Our New 'Address is 681- Brandeis Thes" Building.
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Enter poatot
«cond-clasa mail matter on Janturj 27th.. 1021. at Omaha. Nebraska, under the Act of March S. 1879.
The First Ship from Soviet Russia Arrives, With Expelled Zionists, in Palestine. Vienna. (J. T. A.) The Austrian Jerusalem. (J. T. A.)—The first Minister of Foreign Aflairs, GruenM. TAXMAN steamer direct from Odessa to Palesberger, has instructed the consulates 3 0 4 LAND DANK tine, since the outbreak of the world of Austria in Germany not to grant •war, arrived yesterday with 171 Jewvisas to Hakenkreuzler of Germany ish emigrants on board. Among who desire to proceed to Austria for K A N S A S CjTr.M6. them were the Zionists expelled from Plans Are Now Being the purpose of participating in the Central High Senior, 17,. Not g Made for I d i t W Soviet Russia. conference of the organization, which Immediate Work. Seen Since Sunday Night; • is scheduled- to take place in the city Forty-three emigrants, who .had Thought Affected by Heat £ 1500, UP' Omaha £ederation of Ch&rltles ORI>£n OF_ : of Salzburg at the .beginning of not secured the proper visas, were CALL UPON SUBSCRIBERS August. . TO ASSIST, not permitted to land and will have HAD SUFFERED '. NERVOUS i'iftean hundte'd and no/lOO» LTDo'l-LARS The Austrian government decided to return to Russia. BREAKDOWN THIS YEAR The new Jewish Community Center originally not to permit the holding The • expelled Zionists have exbuilding will be built on the northof the Hakenkreuzler Conference, but pressed their gratitude to the PalesLester Allen Lapidus/ 17, son of TO HOME TRUST COMPANY east corner of Twentieth and it later granted permission on the continian Government and the Zionist Harry Lapidus, head of the Omaha 18—47 •KANSAS CITY. MO. 18-47 Executive for creating for them the streets. Through a deal consummatFixture and Supply company, disap- dition that the Hakenkreuzler and the members of the .Voelkische Partei, of possibility of leaving- Russia and ed by the building and site committee, the new location was chosen, Germany, should pot participate. The above is a photograph of check received funds, to meet the demands of relief and social service going to Palestine. which will give the Community CenWednesday, by the Jewish Welfare Federation from work in Omaha and- in the national institutions ter a bigger and better building. ' - . ' " ' Mr. Morris Taxman of Kansas' City in payment of ; throughout the country. The new building will contain a his pledge to the Jewish Welfare Federation, made •. "Subscribers, to the Jewish Welfare Federation large swimming pool, gymnasium, March 2nd, at a party held at' the home of Mr. feel encouraged with the subscription made by Mr. large auditorium, tennis courts and and Hx& Morris Milder. At this gathering a number Taxman, who realizes the good work being done by large meeting1.rooms. The new JewPlan to Launch Extensive Member- of - prominent men of the community made sub- our Federation?' said Joe L. Wolf," Chairman of the Many Prizes to Be Awarded to ish Community Center will house all '. - stantial increases in their annual Welfare Federation Finance Committee. ship Campaign. Winners of Contests. Jewish organizations. ; "If an outsider contributes so much to our Fedpledges, after " an appeal was made by Mr. The deal for the transfer of sites. ; eration, then the people of this community will The Y. M. and Y. M. H. A. held Harry A. Wolf and Harry H. Lapidus. " The complete Program and Enter- for the building- followed the visit of Mr. Taxman, a visitor to< the city, became so in- surely do their best- by . our; Federation, and the tainment for the Omaha Hebrew club the Omaha committee who visited the its final meeting for the summer —* Monday evening at the Jewish Com- spired with the enthusiasm at that meeting, showing outlook is brighter than ever," said Henry Monsky, picnic at Peony Park on Sunday, new Y. M. H. A. building m Kansas , munity Center. A complete program the good work that the Federation is doing that he., in commenting on this^ matter.,.'.. . August 17, has been announced and City, Mo. The following men are Dr. Philip Sher, President of the Federation, as the following numbers will be pre-members of the building and site was held. Plans are now being made although'a non-resident, volunteered to give the sum for the first meeting in September of $1,500.' This pledge Mr. Taxman has just made, well as other members of the Federation Board are sented in the afternoon musical pro- committee and v ^IO were in charge of at which time officers will be nom- good and the money is received at" a most opportune highly pleased with the action of Mr. Taxman." gram: the selection of the new site: Harry time, since the Federation' is in.great need of They hope that others will follow his fine example. inated for the ensuing term. Violin solo, Avrum Lustgarden, ac- H. Lapidus, Joe L. Wolf, Henry MonThe Y will center • its activities companied by Ida Lustgarden. sky, Harry A. Wolf, William Holzduring the coming term on a large Russian dance, Miss Candy, accom- man, Harry Malashock and Jake SlosTo T H E SUBSCRIBERS O F T H E BUILDING F U N D O F T H E membership campaign. The, goal will panied by Lillian Chudacoff. berg. J E W I S H COMMUNITY CENTER: , . be set at 1,000 members for the Recitation, Jeanette Levinson. Plans arc now being made by the It is with great pleasure that-we are able to annew Jewish Community Center buildThe Omaha Hebrew Club, Fred committee in charge to canvass the nounce to you that your officers have finally purchased ing. The members will be - divided American Young Judeans - Send White. city for the second payment of 15 a site for the long hoped for Jewish Community Center nto groups under the leadership of Funds" fo Help Growth Song and dance, Shirley A. Janoff, per cent on the pledges which were peared from the citizen's military Building, which in our opinion now pleases every Omaha ' accompanied by Lillian Chudacoff. subscribed by the members. The comof Movement. training camp at Fort Des Moines, captains and will canvass the entire Jewish citizen. , / community for more members. With Piano solo, Lillian Chudacoff. mittee in charge of the second payla., Sunday shortly after' midnight, New York.—The growth and spread the new Community Center building 1 Violin solo, Dorothy Lustgarden, ments is: Harry A. Wolf, Harry Lapand has not been heard from since. * Our Jewish Community Center Building will be of the boy scout movement in Palesaccompanied by Ida Lustgarden. idus, William Holzman. "We need Lester is a senior at the Central assured, the campaign will go over tine will no longer be slowed.up for located at*the northeast corner of Twentieth and Dodge. This is the first time in the his-these payments immediately," said High school, where he has made a the'top. Streets on a lot having a frontage of 132 feet on Dodge Other activities of the Y. M. andlack of funds, following the determtory of local Jewry that an outdoor these payments, the sooner we get brilliant record in scholarship and Street and< 120 feet on Twentieth Street , . Y. W. H. A. are' the completion of ination of Young Judea'.-to support musical program will be presented to these payments, the esooner we get student activities. He was among the movement with funds raised, in the public. • The architect is now completing the plans.for a the building, and we hope to be in the Omaha boys who went as stu-an educational program which will be this country by the 14,000 members "Every effort is being made to our new building early next spring." very nice building that will house all Jewish activities. dents to the training camp August carried on during the fall months, of 800 Young Judaean clubs,spread make this a real outstanding feature . The contract for excavating will probably be let within 1. Sunday 'afternoon,- during a meet- and the publication of a' Y book by all over the United States. •. "With co-operation of our subscribat our big" outdoor" day of events at ers, we will have one of the finest the next tern days. We have used all available cash jngv.he complained^ of, the-heat and_ the members of the Y. MT' and Y. .Decision- ta-support. thelP^estinlati J2eo.nj! _Park," said Mr. Selicow. i community center buildings, in .thj| "towards- tfife^syment on-that, lot and are depending on twice left the. building to "get"fresh The Y. M." H. A', tennis tourna- scout movement was had at .the In addition to the prizes, raffles, country," said Harry H, Lapidus. "It your promise to pay your proportion of your pledge as " air. -It is believed that the heat recent convention of Young. Judaea games 'anST contests, which will begin is up to Omaha Jewry to help. We the money is called* for to keep the building going. " brought about a temporary derange- ment under' the leadership of Harry held-at Long Branch, N. J. A beKneeter is now being 'played and at 12 noon, the committee under the have selected* the finest site for this1 ment during which he left the camp. ginning • had already been made The |collection of the outstanding money; is a direction of Fred Greenberg will raf- building1, which will be easily reached^ He was last seen about 1 a. m., final results will be announced later. earlier through the efforts of The . gigantic job. No single person could undertake to do fle for one chance of a white gold as it is in the center of the city." walking out the gate of the camp, Young Judaean Magazine, which that himself. -We do not want to hire acollector and watch, string of Navarre pearls,'exhatless, and clad in-a white, shirt and raised the amount of ?500 for the spend the Community Center's funds for that purpose. cellent wall mirror and white gold grayish-blue trousers, and wore either establishment of two camps for the chain. The young lady who sells the black .oxfords,or army shoes.. The undersigned committee have assumed the task . training of scoutmasters, one for' boy largest number of raffle tickets will ' of collecting on the pledges made in the belief and hope His parents were notified of his scouts and the other for girl, guides. receive a genuine ivory manicure set. that the subscribers will respond to .the call of the disappearance by telephone last night Advisory Committee Attends Meeting. These camps will be opened in Palesr Other gifts of value contributed by committee and make their task easier. . . . to Be Granted Many by Robert Lappen; a friend of the tine sometime during August. local business men will be awarded as Chapters Des Moines, la.—An-election of of- The administrative committee of Communities, .family, who had called the camp and A letter is going out this week calling upon the prizes in the games and contests. ficers, ratification of the constituasked for Lester during the day. Young Judaea has asked Louis Robisubscribers for the second installment, of their subOne of the many novel attractions Omaha Chapter of Aleph Zadik Army officials in charge of the train- tion and election of the Advisory son, vice-chairman of the Zionist Or? scription to the. building. You have designated your at the picnic will be the free dis- Aleph elected its new members to Council took place at the last reguing camp made no report of his disganization of America, to. act' as desire for this building by having made a pledge. Your tribution of a rotogravure souvsnir the local advisory board. The follar meeting of the Des Moines Chap- treasurer of the fund in Palestine, appearance. officers have acted on the faith of your pledge and program depicting1 the growth of- the lowing men were elected, Harry; .Mr. and Mrs. Lapidus left at once ter, No. 4 of the Aleph Zadi Aleph at Mr. Robison has just left for the have obligated the Jewish Community to the lot Omaha Hebrew club. Trustin, active advisor, Henr^ and building. for Des Moines and are at the home the Jewish Community Center Sun- Holy Land for an extended stay. There will be dancing in the even- Monsky, William Holzman, Irviri day. Two Omaha Chapter members . as Dr. Judah L. Magnes, formerly of of the Lappens . Mrs. Lapidus has ing at eight o'clock. The melodious Stalmaster, Sam N. Wolf. These become prostrated by grief and worry, were visitors of the club. They were the United States, who has been Kindly s e n d y o u r c h e c k u n Peony Park orchestra will play. Lester Lapidus and Harry" Wise. x n» . P° receipt qf the letter men were approved by Sam Bebcr, active in recent Palestinian effort, has and was reported in a serious condi"If the citizens of the community president of Omaha lodge, I. O. to Mr. Louis Kirschbraun, Treasure!*, Jewish Community The Grand Aleph Godol was rebeen invited to act as chairman of tion by Mr. Lapidus, over the long desire to spend a real cozy, cool, con- B. B.. who are the sponsors of the Center Building Fund, c/o Jewish Community Center, elected, and other members elected to the Young Judaea Boy Scout Comdistance telephone Thursday. tentable day, they will come to the Order A. Z. A. Nineteenth and Farnam Streets. • . offices were Louis William, Aleph mittee in Palestine. * The father believes Lester is either S'gan; Henry Herschberg, Aleph Shopicnic and bring their families," said These advisory boards are appointThe scout movement was organYours for the success of our undertaking, at some hospital, where he may not tare; Morris Sigel, Aleph Mazkir; Dr. A. Greenberg, a member of the ed by the lodge every year and are ized in Palestine in 1918, was greeted HARRY A. WOLF, have Tecovered his faculties, or at a George Libles, Aleph Gisbor; Sam picnic committee. endorsed by the Supreme Advisory WM. L. HOLZMAN, farmhouse near Des Moines. Some- Rubinson, Aleph Junior Shotare; Rob- enthusiastically, but failed for a lack Excellent transportation facilities committee of the Order. of capable scout masters. This lack HARRY LAPIDUS. what highly strung and extremely ert Elisson, Aleph Kohan Godel; Danwill take the passengers from the end During the past three weeks, sensitive, Mr. Lapidus fears that Les- iel Siegal, Aleph Saphir. The consti- is now being overcome through the of the car line to the park. Omaha chapter A. Z. A. has received scoutmaster camps which are being have suddenly been notified that unter may be staying in hiding because tution was accepted with all recomMembers of the Omaha Hebrew many appeals for information relative JEW BAITER RESCUED financed by Young' Judaea. -Next of embarrassment. mendations of the Supreme Advisbry autumn and winter will see the FROM DROWNING BY JEW less they leave for Palestine within club picnic committee are: A. Kaplan, to the order. Among- the cities wh© the next ten days, they will be sent chairman; Messrs. Max Fromkin, M. The father has offered a reward Council. Five prominent members of organization of boy scout troops with have inquired with reference to securBerlin.—Herr Kunze, the well. ' Polonsky, John Feldman, Fred Green- ing chapters in theix* communities are for information that will lead to his the local B'nai B'rith were elected to the complete machinery of a scout known German anti-Semitic lead- to Siberia. berg-, J. Riklin, M. Selicow, M. Ja-South Bend, Ind., Indianapolis, Ind,, son's recovery. The search was taken the Advisory Council; they are organization. The same will be done er, met with an experience which nush. D. Resnick, Harry Lapidus, Sioux City, la., and Minot, .N, Dak. up by newspapers in Des Moines and Messrs. Seppi I. Silberman, Dave Or- for the girl guides. • HUNGARIAN GOVERNMENT perhaps has taught him the truth Philip GoreJick, Nathan Yaffe, Fred Omaha, and news of the disappear- ansky, .Robert Lappifi, Joe Slate and DISMISSES OFFICIALS, The Detroit chapter A. 2. A. which There already exists in Palestine a of the Biblical proverb: "Cast your White, Maurice Civin, D. Richards, ance, with a plea for the boy's re- Milton Webber. ^ MOST OF THEM JEWS is now being organized will be bread upon the waters and in the compact boy scout organization, turn, was broadcast from Omaha staMr. Robert Lappen in his address which lends itself to expansion atong course of time you will find it." Dudapest. (J. T. A.) The Hungarian Jike Crounse and Dr. A. Greenberg. formally installed sometime next tions WOAW and WAAW by Morris to the members of the club said: This time it was not his bread, government is now dismissing thoulines to be suggested by the ^Young Services will be held Friday evening month. • Samuel H. Schaefer, formerly Jacobs. "You boys of the A. Z. A., if you.Judaean committee. The^present or- but his "life, that Herr' Kirnze sands of its officals throughout the and Saturday morning at the Young o£ Omaha, but now with the Na"Tell my boy he must come back,' will always bear in" mind the seven •ganization includes 28'patrols, of found upon the waters. Herr country. This is being done as one Israel Synagogue, TwenWfirst and tional Jewish HospitaJ at Denver, the father pleaded. "His mother is virtues upon which -your club is found- which five are in Jerusalem, four Kunze, who is the inventor of* the of the measures. being taken by the Burt streets. Special Tish^&ov serv- Colo., will have charge of the ined, must always be J£ credit to" the in Tel Aviv and Jaffa and others in nibber-tipped whip 'for special government-for the stabilization of ices will be held beginning Saturday stallation of the new chapter. critically ill and needs him." Lester suffered a nervous break- community in which you live and the the colonies and cities. The organ- application on Jewish - backs in the Hungarian currency in connection evening and Sunday morning and down earlier this year, from overwork organization to which" you belong." • > ization is modelled on the same lines Germany, delivered a very hot with the loan which Hungary 1expects evening. All young men are invited THREE JEWS FACE DEATH .' ' The local chapter is also holding, a as.those of other hoy scout organ- anti-Semitic speech at the sea to float under. the guarantee of the to attend. at school. There he not only had SENTENCE IN SIBERIA won honors in scholarship, but held membership drive naw,and the, chap* izations. _ Every Palestinian boy resort Leba, in which "he bitterly League of Nations. ', Moscow. (J. T. A.) Three Jews, In the city of Budapest alone, 1,090 WITHDRAWAL OF SUPPORT a- high position in the cadet corps, ter is divided into three teams . in scout goes through a novitiate as a denounced the" Jews. He then Dr. Kovler and Messrs. Averbuch and order to obtain fifty new members, FROM WIDOW URGED AFTER teachers and inspectors of schools and was elected editor-in-chief of the Dvorkin, are among the Soviet offi"tenderfoot" orv"wolf cub," |hen be- went down to cool off in the ocean, SUPPORT IS DISCONTINUED cials who face death as a result of Register, the school newspaper, for and a dance is also planned for in comes a second grade scout, and but was drawn* into a whirlpool, were dismissed. The tnajjerity. of -the near future. Munich." (J. T. A.) The anti-Se- charges of misappropriation of fundfe the new year. . finally, a. first 'grade scout. The and his life was in. danger. His them are Jewsl • The members' of the chapter exmitic zeal of the Voelkische Partei in brought against them. Their trial oti A specialmeeting of protest against cries for help reached none other rituals is, of course, entirely in At-the recent^ meeting in, Omaha s, pects to be in Om'aha, on Labor day. the Bavarian Diet was very much be- these charges started in Novo Nlkolthese wholesale -dismissals was held than the Jewish physician of the Hebrew." • of Aleph Zadek -Aleph, national Jewlated in the case of the widow of aievsk, Siberia. at the Central Democratic Club here. resort. Dr. Posner, who hurried , ?sh boys* organization sponsored b; a i. Kurt Eisner. Many 'non-Jewish teachers, were DEATH OF FAMOUS to his rescue, saving him from These officials were in charge <tt y n a ! B'rith, Lester was elected an WHITE RUSSIANS. GRANT* " \ JTAMENT A motion was introduced by that the Soviet health resorts in Siberia present, some of whom pointed oat TJESTAMENT'^VUTHORITY certain death. -JIECOGNITNON TO YIDDISH afficer. that the time is approaching when party urging the government to dis- before their removal on the afore' " Lester was 17 .in_ .July, but would " Moscow. . (J. T. A.)a The Central" Berlin (J. T:' A. M.)—Dr. Johannes the natives of Hungary themselves continue the pension granted to the mentioned charges. pass for 19 or 20 years in "age/ He, Executive-Cowmittee'.of the'Commnn- Rikfel,* Catholic- Prelate and a leadwill put an .end to the present rders, widow of the slain Socialist Bavarian fs five and a nstffrfeet,tall, weigh ist party in tEe part oi White Russia'," ing - Orientalist and authority on EXPULSION OF ZIONISTS who are mainly "Germans, Slovaks, leader, because his real name was not FRENCH CATHOLIC Judaisni '.has died in Breslau a t TO PALESTINE NEW POLICY * 150 pounds, has medium brown hair, which is affiliated with-Soviet Russia; EXCURSION TO PALESTINE Kurt Eisner, but Solomon Kosmanof^ OF SOVIET AUTHORITIES Roumanians and anti-Semites." .ind is ordinarily, of light complexion, has passed a resolution granting re^ the-age* i f 61. Most of his works Jerusalem. iJ. T. A.) A large exsky. This unnecessary motion was Riga. (J. T. A.) The expulsion of tanned"now:by .the^raining /samp cefgnition to.'^the language of all-"the were" - op * Old 'Testament exegesis, cursion of French Catholics is expecttaken off the agenda after & state' A/yivnnA •Finrfinc: 'b^nrttf nf. ffti« *?o. Berlin. (J. T. A.) The European ationl minorities, n s - including' the among, them being "Israel's -Mo- Zionists from Soviet Russia to Palesy J ^ y ,of- this de- national Anyone ment by the Finance Minister of Ba- ed to arrive here in the middle of office of the Joint Distribution Comnotheism in the Pre-Exfle Ueriod," tine seems to have become a principle scription is requested " to«.telegraph' Yiddish language.-, g mittee and of the newly formed varia to the effect that the pension 'August for the purpose of attending the Omaha Fixture and Supply ppy com- Another resolution, of the (j^mmittfee "The. Old Testament and Comparative •with the Soviet authorities. places where Religion," - "The Old. Testament in The Russian Zionist leaders, Beh- American-European Foundation Fond, had been discontinued when the de-the inauguration of a Catholic church Dany; or-,Mr. Jacobs .at the -Nebraska. was ta the effect 1 all charge's will 1 the population nesxlusively' Jewish, the-Light of Research'in the Ancient kowsky and Bichowsky, who were ar- will be shortly transferred to this preciation of the German mark had in Abugosh, erected by French stopped. rested last March, but later released, city feast-"" j Jewish Soviets b<
lester A. Lapldos O Camp at Des Homes
enter on :e
M. Taxman, Kansas City, PaysWelfare Federation Pledge
Y.ffl.andtW,H.A.toBegin Series of Activities in Fall
For Hebrew Chi ficmc
Adopt Plan to Ajd Palestine Boy Scouts
Des Moines A. Z. A. Elects Officers for Next Term
Adfisery Committee Elected
was honorably fulfilled.: Over $63,000,000" was raised and efficiently 5684-1924. spent. The -prestige of American PAKSHA DEBARIM, SHABBQ3 Published,every.Thursday at Omaiia, JNebraska, by Jewry, and with it of America, was CHAZOM—August 9fli. .. THE JEWJSB PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY.' War Relief Activities End—In- elevated to an incomparable height. TISHA B'OV—August 10th. Office: 681 Brandeis" Theatre Building—Telephone: ATlantic 1450 spiration that Served as an •J I But this effort did more than raise PARSHA VAETCHAtfAN — August NATJJAR E. GREEN, Manager. Obligation. — Will Enthusiasm millions of dollars. It awakened a -16th. . Subscription Price, one year..,. -52.50. Created Be Utilized.—Return to feeling of responsibility, created PARSHA AKEV—August 23rd. Advertising rates furnished on application. Judaism.—Points of Jewish Law. Jewish communal leadership in the ROSH CHODESCH ELLUL, PAR-C8AHUH OF ADPRS5S—Please give both tbe old and new address; remotest hamlets of America, brought SHA REAY—August 30th. be sure and give your name. c the Jewish social service, in the perROSH CHODESCH ELLUL—August By WILLIAM-Z. SPIEGELMAN. The Jewish Press is supplied by the Jewish Telegraphic Agency (Jewish 31st.' Metropolitan newspapers told Amer- son of Jacob Billikopf, to its presCorrespondence Bureau) with cabled and telegraphic Jewish news, in addition PARSHA SHOFTIM—September Ctb^ ican readers of an important piece of ent prominent place in Jewish comto feature articles and correspondences from all important Jewish, centres. Inquiries regarding news Items credited to this Agency will be gladly PARSHA KE SAZA — September >-prk^that was finished in Jewish life. munal life, generated enthusiasm and answered • if addressed to Jewish Telegraphic Agency, 114 Fifth Avenue, 13th. The announcement was made that the laid a basis for a real united AmerNBWYork City. -. PARSHA NEZAVIM — September American Jewish Relief Committee, ican Jewish community. 27th. under the leadership of Louis MarIt is announced that the work of EREV'ROSH HASHANNO—Septemshall, Cyrus L. Sulzberger and Felix collecting money for war relief acV - EDUCATION IN SOVIET RUSSIA ber 28th. M. Warburg, would close its activities tivities will stop. Will the enthusiasm Since the death of Lenin the Bolsheviks of the Left have en Thursday, July 31st, 4 o'clock in and communal responsibility created been gaining much ground. The new economic policy adopted the afternoon, with a record pf hunin the course of this work end? under the guidance of the moderates has been much attenuated dreds of thousands of lives saved, rand in; many -cases entirely dropped^ Negotiations uwith Great more than 4,000,000 children fed and The wheet of Jewish, history is Brttain^^ye come, to -an impassej due to the independent and and the distribution of close turning with its hub seemingly placed : almost^aiTOgant :attitiide of the Soviet representatives who no Country Said' to Be Economically clothed to 1,000,000 tons of food in Central in Palestine. In addition to the Beddoubt feel that; tney can carry out 1^eir schemes; without, outside Healthier,'. With .Downward Europe—and a total of ?63,137,562 ouin tribe, which, has made an appli; a$d* lii coi&aicmity with thisvpblicy 'a.nesw educational"program Tendency Checked. raised for that purpose. cation for permission to return to has been announced .which excludes JO.OOQ students from the Judaism, there has appeared another This event was given wide publicity ; Russian Universities, 30,000 of whom are Jews.. These, students (Special from: Monitor Bureau,) : group, which has made "a similar apin the press. As usual, publicity J i a ^ Excluded bBcause'they- are nbfc of .th,§ pyoJgtariajB class. > To : London, — -The- -attempt, ending plication-to the Chief Rabbinate of jn temporary, failure, to give Palwriters are inclined to exaggerate, so most of us; accustomed to 6Uscriminattbn^oi]L,;the founds of racer estine a larger measure of self-govreligion and riationalityy the Soviet distinclionV Jin. anpmolous and ernment is the main" feature of the it was claimed that the sum of §83,- Palestine. This application is remwithout precedent^} And yetr oh the theory of. their social organ- report for 1923 of the Government of 137,562 was raised by the American iniscent of a tragic period and gives oration they are entirely^ justified, for tneir pcheine demands that Palestine. The report has just been Relief Committee, and that the credit food for thought to those who are ; one-must be a producer, in order to enjoy the advantageg and Issued through ,the". Colonial .office. for this tremendous achievement of accustomed to thinking in historical were held in the spring of American Jewry, in the work of re- terms. i benefitsrof education^ political preferment and: social position. Elections 1923, but only of the Arab constructing Jewish life in the warA group of Haranos, the descendI However, the distinction made is invidious and works unmerited voters went toa ,fraction the polls* with the stricken countries was due to Henry ants of Jews in Portugal and Spain, • hardships upon ambitious students who :are sholastically qualified, result -that the elections proved a - andtouB therqnlyplausibie, persuasiyje re9spn whiph cftn be urged fiasco and were eventually annulled. H. Rosenfelt, now affiliated with the who were compelled by the Inquisition of Torquemado, Ferdinand and isj'lack of scholastic fithBssi; "We can iio riiore agree with tne The establishment. of • the Legislative LaFollette Campaign. Council was postponed sine die, and Isabella to embrace Christianity, de.Soviet authorities^ in'excluding 50,000 students because they /are its place it was ''sought to consti- Mr. Roeenfelt, in a communication sire now to return to Judaism. A ;• not proletarian than.^we are In accord -with' the nuinerus elausus an to. the Jewish Telegraphic Agency tute an advisory council consisting of of IPoland, Hungary' and Roumania, which is invoked to exclude 10 -British officials,.and-12 nominated wished to make the following correc- number of these Haranos are experienced farmers in Portugal, and there Je^sfi students becaiise they are Jews. These, arbitrary attitudes unofficial members, ID Arabs and two tion: The Arab nominees refused to 1. That, he did not personally raise is an intention to help their settleiritrinsicallyunspuird 'and we do-hot relish extrinsic; reason in Jews. servev and this project, too, had to ferkpf'such'serious import:/- I > : ' the tremendous sum as stated in the ment on the land in Palestine. It be. abandoned. pressreport; that he having been the seems as though the Biblical predicIf seems, "howlBver,. almost inconceivable that 80,000 of the , This was followed by the establishof the return of the "scattered 50,t)00 students -denied •a'dmissiori; are Jews. ' W e get a* father ment, at. the end of the year, of an National Director of the American tion of Israel" is beginning to be realJewish Relief XJommittee for four mixed feeling from tnis piece of intelligence. We are elated to Advisory Council, consisting" solely of ized. However, the Chief Rabbinate British officials Though the Arabs, years is in a position to know that it t h i k t h t i h a 3arge ntunberof Jewish yourfg-inen and women' or their leaders, persisted in theip is Mr. Jacob Billikopf to whom credit has decided not to take any definite policy of .non-co-operation, the year- is due for aorganizirig the great work. steps concerning the applications of passed peacefully and Palestine the Bedouins and the Haranos before ever7 ;"entertainedj "but on1the • other hand we are made gloomily showed encouraging. signs of settling 2. That the American Jewish Re- consulting the national Jewish organdown. The report records with satlief Committee has not finally closed; pessimistic when'we are brought to the^realization that sb many isfaction that nearly all the organizations, and a thorough inof our brethren nave again become speculators and Neprhen; under ized gangs of robbers have been sup- that only its campaign for money vestigation is before made from the standhad closed, but that the collection of the nev^'econ'oriric policy-of the Soviet regime. !And yet who can pressed, . . • - . • - , -\ . point of Jewish law. unpaid pledges will still go on at the -blame oWei whofollows the" Une of least resistance and does that . The gradual improvement in -public : work fdr'iwhich he is best trained and; of .which he has the most security is reflected in the diminish- offices of the Joint Distribution Com- In a conversation with the writer ;: : V ;v; ing cost of. Palestine to the British of these lines, Rabbi- A. J. Kook, mittee, 64 Water street. knowledge. : ".•"• \" " • •"' 'V'.;: • • v . .-— - ^. <>taxpayer, which has fallen from, in Chief Rabbi of Palestine, who is now •; A^TIiis discrimination is only a passingphase. It is a condition round figures, 4,000,000 pounds in These corrections aro certainly •visiting the United States—the one which can easily be'remedied. One is npt bom a proletariah. If 1921-22 to under 1,000,000 in the es- well taken. There is, however, an- who is to n decide the matter—had timate for; 1924-25.'Though-192$ was, other correction which ought to be tHe s0Claf structure built upon Sbvietism eiidures our Russian on the whole,, a year of comparative many doubts on the matter. "With, remade and which, then overlooked, brothers will readHy-accommodate themselves to the new world. tranquility r : it was 'also a year of gard to the Bedouins, who are conThe future generation will be proletarian' to the same extent as somewhat• severe ' economic depres. lessens the significance of the great sidered by reason o'f their language period in American vewish life, that the non-Jews. ' ' as Arabs, it is -a very delicate politis apparently coming to an end. Bad trade caused the closing down A hopeful incident occurect in connection with the expulsion of a certain number of small con- 1 The closing of the campaign for ical question. Unless sufficient hisedict. The'students held demonstrations of protest in the uni- cerns . ana. a considerable amount _bf funds for the" American Jewish Re- torical proof is found establishing'the versity towns as a result' of which 700 were arrested. This is just unemployment, ;vyhich rose in the winorigin of this wandering the opposite attitude of'rriani'of tne Roumanian, Hungarian and ter toi'"ah average nipnthly figure of lief Committee,-> as * officially an- Hebrew tribe, the incorporation of the tribe nounced, and the final liquidation of about 2,0.00 Jews, plus Stf tmknown, Polish students who' were the conspicuous and ambitious leaders probably not very large, number the activities-of 4he Joint' Distribu- as a group, witb^deeply rooted beliefs injthe anti-Semitic riots. Evensincerity isjjtet an adequate sub- but of Arabs, a natural consequence tion Committee, iii Europe, mark the and modes of life of its own, into the stitute for' common "sense, and in'th'e latter, the Russian seems there was aAsconsiderable rise in the growing Jewish body of Palestine is sacpy deficient.—Detroit Chronicle. number of emigrants. The Jewish quiet end of an heroic demonstration hardly to be recommended. It is difimmigrants numbered -71421, as coin- of self-sacrificing-generosity and bigCommittee to Investigate Roumanian allowed 'fip their seats on the Board. pared with 7,844 in 1922,; but Jewih Jiearted giving "on the part of the ferent with the Haranos, who are, emigrants increased from .1,503 to American Jewish Community. It is undoubtedly, of Jewish origin. But Atrocities Formed in Roumania. A commission has been appointed, 3,466, that the net Jewish immi- a romantic chapter that will glori- here again, there are obstacles from Bucharest. (J. T, A»)—A, special consisting of Deputy Gruenbaum, grationsowas considerably less than in ously be inscribed in the annals, not the standpoint of Jewish law. Jewcommittee for the purpose, qf inves- % „ uty Rabbi Dr. Thor and Deputy the previous year. . ish law, particularly concerning martigating the last anti-Jewishatrocitiei A- Kirschbravn to convey the decision Nevertheless, the picture is not' by only of American'Jewry, but of Amer- riages and divorces, represents a ica as a vhole. It is since the day any mean? one of unrelieved gloom. committed in- Transylvania, Buk'o- to the Minister 'of' education and PubA number of important new enter- when a-group of immigrant Jews, by highly accentuated tendency towards wina and other parts- of Roumania lic Worship, and to ask him to with- prises were started during the year. their social status, and adherence to legalism. Any 'shortcoming in the has • feeen formed in\ Czarnowitz, the draw the Government's claim and alFall in Imports. tradition,1 belonging' to none other observance of the marriage and diprincipal city • • of Bukowina. It low the Board to co-opt three addiAs regards foreign trade, there was .that the orthodox group, assembled vorce laws, are a grave transgression a fall in the value of imports, which consists of representatives of all the tional representatives. was, however, mainly attributable tg in an eas,t side meeting roomt a few on the principles of traditional JudaJewish, parties in the country, and the fall in prices. Exports rose in months after-the outbreak of the ism. In some cases the off springs will -snake a thorough, investigation Union of American Hebrew Congrega- value, of such marriages are under a quesbut" this was' mainly due to to establish the number of the victims tions and National Federation of exceptionally large exports of specie. World War, that this romance has tion mark, which makes their incorejf the attacks, and the amount of Temple Sisterhoods Sent Condolence? With imports valued at E4,935,000 been woven. The longer the war continued— poration into the religious Jewish pounds and exports valued at El,to President Coolldge damage caused." community an impossibility. And 554,730 pounds the apparent adverse New York. (J. T. A.) Messages of balance, though smaller than it was, and at first it was expected that it these • Haranos, though they clung condolence were sent this week to is still very heavy. The official view, would not last more than three tragically to the faith of their fathARCHAEOLOGISTS • President and Mrs. Cooljdge on the however, is that "the end of 1923 months—and the greater the misery ers,, inwardly, could not obviously be MAKE IMPORTANT FINDS : j . IN SIBERIA death of their son by the Union,of finds the country economically health- among the Jews in the war-stricken very particular. • and the downward tendency of countries of Europe, the greater grew • -Moscovr:' (J. T. A:)—Discoveries, American Hebrew Congregations and ier, trade appears to be finally checked." the spirit of generosity an* the which may prove to be an' important the National Federation of Tempje The "reforming zeal of the Adminis^ ranks of those who felt the responsi- Israel Zangwill 111 on Account of Sisterhoods, through their presidents contribution, to the cultural history tration has been hampered by finanHis American Controversies, et mankind, have been made by two Mr. Charles Shohl and Mrs. Walter J. cial stringency. The fiscal year 1922- bility of coming to the aid of the sufSays Mrs. Zangwill 23 ended with fi. deficit of E73,000 fering. It was originally the ortho- London. (J.T. A.) Mrs. Israel ZangJewish archaelogists, Professors Freiberg. pounds, and, though this was covered dox Central Relief Committee, which Aaerbach and Sosnowsky, who have: will telegraphed to the -New York from surpluses from previous -b-aSbeen carrying on excavations in Wanted to Change" Fair Day from gets, severe economy will - still i a v e was organized.! -There was then or- Times Bureau from the Zangwill Monday to .Saturday to DisSiberia for the past two years for to be practiced, more especially ;as ganized the American Jewish Relief country home in Sussex in reply to an Palestine will shortly have.to begin Committee. These two were followed inquiry as to her husband's health: advantage pf Jews, = the ' purpose of discovering ' the remains of the first human settlement Klausenburg. (J. T. A*.j—An at- taking Its share? with arrears frbjti. by the People's Relief Committee, "Since his return from America, Mr. 1920, in the service "cf the composed-of such^Jewish elements as in that part of the World. tempt to change the /air day in March, Ottoman public debt. . . : • ', were usually'in p4rinciple: opposed to Zangwill's work has been suspended The totaL Government expenditure] any benevolent or .philanthropic ac- by insomnia, probably due to the confThe excavations haVe resulted in Marmarosz S^ged * ">ni Monday, to the~discovery of human skeletons of Saturday so that the Jewish traders of El,837,000 pounds included the cost tion. It was through the co-opera- troversies there." the state railways and the postthe Stone Age, and the •unearthing who do no business pn "Saturday of office. Apart from these ; revenue- tion of all these three committees, might not be able to participate, made d bones of bisons, gigantic, deer and producing sources, the main items are and "due recognition must be given FOR RENT ittamotis, resembling the American by the Prefect of Police in Mar- public security, : E307,000 pounds; to the dominant role of the American boifalo. Seven hundred different marosz Szeged, failed because of public works, E213,000; public health, Jewish Belief Committee,, that tho Nice New Brick Store, 66 itv long, just completed, at 1316 lands of stone "weapons we're also opposition *B it from an unexpected E114.000; and education, E89,000i sum of over $63,0O0»OOO was raised In education, to which the GovernNorth 24th Street. Call"'-1, quarter. discovered. has for the first time given the and disbursed by their Joint DistriAbrahamson, Webster 0046, The fair day in that district is ment closest attention, .progress continue? •or Webster 5486. . Palish Government Claims Right to usually held on Monday. The Prefect to be made, though unavoidable econ- bution: Committee,' When the epocf* making donation 'Appoint' Three Assimilationists to decided to change this to Saturday, omies have prevented a full program Board of Warsaw Jewish Community. but- the peasants, who -feared the for the year from being realized. of §1,000,000 of Julias Rosenwald to are now 312 Government that fund was under touching circumWarsaw.-<J.T. A, Mail.).The Polish effect of this on their .trading, There schools, with 19,000 pupilp, of whom government is claiming .the .-right to demanded that the old' day be re- 3,000 are girls, and the Government stances, announced, it was President' ^ofitfnata .three additional. members tained. Their opposition to the also maintains training colleges 'for Wilson who stated: '"Your donation, Good business location in Counputs to" the Board of the Warsaw Jewish change was so strong that th'e men and women, with a total of 136 while it furnishes inspiration, 1 cil Bluffs: Large two-story communal organization and has stated Prefect was forced to withdraw it. pupils, of whom 56 are women. In pn us an obligation. ' corner brick building in busithe course of the year, four scholar' The $1,000,000 dojiation of Rosenitg' .intention of nominating three ships at the American University at wald certainly introduced a new styla,J . ness district, 37-39 So. Main [Assipiilationists for membership so -" SIGFRIED FLEISHER DIES. Beirut were awarded by the GovernStreet. Suitable for any kind not only in Jewish American, but in that ail tendencies in Jewry should hf! Vienna. (J.T. A.)—SSgfried Fleish- ment - to Palestinian teachers in its of business. Will remodel to represented.- At the recent election,Ja er, weljknown Jewish • social worker service. In addition to the Govern- American war relief activities. The suit tenant. S. Shyken, 1009 ment schools, which are mainly atInspiration, no doubt, served as a conthe Board of the Warsaw Kehillah,/all and secretary of the Union of Austended by Moslems, there are 397 stant reminder, to American Jews, of Second Avenue," Council Bluffs, " the Assimilationist candidates /were trian Jews, died here today at the denominational schools, with 34,000 their obligation to their brethren in defeated. ~-'age of sixty-eight. pupils-of whom 18,000 are Jews and The Club of Jewish Deputies has The U.nicn of Austrian Jews, which, 13,000 are Christians. These schools war-stricken Europe. The obligation held a special meeting to consider the was at one time the fortress of the are entirely supported by the comto which they belong, except Government's claim. Deputy Gr\ieriT Assimilatiohists in Austria, has lost mittees for trifling grants-in-aid from tie (PETE) - WELSH -haiim and P,ep«jty Rabbi Levin con- a good deal of its former prestige Government, amounting in the ag}US 4GKERMANN tended that the law does not give the owing %o the spread of the Zionist gregate to only E5.200" pounds. Ninety-six per eent of the Jewish chilgovernment any right to nominate idea}* propagated by Dr. Theodpre dren of-school age are at school and representatives to the Board of the Herzl, among the Jewish masses of 8881 "WE NEVER BLEEP" per cent of the-Christian chilJewish '"community. The representa- Austria;' dren, but in the case of the Moslems'; Floral Vmgns—Gardening in its Entirety tives, of all the parties on the .new •Mr. Fleisher was an able writer who" form the bulk ,of the population, pay and Nijjht Pjajne Walnut 8294. the proportion is only X7 per cent, Board ha^e "decided that no persons and published many works on Jewish 1902 SOUTH 46TH STREET, Corner .46th .and Center Sts, Omaha. \ and that after four years of educa*. -nomia"at»dby:"thejgovernment will be questions. -".•-—.--.-.»--. — t'ional reform'. " •
STRIKE OF CARPENTERS IN TEL AVIV Jerusalem. (J. T. A.) A general strike has broken out in the carpenting industry in Tel Aviv. The workers are demanding an improvement in their working conditions and an increase in pay. A quarrel broke out between the; strikers and the workers in the Guralsky Carpenting Factory, who refused to join tne strike. The. police intervened, and are now patrolling the ' ;ctory to prevent further disorders. PRINCE OF WALES VISITS PALESTINE PAVILION AT WEMBLEY EXHIBITION London. (J. T. A.) The Prince of Wales, accompanied by Sir Herbert Samuel, British High Commissioner of Palestine and Governor Ronald Storrs of Jerusalem, visited the Palestine Pavilion of the British Empire Exhibition at Wembley. The Prince was greatly impressed with the exhibits of Palestinian industry, agriculture and art. CATHOLICS OF PALESTINE AND EGYPT TO MAKE PILGRIMAGE TO ROME Jerusalem. (J.-T. A.) The Catholics of Palestine, Egypt and neighboring countries are preparing for a pilgrimage to Some in 1925. The pilgrimage is being organized by Cardinal Barlassina, the representative of the Pope in Palestine. In a conversation with the correspondent of tbe Jewish Telegraphic Agency, the Cardinal declared that he was not quite sure whether he personally would lead the worshippers to the Pope. TRANSFER OF OFFICE MARKS LIQUIDATION OF J. D. C. Berlin. (J. T. A.) The European office of the Joint Distribution Committee and of the newly formed American-European Foundation Fund, will be shortly transferred to this city. This will mark the complete liquidation of the activities of the Joint Distribution Committee in Europe. ICA. MAKES BARGAIN WITH ARABS FOR DRAINAGE WORK Jerusalem. (J. T. A.) An agreement between the lea and the Arabs in the neighborhood of Kabara has been concluded for the purpose of enabling the drainage work in that region to be carrier on. The lea, which has a concession to drain the swamp lands in the neighborhood of Kabara, has been prevented until now from carrying on its work by the Arabs. The Arabs have now been conciliated by awarding them compensation, including a part of the Kabara land, a plot west of Tantura and some money. Two hundred workers will be occupied upon the resumption of work.
Est, 1S0O Marcel anil tr«< reset to ~ days, f 1.(10 We specialize in permanent Open trora 9 A, fit. to 8 F. 81. 1512 Hsxney Kt. Jackson 8774.
NEW YORK RABBI TO ASSUME DUTIES IN SAN FRANCISCO San Francisco. (J. T. A.) Dr. Loui^ I. Newman, recently elected to the Rabbinate of the Temple Emanu-Ei to succeed the late Rabbi Martin A. Meyer, is expected hero August 6th from New York, and it is presumed that he will assume his new duties at once. Because of the vacation period, no formal reception will be tendered him until after the summer months., ac cording to present plans.
HOLY SCROLLS TO BE BROUGHT BACK FROM RUSSIA TO LATVIA Eiga. (J. T. A.) An expedition to Soviet Russia for the, purpose of bringing back from there the holy scrolls- which wpre evacuated from various cities in Latvia during the World War has been arranged by the Jewish community of the town Glasmanko in Latvia. A special courier, named Mendel Solowei, has been sent to Russia on this mission. CARRYING' OF WEAPONS PROHIBITED TO PREVENT HAKENKREUZLER EXCESSES Vienna, (J. T. A,)—The authorities in Lower Austria have issued an order prohibiting the carrying of weapons in order to prevent the usual attacks by Hakenkreuzler. The police have been authorized to search all suspicious-looking passengers in the trains and to confiscate any weapons found on them. HADASSAH REPRESENTATIVES WELCOMES IN JERUSALEM • Jerusalem.. {J. T, A.) Mrs. Jacobs, Mi's. Franklin and Mrs. Fromenson, members of the Executive of the American Women's Zionist Organization, "Hadsssah," were given a reception recently by the Hadassah here. Representatives from many Jewish organizations were present.
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lSSi -THUBSPAY,- AUGUST 7, £eta Beta_Tau Fraternity „ MAJfY, AFFAIRS GIVEN. _ . Holds Mid-Swnme.r Dance " THts WEEK BY SOCIAL hu-
. field's little" daughter, Helen, 29 North Eighth street, left last Monday What perhaps was one of the mostTRONS AND FBATHRNITJES for an extensive visit in Chicago. outstanding dances ever given by the," Only for a short while during^ the They also expect to take many l^ke into Michigan and Wisconsin. younger' college set in Omaha was summer ^are^-the matrons willing-to held on thte Omaha Athletic club roof lease thje'sociaj calendar to be filled garden Tuesday' night. It was the with_ affairs^pf the younger set, but annual midsummer frolic of the Zeta- thjs' week, marked the beginning of •9* A meeting of the Hebrew Ladies' Beta Tau fraternity* . midsummer social affairs among maUnusual lighting fea.tu.res and jnov- trons. ' _ _ - . . „ - friendship Society jyas held .last jng pictures of the fraternity jnem : * TJie. first-matronjto have issued in- Tuesday afternoon at Riverside Park, bers taken in Omaha were two of the vitations, for a midsummer affair was Mrs. Morris Baron and Mrs. E. E, most interesting features" pf - the Mrs. Michael Katleman, who is enterDavis entertained a-number of friend? dance. taining fifty guests" at a tea "Sunday at * iiridge party at the Davidson The moving • pictures vrerg taken afternoon frqm 4 to 6 at her home tea" Toom Tuesday -afternoon as a last week in Ehnwood park and were to announce, the wedding date of Miss courtesy to Mrs. Ed B^ron,-of Chishown, shortly before intermission. Esther Zalkj who recently announced cago, 111. The "game was pi&yed at Hoch- ten tables, followed by tea, Other The subtitles were read by Lquia Som- hej; engagemept to Mr. Leonard berg. One of the scenes was that of enherg, of" Des Moines, fa. c out-of-town gueste were Mrs. a typie&l scene on. a,ny university Budow, orA'Perdeen, So.. 0&k,i f . Mr. Eduin M. "Schlaifer "and campug where the fraternity, grip-is Irving-Goldstein, of Chicago, IH,L>nd his bride, who spent several days here given wi$v-one hand- and the cigaret Whjfe ,enroute to California, where Mrs. -Julius Arkin, of Artes^n* So. is- passed out with the other,, they willmaVe th"eir home, Judge and Dak, The fraternity arranged a differMrs, A.~L. Sutton_ entertained at a ent lighting effect for every dance, Miss Lucijle Henach Jeft last Sundinner at the Omaha Athletic club day using a large spotlight, colored flood for Chicago, 111., where she wiJJ lights, special skedaddle lights, light Monday evening. Covers were laid visit for several weeks. from the electric fraternity pin, Jap- for Mr. and Mrs. Schlaifer, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Baron entei+ained at an anese. 4antexns .and combinations pf Mrs. Max F^onikin, Miss"Bes4 Stal. master," Stfsi MaMye"Weifist6in; Mr. afternoon brjdgp at the Pavidsan tea the various lighting effects!Stalmaster"aria Hr. Philip 3l0r om last Monday afternoon in honor •Arthujr Bandall's £oyal orchestra |ryin played. About seventy; couples, iinr tognplc "Tuesday evening the B'riar of her dssgbjer.. M*h Irving GaW "fbr^Mr. afld Uxsl atein, ef Cbjeagg, wfeff hag been spendeluding several visiting fraternity Ami cluVenteftalned : : ; Schlaifer ,at a; dmner dance atr tSe ingthe past iFo fnojiths here. brothers, attended.' The programs v?ere of striped white Highland"Cdu'ntry-^lub. "Cover? wera Th§ Maccabaean Chapter pf Young ; and h j u e with the gold crest of j the la.jd for twenty couples. :: Judaea held .their regular "meetfng' fraternity, giving th$ three the CommuniThe Ha-Re3h fraternity entertained Wednesday evening at colors, r Skins antf crests of' the ty-Center. •_'•••"* : " ' - ' • Wednesday evening at a dmherrdance ternity were used in the. general at the Highland Country "club f OE one. o r a t i n g s c h e m e r " ••"•*.-;-••> - " fTh%''refreshm'ents "were ice cream hundred guests. Among the guest? m f.fm-m T « W » ' •with blue diamond centers -and cake were the elocal Phi Tau Pi fraternity ^» ani.Mrs v '.|i.. Weil left Monday members and the Ha-Resh fraternity idth;Z; B, T. " ;'• ;. - - ; : ^ f e weeks/ vacation in Colh.^haperones; •srere"M?. and. Rtrg. members of -Lincoln, Nebr. Milder, ajr- - and vMrs^.:?,' '.%• Wqlf/Miv and: Mrs, H'enry Monsky, Mrs. Herman SpBier entertained at Mr. and. Mrs. William 'HQls?nan and -one • o'elock luncheon :sn& bridge in Fresh, whose Dr. and iffrs; I," Gordott," :— A nev? 'club, the Junior Talmud honer oS Miss Miriam r The comiriifeee " of arrangements "forah •.jlViggcjation, was~ organized marriage to Mr. Da\ i4 J»cobs wilj he comprised Louis Somber^, Herman ^ridayi ^UfU§t 1, under the leade*- ^n-eventofeariy September, " ' and Nathan '$, Jacobs." s^ip of W, jf, Pheiffer- The officers ejected "are: President, Sam-:Meyer- Mf,.and Mrs..H#?ry .Gijjsberg .and ughtey, Dorothy, pi Eldorado, Ark,, ¥cn; Vice^Preii^entj .Jlymi^ Kramer; past-six weeks with Miss Kate Gold- Secretary^ MiJton jirasne;, Tre^surei-, are vjsitinf at the home of_ Mrs. stein,-left Thursday for her iome j t , Mr. and Mrs. B. ilaurice - Msyerso.n; anjt' Athletic Q i b ' : . . . Miss Carita Herzog returned home Director, ^fiddvi. Cohen. . Mr- and Mrs7SlaxXehinan have rer Sunday a.fter a Chree weeks' vacation "'_ Ml- and iMrs, N. ,Splz"i»an: have as turned from a week's visit in "Chiin Chicagp, ^ll.t and L i j their guests" Mr- 'and ' Mi's. ' "Max cago. . •" "" " ""Mrs. 1'Sam Gilirieky and children are •Snyerman of^Pittsburg)!, Pa-_, and leaying Sunday for (Canada te be'gone Mr. Aj, gilyerman an.d" daughier, TRose, Word hag been received of the Until themiddlis of September.' '.-••'• an4..50.ns, Meyetanij Saul, of "Royal landing pf Mr« »n4 Mrs, 5am Wessel City, Pa., -who arrived last Friday, and Miss.Adele £.ach in Cherbourg, Mrs. M. Meyersoh and son', Leo, jmade .the. trip overland. France, -• : . . are. !fil§a,ying for Manhattan,. Eans., to visit'^ith ^Irr'.'Meyerson's sister, Mr. 5am" Snyder and. gan, Arthur, -Abe and Lee Grossman were among JVIrs.'M- Grossman. returned 'home last- Thursday €«»« the winners in the Sed Cress swimaimsmess and pleasure trip i ming carnival held a$f the Municipal Bafcdta. They? were gone:
Mr. and. ]yfrs. J, B. Robinson ?mnounce .thp • engagement, of their daughter, H§len, *o Mr. Max Shapiro, son, of Mr. _and Mrs. J. Shapiro,/ of Lincoln, Nebr. The wedding will take plape this winter, althqugh no definite wedding date has as yet been set. Misg Robinson is well ki\own here, having" graduated from the Omaha Central. High School, and i§ now attending the University of Nebraska afr Lincoln. During the past week "Mr. and Mrs. DftYid Cooper announced the engagement of their daughter, Gertrude,' to Mr—Aha. Mazer, of this city, son of Mr.'-and Mrs; M.-L. Mozer^-of Lincoin, Nebr. No wedding date has" as yet been set, ' Mr. and Mrs, Cooper entertained tfteir immediate family and the'following out-of-tWn guests , Sunday afternoon, at their home in honor of their daughter and her fiance: Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Mozer, Mr. and Mrs, Max Mofeer; Nathan, Joe and C. Mozer and Mrs.' C. Grossmari and family, sU of. Lincoln, and Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Dorbin and daughter, of St. Joseph^JIo,,- and-Mr. and-Mrs.-Philip Sherman, of Sioux City, la.
Mi*. Nathan Bernstein and sister, Miss Rose Bernstein, have moved into their new home at 5122 Capitol avenue. Miss Sarah Biseman, of Elk Creek, Nebr., who is visiting with Miss Patsy Rosenthal, will leave for her home Ejunday.. , For fun, frolicking and foolishment come to Peony Park Aug. 17.—Adv. Mr. Julius Newman and mother, Mrs. Rose Newman, returned the early part of the week from a three months' visit in California. Mrs. I. Rosenthal is spending the week at Lake Okoboji. Mr. Lester Meyer and Mr. Sidney Meyer are spending two weeks -at Lake Okoboji and Minnesota. Lakes.
Attend the Omaha Hebrew- Club Picnic Sunday, Aug. 17, at Peony Park.—Adv. Mrs." J. B. Gidinsky is visiting in Kansas City, Mo., "with relatives and friends. " • Mrs. A. Goldstein and daughter, Rosaline, and son, Herman, left Wednesday morning for CenterviUe, la., where they "will visit for several weeks. While there they will:attend the wedding of Mfss Lottie Chapman, which will take place Sunday, August 17.
• Th'e'-engagement of Miss Celia T. A?orin,~~daughter"o'f "Mr. -and Mrs: Harry Azorjn, %O M?J , Joseph . MMarks, son ox Mr.'and Mrs. J. E. Iffar^s,. of this' cfty, \vas announced faring tjie past week. No wedding . Dancing to the melodious strains of dafS'hasTieen set. — ' — the Peony Orchestra, at the Hebrew Club Picnic—Adv. Blanche Levey^eft on ft moMr. and Mrs. I. Mpskovit? are in tor trip to, Chicago, 111., where she Chicago, 111., where they are attendwill visit for several weeks. ' ing the Butchers' Convention". They Miss Berta Newman is leaving expect to he. gone for a week. Sunday for Cleveland, O., and ChiRabbi and Mrs. Frederick Cohn and cago, 111., where she will spend' sev- daughters, Madeline and Mildred, are eral weeks. leaving Sunday on a motor trip to Miss Florence Levey rendered sev- Lake Minetanka. eral piano numbers over the radio Mrs. J. J, Singer, of Chicago, 111,, last Saturday eyening... Miss Levey formerly of this city r who was visithas given several recitation and piano ing here with Mrs, I, RQ5en,thal4 left "numbers over the." radio during;. the for her home. " ~ I. _""" past several months. Mr. and Mrs. S. Greenherg re ? Sunday, Aug. J7, Peony Patfr, Heturned Friday from a three weeks/ ; brew Club PicnicA-Adv. • stay at Excelsior Springs, Mp. Dr. and Mrs. H. Hirschnjan have Valuable prizes will be-given away as their house guest their niece, Miss on Sunday, Aug. 17, at Peony Ruth Hirschman, of Chicagot 111., who WiU _yisij;. wfth J;heni for. several weeks. Already ft number of social Dr. J. A. Weinberg "and Messrs. affairs have been planned for this Edwin Kirschbraun and Harry, Goet^ visitor. The first,of these will be a ar^ at-the Minnesota Lakes. pjcnfc dinner to "be given by Mrs. Hirschman and sister, Miss. Charlotte Miss Edith Covjch left Sunday for Hirschberg, who are entertaining Youngstown, 0., and Pittsburgh, Pa., thirty guests at Mandan Park Sat- where she will spend several weeks. urday evening. ' Mrs. Harris Levey and daughter, Sadie, are leaving the latter'part of Messrs.. Nathan Horwich, Bert NBrown, Meredith Kenyon and William this, mpnth/for the east. " Mrs. Levey Wesley are leaving Sunday on amq- will return to Omaha in September, while Miss Levey will remain in the tor trip to Lake Qkobojj. east to enter the New England ConMiss Bess Newman just returned servatory of Music at Boston, Mass., from an eastern.trip to Chicago, III. where she will study music foir a and' other cities. year. Omaha's best musical talent at PQFor a'cqo!, cosy, contentftble day, any Park,' Aug. IT, under, auspices qf come fa Hebrew Clufo Picnic at Peony Hebrew Club * Picnic.—Adv. Park Aug. 17.—Adv,
"" '
* • ' • * . . . - • •
h T^ Mo .Clqb. elected Sam Warshaw: presldiii^. at, its last regular meeting Wednesday evening the ; Jewish Gommimityj Center. ; Leo -Fellman. was e l g f i i i i . Y J c ^ p i d t Morris Givot,. secretary.; Joe treasurer; "Lquig Di^mon4, repprter; an4 Israel Gerelicki ^ergean^-at-armg ThfiTiext; regular meeting of the club wjll.:.te TheWC"We4negtfsy-'"evfiiipg, August 13, at the Jewish Community C e n t e r .
.-..-• ••: -
•-'•'-.• - • ' " ' '
"': ' "
y J ajterl in Cplorado.. ;"\Mr.""_ "an.4 $ r s . '"Adolph":r Weil "ef Paducah, -Kentucl^-;" sgenS Monday with the Snyder§; en" route to" their home from the Yellowstone National :
The Misses Krupinsky a,nd- ftpsel Verbin are no^ pn^a motor trip with Mr. and |frs._i>am-Rose through the state of Missouri. They are stopping off at St. "Joe, ^ n s a s City, "fScelsior Springs, Carthage, and probably S|,
the University of Pennsylvania. Mr. and 3{rs. Louis Gherniack and son, Isa4QJ*e, ftnd Mr. H. Leavitt of Pes Mpines, Who has been visiting fop the' past two weeks ^at the- CherL o u i s . " " * ~ ••"""•" ~'~ '"• """'—niRck home, motored to Des Moines Mr." Abner. Verbin and "Mr." Mickey •Sunday. The Cherniacks returned Krupjnsky aVe . now OJ; a. motoring home Tuesday aftemoonr " trip to Denver and Colorado Springs. Miss Mollie Brawn end her sister, PATRONIZB OUR ADVERTISERS! Mrs. Charles-Canfjeld, and Mrs. Can-
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Newman and son, Melvin, left Sunday morning on an extended motor trip to a number of eastern cities- They were accompanied by Mr. Morris Newman, and Mr. and Mrs. S> Melchjor. They expect to be gone for a month.
Mrs. S. Novak and children, of Tulsa, Okla., are visiting here with Mr. and Mrs. J. Abramson. .Games, contests, raffles, prizes, dancing, on Aug. 17, at Peony Park. —Adv.
- Miss Gertrude Greenberg, of SeMr. Sam Newman just returned attle, Wash., is visiting here with her home from a western trip through sjs.ter, Mrs. Adolj>h Stern, and Mr. Kyawani, N. M., and Vancouver, Can- Stern. ada. Mr, Ben Greenberg returned The Omaha Chapter of gadassah Wednesday -morning after having will give their August Card Party spent the past six weeks at the R. Monday afternoon, August 11, at the P. T. Cv at ^Minneapolis, Mjnn- He home of Mrs. J. T^etiak- at 3004 Lin- was also in Chicago, I}1., for a short coln boulevard. The other hostesses stay. to assist Mrs. Tretialr will be MesMrs. Jack Rose, of Chicago, III., dames A. Eomm and J. B. Robinson. formerly Miss Hannah Kooper, of ; Mr. Max L. Holzman is qn a t r q $hjs qifcy, and Miss Gertrude Rpse, .weeks' trip • through Clac'ier Park, also of Chicago, are. visiting with ; Mont-.,, and- Yellowstone; National Mrs. Rose's parents, Mr. an4 Mrs. J. •Park. Kgoperv Miss Gla'dys Meyer just returned oily ®iever, of Minneapolis,' *?«ek's v«e* f»k /Wtaar City, la. who wae visiting here; for the
SOUND VALUB Sound products evolve from sound principles. ^r Brothers Motor Car Is the product of an institution wfcp$Q principles have always been oonoeded to be pre-eminently sound, j Sound manufacturing methods that place infinitely more importance on quality than quantity. ....:• K:
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_1513 ...... North _. 24thTStT with § larger and. better stock of all Kosher delicatessen goods. We are now prepared to rnake special orders for picnics and parties. •- -
Mrs, Al. Sendlovich and children returned Sunday from a trip to the Jacob D. Litt, Resigning After lake? in Minnesota and to Des Moines, 25 Years, Gives $50,0p0 fp Phils(Selphja Mount Sinai Hospital Mrs. L. Stiefel and son, Frank©!, Philadelphia. (J. T. A.) —Jacob D. are visiting at the home of Mr, and Litt, philanthropist and social worker, Mrs, Charles Simon. president of the Mount 6i«sn Hospital here, .after a servke vt twenty-five B'NAI BRITH ESTABLISHES GRAND LODGE IN PALESTINE years, has rendered his resignation as president of the hospital board, to Constantinople. (J. T. A. Mail.) A take effect December SJpt, 1024. As a congress of Eastern Lodges of the In- parting gift, he made a contribution dependent Order B'nai Brith. has just of $50,000 the construction of been concluded here. The Grand a new wingtowards for the hospital. comprises the B'nai Brith Lodges of Turke5v Bulgaria, Serbia, Greece, Egypt, Palestine an4 SIXTY JEWISH EMIGRANTS SETTLING IN SPAIN Syria.. Mr. Joseph Nejgo presided. Vienna. (J. T. A. Mail.) Sixty JewPrior to 1914, a congress of the Eastern Lodges was held every two ish emigrants from Poland, who have years. The present congress is the been stranded for some time in Vienna and have found it impossible to obtsm first since the war. It was agreed to ratify the decision their visas far Palestine, have decided of the Executive Committee of the to proceed to Spsun to settle there. Order to establish a Grand Lodge in The Spanish consulate in Vienna has Palestine to be known ss District given them free visas. Other emigrants here are thinking of following Grand Lodge No.-14. their example, but fear that they jnay be sent as part of a "Labour Corps" Greek Government Violates from. Sp&in to Morocco to join tfrf: International Minorities Treaty Foreign Legion fighting against the ; With Regard to Jews. Riffs. London. (J. T. A.) The lav? passed by the Greek parliament, imposing compulsory;_ Sunday rest upon the VILLAGES THANK GOVERNOR Jewish population of Salonika, is in FOE AHEEST OF BANDIT CHIEF Jerusalem. (J. T. A.) Ninety Arab politicaJ circles here considered a direct breach of the international villages, in the neighborhood of Tnl minorities treaty which was signed ly KerefA, Nablus and Jennin, have sen!, the Greek government in August 1020, letters of thanks to the Governor of guaranteeing the full right of the Nablus for his action in arresting Abdul Salim Eachman, the son of tlie Jews to observe their religion. • Although this international treaty Mayor of Tnl Kerprn. with Greece has not yet~been ratified Rachmim, who yras considered an by the League of Nations nn acccuirt Arab nobleman, was exposed, in farl, of the unsettled international status as the leader of an Arab bandit ganp, of the province of Thrace, it is con- whfch had been terrorising the noiglisidered that the treaty is binding. boring During" the Peace *" inference, Venir zelos as the representative of Greece gave a v-ritten assurance that the HEADQUARTERS Jews would not be effected by any r for law enforcing a compulsory Sund-y rest upon the Test of "the population. This right of the Tewb was further confirmed by - special royal decree issued on April 12,. 1923, concerning Engagement Binge is our the recognition o* the Jewish comSpecialty munity in Greece, espresBly stating that Saturday shell be considered the CO, weekly day of rest for the Jews of 151| Dodge St. Salonika.. .•": Est.1894 The Joint Foreign Committee, re-
Sound financial standing, which per* V mits uninterrupted development and adherence to the policy of constant Improvement—
Mrs. S. LedWr, of Chicago, 111., will spend a week" here with Mrs, Flora Rosenstock.
Mr. Max Rothschild, of San Francisco, Calif., who has been visiting here with his brother, Mrs. William Rothschild, will leave for Jus home Mrs. J. -Wintroub entertained a.t Friday. four tables -of bridge -at her home Rosaline Kohn, who is- attend-last Wednesday afternoon in honor ingMiss the ynjversity of Nebraska, spent of Mr. I. Soref, of Milwaukee, Wig., the past week-end visiting with her and Mrs. B. Ellis, 0{ Port Worth, mother, Mrs. Sarah Kohn. Tex.
p g the Board of Jewish Deputies and the Anglo-Jewish Association, intends to bring this matter to the attention of the Council of the League of Nations, when it convenes for its next session at Geneva.
.Friednjan .and yy Mount Pleasant, Ja;, spent several days here last wegk visiting at the home—of._Mn..and Mrs. J. Friedman.- '".-.. ~ . ." " .
Miss Rose Kaplan and guest, Miss Fay Falk, of New Jersey, are visiting with 'Mr. and - Mrs. Kaplan -at Avoca, la. They expect to leave the latter part of the week for Atlantic, la., where they will also visit before returning home.
..A1>e, ;yrha IS but t^n years Pld," gave an exhibition of fancy diving which was much applauded. He also came out first in the race far boys under twelve.. |*QQ1.
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JOE ADLER 1518 North 2ith Street
Webster 1428
PAGE 4-THE JEWISH PRESS, THURSDAY, AUGUST 7, 1924 \ his* success "was due to the" fact'that Criticism' of his pQii for tfie forma- ] he asked.for nothing and.yielded al! tion of the Jewish: Agency, "af the c.i [along the.line.•!D.r.TWeizman'n agreed meeting jjf the Zionist" Actioris ;Com- j ' "to deliverjthe"control to others who mittee on" the third day. "The rebuilding "of Palestine," Dr. accepted no responsibilities, and-who i received-fall/TightS, including "even' Weizmann..continued, "must be carried' ^on now ; with newer and .more confapE^oy^x'the'Keren Hayesod. "Th'e'f'".Zionist Organization' "has 1 extensive methods and with more Dr. Chaim Wehmann Proposes Plan' of Jewish Agency lived -..through, in recent years, a money. The methods of the .'old at Meeting of Actions Committee of World moral crisis. Now,, as a result "of Chovevei Zion movement will ,not Zionist Organization. Dr. Weizmann's plans for the Jew- produce great results. The ' Zionist ish Agency, it- is apprbaching.'-the Organization at present is not pledg- j ed \o any -plan concerning the Jewgreat danger -of an. internal crisis. LONDON. (J. T. A.)—The .meet- or replace its representatives in the ish Agency, and the (Actions ComDr. Robert "Strieker of Vienna and Agency. ing of the Actioris Committee of the mittee is at liberty to decide freely Deputy jfcsaac Gruenbaum of Warsaw .The"number of representatives to • World Zionist organization opened on what course it", -will take. I am also ' "strongly opposed' Dr. Weizthe-20th. of Tamuz, the, twentieth be allotted to the different countries determined, however, not to agree mann's -plan" for the" formation of the anniversary of the death of. Dr. will - be made in the ^following key: to any other program, because, withJewish Agency. ' . * •' England 2, representing the EconTheodore .Herzl,. with a memorial out this plan, there is no possibility Jean THsher of Belgium subjected omic Board; Germany 2; United ^address by Nahum Sokolow. of carrying on the work in a proper the political report-of Drl Weizmann The meeting was openeif-by.Dr. States 30; Poland 10; including 3 1 way." to severe 'Criticism. • In his opinion Chajes, Chief Rabbi of .Vienna,' who from Galicia; Roumania 3; Palestine delivered memorial addresses for Dr. 2, representing the Vaad Leumi; the situation*- is not as -good. as . Dr. The opponenents of the plan • Theodore Herzl, and .for Madam Re- Canada 2 and Russia none. The fol- Weizmann'has pictured it. He asked sounded high tones, he said, but becca Sokolow, the late wife of Dr. lowing countries are to have 1 each: for facts which would .confirm . the they were unable to produce a plan Nahum Sokolow. . , , _ . , France, Italy, Holland, Scandinavia, favorable' attitude of the " British of their, .own. The Actions ComBelgium, Austria, Czecho-Slovakia, Government to the future of the mittee meeting was called for the Situation in Palestine Considerably Hungary, Jugo-Slavia, Switzerland, Jewish..Nationa.l_HQmeland in Pales- purpose x>f assuming - responsibility Improved, States Dr. Weizmann, •. "_ ..!«.*- . and making a decision in the matter. Spain, 'Portugal, Latvia,- Esthonia, tine. _ -at Actions Committee ' • The number of non-Zionists in the • Deputy Farbstein of Warsaw, repLithuania, Finland, Bulgaria, Turkey, \ Meeting ' "' ' Jewish Agency is to be limited to a resenting the Mizrachi, criticized the Egypt, Tunis, Algiers, Greece, MesoThe political position of the Jew- potamia, India, Morocco, Argentina, activities of the Zionist Executive in minimum, but the new elements must ish National Homeland in Palestine, Brazil, Chili, Uruguay South Africa Palestirie; and particularly deplored be drawn into the work, declared Dr. the fact that some Zionist officials Weizmann. It was not his plan, he as well as the position of the,Zion- and Australia. ist movement in general lias .conThe constitution further states that in Palestine have publicly violated stated, to turn the Jewish Agency i siderably improved, according to. a with every increase in the number the -Sabbath. He asked that the into an assembly of "notables." In statement made by Dr. Chain Weiz- of representatives in the Agency, a Actions Committee take, steps to fact. this term was invented by the mann, President of the World Zionist 'corresponding increase of the number, prevent a re-occurence' of such opposition, he stated, as a weapon Orgranizationi at the first meeting-of of .-representatives of the Zionist offenses against the Jewish religion against the plan. No "notables," but large Jewish organizations and rep•the Actions Committee' of that organ- Organization should be- automatically in Palestine. resentative Jews will be invited to ization; which openecMiere July 22nd. made. Mr. Heriniinsky, representing the participate in the Agency. The This improvement is due, he" declared, The Jewish Agency is to elect an Zeire Zion,' complained that the minor members of the Agency will, at any . l to the constructive work done by the executive committee which . is ' to British officials were putting ob- rate, remain in office, not longer than Zionist- Organization in Palestine, and consist, of fourteen or sixteen mem- stacles in the, path of immigration. two or three years. ,' to the general .improvement in-World bers. This executive committee will He also claimed .that the Zionist Urging the- Actions .Committee to politics.' • conduct the political business ot, the Executive in Palestine is hindering accept, in principle, the proposals The recent events in the Near East Agency, will promote the upbuilding the independent economic-activity of concerning the Jewish Agency in the the workers groups. This, he stated, have contributed greatly .toward the of Jewish Palestine, and will directly was not--likely -to win .the Jewish sense of the. resolutions adopted by favorable change of opiniqiu.in' in- conduct the colonization work. fluential English circles towards "the The President of the Zionist Organ- workers,' especially the Jewish work- the American Zionist .Convention, Dr. • .matter of Palestine, • Dr.' WeJzmann ization is to be the president of the ers, of America, for the Zionist idea. Weizmann stated,- "replying to the further stated. Another reason 'for executive committee of the Jewish ' Neheriiian* de Lima, Joseph Cowen, criticism of M. M. Ussishkin, that the improvement of the situation is Agency. He will conduct the poli- Dr. Reich and Dr. Gottlieb supported he was not putting America on the banner of the Zionist movement and the firmer policy taken by the Pales- tical work of the Agency inde- the policy of Dr. Weizmann and was not opposed to European Zion-•' tinian Government, which.' is' en- pendently. He will be empowered defended the American proposals for ism. In fact; "the Zionistr Organabling the Zionist Organization to to appoint a political committe and the formation" of the Jewish- Agency. ization ^ie stated, carries on its activproceed with its work without •will have to report periodically to Dr. Gottlieb even likened the position ities in Europe, in Africa and many ~i embarrassment. Recent negotiations the general executive committee to of M; M. Ussishkin to.that of the other, places with not a, small measAmerican separationists. "with representatives of the English whom he will be responsible. • ure of. success. •'-; . A special feature of the discussion Government have convinced the "" The Jewish Agency will also Nahum Sokolow was the next Zionist leader that the Jews; may appoint an economic council which was the problem of the Jewish workspeaker. He declared himself in expect the greatest encouragement will have its seat" in Palestine. The ers communes in Palestine, called the favor of the plan of Dr. Weizmann and the fulfillment of the-Mandate, economic council will conduct its "Kvoutzos." Van Friesland of Pales- and the proposals, of the American according- to its letter and spirit, work independently " and will have tine demanded that these "Kvoutzos" Zionists. He urged the Actions Comto report to the general executive be abolished because they represent mittee to endorse the plan, and stated stated Dr. Weizmann. The present British Government is committee periodically, and Will be a bad system of colonization. The that the democratic Jewish organrepresentatives of the workers' not opposed toward increasing the responsible" to it. izations in England would also join Jewish immigration into Palestine. - Thir question'5 of where the head- groups "strongly protested against the Agency. He expressed his regret It.is necessary, therefore. -Dr. Weiz- quarters of the executive co'mmittee Vari'Triesland's proposal. that the' Actions Committee was inmann stated,' to take "advantage" of of the Aency wilL be has not' yet •The discussion-then turned to the dulging in academi'c^discussipns infinancial and economic council for stead of doing the; necessary .practhe - favorable ' circumstances to been decided. The Keren Hayesod, according to Palestine. Dr. Van Friesland and tical work.. enlarge the colonization' work, and to meet - the needs of the Jewish emi- the constitution, is to be the financial Dr. Hantke demanded the dissolution grants, especially since the doors of instrument of the Jewish Agency. of this Council. PALESTINIAN RADICALS APthe United States have been closed The Jewish Agency is to appoint-the Will Resign if Actions Committee PEAL TO COLONIAL OFFICE , to them. * ~- •• r- Directorate of the Keren Hayesod, Jerusalem. (J. T; A.) The left wing Does not, Endorse His Plan of of the Palestinian Jewish Labor party • Dr. Weizmann reported to the Ac- applying to it the same proportion Jewish . Agency, Dr; Weizhas sent a cable to the.Colonial Office tions Committee the result- of • his of representation as to all the other mann Declares. protesting against the latest arrests visit to the United States on behalf organs of the Agency. The Keren "The Zionist .movement is now at of Jewish workers in Haifa, and the of the Palestine, Foundation Fund, Hayesod is also to have a correa critical turning point," declared closing of their ] club, according to in the and stated that he had nothing" but sponding -representation Dr. Chaim Weizmann, answering' the rumors circulated herepraise^ for the generosity displayed Agency. ' Mr. Nahum Sokolow, Chairman of . by alj classes of American Jewry. -American Jewry, Dr., Weizmann the Executive, was the next speaker. stated, is iii a position to provide He pointed out the danger to the ^ sufficient. funds to bring about the Zionist cause arising from the camupbuilding of-Palestine within twen- paign being carried on by the Agu- ty-five years, so that tha .Jewish dath Israel. This organization, SokoNational Homeland should be able low declared, is breaking the united to absorb the largest part of those front of the Jews in Palestine, and Jewish emigrants who are forced out it 13 necessary 'either to fight it or of- their old homes andTare in rie'ed conciliate it. He further stated that it was imv of homes. The Zionist leader further outlined portant' for the Zionist Organization a program providing economic op- to remain in close touch with the portunities for tha expected' emi- League of Nations, whose influence grants. New industries are to be is steadily increasing. , - created in Palestine, -and the 'natural resources- of the country are" to be Actions' Committee in Heated Discussion on Situation of Palestine and •widely exploited. Zionist Movement. *?' " Concerning the financial position of - • the' Zionist Organization, Dr. -Weiz- American Jewry's contribution to Apply at the - \ mann reported that it Jsas been con- the Keren Hayesod and the possible siderably improved, the Organiza- support that may be expected from •" - tion' is now in a position to meet it for the further development of i - its budget. However, this is ojily, Palestine was the' keynote - in the the beginning of the work, he oppositional speech delivered' by M. 681 Brandeis Theatre Building. I < declared The Keren Hayesod"has,so M. Ussishkin, Director of the Jew;' . far,.reached practically only 10% of ish National Fund,, during the general debate at the meeting of the - - .the : Jews in the world. Zionist*. Actioris Committee, after ad-. . :Drl Weizmann then submitted -his ~ dresses had been, delivered by ."Dr. r . • plan concerning the formation of the Chi <ri^& : /" " Jewish .Agency, and stated that it is Chaim -Weizmann, T.Tahum' Sokoiow .' • necessary to reorganize the. entire I and Sir Herbert Samuel. " "The talk about American brains, Zionist. machinery in Palestine. The American money and American im5 , - unification of the work must be portance discourages European introduced, and an end must be'put" Jews,?' Ussihrkin stated, "killing ";-" t<y the monopoly enjoyed by,, certain their self-reliance and lessening the ';' ' labor organizations, concluded Dr. scope of Zionist activity in Europe. i_ J Weizmann. V , Delicious It would be a great mistake for the :«. . • . -''Following is the proposed plan Zionist Organization to place all hope j ' cpneerning the formation of the Jew- for the rebuilding of Palestirie in ri'-'- ish Agency submitted by Dr. Weiz- America. {"-'••"' m a n n : • ~ • \ ' ,"tn spite of the tremendous amount '»$' -.{The constitution "of, the Agency of .work," Ussishkin .argued, "that ' * contains the unalterable basic law Dr. Weizmann has done in Amer* «'-* securing to,the Zionist Organization, ica, nothing-, has been practically "€-•- • permanently, 50% of the representa- achieved, when we consider the |{'" : - tion -in the Jewish ' Agency.-, This material prosperity of American . |~" , status is to remain unless the Zion- Jewry. |f.-. / l i t Organization itself proposes"-^ » ?'In-, spite of, its redoubled' efforts ^--"change. The same, principle arid the collections of the Keren". Hayesod 31 'proportion of > representation; .are to in . America,...in^the .last year, ireM :. be. applied" to aH76tgans;-which ate-, £ C -created bjr. the .Agency. v Only the - "In one regard' Dr. Weizmann has constitution -been- successful: iri~ thfe "matter "of £ V : iaonist s £ .v-states, wpl'be empowered to. recall. the Jewish Agency. But here''again,
Proved His
Actions Committee ofWorld Zionists Organization Meet in
Honesty Jiist the Same By CHARLES E. BAXTER <©. 1924. Western Newspaper Union.)
TT W4JS one of those thick fogs that •*• seldom, even In the heart" of winter, descend upon the city. Belton was twenty-one, jobless and starving. He had been two days without food. He had grown desperate after his long, fruitless search for employment A country, boy, used to milking cows and tending horses, and doing chores about -the farm, untrained—what chance had he in a city of specialists? Desperate thoughts had come Into his head, and now, In the thick of the fog, he was wandering In the shopping district when suddenly he saw the face of the girl. A girl lmsUks and sables, beautiful beyond imagination, carrying herself like a queen. 'Beltoa's heart was uplifted. He drew In a deep breath even as She vanished. Somehow there was Inspiration In the mere sight of her. Then he saw tae purse iylng on the sidewalk at his feet He snatched it up and ran. •; The act had been so sudden that no one noticed It. In a moment he was lost in the fog. When Belton -got to a safe place he opened It. It contained a single twentydollar bill and a piece of.paper, on which was written, "Elizabeth Dering," wltn an address following. All that day Beltoa wrestled witb temptation. - At-last be.-broke the bill and,had a good meaL He went to bed. Next morning he received a letter asking him to 'call In response to an advertisement That afternoon saw him established In a comfortable position. And now Ms conscience leaped Into a fury of activity. He had robbed the girl In the fog, and he knew he would have no peace TRANSYLVANIAN PRIEST until he had returned the money to her EXPECT IMMEDIATE EXODUS and confessed. On his first payday he OF JEWS TO PALESTINE set off f.or the address given, a twentyVienna. (J. T. A.)—The immediate dollar not© in the purse. wholesale exodus of the Jews to "He was eurpffeed to find that he was Palestine seems to be a much anticnot going in the direction of the fashionable quarter. In fact, after a while he found himself In a distinctly undesirable,- almost impossible region for Barty H. IAPWM. fJW;?*"' such a .girt as Elizabeth Dering to live Sot. Pepper, Ylce-PrerffienS. in. Negroes swarmed everywhere. W. Q. Ore. Secretary. Belton came to- the conclusion that Miss Dering- must be engaged in settleOmaha Fist sire & ment work. But-there was no settleSupply Co. ment anywhere in sight, and finally COMPLETE STORE AND Bel ton'sjchase ended at the door of a OFFICE OUTFITTERS negro's ramshackle frame house. We occapr By this time his spirits had sunk far ewer TO.OGO ean&ne £««s below the ?ero mark, and only the Sonthwest Corner
W. J. Yates Accomitmg Co AUDITING-'AND INCOME TAX REPORTS 208 Karbach Blk.
He Going to School
MORE ZEIRE ZIONISTS AKRETED IN RUSSIA Constantinople. (J. T. A.) More arrests of Zeire Zionists were made in the last few days in Russia, according to reports which have reached here. The number of the arrested is 17; one was arrested in Simferopol, four in Rostov on Don, and twelve in Minsk. Eleven other Zeire Zionists are now imprisoned: five in the Province of Tambov, one in Ekaterinoslav, one in Yaroslav, two in Kostroma, one in Ural and one in Ustkolima. Have you renewed your subscription?
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Any way yon get them, in any package
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Western Bond—and High Grade Stationery Omaha. Nebraska.
Made With Milk
LOVE JASKEli CO. Every Known Kind of Insurance 209 W. O.
;7th and Martha tits. HA. tees ainnntertiirrra * of Brass, Bronze, Mnmtnnnr and Soft firay Iron Castings, too lire •Rsared of soft castincs, as *re marblnr sorar from evnrr heat In •or own shay. Standard HIZP cast Iron and bronze In
JAckson 1862
Bldg. JA. S944.
F. 8. BIO REX. Prop..
EFFICIENT ond RESPONSIBLE UUKDBI. V^hene yonr clothes coma home cleaner aafi last longer. AT btatS* 6280. 3L5G7-1.1 Jackson St. H. A. JAO03BEEGSS. Prss.
Wholesale paper distributors for
Northern Toilet Tissue '
1112' Barney Street AT-lantic 6409
Thinking of Mens' Hats " jpf Furnishings REMEMBER
Charges,; Reflnite Soft.Water.
630-22 No. 16th St.
^B. 4338
,. Druce & Co. WHOLESALE "
Druggists EBd Stationers 402.-403-405 Booth 'lOtb 8tre«*
Certified Public AccoantantS' Audits . Systems Investigations 434 to 440 Fpterts fVost B!dg. riinnes. iSarlifMUs 4S!3, 4314.
Omaha OSces SIS Donslas Street. Omaha Phnne AtlantiP S55B
Ford Transfer.•& Storage Co. a. A. sroRfi. - PresJSent end General Manager.
Council B3aS°s <Iovra> OIHre Ph(»i>p ECS I
:<H) S o . (VJs»!«
FONTENELLE 'One of America's Great Hotels'
Council Bluffs Savings Bank OOK FKiSATfiSEJJT WILL CONVINW VOU OF OCR KINCF.RITV. . Trust Oppnrtnipnt. Saffty nppnsit Box«»s.
Service is Out Motto Safe
Goldstrom Upholstering Co.
Baker Ice Machines.
Upholstering and Furniture Repairing ' Mattresses Renovated. - Bos_ Springs.
"Manufactured in Omaha" BARER ICE MACHINE CO.
4T-!antir '3619
owned nud operated by
-•'•'• Clothier Full Dress Suits and Tuxedos Moved from 109 Wo. I6th St. to 203 Rarbarb Block, 15th & Douglas Sts tVMAHA. NKBK.
Globe Van & Storage'.Co. At. 0230
Emerson Laundry Phoiie Webster 0820
Gate City Famitnre Co.
Jewish Press Publishing Co;
'f. Coffee
Atlantic 1031
Eleventh and Hondas Streets. Fbono: •JscbsoE OMAHA. N"EB-
ipated event among the priesthood and peasantry of Marmarosz Szeged, according to reports which have reached here. The priests are preaching in their churches that the peasants should not buy any land from the Jews, inasmuch as the Jews "will shortly emigrate to.Palestine and leave the land to the peasants who can then get it for nothing."
strength of his original Impulse car-' ried-hlrn on. He rang the bell and presently a stoat, slatternly negrro woman appeared. "Does Miss Elizabeth Dering live here?" Beiton inquired. "Shore she do, Mister, and if you'll jest step Into the parlor I'll call her," replied the woman. Belton stepped into the pcrlor, redolent of plush ana shiny with golden oak. The setting was sordid bej-qnd compare. In a few minutes he heard the sound of skirts. Then a rather comely young Degress came into the room. At the sight of Belton a smirkcame over her black countenance. "I—I think it must be a mistake," Belton faltered. "I wanted to speak to Miss Elizabeth Derln?." "Sho' I'm Miss Elizabeth Dertng," answered the girl. Then Belton realized what he had refused all along to aclrnit as a possibility. It was this negress, and not the beautiful girl he had glimpsed, -who had dropped the purse. He drew it out and showed the MIL He was a little surprised that the negress did not pounce, upon it. But he explained "I was a thief," he told her, "but I was hungry—" ~"Sho\ that's fill right," replied the girl, with a broad smile. "I guess most of us would have done tlie same if they was hungry, and it's mighty honest of you to have brought it back." She smirked more broadly as Belton took his departure. He went out In a dream. The vision of the girl would never become a reality for him. When he was gone Elizabeth Dering ran Into her mother In great escitement. She told her the story. "Miss Burroughs shore must have had our address in her purse," she said, "and that's why she ain't done arrange for the laundry since we moved, because she lost it.; Gee, twenty dollars 1 I guess she -won't miss that. Ain't we the lucky ones I"
BUTTEK and EGGS Council Bluffs, la.
101!! North Ifith St.
REV. E. FLEISHMAN "The, 1342MohP >o S5th St.
Tel. ATtnntlr fiKil Plarv ot Hnnlm-Ks. 241ft Homing St. l SS31
Steam. I'nrkiRlT, and KJ«iric Baths. Alt
McCord-Bradf €0,
. .