August 28, 1924

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MsiHn your 'New Year Greetings Todav >

Jewi^press receives: many


Ne^ Year Greetings^ """*' : instead of mailing-ff Omaha: Jewryvis ; responditS| .inerouslyVto the;.".suggestion'$p "Jewish Press" to publish t h i ^ Entered es •eeonH-clefig mail matter «c Junuery 27th. 10*3.. M VOL. HI—No. 38 OMAHA, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, AUGUST 28, 1924 Year Greeting Card's in /the |g; postoSSce at Om&bs. ^t'ebrssfca, tinder the Act of March S, tSTS. page of our big New Year's £ CONTEST FOE ONE-ACT COUNCIL OF JEWISH •.:-••':.' This custom is now established in PLAYS OF JEWISH all the large'"cities, especially in the WOMEN START CAMPAIGN THEMES TO BE HELD east. The local Jewish newspapers in FOR BIG MEMBERSHIP New York. (J. T. A.) David PinNew Yorlc, Boston, Philadelphia, ChiNew York. (J. T. A.) Two hundred ski, the well kndtm Jewish playright, and twenty-four sections of the Na'-.,, cago,, Detroit and many ; other cities Dr. Elias Lieberman, one of Amertirfhal Council of Jewish Women in , h^ve become the good-will and greetica's prominent poets, and Gustav the United States and Canada were ing -messengers for the Jewish Folk Joe Wolf, chairman of the finance committee Bluhm, were appointed judges in the urged to make all efforts to crown in their respective communities. of-the Jewish Welfare Federation, adrised the contest for original and two-act plays B'nai B'rith Has _Beem ConThis innovation, now an established Changes in Jewish Conditions with success the campaign for the executive committee this week that many conin English, based on Jewish themes. • slantJy Keeping In Touch enlistment of at least 500,000 Jewish custom, is meeting with popular apEnhance Their Importance^ The contest is being conducted under women in America as members of the mbutpii to the Federation are delinquent in the proval in Omaha jfcoo, because citizens Jurist Declares. With Mexican Conditions. • the auspices of the Jewish Welfare Council. This call was issued from here also realize its many-advantages payments of their pledges. Board which has assigned three ORDER HAS AIDED MANY over the'old style of card-sendingWILL STRENGTHEN TIES OF the national headquarters of*' New '•Money keeips the wheel of social sendee and prizes, $200, $150 and $100, respectYork by Mrs. William Lo"eb,' chairBy printing, your New Year GreetJEWS TO JUDAISM IMMIGRANTS IN MEXICO ively, for the three best plays. The man, of the Committee on Extension, philanthropy moving," said Mr. Wolf. "Unless ings in bur special page you_ save c contest closes on October 1. New York.—How will social service Present membership of the Council Chicago. (J. T. A.) Adolph Kraus, time and money and do not forget we obtain enough money to meet our budget we consists' of 50,000 Jewish women. work of Jewish organizations' in the President of the Independent Order . a n y o n e . f' „;_ :-;•_ . may be forced to curtail much important work. of B'nai Brith, the only Jewish or"I am heartily in: favor of sending United States be affected by the "I Urge every person who has not yet paid ganization now active in Mexico, commy New Year's Greetings through restriction of immigration? ' • mented on the statement of the MexThis question was put to Justice •-_'.•• the Jewish Press," said Rabbi J. M. his or her pledge to the Jewish Welfare Federaican President, General Cailes, con>Charlop, "It is, being endorsed by Irving Lehman of the: Court of Aption to, do so at once as the money is needed to r many Jewish people in their, respect peals of the State of New York and New Tounaament to Be Started cerning the possibilities of Jewish carn on the humanitarian work of the Federaemigration into Mexico. ive communities and should be en president of the Jewish -Welfare First "Yf Radio Program to Be Monday. tion?' .':.: Board a few hours before he sailed "For three years past," said Mr. dorsedby all-iii Omaha." .'/•• - Broadcasted. , "I have used this means of extend- for a vacation to Europe recently. Checks should be mailed to the Jewish WelThe Highland Country Club golf Kraus, "the B'nai Brith has been in It was a question that had received The Y. M. and Y. W. H. A. will hold ing my New Year's greetings since tournament will close Sunday when close touch .with the Mexican situafare Federation, Lyric Building. the first Eosh Hashono-issue of the serious consideration from Jewish so- its first meeting of the season Monall the matches will be played. The tion and has taken such steps to K YOUR PLEDGE TODAY! Jewish Press," said Mrs. E. Kulakof- cial workers at their recent confer- day evening, September 8, .at the winner will be announced at the club ameliorate conditions as the progress of events in that country made necence at Toronto, where thre had '':'•• sky. "I believe it is a very good way house Sunday evening. Jewish Community Center rooms. At essary or desirable. As a preliminary been an undercurrent of feeling that, of extending the New Year Greet A special attraction Sunday will be this meeting nomination for- officers with immigration restricted, re-ad- for- the ensuing term will • be held. 18-hole handicap against par, • This to any work in Mexico, our First "The New Year Greeting page o: justment of the work of Jewish social According to many of .the members,' tournament will be played Sunday Vice-President, Mr. Archibald Marx of New Orleans, and Rabbi Martin agencies would be made necessary. -..^ the Jewish Press is very interesting. and Monday, Labor Day. the election this year will be one of ' "Undoubtedly," said Judge Leh- keen interest, as the is in the midst ^ l t relieves \ one of forgetting a The following are the results and A. Zielonka, of El Paso, Texas, both of whom have visited Mexico many man, "immigration restriction will of many activities. friend," said A. Herzberg. pairings: times, went there, investigated connecessitate functional changes in CHAMPIONSHIP PLIGHT. K you desire to take adantage 6: A special feature for the. opening First Round. ditions, and provided temporary some of our Jewish social service orour special offer to print your New meeting will be the first Y radio pro- Twenty-three Osiaha Children in Lectures Are Held Every Friday S. TVertneimer bent H. Amstein. agencies to assist stranded immi- "" E. 3. KHLUS bent B. "VVolt. : Year> Greetings in our special page ganizations. There "may be a discon- gram which is under the direction of Home Now. • Evenlng H. Malasbock beat. P. Totisem. grants. Later Rabbi Zielonka and • for ^2.00,. fill "put the coupon in this tinuance of some activities, especially Ida Lustgarten. Special arrangements H. Trnstin beat S, Herzberg. .T. B. Kntz beat S. KulakofstrDr. Leff of El Paso made another those that affect more directly the paper and mail immediately. are being made so that the members Miss SopMe Joffe, secretary of the The Young Israel Synagogue is M. Treller beat .T. Spiesberger. survey of conditions there. Many an immigrant as he arrives in this coun- at the meeting listen Jewish. We!fare;;Federation, returned preparing to enter into their winter W. Tonsem bent E. Trellex. immigrant who today is prospering m try and the problems involved in his in on the program at the Center the later part * of the week from work with the holding of services en J. Heyn beat H. TVertheimer. Second Bound. Mexico owns his start to the moral > adjustment to American life. Of rooms. K..J. Krans tx-at H. Tmstin. .-.'•• Cleveland, Ohio, -where she had gone the High Holidays. Cornmitte|s work- M. Trpller beat 5. B. Katz. and financial support tendered to him course, there will always be the need | The following program has been as escort for three Omaha children ing- out plans for the condutting of J. Heyn bent W. Toiisem. by the Order. for maintaining and administering prepared for the radio: DIRECTORS' FLIGHT. who were left orphans and who areservices on these-holidays-have been First Round. "Representative^ of the Order in hospitals, orphanages, .homes for the now ia the Cleveland Orphan Home. very active. Their reports have been S. J . Leon l>ent N. Jacobs. PROGRAM the Texas border towns have personNo Jewish Student Will Be Compelled aged and • similar institutions. The E. Kxilakofsky beat H. Monsky. arranged 1>v Ida I/nstjrarten. "At- the..Cleveland Orphan Home very gratifying and the success of the J. Weinman beat M. Milder. Auspices Y. M. and X. "\V. 0 . A. J ally interviewed'hundreds of Jewish problem of relief, though it may lesto Take Examination on of Omaha. A. Hcraberg bent H. S. HeaveMieh. I saw twenty-three Omaha children, services is a surety. M. Spiesberper beat C. C. Kntleman. emigrants on the Mexican side of the sen in scope and importance, will al- 1. Violin Solo—Bine Bells of Scot• Holy Days. land _^_ . ; Harris said Miss Joffe,; All of these children i In conjunction with their services, H. Silverman beat L. Knlskofskj., border, have impressed upon them ways be with us. On the other hand, E. It. LapiduB beat I. Stalmaster. Avruin I/nstgnrten. age 7 years Karganoff are between the ages of 5 ajnd 15, the Young Israel - Synagogue is pre- P. Schaye i>eat H. Kulatofsky. the folly of any attempt to evade COT Cincinnati.. .(J- T- A.) No Jewish there will be an intensification of the 2. Piano Solo—Tareutelle^ and all of them longing to get back 1 paring to launch an extensive memIda Kewman Second Round. immigration laws, and have given -student will this year be compelled, work of many of our. organizations - 3. Banjo Solo—Selected Leon beat E. Kul.ifeofsky, to some of the folks they know and, bership campaign, and it is expected S. J. Harry Gerstein HcrzberR beat J . Weinman. them financial aid until they could be~ in a majority of American schools whereby they may more-effectively 4. Talfc—"The VCHY of the "Y"^__.I). S. t o t h e place they call home." Al-|that the great majority of the Omaha • A. I*. -Schaye beat E. Lapidus. Win. l£. Bluineuthal • '• and solleges, to take examinations on assist the sons and daughters of im- j 5. Vlolia Dnet-r-J?xayerjio«l:llonclo._Harris ' Myer Spiesberper 1>eat Hnrry Silverman. come self-supporting in Mexico. In •t3icRigh-.fengingc^-:get,back to Omaha, I Jewish -young-J3ie.n. will _be.i^reseiit^ at -.-• •.--•• CHASiriOXSHXP:-FLIGHT. this-: work we • have ftsw? the • support "the TBagH'TRroly'Days, or t o losej •migrants'In ways that were' imposDorothy and Avruin Lustgarten E. J. Krans plays winner' between: S. they are well satisfied with the sur-jthe services and that a "number of Solo—Selected , .' and help of the Mexican Government anS H. ilalashock. "* scholastic standing because of Holy sible when vast numbers of new im- 0. Mandolin Hyinan Gerstein rpundings at the Orphan home. j these will join the organization. Com- Wertheimer V, Treller plays 3. Heyn. and our own Department of Labor. Day absences. Pledges of hearty co- migrants were arriving yearly. Alto- 7. "X" Male Quartette DIRECTORS' FLIGHT, "There are about 40 children injmittees, recognized by Rabbi J. M. S. J. Leon Harry Gerstein, 1st tenor "At Vera Crus, where most of the plays A. Herzberp. operation have been received by the gether. Jewish social service in its Mai Jaeobson, find tenor the home," said Miss Joffe and all! charlop and the four, orthodox syna- P. Schaye plays Myer Splesberger. Harry Green, 1st bass immigrants to Mexico disembark, «. Tr,act Commission of the Union of various forms now has greater opporBen Ellis, baritone of them are healthy looking. There The longest drive made at the representative of the Order, Mr. J. . American Hebrew Congregations tunities for developing the social, in- S. Piano Solo—Witches' Dance-MacDoweH are special amusements for all the gogues, are confering with the various young people's organizations to obtain 0. Heading—"A Southern Girl at a Dance" Highland Country Club was made Weinberger, met every incoming" boet, from school principals and super- tellectual and spiritual life of the Jeanette Le-rfnson boys and girls at the home, play j their aid in making, these activities Tuesday afternoon by Frank Buxk- and immigrant was without 10. Ukelele Quartette of "X" intendents throughout the country. American-born Jew." Kate Goldstein, Bess Greenberg rooms for boys and girls, swimming j the more successful. The advisory hard, club professional, who drove funds, helped him to., get into contact The Union's Tract Commission, in ac- As president of the Jewish Welfare Jack Melcher, Mo. Greenberg pool, and outdoor exercises, . B e f °5 e • board of the .Talmud Torah consisting the ball on No. 1 for 397 yards. This with his relatives .'in America if he Mother Bids l i e Bind My cordance with an annual custom, has Board, Judge Lehman was • especially 11. Vocal—My Hair : Haydn the children are admitted in the j of Rabbi J. M. Charlop, Dr. Philip is one of the longest drives made in had any, and. if not, advanced him -Wells . sent a Jewish Holy Day calender to interested in giving expression to the The Newljrweds Orphan home, they are held at the Sher, Mr. E. Bloch; Dr. V. E. Levine, the city. Helen.- Riekes funds for his Immediate assistance. hundreds' vf educators throughout the place Jewish centers "will occupy in 12. Banjo and Mandolin Duet hospital for a ten day observation and Dr. A. Romm, has also assured Mr, Weinberger has now been placed Harry and Hyman Gerstein United States, a'slring that they ar- the development of Jewish spiritualand then admitted." the organization of its cooperation. in charge of s branch office of the range their examinations so as to ity and culture. "The strengthening 13. Violin Solo ; Dorothy Lustjrarten -' ~ The work being carried on by This Friday evening at 7:30, Mr.ABDULLAH, RULER OF l i . PianoSolo—"Popular Melodies" Order which has been opened In avoid particularly Monday, September of the spiritual side of the Jew," he TRANSJORDANIA, ABDICATES Mexico City. At present he is in Sarah Warsaw the Executives at the Home is Harry Mendelson, a graduate of the .29 (Eosh Hashonah) and Wednesday, said, "will be the important phase of 15. Reading—"Over the Telephone" Jerusalem. {J. T. A.) Emir Ab- Juarez, Mexico, studying the condiwonderful," continued Miss Joffe. University of Nebraska, who is leavcomposed and read by Eose Davidson the Jewish problem in America. The October S (Yom Kippur). dullah, ruler of Transjordania, son of tions at that point. He will be per10. Character Songs Plans are being made to build a ing for Palestine after the holidays, The replies to these requests for Jewish center, supplementing and Aimer H. Kaiman series of cottages that will hold ten will speak on "The Survival of the Hussain, King of Hedjas, abdicates! manently in Mexico City after SepNew Community Center" cooperation received by the Union strengthening the synagogue, will be 17. Talk—"The t Sam Beber children in each cottage. The Cleve- Jews for these Hundreds of Years." as a result of the disaster wrought in tember 1st. He is a man who has have been whole-heartedly coopera- one of the media through which the IS. Ukelele Quartette—Selected land Orphan home is. sponsored by Saturday morning the services will Transjordania by continued attacks of had almost twenty years of experi19. Vocal Solo—Eli Eli tive. Many superintendents, princi- Jew will be led to interest himself Iva Siegal the* B'nai B'rith Districts No. 2 and 6. commence -at 9 o'clock. Saturday Wahabis, according to a report pub- ence in various parts of Mexico. So pals and other heads of schools re- in his religion, which holds a vast The local Jewish Welfare Fed- evening, Rabbi Charlop will resume his lished in the Arab paper, "Carmel." far, I believe, the B'nai B'rith is the Berlin. (J. T. A.) Three hundred quested additional copies of the Jew-reservoir of learning and principle/? eration is a contributor to the Cleve- series of lectures on the "Jewish. Laws, No confirmation of this report has only Jewish organization which has ish holiday calender, so that they of morality and through- which his and eighty-two thousand cases of maand the Reasons for the Enactment of yet been obtained. done any work in Mexico. might distribute them among all the ties of ttachment to the Jewish laria were registered in the Ukraine land Orphan home. An official statement of the TransEach." All young men are cordially this year, it is officially reported to teachers under .their jurisdiction, and group will be strengthened. "There is a point that should not jordanian government just published invited to attend these services'. thus avoid the possibility for the "Organizations which draw upon the headquarters of the Jewish health GERMAN JEWISH STUDENTS be passed without comment. Accordstates that only 120 inhabitants have scheduling of any examinations for this reservoir will be the means of organization, "Oze," liere. During DEFINE THEIR VIEWS been Mlled and wounded during the ing to the report, General Callfes Jewish Holy Days. making the Jew more consciously the whole of 1923 there were not Berlin. (J. T. A.) To fight for attack of the Wahabis on Amman, speaks of a $2,000,000 fund to estabThe request made by the Union Jewish; they will maintain and spread quite 100,000 cases. The * epidemic equal rights in the country on the RABBI SCHNEERSOHN capital of Transjorda-riia, The num-lish industries snd agricultural colON WAY FROM SOVIET for New Years and the Day of Atone- a knowledge of Israel's past and re- was strongest in the provinces of Ek- ground of self-respect, i s the sim of ber of Wahabis killed and wounded is onies. S J .far as the latter is conRUSSIA TO AMERICA ment has been extended by s liberal late this knowledge to the present- aterinoslav, Odessa and Charkov, par- the German Jews organized in the cerned, investigations of the agriRiga. (J.'T. A.)-Rabbi Yehuda Leib 1,000, according to the statement. minded school superintendents to day life of the Jew in America, so ticularly among the Jewish section of Central Union of German Citizens of cultural possibilities give little Schneersohn, a grandson of the facover all Jewish holidays during the that in addition to an intense Amer- the population. Of 11,000 patients promise of the succcess of such venthe Jewish Faith, declared Dr. Ber; scholastic year. Many schools will icanism, he will exhibit an intense who were treated, during the month lak at the conference held this week mous Rabbi Schmaryah Naach SINAI DESERT, ONCE tures for quite sometime to com*?, REQUIRED 40 YEARS, NOW give special examinations for Jewish Jewishness, making for the highest .of June by the ambulatories of the at Wnerzbtixg of the Union of Ger- Schneersohn, arrived here enroute to ' CROSSED IN FOUR HOURS Industries, of the type suggested* do students on dates were examinations combination of cultural and spiritual Oze, 23 per cent (2,000) were-stricken man Students of the Jewish Faith, an New York. ' not' exist at present, and their estabHis grandfather was "Kabbi in Bo- Jerusalem. (J. T. A.) The Sinai have' already been scheduled and values. I need hardly add that I by malaria.affiliated body. The fight must he bruisk, White Russia, during a period desert, the crossing' of which it took lishmeist «an come only slowly cocnflict with holidays. consider the Jewish center a powerextended, he went on, to reject the of 35 years. -When lie died a year the Jews forty years in their exodus largely as a, result of private initiaful means of bringing about such a LATVIANS PROLONG doctrines of Nationalist Judaism, in ago high tribute was ttaid to his mem- from Egypt to Palestine, was for the tive. I very much fear, therefore, STAY OF REFUGEES FOR development. JEWISH SCHOOLS IN the same way as we reject absolute ory by the entire" population. Even first time in history crossed August that thousands - of refugees- may be ANOTHER TWO MONTHS assimilation. "The Jewish center assumes an WARSAW MAY CLOSE the Communist Presideb!: o* Boroisk, 21 in no greater length of time than induced by the publicity given to the Riga. (J. T. A.) The Litvian govWarsaw. (J. T. A.) The secular ascending importance in the light of In political party questions in Ger- Jakumovitz, who is opposed to reli- four hours by automobile. The cross- interview to come to Mexico before ernment has issued an order granting many, a second speaker, Dr. Fuclis, gion, urged the', entire community to ing was accomplished by Colonel favorable conditions can be created to Jewish schools will cot be able to (Continued on Dage 2.) reopen -with the beginning of the new permission to the 1,500 Jewish refu- teclared, the Union is neutral, bnt it j to. the dead Rabbi. Shbab and Mr. Dale in. a Ford motor tafe care of them. There is no Jewschool.year, announces the Adminisgees from Soviet Russia to remain in is pledged to oppose all anti-Semitic ish problem in Mexico today. Let W; car. tration of the school', unless the Jew- GENIUS OF LUDENDORF, the country until October 20. Per- parties. The . German Jew, he connot, therefore, do any thing -that; ish population provides sufficient fimission to remain in the country pre- tinued, is a part of the German peo- DR. TTEITZMAN. WILL- VISIT ANTI-SEMITIC LEADER, ! might create such a problem tenutn*1* DR. ALFEED KLEE RELEASED. • • PALESTINE IN SEPTEMBER nancial support. The position at COMPARED TO GOETHE viously granted to these refugees had ple since the period of the EmancipaBerlin. (J. T. A.) Dr. Alfred Elee, row. Immigration has thus, far b«fti( present is critical, and unless some Berlin. (J. T. A.) That the genius expired and the government was pre- tion. Jewish Emancipation, ioweer, - Jerusalem. (J. T. A.) Dr. Chaim Zionist leader and lawyer, who wassmall, and is "beinggra dually absorb* chanee takes place soon thousands of of General Ludendorf, defeated leader paring to repatriate them. The pro-is possible only in a liberal German Weitzman, -President of the Zionist ed. • A too hasty increase in the ImJewish children will be deprived of of the militaristic Germany, and now longation of their stay was granted State and therefore the work of the World Organization, is expected here arrested on a charge of not having migration might very easily crest® '•& delivered one- of his sought clients to their educational facilities. • leader of the;German anti-Semites, is as a request of the Hebrew Immigrant German Jews is to fight for the pres- late in ' September • this year. This the police, iras released fir>m fail re- difficult situation both for those will be his first' Palestine in •'.•'/•.fj••--'" ervation of such a liberal German The Board of the Warsaw Munic- squal tp the genius of Goethe and A i d S o c i e t y . are arriving aud for those who the last two years.,- CoL F. H. ISJSI cently, omng to the fact that Jxidge already established, ipal Council rejected an application Schiller, the leading spirits of GerState. Stark, who issued the •warrant for Ms political representative of the Zionist of the Central Jewish ScLool organ- many when it was a people of poets PALESTINIAN MERCHANTS "Investigation by American Executive in Jerusalem, will accom- arrest, is a well feno-wri anti-Semite ASK FOR POSTPONEMENT ization for a subsidy of 25,000 Zlatis and philosophers, was the comparison organizations interested in, 4he Hex* pany Dr. Weitztnan from London to who acted "without authority r i the OF HIGHER TARIFF BERLIN BAB ASSOCIATION (about $5,000). Hitherto the Jewish made by Arthur Dinter at the conican situation will of course fee "oottt* matter. ' Disciplinary procedure was : •-•'.DEFENDS ZIONIST LEADER Jerusalem. Jerusalem. (J. T. A.) Palestinian schools were supported by Jewish vention of the anti-Semitic Voelische erially assisted now that the syitj* started against Judge Stark. Berlin. (J. T. A.) The arrest of Hef organizations of Am«ri'a. Partei which is now taking place at merchants were greatly surprised by pathetic eo-op&f&tien of the Mfistesji "Weimer. Count Reventlow, well the issuance of the government orders Dr. Alfred Klee, well known = lawyer JEW MAY-BE.FRENCH government Is assured. -It is-to. .fee INCREASE OF TARIFF AMBASSADOR TO COURT known German writer and publicist, which introduce a higher tariff on and Zionist leader in Germany, atiMEATH OF O1EJIGINAL hoped that the result of stjcct.-ate lis» •"- RAISES COST OF LIVING paying high tribute to Ludendorf, did nearly all articles imported to Pales tracted much attention in themetropOF SI. JAMES estimation will justify tie all. in-fte, ' . : . - • - IX PALESTINE olis of Germany. The entire press / K V • Xx-M?: FAMOUS PAINTING not fail to attack the Jews .and blame tine from abroad. Paris. {J. T. A.) Leon Blxcn, Sobelief that a country has been1Jerusalem. (J. T. A.) The governThe merchant delegation will ap- here demands his immediate release, cialist member of the Parliament, may -• ^ I ^ H a g u e ^ ^ J . T. A.) / "A;Sofi of them for all the misfortune that "bein which .-the persecuted antot^: ment ordinance issued seer&l days ago : ;an|;j^fcien|;;" Pedple/'; the Original of fell Germany. General Ludendorff, pear before Sir Gilbert Clayton, Civil stating that the police authorities did be appointed by the Herriot govern- —introducing people can fed a haven of Safety." a higher tariff on al: t f e 1310*0118 ^painting of that n^me by after leaving the convention hall, was Secretary of the Palestinian Govern- not act within the law when it ar- ment as Ambassdor to Franca to the most all articles imported into Pales^ffosfef I^elsi* which was paMted ?8bora accorded a tremendous ovation by the ment, now acting High Commissioner rested the well known lawyer on a. Corrt of St. James, according to a tine from abroad—greatly" increased Mrs, A; Rochman, of St. Lotus, £;fbrty:/,years ago, lias -just'. died ,in~ the; delegates formed into a noisy anti- urthe absence of Sir Herbert Samuel, petty charge. The Berlin Bar Asso- report published by the paper, "In- the cost, of living .in the -country. -As wao mm Si® guest here *t tide i y \ JewisHsHome J*fOT the • -&ge&& :lAm-' Semitic demonstration which caused and will ask for the postponement of ciation issued a statement in which trarssigeani." " Mr. Blurs is a Zionist a - result' e3? -the ordinance,- prices of M?. and Mm Eesbeu the date vrhea the ordinance is to it declares that Dr. E3e« is a prom- and was recently active n the Keren -:^^rdain;;:5i-Hf;-'t>i-as;•' a poor^pld clotties inent and spotless personality. come into effect Eayesod cssipaig-s-ia Francs.

Meeds For festers Deemed Paramount By Judge Lehman


MeeSng Monday, Sept 8 .0







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; . , - , ' ' • •





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Jewish Students Will Observe High Holy Days

High Holiday "Services al Young Israel Spagope

PAGE 2—tHB JEWISH. PRESS, THURSDAY, AUGUST 28, 1924 JEWISH CALENDAR. Needs for Center 5684-1924. ROSH CHODESCH ELLUL, PARDeemed Paramount SHA REAY—August 30th. CHODESCH ELLUL—August by Judge Lehman ROSH 31st.

Within a short time 12 families have Sustal, Omal, Samad, Badoo, Dah. guests at a luncheon at the studio, been colonized at this place, while 28 They were later repulsed from Ta- •given as a welcome to the star. In spite of a]l visitors, Director Olcott families more, who just arrived in rash. There are many casualties. succeeded in working every day, and . * Putritsbedi every Thursday at Omaha, Nebraska, by ; Tel Aviv, are awaiting the first opscene after scene were completed in, •" TEE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY. portunity to build and occupy their rapid succession until now the picOffice: 681 Branded Theatre Building—Telephonei ATlantic 1450 Observant Japanese Lady ture, the greatest thing: Valentino has new homes. - (Continued from page 1> NATHAN fi. GREEN, Manager. A Japanese woman has given to a ever attempted, is ready for the picPARSHA SHOFTIM—September 6th. newspaper her reasons for always ap- ture public and opens *& two weeks' Subscription Price, one year.: -.$2.50. PARSHA KE SAZA — September HENRY H. ROSENFELT changing cpnditions," Judge-Lehman plying the feminine gender to ships, run next Sunday at the Strand theAdvertising rates furnished on application. ASSUMES DIRECTORSHIP emphasized. "If there is anything 13th. motors, trains, etc.: "Yes, they call atre. CHANGE) OF ADDKBSS—Please give botb the old and Dew address: PARSHA NEZAVIM — September The story is an adaptation of Booth OF $1,000,000 ORT CAMPAIGN worth while in Jewish life that will 'she' for many becauses: They wear be sure nnd Rive your name. New York. (J. T. A.) Henry H. jackets with yokes, pins, hangers, Tarkingtoti's novel of the same name help the Jew serve his country better, 27th. The "Jewish Press, is supplied->y the Jewish Telegraphic Agency (Jewish it will be brought about through the EREV ROSH HASHANNO—Septem- Rosenfelt, formerly director of thestraps, shields, stays. They have and was adapted to the screen by Forrest Halsey. Bebe Daniels, Lois Correspondence Bureau) with cabled and telegraphic Jewish news,, in addition activities of our community tenters, ber 28th. American Jewish Relief Committee, apron, also cap. They have not only Wilson, Doris Kenyon and Lowell to feature articles and "correspondences from all important Jewish centres. accepted the call of the Ort, at the shoes but have pumps. Also hose find Sherman are featured in the princiInquiries regarding news items credited to this Agency wilf be gfadly for to them young Israel tarns for its train behind; behind time r.ll pal roles in support of the star. INTEREST OF ITALIAN JEWS last meeting of this organization, to drag answered if addressed to Jewish Telegraphic Agency, 114 Fifth Avenue, spiritual inspiration as well- as its time. They attract men with pufts a great cast, too, including New York City. IN PALESTINE GROWS conduct its $1,000,000 campaign which and mufflers. Some time they loam— "There's recreational and social opportunities. such names as Florence O'Denishawn, Jerusalem. (J. T. A.) A large is to be started next month. In the Jewish center our Jewish refuse to work when at such time they the popular dancer; Paufette Duval, should be switched. They need guid- Flora Finch, Ian MacLaren and ._-.._ WHAT WE COULD DO. ] young people will .find, a home in group of Italian Jews, consisting ing—it always require man manager. others. which they will not only have the mainly of wealthy merchants and GOVERNMENT APPOINTS There are more.thari three million Jews in the United States. finest opportunities for their physi- men of affairs, is preparing to tour "Beaucaire" is in every sense of They man to feed them. When ARBITRATION COMMISSION abuse require If the contention of the assailants of Judaism and the anti- cal growth, their recreation, their Palestine late this summer as a reare given they quickly make the word an ideal vehicle for ValenSemites in general that "the Jews", as they generalize in speak- sports and for their educational ad- sult of'the awakened interest on the Jerusalem. (J. T.. A.) Tha first scrap. They are steadier when coupled tino's return to the screen. ing of the people «f- Israel, are aiming to Judaize the world, wefe vantages, but also where they may part of Italian Jews in rebuilding of stop of the Palestinian Government in up, but my cousin say they h—H of extrue,, the greater, parfiof this very considerable population would mingle in a beautiful community Palestine as a Jewish national home- settling labor" trouble in Palestine was pense." be united, harmonious and eager to assert the supremacy of their spirit for the purposse of receiving land. The group scheduled to leave taken when Sir Gilbert Clayton, Civil Secretary of the Palestinian Governfaith and assure its triumph as an aggressive force. that touch or Jewish intefiect and Trieste on August 22 and wiP be in ment and now Acting High CommisNo one knows-better than the Jewish people themselves the sentiment which connects Palestine from August 26 to Septem- sioner, appointed an Arbitration Comfallacy of this contention. Divided as we are in every other Jewish ber 18. Arrangements were made for mission . to settle the differences bethem with their people. respect according, we are even more divided this group of tourists to get a full tween the employers and workers in "It is hoped that the program of in religion. American Jews who were born in the United States view the latest developments in the building trade of Jaffa. Dr. Isaac Booth Tarkington Story Due at the are not appreciably .affected by "Old World distinctions. They do the Jewish center, based as it is onJewishofPalestine. Strand Theatre Sunday. The Committee of Epstein was authorized to negotiate not permit such distinctions to influence their religious doctrines the traditions of Judaism, will serve Italian Jews arranging the tour conRudolph Valentino's first week in and are orthodox, conservative or reform according to inclination to convey to the youth the deep spir- sists of Sig. H. D. Benaim, Ing. Gual- with both parties. a motion picture studio since 1922 was ituality cf our religion and its emphaand "belief. The Jews of foreign origin are to a great extent,. a strenuous one. Out at the Paratiero Vividalli, Dr. Ciro Glass—Prof. although by no means entirely, influenced by the tendencies in sis on ?he spirit of broad philan- David Prato—Aw. Carlo Alberto Vi- PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT mount Long Island studio, where he thropy and social justice. By stressJudaism prevailing in the land of their birth. There is unmade "Monsieur Beaucaire" under OF HAIFA TECHNICUM the direction of Sidney Olcott, the fortunately a considerable body of Jews of all origins who are ing th eobligation of the Jewto bring terbe. WILL BE OPENED popular star was besieged by friends entirely detached from the synagogue. They are the source of to the service of his country all of Jerusalem. (J. T. A.) Mr. Bloch, who wanted to wish him well and to the greatest weakness of Judaism in its influence on the opinion his strength, both spiritual and mate- GOLDZIEHER LIBRARY IN a government engineer, is arriving in witness the launching of the picture, and thought of the time; It is true that in matters,of charity rial, the spirit of our religion will be JERUSALEM HOME Palestine shortly to take charge of which brings Velentino back under nearly all these classes of Jews—if one may be permitted to use, made a social force as it never could Jerusalem. (J. T. A.) Hhe Gold- the Haifa Technicum. The Public the Paramount banner. a rather unsatisfactory term—unite with a considerable degree be mads where the Jew did not enjoy zieher library, one of the most re- Works Department of the Technicum The week opened with the star giva luncheon party for the memof cohesion. Charity, we are told, is a part of religion; but to the blessings of freedom. The Jew-markable collections of Arabica in ex- will probably be opened immediately ing bers of the cast and staff which was. ish center should therefore become a .take.the cohesion in charity amongst the Jews of America as a istence, purchased recently by the Zi- on his arrival. The laboratories, to produce "Beaucaire." It was a sign of religious, racial or any other land of solidarity is to make medium-through which American Ju- onist Organization with funds oC the workshops," etc., are already being fellowship luncheon, and Mr. Valendaism will demonstrate Dot merely Keren Hayesod for the Hebrew Uni- prepared, and instruments and ma- tino, in informal talk, droe home the a very serious mistake. it was not a Valentino picIf even two-thirds of the Jews of America can be gotten to its right to exist in this country, but versity from the family of the late chinery have been installed. The fact that they were about to make, but act together in matters concerning Judaism we would have a also that it possesses a spiritual value famous Jewish Arabist, is now safely coarse will last three years and grad- ture Beaucaire'/ and that everyvigorous body as large as some of the roost important Protestant which gives added strength for serv- housed in a building adjoining the uates will obtain diplomas as assist- "Monsieur one in the cast was just as important Christian denominations such as the Episcopalians, the Presby- ice to its adherents. Jewish influas he. Library in Jerusalem. The ant-engineers. On the following day, the official terians, the Congregationalisms, the Lutherans or the Unitarians, ence toward right living, right think- National collection will remain there until the opening of the picture, forty newsand we would count accordingly, in influencing the current of ing and good citizenship can be Wolfsohn Foundation will have erect- HEDJAS CONCLUDES TREATY paper men and magazine writers were religious thought in these unsettled times. This would especially brought to bear fully in Jewish cen- ed a home for the Jewish National WITH SOVIET RUSSIA ters, and through these centers we ba the case if the Jews thus united in harmonious co-operation Jerusalem. (J. T. A.) King HusDR. FRED B. BROWN in the cause of the one God, the Ruler of the Universe were will be able to bring the full strength Library. DR. CELIA R. BROWN sein of Hedjas concluded a peace .. devoted to the precepts -and. the region heart, and- soul and with- of the- community back of your young treaty establishing diplomatic and men and women in their efforts to BENAI BRAK, NEW JEWISH ' out reservation, regularly arid consistently. CHIROPRACTORS commercial relations between Hedjas develop themselves as Jews and as COLONY IN PALESTINE 406-40" Paxton Block The world needs tHe knowledge of the truths of Judaism now Hours. 10 A. M. to 6 P. M. to a greater extent than at any-period of-its existence. We are citizens. I believe thoroughly in the Jerusalem. (J. T. A.) Half way and Soviet Russia, according to inPhone, Atlantic 3709. too apt to assume that because the Hebrew Scriptures have been, valne of the Jewish center not only down the road between Tel-Aviv and formation received here from Mecca. Residence: Morris Apts., Phone At. 3210 to a greater or less" degree, adopted by the Christian Church it; as a means of maintaining our young Petaeh Tikvah* the foundations for a Hakim Khan was appointed Minister .knows all it needs to know about Jewish doctrines and principles/ people within the faith but also as a new agricultural colony were laid at of Soviet Russia in Mecca. .There never was a greater mistake than this. IK the first place, means of promoting the entire Jew- the ancient Jewish illage of Benai "We furnish the appetite" the actual meaning of .the great Book has been in many instances ish community life by affording op- Brak by a group of Jews from Poland WAHABIS KILL 750 IN FULL LINE OF co altered in the translations made by the Church authorities as portunity to'Jews' of various opinions who have Just come to settle in the AMMAN—RENEW ATTA-CK and points of view to come together to sive an entirely inadequate idea of the correct version. In the National Home. Jerusalem. (J. T. A.) Seven hun28th and Harney Sts. resond place, there is a! great body of Jewish doetrine formulated in a spirit of fraternity for the pur- The founders and settlers of Benai dred and fifty men were killed off Telephone HArney 0123 •in. the precepts of'.the sages^ rabbis and thinkers QC Israel in pose of 1solving common community Brak, a place noted in the annals of during the attack of the Wahabis, acproblems. * " • Jewish history, are mostly merchants cording to the latest reports which EVERYTHING FOR THE PICNIC who- have come -to'^.Palestine to ex-reached here. They also attacked the u . w / w " w j VA. JIJ^ VJ^J-WA^ £J\J£IIU.<X1. XUXJIiy bliW W X l U l l g S U f l tilt? P||JHj CENTENARY OF change their .mercantile occupation village of Medaba, where they killed ' ' Milwaukee Delicatessen the press, in "Sunday School Lessons" or in Church News to for farming. Joining hands with a off the inhabitants. They were stopped "SERVICE IS OtfK MOTTO" FOUNDER OF SCIENCE OF ccc Iiow far. these', leaders and thinkers are from any real conAbe Abrams, Dave Knklin, Props. NATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY group of Jews from Lithuania, simi- at Azrak. 1619 "O" Street. Tel. L-4660. ception of Judaism. I t is not only the Christians who do not Berlin. (J. T. A.) Preparations are larly composed, they purchased a The Wahabis' forces have renewed LINCOLN, NEBR. Irsovy the things they ought to know about Judaism. A great being made here for the celebration tract of about 2,700 dunams, immedi- their attack on Transjordaria, where rcrmy—altogether' too many—Jews are .suffering from, a like dis- of the centenary of Professor Dr. ately proceeding to settle on the land. they have invaded the localities of r.bflity. It is therefor^ the duty of the synagogue, not for the Moritz Lazarus, the founder of the cake of proselytizing -effort, but "solely in the interests of truth, Science of National Psychology, which r.nd the religious and moral development of mankind, to see to it that by every legitimate trod dignified method that can be occurs on September 15. ' Professor Lazarus was born in Popursued the exposition of Judaism is carried on. And it is selfsen on September 15, 1824, and died evident that this can only "be brought about by the united and loyal adherence of-the Jews to their religion, and the sincere1 at Meran in the. Tyrol in April, 1903. and consistent practice'of its-teachings, anQ their publication to He applied the laws, of the psycholthe world.—Exponent " • j ogy of .the. individual to the nations and to mankind, thus establishing a new branch of research which he The Wonder A FAVORABLE SIGN As soon as he Is needed the whole at- termed "Voelkerpsychologie" (nationValues of the Priced to Save In the first six months 'of 1924 only titude is changed, and in place of al Psychology). In an article, entiBoys' tled "On the Conception and the Poscondemnation he is approved, instead You $5 five negroes were lynched- in the dothes World sibility of a National Psychology as southern states of the United States. of contumely he finds respect. —Compare May -we not hope that the next six a Science," published in 1851, he laid This was^the smallest number for a ES, compare "The Skoolar" Boys' 2-Pants Suits— months of 1924 -will show an improve- the foundation for the study of this similar period in the last forty years. we're experts at comparison ourselves. If a better science. Nine years later, in collab"suit could be made at $10 we would sell it—that's It seems rather an anomolous " and ment over the first' six months. If the our ambition—to save money for every boy and his unexpected situation in light "of the negro becomes of greater varae in the oration with his friend and brotherparents. The Skoolar Boy's Suit is "it". § 1 0 , $ 1 2 . 5 0 , in-law, Hermann Steinthal, the fasouth' -and attains to a position of alleged Klan activities" in the" South, but upon examination of economic economic equality our hope" will be mous.' phililogist and philosopher, he and migration statistics^, hardly any realized. We do not destroy that established the "Zeitschrift fuer VoelFull lined pants, alpaca lined coats, full taped which we need except in a frenzy of kerpsychologie und- SprachWissen. seams, and every strain point is doubly reother result could be expected. schaft." In 1860'Lazarus was called : informed to resist wear and tear. The great migration of" negroes hatred or maudlin drunkenness, and to the University of Berne as Proeven in those states th.e levelheaded northward, began during the- war Other Boys' School Suits, ..Finest Clothes Made, All With fessor of Psychology. In 1867 he was •when industries furnishing war muni- ones are able to restrain the ir-appointed Teacher of Philosophy a t 2: Pants ' tions were taxed to capacity and the responsible elements. POT the sake the Royal Military^ Academy in .Ber1 man power of the country-reduced by of the whole community as well a s lin, and in 18T4'Prbfessor of Philosothe large numbers drafted for active for the negro, we trust th'at he may phy at Berlin University. military service. Then1 "came the become increasingly indispensable, terrifying activities of "- the Klan while simultaneously growing in in- Professor Lazarus took an active •which drove many negroes1 northward telligence and making cultural ad- part In Jewish life, being for many who sought to escape the night-riders vances which will place him on "ayears on the Board" of the Berlin and hooded desperadoes. A» a eon- plane of eqquality with his white Jewish community. He was also ViceO M A B A . Mist*.™ President of the Federation of Jewsequence the South was brought to brothers. r :CORREOT APPAREL FOR .MEN AND WOMEN: This meaningful" change has a ish Communities in "Germany, Presi- the realization that the' was' a: very valuable, economic asset who could peculiar interest for us and brings to dent "of the Berlin branch of the Alnot readily be replaced. The-' passage our' minds very forcibly the fine liance Israelite, a founder- of the of the Johnson bill'in 1522 'contribut- analysis made of ah'ti-Semitism in School of Jewish Studies in Berlin ed to the northward migration.of tHe Russia and Poland by the leaders of and in many other Jewish committees negro In no'small "degree. AH these the Ort movement. They have al-i and organizations. He- was one of factors-gave" the negro "status-in the ways insisted that "the Jew suffered the most proirifne'nf Jewish apologists SouthFana'-whlcti lie was unable ~to .less from pogroms and discrimina- of his time, devoting much of his X • acnieve 'fey'"means of' appeals to tion, in those periods when he became writing to combating" anti-Semitism. humanity^ tod decency.' 'The' much indispensible and valuable in Polish ANOTHER JEWISH SYNAGOGUE despised ".negro -became-"so valuable and Russian economic life." and 6i s'u'etf tforisequenes that many Exactly ten years after the com- SMASHED IN TRANSYLVANIA of the "s.dafherri legislatures^ passed mencement of the great war the signs Vienna. (J. T r A.) Another Jew. acts making it a crime ""to ' entice ofre asonableness are multiplying en ish Synagogue' was. the. object of an "negroes from the seutft,' bat - even every ^iand and encourage the belief attack by anti-Semitic students in Tethese; drastic- measures had very little that a finer spirit of humanity and jus. ' The inhabitants of Tejua are ' effect "when opposed by'tliefunaV equality will dominate all the people contemplating- - building considerable - Mental' laws of economic necessity. of the world. -Not the .least of these contributions for the purpose. In adThe net result of all'this has' been a favorable signs js.the remarkable de- dition ta the Bmldinfr-Committee arranged a matinee"" performaftce, the marked improvement in t h e position crease of lynching-, in- the south. income of which will go toward the. of the negro*and an inere&reii respect OU'VE waited two years for Valentino's retem, but ,for Ms Tights a5.ja human being. Paris. (J. T. A.) The name of benefit of-the church. Leaving the. you'll never see another such gorgeous romance ft To Tta all this'benefit and advantage Mme. Blum .Ribes, American Jewess, matinee performance, -the students you. wait & lifetime! ... i..- ythleii 'has accrued to '.tKe ("negro - is figures prominently on the latest list who Twere assembled in the theatre, ^significant a s well asihfisrten- of the Cbev«liers of the Legion d* attacked the local "Jewish synagogue, Starts sniasfied the. windows and destroyed v'-Ifc-means-that a&l the claptrap H J f c ^Rib ig fcnf ^Ribes was given this everything' teithlw. t&eic reach. VatJbutr negrx>" inferiority^indalence -and distinction in recognition of her work it',1"-*1-' The flights of genius are apt to be a m n tfre Frenchfioldiers-.during the {raised to t?§St tfte negro; abominably;, well ,as upward.


Valentino Returns to Screen in



Kosher Meats, Fruits, aid Delicatessen

G'Brien-DaTis Auto Co.


The Skoolar"

Valentino is Back!t

Boys' 2-Pants School Sails


••15 "to ••25.








PAGE 3—THE JEWISH PRESS, THURSDAY, AUGUST 28, 1924 departure... Among the affairs given Estyre Zalk. of Omaha, a brfde-torbe. \ Arthur Buchan, vice-president; Jake centralisation, and" &>stroyea~as fflnch "Fairy Music" May Not this week" for her was a luncheon A yellow color scheme was carried Singer, secretary; M>6 N6vik6ff> ©I the ancient classics and ^traditions he Be Mere imagination given by Miss Bemice Zulakofsky at out. Prizes for bridge were won by treasurer; Abe Ilill, sergeant-at-arms, as possible,-with the idea that t of tlie Chinese empire should Stories of fairy music in' the forest, her home Wednesday. The house- Mrs. Ben Harding and Mrs. Reuben and Leonard 6oid(steM, reporter.-";: history begin with his reign. . of haunted waterfalls, nnd niennftids guest of the Misses' Rina and SHeva Brown of Omaha; and Mrs.- Simon • The club is under the sponsorship singing near the seashore, lohg Snyder shared t honors. Saturday Steinberg won the cut-for-all. of the Lincoln A.'Z. A.-," and plans thought mere figments of the imagiGuiana Blow Gun evening, Dr. Philip Levey and Mr. have '•; already been made fey Isadore Perhaps the most elaborate form of nation, may have a sound basis in. Morris Levey will be hosts to twenty Mr. and Mrs. I. L. Brandeis ac- Gold to canvass the city for newbloivgan is that mss3e by the Indians fact. In an issue of Science, Dr. Alcompanied by their daughter, Edith, guests at the Highland Country Club members. A picnic will soon be held of the Guianas. It consists of nn inner exander Forbes of the Harvard mediat a dinner-dance for their sister and will leave Sunday for Philadelphia, by the club. tube fashioned from a certain palm cal school reports numerous eases in which trees seem to have separated which grows very thin and straight. for Miss Fanny Kully, thefianceeofPa., to be the guests of their son, Carl Brandeis, and Mrs. Brandeis. The pithy center nnfl the knots discordant shouts niul noises nnd givMr. Morris Levey. They will attend the ' Bar Mitzvah Good Motto for Life: knocked out with a hardwood .stick, en back echoes in musical tones, the bore, about one-half inch in "In every case," he says, "the source Mrs. S. Robinson returned to Omaha of the grandson, Paul Brandeis. The "Bring Out the Besf* and diameter, is ground to a machine fin- of the sound—waves on a beach, roar motoring in with her son, Mr. Sidney will' also visit in New Tork City, you ever stop to think what ish with a rough leaf which cuts like or a river, exhaust of motor boat or WEDDINGS Robinson and Mrs. Robinson, of Walt- Atlantic City, and Brooklyn, N. Y. HOCHENBERG—ZALK They expect to be gone about two kind of a woman your wife would sandpaper. This barrel is then in- discordant human voices—was one in hill, Nebr., with whom she was visitMrs. Denna Laigman announces the have been if you had not asked her t« closed for protection in an outer cas- which many pitches were present. months. Invitations have been issued for marry you? Or did ytra ever" imagine ing made of two lengths of hardwood Something in the surroundings, usualengagement of her daughter, Martha, ing. the marriage of Miss Estyre Zalk, what type of man your husband grooved down the center, glued to- ly trees, must have separated the to Mr. Sam Lorkis, son of Mrs. L. Mr. Adolph Meyer will spend the Mrs. Harry Rosenfeldt and children --"daughter of Mrs. Mary Zalk, to Mr. would have been if you had not aa«'gether and bound with ornamental sounds according to pitch, placing Leonard Hochenherg, of Des Moines, Lorkis, of this city. No definite wed- returned last week from California, week-end in Oskaloosa, Iowa, visit- swered "Yes"? cane and beadwork, says the Detroit those of one pitch in one plnce and ding date has as yet been set. ing his fiancee, Miss Eva Bernstein, where they had spent the summer. Iowa, to be solemnized Sunday eveHave you eter crushed any ambi- News. those of another pitch elsewhere. In and her parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. tion, chased away any talents or drives A lip piece of carved wood is care- this respect the phenomenon appears ning, September 14, at the Black- Messrs. Jarvis Prieden and Isadore inspiration from your household? fully fitted, and sights are added— analogous to that of white light being' stone Hotel. Cherniack returned Saturday from a Messrs. Morris Zelikson and Morris Bernstein. Himelstein, of Tulsa, Okla., motored What have you done to increase or de- actual front and rear sights, the latter broken up Into pure spectral colors by Miss Zalk is being entertained at motor trip to Minneapolis, Minn. back to their home Wednesday after Mr. and Mrs. M.. Nogg and son,velop your life partner's talents? open, the lower jaw and canine teeth a' prism." numerous affairs being given for her spending several days here. They Leo, are visiting relatives in Plain* Whether you are aware of it or not, of some small jungle cat—and the This reflection of absorption &t prior to her wedding day. The Mrs. Max 'Scheer and daughters, wereaccompanied home by the Misses view, Nebraska. you have either brought out the best weapon is then a completed zarabalan, sound waves o£ different pitches, Doc Bella Louise and Hannah; Pauline, who matrons who have already been her side of this partner's life or buried all a field piaee Of some eight to ten or tor Forbes explains, is only rarely ob*' Rose, Frances, and Jeanette Zelikson, hostesses were Mrs. Reuben Brown have been the guests of Mrs. Scheer's that was good in him or her. twelve feet in length, according to the served. Sometimes the phenomenon1who have been visiting here for the' sister, Mrs. Martin Italian and Mr. A good many of us possess two available length of the original inner is distinct and clear in one spot, yet •who entertained sixteen guests Wed-j^ ahan , ' LINCOLN past five weeks, left past five weeks, with their grandsides. There are more Doctor Jekylls tube. a few paces backward or forward only nesday,-August 20. Mrs. L. Turkel *parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Davidson. Mr. Hydes in the world than we the ordinary noises are heard. entertained Monday , evening at a for Des Moines, la., Tuesday to visit Mrs. A. Glick was called to Chicago and realize. How frequently your opinion The frequent association of trees Joke on Archeotogists dinner-bridge at her home. Mes- with their relatives for two weeks be- Miss Ruth Somberg entertained a by the death of her nephew, Saul of a man and some one else's do not i with these musical echoes is thought, fore returning to their home at Cedar Fossils of prehistoric animals which Klee. dames Al Wohlner and >N. Kramer Rapids, la. number of her friends at a birthday tally J You will often say: **I en n't to be due to the lack of uniformity entertained at a bridge luncheon at see how Bro-vrn' tolerates Jones; he's lived during the great Ice age are they present as n reflecting surface party at her home Wednesday afterfound in certain layers of blue clay in Several attractive affairs have been the meanest man in the world t" And the Burgess-Nash Tea Rooms. Tues- Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Rosenblum re- noon. for the sounds. Each tree apparently; given for Miss Dorothy Letween, yet Brown has found the better sid« Tennessee. Man, it has been claimed, sends back part of the sound, and this day evening, Mrs.' S. H. Katelman, turned Saturday aftSt a two weeks' arrived on the scene thousands of of Council Bluffs, was hostess at motor trip to Kimball and Sidney, Mr. and Mrs. A. Weiss will have as whose marriage to Mr. Eli Evnen will of Jones. years lifter these bine clay deposits reflection is boken up ioto innumerHave you -found the better side of take place Thursday at the Synabridge at her home, and Wednes- Nebr., Cheyenne, Wyo., and Estes their week-end house guests, Mr. and were made. Recently, however, geolo- able parts on account of the varying. I Mrs, F . Slotsky and daughters, Edith gogue. Sunday Miss Minnie Green- your husband or •wife? Have you gists working near the site of an old element of distance. day, Mrs. Sam Epstein entertained Park, Colo. done anything to bring that better side stone entertained at bridge m her and Ann, of Sioux City, la. Indian earthwork found some of this at bridge at her home; A number honor. Monday evening Miss Johanna to the front?—Chicago Journal. same sort of blue clay. Underneath Miss Bunny Kulakofsky has as her of affairs • are already planned for Mrs. A. Greenberg entertained at a Garson entertained" at bridge and with this clay vrere human bones. The disMONHEIT'S next week, the first will be a bridge house guest Miss Sarah Riseman^ of BEAtJTK WHOP one o'clock luncheon Tuesday at the covery wss exciting—the geological a miscellaneous shower for Miss China Had Great Ruler tea to be given by Mrs. H. & Elk Creek, Nebr. AND CHIROPODY evidence seemed to place the first Brandeis Tea Rooms. Lettween. ESt. tSDO Novitsky Sunday afternoon at the | in Ch'in Shih Huang Tennesseeans back with Ice age fos- RIsreeS ;an<f Erep reset In Mr. and Mrs. J. Falk just returned Omaha Athletic Club for forty •" dM.VB, S I . 0 0 Miss Edith Covich returned last Mrs. S. Diamond, of Milwaukee, \ Fifty miles south of the Chinese sils. Then some kill-joy in tfce party from a two weeks' stay at Excelsior TTe spccinlizo in permanent guests. Sunday after a two weeks stay in Wiiving;. is visiting at the home of her city cf. Peking has been discovered discovered that the Indians had evi- Open from Springs and Kansas City, Mo. 0 A, M. to Yourigstown, 0., and Pittsburgh, Pa., brother, Mr. D. Diamond, and family. the walls of an ancient city, which dently transported this clay from some 8 r. M. flourished over 2,000 years ago. The distance and packed it down into flat ;, - - . v MITCHELL-PELSON. •Jackson Vili. 15tS Harney Bt. Miss Rita Mantel" and aunt, Miss where she was visiting with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Max Bernstein an- Lena Rehfeld, returned home Monday Mr. and Mrs. M. Wasserman have walls embrace greater area than the layers resembling geological strata. Miss Esther Zelikson leaves Satur- returned from an extended trip walls of Peking and lie buried at an nounce the marriage of Mrs. Bern- after having spent the summer average depth of four feet. Late lastein's sister, Miss Sadie Felson, to months at Chicago, HI., and Lake day for her home in Tulsa, Okla., af- through Roumania, Switzerland, Ger- the Seeond century B. C, there arose Mr. Dave Mitchell, of Salt Lake City, Minnetonka. ter a six weeks stay here with her many, and France. a king in the then comparatively small to be solemnized Tuesday, September grandparents, Mr., and Mrs. A. DavChina who compared favorably with Mrs. Harry Garson and son, Al(tssmder in conquests and empire Mr. and Mrs. H..B. Weinstein are idson. 2r at Salt Lake City. Miss Felson is Samuel, returned from a two months' building and whose empire lasted alfrom "Winnepeg, Canada, and has been at Excelsior Springs, Mo., where they s& i s * * In honor of hisfiancee.-MissEvevisit in Chicago. Miss Helen Garson most until flie present day. This was visiting here with her sister for sev- will spend several weeks. UGLAS S I / Fenberg, of Des Moines, la., Mr. Jo-will remain in Chicago until the first Ch'in Shih Huang, or Shih Huang Ti eral weeks, and is leaving for Salt Miss Celia Greenspun left Wednes- seph R. Lazarus entertained ten of September. ("The First Emperor"), whose rule Lake City Friday. day to spend a week with. Mr. andguests at a dinner-dance . at the ending in 20& B. C, marks the close of Mr. Mitchell and his bride will make Mrs. H. E. Belmont, of Lyons, Nebr., Omaha Athletic Club. Miss Rose Miss Miriam Frosh, whose marriage the feudal period and the beginning their home at Salt Lake City. the empir* in Chinese history. Shih formerly of this city. Lazarus entertained at two tables of to Mr. David Jacobs will take place of Several affairs have been given for Huang Ti subdued the feudal" princes, September 1* has been the guest of Miss Felson during her visit here and On Monday afternoon, Labor day, bridge at her home Sunday afternoon honor a t several affairs during the built the famed great Chinese prior to her wedding date. Mrs. the Misses Rae and Dora Wolowitz in honor of her: brother's, fiancee. week. Thursday, Mrs. Sam Goldfein and successfully defended the errantry Bernstein was hostess at a luncheon will be hostesses to the members of Prizes were won by the Misses Toby entertained at bridge in her honor. against the Tartars front the north, standardised money, transportation, Saturday afternoon at the Brandeis the Ra Oth Society at their home. Steinberg and Ann Minkin. Prizes were won by Mesdames Simon Tea Booms for her sister. Miss Es- Last Sunday afternoon Mrs. Maurice - Miss Bess Handler has as her house Nefsky and George Belshaw. Tues- tn-iiins other tMn:rs which akled ther Shapiro is entertaining Thursday Yann entertained the Ra Oth at her guest, Miss Sarah Krechefsky,of Lin- day, Mrs. George Belshaw entertained evening at her home for Miss Felson. apartment at the Morris. coln, Nebr. • . at bridge for Miss Trosh. A miscelSchool, starts -September 5 . Are your girls HEADQUARTERS ' Miss Pauline Green, of Nashville, Mr. Max Shapiro, of Lincoln, Nebr.> laneous shower was given to the prepared with smart new outfits. This week .'•.-• for : Mr. and Mrs. A. Wolf and son,Tenn., is the guest of her grandpar- is spending the week here visiting honor guest. Friday Mrs. Ed. Gugencf extraordinary values affords an unusual heim, Mrs. Victor Friend, and Miss Sam, and Mr. William R. Blumen- ents, Mr. and.Mrs. Alex Loeb. with his jancee, Miss Helen Robinson. Sara Friend and Miss Pauline Friend buying- opportunity. thal, will motor to Des Moines, la., Miss Betty Furth returned'home Other visitors at the Robinson home were hostesses at a luncheon at Rudge Sunday morning. Monday morning after having spent are the Misses Sadye and Bess Lip- and Guenzels followed by bridge at Wonder Valuesin . Engagement Rings is our MrSi Morris Cohn -was hostess at -the past five weeks with relatives at schutz, of Sioux City, Iowa, who arethe Victor Friend home.~ Specialty the Brandeis Tea Rooms last Satur- Chicago, III. , j also spending a week here. day afternoon in honor of ~Miss LilMALASHOCK JEWELRY CO. Mrs. B. Blotcky and daughter, Ann, Mr. Ed Levinson left Sunday for The Two Triangles Club held their lian Seidman, "of Lincoln-, Nebr.- returned home this Week from the Chicago, III., where he will enter Xhe weekly meeting at the Jewish Syn1514 Dodge St. Sizes 6 to 14 Years "University, • , Est. 1894 Ja.5619 agogue. The following officers were Coast, where they spent six 'weeks. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Robinson and Xj what beauties they f elected: Sam Novikoff, president; family Teturned from a motor trip are—such deliglitfnl styles Mr. William" Raduziner, son of Mr. to Sioux City, la., where they spent and Mrs. J. Raduziner, and Mr. Irvin shown in new shades oi CLUBS henna, brown, navj, Copen .last. week. Stein, eon of Mr., and Mrs. H. Stem, The first annual picnic of the Jew—enhanced with colorful embroideries; also inclnd« Mr. and Mrs.E. Weinberg, of left for Davenport, la.,, where they ish Orphan Society will be held at ed in this lot are dresses Fremont, Nebr., are now making will enter the Palmer. School of Chi- Krug Park Sunday, August 31. of raanry serge and pretty their home in Omaha and have moved ropractice. Prizes will be given for winners in silks. Tour choice of the into..; their home at 3107 Lincoln lot, only— Mrs. L. Marks just arrived from the various contests and games to Boulevard. be .held during the day. Chicago, 111., where; she graduated Mr. and Mrs: David Blumenthal from the Bush Conservatory of Mu16th and Haraey Sts. and family have moved into their sic. She plans to open a studio soon newly built home at 1023 Mercer to teach piano arid its theory. Mrs. Marks is now with Mr. and Mrs. M. Boulevard. The Bar Mitzvah of Sam GottsMarkowitz, at 2521 Seward street. diner, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. GottsChic new Fall styles in Wool Crepes, Flannels, Jerseys Mr. and Mrs, J. B. Gidinsky and and Silks—the colorings find ttSnsoilngg fife strikingly diner, was held Thursday, morning, Friends of Mr. and Mrs. J. Raduzfamily are moving to Kansas City, smart—sizes 10 to 1C years in sale. August 28, at the Chevra B'nai iner surprised them at a house warmMo., where they will make their ing at their new home Sunday even- Yisroel Synagogue, 618 Mynster St. future home. ing* Mrs. Louis Harding entertained Mrs. Nathan Weinstein and children twenty children and- their mothers Mr. Eli Radinsky, of St. Louis, Mo.; Hundreds of the Latest and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Stoler at; her home ' last Friday afternoon Clever "Elsie Dinsmore" frocks— has returned to his home after visitmotored to Lake Okoboji Monday in honor of the tenth birthday of fashioned of fine quality fast color Fall Styles ing here with his aunt and cousins, morning to be gone for a week. her daughter, Leona. ginghams. Sizes 6 to 14 years. Mrs. B. Schwartz, and family. Values to $2.95. This week your Mr. I. Klein left last Wednesday for Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Gilinsky choice— a several weeks stay- at Manitou Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Cohn just re- and Mrs, A. Gilinsky motored to Colo. • turned , from a year's stay at Cali- Sioux City Sunday to visit Mr. and fornia. After a short stay in Omaha Clever Miss Flora Miller, of Atchison, they will leave again for California to Mrs. Philip Sherman, They will also visit relatives in Estherville, Bare Values in. Kans., is the guest of her sister, Mrs.' their future Iowa. Morris Baum, and family. Miss Ruth Fischer, of Chicago, 111., Mrs. Harry Silverman and son,is the guest of her sister, Mrs. Jack Mrs. S. B. Katelman entertained sixteen guests Tuesday evening at Robert, returned last week from Los Denberg, and family. her home complimentary to Miss Angeles, Calif., where they spent the past three months. ^ Lillie Seidman is visiting here FasMened frojn felts at the home of Mr. and Mrs.. Morris Genuine U. S. End Telreis, in all Mrs. A.- Goldstein and daughter, Cohn. Dresses for every fall fashion, including ti tlie new antjiimi colQuality Rosalind, and son, Herman, returned ocs; sizes 4 to 12 crepe satin, canton crepe and combinayears. Wednesday from Centerville, Ia.J Messrs. Harry Diamond and Joe 30x3, S 5 . 9 5Fabric 30x3«/2, S 6 . 9 5 tions. Beaded, ribbon and lace trimwhere they spent the past three weeks Nefsky, of Lincoln, will spend the U. S. Cord, 30x3^2. S 7 . 9 5 The smartest of med. All sizes, 16 to 44. All new fall week-end here visiting with Mr. Mor- Guaranteed first class. Save 25 to 3H%. with relatives. plaftls and plain ris E. Jacobs. fabrics, l i a e i shades. KAIMAN'S TSRE SHOP Mr. Max Pill and son, Benjamin, of throHgaoui j H s t 172a Coming St. 'Sioux City, la., are the guests this Mr. Nate Mantel has gone east on right for-,school wesr this Pall. week .at the home cf Mr. and.Mrs. J. a business trip. Every coat worth s k i r t s in decidedly more. plaids and plain Miss Sophie Oland returned Monday FOR RENT Bafy — gome trith Mrs. A. Goudchaux, of Big Cane, from Sioux City, la., where she spent AT FREMONT, NEB. Sizes 6 to t/f w a i s t attached— La., formerly Miss Mollie Singer, of i two weeks with her sister, Mrs. D. A. size* G in 14; a Years. •this city, will visit rdth her parents, • SchuUrin, formerly Miss Belle Oland, most extraordinary Mr. and Mrs. A. Singer. Mrs. Goud- of this city, value. is expected to arrive in Omaha { M l s Sa d ie 1S . September 21. { soon =for +the All Charge Purchases Will Appear on:.X.ouz 17x60 eachu east,^ where she will Materials include, all-wool blocked An. Rent 575.00 per month. October Statement Mrs. A. iJabinsky left Monday.for enter. the New England Conservatory gora cut chinchilla, plain and iraffle Excellent location for clothing, her home in St. Louis, M»., after hav- of Music at Boston, Mass., is being Girlie Nook—Girlish Styles for Stylish Girls—5th Floor drug store, and restaurant. polo cloths. Sizes 16 to 44. Values to ,ing spent-the-past three weeks here honored at a number of- luncheons, $25.00. Specially priced at SAM BLOCK, ! with "her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. bridge parties, and- dinner-dances V .FREMONT, NEBRASKA. Somit " • ~ • - - being "given for her- prior to <her


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Fine Platinum Diamond Jewelry

Beautiful Dresses t to go a t . . . .





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PAGE 4—THE JEWISH PRESS, THURSDAY, AUGUST 28, 1924 -r- selves are very individualistic- and J Jewish settlement on land in Mexico Republic and the leader of the Eepub-' lieves that he will do the negro race

Mi destructive effects of traffic vibralican Party." " |irj'jch good by entering Moses and tion, and slippery enough to allow purely Jewish co-operative enterprises | will result from it-" . The editorials of August". 8 and 9 King David in the negro register I subsequent movement. London got itn are seldom successful, but our Russian ( The "Day" reviews the failure of Jews understand well the philosophy Jewish -colonization in South Amer- commend " the 'Democratic candidate, I will not oppose him very strenuously. clay in Eocene times long before iiny Compiled and" Copyrighted b y Jewish Mr. Davis," and the Progressive, Sen- I am always ready to do a good tarn of the present topography took shape. and the technique, of co-operation, ican countries and says: Telegraphic Agency, Inc., 1024. ator LaFollette, for their opposition for a downtrodden people. I wotider; The fioods of the Ice age overlaid this even though its fundamental idea is « I ti s n o t ^ ^ d e a r o n w h a t with wide areas of gravel, upon which Enter University to Preto the Klan. however, why Bishop McGuire should earlier I,ondon arose and over which more suited to the Russian character t h e J e w s c a n s e t t l e i n M e x k o and pare Himself for the General Calles, President-Elect of than to the Jewish. .In this, as in "So far so good," is the "Day's" look for black Jews in ancient days it extended.- ns the gravel afforded nn . Rabbinate. Mexico, Invites Jewish Immigrants many other respects, the Mexican h o w m u c h m o n e y t h a t s e t t l e m e i l t r e comment in its last editorial on this when he can find them so easily in easy water supply. Those parts where quires. Would two million dollars subject. "One after another the presmodern times. Is not the Agudas clay forms the immediate subsoil were ' .nii;. H. Mendelson, son of MT. D. On his recent visit to New York,' resembles' more the Russian than the su ffi ce for t h e x as General | Mendelson, -1420 North -Twentieth en route to Europe, General Calles,' Jew, and Jews may.therefore be sue- r n n M thiT,fc«? T « any event this idential candidates took their stand on Israel "black" enough for him? Aren't uninhabitable unti! the invention nf steam pump and iron water pipes; • street, will' sail for Palestine from ther-President-Elect of Mexico, told cessful as managers and guiding m a t t e r s h o u l d fee t h o r o u g h l y i n v e s . this issue. We have ret to hear from the Chasidic Rabbis of Galicia suf- the largely were overgrown with forPresident Coolidge. , Will he find it ficiently "black" for him? Is there ests. Itthey • New York October 9th for the pur-Jewish newspapermen that Jewish im- spirits, of Mexican co-operative enter- tinted. It is the duty of the Jewish is, however, nn ideal medium pose of preparing for the Rabbinate. migrants are welcome in Mexico. Gen- j p r i s e s than of their own. . • | o r g a n i z a t i o n s a n d t h e J e w i s h p r e s s t o possible, to ignore the Klan just as anything more "black" than they are 1 through which to drive London's tubes. After almost a year's absence from eral Calles explained that it may not. m i s q u i t e c o n c e i v a b l e that Mexico send a commission to Mexico to in- McAdoo did when he wanted to secure Why they seem as black as ebony the city he is, at the present time, be possible for the Mexican Govern- sho uld be a better place ior co-opera-1 vestigate all po*ssibilities for Jewish the, Democratic nomination for Pres- through and through." • visiting with his relatives, and friends, ment at this time to give the new-tive plans than Palestine, because of immigration; even if we do not enter- ident? \ Something Else Again before his <4enarture about September. comers free land, as the land question the radical and ' revolutionary spirit tain any great hopes, the investi^a- "We. believe not. If he understands "I thought you said last night that y g hp the interests of his Party, even if he Early Jewish Cemetery 15th for an extended trip in the East. is not settled in Mexico. The Govern- prevailing in Mexico that brought such tion must Jec.'s complexion was ruined." [ be made." t "So I did." difficulty is not over-anxious to safeguard the At the University of Nebraska Mr.' ment ment is is experiencing experiencing great great difficulty p e o p l e a s O b r e g o n a n d ' C a lles. at the Now Business District "But there she is over there lookideals of America, he will surely find Mendelson specialized in chemistry in supplying its own peon population I ^ The Presidential Candidates' and 'government, The Mexicans On New Bowery, ntr.r Oliver street, ing as beautiful as ever." and sociology with the'view of teath- with land bought from large l a n d T j w m souf ritsd y a way; to rid himself of all suspicion the Klan orfc s u c h enterprises "I referred to her last night's comNew York city, is a little Jewish cem. ing next year; and at the June com-' holders. There are, however, many! o r e r e a d i l y t h a n tte A x a b s < T h e j that he tolerates the Klan and is Under the caption "The Klan Issue plexion."—Mayfair. etery, said to be the oldest Jewish bur. iriencement he received the B.' S. de-industrial possibilities and Jewish lm-j Mexican, as the Russian, is easily Is Coming To The Front" the "Jewish satisfied to be supported by a secret ground In North America, says the 1 gree - and the Teacher's Certificate. migrants would find a good field in won over to socialism for national Daily News", of August 11th, notes un-American organization. Davis and ial Detroit Xews. It once occupied what He attended both summer sessions at- Mexico, participating in the industrial rather than economic reasons. The with satisfaction the change of front LaFollette made their statements. is now Charhnin square. The grant for the University,' carrying on' graduate development of the country on the coWhen will we hear from Coolidge? Harry Kononovifah the graveyard was issued by Gov. Pek in the social sciences. • It -was operative basis. On these statements capitalist in both countries is either on the part of the presidential canter Stuyvesant in 165G. The first Jews Marcus Garvey's Black Jesus in America are supposed to have arduring' the summer months that it was of President Calles," the "Jewish a foreigner or a mf.mber of another didates in the Klan matter. "The oi rresiaen* u u i n , me uewi^a ; population, and candidates for President are coming "I did not care when Marcus Garvey rived September 12, 1C54, on the bark T a c e t f a a n fte c o m m ( n Stndio—207 Crounse Blk. decided that he enter the Jewish minHarney 8476 Morning Journal, in an editorial of t h e fight a g a i n s t him is therefore more" out, one after another, with dedara- proposed to lead all negroes back to Catarina, which brought 27 refugees ' istry and, having made that decision,' August Bowing for Advanced Pupils. 11th, comments: from Cape St. Anthony, Brazil. I tions against the Klan", the Daily Africa and establish a great united he applied for a scholarship at the "As we have pointed out on previous popular. N e w s sa s : The spot selected for the cemetery y - "This is a sign of a republic there," says Mr. B. Roseman "This,, of course,, may lead in the Hebrew Union College, Cincinnati.: - occasions the invitation extended to y was out among the sandhills, outside in the "Forward" of August 9th, "nor . Mr.' Mendelson will spend at least far future intoMexico the development of a politicians change of concerning attitude on the part of was I much affected by his statement of the city. There was a range of hills, against Jewish the advisability one year in Palestine, • learning the ^^t^fT^LraJ^moi^reiudice at the foot of which was the present Hebrew language, acquiring a knowl- worths! 0 T ? e ' u n S o p e ^ a S ^ n - t w i s t s is Nearly as yet, of.discussing the Klan in the cam-that Jesus Christ was a black' man site of Chatham square, and on the edge of Jewish philosophy, liturgyj populated countries are always open; to worry about. Let the Jews settle ' paign. They realize evidently the and that'his Mother. Mary was.also crest of one of these hills, facing east history; as' well, as studying the' so- they even spend money to secure im- there and become capitalists and they j impossibility of ignoring this un- colored. .1 was even passive when the the cemetery was started. The location cial conditions there. Before depar- migrants, but the problem does not will find the means how to shield comfortable issue and feel that such same Garvey came out with a state- was - ideal; overlooking the meadows themselves from such prejudice. We j a policy would do them more harm ment that.God himself was black. In below the city to the south," with the ture for the Holy Land Mr..Mendelend there, in fact it only, begins when other, words, the whole family—the East .river in the "distance. When.the are not afraid of a condition that will'than good, i ; • • son will make an extended trip the immigrants land in those coun- l a c e J e w s a n d Holy Trinity was black. I cannot re- War of the Revolution came batteries through the East, visiting relatives, tries. It is impossible to start life in P Americans in the same "The Klan issue is more important were planted in-the body of the cemeconferring with' rabbis and active Zia m e iin n aa country adjacent to the' and more fundamental than all others main silent, however, when the negro tery and on its. hills. ..In.-1856, 200 game, S country adjacent to the and more f u n d t l th ll th such lands empty-handed, as can be; bishop McGuire claims that Moses and years after the opening of the final onists. He will pass through and country""that I s "highly i United States. Jews Have lived J facing America now. This is not a 1307 Howard St. At. 8028 spend some time in Chicago, Phila- done in King David were also black men. sleeping place among the hills, New 'through more serious situations and' momentary passing matter. It is Omaha, Nebr. developed industrially. delphia, Washington, New York; and Bowery was cut through, and all that "And yet every Jew will view with the future will bring with its dif- j problem affecting the very founda- "By bringing Moses and David into was left of the cemetery was a 57-foot at. Cincinnati he will confer with some gratitude the invitation extended by ficulties also such remedies that we tions of American life and the cdrner the negro family, Bishop McGuire front on that thoroughfare. of thejfaculty at the Hebrew Union gthe President-Elect of Mexico and his! foresee now." j stone of American institutions—the enters the whole Jewish people into the negro race, and that is something College. clear statements as to the possibilities 1 The "Jewish Daily News" and "The Constitution. In a matter sa vitally we cannot stand. We have had trouble Any w a y yon g e t them In any package London Rests on Clay Asked to express his views on Pal-"for immigrants in our neighbor Re- j Day" discuss the Mexican invitation affecting the principles of the nation The crumbling and decay of many estine and Zionism. Mr. Mendelson public. Mexico's proximity to the' in editorials on the same day. Both it is impossible to follow the advise enough in, this world as white men ' ITEM'S GRAHAM CRACKERS declared that the eyes of .the. world United States is its great asses. Many : seem to be pessimistic concerning the of the talkative Mr. Bryan and ignore and we can readily imagine what dif- famous London (Eng.) structures is R-o-o-d eatitip for everybody. ficulties we would have to face as partly due to the clay subsoil upon Ask are are at the present time focussed upon industrial and business institutions of i possibilities for a large Jewish im- it altogether." your grocer for ITEN CRACKERS which London rests. This is compact Palestine and the work of the Zionist Mexico are in American hands; the migration to Mexico. The "Jewish The "Day," agreeing with the negroes. always. Get the Pennine and enough to transmit to foundations the by name lie satisfied all WAy" * Nie Organization, for an ideal, a hope of whole country is being gradually Daily News" says: "It is true that in all probabilities "Daily News"; on the importance of twenty centuries is „ being realized Americanized and a considerable Jew- "If it is possible to settle a small the Klan issue, devoted four editorials Moses and King David were not abthrough the efforts, sacrifices and ish "population, even such that never number.of Jews there—and .the pos-' during last"week'^o-the statements of solutely white. When one looks at Enrrr B . LtpMm. PTM--TIWM. Carpenter Paper Co. Son. Pepper, Vice-President. travail of men and women who pos-saw the great English-speakingr/Re- sibilities-are—we ought the presidential candidates. 'Mr. the faces of the Yemenite Jews and of W. G. Ore, Secretary. Distributor* of sess the true pioneering spirit- By public, will aid materially in * the to do it, although we can see no reason Coolidge is reprimanded for his half- other purely Semitic Jews it is easy Western Bond—and High virtue of this fact, Palestine' ha§ been Omaha Fixture & to imagine how/'white" Moses and Grade Stationery converted from a. malaria, infested development and Americanization ofj,why the same effort should, not .be, hearted stand. ''Obeying the Constitu- King David must have been, but Supply Co. Omsfia. Nebraska. land, a land neglected for • centuries Mexico in a way-that willbe-benefieial j "made to' colonize Palestine, where the' -tibir is-.very well, but it is a half whether Moses and King David were COMPLETE STOEE AND to all concerned;' settlement of a Jewish family on land measure in this case," he says. "We and impoverished .by foreign con"Senor Calles is interested very is not much more costly than in the expect the most severe condemnation as white as the. Nordics or as brown OFFICE OUTFITTERS quests, to a "land bearingi-milk. and as the Arabs quite certain that We occupy honey,'! to a modern Garden of Eden, much in co-operative enterprise and !I South American countries. At any of this organization that undermines they were" not negroes. ever TC.000 «QOU« test he is Tight when he thinks that Jewrate this invitation has no practical the principles cfrfcneriea. This is the eootbwest Corner as it has been expressed even by skep"However, if Bishop McGuire beEleventh ana) Onnclat Streets. tics who visited the Holy Land'and ish immigration to Mexico would value for Jewish immigrants. We are Mnd ofr action .that we expect from : Jackson t'Zi saw the work of the "chaluzim" ,or greatly enhance that method of pro-' quite certain that no considerable Mr. Goolidge, the President of our OMAHA. KXB. colonists. It is to be remembered that Zionism does not mean the transplantation of the world Jewry-in PaSr j AUDITING AND INCOME estine; it will serve as a haven for"1 TAX REPORTS the persecuted Jews of Eastern • Eu*_ Every Known E n d rope. More than that, Palestine is 208 Karbach Blk. Atlantic 1031 gradually becoming the center of" a of Insurance distinct Jewish culture. People no 209 W. O. W. Bldg. J A . 3944. JAckson 1852 longer go there to die, as was often PAXTON-MITCHELL CO. the'ease before the latter "half of the ittb and Martha S i s . HA. 1662 nineteenth century; they go there to Manofsctnr«T« of Brass, Bronro. Gate City Furniture Co. live, to work, to contribute to that Aluminum «md Soft Gray Iron Castings. WASH AND KEEP WELL and Con Ore assured of soft castings, aa which is germinating and flowering A RULE OF HEALTH we machine sonar from every heat In Globe Van & Storage Co. into a great and momentous social •or own shop. Standard e h r cast iron and brow* owned and operates by FRONTIER TOWEL SUFPLT experiment.

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Jewish New Year s Gretin gs

Refuge in Silence


; Mrs. ScrubDs, whose highly colored (Imagination, was well known in her (neighborhood, was called as a.witness Ijn a damage suit. I ••The evidance which you will give to ;tha court shall be the truth, the whole •truth and nothing but the truth," said .the clerk. | "Yes," quavered Mrs. Scrubbs, now [thoroughly irightened and unable to tthlnk of one word of the story she had [resolved to tell—a story In which she ;was the heroine. 'Well," asked the Judge,, "what have on got to say about the case?1 - - • :- "Well, iJudge," she replied, "with the 'limitations I've just had put on me, I ! don't think, I've anything-at air to eay!" . - ^ i8S


Fair Enough


Hundreds of families in Cincinnati, New York, Boston, Chicago, and other cities use no other form of extending these holiday greetings. Its advantages over the old, individual mailing card is evident in the saving of time and expense, and eliminates the worry over forgetting someone you desire to remember. Greeting cards in the Jewish Press may be thirty -"-ords in length. If you desire, you may write your own greetings. Here is a popular form:

_ _ ^_ Circles Around Moon

| '

Circles around the moon are caused by moisture In the atmosphere. It frequently happens that the suntight reflected from the moon to the earth Js so refracted by the "atmospheric •moisture that a ring or" circle, Is formed.. The more moisture there is •in .the atmosphere the ~ smaller, the circle wilL appear. The form and size iof the ring will depend entirely upon' the particular condition and quantity fit moisture In the air. . .


Dating Up

7 owens-^rSuppose y.ou call the first Of-the "month, \ . - :n«ojft^«fr-tVcp»"t--.-I expect to be '" " - fkiifS'tbwn.the.iUst of the month. tT>w»T,«_So ,do^;I.—Boston Tran-



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The Jewish Press . I €81 Brandeis Theatre Bldg. ' Omaha, Nebraska. Gentlemen:— • | . Enclosed find $2.00. for which please insert my New Year's Greeting Card I in your Rosh Hashona (56&5) Number. •

E. Bruce & Co.


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Where yonr clothes come bom© eiesner «nfl last loncer.


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The New Year's Greetings page is now being compiled. Mail the coupon below immediately. If you write your own greeting, attach it to the coupon.


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: -...,-.... McCord-Brady Co.. , .• ,,

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