April 24, 1924

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OUT New Address is;" 681 Brandeis Theater:




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i • 1

VOL. in—No. .20


. p«Mt<>Bciggg|f;

4-elasa mall njattex oa Jaxaaay 27th. la. Nebraska., under tb* Act cl tSarcb 8^

Campaigsonto Quota forthe Erection of Building foi NationalJewish Hospital More Than 100 People 'Are Waiting For. The Erection . Of This Building So That They May Fight This Disease.:




NEW CHIEF. OF JEWISH DIVISION NEW YOBK : PUBLIC LIBRARY FETED New York. (J. T. A.) Dr, Joshua Bloeh, newly appointed chief of the Jewish Division of the New York Public Library, was the guest of honor at a dinner given by his friends at-the BroaSway Central -Hotel' recently. Among the prominent guest present were the'Director of the New York Public Library, Mr. Anderson, and the Chief Librarian, Dr. Leideriburg. The toastmaster of the dinner was -ftlr; I. George Dobscvage of the Jevish*.Publication Society. Speeches were made by Dr. DeSola Pool, Prof. Richard Gotheil, Reuben Brainin. and Ratibi Joel Blau. Mr. Anderson pointed out the debt the library owed tolthe late Jacob A. Schiff,-and made an appeal for funds, to carry on the work of-the Jewish Division...

Drawn I f Grocers and ..Butchers Organ- Measure Opposition ©owned, ization Endorse Both Men. Both •••;Parta«s' : Joining • '.-•- in' Passing It.

' \

WILL CANVASS THE CITY CENSUS ~ "OF: 1S90 - MADE TILL ELECTION DAY. BASIS FOR QUOTAS. More than thretfjiundred grocers and butchers have ©rganized to boost Leo Rosenthal and Charles "Courtney for City CommissioBers. From now until election day, all packages sent out by these grocers will contain circulars boosting Rosenthal and Court-

HENRI BERGSOX AND - ALBERT EINSTEIN OX EUROPEAN JEWISH COMMITTEE Geneva. (J. T. A.) The plan for the establishment of a university at Danzig for Jewish students affected by the Numeras Glsusus in Eastern European countries was considered by the Intellectual Commission of the League of Nations here. The meeting took place under the presidency of Pdof. Henri Bergson, the famous French philosopher. The Commission decided to appoint a committee of seven, including Prof. Bergson sna Prof. Albert Einstein, to go into the matter in detail. The representative of Spain on the Intellectual Commission has offered on behalf of the Spanish Government aJsatie for the new university and the pipmise of an annual subsidy if the university is established in Spain.

"Boys'leek" I I be Special Programs Are Arranged for Entire, Week.BOYS' 'PAY"-AT HOME QI* FRIDAY, MAY 2

"Boys' Week," of which Mr. Louis Washington, April J.7. (J. T. A.) Hiller is director, will be inaugurated W O R K E R S W I L L CANVASS T H E CITY TO The Senate late today, by a majority at Temple Israel by a three day celevote, adopted 2per" cent of the 1890 bration. • . ' COLLECT T H E 1STECESSARY AMOUNT census as the quota' for immigration Friday evening at eight o'clock Mr. N E E D E D TO F I L L OMAHA'S QUOTA. from ;the time the "bill'may become John L. Kenedy, president of the U. law until July 1, 1827, at the expiraS. National Pank and chairman of The appeal to Oniaha Jewry1 for the remainder of the $15,000 tion of which -period the Reed national J i e y . . . . ' •• ' i : •• -.. -. \ -' : the "Boys' Week" elebration, will quota for the National Jewish Hospital will be met-during the speak at the Temple on "Our Boys." All grocery trucks.and "wagons "will original plan passed: yesterday, will next few days. Workers are out now to canvass the city for the Special music will be given. carry banners of these two men. "We go into effect,: ' Under this basis the remainder. * "• at * a. banquet held last remainder." More than $7,000 w was raised Saturday morning at 10:30 Temple •will be out on election day and do all total number of. immigrants admissiweek in honor of Rev. Dr. William Will S. Friedman, vice-president Israel will-celebrate "Boys' Week Sabin our power to elect Rosenthal and ble per year will be about 162,000, or of the National Jewish Hospital. bath" to be conducted by the boys of Courtney," said Ernest Buffet, pres- a reduction:'from" the present law of The need for this money is very urgent. The new infirmary, Temple Israel themselves. The folident of the State Retail Grocers' As- over one-halfr ' ":" "•" building must be built. There are more than a hiundred people The final" vote today, adopting 2] Special Honors Accorded Rabbi Kook lowing boys will participate in the sociation. .••'-.-.• who "are waiting for the'people of this district to help them-be L F. Goodman To Deliver Ait Address • Booster meetings ; will be held fre- per cent .of." 189Q,;came after a very; At British Embassy. leading of services: Joe West, LeonOn "The Jew In Social Service." • ~~ quently by the; grocers* assoriations. peculiar parliamentary cituation had admitted in the National Jewish Hospital. - Unless, the $350,000 ard Posley, Alvin Friedman, Harold Washington, April 15. (J. T. A.) Brodkey, Edwin Brodkey, Morton Reywill be raised for this building, these people will have to suffer At the recent meeting held at the arisen." The first "vote taken was on until they die from that dreadful disease tuberculosis. Omaha Lodge No. 354, Independent Chamber of Commerce, circulars and Senator Willis' ;amendment to reduce Rabbi Eabraham J. Kook, ChiefatRabbi the Ii m a n » Laurence Simon, J. B. Katz, Jr., of Palestine, was received Omahan's - know the need of this who are anxiously, waiting to be Order B'nai B'rith, will hold an open banners were-distributed to all pres- the quota under the present bill to 1' ;' Selwyn Block, Leon Katz, Ben Stein, hospital. . Omaha lias had more than admitted in the 'National Jewish meeting at the Jewish Community ent. "Courtney and Rosenthal are the per cent,"insteadof"2 per'cent, as re-1 White House by President Coolidge Stanley Simon, Bob Rosenthal and eighty patients in the hospital and Hospital, so that they .may have a Center next Thursday evening, May two men who must be elected first," ported by the Committee. This re- and his secretary, Mr. Slemp. Laurence Green. Rabbi Teitlebaum, of the Central today Omaha has eleven patients in chance to fight this ' dreadful disease 1st, at 8:30 p. m. A special feature of the morning's said George Kelly, president of the duction' wa's'Jn accordance with Monthe hospital who - are fighting the tuberculosis. These people " come - One of the features of the.program association. "These men are entitled day's Republican caucus decision, and Relief Committee and of the Union program "will be the saluting of the "white plagued These patients, when from all parts of the country, from will be Ken Baker's Omahans, who to the office because they are bus- was passed-by_a-big .majority. Later of Orthodox Rabbis in the United American Flag, and the following they are properly taken care of come all walks of life, some leaving their starred at the Rialto theatre several iness men and will run the city tinder Senator Harrison-of. Mississippi, still States, who accompanied Rabbi Kook, scouts giving the scouts* oath: Richback cured—come hack to their dear fathers and mothers, some leaving weeks ago. The same 'orchestra that a business administration.'' intent on'substituting the 1890 census, acted as Ms spokesman. Through ard Hiller, leader; Bob Rosenthal, Joe him Rabbi Kook thanked, in.the pertheir wives and children. You can Baker had at the Rialto-will be kept "We all know the record of these offered an amendment to that effect, son of the American President, the West, Stanley Simon, Harold Brodkey. intact for the B'nai B'rith ipen meetBen Stein, Morton Reyman, Leonard answer their pleas by helping erect men," said Irvin Stalmaster. "Leo which was-passed by a vote of 47 to LETTER FROM A ing. This orchestra is made up of ten Rosenthal and Charles Courtney have 32. In tHis way the Senate adopted American people for their friendship Posley and Leon Marks. The Boys' this building." UNIVERSITY STUDENT and for the aid rendered by them in The following letter was received and has already gained the favor of taken active part in all civic affairs. the 1890 census. However, the situa- European relief activities. He gave irehestra will play under the direction I have heard of the good work that the people in this district are by Harry H. Lapidus • from one of the theatre going public of Praaha. "We must all lie &t the.polls on elec- tion thus resulting called for only a special thasks for the recent action >f Mr. Abraham Kohn, a vocal selecdoing for building of the Infirmary the people who are waiting to be - Another feature that" has been • se- tion day to work'ind see that these 1 per cent "quotaTacd Senator Wads- of both houses of Congress in passing tion, "Dear Little Boy of Mine," bj building' for the National Jewish admitted in the National Jewish j cured by the committee in charge for two men.are eleeteiiJ.' worth of New York, apparently thinkMiss Laura Goetz. An address, "Boys "resolutions approving the creation of in the Churches,* by Eabbi Frederick Hospital, so I thought it would be Hospital: ing 1 per cent of 1890 as going ±oo ' this open meeting is a "harp, solo by "The butchersj organization is one advisable^or me to write you in apthe Jewish 'National Home in Pales-. Emma Clow. Miss Clow has attract- hundred per cent fer Courtney and far, thereupon offered an smEndment tine, and the British mandate over it. Gohn. Dear Sir: preciation of what the hospital is I am appealing to you to help me ed considerable attention in her re- Rosenthal," said 1. "Moskovitz, pres- to increase the percentage to 2 per Sunday morning at eleven o'clock a doing for me. Rabbi Kook expressed his hope and Boys' program consisting of the folbe admitted to the National Jewish spective field and is." I am a resident of Chicago. I cent, which isras passed by a vote of is rated in the ident of the Butchers* Association. conviction that America will remain Hospital of Denver,, Colo. I am a was. graduated from the public p ' At the meeting lield last Tuesday, 56 to 23. • - ."'':. id M ip l, gfa4e" and high schools of Chicago , bat ba musical _worlcl as an artist of the highthe center of liberty and idealism, and owing; • .resident off Minneapolis, and up until a .year, ago was a • am at DDenver, C Colo., '" " _Senator Sterling's racial group ap- bestowed "his "blessing upon the Pres- .Opening prayer. Justin Wolf. p ^ elected. * These l aunr,. like many est rank. • ' ward captains jji m h y itadt^thU others, desiring rto be admitted-in i=-^SesRerallJiovel numbers will'. be pre- •captains -will have ?3g|rge.Qf ;$ach ward portipnmentJglan,: which will have the iSenV.'EseosiEg .himself "for feeing en- -iBtroduetion, Leon Mandelson, who of Illinois. I took -a very active the National Jewish Hospital. K0l:«|Sjsrta^.;^;:..l«Bte. filler, .chairpart in school activities, heing a . I .hT$\re:be*m"'atvlJDenver for some sented by AKce Truscott, who has separately and w!H-have" men; "sta- 'effect "of 'practically aitteg"off Jew-' able" to 'speakis •tise-fegllsli -l&&osgs.' man of tiiif-toorniiig. An. addresr on tioned at every voting poll to see that whistled herself into the' hearts "of ish immigration, and is so intended, member of the football and baskettime now and am waiting patiently In reply the President stated that ball teams. Just "about one year . to be admitted in the Hospital, but thousands of people who- have con- Rosenthal and Courtney are elected. did not come up for a .vote today, ••bbt he felt highly honored by the visit of "Boys' Dpy" "will, be given by Mr. ago last November, after one of the I am told that they are filled to ca- stituted" the audiences" Before" whom Sterling stated tonigh't that he is as Palestine's -Chief Rabbi, and assured Martin Sugarman, followed by the safootball games, I caught a cold, pacity. I was born in Minneapolis Miss Truscott has whistled. determined "as;< ever • to push this Rabbi Kook that the United States lute of the Flag by the Boy Scouts. which left me in a very, weak conand haye lived, there all. my life un"The program will be concluded by amendment and-will-present it for a Government would assist, in > every The orchestra -will Tender the music, dition. After a brief spell I began til I contracted;this .terrible disease. ; : : getting worse, until after u con..Just about a year ago by husband an address on "The Jew in vote tomorrow. He reiterated that way possible, the establishment of a and benediction 1will be given "by Hersultation of doctors, I was told that . became sick* and,- after a period of Social Service and Philanthropy.' Senator--Reed of - Pennsylvania had Jewish hoxnelaskl in Palestine. •""The man Rosenblatt. . I • had . contracted the • dreadful time,' the doctors' pronounced- it.-tu- The speaker of the evening who will The "Men's Service League for k approved the amendment, .and prom- President . aiided that, he fuHy apdisease tuberculosis. Through my i Proceeds To Be Used To Send Degree ' berculosis. My;hnshand held a. very ; Boys'*- enlisting: the co-operation of ised to support it; although when parents rand friends I was admitted responsible.position and was forced deliver a talk on this subject' will be proved of Rabbi Kook's mission in Team To Bes. Moines. (Continued on page 2.) in the National Jewish Hospital at to leave for Denver to make his Mr. I. F. Goodman. This Subject wil asked aWst this -tonight,' Reed was America, and extended his- wishes for Denver, Colo. fight against the white plague. Just be treated by Mr. Goodrnan>in.a manArrangements have been.completed non-commital- and- declined to indicate its success. imagine—here I was,-left a t home ner that •will make it interesting and I-left Chicago on stretchers, not •* Special honors were accorded to Uisah Clifter Lt. L Elects for the Spring Dance to be given by his positioril to take care of myself and two lit-' able to walk and have been in the By a late unanimous decision taken Rabbi Kook; at the British Embassy tie girls. ~ I worked hard to support -&t the same time instructive."-He in- the Omaha Chapter No. 1 of the hospital for nearly a year. The §!&«!sr Eana$ Tern myself and family, while my hus- tends to trace the growth and develhospital has worked wonders for (Continued OB page 2) where he.was received by the newly band was making his fight, so that opment of the activities of the Jew Aleph Zadi Aleph on Sunday evening, me. The care at the hospital is appointed Ambassador, Sir Esme he could come back a healthy man, along social service and philanthropic April 27, at the Rome Hotel Ballroom. wonderful. Through the National Lincoln, Nebr.—Mr. Jake Marx was Howard. The Embassador invited elected president of the Ginraiel ChapMessrs. Myer Freeman, Abe Bato his loved ones. Jewish Hospital I am rapidly relines. Present existing Conditions gaining my health and I am now Rabbi Kook to lunch and the Rabbi ter of Aleph Zadi Aleph at their semiEverything went along nicely for bior and Harry Wise are the com'able to walk a little. I feel that a while, until last November, when both locally and nationally will also mittee in charge of the dance. The accepted the invitation, but partook annual election of officers Sunday, X will soon be cured and be able to I became sick. I could not work be dealt with. only of fruit. proceeds of this dance will be used to return to the University to finish April 13. Mr. Himie Evnen was electany«longer. After being in the hosMr. Sam Beber, who is in charge of my education, so that I may realize pital for about* a month, the doctors this program, will preside. According send the Omaha Chapter's Degree " More than "300 members attended The Ambassador asked Rabbi Kook ed vice president; -Mr. Harris Sirinsky, my ambition and be one of the pronounced my case as One of tuTeam to Des Moines to install the the last regular semi-monthly meet- some questions concerning conditions leaders of my. community and an berculosis. -Picture-yourself as I to Mr. Beber.-this program is -unusual Des Moines Chapter No. 4 of the A. ing of the::Y.'M..4'-¥-, W.-H. A. organ- in Palestine, and expressed Ms grat- treasurerj Mr. Israel Novicoff, secretary; Mr. H&rlejr Davidson, court re> active part in all Jewish civic afwas, my husband gone, and here I for the manner in which it has united Z. A. ization meeting ."Monday evening. ification when the Rabbi praised porter, and Mr. Louis Letween, serfairs. am,, & victim off the white plague. p g u -variety and diversity with such outA number of out-of-town guests April 21, at- the Jewish Community highly the British' Administration un- gesnt-Et-a-rms. l f t my children hild ith relatives lti I left with andd standing talent in each of the.ir 'reder Sir Herbert Samuel. The Amfrom Lincoln, Des Moines, Fremont Center. went to Denver, thinking that I The following men were elected to ones, comer back to the community spective fields. "We have been very and Sioux City are planning to attend A tennis'toumament for the summer bassador declared that he would rewould, be admitted in the National serve on. the. committees by Mr. Marx: to take an active part in all affairs. fortunate in being able to secure the Hospital. The Hospital is erowded. months will be under the direction of port the visit to his Government in , "We will visit every home in the £?ease see if you can do something above numbers for our April open this dance. Mr. Nathan Mnookin, of Mr. Harry Kneeter, chairman of the London. In "the afternoon, the Am- Application, Harley^Davidsoh, chairKansas City, Mo., the founder of the for, me,'so that I'may have a chance meeting," concluded Mr. Beber. city to raise the quota lor Omaha," man; Morris --Zolat and Heinle Evncn. local A. Z. A, organization, will be Athletic .Committee. All' those who bassador repaid RAW Kook's visit by • Excuse,Tbilip Stine, chairman; Leo to fight the .plague, so I may have said Marry Malashock, city chairman the opportunity of .going back home desire to enter in the to-cmament visiting him at Ms hotel. in Omaha to attend the dance. of the campaign. * The' workers met —back Gerstiise and Herman Khttkman. to my two. little girls, who should get in'touch -with Mr. Kueeter Tickets for the dance, can be obWednesday evening to outline their Initiation, Harold Shapiro, chairare daily crying-for the father and CHARITY .BALL tained from any member of the local or Mr. Albert Tinkel. campaign. mother, to come home, to my tvro mam;. Himie Evnen and Jake FinfcelPlanVare' now "under way for a POSTPONED OWING To' A. Z. A. organization. little girls who are not receiving stine. "The entire state of Nebraska'will the care of a mother's hands. My .The funeral of Mrs. Jacob Klein, musical -program" to be given at thej RABBI'S PROTEST Program, . Sam Schneider, chairgo over its quota," said Harry A. heart is torn away for my little next meeting, Monday evening, May 5, Bucharest^ (J. T. A.)—A charity man; Israel Novicoff, Harris Sitinsky Wolf, state chairmai for the ingirls. Please^tell the people in your age 97, who died Monday morj&*5 at RUSSIAN GOVERNMENT at the Jewish Community Center in. ball organised by Jewish students in RENEWS FIGHT AGAINST district to hurry and help build the the. ho me of her son,. Mr. Max Klein, and-Morris Zolat. firmary building campaign. Oradeamari, Transylvania, for the > Hesse imd' Campaign., Wm. HershefPRIVATE TRADERS celebration of "Music Week." Infirmary building for the Hospital. 3323 Cass street, was held'this, •morn"The need for the infirmary buildr There are a number of people who ing from the home of her son. The Riga, (J. T. A.)—The fight agrainst Mr. Dave Freeinan, president of the purpose of raising 50,000 lei for a sky, chairman; Joseph Sorldn and are waiting in Denver to be admit- b u r i a l t o o k l a c e a t t h e the traders and merchants, in spite of organization, announces the following Jewish hospital in that- town, has Philip Stine. ted iri*thief HospitaL"These people' P LETTER FROM - - - - loved - - ones, -have -\cft\ Cemetery, C t Rbbi J3. M Rabbi M. Charlpp pffi- the official sanction of private trade j members to serve on the committees been called off trwing to the protests Tiavc all'left Athletic, Louis .LotYi-non, clsairman; of the town Rabbi. TWELVE-YEAR-OLD their homes. Give us-a chance to, jidstmg,. / , . ..;;;,.-'--'.-\;-'x rZ :'-H'L':r•-., under the Nep (New Economic i for this teriri: Harold Shapiro and Israel Novicoff. - . OMAHA GIRL fight the .dreiWfol disease of the: ^Mxs. Klein was born in i&nsfcria' Policy), has been started again by the Membership' — Louis Abratrsson, Eabbi Benjamin Fudis strenuouslj Advisory, Saul Arc n son. white plague. Help us' return' to chairman;' Sadyc Cornmar,, MaT£&ret denounced the Arrangements Com Every.morning and every night Soviet Government. Hungary in 1827 and c^ipe MI^iriMc^ our homes; help us get a foothold I pray for you people at home. The merchants and traders who Siefces, Phil_ FeldmaJi, David Beber, irilttee of the ball from his pulpi in-.1873 with her insbaBd, ^ 0 died in life. Pray to -ydu for the things that r last Saturday, declaring that Jewish JEWISH PLAYERS have gone into private enterprises as Ula Albert's,'and Lottie Qiventer. May God bless all the people that nineteen ^years. ago, vSe-;.^rais'ji-jJijft=>.of. you are doing. 1 am at the NaFinances-Joe • * Free man, chairman; girls would dance its indecent dresses HERE FKIDAY wil] make it possible- for us to retional Jewish Hospital in the Hofgain our health. heimer building. I pray for my 3acob Cohen and an all star cast of now in a very critical position as a Sam Cohen, "Abe Babior, Morris Fine.jasd that money raised through sacl Hospital and the B'nai Jacob Syna,father and mother and brothers and methods would taint the hospital- Yiddish players will appear at the result not only of the heavy taxation and Harry" You can help .this _ mother and gogue. • - * , rsisters in Omaha, Because • of tkis expression cf the Braadeis theatre Friday eventaf*. Acimposed by the Government, bat by may others return to their loved CoastituB-onal'-r-Ife-^d Sher '.chairr Mrs. Klein is survived ^yjf our- chilI am attending the school here : and we have a wonderful teacher. ones, return to them to guard .them dren, Max Klein, of this city; William the fact that the Government trusts man';-" Myft -.,.'JFfi0araan; and Harryj Rabbi's .-opinion, the plan for the ball cording to the Tnatsapeir of thu'eomare competing severely with the Gidmsky..':;-;. ,?.-.;•'; ;" ..-;'.' .'.-,./,.' . abandoned. panr, they vrill play "In a Wotld of I get lonesome -for home once in a in the*right.paths of life so that .1 while, but I forget about it because .they may be good men and women Klein, of Buffalo, N. Y.; Mrs; A. M, private enterprises by opening retail ; :i The local Roumanian Sin," This play i? especially nwaap^d paper, "GyLesser, of San Francisco, Csltf., and , Intelleetaal.,.iflyss«meiit «— Kate| I want to get well and come home of to-morrow. stores. Goldstein, chalrinan;. Lillian ChudHkos", attacked the RabM for the Psesovcr. With Mr, Cohen M^rs. S. Hirschberg, of this city,. Twento you all. p cleveresfc doncThe Government recently created a. aeo3\ Mae Gteenberg, Leon, Gross, charging that on account •• of :Ms are several of Europe's During the first days of the Passty grandchildren also survive, erp and .singers. They -frill fil&f ia Louis Jacohgett, Xda-Lustgsrdeis, interference' -the sick >peeple ©f the special department for the purpose of nver, we attended special services twenty-one great-grandchildren. euly. whierje we.prayed for all our friends fighting the entrepreneurs, and many MartyeWeinstein. -' town have -been deprived of the this city for one irnio are helping us in the National merchants have been arrested on the Athletic—Harry Kneeier, ch necessary , hsspital . lasflties. The &DAY.WORKERS. ' •Jewish' Hospital. r local--orthodox Jews, however, Thave Jewish -Wcitaneti's Gir«3i We ask our Father in Heaven to" y ^Moscow; •; i 3i'^J; A^;^S ;^p^a||^ •--; TO BE GIVEN BANQUET slightest pretexts and sent to Siberia. snd AlKeft Finks!. : bless you for the good you are doThe Local Branch .of., the Jewish Most of those affected are Jews. As Courtesy—Estelte Lapidas, chair- held--a meeting.at which.fcfeey'declared •,.-'•;.. .••.:::•..- • . : . . • . ; < » • ' p t t a51s i : ing us and that your own children ' "• j thef* -adherence to- ffae. EsbbL-. •--''.' / :."*Fhs Jewish .WorMngmen ^; National Fund are giving a. jbanguef a result of this business depression, man. ,are well and strong; and if the love -iz&titoi, o$ -the United "States>i|<|i_ _ and" dual economic policy, the desire Social * Services-Sain Beber, chairJ for the Workers of the recant Flag -at the . little children will repay /../•." •'. •• A U F L E B U H & - C L U B . ' ' '.•.•' te'.i»dse iflSi.OCKJ to .iielp t t e . n ^ ^ ^ i ; mas; L, F. GotwIjBan, and Fred White. for emigration from Russia has ,Day drive, on Sunday evening, April ;yotli'^^waht you to know that we : B r i thki hi B 3* A '.'program': hsss-:l>eett..«»anged -to •men :«f ;^3esti»e.';- • . • '•::.\.-.'-,;: ^S^feS Ji^dn'^-iijj^BwiB^^&ai <lov&' atid thank you, and that we rae^toa:)|h^BJqra^»A^^fe^;i^H|ct; 27, at the Talmud Torah buijdia^at grown again very acute. ii .will continue to pray for you. :EIIis3 -.Saw :!&S!«^^ -^s;''ftferBsiemi; '& ..given »t tie-" next', regular -meeSng- :'^The 'SbaJe .ffioBist,.;.ifae : t e p ^ | ^ | 5 7:20 to which the publicjsInvited.'" y p p •at -"the. AufleboBg -,-ctob -.JSaAday • «ven- 'tioaal PeAsndj aiMl:/%aJkir|^sg^i^*? DAUGHTERS OF ZION. CLUB. 'William, :^fe^|f^;i>»K : : : t e ^ » , A prize will be awarded to fh® one Jewish, social workers, tfho fiave 1 ;: l y J1 : i«gi. April :27,-:at (4fee:;-JewiA»iC»Hawaing - i s ' becoming more urgent each convening here. . , . „ , . . . , . , who has raised the most money at A regular meeting of the' Daugh- €>scar..3^,e||istie|i|< :;'.)'.fit'^ -: ~' ~ ':•" :-' 1 «Hy"""iCenter."•• A Jewisk playfet.«ad" JBU j©f :the:^te}paigK ii>;^QWi^tU;:. *Iay," said Harry H. Lapidus , chairThe conference unanimously adopt- the drive, and medals will be -fpven tb ters of Zion dub will be held Sunday iitan of ihe campaign for this district. ed a resolution favoring the Crimean the other workers. Rabbi j . M-. a^weevjjwaiier.'. 'wai:::-;be,s»fiwB&!iSy'3S^ ;p§Mta;. iis;^pKM».<^)!a;-*E.J!c^i^pi^|^|ii afternoon,, April 27, at &c .Jewish i I receive/tetters I &^m&e-*:••'•';/ :M,r^P-->^ ~r-^ - * •«'..v .i.-«-:-.».--• .^' ~ --*-»-- :''--*:----«-.~*v><5ji);iifiiS;?!(s%^is:Sii;'-. ivxasnSj SJK! lop will give an address. Communitv Center project. " . ' ~ * "* '" \

Novel Program To At B'aai Frith OpepMeiiimg

Aleph ZfttB Alepl Sauce &;

* -• ' --At I§iiie 'H©td -Smiay

Large Crowd Attend


Fsmeral of Pioneer Eesiieat Hell

; i



JEWISH PRESS/ TJflJRSDAY; APRIL 24, 1924 IK- FEAM Qf sups, of 14,000,000 francs into the Berlin. (J. T. A.) Th'e Deeteche thrc? tables of bridge'/at h ^ home PAtrESTINlAN CURBENXY undertaking. Zeitung carries a denial by Md. Max Sunday evening in honor of Miss Jen5684-1924. PACIFIED B¥ GOVEI|NMENT Warburg of the-charge that his broth- nctte, Pitlor, of Omaha . PASSOVER—April -- - -Published' every- TJiarfedny ot Omaha. Nebraska, by er, Felix H. Warburg of New York, Jerusalem: (J. T. A.) The Arab ROUMANIAN GOVERNMENT PASSOVER—April 26th. Mr. '.and M"TF. Joe Sarbach and THE JEWISH jPRPSS PUBLISHING £OB?PANY. ever acted in. the capacity of finan- granddaughter, Helexi, &r>d grandson, PARSHA ACHRA, FIRST PERES— press is giving jnuch attention ,to the DISPLAYS ANTX-SEM|TISM Office: 681 Brandcis Theatre puilding—"Telephone: ATlautic ,}430 TOWARDS JEWISH CHILDREN cial expert to'the Allies during the Walter, of Nebraska Cits'. w » in decision of the"Government to intro-' May 3rd. 1 NATEJAN E. GUEEN, Manager. Vienna. (J. T. A.) The Roumanian peace negotiations at Versailles; or Lincoln, for the Community Seder. duce a Palestinian currency, independROSH CHODESCH IYAR—May 4th. has withdrawn its per-that he, Max Warburg, was a member Subscription Price, one year..".... ...—-...-.:—; $2.50. ROSH CHODESCH IYAR—May 5th. ent of the Egyptian Parliament, and Mrs. Call Weil left for Houston, the step already Wken in the appoint- mission for the admission of § g i !of the German financial delegation to Advertising rates * furnished oh application. PARSHA KEDQSHIM-r-May 10th. ment of a special committee to study of starving Jewish children from Ger- Versailles. UHANUI3 off ADDUESS—I'lease give both Ihe old and new address; Tex., -where she -will visit with her PARSHA EMOR—May 17th. - - Jns- eure -ami pjye your yoye. - the problem. msiirirr'whffrn it was-intended to send The. German antt-S-fmit ie "press-had motiier, who has been ill. ~ L'AG B'OMER—May 22nd. " • ^. Tha'Jewish Press is supplied'by the Jewish -Telegraphic Agency (Jewish PARSHA B'HAR—May 24th. • - The Arab papers exprepsed the fear to Rpumania for the purpose pf refttsly • accused-• the Wajtergsrof CorrespirHlence Bureau) .with cabled 2$& tftegxaiMs ismsii nSffSj «J .addition PARSHA BECHUKOSY—May Slst. that the new Palestinian currency • At the same time the ...ng together fpx tHe' £\&1?AS£ o,t Mr. Dave Jlinster, of Omaha, \vas '. to feature articles ami ,corrjespontlej\ces from all iipportaijt Jewish centos. in Liracofin for the week-end. £ Government is damaging the German interests. i»utuiries regarding news iterns crerfited to this Agency will be gladly ROSH CHODESCH SIVAN.-— June might introduce a - Jewish monetary Roumanian system, delivering the country jiitp the entrance of maijy Chrisanswered if addressed to Jewish Telegraphic Agency, 114 Fifth AVenue, 3rd. Miss N>orraa Frosh, who is teaching New York City, . •••*•.-.-•the financial control of the Jews. As children frqm permapy for the PARSHA BAMIDBAR—June 7th. at Doxjglas "Nebr.^ was in Lincoln last "purpose, . ';.'• •" SHEVUOTH (First Day)—June 8th. a result of these attacks, the Governweek and -while herie attended the A communitjr s^der w|s held at the SHEVUOTH (Second Day) — June ment has issued a statement declaring JEWISH ASSOCIATIPN '-. THE RS-ESTABLJSKRipNT GP'THE BIBLE Cojnmiinity £>eder. New Temple ^ridfay, April 18. Little that the new Palestinian currency will 9th. ' The'&ible is coming Into its p)yn. More and more do itsPARSHA SUBMITS REPORT Billie Weil read the questions. A litbe connected "with the British system, 14th. Mr. and Mrs. Wasserman .will sail contents come to prove their valjdijy. The parts pf^the 7Bible PARSHA NESOH—June f4 tle pjsjylet written an.d directed by and will be issued directly by the BEHAALOSECHO — June foT Europe the latter part of May. "which have for many ypars beepi regarded .as "IJnjEustoric' are 21st. • London. (J. T. A.) The. interna? ^iajabi Starrelp was ^sg given. Those, Palestine (government, and not by pribeginning to estabE&h* their historicity. Sqme time ago Professor taking part were Sarah Sirinsky, Altional conference on the problepi of vatq ,-lj^nks. SHELACH—June 28th. The Sisterhood is sponsoring a Clay proved by" nis-discovery th#t the JJiblical account of the iinmigration; which will meet in Rome lan Pearlman, Hirshal Pearlrnan, He- vaudeville shew wl^ich wijl.be held ROSH CHODESCH TAMMUZ—June -great flopd in the. tfme ,qf J^p.ah cpuld'iipt rightfully"be'considerpd oii"May 15th, will receive a detailed laine Heller, S^th Diamond,, Janet 2nd. METULLA DJS.TBJCT pFFJCI^LLY :statement on the Jewish immigratien Kohn, Gertrude Hi". Irene E]l|s Mil- Tuesday evening, April 29,- in the a mere myth, because it actually'has an M?fonc basis. ? Professor Glay's' testimony in eyjjdence of this particular BOSH CHODES.CH TAMMUZ—July UNITER .WJTH PALESTINE situation all over the •world. Aspe- lard Speir, Manuel Wishriow and New Temple. Ahqut nine entertain'-•->---!--••< —-J-- - -*-•Bible critics, His - 3rd. . . ; Jerusalem. (J. T. A.) The district i report on the subject pf howSamuel Garson. Several recitations ing acts are planned to be shown. PARSHA KORACH—July 5th. of the Jewish colony in Metulla, on Jewish'"wonien are affected by i??????i- were given by Shirley Diamond, Louis evidence ' nqr," the English frontier of Palestine, over gration problems will be the chief fea- Eepperberg, Camile Shire, Jjmmie ignored; HJs staijiin^r and reputation as a scholar are:'o.f such FARSHA CHUKATH—July 12th. which there has long been a dispute ture of th'e -statement which will be Baer and Billie' Weil. Miss Mildred a character that even those who had always, fceen convinced that PARSHA BALAK—July 19th. the flood narrative .was purely a myth ha^ to respect his state- PAKSHA PINCHAS—July 26tK. between England and France, '\Vas •submitted by the Jewish Association iNefsky sang, and Toby Sirinsky renNo doubt every Jew in pcunlia ROSH CHOBESCH AB—August 1st. officially^incorporated into the terri- for the Protection of Women and ment 'concerning J$it£e stgry. concerning the historic basis of the i$ihje dered several viplin numbers. Little knows that Ko^licr tSpap for Another proof of fte historicity Qt R.e Bibje is now furnished PABSHA MATTA-S UMASSEM—Au- tory of Palestine. lVsush fTassorer) can be secured dren of England. .• Elizabeth Wingradof danced three by calling by Kroiessor Kv|e,' who" headed' p research expedition which" ex- gust 2nd. The official act of incorporation numbers, including a Russian peas"IVeliSter 8527, MINISTER plored the lbwerregion-of'the Dead $ea;* This js #ie first time PARSHA DEBARIM, SHABBOS took place when the British flag was ants' dance. • .: op ca|l ef' J5I5 Kp. SOth gt. " RESIGNS UNDEp that this region has '.been scientifically explored, and the yield, • GHAZOM—August 9th. raised, with the proper celebration, in If I do not get nround to your home, I will greatly apprpcijitg ^ SEMITIC PRESSURE •i Mr. Harry Diamond returned to startling; as it'inay seem/ cpntirms the J^JBKcaT'apcqunJ qi the TISHA-.B'OV—August 10th. the Jewish colony of Metulla, in the your courtesy ij you call, apft cities of Sodom ahq.Gomprroh.-' *- -' -; - : ' '": you will pet prompt 'attention. PARSHA VAETCHANAN - ^ August presence of Governor Symes of Sa-; B?ri|n, (J. T. A.)—The fhuringen Lincoln after spending two weeks in ' Tfi'e sighificahe'e of' this .discpyer^ anj. Dr.- I^le^-E^ternpnt 16th. • > . . . . . " .-.':: maria, Mr. Sinclair, British Police Minister of Finance, Stolze, a leader tha south." . M, SOMIT, became clear when it is remembered that for a lbng tlmfiTnot qnly PARSHA AKEV—August. 23rd. Commander of the district, and Lieu- of the Eight Party, hande4 in-his Anne Snyder pf Sidney, Nebr., Bjple critics, but' .also our mo'dern rabbis had maintained a doubt- ROSH CHODESCH ELLUL, PAR- tenant Smith of the Palestine Gen- resignation today on account of the ing attitude and an apologetic position tqwar(|^ the So(Jom and SHA REAY—August 30th. darmerie, as well as representatives ultimatum submitted- to him by is visiting with" her aunt, Mrs. R : ComqiTph story." " ' " ROSH- CHODESCH ELLUL—August of the French authorities in Lebanon. Arthur Dinter's Voelkische Partei. qp1 y t There has been much rejoicing The" anti-Semitic Nationalist Party Of 'course, the value of the Bible does not-depend uppn-the 31st. Miss Bessie Epstein, whq is teachTTENTION! historicity <qf its "narratives." If ii werg pi'oy#4 t$$ pyepy il? r : PARSHA SHOFTIM—September fith. among the Jewish colonists of thedemanded that Stolze dismiss the ing at York Nebr., spent the "weekQW^J S i g F i l l i n g jn nss president of the State Bank, Lfleb.j a Full harmony, and "breaks" or "extras"* i-ative in the giblejvvas mythical and eyery ^it)lic§l' pha|'a.cter-un- ARSHATKE SA2A'— September Metulla district over the realization end visiting her sister, Mrs. Eellar. historic, the Bible would stiil' retain' its Yalue'an'd si|premje jmpprt- 13th. of their long cherished desire to beJew, threatening that unless he did If. ^ anca'as the worlds sacred bopk because pf the sublime moral PARSHA NEZAVIM — September jv part of the Jewish National Home- so the Government would be <oygr- MF. David Cohen, of G.jnaha, spent £nc! Floor E. MjokeJ fSWfr.. J3th & Hurnpjthrfrwn by a yote o flack of confidence the week-end in Lincoln -with friends. Pboues: Studio AtV43(rt :'Su!i."At."PQ2; ti-uth it teaches and the inspired spiritual t'e^cfring/s it contains'. land in Palestine. KPS.. At. ",2tQ. in the Diet. Stolze considered this For, Judaism has" never'sought: support fpr its tenets anrj. teach- IREV ROSH HASHANNO—SeptemMrs. Pora Krause entertained < ? t demand so contrary to the best inter* ' ings frpm a belief in miracles; the Jpw h'^s i^ver based "his claini ber 2Sth. - JEWISH LAWYER SENTENCED ests of the county that he preferred i'or" respect and reyerepce of his SifoJe tippir the incqntroyerfibre TO PRISON FOR SHOOTresigning -from the Gpyprjiment to truths" of' morality and spirituality wjiich fhe 3r?jble has taught ING IN SELF-DEFENSE submitting" to.- the demand of the v for many centuries.' \- ' "-' . Berlin, (3. T- A.)—Paul Wechsel- Nationalist Party. And pet, it must be highly gratifyipg^ to the Jews to know man, a Jewish lawyer, who, during a Financial and economic circles in that even the narratives of'his Bible ij'aye an ^li^toric background. gay New Year's Party in a cafe here, Thuringen sharply condemn the action It .cannot; but strengthen his faith -when he lea^-ps 0iat pyen these shot to death the anti-Semite Kirstein, of the anti-Semites against Loeb, conpart's.of_his~sacred Bpojc which he hipself and pfhfiEs had reggriiwho had threatened to kill him, was tending that it is owing to Loeb's (Continued from page 1) ed as mythical and unreliable are no\y beipg pVove4 to pe founded sentenced today. to two years im- financial genius that the monetary upQn Moreover, coming as i^ i£ doe^ dqgp pi} on th the ev evseof of upon historic facts. facts Moreover^ situation in the province has been conthe Pe'sach Feast, Dr. Kyle?s discovery assumes "special significance the Boys' \Vprk organizations, the prisonment. business men of Omaha and the; City In handing down the sentence, the siderably stabilized. Officials "propose th.e following pro- Court stated that the accused, gram: out the hope and "promise that these, {ipp. wity' bes scientifically Sunday, April 27th—Boys' Day in Wcchselman, "overstepped the limit of self-defense." proven to be historically" ivne and tfyat ihe ^ibje; tjja); i?,".pur Churches. GeMstros UplioIstenHg C0. Bible, will be fully and entirely 'rprest^blishe4'in'the rpspsct and Every Boy in His Own Church and Upholstering and Furniture RepairrcvcL-cnca of the human race.—^Jgwjsh Ledger." . - •Sundayy School, Sermons or some ppart PARIS JEWS BUILDING f one,semcg, iojje i j devated d t d ttq_cqning - Jlajttresses Renovated. Jlf. JN-FRANCE LARGEST E vgox Springs. ik <J<T.^^Correspondence.)— "noticed the-custom o^ tW AT-lantlc 20r9 101J Xorth Igth St. Leonard Rosenthal, the wealthy M. the" Boy" "and "the Boys toward Scnalo to speak of 'my ancestprs y»ho their pr parents. t Paris diamond merchant and philcameover in the,t jiayflpwer.' (S -specizil i printed program fpr anthropist, who is-^known as the "King (See -did- and mine, ~toffey/f>& 1QQ per 1 ( Continued':from page-1) 1 fills Viav?\ '». off Pearls" P l "and and d 'frfc '"frfco recently tl wrote t of these despendMO^HEIT'S ^ a stir in literary ^h,ieh cWa by the Senate tc.dsy,"'ju3{f prior 'to ants have forgotten why thejr Starring Jacob Cohen, direct from the Liberty; BEACTV SHOP f ias Boufh^ 'tbe Hotel Dufayel ccjournment, dctate tQmqrfpw Jips fathers left thEir native land? on the ia, the jChamps jEaysees for the purTheater, 7\e\y York, together with'Jeaijeite .Psskoritcjj, isaa besn restricted for eai;|i- Senator to "Mayflower. ^ Bepause pf persecution 1 r JIarcel nnd free reset tfo'se"of cqris"trupnrlg 'on its site the ools. Slogans: "Stay ten minuses on ^dph ajnen4pient. ''Tlie abroad? they came and found an-asySadyp Shangold. -vvilh ai> all star cast. . ?1 in' School," "Beck to School,'-' "Culti- largest theatre in France. The Hotel in permanent friends of immisration may benefit lum here; '' wftvinp. i A. M. to vating the Library JHabit," ".Training Dufayel was the International Press Open Iro5n"$* "The" Jews' are among our leading for Citizenship;* by the inability of Sterling and other ? r . si.? Club during the Peace Conference in supporters of the racial group plan, to citizens. I am a Democrat, but re- (See ^special printed program for 1513 Harney St. 1019. M. Rosenthal is putting the Jarkson 07^4. .' '. [ .- ' speak at length bVxsausp of this limj- member that- th& Bepublican boss in this Day.) John H. Beveridge, Chairman. .tation; on thp Q^her Jiand, the debate Ne\v -'i'ork is Sam Koenig, a Jew, restriction may have just"the opposite a good man, too, despite his polities. Tuesday, April 29 th—Boys Day in InT dustry and Citizenship. effect and crjpnle an effeetiyq §tfaclc The Jews are the major users of our To provide .Boy leadership in the libraries, the, leading students in our tyj immigration friends. sjpi^fiitYjjQififiges and nn:tbe'- business educational institutions. Among our Senator Walsh cf Massachusetts i4"iS^aS^&VjehterpTises." To*' interdistinguished ^citizens are Morgen- est thefibuSjHesi.man ,in and Senators Copeland and Cqlt ' S , thg"Bjaiyvas Sjujvs a to have awakened to the terrible dan- thau, Adolph Lewisohn, Oscar and Na- potential^emplQyeit.captain "of industry er ill l bbusiness.r rTp p mp emphasize ger to the Jews inherent in this pro- than Straus, the latter the greatest and.^eader ity of .** llabor..-' Employersof of the"'diariity a b o r ' Employers living benefactor of this generation. posal, and are preparing to pppflse it 4^r^and"City~lGf ficials"' coBoys, ^ 4 "We cannot afford to shut the gates operating. vigorously-when it-games up. Training and to the downtrodden and oppressed un- g i H ^ fV a & The opposition to- extreme .restrip(SeeVspecial printed program, for • ~ Operations Begin Monday. tion in the Senate is very-weak. Sen- less we repudiate bur history and .'na- thia Day.) tional origin. We could well afford ator Gopeland succeeded in mustering E. D.^White, Chairman. •• •'• "«u/ :- ..jh.-avr.n-— - - ' ' '* • only- eight votes for his amendment, to be a little more generous at least on the Second Unit of our New Building, fejfyT 4ijrU 3Dth—Boys' Day in cent quota for a voted-upon tod^y, to 'retain the. pres- continue the 3 per Music and Entertainment. : few more' years." ent 8 per" cent of 19iO quota." ' 'Musical, dramatic and entertainThousands of Dollars wortH of The Sterling plan _is'y the qnlx big. Senator Copeland based his pica for ment ' programs' "in every ' available Merchandise must be-cleared put in anv asyjunr on <a .graphic! description school and organization working'with : Boys. Public" invited to see what orof ~the~ teffiMerctfrrditToW-in Eastern "Three Weeks" , vptfcd. u^on by ^he Senate for iina| ganizations are doing fpr Boys. Opdisposition'of the' immigration^ bill, Europe whiri^ he,'visited- recently, but pprtun^ty for self-expression in music except an amendment of Senator Sim- his' picture- wa)s 'so~ gloomy that it ajid dramatics. (See'special printed program for mqps jpf Norfh Cafpiin^ to give agrir probably had the opposite effect incultural laborars a preference,"of" 25 tended on liis restriclionist colleagues. this"Day:i Hugh E. WaUape> Chairman. psy .cent in the. quotas.. This would }?or* example, tho Senator declared Thursday, May lst—lpoy?' Lpyalty that he found on his-trip that ever-y', cut ]3ovyn Jewichl immigratip-i- still D yj| L | t " Pp i rf t qi ' more as so few Jews are agricultur- b'p'dy-in Eastern "Europe - wanted to Thc.sc t o t s indicate the A patriotic S$sy Day -parade of come "to the United-States; -ihat he ists. . . • Bpys and Boys' Organizations. Pai; , Saving Opportunities: did not see anybody who didn't.'- This to be ma'de"up of B6ys! Units, -it"is practically certain that |he is exactly the arguments that the im- rade J Bands, Floats and -Demonstrations. .^nate will finish wjth t^p imm'igra- migration restriefcionists have beep Emphasis qji Loyalty tq thg ideals af : fiori bilL tqjnojrrqyv. ' l t Syjll now be pur country. Every Boy.na the" city using. pf para^ahle a^ge should participate. - easy for theJSeria^e to iinite Ayifh tji^ Senator Colt also.:inade-a vigorous special %printed' program* for Houses ^sccausc ^he ".'naiional origin^ 'speechr attacking tne*18D0 census, btr this(See Day.)' " - - ' .- ,' >".-. • ". . basis is' eve{i*T»fore diccrimifiatpry than all these 'effqrts were' futile* • •; Chas. R. Gardner, Chairman, 2 |)er cent of 1890, "and \v}lj f^Uy Friday.'Moy ?nd^rBl»yg' Bay jjt Hpme. -irTc'efc the satisfaction of yie Hoijse DANISH EXPEDITION FINDS '? To ui'ferest fathers and mothers in • rpstrjctjojiists. "|t js a]sq extremely fteir pwii- Boys; _-*Tp eniph^spe the AND PETROLEUM t h t t ipsijtutiph for hpme as the-greatest dqub.tf{jl-'whePief tfte. House will inr IN TRANSJORDANIA hp character building and good citizen, cist,' in the forthcQm'ing ne'gotiatippg Jerusalem, (J. T. A.)—^The Danish- ship. Parents .stay at home with witli th"3 Senate, on the retention of Palestine Expedition which recently Boys "on thisz-evemnfe. Radio program '>K.fr. ';- * the House relative exemption provis-. carried on research work in the Val- aU evening. - . (See sppcia,l printed prog:*xm for ^ i°nt '9 Y'hfch t^e Senate is opposed. ley of the Jordan, discovered pure *' Senator .Copeland, iiv. ^ lengthy iron "and petroleum in Transjordank}, this Day.) ' Judge L. B. Day, Chairman. - speeeh supporting his amendment to according to a statement of the-man- Saturday, Blay 3rd—Boys' Day Outretain the~pxistfng 3 per'pent .qupta, ager of the expedition, Mr. Sommerof-Dpors." - , • • nia?|s a special defense of the Jews, fel'd. To put emphasis on life in the anoj. gleamed with the Senators to keep open. TQ enable the public to see ope% America as "an asylum" for them. SEVERAL-JEWISH OFFICERS IN Boys in action in all the. open spaces Vf and parks of the city. To provide a : , "Tha "Jews," he said,' "have been, in WHITE RUSSIAN GOVERNMENT suitable day for the opening of base. •'.- ;•'.-•' Women's Handkerchiefs 9 Cents New -York $mcp\1654. Peter StuyveMinsj-'(j/-T. A.)—At the election^ ball leagues, -play grounds;, athletic 1 events, etc. ^sant • admitted the' first' Jewish •'set- of "the' new-White Russian' Gove^ri -' Silk 3tocldngs ^.10 Inter-C&j ifegtathlon; _ Under autlers only- on their oath that "they nient, the following Jews were,-suc.tmnal- Soys-' Week- Com..would forever maintain their own peo- cessful: Weinstein, "Vice-phairman of spices mittee. Out-of-door demonstrations 1 v. <fr ple'without becoming 'a -charge upon of Boys Scouts, Boys' Clubs, { Sunday Schools, etc. - .thj^coproonity.-' To the lippqf of the Jewish popula^'on of New York City,, mand, . Land Inspector;' Gertner, tha*(See special -printed program for sCORREOT APPAEEt'fi'OR-MEN AND WOMEN; never, broken their Vow, ^Minister of Justice, - - • v?

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MRS. HENRY MQNSKY TO Noyel Entertairi]nent to SPEAK AT $QW¥. ¥ E £ f |N£ Feature Junior I J d

Mr. and Mrs. N. Shifren, of Los Angpjesj, jC^Jif., anpopnce pie marriage of their daughter, Helen, to Mr. Paul Steinberg, of this city. The -wedding comes as a complete surprise to their many friends. Rabbi J. M. Charlop officiated at the ceremony, which took place April 6 at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. Silverman, 3107 Mason " street* The couple left for a wedding trip $o Kansas City, Mo. "Many 'affairs were held in honor of the newly wedded couple. Among those who entertained in their honor are: Mr. and.Mrs. Henry Fox. Mr. and Mrs,. S. Bavitz, Mrs. Mose Steinarid Mr. and Mrs. Grossman.

Mr.* and Mrs. M. Snitzer announce fhe engagement of their daughter, Sara, to Mr. Julius Parks, of this city. No date has been set for the wedding. Mrs. Carl Studna and son, Harlan, of Kansas City, Mo., are visiting here with Mrs. jatudna's parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. BlnmenthaL Mr. Studna, -who spept the first of the Passover Holidays here returned Sunday to Kansas City.

Mrs. Henry Monsky win give a talk on.the "History of Jewish Music ip Connection With Jpwish Selections" jBb'the joint Jewish Women's.Organ^•ation's meeting and get-tpgether $ocial afternoon Wednesday aftgrnoga, May 7, at the BiacksloiJp Hqtel. ; . Twp-minute talks will be given- j>y the president of each organization, who" is to report f he work that is done by her organisation. The Jewish Women's Welfare Organisation, who is sponsoring this aftprnoon meeting, haa invited all merabprs of the fifteen Jewish Women's Organizations of this city, in order to make this affair a success so that it will be made a monthly event which will enable the members of each organization to acquaint themselves .with the wodk of the other organizations. •' Mrs. Max Fromkin, together with Mrs. Dollie P. Elgutter, have taken charge of the program and arrangements for the afternoon,'

Mr. Louis Somberg,- who" is a student of the University of NeMiss Sarah Risepian returned to her braska, spent the first of the Pass- home in Elk Creek, Nebr., this week over Holidays with his parents, Mr. after a week's visit, with, friends here. and Mrs! A. Somberg. He returned Mr. Maurjp5 E." Ewerdlowj of Chito Lincoln Sunday • evening. cago, HI., who is appearing at.ihe OrAn election of officers will The fourth of the series of "sewing pheum Theatre this week isith Clyde $lac& at the closing meeting of this meetings of the Jewish Women's Doerr's Orchestra, is~ the guest of his season of the Sisterhood of Temple Welfare Organization will be Thurs- cousins, Mr. and Mrs.' Sam -Njtz, while Israel Tuesday afternoon, May 5, at day" afternoon',"" May l i ' g t the Jew- in Omaha. He will leave Saturday Tgmplp Israel.' Members who. Ijave ish Community Center. Mrs. Dollie evening. names to be put on. the election list P. J2}lgutter, ig in charge. The supare asked to have these names sug- port of the Jewish Women of Omaha Miss Helen Gridinlky, of St. Paul, gested at this flectjpn meeting. Other are expected as the sewings dope are Minn., is the guest-here-of her parbusiness of importance will be trans? for the poor. ents, Rabbi and Mrs. H. Grodinsky. Miss Juliet Markins, pf Chicago, 111., . Mr. Joseph.. B. Lazarus, who is Miss Ethel Gladstone left Saturday making hj§ home in Des Moines, la., who has been the house guest here of evening for the east to resume her as manager of that district for the Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Koppel for the gtudjes, a£ Vassar College after a visit M. J. B- Coffee Co., spent the week- past "three weeks, expects to leave for yrifti jjpr parents, Mr. ajjd Mrs. Victor end in Omaha with his parents, Mr. her home Saturday' evening. Mrs. Koppel'will entertain at a'farewell GJailstQne. and Mrs. Harry Lazarus. party for her guest Saturday evening . THe next hostess to the Ea Oth jSoAt the next regular monthly meet- before leaving. -ijdU. b§.;,Mis_s Bess Stahnaster, ing of -the Council of Jewish -Women hc -will entertain the members af her pn. Monday afternoon,"April 28," 'at Mr. and Mrs. A. Greenspan anoij^e Sumjay afternoon, May 4. nounce the birth of a baby daughter Temple Israel, the nominating comon Saturday evening at the Wise Memittee consisting of the Mrs. J. Katz* Dr. J. M. Lande left Sunday after morial Hospital! Mrs. Greenspan was a short visit' Jiere frith his parents," chairman, and Mesdames William L. formerly Miss Melvina Newman, well Holzman, Ferdinand Adler, fiouis Mr r and Mrs. N. Lanjle, Pr. Lande, known iri club circles. Simon,, and Harry Rachman, >Svill i s . assistant -professor- in Children'^ give, their report. 'JMah .Jongg and f ; Disease's at! i^he Iowal State UniverTHORPE1AT7-NEWS. Bridge will he f^ature^t-for the a*fter gite Ms&cat JF&fera, a5 Jem. Site* * noon's- programr£ffer which "rferesh-7 The second open Thorpeian meeting will be held Wednesday evening, April • Mrs. Louis "Millman entertained ments will be served. 3Q. A larger hall has been secured five guests at an Orpheum Theatre Mrs. Harry Braviroff left Wednes- for this "meeting." This meeting will Party : Saturday, afternoon }n honor of day for'Sioux City,-1owar where!, she be in-the fprmpf a smoker. A card M*s._Le®ls Ellis, of Lincoln, Nebr. is visiting with .her parents, Mr. : and of fast boxing bouts has been arMiii "STfefta f r i g h t "Is "visiting" in Sirs. JJ. Levicb.;. ranged. There will also be a number Des- Mpinps, Ia.t at $he home of her of valuable acts on /the bill. Helen Heller, of New ^ sister, Mrs. B. Schwartz, A feature of the pjqgram will be a pity,"is visiting at the home of Mr. musical number presented by pupils .Jfr. #?riph Frederick, Colin, son of and Mrs; Dave Rosenstock. of Prof. Harry Kononovich School of Rabbi a n O f r s . Frederick Cohn, left • Sunday nigjit ffir A n n Arbor, Mich., . Mr. Harry Braviroff, pianist --*and Music. •where he will resume his duties as instructor, will present the following -'.-All Jewish young men of the city instructor of chemistry at the Univer- pupils in a program of piano classics ar-e welcnie to attend this meeting sity of Michigan after spending his* firjday. evening,, ^pril 2p, at i i n e which will open promptly at 8:30 p. m. spring vacation, here as the guest of Q'flQck flyer the W- O., W- radio station: Little Miss Vivian Stein, age THE JEWISH CULTURE his parents. •eight, Little Miss Betty Fellman,{,age LEAGUE OF OMAHA Mr,vEdward ,G,]ick. and.f ister, .Mrs., 'Bine,- arid-the- Misses Lillian-.ChudaA Passover program was given at Max Sommer, and family -mil arrive coffj, Frieda Bolker, Grace Dansky, the meeting of the Culture League home Sunday after having spent the Pearl Dansky, and Mr. Albert Finkel. held.last Sunday. A talk on Passpast six months in California. Messrs. Harry Men,delson and over was given by Mr. H. E. Pfeffer. Harry Cohn returned Sunday to the The Culture League Chorus" sang ThejnontbiyjneetJng of the Omaha Chapter pf Hadassah "roll he belt pniversity of Nebraska afjer having some Yiddish folks-songs, accom"Wednesday afternoon, April 30, at the spent the first of the Passover Holi- panied by Mrs. J. Radinowsky on .-. ; the piano and Mr.' J. Belmont on Je«5sh Community Center.. Mrs.'.CV days here. . the violin. P- Goldner, cb.airra.an, pf the .Palestine Mrs. Fred Rosenstock has issued : An unusually interesting -program Mflk Fund-, requests that all members "at h.QJTje" c^rds for Sunday afterhas been arranged for the next meetbring in their contributions to the fund which "will be sent to Palestine noon to honor Mrs. Gus Rasenstock, ing, to be held this Sunday afterto purchase milk for the babies there. who with Mr. Rosenstock just re- noon, at 4:00 .o'clock. Piano,, violin turned from their wedding trip in tiid vocal selections will be gjven. Miss Pauline Grossman, of Velve- Colorado. r Also a' one-act playlet will be predere, Kans., is the guest of her fathJustin-Wolf, son of Mr. and Mrs. sented by the - Dramatic Sectipn of er,- and at the "home of her brother-inHarry A. Wolf, will be confirmed at 'the League. law, Mr. Morris Stern. All the members are urged to a Barmitzvph at the B'pai Israel Syn1 r1 attend this meeting and .bring their an Chicago Mr. and Mrs. Harry Trustin an- agogue, Eight- -at friends. streets, Saturday morning at ten nounce the* birth of a' baby son, Yale . Francis, pn Sund^y> April 20, at the o'clock. Qmaha Hospital. Mrs. Trustin was This evening at eight o'clock at the When Thinking pf Hens' Hats formerly Miss Bess Adler, F i i plosing sc /ices »f Temple Israel •. a • MR jN&t&aji; Jacobs and Mr. John; Violin*selectiq|i tfV.Abraham Kohn renQuigley spent their spring school va- dering a mediation frpm •"Thais," apd cation here, Mr. Jacobs visiting -^th an address on **Two Songs," will be 1421 DOUGLAS ST. ' his mother, Mrs. E. Jacobs, and Mr. given by .Rabbi Frederick Cohn. There JOE L.-WOLl? SAM N. Qnjgley;as-the guest of his aunt and •Will be no service.on Friday. yncle, Mr. and Mrs. Cohn, at Council At nine p'clqck" Thursday evening •' Bluffs". Mr. Quigley ha4 as his guest Rabbi J. M. Charlop will speak at the I whilfe jiei^, Mrl' Irving .Fai^, p. classAdass Yeshurorf Synagogue, Twentyjnate. The three returned Sunday evening to resume their studies at the firth and Seward sirepts, qn "Israel's", Crossih^-of Xbe. Sea."',iQn Friday "University of Missouri at Columhia. morning at *en o'clock he Vill address 310 No. 16tl| Street Miss Marian. Friedman, of Des the congregation B'nai. Jacob SynaEverything Moines, la., is visiting here "with her gogue en "A* CalTto the'Jpws of OmaStrictly Kosher for ha to Send Their Children; to the Talaunt 'and uncle? Mr. and Mrs. Morris Passover mud Torah.PHe TOII Ke^iat the B'nai Cohn. ' Israel Saturday morning at 10:30 to MATZOS^-IIATZQ WEAh - Mrs. Harry Rosenfeld issued "at talk on ''Talmud Torah" as the Firgt Also Koslier Meats home" cards for Friday afternoon at Educational School in the World's Histea to honor Mrs. Mayer L.-jColmt tory.".who .was recently married. Mrs. Cohn Miss Gertrude Marx, of

• WOLF B E $



Miss Reva Kulakofskj*- returned to the University of Michigan Sunday "after spending a week's vacation vritfi her parenfi, ^Mr. and Mrs. R. Eula•

Mr. Jake Pill,-'of Fort Dodge, la., visited here with relatives. The Jupicr Council gave a' public card party Tuesday evening at the home of Mrs. L. S. Braunstein. Dainty handkerchiefs, made by members of the club, were given as prizes. The party, which was very successful both socially and financially, was sponsored by the officers of the Junior Council.

Mr. and "Mrs. Philip Sherman returned Thursday morning to their home in Alien, Neb?., after a short visit Tsith their parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Gilinsky* PATRONIZE -OUR ADVERTISERS.

The Council of Jewish Women will hold a meeting next Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. S. Cohen, 9P8 Fifth avenue. After a short business meeting bridge will be played by all members present. No charges. All members are-urged to attend. A regular meeting of the Bickor Cholim" Society was held Tuesday evening at the synagogue. Election of officers took place. The following officers were elected: President, S. Shyken; vice president, H. Saltzman;

Good Work Guar Furnjsbeij it

CALL L. HANDEL Burt St. Atlantic 544B

AXXOUXCEB1ENT We Serve Kosher Meals for Pass- over, at 1919 Bwrt St.

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T H E SUPERIOR OF ALL PHONOGRAPHS "Apparel you'll long to o\m—priced unbelievable low. Come, shopping tomorrow. • . .. SIZES 14 TO 53

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>EFORE you buy a Talking Machine be sure tQ visit one of our two . stores. We will gladly demonstrate a Brunswick for you. ^ ^

Aleph Zadi Aleph Spring Dance Eveiiiig, April W, at Hotel Rome Ball Room t Z. A. ^pSrfs'dfeA by 0m4ha B'cai B'rith • -


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An Entire lYeek Of Our


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TS.TB. Louis J. Herzog returned to . her home in. Luicqln, |?ehr.,.pter Visiting' here Hfith har sister r Mrs. Samuel ^ T ' h e Blackstone Hofej.: -While 'Mrs. Herzoe attepded the 102nd of her mother, Mrs. William d

wick phonographs on the Brunswick secretary,, J. ICatelman;, treasurer, G. Rialto Mwfc S Payment Plan and that he would be Whitebook." The trustees are: E. Gll-Bjr^nswidc "' ' "J&d Party" insky, B. Saltzman and P. Solzinan. The Ria'to Music Shop are now pleased to explain this plan to acsiring such information. Npyel children's games are being carrying a complete line o* BrunsMessrs. Philip and Miilard Krasr.e prepared foj the Junjor Hfc4&ssah wick phonographs and records. Mr. ANTI-SEMITE ELECTED "Kid Ppiity" to be riven Thursday xetarne4 4« Ann Arbor, Mich., %vhere Joe Kimmelstein, manager cf the PRESIDENT HUNGARIAN evening, May 1, 3t the Jewish Com- they are attending the University of i Hialto Ivlusic Shop is very much WOMEN'S LEAGUE Michigan,'after spendicg their spring' munity Center. Budapest. (J. T.-4.) Mme. Szederx&sistim. with their parests, Mr. and pleased with th£ manner in which thf . Miss- Lucille Marcus has charge of Mrs. Herman Krasne. ,Oro&ha public has taken to Bruns- keny, well known writer and anti-Sethe games,, thg Misses Marfcye Weinwick phonographs, mite-, has boon elected President of stein, Ula Alberts and Toby Stejii. Frank -Walton of Coming, la., "I am very satisfied to here in rr.v the Lcapuc of Hungarian Women. 1 berg have charge pf the refreshments is visiting with her parents, Mr. and shops Brunswick phonographs s.nd Mme. Szederkcny ir- a baptized Jewand Miss Estclle Lapidus -will select Mrs. E. Gilinsky. Brunswick records, especially the «ss. anv the dacphtcr oC Ignatz KJein, the prize to be given to $he one who records, as I huve at the present Mrs. J. E. Schlank of Los Angeles, time, sr.d will always have, a com- a cantor and religion teacher of Dewears the mqst original costume. brecEjr.. Prospective members of the -Ha- Califs arrived Friday to visit with plete line cf Jewish records for the Paris. (J. T. A.) The members of dassah Organization will be invited to her parent?, Mr.- and Mrs. B. Gilinsky. Jewish people of Omaha to choose the new French Cabinet include M. be guests at this social affajr, as the She expects to remain about a month. from," said Mr. Himmcktein. organization are. now launching a At this time the Brunswick shops K&uripe BokanowsKi, the Minister .of Mrs. H. Ma^uff entertained ^ wide membership campaign. bridge &t her ho.me Wednesday after- have just received a complete line o£ fclarinf, vho TOP born in HayTe, of all the new model machines jind car. Jcv/ish parents. M. Bokariowsikl is a noon. SUNDAY SCHOOL NEWS. ; show a very pleasing assortment. moderate Kcpublican, and was thf reThe fifth class of the City Sunday Mrs. Sarah Zevin will be hostess to Mr. Himmelstein also advised that he porter to the Chamber of the Fi School held a meeting at the B'nai her Afternoon Bridge club next Tues- has completed plans to handle Bruns- Corr.tnission. Israel Synagogue Sunday ,morning, day afternoon. April" 20, and an" election of officers Miss Libby Frieden returned to her was held. The following were elected: President, Laurence Gross; secretary, home after a visit of three months in Ethel Hurwttz; treasurer, Ann Hor- Chicago "and Michigan. wich; and reporter, Sylvia Chait. - Mrs. Lou Heeger, of Sioux City, la., Plans have been made for a hike to be and son, Myron, returned home Tuesheld Sanday, April 27. Paxton Block "The Store of Individual Shops" 16th & Farnam day^, visiting with-relatives.

usic Shops TWO STORES


Domestics, Wmh Fabrics Linens, Draperies Watch Dmhj Papers For Furfhcr*A.tvtu>unccmcal3, Mcgardimg TmportQfit Ungerie Sale



J '""'nje-pGrmission to reopen the the "ivotmded" esr-sdMTers "live their- children to school, bnf tfcg en-', mttrder of the Czeeito-slb^-ak :fcesrds placed•' &*«• sSppttitts •Which the' old, the crippled, the inca- viroiiTfient Ss stranger than they. They ist, Tatssnsfcy, two weeks, agrt,, wear •«ny was i?ivrfv to the Kibbl on^_.. as-beoK Them are di^ty", torft i sacks of straw, rotting' cotton-wool pacitated; Here there is a servant have, "a home," a pound of bread a NabluJP, have confs&sed their grsilt to ! dition that he intm-Iace ir.to the Ycshquilts, old 'clothes, rags, b u t nowhere whose duty" it is to keep the place day and a meal at midday. Children the suthoritifis. Accnrdinp lo thrir j i'ba a numhrr of pccalar siabjffcts, sns! F&twte--of the-Foor-df'tke" Chief City,of-polsfteyik Russia) is there a sign.of bed clothes. There tidy. But what sort of tidiness can under fourteen get white bread, milk, confe^rfon, they rr.i«4ook Tatranrkj.* i pvoviflp for c%~iidirion.x in hi? academy | similar to iho*c- pvcvilling in tlic oi" " - -BY-I>. MOSKVIN is not a ; sheet anywhere, no pillowslip there be in a place where, next to a cocoa, sugar and oats, and with the for a Jcwifh rr.?.rcb<,v.i ivjn1?, aci'ordir.f; (Copyright,.1024," Jewlgb Telegraphic Agency) "' or blanket. Beneath each bed stands shell-shocked soldier, is a syphilitic midday meal Gne can live through a to th^ir information, was supposed to ; thortox JcwiMi aoadnr.ips c:ci&t;ng now the occupier's whole worldly wealth-, a young man, a consumptive girl, a par- "day. Besides the food, one needs a be returning from Syria: end the pur-i in Lcnir'irrad and Kiev. Moscow }s today the largest Jew- that among the several hundred "Jew- saucepan",.a. tin teapot, plates, shoes, alyzed old woman, a woman without] bar of soapj a shirt and a suit of pose cf "Kicid attack was robbery. feet, a scrofulatic, _ali crowded into' clothes of some ?ort, and for these '„ . ish community in Russia, and like ish refugees in Moscow,-there are no etc. N GOVERXMEXT The beds/are placed so close to.e&ch one ^ small room which' are not even things attempts are made to find every Jewish cefcimunity, it has its intellectuals and hardly any artisans. money somehow. At. most perhaps- there are about a other thgfrieaclv jrow practically forms divided'-by'a'door. * -• • ' PERMITS REOPENING OF The refugees may be divided into 0ETHOD0X JEWffiH A'CADEMY Th«S difference between the poor of dozen among the lot who have a trade one long,b"ed, swarming with" Phafoa's "• This_ living together;'this dressing in hand. Ninety-nine per cent of them three classes—those who consider -- Eifear {J. T. A".) The Jlo^cnxv Gov- ' i ! pTtA and undressing' and* doing all the third plagtie; *' , other towns and the poor of-Moscow is that while in the older Jewish com- belong to the class which Lithuanian There "is-not a table or a chair in 'things ;of Jife. jn front of everybody. this'state of'things only temporary, ernment has given perrr,if.sim \n the munities, the poor arc generally peo- Jews refer to as "common people"— the whole1-r^om. The inhabitants cat else, is degrading. And", worst of.all, those who hope one "ay to tear them- Rabbi of i/ubavitz to l^opcn his Yc«hselves away ar>d settle down with iba, or arademy, for the niudy o-f thr ; it ple who have inherited their poverty they are small dealers, people with- standing up at the counter, which has is,the effect on- the children. Eneasrpmor.t Rinses is our from father to son for generations, in out any settled mode of life, com- been left,: &. relic of the beerhouse The children grow up without edu- their friends in other countries, and Bible and the Talmud. The ecademj* fr'necijiltr Moscow they are mostly people with- mission-agents, carmen, water-carrier- which the building, once .housed, or cation, without discipline. Ched'orim those who Have lost all hope and have is to be re-established ut Ert.tov-ori- 'I out any tradition of poverty. There ers,' day laborers, wounded ex-soldiers, else sitting-on their beds. are prohibited. In most cases, the become defugees by profession. The Dom. are a few who were born1 poor, a few "Luftmenschen." The Ieadcr.=. of the Yev.,rf>':.ia. tl.c In the' middle ^ of - the-room is. a parents will not send the children to first two classes make strenuous ef! who have become poor, but most of J s . 5HIS Many of them are just schnorrers, primitive stove, the vrarmth of-which school, some because they believe they forts not to sink." They do odd jobs, Jewish section of tVsjj Cojnir.unii.t ; ;| l->t. 185(. they buy and sell anything which may th6m are people who have' fallen from but years of forced exile, the contin- radiates about fouV inches around, but are only staying for another day or Party, \re.rc peeved to leaz~i of the more or less great estate, victims of ual wandering about through the ref- its smoke fills the whole room. A two, and will send their children to help to save them, till things improve. permission Eivn l>y t-l.f ccrts-r,! R;OVtime and circumstance- 'There'is also UgTee- horsiest the pleading before the heavy cloud of smoke hangs over the school when • they havs settled down The third-class have no strength to emnicr.t, and the hoccc P al xz*\T,r?\ \ y * ,« « I no lack of professfonar.he'ggars, tsotH. relief committees, the begging and whole place and brings the tears to again in their own homes, and'- some fight" against the cave?, they cannot oithodriX Jc.vsy in Iij-;>'.s vhirh rid rjr it ft . genuine unfortunates and shams, peo- the alms have left their mark on' all the eyes and eats out the lungs. because they prefer to send their "chil- andVill not'-do anything. They can itself of the diffica'tir-, itr.Tvwv.-i by ple who make efforts to keep,them- the victims and now.it is difficult to And this cold, damp,- filthy stable, dren to work, or worse still, to beg. only beg, a:id' they are doomed to die t h e Yevpekia, hy a direct t.-,jM-is.\ in AUDrHNG AND INCOME j selves from sinking, and others who distinguish between /the bom schnorr- into which a decent man would not A child T less than ten years of in the mudi' the central TAX REPORTS ) have touched the bottom and.will ers and those wHol' Jhave become turn his cattle, is the home of ninety age stands in the streets selling newsnever again rise from the depths.. schnorrers;* They have all-come down miserable souls, mostly widows and papers, selling cigarettes, Fellinjr TATRAXSKY MURDERERS C8S Eartach Cik. Atlantic I«SI ! ' CONFESS GUILT THE BRINN & JEXSEX CO. The waiy the evacuation, th£ revo- to the level where men forget what orphans. cakes, or stretching out his hand fod Jerusalem. (P. T. A.) The four lution, the civil war, the famine, the they have been. The men have died, the women ex- alms. Arabs, arrested in connection with the epidemics, the emigration and the t reDemoralization has been wrought plain, and the explanation is-made in If a refugee-home is the school of Northern Toilet Tissue emigration have swept1 the. popula- on the refugees not-so much by the a tone of voice as if they were say- the child, the street is his university. , tions backwards and forwards frorn^ relief committees, the begging'or even ing: the men folk had gone out for a He become? acquainted with the chilL 1112 Carney ii;r.-*rt Willard Ibattttitin ' EmnirttrfrS: TSr«r AT-Isr,tlc 6^G9 one end of JEussia to the other, and the hunger, but by the- .compulsory walk. .' " ' • .' ' dren of the streets, with the scum of in the flotsam and jetsam, the; dregs of ^herding- together-of hundreds of comIf an ' epidemic' comes into this the city, with the pickpockets, with Y(fusem Battery & Tire Co. the' people have stopped in Moscow. plete strangers in one refugee-home. place, one of the women "tells me, it the underworld of Moscow. SIS tfiHtti IRih at Cominsr St. At first Moscow .was only one of tjie The refugee-homes are like a bog. cleans it out thoroughly. "About twenE«!id Sorrice An? Place PAXTON-MTTCHELL CO. Some parents would like to send J?hnn«> Attnntif 0GC2. stations on their long r6ad of exile, Those who once get caught' in them ty, she says, have died- of typhoid. Slanof&rtorerfS «f Brass, Bronr*. J. X. -FRIEDMAN. Atty. bu£ later' on it" became the place for sink to the bottom. The refugee loses "You see those -six children in the ,4ttMhIitastitnd $nft Cms tran CaRtJtijTS, 302 Omaha National Bank Bldg. TffiO arr sssear-s-ei at Boft castings, e» them' to spend the rest- 6f their days. his identity, he loses his humanity, he corner," says another. ;"They are orlMlOIMTE NOTICE -*f«»- «nst*h*t«»- «o»!w rroro every Iwst Is "Here- is ydiir. grave!"—these words" loses his shame. The -."Moscow Jew- phans. Both their parents died in in the County Court of Douglas County, i>R3'c(r P h o s e JAcfceon 3128 •tsr avrxt shop. 1307 EoTrard S t , Omaha, Neb. Si«?if>ar<l n\7.r past iron aa& bronxr Nrbrcicka. mighfr;be branded-on the forehead'-of ish Relief Committee, like all other one week. They have an' aunt who is h la stork. ITI ' the matter of I he Estate of Daniel ATIantic C540. every, one of fhem. relief organizations, ."Icriows this very looking after them*." , . ' " Bernstein, deceased: ". Clothier To the heira-at-iiiw, creditors, and all well, but the housing conditions in If J.'wanted ibvdescribe in one/vvodd Typhoid is not the only epidemic othpr persons interested in nniil estate: Full Dress Suits and Tuxedos are hereby notified tbnt a petition all these Jewish poor who have col- Russia, and especially in Moscow which has come into the refugee-home hasYoubeeu Moved from ion No. Kith St. to filed in thli court on Use 4tb day lected in Moscow during the'last few make it impossible even to think of and cleaned things up.' There are of April 1024. by William Bernstein, nl- 303 Knrbnch Block, I.'ifh A DoofflnB Sts. • OMAHA. KKBit, legriny that Daniel' Bernstein died on the separate homes for the Tefugees. Even Any Tray yon s e t them in any years, I should use the word—dregs. F. 8. HOBEI. Prop. also tuberculosis an'd clyseritary. Ec- 20th day of March. 1020. intestate; that at these refugee-homes have not been the time of his death he Was a resident of The Jewish refugees .in Moscow— zema is a disease from ivhichv not one Douglas County, Nebraska: and that hi» HEN'S GRAHAM CRACKERS . Phone Webster 0820 they are the broken vessels, th& re- easy to find. was possessed of the following described are jf-o-o-d eatijiff for everyln>dy. i THE LAUNDPwY THAT of the refugees is fr&e.real esfafe, to wit: ASIE y o a r Krocpr for ITr.X C I U r E E B S EVERYBODY LIKES. fuse which is left behind jin every There are in Moscow no iess than Here are the victims *f eczema. One Lot two <2) in Aldine Square, a Subby name aJtrayo. Oft tlif ppnuinn a n d . house when the tenants move to their nine such homes, two in the centre of is about forty years of age. His face division of Block s i s <(>) in E. V. Smith's be Batisflpd all w a y s ! Addition to the city ot Omaha. Dunjrlns Nt() new home. And if the tennants move the city, and seven in Mariano Kdsza, is one big running sore.- The second County. Nebraska, as surveyed, pl.ttlerf and recorded. That said petitioner hiis an to a great distance and the moving is a dirty marshy suburb inhabited by 13 a boy of about- seven.te.en with the . '.Kesidcncp, 1342 So 53th St. B. 5 interest in said real estate heinfr n son of done in a hurry, it happens fhat good artisans of the lower class,- cab-driv- face of an idiot. - His' nose is an ofJen said deceased, said petitioner pr.«y» that a T<"1. ATlandc «B.Tf. f«». Pepper, W. 6 . Cra, Plnrc of Bnsrtffst. 34I.-V Coming St. hearing; be had on sairE petftion, that notice articles of-furniture too are left be- ers, thieves, coiners and the like. wound. "These are' our menfolk," thereof be Riven a«i required hjr-lnw. and " .' TcJ. ATlanlif RKti Distributors cl nprtn said hearing a'decree <if heirship hind, and in the confusion are trippedThey are temble places, these ref- says one of the women; bitterly. " • that Western Bcmd—snd High HI ! he onr«Tfd and further .id:niipfctralio;> of over and smashed. ugee-homes. Over the portals, like In the other refugee*homes -things said estate l>e <liBjX"ii?ed with. Grade Stationery Yon iiTe therefore notified (hat a Jiear•The "execution of the J6ws at the over the entrance to Hell, is written, are a little cleaner,t but^ pot^rnuch. injr will be had .on .Sjiid' petition Jit the Omaha. KeSrasfes. COMPLETE STOSS AKD ltoanty--^V>urt ,-ilooiii nf said.. CffontjV $n outbreak of the Great War, the forced "Abandon Hope All Ye Who-Enter There, too, men, women and h tho 8«».<Ia.v of* Slnf. 1823, at S oVlork H. m.. OFFICE OUTFTTTESS CLARENCE DRSHUNES expulsion within twenty-four hours, Here.", • . •;, and that if you fail to appear at Maid time are herded together mjone room. ^T« occupy and place mul contest the sjiiil petition the the "voluntary" ' evacuation at"" the ,We will pay a visit, for exaniTple, to "How do you undress 7 How do you court may jrrnnt the same, enler n flecn-p Concert Violinist and Teacher aver 78.000 «qcipe Caat time of the Civil War, the fleeing the refugee home in> the'- Yarnske- dress?" "Oh, nobody looks' at -you," of beirship. and rlfcrre ihnt farihtr .!<!- stntiio: HtrwUln-« lilrtg. iliri fm S4!b St 6U Cerass' fhon^, Wrhstn MSft iniiiistrnfion of said estate be dispense.! • anrt nocetac Streets. frofn the pogroms, from the famine, street, at No. 16. • It is not a house they answer. The'o1*l>\ comparatively with. I • Off re Kotixo. :i^«. \o 6. Fbese: £ac&*»n t~Z4 --BRVCE CRA\VK{)I5r>. 1 VSoiln toovr$ anft c*te* for from' the epidemics, the tossing to and for people to live in. It is a- grave- clean refngee-home is the one in i:i I . EX2S. 4-\n-St County JaSgc fro1 from one end of Russia to the yard. There is one long room, with other,' has everywhere* left- behind not less than ninety people living in shattered fragments—human .refuse. it, mostly women and children. Trne, Everything that was .strong and; the room is large enough and' has healthy among these unwilling wan- windows more than sufficient, but it derers has again found its'feet,' Some is dark all the same'and there is no Even' Known Kind of the refugees have returned to their air... There is a dense smoke darkenof Insurance homes, some have adapted themselves ing the atmosphere and shuttirfg but 209 W.. O. W. Bids. JA. S944. in new places. Everything that was the light which comes in through the JAcksca 1862 physically, spiritually' and materially windows- There is a stench of dirty '-w^alii has become broker. They are clothing and of unwashed bodies. ' I t the Sregsj lfotsam and jetsam/ off- turns one siek. Gate City Furniture Co. WASH AND KEEP WELL scourings, refuse. astl Along .the whole length of the room A RULE OF HEALTH It is characteristic of the are two long rows of beds, or rather Globe %"an & Storage Co. FRQXTIEK TOWEL SUPPLY xe<3 i n ! operated by


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