October 23, 1924

Page 1

I profess not talkJng-^niy, this,', let each man do his best. —Shakespeare.'

•For all men Have, if' tWv <Iare try, a g l o r i o u s life, or grave.—Herbert.

f-sft VOL. HI—No. 46

Entered ;,



jond class mall matter on January 27th i s a st .jnaba Nebraska undo tb* Act el tijureb 8. ISJ8.



tvAHABIS WILL NOT COMMUNISM DECEEASING ATTACK PALESTINE OK AMONG YOUTHS IN RUSSIA Moscow. ' <J. T. A.) The younger MESOPOTAMIA generation of Jews, who are growing Jerusalem. (J. T. A.) That he does cp under the Bolshevik regime, seems tot intend to attack Palestine or Mesto have very little appreciation of the opotamia, .having reached his goal, Communist system. The All Eussian Mecca, was the statement made by Here" "are the names of the men and "women present Communistic Youth Association numIbn Saud, leader of the victorious WaWednesday evening;, October 22, at one of the most bers only 19,815 Jewish members, or Leader of Shanghai Jews Is League of Nations Is Asked to habis.- Ibn Saud also declared that he Winner of Contest to Receive important meetings ever held by the Board of Directors 40 Jewish members to every thousand is most anxious * to have England's Endorse. International Soon, to Lay Foundation of Round-Trip Ticket to of the Jewish Welfare Federation: -"'••• Jewish' boys and girls between the •riendship. Fund New Tourist Center California CaTl KaOenian Sam fhug B. Shafton ages of fourteen and eighteen in RusNo mention, however, was madeby J. I'.. Kat7. H. H. Arcerfracii Dr. Phil!?* Sher Mrs, 3. B. Katz Mrs. Philip Sher Sam.Beber i sia, according to the latest figures KEREN HAYESOD TO BE 70,000,000 ROUBLES NEEDED Ibn Saud concerning .his intentions CHILDREN WILL BE AD"A. Silrerman Louis Kirsehbraun Xathan. lieriistein Louis Simon published here. Jewish membership 3. TI. KnlaSofsky SI. Blank .:'.••:. ' F I N A N C I A L AGENCY MITTED FREE TO IMPROVE SITUATION •with regard to Transjordania, which J. J . Slosb»>rjr Mrs. It. K-alakcfsky Rabbi .T." .51' "Cbartop <of the Communist Party amonnts to was previously attacked by his tribesMrs. J, J . Klosherc Harry. Laciflus Dr.- Frederick; >Cohn New York.—A magnificent, modern Irriu StElmnEter I i a r r r JialashocS:' Sam Epstein-, . 72 out of every thousand adult Jews resort city, equal to-any of the great Vienna, (J. T.. A.)—The govern men. The carnival day is drawing closer. "Mrs Kate Tatle Mrs. Horrj- Mnlarfmclr David Fecier '•' r Harry Wetner in Russia. Mrs.- JCath.au Mantel N. P . -Feil ,.,"•••; ments of the various countries and On November 16, Omahans will be European summering: places which Fred White H. Marcus J o i n • Feldmaii ; II. TVilinEkrr the League of Nations were urged to treated to one of the most interesting Morris Milder. Harry Friedman now attract tourists, from all over theA. Wolf Henry Monsfcy Miss Minna JTi and fun making carnivals ever held. endorse an international loan for the Mrs. A. "Wolf world, will be built near the American J." B. Itobiireoi! Mrs. Sol Goldstrom •Harry A. Wolf The Thorpeian Athletic club vrill stage •purpose of relieving the situation of Mrs. 5. Eolilnson [. F . Gooclimnn ; Zion. Commonwealth colony of Bal- • Mrs. Harry A. Wolf , SI. M^ Eosecblatt . Nathan . ' Joe L. Wolf a carnival and dance at the auditorimany thousands of refugees and their f owrisi, it was announced at -a luncheon T liarrjRosenfeld Dr. A. > . S: Taffe • Igrael Kosenthal children stranded in Europe, in a Regular Dance to Be Held Saturday um Sunday, November 16. The doors Louis Harris •.. I si d o r given here recently by the Zionist OrMrs. Israel Ropenthal Harry B. irerliert Hettv^nricb of the large auditorium will open at resolution unanimously adopted by the I>r. A. S. Eutmitz "Win, L Ealzmsm Plans Now Being Made for Newganization of America, in honor of Evening. II. Seliccrw noon and will close at midnight. Mrs. Wm. I*. Molzmau Children's Relief Congress -which is in E. S. Kadoorie, merchant prince of Year's Eve Party, session here. the Far East, who first projected the At this meeting the Board showed loyalty, devotion, The regular Y. M. and Y. W. H. A.'' There will be dancing both afterThe loan is to be administered by meeting scheduled for Monday even- jnoon and evening by the enlarged and enthusiasm for the Federation such as has hardly The Highland Country club will idea of the new Palestinian city, the International Labor Bureau, which ing has been postponed. The regular Highland Country Club orchestra. ever been •witnessed before. hold a special entertainment dance on Mr. Kadoorie is on his way from his is functioning' in connection "with the meeting "will - be held the following During intervals of dancing there will Halloween, Thursday, October SO, athome in Shanghai to England and In response to the call of the Chairman of the League of Nations, the Red Cross and Monday, November 3. Plans are be- be a musical and entertainment prothe club. The entertainment commit- Palestine, where he will begin the Finance GomiMttee to help collect the outstanding subthe large labor organizations. , tee has arranged for a very novel pro- work of erecting the city, which has ing made to make this one of thegram. This program is being.carescriptions to jfche Federation, all present volunteered to fully prepared and will contain some Fifty-three thousand nursing babies largest booster meetings ever held. gram for this hard time party. Novel been named Kadooria in his honor. assume their portion in helping obtain the money needed are under the care of the institutions invitations have been sent to the mem- A' distinguished group of Zionist "Every member should attend this of Omaha's most talented artists. to carry on the ~work for the balance of the year. maintained by the Soviet government; meeting," said Sam N. Wolf, presi- Persons-who already have signified bers for this affair. leaders was present at the luncheon Mr. and Mrs. Contributing Member, please do your 280,000 school children are being taken dent. "Matters of importance will be their - willingness to appear on this The affair will be a ccstume affair to greet the world-famous philanshare in maJdng.this task easier and successful. Eight care of by the Soviet government be- discussed for the benefit of the or-program are: Little Vivian Stein, with prizes for the person having the thropist who, because of his many the^Russian dancer; the Y. M. H. A. now, please mail your check for the remainder of your cause of the inability of their parents ganization-" ' most novel costume. "In all this will charitable activities throughout the 1924 Contribution. Do please be mindful of the urgent to provide for them, according to the One of the important issues to bequartette, and Morrie Schlaifer. be a wonderful affair," said Mayer world, but particularly In Palestine, The large auditorium will be beauneed of the Federation. Faithfully, Speisberger, chairman of the enter- is known as the Rothschild of the Far ••report of the Russian Red Cross sub- discussed will be the large membertainment committee. The other mem- East. • ' ' ; . -.''•• FINANCE COMMITTEE, mitted at the Congress. The report ship campaign which is to start No- tifully decorated with many color bers of the committee who are assistfurther states that Soviet institutions vember L The Y has planned to schemes that will meet in the center •JEWISH .WELFARE FEDERATION. Mr. Kadoorie' is president of the ing in making this affair a success Zionist Organization and the Kertin are able to care for only 25 per cent launch a campaign for 1,000 newof theauditorium. A large stage will be erected in the center of the hall sre Paul Schaye, David Feder and Hayesod in the Far East. It was of the total number of children who members. The club will be divided Sidney Manley. are in need; the rest must be left to into teams under separate leaders and where the entertainers will perform during the last appeal for the Keren Plans are already being made for Hayesod in Shanghai that he evolved H. A.'Quartette at,Carnival their fate. The situation grows worse will comb the city for eligible mem- and where they will be heard by the large" audierre. bers. The team obtaining the most on account of the famine which The Y. SI. H.A. quartette will be another feature attraction the New Year's eve party. It will be The tickets for the carnival are be- at the Thorpeian carnival. This quartette has appeared on many held this year for members and out-his idea for a modern tourist city spreading through Russia this year. membeis. will be awarded a prize. which would attract travelers from all It is estimated that a sum of not less Louis Abramson is chairman of theing sold for 25 cents a piece and en- programs and before, many of Omaha's leading organizations. It of-town guests only. t>ver the world to Palestine and serve title the purchaser to a chance on than 70,000,000 gold roubles will be membership campaign. has always been a 'hit' of the program. • as a stimulating- force in the upbuild$200 radio set. The girl,who sells One of the Tegular Saturday night necessary; 7,000,000 gold roubles have ing' of the Jewish homeland. already been apportioned for cnfl dances will be held this Saturday at the most tickets in the popularity-conBernard A. Rosenblatt, who presided test will receive as first prize a i:oundthe Community Center. Only paid up dren's relief in Russia. at the luncheon, explained the plan by trip ticket to California or the equivMT. Aberson, representing the Jew- members can attend these dances. *t f • ,,4tt. » ,» -j.*.|S rrv^t" which the city will be built. One alent in CASH. Each ticket w21 Jewisli "Women's Organizations Choose thousand acres of land adjoining BaK ish-Wodd Relief- Conference, ^reported "count -ss^tea -votes. The • following: • -cn-:th~e situation of the Jewish chil foufciahave been donated by the Amergirls Jhave .already. entered" the condren in Russia, pointing out the dan'.*'•,' test-and, according to reports, all are For the annual distribution and ican^ Zion Commonwealth for the site. gers of famine, disease and degenrabidding for the first prize. The exhibition of garments of the Needle Mr. • Kadoorie will give a minimum of tionr appealed to the Congress to constandings of-these girls will be anWork Guild which will be held this S75,000 annually for the., next five tinue its relief -work in Russia just Bess Greenberg Elected President; nounce.d. later: • year on Thursday and Friday, Nov. years to a special fund of the Keren : Appoints Committees as the Jewish World Relief ConferLeone- Novitsky. 6 and 7, at the First Congregational Hayesod for the erection of the city. c ence has decided to do. "Should we Miss Bess Greenberg was elected Ida Lustgarten, •Church, Thirty-fifth and Harney Sts., The Keren Hayesod will serve as tlie fail to bring our help, there will be president of the Women's Auxiliary Violet Harman. • - • the work is well under way, thefinancial agency through which funds in Europe a center of physically and of the B'nai B'rith at its last'regular , Merle ^Freidel. directors of the Jewish Women's secured for the building of the city morally sick children," he stated. The meeting held Thursday evening, Oc- Iva SeigeL . . _ _~ Welfare Federation and the Wise will pass. V —*tx • • ! • — - • , representative of the Russian Red tober 9, at the Jewish Community Ann Stain. Memorial Hospital having already Mr. Kadoorie expects wealthy Jews Cross, Mr. Ragedzky, took exception Center. Other officers elected were: Jennie Krestul. chosen their workers. to erect the large public building's, Harry Green, William Finegold, Ben Ellis, Jack Freiden. to the sad picture drawn by Aberson, Miss Edith Covich, vice "president; Helen B. Goldstein. such as the municipal hall, syna- , Mrs. N. Mantel, director of . and contended that the situation was Miss Ann Selicow, secretary; and Miss Another feature of the camical will On Sunday, November 16, they mil again sing their latest the Jewish Welfare Federation for gogues, and other communal centers. so only during the years 1922 an Esther Katleman, treasurer. be that children will be admitted song hits at the Thorpeian carnival at the Municipal auditorium. the Guild has announced her workers Houses, apartments and business 1923, but since then there has been The newly elected president has al- FREE. Mothers and fathers can They will appear during the afternoon and evening program. AH and Mrs. B. A. Simon, director of thebuildings will also be built by private great improvement. Mr. Aberson con- ready appointed" her committees for bring the whole family to this car- the members of the quartette are members of the Thorpeian club Wise Memorial Workers, has also contributions, he explained, the buildcluded with an appeal to all foreign the year, and the dub has already nival. There will be fun for all. which is staging the carnival. . appointed her workers. Ings being either retained by the organizations to continue the emer- made plans to give its annual ThanksThe following is the general comdonor or turned over to .the muniThe JevriBli Welfare Workers The quartette will sing the latest song hits and will then sing giving dance on Thanksgiving day, mittee in charge of the affair. Subr gency relief work in Russia. Mrs. N. Mantel, Director: cipality and their income, going toward November 27. at the Fontenelle Hotel. committees will be announced later: numbers desired by members of the audience. The quartette is Mrs. Harry Frantel. the support cf the public buildings Mrs. IJenbeo K n k considered as one of the best in the city and plans are now being The committees and chairmen to POLISH OFFICER CHAIrSchoal Freed, general chairman. Mrs. Davia P . Feaer, and parks. made whereby they wiU appear at one of the local theaters during Mrs. .Toe Sherman. serve this year "will be: LENGES JEWISH MEMBER Merchandise—Abe Meyers. Charles the next month. Mrs, Kerry Trustin, .'.;. OF POLISH SEJM TO DUEL DANCE—Mis. David Cohn, chairman; FeUman. Mrs. 3". B. Knbinson, PEACE PREVAILS IN MECCA. Mrs. H. Ccounse. Bess Stock, Rose Grodinsky, Flo Warsaw. (J. T. A.) Misbehavio Mrs. Philip Sher Jerusalem, (J, T. A.) Perfect orYou can hear this quartette and many other entertainers at Concessions—Joe Krestul, Ben DreShames, Dora Wolowitz,: Flora MrB. X,. Graetz, of a Polish army officer at a railway v i c h . • ' • . ' ' . . . der prevails in Mecca, the Holy City the Thorpeian carnival, Sunday, November 16, at the City Mrs. Max Klein, . station would have resulted fatally, Bienstock. Airs. I. Kosential Finance—L Sokolof, I. C. Levin. of the Moslems, after the siege of the auditorium. . . COURTESY—Bertha Newman, chairMiss Ann Selicow, were it not for the interference of the man; Bess Blank. Entertainment-—J. J- Isaacson, Sam Wahabis, according to information reMiss Bess Greenberg. "Kolo," the club of Jewish Sejm .mem- FINANCIAL—Ann Selicow, chair- Freidel, Harry Miller. Mrs, Harry Eachman, ceived here .from Mecca. It is stated Mrs. E . Marx. man; Esther Katleman, Ivy Siegel, bers. that the previous reports concerning Wise 3Iemerlal HoRpltal Worker* Dancing—Ben. Ellis, Sam Freiberg Bertha Newman, Fanny Rosenblum. The Jewish deputy, Waclaw Wislfo Mrs. B. A. Simon. Director: the plundering of houses and the palINTELLECTUAL ADVANCEMENT Sam FreideL . ' • • , ' MrB. Martin Kahan, Id, happened to be at the railway sta Edith Kovich, chairman; Nettie Mrs. <3ail Margolin, ace of Ex-King Hussein were exagtion when the army officer elbowed Mrs. I.. Wolfdon, Abrams, Esther Belmont, Tabbie Popular Girl Contest—Abe Meyers, gerated. Not Wahagi soldiers, but Mrs. 3UMUB Kpwman Freiden, Bess Stock, Ivy Siegel. ; I. Sokolof, X Levin. his way through the crowds shouting, Monument Planned for Salomon, Proceeds to Go for Palestine Work. Mrs. S. Olanfler. traders entered the city, ENTERTAINMENT—Esther , KatieMrs. -M. Solomon, "Get out of the way, Jews." Th Decoration—I. IL Rosenblatt. Revolutionary Hero. j Ex-King Hussein is still homeless, MrB. C StieSer, man, chairman; Rose Cohn, Fanny deputy censured him immediately. S. Mererson, Council Blu&s, Ackerman, Annette Fanger, Esther Lunch—Harry, Oshecoff. Final arrangements have been made Mrs. not knowing where he will find a refMrs. J . Kosenfaerg, The next morning the officers* secShapiro, Bess Handler. New York. (J. T. A.) A monu- by the committee in charge of the Mrs. M. Klein. uge. Having left Jeddah, he proonds brought his challenge to a duel MEMBERSHIP—Fanny Rosenblum, Mrs. J , GooSMnfler, ment to the memory of Chaim Salo- joint Hadassah-Zionist Ball to be giv- Mrs. ceeded to Arabia. There he received A. Tneodore, to Deputy Wislicki, who, on the ad- • chairman; Rae Wolowitz, Dorothy mon, first Jewish immigrant from en . at the City Auditorium Sunday Mre. .T, Kaufman, an invitation from Ids son, King Feivice of the "Kolo," rejected the chal- Singer. /-•'' Meeting Sssiay Efeaiig Poland, Mrs. H. M Ferer, . who participated in the Amer- evening, November S. According to .MM, snl, of Mesopotamia, to come to Bag" S. Frohm, lenge. Mrs. J . I/ottbegr. dad. EX-KING HUSSEIN -•' ;,/ ••:' The Seventh Annual Public meeting ican Revolution, helping to establish. Mrs. A. Rbmm, chairman of the Ha- Slra. M Brande. PERMITTED TO SETTLE of the Talmud Torah will be held American Independence, is being ad- dassah committee, plans have been Mrs. C Ijerliison, Mrs. M. Meyerson. vocated by the Union of Polish Jews made for a number of novel features IN TRANSJOBDANIA Sunday evening a t 7:00 o'clock at the Mrs. E. Lincoln. in America. A resolution unanimousto fee presented. Sirs. I. Hnrvitz, Jerusalem. (J. T. A.) The exiled B'nai Israel Synagogue, 18th and ly adopted at the last meeting of the The Junior Hadassah girls have se- Hiss Blancb Altaian. Hussein, ex-king and caliph, will fiJewish women as well as women nally be permitted to take refuge at An election of officers will be held Union of Polish Jews in New York, lected fifteen of their members to beof all other nationalities contribute Ninety-one Societies Will Be Rep- Amman, the capital of Transjordania, in conjunction .-with other important requests the executive committee to dressed as nurses at this ball. take proper steps with the Art-' and . vThe money raised from this ball each year to this cause, as the gar- Soviet Government Issues Asresented at Hotel Pennsylvania where his son, Abdullah, rules. The business which will be transacted. Park Commissions of the city of New will be expended for Palestine work. ments collected for the Needle Work tounding Statistics. Meeting, October 26 representative of the Jewish TeleGuild are distributed to the different York for permission to erect a monugraphic Agency learned that SiT Her- ENGLISH JEW LEAVES Prom The Ketv York Herald-Tribune's Moscow. (J. T. A.) One thoucharitable organizations, including ment to Salomon in one of the city BILL FOR COMPULSORY bert Samuel a t the request of Trans10,000 POUNDS STERLING Washington Bureau. the Jewish Welfare Organisation and sand two hundred and thirty-five parks. SUNDAY OBSERVANCE pogroms against the Jewish popaFOR HEBREW UNIVERSITY WASHINGTON, D. C —An- jordania obtained permission from the PASSES SECOND READING the Wise Memorial Hospital, l&tion" occurred on the territory "Chaim Salomon, bom at Lissa, PoLondon.. (J. T. A.) Ten thousand nouncement was made at the "British Colonial Office for Hussein to Each contributor should sand her Eovno. (J. T. A.) The Lithuanian of -'the former Russian Empire White House today that Pres- settle id Transjordania. A condition, pounds sterling, for the purpose of es- land, in 1740, left his native country Parliament has passed, on the second jtrvro garments to ,her director or to siTice 1918, according to a sumhowever, stipulated that iBussein is after the partition in. 1752. He settablishing a scholarship in the Hebrew ident Coolidge will address the the Jewish Community Center at SOS mary published recently in." th* 1 Jews of the United States over not to interfere in the political affairs University in Palestine, was left by tled in New York, und during the reading-, a bill - aiming to introduce Lyric building, and each contributor official organ of the soviet .. the radio on the occasion of the of Transjordania or Palestine. The Jacob Cohen, who died at Southport. Revolution identified himself with the compulsory Sunoay rest ir Lithuania, should be sarc to send only two gar- eminent, "Pravda." ' Seventy ' thousand ,*7ews " American cause. He was arrested] despite _ the protests of the exiled king is' expected to. arrive at England. This is the first scholarship banquet of the Federation for the G£ tliies | merits iLat are of the same Idnd and lulled daring'these pogroms, ' to be endowed in the Hebrew Univer- and imprisoned as a spy in Septem-' P support of Jewish philanthropic Amman soon.' Imndred thousand childreni size. her, 1776, soon after the occupation COMMUNISTS OPEN societies on October 26 at the Opposition .to Hussein's settlement sity.. left orphans, . several Hotel. Pennsylvania, New York. in Transjordania' came from Rikabi towns, villages, aacl colonies, of New York by the British. SEMINARY TO COMBAT BABEfDBANAT TAGORE iaerly inhabited by Jews," were / Approximately 2,000 of the lead- Pasha, the Prime Minister in the Moscow!. (J. T. A.) BanditGolko A report of the United States SenJEWISH RELIGION POSTPONES VISIT .terminated; countless' houses, ';li ing Jews in the United States will Transjordanian cabinet, who.is now .notorious pogrom perpetrator in the ate Committee made in 1850, sa2rs that Moscow. (J. T. A.) A Jewisli stiti~ TO PALESTINE stock and -implements -were-WrsM, be pi*esent and ninety-one societies the actual dictator of the country. Uktaine, was arrested recently- in the Salomon "gave great assistance to the religious seminary is the latest Five -hontired ib.ofttsand -.Jews -#fe** Jerusalem. {J. T. A.) Babindxanat will be represented. Mortimer L. Rikabi Pasha, a Syrian Arab politi village of Petroostrowsk, district of government by loans of money,' ad- poa to be employed by the Jewish' Tagcre, famous Indian poet, who wss compelled, daring- this period ef Schiff is president -of the Federa- dan, is known for his irresistible de- Sinowjewsk. .; vancing liberally of his means lo sus- Coiamurasts in their campaign against expected here, will not visit Palestine unrest, to flee froni their nsHi* tion. The formal invitation to ad- sire for power and his unscrupulous Colko will be tried before the revo- tain the men engaged in t i e struggle the Jewish religion. The seminary, now, owing to a very urgent matter towns. The Inhabitants «f some places had to experience dress the gathering was extended intrigues. He is afraid that with the lutionary tribunal. He.lias been re- for independence a t a time when the s;Mch was-opened in the town of T which calls him to Europe, compelling pogroms, aceoraiBg to" ffae by Manny Strauss. arrival of Hussein in' Amman he may spossible for many massacres in Jew- sinews of war were essential to suc-|"SispoL has an enrollment ©£ thirty Mm to postpone his anticipated trip fed by lose his power.ish towns and villages i a the Ukraine. cess." to Palestine students.

M e ! Congress Ifges Loan To Aid Stranded Refugees

Girls Interested in fhorpeian Carnival Popularity Contest

To iHe .Contributing Members of ,- tlie Jewisn Welfare Federation

Y. I . andY.W.RJL Meeting Postponed Until November 3

City. In -Palestine--

ffigHaii'Country flub-

Needle Worl fiidd .Annual


Women's Aimliary 1 0 . B. B. Heels Officers for New Term

Honor First Jew Who Final Pkns JHade For Helped United Slates

fated Terah

Coolidge to Address Jews By Radio at Banquet Here



• ' ' • ? - ,• s->~



THE JEWISH JEWH PRESS eiibllafied' Stety Thursday at Offlaba. «6&raska. oy

THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING CQMFAJTSf* Office:'681 Brandos 'theatre Building—'MephonfiS ATlantic 1450 NATHAH! fi. GREEfJ, Manager.

EX-EMPRESS ZITA LOSES l DEPOSITS IN COLLAPSE . OP ONT1-SEM1T1C BANK /ienna. (J. T. A.) Thousands of depositors, including the former Empress of Austria, Zita, who put their trust in the North Austrian Batik, a banking institution with an openly antf-Semitic policy, lost their deposits when the bank collapsed several days ago. Ex-Empress Zita was in financial difficulties prior to this; her present loss will probably impoverish her entirely. The North Austrian Bank had a Special clause ifl its charter providing for carrying on business only with Aryans, On the last day a meeting of the Board of Directors" was called for the purpose of modifying" this clause to permit capital from the Anglo-Jewish .banks to flow in and save the situation, but it was too late. The bank had in trust the propaganda funds of the monarchists organizations in Austria.

Ingenious Pa , versity of Nebraska, spent Sunday in Wlfffe Potts—What Is a second-story Omaha. man, mother? \ •Mr. L, Goldstein returned Saturday Mrs. Jack Potts—Your father IS. If I don't beHeve the first one he tells, from an extended business trip to Chibe always has another ready. cago and New York,

Mr. A. Stine, of Beatrice, Nebr., passed through Lincoln cti his way to Rochester, Minn. Mr. Stine will be Mr. and Mrs. Gugenheim of Gray- gene f6r several weeks. CHANGE! OB" ADDRESS—Please give Ootb tbe old and new addresa: , Cte- sur« and Rive roar name hull, Wyo., are locating in Lincoln. Mr. Gugenheim is connected with the Mr. Harry Wiste returned last FriThe Jewish Press is supplied by the Jewish Telegraphic Ajrency (Jewish CtifK§si>oHdenee Btifean) with cabled and telegraphic Jewish M«s, to sdditfoft day from a trip to Chicago and St. firm of Gugenheim Brothers. to feature ankles and.correspondences frotfi all Impoitant Jewish centres. Lonis. •Inquiries regarding news items credited, to thfc Agency will be gladly Misses Helen Garson, Thelma Shosanswered if addressed to Jewish Telegraphic Agency, 114 Fiftfi Avenue, tak and Henrietta Asbyll attended the New Xork City. Lincoln-Omaha Central football game at Omaha October 17. THE DUTY OF THE JEW AS CITIZEN One of the finest concert courses Mrs. Jacobs of Omaha is "visiting that has ever been given in Omaha is The Je^r of America tvill resent any slur apoti the quality her daughter, Mrs. Frank Spigle, arid of his loyalty to his country. He will assert vigorously that as the series of three concerts by the family. a citizen of the United States he yields to no man in his contribOmaha Symphony orchestra at the ution to the civic welfare of hife nation, his state, and his city. auditorium this winter under the auMr. and Mrs. Edward Rosenbaum He will point with pride to the fact that a Jew, Brattdeis, is a have sold their home and are moving spkes of the Business and ProfessionJustice of the Supreme Court of the United States; that a Jew, to Los Angeles, Calif., to make their al Women's Division of the Chamber Laiker, was but recently Chairman of the United States Shipping home with their sons, Masters Leon of Commerce, which made such a notable success of their concert courses Boardj that a Jew, Kornfeld, is Ambassador to Persia; that a find Milton Rosenbauia. the past two winters and then sponJew, Kahn; is one of the leading legislator's of Congress, et cetera. CATHOLICS RESENT ANTIThe members of the Cemetery Board sored the memorable concert of May But what interest does the mass of the Jewish people as indiviCHRISTIAN REMARKS OF presented Mr. Robert Ai-essen, who 9 when the Omaha Symphony orchesduals take in the civiclif e of the nation attd the community ? The • JERUSALEM NEWSPAPER extent of the assimilation of the Jew into American life Is not Jerusalem (J. T. A.)—Bishop Bar* has been their secretary for thirty- tra made its debut in one of the most denned by the honors.. to -which a few eminent Jewish figures at- lassina has . received many protests seven years, with three handsome sil- delightful programs ever given in tain, but by the fulfillment of the obligations of citizenship by against the Jerusalem Hebrew daily, ver goblets as a gift of appreciation Omaha. for his services. EVERY JEW: The orchestra this year will be com"Doar Hayom" for its alleged insult . The foundation of American citizenship rests upon the insti- to the Christian religion. One of the Mr. Harry Diamond went to Kansas posed of sixty of Omaha's leading intution of suffrage. „ The right to vote is not Only a privilege but protests came from the order Saint City, Mo., on a short business trip. strumental players, most of whom a duty and an obligation. No government can rise above the Sepulchral, in Paris. play regularly in the theaters, and average level of its constituents, and America owes its greatness Your correspondent learns that the Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Shostak were two harpists. The directors will be to; the fact of the widespread participation by all its citizens in Executive of the Arab Congress has surprised by their relatives last Sun-; the same men who made such a sucv the affairs of the - adminitsration of government by its chosen decided to. start proceedings against day, who motored down from Omaha. cess of the spring concert. Engelbert The occasion was their thirtieth wed- Roentgen, assistant director and first representatives. The. man who boasts of his citizenship and who the paper. ding anniversary. cellist of the Minneapolis Symphony fails to exercise his right and duty to share in the government orchestra, will again be "gUest eoh«s .a voter is an obstacle to the progress of the nation. He is as IBN SAUD MAY Misses Frances Storch, Delphine dtictor,'1 and spent last week in Ottiamuch aslacker to his government as the man who shirks his duty EUL1ST SINAI ARABS Gugenheim and Ruth Diamond made in time of national peril. Where stands the Jew? AGAINST PALESTINE the Girlsr Succor Team and will play ha holding daily rehearsals on the It is axiomatic that no Jew can be a good Jew in America Cairo. (J. T. A.) That Ibii Saud, in the High-Schools' tournament Oc- numbers to be placed on the first program. He will return again for unless he be a good American citizen. The Jew in America is the leader of the Wahabis, may com- ;ober 21 to 23. another week's rehearsing prior to the part, and parcel of American life: As such" he owes it to his pel the Arabs of the Sinai Penninsula program, November 20. ErAmericanism and to his Judaism to take part not only in the to join his army and perhaps move Misses Estelle Xapidus, Sara Som- opening : nest Nordin is resident director and economic life of the country, but in the cultural, civic, and polit- towards the frontiers of Palestine, is berg, Ruth Zolat, Kate Goldstein and; ical' Ufe as well. His first duty a& an American is to vote at all the fear, expressed by the Egyptian llsie Poska entertained at a weiner assisted by Rudolph Seidl of the Rielections, no matter how insignificant they may appear. If he is press. roast at Roberts^ Cave Friday even- alto theater, associate ridector, holds three • weekly rehearsals «—" Monday, sure that a certain candidate is. ably fitted to perform the.duties The same Teports, however, state ing. of .a particular office to 4he benefit of all the people it is his that while a march of the Wahabis further duty-to work-for the election of that man, If he is con- towards Akaba" is probable, it is not Mr. and Mrs. S. Cohen and family, WANTED scious of the fact thathe himself possesses the qualities of leader- likely that Ibn Saud will attack Egypt. Mr. and-Mrs. A. Theodore and family arid Mrs. Jack Chapman and baby An energetic young matt to begin ship by reason of training, experience, ability, honesty ancj| motored in from Omaha. at the bottom. A wonderful courage, it is his duty as an American and a Jew to offer him- LATVIAN GOVERNMENT PERproposition for the ambitious self as a candidate for office to serve America. Let. it :be said MITS REFUGEES TO REMAIN Mr. Bud Fogelson returned to Los man. Call AT lantie S670. Hahn of the Jew that he possesses, besides cultural and commercial Riga. (J. T. A.) The Latvian Gov- Angeles after a' visit with his parCoal Co. ability, the further ability to serve with credit as judge, senator, ernment has issued an order permit- ints,-Mr. and Mrs. H. Fogelson, and governor, district attorney, or any public office. ting refugees to remain in the coun- sistersi The interest of The Jewish Press in the forthcoming election try Until January, 1925. The majoris. not partisan. We "stand" for no political faction. Our inter- ity of refugees holding.American vi* Mr. and Mrs. Robert Arensen are FOR RENT est lies only in the desire to obtain better government in city, sas are unable to proceed to their leaving October 26 for Portland, Ore., to make their future home. Furnished Room. Block to state, and nation, and in the extent of the participation of Jew- destination because of the new immi: Ofnaha University. Call gration laws of the United States, and ish citizens in the attainment of that ideal. As Americans we The members of the Naomi Sewing Webster 3952 for further desire the administrators, of Our government to be men best they ate unable to return to. their club presented a beautiful sterling sil•. •.. particulars. - qualified by every .standard of personal fitness as leaders.^ ; homes. ver dish to Mrs. Robert Atensen as a r ~ remembrance. ' ~ -.. gAUD WILL PURSUE TWO KINDS OF POGROMS < ] Messrs. Herwitz and Herbert NeveHUSSEIN BECAUSE OP Statistics are fascinating, especially when they deal with! MECCA TRAESURES leff, who are attending the University ROOM FOR RENT human sufferings. It must take a cold-blooded, well-balanced Cairo. (J. T. A.- The settling of of Nebraska, spent the week-end in Statistician to compute the number of pogroms that took place Ex-King Hussein in Transjordania Omaha with their parents. In refined and quiet home fot couple or young lady. Call fft the territory of the former Russian Empire since 1918. may involve the danger of a new atATlantic 1450 for further . ~ According to a summary published Recently in the official tack of the Wahabis on Transjorda- Mrs. Kattlemann and Miss Billy particulars. organ of the Soviet Government, one thousand two hundred and nia. It is stated that Ibn Saud, the Sandlovich entertained at a bridge luncheon at the Lincoln hotel in honor thirty-five pogroms -Were directed against the Jews, in which 70,- leader of the Wahabis, intends to pur000 Jews were killed, 200,000 children were left orphans, several sue- Hussein and capture him, as well of Mrs. Woole, who i3 visiting with hundred towns, villages and colonies, formerly inhabited by Jews, as_the newly elected King All ofHed- her sister, Mrs. Lew Polsfcy. Prized were exterminated rand • countless houses, live stock and iffiple- gaz, because they carried away the were won by Mrs. Lew P.olsky, Miss WANTED—Several Mien between lizabeth Polsky and Mrs. Pearlman. ages of 25 and S5> to solicit for smerits were burned. Five hundred thousand Jews Were compelled, treasures of Mecca. - Life Insurance and collect. Wonduring this period of unrest, to flee from their native towns. Mr. and Mrs. Lass, Miss Pauline derful opportunity for ambitious The inhabitants of some places had to experience seventeen pomen. Guaranteed salary and comfriend and Miss Sadie Sarbach moSteam-Heated Bird Nest mission. Inquire for F. Leven* groms, according to the data collected by the Soviet Government. tored to Nebraska City Saturday for 1 ' Stfeaifl-Beated nests with steam baths thai, Mgr., Metropolitan life Ins. : However , they.are not the worst pogroms in which blood are a short visit. . . . \ being used by a pair of blue birds Co.,- 836 Brandeis Theater Bidg., flowri, according to Joel Blau in the B'nai B'rith Magazine for in Yellowstone Omaha, Nebr. park, according to reMr. and Mrs. Lewis Ellis,, spent the October.. "There are worse pogroms in which ink flows," he portS to the national parli service writes. Tastidious persons who would scOUt the suggestion of -lieudQuartcrs at Washington. Tbe week-end in Norfolk with JUrs. Goldparticipating in an. old-fashioned bloody pogrom do not hesitate happy couple have, bowever, avoided fein, formerly of Lincoln. Mrs. Ellis to institute, on a larger or lesser scale, a new sort of pogrom in expensive modern plumbing and steam spent Monday in Omaha. which the darker fluid is being poured out, and whereby it is fittings." They have simply taken ovef Miss Sara .Krechefeky: entertainedof nature's big steam plants by ?£l* S Vroye,&t hs^t by implication, that the pen is mightier one constructing their cozy home In the sixteen at a bridge at her home Sunthan the sword, at least in hatted. One form of pogrom is riot- nearly extinct Excelsior geyser cone. day afternoon. Prizes were won by t*£* ^o*^—writ***. .The one is directed against the body of Every morning they can be Seen dart- the Misses Ruth Zolat and Mildred Israel, the other takes tor its target chiefly the soul. ing In and out of tbe steam. j 21st and Burt Sts. Nefsky. 2 It appeal's that the West cannot forgive the East that it ' Plants are also using the geyser as Tel. Jackson 3007; Atlantic 9785 tol t e r d of t h e rising sun Israel h a d ive 1 a ^natural greenhouse. Wild straw- "The MissesyPauline Friend and Saberries have been found-growing not die Sarbach motored to Hastings last e lan n Jf {k °£*£» satti * Bun-theif God, their Messiah, ;ftrT from the -cone two ,weeks ahead •week to visit '-tfith Mr. and Mrs. M. j S ? E 5 6 h ^ n i i , w £ ! { ,betl?ei< w a v could there be of. shirkihg the .of their usual'season. ,. k Levy. • -: •' obligation of thankfulness for this three-fold gift than to casti FOR doubt upon its authenticity and validity? i •'Mr. Ben Simon and son, Sam, left e Ult o g r o m of ink 1 Where Wives Are Bom '^ j ? ^ ^ - Newpogromsiiotold. The 'What a visiting sea captain calls Sunday for -Chicago and New York "Sr i S i ^ l t t e n : t l p aTs ^a<*ful:demon of the'desert. The "hd harems" are to be found among on an extended buying trip. The latGalilean Messiah was not Jewish; for did he not have," or was he the Marquesas islands of the South ter will attend the Princeton-Notre Hot painted as "having had, 'reddish-blond locks ? Who - had ever seas. The bulky, brown Amazonian Dame football game at Princeton, began Wednesday, Oct. 15, l a qnd S e M i JesUs w a sa Nordic women are unspoilt by association N. J., Saturday. and will continue to ! U w . ? l 1 > I l ^ ? l o f t s p ^ - 0 i f a German'soldier garrisoned in with oriental ideas, nnd collect half Sunday, November 2, ind. f Mr. Leland Goldberg-, of Shenana dozen husbands or more. The colCfcthlee. Hush! We must accept ^this statement and Ssk no troublesome questions about the Holy Ghost. And as for the lection i^ "done by tbe simple expedi- doah, la., who is Attending the UniJSS?™religion, it is^a system o l narrow ritual prescriptions, ent of driving the man with a bamboo creating as many petty peccadilloes as it seeks to prohibit' a pole Into t!ie harem,' thrashing" hltn conglomerate of mechanical rules long-outdated,, which fetters the well to make him thoroughly understand Wbo Is in command—and setf re* expression of the soul and can-no longer be regarded as bind- ting him to work on the coconut plan,. Ing, upon, the Western conscience." . . . , ; tation- or at .the housework; These conditions .only obtain ,in the islands STlNE GOVERNMENT ernment,. and that the Wahabis in- that' are .utivisited .by Steamships. EXTENDS ITS SUPERVISION tend, latter^ tonquering Hedgaz, to The windjammer • trader Is the only OVER TRANSJORDANIA com6 jtb Palestine and "save its in- white" man who finds 'tRe" natives in Jerusalem* (J. T* A.)-The Palea-> habitants,"" are recorded in the Arab their primitive condition. tind Antiquities Department, is tak-> paper, '.'Lisean Al Arab." The papst, ing over the supervision of all, antiqii' hoWever, denies these rumors, saying Lover of Cherries ities. issued here today.. The Palestine they have no. f ouhdation. The rich and ruddy Cherries fot . Arab Pregg fears £ gradual deprivawhich England Is famous, were Intion of TranSjordahia's independence, ABDULLAH: LEAVES troduced into that country from FlanFOR JfEODAlt ders In the year 1840. The estabirsh.pointing to the statement last week Jerusalem.' (3. T. A.> Emir Abdul- Brtefit of their popularity was due in jof .'»'the Palestine Goveynineiit that .' CJdtonei Cox, British Political Officer lah, ruler of' Transjordania, left fot no small measure to Queen Elizabeth • in.-Tjfansjotdania, Will "henceforth Jeddah, where he will meet his father, who had - a great liking for cherries ripe. Whereby hangs the tale of Sir t Sttperviiei TransjordWaks' finings. . Huseein, the abdicated King <sf Hed- Francis Catew, who delayed the ripenjaz. It is understood that Abdullah ing of his cherry tree until a month will ihVitS. Hussein to settle in Trans- after tb6 end bt tl)6 eeasoa lti order S3SMAL -.'" jordania. _ ' ' that the cberties might attain maturSACKS wAHA'Bi,. The family treasure of HusBein, ity when her majesty r stayed with MOVEMENT, DENIED amounting., to over three million bhn.--This~ he-accomplished by erect(J. fc A.V feumbrs.ihat pounds:Sterling, is said to be aboard Ing a tent over the tree, ana on the en^d, arrival the fruit was at per^Hussein's ship, lying? in; thje port of' g Subscription Price, 'dfle y&»r ; ~—-— Advertising rate* furnished on application.


Omaha Symphony Orchestra

j City j Talmud Torah


li ^° ? ^



g n ^e

Wednesday and Friday mornings—-in the ball room of the Hotel Rome, where all-rehearsals are held. Harry Brader, conductor of the Rialto orchestra, is concert master. Keiabte soloists havg been engaged for each of the three programs. Florence Van Hoven, noted dramatic soprano, will be heard at the first; Renee Chemet, the great French woman violinist, will be the artist for the second concert, January 15: and at the last, March 19, Frances Hash,

Omaha's famous pianist, and Mr. Roentgen, who is a world-renowned cellist, will be the soloists. Season tickets at only $3 each arc now on sale by the 150 members of the division, find at the Chamber of Commerce and tbe music stores. There will be no extra charge for reservations and the seats will be mailed out early in November by Manager Drake of the auditorium, who files and numbers them in the oi'der of their receipt by mail.

A Human Appeal— TO MY FRIENDS:—


1 desire to take this opportunity to personally appeal to my fellow citizens Oft behalf Of our present Clerk of the ^District Court, Mr. Robert Smith. Those of you that are acquainted with Mr. Smith are aware that he is one 6i the most efficient officials that has ever occupied that position. Everyone coining in contact with that office realizes immediately that courtesy and efficiency is extended to every individual, regardless oi race, creed, Or color, at all times, but Mr. Smith is not only efficient in his regular: duties, but is a ton of the .highest type of citteenshlf and is always ready and willing to do everything within his power to extend a helping hahd to anyone in need of assistance, therefore, I desire to tell all of my friends of the wonderful co-opefation recently given to me by Mr. Smith. For ovef two years 1 attempted to get passports for my sister and lier five children from Russia. Her husband was killed in & massacre and her property was confiscated, leaving my sister and her five children. At times they were prisoners and other times they were being driven from -place to place, without shelter and without necessary food, in fact, they were practically starving. After two years, I finally succeeded in getting them to Ellis Island, but much to our terrible disappointment we learned that the quota from Russia had been exhausted, that they would have to be deported. 1 appealed to Mr. Robert Smith fot help and Mr. Smith immediatel; responded, .and St Was through his untiring and conscientious efforts and although meeting with one disappointment after another, he continued Bight aod day to use all his influence in Washington, and after they had been ordered deported Mr. Robert Smith was instrumental ir, getting the order reversed, and my sister and her five children were admitted in to this country. To my mind that is a real human service airtd Mr. Smith U d fo? the saving of six lives, To my mind feny snaft that Will perform a service of that kind to hite fellow-man, Without hof»e ol temunerfetion or any special reward, is entitled to the Btiffr&ge of all good, consdentioug citizens, and as a personal favof to the undefsigned and on behalf of humanity, I plead to all of my friends when they go to the polls oft November 4th, to be sure and Vote foi* Mr, Smith for Clerk of the District Court on the Republican ballot. With eincerest appreciation, I am Respectfully, _J. ROBINSON, Wholesale Fruits and Vegetables, 505 South Eleventh Street. (This ad is paid fot by myself and un-bekfiown to Mr. Smith,)



FONTENELLE 350 BOOMS 3S0 BATHS Bates: $2.50 to §4.50


ROME 250 ROOMS 200 BATHS A Good Room for $1.50

Registration of New Pupils

• New

S £




- Nay^orefhe




West's Best Values World's Best Clothes Demonstrated at—


by] the. Angora Gov-'

SMART SIOTS ami OVERCOATS for Men and Young Men ""PHE Nebraska's idea—to sell finest quality clothes fet low* est possible prices the year 'round—it gives «very man the best buying opportunity of the year today—when new clothes are the order, of the hour.



FAGS 3—THE JEWISH PRESS—THURSDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1924 Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kavidi enter-' October 26, at the Labor Lyceum. the home of Mrs. A. Aginskee, 2iO Louis of Omaha entertained Wednes- The thousands of Jews who died on day; Mrs. Ge©t Kras'ie honored bE?1 at every battlefield in the Great W&r tained thirty guests at &, surprisfe Members and their friends are in- Frank street. a bridge party Thursday at lier home; have von for the Jews the right to party Sunday evening, October 19, at cited. thei* home in honor of Mr. and Mrs. The firet concert to be given by the Miss Dorothy Handler of Oskaloo- and Friday Mrs. Frank Krasne will cons-titute their national frlatfc. Thfty •will liberate the.Jewish nation from Yale Dubnoff> wio celebrated their dub will be held November 23 at the sa, Iowa, left tdday for her home entertain for her. after' spending several weeks visiting the domination of the Jewish bankers tenth weddihg anniversary. Prices at Labor Lyceum. : her aunt, Mrs, S. Meyerson, and relthe B'aai Brith was •who hold the world Sn thrall. bridge were won by MeSdaffleS Martin atives in Omaha. She was accom- held Wednesday evening1. A sewing class to be composed of For the peace of the world it is Kahan and Mose Yoiisesa tad \Meg3rS. girls ranking from the ages of 15 panied back by her aunts, Mrs. H. necessary to reconstruct a Fatherland' Harry Grounse aad B. A, Sinaen. Mr. M. Marcus was honored guest to Vt -years -will be organised Satur- Meyerscm and Mrs. A. f erlmeter, Who for the Jewish nation* , at a surprise party Wednesday evenday evening at the Jewish Coro- will visit for a few weeks at the ing givett hf his children in honor of CLUB FALL inunity Center. Miss Finna Friedman Handler home. his birthday. Communist Social Workers ' ACTIVITIES IH will be in charge. About tweaty-five friends Gf Mr. • Censure Jewish Working Men FULL SWING JEWS WHO DIED IN WAR • for High Holiday Ohwrww.j The Council of Jewish Women will A mass meeting of Jewish women and Mrs. Hermana SfeyefsoU stirWON EIGHT OF JEWS * will be Mid t#. the Jewish Orphans prised them at a hpti&e warming. The Siga. CJ. T. A.)—The Jewish *ror*«~ entertain at a unique "Seasonal" one WEDDfNGS TO NATIONAL STATS ing men in the Soviet countries W,%re Society Tuesday afternoon at two evening Was spent in playing bridge. o'clock luncheon preceding their BACHOFSKY—RUBIN Home. (J. T. A.) The Jews Whd strongly -censured for their dh .Mr* and Mrs. M. Horn, 621 Lino'clock at the Labor Lyceum. ImMrs. Dave Kolmitz of Seattle, fell on the battlefields in the Great to the Jewish religion is a On Thanksgiving Daft November coln BlriL, will be at home Sunday, opening meeting Monday, October 27, portant business will Be transacted. 27, Miss Fannie Bubin, daughter of October 26, from 3:00 to 5:00 in the at the Blackstone Hotel, Wash., who has been the guest of Mrs. War fell "not for a Fatherland to -Mft and Mrs. Harry Elibin» of this' afternoon and 8:00 to 10:00 in the Covers will be laid at four -tables, A regular meeting of the Shebas lie Krasne for the past five weeks, which they can never belong, but for adopted at the conference of city, will be married to Mr. Meyer j evening in honor of the announcement each table representing, a.-season of Club will be held Sunday, October Will leave Sunday for het home. Mrs. the great idea of Jewish liberty which Communist Social Workers Jheltl -at J. RSchofsky, of Dallas, Texas, son' made recently of the engagement of the year, summer, atttum, spring, and 19, at three o'clock at the Jewish Kolmitz has been extensively enter- stirs all the Jews -of the world," writes Ekaterinoslov, The conference was "^otftpted to of Mr. and , Mre. Max Rachofeky. their daughter, Anne, .to Mr. Joe •winter. According to arrangements Community Center, tained during her visit Last week the "Forse Nuovo," a prominent Fas* adopt iihe resolution by the fat* that members will git at tables signifying The Wedding will take placB at the Krasne, of-Council Bluffs. her hostess included Mrs. Ike krasrie cisti drgan. during- "the High HolHj&yy season,, Rubin home. the season they Were born, "and short These Jews may be compared, it and Mrs. J. Erasfie. Mrs. S. In Namen -wishes to an talks will "be given by one member at Jewish workers refraineS from w«rk Among those who are entertaining proceeds, with the Garibaldians nbunce the engagement' of her each table. Mrs. Sol S» Goldstroa GILLMAN—ROSENBAUM and attended synagogue services. other iieroes, who died for the idea of The Ladies' Auxiliary of the Tal- this week for Mrsi Kolmitz-are: Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Bosenbaum, of daughter, Ethel, to Mr. A. A. Yossem, and Mrs. Carl Furtb. are in charge South. Omaha, announce the ap- son of Mr. and Mrs» L Yossem, of of the affair. For reservations for mud Torah wilt hold a meeting next Louis Bernstein, who entertained at the freedom of peoples throug-fa which they should secure their own freedom, PATRONIZE OUR ADVESTTSSltS. proaching marriage of their niece, Lincoln, Nebr. As yet no wedding this luncheon call Mrs. Goldstrom at Wednesday afternoon, October 29, at bridge at her hoine Tuesday; Mrs. J. date has been set. Miss Frieda RosenbauM, to Mr. Hamey 4502. Isidor Gillman, of this city. The Friday afternoon, October- 31, anwedding which Will be a family The Ra Oth Society -will be enteraffair, will be solemnized Sunday, tained Sunday afternoon by Miss other club social will be given when the members of the Temple Israel October 26, at the home of Mr. Fanny Brodsky at her home. Sisterhood Sewing Circle entertain at and Mrs. Joe White at 2230 South Miss Doris Block left last week for 31st St. Mrs. "White is a sister of Miami, Fla., where she will spend the a Mah Jongg xind Bridge party at the home of Mrs. - L Eosenthai at the groom. A wedding supper will winter months. 5008 Dodge S t , T b i s social gatherbe served following the ceremony. Rabbi J. M. Charlop will officiate. Mrs. ' Morris Gross returned last ing is in charge of Mrs. S . Heyman week from a three weeks' stay ih and Mrg. I. Eftsenthal,- who have PINKOVITZ—MOSCOE New York City, where she visited charge of reservations. Mrs. and Mrs, M. JacobsOn " announce with her brother. Five matrons will be hostesses at the marriage of their daughter, Miss Georgia Moscoe, to Mr. Harry Pinko- - jMiss Louise Friedman, of Denver, the October Card Party of the Omaha vitz, son of Mr. and Mrs. L. Pinko* Colo., is the guest of her sister and Chapter. of Hadassah. to Jbe given Monday afternoon, October 21, at the vitz, of this city. The marriage was family, Mr. and Mrs. Max Abrams. home of Mrs. Jack, Lincoln at 3836 solemnized Saturday, October 18, The regular tnejiting of the Omaha California St. Those assisting Mrs, Rabbi Frederick Cohn officiating. Chapter of Hadassah will be held Lincoln will be the-Mesdames Sam Wednesday afternoon, October 29, at Turner, Gail Margolin, Abe Weiss, In honor of her guest, Miss Lillian the Jewish Community Center. and Ben Handler- According to,the Goldsmith, of Los Angeles, CaJif., Miss Ann White is entertaining Mrs. Herman Ztiber and small son. committee in charge* reservations for ,.. ^seventy-five couples at a dancing of Hastings, Nebr., arrived Sunday to twenty tables have, already been .'..-. .-.-•.. party Monday evening at the visit at the home of her parents, Mr. made. Hanscom Park Pavillion. Miss Gold- and Mrs. A. Cohn. • Miss Fanny. Fish and Mr. Al smith will visit here for several Finkel Will be feature^ in the bencert Mrs. Frank Perlson, of Chicago, HI., weeks after which she will leave for to be given by the Ladies' Labor is the gUest of her daughter's Mrs. S. Sioux City, Iowa, Chicago, 111.," and Lyceum Club to be given Sunday, L. Mandelbaum, and Mr. MandelWashington, D. C, where she will October 26, at the Labor" Lyceum baum. visit before returning to her home* : Hall."' Miss Lena Fredericks, Of New York Mrs. Sarah m ^ a n and Mrs. Joseph B&senberg, chairman ««. aaran ana son, son, f Ed. Fredericks, and Mrs. Fredericks, Of : the Palestine Milk Fund; anStanfW Erwin, left Sunday for Oak£ * ' ' . ? . -«.i land, Calif., where she will visit with at Creston, la. Mrs. Fredericks and nounees fhst payments can- be made her sister, Mrs. Joe Rabinowitz, her guest motored into Omaha to visit at the Hadagsah Card Party on formerly of this city. She Will spend with Mrs. Fredericks' parents, Mr. October 27 or" at the Hadassah meetthe winter in California, and upon and Mrs. M. Levin. During their visit ing October 29* her return home she will stop .off at here Hiss Fredericks was honor guest ;. Los Angeles, Calif., Dallas, Tex., and at a reception given Sunday evening The Young Men's* Hebrew Club, a r "~"Kansai City, Mo. at tho Levin home by Mrs. Levin and newly organized club consisting of boys ranking from the ages of 16 More than two hundred couple are Mrs. Fredericks. Other affairs have to 18, was recently organized and expected at the first season's dance been planned for this •out-of-town invite yotihg men. front these ages of the Ko-Da Club given Tuesday guest. to attend their next meeting to be evening, October 28, at the Elks* Mr. Philip Stein, of Los Angeles, held Saturday, October. 26, at the jlffAET tailored models, the farorefl 'TJ'HE trimming touches ©tie wes Oti ttote Club. The Committee in charge have Calif., formerly of Omaha, is visiting B'nai-Israel Congregation, 18th and ' straight line dress; eEseroble effects ** expensive dresses, furs, glass battong, arranged for novel entertainment here with friends and relatives. He Chicago Sts. Among the boys already and noref tunic styles. Sleeves are long and red or gilt buttons* «eJallic braids, betand stunts. tiftlit fitting, gratefully flowing or cicTerljtei laces and gaj ciateolfct'ies arc is now at the hoffle of Mr. and Mrs. members are David Habermanr Louis faffed WeatfOfis* inentlj' faTored. Joe Batt. Mr. Stein 'expects to visit Kohlberg, Earl Goodbmder, BtjS Wine, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Siller have Abe Winer, Edward Weiner, Nathan Etery detail of fasliion and workmanship has been catcfKllj sEp taken an. apartment at the Black* here until the first of November. so as to include only models usually sold at a groat d?sl higher iv stone HoteL Mr. Morris Goetfc was a week-end Ferer, and Joe Silverraan.' The purThe styles hate been earefEllj- chosen t& include flresseB fir pose and principals of the dub will visitor in Lincoln of Mr. Edward Eoto etery typife. ^_ ^^^ Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mittleman, of senthal. Mr. Goetz was a student of be to interest the young Jewish* boys Portland, Ore., formerly of Omaha, the University of Nebraska last year, in Athletic sports and for all other announce the birth of their second and exgects ta return "to Lincoln-in Jewish causes. daughter, Charlotte Lois, born on Sep- Februray te resume his studies. tember 11. The regular meeting of the T. E. George Macy, general secretary of D. club will be held Sunday at the The A. Y. A., a newly organized the Zeta Beta Tau fraternity, will home of Miss Alice Stern. boys' club, who have a membership of be in Omaha, October 30> to visit So exceptional are the values that Miss Bosella Klein spent the week- boys from the ages of 13 to 16, held with members of the Omaha Graduate their first meeting at the City Tahnad ytra will "be WELL R1WAEDED ••• • club of the fraternity. A" Hallowe'en end in Lincoln with Miss Sai"a Som- Torah and elected Lazar Kaplan, temberg, who Is,; a student of the Nefer isaMfif a special effort to be banquet at the Brandeis tea rooms porary: chairman, and David Slobodwill be given in his honor that braska University. here THURSDAY. insky, secretary. Ytning boys who deevening. Miss Anne Le Vine, of Patereon, sire membership in this club call JuN. J., who was the house guest of lius Frohm at Webster 5791, or Lazar On Tuesday afternoon, November 4, the regular monthly meeting of the Miss Iv6 Siegel for the past month, Kaplan at Hamey 2126. Jewish Women's Welfare Organiza* left for her home Wednesday. The "Jnjiior' Daughters of Zion wiH tion will be held at the Jewish Corn^ Miss* Martye Weinstein, Max Green- hold its regular,meeting Sunday at munity Center. Further announce- berg, and Dave Cohn motored to the Jewish Community Center and ments for this meeting will be made Lincoln Sunday. make plans for the work of the clut> in the next issua" of the "Jewish this year. _ .~ Mrs, H. Glickman leaves Sunday Press*" At the last meeting of the Jewish for Oakland and L03 Aageles, Calif., OATS nith nil the "cl.$e" of the Mr. and Mrs. George Bergman, of where she will visit with her son, Culture club the following were electVD the ileep coQsn and cui£« are of extra select tar*. Xntinhulaj- or sliEliilj- flared Chicago, 111., are the guests of Mr, Mr. Louis Glickman and-Mrs. Glick- ed to offices: Mrs. Blanch RadinoWornl nnd dyed squirrel, silhouette. IS Hli* all t i e Bergman's cousins, Mrs. Max Som-man, afld With her daughter, Mrs. eki, Messrs. Boris Veitzer,; Joseph 31 ask wit. French Seal. Mnrmhsk, charm at deep f)rtHTo«. geMen Jnp Mink and W«lf. Women rrlio Morgenstern, Dave Eesnick, Morris mer,, Mrs. David Newman, and LIr. Annette Weinblatt. browns, dull teSttt cranTierry, soft lia'r« been sthoivpfirae' CB caatft, w Edward Glttck. MinMn, Abe Schneider, Ben Klinggreens an<3 MScK. ynth all the really know tSie prices KHOII ISUTMr. Harry E. Pfeiffer left Wednes- man and Harry A- Pfeffer. ntcnts rcKUlnrly SirJns—"ill pits»t IricfaDCKX ef the n?w soft Kcede sppreclate the eppmrtnnftj-. Mrs. -. Lillie Meyers and grand* day evening fof .Indianapolis, Ind., rinlsb. ftltd Mgh lustre falirics. A program has been arranged for daughter. Flora, of Louisville, Ky., where he will teach at the Jewish the next meeting to be held Sunday, are the guests of Mrs. Meyers' sis* School and he will also enter the ters-in-law, the Mesdatttes D. Wellfe University of Indiana, where lie will and A. Heae, and family. The visit- resume Ms studies in Dentistry. HEADQUARTERS ors are enroute to California:' A weenie roast and haysack party for Mrs. J. M. Malashodc and small wlil be given by the Junior Hadassah son, Edward Marion, left Sunday Sunday, for itd members. The memmorning for Kansas City, Ho., where bers will meet Sunday morning at they will visit for several weeks with 8:30 at the Jewish Community Mrs. Malashoek's sister, Mrs. Ira Eo- Center. Engagement Rings is our '-^ Specialty . sfenblom. The committee. in charge of the Veloria Lustrosa Kasham The Misses Sara Slobodisky and club'6 public card party to be given Velvsrette Brytonia Gertrude White are leaving Sunday, Sunday afternoon, November 30, at 1514 Dodge St. Est. 1894 . JaV5619 October 26, for Salt Lake City, Sari the Blackstone Hotel, are making arFlamingo Fashona Arabia Francisco and Los Angeles. Miss Slo« rangements for feature entertainment. bbdisky will remain in Los Angeles Famptsom elotSas ona gr "A5! ere for five -weeks and Miss White will new «9iorlsga, srorEcnonIj' ndernTh$ Auflebung club will meet Sunea In ultimate style. A. resitr *IM— remain there for the remainder of the day evening at the Jewish Community MONHRIT'S eint (Coat eve&t. Be here Tfcarstectlaa «Z5 Ktsd $S0JSO will „ UEAUTX SHOP . . winter. While there Miss White will Center. A program has been -arAND CUIKOI'ODX continue her dramatic art. They will ranged by .aircommittee in charge. Efit IHK> • Marcel aod ttte fefte« tit be accompanied on their trip" by Miss " days. 91.00 We Epodaitz* in •tfaye Kurtzman, of Chicago, III., who A special'meeting of the Daughters wanjt. has been the house guest of her cons- of Zion will be leld Tuesday afterOpen; from 9 &. M. to ^ Miss White and Miss Sarah noon, October "28, - at the Adass 9 P. M. JtS«ka«a.«»*. ' - - • 1512 Kurtznaan. Yeshttren Sjfnagoge. . .



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PAGJE 4—THE JEWISH PRESS—THURSDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1924 Hitchcock so held. In the Pothier had previously; bf>n by. the Stale au- Lloyd George the question of Pales- The gifts to the latter approximate J Britain's withdrawal brents Mesopotacase the United States Circuit Court thorities- United States Senators did tine and expressed his fear that the 1 per cent of their yearly salaries, j mia hat been made an issoe. The Libof'Appeals, sitting in Boston, consist- not, rowever, hes-itate, for . political erals dm&emn the Mesopotamian ing ;of. three able Judges,;in a learned enda. •«> arraijiT' lum at the bar ofJews In Palestine might be enable to mandate and declare that Iraq is not DEVELOPMENTS IN AEAB1A withstand Arab opposition without i ii opinion.unanimously so decided as topublic opinion, erinciii« entire vulworth the fight over Mosul, for which ENHANCE IMPORTANCE OF him. ' The Supreme, Court of the lingnesi: that a nian ."thouprh totally the support of England and France. en! the Turks, Hedgaz and France are The Murder Charge, Against Him and Sergeant Pothier Which • United' States, to which'the case Had free from fault-should die upon the The Ambassador was dubious as to PALESTINE FOR ENGLAND , . Collapsed When Brought to Trial. been removed by certiorari oh the ap- scaffc Id in order.ihatthey niight gain whether France would •" consent to \ Jerusalem.", ( j . T. .A.) "Whatever rivals. plication . of .the Attorney > General, a i>e.ly apolitical-advantage. By LOUIS MARSHALL while refraining from rendering a de- .But there is an eyjen more sordid England having protectorate over Pal- British party may. be in office, .no cision oh the merits of the jurisdic- aspect of this, case which should not estine. In reply, Lloyd George stated, change -of''.the British policy toward. ENGLAND SHOULD NEGOTIATE WITH IBN SAUD question, decided that, in order be overlooked. There Iive3 in Mich- "France will-have to agree to a Brit- Palestine is- to be expected," declared -There is nothing which tibnal The Associated Press - announced ed. to avail, it would have to-be raised igan one" Henry Ford, who for several ish protectorate over Palestine; Great Dr. Weizmaira in an interriev,- .grant- London. (J. T. A.) Now that Husin any manner approached the dignity that the United States District Court in the first instance-on the trial of> years past has been amusing himself at Tacoma yesterday dismissed the of evidence to connect him with the the indictment and-not by a writ of by publishing a personal organ known Britain being in Palestine by reason ed to .the correspondent of the London sein IE gone, England should start neindictment for murder against Cap- killing of Major.Cronkhite, and we are habeas corpus. , . ^ . as-The -Dearborn Independent which of conquest, will remain there, for we Times here. "I am not certain what gotiations with Ibn Saud, the leader firmly convinced that he should -be tain Robert Bosenbluth and disbears the caption, "The Ford are the only power fitted to rule Mos- willfoethe effects of the recent events ef the Wahabis, the Manchester Thereupon Pothier was taken to Ta- likewise charged him unconditionally. But few again restored to public confidence to coma, International Weekly." Learning :hat lems, Jews arid other religions. We in Arabia, but I consider that they Gnz.rdi-a.v- suggests. and Rosenbluth voluntarily .prothesame degree that existed before of the newspapers published the item, RosenbluthVis" a ; Jew, that damning will take the place of the Turks in enhance the strategic importance of ceeded there, to be tried. The Govthe happening of this very unfortunThe paper further reveals the fact and those which did .tucked it away ate incident. ,'. " ernment _was represented at the trial fact was.enough. For weeks Palestine and will keep the peace be- the Holy Land as a link of British that about six months ago Ibn Saud in an obscure corner, in contrast with months ^Ford's columns were filled One would have supposed' that this 'which has just been 'concluded by; with" cunningly .'contrived appeals to tween the several religions and polit- communications. The development of expressed his eagerness to organize the crying headlines which for several 1 W. Osborne, .Esq., of '.New year^-jgave prominence to this prose- would be the end of the matter, but James Palestine as the Jewish National a Confederation of all Arab counYork, an able and experienced crim- -passion; and- vprejadice, ivith attacks ical factions in the country." cution.. . Nevertheless, .it is*a. cele- powerful influences: were-set in mo-ioal "upon those who ventured to -tand at lawyer,, as special counsel. He Homeland is entirely beneficial to the tries,, Ibn Saud made this • proposal brated case in our annals, extraordin- tion, the Attorney General reversed wa3 assisted by the United States At- the side of the man who had been his decision, and on "October 13,-1922, interests of the Mandatory power," to King Hussein in a letter addressed ary in many aspects,- and deserving Rosenbluth and-Pothier were indicted torney at Tacoma and by a large tin justly accused of a heinous crime. DR. WEIZMANN : Dr. Weizra&rm stated. to him, •which was ignored. This was of close analysis. Felix M; Warburg and Colonel HerSETTLES DISPUTE OVER by a- Grand Jury, impanelled in thestaff of Government agents, .detectone of I t e Sand's reasons for his atCaptain Rosenbluth is a native born federal court-at Tacoma. for-murderJ ives," Secret Service men and experts. bert ^H.^Lehman, who were familiar BUDGET IN PALESTINE citizen, a man of good education and -Rosenbluth's request to appear before As before, hosts of witnesses were with the. social service work of Rosen- Jerusalem. (J. T. A.) The ques- PALESTINE TO PAY tack on Hedjaz. a graduate from the Yale School of the Grand Jury having been denied, brought from ail parts of the country. bluth arid therefore felt that it would FOUR MILLION POUNDS Forestry. • After leaving, college he seventy witnesses, gathered from all Although the two men'were indicted be impossible for him to commit such tion of the'educational budget of the followed his profession, at one time parts of the country by a staff of conjointly, at the instance of the Gov- a crime a s that laid at his door, went Palestine Zionist Executive was set- Jerusalem. (J. T. A.) Palestine's j being in the employ of the New York special,agents and special counsel, ap- ernment their casese were severed and upon his bait bond. As a result their tled to the satisfaction of the educa- share in the payment of the debt of I Harry Kononovitch State Conservation Commission, peared in procession before the Grand Pothier was first tried. ' names were dragged into The Dear- tional leaders of Palestine in connec- the former Ottoman Empire -will bei where lie found an opportunity to Jury. Judging from facts recently born Independent and they were acrender unusually valuable service for disclosed .in court a study of the pro- The trial proved an utter fiasco. cused of being members of a Jewish tion with the visit of Dr. Chaim Weiz- four million pounds sterling; accord-! S*otli«—211" Crnonsf I5!k. Practically every witness called gave ing to the estimate made by the Arab I the State. Subsequently he became an cedure resorted to would prove unconspiracy to cheat the gallows. Ro-mann here. Hornpy 8476 offident assistant to Katharine Be- usually interesting. Bench warrants proof favorable to the prisoners. The senbluth's counsel, who likewise hapBowing for &<1 <rnneed fiipil The last, meeting of the Zionist Ac- paper, "Meraat Sherk." This amount j jnent Davis, Commissioner of Correc- were -thereupon issued for the arrest evidence of the principal witnesses pened to be Jews, and/who came to tion, of this city. When the warof the accused. Rosenbluth was for the prosecution as to the confes- his rescue as a matter-of simple jus- tions Committee, having reduced the is to-be paid by the Palestinian Gov-j broke out he entered the army, where brought before United States Com- sions alleged to have been made by tice in recognition of their oaths of educational budget for Palestine, eminent over a period of 20 years, j on his merits he was promoted,to a missioner Samuel M. Hitchcock' at Pothier were stricken out by Judge were showered with insults. caused great dissatisfaction in many Transjordanla's share was estimated! captaincy. While in the service he New York, and Pothier before another Cushman as legally worthless, on the office* j Senator Calder, Mr. Hoover, Miss Da- Palestinian circles and the Vaad to be 380,000 pounds. very ground taken several d a y later enjoyed an unblemished reputation. Commissioner at Providence, R. I., vis,' Professor Chapman of Yale UniAfter the war, he served tHe Amer- where he lived., Rosenbluth was ab- by the Supreme Court of the United versity, Mr. Selden and other good Ha'cMnus'-tendered its resignation on 1 PALESTINE NOT AN ISSUE ican Belief Administration in Russia, solutely destitute of means, as was his States in the case of the Chinese rtuwho came forward to give to account of this reduction. After con- • IN BRITISH ELECTIONS tinder Mr. Hoover, and later still the* family. He had, however, friends who dent." Another of the star witnesses citizens ferences with the educational leaders, Rosenbluth his due, were denounced, Joint Distribution Committee in Si-had confidence in him and who gave for the prosecution,' to. whom. it wasnot London. (J. T. A.)' None of the as malefactors, but as theDr. Weizraann - promised* to restore beria, in a position of responsibility. bail in a large amount for his ap-alleged that Pothier had also made toolsonly of a Jewish conspiracy. confessions, testified that he did nut the educational budget to its former British parties now engaged in the In October, 1918, he was stationed pearance. He also secured counsfil believe them and that he did not con- The articles of Ford's scrivener size and the- resignation -was with- election fight has made an election at sider either Pothier or Rosenbluth had made an outcry of promise that a a t uCamp m p Lewis, tiewis, in the xne State oiaie of oi Washwasn-; r~ — . - -- . . issue of the Palestine question, alington, with the 213th Engineers, his w h ow e r e convinced of his entire m- anything to do with the death of Ma- tounding disclosures would be made daawn. though the question cf the British omwinrvF hoint* Main* jiovnmfo, p. 1 nocence and who throughout all of superior being Major Alexander P. jor Cronkhite: On the first ballot the upon the trial. Will Ford now make 1307 Sevan! St. At, 8028 intricate and laborious proceed- jury mandate over Mesopotamie is being Crohfchite, a promising officer; who the voted unanimously to acquit Poa retraction ? Will he do anything to ROBERT HIRSCH WILLS $600,000 served him gratuitously.: Omaha, Nfebr. was universally beloved and to whom ings thier. Thereupon, at the instance of discussed. the the victim of his savFOR EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES the law these men could notMr. Osborne and his, associates, after rehabilitate Captain Rosenbluth was greatly at- beUnder age and baseless attacks? A more •In the election campaign of the removed to the Pacific Coast for tached. On October '25, 1918, thetrial except in conformity with spe- conference with the Department of important question, however, arises, New York. (J. T. A.) The \rill of i Liberal Party, the. question of Great at Washington and acting on and that is, to what extent a man Robert B» Hirsch, senior partner of : Major had_ an attack of -influenza.. statutory regulations. It wasJustice Captain Rosenbluth conducted the cific directions to that effect, Rosenbluth William Openhym & Sons, 95 Madison richer than Croesus may shelter himrecognized that the expense of sum- was discharged, not one of the seventy regiment on '.a. march of considerable moning self behind a corporation which is hisavenue. New York City, silk roerand transporting witnesses to y ay y g jg DR. FRED B. BROWN distance from the barracks. About.an the West of securing counsel witnesses of dieGoyernir.cnt being creature and may thereby be enabled chants/filed October 16, bequeaths! hour .after the column started. Major there wouldand DR. CEIJA R. BROWN with impunity to spread what charges a sum far beyond called and r*ot a suggestion being GRAHAM CRACKERS the sum of not less than $600,000 for' Cronkhite decided to take; a walk and Rosenbluth's require ability to provide. Had made that there was. the slightest evi- he will, instead of being brought to various ' educational purposes. AcCHIROPRACTORS asked Sergeant Pothier, who was hot he been removed are sr-©-o-d etttin&r for everybody. the bar of justice. would-^unques- dence which" justified_ his indictment, 406-4(1- Psxfon Blnrb connected with his command, but who tionably have beenheimprisc&d, Asfc your grocer for 1TE>" CRACKERS* New York, October 15, 1924. cording to the -prill, the Hudson GuOd and Hours. 10 A. M l o ti P. & L happened to be nearby, to accompany his admission to bail at Tas&na would thus virtually admitting that his bitby name »!waj«. Get the Renuine nnct Atlantic 3700. is to receive $25,000, Cooper Union Residence:fhone. him. They followed the regiment and have been extremely doubtful. For ter and determined prosecution was BRITISH AMBASSADOR Morris Apts.. Phone At. 3210 !>«> satisfied al! ways! NI« $20,000, the. Jewish Educational Alafter some time reached the place these reasons and following well .es- without probable cause, just as the '•- REVEALS CONVERSATION where, it was at rest, and there the' tablished precedents, as well as acting Proseeutinff Attorney of Pierce Counliance $10,000 and $10,000 each -will j Major and Pothier; proceeded to fire on the opinion previously, rendered by ty, Mr. Seiden/had three years' before WITH LLOYD GEORGE go to the Hebrew Technical Institutes Carpenter Paper Co. ntry B. Lepifin*. P m - t n u . with, revolvers at an empty tobacco the. Attorney General, and by others publicly and officially declared. Y».t London. (J. T. A.) That David fes. Pepper," Vlce-Presl<3«at. OlBfrlboJom? of can; In the course of--this diversion who had been called 'into; counsel by for three Ions years Rosenbluth was Lloyd Georgej -former British Prime for Boys and Girls. Thp r-'^uary W. G. Vf. SecretatTestate -Rill go to the .Feiix Adler the Major was killed. An alarm being those behind the .prosecution, .-it'.was irelentle'ssly subjected to the torments Western Bond—and High given, Captain Rosenbluth and others, but when thejday of .reckon-, Minister,'believed in the possibility Scholarship Endowment Fund of the Omaha Fixture & Grade Stationery \ that the Federal courts had of'"hell,'" including the regimental surgeon; who contended of a Jewish Palestine under British ing came the inTtrnous char - "vanEthical Culture .School, Central Park no jurisdiction over the alleged crime, Omaha ^(e^^8BfeB. were only a short distance aw3y,*hur7 that the sovereign State of .Washing- ished like the mists T>f <|>o mornim.'. Supply Co. mandate, six months before the BalTied to the spot to render, assistance, ton alone could act, and that it had, It has been said, and it is probably four Declaration, is disclosed by Lord and "West 63rd street, New York. COMPLETE STORE AND and the Major died in the Captain's literally true, that this prosecution An equal sum in cash will be reOFFICE OUTFITTERS fact, through the Prosecuting At- has Bertie, former British Ambassador in arms. An autopsy was a t once made, in cost the Federal Government of Pierce County, determined nearly §200,000. I t has practically Paris, in his diary which appears in ceived by relatives, friends and em- j We occupy • a board of inquiry consisting of a torney that no crime had been committed; wrecked the career of Rosenbluth, 713.000 eoasn> ttm ployes of the silk firm who have been ' Colonel and two Majors investigated hence the "Morning Post." Besthwest Cornmr that there was no justification the cause of the death, and it wasfor the in its employ for ten yeaTS or longer. who now stands befoi-3 the public an attempt to remove the deand «»«.ntla» Htreeta. Lord Bertie reveals the fact that found that it was due to an accident- fendants to Tacoma. Commissioner innocent man, exonerated by his Fedr: -tarksnn SIS4 on April 20, 1917, he discussed with ally self-inflicted wound. These finderal Prosecutors b'f criminality, as he OMAHA. JTESS. ings were reviewed and approved by the Major of the Engineering Corps; all in conformity with military procedure. - •

The Case o i Captain Rosenbluth


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More than two years later Rosenbluth and Pothier were arrested, un Federal warrants charging them with the killing of Major, Cronkhite. As the uncontradicted testimony showed, Pothier was subjected to the third degree by a number of Secret Service men and five so-called- confessions were extracted from him, giving five different and conflicting .versions— together with the diaries kept by the inquisitors constituting a . veritable curiosity of legal literature. * These "confessions" were retracted by Pothier as soon as he was relieved from the duress under which they -were made. The proceedings against the defendants under these warrants were dismissed at the instance of the Government pursuant to instruction from the Attorney General- of the United States, on the-ground that the Federal courts had no jurisdiction over the alleged offense because the . title to the lands constituting Camp Lewis, where the death occurred, had not been acquired by the Federal Government at the time of Major Cronkhite's death, • and consequently the State of Washington alone hod jurisdiction over any offense that might have been committed on thes,e lands. At the instance of the Attorney . General all of the documents relating to the case which had been' collected by the Federal agents were turned over to the Hon. J. W. Selden, pros"ecuting attorney for Pierce County, Washington, the death having oc. curred within the boundaries of that county. Recognizing that the State alone had jurisdiction, he proceeded diligently to make a most minute and detailed investigation of all the matters brought to his attention, pursuant to the instructions issued by the Attorney General. In due time he filed in the public records of Pierce County an elaborate report, which concluded with the following summary: (1) There is no reason shown why " the findings of the military board of inquiry, made shortly after the death of Major Cronkhite, should not.be accepted to impeach this finding in any way of even to hint or suggest that ft was not fairly or honestly arrived at. We therefore accept these findings as they were made at the .


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