July 24, 1924

Page 1





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Catered a» second-class msU matter on January 27th. 182L git postoSca at Omaha. Nebraska, muter tfee Act of ISarci 3. 1SZS.

VOL. HI—No. S3





' . .




Minister of War Conducting j Inquiry Into Treatment of Jews'in the Polish Arinr Warsaw. (J. T. A- Mail!) General Sjkorski, Minister of War, gave an interview to Deputy Kirschbrann of the Agudath Israel, who complained to him cf the hardships imposed on the Jewish soldiers in the Polish Jewish Woman Converted Into Board. Meeting Held Sunday Arrnv. Husband's Catholic Faith Morning at federation Deputy Sirschbraun drew the While Unconscious. . Office. , Tuesday, July 22, the first anniversary of the passing of the beloved minister's attention to the secret inMorris Levy, who was President ©f the Jewish Welfare Federation from structions issued by his predecessor, PARENTS PROTEST HER BfR. BLUMENTHAL REPORTS 1916 to 1923, was observed by the Federation in keeping with the occasion. General Sosrikowski, which are still BURIAL AT CATHOLIC ON SOCIAL WORKERS' being carried out, although they conCEMETERY. CONVENTION HELD In commemoration of the "Y&hrzeit" of this leader of men who did stitute a violation of the constitution. RECENTLY. so much for his'fellow-men, special provision was made by the Federation He also showed the minister copies of New York, (J. T. A.)—The usual for the re-habilitation of sick assi: disabled in the community. secret instructions which had come intragic end of a mixed marriage was The finance committee of the Jewto his possession, proving that the double tragic in the case of Jennie Morris Levy, was one of God's true noblemen Of his means and of his ish Welfare-Federation together with commanding officers were pursuing Leshkowitz, Jewish East-Side girl* and energy he gave freely to others throughout his life. To the -Jewish."Comthe members of the board of directors an anti-Jewish policy in accordance Dominick Scula, an Italian boy, also munity his memory will always be a blessing, and his living monument will of the Jewish' Welfare Federation with the institutions. l>e the Community Center which he to a large measure made possible. from the East-Side. and other volunteer workers will Jewish soldiers, the Deputy conThey met twenty years ago, when canvass the city this week to collect The tributes paid to his memory tell of the place he held in the hearts tinued, are subjected to corporal she was four and he was eight. Their the unpaid pledges made by Federaof Jew and Gentile alike. His life and deeds will always be an inspiration punishment fey non-commissioned of- parents v?ere neighbors and the chiltion subscribers, according to anto those to follow. . ficers on the slightest pretext, and in dren were chums. They went to school nouncement made following the most cases they have been so intim- together, played together and when board of directors meeting held idated that they are afraid to lodge a they grew up, they decided to marry Sunday morning at ten o'clock a t complaint. tsach other. Both families strongly the Federation offices. objected. However, they eloped and Mr. Wm. E. Blumenthal, super•were married by a Justice of the intendent, gave "a report of Toronto Peace. convention, which he recently attendJennie's parents, strongly orthodox ed. The report will be found on Rabbi Louis M. Epstein, of Boston, 5000 NAMES RECORDED Jiews, -when they learned of the msrjthe back page of this issue. .IN JEWISH CENSUS Elected President. Iriage, observed "Shivah" after her, . Five thousand names have already Among others . "who gave reports To Inspect New Jewish Community I i s e y e t J d a y s o f mourning for the dead. New York, (J. T. A.)—The orthodox been recorded in. the Census of the were Harry A. Wolf, on the Free Center Bldg. The young wife, estranged from har Loan Department of the Federation; Rabbis, members of. the Rabbinical Forty-One Prizes Awarded to All Jews of Omaha that is being con- Sioux City Girl Appointed On Board family, boycotted by her friends and ducted by, the Social Service Com- .-'••>• : of .-Supervisors. ' N . P . Feil, on the progress made Assembly of the Jewish Theological Winners in Events. Members of the Building Com- conscience-stricken over the grief of mittee of the I.' O. B. B. ancl the by ' the Wise Memorial Hospital; Seminary of America, met in annual mittee of the Omaha Jewish Com- her parents, developed tuberculosis. California Delegate to Visit session at Kensington Gardens, Far Jewish Welfare Federation. ' A. B. Alpirn, on the work of the YMHA Jrs. Ball Team Lose munity Center are leaving tomorrow Sorority. Sister-i&Omaita When her situation grew worse she David Sher, head of the workers, Talmud Torah and the experience he Rockaway, to discuss problems conClose Game to Gibson for Kansas City to view and -inspect was -taken by her husband to St. • . .Next Week, fronting the synagogue, Rabbi and announces that the census will be has had with the transient people who Ramblers. the newly erected building of the Joseph's Hospital, where, anticipating completed by the latter part of apply for aid at the Federation and American Jewry, and the development The Alpha Epsiltm Phi Sorority Jewish Community Center there. of the Jewish -Department of the her death, Scula called in s Gatholic August. His assistants are Jacob are given work at his smelting house; The Y. M. and Y. W. H. A. Annual held its national triennial. convention Among those who are leaving are priest, who received her into the Hebrew University" at Jerusalem. Davidson, Joseph Cohen, Arthur and Mrs. 1L Tatle, who reported on Picnic held Sunday, July 20, a t Elmat Charlevoix, MiduJ from June 30th Mr. William L. Holzman, chairman Catholic faith. Jennie, unconscious, the Old Peoples Home. Kabbi Fred- There were present one hundred Rsb- wood Park, was attended by more Roram, Lsador Wolk, Harry Gland, through July 6th/ There were present of the building committee, Dr. Philip received the Holy Sacrament, and imbis and several hundred.'guests. Max Eiekes, Morris Hurwitz and Sam than. two hundred members and one erick Cohn spoke on "Jewish Eduone hundred delegates from all-over Sher, Mr.-Harry A. Wolf, Mr. Joseph mediately afterwards died. The sessions lasted .for three days. hundred and fifty guests. • Zager. - . cation and Responsibilities of the the country, representing twenty L. -Wolf, Mr. Harry H. Lapidus, .Mr. Letters were received from Governor When it came to the "burial, a fight Harry Kneeter, chairman of events, universities. - In .addition'to-~ the busiLayman to Religious Education." Harry Malashock, Mr. Henry Monsky, of-a-very tragic nature arose. Th« Alfred E. Smith, Louis Marshall, together with Samuel N. Wolf, chairness''sessions,, the program, included Mr. J. J . Slosburg, and Super- husBand insisted that in conformity. Justice Irving Lehman, Solomon M. man of the picnic, and his committee, golf and > tennis tournaments, soi Stroock, Dr. Cyrus Adler, Professors William R, Blumenthal, Lillian Sehifand. stunt.lcontests, mi all day b i t intendent, Mr. William S. Blumen- with the law, he had the right-to bury M. M. Kaplan and A.'Marx,'and-Dr. fer, Al Finkel, Kate Goldstein, Nahis wife in his plot in the Catholic trip to; Mackiaae; Island, s n • automcH Elias L. Solomon, President of the than E . Green', Bess Greenberg, Dave cemetery, especially since her pcyente Hie-: trip''-aroand.Iattle Traverse Bay. United Synagogue, of .America."* "* Freeman, Sophie Jafiej Louis Abram- Hew OiBoexs^Ax&Jxt. he had mourned her as dead years ago, on July 31st and B1I% TmS d!et!*tt"t&tIroKGr- • *»>**•—:« Golf Links WiD'Be Ready For Rabbi Louis M. Ebstein~of Boston» son, Meyer Freeman, and Anne SeliThe new National Officers elected To Hold Picffic -July 27 President of the- Assembly, in his an- cow, provided the following events Her parents, however,'insisted that Tournament Sunday. for a term of three j'e&rs are: . Tlxe Thorpeian Athletic Club have she be buried in the Jewish <«e'tnetery, The Omaha A. Z. A. newly elected nual message presented the various for the day's entertainment, and an* ! President: --•_•. • .. > . made final arrangements for the d n b pointing to the fact that she was conproblems that were .facing the -As- nounce the winners of each event: ? officers, David Beber, Aleph Godol; Freda -Rosenthal, Flint, Mich. The Highland Country Club dinnerpicnic which will be held Sunday, verted to Christianity i n ' a state of Ben Bernstein, Aleph S'Gan; Mas sembly in their duties to Israel, to Vice-Pregideat:' :' ' .''...' dance this Saturday evening, July 26, GAMER WIX>EKS July 27, at Peony Park. America and to humanity. unconsciousness. ' Martha ; Kaplan, Brooklyn, N. Y. Boys' Chicken Hace—Bernard- Theodore, at the club, will mark the third, dinA series of games and races have Mike S'reeman. Secretary: .At the second session, Rabbi Max Girls' Chicken Race—Bath. Margolin, The controversy aroused the' inteis ner-dance that the'club has given for been placed on the afternoon proDorothea.Slepyan, Chicago, Til Sophie Handler.. Drob of New York; Chairman of the est of thousands'of-Jews-and Italians, its members, since the opening of the Treasurer: . gram. The committee in charge have Bojs* Three-Legged Race—Morns Fine, Million Dollar Endowment Campaign who assembled on the East-Side street, Hyman Levin: • . • . Edith Lazarus, .Pittsburgh, Pa, dub house an July 12. received a number of gifts to be given of the Jewish Theological Seminary, Girls' Three-Lessed Eace—Sophie Handler, where her body was resting.' Feeling; Field Secretary: Bess Handler. Mr. Meyer Spiesberger, who is in away to the winners that participate Charlotte Munzer, Chicago, HI. announced _ t h a t ' the * campaign had Mixed Thxee-LepErea Kace—Ruth Margolin, ran so high that special police proteccharge of the arrangements, has prein. the events. In the evening a picnic Morris Fine. • • Historian: • • " • • - • been a success. He made a plea to" Boys' Barrel tion had to be maintained, while tfts Eace—John Gross, Morris pared a novelty entertainment. Bertha W. Feitel, New Orleans supper will be served, and the re- body was taken out to the Pine. his colleagues to assist him in winding La. .. " The Highland golf links will be mainder cf the evening will be spent Girls' Slipper Kicking—Lillian Schiffer. ; up the drive which was still short Krtra Supreme Elders—Max Givot. cemetery. ' Ritualist: *'" ' opened this Sunday, with a golf tourin dsneing. Balloon Contests—Bess Greenberg. several thousand dollars of the mil- Bean Guessing—Lester Lapidus. Stella C. Bloom, Brooklyn, N. Y. nament to feature the opening. Mr. The committee in charge again anAlumnae Secretary: •Matzos Eatinp Contest—Morris Fine. lion mark. Ed Treller, president of the club, will •\Vatermellon Contest—Sain Beber. Eoiince that all members and friends Keba B. Cohen, Charleston, W.V. 1 The main interest of the Conference Boys OO-yard Kaco—Isadore Schreibman, drive the first ball. Mr. Herbert Editor;. who are to attend the picnic to meet Marcus Krassne. centered about two symposiums which Girls' 25-yard Harriett. Moses, New York. N . Y at the court house a t the corner of Eace—Sadie Corentnan, Ethel Heavenrich, chairman on the ground Kiekes. ~ IS committee and in charge of the tour- had been the result of studies made Boys' 100-yard The Board of .Supervisors consists 17th and Harney Sts., at two o'clock. Eace—Leo Konecsy, Isaaore Schrelbman. . of Adele Liefeohn, Chicag-o, Illinois Arrangements have been made to nament, announces that the links will by committees during the yeaT. The Girls' 50-yard Kace—Sophie Handler, Sadie Ethel SanM,..'Pittsburgh, Pa.; Lee Charier AppIicctioitR ScSttg be in fine condition for the tourna- first symposium, dealt with the relaCorenmnn. Oltusky,Wsukegan,IlL; Lucy Cooper provide transportation. tionship of the synagogue to labor, Boys' 220-yard Ilaee—Isadore Sahreibman, Daily ment. Konecfey. • Brooklyn, N. Y,;-; Sylvia Rosenberg, and the other with-a,"Definition and Girls' KelayLeo Team—Ethel Greenberg, Esther Milwaiikee? WIs.i Florence Sclrwaxtz. RUSSIA ON EVE Faier, Bess Handler, Sophie Interpretation of Historical Judaism." The order oi Aleph Zadifc Philadelphia, Pa.; Dorothy Kohbnan, Young Israel Synagogue Handler. OF NEW FAMINE, ACCORDNew Orleans, La.; and Anne MushAmong the important resolutions Boys' Six Man Belays—Sam Handler, which was 'founded recently in Held Herzl Memorial Services adopted were the decisions of the AsING TO EEPOETS Marcua Krasne, Sain Green, kin, Sioux City,'Iowa. City of Omaha end which Hershel Friedman; H. Levin, Pdga. .(J. T. A.)—The regions of Memorial services in memory of sembly to give unstinted support to I. Goodman. The " growth' of the organization held its first annual convention K< south and southwestern Russia, an Dr. Theodore Herzl were held Tuesday the establishment and development of Boys' Backward Eace—Marcos Krasne. Girls' Hop Kace—Ethel Kiekes. •whose membership consists of more Omaha, is rapidly asFuming the proevening, July 22, at 8 P. M., a t the the Jewish Library and the Jewish Boys' 100-yard Dash—Marcus Krasne. Courtesy of Omaha Bee than one" thousand College Woman area with a population of not less portions cf a national orpmisart'on. Young Israel Synagogue in the City Department of the Hebrew University Messrs. William L. Holzman and Givot,- Aleph Mazkir; Bernard Theo- "Warranted" the adoption of a national than -25,000,000 people, are facing During the past ventj letters w* Talmud Torah Bldg. at Jerusalem; to advise parents to William R. Blumenthal were the dore, Aleph Gisbor; Isadore Elewitz, social service project, in the form o: again the danger of a famine, .ac- questing information about this, Among those who participated on send their children for educational Aleph Sh'otare; Jerome Diamond, the establishment. of dental .dimes. cording to reports which have reach- newest order for young1 men judges. the program were Mr. E. Block, prin- visits to Palestine; to join in the efed here. During the afternoon the Y. M. H. Aleph Junior Shotare; Harry Weiss, Heretofore, this -work has been only 1 the ages of 10 and 21 were cipal of the Talmud Torah, and Louis forts and—movements making- for The population of these regions, Aleph Kohon Godol, and Myer Freeundertaken by the New York chapfrom points as distant a& LOF A. Junior Baseball Team played a Fellman, Maurice Tsloch, and Phil peace and social justice; to co-operate man, Aleph Sopher, will be installed ters, "vrho have already fotmded two fearing the approaching famine, has and New "York Csty. close game against the " Gibson Handler. with other Jewish bodies in maintainThursday evening, July 31, at the clinics^ one at the Federation Settle- become panicky, and is spending The Supreme Adrisorr Covncil »i The Young Israel Synagogue wish ing religious activities at universities Ramblers Team but were defeated in Jewish Community Center* All B'nai ment and one at the United Hebrew every penny for storing up food. the order at its last regular to announce that on Friday, July 25, and colleges; to assist Jewish religious the tenth- inning by a score of 6 to 3 B'rith members are invited to attend Charities Building.' Now,, however, it As a result of this the .price of food Md plans, havinjr for their xiliir at 7:45 P. M., the regular services will administration in Army and Navy is to be the concerted effort of the stuffs in the Ukraine increased purpose the establishment of chapter* the installation. be held. On- Saturday morning a t Training Camps .and in penal institu- Ukrainian Soviet Authorities Start entire organization • and rplans __ are enormously during the month of of the order in cverj city in th* " W i t h the new administration of of_.o nine o'clock, services will begin, and tions; to publish a new edition of the Division of Land for Jewish ficers and the increased membership j afoot for the establishment of clinics June. In some localities, the Increase country. Chapters will first be *?:^ on Saturday, evening at- eight o'clock Prayer Book and the annual Proceed Colonization. was as high.: as 200%. Because of stalled in eiiies in the eight of t i e Chapter, I am confident that throughout the country, a bible class study will be held. A ings of the Assembly. Two commisMoscow. (J. T. A.)—The People's the Omaha Chapter of A. Z. A. will) A resolution was passed making the this artificial increase in the buying- snrroanding Nebraska •which regular meeting will be held Tuesday sions were appointed to study the Commissariat for Agriculture in the be one of the leading organizations of { retiring President,' Mrs.. Alice Borch- of foodstuffs, all other trade has prise District No. 6 of the evening at eight o'clock. question of the synagogue in its rela- Ukraine has published its decision to its kind," said Lester Lapidus, the ard Greene, Mor.tclair, N. J., the firs- stopped,, even though the fanners Order of B'nai B'rith. tion to Jewish Community Centers, allot, from the general colonization retiring Aleph Godol,. when he greeted national "honorary president of the are now bringing very few products HI AS COMMISSION District No. 6. at its SSfcn to the markets.' This condition convention at SIOUK City, offlcisl-r RETURNS FROM CUBA and to study the ways and means of area in the neighborhood of the the. new officers. Sorority. New York, (J. T. A.)—The Hias.hoW to revitalize Jewish institutions Jewish colonies in the Ukraine, land "I will do my utmost to carry on The presence at the Convention of particularly affects the economic -Tecognized the A. S. A, aud •OTwistvCommission, consisting of Miss Cecilia and ceremonies in American Jewish for Jewish colonisation purposes. the good work o£ the organization," Mrs! Joseph Friend of New Orleans, situation of the Jewish traders. took its sponsorship. Funds -wcr? **>• The Crimean District Committee of said David Beber when notified of his national honrary member, was. a Razovsky of the. Council of Jewish life. The threatened regions are consid- ^propriated by the B'nai B'rith to Itfelr, Women, Mrs. Lillian Held and Mr. The conference then ^elected the fol- the Communist Party has adopted a election a3 the new Aleph Godol of source of inspiration to all delegates. ered to..be'the districts of Bacbnrat, the A. Z. A. car IT on its wbrk Morris Assofsky, Director of the lowing officers: President, Eabbi Louis resolution to consider in principle: the organization. Returning " from 'the Cosventiori Poltava and- Ekaterinosslav. with this sssiptancc, rapid progro* Hias, returned yesterday on the S. S. M. Epstein, Boston; Vice President, first, whether it is possible to settle Miss Ann Zunssenrsn, a delegate «' beiag 'made. Orizaba* from Havana. . Rabbi Max Drob, New York; Treas- Jewish farmers on the free land. in Sam«el Schaefcr, The Nebras:a Conference of Social the Alpha Epsilou Phi of the Univer- yAAp'LEUMI-TO SEND •' • The investigation made by the com- urer, Rabbi, Louis Feinberg, Cincin- the Crimea, and second, to inves- Workers of which Mr. Henry Monsky sity of California, will be in Omaha •DELEGATES TO JEWISH dent of tlie Jewish Welfare mission established the fact that the nati; Recording Secretary, Rabbi Nor- tigate, together with a special com- is president, and Mr. William E. next week for several days to visit at of Omshs, sc>w of Denver, will Jewish emigrants stranted in Cuba man Salit, Far Rockaway; Correspond- mittee to be appointed for that pur- Blnmentlial, recently appointed .sec- the It. Kulakofsfcr home. Miss Ziro Jerusalem. <J. T. A.) For the'first for 'Kichig&n about Axignst 1stare in a very bad situation. Many of ing Secretary, Rabbi Leon Spitz, New pose, the possibilities of settling retary, are planning to hold a con- merman will be the guest of Yiws time in the history of modem Jewish whlle there will install a «hapt#.? them would gladly return to their na- Haven; members ; of the Executive Jewish town workers on the avail- ference in Lincoln, Nebr., in the near Bernice ELulakofsky, who is also • a Palestine, Palestinian Jews vi!l ba the A. 2. A. at Grand Rapids 1 tive lands, but are unable to do so Council: Sabbis 3?athan Blechman, able land. future in order to revive tlie State member of the Alpha Epsilon Fhi and represented at international Jewish •was recently granted a ehsrfcKF because of a lack of means. Louis Finkelstein, Max Ksdushia gatherings, convening for nojj-Sonist who was a roommate of Miss 7sjnthe Supreme Advisory Council. Conference. The Commission established in Abraham Bu/rstein, Morris D. Levine GAIN DISTINCTION IN SPOBTS. xacrman while attending the Univer- purposes. Havana a center for these emigrants, Jacob Kohn, of New York, Max D. sity cf Califorois. Hiss Zimmerman Kovno. <J. T. A.)-The Lithuanian The Vsad Lcurai, the representative = London. (J. T. A.}—4ue\s,is Warsaw. {J. T. A.)—Count Za- is also dean of the Sorority at ner body of Palestinian Je-vi?y, h&s decidopened an employment bureau,'library, Klein,' Julius Hv.: Greenstone and Jew, Asolik, of the Zionist sport as' synagogue? and classes for the in- Mortimer K. Cohen, Philadelphia, sociation, Maccabee, was awarded the moyski resigned today from his post University. TVheS reternjng to Cali- ed to send-delegates to the Jewish Chairman of th« Ziooirt yeistesday. 1?** struction of Spanish and English. Samuel ~ Sachs, Portland,. Oregon, bicycle championship of Lithuania at as Minister _ of Foreign Affairs, fornia shoe win. be aeccmpatifed b? Conference OB Emigration at Prague isation, &rrived hcs« 1 8 Stanislas? Thtigutt, the leader of the Miss Evelyn Bicat^dE, of San Jose, and to the Jewish World Belief Con- mediately ^roa i * veevfO, • **«88»* A full report of the Commission's; Louis M. Levitz,' Wilkesbarre, H a s a race held here. of the Eioaigt Exeeellve. "sefe* activities will be.published shortly. Arzt, Scranton, . Jacob Gitfcleman* He made the distance from Kovno Polish radical peasant party, "Wys- Calif., also a 'student of the University ference at CorJsbad. T&e delegates to the g&tsrsg Louisville, and Jacob Kata, Hew York to Marjanmo] , jind back, 110 •woienie," has been appointed in at Berkeley and a meraber of the the firmer are. Messrs. David YelUn, called at /-.' Sorority. . - ^ -'- ' " Ms K&pian and aticra W&E meters each -way, in five hoursOITE ADVERTISERS. City.

Pederaticii Workers to Md Fiiaiice Comidttee Collect Unpaid Pledges

AMERICAN JEWS TO PARTICIPATE IN .REVIVAL OF CHINESE,JEWISH COLONY Shanghai. (j". T. A.) American Jews will participate in an effort which is being made here to preserve Judaism in the ancient. Jewish. Chinese colony of Kai Fung Foo (Kai Feng), the capital of the province of Honan. A society, -which was formed here in the year 1900 for-that purpose is. now being revived and it.intends to send a special expedition of scholars and social workers.into the province to study the history of \ that unknown Jewish colony to bring relief to i t . Mr. Adolph S. Oko, the Librarian of. the Hebrew Union College at Cincinnati, has volunteered to head this "expedition. The colony of Kai Fung Foo was originally discovered.' by Catholic missionaries in the 17th century. The Chinese Jews do riot differ in general appearance from their countrymen, and are distinguished only by -their adherence to the Jewish religion.


Orthodox Rabbis Assemble isolations

Committee Witt

Alpb Ipste ?M".Sorority •

l o r e Than 350 Attend YHHA Annual Picnic Sunday

Dafid Belter Heeled Head

Highland Country flub i To-Give Third Dinner-Bailee .

, , '



Jewish Welfare Federation ". Observes Morris Levy Yahrzeit






The Passing of Dr. Isaac A. Bonrwicfr.


With the passing of Dr. Isaac A. Hourwich, a prominent publicist, &.; THE JEWISH PREJSS PUBLISHING COMPAKIf. "Better is the day of .death than the economist and statistician, the Jewif-r4 Office; 681 Brandels Theatre Building—Telephone: ATlantit 1450 day of birth," says E c c l e s i a s t e s ish Press of this country lost one E. GREEN, '"(Coheleth) and it seems as if Jewish of its best writers. In eulogizing custom gives sanction to this pessim-$2.50. Subscription Price, one year r Dr. Hourwich, the "Day" in an n rrtce, one y°n i - - -- ism. It is notable, that Jews, unlike editorial on July 10th says: Advertising rates famished on application. other peoples, in wishing to honor CHANGE) OB* ADDRESS—Please Rive both the old and new address: "The- Jewish press of America, tm sore and .give your name. their dead" national heroes do not obJewish public opinion generally sufThe Jewish Press is Supplied ttf t l » Jewish Telegraphic Ageooy (Jewish fered a great loss in the death.. of serve their birthdays, but rather the Correspondence Bureau) with, caE&tdJ and^iategrauhk Jewish, news^tn addition day of their demise or death. to. feature articles andf correspondences from all Important Jewish centres. Dr. Hourwich. His sudden demise Last Tuesday, July 22, 1924, (TamInquiries regarding news items credited to this Agtiacy w$\ be gladiy robbed us of a popular and beloved muz. 20th) was observed by the entire answered if addressed to Jewish telegraphic Agency," 114 Fifth Avenue, writer and a leading Jew. Jewry of the civiiized World as the New York City. ' "Isaac A. Hourwich was a soldier twentieth anniversary since the in almost every good cause. He strongest most powerful personality fought for liberty and social justice the Jews have produced in modern The superior advantage that prevention has oVer cure is for and against tyranny times breathed his last. finnly established and fully recognized, In the fields of physiology, and democracy oppression; he was a fighter and sociology and economics, the principle of prevention is constantly teacher, a spiritual' leader of his Theodore Herzl termed by his followers in the Zionist ranks ''The employed for the purpose of "obviating the necessity' of a iluffc m Modern Moses, was born May 21, . maladies that are sure to result from negligence or indifference. _ generation. a publicist he exerted a power- 1860, in Budapest, the capitol of HunStrange to say, we Jews, albeit we'are always to, be found in ful"As influence; as a writer on social gary.. His education along Jewish the vanguard of progressivism, are woefully behind the times in respect to adopting preventive measures with regard to maladies and economic topics he was one of lines was very meagre, but his Jewfrom which the body Jewish is suffering. We seem to be concerned the most popular public instructors. ish pride asserted itself in his earliest with curative efforts to the exclusion of pfeveiitive measures. He possessed th ability to be popular years. When he was ,a lad of four"What shall we do to bring our. indiffererits back to Judaism?", without being vulgar; he spoke the teen at the Boys' High School at and "What can be done to effect the return of those who have language of the common people, but Vienna, his schoolmaster once spoke strayed'from our fold or faith?" are the questions that are often not the slang of the streets; he disrespectfully of the Jews, classifyasked rather than, "What canhe^done to prevent our people from respected the people and the people ing them among the Mohammedan becoming indifferent," or "What can be done to prevent a straying respected him and eagerly heard him. and heathen races. The other Jewish "Isaac A. Hourwich combined in students bore the insult in silence, but from our faith and fold?" . . Still more evident is our lack of forethought with regard to his personality world-wide culture, young Herzl could not keep his comevils that are bound to affect us in our relation to the outside interest in humanity and a great posure. - Rising from his seat he ieworld. We fraternize with those who have broken loose from our love for his own people, pis social- proached his master for the wantom religious aims and aspirations, who have turned their backs on ist convictions did not interfere with insult, and left the school. all that is sacred and solemn in Judaism, who have undermined'our his great love for the Jewish people. A similiar incident which occured te'nets and traditions until something happens by which they dis- He was active in many Jewish move- a few years later again shows Herzl's credit or disgrace us in the eyes of our neighbors, and then we ments and participated in the great determination and strong character. promptly put forward a 'disclaimer. Thus, some of our contem- historic struggle for the re-establish- Herzl was a popular and respected poraries are.now attempting needlessly and fruitlessly to mitigate ment of the Jewish people." member of a fashionable student orthe bad impression that may have been created by the Unspeakable The "Jewish Daily Forward" in ganization at thi University of ViChicago crime, showing that the Loeb and Leopold families have i editorial on the same date re- enna, named the "Albia." The memlong had no Jewish affiliations and that, therefore, no share of views the career of Dr. Issac A. bers of this club, fearing the rapid reflected discredit is to be agsttmed by. our people. But the time Hourwich in Russia and in America. increase of Jewish members passed a to point all that out was long before the crime was committed. He began his public life in his early by-law excluding Jews in the future. The time to make the Jewish attitude toward &ll such persons is youth as a leader of a socialist group No sooner did Herzl hear of this acbefore something discreditable has occurred to nullify our dis- of students in.high school, was ban- tion than he mailed in his resignation, claimer. . •. ished to Siberia for four years for ironically addressing the members as \ It is, indeed, neither wise nor fair to strengthen our neighbor's his ' activities, and later became one 'fine young gentlemen." impression and assumption that we countenance- the attitudes and of the The call of the writer 'was very activities of those who hfcve severed their Jewish connections and sian bar.leading members of the Rus- strong in Herzl; he therefore turned have broken their Jewish affiliations, until such a time when their "Dr. Honrwhich came ta this coun- to literature with unexpected success. radicalism, irrationalism or ^rimiiial conduct has. re-acted distry thirty-four years ago and while creditably or disadvantageous^ upofl us. he associated, with socialists he was Jews Hare Violated Covenant With The fact of the fiiatter is that, in our desire to encourage Jehovah and Deserve Death, Says individuality;-we go so far as to support and promote individualism always in favor of fusion with all Author of Anti-Semitic Leaflet. radical and liberal elements in Amerartd, in our effort to be liberal, We often blink at license. When, Vienna* (J. T. A.)—That the Jewhdwever, the evil of • this : faulty habit becomes apparent, we ican politics. In hi& long and varied ish people Tiave deserved the death nervously seek to remedy it, forgetting all 'the while that "an career as a lecturerer, statistician, penalty for a long time, and that ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure."—Jewish Ledger. trado Union expert and journalist he the sentence passed in Leviticus, was never affiliated -with any group. 26, 38, "And ye shall perish among He served various movements but he the heathen and the land of your was too independent to be controlled. enemies shall eat .you up," ought to "Personally he was the most Mr. Samuel Untexmyer's view that Resident on the Democratic ticket charming of men," the Forward edi- be inflicted upon the Jews for violating their covenant with their God, JCAVS should abstain" from combatting and sought to influence politics, Mr. rial says. VBe was not too proud to Jehovah,,sis,. tha.,y<ej;^ct of a new; this Klan and permit the Protestants Untermyer .refused the invitation of -associate the most humble and pogrom leaflet, thousands of -which themselves to deal with that order Dr. Stephen S< "Wise to serve on never by word or gesture made any- have been circulated all over Austria. is ",-strennously opposed by the entire the Committee to combat the Klan body feel that he was superior. ' The author of the leaflet is WlaJciSnsh press. Some papers even go at the Democratic Convention. It Among the Jewish thinkers and writ- dyslaw Adam Olscheowsky, a Roman as ,far as to suggest that he should was iheh that he came forward with retire from the various Jewish na- the statement that Jews ought not ers on both sides of the Atlantic Catholic. He repeats, the old BCIsaac A, Hourwhich was one of the cusations of the anti-Semites against tional organizations of which. h9 is to interfere. It would be comical most outstanding figures and will not the Jews, and proves on the basis . a .leading member. Others content if ft wwe- not so sad. be so easily forgotten. His death of "evidence" from the Bible, TalthemsalveS with mere criticism, but "The Question arises: "What actuthe not. one Jewish editor or publicist ates a Jew of .his eplnions to hold is a sad occurrence, not only to his mud, Shulkhan Axuch. and hair a. word to say in favor of Mr. the office of Chairman of such a,Na- family and his personal friends, but Protocuis of the-Eiders of Zion that the Jewish people deserve the death TJntermyer's attitude towards tho tionalistic" Jewish organization as the to all progressive Jews generally." For a week after -Isaac A: Hourpenalty because of the fact that when Keren Hayesod?" Klan. which'3 death the Jewish press was they. concluded the covenant with Mr. B. Soseman in the "Jewish . "Does Mr. Untermyer believe," tho filled with tributes to his memory. Jehovah they undertook fi,e obligaDaily Forward" of the same dat« ia "Day," in its editorial of July 12th, Every prominent Jewish journalist tion either to fulfill the terms of the asks, "that the Jews ought to remain even more caustic in his comment: "Some people may say,"'Mr. Rose had something interesting to tell of Covenant or to perish. inactive against the Klan? Does a Mei thee ccareer beloved colleague, colleague. According to-the Bible those who * ? e t oofr t their r Gloved Jewish public . opinion agree with man ranarks, "that Mr. Untramyer ™ v/as hot the only.JW'C"who worked Even hw most ardent pohtical oppon- deserve death should be stoned, but him? Are there Jews" who aresatisents admitted, that while they, very says -tie author of the- pamphlet, in - fied to permit the Klan to poison the for MK McAdoo, that Mr. Barueh ' often severely criticised his views he places where stones,are scarce, rubmainsprings, of public life in Amer- Mr. - Morgenthau and others also was always held in high esteem by ber-tipped whips will do. „! ica, until such time - as the decent worked for,-him. But, Baruch', Mortem. This latest outburst of anti-Semitic '!, . Protestants themselves" will realize genthau an'd the other Jews do not Mr. B. Roseman points particularly !'?the injustices that is being done to pretent to be the leaders of the to. Dr. Hourwm'ch's accomplishment propaganda, which shows that the international anti-Semitic offensive Jewish people, they do not speak for f •' the non-Protestant elements? as a writer of Yiddish, in spite of against the Jews is now being direct1 the Jews. Samuel Untermeyer does j". "And when will Sir. Untermyer be the fact that he did not believe in ' .. convinced thai the fight agafnst the make suc-h pretentlons. ' He is the the future of the language, and wrote ed along religious lines, is entitled: g Klan should not bo left'- to the Vice-President of the American Jew- Russian and English witlv equal "The solution of the Jewish problem on the basis of the Jewish Covenant ish Congress and the President of Protestants alone? 'WlHr\Vill decide ^ facility. . ' with Jehovah." The leaflet was 1 the Zionist Keren Haysod, which when the'opportune' time, has come "He wrote many scientific books in printed by the Hansa printing; plant strives to establish a Jewish state for Jews to join the Catholics and Russian and English; he attempted in Leipsig, which has recently become other elements in destroying that ifi Palestine. "The explanation in thi s instance io write German and French but the center of anti-Semitic publication. venomous snake which masquerades is quite-.simple...,; . Mr. Untermeyer always considered himself chiefly as in 'the mantle oi patriotism ? a Yiddish writer. His book on im"It is utterly ridiculous thaf we belongs to the same catagory of Jews migration, in'.English,- was praised; WELL-KNOWN ZIONIST HURT IN MOTOR ACCIDENT should remain silent at the time as Baruch ahd Morgenthau; the only so was his Russian book on the econParis. (J. T. A.) N. Naiditch^ the when we are branded as undesirable difference between them is that omic condition of the peasantry. But, citizens and when the youth of Amer- Baruch and.MBrgenthau have not yet he always took great pains to write well-known Russian Jewish "leader, ica is being inflamed against us. realised that Judaism can be exploit- a popular Yiddish, and pridetS him- prominent Zionist" and member of the Actions Committee of the World We. cannot ignore the fadt that we ed for political purposes and Mr self on hiV skill. - - - • Zionist Organization, together with are being grouped with " other Uhtermyer did, My. Untermyer came "To write so that everybody will his brother-in-Jaw, Div.Ojansky, met elements, who,-according to the Klan, to the Jewish Congress, to Zionism have no right to hold the highest and to the Keren- Hayesod, ncTt be- understand was Isaac-A. Hourwhieh's with an automobile accident while on causei tiie Jewish/spirit moved'him, greatest ambition, and he worked their way from Paris to Dieppe. public offices of the land. but because he found that even hard, jfot"i$ 'is .difficult "to . write Naidttch received .injuries on his leg *<We- are asked to remain silent Judaism can be turned into a poli- popularly. ' "Jewish; journalism, in •and foot, while his-brother-in-law was • and' by whom,- by a Jew who .beAmerica and the Yiddish language killed instantly. lieves in Zion, who propagates the tical commodity." .* owe a great deal of their growth and The accident occurred while they The "Jewish .Daily -News" in an rejuvenation of our people in our development^tsaac A. Hpurwhich's were hurrying to njalce the steamer ancient' home and who believes in edrtonal on.Jul y ;i0th on the conefforts."—(Copyright, Jewish Teleg- leaving for England, in order to arthe. possibility of organizing all. of troversy between Mr. Unteraiyei' and raphic Agency, Inc.) . rive-in time-for. the first meeting, of our scattered elements in one union! Dr. Wise points' out that by his the Actions Committee* '•Mr. "Untermyer, by virtue of his public denunciation of Mr., UnterNaiditch was taken back to Paris, offltfe as President of the Keren myer's attitude toward the Klan, Dr. ANTI-SEMITISM PREVAILING IN AUSTRIAN COLLEGES, SAYS where .his doctor expressed the hope Hayesod is an avowed Jewish." Na- Wise disclaimed all responsibility by MAYOR SEITZ OF VIENNA that he will-soon recover, tionalist; as Vice-President of the the Jewish Congress for Mr. UnterVienna, (J. T, A.)—A bitter comMr. Ojajnsky was Naiditch's busiAmerican- Jewish Congress Mt, myer m this matter. The editorial plaint against the anti-Semitism rulr ness manager. concludes: "The. Juestion arises: Vnterxnyer is also 6h record as a ing the universities- and colleges of Jewish Nationalist. How then can What will the" Ksrai Hayetsod do Austria was voiced today by Mayor JEWISH CONGRESSMAN he ceulisel'non-interference in the to express its • dissatisfaction with Seita of Vienna, in a speech delivered ENDORSED BY LaFOLLETTE Mr. XJjRtennyer's stand in the KJan Klan matter ? in the Austrian Parliament, He atCAMPAIGN COMMITTEE matter? Will the Keren. Hayesod , '(And are we attempting to intertacked the influence; of tha HakenChicago. (J. T. A.) Congressman fere^ in anybody's business? Did indicate publicly that In; J t s .opinion kreuilerin the nniversities and stated Adolph Sabath, welT-known for the 'not'Vhp Ulatt.toke the Initiative in 4 Jew should have the; courage to that the Tseat minds and the greatest campaign he carried *jn against the stand up for Jewish rights against attacking us?" Are we not vitally Scholars are being barred from the present immigration bitf. will be eninteracted that, stich ^ttocks by a aM attacks? Will the Keren Haye- institution*, of learning in Austria, ' dorjsed by the LaFollette Campaign, powerful dr'gwzgtfon .\vlth. a, great sod show how a leading Jew ought only because of the fact that they are Committee of Illinois when he runa td .act in an* eiriergen'ey ? The Kerch political ;|iijSdSce ihtfuftj fa&s&X And Jaws. He cited th© names of - the at the nejet election for" Congress, acy physicist, Horovita, the social hygien- cording to an announcement made at yef vdiigigfvt&e,'-;KlflfoiMfi6'n *trted to' Sftyesod' ' a definite stand ';; .McAdocr for*in tWs-import*.jaatter.*/..:. ist, Peller, and the.chemist,. Feigk\ l l & j $ 1&' 'McAd tt LaFollette headquarters- here. - • \


Kqblls&ed «w*j> 'jffiorsdAy at Ornate*. Eft&r&slta, b #


The Untermyer-Klan Incident

His enormous capacity for work, a quality which has characterized nearly all great men, resulted in the production of a large number of plays, essays, sketches, critical studies, etc. So eagerly were his contributions read that the "Neue Freie Presse," a leading Viennese daily newspaper, sent him to Paris as correspondent. In Paris at that time the Dreyfus affair was absorbing attention, and there in democratic enlightened and liberal France he witnessed a violent and unreasoning exhibition of hatred against the Jews. The people of Lafayette;were eager "to convict one Jew, and in him all Jews." Herzl had up to this time been a strong advocate of assimilation as a means of solving the Jewish problem. Outside of his personal pride in being a Jew, his work for the Jewish cause had been negligible. The great English statesman Burke once said, "Public . calamity is a mighty leveller." Those words ring just as true today, when once perceives the number of .lost Jews who have returned to the fold, because of the anti-semitic attacks by such notables as Henry Ford and the Ku Klux Klan. The Dreyfus case brought Herzl back, to his people, not alone to suffer with them, but to lead them to a new dignified life. That he accomplished this at least partially must be admitted by his bitterest opponents. His own words deliveTed before an audience in Berlin (Feb. 8, 1893) bring out the resplendent hero that was Theodore Herzl: "I believe I may say to you that we have given something to the Jewish people: to the young, a hope; to the old, a dream; to all men, something beautiful." Polish Government Needs More Study of Jewish Question Before Solution Can Be Made, Says Polish Paper. Warsaw. (J. T. A.)—That the Polish Government has again postponed a solution of the eJwish question in Poland because it needs to study it further, is the information given by the "Echo Warszawskle," the organ of the influential Polish peasants' party, which is under the leadership . of the former Prime Minister Witos. The Polish Government, which wanted to solve the problems of all the national minorities, had to. postpone the solution of the Jewish question^ :on; «ccorint • of~* the* aaaxiinum demands of Jewish Deputy Greenbaum, the paper states. The question will now have to remain unsolved for .a long time. In connection with this the convening1 of the newly elected Kehillah Council of Warsaw has postponed.


and the Israelites spoke languages of common origin. While suggestions as to the Semitic character of Egyptians have been made By Egyptologists, DT. Ember was the first to discover the phonetic laws which govern the relationship between Egyptian and Semitic. IT order to accomplish this he was obliged to determine the exact phonetic equivalents of the Egyptian alphabetic symbols, which in many cases formerly had been given inaccurate and arbitrary values. A careful study of the lexico graphical material of Egyptian and Coptic formed the basis of Dr. Ember's work, in which he describes the similarities of the tvro languages, soon will be ready for publication. -


27tL EBEV EOSH HASHAKNO—Septem ber 28th. flag* will be the colors nse6 by the Hedjas, which is considered to be the parent state of the Arabian Confederation. Syria is to have one star, Mesopotamia two stars and Palestine three stars. The number of stars accorded to each country will' be in conformity with the date on which independence was achieved; for instance, Syria the first to gain independence, one star; Mesopotamia, the second, two stars, and Palestine, which Is expected by Arab nationalistic leaders to be the third, three stars.

JEWS IN JtFGO-SLAVIA LOYAL AND CONSTRUCTIVE, SAYS FOREIGN MINISTER Vienna, (J. T. A.)—The Jewish population of new Serbia, as well as the population of Serbia proper are a loyal and constructive element, declared today., the Jugo-Slavian Minister of Foreign Affairs, Nindc, in an interview with press representatives here. The Jewish population of old Serbia, he further declared, have always been a state building element. The Government of Jugo-Slavia, he concluded, has great sympathy with the Zionist movement.

Harry Konosiovitch

— Iistniclor

Jewish Scholar, Who Proved Similarity of Egyptian and Hebrew, Appointee Profe-,r~ ' ' Egyptology at John Hopkins. Baltimore. (J. T. A.) Dr. Aaron Ember of Baltimore has been named to fill the ;wly created chair of Egyptology at John Hopkins "University. The appointment of Dr. Ember \7.-«3 in recognition of his researcli work establishing that the Egyptians spoke a language of Setnitic origin. Dr. Ember, who formerly was associate professor of SeniLics, is credited by leading Egyptologists of the world ; the discoverer of ^*-»e pho.ictic laws showing that Tut-ankh-Amen's people

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Day and Night Phone Walnut 8294. ARABIAN FLAG TO BE 1902 SOUTH 46TH STREET, Corner 46tfa and Center Sts, "STAR-SPANGLED BANNER" Cairo. (J. T. A.)—The flag of the proposed pan-Arabic Confederation is to be modelled after the American flag. " It will be a star-spangled banner. . The correspondent of the "EgypCHIEOPEACTOES tian Gazette," in Bagdad, the capital 5 Announce of Mesopotamia, reports that .after = the ratification of the Anglo-MesoThe Opening of Their Offices potamiai* Treaty, the question of the 5 406—107 Paston Block, 16th and Farnam Sts. Mesopotamian Flag was discussed in the Mesopotamian National Assembly, on July 21, 1924 in conjunction with the proposed conYOUR PATRONAGE SOLICITED stitution for that country. It was revealed that Arab national ^fll!1IlBII||llIiiIlIlil!lttBtltlltlitlffIIfffIIIf!fffilfffffillSlliflfflSI?ltff£ffl|fffiftffffIf«|ft|ffrffflF leaders cherished the idea of creating one- common Slag for all the Arab countries, including the Hedjas, Mesopotamia, Syrji. and Palestine. The difference, however, between the fllags of each country will be in "Slip Into a Br&dley. the number of stars. &nd Out of Doors" The background of the common






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tSDAY, JULY 24, 1924

J growing Jewish ' • generation.". Dr. according t o a ;standardized; humanT h e silver' jubilee" of the Nether- Although they accepted Christianity 'Will t h e Zionist organization b« Du'shkin stated that there are approx- itarian • a n d ' scientific - program. lands Zionist Federation was incom- outwardly, they remained secretly preserved or will it liquidate itself.'' imately.. 7)00,000 Jewish children of Approximately.$25iQ0O,OOO was spent plete since he was absent; concludes Jews, the tradition being kept alive Mr. -Ussishkin further stated thai sd&Sbl-age*in -the -United States, of by t h e Jews of -America last year : he was in favor of transfering th< by their descendants until today. t h e p a p e r . . •''-",'*•' "•' " • for philanthropic' . and charitable K&h .Tiuniber. nib onen e h a l f ^ 5 Q ; 0 D 0 =are are wK&h. onehalfT^5Q;0D0 =are The application for the return to Zionist headquarters front Londor n^ieceiving- any instruction whatso-: endeavors, reported' Mr. -Goldsmith. ever/' Less than oriereighth-TOf the O f ' t h i s , sum $12,500,000 was' raised CZECHO-SLOVAKIA ASSURES Judaism on behalf of, the-. Maranos to Palestine, firstly because Palcstin* t o t a l s number < are being t a u g h r in Hot" local" charitable " 'organizations, . ' : JEWS O F EQUALITY was made,by the Jewish community is the main center of Zionist work week-day Hebrew schools arid Talmud $2,250,000 of which was used "for the financing, of national. work: arid$12,Prague. ( J . T. A.) Prof. Masaryk, of Lisbon in a letter addressed to the and secondly, because it has beer Re-port hij Superintendent William. R. Blumcnthal Torahs,*,and another one-eighth' are 000,000 was spent for foreign relief the President, of "the Czecho-'Slovakian Chief - Rabbinate of Palestine, asking proven that London «s the headbeing .instructed in Sunday .schools to the Board of Directors of the Jewish Welfare and- by private teachers. He estimated work republicj'who has been making an of- advice on the necessary formalities. (fuarters of Zionist activity is imFederation, July 20, 1924. that there, are aproximately 1500 men "We have come to t h e time ficial' tour through the t province of possible. ' • when it is necessary for us to conand women ,who -have .adopted Jewish Ussishkin in Berlin Announces His 1 Moravia,' h a s . been. received everyteaching for—their; profession, devot- serve such wealth as can be approOpposition to Policy of Zionist : Samuel and Rabbi Kook Will : v :' -TheKty-vPirst^Aniiuar Meeting* of ganized charity. A servile social ing" their entire time to it, and that priately used - for • philanthropy," where: by t deputations of the Jewish Executive. stated Mr. Goldsmith.-'"so that it is from 1500-to'2,0Q0 are giving part of population. a A t Troppau, H. Finsi r Decide Request of Bedouin t h e l National/Conference' of Social service organization is a serious Berlin. ( J . T. A.)—Announcement Work Ayas held in Toronto, Canada, draw-back to any community. The their time to- Jewish teaching. The used in obtaining not spectacular but the president of the local Jewish Tribe to Return to Judaism. v •': June 2 5 t o July 2, -1924; jfoclusiye. remedy for interference is the educa- important. step now is to train Jew- desirable results." .Mr. Goldsmith communal organization, welcomed the of his opposition to the present t Jerusalem. ( J . T. A.) The Chief went on to say that • most. Jewish ish .social service workers along Jewtion of the public. ,c P^eceeding^this/ meeting athere " w a s policy of t h e Zionist Executive was • ish educational, lines. .The Jewish Federations have the problem of president. Rabbinate of Palestine has decided-to ;"; held the Annual Meeting of the NaMethods of Census Taking made today by M. M. Ussishkin, uniting their communities. This they social service worker must not only be ' President Masaryk, in his reply, postpone decision on the request o f T-. • tional Conference of Jewish Social A round-table conference was held a social worker,-but a'Jewish worker are unable to do chiefly because of Director of the Jewish National Fund Work, June 22 to t h e 25th. The :at- on Monday, for the-purpose-of di said:-**You know •well how I and my the Bedouin tribe, Al Semani, in the and a Jewish educator.- Jewish social the appeals of national organizations : S t government, have stood in our atti- in Palestine, who arrived here yester- neighborhood of Safed, to be permitwhich help bring about disunion in service must aim to create conditions., was a little le S 3 than 35OO.Jiat of t h e 'ish > Hiflferpnt day on his way to London. In an n 1 j , « n t v ,-„' ish ^population in thtthe different i-nmcom Jewish Conference 350. • Thirty kin- munities throughout the country. physical' and- ^spiritual,'which will En- the community. I t is necessary .that tude towards the Jews, and you may interview with the representative of • ted to return to Judaism, until the rethe community be educated not only be sure that for t h e future, also, I turn of Sir Herbert Samuel and Rabbi dred organizations, including'the Jew- Among those who led inthe discussion able the Jews to live on .-the .highest , ish Conference, had meetings preceed- were Dr. Charles S. Bernheimer. of level of their possibilities in this land. in local problems, but also In na- shall remain true to my principles. I the Jewish Telegraphic Agency, he A. J . Kook, to Palestine. ing, or during the meetings of the the Jewish Welfare Board; Dr. Frank That Jewish social service which" aims tional problems, such as immigration, h o l d ' t h a t .there should' be t h e most declared: Conference. Among the tnirt'y kin- F. Rosenblatt, of the Bureau of Jew- only a t taking care of the economical- Jewish education, tuberculosis, > agri"I have abstained in the last three ! FIRST ISSUE OF ANTIabsolute • equality . of" rights for all dred groups are such organizations as ish Social Research; Dr. C. D. Spivak, ly dependent and physically disabled culture, etc. months from criticizing the policy of • The • resolution proposes t h a t ' at SEMITIC INTERNATIONAL . people and religious communities." the American Association for .Com- of the J . C. R. S.; and your represen- is a short-sighted service, destined to such times. as do not conflict with die and to be forgotten. the; Zionist. Executive, working, inORGAN APPEARS munity Organization, American Red tative. The following census methods In 'Mserisch-Ostrau, Dr. Rufeisen, the community chest campaigns Cross, Child Welfare - League of were discussed: stead, successfully for the Jewish Berlin. (J. T. A.)—"Weltkampf" Is What is Jewish Education? the president of. the Zionist Executive or local Federation campaigns, America, National Trayelers* " Aid 1. Affiliation Lists. National Fund. However, when the j the name of the new organ of t h e Dr. Emanuel Gameron, Educational in Czecho-SlovaMa, presented the preferably after such campaigns, the .Societies, National Probation Associa2. Death statistics." Director of the Synagogue and School" Federations organize the whole Jew- president .with an address. meeting of the Actions Committee is | anti-Semitic International. The paper tion, etc. ' . *, 3. School attendance. Extention of the Union of American ish .community affiliated and nonconvened, I will take, a definite stand ' is edited by Rosenberg, a friend of The General Conference 4. Marriage rate. Hebrew Congregations, followed with amliated for the purpose of raising on matters. General Ludendorff's. The General Conference is. divided 5. Birth rate. a paper on "What Do We Mean by funds for a budget to be worked out MORRIS WINCHEWSKY Reports were received of house-to- Jewish Education." He defined it as by t h e national agencies and the into ten chief divisions, as follows: "I am opposed to calling the ZionWIDELY ENTERTAINED house censuses taken in Hartford, that which deyelops a Jewish consci- Bureau of Jewish Social Research, 1. Children. BY MOSCOW COMMUNISTS ist Congress next Winter, because: Kansas City, Milwaukee and Minneaousness. This consciousness can beto obtain a quota "that would be 2. Delinqquents and Corrections. Moscow. (J. T. A.) Morris Winchew- I think that this would paralyze t h e polis, but no one of them was deemed brought about through a-; curriculum assigned to that community. 3. " Health. , • thorough and" scientific enough for ac- in which the essential Jewish" values 4. The Family. Following. the adoption of the sky, popular Yiddish writer and poet, Zionist work, i n ' t h e most important! -•- . -! 5. Industrial and Economic Prob- ceptance. When your representative of the past and the present are trans- resolutions for the budgeting of na- and veteran of Yiddish Socialistic season..;. lems. ~ •- • • stated that Omaha had" prepared mitted to the young.. The'attitude of tional institutions, the report of a literature in the United States, who A "Concerning the participation of • 6. Neighborhood and Community plans for a thorough and scientific Federations of Jewish Charities? t o - committee was accepted, organizing census to be completed in about three wards Jewish education was' brought the Jewish Conference along di- is-now the'guest 1 of t h e Soviet gov- the noit-Zio'nists in t h e Zionist work,: Life. months, the statement was received out by Mr. -Louis 'M. Cahh, 1 Super- visional lines, such as that of t h e ernment,-is being widely entertained I do not think . that there is any 7. Mental Hygiene. 8. Organization of SociaV Forces. with enthusiasm. I t was the sense of intendent of the Federation of Jewish General Conference, with the follow- by the Jewish Communists here. emergency. I am opposed: to hand-i 9. Public Officals and Administra- the meeting that Omaha could render Charities of Chicago. Mr. Cahn stated ing divisions: ing. over the supervision of the ZionIn the last week so many banquets, the Conference and Jewish social ser- that it was not sufficient for the Fedtion. 1) Jewish Center; 2) Family Care; parties and receptions have been a i - ist policy, to non-Zionists, although vice in general an inestimable service erations to concern themselves with 3) Child Care; 4) Community Organ10. The Immigrant. The Officers of t h e Organization by taking a thorough and complete the philanthropic needs of t h e com-ization; 5) Jewish Education; 6) ranged for him that it is popularly co-ordination and mutual control of 1307 Howard St., Omaha, Net the economic policy is desirable. The known as "Winchewsky week." for the past year were.Grace Abbott, census and by comparing that with munity, but that i t was their duty and Health; 7) Delinquency. Chief of the United States Govern- the various census taking methods in place to include -in their program Technical and specialized groups question to be fought out now i s : ment Children's Buerau; First Vice- use. A report from Omaha is looked Education for Jewish children. "The within the Jewish Conference were President, Lee K. Frankel, New York forward to a t the meeting to be held Federations must organize and help discouraged, and the discussion of Portuguese Maranos, Victims of Torquenado's Inquisition, Express maintain Jewish education in t h e Jewish communal and.national probCity; and General Secretary, William in Denver next year. community. Federations ' could not. lems, such a s ' Jewish education and The Health Problem H. Parker, Cincinnati, where the perDesire to Return to Judaism.' Any wnj- you get them in any package manent office of the Conference is Important points made in the dis-engage in greater preventive work recreation were held to be of greatest Jerusalem. (J. T. A.) Several maintained. cussion on health were that the health than that of laying the foundation importance and most worthy of t h e thousand Maranos in Lisbon, the AUDITING AND INCOME , ITEN'S GRAHAM CRACKERS' The National Conference _ is an of the community depends in largest in children for moral and sound Jew- attention of the entire organization capital of Portugal, have expressed open forum for discussion, and takes measure on the co-operation given ish manhood and womanhood. Chil- of Jewish social workers, , are (r^o-o-d catingr tor everybody. TAX REPORTS no definite action on important social service organization, and andren must be given t h e . opportunity { i n conclusion, I want^ to express their desire to return to Judaism. The ' Ask yonr grocer for ITEK CRACKERS Atlantic 1031 by name always. Get the genuine and problems. I t s function is to help educational program was advocated to acquire Jewish culture, Jewish his- my appreciation to t h e Board of the Maranos, who are a wealthy and in- 208 Karbach Blfc. crystallize public opinion. Among the that would make people feel t h e tory, Jewish Philosophy,"just a s they Federation for the opportunity given fluential group,'are the descendants be satisfied all- ways! HIS are given the opportunity _to acquire me to represent the Federation a t the speakers were Jane. Adams ; of t h e necessity physicians n e c e s s i t y . of 0 1 given given i i u j o i u o i w and «*..«;-5 - - - - - - . - -j-^z-^—" *w — T - V Dr. Lee K. medical experts unstinted aid in their bread, shoes and shelter. These chil- Toronto Conference. The inspiration of Spanish and Portuguese Jews who Hull House, ^Chicago, Chicago, Dr. Barry H. I*pK5n», Pree.-Tw»«. l Vice-President V i P i d t of the "Metro-' endeavors Frankel, ««,*».,,~vro to +n improve TmT,™TO physical nhvsieaV and andfdren must learn that i t will never received and the information obtained were compelled to accept Catholicism /o«. Pepiwr, Vlce-Presiaent. politan. Life Insurance Company, and mental conditions. Dr. Lee K.' Fran- be easy to be; a Jew, must be taught at the Conference wi)l certainly be a during the time of Christopher ColW. G. Cre. Secretary. Ulslrlbntors of Shapiro the organizer of kel stated- that the. trend .of health that the Jew must give and give and J source of help Tn the work during umbus^ and the Spanish Inquisition Aaron Shapiro, organizer of Western Bond—and High farmers' co-operative organizations. work is to place responsibility Square- give to the community and the coun-s the coming: year. It is my ardent " " - . under the leadership of Torquemado. I Last year in Washington some five ly" on the community, .and that the try in which he lives." "The Federa- hope that many members of- this Grade Stationery thousand delegates were present "and function of Jews as citizens should 1 tion, he concludeSris the organization Board will be able to attend the Utnahft although this year's Conference was a be to-seetait that: the work is ..under- "that must unite the entire Conference to be held in Denver next COMPLETE STORE AKD Je-wish education is the major concern little smaller numerically than last taken and done. There is no * such summer, so that they may participate OFFICE. OUTFITTERS year's/ there were representatives thing as Jewish health. Health is as of the entire community, and;; it ; is in person in- the remarkable confrom every State in: the tTmbn and much Jewish as it is Mohammedan or up to the Federations to solve this vocation. . • We occupy .• • . " : ' . ; . • • . r f o r . " / . - . . erer T0.OO0 so nape tmt visitors from most of the countries of •Hottentot or what-not. Heal^i is a moral-religious-cultural - problem." ; •Respectfully submitted, B Gttrnev the world. There were eight dele^ human problem, a humanitarian probTo Establish Training Schools < WM. R, BLUMENTHAL. Etrrnntb and Donela* Hfreets. gates frpm Omaha, ^presenting the lem, a problem Qf civilization itself. ;. The Conference not only discussed • • • • ' -. - - -Superintendent. Phanr: Jackson Community Chest, t h e ^Associated : "The medical center of a commun- important. Jewish problems and OMAHA. K15B. Charities, the Social Service \ .Ess ity," stated Dr. Wise of Cincinnati, affairs but it also put its thoughts 'change^ the Visiting Nurses Associa- "is the Dispensary and the Clinic" and its. idealism into action.- At the DUTCH PAPER PRAISES Engagement Rings is our tion; the Child Center, t^e Juvenile The most important step at the pres- business meeting of the Conference • .. Specialty JACOBUS KANN, DUTCH Court, the Nebraska Children's Hpnie, ent time is the establishment of a which was, held on Wednesday, two : CONSUL I N JERUSALEM and the Jewish Welfare, Federation. diagnostic clinic, which would educate very" " imporfant institutions were( Neither time nor space permits even people to come for thorough medical established. First/ a training school | The Hague. (J. T. A.) Tribute to 1514 Dodge St. .; the attempt a t a summary :of t h e examinations at regular interals- At for Jewish^social service.was called the achievements ni : Jacobus Kar.n, Every Known Eind Est.1894 • la.-5619 ^-'papers that were read and;the discus- present, two types of people treceiye into existence by the adoption of a Dutch Jewish leader> and at present of Insurance sions that took place a t the Qeneral the best medical' care—the idependeiit budget calling for the expenditure of -Conference. What is given here i s a poor and the independent rich.".. The $42,750 a year for three years. It Dutch Consul in Jerusalem, was paid •JAckson 1862 209 W. O. W. Bldg. J A. 3944. brief outline of the scope of the Conr great middle class in between these was Announced that of this sum theb'y the paper "De Telegraaf" in conference and its general organization. < two extremes do not receive the New York foundation has already j nection with the twenty-fifth anniverPAXTON-MJTCHELL CO. proper r treatment commensurate with appropriated $15,000. a year, that tKe sary of the Dutch Zionist Federation. J-tb and Msrtha Sts. HA. 1GE2 The Jewish Conference. •. JlatiGfectnrere of Brass, Bronx*, As above stated, the Jewish 'Con- the advancement of medical science Federation of Jewish Charities of Gate City Furniture Co. At ineteen years of age, De Teleand Soft <5ray Iron Casting*, ; • New York-^?15,000. and that the ference meets regularly for three and of social service. V¥ASH AND ICEEP WELL are assured of soft castings, as and graaf writes, he was the head of t h e Dr.\ Spivak stated that one of the remainder of the money would be days proceeding the general'National we mnrhtn* nonjf from ernry heat tn A RULE OF HEALTH Mr. M. J. banking house of Lissa and Kann. I t ?or own ehou. Globe Van. &. Storage Co. Conference. The meetings"opened great health problems in America to- shortly forthcoming. Standard ' size cast Iron and bronxr Superintendent of the Family was by his energetic and capable uwned nnd operated hy FRONTIER TOWEL .SUPPLY. Sunday/evening in the beautiful Bond day is. the problem of tuberculosis Karpf, In stork. Department of the Chicago Street Temple, which was taxed to among the Negroes, "The general Welfare management that the firm attained its GROSSMAN & SONS 1S19 California Street. Federation, was named as a Director capacity. The keynote address r. was health of, the community depends of 520-22 No. IRtb St present high position.. In 1906 i t the school which will be opened At. 0330 .!B delivered by Rabbi Barnett R. Brick- upon the health. of its weakest link, in New York City. I celebrated its centenary and this was v'jieri' A t t h e e n d of the meeting' a ^re- and as long as tuberculosis decimates ception was tendered b y the Jews of Negroes in our. congested cities that The Financing of National Jewish one of the great events in Dutch finP. S. SIOKEY, I'rop. ancial life. Toronto to the visiting Jewish\dele-. long the general public will be enPhilanthropies -> dangered by the dreaded disease." Phone Webster 0820 gates, who came from nearly;-every Perhaps the most important matter EFFICIENT and KESP«?iSIt5LE Herzl's call, the paper proceeds, State in' the Union and' the provinces Thus was re-emphasized the fact that ever passed upon, by the Jewish.Con- found an immediate echo in Jacobus LAONDRY. THE LAUNDRX THAT o f C a n a d a . .•'.-'"V'/ ".''•••'•:- ":: " C : ' ' / • •'; health is not a problem of race, sect ference was a decision that National Where yonr clothes come Com© EVERYBODY LIKES. K a n n ^Monday morning was devoted to a or^group, hut of all people, and should Jewish Philanthropies in America I * He founded the Netherlands cienner sad last looser. Druggists and Stationers discussion of the Problems of Familv be~undertaken at public expense, by should be supported in • the future J Zionist Federation. I t was not always AT kmtMe 0280. 15P7-I1 Jactsoc St. 401-4OS-JW Sooth imt) public taxation^' Welfare; Monday afternoon to Ghilct H &. J&OOBBSSRGSB. Pres. through a national chest raised I an easy task for him. His views were Office Phone JAckson S12S Juvenile Delinquency. Welfare; ;Monday evening t o ; the' throughout the-country by local f e d - ! Uvays the views of the majority Mr. Jess Permian, of the Jewish Big erations of Jewish Charities. L o c a l n o t a •Problems of Health; Tuesday morni n t n But ing:to Immigration; Tuesday after- Brothers Organization of New York, federations are to conduct separate ji in/thee 'Federation. foerauon. » « « r all that he Clothier noon: -to Jewish Education; Wednes- read a paper on delinquency; in and distinct campaigns once a year • never left the movement. day morning to' Community Organiz- which he stated that Jewish juvenile for all National Jewish organizations, j In the life of Holland, too, Kann Certified Public Accountants Full-Dress Suits and Tuxedos ,: atioti and Wednesday afternoon to the delinquency is increasing at an appal- unless they already include the na- was an active; worker* He was one Moved trora l(S) No. 10th St. t o Audits Systems 1(13 Ksirbnrh 151ofk, 15th & Oonelas fits. ; problems of - financing non-local or- ling rate. ^•'•.He put the blame for this tional organizations in their local O3IARA NKBB. ' Investigations ganizations and to the business meet- failure; on.the break-down of ithe Jew- cities similarly federated. Preliminary of the closest friends and helpersof Wldg. «S4 f,o *4u ish family, inadequate Jewish schools, plans and investigations for this un- thegreat Dutch pedagogue, Jan LigtS Phnnw. }:1 TheNew Immigration Bill and ; on the indifference of the Rabbis and dertaking have been under way for harti; aind; did a great deal for the the synagogues and on ineffective pre! Jewish Conimurial Life.: J ' ventive work of social-service aeen- some time, and Sam. A. Goldsmithv educational system; at Th.s Hague, THE BRINK & JENSEN CO. Omaha Offices tSIS Onnctae J * Eabbi; Brickner, in ti\e; qpehing ad- cLes.'-."The good- bid-fashioned -slipper Director of the: Bureau of Jewish is due to him that The Hague has tTfco):s;jte paper Otnalis Phone Atlantic Eesearch, will haye^ charge of have charge of... „ , , TT , ,A XT .•r , , distrihntnrs for • 'dress of the Conference'cKaraeterized is no longer the solution, of juvenile Social Research, l1 Forii Transfer & Storage Co. the Immigration; Bill fecsntlyrfpassed delinffuency ;problems," he said. Jew-- the services, that wiU secure author-, « School Union, its Netherlands Northern Toilet Tissue K. A. PORP. "by^ the United States Congress as /a ish delinquency can in greatest meas- itative data on all of t h e national. High School and The Hague School President and General Manager. 1112 Horney Street Tevolutionary acti and predicted far- ure be - abated by teaching Jewish Jewish" organizations in America and', for Girls Ceon<-i} P.lnfFK (Sows) Oliine ' Teaching effects to the Je^s and Jew- ideals in Jewish schools, and not' in of foreign Jewish organizations mak-j D j ft h e ] a c e d hi i n s e if AT-lantic 6409 'One of America's Great Hotels' The! . . , . . , • * ^ TW^T-, i ish/; communal life in Aiperica; as its moralistic;/sermonizing - methods. ing appeals m this country. - results^:. 'The cessation, "of iminiera- Teach the young "through dramatic Bureau, working with a committee of, entirely a t t h e service of the Dutch ; vtion," Jfie pre4ictedi "doing away as it entertainments, thrbtigh emotionally, prominent laymen and social work- ! government, acting as president 01 tjqes with" the/ problenj; off theiinimi-' attractive channels.;; "Group, consci- ers, will study the needs of all philan- the Exchange Commission, a post When Tltinking of Mens' Hats ^ =grant Jew; changes imateiially,: the pusness," he stated, "should be taught or Farnishings «c;6p^ of ^Jewish sociaP service.: in not so; much through ^lectures/ as OOSi FKKATMKNT ? r. Treub, the REMEMBER of Finance. ; jAinerica.: oTwenty-fi>e/ years/from through the brganizationV of groups will be raised locally, and nationally, cosviNcr voi1 or ocit ; now ghettosf in t America "will entirely and;movements amongst tb«r Jewish Trust S>«"partin*i3t. y<Kiappear^; With the ghettos ?will go boys and girls Jor the development of Service is Our Motto gafrty DfpnsU 1421 DOCGU&S ST. rIi^fcbe;-j.'.Tiddishv languageKan^v-Jewish leadership, Jewish consciousness and Deposit Soxes r o i ti'«>nt fOE U WOLF SAM N. WOLF v icereteonialism. The work / of the Jewish responsibility." '/; &'3fiv|ish3social worker will- he /reduced ;T^ 5i;//to'Js:minimum and chjirity Jews will /> The keynote of the Conference S3iay&'fcc)h find a. new markekt for!tiieir sbundedloy Div;Alexander M- Dushkin •$;n;HE^'Ii--^^-Kubmow,-v:^ieadc;qf-'-:the ef Chicago, whose- paper/ op /"The "Manufactured in Otsmisa" Upholstering and Furniture Repairg l ' a ^ S Welfare Work of ?the Phila- Place pf Jewish;: Educatiomin;je^isfi ing Mattresses Reiterated. BUTTER and UliiiS JMel^hia^ed^ra^n^iOfc/Jewish^.Char-: Social Service^ ^oth; thrilled/ %nd inBAKER ICE MACHINE CO. ^ i ^ g s t ^ t e t i ?thkt? th'e tsecond; and,? third. ^sp^d-iall;rwhov;;^re:'|>resfeinfc Box Springs. Coaudl Bluffs, la. P » easily //voted t the v Most ;in^b;r^a% itll'Z Nnrtb Uih St, p a p ^ r a: n d the inisfcsTO f.^M^ii^a";:dewon'steatediia:muc^ | ^ ^ i ^ | | ^ f j | i ^ t J ( / ; " i * a ^ l ^ 6 ^ ^ i g i n a l . :cu?Sioa :;:Of;"ttfem^tj/impo%^ i •4^"r-b«9ire;A^ri«^'i:JgT^/;i^^^.VS<} : to Dri Dushkiij; declared 5ttat? ^e/tJtpb|: " work'is ^i^^^M^ec^ffi^s^c^p&vr;spjfc:/ necessary, because of :the the: lem of Jewish a^jus!3neht:ifi' Alaerita: separate and distinct Jewish, psychol: ,pwitMal^/n^r;^^rjR^^^5Ila^r Si^ UMCL£ SAM BKEAKFAS1 ? 0S Mis P Mary Patawkr. of the United ;w^ps^cKdlpg^al:and- ^tuialsS !:•;•"•• -Be»ye»»,'is42 m t&th s t . Hebrew Charities of New lorfc City, !:"iPta«i';«f:.'iiwrti»w», -tits CemlBff- St.; stated that caso work, like an7 other ' - /AXtantte -to*V .. . • :• professional activity, must bo -free from tftdTse and unwarranted interference &• the public. Jn p c . J pproportion, p , as fi&|i!||tj|®/|iuil|i^^c^^at^ : w f f m such interference can from can ii|p^]Sp^TcM|^|ffin||:s in1^#^^^ .PAtiON HOTEL

Sociaf Workers Tackle l i g Problems at Toronto Conveetiosi

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