July 10, 1924

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VOL. HI—No. 31

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FAMOUS GERMAN CHEMIST RESIGNS "AS PROTEST AGAINST..ANTI-SEMITISM' Munich. (J. T.JL) Professor WiHstaetter, famous German chemist who won the Noble Prize for Ms scientific research work, has resigne. from his post at the University of Munich as a protest against the anti-Semitic ac- Program of Events ' Arranged tion of the University Board. The for Entire Day. Board had declined to accept two Jewish professors under the pretest that THE -WINNERS WILL they were "foreigners." : AWARDED PRIZES

AMERICAN CONSULS STILL WITHOUT IMMIGRATION • INSTRUCTIONS London. (J. T. A.) The offices of the American Consulates in England and in other countries are still being besieged by large numbers of emigrants, who are desirous of obtaining Second Annual Convention to Be visas for America. The only answer they Teceive at Held in Kansas City, Mo. these offices is: <rWe have no inFIRST OFFICERS OF CON- structions concerning1 the new immigration rules." * • • VENTION ELECTED

1 £ Convention in Omaha Complete

, The.annual Y. M. and Y. W. S. A. The first Aleph Zadik Aleph conpicnic will be held Sunday. \ • The vention which was held in Omaha, trucks will be on hand early Sunday July 4, 5, and 6, was successful, acmorning to take care of the snaiiy' cording to members of Omaha chapter. members of the Y who have already The delegates and visitors were enterOmaha is the First Community te maSe "reservations "for the picnic More Former Students Contribute Towards tained while here. than one hundred .and fifty rieseiva$10,000,000 Fund, The feature of-the convention was Attempt Complete Census. tkras have .already been made, accordthe initiation which was held Sunday ing to the committee in charge. Cambridge. (J. T. A.) The sum of afternoon at the Fontenelle hotel. Work on the census of Omaha The program committee of the pic$1,245,000 has been contributed by On Sunday evening the banquet was J e w r is rapidly progressing, A com- nic liave made special arrangements Jews to the fond of $10,000,000 which held, with several prominent speakers plete census vdH. be made. Every to have a •program that will-keep the on the program. "The Order of Aleph Harvard University, is endeavoring -to Jewish man, woman and child will be entire ""bunch".'busy all^ay. There Zadik Aleph will be one of the largest raise for the extension of its activirecorded. "Omaha has taken the lead •will be laces for all, with watermelon of its kind in a very short while',, said ties. The 228th year at Harvard was in the actual taking of a census which eating contests, pic eating contests, Sam Beber, grand advisor to the wound up brilliantly, with the Jews be a great asset to every other slipper kicking; chicken, chasing, and OrdeT. "The seven principles of this playing an eminent role, academically community and which will benefit many, other games. Order will lead every Jewish boy to as well as financially. Among the every local organization. The census The feature attraction of the afterH. S. HEAY-EXRICH become & member of this great thirty-one of the class of 1924 to athas been endorsed by all local organ- noon will be the Y. M. H. A. junior tain magna cum laude there were Order". izations. baseball game which will be held at "I am glad to be-with you, boys, eight Jews. Of the six who attained Boys and girls will -canvass the city, 1:30'p. m. at the Elmwood Parkt-west the highest distinction, summa cum and to speak to you," said Henry under the direction of David Sher, for diamond.^ The Y team under the capMonsky, member of the executive com- laude, there was one Jew, Joseph Cothe required information. taincy of Dave Bleicher will play the mittee of the B'nai B'rith." "It is the hen, who is also marshal of the Phi The census when completed will be! 1Sai^tta instance team at the Y picBeta Kappa. boys of today who will have to carry a unique achievement. No other city The following Jews contributed to the burdens of tomorrow and I know of Omaha's size has attempted it. m: eSpecial arrangements have been not of a better group of boys than the Harvard fund: -Arthur Lehman, The Work which wfll be done follow- made for the picnic grounds at Elmthose -who are assembled here as. mem- $200,000; Jesse, Herbert and Percy ing the survey -will prove of inestim- wood Park so as to assure the Y of Straus, $300,000 for a new college bers of the Aleph Zadik Aleph". able value to every man, woman and making the picnic a success. "AH Short talks were made by Harry H. onnitory to be named after their child in Omaha, and vrill place this members vrho have not yet made their Lapidus, Nathan MnooMn of Kansas father, Isidor; Julius Rosenwald, city in the first rank of communities reservations should do so immediate"City, N. Pinkelstein of Lincoln, Nebr. $500,000; Samuel Sachs, $50,000; Ardoing intensive social service work. ly," said Sam N. Wolf, chairman of ' The following program was given thur Sachs, $25,000; Harry Sachs, The survey to be a success must re- the picnic committee. "Mail in your At the banquet held Sunday evening: $10,000; Walter E. Sachs, $10,000; ceive the support and co-operation of reservations to the Lyric building. We Mortimer Schiff, $50,000; Goldman, the community. It only mil require have secured.a largfc Sst -of 'very valToastinaster L. . David Beber& Co., §100,000. ten or fifteen mmtites to secure the te';.prizes':'tiiat.'•will be awarded to Invocation William B. Blumenthal informataon for each family, and ev-« winners of the events, both for the Address..: '. Sam Beber ery family is "urged to give this time boys and girls." .. • Novelty Monologue- -Jlose Davidson ask , Members of the advisory board o*. to $he census takers Address. _. -Henry Monsky for the information. the Y will act as judges in the con-Nathan Bernstein Benediction tests. The next convention will be held in Special lunch boxes have "been pre„ Kansas City*-Mo^ Tie following of- Sabhi X M. Charlop to Present Funds l t e i « t e i n tdl to Delegates. ficers were.elected by the convention:' of the delicacies fitttnf to the Grand Aleph Godol, -Charles Shane ( Ute. SpscM Kosher cookies of Des JMoines; Grand Aleph S'Gan, Omaha Jewry has raised $1,500 for More than three -hundred were prescrackers have been donated to the "V the Central Relief Drive during a William'Hdrwitz, Kansas City; Grand ent at the Open Meeting Monday evenpicnic by the Loose-Wiles Biscuit Co, sbortrcampaign which began last SheAleph Gisbor, Jack Knkelstein, Lining, July 7, at the Jewish Community These cookies will be given to thr vuoth, June 9,at the four Orthodox coln, Nebr.; Grand Aleph Shoare, Center. Mr. Samuel N. Wolf, chairMRS i members of the ^. . Syangogues of the city. This relief Lester Lapidus, Omaha; Grand Aleph man of the picnic which is being given is an-institution which was" organized Mazlrir, HeimWohlberg, Kansas City; this Sunday, July IS, reported that Grand Aleph Sopher, Hyman Evnen. by the Orthodox Jews of the United plans were completed for the affair. COMMISSION OF BIAS AND'COUNCIL OP JEWISH States and Canada to help the Jews Mr. F. D. Preston delivered the WOMEN LEAVES FOE CUBA.' 1 in Europe. At the.present time it principal address of the meeting . He JUNIOR CONGREGATION New York. (J. T. A.) Mrs. LUlI«n supports the Yeshivas and Talmud gave sn account cf the National ConHeld* Mr. Morris Assofsky and Miss LECTURE FRIDAY EVE Torahs of the entire European contivention of Social Workers held in Torm Morris Alpirn will speak on "Ju- nent. These institutions maintain onto, Canada, recently. The other Cecelia Eozofsky have left for CwbH. daism Recognized as a Religion in about 250,0.00 children, 30,000 of whom numbers on the program were Master as a commission representing tb«» France" at the Friday evening serv- are orphans of pogroms. Ben Stein, who played several violin Gouncil of JewisH Woraen and Pis The quota set for the United States ice at the Young Israel Synagogue. selections, followed by a piano solo by Hias, for the purpose of 1 Saturday morning Mr. E. Block will and Canada was $1,000,000, and Omahis sister, little Miss Rose Stein, A help to the Jewish refugees now aw speak on the Parsha of the week. Sat- ha's quota was to have been $1,000. Spanish dance number was given by stranded in that country. Br m The commission will, among other urday evening Rabbi J«,5L Charlop Special delegates sent to collect this Miss Dorothy Goldstein, and a mono1 n will continue his lecture on "The Rea- money are prominent Rabbis, Rabbi logue on "The Future T" by Miss things, establish an employment buSis son for the Observance of the Mitz- A. I. Kook, chief Rabbi of Palestine; Rose Davidson, followed "by orchestra reau and classes in English and SpaaRabbi A. Shapiro, chief R3bbi of Kovvohs." selections from Lou Jacobson's men, ish. i At the last Saturday morning serv- no, and Rabbi M. M. Epstein, Dean of concluded the meeting with dancing. FJBENCH GOVERNMENT ices a special prayer for the Aleph the largest Talmudical academies of HARRY MALASHOCK JAKE SPIESBERGER ' 5LA.KES GIFT "TO JEWISH - - , Zadik Aleph organization was made. Russia. BOMBING OF GERMAN The Highland Country Club will 2 o'clock. NATIONAL LIBRAFT Rabbi J. M. Charlop will leave next Sam Zacheria and Abe Friedman were SYNAGOGUES WAS TO BE Jerusalem. (J. T. A.) The Jews*' taken into the membershi of the week for New York City to meet the hold an informal dance at the open- The Highland Country club is one SIGNAL FOR PUTSCHE Library in Jerusalem has just redelegates and give them the money ing of the club' Saturday evening. The of the few Jewish Country clubs in Young Israel Synagogue. Berlin. (J. T. A.) The bombing of ceived a-case of verj' valuable raised in Omaha. He expects te meet club house has just been completed the central west and according to exHENRY ROSENTHAL the Jewish synagogues in the cities of donated by ..the French INSTITUTUM JUDAIECUM Rabbi A, I. Kook, by whom he was and has been thoroughly decorated for perts will in time be one of the best Frankfort, Leipzig and Breslau •were The case contained all the volumes ftf: OPENED AT THE UNIplaying clubs in the country. It is this occasion. "There willbe dancing ordained. to be the signals for a general VERSITY OF BERLIN The directors of the Highland and entertaining and refreshments beautifully situated on high ground the KevncSemitique, all the volume Berlin. (J. T. A.) The Institutum will be served at 11", said A. Herz- and is easily reached on two main Country Club, whose photographs r in Germany, according to the admis- of the Eevwe d'Assyriologis, all FixJudaiecum, established at the Univer- Rabbi Cohn Elected To Office berg, chairman of the entertainment roads. do not appear in this issue of sions of four members of the auti- teen volumes of "Memoires de Ja Ki sity of Berlin by the famous German Rabbi Frederick Cohn wa selected committee. The opening dance wQl The course is at present a nine-hole THE JEWISH PRESS are Messrs. Semitic Blueclser group, vrhose trial sion Archeologiqne en Perse" and scholar, Professor Hermann Leber- to serve as a member of the Executive be held for members only, according course, but arrangements have already Izidor Ziegler, Fred Roscnstock, lias started in Leipzig. "French Distaonarj- of Littre" in They also admitted that the prepecht Strack, was formally opened July Committee of the Alumni of the He- to the committee in charge. been made to add the additional nine and Loais Hiller. t arations for this putsche, prior to 27 in the presence of the University brew Union College at a meeting held On Sunday afternoon as a feature holes early next spring. Faculty and Government officials. in Cedar Point, O., during the Con- entertainment, the first golf tourna- The entertainment committee have EUROPEAN-CANTOR HERE their arrest, had reached the stage JEWISH DEPUTIES DEMAND •where dynamite had been proenred. The purpose of this Institute is to vention of the American Rabbis held ment will be held on the Highland made arrangements to have dancing RECOGNITION OF YIDDISH Cantor J. .Mylek, who recently ar- They involved in this conspiracy Prof. study the post-biblical history oof the there the latter part of June. Dr. course. The committee headed by H. every Saturday evening and if desired LANGUAGE IN .POLAND Jewish people and issue a number of Cohn Teturned last week from the S. Heavenrich will have charge of the by the members, arrangements will rived from. Europe, vvill conduct serv- Etige and other anti-Semitic leaders, . Warsaw. (J. T. A.) Tha ices at the B'nai Israel Synagogue, scientific works on that subject. State Convention. be one of the languages contests. All members can qualify be mada to have dancing and enter- Eighteenth and Chicago streets, Fri- as well as Captain Possas-sde, French should sho Connection Officer in Frankfort. Secretary Becker, wbo represented the for this contest. The play will be taining twice a week. day evening, July 11, at 7:30, and on the Polish .Government has German Ministry of Religion and Ed- JEWISH INSTITUTIONS held in foursomes and will begin at The officers and directors of the Saturday morning, July 12, at S a. ra. to be used by the population of ucation, pointed out in his speech that IN RUSSIA LIQUIDATE OWING Highland Country Club are: Ed TrelCantor Mylek is a %vell Irnown can- TRIAL OF ALLEGED JEWISH 1 Eastern provinces of the Polish Judaism had the greatest influence TO LACK OF FUNDS HALEVY'S "LA JUIVE" ler, president; H. S. Heavenrich, vice- tor of Europe and Omaha Jews are , CONSPIRACY AGAINSTpublic, and.«f-communications sent t« upon the culture of Western Europe. Moscow. (J. T. A.) Many Jewish president; M. Herzberg, treasurer; invited to he'ar hiin at these services. PROHIBITED AS RESULT • • POLAND TO..START •the'Government, was i3xe demand subProfessors Guttmann-and Torczyner, children's homes and cultural instituOF CATHOLIC PROTESTS Sam J. Leon, secretary; A. Herzberg, - Warsaw. (J..T. A.) The trial of mitted receBtly to the PoBsh Miwstrs; representing the Academy for Jewish tions are being liquidated throughout the case -of Deputy Isaac •Greeiib&uta of Interior by the Jewish Sejm Jerusalem. (J. T. A.) "La Juive," Henry Rosenthal, I. ZiegleT, Louis EOUMANIA BARS JEWISH Science and the College for- Jewish Soviet Russia, owing to a lack of Hiller, Harry A. Wolf, Fred Rosenagainst the editor of the Gazetta WarThe Polish Ministry of Interior the opera by Halevy, has been proSTUDENTS ON ACCOUNT Learning, were also present and prom- funds, according to a statement made stock, Harry Malashock, Jake Spiesskavirska, which has been postponed just completed a bill providing for fh* hibited in Jerusalem by the Palestine OF JEWISH CORPSES ised their co-operation in the work of by Mr. Simon Kodacsky, the "Director berger. several times, -will take place on June «se «£• Luttaanian,. mite-Bus***^ Government, as a result of the proEuckarest. (J. T. A.) The faculty the Institute. A'.library of 4,000 vol- of thejoint Distribution Committee's Eussian and Ukrainian, in the respectThe following committees hsve tests of Catholic circles here. The of Jassy University has decaded that umes, which formerly belonged to the activities in Russia. . It vrill be tecailed' that the Gasetta ive provinces. Yiddish was oroitt»& Government hesitated for some time been appointed: the Jewish medical students raust take late Profrssor Strack, will be part of This critical situation has arisen before ordering that no further perthe-official'organ of the At the conference bold >rtv,-efe"n t*» Finanw Committee their 'esaroin'ations upon Jswish the new Institute. H. A. Wolf, chairman; Henry Kosentha!, since the Joint Distribution Committee formances be given. Polish anti-Semitie Hsfisiial Demo- Jewish Sejm Deputies and the MinMose Herzberg, I. Kiegler, Harry Mala- corpses. ceased its support. ahoefc. cratic Party,.charged Bepaty Greeti- ister of Interior, the DeptUies points^ As ths university medical school has Cardinal Giorl was the chief comEMIGRATION OP JEWS Grounds Committee baam •with treason to the'iPolish state, oat that the right of the Yiddish Is*no Jewish corpses nc\v, Jevrish stuplainant against the opera, claiming H. S. Hravenrica, chairman; Jake PpiesWILL HURT BULGARL\N Henry JUs5«ntii2.1, Louis Eilicr, dents, "who coiaprise about TO per cent on account of his alleged participation puage 5F guaranteed by the Polish. that the last aet in which a Cardinal bergrer. COMMERCE AND CREDIT ABDUL SALIK A. Herzberg. of this year's class, frill be unable to in s supposed international Jewish Constitution as well as the IntesflW* Committee Sofia. (J. T. A.) The Bulgarian RACHMAN ARRESTED is depicted as the fader of a. child is Harry THerabrafchip Msl:is.fcotf:, chairman; Sara 3; take esaminai Ions and vol! not receive conference, held in London for • the tional Minorities* Treatv-. They shocking" to the religious feelings of Government issued a statement to the Jerusalem. (J. T- A.) Abdul Salim Leon, Uavkl 1*. Fi^lpr, Morris Milder, ». S. purpose of damaging- the interests of manded, therefore, the ITJCIUSIOR «!! & population urging it in strong terms Rachman, the leaderjof the Arab ex- the Catholics. In demanding the pro- Jacobs, 3 Harry KulakofsSy, A. Herzberg, their diplomas until next rear, and the Polish state. .provision mentioning Yiddish lloitae Committae possibly not then. to refrain from the practice recently tremists, was arrested recently at hibition of the opera, the- Catholic A. Herzherj;. chairman i Jake S p l e s f , the recognized isTigoagres. The Persons of JiiternationjJ reputation, The controversy over Jewish corpses Max Somruer, Morris Miider, Jacob Jacobs, leaders referred to the article in the 'nitiated in several regions of Bulga- Tul Kerem. A search of his home Harry Slciashoci, V/BL. I*. Holsnaan. ter, however, categorically declined S among whom are Sir Sttt&rt Ssxnael has been one of the bitterest phases Palestinian Mandate forbidding plays ^-ia, of extorting money from ^rell-to- disclosed ,r*umy compromising docu{ Statertaiassent Caaussiti.ee include Yiddish, stafcissg tbat^ t and Dr. Leo Hotzfcis, will be called as *f the anti-Semitic movement in Mjrer Kpiesbergrr, rfcsirraan: TtaxUl E, . 'o Jewish citizens under the threat of ments, shov?ing that he -was involved •Sfhich may be insulting to any of the ' Feder, I'asI Scfeaj-e.-SUlaej Manley, FreS "Question 'was finally [S witnesses at the,trial I religious communities. leath. o jin anti-Government activities. Ilosenslocte, A. Huraberg.

Harvard Gets Million From Its Jewish Alumni

Jewry Raises §1500 for Central Relief


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JEWISH CALENDAR. • .-- Published every Thursday at Omaha, Nebraska, by


.; THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY. Office: 681 .Brandeia- Theatre Building—Telephone: ATlantic'1450 NATHAN E . GREEN, Manager. Subscripticij'Price, one year— -$2.50. Advertising rates furnished on application. CHANGE OV ADDHESS—Please give both the old and new address; be sure mid Rive your name.

The Jewish Press is supplied by the Jewish Telegraphic Agency (Jewish Correspondence Bureau) with cabled and telegraphic Jewish news, & addition • t o : feature articles and correspondences from all important Jewish centres. Inquiries regarding news items credited to this Agency will be gladly answered if addressed to Jewish Telegraphic Agency, 114 Fifth Avenue, New York City. '


5684-1924. PARSHA CHUKATH—July 12th. PAPvSHA BALAK—July 19th. PARSHA PINCHAS—July 26th. EOSH CHODESCH AB—August 1st. PARSHA MAT- • S UMASSEM—August 2nd. PAESHA DEBARIM, SHABBOS CHAZOM—August 9th. TISHA B'OV—August 10th. PAESHA VAETCHANAN — August 16th. PAESHA AKEV—August 23rd. ROSH CHODESCH ELLUL, PARSHA EEAY—August SOth. ROSH CHODESCH ELLUL—August 31st. . PARSHA SHOPTIM—September 6th. PARSHA KE SAZA — September 13th. PARSHA NEZAVIM — September 27th. EREV ROSH HASHANNO—September 28th.

During the world war, there were those who were firmly convinced that the world would be recreated after the war and that • mankind would be entirely free from prejudice and wrong. The • existence of anti-Jewish prejudice,- many were of the opinion, Would terminate with the, conclusion of peace. They reasoned that, when the nations would consider how loyally and heroically the Jews of every land fought for their respective countries, anti'. Semitism would become inconceivable. The spirit of opposition and antagonism because of racial and creedal differences, it was , thought, would: vanish and its place would be taken by a spirit of unity and harmony. By WM. Z. SPIEGLEMAN. -• For a while, there,was indeed something refreshing and en- Important Date in American Jew. couraging in such an assurance of hopeful optimism. But unish History; Close of Jewish fortunately, the conviction is not justified by the present. While Immigration Period. it.is .true that.anti-Jewish prejudice among the allied nations ; since the war has not been as serious as it has been among the Less That Half Vote of Woman ; Central Powers, and in Germany especially, in these countries Decides Issue. .anti-Semitism has not only survived, but jt has been strengthened William Jennings Bryan and the ' and has become more pronounced. For, it must be remembered Spirits of Moses, Elijah and Elli: that, while the allied nations were waging the war for human sha. liberty and democracy, the Central Powers were actuated by the • arrogant.spirit; and' feeling of racial- and national superiority. Unobservedly a date of great his'.While in the allied 'ranks the Anglo-Saxon, the Celt and the torical importance has been inscribed : descendants pf the Latin races were fighting side by side with in the history of American Jewry. i the heterogeneous racial units that compose the American nation On the first of July the new quota u with but one object in view, that of insuring the greatest possible law, based on thhe 1890 census, remeasure of human justice and human liberty, the Central Powers ducing the possibility for Jewish im.were fighting for the establishment of Teuton supremacy and migration to the United States to al. With the sole aim and object in view of placing "Deutschland most nothing, went into effect. After tiber Alles." I t is easy to see, therefore, that among the allied the stormy protest meetings, pleading • iiations the services and. sacrifices on the part of the Jew could committees, individual appeals and not but receive the same measure of recognition and be accorded aroused public sentiment, there came -.the same- degree of appreciation that have been given to the a lull. With one stroke of the pen similar services and sacrifices "on the part of the non-Jew. With history was made. , the Teutons, however, who have always regarded^ the Jews as A period of thirty years of Jewish • aliens aiid intruders, the veiy services and sacrifices of the Ger- immigration to the New World, averman and Austrian Jews have but served as an incentive to rob aging about 100,000 yearly, has come the Jews of their share of credit and of whatever political ad- to a close. It can safely be said that vantages they might have expected to enjoy with other in- this period will be recorded as the . habitants of Teutonic lands as a result of the war. Besides, Ger- most remarkable and outstanding in ,• many cannot help knowing and remembering that even in her the age-old and complex process of : own domain, the Jews were among the" least deceived and deluded Jewish transformation. Upon the •„ as to her real aims and objects. Sh'e cannot help knowing and thin layer of the original Spanish and : remembering^ for. instance,,-that the only German who had the German Jewish settlers in the United ' courage of his convictions to'point publicly a finger of scorn States have come layers of Jews from • and rebuke at Prussian arrogance and atrocity is a Jew—Maxi- all the'corners of the world, merging ,' milian Harden—and that the only other man high in the kaiser's slowly into one American Jewish com, councils who protested against the ruthless and barbarous war- munity, creating new forms of Jew.fare aimed at the destruction of neutrals and non-combatants ich llife, opening new avenues of Jew• upon the high seas was also a "Jew—Albert Bajlin. ". • ~ '. ish thought and even making new That -this analysis regarding the" persistaiftce of prejudice in Jewish customs and traditions. i Germany is~ not a mere conjecture may readily be seen from the What course'wiH American Jewry fact that anti-Semitism as a party policy originated in Germany take now that its reservoir of vitality after a- Franco-Prussian war, in which the Jews had also taken has been cut off? This question has ,.an active and loyal part. It may be seen further from the fact been correctly answered by one who that eveiy monarchist and reactionary party in Germany has has.'seriously thought on.the matter.. . adopted-officially an anti-Jewish policy. For, in defeat as in While the new change is, to be re.victory, reactionism goes hand-in-hand with anti-Semitism.— gretted, there is no reason for despairing. American Jewry has already {"Jewish Ledger." '; .


PATENTS LAW IN PALESTINE. BRITISH GOVERNMENT ; Jerusalem., ( j . T. A.) . An official AGREES IN PRINCIPLE . •communication just issued says: TO PALESTINIAN LOAN "The Ottoman Law of Patents and London, (J. T. A.) The British '.Designs, which is dated 1297 (1880), Government is agreed in principle to rdoes not conforom with the Interna- guaranteeing the loan which will be .tional Conventions regarding indus- issued by the Palestinian Government, trial property which have been cbn- but it is unable to give this guarantee •cluded since the law was" passed. It until an Act of Parliament is passed '.lias been necessary, therefore, to re- to that effect, according to Lord Ar'place the Ottoman Enactment in or- nold, Under-Secretary in the Colonial ,der that the law in Palestine may be Office, who gave this information to in accord with that in European coun- Lord Raglan in reply to a question of . tries. The Ordinance, which appears his concerning the liabilities of the as a Bill in the Gazette of May 1st, Palestinian Government, and its plans js based upon the English Law of for floating a loan. ,-Patents and Designs which has been Lord Arnold further stated that .a , adopted in all the countries subject to bill will be introduced in Parliament .British administration.' inthe matter, and that there will then Provision- is made, in the law both be an opportunity for atnorough dis'for the grant of original patents in cussion.' •Palestine and also.for the registraWhile the amount of the loan has . tion of. patents granted in foreign not yet been fixed, Lord Raglan sug.countries/ The period of' protection gested that it should be 3,000,000 of patents is sixteen years, and of de- pounds. signs five years, subject to provision Lord" Arnold gave the following figfor renewal of two further periods of ures in the matter of the Palestinian - five years. Government's liabilities. The PalesSince the, Occupation it has not been tinian ' Government has- expended possible to obtain the grant of an 1,861 ,poO pounds'oh the construction original patent in Palestine, but a of railroads, roads', bridges, telegraph Public Notice issued by the Military and telephone "llines, which will have Administration authorized .the regis- to Ije.repaid out.of the loan. The tration in ^Palestine >of patents ob- government hag also already received ' tained abroad in order that ..they credit to the amount of l,483,00ti might receive protection in Palestine. pounds, and is in possession'of BritProvision is made in the. Ordinance ish property in railways and telegraph fctf preserving the rights obtained by lines to the amount of 2,190,000 BiSch registration and also for. pre- pounds. This latter sum will have to serving the rights of patents granted be repaid by the Palestinian Governf in'the Ottoman Empire. ment when its financial position is improved. Palestih. will also ,have to pay its DR. WEIZMANN DENIES ' share ,of. the. Turkish national debt; ACCURACY Of MR. LEVITE'S INTERVIEW according to the provisions of the Lausano Treaty.. • ... London. C(J., t . A.) Dr. CHaim 1 Wdzmarin, President "of the World Zionist Organization^ before leaving for WILL DESIAND THAT PORT BE BUILT IN JAFFA • Paris stated that the interview pub;Jerusalem. (J. T. A.) That a port lished in the Warsaw Naje Haint, reporting a conversation between him shoulld be built in Jaffa is the mission &nd Mr. Levite, a member of the Zi- of a special delegation representing onist Actions Committee, was Incor- the Arab and Jewish Chambers of Commerce in Palestine, which is prorect • ' . . ' - . "t never1 issued any statements con- ceeding to London. The - delegation cerning the plans for the_creation of will present its demands to the Britthen, Jewidr'A&engy 'tidr'cohcerhing tfie ish Colonial Off ice,'and is'empowered • activities "of the Keren.Mafesod-in ia-promise>.local'financial assistance to-a certain-extehi. •'- - -•* - '•••'Amedcai^jfe Wjelzmann's^tedV*

•we forget for a while the noise and fanfare of the political convention and stop to listen to another kind of convention. I have in mind the convention of the Jewish -women's organization of America, Haddassah, which has just opened in Pittsburgh. Seventeen thousand Jewish women are quietly organized for the carrying on of a splendid humanitarian and Jewish work. The organization, under the able leadership of Miss Henrietta Szold, has in the last year gained over 5,000 new members, an increase of almost 50 per cent over its previous membership. For its special work, aside from the contributions tha,t,its members make to various Jewish communal undertakings, thhe organization has been able to collect $250,000 during tlfe last year. The organization has to its credit the remarkable progress in sanitary conditions in Palestine, and the curative and preventive work among the inhabitants of that country. It intends, according to the plans outlined by its President, to assume even greater responsibility. Its immediate intention is to help maintain the newly proposed hospital in Tiberias. Another and more didstant plan is to take over the entire medical work in Palestine. Surely the spirit of Moses, Elijah and Elisha rests with the work and efforts of this unique Jewish women's organization.

developed a sufficiently strong element of spiritual leadership and'communal responsibility to assure it's further inner growth. Jewish history has seen the development of a distinct Arabian-Jewish type, succeeded by a Spanish-Jewish type, which has in turn been transformed into English-Jewish, FrenchJewish, German-Jewish, Polish-Jewish and RussianrJewish types. Jewish history is now preparing for the emergence, of the distinct AmericanJewish type. * * ft That there is no need for worrying over the future of American Jewry i; also the belief of the champion of the doctrines of our Bible, the alwaysoriginal* democrat, William Jennings; Bryan. While the Democratic Convention^ in the city.of ."New York, was floun-i dering between the deep sea of innumerable ballots "and the evil spjtrit o'f the Ku Klux Klan, inspiration came to it .from that ancient source of salvation, the Bible. Are the progressive and democratic elements of America to come out in an open fight against ,the hooded knights of religious prejudice and racial discrimination, endangering perhaps the outcome of the Presidential campaign, .or are they to compromise? "/The.forces of American democracy were spllit into two distinct .halves. These halves must be welded together again. How can it be done? Who can do it? It -was William Jennings Bryan who then pleaded: "The Jews do not need this resolution. They have Moses. They have Elijah". They have Elisha, who was able to draw back the curtain and show upon the mountain^ tops an' invisible host greater than 'a thousand Ku Klux Klaus." -And so it happened that the spirit of Moses,, Elisha and Elijah rested upon a woman, who decided the outcome; it was recorded that the resolution against thhe Ku Klux Klan, condemning it by name, was lost by a majority of less than one vote, cast by a woman delegate. "

The couple left Wednesday for Ne\ the president looking ~at him. "Was ;ther was my oldest friend, ana I knew lie thinking of superseding Mm? Als- jif I didn't you'd throw up your job York City, from where they will sail ford was willing to work for much 'and lose your riancee and go plnmb to Saturday for s 10 weeks' European less. Alsford had no ideas of matri- i perdition. Thmte you can make out trip. They will land in Holland, where 'on two htmared now?" mony. " . ' " • • ' they will travel for a short time. From And that night Clifford found himthere they will go to Belgiuin, Al; self short 3ust nine hundred dollars. sace Loraine, Switzerland, northern Plant Eds Animals It was Incredible, it was monstrous. Italy, France, and after s visit on the A most unusual plant that reverses But the money had somehow disapRiviera, to Paris. Upon their return the natural order of things by eating peared, and the only possible suspect was Alsford. Clifford coul a cot be- animals has recently been put on dis- they will make their home in Chicago. lieve his assistant had taken it. But— play at the London Horticultural hall Miss Schulein was graduated from where had it gone? Next morning, af- In England/ says Tit-Bits. ~ This mefit- Sioux City high school in the class of ter a heartbreaking search end re- eating plant is a native of the tropical 1921. She has attended Martha Washcomputation, he confessed to the presi- East Indies. Its principal prey are ington seminary in Washington and mice, which are attracted to it by a dent, ana waited for the decision. the University of Chicago, but since "You must be a little off your head, very pungent odor emanating from last Christmas she has "been in Sioux the mouth of the blossom, formed into Clifford," said Conover. caustically. "Ton know the rules of the bank. How- almost a perfect hole. The mice City, where she is widely known crawl into this opening- and natural among the yoanger set. much can you pay?" bristles on the petals close about the "Fifty a month, sir, I suppose." Mrs. Sadie Dreyfoos was hostess to "Eighteen months to clean yourself. victim as it makes an attempt to esWell—I'm sorry, Clifford, but you'll cape. Digestive Juices similar to those the members of the Friday club last secreted in the stomach of animals ate Monday. Covers were laid for twelve Thave to take your medicine." ! And Clifford took it. He talked given off, and the victim is slowly guests. Bridge vras the afternoon's things over with Mary. Would she consumed. entertainment. wait eighteen months for him, or wa3 it possible for them to get married The Maccabaean Chapter of Young Family Order on a hunared and fifty? ilary deJudaea held a regular meeting last "Hello! I want to order a bos for Wednesday evening at the Jewish cided for the latter course. They were married next month, and tomorrow." Community Center. Eefreshments "What size?" the bank gave them a present of a w were served following the meeting. "There will be six of tis. hundred dollars. That should have "SIS—Say—what the—It'll have to paid for a brief honeymoon trip. Mary A general meeting of the Hadassah persuaded Clifford to* put It In the be made special." Organization was held last Tuesday "Isn't this the Lyceum?* bank Instead. They took a tiny apartat the Jewish Community Center. "H—11, no. This is the undertaker." 'ment ana bought installment furniture. | It was a sad come-down to Clifford's —Widow. Mrs. M. Moog left last Monday for dreams. "If I .hadn't lost that nine a visit to New York City. rrunclred, Mary, we could hare lived CITY comfortably," he said again and again. * • — < » » . . . . . . . . . . . . „ „ „ , . , . . , . , , a Miss Beatrice Horoits left last week He had once .thought it impossible for HELLER-SCHUELIN. for Des Moines, la., where she will be a married couple to live on two hunMiss Euth Edith Schulein, daughter the guest of Miss Nettie Levitt. dred, but he saw the fallacy of that of Mr. and Mrs. B. Schuelin, 2604 now. Mrs. Barney Baron returned Jackson street, was married to PresAt the end of a year there were ton B. Heller, son of Sir. End Mrs. Wednesday evening, accompanied by three of them instead of two. Clifford her daughter from Rochester, Minn. was in debt to the doctor, the money Benjamin Heller, of Chicago, Tuesday evening in Chicago. The ceremony The Hebrew Ladies' Friendship Sofor the nurse had had to be found— he owed two hundred and fifty dollars. was performed at 6:30 o'clock in the ciety held a meeting last Tuesday He set his teeth ana started on the crystal ballroom of the Blackstone ho- evening at the Jewish Community gruelling job of making leeway. At tel by Rabbi Isadore Isaacson of Mt. Center. the end of eighteen months they were Sinai temple of Sioux City. clear of debt. A full hous$ greeted Cantor Joseph Miss Alice Selralein, sister of the "Thank heaven, we'll get tvro hun- bride, -vras maid of honor Eosenblat and Joseph Winogradoff, By JOHN PALMER <©. Uti, Western Newspaper Uaioa.) ) dred novr," he said to Mary. "We'll The bridesmaids -were Miss Annette who gave a joint concert on Tuesday move Into a bigger place and.—" Heller, sister of the bridegroom, and evening, June 24, tit the City Audil/SNMt that morning Clifford, the "No, dear. Let's stay here and put Miss Hazel Scbulein, a cousin of the torium, under the auspices of the ,V~ Paying teller, had had his applicathe other fifty by." tion for a raise turned down. Sioux City Concert Course. bride, from St. Louis, Mo. Clifford suddenly saw the light. "By ! "tou're geiting two hundred, ClifCharles Stiefel of Chicago was Mr. Mrs. M. Skalovsky returned last ford," the president said sharply. "It George, you're right, Mary!" lie ex- Heller's best mas, and Alex Des Pres Monday from Excelsior Springs, Mo. should be more than plenty for a claimed. "We've struggled on— and and Max Goldberg o£ Duluth, Minn., we'll go on straggling'." single man." were ushers. Conover called him into his office Mrs. Paul F. Kolish left last Mon* "I'm going to be married, sir." that morning. "Well, Clifford, youVe Following the marriage service a day for a visit at Chicago, 111. "I congratulate you, I'm sure, Clifford." The president extended Ms, cleared up the debt, I see,* he said. wedding dinner was served in the "I congratulate you. Not in debt, are ballfoofti to 140 guests. The bridal $ you?" "Aiid that's why I hoped—" coaple, their attendants and families Young1 couple desires room and "No, sir," answered" Clifford proud"Look here, Clifford, If you can't •were seated at a horseshoe table board in refined Jewisn home \ get .married and live on two hundred, ly. "I didn't know how little it was banked with roses, peonies and larkin SOUTH SIDE. Address , in these days of falling prices, I ad- possible for three persons to live'on spur, and the other guests were seattill I tried." Box 445, Jewish Press, vise you to postpone the wedding." "And you said it couldn't be done ed, at tables for eight, decorated in "Until when, sir?" ' 1 can" hold out no promise of an on two hundred," mused Conover. He a similar way. increase, Clifford. The banks are not handed him a piece of paper. Clifferd raising salaries,", the president an- gaped at it. It was a cheek for a thousand dollars. , swered.. ..s-., ,.^J- . . . , .' "What's this, sir?" That was bad eriough, but there was "That nine hundred I abstracted STORE CLOSES 5:00 P. M.—PLEASE SHOP EAELYl worse to come. The president came Into the large double cage and had | from the till,' Clifford, with interest. a long conversation with Alsford, the i You see, you had to learn your lesson, assistant and receiving teller, that ! boy, and I guess—well, it wasn't up morning. Several times Clifford caucht ! I to me to give it to you, but your fa-

$ I


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That the spirit of Moses, Elijah and Elisha will "be perpetuated—and again- through - the efforts of the women—can bs safely-predicted






The Jewish Culture League jneet at Elmwood Park during the summer months. Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Shames are returning by motor from Chicago, ILL, where they had been visiting. They are. expected the latter part of this week.

ernoon in honor of tseir son, Edwin's, second birthday. Twenty children were present.


Mrs. R. Snader, of Omaha, is spend' Sioux City, la., where she will spend a week with her daughter, Mrs. Philip ing Isererat days here with her ter, Mrs. H. Marx, and Mr. Marx, Sherman, and Mr. Sherman.

The -daughters * of'M& and MTE. O. Mrs. Edward Glas&r, of St. Louis, Woolfsbn will receive their friends OETflODOX IEWS IN FOLTAWA" "• Mo., is visiting with her sister, Mrs. and relatives at -the home of Mr. and CAUSE STORM SCENE INJ. Katz. Mrs. H._ Pried, 1229 Sixth avenue, LITING SYNAGOGUE Mrs. A. Asbyll entertained at three Council Bluffs, l a , Sunday, July 13, Kiga. (J. T. A.) A disturbance, tables of bridge Thursday evening, Mrs. Arnold Levin returned from to bid farewell to Mr. and Mrs. O. Chicago, 111., where she was visiting Woolfson and ^daughter, Toby, who honoring her daughter, Sada, and her «atssed by Orthodox Jem's daring an Mrs. Arthur Erandeis arrived this with her daughter, Mrs. Lewis PoJ- are leaving for Palestine Sunday, July fiance, Mr. Ben Finkelstein, whose en- assembly D! pious communists in the so-called living Synagogue, is the latgagement was recently announced. week to be with her sister-in-law, Mrs. rofski, and Mr. Podrofski. Mrs. Pod- 20, to make their future home. est development in Jewish religious rofski was formerly Miss Gertrude Herman Cohn. . Mr. Dave Cohn, of Omaha, visited life in Soviet Russia. Levin. The Ladies' Auxiliary of the Tal- In Lincoln last treek. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Rosenthal and A group of Orthodox Jews in Poit" mad Tofah will give a picric fer all The Misses Helen Altschuler and family are at Charlevoy, Mich. awa, who strongly resifent the creation children aest Wednesday, July 1G, at Mr. and Mrs. A. Eisler, Mr. a n i WEDDINGS ] Mr. Louis Turfcel and Mr. L. Ep- Miss Reva Kulakofsky and her Clara Feldman were hostesses at a 2:30 of the Living Synagogue in that town, p. m. at Manawa Park. Everyone Mrs. E. Spigle, snd Mr. and Mrs. &L stein returned last Wednesday from breakfast Sunday morning at Elm.appeared in the hall where the Jewish SCHLAIFER-TOLCES. Fresh and their families celebrated is invited to attend. guests, Miss Evelyn Richards, of San communists were assembled preachitsg Invitations have been received here California and the Rocky Mountains, Jose, Calif., and Miss Ruth Davidson, wood Park in honor of three out-ofthe fourth with a picnic in the countown guests, Miss Berniee Diamond, their tiew conception of Judaism, snd to the wedding of Mr. Edward M. where they had spent six weeks. The • Mesdames E. Marcus and. J. try. The oat-of-town guests trere Mrs. of Sioux City, la., are the house of Lincoln, Nebr., Miss Jeanette Levcaused a stonn of protest. Both parSchlaifer,- of Omaha, and Miss Toska Scharf entertained at three tables of C. S. Paradus and Miss ElMetia ParMr. and Mrs. Max Drevich. and guests this week of Miss Lillian Daties engaged in an exchange of epi« Tolces, of New York City, on Wednes- daughters left by motor Saturday for vidson, of Des Moines, la* Miss Kula- inson, of Fort Worth, Tex., and Miss Mah Jongg at the home of Mrs. Mar- adies, of Douglas, Nebr. thets which finally led into a riot, day of this week at JNTew York. Mr. Chicago, DL, to be gone for four kofsky and Miss Richards will return Mollie Siever, of Minneapolis, Minn. cus last Tuesday in honor of Mrs. Order was restored only after the Schlaifer, for several years past, has "weeks. After a short stay in Chicago, to Omaha the latter part of this week. Ben Hirsch and Mrs. Abe Rosenberg Miss Rose Poska is in New York The Se-Tel-Ta Sorority entertained who are leaving this month for Cali- City, wheTB she is attending the Dem- lights were extinguished and the &%+ beenJ engaged in the diplomatic" serv- Miss Lillian Drevich will leave for at a swimming and Towing party at fornia where they~will make their fusembly dispersed. .;>' ice of the. United States, and while New York to visit with her brother, ocratic Convention and where she The Friday Evening Services at Sandy Point Beach last Sunday. stationed at Vienna met Miss Tolces Mr. Barney Drevich, and Mrs. Dre- Temple Israel begin at .7:30 during ture homes. visit with friends. Jerusalem. (J. T. A.) Mr. HofienV who was completing a.course of study vich. Mr. Drevich >was formerly of the summer months. Ittiss Celia Marx, of Lincoln, Nebr., - Mrs. Philip Trochtenberg has as her Mrs. M. Frosh entertained at a one the Manager of the Anglo-Palestine under Professor Sauer at the "Vienna Omaha. is visiting with her aunt, Mrs.-Julius guests her sister, Mrs. D. Eosenhlum, o'clock luncheon Wednesday in honor Bank in Jaffa, lias been appointed by; Mrs. Joseph Bolker returned last Newman, and Mr. Newman. Conservatory. The bride is a talented and Mrs. A. Schwartz, of Kansas City, of Miss Natalie Aach, of St. Lotsis, thhe Dutch Government as Dutch Con-«! pianist and has "given a number of Miss Rollie Izenstark, of Chicago, week from Chicago, HL, and is with EUI in Palestine. 'j Mb, who arrived last week to attend •who is visiting here. her sonl Mr. A. Bolker, and Mrs. Bolwell-received recitals at Yienna, Buda-i m., is -visiting with her aunt, Mrs. HATIKVOH CLUB. the Vann-Trochtenberg wedding. Mr. ker. pest, Prague and Berlin. During the Ben Reinschreiber.' On Sunday afternoon,- June 29, the Rosenblum, "who was also here, re-i The Workman's Circle held their past season in New York she has apMrs. Julius Kippur, who has been members of the Hatdkvoh club elected turned home. Many affairs are being annual picnic Sunday at Bruce's Park. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Lincoln and peared as solist before the Verdi, SoThe proceeds are to go for the aid of visiting with her daughter, Mrs. L officers for the coming term. Bessie rosis and Westchester Country clubs. family have moved into their new Ziegler, for the past several weeks, is Cohn was elected president; Mary given for the guests. the Consumptives in Denver, Colo. Mr. Schlaifer is resigning from the home at 3836 California street. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Meyerson arleaving Sunday for California. Kutler, vice-president; Katherine GarMr. snd Mrs. Myrtle Aach, Mr. and service and the young couple are goMr. Reuben Ferer is on a business rop, secretary; Dora Goldberg, treas- rived home last Thursday after spendMr. and Mrs. A. Herzberg are leav- urer; Ethel Shatz, reporter; and Ida ing the past month visiting in Cali- Mrs. Gabe Wertheimfer and Miss Saing to California, where they intend to trip in St. Louis, Mo., and Chicago, 111. rah Friend motored to Nebraska City ing Sunday for New Bork City to be Minchoff, sergeant-at-arms. All the fornia. make their home. to spend the fourth of July. A family Mrs. H. M. Chasson and daughter gone five weeks. club's meetings will be held at ElmCOHN-ROSENSTOCK. Miss Anita Gluckman has gone to picnic was given in their honor. left Omaha Monday for Des Moines, Mrs. A. Goldstein and daughter, wood Park during the summer months. Chicago, Hi., and Pittsburgh, Pa., to At an early morning wedding Miss Ia!i, where they will join Mrs. ChasMrs. D. Diamond is visiting in KanLorene Rosenstock, daughter of Mrs. son's other daughter, Iola. From Des Rosaline, and son, Herman, leave spend the remainder of the summer sas City, Mo,, for a few days. Flora Rosenstock, became the bride of Moines Mrs. Chasson and daughters Monday for Denver, Colo., for a with, relatives. In the fall Miss GluckAUFLEBUNG CLUB. Mr. Loyal B. Cohn, son of Mrs. Her- will motor to Chicago, HI., where they month's stay. an •will enter iihe University at ChiThe Auflebung club are giving a Miss Ethel Epstein, of Omaha, was man Cohn. The ceremony was sol- will join Mr. Chasson to make their cago. dance Monday evening, July 14* at the honor guest at a bridge party, Mrs. Albert Pitlor entertained at emnized at seven o'clock Tuesday, future home. the Hanscom Park Pavilion. given Wednesday evening by her four tables of bridge, at her home Mrs. L. H. Cohen entertained st July 8, at Mrs. Cohn's apartment'at cousin. Miss Edith Rosenthal. Miss bridge at her home Tuesday afternoon Miss Ida Greenberg was hostess to Wednesday in honor of Miss Faye the Loyal Hotel. Rabbi Frederick Epstein left Sunday for her home Thorpeiari Athletic Club in honor of Mrs. N. Miller of Calithe members of the "Ovohan" club at Hirsch, who is leaving soon to make Cohn officiated before the presence of h Picnic, July 27 fornia. Prizes -were."won by the Mes- after visiting with her aunt. only the immediate family, and a her home last Sunday afternoon. Miss er home in California, and for Miss wedding breakfast at the hotel fol- Faye Klein will be the dub's next Sylvia Holland, of Chicago, I1L Prizes A special meeting of the Thorpeian dames P. Friedman and H. Madtrff. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Dworsky and were won by Mesdames Ed. Gilbert, Athletic club was held last Wednes~~" The Well Known ^ lowed the ceremony. The marriage hostess. small daughter, Barbara Joy, and Mr. Mrs. H. Fried entertained at a dinHerman White and Mose Kiasne. day evening, July 9, at the Jewish united two of Omaha's prominent and Mrs. Harry Snader, and Miss followed by bridge, at her home Mrs. S. G. Saltzman and son, Marfamilies, as the Rosenstock family are Mrs. Ernest Meyer is expected to Community Center club rooms. Lon B c Tuesday evening in honor of Miss Irene Adelson, ant! Mr, Sam Bergen fa Plans for the annual Thorpeian pic- Evelyn Cederman of Kansas City, Mo., motored to Omaha snd spent the well known in Omaha's social circles, > , r J . Cml4 ._ o ^,«, ^ w arrive home Saturday from Sioux, T ,, MTltT ^ , MAT Saltzman,s r> nic were made. The picnic is to be and her fiance, Mr. A. Fried of Oma- Fourth with Mrs.. I. Barmish. and Mr. Cohn is a son of the late • City, la., where she had been visiting Saltzznian> w h o Herman Cohn, founder of the Loyal for the past three weeks with her par- held on Sunday, July 27, at the Peony ha. Covers were laid for fifteen. Park. The Peony Park picnic grounds Hotel, and grandson of the late John {*.& ^ ^ £ ents, Mr. and Mrs. S. Ginsburg. Bg Beadij h a s •were reserved for the afternoon's proMr. and Mrs. Herman Meyerson and L. Brandeis, founder of the J. L. Harrv Kononovitdh turned home. Mr. and Mrs. Emil Rosenstocki of gram of athletic contests. The com- family, and Leo Meyerson, left Brandeis & Sons stores. Sioux City, Ia^ spent the week-end in mittee has arranged a program of Wednesday for Manhattan, Kas., • to Mr. Cohn and his bride left immeMiss Millie Peskin, of Sioux City, ill conduct services . • races and contests for both meii and visit Mrs. M. Grossman. They made diately on a motoring trip through la., is visiting with Miss Baylia Frei- O m a h a l a s t •week. Studio—20" Cronnsfe BIk. women. After the athletic program a Barney 84"0 Colorado Springs and Estes Park and den. Friday, July 11, 7:30 P. M. Mrs. J. Crounse and soft are visiting picnic supper will be served to the the trip overland.. Bowing lor Advanced PupSJs. upon their return in about three weeks wiih.Mr. and Mrs. E. Hills, at LinMr. and Mrs. Ben Hirsch and Mrs. M. Rosenstein entertained at a members and Mends. •will be at the Loyal Hotel. luncheon for eighteen children Sunday coln, Nebr. The evening -will .be spent in danc- daughter, Faye, and son, Willis, are leaving next Monday evening for Los afternoon at her home in honor of her ROBINSON-ROSENBERG. Mrs. A. R. Muskin entertained at ing at the Peony Park dance pavilion. Angeles, Calif., where they will make daughter, Eunice, who celebrated her The members and their friends are Announcement has been mads of a birthday party at her home Tuesday the marriage of Miss Helen Rosen- ninth birthday. Prizes at games were afternoon in honor of her son, Leon- to ineet at Seventeenth and Harhey their future home. yv July 12, "7' berg, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Louis won by Harry Rosenstein, Hildieth ard. Fourteen children were present. in front of the Court House at two Mrs. A. Gilinsky left Monday for 9:00 A- M. ; " " o'clock sharp. From there, they "will Rosenberg, of Kansas City, Mo., to Freiberg and Sarah Fonnan. Bakery Mrs. Morris Levy is leaving Satur- proceed to Peony Park in a body. ArMr. Siddney Robinson, of Walthill, at the Synagogue Mrs. Ida Richards returned this . Nebr., son of Mr. and Mrs. S. Robin- week from Chicago, III., where she day for New York City, where she rangements have been made whereby (Formerly Chicago Bakery) MONHEIT'S son, of this city. The marriage took- had been visiting for the past four will visit for the summer with her those who have no automobiles to get BEACTX SHOP NEW LOCATION iStht and Chicago Streets AND CH1ROPODT to the park will be taken care of. •place Wednesday evening, July 9, at months with her daughter Mrs. I. R. daughter, Mrs. Daniel Korn. E s t 1800 Admission 50 Cents. 1511 North 24th Street All those members wishing to atthe home of the bride's parents in Steinberg, formerly Miss Elizabeth Marcel and tree reset in Mr. Fred Rosenstock returned home One Block . South " <3uj-8, SI .CO tend the picnic are requested to make Kansas City, before the presence of Richards, of Omaha. Mrs. Richards Epecializi; in penseafieist last Thursday from Germany, where their reservations at once or not later •' We (across the street) • •- wating. the immediate family. is expecting to leave the latter part he was visiting with his parents. Open Ironi 9 A. 51. to Ph03e: WEbsier 6284 than July 20. Reservations can be ' Mr. Robinson and his bride will' of this week for Santa Cfuze, Calif., 8 P . U. 1312 Earney made with any one of the following Jackson 877*. leave on'a ten• day honeymoon trip where she will stop at the Alexander Mr. and Mrs. B. Sacks, of Sioux members: 1.1. Levine, L' Sokolof, Ben after which they will be in Walthill, Hotel, and while there will visit with City, la., are visiting with their aunt Ellis, A. Meyers, Shoal Fried or Joe where they are to make their home. her children. She expects to be gone and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Kaplan. Krestul. Among the Omahans who left Sat- for several months. . Mr. and Mrs. Harry R. Milder enurday evening for Kansas City to attend the" wedding were the groom's • Mrs. Sam L. Robinson and daugh- tertained at their home Monday aft- PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS. of parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. Robinson, ter, Marjorie Ruth, have returned the groom's brothers, Nathan Robin- home from a three weeks' visit with (PETE) WELSH Son, of Walthill, and Herbert Robin- Mrs. Robinson's mother, Mrs. J. I. 5U3 ACKEEMANN Abramson, at St. Joseph*. Mo. Bon, of Newbedford, formerly of FLORISTS Omaha. Mrs. Joseph Bernstein and son, ArOmaha Oakland as "WE NEVER SLEEP" While in Kansas City, the wedding thur Sheldon, left Sunday for an exparty attended the celebration given tended trip to Denver, Colo., where • ' WJiolesale Eggs and Poultry Floral Designs—Gardening in its Entirety by Mr. and Mrs. B. M. Achtenberg in they will visit with relatives. Day and Night Phone Walnut 82S4. , Buying our produce direct from the farm honor of the golden wedding anniver' assures joix of the very best at Mrs. H. M. Levin has returned from j 1902 SOUTH 4STH STREET, Corner 46th and Center Sts^ Omaha. Fresh twice a day sary of Mr. Achtenberg's parents, Mr. : . MOST REASONABLE PRICES and Mrs. A. G. Achtenberg, on Sun- Chicago, 111., where she visited with Dr. Levin, who is specializing at the ^jEiitiiiiiiititiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiillfiiiiiiittiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilsiH^ day, "July 6. " 413 Ssath Eleventh Street •': Dee Lee Clinic.





•BigLwtt of

Ambler Gardens

| Miss Faye Gerelick entertained at Waterloo, la., Sunday in honor of her two out-of-town guests, Miss Lonise Bush, of Minneapolis, Minn., who arrived Sunday, and for Miss Bert Mosow, of Sioux City, la., who left this week for her home. Friends of Mr. and Mrs. Morris M. Rosenblatt surprised them Friday evening at a supper party in honor of their silver wedding anniversary. The jsjuests presented them with a beautiful silver gift.

Mrs. Henry Monsky is entertaining thirty-five guests at a picnic Wednesday evening at Mandin Park in honor of Miss Evelyn Richards, of Sail Jose, Calif., the house guest of the Misses Berniee and Reva Kulakofsky. The Misses Rose, Esther and Jeannette Zelikson, of Tulsa, Okla., are arriving next week to visit with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Davidson.

Miss Rita Mantel entertained Wednesday at a Mah Jongg party in ! Mr. Fred Hershorn, of Kansas City* honor of Miss Pauline Herzberg and a\Io., formerly of this city, spent the her out-of-town visitor, Miss Mary Fourth with his parents. Steinmetz, of Wheeling, W. Va.




- Miss Edith Specter entertained at bridge Wednesday, honoring the Misses Janet Levinson and Sarah Weinstein, of Fort Worth, Tex., Miss Mollye Sievers, of Minneapolis, Minn., and Mrs. L. Fried, of Burkburnette, Tex.



1707 North 24th Street, between Seward and Clark Sts. He invites all his customers and friends to patronize him. Deliveries made to all parts of the city. Rev. E. Fleishman is the "SfaoMt". TEL. WEBSTER 5488. , — Best Qualities Assured. —

4)e!igAh Ifout 3?tends


I Nebraska Produce Company |

Small 5e

1419 North 24th Street Tel: WEbster 6268


. . . . NEBRASKA; $ Phose: ATlaatlc 1803 " -""I


Continuing With Unabated Interest Our 27th Semi-Annual

Mrs. J. Katz is at the Wise Memorial Hospital, where she was operated on last week. Miss Sophie Seipp, of Chicago, III., is visiting with her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dee, and family.

Mrs. E. M. Finkenstein, of Los Anr Mr. Lou Freiburg; of Bt. Louis, Mo.; geles, Calif., arrived this week to visit Hvas in Qmaha for the Fourth tvith with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. |his parents. Simon. Mrs. Finkenstein was .formerly Miss Marie Simon, of this city. ! Mrs. H. A. Newman left Friday, While here she will attend the wed|Tuly 4, for California, where she will ding of her sister, Alice, who will he ipend the summer mouths with rela- married in August. tives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Siegel and son, - Mrs. Louis Millman was hostess to Esar, and Mrs. Harry R. Milder, and ten guests at the Brandeis Tea Rooms sons, Hymie :and Esar, are leaving Saturday afternoon in honor of Miss Sunday, motoring to Denver, YellowMfery Moscoe, who is to be married stone National Park, and other places, thin month to Mr. David Kaha. to be jrdne a inontfc, ...



Buying enttrusissna kas ran at a fever heat. Women from every nearby town and from every section of the city have been eagerly supplying their appATel seeds while sueh amazing values are possible. All oiigisal price tickets remain on Herzberg garments—simjpiy make selection sad pay but one-half the marked price. !Jfrffi


. - MC •- •



slaughtered, ruined. Old Israel's last discussion, now as to the racial obliBBITISH COPYBIGHT g and thought. There is noj RUSSIAX CHURCH ETv gation -we are under to continue tfcs hoar seemed to strike. 4CT OF 1911 EXTENDED PALESTINE IX FIXAX. But, somehow - or other, the Jews life of the Jewish nation as sveh. Kor doubt that in the aear future .all JewTO PALESTINE ish communities the' world over are C1AL DIFFICULTIES is it-oecessary to disprove the faallcies survived this bloody disaster, too. going to have their "Ye'mikah,". their Wounded, all over, bleeding every- of -assimilation and Its various theJerusalem. (J. T. A.) By an older Jerusalem. (J. T. A.) The estates and food supplied where, the.Jews nevertheless sur- ories:'-History did that and, further- inteliectazr.1 from the laid ofspiritual Israel. And the lan- of the Russian Orthodox Church in in Council, the "Copyright Act of : : • ' , K tAYZEE PFEPFEE, A- B. 'viveiL-, 'They refused to give up, to more, does this every day. The really guage of Palestine is, as all doubtJ die,. But -what conditions did they thinking Jew '-gave up assimilation as lessly know, Hebrew. Hence the im- Palestine will have to be mortg'Eg'ed J i911- has been extended to Palestine, f -survive in? Uprooted from lands the solution of-the Jewish Droblens portance of preparing our youth to tor the purpose of improving- tfcs fi- subject to the fcOlcnvJngIf the problem of Jewish education children"—was forever uppermost .in where they lived hundreds of years, long ago. Neither it is of imcortance understand that lajiguage^—the mezns nancial position of ihe Russian church i tior.s: his mind. , has-ever occupied the minds of the thsy. -were forced to" look for new here to argue against the theories of of • ccnunnnion, of interrelation, the in that cocntry, according to a state"In the application to ci.iftir. better and more responsible individ- - As a result of such a conception of •homes, new lands, new shelters. Struz- the radically inclined, so-called com- medium of mutual understandics:. of Metropolitan AntonL v>'hoarj us under the previsions c£ Seciions 19 uate of the Jewish people before, it life and education : the Jews-office gluiHT-for theitf-very existence, apply- munistic, Jews who believe that so"Charity begins at home"—likewise, has become now the vital question world over inherited a great ,and ing all their energies for the preser- cialism or communism is sroins to all good things begin at borne. Also, rived here Crora Russia. • '~ <T), W (6) &r.d 24 of the Copyrig-ht confronting, every Jew individually. strong resistance t& persecution and vation'^ their very Kfe, laboring upon solve the "Jewish question." The real- this, problem of education of the The JlerropoIiiEr. declared that he Act of i r i l . the fir?t tay of October, annihilation. Imbued Mrith._a great . If,-years ego, there has been any.sig•mjiliitadiQousjschemes %vhereby to es- ly intelligent Jew, one who does not young should be solved right here, in ,--/jJif(cance attached to this query of love for their traditions, their-.-inner; cape- death. ' itself* the Jews .were too suffer from lack of historic perspect- this comtnam'ty. We should start with was sent on this mission by the Or- 1920, &33S.11 be substituted for the comraising oar younger generation in the ited culture, the Jews became ironiane occupies 'to .demote their attention to ive, who is open-minded, open-eyed, opening a number of new iostita- thodox Russian Synod, and that he meneemeiit of'the Act vhereTer that true spirit and traditional universal to all the .various influences of envi- tag 'education *of thei* children. ' T h e with broader visions of life, realizes tions' to accommodate every Jewish would-stay in Palestine for about two i expressios occurs; and the date of the ronment and atmosphere, thhe world first time invlilstoiy that? the* Jews and knows that not even eomBrasism : Jewry, it has now, in our day£, as- over, child in this city., Evening schools for nionths. While "here he -will visit the order for the 26th day of July, 1910, armies/ without; fleets, sumed the proportions of a burning:, without.Without "Messiah" of the JthsB neglected-to; perform one of the, adults mast fee established. Courses High Commissioner. weapons,' the Jews in Section 24 <i) (b). ' . .. ; 3j ,H The all-important, unavoidable, undelaya- were yetmaterial ''Geulah. The real Jew is not in history, Hebrew, Yiddish, Jewish to resist -the > innumera- most iihpprtant duties of their nation-1 m The Copyright Act-of 1911 -will go ble problem which must be rolved, ble gales able * the censer*—rces? ' ~' by_ fleeting phraseologies, literature, folk-lore should be introand furies that threatened somehow or other, not sooner or later, to sweep them into effect in Palestine as from the kindness, induced. Hebrew speakinsr, Yiddish into the sea of "oblivion MANDATE CANNOT BE but'in the immediate" present,* today, from tune to' time, J speaking organizations should be cre21st day of March, 1924. in the^ coarse of CANCELLED WTTHOUT, . now. • It this problem has betorp been their ated .and encouraged. history. learning. A generation whieh .bora! ? r g confined withjn the limits of the narCONSENT OF POWER This; outline of "activity may seem row private chamber of th-» Jewish a little difficult at first But. no mat- Geneva, {J. T. A.) That the League JEWISH LAB0E LEA PEE and agony of war knows nothing of But, to come back to our Question, educator, pedagogue, academician or also changed the Jife of the Jew, The ter now great the sacrifice, we mast of Nations hzs no Tight to cancel the Jewish life,Jewish tradition. Jewish what shall /we do to regain our chilthe beneficent, generous "Klal-Tuer," fell of the Ghetto-waUs broadenedhis BIAY BE FINANCE MIX-IS it has now outgrown these boundaries outlooks on life. Thegreat wave of history. A generationi that does .not dren to us? The first thing that we «-*•* coonby, without ISTEE OF SOUTH AFRICA . . If _..... - and become the actual, living, common emancipation that swept the "world speak our language, that does not: must do is to bring about a perfect consent of the power to -which the Johennesburg. <J. T. A.) The new understand us. / :• ^ » ,-.•'.. (understanding between fathers and within the last two centuries also had die a natural death, as our friends, possession of every Jew alive. mandate was entrusted by the League, Prime Minister of South Africa, HertSomething must fee done—and done [sorts. Of late there.has arisen a great its influences upon the Jew. Awakthe assim3at!onists, advise-us to do, Never before, in the history of »he ened by the tumultuous, thrilling calls immediately. The greatest tragedy wall between our parents and thefr we must not doabt, we must not wait is the opinion of the New Zealand zog, is endeavoring to create a new Jews, have. the Jewish • people Jived of the Jew gradually, for- that can ever befall a nation is the; children—a wall of misunderstandine, any longer—we dare not hesitate. For Government, submitted to the Cotrndl cabinet which would be composed in through a period of such trreat frtu; sookfreedom, incoofidence. The younr this is the most critical, the most of the -League of Nations. the narrow confines of his Ghet- loss of its youth, its descendants. The 1mistrust, nnn pendous, era-making, world-changing* to and "" t " "upon •»">«-»-—*•'•«« part of Lafoorites. The Labor leader, their parents as «*>u_*-.v. "old-fash- crucial moment in the life of osr peoan unquenchable thirst he loss of a country, the loss of inde- look amazing series of events. If Jewish made a with In this opinion the New Zealand Kantorowitch, has been offered the ioned," greenhorns, ignoramuses. The dash for the fountain of Euro^ ple. Remember the warnine of our pendence, exile, persecutions could not history has, in the days gone by, been civilization and culture. Thus, destroy the Jewish people as long as parents accuse their children of disre- sages: "If not now, when? And if I Government is in agreement with the the rejection and summary of the pean after a brief period of 'luikalah"—• their children, their heils, their de- spect, inobediehce, too much independ- don't (do it) for me, who will (do it) Australian Government, -which has al- post of Finance Minister. trend of the world's history.in ge«.i- enfightenmenfc—^all capitols of Eu- scendants were theirs. At this time. ence, irreligiousness, "wildkaiL" One for me?" ready gone on record in the -matter. eral; if the world's kindness or bru- rope were crowdedthe with hundreds of iowerer, the greatest majority of\ does not understand the other. Each tality, progress or regret, advance- Jewish writers, poets, artists According: to the opinion of the New pro- Jewish children"'are only: Jewish' speaks a different language. What is PROHIBITION OF "LA JUIVE" ment or reaction, liberalise? or. chau- fessionals. Assimilation set and Zealand Government, the mandated in. Rethrough birth. The-world war. its after sacred to the father is an object of CAUSES. INDIGNATION vinism, found their imprints'upon the formed Jewryjhad its origin in those pages of Jewish history in the past, days of renaissance. In their, eager- effects, the present conditions in j ridicule to the son. The beautiful Jerusalem- (J. T. A.) The action territory is responsible for the paygion are o caused caued the ceremonies of father's religion then the present plight and situa- ness to imitate their neighbors, the which the Jews live now of 'the Palestinian Government in ment of the expenses incurred by the downfall of the Jewish home, the only "barbarian" rites to the son. tion of. the Jews' throughout the reformists mandatory power. TO AND FROM promulgated the idea-.that puritan, moral, Jewish family life. At world is nothing but the living, out- Jews are no In order to break down this wall of stopping the performance of Halevy's longer a national entity; AL-L PARTS OF standing: symbol of the world's pres- that Judaism is only a form of some the present time,; when the whole irrespect and misunderstanding be- "La Joive" -as a. result of the protests ent standards of justice, humanity and sort- of abstract, ethical: philosophy; world is suffering from a laxity of tween father and son, we must start of the Catholics, is causing great in- PHOENICIAN SHRINES THE WORLD civilization. It has taken thousands of that the Jews of the world over: are moral principles, the Jewish youth too with the teaching of Yiddish and He- dignation in some Jewish circles. ' : -• - • BISCGVEKED years to era-to and give to'tho world related to'each other only through is undergoing a moral looseness which brew—both languages. When the \T ft t f PBTPB ft CMSPIRJV Jerusalem., (J. T. A.) Two ancient an accumulation of th» rc.iut miracu- their common religion, which' they threatens to uproot* the very funda- Jewish child will have a real good It is believed that performance of lous rtees ur,<i falls, suffering and per-"coincidentally" happened to share in, mental basis of the old traditional, knowledge of these two languages, he thhe opera may be permitted if Phoenician shrines -were discovered V&L. J. f t IfcKa turn AMI pure Jewish home—the home- that will then realize the greatness of his changes are made catting out the por- here during the recent excavations in tso?'Howard St., Omaha, Neb secutions revivals and struggles, deserved throughout the .age^s as the struction en'' survivals. obs<!r.acy and religion. He will feel then tions which are objectionable to the Tanturah and Ceasarea. 034IJ. Soon after this, however, came the fortress against all inroads of immor- father's tenacity—cal'ed Jewisn hi&tory. If it his father's soul, he will understand Catholics. "reaction." The great wave of emanality. "Wee es cristelt zfch. azoi him. A real true friendshin will grow took several thousand v a n ; to produce such a. collcctfon of amazing cipation was swept back. Pogroms in yidelt zich" is an old saying which up between the two. Havinsr a masevents, it & \y took several centuries Russia,. persecutions in eastern Eu- never proved as true as just now. terful knowledge of Yiddish, the youth ARABS IN DISAGREEMENT This sad condition must be consid- will get acquainted with contemporary to mske a veritable r2plicu of»nll these rope, restrictions of the rights of the ACGOI urny yora gtt them In tsny OVER* POLICY WILL HOLD —called Modern-Jewiih-Hj.-»tnry. In Jews everywhere. The old hoax, "pen ered very seriously. Something must Jewish life, Jewish literature, and in TWO CONGRESSES yirbeh"—lest he shall multiply—was be done to remedy the evil thaf is due time will learn to appreciate his ITEM'S GRAHAM CRACKERS fact, T.ever before did the Jews AUDITING AND INCOME Jerusalem. <J. T. A.) The Arab •are E-o-o-d eating for throughout *he world face so many heard all over Europe.. Emigration spreading so steadily and speedily. If | folks, his nation, and will be proud of TAX REPORTS ycer grocer for ITE3* CBACEERS severe pr-'-tJems as. in t*.o present. set in. Hundreds of thousands, of we iwant. to save our youth, and > \^ Judaism. Possessing a reading Moderate and Peasant parties*have Ne'er bef«K» were H : T out. to the Jews took the wandering staff in their through them ourselves, our nation. \ knowledge of Hebrew, the youth will finally declined to participate in the 208 Earbach BD^ Atlantic 1031 by name &3wuys. Get file genuine and t>e satisfied B a'Hd test of ao nmr.y ne:plexing and hands and began looking for a new we_ must not criminally stand at a be able to drink from the original Seventh Arab Congress, which has . .inspiration and learning. camvIicat^r.R condition? ur.d situations haven, a new refuge. Political Zion- distance and wait, vve must begin fountain of —iinmigra'iT and cmtara*ion, ortho- ish had its inception, in those days. He will know the prophets, will be been called by the Arab Executive, doxy or rj?o»TO, rafjca;i?m or conser- Territorialism soon followed it. The But; what should this beginning amazed at the greatest Jewish spirit- under the leadership of Muza Kaziin Eairy EL p Carpenter Paper Co. ve. i«m, Z»*rfsm of assimilation, na- great i-iasses of the Jews, who. were consistt of? How and d, wherewith erewit ual wealth, accumulate •hrouehout Pasha. These parties have decided Jos. Pepper, still clinging to the old traditions, tionalism cr internationalism, Heorew Secretary. should we begin? These are the vital the ages. Moreover, whcttier we want Distribntor» of to couvoke their-own congress, which ov Yiddish,- ^nti-Somitinm, minority were in great confusion. There was problems that- should stand out up- it or.ript, the true Jewish spiritual Western Bond—and High no definite way to follow, ni>'definite is scheduled for July 20th. Dmaiia Fixture & 3-i«hti5, worjrf Jewish congress reconpermost . ,jjn" the/, minds . . jot . . . eyerv . _ . .-na-; . , . f center of the future belongs to Palesvoice to . obey; no great leader to Grade Statioaery struction problems, educate probtionally conscious,-truly devoted Jew. tine. Already now the cornerstone of Supply Co. march after. lems,' etc., etc. - . ,- - Omaha. Kebraefcs, We say "uppermost" because if we; the Jewish University is beine laid COMPLETE STOKE! AND Then came the great"* vmrld ?varJ hjave-jnpJewish gained youtht if ithe;, th^te. Already now there are gatherOn© of the great outstanding probHEADQUARTERS OFFICE OUTFITTERS ' g g j r ^ o be^oag thitHer.the doess not beloag taps, t a os. Jang Ling "thitHer. the best of the Jewish lems of the day, however, is Jewish Millions of Jews became, ;, homeless,' n§xttg€[nera^»i Old, ancient institutions crumbled. A our doom is spelt, our life as a nation' poets, authors, philosophers and thinkWe occupy education, .education of *he young 70,000 SQCSXV tatt Jews: How should *he Jewish youth huge, merciless tide of hatred, cruelty, is at an end, and we, the contempor-' ers. There is no doubt that in the Soothweit Oorsier be brought up?' What should he be brutality, swept over the Jews. Thou- aries, are the "last of the Mohicans." near future Palestine is going to beani! n e n d a s Streets. taught, if taught at all? Should he sands upon thousands were exiled. There is no need of going into a come the center of Jewish culture. know and realize that he is a part of SfEB. the Jewish nation? Should.he learn Engagement Kings is our of the great Jewish past, or should he . . . Specialty . be kept in complete ignorance of his history, his nation, his tradition? Should he be trained to grow up a nALAuHllvJa-JJuflfliLEil l « » proud, conscious independent Jew, or 1514 Dodge St. a constantly regretting, -self-pitying, Every Known Kind Est. 1894 . Ja.,5619 self-debasing Jew, never forgiving of Insurance Fate for the mistake it made- in casting his lot with the Jews? Is an JAckson 1862 209 W. O. W. BIdg. • J A. 3944. American education, i. e:* the educaPAXTON-MITCHELL CO. tion received in the public schools, !7th «in<t Slartha StfcT' HA. IB68; satisfactory and sufficient? . Can one tianatartarrT* of Brass, Bronx*. be a true, full-blooded Jew without a Aluminum sod Soft Gray Iron Caxtinss, Gate City Furniture Co, Ton' are assured -of soft castings, aa knowledge of the Hebrew or Yiddish WASH AND KEEP WELL and -we mswtslBp «otae from eT«ry heat In language? •or own Bbop. A RULE OF HEALTH Globe Van & Storage Co. In order to give a definite reply to tlzr cast Iron and bronze In staple. all these questions, we must keep in FRONTIER TOWEL SUPPLY owned and operated by '. There are obvious benefits to the mind the.following undeniable truths: 1819 California Street. GROSSMAN & SONS The future of any nation depends purchaser in Dodge Brothers policy No. lGtb St. <?a. 43SS At. 0330 upon and belongs to the growing, rising-generation, A nation is-greatonly of making constant, gradual renne•when its successors are great, when ments in their product instead of e. 8. MOEEX. Prop. its descendants are fully ready.and capable of continuing the life, history Phoae Webster 0820 changingfrom one design to another EFFICIENT end RESPOKSKB1JE and wealth—whether spiritual, moral, LACKDEI. THE LADNDRX THAT WHOOSSAX.K mental or material—accumulated or year after year. . ' Where yonr clothes come home EVERYBODY LIKES. ' acquired by the preceding generations. Druggists and Ststioncre cleaner and last lonfter. The strength "and vitality of any peo£01-403-405 Sontb 10tb Street. *M» t280. I5C7-11 Jackson St. ple depend entirely upon the strength Chief among these is the fact that and vitality of the ' future growing H. A. JA00BSEESS2. P Offiro Phone JAckson 3128 youth—the nation in embryo. The . the car may be operated throughJOHN FELDMAN •weapons of a nntion, its sources' of out the full limit of its usefulness defence, its chances in the great "surClothier vival o? the fittest" struggle, depend without the extra depreciation loss Full Dress Suits and Tuxedos Certified Pnbiic Accountants exclusively upon thhe kind and charMoved trom 109 No. 16th St. to acter of youth it has. A nation with, Audits Systems which results from, a rapid succes203 Karbncb Block, t.tth & Ooccla* St8. .but a succeeding generations a bar OMAHA. NKBI4. Investigations sion of radically different models. ' ren, childless nation. With the ab«3* to *A0 IVfcrs Trnst JMdR. sence of a generation to take its R, .tanbnofi 43IS, • place, it dies and disappears from the face of the earth. What avail a naTHE BRINN & JENSEN CO. Omalia Offleei 81S Don^tait Stnwt. tion's strength, riches, power culture, Omtshs Phone Atlantic 25SC Who!'isa!e paper traditions, if there is none to possess distrtbetors for Ford Transfer & Storage Vs. CBRIEN-DAVIS AUTO CO. . at, to inherit it when the contemporary Northern Toilet Tissue 28th and Harney Sts. generation dies awav? • Presifieni U12 Haroey Street esfi aand General Telephone—HA rney 0123 This is exactly the reason why AT-lantic 6409 Coonril Blolts <Iow») Office every civilized nation does its utmost 'One of America's Great Hotels' JOB S«. Main Stwwt. Phuft 885 'Si to educate its youth.' The greater the moral values of a nation, the more it 5& interested in the welfare of' its Wlien Thinking of Mens*-Hats youth. The higher its standards of or FHnusltifsgs • • •culture,-the greater number of schools OCK XKK it provides for its growing generaREMEMBER " " CONVUSCB TOli OP OCR CiHlSVtl. Hl.VVIfti. 1A tion. The civilized world has long SINCERITY. ago- reached the Conclusion that the Tmst Deoartment. Service is Om Motto puccess of a nation does not depend Saffty Deposit ISnsss. 1^21 DOUGLAS ST. upon its fsword and fist, but on the Safe Deposit Boie(» for Upn JOiU U WOLF SAM «.- WOI.W pen and mind. The more educated a nation let, the stronger it is* •Likewise, the strength of the JewJsh people, the strength qf its moral Co. G@Mstr@m ViC. • "fiber, the quality of its irrefutability, the power of its obstinacy and tenac"Msnsfactored in Osnalia" Upholstering and Furniture Repairity; as proven by ita rich history, deing "Mattresses Renovated. BUTTER and KtiGS BAKEK ICE MACHINE CO. pended, considerably and in greatjroBos Springs. Council Bluffs, la. portiona upon its knowledge, its^son-it-lsntie 3G19 1C12 North IStb St. scipusTjess, its eternal adhesiveness-to thhe Book, the book of life. Thus the reason for its name. Am Ha'Sepher, the nation of the book—the only nation. In th© world called sp, Throughout the ages the Jew has stubbornly ^^m^ log refuged to par,t with h}s book, refused 'The Mohl" to lOdapt himself to the cultures of OKCLE SAM BRKA&FAS1 Ms snvirewnent, refused to give up Residence, 1342 So. tSth St. FOOD CO. * Ms: pewireiffcy. fats eternally chins- to Tel. ATtantfp 6SS7. OMAHA his ttmMotiBt *o his ideas and ideals PJafe of tSssStwHs, S4I5 Csmttig St. - - •' morality, and mo<!e£ of T J ATlantlc SS31.


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W. J. fates

n o w . '









Made With Milk



Emerson Laundry

E. E. Bruce & Co*






Steam, Turkish, and Electric Baths.











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