Ovar 'New* ASdress Js 681 Brandeis ^Theater. ^Building.
VOL. HI—No. 26
Enterafl aa' neoad^elaas'^kU* matter oa Jancars 27lh. tBSL at postoSca «t Umaba. .Nebraska, andez tue &et ci SJardi 5, 1sre
Inspiring Plea to Jews tolive op to Ideals of Amencanism Made to Large B'nai B'rith Audjance
Complete Kepsrts" of Work of Federatiotrto be Made.
"Follow-The Dictates of This Great Order,". Said Benjamin Samuels of-Chicago. *
Sioux City Convention One of Best Ever Held in TMs
LARGE GATHERING ATTENDS THE BANQUET OF 56TH A N N U A L "CONVENTION I N SIOUX CITY. ...', "Our responsibilities as. citizens'of this country .become more important day after day," said Hon. Claude R. Porter of Chicago, III., "the principal speaker at-the fifty-sixth annual -B'nai B'rith convention "which-svas. held in Sioux City, Iowa, during the past week." "There should be but" one and only one rivalry, among people "and that, rivalry should be for "who can best serve the. HAERY H. LAPIDUS. people," said Mr. Porter. .' '"The Jews of this country, have proven their responsibility . Harry H. Lapidus was elected to and have proven their worth before all mankind; There should membership, on the General Commitbe no ill feeling towards any class of people," said. Mr.r Porter tee of District No. 6, I O . B . B . ' « to.more than five hundred" delegates and. guests at the B'nai B'rith banquet held Saturday evening a+ Davidson's Tea Rooms.
Keren Hayesod Speaker Addresses Local Asieece
. . - • • . .
The first semi-annual- meeting of the Jewish .Welfare Federation will be held- Wednesday "evening at- the Jewish Community Center. All subscribers . to - the Federation and their friends are asked to be' present at this meeting. The formal introduction1 of William It. BlumeivQial, new superintendent * of the Welfare • FedHENRY MONSKY. .. eration, will be made at this meeting. Henry-Morisky received a unaniAccording to the committee in charge an interesting' program has mous vote as -a member of the Genbeen arranged for this meeting. eral Committee of-District No. 6, I. " ' Several speakers and musical num- O. B. B. bers will appear on the program. Mr. Blumentha! is the successor to Samuel H.. ischaefer, who is now with the National Jewish Hospital. ^rior to his coming to Omaha, Blumenthal was superintendent of the William S, .Blomenthal, New Superintendent, Speaker. Associated Jewish Charities of Los Angeles, Calif._ Elumenthal has been doing social service work along with More, than three hundred and fifty the Federation work.people attended the last regular semi" The semi-annual meeting, accord- monthly" meeting of the Y. M. End ing to Dr. Philip Sher, president of Y. W. H. A. Monday evening, June the Welfare Federation is very 2, at the Je\rish Community Center, important. Coasplete - reports of the to welcome" Mr. William S. Blume work done toy the Federation curing thai, new. superintendent of the Jewthe first six months -sf the year •win ish Welfare Federation. be made at this meeting. The meet3Iiss Ann. Selicow gsre a short talk ing will begin jtromptly at 8:00 p. m. welcoming Mr. Blamenthal to OtnsZia Everyone is invited to .attend. in behalf of .the Y organization, which was .followed "by an-address by Mr. Bhrrnenthai, whojin -psrt ssidT *I LINCOLN A. Z. A. TO came here; "because' I~hsve the opporPLAY BALL HERE tunity to work with-you, j&rc;J~.h»P® that this is the iegdnsasig cf a splenThe Lincoln Chapter of fee Alepa lM era and i d h tion and dance Sunday, June 5, at the and "women in Omaha." Ivre club rooms. The proceeds of ' Other nunibers on the projrrsm was the dance went towards sending the s. violin solo by 'Mr.* Harry '-Konnobaseball team to Omaha to play the vitz, Professpr of Music at Tabc-r CelOmaha team on Sunday, June 15. The lege; a reading" by .Euth Herman, a Omaha A. Z. A. will play a return one-act play.' ?'The Maker of Drssme," game in Lincoln on Sunday, June 29. was presented by Faye Klein, Eose Harley Davidson, Harold Shapiro Lazarus, and "Al. Hondler, of the Y and Jack Kirikelstein were elected to Dramatic "Class under the direction of fill the places l«ft vacant by the* res- Mrs. B. E.- Boasberg. A pianc solo ignation of the treasurer, sergeant- was given by Mr.- E. M. Eahn, and at-anns and reporter, respectively. a humorous monologue by Phil FeldFinkelstein was also elected the Lin- man concluded-the program. coln delegate to the Grand Sanhedrin During ,the" summer: months the Y which will be held in Omaha on July organization will only meet-once every 4, 5 and 6. month. " .- • .
large CrowdJ&ends' las!
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OMAHAX'S TAKE " LEADING- PART COXVENTION HELD IN SIOUX "CITY; ALL RE-ELECTED TO • OFFICE. Samuel J. Leon of Omaha, Nebr., the general committee. The A. Z. A. was elected, first vice-president of are now receiving many requests from District No. 6. Sam Leon has been a lodges in the district to install lodges •prominent .member in B'nai B'rith of the chapter in that city. "work and has been a member,of the "The National Jewish Hospital camgeneral committee for some time. paign for the Infirmary Building -is Charles D. Orcehovsky of Duluth, going", over','"the top," this is what Minn., was elected president for the Harry Lapidus, of Omaha, told to tlie ensuing year. Julius Kahn of Chicago many delegates at the convention. was elected second vice-president.' The campaign is not yet over. Nebraska and Iowa have raised their quotas. Many of the communities have not started their campaigns yet," said Hsrry H. Lapidus, The Omaha 'delegates took an important part in all the activities of the convention. On Thursday evening the crack Ojnaha degree team initiated a large class of candidates in the Sioux City lodge. The initiation was held at "the,Martin Hotel. Omahan's also took part in the memorial services at Mt. Sinai Temple on Saturday morning. Practically all the Omaha delegates were appointed as members of committees to serve during the convention.
"Our boys—my boys and your boys,' fraternal - order which • teaches us put aside their work and took up the 'Benevolence, Brotherly Love and call of the country to arms. Side by Harmony,' three' of the greatest words side, step by step, and shoulder to recorded in the dictionary," said Henry shoulder, they marched from " all Monsky of Omaha', past president of Robert Hess of Milwaukee'Here, in - Interest of Keren Hayesod. corners of the United States towards the district and a member of the the Atlantic shore," continued Mr. executive council. "The B'nai B'rith • More than, two hundred people atPorter. "The boys of all nationalities teaches -and promotes Judaism and tended t h e . meeting of' the -Keren went across the sea in the large trans- promotes harmony towards our broth- Hayesod held Tuesday evening at the ports, went across the sea to fight for ers," said Mr. Monsky.. Jewish Community Center. Robert democracy. They went to the trenches, "We have just celebrated Memorial Hess of Milwaukee, Wis.,-whq is makwhere-many of them died, where their Day with all the other nationalities in ing a tour of the country, was the blood' was mingled into one. These this country, so that we may be good, principal speaker. -. .- , boys,'who so "valiantly: gave their lives loyal citizens'to our country," said "Why'do we need Palestine? "Why so that we might live as a democracy Benjamin'Samuels, of Chicago, who is it important to us as Americans?" and BO that we should all be united was the retiring president. "The •said RobertJIess. "Because ~as,Amerinto .one." "B'nai TJ'rith makes it possible for all •icans and as Jews we owe it to our "What we need is an army of people of us to lead a life of service," said -fellow. Jews-in: the pogrom stricken II who will support the leaders, who will Mr. Samuels. ."We, aTe- merely' fol- parts of Europe to help them find a | The fifty-seventh annual convention give aid and advice to those leaders lowing out the dictates of otfr "religion, place to rest-their weary, feet. We of District 1tfx>. -fi-'wfll -fee- held ijr so that we might" share all the respon- merely following the'dictates of our must help, them'.find a place where Peoria, HI. At the last regular meet* sibilities*, as.'one.. I am extremely order. "We must stand for cur broth- "they can be, raised as Jews." ing of the convention en Sunday . ' SAM J. LEON. ," thankful for having had the honor to ers, all equal." "The JEWS of America aTe the only morning, representatives 'from Peoria Hiram D. Frankel «f St. Paul, execu- pat iam-,jst£dng bid- for-tfae iC speak, hsfare -this-ilsrge audience nf- Foflo'wingr "the address of -Benjamin. ©iresrHiSt can tive director, Arnold WoliT of Chicago, representative , Jewry and I "most Samuels, „ Senator • Sidney Lyons of for-the Chaluzim," said Eobert Hess. secretary, Ben Eraun of heartily hope and wish that you will Chicago inadean eloquent address and "These pioneers, who have had colOMAHAN'S EI,S€T!B treasurer. Sol Levitan of Madison, copidnue to flourish and that the presented Mri and Mrs. Benjamin lege educations in European countries, • -TO OFFICE; .- .1 Wis., sergeant-at-arms. Dr. A. GreenB'iiai B'rith shall be. an inspiration Samuels a gift .from the delegates. are not building the roads-and tilling The Omshans who were cted berg,, trustee of National Jewish Charles D. Orcekovsky, newly elect- the soil, so that they may have a for all mankind." . . " to office at the £6th annual B'n&t Hospital, Meyer Silberman of Des •'The B'nai B'iith is that great ed president of District No. 6, made safe place in which to live." B'rith convention held in Sioux Moines, trustee of Leo N. Levi Hos- .City, la., are: . short address. . ' "Palestine is a reality, it is no pitaL Arthur Rosenblum of Omaha. One of the features of the banquet longer'a dream; we must carry out Ssm J. Leon, first vice pipescourt of appeals. •was the feature entertaining by Abner this reality and prove to the other iden't of District No. 6. ., The Aleph Zadik Aleph which was Xaiman, and" Miss Sose Davidson of •countries that we as Jews are enHenry Monsky, to the Gensponsored by the Omaha delegation eral Committee. Omaha, Nebr. _ Abner Kaiman,. ac- titled to a country." and represented by its leader Sam Harry H. Lapidus, to the companied by his famous pianist, sang On "Wednesday afternoon Robert Beber, was officially endorsed by the GeneraJ, 'Committee. Plans Being Made for Annual Picnic. his famous songs, both in Jewish and Hess addressed the Noonday LunchDistrict Grand Lodge and financial English. Time after time they were eon club at the Loyal Hotel. Dr. A. Greenberg, trustee of the National Jewish Hospital. support was granted the A. Z. A. by At the last regular meeting of the called back for encores. Arthur Koseiiblum,. «ourt of Omaha Hebrew club, held Sunday aftSam Fickus presided as chairman Shebouth Services at ernoon at the club rooms, election of of the banquet. Appeals. Synagogue and Temple THANKS— With the above named the folofficers took place with the following The following program was given: The Sabbath and Shebuoth Services lowing Omabans were official delresults: Max Fromkin, re-elected Toastmaster_ Committee on Resolutions ...Sam G. Pickus will be held at all Synagogues and at egates: Harry Silvci'matt, Irvin president; Fred White, vice president; InvocationWe wish to thank the Omaha ..Rabbi H. J. Samuel the Temple. Stalmaster, Abner Ksiman. Harry Sol Eosenberg, secretary; John Zeld- Remarks Jewish Press and its Editor Nathan Malashock. . The Omaha delegates At the Friday evening services at man, treasurer; A. Eichards, S. Alt- Past Pres. Benjamin Samuels, Chicago the Temple Eabbi Frederick Cohn's ME1TBEK OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE -KEPHESEXTIXG DISTEtCT were on many committees and teok E. Green for the space given us in active part in many of the nominaGRAND LODGE SO & I. O. B. B . . , . , - schuler and J. Shukert, trustees. their paper and for the noble asRemarks sermon topic -will be "Numbering," tion speeches. sistance in making the Convention At this meeting'plans were made Pres. Charles D. Ofeckovsky, Duluth. and on Saturday morning- his topic for the annual Omaha Hebrew club Address _.Hon Claude E. Porter will be "Little, But Oh, My!" There To the Officers and Members of the ( guided and directed .so successfully News both in the local press and Jewisk Flower picnic which, according to tentative Solo District Grand Lodge No. 6, in Fif- { for almost, a score of years. Slay he to the public • AJbner Eaiman will be no Saturday evening- services ty-sixth Annual Convention Assem-ibe spared to us .."Ad. Maoh. Shonim" plans, will be held July 13 at Peony Signed by the committee: Hose Davidson/ Accompanist at the Temple, but regular Shebuoth t© be liM te IS bled: " " we may^ continue. to enjoy . . so that the Park. Robert Lappen—Des Moines. Song Jjuverne Sigmund services at 9:30 on Sunday and MonIt is my privilege to report again, benefits of his * long experience^, his Lester Leopold—Detroit. The following men were appointed Music The Annual Flower Day ol the JewJEteitz Orchestra day mornings. as your representative on the Exec- wise counsel, his unsurpassed judgon the committee to take charge of Adolph Freorod—Detroit Sabbath and Holiday services at the utive Committee of the Order. ment, his statesmanlike leadership, Dandng followed. ' ish National Fund will be held ift arrangements for the picnic: A. KapLet me, at the outset, express my his breadth «f vision, all cf which D. S. Fraidman—Peoria, Synagogues will continue from FriMartin Hotel Sail Room. Omaha Sunday, June 15. Volunteer for the opportunity that has must redound to the the continued - Ian, chairman; Fred White, vice day evening until after the Monday gratitude workers are asked to meet at the City glory and progress of the Order, and been mine, to participate in the dechairman; J. Crounse, secretary; Mor- TEMPLE ISRAEL morning service. At the Saturday liberations, and in the work of the must continue, to be a source of in- YMHA JUNIORS WIN FROM Talmud Torah Monday evening, June ris Civin, treasurerto all 'those who have obPOLISH ATHLETIC CLUB 9, to make plans for the day. CONFIRMATION JUNE 8 morning service Eabbi J. M. Charlop committee, •which is charged "with the spiration high duty and responsibility of ad- served his activities. Opportune hitting on the part of the The 1024 quota for Omaha to the A class of twenty-five will be con- will talk at ten o'clock at the Adass ministering the affairs and shaping At your last session, it was my re- Y. M. H. A. Juniors and the pitching Jewish National Fund ip $1,500. *&>? firmed from the Temple Israel at the Yeshuren Synagogue, Twenty-fifth the policies of our beloved Order. My grettable duty to1 report the death of of Handler enabled the Y team to win. money raised is neni to Palestine to Young Israel Synagogue andSewards streets, on "The Need of appreciation is not merely .of the Shebuoth services Sunday morning, our late lamented brother, A. B. SeePreparation Before Accepting the To- honor, but more essentially of the lenfreund,' Secretary of the Constitu- the second game of the series from establish colonies. 8, at 9:30 at the Temple. Presented With Sifer Torah June On Sunday morning at the | opportunity for "ever greater Serv- tion Grand Lodge. -As most of yon the Polish Athletic Club Sunday after- The Jewish National Fund has alThe following pupils . will receive rah." — - - -Israel—Synagogue -heTwfll - . talk . * . at . jce-> j n o l l r sacred cause, which this are already informed, Brother Leon noon by a score 8-7. B'nai ready established 20 colonies in PalThe "Chevra Mishnays" of the their confirmation diplomas: office affords. L. Lewis has been acting as' Secretary, Adass Yeshuren Synagogue presented estine, havinp bought 2C0,OO0 demurs The Y team were on the short end Elaine Berkowitz,'318 S. 51st St.; 110:30 on "Torah and Life," and the Our beloved President, Adolf Kraus, and his official 'appointment as suca new Sefer Torah to the Young'Is- Bessie Bernstein,.2443.Manderson St.; i same morning at 11 o'clock he \rill pursuant to authority vested in him, cessor to Brother Seelenfraznd wss at of the 7-1 score when they came to (acres), J»S,S19 acres cf -which they rael Synagogue on Sunday evening, Freda Bolker, 308 S. 52nd S t ; Pansy i speak at the Talmud Torah before the offered me special opportunity for the last 'meeting of the Executive the last in the first of the sixth inning. have already disitibuled. greater service by my appointment as Committee meeting confirmed. BrothJune 1, at the Adass Yeshuren Syna member of the Central Administra- er Lewis has, in xny opinion, shready The Y men made five run* :n the agogue, where the celebration of'the Cohn, 301 N. 36th S t ; Carolyn Dia- I Message to the Youth of Omaha." On tive Board of the Executive Commit- demonstrated i~he wisdom of Brother sixth inning and two in the seventh City Sunday School to mond, 3421 N. 30th St.; Alvin Friedreceiving of the Torah was held. tee. Although the Executive Commit- Kraus' selection,' and is bringing to while holding the Polish A. C. scoreI Monday morning at 10:30 be vrill be Confirmation Jane 15th „.„. Material for' the "Holy Ark," a man, 149 N. 31st Ave.; Euth Frisch, i at the Beth Hamedrosh Hagodol Syn- tee meets sunually, the Central Ad- his new duties an intelligence, under- less in the last sis. innings. 1029 S. 42nd S t ; Hermme Green, 4817 ministrative Board meets several standing and zeal thst will undoubt- . The Y. M. JBL A. baseball team will Fourteen members of the confirmabeautiful peace of workmanship, was •j agogue, and his subject vnU. be "Keve- times a year, to transact routine and edly manifest itself in ;unpreeedented tion class of the City Sunday School * purchased by Mrs. M. Tatle and Mr. Davenport St.; Arthur Greene, 2030 ! lation." emergency business. As a member of progress and prosperity of the B'nai play the Kaiman Insurance Team at will be confirmed by Rabbi J. Jff« Fo-wler Ave.; Annette Hurvritz, 262!? A. Davidson built the "Ark." the Board, it his been my privilege B'rith so far as "the activities of the West Elmwood Sunday afternoon. C a s s S t ; Leon Katz, 610 N. 21st St.; Charlop at the B'nai Israel Syn&gogt&, to become more closely and more act- Constitution Grand Lodge is conAt the gathering Sunday evening, Euth Kulakofsky, 3154 Lincoln Blvd.; ROYAL GUESTS GIVEN RECEP18th and Chicago Streets, Sunday ively identified with the many and cerned. TION AT PALESTINE PAVILION Eabbi J, M. Charlop and Mr. E. Lillian Lipsey, 122.N..35th St.; Jovarious problems confronting the Orafternoon, June 15. a 12:30. London, (J. T. A.)—The Eing: and der, as a whole, from time to time. A few extracts, with brief comment, JOIN IN FARWELL Bloch addressed the crowd present at sephine Monheit, 1045 N. 34th St.; Those to confirmed arc: C$h$L from the report of. the secretary prethe ceremony. Cantor Fleisher. of- Janet. Nathan, 2107- Sherman Ave.; Queen of England, accompanied by One's love for the Order, and one's sented at the. last meeting of the ExPARTY FO&SMAHAN'S Adler, LewisbeAaorin, Lillian Brevifeii. the King and Queen of Italy, on their respect for its ideals, are enhanced fered prayers and songs. The'Local'Zionist Organization and Minnie Frohm, Sydney Epstein, t i l ecutive Committee, will be of interest Leah Oberman, 712 N. 22nd S t ; I^ydia The Young Israel Synagogue will Soss, 3028 Davenport S t ; Stanley Si- tour of the British Empire Exhibition by such contact with its activities.. in your consideration of the state of the B'nai Israel -Synagogue are en- iian Johnson, Lazar Kaplan, hold regular services Sunday and mon, 4902 Capitol Ave.;* Ben Stei'i, atAVembley, paid a special visit to The intense earnestness with which the Order. tertaining at a joint farewell gather- MoskowiU. Olia Zier, Helen my associates on this committee, men Monday for the holidar of Shevouth, 200S California St.; Ida Tenenbaum, the Palestine-Cypras Pavilion, where of prominence and large affairs, apEmergency 'Belief Fond. ing on Thursday evening, June 5, at stein, Sarah Karcas, Frances Green. at. the Talmud Torah. At this .point, were. presented fig- the Synagogue, in honor of Mr. and Eose Goldman, and Helen Chait. 3015 32n<! Ave.; Joe West, 505 S. 52no they \rere given a reception by a proach the problems of the Order, the Emergency Belief lars. J. Eaticman, who are leavingThe study group which meets every S t ; Adeie-Wilinslty, 1912 Wirt St.; special Zionist committee, under the devotion with which they serve in our ures relativee too the F d showing.$2&$}D.90 h i $ 2 & $ e} D 9 0 sppretsrias p p r ti i a soon for a Fix months' trip to Eucope cause, the sacrifices they cheerfully Fund, Saturday evening at the Talmud To- Helen "Winer, 452S S. 26th St, aad leadership of Sir Alfred Mond. SES MOINES A. Z, A. Fund,forshowing.$2& is the interest of the Order, sll tion B'nsi B'rith Palestine ti HDESC H rah is promoting a course of study on Cecil Snyder, 300 Oakland Ave.,-CounThe royal guests were, presented make f BFund, ' i B'ith give evidence of their high conception tiBuilding and §25,000.00 for and Palestine. WINS TEACK'BKST . Judaism, its meaning, its qualities, cil Bluffs, la. with beautiful lacss made in Pales- of duty and their profound lore of the German Belief. • The arrangement committee apDes Moincs, la.—The Des and its values belssf thoroughly distine. After the tour, the Toyal Order's work. pointed from the Synagogue are Mr, Our beloved leader, Brother'XCraus, This item in the secretary's repmrt S. Eavitz, chairman, and Messrs. M. Chapter Ko. 4 of the AlefSt' cussed and explained. The organiza- COMPLETE 23ONIST visitors lunched at the British Govnow at aa age at which one ordinarily once :ndics"«s the great vfclne of Aleph vron the inter-club track -SIHSt '" ,t!on will Jhave as their speaker Sunday VICTORY IN LEMBEftG* eminent Pavilion, where they -were seeks retirement from activity and re- sfc Blank. A. IVoif, Morris Milder and £. held at the -JetrisTs Commuaily this department *f the OidefV work. evening Mr. S. Millman, who is re- "Warsaw. (j.'*T.~A.) Elections -'ti> peived with, a dessert' wnsisiing of lief from responsibility, lias tireless] y Comparable to-fee B*d Cross Emer- Block; and the commit tp* from the ter recently. cently of Palestine^ the Jewish Kenillah in two more' eleev JsiTa oranges brought-in J"rom tlie and devotetify, at great personal sac- grency Fund, ever ready to respond to Zionist Organization are Mr. John plans are being ts&is t -arsd to Kerwi hu- Feldman, chairman, and -Mis. S. Bob- the dab's tennis Palestine Pavilion by a-small Pales- rifice and at the expense cf Ms ov,-n the call of distress and golf to ATI young Jewish are invited tion districts, ""Knrien," of "Bfell being, continued with ever-ini f in-trme'cf dis&E&er in any to attend any of these services at the resulted its complete victories for the sinian pageboy dressed in the Hebrew creasing; efficiency, his activities in inson, Mrs. M. Braude arid Mr." H. attd &t& also planning a national costume. v Talmud Torah building. Zionists. good, in Israel's cause, which he has (Continued as. page 4.} Freeman and Mr. C. D. Meadelson.
Omaha Hebrew Gab Holds Election of Olcers
Report of-Henry'_Monsky
i ^
. 5684-1324, PARSHA BAMIDBAR—tone 7th. - -•••. , J>ubU£Kiaa feT«y^.')fBTf<Jny at Omaha, Nebraska,-by SHEVUGTH {First Day)—June 8th. TJ3;E jEvvisa PRESS PUBLISHING ^COMPANY. SHEVUOTH (Second Day) —- June ;*«81 BrandeJs'Theatre Building-^-Telephone: Atlantic 1450 9th. E. GREEIV Manager. PABSHA NESOH—June 14th. PARSHA BEHAALOSECHO — June -?2.50. Subscription Price, one year. Advertising rates furnished on application. 21st. PARSHA SHELACH—June 28th. CUANUB' OC ADDRESS—Please give both the old and new address; • - •. :tw-Jsurs a ad Rive your name. ROSH SHODESCH TAMMUZ—June 2nd. The Jewish Press is supplied by the Jewish Telegraphic Agency (Jewish ..Correspondence Bureau) with cabled and tetegTaufcie Jewish pews, tn additiont EOSH CHODESCH TAMMUZ-Jaly to' feature articles bad .correspondences from au important Jewish centres. 3rd. Inquiries regarding news items credited to this Agency jyilj be gladly PAESHA KORACH—July 5th. answered if addressed to Jewish Telegraphic Agency, 114 Fifth Avenue, PARSHA CHUKATH—July 12th. New York City. • PARSHA BALAK—July 19th. " "VSHINANTAM EVONICHO"—AN» THOU SHALT TEACH PARSHA PINCHAS-July 26th. ROSH CHODESCH AB—August 1st. THEM DILIGENTLY TO THY CHILDREN." PARSHA MAT" ' S UMASSEM—AuFrom sunset Saturday, evening to sunset Monday evening, gust 2nd. June 7 to 9,' the Jews .will celebrate the holiday of Shevouth, the DEBARIM, SHABBOS holiday of the giving of! the holy Torah to the Jewish People by PARSHA CHAZOM—August 9th. hundreds of years ago. - . TISHA B'OV—August 10th. For four hundred years the Jews lived in Egypt but they PARSHA VAETCHANAN — August did Rot assimilate with the;Egyptians and would not worship the .Egyptian idols because : they understood the great value of the 16th. teaching of the real God and appreciated the teaching of God's PARSHA AKEV—August 23rd. ROSH CHODESCH ELLUL, PARTen Commandments. - . . .Greece was destroyed, gabylonia fell in ruins, and Egypt no SHA REAY—August 30th. longer possesses her position as teacher of th$ nations. But ROSH CHODESCH ELLUL—August regard the Jewish Nation. Thousands of years as instructor of 31st. the world, her status has not been changed. There must be a PARSHA SHOFTIM—September 6th. ; reason^ and that is that not" only preachings their beliefs amongst PARSHA KE SAZA — September ! themselves, they-studied.the principles of their civilization and 13th. practiced'them, .'.They.taught the word of God to their-£hildren, PARSHA NEZAVIM — September talked of' Torah "as they sat in their house, while on their way, 27th. when lying down, when getting up." EREV ROSH HASHANNO—Septem; There is but one institution in our own city that com- ber 28th.
. pletely fulfills this program and that is the Talmud Torah. Every ; day,vtime is. spent In' sttrdy and practice. JWith the. Young:lsrael , Syif^Qsu^asta pajt of the Talmud Torah, the older boys* as well ( as the. young are given "the benefits of this noble institution. As j the prophet Isaiah said, "And the universe shall be filled with the ; lcnowledge bf God as the waters that covers the seas," so is ; "Vtalmud Totah Kneged Kulom—and the study of-the Torah is « equal to them all."
\ SENATE INVESTIGATES KLAN j The investigation by the Senate of irregularities in the ] election of Senator Mayfield of Texas reveals something very • rotten in the state of Texas. The noisome odor penetrates every• w^ere in -its traitorous,'journey, polluting practically every state in the Union. The Klan spent $25,000 to teach the voters of the Nordic sovereign state of Texas how to write the name of Mayfield on the ballot. Think, of it. These superiors of the Nordic breed are so illiterate that they cannot even cast a vote without instruction and assistance. This is rather an innocent piece of evidence 1 brought out at the healing. The most damning (but to us not ,1 surprising) is the testimony of one Jatt who unblushingly admits that everybody officially connected with the Klan was a thief. What is more, nothing was thought of it. In the name of bliqd purity, brazen criminality is almost commendable. These delightful morsels are really worth all the patience exercised by a sorely j, tried pepple^and the people opposed to the Klan have Tiad their patience worn rather thin with what they considered slackness an.d temporizing omtHe part of the Federal authorities. After the Morehoqse Parish episode, there was a concerted demand for a i'ederal inquiry, but inasmuch as no Federal law .was violated it was not-witMir^ii?-iirfmri€^r^th«^eriate-tor,inyestigate - -The matter comes up now an the legality of the election of Senator Mayfield. The Klan contributed $25,000 to his election, consequently the inquiry is regular and proper. No one can charge persecution, partisanship, or. that disgruntled members of- the Wan are trying to bring-4he organization- into disrepute-becauso or a usrsonal axe to grind. ' ' ^ This benighted, intolerant, organization thriving on-infantile fears and prejudices thdi^htjfrat i t was really omnipotent after the Federal Government failed or refused to investigate it. With the backing of money and terror some became politically ambi$h 7 h ^ e a"1^1™118 were so swollen that they became dis• satisfied to remam within the boundaries of their own states One wanted to become a United States Senator. He wa? elected by the use of Klan money and with JKfen tactics. Now he finds himself in a very uncomfortable position, and the whole KJan gmpire expe-ed to the bright, searching light of day W h S thieves fa!L out, honest men learn many things Honest meS are learning much about the Klan which even the most ™
a picnic at the Fairmount Park Sunday afternoon in honor-of their son. At the picnic Edward -Rosen gave an interesting Barmitzvoh speech. Recitations were given by his cousins, Ruth Winthrop and Herbert Kaplan, of Omaha. Mr. Dave Sorefg and Mrs. Dave Cohen also -gave interesting speeches.
Mr, and Mrs. Sam Snyder will receive from two to five Sunday afterM*. and Mrs. Louis Marcus mo- noon at the Temole Israel of Omaha, tored to Kansas City; Afo, Monday to in, honor of their daughter's,- Cecil's 9ttgn,d the Shrine. Convention,, which confirmation* as being held there this- week. Miss Lillian Cherniss, instructor in The Talmud Tora^ held; an import- the.schools at Springfield, Mo-, has ant meeting- Tuesday evening at the amved to spend the vacation period ' Synagogue. * ,. .". with her sister, Mrs. O. Hochman, $2» Fourth avenue. Miss Cherniss made . Mrs. S. H. Katelman entertained at the trip by auto. -' .three taJWes of bridge at" her home ~ Tuesday evening. The X F. F. club held a meefin^ ^Wednesday evening at the home of . ; B. grmn.flf _Webster- City; la.. Maurice Friedman. I expected te^irriva- IFriday.-td.'spen3 je holidays with'her "daughter, Mrs. A regular meeting of the ft'nai „ Gaiasky, and.Mjv Gilinsky. B'rith will be- held next Wednesday S./£|ftei<teif entertained her evening at the Danish. Hall.
. j t o o f f Bridge''club a t > luncheon; at the; Brandos Tea .Rooms
. "Mrs. "Simon Steinberg entertained^ TheB|trmjjaybhTof;j|d^ird JR a^ five table's of .bridge at her home s held Saturday" rn^jing 'at thW ^Jecjnesday afternoon in honor of Mrs. ChevrajB'nai Yfstoel Syhagogue. Mr. *'Ksowsri? and Mrs." Harry Schp- ajnd'Jfrs; Joe, Bosen^ejhjEettadned over L*#>r~*\-a>x;& Angeles; Calif; "' '"" one hundred friends "add relatives a,t
Jewish Community Center Week of Jane 6 to 14 Sunday, June 8. Shevouth, (Feast of Weeks) activities suspended. Monday, June 9. Junior Gym Girls, 7:30 p. m. B'nai Israel Juniors, 8 p. m. Y. M. & Y. W. H. A. (no meeting this week.) Y. M. H. A. Juniors Baseball team. Tuesday, June 10. Y. if. H. A. Juniors, 8 p. m. Omaha Zionist District. Keren Hayesod. Newsboys^ Club, 8 p . m . ' Deborah" Society, 3 p. m. Wednesday/June 11. Junior B'nai B'rith. . ... ., • • Menorah Society. Executive Committee of Y. M. and Y. W. H. A. Y. M..H. A. Orchestra. . Thursday, June J2. Omaha Lodge No. 354, I. O. B. B. Women's Auxiliary. B'nai B'rith Juniors. Y Dramatic Class. Junior Hsdassah. Aleph Zadik Aleph. Friday, June 13.' No meetings. Saturday, June 14. Boy Scouts. Y. M. and Y, W. H. A. (No dsnee this week.) 1
. I - I N C O L N ••-'.{ •i
Mr, and Mrs. Samuel Nefsky celebrated their silver wedding anniversary Sunday at their home. They entertained the members of their family at a dinner at six in the eyening and later in the evening were at home to receive their friends. About one hundred guests were received during the evening.
* C*> *
Mr. Morris H, Sogolow, age 23, son groms against the Jewish population en to the hospital; two died. of Mrs. Anna Sogojow, was appointed of Transylvania, lias been raging-for director of Athletics of the Kansas several days, according to reports CHAIRMAN OP CONVENTION which reached here from KlausenCity Y. M. H. A. berg. Massacres oceutrei in seVeral Mr. Sogolow *m& graduate this Juse towns, resulting in twelve deaths and numberless wounded. In the city of Szatmar, the Jewish student, Henrich Kluger was hung by the mob''ion s lamp post," <gn.d feis mether was, before his eyes, drenched with petroleum and burned alive. In the city of Tejus many Jewish stores were plundered and burned. The mob, waA&v fee leadership of students, drove naked Jewish women into the market place. In Klausenberg, Roumanian officials, and members of the Doumanian secret police, "Sirujanza,"' who had previously arranged a demenstratioa fer Prince Karel, who was in town, participated in the pogrom. Reports also state that groups of Roumanian students canvassed the villages inducing the peasants to participate ja the pogrom movement. MORRIS SOGOLOW. Vienna. (J. T. A.) Futher details DAVE DAVIDSON from the University of Illinois with of the pogroms in Transylvania have Dave Davidson acted as genera! final honors, the highest honors ever reached here. A train between Cluj chairman of the B'nai B'rith convenacquired by a student of the Univer- and Bias was attacked snd the ter- tion and was assisted by Rabbi Isasity. : He _isi prominent in all school rorized Jewish passengers flung from dora Isaacson as executive director, activities and especially in athletics, the windows while the train was at and by Sam Pickus, S. A. Rich, Joe being a member of the Honorary full speed. Levine, Sam Greenstone, Morris Pill. Coaching School, coaeh of class basOn the station between Bias and Abe Brodkey, Max Brodkey, W. C. ketball apd baseball teams which were Tejus many Jewish passengers were Slotsky and by members of the ladies' school champions. He is a member of beaten until they,lost consciousness. committees and with the help of the the Delta Theta Epsilon Fraternity, Over 100 Jews were wounded in the many workers on these committees of which he is secretary, a member city of Bias, The excesses started! "vrill help make the B'nai B'rith conof the Honorary Athletic Coaching after the Jewish population had as-1 vention a complete success. and Physical Educational Fraternities, Kappa Delta Pi, and Honorary Educational Fraternity. He is a graduate of the Central High School, where he received honors and where he was -a member of the basketball and baseball teams of the school. He received his athletic training from the Famous Robert C Zuppke, Carl Lyndgren, and the noted athletic coaching staff at the University of Illinois.
The Ladies' Auxiliary of the Talmud'Torah held a meeting Sunday afternoon at the Synagogue.
That embody the supreme limit of. value
luncheon and Mah Jongg Saturday in honor of Mrs. Haas, of St. Joseph, Mo.t who. is visiting with her sister, Mrs. Tillie Oppenheimer. ' Mrs. Nate lieberman and Mrs. Henry Kohn" entertained at a joint birthday party Saturday at the hoine of Mrs. Lieberman. Moscow. (J. T. A.) An All-Russian Congress of Jewish Cultural Workeis in Soviet Russia has been called for June 19th IH MOSCOW. • :
WANTED—Several men between ages of 25 and 35, to solicit for life Insurance and collect. WonMrs. - Chas." Saltzman entertained derful opportunity for ambitious Mr. and Mrs. James Brown and men. Guaranteed salary and conn her Evening Bridge club at her home Mrs. Brown's mother, Mrs. Morris | mission. Inquire for F. Levenlast. Thursday evening. Weil motored to Holton, Kans.j to thal, Mgr., Metropolitan Life Ins, visit with Mrs. Weil's sister, Mrs. COJ, S36 Brandeis Theater Bldg., The Council of Jewish-Women held Omaha, Nebr. Rachel Fist. their last regular meeting of the season last Thursday afternoon at the Miss Sara Friend, who has been home of Mrs. Herman Meyerson. The visiting in Nebraska City, returned following officers were elected for the home Friday. ensuing term: President, Mrs. M. Mrs. M. Ackerman and Miss Rosie Bernstein; vice president, Mrs. E. Marcus; secretary, Mrs. Frank Kras- Frank entertained at a one o'clock ne; and treasurer, Mrs. A. Gilinsky.
HE styles of the hour that young men demand; English types in many variations; rich weaves in popular Springlike colors; fancy mixtures,-cheviots, worsteds, serges, single and double breasted. The limit of style selections and ?10 to §15 extra value—developed by Nebraska's year round lower price plan. Don't spend a dollar for clothes until you sec the many dollars you'll save at the Nebraska.
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Mr. and Mrs. O. Wolfson and daugh±er, Toby; of Council" Bluffs, will leave :ior ;F4teatine oii July 115th.
A laguiarTmeetin^of. the Sisterhood! holdt Wediaie§'day-afte^ioon afr'thi : : Mjjss Libbie.Markovi.te, -daughter- of ifcoms "«£• JfasVMax' Sunoii, 205. Oate- Miy ahdi,Mj:s,r,B^-,Markovitzj has- a& land avenue. '., i ,-. \ ' '• > i • ' June.-22 as th©; d^e'of her marriage. •teBfe J J i E of Shenan.d,oafe^ Mrs. S. O; Gohn .hfts -gone-1? ^ g W i l ill l taierpl t i l %a atteadf'the. graduation:the home of the .bride's parents, in^tbq. r'Jbbri ij|uigfeyr from,' seace of p^ly-^h^immedjat© famof Missouri, .\ - -v - '.
The Fydannthian Club entertained twenty couples at a dance Tuesday at A regular meeting--of the Ladies' the Ivre Club rooms. The room was Aid Society will be held next Tuesday decorated with spring flowers. Punch afternoon. and wafers were served. Delegates from the Council Bluffs Miss Mary Yahroff left Wednesday Lodge No. 688, who attended the 56th for her home in Wichita, Kans., after annual B'nai B'rith Convention which completing her Junior year at the Newas held at Sioux City, Iowa, were braska University. Jay Cherniack, Louis H. Katleman The Annual Sunday School picnic and Max Steinberg. Among the visitors from Council Bluffs who attend- to be held on Reimers farm was posted the Convention were Mrs. Max poned to Saturday, June 7. Steinberg, Mrs. L. Kroloff, Miss LibThe Shebuouth Service conducted by bie Freiden and Messrs. Herman Meythe children will be held Sunday, June erson,.Clyde Krasne, Abe Markovitz, S. The following children will sing M. Hoffman," Simon Steinberg and the solo part of the Shebuouth hymn: Sam Gross.... Gortrude Ellis, Gertrude Hill, Janet Mr. Ben Wolpa/returned home last Kahn, Evelyn Diamond, Eugenia Levy, Helene Heller, Miriam Gugenheim, and Thursday evening. Harriet Nefsky. Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Nogg and "small*sonT'SXvia Stanford," Returned Mr. Moms, Friend left Monday for last Friday to their home in Plain- Chicago, 111., where he will attend a view, Nebr., after visiting a week meeting of the Directors of the with relatives, here and in Omaha. • Beatrice Creamery.
Riga. (J. T. A.) New" arrests have heen made of the Zionists ixx Soviet Russia, particularly in the towns of Witebsk, Slutsk and Luck.
sembled in the local synagogue to celWAVE OF POGROMS ALL APPOINTED ATHLETIC OV^R TRANSYLVANIA ebrate the national Roumanian holiDIRECTOR OF KANSAS CITY Y. M. H. A. Vienna. {J. T- A.) A *vay« ct po- day. Slany of the wounded -were tak-
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I PAGE S—THE JEWISH PRESS, THURSDAY, JUNE 5, 1924 Leage, After the dinner mysjcajl and Monday _ afternoon^ _at_ two ^ p'ejock. of Nations, under the chairmanship of MANY TO ATTEND- - GUESTS AT I. O. B. B. literary numbers were given. Burial took- place at" the Golden Hill; Prof. Gilbert Murrar, »nd with the GRADUATION EXERCISES , . CONVENTION «f &ro£. Caiman, direct. AT NEBR. UNIVERSITY Among those" "who - were' guests- at The next regular Bieeting will be Cemetery.' She is survived ^by 'her
or of £be American University Union Eleven ""Jewish students will be the B'nai B'rith Convention at Sioux held on Sunday, June 8th. An ap- husband and six children. of Europe. graduated from the University of Ne- City, la., the latter part of last week propriate Shevuoth program has been braska'this Saturday, June 7, at Lin- were the Misses Bernice Kulakofsky, arranged ifor this meeting. dki tt&t accept Word has been received frcpa Phoecoln, Nehr. Celling was exnix, Ariz., of the sudden death of SJrs. Estelle Lapidus, Mary Pritkin, of DenSix of, the eleven graduates are ver, Colo.; Flora Bienstock, Faye GeHerman Goldsmith, of Omaha, who pressed that at |^re«««t it wou?<I t » "¥£TA MO NEWS. from Omaha; they are Miss I/'jUn relicki Rose Guitman, Rose Davidson, An election of officers vras lielcl by was visiting with her parents, Mr. •impossible to c&tabfeh «n official isMargolin, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Anne Selicow, Pauline Selicow, Hartye the Yeta Mo elub Sunday afternoon, and" Mrs. M. Kroloff. tesrai&t*«rKi.l KmiMmiHy, altlvougk steps J. Margolin; Mr..KuUy,.son of Mr. *. Weinstein, Ann Weiss, Eaylia Frieden, May 25, «t the Jewish Community, Mrs.' Goldsmith is 25 years of *pe, 3ae taken ^immediately t» enKulakof sky;'- Mr.- - Edwin -Katskee, ton Rose Weinberg, Rae and Dora Wilo- Center. Sam Narcow WES elected >p€E».tJbn between the «nlis survived by her husband a«d of Mr..and Mrs. A. KatsSee; Ekli*»\ witz, Ruth Brodkey, Eva Alpirn, Es- president; Leo FgUmfln, vice presi- sixteen month old son. The body will She tUfiterenl c©Bntiie$ hy Lowensfcein, son of iHr. .and Mr*. H. ther Shapiro, Messrs. and Mesdames dent; Morris Givot, eecretjsrr; Umis be brought to Omaha the latter part xchange ei profes&or$ and Loewenstein; Max Greenfcerg, son or A. B. Alpirn, Jack Alberts, Sam Bliss, Diapaond, treasurer; Art.Goldstein, re- of the week for burial. Funerssl ar- etudests. WEDDINGS ENGAGEMENTS Mr. and Mrs. S. Greenbergv and Har- Harry Lapidus, Harry Malashock, porter; and Joe Conen, sergesRt-at- rangements will be announced later. Mr. and Mrs. N. Perlis announce ry Mendelson, son of- Mr. C. D. Men- Mrs. Max Fromkin, and Mrs. M. arms. POTASHJEWISH AET EXPEDITION June, 1924, is tore, and as June of the engagement of their daughter, Le» delson. • The baseball -teams defeated the A. FKOM PAUIS TO PALESTINE PROPOSAL OF SPAIN FOR Brodkey, and Messrs. Harry Trustin, all previous, years, it stands out as ona, to Mr.' Ben M. Minkin, son of Other Jewish students who are to I. F. Goodman, Sam Green, Nathan Z. A. team by. a score of 9-7. The ,' {S. T. A. Mail,)—A jprowp of INTERNATIONAL UNIVERthe -month, when all social activities Mr. and Mrs. Max Minkin, of this graduate Saturday from the Univerfollowing are members of ihe team: artiste Jvave sailed from MarSITY NOT ACCEPTED E. Green, Sam Beber, Dave Greenare'-at-the highest state, when an- city. No wedding date has been set. sity are Bernice Diamond, Maxine seilles ier Palestine, where they will Fregger, Cohen, War&haw, Diamond, Brussels. (J. T. A.) The proposal berg, Sam Wolf, Leo Rosenthal, Nanouncements of weddings and engageFrosh, Joseph* Pizer, Bernard - Grad- than Bernstein, Jake Simon, Morris Swartz,- Gerelick, Givot, Goldstein, Le- of the Spanish Government to estab- stay for six weeks collecting material ments? are numerous, and when sociwohl and Celia Kamlnsky. Linsman, Dave Freeman and Phil vin, and Glager. Those wanting games lish an international university in for the publication of o book ©n Mrs. Herman Rehfeld will be hostess ety-is busy,entertaining "her majesThose who are expecting to.leave Swartz. call Morris Givot, Spain, Avith special provisions for the 7Ti<xkm Palestine. The expedition at her home at a one o'clock luncheon ty *'?:the.;-Jiue Bride. . ; • .; ; Omaha to attend the graduation exJewish students of Eastern Europe, was organized by M. Alexander E*;first;Jo£ the many June.wed- Friday. ercises ' are Mrs. Greenberg and To Present Shabuoth Program DAUGHTERS OF 310N CLUB. who are affected by the percentage Kogan* who accompanied it. The dinjjV to* be announced'is that of Miss Mrs. H. Levey was elected president limitation on their numbers in the uni- member* include the following: M. Mrs. J. Rosen and Mrs. Sam Gaif daughter,- Idaj Mr. and -Mrs. LoewenThe City Sunday School will present Sarah "Weiner, daughter of lilr. and man entertained at. a one o'clock stein, Mr." and Mis. Margolin and of the Daughters of Zion at its r ^ - versities (Numerus Clausus), was Nahum Aronson, Prof. Pasternak «md Mfs.'t Harry'"; Wefn'er,.r":to Mr. Morris luncheon followed by 5 tables of Miss Margolin's brother, Dr. Morris a Shabuoth Program Sunday morning, ular election of officers held Tuesday considered by the sub-committee on M. Eir% Fedcr. June 8, at 10:30, at the B'nai Israel Potash, son of Mr. and "Mrs. M. Pot- bridge Wednesday afternoon at the MargoJra, and Mrs. Margolin. The book will be published in France Synagogue during the regular Holiday June 3, at the Jewish C©mr*unity Cen- Inter-University Relations of the Inashmck, of this city, to be solemnized home of Mrs. Rosen in honor of Miss ter. Mrs. L. Eaum was elected vice tellectual Commission of the League in a number of languages. Services. In addition to the children's Tuesday evening, June 17, at the Ruth Rosen, a bride-to-be.. Other Nathan E. Jacobs of Omaha, who president; Mrs. II. Braude, recording Rome Hotel ballroom. graduated from the University of program short talks will be given by secretary; Mrs. A. Rochman, finanentertainments for Miss Rosen was a More than one hundred invitations dinner party giveu by Mrs. J. Fregger Missouri during the past week, is vis- Dr. Victor E. Levine and Rabbi J. M. cial secretary; and Mrs. S. Alberts, have been issued for the wedding, at her home last week, and a dinner iting in Kansas City and will return Charlop. The public is invited. treasurer. to Omaha during the neek. Mrs. E. which will be one of the largest of Mrs. B. Levensky entertained at a this Thursday evening when Mrs, Jacobs, who attended the graduation the month. Mr. Harry Konnovitch, violinist inluncheon at the Brandeis Tea Rooms Morris F03 will be hostess. exercises, will accompany him. Numerous entertainments are being Paxton Block "The Store of Individual Shops" 16th & Farnam Thursday .afternoon, June 5, honoring structor, announces vhat he will conplanned for Miss Weiner and her fiMr. Bennett L. Cohn arrived home Mrs. J. Katlcman, who is leaving with tinue teaching through the summer Miss Annette Cohn, of Chicago, 111., ance prior to their wedding day. from the Nebraska University ti is visiting here with Mrs. Henry.Mor- Mr- Katleman Sunday for a tour of months at his studio, 207 Crounsej spend the summer here "with hi block. Europe and Palestine. POSLEY-KRAFT. Mr. Kononovitch has been playing Another wedding of Interest an- .parents, Mr, and Mrs. Morris Cohn rison. Mr. and Mrs. Jarohm Kulakofsky before a number ef the Jewish orWhile here he will take charge as Mr. Joseph Linsman, who returned nounced to be held in the month of have as their house guests their June is that of Miss Rose Kraft, manager of the Nebraska Auto Parti this week from the University of Ne- daughters, Mrs. Lewis Spiwak, of Des ganisations here and played at the —at drastic Company. braska, is leaving the early part of recent open meeting of the Y. M. and daughter of Mr. Hyman Kraft, of this Moines, la., and Mrs. Max Langman, price reductions! next week for Ft. Snelling, where he Y. W. H. A. organisation. City, to Mr. Harry Posley, of San A meeting of the B'nai B'rith will take a six weeks' Military Train- of Harrisburg, Pa. Mrs. Langman Francisco, Calif., to take place Sun- Auxiliary will be held Thursday evewas visiting with Mrs. Spiwak in Des OBITUARY. ing course. June 22. Moines before coming here. The ning, June 12, at the Jewish ComMrs. A. Sokolof, age 47, 1030 North Mr. and Mrs. J. Cohn arc receiving guests are being extensively enter- Thirty-third street, died at the SweCenter. A"full report on the Mrs. B. Grossman is leaving Fri- munity B'nai B'rith convention will be given at their home at 301 North Thirty- tained while here. dish Mission Hospital Tuesday afterday to visit with her daughter, Mrs. by Mrs. Max Fromkin, and other busi- sixth avenue Sunday afternoon and noon. She is survived by her husMr. Harry Altman, of Los Angel«s, Lester Heeger, at Sioux City, la. evening for their 'friends, and relaThree interesting groups, featuring ness will be transacted. band and children, Bessie Lent, MorCalif., left for his home last Tuesday the latest whims of fashion. *~ tives to honor the confirmation of ris, and Rose," and two sisters, of Des \ The Pi Tau Phi Fraternity is entheir daughter, Ni:na Iva, from the after spending several days in Omaha Moines, la. Fifteen of the 'parents of the contertaining at the Omaha Athletic club firmants of the Temple Israel Sunday Temple Israel Sunday School on Sun-'visiting at the Philip Nathan home. this Saturday evening. School will receive friends Sunday day morning. Mrs. Allen Kohan, who was conFuneral sen-ices of Mrs. Fannie Miss Reva Kulakofsky will be at afternoon, June 8, from 3 to 8, at the fined at the Nicholas Senn Hospital, Mittleman, age 46, 2624 North ThirtiAt the last regular meeting of the home next week from the University j Temple, Southeast Corner Jackson and having recently been operated for ap- eth street, who died Sunday night at j of Michigan to spend .the summer j Park Ave., to honor the graduation Omaha Chapter of Hadassah three pendicitis, returned to her home at her home, was held from the residence j here with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. of their children from the Sunday delegates were appointed to represent the Kinpsborough Apartments, where R. Kulakofsky. School Those to receive will be the organization at the National Ha- she is convalescing. Backward weather has forced this sakij dassah Convention to be held in PittsMrs. L. Freed,- of Burkb,urnett, Tex., Messrs. and Mesdames A. I. Kulakof- burgh, Pa., on July 2 and 3. Those and so remarkable are the values, that Harry Kononovitch Mr. and Mrs. David P. Fedcr and wise shoppers vdU seize this opportunity is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. sky, H. Greene, J, Katz, Harry Stein, appointed are Mesdames Max Fromto prepare for the entire ammmer season; daughter, Ailinne Phyllis, returned P. Specter. Mrs. Freed was formerly D. Green, J. Lipsey, M. Monheit, S. kin, J. Katleman and J. Linsman. the latter part of last week from a SIZES 14 to 55. Snyder, S. Nathan, A. Bolker, A. HurMiss -Ethel Specter, of this city. Studio—207 Crounse Blk. Harney 8tl« witz, H. Wilisky, J. Simon, and the Mr. Charles Pregler, of Salt Lake visit .in New York City. APPAREL SHOP, TUIKD FLOOE Bowing tor Advanced Pupils. The tegular sewing of the Jewish Mesdames R. L. Brown and A. H. City, is visiting with his mother, Mrs. JEWISH CULTURE LEAGUE Women's Welfare Organization will Diamond. A. Pregler. OF OMAHA be held Wednesday afternoon, June A banquet was..given by the Culture 48, from 1 to 4 o'clock. Mrs. Dollie Miss Louise -Friedman, of Dallas, Mrs. EfBe Copeland, of Chicago, lit., Elgutter will be in charge. formerly of this city, is visiting here Tex., is the guest of her brother, Mr. League last Sunday, celebrating the Morris Friedman, and Mrs. Friedman. second anniversary of the League, at ' The Ra-Oth Society will be enter- with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. R. which 75 people were present. Eight tained by Miss Sylvia Levey at her Wolosinsky. Mr. and Mrs. B. Ross will be at delegates from various organizations home Sunday afternoon, June 8. The Mrs. Dave Kaplan,'of Missouri Val- home Sunday from 2 to 5, and 7 to 9, were present to greet the Culture Misses Stella Trochtenberg, Fanny ley, la., is'leaving-Sunday for New in honor of their daughter, Lydia, Brodkey and Esther Zalk will be the York City, to attend the wedding of who is being confirmed Sunday mornguests of honor. her brother, Mr. Edward Tepperman. ing from Temple Israel.-
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Wmist — Instructor
Mrs. Jake Bernstein just returned \ Mrs. H. Marx, of Lincoln, Nebr., Mrs. Ike Levy and Mrs. Erma Sireturned,. Friday, after spending. sev- mon motored to Chicago, 111., last from a three weeks' stay in Excelsior eral days here visiting with her sister, week to visit. Springs, Mo. Mrs. Julius Newman, and Mr. NewMrs. Harry G. Fleischman and Miss Pearl Andelson, of Chicago, man, and with her mother,, Mrs. R. daughter, Harriet, left Tuesday for HI., who was the guest of her sister, Snader. Mrs. Morris Sherman, for the past North Platte, Nebr., where they will Mrs. Phil Grossman and son, Je- two weeks, returned to her home Tues- join Mr. Fleischman to make their rome, Teturned from a two weeks' stay day. She was accompanied by her home. Miss Fleischman was enterin St. Joseph, Mo., where they were sister, Mrs. Sherman, who will visit tained at the Brandeis Tea Rooms visiting with Mrs. Grossman's moth- in Chicago \vith her parents for about Saturday afternoon by a number of er, Mrs. A. Goldman. Mrs. Grossman a month. During Miss -Andelson^s her friends. was accompanied by her sister,. Miss stay in Omaha a number of enter : Mr. and Mrs. George Rosefelt, of Eugenia Goldman, of St. Joseph, who tainments were given in her honor. Chicago, 111., who were the guests at will visit here for a month. Mesdames Morris and Nathan Sher- the home of Mrs, David M. Newman, P man were hostesses Saturday aftr- returned Monday to their home. They • Mrs. Sol Goldstrom and Mrs. Dave noon at a bridge luncheon for the viswere extensively ~ entertained during Meyer are entertaining at a one itor, and Mrs. Jess Premier "entertheir week's visit here. o'clock luncheon at the Brandeis Tea tained Monday afternoon at her home Rooms Saturday. at'bridge for Miss Andelson. ,Mr. and. Mrs. R. Kulakofsky and Mrs. R. L; Brown, and ^ family are moving into their now Weinstein -"BsHI receive^- at TeroJ3&e Ishome this week at 5410 Izard Street- rael Sunday afternoon, June "8,"from Mr. and Mrs. J. Bernstein will re : 2:30 to 7, in. honor-, of Mrs. &£oym,'s daughter, Pansy, who is being conceive at their home at 2443 Mander- firmed that morning from the Temple son St., Sunday from 2:30 to G, and Israel Sunday School. 7 to J>, for relatives and friends to honor their daughter, Bessie, who is Mr. B. Ross and daughter, Sylvia, being confirmed that morning from left Tuesday for New York . City* the Temple Israel Sunday School. where Mr. Ross has gone on.-a buyMiss Carita Herzog was visiting ing trip. They, will be in the east with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. J. about a month. Herzog, at Lincoln, Nebr., last week. Mr. Melvin Katleman arrived home from Lincoln, where he attended the University of Nebraska, to spend the summer months here. Miss Lillian Simon, daughter of Mir. and Mrs. M. J. Simon, is leaving Sunday for New York City, - where she will visit with relatives for the summer. Mr. Sol Brodkey, of Los Angeles, Calif., formerly of this city, is visiting at the home of Mrs. M. Brodkey. Mr. and Mrs. Max Fromkin entertained fifteen guests at a midnight supper at their home Wednesday evening, May 27, to honor Cantors Joseph Rosenblatt and Joseph Winogradoff and Mr. M. Elstein, who appeared in concert here that evening. Mrs. Harry T. Stein ihd" newly born baby sorij, "AlvinT Wane,' are now at' the home of Mr. Stein's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Stein..
Famous Ariist Cantor
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Somberg's Delicatessen 2412 Farnam Si.
Rev. A. A, Rcsenbloom will conduct the first Mariv of Shebuoth Service and the two days of Shebuoth, June 7, 8, 9. •at the Bath Hanredrosh Hagedol Synagogue, 19th and Burt Sts. Cantor A. A. Rosenbloom assisted by Miss Fanny Fish,. Harry Robinson, Dan Bezman and Max Jaffe will entertain at the Beth Hamedrosh Hagodol Synagogue Monday evening at 8:00 o'clock. Ort Shebuoth, Sunday and Monday, tickets for the services can be obtained at Mandel's Restaurant at 1919 Burt St. By order o£ ' ' MR. M. -GROSS?' Pres. A v Ct. WEI^STEJIN,. V.-Pres.
The .-practical closing; of ^the embracing within its ranks, Jews of of which the waves of anti-Jewish f all* shade's of religious'belief, and hav- misconception and discrimination- will i ifAria/tn'e-probability of ing an'equal respect and-regard fon break."' Such an> agency is -the Jewberland, M'd. -(Co;ntindedjf all shades of-our faith.- A commission ish Academy in Berlin, supported bjf No. 6: BelI'eville,Tn.j Chicago, EL; .German, AiSf-.tiian and Czecko.'«f- thJB ' w d r i a , t h e f i f r i t e i DecatmT'IH"» Cairo," UK;" Ironwbodj direction-" to that ;itrimigratior« .within is' to be appointed to conduct the ex- .the Mexico, the necessity- pf -distributing periment and to make a survey of SlovaWiin Grand "Lodges, and now re-gency.Eelief, Fund ismaintajped and Md. -replenished from^ time, to-.time^-to re-- - No. 8:. (Germany) Augsburg; Cott- the immigrants therein, so as to avoid conditions preparatory to the exten- cciying the financial aid of the Outer, co;*centration in the larger cities, jsug- sion of the work, Our own brother, pursuant to recent fiction of the Execlieve -distress, alleviate want,'or" rqeet bus;' Aschaffenburg; gest the great desirability of aiding Sigmund Livingston, of Bloomihgton, utive Committee, No. JO; (Czecho-Slovakia) Saaz. anytorisis or emtergency vrithwliich Conclusion, No. 11: Port Said, Egypt; Damas- these immigrants, in order that there Illinois, was appointed by President • Israel in 'any corner of the earth may he confronted. When the cry .'of dis- cus, Syria; Aleppo, Syria; Athens, may be eliminated -the possibility of Kraus as chairman of this commis- • Thus do we record another year of attempts, on the part, of the immi- sion. tress issues forthi it is too late-to Greece. beneficent service on the part of our No. 13: (Poland) Przemysl; Brati- grants, to smuggle themselves across Special Palestinian Activities of the beloved Order, With ever-increasing begin setting up the machinery for its our borders. These considerations imrelief. What a boon to Israel, and to slave. Order. efficiency, with greater generosity, pelled the Executive Committee to apNo. 14: (Palestine) Haiffa. the cause ;of humanity to be -in a posiWhile the B'nai B'rith has pursued and move c^vtaii) step, does tlieaitruUnder Executive Committee: Am- propriate " $20,000.00 for the purpose its well established policy of unswerv- ifitJc woj-k of the •'C'riaj B'lith move tion .to relieve first, and devise ways of establishing an office in the city ing neutrality on all questions upon in tho procession of progres-s to a and -means or augmenting and con- sterdam, Holland. tinuing the service j afterwards. - There are now fourteen Distrist of Mexico, in charge of a competent which there is a division of opinion in more .{deal ftate for mankind," •- -• «War Orphan Fund. - . Grand Lodges. District Grand Lodge supervisor to conduct .and expand the Israel, yet, true to its purposes, and Again do we record with satisfacHere follow statistics upon" War-Or- No. 13, and District Grand Lodge No. work heretofore carried on by the Or- in strict accord with its principles, the tion 8«fl just imtlc, thiat no cry of disphan' Pun3, showing \ amount' collected 14, were chartered during the past der, during the past-.three years, in Order has given consideration to Jew- tress ling gone unansv-fred, no appeal from' the various Districts, 'and indi- year. Seven of the fourteen, as al- assisting needy co-religionists to es- ish problems in Palestine. Recogniz- for help unhef-ded, that "Benevoic-nce" cating that\District Grand 'Lodge No. ready noted, are American Lodges, the tablish themselyes''. permanently in ing as a purely economic question the has not only hem taup-ht by the Order, 6 exceeded by far every other- Dis- remaining number are in Europe and Mexicor'" creation of better living conditions in but practiced in its faltett sense. Trutrict'oh the Order. I . , > Asia. Hillel Foundation, Jewish Religious Palestine, in the light of the necessar- ly RiP-y be point with pleas-ure to the 1 Centers, in American Colleges. ily large emigration to that land from accomplishments of the Order and of The amounts collected since April Propaganda Allottment to the Several For some.time past the Executive foreign lands, where oppression, offi- the "District, during the past year, as 24, 1923, ifrom the various. Districts Districts. Committee has -been considering: the cial or semi-official, exists, the Order manifestation* of the true spirit of are as follows: \ -.» t District Grand Lodge No. 6 received problem of tUs Jewish youth at ^col- created the B'nai B'rith Palestine Benevolence, Brotherly Love ?uid liarallotment of §2,000.00 for; propaand universities. -The Jewish House Building Fvitid. You were in- nany. We] n °te the foregoing'.tabulation an ganda purposes, for the-year, and in' leges Nor have we Hmited our activities •with^pride, and express the.'hope that addition thereto, a special appropria- University student presents a special formed of this project in our last reDistrict Grand Lodge-No. 6f will re- tion of $liC0p.00 in consideratiori of and unique problem in*American life. port. The Executive Committee ap- . D' ministrations to the physical and spond in like manner to every "call of the extraordinary expense, incident to Rabbi Frankel,- in stating thec problem propriated $25,000.00 as an initial sub- mterjal needs of out'feilowmen. We scription to the fund an i work has ave assumed the more important and the Order. •. i - ' the maintenance of Lodges in Canada.: before the Executive Committee,-said Comparative Membership Report.- The respective' allotments to- the that "they are passively Jewish, not begun under the direction of Jeru- perhaps much more difficult task of of their Jewish learning,.arid lack shalaim Lodge, I. O:B. B. The lodges ministering, to, the souls of, our, peo"Up until today annual reports have American Districts were as follows: sure the ..spirit courage to maintain have been circulated by the President ple. We are endeavoring to upbuild been received! only from the seven Appropriations here follow:list~of their Jewishand of the Order, and some response has the spiritual life of our people, more individuality.'? : >* American. Districts. The following the several districts for aid in carryThe University students in /large been obtained. Greater activity to the constructive and more enduring far membership statistics are. solely for ing oh the work. end of raising this fund of ?250,C00.00 than the simpler task of relieving disthe United States: The usual appropriations were made part become the leaders of the coming at the earliest possible date will be tress and alleviating want. The latter generation, and if we are to^ have Here follows tabulation of member- for the National Jewish Hospital for : and the pledge of the Order in service is essential to prevent suffership "of the several Districts showing Consumptives, at Denver, Colorado, Leaders endowed with."a Jewish con- urged ing—the, iormer is essential to the sciousness, imbued with'the true Jew- this connection must be redeemed. District Grandl Lodge .No. 6. second, .and "the Leo -N, Levi Memorial Hos; 1 only to District Grand Lodge No..2. •• pital, r*. Hot Springs,- Arkansas; both ish :spirit and loyal -to the faith, of University of Jerusalem. ;• very Hie of-Israel. Of what-avail is it _ to preserve the body, if we neg* ) ** of which are worthy B'nai B'rith in- their fathers, it is precisely during Dr. Chaim Weizman, world re- lect and starve the soul ? Jewish' culthis period of attendance,at the UniItVwill be no\ted that the'member- stitutions, and deserve the support of nowned, Zionist leader, addressed the greater faith, more intense inship of the Order has remained .sta- all "loyal'B'nai B'rith members and versity,; when in «the 'absence j of a last meeting of the Executive Com- ture, terest in Jewish problems by the Jew, steadying influence, the Jewish stutionary for thras years. This shbuld lodges. mittee, in behalf of the University of are the watchwords of the day. Let dent drifts away -from" his people'.and Jerusalem. ,A few of the. significant engage our attention and'earnest?con-' B'nai B'rith News. his church, that, we" must-give him statements made by Dr. Weizman will no Jew, i n -city~ or -town, village or •. sideration. Hawng in mind the spePursuant to action of the Central attention, and instruction..'Other- de- serve to-emphasize the importance of hamlet, in college, school, profession cial service whici'i the B'nai B'rith is industry, be without the influence rendering'to every Jew, whatever his Administrative Board, later approved nominations^ we are told/ are tnaking giving due consideration to appeals in or of the living Jewish spirit, so that social position, whatever his religious by the Executive Committee, the form the effort to extend to' the students, the interest of Palestine rehabilita- when it is-asked, whenever he shall be tendencies, or his*final condition, it is and style of- the magazine "were of their, respective denominations, op- tion. He said among other things: aslced, "What are you?" let the anportunity for religious affiliation, durchanged. Many opinions commendanot .visionary to hope that'the mem"Today the Jews, particularly the swer be (invariably, promptly and bership of our Order in the United tory to the News have been received ing their college career. Only the Jews of the east, and by the Jews of proudly), as that of Jonah of old— States should be fhree or four times from both members and non-members Jews have done little 'or.nothing. We the east is meant East of the River y "I am a Jew." the present number. It is too appar- since this change was made. The must stimulate the interest of. the Rhine, (which has superseded the Eespectfully submitted, ent, from an examination of the rec- magazine is now. used by the. A. D. L. Jewish student in his religion, in the River Vistula), are in such a position HENEY MONSKY. ords', to require discussion, that in in its positive program, being circu- history of-his ^people, rin the prob- that they do not know, what may hapsubstantially all of the larger cities, lated, to libraries and leaders of pub- lems of*the"Jew, and in their achieve- pen- to them from day to day." the "numerical strength of the B'nai lic opinion throughout the land. It ments. The initial experiment along He referred to .the three and one- ELECTED ON B'rith is far below -what it should be,' will be of interest to you that at the this line of endeavor was performed half million Jews in Russia, and said • GENERAL COMMITTEE and a well ordered and intensive ef- last meeting of the Executive Com- at the University of* Illinois, and "That there is no official anti-Semitproved highly successful., This work, mittee, it was determined that the fort; to increase the membership of ism in Russia, but nevertheless, the lodges, duly controlled ,in the selec- B'nai B'rith News be permitted to ac- if spread to_ all oiLthe larger uni- position 6f the Jew there is more than tion by the guiding considerations of cept high-class -national "advertising versities SinKthe .land, .will become a dangerous. From day to day the Rusthe advertisements, to be sub* powerful'influence in Jewish life. This sian Jew is ground down by insidious quality, merit and) character, will nec- matter, v essarily result in? a larger, stronger ject to the^approval of the ^President activity will prove a 'worthy compan- grindings. There is still a fear of the to :those of the Anti-Defa- unknown which is even more devitaland-, yet ?very desirable membership of the Orderlapd/'the/funds ;sp derives 4pn«act|vtt7. ma$iqn: L^a^jg ' ' and proportionately, <jvill the •, Order's J6> .be^ysgd primarily^fpr^he^if' izing and demoralizing than pogroms; The Executive' .Committee, at"-' its that in the reshifting and regrouping strength and value as a factor for 'ment'of the magazine itself/" last meeting, .ordered: an . appropriagood in :the - cause of Israel, be en- .. jJew^sh *. Immigration in Mexico., \ of the classes of the social strata of tion of ?25,000.00.for the initiation of hanced. > • J e ^4jv^h Jttie ^4jv imniigrkn$Jbn''5roblem g$5roblems work conducted by. the Order; among Russia, there is no irpom f or the Jew. . New Lodges. in Mexico has had the attention of the Jewish students in. attendance,- at He • is the social scapegoat, held reD"uring''the year ending April, 1924, Executive Committee for about three -American - Universities, feeling "that sponsible by the capitalists for Bolnew lodges are as follows: years. No other agency exists in the extension of this Work into':the shevism and by the,Bolsheviki for capDistrict ' ' . Mexicpto deal with this problem, nor higher educational institutions of-Tthe italism. If the doors of Russia were No. 1: Brooklyn^N.1 Y.; Woonsock- ¥as "any agency' outside of Mexico, country is of paramount importance. opened today, if there were free moveet, R. I. other than the B'nai B'rith, put forth It was felt that for this work the ment from that country to others, we No. 2: Casper, W.yo.;.Ashland ,any.continuQus:and well.otdered.effort B'nai-B'rith- is1 specially fitted, be- would witness a flood of emigration If o.3: Lewistown, Pa. in connection with this menacing prob- cause of iits cosmopolitan character, which would dwarf .the emigration to the United States .when at its height. .-Dr. Weizman ijrjade similar . com* ment with reference to the condition yjiiiimiwmimiiiiiifiiimiiiiinminiimim^^ of the Jew in Polknd, describing'the grave economic problems which confront him in that, country.. "This daily grind," hp, said, "relentless, hopeless, is infinitely worse than" the occasional pogrom which is a momentary discharge of accumulated energy, y •• EOBEET LAPPEN ; terrible to pass through, but when Eobert.H.* Lappe'n, of Des Moines, passed through, over with. This continuous grind and* «conomic situation la., was elected high man of the Genbreaks .the morale and the hope. It eral Committee* of the District No. is for this reason that I want to ap- 6, I. O. B. B., at the fifty-sL^th anpeal to you and your, hearts, and it not to your hearts, to your logical nual convention-which was held in minds, to make all Jews realize Sioux City, Ia.v •' Lappen has been three whether they are for Zionism or high'; man for the past against Zionism; that there is a bur- years. -Henry Monsky, of Omaden in Europe that none of us can ha, past-president of the district -escape, whatever our views may be on other Jewish problems. _ • . and a member of the executive comCoupled with the foregoing, Dr. mittee of the National Order, was Weizman made an appeal for .«»e es- unanimously elected to this committablishments and.maintenance in Pal- tee. The other members of this comestine, of a cultural source of Judaism —a power station that might give mittee are:, "Godfried Bernstein of something back to the Jews of the Chicago,. Hiram, D. Frankel of St. world: "We have started our univer- Paul, Harry H. Lapidus of Omaha, sity; as it -happens, it stands on a Leo Keitman of Milwaukee, Max Conhill. On this very hill, two thousand heim' of- Chicago, Albert Mecklenburyears ago, stood the tent of Titus, • J during the siege of Jerusalem. Titus ger of Chicago. is gone. The. Romans have gone. Thousands have gone after them, and 100 JEWISH PASSENGERS we are back on the same hill over ANTI-' which. Titus led the Jew into cap- -' "WQIJNDED'-'DURiN.G 1 tivity, "thinking he flad destroyed nan- • ' • : SEMITIC' ATTACK ON TRAIN We are-buildmg on that hill a gTeat Buidapest. (J. T. A.) Press reports university, modest now, to be sure. from Transylvania bring- more details We are rearing it, not for the benefit of the Jew, but for the benefit of the concerning the anti-Jewish disturbworld. It will go on and nothing will ances of the ; last few days. On the stop it. It will benefit not only those railroad line Balaszfalva-KIausenberg, of our people^who live in Palestine, Fascisti* students stormed the trains but those who live tout of it." As further concrete evidence of the interest of the Order in these Palestinian problems, and its particular in- .When'Thinking.of Mens' Hats . or Furnishings terest in the development of the UniREMEMBER versity of Jerusalem, and the establishment of a cultural center in Palestine, the Executive Committee passed the following resolution: 1421 DOUGLAS ST. "The committee-recommends the es- JOE i.. WOLF SAM N. WOLF tablishment for a period of five years, of a research fellowship, to be known as the B'nai B'rith Fellowship, along some line of Jewish endeavor, to be determined by agreement of the University authorities, and the President of the Order, and the appropriation of Upholstering and Furniture Repairing Mattresses Renovated. the sum of $5,000.00. Box Springs. Jewish Academy in Berlin. THE JEWISH PRESS, t Consistent with the purposes and (iT-!antIc SS10 1013 North IStls St. . 681 Brandeis Theatre Bldg., ideals which induced the creation.of Omaha, Nebr. the* "Hillel Foundation," and the "B'nai B'rith Fellowship at the UniGentle - ,_• *nen: Attached hereto is check for §2.50, for versity of Jerusalem, the Executive which send THE JEWISH PRESS every week for one Committee pledged the support of the year to Order to another movement which has for its ultimate aim arid object, the Name „ 4 establishment and maintenance of KesitSenrc, VMS Sia. S5tli St. Jewish cultural centers. As stated TeU ATJanllf €B37. by Dr. Israel Auerbach, before the Street Address £_ Ptare tst CosSnasg, S4I5 Censing St. Executive Committee, when speaking T*!. ATSnntic SiSSl. of the purposes accomplished by the City..... : state Jewish Academy in Berlin, "It is for the maintenance of centers for spiritual' effort in the different domains of PAXTON HOTEL science; to shelter and encourage 'Jewish thinkers and savants; to reTURKISH BATHS (port Jewish research work, to utilize i now opptatert it? J the results of their efforts, 'as means ? I of enlightenment ©? the%vorjd s public •- PAXTON HOTEL f.iiiiHmHnum!^ 1 opinion and to thus erect fortresses of Steam, Ttirkisli, and Electric Baihs. Jewish self-defense against the walls A1J Modern Equipment. JSTo-4; . Pocatello, Idaho.,- .
THE JEWISH PRESS is the only
medium through which the Jewish people of Omaha and surrounding territory can keep in touch with the happenings of the Jewish people throughout the world. In our judgment, it is the sacret duty of our readers to hely bring this payer-into Event Jewish Home. We ask for no financial assistance of any kind, but merely urge the Jew to co— oyemte in furthering.interests that are his own.
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and assaulted the Jewish passengers, wounding ovet 100. , One Jewish passenger's throat was cut. Many others were thrown out of the windows while [ the train 'was in motion, breaking arms and legs. Similar'•oxce^et of anti-Semitic fcludentb'are reported from Agrar.i. SOVIET GOVERNMENT WILL CHANGE ITS ATTITUDE TOWARD RELIGION Ri£&.."<J. T. A.) -The Soviet Government has decided to take a new attitude toward the religions question in Russia, according to the information received by the London Times correspondent here. The Central Committee of the Eusf-jjJn Communift Party, at it? last mr-eling, adopted a resolution to revise its methods of combating "prej'u-
dice." It proposes that from new os the dosing of churches an4 synugogues should not be carried out without the permission of the central g o ^ ernment. It IK eivdod that the Communist,- now aOmit tlic fr.i!urc of tlieir anti-rdicious campaign. Another fr.ctor vhich is making them consider their attitude is the protest of ms.-y Americans now in Russia.
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