May 1, 1924

Page 1

Our ISFew Address i s ^ Brandeis Building.

Our Xew Telephone Xnmber is A T lantic

VOL. H [ — N o . 21 fiate»«J as cecsi

poatoffiee si Oau

- toaU mattoT on Jannsurj 27th. 192L at yraaSa under tie Act at Hard) 3 iS73

National Jewish Hospital Campaign on to Raise Remainder of Quotafor the Erection ofInfirmary Building WORKERS AYILL CAWASS THE CITY TO COLLECT XECESSARY AMOUNT NEEDED L TO F I L L OMAHA'S QUOTA.


JAPANESE DELEGATION CONSULTS ICA ON COLONIZATION IN ARGENTINA Buenos Ayres. (J. T. A.) Thtj Japanese Delegation in Argentina, which is studying the plan for a Japanese agricultural settlement in this xountry, particularly on the border of Formosa near Bolivia, has applied to the headquarters of the lea, the Jewish Colonization Association, here, to supply it with data concerning colonization work carried on by the organization in Argentina. The Japanese Delegation" had heard much in Argentine official circles of the good work done by the lea and decided to obtain its co-operation. The Japanese Delegation intend? also tosend a special representative -to visit the Jewish colonies in Argentina which are under the supervision of the lea-in order to get a first hand knowledge of the system in the Jewish colonies.

State Conference : Held for Campaign for . National Jewish Hospital Representatives Report That AH Com' VniinTttes" Will Raise Their ~ - Quotas. COUNCIL BLUFFS WILL BEGIN ITS CAMPAIGN IMMEDIATELY. Des Moines, la. (Special to The Jewish Press.)—Workers from the entire state .of Iowa gathered here Sunday for a conference for the National Jewish Hospital of Denver, Colo. .A meeting of these representatives was held Sunday afternoon at the Fort Dodge Hotel. At this meeting plans were made for the campaigns to be carried on in the separate communities in Iowa. The principal speakers at this meeting were Rev. Dr. William S. Friedman of Denver, Colo.,- and Harry H. Lapidus of Omaha, Nebr., who is chairman of the . campaign for this district. The Sioux City representatives, Dave Davidson, B. Baron, Sam Pickus, and L. Weinberg, brought in a check for $2,500 and°have promised to raise more for the Hospital. The Council Bluffs representatives •were Louis Bernstein, city, chairman, Sam Meyerson, city vice chairman, and Herman Krasne, treasurer. Council Bluffs delegates have promised to . raise its entire quota during the coming week. "Council Bluffs will go over the top," said Louis Bernstein, chairman. The members of the Des Moines representatives were L. Oransky, city chairman, E. Frankel, and R. Marks, vice chairmen, Robert Lappen, Meyer Silberman, Rabbi E. Mannheimer, Rabbi Eivlin, Rabbi Zachek, Joe Slate. Mrs. Miller was representative from Cedar Rapids. •A mass meeting was held in the evening at the Jewish Community Center, where Mr. Lapidus and Dr. Friedman were'the principal speakers. Robert Lappen was chairman of the evening. "Iowa will raise its entire quota," said Robert Lappen, chairman. During the afternoon both, speakers addressed a gathering at Tempie Emanuel. WORSHIPPERS IN SYNAGOGUE BOMBARDED WITH STONES Bucharest. (J. T. A.) The Jewish population of Hermanstadt in Transylvania observed their first Sedar in the synagogue amidst a rain of stones and bullets. According to information" received here, the Jewish -worshippers were assembled for the first Sedar "when the. synagogue" was en:,- circled by. a mob and attacked! ' The \ xeorshippers, panic stricken, fled from -,&e synagogue, bat were followed by . stones from the crowd. It took.1 the ., police several hours to restore order.



Heetngitofeei i i



PETITION TO SENATE I Appeal feneifor . NOT" DISTRIBUTED York. (J. T. A.) The HungarPayeroeit- ©f - Pledges ianNewpetition, submitted to the Senate] fresent Preput for !


AH Workers Should Help.Elect AH Affiliated Organizations of Rosenthal and Courtney. Local Federation Need


by Senator "LaFollette," recently, is not being distributed any more, since its; anti-Semitic contents have become known. This statement is made in a letter by the Senator's son, Robert H. LaFollette, Jr. It seems that the Senator submitted the memorandum in a hurry, without reading it. The Senator did not ask that the petition be included in the record, because, it was so long, but having- been informed that it was an extremely important paper, he asked that a special Senate document be made of it.

Entire/Public is Invited to'At-' tend'Program .Monday P R O G R A M CONSISTS OE' MEMBERS OF BEST TALENT .J

A mammoth booster meeting for The Welfare Federation needs The Y. M. and Y. W. H. A. organLeo Rosenthal and Charles Courtney money! " ' : ization in co-operation with "National who have combined in the race for Your payments to the Federation Music Week", will present a musical the city commission is now being are past due! program Monday evening at the Jewplanned and will be held, at Wolk's Unless - these, payments are made, ish Community Center. The entire Hall, 24th and Seward Sts., this immediately, " the ' many affiliated public is invited to attend this musical. coming' Sunday evening, at 8 P. M. A special program consisting of the A number-of speakers who are institutions which receive support from the Federation of ; Welfare very best talent has been arranged actively interested - in the candidacy for this occasion. The program has of these two men havo been secured Omaha, - will ; have to suspend the good work that is beingS carried on been arranged by Miss Kate Goldand ameng others -will include Irvin *" " ** « T - +-*TJr Movement Afoot to Enact Special stein," chairman of the Intellectual Ad.Stalmaster* . , , T-, , j tin.-* x-«+v ,. by each of-the institutions. Fred White, Ivathan Modifying Bill. The Federation has not yet payed vancement Committee of the Y, and, Bernstein, Harry Lapidus.: and Sam any part of • its share to the Clevethe memhevs of her committee. Beber. These men as well as many Orphan Home, the Wise Washington, D. C. (J. T. A.)— Mrs. Herman Auerbach will be the others have been speaking at various land Memorial Hospital or the National While no changes can be made by meetings that, have been held in the Jewish Hospital.- The organizations .the conference committee represent- principal speaker of the evening. The subject of her address will be "Mask". city during the past week on behalf ing the two houses, which now has Dear Mr. Lapidus: of Rosenthal and Courtney. These need money to take care of the the immigration bill under consider- The following members will appear on You will find enclosed my attempt Washington, D. <X (J. T. A.)—The meetings have been held in each of Omaha people that - are at the in- ation, -without the -unanimous consent the program: at literary aspirations and in pub- Sterling amendment, directly aimed the wards in'fee city. stitutions.' •-~ Sadye "Dewy .* , lication I will appreciate the omition of both houses, -which is highly im- Piano Solo SOIOB . Fanny Fish to cut off Jewish immigration by re- At a meeting at the Hotel Rome At a recent meeting of the exec- probable, a movement is already Violin Accompanied of my name. by Evelyn Tore utive committee , of the Federation Selections :,_Mrs Martin Suparman I have been wanting to write of quiring the quotas to be allotted to last Monday at which more than developing for the passage of a VocalAccompanied by Mrs. L. Uathan this hospital for some time but, as~ different racial groups, within each people were present, tremendous immediate plans were made for a special act continuing the interna- Trio—Claude O'Donnell, violin; E. Oscar thorough _•- collection - campaign of I never do today what I can leave Weinsfein, cello, and Henry Cox, piano ; foreign country, proportionately, was enthusiasm was exhibited and several tional immigration treaties. for tomorrow," it wag never done. overwhelmingly defeated'by the Sen- hundred persons volunteered to work pledges that have not yet been payMandolin Selections "tUtne Gcrstein • Accompanied" by Arttmr Goldstein The reason for this movement is Qtiartet. It is most difficult for me to exed. The members of the finance com"X" Invincible Harmony 4—"Wilate, although no record vote was at the polls election day for Rosenpress my heartfelt gratitude toward the fact that members representing liam FinejnVUl, first tenor; Max Jacobfien, the people who make the' National takers thal and Courtney. Many of the mittee under, the leadership of Joe L. districts in New York, Boston, Chi- second tenor; Harry Greene, baritone; and Ben Ellis, bass Jewish Hospital possible. The decisive defeat of this measure grocers and butchers resolved to close Wolf, will canvass the city for these Accompanied by iieone Xovitsky In its most able .'superintendent, was accomplished mainly by the last their stores election day in order that collections. , Letters have been sent cago, Pittsburgh, Cleveland, St. Louis, „. _„ . .Harry Gersteln Detroit, San Francisco and Seattle .Dr. Samuel Swezey, one finds a minute change of attiture toward the * * * to workers vrith ~ statements, of they might mare effectively help elect fatherly adviser, a medical man of pledges. • These statements have also arid some of the agricultural States Temple Israel to Have Special .. ability- and one who makes the amendment by Senator Reed of Penn- Leo Rosenthal and Chas. Courtney. been mailed to the subscribers. have reason to know that they -will patients feel, he is one of them. sylvania, who had originally promised "The grocers and butchers of not receive the support of important Music Program Friday Evening "Whenthe committee calls on you, Everything is done "towards the Senator Sterling that l e would" sup- Omaha' have gtstten behind their On Friday evening, May 2, Temple comfort of those confined to bed port, him. • Senator Reed,, in explaindo not hesitate to pay your pledge," racial groups because of their vote Israel -will observe "Music Week" by candidate admirably well but as there while for those who are able to be said Joe .Wolf, chairman of the for the - quotas incorporated in a special musical program to be given up and about there is a large radio, ing Tiis changed attitude, - gives little are many more, boosters for Rosen- finance committee. ^The workers will the bill. school-room, h l motion-pictare t i i t pavilil comfort to the Jews. After Sterling thal and Courtney, this meeting at Protests of tnatiy Christian in connection -wife its regular Friday ion, fully billiard room, had declared that the Pennsylvania Wolk's Hall, Sunday evening, is being be in the field until every dollar is evening service. churches urging- the -to , Rabbi Frederick Conn's sermon sublibrary, and lovely grounds. collected." . .Senator supported his amendment, held primarily to enable those others "This institution is -not -selfish - in "Unless " the Federation collects veto the bill on the grounds of comits great work for a'certain percent Eeed, in taking the floor to deny" this, to assemble for the purpose of every dollar outstanding, it will mon decency are expected. Accord- ject that evening -will be in accordance of the patients" are non-sectarians. admitted that originally he had ap- manifesting their interest in the ing to an official of the Red. Cross, with "Music Week". The program to .mean,',.that'..'hardship; and misery And' nowVyou Vy ggreart-hearted1*-dd- proved" flxe amendment. "He did not candidacy of these two^ mea," fee •.pxese*ated.:wiJl,be a.organ.jsola s :by,_ be known among* the;. poor' Sews of the religions • element is 'practically Mr. Bennett. Vocal duet hy Miss hi National N i l JewJ nors who, make this base his reversal on the discriminaHarry Lapidus. •unanimous in condennung the act of ish -Hospital possible, did you ever "The thing that impresses me more this city; that- Jewish beggars stop to think what a blessing it tory feature of the amendment, but Congress giving affront to the Jap- Feller and Mr. Disbrow. A duet by be seen on ourstreets';* ..that recMiss Woodridge and Mr. Dodds. would be do man-kind and to your- saw that "my only apprehension is forcibly than any other one thing reation for - our. Jewish children, anese people in such a "manner as to Baritone solo by Mr. Disbrqw, and selves to give this hospital more that it is unworkable." about the candidacy of Rosenthal and seriously handicap the Christian beds? vocal selections by the Quartette. In a fuller statement later, he add- Courtney," said .Ernest Buffet, presi- through the Y. M. and Y. W. H. A., movement in the Far East. c* *. will be stopped,: and that all actived: "My objection does not lie to the Also on Sunday morning at eleven dent of the State Retail Grocers' I was sent to the National JewIt is. believed here by leaders of ish Hospital by the Omaha Hebrew idea of the Senator from South Da- Association, "is that their supporters ities for the" sick, the handicapped both parties that the President "will o'clock the Temple Israel Sunday Club on January 10 this year. I kota. I think his idea would be fine are devoid of any professional politi- and the helpless will have to be School "will hold a musical program at want to take this opportunity to if it could be worked out." He then cians. The tremendous pressure that curtailed," -continued Dr. Philip' Sher, consent to sign the measure only its. regular Sunday "morning assembly. supthank the members of the Omaha explained the practical difficulty that with the "understanding that a Mr. Fred White will address the ashas been brought to bear to elect president of: the Federation. fiebrew Club for helping me be adplementary bill perpetuating the sembly on "The Value of KeUg-ious During-the comingweek, the committed to the National Jewish Hos- would attend an investigation of the these two men has resulted from the pital. Icanie here in such a bad racial groups in foreign countries, efforts of a body of. novices in mittees will report, of the collections "gentlemen's agreement" accompany Education", and the following musical it shape that I could hardly stand on and the determination of the race of political fields, primarily interested made by them. " . numbers will follow: Selections from my feefc. I am an old man of 66 each immigrant. the School Orchestra; a piano solo by in civic improvement." years and I weighed 110 pounds Little Kiss Vivian Stein; vocai selecThe Senate bill, as adopted, differs "Why should the people be vsrhen I entered the hospital. After staying in bed, five weeks under the from the House bill in only three im- contented to~ permit others to run |0 tions by Miss Laura Goetz, and violin ' personal-, medical direction of Dr. portant respects: The two per cent their municipal affairs and elect their selections by Mr. Ben Stein. S i Sweezey, I was put on exercise of 18S0 under the Senate bill only officials," said Richard Jepsen. "It's (moderate) and am feeling fine, Former City Commissioner Praises 100% improved andd I scale l In i now stays in effect until July first, 1927, high time that the people as a whole Bussiness' and Professional Koutsky—Has Made RemarkDinner to Be Held in at 140 pounds. All I can.say is that when Reed's national v origins plan take an active interest in politics and able Record, He Says. Women Sponsor Concert the National Jewish Hospital has goes into operation. Under the first in the election of those officials who Elks Building,. May 7 given me thus far wonderful treat- plan about 162,000 will be admissable are to spend their taxes." To conclude the celebration of Harry B. Zimman, "who was in pub- "Music Week", the Business and ment. Everyone connected 'with this . A large number; of ex-service men per year, which will be reduced to institution is efficient and helpful A booster meeting will be held lic service here for many years prior and I hope in,the very near future 150,000 per year by the national ori- Monday evening alsc, at theFontanelle are out of employment, and many of to his recent leave-taking of the city Professional Women's Division' of the Chamber of Commerce are sponsoring their" famaUes are in distress, accordto be again united with my family gins basis. The second important Hotel ballroom. in Omaha either cured or an "ar- point of difference is that the Senate ing- to. Commander Leo B. Bozell of hall t o become an executive in the a concert to be given by the Omaha rested case. I cannot say too much Brandeis Stores, went upon the plat- Symphony Orchestra at the Audithe Omaha Post. -' •' . of the work of the National Jewish bill contains no exemption of certain form Monday night in behalf of j torium Friday evening, May 9. Commander Bozell said t h a t great relatives of citizens, which is provid- Twelve New Msskrs tsto-• • .Hospital. This orchestra is composed of .sixty Joseph Koutsky. stress -wiir be laid upon this year's • I prefer that my name not be used ed by the House bill. This exemption of best musicians, chosen He made his debut in this campaign' unless. it is absolutely necessaryt initiated is Lseal A.Z.-JL membership campaign so t h a t l i e Le- in Butchers-Workmen hall .at Tweaty- fromOmaha's would have enabled the admission of 'the theatre .orchestras. Mr. gion may broaden its scope of -welfare Four months ago I was examined thousands of additional immigrants K. Mansfield is the business fifth and -M Streets, before the largest Twelve new members will be by a physician of Denver who said over and above the quota number. initiated into Omaha Chapter- No. .1, •work and enlarge its employment bu- audience since the primary contest. •manager, of the orchestra. For several reau. • - •• '••'•.•'• : I was greatly • undernourished and The third difference is the adoption The meeting place being in the weeks;the"orchestra has ireen rehearshe "recommended that I come to the by the Senate of Senator Simmons', Aleph Zadik Aleph on Sunday, May The campaign for members "will be South Side where City Conimissioaer; ing under the direction <©£ Ernest National Jewish HospitaL in order North Carolina, amendment to give 4, at the Jewish Commxmity held May_ 8 j 9 Eilsseli to gain the 13 pounds that I was Joseph Koutsky resides, MrT''Zimman Nordin, the dean of Omaha musieians, Those to be initiated are Messrs. underweight. I have been there preference up to one-fourth of each David Fellman, David Sher, Arthur ler, chairman of the Membership com- stressed the importance of re-electing and Badolph Seidi, associate director, three months and - have already countries quota to agricultural labormittee, announced today that Hanford Mr. Koutsky. • Tickets: for the concert ate on sale gained ten pounds.' ers. This will, of course, reduce to Green, Will Horowitz, Ben MacNider, Ex-National Commander of "It was my good fortune to have va. the music "stores and -at the The hospital accepts children in ky, Stanley Lerine, Fred Kurtzman, the Children's Buflding under 16 that extent the number of non-agri- Leo Eosencranz, Abe Swartz, Elman the American Legion, will come to been, a city commissioner with the Chamber of Commerce. years of age, so I was allowed to cultural immigrants, affecting mostly Greenberg, Sam Faier, and Henry Omaha the evening of May 7 to de- present admixiistrsiioa," lie said. "I enter because I am Id years old. the Jews. liver the "kickoff" speech to workers can speak to you tonight ss one who We eat wholesome food heTe, go to The Senate and House bills will Krasne. The Omaha Chapter Degree in the "membership drive. has bees on^the .inside'of public af- LINCOLN CHAPTER A. Z. A" bed at 8 P. M. and. get up at 6:30 be taken up at a joint conference Team will put on the Degrees. The The "kickoff" dinner will be" held fairs in Omaha for the last 25 yea."?." WILL HOLD BANQUET A. M. All our school work is done now in the morning between 8:30 and between representatives of the two members of the team are Lester A. in the New Elks* Club building, and Lincoln, Nebr.—Tlie Lincoln Aleph Mr. ZiminaB said he has known said Max Givot Givot, Abe Abe Babior Babior, Lapidus Max 12. In the afternoon we have a rest bodies who will endeavor to agree on Lapidus, more than 300 Legionnaire-workers respected Commissioner Kootsky for Zadi Aleph -will hold a banquet at th« periode of two hours from 1 to 3, the difference. The Senate conferees Harry Sidman, Harry Weiss, Harry will be in attendance. 25 j'ears and he stated that tM cosi- Grand Hotel Monday, Kay 5, when after which we play p y out-door games appointed were: Senators Eeed, Penn- Fried, Sidney Schiffer, Myer Freeg Employers •will be asked to release •raissioaer has made & "remarkable' the installation of officers will be held. such as baseball, man, Jerry Diamond, Leonard Herleap frog, and sylvania; Sterling, Keyes, King and man and Bernard Theodore. ather games. g their employes who take psrt is the record in the city hall as head of the Mr. Hymsn Evnen -will be the toastE Every child hil here of school age Harris^ Senator King, Democrat, is The initiatory services consist of campaign for at least part cf the department of public improvements, master for the evening. Kabbi Stargoes to school. ,We have some chil- the only one inclined to be somewhat rels vill be the principal speaker of dren of five or under who don't, go, liberal and the rest are bitter restric- two parts, the first-part of "which time during the days of the drive, BO "In all of my years of puHSe servthe evening. The folio-wing: men am as to enable Omaha Post to make as ice experience," he added, "fl have but all other children do. For the tionists. There can be very little hope will be put on this Saturday evening children in grammar school grades of improvement from that quarter, and the second part will be staged complete a canvass as possible. never seen & man who has taken .bold to fee the guests at the banquets Rabthere is a school in the Shoeriberg bi Starrels, Mr. J. S. Wax-man, pres"Every ex-service man should join Building, first £oor, where regular therefore. Senator Colt, chairman of Sunday afternoon.- The Order has a in this campaign to *he!p carry a and succeeded with such ability as ident ";-ef the B'nai B'rith? Mr, Joe Koutsky. He is the. leader. ;ia the school studies are taken up. Chil- the Senate Immigration Committee ritual which examplifes the prinaH Piser, of the Zeta Beta Hm dren who come here who have been was omitted from this committee be7 ciples for which it stands. The com- buddy's pact," said Chairman Gentz- city council.* and 1 say this with going to High "School; as I have, at- cause of his liberal immigration atti- mittee on Initiations will have ler. respect to ,' the others. I ""have'1 been Fraternity; Mr, Ssul Arenson, spontend school on the second floor of tude. ' "The American Legion is more impressed by Kouisky's mentality -and. sor of the' A. 2L A. cf Lincoln, md : of this initiation. The Omaha the Shoenberg Building where • a -with Ms 'ability.~tk com- Mr. Alfred Poska, candidate for the kinds of .a club thanany in existence. Ciiapter now lias over forty members complete commercial course - is prehend public questions. H*e is a initiation*" of the order. It is social, patriotic, joyo"as and sentaught, including- typewriting, short- JEWISH MEMBERS RUSSIANand their Investigation committee is hand, bookkeeping, business Engkeeu blsiness ii\an and he has good nas. Rich and poor, good dressers considering fifteen moFe applications MILITARY COMMISSION lish and spelling. I am typewriting political sense. He has a fine -nature PROFESSOR DISMISSED OK and bad dressers, fair snd dark, short from young men vrho are desirous ARRESTED FOR BRIBERY this page in commercial school and understanding. He has mastered and tell, lean, and fat, Republican-? ACCOUNT OF Since there are two schools, no one Moscow. (J. T. A.) Doctors Ken- of becoming: membersand Democrats and men of all creeds difficult problems." misses Ms or her schoolwork, while igsebrg, Shpoliansky and We&strr, - SERMON IK he gains his health. and occupatioss may join if they $id Minsk. (J. T. A,) Prof. Cairo. (3. T. A.) The JT. A. repWe have a library, ary here o r t e members of the EHziibethgpd Mi*honorable serviee during the war." Jerusalem. (P. T. A.) The epeniug who wa? a lecturer at the State 4HkAresefctalive has learned that M. Mautary Commission, have been ErresiecJ hild iin our bildi h children building, whfch gives of the third of the Assefath lege hew, has bfwn dssmissotS for havDaily "meetings of the us,much enjoyment, and -we go to Cor "bribery. They ans charged with rice Paponchailo has received permis" the "movies" once a week. The having,, for a considwation, fi"v.-.«i sion for the publication of a Spiinish- committee .are being hel«i to Hazuvchaiim (Jewish National As- ing participated in the fansml ^erv*" movies" are shown in the Shoenberg sembly, to which the right \n?i£ ob- ices "given In honor nt the latfc .Kala&t the plans for the membership camBuilding-, which is a building for, JewL=h "youths, eligible' for military Jewish newspaper which -will be paign. , •*•*-'. iects* ,*f Minsk, Beb \ named "La Verdad" (Truth). - education and amusement. ,se?pcei"froin 'he army \

*u- , 9 m a n a Jewry will answer to the appeal of the patients in the .National Jewish Hospital. The appeal of the many that are waiting to be admitted in the National Jewish Hospital at Denver. There are more than one hundred people in Denver waiting, waiting to be admitted in the hospital so that they may have a chance to go back home to their families and friends) cured. So that they may go home to their loved ones and earn a livelihood for them. The campaign for the infirmary building is of very much importance to Omahans. There are a number of Omaha patients in the National Jewish Hospital today. Unless' this campaign for the infirmary building is a success, these many patients that- are Senate Quota Seen As waiting, some of them Omahans, will have to suffer until they die from this dreadful plague. Rebuff Against Jews Some of the Omaha patients in LETTERS FROM Proposal Regarded As Aimthe Hospital have- written to Omaha OMAHA PATIENTS Sterling ing Against the Jewish People. thanking their friends for helping them be admitted in the National Jewish Hospital so that they may be cured of this white plague. The letters are printed in this article. The workers have been organized to raise Omaha's quota for the erection of the building. These workers will canvass the city until the quota is raised. "We hope that when the workers call at the homes of the people of Omaha that they .will answer, to this cause immediately," said Harry Malashock, city chairman : of the_ campaign.



President W I Be Urged

Side ifor. Joseph Koutsky










g iy^sitj7 Paper


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T h ^ . & w i g h F ^ s 9 - i * ; 6 a » g l i a 4 - b j f t b a J e w i s h ^ T e l e g t a B t u a ^ g e f l c y ( (Jewish, e i dditi Correspondence Bujreay^'vptH,cabJe4 fedv tejegraphjc Jewish news, in addition t«> fe^tftte fTom all important Jewish centres. e^fte .artlctesjaand correspbiidenCfes "will ;1SB""-gladly;1SB""gy II nuq ui iir iee s rr e dg air dni ngg news n e w s hJepfis'^iwlfteS-to .this ^Ag^Sey*-"will ?ifth A Aven,w, ^elegraphi? A H ?ifh answered if d d ! t N r Y b k

For the third successive week DodgeBrothers dealers have broken- all tare-_ vious retail delivery records, . During-the week endwg April 5th, 5,694 eara were, delivered Jo purchasers. This \vas more than 100 in. excess o£ the .greatest previous' vreek'g business in- Dodge Brothers history. -This record, however, was of brief duration as the very next, week saw the delivery of 6,106 cars at retail. • g pieittim^a i y ^ ^ And now it is disclosed'by official : believers m ATJ^O^xon, supremaey^lB free-Aifterica^ *-" v- •*-. z figures from the factory that the week ending April 19th sets still another ' - ^Bpckto IS®)*? Is theP^ext-4tep. • •? ' and inuch greater record, with 6.576 "paefe to I86K* fa-the new d«mand. voiced by- elements-whose deliveries to customers. council Congress has chq^en to fplfoy. ^ * - <• -•-'-"• In'neither case do these figures include cars delivered to purchasers in World's Work;' ChJcjago Tribune, Saturday Evening Post; . MILTON ABRAHAMS. foreign countries. Daughters of the American- Revolution a a d t h e Anglo-Saxon The consistency with ^-hich Dodge MrMilton Ahrahams, Sophomore Ku JKlux Klan \rtU b&ekthis propo&al.' There Is not the slightest Brothers business continues to mount doubt of it, if-the record of their persistent efforts-in the past Arts Student at Creighton University, is cited by factory officials as an in: was recently- made -editor, of thedication of the public's widespread and is an indication of. their present bent of-mlnd." -" - - emphatic endorsement of ' / e unusual Creightonian, the official student " With the adoption-of the I860"census'6f nationals, reduc* ; valuij in the new line:of Dodge Brothlioation. Thisis'4hefirstTtime'^hat a in^tfce German ^uota^tq 2^^000, era motor cars. Week after week ait'd pour 44^000 men andwomen i e r1put y allp^ing- Oreat r Britain-to , : and-"women i)er year'intor the United States, sophomore has ever held this positidh; month" after month, since the. quantity pour 44^000 men the* « M M 'heart's of ttie-Ku Klux Klan and ether British he :desire hu&i * M ' h r t ' !WiH' d i stand" f ttK Kl h "tAbrahams has-not confined his ac- production was attained on the new hu&i institutions revealed revealed. tiVities to jourrialisnt alone, however. types, new records have been", estab'-"' "Nordic Tieber alles* will give way to ^'British ueber alles." He was on the Sophomdre Debate lished. Every" week in" this period-has ex-, Despite tlie "talk" ^of "after war' hjsterifc " the race bigot which took part' in "tHe Arts ceeded in volume: of- business the-eormovenient which triumphed so <yyenvhelmingly in'Congress is Ijeam Inter^GlaSs' ' Contest'/- - He "is - also a jegpondipg week of any previous year. not he\£ " Fer neai'ly-'a-eeitfury," with each v?avej>f immigration inember' the "Oratorical Society. tha> was not British, the? ery^ of "inferiority" arid menace to DuringOf-his r freibhriien ' year Aira- trustees are: Messrs.- D, fox,' M> AineiScart^stitutiohs-has'b^en raised by that roost-persistent : fiams won first? place"in scholarship Hoffman-and.I. Gilinsfcf. Tfee ne^J of "hyphenates, HEh^ Ang?6-Saxon-American.'"_." __ throughout therySar; this -year he has meeting will be held Wednesday ;eye-? It wa's-sKouted'agaiiist-the Irish. - - . eb'risisteritly held second "place in his ning, May 7th, at.the.syrtagogBei; ;. . ( I t ^ a s shouted against-the Germans. . ; .. l a " S s / ' - / - J —•• <• '"'•*-" " - - '.?:-::>: ;;.: :': Precisely^ the-same t e s v iiisultiflg^ i u t g ^ slanderous l a u outcry ucy ~?tha,t , has c*-'Before; cntertng Creighton-Univer- : The Mogen DaYi| Toung Judaeaii found und Its echo in :the argument a t of f memherf h of f th the llawm mating sity Abrahams attehdea Geritral High Club held the inatig^ration : of the 'hi the MSfi . . .laiia *?h6" live 4ri Kl^n regions, of-the West arid JfclwblFwhere he a five A* pupil newly elected officers * Sunday" afterSouths was once raised; ^gaifasfe^^WBierican^ pf, German and andjvas managing^was editor bfthe Reg- noon at the synagogue. The followIrtpi io^inv stock hhave beert ister: % e la the son of Mr. and are thg pew officers: President, AAmericans i c a vv tt g Hebrew.and a r J J^atin ^ Abrahams, 2115 Pinkne? Max Kramfic; Vice-President, Selewin. d that t h "was t" n used, used Edwaj?d i f the h saro.e vicious>prapagand» victims of" MipbJi^cfe Jand ,Xbe Katelman, Seeonce Street. agairist German ^n^Jrish peopAea, retary-sTyeasurer. . ... ..._ _. % ... -• There i^ onedifferwcr one-differwcer . . PALESTINE INCREASES Mrs, J. TCatelman* entertained a t ! Until the;ftdministV^tioirfoUowing4frat of the late PresiQUOTA Bridge at her home Sunday evening. ( J i t i t-Wilson ^ W ^ i i ^arose ^ a e :t& un-. to po:wte£ pdweft ^h^^dMaming tha defaming yoica voice rejnain&d.: remained un. . (P;. T. A.) The quota. heeded lin the Hattbi^s capital. ;.i ~: , - -r - .-; ; . :.:,.-.• for new arrivals, in Palestine ha.s been if Mr. 5Ben. Wolps. r?tpurned, to. ^ Pfesidjnta Wilsoiii Taft^Rop^Mfc s n ^ - S ^ strietion fi^sores^at^ei'ward.^jy ^nglo?SPXQnWKpencans.,.: ,; enlarged by an of the Govern- Louis, Mo,, Tuesday evening after | ...•- Th^. late.President Ilardino;,Signed" ihel^rgfe bill,: W c l i nient," granting 1,500 new; visas "for fepeadmg a, fe\y d ^ s ihere,,;,. .rr ;,£, soi|gfet tip disci^i^at^a^amat- peoples i p | Soutli, aM -5ast; EU- tWnextrthree; months tor skilled la- I MrH.;."S:~Hr"Jva|etmah eiitfekai^ed rope^lhg in^a^ure Based ^fe^the;4ej)su^^s 1910.:.^^ - .- . CJ1 V borers an.d agricultural workers, iat fpur'FftTilgs of Bridge at'her home ^ The-; >Sew<' HieaSuJ^ ^ai*rles u th>. ipolioy" ".pfc" ^isfsviminatioii •'•niff'recdnt industrial and agricul- Jlpnday eyen,ing. ,.r ; : :









. s t i l: l ^ - f a ^ h e v ^ ^ ^ - ^ ' ^ ^ ^ . ^ ^ - ^ - ^ - ^ r - : ?';>•..^•'-^•.i ' ^ - ' 1 ' ^ " I ' V - V •' j.'l-. tural development, in,.Palestine has

: 1^ I f i v ^ l ^ k ^ entreiichesrcarjafe heen of such a progressive tendency The J.- F . S.- Club, held a. from * President^ ^>t)lidgf'^ome-%gg^f .ago,^adyi§ijR& -. jfehq 4*fe of that ".the "unempjoyment v.h^ch \rasing -Wednesday- evening- at the home a tprior; censps" ia?:estofeli8hing ^ar^impu^raj|i6n,- Policy! th?$ prevalent several months t ago has of Albert Fox.- Thcir^ counsellor. 13 ; 0

: would^kei^A^Hd^Ainerli^.--- i ~ ^ ^:^f,;-^^' ,.^^. h " , ; ^ . ^ v ^-1*1 - ^ To Tall ^ittteiktss-ttnd ^ r p o ^ ^ ^ ^ F o ^ s t a ^ ^ l f t ^ n^llipp •„$£ Aineri^ans €efaTn^by-lnfe^i^tiJitiig^^ .pr«B^gafld^.^hij?h pv<h cedfed^ the passage^p£T tl^ff-^ph^^ g to tfi<8-\en^^#ng-"6|yr^|^ e j ^ f g ^ ^ | ^ p a t w JHCh s t e d im ^ : G^lidge

considerably relieved.

Miss Rina'Snyder.

in charge of •-



Election May 6th

Solicits Your Vote


- '--

The. Council of Jewish Woraen will jjive a benefi.t Bridge and.^klaijT Jongg g ;Boffnian r entertained Iraportant Party next Tuesday afterat "a siiTprise-party Wednesday eve- noon, May 6th, a t the home of Mrs. when" the Senate "was "proceeding with I t s investigation of the S ? honor' of her mother, Mrs. §.. H. fe^eltnan, 601 Willow Ave. Ti'elilui^ DepaitmBnt, ^fi ^ r Cpliir,-;-; of. Omaha, • at - Mrs". that^S" ^ver^nei^ ^ ' • t a ^ e s ^ ^ • W ° r d w a s received from 7 San "hoins. ' r ~ . ( r o u r g e « ^ ^ s i a . " ^ ^ " ^ ? ^ ^ ^ a - •••/.• '•••;•• • ^.^'-yk. ^y;Z---ir^.^ : Djego,California, Sunday of the m Tiier«%?s3iK!Btp^1iini; "fff^uqh.fee]|r|ff i^rhjg regeirtt.inessage. lixs. ^William Bernsteift sudden death' of "Mr- J, W. Freiden ^ ^ There was: wy f eferfence; tb> the IawlesBne§5; of Stwve Mom? annaunce th'e birth ,Q£ a baby daugh. t a i n i s n i f t ^ ^ - R o i i t e i . - r v - . ^ - S 2 / , _ . ,: ,,._;.:-..;• "-..-;,• ,-.7-._. '^:'::J.:'^ ter.' IWecuiesday afternoon,' ApriL 30,early 'Sunday piorning. He is survived/ by"-tWO daughter? "fropa Council •-his ^cetityn'otasfr -»g?mst . ^ p j o | ! ^ g 3:,rS e n a t e te W BJ^ffs," Mrgv'Anna Freiden und Mrs. : . Hospital. at' ^the Jenny ^ aiF.jpdQlidjgeisaiiiJ:.,'-^^ - ^•:^",^.^. 'r^ ' Z^"''^'^'Sam Snydef"» and ope daughter, Mrs. iy time' $&£ w^ i#»r»l|a~& -Goyerr^qerit u h ^ aM 1H * "Mr,~ . 'Harry y ."terlmefier, A. GaneliJS, of StPPlSon, Calif.i, and : : accordance-Jwith-"tk^'uS«^sfci^s' b;r 'tKe"'- law" 6i the land. """Thie o"f'"PlaTnview7 NebV.j" arrived. Simclay tiVQ-Soas, Beh,Freiden of-Long Be^ch, afafegctf^h&^nipyre^resfkdopjion of such a course." to ' visit• • -with "]_ MrsI " T ' e r l m e t t e r ' s and Jack Freiden of ^iin,Piego, Calif. - ?^ur«aii^jcitj^ parents, Mr." and Mrs. M. Nogg. Mr. Funeral -services. wefe..held M d policies ytterly a t Variance with the fundamental doctrine of

• I t i^^iW^^hi&t -jii'e&^^arB to^ th&s policies- of-Washington and Jjincolnr ---•-•



Perlmetter will return" to his home Saturday.- "- - - - — - - : -<- -


6576 J§pd0B-lBraibeTf_ M-otor Cars'!

H3ts ;

(or over t$QQ cars"per" day)" were delfverg4 fc»-T*etail purcliasers durt a t t l e r week" endinf -April 19th^' not includingrtats for export o r ! overseas. . . / " " , . : " J-: -


gtei&sek . .


= =- - -—

American fathers,rbe met and dealt with as a measure to Amer- A regular meetrnjj- of the Sisterhood -*FIH' be-heM""Wcdncsday--aftericanir^doTn ' I " ,lnd f . noon,-May- 7th, a t the home of Mrs. h state, of the.pnion regujres adoption of sucji-a course. •Louis Cherniss, 1006-Bixth AvelThe


PIANIST&—ATTENTION! The.', Chevha B'naiVrYigeefo fold "ferencej*dll.take place shortly. at.Nase^4-gnnpaj;ejection gf-;.olfficers — FJlHnsr in "'? ass l!«brenks" or "extras tf till barniony;, -h SYNAGpGUEl" DECLARE ~ koura between re^jj.^Bentatives vt N Bnii - France -to settle - this .agogije. -The following were elected: ' 'Moscow, (3: T. A.) Tfte originators 15lh & Harnry iiwl Floor Mlrkrl I Whitebook; ViceP jd Q. W k rPresiof tfie plan' to establish in Soviet Rus.: Sun. At. 4ob2; t,i B.: Gi.Un&kYjv Secretary, S. Shy- rhoues: Studlo"ATr sit£it:WLad "living. ken; Treasurer, J> Katelman., The 'o the- central document", reads as




Tills breaks all Dodge Brothers delivery t •_

for- tli© "tost^tMree weeks; of Ap^l'afe:—'-'•-:_ - - .A'Jv:'--

. .


^ / (1R.X.A-,*). Thi" ^gtnQijof"Lord'Byroiv the Engljlji pipeiT wa"3 pd 23r,d t

TKe Public is. invited'to-cttierid the

T ' Week ending '$$& §p ""• 5694 :• .Week ending A|sifi#^---*:r. !0'&

fiod, 4he Jewish proletariatJiave been gtine •sowlaiiori'jpti' the occasion ofX I . . 1AA1.1. Tl !--' '-*•-••T-*-J.l J - deprived of the jrosBinStiSy-of carrying the on 1'^ disesssk>a in the JWery expression .of .'nret'with ! pt)*n|rupF' partr o'f the "religious - ~~•~l - ' - ^ ' : ^W"e-jffai4 ffr-o%rdtttjHo f JS i V



f ^

^ ^ y ^ . ' - Pglesjtine, .'gave "a eDii Byfpii" st the Bib-Scbooi payfjig irjjjjje' to-'Jiis

£ach • week 1 sisce- October 1923, delivortes of I^©«^^ Brothers -Gars -to usei^ have shawm'* : ' gain over the c ol any-previoiw-year.

__ jnaiiQn^sr^ wofld/io;£riai>a pogjisSyron,: iq -sacrjfwecr JM^.lilfjOB Jhe j

giypg^ Jewish worker^ an opportuflity to tuuSiriltantf'the^idea^f Cominanism18 " ' ',feIigipus am'Mtfons of. some pf-


'.*<! y.tcc-


' and at" the" *c addi- "jrfi^eit^^rsitie^Vf^ftiS'^^^lF countries. (delegation,- representing ^ Relegations

^ ^ * | S ?


.IV.,.., 3l£i..

'trr c *i x~* J1*ftta^yp0^*7'u f ? •^•S:feS-f-T3* : :

is Welcome

* • » * • •

- > " I1-

•-.*•? i < -


1 ALLMEMBERS OF LOCAL JEWISH ..-WOMEN'S CLUBS TO MEET" M&Y ' ' Jtiget-t~o-gether'bieetHig'"aTL3social afterrto'on for alllocalJewish Women,

-'- The members.' tssQKT--are all members _pf the, Y. M. H.,;A. iors. The next game ,«iH be played at :t Muny Beach against the XBiinan In: '.members :pf .jrnv, p£ .th.e Je^isK' Women's Organizations in the "city, -will be surance <36. team." The gstne is'callefl hel^^^AVedngsdayalljBrnoon^Iayl1,_at two'e'clock^attSe Blackstone Hotel. far'l;30 p.~m^" - — • " -_, -Organization, sponsoring this event, are - The Y.;M. H. "A.'Junior ball team in managed a. a i d ^coached fey Nathan EL Green and Kobert H. Hooper. * • *- *

1 " "The Fydarmih picnic "Was postponed class- •will give **The-~Excharige V a w due-to rainy weather. . , ; the Junior Congregation . will • give "Thursday evening". The Zeta Beta Tan will hold their: The Menorab Society had a musical initiation Saturday night. pwjgram Sunday. Manuel VTishnow A series of three plays have- been -played "Humorcsque" on the violin. chosen by the play committee to fee Master Poster sang several numbers, giyen Mar 22. The teachers of the and Mildred Xefsky accompanied by Temple Sunday School will bive pcrnice Diamond sang several "Overtones", the post confirmation selections.

j :-o;M.Hsi68l ijumbers by.-MissiCecelia Feiler1_VQcalis$, and Mr. Meyer Shapiro, iviolinist," Soil featiir&.the~iriU/abaT'program in connection jrith several other interesting numbers"t"hat nave 'been preparedby -the Mesdames Max Fromkin A seven-act- "vaudeville show was and Dollie .VI Elgutter,' -who, havs'-been jn charge, »f the entire arrangements given Tuesday" evening at _ the New for.-a^affair.-i-:"1."- .. ,. "•' . ;; . '\'_ . \ Temple. "-Mr; William Hart opened arid'Mrs.-Charles Leyinson*: He E T S fee -program- with some pissa HUM-^ visit nere for several •Vee'ks. " • bers. Koby .SirTiieky- played several Mr. and Mrs. M, Jacobson announce. •meeting -Sunday-:afterji0Qn . at the : To be Presented in Recital the- engagement of-their daughter, yiolin numbers ?md Mrs. Selila?s saiTg Mrs. Dave Bosenstock entertained Omaha s Exclusive Distributor honieljof-Miss'Ida "Azorih. Plans-ifor Miss Mary Moscoe, to Mr. Dave KahiTj Miss Sadye Levey, daughter of Mr. a group of songs acegmpanied hf a t a ^reception-at> her home Sunday '•a. hike to "be • Held ,"SCKUI ^rere made. and Mrs, Harris Levey, will be of this city, formerly ef "SioiixTCity, Mr," Hart :Rose Zuger p d ^ afternoon - honoring -Mrs. Gus Bosen* Xa. No -wedding date has been set. presented in a piano Tecital hy following 'Miriam Tmsh. -violinist- ac-: stockj who is a xecent bride, having Prof essor .Cecil Berryman^ on Tues- companied• "by Lomas Burling,- gave, An announcement has .been received just -.returnee^: from a honeymoon trip day evening, May 6, at the Burgess- a clever ,-costnm'e act of "the early: .'_ . _ . r from Chicago; Jll.; of- tiie". engagement in. Colorado,-" r Nash Auditorium. "She will be ac- sixties, i A one^act play 'sPoer -<Hd of Mis3 .Frieda Goldberg, formerly of companied "by Miss Kathryn Parker, Jini°. was -giv-en.-hy the -University, Tuesday evening, the Misses Etta Council Bluffs, la., to Mr. Saul Suvalsoprano, pupil of Mary Munchoff. Bess Snitsjer entertained ten Proceeds to Go for Musical Players. The cast were Jim, by Eosky, of Chicago, 111., formerly of Oma- Miss Levey •will play Sonata in ward Tayor;'-Marie, by Mary Yabrbff,"1 couples at their home complimentary ment Society. ha. * -Both, are well -known' in Omaba, F-minor by Brahms, and selections and the doctor, taken "by Harold to their sister, Miss Sara Snitzer, having a number of friends here. The from Debussy, Rachmaninoff, Chopin, Felton. The Eisler trio closed the and fiance, Mr. Julius Parks» who Josef Rosenblatt, the famous Jew•wedding -will take place during thisrecently announced their engagement. ish Cantor, together with Joseph Arensky, and a Military March by program -with several numbers. summer, -• although no "definite- date Schubert-Tatssig. has been -set. •.• Mr. Nathan Mnookin,- of—Kansas "Winogradoff, ,the noted violinist will • Miss Levey is an accomplished Refreshments were served and dancing ended the -evenings entertainment.: City, Mo., formerly of this city, who appear in joint concert at "|he Omaha Mrs. Lena- Goldberg, of this city, is mow'advisor "of the" Xansas^ City Auditorium ^oa-^Wednesday—esesiag, pianist being a student of the Mr. Joe Pizer was in Omaha Tuesannounces the engagement of .her Chapter of the Aleph Zadi Aleph, May 28th, under the auspices5 of -the for a number of years and has been •daughter, Uva,' to MT. Aimer Margo- will be in Omaha Saturday to attend Nebraska Society for the Develop-. instructor for the past'several pears. day evening visiting his sister, who with her husband is soon leaving fGr lin) son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Margolin, the meeting of the ..supreme advisory : lent of Musical Talent. ' This sothe coast. ALBERT FiNKEL WINS of Omftha... No \yedding date has been committee of the order of .the A. Z. ciety is sponseiing such ^musical HONORS AT CENTRAL HIGH set. "" A. Mr. Saul. ArensQn,. of Lincoln, prodigies as Sammy C^rmel and The Hebrew Educatienal Society 1 and this store take another forNebr,, who is the advisor of the Lin- Fannie Fish, whose parents are with- " Mr. Albert Flnke!, an artist piano have postponed their meetings for pupil of Mr. Harry Braviroff, piano out--means to further their "-musical ward slep. For the first time, you men Mr: Uenben Ferer, left Tuesday eve- coln- Chapter, xrill also, *if ia. Omaha about a month. education. .Sammy Carmel"is TTOW in instructor, shared first honors, with ning 1?or St. iouis, -Mo., and Chicago, for £he occasion. -> of Omaha are enabled to inspect the Hart New York ".City,'studying under :Pro-f. Mias Mary Wilcox in a~piaTio playing j ijlK, for an.indefinite stay," • •' Mrs. Mose filler is visiting .with Kneisel, but is unable to continue .contest at Central Hjgh. school held Schaffner & ,Marx line—in one great comhis studies further because 'the funds last Wednesday to determine the best $ g Ann Zalk. returned Monday relatives in Des Mohres, Iowa. prehensive showing—exelusiv-cly id The Xefrom Des Mqines, la., here' she was - raised- ,foE-,hi§_ musical pianist in the school. A large number "Every yoimp man should get his On Monday afternoon, May.'p, the which braska. "! ; visiting with friends for the week- closing meeting -of the1 Temple Israel erucation last year are about exhaust- of talented pianists of the school com- jlife insurfiiL- The young man wh« peted in the contest. Finkel played j neglects to insure kis life does him~ end. » ed. " It is the-'hope .«£ theSociety to ! Sisterhood- .will _be .hejo! _and an Liszt's Hungarian Rhapsody No. 15. self-and those .dependent upon hi election of officers. Witt taie~-p!ace. [fee. a.bje_to raise a jugicient sum of en. injusiice.7' " and,Mrs. |M Treller are at Tiie Xebraslia Clothing Co. has greatly inBesides being an accomplished muThe.moeting wUl begin at 2;3o~~at [money, to. insue Sammy's ability to sician, young Finkel isrthe State Jun|ilxcel6ior Springs, 31a. " creased "the size.1 of its floof ;:sf>aee to provide, for continue the remarkable, strides- he is Temple Israel. The May meeting of the Jewish i : fast making towards "his ambition, ior Tennis Champion, and was recent•this • added••-'••service feajture in clothes selling. .' ——, -•• "The Prudenttel Women's Welfare Organization will be to' become a noted violinkt. It is ly elected president of the Omaha Miss; Fanny-. KiiUy will .be home , 321 City XatWal Bank , W t e : ypu-iopki-.sat" Ha^--'Scfea,ffner- r&Z Marx • '• "the purpose -of. the Society to Tennis Association. . hdd'*l&e§day"aftern(Jon> :May ^, at the om the Univer&ity of Nebraska to ' k7 gpend the week-end here. She will provide means with -which t& -start Clo'Sies at "Tti€"'"]Srebraslid-you inspect: one of Jewish Cwnaunity Centerl Res. Tel. Harney 4354. fei§d ty. ^Iiss Yab- little Farirne Fish who shows fon- Y. M. H. A. JRS. BALL America's greatest displays.1 Miss Edith" Newman, of Detroit roffr a classmate of Miss at derful. promise as, a. .xiidinkt. or. aiiy - TEAM WINS i Mich;, isthe-^uestr of -her -aunt and the University. The Y. M. H. A. Junior baseball other poor children regardless of race uncle^ Mr. and Mrs.-Morris' won its first game of the season, ' or creed, who are in need of financial Miss " "Ethel Steinberg, . and Mr. : # y man l%npws fja-r^.-^t-haffner & Marx Mrs, Ernest Meyers left the Swedish Morris Steinberg, of Fort Dodge, la,, aid to further- their edu- Trhen_ it dfifeated the^Polisls "Athletic Clothes—every man knows The Xebraska Clothclub team by a score of 6 to o. This Mission' Hospital Wednesday having motored into Omaha Sunday to cation. SATURDAY — MONDAY Josef Rosenblatt is recognized I v>-as the second game played in the AT STAR STORE been operated on several- weeks ago, attend the A. Z. A.; dance and to ing Co.'s policy of seilingi one price the year She is now convalescing at her home. be the house guests- of Miss -Estelle as one of the world's greatest Omaha Junior league. The Y team Big .-Giant *xouxicjj iapd iiiat price the absolute lowest postenors and Joseph Winogradoff -who was defeated in the" first garae played Alarm Clocks LapiduS. M_r. Steinberg left Tuesappears with Rosenblatt is recognized by £hg William StreeJ. Merchants. Feltraan i4 sible price. I t saves you iwoney. j (Guaranteed One Year) day for his home and Miss Steinas an artist of renown. Tickets will City, MCL, with friendr expect- berg will leave Friday. • BJeaclied Sheet- be S2, $1.50, SI and children 50 cts. ing--tp be gone for about three weeks. ing, 2 Yards Saturday morning- "Rabbi" J. M. AH seats "will be reserved and" may RUMMAGE SALE The- nominating committee of the Select Spring Clothes Mow, Enjoy a be procured in advance through the Charlop will speak' at _th*e S'nai Israel (81 inches wide) Council of Jewish Women, headed by committee in charge composed of Tuesday morning at 8 A. Boy's Coverall Mrs. J., presented the following Synagogue. His subject will be "The Sol. S.-- Goldstrom, ATlantic 6546; Seasons Wear. Pay tiie Season's BoyV"Week". candidates for the coming election of Play Suits, each * j / & «. M: at 24O1-C- Street; = M. L. Sugarman, JAckson 3155, and the -organization: president, Mrs. . Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cowl, of Peter Spitz, Brandeis' Stores. ' -. -.-.:.... .(Sizes. 2.,to_ 16.". vearg),___. __ ""• Loxv$s% Price Today' ' Bailie P, - Elgutter; vice-president, Minneapolis, Minn., are new making1 Men's Dress d» *| Mrs. S. Nathai financial secretary, $heir home in Omaha, Mr. Cowl is S.hirts, each._.._._.«P I THORPEIAN NEWS Mrs. Henry ij. ; corresponding representing the U. Suburban The Thorpeian Athletic Club held ,; (Values to S2.00) PABPTIN& -. secretary, Mrs. S. S. Galdstrom; j pevelopers Co.- its second open meeting Wednesday j Ball Bearing ^ f f%£\ APERHANjSINa''A treasurer,-Mrs. Dave Rosenstock; and evening before an audience of one " DECORATING Boiler Skates, pr.«P I *UU At Teniple Israel Saturday morning hundred guests and friends. auditor,.-. Mrs., Leo Rosentha]. _,£he TIEST CLASS Tl'OKK election will be M a at the May meet- Rabbi Frederick Colin will speak on The following excellent program J. RIKLIN,-,,.. 'The Scapegoat".' * " ing of. the organisation. was presented: -Xorth Omaha's Dept.%tSTe WOMENS Xorth 27tl>. ,T#" trEfcs The following Mah Jongg and .".....^en E. Kubby The" Auxiliary of the B'nai BVith 1. Address Uridge program w^s presented follow- will meet Thursday evening, May 8, 2. Song, and JJance Act ' .POLITICAL- ADVEnTISEaji|ENT! POLITICAI, POLITlCAt -ABVERTISEMENTi ing* the bnsiness meeting: William and Ray Yule. at Jhp Jewish, Cqmmunity Center.: Mah Jongg, the Game of the . Accompanied by Win. Monoghan Hour ,„ ...Mrs. Samuel Katz Miss Betty Savin, -ef New York 3. Violin Solos Recitation, "Since Ma Plays Mah Cityy is expected here- the latter part Pupils t>f the Prof. Harry Konovitch tP l i g t . a s the house " Jongg" 1. Betty Furth School of Music MaBT'Jong'g vs. Bridge..,.Mrs. Clarence guest of Miss" B.ose Davidson. a) Harriet Abrahm, an "eightBergman, Mrs, I.'Rosenthal year-old protegee Reading Mrs. Ben Lewis THE JEWISH CULTURE b) Leona Perlis. E OF XJMAHA History and Origin of the Game , Accompanied by Henry Bush • More fhan loO-people "were present 4. Vocal'Solo's of- Mah Jongg....Mrsl Henry Q. Marx _....Sadie Drevich at the open ihegtisg ef the Culture Accompanied by Dave Kahn The May Card Party of the Omaha League, held last "Sunday,"" at wliich . An inspiring talk on Judaism— Chapter of Hadassah will be held Mr.*' J* B&dinowsky was Vocal By.- Prof. Nathjifi- rBernstefnMonday afternoon, May 5, at the home selections were" given by Mrs. O. Yale The boxing matches that .were of Mrs. O.- C. Goldner at 142' North and "Miss Helen Arleiider, accom- be held "jvere postpDned^tmti^ "abater ThirtjvRfth street.' Mrs. Henry M, panied by Mrs. Welker. date dud to the failure; of' sfevfral -Fercr-:.will beShe'assisting hostess. A mopologue was read by Mr. of the .men to appfpr, " v - : Next "Wednesday 'evening; "May' 7, Mr.;j3n|d Mrs. H", j l . Chas'son an- I. MorgerjEtern. Mr. Baia Holzman -played two the spring election of officers will be nounce 'the birth of a 'baby daughter! Roberta May, on Saturday evening, violin selections j accompanied- by held. .£11 members .-are -urged <t° attend. ' '' ' "~ " April 26, at the Omaha Maternity Miss Dugnoff. " Miss_.'Anna' May Parker played., the Hospital. Thirteenth' "TtKapspdy "by ' Liszt' on Mr."' Mrs. S. Harmel left the piano. Thi Misses Rose-Fisher Youxip; lady wishes room Wednesday €or an -extensive'eastern and Anna'Louise Fitch, a pupil of with refined Jewish private trjp to ..visit with, relatives an ]&ew Mrs. B. R. Boasberg, gave several family. Because they have the confidence of countless number^ of ijieji, women' " ""' York and other eastern cities. _They recitations. " Call Webster 1172".ior. further particulars. wiU also_go_to Cubji j n d Hawaii. They - The last "numbjer on the "program and\children of this city. Tlieir many years' work in the business . will be gone .for two jnonths. .Mr. •was ',a "Dne-act. playlet, entitled f and communities activities of Omaha have taugtit them to know . and Mrs, S; Kuklm entertainEd at a Tower". - The following ' members farewell" dinner Tuesday evening in took part in" the playlet: .. Bessie people and to understand human nature. They know Omaha's needs. Osheroff, Harry" E. Pfeffer, honor of Mr. and Mrs. HarmeL MOXHEIT'S Al BKATJTX SHOP Horgensterp an|[ Jr. A.NU CHIROPODY Mrs. Sani Block and children, Flor" Est. 1S0O ence and 'Milton, returned to their heldJthis xamiag.. Slarcel- and - t home'ln~lTramorii7Ttf eBr-T aFteiTa tEree days. S1.00 raibntKs' visit 1h~Vefilcer CalifT Miss We spfeciali&j in permanent Y. M, '& Y. W. H. A. Zelda, Brown,, sister pf Mrs. .Block, Open from 9 A. M. to Entries to the Tennis Tournament who- was with Mrs. -Block -in Venice, 151? Harnsy nill close Tuesday-, May~&-—Entries Jackson 0774." js still in _ California. Mr. and Mrs. Block ah3 family expect to~ leave Sep- ghpuld be made 'With • Mr. Haify tember 1 for California, where they Kneeterj chairman "bf " the"" Terihi^ Tournament,""Sifd" any"inemDer 6 t the 'rejll.jnake.theirjfuture home. Gslffitrep Upliolsteriag Cs, : committee, ...Miss JKate —Solly Yatfe; sdri~of Mr. "aria Mrs: Mersle Freidel, and Mr. .Albert Upholsfering and Furniture Repairing Mattresses Renovated. l^sithajr S^ Taffe, will be '-confirmed Finkel. at" a BarmrEzvon at the B'nai "Israel Box Springs. The- Hatikvoh Girls, will hold a Synagogue,. Eiinieenth ,a"nd €b?pago AT-lanlic 'Slf 1012 Xorth 16tU St. streets,""Saturday mjortiing1 a t "ten meeting Sunday at the Jewish, dura numity Centes; ~i>'clock. __Sunday" "afternoon, _5Ir.""".i}niL JJilrs. The Daughters" of 2H<m Tegular Yaffe.,gpnj|_ingxiteriain at. a reception monJbly mee&sg ,wjll .Jtffe^hfilq fpr friends from two to day #Y§»Jng7 May -5, at the Adags Good Work Gaaranteed at their home to honor^eif-SOB'S Yeshuren Synagogue, 25th and SefEfarmitzvpir. ~ ~ T - - ard Streets. ^ officers CALL L. MANDEL will be held. •*- °" Mr, Philip Greenberg££, of Indiart1919 Sort St. : Atlantic 5440 palisl Ind., is the hijsg&gae^F^Sf Tije T ; held a regular


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the Day


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',:;C : l v ':i; vv^C()i>j r rigiiti:^l^(,TJewishiTelegrapipc jAgenej-i): • v: •',*;;••V-V-.v-J-.--.•• ;"/§*.

i t [is over 500 years since the Art' achieved predominance; over' the other of Diamond polishing has 'been dis- centos of the dianiohd industry^ This covered in Antwerp, but it "is only in is largely to be attributed;!*) the facomparatively recent years that the vorable exchange of Bel'tinin, but it diamond trade has developed to that is also in no small ineasure dueiCto extent as-we find it today, forming the TCsource-and initiative of the Jevifan- important factor of the world's ish merchants in Antwerp, who have commerce and providing employment stimulated the export trade, -v Many of the merchants being from to a large number of people. The great demand for diamond? Austrian Poland were on the outthat began in. the early-"part of the break of .war technically of enemy: nineteenth ' century, subsequently at- origin, and; they were- forced; to take tracted a large.number of Jewish mer- refugeinHollands wluch-has mainto: hospichants to Antwerp, who not only have tained its great, traditions ;: a natural aptitude for affairs, but'a tality and /asylum.; But it; was not particular inclination for business in long after hostilities had ceased that precious stones, which requires risky they were invited^ by the authorities and speculative transactions, permits to return to Belgium and to; resume a quick turnover and it -is a trade their occupationV just as the Spanish which 'appeals to the temperament of now? desire to sesJthe return of the the Jew; but it demands also an in- JeWs> to Spain, for it w as recognized finite ^capacity for taking pains, mi- to wijat extent the diamond industry nuteo observation and skillful-and pa- b£ Antwerp ;and the . employment of tient ^manipulation, qualities which1 the thousands of workmen depended Jews also have shown- to' possess upon them. ~: They availed ithemselves Abovcall, however, jt is the intuition of tijp invitation, and the ^menace to of the "Jew which is the secret of his the industry of Antwerp • !has : been success, in the diamond industry and a v : e r t e d . - • > - . • ( . :•'-'•'••; ; " • > : ' • • :•;'.:-,"::. '-' .;"v A traveller to the Far - East has commerce: The origin for his preference to his recently described meeting an Antparticular trade may be traced to werp diamond merchant who was prothose times' when the" Jew was ex- .ceedirig to sell jewels to the Court of posed to persecution and economic re- Siam, but it should cause no surprise striction and was compelled to choose when one is acquainted with the vast an occupation which he could carry on manipulations of the merchants of the without molest or hindrance, transfer city on the Scheldt. They have repit from, place to place where "he. was resentatives ' or cbrrespdndents scatforced to wander and carry the.prop- tered from China to Peru, and there is -hardly a• civilized place on the erty with him. . . v' . ' The dispersion of the Jews- to. the Qlobe where the diamonds of Antvarious' parts of the world -has no werp or Amsterdam do not find their doubt greatly facilitated, the develop- w a y . • . - - v ; - . > • . • „ . -.:'.-' z - " ; ..- "'••'.• - . But the greatest outlet for diament of this business—in which confidence plays an important- part>—just monds is found in the vast continent as the dispersion of the Spanish and of America which absorbs more diaPortuguese Jews after the Inquisition monds than the rest of the whole has been gveatly responsible for the world together. During the twelve development of the Export Trade, at months .ending June 30, 1923, the a time»when credit on international value of diamonds imported in to the lines wab not known, and trade* with United States <r i seeded $50,000,000, of distant lands was carried on between which more than one-half came from -the different branches of "the. exiled Belgium, the next largest exporter being Amsterdam. A large number of families.' • ' '. The diamond trade at 'Antwerp, Antwerp and Amsterdam Jews,, as which was temporarily interrupted well as Flemmish polishers, have .during the years of the German oc- therefore found their way to America, cupation", has not only regained its and there is a regular interchange of jprevioiis'importance, but it has.even co-religioriists engaged in the diamond 7





The diamond .trade thus forms one ii-ade between «1New York, Antwerp mained the center for the roughtun.-.'-.*•of'the romances of-business, and for and Amsterdam .«. " ; --- . --• -' • • polished • diamond. .' Avgrreat-deal of the businesses con- - It has recently been'brought to light its.wide ramifications has perhaps few ducted in the Diamond exchanges of that in the year. 1689, when the then equals, whicli there are four" in Antwerp with- newly formed' Jewish community of „ Though its chief use is as an ornain a stone's throw of "each other, London was threatened "with a special ment, the diamond provides a livelihoused in "palatial 'buildings where heavy taxation, owing" to the ever cur- hood and. gives employment to an infortunes are handled ' beyond the rent fable that all the Jews are calculable number of people, whilst it wealthy, the spirited Jewish leaders is the means of raising a large revedreams of avarice. to the' State,' chiefly to America, Light' beinj* an important factor, of that time replied by a petition nue the duty levied OT> .its importation: business practically ceases when dark- which was presented to Parliament, in by • The indispensable part the diamond ness sets in,' and the .precious stones which they demonstrated the falsity plays in the industries of the world which -are enclosed in small, neatly- of the assertion. In the course of their petition they because ,of its unequalled qualities, is folded paper packets,- are securely generally not recognized., locked in the vaults, below. The ex« In'order to commemorate the great changes swiftly transform into clubsi . "That the market for diamonds' in and in place of business, -gossip and the East Indies was formerly in Goa progress which the diamond trade has play take place. . Here all topics are (belonging to the Portuguese) and by made at .Antwerp, a Jewels' pageant discussed 'and- many communal prob- the means and industry of the Jews, on a colossal scale was organized there lems are tackled, and. charity not in- the market hath heen brought to the recently, the cost having been borne frequently- invoked for deserving cases English factories, and by that means entirely by .those associated with the or for charitable institution's which England has in a manner the sole Diamond Industry and Commerce. are modelled on those of New York. management of that precious commod- It proved a brilliant success, for its Jewish 'notices can be seen • placated, ity, and all foreigners bring their beauty and grandeur was without and in. one of the exchanges there is monies into this .Kingdom to purchase precedent even in that city noted for its art. the said diamonds." a Jewis'hfrestaurant. ' Jews have alsp played a great part The King of the Belgians was presThe term "Masel & Brocho," which is used to'denote a clinching of a sale, in the mining industry of South Af- ent and it attracted a large number has been freely adopted, even -by the rica. One need only mention such of people from, various countries. names as Beit, Joels, Barnatos, and if non-Jews. • - • discovery of diamonds in the Bel- PROFESSOR AWARDED " It is computed that there are about the Congo cannot be directly traced INTERNATIONAL PRIZE 6,000 manufacturers,, merchants and gian to, Jews, it has vno doubt received . a . FOR MEDICAL RESEARCH brokers in Antwerp, some 90 per cent great incentive from the Jewish merof whom are of the 'Jewish race. There are also many Jewish cutteTs chants in Antwerp. It is not long since large quantities Vienna. (J. T. A.) Dr. Loewi, proand polishers, and a large number of the more skilled class known as the of diamonds have been found in Brit- fessor of medicine at Graetz, has been cleavers, are Jews. The bulk of the ish Guiana, where the pioneers were awarded the International Prize of polishers,...h,owever, belong -to the Jews, and it may be of interest toreFlemmish nation which produced the call that the founder of the Colony discoverei of the art of polishing dia- of Berbice in British Guiana, was sen- Wlllnrd Batteries Brunswick Tires monds—Lodewyk Van Berken—whose hor Abrahams Van Peres, a Jew and Bntterles repl-nrged In one Any beautiful statue with a diamond in Director of the Dutch West India Yousem Battery & Tire Co. his hand adorns^ one of the main Company. At the present time there 813 Kortli 18th s t Cumins St. are several Jewish young men acclistreets of Antwerp- • Road Servire Any Place matizing themselves to the life in the The relations between the Jews and hardly' explored bushes of British GuiPhone Atlantic 0663. non-Jews are in every way satisfac- ana and exporting diamonds to Anttory for.the latter, who have a power- werp. ful unionj realize the importance .of Diamonds are also exported from the Jews who have done so much for Brazil, which it is significant to note, the development of the .export trade was wrested from the Spanish in on which the industry depends. 1624, with the help of the Jews in the "The Mohl" In Amsterdam, where the diamond Dutch West India Company, reciproResidence, 1342 So Z5th'st. trade has very old traditions, the pro- cating t h e . asylum which Holland Tel. ATlantir 6037. portion of Jews is as large, and the granted them in their flight from Place of Business, S4I5 Coming: St. Tel. ATlantir SS31. vast exchange holding over 1,000 Spanish persecution. members, with its postoffice, billiard I rooms, restaurant, is entirely closed on the Jewish Sabbath,- which has not PAXTON HOTEL been possible to -achieve in Antwerp, CLARENCE DESDUNES TURKISH BATHS in spite of its;preponderant number Concert Violinist and Teacher - - no,jv oi>erut«Ml b y of Jewish merchants. " Studio: HawUln'* UJ£!s., ^ ' - - No tith St. ] PAXTON HOTEL., ; But if Antwerp and Amsterdam are ' • " Pfionp, Vfrbstft SS26 the homes- of the polished diamond, Steam, Turkish, and Electric Baths. j • • Office Honrs, 8:SU IO 6. I Violin bows snd essc* for. sale. AH Modern Equipment. which are frequented by buyers from all parts of the world, London has re-

of the High Lord," as he is ca!!ed hi Genesis, was buried. The trench, which is eight feet in depth and 11 feet in width, is older than the Jebusite wall, previously found, and was* filled with slit and rubbish in which PROF. MASAL1STER many potsherds were discovered, all DISCOVERS PREHISTORIC ' " JERUSALEM RUINS belonging- to the middlo-bronuG age. London. (J, T. A.) Prehistoric roughly about 1,500 B. C. traces of the city of Jerusalem, before it was called Jerusalem, dating back 5,000 years ago, have been discovered HEADQUARTERS by Prof. MacAlister, who has been for conducting excavations on the site of the city of David. This was reported by Prof. MacAlister in a dispatch to the Daily Telegraph. What Prof. MacAlister has discovEngagement Rings is our V ered is a trench in which a gigantic Specialty - . • . :-. bastion, originating in the time of Mil Acnnrif IFWFI RY ffl • "Melehizedek, King of Solera, Priest 1514 Dodge St. Est. 1894 Js. 5619

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