July 31, 1924

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MESOPOTAMIA SENDS SPECIAL Drottgftt Causes Failure of Hardest REPRESENTATIVE TO LONDON in Crimean Jewish Colonies, Jerusalem, (J. T. A.)—II Ashsri Causing Serious Condition. Pasha, ex-premier of Iraq, is proceedBiga. (J. T. A.M.)—It is learned ing to London for the purpose of here that the harvest has failed in negotiating for modifications to the the whole of the, Crimean District, Anglo-Mesopotamiaa Treaty, in acowing to a severe drought. Among MARRANO GROUP WHOSE ANCESTORS HAVE cordance with the decision of the the colonies which are suffering in BEEN OUTWARDLY CHRISTIAN Mesopotamian National Assembly, <)ut-Door Musical Program to Sir Herbert Samuel Sees Bright David Sher and Sam Minkin consequence are the Jewish colonies SINCE 1497 TAKES ACTION. especially with regard to the financial Be Presented al 3 O'clock, Future for Development of Tel-Hai and Hamashmeir. The in Charge of Census provisions of the treaty. It will also . o f Country. colonists have petitioned the Ukrain- Several Thousand Influential Citizens of Lisbon, Portugal Repbe his task to watch the developments VALUABLE PRIZES TO BE Office. ian Agricultural Belief Committee resented in Appeal Sent to Chief Rabbinate of Palestine— in the Mosul question. LAND HELD IN TRUST BY AWARDED WINNERS OF WILL C O M P L E T E WORK for assistance, but,it is feared there Descendants of Spanish Jews Forced to Accept Christianity It will be recalled that the National CONTESTS. " GREAT BRITAIN. is little hope of -help from that LAST OP AUGUST. in Time of Columbus. Assembly of Mesopotamia agreed to quarter because there are no funds LONDON.—Palestine, "the cher- ratify the Anglo-Mesopotemian Treaty Plans are rapidly being completed One family with twelve children, at the disposal of the Committee. JERUSALEM, July 18. (J. T. A.)—Several thousand Marranos in ished home" of the Jews, is "awaken- only on the condition that Great to make the Omaha Hebrew Cluba woman 102 years of age, Jews hail- The closing down of the Jewish aid Lisbon, the capital of Portugal, have expressed their desire to return ing from the sleep of centuries," in 3ritain would not permit the district Picnic on Sunday, August 17, at Peony ing from Turkey, Argentina, Siberia, organizations, the Joint Distribution to Judaism. The Marranos are a wealthy and influential group, the the words-of- Sir. Herbert Samuel, of Mosul to be separated from Meso- Park the biggest and most interesting and Holland, are some of the inter- Committee and the ORt, it is feld descendants of Spanish and Portuguese Jews who were compelled to who contributes a foreword to the potamia and transferred to Turkey. out-door affair ever given by any^ esting facts thus far compiled in in the colonies, has made the situ- accept. Catholicism during the time of Christopher Columbus and the local organization. "Palestine Paviilion Handbook and the city-wide Jewish' census now ation catastrophic. Spanish Inquisition, under the leadership of TorquemacSo. . Tourist Guide." " The handbook was Commencing at 12 noon, there will being taken under the joint auspices Although they accepted Christianity outwardly, 'they remained prepared by the Palestine paviilion be games, contests,. and raffles, and of the Social Service Committee of secretly Jews, the tradition being kept alive by. thisir descendants committee for the British Empire Exfor each of these events numerous the B'nai B'rith and the Jewish until today. ^ ' shibition at Wembley, in which Palesprizes have been secured to be given "Welfare Federation. The application for the. return to (New Christians).; In 1506 a mas- tine, as one of Britain's mandated to the winners. • Among the prizes to' B'rith Committees The workers of the census have to Begin B'nai Judaism on behalf of the Marranos sacre of Marranos 'of New Christians territories, was asked to take part. be given away are a radio set, gold Active Work found that the so-called Jewish was made by the Jewish community occurred in Lisbon/ ; More than 2,000 The Palestine paviilion reflects also watch, and pearls. ghetto is fast disappearing in Omaof Lisbon, in a letter addressed to were slain. *i The niassacre was inSam Beber, president of the local At 3 o'clock there will be presented ha, that Jews are scattering to all To Organize National Committee of the chief rabbinate of Palestine, ask- cited by two'Dominican monks who the Progress-of Jewish Palestine in Jewish Organizations for Action lodge of B'nai B'rith, appointed his for the first time to local Jewry an parts of the , city and that the were later executed at the order of. •***«?«««. industry _and commerce, ing advice on the necessary formalIr Ms Committees to serve for the ensuing out-door musical program, consisting process of Americanization is rapidly the royal authorities of Portugal. » introduction, Sir Herbert deNew York.—For the presentation of ities. term. These committees will begin of the best local talent. Among those setting in. In the opinion of present day, scribes the importance of, Palestine a new immigration bill to the next - The chief rabbinate of Palestine As rapidly as the reports are Congress, a national committee re- has decided to postpone decision on Spanish authorities, Christopher Co- to Christianity, Judaism and Islam. active work for a large membership to participate in the program will be brought into the census office by the cruited from various American fra- the request of the Bedouin tribe, lumbus was aMarrano or secret Jew. The high commissioner asserts that campaign and a series of activities the Lustgarden sisters and brothers, who'will be featured. field workers, they are tabulated by ternal organizations is now being or- Al Semani,. in the neighborhool of This theory was advanced by Msgr. the country is held in trust by Great for the ensuing term. "Omaha lodge I. O. B. B. is out Valuable souvenir programs depictDavid Sher, who is in charge oi ganized by Maurice B. Blumenthal, 'Safed, to be permitted to return to Antonio Eey Soto, personal chaplain Britain—-"a trust of historic importhe canvassing and tabulating, of the general counsel in the United States Judaism, until the return of Sir Her- of the King of Spain, on a visit tance"—and that it has not been an- to raise 1,000 members," said Sam J. ing the growth, origin, and activities Leon, chairman of the membership of Omaha Hebrew Club, will be given reports. He is being assisted- by or the Independent Order Free Sons bert Samuel and Rabbi A. J. Kook to America recently. It is claimed nexed to the British Empire. campaign r.nd first vice-president of away to everyone present. Sam Minkin. to Palestine. This request was re- that Columbus was born in Pontre- After describing the miserable con- Fistriet No. 6, I. 0. B. B. The -newly if Israel. Beginning at 8 P. M., music for "Whitin three weeks," said Superdition of" Palestine as the British vedra in 1436. - His mother was Discriminating features of the ceived a week ago. intendent William K. Blumenthal, found it, Sir Herbert declares that appointed membership committee is dancing will be furnished by the Susanna Fonterosa; who belonged to "there will be a more thorough and measure enacted by the last Congress Marrons Have Livel in Portu- a Marrano family. Several members j the British taxpayers' burden in Pal- composed of all past presidents and regular Peony Park Orchestra. comprehensive knowledge of the will be abolished in the new measure. of Columbus* crew were known to estine was never made heavier by officers together with active mem- "There is no question but that every guese Capital Since Time Jew in Omaha will attend this picnic," Jews of Omaha than of any other Definite tests applicable to all proanything but the maintenance of the bers of the lodge. of Columbus. be Marranos. ' spective immigrants, irrespective of The following committees were ap- said Dr. A. Greenberg, a member of Jewish Community in the country garrison-—a charge that has been reThe expulsion of Jews from the Modern Lisbon * has many Jews the Picnic Committee. "When we and consequently we will be in a race, would be given to them before city of, Lisbon took place in 1497, who are openly Jewish. In the past duced in the last four years from £4,- pointed: realize that the Omaha Hebrew Club MEMBERSHIP better position.to advance our social they leave their lands, under a plan five years after the issuance of the century Jews of the city, many of 000,000 to £900,000, with prospect of Sam I>on, Chainn. Maurice MJcklin, is constantly contributing to charitable and communal activities. Just as proposed. It is further proposed that decree issued against Spanish Jews German or Ashkenazic stock, were further reduction in the immediate Fred White. V-Ch. Lonls Simon, Sam Green, Jack Alberts. and .philanthropic institutions, we are every business requires an inventory the new bill provide measures to pre- by Ferdinand and Isabella. Thou- permitted to organize. congregations. future. Sam Wolf, Robert Kooper; sure of putting over this year's . to insure efficiency so the Jews of vent-colonization of immigrants in sands • of Jews, preferring to Temain An ancient Marrano group has The high • commissioners' introduc- Ben SHefler, Joe Rosentbal, Wm. Alberts. Pen Minkin. picnic." Omaha are entitled to a knowledge districts ^that are already over- and outwardly accept Christianity largely remained/ intact throughout tion says in, part: and all officers, imst presidents—es-offlclo. crowded. Arrangements for novel stunts to1 of their standing." "In accepting the mandate for the ' •' FINANCE' became known as Christaos Novos the centuries, it is claimed. The bill passed at the last session make the picnic a real old-fashioned Sam Theodore, government of Palestine, Great Brit- David J. J. Friedman. of Congress was . designed to i ChaJnnsn. one, will be announced later, accordain has undertaken a trust of historic Harry Robinson, Harry LOCAL ZIONIST MEETING arry Silvennan, more than two-thirds of the annual OMAHA HEBREW CLUB tsaelor Aferamson, ing to A, Kaplan, chairman, of the V i C h i Vice-Chairman, importance. .All -the western world, M. Sellcow, Tohn Pelclman. immigration allotment for,' all couif- j INSTALLATION SUNDAY :. ..: •;. TUESDAY EVENING; Picnic, committee., Abrsmison, rSeubes Brown, 1mesrwMch"f?i60;000, to Great"Bri£ 3S6a ~SwartE, At- the-regular-meeting of the ''"Excellent":" 'transportation- >. ;'?at5Qtl£g deeply interested in Palestine. To SannieJTaffe. Al Wohlner. ain and Germany'.' This stand was -Omaha Hebrew Club Sunday after- Zionist Organization. is being called Christendom it is the land of the N.MaxS. "VOntronh, have been arranged to accommodate for Tuesday evening, August 5, at the outcome of a definite propaganda everyone from the end of the caiiine. SERVICE To Study Burns, Effect on Human movemeif. seeking to inc'-ite the noon-at the Jewish Community Cen- eight o'clock at the Jewish Commun- most sacred of all associations. To 'Dr:" ' Philip SOCIAL Rabbi Fr. Cohn, k ter ; installation of officers will be ity Center. Delegates to the Zionist Judaism it js the cherished home Chainn.. Sher, Body and to Produce a Cure. . r*eo Bonenthnl. belief that only persons of Nordic held. Other important business will Dr. A. GreenberK, around which- have centered the Henry Monsky, stock could assimilate American be transacted, after which smokes will Hayesod Convention which was re- regrets and- the longings of years; AVm. Blumenthal. Rabbi Charlop. Irvin Stalmaster, • . sently held at Pittsburgh, Pa., will Philadelphia, (J. T. A.)—A founda- ideals. President Coolidge lent definCLEVELAND ORPHAN HOME give their reports. A program will it is the object of a world-wide effort tion! for the investigation of burns ite support to the movement by a be served to the members. Slalaahock, Selwyn Jacobs, follow. The public is invited to at- and of great individual sacrifice in Harry .and their effect upon the human body, message to Congress some months TALMUD TORAH TO A. M. Bro-nmr. Chairm., <r the present, of a lofty ideal for the Dr. M. Groflinskr. tend the meeting and program. David Feder, with the aim of effecting a cure, is ago advocating the use of a prior cen- OBSERVE NINE DAYS" AT To Represent Miss Fogg's Pupil* at future. To Islam . it makes the PUBLICITY. to be established at Mount Sinai sus in fixi^r iirmlgr-tion quotas. The PARENT-TEACHERS MEET Dancing Demonstration. Allen Kohan. appeal of holy sites, of long posses- Nathan E Green, Hospital, through a donation by Jacob bill as later passed made use of the The Nine Days of Lamentation will JUNIOR CONGREGATION. Morris Jacobs, sion, of the. presence -at this.<iay of Chairm., D. lit, president of the institution. Miss Annette BiHin, thirteen year 1890 census of nationals, thereby es- be observed at the , third Teachers- Prayer services will . be held this a population in large majority Joe Jacobs. I. Shafer. i ; Dr. Henry B. Shmookler, medical tablishing an exclusion policy against Parents monthly meeting of the City old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. DENVER HOSPITAIi Friday evening and Saturday mornMoslem. director, and Dr. Maurice Saltzman Latin, Slavic and * Hebrew peoples. Talmud Torah to be held Sunday Harry Lapidus, • Joe Wolf, Riklin, left last week for Chicago* III., chief resident physician, are prepar- Republican leaders in Congress ad- afternoon, August 3, at three o'clock ing at the Young Israel Synagogue, "The country has not been annexed Chainn™ A. Theodore. where she •will attend the Dancing at the Talmud Torah Building at ;o the British Empire; we hold it ai Dr. Nathan Dansky, Robert A. Cohan. ing a special report on observations vocated this policy. The Ku Klux at the Talmud Torah Building. Teachers' Convention that is being 22nd and Burt Sts. The Friday evePhineag TTintroub, Fromkin,RESOLUTIONS made by them. Observations of the Klan also supported the measure and The program consisting of songs, ning service begins at 7:45 and will a trust. All races and creeds have Max held at the Merry Garden this Week. Kline. Chairm.. equal rights there. There the inburns on numerous patients brought Klan organizers are now boasting poems, and exhibition of the pupils' While in Chicago, she will receive inBX-X.AWS to the hospital have been made to that the measure was '.'put over" by writings will all pertain to the continue for about a half hour pro- spirations of the Jews of the world Arthur Kosenblum, William Grodinsky, structions in dancing from the wellceeded by a short talk on Jewish Lawrence Goldman. to reconstruct in Palestine a national Chairm., 'Nine Days". determine changes which are believed the Klan. known dancing professor Nascagno, History from one of the members home are supported. The civil and CENTRA!, COTJNCIt. to take place in the chemical comof New York, of the congregation. Dr. P. Roinonefe. religious rights of the. Arabs are A. B. Alplrn, position of the blood. Martin SuKiirman, Sol Rosenblatt With Law Firm CtmJrm., The last week in August and the AH young men are invited to Dr. Sol Kavits. equally protected. It is hoped to pro- Jake Simon, "Y" MEETING MONDAY. Dr. Benjamin Lipshutz, who also in New York. first week in September, Miss liiklin attend the services. mote in Palestine both an Arab and INTELLECTUAL ADVANCEMENT EVENING. has participated i nthe investigations Mr. Sol Rosenblatt, son of Mr. and will give demonstration dances at the Abcer Kelman. Nathan Bernstein, a Jewish revival, and the doors of the M. Monheit, The last open Y. M. and' Y. W. H. Mrs. Morris M. Rosenblatt, who sponsored by the Lit Foundation, as J. J. Greenberjf, Drake Hotel in Chicago. Miss Eiktin land are wide open to pilgrims and Meyer Beber. Jake Malashock. serted that the problem of improve- A. meeting this summer will be held graduated with honors from the COUNCIL OF JEWISH WOMEN was sent to Chicago by Miss Adelaide Harry Trustin. ment in methods of treating surface Monday evening, August 4, at the Harvard University Law School in PLANS HOLIDAY OBSERVANCE travelers from- all over the world. Fogg, who has been her instructor HOUSE burns requires much intensive study. Jewish Community Center. CAMPAIGN IN COLLEGES "We found, the country derelict Harry Adelson. the class of June 1924, is now assoMax Wezclman, for the past fowr years and who has after centuries of misrule. The vast B. Korney, Chairm.. A Novel program" has been prepar- ciated with a law firm in New New York, (J. T. A.)—The schools "Considerable research and much chosen her to represent her pupils at Dr. A. Steinberg. Jack Marer,. thought have been expended on this ed by Miss Martye Weinstein, who is York City. and colleges of the United States will majority of the Arab population was the Convention. LEVI MEMORIAL HOSPITAL ., . .problem," he said. "In general, re- in charge. . be invited by Mrs. Edwin Zugsmith of illiterate; much, of the land was un- J. Slosburs, Jr.. Dr. Philip Lerey, Dr. B. KuHy. sults have been fatal where more than Pittsburgh^ Chairman of the Cotamit- cultivated, most of the remainder Chairm.. JEWISH LABOR ORGANIZA HEBREW NOT RECOGNIZED poorly farmed. Large areas were in- Dr. Nathan Muskin, Mas Holzman. one-third of the skin?s surface has tee. on Religion of the National CounTO SING OVER RADIO TION TO CONVENE WORLD • ' ' ' 'IN MESOPOTAMIA VIGILANCE been seriously impaired." Messrs. Abner H. Kaiman -and L CONFERENCE ON IMMIGRATION "1 of Jewish, Women, to avoid fested with malaria, little was. done Wca. Holzman, I. F. Gooamnn, Jerusalem. (J. T. A.) The Hebrew : Louis Hilier, Cliairin,, The introduction into the body o: Ruben will broadcast several song Jerusalem, (J. T. A.)—The Histad- scheduling examinations on the Jew- in any direction,to protect the public Harry Dr. H. Hixschman. lcjiguage will not be recognized ae the Wolf, health. Dailways were few and roads Abe GoMstcin. fluids by way of the mouth to offse numbers over the WOAW Radio ruth Ha'Ovdim, the Palestinian Jew- ish holidays during the approaching Morris Milder, official language of the Jews in the inadequate; harbors there were none; academic year. A very convenient the effect of any poisons engendere Saturday evening. . ish Labor organization, has decided to state of Mesopotamia, according to a JEWISH SCIENTIST SAILS . the natural resources; of the country by the burns, is one of the startlin] convene a conference of Jewish labor calendar of Jewish holidays, with this were quite undeveloped, and indusdecision of the Constitutional ComFOB EUROPE FOR ROCKEmethods of treatment being perfecte Nationalization of Commerce is organizations in America and Europe plea for co-operation, is being issued tries were nearly 'non-existent;'' AlFELLER FOUNDATION xmssion of the Mesopotamian Naby the Foundation experimenters. Policy of Angora Government. for the purpose of discussing the to all college authorities and to local Baltimore. (J. T. A,)—Dr. David tional Assembly, says a report pub"The recognition of blood concentraConstantinople. (J. T. A.) The in- problems of Jewish immigration and school superintendents and principals. most all the requirements of a vicil- Israel Macht, Professor of Phar- lished in the Arab paper, *!A1 Iraq." Every Council Section in 233 cities ized state had to be provided from tion as a,factor of importance," said troduction of a strictly nationalistic emigration. The paper prints the text of the macology in the Medical Department Dr. Lipshutz, "has led to a rational policy in the field of commerce is the The Histadruth Ha'Ovdim decided will promote, this campaign for holi- the beginning. meaorandura of the Constitutional of the John Hopkins University, * method of treatment, the rapid and latest step of the Angora government also to send a special delegation to day observance, through its; local Commission, in connection jwith the sailed for Europe .'.'yesterday' for', a continuous introduction of fluids by The government has now appointed the International Labor Emigration Chairman of the Committee on Reli- ONLY ONE THIRD OF NECESratification.of tha Anglo-Iraq treaty. study trip under the auspices of the mouth, and subcutaneously and intra- special commercial directors, whose Conference, which is to tajke place gion. Considerable success has been •' • SARY- FUNDS' FOE EEPAIR . The memorandum makes the follow-* Rockefeller Foundation. Dr. Macht venously. task it will be.to supervise the econ- next September in Prague, the capital achieved by the Council as a result of OF OMAR MOSQUE will visit ths principal research I ing reference to the Jews an4 the "The forcing of fluids is certainly a omic reconstruction of the country, of Czecho-Slovakia. The delegates are its efforts during these several years, Jerusalem, (J. T. A. Mail.)—The laboratories and clinics in England Hebrew language in Mesopotamia: logical procedure in burn cases, for and at the same time report' to the instructed to raise at this conference Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, speaking and on the continent. "In the different cities, the language not only will blood concentration be central authorities, every 3 months, the question of immigration into LEAGUE OF NATIONS with the Palestine Telegraphic Agency of the Jews is Arable. Hebrew is only; WEEK TO BE OBSERVED AT reduced to a normal level, and thus the number of Turkish and noh-Tur- Palestine. today, said that the Mosque of Omar YIDDISH LAW COURT SET the religious language, used for pray* LONDON SYNAGOGUE ,tend, to the maintenance of a normal kish- employees in the various com is by no means yet assured of the UP IN THE UKRAINE ers and studied by the little HId circulation and heart action, but any panies. This is being, done in order JEWISH YOUNG MEN IN London. (P. T. A. M.)—With the necessary funds for its repair. The Moscow. (J. T. A. Mail.) Special law hypothetical poisons will be diluted to maintain Turkish numerical preobject of arousing wider interest in delegations which have just returned courts are being opened in Kiev end in. their schools. HUNGARY DO NOT WANT sufficiently to diminish their degree of ponderance in the fields of commerce . TO BECOME RABBIS its achievements and aims, a great from India and Iraq, where they have Berdltchev in which the entire feaga- NO JEWISH.MURDERERS toxicity and this dilution will also and- trade in Turkey. The government IN PALESTINE, OFFICIAL! ' Budapest. (J. T. A.V There is very "League of Nations" Week in London b e e n t o u r h l g f o r t]iC p u r p o s e of rais- n-ess will be conducted in the Yiddish undoubtedly greatly accelerate their intends to insist that commercia' little desire among the growing young is being arranged by the Lndon { n g f unc 5 s for t n e - repair of the languege. An order to this effect has . STATISTISC PB0VE elimination." houses employ only Turkish commer- Jews of Hungary to prepare, them- Eeginal Federation of the League of Mosque, have brought back large been issued by the executive commitJerusalem. <J. T. A.) That cial correspondents.. selves for rabbinical careers, accord- Nations Union. It will begin on sums, but despite this, there is avail- tee of the Soviets for the province of have been no Jewish, murdsrera in. V?ENNA PROFESSORS ISSUE ing to the registrant * at the Jewish Sunday, November 9th, and last until able now cn£y about a third of the f Kiev, with a view to carrying into Palestine since the country lias be&st • PROTEST AGAINST ANTIFUNERAL OF JEWISH high school maintained byy the Jew- the following Sunday. Amistice Day j total sum necessary, about 150,0001 effect the declaration of the recent under British rule, was made kaowa SEMITISM IN COLLEGES -, • ' , • ' • AVIATOR HELD ish comm ' y here. falls within this period. In addition j pounds. The campaign will, therefore, Congress of the Bu&sian Coiajnanist today when official figures were pub-. Vienna. (J/ T. A.) Socialistic nrofr New York. (J. T, A.—-The funeral Out of a" registration of one thou- to a special Church of ]3Ejgland|i)e continued in all the Moslem coun- Party that the rights of the rational lished concerning the crimnsilly in essors n5 the University and Technx- of Lieutenant Herbert Schiff, killed sand boys, only one declared his in- service in connection with this move-{tries. In iise ceursa of the cojiversa- minorities should be secured. Similar the country. These figures ''stam thafc cum of Vienna made public today a by his aeroplane .propeller when he tention of becoming a rabbi. As a ment, the Chief Rabbi wiU ho)d a,"— "-- Grand ""— ' Mufti «-•"--• said •' that -*-— the "-- courts will be opened shortly in.&e jsince Britain has been occupyingtion, tlie protest in which they strongly con- stepped-backward into, its whirl, was result of this the-class of instruction special service in the Central Syn- government of ' Iraq is ' opposing provinces of Podo!«a and Volhynia. A Palestine, 26 men were executed demn the anti-Semitic and anti- held here "today from the residence for those preparing themsdves for the agogue, and the Metropolitan Free Zionism on' the ground that it is case has just bees heard in Tiddlsh capital offenses. Nono of them Socialistic spirit prevailing, in the of his brother,^.William Scbiff, 771 rabbinate, at the high •'school.-will be Churches will haye a joint service splitting the Arab national for the first time ia the Appeal Court Jews. In the Falesfise,pKls(MMs ttier* Austrian, colleges ,&re now ^ msnt. of the provinces of Odessa. Madison Avenue' abolished. in one of the leading chapels.

Secret Jews Give Notice of Palestine Awakens Desire to Return to Faith From -Deep Slumber to-Energetic

Many Different Classes of people Recorded in LocalJewish Census

Park ei August 17


Present New Immigration BIO in Next Congress


•it. ., : •+,!.'!••


*• —



ers to have attained a very high level Ruppin decuared that he would agree JUBILEE OF MORDECHAI of technical ability. to remain in the Executive Ss "minBEN HILLEL HAKOHEN 5C84-1924. On the proposal of Dr. Jacobsohn of ister without portfolio" and that he CELEBRATED IN JERUSALEM ROSH CSODfeSCH AS—August ist; \: i tubiMedf everj• <lfiur*day a t Omaha* ^etelasitk, by One of the lafgest social functions Jerusalem, (J. T. A.)—The jubilee PAESHA MAT~ ' S UStASSEM—Au- £ tkfr seasori aniehg the younger set Breslaii, it was unanimously agreed would participate in the meetings, but that the conference issue a call to that he would d& no office work. In of the fifty years of literary activity gust 2nd. \£0- Office: 68i Brandeia ^alri^B^iaing^eiepbonei ^Clantic. 1450 ag held" last Thursday evening when PASSflA DEfeARUIi SHABBOS Stessfs. Lawrence and Ephraim Baron German Jewry to advance handicraft a letter dated June 12, 1023, Dr. Weiz- of Mordechai Ben Hillel Hakohen, the dtnottg the Jews-by every possible mann inf6rmed Dr. Ruppin that it CHAZOM—August 9th". ntertained at a lawn party at their means, especially by maintaining' the vras the opinion of Mr. Louis Marshall well-known Hebrew writer, was cele42.50. Subscription Price, one year. brated here at a great banquet last TISHA B'OV—August itith. lome at 1810 Grandview Blvd., In Advertising rates furnished on application: PARSHA VAETCHANAN — August honor of their cousin and guest, Miss existing co-operative workshops and that his visit with Dr. Weizmann to Thursday night. Representatives of as far as possible increasing their America was absolutely necessary for CHANGE OP ADDRESS—Please give botb the old and new address; 16th. Mildred Ruth Bdron, of Chicago, 111. number. The resolution goes on tothe achievement of the work on be-all lections of the Jewish coftmitinlty be Bute and give your name. PARSHA AKEV—August 23rd. present. say: The c6hferghce pledges all af- half of the Investment Bank; and that were present, Congratulations were - The Jewish Press is supplied.by the Jewish Telegraphic Agency (Jewish ROSH CHODESCH ELLUL, PAR- ighteen couples were Among the oat-of-tdw« gufests were filiated societies and all individual Mr. Marshall insisted on Dr. Ruppin's received from many countries. The Correspondence Bureau) with cabled and telegraphic Jewish news, in addition SHA REAY—August 30th« jubilee was inscribed in the G&lden Miss Nettie Levitt, and Mr. Julius members to seek to bring the younger presence. to feature articles and correspondences from all important Jewish centres. ROSH CHODESCH ELLUL—August Book of the Jewish National Fund. inqUiries regarding news items credited to this Agency wilt be gladly Schwartz, of Des Jtoines, Miss Edna generation of Jews to engage in handiIn connection with the articles of answered if addressed to Jewish Telegraphic Agency^ 114 Fifth Avenue, Slst. Stengel, of Chicago, the Misses craft, to assist them in obtaining a New York City* PARSHA SHOFTIM—September 6tb; Gladys Meyers and Bess Horn, and knowledge of a skilled trade and tothe Doar Hayoxn against Dr. Ruppin, DEHAAN'S SUCCESSOR FOUND the latter asked permission to pubPARSHA KE SAZA i— September: Mr. Al Finkel, of Omaha, Nebr. TO BE TOO ZIONISTIC find for them employment in suitable I lish all the documents concerned, but ON GETTING INTO THE ARiStOCRACiT 13th. apariese" lanterns fortiied the decoraJerusalem; (J. T. A.)—Ithamar Ben 5 workshops. It advocates a close conIn the absorbingly interesting story on the life of Rufus PARSHA NEZAVIM — September tion. Dancing was rield in the garage tact between all Jewish organizations Mr. Joseph Cowen declared that this Avi, editor of the "Doar Hayom," who would be inconvenient for political and at 10:30 a lunch was served. Isaacs, Viceroy of India, by the Earl of Birkenhead, published 27th. interested in these fiiffiS, particularly reasons, and that the Executive would assumed the duties of correspondent in this issue, appears a commentary tin the relative social posi- EREV ROSH HASHAKNO—Septempublish a statement declaring that for the London Daily Express upon Mrs. Paul F. K&lish returned last those consisting of young Jews. tion of the Jew in America and England that' challenges our ber 2§th. Further, the Presidium of the Fed- the Executive was "au courant" of the death of Israel DeHaan, has been attention. We beg leave to repeat these few sentences from Lord Seep giiehce may be gcibd jjartiSan week after a short visit in Chicago. eration and of the affiliated societies the whole matter and had full con- asked to resign by the London office politics, but it is very poor American Birkdnhead's article: Mrs. H. Pishgall complimented are Bailed upon to establish mutual fidence in Df. Ruppin. Mr. Naiditch of the paper. It was apparently . ,. -. -v • "Somebody-once said that every Country has the Jews it principle.'' Dr. David deSola Fool, Rabbi of the MiMB Adele fireaKnian, of Fort aid loan associations for the purpose stated that Mr. Ben Avi had told him found that his news from Palestine '"deserves.^. Great Britain deserves good Jews, and on the whole Spanish and Portugese Synagogue of Dodge, I&wa, at a one o'ciock of .providing credits for the Jewish that the articles attacking Dr. Ruppin was too Zionistic. ' gets them. I have often been struck by the strange contrast New Ydrk, states: . linchebn last Friday at the Country" midcUe-eiasg population to aid them had appeared after he, Ben Avi, had .rbetween the social position of those who-belong to this fellow- "The letter ^attd the spirit of the Club. in their productive work. They are left Palestine and that he would en- FRENCH JEWISH LEADER WILL Constitution of the United States are ship in Great Britain and in the United States. In the United explicitly opposed to any limitation Urged to establish co-operative deavor to repair the wrong done by INVESTIGATE JEWISH IMMIGRA:-States no Jew can belong-to a decent club. He may be a good oh citizenship, by reason of facial Mr. Max Pill and Mr. Wm. Baron also federations 6f Jewish artisans, and the attatk. Df. Weizmann added that TION POSSIBILITIES IN SPAIN. motored to Omaha last week. sportsman, a good fellow, a gentleman, and a millionaire, but origin or racial amliatibn. Paris. (J. T. A.) Dr. Kahts, the ta entsf intd contact with the Jewish he had spoken to Mr. Ben Avi on the : "Thfe KU Klux Klan is avowedly the portals of exclusive American clubs none, the less frown divisive Mrs. Brodkey entertained at a cbrrimtinal organizations and the large matter and that he had promised to prominent French Zionist, will pro* of Americanism along racial ..irrevocably upon him. This has always seemed to me a harsh and along religious lines* It is, there- party at her home last Wednesday Jewish organizations in Germany to publish a denial of the articles. ceed shortly to Spain and Portugal decree, though in its own social Jaws every country has thefore, an imperative obligation for f the purpose of studying the pot' get them to allocate certain funds for honor of fief daughter, Mrs. J. a-Rth •right of exclusive judgment. In this country—much less ex- Gentile and Jewish citizen alike, of Arkin, of Artesiafl, S6. Dak. sibilities of Jewish * imigfation into a. certain period as loans to members hti& their skin, to safeguard posed to" a wholesale immigration of cosmopolitan Hebrews- Whatever those countries. our country from this menace to bur of the Jewish middle-class to enable LITHUANIAN GOVERNMENT it has bei.n possible with great advantage to ourselves, if with political, our social and bur human Mfs. Ed Baron and daughterj them td set up and develop productive PROHIBITS MINORITY In c.i interview with ihe e&rregp'on* some sligiil". compensating disadvantage*, to assimilate Jews in unity. ..-.tlildred, of Chicago, 111., arrived last undertakings. LANGUAGE SIGNBOARDS det!t of tha Jewish ^ 1 graphic Agenthe" social i r d political life of the country. And many of the "Combatting the Klari is not pebul- Sunday to spend Several Weeks in Kovno. (J. T. A.) All signboards in cy, he declared +hat the purpose of his most meritorious, citizens^ highly contributory to the national iai-ly the-duty of ths Protestant, nor ,he city with relatives and friends. tHe languages of the national minor- journey is to- pttt the* question of Jewof the Catholic, not- of the Jew;, It is They are guests at the home of Mr, wealth and prosperity of the Empire, have belonged and belong an ZIONISTS EXPELLED FROM ities in Lithuania will, within the next ish Immigration to the governments ineluctable duty of American to the Chosen People." RUSSIA DESCRIBE SITUATION three Months; hare to be removed and of Spain and Portugal. Dr. Kahn ftlfcitizenship," , . • and Mrs. Bernard Baron. Why do the Jews in England stand in better relative social Rabbi Leo Jung of the Jewish Constantinople. (J. T. A.) Forty- replaced by sigi.s in the Lithuanian ther stated that it is imperative to Mrs. J. Jacobson, Messrs. E. Jadobposition than the Jews in America?. Is it because there are Centerj in New Ybrkj writes: . fduf Russian Zionists,- who were re- language, according to an official •svjiin Jewish emigrr">tB from leaving "A year ago I declined the offer of ;6n, B. Koolish, arid E. Eririberg left more Jews here than in England as Lord Birkenhead intimates? membership leased Soviet prisons on the decree of the Lithuanian government, icr tho: ountrie- VcV-1 hi£ investion the Council of. an Hardly* for we do not believe the Isaacs, the Monds, the Roth- interdettomina£i6n&l AntiiKu Klux ast week for Chicago, l i t , wliefe conditidfifrom that they proceed immedi- •which will be published soon. gation is concluded. schilds, the Sassoons, the Samuels, ana other like prominent Klan Associatiohi I see fibfreasBtif6r they will spend several weeks. ately to Palestine, arrived here. This will include the prohibition of Jewish families would be less acceptable in Ehglish social life & change .of my attitude, wMihV was MisS. DerSthy Pickus has as hey Eighteen of them belong to the sign boards in Yiddish. PATRONIZE Otffc ADVERTISERS! on the following considerations: if there were .twice as many, Jews in the country. There is anbased guest, Mlsd Gdayg Meyers, of Omaha. Left Zeite ZiOn, including Lasaee, "The 'Judenfleck' of medieval times aristocracy in England* and aristocracy founded on culture as the badge of shame of Cliri§tfenLevitij Shneur, Atroftbff and Naouin much as on wealth, and to this aristocracy there is no pettywa§ domi Thus is the K. K. K. the |jer- Mrs. Leon Davidson wili be hostess Plotkin, eight to the HitachdUth, fotir (PETE)_^lBt»S. prejudices that would exclude a family, of great position on sonal disgrace ;.of the , Americart Us members of the Friday Club at to the Hechover, three to the boy Protestant Church; and its. destruc- unchebn at the summer cottage of racial or religious lines. The accepted Jewish families in Eng- tion scouts organization Hashoinef Hazaif, the personal duty of that bady. land are on a par with the best in that land, as their great poli- "We isJews s. C. E. Palmer, at Crystal Lake, one to the Zionist sport association as; Je^?i riitlst coritihile td "WE ical position indicates. But England is an old country* Its cul- make OUf positive tontributionsj co- next Thursday at one o'clock. Maccabee, and four to the Jugend Floml-Designs—Gardening iri its Entirety tured aristocracy is a development of centuries. It knows real operating with our Gentile brethren} Vferfein. our energies to efforts values. We have no such aristocracy in America, yet. And-we dedicating ftif and Night Phohe Walnut 8294. airh at.the betterment of th§ADVANCEMENT OF HANOIIn an interview with thfe correspon1902 SOUTH 46TH STREET, Corner 46th and Center SU, have few Jewish families .in America comparable to the great which average American citizen, righting on CRAFTS AMONG JEWS IN dent of the Telegraphic Agency they Jewish families in England. We haven't been here long enough every battlefield for truth, justice and GfiRlViANY DISCUSSED AT declared that they had spent three and America itself is-too.new. Whatever aristocracy we dobrbtherhbod. By increasing the forces CONFERENCE IN BRESLAU months in the Soviet prison, Butirki for good we shall help tb eliminatfe the have in America is based on dollar values to the. exclusion of influence of the ifobl and the" criminal, everything else, and this applies as-ttiuch to Jewish social life whbse fdlly ahd cruel cowardice Weak Berlin* (J. T; A.)—The Central Fed- in Moscow. The* conditions in the eration df Jewish Artisafis hi Gei-prison were horrible. The persecution as. to the non-Jewish. their worst on minorities and glory mahy has jiist concluded at Breslati of. the national Jewish elements in in the brutality of K;; K. Kk achieve.- There will be a rear aristocracy in America some day and Is sixth arthtial conference. The Soviet Russia is now greater than ments;•• .-•-.•-..-• : .'•: -. '.i to it Jewish families "of culture .will be as acceptable as any CHIROPRACTORS President; Herr W. Mjirktls of Berlin, ever. The Ogpu orgahiisatiMi, which "By ever improving the Jew, we other* but it takes more than a pile of nlotiey to make a family ha§ replaced the Chekft* is composed in his presidential address said: Announce shall hot -faii tb imtorbte the Gentile cultured in a social sense. And culture does not itnply a deser- and td create an atmospMfej which of a good many Jews, who have 'The Jewish workers in Germany The Opening of Their Offices tion of the Jewish faith, as is the practice with the few Jewish will laugh Ku Klux Klanism oUt ef specialized in persecuting their fellow stand solid with their fellow-workers — at — families in America who have tried, by that method to become existence. , . . ;. Conditions in the country are 4O0—4O7 Paxton Block, 16th and Fatitaiti socially acceptable. Every Jewish family in England of social "1 ani confident that God Almighty Of other faiths'. But they have formed Jews. ; worse and. Soviet' Russia is heip those Atnericans, Jews arid an organization '•*&. their; owri to be growing position is loyally JEWISH, don't,forget that; They haven*t will on July 21, 1924 Gentiles, whose fhinds a¥e devdted to able ta observe their religion and to advancing rapidly towards another much use for religious.or racial renegades over there. So ifthe YOUR PATRONAGE fundamental huniariity of Religion*. The eeonbttiia ruin of the you are planning a social career that will eventually land you I feel sure that the Protestahtt Church show that Jewry, tod; is working for famine. Jewish niasses is continuing, they ,in the coming blue-blooded circle in America, don't start off vrfll emerge victbrbus from this grave the advancement of handicraft." ^ftiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiliisifiiiitflisieiiiifltiliiilfiitiiiiiiBiiniiifiHiiiiiitiiiijfiitniiiiiiitiilfiii^ declared. Conflict, Ohce it has determined to reWolff of Berlin delivered an by renouncing your Jewish heritage. If you possess the last capture for all of its followers the word in Jewish culture you are competent to enter the highest social ideals of the: Bible* to exclude address on the place of the Jewish All forty-four left on-the S. S. Nosocial Class in the world.—(Wisconsin Jewish Chronicle,) from its- blessing the slanderer, the worker; hi the COtlfse Of which he vorossisk, bound for Jaffa. blind hater j the godless pliest, the aid: "Bespite all insults j the Jewish fdols who fdilbw them arid the KuiandworMrs in Geifmany are deteri / Klux Klaiii wfid harp oh tlieif inora) mined to do all that is within their DOCUMENTS CONCERNING and intellettual ineptitude^' DR, RUPPIN'S RESIGNRabbi Abba Hillel Silver of Cleve- power to Kelp ift the reconstruction of ATION ARE PUBLISHED the German Fatherland. From this land, writes; - . • " • (Compilea alia Copyrighted by Jewish Telegraphic Agency, Inc., 1024.) Jerusalem. (J. T. A. Mail/) Iri con'.'Wfe Have too many, important effort to bring ail mankind again to INQUIttY SENT OUT BY JEWISH TELEGRAPHIC AGENCY things in Jewish life today t8 dis the realization of brotherhood, they nection with the attacks of the Doar ANSWERED BY VARIOUS JEWISH LEADERS. sipate our energy in fighting..Secffel will not allow themselves to be fia^oiri and the "Palestine Weekly" Organizations, which do not like us. In connection -with the controversy inherent in American citlfcen&hip. You cannot keep a man from hating diverted by hatred'and race enmity." upon Dr, Arthur Rugpin, member of •which has arisen between, Dr. Stephen "The menace of Klanism is not j?ou and yeu cannot keep men, ^hi Dr. Pacschkem, the syndic of the the Zionist Executive, after hii feS. Wise and Mr. ^arhiiel Untermyer merely the menace of religious war- sh&ife a cbmrribn hatfed, from organ Breslau Trades Council, pointed out in tufn frbfn America, documents have concerning the attitude to be followed fare between Protestants and Gatho- izihg. When such hatred encroaches by American Jewry in the Kii Elui lics, nor is it merely the menace of upon our. political-rights, ^re can h&V6 his address of welcome that the resi- been published relating to the matter. Klan qUestion» the Jewish Telegraphic commercial' boycott of social dis- recourse to government. Wheii i | coh- dent of the Jewish Artisans' Union of These documents show that Df; Rup1 HJSHJE1VER you go, clothes comfort Agency sent put an .inquiry to a nuhir crimination agaiiist Jews. It is a far firiSS itself t5 s8cial and E66nomiC bp- Breslau had been the first man topin desired to resign as early as 1920, ber of prominent Jewish leaders, all^,g¥eater menace, one which under- positioni we can do hbthingi counts. Xorth, east or west you'll wantover the country asking for thei*(| minei the Vfery foundation upon which "We afe abundantly supplied with pass the niastership examination of but was prevented from giving up his post by requests from Dr. Weizmann medium weight clothes and cool clothed a§ opinibtt in the question. the- structure of American ffeeddm anti-defamation leagues to counteract the Etesian Trades Council and that and liberty has been erected. In the and other members of the Executive. The first replies to this inquiry well, fie prepared for any temperature. You false propagandaj and we hdve &h he had proved himself an exceptionalreveal the interesting fact that there face of sufch d menace; every citizen Anglo-Jewish press to i&ity bn Hit ly expert workman.. In his experience ^Finally" at the meeting of the Palesowe it to j'ourself to see Nebraska's showing, is almost unanimpus agreement that who loves his country will forget that true prbpaganda. We have our rhulti the Jews should riot organise a he is a Jew, Catholic or Protestant tUdinous. committees and tbngresse he had always found the Jewish work- tine Zidhist Executive on June 4, Dr. separate- Jewish organisation to" cottr- and will remember only that he is anto vblce oiir vigorous protest on prepe: American and that "America" is occasibns, and hay^ free platforms anc bat the Klan. m j ^ _ _ Medium %-. synonymous throughout the world While condemnation of the Klan is with liberty and freedom pulpits firofn which we pfoclaim ou. expressed by all, the opinions as to a for-alldemocracy, Weight Suits, ,«L...... ...,•.••,••.,..„ Americanism to the satisfaction of al it§ citiieris; Jewish Stand oh the question- vary J6wsk What else is there" to do? wha1 from one advocating a policy of 'I belieVS that all subversive move- else can We do? severely letting the problem alone to ments, tHriVe ob opposition where that "Afati-Semitism has alwaye bee. Cool Tropical Worsteds Young; $ one urging joining with all liberals to opposition is fexpress.ed in tetfiris of here. We refused, to recognize^ it. I fight the organization because of its local dissension, Violence Of extra- is Here to stay—for & long time h Meii38._ Mbttcfa,_at...... ' un-Amerieanism. legal activity. In my opinion, the fate come. Is it not better to adjust owrof the Klan will be sealed only, when Hon. Abriun I. Elkus, former Amselves to this fact? It ia nb'Jfc an un the implications inherent in Klanism known phenomenon in our checkered Young Men's Sport Model Palm are fully Understood. career. We .have met with it before— "Let us be In the future, as we have and survived. Beach Suits, at _ tntitigh .1"aiti tempted to do so. I still been in the past—vitally Concerned in "OUf fighting should be carried o We arfe moving •/ thiiik.thS•'burden.blight to be borne the preservation of the fundamental whitih—in ouf own way. Our enemies 'by t h e churches .of the Protestant Concepts ef American citizenship, up- are the corrosive influences of wealt} into our new location faith. They dughfctobear the burden." holding the right to life, liberty and and prosperity, which are todaj Pdlpi 'Bench._Suits for Young. 1; Mr.: Ben Selling, the Well-kiibwii the pursuit of happihess, and let usdestroying our heritage. Our dead - philattthrdpist and influential Jewish Continue to use every means in ourliest foes are td be discovered in the Men, Sizes 84 to 37..... ;. citizen -oh the Pkeine coast, expresses powet to. instill loyalty to our country, weakening of our moral fibre; ift the love for its institutions, mutual under} alrnost Bimihir sentiments: break-up of the Jewish home, in the standing, among its citizens, and sup- vast ignorance touching the spiritual * : "It is my opinion that; we . ohe block south j across the street. Palm Beach Szrits, Sizes for Big s a groupr—should leave the Kil Kltix port for its laws. By contributing out values of dUr life, and in the conseWe will continue to carry our -JKlari severely ^lone; Mj§; is a efforts to the building ujj of that fciha quent indifference towards them. Stont Men to SO > tpjeijlshi-#s••.rMv* Samtiel Unttrmygf Of public opinion, a time must come, "Let the Protestant Christian Clergy Strictly Kosher line of delicatessen ? has a^tly put Ii^for the Protestants; if it is not already here, when the look to the tragic bankruptcy of s •; " l i e t iia go) our wayH-leading better white-robed arid Hooded gentry will Christianity in the Klan propaganda. goods, -with a bigger variety; ; • Uyes^-bejrig helpful, ?bxar eitizfens, at= learn that there is only one law inLet them fight it. It is their cross. it^naln&to our duties"Vas" &u&h and re- the land an dthat that law is to beWe shall assist them in every dignified i administered by the courts and noteffort to disseminate true knowledge I '-lylhg'ah the; justice of OM We invite our customers and by an invisible empire." ife .a^A^0Jplr"Kr^^ concerning th6 implications of deftioc-' Golf Knicfcara j Riding Breeches , The opinions of the leaders of the ®ii&epfedent Order of B'riai B'rith, tHe racy, the rights of minorities and the friends to visit us in our new locaJewish .Pulpit .are more varied.. Sparges!f Jewish ffaternal brganizatibn $4 to $ e i SSMdSSt'SO obligations of majorities. wjin; tfie ctfnited ;States> -Writes 'as io> Rabbi David PHilipson 6£ Cincin- "But the Dark Angel with whom we tion. Gray and White Flannel Trousers at nati writes: must wrestle is on this gide of the : •.•••'•• % ® . ? $%>&<> ' " I consider it most unfortunate that M< v^'IHbBi^e '.it', ijf /Be) self-evideiit :tkat iiVer—Ih tlie" Camp of Israel." \ the religious issue has been ^injected Mofris. Hillquitj thfe well-known! •.:• '.'" •'•• F&ncf W e r s t i e d Trousef&i • •••''-•• PiMi^»-I?BfeB#S:;inu5^e;;,f6r"any-<Jew into our American political life. This Jewish Socialist leader, believes as » ; - : S 5 . 0 0 . - $ 7 . 5 0 . - ..; •..'.- ,'• &itM0Ma"la*^iyishn>drg*niza;tiQn.; so- tois one of the most disastrous results of follows: S^^I^Sll^onhe^tipn-: with- vthe^Ku;;.iOux' Ku Klux Klan activity. But sincte that "I can see no good teasbn why i : W*|fla'ft^a&'$6 :tfeate;-:the •'impreaait>n.:'thB% igeue was forced by the klan In the Khaki Outing Pants, S 2 . 3 5 and S 2 . 5 0 should fcrfiiiiti u reffairi frorri fcarfieipiition. .Republican &nd# Democratic in the fih fight against the Ku Klux Klan S l s ^ H f ^aad5t^fr :; |h€i/.Klan:is rpne^&n^ recent Conventions and since it is now to the pr against any other reactionary and toss^lfe'lny^apiniiiri^tgia:: just. as;:,seriOUS:--a fore ih a number of the states it is a lawless movement. It would seem to fait accompli. For this reason, therfe me, however, that "such a fight would .Webstcf 1428 Sbl^few*athoHa,:thBugM the^ate is, 151S Korth 24th Sf to my mind, but one course for ell be more effective if the Jew3 particive f believers f.n the American principle of pating in it -frould do so not alongCartel,. & religious- liberty to pursue, and that racial lines, i. e.^ as organizations of ^^^^^pfe^jit^^iWside^utM^: ^^p^vl^^B^S¥6;:are^not>tb /b& is to fight this un-American organiza- ^ews, Je b t r as partt «f f th the general' ^^llr^^|ffts-AWe'rlcan:eiti2eiii tion, todth and nail. There can be fib bbferal; but APPAREL FOR MEN AND WOMEN: jmbvement cprnbating Iffie bb> d e n i i i ^ S ^ I S l f ^ ^ l ^ .thi^.prdfeci iBi^bn that fldePfifiiSpelled


Ambler Gardens

L FRED I. m n t mid ML CELIA It. Nm

Shall jews Fight the Klan


Announcement IS13 No. 24th St.







iGE S—THE JEWISH PRESS, THURSDAY, JULY 31, 1924 ing three weeks in Chicago, visiting same name, and it is said to be one Fox. Jack Cunningham adapted the of the greatest photoplays even -seen novel t« the screen. relatives. on the screen. Mrs. E. Marcus left Sunday for One of the largest dances of this season will te given by the Zeta Beta Tau Fraternity Tuesday evening, August 5, at tlie Omaha Athletic Los Angeles, California, to spend a The features embraced in £his Etory MINORITY R&HTS BILL are fiiany and varied and include BECOMES LAW ift KMLANB month visiting relatives. Glub Eotjf Garden. among others, the start of 350 coverWarsaw. (J. T. A,) The bill introThe roof will be decorated in blue and white, the fraternity colors, and Messrs. Lawrence and Lee Krasne Randall's Royal Orchestra will provide the music for the one hundred and left Saturday night for New York ed wagons from \Yestport Landing, duced by the Polish government con(now Kansas City), in 1848, The ter- cerning the rights bf the iiatidhal fifty guests that are expected to be present. City 6n a buying trip. They txpect rors of fording freshet rivers, prairie minorities in Poland was passed by fires and the like are depicted -with the Diet at its third reading, against Other affairs to which some of the younger set have been issued invita- to be gone about two weeks. tions will be given this Week-end. For Miss Berhice KulakofskJ-'s guest, Mrs. J. Schaif and daughter, Ma- great realism. A buflalo hunt 5s one the votes of the representatives of the Miss Ami Zimmerman, her former college roommate at the "University cf. rian, returned home Tuesday after of the most exciting scenes. Old Fort national minorities, The law give? recognition to the California, Miss Kulakofsky is giving a picnic supper at Elmwood Park spending two weeks visiting with Bridger with a night attack and f.plit this evening. Miss S'Beva Sriyder will entertain this ivsitor at a luncheon relatives in Minneapolis, and Jordan, by day with Indians, are shown. The languages of the IVhite Rtisfeians, dividing cf the trails to Oregon and Ukrainians, Etis&ifins sad Gernisft«, ENGAGEMENT at her home, and Saturday evening, Miss Sadye Levey will be hostess to Minnesota. r .WEDDINGS California at old Fort Hall; a touch for use in Hit courts, Schools fenS Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Corenmah twelve couples at the Highlang Country Club followed by a midnight buffet HAYKIN-SIMON A regular meeting Df the Talmud of the gold fever in California, mag- government offices in th& territories The marriage of Miss Alice Silnoll, anndtihce the engagement of their supper at her home in honor of Miss Zimmerman. Torah will be held next Tuesday nificent mountain shots fctid a tul-c* the minorities. YiddisH i_ not flaiighttertofMr. and Mrs. J. J. Simott, aaughter, Sadye, to .Mr. fhineas mination cf the romance with the evening at the synagogue. V Miss Esther Brown, of Milwaukee, Mr. and Mrs, D. Cherniss and baby, 4 6 Mr. Julius Haykin, son bf Mr. and WintTdub, son of Mr. and Mrs. Max establishment of one of the first among the minority languages whlfch Mrs. A. Haykini of this city, which Wintroub, of this city. No wedding Wis., is the guest of Miss Lillian Cohn. of Council Bluffs, spent Sunday in Mr. and Mrs. Sam Gross who have homesteads in Oregon—these are allhavp bcert £iven rccogttitten. The entire di?eusisi&n oft t h i Lincoln visiting with Mrs. Cherniss' was solemnized Friday, -July 18, date has as yet been set. Mr. and Mrs. Max Sommer are atparents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Arenson. been spending the past two weeks in incidents in a -picture that bristles passage of the bill tfeott drfy domes as a complete siirprise" to their Deftver» Golo., are expected to retufn with big scenes. Mrs. Arthur Marowitz, of Eldorado, Lake Okoboji. They left Wednesday wede'e t:me. frifends and relatives as the wedding Ark., formerly Miss Esther Epstein to spend several weeks there. hoirie the latter part of this week. Mrs. Saul 3Poska returned Thursday Such historical characters as Kit " -was scheduled for a later date this of this city, is arriving here today from Sedalia, Mo., where she has been The Chevra B'nai Tisroel hold Carson. Jim Bridger and Bill Jacksunlmer. Tlie wedding took place at "With her baby son, Milton, to visit Mr. and Mrs. J . Jacobs are leaving visiting. a regular meeting next Wednesday son, scouts and typical western the home of the bride's brother, Mr. with her parents, Mr. arid Mrs. C. today for Lake Okoboji. evehin at characters, are port fayed in the Mrs. S. Goldstein~7nd family a n d j ^ **"> Edward Simon, in Co_ncii Bluffe, la. Epsteiil. Mrs. Marowitz is wellGreen returned from Mrs. Dave screen version of the Paramount Frederick Cohn officiate- be- known here as she was prominent in Mr. and Mrs. Ben Robinson and family "THE COVERED WAGON" COMGood business location itt CBttft* fore the presence of only the very club and social circles before her Kansas City, Mo., where she wasspent a two weeks' vacation in ING Td TtlE STRAND TSEATSE, novel, which is conceded to be ore of cii BlUf;s: Lai-pe twiMstdfy the most notable literary achieveimmediate relatives of the couple. Beatrice visiting with relatives. Many corner brick building in "busimarriage. She was the second presi visiting. SUNDAY. ments of the present decade. Mr. Haykin and his bride are now dent of the S'nai Brith Auxiliary and social affairs were given in their ness district, ST-8S So. IJaih Miss Itelen Sommer leaves today for The various roles &re in the hands making their home with the bride's member of a number of other local New York City, where she will study honor. . They returned to Lincoln A magnificent epic of the early vest Street. Suitable for sny kind is James Cru2e's latest Paramount of well known screen players. The of buiiinfesfc. Wilt i-efnoflel. t& Thursday. organizations. Mr. Marowitz will ar- music parents. production. "The Covered Wagon," leading man is J. Warren Kerrigan, suit tenant. E. Shyfefefi, ltJO# rive in "Omaha later to join his wife The couple has been honored at Mr. and Mrs. A. Stine and family which will be the feature at the and the leading woman is Lois WilSecond Avenue. Council Stuffy and son. Mrs. Mafbwitz will visit Mrs; Joseph Gold, of Des MoineS, several affairs given for them during Iowa. here for several months. la., will arrive this week-end to visit of Beatrice motored to Kearney last Strand Theatre starting Sunday, son. Alan Hale is the villain. Others the past week to visit their niece, Mrs. Mike August 3. This is & £>iei_ri_atidn ef in the cast include Tally Marshall, with Mrs. David Newman. Morris. . Mr. A. Somberg and son, Louis, are Emerson Sough's rifew novel d the Ethel Wales, Charles Ogle aiid John Mrs. L. Blbtckyand dons, Myron leaving Friday by motor to spend the and Frank, left Tuesday mdrning on Mr. and Mrs. E. Leabowitz of OiCLUBS & motoring trip through-the states of •week-end in Elk Creek, Nebr. , tiimwa, Iowa, are visiting friends in Minnesota, tWseorisin and into Canada. The Chaises Shalames Society will Lincoln. They were former residents Miss Rose Kosenstein entertained They will return home in several Saturday .evening at a bunco and hold their open meeting at the Adass of Lincoln. weeks by! "way of Chicago, 111. slumber party at her home to honor Yeshuren Synagogue, 25th and Sew- Mrs. W. Krasne of Omaha is visitard Streets* Tnuesday afternoon. Mrs. N. Bordy and' children, of Miss Fanny Lubkin, of Chicago, 111:, Ah Ep&£> Once Setn, Ydsi'H N / / August 5. The public is invited to ing her daughter, Mrs. A. Stein, in who is her house guest. darks, Nebr., is visiting with her Beatrice. attend as various interesting facts parents,- Mr. and Mrs. I. Abrahamson. Miss RUth Herniari left Wednesday Mr. and Mrs. Harry Glick of ChicaMiss Ida Oppenheim, of Des Moines, to visit with relatives in Des Moines, will be disclosed. go stopped in Lincoln to visit with la., also spent several days last week Iowa. The Junior Daughters of Zion held Mr. Giick'S parents, Mr. and Mrs. I. at the Abrahamson home. a meeting Sunday, July 20, at the Miss Rita Lillian Mantel is at Jewish Community Center. Sophie Glick, and his si&ter, Mrs. .A. Eislef. Mr. M. E. Chapman and Miss Springlake, Minn., the guest of her Ban and Hilda Gilinsky Were voted Mr. and Mrs. Glick motored to Lincoln 'Esther Shapiro, t>f the Goldstein-Chap- aunt, Mrs. E. A. Levy, of Lincoln, into the club. The club is planning froth Chicago. rharf Co., have returned froin & two Nebr. Next week, Miss Mantel will to' hold a picnic at Elmwood Park Oh New Mr. Arthur Ackermamv weeks' buying trip to New York City. leave for Chicago, 111., where she will Friday, August" 1, at ten o'clock. York City is visiting with his parents, The Misses Sarah and Ethel Green- visit with friends. A regular meeting of the Daugh- Mr. and Mrs. M. Ackerman. berg left Saturday for a two weeks' Mrs* John Corby returned home the ters of Zion will be held Monday, Mrs. M. Aach entertained at Sinner visit in Minneapolie» Minn., with early part bf this week from Minnea- August 4, at 2:30, at the AdasS friends and relatives. polis, Minn., where she was visiting Yeshuren Synagogue, 25th and Sew- Sunday evening in honor of Miss Jessie Lahgsdorl, who is visitiflg her ard Streets. Miss Syivia Abrahamsdn and Miss with Mr. and Mrs. L. Braunstein. aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. M. Neu:• Esther Miller left Saturday evening Mrs. Sam Sipbrin left Tuesday for The first annual picnic of the A.X&- mark. for Chicago/Dl-, and Milwaukee, Wise.,. Tulsa, OkTa., to visit with friends for lebung Club will be given this Sunwhere they will visit for several weeks two weeks after which she is leaving day at Krug Park. Special plans I 1 JOUJMCIL with relative's. for a six weeks' stay at Excelsior have been arranged for this picnic The Mogea David Young Judaean by the executive committee. Mr. and Mrs. Kettben Ferer have as Springs, Mo. Club will hold their regular monthly - their house guest, Mrs. A. Eohman, of Mrs. Dave Goldware, of Los Angemeeting next Sunday afternoon at .' St. Louis, Mo. les, Calif., formerly of this city, is OBITUARY two o'clock at the synagogue. Plans visiting here at the home of, her _ Funeral .services for . Mr.. Harrjr foraH-oukirig: "vsil he< dmidetEd..-».. 1 ; |Dr. M. L Gordon and soli; Jerome, Weinstein, 2011 Charles street, who ikM Messrs. Jake Simon, I; Eosenthal, father, Mr. I. Kulakofsky. Miss Jennie Barony daughter of ' aid Jarvis Freiden spent the" iJast Mr. and Mrs. J. Abrahamson and died Sunday afternoon at the Metho- _.ifi and Mrs. Joe Baron, entertained week-end fishing at KinksJL.ake, la. sons, Louis and Led, and daughter, dist hospital, was held- Monday noon from the family iesidencfe. Btitial nine bf her friends "at lier Home last ; Miss Rose Eosenbaum returned Sun- Libby, returned Wednesday from a took place at the Golden Hill Ceme- Saturday afternoon in honor of her eleventh birthday. Those -breserjt in< day from _. two weeks' visit with her motoring trip to Tulsa, Okla. tery. * sister, Mrs.. Meyer Lederman, and Mr. Mr. and Mrs. J . Katz.and family Mr. Weinstein, who wa§ 52 yeats cluded the Misses Eose BraMeis, Ida Lederman, at Waterloo, la. of age, is survived by his widow, and Hoffman, Elizabeth Ktttler, Helen and Mrs. Samuel Katz have moved two children, Nathan ah8 Jeanette, Steinberg, Marian Katelman, -Euth from the Blackstone Hotel and have . W and Mrs: As Soiuberg andj both of this city. Two grandchildren^ Shyken, Bessie Perlmutter, Eose • family are leaving by motor Thurs- taken possession of. Mrs. Ruth Arn- Herman and Eiaine Weinstein, alsb and Jennie Baron. Sound products evolve ftofn. sound : daf inoiiiing, August 7» for a several stein Rothschild's home. Mrs. E. Gilinsky .aiid .* weeks trip to Lakfe OkobojL Mr. arid Mts. J. Eosfeh accompanied Si returned liome after spend' ' Mr. and Mrs. Morris Cohh ieft Sun- by Mr. and Mrs, Morris Fox left last ! LINCOLN Thursday for Lak Okoboji, to be gone ! dai? to motor to Excelsior Springs, JDodge Brothers Motor Car Is the for twelve days. f Mr. S. Goldstein returned from a Mo., to be gone for two weeks. r FOR'RENT product of an institution whose Mrs. Dave Shferniah returned Sun- five weeks' business and pleasure trip Nice New- Brick .Stdre, 66 ft. ' Mr. A. Goldstein left Saturday, July to St. Louis, Chicago" and New York. day evening from Topeka, Kans., -lonff, just completed, at 1316 principles have always Been con26, to join" his family, who are visit' North 24th Street. Call I. : ing in Denver, Colo. Mr. and Mrs. where she was Visiting with her Mr. and Mts. M. Novicoff motored AbrahAmson, Webster 0046, ceded to be pre-emiiientiy sound. : Goldstein arid family ate expected to sister, Mrs. S. I. GaM-kL She also to Beatrice Friday-night and visited or Webster 5486. spent several days in Sioux City, la., ! return to Omaha Tuesday, August 5. with Mr. and Mrs. I. J. Gilson. with her sister, Mrs. M. A. Weinberg. Sound manufacturing methods thai Mr. L J. Giison of Beatrice left for ' Mrs. M. Ffeiden and daughter, place infinitely more importance oti a sh6rt trip td Chicago and New York. MONHEIT'S New York City to be there for the BEADTf SHOP . week from Los Angeles, Calif., where quality than quantity. AND CHIROPODY \ they -wf;re visiting with Mrs. Freiden's remainder of the summer. EsL 1S3D ilarrel And Cm* .reset In fatntr, Mr. B. Simon, formerly of this Mrs. H. M. Ferer and children re" «tay*. 61.00 City, who is now making his home turh_d Monday from the Minnesota Scluiid financial standing, which We Epeci-HEo lit jperrbnneirt for there. They were in California for the Lakes, where they spent the early part Open from 9 A. 11. t o mits ufiinterrupted deveiopmBtit and 9 v. n. . past six weeks. She wais accompanied of the summer months. Mr. Ferer Jackson 9S7*. 1512 Harney St. home by Mrs. J. Simon, who was also spent several, days with theft while on adherence to i e policy of constant , visiting there. his way from New York. improvement— Engagement Rings is our • Miss Sophie Ferer left last week on Mr. and Mrs. Loyal Cehn returned Specialty Harrv Kononovitch * a motor tfip for Chicago, 111., with Wednesday from Estes Park, where A sound method of selecting dealers; : M*. and Mrs. Philip Batt. they spent their honeymoon. They MALASfiOCK JEWELRY CO. ate how making their home at the from which an organization has : Stndio—30? Cronnse Bib; 1514 Dodge Sfc Mr. arid Mrs. Louis Sommer and Loyal Hotel. Harney 8«S Est. 1894 Js. 5619 ' family left last Sunday to' spend the grown that enjoys the comply ccsi* Bowing for Advanced- Pupils. > remainder of the suiiltaef at Estes Mr. aild Mrs, Sam Gaifman anSdence of the I Park and "Monitow, Colo. nounce the birth of a baby" daughter Mr. Sam Guttman, Jr., left Satur- born Friday, July 18, at tile MethoA sound sales and service policy, day for a Southern trip. While in dist Hospital. Alexandria, La., he will visit with Dr. J. A. Weinberg and Messrs. through which buyers are stSHufidi Messrs. Sain Levey and Ben Kaplan, Frank Geetz and Edwin Eirsehbraun full value for their investment— fraternity brothers of his* brother, leave teday for the Minnesota Lakes to be gone for several weeks. Mf. Max Guttfflah.

Zeta Beta Tau Fraternity to Entertain at Dancing Party at Athletic'Club Roof Garden


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g Merle Freidel is visiting with Miss Sara Somit and sister, Mrs. B. friends and relatives in Los Angeles, Balabah, of Coanfcil Bluffs, are in California* Harlan, Ia.} where they will visit for Mr. David Freemaii is spending the two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kirschbrann • summer in San Francisco, Calif., with relatives. returned Monday ffem their motor trip to Minneapolis, Minn. Sixty c6uples attended the T . M. Mrs. David Newman returned and Y.. W. iH. A. dance Thursday evening at Hanscom Park Pavilion. Wednesday fr&m a si* weeks' trip to It is the last of the dances to be given Washington, D. C, Chicago, Hi., and this summer. Des Moines, la. Mr. and Mrs. Tollman Kaplan, left Miss Eoseline Kohn is spending six 3ufi8&y for Kafisas City, ana Esce weeks in Iin£oM, Nfebr. sior Springs, Mo., to be gone Id? •J_f. ahd Mrs. J. J. Singer of Chicathree weeks. . . go, III., formerly of this tity, is visitMiss Sara Mosow, of Sioux City, ing with Mrs. J . Sosenthal for several la., is visiting here with Miss Fay6 weeks; MJBI J . Berkowitz entertained at a luncMoa In Jionor of Mr£::-Sin_fer. Gferelidc >

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fe;; V

ed States while he was there m as Am- 1 I . have spoken,, .of the . personal bassador,.. an.d"- having.Jiad some* op- ch'arnx of Lord Reading, * If you:, strip portunity—of making comparisions,-1 Tito 'Meiema-of his.moral infirmities, doubt whether'any representative of you have something of Rufus .Isaacs this country at "Washington has wonleft. He adhered to,' and adorned, the more aSe'ciaon- or-attained to a great- highest traditions bf the English Bar, er general popularity. And at a most by whom he was beloved,-arid few critical1 time m the.relations' between great English figures." have:inaintainthe ivfo-States his practical mastery ,ed so many friendships—some of of the> questions! which* ftom day to_them humble,—with more warmth, day T required discussion and decision, affection, or tenacy. was • of-tiie utmost service to both countries in -the- most critical stages

M. B. Mammonas, Charge d'Affaires wrong-v-hen he cites England as an portion of the present Arab populaof Greece-in Washington, has a deep example. Broad-minded Britannia, in tion is nothing else than the descendresentment" against' the " Jews of spite of its Blue Sunday Law, permits ants of the "people of the land" (AmGreece," especially against the entire its Jews, especially the sroall busi- Haaretz), records cf which have Jewish community of Salonika. Salo- nessmen, artisans and workers who been preserved in the Jewish literanika, with its important Jewish pop- maintain their orthodox religion and ture of the time telling of their backTHE EARL OF READING ulation, as will be recalled, was a p a r t who resemble in type the Jewish ward cultural condition, that pleas; - BY THE "EARL OV BIRKENHEAD of the Turkish empire until the World community of Salonika, to rest one ant class which was not particularly War. -It was incorporated into Greece day.in.the week, on Saturday if they active in the Roman-Jewish warfare '" • as a result of the events that follow- s o p l e a s e . '•'••• ' and which remained in the country ' : ed the World War. True toihe prineven after the destruction of the The Jewish community of Salonika, He owned much to a very distin- of the yr'ar.'. Eufus Daniel Issacs, First "Earl- of ciple adopted by those who determin- which dates back to the days of the Temple and underwent all the guished appearance and to an unThere came a time when it seemed Reading, Viscount Erleigh, First Vised the political fats of the world in Apostles, having observed its' day of changes of religion, of political and count- Reading, was bora in London definable charm of style. This charm that'his"special usefulness in America the new era, Greece, as all other rest on Saturday through the centu- social upheavals through which Palon October 10, 1860- - He is therefore was innate, not acquired. • He waswas- exhausted, and ~ that " his own PARALLEL LINES duties in this country requixtoday in his sixty-fourth .year.' His genuinely expressive of a delightful judicial newly created or enlarged countries ries, will not violate, any principle of estine has passed. 1 •father, Joseph M. Isaacs, was a mer- tempei and disposition. No great ed'fiis return'.' Andiso once again we THAT NEVER MEET with new populations, pledged itself justice if they continue to do so, Intense Jewish colonization work chant in the City of London. . . leader at the Bar has ever been more' behold him.'nVthe-Lord Chief Justice's • There- have-in the history oiEng-, popular with, his juniors. For he threw Court in- the Strand. . But I doubt .Greek Charge d'Affairs is Resent- to an international treaty guarantee- especially since international law hasin the country, coupled with the t e vival of a strong and all-embracing lish law- been greater• lawyers and around their errors the protection of whether he was "ever really happy ful, But Isn't Right. The ing the national minorities the free given them the guarantee for it. exercise of their religion and the fulgreater-advocates, but it is," on the his own great reputation; and he wasthere,>,nor' perhaps were all his Hebrew culture—who could predict Application of a Palestinian whole, doubtful whether any English always the first to recognize and "Puisnes""completely happy with him. fillment of their cultured needs. how the seemingly hard Arab-Jewish Bedouin Tribe and What It May A tribe of Bedouins in the neighjudge has lived a life so" varied, ad- dwell upon their merits in the pre-They thought—and in ordinary times r problem in Palestine; will be solved? Mean. there is everything toV.be; said for . Now, however, the Greek Parliabor hood of Saf ed has applied to the sence of their common client. verturous, and romantic. , their view—-that the duties' of the The application of the small Bement has passed a law of compulsory Chief Rabbinate of Palestine for perBy WILLIAM Z. SPIEGELMAN. He acquired ah immense, practice, Forty-seven years ago he sailed up Lord Chief justice of England-are to Sunday rest for the entire population. mission to return to Judaism, a report douin tribe for return to Judaism is the Hugli River, voyaging to 'Calcut- disputed only by Lord Carson—but be discharged "in the" Law Courts, oh ta, a boy before the mast in- a great very effectively disputed—in "causes circuit, and "in the House of Lords:In ."" The Klan question again. Are the The Jewish community of Salonika from Palestine states. Judaism, in its indeed a significant indication. sailing vessel. If it had been pre- celebres.' But on the whole it may normal times there is,, of course, Jews of the United States as such to protested against it, arguing that if long and varied course of develop- {Copyright 1924 by .Trwish Telegraphic Apency.) dicted, of him then that.his next"visit be claimed that his .success was eyen everything to he said for this view. take the burden of battle against the it be compelled' to rest on Sunday it ment has never been a proselytizing to India would be acclaimed by the greater in the argument of elaborate Perhaps they "made too little allow- Ku Klux Klan or shall they leave this would have either to •abandon its relNew York, (J. T. A.)—Jewish religion. At least it never sent out points of law. In, such matters," he ance for the abnormality of the -artillery salute which is reserved for farming in the United States has con1 Viceroys alone,- he who predicted it developed, a subtlety, an ingenuity and times, and he too little for the .exigent matter to the leaders of the Protes- igion or go out of business as it "missions" to.bring non-Jewish com- siderably increased in the first half might well have been assigned to a ' capacity for intellectual * 'leger obligations of the "high- office which tant • Church ? The question which would be unable to- stand competition munities into the fold. Neither was demain," which has not often been he held. There were many, for in- sprang up in the heated atmosphere if it is compelled by the law to have it i n , a position to. organize warfare year of 1924, according to the report Bedlam. . • '. ." " ' - And yet this strange thing has ac-surpassed at the Bar. He was, indeed, stance, who thought—in my judgment of pre-election campaigns has first a two. days' vacation every week. expeditions for conversion purposes. of the Jewish Agricultural S<»ciety, of at such time—thatab tually happened. Compared -with its infinitely dexterous in any matter unreasonably which Percy S. Straus is President. 7 caused an agreement to disagree e a y t d i the th United U i t d7 M. Mammonas, answering an in- An ancient proverb of the race, which romance, the story of Richard Whit- which required the nice discussion of sences so protracted in tington fades into pale ineffective- a point of construction; or the subtle States ..should have involved the re-between Dr. Stephen S. Wise and quiry of the Jewish Telegraphic has {survived as a historical document, However, it Agency, resents the protest of the speaks in rather disparaging terms ness. He was born a Jew, and has al- discrimination between a long catena signation of so high' a ..Judicial posi- Samuel Untermyer. " ti tion. ways had the manliness to accept the, of authorities..seems they are not the only prom- Jewish- community of Salonika, He of proselytes. It says that "proselytes disadvantages, without rejecting the But. of any case which required the these criticism—often prompted inent American Jews to disagree on sayst"The Jews of Greece enjoying are burdensome to Israel like a advantages, which membership of his examination of ledgers or accounts, byBut malice—because out of date when the matter. An inquiry sent out by ancient and tenacious branch of the he was the supreme master of the he>was offered, and accepted, the high all the political and religious rights growth." It is not known what the the Jewish Telegraphic Agency to must, not ask to be exempted from Chief Rabbinate has or will decide in human family carries .with it. - Every- English Bar. He seemed, indeed, al- position of Viceroy of India. • TO AND FROM one Jojowa the advantages who hasmost to think in terms of double In accepting this office he gave up various leaders of American Jewry the general measures and to have the matter, but the application of this studied" the clannishness and esprit de entry. His extraordinary gifts in this one of the greatest judicial positions in all parts of the country brought small' tribe of • Palestinian Bedouins ALL PARTS OP corps of this homogeneous race. The kind of case were vividly illustrated in the world; 'and also a pension quick returns. In substance, they distinction and privileges granted is more than significant. . THE WORLD them apart from the other citizens." disadvantages are not so clearly ap- in the Whitaker Wright prosecution; which he had done, much to earn. seem to travel over two parrallel Scholars of, Palestine Jewish history preciated, except by those-who .are •though a hundred other instances M. • Mammonas claims that justice He undertook great risks at a mothemselves Jews. Somebody once said could be given by anyone who ment when he was no longer in his lines, which, because of their very is on the side of Greece in this case. since- the dispersian have always had that every country has the,Jews it studied, however, superficially, his most vigorous youth. The troubles straightness, never meet, as our geo-"The law of Sunday rest in Greece their doubts as to the origin of the 1307 Howard St., Omaha, Neb deserves. Great Britain - deserves forensic career. •which have beset British rule in India metry tells us. ATlar.!'c 0340. was voted in favor of the working present: Palestinian population,, comgood Jews, and on the whole gets He was at the head of the English in the last few years are well known monly called Arabs. It is true they American "Jews, as free men andand-industrial classes in order to them. I have often been struck by Bar—for Finlay and Carson were to most people. They are particularthe ' strange contrast .between • the l a w Officers—when he entered the ly well-known to those who have held free citizens, have the right, nay, arelimit the number of working hours. speak Arabic; that the majority emsocial position of those who belong House of Commons. He sat.for the high office in successive Governments obliged to fight openly and courage- Inasmuch-as this is the aim of the.brace the Moslem faith, and that a to this fellowship in Great. Britain Borough of Reading from 1904 to during the - relevant period. Lord ously against any appearance of law, it could not contain any exemp- minority is even Christian; but when Any -way j-ou get tliera in any package and in the United States" of America. 1913. It was expected that he would Reading was compelled to undertake In the United States no Jew can be-repeat in .the House of Commons the the task- of giving effect to the Mon-racial discrimination and religious j tion, but ought to be general for all compared with the type of Arab in long to a decent club. He may be a brilliant rhetorical successes of his tague-Chelmsferd.J reforms' in which bigotry, not waiting until someone j those residing in Greece, independ- native Arabia the Palestinian Arabs ITEN'S GEAHAM CRACKERS are g-o-o-d eating for everybody. good sportsman, a good fellow, a forensic career. But his was to be he Kad not' been consulted, and upon else at some future time will come ently of .their nationality and their have, nathropoligicaliy, a closer afgentleman, and a millionaire, but thethe fate of Erskine and of Charles which his views were and are un- to the conclusion that his generosity religious beliefs." He also refers to filiation to the Jew. Some scholars Ask your procer for ITEX CBACKEES portals of exclusive American clubs Russell. The master of so many juries known. And side by side with this to his fellowmen calls for his taking England where a similar law exists are of the opinion that a considerable by name alwars. Get the genuine and be satisfied all Trays! mi nqne-the less frown irrevocably- upon was denied the gift of acceptable work of dangerous transition he has him. "This has always seemed to me speech in the Mother of Parliament. had to combat disaffection and even up the fight for thme, one line of and the Jews never protested against thought argues. -. .... t h i s l a w . * • " . - • • a harsh degree, though in its . own No one can confidently say of a great treasons. - . aw* H. £*n$St». £ r « . m social laws every country has .thelawyer before he enters Parliament Carpenter Paper Co. This is not the moment to attempt Jos. Pepper, Vtw-PresldesS. American Jews, as free men and. MV Mammonas is entirely wrong. right of exclusive judgment. W. Q. Vm Secretary. whether he will succeed there or not. a final etsimate of his career as Vice- free citizens, are obliged to uphold DlstrSbotore of In this country—much less'exposed Some fail because they are too flam- roy. But this much can be said, and and defend the principles of the Con- Granting that it is just for the state Western. Bond—and High Omaha-Fixture & to assure" one day of rest to the to a wholesale immigration of cos-boyant others because they are tooought to be said now: Few Viceroys, Grade Stationery . mopolitan Hebrews—if has beeo pos- arid; a few, like Erskine, and perhans even in the long and anxious history stitution, guaranteeing religious lib- working and industrial classes, is this •Supply C o . Omsba. Nebraska. sible with great advantage ..to our- Isaacs, because too much was expect- of Anglo-Indian relations, have been erty, equality of opportunity without sense, of justice really violated if the ' COMPLETE STdRE AKP confronted with a period of greater racial discrimination, but in the case selves, if with some slight compensat- ed of them. OFFICE 0UTFXTTEES ing disadvantage, to assimilate Jews But although he was thereby denied difficulty and menace. The tact and of the Klan it is not a matter for the group of workers concerned choose to. rest, not on Sunday, but on Saturin tHe social and .political life of the the laurels of-~,j*teat Parliamentary, diplomacy which played so great a We occupy TOoft0 £ £ country. And many of the mosi success,, his- $.;_.•.;'jrmance -was suffi- part in his legal - career, which were Jews alone to wage battle against,— day,, in conformity with its religion? Cornet meritorious citizen.s,' highly contribu- cient, when considered side by-side the sure foundation "of -his brilliant it is rather the work of the Protestant Obviously not. -M. Mammonas is also and Doaelas Streets. tory to the national wealth and pros- with his immense forensic position, to Ariierican success, have not failed him Church, urges another trend of sB £724 perity of the Empire, have belonged make him, in the year 1910, Solicitor- in India. So far as the Viceroy is thought. concerned,'indeed, the voice of deOMAHA. VTEB. and belong to the Chosen People. General. In the same year he was has hardly been heard. No Anti-Semitism has always existed Indeed, it would be strange -if- in promoted to the position of attorney traction greater tribute could he~paid "to one and will exist for a long time to England, and particularly in the which he held until 1913. who in dark and perilous days has come; the Jewish people in all" counranks of the Conservative Party.1 a walked amid pitfalls discreetly, delidifferent view prevailed. For that To this period belongs the poignant cately, resolutely. When he returns tries and under all conditions hav6 p Marconi .story. I say nothing 'of it TAX REPORTS party, though .^not specially loyal to here, except that everyone who knew to England his' career will be by no survived antagonism, remaining true Every Known Kind Disraeli in his lifetime, has increas- Eufus Isaacs—personally or political- means closed. Both in the House of to their traditions of justice and fair 208 Karbach BIfc. Atlantic 1031 ingly .since his death tended to look ly—knew.that .he was one of those Lords upon its judicial side, and in the play, pleads another resigned call for of Insurance to him for inspiration. And jiobody men who are absolutely incapable of Committee of the Privy Council, it 209 W. O. W. Bldg. J A . 8944. JA ckson 1862 has forgotten the unwilling t'ribufe doing any act which.they believe to will be irf his power to continue -to adaptation and survival. which his personality .extorted from be The eventful volumes of Jewish his.render great public service. Indeed, PAXTON-IPTCHELL CO. He never sought to deny the great Bismarck at the Berlin or wrong. might establish one new record. tory could produce enough evidence nth and Martha Kt». HA. 1662 palliate an admitted indiscre- he For should he' ever sit upon the judi- for and agannst each of these lines of Congress: "The old Jew: that is the tion.to He ftarrrt oJ iJraBS, Bronzr, was, in fact, the case of a nit and Soft Gray Iron Cartings, Gate City Furniture-£P« cial Committee of the Privy Council man." Voo are assarrd of ftoft castings, as WASH AND KEEP WELL Rufus Issacs had to contend not lawyer who brings the brains of Solon when it is constituted to hear Indian thought. and at* trttwkin* ftotn* tram evnry bent tn A RULE OF HEALTH only with his nationality, bvijb ." also to everyone's business but his own;appeals, he will be the first ex-ViceParallel lines that never cross each •ar'nwss c&op. Globe Van & Storage Co. and thinks that the odd moments of a . Standard size cast Iron and bronw roy who has ever assisted in this task. other and never nieet. with an unfortunate start in' the Citv. In siork. FRONTIER TOWEL SUPPLY owned and operated by "Through no fault of his own, he fail- scanty leisure are sufficient for the ed, and "was "hammered" upon the stewardship of his own affairs. To a GROSSMAN & SONS 1819 California Street. Stock Exchange for a large amount man of scrupulous integrity and of 520-22 No. Ifiib St. a x almost feminine sensitiveness, t,he At. 0230 .la. «33B while still-a very young man,' Inex-. perienced, penniless, almost friend- months that passed must have been, less, ii might have seemed that his somewhat like a . long and terrible F. S. MORE*. Prop. career was ended almost before it was nightmare. But he was supported by . Phone Webster 0820 EFTICIENT and EESPOKSIBIJE begun. But is was at this point that the .legal worldr by a large majority . THE LAUNDKY THAT LACNDBX. in the House of Commons, and by thQ the resource and the resiliency of the m , VriXOUES&SJEt y EVERYBODY LIKES. Where yotsr clothes come home young man. first made themselves general sense of the fairest public cleaner and last longer. Druggists and Stationers p opinion in the "world. Wee pad felt.. paid r.one r.one AS1 teats* C2SS. 1507-11 jacksos St. iOl-403-403 Sontb lOib Street the less a penalty, cruel in its intensh l With incredible difficulty he. proH. A. JACOBBSRGEB, Prem. Office Phone JAcKson S1ZS cured the means necessary to 'qualify ity, for what was only an error of him for the Bar. He read- in the judgment. JOHN FELDMAN And, accordingly, when he was chambers of that great veteran,' Sir Clothier Harry Poland,—destined, I hope, to made Lord Chief Justice of England, reach his Century—and in thpse'leam- in- the year 1913, the objections, Full Dress Suits and Tuxedos Certified Public Accountants* ed, chambers acquired a considerable though shrilly and spitefully expressMoved from-103 No. lGth St. to Audits Systems ! £03 Knrbnrh Blork. 15th & Drnislas Bt». -mastery of the principles of criminal ed, were neither serious " nor widely OMAHA. NKBR, Investigations • spread. In that high office he dislaw. ' .. 1 431 to US) JVtors 'Tro>l Bids. In due course he was called, to the played many admirable qualities. HePhnnes. JwhiMin eSlS, 4314. Bar by the Benchers of the Middle was .always courteous, patient. He Temple; and thereafter commenced a was always assiduous, > and industriTHE BKINN & JENSEN CO. Omaha OSSco SIS Douelss Street. career of brilliant forensic , achieve- ous. But he did hot; perhaps, realize VSr&oKgale paper Omaha Fhorot Atisntlr £A5ti ment. In five years . he had paid upon the Bench the high.expectation distributors for "Apply at the jcl qqualities which his Ford Transfer & Storage Co. every penny of his Stock Exchange of his juridical Northern Toilet Tissue indebtedness. It was an effort made skill legal kill - iin arguing i l l points had President end Genera] Maneges. 1112 Barney Street in the true spirit of Sir Walter." Scott. seemed to justify. Indeed, to argue i t of f law l i high CCEurll Bluffs (Iowa) Offlpp with h i h distinction ditii Allowing for the difference between points AT-Isntic €409 TOO Ha. Main Sfpwt. Phmrp Bflfi 'One of America's Great Hotels' pre-war and post-war remuneration, does not always make it certain.that I should, on the whole, imagine that he who so argues will deliver judg081 Brandeis Theatre Building. Eufus Issacs made more money than ments with equal distinctions. It may When Thinking of Mens* Hats a n y common law practitioner at the be that if events had allowed him to Bar; has ever made.n For it must be end his career in the placid atmosor Furnishings OCR TKJSATHSNX WIL.1L remembered that * the case of the phere of the Law Courts, he would REMEMBER CONVINCE TOV OF OCK indispensable few at the head of - the have become a great Lord Chief JusCOIJNi'd n&A r r » tA RINCKBITX. Bar, fees have increased by at least tice. - But the constant interruptions Treat and preoccupations of his judicial Service is Out Motto U21 DODGL.AS ST. 50 per cent, if they have not actually ron i*. WOLP SAM N. WOLF been doubled. It is extremely diffi- career, produced partly by the war, Sate Deposit Boies tot <{°nt partly, I think, by his own imcult to analyse, or auite fully to ex*but patience of a sedentary judicial plain, the causes of his extraordinary career, denied him the opportunity of . success. , creating a lasting judicial reputation. Rufus Isaacs, though a very, adroit, • With the outbreak of war his finanacceptable, and' persuasive counsel, cial gifts found employment at the Upholstering and FnrnitEte Repair"Marsufactisred in Omaha" •was not "a great advocate in the'sense Treasury, where he cooperated closeing Mattresses Renovated. BUTTER and EGGS :.' that Erskine, Russell, andf Carson ly" with Mr. Lloyd George in the masBAKEB ICE MACHINE CO. Bos Springs. •were. But he never made a mistake. terly financial measures which first Council Bluffs. la. He'never bullied witnesses. He was relieved and then ended the formid4T«!sntSs SCS9 !O3? North IGth St. "always incredibly tactful. Ha never able crisis in the City. In 1915 he asked a question which, viewed from was made President of the Angloany conceivable .angle, could produce French Loan Mission to-'the United an answer injjurious to the interest States. In 1917 he was sent again to of his client. And he always preserv- that country as Special Envoy. And ed relations of the utmost courtesy .in 1918 he became High Commissioner " The Mohi" UNCLE SAM HKEAKFAS'l and friendliness with those before and Special - Ambassador to that Eesidrnre, 1342 So. «5th Et. •whom he practiced. He contrived, in- country. FOOD CO. T S A T J t i 6637. deed, as much by reticence a s by any- Lord Beading may not have been a OS5A5S& at BastiMfis, S4I6 Cnrolns St. Trt. ATJsnSi* SKSt. thing Ifi&t" he actually said,'to convey very great lawyer, but he was unthe injpwsssoin to the jury. He never doubtedly a very great diplomat. His xros iwt» . heights -of eloquence, charm, his tact, his patience, his lucid an asrreeable natural intelligence, and his incredible grasp PAXTON HOTEL of detail combined to give him an ,TUKIUSH BATHS equipment which few diplomats, even • cow oeer&Eefl by ..among" *the- gfe&t^st,. "faye- enjoyed; I have ; spoken :«f the?' 'Prejudice which PAXTQN HOTEL Steam, Turkish, snd Electric Baths. existed in ;the, United States against ... EQuipcient. -Jews." ~He completely conquered"itr"] had occasion myself to visit the Unit* «>•

. Fromr /*: Ship's Boy to Viceroy





W.- k fates Accounting Co

Made With Milk


Emerson Laundry

E. E. Bruce & Go.

While Going to School

Jewish Press Publishing Co.

Confteii luffs SaiiRgs Bank

irst M







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