May 29, 1924

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VOL. IH—No. 25

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MEMORANDUM SUBMITTED TO INTERNATIONAL Nathan E. Green, editor "of: EMIGRATION CONFERENCE the Jewish Press" will personalEome. <J. T. A.) - A memoraduis J ly "cover" the 56th annual convention of the B'nai B'rith for was sabmitted by the United Jewish At the ciSsvetetloB held by District the National JeTs-ish Hospital for Con- Emigration Committee, which is rep-' The,Press. The convention will •• • Grand Lodge- Nfl. 6, L O. B. B,, at sumptives. - * be held in Sioux City,- la. At The delegates arrived at the Hos- resented by Dr. Z. Tiomkin and M. Duluth, Minnesota, in July, 1923, a this convention there will. be resolution prdpessgd by Brothers Harry pital about 9 o'clock and were shown Abersoii, to the International Emigra^many happenings of interest to Lapidr/ and Heary Monsky-of Oma- through the X-Ray department. In tion Conference, tracing the histnw Jewish W e l f a r e 1 Federation ' Omahans. ha, Robert Lappea of Des Moines, and this department the first important of immigration to the United States, Who will be the next ofTakes Care of These Adolph Freand of Detroit, was unan- step i s taken in the treatment of tuficers of the district? Where berculosis. Here the patients' condi- the Argentine, Brazil and Palestine Orphans. imously adopted pledging District No. will the next convention be More Than One Thousand Visitors and Delegates Are S to raise $100,000 toward the erec- tion is investigated and the serious- during the last forty years. It gives held? Where will the new tion- of a mush-needed Infirmary ness of the affected parts is deter- detailed figures and explanations con- IT COSTS $485 A YEAR TO Expected to Attend 56th Annual Convention. * orphan's home be located? Building at the Rational Jewish Hos- mined. , I t is by an examination and cerning the position of emigration and These, are but a few of-the 'MAINTAIN EACH CHILD, pital for CorcsuijSptiyes at Denver— determination of the most affected questions that will be of interest parts ,of,the lungs that the doctors immigration in recent years, and the an institution sponsored by the B'nai to our readers. • OMAHA'S CRACK INITIATION TEAM TO B'rith at its inception. The President can direct 'their., efforts and attention prospects for Jewish emigration in The Jewish Welfare Federation is The-Jewish Press will carry of the District §ppointed the under- toward "quick relief and cure. The view of the restrictions in South and taking care of its own. This is tbe HAVE CHARGE OF INSTALLATION signed as chairman', of the campaign lungs -• of. the 'patients are examined North America and Palestine. a report of the convention- in slogan that goes out to the people to raise this;mojiey, "giving him full Tegularly every two months and phothe next issue of the paper. ' OF. NEW MEMBERS. : daily. This slogan has received the tographic X-Ray. plates are studied to authority to select committees in each observe the" advances niade in the state and city M'this'District. whole-hearted support of the entire treatment of tuberculosis. SIOUX CITY, Iowa. (Special to "The Jewish Press".)—More Jewish community. The Jewish WelImmediately after the convention than one thousand delegates and visitors will attend the« fiftyOf interest to all of us was the infare Federation is taking care of more adjourned plans -were, made to per!£ than 25 .orphans'today at the Clevesixth annual B'nai B'rith convention which is being held in this fect a real working.^organization. Dur- formation that in the 25 years of excity.from May 28 to June 1. During the day, a large number ing the monthsJof July and "August istence t h e National Jewish Hospital land Orphan home. several of the cities :in the states of for Consumptives have received and Greatest Yiddish Actor Gives Heartof delegates from the many lodges have already been reporting. These boys and girls, all under cared for nearly "5,000 patients, and Minnesota, Illinois, Wisconsin and . According' to the committee in charge there:will be a large Secretary-Henderson Says Labor Re- Iowa, were visited and interviewed during this period only 242 have died rending Farewell at Age of 70. j eighteen years of age, have been sent number of visitors from Omaha and-Des Moines. 'Many are gime Hopes to Ease Regulations. some of the. leading philanthropic and at the institution. ' This is a n averto the'Cleveland Orphan home during expected to-drive to the convention, while at- Omaha special communal workers. .While at Mil- age of less than ten deaths each year New York.—Jacob F. Adler May S the past two years. These little boys and includes the great influenza epiarrangements have been made for special trains to carry the London.-r—An interesting scene took waukee we had the privilege of ad- demic and many patients who died played the lead in a tragedy for which and girls, who are not •orphans bedressing the Sholem Alechim Circle visitors to, the convention. ......... place in the House of Commons when and the B'nai B'rith Council, both of during the. first week after arriving he was not billed. At his own re- cause they so wished, but because of There will. be. approximately seventy-five lodges that will two British Home Secretaries, one which declared their endorsement of at the Hospital and before a chance quest he returned to the stage, after unfortunate circumstances,' have lost Bourgeois and the other Labor,'en- the campaign. and promised active •was had to;really do anything toward a retirement of two years, for a final their mothers or fathers, are being be represented by the delegates" at the convention." saving them. farewell performance at the age of gaged in a discussion concerning: the support. In the months of July and "We have spared no money to make August the states of Minnesota, Iowa An inspection tour of the entire 70. He was ad\rertised to appear is raised in the Cleveland Orphan fcorae. attitude of Great Britain toward im- and Wisconsin'were, partially organthis convention a huge success," said The Jewish Welfare Federation conHospital, twelve buildings in all, dis- the Second Avenue Theater, Second migration. Dave Davidson,-general chairman in ized. ':'. . , closed that we were not merely going tributes $1,800 a year to the Clevecharge. During the entire time of Mr. Bridgeman, the last Home SecUM Orphan liome." This is **ot nearly During the months of August, Sep- through structures of brick and mor- avenue and Second street, in the title jUM Stranger" written for; ejimgh the- -convention* arrangements have retary before the Labor Government tember and October,, propaganda was tar. The atmosphere was tense with role of "The Stranger," f<)r M of Omahans^wilKtake an active part came into power, asked the present continually being sent into the various the responsiveness of the human ele- him msny years sgo. been made .that will be of interest_to Omaha lias in the Institution. It ment and the-home-like appeal conof the Sfffcrict;r which, together all, 'While-the men are in the con- ln^tiie~"conyentio~n~ Special arrange- Home Secretary, Mr. Arthur Hender- parts In the theater 2,000 Jewish faces' approximately $485 a year to take nected with.the daily life of the pawith the enffles chain of correspondvention 'hall, 'special - arrangements' ments have been made for Omaha's son, whether the Labor Government ence between the TOidersigiied sad the tients. The patients have not become stared st the dusty stage, waiting for: care of • a'-child-. Its costs this Instlhave.been made by the "women's com-, crack initiation team to put. on the Still continues the practice of not per- several commxmities, .resulted in bring- institutionalized. •' Their attendants,- Ms entrance. Outside 10,fH)O peraens,; tutkffi approximately $11,725 to take doctors- and superintendent are mittee .to take- care of the lady work of initiating the large class, of mitting immigrants to .land without ingg about ari interest- iii the cam- nurses, not only -"officlals," but "also their old shuffling TOBS. and twsmem •with care of -the Ozoaha orphans. i b l l d new candidates Thursday evening. p g y y j i red-blooded men •visitors. "There will be something the permission of the J&raistry of La- paign by chums, pals.and.bosom friends, know- lined faces and with black shawls These Iboys , &nd \girls who are inii* of them*, men with ing i our District—-all Di doing all -of the time/' said • Rabbi This -will be -an open initiation, Oma- bor, if they are seeking; permanent hearts the^personal arid" intimate things over .their.heads, muttered and pushed mates'of -the'"home «re grwavihe test and an ^understanding i«f the about ha's initiation team is reputed to be each other thatTnake for a rpal toward the bos office. No more work for which British men and great cry of sxtfffirmg unfortunates. Igaiore o Isaacson, member of the of care and. are sent to .the public e n d s h i p ; ' " :•'••":* . ; • ' •_ ; the best in' the .district. The ^follow- women are available. *•• " .tickets. •• Police .came from the Fifth •schools. general, committee. In November we visited Detroit, f r i During . . ' . - . -our stay 'at • the 5?&tk)fi«li f According to-arrangements made, ing irienTrill put on the work': Sain -""The. Labor Government hopes to Mich., and at that time, very fortu- Jewish Hospital jfche delegates attend- itreet' station. Bat the -crowd • stayed. The Federation keeps in touch with J. Leon, president; Dr, A. Greenberg, g do^away ed' '.ft'"- €inJisr"xrr£aifijtttom fet&* I t s iacrinars:,;the _fherejwilljbe_several speakersat the -to -.iteax.. haw,. tJisy,; pace - -fet. . vice" president;"' Harry "JSalasM : -tion regulations which were Inaugu* month Illinois was visited and in Cld- patients' room. a-ifij:t--'ttom convention* of national prominence. ohgr. The Fedeastibii'i*,^6 TogetEfcr with ifie delegates sat ^ a b t 1 f The complete "Omaha delegation treasurer; Irvin Stalmaster, monitor; rated during the war," declared- Sec- cago_ held a meeting with the local were able to be preseaL The curtain went up 20 minute mother and father to. these t 150 fsatients who The meal L Th reported Wednesday noon. -The fol- Abner "Elaiman, assistant ' monitor. retary Henderson in reply. "With" the members- of the General Committee was served: from"'the: "m'efit kitchen"l late. Adler's wife, Sarah, an astress the Past Presidents of the Dis- superintended by a ''-mashgiah" ap- siall, was on the stage. The audience sad the people of Oriiaia are the s»fclowing men are Omaha's delegates: Max FromTdn, guardian. President's present state of unemployment, how- and seribers to the Federation. trict. • Plans were made to organize Henry Monsky, past president of lecture by, Harry Silverman,. and Mon- ever, even" a Labor Home. Secretary the state of Illinois at that time.; Ani pointed by the local Rabbi who sees disregarded her and the other actors. •"This is one of the most Important to it t3iat everything is strictly kosher cannot be anxious to r admit immi- organization was obtained to carry on and that all dietary laws are ob- Their eyes fastened on the door where branches of the Jewish Welfare FedDistrict No. 6, and member .of the .itor's.lecture, by Arthur Eosenblum. The following ,Omahans will congrants who would compete for-posi- the great work in the city ^of Chicago, served. •Executive Council; Sam J . . Leon', ' . .;.,. . ' • - . . • ' Adler woudd appear. Many of them eration," said Joe L. Wolf, chairman city which the undersigned realAfter dinner, three of the patients saw Mm play" "The Stranger" 28 ' second vice-president of District No. 6, duct the B!nai B'rith memorial serv- tions at a time when millions of-work- —a of the finance committee. "The subizes to be one difficult to handle, due Harry H. Lapidus, Dr. A. Greenberg, ices-Saturda/ morning: Harry Silver- ers in the country are unemployed. to the greater number of people to were called upon. The first speaker years • sgo. Others • carried Adler scribers to the Federation cannot forto tell bet story'was a -woman from Harry Silverman, Irvin Stalmaster, man, president; Arthur Eosenblum Numerous touching cases have been be considered. . Indiana, who, after realizing her mis- through the streets of London 4P get these little "boys and girls Abner yaimnTi, Harry Malashock, and monitor; Irvin Stalmaster, vice pres brought to my attention, but not In the month of December we had fortune,: was compelled to break up years ago on their shoulders after he leave them wander about the ident; Abner Kaiman, treasurer. prepared to give definite information the privilege of addressing B'nai her home, withdraw her maternal in- had played "King Lear." They -were Arthur Eosenblum. B'rith Ledge at Sioux Falls, S. D., fluence from her babies and leave there to see for the final time the of this city. By paying your on "the matter." Following is the schedule of the tion pledges you can '"help toward* the and meeting in person the most active thc/n without a mother's care while TO SING AT B'NAI program: men of that community. Considering she set out •in her quest for help. She greatest actor the Yiddish stage has education of these little boys and IHUBSDAY, MAX 29TH the economic conditions of that state, rose and.impromptu these pearls fell known. They knew he had l»een para- girls who are not as fortunate £8 sonw B'RITH OPEN MEETING at Martin Htoel the committee who took charge of the from her lips: "As a patient of the lyzed after his retirement. (Forenoon) others. If you have not mailed your The "Y Invincible Harmony Four" campaign displayed a spirit • that we Women's Pavilion, I will make a plea 8:00 A. M.—Registration of Delegates subscription,* do so immediately. Do will sing at the B'nai B'rith open proand young and Visitors. hope will make the drive a success. for hundreds of mothers 1 pounding knock. "Adler koomt," ran not delay the "work.** 10:00 A. M.—Opening sessions oJ conven- gram Thursday evening, June 5, at women who are learning they are vicIn January we travelled to St. Paul, , tion: Welcome on behalf, ol city, The City Talmud Torah began their Minneapolis and Fargo, JN. D., whose tims and on making application to the a gntteral tone from orchestra to the Stewart Gilnmn, Mayor; welcome on the Home Hotel. The quartet is comJewish Hospital for Con- rafters. The door swung ©pen aad behalf of Jewish Community, Dave drive for 200 new pupils Lag B'Oraar financial and economic conditions National Davidson,- General Chairman: Pres- posed of William Finegold, first tensumptives are anxious to be admitted Adler came, hair white, ane useless were mnch the same as that of its ident's Message; Appointment of or; Max Jasobsen, second tenor; Har- Day, Thursday, May 22, and on Sunsister state, South Dakota, and at that at once, but* who- sometimes have to Committees. (Noon Luncheon) ry Green, baritone; Ben Ellis, basse, day a parents-teachers meeting was time were fortunate to enlist in the wait a considerable length of time be- arm swung loosely at Ms side, his Delegates •will be provided with and Leone Novitsky, piano accompan- held at the Talmud Torah to interest, cause the services of some real work- fore there is a bed-for tisem.*' In bodjr crouched as if he might tumble tickets for luncheon. ers, Nebraska organized for the her own case .this, woman had been in a heap. The shrieks and stamping (Afternoon d Convention) C) r Jn InR pSession ist. The quartet has already been en- the parents with the work that is be- campaign after the other-states were waiting for some time and she knew o r t s of of standing standing comc •Mr. William K. BluTnenth&U 2:00 V V. JI.—Reports gaged to sing for a number of affairs ing done at. the school. It, has been completed and in this way made it that she must get into some hospital. of the audience in honor of the old Jnitteea. superintendent of the Jewish Welfare man reached the crowd outside the decided to hold a similar meeting possible for the active work of the Another problem'faced her. Coutinthis summer. . 5:00 *P. 1L—Beporta of officers. Federation, will be the jmncij:a* campaign to begin almost at the same uing with hei story, she said: "Then theater. They joined it. 8:99 P. M.—Public initiation at Martin every month. Hotel. under auspices of O m a h a question of finances. As MATCHES TO BE PLAYED The play went on. Adler crept speaker at the Y. M. and Y. W. H. A.r To conwwe the campaign the mem- time, throughout the entire district. , came theknows, Degree- Team. • tuberculosis is not a 9:00 P. M.—Reception and Dance. DURING WEEK bers of the Ladies' Deborah Society Commencing with the adjournment everyone across the stage. He flopped into a open meeting and progrram Mondaj disease of a neaffi or two, but means The first matches of the Girls' Ten- will visit the Jewish homes who are of the convention at .Duluth and up chair. His voice was low and trem- evening, Jane- '2, &t the Jewish COTRi THtfBSDAV, MAX 29TH February of this year, dose and tnunitj Center. Ladles Program nis Tournament of the-"Y" will be not sending their children to the" Tal- until constant touch was kept with the con- the care'in a sanitarium for an bled. His arms could only flutter up 1:00 T. M.—Luncheon and speaker, West The Intellectual Advancement Coreplayed Monday,'June 2. "Entries can mud Torah. a few inches from his side. The Hotel. ditions ajid situations in every com- indefinite length of, time. I made apSightseeing; automobile drive about be made until June 1. mittee has prepared the following munity In our District, and the replication, but • was. told s t the time blurred faces in front of 'Mm were ; The 300 children who are now atthe city. The following who have made their tending the Talmud Torah were en- sults of the efforts extended, indi- there were no. vacancies* but my same frankly sobbing. When the curtain eJitertainiiig program for the evening; FRIDAY, MAT 30TH cated that the drive was in a fair would be placed ion the waiting list. entries will play Monday:at Martin Hotel tertained by the Deborah .Society on way to success. After an invitation The waiting was "hard,.'as I did not came doia-n the "house1 broke into an 1." Playlet, "Maker of (Forenoon) coachetl by Mrs. B. "R Anne Gerelick plays Betty Fine. 10:0O A. 51.—Business Sessions. Thursday, in celebration of ,Lag was sent to each state in the District know but that ,I : might die sxid leave uproar. The curtain rolled up IS Convention adjourns to attend Amerand acted by the Misses Faye Klein acceptance was received from theii Bertha Hoffman plays Ida -Fine. my children orphans before I coold times.. Adler, in his chair, was -cryB'Omar. ican Iiejrion Memorial Day Services. representatives to meet at a confer- get into the Hospital." As she stood ing, too. He could "only nod his anand Eose 'Lazaru?, and Al Handle*. Ida Hoffman plays Frances Green(.Noon' Luncheon) ence in Denver. On February 3,1924, there relating her story, one's heart Delegates will be provided trith spun. 2. Rano Solo, '-P*of Harry BnvJrofT. swer. • 19 men and three women representing •was brought to t h e breaMag.point and tickets for luncheon. 2:00 P. M.—Business Sessions. S. Monologue. Ph'S 'feldroan. Bess Farber plays Clara Feldman. ZIONISTS ELECT six of the eight -,states in the DisThe second and the third set? werfi one's eyes became filled %vith tetirs. 1 3:00 P. 11.—Election of Officers. trict (only Michigan and South "Da- It was' a story, ssieh oaly as a mother the same. As the curtain came dowr 4. Violin So3o, Pro1. Bsiry MaryMoscoe- plays Meryle Preidel. 8:00 P. M.—Auditorium. Memorial DELEGATES kota wers not represented) arrived in Patriotic Services; American Legion Kate Goldstein plays Helen Riekes. The meeting is o{»en to everyone. on the last act the old actor's VOICP At the recent meeting- of the local Band. (Continued OK page 4) Bon. Slg. Livingston, Speaker. • Eva- Chesneau plays- Margaret Zionist" district held at the- Jewish Denver and immediately proceeded to rose in one thundering1 line. He fell Ladies Program - ; back -to the chair exhausted. The 1:00 I \ M.—Luncheon and entertainment Eiekesv- , Community Center, election of dele.,. at Davidsons Tea "Room.. Helen Altschukr plays Dora gates was held for th curtain TOSS, and fell. In the audience DE. V. E. LEVINE TO SPEAK AT YOUNGSchwartz^i -.-- . <• SATUKDAX. .MAY 31ST men and women were moaning and conference to be "held at at MarUh Hotel ISRAEL SYNAGO&U& Martye Weinstein playsRebecca crying. Pa., June 28, .29,. 30. The .following 10:00 A. 1L—Sabbath Service at Mt. Sinai The Young Israel Synagogue 1M«*= Temple, combined with Memorial Azornv • - - . ' . . - •• were~.eleeted as delegates:?John FeldAdler tried to speak to them. He Lodge Service. • ' • selected Dr. V. E. Levine to speak s* Mina Freedman plays Eutli Her(Noon Luncheon) had no voice. Joseph Shcngold, hi* man, Dr. V. E. Levine, and J. Katel* Kiev (J. T. A.)—Figures are pub-;average of less than 60,000. Delegates will be provided with man, the close of this Friday evening serv.r .". : • son-in-law, spoltc for him. Jaeo' man. tickets for luncheon. ' lished here which show that in the the figures rose back to 1O,S12. 10,312. n ices. His subject will be "Young Is(Afternoon) . Rose Fine drew a bye. Arrd period from 1SS1, when the first po- 1914 itt was 138.051. Committee Meetings 138051. With ith the begin-' bg stroic-to the md kissed rael's Future." Saturday tnon>in£ h a nstage d JEWISH PROTESTS T h 7:00 P. M..—Banquet at Davidson's Tea h d - Th curtailgroms took place, to the end of 1923, ning Of the war it feH again// In 1916 tt hh e o l d &ct^F Mrs. D. £. Elgutter ti Boom. IvSr. E, Bloch will review thr weekly AGAINST POGROMS TO Shengold tossed Adler Ladles Program 1,681,683 Jews emigrated from Russia Elected President of Council it was 23,108.In 1919 it west d o w n " « " slowly portion of the Bible, and oa Saturday* MINISTER OF INTERIOR 1:00 P. SJL—Luncheon and program at of Jewish Women ' Bucharest. (J. T. A.) A "Jewish to the United States. the Elk's Club. to 3,055. In 1920'it rose back to his tendfcerehicf. Seated in WF cliair. evening Rabbi J. M. Cbarlop «iU 4l$; Adler painfully ffiltered Mrs. Dollie P. Elgutter was elected deputation from this city appeared be^ ^°^T> painfull i l d h cuss Jewish Laws and the reason ^ot From 1SS1 to 18S4, 74,310 Jews 119,036; in 1922 it fell ag-ain to 49,SUNDAY;, JUNE 1ST That their cnactssent, while Sir. Bloch Mt. Sinai Temple p president of t h e local Council of Jew726,and in 1323 to 45,443. The total handkerchief to his emigrated from Russia to the United fore the Minister of the Interior, mak20:00 A. it.—Business Bi Si Sessions of Con- ish Women .at its-closing me&trng o£ u a s t h e l s p t ft EST vention. " give a lesson 5n Jewish History* ing a strong protest against the wave States; irom 18S5 to 1SS1, the aver- iramber of Jews,-1,631,688, who eira- " D Delegates Trill fce guests -ot mem- the year, Monday afternoon. May 28, yocrn he wept gaspgrated from Russia to the United age annual emigration was about 25,The membership af this yoVtng confif^pogroms, now going on without ofbers at dinner in .homes of Sioux hira. City LodBC. at the Blackstone.Hotel. Mrs'. S.'Na- ficial interference in the country! States between 1881 and the end cf 009. In 1S92 it was 60,325. After gregation has increased conKidsMabHw 2:00 P. M.—Business sessions. Kibe said. during the past week. ARJ- yottilj| wii than was elected vice president; Mrs. ' The deputation asked the Minister that the emigration wave consistently 1923 was 11 per cent of the total : " YY o u a r c 4.-aO P. M.—Adjournment. H . Qi Marx,'financial' secretary; Mrs. how it was possible for such atrocities fell. In 1SS9 the number was 16,021» immigration into America for the "ins"** c r i e d E S is invited to attend ««y of tHa diLondon. ( J . T. A.) The remains of S. S. Goldstrbm, recording secretary; to be committed In the presence of the In 1901 the * Sgures began to rise period. ' visions of the organisation's werk. t 1 ore. know. I know, "but it was I, not Karl Marx may be moved from High- Mrs. Dave Eosenstock, treasurer; and police, and while t h e country was in again. They reach their highest poiat Between 1S01 and 1923, 87,457' cry gate Cemetery in'London to Moscow. Mrs. Leo Rosenthal, auditor. ^'. ^ ,raada ^ " H e EOBERT HESS TO SPGA& a state of martial law. The depnta- between 1994 and 1908 (the period of Jews emigrated from Bttssia to Cau-! The Soviet Government's delegation Following the election, Mrs. Carl tion asked why the Government' did the Eusso-Japanese War, the po- atia, ft per cent of the total AT MEETIKG UWM novr participating here at the Anglo- Fu'rth, president of the Council, gave . Mr. Rofeert lier% t noted aitowiy not take sufficient preventive-" meas- groms, the revolution and the reac- gxation into Canada. Between Russian Conference is reported td foe .her -: annual /reports and-then reports tion}.- la 1S01, 5S,098 Jews emigrated and 1923, 40,551 Jews emigrated from' Dr. W. E. Praner will speak at the Oif. Milwaukee, Wii.T will fee the 'prinnegotiating with the British Govern- by the various committees of the or- ures. No explanatory answer was f « m Russia to the "United States, aruf liussia to the Argentine, 4 pet cent Ladies' Labor Lyceum Club meeting cipal Speaker at the Keren given to the question. ment for permission to -make this ganization- -were given. A one o'clock in 1SGS, 153,748. Fyom 1903 the fig- of the total immigration to that «wra- Wednesday * aCteratxm, Jane 4, at taieeting- "Tuesday eveaSnjg, transfer. luncheon had-preceded the meeting. I P A T S 0 N I 2 B QVB, ADVERTISESS. ures fell again, reaching an. - - ^eigkt o'clock at the Labor Lyceum. the Jewish.. Coxainuait^ Center

By Harry H. Lapi-dus* of Omaba Chalrstaii of District Grand Lodge No. 6

i'nai B'rith Convention; Omahar

British Government Makes Immigration Stand


Qmahan's to Take Active Part in 1.0. B. B. Convention

City Talmud Torah D i For F 2200 J e w Pupils Drive




Published every Thtfrsdny at Omaha, Nebraska, By'

• THE JEWISH PRESS P U B L I S H E S C O M P A Q Office: 681 Brandeis 'Theatre Building—Telephone: Atlantic 1430 NATHA'If E& GREEN, Manager, _$2.50. Subscription Price, one year....—J.-.. Advertising rate? furnished on application.

Judaism In Melati@m~i&' • . the Wmr in-the Churches

"How does the Fundamentalist- and accept them as df earns, as symModernist controversy affeet Juda- bols. ism I'1 is the question raised fcy Rabbi "B'ut your literalist * * * conJoel Blau in the B'nai B'rith &ews for stantly comes along -ttitb the May. He answers himself by saying: Well, what of the Bible? Is the Bibfe OF-ADOEESS—JPleass give both the old and new bo sure and give your uaoae. "The real question is what kind of Ju- not true? If it is all a fairy story, The Jewish Press is supplied to theJewisfr Telegraphic Agency. (Jewish daism can remain unaffected? For, -what becomes of the truth of reliCorrespondence Bureau* with caftea aridTelegiaphie Jewish news, M addition surely, there are some kinds of Juda- gion? But * * * surely, a" fairy to feature articfe's and correspondences- from &l\ ifflp\tftant Jewish centra. ism that would come under the b"ah sttfry fe the truest thing.' there is. Inquiries regarding news items- feetfftttl fo tfna Agentfy- wTTC U gladly of modernism Just as ineluctably as Titter; certainly, than many- a scientifanswered, if addressed to Jewish Telegraphic Agency, 114 Fifth Avenue, the cr'^ed of offfiodox Christianity. ic treatise. * * * These stories York City. * * * * * * false only literally, but are true merally, symbolically, * * * "dur liberalism possesses in many JUDAISM AND AtfERJCAftlSBf We should at last succeed in conveyquarters severe, although not dangerSince the Issuance of the Balfotir Dedafatiofl the qtiestfofl of Americanism and Judaism has'been-discus1>ed"witft-incYeas6d ous, limitations. If the fundametrtal- ing to our-youth the thought that a acrimony-aRd-pasffll9B-an4-€0Bseetttently-Jess understanding.—Qn. jst-modemist controversy simmers legend is a poetic statement of a mer^ down to « the antimony beTween "attnrthrdependent for its worth upon the one hand the nationalistic temper oriented--by, t h e war-has J~—•« . - natural — ^ - I ~-«— made the thorough-going assimilationist More" irhgdttaiit afid literalism and liberalism, then We can- the vast- -suggestion of idealism it -caustic, and on the other hand has made"tne^Jewish nationalist not overlook the fact that much of contains. "For myself, I should not fear the what passes as Judaism among the more apologetic'and-casuistic. effect upon the Jew "of the present With the entry of the war the'hyphen wad ex- masses is based upon the crudest litercontroversy between one or the- other purgated from our languags. Single, unquestioned allegiance be- alism.- * * * With our own funcame the only accepted and safe position. • In-the furyv hateJnid damentalists to hinder the progress of faetion- in- Church or Synagogue, if tumult generated by imagined propagandized fears all heretofore religion througltoMt the WOTM, we have the Jew wotild rise above all controexisting values and- measures were destroyed. EVen after the .no .tight to -view the present contro- versy and dissension, Snct once again immediate cause which gave.rise to the condition, haa passed, versy in the church with anything re- shoulder the" task of leading an erringmankind Back to God." there still persisted a lack-of balance, a'distorted perspective in sefftfiling' a Tiolier-than-thott* mien.

stigation of the disturbance'-will be opion on the particular cases tioned. *•. tried. Among them is Dobfcin. 5684-1824. As regards "the general prtncipaiof FAESHA BECHUKOSY—May 31st. such- restrictions they appear to the teOSH CHODESCH SIVAN— June EX-KAISER BESfOWS. . - . • . : M0(M••tJP&Sf 'FRIENDS Management Committee'of the World 3rd. Berlin. ;.|J*LT,,.A\>. E ^ i a i s e r Wil-: Alliance to be inconsistent with huPAltgHA BAJVIIDB4&—June 7th. helm haffftibliciy ssiiiouneeii.his sup- man right of self-developinent." SHEVUOTH (First Day)—June 8th. SHEVUOTH (Second Day) — Juri« port of, the anti-Semitic swastika movement, headed by Adolf Hitler and ECONOMIC CRISIS AF9th. " KlgHINEFF< MANY General^ Ludendorff, according to a PAKSttA NESOH—jffie" Ufh. SUICIDES REPORTED statement Imadehere by, Graf Vulle> PARSHA BEHAALOSECHO — June' h T. A.} Iiif©rm®tion the- leader-of-tiw- j5!ffei«S«w#!e. partj^ • •-.•" 21st. ;. .- Bis alsam&ertMirsm-TfisvmPo- wMch was r&fivetJ here shows that a PARSHA SHELACH—June 28fh. ROSH SHODESCH TAMMUZ^-Jufie land, tnat ^ie" Es"-feiser in ejii^'rtairi- great economic crisis has arisen in ing his friends recently gave them as Kishineff, the principal city of Bes2nd. ROSH CHODESCH TAMMUZ—July gifts copies of t l ^ it>torioi«? "Proto- safabia. Mai*^- btiSiness houses have 3rd. cols of Zioa" and; * GerssaW tram^Ha-" gone h&rtkiUp^t and- a number of suiPARSHA fcORACBr^-July 5th. tlo» o£ Mktit-f FoM's 6»ofe ort l i e siefes have Be«H recofded. The prominent Jewfei Inercii^fit of foshineff, P'ARSHA CHU&AfH—July 12th. H. . . .. HalpeYn, hung" himself. PARSS&.BALAE^-July 19th. The? fiks&afee'f's' cssnversictt to' atitiPARSHA PINCHAS—July 26th; Semitism is ascribed to the influence ^OSHXHCTDESCH AB—Afffusf 1st. of General Ludendorff. EXECUTION OF JEWISH P'AR'SfiA SAT- ' S UffiASSSm-AuCOMMUMST IN LODZ gtist -2nd: (Jv-T. A.> gamtfet fin-gel, WORLD CHMR€»PARSHA DEBAEIM, SHABBOS CONDEMNS NUMERUS CLAUSUS nineteen year old Communist, was exCHAZOM—August &h. London. (J. T^ A.) A resolutioa ecoted May 13 in Lodz. He was TISHA B.'OV—August 10th. againsf this1' NumerUs Cfettstiff was charged witi the shdefting of a memPARSHA VAETCHANA8 — August unanimously passed by the Manage- ber of the Polish secret police. 16th. ment GommiiSiee ef t&e- Werld • AHi"PARSHA AKEV-^Augusf 2Srd.aiice for P^omotingr Infernatienal EOSH CHODESCH ELLUfc; PARFriendship through the Churches, at SHA RUAY—August SOth. its last meeting at Oxford. The alliEOSE CHODTSSCH ELLTJL—August ance; of wfttefc H4« ATcfebfeSop^ d GfdS^ 31st. '.. ; terbury is President;- Kas am«ng i t s PARSHA SHOFTIM—September 6th. members famous scholars, and the PAfiSHA K.E SAZA —•- September most.prominent representatives of the PARSHA NEZAVlM — September chufches of Cwefffcy-six coisii^iesv *he resolution" f^s&& by it;i€sM is •§>!-' 2? th. lows: EREV ROSH HASHANNOr-Septea"The management cdHffflittee Of" t f e iber 28th.. . .. World Alliance, having considered" "a"


the matter of'our cultural and national allegiance. ' '" "T-ne Modernist revolution" iii the" The Jewlike.everyone Jew-like.everyone else is is- conditioned; conditioned; H6 H6has hasa.l> I*rotgstant Church may be said to AITABS GIVE REASONS FOR OPPOSmOft TO NEW ophy of life li based upon individuali d i i d l and. d race experience and trail- harlfbacR' to the beginning' of the PALESTtNlAN CUftliENCT ing, colored by religion and'buttressed by history. He has a ptlde Information. The coatroversy then Jerusalem. (J. T, A.) The reasons - of opinion which ha& lost,none of its strength and dignity despite was as between an Infallible" Pope and the fact that he has been reviled,, condemned, and looked irpofc ah- Infallible Church. Luther" simply fo'f the Palestinian Arabs* opposition as an inferior wherever he has" lived. .. " t~~ ' transferred the pwer; alleged, to re*- to the intention of the Palestinian AdThis man. or woman- comes to America with his" cultural side m the person of f he Pope,. l& fhe ministration to introduce". a separate baggage practically intact. "Russia, Poland, AustrraKKungary, , collective consciousness of the Church. Palestinian currency, independent of Roumahia failed for one reason or another .to- assimilate of even This had for its necessa-ry consequence the Egyptian pound,, ware outlined into integrate,this- stiff-necked, tough-minded individual^ Had he a denial of the hagioiogy of the Cath- a- meMorandum submitted to Sir HerJerusalem. (J. T. A.y New changes not been excluded from participation m the educational, cultural, olic Church. That is* Luther denied bert Samuel- by Bfusa Easim Pasha,- will be made shortly in the adminis- mitim of JewMi- Efelegatiossj. tficf int jcrtiuictidtttffSie political movements of these Countries he may -have lost many the -stories of tHe- saints,- the?- mitfacle- President of the Arab Executive Com- tration of Palestine. A special eomm of his peculiar, distinctive characteristics: We" may say advisedly, Vorking status and images; all the- mittee. The memorandum Teatfs as mission, under the chairmanship of #"stat& t&at im Save follows: • for although'a people may be ftumeriesftyv politically and socially richly woven legendary store of CaRonald Storrs, Governor ef JerusaMnd#letig&' aW to ioeat "The Arab Executive finds it its lem, was appointed recently for the Th: M. E, Stein - 1 inferior they may still possess^ cultural superiority which refuses tholieism *" * * . th& 5fodei?nist stsaces fis-enable us to e3fp*ess sxi 1 duty to protest against the issuing" of .to be eliminated or swamped by the nttttierieally. supelior.purpose of considering the reforms to laovemerit in Protestantism seems to p y p ilti $ i aim at wiping- out the last ineonsist- a. new Palestinian currency for tii& be- made in the administrative arThe classical example off an$ swamping of aliert cultures is found, in China!: Upon the. authority of men of ..critical -encjr of the Kefornrafion * * * following reasons: rangement of the" country. h WANTED—Several men between has' GpbftM .Ms office i t i l "That is to say, either you believe" in "There is- no harm or injury if the' ability, unimpeachable veracity and power of observation^ China ages- esf 25 a a d S5r ta .ssjicjjt for Previous- reports from" Arab ssrureess Life Insurance and" colleijt. WGEis the outstanding convincing- pi-oof that a superior culture hiaa . supeirnatUralism andi then you must '. Egyptian currency still continues to have stated that the new administra^ derful opportunity f&? SfflSiftitsts* circulate-in the country' Tfte Govern- tive" arrangements would- give some the capacity, to assimilate "any alien- group whether the* original accept all miracles from Gourl men.; Guaraatfeerf salary md C@HK ment's last report,.--whieh-vfa3 signed entry of the group'was. friendly 01? hostile*; Many proud eon- souf<Se' they eolne-concessions to the-Arabs* demand for *" or you mfesieB. fa<|af?& fer FV- I querors, invaded China only to be eventually., cenguered, and jdisbelieve in super naturalism. * * * by the" Ghief Secrgtafy,- expressed &• self-government. tftal, MgK . f MstrepoiltajS Life i swallowed by the pervasive, prof ormd philosophic race. The seem- -"Itia true" that we (the Jevvsj do similar opinion. Co., 8S6: Brawdels- "EaeStfee: g Omaha, Nebr. ingly undigestible were easily digested by these amazingly healthy riot. lean ttro a«a OK belief in mira"The country does not lbt>k upon its P"OLFTI€At PRISONERS people. - And what is: more, China is not a melting pot in, which ..'cles.. * "Maimonides- tried fo rS- money connection "with Egypt as a REVOLT ASAINST RE"the various races-have been thfotvn in as- ingredients to '.makera tioriaftzc away alt miraculous accounts disadvantage; as the Zionists thinkvGIME IN SOVIET PRISON ; cultural hash. No doubt the stranger brought with him ideas of the-"Bible * *"• *' But"theri this "The CoTnmitte'eT which was apRiga. (J. T. A.) Five thousand and inventions which the Chines^ gladly accepted* without, how- mCttaat of dealing with iniracles is not pointed" By the Gfevennnent, Is comp-olitical pfisdners in the Moscow fdif£ever, impairing their sound, indigenous culture.. satisfactory. One way of destroying posed of four members, who aYe* di- ress, Butirka, have revolted against The case of our co-tfeligkrnists is essentially different from a miracie.r with all the' magic beauty rectors of foreign banks, interested' tlie ovefcrbWding in the pnscp^ amf that of, the newcomer in China. We- eame here- not- to. conquer ; clinging to it, is-ta explain, il * * * only in their own interests, "and Zion- tlie severe* regiffiff uwJer wffich they* America; but to become a "part of ft. America has a much simpler .There are two ways of destroying ists, whose intenf-ion is- well known r are being held. In their sgetSe pris46tfr afii i*5t$t&\ gf&, Ottsha task in assimilating'the «rew.$ftan had China in assimilating '.the jniracles: One ia~ by explaining them and tnTee" members from- the dovertt- oners pulled dovm tlie fixtures and- Day and-Niglit Pfeone Wainat SlM. stranger.' Ij5ut on. the. other'hand the task- of America is ariuch. away? fhe othef ~by-'aece'ptin^ them, ment, jThe Goveniment gave the ZJon-- destrSyed* the Vv-alls; windows and tarimore difficult. America has been a melting pot, iii whichr* how- -literailjr,' as fadts.. There is only one ist- Executive the "right to elect, its- ous objects in their,cells. r: The uest ever, the elements had neither focused, coalesced nor created a Way of saving- miracles: -Deny them represerttatives, bu^did-fiot give-such morning a detachm«ife of' the "Ogptty** finished cultural produtst. " -•„..-.. - . . . . ; , - . i love tKem. Efeject tMrn as facts, right to- the' Arab Executive, which tRe nevrl'y r6orgaftiz«dCheka;, wassttot should- Be considered as the real rep- to th"e prison to quelJ the inufiny. What is Americanism ? Is it that flamboyant, arrpgant attiresentative' of thg Palestinian nation. - TrTany oT the prfedners were- -antude of the successful enterprising .business; executive. to whom - RENEWS' literature, art, drama arid philosophyare- iegligibie ancTare for dressed and terribly beaten; Amoirg ATTACIt ON ZIONIST PALESTINIAN AKABS SEND women and' thnr, pale-Wooded1 men.?. - . _. .tliem were the prisoners, Lechtmann> POLICY OF ^ CEtEGATJON TO MESOPOTAMIA •wHo was arrested for:professing: So* "A Wonderful Value Is it grey-sombre Ptaritamsm thatfin4s an outlet -for ii-s London... (jj^ T. A.) --Lord Raglan,• "Bagdad: '{3.'T. A.)- An- Arab- dele- claiistic Konisin; th0 Zionist,. Dobfelft, cruelty inr-suppression and deniaFandf er.ects-.a-defense mechanism, Deinonstratkm well known,antivZfonistr reri.ev.-ed' gatiort frb-m ParestShe^ufldeTrtheleadv -wK* was arrested for belonging ta against worldly joys and2pleasures' fey snooping prohibitions and" his attack on the^ionist policy of the ership of Mufti AmnV-Ehus'seini, "hs> the Heehaluti, and Dr: Sdrlcin, also- * censorships'? " , *\ " ••'--*, G^vernm'ent. in the Middle arrived here. The delegation fta"s b-een Zionist. Those1 charged -with the- inIs it the- spirit that accepts^ dishonesty in - public affairsf".'a& r ^ :pastj-\in ttre May -18^ Issue- of the received by King Feistil, ^ho gave" a a neeessary -and concomitant evil; of demoeraey'and desfdes any" ' "Sunday Express..";. special luncheon in-its honor, and-gave attempt to-'eliminate-crass thievery among public officials? . '„' "Instead of winding- the gratitude general interviews ta its-memBers. Na Or ,is it that nebulous, unformed, groping -which, expresses itself in our' limping1 literature, pur surer- paintfng and icuipture,. of the Arabs of .thsrHedjasi, Mosopo- accounts ndve- been- puBHshed a"s: to PAPERHANGING AND our pragmatie, satiric philosophy, and buiu. poetry -o£" social .tamia t Transjordania' wand" Palestine;"' the purpose of tils.delegation". T5BCOKATING writes-Lord for- the w g l Raglaii*,:" , -protest? ' "' ' ..*:.*-.. n n s r j'liAssr WORK Judaism may no£ be compatible -with, arrbganee' of materiaL tion from the Tur^s, and the gxati- POLISH STLyDENTS ATTACK J. RIKLIN wealth, Puritanfsm,and publfc dishonesty bu{.-it is surely most feide of the- Zionists for leading, them JEWrSBT J5FEWSFAPEHT OFFICE . ! « « Xorth 37th. Tel.: WE bBtcr <£7 y the ProtnisetJ^Land^ England,compatible--with—the finest, though inchoate expression-of t h e ' Vilria. (J. T. A.)'. Tfiff office of ther J SOUl of America, -: „ .' . *. . . ' as the situation stands now, has no Jewish newspaper,- "E>ia Zeitr""was atIs the Jew less an'American because Ee finds- cultural food friends- in the Middle East. Neither tacked recently, byr riatiohalistic-std*at in the works of the Hebrew and TiddisHliterateura,. dramatists, King- Hussein nor Dr.-Weizmann have dents because of" fhsF' fact thtft the MONHRIT'S poets and philosophers? We might- Just as .reasonably charge the faintest claim on Palestine. Hus- paper" reporter! student attacks on tire BK3.PTT s n o t * the American-, wha reads the master works "of European- 'genius- Sein's- Glainr to the- Kingship of the Jews during the May 1st demonstraBet. VSDO Arabs has no justification either in tions. The editorial'" staff put up awith a lack of,Americanism. . Slawpr and tw* r*set' in 1 108 " " iTtljrS, 51-OB • i . ? ^."P*- " * unreasonable to ask the Jews who possess-a, Bis personal rights or in any power strong self-deferfse, anrf file shidents We specialize in permanent vested in him by the Arab, people. His wnvinR. rich heritage of .culture- to disregard, and forget it, and accept a weTe subsequently arrested by 8ie potrmit 9 A,. M. t o so" wonderfully attrac culture whichasr still so unsubstantial, amorphous and definite as only power is the support given Him lice. 9- V. ST. KT74. 131 Hhrney Sfc, our AmericariVeulture., • ' . . " . . . . •, • by the British-Government. The same; The Dean of thfe University of Vilna tive that*the mere term "woiiderWe.may.well attempt p to-'leiislate islate the Eyphen .out. of exist-exist- ia true of Dr. Weizmann- His claim lias declared- that tTiope" stadente wilt* w e a a y p l a c e a tab ti l b spokesman of the Jewish peo-fuT falls fiat irt describing them. participated in- the atta'ct'will be tried ence^ we.aay-place a taboo- upon our native culture, but still jiothin|.will,betaccomplished openly for the need and- the. yearn- 'pte'isr iJaMed.onTy on his recognition by the University Court of Discipline^ ing,there, -.- •_ • - . . . . . , as-su'ch-Tiy the^British Goventment. % - Dr. Pktljp: Judaismy and.^Americamsm are not- contradictory, but rather , "Hussdn's^policy is mainly actuated, Models iBoi'e effectively designed i y : his ambition" and ^avarice; Dr. »"• ' Practice- Limited' ' |S & f f J»daism-1»-one of the large., ingredients, iiutha thfflfi"any season has ever kiiown -whicb shall-come the American culture which Weizmann, on the otheK hand, is, t 1 1 1 Ear, Nose and Throat I believe, entirely disinterested" in the Z ? ^-elements of the- orientaT- as well- as the heretofore—You must see them.




to .information in his posses"sion, it appears that the anti-religious policy of th^- Soviet Government is abating,- anrf that there are reasons . Soviet Government -JJofc-in Pgvor of ;to believe that this "government will r Autonomous Jewiefif Region. shortffy adopt-a more liberal attitude in "Hie question, especially concerning' London/. (X. T. 'A7)";.Tne fioard of the freedom of religious education in Jewish Deputies, at-its- monttily meet- -Soviet Russia". *'*'": ' -, ing, received* tfie^lreport of the. Joint "-• Foreign Cohimifctee on concerning the , SEA- COEONT OTENEBf FOU ;•'" plan for the- starting of -Jewish colonJEWISH c m t B R E N A T DANZIG "•-; izatfon. in the Crimea * and the UkDanzig, (J. T. A.)—The Jewish As•j. xaine. • ..!--_ sociation for the Protection of Health, .-. -- 'Mr. Lucien Wolf, the secretary, of ;of "Poland; names "Tos," has opened - - the Joint Foreign Cdmmittee^-repofted ,here a coibny by tfie sea for "120 •••.•..,. > that be had discusseithe matter with Jewish' children. ' '." the representatives. d£ the- Jewish Col, ".onizatioji -Association^ - lea* .-with Mr. DRIVEN ; --Felix M v .Warburg; and J3r. ,Bogfin.. TO' FRDKTIER' OF SYRIA .,; He also I learned' frpm, authoritative, Constantinople." (I. T^ A.) The '„, sources that- the political .autonomy of ,-TurJtish 'bands, whfch Rave been carVj; tlie proposed. Jewell -region of colon- rying on a guerilla warfare against' .;• ization was not a j a r t of the original thef Fren'efi- on the norffierri bo'Mer of Syria, were-drfven-baclsr By:ffie French';," scheme r snd- if being; regarded to;Hadilar. • , • • :--«". .- ' -" .3 I t , i | ' repoTtedTthaf the Turkish Govj SA y-senfc a

'h -

final result of his activities.. Hussein and the Zionist leaders would not be entirely unwilling to 'embrace each* other, were it not for the fact that Hussein is afraid to risk his-new pres. tige by making up to the.. Zionists^ The result of all this' is._that-the civilized inhabitants of ? tfe Hedjas are disgusted with Hussein's'barbaric rule. , "In Tranpjordania t h e vicious Emir ,-Abdullah and'his gang- a r c filling tfiefc- pockets" ts aften a s they can; Mesopotamia has" as* its" Enter thsr Weak and" easily mffuenced ' Feistil" snd his gauk- In Eatestaita t h e Zionists are endeavoring: fo'tfriafce:the. country "as England is-Errgdish."" The h EflgliskmaH-. wKb: "were, employed iit Palestine stnA Mgsopota-mi& ate throwing up-1 their lapptrinttaents in disgust. The same feefingr of'dissast is' shared by fhe inhabitants. ,wh"o look, at the doings tfE.'tfce.British-Government through two. glassea. ;'And aH: this on account of what? On accftnint of a -few thousand., extreme^ Zionists aod. pan-Arab^r -jvho- are - both , con- cejtedr;inioleranfc and fanatic^. £ The.

s wishes" to" announce tne" removal ~ s: of his office from- -423-424 s

s- -SJ



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SV! great stoning, at evecy-p


PAGE 3—THE JEWISH PRESS, THURSDAY, MAY 29, 1924 Biumenthal,"" Evelyn Green," Leah Sam Schwartz, of St. Louis, Mo., who Miss Rose Mayerowifcn -eHtertalr.ed E33SLE DEUTSCH, PHI• Jewish Women's Welfare Sie*gel, Sani Tufkel. Ethel Adler, LANTHROPliST, DIES is visiting wit& -her" parents, Mn sha sixteen guests at a bunco "aird dancing dosing Meeting Tuesday Rose Kirscfiehbauin.,

Parts, (J. T. A.) Emile Deutsch, $ r s . G; Katlerissn. Others who en-party Saturday evening: at her home. The Jewish Women's "Welfare tfifounder of the Franco-American Sotertained for Mrs. Schwartz wore Mrs. Prises were won by Miss Evelyn Adgairization nest meeting wlirbe held ciety for the Relief of War Orphans, JEWISH CULTURE LEAGUE ler and Messrs. Seyman Kuiabofsky S. H. Eatleman, who entertaraed test Tuesday afternoon, June 3, at the died here May 18 at the ag-o of 77. About two' Hundred attended the «nd Leon Franlvel. Thursday, and Mrs. E. Martrcs, v."ho Jewish Community Center. musical given by tKe Jewish" Culture entertained Mortday evening. Jfr. Doutsch, who was a well kiioWn This being the last meeting of the Jew-ish philanthi-opist, was a Comyear business of importance will be League -Sunday afternoon, May 25, at Mrs.- Harry Schxjenwald, of Los An- SPLIT AMONGST PROPONENTS OF ARAB EXECUTIVE mander of the Legion of Honor. His transacted and a program will be" the Labor Lyceum. A playlet, direc- geles,-Calif., arrived Tuesday evening, ted by J. Morgensfern, was given by Jerusalem. (J. T. A.) The Associa- last philanthropic project was a plan given. iive' members of the dramatic group to visit with her parents, Mr. and tion of Moslem and Christian Arab?, to foiitd in the Paris students' quarof the League. Miss Ida Lustgarden Mrs. M. Saltzman. the organization which backs the Enti- ter free dormitories for the poor stuSEVERAL GMAHAN'S MAKING TOURS. THROUGH gave Several character _ songs in Mr. _ and Mrg. Herman Krasns re- Zionist»movement jimongst the Pal- dents, to which hp donrted 10,000,000 i by the turned" last' Friday from a three weeks' estine Arabs under the leadet-ship of francs;. MT. Deutsch also contributed E U R O P E A N D ASIA yiddish that was well received ilusa KsEim Pasha, will undergo an to many Jewish war relief activities. audience. Mr. Albert Firikel then stay in Excelsior Springs, Mo. Mr. and Mrs. B. Wolf to Make impoitant change. rendered several piano selections folENGAGEMENTS The Y. F . H.A. held a meeting last ht Palestine. lowed by selections from the Ukranian It is reported that this association BESSEL-SPiEGEL. Mr. anS Mrs. J. Goldberg, of this -• Opera by Mr. J. Belmont; violinist, Sunday afternoon. will cease io exist in the present form Announcement Jias been made of «tf,- ahn6une§ iHe engagement of and the elections which take place Mr. and Mrs. J. Katleman are leav- G. Stoler, on the mandolin, and acthe marriage of Miss Frances Spiegel, th"6ir nteeej Miss Hose Goiablfg, of Mr: Sam Schwartz, of St. Louis. shortly will be held rtfnongrst its Mosdaughter of Mr. ana Mis. Sam L&ids,- Ehglafid, to Mf. Louis Gitliri, ing Omaha Wednesday, June 11, for companied by Alice Ginsberg. Mo., is; expected to arrive Friday" to A second anniversary banquet will join Mrs. Schwartz, who is visiting lem members only. In fact, the elecfeel, to Mr. Abe Bessel, of Crestoft, 61 this* citjr. 35T6 wedding date has as a six months' tour of Europe and la., scm of Mr.- L B§sse1f of this cltyi yet been set.- Miss GoldBerg is visit- Asia. Upon leaving Omaha they will be given by the organization Sunday with, her parents, ]fer. and Mrs. J. Ka- tion "tickets already issued arc signed by Musa Kazhn Pasha, as president The," ceremony took place Wednesdd? ing at the" hoffig of her aunt and go to St. Louis, Mo., for a visit, and evening, at the Labor Lyceum. telman._ Mr. and Mrs. Schwartz will onlv of the "Moslem Association." then to Chicago; III., and ffew Yoik evening, May 21, at the B'nai JacoB iincle. leave Monday for Kansas City, Mo. City. From New York they will Synagogue, Jlabbi J . M. Chaflop of= Mrs. Mary SSalE was pleasantly sur- for Europe, first going to France; then BIRTHS AND DEATHS ficiating. Following the ceremony & IN PALESTINE supper at the home of the bride's pai = prised Saturday Evening by friends to Switzerland and Ifa-ly -and, after Mrs. Phil Troehtenberg will enter- BRITISET ASV GREEK GOVand relatives in nondr of her fiftieth leaving Europe, they will leave for Jerusalem. (J. T. A.) According to errts for" the iffrrnediate" fftffiily. ERNMENTS DISAGREE OVER tain at her home S-anday to honor Mr. and Mrs. Bessel left for a mo- birthday. The evening was spent in Egypt, and from there to Palestine. Miss Stfclla Trochtenberg, who is soon RtfTENBERG CON CESSION official statistics, the nurnber of playing bridge. Other Omaftans who recently left tor* tnpTttf Defs Koine's",' la.-, amf ShiThe Hague. (J. T. A.) The claim birth? in Palestine during the- quarter to be married. for a similar tour were Mr. and Mrs. cago, HI,-; MS will t e at Borne a*ter to the irrigation and eletrlffcation ending December 31, 1P23, was P,9?l, Mr. Herman Ferber, who has taken The following three delegates from conce'ssiori- in Palestine, now held by Egaiiist 7.672 for the same quarter in June 15 at Creston. . many active parts in Amateur Vaude- M. Kulakofsky, who are now in Mis. Mas: Levine" ent^ttarail thirty ville here, is now with the "Honey- France. From there they will tour the local B'nai B'rith Lodge are to the ZIont?t World Organizatioh and 1922. The r umber of deaths was guests at tBe" ~Bf&n8ii£ TS2 E65insbririfch'* company, of -Wichita, fcans; Italy and then will go to Egypt and attend the B'nai B'rith" Convention in Engineer PKnea's Rutenbcrg, made by 4,738, as ajrainst S,451 for the same Monday afternoon, Slay 19,' in" B onor He visited wKB his parents last week-. then to Palestine, where they will Sioux City, la.: Messrs. Louis H. Ka- the Greek errtrepEnerrr, Mavromatis, period in the previous year. v isit its principal citieis. They expect tlemim, who left Wednesday morning will be decided-by the International SHOCRTE'I GO ON STRIKE AS of Miss Spiegel. Miss Estyre" ZalK enterfaine'd to' be gone until the month of October.- to attend the Secretarial Convention; Court of Justice Here on June 16th. REVENGE FOR DENUNCIATION Also Mr. and Mr?. -Br-Wolf, who Mr. Max Steinberg-, who was accomMr. William R. Bfamenthal? who day afternoon, May 18, to. honor the Mr. Mavroma-Bs claims ths.t previVienna. (J. T. A.) A strike erf will assume charge of the local two brides-io^be, the Misses Stella are leaving this Sunday, June 3, for panied by Mrs. Steinberg, left OTIS to the grafting by Great Britain chochtem is b&ing experienced by the Jewish Welfare Federation as stper- Trochtenberg and Fanny Brodsky. New York, from where they will sait Wednesday afternoon,- and Mn Jay of the" concession to the Zionists, he Jewish population of Bclze, • Gclicia, in'tende'nt," was horkrffed at a'faiewell Prizes at bridge were won by the June 10 for Palestine to make th'err Cherhiack, w"ho left this" morhnig. Mr. had received a similar concession to who have thus been preventpfi from Herman Meycrsan will leave this even- fn'e same* enterprise, in 1914, from consuming mest for a number of party given by Mr. ana Mrs. Philip Misses Fid SEarnes, Blanch Alttnan future home. Stein, of Los Angeles, Calif., a t theif and Edyth Covich. the Turkish Goverffinenf, under whose weeks. About a year, ago Mr. and Mrs; J. ing &s the guest at the convention. home. Mr. and Mrs. Steiri are ferfuls Palestine then was. The Greek Gordon left Omaha for Palestine to Messrs. afid Me\Sai&es Harry LapMrs. Ben Wolpa. entertained^ at Government Hcs already intervened, The strike was cau?od by the fact irierly of Omaha. Among the former idus and Harry Malashock are among make. their, homeluncheon Monday at her home in hon- demanding compensation for Mavro- that all the chochtcm of the town we're Cfrhaha friends who were at the far those who left Wednesday for SiouS jailed for twenty-four hours recently well party were Mr. Sol B'rodkey, Mr", City, la., to attend the B'nai B'ritft Messrs. Dave Freeman,- Bob Marer, or of Mrs. Sam Sehwart2, antt for rhatis. Great Bfifiarn, however, in its as the result of the denunciation of and Mrs. M. J. fcinkenstein, Mr. andConvenHori. jy stated that it snares the opr-.ion the "Basltaxe." the Jewish lax colWilliam Cherniss and William Perl- Miss Stella Troehtenberg, who is soon Mrs. B. Simon, Mrs". J. Greene", Mrs. of the Zi6iast OrgaMzaticn mari are leaving the latter part of to bfi' married. lector on meat, that the shoehtem Max- "V^olfson a n i Df. A. Kosenbainn. Miss • Sadye Felson, of Canada, is this week for Kansas City, Mo:, where Miss Fanny Katleman entertained the inrpossinilfty cf granting the com- were mixing up ""kosher" anol "tre-fV expected to arrive here Tuesday, June they will attend the Shriners' Conven- at four tables of bridge Wednesday pensation claimed Fy tne Greek en- meat. The choetem arc now also de-Mr. Sam H. Cohan^ of Denver, Gwlo. 3, to be tEe"' guest of her Sister, Tklrs. tion that is beifrg heia there Juire 3,manding' an increase in salary. afternoon in honor of her sister, Mrs. giseer. arrived this weeTE and is visiting with :Max B"efnstem. AfisS Felson will be 4, 5 and 6. -his mother, Mrs. H. Gohn. remefiitee»§d by Some Omanans, havs^s? SB5 Thursday Will Ee m imi Biif, Paydls M? lOtbj Mr. MofEon Hiller will be the" SunMiss Rose Lande enterfiained at ing visited hefe list year at the home day morning speaker at the Temple thfte tables of bridge Sundajf sfffef- of her sister.- -Site -will be here for before the' Assembly of the Sunday t»£ the summer. 3f£ T O t * OEDXES noon at her home in honor of her sisSAIL ORBEfiS. School at eleven o'clock. JILL DAT. A. Sklowsky;.6f Kftrfolk", c»(lcr« for flit Mr. ami StW.- lisctij T. Stein an• Kxtrn co provHefl, Nebr., formerly Miss- Grace Lande, of nounce the birth of a baby son, born race of ost-6f~tovrn «>*• tin' FJHlTOhSpriCO o r O12SAUFLEBUNG CLUB. rriri fcc fHled promsitly. jf* this" ci#. Prizes were won by MLsS Tuesday,. May 22,> at the Clarkson >e mn3!T.Ie to An election of officers will take attendl tlfli Hnfr, •**e will n c em-c to mtirtiort aiiWbet1 of Hae AdelSon and Mrs. Dave" Dedman, Hospital. i*« n i l <5n^?place at the next regular meeting of mioclcl; iltstt, qaatfUty .snd \Vec"Tit Ktln;. G h c si!i;o, colors of OttomwuaV la. : eotsrsT. Sstlvcd. Also second the Aufleb'ttng elubi- Sunday everiTag a.n£ m Miss Dorothy Singer returned home choice. " Mr. and Mrs. George Rosefelt, of Tuesday" affer a two months' visit in June 1, at the Jewish Community" Cen . - AT lau«« SGfS. Chicago, 111., are the guests at th§ the South- She was the guest of her fe'r. The Auflebung dub donated ?;2 home of Mr. and Mrs. David M. itfew- sister, Mfs. A» Goudchaux, of Big tor the National Jewish Hospital for iriafl. Mrs. Sosef elt is a sister of Mr. Cane, La., formerly Miss Molly Sing- Gonsumptives. Newhian. Honoring the'se guesfs,Mr". er, of this city,- and was also the The Junior Daughters of Zion meetMrsv Tfewmanr.entSfaine^ at a guest of reRtSves' irf' other cities in which was to have been held last dSine party at their home Sunday "Lcmfsfanarand Temessse-. At Alex: evening. Mdiiday evening, Mr. and aHdrtar.'La.,- she- attended the B'nai Sunday,- has besn postponed to this Mirsi Ncmntm again entertateed-.for B'rith" Convention held several weeks Sunday afternoon, June ly at the Jewish Gommunity Center.- Plans for the tri'eir" visitors at the Braideis Restaur- ago by that" district. .summer will be made. ants, and on Tuesday afternoon Mrs. Henry Cohn was hoste'ss fit a lunchy Mr. and Mrs. Sam Rosenbaum eneo'n at the'1 Fdntenelle Sbtel for Mrs. tertained at bridge" at tHe" home Sun- The Hatikvoh Club will hold' a regular meeting Sunday," June 1,_ at" the Upsefelt. day' e'vgninfe, May 25* honoring' Miss Jewish Community Center. ^Miss Ann White returned" home Tast Ruth Rosen and Mr. J. Falk, who reTrimmings and Smartness and Friday from an extended" visit in Calw cently announced their, engagement. " ThtJ P . E. D. Clubwill meet" Sunday, Prizes were_won by Mrs. Max KirschJune 1, at the hume- of Hiss Sylvia forniavv where* she- was the -gffe"st of" C l are 6c1ig;htful The colors enb&Ucf Sni' Miss1 fieulah ^ Adler, 2435"Kansas' Avenue. i S F i L r A shades of rose, orchifi. RT>relatives in San Francisco, plc-FTPf*iii daCCofisi, oranfre, Tliere- arc dot fh'e chtiap, Mr. and" Mrs. Mose Krasne The Third" Class of the City Sunday iar\, bi'cwn, blue and nilny SAd other' eiti^s itf flismy, badly, cut' dresses g , HxiUywodd y fv'.hfrs. The trimmingri* «rione usraaOy finds at such a leaving Suftday JbrKansas Gity, Mo. h Californfa, for the past. sbt months, Irephest and crippest or price. E'very one-^ of t h e dainty rurfllng-p and bandgniTartty fashlone* moaels Miss WKte- is- leivulg the latter par* to attend the SHMne Contention, and j.fg", -with' their teacher, Miss" ZsEeEte ing's of while piciiie orpranis ili fiie correct &Es! youUiof jflris -week for O'ttumwa, Xa»r where" while, there _will visit^with Mr. Kras- Lapidus and two "guests, Miss Mary die end colored pipings. ful- long-line, lo-w-walFted Tcarl buttons, too, anti trim effect, atj^l fashSoued of gftr HSU' visir -with- nrar sister,- Mrs-. ne's brother, Mr. Hynian Krasne, and Pritkin aod Miss Sara Sdiriberg. The Tic'-- - a e k brffiid AH thr -fast-co3fe?. ^liaosl^s &intrCftarler SeTHmaff, antf Mr Redmair for Mrs. dresses a r e carefutly cut members of the class are: Sidney ham. The values; a r e so Bl to B.". Snclifs- iQac ftnd fstraoriiinary that these about" a moilth. Chait, .Rebecca Tatelbaum,- Herman finis-hod with v r ell-rittins? Presses -will vanish 3Ike On-Sunday afternoon, June 8, ro'lars, rocmy_5l"evw, pood Hubert Sommer,' son of Mr. andSa-Oth Society will be entertained by for 3.75—Also Long Sleeves S9) Mrs,- Louis Sommer, is expected td Miss Syrvi* M i t e The arrive Kome Friday from the Rfflhpef ho&or gaests a t this affair will be thd Military Academy at Botme^ffle, Mo., Missed Fatoty Brdd?^?, StelJa Trochtt<r -spend* tire- gammer raeatioir -«itJf eriSerg^and .Esther Zalka brides-to-be.






CREATED STYLES ' ^ s--^ : ^* •-' '

Selling &



Mrs. Philip' Grossman sad' son, Je-

To' Obs^rvel %tBe~ BatiotiaT holiday of

Cdhff has chosen his" Friday evening Mo., -with- TSf-s." Grossman's-- ^parents,. sublet f<ar this Friday evenisg,- May Mr. and Mrs, AVGol&tn&m- They will30> &t tfvs TffflSJffe,- '*M«!ni6ri£d Day," be gotiS for several weeks... ... : arfdVon.S3tuj!day"ffloBrting^hewill have _at his- ssfjn«R- topie,-'i©©e& It Pay t«Dr. M_. E. Stein, who recently .re- Be ceived his degree from the Dentistry Department.d.fthe tJ/riviffsity of Ne- Ittfst;SatmJei & Brandt, of braska, has begun, practice and is at^ j ^ e w York, will strive hsre Friday to 580 Aqaila' Cou*V . Sf.- Stein- is 3 ^ e tKr gu&ft «f !$ftt parents, Mr. and member of the Afpfia Omega Cental Mrs. .A. I. £ulakafsky, for th'e re-' summer months. Mrs. with Miss'lEudice BTu-- -MPS»- M«- Newman- islakofsky^.pf .thir city.' -Mr. Brandt her daughter, .Mrs. James Lefkowitz, vfM join her here in- July 1^ take'- aand MK-L^kcrwlte';' air Kansas Western trip beftrrer returning to their Mo. : home. ' . - - - . The June Card party of- the Omaha* Mrs. B»- Mik-ofes,. of Minneapolis, j Chapter of" Hadassah will 6e fivers ha& -been -the- guest- of Monday afternoon, June 2, at thee is- leav-ia& fioine oflTrs.'Tff^Crrossman, a t "422" Iforffi' Twenty-?&s£ "siEreef. The "as-for her home Saturday. sistimf hostesses far this exf& party The- Misses SsteHe Lapidus and willcbe- th& -ffigsdamsse 1?axd Eieeman,-, Mary Pritkhir-ef Denver, Colo.,, who" A. Wolf, and IX JSpeetei?. ;is "visiting .Miss Lapidus, Rose _Gutt-« ^ sad? Dera ^#olowit«, Biessf Mrs. A. Starrels- and: Mr, and Mrs? bgrg^. . N.'Horn, of Los Angeles," Calif., "for* Weinberg, Flora Bienstock and Ida

The Fomzms Artist Cantor

©reuses Mos, 87X and.95'X Are In Stout BiEQg OW

Extra rstra Extra


TYcfincsusy Come Ecrlv



•MTo !'-*•• i

tkfe saie will I5e held m miT g Dresses on- sale on fowrtwn JJis Bargaiu

S&g" Our W&fdoW' EHsplay"

Rev. A. A. will* conduct" fBefTrsf STariv" of Shvnoth- Settcer atid' rhe two days of Sfavuotir, June- 7, 8, 9; a t the ;Beth Hamedro3h Hagodol Synagogue, 1 &th and- BurtrSis* Tickets can, be obtained at the following places i JH& MushlEin's Mc^t Msi^et, 1415 No. 2$t% St.

St. :Sieoi£ <3t5,.iau». where they" wilf ata f e a g n , ,, Ma?,- R. • Greeiiterg's" Meat Mar teuditbe^^Bat-S^ritJJ'SiktTlcf Conven1804 No; 20th St. Horn for Boston, Mass., to"visif tiaa*to^teM Ifey^ 30, Si and Jtmel. ket; ffir.:8osktii*s a iponi3i, then leavingTfor tfeeir .h of New & Steirttite wnf-eifeft hi Cli IBs, Sexton C D . ' of this city, viso, ilL, Phiraifcll^ife, Pa., and there surd friends in :ited- wi(STiefeets "will; not Her "in Atrantic''CJity ta return, to y Jfei^M ISatle arrived home Wednestos Aiigeles with' i e r . *";'"- '»"* -"-' * day jevening -from St.- Jjoseph, Mo.,where she tssd. spent » weel With her jfr. birthr uf a baby .son, born Friday; ^jaaaihter, MT^-3* W. Iiiebowite, and 23, at the Me&^Kst Bf«Sspi£s1f "~

- Yoin* Order Tuesday Night Between 6:00 and 8:00 k*. I!L

'As a special accommochition for any woman T!naDle""to attciadT tills selliisfe event In p6r"Eoi>— Vfie have arranged t o accept telephone ordef^ Taes'Qay night Be sure "to select your inodel* bstore glonmg. ;



i By order -of A. G.


, Pres. j V. Pres.

•• If

fpAGE V - T H E JEWISH PRESS, THURSDAY, MAY 29, 1924 Atrocitie$ against Jews are continthe purpose of improving and taking before-the-curtain. With the inno- ers, patients for whom no hopfewas uinghere. Two Jewish passers-by on cence of .Her .tender years she..ex- .entertained, »patients- whom - we care of the cemeteries of the British The new building here pre3sefl" appreciation'on behalf of t h e thought'could not live.from day to the bridge were seized by anti-Sesoldiers. During the discussion on Campajga ot •*? other -kiddies -at the Children's Pa- day, and yet now these men and shown, , comprising two mites and thrown into the river. Pothe matter, Lord Rothschild declared vilion. Then she added;. "Ql course, women are Testored to health • and units of the new store of we get homesick once in a while, and economic independence and to their that, according \o information he had lice, who verc present, remained inTHOMAS KILPATRICK . (Continued" £rom long for the arms' of our dear, loving homes and families. received, the authors, of this accusa- different to tbeir cries for help. For& COMPANY. This buildmothers," but then there are so many Under the present conditions in the tion .were incited by. persons in offi- tunately, ho^evftr, the t ^ o victims of ;•' could tell and told only, in a way that here who. love us and they make us Hospital the "patients .sleep in large ing replaces 44x132 feet of ; the mob were £ood swimmers and *"' a mother could tell* it- \ cial position-in, Palestine. forget that we are not at home, and wards with as many as 15 in' one the old store which has Following this woman a young man sometimes the children cry when they ward. made their VE-J* to shore. The patient who is able to be froTrn New York spoke.- Ambitious and leave." For three minutes she spoke ROUMANIAN UNIVERSITIES and about, and whose case is not been in this location — hopeful,: he found in the midst of ,bis while her listeners were fairly crushed up Douglas Street, south side, very far advanced, sleeps in .the. same '-- ARE-BURLESQUES, SAYS studies that he* had become, affected with the tragedy of it all. With imas the infirmary patient who is 5th and 16th Street, for ROUMANIAN PROFESSOR •with tuberculosis and.required imme- plicit faith in her God, she prayed ward sick that he is compelled to' spend 47 years — a block which HEADQUARTERS diate attention , and care.' -He wag for the delegates present: "We ask so •Bucharest. (J. T. A.) Professor all or most-of his .time in bed. Durhas long been, still is and , brought:to the hospital on ^stretchers. our-Father in Heaven to bless you for for Jorga of the University of Bucharest, Picture,, if you can, the contrast pre- the good you are doing us and that ing the night after they have, been will continue to be regardand well known scholar, has declared sented when this !young man, who a your own children are well and sleeping about two hours, suddenly ed as the best retail block ' year or so before was ready' for his strong; and if the love of little chil- the infirmary patient heginstq cough, that he would have to resign from the grave, now stood before an audience dren will repay you, we want you to steadily, without interruption, a in Omaha. faculty of the university because of Jeivdry nerve-racking, soul-stirring cough, of 'men and women, strong,' healthy, know that we love.and thank you.?'_ A similar building will the fact that the anti-Semitic students that wakens -everyone in the ward. be added on the west when robust, the very perfect specimen of Engagement Rirgs is our On the following morning" the dele- The coughing spell may finally subare preventing him from delivering health that he was, telling them how Specialty he-had never hoped for anything in gates assembled at the Administration side and all is quiet until another in- present leases expire. his lectures. "The Roumanian univerBuilding to hold the business session. Most complete and infirmary patient, or possibly the same .life but.the chance to live, and how sities at present are no more than he had realized that hope only They were informed that there were one begins to cough—the * terrible genuous* " arrange m e n t s burlesque houses," said Prof. Jorga. : at that time over 100 on the waiting hacking cough of. the consumptive. have been made,for the through thewonders accomplished by 1514 Dodge St. the .National Jewish Hospital for Con- list begging to be admitted to the This may continue throughout the comfort 6f customers durEst. 1894 Ja. 5619 Hospital. Realizing the heed more whole night, and the long right has sumptives. « than ever before, it was determined ing construction. The Office Phone JArkson S12S been one of torture for all-of them in '*You gaze upon me now," he said, by the delegates -that the original that ward. The patient who is nearly sidewalk is roofed and "as I- have a full stomach and full plans JOHN FELDMAN a $250,000 building would well gets up in the morning, very provided with show: wincheeks and rather clear, strong voice. not befor adequate for the urgent needs Clothier much weakened, nervous and not I am still a young man only»24 years and that at least $350,000 would have dows that preserve the old and with the bright future of life to be raised. While the original plans nearly so well as when he went to normal appearance of Full Dress Suits and Tuxedos before me. There was a ame, how-would give only 75 rooms in the In- bed the night before. Moved from 1()9 No. IGtb St. to AUDITING AND INCOME j«3 Karbach Block, 15th & Oonjrlas Sis. A very successful method of treat- business, at the same time ever, not long ago, when I'did not. firmary Building, with the proposed OMAHA. NICBR. TAX REPORTS . possess the attributes of- good increase to $350,000, the Infirmary ment is now being used at the Na- shielding the passers from health."' He was referring to the Building could be erected with 100 tional Jewish Hospital for Consump- all contact with building 20S Karbach Bik. Atlantic 1031 time when he was carried into the rooms and also would provide ample tives known as the Immobilization iperations. Hospital- on a stretcher, and' was -puz- space for the work of the Research Treatment. This. treatment requires EHE BRINN &.JENSEN CO. zled as to what could really be done Department. The delegates then a separate room for each patient. The This novel structure .,...- - Wholesale- paper, for him. "What w^s I to do?" he pledged never before used in buildtreatment requires absolute quiet and to raise a minidistributors for " asked. "Luckily for me and'for many mum of themselves rest for the patient. * Because of the ing is -being featured in $150,000 in District No. 6. others^ there-was the National Jewish wards, today the- National Jewish trade papers throughout Northern Toilet Tissue Hospital. I. had no'funjds. I came The following quotas were assigned .Hospital has facilities for administer- the United States as an ' • 1112 Harney Street here and received the ministrations of and accepted by the delegates: Illi- ing this treatment to only, two pa: AT-lantic 6409 < good doctors and.nurses. .Today I am nois/ $60,000; Michigan; $22,500; Wis- tients at a time, one man and one example of modern meTO AND PROM able to perform some work in the. consin, $20,000; Minnesota, $17,500; woman. In-the new Infirmary- Build- thods of retail service. dining room every day,' and soon I Iowa, '$12,500; Nebraska, $12,500; ing 100 of such cases.can receive this ALL 'PARTS- OF.Similarly, the interior of the store is so partitioned and the stocks so shall be ready to go back to my North and South Dakotas, $5,000. ff latest treatment. known to medical PAXTON-MTTCHELL" CO. studies." THE WGRLD " " The new Infirmary Building will do science, all at one and the same time. distributed that the customer is unaware of and undisturbed by the conand BSartha Sts. HA. 1662 After this young man had finished, many wonder things. In the first An Infirmary Building is one designed struction work.. Meantime, goods are offered in : Sale Lots at lowered prices tttb Mannfarturers of Brass, Brant. another from Davenport, Iowa, spoke. place, the National Jewish Hospital especially for the patient who is so because of the temporarily restricted space. YAL J. rETER&CONrANY Vlnmincra and Soft Gray'Iron,Castings, sick that he spends most-or all of his for Consumptives today is filled to fan are assored of soft eastings, as He, too, had at one time given up all 1307 Howard St., Omsha, Neb we machine some from every bpst tn capacity. The new Infirmary .Build- time in bed. hope for recovery. There he stood, gether with their workers, have left ANTI-JEWISH EXCESSES IN >n* own shop. ATlantic €340. nearly a well man, and unloosed1 his ing will provide for an emergency More important still is this fact: no stone unturned, no avenue blocked Standard size cast Iron an& bronze TRANSYLVANIA CONTINUE s in stork. ^tongue with Joyous thanks to those ward where a man or woman needing Whereas now it takes .anywhere from to stop them in their endeavor to go Vienna. (J. T. A.) That anti-Jewwho had helped put him back to life. immediate-attention can receive treat- a year up to two and one-half years over the top of the quota assigned to But he was not thinking of himself ment without delay. Sometimes in to successfully treat tuberculosis, with them. Would that time and space ish excess in'Transylvania have been alone. "We are not alone in the strug- case of hemorrhages or some other the new Infirmary Building and the permitted their" mention one by one, going on since the middle of May, is gle," he said. "There are hundreds. acute attacks this is most important. Immobilization Treatment, we hope to so that their names could stand out as j &vy •way yon get them in any ' yes, thousands of discouraged souls1 to Today our hospital has no emergency cure patients in from three to six those who have "served so great a confirmed by the Roumanian newspaP. 8. MORES. Prop. ITEN'S GRAHAM CRACKERS whom an opportunity to come to the ward and, if an ex-patient of the Hos- months. Think of the quick relief cause, nobly and well. But the time per of Klausenberg, "Keletiujsag." No atre sr-o-o-d eating for everybody. National Jewish Hospital -would-mean pital has a severe hemorrhage, he that will come to these-unfortunates, and the space is short. At some fu- details of these excesses are, however, Phone Webster 0820 Asfc yonr srecer for ITEX CRACKERS new courage, a new opportunity to must be cared for in some boarding and the greater .number of them who ture_date after the campaign is com- given because of the martial law preTHE LAUNDRY THAT by name always. Get the genuine and fight their battles with every chance house in the city. will have a chance, as those who are pleted and all the money is raised, it vailing in Roumania. EVERYBODY LIKES. will be my great privilege and unbe satisfied a!I in their favor. The great immediate The Infirmary Building will pro- cured.make vacancies. usual honor to present these names Further, information states that a need here ' is additional ~« buildings, vide the Medical 'Department with the Brother President: Many fine men, for perpetual inscription in some ap- pogrom against the Jewish population which, of course,-cannot-be had with- /opportunity to give our'patients th*e of .pure hearts, great ideals, and libout additional funds to erect ^them a*nd ^advantage of the1 moqt'advanced meth^ eral igiveys of ^"heir time and of their propriate place that those who come took place in the vinage of NagyenSXTT R. Leplfiu*. p Carpenter Paper Co. may know.vthe part that they Jos. P Pepper, VS Voe money to maintain them'." !ods"in the-treatment of .tuberculosis! ^money. have joined together in • this after yed in which the peasant population : W. G. Cre. Beeretary. took in thr erection of so great a lifeDistributor oS Every person, in 'that room'who jit .Harriot been .so'long'since that'& -sacred cause. -Words can but feebly institution as the new Infirm- participated. heard these thfe'e talk wiped away a patient with far advanced tuberculosis express Uie thanks and the apprecia- saving Western Bond—and High Omaha Fixture & few tears. Here were living exam- was considered incurable, and the only tion due Jiem for their noble efforts. ary Building wrought by the hands of ples of the work accomplished by this •thing that could-be done-foiLhinu was Without regard to their business the Sons of the Covenant, Grade Stationery Supply Co. ACCUSATION AGAINST great life-saving institution. txr? make*inm' comfortable. * But Med- losses, family ties, home companionOmaha. Nebraska. COMPLETE STORE AND . After dinner the delegates were all ical Science has advanced and so much ship or any of the many other sacri- DANISH ROYAL EXPEDITION PALESTINIAN JEWS WITHOFFICE OUTFITTERS EXPLORES PALESTINE taken to the Shoenberg Memorial has been learned about this disease, fices entailed, men in most states, and DRAWN BY ENGLISH LORD Building, where a three-act playlet and so many methods have been de- cities in our District have gjlven their Jerusalem. (J. f. A.) Dx.'Guitar We oecQp? London, (J. T. A.) The accusation error 70,030 CQoat* fMS was to be presented by tfie, children vised which can be applied to its utmost to make this campaign a suc- Sommerfield, who* reported the unSth Cera*? at ihe Hospital. Before the curtain treatment that today no patient who cess. In the eight states in which against the Jews of Palestine, that Isierentb sad Oooctoe Streets. '_ rose for the first act, a little j»irl is alive is considered incurable. We this campaign has been carried on, the earthing of' an ancient synagogue in they have desecrated the graves of the Fhonftt £acksen S7SS about • twelve years- o£ age appeared . have had patients" come'in 'on stretch- city and state officials in charge, to- Kaper Naum, has'arrived here after British soldiers in that country, made OU&UA. STEU. . several months of'excavation work in Palestine, Transjoraania and Sinai Pe- by Lord Ernest Hamilton, was withninsula, as the lieead of the Royal drawn by him because both the British Colonial Office and the British Danish Expedition into Palestine. Royal Commission for the Protection The Danish Expedition reports the of Soldiers' Graves emphatically definding of pure iron in Petra and pe- clared that this charge had no foundaEvery Known Kind troleum in the nortnwest part of Ak- tion whatsoever.' of Insurance aba, anil has' taken tihe necessary steps JA ckson 1862 209 W. O. W. Bldg. JA. 3944. At* the ' meeting of the Board of for obtaining concessions to exploit Jewish Deputies, the matter was givthese- fields. £v Dr. Sommerfield related that on the en considerable attention, and a report Gate City Furniture Co. Sinai Desert he came across a survey was submitted showing that not only WASH AND KEEP WELL and . expedition from Egypt which had dis- was the,accusation untrue, but that A RULE OF HEALTH covered in that region rich copper Jews were employed in Palestine for Globe Van &. Storage Co. m i n e s . • •?- . ; . /;'"'\ • - ; ' ,: owned find operated by FRONTIER TOWEL SUPPLY It is the intention; of the Royal GROSSMAN -& SONS . ISIS California Street. 530-33 No. IGtb S%. Danish Expedition to prepare a film When Thinking of Mens' Hats At. 0230 J a . <338 showing how Palestine was 2,000 and ; or Furnishings 3,000 years ago, and how it is today. REMEMBER



. J. S

Emerson Laundry

Made With Milk


THE JEWISH PRESS is the only

medium through which the Jewish people of Omaha and surrounding territory can keep in touch with the happenings of the Jewish people throughout the world. *

A MICROBIOLOGIST FOR ••••/" HEBREW UNIVERSITY London. (J. T. A.) Dr. S. Adler of the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine has been appointed Assistant fx> the Microbiological Institute of the Hebrew University. Dr. Adler has been for the last few years engaged in research work at the Sir Alfred Jone Research Laboratory, and during this period has covered a wide field of tropical medicine, chiefly in parasitology. Dr. Adler, who is an excellent Hebraist, is leaving for Palestine this week.


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