mg—only this, each man do his —Shakespeare.
VOL. Hi—No. 45
. -For all men tiave, if ^ e y dare • 'try,.' & . g l o r i o u s life, or grave.—Herbert'. . ±
^ H
second-class mail -taatter en Jenoarj ZTth, IB23L ct poutofflca at Oaxaba Natwufta. o n t o ttse A<S ©I SS*reb 3, UR3
CHEVALIER LEGION IKHONNEUR FOB BARON GUNZBURG Paris, (J. T. A. Mafl Service.) — The French government has offered the ribbon of Chevalier Legion D!Honneur to.Baron Pierre Benjamin Gunzburg. Baron Pierre Gunzburg is a son of Meeting Nest Winter to Con- Baron Horace Gunzburg,. the Russian philanthropist, who died at Petrograd sider Proposal Planned in 1909. He. is a son-in-law of M. by MarshalL Emile Deatsch de la Meurthe, the QUESTIONS TO LEADERS French Jewish philanthropist, who BRING VARIED REPLIES died a few weeks ago,-leaving besides many public benefactions a large sum New York. (J. T. A.)—The plan for Baron' Gunzburg. Baron Gunzdiscussed at.the conference of Jew- burg has recently begun, to take part, iBh Social Workers, held recently-at in Jewish affairs. Toronto, concerning the establishment of a Jewish National Community Chest in the "United States, has created great interest in leading Jewish circles all over the country. The following questionaire "was Karl Arnstein, • the Builder, of the sent out by the Jewish Telegraphic Huge Zeppelin; Is 37, and Is Agency: Former Teacher. "At the convention of the National Conference T>f Jewish Social Service, Berlin. (J. T. A.) The ZR-S, which a national chest for national, domes- left on its trans-Atlantic voyage Sat-' tic and foreign charitable activities urday, was built under the direction was proposed. of Engineer Karl Arnstein, according "Do you consider this plan to be to information'made known here. --desirable? Karl Arnsteuv "who holds the title j "Should educational activities be of Doctor of Engineering of the Uni{included? versity of ' Prague, is "thirty-seven j "How should the board be elected? years of age.- He was formerly asI "How should the distribution of the sistant professor" of the Department •*j funds be regulated? of Bridge Building in Prague Univer{ "Should Palestine be included?" sity, chief engineer of the Strasbourg J The following repl'es have been Zuegling company,, builders" of the I received: Langenwieser railway, bridge, which Louis Marshall—"You probably -was the subject of admiration and lenow that I have for some time been scientific discussion at the Berlin considering ,the establishment of a Shipbuilding Congress. In 1915 Arnnational organization which is to stein was appointed a .member of the deal exclusively with our educational staff of the ZeDpelin works at Fried•and religious problems and with such richshafen, where he is now the chief organizations as are concerned in engineer. cognate* activities, as, for example, Mr. Arnstein was considered for a the Jewish* Publication Society, the Ifv-tureship at the German Technicum Jewish: Chautauqua, the National in-Pragae.'in 1923-- He was, however, Farm School, the Jewish Welfare rejected on account of his Jewish Board, so far as its_educatianal "work^ __ concerned*, and, of < courser the various seminaries of higher learning. Whether or not an additional organization7'.shouldThe organized to deal with national, domestic and foreign , charitable activities is a . Professor Nathan Bernstein" gave question as to which I have not as the first lecture' at the Jewish Lecyet reached a conclusion. ture Course Wednesday evening, Octo"I am planning to call a. conference ber 15,' at' "the Jewish 'Community Borne time during the coming winter Center. The'Lecture"Course is being at which this subject can he thor- sponsored by the Omaha Chapter of onghly discussed by -the leaders of A. ZT A. Every Jewish" young" man Jewish thought in America. I t is and woman is'invited to attend these needless to say that in order to be- courses which will be given every come effective, its purpose must be Wednesday, -the next course to be givbroad end comprehensive. It roust' en Wednesday .evening, October-22,-at not be a reform, orthodox or radical the Jewish Community Center. movement. It must be all-inclusive The Omaha Chapter of A. Z. A. in its scope." will initiate the - following men on Felix M. Warburg—"As I have 'Sunday, October 19, at the Jewish stated frequently, I would consider it Community^ Center: Sam Hjnfcin, a great pity if the interest awakened Max Yaffe,' Herbert Neveloff, Milton nation-wide among the well-to-do Berkowitz, Hyman Shrier and Harry Jews for those who are not situated Rubenstein. " Members of the B'nai as they were to be lost in the future, B'rith are invited to attend this inand if this self-sacrificing, able; itiation which will be held at 2 p. m. -voluntary organization, which has worked, so to speak, without a cent" The A.Z. A.foB^allteam defeated of expense, were to be permitted to the California Street Merchants by a disappear. On the other hand, I do score of 31-6 in a'practice game. The not think that we should rush into team is being, coached by Marcus some scheme, that is not thoroughly Krasne. On Sunday, October 26, the worked out beforehand and would not Omaha team will play the Lincoln put as in a position to gauge the' size Chapter team at Lincoln^ The Linof the enterprise and of the obliga- coln team will play a return game tion involved. All the national organ- later. izations 'which, are now in the field to collect funds for different activities would be only too glad to leave
National Jewish y Conf m i c e Sooit
ZE-3 is Built by Engineer CsEed as Jewat University
local &!epk Eadik p - Begins Fall Activities
(Continued on page 2.)
Eabbi in America Dies Cincinnati. ( J . T / A . ) Rabbi Abra-
Needle Work Gaild Annual ham Jacob Gershon Lesser, oldest in America, died October Exibition November 6 and 7 Rabbi after Kol Nidre. Rabbi Lesser was 92 The annual exhibition and distribu- years of age. Born in the city of Mier, district of tion of garments of the Needle Work • Guild will be held' on Thursday and Minsk, iir 1534, he came to-the.TTnitea Friday, November 6. and 7, at the States in 1880. For eighteen years First Congregational Church, Thirty- he held an important rabbinical position in Chicago. In 1898 he-became fifth and Harney streets. Jewish "women as well as women of Orthodox Chief Rabbi in Cincinnati. all other nationalities contribute each In 1902 he was elected President of year to this cause, as the- garments the Union of Orthodox Rabbis in collected for the. Needle Work Guild America! The late Rabbi left many -works in are distributed to the different charitable organizations, including the Hebrew onHalaeha and AgaSah. Jewish Welfare Organization and the SUNDAY SCHOOL PUPILS ""Wise Memorial Hospital. TO PBESENT PROGRAM Each contributor should send her two garments to her. director or to the The children - of • ths - City Sunday Jewish Community Center at 303 Lyr- School will be-presented in a Succoth ic building, &nd each contributor program Sunday morning, October 19, should bfe sure to send only two gar- a t ten o'clock a£~°the"B'nai Israel:-SynmtetitS tHat 'are ~of the'same kind and a g o g i s e ; '—• ' .'•' ' -sise. '»• Principal addresses wffi begfrren by This year the Jewish -women who <£abbi J. M. ""Charlop arid Mr. Max are in charge of the work are the Fromkin. . MesdamesB. A. Simon, X. Rosenthal, ' The public is invited to attend this "N. Mantel and H. 3Trankel. . r - {-program. ...*».•• - . ...*..-.u.*.;-...'-' -
Are You Listed in the Communal Bradstreets? The Yearbook of the Federation containing- the Subscription l i s t of the Jews of Omaha who are contributing members of the Jewish Welfare Federation is the "Jewish Dun'and-Bradstreet par excellence." " Already three-fourths of 1924 has passed and dues fpr the last quarter of "1924 are now needed. We are sure that you want to have your name listed in the 1924 Yearbook. ' ' The Federation is. 19 in 1. Nine local and ten national organizations are its beneficaries. The Federation pays the bills for the sick, the destitute, the widow and the orphan. We have confidence that you will help right now as nobly as you have in the past. All indications point to a successful Federation year and to an "A-l" showing in our "Communal Bi'adstreet". Kindly turn to-page 2 for the "Coupon" entitled Vote "Yes" for the.Federation. Cordially, Finance Committee, Jewish Welfare Federation.
A Headliner on Thorpeian Carnival One of- the feature headline attractions of the carnival and dance to- be given' Sunday, November 16, at the Gity Auditorium, will be the.clever.little dancer, Vivian Stein, who is shown;here in Russian costume.
ARCHIVES OF "CHOYTTEI ZION" TRANSFERRED FROM •ODESSA TO JERUSALEM Jerusalem, (J. T. A.)—^Tiie archives of the "Chovivei Zion", the first Palestine Committee formed by Russian Jews in the eighties of the. Nineteents Century, to create a popular {iris Popularity Contest to Be movement for the colonization of Large Crowd Fills Hal] to Hear •* Program , i One of Featnre' Attrac- •. " Palestine, known under the same "Chovivei Sion" (Lovers of Zion) were " ' .' tions. .' - transferred from Odessa to the Jewish NO MEETING N E X T M 0 N - , ILABORATE PROGRAM BE- National Library at Jerusalem. These records contain msny im- , The large assembly hall of the JewING ARRANGED FOR portant historical documents, as "well ish Community Center was filled to • : PUBLIC • • as data on'the. first'. Jewish coloniza- capacity Sundsy evening, when the Y. M. and Y. "W. H. A. members pre"It'll be a big time"—Sunday,,No-, tion attempts in Palestine. sented a Succoth program. The provenaber 16.- -• . gram was very cai*cfully arranged On November 16 the Thorpeian and presented. Athletic.club..will hold a carnival and According to members in th<? large celebration. This-carnival will begin audience, it was one of the finest at noon and-isriil last until midnight, programs ever presented in Omaha and will be held at the City Auditoby any organisation. rium. ~~ New- Chapter in Series of Events Fol"I 'was wry much enthused over The large auditorium, will be beaulowing Death of Major Crenkhite the. program," EEM William L. Holstifully, decorated with many color in 1918 Now'Being'Unfolded. man, president of the Jewish Com-' schemes that will meet in the center of the larjje * auditorium. According Tacoma, Wash., Oct. 6.—A new iminity Center. "It shows that the to the committee in charge, this affair chapter in the series, of events, com- Jewish youth of Omaha has the proper will be one of the largest and most mencing with, the death of Major Al- spirit." "One of the finest programs that I entertaining-in the city. There will exander Cronkhite during target pracbe dancing both.afternoon, and even- tice at Camp Lewis, in this city, in have ever seen presented," Baid Wiling to the tune of one of Omaha's 1918, is in the unfolding, with the liam R. Blumenthal, superintendent of most popular orchestras. The doors opening trial of Roland H. Pothier the Welfare .Federation. The following program was preof the auditorium will be opened, at foixasr ..sergeant iuglet, who with j. noon and wHl close at midnight. Bane- former . Capt. "Bobe'rt Rosenbluth, sented: 1. Introductory Address ing will begin at 2. p. m. stsnds accused of "Croakhite's murder. _ Chairman Isaac Sternhili During the afternoon, plans are be- 'F.pthier's" "trial is' to' be followed by . . 2. Maariv Services, Conducted by : ing made; to stage an elaborate ; Philip Handler, Cantor, and that, of-former Ca|>t.' Eos;eHblBth. The gram of some of- Omaha's best tal- accusation against Rosenbltrth is the Young Israel Synagogue. ented . entertainers, professional and based in its entirety upon an alleged S. Welcome, by Wm. L. Holzman, President Jewish Community samatears.'}. These entertainers are be- confession made by Pothier and which Center. ing -carefully selected from a large Pothier later repudiated. It is claimed 4. The Story of Succoth -^— ' list cf performers who have signified that' Pothier -once confessed that he Miss Ann Rothenberg Numbers, Florence their willingness ..to appear for such, a shot and killed Cronkhite at the 5. Musical Whitebook, Council Bluffs. benefit carnival and where the* pro- command of Capt. Itosenbluth. This 6. Vocal Solo .Miss Sadie Dreviteh ceeds go'.to'" "such •worthy cause. confession followed his statement of Accompanied by Miss Shrago. Ainong'some of the entertaining, at- accidental shooting and later it was 7. My Impression of Succoth Harry Robinson tractions "will be a boxing exhibition repudiated by him. The alleged con_ Nathan Ysffe by a former ThorpeiSn member,' Mer- fession was obtained after the army 8. Vocal Solo Accompanied by Miss Margaret rie ' Schlaifer,. Omaha's . "Fighting board had investigated and found thst Hurwits. Pool,"' and'«Ace"' IJudHns... These; Grdnkhite'rl»d'- accidentally shot hina- S.- The "Original "Thanksgiving"--boxers; have 'already' signified their.: self'while-en'gaged .in target practice. „.. . William K, Blum«rifhal" 10.. Y. M. ,H. A. Qnartette,. Wm. fids. "*•'" - Hnegflid, Harrv ••preene*' Jmn gram. i ^ ^ General Cronfchite, father of the dePrieden, Ben Ellis. and singers and entertainers ftoia t i e ceased, on'bis"retarn fronr France i s 11. The Fruits of tlie Earth Orpheura and World ."theaters. .. "Borcy Pre Hoats." lS19,_had the case/reopened and Capt. Another attraction of. the" carnival Bosenbluth and Sergeant Pothier, the "There will be no meeting of the will be the girls' popularity contest, last persons with young Major Cronk- Y. Monday evening because of holiwhich carries a prize of a round trip hite, were questioned. The alleged days," suid Sam N. Wolf, president. ticket to'California or tiie equivalent Pothier confessions, implicating Ro- Plans are being made for a large in GOLD.! Several of Omaha's pop- senblttthi was made March 20, 1921. meeting which will be announced in ular girls have already : entered; this Pothier later told newspaper report- a later issue of The Jewish Press. At contest and are out for the rnost pop- ers that lie had been, forced to such this meeting plans will be made, for ular prize. '; Besides the first prize, a confession by third degree methods. the Y. orchestra and the large memthere will be a second and third prize Bosenhktth, who declares that the bership campaign which will soon be to the -winners.' Every-ticket sold for charges are false in every "particular, launched, ( the admission to this -cangval. is was arrested in New York. The claim counted' for' 10 VOTES ana-vl/cred-; was made by the defense that the ited to the girl selling, t i e r tickets. Federal Government w-as without jurThese admission -tickets are sold for isdiction" in the case, but the Supreme 25 cents arid entitle' the^ptuc&aser to Court has ruled'that the'case mcst a FREE' chaiice : on -a -$200 -radio- set. be tried in the Federal Court for Every Monday, Wednesday, and The winner rt5f the' radio "set '-wiir be Western Washington. Thursday evening, from 1:80 to 9:S0, announced at the-carnival. Any girl Rosenbluth declares that he has a number of Omaha schools "will be who is -willing to enter-this contest been made the victim of-a- second open to those'-who are unable to atcan do so" by'Applying at the carnival Dreyfus affair. The fact that the tend day classes and to the foreigners office, 6S1 Brsndeis Theater 'Inulding. anti-Semitic sheet run by Henry Ford "who sedt'an education. The Thorpeian club is .recogAmong'the schools who are conat Dearborn has made an issue of nized in the , -city : as one of the ducting these classes this ye»r arc the- case has caused many of Rosenleading atMetic clubs aad has rasny bluth's friends to share this view. Kellom, Long, Mason, South Franktimes pat out winning teams. .This Malicious insinuations directed by lin, Train, West Side, Comenins, Farcarnival i deserves -the. support -of' the Browa ?f*ark, Benson High and Ford's paid 'journalistic crew. at all entire Omaha Jewry a n a i s being sspHigh. who. came to Sosenbluth's. aid have porte^i" and - endo'£&e'd" by practicRlly •• Subjeets taught «TC English, featured' this Ford'publicity effort. every local organization. ing, composition, historj-, All., of Bosenbluth's • former classRemember 'Noveniber . 16 • at .City civics and citizenship. A special clasfe mates a t 'Yale are fighting- for his Auditorium! is made *p of those who have net vindication. learned the English language.
'trial'Opens-October 22
be M I ffase Tmu Week
A (
' CLOSING SERViCE Ifffl k (Sra Neroabtt S KR. Estkr Gol&teo, FOR SUCCOTH WILL Pioneer. Die! Lsst Week i BE OBSERVED Hadassah-Zionist Ball -will be
The given Sunday evenif.g, November 9, at the City auditorium .by the Omaha Chapter of Hadassfch and local Zionist OrgaiuEatioii. Mrs. A. Koiinn, chairman o£ the Hadfessah committee, snd Mr. Max Frorafcin, chairman of the Eloniet committee, in charge of the affair, have arranged for several'features to be presented on the prograsi that will be given during the day. The proceeds cf the Ball will go towards Hadassah and Palestine work.
Closing Succoth Ecrvicpg at Temple Funeral services, for Mrs. E r t h e r 1 1 g r a e l v..m b c h c l d RUndaj- evemng, Goldstein aldstein, age 76, who di?d Friday, II (iet .h6T ,at . ^^t.. o'clock with . .s.. i19, f) October was held Sunday morning at I perroon by Rabbi Frederick Cohtt '«l o'clock frora £he home of her daughter, Mrs. S, MaadelFon. Eariai was | pervicPE at the Synagogues held at the Golden Hill Cemetery. j Tnesday, Bahbi J. M. Ch»rMrs. Goldstein, who was a resident j of Omaha fcr-the past fifty-Eve years, i Salurday morniag on " 4 Saewas the widow o£ Mr. Eubin Gold-1 IK VOX Ideal Home," SundsJ? stein, pioneer of Omaha, who died i rversnpr >»e will talk at the Young here thirty years ago. j Israel ^ynspoFur on "Four Mr?. <5oldstem is survived by two. on Monday mrirnJTijr he •will i Persons who attested.the Y. M. H. A. vaudeville shows during sonSf Abe, of the Goldstein-Chapman j is Ads?.? Ye^buTm Synagogue < the past two years will remember Vivian as the little dancer who! company, of this city, and Louis, of j __ Significance of Eight Days literally stopped the show -with her Russian solo dance. Beatrice, Nebr., and besides Mr?,. I s ^ c m n Assembly," ARAB EXECUTIVE CALLS "Not yet ten years of age,"little Vivian enjoys an enviable ) Msndelson she is Kturived by danffh- j UBGENT SESSION OF reputation as an interpreter of character dances." In generous S TOURISTS IN TCIX. AEA® CONGRESS tcrs, Krs. Kachael Mandelrtein, of: demand for public" entertainments she has friends and admirers Jerusaleni. (J. T. A.) A call for New York City, and Mrs. Betty Gott-1 lem. (J. T. A.) The in Omaha and many neighboring communities. j attractiveness-' of Palestine t© an largest session cf the Palestinian stein, cf Lcs Angeles, Calif. At the carnival Sunday, November 16. she will give her Arab Congress was issued by th« Palip attested by ofScW -Russian dance and several other character dances. She T-vill be estine Arab Ssecctive October 10. TRUCE BETWEEN ALTS ARKY 4,5-22 travellers ets&ered tiS« a. 'hit* of the carnival. . The Congress is to convene shortly AKD WAKAEIS BEOEUX country during July. This does not . Besides little Vivian Stein," there will be other well Known and -will discuss, secordiiig to the pub- j Jerusalem. (J. T. A.) The trace indode injinigHmtB or rettssning entertainers on the program.. latter numbered lished program, the frequent pur- concluded betv.-een the nevs-ly elected chases of land made by the Zionists, kins, All, and Tan seems to daring1 that month. As 5uSy i* n<it time off the b i h KO MEETD7G SUNDAY- . •will be a regular meeting the follow- as well as the gexssr&i politick! situa- ha.T& been broken., according to wordd consideredd the best "Announcement has been made that ing • Sunday, October 26, at the Jew- tion in Palestine and the nsighbotiag received in Amman front Kscca. The to visit Palestine, it may be countaries resulting from the vsrar ac- message states that the WahsfaiE were in the absence- of figure* f<w. the Omaha Hebrew 'Club •wiQ>hold ish Community Center. Special • bnsiaese -will be transtivities between the HasMmite family defeated in battle; 1^09 Wafaabb «re cprfcg mmiK, thst the toorist no iiseetin'g Has Sunday. October/19, and Ibn Saad reported kiBed. ^theu yrw much jgreatcr /»n account of Holiday, but that there acted at fhiiS meeting.
"•'r~ ;.v*TPubijishelireTfiry Xhorsdny at Omnta. Jiebrasfca, by , -THE JEVyjSfl PRESS PUBLISHING COMFASD?. Office:'681 Brand.ets Theatre Building—Telephone: ATlantic 1450 '--- -•-" NATHAN B. GREEN, Manager. Subscription Price,-one year. Advertising ratesl furnished on application.
National Jewish Chest Coisference Soon (Continued from
PALESTINE Shawiig location ^ Jewish
arduous ta'slcs • to a new willing to guarantee a certain amount to them and promising them a possible share in larger collections. We CHANGE Off ADDRESS—PJeoae give botb'tbe old and new aCdress: ™ .". „ * . . . _ . ..before -and Rive roar name. ought to study the situation. We the JJewish_TeJegraphic Agency The Jewish-Press is supplied b the esh_Tegp g e y ((Jewish should..be assured of,the goad -will d telegraphic t l h i c Jewish, Jewish nefc-s, nefc-s in in addition addition and practical support of-a large p^art Correspondence pafft sod Correspondee BferpanT BfepnT witja itja paffteo to feature' articles article and correspondences from all important Jewish centres. of those, wjio. have been interested Inquiries <regardia& -nesss atems_«redited,_to this jAgsacy jwill be. gladly in "the "different organizations to Be answerearif addressed to~J"e"wish Telegraphic Agency, 114. Fif£h Avenue, benefited under such a scheme. 1 New York (Sty. . ' 1' / • ' - / hope that before these plans are laid before the public somebody well THE ROME t. , . . T H E JJJ3WS.-0F J3WS.0F R OME / versed in educational and philanWorfl from Dr; Oyms-Adler tfiat research -efforts, ijiay throw thropic matters in, the United States new JigSt g upon p ^fche history of the Jews of Tlome. is Irought with will be engaged to make such a the .gy^test. gy^test interest ~V~T ' ^• survey.^ ' interest. :VT .". . ' ' ^ Jews are_imowji to have been residents-of the Eternal City Rabbi Samuel Schnlman, Temple for 2,100; years* -Before the-time of-Pompey, wha-sbni.Bxany S El, Sev York—"I T>eg- to'eay prisoners'of war to Rome, as slaves, following Jiis Palestine con- that I--do- not- consider such a' plan quest, merchants Jiad settled in theEternal C f t With'the # , W icon«. the-Eternal Cft#," c the desirable—certainly- not for come off Jewish freed,' and J i h slaves,:iater l i t f d ' a large l dprosnefous f .Jewish J i present. h I consider it altogether too community developed upon the bank' of the Tiber/ large a proposition to attempt--to Jews as,citizens arid ~in\"±fte war unite -all the various Jewish philanJews w^regranted ^ r e g a t e full rights g een JJulius u l i s Caesar Caesar and Pompey it'was it'was the the former former leader between and. Pompey, leader, thropic and social - service agencies termed by, Graete '-'the. .greatest man that Rome"ever produced/! in this, country-in one-national chest, froin -which would be distributed not who won-adherents.«nnp_ng_tiie Jewish people./ - . " Caesar gen_erousjy. iretmasgd that frien,dshipi_as .documents only the funds necessary for 'all our quoted in fyll.by Josephiisiplainly attest. Most striking of all own American Jewish-activities, but is Caesar's formal" message tp the Parians notifying them to aleo for OUY foreign charitable activ.revoke .an order which, prohibited Jews of~Belos-^from observing ities. : -"This -would- be-carrying the idea Jewish .religious customs.-.. . - - -'_- ~r • -• — .Qpesijig bis inissive with-the "statement that tjqmplaint had of "Federation-of Charities, in- itseH been brought to" him regarding, t h e new antwfewisK attitude of for local purposes excellent, to an the .authorities at Dek>s, Caesar, as'Gons'uT^of'Rome, conthiue'd: * absurd-extreme. -Zl would-be creat'"Now i t does not plea.se. me that such'decrees should be~rnade fng «. body whkh necessarily could against our friends and confederates whereby they_ are forbidden not -enlist that individual-initiative; to live according to their own customs, or to bring in contributions personal - responsibility - and - locat for common'.supper and holy festivals while"they are not jforbtdden pride -which -are TIOW the most efficient so to do at Rome itself; for .even Caius Caesar, our imperatorjand factors in obtaining the funds. I t mportact Present consul, in-that.decree-wherein he. forbade :the, Bacchanal rioters would- "be -foolish enough tor attempt, Colonization -Ebae in the-^-present circumstances, -the to meet in the city, did. yet-permit' these Jews to, gather themselves together according to the customs and, laws "of ifaeir- foren- creation' of ~a Jewish •'National-Chest fathers and .to persist therein, dt'will be therefore .good for you," for-jrurely American-'purposes! But This maraof Palestine.is-th^'TriostTip-tOrda'te in existence, in this of country. It has been "carefully "prepared to include the latest settlethat if you made any decree-.against* these, our~friends and con-to combine -with this collection r ments established. The "black spots indicate--land- owned-by---Jews, federates, to abrogate thelsame by reason ot their virtue and money -for foreign charitahle activ- -principally 1 by -die-Jewish National-Fund: So rapid, however,v-.is: the..; ities seems to me quixotic kind-disposition- toward usJ -- " -" " , progress of "Palestine that since, the".preparation o.f this map, l i e jew-, "'"If i s 'quite true that 'especially for -In^ater^axs, Roman rulers who dlctjaot share Julius Caesar's ish National Fund has- added an ^additional 40,G00 dunams' of land in toleranW and' breadth, of vision',, oppressed the -JnemHers "of. the"the ~pttYpos"ee£ Df.foreigrt charitable the Valley of Jezreel most of it south of Nahalal,;;;._; : highly desirable The insert shows the colonization activity now in progress in the Jewiih7col0ny. I n t h e time of Tiberius, banishment wasT-decreeo! activities it Valley of Jezereel where all the-colonies, with the exception of Baland "those who later dwelt in the Eternal City witnessed the to create sonie organization which fouria, have been established b^- the Keren Hayesod. Balfouria is the triumphal entry of Titus" and his legions, after; jfche; destruciion of: would'Unlfy the various agencies that first colony of the American Zion Commonwealth. Jerusalem. , . ; , :.• i v - •"'*'" }'^~-•'"" ~." - are ~ Xiasv' appealing frofn various But, asf iJabbi Marias.Hanson;points out in a rjecent letter points of" view to Americah Jewry for all the stages of slow development, from Rome, tne_ arch of T^tus,lbullt. in commemoration of that- iuVds." But lihtil some understanding beginning with the People's House in JBoman victory, is now in ruins, while tfie beautiful synagog, which is brought about, it would be imposthe time of the Great Assembly, extoday stands upon a late traversed bf. the sojdiers'of/Titus in the, sible to accomplish this. " And certending, through the Beth Ha'midrach marcfiof triumph 1,900 years ago, houses theiiiembers of a" living tainly it i s ' illogical "fo unite in one of the Middle Ages, the Shtybel of faith^hicirhas surveyed Titus and his hordes, "as in earEer ages body our home charities ana our forthe Chassidic/movement to the Taberit survived the onslaughts of Egypt, Babylon and the. hosts of eing charities. I might even say it nacle "on Broadway, there was never Antkichus. When Jews Congregate — High before such a concert of prayers as in r is un-Jewish. I^or it is well T Atkh The .appearance of , .viewer history-of pp y the jews j of Rome,, m , tfia.' "the Jewish law declares that the Point in Development of the the city of New York. I great-defail.the,events-in_the d f i reciting In days .of Okie mighty Synagogue—What Rabbis and •••, In the first yeaF of America's closdemands of the poor in our own city Caesars,whose glory-has long:crum.bled.-to ]dusii will serve to Preachers Speak About—Ron. ing, gates to Jewish immigration, it is "Before" those" •oT""snbther "city"! accentuate the marvel'of that survival: manian Ambassador Listens to and in "our. "own country "before those Kol Nidre—Should Politics Inter- a fact which should be recorded. of a .foreign Ian3. Now, to create onefere With Religion? body that shall have, the disposal, of The angels were busy. An ancient all '.these funds, and "shall decide, as tradition says that what happens a board of assessment "and distribuBy WILLIAM Z, SPIEGELMAN. above finds its equal below—not only tion, as to what shall be done with The American Jewish Yearbook, the angels, hut also the Rabbis. Synthe funds collected, is contrary- to our which appeared on the occasion of .7 •*„ ^. "2. traditions and will not produce scod the Jewish New Year, tells th^ World Finance Committee, _ .- " ' . that there are a million and a half results-" . - - Jewish-Welfare Federation,' Rahbi AbbaHilieTsilver, Cleveland Jews in the city of New York. I t is - , " Lyric Bldg., .Omaha. —"Suck A "plan would, conserve not known by what method the ed\ energy &B&-- eliminate waste . and.itor collected his data and made cer1. " I am a friend of "the poor,-the?ielpless;-tfee sick and— ~tain of this figure. However, if there duplication -of r effort, By_alL means educational acfcivifci«^ should be in.- is a time when the approximate num21st and Burt Sts. cluded'in plan. eluded in the propped proppd p a . Details ber of Jews living in New York can f Tel. Jackson SOOT; Atlantic 9785 be ascertained, it is none other than concerning--the organization of the Registration of board* and, the jiistribution .of ^ funds the season of the High Holidays. iMarae.-.. _ To non-New Yorkers, especially to can _ be worked out-at ^ome' fuiur& New Pupils 2'. -Iam.Jio\y"a.^nernber_of the Fed^-atioa/and-desire--tkne. • .1 _ -rather - tilnk ^that Pales- those who have read so much about FOR " , to increase my' subscription commensurate with- the i i i s h o u l d -not- be in- the supposed radicalism of the East tinian 3ide, it may seem a paradox—it is V - prosperity. 1 am now enjoying." Please-send me a cluded injhis-national c J none the less a fact—that perhaps in -V-.blank" pledge ."card:, I Vote" "Yes" -fot the Fede*a- ~ the entire Jewish history "the record"tiont *YES.- ' JERUSALEM UNIYERSITV ing angels who are, according to traWILL BEGIN —~ Name Vfeiiha, X3. T: O-^Prof essor Albprt dition, appointed to welcome the pray.of 'the ^Relativity ers which rise from our poor planet, Einstein, A $." Here are the n'airtes aTid addresses of_pexsons .who Theory, who h is" now" on a visit here' have not had such a busy spot as ;" - - . are not members of the J.ewjsh Welfare Federation ' NOY, IHCL wilHeav6 Gfermany'shoftly' for Pales- New York during the present High *:' ^Jand^who-can, "should, or would, be interested. Let c tine, acceding-to infortrtati(m received; Holiday season. - - -them TOte-«¥es?.-£ftr Jhe.,Federation., . ^ today *by the -"-Wiener Journal1 V c P/o- New York Jews pray. . : ^ f fessor" Ehistein \nl\ settle "5i 'Jeru- Beginning with the rocky Hunts MONHEXT'S salem, Tyheje he }vin 'accept Point section in the Bronx and reach- BEAUT* SHOP sotsttp'ih the i &X& tJMIROPOOS ing even to the boardwalk of Coney ;, . -Set. 1830 : ' Island, thousands, tens of thousands, SIam=l and fre* ttset In perhaps hundreds of thousands of "days, 81.60 BOY MAKES IMPRESSION ON We specialize in pericr.Eect • _, GERMAN.MUBICAE W0RLT3 Jews, were congregated.,during the Open troro 0 A. M> to -Berlin, (J. T.A.)-^-Edmund-Vichnin High Holidays in the various impror- - 1518 Barney St. a Philadelphia boyVisthe latest Amer- vised Minyonnim, Prayer IKalls and Chazan Performances, not counting system-of public education, and.is,es- ican -piano virtuoso to hold t h e atten- the old, established congregations of .world here. Vich-tablishing, schools" jh the" country ~<U"ST- tion "Of th£ musical : nm 'is the _$on -of aJewish journalist the purely Orthodox, conservative, tricls""_where ,the.re\ have' been no -INsemi-reformed and reformed temples. HEADQUARTERS schools-hitherto, states the headquar- the city editor of' the Philadelphia Is it possible that all this expression for "Jewish World.".. " " " " the occasion^ of the unveiling-<if-the ters'^of the-Jewish Colonization Assoof pious contemplation and 'religious monuminFin honor of Ludwig-Erank datioji (Tea) v here. Prom ^the "start devotion is stimulated by the enterbegaiPtpday in-"Mannheim."" ^ - ./. '- the l e a provided elementary; schools MApA^r SHOCHAT NOT .CHARGED prising organizers of Ad Hoc congre* d - WITH; CE/HA'AN MURDER- gations for business purposes.? Perforlfhe'dhlldren of its^colonists. Jeyv,: S'arliaiiaeht-and the ber „ Germiai _ _ ifiVr'teachers'gate. ihs6fuciion*"|i""ccord Jerusalem, (J. " T. A.)—Madam haps. Nevertheless, it is a phenomt Engagement Rings is our leadertrf tne-Seeialist Party. He was • ing to the, official cb"*de. "in 1919 this Mariya Wilbuschewitz (Sht>chat) who enon of great importance, whatever Specialty _. the fti*at to fall in" the Spanish language was utilized in the was' arrested here, a few days ago the cause may-be. MAL4SB0CK JEWELRY CO. cojqnies.. to .an_,extentr which 'Jnafle j t wag not, charged' in connection with"" New York Jews pray, really and Tfia - ineinoriar-'ceremoniesj" which no' longer necessary to appoint"spe- the JJe Haan murder, according to the devo"tedly._ -1514 Dodge-St. " ,. •; . ' . . Will 3asf'. daysj will "be" "at: cial teachers"vand the school 'buildings statement of a~Gbvefnmeht official to 94 V " " : " J 5619. Perhaps in all the history of thet tended-'-Tby ^Eoehler, the~Prestd£nt «.x--«™tdr_* of -zA a t tached\tofSe colonies",wer& trans- the Jewish Telegraphic Agency's cor- Jewish" synagogue, passing through { Baden; General DaimllnjTEx-Ghancel- ferrea. fo^the .'jurisdiction .of _the ;Na- respondent:- THe investigation- in the' lor Wirthj forHier-jPresidcnt of the tixJrtaTJEducational Council." case against -Madam Jshoehat will be G€rmafr~JteichBtair> Locbj and~thouconcluded -today.—-eands'-of- ?e"pubfieans. - . •"" '"-~~ had Followers- of "Adolph-Sitle^ today pils.' Jernsalem, - (J."- T.r- A.)—Mustapha b^n8H$ied-*ttie%o£terE announcing the Kemah'i'tisha, President of the-Turk-- Democratic Nominee * memorial services -ia -honor of "franfcr ishile'puplicrthe-governmentof which The' nttJjhittieift ia' being- carefully SENT _ has abolished-the* caliphate and exiled- f o r - " . '; „ . . 1 guarded" by-the-police ~on' OFder-to FOJt HEDJAZ ARJIY, the caliph from Turkey, will be asked "--*; ii-«gainst attacks. - .* Jerusalem., ( t T^A.)(^-Thc» first'to adcept.the caliphate himself. Thist
Vote YE for
I 4 I
agogue Judaism was" at its height. the Roumanian anti-Semites, that Kol Rabbis and preachers, speakers and Nidrc i.s npi carte blanche for the lecturers, did not fail to take advan- Jew? to ignore their obligations totage of the occasion. Was there any \\i.rd the Gentile, Jevish or non-Jewish problem which What could-he, however, think of was not touched upon from the pal- the people vhose brethren are being pit 1 A list of the themes, only partly j continually persecuted in Roumar.ir,, published in the metropolitan newspa- j who permit the most solemn religious per, could fill a program of a coliere j service of the year to be turned int.i with special departments for philoso- i a place vUirre diplomatic apologies phy, poetry, historical research, pol- j could be made for actions which canitics and civics.- -The oiti Satan v;hci not be exrilr.ined away? s&nus!Iy appears as a prosecuting at- j Prince Sibesco certainly, showed torney was of as much interest as the,great diplomatic foresight, in taking utterly your.g and not entirely sue- J advEitage of the invitation to serve cessfally Defense Test Day. Help for j the inlcrc-ts: of his country. It is i-g. the stranded Jewish immigrants in I grettable that the same cannot be the various Etsrcrpcar. ports presented', said of thot-o who are responsible for as--great a measure of appeal" as thej this invitation. call of the -K^ren Hayesod; the; \ strengthening of Jewish religious! PALESTINE TO ASSUME feeling was as fascinating a subject; PART OF TURKISH DEBT as-the always discussed question of Jerusalem, (T. T. A,)—The question Jewish education. of Palestine's participation in the payOpinions may differ as to the prac- ment of the debts of the former Ottical value of -sermons and lectures in toman Empire will be discussed at the houses of worship, there cannot how- nc\t intei--allie8 conference, which is ever, be any do-abt that preparatory- to take place in Constantinople. Palesto the approaching season of Jewish tine vi',1 be represented by Mr. Davis, Communal work it is a valuable, edu- the treasurer of the Palestine Government. cational campaign. *
Prince Antoine Bibesco, Roumanian PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS Ambassador to the"Uruted States, had a unique experience last Tuesday evening. The synagogue °f the conKOOM FOR KENT gregation of Jews of Koumam&n desIn refinfd &nd q«iet home for cent, Sharei Shumaym on Eivington couule or young lady. Call street on the East Side, vras overATlantic 1450 for further crowded, with peopls who listened to particulars. both the ancient melody of Kol Nidi-e and to the polite, -diplomatic oration c-fthePriti.ee>..'.: .....•-'•-"''. .-I---'-" I. do not know whether.the enlight- .WANTED—Several men between ened;. Prince., after; his. attendance in ages of 25 and 35, to solicit for the: .synagogue, listening to the. Jsol* Life Insurance and collect. Wonderful "opportunity for ambitious emn ^ceremonies,. i-eached: any;-con* men. Guaranteed salary and comelusion about the existence.of -a-dismission. Inquire for: F. Leventinctly Jewish music, :nor_is_it prob- , thal, Mgr., Metropolitan Life Ins. ablecihat "the Rrince;.wiil now be sble . Co., 836 Brandeis Theater Bldg., to explain to his; .countryman,, .the Omaha, Nebr. teamed: professor,Xuza, the leader sf
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PAGE 8—THE JEWISH PRESS—THURSDAY, OCTOBER 16, 1924 and Mrs. N, Levinson, of Omaha, mo- cording to word* received from the complete reports on the financial Palestine, and at the same time be of tored to Lincoln Sunday. League at Delhi. benefit to the country, have applied needs of the Palestine work. This message came in reply to an The Baron has expressed his inten- to the Zionist office in Kovno for. perMrs." A. Goodman, Mrs. A. Stine, appeal of the Moslem Supreme tions to start activities in Palestine. mits to enter Palestine, according to. In honor of Mr. and Mrs. Morris of Beatrice, visited friends and rela- Council. The message of the Indian telegraphic advice received hj the PalMilder, who are celebrating their tives here Monday. Moslems: also states that all ques- POLISH MINISTERS JOIN estine Executive. Some of these latenth wedding anniversary, Mr. Hytions concerning the caliphate, as well borers "and craftsmen are in'possesMiss Norma Frosh.left Thursday RABBIS IN FIGHT.AGAINST man Milder" will -be host to thirty as the relationship between the IMMODEST DEESS sion of from 1,250 to 1,500 and are couples' Saturday evening at a dinner for Nebraska City to attend the Coun- various! Arab emirs and rulers will ty Teachers' Convention. Warsaw. (J. T. A.)—Ministers of prepared to bring- their machines and party at the Brandeis Tea Rooms. have to be submitted to the General all denominations will join the Polish eqqulpment with them. Miss Sara Friend left Friday for Moslem Congress which i s to be held It is reported further that" many Rabbis in their protest against imExcelsior Springs, Mo., for a month. at Cairo the beginning of next year. modesty in the latest styles of persons of school' age ere applying1 women's dress. The Rabbis and daily to the Zionist authorities, sefekMr. and Mrs. M. Novicoff and famMinisters intend to wage an active ing information as to enrollment In SENTENCED FOR ily, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Dworskyand campaign, spreading propaganda the Secondary Hebrew School of PalENFORCING HEBREW daughters, Mrs. B. Shapiro and Miss Highland Country club Halloween ENGAGEMENTS WEDDINGS '' AS SPOKEN LANGUAGE throughout the country, against im- estine. Sara Gelson motored to Beatrice SunMrs. Al Minkin 'announce the en- party will be held Thursday, October day to visit with Mr. and Mrs. I. J. Tel Aviv. (J. T. A. Mail Service.) modest, dress. Official legislation is W1NTROPB-COI?ENMAN. Miss Sadie Corentnan, daughter of gagement of her daughter,. Anna, to 30, at" the club house. This affair Gelsin. The enforcement of Hebrew as a also proposed, to be used as a DR. JULIUS OFNER, FAMOUS . Mr: and Sirs. S. Corenman, who is to Mr. Isadore SosTdn, son of Mr. and will be a costume affair, with prizes OCTOGENARIAN JURIST, compuls-cry spoken" language is a weapon in this fig-lit. """Toe "married to Mr. Phineas Wintroub, Mrs.""Harry Soskin,' "of this city. "No to the person having the best" cosDIES IN VIENNA' Initiative has been taken by the misdemeanor punishable by imprison. son of Mr. and Mrs. Max Wintronb, date'hlis as yet been set for the wed- tume. " Vienna, <J,T, A.) Dr. Julius-Ofwomen members of the Polish Diet. ment, even in Palestine. "This is one of the feature affairs : of this city, on Sunday evening, Octo- ding. Two young men, Berditchevski and A bill has been prepared calling for nert at one titne leader" of thft Ausgiven by the club," said Myer Speisber 26, at the Blackstone Hotel, has Katz, members of the "Gdud Magi- prohibition of the display ©f T.ude trian : Liberal Party ajul one of the ; chosen, lier .wedding' attendants.- Miss "Miss Bertha Leon is expected io berger, chairman of the entertainThe Talmud Torah held an election nei Ha'Safa (Legion for the Protec- figures in illustrations in print and most famotiF Jurists in the eowniryv Marion Fried will be her maid .-of return home'next .week from a s'ev- ment committee. All members should of officers Tuesday evening at the tion of Hebrew) were sentenced to in show-windows. The bill will be is dead at the age of eighty. - • honor,-and the Misses Edith Specter, eral weeks' visit with friends" in Chi- attend. Di'. Ofner, who celebrated W« Synagogue. The following^ were seven days imprisonment for disturb- brought up shortly. Sara Warshaw, Kose and Mae Wint- cago, nr. eightieth birthday last month, 'was elected for the ensuing term: Presing the' peace at a meeting of AmerCITY SUNDAY SCHOOL NEWS. jroub Tvill.be the bridesmaids. The honored by 'the Vienna Municipal ident, S. Rosenthal; vice president, D. ican Jews held here. The incident This Friday evening- regular servSIR ALFRED MOND Confirmation Class of the bride's sister, Mrs. E. I. Kushner, will ices ^wfll- be held at Temple Israel Council, •v.-hich conferred on him ih* Fox; secretary, I. Wintroub; treasuroccurred when members of the Gdud STARTS CAMPAIGN FOR be her matron o£.honor; Mr. Harry "with a sermon subject by Rabbi Fred- Sunday. School held its Tegular meet- er, Goodman Meyerson. freedom <sf the d t r of Vienna-in recentered the meeting hall and demandBRITISH LABOR PAETY Miller will be the groom's best man, erick Cohn: on ""Philosophy and Life," ing Sunday, October 12, at the B'nai ogniilOTi of his service?;, He was *** ed that only Hebrew should be London. (J. T. A.) Sir .Alfred Mr. and Mrs. Max Steinberg an- spoken. The dispute resulted in and the Messrs. Syd Corenman, Sam, and at the Saturday morning serv- Israel Synagogue. The class will observant Jew and active in the sfMond, formerly British Minister of Freiberg, ."William Wintroub and John ices Rabbi Cohn will -have as his topic study on well known Jewish men. nounce the birth of a son, Maurice, quarrel and disorder. Public Works, and noted Zionist, will | &«« of the Jewish community. For Miss Lillian Kooper is sponsoring the born Sunday, October 5, at the Methman T e a r s Dr O f c r v?as a "Gross will be the groomsmen. Little "Joy in Religion." be in charge of the election campaign | > ^ " class. odist Hospital of Omaha. Mrs. SteinMiss Clair Margule will be the flower for the British Liberals, it was an- in the Austrian -Constitutional berg and son will return home the lat- HEAD OF VIENNA ROTHgirl,." and Master Nathan Corenman The Ladies' Auxiliary of the B'nai the highest, court fox- questions pernounced here October 10. SCHILD HOUSE MANIFESTS will be th& ring-bearer. B'rith will hold its regular meeting, Mr. and Mrs. Herman- Speir are ter part of this week. taining' tc the -Constitution. He was Major H. L. Nathan, Jewish solic• - INTEREST. IN PALESTINE Miss Corenman has been honored Thursday evening-, October 23, at the leaving Sunday, for a trip to Chicago the most -authoritative -commentator Mr." Ike £xasne left Wednesday Vienna. (J. T. A. Mail Sendee.)— itor, will ran on the liberal ticket at a" number of social affairs given Jewish Community Center. and other eastern cities for a few night for New York" City. on the AustrianLe;£Rl C-ode. Baron Louis von Rothschild, the head from Whitechapel in opposition to for her' prior to her wedding day. weeks. Gosling, present Minister of Transof the Vienna Rothschild House, is The bannitzvbh of- Sol Fellman; son Tuesday evening Miss Leone Novitsky The Mesdames Sam Meyerson and YOM KIPPUR RECOGNIZED AS . ports in the I/afaor Gknrenvment. entertained at her home. The Mes- of Mr. and "Mrs. S.-Fellman,- took - The B'nai Jeshurun Sunday School Herman Meyerson entertained twen- lately very much interested in the OFFICfAL-HOLIDAY IK SYRIA rebuilding work of the Keren Eayeplace Saturday morning,, October 11, started classes October 5, with the dames M. Hoffman and B. Wolpa ty-eight guests at bridge Saturday sod, the Jewish. Telegraphic Agency Jerusalem, "(J. T."A,)—Yom KipLITHUANIAN JEWS SEEK at theAdass Yeshuren Synagogue. following teachers: RabbiStarrels, were hostesses at an afternoon lunchafternoon at the', Sam Meyerson home, representative here learns. The pur, the" Jewish Day of Atonement, Professor Gaba, Miss Nathan Miss PALESTINE HERMITS r eon this afternoon. This evening Mr$. Mrs.* Mose Yousem will be hostess Lilian Margolin,' Miss Elsie Poska, honoring Mrs. M. Grossman of Man- Baron has invited the well-known Jerusalem. (J. T. A.) Hundreds ©f 1 was recognized by the French High '.H, Harris will be hostess at her at a one o'clock luncheon .Wednesday hattan, Kans. The Mesdames S. and German Zionists, iierr Kurt Blumenskilled and unskilled laborers in Uthj Commissioner of Syria, as''an official Miss Helen Aaci and Miss Dorothy j home. Mrs. E. I. Kushner will share afternoon,- October _ 22, at _the BranH. Meyerson will entertain at eight feld and Mr. Tarncfsky, to confer Diamond as librarian and Mrs. Euy in the country. Al? governaania, who believe they have every i -honors, Friday evening Miss Dora deis Tea Rooms.- • tables of bridge Friday.afternoon at with hiia for the purpose of getting gene Levi as superintendent. A weiner the H. Meyerson home. chance of gaining1 their livelihood in [meni"offices wei-e closed on that day* - Dubnoff will entertain at her home for the bride-to-be. Saturday evenMr. and Mrs. Jack I. Kramer an- doast was held for "all the children Mrs. M. Grossman and children of ing. Miss Edith Sj>ecter is entertain- nounce .the birth of a ,baby son, born and teachers- Sunday - at Kramer's farm. Manhattan, Kans., returned home Sun'ing at her home. Miss Sara . October 9, at. the Nicholas Senn Hosday after spending ten days with relshaw is entertaining at a Halloween pital. Misses Sarah Somberg and Estelle atives. *' -bridge for the bridal party Sunday Lapidus motored to Omaha to spend evening at ier home.. Mrs: Jack Koerpeld arrived this the week-end with their parents. Mrs. D. Cherniss and son returned week to visit with-Mrs. Nathan Manhome Monday after spending the past Mr. and Mrs^ William Herzoff an tel and with Miss Lena Rehfeld. The Tifereth Israel Synagogue will two \veeks with Mrs. Cherniss's parnounce the birth of a baby son, Sidhold their regular election of officers ents, Mr. and Mrs. Arenson, of Linney, born Friday, October 10, at the Mrs. L."Rose", of"Kansas City, Mo., October 19, 1924. coln, Nebr. Swedish Mission *• Hospital. Mrs. was the guest"-©f her sister, Mrs. H. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Spigle and Mr. Abe H. ; Marcus left Tuesday Herzoff was formerly Miss Bess Fox, Donovitz, for the Holidays. family spent Sunday in Omaha. night Jor Chicago, -111., -where he vril! A baby son, Justin Paul, was born 1512 Douglas Street Mr. and Mrs. J» J. Slosberg-have .- The Sisterhood are planning a pub- make his future home. Mrs. Marcus to Mr. and Mrs. Louis Nathan on "returned home from Chicago, -HI., •frill leave soon to join her husband.. where they had gone on account o: September 25 at the Omaha Mater- lic supper at the vestry to be held October 22, The Junior Council held their first the illness of Mrs. Slosberg's sister. nity Hospital. meeting of the seasonTuesday evenMrs. Charles Jacobs, of, Los An- - Messrs. Sam Gordon and Dave LeMr. and Mrs. D.~Lrncolri entertained ing at the home of the president, Miss geles, Calif., is" the guest of her aunt, ver -spent-Yom- Kippur-in Omaha. __ fifty guestsjat their home Sunday in -Mrs^Herman Ziegman, and Mr. ZiegRuth Krasne, 415" South Ninii street "Mr." Sam Greenstone, of Sioux City, Hereafter the meetings •will be held ^ ~ honor of the.Barmitzvoh of their son, man. EdwaTd.. visited his mother, Mrs. Sarah Green- the first and third- Sunday -aftertwwn Mr. and Mrs. M. Morris and daugh- stone, and sister, Miss Minnie, and of each month. 1 At the-Board -meeting of the Coun- ter, Rose,, of Kearney, Nebr., left for saw the Nebraska-Illinois football cil of Jewish Women, held Monday their -home Saturday evening after game. Sunday School under the auspices afternoon, October 13, plans were having spent the Holidays here with of the Talmud Torah will begin on Miss- Norma Frosh, of_ Douglas, November 2. Watch the Jewish Press made f o r ' a unique luncheon to b Mrs. Morris' mother. . .- . Nebr/, -spent Yom Kippur--with her for further announcements. given soon. . _ . . _ , ._ _. --For-Miss Anne .Le-YIne, of JPater- parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jf ax .Frosh. Mrs. Sam Gross entertained the Several Omaha boys whb"attend th'i sonrJN.--J>r-who is -the-guest. of her The "Niomi Sewing club will open Evening Bridge club-at her home Nebraska-University .spent-the pas cousin, Miss-.Iva. Siegel, many social week-end in Omaha with their parents. affairs', have -been given. -"Miss Rose their first meeting of the season at Tuesday evening. Frizzes were won by the Mesdames Max Cohen and SiThey were" Messrs. David Sher, Lester, Sifigel'entertained twenty -guests at a the -home of Mrs. David Piamond. mon Steinberg and Mr. Harry Simon,'and Jack Newman. buncp.party at-her,home Wednesday Mrs. Jack Chapman and baby, of Krasne. Dr. Harry M. Levin,, who has recent- evening. Mr. and Mrs. S. Frohm en- Omahar visited at the home-of. .her The Sisterhood Sunday School is k b . C h i c a g o , Jll.,.whe_re tertained at dinner for thirty guests parents," Mr."and -Mrs.™S« Shostak. . now being conducted at the Danish helhad.. course in.jQb- Sunday evening" at~fheir h6mey "comMiss Sara Friend is" contemplating stretics -at.va Chicago Hospital, left plimentary ~i'o Miss L'e "ViheT" "MiSs a trip to Excelsior Springs some time Hall on Sunday mornings at ten Nettie. .Ahrams. was Jiostess at an Oro'clock. foioSioux.JQty, la., where. he_j.has the coming week.-=• - ------. -opened an office. .Mrs. Levin and baby pheum.Theatre-Party, and.the Misses Mr. Ben Gilinsky of Portland, Ore., The millissery event suMrs. Sara Lehman is-leaving the left Wednesday for Ms home after daughter are. leaving Sunday to join Lillian and Gertrude-* -Lipp were hostesses "at. 4 -bridge p&rty. Monday even.preooe. Your choice from j o v i s i t ' her sisters spending the past three weeks with ing. C. - ' - I » • - . ' - . . ' . <the'slock at exactly onex Kans.. his parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Gilinsky. -7Mf.".and~Hfs. "Ben"Taxman"-ana" feaif the original marked g J s ~ t h e - - g u e s t -«f-_her children, of-Kansas'..City, "Mo., "are Mrs. M. Steifel'is visiting at the INDIAN CALIPHATE home of her daughter, Mrs. Chas. Sicousins, Mrs. A. Kahn and Mrs. M. visiting-here with Mrs. Taxman's'parCOMMITTEE SENDS PEACE Newman. ents, Mr. and Mrs.I-J. Milder. Mrs. mon. DELEGATION TO HEDJAZ Mrs. Carrie Simon "and two daughX. Jtayrackl party and-weenie roast Milder is entertaining for her daughJerusalem. (J. T. A.)— will-'be ^iven,Sunday morning by the ter Friday afternoon at a luncheon at ters,-who have been visiting her sis- ate Committee of the Indian Moslem ter,, Mrs... Herman Speier, left forjier League will send a peace delegation Junior;Hadassah-ifor their-members. the Brandeis Tea Rooms. JL to Nejd and Hedjaz to bring:_&bQut The ci?rar:"^:'*° in' **hfirgff of .fffin. sffiV1* ...Mrs. E. A; Meyer will be hostess hQmejrhursday. ara-the-Misses Jennie..Krestul, Aon tbis,.aftemo.on ^f ~her home~H Tumor . and Mrs. S. Gross .and Miss a reconciliation between the: t*d~*ar-"" ;Greenberg, -Blanch. -Greenhouse, and of her reisteav.'-krs.,i5?\i B.-ljevich, of Ploia "Marks, of Council Bluffs, la., ring sections of the Arab people, ac'Julia Wise^- The .club is also planning: Sioux '.City, Ia.^. who .-is.-, her house a pablie- card-party .to ba-given Sun- g u e s t . • ' . _ .. day, afternoon,. No:vejgber_Sp. _ Mrs. Irving Cassman, of Chicago, Miss-Ruth Lorlds"was-hostess Sun- nr.,~is visiting- with-hex ^ day cvonmg-at-her-home-^at. fira tables -and-Mrs. Maurica Fogel. of— bridge complimentary—-to Miss Sessel, of Berry, HI., who Martha Lagman, whose marriage to Mrs. Karl 1 Mr. Sajk-Lodus wilLiake ;plac.e next is visitingg here, is hieing honorecT at a Cf i l ffi M David month. •_ » ,/-.„ erCof social affairs. Mrs. David Riseman was-hostes3 Wednesday aftMr.^-and-Mrs." lasts* .Heeger, of ernoon afier* home in "honor of her Sessel,, and^Mrs^ H. M. Sioux .City, la., spent the Holidays j^ste^M a -jme" o'clock L Sports Hats 5, Mr. luncheon next Wednesday afteniooti and -MT-S. Postiimn Crowns at the Brandeis Tea Rooms for Mrs. Tricornes Turbans Mf. r and Mrs! J,' L. WoKson have Sessel. Petite Clashes moved" into their-new-horn* at 4421 Woolworth Avenue., Panne Velvets
Mr. and Mrs. Morris Milder Celebrate Tenth Wedding Anniversary
OigMand Country Club Haloween Party Oct. 30
An Unrestricted
Mrs. O^-P. Woolfson and' daughter, ALJNCOXN Phyllis, will return to their home in 5IIamn~FIaT~accT>tHpanied-~ by --Mrs. -TKe Lincoln A. Z. A. will play its WooTfson's-mother.-Mrs;.- BrPred^who first giame_of the season with the willepend the winter in Florida. They Temple High School on Sunday, Octowill leave* Thursday morning. fcer 19, at the Lincoln High School Oval. This game is a practice game. -'For -collection of particles. Jor The "A» Z. A. team is being coached Sisterhood rummage sale that will be by Max Shostak, with Louis'Marx and held October-22 and 23 at 1209 South Merfe "Gordon "as "assistants: Thirteenth street, "call'Mrs.-J: C.'Pep- —The> manager—is-ready—±o book per'a ^atijes -with other chapters of the'-Al Z." A. V writing Harry Breslow at Mr. and Mrs. Aaron -, nounce'-the "birth' of "a b|tbx daughter,, 315 South NjntV street, Lincoln, Nebr. horn Thursday; October"9, at'the Swe- ~ Miss Lncflle-Lou, who has been visdish Mission Hospital.' - Mrs., Shafer -iting-with Mrs.-Max Lehman, left lor was formerly Miss" Lena Krasne, • hnmift in fTh^g??n Thursday^ — this
850 BATHS to $4.50
The HOTEL 200 for f?1.50
$30.00 n o w : i2SM n o w . .....'22.5.0 n o w . " 20D0n o w . 18.50 now . 15.00 n o w . 12.50 n o w . 10.00 n o w . •7.50 n o w .
5.00 n o w .
11.25 9.25 625
3.75 2.50
- - - Velours and Felts Lyons Velvet Hatters Plush •
Hets that sst the mode, the very finest cre&tiasis of the millinery world in this &IIeclipsmg Half-Price Sale Thursday. "
" .:-•
Millinery Dept.-r-Tii»i5S H»«r l.'i - •.•3'
PAGE:4-^THE JEWISH PRESS—THURSDAY, OCTOBER 16r 1924 object is to get'frnds to* strengthen sion of. Conditions in Russia change MISSIONARIES CAUSE . National Homeland in Palestine," Ma- 20,000 JEWS their own position. ' " . , continually and in order to be well inDEPRIVED OF CITIZENSHIP jor Nathan stated. i CHANGE IN CONVERSION IN BUKOWINA The; Communists' who are' already formed it is necessary to have people Major Nathan, who volunteered in POSSIBILITIES IN PALESTINE complaining that the Jewish colonists there all the time. A commission . London. - (j" T. A.) , The various the array daring the World War, is at Czernowitz. (J. T. A.)~~Bukowina, "the Joint Distribution: Committee^ the- Soviet Government direct^C and" "want'to jest on Saturday ..wilf certain- coming there for a short time will not missionary societies working in Pal-present .kgal adyoser. of the Zionist the newly acquired territory,of RouContribution to the Jewish jColoniza* demand, that the h l e w ^ t c d i o B ^ ly fail'to'-.WH^tne-'.sympatmes of thedo,- but.whether"-we sent the commis-- estine have been disturbed for some Organization, the Keren Hayesod and mania is now the. seat of a rigid ; y tion Experiment in Russia Critic- fzation' should - be conducted -by-the Jews the world over and.thecohse- sion or" not, one thing is clear the time»past by the provisions of an of- the 'EdmpriSc Board-of the Rutenbnrg regime of KoumaniSn officiels who ized and Defended. Commission, which* is to appoint $Xi ficial, order laying, down procedure to concession. He is also a frequent J are endeavoring; to "select" from the e..colonization.of tens of Joint " showed a greater sense of necessary local and-district commifcj responsibility to the Russian Jews and be. taken; in order to acquire (the ap- contributor''to Palestine "funds. •• - local population, the class bf -citizens Mr. B. Zuckennan, a member of the tees, and decide whb'are to be" colon- states* to- its- own- work, than those who propriatccivil status in the c^se of a they deem desirable. Roumanian Joint .Distribution Committee'"'and ized, so that the-Jewish: section of 'the .arid •are&nmmng.~all.:,'6f. their hopes on criticized and have no positive propo- change of faith, writes .the''''"Chris- COMMUNISTIC CLUB GIVES Government Commissioners who are tian World." The order was considformer manager of the Peoples' Relief Communists shall have nothing what-, ih"e''Cr^^hh_workers^of tfie" Relief sition to offer." . "YOM KIPPUR BANQUET touring the country'-.are erasing from Committee, the labor branch' of. the ever to do with'the-colonizatibn'worfcj Committed tff? America,?.. This .shows '_ In". connection .with the statement ered' unsatisfactory in that it required New'York. (3. T-.-A.), A YomKip- the citizenship lists many ' residents 1 Joint Distribution Committee, pub* "The Soviet. Government ''/.will "Jje ffiat thems6lves' have issued by the Zionist Executive recent- the convert" to submit" to an interview pur banquet after the fashion of the and even native-born Bukawinans, ffi'at •^e^^niun1sts ^e^^niun1ststhems6lves lished an article ' in the "Canadian compelled to accept such a pro'ppsaPon given up*iBes'idpe'.qf.tcolQniziijg thou- ly .warning against taking up hastily with his-relatives and the religious Yefzektzia- in Russia took place Oc- mostly Jews. .Altogether, approxiJewish 'Eagle", of jMontre^l,.Sepfa}mber large scale but when we" come "to sands aa^ews for "which'many, millions .colonization schemes in Mexico and representative of the faith he wastober 8 in one of the restaurants in mately 20,000 Jews have thus been 4th, giving his reasons for,disapprov- them with a donation of $400,000, they of dollars"are needed." What little help Russia", the "Jewish Daily News" and leaving,.in order to afford them an Coney Island. " Over two thousand deprived of their citiEeitship. This ing'the decision of the "Joint" Jo ap- will send Dr.' Rosen to the Jewish the Jewish Communists' of' America the "Morning Journal" of September opportunity. of discussing him from persons* participated. The banquet, is a direct violation of the Internawhich -was broadly advertised in thetional Peace Treaty which bestQSVS* propriate money for Jewish coloniza- Communists with whom he has been can furnish, they.fteed for'themselves 9th published editorials supporting the his intention. . . . . . . tion in-Russia under ,'the present co-operating until how. THis procedure was based upon an "Freiheit," the Yiddish Communist the right of option with regard to and forithe.propaganda, of the "Third stand~of-the Zionists. Both papers . circumstances. • Mr. Zuckerthan agrees "When a campaign is undertaken to agree-that the" colonization in Pales- old-Turkish.practice. The conference; daily paper, -was arranged by the their citizenship, on residents and ynth Mr.. Marshall and Mr. I^ehman'as raise funds for colonization on a large "In the matter' affecting tens of tine is more worthy of support. The of British Missionary Societies having! Communistic group known as "Camp natives. . • to the necessity, of .helping the Jews scale, the "lea" may also join, for thousands of Jewish souls, general "Jewish Daily News" is certain that presented a memorial to the High] Nit Gedaa'get" (I Should Worry of- Russia' to establish themselves five million dollars are not sufficient Jewish relief is necessary. The Jews Palestine would have been well settled Commissioner of Palestine, covering Club). At/the banquet speaches were Salzman and .-wherever, possible, but he quesiohs the for this great work. When, however, of. the world cannot remain inactive by this time if the Jewish organiza- various points to which objection was delivered by . Comrade. 1 Wisdom of the' move under jthe-' direc- -we limit ourselves to the §400,000 and let the masses of Jews in Russia tions the world over would have done taken, it,.is_now proposed to issue Comrade Olgin, editor of the "FreiHarry Kononovitch tion of Dr. Rosen at this time. He donation, the lea will certainly not starve to.»death. But what can the their duty, and the "Morning Jour- simple and more explicit rules of pro- heit." The affair ended with a col: lection • fcr the "Freiheit," "which, • as • says in part: co-operate. Should the larger plan be Jews of .the world do to help, their co-1 nal" concludes its editorial with the cedure which will not, be open to ob-reported, brought in a thousand doljection. These new regulations are "Can the proposed plan of Dr. Rosen adopted it will become a real coloniza- religionists.of Russia when they are following paragraphs: Studio—207 Croons? B'fk. Harm-y -WI8 based; on the principle that the. Gov- lars.. letter the conditions of the 'Jews in tion project, but when we stop at faced by'.the iron wall of, the Jewish Bowing for Artunnred Poplls. "Mexico as a country for immigraernment is., concerned only in receivRussia in the manner that the ''Jpint" $400,000, it becomes a joke, which Communists section ? Will the terrific tion should be left to its fate as theing regular, notification of a change 'decided to take up his proposal ?. Will may have a very sad ending." hunger break this wall? ,This is a United States, some forty years ago. of faith which affects the law of per- ARAB PRESS EXPRESSES " their help be of any material'value? • SATISFACTION WITH problem to be solved by.those who are On this point many grave .doubts Mr. B. Z. Katz, ah old Jewish jour- well acquainted .with the internal, af- If it proves to be good, the Jews will sonal status," and to communicate that HUSSEIN'S ABDICATION nalist of Russia, now residing in Bergo there and every settler remaining declaration- to _ the community whiclt Jerusalem. (J. T. A.) Satisfaction .arise.- -- , fairs of that Communist country." in that country will bring his relatives the •"convert is joining and-the com- at the abdication of King Hussein • . "It is not absolutely- certain- that lin, discusses the colonization of Jews on land in the Crimea, in an article and friends. If it is not good, it would munity which he is leaving. Mr. Samuel Nigger is . so far the from the Hedjaz throne is being •the money appropriated by the Joint; voiced by the Arab-press. -The papers •will not fall into the hands, of the in' the "Jewish'- Morning Journal" of only non-Qommunist • among Jewish be criminal to encourage Jews to seek express the hope' that the new 'Hedjaz Jewish Communists. .It ..is. .uncertain September 7th.- Mr. Katz says that journalists, who came out in. defense a home where they cannot find it. The WHITECHAPEL LIBERAL state.,-will. have better luck under the CANDIDATE FOR BRITISH that the work to be accomplished with the Czar Nicholas I. of Russia, was of the "Joint's";contribution -to the same can be said of Cuba, Canada, this sum can be shielded from Jewish willing to assign a larger territory for colonization project in Russia. In theArgentina or South Africa. ' The ex- PARLIAMENT STATES VIEWS reign.: of Emir Ali. While praising Communists'control. I t is not certain agricultural colonization of Jews in article, in. the "Day" he discusses the periment in the Crimea or other parts London.- (J. T. A.) "Whitechapel, the. work of Hussein, who laid the 1307 Howard St. ' At. 8628 also that -with this sum of \money Southern Russia, in his day, if there objection raised to the action of the of Soviet Russia may be justified as the London" section mostly populated foundation for an Arab throne at the were enough colonists, but there were Joint Distribution Committee in this an effort to show others as to what Omaha, Nebr. edgeof swords, they declare that Ali by "Jews, has a historical Jewish conmore Jews canfoe,made productive in can be done under the extraordinary stituency. The electors of Whitechap- is an energetic and capable organizer other lands where they are just as comparatively few' Jews then ready to matter, and says: "We hear protests on "all sides, we conditions in that country, but this el are entitleA.to send a Jewish mem- and leader. much in need, as the Jews, in Russia. take land. The Bolshevik proposal of "On his return from" Russia recent- a fifty thousand "desiatins" of land are told that-the" Communists are not experiment, particularly in the begin- ber to parliament for the purpose of ly Dr. Rosen brought vrath\him three is insignificant. Single Jewish land to be trusted, that.the people sent by rning will be hurt rather than helped safeguarding and advancing their leway you pet them in any DR. FRED B. BROWN resolutions, adopted at three gather- owners, such as Baron Ginsberg and the "Joint" are-not-competent, but by publicity. We must wait and see gitimate-interests," decared Major H. DR. CELIA R. BROWN L. Nathan, liberal candidate for Parings of Jewish communal workers, in others had larger tracts in the Crimea how then can, mre help the Jews in the developments. GRAHAM ;; CRACKERS CHIROPRACTORS the cities of Moscow, Odessa and Kiev. before the war. Besides, under -the Russia? -How can we help the Jewish • "The few thousand Jewish . immi- liament, who is running in opposition »re g-o-o-d eatinp for everybody.' Paxton yonr grocer for ITEK CBACKXRS Two of these three, resolutions, those regime of Nicholas I. the Government colonies in Russia to prosper? No grants coming every month into to Gosling, the-present Minister of Hoors. 10 A. M. I O 6 P. M. by name always. Get the genuine and was willing to assist every colonist to one has a definite answer to this quesJ Palestine awaken a greater hope and Transports in the Labor Government. Fhone, AtlaDtic S709. 'of Moscow and Odessa, state definitely be satisfied all ways! . N,( . that while they support Dr. Jfrsen's build a small house on his land and tions. No one proposed anything better. place a greater responsibility upon "No other than a Jew himself knows Resiflence: Morris Apts_ Phone At. S210 furnish him with the most necessary the:anxiety, the -troubles and the deand more practical than that which all of us who can do something for plan, they do not conpider it a soluimmigrants. It would be sires, of his fellow Jews. .For years tion of the Jewish problem in Russia. agricultural implements. The -present •the Joint did 2nd-is ready to do. . jthe Jewish 1 Carpenter Paper government will only furnish ^the "' "Bfr.-Tishmati-Bf the "Jewish Mornwel^to create a public opinion that there has been no Jewish-jnember. in The third resolution ignores this point . Pepper. Vl iOIstritiiitore ©f land. W. 6.' Ow. ing Journal" proposes that an im- would discourage all immigration the. House, of Commons who actively totally, and we 'are justified , in inWestern Bond—-and High protected the legitimate interests' of ferring that if the communal workers The Communists circulated parti^Vomnussibn "of" prominent Jews schemes that' -have not brought us Omaha Fixture Grade Stationery •the: Jews; n6w is the time, particuof Kiev thought this plan would "solve port of establishing a Jewish Republic be sent, to Russia'. Such a commission any good results so far. We gain very Orris Im. the Jewish economic problem of Rus- in the Crimea, in the hope of attract- may be valuable for the campaign to little having so many of us busy them- larly-in viewofthe political and economic situation in Palestine. I am COMPLETE STOBE' AKP sia, they would say so. ing foreign Jewish capital, he says. raise the funds and should be sent, selves with the problem that we are strongly in favor of the faithful carOFFICE ODTFTTTEES "But it is absolutely necessary to They gave up the idea of a republic but as to getting information, I do not at all in a position to solve, and rying out of the Balfouf Declaration We eecup? CTBT 70,000 lanam rws have the opinion of the Jew^ of Rus- as soon as they found that the money not believe that a commission going the suggestion to busy-bodies to seek for the purpose of creating a Jewish1 Saothveat Canwr sia on this point? What do.es Dr. was not- forthcoming. They are now to Russia for a few weeks can gather for themselves other activities should Eleventb an<t Owuclae Ktreets. Rosen propose? He asks to.be given asking moneyfrpm Jews, the = world more reliable data, than the "Joint" be enthusiastically supported by the : ^scksnn £724 a million dollars withing the coming over for colonization, but their real and its representatives are in posses- whole Jewish public.' OMARA. NT5B. year; -'with such a sum he.thinks he will be able to. colonize from one thousand to two thousand Jewish families. AUDITING AND INCOME The success of this work, he believes, - TAX REPORTS would later move the "Ica^'and other . Every Known Kind Jewish bodies to "continue bis work. Uti8 Karbach Blk. Atlantic 10S1 of Insurance This last supposition is merely a JAcksoo 1862 • matter of .belief and that his belief js 209 W. O; W. BSdg. J A. SS44. not 'well founded we learn from the ! PAXTON-MITCHELL CO. fact that Dr. Rosen colonized up until -*t3tb<itBd ESartho gsit. . QA. 1602 timnatartarfr* of Brass. Bronir. Gate City Fumitwe Co. now about one thousand Jewish fami' Uaminmn- and "Soft Oray Iron CaRtlnss. WASH-AND KEEP WELL lies with the moneys of the Joint. The Von. ire egeorrd.et nott cast!USE, SS Mrs anarblB<p name from ever? brat In .Globe Van &. Storage Co A -RULST OF' HEALTH lea knew of it and is in no particular •or awn abap. oTFue<} tint! operated J>^ hurry to contribute money to the supStandard fciif c.EEt Iron and brocM> FRONTIER TOWEL ' SUPPLY l In .«*•**. GKOSSMAN &.SGNS port of his plan. Why this body 530-eg K B . mtts St. . . 1E18 CaSSJonnSs Street. should change its attitude when a At. 0230 J this car ,is how driven by a great thousand more families are colonized, only God knows;" many people who never before owned, ' Z~ :r-e, fe. H O B O . Prop. H » Mr. Zuckermah goes into the details phone Webster 0820 " arid never intended to own a closed car. . Hi. of the practical side of the cojonizar EFFICIENT :. and KESPO^SIBI^E HE LABNDRX THAT tion plan, points to the meagerrtees of - E.ACKOBT. *»* <'EVERYBODY LIKES. Where your clothes com© bom* a $400,000 contribution for work of; '• Druggists'and Stationers It is driven daily over roads that - cleaner enS last loncer. this sort, if it is at all considered 4OS-403-4US Hanttt lotb ATlantS* 62*6. ISCJ-l! JacbWkB 64. heretofore were considered toorough necessary, and urges caution. TouchH A. JACOBEEEGEE. Prsa. Office Phone J AcfeBon ing1 upon the situation among the Rusand too heavy for anything except the JOHN FELDMAN sian Jews, he says: sturdiest open cars. Clothier "It is no secret to anyone that a Certified Public Accountants great struggle is going on between Full Dress Suits ar?d Tuxedos Audits Systems .' Moved .from 109 No. IBthSt. to the democratic Jewish bodies and the As a matter of fact, theType-B Sedan 403. KurbacSi SJSra, l£tbr'& Deaslss Sts. i . dictatorial Jewish. Section, of the Com• OH4UA. KJIBK. . Bklff. to is as sturdy as an open<^r, and was munist Party in Russia. .The' Berlin Central organization of the "Ort" felt built byCtodge Brothers for the same this dictation in its bones. This cenTHE-BEINN '& JENSEN CO. O B « ; - 613 Donrlai identical kind of service. tral organization enumerates many Whotasale paper . Omaha e%on« Atlantic SfiSG dSstrtbntors for incidents in which. Dr..Rosen always Ford Transfer & Storage Co. sided with the' Jewish section as . .. Northern Toilet Tissue R. A. FORH. President ana General Maneges. against the democratic Jewish bodies, U12 Hareey Street Ccncril BSafTe <Iow») OSBs-e whom the agents of the. Bolsheviki AT-lastic 6409 'One of America's Great Hotels' TOO S B . Main Htiwt. Pbgwr SSB. among Jews the world over are ridiculO'BRIEN-DAVIS AUTO CO, ing. Dr. Rosen may offer proof, to - 28tb'and Harney Sts. show that he could not act otherwise. When Thinking of Mens' Hats - Telephone—HA rney 0123 I am willing to assume .that he was or Furnishings OCR TUKATS&ENT ..perfectly justified, but what does, it -" • REMEMBER CONVINCF VOIJ OF OCK prove? D$es this not prove that Dr. W O L F BROS. ' • Trass DppErtmrnt. Service is Our Motto. Rosen's guardianship is no guarantee 1421 DOUGLAS ST. Oepoelt Boxes. Safe OeposH BcTec tot n»>ni at all that the moneys will -not come fOE U WOLF , SAM N. WOLF tinder the control-of the-Jewish commiinists? And n o w **r* Marshall and Mr. Lehman forget this point, jof r ^ C®. which they are well aware, I. fail to understand. : Upholstering and Furoitcre Repair''Manufactured in Omaha" BUTTER and EUtiS "At besf, as matters stand now, the | ing Mattresses Renovated. BAKEK ICE MACHINE C€ VThole proposal 'may be of benefit'to Council Bluffs. Is, * Bos Springs. , "eight hundred families and the Jewish 4T>!ant{<> $618 1012 North ICtb St. .'.Communists will see to i t that these "eight hundred, beneficiaries should be Communist families exclusivelyr In • this manner, not only, the money but the colonization work will be utilized The Mohl UNCLE SAM I5KKA&F-AS1 - by the Jewish Communists for, their ISiS i PTK>1» CO. Tel. ' own.purposes! • Vlwen of ISasineHB, 14IS Cnmtng Si. •• "Are three, more arguments needed Tr!. AJtsnUf SSSL to prove what the outcome of jthe 'donation of §400,00tf will, b e t But 1 ' • PAXTON•HOTEL Vw&atTistQ be done?
Violinist — Instructor
Emerson Laundry
Baker Ice Machi
X: «<it is dear thame lew* of-Amert £ make a/Aero?c e^rt, No* 'l o ^i400,<K)Q,>t-at:least five roifllon > t : l e a s t five aoliar* should be raised. Acpmm'isS ' r o f ftiie <?Joint» sboald be^senito
- now v|>ersted tuy
Steain. Turkish, and Electric Batlss. " "
AirMoSera BQnlpment
Co. . ,