Our New .• Address iy • 682 Bfandeis Theater; '. Building.
. .
VOL. in—No. 29
entered as eeco postofflca at O
mattes on''January 27th'. 1921. at
; andei the Act et tS&rcb 3. ISTO.
HEARING OF RUTENBERG DUTCH ZIONISTS HOLD 25TH BLAjCKMAILED AND CONCESSION POSTPONED ANNIVERSARY CONFERENCE MACEDONIA! The Hague, (J. T. A.)—The PermaSofia,! ^^f*-A.)—-A ^.considerable' Amsterdam, (J. T. A.)—The twentynent Court of International Justice, fifth anniversary conference of the number of well-to^o Jewish citizens assembled yesterday at the Peace Dutch Zionist movement was'opened of;-Macedonia were;murdered -during Palace to hear the case of the Greek here ' yesterday. Nahum Sokolow, they last two weeks,; according:.•: to .fa Government against the Government Chairman of the Zionist Executive, report published - in the Bulgarian of Great Britain, in the matter of the was the guest of honor. A very paper "BblgarsM^Myr." '- ' " -y "Lei Us Build Now," is the The victims' were among those To Propose Moving " Head enthusiastic • welcome • was extended Statement "False and Extrava- irrigation and electrification conces- Delegates From All Chapters ttf* i to Sokolow upon his arrival here a gant," "No Anti-Semitic Move- sion in Palestine, decided to postpone Jews -who: had^ received blackmail Slogan Adopted. quarters to Jerusalem.' '. few Attend Convention •j days ago. - * letters from the Committajes," threatment," Foreign Minister Says the case until July 15th. 1 The postponement was arranged in COMPLETE PROGRAM ARURGE PAYMENTS OP THE ening; death unless-money was given DISCUSS UPBUILDING OF The conference . despatched teleorder to give the Greek Government RANGED FOR DELEGATES them. The murderers have not yet graphic greetings to the Chalutzim in BIBESCO MINIMIZES RESECOND INSTALLMENT PALESTINE. . : time to file a reply to the memobeen discovered. The:Bulgarian GovAND VISITORS PORTS • FROM VIENNA Palestine, to Jacobus Kahn and to Dr. __ , randum submitted by the representa: The' Dutch press "Let us build the Jewish Comtnuhity ernment, the "paper "states, has an- Pittsburgh, June 25."—With seven (Chaim Weizmann. London. (J.'T. A.)—The Joint Fortive of the British Government, ques- - The first annual convention of nounced that it ivill renew severe hundred delegates from all-over the is taking a great' interest in the Center Building.nqw/'-r:,;.'ThisV"is':''the .,;''-'slbg^;^op^(-iy/:m6re;'ii".th'a^ii;;'two: measures ^ against;:•; these terrorist United States in "attendance, - the proceeding, devoting much space to it. eign Committee has received today tioning the competency of the Hague Aleph Zadik Aleph will be held in!; Omaha July 4, 5, and 6. Delegates the following cable from its sec- court's jurisdiction in the matter. hundred members ;&f^ the Jewish b a n d s . •.'.-. . . -' : ; y^-A i : ."-V '• • " - ['J:- twenty-second annual convention of from all the chapters will be irf retary, Lucien Wolf, who isnow in he Zionist Organization of America Community Center Building at the Omaha for this convention. Accord-. Vienna: _ ' ^ the-largest gathering ever held in,the j meeting held Monday tevenihg. Foling to the Omaha members of th® history of the movement— opens.here "Before leaving Bucharest I sublowing1 acomplete 'report .of the ..;ac-' Order, the convention plans will be Sunday, June 29th,~at the. William,' mitted to the Roumanian government ; tions:of the •trustees of ihe Ck>mmun-; carried out in full detail with many, Penn Hotel, with Louis Lipsky, the the. telegrams of the Jewish Tele; ity Center, ^iUiani Holzman, presiinteresting features for the visitors national chairman of the organization, Sensational Doc ; m e n t s Further graphic Agency concerning the podent,, made a complete report of the groms, and asked for.an investigation Many Feature Events Being Ar- and delegates. David Beber is geiw • selection of/the- site ;for the erection' Jewish Theological-'Seminary Starts presiding. The convention closes the Establish Iimotence of Perse: : : Campaign Among. College Men, eral chairman of the convention. A! , following-Tuesday night. of the matter. In reply I received ranged for "Fun." ; of;ttebuildink.^; ; 7 t , .. •--;''u-. .-" cuted >fncers. • patriotic celebration, religious servthe following telegram from the RouInterest^ ift- the ' convention centers • "This; is our third attempt in the erection of the biailding of the Jewish • New York. :—'• A: campaign among in the proposal to remove.the W.orld Complete plans are being made to ices, important business sessions, ancl Berlin. (J. T, A.)—Documents of manian Foreign Minister: Jewish students in American colleges Zionist headquarters from London .to a sensational' character, throwing a " 'Except for the few small inci- make the annual Y. M. ancf Y. W^ H. \ varied entertainment fill the titfee Community Center," said Harry H. . Lapidus, secretary. "Our first at- and universities to persuade them to Jerusalem, which Mr. Lipsky has new light on the\ famous Dreyfus dents of which you know, there is no A. picnic a huge success, according to ] day's of the convention. The climax of the convention on! tempt was in 1913. but:we could go: make the pulpit their career is pro- urged since" his recent return from case, which disturbed the politics of anti-Semitic movement in Goumania the committee. The picnic will be held no .further because of the fatal jected by,the placement committee of London where he served as a member continental • governments at the close which approaches in the slightest de- at Elmwood Park, Sunday, July 13. Sunday evening, July 6, at the Hotel ctornado^ our second attempt in 1917 the Jewish Theological Seminary of of the "World Zionist Executive. \n of the nineteenth century, and divided cree pogroms. These false and ex- All members of the "Y" are urged to Fontenelle,' is the convention ban* ' was halted by the world war, but how America, according • to an announce- view of the opposition which many France into two distinct lighting sec- j travagant statements are exceedingly make their reservations for the picnic quet. "Any member of the B'nai European Zionists -are' making to this j regrettable. Ik ' will be grateful if immediately. The members will meet B'rith is invited to attend this ban* is the time for the erection of a T~w- ment issued recently. This campaign was agreed upon at proposal and to the fact that it is tions, will be . published shortly t y ! you will contradict them. Regarding at the Jewish Community Center quet," stated Myer Freeman, -wee^ ish building where our children can the German Foreign Office. f Have- aplace to go under Jewish en- a meeting of the placement commit- expected to be. the principal question It will be recalled that Captain the ' alleged burning of a Jewish rooms early in the morning and will chairman in charge of the banquet. tee, of -which Dr. Cyrus Adler, acting discussed at--the annual meeting of Alfred Dreyfus, a Jewish citizen of woman, the government knows noth- .be taken to the picnic grounds on 'Several pleasing surprises are ia vironments.": " ; ' .vV-' . '(In order that we may complete the president of the seminary, is chair- the Greater Actions Committee of the France, was innocently accused of ing, but has arranged "with Mr. large trucks and machines, which will store." . building as soon as possible and so man. Those who took part in the con- World Zionist Organization which having sold French -military informa- Fildermann to undertake a rigorous be used for this purpose. The program for the banquet is that we may be in the new building ference were Dr. Louis M. Epstein of convenes'in London in July followi'-.g tion to the German Embassy in Paris, inquiry. "We are planning many events," as follows: by January, 1925, according to the Boston, Rabbi Max Drob of New York, the convention, the proposal. will oc- and was sentenced for this alleged Eabbi S. M. Chatlop said Sam N. Wolf, chairman of the Invocation...^ "'(Signed DUCA.) ' Beber, Granfl rrenMeiit plans bein^. made, -xv-e miist_ pay our president and vice-president of the cupy the centre of discussion at the crime to life imprisonment. After J _ _"So>_far as Bucharest is concerned,"picnic committee. We will have spe- Address—. Sam of Supreme Advisory Council -Impromptu Talks. By Convention second payments of fifteen.per cent." Rabbinical Assembly? respectively; convention here. cial prizes for boys and girls. These {Mr. Wclf's telegram continues, "I can spending many years in prison on I>elpgates, Visitors, and Motnbers Other . important subjects -upon Devil's Island, and after a fight led testify that there is absolute tran- prises will be given away to the win: The building .will'be erected-on the Rabbi Elias L. Solomon,.president of of Supreme Advisory Council : .Abncr Kaiman, site immediately west of the Ml ;Ben- the United Synagogue of America; which action will be taken by the by Emile Zola, Dreyfus was' finally qtdlity.and perfect security for the ners in every contest. The boys and Korelty Sketch accompanied by I. liubin Henry Menn&y ' dor apartments.. and..." directly , across Rabbi Samuel N. Cohen, executive convention, are: Address .. Jewish people. Anti-Semitism exists, girls baseball game will be one of the Benediction . vindicated and released. : -Kabbi J. M. ChatJop director of that organization; Rabbi Coordination of the work of all fund •"' of the new Elks home. .According. £o ._.., ; David Beber The documents, which the German but the government is vigilant and feature events on the morning's pro- Toastuiaster > the; . temporary r plans* outltoed,; the Max D.Klein-of Philadelphia > and raising organizations for the rebuild- Foreign Office plans" to publish, re- effective measures have been taketi." gram. During the. afternoon, the Y. ' Tickets may,.be secured from'Meyer : t?AS : building will be^four stories high and Rabbi' Louis Schwefel of Bayonne, ing: of Palestine, of .which" the Zionist veal Germany's interest in withhold-] In connection with this telegram it M. H. A. junior baseball team vrill freeman, 2SS9 Davenport Street or Organization is the parent body, in if r^ will contain a large; auditorium, gynv N. J. play a league ganae. by cailing AT lantic 4481. "Our task is to persuade young men order to eliminate duplication "effort ing the truth in the case at that time. will be recalled that the t^H; ; nasium: for boys and' girls - and -many Every member of the "Y" who at- A special degree team, Abe T3a« paper Adveriil had the following to In a report from the then powerful : of an even higher'caliber, intellectual- and provide a large central bureau to fe|-;J'*'; meeting roppis.. • • v '.J German chancellor, Prince Buelow, to say recently anent the denials of the tends the picnic will be given a souv- bior, David Beber, Jerome Diamond, ly and culturally,1 than the very fine enir cf the d&y. ^ | - ' ^ ' . ' : • ; . / ^ e time for:; the; erection -of a type of present graduates and stud- handle all matters pertaining to. the Kaiser Wilhelm, Buelow states that a Roumanian government: David Fellman, Myer Freeman, Abe of the Jewish National Jewieh-Conixauiiity -.Ceater building ]is ents "of the Jewish .Theological .Serai- reconstruction Friedman, Max Givot, Lester Lapi"Vienna r has committed certain, cxretrial-of the Dreyfus, case,, advocated-! J . -. " - . . , Don't l i t fa jW&tt''tmkl; it i i too, nary "of America/to, enter" the rabbi- TJ-bifielanct 'dws,<-SidBey--;ScMfieE», Bsxn^xd. by Zola, would nt>t be to the advan- g g | SERVICES"Non-Zionist participation' iri the tage of Germany, because the vinlate/*, skid Henry $Ionsky. Let us dore, and Harry Wise, will from Roumania were possible. HowTALMUD -TORAH the convention class on Sunday after\ help raise our cffid^en/under proper nate," declared Dr. Adler. "The prob- Jewish Agency for the up upbuilding dication of Dreyfus woul win the ever, die denial of the Roumanian ". environments, ^ e must all get to- lem in the conservative synagogues of of Palestine, recently advocated by a sympathy of the Jews all over the government will remain ineffectual At the Friday evening service of noon at the Fontenelle Hotel. Polgether and Twork as one in -heipinv this country comes from the pews. group of leading- American Jews, world for France. On the other hand, because it denies - flatly everything, the -Young Israel Synagogue which lowing the initiation, Irvin Stal^rectthis buflding.'?1 ' .^tS' The membership of the synagogue is headed by Louis Marshall of New the victory of those who wanted while, as a matter of fact, sixty Jews will beginn at 7^15, at the City m&ster will address the class and visibeing re-enforced by younger men Yorkj president of the American JewDreyfus' sentence to stand would were seriously wounded. --They -were Talmud Torah, Ed Alberts-will speak tors. Light refreshments will be and women, mainly native-born arid ish Committee. , mean the victory of the reactionaries thrown from, the windows of trains on "The Great Senhedrim Convened served. The initiation will be open largely -themselves graduates, of .colProposals for the regulation of-the and the anti-German revenge party. going at full speed. Trains-were also by Napalean," The Saturday morn- only to members of the Order and leges and universities who have ab- Palestine budget with, particular eming1 service will begin at:9:00;A. M. sorbed all -that is -finest in American phasis upon an extension of the colon- The best thing for Germany, Buelow kept for long periods at various sta- Rabbi J: M. -Charlop will again members of the- B'nai J&ritaY; 11, culture and ~ who demand that their ization work, which draws its sup- states, is that the affair should be tions " so that the drunken . anti- lecture at the Saturday night-, class -• The/ ^ener$L^pfogram iof the con« vention Will be in the following Semites might have plenty of time The annual Omaha Hebrew Club spiritual leaders shall be their intel- port largely from the contributions dragged out as long-- as possible. on "The Reason for the Observance J u l y 4r—Friday picnic wilKbe held Sunday, August 1, lectual- superiors and that the religi- made by the Jews of America through Another interesting 'document is a for their doings. It is also true that of the Jewish Holidays," The class 10 ••.;•'' A. M.—Registration of delegates at Teony Park. Complete plans, are ous teachers of their children shall be the Palestine Foundation Fund, - the letter from the German- Military during this time the Roumanian gov- will meet'at 8:30 P. M. visitors nt Jewish Community 10th ntui Farnam Streets. • ; . being inade to make this a success, the superior of the overage American principal financial instrument of the Attache in Patris, Zuesskind, to ernment did not extend any help to 10:30 A . M.—OpenlBg Business SeMoa of the Convention, the attacked and maltreated Jews. CONFERENCE ON NEEDS OF according to Albert Kaplan, chair- school teacher. Kaiser Wilhelm, transmitting a reZionist Organization. A, M,—JJTsncheon. .':•,••. No one lives now behind a Chinese man of the picnic committee. JEWISH WOMEN IN .MINSK IS 1:30 I*. M.—BussiueBB Session <st Conteu* "They are rpepared to remunerate The opening session Sunday will be quest of the French Prime Minfster wall, and the denial of the govern.. . . Minsk. (J. T. A.) A confere-'cc of 6:30tioti. There will be several contest match- their rabbis in a manner commensu- featured by reports on conditions in Waldek Rousseau and of the French F. M.—pinner. es with valuable prizes to be awarded rate with the intellectual and spirit- Palestine as viewed by recent Investi- War Minister Galifet in the matter. ment is, therefore, in vain and a dis- Jewish workinmen and the -wi\-es of 8:00 P. M.—Kelsgious Services. P. M.—Fourth ot July Celebration sfi to-the winners. - During the afternoon ual qualifications they demand they gators including Miss Henrietta This request was for the permission grace. It would be much better if workingmen opened here re-entl.' 8:30FouteiieJJe PnrK. ; Sniy S,—Satnr<3ay i of the picnic,, aii Interesting musical shall possess. We have requests for Szold, president of Hadassah, the of the Kaiser for the Attache the truth were admitted and the with* 1,500 delegates. The purpose of M.—Religious S«r\'lces. : program will be held. "We , are at- this type of rabbi from 69 Jewish Women's Zionist Organization; Abra- Schwartzkopf, who was involved in guilty ones punished, especially those the conference is to consider a pro-1 10 A. A. S ¥. iil.~-Slghifmeing Tour of Omaha tempting to secure the best talents In communities. All insist on superior ham Goldberg, member of the Admin- the case, to come to the French officials who completely forgot their gram.for a new mode of life. ProbOuting at Krug Park. the city for this program," said Fred qualifications and all are prepared to istrative Committee of tha Actions courts to testify concerning the in- duty. On the other hand, the protest lems concernning the; protection of 6:30 P. -M.—-Dinner. 8:30-'P.-%I.—Dance for delesaleB, visitoss, of the Jews abroad is entirely justi- motherhood and childhood will be mite. ..;.. .-";;.;• - - v . - ; : . : ; - .•:-/:• pay very high salaries. It is a rela- Committee of the World Zionist Or- nocence of Dreyfus. nnd inembers of Omaha Chfipter a§ Hnnscoia Tark PavlHon. Dancing will be held during the eve- tively simple matter for the seminary ganization; Jacob Fishman, managIn reply, the powerful Kaiser fied." discussed. , ning, with several feature events as a to fill the vacant pulpits, but it is not ing editor of the Jewish Morning penned, with his own hand, on the 8:30 A. M.—Business SeBBlon of tion. n o v e l t y . •••"-:;:,;;.;• ; > / - • . • " • : ' . .'...••'.' \ -• so simple to fill "them with, the kind of Journal and member of the.,^National margin of the letter, the following 10:30 A. Si.—Meeting ot the Supreme A4«. words: "Why does this concern me? Visoty Council. • ' • men the communities are rfcw begin- Executive Committee, and Dr. Joseph 1 V. M.—Xiuncheon. ning to. require. Sjlverman," Rabbi Emeritus of Temple I am not the Kaiser of France." 2:30 I\'M.—initiation of ConTentioo CJasI ROUMANIAN GOVERNMENT at Fontenelle Hotel. . The campaign will start as soon as Emanu-El of New York. SEARCHING FOR J. T. A, 4:30 P. M.—Closing Session of Coiw funds will be made available for it 7:30 P; M.—Convention Banquet at Other principal reports and addressCORRESPONDENTS HARRY KONONOVTTZ TO tenelle Hotel. Vienna, (J. T. A.)—The Roumanian. by the endowment fund committee of es during the convention will be made PLAY AT THE JEWISH Des Moines Chapter jwill the seminary, which, under the •'irecby Dr. Alexander Maitlandof PittsGovernment is much aroused over the CULTURE LEAGUE twelve of its members to, the cott*? tion of Habbi Max Drob, has raised burgh; Rabbi Hirsch Masliansky "of full reports "of the Jewish Telegraphic A musical program will be presentveation, including its official delegates Agency concerning the latest anti- $900,000 toward the $1»000,OQO New York; Morris Rothenberg of New ed by tiie League on Sunday evening, Berlin. (J. T. A.)—The final adop- Russian Jews in Sign since the clos- Charles Shane. Ten tneiftbew of endowment it is seeking. Ydrk, national chairman of the Board June 29th, at the Labor Lyceum, at tion of the anti-immigration bill in. ing of the Russian immigration quota Jewish atrocities in Transylvania. of Directors of the Palestine Founda- which Mr. Harry Kononovitz will the.United, States has created a dif- last September Have notified the Lat- Kansas City Chapter, headed by their: The Government has issued orders tion Fund; Judge Bernard A. Rosen- play. Mr. Kononovitz, violin teacher, ficult situation for "the large numbers vian government that they are not delegate, William Horowitz, PARENT-TEACHERS MEET. to search for the Jewish Telegraphic attend tac; Omaha convention. Agency correspondents, in order that The second meeting.of the Parent blatt of New York, chairman of the with studio at 302 Crounse Block, is of Jewish refugees -who' are stranded willing to pay: further penalties in coin has not as yet elected its dsl* charges may be preferred against Teachers Association of the, Cit> Palestine Committee; Max Schulman well known to the Jewish Community in many, cities' in Eastern a*td Cen- order to permit the ; emigrants to egate but has notified Omaha Chapter Talmud Torah-will be held at thre of Chicago, chairman Middle.* Western of Omaha. He has played before the tral Europe, and jias made the- prob- remain. them. that i t wfll be present en in&sssv o'clock Sunday:, afternoon,. June 29, Zionist Region; Rabbi Abba.Hillel of Omaha Hebrew Club, Y. M. & Y. W. lem of Jewish, emigration acute. According to figures obtained from Omaha's .official delegate will be Cleveland; Senior Abel of New York, H. A. and other organizations in at. the Auditorium of the school. The Jewish, Emigration Directorate the steamship lines, ^there are 6,400 Lester Lapidus. NEW GARDEN-CITY TO . BE BUILT NEAR JAFFA A program of Hebrew songs and director of the Jewish National Fund: town. Among the numbers to be hasj therefore, called a general meet- Russian Jeirs who already have reJerusalem. (J. "T. A.) The dele- literary numbers have been prepared. S. J. Weinstein of New York, presi- played by him on Sunday will be Eli ing of its members, sad sub-commit- ceived American visas and-are wait- as immigrants to South dent of the American Zeion Common- Eli. tees for the purpose ,of considering ing for the opening of the quota in • -gates of the Bessaragian Jewish soparticularly to Uruguay. wealth; Emanuel Neumann of New ciety, named-"New Palestine," Messrs. M. M. USSISHKIN WORKS FOR - Mr. George Stoler will- play several the situation. The meeting will take July. Large colonies are waiting at ; ; Greece informed the Council that if; York, national secretary of the PaRiga, Kovno, Warsaw, Bremen, Hamplace on Augxsst 13 in this city. Margolis and Schechtermann, have NATIONAL FUND IN ROUMANIA v*'as ready to transport some hundmdi lestine Foundation Fund; Nathan selections on the mandolin. Mrs. I. purchased a strip of land in the neighBucharest, (J. T. A.)—M." M. Us- Chasan of New York, president of the O. Shenoff wiil render a vocal solo, V It has also been decided to convene burg, Cherbourg, Southampton, Buch- thousand Eussisns elsewhere, »s it arest and Constantinople. a general conference of air Jewish soborhood of Jaffa, where they intend sishkin, Director of the Jewish Na •was unable to continue feeding thera. Order Sons of Zion; Moe Turman of accompanied by Miss Alice Ginsberg. t I to build a new garden city. tional Fund in Palestine, who is now New York, president of Young Ju- The Dramatic Section will present a cieties ;which. are, engaged; in' extendLesgue Takes Up Question The Amer- Geneva. (J. T. A.)—The question The Council voted to continue extendtouring Roumania, has been very suc- daea; Rabbi Jacob Sonderling of Chi- playlet "The Landslaite," under the ing' help to immigrants. 1 ican Hiss, "the Canadian Immigrant of the Russian refugees stranded in ing help to the refugees in Greeca, ^Berlin: (J. T.; A.); The ruins .of an cessful in securing contributions to direction of Mr. Joseph Morgcnstern. : cago; and Dr. Nathan Ratnoff of Aid Society; and. the Jewish "Central the capitals of Western Europe -was The Greek representative said that-old synagogue^^ in Kaper Naum, the the Fund, particularly among the \inless further assistance v^as QXNew York, chairman of American Relief Committee of'Argentina /have ^jPalestiriian village/where Je^us first Jewish communities of Bessarabia. today by the-Council of the tcr.ded, 40 per cent, of the refugees PRESIDENT COOLIDGE SIGNS Physicians Committee. already .signified .their "intention of 1 ^ | ^ : J ^ s y wererae The sum of half a million Roumah AOTI-IMMIGRATION BILL sending delegates to 'that "conference. League. • of Nations at its meeting . would be worse ofT next winter than ?-&c<ioi?4itig?'tb::lav cable; received from ran lei was contributed upon Mr. Us According. to the' figures of .the tbey were during the last. Washington. (J. T. A.) The antiSHfflteLJ|Wm ihe?D^ish3cho^r, Dr.; sishkin's appeal at the local synagogue FOREIGN PRESS CORRESPONimmigration, bill, based on the 1SS0 ;;;:; \Latvia Orders-'"Emigrants; Oat•.• Council, there are: 1,§08,0QO Eassiaa ^mmi&l<J»- wh6 is Jiow carrying;on in. Jassy. In Kishineff, Senator San DENTS PRESENT REQUESTS census, was signed by President Cool- • \Riga;.(J..T..;A;)-^The"-Latviaii gov- refugees scattered. 'throxighbat Europe. ^:€xciyiti(jtis3:la- thatv«giori^-^l';::: >" •; V;^:-.' ilieviche invited a, group of Jewis* TO..HIGK COMMISSIONER idge. The President attached a state- ernment..-has," ordered, .all. -etsigrants, They are ..stainly' in .France' ^nd-<3cr- BLOC OF ORTHODOX ;:;|^tC^pwans;:26f • tiie-synagoguev''Pr. financiers, whom Mr. Ussishkin sucJerusalem, (J. T. A.)—A delega- ment in which he declares that, al- :temporarily.. in Iiatyia, unable to pto' The 'Council, .has deddefl to reAND ASSIMILATIONISTS ^;S;'^|^^r|[^d;:f*und;tte r er^em ceeded in interesting'in'Palestinian tion of the foreign press correspon- though he disagrees with the Japan- ceed'.to., Americaj 'to return, to .Russia quest the. International;' Labor 'Office YICTOEiOUS IN CBAO0W j§^;;;||^|s^a^K^Oii'.|i'Ooks '& crp^AgJ-i^cii enterprises. - ,dents' association in Palestine, was re- ese exclusion clause, he considered It before.. Jxme ;20. .>. .The,.".Latyian::"M3nis- to inquire into the -possibilities, of setWarsaw. <J. T. A.) The bloc of Mr. Ussishkin received the promise ceived last Sunday by Sir Herbert necessary to sign the bill on account ter .:6f.Ithej;Interior;refuses.:'to•'-pcrsmt tling the. problem ..they, present."", ._'"', the orthodox and assimiiationffit |«B> of the Bessarabian officials that' nc Samuel. them .:. -" Alberto .' N.; • Guam,.'.": tjra^aayifen. ties was victorious in ' the' €5rao««r of- the other points with -which he .the i emigrants-.: ^i;j''stay»l calling.-, | | | ^ p | | S ^ | i f e : jsws^tik^; W'being^i^p^ obstacles w.ould be put in the way o: _. The delegation submitted, to him fully agrees. .im"desir^bie.'as';:citi$ens...-;"•"' •::.•,'•;.;•. member'.'of' -" the. League;;of Ifatdoiis • . elections of the gecttn £0^f|^^feSwi^';:^^u^i(^^;^|jie; Zionist work in the frontier districts several requests for greater facilities The bill goes into effect ^July 1st ;;-^pV.,:'stea^s:hip;v:\c.ompaniei:;r^h^ch Council,- •; informed :\the:!:'.C6iiacil ."thit Kehillah Only one Zionist, Dr. Bttta^, j of Bessarabi? for the work cf the foreign journalists. of this yean ||^|W|i^f^fe|^e^moi^ - -• J*ave maintained .a colony, of 1,609' Russian refugees would be •welcome gcted* ' -"' !-"
Subscribers Endorse jvnedmte Action for
'Zionist Convention
loiiiaia Fleets
Winpa|iijpat| at PitMu^, Pa.
Commuiiity Building
Superior Students Are Sought as Future Rabbis
I -
- -
be Meld Sere July 41
Gsrraan FoFeip Office -' To Reveal ft^fes Secrets
Y. M. and Y. W. B.-JL
Omaha Hebrew Clnb Annual... Picmt Sunday, Attgnst XI
home. Thirty-two guests were pres-i Mrs. H. Ganson, accompanied by hex Omaha Wednesday to spen3 her vac*» CALENDAR EVENTS ent: A large suitcase bearing the ;on, Samuel,, and daughter, Helen, left tion visiting friends. 5684-1924. 1 _ a t ~ - ' ' "• ROSH CH0DESCH TAMMUZ-July names of the honored guests and their ;o spend the summer vacation with Miss Bernice Diamond motored te ... P u b l i s h e d ererjt-A'bqrsaiiy a t Q ! f f destination, was at each end of the sister, Mrs. H. Greenblatt, at ChiJEWISH COMMUNITY -i.' \ 3rd. Omaha Sunday. . THE JEWISH FBESS POBLJBHING CQMPANY. beautiful decorated table with a color age, III. • CENTER PARSHA KORACH—July 5th. \ Office: 681 Brandeis-Theatre Building^Telephone: AT.lantic. 1450 scheme of black and yellow. The Ivre Club held their annual picPARSHA CHUgATH—July 12th, Mr. .Max Katleman is acting as nic at Crete Sunday. The party motSUNDAY, June 29 —Omaha He- PARSHA BALAK—July 19th. \ , JNATHAN B. GREEN, Manager. Among other affairs given in honor brew Club, 3:30. of Mrs- Hirsch and Mrs. Rosenberg ergeant-at-arms at the Democratic ored to Crete and then to Farvers' ..$2.50. PARSHA PINCHAS-July 26th. Subscription Price, one year.. Myrtles of Zion. Advertising rates furnished on application. ROSH CHODESCH AB—August 1st. was a beautiful luncheon given last Convention. farm, where the picnic was heldBuds of Zion. 1 Fairies of Zion. PARSHA MAT-* • S UMASSEM—Au- week at the Brandcis Tea Rooms fey Rabbi E. S. Starrels is spending his ' CUANUE'OB ~ ADDKESS—Please give both the old and new address; Mr. Samuel Nefsky, -who has been Junior Boy Scouts. be sure and give jour name. gust 2nd. Mrs. J. Krasne. About forty guests •acation; Jn Auflebung Club, (No meeting.) ! seriously ill with an eye infection, is PARSHA DEBAJtJM, SHABB0S were present. Mrs. Louis Bernstein ppipts.. east, The Jewish Press is supplied &y th.e. JuWJsl} Telegraphic Agency leaving for Rochester, Minn., to conCHAZ0M-.August 9th. is entertaining at her home Thursday | Correspondence bureau) with cabled and telegraphic Jewish news, in addition MONDAY, June 30. Junior Gym Girls. Mr§. E, Fresh finnpunee the sult physicians there. to feuture articles and correspondences from all Important Jewish centres, TISHA B'OV—August 10th. afternoon complimentary to Mrs.: B'nai Israel Juniors. Inquiries* regarding news items credited to this Agency •«!I ta gl«Hy engagement of th«ir diaughtep, MiriY. M. & Y. M. H. A. (No PARSHA VAETCPANAN — August Hirsch and Mrs. Rosenberg. answered" if addressed to Jewish Telggrapljlj; Agency, « 4 Fifth Avenue, am, to Mr, payid Jfacpbs, of Denver, meeting this week,) 16th. New Y«rk City. • Mr. and Mrs. Sam Schwartz, who The Shcbas. !olo, A reception was held jn their PARSHA AKEV—August 23rd. \ TUESDAY, July 1.—Y. M. H- A. ROSH .CHOPESCH ELLUL, PAR-are traveling in the East this summer, honor Sunday evening, were in Detroit, Mich., to attend the 3 C R I T I C I S M A N D I T SC O N S E Q U E N C E S • Committees. SHA REAY^AugpsJ: 3Qth, Mrs. H\ Stine and children were the Schwartz-Duscoff wedding. *~ . One often wonders Why there are so few people who can " Omaha Zionist District. R0J3H CHQPIJSCH EL^UL-rr-August week-end gueets of Mrs. S. Goldstein. Newsboys' Club. stand criticism, Whether it be the pulprt or the press, as Jeng as 31s,t. ... .' . :. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Saltzman, and it confines itself io'abstract matters., all fe well. The moment, WEDNESDAY, July 2. PARSHA iSHOFTIM—September 6th. Mrs. H. Schoenwald of Los Angeles, p Mr. and Mrs, I. J. Gilgon and how§yer, it dares to discuss a live proposition, there is trouble. Society, 3:00 P. St., PARSHA i Calif., were in Woodbine, Ja,, Sunday SA?A : i September daughter, Betty, of Beatrice, Nebr., fto matter^what'the cause or the provocation Qf the criticism, no Junior B'nai B'rith. 13th. to visit Mrs, SaUfsman's sister, Mrs. isited with relatives and friends in " B'nai Israel Juniors. matter how:bigh-the aim or how noble theobjept of that mtieism, THURSDAY, .July 3. — Omaha PARSHA NEZAVIM — September Joe Gilinsky, and Mr. Gilinsky. somebody is sure to be hurt beyond control^ temper, 27th, . ;•;; ,.. . • Lodge No. 8'54, I. O. B. B. ' A distinction must, of <jourse/b.e. drawn between just and Mr. and Mrs.' Ben Seldin left Wed-, Mr. Ben Bernstfini of Omaha, spent Women's Auxiliary, I. O. B. B. EREV ROSH HASHANNO^Septemunjust criticism,.a difference must be granted between intelligent B'nai B'rith Juniors. nesday morning for Lake Okoboji Monday in Lincoln, ber 28th. .." . Junior Hadassah. . ignorant faultfinding. The critic ought to be endowed with where they will spend a few days. Aleph Zadik Aleph. s,pirifc of charity and justice and should above all be "positively They expect to return home Monday. Many parties h.ave been given honRELEASED RUSSIAN ZIONISTS "•perMn of the facts in the_case, But the same obligations rest FBIDAY, July 4.—No meeting. oring Mr. and Mrs. Sam Wessel and WILJL BE 3XPELLEP on the enticed.no less thiro upon the critic. The criticised, SATURDAY, July 5. — B o y Moscow, (J. I*. A.)—A number of Mr. arid Mrs. Nathan Hptn of Ca- Miss Adele Aach, who will sail for lifornia, formerly of Omaha, were in Scouts. )i|gt niajce a charitable allowance for inevitable error, must Russian Zionists, who were iir, prison Philadelphia, Pa., Sunday and were urope in July. Friday the Misses ,,„„-„,' grant "to the critic the right of personal opinion, and should for belonging to the Zionist Party, the guests of Mr. and Mrs, Carl Pauline and Sarah Friend entertained bFpositiyely certain of the critic's facts in the case. have been released with the provision Brandeis, who were formerly of Coun- at a luncheon Mah Jengg and gjidge • Npt infrequently the best of organizations comes in for % at the Woodburn in thejr honor, Sunthat they arrive at the port of Odessa, cil Bluffs. • word of censuje. The well-meaning speaker or writer has his own day, Mr. and Mrs. Nate Lieberman not later than June 29th, for imconception of right and wrong and he believes to posses irrefutable Mrs. H. Sehoenwald and Mrs. M. entertained at dinner. Tuesday, Mrs. mediate deportation, te Palestine, evjdence'of 4 measure which to him appears wrong. He expresses Karison left Tuesday evening fpr Max Lehman entertained at luncheon his convictions and" immediately he is" mercilessly condemned as Af)-r-Sir Alfred Sioux City, la'., where they will visit and M&h Jcngg. "an"epein.y to the cause." When' the matter is sifted down, it will Union pf IVmerican Hebrew Congrc- London, Mond, formerly Minister of Public for the remainder of the week. gationg to Spend §429,0C0. not seldom be found that the man who takes the trpubje and, at Mrs. Sara Goldfein entertained at Works, and President of the Economic times/tog,'the dangerous, step to criticize is actuated by the friendA regular meeting of the Talmud' four tables at bridge Bunday henotliest feelings, for the cause. If the criticism is unjust, wher§ it is Cincinnati, Ohio.—A budget of Council for Palestine, will again be a Tprah will be held next Tuesday• e.ve- ing Mrs. WiliiEm Snitovsky, whose a question of fact and npt one of opinion., it is generally not be? $423,436 was yotefl for the activities candidate for Parliament, He will run ning at the synagogue. marriage took piece ft short time ago. caijse the critic cared top.tfttjp fop the cau.se, but because he cared at the Urjipn of American Hebrew in a district were the Liberals are Mrs. gnitoysky was formerly Miss tpo much for it. For, it must be remembered that with the best Congregations fpr 1924-25 at a meet- strong, and his election seems a The Chevrft P'nai Yisrpel will hold Evelyn Polsky. Mrs. Lew Polsky en•• r •• "" intentions one oftentimes cannot ward off misunderstanding ing of- the executive board.held re- sured, a meeting next Wednesday evening at tertained for Mrs. gnitaveky Saturday V down misinformation..—^wi^h Ledger, the synagogue. pently in- this city. This budget is at four tables .of bridge. Tuesday, an increase of $90,000 over that of iCUUNClLBLUFKS! Miss Elisabeth Sandievite^ entertainJ^gt-year. Additional funds are proed &t a bridge party. THE ZIONIST , I£ubby and baby dau;ghr vided' fpr the extension "of the work Mrs, The .national-Zionist convention to. be held next "weefc- pf the Hebrew Union Cojiege and the ter, Betty Kae, are now visiting Miss Fanny Pill xrifl. leave for '. and Mrs. J. Asbyli announce the -ri_ at Pittsburgh, is expected to be one of the most powerful bqard of managers ,pf synagogue and Chicago, 111., where they will reinain of thsir daughter, Sada, for a month fus the guests of Mr. and demonstrations of nationalist strength ever staged in this country, school extension. Mr* B$n Finklest«in. Mr. and Mr& Besides, the Zionist Organization of America proper, there will be •The budget for the Hebrew "Union Mre. Bongs L- Cohan. Mrs. Cohan, to §|dney Shpstak entertained at their represented the Hadassahf the Order 80ns of" Zion, and the dif- College will be $198,553, represent- was formerly Id* Jvubby, pf home? Sunday evening honoring Hiss .ferent'bodies devoted to special institutions and funds. The ing Asbyli and her fiance. >an increase of $35,000. AddiBarron-ftfarkovitz delegate's will probably number pver. six hundred, with" as many tional^fynds a are allowed for the operr The marriage of Miss Libbie M T-s visjtoi'8' accompanying them... " 8tiQij.-pf a summer school at the col- kovitz, daughter tf Mr. and Mrs. B, Mr. and Mrs. S. Letween announce ' I t is six yeaVs since a"_natiorial Zionist convention was held in lege, "the establishment of a school the engagement of their daughter, Markovitz, to Mrv Julius Barron of Dorothy, to Mr. Eli E\Tien, son of Mr, Pittsburgh. The 1918-convention; which framed the f'Pittsburgh "£QV religious school supervisors, and Shenandoah, Iowa,' took place SunProgram." took place during the timer when the:war was approach^- fpr the of the Hebrew Col- day evening at seven o'clock at the and Mrs. A. Evnen, of Lincoln. mg its climax, and but a fBW-rnqnths after the Balfour Deelaratipn lege ,"forpxtension Teachers in New York City, home of the bride's parents in the Rabbi Mannheimer represented the stirred the Jewish world. •-•---. • ; which opened last year with an en-presence of seventy guests. The cer- Jewish Chattauqua at a series of lecSince then we haye learned a great many things, and the of 189 pupils. emony was performed by Rabbi Char-= tures at the University of Nebraski Zionist program has emerged definitely from the realm of dialectic rollment For the work of the board of man- lop. to that of practicalities. The DistrictPJan, enacted at Pittsburgh agers of synagogue and school exten- Mr. Barron and his bride left im- on June S3 and 24. has become neither.the heavenly, boon predicted by its supporters, sion, "which engages in religious work mediately for a honeymoon .trip to the Miss Hannah Logasa is spending nor the abysmal disaster forecast by its opponents. The Palestine in rural •. comnrnnitujs, universities, Yellowstone National Park. Qn their her vacation with her sister, Mr.^ and family. welfare institutions" and educational return, they will make their home in Shenandoah, Iowa. and indicative of-the" growing needs of;Palestine7and of American aactivities, a budget, of $102,239 was Mr. David Diamond is in Chicago Zionism. ,£The leadership of the national organization, too, has ?P™f- .This ^11 include expan- ' Among the out-of-town guests on business. present.were: Mr. and Mrs. H. Barundergone\a radical-change, and all in all, th,e .movement has ^"f ^myersity welfare work a the education. ron, parents of the groom; Mr. and Mr. Meyer Beber is now in Lincoln ' developed on lines quite-different from those; striven" for or fore-i development of youth educati An appropriation, pf §28,743 was Mrs. Sam Barr6n; -all of Clarinda, la.; completing his thesis for his degree seen by the.most prDpheticrminded ef us, Mr. and Mrs. Jake Barron of Nebrasr of Doctor of Philosophy. provided for the,New 'York commit.Chagrining to its enemies, -dis.aPB9mtinff_tQ its aealpts, ka City; and Mrs. A. Charno of Chin tee for schopl-iextension which mainr tumultuous progress is the best* sign-that " Mr. and. Mrs. A. Goodman/of Beah ^ Qnt f g i s t i a cago, Illinois. Mrs. Charno will rev o i n g with th the ^ . m e s Academic theories are dis- tains, five schools' in that city, four in main" is alive-:and moving trice, Nebr., visited in Lincoln over for a. few iiveeks as' a guest at carded uji .favor of. workable measures, programs; &re shaped to th,e, Bronx and-jSie in Brooklyn. These the Markovitz the week-end, ho~me. meet conditions sswe find tKeni^ energies a^re bent toward results. SGho«]s hold sessions four days a week and on Sunday morning. In This course, at time, rudely shocking to those of us who Jove our WATCH FOR OPENING QF Mrs. Herman Krasne entertained at View? tPQ well, is outward symboi of an inner substance and force, addition, it has this year entered a one o'clock luncheon at the Bran? Milwaukee? Delicgtgiie?- Store of heajth and strength. Given these, the Zionist Organization will unpn a program of week-end in- deis Tea Reoms Tuesday in honor of ABOUT JULY 1 continue to be, in eyer greater degree, what it already is,r^the struction, conducted on Sunday morn- her sister, Mrs. Ben Hirsch, and Mrs, Showing greatest living factor in "American Judaism. Mistakes ere made,: jngs in several large motion picture A." Rosenberg, who are both leaving 1619 "O" ST., LINCOLN, NEBR. FuU line of and will continue to be made, bi|t there is an unmistakable onward "theaters which charge-np rental. The in July for- Las Angeles, California, of , Kosher Meats and Delicatessen. sweep that will not b,e denied. day schools accomodate 1,204 pupils wheFe they will make their future THE The Zionist movement, represented by the delegates, who will and the week-end school* X.500. The budget contains appropriations assemble at Pittsburgh next week, NEWEST bg ne eek, means as mUPh tp Ameripan Palestine l s t e Alreadyy it effecti p i r i t l fpr nine different activities of the Jewry itself as it does to Palestine. i is' s effecting ffing spiritual renascence in the one one, even as ititl d the th way in i "the "th national t i l union- Funds are provided for the expense of the executive bpard, for arebirth of the other. • the- fjebrew Unipn College, for the ELICIR OP YOUTH DIS- AMERICAN JEWISH SETTLEMENT department of synagogue and school! COVER^P II} TAgkETS I?Y ON SHORE OF GALILEE SEA extension, for the New York execuWEDNESDAY " JEWISH THPR^PPUTIST Haifa, (J. f. 4.}—Thg 'foundation tive committee, for the New York comnjiftee ,for school extension, for June . Correct Style and aWorld Chicago,'.,{J. T." A.)—An-vpperatio}i •for. A i J i h l iincy, for the Na•fpr thB^purpog^ pf'rempyjng'^he ef25 of Comfort of Temple Sisterfects of old'age,iand the transplanting Sea, has been l^fd by* a first settlepp Pf the 'gjcind/ of a mpnkeyprgpaf, ment of twelve houses. The Arab jippdsj fpr the National Federation of 192* jVERY man <:an now ffce summer days with a smile •vsrill in the future be-unnecessary. Alt fro«» Tenyple BrotherhQQds and for the At of clothes' satisfaction, thanks to Hart Schaffner & that v?jll be necessary -will l be tp^ b^f4.0f iidelegates on civil rights. in;the Marx "Dixie weaves.'' They're specially woven for -swallow a tablet containing a dessicat- that .twas held, and to welcpnie the. ' ed gland and the process of <rejuvina- i}pw settlers. Cqpgratulatqr-y messages, EMIR-ABDULLAH REDUCES coolness; patterns for good appearance; tailored for lasting HIS EXPENDITURES tipn will manifest itself. ' service; wonderful selections, at— were r^eeiyed frpm America and other 10,000 POUNDS PER YEAR This latest of medical discoveries is. i the work of a Chicago Jewish- theranew settlement wiH be named , Jerusalem. (J. T. A.) Emir Ab- peutist, Max Schein, who "explained jt Tel MQsh,e, apd- \* being b,uilt by thedullah, the ruler of Transjordania, has before-the convention of the Physical n Jewish, gf^up "Bqith Y'jan." begun to econpmize. Jn an official Farnam communiC|ue he informs the Prime Therapeutical Association^ held here "DIXIE WEAVES" SOLD IN OMAHA Minister 61 the" reductions he has yesterday. The "convention accepted at EXCLUSIVELY ' AT THE NEBRASKA made, in the following way: "Owing these miraculous tablets as a rqsult^FRENCH, fie TAUGHT |N 1 - producing "Elixir of Youth. '' I PAlESTIN^ SCHO SCHOOLS, to ou,r desire tp arrange the financial i t was stated by Schein that the J.epsalem,v(J p , v ( J ff V That ) t hthee situation in the country, and qwing to Nebraska Tropical and Mohair Street tablets have, already been'used suc- Frenchh Ian,gui|ge Ii shall, be the official pur strong wishes to make a general Coats and Pants, $15 and $20 cessfully for the purpose of removing Jangqagp studied in the schools of economy in all the Government Adr goiters, and that tney'have proven tp. Palestine was the request submitted ministrations we, order you to cpn. THE he better than, qperatian. tp the government by the Freres sider the expenses of the Palace only 2O, 0 QO pounds a year, instead of'30,-*BL School. Governor R,pnald §tprrs has JEWS HONOR MEMOIiY invited some of the Jerusalem notables CCO, starting from the first of May.'* IS RIGHTEOUS P^QSELYTE'' to discuss the mqtter.^ccording to a .57$ MenW Genuine : X T of•' report in the Arab pa'per, "Meraat ROUMANIAN LODGE B'NAI Vilna. Cool.Palm Beach $\tits Proselyte,". Count SENDS AID Tp Sherk. TO who embraced Judaism JEWS IN GERMANY Natural, sand, tan,, brown, gray—all agp, for wh|ch he was g (J. Tel. Agency.)-rlsi0,-; Vienna. (J. T. A.) Travelers from ZW3PS0T • 1 tha wanted colors; big sizes; small jrariiej q the" t stake, h h Transylvania^ "who, have arrived Jiere, QQQ Roumanian lei were sent during N ' ; at the Great #ynagp.guj» in Viln.a.by have informed the Jewish Telegraphic the month of M^y by the Roumanian sizes; all sizes. Nebraska'^ extra? off worshippers. , 4 Agency that when they "left, anti-Jew"; lodge l d pf the B.'nai Brith ^ p aa large " pfdinary value feature in cool g NEW MODEL h l f ish excesses in Teme'svar were stricken Jews in Germany, according ypur b}g.opportunity at— .special prayer fpr the soul pf' the tinulng. o •to a report received qt the General OfX •'Righteous Proselyte" ^was pfFeredt di The'excesses started at a football fice o.f "the order here. -Ii'is'tKe i?? ;ti<m fif tl^erlqe&l Jewish • between the Rouman.!an stui Permission is 'now being asked by •population to1 commemorate the dayitnatch dents afifl the Jewish academic sport the" same" lodge itaxr the Roumanian of' sfche' countts smartyrdonfi " •'-,"'•• i*overn«ie«*t to bring into Roumaijia offered on tU society,'Kadimah. , md Qen. Mgs. 3&* o^ca'sion, fov the yietims of the Many Jewish passersby were later " hundred^ starving Jewish_.chOdaren i d d i i ^ 200 EB;. AND. .WOMEN =====
Special Type Cars
ge Budget For Religious Work
Men's Palm Beach Suits
Flint Company
PAGE £~THE JEWISH PRESS, THURSDAY, JUNE 26, 1924 ,f Highland Country-Club . . ' Indies to Give A Mah Jongg and Social Card Party, of social interest; will--be given Saturday evening at 8:30, June 23, at the BrandeiS-GriU Boom, by the women of .the Highland Country Club. The entire public is invited to attend this affair, jjscordisg to - Mrs. Ed Trailer, who is in charge of the event. For information regarding tickets call Mrs. Treller at the S t Regis Apartments.
WEDDINGS VANN—TROCHTENBERG On Sunday eyening, June 29, Miss Stella Trochtenberg, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. Troqhtenberg, of Council Bluffp, Iowa, will be married to Mr. Morris Vann, son of Mr. and Mrs. H.-Vann, of Omaha.- The ceremony wjll be • solemnized before the presence of only the members of the immediate family of the couple, ^ Rabbi J. M. Charlop officiating, Miss Esther Zalk -will be the bride's maidof-honor, and only attendant, and Mr." Rubin Vann will serve as his brother's best^man. Mr, Vann and his bride will leave immediately on a honeymoon trip through the west, and upon their return the latter part of July they will make their home at the Morris Apartments. , Miss Trochtenberg has been extensively entertained by her friends of Omaha and Council Bluffs. Among her hostesses announced this week were Mrs. L. Nathan, Mrs. T. Kaplan, Mrs. H. Medoff, Mrs. Morton Marcus, Miss Charlott Hirschberg wfto were hostesses at bridge luncheons and a dinner party was given by Miss Sophye Fayman Tues? day evening at the Fcntenelle Hotel.
Mr, GedanMn and his bride, will motor to Kansas City and Excelsior Springs, Mo., to spend their honey* moon, and will be - at borne after July 15 with the bride's father. The cutrof-tpwn guests who are expected to arrive for the wedding are Mr. and Mrs. M. Kaplan and family, Mr. and Mrs. S. Maslan and son, all of Kansas City, and Miss Faye Hill, of Lincoln, Nebr.
FALK—ROSEN Mr. and Mrs. J. Rosen announce H\e marriage, of Mr. Rosen's sister, Ruth, to Mr. J. Fqlk, of this city, son of Mr. and Mrs. L. Falkovitch, of Rock Island, 111,, to be solemnized Sunday evening, June 29, at the home pf Mr. and Mrs. Rosen. Rabbi H. ^Grpdzinsky will officiate. Little Miss Betty Jane Rosen will be the flower /girl, and, Little Miss. Betty Jane Gaifman will be the ring-bearer. " Among the out-of-town guests ,who have already arrived for the wedding are Mr. and Mrs. L. Falkoyitch, of .Rock Island, parents of the groom.
POSLEV—KRAFT The marriage g of M Rose Kraft, daughter of Mr. JJyman Kraft, of this city, to Mr. Harry Posley, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. Posley, of San Francisco; Calif., was solemnized Sunday evening, June 22, at five o'clock at the B'nai Israel Synagogue, Rabbi J. M. Charlop officiated. Mr. and Mrs.. Julius D. Kraft and Mr. and Mrs. Ben Posley served as attendants. The young couple left "at midnight Sunday for a two-weeks honeymoon trip to Denver, Colo., and Los Angeles, Calif., where they will make their home.
Mrs. D, Specter entertained twelve guests at the Brandeis Tea Booms Tuesday afternoon in honor pf her daughter, Mrs. L- Freed, of Burfcburnette, Tex., who is visiting her. The other out-of-town guests present were Mrs. E. Grossman, of St. Louis, Mo., Mrs. Louis Heeger, of Sioux City, la., and Mrs. S. Roebuck, of Dallas, Texas. Mrs. Sol Degen was nostess at a one o'clock luncheon followed by Mak Jongg at the Lacoma Country CJub Friday. Mrs. Tfilliam Eichner, of CfaicsgD; Jil.j is visiting wjth her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Trustin.
j Set.Eptertained Since Arrival JFrom School
The school set have* been considerably entertained with Junchaons, Mah parties, bridge parties, and dinner and dancing parties since their arrival from school. Among the entertainments'thai fill this week's calendar wj-ts a dancing party given by Mrs. A. p Wednesday evening at the Oraaha Athletic Club Roof Garden in honor of her niece, Miss Pauline Herzberg, who Just returned from the Mownt De Chantal School in Wheeling, W. Va., to be with her parent?, Mr. and Mrs. M. Hfirzherg, Miss Rev* Eulakofsky js entertaining the sch&ol set this eyening at her home at a dancing party to honor her house guest, Miss Evelyn Richards, of Calif. Other parties pplanned for the b given duryounger social set will be ing the coming week.
P F £ION. • j founders. Eabbi J, M. Charlop ofii-j Berlin, J(J. T. A.)—The j*nti-Sejaitic Voelldsche Partei has arranged hese The regular monthly meeting of the; ciatcd*Daughters of Zion will be held Wed- j Mr. Horvach has been a of for a special week during .which the nrsday sfternoon, July . 2, at the Omaha, far the past forty-three years. attitude ©f Che party towards the question in Germany will bfe Adass yeshutfin Synagogue, 2-5th and He is ciirvivcd t>y one tsrother, Moses, Seward streets. The dub is making of South Omaha, two sons, M. L. and "explained. plans for their first annua} picnic to Henry Horwich, snd four daughters, At a public meeting, held yesterday. Mestamcp Fanny DeiroratsVj:, Wm, PrcL Freitjig: Lorfnpfionen, a Voelkfee given Sunday, July 20. Fricacn, David Cooper, and Sol isrhe Tzrtd member of Parliament AUFLEBUKG CLUB all of Omaha. He is &!so dsmanded that aU Jfw? he <lis,nussr<i The members of the Aufiebung | survived by fourteen erandchildron £r.am the Govei-Einent .service, snd that Club will tneet Sunday afternooB, and fix the German press be free«5 from June 29, at three o'clock st Hanscom i i&Ti influence. Park, where they will hold their first COLUMBUS NEWS Engiceer Juoeh}ci; vrht> addressed summer's picnic A supper will bs | Mr. S. Eordy, cf Columbus, ? 4he meeting' after Prof. i*«-ingtioo«>n, t announces the engagement «£ his went even furUier. He demanded that eervpd. : = : daughter, Lena, to Mr. Ralph C. a special blood test be uwd on all apJUNIOR DAUGHTERS OF ZION j gahn, of Snn Francisco, Calif. No plicants let Government positions, for An election of officers will be held wedding date has as j-ct been eet. the purpose <>f establishing whether at the regular meeting of the Junior! s.nd they are Biemljcrs of the Jewish Daughters of Eion Club to be held] Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lebowitz motor Sunday, Jane 29, at the Jewish Com-i * l l d r f an f ed to Lincoln Sunday for a visit munity Center. Refreshments will be I JIarry Konoaovitch relatives. served.
Mrs. Simon Bordy and children, of HATIKVOH CLUB Macy, Nebr.. is spending a few week? At the Tegular meeting of the _ n~lth her parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. Hatikvoh Club Sunday afternoon, I JJ JJirs. Pavid Newman left Wednes- June 29, et the Jewish Community I day evening for a several weeks yisg Center, an election pf officers will be' Miss Jennie Bordy and Miss Esther in Des Moines, Iowa, and Chicago, held. This will be the last meeting Srislowsky are spending: a week at with Mr. and Mrs. Ben HI., with friends. f the season. Kokofsky, Mrs. L. Epstein and son, Ralph, of P. E. D. CLUB Chicago, 111., are visiting here with The next meeting ef the P. E. D. Mrs. Charles Lecser and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Furth. Mrs. EpLoraine, will arrive from Omaha stein was formerly Miss Helen Furth; Club will be held this Sunday after- Sunday for a week's visit with Mrs. noon, Junfe 29, at {Jivervievv* Park. pf Omaha, AH members are to meet Et the end Leeser's parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. Kavich. Miss Pauline Friedman, of Dallas, .of the Piverview Park Carline at Texas, is the guest of her sister, Mrs. three o'clock. Morris Greenbaum, and family.
Miss Mary Pritkin, of jDenyer, Co)o. who has been the house guest of Miss Estejle Lapidus, for the past month is returning to her home Wednesday July 2. She will bis ^ccoitip^nied by Miss Lapidus, who will visit her for two months, until the. firgt qt SepOBITUAEY> tember, whea she will return to ma Mrs. Ed Treller and Mrs. Cora Funeral peryices for llr. Harris preparations to enter the University Wolf are entertaining at a luncheon Horwich, age 61, v,-ho died Sundsy of Nebraska for the next term-
Mrs_. Ernest Meyers left this weeli Mr. N. W> Freedznan, of Chicago, for Sioux City, la., where she wil: 111., announces the engagement of his vjsit for several wesks with her par daughter, Ethel, to MF. Leon Fox, ents, Mr. and Mrs. S. Ginsburg.
Friday in honor of the out-of-tpwn guests, Mrs. Jack Koerpel and Mrs L. Epstein, bot hof Chicago, tiU Mrs. J. P. Cohn is entertaining at luncheon Tuesday afternoon to honor thiese guests.
formerly of this city, who is now Rabbi Frederick Cohn left Tuesday residing in. Chicago. Dr. Max Fleishman, a June gradV Miss Frpedman is well-known, by evening for Cedar Point, jQhio, wher uate pf the .University of Nebraska he is attending the Central Conferthe younger ^Qcial set in Chicago/ Medical College, left Monday for dd ffrom th having graduated the S Senn ence of American Rabbis. Pittsburgh, Pa., where he will enter High Schpql, and attended the ChiMiss Jeanette Marcus returned the Western Pennsylvania . Hospital cago -University,..:aiil- i&. ja,. member home from Chicago, JU-, whore phe of the Alpha Beta Sigma'.Sorority. had been for the past fififteen months. as an interne. Dr. Fleishman is the Mr. Fox was well-known; ; in Oma- While there she was secretary tp son of Rev. E. Fleishman. ha's social circles and c|ubiiom, be- Rabbi Fox of the South Shore Temple. Mr. ant? Mrs. M. .Kahan will celefore-, moving ..to/ .Chicago to make brate their twentieth wedding anhis home. !l ,Mr- and Mrs- J- Jacobson were call- niversary Thursday. In honor of this , No date has been get for -the • wed- ed to Ida Grove, la., on account of the event, Mr. and Mrs. Kahan are enterding which will take pljice iniChicago. "death pf Mrs. Jacobson's father, Mr. taining at their home Saturday eveS. Simon. ning. Mr. an'd",Mrs. L Forbes are enterMr. and Mrs. Morton Degen entertaining thirty guests Friday evening Mrs. J. Linsman is leaving* Thurs GElfDLER—RAyiTZ at their home at a farewell party in tained at a dinner party at the Bran- day evening for Pittsburgh, Pa., ti iMiss Molly Vavitz, daughter of Mr. honor of Miss Eva Friedman, of Bosr deis Restaurants last Saturday eve- attend the Zionist Convention as t and Mrs. S.'Eavitz, was. married Sun^ . , %ho has been visiting with ning. delegate from the Omaha Chapter day evening, June 22, at the Black- her igjster, J l r s : "M. Forbes^and Mr. of Hadassah: ' On her return home ...Mis .A. Katskiej who .-was last yreels stone Hotel, t d ? M r - Mtttris (Miffier,- irFojEes, araL. who is leaving for Tier operated on at the' Swedish Mission she will visS'JSvj€h 'relatives' in Chison pf Mr- and Mrs. H. Gandler, of home Sunday. cago, 111. , Hospital, is convalescing. Albia, Iowa. About four hundred quests attended the wedding- • cere-s Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Greeriberg have Mr. and Mrs. Jack :&oerpel, of Chi- PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS mony and the reception tha£ follow-; moved. into their new home at 112 cago, 111., motored into Omaha to be ed. Rabbis H. Grodzinsky- and . J, South 50th Ayenue, the guests at the home of Mr. and. M. Charlop officiated. /The" Misses Mrs. N. ManteL Mrs. fcoerpel was Mrs.'A. I. Kulakpfsky and Ruth and Dora Gendlerj'of'-Albia, , :Rprothy and Mrs. S. I. Brandt, formerly Miss Hattis' Dreyfops, of the groom's sisters, and Miss f$pllje left We4nps«iay evening for Sioux this city. Finer, of St. Louis, Mo., were the City, la., where they will visit with Mr. and M ^ Morris Potash tebrides-maids, and Mrs. S. E. Kavitz? their relatives, Mr. and Mrs. A. I. turned from Kansas City, Mo., where matrpn-of-honor. "Pie bride's three Sacks. ' they spent their honeymopn. brothers, Messrs. Dave, Harry, and Dr. Julius Moskovitz, a graduate Ben I^ayitz, served as the groom's Mrs. Dave Green and children left attendants, and Dr. S. E. Ravitz[ pf the Medical Department of the Wednesday evening for Kansas Sity, was master of ceremonies. Miss. University of Nebraska, left Monday Mo., where they will spent s month, evening for ^althnqre, Md., "where he Helen Whitebook was the flower-girl: The- following out-of-town guests will be an interne fit the Jewish with relatives. They will be accompanied by Miss Leah Siegel, of were present at the wedding: Mr. Hospital. • Kansas City, who has been visiting and Mrs. H. Gendler, Albia, la.; Mrj and Mrs. M. Gendler, Albia, la.; Mrs. Julius Newman and little here at the Green home for the past Ruth, Dora and Fannie - Gendler, daughter, Harriet Rosalie, ^returned Eeyeral weeks. Albia, la.; Mrs. L. Finer, St. Louis? from a motor trip to Lincoln, Nebr., The first of a series of summer Mp.; MRlJie. Finer, St. Louis, Mo.j where they spent a week with Mrs. Newman's sifter, Mrs. H. Marx, and social affairs to be given by the Mrg. A. Hertzman, St. hum?, Ma.; Mr. Marx. Sirs. Newman was also Junior Hadassah was a dancing party Mrs. Grossman, St. Louis, Mo.; Mrs. accompanied by her mother, Mrs. R. given Wednesday evening, June 25, C. Rich, Ottumwa, la.; Mr. and Mrs. at the Hanscom Park Pavillion for A.' Gendler, Mankato, Minn.; Paul Snader. the club's members and their friends. Gendler, Mankato, • Minn.; Mr. Sol daughter. The committee who- had charge of Mrs. M. Frieden Gendler, Chicago, 111.; Mr. and Mrs. Marjarie, are expecting ,to leave j , jilimowsky, Pes Moines, la.; Sadie Monday for Los Angeles', Calif, this affair was Miss Estelle Lapidus, and Jack Klimowsky, Des Moines, la.; where, they will visit with Mrs. Erie- chairman, and assisting here were Mr. and Mrs. M. Steinberg and son den's father, Mr. B. Simon. They the Misses Blanche Altman, Tina Alt-r - Jpelmar, Norphlet, Ark.; Mrs. Nellie expect to be gone for several months schuler, Bess Greenberg, and Martye Weinstein. Siever and daughter Mollie, MinneMrs; N. W. Naken entertained at apolis, Minn.j Miss Eva Brennstein Mr. and Mrs. Max Frpmkin enterOskaloosa, Iowa, and Wm. Brennstein a children's party Thursday afterr tained at dinner Thursday evening noon in honor of her little J daughter. pskaloosa, Ipwa. at their hpme in h.P.npr pf Mrs. Sam ' Mr. Gendler and his bride are nowMrs. E. Grossman, of St. Louis Weinstein, and daughters., Sara and on a honeymoon trip at the Minne- Me, formerly of this cjtj% 'is visiting Dorothy, of Midland, Texas, who are Bota Lake?, and upon their return with hef son, Mr. Max Grossman visiting here. will be with the bridp's parents. and Mrs. Qrossman.
morning at the home pf his daughter, Mrs. Wm. Frieden, was held Sunday j&fternoon from the Bsth Hansedrosli Hagodel Synagogue, 19th and Burt Streets, of which he is one of_ the
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GEDANKEN—BROOKSTEIN Miss Shirley Markman, ;of Des Miss Charlotte Bro,okstein, daugh- Moines, Iowa, is the guest "of Mrs. " ter qf Mr, M. Brookstein, will be Mqrtpn Lipsey. rid T d Tuesday evening, ' ' Mr. and Mrs. A. Monsby -left Mr. Phii]ip, Qpdfinkin, of this pity Wednesday evening pn an' "eastern The wedding will take place at the trip to be gone a month. They -will Labor Lyceum, Mi Miss Brookstein Lb L B k i have as heir attendants her cousin visit relatives and friends irrChicago, Miss Sarah Brookstein, .maid-of- 111., Scranton, Pa., and Pittsburgh^ honor, and her brides-xnaids will be Pa. the Misses Lillian Harris, and Ida Mrs. I. Grossman is a t the Lord Stern. _ Mr. Aarpn Brookstein. of Lister Hospital, where she was oper1 Chicago, J1L, formerly of this city, ated pn ^7ed.nesday morning.' hrpther of the bride, will be the Mr. E d Leyinson" returned home • groom's best-man. Mr. Jack Brookla fit week from t h e Northwestern ft stein, brother of the bride, and Mr. Arthur Joseph, will be the grooms- University to. spend t h e summer here. -. roen. The ribbon stretchers will be Miss, F a y e Hill,"of Lincoln, Nebr., -Marion Brookstein, Sylvia Goffstein, is t h e guest of Miss I d a Greenberg. 'M Gftti Alb H Goftstein undd Albert Himmer- .4 number ^ f affairs a r e being planman. Little Miss Clara Kaplan, of ned during her stay; " Kansas City, Mo., niece of the groom, / * ————— . fcill be flower-girl, an^ blaster Robert Mr. and M r s t MOB Steinberg,, pf .',_ Rimmernrtan will be ring-bearer. Lit- Ni-rphalk, Aik., formerly of t h i s city, ile Miss Harriet Garber will be trainvisiting w4th Mr. and Mrs.' ^ -
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' 5* Af
rAGE 4^-THE JEWISH PRESS, THUBSDAY, JUNE 26, 1924 In the year 1922, the second dassf der. The orthodox participants formed I PALESTINE HKBREW ihentg3ria3g on government-circles, the creed • or colors Arab; 'Christian and officials and the German public gen- Jew are all treated alike. Through of nurses- from the Hadassah Train- themselves into a meeting which TEACHERS DISCUSS its medical aid and efforts among- the ing' School, was graduated. Miss erally. ' EDUCATIONAL PROBLEJ. passed .a -resolution demanding the - As. for .'the. material want-of the Arabs, Hadassah has brought peace, Szold was now in. Palestine working Jerusalem. (J. T. A.) A confei suspension of the building activity. where there might havebeen strife; there with the same untiring zeal German Jewry, a, Lirge part; of the : it has brought understanding where as she had worked in America. It A" LETTER FROU-GBBMASfY'.^Y MICHAEL WURMBBAND. enco of Hebrew Teachers took plar* once prosperous . middle-class has CopyrlghttJ|!^lisii'Ji:e]egraphlc Ageiicy, 192*. was Vat, these ; graduating exercises fallen, into a condition . of genteel, there might have been friction. here under the auspices of the HeMedical that Miss Szold was present, to- OIL RIGHTS IN ARABIA shamefaced poverty. They cannot be Today the Hadassah brew Teachers' Association. Dr. TOoshelped by < relief from the Quakers,Organization, with a budget of £410,- gether' with Lady Herbert Samuel, ACQUIRED- BY EASTERN ensohn, director of the gymnasium in public gifts -at -Christmas time 000, employes hundreds of doctors, the-,.wife .of^the High Commissioner : 7 ,A new Jewish question ? - Oh, leave tions and say "aliens" when they and :;.;-:: YAM* GENERAL -SYNDICA^dentists, nurses and sanitarians. The of Palestine.* Lady Samuel addressed from the Central Relief Committee; 'me alone!'- We.have plenty ,of.;Jewish mean "Jews." That was the official there-must be a special form of relief hospitals at Jerusalem. Tel Aviv, the »class.in Hebrew, Palestine's now :} Cairo, <J: T.'A.)—The rights to th affa, made the opening speech and uring the discussion of the problems " questions as it is, more than we canversion issued by Herr Von Kahr in activity co-ordinated by Jewish or- Haifa and Safed total 274 beds.' They universal ; language, which she had oil5 fields in the. territory of Nejcl o: f the educational system, the quesmanage. What do we want a- new Munich and, by the Berlin police head- ganizations maintain besides, clinics and" field .mastered; in the short time she had devoted to*the purpose. quarters .at the time of the pogroms Jewish'question for? ; ' : the- Arabian: peninsula, in the sectio: !r>n of a new scale of -wages for the ... ; . And there is something else.' It is hospitals for Chalutzim, who are been_; in Palestine. But this Jis a question of ne-w Jews. against the Jews from.Eastern Euof Hassa, have been acquired from tlit sachers as well as the draft of the daily pouring into the country; school • In America today, Hadassah has New.Jews? God keep intact the oldrope. The "official version" method not a question of German- Jewry nurses visiting systems and rural 172 Chapters; 16,000 members; 526 ones; We have not finished yet with was also adopted by Prof. Wiedfeldt, alone..' Germany is an important stage service in Jewish colonies and labor sewing circles who sew, knit and Sultan of Nejd by Major Frank lew Articles of the Association our troubles about these. And youthe German Ambassador in America, on the' road of Jewish emigration from camps, and school luncheons for gather -all- hospital supplies for the Holmes; who 'is' acting' on behalf of considered. •want to trust new troubles upon us? in his explanation to the Jewish Tele- Eastern to Western Europe and the under-nourished children. Hadassah Medical Organization and the Eastern and General Syndicate, But; there is nbu way out of. it: we graphic Agency, although the veil had 'over-sea countries. -The - movement all clothing for 2,800 Jewish Orphans, according to reports from Bagdad in JEWISH WOMEN IN WAESAW In June 1921 anInfant Welfare by then been already torn off and the may "end in disaster, if,the .van is not must' and distribute' linens and clothing the "Egyptian Gazette". The old saying about the .common same lay naked before the whole protected. Make safe therefore, the clinic was opened in Jerusalem. In among DECLARE STRIKE AGAINST fourteen worthy institutions A survey of the oils in this territory fate-of-the Jewsr—all Jews are breth- world. ' On - the other hand,- it * was road for the advance guard of Jewish December, a newly formed society, in Palestine. LACK OF SUFFRAGE . : ren—is more than a moral axiom. It seen, however, what a deep impression Emigration! Look" to- the New Jews! the "Tippat Halab" (drop of milk) is now being made.by Dr. Heim, the Warsaw. (J. T. Al) The clubs and Can there be a more beautiful, a in co-operation with the H. M. O. is a living fact. .Wherever the' Jews the intervention' of foreign govern- A new Jewish Question!' ' equipped a milk kitchen and dis- more humane '-work than • that of Ha- well-known Swiss geologist. It is ex- associations of Jevvish woven in are fated to suffer, the suffering afdassah ?! To know that in. this en-: pected that drilling will begin next Warsaw have passed resolutions urgtributing system. fecta the whole of • Jewry. As • for de.avor one- is not only alleviating autumn. As Mrs. Israel Zangwill said, at a example in Germany today, v ing all the Jewish housewives not to luncheon given in her honor'by Ha- sjekness, wiping out misery and Here people will again, shurg^their It is also, stated that Major Holmes attend to the needs of their houseignorance, but 'helping also to dassah: "Upon the strength: of the shoulders in fiored fashion, - The 700,infants depends the permanence of a rejuvenate a race, one's very own has completed a new arrangement for holds this coming Sunday as ,a 000 Jews in Germany have almost By MRS, JOSEPH ROSENBERG" nation, and if you want that nation racCi who now after thousands of the leasing of the .oil rights over a protest against the- non-granting 6f finished their process of assimilation; years". of • • persecution has at last large area e?.st of the Nejcl territory, they have dived "so' deeply, into the Read at a : recent meeting of the Omaha Chapter of Hadassah. to prosper and flourish you must look won .the right of freedom and self- and partly in the boundaries under suffrage to the Jewish women in the •to its infants first/' German Ocean that there is harcjly the On Purim, of this year, Hadassah sionary one was none .too adequate. approaching -Kehillan elections here. expression in! .a home.- of its own. It Has been chiefly the generosity -Mogen Dovidj>f a reform ^temple to celebrated the twelfth anniversary, of So they, themselves, undertook to Surely" a ivork such as this is worthy the rule of the Sheik of Koweit. On the same day, street demonstraHe seen still above water. We areits foundation. Twelve years of hard supervise the midwives and nurse the of Mr. Nathan Strauss, that grand of every Jewish jwoman's interest and Jewish philanthropist, that has made tions and protest meetings of the more concerned about the fate of the work and faithful devotion to a ggrand most difficult cases.'. '• endeavor.* > these Infant Welfare Stations a millions of Ukrainian Jews. • Or about i df f l h Jewish women will take place l i h d h t ^accomplished such note- In 1914 these two nurses engaged possibility. His donation of $20,000 '•i Hadassah is not content.to rest pnLATVIA SENDS BACK JEWISH the political and social'position of the worthy,have in a "campaign against Trachoma throughout the city. achievements, as are today its present achievements, even though EMIGRANTS TO SOVIET RUSSIA Polish Jews. Or the new Jew'center applauded by the entire Zionist world. among the school .children "of Pales- toward this fund, has enabled Hain Greater Roumania. Orfinally,,the It has been a labor of love. tine. Trochma is an incipient disease dassah to-establish four stations so they are so praise-worthy-. It hopes Riga. (J. T. A.) All emigrants from far, all in the Old City of Jerusalem; with the years to increase its mem-Russia, who are now in Latvia and small but nationally fateful* Jewish untold obstacles and severe of the _eyes and at that tiiae was at Damascus Gate, at Shaar Pinr bership - to •- such a number that it are unable to obtain American visas community in. Palestine. Bnoyglv, more Against hardships th'ey" have worked, sacri- intensely prevalent iu Palestine. If nahthe and at Nablat Zion. They will •will-be able.to assume full responsi. than enough^Jewish problems! , ' ficing health and often their very neglected it often.leads to blindness. soon be taking care of 1,000 babies. bility for all. medical work in Pales- by June 20th, will be repatriated to Yes, but what . about - the \ "New lives in their endeavor to restore Gradually that same 'year a small Jews?" For :the sufferings of- the the "Homeland.' That inherent instinct tine and make it the contribution of Russiat according to a decision of the settlement was* opened in the which prevails in maternal . % German Jews at the present time are In the year 1812, on Purim, a nurses' all women, finds a United American Jewish Woman- Latvian • minister of the interior, of one of the" two nurses in. opportunity for its fullest expression hood to the upbuilding of Palestine. ' birth pangs. German Jewry- is under- group-of loyal women: who had pinned home .TO AND.FROM. made public recently. ' ' Jerusalem. Patterns of outfit's, of the here at these stations. AH the going a -process of-renewal, in-matters their faith, to the Zionist cause, with land needed by the, ' babies and This-decision.will affect a consid- ALL PARTS OP national, social, cultural and religious. that splendnid daughter of Israel, comes forth in the sweet ORTHODOX JEWS STRIKE were sent to America. • A-mother.love erable; nurnber of .emigrants, mostly - On- the evening of November 5th, Miss- Henrietta Szold at its head, mothers young nurse caring for these helpAGAINST BUILDING OF babe deserted by its less babes. Arab or Jewish they are THE WORLD; 1923, when the, first. Berlin- pogrpm of decided to organize a Women's Zion- motherless Jewish, who, are here awaiting .the was cared for by- the two all alike to her. She knows or.ly that JEWISH ACADEMIC HOME modern times after raging for" a whole ist Society in America for the pur-father and for many years thereafter they must be given the attention J. Warsaw. (J. T. A.) A general opening, of the-new- quota. These day had died down, when the'floodhad pose" of aiding and ministering to the nurses supported by Hadassah. emigrants- came from the -farther- 1S07 Howard St^ Omaha, Neb ebbed, a Jewish corpse was found health.. and am welfare of our Jews in their own, young mothers are too' strike, of storekeepers, and a strong The year 1921 was "a banner year ignorant to know. She must register where the flood had been. . Palestine. Plestine. protest ^ demonstration was arranged most, parts of Russia in the hope of for Hadassah. Three Hundred and the ATlantic 0S40. babies, weigh them and instruct - -This does not refer to the heroic They chose for their organization Eighty sewing - circles in ' America their mothers how to properly care here by a group of orthodox Jews on being able to get to America. Jew Silberberg, who, seeking to. pro- the name 'flSadassah," in memory were sending linens, blankets,. cloth- for them so that the child will thrive, account of the fact that building opertect his son-inJ-law, was himself torn of that other Hadassah^ whose hero- ing and many other supplies to Pales- grow rosy and plump, instead of beto pieces by the mob. No, i t refers to ism, and loyalty to her people'saved tine) under the _. direction' of the coming puny, sickly and in all prob- ations, had been started on the much iHC disputed Jewish Arademic Home, next a corpse of a more.intangible kind: the Jews from extinction on that Hadassah Palestine Supplies DepartAny •way yott gret them In any package the Jewish "Michael," the even more Purim day so vivid in Jewish his- ment which the- sewing circles stim- ability, dying for want of proper care to the synagogue in. the suburb of and nourishment. comic mongrel offspring of the comical tory, hundreds of years ago. ulated into development. A Hadassah AUDITING AND INCOME ITEM'S GRAHAM CtACKERS ' German "Michael,". whoiii Heine- im- .They had innately sensed, the cry-Training school for nurses, establish- Before these stations existed, the Pragz. are g-o-o-d eating for everybody. TAX REPORTS mortalized, who pulled his peaked cap ing need of woman's gentle touch in ed in previous years in the.Rothschild rate of infant mortality in Jerusalem While the: orthodox storekeepers Ask your grocer for ITEX; CKACKERS over his eyes and' ears -and snored healing sickness and misery among Hospital, now graduated, the first was appalling; mothers often1 losing closed their stores a large group of 208 Karbach BlfcAtlantic 1031 by name always. Get the genuine tat& tremendously "under the protection of the poor in Palestine, especially the class of twenty-two Palestinian Jew-J seven, eight or more of their offbe satisfied, nil ways! ma men, women and children marched 36 monarchs." The Jewish "JVJicbael" women and children. Those beauti- ish girls whoj'.hadi.conxpleted .a three spring. _' In order that the right kind v was a far more laughable figure. He ful words from Jeremiah, "Aruchat tfear course in modern", theoretical of milk" be "determined for each in- toward the'place where the building pulled his big cap not only-over his Bat Ami",, (the Jie"aTing~of -theTdaughdividual child, special test "feed hours was being erected, stormed the court Earry E. nursing. •' ' J Carpenter Paper Co. eyes and ears, that he should not seeter of my ;os. Pepper, V c e have been instituted and up to the yard of the synagogue and destroyed y r-peojjle')-" p j j ) b'gcame their a medical and hear, but he pulled it over his' motto Inspired by Hadassah, . •, .w; G. Cre. Secretary. Distributors of And' ^6Tthey"wen't -to^work age of 'two years all children regisunit from.«Anierica,^with a personnel* ^6.Tthjey-;"went to^work. some of the building material. The •nose" too, so - that the people should motto. tered^ at the stations are given? milk. of fortvr&ve-;'pjiysiqjans, nurses arad There'v/ere/only 19&, jnejuijcts that Western Bond—and High Omaha Fixture & not'notide that he was different from first year^ in- JHjadassah.* They sent sanitarian's wiere-dispatched to;-Pales- .OJIiik pasteurization and steriliza- police had to be called to -restore, x>rthe-German "Michael." Of a common two trained Jewish ^nurses rtb-- Pales- tine. They -jorpened, hospitals :„ or:jfcion -of utensils and milk bottles are Grade Stationery . '. '.Supply'Co. . • Jewish need, he refused to hea^r. He tine, tine,,; who. ^ Omabs. Nebraska. d J"oblc>{up b the clinics in Jerusalem, what is now also important phases of this' work. was a "Gertnan citizen of "the Jewish i }}who. ^^ifttoiediatetp,, COMPLETE STOSS AND faith." The foreign Jew was' an "alien work' ofv-.caring v ffe#'. Vromen >dur|ng known as the Hadassah Medical It is to keep these bottles provided HEAEtQUARTERS OFFICE OUTFTTTESS with milk that women and children devil," whom he would like" to see ohthe n&taLp£r»6.d^.Tiey-kniewtfiat the Organization. all ovey 'the -country are filling' "MDk largest percentag^.of." death's" ijfPalesThis organization, non-sectarian in We occcpy "for the other side of the ftontier, the 7C,000 Eancre IsaS sooner the better. The work of the tine was caused" Byyn&sflect "of women its scope, 'has_ proven to. be one.. o.fBottle. Bags" of which.-. 30,000, have Socihwest Ceraet "Hilfsverein" of'the German Jews in during childbirth .and the ?only availv ±h&-' greatest "^connecting links between already" been"-distriBute^-under the and floocSas Street*. aid of the persecuted Jews of pastern able hospital for that,~purpose,' a mis- Jew and Arab. Regardless of race, able supervision of Mrs. S. Fleischer. Sacksan Z72i v Europe, though "it rendered praiseJewekj, OK4KA. KTEB. worthy service, was always based on c Engagement Rings is our the feeling: "Take him out of my ,-- ..>...-Specialty; -:-; ., - ...' sight quickly, his sufferings break my heart!" This Jewish Michael is now dead. True, there "is still the "Union ME4SiOCS JEWELRY C0. of ' National German' Jews,". whose 1514-Dodge S t . German nationalism runs that of Every Known Kind •Est;r 18194} ••• '•* > Jai-5619 Count Reventlow a; close second, TT" denouncing every Je wwho will, not of Insurance dance toits tuhe' as Being deficient in JA cksoa 1862 209 W. O. W. Bidg. J A . S'944. patriotism. This • union' recently ' dis- j PASTON-MITCHELL € 0 . tmguished ;itself by' an act''of" "darr ing." If protected against the foreign sittt and Martba Sts. . ai»nnfaptnrer»_..J>f- .Bras». : n governments,'- who made "representa: Muinlnaro-aqd Salt Gray Iron Castings, Gate City Furniture Co. tions against the Berlin'"pogrom and ton are assured of soft castings, as WASH AJSTD KEEP WELL the Munich expulsions. But this "Naand «r« 'mwhlhi'-tioiiir from every hrot In A RULE OF HEALTH tional German Jew" .is not the old «ur own sbop. Globe Van & Storage Co* r Standard sli«> cast tron and bronze "Michael." He is much more of a In stork. owned end operated by FRONTIER TOWEL SUPPLY Don Quixote. He is a creature who " does not want to be a Jew and canGROSSMAN & SONS ISIS California Street. notrlje a German". He belongs to a' B2O-2S Ho." 16th St. Home Office Bunding class—not a numerous class—which &t. 0330 J a . 4338 despairs of itself. And that means Emerson Laundry : the end. " :§V 8.' MOEES. Prop.
Made WithMilk
In the case of >the other sections of the German Jews, beginning with the" "German citizens of the Jewish 1 Faith", down to the old Conservatives and the old Liberals, a.great trans-' formation has taken place from with-" in.- It has not- yet matured 'into political.ideasj these Jews are not yet conscious of their nationality; the change is for the moment cultural and religious. -It is well known that there is ar scarcity of synagogues in Berlin atpresent. Three, large synagogues have been built au'mgthe past/year,, but-it is hot enough. This is not because of the'influx of East European Jews. The- Russian Jews in, Berlin have remained, the hardened sinners they were, no panics have taught ,them to pray. The Polish Jews for their-part f o m their . "Minyan" and "Chevra" in the ugly grey tenement houses of the'north ' and .east of the' city, and nothing is heard of them. It fc the German Jew who has returned £6 the synagogue and is humbling-.-.nis soul before the words of the preacher.. \ It, is undeniable, a religious fervor is, passing through.German Jewry. Q'ne.is. tempted* to describe the' movement in the words of Theodbr Herzl as. 8. "return to Jewish faith, preceding the "return to the Jewish land J' Here, is the spirit . of thet time, we may'..say,, preceding . the return to the 'consciousness of a Jewish nationality 1 Only two, years ago, while Jewry stood overwhelmed' by the disaster' which had overtaken the Jews,in the Ukraine, the German 3-abbis still preached .on' the high' festivals on subjects like "The Family" and "Peace in the Home." On the last'high festivals, however, the' subj e c t was "The Beturn." "..Nevef were .so jnany tears shed in German synagogues 1as this year. The watchword "Return ' has been adopted ajso by "the thinking, representatives of,.the1 .younger- ,Jewish generation. Books full: of talent, which arouse'response, • put forward. variations of the one theme, an ethical religious return. This is' for 'the. present the manner lin which the'German Jew has reacted to wprld anti-Semitism. But it is only t--ehbeginningr. The real '(return" is ;visibly in preparation^.. , . This German Jewry in,the throes
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