Our Kew- Addrl |!w *-'-• • - « .. * - 1 681 ; Building.
VOL. in—No. 24
("Number* is AT-lantfa \>
^ as second-class rasll matter on January 27th. VSSL at DOstoSas fit Omaha. Nebraska, under tin Act at March S. 1839.
Bieing Next Few Pay i Harry H. Lapidus, Chairman to Make Report at B'nai B'rith Convention. . '. ' W O R K E R S ARE OUT TO FINISH CAMPAIGN
SOVIET GOVERNMENT DEMANDS RUSSIAN CHURCH PROPERTY IN PALESTINE . London, (J. T. A.)—The demand of the Soviet Government for the property of the Russian Church in Jerusalem has been submitted to "the AngloRnssian Conference, still- in session here, by the Soviet delegation, according to the report o£ the ."Morning Post." . - • - - . . : The interest of the Soviet Government in the Russian-religious institutions in Jerusalem;is causing much concern in the circles of-the Russian clergy .abroad. Metropolitan Antonius/ president of the Russian - Foreign Church Council, has left Belgrade for Jerusalem for the .purpose of meeting the Greek Catholic Patriarch to discuss with him the -ways and means of preventing the Greek Catholic Church property" from'falling into-the-hands of the Bolsheviks, who would convert these buildings into centers of Communist propaganda in Palestine.
New Sujperintendent of Welfare Federation
y flits ftf Presiliit Both Houses of Congress Have Passed on Bill for the Second Time. CONGRESSMAN S A B B A T H FIGHTS BILL.
1 *"v'. 1 • J i • 1•-••A-• «• T • -. • -*aJ33rL • -*J.
Club- House -to Be Equipped With; 'the' Jfpst "Modem " -•'-• Canvealeiiees. ' OPENING LCELESBATZON 'TO BEHELD JULY.4 ' -
BY JEWISH DEPUTY BLUM Paris, (J. T. A.)—That the new government of Aristede Briand, following the defeat of Poincare, is only & provisional one, and that a new Socialist government will be formed shortly, undST the leadership of the Jewish Deputy Blum, is the rumor which was circulated todey in parliamentary circles. The elections brought fourteen Jews into the new Parliament, They Ere: For the Bloc Natianale, Bflder and Bukanowsky; for the Affiance Kepublicaine, Scheer and SUber-mann; for the Socialists, Weil, .Blum, and Uhry; for the Radical SocislistSj Mayer and Milhaud; for -the Qenienceau group, Fribourg, Ignaee and Abrami; for the Republicans, Fcrald. The Jewish candidates, Mandel, who was secretary to Clemenceau -while he was Prime Minister, Maurice, Rothschild and Daudet. were defeated.
All Imnugratitat Work is Bdung Done Tttrougli the'-HIAS* FEDERATION "'AN ANNUAL CONTRIBUTOR TO HIAS. .
Every day the Jewish Welfare'FedFinal plans are being. made . to Work on the erection, of the club eration is'.helping sonic one get in Washington, May 21. (J. T. A.) For • •» '."(JJ^ii* 1 * ' *"" "wind up" the National Jewish house for the Highland Country Club touch -with'their relatives across the the second time, both houses of Conr Hospital Infirmary Building cam? club house-has .already begun. The sea. The Federation through the HegTess have passed the immigration bill paign in - Omaha. The "workers ,.will club house is being built by S. S. Jabrew Immigrant Aid Societj? readies . making" Japanese exclusion .effective canvass the city to pat the campaign' cobs Co.', who'will complete the buildthe relatives in Europe. Through the July J, in spite of the Presidents urover before the delegates leave for ing before July.: 4/ The clcb • house Hias "the Federation untangles the gent request that it be postponed until the B'nai B'rith convention. Final will contain a'large ladies' xest room, large volume of red tape in bringing March, 1925. The amended, report reports of the campaign for District lounging, rooms j . showers for men and these relatives to this country so that making' Japanese exclusion effective No. 6 will be made at the convenwomen, dining room and a large dar.ee they~can be close to their loved ones. this year was quickly adopted by the tion by Harry H. Lapidus "who .is floor. '• Practically-*tKe~ entire" club joint'conference this afternoon, and is The local Federation makes out si! chairman of the campaign for this house will be-surrounded by a large now in the hands of the President.- It the affidavits vMdi are requited bedistrict. veranda. .• • was passed by a vote in the House of fore s request can be made for the According to reports of the comPlans are bemglmade to", have the 308 to 58 and in the Senate by a vote bringing of immigrants. These affimunities throughout this district the first reunion and celebration of the of 69 to 9. Whether the President davits are sent to the Hiafi in Jfew campaign will go over the top. The opening of the club on July 4. will veto the bill is still uncertain. At York and to the immigrants in EuWILLIAM B.BLUMENTHAL. infirmary building of the hospital will The golf grounds have practically a late hour, the White House spokesrope. William R. Slumenthal, newly ap- been completed-and, according to the cost $350,000. The quota for District men were non-committal, intimating To the parts of Europe where the pointed superiiijybdent of the local committee "in" charge, they will soon be Classes to Be Held Every Saturday quotas are filled for imia%rs3aits to No. 6 is §150,000. The infirmary More Than 1,000 . Delegates and that no advance statement would be Evening. Jewish Welfare federation, will be in -used to play on. There will be two building -will take care of the large Visitors Expected to be in made by the President. this country, the Federation is asko«f Omaha early next week to assume his tennis courts- on the grounds. number of people who have been on Attendance. daily to send money for many OmaThere are strong reasons in favor new duties as superintendent of the The Young Israel Congregation, hans to their relatives. the waiting list to be admitted in According' to members of the club, and against the veto of '-the \ bill: Federation. .3If'*; Bhmienthal was suthe hospital so that they might have The eyes of all Sioux City Jewry Signing it will place America-in a the large dance floor of the new High- which was recently organized by a During last winter, the Federation a chance' to fight that dreadful is centered upon the B'nai B'rith delicate position with Japan;' while perintendent of the Federation in Los land Country club will be one of the group of young boys, will conduct ha&: several cases where -widows and disease, the white plague. Convention which "will be held in on the other hand a veto will probably Angeles, Calif., and comes to Omaha finest in the country. There will be services this Friday evening- and orphans v?ere detained at Ellis Island During- the coming week, vindup Sioux City, Iowa, from Wednesday, lose to President Coolidge the support as the successor to 'Samuel H; Schae- dancing twice a week for the mem- Saturday morning at the City Tal- and, -with a possibility of being demud Torah. campaigns will be conducted through- May 28, to Sunday, June 1. There of the Pacific Coast states in the fer, who is now with the National bers. • • Friday evening, following the reg- ported, tat through the Hias, the Fedout ihe entire district Harry H. are about seventy-five l o d g e s presidential election. This is the Jewish Hospital at Denver, Colo. The club grounds are very handily eration was succesHful in untangling Lapidus, Irvih Stalmaster, Nathan E. •in^ this district comprising j>f J^he Io p L n i o n prevailing • in political circles situated with a beautiful view over i "alar services Mr. H. Pfeffer, in- the red tape, and today the relativesGreen and Sam Wolf will go to following states: Iowa, South Da- here. the surrounding territory. The west structor of the City Talmud Torah., of these eases are united and are liv' ; Ifeh Cudtre Columbus," Nebr., Sunday in behalf Trota, Norths Dakota, Nebraska, Before the report was adopted by side of the grounds face 125th street •will address the group on "The ing here comfortably. . Future American Jewry." On Satur: of the National Hospital. "Nebraska Minnesota, Michigan, Wisconsin, 'Illi- the House, a motion made by ConThe rederation^oes'tJas work for is fliitiltt is July and Pacific Water will be supplied day morning, Mr. E. Bloch, principal. •will be one of the states to go over nois, and Canada. for the use of fhe club by ifae large, the niBjiibers of the eommanity. withgressman Sabath to recommit the bill the top," said Harry A. "Wolf, state The-first animal convention of the artesian well which is on "the club of the Talmud Torah, will review tie out charge. Special trains have been chartered, to the conference, because of its' ex. ' weekly portion of the Bible. chairman of the campaign. to carry the Omaha and Chicago cessive restrictions, was voted -down Order of AlepBjZadik Aleph for boys grounds. : : ' "-.--' The Federation during the year 192? The Council Bluffs committee has visitors. A large, number will come by a vote of 246 to 33." Congressman •will-be held in Omaha July 4, 5 and 6. Many of the • meiBfeess of '-the dsh Every Saturday evening, classes •nrade a small contribution f © the Hifc5. alreadj' reported that it has gone from Des, Moines, ..Fort Dodge, and Sabath fought to the last'ditch," but This^will be the first gathering of del- are planning-on-taking lessons from are held in Jewish History, Hebrew, for the -work that St. was doing' iv, over the top in their campaign. "We Sioux Falls. All committees are. at' as was anticipated, he lost." "If the' egatesof. the chapters of. the organ- the professional who yill take ch*rft and Jewish Laws.1 These studies are helping'the immigrants. who come to " report that Iowa has gone over work under the • direction of Dave President vetoes the bill, it' is-said ization!: The fiapters to; tie" repre- as -soon as the" emnse'will te'fe'plsy- ixsatk: ^interesting as each subject is this country at the request of their thoroughly discussed: before the coa-the top," said : Eobert. JLappen, state Davidson ..who is., general ..chairman "that those -who .agree; witlrtiHn an'Hie sented ..are. Kas^as^jCtSyt 33ss iBfcines, TetEtiv£g.Jr^.i^aliiat,...JQiis..'yssr thr Lincoln and OmaEa.: '•-:: • •-., I.' . chairman for Iowa, in a-imessa.ge sent of the convention. Fe3««tioTt has'not contribain^ to thrJapanese feature could, b y combining . The following officers -were elected Hiss "becsase of• the 'Jack -of raonev. The following committees have been to Harry H. Lapidus, general chairThere will be speakers of national with~the liberal Smmigratioaists, who at the last meeting of the congrega- In order to carry.out this work, thr man"."" " reputation,"EpeciaT"stu«ts'^f - interest are opposed to the entire bill, prevent appointed to take charge of the con- Contests us for Ntme sf tion Saturday evening, May 17: pres- Federation needs money. /"We can• "We hope that we shall-be able and every sort of entertainment will it from being passed'over the Presi- clave: ident, Phil Handler; vice-president, not-Jet "this' good work die»w said 3oc to report that Omaha has gone over be offered in order to make this the dent's veto. If this should-happen, unHousing Committee, Abe Babior, Louis Fellman; secretary, Maurice the top at the coming convention," greatest convention ever held in this less a special emergency bill* were* chairman, and Dr.ve Bebery Sid SchifThe contest for the selection of a Alperin; treasurer, Edward . Alberts; L. Wolf, chairman of the finance comsaid Harry Malashodk, city chairman. district: While the men will be in adopted before Jane 30th, thepresent fer, Harry Sidman and Myer Free- name for the Noonday Luncheon club mittee. ;*Tay jT>tir pledges immediand reporter, Morris Fellman. The ately so that the Federation may pay "Omaha has not yet reached its session the lady visitors will be enter- quota law would cease and the-doors man. has been _ postponed" because of the quota," said Harry H. Lapidus. "We tained by a special committee headed of- America would be opened to im- •'. Entertainment Committee, Jerry large number of names that have been following advisory board was formed: its pledges to the tnany and must raise the remainder- necessary- under direction of Sirs. Ben Davidson migration with 'no restriction; Save Diamond, chairman, and Bernard The- submitted by the large number of peo- Dr. Philip Sher, honorary president affiliated organizations'." of the Talmud Torah, and Rabbi J. immediately, Omaha has had more and Mrs. Ed. Baron. that of moral, literacy and -physical odore, Dave Beber, Myer Freeman and ple who have entered in this contest. 1L Charlop, E. Block, Dr. A. Romm, v the National -Jewish Ben Bernstein. ' " A special Omaha -committee has requirements. . patients in •••- r " Both men and women are eligible to Hospital at Denver, Colo., than any taken charge of arrangements for the Publicity Committee, Myer Free- enter this contest to submit a name and Dr. Victor E. Levine* A membership committee composed ether city in this district with the Omaha visitors. This committee is man, chairman, and Leonard Herman for the club. Send in your names to of. Mr. Sam Conn, chairman, and exception of Chicago. Today Omaha composed of the following men: l l a x CHOSEN MEMBER and Sam Fairer. . OF DEBATING TEAM Order of Business Committee, Har- Martin L. Sugarman, 812 First Na- Messrs. Sidney Katleman, David Fell- The City Talmud Torah' Campaigr. has eleven patients in the Hospital Fromkin, chairman; Sam N. Wolf, tional Bank building. man, Harry Wise, Israel Weiss, Sam for new pupils begins today. The Laand several are in Denver on the Sam Beber, Jack Alberts, and I. F. ry Weiss, chairman, and Harry Fried, More than fifty men have been at- Epstein, Jake'Hirsh, Sam Faier, Dsve dies of the Deborah Society,of thf waiting list, waiting for the erection Goodman. ^ Max Givot, Louis Fellman, Abe tending these noonday luncheons daily Alloy, and Philip Wolf, "will canvass Talmud Torah have pledged themof the infirmary building so that they "There will be a lafgecmumber of Swartz and Ben Koslowsky. during the past.week. Every man is the city for new members. For selves to help in this drive by visitins; m3y be admitted in the hospital." visitors from Omaha who will drive The program, which is being pre- elipble for membersMp. There are The hospital takes care of alL to the convention," said Sam Wolf, pared Tjy the entertainment commit- no dues, no officers and no rules. A application ..for membership to this the Jewish homes who have children congregation call any member of this to be sent to the Talmud Torah. "Those who can pay cannot enter; member of the committee. Special tee, will be announced later. .'•'.. chairman is elected for every month. committee or any officer of the r Sunday, afternoon, May; 25, at S :Sfl, those who enter cannot pay," these railroad accomodations are also being A special prize will be offeree to organisation. at. the Talmud Torah Auditorium, are the mottos of the National Jew- made for the Omahan's. SEVERE ECONOMIC CRISIS the man or woman who submits the a parents-teachers meeting1 will he, ish Hospital. IN POLAND CAUSES MANY winning name for this club. Mail in 0MAHAN WINS held in order to-interest the parent* The workers will call on all dnring YIDDISH PLAYERS JEWISH 'SUICIDES your answers immediately. . the work at the Talmud Torsb.. In the next few days to help finish Warsaw, (J. T. A.)—The severe SCHOOL HONORS in HERE SUNDAY EVENING connection "with lhi« meeting a Lag Omaha's- campaign. " The delegates economic crisis which is spreading all Nathan E. Jacobs of Omaha, at- B'Omar program v,1!l be given fcy the The United Vilna and Odessa Yidwill leave Wednesday morning for over the country is causing a great NEW POWER. WILL EMERGE tending Missouri university, is to "be the convention • where they will- make dish P,layers will be in Omaha this NEAR EAST-.WHEN JEWS initiated into .the. Theta Alpha Phi, childwni«f "fee School. Parents wlux* depression among the population, and .."'•IN : : the report on the Omaha campaign. week to play at the 'Brandeis Theatre -••• - AND.'-AEABS -UNITED a national - honorary dramatic art cMldi^a;jdo not yei attend? bsit whf* "has already resulted in many suicides ! Sunday evening, /May 25.* They will are sooiiito, send them to the Talmnc : Jerusalem,' :<J.>;*T.yA.)—-"A great fraternity, of Jewish merchants and manufactur- . , are-iavited to attend ink parpower will be created'-in. the Near Jacob'* name is also to be engraved Brotherhood of Temple Israel play. "The Devil's Kiss."ers. . •. • " ' ' • .. .-•.••• The company which is,under the meeting and program. Holds Election. In Lodz, the center of the Polish. East when-the. Arabs.and.the Jews on a silver loving cup of Z-eta Beta management of Mr. H. Weisman, in Tau, as having the best foravyear Mr. Martin L. Sugarman "was retextile industry, a Jewish manufaccome "to 'ah"understanding •the"Tstatesnent ••' made marks of any student of lie frater- AMAB EXBCUTI>"E CO31MENTS •clected president of the Brotherhood have'just recently arrived from Vilna turer named Kronenberg threw him- I Palestine," ON' JEWISH IMMIGRATION the famous nity. Jacobs will graduate from Misof Temple Israel at its annual and are now making a Western Tour self under an electric car. A "merchant by Abdul • Aziz' Salebi, 1 of the United States. The leading . -,..-. TO PALESTTKE election meeting Wednesday evening, MARVIN TRELI.ETi named Spiegel man hung himself on Arab leader of Tunis, is an interview souri in two "weeks. given to the correspondent of the Mrs. E. Jacobs, mother, 'will leave Jerusalem. ,<J. T, A. Mail.) Tfcc May 21, at the Temple. Mr. Herbert performers are Mr..' Samuel Itzco- Mai"vin E. Treller, son of Mr. "and the door of his own store. Heavenrich was elected vice-presi- vitze and Miss Esther Schwartz. ' In Kalich, the principal drapery Palestine .Telegraphic Agency. Mrs. Ed Treller, who is a >student for Columbia, Mo., next Sunday to Secretary of the Arab Executive Committee recently bepan the pracdent; Dr. B. T. Friedman, secretary; PRESENTS ORIGINAL PLAY at the Kempcr Military Academy manufacturing city, the Jewish mer- "As .the situation-stands now," he attend the .graduation, , tice . of commenting upon rejwrt-F and Mr. William L. Holzman, Miss Anne Eosenblatt, freshman at :recently was elected to membersaip chant Pessach Hertz, the father -of sis said, "the plan'to : creat a pan-Arabic appearing, in the Zionist press ir> treasurer. children, hang: himself on a tree. Confederation.'.'.is..' merely a dream. Wheaton. College,. Massachusetts, jhas. on the debating team. Through an MOSE JEWISH MEMS' GO P^estine, for the- local Arab pressMr. Sugarman gave his • annual presented an original Bible play, elimination -contest held for v the The Warsaw textile merchant Half, King Hussein .was-elected Caliph only [ BANKRUPT ON ACCOUNT; One of its latest comme."Bt« de»U: report and then the plans for the "Jephtha's Daughter." It is in pan- debating team, young Treller -and who went into bankruptcy recently, by a small minority, .and the- reals • -OF POLISH CRISIS .with tae Jewish immigration *« next year were outlined. wH-1 be tomime, based on the story in Judges, Eliot Taxman, son of Mr. and Mrs. has been arrested on the charge that question of : the Caliphate wfll be j Warsaw, (J. T. A;)—More Jewish Palestine, and reads as follows: M. Taxman of Kansas City, Mo., were .he concealed some assets. Chapter 2. . decided not before ;-nert year, .whenj.£ rms j j a v e heen forced to the wall on "There are thwc opinions on imLD3EL ACTION STARTED Sixteen Wheaton student took two of the members chosen "tor the the general;.Moslem .Conference will}account of the severe economic crisis AMERICAN FOUNDATION migration. , The first is the nation'f. AGAINST PALESTINE PAPERS part in it. team. The finals in the debating be held in Cairo/' ~ .- }prevailin.g now in the capital of opinion, the second is' the governFUND HOLDS FIRST Jerusalem, (J. T. A.)—A libel ac-1 Miss Rosenblatt, the daughter of contest- will be held May 25. Abdul. Aziz Salebi: further • stated Poland. Most of" the •faHnres -were, ment's aad the third is the opiiuois MEETING IN PARIS that tion against the Hebrew daily paper Mr« and Mrs. M. M. Rosenblatt,, is he has afl sympathy for religious Mr. and Mrs. Ed Treller 'will -leave "Daor Hijom," and the "Palestine freshman editor of the Wheaton Friday evening for Boonville, Mo,; Paris, (J. T. A.)—The first meeting | Zionism, wMch.is-a--peacea.ble move- business. reported,' in the textile of ;ihe Siosist orgsnization. The ««Almost' three-quarters of turn's opinion is v;oll4aioi?.-n, but th? - Weekly" was started today by Dr. Record. to attend the graduation exercises. lot"- so goTerament's is that ixnnviffration Ruppin and the Palestine • Land more is center of the traSe ia Poland, have into Palestine is permitted only tc POLAND ON BEHALF OF over the vrork of the American Joint sive nature> i Pjalestine, Development Company. !,.;ia his opinion, payment .and closed their NATIONAL MINORITIES BEDOUINS ATTACK BRITISH Distribution Committee an conjunction should' be life Switzerland. Th? Counsel for the- plaintiffs is Mr. • - ' - doors, • It is. -chsri-cteristie .of the %ose , who seek work here. Riga, (J. T. A.}—A sharp note' of POLICE IN.PALSETINE •with the Jewish Colonization AssociaScnist -organization'B op;nion is, thai Sacber. situation that ths'.sukpensios ••«£ protest against the treatment of na- Jerusalem, (J. T. A.)—Three"BritisS tion, was held here today. 'immigrants nrart etream into PaksCHRISTIAN ARABS FORM . tional-minorities in Poland was sent constables disappeared and two Arabs, Dr. Jn'ius Goldman and Dr. Joseph TWO JEWISH --DEPCTIES MEN- j, ments came, not-MS & kssuii of tl«e whether .there is need for thers A NEW ASSOCIATION today by the Soviet Commissar for who had accompanied "them," were Bosen of New York represented the TIONED FOR:FKENCH CABINET j ty losses, but because of a shortage or not, since they v.ish the Jewg in J Jerusalem, (J. T. A.)—A new Chris- Foreign Affairs'to the Polish Govern- found wounded as a result of the at- American Joint Distribution Com- Paris, {J. T. A.)—Leon Blum, the !in cash. Palestine to be- a majority^ and' tian Arab association has been formed ment. The note, which points particu- tack made by twenty-tpa?o. -Arab mittee. Dr. Hosenbaum of Lithuania, wellknown French Je-wish Socialist a minority. Jf the Jews >i!l-g by a number of Christian notables of larly to the' "persecution of the Bedouins on the British police in'the former Irlinister for Jewish Affairs, leader, who'was returned to Parlia- TEHERAN JEWS ATTACKED in Palestine in large number* Ow!>Bethlehem, according to a report ap- orthodox Russian religion in Poland" vicinity of Jerusalem on May 2nd:' -was among- the ether delegates ment at last Sunday's election, and BY MOHAMMEDAN MOBS •will force the Arabs to Hes-^e [ the pearing in the "Sowt-Asshab." The says that the Soviet Government must An auxiliary of British and Pales- present. Leon Meyer, the radical Socialist and j Teheran, (J. T. A.)—The Jewish eOBKitrj" or be their servants.' new organization, which is called draw the attention of the Polish Gov- tionian Gendarmerie have" beEs -des- The meeting" decided on & new Mayor of Havre, may occupy im- j neighborhood of Teheran wss attacked Zionist brpanization say& that "The Arab Club," (II Nadi II Arabi), ernment to the violation .of the patched to the place ,<>f attack- to executive committee to consist of three, portant i>osts in the new French j today by a Mohammedan -mob with sands of workers mo,«t come, will interest itself in national and Peace Treaty, ami must insist that search-for the Bedouins. ; I t is--be^ members. Col. Herbert Lekrssn o£ j Cabinet which is being formed. Thc-h' "ih*1 inuiTsticis «C massacring and vilhoat Avork, for tw* social questions. 'The sum of seventy the minorities in Poland should ssjby, lieveil that fhe three missing con- .Ke-w York ami hi. PhiiLpson oflisames are frequently mentioned in 'plundering the popalatifla. to The Srst is to obHp<? the pounds-was-collected'at tlie organiza- at leasts a minimaro of - civil stables, are <lea<l. Besides the casual- Brussels weie elected to it; the third j several eossbinations now being dis- police intervened energetically, but in tailos Jewish workmen, i tmA tion meeting' for the" purposes of it 5 and opportunities for cultural develop- ties, police property of the vaiae. of member will be chosen ixoin the j cussed by the French parliamentary srpite of them, "six persons were second "is to oblige the'Jews'to "fiwl \vork. . • . meat. +300 pounds was_robbed. for t&ese 'worfeers. . - . Eastern European countries. 1 party leaders; " seriously
Sioux City Jewry Prepared For B'nai B^rift Convention
•> -a--:
.- ..
. . .Published evejry Xbursdiij at Omaha. JiebfciBka, bf '
£V THfi JEWISH PSE8S J>UBUSai3S<3 COMPANY. ' M-' Office: 681 Brandeis Theatre Building—Telephone: AT lantie 1450 J ! NATHAN £ . -GREEN, Manager. $2.50. ' Subscription Price, one year. Advertising rates furnished on application. CUANUE) OF ADDBESS—JPleoae'give both" the old nnd new address; • .be sure and give your name.
The Jewish Press Is supplied Dy the Jewish Telegraphic Agency < Jewish ' Correspondence Bureau* with tabled and telegraphic Jewish news, in addition to feature articles -and «orwspcn«3enccs fsoaa all Important Jewish -centres. Inquiries regarding news items jsreditefl to this Agency will be gladly answered if addressed to ifew&sh Telegraphic Agency, 114 Fifth Avenue, "New Yorfcdty.
AN OLp S1PORY There is an old story that a sailor meeting a Jew, knocked him &mn. When, the Jew asked for the cause of the outrage, the sailor answered: "You crucified our savior.*' The answer -;came bade, ''But that was nearly two thousand years ago." 'To Hwhieh the tar replied: "J don't «are when it happened. 1 never .heard of it until this inorning/' This is called to mind, though it may not be entirely apropos, by the excitement in the newspapers over a recent sermon preached by Babbi Nathan Krass in Temple Emami-El, in New York, in which he denied that the Jews were responsible for the Crucifixion. This claim is not <juite new, however. It h&A been made continuously during, the last one or two centuries. Fifty odd years ago the late Eabbi Isaac M. Wise delivered a series of lefcjtures along this line in several cities of the country; in fact he published & book, ~"Th.e Martyrdom of Jesuis,w Sri which this conviction is set forth in detail, together with the existing, and to any reasoning man, conclusive proof that the story of the crucifixion of 3esus>as preached in Christian pulpits and taught in Christian Sunday schools is purely fiction. . So "What is all tjiis shooting about?"—American Israelite. MIXING pELjtGION AND POLITICS ;b cirdulatioji in 'Washington und elsewhere of a/pamphlet entitled *'The Protestant "J-VJio's Who in Congress" is a clear indication that the religious issue is being into t& at gu g .dragged gg j national til lU l t .to t C comwjg .elecUoxi, -so ffar as iit relates Congress, and to some extent, to other offices. The pamphlet gives every evidence of being a Ku Klux document, both in its bigoted outlook and its genera! attitude to <aJl but Protestants in office. The Klan being vrhsi, it is, it was inevitable that it would take a hand in the Presidential and Congressional elections, as well as in State contests." The sweeping viefcory of Jackson as a candidate backed by the Klan for the Republican nomination for Governor of Indiana is evidence "of its pojwer in that great State, in some of the Southern States the Elan has been active in the Democratic. Presidential- primaries, directing its animosity particularly against Senator Underwiood, of Alabama, who bravely denounced this organisation and defied St. His friends assert that they are goin,g to fi&ht vigoixmsly for & straight-out denunciation of the ' Klan in the Democratic platform. In the North it has, in several States opposed Governor Smith, of New.Ypxk,. asja candidate for the Democratic nomination-for JPjejSide.nf. ,\The.Governor, who -carried Ms.-State Asrice, the last time <HT1922)"hy .nearly half a-million'majority';'Us a Roman Catholic, and of course the Klansmen simply foam at the .mopLtk when his name h mentioned. As no Jew has been mentioned as a candidate for President, except in an occasional comreference to ^jistioe Brandeis,, .tbe Jews do not figure pplime&tary y ^ g i this thi discussion, d i i i an. incidental i i d t l way., As A to Jews J h in except in who are members of Congress, the ^Protestant Who's Who" does not favor 1ii£m;'but"• they -are" fortunate"in .commg^from; enlightened and liberal comm.unitie,s that do not let religious bigotry «nter into political affairs,. '.As long ps the. Klansmen are making this nefarious ..business a Jftrptesiant J p t e s i a n t matter; m a t t e ; life-is ifeis ,lame.for ,lamefor ail-the ailthe P t t t 'denpnvnations. ' d i greatt Pi^otestant .to show :where they: stand, in relation to this -organisation-which; assumes to ^peak-in their name.—"Exponent.*'
Launches famous Baritone Here in Joint Peter Iktween Concert Wednesday Evening km mi Gentile New York, May 13. (J. T. A.) The
Nine Hundred and Sixty-Five Fifth Avenue. May 14, 1924. My dear Mr. Rosenblum:— - Mr. Warberg kindly showed me your article on Mr. Schiff in the "Omaha Jewish Press". I read it with great interest, and I am •writing these few lines to tell you how much! I appreciate your .conception of Mr. Schiff's life and •character. •• May.-1 ask .you 'for permission ;to reprint -the -article -in; .$>amphle£ form, because I know the members *>f my family would also like to read it and have it; in their possession. ,'«- Again thanking you for the fine y ^ ^ p Sincerely ( Signed) * ** -THERESA- -SCHIFF. The essay on the Life of Jacob Schiff was read by Arthur Rosenblum at the March opeii meeting of" the B'nai B'rith.
Is In The City
under the auspices M the Jewish Triimne, was iheld yesterday at the "Tows Hall. The large audience which attended was addressed &y Dr. Natfcaii Krass, Dr. Charles Fleischer, Jtmah J. Goldstein, Dr. Joel ©tarn, David N. POLISH JEWISH INDUSTRY MosfesEohn snd Ntmnan Ha^goed. , TSJUSSFESKEO TO PAUGSVIME Herman Bernstein, editor xjf the JewWarsaw, (J. T. A.)—The trimming ish Yribtme, •presided. The subject of iadastry of SsSack, which is mainly in discussion -was how to bring a%mit s Jewish bands, will be transferred to better unflerstandiHg: at»©ng Ajnfin" Palestine shortly, accorling to a statecans, regardless -of creed, and how to ment made by a delegate from tialich combat Teligrotts prejudice. to the regional 2ionist conference, "Anti-Semitism has been imported which is now taking place in Lodz. into •this country from Sessis &nd The first factory of the Kalfeh Germany,** -saH Mr. Bernstein a t fb* manufacturers has already been estabopening. **SEiiiy F*m! feas put it >on lished in Palestine, and the necessary the American Tmsifeet asd stffll is tfee atid tools Slave been sent. mam distributor In this «0tmfcry. But Ford is TOerely a symptora of the ease of unrest and Jiate that iias biroagflt to Aisi^rlca. He lias the !anti-SeJEit:ic *a|>ostte' «f the demoralized and the -demoralizing TOQ&arehistic elements in Eai?BpEan countries, particularly In Bfiraxia, many, Hungary -end Dr. Krass, appealing for said: "It is very practical and pie to teach in sll the leKgi&us schools connected with the eliurches, gogues and other relogfeus tions .©f ©ur land, the gospel that fell men are children of God, regardless of race or creed." Madame Ada .Slobodskaya, tlie Russian singer, charmed the large audience -with her rendition of a group of money for the -two violin prodigies. Jewish folk songs. Master Sammy Car.-isll, who is now in New Yoik studying but who has YIDDISH OPEEA IN no further funds to continue, and Miss WARSAW SUCCESSFUL Fanny Fish, who is still in Omaha Warsaw, <J. T. A.)—The first but will be sent to New York to -study original opera in Yiddish, ''David and further if enough money is raised. Bathsheba," was performed hem last Both their parents are unable to give night with gTeat sizecess. The theatre them the further study, so the Ne- was completely ^filled, and the artists braska Society for the Development were enthusiastically received with of Musical. Talent plans to have Mas- applause and Sowers. ter Carmen and Miss Fish continue The author of the libretto, the their studies by the money they raise young Yiddish poet Brotherson, who from' this concert. is now residing in Lwiz, was prevented Rosenblatt and Winogradoff are Here from attending the performance betut for a single engagement. Tickets cause, not being a Polish, citizen, he to their concert are $2, $1.50, $1, and was not granted permission to leave children under 15, 50 cents. Reserva- the place of Jus residence. . tions.way J>& made %t the Auditorium box office or through Sol Goldstrom, fey calling Atlantic €546, Martin Stigannan, Jackson 3155, or Mrs. Max Fromkirt, Barney 2671.
Gniahan Receives Thanks
of THE JEWS .IN TURKISH POLITICS Representative Jewish Publication Society
"The New Turkey and the Jews" and cultural, that it is impossible is the title of an article by Dr. Israel sthat they cowld have had1 .any inAuerbach in the B'nai ,B'rith News fluence on the majority .-. . ; for May* Pr, Auei&acH, \yba, from "in the sreatdon of tte idea of the 1908 \o 1919 was director of the new Turitey, and in its establishschool <>f" the. Hilfsverein <ier ment,, tfie Jews played no part. It schen Jrtdfin in Constantinople, stages originated in Paris where there came that in Turjcey, as in so many other toeetJier jail freedom-loving Turks countries one flf the moat favored who had been expelled from their political tacties fa the labelling as country between 1881 and-1908.. Jewish j>f i any movement or person Jews were not among these exiles... not in favor. ... . "Since tjxetrety of Sevres... there When Mustapha Kemal was hailed have been no Jewish politicians there as the liberator of his country no <pr. Auerbach mentions a few who one mentioned any trace of Jewish -were active prior to this time). blood, 4>ut as soon -as he became un- Among the revolutionary forces with popular it falsely reported that Which "Mustapha Kemal resisted the he was' a D o e t i n j e h , that is "a allies and the Greeks' in Asia Minor, descendant of those Jews who, with there *vere, tw Jews. The Turkish "the false messiah, Sabbatkai Zevi, National Assembly in the new capita! •went over to Islam three- centuries Ang?orai..had, too~\Jjewish representaago and are still today" ah' isolated tives, Kemal's' strong nationalistic, Islamite-Turkish sect lecated"largely ' t i t i L ! tendency, also was in Saloniki., It was said :jal8o-,'- «nd to the nonagain without" truth thatrTaalat Bey, Undsr • the leader of the Younj» Turks," later "Such ^conditions it is too ridiculous to- .hold the Jews even partly Grand Visor, was a Jew."- • • • - • "In 1909," tor. Auerbajih tells, "the. responsible for the-deposition of the reactionary party, the, "so-called" cajif. .The anti-Semitic legend of the 'entente liberate,' took its Jcue- from ?>ld,Turks in.Berlin plainly betrays the anti-Semitic Morning "Post, and the influence of their new surround^ used the old, anti-Jewish ; formulas fogs.' It stands on the same moral ^'against the Young Turks/ the- Zion- -Jsvel-as-.ali of LudendorfFs legends'." ists and the Freemasons who,'it was . alleged,' had sold the Ottoman king- JEJIAS TO HAVE BEPBESENTATIVE AT INTERNATIONAL dom. At that time the leader'of the EMIGRATION CONFERENCE Young Turks really was, a Doenmeh, 1 Warsaw, (J. T. A.)—The Hias, the -*-•—** ' * ~ who . later "became finance .minister. It was on. his ac- Hebrew Immigration Aid Society of count that ' the whole grout) ' was Ameriea, will be represented at the suspected of being Zionists.." At that international conference which is betimg things had not advanced AS far ing opened today in Rome. The as they have now,,",gone." In 4hose delegate will be Mr. Lecn Alter, the days the Turks did hot think it fatr director of the Warsaw branch of the ' :to Use the word Jew i n : a political Hias. sense. _ For that reason, they em- , Mr. Alter will work in Rome in i>ioy64' the term" ^Zionist;' and the Conjunction with the representatives Emigration Directotate "Zionist "were falsely suspected of of the Jewish 1 tryittg to steal - a"». ^royince from and other Jewish'"emigration aid societies t^which will'-be represented there. Jn , y of this deliberately cre'at$4! j>plitical U0 ifc .is the his- BLACKHANP ibrlaft's'duiy.. to tell the tmth conBECEIVED BY.OPP0KENTS , AtJH aV53EIN cerning . the" ^Jewish, influence., pri the Beyriuth, (J, % A.)—Threatening of Tuikey in ,the last . It is 3Ear less jthan letter^ from a Wnd of blackhanders have been received by some'' notable^ to believe.. The Jews coinpose ^nd JSmirs, who oppose King Hussein composed a.small as, CaUph, ,ancl desire, that, a. Genera?' ' ? 9f Mo'alev* Congress be field to deal with . .. economic the Caliphate,-question. -
Herman Bernstein Says Ford Placed Anti-Semitism on American Market.
DEMAND EXPULSION OF FORE«5N JEWS FROM l»OIiAND Warsaw, (J. T. A.)—That all Jews, resident in Poland, -who are -not Polish citizens, should be expelled from thft country, -was the -substance of a leso* lution adopted today at the conference of cx-soldiers of General Haller'* army, now being held in Pomerania. General Haller's soldiers, popularly called "Hallerchikes," who were .recruited from the P-olisb. restde&ts in the United States, are Tmowri, in IMand, for their atr-ociUee and aatSSemitic feelings.
Joseph Winogradoff, famous baritone, will appear in joint concert with Josef Rocenblatt, noted tenor, at the City Auditorium on Wednesday evening, May 28. This is Winogradoff's first appearance in Omaha. His repertoire is complete with Jewish folk song and operatic numbers which have been emthusiastically received in many of the large cities in which he has appeared. He is known as a phbtiograph aitist to those who have heard him. Winogradoff first entered on his career as a musician as a student in the Moscow Conservatory of Music. There he was tutored by the famed Leonova, one t>f the i noted raezzos of her time. In 1913, in Kharkov, ftussia, the civic authorities, social luminaries, and -general populace united to pay homage to Winogradoff by a festival jubilee to commemorate the 25th anniversary of his association with the Russian operatic and concert stage-. He appeared in operas in England, Italy, Russia, and' France, where he wa- well received.- Through the influence of his innumerable compatriots in this country he was. persuaded to jnake his home in the United States. The Nebraska Society for the Development of Musical Talent is sponsorinc this benefit concert to raise
Four Passenger Coupe
RABBI MANN APPONTED PROFESSOR: OF .ORIENTAL LANGUAGES, CHICAGO UNL Chicago, (J. T. A.)—Rabbi Louis Mann of Sinai Temple has been ap-. pointed, a Professor at the University of Chicago, in the .Department of Oriental Languages. This chair has been vacant since the death of Emil Hirsdi.
Extraordinary Feature Values Smartest
Spring Suits A Remarkable Sale of .
Dr. Alexander Kaufman, representing the Jewish Publication Society, is in our city. The Jewish Publication Society' is an organization formed for the support of a benevelent educational undertaking, namely for the publication and the dissema* tion of literary, scientific, and religious works giving instructions in Jewish Work,: Jewish History, Jewish Ethis, and Jewish Phylosciphy. Dr. Kaufman is here to get the support and interest from all Jews and especially those who have children. Dr. Kaufman is stopping at the Fontenelle Hotel. SOVIET PROTEST NOTE DELIVERED IN WARSAW Warsaw, {J. T. A.)—The representative of the .Soviet Government here presented today to the Polish Foreign Minister, the note of Tchitcherin, protesting against the persecution of the national minorities in Poland, referring especially to the % prder' of the Polish Government closing the schools and newspapers of the national minorities, particularly.in those parts of the Ukraine and-Wijte Russia/belonging to Poland. ; ,^he note points out that this mistreatment of, the minorities is % direct, violation of the peace treaty concluded between the Soviet Government PorancTat
of French Veite und Marquisette
95 Every Garment Worth Double
Vests and Step-in Sets French Voile Gowns litigette Princess Slips Daintipes* i* surely at Us best in thi* great tion of jturotnerj- uiuierthrags. And values; we doubt'if any woman could resist them.
Orchid Gray Maize Peach Nile
garment tjUiatiljr of «rken yoa see what
H E clothes of greatest usefulness, * your new Spring Suit, with the Hart Schaffner & Marx label, a little thing to look for, a big thing to find, and you find it in Omaha only at this store. The NcbrwlM Is Exclusive Omaha Distributors oft
Hart Schaffner & Marx Clothes New 1924- Styles Wonderful Values
'35 and at ?40, $45, $50 SEE OUK PARNAM STREET WINDOWS
with ribboai, lace* Tf«a'fl bay «r«u»mer*« supply valaes they are. APFAREL FOE MEN AND
TSCB5DAY, MAT 22, 1S24 The Shebas club wiU'lasld its regular meetting Sunday, .May 25. vfil ideas vrili -be carried oat for the summer meetings of the
President, Harry <5Sm; viee-prcskicnt.] Geymsn Btag-c, he was-««-©£4he -firstj | Ida Euth SagrBc; 'Fccrctarj-, 'Miria.tr; Ho introduce Jcvish stajre tyjjep for, .: and treasurer, Fre^ Goldritcn>.totricr tnan ctrnipily Fun»o«es. He David Cohn, of Omaia, icoto^d le] ^ ^ mccti:'.-'^ the von much prnifjp ir artistic Gcrnwm w s s ^ ansoln xor thti r-ficli-cnn, i circle: i'r>v hi«" v r r k in. this respect, _ jTae tass has Tsstcblislsed The Smascene wtablisbed a I T h e ^ ^ A 5 e p h 2 ; d i A 3 e p l . B ^ , . llr rrccr.tiy return CH! t« front AtrsTrici; v-hrrr 3w i-STs- Suue £chsol andsr ths Team have sceduiec a pamc vitl; Schnitze.r"? ;-car: ir ili^f ^iip cl SSx. JLosiis "tnkidsteai Chapter to be une thr. SJ-^w An Tneswc. Fred GcM&tdn, HJlii; 15 in We loh a son, T'ner.tTT Cuil.".. Bci'jin, Qmrlc Koff, ssd Mary Sha-
j P r i z e s iR-ers WDII fej- "cHnie 1HVTH;I3 Cantor to Conduct Services Here™" 3 1 Mr ^
An open meeting of the Jewish Ladies' Orphan Society will foe held Tuesday afternoon, Hay 2,7, at 2:30 at the Labor Lyceum. A prograTmnll be given and .His. Max Froxnkin Trill speak.
EMAN17EL EEICEElt. FAMOUS A rane-act playlet v&lfeepresented JEWISH AETiST. DIES IN spent ihc] Mr. Sar-iel iby the Dramatic Section of the A GETS 7," i n ish Culture "LeagEE under the direc1 Berlin, (J. T.EESLIK. A.^ — Emam^e! "Mrs. A. Bergeda and baby daughter, • tion of Mr. J, Usrgeirtstern on Snn^ i s s TBc- "ie Epstein, -who IE teach-; Samotis German artist ETH" of Nashville, Tenn., are visiting -witiiday evening, at 8:30, at the labor T»ying physical edccatloji - t Tork, dirertcr, d»d here today at her mother, i l r s . 33. Blotcky. Mrs. ecum. In conncsiiBn •with the playlet•ths wsek-eiid in | Use s j s of screntj'-Sve, from hearl Bergeda -was formerly Hiss Tonette a raaskal program psrfckipaiBd by the I failure. Mr. iieiciier, vtiiv starceo hip i > Blotcky. The members of ihe Council of "Misses Ida and Eveljm LsistgaTden, The Jenior Conjrrr>gatioc will i theatrical csreer in the Yiddish!) Jewish "Women will be entertained at Lucille Taylor, and Messrs. Albert its gr;rmal pice'' a t C m n c i ' s Fiinr. j tlwatres of Gaiieia and Hunpary. prcw j 3Hrs. Julias "Weil, of "Lincoln, Xebr., a one o'clock luncheon at the Black- Fmkel and Jack .Belmunt ^,-01 also be Sunday, " 25. 1 to ccnsitlEnibie fame throurrh hit' 1 is -visiting with her mother, TMrs. Cax- stone "Hotel, "Monday, jSay 26, pre;here. In later •yca.rs, on The xis -livingston. Thursday evening. May 22. an in-J ceding the annual closing meeting of Cantor A- A. Eassnblooni, of 2 The regular meeting of the organteresling program -will be giver, at the t the ' club. Seservations for this Orleans, • La., oi* the at four o'clock .fee !Miss Sslma Silver, of Lincoln, ization Chazans" in the United States, -wtflj Tesple. A. .series rf three 2w»br., is'-visiting with H r . and Mrs. luncheon should be made -with JVIrs. Sunday afternoon. appear at the Beth .Hamedrosh Haffo-j plays will be .given. TJie teachers t*! j ; S. 5. GoHstrom, U S South 37th S t Sam Marks. dol fivuagogafi. 19th and Burt S t s . J ^ e Sunday School vdH present ^Orer-j.Following the luncheon the annual on F-riday -evieaiag* Batorday mom-] tpnes." P-arts -vv'Jl be taken by Ber-._j IMrs. J. H. C. "Hart is visiting her reports -will he TS&Q. and the election ing, ajid* Sunday CTening, to chant] "^i*15 Diamond, UssLins Trosh, Elsipj daughter, Elisabeth, -who is teaching of ameers -^111 take place. Store than one hundred .high school at Champaign, 111., and The nominating committees com- five people attended the esaiaination the services. The =song service -on! Poska, said ^ a r j - TabroEF. The second j Bay «a& Tsipkl Pfesne W&laut €2*4 Eschangs,'" with her granddaughter, Miriam, -who]posed Tof 33j«. Z. B. fiatz, thairaaan of ihe Talnind Torah. , Sunday School Sunday evening vriD. begin • at six. past-Tonfirnya-tioTi class, j is attending 'the University of Illinois.'} and the ISIesdames "William IJ. o'clock. -... • - . - • •
One O'clock Luncheon to Precede Coimcil Closing Meeting Monday
licichor. vlro
ir s\
r.r^' CiirrV.tor ir. A
of 23 an;"; Co. to solicit for Life InsurnTicr s n i collect. Wnnticrful opponmiitv i o r smfaitious men. Guaraisteevl si.Ia.ry and commission. JTiOMHT 1O1' F . IJCVCIItiuil. SIrr1.-.. iipl'-o^olitan "Liie Ins. Co.. r,:u; ISramieis Thratrr Omaha. Isebr.
Plorsl Desi^ms—Gardening1 in it* Entirety
man, Ferdinand Jldler, Harry IJschHiss "Esther Zalk entertained the an, and Xarals .Simon, have chosen "Ea-Oth Society a t her home Sunday the following candidates for "th1 afternoon. Prizes -were won by -the election: 3Irs. Dollie Elgutter, pres^Hisses Bass Stalmsstcr, jETloxa Bien- ident; ^Mrs. S. Uatha, vice-president; Etock, and -Martye "Weinsteln. Mrs. Henry -Q. Harx, financial see"Mrs. A. "Wolpa, of-St. Xouis, So., is TEtaryj ~Mss. Sol S. Goldstrom, visiting with her parents, "Mr, and 5rrfispo3idin^ secretary ^ !Mxs. Dznre
sad "Hebr*ew School, which -svas hsld has occupied; tfc- cast IncludTng Bather 'Freshman.'* Cantor Sunday afternoon a.% the Mfirriam ; l^oroiliy Diamond, l^uise SchCi, block, uuiier the leadership of Jklr- pulpits in Earjjpe^^sB.iyell as in
crett Pcarlsaan, and Gerald The third play, Tharsdcy exsmioBd. 2Ir. .HfioxgEnstern, a will he presenisa by the JurJor teacher of the Omaha Hebrew School, The cast trill be 111., arrived Tuesday .to visit her sis., gave jsn intsnresting Tfllie ter, Mrs. Ben,Hooler, and Mr. Cooler. and Norton liebennan. I>aneiisg .and : s Mr. S. 3L. 3»nmen, ^ged 65* ^ied a t Mrs. Cooler TvDl entertain refreshmer.ts will lollow the play. '\~s. the Edmundson 'hospital -Tuesday guests at a luncheon 'at~ihe A. ffiarning, follosrlng -an-Illness xxt WET Hosenfhal, auditor. Further nominaTea Booms Trifey eomplimentarj- to The Menornh club held its annual -]s Itlr- JL Levey i s ill -at 13ie "Methodist tions for 13re above bmces can be a year. Surviving Mr. 5iSinen are Ju> her sister. picnic Sandar sfbemoon s t jEilicrd. i S hospital. -aged mother in Eiissia,liis TVMOT^, ten made b? tneaahers at ths meeting. The £6HovnBg JoffiaeTs TSVTC Biected: j S children, three • irrothciE ~sa6 -one «isThe T. E. D. club are planning a 1 Mr. and Mrs Herman H . Cohn, of: tsr. Pnnsral serviees" were held hike to Bellevue Sunday morning, S a y FiiUErton,UiEi)x,, announce the Mrth cf "Wednesday "aJternoon.. . A bridge p - -ty Tind luncheon r-as 25, at S:30. Members are to meet at a baby son, on Wednesday, lilay 14, givea by Miss Helen Sabinson Sunday The Council of Jewisii "Women will the home of 3Iiss Sendee Xully a t a t the Methodist Hospital. Mrs. Cohn afternoon c t ihe-Xrincota Hotel, Piizss 2105 South Tenth street. -was formerly Miss ."Bertha Cohn, hold a meeting Thursday afternoon, were won by Miss ifether Freshzoan. May 22, at the home cf "Sirs'. Herman daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leon Cohn, M:— Tolsky jai.d Miss Dorcthy Fred Rosenstock left this week of this city. Meyerson, 1000 'Fifth avenue, ElecDiamond. The tablfi jd-scsrations weic fox .New "York from -where lie -will sail tion of officers. carried out •>. gold and white. £ or <5ErmanT on the Xievjathan on SatMr. and H i s . I B B ^ P Goldsmith, urday^ He "will he -gone for about six recently of this city, now of Detroit, Mrs. S. H. ELatehxan weeks and will -visit with his parents. Mich., celebrated their fifth -wedding twenty children and their mothers' Babbi I. Singer way a visitor in Miss Hose UMaro-witz Trill entertain a t her .home Saturday,
"Seventh Tear in Palestine" Tflil be Habhi J . H . Charlop's sermon topic Saturday morning at the 33'nai Jacob Synagogue.
I. l^opper.
OTET fifty chihiren -were United States.. He .is .alsoa I
Lincoln for a few days. anniversary Sunday. They were Sunday afternoon a t her home in honored guests a t a dinner given by honor of the fifth biriidaT of her Xtabbi Starclls w i s unable to detheir aunt and uncle," TSIr. and Mrs. daughter, l e o n a . Prizes "were won by liver h.s sermon Friday evening, due Uernice Fonaro, liester-Fiiudman, and to illness. Alfred EogoIE, a t Detroit. Justine Slosbarg. Miss JL'Ily Seidman entertained at Mrs. Harry Kilveiman 'and son, Mr. and Mrs. A. Aginskee were fit three-tables ot bridge- Sunday evening. Lobert, and Mrs. SilvEiman's .sister, home to tjne hundred guests Sunday "Mrs. Charles Adelman, and daughter, afternoon in honor of Hx. and Mrs. N. of Des liloiaEs, la., are leaving this
Meyer XLein is spending the •week-End in Des Homes, lav, \rith -week for Xos Angeles, Calif., -where Hoenigsborg, they -will -visit with iheir parents, ~Mx. ried. friends -and- .relatives. -. i
recently mar- j
and Ittrs. 5 . "M. X>evey, formerly of this' Mrs. Sam Schwartz, who spent the Ths .Messrs. Ben and Max Green- city." ~- . • _ -_ . ; ; past two months in S t . Loais, -arrived "berg'""ji3'Seaiie±t Cohn,-who "are atTuesday morning to visit with ber tending tlie University of Nebraska Mr. and Mrs. 3 L Meyer have moved at iincoln, spent the -week-end in into their new home a t 2430 Webster parents, JJr, and Mrs. J . ICatelman, and family. She expects to be here Omaha. Street.
g©.to Bradford, Pa., to-visit wwith rel- are planning to leave in June for atives. He -will be gone-from Omaha Chicago. 111., where they will join Mr. until about the -month of September. Chasson to their future home. Dr. Philip Fomanek § The Omaha Chapter tsf Ba&assah .Miss Jeanette Levinson entertained ^Practice Limited • the Be Tel Ta Sorority at her home •will meet Wednesday afternoon, May Saturday, .May 17. This sorority-was .28, at the Jewish Community Center. S Ear, Nose and Thioat | started May 3, at the home of Miss A feature musical program will be = -wishes to tnmounssj the removal Betty Steinberg, under the direction given. Mrs. O. C. Goldner, chairman H of his office from 42S-424 of MiES Mary Maizel. This crganiza- of the -Milk Fund, asks that all conBraadeis Theatre .Sldg. .to tributions to ihe fund be brought to lion is a purely social organization. the meeting. For further particulars S 434-3C Brandms Theatre For Priday evening, 3iay 23, at regarding thE Milk' Fund ContribuTemple Israel, Habbi Frederick Cohn tions call Mrs. Goldner at Barney has'chosen for his sermon topic, "Sec- 4085, or 3Irs,~Hax Xemer at Atlantic ond Centennial of Immanuel- JJant,*' 0342, who will call for your contribaand for the following morning, May tions. The receipts of "this fund -will 24,-Uie Uabbi's serinon at the Temple be sent to the Uew York Office of the PIANISTS—ATTENTION! •will be "Social Ideals." HadaEsah by June 1. " in "' FOFLXAe "treats" BI Pull barmony, Mrs, T. Uosentbal was hostess at a Complete plans for the annual dance luncheon Wednesday afternoon at her to be given by the Hatikvoh Girls on E.M. KAHW T?loor Sick-! Bids., 15th &- Banwy home to honor Mrs. B a r r y Cohn, of Batnrday evening, JSay 31, at the 2nd -Tiiones: Stadio -At. 43(n: Ssm. ' '~~' York City, who i s the guest of .Hanscom Park Pavilion, will be mads lies. At. her mother, Mrs. D. M. Meyer. at the meeting of the organization I Sunday, May 25, at the Jewish ComMrs. W. Hasher and children, of munity Center. Chicago, 111., a r e visiting here f o r the EUtnraer with relatives. They-are now A musical and literary-projrrajmrill.; a t the home of Mrs. Hacher!s sister, be given by the Aof tabung club at its "Every young man should get his Mrs. B . Steinberg. meeting Sunday* May US. Mr. 3£aBfe insured. The ybung man •who than Hartiii, -pTesidsnt of the club, neglects to insure bbs life does hin>Mr. Alexander Eubel, of Iklinneapoself and those dependent tiprm him •will be ihe principal speaker. : Iis, *3Iinn., is in Omaha visiting for an Injustice.'" sevetai days. • 9FhB -Junior jDanghters-'Tjf Zton -will meet Sunday afternoon a t the Jewish
Jlrs. "Dave Heaman, and chiiaren,- Community Center. "Tlie organization B 3. 3 Sigel, Si ' .anil. l lls s . Ben of O'ttumwa.jiasdeciaStodonats 3a^-,are Tisrting with their -parents,' a t its .recent bazaar •will i>e given to 35r;i5mcl Mrs. L. Segeiman. They -%3& ihe "Jewish'Katioiial Pond. Miss Julia -visit here for .several -weeks. Wise is leader of ihe club.
"Tlie PmdvnUal Man" Z21 City Hatieffial'Bsslt Bldg. ilss. Tel, EUsxm^f
eafre MR. H. ITEIS^IAX, M
Est. 1«K1 3arerl
Ones Trwai D A. St. t o B P . 3SL 1512 977-S.
Enrm-y St.
Oakland, Calif., where Dr. Sushner Mrs. B. Gilinsky, left for her home has associated himself with Dr. Ernest
their former Omaha friends in Oak- ! 3 rith will foe held Monday evening, land, among them were Nathan Miller, The Junior Hadassah members "will Laura Govick, "Ystta Stiefler, and May .26, instead of "Wednesday, due to the'fact that the secretary, Mr. Louis meet at their regular meeting Thurs- Pweah Fxomkin. H. Zatelman, will leave Tuesday for day evening, Hay 29, at the Jewish Miss Clara Schriebman left Sunday Sioux City, l a . , to attend, a s a deleCommunity Center. J evening for an extensm; . trip t o gate, the .annual .B na5.T3iri±b convenUlr. Sam Heber vrill be the Sunday California. Before going to. California tion. The meeting will be held downmorning speaker at Temple Israel this she •will stop n S -at Cheyenne, "Wyo., stairs -at the Danish Sail. Sunday morning at eleven o'c?ock be- where she "will visit f o r a week -and Sixteen friends w f ; H r . Dave Fox fore ±he assembly of the Temple Sun- then -will leave l o r Xos Angeles and surprised "him at his home Tuesday Saxi Francisco to be gone ahout six evening in honor o? his birthday, day School. weeks. £Tiss T a y s Zifig3nan enter- Pri2es for bridge WBIB won by Mrs, "3ir. Max Morris is leaving soon for tained s i e. farewell bridge last week Chas. Saltzmsn and Mr. H . Maduff. be tlie complimentary to %T»gg Schriebman. Cleveland, (X, where lie guest of his daughter, Mrs. D. Prcnt- Among those rpresent was MIES Mary Mrs. HL Bernstein-will entertain her ke> :formerly Uliss Hattie -Harris, of Pritkin, of Denver, Colo., who is t h e Afternoon "Bridge chib at her home -this city. After leaving Cleveland Hr. house guest of Miss JEktelle Lapidus. next Wednesday evening. IVIorris expects to take a trip to BufSirs. H. M. .-Chasson and ehiLdren Mrs. Milton Kussakov, ,of • Chicago, falo, H. T., and from Bnffalo lie will
Sunday Evening,~Mmy25
BEAVTV «nor ACT rniKoroci
2klr. and 33rs. A. G. TVeinstein have Dr. and Mrs. .Edward I. Kushner, 'Mrs. J. E. Schlank, ef Los Angeles. moved int^ their aiew 1 ome at 124 who left" Omaha some time ago for Calif., who has been visiting for the California, a r e making their home in North Thirtieth street/ ' past month with her parents, Mr. and Sisson, osteopathic physician. Dr.] Tuesday. and JSTS. ExtshnEr-tnet a number of] ^ regubar meeting of "the B'nai g
will prcscni ilic ]ils?r
at ttrc
for two weeks.
. 3Harry Eich, son of Mr. and 3tlrs. jaorjis Eich, vras confined Saturday morning, May 17, at a Earmitzvoh at Ihe 'B'nai Israel Synagogue.
46th and CcrAcr -KtB, Omaha
J . T?.TKTTK 1C10
Tel.: "WTEbster £
J0SEFM Renowned Tenor Cantor JOSEPH W1NOGBADOFF Famous Russian Bariton
Pairst Twills Tzicoshasz Yelozr Checks t^ snd Plaids fe Novelty Silks
Crepe JSscfc
Mohair ill
a±S:30P-M. =.-.. PROGRA3I 1. (a) "Wcrship of God". (b) "Altiake Pidele" (c) "Ysihrzeit" Kosenblatt
_. Silberta
2. (a) "A Din Torah Mit Goii" (b) "Adudela"
"Figaro" -from "Barbara (ie SeviT "Winogradofr
3. (a) "Tishtabach" (b) "Habet Mishoisaim"
. llosenblatt „ Kosonbiatt
i. fa) "To chasidazkoma". " (b; "Zam Hemrel"
.."Winogradoff .Miller
Duet bv jRosenblatt and Wincrradof? a. (al 'cDi T n l o " l _ I WinogradoIT
G. (a) (b) (c) (d)
INTERMISSION "Aria Samson." "Buna" "La Compana"- Italian Folks Seng. 'The New Omar Heb Eliessr" liosenblatt
w , Black, C Lijght and Dark Gray Checks aad Plaids
Misses* Sizes
14 t o r n ".Women's Sizes 36 to-45, -.
...Saint Sacns .McGill— Eoscnblatt
T. (a) '"Anachtrchotala" (b) "Was Wet Z'sin Slit'Seb Israel deai Frunsen" (c) "A Chazindel Af SbabBs" <d) "Zogzshe" . 3>ust by PkOseublatt and
Winoprattoff Winogtadoff
'$ Tliese are nil lovely frocks." Well made g] aad well finished of -excellent woolen or m silk materials. Latest '&i tailored m and & few trimmed models.
, MAY-22,-192'4 the aged, the -infirm, the widow and or symbolizing the communal work of {the orthodox masses did not support Poland, Mr. Polakiewicz, whose plant 1 the of^lpa^diodf-'fael, shelter, clothOmaha-Jewry should be, staged an-ithe bloc created by the Aguda and in Grodno" ha? taken over th ego%-ern^ ] u c a t i o n . -The nually, ' All • of this would, in the Assimiiationists, but voted for the •ment's monopoly of the tobacco indus. supplies*, recreational opinion of the writer Iba conducive to ticket of the National Jews. The loss try, has left for Palestine for the f or thechiU the welfare and' development of both of the election to the Leniberg Kehil- piirpo&o cf establishing there a tobacdreni.'JJttcontributes tor-hospitalsiand* ,j;eptibn arriohg;,' ndn-iFews. concerning the community' and the Federation. lah puts ..an end to the supremacy of co manufacturing plant. Mr, TolaictO;orpKan4iomesall over thecountry. the unity and the homogenious charac- Another- way in which the work of the AssimilatiorJst group in Lemberg, iowicz has taken with him a considerk Editors Nojfce-^Miss Eiekes, a Jun- ization.classes conducted both by Jews It*'also.'maintains- an .Old People's ter of the. Jewish-people. As "a, mat- the Federation could.be extended to which was one of the strongholds of able number of worker? skilled in ibr Honor Student of the. University and by non-Jews have been rapidly Home in Omaha. Although there are ter of fact, the. Jews are just "as di- advantage is by establishing a summer j the tobacco industry. that, party.' of Omaha, submitted this survey'to eradicating this condition. poor'Jews in the city of Omaha,: one vided and diversified in every-branch camp for boys and girls. This could be Information from Cracow confirms j! the Sociology Department ' of the Omaha University, under the-assist- \ never1/ sees~£-Jewish beggar 'on the of activity and, thought as are ' any done during the-hottest period of the the prediction of the Jewish Tele-, Recreation. ai-re.of Professor T. E.Sullinger,.in- • Recreation among the, Jews has at- s$reets.,;Transient Jews are also cared other people. This-popular notion ex- summer" at very little expense provided graphic Agency correspondent that a ; HEADQUARTERS structor at the School. Besides'being " an "honor'student; MissTttekeawas" re- tained a very highly specialized and -for' by 'the" federation. .The "Jewish ists as to the oneness" of the religious it is done "on a relatively small scale bloc between the Assimilationists ancij for 7 cently elected- by the School-faculty developed form. . This has no bearing Welfare, Federation has "1,200 mem- beliefs of the Jews;'but just as the and would unquestionably perform the Aguda in Western Galicia would' a Student'Council Member of the Jun- upon individual recreation and .with bers; Vand-.raises and spends for the Christian religiorris split into numer- immeasurable good in various in- be formed in connection with the, Free PlatfnusB DK ior. Class. . . approaching Kehillsh election there, reference to this can only be said that afore~saicTw,ork-some $50,000 annually. ous and v. -ious branches, so has the numerable ways. The following are Jewish organiza- Jewish religion its variations and its the recreation of the ,Jew does not A survey should be made determin- A formal agreement between these different fo ms. While several of the ing, how many Jewish men and women two parties for the creation of an GENERAL-SURREY OF OMAHA differ in any respect from the recre- tions in the. city of Omaha: Engagement Rinps is our JEWRY* . I Wise Memorial Hospital; Y. M. H. 11 synagogues and temples represent are in need of a place where they can Senator- Schreiber. j ation which the non-Jew enjoys. IQ Specially • As far as the writer has been able other words, the Jew partakes of A.; Y. W.":-Ht'A.-; Jewish Community the same form'of the Jewish religion, room and board and if there are a to ascertain, this survey is the1 first every sort, of recreation which is of- Center; i€aty-*Talmud Torah; South yet among these 11 are two different sufficient number of such persons to Warsaw, <J. T. A.)— The greatest KALASROGK JEWELRY CO. of,-its kind that has ever been at- fered to" and in which Americans, as Side Talmud Torah;, Old People's and distinct forms of the Jewish re- justify and to necessitate the building Jewish tobacco manufacturer 1314 Dodge St. tempted, in. this city. .PossiblyLone of a whole indulge. But outside of such Home; '$£h,qrah Society; Ladies' .Aux- ligion—the Orthodox and the Reform. of a'dormitory or rooming or boardJa. ">619 Est. 1894 thereasons-for -this has been the-fact recreation the Jews of Omaha, main- iliary to South Side Talmud-Torah; The congregations in Omaha are as ing, -such an- institution should be Office Pbone JAofcson S128 that it is well nigh impossible to- se- tain institutions and organizations Jewish -Women's Welfare- Organiza- follows: secured. JOHN FELDMAN cure any data. or figures' relative to' which offer'various forms of recre- tion; Jewish. Free Loan Society; Temple Israel; B'nai Israel; 'B'nai Much could-be added to the atClothier the -Jews and their individuaTactivi- ation.' The Jewish'Welfare Federa- Daughters of Israel Aid .Society; Jacob; Hadass Yeshurhn; B'nai Sho- tractiveness of the Community Center W. J. fates Accounting Co Full Dress Suits and Tuxedos ties,,. pursuits and.accomplishments. tion, the nature and purposes of which Omaha Lodge No. 354, I. O. B. B.; lem; Agudith Achim; B'rith Abraham; by increasing its present library. This Moved Erom 100 No. 10th St. to Although^ a • survey of *the" individual will be' more fully explained in an- Ladies' Auxiliary to I. O. B. B'.; Oma- Israel Abrahaln; Israel South Side? could be done very effectively by ask- 203 Karbsich AUDITING AND INCOMEBlock, i5th & Donglas Sis. OJIAHA. N1215II. Jew is. difficult,, and this article will other portion of this article, has af- ha Branch Council of Jewish Women; Beth HamidroshHagodel; Tifirith Is- ing to donate books in memory of TAX REPORTS concern itself mainly with the. Jews of filiated with its institutions and or- Omaha Hebrew-Club; Modern. Wood- rael; Modern Orthodox.; someone else, or some other similar 208 Karbach* Blk. Atlantic 1031 Omaha collectively, yet,-it-will-not be ganizations which provide recreation men of America;. Hadassah Society; The com! iried membership of these idea. This library should* also be a totally devoid of comment on "the in- for Omaha Jews. Omaha Zionist District; Arbeiter Ring congregations is in the neighborhood circulating one.- One of the rooms of fHE.BRINN & JENSEN CO. dividual Jew. This has no doubt been Wholesale paper There is, for example, the Young Branch. No. 173 of Workmen's Circle; of 1,500. In addition to the services the Jewish Community Center should distributors tor caused by the blending and mixing of .Women's Hebrew Association and the .Workmen's - Alliance; Ladies' - Golden many of the congregations conduct he devoted exclusively to a library. the Jews with the-other citizens of the Young Men's Hebrew Association Hill Society; Polai' Zion; Highland Sunday Schools and have social enterNorthern Toilet Tissue The Federation should .also establish, city so that it is impossible to segre- which consist.of about 30 clubs and Country Club; Temple Israel Brother- tainments and functions. 1112 Barney .Street a scholarship- fund fobr which needy gate them from the other persons with : AT-Iariiic 6409 hood; Temple-Israel Sisterhood; Omaclasses. The central or senior organHome Life Among Poor. * boys and girls could be given asTO AND FROM whom they associate and* with whom ha. Chapter A. Z. A.; Omaha' Chapter Although the majority of Jews are sistance'in securing an education. This they have business relations.'Because ization conducts a ' genera} meeting Menorah Society\ Jewish -Culture ALL* PARTS'Ofof this fact there is a great dearth of once every two weeks at which mu- League; Junior Hadassah Society; in moderate eweuinstances belonging fund should; be used for the purpose of CO. sical, literary and educational proTHE WORLD to what is popularly termed the mid- helping, boys" and giris in high school material from which information could B'rith Abraham; Agudath Achim;'Ra- dle class, yet-some of them are ex- and in college and also to assist ltth end Uartfca' Sts. BA. 1663 grams are furnished. There is a dance be secured and for this reason to-Saa.nofartorerB- or . Braes, Bronze. Oth Society; Auflebungs" Club.- : VAL J. PETER&GOiirANY \Inminnm and Soft Gray Iron Gassings, tremely poor, requiring assistance and talented children in attaining a musi- too gether with the feeling on the part of given for members of these organiza«re ssscred or soft c?*!tlngg, ae The Jewish Welfare Federation has tions every other week. They also en1307 Howard St., Omaha, Neb help from others. Of this'class, there cal," dramatic or artistic , education. we machin* some from ernry heat fit the writer that she is inexperienced own shop. ATlanlic G340. and therefore unqualified to * make gage in the various sports, in debat- made it possible-for Omaha-Jews to are at the present time from 33 to 60 Awards could be made from this fund •orStandard Blue cast Iron a » d bronw such a survey, she has approached the ing, and they have'hikes and picnics be able to truthfully boast that the Jewish families requiring outside help to those excelling in their particular In subject with a great deal of caution when the weather permits. Classes Jews take care vof their* own!" While to maintain themselves, and this help school; or field arid these awards might in dramatics, in music, in debating, in every philanthropic and charitable en- is given by the-Jewish Welfare Fed} take the form of medals, sholarships and concern. ^ , f religious education, in sewing, and in deavor in Omaha received the whole eration as outlined in another part of or the like. Emerson Laundry Any w a y y o u gret them i n a n y "Numerically, the Jews constitute current problems are conducted under hearted and unstinted support and co- this survey. The general condition; P. 8. BSOBES. Prop. ITEN'S'GRAHAM CRACKERS about 5 per cent .of the population of the auspices of the Y. W. and Y. M. operation from the Jews, yet, single the environment and the home life of : Of course the .writer, is aware of Phone Webster 0820 are E-o-o-d eating lor the city, but it is very .difficult to ap- H. A. There are also several Jewish handed and without any assistance these poor all'receive the attention of the" fact that to carry out. any or all Ask your" grocer for I T E X CBACKEKS proximate the Jewish population in Boy Scout Troops, story telling groups from their non-Jewish friends, they the Federation and are made as favor- of these recommendations requires THE LAUNDRY THAT by name always. Get the genuine ami EVERYBODY LIKES. Csiaha. for the reason that, the Jews and numerous other clubs of small also maintain and support their own able and congenial as possible under money. But as is always the case a lip satisfied all w a y s ! mt are-scaf- red all over the city' arid are boys arid girls which are led by vol- charitable and philanthropic institu- the circumstances. need must exist before any remedy indelibly blended with the other ele- unteers who are themselves members tions, organizations and agencies. Last will be applied.or attempted. It is Conclusion and Recommendations. with ..this thought- in tnind and in the ments. In the large centers of p.opu- ©f the senior group of the Y. W. and year the Federation maintained in the Carpenter Paper Go. eet Bos. eppes. V!ee-PresiS«a*. The Jewish Vfelfajre Federation be- hope that the ^people of Omaha will • Iation like New .York and Chicago it. Y. .M. H. A. city of Omaha 39 families as family • , Distributors of W. G. Vrt, Secretary. has. been,.the tendency, for peoples Besides these organizations there .is units, keeping mothers'with their chil- ing practically all inclusive, furnishes become aware,of the necessity of some Western Bond—and Omaha Fixture & speaking the same.language and pos- the .Jewish.Community Center which dren and supplying to these ^families the major part of the subject matter of these things that these recomGrade Stationery sessing the same, customs,to congre- is also affiliated with the, Jewish Wel- all of the essentials of life. During of a survey of this nature, and I am mendations are. offered and that this Omaha, Nebraska. - -. Supply-'Co. gate in certain sections o^the- city. fare-Federation and which maintains the same period 497 transients were, therefore going to make one ,or two survey is COMPLETE STORE AND The Omaha Jews formerly shawedthis and' operates .club rooms and housing assisted by the Federation. At the suggestions for, its.improvement and OFFICE OUTFITTERS tendency, but a reaction has set-in. in facilities for- practically all of the Old People's Home.eight people were growth. Although the local Federa- ASSIMILATIONISTS LOSE We oecapy e m tS.OOO tunum fwss recent, times and the Jews have .dis- Jewish organizations- and activities in cared for during the year and were tion has a national reputation and STRONGHOLD IN LEMBERG , Ecrathwesfc Canter persed themselves-and at,the present the city-of Omaha! Here many meet- given the opportunity of spending Omaha is regarded as one of the best Warsaw, <J. T. A.)—The defeat of sort OcneSas Streets. period it cannot be truthfully said that ings are held where ^open programs their declining years in peace and in Fedei-ated communities in the country, the Assimilationst . and orthodox sefcron VSZi they are located in any particular sec- aresented to the public. The Jewish accordance with those.Jewish tradi- yet, the scope ofj its work could be groups '%t: th€ Kehfllah elections 'in OKAEA. KTEB. tion of trie city. , . Community Center also houses the:Y. tions .which were closest-to -their broadened, provided the necessary ad- Lemberg was a complete one, accordMade With Milk ...Omaha Jews have not followed any, W. and Y. M. H-- A. Among the'vari- h e a r t s * •• ditional funds coijld be secured.. The ing to further information which has • - > • ' - one occupation, .business or profession ous other organizations which meet Besides these accomplishments advent of the new Jewish Community arrived here' from that city. Even in particular, and although in some in ,the Jewish Community Center is which are purely palliative, the feder- Center will naturally and inevitably LOVE-HASKELL CO. cases, the majority of people engaged the. Auflebungs.club. -.This-is an or- ation did-much constructive-work. The increase the scope of the Federation's Every Known Kind in a certain business may be Jews, yet ganization, composed of Tecent immi- work-of the Y.-W. and Y. M. H. A.-, activities. In this, connection it is the, -of Insurance • the, Jews have entered all professions, grants.,.anxU programs of various sorts which is of a constructive nature, has sincere hope of the writer that comJA ckson 1862 munity" wide programs, of both intel209 W. a W. Bidg. JA. S944. . engaged in every, business and fol- are ^presented. at all *6f. their, meetings. already been discussed in this survey. lectual, social and recreational nature lowed all occupations.rThe Jews,con- As a matter of fact, this organization Another • phase of the constructive stitute 8 per cent, of., .the medical pro- amounts.to.an Americanization class work of the Federation is its'social be given under the auspices. of the Gate City Furniture Co. fession of Omaha; about 4% per; cent for Jews, and it is here that they are service work. The B'nai B'rith and Community Center. These programs and WASH AND KEEP WELL of the legal profession and less than grounded in the fundamental basic the--Council of Jewish-Women also should be free" to the public . ard should, at the outset, be given to A RULE OF HEALTH Globe Van & Storage Co. 4 per.cent of the Dental profession. principles of Democracy and of Amer- share in. this work. As a result of owned and operated by There are many Rabbis, Teachers; icanism. Besides these various organ- the activities of-these"organizations, commemorate each of the Jewish FRONTIER TOWEL SUPPLY Professors, Engineers, Chemists, So- izations'which provide recreation for only six out of 521 children who were holidays. And- if practical and exGROSSMAN & SONS 1818 California Street. 520-22 No. 16th St. cial Service Workers, Musicians and the Jews, they, of course> use all the brought before the Juvenile Court pedient, a pageant portraying and «SS8 At. 0230 depicting something of general interest other profecsional pgopje^figures-on play grounds, parks and other places Judge last year, or less, than-1.2 per these would be impossible to get un- provided by the city for recreational cent, were Jewish. less an individual survey was made, purposes. ;- . •":; Besides supporting its various-subE.. E. Bruce & Go. due to the fact that they are go" scatJewish organizations providing re- sidiary and the • affiliated organiza- Painting Hud Paperhanpig EFFICIENT- ©nd BESPOMSIBIiE tered about. .Five of the largest De- creation will become more centralized tions and institutions, the Federation LAONDRXGood Work Guaranteed Wfaere yoar clothes come home partment Stores, two cf the largest and more active in the future for the maintains a central office'which is not Druggists and Stationers • cleaner end last Jonjrer. References Furnished M Rc>aulred. hat factories, one of the largest butter reason that the Jewish Community only the fiscal agent of the Federatca&P <ffi»3. 1507-11 <Paet»OB St. 401-40S-40S Sootfe lOtb Street » CALL L. MAN DEL factories in* the west, one of the larg- Center is soon to build a new building tion, but also supervises the relief and H A. J A 0 0 B B E E G E 2 . Pres. - Atlantic 5440 est furniture houses are ownefl.and which will house such organizations. social service departments of the Fed- 1919 Burt St. controlled by Jews in this city.- Many The Jews of Omaha have just recently eration and maintains an -Immigrant other of the large business" institu- completed a campaign in which a Aid Bureau/- This bureau,has estabtions of the city are owned and con- quarter of a million of dollars was lished for itself the" reputation of beCertified Public Accountants (bldstrom Upholstering Co. Audits : Systems ' - trolled by Jews, but the vagt majority raised for this purpose, and a new ing the most authoritative and relia• ; Investigations operate small retail stores, such .as Jewish Community Center has thereby ble source where information on regu- Upholstering'and Furniture Repair£34 to 440 Peters Ffast Blde ; ; •grocery,' furniturei dry-good?, confec- been assured. lations relative .to immigrants, and the ing Mattresses Renovated. Phones. Jac*w»i5 4S1S, 4S14. ' tionery, furnishings, jewelry, etc. immigrant law can be secured. Many . Box Springs. Organizations. Schools. The parent of all Jewish organiza- persons take advantage of .the. service -\T-Iantlc 3619 1013 Nortb 16th St. Omstis Otiice? SIS Oocstas Strwt. Dtnaba Pbonp Atlanttr S556 The Jews have always been reputed tions in the. city is the Jewish Wel- which the Federation renders in conFord Transfer &-.Storage Co. to strive towards intellectual perfec- fare Federation!. This Federation em- nection with the preparation" of affition, and-the majority of Jews whose bracing, as it does, every local and davits and form documents "required '£.Ocnera! FORP. Kanasrer. President aand •~-- financial circumstances Would permit national agency-and institution oper- by immigrants. This department han- When Thinking of Mens* Hats Council BIRCS (Iowa! Otttpe 8«6 have sent their children to the high" ating within the city or having "a just dled 1,021 cases last year,-340 of which or Furnishings 'One of America's Great Hotels' JOB So. Main a t t w t . HEMEMBBil school and to" the university. ,-There claim to support by Omaha Jewry, involved the preparation" of affidavits, are approximately 2,500. Jewish boys- has become such an integral part of 289 the transmission of money £o EuWOLF BROS. and girls -in the public schools of the consciousness and the" soul "of the rope, and 392 the sending of- food, and AS ST. iSs Savings Bank clothing draftsto' Russia. All of the JUfi L. WOLF Omaha. In spite of the fact that the Community, that' a survey of the'Jews SAM N. WOLF VVillard Battfriea Uruasnlck Tire* OUR r K B A T K K M WI1X Batteries rec+arfrert In one dar " Jews only constitute 5 per cent of of Omaha must necessarily devote a work of the Federation is done gratis. CONVINCE VOt ««< OITK COUNCIL BU'ri-* ta ERITY r .Omaha's population-, it is-not unusual good deal of space to an explanation Yoosem battery & Tire Co. Trust p Sei-vice is Out Rlotto to find Jewish boys and girls recog- of the aims, ideals and nature of the 815.North l$th at Uuming St. Safety neonBit Boxes. Road Servire Any PJnce Sate Deposit Boxec foT lifn Jewish Welfare Federation. The phinized as leaders'in their classes in the - Phnnr AtlnntJr WHS losophy of the Federation has two " grade school, the high-school and in the university. Not only • have they underlying motivating forces: One is • displayed unusual ability along intel- to'render material aid to the needy, REV. E. FLEISHMAN lectual lines of endeavor, -but -all of to offer opportunity for health, clean URB CRMMEEY CO. "Manufactured in Omaha" the other school activities ^have living and right' thinking to all who BU1TKR and K<i«S "The Mohl" , cFaimed" the!" proportionate nurnbers may be handicapped physically, morBAKfitt ICE MACHINE CO. ~ Resident r, i : m So Suih St. ally, or mentally, and finally, to main. o f Jewish boys and girls. There are Council Bluffs la. TH, ATlRntif S837. Jewish exponents in the Omaha tain- such institutions as will tend to * Place of UcsiftPKs. S41.'» Cumins St. - ~T*!. ATIantJr 3H31 Sehools <of all of the major and minor develop better Jews and better Amersports. There, are Jewish debaters, '• icans. The other force which undermembers of the Orchestras and Glee ' lies the Federation and its work is to O'AKKNCK DKSHUNKS Clubpi r.nd there are Jews, ort the offer the medium of expression for * jBchool papers, in the school plays .and the philanthropic impulses of the Violinist and Teacher UNCLE SAM BKEAKFAS'i «tSi!rfl«: Hiinkin'r ISSKR. mx .">•> «*tl> )•« ' in pracfo Jly all of the school organ- Jews, to convert those impulses into service which shall be purposefully diI'ftone, tt>b»»ei W«B ni(»D co. ." izatibns and activities. If we mean - Ultft-e Hours t:?A ) u rected and, through the co-ordination how* ^jnrt ."apn f«i >-B!S by illiteracy,-the 1««* °f education' in pf all the social energy of Omaha Jew• any language and not necessarily th£ ry, to develop a program of communal English, language it can he safely effort that-will tend towards-the high* COFFEE -PAX'XON HOTEL . said that illiteracy.among the, Jews of .eat standard of- a'chievementi f ^Af-fil!TtJktKJSH BATHS JsatinGst negligible. However, iated witlTtfie Federation £te some SO ADVO'JELL • ADVO- FOODS Bd^atiicularly Ihop who Ideal and national organizations, inHOTEL 51 81 recent imBsigr* * cannot regd or stitutions and agencies.- 'EfefrbagK-these <» B a t h s . -Brady Csr. • • * . r :• , wnfcffi the.Bnglish language. $ut the Federation furnishes to the poor, AH ! *tS6-'»ight' "schools and; the American,
S.- -.Wi
- •*.