October 2, 1924

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I profess "—^

. For all men liare, If the}- dare ! try, & g l o r i o u s life, cw grave.—Herbert.

each, man ^ ^ —Shakespeai ; ^|§? 5

VOL. HI—No. 43

Entered u accnaa-dass isaU matter en January 27ta~l8a. at pogtofflea at Omaha Nebraska, nndei tie,Act el-tskres 3.

Snerkae Money Can JSsve'f destine for Jews Says Omaha



CONFERENCE OF JEWISH COLONIAL OFFICE DOES ' COLONISTS IN PALESTINE NOT OPPOSE BUILDING OF Jerusalem, (J, T. A. Mail Service.) HARBOR AT TEL AVTV —The conference of the E'nai BenTel Aviv. (J. T- A.)" The British jamin organization has just been conColonial .Office does not oppose the - " • Sioux City, Iowa> September 27, 1924. cluded at Tel-Aviv. Forty delegates plans to build a harbor at Tel Aviv, from the colonies attended. A report j according to the report of -Mayor DiDr. PhUip Sher, -i of the activity of t i e B'nsi Benjaminj zengoff '-which he ' has submitted- to Pres. Omaha ^Federation for Jewish Social Service, Institutions , and Educational the Township Council of Tel Aviv. Special Sermons to be Delivered Co-Operative_ Bank was given, and 1 T h o u s a n d s of I m m i g r a n t s Wftifr ing to be Admitted into Centers Are Most Modern. satisfaction -was expressed at its work Lyrie Bldg., ." ! Kol Nidre Night. Mayor Dizengpff visited London rePalestine •i [in the issuing of loans to enable the cently for the purpose of discussing Omaha, Nebr. CHALUZM ARE WORKING with the Colonial Office the possibilD A Y O F F A S T W I L L B E O B members to establish themselves as My Dear Dr. Sher: • ; , ; ; TO UPBUILD COUNTRY. ities of building the proposed harbor AMERICAN LEADERS WORKindependent farmers, SERVED WEDNESDAY. '' We had the extreme pleasure of listening to.Mr., ING FOE MOVEMENT. Mr, A. Aaronsohn has resigned at Tel Aviv. The Colonial Office faBlumenthal last evening, and we wantito congratulate "Palestine .is a beautiful country vors also the establishing of a Munic< Yom Kippur services at the Temple from the Presidency of the organizathe Omaha Federation on what we consider a happy The Keren Hayesod activities are and shows wonderful marks of. im- ipal Mortgage Bank. and at the Synagogues will begin tion. selection Tas Superintendent. being1 carried on throughout the cotmprovements," said Mr. and Mrs. M. Tuesday evening, October 7, and will try. Many cities s»re planning camKulakofsliy, -who recently Teturned be continued throughout the day of I know I express the opinion of those wholistened paigns for the*Keren Hayesod. An from a visit to Palestine and other Yom Kippur on Wednesday, Oct. S. to him, when I say'that he brought with him a very announcement made at the Keren European countries. The Chaluzim Rabbi J. M. Charlop will deliver impressive message'touching upon the place of the Hayesod National headquarters bears of Palestine are entitled to more a Kol Nidre Sermon Tuesday eveJew in American philanthropy. credit than is given them," said Mr. the impression of successful cam™ sing, at the B'nai Israel Synagogue, We thank the Omaha Federation for the opportunKulakofsky. During my stay in Feature Attractions Being Arranged 18th and Chicago Sts., and his sub- Refreshments Will Be Served to All paigns in the many cities. ity of hearing Mr." Blumenthal, and, Wishing you .and Members. for This Affair. Palestine,. I was greatly impressed ject will be "The Seriousness of the "The Keren Hayesod is the most all my Omaha friends all the good things possible for Moment." Wednesday morning at with the work which is being done important proposition before AmftriThe regular meeting of the Y. T£. can Jewry today," said Loui$ Marthe New Year, I am, , The closing dance of the season eleven o'clock he will address the by these pioneers, men and women, Y. W. H. A. will be held Monday shall at a large gathering1 of workers members of the Beth Hamedrosli and who left their homes in Europe many will be held at the Highland Country r Sincerely yours, T e\ ening. Complete plans have si- held ia New York Citv. We have the Hagodol Synagogue, 19th and Bart of them college graduates, laboring club Saturday evening. This dance E. E. BARON,.. Sts. His subject will be "Prayer, ready been made for the installation j i e a d i n & . j C W E j n America interested 1a on the roads and in the fields to help will be featured by a large weiner of the newly elected officers. " W e j ^ g r e a t p a i e s t m i £ m movement, DaPresident of the Sioux City Federation . roast which will take place instead of Repentance, and Charity." re-build Palestine." grea of Jewish Social Service. - "The American dollar is -perhaps the usual Saturday .evening dinner At Temple Israel, ^Tuesday night will make this a banner meeting for vid A. Brown, who is considered as the only salvation for the Jewish dance. "This dance will be a feature at eight o'clock, there will be a the new term," said Sam Wolf, newly one of the foremost Jews in Alnerica ; people/' said Mr. Kulakofsky. " I affair and will be the last one of the double quartet directed by B. C. elected president of the Y, today and through v/hose efforts the Besides the installation an enterJ summer season," said A. Herzberg, Bennett. Rabbi Frederick Cohn's •visited many of the cities in Pales$14,000,000 war relief campaign went sermon subject will be "The Day taining program has been arranged. "over the top," is now one of the tine and was greatly impressed with "and all members should attend." of • God." Wednesday morning he Special music has been obtained. hardest workers for this great moveArrangements are now being made the city of Tel-Aviv. It is as modern will talk on "The Day of Man." Sandwiches and pop will be given i ment. David A. Brown recently re~ as any city in United States. Thfe by the entertaining committee, com.Children's services will be held at away to the members towards the: turned from Palestine and made •*. institutions and educational centers posed of the following men, Mayer noon to one o'clock, and -will be con- close of the meeting". of Palestine axe wonderful. They are Speisberger, Paul' Schaye, Sidney The -membership committee will be- thorough study of conditions there. kept in the most sanitary conditions. Manley and David Feder, for a "Hard Auditorium Will Be Beautifully Dec- John KobiiUKsm,-M,V- "Hulac and C J. ducted by Mr. William L. Holzman. He is now on a tour of the United orated for Affair. Hulac Incorporate for §150,000. He will address the children on the gin active -work immediately to exiroU The children's orphan home in Jeru- Time" party and dance to be held States and will again soon leave for "Significance of Yom Kippur." 1,000 new members for the Y. M. and salem is one of the finest that I Halloween. Special prizes will be The Thorpeian Athletic club will Palestine where he will view the conY. W. H. A. We must have these new awarded to-the -wearer of the most hold a large carnival and dance at the Norfolk, Nebr.—Application for in- Memorial Services at the , Temple have ever seen. ditions there. : will be held Wednesday afternoon at members for the new class to be preThe Keren Hayesod is doing good novel costume. City Auditorium Sunday, November corporation papers for the Norfolk Thousands of Jewish men, "women The entertainment committee is al- 16. A special committee has been ap- Hide and Metal company and the 3:30, the Rabbi's subject will be sented for the new Je-vrish Community and children are clamoring; to obtain work for the chalzim. Through the Center bonding, which, according to efforts of this organization, employ- ready mating arrangements for the pointed to make this event-the big- Eobinson Coal Company was made "Loved and Lost" permission to enter Palestine. Now ment is found for these men and large New Year's eve party. Plans are gest ever held in this city. Plans are to the secretary of the state during •The Young Israel Synagogue an- p l a n s ' "wi31s o o n b e hxil}ithat this country is shut off to our The program committee is already women,, who immediately establish being made to make this New Year's being made for a decoration scheme the i week with an initial capitaliza- nounce that they will hold Yom brethren a.cross the seas, Palestine is themselves into colonies and begin eve party better and" bigger than the for the auditorium, which will- be tion of $150,009. The incorporations K i p p u r services at the Talmud Torah at work, making plans for the educa- the only havers of refuge. These men, tional program which will be present'ones given before. work_for a homeland. erected in-special sections. Dancing are John Eobinson, C. J . Hulac a n d j B I d g > a n d extend a cordial invitation women and children—many of them— Sermons ed by the members at intervals during • " I f Jhel"American people will unite - The club house will be open during will be held in. the center of the au- E. V. Hulas, Officers of the company t o ^ y o i m g j e w i s h men^ are waiting in ports in Europe, withthe corning season. to work for .the n e cause of a Home- the entire year,-as several goldinatch- ditorium and will continue during the have • not been designated, though will be conducted in English. out money and no place to go. The all three incorporators -"will be in^ land, Palestine will be one of the tournament plays will .he held during afternoon and evening, "AH the members should .attend all K e T e n Hayesod will seek to establish Mr. Arthur Eosenblum will speak finest -countries-in the wnrld," -said the coming months pnder the .§uper-_ r Special entertainers., both' local- tal- terested actively in. the castrol and to. the. young congregation -on K d meetings," said Sam Wolf. "These J %hem m t h e ] a n d fa P a ] e s t i n e , "-Mr. Kulakofsky;vision of Frank Burkhaxd, the. club ent and actors of the World and Or- management of "the firm. \. The; -cor- Nidre night and on. the iollowiiig day meetings are impcn&nt and ao.xmej. ^ c t e t o s i m rf pa"fcrfbie «re poration -will be a closed concern. '~ j i n g a wonderful part in the • During'my '.five months visit I professional. . . .Rabbi J . M. Charlop and Dr. Victor should want to miss them." pheum theatres, have consented to ap"The growth of the business reTbjj Y. M. H. A. tennis champions-j «r hege wen, toured niEftiy- of the European counE. Levine will address the congregam f m t o f fhe countn% pear on the program which will. be y will be presented with the silver lovtries and visited many of the - Jew- NEBRASKA Z. B. T. PLEDGES held during the afternoon and even- quired that we expand to a large tion. extent," John Eobinson said.. "And ing cups at the meeting Monday even- women, mere boys and girts, -many of . ish centers and have learned that SEX MEN THIS SEMESTER ing." The proceeds of this carnival, with the additional capital .and funds ing. These cups were donated by Nat them from wealthy psrents, many of conditions in the foreign countries Alpha Thsta Chapter of .the Zeta according to Schoal Freed, chairman Meister Insurance company and Wolf them college graduates, are working do not warrant the possibility of" Beta-Tan Fraternity has announced of the committee in charge, will go we will start an improvement of Bros. Haberdashery. One goes, to the on the roadsr many of them are workthese people helping their' brothers in the pledging of six boys this sem- towards some charitable organization. our present properties immediately." ing in the fields, all organised Into Present plans of the company call one for the girls. Palestine. ester, three being from Omaha. They bands of colonies. Many prizes will be given away to for the building: of an addition to Many of the large cities in Europe are Messrs. David Sher, Lester the various winners of the many conThe conditions in Palestine as. reA special meeting of the Omaha have been hard hit by the conditions Simon, and Harry Newman. The tests which will be staged. - All. or- the home of the Norfolk Hide and ported by many Americans, who have ZIONIST DISTRICT ELECTS Hebrew club will be held Sunday aftof the post-war period. other three pledges are Herman ganizaztions in the city will be asked Metal Company of practically the been there recently, is rapidly ••im-OFFICERS FOR YEAR ernoon, October 5, at the Jewish Com"We are certainly glad to be back Rrupinsk"y, of Fremont," Manuel to co-operate to make this affair a same dimensions as . the present proving. The fruit crops have been Mr. Mas Frorakin "was elected presmunity Center. building. This will be used for adwith our friends and relatives," said Eisman, of Nebraska City, and huge success. , ' ident of the Zionist District of Oraa- exceedingly good. A special feature of this meeting ditional housing' and storage faciliMr. and Mrs. Kulakofsky. Mr. arid Bernard Olansky, of Dubuque, Iowa. "The people of America, after lisThe members of the Thorpei^n club ties made necessary by an active will be the memorial service to be ha at its regular election of officers - Mrs. Kulakdfsky were the guests for Mr. Louis Sombcrg, a member of j are working in harmony to put this buying campaign that will be start- held during the afternoon's program. held Tuesday evening, September -SO. tening to what has been told bj? actual Rosh Hashona at the home of their the Nebraska Chapter of the Zeta affair over. "We will make this a ed at an early date by the company. Eabbi J. M. Charlop will be the prin- at the Jewish Community Center. eyewitnesses, are greatly impressed son and family, Mr. and Mrs, A. Beta Tau, who is attending the UniMessrs. J. J. Friedman and "M. Braude with what is going on in Palestine and very joyable entertaining event," said "In addition to building, two branch cipal speaker. L Kulakofsky. They are now at versity of Illinois this year, has -vrere elected vice chairmen; Mr. Jo- are eager to assist in this great work," Mr. Freed. stores and warehouses -will be erected their home in the Elwood apartments. become an affiliate of the Illinois seph Eosenthal, secretary; and Mr. A. concluded Mr. Marshall. The auditorium will, open at noon, by the company, one at Crawford, Chapter and is living at the Frater- with the many activities beginning Nebr., and another at Winner, S. D. APPOINTED ON I. KulakofsTcy, treasurer. Ar» execunity House there. tive committee, composed of Dr. A. LINCOLN CHAPTER A. "Z. A. ' A. A. U. COMMITTEES promptly at one o'clock and will conA. & A. BEGINS Mr. Eobinson is the founder-of the Dr. Philip Romonefc and William R. Ronxm, Dr. Victor E. Levine and tinue to midnight. Further announce- Norfolk Hide and Metal Company REPORTS ACTIVITIES HISTORY CLASSES B'NAI B'RITH SMOKER The Lincoln , A, Z. A. Executive ments of the program will be made and until this week the sole owner Blumenthal have been appointed on Messrs. J. B. Fobinson and John FeldOCTOBER 9 Jewish History Classes under the committees to serve on the Midwest- msn, -were also elected at this meet- committee met for the- first time Sept. later. and manager, C. J. Hulae has for Omaha Lodge I. O. B. B. will hold auspices of the Omaha Chapter of ern Association of the A. A. U. These ing-. 25, to outline plans ior the coming several years been wife the Security Aleph Zadik Aleph will begin Wednes- a novel meeting next Thursday even- ORTHODOX YESHIVA tournaments will be held during the season.. The Exer.utvve Board inState Bank and will continue in his day evening, October 14, at the Jewish ing, October 9, for members only. This coming year. Dr. • Somonek was apcludes the following: Morris Solot, TO ERECT A MODERN official capacity with the bank, while meeting is being specially arranged Community Center. Chairman; Hyman r.vrwir., Irvin SnbCOLLEGE BUILDING E. V. Hulac has until recently been pointed on the Boxing, Basketball and Death of German Deputy "Who Opposed Party's Amti-Sesrsitis-m inow, Leo Gerstein, Tiarley Davidson, Professor Nathan Bernstein will by Abner Kaiman. The Y. M. H. A. New York. (J. T. A.)—A site for the proprietor of the Wide Awake Swimming committees, while William Berlin.—J. T. A. Mail Service.)— Harold Shapiro, Philip Stine, Joe E. Blumenthal was appointed on the give the first lecture. Everyone is in- quartet will appear with several new the modern college buildings which store. Handball and Gymnastics committee. The death has just taken place here vited to attend. Classes begin at numbers. Cigars will be given to the the Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological John Eobinson is well known in of Professor Adelbert Ducringer, a members. Several of these meeting Seminary is going to erect,-has been eight o'clock. One of the main rvmnts of th« comtt Omaha. He was the first out-state member of the German Keichstag and will beheld during the year as Boost« " " " • « * «""«* " \ ~ \T " •" Bernard Theodore was elected cap, , ,. • • 1 purchased on Amsterdam Avenue in contributor to the National Jewish PHILADELPHIA JEW PRESENTS a famous legal authority in Ger- iag year is the big fall A, S. A. dance, Meetings. tain of the club's football team which er Meetings. • !„„+»«_ o ^ VnrlCamTiaifm Hospital campaign. He is an active to be held at the I,in<iell Party House, uptown M New York, tfco the Campaign GILBERT WHITE PAINTING many. is practicing every Sunday morning. October 30, with the "Nebraskarm" Committee of the Seminary's Build- member of Jewish afiairs in- Norfolk. • TO PARIS MUSEUM At one time. Professor Dueringcr furnishing the music fnr the evening1. Marcus Krasne is coaching the players Greatest Scholars Invited ing Fund announced. The site, coverParis, (J.T.A.)—Through the g e n - ' b e ] o n g e d t 0 t h e G e r o m n Nationalist to Lecture in Institute and games will begin within a few The chairman of this committee is ing two and a half "city blocks~an"d erosity of Julius Mastbaum of Phila- P a r t y ( w W c '.of Jewish Studies - weeks. Irvin EuMno-w. Tie has chosen the he left o n a c c o u n t of containing over sixty lots, contains EMIR ABDULLAH delphia, the Luxembourg Museum in its attitude Jerusalem. (J. T. A.)—The greatattde he as j WARNED BY HIS BROTHER its ample grounds for the series, of the assassination of GROWING JEWISH est living - scholars of Judaic and NOT TO LOSE THRONE Paris has become the posessor of «Les D r . . W a I t e r E a t h e i u m . A t t h e l s s t Zolet, and Andelys at Sunset", by the American .general election he was returned to IMMIGRATION REPORTED Oriental languages have been in- college buildings -which the Yeshiva s b Ai I is going to build to provide for the Jerusalem. (J. T. A.) Emir Ab- painter Gilbert White. • Jerusalem. (J. T. A. Mail Service.) vited to be the first professors in the "Heichstag as a. member of the : Advisory Board The picture -was acquired by Mr. People's Party. —The increase of Jewish Immigra- the Institute of Jewish Studies whith hundreds of students who now cannot dullah, the ruler of Transjordania, received recently valuable advice-from be admitted because of lack of been chosen: Louis B. Finkelstein, Slastbaum who intended to take it to tion to Palestine is indicated in the will be established at the Hebrew He was "the author of a number Aleph Hove, Eabbi. Starrels. Saul B. his brother, King Feisul of Mesapoa- America. Later, however, he decided facilities. report of the Immigration Depart- University in Jerusalem. of ' articles which attracted a great , Plans for the buildings which are amia. that a picture so fine should not be- deal of attention, in which he-vig- Aronson.. ment of the Palestine Zionist ExecThe following have already ac"Be careful. Remember the fate of long to one person, but should be The new eomruiUec tG eponsor the utive, showing that the fixed monthly septed the appointment. Professor to be constructed include, a large orously opposed the anti-Semitic Two Triang-les (an organisation for building to accomodate l,0C0 students, the throne in Syria," wired King Felpresented to the public. The Luxemgrant of the Xeren Hayessod toward Guttmann of the Breslau Rabbinical policy of the German Nationalists ae bourg Museum was approached and harmful to the interests of the Ger- Jewish boys under 16 years «f agtt) immigration was again over-stepped Seminary will lecture on" Halaclia; with class rooms, study rooms, and sul. auditorium; a senior high school It veSl be recollected that Emir has decided to accept t i e gift. are as follows: Harley Davidson, during July, 2,809 Egyption Pounds Professor Margolis of Dropsie man people. building, to provide for a large numAbdullah was once proclaimed King Harris Chairman; Irviu. saving been spent. College, Philadelphia, will lecture on sV ber of students, who can later* co'n- of Syria from where he was later exSirmsfcy. Among the immigrants arriving in B-"blc Versions;". Dr. Louis Ginsberg KING HUSSEIN'S AEMY tinue their studies at the .Yeshiva; iled by tha French. 2,000 Jewish Famiiie in A committee to carry on the CounJuly were 300 families comprising of the New "York Jewish Theological GAINING STRENGTH; • a college and library building.for the Odessa ft wait Commencement cil of Clubs work was also appointed 1,050 persons, in addition' to the Seminary will lecture on Tammdic • .-• BESIEGES TAIFi older students; a dormitory with -200 of 'Colonization the Executive Board, «sd they are large number of the "unattached" Research; Dr. Klein of Prague Jerusalem, (J. T. A.)—The war rooms for out-of-town students and DEMA3STB ABOLITION OF TITHE Moscow. (J. T. A.)—Over 2,000 as follows: Hyman Evnen, Harold Czechoslovakia will lecture en BibliChalutzim, 650 immigrants came from AS METHOD OF TAXATION between Sultan Ibn Saoud, leader of Jewish families coming from all parts a campus with playgrounds, so that Shapiro, Morrk 2k>5ot, Leo Gerstein. Poland, 307 from .Russia, 81 from cal Topcgraphy; Ch. N. BiaUk, HeJerusalem. (J. T. A.) The tithe, the Wahabis, and King Hussein of the of TTkrainia 'have, -arrived in Odessa the physical development of the Aden, 72 from Greece, G8 from Bul- brew poet, will lecture on modern the Biblicalform of taxation practiced I Hedjas, has taken a new. tarn, ae- in anticipation -of the beginning of students will be provided for. garia, 32 from America. A special Hebrew literature; Dx, Chaim Heller, in Palestine for many centuries by the cording to reports received here from the Jewish colonization work which ARAB AEUZ.EACEMAK PROVEN IKXOCSEENT feature of the immigration during famous scholar and author- of many BARON DE MENACEH Turkish Government, a method of tax- Mecca.will -make it ;possiMe for them to | Jerusalem. < J. T. A.) Abdttl Asox July was a sudden increase in im- valuable works on Biblical Reosearch IN .PALESTINE ation according to which one-tenth of Hussein's army, which was' settle os the land. The majority cf j • ar\, son of the Tul migrants from Russia and from Salo- and. Hnlacha will lecture on the Jerusalem. (J. T. A. Mail Service.) the crops is taken by the government fleeing in panic under pressure of the these prospective farmers have or, TVho is he>d under the cbaxge of s Bible translations in Syrian. —rBaron Felix - de Blenacelr arrived In kind, be abolished and instead a Wahabis, received reinforcements .nika. Troia Russia a direct, ship, for! being1 the leader of a robber band, € T e n lacli. t h c the "NovorsisV,' arrived from Odessa and Greek, and their interpretation i here from Alexandria for a" short modern system of taxation in cash j started a counter-attack. The city of daily existence. w&s proven to be iiraoeetit o£ this and -landed , 107 immigrants. No of the original Hebrew; Professor visit. He declared that there is great introduced. from Mecca, which ' Taif, """"* .sixty ----J-- miles —•'-- * « _-.-.-_v The "Specie! Committee of settling direct ship- with a large number of Mitlwoch' of the Berlin University interest in Palestine among the leadThis demand was submitted by the occupied by the Wahabi forces j Jerrs or. immigrants from Russia has arrived "srill be" instructor of Arabic; Chief- ers' of Egyptian Jews. Many of them Executive of the Palestine Arabs in a last week, is now the center of activ- decided to allot 24.000 desiatin lana in Palestine since the '.'Rouslan" In Eabtn Loew-of; Szegedint Hungary, win shortly come to investigate the memorandum to the Palestinian Gov- ities and is being besieged by King h £he district of Odessa for Jewish i lished in the Arab press.' n December will lecture on Jewish history. economic possibilities of the country, ernment. < Hussein's troops. colonization. .. The . same Committee JPATBG&IZE OUB

• Congratulates 'Omdufs;FeiiMtl)t •

¥em lippir Sendees

it liif

Highland Country Oub Closing Dance Saturday



Thorpeian Athletic Club . ; Norfolk l i e W Metal Presents Carnival NOT, 16

§iiah lekew U ts Hdd Memorial Seracss j boys

I**?** Daemon,

PAGE 2—THE JEWISH PRESS,' THURSDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1924 ment which is of great importance It was declared that another $400,toward a better; understanding be- 000 is necessary to secure the existence tween the Jewish and the Moslem of these academies. A committee of world, how at variance on account nine was elected by the conference of the attitude of the Palestinian for the purpose of devising ways and -,• Arabs. means of raising this fund. A son of an aneient family settled in Mesopotamia since early exile TRANS-JORDANIA WILL .*•{Copyright Jewish Telegraphic Agency, 1024. days, his latest interests center again EE UNDER FINANCIAL CONBy Z. AL.ROY. in Palestine. Following the example TEQL OF MESOPOTAMIA set by his brother, Sir Ellis, who HIGH COMMISSIONER Tales of Bagdad have been fas- in many cities of the entire globe. left more than a million dollars for! Jerusalem, (J. T. A.) — Transcinating stprjes, appealing to the Eliezer Kadoorie maintains schools, Jewish educational purposes in Pales- j Jorclania will, in future, be more hungry imagination of mankind in hospitals and other, welfare institu- tine and other countries, Eliezer Ka- closely connected with the government the Western hemisphere for many, tions in Shanghai, Hongkong, Eng- doorie proceeds now to Palestine to of Mesopotamia than in the ' past. many centuries]" Once tEe~fesidence" land, "France, Constantinople and be present at the laying of the From now on Sir Percy Cox, British of the caliph's, center of Arabic cul- Bagdad, with benevolence not only cornerstone of the latest addition to High Commissioner of Mesopotamia, ture at a time whsn Europe was to people of his raee but to all whothe Jewish national homeland in will have supervision of the finances still swaddled in infancy, it shows are in need without, distinction of Palestine—the Kadoorie garden city of Trans-Jordania, a report publi§ire</ brilliantly • over Asia Minor and con-race and religion. In Constantinople at the foot of Mount Scopus, the here today states. ^ tinued through tradition to influence Mr."-Kadoorie is interested in the site of the Hebrew University in The Trans-Jordanian government is the cultures and civilizations which Laura Kadoorie hospital, an institu- Jerusalem. enjoying a subsidy from the British tion erected in memory of "his late An old saying, coined in Meso- Colonial office, which is being given conquered and displaced it. To the Jewish mind Bagdad has wife; in Bagdad Mr. Kadoorie es- potamia, perhaps by the forefathers to Emir Abdullah, ruler of Transalmost the same appeal as any other .tablished a school for girls with a of Kadoorie^ states that "Palestine Jordania for the purpose of maincitp in Palestine, Perhaps Judaism, •capacity for 1,600 students. This is the center of the globe." Mr. taining order in the country. Charges as developed in the post-Biblical ' school is one of the finest educa- Kadoorie exemplifies this saying by of extravagance were recently made period, had its inception and place cational „ institutions in the Near centering his globe interests in against the Emir in the British Paras a holy day whereon affliction pf the soul <fa.st.ing, etc,), i s L t h e n a t i o n s a n d && o f f . of growth on the site of this ancient ..East. English, French, Arabic and Palestine. Bagdad and Jerusalem, j lament. to be practiced. Hebrew are being taught. Another springs among the peoples. Everyin strife, through Shanghai are The present vesting of financial Orjgin_aUy the high ^was the central figure of the one that will see them will point to city. The academies of Sura, Pumbe- .of .Mr,. .Kadoorjes institutions in Bag- once jgin_ g prfest p g uniting. The Jewish tale of Bagdad supervision of Trans-Jordania in Sir dita and Neherraea, the memorable ritual.l H.Q H Q b s ehi r t forgiveness f rgie i hi own i and h f liis l i them as a community blessed by the n-Sins, Sn andd tthose dad:, is the Demah Kadoorie Eye is being revived. off his of cities of Iraq, were the smithies Percy Cox, High Commissioner of h uh ll d, , and then n fo for alll tthe e pepl. people. T The e sacrifice ai of two ggoats, Lord," con be eonstrued as to also where the irpn-strong "foundation of Hospital in memory of his mother, Mesopotamia, will bring about a one for, the the Lqrd and and the other set aside for for "Azazel" Azazel", was was a a mean our own group in Omaha. Jewish thought was created and Remah, an institution most benev- $12,000,000 RAISED BY THE closer co-operation between Transmeans of purificationn from sin. hammered into the Jewish" intellect olent in the Near East -where eye CENTRAL RELIEF COMMOTE Jordania and Mesopotamia, where the th Biblical Bibi practices, i •diseases are so prevalent. The ff i these whieh sought, in symbolic to remain under the influence of this CONFERENCE IS TOLD two sons of King Hussein, Abdullah fashion, .to obtain forgiveness fqr the community- as a whole, the UNIFICATION OP JEWISH branch of- learning to the present French Academy, as well as the EMIGRATION ORGANIZATIONS and Fiscal, rule. celebration of the Day pf Atonement was considerably changed in French povernment have bestowed , (J. T. A. Mail Service.) day. Babylonian Jewry, which was upon Eliezer Kadoorie several medals Will Drive for $400,000 More For RabbinicaJ Judaism; a.nd in modern Judaism, the observance of transplanted by compulsion or natReligious Academies in Europe Bay of Atonement emphasizes repentance for-shortcomings A t i h i t f h i EMIR ALI STAETS DEFENSIVE Under the terms of the preliminary ural expansion from the Jordan to in recognition of his services in the And Palestine. and misdeed, for failure to live up to one's highest ideals, and agreement between the lea and thethe plains between the Tigres and thefields of education and philanthropy ON WAHABI FORCES for yielding to the, lure of indolence and selfishness. Jerusalem, (J. T. A.) — The war United Jewish Emigration Committee Euphrates was, in the kaleidoscopic to France at home and abroad. In The public service of the J3ay of-Atonement begins at sun- it is propo.se_d to set up a new Emigra- change of climates, scenes and tradi- Shanghai, Mr. Kadoorie maintains New York, (J. T. A.)—$12,000,000 between Sultan Ibn Saoud, the leader down with a solemn and plaintive prayer-melody, known as Kol tion Executive Council of twenty-sis , under which Jewish commun- for the Jewish community a school Fund, were raised by the Central Re- of the Wahabis, and the King of the Njdre ("all vows"> which refers to vows appertaining to the persons, of whom thirteen will be ap-tions with a capacity of 140 boys and Hedjas, Hussein, continues. Hussein's conscience of the individual. -Throughout the whole day follow- pointed by the lea and the other ities were founded, perhaps the girls, where Hebrew and English lief Committee, the Orthodox Jewish troops, besieging the city of Taif, have relief organization which was one ofnot been able to recapture the city ingi the service is continuous^ the intent of which is to awaken thirteen will he representatives of the strongest factor to leave its impress 2X£ -taught, _ the three parental bodies of the Amer- from the Wahabis. on the development -of Je'srish.Jiisto.ry.. wjthin. the. worshipper a consciousness of his need to orientate United Jewish Emigration Committee himself spiritually, that; he may the more worthily do his work and all the organizations affiliated, Beginning -with the time when the... The House of Kadoorie in the ican Joint Distribution Committee, ac- A new offensive on the Wahabi iji tlus world. The day-long service culminates in -the Ne'ilah with it. The Council will elect from leaders of the Jewish rebellion and Orient has the same significance" as cording to the report of Rabbi Aaron forces is feeing organized under the services, in- which .forgiveness is besought for all mankind as among, its memhers two directors .who. Jewish scholars had to flee under the the House of Rothschild, holds in Teiteibaum, secretary of the organiza- leadership of Emir Ali, the eldest son fervently as for the individual' Jew who utters the prayer. Not will conduct the emigration activity p-resgyre of the Roman legions, to the western world. His many-si ded tion, submitted to the conference of King Hussein and commander of tfce punishment of the; sinner, hut repentanee for his failings and of Europe. The agreement has already the Gaonic Epoch, down to the ninth interests in the affairs of the world which was concluded here yesterday. the Hedjas army. weaknesses, and courage to walk under the burden of life been endorsed hy the United Jewish and tenth centuries • of the /• present and the situation in the Orient in During the ten years' activity of the valiantly is the key note of the concluding service. Emigration Committee and ratifica- era, Mesopotamian Jewry held the particular have brought him in con-Central Relief Committee, a sum wealth producers in this counJnmp.dern times a memorial service is also a feature of the tion by the lea is now being awaited. dominant position in Jewish life. tact with. men. of affairs in China,' amounting to not more than 3%% of tryThe must build up their own day, This service reminds the worshipper that death is a con- This statement was made today by Africa, followed—by • Spain, Prance, Japan* Siam a"nd India. He has the total sum collected, was expended papers. manifested his interest in educational summation of life, and should not be feared. No one who hasMr. Latiki-Bertoldi, a member.of the. Germany, Poland, Russia and, the for organization purposes. ' Jiy§d worthily is forgotten, nor ia his life void. All who con-United Jewish Emigration .Committee, last but not least, America, were the development in India by a donation Over one hundred fifty delegates successors to the heritage of ..Meso- to the University of India, in whieh from various ports of the country tribute to the attainment of .man's hope of redemption from in an address here to Jewish DR. FRED B. BROWN potamia.- Until recently, before the the famous Indian poet, Tagore, was participated in the conference which! poverty, war, famine,,siqkness, selfishness, and exploitation hasten men. DR. CEL1A R. BROWN the^ advent pf the. Kingdom" of God, which is established as the - Mr. Bertoldi spoke of conditions in conclusion of the World War, and the greatly interested. The estates of took place under the chairmanship of | CHIROPRACTORS result pf every person's effort to better conditions of life. The the Argentine, where he visited recent- renewed interest in Palestine and Kadoorie in Hongkong and Shanghai Mr. Gadaliah Bublick, editor of The' 406-4(17 I'nxlon IMnob Hours. 10 A.. M. to C V. M. memorial service cm the Pay of Atonement is crowded with tender ly. The immigration restriction in the the neighboring countries, Mesopo- are one of the outstanding reminders Jewish Daily News. I ; Atlantic 87H0. meniones, but u£ihses-the solemn moment to drive home the Argentine, he said, are as severe as tamian Jewry* and its center, Bagdad, of Western civilization. H s home The conference was addressed by-; Kesidenee:Phone. Morris Apts., Phone At. 3210 were merely-a-fascinating home with- is a meeting place for the notable Rabhi A. J. Cook of Palestine, Rabbi j paramount duty pf living for humanity." in the United States. It was essentiaL out - a meaning in reality as the men of Tetters, business and politics that all the Jewish organizations ac- Arabian tales of-Bagdad are. who -visit" or reside in that part of Epstein of Kowno and other speakers j of prominence. Over §300,09.0 was' tive in -the field of emigration unite the world. ROOM FOR RENT recently raised in cash for a £und to- j into one organization, in order to cojpe' - One becomes reminiscent of almost In connection with his position, wards the maintenance of the Jewish! In refined and quiet home for with the situation. Even this is in- the"entire Jewish" History and hope! Mr.' Kadoorie was highly helpful to couple or young lady. Call Theological Yeshiboth and seminaries sufficient. He suggests that an inter- Ail for future bright developments the Jewish. "«fuse,-"during the- last in Europe aad in--Palestine under the: ATlantic 1450 for «further o ~ n the" scene of the former Jewish national -body should be created -in^ r i whllp our hea?t is aroused over few 'years. * It is "due to his personal direction of the Rabbinical Delegation particulars. the martyr that fell by * tlie baud's 6t questions-have' been' asked. The first eluding not only Jewish emigration history when one has the opportunity . violent uu>li3, we witness vsitU tndlfrereitee is,'.wfcat; is ^the" caiise for this drift societies but-those of—all--other na- of "meeting in New York Eliezer connections with the leading men visiting this country for this purpose. rue iJi&appeBttjncq1 qf thnt toy vtiich they oec&iue martyrs. '—Prof. '. Israel 'Fried- t»way."irom~"the Jewish life? • The tions suffering from the present im- Kadoorte "of Shanghai on his wayof China, Japan and Siam, that the lUUU.er. . . ._• second is, how is it possible to stem migration restrictions. throiigh Loridon to Jerusalem and his governments of these countries joined tfis 'drift? place of nativity, Bagdad. - You have the "international chorus" of nations The veracity of this statement is I • We must almost encircled the globe in read- eMofsins the" ~Balfour • Declaration, realize that the fate of such as is im.pojgsibte" to/ .ddny. Y(e establishing the Jewish national POLAND ENFORCES FIRMER ing this sentence." The very rotation are daily witnessing pur own brethern the Jewish people~ls dependent upon POLICY TO PREVENT WHITE of the earth can "be sensed "in his liome in Palestine. It was through turn from the paths of our fore- the Jewish ",young of the world. The SLAVE TRAFFICKING^ the Hebrew Kadoor is equal his hospitality when the Indian poet, fathers whp were persecuted for their Jewish youth of the'world'must be Tago're, visited China, that a gathrefusal to renounce their adherence organized, m one great brotherhood ' Warsaw, (J. T. A. Mail Service.)— to "globe":—Kadoorie means nothing ering of 700 people xvere Invited to -to the Jewish faith. We see on all proclaiming the unity pf the Jewieh The Ministry of the InteriorJ has is"--less' than'"the man of the globe." the Kadoorie estate to welcome' the s\des[ our brother Jews ignoring and people. The - Jewish youth of the sued ah order enforcing stricter Eliezer Kadoorie is indeed the manpoet." From his house*Tagore issued Pdicious even mocking those very things which world, must- live the free and in- supervision with regard to the issue of the globe," His, "life, his many a statement of his views favoring should be.dear.to them." And then tensive life of the- Jewish, people and to women and girls of passports for activities" a.ricl interests . extended t o the re-establishment of the Jewish in .their Kypocricy they "turn around S" the same .time share "the free, in- proceeding abroad. "Women and-girls the farthest corners _<jf the world. national home in Palestine, a' stateand mourn the death-of those who tensive life of the free _and. coura- who apply for passports wilt^have tor Bom in. Bagdad,."3t7the "age of twelve died in order that the Jewish ideals geous spirits -of all peoples.. The submit a written statement, signed by he. left for Chijia, with." his brother, Jewish youth must declare its confi- the parents or legal guardians, declar- the well-knawnVJajte Sir ElHs Kamight be saved for us. ' The spreaef from Judaism is nowdence in the laws set forth by Moses ing their purpose in leaving the coun- doorie. The .boy. a£ Bagdad traversreaching the \ danger mark. We have and prepare to show tKe world, their try. Proof will have to.be produced ed the Kingdom oi * Flowers,, along arrived" at the crisis and something activities' in complying with "these from -relatives or prospective em- paths which were not full of icoses. must be done to stem this drift away commandments. What - a - glorious ployers in the country of immigra- Inborn intelligence and application of from our ideals. But before attempt- prospect lies before the Jewish youth tion.- If the girl is a minor, the Im-skill and foresight have built up _s?hat An Entirely New and Coming to secure, remedies and cures for of the world—a- life-lived -at-the very migration- Office, will have to bejsatis- is now known from the Pacific^ to the plete Line With Name and the '£vll,Jet us ftnd the true meaning heart of the life of the - wo.rld, a fied as to the person under whose Mediterranean as "the Kadoorie interAddress Printed Without of Judaism—what one must "be to be Jewish life-that will" be freed of its protection she is travelling. In the ests. Extra Charge. fetters 'and shackles, that will be inevent of any suspicion as to the ebr<- However, the. Kadoorie Interests a good Jg\y. In the first place, one spired by its WQndfQus Jewish hisrectness of the statements and docu- are not limited to the individual or must -with full - sincerety obey the commandments of the Bible, for if tory, impressed by its .great liter- ments supplied, a secret, thorough in- the family. It- implies, as docs the ature, derpted to its beliefs, dedicated vestigation -witt be-carried-out. Strict name, interest in commercial, philanMain'Floor, West. • not"tha$ soul sh.all be cut off from "i ' supervision is to be exercised also with thropic _ and educational development - his people—I am the Lord." - How is to "its lawjj,, ccustoms" that regard to women and girls arriving in it possible "fpr the Jews tov remain arose through hh its legends and "tra"diT"any town* in Poland and" "staying in the teacher and instructor of the na-tions that wiU open to a]l ,men of tions |f they themselves-.-refuse to Uvag'e, of "gree "spirit, of ^burning hotels or furnished" rooms. abide by their own teachings? How religious* jtfeals. Demonstrating The Nebraska's Value is It possible to convert • the oflier -The life oi tlie Jewish youth, o.f WJLLJCQNFISCATE SYNAGOGUES Supremacy '" • nations to our principles if we our- maha^ must" be caugfo, up ' i n -this" Riga, ( j : T. X ) Synagogues "and selves cannot^fceep them? flowing" movement of .the. world's chuychegjn the Ukraine will be conWe all see the difficulty we* Jews spirit. "And the Jewish youth of fiscated by the Soviet Authorities if -collectively are encountering in keep- Omaha must dedicate itself. JtQ thethe; number of worshippers in the re; ing "these laws of the Bible while we belief .that the Jewish spirit c,an in spctive districts is not sufficient to are in exile. Our very environment reality help hring about a rejgn of Justify the. upkeep of these places of an<} surroundings prevents us--as a peace, of love,, and pf-righteousness worship, according to. an ordinance united group to maintain1 our belief among men, issued by the Ukrainian Government. ]. in its strictest sense. And' the one A group -qf Qinaha'a young' men - The ordinance authorizes also the solution to this- problem is the aquisi- §vo already become influenced, 'with confiscatjgn. of synagogue and church QUPERBLY silk lined and tailored of fine unfinished tion "of a homeland—A ziori Were this "work that is" being initiated in buildings in .places where the popula»>J worsteds—correct in every detail—they're right for Akthe' "Jews, unhampered•• and' un- other cities, .throughout__the "world. tion is in acute need of. the. premises Sar-Ben Ball. Big Sizes, Small Sizes, All Sizes. molested, . may live the. life • of- tlie This group has formed an organ- for sanitary, medical and cultural purSmart Fall Top Coats Jew* "$8 pointed out in the-Bible.- — ization known as the ifoung Israel poses. 350 ROOMS' " .350 BATHS - Thus »we see the necessity of the Synagogue. The purpose* of "Young and. Overcoats V Rates: $2.50 to ?4.5Q. • ." _conibination of orthodoxy and" na»Israel is to-inculcate a spirit of also has .asked the Regional Agri. tionaiism in the making of a- good intelligent - and' active • loyalty to cultural Bureau of Charkoff to allot - Jew.;;;' We- see-that these two prin- Judaism in • the Jewish youth. - It 6,000 desiatin land for the same ciples are fundamental and' especially strives far create the opportunity -for purpose. The 'administrative cpnrvital in the life of the. Jewish.-people. living'a "meaningful and self-fulfilling inittee .Qf* the. Odessa "Gubispolcorn", Combining top quality in top coats and overcoats at ft low price. Chesterfields, Box Coats, Tawn Ulsters. • And-we- must teach Everybody the religious life arid to- stem r the drift the communistic executive committee reasons why- the. association-of these away from Jewish life" and literature^ of. the - district, has applied to the OTHER GOOD TOP COATS AND. principles .are so - essential to .theI t endeavors to contend reciprocally, "Sovoarcim" to assign special funds OVERCOATS, AT- ¥35 TO |50 JewMU&ation. • td struggle- in opposition taf those, and credits. for v the new Jewish ! ' 250 ROOMS 200 BATHS forces" which are 'continually enticing settlerB," , However, the Jews as a" whole, do : '? -:. . -A Good Room for $1.50 Our.boys and girls f_roni. the, ideals "The Sowing Commfssi'on" of' tjie not - importance:-of ; h ~~Eversfcady Bhows- someone -piracy cully and faith" fn which they were born. Odessa district "has applied to -the OMAHA. i«Btt> tefefeg -UH^Ia*-teifa" Everyday: we " To ^woirk. effectively for "the real- ReRgional 'Agricultural"Bank for % see new addittons Jo the list of those ization; of these' ideals," "Yoting Israel granting immediately of a loan of r iCORKECT APPAREL FOE MEN A.ND WOMEN tssrsse 1 who i»a toth l has organised - a "motfe!" - synagogue 16,000" rubles-'to'buy seed for' the 1 sphere orthodox services are conduct- Jewish .settlers* ed every ' Friday evening, every; Saturday morning, and on mornings of all" holidays. In them, one is ? Published ever; l'fiutsdny at uuiaba. Nehrasfea. by attracted by the reverend atmosphere TE|E JEWiSHI PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY. created by congregational singing, Office; 681 BrancleisTbeatre BuildmgWTeJephone: ^Tlaptic 1450 by the perfect decorum, b thft.«Um' ' ' NATHAN B. GREEN, Manager. ination of all taints "of commercial..$2.50. ism, and by intellectual and inspiring Subscription fVicev one year.,,., Advertising rates furnished on application. sermons delivered in the English CHANGE OV AIHMtUSS-l'lease give botb tbe old and new address: language. All ecclesiastical functions • • Jits Bur« and fiWe your name. are performed by the young men - ^ Jewish Press is. supplied by Jhe Jewish Telegraphic Agency (Jewish alone, no outsiders taking any part Correspojidepce; Bureau) ^ith cabled and telegraphic. 3ewish news, in addition in the conducting of the services. to feature articles and correspondences fr«m all iinpoitant Jewish centres. offers Inquiries regarding news 'items credited to this Agency will he.-KJadlv Tbe educational program the study of Hebrew, answered if addressed "to "Jewish Telegraphic "Agency, 114 Fifth Avenue, 1 classes for Jewish laws, and customs, Bible, New York City, • . ; ' . ' Jewish, history, etc. mr ^~-*— „ YOM R I P P U R " " ' In this manner, Young Israel of From sunset on Tuesday, October 7th, until sunset on hopes to regain those who Wednesday evening, October 8th, the Jewish people will, every-' have been practically lost to them, •where gather for the observance of worship and there in medita- to prevent others from joining the" tion" and prayer, forgetful of the world l putsjde, .,reviye their ranks pf the deserters from Judaism, confidence in the eventual triumph of God § love and justice, and and to restore to their proper place thfc brotherhood pf man. those things, which have prolonged The Bay fls Yom ICippur in Hebrew, the existence of the Jewish nation. Th B y of Atonement,, known n fl chapter J.6, And we are confident that the words is mentioned in the Bible. In the b,ook of th elaborate l b t priestly i t l ceremonial i l off atonement t the is described. In ojt _ of the prophet uof Jeremiah £ uthe i o Exile, Leviticus £3: 26-82, the observance of Yom Kipp.ur is gnjgined. _ « A n d marked will be seed


A Tale of Bagdad— Eliezer S. Kadoorie

f Coffee

Jewish New Year Cards Brandeis Printing Co.



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PAGE* 3—THE JEWISH PRESS, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1924 negative. sary fox the sanguinary enthusiasm. PALESTINE LABOR URGED osephine Sherman, ' Dorothy ' Picus, ministrative Women in Education, assistance is entire^ National Kindergarten Association, xcejpt for the Hedjaz, Yemen, and That •. enthusiasin also sounds , a TO 'STRIKE AGAINST WAR and Gertrude Romm, Sons of Veterans' Auxiliary, National few other provinces along the coast, sympathetic chord among Arabs of Jerusalem, (J. T. A.)-^The war Miss Estelle Lapidus is spending the. Auxiliary United Spanish War Vet- ,e controls all of the Arabian other creeds, looking upon the Wa-between the Wahabis and the Kingdom xans, Association of Women in week-end and the holidays with her Public Health, May Wright Sewall eninsula. habis as a possible means of giving of Hedjas caused a movement of parents in Omaha. State, Indiana State Council of By the 19th century the Wahabi them independence and freedom. Es- protest against war here. Labor orWomen, Southern Women's EduMrs. Finklestein and sons, Louis cational Alliance, Federation of iect was sufficiently strong to Saud draws his $400,000 a year sub- ganizations belonging to the Amsterthreaten the Turkish Empire, and, sidy, while his followers add several dam International issued proclamaand Jack, were in Omaha last Sun- Temple Sisterhoods. under orders of the Sultan, the times that amount to Great Britain's tions in Hebrew end Arsbip, urging The entertainment of the Interday attending the wedding of Leonard national Council of Women is the powerful Mohammed Ali of Egypt expenses for protecting its proteges Palestine labor to strike and make gockenberg, hostess duty of all organizations in ilaced his son at the head of an from him.—(Copyright, 1924, Jewish demonstrations of protest under the the National Council. .At their first Misses Kate Goldstein and Fanny September meeting every club, organ- ixpedition which defeated them and Telegraphic Agency, Inc.) slogan "War against' War," Levinson are spending the week-end ization and group in the National ent the leaders to Constantinople to The styike was called for Sunday, Council, will receive a program of be executed. -Its latest rise is one 500 JEWISH IMMIGRANTS in Omaha with their parents. Work, however, was net interrupted. the plans for the Quinquennial and of the post-war developments. HAVE ARRIVED IN MEXICO In Jerusalem, Jaff1© and Haifa lahor will be given an opportunity to do Since Es-Saud defeated his ancient Mrs. Pollack, Daughter, and Granddaughter, Chicago, (J. T. A.)—About 500 Jew- meetings took place, where speeches what they will financially towards rival, Abdullah Ibn Mitah, and pracThe ish immigrants arrived in Mexico dur- were made in Hebrew and Arabic, making the meeting a success Leave Omaha Sunday to Sail Oct. 18 for Europe Washington meeting is open to all tically exterminated his army in ing the past three, months, according protesting against war. Mrs. Alexander Pollack and daugh- by Mrs. Pollack's grandson, Mr. Mark menjbera of all organizations in. the Council- '• and besides the *1-" foreign *~~»;.™ 1921, the Wahabis have been flushed to information received here by the . Dollie P. Elgutter, and her Pollack, Jr., of Havana, Cuba, who. is large with 'Victory. Yemen, on the south, headquarters of the Independent delegates, there will be daughter, Miss Katheryne Elgutter, now touring France with -his wife. Organization to Hold Convention representation is strong, and their forays have been Order B'nai B'rith from their rep- ARABS ATTACK TWO JEWS; fronj every state. have given up their home and are During their extended stay in Europe Meetings will be held in Memorial directed against the Sherifian king- resentative in Mexico City. in Washington on May, 1025 ONE BILLED, ONE WOUNPEP Continental Hall and the Pan-Amer- doms on the threp other sides. this week at the Blackstone Hotel. among the countries that they wil Jewish immigration into Mexico is Jerusalem. (J. T. A.) Two Congress Building. Important The Wahabis follow the true teachu Mrs, R. Kulakofsky was recently ican They are leaving Sunday for Chicago, tour will be France, Spain, Switzerin general increasing. Economic confeatures will include a. Ceremonial 111., where they will spend a. week land and. Italy. Miss Katheryne El- appointed State treasurer of the Na-Evening, when the President of the ings of Mohammed—to shun. alcohol, ditions, however, sre not improving ite Jpws, Shevach and Oseri, were at^ gutter, who has been a student of the tional Council of. Women of the United States, the Secretary of State adultery, lying, forgery, and fraud. and work is scarce, according to the tacked near- Jaffa by two Arabs on prior to leaving for New York, from Omaha Central High School, will atUnited States. Other state officers and the President General of the D.In addition, they believe that a report. The Independent Order B'nai the night pf September 8. where .they will sail on October 18 tend school during her stay at E. will welcome the delegates. recently appointed were Mrs, John A. Shevach was killed a«4 Oseri sen* Introductions will be made by Mrs.spendthrift is abhorred by God, B'rith has leased a new building in on the steamship "Majestic" for a countries. Stoker, of Hastings, as state chairdecorations in the mosques^—priceless Mexico City which is now being fitted pasly wounded. Moore and responses by Lady Aberseveral years' stay in Europe. Mrs. Pollack and Mrs. Elguttey ha.v man; Mrs. E. C. Warner, pi Nor- deen. • . .. rugs, gold, silver and jewels—and to >ut to carry on immigration sid work - Their first step will be at Cher- been active in both social and; club folk, chairman of third district; and prohibit smoking, the recreation of in Mexico. Mr. J. L. Weinberger is bourg, France, where they -will be met work here. Mr. and Mrs. Reuben H. Brown, Mrs. George Trater, of North Platte, every Arab. in charge of the work in Mexico, THE WAHABIS 1035 North 32nd St., extend chairman of the sixth district. They believe that graves should be heartiest and best wishes for a Who They Are. And plain, and that women should not WILL BUILD RAILWAY Mrs. Philip North Moore, Pres Happy and Prosperous Npw Year Miss Mildred Cohn returned Mon- vey, the Misses Miriam Mosher- and of the National Council of tp their relatives and friends. What They Stand For attend funerals becau.se they weep; day evening to the University of Chi- Dorothy Goldstein,' and • Messrs ident ON ARARAT WHERE Women of the U; S. announces tha forbid the wearing of jewelry, and ! cago, where she will pursue her stu- William Cooper of Chicago, the Sixth Quinquennial Convention of NOAH'S ARK RESTED enforce other puritanical customs. Jerusalem, (J. T. A.) —• Mount the International Council of Women dies. • ••; \ " / . . , ; • . • ; and Robert H. Kooper. By JCJWS R. the Those who dp not do likewise deserve will be held in Washington, D. C, Ararat, on the summit of which, acEditor's Noter -la connection May 4th to 14th, 1925. The Misses Estelle Lapidus, Fannie »• Mr. and Mrs. Morris Grossman, Mr3. S. S. Mayer is taking charge, recent attacks of tins Wahabi forces death. cording to Biblical tradition, Noah's The settingof the definite dates Levinson, Kate Goldstein and Sara of reservations for- the Get-Out-the-. and family, Manhattan, K.ans., on the Capita) of Transjordanin. ME, Contrary to the orthodox Moham- Ark rested after the Mood, will be for the Convention by the Intern?-? Somberg spent the High Holidays Vote Luncheon to be given October pnal CQuncil Execuive, makes it wish all their relatives and Junins B. Wood submitted the follow medan, sects, which contend that no turned into a modem resort for friends a happy and prosperous ins * splendid description of. tha teachers have arisen in the last 1,000 here with their parents, returning to 11 at' the Fontenelle Hotel for all possible for the American Committourists from ail parts of the world. Moslem religious sect, the mos years capable of interpreting the New Year. . the University of Nebraska Tuesday women. By calling Mrs. Mayer at tees to proceed immediately • with A railway is planned to the summit, powerful factor on the Arabian pen plans for the entertainment of what evening. ' ', .; Koran, the Wahabis hold that each which is 17,000 feet above sea level. insula. to. the National Walnut 2534, or sending reservation will undoubtedly be the largest and believer may interpret it according Society in Washington. most important gathering of women Ararat, located in eastern Armenia, An out-of-town visitor, who is be- money to her at 4819 Capitol avenue, ever held ^anywhere in the world. The dangerous factors of Arabia, to his conscience and take the con-lying between the lakes Van and reservations will be taken care of. ing entertained, is Miss Anne Le Vine, The International Council of more omnioua than veiled intrigues sequences. This liberalism, howMr. and Mrs. Harry Miller, of of Patterson, N. J., who is the house, Women is made up of the National of European powers, are Whabis. ever, does not go to the extent of Urmia, and the river Araxes, now Manhattan, fKans., extend their Councils of thirty-four countries arid Through the centuries, they rise and forms the frontier between. Turkey, guest of Miss Iva, Siegel. Among best wishes to their relatives and f ha§ a membership of thirty-six mil- fall. Under their shrewd young permitting any interpretations con- Persia and Armenia. B friends for a Happy and Pros"those who have been her hostesses lion women. It meets but • once fn, sheik, Adb el-Azi? esrSaud, they trary to their dogmas. perous New* Year. Superstitious fear and natural obduring the past seyera.1 weeks were five years and acts as a clearing again are casting threatening Mr. Samuel Schwartz, twenty-six house for all of the National Counr shadows across the borders of the When the powers of Europe were stacles have prevented the natives Miss Iva Siegal, Mrs. M. Levin, Miss selecting the rulers for Arabia, Es- from attempting the assent of the years of age, of Kansas City, Mo,, cils tha;t are included in its member- British protected fcingdams. . Sophie: Steinberg, of Council Bluffs, died in a Chicago Hospital early Sun- ship, giving the women of the world The Wahabis are the oft-pictured Saud had not crushed Ibn Mitah. mountain. However, its summit has ''"Sirs, H. Eisenstadt, Mrs, S, Frohm, day marnisgaftera three week§? ill- a ' common ground upon which they The two were counter-irritants. Both of the faithquickly who invite Mrs. Ed. Fredericks and Miss Minnie ness. He is survived by hi3 widow, may meet and discuss the problems zealots Mr. and Mrs. John Eobinson, and to death enter fell into the category of those who been repeatedly reached by Europeans more in order and 'its geological peculiarities have family, of Norfolk, Nebr., wish affecting the -womanhood of all "Kaplan. ". •: '.;,'.•'. religious so fanatically Paradise, Jennie Katelman, nation.?. might be controlled by an annual been noted. to extend to theif relatives and formerly that they include ali other, Moslems ftabbi J, M. Charlop's". Saturday daughter of Mr, and Mrs. J. Katel- The National Council of the United subsidy. friends best greetings for the Its cone is the crater of an extinct New Year. , morning, October 4, seripon subject a.t man, of Council Bluffs; his father, G. States with a. membership of over not of their particular sect among Countless rulers, from tribal sheiks volcano and because of its height, it the B'nai Israe) Synagogue at ten Schwartz, and one sister, Mrs. D, eleven million women includes among the unbelievers unworthy of life. upward in rank, are receiving such is snowcapped throughout the year. thirty-nine National organizations The desert land of Nejd, in the ": o'clock will be "Turn Ye Israel to Thy He'arsh, "a brother, Morris Schwartz, its the following: General Federation of center 6f Arabia, with its capital at subsidies, either frpm Great Britain ;Lord." At three q'clock Saturday aft- all of Kansas City, and another Women's Chjhs, National Young or France or adroitly from both. .; ernpon he will speak at the Beth Ha- brother, Frank, of Detroit, Mich, all Women's Christian Association,. Na- Riad, some 400 miles across th Es-Saud probably receives the largmedrosh Hagodol Synagogue on "Jew- of whom were in Chicago at the time tional League of Women Voters, burning sands from Ojair, on thi est salary, $25,000 a month, with an Needlework Guild of America. Amer- Persian Gulf, its only port, is thi additional New Year's present of i s h Conception of t b T t a of his death. • ican Legion Auxiliary, Women's |100,000. lie explains to his followRepublican Association, National W- home of the Wahabis. Mrs. J. Katelman, who had been in Mr. Elliott "Bud" Taxman, of KanFew foreigners, or even Arabs who rs that this is a tribute from the G. T. Vm American Association of Chicago with her daughter returned to sas City, Mo., grandson of Mrsy P. University Women, National Council are not pf the sect, have seen the I.§ Schlaifer, formerly of this Qi%Yi w a sCouncil Bluffs Friday afternoon as of Jewish Women, American - Nurses capital. There Es-Saud, a man in infidels. Mr Schwartz' condition was considerThe explanation was sufficient as Association, National Wornen's Relief ; received into the. University of MisCorps, Ladies of the Maccabees, the early 3O's*,;rules .like a despot, i souri Chapter of the Zetg, Beta Ta\i ed improved. She and Mr. Katelman Federation of Colored Women, Ladies though his aged father still is alive. ongr as Ibn Mitah-was a factor in left Tuesday night for Kansas City, the day's fighting. With him disthe A. E., National Congress In turn he is dominated by the posed of, other objectives were necea where funeral services were held of of M Mothers and Parent-Teachers' fanaticism which gives the tribe its Miss Lillian Kopper returned yes- Wednesday.-Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Katel- Association, National Federation of strength. His inclination to play the terday after a four days' stay in Chi- man, of this city, apd. Mr, Jifax Katel- Musical Clubs, Women's Interna- modern game of world politics is League for Peace and FreeMONHEIT'S cago, 111., where, she visited with, her man, of Lincoln, Nebr,, also left Tues- tional dom, Woodmen's Circle, Indianapolis limited by the bitter prejudices of BEACTK SHOP day night for Kansas City sister, Mrs. Jack Eose, and Mr. Hose. AND CHIKOPODI Local, Council, Medical Women's Na- his followers. Est. 1800 tional Association, International SunThe QjnahaChapter of Hadassah .-Born to Mx, Mx, ml ml Mrs, Mr, BenrrKooler, shine '' Society, National American An alliance with Es-Saud can make Marcel and. fr«> reset In "• days, $1.00 and the Zionist i)istrict are. giving a 1602 High St., Tuesday, September S t b 30 Mothers, National Council Ad-him only less of a menace, for his 30, We specialize In permanent ball on Sunday, November 9, at the at the Edmuridsen" Hospital, a baby waving. Open from 9 A. J5I. te City Auditorium. . ; 8 P . M. ' son/ / ' Jackson 8774. 1512 porney Bfc. Friday : evening's sermon subject Mrs. E. Marcus returned home Frithat Kabbi Frederick Cohn wDl give day from Los Angeles, Calif., where at Tomple Israel will be "The Key," g h e g p e n t ^ p a a t two months visitHEADQUARTERS and-on the following morning he will . xe i a tives. for have as aa his- subject "Strength and . — ', Courage." • Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Krasne reBRUNSWICK -RABIOLAS-.Miss Rosa line"" Goldstein left .Satur- turned home laat week,from a few day evening for Chicago, 111., where weeks, stay in Manitow, Cqlo. . AJ\T GOODS, NOVEtTIBS, F1ANOS Mr B. Gilinsky and two sons, of she .visited with relatives prior to Engagement Rings is our Take Advantage of ons P«j?mffet Plgja leaving; for New York, where she will Portland, Ore.,' arrived Sunday tq Specialty enter'Benjamin Dean College Friday. visit Mr. Gilinsky's parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Gilinsky, of this city.- They MALASH0CK JEWELRY CO. "Mrs. Charles If. Shames left-Sat- motored here. Mr. Gilinsky and sons The Conquered Desert 1514 Dodge St. — TWO STQE1S — urday evening for Chicago, 111. 1416-18 Douglas St. 496? So. 24th St. gst. 1894 " Ja. 5619 left Wednesday for Corning, la. NapoJeon of France needed some ready My. Fred Hershorn, of Kansas City, Itebbi Leon L Feuer, of the Union cash in 1804, and thinking that this part of Mo., formerly of this city, is. spending Hebrew College, who has conducted the country would never amount to much, the High Holidays here with his par-the High Holiday Services at Danish sold the territory containing Nebraska to ents.. , Hall, vdll conduct services Friday Uncle Sam. As late as 1858, the North American •The Upsilon Kappa Tau Sorority evemns, a t Danish Hall. He will Review spoke of the territory west of TrilL-entertain"Saturday afteriidoh'iat address -th£> congregation on . AmerQmah? fs a "vast desert which can be a tea-danco at the Brandeis Teq ican Judaism". Sunday morning he will meet with the "Mothers" to orqrossed, if at all, with camels." Rooms. ganize a Sunday School. But as a desert, Nebraska has not been The barmitzvoh of Julius Frohm, much of a success. Today the average son of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Frohm, annual value of the crops from the state's LINCOLN .•was held Saturday morning, Septern^ fertile fields, exceeds $400,000,000, not to ber 27, at the Beth Hamedrosh Hago" mention the state's factory output of more tiol Synagogue. Mr. and Mrs. Frohm The Fadannth Club held a meeting than $600,000,000. •entertained fifty children- Saturday at the home of Miss Elsie Foska. Nebraska is growing steadily and relafternoon in honor of their son and Mrs. • Anna "PosW Miss Rebecca requires more and more local and long ON ACCOUNT of ill health am compelled to sell his twin-sister, Minnie, who also cel- Poska, and Mr, Sidney Poska returned distance telephone service. At the present ebrated her thirteenth hirthday. my well-known old established busiaess with . rate of Nebraska's growth, we must spend from their extended trip to Portland, about %hree-fourths of a million dollars excellent reputation of long standing.—Will : Miss Annette Fanger was hostess Seattle, San Francisco and other - annually -for- new telephone facilities in Saturday afternoon at a bridge- Points west. -They have been gone this state. sell all or part of stock. f luncheon, honoring Miss -Rae Bercu-, since,last May. In order to provide for the growing who left Tuesday night for Clevedemands "for telephone service, vast sums land, O., where she will spend the. Miss Bernlce Diamond, who is teaching at the High School of .Julian* Neb. of money must bfc constantly obtained from Store and Building for Rent or Sale ; winter, "Covers were laid for sixteen investors.--Nearly half a million people is home for the week-end and is stayguests. already, own Bell System stock or bonds. ing over New YeaT. We shall be plea?e4 to have you, also, as an IMMEDIATE 'ACTION. • NECESSARY* , A musical program and Jewish Mrs. Nathan 'Gold's" sister/ "Mrs.' investor. ;n_.the-business. Any telephone playlet entitled "Dimension" by Sho-Schloss, of New York,' is making her . employee-wwUl-glsdly give you full inforlom -Alechem will -be -gi veit at-the next home in Lincoln. mation abourBell stock or bonds, or call meeting of the Auflebung club to be our Manager. Mrs. Mas Lehman entertained a held Sunday evening, October 5, at As Nebraska prospers, the telephone is 8:15, at the-Labor Lyceum. The play few tables of Man Jong in honor of y successful. Therefore, we constantly strive was directed by Mr. Ben Martin. Only her friend, Mrs. Lewy, of Chicago. / to provide reliable telephone service at the those members who bring their inviJowcst possible ehsirEe3 consistent with reasonMrs. Ht.Speire entertained for Mrs. able wages to'enipToyccs cud a fair return or. tations will be admitted. the money invested in the business. C. Shirk's guest, Sirs. Berlinger, at a 13th and Douglas Omaha, Nebr. ; \ A T lactic 6970, Many-Omahans will attend the luncheon. ' ~ opening football game that the UniNORTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE C O . The Fydannth's held a weicer-roast versity of Nebraska - plays with the •• •-'• B E L L S Y S T E M Illinois University at the Lincoln .Sta- at the Antelope Park Thursday eveOr.9 Policy - One Sgstem - Universal Sercica dium Saturday, October 4. Among ning. The following guests were inthose who will'attend the game arejvited: Estelle Lapidus, Sarah Somass Messrs. and Mesdames Henry Mon- berg, Reva Gross, Kate Goldstein, sky, Micbael Katleman. Dr. Pbilio Le- 'Fanny l£Yinson. Ma Euth Bogen.

Mrs. R. KokkofskyAppointed

to Office of tfett Wmncai

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PAGE 4^-THE JEWISH PRESS, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1924 j have as -their only source of income by American Jews is dependent upon eral brigandage cases in Trans jordarJa, as well as in French Sythe appeal to the pecularly Jewish the outcome of this conference. The apparatus is provided. One ria, were a result of • the Pr»me O U R '•;.•:••-. sentiment, find themselves in a predicament, • as soon as the local can almost paraphrase' the Creation Monster's journeyJewish/Federation enters the Com-? story: At the beginning was-^nbt the • The "forceful attack of the Wa. muriity; Chest. The average-.citizen, word—'the .charitable, deed. Then the habis'on. the capital of Transpordani:;, once, impressed by the. wonders, of single efforts were, federated. Fed- occurred,just on the day v,-hen H\e the 'appeal, is not willing to'lend a "erataofis; cstne < into existence. Will Emi* was scheduled to arrive from JA- Monument for, Chaim Salomon, First Jewish Immigrant from careful ear to; another appeal with there be a federation of Federations ? his pilgrimage and he had a narrow Poland, Proposed. — Koseuisko a specific Jewish purpose. This is (Copyright/1924, 'by J. A. C.) escape from being captured by the and Salomon: Qualities of Polish why many federation members Wahubis. The uiTack of the WaJewry. — A J e w i s h National' seriously _ consider - ,the - question of habis on the Hed.ias is another step Community Chest in the United whether the system . of local Com- Wahabis Attack Kingdom of States — Problem of Great Conof this drama ot oriental mtr.rrues. Hedjas; Startling Revelations of ference to Be Called. — What the munity Chests is expedient. , Chest Could Accomplish and intrigue Between Arab Leaders AT SEATTLE, WASHINGTON The Jewish communities all over Jerusalem. (J. T. A.)—Strong i TEMPLE CENTER DEDICATED What It Should Include. the land are constantly being appeal- forces of the Wahabis have invaded Seattle, Wash. <J. T.A.)—The new By WILLIAM 2 . SPIEGEL.MAN. ed to by many representatives of $175,000 Temple Center was formally the territory of the Kingdom of ,' The -Federation of Polish Jews in the various national 'organizations dedicated here. The Center is a America, a New York- society, has which - are- in need of huge funds. Hedjas and occupied Taif, southeast model of modem Temple architectore Dr_.:ch; J. L. Eckor, Omaha; C. F. Slurtevant, of Mecca. The Hedjas troops have luGSt enthusiastic saleo meettaken the initiative in a matttr which and contains nineteen class rooms and President Baker Ice Machine Com- Very often a really worthy cause deserves the attention of wider circles ing that the Baker Ice Machine Com- of the Foreign Department, Omaha; pany, Omaha; W. A. Cross, president doe's not get the attention it deserves been compelled to retreat, according a large auditorium. A spacious J. C Vaught, Manager" Engineering to a telegraphic message received than the Federation itself represents. pany of Omaha have ever had took r library is another feature of the New England Ice Machine Company, owing; tor this variety of approach January 26, 1925 will mark the one place at Omaha, Nebrasra, Septem- Department, Omaha; P. R. Hospe, Boston; H. G. Venemann, General and the confusion prevailing. The here from Mecca. Sales Engineer, Omaha ;~C. A. Baker, The attack of the Wahabis on theTemple Center. hundred and fortieth annivtrsary of ber 16th, 16th, and 17th. Sales Manager, Ouaha; E. H. Burge, feeling of responsibility exists; the Kingdom of Hedjas, if which the Managtr. Purchasing Department, the death of one of the most illuaefficient ? way of realizing this feelFrom present indications, the busi- Omaha; C. W. • Koehler, Manager President Burge Machine Works, ing is yet to be found.' "'"•lately proclaimed Caliph Hussein is trius figures in Jewish history, in Chicago; S. A. Krantz, Sales ManHarry Kononovitch ! "America. Chaim Salomon, the first ness which should result this year Fisheries and Produce Department, ager. Burge Machine Workr, Chicago. The proposed Jewish National Com- King, follows an attack made by the Jewish immigrant from Poland to should break all previous ; records, OmahaJ B. E. Morley, Sales Engin- Salter Christenson, of the Dade munity Chest with the- proper men same Wahabi forces on the capital America, made a very honorable due, not only to better - business" eer^ Kansas City Branch; W. F .Refrigerating and Engineer^;: Co.j at the head: of it "would put an endof Transjordania, Amman,' of which Studio—2117 Croirasr Klk. .record in his new country. Over conditions, but also to the increas- Moody, "President Moody Engineering Miami, Florida, was also present but to this situation. On one hand it Emir Abdullah, the son of King Harnry K476 Company, Little Rock;-C; W; Stipp, ing popularity of Baker Plants. Bowing for Advanced fu'pils. there in Poland, much stress is b.Hussein, is ruler. would represent a more weighty apis not shown in the picture. Beading from left to right rear Sales Engineer, * Kansas City. Office; ing laid on the activities of another The attack of the Wahabis on column in the picture abo.ve are: L. Hebert, President Northwest Ice . Due to pressing business, the Man-peal to American Jewry and on theTransjordania, in which ten thouPolish refugee who came to AmerF. E. Hartmann, Sales Engineer, Machine Co., Seattle/ Second row, ager of the Birmingham Office, Mr. other-hand it would dispell the haze sand cavalry troops participated, was ira at that time. left to right: W . G . Smith, President N. R. Keeling, and the Manager of concerning the. institutions really It is the Igure of Tadeusz Kos- Omaha; E. N. Nicklas, Factory Fore- Southern Engineering Co., Memphis; the Valdosta Georgia office, Mr. W.worthy of support. repulsed after the intervention of ciuszko, the ragic national hero' of man, Omaha;; J. M. McKenzie, Man-, J'. M. Speed, Manager' Des Moines r.. Eager, were unable to attend. The British aeroplanes. It is clear that this proposed JewPoland who, seeing the partition of ager Los Angeles Branch; R. C. Hud-Branch; J. H. Coesfeld/ Superintend- same was true of representatives Svartling details in connection with son, Advertising Manager, Omaha; ish National Community Chest would the attacks of the Wahabis, the 1 c his country and the collapse of his from the Cornei Mathews Company ent, Omaha; -F.*-J. Vette Secretary, H. Williams, Manager/ Minnehave'to direct its main efforts tonation, crossed the ocean to help in Baker Ice Machine Co., Omaha; PL of Orlando, Floric' , and the Morton wards the ' solution of the burning dangerous religious sect of the -Araapolis Branch; J. E. Rasmusstn, the establishment of a new nation P. Benwayj Sales Engineer Kettering Mel. Dukehart Company of Balti- problem in America: the Jewish ed- bian peninsula, under.the leadership and to fight for its independence. Manager Fort Worth Factory; Chas. Co., Denver; W. C. Hardy, Manager more, Mb*. ucational problem- It would have of Sultan Ibn Saaud, on the Arabian Many disillusioned and disheartened Knox, Superintendent of Erection, first of all to secure the financial kirsg-doms ruled by the Hussein famPoles and Jews—at .that time uhtted ily, are being revealed to-day. It in sorrow and in nope for a betcer character. $12,000,000 were raised broader purposes. V At. 8028 one common appeal was issued. The foundation for the existing semina- was -disclosed that the attack of the 1307 Howard St. ries of higher Jewish learning, the •world—were stranded all over the and spent for American Jewish relief Omaha, Nebr. Expression to this thought was average citizen has to be coaxed to Wahabis on Transjordania was a western world. Kosciuszko is the and reconstruction work in various given at the recent conference of give; he gives in a happier spirit National Jewish Hospitals, the Jew-result of the rivalry between the ish Publication Society and perhaps name which figures in the "history of countrits of the worlds Social Workers at" Toronto. The plan when he is approached on behalf of many other enterprises. A certain al- ruler of Transjordania, Emir Abboth, America and Poland/ • Kos- It is a high record and one which was formulated, that a, Jewish. Na- the entire community. The Comdullah, and his Prime Minister, Riciuszko is the epitome of the uost he American Jewish community can tional Community. Chest be organ- munity Chest system has another lottment for the necessary -work kabi Pasha. While his ruler, the that Poland, in defeat, produced. In be justly proud of. The period of ized in the United States., Com- advantage. It gives to both the abroad -would, no doubt, have to beEmir Abdullah Yvent on a pilgrimage Any way yon get,them in any package fact, Poland, after the national catas- emergency relief work abroad is munity Chests.as a unifying instru- professional and voluntary social included in the budget. . to Mecca, the Prime Minister visited ITEM'S GRAHAM CRACKERS • trophies, produced a literature which drawing to an end. American Jewry ment of great efficiency, in dealing workers a feeling of «ecurity, and What is to be included in this all the Bedouin tribes on tne Ara- are g-o-o-d eating- for everybody. resembled in a way the literature has, in tht years of emergency, with the support ard expansion of with relief from immediate financial Chest?. Is Palestine to be incorpor- bian peninsula and incited them Ask your procer for ITEN CRACKER^ which grew out of the Jewish genius earned to give. It has awakened the necessary social agencies has worries, ample time to consider and ated into this general annual appeal ? against the Hussein Dynasty. Sev- by name alwnys. Get the Pennine and be satisfied all ways! after the . national catastrophy . in not only to the problems which are proven in many cases to be a great to produce necessary improvements Is the Hebrew University in JerusaNl( Palestine. in the methods and expansion of lem to be a constant beneficiary? confronting Jewry as- a whole, but success. These are, questions which will have A number of American cities have the work. Saw? H. U D M M , FJM--Tma. Polish dreamers, in exile, even also to its own problems which have Carpenter Paper Co. _: Howevery the Community Chest to be discussed and decided upon. I t Jos. Pepper, Vice-Presiaent. been waiting for attention for njany-, reproduced a Polish version of the Dlstrlbntore oi W. G. C M . Secretary. 'st^ni. with all of its advantages will gratify leaders of Jewish thought Jewish Messiah idea. It is sufficient years. It has been felt.,0at>.it rwoifld: Western Bond—and High Omaha Fixture & to mention the names of Miczkiewicz be a great pity wtre this, spirit which out distinction of religion. Protest- has one great drawback with regard in America to know that the question Grade Stationery to the Jewish Agencies participating, is being earnestly discussed ^nd that was built up with such tremendous ants, Catholics and Jews contribute and Towjanski. This stream of Supply Co. Omaha, Nebragftn. in it. A General Community Chesty Mr. Louis Marshall intends to call a .emigrants from Poland, prompted by effort and pain, to be permitted to freely and largely to the Chests durCOMPLETE STORE AND consisting of all denominations, canconference shortly for this very imthe same high motives, included also cool off gradually. It has been the ing one annual,campaign. Experience OFFICE OUTFITTERS opinion of many responsible Jewish has shown that' while ther separate not include in its budget educational portant purpose.* The continuation of a number of Polish Jews. We occcp? institutions which are classed as the••; communal spirit which was so T5.030 • Q Q C I * Cart One of them, Chaim Salomon, land- eaders that,- once started on theorganizations had a hard .struggle to purely sectional activities. Hence, generally manifested in recent years Sectfcwest Ceraee ing in America, proved to be a high road of organization, this effort secure finances it was much easier Jewish educational institutions which and ftoaeiat streets. minded patriot of no small worth. should be continued for fbetter and to obtain the necessary funds when >lack8oc ZTZi O1&AU.&. N"CB. At the outbreak of the Revolution, a- linguistically gifted man with a ' great knowltdge of " niternational affairs, he gave his services to the AUDITING AND INCOME revolutionary forces. Arrested as a TAX REPORTS • spy by the British, he escaped from Every Known Kind prison and continued his patriotic i 208 Karbach Btk. AUantic 10S1 of Insurance services to his adopted country. JA ckson 1862 209 WvO.'-W. Bldg. J A . 5944. His loans to the government Bmouhttd to over $350,000 which was PAXTON-MJTCHELL CO. never returned. A report of the nth and BSarths St». BA. 1662 - aUsnotaetnrrra . of Brass, Bronzit. United States Senate Committee Gate City Furnltisre Co. Aluminum and Soft Gray (ran Caxtlncs. WASH AND KEEP WELL Too arr assured of soft castings, as made in 185— says that Salomon and vre jntK-htne «ome from every farat in A RULE OF HEALTH "gave great assistance to the Govtar awn shop. Globe Van & Storage Co. Standard slxr cast Iron and bronne ernment by loans*of money, advancowned and operated by FRONTIER TOWEL SUPPLY nnshiftK* In stoek. ' . ing liberally of his mtans to sustain GROSSMAN & SONS 1S18 California Street. No. SGth St. the men engaged in the struggle for <?», «338 At. 0330 independence at a time when the sinews of war were essential to success." Phone Webster 0820 A street in Brooklyn, mostly inGFFICIKNT and RESPOKBIEUS LACNDEf. THE LAUNDRY THAT habited by Jews, bears the name of EVERYBODY LIKES. Where your clothes come borne Kosciuszko; the name of Chaim Druggists and Stationers cienner end last longer. Salomon, Kosciuszko's cbuntrymas, lOtb AT tents* C38O. 15U7-11 Jackson St. is practically forgotten. H. A. JAOOSBEEGSS. Pres. Office Phone JAckson S128 The suggestion to honor the nameJOHN FELDMAN of Salomon, by erecting a monument in. a prominent place in New York ' Clothier comes at a proper time. • Proceeding Fall Dress Suits and Tuxedos Certified Public Accountants the closing of the gates of America Moved from 109 No. 16th St. «o 403 Rsrbach Black, ISth & Dnoclas Sts Audits Systems to immigrants from Eastern Europe, .-.:.;, OMAHA, -NEBB. a ttnri used only to conceal the real Investigations 434 to J40 IVtflrg J'rnst liltig. meaning of it—barring, against Polish PbnnpH, •iackfrnn «31S, 431*. Jews—the qualities of Polish Jews BRINN & JENSEN CO. Omaha Offloe: SIS Donelas were broadly discussed and in not a , Wholesale paper Omaha Phcno &Manti<< SA.56 very complimentary way. Many still distributors for Ford'Transfer & Storage Co. remember the attacks • of Burton Northern Toilet Tissue . Henrik on Polish Jewry as a whole. President and Genera! Manasrer. 1112 Barney Street Beside tht pseudo-scientific assertion Cnnncil RinfTn (Iowa) ORioe AT-lantic 6409 300 Kn lM»ln Htrwt. Pl»pf RRf> 'One of America's Great Hotels' that the Polish Jews are not of Semitic,- but of Chazarian Mongolian origin, the gravest charge made When Thinking of Mens' Hats against them was. the unfounded • or Furnishings opinion that Polish Jews, as the East OUK XKJEATSUBJNl' M'll.1. , REMBMBEB European Jew in general, has* no CONVINCE VOV IU OBK conception of patriotic duty and love WOLF BEOS. I>»>pnrtin«»nt. Service is Our Motto for his country. Tht name of Berko 1421 DOUGLAS ST. Safety Orpnsit linsrs. Safe Deposit Boxeo for Ken Joselowicz, a contemporary o f SalofOE L. WOLF SAM N. WOLF mon and champion of Polish independence/ highly honored- in an: nals of the' Polish struggle against : GsMstrsm t^helsteriitg Co. ^ the partitioning powers, is a convinc"Manufactured in Omaha" Upholstering and FaraUure Repairing reply to such a statement/. The BUTTISK and KGGS ing Mattresses Bencvated. name of Hanri Bergson, son of a BAEEK ICE MACHINE CO. Bcs Springs. Council Bluffs !a. ' Polish Jewish family distinguished *T-Jantlc tms 101S North 16th St. for- its—struggles for national *in- deptndence, is another replica to the • charge of racial, inferiority of the O'BRTEN DAJ1S AITTO CO. Jews. •\28th tjnd, Haniey' Sts. lite proposed monument to Chaim , Telephone—HA rney 0123 Salomon will be further telling evi"The Mohl" UNCLE SAM ftKKAKFAS'l dence of Polish Jewish contribution , 1348 s»a. SStb St. POOS) CO, ; to' America. I1MAHA ;••&*" v Tlmtm «f Untinott*, 8*16 ttamlnc St.

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$25,000,000 is - spent annually, by 1 Jews in the United States'for char. itablt and welfare- institutions. Dur•>'' ing last year $12,500,000 was raised ', ^and .spent for local charitable' institu," tions. , $2,250,000 were'raised and r spent for the purpose of 'financing* r Jewish institutions t of a .national


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