.. Mrs. Morton Marcus and son, and Mrs. J|r§. Alexander S383789.40 for Passover, call Jerohm, are at home after a month's Actual expense amounts to §177.25. MRS. H. RACUSEST, visit in Kansas City, Mo., and Des 1911 Clark St. Webster S428. an e^ctended yisit with J£r p son, Mr7 Mark Pollack, in Havana, Mpin^s, l a . tei Kansas City they f Cuba.' — ' " • " " • ' ! visited "with Mrs. Marcus' sister, Mrs. Al Hoffipan, ant} in Pes Mpines they MONECEIT'S Mrs. Ernest Meyers', who recently visited with her sister, Mrs.^ B. •••'•• " B E A B T T T S H O P -r '- '•'.. Schwartz. •AXO CHIKOyODT • :'.•• y Est. 1890 ash Mission Hospital, is convalescing. The Upsilon Kappa Tau Sorority Marcel and tree reset tn . H e r : rflouier, Mrs. S ; Ginsburg, of 1 S days, 51.00 held its first annual election last SunSioux 'Cityjvlpwa^is r yisitink"here. We specialize 3n'permanent day a t the home of Miss Dorothy Open Irom 9 A. M. to ';*-V-3^'0TOc|l|»'f:Jffj^ : ^ n i g r i reg- J£lein. Miss Elsie S,talipa.ster was 9 P. M. Jacbson 9771. 1312 , lafej? ^ f n % l | : § q a ^ | n g e t m g wffl be elected president; Miss Alice Gins3 M f ' H S S § M aftern^onj A j ^ i 21, a t burg,- secretary-treasurer; and Miss A •-•;•-• vtwn nWcM-lr ah two oJclock at t h e J e w i s h Com- Lepnors* J?gtlrnut£er, reporter. ; munity Center. On the first day of Passover, Mrs. Hyjnan H. Coh» and daughter, Babbi J. M. Charlop, will deliver his Upholstering and Furniture Repair» of Fullerton, Nepr., arp the ing Mat^resses^^ri'pyaie^." Mj f3phn?g f 3 h ? ijargnts, Sfr. Sermon at"th.e §'nai Israel Synagogue off Mjr. on '-'What IJqes Passqver Mean to Bpj: Springs. and Mrs. Leon Gohn and other rela1BVS Jiorth XQth S t . tives. They expect to yisit here for [Us JpW's" a t the P ^ s p n t Day??,-and AT-Jantic 3619 ' on the fqllp-ning morning, April 87, several "sveeks. ' , he >vill address"" the menibers 1 61 the Mr. and Mrs7 G^I" Epsgnstock are Cpngregatipn pf the Beth' : 3?amet d here h Fid A exacted Friday, April 25, from drosl} Hagodol Synagogue on "ReAppaycl you'll be proud to . f JsrasU' Colorado, jshere they were - spending d i rigiit, raade-rigiit and price } fheir honeymoon.. They • wifl modern, Tleld «lnb district, lot ; ihsfe home th B l k t pi^sir?: h^me:at^sthje^iBlki|^| \3Et^ii ' Mr. Nontian Goldberg is leaving 50x180 (lot north 52,000), must be (K>ld at once, 52,500 cash, faalanee tonight for his home, in S t Paul, montily.—Phone "Walnut 4115. —Third Bloor |i§|^;aft^ra-MperT[^n;^^ Minn., after having been-here for the



DR. M.

Suite 738-42 Brandeis Theater Building.







»—"*•• •-••••-




8-room House, $S 950

stnqrt fashions to 59.50


3* ^






president of the Yevseksia, the" Jew- This is the'first time that rermbm-soSTRAUS URGES , ! week after spending five weeks in MY HEART IS IN PALESTINE Chicago, 111. '. DECLARES NATHAN STRAUS ' ish Section of the Communist Party of ment has been made to ths J . »• C. CHRISTIAN NATIONS TO - > • - : - UPON HIS RETURN' Soviet Russia, in his opening- address tor money loaned by it. '••"'. BUILD UP PALESTINE 'Jerusalem, (J. T; A.)—Oscax'Strans, \ Mr. and Mrs. Ben Davidson returned New: York, ( J . T v A.)—"When I on Friday at the Conference' of AU- An interesting- fact in connect;cn r formerly - American" Ambassador to last .Mondays after spending, the winter left-America I saiil that my heart was Russian Jewish Sections of the Com-with this repayment "is that the paymonths in' Miami; Fla., Havana, Cuba, 1 ments were all made by people fmm in Palestine,- and now, after having munist Party. Prdfessot of "Women's* College in .Connecticut • Declares That Small/ Turkey, and well-known fer the aidarid; other, southern'.resorts. - mis, Merezhin complained • bitterly that small villages. " No 'payment has beer. seen-what--has-been done by our / ' College! Community Lacks Jewish Influence. '-t : ; . .1 which he rendered the American sions in Turkey,- was. given an : official The Maccabeaen Chapter of Young people/-I repeat that my heart is the Jewish sections.'have .been busy received from any of the debtors ir " New York'City.—In an article con- and .clothes and are .reduced - to the reception a t Nazareth* by' the" rep-Judaea held their .regular meetingJ "there and ever shall be" declared with political parading, and have paid the large cities. and philan- no attention to the • most acute and N a t h n -Straus,'banker Straus'bank • ftibuted to'the April number of "The breadlines in Vienna. She is caught resentatives of the. American missions last,Wednesday eveiung at the Jewish Nathan his address'to'the Community Center. thropist, upon his return here today vital p'roblem-m Jewish Iife-in-Rus• Jewish ; Woman", the quarterly" pub- up and responds to the fine interests in Palestine.-:In 1 missionaries, Mr.Straus laid stress on sia. Ke urged the' conference to- coron the Adriatic." * lication of the National Council of •which her Gentile Classmates have in Mr. and Mrs. Emil-'Rosenstock rethe need for upbuilding Palestine. He rect-their error. • "Ireturn full of hope for the future their sister colleges in the Orient, and -' Jewish Wbmeni Mrs." Bessie" Bloom pointed out that 'although he was not turned last Tuesday-from 'a' week's of Jerusalem,full of hope that the In announcing his program he reis quite unaware of Jewish girls "Weasel, Assistant Professor of 1 Biblical prophecy will be fulfilled and peated the old demands for the conEconomics and Sociology, at the Con- I striving to rebuild institutions in aa Zionist he-considered it. the duty of visit'in Chicago "and Milwaukee. necticut College for Women, discusses new old-homeland. Her Christian all Christian .nations to' assist the Mr. and Mrs. Abe, Davidson. left that-out of it Zionism shall go forth tinued isolation of the bourgeoisie, the with the law and word of the Lord, fighting of nationalistic tendencies , "The Jewish Girl at College." -Among friend has national organizations that Jewish people in upbuilding .their na- last week for New York City.. that the three great religions origin- among the Jewish masses; and urged : ipther * problems, Professor Wessel are interested in her, in her Christian tional home in Palestine. Mr. Straus . makes the following observations on development "and in her relationship vehemently admonished those nations FURTHER DISCOVERIES MADE ating-in the Holy Land will unite all the inauguration of such measures as which put obstacles in the way of this peoples and make it the spiritual would win over the Jewish masses. .' the matter of Jewish influences in the as a Christian to other Christians upbuilding. IN PALESTINIAN EXCAVATIONS center of the world for securing Diamond & Platinum Specialists the world wide over. She goes to college-community: . - " •Jerusalem, (J. T. A.)—The excava- universal peace." ' 1514 Dodge St. conventions and summer institutes and - "Unless-the college is in a large LOANS MADE BY J. D. C. tions carried on in the Valley of Est. 1894. Ja- ?fi!9 Mr. Straus, who was accompanied • icity, where the student makes her af- comes back enriched and imbued with IN POLAND REPAID Jehosaphat by the Jewish Archaelog- by his wife, announced he made a spirit of service. The Jewish girl ifiliatdons with a temple or synagogue, Warsaw, (J. T. A.)—Loans made ical Society under the direction of or with some Jewish group of hereither misses this, inspiration or, if The Jewish - Educational Alliance Prof. Nahum Slousch have been very provisions, in case of emergency, for by the Reconstruction Department of choice, the Jewish girl is apt to beshe chances to join one of these held a dance and card party last Sun- fruitful. Besides the discovery of the feeding in Jerusalem of 17,000 the Joint Distribution Committee in somewhat isolated. She cannot easily groups through some misunderstand- day evening' at the Jewish Community the tombs of King Jehosaphat and persons daily. Poland to small fanners and trade identify herself with the interests of ing on her own part, discovers herself Center. •• - - ; - - .- • * Absalom, the Macabbean prince, a JEWISH ECONOMIC PROBLEM IN people to enable them to rebuild their AUDITING ANTD INCOME .the small Jewish community,'however'j a stranger among them, and comes The Mt. Sinai Temple Brotherhood door was discovered at Jehosaphat's homes have been repaid with interest. TAX REPORTS -intensive and satisfactory they may- home to harbor a disappointment held a meeting last Monday evening monument, sculptured-in the style of RUSSIA ACUTE, SAYS MEREZHIN Moscow, (J. T. A.)—That the most -toe-for that community." "I have which she does not understand. 20S Karbach. 13lk. Atlantic 1031 at the Temple Social Center. the Jewish-Hellenic period. Steps acute of all the problems in Jewish frequently heard Jewish students "say "One thing all Jewish girls have in THE BRINN & JENSEN CO. leading from Jehosaphat's monument ihat Jthey experienced a sense of lone- common, and that is great ignorance Mrs. A. Brodkey left last -week for to Absalom's were also found, thus life is now the economic question, was Wholesale pnper distributors for the admission made by Merezhin, the liness when their- Gentile friends go of Jewish life, of Jewish customs, of Excelsior Springs, Mo. proving the connection between .the out on Sunday mornings to teachh historical or current Jewish problems. Northern Toilet Tissue Messrs. Lawrence Baron and Her-two. 1112 Barney Street Sunday School classes, while * they And they are almost invariably conAt both tombs many examples of Willard Batteries Brunswick Tires hang around theif rooms idling away scious of this fact. This is.perhaps man Braverman returned.' recently AT-Iantic 640S . Batteries recharged 5n one day ' .the day.- Nor does i t necessarily hold the most outstanding problem which from Chicago,.111.,-where-they went contemporary art have been found. Scholars are inclined to the hypothesis with the Sioux City High School Yousem Battery & Tire Co. TO AND FROM ' that they are not needed in their com- the Jewish college girV present. She that these monuments belonged to .. 815-North 1Mb a t Coming S t . Basketball team to .attend the Na* munity. That indeed is "thV saddest comes to college conscious of her Boad Service Any PJnce ALL PARTS Oh PAXTON'MTCHfiLL CO. tional Intersholastic Basketball > meet Simon, the son of Onias,"the Jewish Phone Atlantic OG€3. part of the story and the problem. tUb and Mitrtha S t s . ' HA. IGG2 Judaism, needlessly conscious of thewhich was held at .the .University of High Priest of the Macabbean period. THE WORLD KiancfBrttircrs of Brass, Brnnzp, "There i s then no influence which existence of a Jewish problem, but Aluminum and Sort Orsy Iron Costings, Chicago. Mr. Braverman is a memtomes from association with the com-lacking the assurance which would Veto are assured ot soft <:<ist8ngs. as VAL. J . fcLiiiin.< tre marhin* pomp from every hevA ID 9nunity. Bat more than this, the come from a closer knowledge of the ber of the team and Mr. Baron went PALESTINE TELEGRAPHIC Office Phone JAcfcson 3123 »or- own ehop. 1307 Howard St., Omaha,, Neb AGENCY TO SERVE Standard slzr cast iron &n<i bronzp Jewish girl has noaffiliations with content of Judaism or of the nature as a reporter of the school paper. JOHN FELDMAN Bushings ID k ATlantie 0540. JEWISH PRESS any organization or movement which of the problem. This problem, the Miss Edith Skalovsky entertained at Clothier New York, (J. T. A.)—The Palesbrings "her in touch with the problems, Jewish girl does not create herself. her home last Sunday evening in Full Dress Suits and Tuxedos the interests, and activities of herIt is created by the lack of Jewish honor of her guest, Miss Bessie Horn, tine Telegraphic Agency will serve the Moved" from 109 No. 16th St. t o Jewish press of the United States people. She envies the Gentile girl educational influences of the proper of Omaha. £03 Karbacfa Block, 13th & D o c s i s s S t s . •OMAHA. NEBR. through the medium of the Jewish w a y J'on pet thorn i n sn*" package serves the community, wh'ile F. S. aiOKi:*. Prop Jewish children need her. She joins sort in the community from which The regular meeting of the Ladies Telegraphic Agency which has been ITEN'S GRAHAM CRACKERS Phone Webster 0820 an wax drives and is caught up in the she comes, and by the general in- Friendship Society was held on April appointed its sole representative in arc jr-o-o-d tatint; i'ot everybody. THE LAUNDRY THAT the United States. fervor of. Christian movements ex-difference of an older generation to 1. • -mk j o u r ETOfiT for I T E X CK ACKERS EVERYBODY LIKES. the needs of college students. Nor The Palestine Telegraphic Agency, •j- name nlwiiy*. Ciei tlif jr«"n«inB a n d tending help to needy students here l»e saHslWt mil w a y s ! N,a and abroad, but goes on quite unaware is it the college girl alone who is the About thirty members of the\B'nai which was established eight months Eev Chapter of the Ivre,Club of Des maintains a network of corloser. She is being lost for those a g 0 > "The Mohl" of Jewish children starving' in ' the Earry B . U p t f l n . r*«.-TMtS. Residence, 1343 So- S5tb St. Ukraine-and elsewhere; .of Jewish 1v e r y activities which she needs for her Moines, la., and Lincoln, Nebr., at- respondents throughout the Mid-East, let. Pepper, VSce-PreElflent. Carpenter Paper Co. Tel. ATlantie 6S3?. tended the fourth annual: conclave of a has special representatives in a n W. G. Ure. Secretary. students who forego necessary meals | own enrichment." Place of Business, 2415 Coming St. DisJributorB ot the Ivre Club on Sunday, April 8. J a f f e > . Haifa, Cairo,-Beyrouth and . X*I. ATlantio S831. Omaha Fixture & Western Bond—and High Following the Grand Lodge meeting important Mid-East centers, Grade Stationery and initiation of members,- a formal j Through this new; arrangement beSupply Co. Omatia. dinner dance at the " Martin -Hotel tween the' Palestine Telegraphic COMPLETE STORE AKD Ballroom concluded the affair. Agency and the Jewish Telegraphic OFFICE OUTFITTERS CLARENCE DESDUNES Agency, important exhaustive reports W* occupy Mr. and Mrs. Joe M. Rice, of ever TO.000 EGOSSB feet Concert Violinist and Teacher on economic, political and social Censer Omaha, were in the city last week Studio: Bnwkto's Bide-, *«— No. 54th St (developments in Palestine and the ' "- Phone, WrbsteT &5SS. /'Some of the most .brilliant Jewish Augspurg also devoted herself to the visiting relatives and friends. Eleventh and Oonela* Streets. Of?ce Hoars. 3:30 o & I Mid-East will be available to the Phnnri JarkBon 8T2-S women of our age" are among the enfranchisement of women. To her Violin bowt s o d case* for Bfita. delegates to the International Peace belongs the honor of having called Mrs. Phillip Trost returned last Jewish press here.-" Congress which will be held from and with her co-workers organized May 1st to 7th in Washington, Such that international congress of sufis the statement made by Mme. Eosika fragists t h a t . . , founedd the InteerSchwimmer in the April issue of the national Woman Suffrage Alliance... B'nai B'rith News. Mme. Schwimmer, "Vilma Glueckiich belongs to Every Known Kind •who is herself one of the best known younger generation of pioneers of Insurance international leaders of feminist and Miss Glueckiich was already teaching peace movements, speaks _with_ the when in_lg95.the. s_cliQPls_pf. philosophy 209 W. O. W. Bldg. J A . SS44. JA eksoa 18S2 authority of personal acquaintance and'mgdiftine..were opened to women. and long affiliation in .public - move- She Jthen left her post and became the ments with' the women5 of whom she firsi woman student at the University Gate City Furniture Co. WASH AND KEEP WELL writes. ' . " " * of Budapest." Later while she was en<J SPECIAL A RULE OF HEALTH "I am always slightly amused," she teaching in a municipal school in Globe Van & Storage Co. writes, "when , indignant fighters Budapest "she was singled *out for FRONTIER TOWEL SUPPLY owned rue* operated by against the contemptuous generaliza- leadership of the Hungarian women's California Street. GROSSMAN & SONS tion that Jews are cowards, burst into movement..., and since the start of E20-22 N o . lGib St. a recital of Tieroic actions' of-Jewish the Hungarian feminist movement in At. 0230 ^a. 433S To see this car is to commend its beauty. soldiers.... I always feel provoked to 1904 to this day Miss Glueckiich has ask: 'Is that all you have to disprove been president of the Hungarian It stands out strikingly, both in the symmetry ; the stupid generalization? And what Feminist League, which is internationT ©.net RES of its design and in the excellent good taste about Ue courage of Jewish -women?' ally considered one of the best organUVNDBS. and smartness of its equipment. WTiere yonr cJothea coiae borne "When moral courage is once clearly ized bodies of this k i n d . . . . denner end last Icmger. Tecognized as superior to mere "At the Hague Congress of 1915 she Druggists and Stationcsis »nU» (S2W. 1507-15 ^gtckioo In the final analysis, however, the most physical bravery the record of Jewish stood in the front rank of those who C03.-4G3-40S Soatb IQth 8t»>«t H. A. JAOOBBSEGSa, Pres. popular feature will unquestionably prove •women's courage will balance if not risked everything fearlessly demandout-weigh the evidential value of Jew- ing immediate cessation of hostilities. to be its exceptional riding ease. ish military acts." Some months later the military The seats, the new spring suspension and The individual women whom Mme. authorities condemned h e r . . . to a few Certified Public Accountsnts Dodge Brothers special 6-ply balloon-type' chwimmer discusses are, Dr. Aletta days in prison for inaugurating houseAudits Systems Jacobs, of Holland; Dr. Anita to-house propaganda for peace,, but tires unite in achieving an altogether new: - Investigations , Augspurgr, of Germany; Prof. Vilma they never martyred h e r . . . knowing efficiency in protecting passengers from the *S4 to 44« r*>ti>pg Trnst ISJd '- Glueckiich,, of Budapest, who "rank well that her arrest would swell the Phones. Sneitnan «313, 4314, ruts and jolts of the road. . among the greatest women of ourmovement to undesirable size.. There Omaha OlSre; 61S E>oce!sc is no woman more beloved in Hungary age." Omahs Fiioao fi.tlanf,i^" S5SC than Vilma Glueckiich and there are Dr; Jacobs, whose seventieth birthFord Transfer & Storage Co. day was. the. occasion of a national few leaders who deserve appreciation O'BRIEN-DAVIS AUTO CO. R. &. ITOBD. more than s h e . . . r celebration in The Netherlands last' President end General KscaEer. 28th and Harney Sts. HA rney 0123 "Hand in hand with the other woFebruary, was the first woman doctor Cocnvli Eiitsffs (ICK'8) O8Sce .'00 8*. ESain Street. E%«ne SSE. ( in Holland and one of the first of hermen of Qthe world," writes Mme. Ono of America's Great Hotels profession in Europe.' Her own dif-Schwimmer, "those Jewish women will . ficulties in getting a medical educa- contribute the services of their minds tion and in entering her chosen profes- and their hearts to the solution of the sion prompted her to do her utmost greatest problem of all ages." COKVINCF TOi 1 O r OUK to clear the way for women in the SINC13KITT. J. J . FRIEDMAN, Atty. future.- "With t\ie labor leader Heldt Trust Department. SOS Omaha National Bank Bldg. Service is Oui Motto SaffftSF Deposit she organized a free clinic for work1MIOBATK .NOTICE ing women to which for more,than_a, in the County' Court of Doaglaft Conntj-, Safe Deposst Boxes fot (ten! • decade she devoted much time. There In the matter Nebraska. of the Estate • of. Daniel deceased: ,is hardly any social movement in Hernsteln, To the helrs-at-laiv, creditors, and all . Holland which does not bear the mark Other persons interested in said estate: , are hereby notified that a vetitloa ; of her devoted services.. But she ishasYou been filed in this court on the 4th day " above all identified with three of theof April 1924, by William Bernstein, nl s Omaha"* that, Daniel Bernstelti died on the BUTl'EK and tSiM "greatest causes of our time: the Neo-leglng 20th day of March. l!>20, intestate-; that a the time of his death he was" a resident o BAKER ICE MACHINE CO. , Malthusian (now known as Birth Douglas Conuty, .Nebraska; and that he Ccund? BiuiTs. la. Control), the Feminist and the Pacifist Was possessed of the following described real estate, to wit: increments. ^. > '• - - - Ltot two (2) in Aldfnc Square, "a Subdivision of Block Eix <G) In E. V. Smith's r - *The career of the German pioneer, Addition to the" city ot Omaha. .Dougla County. Nebraska, as surveyed," platted Dr. -Anita -A"ugspurg, is in many "nnd recorded. That said petitioner has au interest in said real fat ate being a sou o '.features similar to-that of Dr, Jacobs, said deceased, snid petitioner prays that i i ' l g h e , too, hail to fight for the,opening hearing be had on said petition, that notice UNCLE SAM BKEAKFAS'I thereof be given as required by IIITC, nnd '.'" of;the profession to which shg wanted that upon said hearing u decree ot helrship FOOD CO.. be entered nnd further administration - to'devote herself.'''" She was the first paid, NRItRAMKA estate be dispensed "with. " . S o u nrc therefore notified that "a hearW'!-woman''to receive'the degree of doctor ing will be had" on, said petition at the |>>>'.of Javr in, Germany; but after receiv- County Court Room-of said County, on the Sth day of May, lSZi, at 9 o'clock a. m., L i 'i?* -~'tng+ the -degree, she:was not, Being aand that if you fail to appear at snid time place and contest the said netitjos, the %* wbinaOr a&mttettto the bar for thirty anil conri may ^rant\1h^,sn.ine. enter-nflect*^ and.decree thai rforther'-'aft. £o.^jear&.. ja"aweverj-"her degree^was not of-f hefrthfp, e f r t h p , and decree t a i f o r t l i e r a j JOSCAB

" College Girl is -Ignorant Jih'Lif/ S^


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W. J. Yates Accosting Co

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HcCord-Brady Co. "';". ,..


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