Address is ] 681 Brandeis - Theater-1 Building. ,
VOL. HE—No. 23
^ ^ ? ? • • **ew*-d»** n»U waiter on Jaamurj Wtfc. ISO, at i»*toffl» at OmsiixL, X&saska. end« fee Act ef SSareb 8. 1BTO.
OSCAS STRAUS MAKES PLEA DESIRE TO EMIGRATE . :<: • FOR UNDERSTANDING TO TO.PALESTINE IN: PRESIDENT ARAB EXECUTIVE CREASES IN POLAND Jerusalem. (J. T. A.) A plea for a Warsaw. (J. T. A.) A group, of Jewish-Arab understanding was made Warsaw merchants and industrialists, by Oscar Straus in an interview he who spent the Passover holidays, in' had with Musa Kazim Pasha, the Palestine, have returned'here "with president of the Palestinian Arab Exgreat- enthusiasm f c - that country.' They declare that they have been con- Many Requests Have Been Re- Welfare Federation Keeps Tran- ecutive, before leaving Palestine. Meetings -Will Be Held- Every; Musa Kazim Pasha declared that . .. . Noon at'Loyal Hotel vinced of the many industrial oppor- . ceived From Other Cities sients Off of the Streets the aim of the Arabs was full freedom of Omaha. For Charters. Reports of the Campaign to Be Made at B'nai B'rith Con- tunities there. and the establishment in Palestine of W A N T E D — A NAME FOR Emigration to Palestine has invention in Sioux Citv. a National Democratic Government, in THIS, CLUB; 'WIN A PRIZE creased here-considerably lately, and SAM BEBER MORE THAN" 131 LOCAL ELECTED which the Moslems, Christians and the Palestinian Emigratioii Office.Is PEOPLE HELPED BY GRAND PRESIDENT OF WORKERS TO F I N I S H COLLECTING O J M A H A ' S being beseiged daily by-groups 'of Jews should be represented in proporWanted—a name for the Noon-day THE COUNCIL. ' FEDERATION DAILY QUOTA DURING THE COMING WEEK. tion to their numbers in the country. Luncheon club -which was organized well-to-do .people and laborers, who The Supreme Advisory Council of by a group of local Jewish men durDuring1 each day of the first four are anxious to go to Palestine,'. the Order of Aleph Zadik Aleph for months of this year, the-Jewish WelThe Infirmary Building campaign for the National Jewish ing the past v?eek. The Noon-day Young Men was organized at a meet- fare Federation has taken care of Hospital is going over, the top. Luncheon club meets every noon at ing held at Omaha last week. This thirty-five families who were in need The people of this district are responding to the appeals the Loyal hotel. Everyone is eligible is the National Governing Body of of help from the community. These made for the Hospital. More than one hundred people who are to membership. There are no dues, the Order and is in charge of all AJeph families comprise 42 adults and more' waiting to be admitted in the hospital will have their wish realno officers and no rules. According Zadik Aleph work throughout the than 89* children. These people have Drawings for Men's Singles and to the members of this luncheon club? ized. .These,people who have been waiting for months to be country. The charter members in- been fed and clothed through the loEnters Into Contract With Omaha admitted in the hospital, where they may have a chance to fight Doubles Made, this \rill'be .a'very important booster clude the following: Mr. Harry Lap- cal relief department of the FederaRefining Corporation. that dreadful disease tuberculosis. organization for the community. idus, Omaha; Seppy I, Silberman, Des tion. The drawings of the third annual Final reports of the campaign that were carried on throughA special'prize TOIII be given to the out this district will be made at the B'nai B'rith convention to Officials of . the Omaha- Refining Moines, la.; I. F. Goodman, Omaha; The^bove cases are local cases and Y. M. H. A.-Men's Tennis Touras- man or luiy vrfho mil suggest a suitcorporation, one of the largest refin- Saul Arenson, Lincoln; Harry Trus- require the immediate" attention of the ment for 1924 were drawn up by the able name for this Noon-day Lunchbe held in Sioux City, Iowa, May 28. - "Omaha Jewry' will put this campaign over by May 28," eries in this section, made public Sat- tin, Omaha; Nathan Bernstein, Oma- Jewish Community as * whole. The committee. All arrangements have eon club. Everyone is eligible- to enbeen completed and there are excep- ter this contest. Mail in your names said Harry Malashock, city chairman of the campaign. The urday night details of a transaction ha; Nathan Mnookin^ Kansas City, i FF e d eer a t i do n ; ne^ d sn m o yn f e y t o take B , Omaha. tions of having the finest tournament immediately to Martin L. Sugarraan, workers are out and will make a whirlwind finish of the cam- in which the ,U._ S. Oil works is to Mo., , and Sam Beber, of these people .who are In. take over the complete output of the At its meeting the Supreme Ad- I] need paign during the coming week." of financial assistance. Theurgent Fed- ever presented by an organization of 812 First National Bank building-. visory' Council elected the following eration has provided means for these this kind. These names must be in by Tuesday. According to Harry A. Wolf, state final reports at the 5f}th annual B'nai refinery company. The refinery now has a dailyoutput officers: Grand president, Sam BeDaring the past few days the orThe first round matches must be orphans to continue their education in chairman, of the- campaign for- Ne- B'rith convention to be held in Sioux of 63,000 gallons, which will.be inber; first grand president, Nathan ganization has had more than • fiftjplayed off by Monday, May 28." The •file • public schools. ' , . braska, the response being received City, la.: - * ' The Federation. also takes care of tennis schedule will be posted at the men at its luncheon each day. There from the communities throughout the Milwaukee, Wis. $14,000 creased to 147,000 gallons a day • If Mnookin; second grand vice president, Jewish Community Center. Any- in- •will be no officers of this organisa2,500 support is given by the Omaha x trade Saul Arenson;" grand secretary I. F. the many transients who pass state is very good. "We will report at Sioux City, la. .Goodman; grand" treasurer, Nathan the city in search "of employment here formation wanted by players can be tion. Each month a chairman vrillbf Moines, la. . 5,000 the B'nai B'rith convention that Ne- Des Minneapolis, Minn. _ 6,000 Bernstein. braska has gone "over the top." or other places. Many of these tran- obtained by calling Harry Kneeter at elected to have charge of the meet4,000 St. Paul, Minn. The Council set July 4, 5 and 6 for ings-'for that month. Onc« a month sients have left'their noaes in search •"Harhey 52S3. At the last meeting of the Omaha Detroit, Mich 5,000 : the first convocation of Chapters. a general entertainment luncheon will It would be advisable for all those 1,000 of a better climate where a number Hebrew club held Sunday afternoon, Sioux Falls, S. D This conventian will be held in Omabeheld. No -business trill foe trans300 playing 'in tie tournament to get in Evelyth, Minn _.. of them can regain their health. "Durthe. members voted to contribute 300 Minn. ha and the Supreme Advisory Coun- ing the first' four months of 1924 the touch with the director to affirm the acted at these luncheons. $1,000 -towards a bed in the National Chisholm, Grand Rapids, Mich. cil of the Order will also hold its reg- Federation "has" taken" care% of' more matches. The result of play shoal d Other cities throughout the country Jewish Hospital. 10,000 Chicago, HI. ular annual meetfegfst that -time. be turned in to the directors at the hare these luncheon clubs and have 6,000 than;"'175 transients^ During the same •"With the response. that we- have Peoria, HL The Order A!es%2adfk "Aleph, al- period of time for "the "year 1S2S, the earliest possible time. been a success. Every Gmahan csn been receiving from the, community, Aberdeen, S. D. • though'only a-fes.'months old, has Federation had" only 100" transient ~200 Cairo, 111. • — . .; If there are any that entered their Help -this organization. Lwncheons arc •vrehope.to put this campaign over Danville, ~ 2,500 HL grown and developed rapidly. name in either singles or doubles, or if "held at the Loyal hotel private room cases." 'The* "Feaeration .grass .these during the next we'eli," said IrviriStaV East SL Louis, HI. It has'tfes. feilenSinE Chapters in " there are any mistakes in the doubles daily. safes' foo'd ••aiiff Cotton's' 'i-or the -day: or master, city vice chairman. Hebing, Minn — existence tcday: --fl&saha Chapter No. night- and TielpS;"th'eiT) "rsaek their teams, corrections may be made if the If • you have any name wjuieh. you Henry Monsiy, state vice chairman, Cedar Rapids, la 1, Kansas City Chapter No. 2, Lin- points of'destination; "Tie'Feclerafion ones in charge are notiSeS. All cor- think would be proper for this lunchCity, la. •will • be the principal speaker for the Iowa Mason City, la. _ coln Chapter No. 3, and De^ Moines keeps these' men "off the streets of rections shoTild T>e mace before Sun- eon - club, mail it in immediately gn Hospital campaign, at a tri-city meet-; Ft. Dodge, la. .._ Chapter No. 4. that it -will foe selected by next'Tuesthis city where they wosld "be begr1,000 ing to be held in Davenport,' Ial, Sun- Sheboygan, Wis."~ The Advisory Consscll has received day. A prjze •will be offered to ihtformensy -forjfeo*5 and shelter. day-.——-..—... - . . , . . - v . r Tlie foUcwiis drs.wi^fs v m matte,: Ttt&R p -The i Wednesday evening Messrs. Harry Milwaukee, Wi&, issues Report Wis.; Detroit, Mich.; St. Paul, "Minn-, G plays Phil. Felduian. gestlon TOT a name. H. Lapidus, Sam Beber, Nathan BernWill Go O*er* the Top Hymie 2itr i>lays Sliix Givot. and Chicago, HL, -which have for their these cases," said Joe L. Wolf, chsrr- 'Jack Cl>npnian plays TreC Knrtzman. man of the finance committee. This stein and "Irvin* Stalmaster were the- Milwaukee,-Wis.—"We will go over purpose the institution of Chapters of Handler plays Al EabinowitB. is only--one of the 4epartm§sts of" .tire , Al principal speakers at the regular B'nai the top in the campaign for the NaSam Bender pla^s Ben Bernstein, the Order in those cities. : ^iflney SehlSer plej-B Setome Diamond. B'rith. meeting held an Council Bluffs tional Jewish Hospital campaign for Levy plays P . Jacobeon. The organizations of A. Z. A. Chap- Federation.; Help "iake &k*fe of these Fred Dave Formam plays Dave Beber. cases bypaying your -"Federation at the Danish hall. At this small the Infirmary building," said Max MORRIS MILDER, ters is being xtndertaken and SPODMeyer Freeman plays l/ouis Bernsteia. gathering more than $900 was raised. FrescheL "We will report at the con- territory and local Industries, accord- sored by B'nsi B'rith Lodges over the pledges immediately. . Jack Fleisehman j»laye Bil! Wesley. Morrie Bloeh plays Ben GoMwnre. The committee under the leadership vention in Sioux City, la., that the Al FinfceJ plays Dave Bieicher. Special Arrangements Are country as a part of their Social Serving to company officials. Xeon Mendelson plays Korman Brown. of TjOuis Bernstein and Sam Meyerson entire state of Wisconsin has gone - Made- by-Local Committee. Sloe Greenberg plays Morrie Fine. The million dollar property of the ice and Big Brother program. will canvass the city to collect the over-the top." P a d Golflstein plays Art Bomm. The purpose of the Order of Aleph refinery, combined with the U. S. Oil Bert Brown plays Mbit Asher. remainder of its quota. At the opening meeting of the cam- works, gives Omaha a combination re- Zadik Aleph is perhaps best summarManny Omahans »re planning tn PhlL Msatlel plays Herb P«nnan. Joe Cohn plays :tay Gerelic*. "I have received reports from every paign, with Henry Monsky, of Oma- finery and sales organization which ized by the preamble of its national attend the 56th --annual' convention, T>. Marcus plays 3L«onard Herman, community in this district, telling'of ha, as the principal speaker, Milwau- will rank among the largest in the constitution -which reads as follo-ws: Nate Hunritz pla^B Abe Finfeel. L O. B. B., District No. 6, which "win Handler plays Max; Bloom. the campaigns being conducted for the kee raised more than half of its west, according to officials of the T "The order of Aleph Zadik Aleph This Is Last Open Meeting of the Sam be held a t Sioux City, la., Sam Ban plays Meyer Green. Aaron CSesno plays I»eo Brown. Infirmary building of the Hospital," quota. '-.. -.- Season. , May 2S—J«ne 1. Special U S. Oil works, -R-ho predict big ex- for Young Men *af.!°rJitB ? £ n » « Sam LeibOTitz plays Mnx Altsabuler. t h e said Hairy H. lapidus, chairman of A check for $14,000 has already pansion if Nebraska support Is given. J ments..are being made fay the Omah*t enrollment of • IHHJBUSS The open meeting of the Women's .Aaron the district campaign. "We will report been sent to Harry H. Lapidus, of visitors to attend this convention,. A and I^eo Brown piny Sam The Omaha refining corporation, tion, which shall have for its program Auxiliary- of the .B'nai B'rith to be Leibbvtas and Daw Bleieher. at the convention that this district Omaha, chairman of the campaign for speeisl coTnmittee was appointed by end Mendels the mental, moral and physical develAl. Handler play Ben which has a storage tank capacity of nas responded to the appeals of the this district. and Herman. the loc&l B'nai B'rith lodge to rasfce poment of its members and of man- given Thursday" evening, May 22, at Bernstein Max <5ivot end Schiffier play Al Eablne6,300,000 gallons, was organized two kind; 8 o'clock,- at tihe Jewish Community wits many men, women and children who the eradication of bigotry and and Mort Asher.. years ago. The E. T. Williams Oil race prejudice; the support and as- Center, will ".feature", a most unique tiery and Greenberg play IT. Green ami all arrangements for the large xrtrcr-are waiting, waiting to be admitted in her of visitors, According to the company of Casper, Wyo., bought it sistance of humanitarian, educational and interesting program. Mrs. Mas Mas Altschcler. the hospital so that they may fight Ben Golthvare and Hymie'Zier play Isszie committee in charge, a special train from the bond holders through the and philanthropic endeavors; and the FromMnV presidentlof the Auxiliary, Gerelick ana D, Marcus. that dreadful plague, waiting to go " "" off Americanism " and J. Diamond stud X .EDowltz play. M. will carry the Omaha visitors. Omaha National bank. Its crude oil harmonization announces that the, program will parhome to their loved ones whom they Freeman and Dave Beber. ' ' The following committee -was ar~ is obtained from the Salt Creek field, Judaism." Felfiman anfl partner piay Bye. Mr. Sam Beber, Grand President of ticularly- interest-"the" girls,' as it will Thil left behind." -: ' H. Goldman and P. Mandel play pointed to make arrangements for which adjoins the famous Teapot the-Order, in a talk to the Supreme be a "Girls': yocatibnal Program." Meeting Will Be Held at. Rome Hotel Chapman JSB«3 Kurtzman, The following communities have Dome field in Wyoming. I*hil. Gerelieii; and Brown piny Abe the" Omaha visitors: Max Fromidn, - . —Qpen to the Public Advisory Council, said: Our Order Mrs. Herman Aaeibach "will be either started their campaigns or and FleiBehmac. chairman, Sam. Wolf, Sam Beber, SwX ' _- ~«—~——— * The local refinery has tanks and seeks to inculcate in the heaits and chairman of the "evening, and the pro- Finkel Art Eonxta and Joe Coim play Al Finke' start during the week and will make minds of our members through the Alberts, and I. F. .Goodman. and Harry Rneeter. The Intellectual Committee of the buildings which occupy more than Morrie Eloch o»a TLteo Freed play Sam media of our ritual and teachings gram will 'consist" of short talks by Anyone••deBirhis *<* attend ttiis corB'nai B'rith, Lodge liq. 354, announce seventeen acres in East Omaha. It those ideals and principles which tend and Morrie Bloom. * T . ML H. A. Juniors " eight women ".on" the,-different voca- Ban TVesley and Goldstein play Forman vsntiou. sioald gf-t in touch 'with any the change of date of their next open has 150-tank cars operating in and to make boys better Americans, betBender. Again Defeated; Loses ter Jews," and better men. This can tions' that" "they" 'represent! Mona member of. this coromittee as rescrvji • meeting from May. 22 to Thursday near Omaha. • Services of "Epstein evening, June 5, to be held at the ~The Omaha Refining company has be done much easier by our Order Cowel wfll'taEE"oi~"Lsw»'"Dr. Nora tions must be made in advance for tbp The Y. M. H. A. junior baseball than by any organization for adults FaircHld wiE: Speak' oil: "M4Sdicine," YOUNG MEN banquet and dance. Rome Hotel. one of the finest and roost efficient because of the fact that we have the team was defeated by the Gibson Eose Bernstein wfll represent'"Teach- •CONDUCT SERVICES Al? The official delegates of Omahs, This meeting .will be .one of the plants in this section of the country," boy in the formative period of life ing," Lea:_DaMman . on~. "Business," Ramblers Sunday afternoon atKiverTALBfCB TOEAHwhile the adult organization takes its lodge •will leave Omaha "Wednesday, best ever held by the local lodge. The said President Morris Milder. "By takview park by the score of 16 to 2. members after they have become more Doris Goethe- on ''Insurance," Blanche A movement -was recently started May.,'28, for Siotsx City. The Omah« American Legion will take part. Mr. ing over the complete output of the The game was very fast nntil the or less fixed In their habits and char- Screnson' ,on , - Fference Me- by a group of young men to hold delegates 'will take an impnrtafit fifth inning with the Y team leading Harry Lapidus "will deliver the prin- company its permanency in Omaha acter. The A. Z. A. was founded," /Gabe'OB -Health.; Niirlaiig," and tfaodox services every Friday evening cipal address, and Miss .Helen Eiekes and development is assured." 'in the comiTig convention, as some of continued Mr. Beber, "on the theory 2 to 0. During the early, part of the Much construction work Is now go- that, a need existed for a National Myrtle Mason will talk on "Journal- and Saturday rooming a t tfee Talmud the members of Omahs lodge nov game Sam "Epstein, star second bass- will* render several song numbers. Organization for boys who had passed Torah hold offices in the District No. 8,1. O. man of the Y team, was injured cross- There are also other interesting fea- ing on at ,the refinery plant. New the Boy Seotit age and who had not 'ism." This will-M; fiie; last; of sthe open This movement wss started to reture numbers to be announced later pumps ^and tanks are being erected. ing the home plate. The team will be yet reached the age at which they meetings this season"that'this Auxil- vive Judaism and the Orthodox move- B . B . • The directors of the TJ. S. Oil works could join a fraternal order designed minus the services of Epstein "who by the committee. iary will present. - • ment among the younfrer generation. The entire public is invited to at- are Morris Milder, Hymie Milder, to elevate their ideals." will not be allowed to play the reThis group cf young men alsc. sponsor CONTENTION OF U. S, CHAMAny boy who has passed his sixtend this meeting thatwill be enlerWilliam Milder, Harry C. Wolf and mainder of the season. JERUSALEM, MUFTI BER OF.COMMERCE URGES a Saturday evening class to study teenth birthday and has not yet Henry Monsky. The Y team will play the fast West estmg throughout the evening. reached his twenty-first birthday is IN. KING • HUSSEIN'S Je^ish History, Kebrev.% and Jewish LIBEEAL IMMIGRATION Leavenworth Merchants team Sunday GERMAN MENNONITES IN eligible to membership in the Order of - ADVISORY COUNCIL National Problems. Cleveland, {J. T. A.) The Unit«d A. Z. A. In addition to the exemafternoon at 3:30 at Elmwood park, RUSSIA OFFER THEIR COLPALESTINIAN RABBIS Damascus.{J. t . A.) Tas Mufti of States Chamber of Commerce, which The Friday evening: services ccmsisl plification of their ritual, on which the east diamond. The Kaiman Insurance ONIES FOR SALE TO "OUT" TAKE UP QUESTION OF boys spend a good deal of time, each Jerusalem, Haj Amin el Hussein, vdll of the regular Orthodox prixicdtire has been in convention hsres at it* Co. team will play the Polish Athletic Berlin. (J. T. A.) The German ABANDONED WIVES chapter goes in for varied social and be the representative of Palestine on and then a talk by some prominent closing session •unanimously adopted * club team as the prelimintry to the Mennonite colonies in the district of Jerusalem. (3. T. A.) Chief Rabbi athletic activities. Each chapter has Sing Hussein's'Advisory Council. Ah- man. The Saturday and holiday resolution favoring the passing of »rt baseball, football and basketball amad Zaki Pasha and the Mufti of Y game. Ekaterinoslav have been offered for Jacob Heir and Acting Chief Rabbi its morning services also consist of tbej immigration bill on the basis of th*. teams, its dances and its parties. sale to the "Ort," the Jewisk organ- Z. P. Frank have been received by Hedjas -will :repre_sent Egypt and the erthodes prayer;, and Uie \ 1910 eeasus. for th? .next five year*,; As the movement grows it is JEWISH SAILORS IN SOVIET ization for the promotion of trades Sir Herbert Samuel, with whom they planned to have inter-chapter con- Hedjas respectively. There -will also reading1 of the weekly portion of the and in the meantinir ur the stody RUSSIA DO NOT RECOGNIZE and agriculture among the Jewish tools up the question of the *cAgun- tests in - baseball, football, basketball be an Indian .^representative. The Bible All services arc conducted by at the immigration problem vafch * 1 debating. RELIGIOUS HOLIDAYS people. othf women waose husbands have and view to a flexible quote "in order The ditualistie work of the Order council/Trhieh Trill be composed of ten the younjf men only. Riga. (J. T. A.) "Judaism is dope The owners of the colonies, -which disappeared and whose fate is tm- portrays members, -will represent the Moslem The Saturday night cams is one of j that immigration may snore nearly its principles in a manner like all the other religions," was the are named Grnenfeld and Steinfeld known. Under the laws of- the Jew- calculated; to make an indelible im- •world. grest interest to young- Jewish men accord -with our own answer given by Jewish" sailors of the are anxious to join the Mennonite ish Teligion these women are foTbid- pression. because Jewish History and Jewish Any member of the B'nai B'rith is Red Baltic Fleet, when a proposal was colony in Canada, anS would "like, den to remarry until the fate of their Problems are thoroiagrhiy discusses. 1ST OF -MAY CELEBRATED given the privilege of attending the X>K. WERTHEIM-AND made to them to obtain a leave of therefore, to dispose of their landto- husbands is established. IN PALESTINE BY HELFFEEIGH VICTIMS IN Such men ss Rabbi X M. Gharlop, A. Z. A. initiatory sen-ice or any of • absence lor the Passover holidays. gether 'with their livestock to the JewThere are now in Palestine moTe their meetings* GENERAL TRAIN AVRECE Mr. E. Bloch, Dr. V, E. Levine and The proposal was made to them at ish organization. The price they de- than one hundred "Agunoth,** Whose Omaha Chapter is planning many Jerusalem. {J. T. A-) Berlin. -{J. -T. A.) - Dr.-Helfferica, Dr. A. Koran have offered their asthe instigation of the Chief Rabbi of sire is a very reasonable one and husbands served in the Turkish army novel events for the convention In former Germai! -Finance Minister and sistance In furthering- the work of this May v,-as celebrated here by a Leningrad, who intervened with the would be payable in yearly install- during the war.; At the demand of July, arsons: which will be the initia- recognized'leader .of-the German re- movement. laborersstrike of £he Soviet authorities for permission for ments covering- a period t>f three or the Chief Rabbin, the High Commis- tion of a 'largs class of candidates. actiGnsries and- ssti-Semites, "was were held find AH young- Jewish, men ure eordi&Ey the Jews in the service to observe four, years. • sioner promised to -write to the Brit- • - .AUFLEBUKGCLUB. Tulfed by • a train wreck in STrftzer- invited to attend these services nn iTJ- given all over the countrj.. Tfws the nolidays. However, the sailors 'The -colonies are prosperous and ish Ambassador in donstanitinople and •- In conjunction with their regular- landl -• , -. • of Jewish. Cotmatiaistg day evenings, Saturday Bioraiugs, a.tid themselves replied that they do riot well organized, ana "there is room in ask him to obtsin from the m Hefeew and meeting- the Auflebung-dab -Bill-pre- - Among: the afher i*3Ctiins of the ac- classes on.-Saturday -eraiingp, At .ihe recognize religious holidays, observing them for "the settlement of 500 fam- {Government exafct information of the . sent-a program. Sunday eveeing at fUe cident was D-r, Wertheiic, of Berlin, Talmud Torah building at Twentyattention to the important* «jf': only the revolutionary festivals. tlie day. ,. .. . ^ „ .-.„ " .> first aad Bait streets. • i fate of the husbands of *faess wjmen. Jewish C of the JKetfhekm - family.
Campaign for kfirmary Buildin
Um if It! Bureau . ifFaleritieiltiles
U. S. Oil Works To Take Oatpat of Big Refery
irnrmf* • w o n
Patriotic Meeting of Local
Ill isfsmel lire
, MAY 15, 1924
.ttaibrttka. (BJr ">
- THE.JEWISflPRESS EUBUSHl&G COMPANY. , Office": 681 Brandeis Theatre-Building—Te^ej>bon<3i ATlanti© 145b NATHAN' Ef. GREEN, Mantfger. • ' Subscription Price, one year__4~....~.~~~—.•--—' Advertising rates furnished on application.
CHANUB Otf "ADDRESS—Please give botb the old and new address: bo surg and give your name.
The Jewish Press ts supplied bv tha Jewish Telegraphic Agency (Jewish Correspondence Bureau) with cabled and telegraphic Jewish news, in addition to feature articles ami correspondences 'from All Important Jewfefe centres. Inquiries regarding news items credited to this .Agency wiU be- gladly 'answered tf addressed to'Jewish Telegraphic; Agency, 114 Fifth Avenue, New York City. -• • , ' " : _
T H E GREATEST J E W I S H PROBIiEM Recently the Jewish Tfibune of-Kew York aske<t 11.leaders of IsraCwjhat jntheir opinion wa$ the most imiportant .Jewish problem in America. Nine of "them replied that, the preservation of Judaism, chiefly through better Jewish education,.most urgently demands our attention. \.,' - "" , . - .,'• _ , ' , . ' Believing that we "have yet much to'give to the world, Rabbi Silver-asserts that'it* is uprto; the laymen; not the r$,bbis, to taker the Initiative in l i e .safeguarding^ "the s;oul of our race.'' 'Dr. Cyrus'Adler points out that ft is not the Hebrew School alone, but the X ' M u l L A>% X. W\, H. A/s. a,nd other .agencies for our youth, together"with the home and the synagogue; that can cope with the problem. ' " Rabbi Feldman feels that "there should be created, and as speedily .as possible, i p W s p r t of a national" council for religious and cul^raf Jewish' activities, which council, representative of all shades, of opinion in Jewry,, shall function somewhat after the fashion of our federations of philanthropy." these "three men,.duplicated by the others, present a line-up of ideas that are sarie and logical: It is the task of Jewish laymen lo organise a national.agency inclusive of all media that can make of Judaism a greater'living force. A healthy sign, indeed* of the soundnes. within the ranks^ of American Jewry .wheji leaders of the! various elements arrive a t the samerconclusion"!—-Washington Times,, -. , ' \
PROFESSOR CLAIMS 3BIKST32IN •ASSHA KEDQSmM.—May 10th. IS A PLAGIARIST >AIJSHA SMOR—May 17th, Bucharest. <J. T. A.) The well/AO B'OJ&IER—M*y 22nd. known anti-Semitic Professor, Cuza, •ASSHA B'HAR—May 24th. of the University -of Jassi, has issued •A^SSA BECPUJCOSY—May 31st. xhe startling statement that Prof. AlJtOSEt CHQBESCH SIVAN— June bert Einstein, author of the relativity theory, is nothing less than a plag•AESHA BAMIDBAH—J^ne 7th. iHEVUOTH (First Day)—June 8th. iariet. Cuza declares that he has Prof. iHEVUOTH (Second Day) — June prouf is> seppsst *Hs statement. >ARSHA NESOH—June 14th. JEWISH LECXtfBE •ARSHA BEHAALOSECHO — June BUREAU LAUNCHED 2ist. New York. {J. T. A.) In order to 'ARSHA SHELACH—Jane.ggth. meet the needs of Jewish organizaBOSK SHODESCH TAMMUZ—June tions, the GLobe Lecture Bureau has 2nd. been launched.in this *ity, at 132 NasROSH CHODESCH TAMMUZ—July sau street, under tbe directorsiiip of 3rd. _ .,. r Hahhi J. Max Weis. 'AR8HA- JC0BACH—July §th, It will be the pur^Bfe of this ,Bu'AKSHA CHUKATH^^oly Jgth. td bring to the attentiofi of the 19«u Jewish and general public the fore86% A $ f l f y % most Jewish speakers on questions ,of ROSH CHODESCH AB—Aiigast 1st, Jewish importance.:. There has been 'ABSHA-MAT™' g UMASSEM—A?a great demand on the past ef songust 2nd. ' Jewish organizations also for speak'ARSHA i DE6ARIM, gHABBOS ers on problems ef lewish inapprt&nce. '.. ". •.. V ; •'.. .-:^."TISHA B'Oy-r-AggBst 10th. Rabbi Weis, in announcing the "ARSHA ~VAJ!1X?HANA!* — launching of the Bureau, stated: "We ; 16th. - - -- - - : . - • ,-,•-. PARSBA AKKV—Asgust ROSH CHODESCH ELLUL, PARSHABSAY—Angest SOth. ROSH CHODESCH ELLUL—August 31st"... -,„._ PARSHA SHOFTIM—September 6th. PARSHA KE SA2A -— September 13th- ... . . ARSHAT NE.ZAYISI — September 2 7 t b ' . . r ;
The parents of both these iained" at "the^&i£6ffice"£f the Audi-
The Jewish, immigration from England and Germany, is prodigies are without means t o give torium, Fifteenth and Howard streets negligible. .During the last thirty years or more practically- all their children further musical training or by calling Sol S. Goldstrom, chair. the Jewish .immigration, was out of Russia^ Poland, Ukraine, and,' unless the Nebraska Society for man of the Concert, at Atlantic 6546. Koumania and Hungary* .If the whole world outside of England the Development of Musical Talent The prices of the tickets are ?2, $1.50, and Germany is permitted to send only 37,0Q0 people, to this raises the money, both these prodigies $1.00, and children 50c- • country annually, how many of these will be Jews? A Jewish immigrant after. July 1, 1927, will be of such nume^cal-oadity that it would be possible-for the Jews of America to Welcome each Mrs. B. M. Ach'tenberg, of Kansas AMERICA WILL NO LONGER Jewish newcomer to these shores with a brass band afid a banquet. City, Mo., daughter of Sir. and Mrs. BE REFUGEE FOR WORLD OPPRESSED, T3AYS REED The Johnson-Reed measure-doses the door of America to the S. Robinson/of Oman'a, and formerly Washington ( D. C. (J. T. A-)— Jews of the world. Any increase in Jewish population in this Miss Minnie,/'Robinsont of this city, is "The new immigration legislation taking a .^prominent "part in~"club countr st h f t h b d t i d b t h t i country must henceforth be, determined by the natural increase o f b i t h s o v e r de marks a complete reversal: of our circles. In -Kansas City-' She" just re£ aths. The day of the Jewish immigrant is aver. a landmark in our the previous policy This leads us to-two, very important and significant .questions. turned from a speaking-.toui for ; What effect will American Immigration Prohibition have on the Women's League of the Uhlt'ed -Syna- national history. We no longer are Jew qf Europe, who now; more than at any other time, is suffer- gogue of America. She is president to be a haven, arefuge for oppressed ing under persecution and civjrflsabmtyI.\Whareffect w«l the pf-the BetK-^holom Sisterhood at the world over. We found we could ^ •-"-•• |iM>t b,e, -and now. we definitely abanabsence of the immigrant Jew have on the future of the 3,500 000- Kansas City. V-~ , Jews of America? These are questions which will hold the stage Y Tuesday^Aprir-39, Mrs. Achtenberg jdon-that theory," of discussion and speculation and prophecy in Jewish .circles from Was the guest ofTionof and principal This was the statement, made tonow on. We will discuss them in detail'in "future issues.—-Wis- speaker atr-iai'luncheon at- the Hotel ;day by Senator Reed of Pennsylconsin Chronicle. ' . • -'•-."•-. . jRaddison -given by"the Ladies' Auxil- jvania, in connection with the restrict* HE.VD OF ATJSTRUN SEMITES
&OOM OR BOARD &nd room, lor young lady. Lovely home, close to car. Price i? ripht. Tel.: WEbstcr 58D0, 1534 Grant Street.
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' Jerusalem. (J. T. A.) Pater Diojatevi, the Catholic Guardian of the Holy Land, has just returned to Palestine after a short stay in Rome, Where he conveyed official assurances that the Palestine Government will take into -account the Catholic interest* in the country.
iary ofc£#.dath" Jeshurum-of Minne- 'ed immigration bill.now 'being conapolis." • That evening she - was the sidered by a joint committee of both guest of the YotmgcPeople's League houses of Congress. . The. Senator at a dinner given s&r the Gyniel Doledfurther stated that the enactment .of CluhV -Off Wednesday, April SO, Mrs.this immigration bill will result in Achtinbefg" was -the guest of the a "distinct type of American citisen" Ladies* Auxiliary of'Temple Aaron at and do away with "the hyphen vote". a luncheon given 'at the Athletic Club Under it the United States will, cease of St. Paul. In the." evening £he spoke to be a "melting-pot". "I became convinced immigration from the^pulpit of Temple Aaron In St. Paul. * On Thursday; May 1, Mrs. was our biggest problem - when I Achtenberg addressed a. jneeting at visited one country in Europe after the Alliance in Sioux City. She will the war and found 600,000- persons return to address a meeting" in Sioux signed up to come to America when the country's quota was only 40,000." ve near future. ft City ip-th very
GERMAN MINORITY. RIGHTS IN PALAND DISCUSSED BY X FAItUPE LEAGUE OF NATIONS Vienna'. (J. T,, A.) ) Arthur Jerzaea Geneva. (J.. .. THe "question k President of the 'Austrian «n.ti- bf the,rights of the perman "mindrity bek, Semitic organization, has Resigned, be- in Poland _was taken, up al-the, last cause from his office because, as he meeting of the Council of- the League declared, ."AH attempts tp create an of Nations here. A n^embrandum %vas anti-Semitic international have-, re- jsubmitted to the Couhcil stating that sulted in failure," Jenzabek, further the German minority in Poland does stated that the Jewish question can- not receive the fall rights to -which it not be solved by mere demonstrations isentftledunder.the minorities treaty, of noisy anti-Semites, but-'ejan only particularly in regard to property, nabe- solved by an international' organ- tionality and school_rights% -- J ization.. He stated tiiat all Attempts ' The Council recommended that all to organize such a body up till now nationality problems beTfaridleil to* CROWN PRINCE. OF "NATHAN have.failed because the anti-Semites igether; that the matte^be" treated by, .LESSING'S 1 ABYSSINIA VISITS " THE WISE" FILLED have,pnly "their selfish .interests" In direct negotiations-between the two '- JERUSALEM FOR EASTER " New York. (J. T. A,) "Nathan the view, and even the Hakenkreuzler governments*-that, the latter,have unJerusalem. (P. T. A.) Africa and Party u§es its a*iti-Semitism.orily' as a til.- June 1 1st 'jfo\ reach -an agreement, Wise," the-Jamous' drama of -Sphraim Asia have met again, bringing back Lessing, has been made' into a motion tool for party-purposes. . ' "" and - that if' an agreement is not picture under the name of "The Sac- scenes of 3,000 years ago when the reached, the President trf the Arbitral rifice." Queen of. Sheba came to Jerusalem Tribunal of Upper Silesia be given on a pilgrimage to King Solomon. y N UNIVEBSITY full powers of arbitration in the mat- Lessing's immortal play was filmed REFUSES LECTURESHIP "TO The Grown Prince of Abyssinia has in" Jerusalem, and Jjas in tBe main ' • ' EAST_ EUROPEAN JEW ter.arrived here on a pilgrimage to the role " the" German"""artist," Werner Vienna. (J. T. A.) The Senate and Holy Land, accompanied by & large Krauss, the.:m^e star-of-the'"Mira the Board of Professors -of Vienna UKRAINIAN GOVERNMENT cle." The prodiictionrwhichhas many suite. In a spectacular procession^ I REFUSES LEGALIZATION . University have tejectdd the' applicaappealing" elements^ jof Jewish, Turk' glittering with Oriental splendor, the " ' Or^ACHAU tion made by^he famoW^Sinna physCrown- Prince, followed by his entourish r and Palestinian life, is one of the Moscow." (J. T. A.) The, Ukrainian icist, Dr. Horowitz,~fo^'a p^vale lecage un camels, the clergy in magnifithe Eachalu^ which" ,m6st - costly and- magnificent films cent vestments, passed through" the ' tranship - (Privatdbzent)- at'the Uni- organization applied to the local Sovjfjt Sovjft G Goyern- ever'made> Oii Thursday, Aprl 24th, streets of Jerusalem on the way to • versity, orrthe ground"th&t heris on" applied, tiiere was a press showing of the pic. . > East European Jew and a Socialist. inent to be granted permission to de- ture at the Simplex Projection Rooms the Holy Sepulchre. Dr. Horowitz deltanded that the velop an agricultural co-operative and in New York Gity, and it'is expected - Senate should ^give' hirii* a" statement to support the emigration of^conom- jtfeat tbe'pletuye will-soon make its LOCUSTS INVADE SYRIA, in writing explaining the motives for « 4 V nnptepsa fewlsjj^iliisito Pal- appearance at one of the -large New THREATEN PALESTINE , nas been'Vefused'this permis- rejecting his 'application. TThis' the "York theatres. \ • ' " Jerusalem. <J.-T. A.) Vast swarms sion. Senate Tefttfeed-^ do, %hetoUJ>on-DK of locusts have infested'Syria, caus, Horowitz" submitted a protest' to tiie This permission wr"s" requested by ANNIVERSARY OF" HERZL'S ing much damage to the farmers.' 4 Minister of IGdaftaUon, wh* Iminedi- the organization/for the better carThere is great danger that theJocusts DEATH TO BE DAY OF ateljr annulled the decision of tha Sen- rying out, of its'program by its cenNATIONAL REMEMBRANCE will invade Palestine, and precautions tral .committees inthe "various disate as beingrin conttavention of the Jerusalem.—tP~T~A.) The head- are geing taken. ' law. Despite this, 3D*n Horowitz will trictsr ' ! * * " " ~ " quarters of the Jewish NationhlS'urid not he given .hfs^Jectufeshipiniice' no HACHULUTZ^TOftOLD " ' has issued an appeal to Jewry to cele- HEDJAS RAILWAYJiDDED g . CONFERENCE" IN IfOSCOW brate th? twentieth anniversary of the „ leqtiJEresnip-can l e q p b^-held at the UniTO BRITISH LINES V i i t h t - tfi i-'Versity without tfie consentt frth i - Moscow, f Ji T. A,V An Ail-Russian death of/Herzl, which '<*ccurs on Tam- Jerusalem. (J. T. A.) ^The Hedjas Conference 'of-th&Haena'utz; *n% can- mua 120^- (July 22iid) "as-a day of Railway-has been added-io the British tral- organization, of the Palestinian national ^remembrance. - The,;'2»tiii of lines, contrary to the decision made y * W will Sake Tammuzjitbjfc Appeal ^ais, cejtses'noW on March- iMh txr delrver-it to the ,' with tiie pet-1 to bje A day of mourning.- The Jewish Arab Government, according to a re•»)lace here youth should hold on this day gath- port appearing £n the "Alif-Ba." The "conference erings, sp"bm:'ini£tTrigs;- -fambles, "etc. Traasjordanian'Government and the TMa -Is -the of the Hachalutiej; prhXch' has"been Artists j writersfinQ"actors" should take Emir Abdullah have strofigly protestPalestine Gendarmerie:; sanctioned by;€h^ S9Viet Gdve'rntnent." part "in'the celebrations.'-'' ed against this l
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: On Wednesday* evening, May 28, at ity as violinists, will t e unable .to The Senate and House conferees on the -Immigration Bill the Omsdia Auditorium, the famous who have shown such remarkable abfl- POTASH INDUSTRY have met and decided, that the infamous 2% 1890 'Johnson.'Bill STARTED BY GOVERNMENT Jewish Cantor,, Josef Rosenblatt, to- continue their studies, shall become law beginning g n g Julyy l^t ^ next, n That it , will$b$ signed g ; e '' Jejrusal?nt. (J, T. A.) The Governby.JVIrconclusion. The bJVI ,CooUdge C U d 4 js j a foregone f cli Th effect f f t of f the th bill gether -with the noted violinist, Jo- Josef Rosenblatt was born in Bie-- ipent lias lestablisned an experimental is to reduce the number :of immigrants from 358,000 a year under seph Vftnogradoff, -will appear here in l&ya Tsierkov, Tlussia, foity years ago. i for the potash industry on the concert wnder the. auspices of the Nethe B% 1910 law, to 162,000 annually, But even this number is As a yourg boy he b-gan to show his considered too great to be assimilated,.into,American-life, and braska Society for the Development of ability as a singer. Shortly after his sliores of the Dead Sea, near Jericho. beginning. July 1, 1927, all;immigration will be limited to, 150,000 Musical Talent. . marriage after extensive to\jrs Big- ditches are now being dug and annually, under the '-National, Origins" plan of Senator Rqed of The proceeds of this concert will go throughout Europe, Rosenblatt's fame yaters from the Dead Sea will be Pennsylvania, which bases quotas on the national origins, of the toward United States, and but transferred and evaporated. It is furthering ths musical educa- spread to the ; people of the United States as of .1920, When thii chofce plan tion of Sammy Sarmell, Omaha boy, once tho nev. s had tome, America mu- hoped that large quantities of potash be obtained. goes into effect, it would; allow for 113,000 British and German is nov? in New-York City study- sic lovers became SQ insistent in their immigrants and only 87,000 from all the.Qthe.r: countries <>f-Europe, who ing, under Prof* Kneisel, but who will demands for his appearance, and when CATHOLIC GUARDIAN OF we may well conclude that this is not at all Immigration Restrict not be abl'. to'corttinu^ 1' • ause of lack he arrived he decided to make thif hia ! HOLY LAND RETURNS When the full effect of all this remarkable legislation is absorbed, of funds, and for Miss Fanny Fish, permanent home. i TO PALESTINE tion but- rather. Immigration ^Prohibition,—at least so far, as the who. ,is. Still-l9.,Pm.aha; Tickets for the concert can be ob awaiting her J e w i s c o n c e r n e d . - ' •.-"-•• - •.- ••'
regard the Globe Lecture Bureau" as> one of the most potent influences for the education of the American public I as well as American Jewry, In par-1 ticular upo- questions . that concern J the J£w. . ., ,•' "We hope to bring to this country, in the very near future, some of the ablest Jewish thinkers from abroad to supplement our evm Jcwialr- leaders aiul publicists."
^ I 6576 Dodge Brothers Motor Gars (or over 1,000 cars per day) were , delivered to retail purcMsers dur-, not incliidisig i l r s for export or overseas. ; ;- : i : • ... " .^ This breaks mil Bo^lge Brothers retail delivery recoirds, •'. -
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Each Weeilir^iisfce October*1 •• 1923, deliveries of Dodge Brothers Gars to us^rs .have.shown s consistent gain over the corresponding week Jof any. previous year. :-. - .
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28th and Hamey fits. tehooe—BArney 0123 •r - * .•*,
JEWISH FBESS,-.THURSDAY, MAY 15, 1924 who expect to aboust a :w"eek.
r task-it vtSA be i«. igsu»ace of an appeal to public opinion d g visjtmg wSh her psrenats, Mr. consider a tall of'rights-for theras-*protesting apaiast the reactionary To honor t i » n«w members <tt Tetn- Mr. and Mrs. Morris Weil are and Mrs." K Gilin*$r.i -While tfeere tional minorities in the Ufcrafae. Far-j restrictions imp&sed npon Jewish p e Israel, the Board -of Trustees of spending a few .days in Excelsior she attended t'^i BjLmltxvoir of her ticular attention will be given to the students in the universities of some iic^ licv» Stewart GiUnsky. problem cf creatinje: a working pos-] of the European countries, in limiting the Congregation are entertaining Fri- .Springs,. Mo,' . . sibility of satisfying the needs of the^ their numbers. day evening, May 15, following the Mrs. Carr Weil, who was called to .; Tiie'j;'F,. F i d u b hcH a pienl? il respective groups in accordance withi The congress decided to send teleC i J F Sundsy f the Soviet Federated system. ] grranis, <>£ thanks I** the govpraiments Mr. J. B. Ratz, president of the Texas on account of the illness of fcer Temple CongregatioB, in his talk, will soother, returned Tuesday, May 13, Mrs. SJjas iCehcn eatertsaiaed her The proposed bill of rights trill con-J of C-secfeos5ovakia, Belgiam and Italy welcome the new members. . Rabbj her mother being- much improved. "Sveaing Bridge d a b at her home cern, besides the live larger national;for the ra?irnsmijneus -weleonw «acminority groups in the Ukraine—the • tended to the Jewish students 'in the Frederick Cohn will talk <m "The Kew Tuesday evening. 1 Mrs, Sarah'Lehman is spending a Jews, -the Poles, the Germans, the! universities of those ^ Judaism,** an4 then Mr. Harry Silver~ " " Ths Th e&ngre$$ l t man will respond for the new mem- few days in Omaha -with her son and Mr. and Mrs. E. Gilinsky enter- Russians snd th« &Iok!«viaR8—sixty»n his family. tained at their home Saturday *fter- four "smaller minority groups. bers. committee which will hav« headiwon in honor of the BsrxRitjvoh of A social hour and refreshments In The Sunday School Classes will QURrt^rs in London and a secretariat Mrs. J. Katleman Was hostess to ENGAGEMENTS their grandson, Stewart. Mr. and in Vienna. AmcnR the resolutions " v Mr. and Mrs. Satn Siporin announce thirty guests at a. oiie o'clock lunch- the Vestry Rooms of the Temple will have a picnic at Ctaraex's Farm Sim- Mrs. I. GUinsky ef Omaha were at GUILT OF AXTI.SEMITIC j sdoptetl by the eonpresx vra« ©Be e s ihe engagement of their daughter, eon and ridge Thursday' afternoon, 'ollow the services and speeches. An day, June 1. May 25'the Junior Con- home Sunday afternoon complimentLEADERS IK EATHENAU jt to co-operate co-operate pres«nff * rradiiie^ft to Frances, to Mr. A. C Cohen, son of May 8, at the Brandeis Tea Rooms, j invitatig is extended to everyone to gregation will have its picnic, at the ary to their MURDER ESTABLISHED, •with pressing Une Hebrpw University-in Jeruthis reception. Farm. Those on the committee are Berlin. (J. T. A.) Evidence estab• Mr. and Mrs. M. Cohen, of this city. honor of Mrs. Morris Katleman, who 1 Gerald Kohn, Heteti Aaeh #nd Albjan Miss Siporin is now visiting with rel- leaves soon to make .her home in CalMrs. M." Vudelsoii is entertaining lishing the responsibility for the mur- salem. Tho congress also decided to its own organ. atives in. Detroit, Mich, No date has ifornia. Prizes were won by Mrs. M. Will be Presented far-Recital Speir. her Afternoon Bridge elub Thursday <3er of the former German Foreign at a luncheon-bridge" at the Brandeis Minister, Dr. Walter R&thenau, v.-ap been set for "the -wedding. Miss Helen Riekes, daughter of Mr, Klein, Mrs./JT. Slate, of pes IMoines, Tea Eooms. disclosed recently. The e%'idcnce, aed Mrs. S. Riekes,"who is becoming la., and Mrs.. M. Brodkey; PIANISTS—ATTENTION! which WRS submitted to the State: known as a vocalist, having partici^ Mrs. -A. Greehberg and taby daughMr. and Mrs- Herman Franklin pated in recitals and other musicals, FOPULJkB, SSt'PlC — rilllrg !K "hats" Court at Leipzig, reveals the fact that Mr. and Mys. A., -^.ginskee,' 210 DIBBUK TO BE PE0BUCEB PuIJ luinnony, nna "Jjrc«ks" os.-*'vxtnm ter are visiting with Mrs. Green- Jiave as their house guest Mr. Frank- will assist Miss Gladys McCann in a the -murderers of R&thenau, Eern, IN CEBMAX BY STAN1Sberg's "parents, Mr. and" Mrs. M. Ko-. lin's brother, Mr. Meyer Franklin, of recital Friday evening, May 16. at Frank street, wiH be at,home Sunday M, KAHN ' "'LAVSKY ANB EECk*BA8I>T] Fischer and Techow were in close j j afternoon, May .IS, from 2 ta 5 p . a . }, a t Minneapolis, Minn. Chicago, I1L , touch with leaeders of th« p&n-Gcr-i i'bones: e S:15 at the Schmo}|«r g Mueller Au- to all their friends, ,in Ju>nor of their Vienna,' <J. T. A.) S, Anski'i " At. 48IS1 : Sun. At, 4SC2 t. 5210. " . . jiaught«r, Mrs. N, Koenigsberg and ma, "The Kbbuk," which has ield man, anti-Semitic German Nationalist | , Mr. and Mrs. Emil Ganz are enterMr. and Mrs. J. Slosburg, Jr., areditorium. Party, and received -financial support Miss Riekes js sp;apil of Louise the attention of the Jewish theatrical Mr. Koenigsberg, who were recently taining at dinner at the Brandeis Ucs-i at Excelsior Springs! Mo., stopping public in Europe and America for from Mr. K&ufmannj & saember of the taurants_on_ Monday^ evening in honor at the Elms Hotel. They will be there Jansen Wylie and ".Miss McCann is a married in Chicago, III, piano pupil of Karl E. Tiinberg-, who Mr. *nd Mns. Kbeaigsberg will ar- .many years, will shortlyfee.produced party in Berlin, and Attorney ffoffof, their thirty^fifth wedding anniver- for two weeks. FAINTING. is presenting Miss McCann in her rive Friday ,tp spend s few-days at en the general stage. The new Mas maTinof Berne, Switserifind. • Ftsrsary, ther revelatioTis arc expected. PAPERHANGING ANB Mrs. Harry Cohn, of Jemekiah, L. first recital. ;Rein?iardt theatre is making all prepe Aginskce ho?a« before leaving for The public is invited £o attend this California. DECORATING arations for the staging -fthidi ftill be T h e Brotherhood of Temple Israel I., is the gaest her$ of Mr. and Mrs. FIUKT CLASS WOEK -recital. - - •" " fKrected by Constsmtine Stssislavsky JEWIS STUDENTS will "meet, Wednesday evening, May Dave Meyer. Mrs. L. Meyexsan. was-pleasantlyi ; J. EIKXJN of the Moscow A-rt theatre. JI special 21, -at eight, o'clock -at .the Temple. GRESS CLOSES WITH FBOEST The Dramatic club.of tKe Y. M. said Mrs. JET. M. Levin and little daughsurprised at her home -*>• 752 Mynster\ ICIKS Snrtb Z'tit. S-fil.) "WE bsier German translation of the drama has AGAINST NUMERUS CLAUSUS Y. W: Hi AJ, under the direction of Mr., and Mrs. Nate Mantel left ter, Harriitf" Phyllis^ are Teaving for Mrs. B. R. Boasberg, will" give a play» street on."Mother^^Day by ber ciul-; been made. ' . - ." . • '. • . Antwerp, (J. T. A.)—The -srorliii to join Tuesday for Lincoln,-Neor,, to.visit Chicago, JUn next Tuesday, 1 congress of Jcisish students jn which let a t the next regular meeting of *\e drcn ^nd-grandcbiUJreii. Sapper Dr. Levin," who is studying there. Mrs. served to fifty goests. . and are expected to return home the SPECIAL CONGSES^ IN KIEV delegates Irom fourteen j countries) Levin and daughter will be Jn-Chicago Y organizzation ori-Monday eve/ung, HOKH£XT*S latter part of the "week. WJLL JHSCUSS MINORITIES participated closed here today with the for a month $f.ter which they will re- May 19, "at \"the~ Jewish-eommunity - Miss Euth Bernstein, daughter of PROSLESi IN UKBAINf Mr. and • Mrs. Meyer • Spiesberger turn to Omaha to be here until Dr. Center. There -will be an address ©y Mr. and Mrs. Al Bernstein, enterKie-f. (J. T. A.)—The profetem xd a prominent speaker and Master Leon Levin completes his year study under tained thirteen of her friends at a and tree r w f In have as their house guests Mr. Spies-. the national minorities in the Ukraine Katz, age ten, will Tender several vioDr.»D. E. Lee. theater party at the Broadway Sunday %Ve epecisiisu; in permanect berger/s sisters, Mrs. Sam Babino* i lin selections!' afternoon, in honor of her thirteenth •will be discussed at the first congress "wits and Mrs. Sam Kramer, of New Open trom 0 A. IS. fo The Daughters of Israel Aid Sociof the minorities wh|ch will be held "Every young; man should £et his Miss "Martye Wemstein will be birthday. After ihs show, refresh» P . M. .York City, who are known to their ety are holding a meeting Tuesday insured. The young: man wh« m?4. ISIS Ilarne^ St. ments were served at Rehne's. Cov- here during the month of July. The life Omaha friends as the Spiesberger afternoon, May 20, at the Jewish' Old' chairman of the meeting; neplects to insure his life does hirncongress will consist of the representers were laid for the following: Helen jself and those dependent upon him ; twins- Mre. Rabinowitz was former- People's Home. atives of 6,000,000 people. In accord- :an injastice." Mr. Harry Phefferwill be the prin- Cherniack, Mildred Meyerson, ly MJBS "Mamie Spiesberger. and Mrs. ance with the Soviet election law, Kramer was formerly Miss Hortense On Saturday morning, May 10, Jo- cipal speaker- at the Jewish Culture Katelman, Ida Hoffman, Toby every 2,500 citisens are entitled to ene (HARRY H. SINGER League meeting Sunday afternoon, man, Helen Steinberg, Helen WhiteYoung lady wishes room Spiesberger. • seph Franklin, son o f Mr. and Mrs. 4 i delegate The Soviets will also send May 18, ~at foTir~o clockr A musical book, Marian Scharf, Ruth Saykgn, "The Prudential Man" • with refined Jewish private Herman .Franklin, was confirmed at a Ruth Bernstein, Leo Meyerson, Harold their special delegates to the conven- t S2l Citj- National Bar.k BIdg. .Mr. IsMor Ziegler will speak to the BarmitSYoh a t t n e Congregation of program will also he given." family. tion. Jackson 1275 Kroloff and Leo Nogg. Call Webster 1172 for further Sunday School children at Temple_Ts« Israel. Synagogue, Twenty-fifth and J Ecs. Tel. Harney 4554. particulars. The purpose of the congress is to JUNIOR DAUGHTERS O F ZION. rael Sunday morning a t 11 o'clock 'at streets, at' South Side. : elect a permanent executive comMrs. Frank Walton of Corning, la. The Junior Daughfers of-JJIon postth£ Temple." \ Mrs. Louis Somraer,T?as hostess at poned their picnic to" Sunday,-May IB. Mrs. Joe Lewis entertained four- ?, luncheon at her home on Wednesday All members will raeet at Twentyteen children at her home Wednesday afternoon. fourth and Cumingsf reets and hike to afternoon in honor-of he^ daughter's Florence. Mrs."J. S. Slate, of Des 'Moines, Ta.# fourth- birthday. -—• •is visiting here as the guest of her LINCOLN Mr. #nd Mrs. Meyer Coka are mov- parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Wolf. ing into their apartment at the Mt. Mrs. Louis Goldsmith returned last Mrs. Victor Eriend and her two lityernon Apartments. week after several months' visit witl* tle-, slaughters. left.JSbndaji May 13, . The daughters of Zion are giving 3 -her •daughter^"'Mris."ifi6odman\Pall» 'of fera Wnth's-vlsMTithlier.RiDthpr itf farewell -musical Wednesday after-* Los Angeles, Calif. Mrs. Pill was for- SjaOsbury,JWo. -'•-._'.. noon, May 21, at the Jewish Comraun merly of this cityj'' r Helen-Itdbinson" Is entertainity Center, in honor of Mrs. J. KatleMrs. Max Eosenabum entertained ing the Fydannthian club and several man, who with Mr. Katleman is soon at three tables of bridge Wednesday of her friends at"bridge_-Sunday aftleaving for a trip to Palestine, and in afternoon at the Brandeis Tea Eooms ernoon, May 18, at the Lincoln %oteL honor of Mrs. B. Wolf, who is also complimentary to' Miss Ruth Rosen, leaving for Palestine with Mr. Wolf who ^recently announced her engageto -make - their home. drtrv& to Beament to, Mr. J . Falk, of this city. and"Mr.;-JB, IVto -visit Among those to participate in the Prizea^wexe won a t ridge by.Mrs. Sam musics) will be Philip Zier, violinist; Cohn and Mrs. William Wintroub. friends and relatives.Libby Zier, pianist; Rebbeca Kirsch Miss Ruth Abramg, of Chicago,. 111., Miss Jforma Frosh, -who.Is teaching enb&wn, who will render fi. poem; Ce» is the guest of her sister, Mrs'. Arthur lia Nitz* dancer, and song, numbers tQ.'spendT$oth'erts Day Jlewman, and T4r. 'Newman. are also being planned for $s well aa a prominent speaker. Everyone is in. Miss Esther Zalk entertains the Ra t Menorah club-held its meeting vited to attend. Oth Society this Sunday afternoon at Sunday evening,* May "11.' An interesting address was given., by Rabbi '• . . Mr, and Mrs. H. FeUheime'r enter- her home. gtarrels. Plans for the. picnic; which *tain$<* at a dinner last Saturday even* Mrs. I, Rosenthal -was hostess at a is to be given next Sunday,; were dising;-at the Brandeis Tea Rooms. luncheon at hep home Thursday after- cussed. ^ " '"•"- ' ~•* The Board meeting of the Council noon. - 3Inj. J. Steinberg entertajped.at'two of Jewish Women will be held Monday For Mr. and Mrs. Ben Wolf, vth tablesof bridge • Monday, .Stay JS. . . afternoon, M_ay,19, at the Jewish Com* are leaving.soon for-Taiestine.».where munity Center.^ they will make tfceir future home, $he e^The Fydannthian cfiifi lafeld a busyness meeting and bridge^ at the Tiome Rabbi Frederick Cohn's Saturday members of th'e B'nai Jacob Syna- of" Jliss Elsie Pos'fea.: -Miss •' Korma gogue,. Twenty-fourth, and Nicholas morning, May 17, sermon topic at the Eroeh was the guest. The first prize Temple will be "Institutions of Juda- streets; will entertain at a public fare- was won by Miss Esther Freshman, well gathering on Sunday, evening, ism." iiflfi the booby prize was given to Miss May 18, a t 7:30 at the Synagogue, Mary Yabroff. A eommit^e composed Rabbi J, J& Cbarlop and others wfl Mrs. Sidney Manley was hostess at of Maxine Frosh, Bernlcc Diamond a one -o'clock luncheon Saturday at speak At this reception. and Esther'T'rfi'shmKn was appointed the Brandeia Tea Rooms in honor of -jp.tajce. charge of the dance which is ALEPH TZADI! ALEPH • her mother, Mrs. Frank, of New York FEATEBXAL NEWS to be given in the near future. City.Mr. Ben Bernstein was elected capZeta Beta Tau won !one of the Mrs. H. E. BelmDnt and children, tain of the BasebalL T$am of the orplacets -which ^were awarded to Joseph Sheldon and Cora Ruth, of ganization at its last meeting. Th Fraternities iiavjpg the highest Lyons, Nebr., formerly of Omaha* are team"hns beenpractrcJng several Sun visiting with Mrs. Belmont'g brother days and has alreacty defeated th scholastic. and family, Mr. and Mrs. J. Hessen. Yeta-Mo team twice. Any; team want: «^-not merely look at it: Miss "Frances Greenspun .entertained ing games call B. Theodore-or B ""Mr. and Mrs. fiarry Soader motored to Omaha"Sunaay aililt spent «re iat a luncheon Monday afternoon at Bernstein at Harney 2885. day there.," They -were accompanied —*K>t merely admire it.: , the Brandeis Tea Rooms to honor Mrs. 1 The Iancoln!djapter of the A. Z. A, home by Mrs.. Snader's" sister, Mrs. I. Belmont, and Miss Cecil Greenspun merely Ese|>€ct Great TMBL^ of it-^. will be hostess at a theatre party Fri- is planning to send their team here S.'dayman, and small son, Martin for_ a game with this local team." In day for the visitor. Mrs. Belmont and children "expect "tor vIsStrtiere"for two return the Omaha AI"Z.~ A. team -will journey to Lincoln later for a'returri Hats weeks. game. , ~ .. . . RBUISMEES ; Bonny Theodore, athletic' manager Mrs. Julius Kippur, of Chicago, 111., is visiting here as the guest of her of the Omaha Chapter, has.aanonneed the pairings for ^the^ tennis tourna1421 DOCGliiS daughter," Hrs.. Izidor Ziegler. iS ment. The first round of tennis will JOE Miss Ruth Greenberg entertained at bo-played u-ithin-ibenext two .weeks, a few tables of bridge at her, home Sunday jafternoon. CITY SUNHtfr SCHOGET NEWS. CQ. ' ".Miss Sad^3 Ltvey is visiting jn Ite- The confirmation -class of the Sunday School held a hike Sunday, Jfay ,troit, Mich. She will be gone for a 11. Foorteen members of the class Upltolstetiafrani Fi month. „ " , ' . fug / Msttre hiked to BeBevue. '.-.,. Box Springs, Mrs. Herbert Heavenrich and Mrs. asis . i st. Mina' Jacob' ^wiU entertain Tuesday The Third B Class of the Sunday School elected the following officers afternontt" a t home." at its last regular meeting; President, ; Miss Mary Pritkin, of Denver, Rose Kirschenbaum; vice president is" the house guest of Miss" "EsteTle Herman Blumenthal; sergeant-al Lepidus'. ""'•'" - ~-"\ - •' " ~ ^ ~ ,_ arms, Sol Manlm; tre^uror, Sam Tur Good Wor|f Gaars Befereaces yjmfTsS»4 if, Distributor kel; reporter, Evelyn Green; and sec .. Mrs. - Frederick. Tlosjea^oek.. has^as retary, Leak. Sfeg#V-Th'e other "memFamam at 28th Street .„ QmaJm, Neb. CA|4* t, jraest fcer mother; Mrs. HL-Mi*ek, bers of the class arc Ethel Adler, Re 1919 Bart S t Atlantic 5440 i l k ^ becta'TtIbaSd a in m Lin-
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-.PAGE 4^-THET JEWISH PEESsrTHURSDAY, MAY 15, 1924 . I-SEMITIC < OE&J* N12AFURTHER ANTI-SEMITIC DIScreated "and acquired By thethe world's foundation, and'the sim- their proportional share. The Jew TION FOIIMED IN SWEDEN Jewish genius, values which have hcen ple "there-is;'^ take the great idea was everywhere in the dvaace-guard TURBANCES IN CZERNOWrrZ and, still are the compelling forces of hidden behind the conception of a of the idealists fighting for the en- Czernowitz. (J. T. A;) Anti-Jewish Eiga.' <J. T.! A.) An aitii-Seoiitie progress in all fields of human activ- "World-Bedemption? and the idea of lightenment and progress of the organization has boen formed in Swref; ' •*,' ' ' ". B y HAR1$Y K. FFBFFJJR^A. B. ' , ' . ' . "• Ityrthe development of the forms of a "Messiah," and that of"And-it- world. Yet, after all, what is thedisturbances occurred recently when Jewfiih sociaMife," religious' ideas and shall-come-to-pass in-the-latter days" honor or respect paid the Jew by thea clash took place between the Ger-draf according to reports received conniptions, varifius forms of govern- —which ideals the Christian-world has world's international conscience ? man and Jewish students. The Ger-here from Helsingfors. The leader of Jewish culture, in tho faroador'and that, we can define intellectual culture m e n t the intellectual creation of lan- so unsuccessfully copied. How much Were we to add up all that the Jews man students then wreaked their the new organisation, which is comwider nieaningvof tho torm r ehould as-the-reswJtarit'expression or acqui- ,guago and thought, art and litera- food fo thought and ' material for contributed to the world's treasury of j%ntly bo regarded as implying the sition of the intellect—knowledge or ture, science* artistic endeavors can be found in thecivilization" and culture—ours would wrath upon the Jewish population, de- posed mainly cf students, is the edsum total of everything the Jewish science; ethical culture, aa the appli- .^ TjWe greatestaud-philospphy.. wonderfully romantic as well as intel- far overbalance all the rest—and yet stroying the Jewish Students' Home itor, Lunden. cultural 'value/-or< syssranius created nnd achieved since tho cation of .the.Avilltin'' accordance with tem of values,.the Jewish genius con- lectual conception of the "choice" of why are we so humiliated, ridiculed and the Jewish Workmen's Kitchen. 'principles of morality and .ethics, and : blsth of the Jowi»h Nation up to the the people of Israel Is there a more and trodden upon? tributed to tfie world in the past is— ^i present period. Moreover, tho study aesthetic culture, as tho expression of Judaism itself, the great miracle of uplifting, greater ?moral The answer is quite simple: We of tho history and development of man'a eternal lovo and appreciation of the history of the world. • While nu- embodied in the figure ofconception a Me -es ? have contributed to every culture in •FREETHINKERS FIGHT HEADQUARTERS Jewish culture Is parallel to tho study things beautiful, whether artificial or merous nations, in the course of thou- How much intellectual food and .the -world, -but nothing to our own. CIRCUMCISION IN POLAND ofitho vory history of tho Jewish" Na- natural. Culture, therefore, may besands of years, arose to. life and ing of a day of repentance andmeanfor moral is why modern Jewish culture is tiop, In fact, no subject is more fas- conceived as tho sum of all human at- pqwer, ruled the world, reached their house-cleaning! How little of this This Warsaw. (J. T. A.) An anti-reliso poor. . We have thought, written, tainments on the fields of social, ma•; elnatinff or elucidates more clearly the of glory and .highest pinnacle great ideal is known to the world in produced in every language in thegion campaign among the Jewish 't romance of Jewish tradition, bringing terial and intellectual life achieved climax of world-power and at last fell' to dis- general I Or, take for example, the world but our own. Ricardo is con-masses in Poland has been started bj* onto more cjesely in contact with tho through tho application of human cre- appear, together with their. cultures Jewish conception of "life and good" sidered English because-he. produced the "Association of Freethinkers," an inspiring activity of tnodom Jewish ative powers. and attainments, from the face of the —-"and thou sb-it choose life and thehis WOTks in. English. Heine is Gereffort, than a thorough study of Jew* Of course, such definition of culture earth .forever—Judaism, Jewish Cul- good;" the ideas of the freedom of man, and so are La Salle, Carl Marx, organization composed by Jews and Engagement Kings is our iah culture in tho past as well ita in may not harmonize very well with the ture, Christians. The first step in this camSpecialty will, of personal responsibility in conthe creation of the Jewish genius Berne, etc., because they created in the' present. • > . • general public's adopted ideas of the in the past, is still alive, alive as thetrast with the fatalistic ideas; the the German language. Henry Berg- paign was a meeting protesting 1 It ia hardly possible, within tho lim- same term. Culture .has been, and Jfecnj.-siirring conscience of tho world- conceptions between men as well as son, the famous "French" pholosopher, against circumcision among the Jews. ns-of a brief article, to stop at and still is, regarded wby many people a," souliV Naj^ in'spite, of those thousands nations, of peace—the supreme virtue is very little known of as a Jew, etc. 1511 Dodge St. dlBcusa historically every phase of de- a aort of intejlecfual refinement, <Jr of J^ars Qt'-.itfKexiatenee, Judaism had of humanity, etc., etc. Thousands . of examples could be Est. 1894 Ja. 5619 velopment of tho JowiBh mind and itn taste in mannprs.fino arts." ano4itcra'~ not.'4t*et detained its real:possibilities All of these enumerated conceptions brought' to illustrate how Jews • encontribution to the world's culture turo, or—afF.olhcrs'/conceive* it-4i of growing-antf developing socially as have merely touched the world's sur- riched other cultures but their own. Office Phone JAofcson S12S und civilization. Nor ia this tho RAI- large accumulation of knowledge atltl weli',|is /artistitcally. Even at this face. They did not penetrate deeply While throughout the whole world the JOHN SON D'ETRE of this paper. Ita pur- learning. Ev,|<jetftly,"tftrstfdea orriui- very century, the supposedly latest yet into the soil. It is yet up to the"intelligentsia" belongs to its nation, pose, however, ia to briefly eketch tho ture in common parlance is the nar-period of human intellectual. develop- Jewish Clothier reborn genius to proclaim them ours has nothing to do with the Jewoutstanding pointn of Jewish culture rower meaning of tho town. For, cul- ment . and^ culture, Judaism, and itsanew to Full Dress Suits and Tuxedos -the;, universe as did his an-ish pepple. While, everywhere, the in tho paat in relation rwlth the fac- ture, after all, is a process of gradual ideals'"!* stands? for, is probably* as cestors, thousands ofyears ago. And, "intelligentsia" enriches the material Moved from 109 No. ICth St. to unfolding and steady enrichment of tors and conditions, effecting the de* AUDITING AND INCOME misQoncejved and as little known! it seems, "tnis is • exactly what the and intellectual wealth of its nation, iO3 Karbach BJock, Ifitb & Docs-las Sts. vetqpmont nnd normal growth of mod- tho human .spirit resulting i«=a great- ,m.u,ch OMAHA, KEBR. of-^ami «$prf.clutcd as in the-.ve.ry modern," reborn," nationally conscious ours completely turned away from us TAX REPORTS ern Jewish culture But,iff order to or, .broader human life.- 'Or—how tloes jfirtfrigin. In fact," Jewish 'Jew is going to do. serving its own selfish petty interests jiccompHsh thin it in. evidently neees- Emerson Bay ?—"Culture* implies all tlmes'ifs'f Culture contains treasures, • intellec2GS Karbach Slk, Atlantic 10S1 With the outflow of th ewaves of or those of other nations. Only a Hfjry to foriyi from tho beginning a which gives the mind possession of its tual as well as artistic, intuitively cresmall portion of our intelligent eleemancipation and nation-consciousown powers, an languages to the critclear conception' of tho term "culture" THE BKINN & JENSEN CO. ic, telescope to the astronomer." Since ated by tho"JcwiBh genius, which have ness that stirred the world to its ments- applies its creative powers in in tfoneral. . Wholesale paper not as yet penetrated the world's surits own rational circle. foundations, came also a re-awakenculture is quality and not quantity of <Jisrribotor8 for Thcj full definition of tho word "'culface or become potential factors of ing, a revival of the exiled dormant knowledge, it is something within an ture.1' cannot as yet bo cxpvcaasd in individual t>r n nation, never" acquired life and art. Take, forvinstance, lost Jew. Assimilation of the Jew. it was FIGHT BETWEEN FRENCH AND Northern Toilet Tissue one 'hrtef sentence. Ita conception in from without, but something pos- a few of the fundamental- elements realized, is merely a dream, an im» TURKS ON SYRIAN BORDER 1112 Harney Street •too bvoijul, elnce it embraces all activi* sessed. It is a quality of the mind or of Jewish .Culture—perspectives: the possibility, both moral and physical. AT-lantie 64CS tuw'orthe human race, representing —to quote Emerson again—"the. foun- early conception of the unity of theThe modern Jew realizes tha tassitn- Jerusalem; (J. T. A.) Continuous tho final results of human efforts and dation of culture,-as of character, is universe, purposivencss of history and ilation is a mere Utopia and he re-fighting is taking place on the border TO AND FROM ntUUtiments, Etymologlcnlly, -the at last tho moral sentiment." tha universality of duty—ideas'which fuses to blindly accept culture, taste of Syria between French and Turkish ALL PARTS'OP word "culturo"—derived from the Lateven now seem to be miscomprehended and manners foreign to him. irregulars. The situation is particuPASTON-MITCHELL CO. in—means "cultivation," the improvWith tho term "culture" being thus by the world; contrast, f o r example, For years and years the great Jews THE. WORLD inj?' or dovelopintf of something. understood and conceived, the idea the Hebraic belief in a god-spirit, liv«. contributed to the world the best that larly serious in the district of Aleppo. itth end KLartha Sts. KA. 16G2 Horiee, culture, in its briefest defini- represented by the \v.ords "Jewish Cul- jng in ,the universe and directing its" was in them—on all fields of science, Aincoisam aa<S Soft Qr&T firon C&8tin£&« tion,' may bo stated as tho resultant turo" will bo tnoro easily comprehend- history-fate, with the blindness of arts, literature and philosophy. The JEWISH COMMUNISTS DEYon «re assnird c t soft castings, a s expression of human faculties in their ed now. In consequence wi'h the def-mythos as accepted by. other ristions; Jews, marhtci* Rome from e-rery b«at ID 13C7 Howard SU Omaha. Neb spite of oppression and perseMAND CLOSING OF HABINA we application to somo object. It is, inition given above, "Jewish Culture" the difference between tho Hebraic cution in >cr own «h«t>. throughout, always contributed ATlantie B34CI Standard E5Z«> cast iron eufi bronz* Minsk. (J. T. A.) The Habina, the therefore, from such point of view will therefore express tho sum of all conception of the "There-shall-be," in to the world's advancement more than >nshinc« I" stork. * Hebrew thertre in Moscow, should be ciosed by .the Soviet Government because it is a "nest of counter-revolutionary activity,? is the substance of &isj" •\vaj" y o u tbem in ssr a resolution adopted by a conference F. 8. KOEEY. Prop. 'S GRAHAM CRACKERS of Communistic Jewish cultural workPhone Webster 0820 are fr-o-«-d catinir for e^vryho&y. ers convening here. your groefi for ITEX fEACKEES THE LAUNDRY THAT EVERYBODY LIKES. be satLsfipd all wart; MIS HUSSEIN INVITES JEWS 'EVERYBODY'S STORE TO ARAB COUNTRIES, BUT EVADES HOME QUESTION Barry B . C&rpenter r Co. Jos. P e p p e . V Jerusalem. (P. T. A.) "Let the W. G. CJ», Swanetarr. Jews come to Palestine. All the Arab Western Bond—and Eigfi Omaha Fistisre & countries are open for them," was the Grade Stationery statement made by Caliph Hussein to Supply Co. Dr. Wolfgang Weisl, the Orient repCDMPLETS BTOBE AND resentative of theVossische Zeitun«r. OFFICE OUTFITTEES in an interview granted him by Caliph We «cemy Hussein. c m TCOOO eacase BosUtwest The Caliph, however, evaded a diQrmstii «mS ttocslat Streets. rect reply when asked about his attitude toward a Jewish National Home OSARA, in Palestine. Instead he threw off his mantle, uncovered his breast and stated: "I receive the Jews with my heai-t."
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PARIS DENIES ALARMING REPORTS CONCERNING SYRIA Paris. (J. T. A.) The alarming reports about the situation on the northern frontier of Syria have been denied by the press here. It is stated that the Turkish rr.ovemer.ts in the direction of Syrls r.re being watched carefully by the French, and that the fi£htin£ reported amounted to mere skirmishes, warranting HO anxiety. A dispatch ". from- Genera! Weyg&nd, French High Commissioner of Syria, states that'there has been no change in the situation. . . Berlin reports say that General V.sn Lossovr, attache of the German Imperial Embassy _at Constantinople during the war, and at the preseiu tiire miHt&rv adviser to the Turkic Government, now in Italr, has accepted the post of Inspector Geners?! of the Turkish Array. " Or. the o*hcr hsrA, the correspondent of the "Berliner Tajrebiatt" in Con"tantinorTc. has srot a telegraphic denial ;hat f>reraI_Ven Losse-w hss beea offcrefi thii post.
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