December 4, 1924

Page 1

., 1 profess not talking—only this, let. e a ^ man* do his best. —Shakespeare^ —

*• For all men fiaro* 'if \they dare; try^:-a gloT-ioos life, grave.—Herbert.

'ered as second-class mail -matter on January 27th, 1921, at toffice at Omaha, .Nebraska, under the Act ol March 2, 1879.


More Than One. Thousand Witness Program Sunday Afternoon.

MRS. BERTHA LEVY TURNS FIRST SHOVEL OF EARTH ; Moire ifraii CiQ0Q3eoi>Ie 1 observed lite" formal ^breaking of ground for t h e ^ : ^ ^ J e w ^ Community Center building ^ i i e h will he; built at Twentieth and Dodge streets, ikrs. Bertha, tevyV -ttidoy? of the late 3tforrls Levy,

Moving pictures of the breaking ground for the new Jewish Community Center will be shown at the Eialto theater beginning Saturday and will, be shown during the entire week. By special arrangements with the Eialto theater, these- pictures were taken. Sunday afternoon at the program, .showing all mem* bers of "the program and the large crowd that gathered to witness th»* formal breaking of the ground. The" screen also shows the Jewish Community Center building as it will look when finished.

Women's Wetfare Orgaaization Elect Annual Officers

building"o^ t&e^eyrish Community Cen^r> applied; the first shovel 'tOT \^^s:*;|be^TdBikMg..(£v''grinm&r?' •": 'TMs Occasion marksvtfaexgallzaWill Be Installed at Twentieth Annition x£Me ^ e s ; and t h e aspiratioiis versary Celebration, January 6. of t h i Jfirttdfih^Community," said Henry. Monikyi. t h e prindjal speaker of Mrs. N. Mantel was re-elected presfhe afternoon program. "These hopes; ident of the Jewish Women's Welhave ^extended over a period of :20 fare Organization 'at its last election years- ^rhe^ occasion, marks- the beV meeting held Tuesday- afternoon, ginning of, a new era in our- welfare January 6, at the Jewish Community activities.//It reassures us of the TinCenter. Mrs. L. Eichards, first presdiminished . spiritual • values which ident of the Jewish Women's Welcharacterize our Jewish life. fare Organizaiiion, who is now resid"ThelsA^i^oxTiB^lJsvy'r bur beloved ing in San Jose, Calif., and Mrs. R. leader in tittS WOrK, by his; good "will Kulakofsky, were elected* honorary and munificent' contribution, trans^ presidents. Mrs. Harry . Eachman fs^prmedthe Hopes anddreams of many was elected vice-president; Mrs. I. years into aL'reality, and : yet he was Kosenthal, recording s e c r e t a r y ; fb^idden* the; joy; of, shaiing in that Mesdames A. M. Browar and H. Q. realjgatibiu-: I t is : a Tnanifestatipn of Marx, financial secretaries; Mrs. the coinmaniiby's gratitude and'TurTev- Charles Levinson; treasurer; and erence Tjf; lils" memory} that Ms' rwido Mrs. Harry .Lapidus, auditor. tkirns the^ first earfli on this site. i These officers will be installed _'7*Nqt only "by its special American-' : Tuesday afternoon, January 6, when . izaticm activities,but by making better Jews;; and- consequently better the club will give an afternoon American citizen^, •will this: • institu- social in celebration of their twen•fonvir^a^s ^ service-to our tieth anniversary. Preparations are being made for a program to be cityi'state: and country." given at this social, which will be hitybuildmg as* a t the northeast cor- held at the Jewish 'Community ner: of "TT?ehtiet1l^and Dodge streets. Center. It is estimated; that the, building will cbst; |260>00CK'-] They institution will house the, ijewish' Welfare Federation, the X ;Wi ^ A., the. T. M. H. A:, arid"willik£ve various recreational and , educational activities. Lodge rooms Ed Eahn's Tield Cfab Qrchfestra will be provided. : • i/WiH Play. ••'-; " \ : itabbi Frederick Cohn and.iRabhi Ji M: Charlop participated in the exerThe annual BTnai B'rilii dance- will be held December 25 at the Masonic The following men are officer^ and Temple. The committee in charge directors of the Jewish Community has made^arrangements for one of Center: ':}•- . • : '. ; :.' .:- .'.;.. • ' - . ; . • the best !ilances ever held. The J } O A R P OJ* T E T J S T E E S Masonic Temple was specially secured TTni 1 . H o l a m s m . P r e s i d e n t to accomodate the large crowd '•"Hntrv'-A." W o l f . • V l w - P r e s t a e n t - • - , . H a r r y "H. Tiiipians. S<-cwtaiT expected. • lK>n1s K i r s c h b r a u m T r e a s u r e r "We have ^secured one of the best A . 3V A l n l i n : :,-?f. p r F e i l :; . ' . • : . ' - - ••' dance orchestras in the city to play ",v, "M. KnlaV<.fsVy for this" dance"? said I. F . Goodman, Henry "Monsky chairman of' the >dance qommittee. T)r. Philip-Sber Jnkei Shnon "Ed Kahn's. Field Club 'orchestra Tvfll Isfdnr 7M play for this dance. The members TTm. R. Eliimenaiiil. Associate Secretary of t i e B'nai B'rith lodge wili have ; ; 30A1B OP DIEECTOIIS tickets for disposal." • . :. H. H. Anerbhcb r ltnbbi Frederick Colin" Plans are being made; to secure J>r. .A; Greenberg several novel1 numbers for this ; ocXioiils Eiller ; , • S t i w y a J a c o b s " ;•.- : - • . ' • ":.': casion;- Souvenir programs are "being J-.H. Kulokofsky :


Annual B'nai B'ritli Dance To B& Held December 25

V Sain. L « m . - ' IlarT.Y^MalaaTiocfc , - E . -

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Isy BoB«UtliaJ

Harry Kilvermaa Louis Simon J. 3. Slosber;? J-onta Komiier Jrvin StalmaBter Martin Unanrmnn Harry " V Y i i k •Toe AVolt N. S. luffe.

BRAZILIANS STOP .IMMIGRATION, I S REPORT Vienna. (J. T. A.) '-The Brazilian Government has issued an order stopping all immigration into Brazil, according to, information received by tbi Vienna *Morgen Zeitung." " • That- German and Italian immigrants stimulated the recent revolution in Brazil, is given as the reason foi; this -orderr' The statement of the Government issued to this effect declares, however, that Jewish immigrants did not participate in the recent revolutionary activities. rURTHEK ALLOTMENTS MADE i FOR JEWISH COL' ONiZATION IN RUSSIA Moscow. (J. T. A.) Large areas of land la the District of Ekaterinoslav, in the neighborhood of the existing Jewish colonies, have been allotted for Jewish colonization. Five hundred families, coming from the districts of Podol and Poltava, are expected to settle on this land next Sixteen Jeivish colonies now District of Ekaterinbslav.

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The following members are "on the dance committee: I . F . Goodman chairman; Dr. A.- Greenberg,^Nathan E. Green, Jake J^alashock, Dave Greenberg, Ben. Cavin, Sam Wolf, and Herbert Goldstein.. ;.".' _:"-•'.

Jabne School to Hold _ Sunday School Classes Sunday School classes will be opened Sunday morning, December by the Jabne School, the Jewish Educational and Training School recently opened in Dundee. The Sunday School classes may be attended by any JewiEh boy or gir' .in the city, according to the officers of the school, who also announce that there will be. no charge for this tuition. The Sunday School will be conducted under the supervision of Mr, J. L. Wolfson, supervisor of the school These Sunday morning classes are conducted from the hour of ten to twelve o'clock. TRIAL OF,- STAKISLAW . STEIGER AGAIN POSTPONED Lemberg. (J. T.' A.) The trial o. Stanislaw Steiger, held under suspicion that he threw.the gas bomb ai the President -of the Polish •Republic, Wojciechowsld, was again postponed t h e case will'be called in February. Stelger asked for release under bail until the trial, but his request \vai refuse*5 * •*- — - •-. - • — --• •


for Jewish:i0ommumity

Center "Building


Lemberg (J. T. A.—That Henrich Heine regretted his desertion of Judaism and conversion to Christianity is evident from newly discovered letters written by the Advocates Adopting Means to poet in 1825 and 1826. Heine, writing of his contemporFs-miij" Separations. ary, Professor Gaiis, a Jew who preached Christianity, says, "If he i REGISTERING ALIENS UPON does this 'throsgh conviction, I \ - ARRIVAL URGED. - ' doubt his cleverness; if he does it without conviction, he is a, New York. —- That the United 'lumpf.'"; States is face to face with, "iminediat* In another letter dated January necessity of formulating' a clear «nd 9, 1826, Heine writes, "I very permanent policy" with respect t© much regret my conversion. I do immigrants was emphasized by James not see that icy situation has imJ. Davis, Secretary of Labor, in a .proved in any way. Just the oprecent address here. posite—since then I meet with "The United States today faceg the nothing- bat misfortene." Both immediate-necessity of formulating a letters were addressed to Heine's clear and permanent policy in «g»r4friend, Moses Mazer. to its treatment' of the stranger withThey were found by Dr. Abrain our gates/* said Mr, Davis- **Jn" ham Schwadroiv well knowE col- { the matter of immigration ^ e bav© lector of unique msTiuscripts; The definitely established restrictions, ami Heinp letters will be sent to the in- our present immigration law we Jewish National Museum in Jeruhave taken a. etep toward the sbkctivp salem. ] system. Despite our restrictions, however, we arg still receiving many immigrante front foreign lands. "Daring the last fiscal year we admitted 879,302 aliens. Of these, 414,368 came from countries which must -comply with quota limitations. Pro» School Holds'-S«ttir^«r Morning Serv- countries which are not limited wilder ices, in Place ©f Friday Classes. our quota law we received 484$30. , Oar law exempts from quota. HraiteThe Fifth Parents-Teachers Meet-1 t i o n B r f t f e h N o r t h A T O e r i c a f Mesdco, ing of the City Talmud Torah will be t b e : i n d e p C f t d e n t countries of Central held this Suxiaar ^reiiingr December m d Smjtk A m e r i c a < md the 7, at seven o'clock at the Talmud Torah Auditorium. "-T'. .ssemption of these ccuntsrtes A Eiusieif .and literary prcgr&m'' will from OKt quota limitations stt^ly be given by various' pupils of the leaves the back door open while w$ ] school. -The musical program is in are putting up the bars, at the front charge of. Mrs, H.. "WoM, newly &p- door. It operates to make these CQP.» |.pointed teacher at the school. The tiguo-as countries the basis fot program will also include a talk on smuggling operations on a large seals, "Jewish,Education" toy Mr. B . WoM, "Oar .restrictive imnngratien law 4.8 in instructor at the Talmud To- j worldng1 well. Through the. tioa -of • Several changes and improvements United States by American liave taken psee at the school since' itheir horoe ports v-c have begmi the the last Parents-Teachers Meeting. A selective system, I favor the adoppiano was recently purchased for the i tion of & complete selective system. school throagh contributions raised by I i would see to it that only' Mrs. S. Neveleff from a Kiiniber of' various contributors, and the remalo- ] sCoiwnaed on page 2.) ing amoiisit needed for the piano was contribnted by the Deborah Society, the Ladies3 Auxiliary Organization of the Talmcd Torah, Mr. E, Bloch, principal of the school, announces that during1, the winter months the school holds no Makes Bequest to Jewish Federation. Friday afternoon classes, but holds Saturday morning services from ten The vnll of Mrs. Lena Levy irfe© to twelve o'clock every' Saturday died recently has been filed and is remorning. printed here. The will teavee all •«£ her property to the City Talmud Torah and the Jewish Welfare I t eration, • •• Mrs. Lens I<evy came to Ornaba with her husband more than tweifty Trj-outE for the annual Y. M. H. A. years ago and operated K small vaudeville show are now being held i grocery store at 14th and Cass streftto. under the directions of Mrs. Eicklie, Her HQSIMUHS died seversl yeais age, Boasberg and Mrs. L Ziegler. All jleaving1 the property to Ms wife. They •who are interested are asked to come • had BC 'cMMrcTi, for the tryoEts. The next meeting., •will be held Txtesfiey evening., Decem- LAST wiUh ASH TESTAber 9, at S o'clock at the Jewisii GOTB., M.EST OF WSNA LEVt mumty Center. All •persons- -who can •Owing to the wrtainty e^ «teatls «md the ancertointy of life and !>««)£ sing and dance .are asked to come. td i d and in d httb . Children -wishing to take, part in o be my the show tils year are aslced to come and testament, as follows: for the try outs Friday afternoon. (1)' I direct that all expenses The -show this year "will i>e held sictaiess *nd death be paid first, m (2) I direct that all my jwst some time in. February and, according legal indebtedness be paid. Top picture—Mrs. Bertha Levy applying the rrrt shovel towards brealcir-s1 iiie ground. to persons in charge, it will be the - (3) I hereby bequeath to the Jf«w» best and the most interesting show •ish. Talmud Torah, of Omaha, NeCenter—Building and Site -committee: J. J. Slosberg, "William Eolzraan, Hany. Malashock, Joe L. braska, all my real estate of } ever staged in the city. Wolf, Dr. Philip Sher, Mrs. Bertha Levy, Henry Monsky, Harry Wolf, .Harry- Lapidus.kind and -natui or. cor.ditiots that they provide a to be said Bottom—^Left: Henry Monsky addressing the crowd, assembled to witness the isfeaMng-of ground. for roe for one (1) Qm'ahas's Celebrate (4) I .further recfuest that a. toSfnfc™ Bottom—Right: Presentation" of floral bouqet to Mrs. .Bertha Levy by Anne Selico-w vice-president Wedding1 Anniversary f Sus4ay stone be'placed one (1) year after my of the Y. JL and Y. W. H. A., and Sam Wolf, president of the Y. : . •; - Mr. and Mrs. S. Ferer, pioneer res- death, - (5) I also request that I be idents of Omaha, celebrated their .-a . bheck casket .and, want WOMEN'S AUXILIARY TO . Golden "Wedding Anniversary Sunday in Rabbi ZoUn of Germany Here ]&£ S|ma|3|H8S T«rm held at my funeral. 'HOLD.'OPEN .'MEEXtNG. (6) I farther -bequeath to ths November SO, at the B'isai ^ Kabbi J o S p ^ l m T ^ i e r profesT a k l i Stlif ClSSS The Women's" Auxiliary of the X. O. •evening, Israel Synagogue, Eighteenth and ish, 'Welfare Federations -of Nebraska, all money ' .left; mi sor of the Heidelberg University, in B. B. vrill hold.. .an open meeting A newly organized class on the Thursday, December 11, at the Jewish Chicago streets, before the • presence after all my bequeatbe and Germany, was in Omaha last of their -children Knd seventy-five of of ever «nd nature ar&"pk£&. and while here he delivered an ad- study of the Talmud was started tvro Community 'Center. An interesting (7) I hereby ••Appoint Bt. fijlifk their immediate relatives anfl friends, ago at the Beth Hamedrosh dress at the Temple Israel Sisterhood s admxikistrator ©f .xny-^gj**^, progTam lias been arrang-ed for this Sabbath Meeting held Friday evening, Hagodol Synagogue by the members meeting, according' to' members in dinner party served at. six o'clock at j ^ ^ i S V h e f f s f ,f, I heretrn# hu November 28, at the Temple. On Sat- of the four Orthodox Synagogues and charge. One'of the features' vnll be the Synagogue, followed by an ad- myy hand this, ISth. day of jittech. is known as "Chevra Shas." urday morning, November 29, he leca debate. The debaters are Anne Sel- •dress by: Rabbi 3. M. Charlop, A. 1>^ 1028. Eabbi J. M." Charlop Trill lecture icow and Mrs.. Strth Greenberg. tured at the B'nai Israel Synagogue, UNA LEVY, <Signed> A. sons Herman Ferer, of Glendale, every Saturday afternoon from 3 to Eighteenth and Chicago streets. W« whose s names are kerefcmtr Califs airived here '-to sttead the celsubscribed, do hereby yrr certify -th»i Rabbi Zolin has been ia America 4 o'clock and on Sunday evenings PALESTINE ebration.. The other children. Mrs.. H. Lena. Levy, th»» Testatrix, Testatrix safcsctilve/i only thirteen months and speaks the from 6 to 7 at the Beth Hamedrosh 'FIGURES. PITBLISHEB White, .Messrs. Seafeen- Feirer, H. M. her name to this instrument its Hagodol Synagogue, Nineteenth and English language fluently. During Jerusalem. ,<J. T.'At), Eight taoE- Ferer, Mrs. Jack Briess and Miss So- preserve, &v.A ir, the prepenw of the Past Holy Holidays he conducted Burt streets. sand one hundred and ninety-one Jews j pbie Ferer, .are all residing in Omaha, art! in OUT prcsfmrf srsd haerir.jg, .services at Austin and San Antonia, Those interested in this study are entered Palestine' in tlie Srst ':nine-.] and -were-present at the. ceremony. this instrnwent was her last wJJI Tex. cordially invited to attend these months of the year 3924, according to Mr. and Mrs. L. Rsch-msn, of St. j teEtamenu"aiiti that ' a t i classes. The courses started with the final official figures issued. Of these, Louis, Mo., I£rs. IvI. MiDer s.«d TVJn j v?e signed oar nanics' tiereio. t-h Mr. J. P. Batt left for Chicago, TIL, "third Dorson of the Talmud, Seder S..226 are men; 2,222 iromen, and 2,443 and Mrs. M. Daytch, of Ames, la., j L l ? ff er :-Bs--:sttesti«*? to be gone until the latter part, of Noshitn, and began in the Mishri Yro- minors. During the satri€ period 1,701 among the out-of-to^it guests ii as. ssst week. emigrated* - ' present at the •



Skew are N»w Being l i l j

PAGE'2—THE JEWISH PRESS—THURSDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1924 effort speedily to eradicate. Never- would control through -a national ka City was the guest of Miss Helen Mr. and Mrs. Simon Eich have re- Center. The meeting- will open with theless, there is a group of romantic- committee working under the Aach' while attending the Z. B. T. turned from theif hoheymoori trip at a one o'clock luncheon, and a social ists among us, the aim of which secxns Bureau of Naturalization, and rep-dance. Chicago and are now residing at the hour also to take place at the Social - I'ubllsheO every i'hnrsday at Omaha. Nebraska Oy to be the perpetuation of the' Ghetto resentative of the native-born and Sioux Apartment Hotel. Center. "'• * - ' Tfillii JEWISH PRESS PUBUSEfl&G COMPANY. Miss Marjorie Shostak celebrated psychology and which, not realry' •Un- of the foreign-born of every racial Office: 681-Braodels-;I?ieatre Building—Telephone: ATtantic 1450 Miss May Bolstem has returned derstanding the meaning of "Jewish group. I would weld these \ nearly her 10th birthday with a company of The Maecahaean Chapter Young _ NATHAN E.-GRE1SN. Manager. , individuality, confounds the latter eight, million - unnaturalized aliens eleven little girls last Saturday after- Judaea, held their regular meeting from a week's visit in Madison, Wis. noon. Games wewre played and re-last Wednesday evening at the JewSubscription Price, one year. with the Ghetto type. ), into an" 'Uncle Sam's fraternity.' Mrs. E. Marx has returned after a Advertising rates furnished on application. freshments were served. "In all justice to Samuel I must ish Community Center. Rabbi I. week's visit, at New York Citv. C'HANUH! Off ADDMISSS—Pleaet Rive Dotb tbe old and new address: say that his book to me presents the Eabbi Meyer of Uniontotrn, Penn., Isaacson, of Mt. Sinai Temple, was be sure and clve vour name apotheosis of the Yid and not of the the principal speaker of the evening. conducted the services Friday evenMrs. David Ellman and son, George, The .lewiifi Press is'supplied by the Jewish Telegraphic Agency (Jewish Jew, 6f the Ghetto type and not of ing anH, Saturday morning at the fiof irrespbni&nce Bureau) yfflh cabferf and telegraphic Jewish news, ID addition . Miss Frances Fribong gave an ex- Chicago, 111., have arrived to spem! ;orre: ferth Israel Congregation. o feature articles and correspondences from .all iin'pnitarit Jewish centres planatory recital on the Burmeister several weeks visitijig relatives and nquiries regarding hews items credited ta tfils Agency will Be fciafHy"if he has tbe. right to speak in the friends- She is .now the guest of her The Nioma Sewing club met program last Wednesday afternoon in parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Herzoff. mswered if addressed tor Jewish Telegraphic Agency* 114 Fifth Avenue. name of Oews; let him not speak in Slortimer SchTff Gfves" $25~,000 to Cathedral £und. my name in any case; but I do not Wednesday afternoon at ..the, home of the Schmoller-Mueher recital hall. Mew Vbrfe Gity". . • , . Mr.. Burmeister, the noted violinist. question his- right to speak in the Mrs. Sarah-Poska. appeared Thanksgiving in a concert name of Yids; HoweverJ It is not in New York. (J. T. A.)—Announcethe interest of either the. world or of ment of a ?500,000" gift from Mrs. Miss Bess Newman of Omaha was under the auspices oi the Sioux City SALESMEN, CONCERNING AN OMAHA WILL the Jewish people that the Ghetto- Felix M. Warburg-, daughter of the the gtue'st of~Miss Dorothy Diamond Concert Course. 1 WANTED—3 salesmen for the .ElsdwRSrg in this issue of the "Jewish Press" will be found type Be preserve~d—the 'invard-bcnt, late iTscob" 'H. Schifr,-to"th<T Visiting- and attended the Z.; B~. T. dsnVB. best selling' proposition jji a will, a. uniqiife \vill, a r'ehiarkabie Will; a rriost worthwhile will. morbid, warped type that would b? Nurse Service of New York was ^ Mrs. Eva Israel is entertaining at Omaha. Largest concern of Its contents arid provisions will repay careful -reading; To be an '!e ne' alone in New York or made by former Senator William Miss Sara Friend returned from her,home her daughter, Mrs. Joseph its kind in the world and the Excelsior Springs and Nebraska City, Levinson, and son, Jack, of Rapid 3tire>' only a' few of otir 'readers would subscribe to all the. re- Chicago, but in Palestine as well, J: Tully. biggest advertisements in the quests and. Retails' in the ."will;.but as to its main features iriost •while it may find a temporary foot- The gift, in the form of a fund where she visited with her sister, Mrs. City, So. Dak., and her son, George industry. You men 'behind Sarbaeh, and family. Israel, and daughter, Grace, of'Pittsof them will say a hearty Amen. ing in "* "-Avh Oh, yes, I -want the created in the New York Community the counter should pet in g burgh^ Pa, A - generation and • hidfe a£#,- Lena l*evy canie to Omaha Jew to be introverted; I do not want Trust, was specified by Mrs. Warmoney making proposition. from foreign shores.. She struggled, worked and saved and him to be constantly looking out of burg as being a memorial endowment Mrs. Simon Nefsky entertained at The Mt. Sinai Sisterhood will hear bridge Monday in honor of Mrs. Wolf, finally triumphed. Her husband fpreceeded her to the "Land the corner of' his -eye at his neigh- in celebration of her mother's sevApply to Mr. Goldberg-, 439 SeL. M. Jones, of Morningof th& Living".. Children she-had norte. -But-she left a monu- bors; but I do not want him to be entieth birthday and "in commemora- who is visiting her sister, Mrs. LewProfessor curities Bldg, turned •within in the morbid senste of tion of the attachment her father had Polsky. PriEes were won by Mrs. Rae siae College, on Friday afternoon at ment to her. name in,Omaha and her life will be worthwhile retheir regular meeting at the Social calling... She left deeds, that will never 7die. Not only Lena the man who cannot adjust himself for the Henry Street settlement, the Poska. Levy's, last thoughts,, but all her thoughts while in this" city- to the fine rich life of the world. headquarters of the Visiting- Nurse Mr. Burt Gordon Omaha were i o r the Talmud Tprah arid for-the Jewish Welfare Fed- Maurice Samuel may, if he pleases, Service. The annual income from the to attend the A. Z. A. football game. eration.., Her last will .tells us that While liviftg sh£ willed all speak* in the name of the Ghetto, but fund, was said, would provide for her real property for an endowment fund td: -the Talmud Torah, hot in the name of the free-souled at least sixteen nurses for the The Hadassah Organization met at for the work of educating better Jews and" therefore better Ather- Jew. The real antithesis he has in service.the home of Mrs. 3. Shapiro Tuesday ieans;. All her personal property she willed to-the Jewish Wel- mind is not as between 'you Gentiles jtfortimer L. Schiii has given $23,- afternoon. • fare federation; for the-poor, the widow and orphan m out midst. and we Jews,' but as between—the 000 to the building fund of the . Lena L.evy was--an obscure Woman. She was comparatively word, must get itself said—'you Goyim Cathedral of St. John the Divine, The Daughters of Israel are giving a dance December 11 at the Lindell unknown in this city.. Lena. LeVy's property was riot much. and we Yids.' . . , Bishop Manning announced at a Party House. Merely a few thousarid dollars. But Lena .LeVy's life looms big. "And just one more personal refer- luncheon at the Chamber of ComShe| has taken along vjith her td the Unknown Land as much ence, I know Mr. Samuel to be not in merce. Mr. and Mrs. J. Davidson motored as ;he. richest and best, known take along",—homing! But* she any respect descended from Ghetto "I have given earnest considera- to Omaha on business and attended is 1 saving behind her the memory of a fine spirit and of beaUti- anteceden' So much so that in pon- tion to your suggestion that I, the A. Z. A. football game. ful deeds; " r. -. dering the peculiar psychological though not a member of your faith, When 1bequests axe, made, Jewish eharitable; religious and problem presented by his book (and Should contribute to the fund which The Junior Congregation of B'nai educational" organizations .are- often left out in .the cold. They which alone is the excuse for striking is being raised to complete the Jeshuran are contemplating a dance Our big eighth floor has been devoted are either .forgotten'or ,neglee€ed in favor bf. relatives to whom this personalnote), I have come to a cathedral. I have reached the con-to be given December 18. entirely to the Christmas displays and the bequ&st means very Jity.e; Often t that bequest does much queer conclusion. I have made a dis- clusion that I should do so because Miss Tillie Polsky motored to Omasales of toys. Here we have assembled harm. But When a Sarah Zimman of blessed memory helps covery. It seems to me there is a 1 believe that this great edifice ha to attend the A. Z. A. football endow,the Free Loan Society, or a Lena Levy endows the new type oi assimilation showing its dedicated to the service of God will game. toys jfrbin every toy making: country in Talmud Torah and makes provision for the Welfare Federation, head in modern Jewry. It is the as- stimulate the spiritual life of the the world. We have imported directly. the benefactors continue to live, ill their, benefactions. How. much similation 6£~ the Western Jew, people of this city, and is therefore SIOUX CITY bettet this vale of tears- would be if more folks; while living, brought up under Western auspices, of such civic importance as to entitle in most eases, thereby eliminating the thdught of malting this a better world not only while they are to the Ghetto-life and the Ghetto-out- it to the support of the entire com- Zllr. and Mrs. Bernard Baron were importer's profits, arid giving you the look. Mr. Samuel-is that kind of as- munity, irrespective of religious affiwith us, but also after they hav6 gOn&. ' surprised Sunday afternoon at their benefit of lower prices. Rest in Peace, Lena,Levy I Youi' fine work will continue; similationistpto use once again Pro- liations", Mr. Schiff declared in a home, by thirty-five of their immedifessor "Wplfson's terminology, he is a letter accompanying the gift. Others will be guided by your noble efcafriple. ate relatives and friends, honoring the Dolls, Animals, Tops, Games. Doll Jev{' vfho has allowed himself to be In commenting upon Mr. Schiff's twenty-eighth wedding anniversary of assimilated by the Yids. Buggies, Doll . Furniture, Trains. gift, Bishop Manning stated, "I Mr. and Mrs. Baron. Bridge and Mali "That is what I meant by saying at especially appreciate this gift for it Jongg formed the entertainment. Wagons, Sleds, Scooters are only a few the very outset that to my knowledge- Illustrates the spirit of fellowship THE CENTENARY OF RfeFORM JtJDAlSM of the mvriads of tovs that greet vou. his is' the first .Yiddish book com- and goodwill which should prevail Mr. and Mrs. Preston Heller, of > The One Hundredth .anniversary of .the founding of the posed in tlie English" language." in this city and throughout our Chicago, 111., arrived last Wednesday land." to spend Thanksgiving with Mrs. Heller's parents, Mr. arid Mrs. Ben Schu\ S. Labor Secretary Proposes with' which eveh.niany members of Reform congregations are lien. Mrs. Heller was formerly Miss LINCOLN : not acquainted. It was oh;Npyeinber 2i, 1824,"that forty-seven Changes in Nev/ Inclination Law Ruth Schulieh. " • members of Congregation, itai Kodesh Beth~Elohim inaugurated ,*(<Jontinued from page 1.) Mr. Paul Sacbach and Mr. and Mis. Mr. and' Mrs. Abe Davidson reth"e movement that Has, .'grown to. such,gigantic "proportions and Walter Wessel and Miss Helen Wessel turned recently from an extensive Anaerican'economic, social and political whicft .has been jUniyei'sally characterized .as ''American Judaism". of Nebraska'City spent Thanksgiving trip to the east. life and who are "needed in our naThis celebration in the" historic southern" city, is not without J with their relatives and attended the its romantic interest.. .The Charleston.synagogue lias stood on tional development should be ad- ball. game. Messrs. Earl and Seanion Kulakofmitted. the same spot, since 1794, although .rebuilt in 1840. . The, con'Attend. The Nebraska's 39th Anniversary sky spent Thanksgiving with Law"While the present law is operating gregation is dne of the * three -oldest Jewish congregations, in the Miss Helen Rdbinsfe 'of Omaha vis- rence and Ephriam Baron. United States" and its history is practically a History of the Je"\v •well we are "discovering ways in which ited- over Thanksgiving with her fiand Golden West in America. It Was oire" of the earliest to admit wornea to- full it might be improved. I believe that ance,_Mr. Max Shapiro. Mr. W- C. Slotsky,- head of the Remembership and to tjiect them to its Board of Trustees. Its the Congress during the coming tail Credit Service Exchange in this Sabbath School, was organized "by the inspiration of none, other, winter should take steps to provide Mr. Sam Gordon returned to. Den- city, has been appointed state chairthan ;Miss Rebecca.. Gratz, the original Rebecca" of Scott's" means for preventing the separation ver to stay over winter. ' man of .the retail credit service di"Ivanhoe", America's most famous Jewess, who organized,- in of families through the operation of Messrs. Leroy Katskee and Edwin \irion of the National Retail Credit the vcity of .Philadelphia-, the .-.fits't Sabbafch School for Jewish the law. Humanity demands that our Mejers of Omaha were here Men's association. children in America.. The edifice in. which the1 celebration is to immigration code shall not operate to Thanksgiving to attend the Nebraskatake place is distinguished for its /classic beauty and is held in keep husband and wife, brothers and Oregon football game. sisters .or -parents and children apart, great, respect .by South;-Carolinians who are appreciative of -its' contribution to the. civic and .cultural life of tlie" comhioip wherever it is possible to bring them Following the Nebraska-Oregon ;• wealth. , I t sheltered.many pf the "first families" ofjthe South, together. football game, the following out-ofwhose place in American, aristocracy cannot even be approached "But we owe-a duty to the alien town visitors were entertained at the by the. majority of the ''native-born white AhglOrSaxon Protes= after he has been admitted to this I Z. B. T. house for dinner: Messrs. Let us bid on your tant" families who regard, every Jew as ah "alien". country. I am alien born. All of my { Meyer Beber, Clyde Krasne, Sam and . Printing Work Six Wonderful •' ' : The celebration wilt be. utilized by rabbis throughout the early life was lived among the 'foreign Morris Newman, B. Hagerman, Moe ALL WORK GUARANTEED country as- an occasion; for a- review of the progress of the Re-born. In theebmmunity where I spent Linsman, Lester Meyers, A. Markoof .Gift Giving and form Jewish.movement in America. That it Has b*e"en d : great my boyhood^ 30 languages were witz, M. Krup and A. Bervin. Value Giving progress,no one can, deny; The hoary old arguments against spoken. Touay the third generation Reform Judaism by. Orthodox Je'ws have" practically b'eeti Wip^d of these foreign born families still Misses Lillian Cooper and Birdie '; SCHOAL FREED, Mgr. out by.the.influx of the Grthoddx Jews themselves into the Re-speaks the - languages of its fore- Berger attended the football game 1320 Dodge St. A t lantic 3832 form Jewish congregations; Wi'thfrut this influx, Reform' vJu-1 fathers and stall clings to the customs and visited friends. daism could not-grow at all in this country. And thus Is" the of 'the.- land Ahey long ago left far Miss Dorothy Picus went to Sioux term "American .Judaism'" justffird, .for the Refoiin Jewish City to spend Thanksgiving with h°r 'temple is the; greatest "melting pot" Jewish influence-we :hav§; behind. - .•; parents. Left "on. Own Resources Jim we iidW" KaVe.the German Jew, and 'the Russian-'Je\v, the HEADQUARTERS Polish J&w, the Lithuanian Jew, and eVefjr adjectiviS' Jew oh "Today we offer tlie alien in Amer- Miss Reva Gross spent the ThankstheftationaLbrigiris 1map meeting together and prayirig.'together ica little or no help along the road to giving with her parents in Council as JEWS. There are distinctions; of course, which the "old folks" making him a real American. From Bluffs. with" their foreign prejudices, eanhot and do iiot wish to e'radicatg-, the time'-he.jfeaves the port of entry but the A&erican-bdhi Jewish generations are wiping but in ijuick through whicft" he entei-s this country A surprise was given 3Ir. and Mrs. fashion the jritra-seriiftic irritations that once re'tarte'd the gr'owth he is practically, on his own resources. Singer by her sister, Mrs. M. SeideEngagement Rings is our of Refbrm. Judaism. Usually he is almost totally ignorant raan," the occasion being her 15th wedof our_ language, our traditions, our ding anniversary. ;ttWith brie hundred years of Refbrffi 'Jiidaisiti behind Us wedieals and tsur institutions. I want Mr. Morris "Friend has., returned . . - 1514 Di«ige Si. ^ d £ $i/SmfAtf - $ ith® development of just plain un- every foreign-born -resident of • the from Rochester, Minn. Est. 1S94 Ja. 5619 embellished-JUDAISM .which _will have no "distinguishing term, United States tahave an opportunity for after all there" is only onB Judaism in the spiritual sense, and Miss'Tlae "Sarah Isemaii o'f NebraSto learn vrtiat an. American is and ^ M l g , l h l ? b a t o n s of Rfcfoim Orthodox-Conservative,- further •what It nieans to-bean. American. I classified into grdiipS With ilie prefix" "semi", we can see in •want it mada easy for him to learn America of the future only O&E JUDAISM.^"Wis. Chrohiele" our-4anguager e«*- customs -end—«u methods of government, if he knows ; n America ~this country will not suffer "YOU GENTILESi" . not ^p e homogeneous Jewish people, -Atcdrdlhg to Dh iJoel BlaU, writing- bufc in Teality two peoples: a Jewish in' comparison with any country on * '" fdir the De'c'emblEr issue pf'theB'nai nation and a Yiddish nation. He very earth; individual Cs4h pur- Witfc individual Cash p r chases of $25 or mere at foiir fc """I would provide for the enrollJ3'rith\ ka^azinlg, "You Gfentiies/'. ;the sharply distinguishes between the Jew of $50 or *nore at our store store book; fey Maurice Samuel which'has and Yid as being sufficiently • apart ment _o£ the. ,alie"n"upon .his arrival arhUSed much commbiit, is the "firs! for each to be regarded as a member id "the United. Slates and" Jor * an a'nnual census of the' unnaturallzed . Yiddish book written in tlie English1 of a different ethnic group. SPECIAL NOTICE--The Gold Piece Souvenirs are distributed language. ' i dd hot itieah to refer to "Assuming that this is so, then Jew alien." I would provide "a'system of as foltafrs: Ask for a transfer when you begin purchasing— education in_ Americanism ' which questions of language at all," He fcon- and Yid-,-. Wolf son's own -terms, stand buy in any or all departments. One S2.56 gold piece is given tiniies,-"buk to something jirdfounfler, not, merely for linguistic-differences, would give every alien. - an" opporabsolutely-£rec will, cash purchases amounting to $25.00 or to i Jearn '_ the _ English to att' iinderlying deep of .perverse but even, more so for-divergences in tunity mote. Oife $5.CG £»>Jd piece eJ'en absolutely free with language, and, something of. Amerprinciple and more particularly still in holgyv K ; . individual cash $}Ureh&fefcs of $30.00 or more. ."t have be6n trying nbt ohly, td psychblogv Yiddish is of course not ican-his'tory,' traditions, ideals" aha jmaJyze the ideas contained in this merely .a language (if it is that), it is institutions. I would'enlist the co"book, bat. also td grasp its underlying a psyehqiogy; the psych logy, one operation ~bf every' .civic "and frap^ygh'&logy. Aad,-with tliis in yJewi must add, not of the whoie Jewish ternal organization arfd would.reach ' I have had' to Jbetalce myself "to thepeopje, but-of the Ghetto-Jew. That the alien through . schools and .'•.'' theory of Profesao*. Wolfson of Har- psychology is inward-bent, morbid churches. ' "Committe'es could ,he '.organized vard who suggests: that,.^.Judging from warped. -It-is .ti'e result- of historic causes forAvJiich-vtreare aot to .blame in every -community., for ..each" local COJ&ECT EL Kbit ttl&K ASH TOtifift but-whiclviUougiitto be our l .. foreign isiwiiaigje.- ,groupf . These I • * ica^p; thetel'is ah process. o£ formation


Mrs. Felix Warburg Gives to Visiting Nurses


Wefesilay,-December !0lh

:Stipply:Ymur Winter


-Holiday Gifts

fee Free

Piece Free

PAGE 3^-THE JEWISH PRESS-^THURSDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1924 o his music better tfian any Frkiik W. Bnggs, of Lincoln^ TVIIO is Country Club Harmo Jazz drchestra. The L a d W AuxflSafy of the Tal-BARBARA "EMOf ES" TO for whom he has w.ofked. visiting here: Prizes were won feyEveryone is invited to attend and they mud Tirah eiiterteiiied &t -eleven ta; CLASSIC MUSIC BSSf• I., "Sandra" will be at the fUalto the-' the Mesdames Rose Miiskin, 3. Co- are assured a good time by the com- bles of BfidgS Tuesday afternoon at hen, Oscar Gfeenberg and Miss Lil- mittee. thfe Iftoxe of Mrs.- E. Mic'hnick.Barbara La Marr in "Sandra/' the a t re next week. Bert Lytell is Miss lian Lipsey. Although it is a month to Is few Mr. and Mrs. B. Silverman of New First National picture, "emoted" all La Marr's leading man. of her big scenes to" sidfelitie music Miss Jeanette Pitlor, who is to. be Tear's Eve, the New Year's Eve dance York City left Monday evening for from the pioneer in this branch of 1 HEY^RMANS. M?YCHmarried this month to Mr. Dean Da- committee are asking that ail those their home after spending the pasv studio work, Maurice Somers. who care to partake in the Nesr .vidson, of Lincoln, Nebr., is being enmonth, with Mr. and Mrs. N. Solzmsn. wRitfcR, DIES Somers has been furnishing musictertained prior to her wedding date. Year's Eve dinner that is to be servfed al atmosphere for more than twelve Aniste'fdam. (J. T. A.J The Sisterhood Society will hold a Miss Ann Borison -was hostess at an after the New Year's Eve dance years in various studios, and has theHeyermans, . famous But should make their reservations as regular meeting liexi Wednesday aftEvening Bridge at Phelps Hut Tuesernoon; December 10, s i the home of distinction of having presided at the writer, died st Zandvoort at the age day evening, November 18. Miss Sara soon as possible. for innumerable screen stars. of 59. ; • Music will be furnished by One of Mrs. Sam Snyder, S00 Oakland ave-l Eosenblatt entertained at an afterSpeaking of his musical efforts in Heyeriiians was u dramatist, &nd noon bridge Sunday, November 23, at the peppiest orchestras in the c i t y - ntte. was the author of the famous play, behalf of Miss La Marr, Somers venBaxter's Radio Men—an organization her home. This Saturday afternoon WEDDfNTGS ENGAGEMENTS Mrs. S. H; Katelman entertained at tured the assertion that this star re- "The Ghetto." KRASNE-HORN. Mr. and Mrs. M. Lande announce Mrs. N. FitJ or was hostess at a mis that has made a hit with the radio ftrar tables of bridge a t her. tome Two winter weddings having the engagement of their daughter, cellaneous shower at the Brandeis fans of this community. Sunday evening. already been announced and< accord- Rose, to Mr. Paul Goldberg, of Sioux Tea Rooms, honoring her niece. Mrs. _ Beginning i T T T T T ^ ^ T S T ^ T ^ "***««»*«* Mrs. Philip Fxiedinsn entertained ing- tp the.census taken among the City, la. No wedding date has as H. Hirschman entertained . twelve! Sanday Eve f Z, JiXfirfSBX^sA^C^lK^^ Thercnf ter guests at an aluminum shower and abnut twenty-five children at a thebrides-to-be,.there.will be a mmber yet been set. bridge at her home Monday- afterater party Monday afternoon, folmore-to be announced before many The Junior Council will hold a busMoil Eagerly Awaited Offering of the SeftSirf* The engagement of Miss Eva Cohn, noon, and on Wednesday .afternoon iness meeting Sunday afternoon, De- lowed by a supper, in honor of the more days go by. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Cohn, to Mrs. M. Giventer was hostessa t a One of the Weddings announced this cember 7, at the home of the Misses ninth birthday of her son, Lester. Cofasiag unchanged, intact, from'Its rec&rd.iiani at the week will be held Sunday, January 11, Mr. David Manvitz, son of Mr. andcms o'clock luncheon at her home for Dora anu Tillie Markovitz, 519 SevStrabert Theatre* Kansas City*'and the K1«W& £rThe* Council of Jewish Women are when Miss Aime Slorn, daughter of Mrs. H. Manvitz, of this city, • -was twelve guests. Other social affairs enth avenue. lattger Ameritaa Theatre, St. Louis. annouhced this week. As yet no wedare being planned for this December holding a meeting today at the home Mr. and Mrs. M. Horn, becomes the ding date has been set. bride-to-be. of Mrs. George foarae. The Ladies' Aid Society will hold a bride of Mr. Joe Krasne, son of Mr. fADOLPH 2UKDR.* meeting next Tuesday afternoon; Deand Mrs. fcrasne, of "Council Bluffs. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Fellmair will The wedding will take place at the receive on Sunday from 3 to 6 in the The December Card Party of the cember 9, at the home of Mrs. I. Mrs. S. H. Katelman is entertaining Omaha Chapter of fiiulassan* will be her Afternoon Bridge club at a lunchTJIacksttme Hotel. afternoon, and 8 to 10 in the evening, given at the home of Mrs. S. Faier at Cherniss, 102" Fifth, avenue. • | eon today at the Wallace Buttermilk at their home at 3025 Myrtle avenue, 120 South Thirty-sixtn street. MesSHAPIRO-ROBINSON. Mrs. Samuel H. Katelman enter- Shop, followed by bridge at her home, Helen Robinson, daughter of Mr. for relatives and friends in honor of dames I. Perlman, L. A. Solomon and tained sixteen guests at a surprise" 601 Willow avenue. and Mrs. J. B. Robinson, ha? set San- their daughter,. Rose, and her fiance, A. I. Eulakofsky "will be assisting arty Saturday evening, Noveinber lir. Isaac Solzmaii, who is a senior 29, in honor of her husband's bitthday, January 18, as her wedding day Mr. Robert L Marer, whose engase- hostesses. ment_-was annonnced during the pa=t at the University of Iowa City, spent day. The evening was spent in playt a j d r . ilax-Shapiro, son of Mr. and Sunday here ^Ith his parents, Mr. Miss Esther Katelinah will enter- ing bridge. Mrs. J. Shapiro, of Lincoln, Nebr. week. No cards have been issued. and Mrs. N.Solzman. tain Sunday aftemdon from 8 to 5 The wedding will be held at the Blackat her home, complimentary to Miss Mrs. Simon Steinberg entertained Mr. and Mrs. M. Jacobow and Mr. stone Hotel. Miss Reva Gross, who is attending and Mrs. Sam Jacobow were hostesses Betty Granet/of New York City, and her Evening Bridge club at her hottie % zkenietiaqihemr} (feraous PbgersMr. M. E. Chapman, of the Gold- at six tables of bridge a t the home of Helen Rohison, a January bride. Those last Monday evening. the University of Nebraska,'spent'the j stein-Chapman Co., is in New York ; the latter Tuesday evening. Mrs. S. assisting will be Mrs. D. B. Epstein, past week-end here with her parents, $t*E€!M. SVilFH City on a buying, trip., He will re- j Mrs. Lawrence Krasne and her Mr. and Mrs. Sam Gross. entertained Saturday Mrs. Reuben Brown snd Miss Celia MAIL ORDERS NOW—SEAT SALE TOMORROW, 10 A. tA. turn the early part of next week Je v e n i n g . a t dancing party for fifteen KCoper. mother, Mrs. M. Krasne, spent the jrfctei SOC. ll.SfO, $1.50; Matifaefts! &Cc, 75c, $1.06, Pit!* Tax V"l\ net be.t»"!WT r'-<— .-'"-ve Sa O r ^ b a within one year past week in Kansas City, Mo, i PATE«>Ni£E OUR ADVERTISERS The members of the Junior Hadas- couples at her home in honor of he* THORPEIAN CLUB sah were hostesses to one hundred and brother, Mr. Harry Konterowitch. ACTIVITIES. fifty guests at their annual public Miss Leona Pollack will be hostess card party held Sunday afternoon, The Thorpeian Athletic .club held November 30, at the Blackstone Ho- to the T. E. D. club Sunday at her its first regular meeting at their new tel. A five-number program, directed home. headquarters in the Jewish Communiby Miss Marty'e Weinslein, was given J "The Dream" will be Rabbi Freder- ty Center "Wednesday evening, Defor entertainment in conjunction with ick Cohn's evening sermon topic thi«; cember 3. An. address of welcome to STYLE WITHOUT the card party. .Those participating Friday evening, December 5, at the their hew quarters was given by Mr. mWfiNCE .>. in the program were Little Miss Eu- Temple. The following .morning his Win. Bfiimenthal. DOUGLAS ST CSpe Rosensteiri, who rendered several subject will be "Jacob's Vow." The basketball team will play its song and toe dance numbers; Miss Ida first league game next Wednesday Tenfenbaum sang, "followed by a com-* Dr. and Mrs. S. E. Ravitz have evening, December 10, on the Y. M. ical Vaylet by Betty Steinberg and taken -an apartment at the Marianna C. A. floor at 8:05 p. m. The team Lydia^Ross, "who were coached by Miss Apartments. is being coached by Leslie BurkenMary MaizeL The program was conroad, who will also take an active Miss Ethel Green, who left Omaha part as a player. cluded by a talk on "The Work of Hkdassah" by Mrs. Ben'Handler. The" about four years ago to make her Final arrangements were made for proceeds of the card party will be home with her. sister, Mrs. A. Green, the first regular Sunday night dance sent to Palestine towards the mainte- at' Portmouth, Va., and with relatives at the Rome Hotel ballroom on Sunnance of the club's Orphan in Pales- in the east, has-returned to Omaha to day, December 14. The music for be with her sister, Mrs. J. Bernstein, this dance will be the orchestra that and Mr. Bernstein. was the hit of the Thorpeian carniFreeda Weiner entertained val—Harry Gerstein and his Highland at" a g at the home of Miss Lillian Kooper at her home Friday evening in honor last Sunday afternoon. The club enof her birthday. MARIE tertained its members at a theatre : Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bonoff, who party last Saturday afternoon at the CORSET SHOPPE were married Thanksgiving Day areBrandeis. 204 AQUIXJV COURT now honeymooning in New York Phonei AT lantlc 9789 Mrs. Charles Cohen entertained at City, where they are slopping at the Secured in the most sensational three tables of bridge last Wednesday Omaha. Xebr. Pennsylvania Hotel. Enroute home e afternoon, honoring her sister, Mrs. stop off at Detroit, Mich., W i Mih purchase ever cdftsuintiiatecfc tnW p l d where they will spend several days • by this organisation expecting to return home the early part of next week. Mrs. Bonoff was Hats thai should sell at formerly Miss Sara Reva Snyder, of We specialize 1A the originations and designings ol ladles gowns, coats and suits Council Bluffs, Iowa. at moderate prices. 230 Aqnila Court Mr. and Mrs. Sam Cohn entertained ATIantie 4532 at a dancing party last Monday evening at the Hanscom Park Pavilion* honoring several brides-to be, Mrs. Cohn's sister, Mrs. Meyer Each of sky, formerly Miss Fanny Rubin, who was married.Thanksgiving Day for the Misses Flora Bienstock, Tess Kavich, *We appreciate &ow iieem?agly imp&tHats—-Hats—-Kate. Our imoiense Odd Helen Robinson.




151© 1521

In the Must Omaha E





Choice Thursday,


Mrs. S. Ravitz returned home Monday after spending five weeks visiting in Albia and OttiimWa} la. The Annual Bazaar of the Temple Israel Sisterhood -will be held Monday and Tuesday, December 15 and 16, in the corridors of the Court House. The patironage of everyone is cordially extendedv • Mr: Eugene Cooper, formerly of Omaha, who is iiow with the Eoof Garden Orchfestra in Sioux City, la., visited here Monday with his parents, Mr. iuid -Mrs. - David -Gooper.

-Mr. -William R. Blumenthal will • address the. members of the Deborah, Society at their regular meeting Tuesday afternoon at the Jewish Community Center in the Arthur Building; A report of the year's receipta- and -disbursementsTOU-be given by the secretary of the Talmud Tbrah. _ Bess Horn returned the early part of the w^eek from Des Moines, la., where " she' Spent Thanksgiving with ..Miss Nettie Levitt. "Oh' Friday, November 29, Mr. aid Mrs. A. M._ Greenbaum announced • the birth' of a baby £on born at the Methodist Hospital. $Ir. and Mrs. S. Greenhouse entertained at their home last Friday everiuig Professor Philip- Felz, of line" Imperial RussiaS iVhich completed aa engaghnfehi^ai the Orpheum Theatre last.vfeek. His tvvo nepkews,-Masyl'ahd Mischa Portnoff, violinist and "pianist respectively, who are also with the. SymBhony Orchestra, were also guests of. Mr. and Mrs. Greenhouse.

Treat YOURSELF to A Pleasant Surprise

floor is crowtSec! ts> capacity wltk tlb* Most •wonderful ui-riiv of tfuly be«.utl> fol, distinctively stj-Ie^ bftts. Hat* oil %&IcB the trimnusgs &lene «re wartk f»r mbre than the price we

•ible iuch k salt as t!ii* knight appealt<l tfee Woniin « h o U Bot femili&r with the Herzberg mercliandisinff policies. But we promise yon the greatest hmt ftirtory. ta o«nr


Give The Old Car A Chance toRedeem Itself jump in the old car and hurry down to our salesroom, look over the different JEWETT models and decide which one "you would like to own.

Materials Failles Satins


Bengalines Felts Metallic Brocades

Strait Tvffetas


Tyrolean Crowms Turban* Edited Britns Capdines Off-the-Face Pokes Large Dressy Hats

You will be AGREEABLY SURPRISED to learn how far your old car will go towards purchasing a new JEWETT. •

Hundreds of Advance N e w Spring Creation*

If you .don't own a car, let us show you -how you can purchase one for almost NOTHING DOWN.

Beautiful, crisp, new spring hats, itetigls tiFul in their freshness. Hals that oia# VbuKl toot hope to secure at this daring low price. They are here, here la assortments that are positively beVritt'sr iag. Never before and ^wie belieVd never again will such a millinery sale present itself to you.

This SPECIAL INDUCEMENT is keeping our salesmen busy, so you will have to act QUICKLY. OPEN SUNDAYS AN& EVENINGS

Paige Detroit Motor Car Company : 2047 Farniim St., Omaha

A Millinery Sale Omaha Women Will Remember for Months to Come '•• ' £rery hat is a ejaality hat, a real itj-*e scccess. TLe-y are trimmed -with, flowers, ribboa lmws, lace, loaches of . strate &nd ii'siSi poms. HnU fur the miss and the inatro n, with plenty of hats for the woman -who requires a large hea«T ease.

We cannot urge you too stroRgiF to plan .'en -an early attendance. S a l e starts . promptly at 9 a, m.

Colors Must Black Crmthevry Beima €®pen Rose Melon Brown Sand • Pheasant " Wood Etc.

Extra fezJeslatlkft, fefctra wfap|»cr«f extra Ashlers and estra space will be deto tnis sale. • ,


PAGE-4-r-TBtE JEWISH PRESS—THURSDAY, DECEMBER- 4, 1924 HTAS ALLOTS $3,000. FOR , Dan,. the Commandment breaker, "Why should anyone need a refrig- ice water vras encountered, Teller vir- months because the sea is navigable ; u REFUGEES IN FRANCE and his pal, Inspector Redding, who erating plant when located s<v-far tually being located on an iceberg. only, during the latter part of June, New York. (J. T. A.) The sum of winks at iniquity; Mary, the wife; North?" During, the winter the .tem- The, Baker compressor is run at 90July, August and half of September. $3,000 as a guarantee for the main- Sally Lung, the charmer from China- perature frequently registers from 50 pounds condensing and 15 pounds suc- The reindeer are very palatable and Delivered b j Mrs. Henry J,. Marx, Friday evening, Nov. 28, 1924. tenance of the Jewish, refugees, men, town, and John, the "four-square" to 60 degrees below zero, bat the tion pressure. are shipped to distributing points- in women and children, who have been carpenter, are folks that live in mem- warm Japanese current gives Teller The sharp freezer Is carried during Seattle and Duluth. With tHe setting of the'sun today daunted and unafraid—with this a inild summer. • " the summer months at 10 degrees beThe Loman Eeindeer Company with Starts tlie observance of a VERY deathless phrase upon their lips—WE permitted to stay in. France, was de- ory and win from the spectator the A herd of about 10,000 reindeer is low Zero, and the storage room at headquarters at Nome, Alaska, is un' \ manded by the French Government, tribute of sympathy, laughter and special Sabbath—which has been" des- are here to carry on! We, too, j need » the Rest, and theaccording to a cable received by the tears. ignated as "Sisterhood Sabbath." kept near Teller under the care of 15 to 18 degrees above zero. Deer der the management of"Carl Loman, Although bat a new member -of Comfort, and- the Serenity of ourHebrew Immigrant Aid Society from The main story is preceded by alocal Eskimos. During the winter the are frozen and corded up like wood in son of former United States Judge your Sisterhood, I have been given the faith! We who move BO'rapidly, we the Berlin Immigrant Directorate. Loman of Minneapolis. grand introduction which pictures Is- deer become thin and gaunt, due tothe storage room. privilege and the HONOR of talking Who crowd so much into our days— Following the receipt of this cable, The average deer when slaughtered rael's bondage and flight from Egypt, the absence of moss upon which they to you on this very special occasion we who play so hard! - We. who know —much 1 believe as one would aak a no relaxation. When we aren't run- John I* Bernstein, president of the the miracle of the divided Red Sea,live. By spring many are hardly able are from 18 month to two and onenewcomer how they liked our town. ning from one social event to another, Hias, called a special meeting of the to move around. However, they quick- half years old, and -weigh about 150 And like a newcomer 1 may discover we are breathlessly trying to. keep up commijttee for activities abroad, which the giving of the Law to Moses, and ly get" fat when spring comes and pounds when dressed. the destruction of the licentious bacan interesting sidepath: which you with our various club activities. We xn,ay have overlooked in your constant are; using up our vitality faster than decided to cable the necessary sum in chanal of the Golden Calf. Theodore summer vegetation grows abundantly. It is necessary to carry the deer Every Known Kind trudging over the beaten, . p a t h - of we "can replace it. This, is the era of order to prevent the expulsion of the Roberts as Moses, Estelle Taylor as Most"of"the slaughtering is done on over in storage during the -winter and of Insurance nervous breakdowns! We need rest refugees. service'to your Temple I the beautiful frenzied prophetess, to- the ground in the early fall. spring until the following- stimrrier •••.•.• •• •/• V I have been; asked to talk' about the The Loman Reindeer Company have 209 W. O. W. Bldg. JA. 3944. gether with Rod La Rocque, Robert Opportunity of the Sisterhood. The Tljink, . how hard our Mothers Edeson, Leatrice Joy, Nita Naldi and a sharp'freezer 38 inches wide, 10 Sisterhood of Temple Israel was, workedi with their^large families. The ZOLOTKOF EDITOR OF CHICAGO JEWISH COURIER Richard Dix in the moderr story, are inches long and 9 inches high, and a fbrined with but one object in mind. stress of the Fridays, with its cooking Chicago. (J.T..A.) Leon Zolotkof, the outstanding figures in a cast of storage room 88 inches wide, 40 inches :To AID the Temple in every possible and its baking, its scrubbing and its ^ay. That there are 'mighty few scouring—so as to be all through be- Jewwish writer, has resumed the edlong and' 9 inches high. Carpenter Paper Co. •opportunities for the raising of .funds fore sundown. Qne^would think that itorshippf the Jewish Daily Courier, rare excellence. One of the most de- ' A ; 5%x5% Baker Uni-flow ComDistributors oi lightful features is the accompanying dFor its V varied; purposes • that' have by thev time they "were through they Western Bond^—and High been. overlookeS-' by the> Si§terhbodr- wpufdtbe ready to drop with exhaus- succeeding Dr. S. M. Melamed, who Riesefeld score played by_a large or- pressor has been installed, the power Grade Stationery is well known.* The wqm§ru who. "are tion.' Then would come time for the recentljr resigned from his position &> chestra of symphonic experts. " being furnished by crude o0 engine. :at:the head of the; Sisterhood rhave a candle lighting—and you remember enter business. Mr.. Zplotkof was edOmaha Nebraska In order to get condensing water a jvrell-earned reputation as go,-getters that beautiful Shabbas face? It i i itor of the Courier six years ago. :" hole about 12 feet deep was dug in ?---ahd I do; not believe I am stretching still, thank God, a weekly miracle in the ground. At this depth ice and INSTALL MACHINE i t too. far when I say that the Temple my Mother's home! , ' • "THE TEN COMMANDcould hardly function without' ' this There is no scientific name for i t IN ALASKA At. 8028 MENTS" IS MECCA OF 1307 Howard St. \ery -vital arid necessary asdjunct* V In}" "way you pet them In any package yet there isuo mathematical fact that To install a refrigerating machine p i amr'very sure that the Sisterhood is surer! ' WE need this spiritual rest AMUSEMENT LOVERS Omaha, Nebr. stands; ready to serve the? Temple in -—and strength—in the. stress of our "The.: Ten Commandments." Cecil in the United States is an every-day H e r s GRAHAM CRACKERS everyi-possible way—rand I knbw that own lives. After all—We are J u s t event, but to install a plant within 70 are B-o-o-ii eating' for everybody, it is busy now with ••. plans "for theSarah, Rachel, Ruth and Leah brought B, De Mille's powerful spectacular miles of the Arctic Circle is unusual. STOUT grocer tor I T E N CRACKERS enlarging of, the sadly overcrdwded to date. Connected by a direct line drama, presented by Adolph Zukor and name alwajB. Get t h e .genuine and At least, such is the opinion of the PAXTON HOTEL quarters • of the Sunday; Schools These to these Mothers in Israel, and striv- Jesse L.Laskyy plays its only engage'One,of America's Great Hotels' Be satisfied at! are-^aliiOpportunities with #ie, pjpbf ing still for; the simple,.-Jewish vir- ment in at the Brandeisthe- Baker Ice Machine Company at OmaTUKH1SH BATHS lems-of which they have ;\ong sirttg* tues for which they are remembered— ha, who through its agents, North: uo» tiperfited by - • i£Ied~-ahdwhich can be left-totHexn though) some 5,000 years have passed! atre, beginning?; tonight. Performances west Ice Machine Company, Seattle, PAXTON HOTEL will be givert daily a t 2 ;20 and 8:15 to handle in a very able and efficient FUNDAMENTAL! Steam, Turkish, and Electric Batfes. have installed a six ton Baker, plant : P. 8. SSOK.E* Prop. -ijjnanner. . : " ' : : : : . \ , ' / . 2 - ' " ~-" /• •:.;'': ':.•' Upholstering CG. Sisterhood Sabbath was given us during the engagement. The big picAI) Modern Equipment. : ( What -I shall; speak of now is not for a purpose. Let i t b e ' a sort of ture comes here with the reclaim of. for the Loman Reindeer Company at Phone Webster 0S20 pt-. its many opportunities, bpt of Its stocktaking—an auditing of accounts. long rims in New York, Chicago; Phil- Teller, Alaska. Teller is very near Upholstering and Furniture RepairTHE LAUNDRY THAT ing • Mattresses Renovated. ONE opportunity! In our crowded, To the CREDIT of the Sisterhood the Bering Strait recently crossed by EVERYBODY UKES. DR. FRED B. BROWN crowded lives we are thrusting J,this lies the "countless ways in' which it adelphia, Boston- and Los Angeles, the World Flyers. Bos Springs. DR. CELIA R. BROWN opportunity, to one side.; The OPPOR- has worked for the benefit, of thewhere it was received with unexam1013 North I6ih St. "Naturally the first thought that VF-lantfo 2619 TUNITY of actually USING—AND Temple-j-to its debit lies the languish- pledattendance and enthusiasm. CHIROPRACTORS BENEFITING BY—the Religion for ing of interest in and attendance a t probably enters the reader's mind is, 4C6-40? I'axton Biorb Dishonpstv in bjisinQss and official \vhijch this Teniple is ONLY a setting our Sabbath morning services! THIS Hours, 10 &.. M. to e P. M.. •rJarid on Sabbath: morn, a sadly empty is the ONE that SHOULD be Par- one of the^big. central themes, Ftrone, Atlantic 37U9. bine! We are- much' like the parents ticularly OUR business. The Sister- reflected as if _;byi"i)rescience the vital Residence; Morris Apfs.. Phone At. 3210 ovn T Call us for good •who work and slave for their cnil« hood is comprised of the very leaders issues:ibf the year; The need of the CONVSNCIC V « l . OF dren—but who are TOO BUSY to act- ini our Jewish community. Where you fundamental Code of right and wrong SINCERITY • "The Mohl" Trust tially enjoy their society. go, others will follow. A. Temple was never more vividly illustrated. Eesidence, 1342 So «5tb 6t. Safety Sisterhood Sabbath should really without its Congregation is a dead Tel aTlantlr 6«rt. have been observed on Sabbath' morn- thing, and the presence-of the Sister- The nipdern scenes are laid in San FUtfti of Ho si urns £416 Cumins St. MICKLIN LUMBER CO. ing. It had to be changed to .tonightj hood at Sabbath morning services is Francisco, .and the drama is tense and Tr! ATlantir SSS1 in order to keep the honor from being JUST as necessary and important as thrilling. 24th & Burdette Sts. WE. 5555 the presence of our Rabbi! BEHOT Til an EMPTY one. In- our Sabbath service we have a A GOOD DOCTRINE HAS BEEN Prayer which says in part, "O help us GIVEN US. LET US NOT FOR- dLJlIIIllIllllllIIIIIIUllllIIHIIIllIlllllIlllllllllIIlIlltlllllllllllllltiailUIIIIIlllllllinilllllllllllllllllllUtllUlllBlUllllllltltlllHIltill^ Where youf c!ot6e8 come bom* cleaner end last l to PRESERVE the Sabbath, as Is-SAKE IT! Office Phone JArfeson S12S rael's heritage from generation td mt$mm. 1B71I generation." Is that .word "Preserve" HENRY BERGSON APPEALS JOHN FKLDMAN a.. 'A.- JAOUKBXF.QSB. going to prove prophetic ? Are we— FOR INTELLECTUAL Clothier in actual fact—going to PRESERVE AID FOR HUNGARY Full Dress Suits and Tusedoa the • Sabbath ? To. bottle' it, and seal • Otnaha Offices Moved from IB9 No 16tb St. to it, AND NOT USE IT? I t is up to Geneva. (J. T. A.) Henry Bergsoh, Question: • - Omahti Phon SOS Knrbnch IJfork, If4h & Douglas Sts the present generation whether we president 01 the League's Commission Ford Transfer.-&'-Storage -€©. OMAHA HKMt. MAINTAIN the Sabbath—or EM- for the "Advancement of International K A. PUEB. BALM it! Whether we make of it a Intellectual Co-operation, addressed Presiflem RnS General Msnairei;. living, breathing actuality—or a MUCooncU B)n«T» ( I T O B ) OtBfie SEUM RELIC encased for PRESER- an appeal to universities, academies JO»l K» Main i*Utnt. fhjw*. 8SS. WASH AND KEEP WELL VATION in a dead shell of a Temple and' intellectual societies of the enA RULE OF HEALTH —and taught to our children only be- tire world to relieve the situation of cause of its HISTORIC worth 1 Are the professors and students of HunFRONTIER TOWEL SUPPLY we—in the mad, rush of our busy lives Answer: —^•instituting another reform — and gary. 1S29 California Street. lopping off the Sabbath so that it In this appeal Mr. Bergson stated council aiwF» u. begins AND ENDS, on Friday night? that as the revenues of Hungary Service, is Out Motto A religions service isn't merely something that we GO to. It is some- were reserved for reconstruction work ' Safe Deposit Bosef tor Kent thing that we GET! If it isn't some- institutions of an intellectual nature . thing that we can take away with us suffer and the intellectual life of the —something that we are enriched by country is in danger. He urged the —then we have NOT learned how touniversities, academies and societies Druggists and Stationers utilize this most miraculous, body«O1 •403-4(13 SoDtb IiMb street healing, soul-healing and mind-heal- to send their publications to similar institutions- in"'Hungary, to organize ing force! . ' This is not just a lot of religious eicchange 'of correspondence- with bunk. I am. giving you something them and to arrange .that research Gate City FaraitBre Co. practical—something that - actually institutions, are enabled to purchase •works—and something gener. the supplies they rejuire. He also and ation has ever needed more than, the Every Jew should be conversant with the facts of GlobeVan •'•& • Storage- Co. suggested that they, arrange for ex" one in which we live! I am telling owned • «nd -operaied t>y , you nothing that is new. Beautiful change scholarships and visiting procontemporary Jewish Life/ Never in his history has When Thinking of Metis'Hats edifices are being built today because fessors with the .Hungarian univerGROSSMAN S2O-S2 No. IGtb St. a woman—who through mere accident sities. or Furnishings the. Jew faced more problems than he does today. At. O230 '<!». 4338 of birth was Christian rather - than REMEMBEB Jew—UTILIZED THIS TRUTH— ' • "In coming to the aid of Hungary," and thousands of soul-sick, heart-sick/ Mr. Bergson declared, "you wwill Te• 1421 DOUGLAS" ST. and body-sick people from our 'very inforce the spirit of unity which '"'"Harry' Kdnonovitdj' j fOE I* WOLF SAM Nbest, most intelligent ranks' of life, should exist between intellectuals. of -are forsaking their own religion for this one, because it teaches that all countries." Studltn—2U1 Crotinsp SJlfc. FAITH ACTUALLY HEALS! ' Harney JMTC fHK BRINK '& JENSEN CO. Faith actually heals-^aresent'ed to Bowing for Advanced Pupils. DR. ROSENBAUM CALLS the world as a Christian • discovery. Wholesale p for ON SIR HERBERT SAMUEL Yet WE are alive today ONLY BECAUSE OF THE MIRACULOUS .Jerusalem. (J. T. A.) Sir Herbert Northern Toilet Tissue POWER OF A FAITH THAT CAR- Samuel, High Commissioner of PalesAids, the Jews to keep in touch with .vhat their fellow U12 Barney Street RIED OUR ANCESTORS THROUGH Certified Public Accosot&nts THE FIRES OF PERSECUTION— tine, received a visit from Dr. Samson AT-tantic 640B ' Jews are doing in city, state and nation, besides inAudits Systems and THREATENED EXTERMINA- Rosenbaum, former Minister of JewTION! . , Investigations ish. Affairs in the Lithuanian cabinet. forming them on the problems of the Jews in Europe Shimi - Yisroal Adonoi Elohenu, 43* to t4« Vetrr* i'ro*« Bide. The High Commissioner evinced great c Phnne*. .fsrkoer «E!K, 4S14. PAXTON-MfTCHELL CO. 'Adonoi Echod! • and the World over. Because our forefathers .could face interest in the position of the" !"th nntt WarthfJ SSs, , HA. WS3 Lithuania. •Mattiitae$tirer0 t>T Brass, Broovs. ^ d even Death

The Opportunity of the Sisterhood

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