November 27, 1924

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1 1

I pmfess uqt talking—only Has, let j; eaeh man _3D K S test. \ « —SfraTjespeare.




i n * 1

^teal isen & if' ifeey * «Laxss tiji, X j el ©riots* life,-



it. TOL. Ut-IfDU 51

-g- ms BSTOBS-class man matter BE Jmuurry n t h , 1B_3. -si rs 3S- id; -Omalia, 3*e_txs_&&, -nmier •£_£ Act xtf -_l_x£tt.3,1S7B.

3SEBBASKA,, 3EHESDAY, 3sQl£EH_BEB 27, 3324



©f EveBiag Met kpprorsl of AS.'

Xiaxge Crowd Hspected to ^Witness Program of Breaking


Gxonncl f o r HHew J&aftding.


More- -thsn 225 "dadfi snS lafls" the fourth annnsl -BOE ;gret~-fco-jret}jGr a t th« sOlSah« ! Athletic 'Clttb -grill. Sunday esssssing. \The "baucrnet -was- held -tmtter tbei of tbe Social Service Xkm~ j

Thfi Srst .step inwards 13ie ereclioii ctf "fire magxificeiit Jewish Community Canter IStrflcLmg, st ~£h& ISarfliBast Corner of 20i2_ s n i ZDodge Sts., ~wss taken MantJay ifigat a t a meefeag of Hie 3uflcH-n.g g .and .Site Committee of the Jewish .Cannmnoty y Center & ccarteaet te Teas 1st 1 to t £he £h Western W C h "wreckCaatraetcas ±0r the ing of "the old liupx'oyg merits ~fiiat now stand on the 3ot and a contract ~was let ito P . Xi. Busehe -far "the grading SECL excavation, •prpiimiTiHiy t o "SIE cunstrncfioB of fheTroilcfing. i^ans-and speea-ficaficms are ' I w lushed t o carnation--Ity James T. ^QleB, -Architect, __ncl Htls "mil shortly "be TecHveS for. the .general contract, The Bmiffing and Site Committee, emsisfcmg1 of Wm. X. Hofczman, H. A. Wolf, Harry lizgMns, Henry Monsky, Harry Malashotik, Joe Xu ~Wtili, Jacob SlosbErs, J r ^ and Dr. PMBp Siier- axe -arranging far &. jrogram t o T_e -held Sunday aftErnoon, I^OTember SQfh, -at 2 cSO JP- "M-, a t the Tsiaffing a t e 3n conneEfioa "with the 1i_£___fi_ig of ground .ceremony, Ifoa details of "which iprograni sre snnoimced isre.

indites -of I3ie 73'nai B'rith. j -Canimunit-y singing: led. "by Ben I Steiffier -and -accoic-panieci i ^ Ed-Efililk j s± the piETip -WKF s, hit of 'the «ve-. iiimg. FTOIS -all raaiert of '£iie :bami get. Toom «naiae xepeatncl -r-slte tfor ! .eertKin ,:songB frsnn tire '• sons End *a lot -a_ noise' from 'toe t dads. AbnET Kaiman, C)r__ilias8 •mm i *AI-3o_Bon", was-called to ; ! Belertitms, -which met -with 'hEnrty \ -prcval froic. "the a,ndience. i A Tsswei 'act -V*BF BBCttred frmn I 'World Theater. The team -«if 'VTolf j and Maim -wires ETC playing1 a t -dthc I World Theiiier this -week, played uevj «rsl _ron_b€__. lor the dads .asul la(is. i TEthers. you expect a great dc_i ' from yemr Eons, hnt fathers, ase ytxa I grrving yocr bpys the co-mpatiionshi|» ; -which they should ;tave?** Bakl Jastin ! II. "Woli, *on -ol Mr. and Mrs. Sarry

01 lior- ire ""xesmst "gnaxters "snfl Trill anarch 3STE. -Berfha . 3_0yy. ^Ehnse ^50,DDDJDD jlsflge ±o- "to 'the 31EW o t e a t TwsnfisQi and r% Is _3IL inH-ing fund ~ £hs *few- Dodge -T^-EBts. ~ *e* x ember tS -QE Ccmr —3t; Center -was 3nK-_e3i- T i s askEfl ±0 1 B present s t 2 o'clock. They -wall i t led l y i h e IT, H . TL ^aimers displaying ihe hrEE-T ground .as 3>£rt DJ "fiis gnaitet. ~ oi ~QIB -grazes -rail nXD^CSX_L S32n£tE_7 EKiEdDOn. "The "bufl3ing -will COVET S. ^Jlat SB jEabbi lErsdmnk -Cnhn and Sabln fs. 'tm. XoSgs _±rsEt "by Tt2 iieet on HL ZhaxLap ^d& narfitS —± 2Dfh -street. TS5H "be vhre • stories snfl JSonsky Trill "bs^E___r"' dfc'sproDEi, nnd ~w21 incliiclfi

! A. Wali, -who spoke for the :BOIJB K$

Imaml Sliktl

3X1 T^vflT'-K*^* *to **

O___3ia J e w r y iskonLfl _rf±en3 fins sofl .simitry aneeting lialls trassse. I t as T__ESVE3 class 3THHHB "to snaonnaDSate ATTTPT- .ceremony an3 tsfhar liiat ?n ergsnizafionB infii2&city "will ajsrriefl jm "by t£he Jewish SBSL 5n "bndiss. ^ -A capacity cruwfl 3B expectgfl *tg gftenfl. . araty Center, ® SOly *gngjpea

.A T-TDgrara- 3_as :bes_i :__c__mgea

Council UlufiB, Imva.—At the £rst

Omahan Eeceives High. Honor Tram meeiiig lield last- -Tuesday Ijy the :the •fe-npte Israsi SistEfhooa _;nr its j Isimstiirg ^Pro-rs.m _ t o j f e Csstei -from -Station Body. newly Brgamzea: jOeph ZatSk Aleph d o b , liouis IRoseiiajal Teas -elfieteS ihe •ffaat 3s -j-iag l__ld i_i_s 3^ar -J2S, isi fas

I the,. fathers. Xoffng1 was Tpoejved "with ; I snfl is Teprintes] 'in tins issue aoff • j Jewish Press. **We ••want .our f •contiR»e<l -J-nstin Wrf-f. :£very father I B "8B_ ME l)py "f;p :FJ*o^ ^«o 4 * i, 'honest '.liring, :E •; t o ME fellow Epofee "$«sr

-Sags, -feas TS3H -aga-n.-l_-ve g© -of 2_s_ei_-_g ,to,.ihE j i i B * £EH>2"' -program 'ii he "to csnrjr tm •j__e t castsfl ~bf i_ie Omalni jtouije, inst :E£ I "wpiiifl lifese to there -wall h e 2_re__?_3t_Qii -f -work flxai i s i r a n g flans IX -0. S . 23., -frcTsa "EtstiOE '"WOA'W^ ; Trnn fapys xnwpt: by fhe T o r - ^ Men's ^H i r e w ASBOCJzy jevening, .Deeember l a . T h s J -y- at v£tTj ^ : t r u e ^ "having1 your Coim -win aSrm, "SIB Xoang "WcanEii^ Sebrew ^ QIJK -Hid js&iii, bat -aii&re_5 -nn f_Si_teffaood j AssotaaHnn ana fhe 3"ew3sh ^Welfare S'nsi B'-ii-i lastyear Tnst'j ^ | is mom -«x"by s talk "by MTE. Hrary-Q.. i ^t he7 t t i e father . 201324.—At FeflErsfirm. chanter's Soux City, 1 snccess from ihe lax^e 3JT_o_ber j . i _ d -older and that-when he ___2___, -wio -?c3i'talk :Gn -"The -Dppc-1 T r e r e i r e e aTl pTDgram ^Kill ibegin at -2:30 p . B. lecent meeinng of "fh& 33xiccabaEan [following Tvere sjjpninted os letters -Eiia telegrsms -recerroe | ^-^-J^J-JJ^. { ii BaET e HB -v?ith TOO thatSm •tenity cf the -SistsrhoDcl.** -°^ •m. 'Every Jewish -man, "waman, and Chapter o£ TToung Judaea TielS si. i h e j advisory "borcrd.: Jlfssrs. Jack FreiA ;co_-____. isrvi-a-iBn Is '_iEin_r E S - -ctmgrats_l_.ting -Oraaha lodg^ for ite! . m E y ^ Bo3'E, "WB cKpsct -a cfafld 5s esj -cted ±D l>e there. More Jewish -Cammmiiry Center, the followden, Ben Seiain, and J . A. Cherniack. ; progr__m. •.io-3£ti___2. tsnded t o jit deal .of you -and hoj>e that Hum iDDf Iranflrea -members of fhe ing Tffficers -were elected to ^srve __nirflE2i Trho.j to Aixn^ j _.__, ^-rr; the coming-term. H a s Ebroloff, -presiSistsrhooa T . 3SL .ana T . "W. H. A. -w31 meet 3n TE03PETAX CLUB the -one i The X. .M. H. A. quartet *•__ -one "boih pn aent; Israrcmce Saron, -vice-president; i cf "the leadiMr -hits of the-evet_ai£^ TO HOIJ> JMNCE c. Mrmdiry { Dobrnfsky, sscrGtary^ 2nd Sam SHOMKHVI SOCIETY FOK5IED "first Tc^vi-Ur TiiorpEiHii J_tl_le.o, -will i>e care ef ttfae.. 73fifkcrwi±z, treasurer. 'T&DSB Electsd S Y iTEWISH ME5IBEKS tic Club Snniicy "night .fiancE -win Tie. jiroaacastE'''1 -TOUI , | to ^ervs nn -the esecutive l o a r a "were o n E r t s t ssn|t many y 2t eleven c'dock Sunday __ta__iing on given Snndny e-r-ning, jDecsuibEr 14, OP XEW TOEK T- D. J The 3>T0gr__-i -vdH.lH! ^Eeznick and JEerman HerzoE. "The Sisteriiooa :s_i_ t h e a t the IRaine Hortsl ia-broom. 37ew Tork. (J. T. A.) ^ h e Shanijt-drrmeiit. Tk-re ^rffl "be -no a_wnl |], C B n l x n itt e e ^ -charge, .novel A speech -was made "by 3he dnbs The Sighlcii-. Coinitry CMb H s n a o SchDoT" -ritii Society "vdH be ihe naone -under ! nut ta-ks, i a e Eddress-E -W-H be con- j ^ ^ ^ - . ^ c h r e r ! , a w a y t l ) , e a c h new leader, Mr. J o e 32iee, outEnrng J-C-2 OrchEStra "vrho "WETS t h s itit J3i 700 Jerosh members of the fraed to foirr -uiirntes. | ^_ ^ e the dribs policy for the coming ysEXths ThcerpEiaii Carnival, York JPolice Department Trill ~be T | Omaha, lod^e "was the first loagre :_n j fj^ "The following -were elected ID jserve the inrtsic for this <k_ organized inx t h s pnrpDsfi D£ -r> *-f* '' ^ ^ district t o Isroaacast B p r o p ^ s m x u W i n _ T^ Eol-man, on "fhe -advlaury "board: Messrs. Ziek Oth_T -noTTEl Etnuts s r e IJEIUJJ i_r- | spirit smtmg them, _3-r_JL\, raJ -set tae pressrit time is •'tli£ -only.'- , -x. _- . •.Community •: . .„, eaUjy.Hi-. Gruenskin, Joe Xevine, Joe 3Hce, Abe ranged lor. j "to .no annoimceinEnt of T)r. lof.rre -Ttakmg: ±hls sort -cf pro^raro j Eea Siiefter, .accompssiea -Jjy Ed. Earon, lianni 3. Issacson and Dr. IS.. BAEET A. WOLF iBidars Prsnk, Jewish chaplain -of ihe The "big event of t h e Tariter season 1 en annual event, I^i^TtwocRtion.' Habbi f^cterii8A, Helfgott PdlicB Depsrtment. -trill BE ±hs ___r___l Tharpoan 3?evrj fhe ium. H E TVS: clscred to take =Gr»-_n "by Omana Lo-ij-e. j Gnhr». The local chapter "has tecnine The grgrmi^ation Is "being formed place cf Victor Hosewater, formerly of Years _2vs D__ice a i ths Home 3_J_t_!; S54, InaCTcntirat Order _^nci ', z." "Tor Fnr»." A;-tin liobert T&'nlf, 2Jatinnal Tonng ITrith, -udth the consent of Commissioner Think "v'hr-t "; HUT Omaha, "whose term -recently expired. "whDHB ifiaSquariers axe located _it 114 rx- Abnrr JDnrigkt and Trill function similarly A special orchestra sni -enLerU___- j i_tr. 'Woll -vdll ae ihB 2Jenraska TepFifth Avenue, iNew T a r t City. "Violin S-lection. Dcrotiry _iupt- • 4. "Thp 7":..Uicr,*" _vlr. Henry Mo»t o "the Anchor Clnb, -the Eniglits of ers are being engaged f o r -this o_ra- ] pclvnct. '"Itedcr'fi I-cnly." IKatianxsl "Young Jncb-Ea has 8D0 iESsntative for fhe Sisih • district. .gETten., sccnrnp&Txisa :?• I-Iis?, s1 Columbus •Organization of Policemen, •vs__u_b cDnrprisss t h e states of lEiinneVrtjarvvlir Act. fc.v I d a _jXtSiz£r_-_u clribs _as_r_bi_t_fl over "38 states, 123 fhfi JSIUHOIUC SDnety snd the :Sqnsrs liave Iseen inaBe ivdtb 2i,io Scierrisxi. Hnrry Gc-rstern., -_ Worici -Theater. Wisconsin, __Ioiii_____ eitiEs T-iih a. total membership .Cf 14,- Bota, _.. A. G_u_rtel_ CUP" Orchestra..; •whsrehy f Cbib. A t i h e first mecfiiig l e l d "in the-mtsl i.e T. _._. __. ODD- All-.young "boys -and girls of "Wyomrng, 3STorth and South l>akotaTCo-a._o_s___tT Sinpine, i lad ld b ,bj* Seisei . Mrs. Ida liberty Hafl,' Honston and K J I l tttriu of desiring ±D do BD -xsm. -Hake T£a il id 3 -Jerah iaith, Tanging Tietween i h e ISichigan and 2N ebmska. Tark, -24D Jerosh 310Qons •£or xi 1\EW "-PESTS _ E < v e " £i_a_sr, streets, . i s for 'five yeurs. H. A. Q ages of U. cartel 2 1 .years D ! .age. A licemen jnined the society, iaentenBenediction, Eahlu J . 1L The caminitt-E i s fhe r__tion__ £__- that is tD "be HErraa E S S T t h e ___nce- j TCalk. -"The ndependent Order' total Df 742 leaaers ^tre -participating unt Jacob Eannnsiky -was -elected presmmng TOOIQ -win be trpen 'xn£j t o ( *1 SCTC J . Lees. ' ecutivs urs-anzation oi the Jews in in the-work. T h s argaiirzatinn -pubE , Aimer iv£.:lTrir^.' ident; Sergeant Morris Greeriberg those -who "here "maae TE-srvsatins. lishes a. monthly Tnagszine called Ihe America, •vr-ii-h xanctians in ___. _nst3_a3m __nd Field CSifb Orchestra.; -ursl Vice president; Patrolman Harry Beservations can "be made "STonng Jntiae-tn. I t also sencls nut, ters of importance to the Jewish Tace I*i___D Selectim. Harry Brai-irofC. : 1 Schrelbei , second xice iireadent, and TVTT- Ahe Meyer, -___irr___a,;. ^ r ncs3 Solo, H i s s I v y S c p s l : -pamphlet entitlEd J<Our Program" un t h e conntryT)etestive jMorris / ' l _my Thorpeian. Talkfc "IZhe Jevrish ITCSE enc The committee. --ncorDorstEd rtndar -w"hich i s _:or leaSers of t h e organizat h e Cc-nrncritj-,'- Zvaiiun: IE. the ia\ts of J51ew T o r i , is na-iousl in tion. :FOI_ CUEATOEIOT its mernbE-Ehip. I t -was orgardzed in ITbe T_t ^president ts£ Isntional H2_3E_-W C L S T F E S S I T T ,' S:43fftnEL WTUL BE 3__£_m n^ri FieP. CJub O rhEstra..' Young Judaea Tiras T-rofsHS-T Israel -LSDS. I t s -iiras ure "tD BsetSi-l' t h e Jera_2le_n_ (1- T . A.'). A -prcrvis-, BRITISH POSTMASTER 'GES•3£W_! oi the "worlU _trs not Tsslk, T h e Kpijons.] .lewibh \ Xtecsmber 4, at sh. Jrv-i-.h Commttmty ionsl los__I C'_j_tq__n_n -vas 'electeS -it j T3SJCL I S PEEDICTIO^ i-.oj_pi-al,** ±Lj_rrj-; Center mems; in the A^ihur Building, "The Ivaidonal office, cmnmencinB n -meeting oi l i e Tes_3_sit teraporsry j Xondon. (X T. A.) -Arthur SamISovemher 7fh, will eonduct a cam- 5n-l_iis camrtry, i t he given as -soon, as l d "be irppolnted flirecttirs cl the ZHebrew adm_n_r5trE.tiotu The -ael, economist, steiii. paign f o- membership, ^ive "tliousand Postmastsr Gen_r_Q 3n 3_nglan3, ac-; T'riiidprJ address will be itEtivere- ,hy 1 Harry "Wolf has "been active in im! nel<3 dnimg the ^"--tjc-c 3>rT . 11. H. A. Qx_-rts.t. members -nx ?10 eac me iveaded io c_ra_n_: to the unanimous -pre-_r±ion_ nFjrirg. Hs "was one of "the inann in maintain fhe eight "hundred Young ! of "the liondcn press. S13XFDEGE\ ^Ci-E-inkrA". .7. Tialanhocfc will i«p, consists ol Dr. 3 . 1 . . . .. , Trofe?- . bx__r a t I____o_n. 3Te_rr^ Tuesdcy cfisr- ^ ^ lesdi&g Tvorker? in -the state Jndaean rluns :affiliated -with National Sir. 5s_m_iel i s -i ieco_niizE_. anthorj jjhi^-n^E r.f the Tti«*<iirip. An intersnr Pedor, IBrsctar -of £he -Sio-SbsiBj uouii and is grive-i the rigrht t r pr_a JHelief caxnp_jgn. Hs i s a t ihe present Young -Jndaea. ity on commercB, _a__ TepressntBa TffECCA i , s -,tir.j: imisic?1 7-'-.?^™ "C;miNS_T__ Ite. JS' JEathenberg is chairman •time an active member of the building leal Departirtsnt; Dr. Suj:o HerginaTi, j tics in the cox_r.s. £ar_ l e u n -vrh_ ; Grsat Britain in the i-JIieS "EconDir__; committee of the neve Jewish Com- DLre-tnr c_T t h e Kstioni-i librarj-; Dr.} >__s been in ihe whol-saie _r«cr-h__id__- j Jerasiiea-. iZ. T. A.', Zu t*hcr ccro- • j;i^usro.i. of fhe 3Tew York rampaign. ^ _____ Froa ana Sir- Selig D j - ] i n s business, will c i t e r -_he prcfCE- j fu_t "between ihe forces of "Sinr A!; ] Coniersnces. "He is HISD n noteS ity Center bt3id_n_:. He has The si gan adopted far fhe camcrater, being the .-author nf .mnnerrais all Jevdsh r^igfg; rector of th_ _iE-rD-"BIbIog:i-__ i a b c r - j Hios._l -field. _ J j_nc Tbr, S_.n_ i s __cpD-_e2 tr. t i k e ! paign, lias Iseen "His "Work nf Toang an active part in JEWISH » 0 T ESCAPES -rfrory. D r . Z-JICTSE "hiis "bees chosen ! ±ic qualiSed xo take the in_r er__jn5-1 p3 a _ e hetwpen I-I.es_s _-_£ ,Troa___. -vrilnraes of essays on "Ert anfl fhe TTndaea Must Go On." TliOJA CATS O U r €0?sTi_KT Chairrrj-T-. ! EE.3on si the U-ih-E-sit-' ol IO-BTS. fa- < 3-_r.g A : I ' F e n n y , -rsinf r-rrsC t y dss~ . liistnry of "ba__dng. 3fe as a scion xsf 3EWI5S "WOMEK :' - -"The lc-cal organization 01 iMs city IN I T O S S FOB PEACE : teen years a r o . Since thzt -irae he • patches I r o n "Trsnrjr.rdaria onE of "fhe oldest English Jewish xamThe Carato_-t_m Trill iiriid . : p j lias only a membership of twenty: vsruacirni. (rr. T. A.) "b has h iE ; other frontiers, is T,VV~ slowly -Scvr Tofk, (J. "X. A.)—A E_-__t •-_:- meetings, at -wH_h the Chairrrjsn Trill entered rsus_n_S5, "but ilies. ccntisaaEy TE, but 3 am condent -we shall do •mtr trhe an of Cstiiolic i felt the call t o -pra_ti_s IETT. JELC is | ~~£ tovr_.r l o r .peace, t h e Cnnierence nn i render reports. Kecca nrt share tow ~rrl the roniing campaign."1 their aeftrse. Ordesr j tn convert a .icvish hvy ±0 <_«rtiheb> I _!ecret£_rr of the __"ijrr«I__3_ Coun I h s CSHSS jmd C-_:E of "WJET, COT-ET S JEWISH according to Sir. Jo&^Eice, .ihe leader I clnb and KCtine in ^3_ary ether J_vri_li j i ; a v e l3S2r. issued ic rerxll the • cism hclxi t»e aticntion of is -to meet in S^ashington, D . d , i n AEMISTICE BAT CE3L7of the Jncal -chapter i e r s . 1925 -at t h e -caU m 3_XH, -C-xrie ChapiH-ATED I N .JESITSJLl-E-il! £r£r___i_;Eti___;. j ITEnsfci fOTCEF froni t b e I r a q frtmtmr. n r e repent 13 ' BISTUEHTNG THE PJEACE : bev t^pcap^d frwro -__e d_ti»TSS3X Catt. .is beJEg spmxssrsti by t i i s | 5eruss,l-__,. ( J . T . A . ) Th_ S r f h j Scia __eon is iirsi -v-i»-:preside_,i o-'_-ir.)r Ali. ii i. statjid. _m_ just reJerusalem. (J. T. A . ) TRetrjlal took ClansBrib-a-g1. ( 3 . _C A . ) Js^vfiah -Tsrnxneri of Atnerica, -Ln -_n_;w_x | Ami1vs-S_jy c i t h e siffriirijj rf tlic i| DiE±ri=t Is o. G, __ Q. B . 3 . , nn_. s.i Csive:l _ww sitr-plifw cf rifieE- __3__a-i- ouc eonveni *5iatutbc place iEre cf 15 Jewish T7nrker= 'v&w "were ifflerlausly Bsntencsa fGr.-.{ps- ^trafions of Urn .ani_--feis'i3h j-haraefei ia-_t -plea -uldrssseil to t h s S_:ti-__2_ sncisticcE vras celEnrntad _iere. JCTF- i n_Eiriber cf the grven-rnjr briard nf tbp , —-tlim-, srypplnues s-xre t_3_cF ?roas; "Sfcve rsc- tiic-y v/ant t o BSiSiii»e visit&d i n s j Clerelmd Grplisis Hcrric, He is active . ', GTDVJ!U& jETJiti'STBii and --gtm-TSf.ffii! tufbing the peace In ~£h& "MiErachi col- -were ^na3e "by Iioirn____i_in sta_i_a_t_i Cmni-il of J_Ewish "WoTr-ai, by M r s . 'ish vE_erz_!ip of t h e Artbj_r ._3__n ocf suidisr? snd • in -Tnarsy 3s-«v_fe rircles. H s - E s r a c i? ^iwt'jcnp .xte; t h e munk. whe -|J8rBD_Bd lis? iw}.'. ony, i r a r Ivn, on September 14. liETE. Tin5 iB of t h s 2 Ch_drn5--n ot-fhe Cajmnittee on iPease .marched t o __« Go-t'E__iin___t HQBES an; trwe _ner_2_sr 'and a n 'officer "in the \ resralts of TUB offenf^T OTi hi?: Hfw^f«-'V >»e-wscapeiJ 4_c_S EI P.tnirtesn •were acquitteS; 2 TVSSB JBJ«I3 ing ^-rf-ich -flrree _ »in t h e -crovd . bodies ritratior i_k£3sa. L _, the HtloBrrf. of Olives A."WTDI

jtp •?£?•"* AiaHricaii xoaaanitiae jst 2 anBefing of 4Juu on Islcrvsnibsr i S , io a rficerrad _Crum ffas committee by



*PAGE 2-^THE JEWISH PEESS-^SURSDAY,; NOVEMBER 27, 1924 tional prestige. If it were not forJEWISH DEPUTIES IN The Ladies' Sisterhood held a An informal party was given by our over-anxious Montreal friends, " POLISH SE|M VOTE Bridge and .Mah Jong party ~$t the the Zeta 'Beta Tau Fraternity SaturAmerican Jewry would not have AGAINST GOVERNMENT vestry of the Temple. day evening at the Lincoln Hotel. shirked -its duty to the refugees, the [•ut)ll«heO every I'bursdn; at Uiuabq. Hebrasfea. jiy Vifarsaw. (J. T. A.) A motion inLevine affair would not have occurred About one-hundred and fifty couples ' < THHJKWISU PKKSS PUBUSB^G COMPANY. Mr. Charlie Nefsky, wife and babe attended, among them were alumni and thousands of refugees would have, troduced by the Ukrainian deputies been saved from the disaster of find- in the Polish Sejm to express lack of are visiting at his parents home, Office? 6gl -Brandeis. Theatre Building—Telephone: AT lantic 1450 ing, the doors of Canada shut against confidence in the present cabinet of Mr. end Mrs. Da™» _NefsUy, over members from Omaha and Council .• . NATHAN E. GREEN Manager. Bluffs. Chaperones were Professor them, .52.50. Subscription Price, one year ~~~~~~. VTadyslaw Grabski was defeated with and Mrs. Barbour and Professor and Advertising rates furnished on application. a vote of 237 to 52. AH Polish parMrs. Sanning. . Letter From Omahan At the bridge luncheon which was Otf AUUUlisa .I'lesse cive both the old and new address; ties, including the German Minority be sure aud eire ?onr name On Way To Palestine representatives, voted for the govern- held in- honor of several out-of-town Mrs. H. Marx entertained at five guests at the Lincoln Hotel by Mrs. '" TKeTewisn "Press is supplied by the Jewish Telegraphic Agency (Jewish tables of bridge Thursday afternoon, Aboard the liner bound for Jaffa, ment. The Jewish deputies voted Herman Speire, First prize was won Corresp<>niJ£np£,i*yrSau). ^i?h cabled. an«J feje^r.aphi? Jewish news, in addition a.gainst the government. November 20, in honor of her sister, . Nov. 6, 1924. t« feamre articles snri, correspondences from all hnpojtant Jewish centres. by Mrs. Eugene Levi; second by Mrs. My dear folks: _ The Jewish deputies, however, vot- Carl Weil, and third by Mrs.- Charly Mrs. Julius Newman, and mother, Inquiries regarding news items credited to this Agency will be gladly Mrs. K. Snader, who were visiting answered if addressed 'to Jewish.Telegraphic Agency. J14 Fifth Avenue, The steamer ,Brga has not .seen a ed for the budget submitted by theSimmon. New York City. with her from Omaha. happier group of passengers than the government. one it received in Constanza, RouMrs. A. Ellis is a guest at the The Merry Mixers B i i ' club was mania. What a change in the atmoshome of her daughter, Mrs. Phil A NOBLE DREAM REALIZED entertained Wednesday afternoon, JEWISH DRUGGIST LOSES phere on the decks since the arrival Greenstone. v .The Jewish Community Center will soon be built. The home November 19, a t home of Y . LICENSE, COMMITS SUICIDE of over two hundred Jewish immi1 that will house all Jewish activities is no longer a dream but now Jacob *>-—••••-' " •.. Th~ "e,eethig Vienna, (J. T. A-)—A Jewish drugThe Haddasahs held a regular grants who are bound for Palestine. ^'realization. On Sunday afternoon ground will be broken for the gist, Linskier, committed euicide towill be e.itcrtuned by Mrs. Bertha meeting at the home of Mrs. S. L. Enthusiasm, frivolity, good fellowship, new Jewish Community Center building at Twentieth and Dodge day as a result of a libelous campaign Shostak. The next meeting will be Ellis. joy and a widespread holiday spirit streets. ~ *conducted sgaiast hin? by the held at the home of Mrs. J. Shapiro. has clothed the decks. The contentIt will be the moral duty of every Jewish man, woman, and Deutsche N^tionale Druggists AssoROOM AND BOARD WANTED ment which accompanies all holidays child to attend this ceremony and witness the breaking of ground ciation of Vienna. Mrs. Max Katleman entertained a Jewish young lady, and brother ; shines on the face of every Jewish imfoj: #ie new home of Jewish-activities. The building will stand as afternoon. attending Technical High School, A. HERZBERG migrant, and there is a good cause for The Druggists Association ptarted bridge party Tuesday >a monument to the Je'wish causep. It will be the home of our court proceedings against Linskier to High score was won by Mrs. Abe desire rooms and board (breakA. Herzberg, jr., president of Herzall the festivity, for Palestine repreboys and girls. The Jewish youth, of today, the men and women fast and supper) in p r i v a t e berg's, Inc., was elected president of sents in the life of most of them at show that he had coijterfgited patent Davidson and Mrs. Katleman, family, near Technical High or of tomorrow—the'future leaders of the community. medicine. As a result of this action the Associate^! Retailers dS Omaha at Street Car Line in good neighthe present time not only a place of jtfot only must we assist with moral co-operation but also with meeting Thursday evening at the Mr. Sam Gordon returned to Lin- borhood. Phone: WA lnut 1805. Iinskier's. license was reypked and refuge to which one flees from danger, Wholejiearty financial assistance. The member.? #f the bpard of aOmaha Athletic club. H e succeeds a surrounding free pf persecution, he was sentenced to several months' coln from a trip to Colorado. directors of the new bujlding have been working day and night imprisonment. Sri" ^election of plans for the new building. They need encourage- George Pray, who •was elected a di- discrimination, and prejudice, but| rector at the same meeting. also one in which the repressed! rnentj they need the help of every member of the cpmflujmty. Let us give-ft; .to them by attending en masse the ceremonial of Other officers elected at the meet- emotions, energies, capacities will be; ing are Harry Jacobberger, vice-pres- given free play, one in which the breaking ^he ground. r ' The members of the board of the Jewish Community Center ident; A. T. Hepp, secretary, and W.Jewish spirit will bloom and flower Mr. Baker of Siou? City visited liave gone, on with that 'undying spirit' and through the assistance S. Stryker, treasurer. The directors into—rl am too worn by the life over Sunday at the home of Miss and the wonderful pledge of our late friend and leader, Morris elected are Robert Rozenzweig, C. B. (spiritual and intellectual) that I will Mae Shapiro. 1 IJevy, the campaign for the new building was started. Twice Brown, C. P. Redmond, W. L. Holz- not attempt to finish it. I am so before, these same men began to work for this buijding, but man, George Pray and F. W. Koenig. permeated with experiences, so drunk- Miss Dorothy Diamond entertained through unfortunate circumstances, first the terrible tornado of Mr. Herzberg is active in Jewish en with the Hebrew language that I her Double Quartet Tuesday evening. 1913, and second, the World War—the work was stopped but now circles. He is an active member of am walking around like a drunkard. Mr. C. Efghter, director of this string EDNESDAY, hundreds of men will buy new through the self sacrifice and the co-operation of every Jewish seyeral committees of the Highland I am dizzy because the ideas, Hebrew quartet, was present. suits and overcoats for the great holiday of expressions and phrases so well as man, woman, and child in the city, the building is a realization. Country Club. Miss Miriam Pejiriman returned the year—Thanksgiving Day. Every man thoughts expressed in English are It is very fitting and proper that the Building and Site Committee Sunday from a trip and visit to is justified in celebrating that way—Going to the has invited Mrs. Bertha Levy, widow of Morris Levy, to apply the Ottawa would take a generous and streaming through me sp swiftly, they St. Paul, football game or tackling the game of life with humane view and grant the request first shovel toward breaking the ground for the new building; flit and flutter, striking here and in for admission of Ukrainian refugees. renewed energy calls for good appearance—to win! the subsconseious mind. I am not The need of the building has been known to every niember of Messrs. Leland Goldberg and E. told me that the lea of Paris had exaggerating when I say that three the community for some time. The bodies affiliated with the He Iseman spent the week-end in Nerequested him to secure the admisWONDERFUL VALUE Jewish Community Center have been increasing in membership. sion of 1,000 immigrants and that 74 more days similar to that which I braska City. Their activities are limited because of the quarters. We were were already on their way. He hoped had since the group came aboard be able-to get permission for 5,000 would unbalance me mentally, I Mr. Eightman of Chicago is now forced out of pur quarters in the Lyric Building because of a fire to immigrants to settle in Canada write like a drunkard, for I feel like the manager of Gold's Millinery and we are now in smaller quarters in the Arthur Block, waiting more and was glad that Jewish organizaDepartment. and hqping that the new building will soon be ready. tions of the United States were a drunkard getting over the effects of Every Jewish man, woman, and child in the city should willing to assist. He did not tell me the spree of the night before. Excuse Mrs, Sehuman of Chicago is visithis connections with the lea of my mistakes even in English for you attend the exercises Sunday afternoon on the ground of the new of Canada, nor did he suggest that that can expect everything from one whoing in the city with her sister, Mrs. Jewish Community Center at Twentieth and Dodge streets. S. Polsky, and her son who is attendorganization would be interested. Three weeks after my visit to is momentarily unbalanced. I cannot ing the University. Canada Mr. "Belkin, the Secretary of express myself in an artistic way^-I Other Good Value Suits and O'coatss $20 to f65 the Canadian lea informed me that do not-want to exert any mental efMiss Mildred JSTefsky sang a groupe Mr. Jacobs, in cooperation with the Thanksgiving Day is America's greatest Holy Day. It is not officers "of "the* Ica^oT Canada," acting j fort—I need a rest very badly. I have of selections at the Matinee Musical a holiday. It commemorates no particular historical event as do under last Wednesday afternoon. instructions from the lea of! slept only 13 hours in 3 days. our other national days of special observance. It is not a day Parish entered into an agreement with With hopes of hearing from f you, given to unrestrained celebration. It is ushered in with no boom- the Canadian Government, •permitting : Mrs. Herman Speire, Mrs. E. A. Sincerely yours, refuSchloss and Mrs. Henry Wiles were ing of guns, r.o military pageantry, no fireworks and no vociferous five thousand Ukrainian Jewish J HARRY MENDELSON. rCOREECT APPAEEL FOB MEN AND WOMEN: to enter Canada. Mr, T3elkin hilarity. It is essentially a day of spiritual values, a day of prayer. gees hostesses at a bridge luncheon on took pains to inform me that my visit It is, happily, still what it was intended to be—a Day of Thanks- had absolutely nothing to do with the DR. MELAMEJD RESIGNS AS November 19. . giving, and it is observed as such. matter^ th^tJto^JMobs was an honorJQE > >'J|LW{SH COURIER" B'nai Jeshurun Sunday School "' It is oneTday on which-all the citizens'of America,-Jewj Catho- ary ftmeer-- of ~the v Canadian ^Icai jand Chicago, (J. T T A.)— Dr." S. M. hasTheinaugurated a new" system of with the Government as suchi lic and Protestant, of every jiational or facial origin, and of every dealt prominent Zionist . andoffices. Each class is a small city He told Vine: that if our "organization, _ condition-in the scalq of economic and social life,. "join in spiritual , / " i l l l - " " I is •"> interested i f l ^ ' C & i e u in 111 this c i l i a matter m a n . " it " » » u m u journalist, would, who was editor of the with a mayor and representative, a harmony. It is the one day on which Jewish rabbi, Catholic priest, have to get in touch with the head Chicago "Jewish Courier" for six governor who is Euth Diamond, is of the lea -in Paris, which was years, resigned from his post today. and protestant minister may stand on the same pulpit and in the joffice to take care of all the senators and managing this' immigration project. same language and in the same spirit utter up to the God of them Fb.r additional infprmatipn he referred He has accepted a position as assistant representatives. all a common prayer of gratitude for the common blessings that me ;t"o Mr. Lypri Cohen, President of manager of a large coal company in the lea of Canada," who was" to visit Chicago. Dr. Melamed will continue have been bestowed upon all the citizens of this great nation. Miss Euth Diamond gave a groupe New York a week after pur conversa- hjs activities in the Zionist organiza-r of readings at St. Paul Church. She N other psople in all the world's history have more reason tion. ' . to giv0 thanks t h k to t the th Ahnighty A l i h t than h have the American people. Mr. Cohen in New York and tion and also his literary work, but was accompanied by Miss Delphine We are thrice blessed with pea^e, prosperity and progress. • De-heI^rqe^t, : Gugenheim for her musicle readings. confirmed• t¥e^statemHnts of Mr.not in the dailypress. spit^ all the: differences;, the • prejudices, the bigotries and theBelkin; He:; said that the matter hatreds between citizen and citizen within the nation, we live and would vbe entirely taken/care of by Wbrir andgo evei* forward in closer harmony' than any other tfel^'and'suggested thafthey would j 5 to us when they were short of ™ people. The lowliest eitizien in th^e land inay well give thanks for] come but he. made .'me feel that it the privilege pf living; in this 4ay in this country. • Regardless of funds; was a remote possibility^ __ whatever, ^personal grievance he may nurse CDncerning his I notified the president of the 15 ecpnqniu: jor social status he is, infinitely better able to enjoy the Ukrainian Federation and the philan- ; 5 Are you making the progress you should? good things of life than were kings and potentates centuries ago. thropic organizations thatthe lea had . s Can you answer any, or a|l pf a hundred this matter out of. our hands; s ? jEvfiry-Americaji citizen may well give tKanks for the personal taken We all agreed that there = questions in regard to your musical trainiiglits, presei'ved tp him by our form of government;-in the pro- completely. was no reason to begrudge them t h e ! 5 <f ing,, you should be able to answer? teptioi} of- h-is Hfe, property and freedom. Despite the protests of mitzvah".nor the "coved" attached to j ~ OUR subscriptions for The Jew,pblitieiaris; and malcontents arid reformers and uplifters who point perfoxming. the good service. I wrote j =• ish Press will soon be due. As to Rabbi Brickner, reporting what had s ; tor tjifr i^Pf l???lpn^ ifaurjjation, and deprivation of these-rights by opcurred and he too agreed that the,js CONSULT one of the regular subscribers, ^ve^ ipsiaious forced the fact remains that the American ciidzen Montreal people were fully entitled to , — jSi^fe freest, most'prosperous an4 happiest humaii feeing in all the the honor. please mail in your check immediately. ' . . . -I worl3, andfor thatblessing ever^ Jew? Catholic anci Protestant^ Personally, I had my misgivings.' __ The Jewish Press is the official organ was settled ai^d • s native-born and fprgigiv-bpm '.reswfpn* iri rtp«o'irfnifoH su-o*-;^i**™ iii these' ymCeJ.Sta^gs may HpweyeT^he^matter Conductor of Mialio Symphony. t^te^as^ilpthing more;to be done]5 of the entire Jewish Community. It for the time be?ng. '••- I s Concert Master of Omaha Symphony Orchestra has repeatedly taken alead in all causes to this Father of us all tpday.i' oujr national Bay of* Thanksgiving. /The ;Jp^is.h newspapers of Toronto = anji-Sfontre^l carried ajigeals to the jS Residence Studio of Jewish interests. Phone Harney 663? focal pppialatiori: to assist the immi-!? 3323 Farnam Street gtants. These appeals were so worded T Jewish Press brings you in closer that they could not butthurt the iinmigra|ipn prpject with the; authorities. touch with what our fellow Jews'ave i !Last^wint6r a committee came to doing in this country and across the Ifew York to \ ask American Jewry to finance the immigration of the refuwaters. ; gees. " A t the "joint meeting of the American Jewish Congress, the CanaBy JOSEPH CHAIKIN. dian .Cbmttijttee;i4nd the representa-j tives of tHel.ykyainian Federation and ' In August 1923, a committee of the Canadian proposition and report back other philanthropic institutions, the^ Executive of the Federation of its findings. lea representatiyes of Canada made • Help it by mailing in your check imtTkrainjan J, w s in' America" was inI t was understood that the Federar niiich pf the visit pf the representative mediately. The subscription price of vited "to cpnfer with a committee of tion was to furnish from $10,300. to of the-'.Ukrainian Federation to CanaJewish"' philanthropic • organizations', $12;060 and the Mother philanthropic cJa./-This timp we were heldL chiefly The Jewish Press is $2.50. •yjthihe objet f "dfivising " d i i 5?ays.;3n4 d organizations $3G,QQQ to carry out the responsible fpr the agreement with I iyitHrihe object pf the Canadian Governmell and were 1 >[ me^n^; foijr ths; ass|stajiee,. gf XJ^rain- project, if possible. •". ; im 3&nj3fi y§|upe3, ^hb were strandr •The executive" officers of tlie •asked to furnish; the funds necessary $2.50 to $4.50 - ed ini'EQUijjairila a^id Poland withgut Ukrainian Federation sent the writer to carry the work to its 'conclusion. svisibfe^ftope of being able to proceed, to Canada to' . investigate, i h e ' •pcsThe sum asked was altogether be*cTtherllnited States. .fhe;UkrainJiii sibilities - for the immigration of re- yond-the ability of the A'inerican organizations to furnish §t short notice. ^witfa'/t^^iiiuitii^l £ui?qs $y jts• disBpsaf Brickner in Torpiito on. September 3, The Ukrainian Federation particularly V'i'auiJJhj$te phjlan'^ropic ^o^anizations 1923, and tolc} liinV ;th@ Object: of my was not m a position to contribute its •fiwrBicn^arrahged ;the"conference ;^felt mission. He dpubted'the ability of share 'because, feeing" an after-war Sthat tKey shquld assist : In lwjuidating anypne "to induce the?" Canadian Gov- relief organization it -was in 'the •StfiS-; ^fugee; problfim,- ?/The situation firnijientLto .vtflize | t s jdjspr£tfonary process of liquidation an4;|ncapable pf Main Dining p.oDra-=-Orc}iestra HW3si critical for the stranded -warider- pjay?er§ in i%Vot pf .admitting ^eyj^hraising Jarge sums. However, gs'tfe Indian Grille—Informal teerBi: OSine tljjqjussiMi id tMtti yM |?ergxefugegs.Bffi Suggested, however; that Canadian cpmmittee ^ays, American i;sin ^(oupiajiia 'Were prdered toy <> the, the only man to'lie'apprqacHed would Jgwry d|d, "contribute' "f37,000 and ;%^ij1^iap^Gpyefnirieh1; :tt>; leaver the be .Hon. S. ^ . J a c o b s , "thp Jewish nothing was heard of the Canadian s Fcotflifi^yliyMs"• first; of=upctober lfl|23. Member of the .Canadian Parjj^ment, refuge(6s affair until the Canadian 016 J3!eM\Sf advjggd mp fofcafcefhe-matjte'f G ~ y^fjent p P^Hifly:. y ^ffiPW n n c e d^ that &h^fi£Yfirmnsnt; cojij^,>b9^?pnv^ce^ up with Mr, 3i}d< Mrg. Arthur X Frei- its agreement with the Jca was can-; 0 libj^all^'-^^?? 6 ^'''!^? ^^;*^^® 'i.*he: ifigii of; Ottawa, the post" prominent celled arid referred those 'interested to K-lolinfe^'AwitfiiEt:'Va"':;;r.ea$<ina'bIe' v tinie, Jews of Canads, who are always ready the lea for the reasons 'that led to ?I^eij|^^Jwi|«ildi;lJe •«xterided.Vv-:;:;V::';rr-; to help any good Jewish cause. ~ the breach of this agreement. -j / I jpirpc|edie.d $9Hfittgwa^ KTjmedigleJy $1.50 to §3.50 Now, I do not want to. pose as the 1 SthEi^pm^nevQffered tp l$?<mp the ad- ai^d laid | h e f a t t e r Jjeaf^r^--"-^! ,- and defender 6f American Jewry and I am S Mra. FrfiijSjgii, 'whp. prdnpseid 'a}? PP ~ certainly .the last one to' absolve insiBte assistance "'aricl' also': aneferred jme stitutions tha. were in a position to if^^lwi^|^:i'yea^-^r-'com: „ . , t a w e e n a position to t^i^&'' 'in^cotifeTeB£e .:;weQtjoveri-tJie • h l and d did did not t do d SQ, but b t it it musttbe b to Hon. S. W. Jacobs. I told my story help Ml to Mr. Jacobs whom I found to bg said, that the original sm-against the 681 Saunders-Kennedy Bldg. AT lactic 1450 very optimistic. -The situation in Jewish refugee immigrants was comtM|a^^#i®fter.yS£^iJeTOs?j.; mmiif' Canadat in his opinion, was favorable mitted by those who were eager to ^^ffiSS^^eaW"??The-'WpraI?iiaijne ye k n i a n . to immigration „ . . and , . monopolize «. - —this — work for -.- the -—lea —~ ~. generally he was in .W8S to investigate the- quite certain that the'Government in order to give the organization addi-








he Jewish Press Y

It h'-Your Paper


FONTENELLE Luncheon 75c


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Renew Your Subscription for1925

The Jewish Pr#s§ Publishing Co.


WEDPfNGS BONOFE—SNYDER At 4:3Q this afternoon the wedding ^jof Miss Sara P<eva Snyder, daught e r of Mr. and Mrs. S. Snyder, of Council Eluffs, to Mr. Joseph BqnofF, son of Mr, ant} Mrs. A. J3onoff? of this city, will be solemnized at the home of the bride's parents. The ceremony will be performed before the presence of only the immediate relatives of the couple with Babbi Frederick Gohn officiating. Miss Eina Snyder, sister of the bride, will sing, and Miss Janet Gilinsky will play the wedding march. Following the ceremony, a reception for friends and relatives will be givenMr, and Mrs. Sidney Lightstone, of Detroit, Mich., arrived to attend the wedding. Mrs. Lightstone is a sister of the bride. Immediately after the wedding, Mr. Bonofc and his bride are leav-r ing for -New York City, where they will spend a week or ten da.ys. Returning from their honeymoon they will make their hpme in Omaha. Mrs. A. I. Kulakofsky and daughter, Dorothy, returned Monday from a short stay at Sipux City, Iowa. Mr. L. Blotcky is leaving Thursday for Excelsior Springs, Mo., where he will spend several weeks.


. : $ " -



place at the next .regular. monthly meeting of the Jewish Women's Weir ^fare organization to he held Tuesday afternoon, December 2, at the Jewish Cbmmunity Center, in the Arthur Building. The business meeting "WiU start at three o'clock to. he followed by an interesting program.

•where they will spend Thanksgiving Day and the following week with Few University Students to Mr. Newman's sister, Mrs. Jack Rosefelfc. Sirs. Newman'will visit foi Each year on Thanksgiving Day several days in Detroit, Mich., with Omaha students from the Nebraska friends before returning home. University arrive hoirr for the festMr. and Mrs. A. Goldstein have ival. n -1- this year irany of them just returned from New York City, will remain in Lincoln tq attend the where they spent a week with their Nebraska-Oregon football game. But daughter, Eosaline, who is attending those who prefer "Mother's ThanksBenjamin Dean College. Mrs. Gold- giving Dinner" and are coming home stein also spent several days visite Mi Sara Sr .berg and ing with friends in Chicago, 111. Estelle Lapidus, who are arriving Thursday mQrning, the latter will bring with her a schoolmate, Miss An announcement of, social interest Ruth Zolat, of Lincoln, -who -will also was made Thanksgiving day by Mr. The Shebas . €lub are holding a spend the week-end with Miss Lapiand Mrs. Harry Fejhnan of the en- membership campaign for girls behere. Messrs. Edward Eosenthal gagement of their dagghter, Rosev to tween the ages of 13 to 16. Miss and Oscar Weinstein .are also comMr. Ronert L Marer, of this city, son Naomi Cohn at Harney 4055 can give ing for Thanksgiving. Those who jf Mr. Adglphe Marer, of Indianapo- full particulars to those desiring are remaining for the football game lis, Ind. JIo wedding date has yet membership in the club. but expect to'arrive Friday to spend been set. the week-end here are the Misses At the meeting of the Junior Fanny Levinson and Kate Goldstein, Both young people are well-known among the younger set, being mem? Daughters of Zion held Sunday after- and David Sher. noon, November 23, at the Jewish hers of the various cjubs here. Students attending eastern collegres Community Center in the Arthur will spend Thanksgiving friends Mr, and Mrs. Harry Wilinsky an- BuHding. plans were made for a hard npunce the engagement of their time initiation party to be held or cass mates residing in cities near daughter, Ruth, to Mr. Arthur H. Saturday evening, November 29, at their school. Miss Eosaline Goldstein, £5nyder, son t»f Mr. and Mrs. Sam the home of Miss Sylvia Bernstein. who is attending Benjamin Dean gnyder of Council Bluffs. Miss WD Miss Sadie Beber, who was assistant College in New York, will spend Thanksgiving' with a classmate in formally attended Eockford secretary of the club, has now taken Wilkesbarre, Pa. Miss Bernice Ferer, llgge at Eockford, ill. Mr, Snyder the office of the secretary, Miss is a graduate of University of Penn- Sophie Spar, who resigned. A Gym a student of Lake Forrest College in sylvania, and will graduate from class to be composed of only the Illinois, plans to spend the day with Jrefghton. Law school next June. He dub's members is being organized friends in Chicago. Miss Mildred is a member of Sigm$ Alpha U J . under the direction of .Miss Julia Cohn, Chicago University student. will remain in Chicago for Thanksfraternity. Wise. The first meeting of the class giving. Mr. Louis Somberg:, vrhp is Mr. apd Mrs. Wipnsky will be at will be held Tuesday evening, Decem- attending the University of Illinois, home tq their fiends Sunday, Nov- ber 2, at 7:00 o'clock at the Jewish will be with friends in Chicago. Miss ember 30, from 3 to 7, honoring their Community Center in the Arthur Eeva Kulakofsky together with her daughter and her fiance. Building. classmate, Miss Bernice Segal, of The club will hold its next meet- Eveleth, Minn., are leaving for Mr. and, Mrs. Meyer Kasper? of ing Sunday, December 7, at the Galesburg, HI., where they will atChicago. HI., formerly of this city Jewish Community Center. tend a family reunion at the home of are arriving in Omaha this week to ? attend the wedding of Miss Lillian The Jewish Ladies Free Loan So- Miss Kulakofsky s uncle, Mr. Joe Harris to Mr. Jacob Brookstein ciety are giving a dance Sunday Gross. Messrs. Myror Blotcky, Max which will take place Sunday evening1 evening, December 28, at Kelpine's Guttman, and Lester Slosburg, also November SO. Other out-of-town Academy. A prize will be given for students at the University of Mirhir gan, will spend Thanksgiving at Ann guests are expected to arrive for the best dancer. Arbor. the wedding,


Mr. and Mrs. Sam Berg, of Chicago, Til, will arrive to spend Thanksd h t M their daughter, Mrs. giving Day gg Sam.Abrams and Mr. Abrams. They will also visit here indefinitely. This Sunday afternoon, November 30, at the Blackstone Hotel, the Junior Hadassah Society is giving a public card party. The proceeds of the affair will be sent to their orphan in Palestine. The Misses Martye Weinstein,. Beulah Mittleman, Mary Maizel, and Mina Freidman', are in -fall charger and,feavjs.aimoimeed .that all arrangements, are completed for the card party. Prizes will be given at each table.

Mr. and Mrs. Sam Oqhn entertained at a dancing pariy; Monday evening at the Hanscom Park Pavilion in honor of Miss Fanny Rubin and her fiance, Mr. Meyer Eachofsky, of Dallas, Tex., who arrived Sunday eve."beiiarned Thanksr giving day. Dr. and Mrs. A. Greenberg havp as their house guest Mrs. Green? berg's mother, Mrs. M. Kogan, of Mr. and Mrs.. Lewis Podrofski, of Minneapolis, Minn. Chicago, 111., announce the birth of Miss Bose Guttman left Saturday a baby son, Chadwick Julian, born for Ann Arbor, Mich., where she will Saturday, November 15, at Chicago. visit wH n her brother, Mas, who is Mrs. Ppdrofsky .will be remembered attending the University of Michigan here as. formerly Miss Gertrude After yisiting for several days a" Levin, of this city.



Mrs. H Maduff entertained at three tables of Bridge at her home Tuesday The Ladies1 Auxiliary of the Talmud •.fternbon. Torah will hold a public card party next Tuesday afternoon, December 2, Mrs. Eeuben Brown entertained at at the home of Mrs. E. Michnick, 1404 her new iome Sunday afternoon and Avenue B.. Everyone is invited to at- evening, honoring Miss Helen Robintend. son, of Omaha, bride-to-be. Prizes at bridge were won by Miss Cooper v There vd be -no meeting of the and Miss Eobinson. Mrs. Brown was B'nai B'rith next Wednesday evening. formerly Miss Annette Pizer, of The next meeting will be held on the Omaha. regular meeting night, Wednesday, December 10.

of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Meyerson, found forty-eight dollars on Mynster street. Every effort was made to determine tLe owner. Eecently it was found out that the money belonged to Mrs. A. Bromberp of Council Bluffs. The boy, not wishing for any reward, was made to accept five dollars, which he immediately gave as a donation to the Ladies Auxiliary of the Talmud Totah. Yale is a student of the Talmud Torah end also goes to the T. T. Sundayschool.

The Chevra B'nai Yisroel Society will hold a meeting next Wednesday evening, December 3, at eight o'clock ; 'a* the synagogue.


204 AQCILA COUKT r h o n e ATlantic 91D9 Omaha, Nebr.

party, v\iiich made the first attempt to go" from Poland to Palestine fey motor car, arrived here safely. The route whicch they took was through Jugoslavia, Bulgaria, •Constantinople, Anatolia and Syria, covesung1 a distance of 20,006 kilonseters. The party will return to Warsaw via Egypt, Morocco, Spain, France and Germany.


Albert Harding, son of Mr. and Mrs. L. K. Harding., entertained sisteen pf his friends at a theater party Monday afternoon in honor of his twelfth birthday. After £he show refreshments were served. Mr. and Mrs. B. Markovitz and family mptpred to Shenandoah, la., Sunday to spend the day with their daughter, Mrs. J. Barron, and Mr. Barron. Miss Marian Katelman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Katelman, is entertaining fourteen of her friends at a ibr *•-!! party Thursday afternoon, Thanksgiving "ay, in honor of her i .Iftb birthday. Those in^ted are


Slarcel Beset Free

Children's Bpb, S5<* Scalp Treatment, 25c* Sbarapoo, 5 0 ^ So Appointment Seoessary Except Sstprdays. AT. 4819

S15 Conrtney Block.


Engagement Rings is our Specialty

IEWEL1Y CO. 1514 Dodge St. Ja. 5619 Est. 18944 *"

'The Instrument of the Immortals' It is true that Pnclerewski, Hachmainoff, Hofrnan —r to name a few of & long list of eminent pianists—have chosen the. Steinway as the one perfect instrument. It is true that im the bomes at literally thousands of singers, directors and musical celebrities, the Steinway is an integral part of the household. And it. is equally true that the Steinway, superlatively fine ns it is, cotaes well within the range of the moderate income End meets all the requirements of the modest home. This instrument o* the masters has been brought to perfection by four generations of the Steinway family. But, they have done more than this. They have consistently sold it at the lowest possible price. And they have given it to the public upon terms eo convenient that the Steinway is well witliin your reach. Numerous styles and sizes are made to suit your honie. Each embodies all the Steinway principles and ideals. And each waits only your touch upon the ivory keys to loose its matchless Kinging tone, to answer in glorious voice your quickening commands, to «cho in. lingering beauty or rushing splendor the genius o£ the great composers. We are ths only representatives for this celebrated instrument for Nebraska and Western Iowa, and cordially invite yoa to pay us a visit of inspection. ¥ e will accept your present pi." -p in partial exchange at a liberal allowance and arrange convenient terms extending over a period of £ to 5 years. ;

Uprights '• Let us bid on jour Prrnting Work ALL


th^ Misses Helen Chernick, Bose Brand-Is,-Euth Bemstein, Helen Steinberg Jennie Earcn, Sadi Endelman, Ila I -rnes, Helen "^Tiitebook, Tobj- Kstciraan, Mildred Meyprson, Ruth Shyken. .larian Scharf, Leona Katelman, and llarian Katelman.

After the show, refreshments will fee served.

Yale Meyerson, twelve year eld son

" • A ' regfclar'Talmud Torah meeting will be %eld next Tuesday evening, December 2, at the synagogue at 8:00 o'clock.

Ann Arbor she left for Chicago, HI. where ehe will spend Thanksgiving Day and the" week-end. She is returning1 home the early part of nex week.-

27, 1924


SON r m i G co. SCHOAL FREED, Mgr. 1320 Dodge St. AT lantic SS32


Mr. Nathan E. Jacobs left Wednesday evening for Columbia, Mo., where We specialize in the originations and designings of ladies eowns, coats and suits he will attend the "Home-coming at moderate prices. ' Football Game" of his Alma Mater, 230 Aquila Court AT Iantic 4532 the University of Missouri. They are playing the University of Kansas Mrs. Julius Newman and littl team. Mr. Jacobs will return home daughter, Harriet Bosalie, and Mrs OUR NEW TELEPHONE NUMBER Newman's mother, Mrs. E. Snader, Monday. just returned from Lincoln, where Mr. and Mrs'. A. "Goudchaux, of Big I they spent a week visiting with Mrs Cane, La., who have been visiting) H. Marx, and Mr. Marx. here wi£h Mrs. Goudchaux's parents, J Mr. and Mrs. A. ginger, and other Mrs. Charles Eedman, of Ottumwa relatives, left for St. Louis, Ho., Iowa,' who has been the house guest before returning to their home. of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. .4 "White, is returning to her home th1 The Misses Mary and Zena Maizel AT-4444 dealers in Good Coal" AT-4444 latter part of this week. are motoring to Lincoln, Thanksgiving Day to attend the NebraskaMiss Selma Sell, of Detroit, Mich Oregon Football Game. They .Illinois Large Lump Illinois Furnace is visiting .here %yith Miss Lotti returning home the same evening.are A Very High Grade Coal The Same High Grade Stein and jihe Misses Ajin and Syrdi Hot and Long Lasting Smaller in Sizp Selicow. Honoring her guest. Miss j The Junior Had^sah regular meetf Byrdie Selicow was hostess to thirty | n g Trill »e held Thursday evening, Per Ton Delivered Delivered Per Ton guests at a Tea /Sijndiiy afternpon December 4, at the Jewish Comfrom three to five at her home? ^mun jty•Center in the Arthur Bldg. CONSUMERS"" LUMP Other social affairs are. feeing plan-' CHEROKEE NUT Miss Sadie Levey, who is attendSave J1.50 per ton. IVitUn a Biose's The Genuine ned for this visitor. throw of Franklin connty. An Ifieal i n g the Ifew England Conservatory T.nrge DpmeBtic Size soft coal for ujpy nse. Kescreenedl Vard The Misses Martha Kohn a n .d' o f Musis at Boston, Mass., attended Sof—Las tins Per Ton Lena Mittleman entertained t e n t the' YalerHaryard Football Game at Per Ton Delivered couples Sunday evening at the home'N e w Haven Saturday, Delivered ... ._ of the latter ^complimentary to Miss 1 ' -r^—rrDeliveries to All Parts of Greater Oniaiia Lillian Harris^ %yho is to be a bride! Mis? E ^ a Alpixn returned home of this month. Prizes were won by Sunday after a month's; visit fn Minneapolis;, and St. Paul, Minn., Des Moines, Iowa. ' Marcus and Messrs. Mprrfs Micklr and Sam Stern. ' Jacob Nackenoff, who is a student of the University of Nebraska, spent Miss Sara Eubin, of Ansonia, Conn., the guest of Mrs. Michael Katleman, Sunday in Omaha visiting with his will be honor "guest atseveral enter- j P a r ^ , Mr. and Mrs, J. Nackenoff. tainments to be given for her this Miss Fanny Siever, formerly of Tveek. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Monsky Omaha, now of Minneapolis, Minn., are giving a ^ a ^ f i v i n f I « F ? r is visiting here this rweek at: the at their home Thursday, S a t u r d a y ^ 1 ^ ^ ^ M ^ an# Mrs; A. Silvesman. evening the Misses Betty fnd Epse \jfcfc gilverraan enteriaip£4 at a danp• Grodzinsky- are entertaining-1;or M ^ : r _ :• ^ '£ ^ ^ ^ Ttoegday eve-:





T M ^ ^


- ' - - • - • •


Miss RuhniV;:hpstess^ Mrs. ^chajeli Miss Esther Browja will have as i Kafleman owill • hpnpr her iguest at hey gjjgsjs for Thanksgiving Day and ; Jwjdge ;lunchepn at her home. ihe pgfe?gnd, Mjis: Minnie"Fpgiel, of ~ Miss Doris^ GIuck,Tof IJg^ York! St. Josfphj M°J.- a t t 4- ^Gss Jeannette City,^ is visiting with hiet ssisi^,-MTS. Erupinsky, of Fremont, Nebr. • | t • S j ^ e r ^ j a T o d - ^ M r ^ ^ ^ S H Y e r . • ; " ; • ••••'•• [•'•'•

Mr- Sam SilyermaB; ai Dfis Moibes, V A Mother: and .-i^ Son^ 'will hej la., is voting: in Omaha tliis ^veekv <(

:3H3tpic :tiiis; ^atuyday jmprning, Noveni- • VvMn:'^^d.;VMre^^a^d^.M--;^ewipan left; Wednesday for. (aicago,; :3XL~, .,her:'"2i^:^:;^'"Tim^^ : ;^';;; ; 'f ; ; r"


J. M* Opper Motor Co.

PAGE 4—THE JEWISH PRESS—THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1924 JEWISH IMMIGRATION .INTO Thousands gathered in the synagogues "Hans HerzJ's conversion is helping SQUTH AFRICA INCREASES and offered fervent prayers for thethe Catholic conversion work in : ;7pbannesbur,g,..(«kT: A>)—Immigraprevention of the bill which threatens Whiteehapel." The Catholic Guild of Israel is holdtion of Jews to South Africa during their economic existence. The Rabbis ' Delivered by-JUSTIN ROBERT WOLF September was twice as great as delivered sermons on the subject. ing large missionary mass meetings at the fourth annual Father and Son banquet. during 'the preceding .month, accordOpen meetings where held near the where Hans Herzl's article, published One of the big changes in the auto- out a little over a year ago by Walter ing to the report1 submitted by the mobile industry In Omaha this week, P. Chrysler, president of the Maxwell synagogues. Special police despatches in the Cathclic press recently? in has been the deal completed by An- Motors Car company, has proven a No boy is so desirable a companion immigration official of the Board of •were assigned to keep order; several which he gives the history of his conFathers a i $ Fellow Sons:— drew Murphy & Son, Inc., with the great sensation in the automobile arrests were made. Similar protest version, is read to the audience. Hans I presume what is expected' of me as daddy1 is. Watch-your son over- Jewish Deputies of South Africa at factories to distribute the Maxwell field, and through my many investimeetings were held in the provincial is now contributing articles to the and Chrysler automobiles for eastern gations I only found words of praise tonight is .to give you fathers the bubbling with happiness when you its annual meeting yesterday. for both t i e Maxwell and CUrysler Catholic press. During August the Board's rep- Nebraska and southwestern Iowa. towns of Lithuania. expressions, thoughts, and hopes of announce SOME TIME that you will Andrew Murphy & Son have been cars and their manufacturers. I was join him to see a football or base- resentative met 12 incoming steamers distributors yoor sons. ol automobiles In this more than pleased to find what real 5 This I will aim to do to the best ball game or perhaps go out-with with 45 Jewish- immigrants, aboard. territory for fifteen years and have honest rood-will the product held RUSSIAN SOVNARCOM MAKES SCHOLAR IN PRISON During-September,' the same official of ray ability, and boys if I leave him on a hike. ' DECISION OF IMPORTANCE COMMITS SUICIDE anything unsaid tell it to your father Fathers, we will be just what you met 15 steamers which brought 115 TO JEWISH LAND SETTLERS London. (J. T. A.) Suicide in the will make of us, and your bestguar- Jewish immigrants. " Moscow. (J. T. A.)—A decision Leningrad Spalernaya prison precedThe Board of Jewish Deputies of antee that you will raise a perfect which is of great importance to theed execution of the death sentence and model son is -to give him a South Africa also, considered the quesJews in the cities who - desire; to imposed by the Bolshevik Government tion .of Jewish immigrants naturalized perfect and model father. settle on the land was made by theon Professor Raffslovitch, an outhorwho, when While we protest and complain-and as citizens.of-South-Africa Sovnarcom (the Council of the Peo- ity on economics, according to infor: grumble at your rules, if they are they "go to England'or other-parts ples Commissars) cf the R. S. F. mation received by Professor Charles strict, yet we • know it" is for ourof the British Empire, are regarded S. R. (the Union of Soviet Re- Sarolea of Edinburgh University. good and love 'you * the more for ftj Jby. the; authorities".,as .aliens. .The Professor Sarolea, in a letter to publics). and what we mostly.want is a-littl^ "Board --declded^to' make. the • necessary1 The Council decided that towns- the editor of the London Times, states more comradeship,/a little, more inr •representations .to the^Minister of the people who were formerly in trades that he -was informed of the suicide , .dulgence, and the returns - wills be a .Interior, vrilJ have the same rights to engage of his friend, Professor Raffalovitch, -• The" Chrysler broupham. one of the popular models '".~v h-'m d!«. great deal of happiness. Jfour^sons in agricultural pursuits as the peas- in the Leningrad prison. Professor tributed by Andrew Murphy & Sons, former distributors o? Star and DuraniS. wishes are best expressed m '• the TRIAL OF ANTtSEUIITIC CONants, pririded they will enter the Raffalovitch was held for execution and Durant. language of America's present day SPIRATORS BEGINS IN HUIGARY placed several thousand automobiles among owners throughout the counagricultural societies or companies. on the charge of "economic espiongreatest poet^-Edgar A. Guest, en' ". This decision is of particular import- age." "He was not a politician, but Budapest, (J. T. A.)—The trial of a and motor trucks in this territory. try." They bay? just severed their connecReceive New Shipment. titled "Father and Son"— ance to the Jewish settlers who were a qquiet and inoffensive scholar," group^of anti-Semitic plotters who tions "as distributors of the Durant Andrew Murphy & Son, Inc., have : formerly engaged in the trades and Professor Saroiea claims in his letter, were ^responsible; f 01 the ' anti-Jewish arid Star'cars; which they have dis- just received their shipment of the Be more than his dad,' many "and his only crime was that he en-, atrocities and the- throwing of bombs : tributed for three years. new 1925 models of Maxwell and business. Until recently, B e a chum to-the lad; ; In talking about the new line, Bert Chryslers and have already received Be a part of his life by the forces of • Commander Ivan applications of the Jews for grants gaged in a conversation with me /when Every hour of'the day; . Hejjas, began here "today." The Murphy, vice president of the com- a stock.of .service parts and are com- of land were refused by the local I visited Russia recently." pany, says: . pleting arrangements in their, service Find, time to talk to him. defense of the accused was taksn Chrysfer. New Sensation. department for taking care of the" Soviet authorities on the ground that Take time to walk with him. over by Deputy Ulain/who defended "After spending several weeks inthe applicants were not engaged in service on hundreds of Maxwell and Share .in', his studies . " vestigating .various lines of automo- Chrysler cars already runniiig in this the Scpngrad bomb'-conspirators. agriculture before the war. And share in. His play; Emerson Laundry biles for distribution and after going territory. • . Take him to places, , The, proceedings started, with a into the financial condition of the The Maxwell and Chrysler 1925 F. 8. BOKEI Prop on yonr way horned tonight "as:"thig To ball games and races, HANS HEEZL IS TOOL OF controversy between the presiding various factories and other matters Phone Webster 0820 models show some wonderful imTeach him the things is your week and do not miss this CATHOLIC MISSIONARIES Judge and Deputy Ulain. The» judge important to a distributor, we finally provements, particularly in bodyThat you want him to know; . THE LAUNDKY THAT chanoe. upon the Maxwell-Chrysler as lines, having some: new. body creaIN LONDON checked Ulain's attempt to introduce . decided Don't live apart from him, EVERYBODY LIKES. our choice. . You fathers forget the time that tions which heretofore have not been London, (J. T. A.)—Hans Herzl, Don't keep,your heart from hinv anti-Semitic propaganda and., Ulain "The Maxwell line is an old-timer, used by any other manufacturer, and you were boys and you-expect-us to Be his best comrade. new convert to Catholicism, is being left the courtroom in protest. having been on the market for a combine lines of compactness and act ancf to' think and look upon the He's heeding you sol used as a tool by the Catholic mismany years. gracefulness that axe appealing to Startling revelations were made by ?reat serious things on life as you' do/and "The Chrysler, which was brought every car .owner. sionaries , here, according to the Never neglect, him, : Ma'rffy, one of the accused; He stated : •when you see us all full of play and Catholic Herald. The paper says, Though, young, still respect him, he had acted on'the authority of ComOCR r R l S A T H E N l WILL -fun, and enthusiasm for the .things Hear-his opinions ..; .; • !.«-j mander ^Hejjas and Pronay. He also inferior to the genuine Semitic Jews," ing the coming Spring for the purCOSViMCf VIH- <»t OUR > that appear foolish ,to you, and all -With patience : and pride;. KINCERIT'S 1 pose of studying Jewish colonization Inge.asserts. • Show him his error, " stated that -tjie Ministers, of Interior •rDean full of life and youthful excitement I" methods and the possibilities for imB«]H* Safety way you get them In any package But be-not a-terror, '• '.' .. and War were aware of his'activities" you wonder if we think at all/and ORMSBY GORE, COLONEL migration of Polish Jews. Grim-visaged and fearful, and they lent 'him military barracks you Wonder if we realize the great When he's at-your side. Mr. Zerubavel, well-known leader of . ITEM'S GRAHAM CRACKERS for.hishiert'i-% - -' .. .--.•.' UNDERSECRETARY, ADVICES responsibilities and the" struggle that g-o-o-d eating for everybody, the Poalei Zion, is also leading for i s k are • "PATIENCE IN PALESTINE Know what his thoughts are, "J j yonr grocer for 1XEN CKACKEBS you have. "v ' Know what his'.sports "are, v j FINDS RACIAL DIFFERENCE London, (J. T. 'A.j—"The situation Palestine. He will visit America in by name always. Get t h e Pennine e n d You think we do not understand EFFICIENT »n« Know* all his playmates, . :": be satisfied a l l w a y s ! NIE BETWEEN EAST EUROPEAN in Palestine is a satisfactory on?. December. the work and the energy you put It's .easy- to learn to; Where yoor clothes cotnp AND WESTERN JEWS However, the Jews must be patient, in. to give us the comforts-of life. Be such a father Office Phone J&cksoc S12S cienner and last loDKer. That when troubles gather i i LITHUANIAN JEWRY OFFERS | . because the work" cannot be hastened," "While it is true that we want our dn!, .(J.!'% Av):-^ new tbebryj : nM* 6280. S5OT-11 *R<"b»OO Ps. JOHN FKLDMAN YouW be the firsj; otie \ f i S ) PRAYER^ FOR PREVENTION fun .and our play and indulge" in ' it For counsel,/He'll' turn'; to. '•'/•, .!' '.••{ with regard; to the difference between - declared Major - Ornisby Gore, newly B A. JACWBBEP.OKS.' Pre». Clothier OF SUNDAY CLOSING BILL perhaps a little more than you did the Jews of Eastern and Western 'appointed undersecretary in the: Full Dress Suits and Tuxedos You can inspire him British Colonial Office, during his when you were young, it is because, Europe is offered by" Dean Inge, who Kovno, (J.vSbsA^^-The call issued ha Offlpes SIS » o n 0 a » . Btww*. Mored from 1(19 No 16th St. to With courage, and fire him Omahn P b o w Atlantic EB5C thanks to you, the opportunity for is considered one of England's fore- I visit to Rhodesia, South Africa. by the Kovno Kabbinate to the Jew203 Kiu-barb ISlook, ISih & Douglas Sts with ambition OMAHA NEBB. Ford Transfer & Storage Co. play is greater and our needs are Hot most writers, in an. article published ' "The second generation of Pales- ish; population of Lithuania's capital For -deeds, that are good; B &. FORH. . tinian Jews will be good colonists," to observe yesterday as a day of fast, more readily supplied, again thanks today in the "Morning Post." He'll not betray you President and QeneraJ Manages', to you. » - . -, ' "The Jews of Western Europe have he stated. Nor illy repay you, prayer and protest against the SunCooncI] OlnlTe (Iowa) «fflce If you have taught him no reason to become indignant when 10© «•». « » 1 W day Closing. Bill met with a ready On behalf of all the sons,.I want WASH AND KEEP WELL The" things that you should. Bolshevik atrocities are attributed to POLISH PARLIAMENT MEMBERS response on the part of the Jewish to tell you that we do appreciate all A RULE OF HEALTH Father and son the Jews of Russia; "the three main that you are doing for us, and al- Must in all things be one— population of Kovno. WILL STUDY IMMIGRATION FRONTIER TOWEL SUPPLI races of Eastern Europe • are deeply though it may seem that we do not Partners in trouble All Jewish stores were closed. POSSIBILITIES J N PALESTINE tainted with Tartar blood. This is ISIS California 8tre«t. And comrade's in joy. realize the sacrifices yoa are making Warsaw, (J. T.; A.)—A group of I*. More than a dad true of the Russians and the Poles Jewish members of the Polish Sejm for us, we love and admire you and Was the best pal you had; and also of the millions of. so-called Service is Our Motto it is the secret hope and wish of and Senate, as well as many Polish Be ^such a chum Jews iri Eastern Europe who aredeputies, will leave for Palestine durevery boy to follow in the footsteps Sate Deposit Boxe*1 tot Rent. As you. knew, to your boy. of his father, and in our hearts we bless you and thank .you—for, -theWHOLESALE many things you do for us, we all Druggists and Stationers hope to make good, and when we UH-403-4GS Snotb lOib 8tr»et grjrw up we want to reflect "glory on ' y^t Every Bon idolizes his father. To every son his father is the per•' Gate City Fumitwe Co. sonification of the perfect man. At. 8028 1307 Howard St. and • Father never does wrong you know, .. Omaha, Nebr. and what ever he does he does ' it Globe Van & Storage Co. better than any other man. owned and operated bp When Thinking of glens' Hats I will recall a fight I had with • GROSSMAN & SONS or FeraisMngs one of my little Baddies about four 520-52 No tGtb St. At. 0230 <8a. «38S dsldstrom UpMstermg €0. KEKEMKEE years ago because he claimed that his daddy could drive an automobile Upholstering and Furniture Repairbetter than my daddy could. I was 1S21 DOUGLAS S T . ing "Mattresses Renovated. Harry Kononaritcli TOE h. W O L F SAM N. WOLB1 nine years old then and to be able Bos Springs. ment with the six-cylinder Driving the new good Maxto drive an automobile was then to Violinist — kstnietiF %T-lanHc 8619 1013 North t&b St. Chrysler, have w o n the well yourself, it will not take me. the highest accomplishment, and Studio—201 Croonse Elk. Harnpy 8476 tribute of an industry, have therefore, it naturally followed that you a half hour to discover THL BKINN & JENSEN CO. Bowing tor Advanced my daddy ought to be able to do it now developed in the good t b u p how wonderfully Chrysler dlstribotoro better than any one else. Maxwell a new degree of engineers have carried out If any of you fathers could hear Northern Toilet Tissue Tom-ins Car, fB95; four-cylinder power, speed their conception of superior Stiorl Touring. "The Mohi" " the praise your sons shower upon 1112 Hamey Street andflexibility,and vibrationJlOSSi Roadster, Certified Public Accountants Residence, 1342 s o SStti S t . four-cylinder performance. you when they are in" "heated disAT-lsntic 6409 S885iCltibCout*. TPL *Tlanllr WET!.: less operation which even . Audits . Systems cussions among' 'themselves, how Plan 1 of Koslnms, S4I» Vomtfis St. S102S;ClubStdan, surpass these already wellTel- AT(at»«lc -S8S1 Investigations This group of men, who by 9lO9Si Sedan, each boy. claims 'for his 'father all 434 te M0 Peters Trout tlldg. 91345. AH prije* known Maxwell qualities. jperfectio'n, you would be very proud their unexampled achievePAXTON-MITCH ELL CO. f. o. b, Detroit • of yourselves. antl &»Hithe »ts, HA. tubjtct to current ; PAXTON HOTEL stanatartiirfra of Br»«s, Braute, government tax. .' -Perhaps you ought to join your %lnminnin and Soft «»rnj (run Cnoltotw. Bastf EL t a p i n g . Pws.T TURKISH BATHS Vnti HSV »8»uf»'# of soft »'.«9tlnB», «w sons a* little more in their games and Sot. Pepper, Vice-PreetdssS. we mafhJii* ««m? from pn»n? tttmt In uon opemteO DS W. 4 . Cm. SeeretasT. their life and you would leani a good PAXTON HOTEL rrt «!»«• cast iron «nd brow* Sedan deal 'more what your sons, think Steam. Turkish, and Eiectric Baths. Omaha Fixture & *1345 of;.you»; i ' i . .. . . -, All Modern Equipment.

Andrew Murphy & Son Now Distribute Maxwell and Chrysler

Fathers—i"- ' -

—Effectively —Accurately

E. E. Bruce & Co.

Interstate Printing Co.




Supply Co.

LITHUANIAN GOVERNMENT. .; ' PROCEEDS AGAINST JEWISH "_" .' CREDIT INSTITUTIONS' ;Kovne,- (J. T.A.)—The Lithuanian GoVej-nment has. refused (x> recognize • as- -public institutions the - 83 credit ~ banks;5known as Votks lBanks, established ,' iri' the post-war period , in Lithuania, . -with . the "assistance of the-AMerican" Jewish Joint Distribution ^Committee. ,-The banks- are established on co-operative principles, and their to help the-artisans and small 'business men with; short-term credits at a low rate of interest. .- jXhe economic structure; of Lithu• aniaii Jews depends upon the existence - of these" banks. -The Government, in jfefusing'to recognize-' them as public 1 Institutibjis, imposes heavytaxes upon ,'tbiim, which . will jeopardize their ence. • " :' i. _ ' :T

" Jerusalem.:'(J. £ . A j , Warfare betviten the Wah%bia»and-^Sjg-Ali is expected .-to'-Be resumed^"shortly around Jfcdda& .Both armies are organizing theirsfqrce?. --. .•

•'"'-' r.


• CHIROPRA?;TORS 4f)6-4«7 PHXtnn JJioob

Hours. 10 & M to' 6' P 51. Phoae. AtJ&uUcgJoS..; Residence: Morris Apts. J'hone At S210


h sort O n n c t o Htreet*. ittnf! tBPktutn £124 OMAHA KliR

MM«1* toy


inn f ii :AMERY BUTTKK sod 1

CO. us

Coaneil Bluffs. la.

Andrew Murphy oc Don me, 14th & Jackson

Here 35 Years


laker Ice

Every Known Kind of Insurance 209 W . O. VV. BEdg.

J A . 3944,

Carpenter Paper Co. Distributor* ot

Western Bond—and High Grade Stationery " Omsba. Nebraska-

JAcksoa 1883

"Manufactured iu Omaha" BAREtt ICE MACHINE C<)


McCord-Brady Co.

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