June 19, 1924

Page 1

*! 1

Our NewjAd4 r e s s is, 68X Brandeis Theater": Building. :

Our New TelepKone Nnmi>er is ' ATlantic : r



BB eeconij-claas maU .matter on Jannary 37th. l e a . at * at, Omaha. Nebraska, ,nn<iei Use Act of . HarcS S. 13TO.



OMMITTEE OS PALESARABS WILL APPEAL T0~ JEWS MAJORITY OF POPU. TINIAN CURRENCY COM--' LEAGUE ASSEMBLY FOE LATION IN SEVEN TOWNS •; • ' PLETES ITS WORK ..PALESTINIAN INDEPENDENCE OF KIEV PROVINCE Jerusalem. (J. T. A.) The assemJerusalem. (J. T. A.) The "Feles}-. Kiev, (J...T. A..Mail.)—According bly of the League of Nations, •which tin" reports that the Currency Com:> the latest figures, the Jews conis to take place in Geneva this committee 'appointed by the Government stitute a majority in seven towns of ing September, will be asked to conhas completed its 'work, and the rethe province, of Kiev. In Berditchev sider the renewed appeal £ot the insults will be published shortly. The there are 31,372 Jews out of a total dependence of Syria, Lebanon and Pal- Entire Public Invited to Meeting ommittee proposes that notes to the Every. Jewish" Organization in "Y' Picnic to Be Held Sunday, population of 43,574 .(72%); in lip- Says Complete Denial of Riots estine, in defiance of the mandates of one.pound sterling each be City Approved Plan. ovetz there are 4,706 Jews. (51%); in July 13, at Elmwood Park. Renders Authorities Monday Evening. already passed upon by the League. ssued. The Palestine pound will Malin, 4,753 Jews (64%; in RadmisI, Ludicrous. The submission of this-appeal vras IKTERESHNG P R O G R A M omprise 10 dinars of 2 shillings each. TO BEGIN,: WORK IMME«Y» TO STAGE INTENSIVE 6,507 Jews' (53%);. in Iman, 28,716 decided upon by the Executive of the ARRANGED FOE THIS The dinar will be divided into 100 cenDIATELY. MEMBERSHIP CAMPAIGN Jews (58%); in Boguslav, 7,799 Jews DECLARES R E P I T I T I O N Syrian-Palestinian Congress, which times. The Palestine currency "will be (64%) j and in Belazerkov, 27,643 - NIGHT. .! WILL BE DISASTROUS. How many J elvish families are there took place in Cairo. secured by English banknotes. " The Y. M. and Y. M. H. A. mem- Jews (73%). ; An open meeting' of {subscribers to in .Omaha? Nobody seems to know. bers plan series of activities for the Vienna. (J. T. A.) The recent antithe Jewish Community Center BuildFigures compiled recently for the Temainder of the year. Inspired by Jewish disturbances in several parts ing campaign Mill be held Monday city of New York indicate that only the hope of having the new Jewish of Roumania aie being openly discussevening at the Jewish Community 24% of the Jewish children of the Community Center building in the ed in the Roumanian press. The paper Center. At this meeting complete metropolis arereceiving religious near future, the members of the "Y" .'Independence Roumayne, the official reports of the activities of the Buildtraining. What percentage of Omahave outlined a complete program of paper of the Roumanian foreign ofImmigrants Are Now Stranded in ing and Site committee -will be made. Give Credits for Jewish Will Scholar Declares Talmudic Passage ha's Jewish children attend the reliaffairs for the coming term. fice, printed an article in which the Many Ewopean Ports. Agriculture" Proves Rabbis Divined TransAn interesting- program has been. gious schools or receive private inVienna office of the Jewish TeleThe "Y" picnic which 'will be one mission Idea. arranged for the occasion. William struction? There is no definite anLondon. (J. T. A.)—The American graphic Agency is charged vrith of the feature events of the year •will New York.—A cable received by Dr. Consulates in London, Paris and Holzman, will be chairman of the spreading incorrect reports concern- u Bramson and Dr. A. Singalovsky, swer, available at the present time. be held at Elmwood park, Sunday, 1 July 13. "We will have events dur- New York. — Samuel Kahan, a ing the Jewish massacres in Rouma- European delegates of the ORT Soci- How soon after their arrival in this Warsaw are being besieged by imm- meeting. lawyer and Jewish 'scholar of this nia, while, the paper says,- "only a tyi from the London representative, country do Jewish immigrants avail bers of prospective emigrants andj At a previous meeting:* of the coming the entire day at the picnic," said Sam N. Wolf, chairman. The city, claims.that radio.is referred to few students in Bhjj have jested with states that the by-laws of the Jewish themselves of the opportunity here stranded immigrants, who are inquir- ;• xnittee, final plans were made for 1 committee has secured a large list in the Talmud and that the principle a few Jewish passersby, and when the Reconstruction Pand,"which is being offered for the privileges of citizen- ing: for.. .information concerning the j ^mediate erection of the building . Tte site i was selected, l d directly d l possibilities of obtaining visas of prizes that will be awarded to of sound transmission was clearly situation grew serious the police in- raised on the initiative of the ORT, ship? •winners of' the contest held at the understood by the Jewish sages at tervened immediately. Unfortunately have been filed fere. Among those How many people of our community America. The only answer given by opposite the new million dollars Elk's picnic The members will meet at least 1,500 years ago, according to a the sensation seeking American pub- heading the company are M. A. Spiel- are citizens? There is no place in the the • Consular officials is "Nothing home, at 18th and Dodge Streets. These reports will he made to the the "Y" rooms early in the morning feature article in - the New York lic was satisfied at the expense of man, vice-presid<^nt of the Anglo- city where the answers to these ques- known, no instructions received," World. Mr. Kahan refers to a pasgeneral public at the meeting MonGreat consternation and excitement Roumania." and will be taken out in large trucks Jewish association; Elkan Adler, well- tions may be found. • " and , automobiles. Another feature sage in the section of "Yoma" in the The next day the Roumanian paper known in English Jewish circles; I. How many of. our childrens are re-' is prevailing among the stranded ref- day evening. attraction will be the Y. M. H. A. Talmudic treatise "Moed," which sets Adverul printed a t editorial in reply, Wisotzki, M. Shalit, S. BeloV, S. Lurie, tarded in their school woik- How ugees, mostly Jewish, who are in the The lot of 67 foot frontage and forth the usages in the proper obJunior baseball game. and Alexander Halpern, familiar as many are advanced beyond their various ports of Europe—Southamp- 120 feet deep was leased for 99 stating: servance of Yom Kippur, the Day of leaders of Russisji Jewry. normal school grades?' How many are ton, Antwerp and Riga, some of years. Through, this way the imAll members" of the "Y" are urged "Vienna has committed certain exbeing educated'for professional call- -whom already in possession of Amer- mediate work of erecting the buildto make their reservations for the Atonement.- The word which Mr. aggerations because no direct reports The by-laws provide that the fund They live in the fear of ing is possible. The cash on hand picnic immediately, so as complete Kahan says definitely spells radio is from Roumania were possible. How- is to be used in granting credit to ings ? How great a part do the vari- ican visas. 1 composed of the Hebrew letters resh— having to face deportation to Eussia from the first payments -will be used ous. Jewish organizations of the city plans can be made for the large yod—daleth—yod—yod—aleph. The ever, the denial of the Roumanian farmers and artisans for the purpose play in the life 'of the average Jewish or the other countries they came for the erection of the building. crowd expected. combination of the English letters government will remain ineffectual of acquiring and improving land, im"One thousand members for the which represents-the sequence of the because it denies flatly everything, plements, cattle, seed, machinery, resident of Omaha? What are the from, the steamship companies hav- - The Jewish Community Center Y", this.is the slogan adopted by the Hebrew letters is r-a-d-i-o. while, as a matter of fact, 60 Jews houses, etc., on easy terms of repay- special social service problems facing ing declared that the refugees will building will be, according to temporhave to clear the company hotels if ary plans, three stories in height and membership , committee in their atwere seriously wounded. They were ment. It will be used'also in reclaim- thy Jewish community of Omaha ? tempt to secure 500 new members. The words, according to Mr. Kahan, thrown from the windows of trains ing ground, providing agricultural inThe answers to all these questions there is no possibility for them to will be fireproof complete, with gymnasium for boys and girls, laifre auThe membership committee headed by curiously enough refers to sound, the going at full speed. Trains were also struction, and to aid societies who be disclosed following the com- proceed shortly on their voyage. ditorium, meeting rooms ior all acorigin and nature of which, however, The Jewish emigration aid societies Louis Abramson will begin theif camkept for long periods at the various undertake local loans for the same pletion of the house-to-house census tivities. are shrouded in deep mystery. The are being urged to relieve the situapurposes. The company will also act ' paign for new members immediately.of the Jews of Omaha, -which is now stations so that the drunken anti"We are going to make the "Y" following is a substantially -accurate Semites might have plenty of time as agent and intermediary in obtain- being taken by the .social.service com- tion of the despairing refugees. The Under agreement of the lease made the largest and the most active rendering in English- of the passage for their doings. It is also true that ing governmental concessions and in mittee of the. Jewish Welfare Federa- Federation of Ukrainian Jews in Lon- for the ground, no immediate cash is organization in the city," said "Louis in which the word r-a-d-i-o appears: during this time the Roumanian au- making legal" documents coincident tion, upon -which are also represented don, • which is engaged in.taking care needed for the purchase of the site. Abramson. With our new building, "And the rabbis have "learned that thorities did not extend any help to with its aims. The entire fund is to the B'nai B'rith and the Council of of the Ukrainian refugees, has cabled All cash, that is cm iarsd will he used today to the United States Secretary in the erection of the building. the "Y" members will be able there are three • sounds that travel the attacked and maltreated Jews. be raised by the sale of interest-bear- Jewish Women. . from one end of the earth to the other. to take part in. all activities, in the The census has the unqualified ap- of Labor Davis, requesting him to The following building committee No one lives now behind a Chinese ing shares, §750,000 of which are to ." gym and other places, we will raise They arev First/the" sound of the.sun wall and the denial of the govem- be disposed of in America and -S250,- proval of practically: every organiza- see to it that those immigrants who has been named; William Holzmarv 00Q'3n: Europe. this-<juota,", say members .of the traveling around the earth; secondj -ment.is, therefore, in vain and a tion Li the city, • sad' every'person in are already in possession of Amer- president; .Harry .A, Wolf, vire-pree-" : the sound of a mob of a large city committee. ' ' • " • urged,.toico-tygerats .ydth the ican visas, and "who are in the various" ident; Harry H. "Lapictas, secretary; grace. It vrould be much better if "Final"plans •fserfe,'- "shoaki -fee- -permitted?, third, the sound of this soul when i tr^sggrer; and. Plans are being made for a "Y" the truth were admitted and the guilty the committees which will supervise committee in "assuring -th at ..the work Harry Mat&shock, Henry'Motinky, Jf>cbook, which will be an annual. The leaves the, body, at death. Some o: ones punished, especially those offi- the raising of the $750,000 were made •will be "done •thoroughly. Among the to land in America, L. Wolf, Dr. Philip Sher and Jacofe Radio nigh tprogram for September the rabbis-say that the sound" of a cials who completely forgot their duty at a meeting held on Thursday, June larger organizations that have apSlosberg; woman laboring in childbirth also OSIAHAN'S PASS 8 will be a feature, event. The "Y" On the other hand, the protest of the 5th, at Temple Emanu-El,'New. York proved the census are the Jewish WelSTATE BAR orchestra will be organized during travels from one end of the earth to Jews abroad is entirely justified." These will be submitted at the next fare Federation, the B'nai B'rith the other. Some of them also say Samuel Schwartz and Abner Warthe next month. full meeting of the committeej at Temple Israel, Congregation B'nai IsThe Adverul ends its editorial with that the sound r-a-d-i-o does the same which representatives from Chicago .rael, Omaha . Hebrew Club, Jewish saw, Omaaan's -were two of the mem- kster LapMis law the warning that should the disturbthing." Women's Welfare Organization; Tal- bers who passed the state bar Tues- "' Chief -of Centra! ffi$ ances be repeated, a catastrophe in and Philadelphia will be present. YOUNG ISRAEL And "having thus, continues the ar- Roumania would be unavoidable. It While the formation of this activity mud Torah, YM and YWHA, and the day at Lincoln, Nebr. Schwartz and SYNAGOGUE TO casually referred to "the sound states that the events which took «s progressing, the reorganization of Arbeiter-Ring. Warsaw "vrere the only two Jewish Lester Lapidus, son of Mr, am* HOLD SERVICES ticle, of radio," the Talmudic passage drops place in Klausenburg and in Bluj are the American ORT Society proper is . The census will be taken by high men taking, the examinations. . Both Mrs. Harry H. Lapidas, has been The Young Israel Synagogue "will the subject. It is as if some modern hold their regular Friday evening writer, having had occasion to men- unparalelled in ths entire world and also under way. On Sunday, June 15 school and university students,' who were members of the Creighton Law named. editor-in-chief of the Weekly Register, Central High school publiservices this Friday evening at the tion "broadcasting," took his reader', that the denial of the government a meeting was heH at the Hotel Sh el- will cover every house in which Jew- school. ish people live., They will present cation, for the fall' semester. The bourne, Brighton Beach, New York, Talmud Torah Building at 7:15. On familiarity with it for granted an< proves that either the government is proper identification credentials. The LARGE CLASS TO announcement was made in the Friwhich was attended by several hunnot capable of enforcing the laws o Saturday morning they will hold continued his discourse on his mair. questions which they will ask will BE- INITIATED AT day edition of the paper. the country or that the hooligan ele- dred representatives of local and service at nine o'clock, and on Satur- theme. • A. 1. A. CONVENTION The new editor is president of thf ments are preparing to enter into op- ticnal Jewish organizations in New cover matters of purely general interday evening the lecture class meets The author of the article proceeds position to the present government. A large class of candidates will be Engineers' society, vice-president r/: York and vicinity. The meeting was est, and no attempt -will be made to at 8:30 P. M. addressed by Dr. L. Bramson and Dr. pry into the personal affairs of any initiated at the convention of the tiie Mathematics, society, member of At the Friday evening service, to ask -whether the "radio" of the Queen Hears of New Pogrom Order of Aleph Zadik Aleph which the speakers' bureau, the central A. Singalovsky, who reported on con- one. Mr. Louis Fellman, vice-president of Talmud is the same thing as the radi in Bucharest as we know it today, and whether thi The census when completed will be will be held in Omaha July 4, 5, and committee, the Gamma chapter of ths ditions in Europe. Simil ar. meetings the Congregation, will speak on "The London. (J. T. A.) Queen Marie o ate planned throughout the various a unique achievement.. No other city 6. The Omaha Chapter is aiming to Junior Honor society, the O-Bor>k thing we of the present generatio Russian Jew Restricted to the Pale". Roumania, who is now a guest a Rabbi J. M..jCharlop "will lecture at have hailed as an epochal discovery i Buckingham Palace, has received, ac sections of the United States, by of Omaha's size has attempted it. make this the largest class that has staff and the: French club. He is « merely a rediscovery of something thi 4%-A student and a sergeant in tiis means of which the American ORT The work which will be done follow- ever been initiated. the ..Saturday night lecture class on cording to authoritative circles closely will become a nation-wide organiza- ing the survey will jprove of inestim- According' to a report recei%red from cadet regiment. ancients knew and discarded. T h e JReason for the Observance "of connected with her royal majesty, dis- tion. able value to every man, -woman and the Advisory Council, no more public Our Holidays." quieting telegrams from Bucharest in child in Omaha, aiid will place this initiations will be held. COMMISSIONER GEN. HUSBAKR Last Saturday evening he also Keren Hayesod to Hold forming her of the serious anti-Jewish POLISH GOVERNMENT city in the first rank of communities HEARS PLEA BEHALF lectured on the subject "CommandImportant Meeting disturbances in the city recently fol PERMITS 'RELIGIOUS' doing intensive social service work. RECEIVES HONORARY DEGREE STRANDED IMMIGRANTS. ments and the Reason for Their lowing the dynamite explosion in th The local Keren Hayesod will hold INSTRUCTION IN HEBREW The survey to be a success .must reMr. Ralph Cohn, son of Rabbi and Some. {J. T. A.)—A plea on bch^.r Enactment* Mr. Dave Fellman an important meeting next Tuesday capital. The cause of the explosion Warsaw. (J. T. A.)'- The Polish ceive the support and eo-operation of Mrs. Frederick Cohn, who arrived of several thousand Jewish immispoke at the last Friday evening evening at the Jewish Community which resudtel in great material damservices on "The Condition of the Ceiiter. All members are urged to age and excitement, has not as yei Minister of Religion and Education the community. It only will require home from Ann Arbor, Mich^ where grants,: already in possession <-i has issued a statement in -which he ten or fifteen minutes to secure the he is an instructor, has received his American -visas, encamped in th? Jews. in France about the Time of be preset-'- at this meeting. been established. declares that the teachers of the information for each family, and ev- degree of "M. S. E. (Master Science of rariotis ports of Europe, was the French Revolution." Jewish religion in the Jewish private ery family is urged to give .this time Engineering). Attack Students and Stone Cemetery today to Commissioner General (A Every Jewish young man is inschools of Poland are permitted in to the census takers when they ask in Klausenburg Immigration of the United States, ^~, vited to attend any of the services, OMAHA A. Z. A. DEFEATS the future to give their instruction in for the information. W. Husband, "who is participating: in held by this organization. FORMAL'PROTEST AGAINST ' • LINCOLN CHAPTER Vienna. (J. T. A.) New excesses the Hebrew language. against the Jewish students at th the international emigration IMMIGRATION'BILL SUB-, The Omaha A. Z. A. Baseball Team .•-:•'" Until now Hebrew was not permitEMIR ABDULLAH • MITTED .TO PRESIDENT eace tere. defeated the Lincoln A. Z. A. Team University of Jasse took place, at ted to be used as the language of RUSSIAN COMMUNIST. PARTY' • : GOVERNMENT PUBLISHES Washington,' (J. T. A.)—-A final The Commissioner General last Sunday at 33rd and Cass Street, cording to the Roumanian paper Ad . HAS 45,000 JEWS even in the teaching of .. - ••• .. DENIAL OF CHARGES by a score of 14 to 4. Leonard Herman, verul. The liberal professor, Constan- instruction written protest and appeal for a veto ferred with representatives of Riga, (J. T. A.)—At the Congress Jerusalem. (J. T. A.) The Polit- of the local team, was the outstanding tinescu, who championed the cause of religion. The change on the part of of Soviets -which is being held now in of the immigration bill was sent to Jewish. Emigration. Directorate on ical Information Bureau in Amman star of the game by fanning eleven the Jewish students, was among those the government is due to the inter- Moscow, Stalin, one of the triumvirate President Coolidge on behalf of the matter, and assured the delcgfc vention in the matter on the part of seriously wounded. has published the following commu- men and getting five hits. . at the head cf the government of American Jewish Committee and the that he would shortly proceed to Ro-ainanian Fsiscisti students, who the Jewish National Council. nication in the official organ of the The Omaha team will play a return Soviet Russia, reported concerning the American Jewish Congress, before the various ports for the purpose of Transjordanian Government, in con- game in Lincoln on Sunday, June 29. are under the leadership of Professor membership of the Communist Party President had signed the bill, it was quiring into the situation, in Cuza, bombatde'd with stones hte JEWISH GIRL SCOUT nection with the articles published in learned here today. The appeal junction with the respective of Russia. Jewish cmetry in Klausenberg. Jewthe Arab and English press, against RABBI NAHUM EFFENDI signed by Louis Marshal! and KabbS lean Consulates. TO REPRESENT U. S. A. According to his figures, the party Stephen S. Wise. The petitioners ish mourners, who were visiting the the present regime in Trans jordania: SEES EGYPTIAN AMThe question was also raised s& fc.-. Philadelphia, Pa. ( J . T . A.)—A. has a total membership of 900,000, of were convinced in advance of the the possibility of giving prefcrs-n.-* "Some papers have published false BASSADOR IN PARIS graves of their relatives, were seriouswhich 45,000 are Jews. Teports by persons who are seeking hopelessness of their protect, but took in the quota to those irnrni£T&t,ts Paris. (J. T. A.) Rabbi Nahum ly woimded. The Jewish community Jewish high school girl of this city is the recipient of one of the highsubmitted a protest to Military Comtheir own advancement. The Govern- sha, the Egyptian Ambassador in tV.e action nevertheless fcr its moral already en route. ment denies absolutely these rumors Effendi, former Chief Rabbi of Tur- mander Popp, who promised to make est honors in the Girl Scout move- PALESTINIAN MACCABEES ! effect, and as a matter of record. ment of the United States. Miss „ TO JOIN INTERNATIONAL an investigation; and begs the public to consider this key and now Chief Rabbi of NEW RELIGIOUS ELECTION Dorothy Pearlman, seventeen years news as false and without founda- visited this week Mahomed Fakhri PaELOC FOSMED IN WARSAW. ATHLETIC FEDERATION COMMUNISTS URGE WORKERS I old, has been chosen one of the tion." Paris, -who is the son-in-law of King INTERNATICKCAL COMMISSION Warsaw.. (J. T. A.)—A new* hfcv; NOT TO PARTICIPATE Jerusalem. (Jewish T FuacL" The Egyptian Ambassador leTO VISIT RUSSIA, UKRAINE twenty-four Girl Scouts 'who will Agency.) The Jewish sport organizaIX KEHILLAH ELECTIONS of several religious groups, inelaa* YELLIN POSTPONES turned the visit in the afternoon. He Paris. (J. T. A.) An international represent the United StuteS at the tion, Maccsbee, has decided to send Warsaw. (J. T: A.) The Jewish ing the Mizraehi and various Ch&srDEPARTURE FOR AMERICA snoke with Rabbi Nahum Effendi for health commission -sviil visit Russia International Girl Scout Camp at to E-jrope three of its members _for CnmmurJsts here have started a prop- sidic sections, was formed toel«y in " Jerusalem. (Jewish Telegraphic over an hour. and the Ukraine for the purpose of Fox Lease, England, from July IS the purpose of receiving athletic in- agarda campaicn among the Jewish connection with the approaching Agency.) Dr. David Yellin, Presiinvestigating the situation there in re- to 23. Fox Lease is an estate struction so that they may Le zVe vcrkfagraon, telling' them not to par- Kehillah elections here. Miss to bring back to Palestine the lastest lie;pnt<? in the spproacfcfag elections: This new bloc will plaj? «ti 'itn<kmt of the Vaad Leumi, has postto malaria- This -was decided owned by Princess Mary. Riga. (J. T. A.)—Eight members poned his departure for America, of the Jewish Cultural League, an upon by the Health Committee of the Pearlrosn. is chairman of the Gold- physical culture methods. portant rote, as it will to lie Jewish Kehillah. after - having received -information organization legalized by the Lat- League of Nations, wTilch has been In en Eaglets of Philadelphia, the S They - Vvi.Il a:so r.egoliate-"ior the In the literature issued by the Coui- oppose the Agmlath Israel that the meeting of- the Zionist Ac- viais Government, were arrested to- session here.- The commission will highest branch of the Girl Scout inclusion of the Palestinian Macabee TBUT-ists it is declared that the vrorlj:- which Is contemplating \aniting tions Commitee in London may be day. The charge against them is also visit Koumsnia, Jugo-Slavia and movement. group in the International Athletic inptrien should n^t "participate in re- the Assimllationist i&r postponed. "suspicion of Communism." Italy. Federation." of elections ligious and clerical institutions.1"

tmaitiii Journal

Plan Activities fo of

CMo.es for Its

Jewish Sages Understood Uses of the Modern Radio


KeconsbradioB Fund' For . . . Jews in Europe-'Begun

Consulates for Visas to. U. S.

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PAGE 2—THE JEWISH PRESS, THURSDAY, JUNE 19, 1924 visiting the Botanical Park in Klaus- their infant son, Meyer, Several from Morris Zimund and sister, Helen, of enburg, was attacked and had his Council Bluffs were in Woodbine to Denver.' 5684-1924. skull fractured. attend the- "Brith." They were the PAKSHA-NESOH-^June 14th. Mrs. H. Marowits entertained her Published every Thursday at Omaha.-Nebraska, by F JEWISH COMMUNITY Messrs. I. Gilinsky, B. Gilinsky, J. PARSHA BEHAALOSECHO — June Afternoon Bridge Club Wednesday at THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING,COMPANY. ARAB PHILOSOPHER Katelman, E. Gilinsky, and G. WhiteCENTER 21st. - . '* \ Office: 681 Brandeis.Theatre Building—Telephoner ATlantic 145& her home. ' . WRITES MEMORANDUM book. Those from Omaha who atPAKSHA SHELACH—June 28th. • NATHAN E. GREEN, Manager. SUNDAY, June 22—Omaha HeON TRANSJORDANIA tended included the Eev. L. Lcvenson, brew Club, 3:S0. " ROSH SHODESCH TAMMUZ—June Jerusalem, (J. T. A. Mail)—Rida who performed the ceremony; Mr. .$2.50. Subscription Price, one year. Myrtles of Zion. 2nd. Advertising: rates furnished on application.' Tewfi Bey, the famous Arab philo- and Mrs. Louis Simon and daughter, Buds of Zion. ROSH CHODESCH TAMMUZ—July sopher and writer, had written a and Stewart Gilinsky. Fairies of Zion. CHANGE OB" ADDRESS—Please give both the old and new address; 3rd. Miss Helen Sommers left for New lie sure mid' give your name. Junior Boy Scouts. memorandum on the social and ecoPARSHA KORACH—July 5th. Auflebung Club, 8:00 P. M. York City, where she will study nomic position of Transjordania, in Mr. and Mrs. Louis Maskowitz and The Jewish Press \a supplied by the Jewish Telegraphic Agency (Jewish MONDAY, June . 2 3 — G e n e r a l connection with the proposed ad- family motored to Kansas City, Mo., music this fall. Correspondence Bureau) with cabled and telegraphic Jewish news, in addition PARSHA CHUKATH—July 12th. Meeting of Jewish Community ministrative improvements. The mePARSHA BALAK—July 19th. to feature articles, and correspondences from all important Jewish centres. Sunday to spend a few days with Center Bldg. Subscribers. Miss Henrietta Abrams, of Kansas Inquiries regarding news items credited to this Agency will be gladly PARSHA PINCHAS—July 26th. relatives. Junior Gym Girls. morandum has been submitted to City, Mo., is the guest of her sister, answered if addressed to Jewish Telegraphic Agency, 114 Fifth Avenue, ROSH CHODESCH AB—August 1st. B'nai Israel Juniors. • Emir Abdullah. New York City. Y. M. & Y. M. H. A. (No PARSHA MAT'" ' S UMASSEM—AuMr. Geo. Steinberg left Saturday Mrs. William Brown. meeting this week.) GOVERNOR STORES night for New York City were he will JEWISH CULTURE gust 2nd. June 24—Y.'M. H. A. ; LICKING THE HAND THAT LICKS WILL RESIGN RUMORED be a delegate for the National Retail PARSHA DEBARIM, SHABBOS TUESDAY, ; LEAGUE OF OMAHA" Juniors. Jerusalem. (Jewish Telegraphic Association. '• There are certain animals which have the peculiar and almost CHAZOM—August 9th. All the members of the League Omaha Zionist District. Agency.) Ronald Storrs, Governor inexplicable habit of licking the hand that licks them. One of TISHA B'OV—August 10th. and about sixty-five guests were Newsboys' Club. these is the Goluth Jew. who is ready to curry favor with the PARSHA VAETCHANAN — August WEDNESDAY, June 25—Deborah of Jerusalem, may shortly resign, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Gershon left Mon- present at the lecture given last Sunaccording- to rumors in well inform- day morning for their home in day by Mr. Israel Ossman, welloutside world by serving the interests of his people's detractors 16th. Society, 3:00 P. M. ed circles here. The rmors stat that Schuyler, Nebrv after spending the known Jewish writer who is on the and oppressors at'the expense of his own interest and self-respect. PARSHA AKEV—August 23rd. " Junior B'nai B'rith. ROSH CHODESCH ELLUL, PARhe will not return after his annual past ten days here with Mr. and Mrs. staff of the Jewish daily paper "Der Sinec the world war, when the Jew has everywhere been B'nai Israel Juniors. vacation, which he will shortly take. I. Fonaro. They -were accompanied Tag". His subject was "The Jewmade the scapegoat for everything that went wrong in the affairs SHA REAY—August 30th. back by Lorraine and Leo Meyerson, ish Legend". of the nations and anti-Semitism has, as a.result, spread in "all ROSH CHODESCH ELLUL—August THURSDAY, June 2 6 - O m a h a Lodge No. 354, I. O. B. B. who will visit with them for a fewlands, there has been no more- anti-Semitic group of people than 31st. At the meeting of the Executive Women's Auxiliary, I. O. B. B. weeks. They made the trip overland. Committee, held on Tuesday, June "the "German Nationalist party. - Yet, according to a recent PARSHA SHOFTDI—September 6th. B'nai B'rith Juniors. Mrs. B. Schulkin, Miss Ruth Schul- Mrs. Geo. Steinberg and two daugh- 17, a committee for the annual picnic dispatch, the German Association of Jews had issued an appeal PARSHA KE SAZA — September Junior Hadassah. Aleph Zadik Aleph. kin, and Miss' Alice Schulkin left ters, Lillian and Sophia, left for Ex- of the League was appointed and to all the Jews of Germany urging them to vote for the German Y Dramatic Club. Nationalist party in the recent elections to the Reichstag, be- 13th. Sunday for Chicago, 111., where they celsior Springs, Mo. They expect to tentative plans outlhrlfl. FRIDAY, June 27—No meetings. cause, the appeal has it, "the interests • of the Fatherland must PARSHA NEZAV1M — September SATURDAY, will remain for. the marriage of Miss be gone all summer. June 28 — B o y Next meeting will be held on SunSCOUtS. V .-.'.;,. 27th. be placed above those of the Jews." Ruth Schulkin to Mr. Preston Heller day, June 22, at 4:30 P. M. which takes place July 8. . Mr. and Mrs. H. Brown of Chicago -" • A clearer manifestation of the.goluth spirit can hardly be EREV ROSH HASHANNO—Septenir endangering the peace -of Europe, and AUFLEBUNG CLUB arrived Tuesday to visit with their imagined. Such a -cringing cowardice can only be explained as ber 28th. • childish statements of the government A surprise party was given in daughter, Mrs. Max Steinberg, and Through error last week the the result of an utterly broken spiiit of manliness and self-respect •will not help matters. The time for honor of Mr. Lawrence Baron at his name of Mr. M.. Movgenstern was induced by the.constant fear of persecution, oppression and empty phrases is over. Roumania home last Thursday evening, June 12, Mr. Steinberg. given as club director of the Auftorture which has characterized -the century-long- diaspora expemust explain why it permitted these Mrs. O. Hochman, and Mrs. Ike iebnng Club. Jewish Telegraphic Agency pogroms. Why were not the guilty by his friends to honor his gradurience of our people. Such an attempt a t . self-effacement in T punished? This explanation ation from the Central High school. Krumer and t- -a sor>~ 7 ymie and The picnic of the Auflebung Club order to escape opposition ,cannot -.but imperil the preservation The Boycott of Jewish "Merchants by -parties, we expect from the Roumanian govMax, returned home Sunday after will be given Sunday, June 29, at and 'very existence of the Jew. It is far more dangerous to us the Ku Klux Klaft. Mrs. L. Weinberg returned last spending a week in Leon, Iowa. ernment.". the Hanscom Park. than' all the histility and agitation .of anti-Semitism. Jewish merchants of Oklahoma, Dr. Julius Halpern, a prominent week from New York City. In contrast to this strangely pathetic spirit of cowardice that Georgia, Louisiana, Alabama and Mis- Socialist, in a letter printed in the Mr. Joe Scharf left Monday evening has been. manifested - on the part of our German brethren the sissippi report that the Ku Klux Klan "Forward" of June 2nd, severely con- The Newsboys' Association gave a for Minneapolis, Minn., where he will MR. E. FLEISHMAN conducting an active boycott demns the Roumanian Government for play last Wednesday evening at the spixit which characterizes the 'American Jew stands out as. one is ennounces that he is closing his against them in the various localities. the atrocities in Zibenbirgen. Dr. Jewish Community Center. A large visit with relatives for a week. of courage and manliness. While here in America, too, there The chief sufferer are the local mer- Halpern points out that Roumania Meat Market during- the hot Mrs. M. Krasne and her daughter, weather months. He wants -may be. found occasionally individual instances of an utter lack chants. But indirectly the Jewish usually acts up to expectations. As crowd was present. to see all his customer's, on of Jewish manhood and self-respect, as was evidenced, for in- manufacturers and jobbers of New descendents of the criminals of ancient Mrs. Lawrence-Krasne, left Monday the day of his re-opening. Chicago, Baltimore and other Rome, the Roumanians still retain the stance, by the eendorsement on the part .of a Jew of the ignorant York," evening for Colorado Springs. They are affected. Mr. M. Katz, in barbaric-and criminal traits of their and prejudiced Henry Ford for President, of the United States, centers the "Jewish Daily News" of May 27th, I ancestors. Europe, however, cannot «•— . . . . . . . . . . ., . ., . . . . „ . „ , . . 4 expect to be gone about two weeks. yet American Jewry can hardly be thought of as reverting to in The B'nai Brith will hold their last reviewing these unpleasant reports, permit a state to continue such savage Miss Marian Scharf, daughter of tke.rroluth type or as sinking so'lov in the scale of freedom and says: practices, Dr. Halpem says, and he regular meeting of the season next TOK SAX.E BY OWNER Mr. and Mrs. J. Scharf, entertained "We know what the Klansmen are urges the Jews of America particularintelligence that it would ever resort to the method of licking the Wednesday evening at the Danish Home in Bemis Pnrk District, one capable of. Their activities are ly to bring their influence to bear on eighteen of her friends at a theater hcnd that licks.—Dr. Mendel Silber, Buff. J. Review. blick from Technical High, ECT*I\ notorious. ' Gangs capable of murder the League of Nations to make an Hall. Election of officers will take party at the Broadway Tuesday afterrooms and sloepin£ porch. R]1 and arson will do-anything.to get rid end to the outrages against the Jews place. modern, nnrt welt bnilt. Ijfrtge noon in honor of her thirteenth birthbeautiful ynri\ and garage. Fruit of their opponents, let alone employ- in Roumania. trros and shrubbery/ I<pnting eitj7 THINKING IN WORLD TERMS ing such feeble operations as boy- % "Let us call a conference of all'j Mr. and Mrs. Sam Steinberg an- day. After the show, refreshments and must sell at nm-e tvith or withcotting competitors. The opening of nounce the birth of a baby girl born were served at Rennes. out furnituro. Cull Hfirney 57i)2, "The Nation" of New York-has for some time, with the most special stores backed by capital of impartial elements of the Jewish or stop at «:;i5 Wpbeier St, population of New York and vicinity," to them Sunday evening, June 15, at laudable intentions, no doubt, been publishing articles about the manufacturers and jobbers to compete says Dr. Halpern. "The Jewish WritMrs. Charles Saltzman entertained Jewish people. Some of these articles are wise and some are with the retail establishments of the ers' Club ought to take the initiative the Methodist Hospital of Omaha. her Bridge Club at her other. . For, it would be utterly impossible for a publication like Klan will not solve the problem. There in calling the" conference. _A mass Messrs. Philip and Millard Krasne homeAfternoon Tuesday. Mrs. H. Schoenwald is only one remedy for it, and that is "The Nation," which has a strong bias towards radicalism and government action. America is not meeting must be , organized .in arrived . home last .week' from the of Los Angeles, Calif., was an honorFOR RENT Carnegie Hall or Madison Square . . . ., , , . , . ,_..,, , . r draws its contributors mostly from the ranks of radical writers, Poland. There is a law in the United ed guest. Garden . with influential American!-timversity of Michiagn. Millard is to-escape the folly and absurdity of radicals whose .theories are Furnished room in a desirable TO- escape xne lony ana-aosurauy oi raaicais wnpse .meones are s t a t e s prohibiting the boycott of onespeakers., to thunder our protest) now in Lincoln, Nebr., where he is athome and good location. Call the results of conjecture rather than knowledge and whose part of the population. Thegovern- against the savage barbarian rule of tending the summer school at , the Mr. and Mrs. Philip Saltzman and ment should take a hand in this Roumania, for its betrayal of the opinions are based on. fancies, rather than-facts. HArney 6934. sons, Albert and Carl, returned to and put an. end to the prac- most elementary human rights. Let University of Nebraska. However; among all the articles that have appeared in "The instance their home in Sioux City, Iowa. Monof the Klan. us raise our voice in condemnation so Miss Esther Handler of Oskaloosa, , Nation," tbeie is none to ridiculously absurd and so hopelessly tices day after spending the week-end with • "Of course a boycott against the loud that the whole world may hear stupid as that which appeared in its issue of May 28th, by a Jews of America cannot be any more Iowa, arrived last Friday to spend the relatives. young- radical, Bertha .Wallerstein, by name. Bertha, it should successful than a boycott ^gainst the us." summer with her uncle and aunt, Mr. inToland. Jews who knew how Mr. Melfcorhe Harris of Oakland, be- understood from the outset, is evidently of the kind that Jews and Mrs. Herman Meyerspn. .-• defend themselves" froTrf'attacks of GR^EIi REPRESENTATIVE Calif., spent a day last week at the •rushes inwhere angels fear,to tread. With the readinesis of the to all kinds of -anti-Semites will also j N JUDGMENT ON Mr.^and Mrs. Joe Gilinsky of Wood- Sam Snyder home en route to his sophohioric mind whose self-confidence and complacence are be- know~hew--to combat-the Klan. The -•"p GUTENBERG CONCESSION bine, Iowa, entertained at their home home from the Hebrew Union College Boycott against the Jewish merchants gotten by ignorance, she assumes that • the Jew is narrow and in the South ought not to intimidate .The Hague. (J. T. A.) The perma- Sunday in honor of the "Brith" of of Cincinnati. With him were Mr. exclusive and proceeds; to hand out -to" the liberal Jew .the, un- us. tilings have happened to nent C/Urt' of International Justice solicited advice that he should think, not in Jewish terms, but in Jews Such in other countries and yet .it Has granted the request of the Greek world terms. In other words, she-thinks that the liberal Jew didn't hurt them much in the long run. This, however, does not absolve the Government to permit Mr. Kalcyanis too much of a Jew and too little of a humanitarian. American government from taking ac- nis, formerly a member of the Mixed . Just how Bertha Wallenstein came to such a stupid notion tion.. The government cannot permit Court in-Egypt, to sit in the InterSTYLE WITH COMFORT about her own people it is hard to tell. Foi\ even anti-Semitism the Klan boycott to continue. Such national Court when the case of the HART SCHAFFNER & MARX does not charge the Jew with anything quite a§ absurd as that. tactics are injurious to the economic interests of the country; they violate Greek 'Government against the The'habit of the Jew to think in terms' cff humanity is axiomatic. the of-the. United -States British Government, in the matter 6f I f Bertha Wallerstein. only kneAV Jewish thought' and Jewish and constitution should be stopped, forthwirth." the electrification and irrigation of traits, she would realize that thinking in Jewish terms means Palestine, is heard, thinking in world terms. The Jewish prophets of old, who Statement of the Roumanian Gov- submitted to the International Court certainly thought in Jewish terms, thought in terms of all- The About the Recent Pogroms. the claim of its citizen, M. Mavrominclusive humanity. The thoughts of post-Biblical teachers.and ernment "The Roumanian government found matis, who obtained a concession writers, both in the legalistic and the homiletic branches of Jew- it necessary at last to offer some ish literature, arc couched in the broadest and most liberal terms kind of an explanation concerning the from the Turkish government for recent pogroms- in Zibenbirgen," says the. electrification- and irrigation of of the whole world. "Day" in an editorial of May 28th, Palestine, similar to the concession In modern times, too, the Jew has most decidedly been think- the > EN—appear at your best in hoi weather; "and here is its explanation. There granted by the British government ing in world terms. The great world movements whose orig- were, the Roumanian government ad"Dixie Weaves" have all the style of the inators are Jews, such as the Esperanto movement founded by mits, pogroms, but the reports have tn Pinduc Rutenberg on behalf of the highest. priced tailored models—yet they're the facts. There were no World Zionist Organization. Zamenhof, the world peace movement, of which Blioch was the exaggerated porous, airy and keep their shape-—ask to see them. deaths, only some wounded. The According to the statute, when a originator, Lubin's agricultural movement, the Red Cross Society, Roumanian government ia satisfied. It "DIXIE WEAVE" Two-piece Suits Exclusive Here which was organized in the home of Adolphus Solomons in Wash- had done its duty, it made some kind given case comes before the court ington, and the disproporately large number of philanthropic of a statement and all is well. If we and the latter includes a judge of the Other Tropical Clothes long enough another statement nationality of one of the parties.only, movements and organizations of*world importance, clearly and wait may follow, putting the responsibility ' .• Coats and,Pants, $20 to $45 unmistakably attest to the' fact that the modem Jew thinks in on -the Jews and blaming- them as the other party may select a judge terms of the whole world. For, this peculiarity can only be ex- enemies of Roumania for spreading ad hoc of its nationality. Palm Beach Coats &M Pants Coats and Pants plained by the Jewish characteristic trait of thinking in term's such exaggerated rumors* Such is 512 and $15 $15 and $20 the policy of all Eastern European of the whole world and. of all humanity. governments. The pogrom hoodlums 30 JEWS AMONG FIRST GRADUATES OF GOVERNAs to the advice to the liberal Jew to,think less in Jewish are never guilty. The guilt is always BIG SIZES—SMALL SIZES—ALL SIZES ' - , • • • • • , . M E N T L A W SCHOOL terms, it is almost too silly to require any comment. Would that placed on the victim. the liberal Jew actually thought more in Jewish terms. His "But does the Roumanian goyern- Jerusalem^ (J. T. A.)—The graduaillustrated liberalism and humanitarianism are overdone rather than under- mant really believe that public opinion tion of the first class, of the Governdone. If he did think, more in Jewish terms, his very liberalism will be content with such diplfcmaticj cent's law school in Palestine was Dots Roumania think celebrated yesterday. There were and humanitarianism would be of greater benefit, not only to statements? the happenings in the various OMASA. tomsek and his own people, but also to the world at large. For that cities are a secret to the outside forty-five graduates, thirty of whom the,Jew. who is truly loyal to his own people and his faith cannot world ? It is generally known that the were Jews. ^CORRECT APPAREL FOR MEN AND WOMEN: pogroms in Roumania are a mere ••' Sir Herbert Samuel, the High'Cbmbut be truly loyal to all humanity.—Jewish Ledger* symptom of the disease of that coun- missioherj Tand Norman Bentwich, try, The malady is Fascism. Not SIR HERBERT SAMUEL Some of the members of the Coun- the F~ascista of Italy, which is fighting Secretary of Justice, delivered adMAY REMAIN IN OFFICE cil are inclined to reject the assign- to maintain the present order of dresses. Speeches -"vere also made by London, (J. T. A.)—The question of ments for the new settlements* pre- society against Communism; ii is a the Director of the schcol and by the imperialism that may lead issuing a loan, to Palestine, as well as ferring -instead to expend all availa- national Uouriiania to serious complications, Arab and Jewish graduates and teachthe possibility of Sir Herbert Samuel's hlc funds: for the strengthening of the The Fascist! of Roumania have a ers. The Jewish teachers emphasized remaining in office after his- five year existing settlements. It i3 expected powerful organization. They preach that this was the only- school were Romanism and. seek to control modern law was being taught in term .ekpirea this year, will be dis- that within three yetjrs all the new upon those provinces which they^ pretend to Hebrew, cussed during Sir Herbert Samuel's settlements will tje self-supporting. be historically Roumanian. Thi stay in England; according to reports : \ A special commission consisting o£ movement is already viewed with susDelightful iti its «l«vef by Jugo-Slavia. The Roumanian JEWISH COMMUNITIES received today by the "Daily Mail." Messrs. Ettlnger, Arlosoroff, Varnatz picion Fascisti are undermining the little styling; the pattftfti* afe SEND DEPUTATtON £6 - - In authoritative cirdes it is.stated and Wilkansky" will visit al! the new entente. They are not .satisfied with unusually pleasing. Siae* TO ROUMANIAN KING status qua. They seek to control t«^- : , that the negotiations with respect to settlements and investigate Jnto the 14 to 42. Truly an esxep* Vienna. (J. T. A.) t h e Jewish the Balkans. What is the cause of g nership will %f-,"' . . the ' - High Comnaissionership will measures 'which should be taken for the "pogroms in Transylvania and communities of Transylvania and Bational value* merely iohfirm Sir Herbert's further the purpose »f insuring their self- Bukovina ?. The Jews, who lived under nat have decided to send a special depContinuation in office. support. the ritle of Austria, ami Hungary, are utation to King Ferdinand of * RouYou'll admire the new Jaftf hdt and cahhbt. become .Romanized SOLDIERS FOR TRANSJORDANIA Even* if Roumania would observe the mania to pbad with him to put an boot sweaters. WILL CONCENTRATE O>r RECRUITED IN JERUSALEM minority rights it could not expect the end tp the unbearable situation preMAKING SETTLEMENTS Jerusalem, (J. T. A. MaiL)—The Jews to become full-blooded Rou- vailing in these two provinces, accord; manians. The Ruthenlans and the ing to a report in the Roumanian pa. -' . SELF-SUPPORTING recruiting for the Transjordanian Magyars in Transylvania' did not as%£;••< -Jerusalem'. (J. T. A.) The details army, under the leadership .of Emir similate, but the Fafecisti are afraid of per, "Dimincaln." "-"Of,,the Palestinian-budget, .whMi is Abdullah, is still going on here. Two them. The Jews,, alone are defenceThe Jews in th<*F3 rsffions have been Tht Shop for Women, '-to fce decided this year, for the first representatives of the Government less,' and the ' Roumanian ' supor- placed in a situation which is '- time,,-in Palestine, .are being dis- are carrying o npropaganda among patriots follow the lines of least rcsis-,of the law, and in which they aif» not Brown Block, ifith 4b ftoaglas . .cussed here by the .members of the the Arabs to join the TrahsjordanMn tance. " l_cxten.dcd the protection of ths authorv Pales^toe" Economic Council, who have army. The first two troops of recruits ities. have already, felt, for Animan. international" problem. Roumania is Esnc-My a Jewish student, who was








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f\ Bewitching


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PAGE 3—THE JEWISH PRESS, THURSDAY, JUNE 19,1924 Miss Jean Haadelman, of Chicago, vocal solos will "be given by Miss Jahr will take a course ia children's Students Arriving Home to Mr. Jake Davidson returned Spend Summer Vacation* Here 111., is visiting here as the guest of the Helen Riekes, violin selections by the disease at the Columbia University. day from the University of Chicago, ^

Trains are arriving in Omaha each Misses Ann, Pauline, and Lottie Seli- Misses Ida and Dorothy Lustgarden, They will be gone for one year. Mrs. where he is attending- the Art Insti« j day bringing with them students who cow. She will spend several weeks a talk on "Hadassah" by Mrs."j. Ro- Jahr was formerly Miss Esther New- tution, to be with his parents. He is are attending eastern Universities here. senberg, and then recitations by little man, daughter of Mr. s.nd Mrs. the son of Mr. and Mrs. A. David- j and. nearby schools who axe now comMiss Braude. David K. Newman, of this, city. On son, and will return next fall and', The Misses Yetta and Esther Naing home to spend the summer vacatheir way to New York they will Will enter his fourth year at the * than are entertaining the Kah Oth Mrs. H. M. Ferer and children are sivp off at Chicago, III., Cincinnati. tion with parents and relatives'. university. | Society Wednesday evening, June 25, leaving this week for the Minnesota O., Washington, D. C, Baltimore. Mr. Sam Wertheimer arrived home at their home. Lakes to be gone until abcxit August Md., arsd Philadelphia, Pa., and vipon Miss Rosaline Her man entertained Monday from an Eastern School to be 15. Mr. Ferer is leaving with them, at a dancing party Thursday evening with his father. Miss Ann Rosenblatt Mr. and Mrs. Dave Degen and Miss going to New York, after which he at her home in honor of Miss Bess is arriving the latter part of this Meta Buxbanm, of Chicago, 111., who will j^in them at the Lakes to return attend the marriage of Dr. Jahr's Lipp, who if leaving: for an extended 1 week from Wheaton School to be with v.-ere visiting here, returned to their sister on June 28. home with them. visit in Milwaukee, Wis. l-=r parents, Mr. and Mrs. Morris M._ home Saturday. , Rosenblatt, for the summer months. Miss Loretta Persovr, of St. 2/Irs. Esther Rosenberg, who has Mr. Frank Tuchtr.an and Mr. Gail WEDDINGS ENGAGEMENTS Miss Mildred Cohn, daughter of Rab- Miss Evelyn Richards, of San Jose, Mo., visited here with Miss Kate been visiting with Mrs. Sara Cohn Margolin left Monday for Los AngePOTASH-WEINER Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fenberg, of bi and Mrs. Frederick Cohn, arrived Calif., is arriving from Chicago, 111., Goldstein Monday and Tuesday while for the past six weeks, returned to les, Calif., to attend the Grocers* Before the presence of more than Des Moines, la., •wish to announce tome Thursday from Chicago Uni- to visit here at t i e R. Kulakofsky on her way to Los Angeles, Calif. her home in Chicago, 111. Mrs. Cohn Convention. They will also go to three hundred guests, Miss Sarah the engagement of their daughter, versity to be with her parents. From home. 1 entertained at s dinner party at her Portland, Ore., for a week or two Weiner, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H.Eva, to Mr. Joseph R. Lazarus, of the University of Michigan came Miss Weiner, was married to Mr. Morris Omaha, who is now residing in Des Mr. and Mrs. J. Stein and Mr. and Mr. Marx Heller, of Denver, Colo., home Friday evening for fifteen stay. They are expected to. return Reva Kulakofsky to be with her parSunday sfte? a guests, honoring Mrs. Rosenberg. home about July 15. Potash, son of Mr. "and Mrs. M. Moines. Mrs. M, S. Rothenberg ate now liv- returned to Ms * ents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Kulakofsky, ?nd Potashnick, on Tuesday'evening, June ing at their new home at 4235 Leav- visit here to attend the eightieth birthMiss Fenberg is a graduate of the Messrr Myron Blotcky, Lester Slos17, at the Rome Hotel Ballroom, Rabbi West High School of Des Moines, enwoiih st~ * • • day of his father, Mr. Albert Keller. burg, and Max Gvtttman to be with X ) WELSH J. M. Charlop officiating. and attended the Drake University. The Misses Toots Agranoff, Sybell JS ACKEKMANN their parents. Miss .Ethel Gladstone Mrs. A. Katskee is at the Swedish Miss Helen Riekes sang "I- Love Mr. Lazarus is a graduate of the arrived home several weeks ago from Liberman, and Messrs. Abe Agranof?, You Truly," and then the Misses Ida Qmaha Central High School and at- Vassar College and is now with her Mission Hospital having been operat- Peter Heeger, and Nate Homvich, are ed on Tuesday. .'..' . "WE KETEE SLEEP" / „ and Dorothy Lustgarden played the tended the Creighton University. motoring into Omaha Sunday fiorn parents, Mr. and Mrs. Victor GladNo wedding date has as yet been wedding march. The brides attendants Sioux City, Iowa. The Omaha Chapter of Hadassah "•"' • Floral Designs—Gardening in Us Entirety ''•'SJS stone. Mr. Nathan E. Jacobs and •were Miss -Ida Dblgoff, maid-of-honor, set. Day and Night Phone Walnut S294. John Baird Quigley, who graduated June meeting will be held Wednesday and the Misses Esther Potashnick, 1S02 SOUTH 46TH STREET, Corner 46th and Center Sts, Omaha. [ this month from the University of afternoon, June 25, at the Jewish Dr. and Mrs. Herman M. Jahr left Gertrude Tatle, and Sara Rosenblatt Mr. and Mrs B. M. Brown celebrated Missouri, arrived home several weeks Community Center. At the meeting, Saturday for New York, where Dr. •were bridesmaids. Messrs- Isadore their silver wedding anniversary Sun- ago. Weiner, Leo Abramson, and Joe Cohn, day evening at their home, where they of Lincoln, Nebr., were the grooms- entertained for sixty guests. , men. Mr. Dave Potash was his Mrs: Charles Kirschbraun will enMr. and Mrs. M. Levinson have tertain a few of her friends a t a one brother's bestman. Little Miss Adeline Specter the flower-girl, and moved from the Morris Apts., and are o'clock luncheon Thursday. Master Earnest Wintroub the ring- now at their home at 3107 Mason Mr. Max Rehfeld, of Los Angeles, bearer. • The Misses DoTothy Weiner, Street. Calif., is the guest of his parents, SyNia Weiner, Edith Dolgoff, and Ida Mrs. E f *Copeland, formerly of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Rehfeld, for 3 Tenenbaum were the ribbon stretchers. this city, wi o spend the past thr?e short stay. A. wedding dinner for the guests fol•ooo weeks visiting here with her parents, lowed the ceremony. Mr. and Mrs. David P. Feder are Mr. and Mrs. TI. R. Wolosinsky, anJ Mr. Potash and his bride are now friends, returned to her home in Chi- now living at the Lee Tom Aparton a honeymoon trip and upon their cago, 111. ments, at 4910 Dodge Street. return will be with the bride's parents. - Mr. and Mrs. Max Drevich enter- Mrs. Sam Weinstein and daughters, GENDLER-RAVITZ tained thirteen friends of their Sari and Dorothy, of Midland, Tex., The marriage ceremony of Miss daughter, Lillian, who celebrated her are visiting with relatives and friends Mollie Ravitz, daughter of Mr. and thirteenth birthday Sunday md who here. Mrs. S. Ravitz to Mr. Morris Gendler, was confirmed that morning from the FKnn necessity and from choice our purch ases are now more frequent. Our crowds Bon of Mr. and Mrs. H.' Gendler of City Sunday School. Prizes were won Mr. Edward Gluck left Tuesday for ! furnish the evidence that our prices are lower and that value is appreciated. Albia, la., will take place Sunday, by Celia and "~3se Zier. The Misses Chicago, 111., for a several weeks stay. June 22, at the Blackstone Hotel. The Mrs. Harry Kavich and Miss Flo bride will have as her attendants the Lillian Kooper and Ivy Siegel, teachShames were hostesses at bridge last Misses Ruth and Dora Gendler of Al- c~- of the rafirmation c'ass of the STATIONERY is cretonne boxes «err» bia, la., sisters of the groom, and Miss Sunday Scln >1 and Ral' ' J. M. Char- Sunday afternoon at the home of & double purpose. Small lots of many. Mollie Finer of. St. Louis, Mo., Mrs. S. lop, advisor of the Sunday School, Mrs. Kavich honoring Miss Mary patterns offered at practically % price, Pritkin, of Denver, Colo., the house E. Ravitz will be matron of honor. were among the guests. a box' 7 5 $feisfl$ 1 . 2 5 guest of Miss Estelle Lapidus, and The groom's attendants will be Dave, FOUNTAIN PENS—Waterman or Wahl, Mr. and Mrs. Max Fromkih -are also complimentary to three bridesHarry and. Ben Ravitz. Dr. S. E. for the traveler, up from... $2.5® leaving Wednesday, Jun? 25, for an to-be, the Misses Stella Trochtenberg, rMiSrfi Fleer—Stationery Ravitz will be master of ceremonies. 'EW -AEBtY-ALS, never before shtrtrn, Miss Helen Whitebook will be flower extended extern trip to be gone for Esther Zalk, and Fanny Brodsky. WOMEN'S GLOVES —The new and Isotel Elite gauntlets. White gauntlets adaptations from models that retail for ' girl. The Rabbis Grodinsky and Char- a month.1 Fr^-i here they are going Prizes were won by-the Misses Dora Utrne^ bacfe cuff vitta plcot edge Sa to Pitts -irgh. Pa., to attend the Wolowitz, Sylvia "Levey, Stella lop will officiate. about double this rery special offering. felaofc, t>]acl£ embroidered, also stiff cuff Zio; ist Conver.tion that is bein£ held Trochtenberg, and Helen' Robinson. asS plain, cuff gauntlets, la mofie and The most captivating styles, colors and combiAmong those who entertained for there on Junr 29-30 and Jn' - 1. From pongee, the ps.tr S2.CH nations, including frocks of Miss Mollie Ravitz were Mrs. A. Piti-.b :rgh the-"- "re going to New Mrs. P Eizeman entertained fourteen Main Floor Silverman, who gave a bridge lunch- York Clt- o n t o V-shingtor., D. C, quests at a luncheon at the Brandeis ACME FEEE2ERS—2-quart, all-metal, .,_ ' eon at the Fontanelle Hotel, Mrs. Dave then t< New Haven, Conn., to Albany, Tea Rooms honoi"-v Mrs. L. Freed, special $1.19. Ecru and Black Lace, White and Green Cohn, who entertained at a bridge Buffalo, and Niagara Falls, N. Y. c.T Burkburnatt Tex- formerly ~"iss Hotir EclotP—Heuseliold 6eetl<m , + •r, *'o jb Ibltinr; with Black Georgette and LacQ THERMOS BOTTLES — Unbreakable, luncheon at ther;£55ndeis Tea Rooms, From ihere *>ry" will go by joat to 1 and Mr-. D. Speetor. quart size . • • ...*..« IS.0CI the Misses Fanny Segelman and Sara Chi;rj 111., and t - '• Milwaukee, her parents, Mr. Mrs. Lester ~Teeger, of Sioux City, la., Coral Lace Orchid Lace Pine size * ••$3.50 Slobodinsky;' W Mrs. M. Marcus, who Wis., on 'heir return home. was an out-of-town guest. Both sizes hold more than specified. had bridgJ pities at their homes. Ecru andPeach, Lace and Flame Chiffon ?Irs- N. Siever —•' Miss Mollie Floor BeloW Mrs. S. i... Jiavitz gave a bridge Siever, formerly o* this city, arrived Mrs. Meyer r-:derman, of Waterloo, luncheon at the Brandeis Tea Rooms. _ , , ,,/ . v, AII Black Lace, Black and Peach . Mfinnea- la., is visiting with her parents, Mr. __ ,,. , j T> -nt i 1 luesdrv from t^ *"r " t .The Misses Ann and Bess Blank} p ^ Minr &ttend the Gendler- £. Mrs. B. R senbaum. Mrr LederS I Z E S 18 T O 4&entertained at a dancing party at ^ . ^ ^ ^ _ _.me ^ M r & asan was formerly * " - Edith Rr;enfcanscom Park. s i e v e r fa v H t h l f , a t fte h o m e o f h e r bsum. She was r> \ out-of-town guest Cotton crepe gowns, mafie Mrs. A. Hertzman and Mrs. L. Finer, sister, Mrs. A. Silverman, and Miss at the Potash-Weiner wedding Tueswith Jenny 'neck, trimmed •with coatrasttog bsafie, long sisters of Mrs. S. Ravitz, arrived T"iever is the guest of Miss Kate <jay evening. and "wide. . Colors, orcMfi, yesterday to attend the wedding of Gcldstein peach, UBBU, vrhite. Women's ana Hisses' Section—Second Floor Miss Mollie Ravitz to Mr. M. Gendler. Miss Pauline Hirsch, of Kansas City, Mr. and Mrs. A. Silverman have The Misses Ruth and Dora Gendler of Mo., is the guest of her sister, Mrs. •At $1.59 moved into their new home at "5015 Made of Windsor crepe, with Albia, la., and Miss Mollie Finer of Samuel Klein, and family. S— (Continued)' Burt street. French Voile .,:%'-.. touches of-hand •wort; round, St. Louis, Mo., arrived Sunday to at;: . - , square «nd V ceclv. Colors, A LITTLE JOURNEY this might be called, Mrs. Ida Alterman, of Newport, N. tend the wedding. Mrs. J. A. Solomon and daughter, •""' •vrhlte, peach, flesh. JL3L in the -words of Elbert Hubbard, into Arline Marie, left for Manitow, Den- J., and children arrived Thursday to Dressland. Several styles all GEDANKEN-BROOKSTEIN be the guests of Mrs. Alterman's ver, and Colorado Springs, Colo. So vast and so varied is the showing of hand made,. hand• The marriage of Miss Charlotte "Windsor crepe, &lso plisse brothers, Messrs. Julius and Ben gowns and frocks now available that descripdrawn, hemstitched crepe to all l*ea«tSftcl high Brookstein, daughter of Mr. M. Brook- Mr. and Mrs. Martin Sugarman have Chait. They will spend the remaintion is difficult. and lace trim, blosshades, Dresden patterns Outstanding emphasis is ; on individuality. stein, to Mr. Phillip Gedanken, of this as their guests Mrs. Sugarman's der of the summer. ; som - t i m e colors. and tend embroidered, efSome groups at lowered prices and Irantlreds Also d r e s s e s of city, will be solemnized Tuesday eve- father, Mr. Eugene C. Boidy, and fects. Peach, orchid, .flesh.. of creations of silks, sheer cottons, lace, chifMrs. Ida Lowengrnend and daughf l o c k OT4 dotted ning, July 1. Mrs. Sugarman's sister-in-law, Mrs. fon, etc. Eacli model alone in its appealiEg voile, d a i n t i l y ter, Joyce, of Philadelphia, Pa., are Already a number of affairs are Robert Bondy, of New York. character. ..'.-' styled b u t t e r f l y visiting here as the guests of Mrs. being given for Miss Brookstein and sleeves, L i n T i n Mr. and Mrs. Max Fromkin enterDresses for every function. Lowengruend'spar ents, Mr. and Mrs. neck, lace and net her nance. Miss Lillian Harris enterIntroduced Thutsday trimmings. Colors, Dresses for all the vagaries of temtained for Miss Brookstein at a tained for these visitors Wednesday' Bernard Cohn. coral, orchid, red, To familiarize our <Tiftorner« evening at their home. Mrs. Will S. perature. bridge-shower Sunday afternoon. pre^n, ponder blue, Mr. Max Eisenstat, of Nashville, tain favored prffRratlons, the maker* • ?• Rips, of Tulsa, Okla., was also an Dresses for the home or cluh. Prizes were won by the Misses Ida navy and black. have provided Tenn.,"is the guest of Mr. Max Gutthonored guest. Covers were laid fir Dresses for ike porch or street. Greenberg and Minnie Wohlner. man. Mr. Eisenstat is a cousin. of Dresses for all purses. Samples for Free Distribution "". Covers were laid'. for twenty guests. twelve guests. Miss Mary Pritkin, of Denver, Colo., .Miss Sarah Brookstein was hostess Very Interesting importations from France Miss Sadye Levey returned home who is visiting now with Estelle LaSizes JS to 52. Belgium. for the bridal party at Peony Inn Sunday morning from Detroit, Mich., pidus. Irlr. Eisenstat expects to leave Also offering these sppcial prices, "Was'j Frock Section— that samples may reach otiiy interested Sunday evening; and vfll also enter- where she spent several weeks, with Omaha Thursday for a visit in DenThursday IVill Be Thtrfl FSoor parties, a package ol s&trt.r)lfg to ercfl" tain at a bridge-tea at the Brandeis friends. ver. , purchaser ThurFfiayi DRESS DAY Tea Rooms Saturday afternoon for Djer Kiss Ti»2ouin -. The following guests from Sioux eight guests. Mrs. Will S. Rips and son, Alvin Stacomb -•-• ••••••• City, la., were at the Shulki:i-Oland Merile, of Tolsa, Okla., arrived last Cuticura Soap • 19ft Pint Thermos X&itie . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 1 . 3 9 Mr. and Mrs.' A. Wolf left Monday yredding Sunday, June 15, Mr. a n i Tuesday to be guests at the home of Espey's Crc-aia * 19 for California, to be gone for two Mrs. A. Shulkin, Mr. and Hr.. M.- Mrs. Rips' parents, Mr. and Mr?. J. Mentholatum *. .» • Shulkin, Mrs. Montrose Mary, Leon Adler. Mrs. Rips v>as formerly Miss months. Hawkins* Hardwafer Castile Soap and Ann Shulkin. Sarah Mae Adler, of this city. Hughes Ideal Hs.ir BrusTip^.... •*>S1 Mrs. H. Davis, of Los Angeles, Daggett & Ka:as«f 11-Cc!d Cream... Rabbi and Mrs. J. M. Charlop arft Mrs. P. Levinso" and daughter, Don't let the old man swear because the tcm-els are Squibb's Tooth Paste Calif., formerly of Omaha, is here Hike's Antiseptic • s, o'- Tort Worth, Tex., are all in The •wash vchvn he eomes home from, a golf visiting with her son, Mr. Max Davis, now making their home at 122 North Non Spi 30th Street. r; here at the Loir of Mr. and game. "We've prepared for the sxire tieisand d and Mrs. Davis. Several affairs have 50c Listerine Mrs. N. Ix-incon. Mis-s Agnes Ross made prices to supply it Thursday. already been given for the visitor. The Sisterhood of Temple Israel en- is entertaining '..Sunday ..at Valley, Mrs. Max Davis entertained at a No. 710 Turkish Towels, extra Tnrldsh -wash Cloths, pinlc and tcri_ 1 the clildren ' the Temp'e Nebr., for "Fiss Levfnson. bridge luncheon for sixteen guests at heavy, colored border.'... .S@$ blue borders, each 10$ her home last Monday to honor her Israel Sundi j r Jiool at a picnic WedSASn RIBBONS nesday, June 18, at Krug Park.-. Mrs. Turkish "Wash Cloths, shell edge guest. Prizes were won by Mesdames Six-inch width, & 75c qnalitr ^^ p o f t Max Somffiers, chairman of thc'eTrterborders .>*.,.. 1 2 % Harry Ivononoviteh Martin Kalian, 1. Cherniss, and B. The tourel ct Quality. Estra high taffetas end KKtinfe. Color*, wWtr, Newman. Mrs. "Vale Dubnoff and Mrs. t-Jn* „ commi*'tee of the Sisterhood, grade, plain cr fascj- colonel l>orters, black, jsoflcccfe, 'tuniuoiae. pint, No. 4400 Bath Tcnrels,. all aa cscelleat tt Martin Kalian were hostesses at a took charge of the arrangements of Ijpnt blue, rosr, «a iael all O Q _ heavy double thread StaSio—4OT Crounse Eik. desirable colors wwV bridge luncheon Monday afternoon at <" ' "Icnic. The Sisterhood — d ice No. 258 Bath. Towels, large size, WASH RIBBONS in vrhltc, piftk. cream and cake and the park manthe home of the latter to honor Mrs. Bo-wing for Artvatscca Pupils. bjue, peach, larecdpr aisa uifclae all white 3 Davis. Prizes were won by Mrs. agement rendered free admission and New pattern* Jn-itfcfi lir the V-oK, Harry Lapidus, Mrs. B. A. Simon, and entertainment. exceplional values, %i-inch g r ^ width ;, O&IC Mrs. J . Marks. MONilKITS Satt-fday -corning-, June -21, Rabbi %-ir.ch S I . J S Mr/ and Mrs. Morris Cohn enter- P. M. Chrlo- will spenk at -th.: Adass BEAl'TY MHOP %-inch S 1 . 4 5 I-iaeh ..£2.59 SEK INITIAL W O M E N ' S ALlrLIXEN plain t e a - MEX'S Est. IMK) tained at five tables of bridge Sunday Yeeliuren Synagogue on "The Travstitched handkerchiefs. X Laces SZarcel an<l ire* rrsft Jii cfterncoa at their home in honor of eling Ark."'• . Val ea^es &Krl Insertion. We specialiKo ?o permanent each their tiffenty-Eecond -x:"dingf anniver•anrtia.tclia.b5e x-alae. bolt.. sary. - Miss Lillian Seidman, of LinMrs. David Newman spend the Open rrora S A. a . t o ^»a Nebr., vras the out-of-town guest Tfeck-end'in-Lircoln, Nebr., with St. j, resent. , friends.

I Ambler Gardens IFLORISTS

Ideal Merchandise Is Beautiful Lace Dresses


Vacation Aids

—the world of faskion sponsors lace dresses

Night Gowns

At $1.00


At $1.95

•Toilet: Goods



—On the Floor Below—Linen Section—



Ribbon Time •


list — listrsctor

85c each

Two Handkerchief Specials 3 for 25c

a'AGE 4—THE JEWISH PRESS, THITRSDAY, JUNE 19, 1924 in the clistrict of Balta, 11.9 per cent gress Poland seem to indicate that Sinai Peninsula and on which Profin the "district of Nikolaiev," 8.S per the national Jewish elements have Hubert G r i e v e bases his claim for cent in 'the 'district of Elizabetgrad, won a victory in spite of the t r e -the references to the Law Giver, have and 6.1 per cent in'the district of Per- mendous propaganda carried on by the any connection -with the Exodus pevomaisk. oithodox Agudart Israel Party. Even riod. The percentage of persons suffering towns with an orthodox and fanatical Prof. Flindcis Petrie has treated of Colonization Gets Biggest Cut, More Than One-Half, While Edufrom malaria in the Jewish colonies population elected to the Kehillah not his discovery of the tablets in his is greater than the average in the' var- iess than 50 per cent Zionists o r Miz- book, "Ee?eiirchcs in Sinai." cation of Palestinian Children Receives Almost Equal Amount, ious districts. In one of the Jewish rachists. In some towns Jewish so\ With Immigration, Assistance to Labor, Sanitation and Mortcolonies 1,060 persons have been cialists, belonging to the Bund or NEW CUSTOMS DIRECTOR '. gage Bank Investments Following Close Behind. • ". - • stricken with malaria out of a total left Poale Zion, v e r e elected. The IN PALESTINE Assimilationist Party was completely population of 3,300. The epidemic has Jerusalem. (Jewish Telegraphic A report just .received in this coun- which have been acquired-in the-past defeated. increased in the present year. Acency.) Mr. Stead, Chief Collector three years. In the-past two "years t r y indicates with exactitude the manL Measures" are being taken to fight of Customs in Cyprus, has been apthe agricultural "workof the Keren ner of expenditure cf the funds the epidemic. The O. Z. E . is sending DORMITORY ERECTED IN pointed the Director of Customs and gathered by the Keren Hayesod all Hayesod has" consisted mainly of dev"to the affected districts a large con- MEMORY OF RABBI KRAUSKOPF Trade of Palestine, in place of Mr. over the world. From the report it eloping existing farm settlement's and signment of quinine. I t is also esPhiladelphia, (J. T. A.)—Tribute Barror.. is seen that agricultural colonization of creating new ones. ) During' the" tablishing five malaria stations, two was paid to the late Rabbi Joseph first four months of', this' year, five and education receive almost' half of in t h e district of Gherscn, and in Eliz- Krauskopf a t the annual Founders' ECONOMIC CRISIS IX POLAND the Keren Hayesod Dollar. Immigra- such colonies have been > "established! abethgard, one in Nikolaiev and oneDay exercises a t the National Farm DEPOPULATES SUMMER tion, which represents the cost- of re- Together with the forty-one , Keren in Balta. School near Doylestown, yesterday, RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT Hayesod settlements there ' a r e ; now ceiving.the pioneers and helping them when a new dormitory was dedicated Warsaw. (J. T. A.) The suir.mer "ninety Jewish colonies in" Palestine. to find their place in the land requires and the cornerstone for a new library residential district of Otwork. which POLISH PRESIDENT RECEIVES a much larger expenditure than either' Hundreds of ChaluzinTare realizing laid. WARM RECEPTION FROM JEWS is usually all filled with Jewish ,r;uepts sanitation or assistance to labor. The their highest ambition: to become Announcement was made that the OF EASTERN PROVINCES during the suranui a;'.l spring figures offer a graphic "picture of the farmers in-Palestine. property holdings of the school now months, 5s compiccoh dc;=crteci now Warsaw, ( J . T. A.)—The President activities in which the Keren Hayesod Educating the Children. of the Polish Republic, Wojciechowski, exceed $1,000,000, and that several ad- on account of the se\crc economic c i* is engaged. '' • ' , ' . • Next t o agriculture'there is no more on his tour of the eastern provinces ditional large gifts have been received. sis prevailing in Poland. Upon landing in America a few days important phase of the activity of reof the Republic, visited' several towns Dr. John M. Thomas, President of the The pro^ricicrs of tho villas have -ago ' after several weeks; spent in construction than the education of the that have large Jewish populations, state college, was the principal speak- reduced their lor.tnls. T>0 per cert, but Palestine, where he had the opportunPalestinian child who must be fitted who extended to him a warm, wel- er a t the gathering which was at- even thi<- h:.&- not proven suf^i'^cnt io ity of viewing all of the work-of- refor the task of living and working in come, according to a. despatch of the tended by several thousand people. attract teT.n'*-. habilitation- going on in the. Jewish The Keren Hayesod. Dollar Divided Into Sections to S h w The nevr dormitory was made posPalestine. 'Education gets twenty-two Polish Telegraphic Agency. Homeland, Nathan Straus said: "The Proportionate Expenditure. percent of the* Keren Hayesod dollar, In-the city of Nowogrodek, a special sible by an endowment in the will of Keren Hayesod is the finest mediumMiss Rosetta M. Ulman of New York. almost a s much as agriculture.' T h e meeting was called in the local synathrough which Jews can do their duty, Keren Hayesod maintains in Palestine tion to require no further assistance. any possible steps which may be t a k - gogue, where Rabbi Meierovdtz welto Palestine." Mr. Straus was espeDISCOVERER O F SIXAI TABa complete school system, which is Eight and one-half cents of every dol- en by the authorities to curtail their comed the President in Hebrew. cially pleased with the agricultural LETS MAKES STATEMENT TO equal in its efficiency to that of any lar spent in Palestine is expended in rights. The Committee h a s been In Baranovichi, the local Rabbi weldevelopment of the country, which has JEWISH TELEGRAPHIC AGENCY school system in any country of the loans- to labor. comed the President together with the brought into existence mainly because progressed so much since his last visit world. London. ( J . T. A.) Prof. Sir W. M. Eight cents is expended in main- of the fear that the Government may Catholic and Greek Catholik priests. to the Holy Land. The school system embraces £)ery taining the sanitation standards a t make use of the uncertainty which In the city of Lida, the citizens ar- Flinders Petrie, the famous EgyptolRecognizing that t h e reclamation of the land itself must constitute the unit from kindergarten, grade schools, the same high ievel to which they exists about the number of Jews who ranged a public party in honor of the ogist, in a n interview with the Jewish J very basic element of rehabilitation, secondary schools, technical schools up were brought by "Jewish efforts" since are entitled to citizenship, in order to President's arrival. Many Jews par- Telegraphic Agency, stated that so the Keren Hayesod together with the to the Hebrew University which is the war, the country having been expel from the country those whose ticipated, and Rabbi Rabinowitz de- far a s he is able to.judge for the 1307 Howard St., Omsha, Neb Jewish National Fund ' is expending being erected on Mt. Scopus." Several transformed from a disease ridden t o citizenship is not indisputable. The clared in his speech of welcome that present, he does not think that, the ATIantic 0340. greater sums and greater efforts in departments of the University are al-a healthful land. Mortgage Bank in- Committee will endeavor also to se- •the Jews of that region were thank- tablets which. h e . discovered in the this phase of the development of the ready functioning and new depart- vestments and investments in the Rut- cure an extension of citizenship rights ful to the Polish Republic for the country than in any other single ac- ments are being added as rapidly a s tenberg Scheme for electric power and to embrace the whole of 1the Jewish peace and protection accorded to them, after the stormy years of the war. The tivity. Agriculture gets twenty-five the buildings to house them are com-irrigation get seven percent of the population of the province. Any way you get them in any package money spent in Palestine; administraand one-half cents of every dollar pleted. Deputy Dr. Fildermann attended the Rabbi ended his oration exclaiming: "Long l i v e Wojciechowski! Long Live tion in Palestine costs only five perspent by the Keren Hayesod in Pales- What Happens to the other 52'/ 2 Cents ITEN'S GRAHAM CRACKERS AUDITING AND INCOME initial meeting of the Committee and cent and the' special expenses of the assured the members that the Union Poland I" are g-o-o-d eating fnr everybody. tine. ' ' TAX REPORTS The immigrant who enters. PalesAsk your grocer for ITEN CRACKERS Jewish landed property in Palestine tine is not compelled to shift for him- National Organization requires four of Roumanian Jews will give them 20S Karbach Bli:. Atlantic 1C31 by name always. Get the genuine a n d has increased from 140,000 dunama in self immediately. He is sheltered in and one half cents of every dollar every support in their demands. ZIONISTS VICTORIOUS be satisfied nil -ways! Kla spent. Other expenditures a r e : Miz1890 to 800,000 in 1923, an increase of the Keren Hayesod immigration camps IN KEHILLAH ELEC660,000 dunams, about 300,000 of at Jaffa or Haifa until he is able to rachi Organization, three percent; TIONS I N POLAND Enrry B. Ii&pldaa, Pros.-Tffeaa. Jewish National "Fund, one and one- Berlin. (J. T. A.) I t is stated by Carpenter Paper Co. Warsaw. {J. T. A.) The first reJOB. Pepper, Ylee-Prssifient. take up a section of land or until em- half-percent, and'Trade and Industry, the Headquarters here of the Oze that W. Q. Bre. Secretary. turns of the Kehillah elections which Distributors oJ ployment is found for him. The a new epidemic of malaria began.to HUNGARIANS MAGYARIZE one^half of one percent. took place in the provinces of ConWestern Bond—and High period of his residence in the immigraspread at the end of 1923 over south NAMES O F JEWISH • . Grade Stationery and southwest Ukraine. The epidemic OLYMPIC PLAYERS tion camp rarely exceeds thifcty <days Omaha. Nebraska. and in the great majority, of cases J E W $ . OF TRANSYLVANIA raged with particular violence in the Budapest. ( J . T. A.) Six "Jewish about half that time-is. jeuired. This COMPLETE STORE AND FORM PROTECTION COMMITTEE Jewish colonies, especially in the disHEADQUARTERS football players are among the eleven phase of Palestinian activity absorbs OFFICE OUTFITTERS Bucharest. ( j . T. A.) -The Jews of tricts of Cherson and Odessa. Eightyfootgall champions chosen to repre. .••'-tor' -.••;."••". • We occopy fourteen and one-half cents of the Transylvania have formed a Protec- three thousand cases were registered «r«r 70,000 eaoare SssJ sent Hungary a t the Olympic games, E t f c t Corner Keren Hayesod dollar. To help him tion Committee comprising all the Of these 36.2 per cent were in the which are to be held in Paris." " ' Eleventh and Ooncias Streets. establish the Keren Hayesod assists Fhonn: .Tsckson S124 These Jewish football players pre- him with loans until he is in a posi- Jewish parties in the -province, to district of Cherson, 22.2 per cent in protect t h e Jewish population against the district of Odessa, 13.9 per cent OMAHA. NTSB. sented a problem to the Arrangements Engagement Rings is our Committee of the Hungarian spbrts '": ;• ".Specialty' r:'i\ . •-•, association, who found i t undesirable that Hungary should be represented at the inter ational meet by. six .Jews. 1514 Dodge St. The- committee, however, found it Est.1894 , .,.,._. Ja.5619 Every Known Kind equally undesirable to eliminate from of Insurance its representatives, six of Hungary's JA ckson 1862 best players. A1 compromise - was 209 W. O. W. Bldg. J A . 3£ 14. PAXTON-MJTCHELL CO. achieved by the registration of t h e JTth and Martha StR. RA. 1652 Jewish football players under HunSltuinfaetnrrrg of Brass, Bronze, itBmlnum and Soft Gray Iron Castings,' garian names. Mendel was ,regisGate City Furniture Co. Sou an? assured of soft- castings, a s WASH AND KEEP WELL tered a s Mandi; Gross as Nagy; Blum and wo ms*i>ln# xome from every hnat in S PECIAL •or own shop. - *". A RULE OF HEALTH as Virag; Guttmann as Gardos; Braun Globe Van & Storage Co. Standard size cast iron and t»onze as Banna, and Weiss a s V e r t e s . ' In stork, ; owned nod operated by FRONTIER TOWEL SUPPLY I t will be recalled in this connecGROSSMAN & SONS ISIS California Street. tion that, according to a n ordinance 520-32 No. 16th St. At. 0330 ,Ia. 4338 now in force in Hungary, • Jews are forbidden to Magyarize their names. '•'•' F. 8. MOKEV, Prop. - A n interesting episode occurred in Phone Webster 0820 connection with the choosing of fencEFFICIENT and RESPONSIBLE THE LAUNDRY THAT L5CKDEI. ers for t h e Olympic games. Dr. EuEVERYBODY LIKES. Where your clothes come home gene Fuchr, "a Hungarian Jew, 'who clenner end last lonsrer. Druggists and Stationers on' two occasions won tlas fencing taa 0280. ISO'-ll Jacksoo St. «0i-*O3-*O3 Booth lOtb championship a t the Olympic games H. A. JAOOBBEEGSE. Frei. Office Phone JAckson S1SS an London and Stockholm,' was TeJOHN FELDMAN iused permission to Join the HungarClothier ian team of fencers on account of his race. Dr. Fuchs then declared that Full Dress Suits and Tuxedos Certlfie_cl Public Accountants he would proceed to Paris and. enter Mored from 109 Wo. 16th St. to Audits Systems 203 Karbach Block. 15th & Douglas Sts. the games independently, -at which OMAHA. NEBB. Investigations the'sports association capitulated and 434 to J40 I"e««ir« Trust B!dg. Phones, .Iafkw>t> 431S, *314. included him in the fencing team. Dr. Euchs was t h e City Attorney .of'BuTHE BRINN .& JENSEN CO. Omalia OlHeer SIS Doits'Ias Strfrt. 'dapest, but was dismissed from that Wholesale paper Omaha Phono Atiantlf S3.1C post when t h e anti-Semitic Tegime distributors for Ford Transfer & Storage Co. started. Northern Toilet Tissue

How ••• the 'Klejpen •

-Dollar is'n ?




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GOVERNMENT RESPONSIBLE TO POGROM VICTIMS • I N ; Y DECISION O F TUNIS COURT .., y Tunis. ( J . T. A.) The fight between 3k Jewish shopkeeper, who • was • a victim of t h e a n t i - J e w i s h ' r i o t s ' i n - 1917 and the Government' of .Tunis, concernning the'former's-claim for compensation," .'was decided -recently •.•\'•: . b y the Appeal Court in favor of the snopkeeiper. ' . ......!... The case, which was fought as a l e s t case, was first. brought in the &/. Civil Court, of Tunis. The court £*:'.-' 'there decided in favor of the govern-; >^v - TOent. The case was appealed to the •V ^Algiers Court of . Appeals ' which V ' '^reversed "the decision of the Trim's §£.' i 'Court. "The government ,appealed 5|i:V\" .this decision t o the Appeal."Court of • 0 T - c Tunis, which upheld th$'"decision, of k/> ~tfhe Algiers Courtj declaring that the" •f-'.",£-. povecnfflent.-is responsible for all fel"- JlantfigeV caused, by riots'carried • on '^.'•"•'by!-'one-T. part," o f t I i e population £'•'"'against-another. , , , H" - , i'-^'v .This*decision automaticaHy, ^rar.ts i -• • V'.j :l_«-n^nn tn a. number of victim's


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