July 3, 1924

Page 1

' Our-iNiew-Address Is 681 Brandeis Building.


Entered n ffl

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PARI SCONFERENCE ON CRIMEAN PROPOSITION WITHOUT RESULTS Moscow, (J, T. A.)—The conference, which was held recently in Paris by the representatives of a number of Jewish organizations on the proposition of a Jewish mass colonization Delegates H©po|r Louis Lipsky, Committees Appointed to Collect in the Crimea, ended without any Committees for Ensuing Term--"PaymeHtsWliicli Are Dae. definite resalts, according to a stateChairman ©i the Convention. Will Be Announced Later. J: ment made todaf by Mr, Leo Sack, the Interesting Program Being Arranged for Visitors—Public Director of the Jewish Colonization AFFILIATED . INSTITUTIONS ISRAELGOODMAN ELECTED OFFICIAL B E P O R T S OF Banquet to be Held Sunday Evening. in Russia, who has reVICE-PRESIDENT. PALESTINE MADE AT ARE IN, NEED OF FUNDS. . Association turned here from Paris, ••••:• C O N V E N T I O N . • ELECTION OF OFFICERS OF T H E CONVENThe Jewish" Welfare"federation is The headquarters of the Jewish Sam Beber, vrho was formerly viceTION W I L L BE ONE OF THE Pittsburgh.—With a record break- facing" a' crisis. . Unless money is Colonization Association, which, it is president, of the local B'nai B'rith ing number of over seven hundred raised immediately, the work of the expected, will invest the major part lodge, wag elected president of the FEATURES. delegates present, the twenty-seventh Federation for the month of July of the money required for the plan, annual Convention! of the Zionist Or- will be curtailed. "We are now has requested more definite informaMore than fifty young men will be the guests of Omaha, when ganization opened gjfere. they wfll attend the first annual convention of the Order of Aleph facing a. large deficit, cnlesa im- tion in the matter. It is proposed, Zadik Aleph. These young men are delegates and visitors of Preliminary txftvention business mediate money can be raised," said therefore, to held another conference, the different communities where the Aleph Zadik- Aleph chapters went off with c ispiich, -until Etnatmel Joe L. Wolf, chairman of tHe finance during the month of July, at which a are located at Des Moines, Lincoln, and Kansas City. Neumann,- Nations! Secretary of the committee. "We have carried on the' detailed memorandum will be sabKeren Hayesod, introduced a resolu- good work of the Federation for the mitted. This conference will make a The convention "will be held July 4, 5, and 6. Complete plans tion expressing tha esteem, in which past half year, but i o w the funds final decision with regard to the have been.made by the Omaha chapter, the mother chapter, for American Zionists hold Louis Lipsky, of the Federation have run low be- matter. an elaborate time for all the visitors and the delegates. National Chairman of the Zionist Or- cause of the non-payments of the The Order of Aleph Zadik Aleph is new. The complete organganization'," for his many years of Zi- pledges which are due." ization was formed January 1, with Omaha chapter as the mother onist service, and -their deep gratifi"The need" for money is greater chapter. The movement is sponsored and endorsed by the district cation' at his election on the World this year than ever before. We must' grand lodge of the B'nai B'rith. Zionist- Executive. Mr. . Neumann take care of our many local - relief A complete program has been arThe Order which originally began hailed Mr. Lipsky as the "great Zion- cases, and pay our pledges to the ranged for the business of the con- with but a handful of young boys vention. The important business of between the ages of 16 and 21 has Advisor of Des Moines A. Z. A. Here ist commoner," and the cheering dele- National institutions which we are Many Feature Events Will.Be Held for First Convention. gates were brought to their feet Tsrhe affiliated with and during the warm for Members. the convention will be the discussion now grown and more than-two hunRabbi Joseph Silvennan, for many weather we have a large number of of the granting of charters to cities dred boys have become members. Seppy I. Silberman of Des Homes, "Everybody is going to the Y who have, asked for them and of "I am sure that the boys will have Iowa, advisor of the Des .Moines years a stunch Zionist opponent, sec- transient cases." onded the motion and declared, "Whe-» election of officers of the convention. a wonderful time, both at the busiCommittees will make a canvass of picnic Get ready and hop in the The cities who have applied for ness meeting and with the social Chapter of Aleph Zadik Aleph will others were ready to rule or rain, Tip- the city for the collection of pledges truck. Sunday morning, July 13, for charters are: Grand Rapids, Mich., program that has been arranged ofr attend the first arr.ual convention of sky stepped in and ruled "without which are due. A large number of an all-day affair. The annual Y. M. Detroit; Chicago, Sheboygan, Wis., them," said Sam Bebef, who is the the Order which will be held in ruin." Acting Chairman Max Seiml- the subscribers of the Federation and Y. W. H. A. picnic will be held Omaha, July 4, 5, and 6. -He will Minneapolis, and St. Paul. 'father' of .the movement and through take an active part in the business man, of Chicago, calling for a vote on have not payed the second payment at Elmwood Park, Sunday, July IS. of their, pledges* these are long Complete plans are being made for SAM BEBHE. A class, of candidates will be whose efforts, coupled with the discussions of the convention. , . ; the resolution, was greeted with a very entertaining affair with lodge at the meeting held Thursday : initiated by the Omaha chapter Omaha delegation, he was able to Under the able leadership and roaring Lipsky -ovation, which contin- past due. degree team, on Sunday afternoon receive the endorsement of the dis guidance of Mr. Sflberman himself ued for over .'five .minutes and termed At a meeting held Sunday morning, feature events that will interest all. evening. Officers for the ensuing r the convention into a replica of srenes complete plans were made for the The. committee is making all arat the Fontenelle Hotel. This meet- trict grand lodge of the B'nai B'rith. a graduated attorney, although he is now current at Madison Square Gar- collection of: the pledges -and the rangements to have something doing term "were elected. Israel Goodman ing is for memb f of the Order and David 'Beber. is general chairman now engaged in t i e mercantile busiwas elected vice-president; Dr. Nafollowing men were appointed on all of the time. for members of tue B'nai B'rith. A of the convention. The climax of ness, the Des Moines Chapter of the den. than MusMa,•'•secretary; Harry <Freid-> special- degree team will have charge the convention will-be held Sundsy "A. Z. A." was formulated and they In his opening address Mr. Lipsky committees to assist in the collection: . "There will be games for the lifitle rasn, treasurer; Fred White, warden? J. J. Slosberg, Fedeiy boys and games for the big of the initiation. The following men evening, July 6, at the Fontenelle now boast a "crack degree ? team". pleaded with the «elegates-for action Datda Nathan 32.•'••Green, rgtxsrdian; Sain N . , Djrrid Blmnenthal, Morris MIMer, : with the girls race as3 /sp'lipper Sick- Wolf, Reuben Brown and A. B.- AlI«o Eosenthal, are on the degree team: Abe Baior, Hotel, where the convention banquet Mr. Silberman is advisbr to the Des which will result' in a union of all tsidor Ziegler, 1 Fred White, \ A. B. Alpfra ing contest, 'chicken ^hssmg and pirn, trustees. Dave Beber, Jerome' Diamond, Dave will be held. The entire publis is Mones Chapter;- also a member of Jewish forces for the rebuilding of 5. Savitz, "- • Harry A. Wolf. 3>r. A. iireenberg, everything. "Make yowr reservations are on the degree team:.Abe Babior, invited to attend this banquet and the' Supreme Advisory Council, a Palestine and which will not be ham- Henry Alonsky, The officers will be installed at the Nathan Bernstein, •for-the*picnic immediately so as we man, Max Givot, Lester Lapidus, are urged to make their reservations very active Ben Brith and a leader pered by old traditions and forms Harry Trastin, Bam Beber,meeting this evening. This will be M, SeUeoCT, K. ,S. Xaffe, • can plan on the number that will Sidney Sehiffer, Bernard Thedore, immediately. A special program has in Civic ' and Philanthropic • enter- which no longer spply in the new con- Harry SUvennan, 1. F. Goodman. the last meeting of the summer, Ilr. Victor Levine, Harry attend," said Sam, N. Wolfr •chairman, -. ^ .';• ; . l jand .Harry ."Wise. _ been, arranged for the banquet, and •prises."- lie" is now "treasurer--«f: the ditions. O l G ' b KV;v,. % of the * picnic:" emmnittee.'' *We have 'Both Beber-and <5oo4ms» hav©1»k«..; V-:;Tens-''-of thousands of: Jews 'Each chapter will be represented is as follows: E. Green, • E. .Meyer, United Jewish Philanthropies of Des waiting to find a home in Palestine Nathan William I,. HolzmaCj,. Harry Idpidos, secured a large list of prizes that en active parts in B'nsi B'rith work. by one official delegate. The followLouis Sommer, Bam Leon Moines as well as a member of the will be given out at the picnic to Beber has taken an active part in the Seppy Silberxnan and many of them are now lingering Joseph. L. Wolf, Harry Maiashock, ing men will be here as official del- Invocation. «. Board of Directors of this PhilanDr. Philip Sher, IrtraiB EarriE. the winners of the events. One of organization of the Aleph Zadik in "unfriendly ports" from which they of Des Moines egates: Jack Finkelstein, Lincoln, thropic institution. He is "President the prizes is a Five Dollar savings Aleph,..a young men's organisation, Nebr., Charles W. Shane, Des Address.. Sam Beber, Grand- Pres- of the Des Moines Talmud Torah and must be rescued by the combined efaccount given "by the United States sponsored by the B'nai B'rith. Beber Moines, la., William Horwitz, Kansas ident of Supreme Advisory Council perhaps the youngest president-bjra forts of the Jews of the world, in Condi.Bluffs ''.LO.'B.B.: was also the chEirman of the carnival National Bank." co-operation with the Zionist OrganImpromptu Talks 3 y Convention City, and Lester Lapidus, Omaha. Talmud;. Torah in this country; Under ization, was Mr. Lipsky's keynote • -Elects 1MeeFsl§rl«iiii:T era Another feature-event of the picnic which "was staged by the local lodge t- Delegates, -Visitors, and. Members his leadership and guidance Des message to the Convention. Paleswill be the Y. M. H. A. Junior base- of the B'nai B'rith and which/was one The A. Z. A. delegates will come * *f Supreme Advisory "Council. Moines is now classed as having one tine is the hope of the -entire Jewish Council Bluffs, Iowa.—Mr. O. Hoch- ball team game at l;30 at- W«st of the most successful events ever Henry Monsky of the best Talmud Toxah's in the to the services at the Young Israel Address held in the city. man was elected president . of the Elmwood. people, the bridge uniting all Jews --Nathan Bernstein United States. ' Synagogue Saturday morning. A Benediction.. The "announcements of the commit* local lodge No. -S&8. Mr. Charles the greatest force in Jewish life to...David Beber The members of the Y will meet large number of delegates are Toastmastertees that will serve for the coming Mr. Silberman is also Tery closely Saltzman was elected vice-president; day, he declared. With high faith in at the Jewish Community Center the expected to be present. The mem- The general program of the conterm will be made in the next issae" bers of the Synagogue are making vention will be in the following allied and associated with the Com- Palestine and in the Jewish people Mr. L. .Katleman, secretary; Mr. Max morning of the picnic and will leave of the Jewish Press. ""-*".. ' . Steinberg, treasurer; Mr. Philip munity Center and is now serving in the Zionist Organization would be enfor the park on. large tracks. arrangements to accomodate the order: Friedman, assistant Monitor; and the capacity as director of the instituabled to become the instrument for Jnly 4.—Friday visitors. and SOUTH SIDE TALMUD 10 A. M.—Registration of delegates and tion. He also devoted considerable the establishment of a union of al Mr. Harry Cohn, guardian; The Friday evening services will visitors at Jewish Community Center, time to organizing B.nd advising fhe Jewish forces in the making of the Messrs. J. A. Cherniack, Nathan lUth and Farnam Streets. • TORAH TO MEET be held &s usual at the Talmud 10:30 A. M.—Opening Business Session of Jewish Junior League in Des Moines, Jewish National Homeland, he said. Adler, and , Herman Meyerson, Omaha Jewry is "invited to attend Convention. Torah. Morris Fellman will speak 12 A.theJL—Luncheon.an organization of young men and The delegates were greeted by Mr. trustees. -Installation of these officers the next special meeting of the South on "The Struggle for Civil and 1:30 P. M<—BuaineBB Session-of Convenwomen tinder 2 years of age. tion. A. M. Ress, Chairman of the Conven- will be held Wednesday, Jnly 9. Side Talmud Torah to be held at two Interesting Program to Be Presented. "Political Rights in Western Europe." 6:30 V. M.—Dinner. tion Committee; Kabbi Aaron M. Ash8:00 P. AL—Heliplous Services. o'clock Sunday afternoon, July 6, at Rabbi J. M. Charlop will continue 0:30 V. iL—Fourth of July Celebration at insky and Harry M. Irons, Assistant EABBI SONKENfrBLD'S AD-• the Talmud "Torah building. An elechis lectures on "The Reason for Fontenelle Park. •Mr. F. D. Preston, -who just reOmsk Hebrew Gob City Solicitor, who represented the July 5,—Saturday tion of officers sad other business •will turned from Toronto, Canada, having HES3ENTS AGAINST NEW the Mitzvohs" at the Saturday eve- 10 A. 31.—Religious Services. transacted. 'COMMUNITY ORDINANCEning class meeting. attended the National Conference of 12 A, M.—Luncheon. Picnic Sfiiiif, JLigsst 17 Mayor. A feature of the opening session 2 P. M.—Sightseeing Tour of Omaha and Jerusalem. \ (J. T. A.) A day of Social Work there, •will be the prinThe services will be held at the Outing at Krug Part. The annual Omaha Hebrew Club were first-hand reports on present protest, fasting and prayer was held ROUMANIAN GOVERNMENT cipal : speaker ®t the first sammet Talmud Torah building at 21st and 0:30 P. M-—Dinner. P. M.—Dance JEor delegates, visitors, picnic will be held Sunday,: August conditions in Palestine, given by three by Kabbi Soimenf eld,. and Ms adherNOT RESPONSIBLE FOR meeting of the Y. M. iwi'd Y. Df Burt Streets. Everbody is welcome. 8:30and members of Omaha. Chapter at Hanscom Park Pavilion. 17, at-Peony Park. Complete plans recent visitors: Miss Henrietta Szold, ents against the proposed ordinance ' ANTI-SEMITIC INCIDENTS d evenH.' A. organisation this Monday July 6,—Sunday President of Hadassah, Jacob Fr?h- of the. Palestinian Government conChicago, (J. T. A.>—That the Eou- ing, July" 7, at eight o'clock at the 0:30 A. SI.—Business Session 0? Conven- are being made to make this a sucOMAHA A. Z. A. BEATS : tion. cess, according t.* Albert Kaplan, man, Editor .of the Jewish Morning- cerning the, foundation of'the'Jewish maxiian Government is not responsible Jewish. Community Center. A. M.—Meeting of the Supreme AdLINCOLN CHAPTER 10:30Tigory Journal, and Abraham Goldberg, znem- communities in Palestine. chairman of the picnic committee. . '. for anti-Semitic incidents in EcraCouncil. Five other specialty numbers will The Omaha Aleph Zadik Aleph 1 1V.M.—Luncheon. There will be: several contest "ber of £he Administrative Committefe This ordinance, which is now being maisia "just as the American Govern- foe featured om the program. A talk M.—Initiation of Convention. Class Baseball Team again defeated the 2:30at1*.Fontenelle Hotel. matches with valuable prizes to be considered by the British Colonial Of- ment is not responsible .f or lynch riots on '"The'Fttfeare Y** will be jnven by P. M.—Closing Session of Convention. (Conduced on oage 2.) Lincoln A; Z.. A. Team by a "score of 4:30 fice, has aroused a fear among Uabbi in the South," was the statement made Miss Rose Davidson, a datice number 7:30 P. JL—Convention Banquet at Fou- awarded to the winners. During the 14 to 11 Sunday afternoon in a retenelle Hotel* afternoon of the picnic, an interestSonnenfeld's .followers feat the ortho- here today by Prince Bibesco to the by" Miss Dorothy Goldstein, a vocal turn .game played at Lincoln. The ing musical program will; be held. dox Jewish institutions and communi- correspondent of the Jewish Tele- solo by Miss Helen Riekes. violin and Omaha boys defeated the Lincoln LATVIAN PRESIDENT ADMITS "We are attempting to secure the ties of Palestine will come..under the graphic Agency. piano dnet by little Rose and Ben Team several weeks ago in a game ANTI-SEMITIC CHAUVINISM best talents in the city for this prodominance of the Zionists. Prince Bibesco further stated.that Stein, and a surprise act by members played in Omaha by a score of 10 BEFORE JEWISH DEPUTATION gram," said Fred White. ; \ With the prayer, "God avert the the reports about' pogroms in Kou- of the Dramatic club. to 4. Riga. (J. T.' A.) A deputation of Dancing will be held during the Zionist tyranny," the orthodox Jews inania have bees exaggerated for the Everyone is invited to attend this to Help Jewish Students After the game this Sunday, the orthodox Jews, under the leadership evening, with several feature events wept-at the Wailing WalL Petitions special purpose of discrediting Eou- meeting- and program. American Colleges. Lincoln men entertained the Omaha of Deputy Dubin, appeared June 23 as a novelty. against the ordinance were also sent mania in the -eyes of the civilized Players at a banquet at Borough's before the President of the Latvian to the Palestinian Government and to •woxld. SpeaMng sbost the Jews, he .SIR' HEEBEET SAMUEL Chicago. (J. T. A.) A committee, Cafe. Over thirty members were Republic, Mr. Jam Chakste, to comColonial Office. . • . • . . - ' -. stated that he personally 'lias always consisting of Judge Fisher,^;Rabbi the. OPENS NEW BAKERY ' LEAVES FOE' ENGLAND present. Mr. Saul Arenson and Mr. plain .against the chauvinism of the ; • Propaganda -against the.-, ordinance been friendly to''them, knowing .well Jerusalem. {J. .T. A.) Sir Herbert Mann, iLeon L. Lewis andiEabbi B. Himelbloom has "moved into liis Louis B." Finkelstein, advisers of the Latvian officials and press. Lincoln Lodge, were among those Benjamin Frankel, was appointed by has been carried oa-by Eabbi Sonnen- their role In the world's progress. He In reply the President stated that he new sanitary bakery, which ,is one Adolph Kraus, President of the; B'hai .feld and -De Haan, the representative assured that' the Jews 'have equal Samael, British High CnmnussioTief present. fully agreed with the opinion of the block south of his former loeatiori. B'rith, to visit Wisconsin University of ihe Agudativ Israel in .Palestine, rights now in Houmania,'3Xtd'.that the of .Palestine, has left for his vacation in England. He is expected to return deputation that Latvia lacks the ob- "We will be able to give our custom- a t Madison* Wis., in order toi make for. several weeks. policy of the government is to protect to Jerusalem at the end of Septen* NORDIC CRAZE GROWING, ers far l>etter service than ever," said jective point of _ view which is neces•-.'•": ' DECLARES ARTHUR BRISBANE ilr. Himelbloom. "We "bake : -fresh the necessary arrangements there for of the Agudai3s Israel came to see Sir these rights. .' ber. New YoTk, (J. T. A.)—A scientific sary, in order to judge properly the breads and rolls twice daily. The bak- She establishment of a H2el Founda- Herbert Samuel on l i e matter,,sev- The Soumauiaa Jews ©f Chicago are The Jewish Telecraphic Agency ns1 economic and political situation of the association of German "racialists ery is all furnished with modern ma- tion for the Jewish students attend- eral days sgo, they were refused an arranging a luncheon tomorrcw in derstsnds that while in London Sir country. "Latvian politicians lack ripe audience. proposes a plan for a new State into honor of Prince Bibesco snd his chinery and the two large ovens are ing" this- university. Herbert Samuel will give, his fuB which only those who are "purely statesmanship," declared the Presi- enclosed with white tile." ' before they leave for Washington. The Hilel Foundation aims to give port to the £overnrpe-r.t ordinance esNordic" will be admitted, it was learn- dent. He further stated that his the Jewish students in the American JEWISH MEMBEK IN tablishing Jewish conmronol autonopower was limited by, the Constitution, ed today. JEWISH SYNOGOGUE XEW FRENCH ;€ABINETT RABBI KORNFELD, U- S. colleges an education in Jewish social, my in Palestine, for the purpose These scientists declare that a blood but that lie "would "use his* moral inMINISTER TO PERSIA, RESIGNS j s ^ a r f c f . t h e R p p e a l o f t l i e B r f t t a l l IS BERLIN ATTACKED . Paris, (J. T. A.)—The Jewish cultural and religious problems. This test would enable one to .distingoish fluence to prevent any injustice to the BY HAKENKBEUZLER foundation was established last se- Socialist Deputy Meyer, who is elty Teheran, (J. T. A.)-B»bbi Joseph >Qo]mi&l office of this ordinance, fa> between the "purely Nordic" and the Jewish people of Latvia. Berlin. (J. T. A.) The Jewish sya- mester at the University of Illinois, Mayor of Havre, is one of the mem- , Eomfeld. United States Minister to spite Smam* i t e ^ t}l5? p r o t e s t e o f tte mixed breeds. agojrae on Iinienstrssse, in the t quar- under the direction of Kabbi FrankeL bers of the new French Cabinet. Ee Persia, has rendered his fda party. Mr. Arthur Brisbane, in comment- NEW CLASS OF-IMMIGRANTS ter of the Eastern Jews, was attacked Dr. Mos<rs -Juitg, Professor at the has been appointed Under-Secreiary which has been assspted by Prssjdant ing upon the plan in the "New York CoolidgS, Jlsbbi Koxnfsld was ap- MONUMENT TO JAFFA GO TO PALESTINE June 24 by a-group of twenty Haken- London Dropsie College and Lecturer of the Merchant Marine. American,*' terms it "The Nordic Warsaw. (J. T. A.)—Another krerzrier. pointed to his post by the late Presiat the Universities of Yienna, Berlin 6EO3I VICTIMS Graze" and states: dent Harding:. group of several hundred Jewish During the prayer hour, wfcsn many and Cambridge, has been appointed by TELLERS SON GIVEN Jerasalem. (J. T. A,) A "That new Nordic State, by. the merchants and Chalutzin have left to- •worshippers were assembled, the Ha- the general office of the B'nai B'rith It is stated here thai the y •PALESTINIAN OFFICE to the memory of the 44*Jewis4! way, -would exclude the founder -rf day for Palestine. Most of them are kenkreozler broke into the building; to conduct courses in Jewish subjects * Jerusalem. {J. T. A.) Mr, Avaaoam was catssed by the pressure «f private thus of the A«»b pogrom in Christianity, whose mother-, was weH-to-vdo- and xure going there to demolished the halls &nd heat the at the Universities of Illinois and Yellin, the son of David Yetiin* has b^ssiness, and it is -expected that the 2S2S anveiled in Jewess. He, certainly, was not "purely establish themselves in various enter- •worshippers. The police intervened Wisconsin. Dr. Jucg is the author of bees appointed Assistant District Of- former Mfoister win again eccapy one etery of .Tel-Avjv. Babbl Nordic." prises arid businesses. th& "Jewish Laws of Theft" of the pulpits is the State of OMo. „

Uleph Zadik Aleph to Hold First Annual Convention Jniy 4 to 6th; All Chapters Will Send Delegates

WALTER RATHENAU HONORED ON SECOND ANNIVERSARY OF HIS DEATH Berlin. (J. T. A.) The memory of Walter Rathenau, the German Foreign Minister who was murdered T>y the anti-Semites, was impressively honored throughout the entire country by the republican elements on the second anniversary of his- death. Particularly impressive was the memorial assembly held on Ms grave in the Jewish cemetery in Berlin, at which 5,000 republicans gathered to pay tribute to Rathenau's genius. The memorial address was made -by Scheidermann, the leader of the German Social Democrats. A bouquet of flowers was laid upon the grave by President Ebert. A memorial gathering was also held in the Rathenau villa, where the murder took place. Ebert, in his speech there, announced the establishment of a society for the perpetuation of Walter Rathenau's memory.


Itteiifl^iy Sevei, ' Delegates

Welfare' Fiieratiii

3'aai B'rith Lodge for Nest Tern

Des Monies CoHmmial Leader Attends Convention

B'nai B'rith Establishes


'•-i- ft? '. • V.


" , .•:?••« .' .



of the guests of honor, including Mor- Palestinian Chief Rabbinate that his' their return will be at home in sisters. She will also visit in Chicag J and Detroit, Mich., before returning, ris Rothpnb&rg, Herman Conheim, Dr. people have the most friendly feelings Kansas City. 5684.1924. home in about two weeks. Silverman and Mrs, Simon Rothentowards the Jewish people of PalesEOSH CSQDESCH TAMMU25—July berg. .' Published every Thursday at Omaha,flebmsfca,toy tine, and he promises to give full Fourteen members of the Junior 3rd. A regular meeting of the Ladies. . . THE JEW4SH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY. protection and assistance to the Fal- Council hiked to Fairmont Park last Auxiliary will be held Sunday at PAESHA KOEAGH—J«ly 5th. .Office:- 681 Brandeis Theatre Building-^Telephone: &T lantjc 1450 ashi, a section of the Abyssinian Sunday morning. three o'clock at the Synagogue. PARSER CHUKATH—July 12th. . "' .NATR4N! .E. GREEN, Manager. people, which has been practicing PA^SHA BALAK—July 19th. Miss Helen . Cherniack entertained Judaism since ancient times. A fund ..$2.50. Subscription Price, one year. Mrs. A. Schoenwald, of Los Angeles, PARSHA PINCHAS-July 26th. Advertising rates furnished o»J application. of §30,000 was recently raised in sixteen of her guests last Saturday Calif., will return home today after a ROSH CHODESCH AB.—August 1st. R S S l t a e q give both the old and new address; America for the schooling and in- afternoon at a theatre pai'ty followed seven week's \isit with her parents, OB" PAESHA MAT- • S UMASSEM—Au- Issues Printed Report in Congres- struction of the Falashi Jews. be sure and Rive your name. by refreshments at Shaw's Parlor, in Mr. and Mrs. M. Saltamati. sional Record. gust 2nd. -The Jewish Press is supplied by the Jewish Telegraphic Agency (Jewish It will be. recalled that, according honor of her twelfth birthday. Correspondence-Bureau) with cabled and telegraphic? J§W"sh news.Jto addition PARSHA DEBARIM, SHABBQS Mrs. M. Krasne and daughter, Mrs. Miss Lucille Krasne celebrated her Washington, June 30. {J. T. A.) to the tradition of the royal house of to feature articles and correspondences from all Important Jewish centres, CHAZOM—August 9th. Abyssinia, the royal family are the Lawrence Krasne, returned last Thurs- twelfth birthday by entertaining at a Congressman Albert Johnson, Chairinquiries regarding news items credited to this Agency will be gladly TISHA B'OV—August; 10th. answered if addressed to Jewish Telegraphic Agency, 114 Jfifth. Avenue, PAESHA VAETCHANAN __ August man of the House Immigration Com- descendants of the Queen of Sheba and day evening after spending; ten days party last Thursday afternoon for a New- York City. number of her friends,. mittee, ha.s Ju.st published in the final King Solomon. Tradition has it also in Colorado. 16th. that the ruler is the "Son of a Lion," number of the Congressional Record PARSHA AKEV—August 23rd. The ~Mogen Dovid Club will hold a >V and it is noteworthy, in that respect, Mr. and Mrs. J. Katleman enter%WELCOME ALEPH ZADIK ALEPH ROSH CHQPESCH EULUL, PAR^ a four-pa,ge explanatory review of that the name of the Prince Regent, in. tained Monday evening in honor of meeting Sunday afternoon at .the the new immigration law which he Of the many hundreds of conventions that have been held SHA REAYr-August 30th. H b Hebrew, means: Head (Rosh), Child Miss Minnie Weinrtein, of Sioux City, Synagogue. in- our city, the first annual convocation of the Order of Aleph ROSH CHODESCH ELLUk—August states was requested by many col- (Taf), Lion (Ari). la., and her fiance, Mr. Oscar Katleleagues. Among other things he sets Zadik Aleph for Young Men, which will be held in Omaha on 31st. man, of Omaha. Julyf 4, 5, and 6, is worthy of more than passing note and merits PARSHA SHOFTIM—September 6th. forth is the latest estimate of the BIONHEITS DENTS GRADUATE FROM quotas of the various countries under Miss Minnie Friedman returned a:most hearty welcome. ' : '•• • BKAf'TX SHOT PARSHA KE SAZA — September the two per cent of the EighteenC. B. HIGH SCHOOLS AN1> CIIIROI'ODX homo last week after a three months • • - Standing as it does, fot better Americans, better Jews, better 13th, Seven Jewish students will graduEst. ISSH) sons and for the making of better men for tomorrow, the Order PAESHA NEZAVIM — September Ninety census basis of the new law ate Friday evening from the Abraham visit in Kansas City, Mo., Chicago, 111., Marcel find free reset In which goes into effect July 1. Naand other eastern cities. " days, SI.00 of Aleph Zadik Aleph is an organization that has the hearty sup-* 27th. . Lincoln High School of Council We specialize in permanent port of every clear thinking man and woman in America, regards !REV ROSH HASHANNO—Septem- tional origin is based on the place of Bluffs. They are the Misses Dorothy vravinp. birth. This estimate, showing a total Miss S'Reva Snyder left Friday for Open from s? A. M. to less of creed or faith, for it is in the die of such organizations that ber 28th. Aginskee, Faye Hirsch, Anita Gluck- Charlevoy, Mich., where she will at& F . M. of 167,750, is as follows: . .the future of our nation ia cast. 1512 Harney St. man, Reva Gross, Gertrude Kroloff, tend a convention of her sorority JSackson G774. 100 Albania "As. the twig is bent sa is the tree inclined". In a country Flora Marks and Mr. Martin Gluck125 Armenia torn by unrest, with pitfalls, awaiting youth at every turn, the man. Australia destiny of the nation, always resting heavily.upon the shoulders 785 Austria Graduation exercises will be held in (Continued from page 1) of its young manhood, depends more, than ever upon the force 500 Belgium ,.~ — the City Auditorium. Miss Marks will 100 that 'Abends the twig". Bulgaria of the Organisation and of the Greatreceive Class Honors, having a per3,000 Czecho-Slovakia By inculcating good morals and clean,-upright and honorable er Actions Committee of the World ANNOUNCE THE OPENING OF A 240 fect average for her entire high school Danzig . . living in the American Jewish youth in its most plastic and recep- Organization, Their glowing reports 2,800 career. Miss Marks was also recently Denmark, tive state, the Order of Aleph Zadik Aleph renders signal service-r- of Palestine's development brought 500 awarded a gold medal for writing the Finland . one upon which no valuation can be computed and which in itself enthusiastic applause? from the deleFrance - 4,000 g g d citizenship z h i p and splendid p Germany 51,200 best essay for the D. A. R. contest. is a satisfactoryy guarantee of good, at 1707 North 24th Street, between Sew&rfi and Clark Sts. Great Britain and North hood, for all those who are ushered into a man's estate by the gates. He invites all his costumers end friends to patronize him, Mr. Goldberg dealt in detail on the Ireland 34,000 ENGLISH ASSIMILATION idi h d ffrom within ithi it fld guiding hands its folds. Greece ..-, 100 economic possibilities in Palestine and Deliveries made to all parts of the city. IN" PALESTINE, CHARGES Founded upon the basic principlesof Americanism and p pp Irish Free State 25,000 declared that Palestine could be re Rev. E. Fleishman is the "Shohit". H. H. USSISCHKIN d dik Al 150 'Judaism, the Order of Aleph Zadik Aleph -cannot but prosper and Latvia TEL. WEBSTER 5488. Vienna.' (J. T. A.) That the English 350 surpass even its present remarkable proportions. Guided by the built within twenty years if the Jews Lithuania ... of America made the necessary sacriassimilation, which is being intro1,600 light of moral conduct which prompts its members to be ever Netherlands duced in Palestine, is the fault of the 100 ready to defend the weak, the helpless and the oppressed, a creed fices. New Zealand .... Brandeis group, the Hadassah and the ••"There is freedom for our people in 6,500 well worth of dissemination to the world, it cannot help but be Norway — Zionist officials of Weestern Europe, 100 a vital and virile factor in each community where it exists. The Palestine, more than in any country Palestine was the charge made recently by H. 6,000 splendid accomplishment of its few months of existence is in the world, even though we are only Poland .. 14 per cent of the population at presprophetic of the greater good that will become the legacy of future 500 H. Ussischkin, Director of the Jewish Portugal National Fund in Palestine at a meetent,*? he said. "This sense of freedom generations. . 2,500 Roumania ing of the Mizrachi. Omaha is conscious and appreciative of the noble aims and is explained by the consciousness of 150 Spain „ In developing his complaint Mr. Uswork of this order and it is with satisfaction that its rapid progress every Jew who goes there that he is Switzerland 2,000 sischkin stated that Sir Herbert Samat home, that he has at last come to is noted. It is with the heartiest of congratulations for past ac9,700 Sweden uel told him: "How do yoou expect 10 complishments and sincere good wishes "for the future that the a land where others imitate him and Turkey ° the Palestine officials to speak Hecommunity of Omaha extends the glad hand of welcome to the not where he is the imitator. Minor countries, including brew at a time when the Zionist ofloeal chapter, the Mother Chapter of the Order, and to all the "It is my conviction after a thorother Asia, other Euficials are not Hebrewized?" chapters of the Order in annual convention assembled. ough study which lasted for four rope, South Africa, etc... 15,000 weeks that Palestine can he rebuilt in TURKS RECOGNIZE _.167,750 our own generation, if the Jews of We have moved into our new HEBREW BUT BARS America sta^-d ready to make further In addition to the above, Johnson FRENCH FROM SCHOOLS model bakery. worthy saevifiees. There are almost that a limited classification Constantinople. (J. T. A.) The lanThe question, "Is Jewish, individ- education in freedom? He, with the no political difficulties. Thotisands explains of immigrants are exempt from quota ualish right?" is asked by Rabbi Joel eternal passion for liberty? Well, we and tens of thousands of Jews are restrictions, namely wife and unmar- guage of instruction in the Jewish Fresh Breads, Bolls and Blau in the June issue of the B'nai forget the deep, though let us hope, clamoring for admittance, willing to ried children under eighteen, of Amer- schools of Turkey must be either Turkish or Hebrew, and not French, B'rith News. While admitting that delible marks which ages of persecu- give their life blood for Palestine. ican citizens, also ministers, profesPastry twice daily. "it has been the mainspring of much tion have' left upon him. * * * And There are great possibilities, indus- sors of ccllege or academy, with their as heretofore, according to a decision that was great and admirable in Jew-r let us not forget, either, that freedom trial, commercial and agricultural, wives and children; under eighteen of the Turkish Ministry -of Education. After the closing of the French ish life," he also points out that "it is anything but a natural gift or right. The blame on us if we Qo,However, Congressman Johnson as- schools in Turkey, the Jewish schools has made the Jew a difficult and None of us are by nature recipients not build up this citadel of freedom serts that the strict conditions cf the were the only ones in which teaching somewhat intractable being; .little qf this gift, or grace, of freedom within twenty years" law will reduce the number of was conducted in a European lanamenable to discipline at the hand of Men and women must be prepared for A message from Nathan Straus, the quota exempt immigrants to one- guage. any kind of leadership." It has put an the reception of this gift, trained in unable to be present because cf his fifth of the old law.* end, for some time at least, to the the right uses of freedom, educated in recent-illness, declared: "To all those -Congressman Johgspn also emphapolitical independence. of the Jewish its duties and responsibilities no less formerly of the Chicago Bakery . people; for * * * a people that than in its privileges and. prerogaj* v?ho have taken part in the rebuilding sizes the great power given consuls GINSBURG—FRIEDMAN Moved One Block South refuses to be governed by its own tives. Freedom means a loose-footed? of Palestine, and particularly to you under the new law withholding imMr. and Mrs. Sam Friedman anwho have .been, the most pgrsisten* migration certific.at^s from applicants leaders is bound to be condemned to ness* which spells insecurity; but thi3 (Across the Street) workers, I would Mke to bring this if, as provided by }awf they know or nounce the marriage of their daugh" be "ruled by aliens." loose-footedness, which takes the message—that we have not worked have reason io, believe the alien inad- ter, Sara, to Dr. Edward L, Gins'1511 North 24th Street Individualism is the trait discussed place of the shelter afforded by slav- and sacrificed in vain. We have laid missible. In, conclusion, Johnson burg, of Kansas City, Mo. The wedSn this article, which is entitled "Race ery, is compensated for by the power the foundation of a wcrk that will reiterated that America, as an asylum ding took place Thursday evening; Webster 6284 Education and the Persistence -of Jew- of spiritual self-determination.- The last forever." and melting pot, has cqme to an end, June 26, at the home of the bride's ish Traits." ' "But," argues Rabbi purpose, therefore, of a people's eduparents before the presence of only The first day's sessions closed with Blau, "need this trait persist, partic- cation is: To develop in the people's a great mass meeting in the Syria the members of the immediate ularly with all the lessons of history soul that strength which alone enti- Mosque, attended by over eight thou- PRINCE REGENT OF family. ABYSSINIA CLAIMS RACIAL " against it? * * * Can an^ entire tles any human being to live by the sand persons. Principal speakers at El. Ginsburg and his bride are RELATIONSHIP WITH JEWS race of people be educated, or- ratheri strenuous blessings of freedom. * * * the meeting were Rabbi Abba HjUel now on a honeymoon trip and upon - Jerusalem, (J, T. A-)—That the re-educated? * * * *. Only the ''And, again, to come ta the prin- Silver of Cleveland, Rabbi Joseph Sii- dark-skinned Abyssiniaps claim racial blind chauvenist will insist that the cipal point at Issue, a proper educa- verman, Morris Rothenberg, National Jew is so perfect that he_ does not tion in freedom * * * necessarily Chairman of the Board of Directors relationship with the ancietf Hebrews Young couple desires room and need re-educating; only he will sub- means an eoceptance of leadership; or of the Keren Hayesod, Rabbi Hirsh is the statement made in a letter received to day by the Chief Rabbinate board in refined Jewish home limate the very defects of our people else freedom degenerates into license, Masliansky and Louis Lipsky. of Palestine from the Prince Regent ««The Fourth" Next Friday—Dress Up! ia SOUTH SIDE. Address •* * * into virtues.. There ara and falls apart by the divisive force Convention officers elected were: of Abyssinia, Ras Taf Ari, who is now Box 445, Jewish Press. probably many- peculiarities that a of "its atomism." Louis lipsky, Chairman; Henriette touring Europe. free life jn Palestine must and will Szold, Morris Rothenberg, Max SehulThe; Prince Regent assures the efface; but here the chief point emman, Elihu D. Stone and Judge GusPOLISH ASSIMILATIQNISTS, phasized is this Jewish individualism, whicly must be educated out of. .the. FORCED, BY EJECTION, CREATE tave Hartman, Vive-Chairmen; MeyerSEPARATE COMMUNITY Weisgal, General -Secretary; David debasement of self-consciousness into • ' Warsaw, (J.CT.; A.')—-"Poles of the Tannenbau: •, Dr. S. Bernstein and the sublimity of consciousness of self. rt For, obviously, the success, of the Zj- Mosaic Faith "yrill be the name of a Jacob lsh-Kishor, Associate Secretaonistic experiment itself depends on separate Jewish" community in War- ries. Moe Turman, President of whether- the Jew can at last learn the saw, which, the Polish _ Jewish . As- Young Judaea, was elected Chairman .•wholesameness of discipline, whether sihiila.tiQnists intend to establish, he- of the Committee on Committees, and at last he can become amenable to cayse of their complete, defeat at the Meyer Abrams, Secretary. The ComOn and after July 3 the Federal mittee includes: Aaron Garber, Islast Kehlllah elections. leadership. * * * tax on long distance telephone rael Kurland, J. L Rudavsky, Julius* Important negotiations are now A N S W E R the call of comfort and good apmessages will be discontinued as a *I would, not he understood as look- being conducted between the repr Haber, Max Conheim, A. O. Branz, result of the new tax law passed by i \ pearanet—get into S7narfiy tailored tropical . 3ng upon Palestine as the o,nly possi- resentatives of the newly elected Robert Silverman, Jacob Ish-Kishor. Congress and signed by tho Presible educational instrument for • the Zionist and Mizrachi groups and the A. M. Ress, Theodore Rachoosin, Rabclothes and a new world of hot weather enjoydent on June 2. bi Samuel Sachs, Jacob Hechman, Damodern Jew, I have pot yet given non-part!sa.n <jel<?gate. ment will be yours. Be sure they're "Smartly vid R. Sandier, Mendel N. Fisher, Mrs •up the hope that .the modern Jew can Tailored"—you're sure of it here—that's what The purpose of these negotiations is Joseph Goldman and Miss Ruth CoThe elimination of this tax be re-educated in the..art of living to" create in the iCeliillah council a'Nasets Nebraska's tropicals in a class by themselves. affeets all long 'distance calls of hen. even outside of Palestine. Of course, by this I do not mean what is usuallv tional Jewish bloc, which would op15 cents or more. On calls for Monday's session was given over to meant by Jewish education. * * * pose the policies of the large number reports from the various fund-raisinp W O N D E R F U L VALUES which the charges are from 15 to of orthodox Agudist delegates. The ' I mean something else, something bigorganizations affiliated with the Zi50 cents, inclusive, the tax has program of this proposed bloc would ger. . . -• be, inter alia% to. introduce a compul- onist Organization, including the Kebeen 5 cents and on each, message "Wo must aim. all our educational sory tax y»pon the Jewish population ren Hayesod, Jewish National Fund, fox which the charges are more .efforts, viewing these in the large as for the purpose of furthering, immi- and American Zion Commonwealth, than 50 cents, the tax has been including not only schoool and syna,-. gration to Palestine. together with important resolutions r gij activities, hut -also all . 10 cents. This tax has been colAnd Other Good Ones Qn the Jewish Agency, reported upon ences exercised by communal and by Morris Rothenberg, and resolution? lected by the telephone company • lie agencies of whatever sort, at the FREUD INVITED BY HEARST on Palestine, following a report by for the Federal Government. - improvement and enhancement of the TO PSYCHO-ANALYZE Abraham Goldberg. Jewish type from the three-fold angle LEOPOLD AND LOEB This redaction in the cost to users Tuesday, the closing day of the ses-* EXTRA VALUES—GENUINE '"' of, matter, mind and spirit, especially Vienna. (J.- t . A.) Dr. Sigmund sion, reports vere rendered by Haof long distance service increases Ha Freud, the famous psycho-analyst, has* dassah, Young Judaea, and Order of usefulness for business and social : spirit, purposes. Ask oar Business Office "Can-1TOap<?ufc s u c k a * educational been offered a great sum of money by Sons of Zion and the Organization "" course' " * Can» but, in my poor way, the Hearst newspaper, syndicate. ti> and Budget Committees. for assistance in further adapting Light, medium and dark colors—All "."lay-down the ideal. And that-uleal come to^ America for- the 'purpose ot Prior to-the opening of the eon* long distance service to your reslues for raon and young men. shapes itself in my mind in the form- psycho-ianalyzing Nathan Leopold, Jr., vention, the Pittsburgh committee of quirements. that .the Jew nee<Js an education and Richard Loeb, the Chicago youths the Keren Hayesod tendered a lunch-v?ho confessed to the murder of Rob- eon to the visiting1 national officers of the Keren Hayesod, at which over & moment to ert Franks. Prof. Freud refused, -however,, to 312,G0& in cash was contributed from •iharls tlw ;WQSil{|-ensue dared I say accept this offer on account ot Ms- ill Pittsburgh $ml Neighboring cities. D?.ti<8* APPASEt FOR MEN AND WOMEN= in converse health. He. is-reported, to/he suffer H«- M. Schnitze* of Pittsburgh presid.this tt i f r o m cancer of the mouth. ed and addresses were made by some in need of an I








Congressman Johnson EExplains li N NewQQpQta BID

Zionists Convention Attended by 700 Delegates





Telephone Users Relieved Tax on Long Distance Calls

of Nebraska's

HS and

Palm Beach Suits




PAGE 3-^FHE mWtSM PRE3S, THURSDAY, JULY 3, 1024 Hostesses of House Parties Are Busily Entertaining Their Guests Who Are Keeping Social Calendar Filled

Rabbi Frederick Cohn returned phia. The party will sail for Europe party in honor of their daughter and ] son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs, Sol Zajrer, to i Tuesday from Cedar Point, O., where July 14. honor their fifteenth wadding anniverOut-of-town guests of Omaha's social school set are being widely enter- he attended the Central Conference of Mrs. Victor Friend entertained five sary. About one hundred guests were American Rabhis. tained during their visit here. small guests and their mothers Mon- present. Among: the out-of-town The Misses Bernice and Reva Kulakofsky are entertaining at a houseday afternoon ir* honor of the second guests present v.ere T.Ir. and Mrs. Joe Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Pesseif party this week-end, having as their out-of-town guests several of their motor to Sioux City, la., Friday, Julv birthday of her daughter, Marilyn. Spiegel and family, of Omaha. school mates, Miss Evelyn Richards, of San Jose, Calif., Miss Lillian David- 4, to spend the week-end. son, of De3 Moines, la., and Miss Ruth Davidson, of Sioux City, la. For Mrs. Sarah Lehman is spending sev- Mr. and Mrs. Ji\ax Lehman motored their visitors, the Misses Bernice and Reva Kulakbfsky are entertaining at Miss Rae Sara Iseman, of Nebraska eral months visiting with relatives in to Chicago, 111., where they will visit a dancing party Friday evening at their home, and they have issued cards City," Nebr., visited here last week Holton, Kas. ' with relatives-for several months. for a Tea to be given at their home Sunday afternoon from 4 to 6. Next with Mrs. N. Mantel. Mr, and Mrs. Ed Giigenheim and , Mr. Sam Fishkin returned Monday week, Miss Lillian Davidson isentertaining at a house party at her home Mrs, A. Sherman, Mrs, Ann Hur- children, Delphine and Marian, and in Des Moines, and she will have as her guests her two hostesses of this witz, Mrs. L. Abrahamson and Mrs, Mr. Morris Friend left Wednesday on from a trip +;o Buffalo, where he atweek and their out-of-town visitors. tended the Display Men's Convention. Miss Rose Davidson was hostess at a unique "Japanese*' bridge party A. B. Cherniss motored into Omaha a motor trip to Minnesota, They will WEDDINGS ENGAGEMENTS the for.twenty guests Sunday afternoon at her home, complimentary to her from St. Paul, Minn., this week to spend the summer at Lake Minne- .Warsaw. (J. T. A.) A conference VANN-TBOCHTENBERG. Mrs. Anna Harris announces visit with relatives. tonka. of all the Polish Rabbis will conven© An attractive home wedding toojc engagement of her daughter, Lillian, cousin. Miss Richards. Cards, color scheme, prizes, and the luncheon were to Mr, Jacob Brookstein, son of Mr. all carried out in Japanese fashion. H': Miss Edith Covich left Thursday Mr. and Mrs. J. Soklyn entertained on July 4Jtfa in Cracow, at a call isplace Sunday evening, June 29, when * • . * : '" evening for Des Moines, la., to spend Sunday afternoon at a surprise bridge sued by the Rabbinate of Cracow. -Miss Stella Trochtenberg. became the M, Brookstein, of this city. No wedding date has been set. Entertainments for Miss Mary Steinmetz, of Wheeling, W. Va., who the 4th with her parents, Mr. and bride of Morris Vann at the home of is visiting her roommate, Miss Pauline Herzberg1, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. W. Covich. the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Mr. and Mrs. W. Weinstein, of M. Herzberg, have been numerous. Among the large affairs given for the Trochtenberg, 220 Benton, Council Miss Sarah, Rigeman will arrive Sioux City, Iowa, announce the visitor was a dancing party, at the Omaha Athletic Club Saturday evening, at BTuffs. from St. Louis, Mo., Saturday to'visit engagement of their daughter, Minwhich Mrs. A. Herzberg was hostess. Plans are being made for affairs to The. ceremony "was performed by with, friends here. In St. Louis she Rabbi Charlop. Miss Helen Kiekes nie, to Mr. Oscar Katleman, son of be »iven next week in honor of Miss Steinmetz, who will visit here for was visiting with her sister, Mrs. Ed, sang "I Love You Truly" preceding Mr. and Mrs. S. Katleman, of Omaha. several weeks. Paxton Block • "The Store of Individual Shops" 16th & Farnsm Alperson, and. Mr. Alpergon, formerly the wedding march which was played The wedding will take place soon. of Omaha. Miss Ann Rosenblatt entertained the school "crowd" at bridge Wednesday by the Misses Lustgarten. The room . Mr. and Mrs. Joe Adelson announce afternoon at her home. in .which the ceremony was pevf ormed SHEBAS CLUB NEWS. was decorated with smilax, white, the birth of a baby son. A novel "hard-time" party was givMr. and Mrs. Bernard Cohn and - Miss Toby Steinberg is chairman, of roses and palms. The bride's only Miss Jean Handelman, of Chicago, daughter, Mrs. Eva Loengren, and the July entertainment committee for en by the Sheba,s club Monday even• attendant was Miss Estyre Zalk, maid HI., who was the house guest here of ing at the Jewish Community Center. of honor, and Mr. Reuben Vann acted the Misses Ann, Pauline and Lottie granddaughter, Miss Georgia Loen- the Junior Hadassah, and she is being The prize for.the best costume was gren, leave Saturday for Philadelphia, assisted by the Misses Helen Levinas best man. Selicow for two weeks, returned to Pa., where they will visit. son, Fanny Ziegman, Minnie Levey awarded to Miss Lydia Ross, and a A reception followed the ceremony. her home Saturday. and Mary Maize! to make plans for a prise for, winner in a game was won Mr. Vann and his bride left Sunday The Misses Sara and Fannie Ru- social event to be given during the by Miss Naomi Cohn. The next gathevening to. spend their honeymoon in Mrs. A. I. Kulakof sky, accompanied back were hostesses at a bridge-tea ering of the club "will be during the California, They will return the early by her daughter and son-in-law,'Mr. at the Brandeis Tea Rooms Saturday month of July. month of July. The Misses Lydia part of August and will he at home and. Mrs, Samuel I. Brandt* returned afternoon in honor of Miss Zelda Mrs. Harry Miller an<J children, of Ross, Ida Babior and Lillian Lipsey at the Morris Apartments. i Monday evening from a short stay Jacobs, of New York, • who has been Manhattan, Kans., and Mr. and Mrs. were in charge of the arrangements Out of town guests for the wedding* with Mr. and Mrs. A. I. Sacks in visiting in Omaha for the past month John Robinson and children, and Mr. for the affair. included Mr. and Mrs. A. Cohen, Mr, Sioux City, la., where Mrs. Kulakof- and who is leaving for her home Abe Jacobs, of Norfolk, Nebr., visited and Mrs. Trochtenberg of Fremont, sky and Mrs. Brandt had gone to meet Thursday-, and also complimentary to here with Mrs. E. Jacobs and left AUFLEBUNG CLUB. My. and Mrs. Oscar Rosenblum and. Mr. Brandt, Mr. Brandt will visit Mrs, N, Harry Miller, of Oakland, Monday for Norfolk. Miss Betty German and Mr. Harry Mrs. A. Schwartz of Kansas City. here for the week-end, after which he Calif., who is visiting here with Mr. GIassi»ari won the prizes given at the will leave for points west before re- Miller at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mr, and Mrs, J. J, Greenberg an- first picnic of the Auflebung club SunStrikingly M e due cd Mrs. Lester Heeger, of Sioux City, turning to his home in Bronx, N. Y., Morris Green. Covers were laid for nounce the birth of a baby port, born day, June 29, at Hanscom Park. The Iowa, returned home after a three while Mrs. Brandt will visit here be^ sixteen, guests. • In Many Instances, to Tuesday morning. The new arrival is club's second summer activity 'will be s stay here with, her parents, fore returning home. the second member of the family a dance to be given at the Hanscom and. Mrs. B. Grossman. . Mr. William Levey left Thursday is the fifth generation of Mrs. Green- Park Pavilion Monday evening, July The RQ-NO club entertained WednesMr. and Mrs. M. Solomon will day evening at a dancing party at the for Chicago and Rockford, 111., to be berg's family, 1 4 . • '. • gone for a week. Jeave for the West Saturday, July 5, Peony Park. The Omaha Chapter of Hadassah ' A joint picnic and s^rirnming party accompanied by Mrs. Salomon's The Misses Florence and Dorothy are entertaining at a picnic Wednes- •will be given hy the Junior Daughdaughters, Mrs. M. Katz, of Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. J. Lewis announce the Ringle entertained at a bridge at their JUu 8n.d. Miss Rae Bercu. Mr. Solo- birth of a baby son, born Saturday home Monday evening in honor of day afternoon, July 16, at Elmwood ters of Zion and Hatlkvoh Girls. SunPark, for their members and families. mon will visit with his daughters, morning, June 28. Miss Zelda Jacobs, of New York. The picnic "will begin at two o'clock, day, July 5, at Krug Park, Members of both clubs viill meet at ten o'clock Mra. M. Fregger and Mrs. M. Levine, at six o'clock the entertainment Sunday morning at the park, Mrs. Mina Jacobs is spending the About thirty guests were present. at Billings, Mont., while Mrs. Solomon and daughters will go through summer months in Oakland, Calif. Mr. and Mrs. David A. Dennenberg committee will serve coffee to the guests. Yellowstone Park, stopping off at • ? 'ANNOUNCEMENT*^ . '• The Misses Ida and Dorothy Lust- announces the birth of a baby daughSalt Lake City, Colorado Springs, garden left Tuesday morning, July 1, ter, on Saturday, June 21. Mrs, DenA one o'clock luncheon followed by The Misses Ruth Polsky and Rae; Denver, and Estes Park. for an extended trip to Chicago, 111., nenberg was formerly Miss Fanny bridge was given by Mrs. I. Perlman Poska entertained at seven tables of' and other eastern points where they Rothenberg, of this city. 1 at he? home Monday afternoon, hon- bridge Sunday at the harne of Miss' To My Friends and Customers: ~"x. .r.r;M Mrs. D. Cohn. and daughter, Jean- will visit with relatives. On Wednesctte, of Des Moines, Iowa, wiU visit day they will play the wedding march Mr. and Mrs. William L. Holzman oring Mrs. Simon Nevelof, of St. Jo- Poska honoring Mrs. William Snitov-',; I have dissolved partnership and am now here during the week-end with Mr. at the wedding of their cousin, Miss and son, Max, have given up their seph, Mo. Prizes were won by Mrs.} sky, a recent bride, and Miss Hannah and Mrs. H. Goldstein, while on their Ida Quandow. Mr. Lustgarden will suite at the Blackstane Hotel and are Tolly Kaplan, Mrs. H. Hirschman, Logasa, who is visiting in Lincoln as personally in charge of my Kosher Meat Market Mrs. E. Marcus- and Miss Sylvia Mos- the house guest of her sister, Mrs. way to California. follow by auto shortly and they will now at the Carter Lake club for the and Delicatessen Store, j " kovitz. Twelve guests were present. Louis I. Bogen. irrotbr from Chicago to Cleveland, O., summer months. Mr. Jack CripeTaHoV of « Mr. Leonard . Hockenberg, of Des Mr. and Mrs. Sam Wessel left Tues-' 111., formerly of this city, V?ill 'arrive arid other cities. Miss Bess Newman Mrs- Harry A. Wolf and son, Jusaccompanied the Lustgardens Tuesday tin, are planning too leave Omaha Moines, la., arrived Wednesday to be day for Montreal. They will be joined in Omaha Friday to visit friends. morning too visit for several weeks Sunday, July 6, for a seven weeks* the guest of Mrs. M. Zalk and his by Miss Adele Aach, who has been Miss Fannie DubnoftT entertained at with her relatives and friends in the sojourn at the Ritz-Carlton in Atlan- fiancee, Miss Estyre Zalk. visiting in Des Moines and PhQadelthe Brandeis Tea Rooms in honor of east. tic City. While there they will visit Webster 4330. 1513 Xorth 24th Street. Miss Mollie. Siever, of Minneapolis, with Mrs. Wolf's parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. S. Finkenstein was surMinn. prised at her home Monday afternoon Mrs. C. W. Bernstein. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Wolf have by members of her card d^K Y* Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Brown have as into their new home at 521Q Daven- entertained in her honor. Mrs. Fink- their visitor this week Miss Gertrude port Street. enstein and family are leaving soon to Fogelson, of Lincoln, Nebr. (First Jewish Baker of Omaha) make their home in California. JUS ACKEliMANN MTS. M. Katz, of Chicago, 111., and her brother, Mr. Irwin G. Bercu, of announces the re-opening of his business in his Mrs. Ida Mager, mother of Mrs. S, Cleveland, O., arrived in Omaha to Nitz, left Tuesday for Philadelphia, Harry Kononovitch "WE NEVER SLEEP" • .„ *. J new and sanitary bakery. visit with their mother, Mrs. Mt a« where she will make her home Floral Designs—Gardening in- its Entirety rE& f Solomon. Mr. Bercu will spend the With her sans and. daughter. •••— OPENING SUNDAY — Studio—201 Crtuinse Blk. Day and Night Phone Walnut 8294, I week-end here while Mrs. Katz will 1608 North 24th Street Webster 144S Ilarney 8J7G Mr. and Mrs. M- Somit have moved visit longer. 1902 SOUTH 46TH STREET, Corner 46th and Center Sts, Orosh*. I Bowing for Adv:jnee4 Pupils. In intot&eir home at 2439 Decatur street, Miss Fannie Levinson entertained, twenty-five at bridge Tuesday eve-, jiing" at her home in honor of her CONDITION OF guest, Miss Jeanette Levinson, of Ft. HAVE GROWN WITH Worth, Texas. Other affairs are also Our Permanent Home being given for the visitor.

Dresses* Coats, - .Suits and Furs



Ambler Gardens ]

Violinist — Instructor

' The Misses Esther and Yetta Nathan entertained the Ra-Oth Society Wednesday evening at their home, Prizes were won by the Misses Dora .and Rae Wolqwitz, Esther Zalk, Bess. Stalmaster, Sylvia Levey and Bertha Leon. .The honor guests were the Misses Esther Zalk and Fanny Brodsky and Mrs. Morris Vann, formerly •Miss Etella -Trochtenberg,

$13,580,000 :,;.,.:.„„„, Assets $455,000 '..... .<.,... Surplus

ASSOCIATION This Association began doing business 35 years ago in a smaU'-way and now has over 13% millions in assets.

Miss Ann Zalk is feaving Sunday evening for California, to be gone for a month. - •

35 Years of Business in Omaha Dividends Paid F&ttv Times Each Year

Mr. and. Mrs. Herbert "Heavenrich and children returned' from Detroit, Mich., Saturday.

Supervised and Examined by State Banking Board.


Mr. ana Mrg. B. Fleishman entertained at four tables of bridge at their home Saturday evening in honor of their twenty-fourth, wedding anniversary.

As Solid as the State of Nebraska

Miss Dorothy Reuben left Sunday for Ft. Dodge, la., where she will visitwith relatives and friends.

Money invested is loaned on first mortgages upon homes, on which interest and principal are refnrned monthly, making fo* absolute safety

Mrs. H. Gleken returned. Friday from a month's stay in' Chicago, HI., yfh^re she was visiting with relatives* Shft was accompanied here by her cousin, Miss, Rose Gleken, of Chicago, who will spend several-months, here.

Bs Thrifty—It Will Pay You in the Long Run. Our Loans Will Pey Out in 10 Years, and 2 Months. We Want Loans on Homes Only

Mrs. Harry J. Cooper will be hostess at her home, at 3110 Lincoln . hpulevard, Monday afternopn, July 7, $t the July card party of the Omaha. • CJhaptei? of Hadassah, Those who arp. .assisting her are the Mesrtames L. 4-ckerman, J. Bernstein and S. N, Ripps

The Association is under the direct supervision of the State Banking department, with funds invested in first mortgages on improved real estate. Association' has set aside a Contingent Loss fund as Undivided Profits amounting to over $461,0OQ.QO which assures ample guarantee for principal an£ dividends.

at opening of business lulu 1, RESOURCES Keal Estate Loans , . . .$12,006,827.00 Stoek Loans 66.878.IS Office Building ,.., £48,600:60 Real Estate ...*...-: • 27,407.1^ Real Estate Sold on Contract 87,976.15 4 Accrued Interest on Eeal Estate Loans and Securities. 65,796.48 Loans in Foreclosure ......t 115,760.51 State and Municipal Securities ,.,:«.,,,,.,.., 48,8£6.9T U. S. Treasury and Liberty Bonds 457,400.00 Cash en Hand and in Banks , .•. 464.3S8.41


At tfeis time we solicit aeee^nts, from $1.00 to $5,000.00. Deport An; Sum Up to 15,000.00 and Yea Get 5% Divide&eU Ccrapeeadsd Have you an emergency fund far siefeiess, accidents, loss of employment or *a sccoGst for tfea education of your children?

Capital Stoek ..-.-. Incomplete Loans Eeserve Fur*d ..'.« Undivided Profits



A liquid; investment that canned bo escelled for high rate of yield sad safety.

Iscroase in Assets for srs Bsottt'fas June setts......$936,780.92 OFFICERS AKD DIRECTORS Join F, Flack, PreisSslemi £. K. Eovell, K. A. McEadarc-u, Vie« &r«mi&atit J«J*n T. Brote-fiiW, A**t. Ge«?s« C. FUelt, Trawrarsr RoWfc Desapatar H. O. Hfiilk** Auditor.

Came in and talk to us about your iavestiaests.

Dividends Payable Quarterly

Have you ever been in » pooiWcsc? We you against it,

Save far Your Home. A Home WiU Help Cut Damn Your Income Tax Systematic savers are successful; others are not. Sacrifice now and leave with tlsis Asso' ciation 10% of your income. Hundreds of millions have been lost in Nebraska fey promoted stocks, but NO LOSSES have been made in & building and loan association.


tai3^^•M£h^^Mk^^Mkk^^.Ji^ik%^C ?'^}fi<ii>


't-t.cr^i^j^-ii'-i^f-^S:',M->ir>-.-, :••',.,£.''',• *'.-."*<>4ti-

14£,5gO.fS 455.000.00 6,745.10



PAGE 4—THE JEWISH PRESS. THURSDAY, JULY 3, 1924 shazzar, have not humbled your heart, long tables rose light laughter and burden on producers and consumers,! Witebsk. Great damage has or. snow. Stormy vinrls are not necthough you knew all this, but have the; sdund of lovers' kisses. and that it was a relic of war time. caused in many smalt villages, houssc J essarily a feature of a cyclone. In Dinah, no longer pale - and tremlifted yourself against the Lord of About 1,700,000 long distance calls being destroyed and people killed. | short, a cyclone Is an exceedingly commonplace event In the life of an heaven; and they have brought the bling, but wine-flushed, and beautiful, are made in the United States each American citizen.—Detroit News. j rested in.her lovet's arms;-one lanvessel's .6f His House before you, and day. Over : 15,000,000 telephones in : LEVINGEH. ;" A-5*6 The Anticipatory Canine. j guid ha,nd still held the goblet ravyou and your lords have drunk from the nation are all interconnected, and VIU24, t>> .Ehou; Etarlteli Levlnger. All. Rights Reserved.. -; Tramp—I believe ypp dog likes me, j them, and the God in whose hand your ished t from the altar at Jerusalem. ,enable persons in more than 70,000 A FctrJKear Path lady. He wagged his tail" at me when ! Suddenly she .started, eyes wide, nos- cities, towns and communities in the* breath" is, you have not glorified; then Two women v,<are flisrnsisung a wedI come In. | : - '?A Day in .Babylon!" : . : the astrologers. " They bowed low be-was, the hand sent from before Him, trils quivering, with the terror of the United States, Canada and Cuba to ding that had taken place at their Housewife—Perhaps he was Just j . - Belshazzar, the king-, made a great fore him, waiting for "his word. hunted slave. and this.writing was inscribed." church the previous day. converse with each other any hour of thinking of all the fun he's going to "Listen," cried the king to the wise feast to a thousand of his lords in • The.golden goblet dropped from the "And do you know," said one, "Just "I hear'the sound of spears—of day or night. This has led to a steadtave with you when you go out. the city of purple lust and gold, which men of Babylon. "Whosoever shall king's hand; it fell upon, the marble shouting isoldiers." as Frank and the widow started up ily increasing use of the long distance .men called Babylon. Belshazzar's read this writing and declare unto me pavement' like a clanging sword. Litthe aisle to the altar every light in Thadus shook his head. ."Only the service for social and business purA New Make cf Car. . heart was filled with piide and he the interpretation of these words shall tle Dinah, swaying like a broken reedf, wind in the poplars," he told her, poses. the church went out." Fred A. Wetherby, who lives in This stcrtllnc bit of information commanded his slaves to bring the he clothed with purple and ' have a" clung to'her lover; he held her close, drowsy with wine and love. Removal of the Federal tax on long Martinsville, • has ' taken an unusual wab greeted by a number of "Ohs!" golden and silver vessels which Ne- chain of g'Jld about his neckband shall his lips against her ear. "I hear the sound of heavy feet distance telephone calls does not mean Interest in a bright four-year-oid boy "What did the couple do then?" In: buchadnezzar, his.father, had taken rule as one' of three in "my "king"Fear not," he whispered through upon the palace courts." that the Telephone Company will not of one of his neighbors, and this inter- quired one. ..—out of the temple which was in Jeru- dom." her hair,- speaking bravely, though his i "Kiss me," he commanded, and shecontinue to pay its proportion of taxes. est Irus elicited some very amusing "Kept on going. The widow knew salem, that the king and his lords,' his But neither the enchanters, nor the own great- heart hammered - in his kissed him. by the youngster. The other The Federal message tax was as-remarks the way." Chaldeans who knew the stars, nor day Mr. Wetherby drove into his wives and his concubines might drink throat. "Fear, not, beloved, for all Above his head Dinah saw the ranks sessed against the telephone user. The neighbor's the astrologers could read the writing place and stopped near the from the holy cups and mock the will be well with us.. Love like ours of armed men closing in upon them, Telephone Company, will continue to place the four-year-old was playing. Poor Selection ' Jews in thsir feasting. So they drank upon the wall. Suddenly an impulse can never die." - the armies of the Medes and Persians pay its regular Federal, state and ill, you can't rend, can you?" "I'm gping: to set me a car when I their red wine from the golden ves- that she could not understand drew She did not answer him, only stared bringing death and destruction to all other taxes. get big," the boy announced em- asked a Liverpool navvy of his mate. sels, which had been stolen out of the Dinah to her feet, and she forgot her with fright-widened eyes at the He-those who had supped with the king phatically. "Nope. I just kind of glance at the House, of God, and they praised their fear of the king and of all those, who brew prophet standing before the king of Babylon. But she smiled, for she "You are," encouraged Mr. Weath- paper like. I never had no real schoolown gods of gold and o£ silver,, of sat with him at. his banquet table, and of Babylon. She held her panting had known her golden hour of love POLAND TO GRANT crby good-naturedly. "What kind are ing. I did learn the letter o, but it •wood and of stone. Butai'though the cried out in a voice that all could hear breath that she might not lose a sin- and life, and she was no longer afraid. LANGUAGE RIGHTS TO MI- you going to get?"' wes a poor selection." "A Rhode Island Red," replied the young Prince Thadus draiJk with the from one end of the purple hall to gle word. "Why so, Bill?" NORITIES, EXCEPT JEWS Even when their swords flashed at her "It's no guide at ,all," explained others, he did not praise. t}e gods -of the other: "O, king, there is a man "Mene Mene, Tekel, Upharsin," throat she smiled at the shining death Warsaw. (J. T. A.) The minority youngster.—Indianapolis New s. Bill. "I'd hotter have learned another Babylon, for he had given his,heart to in your kingdom in whom is the spirit thundered the seer from Jerusalem, that threatened, shielding Thadus with groups living in the eastern province letter. With this hero o you can't tell the- Hebrew slave girl, Dinah, who of God; his is the power to interpret "so runs the writing upon the wall, her slender body that she might travel of the Polish Republic will shortly - Cyclones Mostly Tone whether you got the p.'.per v.pr-Ide poured his wine. In all that great dreams and declare riddles and loosen and this is the interpretation of the the path of destruction a little way have permission to use their own lan- A vast system of winds blowing down or not." knots. So let Daniel be called from around a center of low atmospheric multitude at the feast, he saw only guages in communicating with the words: 'God hath numbered thy kingbefore him. pressure is called by meteorologists a "lier face, and his silent lips sang among the Hebrew servants of the dom, and brought it to an end. * • * * "Love like ours will never die," she Polish Government, according to a "cyclone." king and he will declare the interprehymns of her slender beauty. You, O, king, are weighed in the murmured, even as she did in the ban- bill which is now being prepared by Atmospheric disturbances cf this \ Once, under, cover of the noise "and tation." the Polish "Ministry of the Interior. character pass in endless procession Then Daniel was brought in before balance and are found wanting. quet hall of the king of Babylon. the shouting and the merry-making The' bill provides for the use of across the United States £t Intervals * * * Your kingdom i s . divided, the king; he stood proudly before the of the princes over their wives, Thathe following languages: Ukrainian, of a few days, in a general direction given to the Medes and Persians.'" dus had seized her hand,and drawn ruler of Babylon in his mean robes, White Russian, Russian and Lithuan- from west to east. They are usually Again a silence more terrible than TO AND FROM her to his couch. In her coarse' white his face shining with a strange light. ian. No mention is made of Yiddish, several hundred thousand square miles the clashing of spears. The, king, his He even smiled a little scornfully robe, without ornament save the coral although a considerable portion of the in area and they move on an average ALL PARTS OF of her lips and the gold of" her long when Belshazzar, the king, offered face marble white in the torch -light, population in these provinces speak st a rate of 600 to 700 miles a day. THE WORLD They are by far the most important • hair, she looked to him fairer' tlian him a robe of purple and a chain of raised his hand in command; the serv- Elimination of Tax Affects Messages and write exclusively in Yiddish. ants about him threw a cloak of purfactor in controlling the weather ol ,the proud women who sat "at the left gold and undreamed - glpry should Costing 15 Cents or More. the country. As a cyclone approaches YAL. J. PETER & COMPANY hand and at the right oc Belshazzar, Daniel read for him and**tKe court the ple over Daniel's rough robe, placed JEWISH FUNERALS ATTACKED !2C7 Howard St., Omaha, Nei? the temperature usually rises, clo»5; a chain of gold about his neck. WithAs a result of the new tax law ladies of Babylon, delicately, scented riddle ef the writing upon the wall. ON MOUNT OF OLIVES gather and we are likely to have rain "O, king," answered Daniel proud- out a-word of thanks,-with no obei- passed by Congress and signed by the with perfume and radiant'in'jewels Jerusalem, (J. T. A.)—Jewish funly t "give your rewards to another, but sance to tlie king of kings, the He-President on June 2, the Federal tax and in silks. The girl trembled and eral processions were attacked last brew turned and walked slowly from on long distance telephone messages Tuesday and Wednesday, while passspilled the v/ine which she carried j it I will read the writing unto the king, the hall. • . and make known to him the true inwill be discontinued on and after ing through the neighborhood of the lay in a small pool between them, a Then Belshazzar, the Chaldean July 3. Any way j o n fret them in little pool of blood on the marble.of terpretation. O, king, God gave NeGethsemane Church on the Mount of buchadnezzar, your father, the kingking, laughed high and loud, although All long distance calls costing fifthe white pavement. But the omen AUDITING AND INCOME HEN'S GRAHAM CRACKERS dom, the greatness and the glory, and his face was still blank with terror. teen cents cr more will He affected by Olives. The culprits, who threw stones are p-o-o-<» cpfinp for everybody. e .did not trouble her lover, for he at the mourners, have not yet been TAX REPORTS because of the greatness that He gave He bade his slaves to fill again and the elimination of this tax. Tha tax Ask ycinr jrroc«r for I T O " CRACKERS . thought only of her eyes. discovered. " ' C.rl the Pennine and 208 Karbach BSk. Atlantic 1031 by narae alwars. "I lovq you," -whispered the youth, him all the nations trembled before yet again the cups and the vessels has been 5 cents on calls costing 15 bet saUpfipd all waj 1 ?! NI( him; whom he would he slew, and stolen from the House of God, seeking to 50 cents, inclusive. On each long HURRICANE CAUSES MUCH „• and again, "I love you." She drew back afraid,-but he would whom he would he kept alive, and to drown in wine the warning of the distance telephone message costing DAMAGE IN WHITE RUSSIA whom he would he raised up, and Hebrew seer. His guests drank also, more than 50 cents, the tax has been not let her go. Carpenter Paper Co. Moscow, (J. T. A.)—Hurricane foe. Pepper. Viea-PresidcnS. whom he would he put down. But laughing and jesting, until the torches 10 cents. This tax has been collected storms are sweeping over White Rus"I am only a Hebrew slave," she W. G. Cre. Secretary. Distributor! oS told him. "In my .lord's' eyes I" am when his heart was lifted up, and his sputtered; in 1their ^ sockets and the by the telephone company for the sia, particularly in the district of Western Bond—and High Omaha Fixture & - less, than the dur.t of, the road be- spirit was hardened that "he' dealt 'crimson of rthe dawn stained-the sky. Federal Government. Grade Stationery proudly, he was deposed from his Littfe by little the blood-red dawn fleath. his chariot's, wheels." Many petitions and resolutions from Supply Co. Omaua, Nebraska. kingly throne, and his glory-was-,taken crept.,through-the gilded columns of the Middle-West asking that this tax .- "My love has raised you higher COMPLETE STORE AND 7 from him; until he knew that" God J;iie*iirig'4.Tjahqueting..hall in BabyHEADQUARTERS than the Btars," he .-toldi her/'in his •be' removed-- were received by senOFFICE! OUTFITTERS madness. "You calf yourself a slave, ruleth in the kingdom "of men andlon; little by little the! white of the ators and representatives during the for We occupy ©rsr 70.030 SQO&M feet but I, a-prince of the household]of that He setteth up over it whomso- marble pavement flushed into, rosy last session of Congress. Business EU Coraer Belshazzar, the king, am your slave. ever He will. And you, his eon, 0, Bel- warmth. From the couches about the men contended that this tax was a Efercntb snd Doncla* Streets. I will go out to battle arid come back Pisenet £sckscn S~2t : • OM4EA. KT.H. •with jewels for your neck and arms Engagement Rings is our and rings of gold for your ears and Specialty' vessels of silver from the altars of strange gods." He pushed toward her MAUlSiOCK JEWELRY CO. the-cup,she had .given him, a cup. of 1514 Dodge St. gold "which "had once sparkled on the Est.1394 • ' • Ja.5619 Every Known Kind altar in the temple at Jerusalem. 4 of Insurance - *Drink'•with, me fr,om,,the same cup JA ckaon 186? 209 W. O. W. BIdg. J A . 3944 that.-we may-celebrate our ..love to: PAXTON-MJTCHELL CO. gefcher/'-he commanded .her.— s«h and Elartba Ets. " - - - BA. 1662 But again Dinah drew back tremManufacturers «f BrsBR, Bronze, AlumJnonj and Soft Gray Iron Castings, bling. '"The vessels from the- HViuse Gate City Furniture Co. Too are essBrrd of solt castings, ea WASH AND KEEP WELL of God,at Jerusalem," she answered, wo machtB* some trout every huat In and >ur own cbop. A RULE OF HEALTH "• "how. ean we-profane them?" Glebe Van & Storage Co. Standard size cast Iron and brosz* In stork. He laughed and.pressed the goblet owned find opernted by FBONTIER TOWEL SUPFLI There are obvious benefits to the to her lip's. "Drink with me and be GROSSMAN & SONS 1SIB California Street. . i purchaser in Dodge-Brothers policy afraid no longer, for my love will set CSO-22 No. 16th St. &t. 0330 Ja. 4338 • you free and your God cannot hurt of making constant, gradual renneEmerson Laundry you here In Babylon." P. 8. MOREY. Prep . ments in their product instead of s-So the .gM drank with him, "sayingPhone Webster 0820 changing from one design to another •with> a little smile the wordsj>f- SolEFFICIENT Bird RESPONSIBLE THE LAUNDRY THAT omon, the .poet-king of her people year after year. EVERYBODY LISES. Where yocr clothes come borne "E3s3 me with the kisses of -your Druggists and Stationers cler.ner enfl last lonjrer. . . mouth, for your love is* better than a n £ CS8O. 15117-11 .Jackson St. Soctb IGiii Chief among these is the fact that wine.'.' ' . H. A. JAPOBBEEGSE. Pres. Office Phone JAckson S12S the car may be operated through"Kisses and wine you shall have JOHN FELDMAft •until the cup, overflows," cried her out the full limit of its usefulness Clothier lover, but he felt her lips "grow cold without the extra depreciation loss Full Dress Suits and Tuxedos ] under his and drew back in' sudden Certified Public Accountants Moved from 109 No. ICtb 1st. t o which results from a rapid1 succesterror. "Beloved, what has happened Audits Systems tO3 Karbach Riock, 15th & Douslas &t». *—why do you stare past me with OMAHA. KEBR. sion ofradically different models; Investigations - eyes that see visions and make'yoTi t"4 to 440 4? IS, 43i4 : afraid?" "I do not know," answered Dinah, THE BRINK & JENSEN CO. Omshs OBice: (SIS Oongtnr Street. Wholesale paper Omaha Pbotut AfcianSio S5r>f> ; lrat sh»' shook "where she stood .and tJistribnlcrs for • her face grew as pale as death. "On Ford Transfer & Storage Co'. O'BRIEN-DAVIS AUTO CO. Northern Toilet Tissue the roads from-Jerusalem, to ,Babya. A. Foan. - 28th and Harney Sts. President and General Manager. ' Ion, where they have dragged; ;my 1112 Barney Street Telephone—HA rney 0123 CCGDCH BSuffa (lows! Oft!re AT-!antic t54O9 . people captive," she sobbed, "I. was ion So. MxSn Mtrwt. rh»p<> 8811 'One of America's Great Hotels' - -weary -and prayed for death. . But now that I have known your love, I ../ • do. JJot> wish to die." When Ttsinkiitg of Mess* Hats He-laughed once more and kissed or Furnishings her. again. • "We love—and our .love OCR r K I U T K K M ' W1L.1L REMEMBER CONVIN^F VOt: OF ©UK -' mil. never die,"r'he cried confidently,' S1NCRRITT. ,.L • and eyen as he spoke, the torches Trcst Service is Oui Motto 1421 DOCGLAS S T . . ',: flickered out and the. banquet hall of Satrtr Safe Ueposit Boxes for Upn IOK I* WOLF SAM N. WOLF . 1 .the king of Babylon grew as silent as -• £in empty tomb. " ; s ' Upon the plaster. of the .waifs' oi Upholstering Cc. ifr the king's palace, the wall just behind ;V--where he sat with.his lords, and• his Upholstering and Furniture Repair"Manufactured in Omaha" £,.>wives and'his concubines, came forth ing Mattresses Renovated. BUTTEK and HUGS S/.ihe fingers of a man's hand, very BASER ICE MACHINE CO. Bos Springs. Council Biuffs. 1&. V-•white" and "shining in the blackness. 4T-lasttc 2SIB 1013 North 16th St. '"V.The hand "seemed to write strange •-L words upon the wall Ldiind the king's t* seat, words in unknown tongue iniet• --fens of. fire, -words which'• remained e'-when the torclUs flared up again and "The-Mohl" ^ Hhe hand had" disappeared. Across UNCLE SAM IIKEAKPAS1 Rc:»!fSen<-p, 1342 So. itEtti St. FOOD CO. £ : « i e plaster of the wall1 of the kjng's Trl. ATlanilf 6G37. Plare or tSusfnrss, tits Coming St. VSLA1IA IVKKKAtiKA ce they biased /orth that all might Trl. STISBllr 5S31 them,-though, .rone could read: $T<Mene''Me«e, Tekel Upharsin." Only r words in an unknown tongue, but ast" ADVO COFFEE PAXTON HOTEL ~ "and. d. his his court court saw saw fen"& king TUKKIS21 BATHS AOVO JELL • ADVO FGOD'Sj afraid-'and for a now ot'Ptflfed by

Long Distance Tax Removed On M y 3

W. J. Yaies AceooitisgCo

Fine Plafesn Diamond Jewelry

ade With Milk



E. E. knee




Betar Ice Machines



^ eno.





-Turkish, snd Electric Baths. AH Modern Equipment.

^jiiaffteTB.'the^Chaldeans,. and \J. ' *»$»


: •.'•• .

V.r'vv..,-" -* * \

•'- : •- V : : : / w - & ,


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