October 9, 1924

Page 1

•Xprofess; " ^ iing—only ±**<1| let each man'do % *

VOL. HL—No. 44

all mm y d&re try, a -us life, '-or ' grave.—Herbert.


TO OKMuH'tlsss jmll -matter JOB -JUBBST-J 2Kii i n


jnxslaffise at UnnUnt IftebnuOss. under tbe Asl ai March 3. USS.


PALESTIKE 1VTLL PAY OlvE !M3LLKEN TCSEISH TOTTKIJS OP 0TT<I3L£N BEET Jerusalem, (J. T. A.)—The jrahiie debt -of i h s -fanner Ottoman .Empire JEhall JOE oracled among the -territories •which iormnrty belonged to Turkey, not according to the number of inimhitairts of the respectivE Luriltorjes but -according ID "QIE incoins of Each be the demand of Girls Popularity Contest IBig Event—Winner to Receive .country. This xhe Palestinian delegation to the Prize of Soixna-Trrp Ticket to California international conference "vrhicb is "to' hsld in Constantinople "for the PURCHASER OP TICKET I S ENTITLED be rpose of distributing the debt. | TO CHAXCE ON ZL&RGE ~RAT)IO SET I t is believed that TalfisSne's share! -will not exceed nne million Turkish '\ "The TEhDrpelan Athletic clrib carnival and celebration which -ponnds. "he helfl ^November 16 at the Municipal AnffiitDrium, Trill be A conference of the Palestinian de-1 a *rBd letter' day i s tfhe history y of Omaha Jerwry. y Dttring this legates •will be heia under "the -presii day, d Sunday, Sd lfr "public bli ^will ill 1>B 1 trestfia t "to a very pleasing l tlency of JLref Pasha Dajarii, fnc-mEmentire rlfrp. smd .-selected program of •professional -and lome "tslsiitsd. finter- hsr nf Ihs Palfisfine Advisory Council.

'ESECETITE ATTACKS .HEEBEET SAMUEL StAKBUM TO •Jerusalem, (J. T . .A.)—-The !±ivs of & E Arab Congress has for| warded a memorandnin to i h e JTau!•'dates CotatniEsioii of the League of Satisns espressis 'the .policy -of .the High CoHsmis-j .Sir Serbert Samuel, 'especially | TfSSl IKippUT' DKJ" regard to immigration. | The memorandum pnintE out ihstj HA.ISE E N T I R E •<J13©'TA' the High :ComniisHDner is .prantmgj "BUSING; X K X T 'W8383BL too inany fatilities for Jprish iuimi- j .gratian. 'It'slso complainE of the land j "The HETCH 'Hni'csod :imd the TfteoH i h CoiamisC i High j logical Semhiarj' combined campaign ;policy -pursued ..by H sinner ^wnich, according' to the h Ej p O -over'the top," say the JQBIBtive, "faciiitEtEE thE acgaisitiD nof land of the committee who matte the '•by Jews. 1 appeals in ihe Synagogues of thin T i e Arab Executive desires tcjeity j on Torn Erppur, Tlic csmpaign xatmteract Vvitii "this xepcrt the T-sport jjfar Qmaiisx ig S3Gf000. "More than jsnhmitted by Sir .Sfirbsrt Ssmuel toj$i£tQOO was Taised ill tiie ou Tom .ISppar day. -the lieagTJE of Issuons. • DiBregKrdin?: the busineee . of 'HIT •coxmtrr- todsy, the j :J>f "the consregrationB listenjed to iiie,.-EppsiUE of the messen^rerE I of the miilionE of Jewish msti, \-womsxi .-snd children -who .are Tjeing S. Taffe WEI Sing Scrsral •drifted from one port to .another, s ,st the .Saccoth Program. v^artiixp "to jro isome place, I resptmaec! to their -ETroeals smd isnecoth .Program toBc'GivEn m San- jtnbutBd to the I^erea Hayejfna. committee spoke at jibe Synagogues: Henry 'Monsky und More -than 300 member? -of the Y. !<EpidHE at the "Beth '3L snd T . "W. "B. A. attended the fi 19th and Hug-ocio!

In every House 01 "VToisHip -whsre Jews .^sfhsrBd Horn. Kippar "was xerrently recited fee sacred 'TJnthaneh Tokef" 3>rayer -vrhich concluded TRlch •"Utsbxrvoh, "Dthfslah, "Dtzdokoh, JfeTBi-een Es Tvoah TTagzarehl" There has been repentance.; ihere lias laeen prayer; are you Heady ^srith Charity.? "And "the greatest -.of all is CharityV Tou have asked to be inscribed in ±he -Book of life for a lifeppy New Tear. Have you seen to It that the poor .ainmigsr us are also assnrsfl a Happy New Tear? Kineteea in One 'is the 'Pederatian. Nine local and "Ten national or|rsnisatians are its beneficiaries. The Federation pays the bills for the sick, the destitute, the -smiow ;snd the orphan. Unless Ton GJYS, the Ffifleratiim "vnll be faced this year -stith ,a large deficit. "Without Tour .Md "VPs.""vriIl be unable to JherD those 'vrh.o come t o us ior assistsnee.

"tsxusrs, ^Dancing "will be iheld in "the afternoon and evening. Confetti, streamers and liarns ~vnH be jpven ~tD the -patrons. The jcannv&l "roll begin at noon and ~vnll last -fin imSnight. lEhe large Anditcsriam ~wxQ be:beautif xxliy aecnrated •wdth large banners and streamerB,Tvhich display a large color scheme of blue and "WJirte. Accoraing lo "the .committee in charge g Uris Educational Program Outlined "by I n ill be b BUjroorted d by by all ll th l organizations i iin the h city, incrad- iellectual Advancement Committee. j the llocal he men men and and ~vramsifs ing "the ~vramsifs urganizatiDiiB

That ihe ^Educational Program outDUE of -the feature .attractimiB "will Hie Thorpeian chib or calling at the i e "the -girl's nopnlarity -contest -which, office of ihe carnival committee, 16BI lined by ihe Intellectual .AdvancemEnt "rail .be --Ktnjjed 'by i h e organization., Brandeis Theater building. Committee of ihs Omaha iodge, X O, ThE TEhorpeian -dub is an organ- B. 3., Tsrill became ponrilar was atl a v e .already signified •to enter "the contest. ization composed uf young men of tested by the "large gathering "which !Ehe girl .selling "the most :aoniission the ages of 21 .and over. This organ- showed its appreciation at the .'first •tickets to -the carnival -will' T>e given ization -has -wnn much fevor dn the onen meeting of ihe -season hsld last ticket ±o 'California or eyes .nf t i e Jewish and .non-Jewish Thursday Evening .at ihe l y r i c buildpublic .on numerous occasions. This ing. Bgnivalent i n GOLD. organization "backs a basketball team itdniiEsion -ticket entitles jilost interesting was ihE -talk given m "ths iicket "to E chance on composed of Jewish boys and this "by "Win. 331umenthal un -"ThE Signifi~& large Uadio set "which "will be giventeam 3s .always onE vl "the Eantend- cancE of Hosh Hashona" and '"Tom sawgy "to Hie .holder nf i h e lucky ing teams 3n "the city ior "the -cham.nnmbec. These fickets Trill be sold pionship. SoniE of "flie Tharpeian ETE mow stars in TJiiiviir- Jvathan Hernstein, chairman nf "the •3!DT ±wenty-fivE cents each. Any girl Intellectual Advancement CommitteE, CoILeges. -who -wishes TK> -Enter this contest .and ±ry dor -£his jirize can So so by The Tnorpeian chib ifilps i h e .young The jnnsical ^rrogram jncladed n •getting -in -touch "vafh a onember nT Jewish hpjB jottain "their ^oals in -the violin solo "by "Harry Xcntonnvitch, a affiletic field. The club lias given athletic onaterial amd • supplies to •pnpnlEr <clocal yiolinist. Ulr. ^ononomany uf ihe Jewisli men ± J the city, "riteh's ' Kdl jpfidrE" was greatly .apso -that "they .nnny 'bE jihle t o ^play preciatEd. TTf -was .accompanied on ISTHSI and ±D develpp into strong anfin bqth ihe piano Ijy Iffi^a jJEldrEd Gnggecpbysically and morally;' •Succoth Services a t Temple Israel Tilms I v a •SEigel's "vocal SOID, '!EiIi ; The .-proceeds of •iLWg carnival go begin Sunday evening, Octoner was TeceivEd -with enthusiasm. 12, at Eight o'clock, -and "Avill "bB con- towards s. more larger campaign.lor, She "was accompaniEd on t h e -piano ±inned jSInnday -morriing, October 13,- the maintainance of the many nth-, by Hiss Hose Davidson. Aimer IKaiat i e n o'clock, and ronchided "wifh a letic ^actMtiES in Omaha nmong i n s man acted .as chairman of this meetclosing servicE Sunday 'evening, DetD- Jewish youths. The club -will ioster ing/. grnups in every hrrmrh of thfi afhber H.S, n t eight o'clock. Habbi Prfiderick Crilm's sermon sub- letic game. I t is up "to -fhe ^entire ject Ihe Jirst Evsriing Trill "be "Chil- Omaha Jewry .to support such a dren nf Good ^Fortune." 'The ffllhrwing movement, -whereby nur local Jew.morrimg Ihis subject "will be 'Ingath- ish youth can gain -the benefit by ering.'" rand on .Sunday evening, Octo- bEhig a member Df a Jewish ieam. The USIenorah Society "will hdld its ber 19, nis .subject •"will 'be "Consmn-nsst Tegdiax •mseting -nest TnesdEy AGHDAS - COKEEEEvening at sight o'dnck at the Jewish DECIDIIS TO Connnunity Centsr. "WORK IN Ai its last meeting the Society Cracow. (J. T. A . jMail SETVICB.)— Seplirr Torah ±o Be Given made plans Jar an open ms^ting tD The Palestine -activity of t h e Agudas cat Talnmcl Tarah Program Israel Organization was -was ihe sub- be beld this month, the -definite date ThE children of ihe City Talmud jert nf a lengthy discussion a t ihe io be announced later. ArrangementE Torah "will give a. nublic program ionrfh EEss'ion of the Conference of are oEing "made to nave prmnmEiit jErf ormers io "WfidnEBday -evening, October ITi, at ihe Central Council of ihe Agudas "spEakers and ialsnted g seven ti'dock, xit SOB Talmud Toraih Israel Organization -which i s now entertain .at t^^ open IBldg., 2lHt and IBurt Sts. I n con- [being .held nere. I t -vras fiecided "to IKCEEASING contrnne iand to extend -the activity 5unci3on "with -.the jprogram ilie IN SWTTZEIELAKD in regard to "the "purchase of land dn Auxiliary of ihe Talmud Torah, Gsneva. (J. T. A..) Ana-SEmitism PalssSne, both nn nnStical and econinrmerly Taiown a s 'the ".B*nais . 'in Switzerland is on ths increase, dej*en dSociEty, -will jirEsant si. rSephir omic jrronnds. xlares a Tesolution which has just Dr. .S. Ehrmann, liead of ±he PalesTorah i o ihe Talmud Torah. tine office of the JLgudas Israel i n hesn adopted by ihe 5wiss Sectinn of laarikfort, treporfcsa on i h e ;wnfk al- iho "Womeri's International ieague TAGOEE WILL xeuoy .achieved "in Palestine. Dr. ior l?eace and Xiberty. This "hostility 'COME TO [PALESTINE Sfathan \Birnbaum, Deputy jEarscb-' io-wards ihe Jewish population is Jerusalem. (J. T . A.)—lEahmdranat braun "Warsaw and •nthers iacik caused Tjy propaganda hound trp Tagore, ihe .uitErnationally famous part 3n ihE .debate nn i h e ^work in industrial and commercial Indian jioet, as Expected i o says ihe resolution, and 3t -is as "harmPalestine. Itere next Tuesdrry.. H e -will be i h e JS. lEport' on education was then ful i o the moral -wslHjEing nf our .guest uf Sir ^Hfifbert Samuel, thfi made "by Dr. X Deutechlaender, the jepplE a s i o the Jews ihemsElvES. The nn£i-5emitic •propaganda -may lead i o S i g h •Commissinner of Palestine. hsad of ihE Xeren Hatora. The neafls -most deplorable results—even i o -vioTagna-e wiD "lecture at i h e Hebrew of Ksv^ral Xifhuaniiin Tfishibafh lence. -Taiiversity dn .Jerusalem. The Pales- joined in ihe dehatE "which iollowed. The members of t h e -Svdss Section tine JZimiist Executive is .arranging -were -submitted -from .the :& Tecfctulion 3or ihe ^great noet iif different, countries in '-which -Agudas nf the "Women's International far Teacs and liberty -pledge jfhero•the 33ast. Israel -Organizations eslHt. it selves, -therefore, io collect neves and Tagore, wiile m tated i h a t i h e A.gudiKt Shanghai, -at "a jrecfiptmn .green him tos inEreassd "in •mEmberBhip m all books -relating to anti-Semitic apait "the .home >of Mr. lillissar S. Ha- cciuntriss. T h e Palestine Agudah nas pearances i n nur .country, -for ihs "purdanrie, expressed Jais sympathy with secured n large number of ^Eafe in nose of cbeckmg ihem and of •enrrseti h e ."Zionist movement snd liis jcon- the 'electionE -to i h e Askenazic "Waad, ing false statements -whErever they. ^riction of Tmitfid, Iharmoiiious "work •Hair. I n i h s Jewish communal1 are ^made "public,-and io vviini oizrjpeo"between -Ore ^Moslems und i3ose JEWSElEctions in 3xland i h e -Aguaas I s - jilfi on EVEry possible.occasion against ifor ihe TehuilfliBg ^nf Palestine xs .3rEtnrnEd. a large number of allovong themselvEs to be misted by 4hs Jewish Untional "Homeland. ° TiiprEEsntativEs. The religious :bloc i h s iincitement io-wards Ihatred nf ihe racE, one of the most indusorganized Ijy i h e Agudah liad irinus sections of DUT -popuiation, TJKLBN -COLLEGE ijercent of i h e total mmriher of -vsiiich is -Tvorking :tor i h e prosperity iESTASLISHES UEEAET2ffE3ST seats in the-JEwish -organ- nf i h e -country. OP OTHS1C of Poland, isnd in i h e CIHES -Cincinnati, D , , ( X T.JL.)—A depart-' of Warsaw .and IJndz, ifaEy wlhers ihE ATHENS J E W S ment -of- Jewish' inmar. TXOII "bs estab- strongEst single -.party. AGATKST l^TEET OF EEFlished >at rths Hebrfir' Union GnUsgE TIGEES IKTO GEEECE i h i s :£all amdEr i h s -direcSan of H r . JEWISH J3SEEE3ttA2s OF . (J. T . A.>—The Idelsuhn, ;auihority TO& PAXTSTEKE i e r e loss xeceivEd a communication nn ajEwifih aimsic. Jernsrilsm. (J^ T. JL TSIaL Serpce.) from the Jewish Cnmminiity of - Hr, iaslBbbn _iis i h s .nnftnw m5 & Aihens, ctnitaiDing »ie rayiisst "that aimnber xi£ luabks und .arficles of, eighty Jsvcish fishermen In Salosiica the .Jewish Community of "Warsaw odfaaracter tm subject.. of vetoing anil 'their. make it 'knovoi i o JE^TSSII Bniigxants -DS M B looks, 1& jof xrom ZPnlaad i h a t those -wiiihaiit tranje in ^Palestine, nnet -wifiti shoiild not come to Athens, bers u£ ifae of Eshrew 3>nfi±ty tfi i b s utivfi -on -September 7th, .to .ramsider "Because ins .local ~K>'Wlg'h :is not in * "will .apnear 3n tths *nf u -industry & rpnsitian to ExtEnti anjy .support I D icauTHE itif ihis yeex. .them. , is O






Beyond the Great Utnmtain 'lies the Smiling Plarnl Beyond the Lofty Tom Eippnr lies the Happy -Snceoth, DinGreat Harvest festivai. It is the Original Thanksgiving Day; it is the father 01 ihe Civil TOxanksgiving Bay that is to take place 3iest jaonth. WH1 you help make this our Thanksgiving Day a Truly Happy one ior others :an3 for Trrarself! * Will yon -follow the example ol the nuniber "who "have this year increased their snbscripiioiis cotnmenstrrate "with their prosperity? If you sre iiot a Contribxiting member will you begin the New Tear light by "becaming ;a member of the Federation ? At least, do this: iook up your -neighbor in the Federation Tear Book, If he is not a member, will you ask him to become one of us? Will you do one of the three things:: 1. Make a new -pledge to the Federation. 2. Increase your Old Hedge. D. Get & new member, or let us nave the "name of one who can be interested. Then, please nil out this card Hank and mail i t ..at mice to Tour Federation: Tinance Committee, Jewish "Welfare Federation, Xyric lildg., Omaha.

Services 1M1® at TeMple Snndsy

lam airiend of

andih£3Bsd.j. p them to became s. member send me your pledge card.. I Tote Yfis far •&£ Federation.!



Somsty to lest Tn£s&syl¥Einag, Oct 1A

. Address.

I p.m TLDVT a .member of HLB T'e.fleraiiDii, an3 desire to increase my snbsci3ption cfiEimeB-Stirste •with "the prosperity I am now enjoying. Please send me a blsak pledge card. I Wxds Xes for the ^edcntizinil ASSress Here are lire names snd saaoresses of •vdio are not members of "the -Jewish Welfare J"edfirsjtioii and v?hD can, slicraltL, or /WOTM -be iirterested. l«et ths ¥ s t s "Xes for 1iie. lion. Name M&reBS AdSress Address

lowing -wiari, ^ a s rate|mclffilES elected charge of Israel Goodman, a n a ^^ j . 'Morris Jffilder and Harry EnpomtoBnt •<£ the comimttee chair- Malashoct at the B'nsi Israel -.Synmans by *zm IVoii, newly siecte€ agogue, 1-Bth and Chicago Sts,, "Wedpresideirt, an ^ e n ^ i r a g r a m T r a E inominjr; Irvin Stalnsaster faeid .mid ^ u c t -was Jolioweu fay spe. A. Qreervbersr at Smith cial mesic -and dandne. .Sandwich.EE d-pop Trere served to the members, Sts. R± 2-tfc The follwing m^mhBm -were vpchainnanE -of committees:

.f I

Dn ••October J2 ihe T SoEcofh program. Mi memberi. End -« frienas are rinvited to attend ite-pa-O:gr2m. "There ^dll i e anteresfcmc Events i a r BTI Triifch-will «iit the occaBiTHi," .Eaid Sam T^olf, president TChe mEmterslup a m i p a ^ i ^ill be^ • i m m e d i a t e wait Set the campaign iar l,B00 new memters.

place to |ro rCB|M

ie jmace>


Thousand* Ex3XQpeBB



' 4hereig

Olieplace :fer

\ Palesaine can "take .saire of ] refugBes, Inii they .must'. :-have o. lit is tiie American tiollar that \sBxe 'PalsEtine. 'They .neefl finance to help the good work •.of fta ,clialitsim. Complete plans Ere being: matie for Thsv need •Ktmitarr and -edwostional the ^HslovvBEE. ^pETty ;*it the ^Bi^fala-nd nF ' before "the people can Conntry xliib. The closing' -dance of j come rrp "by 'ilw thoxisBntlB. 'With •fhe reason "was 2ield '.last Satcrday-5|irtoiioj- from .American J:f«wry ifhis xxid. -was attendee! i y Tnatiy j great -work -will be KCcomplisheS. The Sbnabs :in 'the .golf ii£m-'{ _—_ •will be -pls-veS PriSav. A. \ My own name is_ S E B & e r c T d n T k v ^ T D t B e m . The I S O D A D A N C E I Q O ^ B E S 2 8 resxflt -cf this match -wll! be snMimceci} ^ Kocia Club will # e a »alm a later issue of The Jewish Tress, j lowen J>ancef ^.i DID TOU MEAN WHAT TOU SAID LAST WED25SS• )2E, -at the new Elks tariliMing -t DAT.? OF COURSE TOU J8D1 (hall, 18th. ! 5TRAKDED .3ITWISH IM3HFinance Cniramttee •*£ Ihe .Jewish "Welfare i Trill be ±h© :flrst .feature ^tSance to r;be •SBBSOll, POLICE | <z. i . A.>—m _ •1<AVEtrctided ir. the J"re*' »-.-t : UK. -CO3SKI!Eia> AT "TBE nrr UiiLicr the contTt> JEWISH M. Tiini., \,"T. 1. A.'. •jiolice and arc not psrmJttfic: x< YCKD IT the OT-. v-£3= the • Bsir., J^irectrn- r,r viif ?owish KBtJonal OUPICEEES •Jerusalem. (3". TC..A. MsSL Service.); ihfi H r . Pbilip Handier -vcas unanimDUB- —-Dr. Joseph -S. Dornfelfi, -r> • -3- J .statement of the President c: --he; Furu' ir T'lJf.-'uUv:, arrived IiRre OctodaT ciucrp- I hrr C. A r*icer-rion. ihr- Sikf of which ly elected president of ihs.Jewish KaPersia, tod . ^ ^ S e n B t e ^ T e ? ( , y ^ t thc ] =r!0?< ir. Vilna, was aciional Pund Organisation of the .st "Sis 'GovErnmeirt yesterday.:? ... ^ + . o p ^ ^ ^ -n-;^i:__j.-. ; riiousmidf- of THua immjcp-ciPd to rim Junior Toung Israel Consrerction. Dr. Cornleia -visited fssr -ths.1 the TefnifiKMtatsveis rf1 The other officers elected -WSTE: IOKE of ~Ehe ZEEhrew T3nivErsity ^on Uisptace some o: ;h£ Ger-, irv.-;, hradflcipr TvnKpn: institQTxresidents, HOHS "Lssarus and Morris Scopis, 'wisre lie TTEB TecelvEti by vroriiers. ; the JLeiiilli,!,. Z Hr. "Hagnes, meaaber. uf the SEISSthr r.ov Scnirt Or~ Schooif1 Alperin; secretary, A. ^irsch; -treas"tme Otzrstonn3!n. ID^. "thH ^Onx^isrsitv .. assembl«« at ihf- station urer, G. Shukert; and publicity manTOSTPOXT-F and -&B -Secretary, ~Ms. Taa Sapt. hhr.. 4,p on-itestra iflsjfesl ager, Hose X,azarus. SESSION CX Dr. :Cornfeia .fieclarea that 3IE Trie hoiiREF were .d»sThe next meeting of xhe orpatusa- very jgraHGed 'to .'.be :£ble *o • r > T ? " ' C T r wars frfesTwri in iion -wiD be held October ID v± the on i i s Tetnrn ±0 Amerkan, &st &£: rcr&Ew. iZ. T. A.i—Tbe A and B Talmud Torah. cf the r U i £ - Diet, -vhicii I?T.J n o :3fiss "fhars Urn .materiaL tv-«> honrs, 1 -scheduled to r-e rTrpcnrcT or. 9;r;nbe~ _ of IPalestiaB "is being AUTBLii IHNTES BEINKS 21. iiEE beeT, Tiostrioned -tr> Octfiiic tnrouri: inr streets. EarsS "&r. . • T/a? -majntanwjti by fhf -SccutE nnd SIMSELF SICK; C Dr. "Wscsler, -the ^Secretary of 'the 32. on acjonr.t of 'Jit- .'ev-iar. 'Trrsb JEWS PO15OKED dcy, SimcUnjTonJi. PiiysiciHTs "Boarfi ~wiro :sre .Berlin. Q. T. A.) ArihHr Uinter, interjestefl in .sgpcintrng- 'ihe Medical TTtiLn "wap th? resell PI L rc-ouest Inio-vai snti-Semitic -writer j POLISH Jjaailty '.of ihe Hebrew University :in | i c c : E leader of -ihe ToelkisEhe Psrtei, "was CLAIM snaSerily "taker} iU st the railwEy Kta-iiou ^it Saalfeid. A t the liospital T. A. made ihe -astounding1 statement that j^T of t h r oMefit an "Jews poisoned tny beer." }* I^oisnd, iw Qreax Synagogue. in FAMILIES ISIiminh police confiscated an extra j TJZQX "MILITA'KT iLutak, -prm-ipce of Talhynia. "issned by the JTaernbsrg -paper edited I SOVIET uie timv nf Eni1,- SijcrisTKBiBfi in "by the JEW baiter, Strdicher, Trhich ! XEFTJ5ES TO .ENCLO3E 1A"(J. T. A.>—BO .OOP Jew-j the esrly 16tb C^ntorj.. 'w»fc, «it csirried a hsadline in bold type, "3errs CHALTTZ IK JEWISH COL- iish families, "havt safered ir. los? r£;khigr> request bnlli t- b*» -is Pcistmed Dinter.'" ON1ZATIOK COIIMIT^EE; life End properti m & result vS t h e ; time u l ^ISPSI s> « fortress. (J. T. A.1—The Centra": Com-iMilitary nservenuorf in Soviet BuBBia,|sre now bam|: made tisat the _4'ivTj.5mirnc DISTITEE*LKCES i-mittee of the SussiaB Ha'Qialutz law f areonJinjr t o fipffireF publiriiet "by thp jogofrra ~V?®F imili CUE. of .State -AT BUDAPEST "CKIVISiSITT jsppEed to -the Soviet SpvemtnesTt,.; CoirmiimiKEir; -Soeietj- to Aid the a*, M Jsr£res£ an?; if property. Sndapest, (X T. A.)—Airti-SBTBitic • aafchig'I or repT2Rerrtat?ox: ir. tbe Cptn--i Victims of Intervention. ths -i5ewijsh distufbanceE ntsia-ed a t .the Tnivsrsiiy; mittee tot Setilement of JFWS on -tte j Tiie .Socfetr has ^rejrissfeered v\xo~ here "today.. Several -fewish stuiients iXsand. £0f7evsr,miTep}3'^BS received j^gether iSB.flOW «]ainH= xsO: IOBSKE SB * .appealed to PragaEwu- BsiebaB *© -Bf injnrecL Jraee fee



PAGE 2—THE JEWISH PRESS—THURSDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1924 A dressmaking class in the evening payments to the World Zionist Organfive cents of each Hadassah's letic committee. Basketball was dis-their lunches, and stay practically all dues be contributed to the American cussed at this meeting, and it was de- day. The Sisterhood has again taken for older girls and women is also to ization. .. Hadassah has heen successful m en- Jewish Congress. cided that the Athletic Committee upon itself to do the same thing this be started. listing the cooperation of an increas- An announcement was made of the find out all particulars with regard - i»ut>lisiH'(t ever; I'bursdny at Omaha. Netiras&a. by year. Those who are interested in singing contribution by Dr. D DeWaltoff of ingly large number of other organizaTHU JEWISH tfliESS PUBLISHING COMPANY. have an opportunity to join the Choral tions of women. ^ Brooklyn to Hadassah of five shares •to the Newsies having a team, suits, Office: 681 Brandeis- Theatre Building~Telephone; AT lantic 1450 Mrs. H. B. Lefkowitz, Treasurer of of stock of the Artisans Bank of Tel- and place to practice. Plans for the Society, More Senior Groups Organized. Hadassah, presented a financial report Aviv, and two songs composed by him,big open meeting to be held Oct. 6th This year we have more groups for • . . " . NATHAN B. GREEN, Manager. There is a Ball-room Dancing Class, of the year's work, and pointed out the proceeds of the sale of which will were also -made. ..$2.50. the older boy or girls, 16 years and up. which meets on Tuesday evenings for Subscription Price, one year. that in the 29 months of Hadassah's go towards Hadassah's Nurses Text Advertising rates furnished on application. Besides the two younger dramatic those who desire to learn how to autonomy, §502,650.98 have been col- Book Fund. At the close of the meeting, relected, exclusive of the value of C1IANUIS OV AUDIJESS-Please clve Dolb ibe old find new address: groups, one for children from 7 to 11 dance. freshments of ice cream and "wafers Adopt Resolutions ." t|t: qure Htirt cive yoiit name. supplies collected- during the past years old, and one from 12 to 15 were served. Resolutions of appreciation to the The Jewish Press is supplied by the Jewish Telegraphic Agency (Jewish year. years, another group has been started Big Registration for Clubs and Classes following for their splendid cooperaMrs. I. S. Adlerblum, Chairman of Correspondence Bureau) with cabled and telegraphic Jewish news..in addition the Cultural Committee, presented k a tion and devoted services were adopt- Girl Scout Trocp at the Center En- this season. It is called the Drama at the Jewish Community Center. tii feature articles anrf correspondences from all linpoitant Jewish centres. report on the "Exchange of Thought" ed: Mrs. N. S. Mochenson, Hadassah'B Workshop, and is under the capable larges Their Membership. Inquiries regarding news items credited to this Agency will be gladly movement which -will bring about a representative in Palestine, Dr. S. Sunday, Sept. 14th, registration of answered If addressed to Jewish' Telegraphic Agency, 114 Fifth Avenue, closer understanding between the Tannenbaum, Director of the Hadas- At the last regular meeting of the directorship of Miss Ruth Galinsky, New York City. Jewish women of America and the sah Medical Organization; the Na- Girl Scouts, ten new members were who already has proven her great all classes and clu'bs at the Jewish Jewish women of Palestine. The Cul- tional Board members absent in Pales- enrolled. The girls plan to make this ability along these lines, and who has Community Center, took place. Three tural Committee is planning to create tine; and Miss Anna Kaplan, former year's program a better and fuller and is so willingly giving of her time hundred and fifty enrolled in the dif\ SUCCOTH programs of study for study circles in principal of the Hadassah's Nurses program than that of last year. We here in the Center. A large number ferent classes and clubs, besides 150 There are three great festivals in the Jewish calendar, Hadassah. These will include current Training School. over, whichrecalls the release from Egypt; Pentecost, which com* events columns in "The New Pales- A resolution was unanimously know they can do it -with the pep and of boys and girls over 16 years of for the Sabbath School, age have enrolled in this group. All classes and clubs were begun on meliorates the giving of the Ten Commandments on Mt. Sinai, tine", as -well as lectures on various adopted, expressing thanks to the talent of that group. Stage-directing, make-up, etc.,'will be the follovring Sunday, Sept. 21st, Sabof Jewish, interest. members of the Pittsburgh Chapter of and Tabernacles or Booths, which is a reminder of the forty yekrs phases S. Fleischer, Chairman of Hadassah for their generous hospital- Americanization Club to Be Organ- studied, besides putting on plays. bath School was started Sept. 20th. the Children of Israel dweltin the Wilderness. The Bible narrative theMrs.MilkS.Station Fund Committe, reto the visiting delegates. ized. tells t;hat when Moses led, theChildren of Israel out of Egypt, viewed the activities of her committee, ityThe officers of Hadassah, unanthey were not yet ready for entrance tatiie Promised Land. There- which is conducting a campaign to imously elected, are: President, Miss Members of our Americanization collect upwards of $10,000 for the In» Henrietta Szold, New York; Secretary, Classes are very happy to learn that fore, a period of forty years of education elapsed during which Welfare Fund this year. Mrs. Robert Szold, New York; Treas- a club is to be started for their group. they were being trained for future citizenship, east of the River fant Miss Hattic Behrend of Philadel- urer, Mrs. H. B. Lefkowitz, New The plans for this club were brought Jordan, and just outside.the boundary of Canaan. In that era, phia, in the absence in Palestine of York; Vice-presidents, Mrs, Edward nearly all the able-bodied ineh who rebelled soon after the Israelites Mrs. A. H. Fromenson, the Director, Jacobs, New York; Mrs. Emil Crockin, up last »/ednesday at their regular Democratic Nominee the report of the activities Baltimore; Miss Pearl Franklin, Chi- class, and all were very enttiu? were released from Egypt, passed away. The Children of Israel, presented of the Palestine Supplies Department, cago. for a club. Each member volunteered during those years in the Wilderness, dwelt in tents or huts, ao which for has collected garments and The convention was closed with an to get another member for the next that it is the custom •during- this holidayto build a booth com- supplies for the hosnitals and other address by Miss Henrietta Szold, in time, and at the next meeting offimemorative of the hardships which the children of Israel suffered. institutions in Palestine and for the which she defined the Hadassah's orphans in the Jewish homeland, •;•-•••: The second great thought of this festival is"6ne of agriculture. amounting to the value of $58,906.03 spirit as the true Zionist spirit and cers will be elected, and programs for urged the continued devoted coopera- the season planned. We hope to inThe Feast *of Tabernacles is celebrated in the Fall season for a full during the past year. tion of all Hadassah members in Zion- terest some of the prominent men and week, and early in Israel's history this date became the occasion Mr. Louis Lipsky, Chairman of the ist activities. Election November 4th 1924 women of Sioux City, who have themZionist Organization of America, tor the harvest pilgrimage. The Jewish farmer came from all Your representative was appointed selves, at one time, been foreigners. a message to the Hadassah, corners of Palestine to Jerusalem, thanking God for the bountiful brought the Credentials* Committee, on the who, he said, are setting the pace for on Committee on relationship between crop he had just gathered in. Therefore, this feast is also called the men, and whose sense of dis- Junior Senior organizations, and Daughters of Zion Hold First Meeting the Festival of Ingathering. From every district of Palestine, cipline is worthy of emulation. Hadas- on the and Budget Committee. Of most Sept. 23. sah's work in the last five years is. an Jewish citizens were expected to travel to the Holy Temple in importance to your representative was indication of what niay be expected Jerusalem, bring theirv sacrifices, and participate in the glad fes- of it in the future. Its development is the appointment on the Committee on A very interesting program was tival atmosphere. ; ' unparalleled in any other branch of Relationship between Junior and 'given by the Daughters' of Zion at Senior Organizations, because of the their first meeting of the season: This annual pilgrimage in the a record of the the Zionist Organization of America. fact that she-is the Senior-Advisor of He dwelt on the necessity of uniting Roll Call—Favorite College. . earliest Thanksgiving celebration. .What the American people all the. Jewish people-in the world in the Omaha Junior Chapter. Talk—Purpose of the Club and Plan celebrate annually an-the last Thursday in November, the Jewish a sense of their own nationality and Several, of the recommendations MAY McAVOY nation in Palestine celebrated for: a fuU week, commencing the the influence vhich the World Zionist made by this Committee and adopted for the Coming Year, Revella Kopfifteenth day of Tishri. < In^this northern climate, it is not possible Organization has had in bringing to- by the Convention are of most import- stein. BfARE FREVOST gether the dispersed strength of Jews ance, namely: Jazz Medley—Faye Shulkin. to dwell in booths for one week, so the eating of meals in the hut throughout the world, and removing I. Representation. Original Reading—Rose Epstein. RONALD COLMAN is frequently carried out by lovers of traditional Judaism. In ad- the national powers to Palestine. Mr. Each Junior group should have Review of the Holidays—Rosh, Hadition to this ceremony, fhere are four symbols used in the ritual Lipsky expressed the hope that one1. Senior advisor to serve in two shonoh, Yom Kippur • and Succoth, would extend its Influence for this week observance.: These are: First, a twig of the weeping Hadassah capacities: ; among the Jewish women and create Marcia Rabinow. •willow, which has neither fruit nor fragrance; a branch of the thereby a force of tremendous value (a) Cultural; "Romie and Juliet" (College Hu(b) General Supervision. date palm, which produces fruit, but has no fragrance; a branch that will exert an immesurable in2. At least one Junior member mor)—Julie, Sara Weiner; Romie, of the modest myrtle, ;which possesses fragrance, but bears no fluence on Jewish men. fruit; and the citron, which has hoth fruit arid fragrance. These Hadassah has been successful in. en- should attend senior board meetings. Revella Kopstein. Leah Herzoff will again have II, Cooperation. four are held together while prayers are said, to teach that Israel listing the cooperation of an unusually large number of other organizations charge of the Library, and members 1. When official speakers are out for will continue to live-just as long as the several groups of Jews of women, although the tenth triennial Senior lecture to arrange for Junior of the Daughters of Zion will see to will live togetherinpeace and harmony; convention of the Council of Jewish meetings at the same time. it that there are two librarians in the The eighth day is called Sheririni Azereth, the Feast of Con- Women failed to accept a Palestine 2. One Junior should give one report Library every aiternoon to give out resolution as was-hoped. Nevertheelusion, being a special observance by itself. In Bible days, on less an even greater number of its a year at Senior meetings^and vice books. versa, this holiday, the Jewish'farmer, just prior to returning t o his sections are contributing to our under- 3; For mutual membership increase home for six winter months, would off er a special prayer for rain. takings especially the Palestine sup- the Seniors should hold an annual The secretary, Revella Kopstein, - department and the infant "wel- Mother-Daughter Day and the Juniors announced that she has received maThe same custom obtains in modern tunes, and the service on this plies fund. day is beautified by a tuneful prayer that God will grant sufficient fare Daughter-Mother Day. terial from the national organization, Furthermore the Pennsylvania State an4. Annual To arrange dates for fund rais- which the club will be able to use to moisture to fructify our crops during this winter season about Conference of the Council issued an ing so there will be : no conflict between very good advantage. Many of the to commence, appeal at Purim time in whieh the Junior and Senior organizations. Palestine undertakings of Hadassah ' The most importarit, days of this festival week are the first Convention was so impressive it girls are interested in training for brought to favorable notice be- The aM eighth, though orthodox Jews keep the second as well, for •were almost impossible to mention each future leadership, and we are very fore its members. Several sections is happy of that fact, as there will soon special observance in; -the'. Synagogue. Likewise do they add a final have invited Hadassah speakers. There detailed discussion at this time.. Suffice it to say that if each and younger girls to be started, and we prayer service 'on the ifinth day,-which additional day is called are twenty-five sections of the Coun- every member here could attend at of Jewish Women that are sewing Simchas Torah,—Rejoicing over the Law, This is the happiest cil least one Convention she would be- be many more smaller clubs for for Hadassah, as are Temple sisterEas a Boy Any day in the reh"gious calendar of orthodox Judaism, when the read- hoods, auxiliaries, community centers, come imbued with a greater and more will need good, Jewish-spirited leadMore Right to ers, •• and we have them among the ing of the! Pentateuch is Concluded amid great joy, and the opening etc. The Nationalist Board asks every noble spirit for Hadassah. 'Sow Wild Oats' girls of Daughters of Zion. •words of Genesis again commenced with equal gladness. On this chapter to establish local contact along lines. Qur two delegates to the PALESTINE HEBREW T h a n a Girl? holiday, children aro brought into the Synagogue and take an these Carlsbad Congress, Mrs. Lefkowitz & He Allow important part in the reading of the ritual service. On this one and TEACHERS DISSATISFIED Play and Story Hour at the Center. Miss Natelson,- established relaHisaself to Beoccasion, the solemnity of the Synagogue service gives way totions with the Women's International WITH EDUCATIONAL BUDGET This year, instead of putting the come 'Tarnishmirth and rejoicing that God has permitted Israel to survive every Zionist organization. Tel Aviv, (J. T. A. Mail Service.)— younger children, from 5 and 6 years struggle during many dark centuries. ed' a n 4 Then The Central Committee of the Hebrew You will be glad to know that the up to about 9 years old, into classes, scholarship nurse who was brought Teachers in Palestine has published a we felt that a story and play hour Hold a G o o d over from Jerusalem to New York, Woman's Love? completed her training last winter. statement declaring that the teachers will take care of them better. If you should happen to come up to She is now in charge of the Rothschild are not satisfied with the increase of Hospital in Jerusalem as supervising the educational budget by £2,000 and the .Center on a Sunday afternoon, benurse-and of the Nurses' Training that the minimum of £63,000 is es- tween 2 and 3 o'clock, you will find School as principal. Two additional from 85 to 40 children, ages 5 to 9 scholarship nurses will be brought to sential, as last year. Made September 23, 1924, by Mrs. Max Fromkin. years old, who have come in the this country, one to study public health nursing and the other to. study morning, brought their lunch, and are institutional management. I SIOUX CITY now running around, many different My dear Members and Friends: day. Miss fluth Cohen, of New York, At the luncheon which the Pittsgroups playing at something else. So, It has b.een a_ great pleasure and executive secretary of Hadassah, was burgh Chapter of Hadassah gave in "Every man, privilege to me -to have been your ejected secretary of the Convention. honor of a Play and Story hour was created. Sioux City Newsboys Association visiting delegates, Mrs. Edrepresentative at one of the largest wli c n he Miss Henrietta, Szold, president and Zugsmith, President of the Pitts- Holds First Meetings of the Sea- At 2 o'clock all the children are taken m e c is the Hadassah and Zionist Conventions founder of Hadassah, presented the win burgh Conference in Jewish Women'sinto the Library and, for a half-hour, ever held, where- 700 men and women National Board's report of Hadassah's Organisations, represented greetings r i g f t girl* son Monday Evening, Sept. 22. met at the Wm. Penn Hotel, Pitts- activities since the last Convention, from twenty constituted societies, and The first naeeting of the season, of their teacher tells them stories—Jeww*n» t s t o burgh, to exchange thoughts of how during whjcll time jts paid-up mem- Mrs. J. Fechheimer expressed the the S. C. Newsboys Association, wag ish Fairy Tales, or other Jewish come to her to extend the -work of re-building bership increased from 12.Q3S ip 150 spirit of cooperation of the Pittsburgh cleaR Tales* and then for a half-hour they Palestine and of how to tqlje «are of. chapte,rg to 17,100 in 182 chapters, ex- section of the Council of Jewish held at the Jewish Community Centhe large immigration that is enter- clusive of 87 Junior Chapters of Women. An inspirationed address ter, Monday evening, Sept. 22. Pres- all go?isto the Gym and play gamesi .Xlattoaul IHcture ing the Holy Land at the present time. Hadassah group and 547 sewing was delivered by Miss Henrietta ident Simon Center presided. A very under supervision. In this connection, On my arrival-in-Pittsburgh, I was circles. Miss S?old characterized the Szold, who declared that her dream of Starts good musical program was given by we • ." are thankful to the laStarts • . very much impressed-as I looked upon past twelve months ag a test year of thirty dies of Mt. Sinai Sisterhood, .five years was. fast approachthe beautiful decorations of the Hadassah's ability to meet financial the. boys. SATURDAY SATURDAY 2ionist and American colors. The two obligations, and pointed out the ef- ing its realisation instead of the The president appointed an invest •who have furnished, all last year, fresh milk to those children who bring targe flags waved^from the City Hall fective manner in which the members former phrase that Palestine was Palestine" one hears tigating committee, and also an athand Court House, and in the windows of Hadassah met the pledge, made at once a of the commercial houses and banks the Baltimore Convention of. §120,000 now only of the "Working Palestine'*, large stars of David in blue a,nd white for the hospitals and extra-hospitals which means living Palestine, Other •with the words ''Welcome Zionist and activities of the H., M. O., and the addresses were delivered by Mrs. Hadassah of America" were to be 910,000 for infant welfare work, The Sheinken of Palestine, Mrs, A. Silverseen. The lobby of the:fyotel-wasAnnual Donor Pla.fi., through which man of Providence, Mrs. H. Ebin of also beautifully decorated with flags, Hadassaji hopes eventually to do away Brooklyn, Miss Frieda Silbert, Naand from the center, of .the lobby ceil- with methods of raising money, was tional President of Junior Hadassah, j ing hung a very large star of David put into effect over a larger area and and Mrs. Moses Russlander, one of j OMAHA'S inscribed with the word "Welcome". on a well organized basis by Mrs. D. the founders of the Pittsburgh Chapter .On the J7th floor where; Convention D. Sola Pool, who acted as chairman and a leader of the Council of JewFINEST •was held many of Palestine's products, of the National Annual Donor Com- ish women of Pittsburgh. such as candies, fruits," breads, ham- mittee. HOTELS Announce Contributions mered gold and silver, etc., were exContributions were announced as Through the inspiration of a gift of hibited. in August of 1023 by Mr. and follows: Washington, D. C, $2,058; I was very fortunate in that I ar. $100,000 Mrs. Nathan Straus, the infant wel- Cleveland, $1,000; Chicago, £1,000; rived at the opening of the, Conven- fare work has. been greatly extended. Hartford, S40Q; Steubenville, Ohio, tion and attended all the sessions o,f Hadassah -contributed in large, part §160, the Zionist Convention. Most of you of the School Here's every man's opportunity to get the lasting quality The convention assumed an added Luncheon Fund for have no doubt had the opportunity to under-nourished children and has acted responsibility of §50,000 toward the in a Blue Serge Suit that he wants at an economy price, hear the report on the Zionist Con« as agent and manager for a Commit- hospital budget of the Hadassah vention ina<|e several weeks ago by tee under the chairmanship thanks to our year 'round lowest prices. of" the Medical Organization for 1924-25, and your representatives. for part of the maintenance, of the Rev. Dr. M. H. Harris which is sendThe Tenth' Annual Convention of; The Nebraska's Blue Serge Suits are made of standard hospital in Tiberias, which Mrs. Peter $200 to-Palestine'monthly. 350 ROOMS S50 BATHS Hadassah, the Women's Zionist organ- ing • The beginnings of a Reserve -Fund., J; Schweitzer expects to erect quality fabrics and tailored to the Nebraska's high standard Pates: $2.50 to §4,50 isation, held on July 2nd and 3rd at for which $8,294.50 has already been - An amendment that fifty cents" of the Wm: Penn Hotel, Pittsburgh, Pa., raised, of quality workmanship. each member's • dues be allocated for were . made possible through was characterized throughout by a the gift of the collection of jewels of the sinking fund of the Hadassah spirit of the greatest unity and under-* and Mrs. Nathan Straus, on which Medical Organization.was unanimousThe models arc 2 and 3 button semi-conservative and double standing! the keynote expressed by Mr. has been raised by Hadassah ly passed. • An ajnenri^ment increasing breasted styles. All sizes, regulars, stouts, longs, shorts— Mrs. Morris ICrieger, President of the money The • jewels are to be the number- of -members en the NaPittsburgh Chapter of Hadassah, in Chapters. You owe it to yourself to see these wonderful values. tional Board to twenty-seven was also presented as a symbolic gift from the her address of welcome to the dele- Hadassah to l^ady Samuel, the first unanimously passed! gates. The Convention opened with lady of our land, and the wife of the The. convention unanimously adopted Extra Pants If You Want Their. an attendance of J4& delegates, rep- first Jew since the days of Nehcmiah, the following tesolution: t i n 4 57 , chapter, 5Q cities, 24 wh,o occupies the position of Governor RESOLVED, That the National states, throughout the United States, in, Urez Israel. 250 ROOMS 200 BATHS Board instruct its Chapters, as it has j arid hundreds of visitors •from' the done heretofore, to participate in all! A Good Room for §1.50 Cooperates With All local Pittsburgh Chapter- and, other Zionist activities—The Keren Hayc-' Jewish women's organization?, • RJr. Jn addition to raising money for, its sod, the Jewish-National Fynd, Young "A, H. Vixman, of Pittsburgh, member own undertakings", Hadassal? has co Judea, etc.' - • " • __ • i of. the Rational Board, was elected operated with the Zionist organization A resolution favoring the estabUshchairman of the first" day of"the Con- of America in all its activities, with ment of regional Hadassah conferences :OORRE(rr APPAREL FOR MEN AND WOMENi vention, and Mrs. A. -SHverman, «af the Keren Hayesod and the Jewish throughout tbe United States, was y .. Providence, chairm^ Qi .the second National, National aptf has has emitted ite its sh«k§l sheM-adoted i l l d "adopted. It was unanimously resolved





Public Defender




PAGE 3—THE JEWISH PRESS—THURSDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1924 officers for the coining season: LaMr. and Mrs. Leon Guggenheim, <j B"nai B'ritii meeting held Wednesday fessor at the Berlin Technicnm, died men between zar Kaplan, president; Lillian John- Thermopolis, Wyo., is a visitor of rela night at the Danish Hall. September 23 at the age of 79. Pro- WANTED—Several ages of 25 and 35, to solicit for son, vice president; Lillian Drevich, tives and friends in Lincoln. i fessor Kalischer, who was a near relLife Insurance and collect. WonMr. Ben Kubby returned Sunday ative of Rabbi Hirsche Kalischer of secretary-treasurer; Minnie Frohm, derful opportunity for ambitious reporter; and Sidney Epstein, ser- Mrs. M. Steifeil, of Salina, Kansas, afternoon after spending the week- Bailystok, th- r -'her of the movement men. Guaranteed salary and consis the guest of her daughter, Mrs. end in Lincoln, Nebr. mission. Inquire foi* F. Levengeant-at-anns. among Eu" \vry to rebuild Palthal, Mgr., Metropolitan Life Ins. Chas. Simon. estine, war me president of the Mrs. H. Brinn, of Woodbine, la., Co., 836 Brandeis Theater Bldgv, LADIES LABOR LYCEUM CLUB. Omaha, Nebr. A concert will be given Sunday, Oc- .Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Sarbach, of returned home this morning after Union of 2G.... J Communities in Germany. spending the Holidays vrith her tober 26, by the Ladies' Labor Lyce- Nebraska City, are spending a few daughter, Mrs. A. Giiinsky. with relatives in Lincoln. um club at the Labor Lyceum Hall. Stoteipent of o-vracrelilp. management, circulation, etc, of the Jewish Press, pubMrs. . Philip Sherman and baby lished weekly st Otnnhn. Nebraska, reMr. and Mrs. M« Aach, Mr. and quired by Act of Congress of August: 24, Mrs. D. Guggenheim and Miss Sara daughter, of Sioux City, la., will re- JS32. Editor. N. E. Green: Manqpcr, N. E. LINCOLN turn to her home Sunday after visit- Gre^n; Publishers, The Jewish Press Friend motored to Nebraska City. Publishing Co., Omsba, Nebr. Owners: N. V. Fell, Bnrry I.apklus, Harry MclnThe Zeta Beta Tau fraternity has At the fourth football practice of ing here with her parents, Mr. and shock, Harry Wolf, Herman Anerbach, W. WEDDINGS ENGAGEMENTS the. honor of ranking, second in the Lincoln Aleph Zadik Aleph held Mrs. A. Gilinsky. I*. Holzman, Philip Sber, H. B. Ziminaru Saul I-iery, Sara Leon. N. S. Taffe. Henry WINTROUB-CORENMAN. 21st and Burt Sts. Mr. and Mrs. Julius Barron, of Monsky and Nathan E. Green, OmnhB, NeMr. and Mrs. M. Horn announce scholarship for the. international The first wedding having been an- the engagement of their daughter, fraternities and fourth for the state Sunday, October ,at the Lincoln High Shenandoah, la., spent the Holidays braska. Known bondholders, mortgagees, Tel. Jackson 3007; Atlantic 9785 School Oval, twenty-one men were and ctber .security holders hoWinp 1 per nounced to take place this fall will be Anne, to Mr. Joe Krasne, son of Mr. fraternities. cent or more of total amount of bonds, with Mrs. Barren's parents, Mr. and present for practice, George NoviRegistration of mortgages, on other securities. None. solemnized Sunday evening, October and Mrs. M. Krasne, of Council Mrs. D. Markowitz. Snbscribed before me (his 3rd flnj" of "^&?&t the Blackstone Hotel when Miss Bluffs, la. No wedding date has as Rabbi Starrels is organizing a coff was elected captain of the team, New Pupils October, 1324. (Seal.) Eenben H. Brown, and Harry Breslaw was elected manNotary Public (My commission expires Ladies Bible Class. Sadie Corenman, daughter of Mr. and yet been set. FOR Joly 20, 1927.) JEWIS HENGINEER TO ager after the resignation of Harold Mrs. S. Corenman, becomes the bride PILOT ZEPPELIN TO U. S. Miss Maxine Frosh has accepted a Shapiro. Mr. and Mr$. M. L. Goldenberg will of Mr. Phinaes Wintroub, son .of Mr. and Mrs. Max Wintroub, of this city. be hostess at a series of bridge parties position to teach music at Franklin, Candidates for the team comprise Berlin, (J. T. A.)—The pilot of the WILL FURNISH EOOM with light, during the coming season. She enter- Nebr. of the following men: End, Harold Zeppelin, the largest airship built in heat, and gas in exchange for an WILL BEGIN Miss Beulah Mittleman is spending tained at her first party last Thurs- Mrs. Cohen of Los Angeles, Calif., Davidson, Hyman Evenen, J. Finkel- Germany for the United States Govhour's work each day in Store. ernment, is Karl Arnstein, a Jewish a week at Fort Dodge, Iowa, with day afternoon at her home. A woman, with or without chilis here visiting at the home of her stine; Guard, Philip Stine* L. Le- engineer of Prague, the capital of tween, Jake Marx; Tackle, L. Zable, Mrs. A. Koffman, formerly Miss dren, can apply. Call at 1109 Mrs. Meyer Lederman, of Waterloo, daughter, Mrs. M. Pearlmann. After I. Rubinow, Abe Babior; Center, Sam Czechoslovakia, the Jewish TeleRose Hertzberg, of this city. Douglas St. N. Carp. la., is spending the holidays here with a short visit here, Mrs. Cohen will Shnieder, Leo Gerstine; Half Back, graphic Agency learns. leave for St. Paul, Minn., to visit her Mrs. Simon Nevelofi of St. Joseph, her parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. RosenHarry Breslow, George Novicoff; Full Mo., and Mrs. I. Pearlman, of this baum. Mr. Lederman, who spent the other daughter. Back, Ben ZifMn; and Quarter Back, SOLOMON KALISCHER DEES AT BERLIN city, returned Saturday after a two New Year holiday here, left for his Mr. Louis Asbyll has gone to Butte, Joe Mozer. Berlin. (J. T. A.) Professor Solohome Friday. months visit in California. Montana, to live. Chapters Gf the A. Z. A. can write mon Kalischer, famous scientist, proWe hare an Mrs. Carl Sessel, of Berry, 111., is Mrs. C, Cherniss and son, of Council to Harry Breslaw, 315 South Ath overstock of The Jewish Women will have their own table at the "Get Out The Vote" visiting with relatives here. She is Bluffs, is visiting her parents, Mr. St., Lincoln, Nebr., for games for the coming season. LOST!! Luncheon which is to be given now at the home of her sister, Mrs. and Mrs. Harry Arensen. A gold brooch. Owner values it as Saturday, October 11, at one o'clock D. Riseman and will later visit with keepsake from mother. Lost at the Fontenelle Hotel-by eighteen her sister, Mrs. H. M. Ferer. Mrs. Sunday School started Sunday, Oct. COUNCIL BLUFFS during holidays on North 24th A delightful, refreshing and invigorating 5th, 1924. Sessel will remain in Omaha for a co-operating organizations who are Street. Please return to o-wner carbonated cereal beverage, made according to our and receive reward. Call Mrs. by this means making- an effort to month. A regular meeting of the Temple The Ladies' Auxiliary of Talmud B. Dwosne at 1704 North 27th get the -women to vote at the coming own process of carefully selected materials. 5 Street. Mr. and Mrs. Jarohm Kulakofsky Sisterhood was held Wednesday at the Torah held an election of officers election. Mrs. S. S. Mayer is in Sunday afternoon at the Synagogue vestry. An outline of the year's acAlcohol less than % of 1% by volume. had as their guests for the Holidays, charge of reservations for the Jewtivities were given by Mrs. Edward and elected the following officers: ish Women's group, therefore, reser- their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Guggenheim, the president. The mem- President, Mrs. A. Gilinsky; vice pres; vations are made with her by call- Mrs. L. Spiwak, of Des Moines, la. Mr. Spiwak left this week on a busi- bers decided to preceed all meetings ident, Mrs. L. Chemiack; secretary, WILL SELL or trade my sixing Walnut 2534. ness trip to New York City while Mrs. with a one o'clock luncheon with Mrs. Simon Steinberg; and treasurer, Toom home for a bungalow*. s Mrs. A. Maltz. Meetings of this orCOMMISSION & PRODUCE Dr. Harry M. Levin has just re- Spiwak will be here until Saturday several hostesses. Webster 4062. Located in ganization will be held every third 1012 Howard St. Jackson 3087 turned from Chicago, III., • where he evening. Mrs. Spiwak will be ac- Mr. Leon Nefsky has left for Penn- Tuesday of each month. Kountze Addition. has completed a one-year post- companied home by her mother, who graduate study in Obstretrics at the •will visit with her for a week and sylvania University • to resume i i s Rabbi Leon Feuer spoke at the Chicago Lying-in Hospital. He is then will leave for Harrisburg, Pa., Senior year. now visiting with relatives and where she will spend three months Mr. Harry Simon was operated on friends here... - with.her daughter, Mrs. Max Lang- for appendicitis and is recovering. man, and Mr. Longman. Miss Sadie Corenman will., enterMr. Edwin Katskee spent the weektain twelve , guests at the Brandeis' Mr. and Mrs. Joe Daytch enter- end at the Diamond home. •ir Tea Rooms Saturday afternoon in tained eight couples at a surprise honor of her sister, Mrs. E. I. Kush- birthday party Saturday evening, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Arensen spent ner, of Oakland, Calif., who is visit- October 4,- at their home in honor the New Year in Omaha as the guests ing here with her parents, Mr. - and of their daughter,, Ida." of Mr. and Mrs. M. Mittleman. Mrs. S. Corenman. Mr. Sam Ktechefsky of Kansas City, Miss Eunice Rosenstein is leaving - "The Lord Hath Done This" will Friday for Lincoln, where she will Mo., is "home for holidays with his be the semon subject"of Rabbi Fred- visit with friends. parents. 4J3-1&-17 Senfit Sixtoeatlu'"• erick Cohn at Temple Israel Friday Miss Bernice Diamocd, who spent World's Largest Betafl Furniture Dealers. evening, October 10," and on the The Annual Harvest Festival of following morning his topic will be the children of the Temple Israel the week-end with her parents, has '"Giving Ear".' " . - - - Sunday" School" wflt be held this returned to her school at Julian, Nebr, Sunday morning, October 12, at ten Mrs. Harry Ginisburg, daughter of Miss Esther Kaplan, of Seattle, o'clock. Mr. and MTS. Follester, has gone to Wash., who was the house guest of make her home in Denver, Colorado. The Sisterhood of Temple Israel Mrs. David Greenberg, left for her To our friends—tKe manufacturers announce their annual rummage sale home Friday. Miss Fannie Nefsky of Philadelphia, to be held this year on October 22 Mrs. A. R. Levich, of Sioux City.Ia., and 23; Anyone having old clothes Pa., is visiting her sister, Mrs. David YOU HAVE SAID IT WITH VALUES— is visiting here at the home of her to contribute to this rummage sale Nefsky. sister, Mrs. E. A. Meyer. Mr. Levich, can call Mrs, L. Hiller at Harney PLEASE DO HOT SAY IT WITH FLOWERS who spent the past week-efcd at the 3029. Meyer home, left for his home. Mrs. HEADQUAHTERS Levich will visit here for several Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Goldman anfor nounce the birth of a baby son born weeks. Tfirough the quality of'tfie merchandise which Wednesday, October 7, at the Omaha Miss Fanny Brodsky will be the next Maternity Hospital. you have provided for the Opening of our newly hostess to the Ra Oth Society at her home this Sunday afternoon, October Mrs. E. I. Kushner, of Oakland, Engagement Bjrsgs is our Calif., who is visiting with her 12. Specialty Enlarged and Beautified Store on Saturday, October parents here, entertained at three ' A baby daughter, Gloria June, was j tables of bridge Wednesday - evening MAUSHQCK JEWELRY CO. born to Mr. and Mrs. Max Langman,! in honor of her sister, Miss Sadie 11th, you have unmistakably expressed your good 1514 Dodge St. of Harrisburg, Pa., .on Friday, Sep- Corenman, who is to be an October Est. 1S94 Ja. 5619 tember 27. Mrs. Langman was for- bride. wishes and good will. You certainly have said merly Miss Beulah Kulakofsky, of this city, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jarohm CLUBS Kulakofsky. it with values—the greatest Omaha has ever seen. MONTIEFTS A. regular meeting of the. Merry 15KAUTS SHOP A Succoth meeting will be held Hearts club was held Sunday, OctoAMI CHIUOrODX Est. 1KK) Thursday evening, October 16, at the ber 5. Plans were made for a HalMqrrel and frra reset In •Jewish Community Center . by the loween Party to be given November 1 " days, 51.C0 Therefore, we ask you to forego tHe old trade Junior Hadassah Society. Plans are at the home of Miss Elsie Bomra, We specialize In permanent Open from 9 A. U. to being made for several speakers. At 9 P. BX. the last meeting of the organization, The Pro-ConfirmatiQn class of the Jarlieun 9"*. eustom of sending floral congratulations Saturday. ISIS Harntj 8t. plans were made for a weenie roast Sunday School elected the following to be given Sunday, October 19, and Flowers do not last, but your good values and also a card party to be given Sunday, November 3. It has also been announced by the club that a membergood wishes will be remembered by the public and ship drive will be held this month.


Wednesday, Oct 15, i e

"Prima Tonic Beer"

N. Leviitson Company

Fine Platinum Diamond Jewelry

W h e r e Y o u Can Get t h e BEST a t t h e LOWEST PRICES Let us prove to you that we can save you money!

Mrs. Dave Sherman has as her { house guests Mrs. Fanny Greenberg, and son, Herman, of Los Angeles, Cal., formerly pf this city, and Mrs. M. A. j Weiner, and children, of Sioux City, j -la., also formerly of Omaha. Mrs, j Weiner will visit here for several j weeks while Mrs. Greenberg and son J will remain here indefinitely. The! visitors are being extensively enter tained during their visit here.

ourselves far into the future. Cordially,

Miss Ann Schwartz will be hostess at a dinner party Friday evening at her home, followed by bridge, in honor of Mrs. E. L Kushner, of Oakland, Calif., who is visiting -with her pax-. ents, and complimentary to Miss Sadie Corenman, a bride-to-be.


Mr, and Mrs. S. Lorkis entertained at four tables of bridge »t their home Sunday afternoon in honor of Miss Martha Lagman, who recently announced her engagement to Mr. Sam. Lorkis. - ! • A baby daughter, Janet Elise Rosenstock, was born to Mr. and Mrs. Dave; Rosenstock on Saturday, September 27,'at the Omaha Maternity HoanitaU, .


R1ALTQ MUSIC SHOP 1416-18 Douglas St. •


4907 So. 24tfe St.

413-15-17 South Sixteenth

Watch Friday Night9s Paoer for Grand Opening Announcement


PAGE 4—THE JEWISH PRESS—THURSDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1924 In the passing of certuries the Jew- ing of the Torah on Mount Sinai upon is the basis of the effort made on theleading roles are portrayed by Marie commodities in a way that will not ish New Year Day has come to em-which occasion the voice of the Shofar eve o£the Day'of, Atonement to bring Prevost, May McAvoy and Ronald increase substantially either the acbody great religious ideas of divine was exceedingly strong." The peace between .friends who have betual customs duty paid or the price justice and human responsibility. At Shofar exhorts us to take heed con- come • estranged or those "who are onColman, who scored, so heavily in the of the commodity to the consumers. leading male role opposite 'Lillian ,the beginning of the year is manifested cerning the future—that Israel may unfriendly terms with one another. the religious uniqueness of the Jew-implant in the' hearts of his children Yom Kippur calls for "at-one-ment" Gish in "The White . Sister." Also ish-people, Children of-the One Com- the great peril of losing that which is with our brethren ere we seek atone- prominent in the cast are Norman ROUMANIAN KING TO Substance' of Address Given at Open Meeting of Omaha Lodge No. 354, mon Father and "servants of one com- love for their people, their national ment from bur God. Yom Kippur, the Kerry, Harry Meyers,. Priscilla BonASSUME GUARDIANSHIP mon brotherhod. Atonement and for- birthplace, and their- everliving- reli-High Holy Day; shows that Judaism •I. O. B. B.,'2nd October, 1924. ner, Albert Gran and Mrs. Russ WhyOF HOLY SEPULCHRK gion. giveness go hand in hand. One can is unique in that it. has no inter: By WJVT. R. BLXJMENTHAL, - " tall. ' • • • • not expect to be forgiven unless one mediaries between man on earth and Bucharest, (J. T. A.)—King FerdiSomeone playing on words truthforgives. Hence the ten days of fully said: "The European Jew is the Creator, in Heaven. Each Jew on nand of Roumania is to succeed Atonement are set aside for acts of without soil, the American Jew runs this Day of Judgment is his own Nicholas II, the late emperor of RusPALESTINE GOVERN- I am glad that the Intelectoal AdInventory Day human love, and for. prayers for great peril of losing that which is lawyer, his own ambassador. vancement Committee asked me to Rosh Hashonoh in history, in tradi- divine guidance. Too many of us bear the sia, to the guardianship of the Holy MENT EXPLAINS NEW more precious than land or soil or life Let us cry out in the spiritual speak; I am glad that it was not' a tion, as well as in religion is known grudges, thus violating the command or • •• CUSTOMS ORDINANCE Sepulchre on behalf of the Greek limb—the American Jew, because wilderness against those who attend Religions Committee nor a Political as the Yom Ha'Din—the Day of Judg- and the spirit of our faith. of his material prosperity runs th services on Yom Kippur for "Yizcor" Jerusalem, (J. T. A. Mail Service.) Catholic Church. Committee, fo I want to speakas a ment. It is Inventor} day, Reckoning risk of losing his soul." Rosh only. Judaism is not a religion for —-In view of the criticism and observa- This title was offered to him today layman to laymen. I am not. a d a y ; the day lyhe the spiritual A New Religion 7 Hashonoh's clarion call to duty awakes the Dead-^-rather it is a Live Religion tions which have been made in Pales- by the Greek Catholic Patriarch, .theologian, therefore I am not. going balance sheets are struck. The Suppose I should tell you that we Israel to the perils about him and ex- for the Living. : to sneak from a theological viewpoint. | s a c r e d character of the day is im-here were ready to start a new religion horts him to "Take to his Tents." tine since the publication of the re-Damianas, who arrived here today. It will be entirely from a personal and piie<i in the two names by which it tonight and that its basis would be: '' ' - Judaism Is Optimism vised tariff customs dues, an official Since the death of Nicholas II this historical point of view. , Too much emphasis on memorial statement is issued here today in post has been vacant. The title falls i s known,—"The Day of Memorial" 1. Thou shalt not hate thy brother Yom Kippur—Day of At-One-Ment Yom Kippur really deserves an seryice& should be discouraged; more My personal view of Rosh Hashonoh 'and the "Day of Blowing the in the heart.which. it is said: "The object, which and Yom Kippur—the 2. Thou- shalt not take vengeance other and separate talk. Just a fewemphasis" on ' personal service should the Government had in-view in intro- to King Ferdinand owing to the-fact p p Ybmirt, Noroim, Trumpet". Its purpose is to arouse words about the greatest, the sub that Roumania is at present the chief ""fearful f f l days'',—is d ' ' i that t h talthough l t h h th Israel " from his smug complacency, and be encouraged. The cheerful aspects nor bear any grudge against the they limest, the holiest day of the Jewish of .this living religion of optimism are ducing a -new tariff was two-fold. - children ;of thy people. . are our most sacred holy days, yet to stir him to better resolves and to Greek Catholik ortbohox power. they do not have that sentiment-full nobler deeds. The-Shofar that, ushers •'- 3. Thou shalt love, thy neighbor as calendar, Yom Kippur, called by thesung by Solomon Ibn Gabirol, the "To increase the receipts from this Sages the "Sabbath of Sabbaths." eleventh-century poet and philosopher, source, a measure was necessary, more appeal of Pesa.h, Succoth, Shevuoth in Rosh Hashonoh is .to proclaim to thyself. PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS. or even of Chanukah. Rosh Hashonoh allmankind peace, freedom and I" hear you exclaim,—"Fine! Ex- The underlying thought of the day and translated by Israel ZangwiH: and Yom Kippur are holy days for the humanity. cellent!" My friends, these are notis expressed in the scriptural words: "To the Alchemist-turning his gold, especially in view of the fact that, individual Jew. They appeal to the The observance of Rosh Hashonoh tenets .of a new religion; these are "On this day he-will atone for you to To the diamond's perfection, clear. since the confirmation of the Treaty personal fears, hopes and aspirations a s : a Holy season is commanded in the very words used by Moses more purify you from all your sins." Yom of Lausanne, provisions must be made Marrv Kononovitch I cold. of the individual suppliants. .These two passages of the Five'Books of than three thousand years ago. To Kippur is therefore a day of recon- like the streams of Damascus unfold in the annual budget for payment of holy days do not lay stress on theMoses, namely: Levicitus, XXIII; 24- live up to these'rules in a modern ciliation, and comes as the climax of Blow ye at New Moon the trumpet charges due by Palestine on account life, the hopes and the aspirations of 25 and Number XXIX; I. In neither way gives us a religion ifor today. the Ybmiro Noroim. .* . Stufiln—203 CrouiiKp Hik. the group. These Yomim Noroim have passage is there any special command Yom Kippur Day in the synagogue To the glorious one, girdled by praise of the Ottoman public debt, and to Harnpy H4"6 Stories •j'rom The Talmud meet loss of revenue due to diminished seemingly for their motto: "Every | as to how the day is to be observed, has^f our services: Bowlnc for Advanced rnpil*. in deeds Great and tremendous in imports of tobacco consequent on inman for himself—his own sins to be save the injunctions, (1) to blow the We find a good many Rosh Hashonoh ways The Four Services accounted for to his Maker." I trumpet, (2) to hold a holy corivoca- stories in the Midrash • and Talmud. ! 1. The Evening or Kil Nidrei Serv- Who, filleth with wonders our days, creased local production. Yet one's personal predelictions: tion, and (3) to engage in no occupa- Those legends often tell more about "To introduce the principle of the the spiritual values of, these Holy ice. The ancient melody played on Blow ye at New Moon the trumpet, have little weight when one considers tion. payment of specific duty instead of j the violin this evening . is a soul•what hold Rosh Hashonoh and'.Yom. Rosh Hashonoh does not simply Days than does serious philosophy. * • * Here is a story from the Midrash: gripping one. For a splendid historic •Let us sum up the Yom Kippur an ad valorem duty; that is to say, \ .Kippur have on the Jew. It is a grip mark the beginning of the _ Jewish iffectiyely that no other festivals possess. These' New .Year. If it had no further sig- "The inquiring,-Angels asked the review of that wonderful service may message with the text from Isaiah: a fixed duty in place of a payment in Creator why Israelites:, do not sing I refer you to the article on Kol .Yomim Noroim are the great link that mflcance its appeal would be faint and "Oh, Israel, return unto the Lord Thy proportion to the cost of a commodity ' unite Jew and Jew the world over.' meaningless. It is not the change of HallelujaF Psalms in the service of Nidrei in the Jewish Publication G o d ! " • ' • . . . . which "varies from time to time. This "Upon the sacredness and importance' the year, but the change of life which Rosh Hashonoh, the same as they they Society Annual for last year. Read it was' strongly ' recommended by the do, on-other holidays. Answered the TARNISH" A P&AY OF before you go to the Kol Nidrei Servthis day stresses that makes it stand of these days', all Jews are agreed— Creator: "Is it possible that when the ice this year. YOUTHFUL EMOTIONS customs' expert," Mr. Churchill-Lemon, Orthodox, ultra-Orthodox, Conserva- out as one of the Two Holy Days of King sits upon the throne of Judg- 2. The Shachrith, or Morning Servthe Jewish calendar. Rosh Hashonoh after a study of local conditions as tive, Reform and ultra-Reform.. and the Books of Life and Death ice, contains some of the most beauti- An exceptionally large group of being "a beneficial measure .to the The Semites date tlie New Year differs spiritually from the civil New ment celebrated screen, players are to be are open before him that Israel will ful poems written during the Mediaval 1307 Howard St. At. 8028 sing songs of.rejoicing?" Ages. Those from the pen and heart ;een in the George Fitzmaurice pro- country and its trade. This conversion from an ad valorum to a specific basis Omaha, Nebr. Another story is illuminating: "Rosh of the great pcet Solomon Ibn Gabirol, duction, "jarnish," which was made Hashonoh was chosen as the Day of as translated by Israel Zangwill, have by Sampel. Goldwyn for First Nation- has been effected in the case of most further significance of Rosh for the human race because a special appeal to the modern Jew. Both are based on the seasons of seed- Hashonoh lies in its being the intro- Judgment Pictures, and which •will b e t h e Adam was formed on Rosh Hashonoh. 3. The Mussaf or Additional Services time and harvest time. duction to the Day of Atonement 'How could it be the first day ofwhich contain a description of themam attraction at theStrand the- | DR. FRED B. BROWN which follows ten days later. Before creation and also, the day. of creation Atonement Rites as practiced in theatre during the week beginning SatFour Jewish New Year, Days DR. CEL1A R. BROWN Any -way yon get them i n a n y packaft* urday, October 11. Those of you here this evening who one can realize the need for atone- of Adam ?" asked the Rabbis. And the Temple at Jerusalem. others answered: "The Day of crea4. Assuredly next to Kol Nidrei, the enjoy holidays will be-interested in' ment, our Sages say, it is_ necessary CHIROPRACTORS "Tarnish" is an adaptation by ITEM'S-GRAHAM CRACKERS the Four Jewish New Years, only that he first becomes conscious of his tion of Adam is considered the same most beautiful service of the Day is Frances Marion,' well known scenario •06-407 P a s t on B!o<-h are g-o-o-d eating; for everybody. as the day of the creation of the the Neila Services *vhen "the shades one of which has succeeded in becom- shortcomings; for so long as oneworld, H o u r s , 10 A. M. t o e P. M. Ask yonr grocer for" I T E N CRACKERS writer, of Gilbert Emery's Broadway for, the whole world was imagines himself perfect it never ocof evening begin to fall". They are r I'hone, A t l a n t i c 3709. ing a Holy Day. b3 name alwiaj-s. Get the genuine and! .The First of Nisan, that is the first curs to him that he may be in need of created only to be subservient to man. most touching.and awe-aspiring. This stage success. It is a story about R e s i d e n c e : Morris Apts.. I'faone A t . 3210 lie satisfied all w a y s ! N ia As the poet sings in the Hymn to the service is understood to be held at the youth, dealing with the tragedy that day of the first month of the Jewish' a physician. If not byxlesign, then by Sabatth: "Last in production was man, time when the decision is finallyy made threatens young love when a young calendar, used to be New Year. "That Judaism's evolution,- Rosh ^Hashonoh, was the .Regnal New Year. It marked so to speak, acts as the physician, of but first in His thought." ^ - . , . as to th&^suppliant's li ffate. The Th Neila N i l manicurist intrudes upon the blissful Enrr? H. LapWo*. P » « Carpenter Paper Co. prayers ^instead of having the usual courtship of two lovers. In its structhe time of accessions to the throne the soul. Ios. Pepper, Vice-President Dlgtrlbniort OS phrase, "Inscribe us in the Book of of the kings of ancient Israel. It The Underlying Philosophy .Probably'Isaiah had Rosh Hashonoh life" use the final entreaty, "Seal us ture there is revealed a fine, neatly W. Q. Ure, Secretary. Western Bond—and High philosophy of Rosh also marked" the beginning of the TT hhe e ^ ^ j y t o g p l p y in mind when he exclaimed: "It shall int the Book of life." woven dramaj; in which the past of noh, therefore, is to make atoneGrade Stationery Omaha Fixture &. come to pass or. that day' that the fiscal year. Hashonoh, therefore, is to make atonehave Rosh Rosh great trumpet will be sounded and No Pardon For Sina Against Man the young man tarns up and shakes Omaha. Nebraska. The First of Ellul used to.be at New « R ppoossssi ibbiiee.. WWee''mmuusstt have According to the Talmud the Day of and illumines the-young girl. Supply Co. - • those'shall come who are perishing in Year. It. was then that tithes on Atonement, when spent in true prayer, the land of Assyria and . dispersed .How the tarnish is finally cleaned cattle were reckoned; taxes.were then j COMPLETE STORE AND New Year paid; it paid; it was was a a sort sort of of aa 'New Year the; scale of justice. To be sure we from the land of Egypt, and they shall brings pardon for sins between man away forms the basis of a devastatOFFICE OUTFITTERS for cattle." will find ourselves wanting, for it is worship the T-ord on the Holy Moun- and God, but sins sommitted hy man We occupy tain at Jerusalem." Say the Sages: against his fellowmen cannot be ing chain 'of relationships, poignant, ,the "New Year for Trees." ever 70,000 eao&rc f n t highly dramatic and entertaining. The man upon earth that doeth good al"The sound of the horn on Rosh pardoned until he has appeased the Booth west Corner enough with the re-forstation of Hashonoh brings to. memory the giv-one whom he has wronged. This idea Palestine this Jewish Arbor Day isways and. sineth not." liipvpnth (uiri Dnaetae Streets. coming to .life again and is re-assum-ing its importance of old. OMAHA. tfEB. W j . fates Accodiitiiig Co By far the most important Jewish New Year Day is the First day of * the Seventh month, Tishri, which we AUDITING AND INCOME call Rosh Hashonoh. It means literally TAX REPORTS "Head of the Year", though it is the Even 7 Known Kind beginning of the Seventh month. That 208 Karbach Bik. Atlantic 1031 was originally the Agricultural New of Insurance Year,—the beginning of the harvest JAcksoa 1862 209 W. O. W. Bldg. J A. 3944. season. Gradually through the centuries it assumed the great importance PAXTON-MITCHELL CO. and the great hold it now has. :7th and Martha Sts. HA, 166S Blannfartorrra of Brass, Brom*. Gate City Furniture Co. Of Interest To Various Vocations Alnmlncm and Soft ftray Iron Cantlngs. WASH AND KEEP WELL end Too are BSsorcd of finft rantlngs, as There are, here tonight representa: wn' BuwMnr ximr trorn evwrj h*at tn A RULE OF HEALTH tives of various professions and ocGlobe Van & Storage Co. •ur own shop. cupations. I t will interest the lawyers Standard . si i f cast Iron and bronn* owned and operated bv • FRONTIER TOWEL SUPPLY -here, for instance, to know that In stork, GROSSMAN & SONS . servants in the olden days were freed 1819 California Street. 520-S2 No. IGib St. ' on the.First of Tishri. The Talmud At. 0330 JM. *338 says that they enjoyed the. ten days until Yom Kippur when the Trumpet was blown as signal for their deparF. 8 . R1QKKY. Pros. ture and the restoration, according to Phone Webster 0820 the Mosaic code, of the fields to their EFFICIENT and KESPON8IBLE * THE LADNDKX THAT original owners. LAUNDRY. .EVERYBODY LIKES. Where yonr clothes come borac The stockmen present will be interDruggists' and - Stationers dejiner and last loneer. ested in the reminder that Rosh «0l-4CS-4US Snntb lOtb 4T !»ntt» 0080. 1.W7-IJ Jackson S Hashonoh in our liturgy is stated to be the Judgment Day on which all H. A. JAOOEBERGEK. Pret. Office Phone JAcfeson S1SS inhabitants of the world pass before JOHNFELDMAN the Creator, as sheep pass for examination before the shepherd. EvidentClothier •ly the writer of that part of the -CertiKed Pcblfc Accoontants Full Dress Suits and Tuxedos prayer-book used a simile from the Mored Crpm ,103 No. 16th St. fo Audits Systems business he knew best—sheep herding. 403 Karbacb Block, 15th & DoucUs Sts. Investigations OMAHA. NKtJK. I see an accountant before me. He «$• to S40 Pftmm Trust •will be interested to know that our rliones. J v f c m i 4S1S. 4S14. Rabbis said: "Three Books of Account are opened on Rosh Hashonoh: The THE BRINN & JENSEN CO. first for the wicked, the second for Omaha Office: 8JS Oonrlas paper the righteous, and the third for the Omaha Plion* Atlantic 2SBB distributors for intermediate—the average man and ForS Transfer & Storage Co. •woman." The first "two accounts" in Northern Toilet Tissue the book need neither Rosh Hashonoh K A. FORT*. 1112 Barney Street nor Yom Kippur. It is only the last President and General Manager. AT-!antic 6409 class that have the privilege and opCoKiifi! BlnfTs <Iowa) Office 'One of America's Great Hotels' portunity of the Ten Days of Repentance between the inscription of their fate and the sealing thereof. When Thinking of Mens' Hats Restaurateurs present this evening or Furnishings •will be interested in the feasting OCR TBJ6AT«UC*IT W I L t features of Rosh Hashonoh. AccordREMEMBER CONVIKCR SOli OF OCR ing to our Wise Men, "good eating" RINCKRITT. is a mitzvoh on Rosh Hashonoh. Tras* Service is Our Motto Ezrah told the people before him on 1«1 . DODfiLiS - ST. Safe Deposit Bo*w fos- i>'»>nt „, the First Day of the Seventh Month fj. WOLF SAM N. WOLF {Rosh Hashonoh) to "eat the fat and drink the sweet." The prevailing custom the world over is to eat sweets on Rosh Hashonoh. Fruits dipped in GeldstroM Uphoktermg C@. honey, especially apples in honey is "Manufactured in Omaha" Upholstering and Furniture Repair• "the Rosh Hashonoh appetizer. InterBUTTKK and ! ing Mattresses Renovated. esting^ enough, one may not eat nuts BAKEK ICE MACHINE CO. ~ on Kosh Hashonoh, because the Box Springs. Council Bluffs. la. (VBRIEN-DAVIS AUTO CO. • nuitierical value of iiuts composed of 3619 1013 North f6th St. aleph, gimel, vov, zion is equivalent 28th and Harney Sts. to the numerical value of the Hebrew Telephone - HA mey 0123 ,-word He't, meaning-sin. The custom at present is.to dip bread in.honey after the Hamotzeh prayer, when the 1 following benediction is read: "May it please the Lord our God" and the UNCLE SAM UKEAKFAS1 "The Mohl" • -God -God of our fathers to renew for us a fa FOOD CO. Rekldenre,. IS42 t-n. £5tii St. good and sweet year." T c t ATIanHr ©531. • OHAMA NKHRA8KA The Zionists' here will surely be Place of Business, S415 Coming Et. - fflad' to be reminded that Rosh Tel. ATlantle SS31. BashonoTi is observed for two days * even in- Palestine, where all the other PAXTON HOTEL twoniay festivals are observed for hut TURKISH BATHS •aTsingle day. The Zohar lays stress m>» o p e r a t e d t>3> • "on the universal observance of two Va»y*r for ^Eosh Hashonoh, although PAXTON HOTEL rior to the time of Rahbi Jochanan Steam, Turkish, and Electric Baths. 411 M o d e m B i t Zachai is was observ^for only day*

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