November 20, 1924

Page 1

I profess npttalking-r-Honly • this, let each man do his best. —Shakespeare.

VOL. m—No. 50

For all men Hare, if they dare try, a g l o r i o u s life, or grave.—Herbert.

Bntered \&. poBtofflce^

Federation Directors Meeting Displays Much Enthusiasm Joe Wolf Reports on Collection of Finance Committee. SUPERINTENDENT READS HIS REPORT


One of the most interesting and most successful meetings ever held, by the Board of Directors of the Jewish Welfare Federation took place Monday evening, November 17th. Fortyseven directors were present. President • Sher turned over the chair to Mr. Nathan Bernstein, who presided. The financial and statistical reports, as read by the secretary, Mr. Carl C. Katleman, showed that the Federation "was engaged in more relief and soda] service cases than any time in its history. The superintendent's report was given by Mr. William R. Blumenthal and promoted a very spirited discussion. Mr. Blumenthal emphasized the need for the Community giving 100 per cent to the support of the Wise Memorial Hospital. He praised the good -work being done by the Hospital and said that it was necessary to resell the Hospital to'the Community. The superintendent's report, also emphasized ,*he need for Jewish employers giving vrt>rk to Jewish applicants for employment. All the activities of th' Federation, as discussed by Mr. Bh? menthal, will be found in full on tr s last page of. this issue. Among thots who commented on the superintendent's report were: Dr. Philip Shor, Rabbi Frederick Cohn, Mr. Henry Monsky arid Mr. .A. B. Alpirn. The financial report of the Federation was given by the chairman of the Finance Committee, Mr. Joe L. Wolf, who made one of the most hapxuly, effective talks jrtrich .bordered on the dramatic. As Mr. Wolf read the many names of those who brought in 100 per cent reports on bills collected, he was greeted with almost continuous applause. Mr. Wolf stated that although there was still $12,000 to collect, he was more hopeful than ever that the Federation will go over the top Mii year with colors flying. A. number'of'the directors asked for more bills to collect, and Mr. Wolf replier": "You have d'.i« so well the past few weeks, since, our last meeting, that I am not going to give you any more bills this evening. Wait unto I call on you for help. We h — overcome the crisis. Never before in the history f the Federation did we receive so many checks by maD. That is most gra+"'^ing indear* There i •very reason to believe that we will dose our T-ooks earlier than ever before in our history-" The fo^1 wirg directo-*- were present at the meeting: A. E. Alpirn Sam Beber JJathnn Bernstein M. Blank Kabbl J- M. Charlop Dr. Frederick Cohn Mrs. Fred. Cohn David Feeler •aits. D. P. Feder J. Flniel Harry Friedman ilinna Friedman I. F. Goodman Nathan E. Green Wm: Grodlnsky Herbert Heavensich VVm. Ii. Holzman Carl Katlemnn I*onls KIrschbrann Harry LapJdns Harry Malasnoek Mrs. H. 'Mnlashock : Mrs. Nathan Mantel H. -Marcns

A. .T. Miller Mrs. A. J. Miller Henry Monsky J. B. Bohinson Sirs. S. Robinson David Eosenstock Israel Rosenthal Dr. A. S. Rubnitz B. Shafton Dr. Philip Sher Mrs. Philip Sher Mrs, B- A. Simon Jake .Simon Louis • Simon Irvin StalmasleT M. S. Sniyarman Mrs. M. Tatle Harry Weiner Fred White Mrs. A. Wolf A. Wolf Joseph U Wolt N. S. Saffe

Pupils of Harry Braviroff to Play Over .WOAW. Radio Mr. Harry Braviroff, Jewish pianist and instructor, will present five of his pupils in- a program over the WOAW Radio Station Friday evening, November 21, at 9:45. Those who will play will be the Misses Anna Git• lin, Lillian Chudacoff, Sara Levine, Lillian Lundskog and' Mr. Albert Finkel. On Saturday evening. November 22. at six o'clock Miss Grace Dansky will give an entire program of works from Grieg, Lock, Tochaikowsky, Karganoff and Rachmaninoff. Miss Dansky, •who is thirteen years old, is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hans Dansky, and has been under the instructfcra of Mr. Braviroff for the past four" years. Moscow. {J. T. A.) The All-Rus sian Conference of the Yevsektsria, 3te Jewish section of the Russian Communist" Party, was opened here November 14.

d-clnss mall matter oa January 27th, 1921, at ha, Nebraska, unfler the Act ol filareh 3,1879.


INDIAN MOSLEMS REFUSE TO RECOGNIZE AH AS KING Cairo. ,(J. T. A.) The Indian.Caliphate Committee has taken a definite stand against.the Hashimite family, declaring that it refuses to recognize the ^succession of, Emir Ali to the throne of Hedjas. "All the disasters of the Moslem faith are due to the Leone Novitsky, Winner in Girls' Hashimite family," the committee asPopularity Contest; Merle serted. Friedel, second; Ida The/ Egyptian press urges the Lustgarden, third. Egyptian Government to send official representatives . to the Moslem ENTERTAINMENTS M E E T World Congress called to Mecca by WITH FAVOR FROM Sultan Ibn Saud. LARGE AUDIENCE

Thorpeian Carnival a Success; Thousands Crowd City Auditorium

Dr. H. M. ScheWdn Wffl Be Buried in Palestine Great Zionist • Leader • Met Tragic Death in Chicago on No. ' vember 2. Zionists throughout the-world heard with profound grief of the tragic death of • Dr. Menachem Mendel Scheinkin, who was killed in Chicago on Sunday, November 2, at 1:30 in the morning, when a street car in which he was returning to his home from a Zionist meeting, collided with a freight train at a railroad crossing on North avenue. Dr. Scheinkin died at the St. Joseph" iiospital, where he was taken after the accident. Acting under instructions of the head office of the American Zion Commonwealth in New York, Chicago Zionists embalmed the body of the deceased, which" will be taken to Palestine for burial; The body left Chicago on Wednesdayand reached New York the 'following day. Funeral services were held in New York under the auspices of. the Zionist organization and the American Zion Commonwealth. The body was taken to Palestine on the S. S. Sania of the Fibre Line on Wednesday, November 12. . • Dr. Scheinkin, who was still in, his fifties, was for many years-one of the leading personalities. in the Zionist movement and' in the life of the new Yishub in" Palestine. . ' During the period of the war, when Kemal Pasha drove many prominent Jews from the land, Dr. Scheinkin was forced to leave Palestine. Believing that he would soon be able to re-enter the country, he lingered for a time in Egypt. Finally, disappointed over his inability to return, he proceeded to America, where he soon became an active force in the Zionist world. He traveled the length and breadth of the country, spoke at hundreds of Zionist meetings, and wrote in Yiddish and Hebrew forthe principal Jewish periodicals here. During the past few years he traveled to Palestine and back to America three limes. During his last visit to America, Dr. Scheinkin devoted his time exclusively to- the interests of th&-^merican Zion Commonwealth. His tragic end came after a meeting in Chicago, where he addressed a group of Zionists jr. the interest of Herzlia, the' American Zion Commonwealth colony now being built in Palestine. Scheinkin devoted his time exclusively to ths interests of the, American Zion Commonwealth. His tragic end came after a meeting in Chicago, where he addressed a group of Zionists in the interest of Herzlia, the American Zion Commonwealth colony now being built in Palestine. PALESTINE JEWISH NATIONAL ASSEMBLY TO CONVENE IN MARCH Tel-Aviv. (J. T. A.) The Jewish National Assembly of . Palestine, known as the "Assephat Hanivcharim," -will be convened in March, 1925,. according to the decision of the Vaad Leumi at a meeting held here. The Vaad Leumi will also call a conference for the purpose of organizing them to-render assistance to the immigrants in the country. 11,500 CHALUTZIM AWAIT THEIR TURN TO PROCEED TO PALESTINE Jerusalem. (J. T. A.) Eleven thousand five hundred Chalutzim are now waiting in .various European cities for their turn to proceed to Pale** tine, according to a cable received by the Palestine Zionist Executive from the Chalutz headquarters '« Berlin. The Palestine Zionist Executive is urged in the caHe to increase, the means for providing the necessary agricultural training for Chalutsim; the granting of certificates and transportation to Palestine


TREASURE HIDDEN BY GER. "FATHER AXD SOX" MANS SOUGHT IN PALESTINE Jerusalem. (J. I . A.) A treasure hidden by German officers in the soil of Palestine is BOW being sought by government officials as a result of information submitted to the authorities. The authorities were informed that in 1918/a few days before the U. S. Minister to Persia Resigns Interesting Program Being ArTurkish army was compelled to evacranged for Both, Fathers to Accept Pulpit in uate Palestine before the conquering and Sons. Toledo, Ohio. troops of General," Allemby, German officers who were attached to the RESERVATIONS MUST BM staff, of. the. Turkish army burned IMPRESSED BY WORK OF • MADE BY SATURDAY. JEWS IN PALESTINE. near Genin two cases containing 100,000 Turkish pounds in gold. ExcavaCommunity singing, jazz melodies, New York.—^The war which detions which have been started have stroyed so much of human life has professional entertainers from th© World theater, singing and dancing "More than 3,000 people witnessed not yet led to any discoveries. also impaired much of the finer qualand speakers, all these are on the* the Thorpeian carnival Sunday at the itiesof the human'soul. Nor has our program for the fourth annual Fathcity auditorium. The doors of the country been immune to these deer and Son get-together -which will auditorium were opened at noon and structive influences. Justice, tolerbe "held Sunday evening at the Omaha remained open until midnight. Workance and good will among men; these Athletic club grill room under the" ers were "on hand early Sunday mornare the three things of which the auspices of the B'nai B'rith Social' ing to help make the carnival a suc"I Have Finished My Job Success- world never stood in greater need: Service Committee. cess. than ifdoes'today. These three prinfully," Says Former AmbasJUSTIN WOLF This year the committee has arThe. crowd assembled early before ciples are the peculiar spiritual sador to Turkey. Justin Wolf, son of Mr. and Mrs. the vaudeville show and patronized heritage of. America which it must Harry A. Wolf, will speak for the ranged a banquet to be served to the dads and lads. The committee is conmany of the booths. There'were New York. (J. T. A.) The resig- preserve, and to this preservation it sons at the Father and Son banquet centrating ali its efforts of making crowds everywhere, with the famous Sunday evening., His subject will be, is my hope and ambition to be able this father and son banquet the best Y. M. H. A. quartet taking an im- nation of Henry .Morgenthau, former- to contribute." "What- Your Sons Think of You." ly United States Minister to Turkey, ever held. Much effort is being made portant part, singing at every booth. In these words, Dr. Joseph Kornto make the program of the evening The repeated call, "Get a baby," came as head of the Greek Refugee Settle- feld,who has just returned from Ms one that -will really "bring dads and from the doll booth, and "Get your ment Commission,r which administered post as United States Minister to lads closer io each other hy malting girt a box of candy" came from.the the affairs of the .Greek".refugees un- Persia, a post which he held during the dads feel and act as young as candy booths. There were booths on der the League;of Nations, was a period of .grave international crisis their sons. both sides of the auditorium. Danc- ascribed in a cable from Vienna to and of special menace to the Jews of ing, was held in the afternoon and the Chicago Tribune last week to the that country, described the aim which Reservations for the banquet, -which severe criticism of the Greek press evening. already number over 100, will be rehe has set before himself in his new ceived until Saturday morning. Plates . "I want to thank all of the mem- against.Mr. Mojgenthau, the head of field of labor in this country. Dr. for the banquet are 75 cents each. bers who have helped make this car- the Commission, owing to the fact Kornfeld who, before his departure As : in previous years, "sonless" men nival a success," said Schoa] Freed, that one of its members, a certain for Persia, was one of the leading Mr. Kaufman, embezzled Greek refuwill be provided with boys for the chairman.' reform rabbis.of the country, has now • • , evening. " One of the interesting attractions gee funds. .'. The report of the Chicago Tribune accepted the ptfpit of Collingwood The following1 program will be givat the Carnival was the raffling^ of Avenue teinple, of Toledo. There is en and will begin at 6:30 p. m.: the radio-phonograph. The lucky further claims* that the embezzlement an intenseness and fervor in Dr. Mr. Win. L. Holzman, Toastmaster. numbers ,were drawn and are printed had been established. "The statements of the Chicago Komfeld's manner which carries con1. Community Singing, Jed hy Mr. here. .The person holding- the tenth viction. He is.aware of the-difficulBen Stieffer, accompanied by Ed. number is the winner of the radio- Tribune concerning my resignation as ties, annoyances and dangers of Kahn. "' phonograph. If the tenth number is being due to, tJiesctivities of a cer- apostleship, but he carried with it a 2. Invocation, Rabbi Frederick hot handed in within the next two tain Mr. Kaufman' who., as alleged, sense of the practical which keeps Cohn. embezzled funds of the League of Na' S. "The Son," Justin Robert Wolf, days, • the ninth number wins, .and him from being quixotic and makes subject, "What Your Sons Think of down, the list until all the numbers tions Greek Refugee Settlement Com- him convincing and efficient. You." . . . . . . hav.e been given call for the mission, is nothing but a tissue of 4. "The Father," Mr. Henry Mon,HEKBY MONSKY While Dr. Komf eld is deeply conlies," Henry Morgenthau declared to prize. Persons holding any of the subject, "Daddy's Reply." ^ spir- Henry .Monsky' will 'speak for the sky, 5. Vaudeville'Act, by artists from ten irumb'ers should call Atlantic 3832, a represeiitativeijjf the. Jewish .Tele- cerned over what he calls "the w=: athers.--'-His subject will be, ^DAi' itual regeneration" of''"Ain£Hca, iie'"i Reply." t h e World theater.'•*- ^ - • ••-•--••^ Mr. Freed. Following are the. ten graphic Agency. 1 6. "Community Singing, led by Mr. has also a message of' timely <and *0£aufmari is a Russian who had .numbers. The tenth number-is the Ben Stiefler, accompanied by Ed. nothing to do with the work of the vital interest ;to his. fellow-Jews of •lucky one: Kahn. League's Greek Refugee Settlement America. On his * way batk. from 7. Benediction, Rabbi J. M. Char(1)5629. 06)—4236. Persia, Dr. JKornfeld paid a visit to' 'Commi'-* He never handled a red lop. * (2)—7404. (7)—6791. cent of the Refugee Fund. In fact, I Palestine and he there came in perFollowing are the members of th'' (3)—1276. (8)—3325." never met him. ' The money Kaufman sonal contact with a great force in (4)—1351. (9)—4706 Social Service Committee: (5)—8062. . (10)—4491. used was probably • the funds of the Jewish life which challenged his Novel Meetings Will Be Arranged Dr. Philip Sher, chairman. The girls' popularity contest was Italian order, Knights of Malta, which deepest admiration, and sympathy. for' Both Groups. Rabbi Frederick Cohn. Rabbi J. M. Charlop. the general talk of the evening." En- had nothing ~to do with the Commis- He saw a work of practical and spirDr. A. Greenberg. trants in the contest were working sion of which I was the head and itual reconstruction which, he felt, "Men's Night" will be one of the Louis Hiller. hard all day to get more votes. Leone from which I have resigned. My res- should receive his encouragement and feature meetings of the Y. M. snd Henry Monsky. Novitsky won the first prize; with "a ignation cannot be ascribed in any assistance. Y. W. H. A., which -will be held I^o Bosenthal. trip to California; Merle Freddel, sec- way to the activities of any one. I "I have not: been nor am I now a Monday evening, December 1. This Mrs. Philip Sher. Harry Sflverman, ond prize, with a trip to Chicago* and resigned in September. I am not Zionist," Dr. . Kornfeld said. "The meeting -vrill be for men only and Ida Lustgarden, third prize, with' a aware of any criticism' on the part of French..say, 'To understand every- special business matter -will be Irvin Stalmaster. Mrs. Harry A. Wolf. trip to Kansas City. the Greek press other than favorable thing is to forgive everything/ Weil, brought before the oi^anisation on Wm. R. Blumenthal, secretary. The contest was one of the closest to the Commission," Mr. Morgenthau 'To understand everything is to love this night. Plans vrill be discussed The following sub-Committee has ever held. Both Merle Freidel and stated. everything.' How could I fail to be for future athletic teams that play charge of the arrangements: Ida Lustgarden leading -until a late "I have finished my job success- impressed by what I saw and under- under the Y.-.M. H. A. colors. Messrs. Harry Silverman and Irvin hour of the carnival. Before the clos- fully. I have accomplished my two stood in Palestine 1 How could I fail "There will be special business and Stalmaster—the' Program. ing time of the contest enough votes purposes. I have obtained financial to be thrilled when 1 savr a piece of a program of interest for the boys," Mrs. Harry A. Wolf—the Banquet. were cast for Leone Novitsky to push support from the government to the land that had formerly been nothing said Sam Wolf, president. Mr. Leo Rosenthal — Favors snd her ahead of both other contestants. extent "of 10,000,000 pounds, and I but a barren rock, now transformed The girls will hold "Ladies Night" Souvenirs to be given to each Son. Those who have not as yet sent in All of the winners expressed joy at have organized the work of recolon- into a blooming and glowing orchard ? on December 8. At this meeting an receiving the honors and thanked ization of Greek refugees. It is now How could I fail to be moved by the excellent program will be presented. reservations must do so immediately, friends for the help given them. • th'e task of the younger men to take fervent idealism and indomitable will The meeting will be for the girls as space is limited. riace: Grill Boom of Omaha Athcare of the administration work. My of the Zionists, who are converting a only. Anne Selicow, vice-president three associates, Mr. John Campbell desert into an Eden, and how could of the organization will be in charge letic club. Time; 6*30 p. m. of Great Britain and two Greeks, are I fail to make the resolve that I would of this meeting1. still "working. No one has been ap- help them in so fax as it lies within A regular Saturday night dance pointed as my successor. me in order to make their sufferings will be held this Saturday at the "The task which l i e Greek Refu- less'and their achievements even Je-wish Community, Center rooms in f Funeral Services Held Tuesday From gee Settlement Commission had to g r e a t e r ? " •".••••' .'. the Arthur building. All members Family Residence. accomplish was' one of the largest It was clear, as Dr. Kornfeld spoke are urged to attend this dance. The undertakings of its kind in the his- of the many things that lay^ on his dance committee has arranged someA Fathers-Sons Program -will be Judge Jacob Levy, 80, who died tory of the world. It concerned the heart and.; mind, chief among them thing new and interesting for the given by the City Sunday School early Sunday morning at the Wise fate of 1,200,000 Greeks who were his sturdy and militant love for members. Sunday morning, November 22, at Memorial Hospital after a-long ill- driven out of Turkey as a result of America and her ideals, that the re10:30 at the B'nai Israel Synagogue. ness, was buried Tuesday afternoon. -the Turkish-Greek War. They had to birth of Jewish life in' Palestine oc18th and Chicago Sts. Funeral services were held from the be re-established in their own coun- cupied a large place xa his affections: Milton Frohm will act as chairman Worness AixSiarv to family residence. . . . . ' . try," Mr. Morgenthau concluded. of the program. Sydney Epstein, will He expressed glowing admiration for Judge Levy was a pioneer resident talk on "Boys," followed by s talfc the men and .women who are dedicatof South Omaha, having come here by Mr.'Harry Lapidus who will epeafe ing themselves to this ideal. The Women's Auxiliary of the B'nai on "Fathers". A piano solo will be about forty-three years ago from Referring to * these pioneers, he B'rith will give its annual dance Troy, N. Y., where he had lived since said: "They are not ordinary men and Thanksgiving day, November 27, at given by Jack Epstein. Howard arriving in America from Poland Kaplan will give a recitation. The when still a boy. Judge Levy was a Mr. Morris Jacobs just returned women, these-Jews and" Jewesses, who the Fpnteuelle Hotel. Special ar- Dolgoff Brothers will play a -duet. prominent merchant of South Omaha, from Indianapolis, Ind., where he was are coaxing back the ancient fertility rangements are being made to make Cantor Joseph Milek will sing $ and was also justice of the peace for a delegate of tne Omaha Chamber of Palestine with the labor of their this affair even more entertaining group of songs, and Rabbi Charloj1 twenty-four years, retiring in 1916. of.- Commerce for the Central Con- hands and- the love in. their hearts. than previous dances, given by this will then deliver an address. and. during his service as justice he ference of the U. S. Chamber of They are not "ordinary diggers and organization, according to members was known to be a friend of thepoor. Commerce. Major C W. Mason ac- hod-carriers. I was astonished to of the committee who are in charge Those surviving Judge Levy are companied Mr. Jacobs to Indianapolis, Snd how cultured they are. Many of of this affair. HAEENKREUTZLER SPREAD A large orchestra, under the direchis widow, Esther; a son, Hyman, of where both attended the State Ad- them speak French, German and EngNEW VERSION OF RITUAL Chicago, HI., and three daughters, jutants meeting to confer with offi- lish fluently, nnd of course' Hebrew. tion of Hugo Heyn, has been engaged MURDER TALE IN VIENNA Mrs. A. H. Blank, of Des Moines, la., cials there on vhc 1925 American However, though their culture is to play for this dance. Special feaVienna. (J. • T. A.) A new ritual Mrs. Ben Prusiner, of Sioux City, Legion Convention that is to be held cosmopolitan,- their sentiments are ture stunts will be held for the amuse- border talc in connection, not "Witt* profoundly Jewish. I consider it not ment of all. Ia n and Mrs. E. V. Long, of South in Omaha next October. Passover, but with the High Holionly a duty • but a privilege to be Omaha. days, is charged by the Hakenkreutamong these .who hold up their hands JERUSALEM TO BLAVE LQCA.L A. Z. A. TO PLAY ' sler labor press-against the Cflslutin their redemptive work. In redeemGERMAN I. O. B. B. ELECTS RADIO FANS ing the soil, *hey hope to recover the LINCOLN A.'Z. A. SUNDAY a i m . '•"'.••' DR. TTMENDORFER PRESIDENT Jerusalem. (J. T. A.) Residents of The Local Aleph Zadft- Aleph footTwo "weeks Ego an apprentice boy, soul of Israel." Berlin. (J. T. A.) Dr. Berthold Palestine will be permitted to install ball team will play the Lincoln. A. Z. Grusehel, was found dead, his bods Timendorfer was re-elected president radio receiving sets in their homes guaranteed. A. team Sunday afternoon, Novem- butchered. Police medical expert* of the Grand Lodge in Germany of and listen in to the broadcasting from min Amira, a graduate of the Gym- ber 23, at one o'clock at League Park. established that he had fc«en bitten the Independent Order B'nai B'rith Europe and, eventually, America, ac- nasia Ivrith of Tel-Aviv, was ap- This will be the preliminary game to by dogs. The anti-Semitic papers, at a general meeting of the Lodge, cording to official announcement is- pointed special instructor of mathe- the Olympics. The local A. Z. A. however, charged that he had been he'd for the first time in four years. sued Noveaber 12. Special license is matics in the University of Geneva. team was defeated bv the Lincoln kiJIted by Chalutziin on their way to Dr.' Timendorfer is 70 years old. required Jerusalem. (J. T. A.) Dr. Benja- team st Lincoln, 7 to 0. Palestine -••••»

RaUi -bnfeld, 1. S. Minister to-Persia /.Returns from'Post

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Morgeathai Sesigss As Head nissipn

I .'.':'.'A9?1ES*S>


December 1; Girls Dec. §

Judge Jacob Lecy, Sonth Omaha PioneeiyBiedSssday

Fartter-Snt Program at - > Citf Sufiif ScW-Santa?

Morris Jacobs Returns Froia C. 0. € . 'Conference

PAGE 2—THE JEWISH PRESS—THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1924 by subjecting it to a gradual trans- ron, Rose Fox, Margery Freiden, Maformation from rootless occupations rian Katelman, Helen, Florence and to productive.iones; to technical trades Esther Steinberg; Ruth Shyken, *' Published ever; J'bursdny at Utnaba. {SebrasBa Dy and to agriculture. This situation, Helen and Florence Whitebook, Erma . THhi JEWISH PHESS PUBLISHING COMPANY. which was responsible for the emi- Cunningham, and Rose Brandeis. Qffice; £i$l Brandeis i'^eatre Building—Telephone: AT lantic 1450 gration of Jews from Russia to the ' " ' "' NATHAN B: GKEEN Manager. The Ladies' Auxiliary meeting will*. ' '•'• United States, continued until the be held next Tuesday afternoon, No- J Subscription Pricet one year .$2.50. outbreak of the World War. Under Advertising rates furnished on application. normal conditions and, provided po- vember 25, at the home of Mrs. M. CUANUIO'OB1 ADUUESS -fleose cWe Ootb the old and new address: litical disabilities were removed, it Brandeis, 746 Mynster street. '•"'•'•" " * ' "De surt HD(1 ci»e ?our name would safely have been left to take Mr. Ben Silverman, of New York "The -Jewish Press is supplied by the Jewish Telegra.phfa Agency (, its natural course. The war and the City, arrived last week to join Mrs". Correspondence bureau) with, cahled and telegraphic Jewish news, in addition social revolution, however, have not Silverman, who has been visiting this to feature articles and correspondences from all impoitant Jewish centres. only aggravated the situation and month with Mr. and Mrs. N. Solz"Inquiries" regarding news items credited to this Agency tvrill he gladls made the problem acute, but have man. They will remain here until answered if addressed to Jevyish Telegraphic Agency, 114 Fifth Avenue, New Yorfc City. • created the alternative of extinction the first of the month. of survival. The survival depending upon the sudden necessity of divertMrs. Sarah Bernstein left Sunday N T P n M ing large classes of people into profor' Los Angeles, Calif., where she The Intra-Semitism of the Je^r is frequently more poisonous ductive fields of labor. will make her home with her daught ^ $ie Ai\ti-Semitism of the non-Jew. A hrofcert, scattered, One wing of Russian Jewry, which ter, Mrs. M. I. Wolfson. fragmentary. Israel is due to dissension a.pd division, fription ^nd had the foresight, energy and good chaos in our own ranks. A Jew can withstand the maddening Mr. Meyer Silverman, of Oil City, fortune of emigrating to technically fury q| a, hostile world, but paces' beside the inexpiable conduct Pa., has returned home after spendhighly developed countries like Amerof his own co-religionists. ica has gone through this difficult ing several months here with his uncle process under favorable conditions. and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. N. Solzman. When the historic dreams of our moved the hulk of The other now faces the same probMr. and Mrs. Lou Heeger and two tjie American people to warinth and sympathy, and the Amerlem under compulsory conditions, children, of Sioux City, la., arrived ican Congress three years ago studied the resolution ivXor IDA LUSTGAKDEN LEONE NOVITSKY MERLE FREIDEL threatening them with disaster. The Sunday by motor to visit with Mrs. duced by United States Senator Henry Cabot Lodge of Masbulk of the American Jewish masses sachusetts, for },he recognition by our government of the BaJnever heard of the plight of the Jew- today represent a class of hard-work- Heeger's mother, Mrs. S. Freiden. Mr. Heeger returned home Monday, four declaration, it remained for a few Jewish rabbis to ru,sh ish refugees ? t ing, honest and energetic, self-made while Mrs. Heeger and children will to. Washington, plant R knife in the back of \\ie Jewish people Henry Morgenthau has a good men. remain here over Thanksgiving Day. aiid stab the aqient aspirations of our prqphets and lawmemory. Since his return from Pogivers to the heart. land and the rendering of his report Mr. Louis H. Katelman was in Kan5685—1924-25 on the Polish-Jewish situation, since * # « * Rosh Chodesh Kislev Friday, November 28 sas City, Mo., this week. the severe criticism voiced by the The late Hon. Bqurke Corcoran of New York, a Catholic, Chanukah .""..". Monday, December 22 There will be no B'nai B'rith meetMiss Rose Brandeis, daughter of Jewish, pi-ess against the ultra-cauRbsh Chodesh Tebeth. , _.. Sunday, December 2S rubbed his eyes in amazement when a rabbi of Long Island ing nest Wednesday evening. The Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Brandeis, entious terms in which he couched Ms en the witness standf before the Congressional Committee, 1935 next meeting will be held Wednesday, tertained twelve of her friends at a report in apprehension of offending denied the racial-and national entity- of the Jewish people. Fast of Tebeth -. ™- — Tuesday, January 6 December 8, at the Danish Hall. theater party Sur.c!ay afternoon in in any way the sensibilities of the Congressman Corcoran vigorously assailed this Jewish Benedict Rbsh Chodesh Shebat Monday, January 26 Mr. and Mrs. Jack Sussman enterdoubtless guilty Polish political lead- honor of her eleventh birthday. After Rosh Chodesh Adar. -. Wednesday, February 25 ! Arnold, and demanded an atiswer to his question whether the tained at bridge at their new home the show, refreshments were served ers, . Mr. Morgenthau has nursed a Purim.:. ._.. . .„__..,......«—. Tuesday, March 10 r 'Jews represented a distinct group, with distinet characteristics at 210 " ashirgion avenue Sunday at Rekne's. Those present were th.e Rosh Chodesh Nissan..™™.. .~: .Thursday, March 26 resentment against the Jewish press in the human family. • Baffled and "puzzled, the rabbi reluctantly 1st Da,y. 'Fesgach,,...—.... ..... ..-Thursday, April 9 and absented himself from Jewish ac- Misses Sadie Endelman, Jennie Ba- evening. 7th Day Pessach——~~.—'. _.._.. Saturday, April 15 replied in the affirmative. '.." " ' " tivities. Rosh Chodesh Iyar...._»^—I™—.—_ „:—....Saturday, April 25 Lag b'Omer........:.... ; .„„.,„, .. ™ Tuesday, May 12 The writer had occasion to observe ••'"•• . Pouncing upon him like a tiger, the distinguished orator then Rosh Ch.?td.e,sh; Sivan.. ; „...„—.................Sunday, May 24 the work of Henry Morgenthau in fii'ed this crushing question, "My dear rabbi," << | a you Jjrit know Sb'ab'u6th...',~L...'_...:^—„.„...,._.._:. .—..............Friday, May 29 Poland and to hear his opinion, sevthat a group is even :closer, more compact an4 stronger in ties Rosh Chodesh Tammuz. _..........„.. ..„ ...Tuesday, June 23 eral years later. He is still resentful. than, ^a tribe or race of people? And if the jews are a. group as Fast of Tammuz.Ll-__...~.«....~ . ^................-.Thursday, July 9 Rosh Chodesh Ab~. -.._. ;~.Wednesday, July 22 Even the Greek press is reported ypu^ admit, then certainly you must admit that, they are? a race Are you making the progress you should? Fast of Ab........... _.. .. .. .....Thursday, July SO to. have made some critical allusions. and a nation.'' The world felt startled and ^hocked a? did Can you answer any, or all of a hundred , Rosh Chodesh EUul.™..,,,..™.:....™......:...:....™....._Friday, August 21 Does Mr. Morgenthau resent it so Congressman Corcoran, to see Jewish spiritual fearers woefully questions in regard to your musical trainAll Holy Days begin at svmset of preceding .day. strongly? Are Jewish refugees inignorant of the ancient mission and destiny of Israel interwoven ing, you should be able to answer? ferior in any way to Greek refugees? in the Promised -band. 52 $R =3 ft * *• Is their situation less appealing than that of the Greeks ? Aren't they vicToday, we have a similar spectacle in Russia. Russian ZionCONSULT ists at this very momt-nt are languishing in prison, and Zionist Qmaha, Neb., Nov. 10, 1924. the members of their race. The an- tims of one conception ? sympathizers are being foully attacked and beaten by Com- Jewish Press Publishing Co., cient Greek race, revitalized in tha An appeal for $1,000,000 lias been ' rnnnists of our own fiesh and blood. The Soviet Government in 681 Saunders-Kennedy Bldg., last century and * reinvigorated in the issued to American Jewry by the NaConductor of Kialto Symphony Orchestra £ with these Jewish Communists havu converted the City. newly created state, had a spokesman tional Conference of the Ort, held last Gentlemen; in New Greece. Confronted with the Sunday at the home of Mr. Adolph Concert Master of Omaha Symphony Orchestra s In the Omaha World-Herald of Friday evening, November 14, there ap- problem of a million refugees and the Lewisohxt. Residence Studio _, _ „„ £ peared a criticism of Maurice Sam- tremendous amount of capital reOrt is a name, inspite of the many Phone r 6639 uels' book, "You Gentiles,*' by Rabhi quired to reinstate them, Greece apt r ^ i t p n s and Jewish thought, and one m\ist grasp «t onca the 3323 Farnam Street ^ ^ 2 attempts to familiarise it in AmerCohn. It is not at all like painful necessity of administering s, stinging rebuke to those Frederick the criticism appearing in th.e New pealed to the League of Nations. The ican Jewish life, which may not be destroyers of our national hope. York World and quoted by the New League, usually considered a weak in- known to all. However, the Ort camPalestine Magazine of November 14, strument, felt its responsibility to- paign carries a particular appeal to -*.ward the Greek refugees. A comThe ghastly sight of Jewish Communists in Russia per- as follows: Samuels'- book is remarkable mittee was appointed and Henry Mor- American Jews. secuting and hounding Zionists for their, faith and loyalty to an for"Mr. When translated, these three letits courage, sincerity and honesty. historic prophecy, shpuld rouse American Jewry to rise as one He speaks not with the cringing hu- gerithau, the close friend of the great ters mean Society for the Promotion unit, send one mighty voice thundering across "the Atlantic to mility of the suppliant, but the thun- \Voodrow Wilson, the advocate of the of Technical Trades and Agriculture. dering voice of a" people that has been rights and happiness of national mitejl these Jewish scoundrels and knaves, that Gjod's thunderbolts wronged." It is not a new name, nor is the connorities, was appointed its chairman. ception recent. It was forty years are hot, arid, there is no room in Jewish life for traitors and spies. (Signed) MRS. DQRA (BEN) HANDLER M.r. Morgenthau has been success- ago that leaders of Russian Jewry, in ful in arranging for the resettling of seeking to relieve the situation in the The famous Broder Synagogue of Odessa is an example. 115 Turner Blvd., Omaha. the Greek refugees, a loan of _ ten crowded Russian Pale, or perhaps, Within its'walls', Achad" A-Haam, philosopher of modern Zipnmillion pound? Sterling. This in it- foreseeing the approaching calamity ism; Nachman Bialik, gifted poetic geniqs and sweet singer of self is an •unparalleled achievement. that they set out to revitalize the our race; Mendel TJssishkin, world head of the Jewish National Greater still is the work accomplished stagnant economic position of the Fund, and a galaxy of celebrated Jewish leaders and thinkers in resettling the refugees. were pew holders. At its Qhmed, such illustrious cantors offiJewish population in Eastern Europe ciated in their day and time as Razoomni, N.isen Belzer and Pinne The Greeks in Turkey were not Minkovski—cantors who stirred the hearts of the masses with only farmers, but merchants and magnificent voices and, artistic ability.- In this great synagogue, Henry Mprgenthau's resignation small traders as well. Land was ofFOR RENT From Greek Settlement Canu Jewish Communists, removed the sacred scrolls, desecrated the. 4 rooms with 5 room accommofered, but it needed cultivation. The mission—A Situation and a altar and turned the house pi worship into a cheap, vulgar R,usdations. On first floor. Furnace Task Not Unfamiliar—Does the new colonists needed houses and imsinn club.- Qh, Infamy of Infamies. heat. Hardwood floors. Good plements. Organization and superGreek Refugee Differ From the • « * * * neighborhood. Reasonable vision were necessary. All this was Jew?—-Three Russian Letters rent. Call at 2106 Miami St. provided for under the skillful organ,A heartrending appeal fill probably be made to American Which Carry Interesting Appeal ization set up by Mr. Mqrgenthau's Jews, to send millions across to these Jewish traitors, to fatten to Self-Made .Men. , administration. the empty purses and prod the sinking hopes of the Bolshevik Russian^ government. Vast symis will be mulcted on the false FOR RENT It is a situation and a task which By WILLIAM Z. SIMEGCLUAN. pyqn^s'e, hope and illusion, "that settlements will be offered Rus2 modern furnished rooms for sounds not unfamiliar tp the-ears of young couple or gentlement. sia?! Js"ws_iii Ukrajnia under the sheltering wings of Soviet angels. Henry Mo.rgenthau, former United Jewish leaders. Were the Greeks in Home privileges. With or How "long will Jew_s be deluded in pouring millions into Galuth States. Ambassador to Turkey, pro- Turkey the only national minority without board. In private where the money is lost and swallowed up? There is only one tector, of the Jewish community in that suffered ag a result of the war? ' family. Good neighborhood. place'for the Jew on which-th.9 light qf Heaven shines.. It is Palestine before the United States en- Are the Greek refugees the only ref. Call Atlantic 2157. tered the .World War, member of the Palestine. United States Commission to inves- ugees whose plight reached the tritigate the, anti-Jewish excesses in Po- bunal of the League of Nations? Is All the kingdoms and powers of the wqrld have been un- land, appointed by President Wilson, thq Greek resettlement plan; the pnly able to exterminate the Jew. He has come down through the resigned from the chairmanship of scheme of reinstating the productivity ages, sn,d, is still the yeast of every community. Everything he the ' Commission by the and happiness of masses of uprooted touches begins to rise.. Rises in value, in prestige, in honor and League of Nationsappointed Good business location in Counfor the resettle- communities? in, strength. To the Jew, arbitrary' rulers are meaningless, per- ment in Greece of one Mr. Margenthau must have h,eard cil Bluffs: Large two-story million Greek seejjtprs' are worthless, defamers are senseless, anti-Semites are refugees. of something similar, not only in a corner brick building in busihelpless. ' He is everlasting and imperishable. Only the iatra- The Chicago Tribune in a cable country which onqe belonged to the ness district, 37-39 So. Main Semite,'the "Jewish-traitor in our midst, bites with a poisonous Empire where, he represented the Street. Suitable for any kind - its correspondent in Vienna United States Go?ernment, but consting!" It is a'bite"that hurts.—SAMUEL C. KGNE, '^Advocate." from of business. Will remodel to broadcasted the news t3iat Henry cerns another great number qf refsuit tenant. S* Shyken, 1009 Morgenthau resigned because of the ugees who are in' some remote 'way' Second'-Ave., Council Bluffs, THOUGHTS ON THE SABBATH criticism of the Greek press supposed- connected with him. and to whose Iowa. ly on account of the alleged embez, By Mi-s.THenry Q.- Marx. plight no responsive ear has as yet ' It \s a sad commentaryon our times that in this day, when zlement of funds by a certain Mr. been lent. Has • Mr.. Morgenthau nVinM qur•'' "k""" been ligh'fene.d'tq "a minimum, when our household Kaufman, who, as supposed, was in THAT'S the system of merchandising: that has buiJt here some way connected with the Greek the largest clothing business within a radius of 500 miles. refugee work. y We have so much leisure that the Sabbath is no longer the Both Mr. Morgenthau and his resMen come here because they know The $3X pf rest—and what was a joy to'our ancestors we will not even ignation are of particular interest to Nebraska has the Clothes they want when accept as a duty! From'a pe.pp,le who permitted themselves to be the Jewish public. More than this, they want them. martyred fo,r religious freedom we have become a people who ask of particular interest is the work nothing but freedom .from religion. We are doingf the things we which proceeded Mr. Morgenthau's. Nebraska's Famous ^Super-Worth prefer to do, rather than the things we ought to do. We can ac- resignation. Approximately a milcomplish nothing that is worth while, during our leisure time. It lion Greeks who 'for many generations Is only when "we are ourselves inspired that we can inspire others. lived in the former Ottoman Empire We need a'fixed habit, a set duty," to put the needed iron into our in. territories largely inhabited by backbone. What, better, habit can we acquire than the old one of Turks, constituting thus a national of. attending services' every Sabbath minority, were foi-ced as a result of ing in reverence anjj with a sincere desire in our hearts to so the Turkish Greek War and the SuhQiirsdv€s to our devotiqns fqr those few hours that we will go sequent Peace Treaty to leave their And other good value Suils there.truly cleansed and renewed? ' homes, thus solving tlie ever-compliand Overcoats, $20 to $65 If we turned our faces every Sahbath morning toward our cated problem of a national minoTjty, ?Copyri£bte<3, 31)24—Nebraska Clothing Cp, TernpJe just ^s religiously as if it were an. appointrrient with our which, 'is separated from the majority dofitor or pur hairdresser, and for those few hqurs shut ourselves both in language and religion. Over ahsalytely away from- the. .outside world and. let the service sink a million Greeks, victims of the naSg&t *ww4ntQ ourselves, it wQU,ld not be nec^ssavy fpr us to say tionalistic qc-nceptioj} upon which th.9 * t e d a y in every way .we. are getting better a.n.4 better. It will new states are based, tiie conception everything y^e do and fay, in our pers^nalliYes, and I which found final sanction in the re.; ^CORRECT APPAREL FOR 'A.MJi:WOi*l||s l&CwsmMiWWe canimfc m ahead withqutinspir Icentinternationai peaee, .treaties, be' came a problem "to themselves ajid to tibaaadenthusiasm


Winner B Qi Thorpeign



1 Violin Students-





On Our BigEighth Floor

See the Beautiful Fairy Grotto






A Half Block of ToysGiant



en Want

Smart Suits, Winter G'coats, Two Tronser Suits


J±:w ittH PRKSSrr'iHUitBOAg;

Council o f *X£wish "W-rrmfri ;

^ro^raiD Monday Jkfternqon



One tS. t h e ^rnost interesting socialfcDgEffa|r.-.''Had iirogTani -be given Iby t h e Council -of Women Monday sfterimon, INoveniber 24y.xrt 2:30,-at i h e Uevash •Community Center i n i h e .Arthur Innlding. The [program ^jxepafed by IMrs. LOUIE JJommBr, chairman nf t h e TirtK •linnn CTTTTmittee of t h s local council, -will be givEn in ~£he rrollo-wing- order: 1. IKano -selection '^Romanes" i n D ~£Xst by -FidsHus—3iufh r W2insky 2. TFalk un "Bafification of Chila Labor Amendment" . . . ; . ^ 32xs. Q.: A. jSickum '5. Sroup nf Songs ;,: -Cantor Joseph jililek acconTpaniBd byjXIrs. Hsnry • . ISlonsky. £. lEeaomg of IPlay 'Seventh H e a by Goldrng—: .——— •__ TVTrg Brant TEilliams

. . . . . . . . ..


IHx. "Harry Igalashnck returned ibis f ike engagement -.sS -Bask -i week frum Uvew Tnrk City.


j Bertha, to 32r. Bamnel Slntsky, nf class :ior



l i r . and 3Irs. I Larry Greenstone v'i iiicEsro .zxe t h egnsstB of 3vir. anJ .accompanied b,y -ISise . J&. -regular jnefiiing =DI :the TQmrilSrs. Harry Gars; at the "Menorah peian Athtetic ^club was held ^edneBIThiB JLnfiebinig 'Club •will celearaie { day BVBnitjg, 3fpvembBr .28. iEatrm of ICeis" ITork City, 2 \ . j h£ p Club TVTGS .-enterts||H!d Sunday }b,er na-tijrhterF of Lin.The : guests of t h e Evening-^rer? "$&• iksir - Bsconfi- Exmivfixsary i? : at tlu' lionie of Hkfc T evening., lyrrreinber 30, :at t h e l a b o r j | j e o r i WrA..Bluaienth^3 and ^Sx. Hsrxy Hsx&-. Isatiian Gold, and at ..a hritig-e party. H-ipb ssprfi idus, 'Vvio 'batb .gave '.vary 5Titerestmg: ^ ^ «nd|-JS£hlDS "WTIE .by Miss J«irtjj .FTeshiiiBii be talks jm fhe Jewish CoinmuiiitylBniiant Uie T plrrlst i "The INioma 5? Clvb vv-as Enter- Second prize -WEB VVOTI by Mies E e n i n g ' s n d -the i?wish "Welfare JBoard. itained at the home -ol: 31TB. .Aima nie 3?lans i p r "the basketball season me Daughters of ~vrin laid. The Thnrpsian bukeHaK j& e i r m D n t i ^ ^ nfiBda3. . jVEisF I d a Euth JSogen team ^11 ^gain enter the Commer- I tiie ITadBiujyth ClHb a t f j^ "Mr. j 1. Skapiro and Mr. party .Svo^^ETOhsi- S. High BEore -mas JTeshnrcn Synagogns. The iirst ..isf -the ^regular -jnonthly by Miss Esther f ana 3Cxs. Harry Garson spent last.


Tm iSouctay ;evimlng v h s n s h e mas hosWEDDINGS feEs si i 3arfiTCeH jpaxty. Ihnnoring her TSONOFF- -SKIGEEE :. - -,:visitor. Thorpeian. Ranees -will h e :beld a t rQm \ Tbs Junior Dauglitsrs ox Zixm vrill TVTxmy -p-rf^Tiiijifini TifrrnTa a r e "ijeing^ The Omaha Chapter nf Hadassah -lEomelHotel baltroom on Sunday even-. j"hDlii their nest meeting Sunday after- \ iBhren 3dr Miss £ a r a iReva Snyaer,; .-meet Wednesday aftsnroon, 2NDing, December 14. T h e Highland nnom., INovemher 23, at the .Uevrish j fiaughtei- of IMr_! "and iMrs. S.-3ny9er, -vember -25, at -2:3Q, at the Jewish Country Club jSanno JILSZ Qrchestra Comraunity Center, .ATthnr Building. • of •CouncillEihiffs, -vrho "will be anarfiedl|Community Center in -the Arthur has been secured i o r ihis oncasion. A± lust 'jegular anseting • oi t h e -at h e r home ThankBgiving D a y rto bull ding. 13x. ^Joseph Honnfi, s o n =v£ "Mr. a n d tend .and -participate in sevsral -nxwel time "Initiation party .BOOH. /AT this > 3Hxs. A . "Ro-noff, T W R Hast week J s IHr. and IHrs. 3 1 . H . JPessen Trill '"by IMauf ice jSamuels^.. -^-.nn*™.,- -ST;^ gaaie Urerich/"was cp- j [meeting . : — ~ - ~ _ "Habbl TreSeri hemg 5tflly occupied "with luncheons, celebrate iheh' first -wedding anniverColm Events i d be staged at this ijanne. II. Several Piano Selections.-. IPlans rand :Hrrangements 5or the pflmtsfl . .sergeaui-at-arms. A A hike ViTrrirrp. jjnTfipg 1 a n d dinnHT • J^yf-V*K- sary on ZThanksgiving D a y -at their ...__..„„ ._. Faith ainiaal'ThnTpeian""2?Ew'..¥Ear's IEVE j^ras ield Sunday, Ivoveinber 2., ijx .nt "the -Austin. 3Irs. Anna HSrietien, Dif -Ganncil-Bhtn^ J}isplaji o Ithfi lalk nn the "Hatgicatinn ni dance were also discussed._ AheHlEyEr, • - ;e -members. The club is also haLd( entertainea tat-.-a "hmcheon-htiagB -aat. •Child Lahor Amendment, delivered by TToxriliui anjchairman of t:he h e Kevv "Tear?e "Eve IIT. and ilrs. a memberahrp drive Yhich closes t h e IBrandeis Tea IRooms Tuesday nonnce i h e birth 01 u bab,y Eon, born TVTrs. 3Sac3nnn, "will he "interesting, as | dance, ^rrpmised one of t h e best 1 Iscvember 2 3 . cafternoon. IHr. ZDsve ILEvine "Eve dances ever JJUL en by ihostess' this.^fternoan rd .a :hmchean. Tiiday, 2><T)vembsr 14, a t t h e Omaha I J*Irs. Nickum is well -verssd on ±he special prchestr* :is t o Sirs. A . 33 on off ;anfi Sanghter, -Mrs. "Maternity Hospital. -Mrs. Prnmkin j subject, being on t h e JSational Child Labor iConmiittee, Chairman of t h e ! hired ifor this dance. ArrangeLb C i C hi f th > ersatile Fasiiiox? -pas iqrmerly "Hiss Sophie "Weinstem. •Joe jHeyer, Ihomared IMiss .Snyiler rat Legislation on Civil • Service of 3 sre being -"made t o serve a i j IMiss Paula Stoech ~vrhD is 'teaching Tills S a .Tnncheon t h i s "wsek. Wednesday Urs. Iffilton Strauss, of Terre evening, Hklessrs. liesslie. lEurkenroad jEaute, Ind., is visiting irere "vrith her hraska ^ d e r a t i o n , and .Advisory j Ssax^ E v e ^dinner on this evening. ja± IMalcolmn, KTebr., i s Bpeiidhig: t h e member of t h e Seneral lEeaeration of j •with iier naxsnts. and A l IMayer vrare rhcsts :at ~M. -danE- daughter, itrs. Gus the ^Wpnieri'^s CMb. j ing .party s t Sje lEranflEis Tea ZRooins, J l r . a n d IKrs. Bnitcnrsty IIEVE xeThe Council i s estendmg a jzordial j TemplE Israel Toll celebrate Amer'honoring TVHcc Snyder-ianS ther •fiance. d from invitation ~ko everyone ~io -attend "this turned .from Chicago to make their _, _ t IMr. land jilrs. 3 1 . L i 'Uifitna :sre giving ican Educational "Week Tjy a .special get-together and ^program inesting-. j j£Lr- and IBis. nonae TH Lmcoin. aimoniEE |x, iiie engagementt D. of Sacks their ..daughter, a dinner-party t h i s evening. On service Jiiday .evening, .November .21. Mr. Horsy L . of Chi"Tuesday ;Bfternoon; jHiss 'Snyoer Tvill "Sir. Ji. 31. Marrs, principal of "the j . IFinal jlans sre "being roafle ior the [ mirs. rip an Speire vcas Chairman South High School, -prill deliver a spe"the Sisterhood rummage Bale entertain at a treau5an-Tea at "her cial Haucational message on "The .annual nuhlic £ard party t o Ibe given vras ieid TOT two days. i o m e ioi hex ifiandE. 3?y t h s ijizninr 'TT^f^n^g^n JSnndav -a£t~ The masriag-e of "Miss Sally Geri ..An ont-of-lo-sm gnest -n-ho has al- Critical IBEriod in the I J I E DI t h e 'ernopn, INcveniber ;SD, a t -fee Slack- ner, datrghter .of 3tir. .and Mrs. Lnnis j TJJ^ ^ng -^f-s. x»orf -who Tfere .ranxcady .arrived to attend "the "wedding American Child." Saturday morning, stone Bqtel. . A xnusical jrogram-will •Gertner, of Port Dodge, l a . , t o Mr.-j 1 i BC t Ea Trith t h e Grand Leader D e is iMrs. Sydney Lightotone, of De- ^November 22., JJ± TEemple Israel, Habbi h e presented a t this affair. Tkai S. A . IRich, ,ttf ..Sioas Cits, !&•. tpok j tjartment :;store hare returned to tiffiir IFrsderick Cohn Tvill tJ^i^Er n ialfc tm troit, Ulich., sister of IHiES .Snyder. ;plaee a t i h s •Walrausa .IHotel a t IFort i iorraer home i n Chicag-G, H i . '.best Talues .in IMr. Hjishtstone i s Expected ICrmrsday "The Education uf Xifs." At-fhe BunIMrs. "Jack GreenV of IKansas City. Dodge Tuesday -evening; a t B jo!eloek. j : — day jnorning "aHHembly of the Temple ~MD,, :is t h e guest a t i h e "home of "lir. morning to attend the -wedding. Sunday School "Mr. "William U. ^nd .Mrs. Leon IBerg. 7 ",A -wedding-• dinner ^ _"was , served -st t h e BliOOKSTHTN 'fEduca331mnen±ha'l -will speak on - ' ' . •-• [•GertnEr home «t «> pxlnqk -preeeaing Will lie -featuKefl Ma-reel Upset Tree A±fceriaant5.irr fhe -wedding u f "TCTTR. JSL lEulakoSsky us HI a t i h e jthe .CEjsmocy. Hahbi Isanpre IsaacQsnarerrs "Bob, 2 5 c i&atmiiflj7 in s .-Clazkson Sospital xrom injuries xe-|.son, -of this city, officiates, miss "Lillian IHaiTis, oaughter m Jirs.J^rraa Scalp Txeatment, S 5 :. tanfl 3JES. ^BSD. "Jffinkin* vflio -were reived irom a fell. Lena Gcrther, m IForfc T>Q(dge, ser^'ed ITrrrfis, t o Mx. -ilarbb IBrootsfeEin, i o n Shampop, 5 D xtmr.t'iefl -Sunsjay evenings ^November f_IMr. IM. OBrotfateln, "wruch Toll US, a r e 3mnK.yniouaimg 5n Chicago, 111. 3iabbi IH, .IBrndsky, of INewEik, IK. .as 3naid ^af .honor, £nd t h e .llissss : ii;. -;^l -': .tfekB Sunday evEning, I35DVBm- Tjpxmifirerr3stoii"1^ Ihnah^ -wiih Jils|g- 0 1 I 3 : Salon -l>er--3P, a t t h e 'Swedish Jtoditorinm, he ' i t Ihome "with t h e 'bride's iiarents. | Saugbter, ^Irs. A . L ^ulakufsky,jand J _ - ^ i a n Q , of Sioux City, vras t h s 3 e SI3 Cimrtirey "Bl»eli. have •'bsen chosen. UtEiss 3Iflured ;. "TVTrnkTTi ivas ifamiexly IMiss L e - 3Hx. lEJdlakofsky, -and family. IHrs.' groom'^ best TEST.. r Harris, Eister ax ~£ke hride>will h e ] 33. H . Pass., of Lincoln, 'Kefar., visited xma IPefHs. an eastern trip Jhey 3naid-o|^b.onnr, anfl tb-B 3SiEses Shirley i e r I a t i h e lEnlakofsky janakfi "their home a t .the Sioux .Apart- i | ^Enbaak, IMiiHy INitz. a n d Sara "Brook-' IHr. Srod SEADQITASTESS \ •Cohn, of "Takonm, f a t h e r , P^abbi ^Brodsky, - hment Hotel. ^stsinj "VKLQ be -£he byirlf^-'TT'^'flK- -32r». "Wash., i s t h e guest of Ids brother, sky -will "leave Fxiday ^norning i o r for wflTram Smdksteni ^vnll h e t h e Jffr. Sam Cdhn. AmoTLg t h e Siotrs: City guests Sious City, la., -where l e "will "visit groomls 'hestmun, cand IMeEHrs. A b e -with h i s daughter, Mrs. A . I . Sacks,.!'"rare' presgnt s t the' -wedding -were 3Ieyers, A b e IBfodkstein, and ;Sam IHr, ^ d w a r a UloHenihal, mho i s -at-,rand IHr, Sacks, .and"iamlly. IHE -willilMr- Jind Mrs. IB. IBaron, Mr. anfllfes. Stern, vrill be the ushers. Little tending t h e TTniveTsity of -Nebraska, h e aEcomnariied t o .Sioux. Bity "by Mrs. i 3L Us, LL-nflori, -Hiss. Lena IJScfa, Miss 3Ess Helen Hamstem, niece DI t h espent ~£he ^psst ^wfiek-rfind i n Dmaha A . : L Haflakoisky and ilaughter,! Bessie IRich, IDr. Leo Isaacson, Hiss Sngagernent • .Uings ;'is csur .. Spedaity jaride, -will be flower-girl, and IHaster -roth Jhis iprarents, IJEr. and Udrs. 3 . Dorothy. Trances IFabourg, 'Hiss Xnuiss. lEisB- $ • -•-Joseph Harris, vrill TJS xing-bsarEr. ,IRQ:senthal. man, H r . and IMrs. A . lEosenfeld EnS : JMiss I v j ' Siegel -will sing "Promise j| jffr. and Hires. P r a n k Dee and i a m - THr. and 3^is.IlEabenT-ererrand 3klr. j Hr. .and IMrs. "W. Sabinovich. 1S14 Dodge St. ily xenently left f o r Chicago, 111., Terer's mother, ISrs. S. ^ e r e r , and | just -A 1.18!>4 • ' ..3a. -IBIS and IMrs. 3L "Miller announce. siEter, U r s . H._ "White, ireturned T r i Among -those -wlio emtertaioed -where they -will make their rfuture j day xrom a t w o -weeks' motor trip t o scores of them—i "Mi=s Harris during -fhe -jiast several I home. Exmsas Cirj-, St. Louis, and Chicago. u-eeks .are Ulrs. Philip Gedankm, who ~Mx. IHarxy IKavich i s xeturnrng -fco1IASIE entertained a t five tables of bridge IMrs. Samuel Sommer, B29 JSiarfh Sunday, USovember 2. -Prizes "were jday tfrom "a t w o -WBeks* .tsUiy i n »San •COSSET- "SHOPPE Central Slvd., i s -entertaining ^at a "won by fire jiliKses Shirley Tluback iEranciECD and XOE Angeles, Calif., 204 -AgTTTT.A CDCET EerieB of luncheons. She .entertained and Xvy Siegel. On .Sunday, !Novem- vrhere Ihe TCTS icalled nn account ncf. Tiume a!T lautxc :s± a luncheon Tuesday afternoon a t "brother. bnr a, 3ilis3 Sara Srookstein "was t h e illness of Omaha, her home, and i s again rentertaining us bia 012 -TDirr iiastess a t a roiscellaneaus shov>-er dfar - .Sol Uegen -will entertain a t a .at h e r home S S d a y afternoon. Prmtinjr'Woxk . .^sixteen guests. Ptizes a t bunco -were luncheon ••Saturday a t the Braudeis ALL WOKK won by the IMisses Heulah and Lena Tea liooms. jMittleman. That same evening, Tffirs. Sirs. H . Janoff and daughter, ShirS. Homstdin -was hostess "to i o r t y guests .at a •miscellaneous 3ho-wEr ley, sxe leaving JOT CMcago, III., • -5.GHQAL 3THEZD, JIgr. honoring Jiliss ^Harris imd i e r .fiance. Thursday evening for an extended . We specialize in -tiie originations -anil aesfenings x>i ladies jrotvns, cxrats jsxni siiits 1S2D Dodge S t . A T ;h IHr. and 3Irs. JOB Hoom drtertained "visit. Thev ~wili visit "Vcith xelatives : J23O Aquila Cnurt ATlantic ^532 - axt iour tables ox bridge a t their nnd 3Iiss Janoff -will .study vocal and "home ITxiday evening, ZNovember 3_4. dancing v4th "noted anstructoiK there, .!irizBS"WEre "won by 3Iiss TJla Alberts, jffiss Janoff "was -Jarmer]y s. pupil of Abbott, local instructor. 3klr- 'GEarge Sacldn. and l l r . "William Alberts. Uliss Lena 3Iittleman "will 'Jeanette USIarcus "will "be t h e •be^ihostess -at a huncD nparty aor "hostess rro t h e U a Ofb Society. •±WElve 'couples Sunday evening, ^November i2S, jit her hmnc, and nn l e o ^fJosenthal is entertaining STYLE WITHOUT |J==J .^Saturday eEVEning, jSvovember .29. a t -a luncheon Thursday -afternoon a t jSIiss Shirley Huback i s entertaining her Jhmne. SiE bridal Tjarty a t jm evEning biulge liilr. John Teldman -will return t h e at -her i o m e -f ollov,-ed by at dnncing l a t t e r -part of "this -week dlrom n. trip party .at Teony Park. t o Lincohi, and Premont, INebr. 31utb. Gobn, of JSashville, 35r. and Sirs. L . Predmetsky, for!is ; ihe guest -oi liex "brather, Erly nf l i e m o n t , INefar., a r e now Sam Cohn, and family. tmaking rtheir home here. TChey Ihave a t "the Hunter IMrs. 'Charles Sednian, -jpS ;Dttunxwa!.: xaken Tun. 3a.,3ranvEdPEriuay t o -heithe 5uestinf Iner parjents, IHr, and IMis. A . IWhite. 3flans -were made by -fhs 1 . iShei ^vfill spend iKevsral -^Eeks-here. IE. U . cli^b "for their lirHt Beanon!s i n jSirs. 'Charles ILevinson «anS ; ihe -dttation Stmce t o ^ e given Tuesday IMisses Ifeanetfce 3iH?inson zmil Lillian evening, Uebember .30, jgt IKelphie's jmfl STEanette Hansey \7ere jin liincoin, acadeniy. T h e dance i s i n charge ol i f e b r . , l a s t Satuxaay. '•'- •". . . '• :".'•. , • Jfiiss Uluth Pbllaccli, ^vht) vdll "be a s "by Uliss Aliqe Stern. '.';.'~Miss 'Ce^a IBrauJ.e:;spent^fhe 3iast -week 3n Lincoln V"vd& Iher Ihrnther, IMTS.MI, 31.12ialashnck a n d son, IEdSEE OUR Ileyer, vdio is -attending the "!Ne- Tcarfl ZManan, :^tnxued IhDme.IMonaaT,' hraslia "University. lafter-snenaing ~3as, >past"xaur^ "rceefe -^visiEinE 3n lEnnsaE •City ^snd S t . >3oIMiss Lillian Goldsmith, nf Xos A n , CaliL, v."ho -was ^the house guest of 3Iiss Ann "White, left i o r Shun: . ISIrs. •'WrnhntH "^Trfipmn-n --will have at the City, l a . , -whetE she vrill -visit before jis iaer :gueHt32iEs S a r a 3iubin,-iEF An- ; xeturning to h e r bomn. aarua;, •SScnnu, ~v?ho 3s atTfrvbig this E' vre are offering the finest qi^portuiurr of ;TO5ekitpanfiitaierfiTfoyiai'-nianft. S h e IMiss. IFiauime USevnnun, of !KEW^3H 3je';EStHnsive|y *fihteitainEd ^during•the season in tMs footwear seHiug. E=rerr numl^er Tork City, i s t h e guest of h e r .aunt j-her ..iftoiy.-'iherfi^. ra Bunfljer. =01 snter^' : is typieiil of uur ~kigh «tandar3s. Ulie "pricing . and U r s . Henry Stern. itaimnsnfe Irh^aviqg -sbrEady Ibeen '








IIECIL aii BOB Clf 1 I I


Hardy-Moeshler 'M

Don't Fail to bitten d

I hant&giCtng .bale

.November 27

s e p i h , . - M q ^






; .


More Hian Half Oar Stock




Uaytch, of U^e-w Tnii: City, the -^uest l o r -the past ihree "mtmfns xii her -cousin, JSSSS I d a Xteytch, -were -numerous. She left -for lier hxrme Sunflqy erenmg. A theatre-patty was given Tuesday -svErfing. .at ;the ilTanoeiE "by several rriends. liVi*^ J 3 a liaytsh ;enter±ainfld at bridgre •5ay -evening 3it lier [home, -and

rnTarmed 3n ll^sr ihonor.


Given by

iss lEanny TElein, -of Chicago, HI., 3s "the guest of 'her aunt and uncle, I&Ir. ^an3 3Irs. "Maurice S t e m . JTirikin Trail -as h e r guests 3H3ssEs "Sadie ^Perelman >sn2 • GtertIKatsf .iu" TCn-ngnB £j±y .-and .St. JJoseph, IMo^ rrfisnEctively.-'CTwho "were herBifnr -&£ "JiEnklCrOPeflis -wfiddhis.

= ""Amsim mrj

•Qnrd less thmi usual lin Mgii, low -imS strap effects, nsvt low jjattenis.

JUlNew FjaMSiyTss saSEsew N<&£2jBS$ker


PAGE 4—THE JEWISH PRESS—THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1824 two-fifths of the entire membership clans on its staff, and because of its [ to be with u s in sharing t h e respon- ALI R E N r W S M A r C H IN HOPE * jMinister, in a message to t h e Mandues of the "YV is going towards the entire beneficial atmosphere i t de- sibilities and t h e privileges of t h e MECCA! chester Zionists in connection with Building Fund of bur New-Communi- serves 100 per cent support from our community. In o a r Census, we have Cairo.OF ( RECAPTURING J . T. A.) The Hedjas' the opening of the Keren Hayesod ty Center. The spirit of the young community. Not 30 p e r cent! excellent material for t h e Chairman a n n y , under t h e leadership of King campaign there. people'is most admirable;" gladly, inYour office here does not receive of our Membership Committee, who deed - do they pay the additional finer^support from any institution with t h e aid of t h i s Board will be Ali, h a s renewed its war" activities "With Mr. Amery a s Colonial MinReport to the Board of Directors of the Jewish Welfare Federation money. - * • than i t does from t h e Wise Memorial enabled t o interest those unaffiliated and is marching on Mecca in the hope ister and Major Ormsby Gore as November 17, 1924. And one other observation. I be- Hospital. Never has one of our char- with u s and t o urge their participalieve that our "Y" is not, primarily ity cases been turned down. When- tion in o a r common community .tasks. of recapturing t h e Holy City within Under-secretary, the Colonial Office JBy WM. K. BI/UMENTHAL, Superintendent. for the under-privileged in' ever w e call upon them there i s al- The Census will also be available for the next three weeks, according to is better equipped than at any premunity. Our Y." M. and Y. W. H. A. ways a bed cheerfully ready for onethose interested in o u r religious and an official statement issued here by vious time," t h e London Times deThis ia the first meeting after the The two children are boarded with the is for all groups and -for all classes. of our clients, and if they do not h a p - in our educational work, f o r in t h e the diplomatic representative of King clares in an editorial commenting fire. in the Lyric building, Sunday, grandparents, old people who have It is true that the "Y" does keepj pen t o have room they make room for Census a r e recorded the children who All. War activities have hegun while up i the new appointments in the October 26th. We yrexe not exactly hardly enough for themselves. These boys and girls away from objection-! us.. N o request of ours fov t h e poor are not obtaining a n y religions or Mr. John Philby, British political of- Colonial Office. "Amery and Grmsby burned out, but we w,ere assuredly children are attending school and areable places, but that is only a nega- goes unheeded. I believe t h a t this Jewish education whatsoever. ficer who left England for Arabia on Gore together represent unique and drowned out. Our records luckily being reared under our care and ourtive virtue. Our ,"Y" inculcates posi- Board of Directors ought to strengthFederation Finances. a" special mission several weeks ago, expert knowledge," the paper «=ays, were not destroyed. Our furniture guidance. Our relief work has as its tive ideals, embracing the entire com- en t h e hands and the hearts of those In conclusion, permit me to dwell is still attempting to bring about an and regrets only that the office is was damaged, but it is all covered by aim and purpose in this case as in munity of young people; and by who a r e actively identified with that insurance. A satisfactory settlement others the ultimate rehabilitation or young people I-mean all those who splendid, institution. I believe i t is for a moment on the financial condi- understanding between Ibn Saud and overburdened with the Mid-eastern ' up t o us- t o "sell" our own Hospital tion of t h e Federation. There is still has already been made with the in- the placing of the family on a nor- feel young and act young. 1 $12,278.12 outstanding on the pledges Kin^ Ali through peace negotiations. Mandates. mal basis so that they may take their Moreover, in spite of the fact that -to'oux'own community.. surance company. for t h e - p r e s e n t - y e a r . This amount the Federation promises not to askj A new figure who m a y have a deThis is the first.meeting in our new place in the community. Old People's Home. These are merely three of the nine- its members for any additional con-: I Our Home for the Aged, popularly was due and payable a t the begin- cisive influence on developments in EEIEUT TO HAIFA quarters. They .possess several ad,- vantages: .They are centrally located teen relief, cases now under our care, tributions to affiliated organizations, { known a s t h e Old People's Home, is ning of the fourth quarter, October Arabia is Sidi Ahmed, Shiek of the RAILWAY PROJECT TO and easily accessible. The disadvan- whicch comprise 26 adults and 53 I feel that an exception ought to be at present engaged in m a k i n g e x t e n s - 1st. 'There is presented to us one of Sensussi, who is attempting to make BE DISCUSSED tage is that we have not sufficient children. There is not a single man, made in the case of the "Y." Adult ive Tepairs in its annex. I t is grat- two alternatives: Either t h a t we collect this entire amount which h a s his way t o Mecca. The Sensussi a r e ! Jerusalem, ( J . T, A.) The project number of small rooms and that we woman or child of all of. these from membership ought to be encouraged. ifying to note; that the Home is in been pledged, and upon -which we have have no -'gymnasium facilities. what- whom we can with a clear conscience, The adults would hardly miss the immaculate and that t h e budgeted, or that we stint on our con- a religious sect in North Africa, to build a new railway from Beirut soever. However, the former matter deprive, of food, of. the clothing and small membership dues, and the "Y".old folks a r econdition, given not only necessi- tributions t o our beneficiaries. U p to which believes in the same doctrines. to Haifa will be discussed during the is being-studied and an arrangement of shelter we are at present giving. needs the adults, their presence and and conveniences, but that they the present time we have not paid as t n e Wahabis, Sidi Ahmed, -who visit to Jerusalem of General Wey•will probably be made shortly where-. Should .you.' hear someone state that •their guidance. Membership in the ties ; are also provided with comfort in anything t o t h e national institutions belongs to, the. dark race of Arabs, is grand, French High Commissioner of by we may get additional space. The we are giving your funds to a non- "Y" is not a contribution. It is a their declining years. . • ; for t h e last half of 1924. I need not reported to be the selected candidate Syria, according to information r e heed for .our permanent- quarters in deserving case, nail that statement- privilege. tell you how is t h a t we f o r t b e Moslem Caliphate, and he has the New Center to be erected at immediately. Our Talmud Torahs. The Free Loan Department. ceived here. . pay our pledges to the various JewTwentieth and Dodge streets is.more While we cannot and dare not save Although of our Free Loan work a Our City Talmud Torahs have apparent than ever. Nevertheless, a single penny from the funds we good deal has been said, too much started t h e new season under favor- ish Hospitals, Jewish Orphan Homes, the support of both t h e Angora Govour present quarters are a decided giye to the Omaha men, women and cannot be said. It is our highest and able auspices, with an apparent in- in Denver, Cleveland and elsewhere. ernment and Tbn Sand. Having been improvement over those in the Lyric children, we take satisfaction in stat- most all know t h a t unless this money refused admittance into Hedjas by constructive piece of work in crease i n energy, with enthusiastic is You building:. The environment is. much ing that we have saved many a dollar, philanthropy. collected it will be impossible for King AH, he will now attempt to proThe funds are ably teaching staffs and with a goodly better, and it is a safer place in every on the transients who come to our administered» and the Free Loah Sous to "carry on" t h e w a y Omaha respect. We have luckily, been able city on begging expeditions. Our sat- ciety acts as a buffer state, between number of pupils. We m a y look for- should. I know that there is but oneceed to Mecca through Palestine, for w a r d t o another successful Talmud to procure these rooms not' only at the isfaction is not so much in saving the the community and' our Relief Deanswer: You have done so well in the which purpose be has already r e Torah year. time needed, but also at the price de- money as in saving manhood and partment. past that you will not neglect the ceived a Palestine visa from the Britsired. womanhood; for our biggest problem ,In last week[s- issue of the Jewish _' ;. Personal and Social Service. work a t present. With your guidance, ish Consul in Damascus. in these cases is not that of money, The personal and social service with your spirit, and with your moral Belief Problems. I took occasion to restate the but of character. The money that we Press work has been progressing in spite strength .we will carry on, so that our eight' degrees of Jewish charity as! This is the season of the year when have saved in cutting down' expendiof the recent handicaps, due t o t h e Federation continue t o be a Beacon BRITISH COLONIAL our relief problems are at~th"eir high- tures to vagrants from elsewhere we given' by Maimonides, seven hundred fire and t h e two removals. Our .Light to shed t h e light of hope for MINISTER EXPRESSES est peak. This is the season when have gladly given to widows and to years ago. He" writes: "The most meritorious "of all Jew- Clearing House h a s been functioning the weary wayfarer. ' CONFIDENCE IN ZIONISM j the load is the heaviest.' This is the orphans in our midst. t h e many people who come to u s time -when there is a great demand - In my last report, which dealt ish charity is the Eighth' Degree, for all London. ( J . T. A.) "Zionists have j sorts of advice, help, and guidfor coal, coal, more coal; for winter chiefly with the problem of the tran- which anticipates charity by prevent- for SHEIK O F SENSUSSI DENIES every reason to look forward with j ance. .•' . ." v . . " • . • ' •-' . • • ''~'Y»" . .' ' JAckson 1862 clothing, for more food and for shel- sients, I advised you that I would not ing poverty, by assisting the reduced INTENTION O F PROCLAIMFirst and foremost; on our list of great confidence to their future in ter. We are meeting the demands bring up that subject in detail again. fellow-man either by a considerable ING HIMSELF CALIPH Palestine; your progress is assured," from deserving people as best we I only mention it now in passing that gift or a loan of-money, or by teach- activities' in this "group a r e , of course, . know how. In most instances we are we have succeeded in our policy with ing him a trade,-or• by "putting him domestic relations:; Next in import- Jerusalem. ( J . T. A.) Denial of declared Rt. Hon. Leopold S. Amery, : sending pauperizing effect, of that the transients, for today we have in the way of business, so that he ance-are the'Immigration Cases, tomethod, we loan money in order that probably less than one-fourth as may earn an honest livelihood arid day probably among t h e most pitiable the reports that he intends t o pro- newly appointed British Colonial claim himself Caliph of t h e Faithful the recipients may obtain coal them- many transients as we had a -few not be forced .to the alternative of and helpless of all which come beselves. _ CON VI NCI- i < H Ol- O ( i K months ago. Please bear in mind holding out his hand for charity. This fore' us. The last Immigration Law Moslems has been made t o t h e corthe highest step and the summit of is so air-tight a n d bullet-proof, so respondent of the Jewish; Telegraphic KINrFKITY B«rry B Lepl<5o». Pre». Treat One fcaportant matter we. want to that we give food and clothing and is | triple-rivetted, iron-dad that i t proves Agency by Sidi. Ahmed, Sheik -of t h e Tr«H» »>ep«rtmi»nS. • Sol Pepper. Vice President make clear right here and now, with lodging to everyone for over night, charity's golden- ladder." piifciT Di>iMfil< HOSPS. W G. C*fc Bwretanr. almost hopeless" f o r those who would all the emphasis and all the vigor at and that we provide work for the The Wise Memorial Hospital. :i have their kith and kin join them a t Sensussi, who arrived in Jerusalem our command, is that we'do not give morning for those who want to work. this time.I, feel it is my duty our shores. Omaba Fixture & .,' on his way to Mecca. • to .undeserving people. .Even if we But that is all; and he who would as At well as my privilege to say a few Our Juvenile Court work h a s been give more to these transients, more wanted to and were so inclined, wa " I am proceeding to Mecca on a Supply Co. to you concerning • our own singularly free from a n y startling assure you that we do not have the of your money, would not only tie words pilgrimage, but if circumstances will Wise Memorial Hospital. I have reCOMPLETE STORE AND events. Where there is a policeman money for that purpose. We.have-a committing a folly, but would be act- frained heretofore from stating my KKSt'ONISIIUJfi EFFICIENT OFFICE OUTFITTERS problem to make the funds-at our ually hurting the very people- he is opinion in a report until I have had at hand, even though he be a social allow, I will mediate between King U"here youi clothes COILIP bonae command go as far as they do now. trying to help. This leads us to the the opportunity to" study our own in- one, trouble hardly ever happens. Oui Ali and Sultan Ibn Saud.'V Sidi AhWe otcupj eienner. and last lonsret trer 70.(TO gqnare teee We have a great task in making the most important problem in the Feder- stitutions at closer range. I.feel that Juvenile Court work is a good insur- med declared. " I t i s true that MusSouthwest Corner *T U»nt5* 0580. tliin-ll Jjfhsois Federation dollar procure the many ation work today, and that is the the Wise Memorial Hospital is enti- ance policy that the Community h a s tapha Kemal Pasha h a s offered me problem of unemployment. taken out. tlpvrnfh -ttirt necessities for those in need. street*. tled to greater support from the en-. Our Social Service Committee, the Caliphate, but I have refused,", he To criticize relief work being done tire community than it now receives. Men, women and children come to with that of the B'nai stated. "Ibn Sand, in my opinion, is OMAHA KEB is easy; to do constructive planning us every day from nearly all walks I feel that we .as a • community are functioning Orrmhp OttSi'c: B18 O is mighty hard. If there be a single of life, seeking jobs. Not a few are not doing our full duty by the Hos- B'rith and the Council of Jewish not a heretic. He respects all MosOmnhB Thorn. Atlantis person among you unacquainted with just on the verge of the bread line. pital. It seems to me that we should Women, is now arranging for the lem sects and Ms capable of uniting our work, to you I put the query: Most of them are proud and unwilling encourage people who can afford to Annual Fathers and Sons Banquet, to the Arab countries, Sidi Ahmed Ford Transfer & Storage Co. Harry Kononovitch What would you do? Here is the to accept monetary aid. They want pay for their hospitalization to util- be held a t t h e Athletic d o b next Sun- stated. R &. FORJV day night. All the sons of our destory: FresHlent nnd Genera! Manager. work. "Work! Work!" is their cry, ize our own Hospital.' "We have laQnDiM't! Bluff* (IOWB) Ottife .The father and husband of a fam- but we have nothing. to offer them. mentable story after story of people pendent homes have been invited and ily is a taxi driver, chronically out Recently I wrote a letter to every going to other Hospitals and staying will enjoy t h e full privileges fo "real Studio—JC? Crnunsp BIk. Haifa. (J. T. A.) A request to of work, with no sense of responsi- employer on this Board, not in the there as long as .their money holds. sons possessing real fathers." Harnpj 8476 Bowing for Advanced out, but when they get broke' paying bility whatsoever. The wife and belief that the letter alone would obThe Census. stop the building activities of the mother of the family is at the Na-tain results, but in the hope that when large hospital bills they come as a , We can now report to you t h a t our electric station in Haifa, which is a tional Jewish Hospital in Denver, suf- we sent one of our applicants to you last resort to the Wise Memorial Hoswork is complete save for a part of the Rntenberg electrivication fering from tuberculosis. In this for work you would know the reason pital as free "patients—as charity census CCMJNCll BUC'FFK I A . final retabalation and rewriting of scheme, was submitted to the Mayor family there are three of the sweetest- why. Just a short while ago one man cases. Whatever history there is in the lists. We find that there are close little children you ever'laid your eyes, of the many who are coming to us back of it that makes people do this to 10,000 Service is Our Motto in t h e city. We a r eof Haifa in a memorandum of the Csrtllied Public Accountants on. They are all boys, 8, 5 and 3'daily looking for work, exclaimed: thing I do not know, nor do I wish to giving theJews Arab Chamber of Commerce, Arab numbers in round figures Safe Deposit Boxee for Hnnt Audits Systems years of age. These children are "Mr. • Blumenthal, Gentiles say that consider. It is a fact that faces us only, for there is still some checking manufacturers and the Mukhtar. In boarded out by us, for we are taking they don't want me, Jews don't em- at the present time.. I "know" that be- to b e done. One of the very/ first Investigations care of them here in Omaha in order ploy me—where will I get work?" cause of the facilities offered at the results of t h e Census is our discov- their memorandum the Arabs declare 434 to MO IVI^rs- »TUM Bide. Ptinnp* .Jaokiwr 4SIS, 4314 that the family may be rehabilitated I am not exaggerating one iota when Wise Hospital, .because of the serv> ery that they intend to establish an Arab that there a r e a good many Jews later. Oncce before the father had I tell you that .this matter is ex- ices it renders, because of the -physielectric company. in t h e city financially able who ought been arrested for non-support. After tremely urgent. I feel if is' the duty a. lecture by the Judge he was re-of an employer Who is a Jew to give leased, and ran away from ,the city. a'job to,one of his own faith and race. Recently he returned to Omaha and If w.e could get work for only half WHOLESALE there is an order out for his appre- of .the people whom we have on our hension and appearance at court. Of unemployment list, it would save the Druss'sts and Stationers those who are not familiar with our Federation, and of course its sub"Know Nebraska" 401-S03-41IB Sonth lOtb 8tmst work I ask, What would you do under scribers, a very appreciable ,sum every the circumstances? * Would you or year.' And this does not take into would you not take care of these three account those who- ~wilt become deWhen Thinking of Mens' Hats small children? Is there an option pendent if "we do not get them'emleft for tis, or must we do. our duty ployment. or Furnishings Gate City Furniture Co. ' " • and take care of them? REMEMBER and The Y. M. and Y. W. H. A. . Here is .another true .history: The Globe Van & Storage Co. husband and father of the family is in I am happy to report to you that 1307 Howard St. A t 8028 1421 DOUGLAS ST. owned mid operated ft? Lincoln, hopelessly insane. "The"moth- our Y. M. and Y. W. H. A. is in TOTS U WOl.F SAM N WOt-F Omaha, Nebr. GROSSMAN & SONS er'is left with three small "children, flourishing condition. Its memberFhip 53U-SS No IGtb S t between the ages of 12 and 3. The has been increasing. The .interest in Federation is to these, children as a its activities has been growing. The father. They are sheltered, they are next important undertaking of the THE BKINN & JENSEN CO. clothed, they are fed, they are helped "Y" is the Annual Dramatic Producoffice i'hone JAe-ftson 812£ SS hoi-stile paper •with an education. We have to look tion. This year, the'"Y" will give two Any way you set them In any package distributors for JOHN FKLDMAN after their moral welfare. Can there plays: One dealing with a Jewish ' be a question in this case as to what subject, written especially for the ocITEN'S GRAHAM CRACKERS Northern Toilet Tissue Clothier our duty is? casion-by a well known Omaha Jeware s-n-a-d etxtins for <ererybo<ly. 1112 Hartley Street Full Dress Suits and Tusedos A" third true history: The father ess. The other play is also written Asfc yoar procer for H E K CKACKEES AT-Jantic 6409 Moved from UP.) iNo ICib J S t ro • and husband of a family is a deserter by a prominent member of our comby name always. Get the grennine and 1(13' Karfmrh lilork, IStb & Hondas SSs be satisfied e l l trays! Hie who was arrested several times for. jnunity. Other features of this DraOMAHA NI.HIi non-support and whose whereabouts! matic Performance.will be such as to today is absolutely unknown. The bring out the best talent of our own PAXTON-MITCH ELL CO. wife and mother is an invalid whom i;'young* people, •1%t\ turn MartliB St». UA »«6t Emerson Laundry we have sent to a national hospital, [ May I remind-you at this time that WASH AND KEEP WELL iUaiiufm-t nr«"rp of lirnw, Bronjr

The Federation in Action

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