July 17, 1924

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..Our New Address is. 681 Brandeis Theater Building.

VOL. HI—No. 32

"Our :Xew * Telephone • Xum-'jtx - i s - sAT lactic 1-450,

. _ - • •.— postomca at O i ^ .

— matter on 'January S7t&.~ IS21. -tt . Veara&to. ncaat. t t o Act of, U&tci 8.


PALWIINE INSPIRES ME : . TO WRITE MORE, SAYS : HEBREW POET B1ALIK Berlin, (J. T. A.)—"Palestine inspires me to write me," stated Chaim Nachman Bialik, the Hebrew Poet Laureate, upon his .arrival here today on a short visit from Jerusalem. Favor Removal From London "There is a > revaluation of values Complete Plan for relative Reof All Agencies Forming going on in Jewish life in Palestine," strictions Made Public. World Body. continued the poet, "of which no one can afford to remain unaware. The PUBLISHED FORMS OF PESTRONG KEREN HAYESOD work is. being, carried on by the TITIONS MUST BE USED STAND IS ANNOUNCED Chalutzim, who are the only means of penetrating Palestine and making Washington, July 14. (J. T. A.) The Pittsburgh.—The Zionist convention, the Jewish Homeland a fact." Bureau of Immigration today, in view which met in this city last-week, by of existing misunderstanding,regardan overwhelming vote, passed a resoing the new immigration law, exlution favoring the removal of the plained certain features of the law, seat of the World Zionist Executive, and the regulations issued thereunthe "Kereii Hayesdd and other agender, particularly respecting the procies to the World Organization from cedure to obtain immigration: visas for London to Jerusalem.. Although the "Who Can Name the Souvenir relatives exempt from the quota, and same proposal was defeated at the Book? those relatives given preference-withlast convention, the expected opposiin the quota_ • - . tion did not materialize this year. The Y. M. and'Y. W. H. A. of Relatives totally exempt from quota Judge Bernard A. Rosenblatt, -who Omaha, at a meeting of the executive restrictions are the wives and unmarintroduced the resolution, carried the body of the organization, have out. day, despite the warnings of Israel I lined, a series of plans that will be ried children, under eighteen years of Goldberg and Jacob Fishman, who ex- j carried out during the . next • six age, of American citizens, also minplained some of the. serious problems j months. The -first of- the series is isters of religion, college professors, ,and objections to the removal. j the picnic, which,. according to the their .wives and unmarried children under eighteen, as well as bona fide Excitement occurred -when the. old- members, will be a success. students, at least fifteen years of age, Brandeis-Weizmann controversy was • The most impbrtaritr undertaking of seeking entry temporarily for the purprecipitated by a resolution providing the Y will be the publication of a pose of pursuing their education at .that all- members of the Zionist Or- book on "History of Omaha Jewry and government approved educational inganization of America and affiliated Organizations." This book will he un- stitutions. organizations, including the Hadas- der the auspices of the members of The next class, which is not, howsah, should contribute to the Keren the Y. M. and Y. W. H. A. The ed- ever, exempt from the quota, but Hayesod. Several Hadassah dele- itorial and business departments will merely given first preference ahead gates dramatically -warned the con- be composed of members of the Y. of all other applicants, up to one-half vention that the passage of this reso"Who can name this book?" The of each month's quota, is comprised lution would shut the doors to the winner of this contest will be award- of children between eighteen and re-entry of the old leaders. ed a special - prize. If you have a twenty-one, fathers, mothers, husRabbi Jurman of Waterbury, a name for this boot,- that wfll be a bands or wives of American citizens, former leader of the Brandeis group, jnonument to Omaha Jewry, send it and also immigrants wwho are skilled declared that a strong stand must be in. Mail your answers to the Y. M. H. in agriculture and their dependent taken once and for all in the matter A., third floor Lyric building. The children under sixteen. of the Keren Hayesod. He stated that contest wDl last for three weeks. All The attention of the public is called he was convinced of this as a result names must be in by August 1. to .the fact that outside of the excepAnother feature of the Y will be tions above mentioned, the only-relaof his experience in having seceded from fhe organization and now hav- the membership campaign which will tives in America are full-fledged cit"ing returned-to* it."-The Keren Haye- be launched in. the fall. The goal sat iaens of this.country, and that "the — relatives^ of, xaexe declarants or immisoch he stated, is a1 fundamental in- for is 1,000 members. Jie^d^te^ersrstS^Hr* grants" are not entitled to any-preferfail to recognize this, "then.we don't ence or any special privilege whatneed them." ever. Mr. Lipsky tried to pacify some; of As regards those immigrants who the protests of the .Hadassah" dpleare entitled to preference within the gatea, whereupon M. A. Zeldin of IJew quota, the quotas of the East EuroYork criticized him for doing so, s'ayr .Agrees in Principle; but Awaits Act pean countries are so small that even ing,,that no excuses or modification^ ,'u.'.••.?*-;:-i of Parliaments.":...:' • > the number of relatives wwho may be were necessary and that it was'time given preference by reason of earlier that the obligations of all the selb- ^bondorii—The '"British Government application will prove a--very small styled Zionists toward the^ Keren is agreed in principle to guaranteeing number. " " ,* the loan which will be issued by the Hayesod "were insisted upon. " The procedure for obtaining immiThe resolution was overwhelmingly Palestinian Government, but it Is tm- gration visas for exempt and preadopted with only a few of the Had- able to give this guarantee until an ferred relatives abov especified is as assah delegates voting against it. Miss Act of Parliament is passed to that follows: Henrietta Szold, president of Hadas- effect, according to Lord Arnold, Un* Any citizen of the United States sah, voted for the resolution, which der-Secretary in the Colonial Office, claiming that any immigrant is his who gave this information to Lord was interpreted to mean that she will relative, and that such immigrant is urge Hadassah to come out stronger Raglan in reply to a question of his properly admissable to the "United concerning the liabilities of the Palesthan heretofore for the Keren Hayetinian Government, and its plans for States as exempt, or is entitled to sod. preference as a relative, may file floating a loan.A resolution was adopted expressing Lord Arnold further stated that a the Commissioner General a petition approval of the aims of the Amerin form prescribed by the Labor Deican Jewish Congress and providing bill will be introduced in Parliament partment, stating: 1, the petitioner's in the matter,'and that there will then that Zionist districts throughout the name and address; 2, if a citizen by country shall contribute a specified be an opportunity for a thorough dis- birth, the date and place of Ms birth; - sum to its funds. Before this reso- cussion. 3, if a naturalized citizen, the-date and lution was passed, Israel Goldberg de- While the amount of theloan has place of his admission to citizenship not yet been fixed, Lord Raglan sugnounced; the congress administration and the number of his certificate, if for inviting" Israel ZangwOl to Amer- gested that it should be 3,000,000 any; 4, the name and address of his pounds. . . \ ica. , - , employer of the place of business or

American Zionists . Desire JemsaleiE as Executive Seat


Y.Eandy,W.H.A. Plan Series of Activities

Great BrSaBF^grees to Palestinian Loan

JEWISBt-TURKISH LEADERS INSIST ON FRENCH INSTRUCTION IN JEWISH SCHOOLS Constantinople, (J. T. A.)—The directors of the. Jewish schools in Constantinople, as well as leading members of the Jewish community, at a meeting here decided unanimously not to accept the ruling of the Angora Government eliminating French from the Jewish schools in Turkey.. - . . . • . A delegation was elected for the purpose of appearing before the Director of Public Education, Hilmy Bey, to request Mm not to enforce this law. Should it prove impossible to repeal it, a modification will be asked for, enforcing the law in such a manner as not to injure the education of the pupils.. Should both requests be refused, it has been decided to send a delegation to the Angora Government." JEWISH TELEGRAPHIC AGENCY EXPANDS SERVICE " New York.—The Jewish Telegraphic Agency has opened a branch office in Los Angeles, under the management of Mr. EUIs, Eanen, formerly head of Uie Jewish Department of the Foreign Language- Information, Service, for the purpose -of ^better serving, the press of the Pacific region., - . . " Service, has been commenced by'the Jewish Teleg&phic Agency,to ; El Diario 'Israelite of Buenos Aires, -Argentina. .

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PALESTINE ARAB LEADER EXPOSED AS BANDIT CHIEF Jerusalem, (J. T. A.)—Salim Abdul Rachman, son of the, Mayor- cf Tol Kerem, and leader "of the Moslem Christian Association in Palestine,'has been exposed as none other than the leader of" a band of robbers, according to police reports published here today, "The evidence against him 6hpwa that he was involved "in a series of robberies and raids upon Arab and Jewish villages recently. "The arrested Arab leader was decorated by .the British Government on the'occasion of King George's last birthday. DEHAAN MEMORIAL" SERVICE ATTENDED BY FOREIGN DIPLOMATIC OFFICERS Jerusalem, (J. T. A-)—-Memorial services for Israel DeHaan were held .here Monday afternoon in the presence of thousands of people. Among' those who attended were' the' <Jcnsut& f Poland, France and Spain, and representatives of" the Jerusalem municipality. • .• -• . Rabbi Yodler, who .delivered the memorial oration, compared the murder to ifae murder of-Abel by Caia. REWARD pFFjSRED! FOE , 1~\". '- .DEHAAN'S.SLAfES. .Jerusalem, {J. T,X^-r-A^ri'wkrd of 2p0 .powids Has been, offered by!;thfe government for information leading ta the apprehension of the marderer of Israel DeHaan. ------

"Klan 4Put Over' Immigration Bill" Open Boast Madft by €hief Kloxer of Texas at Klan Gathering in VirginiaDeclares Further That by November of this Year Klan Will Control the Nation. Norfolk, Va.—That the immigration inantly Protestant. Among those who bill just passed by Congress was spon- made the charge of religious animossored and-"put over by the Knights ity in the Nordic supremacy idea, when the movement was launched, was of. the Ku Klux Klan" was the open former Congressman Walter Chandler boast of C. t Hoy, chief Kluxer of of New York." Republican administration leaders, Texas, in an,address in this city. Hoy further declared that the Klan including -Reed of Pennsylvania, Johnwill control the Nation by November, son of Washington and Lodge of Massachusetts, were loud in their praise 1924. • ". .The passage of the immigration of the measurej notwithstanding that bill, which was termed by Hoy as it was generally known that the most "the greatest movement for the sal- persistent lobbyists in behalf of the vation of America," was prefaced by bill were the Klan elements. The Klan gathering in this city vras a campaign of defamation against races in East and Southeast Europe. attended by 20,000 persons. Hoy deThe bill directly discriminates against clared that there are now 8.000.0*3 Slavic, Latin and Hebrew peoples and men in the hooded order and 3,000,000 it has been repeatedly charged that women in the auxiliaries. The memreligious feeling had instigated the bership, he declared further, was made plan of giving- immigration preference up" of "American born, white Protestto a section of ISutope that is predom- ants/all of good moral character."

Ku HEX Kfea^asds ifhr. Deiap, Arch FoeirfBryan as Atitkor. of Flask Activities of De?nacrafe Leader at Orthodox Leader, Eaensy of Zionism, Recent Convention Approved Said to Have Been Killed by : Tjy Fiery Cross. a Zionist.

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SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, 4 YEAR, HITLER.FORCED BY LUDENDORFF TO DESIGN LEADERSHIP OF NATIONAL SOCIALISTS Berlin, (J. T. A.)—Adolph Hitler, famous leader of the "beer revolution" in Bavaria, has resigned his leadership of the German National Socialist Party. It is stated in well-informed circles that the resignation of Hitler was caused by General Ludendorff, who aspires to the leadership of the party, and who desires to bring about a union of it with the German Nationalist Party.

l i e £K

Picnic Postponed to 2§

More Events Planned For Entertainment Program ANNUAL PICNIC TO BE AT ELMWGOD PARK

"It Ain't Going to Kain No More" —because the Y. M. and Y. "W. K. A. picnic will be held Sunday at Elmv^ood park. The Y picnic which was to have been held last Sunday, July IS, was postponed when "Old Jupiter Pluvius" intervened and let the heavDinner Dance Will Be Held Saturday ens shed their tears. The picnic comEvening. mittee, not to be outdone by the delay, are making arrangements for s ""bigMore than one hundred members of ger snd better" affair than previously. the- Highland Country club attended arranged for. the opening of the club Saturday evenWith the spirit and the enthusiasm ing. The club house was beautifully shown by the Y members who called decorated and met with hearty ap- the Federation office all day Sunday proval of the entire membership. seeking information with refereace to Dancing was held until 1 a. m. "These the picnic, the success of the picnic dances will be held every Saturday is assured. evening," said Myer Speisberger, The members will meet at the club chairman of the entertainment com- rooms early Sunday morning, from mittee. This Saturday evening there where they will be taken in large •will be a chicken dinner served. The tracks to the picnic grounds. A commembers are asked to make their res- plete program of events has been arervations immediately at the club ranged. These events will be held for house. all, the boys and girls, tall ones and The club house is equipped with men small ones, fat ones and thin ones. and women's showers, rest rooms and "We have secured a number of many other conveniences. The dub prizes -which will be awarded to the grounds, according to members, is winners of the many contests which, beautifully situated on one of the are on the program," said Sam Wolf, iighest points, making the view verjr chairman of the picnic commifcfaee. clear. "Those who have not yet made reserThe "kicker's handicap," which was* vations for the picnic can beneSt by to iave been held last Sunday, will fee the fwstponemsnt snd mail in their held Sunday. "Tim is tfee first of a rssersmMoas immediately." ' • . series of golf • cssfests /that will b® A featare attraction for the Y pic* held," said H. S. Heavenrici, chBir- sic'trill'be .the Y. M. H. A. Jtanior irssn of-the GroxmSs Committee. 'ASt bbaseball -game.*'The Y team wQl play members will pair up at 2 p. m. The the Gibson Earablera. The Y team play will be over the rine holes. lias tasted defeat twice at the hands ••Whiie the dances are being held cf tim Gibsos team and are out now Imt 'once a week, many of the aaES- for revenge. berg have, been at the club duringMembers of the athisory board of other nights, where Ivndhes • are fee Y will ae£ as judges in the conserved every evening under the ea- tests. ' • perrision of James BelL Special lancn boxes have been prepared. These tenches will contain, all of the delicacies.fitting to the appetite. Special Kosher cooMe^ and crackers Jjave been donated to fhe Y picnic by.the Loose-Wiles Biscuit Co. These cookies will be given to the Complete Plans 'Being OctKned to members of the Y. > Insure Success. \

Indianapolis.-—Prais« is ; bestowed Jerusalem. (J.iT. A.) The assasupon William Jennings Bryan as the sination of Dr,; Israel DeHaan, the author of a religious freedom plank leader of the orthodox Agudsth. Is* in the Democratic platform which in rael, is causing much, excitement, anil reality is a Klaa plank, in the recent is being condemned by all parties and issue of the Fiery Cross, or^an of the factions of the population. Klan, now on isle on the streets of The funeral of the slain leader took this city. ~- , j place here. Representatives cf the "The anti-Kiss plank which.,VYI; Palestinian "Government, the Zionist finally adopted ' is • virtually > a Klan "Executive and the Palestinian plank," sa/s ths Fiery Cross. "That Executive participated, l l r . Jacobas is, it expresses: the sentiments and Kann, the Zionist leader, and Dutch principles of .the Klan. The Klan has Consul in Jerusalem,: delivered the funo planks in the platforms of political neral oration as £b$-4iploraatic .reppparties. The plank reaffirms - the resentative :\of\- the country of stand of the Democratic party for re- Haan's birth. - ligions, liberty, free press, separation of church arad stefe^-Jtoithat freedtJisof speech shall not be abridged. ' ~ tion of Israel D^Hann in "Klansmen are today wondering has aroused great interest here, and just how-this plank can-possibly be! the press is devoting-much space to construed as an anti-Klan plank. The1 the o c c u r r e n c e . . ,•••-•very principles on which the Klan is i The London Times, coiamenting on founded are irabeded in the plank and the murder, states-tiat the political written by William Jennings Bryan." character of 4heHtrime-has net. been - Klansmen ^of Indianapolis declare established. Official circles, that the plank which. Bryan declared both. Jiere and, in Jerusalem, Heartily -would cover the Klan issue will serve condemn the act. as a clarion call to Klansmep. In The.Daily Express, of which Deproof of this claim they declare that Haan was the Jerusalem correspondthe fourth, section of the oath of .the ent, states that the attempt to turn Ku Klux Klan, as it is said to. have the funeral of the "victim into an antiThe plans and arrangements of the been set forth tinder oath by Edward Zionist demonstration failed. Both picnic committee of the Omaha HeYoung Clarke in Washington, pledges the Palestinian Government and the Klansmen to shield and preserve, Zionist organization were represented brew Club will make it possible for The local Keren Hayesod have reevery Jew in Omaha to enjoy and among other things, "free speech, at- the funeral.: . " ceived word from the National Headparticipate in a complete schedule free press, separatioa of church and of games, contests, musical program quarters of the organization that all state, liberty, white supremacy, e t c " London. (J. -T. A.) Dr. Chaim • It is further claimed that if the Weizmann, president-of the WorH Zi- and prizes at Peony Park on San- unpaid pledges of tne Omcha eubscriberg should be collected during this "white supremacy" phrase, which onist Organisation, when informed of day, August 17. month, as : the'National Headquarters The regular Peony Park orchestra means nothing in Indiana, is elimi- the assassination of Israel DeHaan, must return loans that are falling nated from, the Klan oath, there is no political enemy- of the Zionist mssve- will play. due this month. With busses to meet ike people difference in substance between the ment, strongly condemned this act of Checks for all outstanding1 pladg** at the end of the Farnaxa Carlise oath and the station and national dec- violence. He stated that this incident laration. In addition, the Klansmen may cause great damage to Zionism. the best of transportation facilities can be m«led to'the local secretary, Mr. Joseph. Rosenth&l, at €24 Peters is assured. declare that "separation of, church The suspicion that the murder of Trust bididing,. In connection witn the aH day and state" is a catch phrase giving DeHann was committed fey a Zionist the Klan the high sign that not only was voieed here by: the anti^Zienist picnic the Hebrew Club will present a musical program at S^00 P. M., AMERICAN. .JEWISH CONoccupation if he is not an employe; hasn't been mentioned ]by name, bat Daily Express, of which .DeHann tras consisting of the. best. local talent . GEESS 'SENDS CONDOLENCES 5f the degree of the relationship ;of the a part of its oath actuaDy has been the TO PBISSIDENT COOLIDGE obtainable. Prizes contributed by, immigrant for whom such petition is incorporated in the platform. The Evening Standard devoted much local business men will be given New York, (J..T, A.)—The Amermade, and the names of all the places space to an account of-the occurrence, away. Among the prizes "will be a ican Jewish Congress, through its where such immigrant has resided JACOB BILLIKOPF ELECTED greatly praising-the slain leader. radio receiving set, a string of Honorary: President, President and VICE-PRESIDENT OF SOCIAL prior to and at the time when the pearls, and a wateh. Executive Secretary, Nathan Straus, : . SERVICE CONFERENCE petition is filed; 6, that the petitioner Israel DeHann, the well known ExDr. Stephen. S. Wise and Bernard G, Mr. Maurice Civin, is chairman of is able to and will support the, immiPhiladelphia, <J. T. A.}—Jacob ecutive Secretary of the orthodox the ticket committee. : Richards,-sent the following message grant if necessary to prevent such likopf of this city. Executive Director Agudath Israel of Palestine, was shot of condolence to President Cooiidgei immigrant from becoming a public of the Federation of Jewish Charities, at 8 p. m., June SO. Three ballets "The American Jewish Congress SIXGS OYEB RADIO. charge. '. • V was elected Vice President of the Na- pierced his heart and he died within offers you and Mrs. Cooiidge the deepMr. Max Janger sang several numThis petition must be accompanied tional Conference of Jewish Social five minutes. bers over the WOAW broadcasting1 felt snd respectful sympathy of it* by the statements of two or more re- Service, at its annual convention in DeHann spent the last minutes of station last Friday evening, Jaly 10. membership, in, the loss which you sponsible citizens of the United Toronto, yesterday. his life in the synagogue near the States, to whom the petitioner has Dr. L -M. Rabinow, Executive Direc- hospital of Dr. Vallach, saying his Jsngrcr is a son of Mr. and Mrs. ,T, have sustained. May God give you 4 been personally known for at least tor of the Philadelphia Jewish Welfare evening prayers', and the murder oc- Janger. lie is a vocal pupil of Walter &ud your household peace B. Graham sudl has been presented at strength." One year. The Department of Labor I Association, was raade a raerober of curred almost in front of the hespital has published the form of petition to the Executive Committee of the Con- as soon' as DeHaan left tiie syna- several radio concerts.' NEW ABAS FAETY be Used, and will send it by mail to ference. gogue. FOUNDED IN HAIFA FRENCH CONSUL GENERAL any party requesting th,e sama, and DeHaan was to have 3eft is a few VISITS COLONISTS AND SCHOOLS Jerusalem, (J. T. A.)—A new Ara& will hot consider any other form of London, (J. T. A.)—Israel Zangwiil, days for England together -with Dr. peasants' party has been founded in petition. the famous writer and dramatist, is Vallach asd Eabbr Horcwite. - ss a Jerusalem, (J. T. A.)—"I have the fee district of Haifa. The party i&iU best impressions of thg Jewish workIf the Commissioner General finds ill at his home hers. Upon the ad- delegation representing the Agudath be called the "Organization for the the facts stated in tha petition to be vice of his physician he has given up Israel, to protest; to ths British Col- ers settlements in Begaisia and Assistance of Villages." Its platfftrffi true, and that the immigrant in re- his public lectures and other activ- onial Office agsinst the draft of the Kinereth," declared the French COJISOI rejects the Balfour Iteclaraiaien aiid g General in an interview here with the epsct of whom tike petition is tnada is ities. srdinancs of ,th"e PslesHnisn representative at Hie Palestinian demands complete independence for entitled to be admitted to the United irseat granting internal autaseinF to States as a non-quota immigrant, or is visa to their nearest Consul abroad. the Jewish eosmsunities of Palestine. Telegraphic Agency. The Consul stated that he intends entitled to preference as a relative, he Those of this non-exempt and nonto visit the other Jewish colotdes, ZIONISTS TO HOLD shall, with the approval of the Secre- pref erred dass da not need any papers MEMORIAL . ; ; especially those which were founded tary of Labor, inform the Secretary' from America. The preferred Tela- Rsbhi M. S*cks to Speak Hie local Zionist District wiU . at Hebrew Club Meeting by Baron Edmond deRothseMlei of of Stste of Ms decision, snd the Sec- tives, however, in addition to. uniting; memorial services next Tuesday evm* ' of State shall then authorize. 4heir relatives in- America to file the Rabbi M. Sacks, an instructor of Paris. ingFt the Beth. Hameatosii Bod«tt The Consul stated that he had also the Hebrew • Theological . Coilegs of: Consular officer -witii wfcoia the necessary petition in Washington, Hurt Synagogue. Nin«««en& sad visited the schools which are mainChicago, SI., wSi be ' the ' prindpsl should immediately, wishwat waiting ^p for the integration" visa for their American; relative to take speaker at the Omaha Hebrew* Club tained by the AlUsnce Israelite FTEU- streets, in honor of the M s been Sled to Issras the i Sfction, sppjy for a visa with the Con-; meetiag. Stcasy '-aftamoos, July- 20, eaSse and fasai them treil ®qtap|jisi, of the tfesth o£ Dr. Tfeeodoiss taoii oi fisa or grant tb& pieSBn3Jte. All-other'immigrants except thttse" sal as TE*th«rwise the -gaota may be at the.' Jewish . Comin&arty Center. | with teachers ef the Srst rank, ant? HMKPB wiE be ms»y preaaineat A -is \ well-attended by. jrupls "who were ers Jim tfe« program. £! $ .Jbe- "^Zionism . specified above as exempt or pre- filkd *y itrevioxis iten-preferr^tf ap- His 'Ssbjedfc• soaking much progress. Iw-ffeed. . ... t • ' _ . . . . . <-^. ' " Isrrtot n«sed only esohr dtrosiiy for & l i Jewish



-• A *

BOUMANIAN JEWISH "Say,'Mr. f e e l e r , " he .told th« But Myrtle seemed to be troubled, STUDENT FIRES AT ROUMAN- proprietor latet, J<a girl idriftefl lni too. feres after Holmte ha<5 takert her 5684-1924. IAN CONSUL IN LONDON with some poems th's afternoon. in his arms and kissed her, and sh« PARSHA BALAK—July 19th. . London, (J. T. A.)—Leon Pachannu, Scorchers. Gosli, I'd hate to print had promised to become his wife she Published every Thnrsdnfr at Omaha, Nebraska, by , . PAKSHA PINCHAS-July 26th. aged 23, a Roumanian Jewish student, them." seemed to have some secret on hRr C?\iiJT&S JE>yiSBTPfiESS PUBLISHING COMPANY* Bill Passed Over Protes'ls of Ka- fired today at the Eoumanian Consul BOSH CttODESCH AB—August "Let me feee 'em," said Wheeler, mind. OiEce: 681 Brandeis Theatre Building—Ttelephone: ATlantic tiotiai Minorities. Rep?eseh<> PAKSHA. MAT- • S UMASSEM—AuAnd, though the poems stopped in London, Mr. Bera, at the Rouman- shifting his cigar. "Why, they ain't so NATHJ&i a GfiEEN, Manage?, .. ...., • -gust 2nd.- atiyes. , | bad. What's this? Myrtle Suffield? forthwith. Holme was \agueiy uneasy. ian Consulate here. ..$2.50. i Subscription Price, one year. Why, doggone it. we've got to print Myrtle seemed to be at least temperaPARSHA DEBARIM, SHABBOS Advertising rates furnished on application. When brought before the police CHAZOM—August 9th. mental. Could a man. be happy, marWarsaw, (J. T. A.}—"The Jews in court, Pachannu declared "that he com- these. Myrtle's the niece of Alton ried to a temperamental poetess? CHANGS OP ADDKESS-'PieaBe Rive both the old and new address: TISHA B'OV—August 10th. Poland do not desire to be used as a be euro and give your name. Suffield, the banker." PAESHA VAETCHANAN — August tool for Polonizing ihe Ukrainian and mitted the act out of despair, having Could he: Could he have any doubt Holme -n-hlstlecl again. intended only to shoot himself. He Th^iJewisb, Press-fs gupijlieaw the JBwigH'TeiegraphiffAgecBy (Jewish of it? Three -weeks before the day White Eussian territories. The Jewisa., "Lives with h'er bachelor uncle and Correspondence Bureau? with <&ble!dland,te1eijraphifc, Jewish news, in addition was in financial trouble and he reachfixed for the redding, Mrytle said to old-maid aunt, Tabltfca Sisffield. Didn't ish people have a culture of their own PAESHA AKEV—August 23rd, to feature articles and correspondences from-all. important.Jewish centres, ed the climax of his despair when the him: to preserve, and they are desirous of Consul refused to give him promised know Myrtle went in for this sort of inquiries regarding hews items• credited to this Agency' will" be gladly ROSH CHODESCH ELLUL, "Darllnsr. ere you sure you're going thing, though. Fine g5ri she is. Have answereH if addressed to Jewish Telegraphic "Agency* 114 Eifth" Avenue, doing so," stated IJeputy Isaac Greeh- support. SHA EEAY—August 30th. to be EQtisfied vith mo?" to introduce you* Holme." N e w York C i t y , , ; _ . ^. r -• • \i. • '? •- '• .' -\ EOSH CHdbESCH ELLUL--August baum, oh behalf of the Jewish deputies "Er—yep," pair! Holme. A few days latex Boljaae met Miss 31st. in the Polish Sejni, when the bill pro"Is there anything at rll about me Jerusalem, (J. T. A.)—Perform- •Myrtle at "her, uncle's bouse. r 6th. .-MAKING SOCIAL SERVICE EtfFIClE^r V PAESHA posed bj f the Government, regulating ances of Halevy's "La Juive/' -which you don't care for, darling?" PAESHA KE SAZA — September *' O b,, Air, Holme, I bare to tliank you Intelligent social-service'wortc requires a complete ^anql-exthe rights of the Polish minorities in was prohibited by the Palestinian so very much for patting by poor little The leading question could not be hatfstiv^ off the the community int i knowledge l l d * people l comprising ii in 18th. : -' ,r 3, the Polish Eepublic came before the Government because of the protests of verses inio your^papfer," saia Myrtle. avoided. Holme wrlggicd; hp blurted whisk the work is,carried on. Omaha ranks with the best cities PAESHA, &EZA.V1&'— September t>iet for discussion. • the Catholics, will be permitted if the "I was" In feat and trembling and cut: in the country-in .matters of social service. It is looked uppn as 27th""" " ' '.. "Why, darling, only—about those Stormy scenes and fights marked Hebrew opera company wilL consent then In fapttires when I nchsally featf a leader and ..often eyeij, as a pathfinder for new and progressive EEEV EOSH'HASaANNO—Sep'tem- the passage of this bill, -which puts an poms, you know. They seemed rather them, signed "with my name. Did you v to make the necessary modifications, ' ber 28th. ."' —rather strong for a young girl to methods./ ' .""""" • •'•- m • end to the dreams,of the White E'us- cutting out' those portions of the like them?" "Er—yes," said Holme, glancing to- -write." At the .recent social workers conference in Toronto t h e matter sians, Ukrainians and other territorial opera which offend the Catholics' feel"I'll have to tell you, darling, then," ward the prim maiden aunt, who sat of Jewish communal censuses "was discussed. Several cities had Brenner And minorities f otr self-government on ings. said Mrytle. "Auntie wrote them!" with her hands folded in. a corner. begun "the work but none had" carried: thru a successful enterown territories. It grants them "What!" Holme gasped. "Why the 'er—yes,' Mr. Holme?" The Exclusionists their prise. Omaha's representative at the convention informed the only a limited use of their own naasked Myrtle coldly. "She—she made ine take the author's conference delegates, tftair.irnmediately upon his return to his city tional language in official communica"Why"—Holme grfiteped flesperately name because she—hhe felt they alltys§,itt readiness.for.aiull,ajid:thorough.sur^ey: of the Jewish •Victor Davjd Brenner, the man who tion local" authorities. "they were to—so very unusual, you weren't Quite proper for a Spinster lady made the head pn^the Lincoln penny, community of Omaha.- 1'His-statement was greeted-with a rousing o£ her age to have -written. I felt so Vnow." Although the Polish Socialist Party > i was *a" Russian immigrant who came. and the Polish Eadical- Peasant Party, ovation.* <• --..,, T . r. .-: , _ ! • \ '-' "' "Would yon like some more?" askefl asfcameS and humiliated that you ; r thought I -was the author. Tell me, Myrtle. -,©maha has begun the, census .and it is progressing very favor- to this country as -a young man of 19., Wyzvolenie", were in principal favor darling, It didn't male any difference "Er—yes," said Holme. ably. - I t s resulta are awaited inost- anxiously The eyes of all His gifts as a sculptor were great of granting territorial autonomy to He showed Wheeler the next batch in your love for nip, did it ?" American- Jewry sure turned in the direction of this community. and he was one of- the most talented the "national minorities, they voted "Er—no," tald Holme. that came in. "We can't print tliese," If .Omaha succeeds in this enterprise/-it Will HaVe, rendered-a makers of plaques, -miniatures' and with the majority for the bill.. be said. distinct and worthy contributioa'to social servicefrWork and will seals iivt America. It was- President Beputy Chrustizki, in the name of By CLARA DELAF1ELD "Print 'em," said Wheeler. haveVbutresaed-the proud.position-it now holds~m "the front rank Roosey.elt. who, seeing Brenner's head the= Ukrainians, Deputy Taraskiewicz, (G, 13 34. Western Newspeper Union.) wonder what sort of a mind that of%Amerjcaa communities,; . ' r' ' "-' "' '"-"• - " ; " • ' .. ~ of-iLincolnj deemed it so fine that he in the name of the White Eussians, t«T'LIi look them over, Miss Wia- girl"I has," muttered Holme. The value of such ac survey once ;tbnlp'letea can hardly beo'ver"- urged the Treasury Department to and Uta, in the name of Ihe Germans, •*• field," said Harry Holme, from But as tbe weeks passed, he came to estimated T.her.&vi\\V b e s s a.result qf'Wus^oflc,-first of all,- U make. use. of it fon. an • American,coin, tried to speak against the measure, the heiglit of his position as editor of look for "Myrtle Sufiieid's periodical apcomplete iile of every Jewish-family'arid ihfprrnatioii"-with Regard It was President Roosevelt's.idea _that bat "they -were continually shouted the. local paper. "Er—of course we pearaiire at the oSce. He looted Bakery W J , -and nd child; h d ; embracingg the". J6Wish-"-faith iri Lincoln's head should be used on the don't pay for poetry, you understand. forwafQ to those Saturday nights at to .everyy -itfafl,, Wflman, this comniunity.. rStatiatics will theff be draWh ffoiri tHi£ informa- nickel. But" Mr. Brenner-urged that down and interrupted by the majority. The honor of appearing In our col- the banker's house, tn fact three or (Formerly Chicago ISaTcery) tion.-, showing tharelajtiye.ijoir.th and death;" riiarriage<and divorce it-be. used on a penny, because the One of the Jewish deputies, Prilutz- umns—" font months Later he aistovered in 1 XEW LOCATION rate of Omaha Jews. Th& proportion of jteisbiis;ibtfning' their penn£ waS'the coin-oil the .masses and ki, -while protesting was assaulted by - "Oh, I know, I knew," pushed ilyrtle himseU unmistakable symptoms of own: homes, the proportion of citizens afl&the gro^orfioA holalng^ Lincoln said that-God's people were a deputy of the right wing, which Suffiela. ''I don't want the money, Mr. falling ia love; 1511 North 24th Street . life-insurance will then be.-known.as \yell as the VaridUs occupations th6 tomftofl people, and that \5ras; why supported the measure. Prilutzki re? Holme. Just tne honor and encourHe ibBght egainst it. "A. girl who One Block South turned the blows and both were, ex- agement of appearing as oae of yotir can write that sort of stuff—" lie said andjthe number ofupeople,'each .one;enlists. The proportion" of (across the street) he made" so many of .them. The 1 contributors." children receiving; ^education, g; a:: religious g ^ e d , ..the. . loHgfd, gf, Society, y, arid influence of Lincoln's spirit and of cluded from Parliament for the next She drifted out, and young Holme ta himself. Phone: WE baler 62S4 And then when he looked at Myrthree sessions. f f i l i i ^ every ;nu»V\y6nian, y6 I d child, hild the h prbporb synagogue affiliation^ Ihd Roosevelt's friendship was strong on gazed admiringly after her. He was tionate nativity-; of. the icoramunity, the proportion bom in Ne- Brenner., He Srtis, a. fine, eiponefit, The representatives, of the national a newcomer In the little town and be tle's clear, honest eyes he forgot. braska will no. longer be a: mystery. Finally there will be known through artistic -media, of the soul of minorities, after the" passage of the. had never seen Myrtle Suffleld before. accurately just. how> many Jews, there are" i n t h e city" of. Omaha. Amfirica. But he was more than that. bill, left "the house singing their na- "When he read the first poem he the,. Jews singing whistled. At the second he gasped. • It is'then when,-all-this information is cornpiled that the Hfr-was a.refutation.of the charge .of. tional hymns, 1 At the third'he tore Ms hair. He finest,-most-thorough? and; ino&t-progfessive kind of social service alienism all too- often, hurled at those "Hatikvah. * flung- tlie whole lot into the -wasteworkca&becarriedoji;- Itis-for-,the direct benefit of every inem- -who, like him} cbthe' to our shores to basket, tlien fished them out, smoothed CHIROPRACTORS berrof. this community-as well,a8:foif all AmericancJe\yty that the. cast, their -Hives"-- -in the .American SIR ALFRED. MO^t) MAY; tbem out, aad looked around lor a reJewish Welfare Federation and the socialserViCe-donYrhitteeof-thfr aleihbfo 3?he " Outlook" devotes -- ari ASSU-Mfe LEADERSHIP OP Atmounce jection envelope. B'nat B'rith. are-taking thi3 census , •"-- editorial, to laudation of -him"' and . LIBERAL PARTY IN ENGLAND The X)pcning of Their Offkcs London, --(J. ; _T. *'A.)—Persistent bestows rits i|cc61ade with the words," Ckt v ^ ^ ^ rumors are-afload;-that Sir Alfred "In''oneT- sefile .Victor iBrennEr ;,40^—407 Paxtoa Block* 16th and Farnam Sts. 5Iond, former Minister -of Public . oit Ji!lr 21, 1924 Works in- Lloyd George's cabinet," will YOUR PATRONAGE SOLICITED succeed to the- leadership - of sthe. Liberal Party; -He is regarded as the puti'forthhis soul's best efforts 'an<$-"ehdowments; and feels .that herfe, like Brenner, and who, as Amer- only possible savior of the .party; n!!!!mi!!lI»2l8B8iliHilSIlS98nii!i!l8eS8!!!!881H!ji!U88S!a!il§inei!91!HI8HISH18HI!Si3!8!iH?. other" thingi!'are'all cheap) "compared with-,fhel purpose -of" his icans by choice, afford more"thah;thei£ Possessing great -^rain-power, and pur%ult^the"n&is~l6V6and faith are-of Jthat character which can just proportion# of-citissens to enrich ih popularityt- it ^--.beyejjedj. that, when renf6ve~ln5Uhtai;nS- •iAllv.th'ese .xjualities .vcre^fe! ^fij'enthusiasm.}" 'lb;is .fi he is elected te Parliament, he" vrill be w i h can c n accomplish acmpl o r e h a the 1^e.pen.^i}<CthQ,sword> r,a whidh more'than or,"at" ;pen.."'^<C ;tiie,sword^ o tbafcJChe Outlo-ol? should state in. chosfen as-the-official-leader-of the any/rate; ca& achieve" what the peri and" the aword cannot aehfeve Qneis.s.ue.. "The Semite- constitutes •" They thfow-a^chai'm over all -the" work, making that'glorious perhaps/the greatest menace .of all," party there.- which v/ould otherwise be dark knd forbiddihg^ahdrjnak'e." that and within a fortnight. print , an Sit Alfred Mend-has-already conjoyoUs "Whifetf %onld iether*\vis6"'be annoyance.' This enthusiasm editorial .in-eulogy of this", .deceased sented tp run ioi Parliament at the

1 THE, - • • -





















t©fish ParfiamsM: Fights Over


- »

She Was Not the Spring


i e beauty eauty andcause it to a new to^fculptor whose J>as-relie£. of o n d s in tthese h s e Abbottr-tbe ' " J&meuled editoy .0/. head-^>f the-caTjipaigh-for the Liberal aiigel." "Wfe'lhiow T;oo WelFwhat w wonders, tale Party Candidates ih mo<tern' tiiH6s, fiaVe! be"eif "Brought forth in every direction by The. Outlook, \vas onS.'.of enthfliitasrrfln'seaS&H, md at tlf^bttorii^f all thiS is'the^ entbunotsblfi works;-.We.hasten-to.assure r JEWISH siaSfi(TteaSftl?.:'' In the Sunday school, e s p e c i a f l y r — t h t h The Outlook and its constituency rthat -teacher rGOLQNY IN.PALESTINE mus|, above, all,* b'^an^enthusiast ,to 4:each his ocKe ove, oc.Ker greatest -there are mahy .other. worthyL'liyihg n : a," (3> t."A:)—The corner•efficiency. h " ':teacfier~fails t e a f i e f i l 7tto b i b d with! the .great figure^^tnnqng; Ainerica^i aFews^. native y. If tthe"' be imbued:, spiritual-i p p istoy, if his "orjier" orjier feelings are antf-natuTalized, and that the sweeping of a n«w3 Je\vfsH ebl'dhy in Fates-" -influence uf uur people's history, not swayed lidmir|tioirfor^he,liigher ideals and sublime ethics ed by lidmir|tioirfor^heliigher e t h i s sturs -and sophistries .it has. recently tine waV faid'- fbday ~I>y- the Mkrachi of jeligion; all teaching is in vain," and th4 heart arid mind of the .permitted td-appcax^in.3tsiC0ltiniris xe-* :Zio^iIsl"C)r'ganiEation-. -The new'colony chliafMft flot be" exalted by that dfeyotiph aiid i"eajt:w)iicn renders' fleet no-rcrJBdit-.ott-the roftcd—liberal wm~be-"Ttiairfetf Kfar'" Tvfd i: (Hebfe* religious.fiducalion such a blessing :ih the moral" culture and train- -jourfial'-QViet r^irctecILTfnan.*~-Abbott :Vitr%erand-*will 'b"e'*financed out-of : ingf6f^dtir youih; df a loan' granted" by the ardent^ eritHur. presided, with Theodore" .RdossvEtf.fes:fufias 3 Tt ic'afl'Jewj'TJavid render Biblical liistory- contributing editor.-Several magazines -•-" " ——"*»™J t r - i ; " v " ~ and£etKicil^Isti'UCtiqh;aJpjdasure aiicUdelight"to.fh^rJUpHs, and hav^ref iatejeen prone .to generalize Greeting's "fram" various


Special Type

invidiously'against the so-called "new; wbrld were reab?'at" the'laying of the immigration." They have-followed th& corriferstoner' S"feecefis were delivered" Gilbert Claytonr Civil" Secreuhsoufid gengralitations of.-tft;at coterie bj?"- Sir : ta'ry of the Palestinian- Government, DISSENSION IN :the date; for. ths first meeting of the of -: writer^.-.- who, pedestal-;; Madisoi> Rabbi Meir Berlin; PresiaentT of the and proffhet.r:. They newlji. elected .Kehillah' .Council "of-^ Mizrachi"'Worid " Organization^' and -Warsfiiv; "at. the-Satne" time ordered should .beware of sueh genetalizatioff others," " • •• !as..thatJiI TJie;Outlook when # §ays,that the meetings of this Council be song of an anti-Semitic • "iiHiur&- has 1 •fielij'benliid d6sed."dbursp-and'.that tfte "The-Semite «o"nitHfttes; perhaps., the : been e'n^rossiBg-ttrrtJEgrTninay of the deliberations .*houia -tevsknaed^ftn'itt- -gifeatest menacfvdf ail" • That is flOt republics thTS-lfist l e w d&ys, ^fftP^ " " r -\he.:PoUahaarfguagev:.v-:r^ : .t " .v. *jne"rely a"figm«nt;-it is.A falsehood.;. "No i n g f"~ " " ' " ' " ' " '•"" : ' '"""" !TM.-Je*isbi-Sejnl Deputies-.sainted II/is generalizatfamsarctrue, nat'evenjthis oUtrihatrtSiis" order «sf 'fheMfiflisier" iS" HebrtW./r ': authottties.""'— -riilafiim of--the JPaHslicCdn tKb international" 24tit -Street^ between Seward and. d a r k St§. ^onr^he'-iNctrthr ?hihBritics^.ireaty,' guaranteeing the NEGOTIATES'FOR REPATTRIA.": ^lt-his customers and friends- to patronize- him. .an'"-airti-SBniitic-Song;-\ras Sights of minorities.ttt the'use of their Sea? ' J I O N OF JEWISH REFUGEES 5— He' Deliveries, made to all parts of the city. K with "thfr gdes?»jtsiThe" owxo languages- r JBuqharest;. (J. Tv "A.J—An'Jnterpel•Rev. E. Fleishman is the "Shohit". of the. Interior, bjc lation was made- in --the_,JRoumanian ENGLISH "GOVERNMENT " TEL. WEBSTER 54S8. ' . . a sisrclal"ofd6r>'prohibitea thff orchesParliament last .Saturday a's.,to' what SEKDS XONDOLENC^S * ^—' Best Qttslities Assured. — tra^ f rent fivirfgr the- seng'. TBe the-GovernmentMntends to cfo'with the , • TO DEHAAN'S. ' large numHer "01 Russian Jewish of t f e lMiliistsy:-«?as 1 Tiriconstituiianai : : refugees .wha are <npw in" Roumania, and-tltaitianyof.tHe ftfflcials^h-irtrfebVTtiniaH 1'Go.veriimeht 'feceived the fol- unable,.to proEsecl> xo the. countries,for r Icnttfig 'cablegram fwm" the~ British p to ^ffferfee it would be liable to" line, : J Colon|ar,Offi«;e: " . . L f, hbwever/ihsisted-thafc ?hidtiiBey.itart<|d",Jrom. Russia hi3 order be carried out, -whe"reupair Z "Please;convey,- m b'yi'aif_of 134s ija, refil'y.',!. Foiefgn, Minister ".Biica Majesty's" Govefrimeftt; "th'eir - gym st*te4..,thajt 'the^ JEipymanjan.. Govern; Member, of ParliamMf/--for ^Hd'V.oeiEt inent - is,. now , negotiating.. with _ the breach, The Governinentjvere. njucb, x .Soviet Government regarding . the tq learn. *o£tfie o u l r a p ' i a n d ' i ^ duties .repatmtpn><ifr these Jewish refugees iind; "tieing-r protected'by the murderers will soon be'brought to' -'• ' . :-- •') '-.."• ' iffimtxnity^ ordered. t h e 'judge?/'; ANTISEMITES SPREAD ', This" c|jble' offcortdolence "was -dePROPAGANDA IN HOLLAND? Jivere'd t; «! -' cfirrrcrZED piDTJTCH -PRESS ;."whldR 1s- Katffrir-'ds. the' Hague, (J.MAO-^Th'e'tiutch presi GoVemmenVto Rabbi Sonnenis"'.protesting strongly agsunsf'thi " ther Government office^ the resbri; for the past twenty, years! progagahda of tfe Vnti-^eini% Vc^l6-* -During the war-it-wa3 prohibited, but ische Pkrtei,whic;h is being ferrried oil •was recently " ^ v " - r r ""• r^^' ' -'"* "* t :. . .-.SENTENGEP TO liow in HoIIandT TKe~papers establish Jeruaaltem, (J., T; A.)—The district the fact that-^t> iiumbsf of -German' court bf Nablua imposed sentence'to pRifeasors "and businessmen, as well ORDERS day on the murderers of Tatranskyj as the Deutscfte .Wochfenzeitung,- which COUNCIL appearS.S'eVe, are conducting an extenSPEAK. Ht'POLlSBt "anti-Semitic propaganda in .,'. Jewish, while=on a trip1 ,a±ound the ^orid, waa attamkea by Arabs nea^ Nablus. Two of-'the '"imirdfttexar.'weireiEeHtehced''t ,~ Tide,, death) $wa tor'fiftessif ytear? impisson-* remarks? tbat • these German • -anti-j •
















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PAGE 3—THE JEWISH PRESS, THURSDAY, JULY 17, 1924 YOUNGER-SET -ENTE&,. - _r-j_: <£AINEI> AT TWODANCING-^I- cEApTIEJi liO&SL'WBE2L The first t$x -s series- 03^ socIsX- ©c^iv— ities that .the Zeta -Beta.. Tau~3^4tef-''%? is planning to^^glve jtKis samjher. was a dancing , party giveji. ai the Carter LaE&**Crub* ning", July. 13, They ^eniertained fifteen -cqtfples, «cy-« feral-df ~1hem ..ratof-ttrtrn fratern&y •others; •". - " "V""- 1 .-r-V-— - - -

-oi the Jewish population would "be, Roumanian 'Foreign Minister . . . P^A^NED_ FOR^U Duca stated that the Roumanian JEWEY to a conference. Held - New YGrky-:-<f."-5!. A protest meeting srranged fcy langu&ge is cohsidefed to foe tfis mem- philanthropies fef AmeHea will be; Jewish leaders, who intended alno to mother tongue of the Jewish minority' bers aifei'ded. supported in" the futur'e through &{ have the Jewish st'ofes closed fes & in Kourriania, and that, therefore, the 1 The jtextrfneetihfc oh the club will gigantic _-natiqiial-.;:-"c!hest" - raised! protest against the Jewish atrocities. | instruction in {he Jp-wish schools wiil 5 atlhe Jewish thro«ghoufe_the csuntrj'. by-local Fed- has been prohibited' by a special j hsvfi 'to be C£.rricd on in be held" Sunday, V 2(5, CStatamriiy C feration-S "of Jewish -ChdHties on theorder of the Minister "of the Interior.!1 -J«ws were - mistreated by ; ARGENTINE AND BRAZIL TO basis of budgfels"^ presented Ay eath organization. Ereluninary plans sn&\ Eowmanian studerits 'last Thursday. ADMIT JEWISH EMIGRANTS e Jewisfc JOr- investigations . for this ^undertaking Thcit beards und peyes were cut oil. m. (L,T. A.)—Thftt negotia:be r phair arefib'fe-tader-wa? SS.B result of ihe] -It--has been Established that the tions sre Jie-ft- being carried on trith Semitic Tstaaent icader, Popcscti, the gevemmentf. at Br&zil &nd Argenat " Adopted by the' Another' - Social-*- event l:-fgg> was wounded during the recent ex- tina with a view to obtaining their CoBTerehce cl Jewish Social Service, yduiigeir-set will he-a dancingf..parfy cesses. The city is now quiet. feeld in-ToronJo. _ permission for the entry of larger • Mr. and-Mrs. S. Bliss, accompanied to- he giv«n -by -Miss' Samuel A-'-Goliisimth*. Director.of numbers of Jewish emigrants from by Mrs. John Corby, left Tuesday to Friday evening* y the Bureau of Jewish Social Eesearchv KATLEMAN-WEINSTElfc Eastern Europe, trap re-ported today Mr.-and-Mrs.'M, Brown and dSughmotor to- Minneapolis ,and .Northern HoTel, ^or" t^en^Cf-five -e©9pl«s; CONGRESS _OF^ PALESTINIAN by Mr. Lucicn Wolf, Secretary of the The marriage of Miss Minnie Wein-' ri Trances,-fomiEriy of Ciicago, will have charge .of the preliminary Minnesota, and also to the -Northern investigations,' the objectof which Anglo-Jewish. Joint Foreign CommitMr. "Frank Rfebelj-Jr,, §f "Slifcnfeagp- ll.,.wb.o have been" visiting"Tiere Tor stein, daughter "of" Mr. arid Mrs. W. part of Wisconsin. They will b'e.gone will cs tb'establfslua. service that will' J'enisdem, <J. T. A.-)—The congress tee, at the monthly rncetinp of th© Weinstein, of Sioux City, .ia., to Mr. lis, "Minn,,. -_sp,entltb,£'. p ^ . ^ e ^ ^ S i < i &in*ohtk_witii tkeir daughter, oT t h s for two weeks. Oscar Katleman,'son of Mr. and Mrs. with his" sister, Mrs. Edwiiu Kfr^-h- | | £ Q c Steinbferg, left ior'-Cali- secQfe ^uthcftilgQve data «n the «a-l 3 A r a bPalestinian _Arabs, called by Board of Jev, ish Deputies, held yesiertioharjoreanizations-jn TLraBrica and]* ^ Executi\ie.for July 20th. may S, Katlemah, of Omaha, wilt be sol- " Miss Clara Sehreibman returned fornia, ."wliere^they" wilt make their 055 ioreigaorgahizsiions. making" i p p e a l s p ^ . ^ postponed iintil the fate It is believed that an agreement emnized this evening, July 17, at-the Suriday from a two months' stay ia i "7 v of t t e Mr.af. E.-Chapmanto this'coQntVy, ., ! «sw. Angio-Hedjas treaty if with these governments will be slit'tthome of the bride's parents at Sioux Los Angeles and San Francisco, Calif., eft a buyEsther aUcL Helen ChtrAbout ^25,000,009 was ly re&chfed enabling those refugees City, liabbi Kopstein, of Sioux: City, where she was Visiting with relatives: It'wlil be i-ecalled that Dr. i\aji Ai who are now stranded in the -\arious ing ^ h1s?li!t"fgr. Jews of America Tattfvear for •will officiate. The bride will have Mr. and Mrs, S. Greenberg . left ih'e remainSer of ihe; thropic and charitable endeavors, ac- Assil, King Hussein's representative poits of Europe to enter immediately. as her maid-of-honor her sister, Miss More than two .hundred "guest's, 5 Wednesday for a two weeks stay at cording ta Mr. Goldsmith's report. Of in London* returned to Mecca -with a Bess Weinstein, and Mr. John Weinmembers-, and -friends .«f ihe. jOmaba Bummer* new draft of an Angrlo-Hecljas treaty, Excelsior Springe, MD. : stein, her brother, will be the groom's Chapterrof Hadasssh. - ettendSf* th§ —." Mrsl: 3"; - Weiflberg and - daughter, this sum, $12,250,000. was .raised for which includes provisions concerning local charitaBle organizations, $2,269,-. best, man. r -Jtr.."and. Mrs"., Carl Furth h.aoV as club piefiic held "Wednesday;Mtetnoonj innabeLTJf Chicago', 111., are visiting Palestine. It was intihiatefi thai these ron REST After a,honeymoon trip at Kansas their week-end guests Mrs. f o h ' July S/.at'ElmwpqaFarMJ -F««Bwffie here "wittt Mrs-. Weinberg's .sister, 000 of -which w^s xSsed for the financ- provisions will meet with the approval ing pi national work> ^nd another Four rooms, all .mprlern. For City, Mo., the bride and groom will brother, Mr. A. & . Cqhfi, and the supper,'Mrs. :J. tlfaTyiSanTi'eporVed Mrs. Max Steinberg. " ' of all concerned. $i2,00p;G0<T was spent for fotslgn further particular? call We. return to Sioux City, -where they will Cohn, of Stbckt6n,~Calif., who are en: tin ifce -JSionjs^-^bnMEntioiv -jreld - "$.\ and constructive reliel Work. Mir.c End. My*. Pittsburgh -last-monthytien thfe-g&ests make their home with the bride's par- route to New. York .CJity. 6048, ROC3AANIA VIOLATES INTERfamily! left.-Monday evening fer'Los "sang ."Hatanfthi". 4tt M ents. Mrs. Arthur Rubin entertained at a Goldnert - ' • . . , NATJONAL MWTORITIES "ntEATY SSgefes, Calif., Where they will Inake KOUMANIAN GOVERNMENT A number of out-of-town guests will 1 children's party Friday afternoon," a • REGARDING JEWISH felGHTS JEWS FUO3r PEOtheif -futitfe liofae. • . he present at the wedding, among the Miss-Safa gffiith.leit.thi4 week-for X$. T. A.)—The national TjEBfjJfG AGAINST-EXCESSES Omahans being the groom's parents, her hoftie in-honor of the first birth' j f e . . g . ^ g and daugh:"gie jwHl -a'Isit TeE in Rourssr.ia -ft-ill have the 'Mr. and. Mrs. S. Katleman and family, day of he* little daughter, Rosali Detroit,- 'MicH., w^ere" Czeraowite, ~{J. T. for I month, witteh^i 1 .sisters * I T S ter, LTllian, and'Mrs. Hi.' Eisens^xk - •' - " right to establish schools of their Mr. and Mrs. N. Levinson and daugh- Ann. "Olaseseu of Goldsmith* £or- ieturisEd hoxafe Saturday from'Excel- Secret Police', Higuranza. arrived Here own,.with their own national language j r t ij gn<i_BIrV AJ l ter, Fanny; ,the Misses Ann, Bess and Miss- Bertha Koff, of Chicago",. HI., mefjy. of this city.^ T -V- "" " "•''•'' practically, j ^- Bid. - A family dininer Jgthel GTeenberg, Messrs. Fipkenstein returned to. her home after visiting today with authority £o'festor6 orcTer as the language of instruction, aeand Mvsic Cabinet and forty ii~" ^neir. honor Satuiiiay was c'srding to an, ariendment pafesed todat- Rbllc, offered st ?250. Also a fivft fjpid Sam Gotchberg and Mr. and Mrs* here witJi.Mr. and Mrs. M. Golden- "Mr.* Sara"; in'th ecity. Ts^ tiia-Steinberg-home. . br the JEteumanian Parliament tx the PaEsetigcr $2200 Case Sedan used % Klein. Prom Council Bluffs will berg and other relatives ancl friends. OttUmwa, Inspector General Ola{%s£a wa, Iar, Iar, w R k M s s e ^ . i ^ second reading of the educational law. onlf D years, will sell for ?000. teave the groom's aunt and uncle, Mr. at the hospital, Leon fcrfeist, wao was Dave Redman and Bav'J. SegaL Mir; and'MA. Ben Gershun-' and F^r further particulars call Mr. In reply to & question asked bt- A. K*Fenbcrjr. Black 1600, or at and Mrs. J. Katleman and daughter, " Mr. Edward Gtock returiied"- !dst -Jliss Mildred Holonbsk, wounded" last ""week durin "gthe" ex^ iiinsey and;..aaggliter, MilDepttj- Pistlier $s to what tin status 127 South 8th Si.> Go. BluiTs, Ia. Fannyj and son, Louis; Mr. and 3Irs. week fr&iaa' threS" weeks' stay in arid,who Is -now in a . Nfefe, dred;-have HtuHied'la their : iome Harry Krasnej Mr. and Mrs. S. Chicago,' ift., r " V,'. ' / cbndifion. He" then ifivKSa the ?e?- of the Jewish miiftitity in Koumania visiting here fbf h V San Francisco,' Calif.,, afle? a Thi^ Katleman., Mrs. Rose Weinstein and Jtfr. and Mrs. David Bolker, M A P. »anthsy .-visit with-^if.;and.Mrs..A. days with' Sr. "and Mrs. Sam daughters, Sara and Dorothy, of MidMeyersofi. landrTTex., "who. has -been visiting ,3n Ellis, and son, ahd'Mr. I. ^iedter, and Sacks and Dx. and Mrs, Philip-Shir* children, motored to Sioux .City, Ia., r here -with them in gnd Mrs. siu - Rosenberg -and Omaha, will also leave for the wedaa&ghteF affe ifeSving SilflSKSr," July ding. Mr. and Mrs. Max Katleman, and spent the week-end. May for a,-month. for' LW An&el4»,. Capt.; where of Lincoln, Nebr., will also attend, the Mrs. • Dave Stine left., Sunday, llisa Jeanette tcvinSon," - to_f Fort going to make^thelt future wedding. Seattle, Wash., where she Worth, Tex.* lfeft Tuesday *fdr hfef ^ M Mrs.^ Ge_or Ge_orge home after.HavirigtpErit aihonth- here Mr7 and ~Mrsl M! JacoKs'en" announce will jisit w h M Supress.,formerly of Omaha. Mrs. as tliev house guest of Miss Fannie Mr. 5a$a Edelstein, of Pfeiladeiphia, "the" marriage" of their daughter,-Miss Stine will spend a few days at Glacier a., sje&fc th&" week-end . with Mr. Mary Moscoe, to Mr*, Dave Kahn, of and "Mr*. ISimoa Steinberg. this city, son of Hr. and-Mrs, Harry Park before returning home.Dr. Nathan Muskin is no.W in h!s Kahn, of Sioux: City, Ia., that took Mr!' (jlyde 'Krasiie* left' Sunday new office «t-40.G Aquill& :Coiirf b"uM- - Mr'3.- S 'jplace Sunday evening, July 13, at morning to spend a week in Lincoln* aiternoda bridge cluh at her' home •M80, fit the home of the bride's par- Nebr. ' * . . : ' .•; Tuesday "afternoon. ents;- Rabbi J. M. Charlop officiated. Mh" and- Mrs. J. Lfnseyi ^6f San Mrs. David Newman returned Fri"Miss Georgia Moscoe, sister of the Francisco, Calif., were in Omaha for Smart-tHth front- fullness Cool esd rciy seirieeftblebride, was maid-of-honor, and only day fronva three -weeks visit in Min- several days? this week, stopping at is a sujfiaifei-y; frsck 61 dot- is a straight-line frock tof1 attendant. The groom's best man was neapolis, Minn., at Spring Lake at the" Fontenelle.' During • their.' visit ted vdfie—;jade, taa, cerise prirtfed voile in the -d&rfeiSS Hotel Dee ' Tero." Mrs. j^ewman left here they • were entertained by Mr. hisbrother.Mr. Lou ^ gMdes. Its sleeves are navy, coppis, y^l«fW &ad short, its iiecklisie. norel; The young' ,couple are now on A Saturday for Chicago" Ill.j where she and Mr. Sacks, Mr. and Mrs. I. CherW sh.priid wilt-visit- witii -Mis^-Jack-EasefeltiA niss, and Dr. and Mrs. Jhilip Sheh tr^rat r with-ilsy flock acts. •whether it be -f Ifeattd or . V^ t y e ,^ p , a who will accompany her to Washing They are enroule td Europe and Pal-will stop off at the San" Juan Island; l Lkfcg for cellar tod cuffs • adt ift a saattcr of individIJpbri t&elr" return home in about Ihf ee ton, D; C, and-Philadelphia, Pa., fd estirte for a six months' tour, ual discretion. Is bnly 10 cents a r weeks ihey will temporarily .make be gone until September 1» -their home with the bride's parents. Miss Eose Fiedler .returnedl from a JUNIOR DAUGHTER'S OF ZION. Flofck "Aortad voile cf S0- Ak sssortmfetit bl suitable Among the out-of-town guests pres- short visitiin-Chicago, III., where she At the "last regular meeting ~b£ the* incli_ width; tho above patterns at the g&skitf refent "at the wedding .were "the Misses was the g^iest^of her aunt and uncle; Junior Sauihters of-Zinil held'Sanduced price ef shades "Goldie Green,'JEuth Elma'n, Frances Mr.-and Mrs. J., F, Solomon. "Mrs. da^ 3tme 29; at the Jewish-Gomniud Solomon ~ wdS* "t6ifflefly * -""Miss • Ida nity Centtij theridilowifit'Tdfricef? Goldenson," Sara Ch Chaginafl, Ttfessfs. and Mesdafiies L Elftiail, and wei? elected for the ensuing term I. J.-Chapman, all of Oes'Moin'es, Ia/, President, SyiviaJBerifstein, _v1«e pres-' Mrs. ^rahk.firown motored idsnt, Mary <Glairfe Shsmes; secretary and Mr. Tand Mrs. M. Berman. ol into Omaha from" Maiwhester, New Sophie Spar- treasurer, Jdhet £ipsey Sioax CiQr^ la."The Best Place to Shop, After Hampshire, and are visiting at the Mr. and Mrs. J.'Kootief" arid son) home of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Milder. Dh 1 Robert, .^eft this morning on a mo- and ,Mrs. Brown have opened an office J 1 REACTS SnOP toring trip to-Chicago; Ill^-vrhcre they. 'a¥ffieTaxton Blk/tir-gractice Chiron &SD CHIR0PODT • *'" ERt. 1S90 Tisit-wrth-Mr. and- Mrs. Jack pocty* • . ' - ' " Marcel Mrj - frN> r^ilt ID Rose.' Mr. Nathan E. Green accomtSL • ™d S I * O ' The Misses Ann Kaimaii and Hanna" We specially \b fcTrfmaneni -pariletf them to Chicago-, IH.,-and-f rom Filvih' entertained at a shower waviBR. there will go to. Pittstmrgh, Pa. Obit* -ttma~9. A; Wednesday evening, July 9, in honor ta. - . - 9 P . St. MVST Philip Ellis' and son,. Irving, of ofr Mrs." Save' Kahrr, "formerly Miss Jackson 9711. tsn Harney_8t. Fort Worthy Tex., are the guests of Mary Moscoe. • Mrs.-EHis' -sisterrMrs:~©avid-B©lkef, Mesdames J; P. Cohn and M. Herzand ~Mr. 'Boiker. —Mrr-and—M-rer J, berg and Mrs. HfersBerg's daughter, Kohofiafitth Weissj parents of Sirs. Ellis, enterPauline, left Wednesday for Long rt.i-i.P2s tained at "a' dinner," "Sunday in her Beach, Calif.j where they will spend honor. , Btuflltf—807 Ctomse JHk. thg remainder at the surfrriaef, return' Mrs. Joer-WtJirieft^Sun-day for Chi- ing' to ~Oniaha ill September^ Bowing. tb* ~ Aata&ced Pi pil cago^ III., '•where"" shfe Will -visit" with . Tatle left Sunday momfriends: -" ingfor a week!s-stey et4he Minnesota


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; Mr. and Mrs. Ben GLasrier and chil- Lakes." -- • -• dren, pf Fort Dodge, Ia., are visiting M"is§-Capita Herzog lefLMonday'lor here with relatives and friends. Lincoln, NeW.r where -she will visit ! Miss Ida" Turner- left- Saiurday even- with* her parents, Mr~.and Mrs. L. J. ing-for Chicago, 111., .where.she. will Herzog, and then will go -to Cbieag<5» visit jvith relatives'f or several months^ 111. She will be gone for two weeks." have ~smlMrs. :CharleS".ElrschBrat!n--enterjnoved' iiito" their new home at 5106 tained at her home Wednesday afterCapital -avenue. noon irtjhdnor of, j.Irs. JEdwin -' Mrs. S. Greenhouse and three-year- of ,St. Louis, M3., *ho is the guest of 'old daughter, Martha, left Tuesday for her sister, Mr3j p. Katz". Oakland, Calif., where they will visit "TTr. r Harry MiUer,-of wfwth-Mrse-Greenhouse's son; Nathan, jK-ho-wfll-be-s Junior at -theBerkeley ing here-ft»t the past three weeks with University in the fall. .While in, Mr. Miller's -sister, Mrs. Morris Green, ifornia they will visit with- Mrs. Sara and family^ left Thursday ,fpr ChicaSchlaifer, formerly of Omaha, who is go, 111." After* visiting a'number of making her home in California, and large dfies Eef*ei they afe going to With relatives in pan Francisco, and Canada and.on_to_Alaska.^expecting jlonterey, Calif. On their way to Cal- to return to their home in September, ifetwlathey-wfll -stot)' off -at Mr. Miller was formerly of Omsh Cdttrrffdo"SpTings,<lDlo.r!nrd Salt take Citjr, and bit flieff feturh home in OcMrs. Harry.MUersad : ciBiidrteh, tober they will stopoff at Grand Can- have been -visiting wita Mrs., Miller's yon, Colo., and visit with. Mrs.-Greene mother, Mrs. iL Jacobs, £nd l hduseV "brother, iCdptaui" ^ d a h l have returned to taeif" fccanes in Pranklin, -who is stationed at Fori hattan,-Kans. Rflejk KansT., During" tits extensivd Mr. and Mrs. Max Fromkin retrip^Mrs, Greenhouse and daughter isornittg" from a three; plan to visit a number of other cities. _ JLn the east. On June £ ; Mrs. M..E. Chapman, and"children 30" and fuhr^l they were at Pi&s-. lift Saturday fdxJ-Mihneapolis-,. Minn., ?a4 srfiejte ibey.-attended Ihe 10 visit, and Mr. Chapman left Saturconvention, and from thSre day for New York CSfcy.o'h a" ". J^ejff Yprfe, Washington, I ,j *G., and other eastern cities.

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PAGE 4—THE JEWISH PRESS, THURSDAY, JULYa7i;1924 tha in^sort resied and-deported for-their «onvic-': JEWISH QUESTION; IN PALESTINIAN LABOR TO «x. The democrats were also Convention-Hall-knew;aH ; surely incapable of offering .-.jrimanded «£or .giving the Klan so ance" of tHe issue. The Klan at thetions,'is GREECE TO COME BEFORE PARTICIPATE IN INTERNATIONmuch prominence '.anduthereby hurt- Conveatian, had about §00^ delegates.' a refuge for the persecuted people < of AL CULTURE CONFERENCE ixEAGUE OF NATIONS Thejf wanted the jnajority- resolution other lands'."/ . , ' . ' " _all elements; • London, (J. T. A.)—The JewisL | Jerusalem, (J. T. A.)—The His." The "Jewish "Daily News," in an and everyone ,whovoted wffh them " T'Jtfow. i ^ t ,'fhe. ' Klan'_ problem' Is "." " - ^editorial on June 126th," takes a gloomy question in Greece, especially "with itadruth Ha'Ovdim, the Palestinian .raided/' thet editorial concludes,- "the favored tiie Klan." "The- question was- whether • theview • of the "immigration problem. regard to those territories acquired by Jewish Labor organization, has deissue assumed much" greater importance than it really deserves. The Democrats will dare to declare, war After considering various possible Greece after the war, will be brought cided to send two delegates to the Democratic party proved th.ro.ugh its on the 'Klan, or -whether. they, will countries for immigrants the.editorial to, the attention of the League of; Nai International Labor O«T£6ral Conhand Klans- comes; to the "conclusion that: "The d with, ith the h Kl representatives that it is split in half work hand in h

V ' By X - 6 R E E N B L A T T ; . X A T ; A.-Represenfetiye^ri .Budapest . "' ..!l"j!CoExright,ji924, "Jewish Telegraphir^ency.) " *?.

"\The Jews of Hungary have passed another point. ' Has the numerous on'this-Question with' a sufficient raen as the Republicans did in Cleve-j Jews of Eastern Europe must realize tidns, .when it reconvenes. iference, which is to be held In Oxford, - through -.terrible" times. \ ' After "the; clausus been withdrawn? The Gov-margin on the wrong side. The land. I t is an open secret now that .that they -cannot expect any further • The Greek Government has inform- i England, in the month of August. Mr. War came the Revolution, and the ernmen± may'-be liberal-minded, but change of votes by various delegates the Republicans hope to win thelnext relief through immigration. They will ed the '-Joint Foreign Committee, Bolshevist regime, then followed the Jewish \ students are still, refused ad- shows-that the Klan could get more election with the help of ;the Klan have to abandon-all, considerations of representing, the Board of Jewish {Ben Gurion and Mr. Shertok will | represent the organization. " White Terror and- • then - the -anti- missiom to. the Universities—because votes if, needed.-' There were many in the States oC'Ohio, Indiana, * Mis- Ie]iyu3g*-the: countries where they no-wg Semitic regime.' Judaism-in g g y they are Jews. A liberal' government delegates who realized " that, little sourii Kansas, Oregon and-California. resid% to find, for themselves better Deputies and the Anglo-Jewish Asseemed d doomed. d d Eveirwhere. .the- Jews indeed—in which the offices are held honor;was attached-to being on theI t ' i s for that reason that 'jt&ey'rjper- opportunities." They will have to sociation, that it is unable to amend Berlin, (J. T. A.)—The author of . were • attacked, were murdered, • were by officials who a few weeks ago side oi the' Klan, andv. when they mitted themselves to ignore Ithe prog- solve''their problems where they are the ; law passed recently in Salonika pogromed, and thousands, 'of' Jews boasted of being members of the realized that their hooded friends ressive sentiment the country. living;'now.'.This, of course, is unforover the theory of relativity is not necesintroducing Sunday as a compulsory fearing for their- lives deserted-the pogromist •» organization ' which calls would igain their, point anyhow, they and placed in the field L a clear-cutj junate. cItiwill.be- hard for the Jews sarily skillful in everyday arithmetic, rest day for the entire population, initselfthe Awakening Hagyarsl ~ ship of-Judaism; they fled li&e-rata conservative ticket and a definite of Poland and other countries to give to go , on record as according to the opinion. of one of "Our courageous Race Protectors preferred cluding, the Jews. This law will have ; conservative platform. because they believed that thfe esbip up the idea of immigration, but the ' "• ' • which-for thousands of. years Jhas denounce the Government as liberal- opponents'. "Of course the Klan did not win "As the Liberal Party, \ as the Dem- facts cannot be changed. Their op- a serious effect upon the economic the street-car conductors in Berlin. . braved the storms was * now. going minded. I cannot see their liberal- an-open He found that out because of "the courageous endorsement. ocrats ,like to style themselves, the portunities to settle elsewhere are vir- situation of the Jewish merchants, to' sink. Thousands of Jews' became ism. /Unfortunately, the situation is. iThis was.and another proof of the .dodg- Democratic politicians should have at- tually gone." •-,'-• ' •who will, because of it, have to keep following incident: Prof. Einstein, baptised. I t is impossible to compute not yet changed very much. But tKe ing" abilities In its editorial of July 1st, the Jewo f the politicians, who tacked this unholy alliance of > conthe number of Jews who < left Juda- Jewish youth ;will not lose courage. servatism with reaction. They,should ish Daily News again returns to thetheir businessses closed two days upon paying- his fare in one of the were • afraid to place themselves ism. It "was an avalanche. - - • , • • We will continue our work. We will Berlin streetcars, received, what he squarely on one side." The "Repub- have united the progressive and, Iibf subject-in the same pessimistic spirit. during the week. At last things are beginning, to og oil! fighting in the political arena licans also -avoided a "definite dec- era! elements of»the- country Jx'o& a .; " I t is an open secret," this paper - This answer of the present Greek thought, was incorrect change. He Xeturn to the normal. Slowly, "is. is for -the repeal of the anti-Semitic' laration, for or against-the Klan, but progressive ticket and a progressive; says, "that the immigration law was true, but the movement has1 set'in— laws'i-which disgrace Hungary^ We their* action, at least, was unanimous. platform. The leaders, however, seeni inspired "by tiie, sairie elements that Government is in direct contradiction asked the conductor to correct his •it is "no longer a movement .away shairhot rest and eventually we shall They did not make much noise about to lack the necessary courage to So so. inspire 'all: disenminatory measures, to the. pledges made by the former mistake, but in figuring the matter from Judaism, is is a-movement _back see Hungary restored to its proud- it, arid besides it must be born in They failed even at the time whren al-^ all legislation aimed against one race; Prime Minister Venizelos during his out, it was discovered, that .the mis* to "Judaism.' .. position among the liberal nations mind that the Klan has its strong- most half of the Convention was ready of another. - it' was dictated by blind visit to England in 1919.. take was Prof. Einstein's and that the What were the reasons for the of ESrope." to take a definite stand, and the "Klan hatred, fanaticism -and meanness.; hold in the South,, which is, unThe Jew and the anti-Semite—Fa-, It is the opinion of the Joint For- conductor had given him the right desertins. There were all sorts of succeeded to the detriment of- the "On the day when this new law doubted.ly, Democratic."- . reasons. ' It was a disadvantage to bian'and Goemboes—it is a duel eign Committee that the case of the change. The conductor then triumin force, discriminating against races, The ''Jewish Daily News" discussed Democratic Party and to the detribe a Jew.. Jews were not permitted between two determined spirits,- and the Klan' issue in' three editorials on ment of the country." the glorious American flag should be Jews in Greece will have to be brought phantly stated to Einstein: "You must of to study at the Universities, Jews the fate of hundreds of thousands placed: at half-mast, for on this day before the League of Nations when be weak in arithmetic." 1 29th, 30th and July 1 s t This were not allowed to engage in certain Jews," the future of a whole Jewry June America's chief grandeur as the libpaper, was particularly -critical of the professions, Jews dared not "walk the and .the fair name of one of the so-called - preachers' of tolerance at The New Immigration Law. eral stronghold of equality is gone. the question of guarantees for the streets—they might be, murdered sud- liveliest countries of the world, stand the-r Democratic Convention, who in- "The new immigration law, A .grand idea died in the land of Jef- national minorities in Greece is taken or ferson, denly, without warning. .." in the issue. Surely the darkness Lincoln and Roosevelt." up. rather the newest restriction of immivoked' a" principle • to ' cover their Even baptism was-not a safeguard, will give way to the light, and Hun-suppqrt of the Klan. The editorial gration, is in force toay," said the Dr. S. Hargoshes, in a belated arbaptized Jews too .were Jews, gary which after the blood-red sun- of June 30th hits -Mr. Bryan par- "Freiheit" in an editorial on July 1st ticle in. the "Day" on the immigra- Vienna, (J. T. A.)—An attack upon \ y p u y. a festival of workingmen was made! said the auti-S$mities-r-<yice:,3, J&f> set of murder and pillage, fell into A William William Jennings Jennings "With this law pur country of 'golden tion .conference at the Aster Hotel, last.., night. by. Hakenkreuzler - in' Baptism-does always aa-Jew. Jew. B a p t i s m e not the black night* of anti-Semitic ter- ticularly. calls' the 'Assembly "timid," for its ; opportunities' has turned a sharp corBryan,'-'-the Daily.* News says, "who ' TO AND FROM *N " h h J h ffrom the rorism . will again emerge into the prayed B ' ' t in the Resolution •wash-out the ' Jewishness. refusal to participate in a world con- Kloster-Neuburg, near Vienna. . T h e ' Committee ner. sun.* blood. so much, would have done better if "The cry against immigration is ference. "Its' timidity," Dr. Hargo- Hakenkre.uzler fired about 100 shots] ALL. PARTS OF "Now Hungary is settling' down. he were"" 4 bit less pious and "less of not new in America. Various, at- shes i says, "was evident particularly on.;.the gathering, shouting, "Smash; • THE WORLD • The terror has been J suppressed. a politician. He- evidently- had in tempts have been made to restrict the during the debate on the resolution Financial stabilization has .been commind how much the Klan might hurt influx cf new-comers through the l i t - favoring • participation in a Jewish this Jew Republic." 11 persons were' menced. Hungary is in -contact .with his^party politically, and-.his_prayers, eracy test' and the. .previous quota world conference on immigration. It wounded, 2 of them seriously. 50 the League of Nations, w^h the measures. The '.original restrictions is clear that the 'study-committee/ Hakenkreuzler were arrested and on I3O7 Howard St., Omaha, kvt>r Great Powers, and the .lot- of the had some semblance of justification. elected at the Saturday gathering, wilj their, way to the police station were ATiarfio 034ft. Jew. too is improving. • - The . dis-losing-. The country wanted immigrants who not be.able to,accomplish 1 per cent • criminations have not .been .removed, The Klan at the Democratic In an editorial of July 1st, the could read and write. It wanted to of the work that can be done ]?y world nearly lynched by the crowd. but the Jew is no longer, exposed to Convention. Daily News points out, that while it protect the American population, dur- conference of all who are actively enthe fury of the anti-Semitic_murderAfter the first spontaneous dem- is-J^te-fhat" some-of . the _ defenders ing periods of unemployment, etc. The gaged-in helping immigrants. Even gangs. onstration against the Klan, at the of; Aite" Klan professed great friend- present restriction, however, is openly for the sake of-the merest exchange At the head of the murder-gangs Democratic Convention in Madison -1..-4. jR.-r ^jj e j e w s > flje j^-^ish people of a Ku Klux character. The selec- of information, such a world th Any way you get them In any package of Hungary stood the President of Square Garden, New York, the Jewi-likely • to accept - their -views, tion of future immigrants is maneu- ing would be invaluable. the anti-Semitic Party, Deputy Julius ish Press was unanimous in its praise others,-however, at the vered in such a way that will exclude ."There was no one at that timid AUDITING AND INCOME -CRACKERS the. paper says, "wh& and reduce immigration of certain gathering courageous enough to reGoemboes, the friend and. associated of the courageous and upright sentij are E-O-O-CE eating for everybody. TAX REPORTS also had-aomething.to say about Jews of the terrorist commandant's, Hejjas ments of the Democratic gathering. nationalities. This law does not in-mind ZangwilPs saying that the time j ABk yonr grocer, for ITEJT CRACKERS l ~~A «.%...« .«;.„ | , opponents of the t e and JPronay. has gone to abolish 'Marshal-Yaw.' tend so.inuch to Snake America safe' Even .the. Republican. If onwjg.JpuinaLiM^r 208 Karbach Blk. Atlantic 1031 by name always. Get tlie genuine and I have spoken only the other day gave the Democrats credit for the speakers raised ah from foreign competition, as to favor Really it-is high time to do so." be satisfied all ways!. NIS to this man, interviewed him for the sagacity of iheir move to raise the important' -questions -,Why-were the certain cultural and political ideas. J. T. A., on his attitude to the 'Jew- Klan issue before the nominations Jews antb- Catholics not asked about "It can be said without exaggera- 1795 JEWS IMMIGRATED ish question. TO PALESTINE were in full swing. But when a their rell|ribjv. during the^ war, when tion that the enemies of immigration Carpenter Paper Co. Time after time, in ^the. National number of political chieftains, mov- their services .were.required? Sol Pepper. Yl«-Freel««si. generally have no special reasons for Jerusalem, (J. T. A.)—During the W. G. Dra. Secretary. Assembly, at agitation'meetings, he ed by considerations of expediency, "The JewS'-were quite prominent at liking Germans more than Italians, or DlstTibBtore ol has stood up and bitterly assayed the thwarted the enthusiasm of the Del-the Convention, not by their presence Poles, more than Russian. But themonth" of June," 1795 Jewish immiWestern Bond—and High Jews. He has not failed to xna.ke egates against the hooded gentry and or inguence 'ah-ifae /deliberations, but political wiseacres seem to think that grants artived here. v Grade ^Stationery it - clear, that he is A ^-Jew-hater, by a majority of one-half -vote they were' wfflingly' o? unwillingly Poles are less revolutionary than Ger••••• S u p p l y € © • determined and.uncompromising.., Bui prevented the Convention from tak- mentioned quite - often during the mans and that even Italians are un- COMPLETE STOEE AKD • there is something different'between' discussion^ about the Klan." jafe,jn_snij£,Df theit Fasrism^npt tp an interview in -cold, blood with .a the. Jewish newspapers changed. OFFICE OUTFTJTEES The D a y In an editorial of*"July speak of the Russians, and, therefore, "HEADQUARTERS journalist, and speeches to a'wrought? *;Tne "JewiSh Morning "Journal" in 1st under the caption: "A Neglected Germany and- Polawfl were -accorded : for : Vte occupy up anti-Semitic crowd or • to -a,n anti- an' editorial Xm June 30jtK' rebuked OpportunityV argued that the Dem-large quotas -while 'the quotas 'of Italy I""- " " V .v "' " ere? TO.O&O mrnam ( w e SmtUurert Center Semitic House of Parliament, . , , the Convention % for its dodguig ocratic Party. of America failed to and Russia are ridiculously lowJ • Eleventh •«»•> f>nncla» Street». Here is a man who is not a theor- tactics. The League of Nations issue make use of a good issue in the " "This trick of the- immigration opF^oooi JaebcoD £724 ist in his-anti-Semitism, but' wh'6 has was side-tracked, "the ' immigration coming campaign. ponents shows, of cearsie, that AmerOU&BA. fCEB. actually played his part,in. pogroms, problem met with.&e same fate, and • "Those who voted for the majority ica has set aside the« old tradition of incited to pogroms and ^ organized the Klan was dodged. The Morning resolution, which failed to mention a land that offers rfifuge for the pperEngagement Rings is our them, and admits frankly that he Journal pointed out, that Tnost'1 of the .Klan by name, apologized "for secuted t dd people ti p p l off ^M countries. IItt ' •Specialty would like to do so again. • . * - - those .who .raised the "Elan1 Issue were theirs action by stating that they do •Would Wld b i l iif the legislators had be comical "Race protection" covers all the insincere, as they "were more inter- not, justify the' Klan. On the con-acted differently. -A country where non-Jewish, nationalities which have ested in hurting Mr. McAdoo's can-itrary, some of them-even attacked the Ku Klux Klan dictates the policies for centuries, shared through-thick "didacy tKah they were \n placing1' tits j that organization. These, however^ of both ruling parties and where peo* V1514-Dodge St. Every EJIOWH Kind and thin the fortunes of the Hun-Convention on wcord' against the .are poor tactics. .Everybody in thepie are being hounded, persecuted, ar9 Ja. 5619 Est. 1894 garian people. Those nationalities,' of Insurance however, like the Jewish,, which have 209 W.'O. W. Blctg. J A . S944. JAcksoa 186: - acquired for themselves .a position of domination, or aim at such, must the €0. put down. , I have in miiidV.-for KA. 1652 &£&rtfaa tith instance the Pan-Slavs and-the Panaa of Brass, Bronze, Germans. Gate City Fnraftsre Co,.\lanalnoiB ttnd (Soft <5ray iron Castlncs, WASH AND KEEP WELL. Fata >r« 'assured o£ soft e a s t i n g s . ft» It is a mistake to confuse <• race and we -marblB* BOHJ» front entry heat In A RULE OF HEALTH protection with ordinary ariti-JSenruV •or s w i efaap. Globe Van & Storag-s Co. ism, went on Deputy Goemboes. The ' Standtord size - c a s t troa End b r o n i f PEONTIER TOWEL SUPPLT owned BIICS operateiS by In b anti-Semities cry out against the . wrong-doings. of the Jews. - -Wrong1819 CalSfornis Street. GROSSMAN & SONS- doings must be put down by the 6U0-22 No. I6S* 8*. At. 0330 Ja. 4SS8 law. Race protection is directed rather against the so-called - virtues of the Jews. The wird "virtue" is SV- &. BJOEETI. Prop. not used here in an ethical sense. I Phone Webster 0820 mean by it that clear-cut determinaEFFICIENT and RESPONSSBXJS bADKDRX tion- which gives the Jew-an advant^ THE LAUNDRY THAT Where yoar c3othes come home age over the Christian in the econEVERYBODY LIKES. cleaner tnS last lonfter. omic sphere. Race protection'- takes Druggists SBd Stationers »t5» etsa. 15CJ-11 JscksoO St. its stand- against this Jewish, imSontft 10th perialism. H. A. JAOOEBffiEGES, PTS& Office Phone JAckson S12S We do not persecute the Jews. We protect our own race. We want JOHN FELD3MAN " our own people to have the same Clothier determination to get on, to .which the Certified Public Accountants Jews owe their material success. Full Dress Suits and Tuxedos Race protection is in the • first inMoved from 109 No. I6tb St. to Audits Systems . -stance an economic idea, and' 'means 203 Karboch Block, 15th £ Docclas Sts. : OMAHA. KEBE. that the reconstruction "of - Hunto HO rrberft t ' n t t garian economic life must be-carried out exclusively for the^benefit pf the Hungarian race. I know that there THE BRINK'& JENSEN CO. OmsBa OtSee: SIS Smntplaa Strr««,. are differences among the Jews them-. paper Omaha Phan* &*IanHe esf>« dlstribnfprs for . selves, I make a • distinction between Ford Transfer & Storage the Jew who were associated -with- us Northern Toilet Tissue - in bur war of liberation in-1848 and R. A. FOBO. ' U12 Barney Street President nod General who have been bred,, in - Hungarian (Iowa) traditions, and the Jewish immigrants AT-lantic 6409

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•who cannot grasp the Hungarian mentality. It is the task' of Hungarian Jewry itself to deal with this

• -

. . "

foreign element, which has.no organic connection with the Hungarian people. Hungarian Jewry, must -limit -its numbers and its power .to. its -propor-. tioh amon 'gthe population." If it does that, we Race : Protectors' will look on Hungarian Jewry, with a more friendly eye. The "Christian regime" in Hungary. .was only- a phrase 'without meaning, for, the members of the Government • were Christians only in their public-speechea.;, Actually* however,, they clung to "the" old method which Tneanf that .the Jews made no end of 'Sndfoey put of the public .. .' \. -

After leaving Deputy Goemboes. I • had'an interview" with-a-younjj- Jew; "Who is one of the proudest champions, of' ;the Jewish cause i n / Hungary, Deputy Dir. Bela Fabian, the youngest me5mb$8 ©i the. National "Assembly, and a mas who , distinguished himself in the war b>; h& exceptional bravery "in the field,; ' " ' . * . * • . - I asked, him. what-he-thought* of the position now in Hungary, • "The Race Protectors haye seceded from the. Government barter,", he said* "on the ground that the Goverhrifeirt - i s too liberal. Morning"ancl metdng «5petCthis its their, pape *

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