Our* New' .Address -681 Brandefs-
VOL. HI—^ '
5^5? " ^ad-el&sa mall cutter on Jurar* Zlih. MEL at portottwitt Omaha. Sebiailo, anaer tie &cs 4>r More* S, ism
Workers teMake for Erection of Complete; Plans Outlined by Workers to Canvass City; " Meet a t Luncheons Daily. .
. i Sunday, May Eleventh \
„. The campaign for the National Jewish Hospital Infirmary; building is on. The workers, will canvass the city in the .campaign to raise Omaha's quota for the new infirmary buildingwhich will be erected soon; .-..-,•... The infirmary building is very much in need at the National Jewish Hospital. There are more than one hundred people who . are on the waiting list at the Hospital. These people are waiting for the erection of the new infirmary building so that they may be admitted in the Hospital'and so that they may have a chance to fight that dreadful disease tuberculosis. . . The infirmary building campaign is being carried on throughout the district and has met with great response—Omaha must raise its.quota. .
is . A T lsastae •
SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, 4 YEAR, $2JO. LATVIAN POSTOFFICE OFFICIAL CEAEGED WITH __ _ RIFLING AMERICAN MAIL S I Eiga. (J. T. A.) Five thousand letis I ters, containing money sent to residents of Latvia, were opened and rifled of their contents by an important official of the Latvian Poftoffice, Mr. Legsvin. He carried on this prac- Reports of Collections to Br tice of stealing from the American Blade at Meeting1 Sunday, mail systematically over s period of several years, and was only discov- AFFILIATED INSTITUTIONS ered recently and taken into custody. OF FEDERATION NEED It is estimated that the money he took HONEY. amounted to many thousands of dol= lars. Most of his victims were Jews j At the regular nicetirtp of thtS whose relatives in America had sent | members of the Board of Director*of the Jewish Welfare Federation them remittances. vrhich will be held Sunday mornisijr at th? Jewish Community CentM\ reports vriH be made by the member? of their collections of plcdpc? from subscribers tr> the Jew? Make Good on X<?w England Farms of Pilgrim Pioneers.
Justin R. Wolf, son of Mr, an*"1. > Sirs. Hany A. Wolf, is the newest member of the Federation, hav- : ing reached the &£e of nis.ub.ood among Jews, at liis Ear-Milsvoh • held last wck, ho immediately l*ecame a subscriber to the WeKarr | Federation. "I have always f wanted to be' a member of this-- ' j-reai charitable institution, Ft- ; that I might do my share in , contributing to the aid of the- . many who are in need of II," ; said Justin Wolf.
That the spirit of the American At a meeting of the workers held overs and the Seder nights were wonpioneers has been brought back to the . Wednesday, noon a t the Brandeis derful. The food is delicious all the time and every patient feejs at.home." New England countryside by the forGrill; plans were made for the clos- The food" is always fresh and tasty eign-bom farmers, mostly Jews, is the ing, touches of Omaha's campaign., and everything, is- prepared in the opinion expressed by a number of Luncheons will be held by the work- kosher way. I found that the Nationleading Nevr Englanders in the May ers every noon at the. Loyal. Hotel al Jewish Hospital is the best place to cure this' disease." I have been one issue of the "Jewish Fanner," the Caf etferia. of those diseased and I found out that magazine of the Jewish Agricultural "We must raise our quota for "-the •the National Jewish Hospital is a Society, S01 East Fourteenth street,1 National Jewish' Hospital's new "in- -blessing to humanity. New York. My tongue is" not powerful enough firmary building," said Harry Malato express my feeling and thanks and "These foreign om farmers.'' says shock; city chairman. "There are a obligation toward this Hospital; which Miss Miriam Beard in an article relarge number of Omaha patients in saved my life. printed from the New York Tiroes of the hospital now and there are sevGod bless the staff and all the memDuring: the past week every memApril 6th, "are buying up the once bers. eral Qmahans in Denver, who are ber of the Board of Directors »ITHdeserted homesteads, reclaiming weecAvaiting to be admitted in the ,. I can appreciate the feelings of member? of the finance grown fields, repeopling the silent vsl.hospital," " every tubercular, mother when ^t _ were sent statements of Jeys and dwindling villages, they are "The Hospital is crowded to more learned that I was" a victim of tuber- 2 proving the rejuvenators of the rural pledges for subscribers to the Fed• than capacity and there are a. large culosis. At this time I was told that ~* I was to leave my children and husregions, they ai*e bringing -directly to eration'. . "These pledges must >*• number who arc waiting—waiting to band and so break up my home. And them from the soil of Europe the collected immediately." r-akl Joe ";< t»e admitted," said Harry A. Wolf, to cap the climax the question of fiprimitive virility wliich since Pilg^rim Wolf, chairman of the finance ccmstate chairman. "We must hurry and nance arose. Fortunately 1 heard days has steadily drained away to mitte. "The Welfare Federation is •put this campaign over so that these about the great work accomplished hy -the National Jewish Hospital. I made * . S cities or the Western plains. They facing a. financial crisis and By GEORGE BAXCBOFT G R I F F I T H unfortunate people who are suffering application in March and the suspense are today assuming' the thankless task this money is raised immediately, t from this dreadful disease may have till June was a great strain, neverthethat we surrendered long ago and are many of the charitable institution; .' a chance to go hack to their homes less ' I had my doubts about things I Who knows what bitter memories • If you have a jfray-haired. mother ; pcrarm£ out the treasures of their affiliated with the Federation v,-ik had heard. ' -• cured." . May haunt you if you wait? In the Old. Home far away, have to suffer." stubborn,, exhaustiess strength I entered the institution as a severe "The campaign for the hospital is So .-make your loved one happy Sit you. down and; write the letter The Federation tsas-jiot yet pai'pc . case, and am jaa1tiog[-« --; <m ^throaghont -• "tire a remarkable recovery "that it" Before-it is_too late. . - .'You -put off -from day to day. any part »f its &hsiT to the C)w?"These foreigners have come to Ncvr .entire' district," said Harry H." Lapi- like a fairy-tale, even" to myself. land Orphan Home, the Wise England and knew nothing of tlie dus, chairman' of the campaign; for After six months' here I had gained The tender word unspoken;. _ . Don't wait until her weary steps ori?l Hospital or the National softness and coziness of modern life, this distrjcj. "The people thfough- twenty-four pounds in weight and my The letters never sent, . . Reach Heaven's pearly gate, Hospital. The organizations strength is also returning. such a? has enervated the original ' out the country are aiding in. the The long forgotten messages, " . But show her that you think of her, The unpartiar attention of Dr. •Swepioneer stock. Inured in their home- money to take care of the relief of the tuberculosis victims'and zey towards every patient is giving The wealth of love unspent." Before it is too late. ! are at the institutions. lands through countless generations people that are helping them to return to their him a most worthy, popularity. 1 During the remainder for the vreok, to hardships, cold privations, incesSo you see that the National Jew• homes and to their loved ones." For these some hearts are breaking, If you have a tender message, members of the finance sant toil, they find no obstacles ir, the ish Hospital is a God-sent institution, "I receive letters daily from. many For these some loved ones wait; Or a loving word to say, will cajivass every hcrmr in the oil,'I might add "that through the- adbarest mountain dwelling; places." people who are waiting in Denver to vice of Dr. Swezey pnuemothbrax jvas Show them that you care for .them Don't wait tiU you forget it, to collect the unpaid pledges Speaking of the tobacco belt of the be admitted in the National Jewish given me. It also has been a great Before it is too late. But. whisper it today. Connecticut River Valley, E noted cit- are due. These payments should fr? , \ Hospital," said" Harry Lapidus. help towards my recovery. izen says: "Many of these farms are made quarterly and semi-atmually sw• "These people come from all over FROM A FORMER fcATIENT. owned by Jewish farmers and save in as it will not curtail the work of tho the country." Since I left the National Jewish aiHinmiHiiimmntHniiiHutHiHiHifflHiniJiiiiHiim a few instances are being improved Welfare Federation. The following letters were received Hospital for Consumptives, my only and successfully operated.. • From obthought was, how can I repay the from the patients: servation and close acquaintance, I officers of this Institution, how can At last the time has come when I I reach my friends who helped me.to have determined that the Jew, vrhen i can express my feelings of my heart, get into this wonderful Institution,he purchases a farm, wants to obtain j and refer to the past when my cir- and to the many people I know to A regular meeting of the Menorah the best and naturally is groing to concumstances were deplorable. I won't tell them how big, how great this Meeting of Representatives from All Society was held Wednesday evening, No Possibility of: Other Relative Ex- duct this farm on the same general write my biography, but I will write a Jewish Hospital is. April 30, at the Jewish Community emption of Privileges. small episode of my life. When the Organizations to Be Held. I remember' when in the Harper lines as the other farmers are doing: i Women's Division of Chamber World War broke out, I was one of Hospital in Detroit; the SuperintendCenter. The special business of the Comrnercc Sponsors, in that particular locality, whether it | the victims of my town. I was driven ent came to tell me that I had tuberWashington. (J. T. A.) That there be tobacco, general farm produce or A campaign for 200 new pupils as meeting was election of officers for out of town by force into the farthest culosis. The first thought was what members of the City Talmud -Torah, the ensuing year. The following were 4s some possibility of securing the other crops. States, in Russia. Without food or is there in life for. me 2 . Omaha's Symphony Orchestra ths-t elected: President, Isadore Xevine; exemption of the immigrant wives of clothes, I was compelled to sleep many was recently organized and is comI entered the National Jewish' Hos- is being launched by the Board • of "The Jewish famicr in Tollard nights on- the fields, under heavy pital- for Consumptives, • when, hope Education. The campaign will begin vice president, David Beber; recording American citizens-from the quota reposed of the, best, musicians frow. rains, and my legs were sore standing for life was lost, when all my amsecretary, Eva Katzman; treasurer, strictions ' was' intimated in reliable County," he concludes, "is rnakinjr Omaha's thetres, will five its f.vst May 22nd and •will continue to the in line waiting for a piece of bread, bitions vanished and indifference took Marcus Krasne; reporter, Ida Lust- quarters as a result of the negotia- good, and I can cite many instances of concert Friday evening, May 9, *< second wek in June^, if you can call it bread. I nearly its place. prosperity as evidenced by the updied of hunger'and thirst, .the town . I am cut of there for three and a In order to receive co-operation garten; Omaha University executive, tions of -the negotiations which have keeping of their property, by their 8:15. «t the Municipal Auditorium, was -on fire and human beings were half years. Have not. lost a single from all the Jewish organizations and Helen Riekes; Neraska University ex- been going on between-the Senate sad Mr. Herman H. Mansfield is busilive stock, automobiles;, the furnishkilled before" my eyes. day from workT .Am happily "married synagogues in the city, letters have ecutive, Eose Minkin; Creighton Uni- House conferees on the immigration ings in their homes, and the advan- ness msn&ger ef the orchestra. K*» When the war was over I came to for two years and .self-supporting. versity executive, Samuel Faier; bills. It is not, by any means, certain tages they are giving1 their children in Ernest Nordin, dean of Omaha the United States and I thought then During my first few -weeks in the been- sent to each organization to that I.was to be safe in my husband's National Jewish Hospital, I TO» called appoint three representatives to meet Creighton Night Law executive, Leon whether this privilege-will be secured. the matter of education. I will fur- iatis. is "directing: the orchestra, an.\ As far as . the other relative ex- ther state that they are vitally in- Mr. Rudolph' Seiill is assisting &;home. After a short time in Omaha to the Medical Building-to be exam- •with the committee of the Talmud Gross. I became ill. I was examined by a ined not less than by eight or nine Torah, Sunday evening, May 11. At To wind up the year's social activ- emptions- allowed _by. the House bill terested in their communities and Nordin. "doctor, and he advised me to leave specialists in various diseases. Each this meeting plans •will be made for ities of the organization, the mc-mers are concerned,-there is practically no Roentgen, assistant direcnever refuse to <rive their sid and Omaha for Denver. I fainted when I of these specialists was very thorheard the doctor's statement that I ough. Several -of them had me X- the campaign to be conducted .Tiext decided on a dance to e given soon at chance of their retention. The Senate support to promote the pener&l wel- tor of the Minneapolis Symphony O:was sick with that terrible sickness rayed and flouroscoped used many an month. The members of- the com- the Hanscom Park pavilion. The com- is strictly opposed to any further lib- fare." chestra, who was invited to be thr which is called T. B. instrument, spent a great deal of time mittee in charge a r e . Rabbi- J. -JL mittee appointed to take charge of eralization of the immigration bill. conductor for the opening: c w When my application was accepter in diagnosing my exact condition. Exthis affair are Miss Ida Lustgarden. The conferees met this morning, but «srt, says, "that a creat surprise i-4. and I came to Denver to the National plaining to me what, co-operation was Charlop, chairman, E. Bloch, Mrs. Mi and Messrs. Emanuel Green and Mar- because of the • illness of Chairman Tatle, A. Colin, Mrs. S. Frohm, Mrs: Mrs. Cora Wolf Elected m store for Omahan?, as there r*~c Jewish Hospital, when I heard the expected of me to "obtain a cure. cu Johnson of "the-House committee, congood words of Dr. Swezey, and Eaw President of Temple I-wa- given a (Comfortable room'and A. Wolf, Dr. Philip Sher, .Mrs. .L. ! s Krasne. wonderful musicians in the orchestra the smiling faces of' the nurses, I ^sleeping porch, hours of rest, a.lit- Kneeter, S. Kavitz, Mrs. S. Robinson, I fined theiiiseh-es -merely to discussion. Israel Sisterhood and this city has the making of lb£ started to feel much better right tle exercise, and everything prescribed Mrs. S» Ravitz. making no decisions. Another meeting finest Symphony Orchestra' in thr •B. J. SHAPIRO TO SPEAK away.. .S was carried out. is scheduled, and.a final decision of At the closing meeting: of xh&; year country." is a -very urgent-appeal to j My pen is too weak to express I want to make special mention of ER EETI WORKERS J. Shapiro, author MEETING and orator the conferees upon the form of the of the Temple Israel Sisterhood'Moneverything that I saw in the Hospital the ta"ble served by this great Insti- Omaha Jewry," said Rabbi - Charlop.!' B. AT The Business and Professional "Woand the good work which Dr. Swezey tution. Realizing the importance the "All organizations in the city should will - be the principal speaker at a ill to be -jointly agreed upon is ex- day afternoon, May 5\ Mrs. Cora Wolf men's Division. oC the Chamber «i' has done for me. He used all kinds diet in the treatment of this disease, be represented at this meeting Sun-' meeting held under the auspices pected this •week* was elected president oi the orgarazs- $C o r a m e T O >, w h o m sponwrins of scientific skill to save my life. And I can say that" the officials provide tion for the nest year; Mrs. Frederick ^ COTCerfc> a n n o O T r e the following of the Cahluzim committee for 1 can tell the world that Dr. Swezey the best food obtainable of good variCohn, honorary president; Mrs. I. Ho- profrram to be given Friday evening: is an angel. I wili never forget that ety from our own farm. Palestine -workers, at the Jewish ENTRIES FOR Y ML man. Also the rest of the doctors atKentlial, vice president; Mrs. J, B. It is almost impossible for me to JEWISH REFUGEES.DIE-WHEN {Community Center building WednesH. AVTENKIS TOURNAnrp i P "Ohprnu" .'. tend the patients very good/ I. feel put down on paper all that.I.feel and Sate, financial secretary; Mr?. Sam DNIESTER ICE BREAKS day evening. His address will be MENT CLOSE TUESDAY from the «J{**rs "J<nkm»*' now very well, and I hope to God that all that I owe to the "National Jewish Kishineff. <J. T. A.) A oaew-wave, "The Koneer Workers in Palestine", Entries for the summer tennis Pepper, corresponding secretary; Mrs. V«lma Loif KuttO!., Soprano in a short time I will be .able to re- Hospital. ,. • of "Jewish refugees from the Ukraine • " T h r T ^ t i n g is open to the public, tournament-of-the Y. M. s*nd Y. W.! Martin L. Sugsrmsn, treasurer; and turn home healthy and strong. No. «. Sn. 1" Min^r. op. 3<S _.. , "It is a debt that I owe to my Race My room-mate was a woman of age and a. debt I can never repay- The has commenced to pour into Bessara-j there wiiw^be several other immberE H. A. are being received by Sir.; Mrs. Sol S. Goldstrom. auditor. I, Anflonse jsostf-nuto. Tchaskow»k ALoderato nnhna. 28 and a mother of three children. blessed privilege of health is once hia. On account of the obstacles with/on the program, according to J. J. Harry iuieeter, chairman of the Ath- These officers -will hegm their do71. AnciaBtlno in n\»So <U cansotu She was very sick. She Tised to. have more my own, and for this I am grate- isrliich they met a t the Roumanian bor-1 Friedman, member of the committee letic * Committee, an by the Misses'ties at the opening meeting to be held III. SelscrBo: riaatlt'uto ostinato; . hemorrhages very often. She was so ful. „ ]' •„ IV. Finale: Allegro «*on ftseco, sick that every doctor gave her up. My thanks are due to those, iwho for, some of the refugees made: an^ at- - in charge. M. Selicow will be chair- Kate Goldstein," Merle" Friedel, and after the s-irarsier season. AdagSetJo — ^ "Bttt Br. Swezey and his assistant maintain this fine Institution. -T*>"tL tesapt to cross the Dniester on foot, i man of the evening. Mr. Albert-FinkeL All entries should ito) n J«««M46U saved her life from a sure death. The Milford Stern, through wftose kind ef- while the river was covered with ice; • • be in by Tuesday, Slay IS, the last '. M. H. A. Jra, Play Bey nurses attended her day and night fortl was admitted, to Mrs. S. Pisko, day that entries can be made. Gifessss Ramfeters, and she had a special muse.— Now Dr. S.-Swezey and his staff of ex- but in the middle of the crossing-the PALESTINE WILL BE Ice broke, causing the loss of „ many! INDUSTRIAL CENTER.OF All members &£ the T organisation The Y. M. H. A. Jrs. Baseball she is able to walk and she is coming perts- and to tlti employees. to'the dining room. ORIENT, STATES SAMUEL as well as' any- other Jewish young tears were defeated by the My last thonght and -wish is that Jives. According to reports by the [ Thanks to this wonderful Institu- God may inspire, Dr. Cqrper, the head survivors, seren Jewish, immigrants! Jerusalem. {P. T. A.) That Pales- man or' woinaa - in the "city are cl- Ins. team Sunday aiterao&n by a tion, hundreds of people are being of the Research Department, to the from. Eamenetz-Podolsk. -were tine will be the commercial center of igible to enter the *toaxnasa&nt> Bucharest. (J. T. A . ) — ^ score of IS to S. The Y. M. K. A. helped and saved from that terrible successful working oat of" "his new the victims of this catastrophe. the Orient is the expectation of Sir Jrs. have protested AMs game because citoal sjija^sgrae iti Jesai thaidisease. The National Jewish Hospi line of. research, a cure; for tubercuAt taa - T*nvple Israel • Sunday of several technicalities ia the -roTes' <pd by %re yfefttpwlay. ' The tal has the best doctors in th? th? UnftP losis. ' ' - - ' -., - * v•----. '. Many ef i h e refugees havs, lost Herbert Samuel. The British High States/ . " their way in .the frontier mountains. "Comraiisiloner made a. statement to School years oW -AssetsMy Sunday of the association. The Y, Jft. B . A. .am, here in the Hospital fifteen < Mr. "Jay-Wolfenson, of. New One of-, them. Isaac Uoitarap, of Sin- that effect- to a group of prominent morning1,; Slay, 11,- at' eleven ©'dock, Jrs. will play toe" •Gibson Hamblers by the satire vtffik aw<? f&s." I noticed and watched «very City, is here .visiting with bis sister, kov, Kiev, was killed by "falling Passover tourists whom he -was en- Mr. Henry Soseathal will address the Sunday afteruoon at 1:30 p . m. at; a Jwly-relic^ having, tiling* *BBTI found everything,is a fliff. . " . tertaining at tea. •&JX& mhkh had occsirred | Eiverview children. BO, I have been here two Pass- Mrs. 0 . C Goldner,. ' ",
LaGBcii Campaign for 200 Hew Pupils for Talmud Torali
Stciety Elects • dfisers for Ensuing firm
to Hay firs! Cdieert Frifcj
, _ P A G E 2—THE JEWISH PRESS, -THURSDAY, MAY 8, 1924 Tuesday b/.-Mri?. .Max Block, of Oma- officers wei'e elected: '-President, M;. ha. Wednesday.-Mrs. *£»ouis Sorhrrier Hoffman; vicejwesident^, A. Agiftskee; honored Mrs. Schlank." The Mesdames secretary, I. M. Winthrbp', and'treas* Louis Simon and Jake Simon arc en- urcr, S. Shyken. J ." ? • i > $ ; i y , grandson of Mr. and Mrs. E. Gitertaining Thursday. Friday Mrs. , £HE JEWJ&H JEWESS PUBUSHiHS CUMPANY. % . Jerusalem. (J. T. A.) Many new 'AG P'OMEE—S&y 22ndT:-~:^ , The Council of Jewish Women eninsky, will be held at the synagogue, Harry Wilinsky is entertaining at a Office: ^81 Brahdeis .Theatre Building—Telephone: ATlantic 1430 industries have been created in PalPARSHA B'HAE—May 24th. '• tertained nt seven tables of bridge 18 Mynster street, Saturday morn-1 NATHAN B. GREEN, Manager. ' ABSHA BECHUKOSy—May 31st. estine as a result ©£ the numerous ing. Mr. and Mrs. F. Gilinsky, 118" luncheon. Saturday Mre. Wm. Seller and Mali Jong Tuesday afternoon at ROSH CHODESCH S^VAN—.June tourists who flocked here in connec- Vine street, will be .at home Saturday is honoring Mrs. Schlank. _§2;50. the home of Mrs. S. H. Katleman. Subscription Brice, one year. tion with the Passover and Easter Advertising rates furnished on application. 3rd. Miss Helen Whitebook, daughter of afternoon to all their friends in honor holidays. Mrs. Sam Suyder is confined to her PARSHA BAMIDBAR—June 7th. .CHANGE OV ADDItESS-Please Rive both the old and sew address; Mr. and Mrs. S. Whitebook, enterIt has been announced that a sugar of their grandson. • JM» sura und Rive yoor name. SHEVUOTH (First Day)—June 8th. tained fifteen_ of her friends . at . ahome with a badly wrenched ankle, Mr. and Mrs. I. A. Gilinsky, of theater party at the Broadway SunThe Jewisfi £ressi ig supplied by the Jewish'Telegraphic Agency (Jewish SHEVUOTH (Second Day) — June syndicate with a'capital of §1,000,000 A regular meeting of the B'nai i a s been organized. Plans are also Omaha, will be at home Sunday after9th. Correspondence Bureau) With%cabled and telegraphic Jewish news, in addition day afternoon in honor of her twelfth B'rith will be held next Wednesday under "wajr for the starting of a large to feature Articles and "correspondences from all important Jewish centres. PARSHA NESOH—June 14th. noon at 3309 Decatur street in honor Inquiries regarding news Items credited to this Agency will be gladly, PARSHA BEHAA1.OSECHO — June tobacco enterprise in Palestine to be of the Baraitzvah of their son, Stew- birthday. After the show, refresh- evening at the Danish Hall* ments were served at Shaw's ice cream answered If addressed to Jewish r Telegraphic Agency, 114 Fifth" Avenue, financed by the German tobacco in- art. 21st. parlors. New York City, •. " . Messrs, and Mesdames H, Saltzman, dustrialists, Eugene and Corbafy. PARSHA. SHELACH—June 2Sth. Abe Marcus, B. Saltzman and family, Tourists from Poland have organised A regular meeting of the Ladies' ROSH SHODESCH TAMMUZ—June Mr. and Mrs. Herman Krasne left A SELF-CONTAINED JEWRY D. Fox and family and H. Maduff and two textile factories with a capital of Society will be held next Tuesday 2nd. • " Meaday for Excelsior Springs, Me. Whatever action President Caolidge may take on the Im-ROSH $100,000 each. afternoon, May 13, at the home of They expect to be gone about a month. family motored to Harlan la,, Sunday CHODESCH TAMMUZ—July migration bill when it reaches him from the Congress, it is quite to spend the day with Mr. and Mrs. Many of the tourists have pur- Mrs. A. Aginskee, 210 Frank street. certain- ihat the bill will be enacted into law. That being the 3rd. Ben Cohen and baby daughter, Dorochased plots for houses in Haifa and Mr. and Mrs. I. Fonaro entertained case, the Jews of America may assume that.hereafter their PARSHA KORACff—July 5th. The Junior Council held their last thy, in honor of the first birthday Jaffa. numbers will only be increased materially by the excess-of the PARSHA CHUKATKr-July 12th. regular business meeting of the sea- ten couples at bridge a t their home anniversary of Dortfthy Cohen. PARSHA BALAK—July 19th. Sunday evening. birth~ rate over the death rate. A large proportion of the Jews PARSHA PINCHAS—July 26th. Jerusalem. (J. T. A.) The German son at the home of Miss Evelyn Mrs. E. Marcus entertained at a tobacco industrialist, Lubliner, has Marks, with sixteen members present. Mrs.- Sam' Meyerson is entertaining S CHODESCH AB—August 1st. signed a contract with the Jewish col- The following officers were elected her Afternoon Bridge club at her home Mali Jong dinner last Saturday evenPARSHA MATTAS UMASSEM—Au- onists of upper Galilee for the deliv- for the ensuing year: President, Ruth Thursday. ing at her home. working of race suicide in their theUhiteetStates :tt^y ibetejcpected -to grow by natural; means. gust 2nd. ery of 80,000 kilos of tobacco. This Krasne; vice president, Jeanette GiI t -is only' ther so-called VNordic" ^sto0fc in A^etica^ that shows PARSHA DEBARIM, SHABBOS order has acted as a-great stimulus to linsky; secretary, Fannie Shyken; and At a regular meeting of the Talmud Mesdames Julius and Joe Rosenfeldt signs of an actual decrease^ T^ fatuously CHAZOM—August 9th. Torah, which was held Tuesday even> entertain at a luncheon Friday afterthe tobacco growers in that region, treasurer, Fannie Katelman. blamed on the foreigners; when; as a matter- of fact it is simply TISHA B'OV—August 10th. ing a t the synagogue, the following noon. Several new members were recently and is .creating a demand for addi< the oute^ine ©^deliberate design. ¥ " " taken into the club. They are the PARSHA VAETCHANAN — August tional laborers. >? T^ country will, therefore; here- 16th. Misses Dora and Tillie Markovitz, after, constituted self4jontained body of-more-thair three million PARSHA AKEV—August 23rd. Dorothy Saltzman, Bess Seldin,Rose GOVERNMENT people. For nearly a: century-the various Jewish communities of ROSH CHODESCH ELLUL, PAR- ROUMANIAN Shyken and Lillian Steinberg. TAKES AWAY LAND FROM America have beenan a constant SHA REAY—August 30th. FARMERS Miss Ada Gilinsky entertained at a being added from time M time, so that adjustments alon^erma- ROSH CHODESCH ELLUL—August Bucharest (J.JEWISH T. A.) The Rouman- series of bridge parties at her home nent un& ^definite lirjes have been practically irhpossible. This 31st. Paxton Block "The Store of Individual Shops" 16th •& Farnam ian. Government has ordered a new last Wednesday and Thursday in condition«of affairs i s at an end. Wg 'know---Know.definitely and division in Bessarabia, giving honor of her sister, Mrs. J . E. specifical^y---what"wei^^ to look'forward to in thefiuture, PARSHA SHOFTIM—September Gth. land preference to the Bessarabian, peas- Schiank, of Los Angeles, Calif. Among PARSHA KE SAZA '— September 13th. and should be aWe ^o;a<^ a^rdihgly. ants. This step has been taken in an other affairs given in honor of Mrs. NEZAV1M — September PARSHA > ^ T h e first and outstanding need of the Jews .of America is endeavor to win over the Bessarabian Schlank was a bridge party given concentrated and sustained effort along: religious ^ines. Of the 27th. ;more than ;three million Jews in the United Bfefes a t 1;he present EREV ROSH HASHANNO—Septem- population. The government is undertaking this ber 28th.time ^otniore than one-half M^^^ policy, however, at the expense of the r^gula^y allied withjth^yriaj^^ Jewish farmers in Bessarabia from half, a considerable nuinberiwho are indifferent to Judaisrn,; ana whom it is taking the land away on a^smaller number^who are definitely opposed to it/ and in: is^ the pretense that the farmers are no toft all religion. I t would be a inost usefuleffort on the jiart b: cultivating all the land in their pos tlie United Synagogue> the Union of American Hebrew, Congre session. This order is affecting 10, gations and theXJnion of Orthodox Congregations to secure a l e ' .-.'. AI'..'- r TbK,-».n_ Printing Vrmii of I 000 Jewish farmers in Bessarabia. real census of the, religious affiliations of the Jews of America1^ ^ l i S n ^ S Zf S ? wiUi Jemsh congregations, «nd also iuch data about thei jun100,000th Copy of BUJIC. affiliated- as would enable those! directly interestect to make up New York.—The thirty-fifth anni- TEN THOUSAND CHASSIDIM REJOICE AT WEDDING their minds as to what can be done to bring the non-conformists, versary of the appearance of the first OF RABBI'S DAUGHTER or as many of them as possible, back to the religion of their book issued by the Jewish Publication Bucharest. (J. T. A.) Ten thou fathers. ; It, is a work that can, in various ramifications, be ac- Society will be celebrated by a dinner complished only by united and co-operative effort. For its. ownon May 14th at the RJtz-Carlton Ho- sand Chassiddim from all parts of salvation as a living religious force American Jewry should prove tel. The book was the "Outline of Eastern Europe' assembled a t Mar- j marosz, Sziget, Transylvania, for the itself equal to this effort.Jewish History,"_by Lady Hagnus. wedding of the Chassidic Rabbi Teit, In the course of the.years in the various Jewish communities Invitations to the dinner,' which are of the land certain weaknesses have developed that are foreign to issued in the names of Ludwig Vogel- J lebaum's daughter. the whole record and traditions of Jewish life. Quite.a number stein, Hon. Irving Lehman and Mr. The scenes of the wedding, espeof the people have been so affected by the environment that Lou^s Marshall are being sent to Jews, dally the leading of the bride to the they have departed frdm the old Jewish standards, and have eminently active in scientific^ artistic" "chupa" to the strains of music and yielded to influences that have not. been wholesome or elevating. and social fields throughout the coun- Chassidic songs, were reminiscent of We must, moreover, uphold all the forces of law and order in try. In addition to those just men- the mediaeval beauty and charm. were the helping to destroy all kinds of unethical practices not only for tioned, the anniversary committee con-^ AH" of the Chassidim the general welfare, but for .our own honor and credit; for the .sist?_.jof .Abram I. Elkus, Nathanj gtjests of the Rabbi fdrv£everal'jciays, best of us is JudgeBFby the doings of the worst. We cannbt~T5e Krass," ""S.*.CharTes"*Lam'portV Felix H^ atvd- after the ceremony all partook of a great feast. witnesses to God's truth if we fail to" do all in our power to Levy, AtlolphS.'Ochs-.iA. :S.Tw: ouppress. the violation of both divine and human law. senbach, Samuel Schul'man and Cyrus ; There are many other useful fields ofr .endeavor which should L. Sulzberger." I.. George. .Dobsevage; NINETY CHALUZIM ".:••• 7 ARRESTED IN MINSK appeal to a self-contained community* . Some of these are, Secretary of the Jewish - Publication broadly, educational, cultural and artistic; other, and by no.means Society of America, is fn' charge of the Riga. "(J. T. A.) Ninety Chaluzim, members of the Zeire Zion Party, and the least important,'are broadly, patriotic^in the best arid'truest 'arrangements.- - • • - , . . sense. Let us cultivate all.these fields of endeavor for the glory At the same, time Ihe Society is;' also members of the academic youth Fur of God iuid the welfare of humanity,—*The Exponent." also celebrating the -printing of* the associations, Kadima and Hechover, trimmed* T have been ariestcd in Minsk. These 100,000th copy of' its" English Bjble." • braided, LOCAL OPTION SALVATION. ^"WhSevej- belieyes in Gerinania canThiij most recent" translation was com- arrests were made at the. instigation embroidered; -Judaism'preached for thousands, of not delieye In. Christ;! ,1'The German pleted aftet years x>£ application by a of the Jewish section of the Communand years universal salvation and-support- church wilt spit out theipoisoti _6f the group of eminent Hebraic scholar?, ist Party. PIANISTS—ATTENTION! tailored r ed its preaching by Its JbeUef in one Jewish ^igibn? We await' the ''..Ger- group ui eminent AXCUXUIV, ^_..^.V.». , - POPUlJlIt SICSIC — FHllng !n "bass" modes. I t is Relieved tliatsections after the universal God and in human 'brother- mansayioTir who;-will pot speak He- and the appearance of the lOO.OOOth conference of thehere Jewish of Yyti hurjnouy. and "breaks" or "extras'* 'Sizes- 14 T hood. OpposecTto our"ideasis the one brew'or Latin, but .German;'' Wotan copy a t this particular."time provides the *" * ""• -"-'^«««™= in nf Communist Party, convening E. M. KAHN to S» which assumes^that manican be saved is to be substitufed f or Jesiis., just reason for the double celebration. Minsk, is over, a new period of perse-I 2nd JFloor Mirkei Uliic. 1Mb & Hiirney At. 43f.i: Sun. At. 4302; only through local deities and nation- ? Comment'on such a\ program would ACID SPRAYING AS AN cution against the Jewish national i'hones: Studio lies. At.'3210. al religions. Judaism was at one time 1>e fiitiie Hver* it-not for ttie fact; that movement, particularly against the-ZiANTMEWISH WEAPON fiercely nationalistic and Palestinian. it has aiFinterest in studying formal | Riga. (J. T. A.) For some time onist, will be commenced- in Soviet • The prophets fought'against this idea. religion. Wychology is often studied there have een complaints -made by Russia, in accordance witlv resolutions They loved Palestine with "a poetic Iby careful; observation of lunatics. In Jews that while"pa5sihg through the adopted-~by the conference."" More arfervor and they were devotedly loyal -th«^instance the analogy is obvious,| streets of Riga they have found that a rests are expected. to Israel. They "did not however feel 'TJiiiyerBalism isthe^^inly^religious pbs-j corrosive liquid has been sprayed onj Eve r y young man shoultf-get his Coats that you'll-instantly recognize as the season's that our great religion was a merely sibility. Sectional, national or; yace| their clothes, which Tiave been ruined ANTI-SEMITIC DISTURBlife insured. I h e yotiiig man. v/ho local matter, but preached and taught | creeds separate, do not unite, men.; neglects to insure his life does himANCE IN TRANSYLVANIA smartest—OF iwills. channeen and so ft-lex lured and those dependent upon him that it "was universal and i t s votaries The hew : WotanisK of the German i in iconsequence.'" As a result' of the Bucharest. (J. T. A.) Serious antir self r complaints the. police have been keepan injustice." fabrics. jvere the servants of humanity. group i s similar to^the rampant chau"Semitic excesses have taken place in yinism of religion i n the history of ing a watch add liave arrested a stu- the <ity of Bejus, Transylvania. The HARRY Hi SIXGER In visiting the art galleries pf Eu- the world; That is ; its greatest weak- dent, who appears to be a member of In tan, grey, navy, brilliant sport colorings, .rope one is eronmously,impressed ness^ I t lias divided-instead of united an atiti-Semitic gang, organized for disorder was caused by' the Roumanian Fascist! Organization. *Th& police with the local'coloring.of individuals Tmeji, and; it has embittered instead of the special purpose "of spraying the plaids and stripes— "32i~CUy National Bank Bldg. connected by religious tradition "with softening^ human; relations. It is char- liquid over'the clothes of "Jewish pe- intervened this time, restoring order. -. . ".Jackson" 1273. the history of Christianity.". Italian "affterMtic> of inankind that^ such di- destrians. The" police "hope to make LEAVES $1,000,000 TO Res. Tel. Harney"45o4. masters painted saints,, apostles and ^isip&<are'hTghly valued jhy it, |iut further arrests shortly. ' . -CHILDREN ON CONDITION. the person of Jesus as Italians, wTiile the • loss of tHs ^atavistic tendency is THAT THEY REMAIN JEWS German, Dutch and,. Spanish painters essential to Tiumah; prpgress. That is London. (J. T. A.)—Albert Settgave*_their countrymen's "characterisr l>art -of A$heylsraef '* progranS--Tn% LITHUANIAN CABINET linger,: father-in-law of the famous "tics to their pjlcturesbf salvation* Sa- S f c i b e . ^ - ' - . ' ;•'••-. •- • • ; ' -.,''• • ^ " • . • • ' ; • • ' • ' • ? • REGRETS ABOLISHMENT English writer and critic, Philip viours are not necessarily-Jews,_ To OF JEVVlSH MINISTRY Guedalla, left t>ver-a million dollars Upholstering and pKniitiire " paint a picture of "human, salvation .as " ing - Mattresses Renovated. Kovno. <J. T. A";.)' The Cabinet and to his children on .condition that they a Jewish, g group..alone, ' . the,Diet'.of Lithuania are in deep dis- remain Jews. He left $50,000 to be - ' _ Box" Springs. p , would be, asQUEEN WILHELMINA VISITS GREAT SYNAGOGUE "SSIS " 1DT3 TS'ortU lGtli S i , paragement 'over, th edecision of the distributed among the poor. p j 5 _ s Jo paint the .Last Supper as " . IN AMSTERDAM Diet to abolish' the T&ftn&tf forJei?;a banquet| of.Indians'. . By. accident or Amsterdam (J»-T,-A.) The cele- ish Affaits-v As -a. result o f the" pro- ACTING CHIEF RABBI . . divine.; plan Jews have thought more bration of the 250th anniversary of' tests of'' the - Jewish population, the . . J FBANK ASSAULTED and given! more "to the^vhjte, man's riM Jerusalem;- (J. T. JL.) Slitri Alsha' religion than any other ancient group. ihe' Great Synagogue" in Amstefdam Lithuanian" Cabinet has taken-up the honored by. the" visit of. Queen matter again,- and decided at a recefot ma, v a Christian' Arab, while fntoxiThey, arg "entitled,to recognition'"for 11 . Good Work Guaranteed and, the Crown Princess session that the decision of the Diet cated, lasf week attacked' Acting Chief that.' They, are"not'however entitled References Furnislicd U Ki>quJrcd.-_ JuUanna, Rabbi "of Palestine!Fesss&h • Frank, to.inore since Jews themselves! bwljeye is against "the~fcithuanian-ConstituX justice to youi-sclf,- your «])pcarancc and CAfcL L.- MAN1>EL ,. ' <i . . . , _ . ...t Rabbi ,Pnderwy«r. and/tfte tion. salvation .to while the' ChiSf Rd&bi~ was passing to t * of fipS aiidjnot'ofany aiidjnot'ofany : '.'.•_' •,. " -" : your clotlies mrmey,- bo t>ure to sec The 1919 Burt St. Atlantic 5440 President fit th>d comraujiity, Herr E. , It was^ announced, .that the Jewish through the old city. The court ^eiiman or men.' i Xebraska's. superbly styled Spring- CJothcs— B Assciier, «poke. efitfthasiiingr the ' One isi'moVa.1 to think oi-this xe- P MlnisCry. h& -.re-established tenced the assailant to oite week's im C ' traditions , ofjustice, tolerance , -and prisonment. KnvphaticnUy America's most "wonderful values, llgious problem *_-eeause;-of therecent shortly. bicJseHng^ in- the- religious-#e!d«" One liberty of JBoJland and of jthe.JDuteh at •.-:.'.-. * ' -.. Young'la^y wishes room, of <fcheni»is the,strange outburst" com- Royal .-House. Two tablets. <Jommem- SITUATION.OF, IMMKJBANTS . \ When ThihTdng of Men^ Hats with i-efined Jewish private IN BALTIC- COHNTBJES mented ~pn by Maximilian LHarden in orating the visit were unvsijed.- v or.Ptti-nisliings family. GKO WING. WORSE •writing of the-trial of Hitler find LuUEMRMP Call Webster 1172 for further- Riga. <J. T-'A.') While the quota dendorfi at Munich. .TJie farcical nas. ' particulars. iov Latvia is'not Igreater. than 6&>l of "that proceeding's further e*n 1-121 DO'CGLAS S T . pet annum," the- desire to emigrate to &&h*h**fiirt <h of the ultra I.. W O W . SAM R. \V,OLF riotQ85;fpHowers_gf the-heerrhaji he ;-^-I^mbej^j (3;iTi,^^-&SifSs;vOf" nbn| America is continually.-growing. ! haye^ein -' A-more, serious situ&tio'n has been roe«.f«>U SL-re/vision o£ Gerjnajr'reli ;Jp^^Spife|and:|JkjSIniahs^ MQNHEIT'S ; : jpoai'JEiews. ttbicb-will -«iw>iqate~t]u mafengs^^licia$ionr:; to;^he/;3^^yW created in-the cities' of Riga and L£> • HKAl'TV KHQl* A M ) CI(l*.t<>rOuV bau, whete-thonsands «f~Eussian Jew» Jewish features arid substitute a pure ^ra^^tt^&fe|n^n1^^^ -the ' :-c Krt.'IKO.."--- ' " . AND ish immigmntsr en-iottte to America, rftJ The The TObteMiiJcw Mivi-Jcw •!S'o;^iiBt'.. . Stared #««{' trv* reset l a German ttrf are, now "stranded, wiAoutrpermisslon ish book is to feejJpne away;with. The to remain^be?e they-sre and withoutf •^'^^^f^^^^fpeit^^vi' cry 19 * The Bjble.'Was invented: by the possibility- of--either -g6ing back' * • ; - J . J t ««Meettother ;na«ansff- Away Away Jew? 49\i Sfsrtli SJth
JEWISH CALENDAR. 5684-1^24 ' * t i b S H l ^ M 10th.
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Publication Society to Celebrate 35th Anniversary
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Mrew Caraegie Says:
Gsldstroffl Uphllsterigg Ca.
Plmligg asd Paperksgmg
and-at 05 to $50
with paragraph suited By harden 'is
V 'f*
PAGE 3—THE JEWISH PRESS, THURSDAY, MAY 8, 1924 i Three Hundred, and" Fifty Women Attend First | - Annual Jewish" Women's Joint Meeting "Sponsored" •-'•'. ' PJV Jewish:-Women's Welfare "*Qi^ganization Three hundred "and fifty "wonjen -and younjj- .•women attended ffte-.tir'Stf annual • get-to-gether meeting and social afternoon of all Jewjsh Women's Organizations and was held «Wednesday afternoon, -May 7, at the) Blackstone Hotel. • • " Mrs. Henry. Monsfay- opened the meeting --with a story on the song of "America", followed by the singing of "America" by the women. Two minute talks .were then, given by the presidents of the following fourteen Jewish Women's organizations: The Council of Je\vish Women, The Omaha Chapter of Hadassah, the Junior Hadassah, The Temple Israel Sisterhood, Golden Hill Society, Jewish Orphan Society, Daughters of Jiion, Women's Free Loan Society, Y. W. H-A*, Deborah Society, Women's National ProgThe Misses Helen Robinson, Ber- ressive Club, Daughters o£ Israel Aid Society, Women's Auxiliary, No. 854 Mr, and Mrs. H. Dolgoff announce nice Diamond, Mary Yabroff, and of I. O. B, B,, and the. Jewish Women's Welfare Organization. Following the engagement of their daughter, Ida, Messrs." Joe Pjzer, Victor JSislcr, the addresses Mrs. "Henry Monsky gave a talk on the History of Jewish to Mr. David Potash, son.of Mr. and Louis Somberg, Sol Arenson, Max Music with .Jewish..selections and was assisted by Miss Cecelia FeiJer, Bennet vocalist, Mr. Meyer' Shapiro, violinist, and Miss Rosalind Holzberg Bang • -Mrs. M": Potashnick, of this city. No Shapiro, JJen Greenberg, Cohn, and Max Greenberg spent the Jewish .folk-songs. The courtesy committee of the Jewish Women's Weiwedding date has as yet been set. week-end in Omaha returning -to fare Organization then served a light luncheon to the guests. Mr. and Mrs. Dolgoff are enter1 This get-to-gether meeting will he made an annual event to be sponsored Lincoln'the early part of the week. taining seventy-five, guests at dinner by the Jewish Women's Welfare Organization according to Mrs. Max a t their home Sunday evening to Mr. Reuben Ferer returned Thurshonor their daughter and her fiance. day from a short stay in St. Louis, Fromkin, who was in .charge of/the a rangements for this affair. the raffle contest held recently, and tained at dinner Tuesday evening jn Mr, and Mrs. J. J. Simon announce Mo., and Chicago, III. the engagement - of their daughter, Mrs. Alexander Bubel and daugh- Messrs. I. Morgenstern and M, Heeyn honor of the visitor. and third - prizes Alice,- ix? Mr; Julias Haykfn, son of ter, of Minneapolis, Minn., is the won second Miss May Shapiro entertained at a Mr. and Mrs."A. 'Haykin, of this city. house guest of her parents, Mr. and respectively, Mr.. N.,.Baumer won dancing party at Antelope Park Tuesthe watch raffled. Miss.Simon attended the Omaha Cen- Mrs. Charles Kirschbraun. At the next meeting of the dub day evening in honor of Miss Anne tral High School and Mr, Haykin is Miss Bess Stalmaster was the Ra on Sunday afternoon, May 11, at Snyder, of Sidney, Nebr. a graduate of the Omaha Technical Miss Bessie Epstein spent the weekHigh School, No wedding date has Oth Society hostess last Sunday four-thirty an- address will be given afternoon a t her home. Prizes at by Rev. J, L. Beebe on "The present end in Lincoln. been- set. Bridge were won- by the Misses attitude toward the'.Jew in AmerMiss Sarah Brookstein, of Omaha, • Tjiesday afternoon, May 13, Ihe Esther Nathan, Stella; Trochtenberg, ica." Everybody is invited tp attend. s visiting Miss Lillian Seidman. Deborah Society wilt hold its regular and Bess Stalmaster.1 • Miss Esther Y M. H. A/MEWS. meeting at the Jewish Community ialk will be the next hostess' to the Mr. and Mrs. Eagene Levy and Mrs. The regular serai-monthly dance of Center. Rabbi J. M- Charlop will Ba Oth Sunday afternoon, May 18, Lieberman motored to Arapahoe, t h e Y organization -wilL -begiven this address the members at this meeting. at her home. Saturday evening, May 10," at" the Nebr., to spend a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Epstein. Mrs. Arthur Rosenblum returned Jewish,Community Center"Thou Shalt Be Holy" will be Rabbi r this week from a-month's visit with J. M. Charidp 6 Sermon topic Saturday Mrs. Stephile and son, of Saiina, . THORPEIAN NEWS. morning at-- the Adass Yeshuren relatives in Cheyenne • and other Kans., motored to Lincoln lo visit her The Thorpeian Athletic "club held Synagogue, Twenty-fifth and Seward cities in Wyoming. its spring election Wednesday even- daughter, Mrs. Charles Simon. Mrs. Streets. The Misses Ula Alberts and Julia ing, May 7. The following officers Simon and baby Tvill return with her mother to Saiina to visit. Wise entertained at a birthday sur- were elected "for the ensuing term; • Jliss Edith Kenyon returned Satur* ; priseparty~at the home of Miss President, Joe A. Krestul; vice presday after a four " and half months Mrs. Bertha Ellis entertained four visit in Los Angeles, Calif., with Alberts Saturday evening in honor ident, Ben E. Ellis;, secretary, Sam tables of bridge at her home last of Miss Mina Friedman, Prizes at Stern; treasurer, I. Sokolof; gergejint- Wednesday in honor of Mrs. Jack relatives. Bridge were won by the Misses Toby at-^rms, S. Fried and H. ' Haykin; Chapman, who is moving to Omaha. Mr. and'Mrs. I. E. Stone, of Des Steinbe'rgr und Mary Moscoe, and Mr. athletic director, Wni. Wintrbub; re- Mesdames H. Garson and J. Shapiro Moines, fa,, Jeft for their home, this Isadore Sokolof. porter, I. Levine; custodian, Jake La- won prizes at bridge. week after spending the past, two Lazowitz; and board, of trustees, P. The Board of Trustees of The Wintroub, Leon Mendelspn and Henry •weeks with Mrs. Stone's mother, Mrs. Mrs. C. Sirinsky.left Sunday for a Temple Israel Congregation is giving Weisberg. Ida Barmish. . . . two months' trip to,Chicago, 111., and a reception Friday evening, May 18, •Discussion of the,, ways and means New York City, where she will visit Mrs. W. Solomonow and son, Jo* at the Temple to welcome the new of holding an international track and relatives and friends. seph, of Nashville, Nebr., will leave members that recently - joined the field meet among the Jewish young "today for Elk Point, So.' Dak., where T l i f Israel Thej m e n ' o f Omaha was the main topic * c l "* ? * " " .Congregation, -v«ms«B«««»i. — Master Joseph, age eleven; will par- reception -mil >tdte -place immediately a_,.ter . _ .._..--. . J . •- „ ^ ^ ticipate in the Interstate spelling con following evening plans r The Hadassah and Zionist Organh ebeeil test to be held there Friday, May 9, service. -given izations gave a dance and card party Young Solomonow won the spelling last Monday evening at the Roof GarMrs. 'Frederick Rosenstock" has as coiitest in Washington county March den. 15', and will now compete against the her house, guest"-her mother, Mrs. Mrs. S. Greenstone.Had a&her house Mock, of Milwaukee, Wis. ' Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Cooper and famgrade school Winners from the other guests Mr. and Mrs.?M. Nogg and son ily have returned after spending the counties in Nebracka, Iowa, MinneThe Omaha Junior Hadassah enter- Ernest, of Council Bluffs, la. Other winter months in- Los Angeles, Calif. sota, and South Dakota. tained forty- members •>at. its "Kid visitors were Mrs. Harry Parlemeter, Party" given. Thursday evening, May of Plainview,,Nebr., and Mr.-Norman The B'nai B'rith Lodge, No, 59$, Mrs. Lester- Heeger, of Sioux City 1, at the^Je^IsEl^Community Center. Brown, of Omaha. held a meeting last Tuesday evening T arrived Tuesday and is'visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrsv-B Miss Ethel -Steinberg, of Ft- Dodge, The Ladies' Aid aVe having a lunch a t the Jewish Community Center. Iowa, one of I the .evening's guests, Grpssman, Mrs. Heeger was formerly Mr. Archie Herzoff has returned to won the prize .for,the best costume. eon and meeting at the New Templi Miss Etta Grossman. spend the summer with his parents Prizes at" gaWs were won by the Wednesday. The Executive Committee of thi Misses Blanche Altman, Mina FriedMrs. Moms Polsky is entertaining after attendingJtbe.University of ChiOmaha Chapter of Hadassah will mee man, and Bess.§nj£zer. the Naomi Sewing club Thursday aft- cago. Monday afternoon*. May 1?, at the ernoon, May 8. Mrs. Edward "E. Baron was elected SHEBAS~€LUB NEWS Jewish Community..Center, _ . recording secretary of the League cf At the "next-Tegular • meeting of Miss Johannah Garson entertained Mrs. Esther Rosenberg, of Chicago, the Shebas;-dub- ^Sunday afternoon at three tables of bridge Sunday aft Women Voters at a recent meeting of III'., is the guest of her sister, Mrs at the Jewish." Community- Center, ernoon, May 4. Prizes were won by that organization..' they will entertain at a party. The Lucille Cohn and Jo Sawslak. Sara Cohn. The Maccabacffn Chapter of Young club is* also having a tooth paste Judaea held their regular meeting la&t "Israel's Song of- Love" will be the an tooth brush shower Sunday. The Mrs. Labowitz, of Columbus, Nebr.; Friday evening sermon subject by articles collected will be sent to spent Sunday with her sister, Mrs. Wednesday evening at the Jewish Community Center. Rifobl Frederick Cohn at Temple Is- Palestine. Brown. The Mt. Sinai Temple Sisterhood rael, and on the following morning, Miss Bess Fireman, of Des Moines, and Brotherhood held a joint meeting The members of the Junior DaughMay 10, at the Temple Rabbi Cohn hasr chosen as his sermon subject ters of Zion will hold a picnic and la., is the house-guest of Miss Ruth last Saturday evening at the Temple hike Sunday. Members will meet at Evnen. Mjss Lillian Sidman enter- Social Center. "Steps to Holiness." eight o'clock Sunday morning at 24th Mr. and Mra. .Ben Diamond, of St. and ,Cuming Street and are planning * Louis, Mo., visited, here last week at to hike- to Florence; ' thirhome of Mr.'and Mrs. Max GrossJEWISH CULTURE LEAGUE man and at the home of Mr. and Mrs. NEWS. I . Goldstein, returning to St. Louis "Give More Thought to Music" At the last meeting of the JewWednesday' evening. Mrs. Diamond was formerly Miss Molly - Grossman, ish Culture League held Sunday afternoon. May 4, Mr. H. Bondarin of' this city. addressed the members on "Jewish /Sixty women were guests of the Folk Song"- - Mr. T- Mathews gave Omaha Chapter of Hadassah at its a talk pn "Ford and the Jews". Mr. May Card Party Monday afternoon. Lasbinsky gave a reading. — May 5, at the home of Mrs. 0. C. Mr. I, Osheroff, won rirst prize in Goldner. Mrs. .H. Jl. Ferer assisted Yon 'liave always wanted one o£ these Mrs.-JGoldner.as hostess of,the card •wonderful instruments. Here is your Party.... 1_.
° *** -^
Thursday—Friday—'Saturday Monday the Second and Third Floor Departments will be moved. All the selling that price can produce .will be crowded into these three days.
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I K P'A N T S ' SHORT DRESSES and Nightgowns —V«ry special . . . § 1 , 0 0 BABY HOODS—Qt orgaadie, tuclss, ribbon and lacs trim 50£ BABY SHIRTS—6 . te 3 years. JBest -.CiMtK-aad -33ny Tots. TBrote^a ieU - andCrochet finish
Puts a Genuine In Your Home
chance to.get one on terms that are most liberal and inviting. What an opportunity to share the world's best «taste-?—Surely you will wsxA to secure a genniriG VICTROIiA this ivcgk!
IMrs. Leon Friedman has as "her house goest her sister, .Miss. Fanny j . of Detroit, Mich. _. Miss Evelyn; Richards, of San Jose; Ca,Hf.vand-Mrs. J. H. Lesser, of Oakland, Calif., will be in Omaha Friday to. spend several days here with friends after which Mrs. Lesser will leave-for Kansas City, Mo., to visit, and Miss Richards will with her mother, .Mrs. L. Richards, who has been-visiting here for the past two months -with- Mrs. R. Kulakofsky, leave' for- the East, where they will meet Mr. Richards, who will arrive from Europe, May 19. Enroute to his-h&me- in -California -Mr_ Richards will—come, to - Omaha, to visit, with friends for several days. Miss Eve-. lyh -Richards will remain in the East to visit for several weeks after which she-will golio Ann Arbor, Mich., to rejturn to Omaha in June with Miss Rfeva Kulakofsky to be her house guest. Mr. and Mrs. Dave" Feder left last Saturday for an extensive , eastern trip to .be-gone for^abont six weeks. Irs. Herman Mikolas, of Minncli^Mi is the guest here of Edwiu.Kirsch.brau0. " . . .
Every' home" isr-Omaha can ""Meet'liiegCtsasyteTms! "Our generous "offer leaves no excuse for even tlie most modest iiicojne .to. secure a VICTBOLA'• i l l i s Vr e e k t • Come -today«»hear"tliem— scs;.t!iem—pay us $h .thai selcctabd pay for a few rec* --ords-and "we will-deliver a ~ Victrola to your home.
'Your-Old.Instrument Taken as a r.-SubsiaJnfial Part Payment
;•:-..".-.Art... .
on Sale Fabric Hats ' ''' Hair Hats _ Straw Hats
Dress Hats ^ Street Hsis\ Sport Hats
Priced From $5.00 to $10.75 TKursclay, £acK—. . ."•.
. Dumping a to* ©r d R
Table at 25c Towels, Bags, Caps, Scarfs,,ctcp sold to 7£c
Table at S9c ; . Eutfet Sets, Scarfg, Cen" i terfc XitacU Cloths, «tc. Sold to SDC
Table at 98c Lunch.Cloths.in 45 &&& ARTIFICIAL S I L K THREAD. 65c; ball Z at only '.
White Sale of Undergarments COSTUME SLtPS— Of -fin*> sateen-ami nainsook, bodice txnti, stitcheti and ribbon finish. May «&le l^rice $1.59 NIGHTGOWNS AND EKTELOrES—Mglit.govns of "Windsor crepe and line batiste, t&e latter cro?s t>fir andfeerostUclieddesign, trtotoea Vftfe 7«ws Ma Jacs insets r B*fniMect*)» raft sleeveless. ENVELOPES—Come in batiste only,' Colors: Fifess, peach, blue and orchitl; May Sale Pric« " .-.-......$£.,95
The Drapery Section 23-Pc. Imported Luster 230 PAIRS.line quality voile ruffled curTEA tains IB c&ecfcs or Email figures. &i £M\ TVfcile they last, ? a i r . . . . . v ; . . . . 21J0 CHET0KNE CUSHIONS in roimd, square or ofelesg, also tufted cushions for reM chaSrs.- An.cxceptiosal rahie. Each.. -. • CRETONXES for ail use.*,' -58-Incli ere- • tonnes printed ca -Jlght grc-uaSs lor comforters, bed spresgs snd " , ~$ ff>g draperies. Special, yard At*o A GOOD QUALITT cretonBe "draperies, coverings and cushions; SS inches fride; Sa light and dark colors., A good value. Priced, per yard 35 PIECES heavy weight cretonnes in tsn, bltiS and l>lacfc backsroTaaas, suitable lor draperies, slip covers, etc. Values up to $1.23. Per yard
ato$, 6 tea enps^aad saucers, teapot. ar, .'cream, 'C-oleis;' rose, Wuc and mother of pearl.
$4.95 Jir our Grift X>epsrtm<mt, including briclge, junior' «, si d « table lamps, at a ais- . count of .^....., The JDa/lgr T&ble ~Wffl Be .. With F*f»o for This
PAGE 4—THE JEWISH PRESS. THUKSDAY, MAY 4,'.-1921Bttth ? in-the -United- S&fie&l the Bureau o£tJewish. Social Research of those who can and should contrib- Middle West and Northwest of .the MOKCOW. (J. T. A.) At the A ,org&iii?e4 federations ute to #ris organization. The Federa- millions of Scandinavians, theee re- sian Conference of the Jewish SecDuring, the past-live years, the B'naij estimates*-,tfia£ : B'rith h&s expeideif .more e than § , | spent "in l$23y*for xharita&le-and so^ tion has1 -set -$60,000 for its goal in gions- of our country would be ratlly tionp'of the Communist Party, held in S OjOO O O^ ^qf f fh t^b l^ benevolent, b l t and; cial^work/ th«*jsuni of •i?10^65,'000;' and 1924,' and requires this, sum to enable irt quite a.nunaber of. cities,! important it .to jcarty .-on .-its." social service and deficient in those very respects in MinMr, & resolution was adopted reeducational,purposes."-; \"- • By ISRAEL £. >vhich they now excel. , . . li i% questing the Centra! Committee of There arfr' threeJJesfcfsh national in- organizationsKare not''affiliated with philanthropic program. the Federation. , The Bureau, of Jewf l S T J t , ' t l j e .car-j6*6f"consumpMay our , federation continue to ;; isTafaljjqSsTJt,-tlje . c a r j 6 6 f c o u m p true that the Srandinavia'nn, beinjr the i\>e Commuiilii Party i« i.t?u'i an orall .the efforts of bur.fellow-country- tives -tnVtHe! ; .i>i^e*JewAh.fcY^c^es8age,s^^ H U i d S t ^ t h " N isTi, Social' Research. estirn&tes. that grow;, may] it each year broaderr and United States.^ the". Na"A}*9rl$-ra-: mission to pej^rn*,!an1ci!tha£ men, public oi private, charitable ar tioriat::Jewish .Hospital, "organized 'ia these ' non-federated institutions in "widen the scope of its activities; and purest Nordics, are more m»lJ1v as- ri«'i- thai ofity Ccmniur.i>t.s j.luiuld bo o p , g similable" with the origins! Colonial !"inessage is t o spreadffie^gjSlpeispfsbr otherwise, the Jew ever has. been and 18S& a a ' t h e . Jewish Consumpti S , ajia'the Consumptives 1923' raised the sum of approximately may it-ever be a source of pride and stock than' the people of Southern and J)( rmitt<:4 to trurii it- I'!'- Jewish r«ial service, the gospel that:th¥indi-r ever will be an active participant. ; three milliondollars. • • , . exhultetion. Not, however, until.the latter part Relief Society, organized in 1904,. are .cyidual finds,; his greatest 'degree of Federation plan meets the tests As we -have already seen, not only Eastern Europe,' which of late year* of the nineteenth century, during the both, situated in'Denver," Col6rido.'An- of]The efficiency, and'has manyJ adyant-. have we been enjoined by our Talmud have. constituted the larger part of othef Rational organization was startgreat influx of immigrants from th«i ^penty^^:'a\s'ei^^;fo^*his"fe^owrman < ages over the unorganized, unstand- to care" for our less fortunate breth- our immigration. But there in no realands of Europe, was ed in' Los Angeles in 1914,, and is ardized ;.and. -forj iheebminon good.. i~"?:y''•.': ! -!pogrom-ridden ' activities in the communities ren, but in.this country, the Charter HEADQl.'AHTKRS known as ,the Jewish Consumptives ;!•!; Society"-is beginning^ to realize its a beginning made in various cities of Relief A,BSoiciation of Los Angeles. where the Federation, "idea" is yetfrom the Dutch West Indies Company son to assume that these race? canresponsibility for the/care, of those amalgamating the .different charitable <~ The'1; 'appalling'.u condition of the unknown. As a result of the federa- contained the condition that -we should not prove that. There are those who, societies and institutions, and organ-L'of-...tuberculosis among the tion plan, there has ".been a distinct support our' own." Have we fulfilled when the Scandinavians first began JtnilliJ'-; Pjtfyate}; initiative" h^sibefcn. ex- izing the whole. work of relief along growth Jews,;was"first brought to the atten-, increase in the amount of funds col- that obligation? Let the records of to arrive in this country in large numtended; first,to. local agencies, then to modern lines and methods. tiori, of t h e public' in 1899, when a lected. Persons under'the erroneous the nation" be our answer. Let thebers some sixty years ape, advnnceri The.Jew was not content to rest state; and national enterprises, all; diof victims of the White impression that they were contribut- statistics, concerning, the poor and thethe very same arguments apair.Ft -rected* to the. amelioration of the eon- 'upon the laurels of the past, and helarge,,number Plague, found their way to Denver, ing liberally to charity when sending dependent, speak for us. Let the mag; clition of the 'unfprturikte dependent, i saw. to. it that Jewish philanthropic Colorado, where the high altitude and their contributions in driblets to thenificent charitable institutions, main- th,eir admittance to the United State? effort grew and extended in every di•'.••; .The Jew: succeeded > at :an"early"pe4 5 dry climate'was more conducive, to a various charitable institutions, were tained solely by the Jews of this coun- •which . nowhere brought forward rio^, owing to the Mosaic La\vr in at-rection; that old agencies enlarged cure of this dre&dful frequently surprised at the compara- try, some of which have been briefly against these later arrivals. disease. taining a xemarkably high; degree pf and .intensified their activities, and tive smallness when the different described this evening, be our witMILASIOCIJEWEUKY CO. The National Hospital, was estabwere constantly . being supplemented organization in philanthropic eijdeavitems were added up. They were, nesses. The burden has oft-times been lished in-Denver,-which was the;first 1Z14 by new institutions and new organor;, in fact, his methods are'generally start, the procession for therefore, prepared to make consider- a grievous one; "there is every reason Est. 18S4 .recognized as theifprerunner? of mod-: izations to meet existing problems institution-to Office Phone JAckson S12S the elimination of tuberculosis among ably" greater sacrifices," especially to believe'that, for a time at least, it erri" organization in the field of-.phi- throughout the country. J.ewjs_of-this country. -. From • one when they were not likely to be >vor- will -not be diminished; but it should JOHN FELDMAX lanthropy, and have been enacted as .There are today in the United the. prive a. source of constant pride to our siaim building twenty-five, years' ago, ried more than once a year. States, conservatively speaking, more the basic law of various-' states "'and Clothier Another benefit, as a result of fedpeople that, although we are citizens National Jewish Hospital has excommunities of the world.s : v than 1,500 philanthropic organiza- the eration is the elimination of indisof a', common country, the religious Full Dress Suits snd Tuxedos panded, until today there'are twelve W. J. fates IcciSifeg C@ 1 N, Let !usi turn: back the:pa ges.oltteiei; tions under Jewish, auspices, doing units* accommodating 185 patients, criminate and unauthorized solicita-, duty of caring for our own brethren, from 103 No. ICth St. to and: glance at the history of Jewish! purely philanthropic work; and-the and equipped to treat persons in all tion. It has further been found that of standing by their side in the days 303 Moved Knrbach Block, 15th & Docgrias Sts. AUDFFING AND INCOME ^Charity. We cannot, of course, claim number would be easily increased stages »£ tuberculosis, from children, federation tends to prevent the in-of their, wretchedness and misery and OMAHA. NKBR. three-fold if educational^ recreational, to ourselves the qualities, of. charity TAX REPORTS crease of unnecessary institutions; poverty, of extending to them the predisposed to the disease to and benevolence, for these are^gerieral and cultural agencies were included. merely and still another advantage is that helping .hand of brotherhood, "of enthe adult in the most advanced stages. .traits of humanity, responsive tp the In our complicated social order, sys- The National Jewish Hospital is non- federation eliminates the duplication abling them to rise to the heights of , 208 Karbach Blk. Atlantic 1031 call of sympathy with,: the. sjiffering: tem, organization,, and efficiency are sectarian, and 18 per cent of the pa-and overlapping of the activities of citizenship, and of becoming useful THE BRINN & JENSEN CO. and ^helpless. Many,nations have giv- imperative in every line of human ac- tients in the hospital at the present the affiliated and constituent institu- mexnbets:of.society, self-reliant, selfWholesale paper tivity,, and philanthropic effort is no distributors for en to the world illustrious examples tions. But aside from these material supporting;, self-respecting, has been 8 time are .non-Jewish, although it is ' of glorious donations of wealth " for exception. The tremendous develop- entirely maintained by contributions benefits, which result from federation especially imposed upon us. May -we Northern. Toilet Tissue distribution among ' the needy.Z and ment of social service brought wjth it from Jewish sources. of greater importance, is the fact that never prove recreant to this holy obU12 Harney Street ' s t a r v i n g m a s s e s . .'•-.; ..•:*';••''•.' •; [<-y-.--p.-Z- '••-.'- the necessity for co-ordination of efthe whole plane of Jewish philanthroligation," and 'may we never prove One of the most remarkable fea;V.;v But i t was the Jewish Law that fort on the part of- individual agen- tures AT-lantic 6409 py is raised by this more dignified false to this tremendous trust. of the Hospital is the Research made charity ah obligation, arid the cies, confronted with common prob- Department, method of collecting and dirtributing from which a cure for TO AND FROM consequence .was that cjharity .and jus.-j lems; national organizations were cre- the White Plague is expected, and in- the funds bv which charity lives. OurREAL NORDICS DEFEND tice ;,became. Aynonymbus.!; We^find! ated, co-operating media' established, cidentally, the National is the only efficiently organized.federations have, ALL PARTS OfNON-NORDIC IMMIGRATION that' the Hebrew-term JZedafcah, al^ I and the federation movement launched. free hospital in the United States that become models for non-Jewish groups j •PAXTON-MITCHELL CO. though meaning righteousness or jus- i Vast sums of money are expended maintains Minneapolis,* Minn. (J. T. A.) A i'th and Marsha Sts. ' EA. IS82 to study, and the Community Chest i THE WORLD a' Research Department. of Brass, Brontti. tice.jCanie to indicate both, since char-! annually by our national Jewish phi- That the hospital has been a success "idea" is merely an outgrowth of the|defense of non-Nordic immigration is anS Soft Gray Iron Castings. lanthropic institutions that minister ity:was based upon the principles of federation plan. J made in a recent editorial in the "Ti- Vna are. msscrrd ef soft castings, as ¥AL. 1 PETER&COMPAKY justice. v ':. /. \ ' < , ; - : : - V ; . • •.': j ^ r i to the needs of the newly-arrived im- and has contributed invaluable good mnchtm> Rfltne from evory heet ta to suffering humanity, need only be Tlus paper could hardly be considdende," the Norwegian Republican we migrant, the orphan, the infirm, the The Jewish Law enjoined the duty >nt own- ehcp. • • -. , 1307 Howard St., Omaha, Nctj pointed • out by the fact that of the.ered complete, without some discourse I newspaper published here: Standard .eizr east troD and bronze upon mien of means to" provide - ade- aged, and the tubercular. .' 5,000 patients in the last twenty-five j on the situation of Jewish Social servonsbings In stock. . ATlantic 0348. quately for those in want,; and "instead^ The name of Baron De Hirsch is years "A great many arguments', are /adonly 242 have died at the hos-ice and philanthropy in Omaha,, and of.leaving it to the personal-and tem- .known, as one of the greatest benefac- pital, an average, of less than ten a when we consider philanthropic active vanced in. favor of continued restricporary impulses to come. to~ the" aid tors among the Jews. He was born year. i t y i n t h i s city, ^-e'ean only .-think in tion, and even, in favor of complete in Munich on December 9, 1831, and \ of the poor and homeless, it was the The wonderful treatment of the tu-terms, of our Jewish Welfare Federa- exclusion of all who wish to come to general rule to offer them support he died in Hungary on April 21, 1896. bercular Emerson Laundry in our national hospitals has tion, which the community has learned Any -way you get them in any package and shelter, and the Mosaic Code ^as- As a railroad builder through the Bal- been the. our shores.. . . . This viewpoint is marvel of the charitable. F. 8. MOBEX. Prep. ' to recognize, as its' organized central sessed the rich for the benefit of the kan States to Constantinople, he be-Many a hopeless invalid, virtually bureau, represent all social "service and not confined to'Americans of old lineGRAHAM CRACKERS . poor: So does the first great Hebrew came acquainted with the deplorable ready for the grave, has been brought, philanthropic* Phoue Webster 0820 are g--o-o-d eating for everybody. endeavors in the city. age; among those most eager.to close prophet, Isaiah, declare it to be*Gbd's conditions of the Jew in the Orient back to health, and given a new' In keeping with THE LAUNDRY THAT Ask your grocer tor ITEN CKACKEKS modern tendencies, the" door we often'find some comparademand "to deal t h y bread _to theand in Russia. EVERYBODY LIKES. by name niwayo. Get the genuine and With the extraordinary immigra- lease on life; many have been the in-the Jewish Welfare Federation has tively recent arrivals, their attitude hungry and to bring the pbqr'that are be gotlBfled »H trays! NIB where fathers and mothers broadened the scope of its activities, • afflicted to thy housej whe.n-frthou tion of Russian Jews to the United stances being something like this: 'Now that have been returned to their families! and not only does it minister to the seest the naked that thou coyer him, States, Baron De Hirsch's attention happy, joyful,_ and healthy. _ Ji material ifieds of- the. poor, sick and I am in, close the door. . . .' and that thou hide not thyself from was directed to this country, and in But aws a , Yiee-PresMeaS. B t while hil many are being bi cured, it jthe unfortunate;, but it also seeks to i'ci. Pe "We make, bold to assert .that if a thine bwff flesh." Upon the basis of 1891 he was instrumental an forming isva.. Pepper, Y e e r e Carpenter Paper Co. slow process, and there are hunW m Eecseterydevelop the mind and spirit of therestrictive quota had been-put into opthe Holy Scripture, then, the; Hebrew, the. Baron De Hirsch Fund with an dreds, suffering in.the pangs of death, community. Distrlbntore ot Its cultural and educasages laid down as the leading -prih-' initial capital of two million five hun- clamoring for admission to these life- tional program Omaha Fixture & ' is being developed eration before the arrival in the Gresf Western Bond—and High ciples of charity on the part of the dred thousand dollars, which was con- saving stations. The Independent Or- through the Talmud the Y. M. individual the duty of -the more fortUr siderably augmented, in later years by der of B'nai B'rith, ever responsive to and Y. W. H. A., andTorahs, Grade Stationery • . --Supply-Co. Jewish Comnate to-: take care of the less fortui special appropriations from.th'e Jew- the call;of the suffering, has agreed munity Center. Itsthe Onssba, Kebrasfea. COMPLETE STOEE AND social welfare nate, and on the part;of the^repre- ish Colonization Association of Paris, to3 raise* $350,000 for the erection of work-is being Tcaijeleti on "dsity~ in'the OFFICE OUTFITTEES • sentatives of the cpmmuhity,' the re-of which lie was also the originator. a new Infirmary Building, which will Juvenile Court and among adults The practical, constructive, ma'nner sponsibility for the material -and We occupy • the Hospital to accommodate through the Social Service Commitere? 73,8® seomi* JtesC moral welfare: of those dependent in which the Baron De.Hirsch, Fund enable one hundred additional victims of the Sentbweitt Censer dealt with the problems of mass im- dreadful White Plague. Incidentally, tee. apon'the help of others. ' While briefly'describing the activEleventh ««•• •••ela» Streets, : migration from Russia and. Roumariia -K.-'vNofr-ithe-- Church, as is generally is one of the outstanding achieve- it is gratifying to note that Omaha ities of the Federation, it would be -nn S3S4 claimed; but the Synagogue was thements of. Jewish philanthropy i n this Lodge has been signally honored, in unfair if its needs-were not also men-OSIAt. • . M S B . 1 originator of organized charity^; Pracof our •members,- Brother tioned. Less than 2 per cent of the Trade schools were estab- that-one. > tical beneyolence and systemaHC meth- country. Harry Lapidus, has -been selected; to Jewish population in Omaha is relished by this Fund to enable the imIb&k: of relief,-was.' one of the-prineipal migrant to acquire a technical . and h;esS"this drive in* District*No,> 6, com- ceiving charity ffb'm the Welfare Fedinstitutions of the Synagogue- at an trade education; so that he might be- prising eight states. ? The three;' hos- eration, so it becomes apparent that e a r l y a g & - Y ."!'•;• •.•:••. •••// , : - - ' - * . . - r , ' ! > : for Jewish Consumptives.raise a large percentage of our community, come a good, self-supporting citizen; pitals Passing'to 'the Middle Ages, we find provision and expend: annually .-approximately is able to bestow charity. There are was made to teach the imthat the different brafiches of ch~arity migrant the English . language, and $1,080,000.;, / ; : ; : K but eleven hundred subscribers to the Every Known Kind of t h e Talmudic Period continued 'in. the duties and obligations- of citizen- The Joint Distributing Committee Federation, which are but 50 per cent of Insurance .practice under modified conditions* I t slJp in the United States; and pro-was organized for the distribution of is during this period that we first vision was also, made-for the^ trans- funds for.the;Jewish War sufferers in JAckson 1862 209 W. O. W. BWg. J-A.-.S944. learffi of !"Maaser'* or the tithe. The portetioi. of' immigrants to diffen. Europe^ and! represents 'three separate ^average Jew was - expected to contrib- sections of the country where their and distinct national committees col••'•,'ute one-tehth;of his,income td charity, opportunities of earning- a livelihood lecting funds for this purpos^; namely anH the Eabbis of the mifldleages en- were more favorable," or where resi- the American Jewish Committee,- the Gate City Furniture Co. deavored to make this a:legal tax dence of friends would make them Central-Relief Committee, i and i the WASH AND KEEP WELL and People's Belief; Committee. 1 Each of rather than H mere voluntary contri- self-supporting. A RULE OF HEALTH these committees use their own methr butabn; and for some time the .giving Globe Van & Storage Co. The fiebrew Sheltering and Immir of the tithe became, a common prac-, grant Aid Society of America, popur: ods so i a r as the! collection' of !?unds FRONTIER TOWEL SUPPLY owned and operated by J tice.i Owing tpithe many expulsions larly knowfi as HIAS, was organized is. concerned, -while the distribution is ISIS California Street. GROSSMAN & SONS '' of Jews from'various.lands, with their in 1901. This institution is engaged attended to by,ajointeommjttee,"conDirect from New York E2&-2S No. 16th St. attendant ^ increase of ••. unfortunates,in a great humanitarian work, and is sisting of representativesof i the three At, C230 «Jn. 4338 new methods of 'relief were 'necessary| assisting thousands, of Jews through- constituent committees. " I. K and; icalled into. existence ' chajritable^ out the country, endeavoring to bring, These representatives are in th^ war ^sbciefies.^ These societies appointed their relatives to the United States; stricken -districts,, ministering••-tothe charity; directors, who assessed the and in "transmitting.aid t o those .who' needs oi unfortunate; men', women and RENOWNED EFFICIENT and members of each community^and^were j are still in Europe. With the more children, caring: for the: orphaii and AEN emnbwer'ed to collect the assessment, complicated immigration legislation! widow, assisting the refugees who are Where Tons clothes come borne ','• ajtdLin- case of refusal, to seize the pertaining to exclusion of aliens, quo- being driven>from one country to ancleaner 8.cd last longer. Druggists and-Stationers' : amount f&ed. From the thirteenth tas, and percentages, HIAS has been •*T teats* 828®. 1SC7-11 JackcoB St. 401-403-403 Sooin lOtb Street century on, we find-charitabls.sdcie- the organized Jewish agency, equipped To appreciate-the magnitude of the H. A. JAOOEBHEGSS:•; ;ties;organized all. over Europe meet- •with the knowledge and -machinery philanthropic activity -of -the;: Jqint irig the ever-increasing- demands for, necessary-'to -safeguard the interests Distributing Committee, i t is but nec: of the Jewish immigrants, rightfully essary to learn that*dimng the eleven charity and benevolence.* - • --» < Formerly of Edfrewnter entitled to land on our shores. HIAS months, ending May 31,1928, approx^jitiiis country, Jewish philanthropy maintains imately seven and half millions of dolBench Hotel of Chicago representatives at Ellis Is• began-almost simultaneously with the land, who serve as volunteer attor- lars .were appropriated for thelrelief Certified Public Accountants landing of the first body of JewisTi neys, seeking to .protect the immigrant of Jewish-War sufferers, .and since its Greatest of Dance Audits Systems settlers who reached the v snores :of froin misinterpretations of the = law.inception in ^November, 19141 fifty-one Orchestras Investigations vJfewj Amsterdam in a 'little Uship; guidethe immigrantttiirough,the millions of dollars have been expended «3) to I4P IVtPrB "Frost iJI< " ~[s. named St.' Caterina, in the. year-16'55.'They for Limited Engagement •-;• '--.; •••]<•. of rules and regulations which: for this purpose. E*bones, Jaofescn «S13, *Slt. .-•:;.?.••.At'! that time i t so happened that maze frighten ,and bewilder, him: from the in Ballroom The "Jew was the "first in the field ;thei Governor of; New Amsterdam was time het arrives in this, country. HIAS of social Work; to introduce the FedOmaha • Oiitee; 613 Ooctrias street. -,Peter ^Srayvesant, the hard-headed prbvidesthe Jewish immigrants'with O & Phone AfcSsnilr £E8 eration! "idea,'' and the tide* of federr'and^the irascible; Moved by the big- food and .shelter until they are safely ! btry. -of the age, .he gave notice that pTacecTwith their relatives or friends; ation has swept the country, to such Ford*Transfer'& Storage Co. :the jsmaUjband of twehty-tlifee refur conducts ah emplbymerit agency; and an extent that practically every imR. A. FOEI>. l^gees 'Were not ;only;un\yelcomej'but maintains educational c work upon portant city in the United States Ivvs. President otid. General Mansgpr. federated its Jewish philanthropic <»iCoccril Blob's (lows) Of£l«e "r. would nop be received,- arid that they Americanization • line, instilling in the deavors in a federation of social servTOO So. MeSn KSrwet. Chene SGS. " ; rriust once more cross the dreary ,w/ste immigrant a knowledge of American ice organizations; The' federation is 'One of America's Great Betels* ,"; of jyaters to seek anew a; place to.' history, and institutions. : • , ian attempt to unify and combine all ; >>xes^ their wearx feet* These Jewish- i The Council of Jevvish Women was philanthropic efforts pf,Vthe'":comznui icomiKrarits, thereupon^ appealed to in 1893, and today consists %!:^;c:Diitclv:>'-'Wfeat'': Indies - Gbmpanyi pfganized of 204 senior- sections «nd 71 Junior Samuel A. Goldsmith, Director of' ,; \vppK was the controlling power* over Auxiliaries. /This organization has Wliiarci Batteries Brcnsrcick Tlree OCB tBKATB&SSNT W1UL theiColbrtyy insisting upon their iigjhit sections §11 ovei the' country, engaged CONV«NCR TOW O'P OCR ' Batteries" rechnrpred In one day ' C0OM-S1 ~?)itiMtimifr inhabitants of New 'Nether- in •religious, social ? welfare, ,civ^c and iNCKsmr ' i y j z a i ^ ^ y ^ f y - •<•:!••• ".-'•""/ ^ '•• •-/;-; • ":•'•• '-.••..:•e d u c a t i o n a l work.; ; --'•,-.--.:-'• •.'••!.•''''•'";'-i',!-\'-l:•;;' Yowsem Battery & Tire Co.' Service is Out Motto . Deposit ii'tS^As^^'Jresult,!; on: April; 26, I6§5; a. •» 8i5 kortt'/iSth et Cumins St. ^gUjriousi 5iieiy; in the' history ;bf Israel^ SaEe Deposit (Boser> tor iipn» The history of the Independent OrEmid Service Any P3nce ;;c§n^fe fromw Holland the chartei?^ of our der of B'nai B'ritli is a record of phi• " - FSlone Atlantic OSGI. vKUbertaes. , :Thiso charter, ;,h.qweyer, lanthrbpic accomplishments. • Organgtgran^d! the5Jgwg^ the:right-to lan^' ized as early; as 1843 in Mew York 55ja^|ijeside;;in;New Amsterdam on one City, from a little group of ] twelyfrj ";"5i:<m8itipiij-;K'artd«ithat.^was-;:.;that : they men, this Order has developed into a iK^b$l&i#|?s^£fj#the][r:pooE to become mighty pnilanthrpic fraternity, con"Man"afactiired in Omaha" ?;i;ia5bttfdertitp^the rcommunityi but that sistirig, of ipp lodges, with ,75^)00 BUTTER and KiH The Mbhl S ^i^|^5y^Id;i^fee:-;pstr% «)f vthejr^own. -/•• members, baride^d together to prombte BAKER ICE MACHINE CO. c, 1342 So. Sutii St. ^J;aiSii^#gnh|^e'ibjpome:^ciazens •' of Council Bluffs, ta. their highest: interests: anjd; those; of Tri. ATlantlo 6537. •;£j^':Cfi^1?^ttHtry^ : p^(3pa^nV"; Vfint humanity. / ^Orphanagesj jhospitals, Plarp «r I!ns«n?K». S*IS Coming; St. iif^|t*^ye^ejirt;)fpr>the ;upliftment!p# homes for. the'aged and infirm stand . Tel, ATlantio 8831. •MSp^lic^ajEitffpjr^te/jlife^: discharging' as glpribtw monuments to the beneyp^ ?£Qf$$$8$£M Citizenship, .eqaallyj wjtft lent character and charitable * K ^ ^•mff^l^Mmi^j^^i^^1^ r- are- enti- plishraents to the! benevolent^^ charac«|^ttl^l^i|ifl^^5<*aritaWe "m andf accomplishinents :pt this great CLARKNCE DRSDUNES SSatlr t>$ 'l^nfij^teiiti^^^'b'p^our:; Rational • ter organization. The 'Jewish; Arphan. Concert Violinist and Teacher UNCLE SAM BREAKFAST! Honvjj Cleveland, 0%sJi^e OrphanisiteJat Eriei PennsyWaniajitileSotne FOOW IX). p'M^o&mi||wini<aSMit*BSi:: ,:;The;,;' Jew, for Aged and Itifirmiat Ypnkers, N w OMAHA NBISKARKA Uffee Hours. S-.JS. io &Yprkr the Nation^^ew|sliVHospital VioiSn hows inn cage? for sale. ?l®pltfaK^f^3^a^M^at^what ".was. for ConSvnnpti%Bi^iDe]EiyeejcthejI^o N; Le>i*Membri#^ospital a t Hot •i. ' ; :Ark^asiKthfi;':-Je^isll-I:.^ |feg^i^p^«g||t«^%if^y>lege-ahd- .Spririgs^ COFFEE Hbrtie^ at Mtlatita^ Georgia^the 'I' •y"v;iA:3£iON:!.-ilCffEIi:: ; .- • Wfe»o|«iHnBii|ittp^^fat^K phan; Jewish: iWidovpi fttid! O^hans Home .: 1-:>:.!*.f P E ^ I S H ; B A T f f l S ; •,: ::•••, A0VO JELL ADVO FOODS :and; th^AT^,rMj»#Cjm^i^ji»#,^ ; 1 - Orfcansv ^ ^ s B f i t t ^ . ^ a ^ f p ^ f w ^ s J r ,t^;^; l»^| ON> HOTELS! --v ;! : : j?-^ree^Ei^i#|E^ipJ»^:i^at^raca|-"'
Made With Milk
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