December 11, 1924

Page 1

I profess not talking—only this, let each man do Ms'best —Shakespeare.

VOL. IV—No. 1

all men-nave, ifjtltey dare try* A - gJbo x i o u s life, or grave.—-Herbert.

Entered aa second-class mall mr postofflce at Omaha, Nebraska,.*

*->n Janns'ry 27tb, "ID21, at Jie-Act «rf-March 3. 1S7D.

Bigger And Better Than Ever Is Promise Of Directors In Charge Of Show. 'ALL MEMBERS WISHING TO TAKE PART IN SHOW ARE ASKED TO COME FOR TRYOUTS. The third annual Yi M. and Y. W. H. A. show will be held Sunday evening, February 8, at the Brandeis Theater. The show will be given for one performance only. - This date was selected by the members of the committee so as to mate it possible for many of the people to come at this time of the year. During past performances, many were not able to attend because of the lateness in the date. After careful consideration, the directors of the various departments of the show were chosen by the committee. The actors are holding rehearsals every Tuesday • evening at the Jewish Community Center. All members wishing to takc^gart in tiie show should come* out for the tryouts. .



ALIENS MUST GET FAIR DEAL, SAYS- BRITISH HOME SECRETARY London. <J. T. A.j-^-272,6'00aliens are registered in Great Britain,- according to an announcement of Sir Joynson Hicks, Home Secretary in Baldwin's cabinet. There are probably more who are not registered, he reported. . "I cannot understand ' why we should admit aliens to Great Britain at a time when a million and a quarter Britishers are unemployed/* the Home Secretary declared. -"The report concerning the alien. question is completed and I intend to-take action in the matter," although it is impossible, as well as; unfair, to deal harshly with the aliens already resident in Great Britain. However, if they fail to conform with our laws, immediate expulsion will follow," he stated.

Local B'nai B'rith Raid Program to be Held Monday

Money! Money! Money! OH! HOW WE NEED IT! Just a few of your pennies is the- buffer between starvation, freezing and hunger of the dependent poor of this city and the Relief Work of the Federation. "Coal, eats and overcoats!" is the cry of the widows at the Federation office, preat is the waiting list these days in the Arthur Building. You ought to be happy that you are warm, sheltered and well fed these cold, blistering, wintery days. You'll be happier still in making others obtain life's necessities. But money is coming in at the Federation office in mere driblets while the outgo for food, for clothing, for fuel, for the needy poor is pouring forth in a mighty stream. Unemployment is adding to the usual, story of sickness, poverty, hunger and neglect. . Your contribution at the present time is VERY NECESSARY. We appeal to all Federation members to do their utmost. Mail the balance of your 1924 subscriptions without delay, so that it reaches us before December 15th. The depleted funds for relief work must be made up. We are sure you are with us. But please be with us in time by giving" in time. Thank you!

BILL FOR ADMITTANCE OF ESFDGEES INTRODUCED • • ; • IN CONGRESS • Washington, D. C, (J. T. A.)—i bill to amend the present immigration was introduced at the opening session of Congress by Congressman Penman of New York. The bill provides for the exemption from the quota j Advocates Quota for American Countries and. Registration of wives, husbands, cMldren, parents, brothers and sisters of citizens end of 'Aliens. declarants who were admitted to j America prior to July 1st, 1924. j LAW MUST NOT K E E P Congressman Perlman also introduced i I L I E S APART. A.) Washington, Dec, 4. (J. a resolution to admit and exempt from the quota-refugees stranded in Three salient changes in Immigration European ports who hold American practice are suggested by Secretary visas issued before July 1st and •who of Labor Davis in the annual report of the Labor Department. The first •vrere barred from entry because would «pply. to citizens of Canada, the new law. Mexico and South American countries. The second would allow temporary increase in .the admission of immigrants in. times of established and particularized labor shortage in the United States and permit administraSol Rosenberg Re-electec! Secretary tive restriction of all immigration -unfor Twenty-first Year. der existing limits in times of unemployment. The third major proposal The Orasha Hebrew club elected would require the registration and

Broad• Differently entirely from the last this talent was developed in the small Interesting Program JOE L. WOLF, meeting. Sunday afternoon, December the country. year's show, "which -was the talk of the rooms of the Jewish Community Cencasted From Station WOAW. 7, at the S'wediss Auditorium. Jacob . In presenting1 his immigration recChairman of the Finance Committee, and •town for months, this year's perform- ter and know the need of the new Riddin was elected vice president; ommendations, Mr, Da%is cites staance "will be more interesting and Jewish Community Center, building, Eadio fans will again have the Members ofIsrael the :Conimittee: A. B.- A3pJrn. Z,onls Hiller. tistics showing that while the present Kosenthal. more educational. There -will be two where the future activities will be privilege of listening to the second Sam. AltBclmler, Wm. I«. Holzman. M. SeHctrw. law allows quota immigration into the annual radio program to be broadSam BebeT. . and a half hours of entertainment. Si S. Jacobs. Harry Silrerman. held. Nathan. JBeinstein, Harry Lapiflus. J. J . Slosberg. United States of only 164,000 persons casted by the Omaha Lodge, No. 354, Sum Epstein, The show will consist of three palyTryouts for the Y. M. and Y. W. Sam Leon. Meyer Spiesberser. David Feder. i a year from countries exclusive of Ben I/astcsrten, I. O. B. B., from station. WO AW,; on Inrin StaJmaster. lets and several .five-minute enter- H. A. Annual Show are already I. F. G<SoQman, Harry Mcl.ishoci, Martin S-BEisrmaa, ; North America non-quota provisions Monday evening. The first radio proNathan E.: Green, * Harry Marcus. Edvaril Treller. tainments of dancing and singing. being held.. Dr. A. Gresnberg, Morris Milder, Harry Trustin; j affecting relatives of aliens already gram broadcasted by the local B'nai David Gresjibecc. Henry Moasky, : The first play will be "The Meno- Miss Grace Abbott and Miss Mary Harry WUinsky, in the United. States, and foreigners J. J . Green berg, Hany Kaehman, B'rith hist year met with success from Harry A. TVolt. _ rah," a drama in one act, written Maizel will coach the singers and Louis Greenberg, Sam Kavitz. K. S. TaEe. i-coming under professional, educationXiocia Harris. Arthur Kosenblnm. Isidor Ziecler, £. -"/specially for this occasion "by Mrs.dancers and are' issuing a first try- the large number of letters and teleHerbert Heavenrieh. David Eoseustock. ! si and commercial status classifiesHarry B. Zimmao. I^Hetman Auerbach, and directed and.- out call for this Sunday morning, De- grams received congratulating Omaha I tions, make it possible for a nraciv Lodge for its program. 1' coached by Mis. B./R. Boasberg. cember 14, at ten o'clock, at the Jew! greater number •of aliens to enter the According to Abner Kaiman, who Thi» second ' play -will be "High ish 'Community Center, The present large Inflow of Lights," a. song cycle of life's epi- IChe following members are in "has arranged both programs, the one ; immigrants from Canada and Mencol to be broadcasted' Monday evening sodes, written and directed by Mrs. charge of^the^show: j unrestricted 'by the law BO far as nawill be one of the best broadcasted ; Isidor Ziegler. .Mrs. BijJL- Boasbergr, Dramatic Di; tive citizens of those countries axe from station WOAW. The program Thethird play Trill be the ° T Tbc- rector. | concerned, is putting a premium, says will be full of entertainment. There travaganza of" 1925," Zippy, peppy Celia Feiler, Musical Director. ! Mr. Davis, on "bootlegging of aliens." will be no .drawn out-talks; the ad- Ed. Kahn and His Field Club Orches- -Large Orchestra Will Play for This tr vaudeville Revue, arranged by Miss Lou Preiberg, Stage Manager. , I We have taken, steps toward selecdresses will be confined to four minAffair. tra Will Play. Mary Maizell. Gracs Abbott, Dancing Director. • live immigration In the set of utes.. ' The members" of the T have been Mrs.-.H. Q. Marx, Art Director. i'Secretary .Davis said in The Highland Country. club Omaha Lodge -was the first lodge The annual B'nai B'rith dance co-operating witKrihe members of the Zena Maizel7 Associate Art Di 1 "his . departmental recommendatjotis^.., in thisjlistrlct to broadcast ajprograrn be held- December' .ihe-.'JSasoodc hold, its annual I\ew Year's Eve party l i h i t h best T & c t o f . . . . - - • . - - .•"*--_-"': "We should go the whole wary MK! '' FRED at the Blackstone'^Sotel. "Th¥ comever staged, so as the people of OmaNathan Green, Publicity Manager. and'at the present time is the only Temple ballroom. "This dance wiilT>e mittee in. charge is .making arrange- Sol Sosenberg was .re-elected secre- make sure that all applicants for *fi* ha will readily see the talent that is Wm, H. Blumenthal, Business Man- lodge"-making this sort of program the best ever held in the city," said ments to make-this'-event the best tary. He has held the office of secqualified before they L E . Goodman, chairman. -"Trom all event. mission are in the local Jewish youth and- that ager, an Program given by Omaha Lodge, indications of the advance ticket sale ever held. Only members'.of the club retary of the Ornsha Hebrew club for ] their homes, We should make Irvin Stalmaster, Harry Uobinson and out of town guests will be per- twenty-one years. Mr. John Feldman our quota law applicable to Canada, j No. 354, Independent: Order B'nai a capacity crowd is expected." Associate Business Directors. • Members of the organization have mitted to attend this year's party. was elected treasurer; Messrs. Abra- Mexico and Central and Sooth AmerOmahn's Return From The following are members of the Brith, arranged by Abner Kaiman: Violin- Selection, Dorothy Lustgar- sent invitations for this tHs dance. A) A Special arrangements are being ham Richards, Jacob Eomanek and ica, *hus closing a door which now general committee for the show: to tO S&ihnel N. "VTolf, Chairman ten, accompanied by;_Miss Ida Lustmajority of the members have si-'made secure a large orchestra to Sam Altschuler were elected trustees. invites the activities of the smuggler Joe Krestul • These officers will be installed at of aliens. We should provide for the play l for f this thi night's i h t ' entertainment. t e r t i t l i s t e r Iiapldas" garten. '• — • _-;- •;- ready purchased tickets. .Azorin Mr. J. Tvatleman returned home Rebecca David Beber Stanley Zievln the first January meeting:, to be held admission,, regardless "We are planning on one of the of qquota limi• Banjo Selection, Harry Gerstem. "We have secured Ed. Kahn and b e s t g Sara Belier Ida Xinstgnrten Sunday morning from a six months Nnthan Bernstein times that- can be held for a Sunday afternoon. January 4, at the ] tation, of farmers and skilled and tinMary Maize] Ed. Kahn's Field Club Orchestra; his Field Club orchestra," said Mr. tour of Palestine and European Ralph E. Cohn YeajJs Helen TUekes jj skilled laborers needed in the United party," said Mayer Swedish Auditorium. Soprano Selection, Mrs. Ida Levin. Goodman. Davidson en-: Harry Robinson Goodman. The The orchestra orchestra will will be be en countries. Mrs. Katleman, who wasHose Mina .Friedman The next regular meeting of the j States when labor of like kmd csifflct' Dr. PhlHp Romonet Y. M. H. A. Quartette. with Mr. Katleman on this trip is „„„„„„ larged for this occasion and will play j Speisberger, - chairmaa"We of tieAgnes Rosa tainment committee. willenterhave club will be held this Sunday after-j be found unemployed in this eettntry, Talk, "The Independent Order B'nai the latest song and dance hits. Irvln Stalmastcr now visiting in Chicago, DI., where £oti'Freiberg B'rith," Sam J. Leon. noon, December 14, at the Swedish and when no strike or lockout exists IIva a SiefteJ SeftJ Plans are being made to secure sev- j souvenirs for alL" she "will -remain for several weeks §^1^^oSe° • Anne: Sellcow or- impends in the industry which Character Songs, Abner Kaiman. era! novel feature numbers for this! The committee in charge is: Mayer Auditorium. Fred White before returning home. j Abner-Kaimen needs such labor. To balance this the Kahn and Field Club Orchestra.. dance. Small souvenir programs are! Speisberger, chairman; Sidney Man'Talestine is a really wonderful j „_ , President should be given power. to Talk, "The A. Z. A.," Sam Beber. eing printed an"d will be given to ley, Dave Feder and Paul Schaye. country, no one can realize it until prohibit or further limit immigration Piano Selection, Albert FinkeL - very member. Tickets f o rthe dance they have seen it," said Mr. KatleifFill i whenever unemployment in this co««Vocal Solo, Miss Ivy Segal. can be obtained from any member of 1 man. "I met a number of Omaha try makes snch suspension cieslmbte. Talk, "The Jewish Press and the the committee. The following mem- •Form' Hew Law Firm 1! people there. Among those whom Ij We should proceed to Community," Nathan E. Green. bers are on the committee: L F. A Chanucka public celebration will saw were Mr. and Mrs. J. Slosberg, Enter Basketball Team in League. Leon, Stalmaster & Beber is the be given by the Junior Hadassab our immigration tews wherever that Popular Songs, Jack Frieden. * Goodman, chairman; Dr. A. Greenformer Omahan's, parents of Mr. J. berg --.«,, N a t h a ^ E ? "Green,"Jake Yfala-! t*e ar dma e o f tte * * *mrm y a n k e d yes- Thursday evening, December IS, at is possible. Our laws should not opJ. Slosberg, • of this city, and Mr. i The Thorpeian Athletic Club bas- Kahn and-Field Clnb Orchestra. : erate to keep members of families 7 - The members ©f the firm, the Jewish Community Center. Talk, "The National Jewish; Con- shock, Dave Greenberg, Ben Cevin,! and Mrs. J. Gordon, parents of Dr., ketball team lost their first game by Mr. S. J. Leon, Mr. Irvin Stalxnaster A playlet and other numbers are apart. Further, we nmd. s M. I. Gordon, of this city, who are'the score of 18 to 14 to the fast sumptive Hospital," Harry Lapidus. Sam Wolf and Herbert Goldstein. Popular Numbers, Harry Gerstein. and Mr. Sam Beber, are well known being prepared for this, open meeting. revision and codification of out residing in Tel Aviv. In Jerusalem j Grace Presbyterian Church of Coun..':..' in local communal activities. Stal- At t i e recent meeting of the club -uralization laws. To do this I I saw Mr. and Mrs. B. Wolf, also j en Bluffs. Although the team lost its Y. M. H. A. Quartette. OlScErS EigCtsi St master and Beber have been in active a membership committee, headed by provide for't&xe anmial enrollment former Omahan, Mr. S. Davis, a"! first start, prospects for another Kiss Mary Maisel, was appointed, our alien 'pDpuIation KRS. throagih t former pioneer of Omaha,- and Mr. j championship team look good. The Yonsg Israel Synagogue The others os the committee are the enrollment woald provide means of. L. Marx; brother-in-law of Mr. L.jteam will play its next game at the , | All are past presidents of the Gzaa« Misses Belle Eosenthal, Margaret educating everj' alien in American to (Hve Cknucka Harris. - Y. JL C. A.' gym, next Wednesday Mr. J. J. Friedman was elected ven-1 ^ Lodg^ N o > g 5 4 o f L a B> K Siekes and Esther Weinberg. i customs, -wir language, our laws a«l "I was surprised to see electricity, evening. " . - . .x t . . A tmique Chanucka celebration is erable consul of the Omaha Hebrew, M r ; ^ ^ ^ firg{. ^ g president of 1 our Insiftotions.' It is true that this. and hot water in the homes, also The club extends an invitation to being.planned by "the YoungLIsrael Camp No. 4944 of the Modern Wood- \ D i s t r i c t , c ^ ^ x^agg N o . 6 ) L 0 . enrollment plan would enable HS to many automobiles, but as yet there ,• the entare Jewish public to attend Synagogue to be given Saturday even- man of America at its last meeting, R B ^ a n d &n o f f i c e r o f tie-Masonic know the alien who is here its :vJo~. DO street-cars. The Arabs still i their first regular dance to be held ing, December 20, at the Talmud To- Wednesday evening, December S. Mr. BodieSr is Deputy of out laws. We should fcnov M r > St&hxi8ster are no -Concert latatm tuCSfe them. This plan is probably the emly use the camels to convey supplies at the Home Hotel ballroom Sunday rah, Twenty-first and Burt streets.; _ I; Bernstein was elected worthy s d ~ j C m m t y Attorney and present chairfrom one place to another. • evening, December 14. The music Already preparations have, been viser; Mr. Sol Eosenber^ was -again j - ^ ^ 'f tte ^ ^ d r i v e f o r t h e Keren A Chanucka Celebration Concert available raeans of putting art end to "The fruits most seen in Palestine! ^ 1 be furnished by that well known made for Candle light Services and re-elected secretary, which office he H a y e s o d 2 n d t l i e Thedogical Semiwill be given by Cantor Joseph Malek the scandalous are oranges, grapes, figs and dates\ Highland Country Club Harmo-Jazz an address by Rabbi J. 2L Charlop. has held in this organization for the |nary. Mr. Beber is president cf the and Ms choir Sunday'5' evening, De- ihrongh'our. seaports and tn*fir Or hestra B. H. , Q m a h a L o d g e N o . 8 5 4 j j .Q . B. B., past twenty-five years. that are much larger and more juicy ^ ;i. Other numbers are being'planned. cember 21, at eight o'clock at the | borders," Eeservations for the dinner to. be Feltman was elected banker; Mr. A.1 j m d the'-fonnder and head cf the that those raised here. B'nai Israel Congregation, Eighteenth Eichards, escort; Mr. A. L. Bosen- j Alepli Zadik Aleph, an 'I "Among the most interesting things given in conjunction with the annual DR. LEYINE HEADS and Chicago streets. Thorpeian New Year's Eve danca are berg, inside ^uard; and Messrs. Harry OMAHA CHEMISTS we saw was the grave of Eachel for boys. being taken by the New. Year's Eve Dr. Victor S. Levine was elected "Weiner, Jake Crounse and Dave Coo- Mr. Leon is connected with the and the ruins of the old Temple." VERDICT IN JERUSALEM dance committee, of which Mt. Abe chairman of the Omaha section, of the per were .elected trustees. Dr. A. Leon Brothers wholesale sad re- BLASPHEMY TRIAL SENDEEED Mr. and Mrs. Katleman left Omaha Greenberg and Dr. H. Hirschman w31 tail lien's Furnisher, and he was re- Jerusalem. (J. T. A.)—The verdict last July and stopped off in the Meyer is chairman. Reservations can American Chemical Society at the De- be the Camp Physicians. Mr. Harry G. -Mendelson, Omaha cently admitted to the practice of law in the blasphemy . trial sgaiast the various cities in Germany, Austria, also be made through any member ot cember meeting: of "the section. Other bey, son of Mr. C. D, Mendelson, the Thorpeians. Dancing .will be held officers elected were Emil Wurgler by the Nebraska Supreme Court. and Italy and spent several days in Hebrew daily paper, "Doar-Ya'yom" in Tel Aviv, Palestine, NofttftiJrom 9 o'clock in the evening until 2 vice chairman; Samuel Rice, secreDISTEICT GOVERNOR before going to Tel Aviv, •wss roafe faio-WTj today. The editor, 6, tary; Dr. William Barr, counsellor , Totingg Merwtelpott •p!a«s to VISITS JAFFA J&WISH MEMBEKS -|K Ithamsr 13en Avi, BOH of the * late b and Father B. F. Hickey, Robert SavJerusalem. (J. T. A.) Governor the Eabbinlcat Un'-rensity there. •went by way of Syria and onto! hall of the Rome Hotel after the dance BALDWIN'S CABINET was fined £5, enter Ben wntnbsr of He Ms already met and liady Starrs lunched with the Cherbourg, France, from where they is over. The music for the New jdge and Dean YoHl; members of t London. (J. T. A.) Sir PMiipp The author of the Erticle which was pprominent people there. He has also executive committee. Mayor of Jaffa October 28. They in- Sasson, secretary" to.'Uoyd George sailed for the United States. Year's Eve dance is to be furnished Gordon, former Emil Wurgler of \1he •-: American spected the Murad Bassa, the Munic- during &,e War, lias 'been-appointed the reason for the trial wasfised£25.met. Mr. and Mrs. JJ. G by Baxter's Hadio Men, A peppy and Smelting anil Refilling, company ad ipal Hospital and the Quarantins StaDr. and Mm, Oraiihan's, piaEINSTEIN HONORARY M of the Air Ministry EXGLAKD WILL KOT fast band that has played over the dressed the section on "Arsenic in tion, and took tea with Omar Effondi Tinder-secretary II. L Gortlon. RESIDENT OF JEWISH j n Baldwin's cabinet, l l r . Samuel IXTEETENE IX ARABIA, STUDENTS' FEDERATION radio a great number of times. the Smelting Industry;'' bittar. They had dinner vAft. the. ws_£ appointed Parliamentary SecreVienna. <J. T. A.) Albert Einstein, BALDWIN STATES j LOUIS LTTSKT ABRITES President of the Township of Tel- j tary o f the Overseas Trade DepartEiga. (J. T. A.) Further arrests BLASPHESIY TRIAL London. author of the relativity- theory, acf. A.) The Britisl:! Aviv. ment. BEGINS IN JERUSALEM £ cepted the honorary presidency of the of Zionists were made in the Ukraine vof. interveine in the | Jernpe-ieia. f J. T, A.) Louis tapsky, AGAINST DOAR HA'YOM \ "World Federation of Jewish Students, recently in connection with the. procpresent T*£r actfvStiPp in Arabia nor i Chairmem of the Kionist /< CASDIXAL BABLASSXXA ' will they ItitCTVorie in Mo?'cm rcli- [ tirTi of AroeTira, has arrived X according to the announcement of the lamations issued by the Zeirei Zlon ; Jerusalem (J. T. A-} Trial agains WILL ESTABUSH COLONY IN u Mr, M, JI. Trr MEMOSY OF DS. SCHEKKIN" LEAYES FOF. F.OME eicus natters, iJcdnred Etsr.Iry Paid-1 tog^tT™ viib executive committee' of the Federa- annd other protesting Jewish grroups.- ike editor and publishers cf the Je~*" *•** ™by*the ""weieompd Chicag-o. <J. T. A.) A colony in Jerusslem. <J. T. A.) Cardinal •win, rew Prlrae Minister of Grsat} They tiom The World Federation of Jew; Among those wwho were warrested rusalem Hebrew daily paper, "Doar ish Students--was formed a t a recent was Chief Eabbi Brustein of Ekater-. Ha'yoxn," - sccttsed of plssphemy Palestine in memory of Dr. Siena- Barlassins, representative cf ihs Pope BritEin, vrhen the policy of | Zionist Tixeetitive. A pablie reception t h e new pevcninaent. The "will be established, in Jerusalem, left -for conference of Jewish .students leld in t inoslav. He "was released because ths against Catholicism, has commence bSiind closed doors.' Two judges are lipsky soon. He will *t&y itot take a a y steps <Jtsverrin?.eT5taccording to a resolution adopted by purpose of Ms trip is to represent to Antwerp. The executive offices of ^authorities could not prove that he new - organization - were- -estab- was -in. any -way implicated in the ifi- presiding .at the trial, one an the Herzliah here. The colony TCSI be the Taissa a mnnber of Palestine to mediate in Che fight in Arabia di- •vr««ks &n& vriU' Sien letarc to of 4he proclamations, ^_ man, the other an Arab. «ect1y. or in_directlv3 he stated* named SchemViT s^1 matters, it ~v:ss stated.

B'sai B'riili Imnsal Dasce . . • To .Be.iMieceiiber 25 fear'sfarty- atSbuikstone w

Club Flao Many Activities








PAGE 2—THE JEWISH PRESS—THURSDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1924 publicans, requested the president to flee with his family, while his propsucceeding generation was enabled LITHUANIAN GOVERNMENT name a Chicago man for one of the erty, handed down by ancestors who ELIMINATES MINISTRY to place before itself the same old posts in the cabinet. The appoint- for the last 300 years had been heads OF JEWISH AFFAIRS question. - Published every l'harsdny at Omaha. NebrasSa. £>y ment of Mr. Greenbaum is supported of Jewry in Aur, Galicia and Poland, Kovno. (J. T. A.) The name of "I thiak, therefore I am" is not The Welcome by the Monday Opera I THE JEWISH. PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY. the Ministry of Jewish Affairs is now by a considerable number of midwest- was practically swept away. merely & philosophical conclusion, but .Supper. Club of Grand! Duchess VT "Office: 681 Brandeis i'h'eatre Building—Telephone:' ATlantic 1450. Since the war he traveled extenbeing eliminated from all official doc- em, bankers and merchants. Cyril — Ancestral Lines and Wbat an actual reality. •".',-•'. " ' iNATEJAN a GREEN Manager. sively. He came to this country to uments: The Ministry of the Interior Since the American restrictive imThey May, Indicate — "I Think _§2.50. has taken over the entire property of appeal for the stricken populations DR. CHAJES LEAVES migration policy entered into force, Subscription Price, one 'year Therefore I Am" • -Introducing t n e Advertising rates, furnished on application. the Jewish Ministry. FOR AMERICA of eastern Europe and was greeted Into Ameri question of the future of JulaJewish Folk Songs Vienna, (J.,T. A.)— Dr. Zevi Chajes, here by thousands who thronged the The Government upheld the decisCBANUQ OF ADDUESS-i'leoise Rive Doth the old and ne^v address; ism has been discussed continually. ican Jewish Life. b t .and K\ve ?our name Chief Rabbi of Vienna, left today for! street in front of the synagogue ion to confiscate the premises of the This time the Union of American The Jewish Press is supplied by the Jewish Telegraphic Agency (Jewish By WILLIAM Z. SPIEGELMAN. f Hebrew Congregations took the Ministry which are now occupied by Cherbourg on his way to the United where lie spoke. Correspondence Bureau) withjeabled and telegraphic Jewish ne*9. in addition ' • „ , - , • _, -rr -, * _ initiative to put the question m a the Club of Jewish Deputies. The States. . to feature articles and .correspondences from all itnpmtant Jewish centres, New ^York's Four Hundred; w e r e ^ Version_»What vdll be the building is to be occupied by the LithMEIGHAN IS 'EXTRA* inquiries regarding news items credited to this Agency will be gladly uanian National Students' Organiza- KARL ARNSTEIN for a tog time busy preparing a £ u t o e Qf A m e r i c a n J u d a i s m ? » answered if addressed to Jewish Telegraphic Agency. 114 Fifth Avenue. IN TALMADGE DRAMA royal w e k o * ^ %£ a distwjguished T h e - m s mhUshed tion. The Club of Jewish Deputies, a r e indicative ARRIVES IN U. S. New York City., it0 H H l S S however, has decided not to leave unNorma Talmadge and Thomas New York. (J. T. A.) Karl Arn?^ n d J 'Duress ^ f Cynl, ^ f wife ' v of ? rGrand; ^ °* the variety of problems which thoughts of Jewish lead- til it is forcibly ejected. Meighan both hove roles in "The Only yp stein, builder of the ZR-S, arrived in THE FEAST OF CHANUKAH Duke Cyril, lately self-proc^med ^ « ^ S . Ochs, publisher and New York on the steamer George Woman," Norma's latest First NaThe Feast of Chanukah,. also known as the Feast of Dedi- "Czar of all Russians" in Germany, Washington. Mr. Amstein left for tional photoplay. of the "New York Times", WEIZMANN AND SOKOLOW , cation, and'by other appropriate titles, occurs this year on De-arrived as was stated, at the invita-, editor , WILL NOT GO TO RpME Meighan, who was last seen in "The Akron, Ohio, immediately, where he 3S ceinber 22nd,-and will be observed in Jewish homes and in thetiori of a society not much known! ° . . , him . a lifetime of London. (J. T. A.)—The repok of will be in charge of the construction Heart of Wetenah," recently arrived enen e House of God for eight days thereafter. This festival is re-to the public at large-The Monday f^ ^ » ' J a n n n g the value of the Permanent Mandates Commission aeroplanes for the Goodyear Tire in Los Angeles and came over to . rainiscent of the Maccabean. victory in the battle for Israel's Opera Supper Club-but probably ^ormataon and ^consequences, hit of • the League of Nations on theof Norma's set to visit with her. Direcand Rubber Company. faith when the prophetic vision was verified: "Not by might, representing1 in New- loric the highPalestine Mandate will definitely be tor Olcott immediately fixed Meighan nor by power, but by My Spirit, saith the Lord of Hosts." est strata in American financial and "Endow the Jewish institutions of taken up during the session of the up with a job. RABBI BLESSES CATHOLIC learning with a sufficiently large It recalls in particular the eventful years of 168 to 165influential society. j League's Council in Rome, according Norma was making a scene aboard PRIMATE OF HUNGARY to educate and train men and IB. C. El, in Palestine.. During that period Antiochus Epiphanes, T h e Grand Duchess is a cousin to w o e n to the information received here from a Vienna. (J. T. A.) A delegation, | yacht and Meighan became a memkeep the faith, and enor ""the mad man", King of Syria, had resolved to quench the King George of England.. Her sisteT well-informed sources. representing the Jewwish communi-1 ber of the crew. Meighan jumped with the spirit and lamp of religious liberty and .resorted to the crude tyrannies of is the Queen Marie of Roumania.; " S n t e n ™- world —-— -*•— Dr. Weizmann and Nahum Sokolow ties of Hungary, congratulated the into his role with such great fervor imperialists to compel all subject people to speak one language Her mother was the only daughter ? e n « t s of American Progressive Juda- will not go to Rome, it was declared Catholic Primate on the occasion of that. Olcott told him to stick around Adolph stated. '_ ' . " . _ « ^» . ^r iism", n n " A W«\l-r«W lOchs lnlio «-^A^A/4 and worship according to a ritual approved by the appointed and "I'll build your bit up into a good his reading hiss thousandth mass. If they learn how to think, they today. of Czar Alexander of Russia. Her priests of his empire and their religious heads, who naturally part." An impressive scene took place followed the polytheistic liturgy of the Greeks, then in a state father, the Grand Duke Alfred of, 11 e JEWESS, GREATEST when the Chief Kabbi raised his hands ' "The Only Woman" is Norma's first Saxe-Coburg-Gotha, the son of^'* of decadence. Queen Victoria of was England, The EUROPEAN AUTHORITY to bless the Primate in Hebrew. The photoplay since "Secrets." Reversing The first American edition of The enforcement of this royal decree was mandatory on allGrand Duchess is without question ON JEWELS, DIES archbishop and the assembled Cath- the theme of ?. parent's sacrifice for ("Yiddish Folk Songs", adapted for peoples, including the Palestinian Jews. In compliance with a personage of noble descent. London. (J. T. A.)—Anna Szaolic clergy bowed their heads. After a POT* or daughter, "The Only Woman" Bd this tyrannical edict the Temple on Mount Moriah (Jerusalem) Those who rejoice in having'avnoclec e aThe P i a n o ' m a d e " s a PP e a r " pira, considered the greatest Euro- the blessing, the Primate preached a tells the story of a girl, who surrenders Bloch Publishing Corn- pean authority on precious stones, was desecrated and the altar of the high priest was displaced ancestors, and those- who, history herself in marriages for her father's by a hideous idol, the work of man's hands, and an abomination having failed to provide them with iPs s u^i nf c «tainly deserves credit for died today at Boston, England. Mrs.sermon on the Unity of. Mankind. sake. S ^ e collection of fifty Yiddish Szapira was of much international of human shame and self-degradation. Throughout the country, such, at least find satisfaction, in Eugene O'Brien has the leading URGE IMMIGRATION REsongs by Miss Sarah Ktkowsky fame in the diamond market that many weaklings, fearing the mandates of Antiochus, yielded to being near sons and daughters of male role. The picture will be at the STRICTION IN ENGLAND the prompting of their affrighted hearts and listened to theproud ancestral lines, now°have oc- Sehack, ^and ^providing a ^novel jewelers from all over the world London. (J. T. A.) A deputation Strand Theatre next Saturday for tempting voices counseling treason to the God of their fathers. casion to satisfy their ambition ^eature for the American Jewish came to Boston to procure her opinion representing the Union of National one week. j These cowards submitted to the blasphemies of the monarch However, the interest in what seems, home. and valuation. She was a linguist Citizens will meet Sir Joynson Hicks, and worshipped the idolatrous images. It seemed as if Israel to be a purely s.ocial ajffair reaches! Folk songs depict the soul of theof not and spoke French, German, Home Secretary in the Baldwin cab- Jerusalem. (J. T. A.)—Baron Edand his sacred heritage were doomed to be swept away by thebeyond the sphere of exclusive so- People—their sorrow, their joy, their Spanish, Italian and four other lan- inet, for the purpose of urging more mund de Rothschild will visit Palesciety. Many plain folks find reason struggle and their hope. In former guages. rising tide of heathenism* stringent immigration restrictions. tine after Passover, according to iny b e f o r e ««* synagogue reached The enforced obedience to these idolatrous practices of to be' interested in this brilliant itimes formation received here today. paganism which were an abomination to the Jew and a source affair. Aiaexican Jews could, if t a s e of stagnation, folk songs COMBAT ANTIDESCENDANT OF a-welcome feature even in the of irritation was a factor in fanning the flames of revolt that ancestry is a mark of distinction, SEMITISM IN* POSEN KING DAVID DIES! FOE, RENT—The Harlan Apts., soon broke out when imperialistic tyranny added oppression to point to an ancestral line which dates • synagogue service. The Orthodox Posen. (J. T. A.) Glos Poznanski New York, Dec. 8.—"Chief Grand book contains a number of is the name of a new Jewish paper violence. The hatred germinated in the hearts of the pales- back to a period long beforer the fprayer 2301 Sherman Ave. Beautiful to; . tinian Jews against Antiochus resulted in a revolt that instantly time of King Tut, In their interest o l k s.onSs composed in the Aramaic issued in the Polish language here; Rabbi Isaac Friedman, 39, reputed five room apartment; all mod1 in this royalaffair, however, Amer-'iangaage. The Selichoth and theThe paper was established by the be a direct descendant of King David,! led to war- against- Syria. • ern; $6 Call JAckson S884, | Jews fi find themselves on the EU^oth are largely productions of a Jewish Merchants Association for the died today after a brief illness. This insurrection was headed by a priest of Modin, Matta- ican ican Je or evenings, "WE bster 4774, He came to this country on June thias by name, a member of a princely family who rallied a side of the ancestorlesS, plain people, similar nature, although they are purpose of combating the anti-Semit3 of this year from his home in the style j framed more in of ic propaganda of the Polish National small band of loyal followers to defy the king and wrest free- Why? _ Vienna to promote Judaism, and was j dom for his countrymen from the tyrannies and blasphemies of Grand Duke Cyril, or Cyril the j a prayer, Democratic press in Posen. The Jewish Folk Songs, which are the mad emperor. First, intended coming to the United! Another step to counteract the anti- planning to return to Austria, where! States in person. The State Depart] the products of the Yiddish language Supported by Judah, his son, to whom tradition has given Semitic oppressions of the Jewish he left a wife and two children, on = : FOR RENT!! < j . the name Maccabee, and his four heroic brothers, the Asmo-m'ent sensed in his wish a desire to period, possess both in contents and population in Posen was the estab- December 17. Four rooms, all modern, neans led to triumph the handful of embattled Palestinian secure a new basis for his political melody such a direct appeal to Jew- lishment of a Mutual Credit Bank Chief Grand Rabbi Friedman was one of the highest ranking Jewish j upstairs. Call Webster operations; Grand Duchess Victoria's ish sentiment and philosophy of life, farmers who, - by • their invincible strength and death-defying which will extend credit to Jewish prelates of Europe. At the outbreak that they are of unusual interest to merchants. zeal for their God and country, defeated all the Syrian generals visithasbeen made possible on theevei 4066. of the war he was living in his ancessent against them in successive campaigns covering a period assurance that Its purpose would be: V those who are already a gentral palace in Aur, but was forced to purely social—not political. Skeptics, j eration apart from the mode of life SIDI AHMED WILL . of four years. they portray. In fact, as an eduhowever, doubt. COME TO PALESTINE The final victory of the insurgent Maccabees happened according to the -Hebrew calendar on the 25th day of Kislev, • W h y ? ' — - • / • ..<.'• ' . / , •.-'•. . ':•:., . cational means and one which at the Jerusalem. (J. T. A.) King Ali value, has refused to permit Sidi Ahmed, .l corresponding to the month of December, in the year 165 B. C. The self-proclamation of Cyril; as! same time .is of entertaining E. Following the victory the Temple at Jerusalem was reno- Czar of Russia'is a matter of inter?*'they are unparalledcand much sought leader of the Senussi, to proceed vated, the idolatrous images removed, and the altar rededicaied national concern. I t has a-unique in Jewish home life and family through Jeddah to Mecca. Sidi Ahmed being an agent of the Angora combination of friendly enemies and, gatherings. to the worship of the one and only God. Government, Ali deems his visit w The sanctuary thus rededicated rose from the dust of its inimical friends in various camps; be detrimental to the Hashimite indesecration in greater beauty. Israel now became endowed with Friends of a Democratic Russia, PALESTINE GOVERNMENT REPLIES TO ARAB terests. It is stated that Sidi Ahmed new strength for the spiritual contest through the ages against though not principally opposed to the MANDATES COMMISSION will come to Palestine. revival of a Russian Czardom, seem error and superstition. In the Jewish religious school and in niany Jesvish homes* the celebration jof; Chanukah with its lights^ [to strategically; t» support > Cyril's . Jerusalem. (J, T. A.) Thirteen ^symbols: of cheer and hope, recounts these, historical events and aspiration for the sake of splitting misstatement$ were made in the mem- M. E. GREENBAUM RECOMMENDED FOR CABINET Binphasizes. the firm: conviction that the day: will corae when the monarchlstie ranks. Russian orandum concerning the situation in ^justice,-love and mercy wjll be exalted and selfishness and hatred monarchists Who strive to revive the'Palestine which the Palestine Arab Washington, D. C. (J. T. A.) M. €( between. races arid religion' laid low. This festival. voices the reign of the Romanoff's are opposed ^Executive submitted to the Perma- E. Greenbaum, Chicago Jewish bankhope that all ~ men 'will eventually be banded together in oneta Cyril as one who is not tlie legit-) nent Mandates Commission of the er, was recommended to President - covenant of love and righteousness and all mankind will turn imate heir to the Romanoff throne. I League of Nations, according to a Coolidge for appointment to the cabv The.; Vatican, 'which has always dis-! statement of the Palestine Govern- inet by Congressmen Joseph FeuchtpiGod:-ialone aa Kuler of the World. " The Nebraska Label, the Name That Pays twanger and SprouT, who called on tinguished itself'ih : its political fore- merit published here, UKRAINIAN GOVERNMENT The Congressmen, repUnited States - Senator Selclen P. sight, is reported' to be inclined to- The Palestine Government issued a the president. ^a Compliment PROHIBITS CHEDAR Spencer of Missouri, Dr. I. M. Eu-wards recognition of Cyril's cause, lengthy ansrWer to the memorandum resenting1 a group of mid-western H Riga. (J. T. A.) The Chedav, the binow of Philadelphia, former director as it would riot enable him to be-' of the Arab Executive and makes parreligious Hebrew school, existing in of the medical unit in Palestine; the come the religious:head-of the Rus-1 ticular reference to the questions of f Jewish life since the Middle Ages, Rev. Dr. Morris S. Lazaron, Rabbi of sian-Orthodox Church. Those who! land . a n d immigration which were was officially prohibited by the Com- the Baltimore Hebrew Congregation, pray for peace in Russia-view any {misrepresented in the Arab memormunist Government of Ukrainian,.ac- and Jacob Epstein addressed the 700attempt toward monarchlstic r e v i v a l d cording to dispatches received here persons who attended the banquet. with anxiety for the fate of those Let us bid on your fromKieff. The sum of §24,621 of the quota was who are the victims in any upheaval, BILL EFFECTING ECONPrinting Work Up to the present the Communist subscribed at the banquet, Mr. Jacob no matter which side it comes from. OMIC CONDITION OF JEWS authorities, have prohibited. only pri- Epstein's contribution of $5,000 headALL WORK GUARANTEED It is a whirlwind of many in- IN POLAND MAY BE MODIFIED vate religious instruction, which had ing the list. tricacies which may disclose many Warsaw. (J. T. A.)—The bill now been permitted only with the special JEWS SEND DELEGATION a political surprise and affect the under consideration in the Polish consent of the authorities. The grantTO MOSCOW fate of millions of plain, ancestorless Parliament ^or .the withdrawal of ing- of such permission depended upon Moscow. (J. T. A.) A delegation people an the future. SCHOAL FREED, Mgr. Vj concessions for monopoly articles, CORRECT APPAREL FOR MEN AND WOMEN the political convictions of the appli- of the Jewish Communities in the The Monday Opera Supper Club,' 1320 Dodge St. AT lantic 3832 which threatens the economic existcants. . . Causasus Mountains arrived here and in" granting its social prestige and ence of many Jewish firms, may be News coining from Ukrainla shows submitted a request to the govern- financial syinpathy, " • • •modified ' - - - ' - - ' in -•-- euch - - a - — - ^-*to -be way that its•*•seems "' the state of mind prevalent among ment to send a special commission to historical consequences will not be felt iminterested' -'ojily in the the Jewwish working masses. An .ap- investigate- the economic' positidn of mediately. A promise in this ancestral lines. peal" which reached Ukrainian Jewry the mountain Jews in order to" afford direction was made today by the from the victims of the recent" flood them-the possibility of settling on the "What will, be the future of Polish vice-premier, Thugutt and in -Leningrad was met by sums, raised land. •, , - jjthe Polish Minister of Trade, KeJudaism?" ,~' . ' in- the synagogues through the /'sale The delegation also applied to the of tAliahs »". (Acccording to the cus- Commissariat- of Education, -asking This .question'was never taken off dfon, after a-- conference, • with tom of the Ashkenazic synagogues, for ~ the • opening of schools in that the agenda.'. From generation to Jewish. Sejm members, Dr. Reich, the honor jpf_bein^inyited to the pul- district, which should be connected generation the question has been £§k- Dr. Thom, Dr. Shipper, Waclaw pit when the weekly chapter of the with the .general school system of ed, and since, it'has been asked, tn>. Wislicki and Schreiber. Bible is :read *is" paid for by the one Soviet Russia, and to publish textso honored.)- . - . ? , " books in the Tartar language. The delegation also appeared before the GOVERNOR RITCHIEK Council of the National Minorities in INDORSES MOVEMENT FOR' Soviet Russia and asked that the CauJEWISH NATIONAL HOMELAND casus Mountain Jews be permitted to Baltimore, Md. "(J. T.' A.) "It is a have, a representative .on .the Com-." privilege to indorse the great world- mittee for Settling the Jews on the wide-movement-for the Jewish Na- Land. -"' * tipn'al Homeland in Palestine," GovThe. number of Jews who live in - ernor Albert "C, Rithier of Maryland the Caucasus Mountains is 150,000. ' Ctateq. in, a telegram addressed to the Eugene Q'8*ie» " banquet of Baltimore Jewish citizens, JEWISH WORKINGMEN DEporte opening the campaign to raise BaltiMAND COLLEGE IN YIDDISH again the i<le*l \ - -tnoi-e's quota of $150,000 for the Pal- Riga. (J. T. A.) A workingmen's nation. , - -catjne Foundation Fund of the Keren college in the Yiddish language is the "- Hayesod. •" ,, .. . demand .of the Jewish Communists in -< ' \ '.'I'can,-imagine no ' more, inspiring Odessa, where 80 per cent of the gen./-undertaking:," Governor* .'Ritchier's eral workingmen's class are Jews. Recent examinations in tha Work- ,, message reads, "than this one, which contemplates the erection of a hew ingmen's College, of Odessa proved Y - world center lor]-Jews in .the country that'.many Jewish wqrkingmen, pro" " . whire an inspection of -the.past' can- ficient' in their" other, _subjecte? fai),^ > - jto$ fail .tajaSsttre .great and construc- owing to their "insufficient mastery of "•';• -"tive achiev^herts'fti'tlie iutui-e?' ""


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11, 1§24

for fifteen years. A social was held and refreshments were served.

Messrs. David Sher, Lester Simon, to ona week in jail. movement. It is the general opinion and" Jack Newman, are this year's Work was resumed by the Jewish here that Steig^r will in all Omaha's pledges of the Zeta Beta laborers at Afutleh today. The au-ability be released shortly. Mr. Louis Asbyll who lived for a The Aleph Zadik Aleph -will hold a Tau Fraternity. Other pledge mem- thorities have issued a warrant to short time at Butte, Mont,, has remeeting nest Tuesday evening. bers of the Fraternity are Messrs. arrest any Arab who tries to prevent Jerusalem. (J. T. A.) Several Jewturned to make his home with his Carl Gugenheim, Manuel Iseman, the Jewish workmen from ploughing. ish, workers and two Arabs were Mrs. George Roffman entertained parents. Herman Krupp, and Barney ©la_s_y. fifteen gaests at a one o'clock lunch•wounded and one Arab was killed in Miss Eae Poska entertained her ASK VISA FACILITIES eon and bridge at her homea fight which occurred between the bridge club - at the Lincoln Hotel. Atrakening Magyars FOR PALESTINE CITIZENS Jewish workingmen and Arabs of the Mrs. Charles Endelman entertained High score war won by Miss Poska "Warsaw. (J. T. A.)—The club of neighboring villages at Afwleh StaThreaten Judges With Death eighteen children Saturday afternoon and second prize was, won by Mrs. if Marffy is Sentenced Jewish deputies of the Polish parlia- tion, between the Jewish colonies at her home in honor of her daughter, Max Katleman. Budapest. (J. T. A.)—The excite- ment introduced a motion into the Merchdviah and Balfouris. Sylvia, in honor of her fifth birthday. ment over the trial of the asti- Sejm, asking the Government to Jewish workfrigmeti started plough-* Miss Sadie Sar__c_ of Lincoln on a strip of land which was Mrs. Endelman entertained at twospent the week-end in Nebraska City Semitic bomb conspirators, of which authorize the Polish consuls abroad WEDDINGS to visa the passports of Palestine j sidered by ENGAGEMENTS Joseph Marffy, the ex-secretary of tables of bridge in honor of Miss visiting her parents. | y the neighboring the Awakening Magyars, is the main citizens for short stays in Poland, I disputed land. Arabs entleav. MOZER-COOPER. From California comes, the an- Grannett, of New York City. Mrs. s Miss nauncement of the engagement of L. H. Cohen entertained her Bridge Mrs. J. Steinberg entertained her •figure, continues in the Hungarian without obtaining special permission a©red to prevent the work and threw Another January "bride -will Gertrude Cooper, daughter of Mr. and Miss Faye Hirsch, daughter of Friday at her home. stones at the workmen. Thereupon club at a bridge lnncheon Wednes- capital. An atmosphere of great from the Polish foreign office. Mrs. David Cooper, -wlio has set Son- and Mrs. Ben Hirsch, of Hollywood, anxiety is prevalent in the court and! The reason for this motion was the Jewish workmen fired <m the day at the "Woodburn". day, January '11, as her wedding day Calif., formerly of Cotmril Bluffs, Mrs. L. S. Braunstein entertained the city. Special precautions bavel t h e a r i s i n « necessity of frequent Arabs. Several arrests were mnde. •.--^+0 3_r.,Abe Mozer, of this city, son of owa, to Mr. Maurice Kubin, son ofat five tables of bridge a t her home Mr. Justin Sarbach of Denver, been taken to guard the court room. visits to Poland on the part cf Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Mozer, of Lin-Mr. and Mrs. A. Bubin, formerly of Sunday evening. Prizes were -won by Colo.*, spent the week-end r i Ne- All •witnesses, officials and the law-Palestine Jewish immigration work- PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS coln, Nebr. :: Omaha, but "who- is also now resid- Mr. L, Cohen, I. Farnaro, Mrs. H.braska City. yers must prove their indentity be- ers who come to Poland in connection with Jewish emigration to Palestine. Cherniss and Mrs. Dave Blumenthal. ing- in California. Miss Hazel Steinberg is visiting fore they are permitted to enter the Miss Belle Bergman, of Nashville, Miss Hirsch was well-known in her relatives and friends in Sancourt room. Very few visitors and Mr, and Mrs. Morris Turner Tenn., is the guest of her brother, Omaha and Council Bluffs. She is Several affairs lave been given for Francisco, and Los Angeles, Calif. women are admitted. In view of theSTEIGEK WILL BE Mrs. A. Diamond, who recently came request the honor of yo«r presence Mr. Max Bergman, and family. now attending the University of Cali- here to make her future hoine. Those charged atmosphere, an order was RELEASED SHORTLY nt the Ear Mltzvafe of their BOB A Charity bridge was given Tuesfornia at Soutib. Branch. Mr. Rubin issued to arrest any visitor •who Lemberg'. (J. T. A.)—Further who entertained were Mrs. H. SaltzThe Ten Commandments" be day by the Sisterhood of the Temple j sensational revelations in the trial Rabbi Frederick Cohn's sermon topic is a graduate of the Omaha Central man, Mrs. E. Gilinsky, Mrs, J. Katel- B'nai Jeahurn at the home of Mrs.interrupts the proceedings. Marffy and his accomplices, who! 0 * Stanislaus Steiger, accused o: man, and Mrs. G. Whiiebobk will enthis Friday evening, December 12, at High SchooL and the confirmation of.- thci* M. Polsky. : were charged with throwing bombs throwitsg the borab at the Polish the Temple. On Saturday morning No wedding date has yet been set. tertain this Saturday afternoon. daughter president, Wojciechowski, were made a year ago, at the court buildings his subject -will be "The Straggle in Mr. and Mrs. Edward Eosenbaum Mrs. H.Saltzman returned Monday today by another Euthenian, MiMr. and Mrs. Felix Bernard, of left Thursday for Los Angeles to in Budapest, the office of the newsthe. \ • New York City, -who are appearing after spending the past week in Chi-make their home with their two sons, paper, "Az Est", the Czechoslovakian kittin. Sattiraay, December th« TwwstyMr. and Mrs. D, Leavey and daugh- at the Orpheum this week, are thecago, 111., with his daughter, Mrs. Leon and Milton. and French embassies and the ortho- Pantschlschin, who is reported to ter, Edith, left last week to spend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Philip Nathan. Abe Marcus, and Mr. Marcus. dox synagogue in Neapest, are be the main figure in the Kuthenijm Nineteen nntl Twmty-four the winter in ""lami, Florida. Honoring Mrs. Bernard, the Misses Mrs. Harry Garson entertained the expected to receive heavy sentences. borab plot, has a long record of Ruthenian nationalistic activities, acTo prevent this, the Awakening Esther and Yetta Nathan will enterBen Hur Club at her homu WednesLINCOLN st the 24th Street Synagogue Mr. A. B. Alpirn is returning the tain a t their home this evening. Miss Magyars have sent out over two cording to evidence found by the day afternoon. 24th anfi Nicholas Street* early part of next week from a trip Flora Bienstock, a bride-to-be, wil Hiss Ida Fleisher, of Omaha, spent hundred letters to officials and poli- authorities. He a member of east.' " . /...: '::• •, the •week-end- visiting •with the Miss Mr. Oestreicher, the manager of ticians, threatening the judges, police the Petrograd socialist terror! sti share honors. • ot P;SO e. tn, ,;r Minnie Greenstone and Kate Gold- the New York Waist Stores in Lin-officials and members ef the govern- school and was at crte time enOmalsa, ^ Miss Ethel Steinberg, of Fort Miss Dorothy Vcta, of Cheyenne, stein. Miss Greenstone entertained coln, has moved Ms family and arement with death if Marffy and Mstrusted with the mission to killi Dodge, la., will arrive during next Wyo., spent Sunday in Omaha as the now located at the home of Mr. andaccomplices are sentenced. Petlura, the leader of the Ukrainian' week to be the guest of Miss Estelle guest of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Eosen- three tables of bridge Sunday after- Mrs. Max Frosh, noon honoring her guest. Prizes Lapidus and Miss Blanche Altman. blum. were won by the Misses Sara Som- Mr. and Mrs- H. Fogelson an- PALESTINE GOBERNMENT berg and Grace Evenen. Miss Mar-nounce the engagement of their . PROTECTS RIGHTS OF JEWMr. and Mrs. Louis Nathan enterMrs. David Newman returned home tained at dinner Tuesday evening, Monday from a ten days visit with tye Weinstein, of Omaha, was also Sarah to Mr. Dorbin of ISH WORKERS AT AFULEHI honoring Mr. and Mrs.'Felix Bernard, relatives in Chicago, HI., and Detroit, an out-of-town guest. Salina, Kans. The wedding date is Jerusalem, (J. T. A.)—The con-1 of New York City, who are appearing Michigan. ftict between the Jewish workers and : Miss Caroline Levy, of Omaha and set for January. at the Orpheum Theatre this week. Arabs near Afuleh found echo in a j Miss Eae Sara Eiseman,,of Nebraska Mr, and Mrs. M. Pearlman enterMr. and Mrs. A. Stine, of BeaMr. JB. Pred left this week for Mi- trice, Nebr., spent Monday in Omaha City, spent the week-end with Mr. tained several tables of bridge OH quarrel between members of the' Histpdruth, the Jewish labor Fed- j and Mrs. Eugene Levy. ami, Fla., where her will join Mrs with Mrs. Stine's parents, Mr. and Thursday erening. eration of Palestine and the group Pred and daughter. Mrs. W. Krasne and other relatives. Miss Mildred Nefsky sang Monday SEss 'Sara Erecheksky entertained of the extreme left, who issued a The Kid Boots club will be enter- They were enroute to their home at the Temple Theatre for the two tables of bridge Sunday after- leaflet attacking the Jewish Labor r matinee musical. ' -tained Sunday afternoon "when Miss from Rochester, Minn. Federation -and the Zionists in connoon. JErma "WeHa will be 'hostess. nection "with the Afuleb icident. Miss Caroline Levy was in LinMiss Dorothy Veta, of Cheyenne, Mr. and Mrs. Neveloff of Omaha • Five members of the extreme and coln during the past week-end visitDr. Philip Sher left Wednesday Wyo., spent Friday and Saturday in evening for Reading, Philadelphia, ing with Mr. and JJrs. Eugene Levy. Lincoln visiting -with Mr. and Mrs.motored to Lincoln to visit •with their three of the Histadruth were arrestson Herbert, who is attending the ed. Trial for disturbing the peace and Pittsburgh, Pa., where he -will Miss Minnie "Wohlner entertained S. M. Fogelson. University. took place today. One of the extrenispend a week or ten days "with rela- at four tables of bridge at her home : ests was sentenced to two months imMrs. Sarah Greenstone recently tives. . •-'•..''. .."•..•.-."•. '•' . last Friday evening honoring Miss remitted §87.03 to the New York Mr. and Mrs. Joe Sarbach had a prisonment and subsequent deportaMre. I. Feinstein and daughter, Bertha Mosinson, of New York City, Hadassah Milk Fund for* the sum-family reunion dinner Sunday eve- tion. The other four were sentenced Florence, of. St. Paul, Minn., are thewho is spending a week here while mer months and on December 1 re-ning. Mr. and Mrs. "Walter Wessel at' the and family, Mr. Justin Sarbach of guest of Mrs. Feinstein's sister, Mrs. enroute to her home from California mitted $62.00. Denver, Colo., Miss Sadie Sarbach J. Rosenberg; and Mr. Kosenberg. and Arizona, where she spent a year. HEADQUARTERS Mrs. C. Sirinsky is visiting in Chi-of Lincoln, and Mr. Paul Sarbach They will leave within a week for .. Dave Goldman returned home] cago with her son, Koby, who iswere present a t the dinner in. Nefor •^ "California, wherr they will also" vi Saturday from a visit in Chicago, ill, studying music there with Professor braska City. Miss Jeanette Pitlor is leaving next Diamond. She will be gone about Miss Stella Summerfield, of Duluth, two weeks. Lincoln, Nebr. — The Freshmen week for Lincoln, Nebr., where she pledges of the Zeta Beta Tau Fraterwill visit with her fiance, Mr. Dean Minn., iB the guest of her sister, Mrs. M. E. Chapman, and Mr.; Chapman. Engagement Eings is our The Merry Mixers Bridge Club met nity entertained at the Annual Davidson, arid Ids parents. •.'. ' ADMISSION; $1.00 PER CDUPLE Specialty Mr. and, Mrs. Harry Silverman an- at the home of Mrs, Bertha Ellis on (Pep) Dinner at the Lincoln Hotel . Mrs. David Newman is leaving nounces the birth'of a baby girl born Wednesday, December S. High score Sunday evening, December 7, for the "It's a Thorpeian Affair" Saturday to spend the week-end in Friday evening, December 5, at thewas won by Mrs. N. H. Leavitt and "upper" classmen of the Fraternity, 1514 Dodge St. Des TMfoines, la,, with relatives. She Nicholas Senn Hospital. Mrs. Sydney Shostak. Mrs. Lewis i Est. 1894 Ja. 561S will return home Monday morning. Ellis will entertain at the next meetMARIE A baby daughter, Eenee Joyce, Miss Martye Weinstein spent the ing of the club. was born Tuesday morning to Dr.week-end in Lincoln ! visiting with At the regular meeting of the CORSET SHOPPE and Mrs. A. Greenberg, at the Wise Miss Euth Zolat. Daughters of Israel, December 7, a 204 AQCtLA COCKT Memorial Hospital. presentation was given to Mrs. Harry Phone ATlantio S783 C I 11 BS Arensen of a silver pair of candle Omaha. Nebr. Mr. Henry Eosenstein, son of Mr. sticks for her services as secretary and Mrs. Max Eosenstein, is leaving ALEPH ZADDT ALEPH CLUB for Los Angeles, Calif., where he will At- a recent - meeting of the ProFrom now until December 24, yon can p_rch_&e Cnder this- plan you can purchase washing electrical gifts under oar new financing plan. machines, automatic ironers, vacuum cleaners, study Art. • .": gram Committee of the Omaha ift Make a small payment down and pay the sewinp machines and cook stoves. Tfc gifts will bring: happiness nM leisure into the balance in small taonthlv payments over a period Mr. M. H. Pessen is convalescing Chapter of the Aleph Zadik Aleph borne. of TWO YEARS. at Jbis home after Jiaving undergone club, the following events -were We specialize in tbe originations and designings ot ladies govrns. coats and Bolts planned: ' •_ . ..•" an operation recently. _; We nave faith in the integrity of the Jewish people of Omaha because »f their at moderate prices. An installation of officers banquet thriftiness. We want yon to take adTanta^e of this special payment plan to 230 Aquila Court AT lantic 4532 Miss Lottie Giventer was hostess^ at j to be held Sunday, December 21, at purchase your electrical gifts here under this plan. her home Sunday afternoon honoring #ie Fontenelle Hotel. -trf. rffeuy JMafli X Miss Jcannette Pitlor, who is to be a An open meeting for the public December bride. Mrs. Morris Cohn to be held Tuesday evening, January Premier Our New Phone Number . honored this bride-to-be .at "a one 6, for which a -program is being Cleaners o'doiik luncheon at her home "Wednes- prepared. day afternoon. .The A. Z. A. Second Anniversary Grills An entire men! can fee Dance will be held at the Elks' We handle all jrrades of burnHousehold Irons prepared «n this UI The Misses Eose- and Eetty Fine Baalroom, January .25. . ing oils. Gas Oil—Distillate— A vmry haml.v fsiii S9S5S13 1 were' hostesses to the 'newly organKerosene. All orders taken care S5.00 to SS.50 ized P. A. L . Social Club a t their The Ladies Labor Lyceum Club of promptly at any hour. We will service Tour burner free, home last Sunday afternoon. Prizes will give an dance Sunday evening, when necessary. at bridge were won by the Misses December 21, at the Labor Lyceum Washing Machines r>on-t let Her wat>h Lucille Marcus and Beatrice Cohn. Hall. NIGHT PHONES: Miss Margaret Kiekes will entertain 3 ^ AT. 0G7S AT. 9190 waxiior for CS>rl«fn»ag the members at her home Sunday An election of officers of the Aufleon these sptwini terms. afternoon, December 21. bung club was held Sunday, Decem-


Sunday Night, Dec, 14, 1924

Fine'Platinum Diamoii

' Hardy-Moeshler



S135 *o S1S5

ber 7, with t h e following results: Mr.

In honor of the tenth wedding an- N. Martin was elected president; Mr. niversary of M T . and Mrs. Hahn, 15 , vice president; Mr. Jo-

Mr. and Mrs. H . Swengli entertained J- "' i, secretary;' Miss Dora = at their home Sunday evening for ^ P ^ ^ ^ - ^ Martiri<j5 twenty-six guests. P m e s a t bridge A a i m a _ . ^ fte d r ^ a t i c Committee, ; =

were won by Mrs. S. Meiches and assistants G&imajt> Mrs. H. Cro_nse. chairman of that committee. Miss S t= Mrs. entertained Julia Wise will head the Music Com-_ Mrs. Max Max Eosen>»iim Eosen>i _ i children hild - at a. theatre party for six mittee, and Mr. M. F. Goodman the, = Saturday afternoon in honor of her Literature Committee. = little daughter, Edith, who celebrated The' Ladies' Free Loan Society are • = her fourth birthday. Sunday, Mrs. giving a danqe Sunday evening, De- •= Kosenbaum Tras hostess at _ dinner eember .27, at Kel-fines Academy. followed by bridge. Prize at bridge The B'nai Israel Basketball Teatn! = was won by Mr. M. Drefsky. is entering the Y. M. C. A. BantamThe Annual Linen Shower of theweight League for its third successive Omaha Chapter of Hadassah will be year. The following players have al- = held this year at the Bnrgess-Nash ready enrolled on the team: - Captain ; S Tea .Rooms on January 14. Jake Sodofsky, Dave GTeenberg, J a - ! ^ Miss Blanche Gold, of Des Moines, cob Kosowsky, Charles Eosen, Lew = la., is the guest of her aunt and Tjohrmfin, Jacob Sehreibnian and Ben 55 Rosen. j= uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Cohen..'. Mrs. Sidney Silycrstone, of Chi- Mr. Nate Adler left Saturday for = 111., is thfi guest of her sister, New York on a buying trip for two = . Mrs. Ed ffirscli, and f tveeks.. -'j . ... CP-SO,

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Hot Plates !Ehi« iittte. ntllitr h»s many


«av« II«T ra a n .v hours of hard laimr tn t U a n i n t she

LEWIS A. FREmERG, Rep. Pays 6f,'c Quarterly 18th and Harney, Oraaha, Neb. Occidental Bids:. & Loan ^ssn., ISih and" Earner, Oni^ha, Xeb. tieDtlsmon: Please send me, without obligation, roar pamphlet entitled "?l,000 lor you."

Automatic Ironers

This ire»tr will Iron the average t a HJ 11 y. •washlsig: in «Be-Of«h the time «rets«»re«t by hand.

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ji>uv*iufMj. t e r m s . Mitke w (imaH payment «iown. «nd we will d r l i t r r Use, tgtfia foir CIiTt»tm»f*. Then iwy *b« b«l-

2314 M Street



"Consequently the man who seems nance fee for the upkeep of every era! of India, will become High Comhe' pays this missioner of Palestine after the re-inclined; to talk about free' service other owner's car—and. ; : .• •- ' tirement of Sir Herbert Samuel, ac- usually ^begins by saying that there fee in advance. cording to information published by- must be some good reason for not "Under Dodge Brothers policy, the ; the Hebrew daily paper, "Doar giving: 'free*' service, or Dodger Broth- owner is not penalized; He pays a calism in America, is. discussed au- munist organization there are ten Ha'yom.'" - The post of chief civil sec- ers would not take such a definite fair, pre-determined price'for service, •„ thoritathrely by Jacob Soolaaalcy in such language federations, each supbut'he-pays only as he needs it—and • porting a separate bureau or headhis article, "My Adventures -With London. (J. T. A.) That the Jews retary of the Palestine Government stand against It. * ' he pays only for his own. "?" "Where •».«» it becomes a simple will be occupied by Ronald Storrs, at quarters in charge of a secretary who Eadleals" In the B'na? B'rith magamay have been residents of England zine or November employed by theacts as go-between, taking matters of before the Britons, is the opinion ex- present Governor of Jerusalem, scp matter for us to explain how Dodge "The logic of the proposition is perfectly plain. That-is why most peo, Department of Justice to investigate dispute to the executive body for final pressed by Chancellor Austen, the cording to the same source of in!-Brothers assumed that when a man ple have no difficulty in understandset out to buy a car he was interested 'ormation. J 1307 Howard St. At. 8028 ruling. Of these federations the Rusred activities, is also the author of a Cannon of York Cathedral. • This is ing why free' service is not as free 1 primarily in getting a good car, the Major General Sir George Fletcher sian, Finnish, Lithuanian and Let-, Omaha, Ncbr. series of articles based on . his .- exnow being • recalled in. connection. with as it looks, and that our charges are . periences, nov; running in more than tisb have been strongest, both nu- the severe anti-Jewisb agitation car- MacMunn, the eldest son of J. A) most car, infact, that he could get entirely reasonable and -wholly justifor a given stoa.> What might be MacMunn, M. D., was born in Chilmerically and financially. The Rus-ried on as a part of the propaganda one hundred newspapers* fied by the-principles under which the "When the United* States govern- sian federation numbers more than against the aliens resident in Great sea in 1869. He had a distinguished thrown in with thefcar fn the way of car was sold,'' and 'free' service DR. FRED B. BROWN military career in the service of thefree* accessories ment undertook .an investigation oi 10,000 persons. The Jewish federa- Britain. T| 3 DR. BROWN wa' of seco ' «iry consideration. In British Empire in India, South Aftion, the stronghold of the conspiraCEL1A the radical situation," he-write*, "one "The Jews came to England probfact,, theitems were of such abrica, and during the World War, CHIROPRACTORS of the first reports to reach the.'in- tors, numbers less than 250, and was ably, with the Phoenicians during the Call us for good <tGfi-W! 1'ialon Blook vestigating office was that the Jews 60' strong financially that it could not time of King Solomon; an official'rec- wwhere he received highest honors. surdly, mis . consequence compared Boors, 11) A to to e P M. with the chief objective—that of getHe was -wounded twice. He was eveiTafford'a secretary I - were responsible for a large "part of ord of Roman times states that CaeFhone. Atlantic S7U9. Residence; Morris Apts. Phone At. 323« the bolshevist activities and for the "Each language federation from ear Augustus issued an edict in favor Commander in Chief of the British ting a car that represented real dollor for. dollar value—that they dedissemination of red doctrines. This; time to time has published pieces of of the Jews in England. Undoubted- army in Mesopotamia, 1919-1920. SUCKLIN LUMBER'CO. served no consideration whatever. •'• therefore, was one of the' first angles .Communistic literature. The Finnish, ly there were- Jewish soldiers in the 24th & Burdette Sts. WE. 5555 '.'Having. .->me. to this conclusion to be investigated when a survey of for instance, owns a large printing Roman legions in England,".ChancelDodge Brothers determined to base radicalism was made dating from the plant from • which are turned out lor Austen declared in a sermon the price of their cars -wholly on act>- • tiirte of its inception long before 'the yearly-200,000, pieces. of" Communist which he delivered in the York Caual value, with a fair profit to themwar, when radicals" were known as propaganda. TheT Jewish federation thedral. selves and dealers. To enable them to <( socialists, and bolshevista had never published one small pamphlet called Definite mention of a Jewish set- Dodge Brothers Owners Pay Only for 'give away' accessories and 'free' The Mohi" been heard of. •< - i State and Revolution,' und that was tlement in what is now known as Car, Not for Support of Policy. Residence, I34S So S5lh St. service, it necessary to make "We saw that there were no facts all. TfiL STIantii" 6«S57. Great Britain is made by the Venerathe margin of profit on the car large Place ot'BnsineftB. £415 Cnmlns St. to substantiate the statement that he ny vrtxy yon get them In any package ble Bede in his History of the Church There is a certain magne+ism »n the enough .to absorb these extra costs. T«!. ATInntlr 8831. • Jews were responsible' for radicalism "''Each language federation also of England, first published in 1693. owrd "freei" and a natural, - human ITEM'S GRAHAM CRACKERS in Bussia r "In; America he fitf-t.or- publishes the .official radical organ, William the Conqueror invited the gravitation in the direction of any- That couli be done only by raising the ere g-o-o-d eating- for everybody. list price of the car—and this they re'The Communist'.' This publication ganization of radicals was tho I> WJews to settle in England, this source thing that appears to be free *iut in fused to do. &.st your grocer lor IXEX CRACKERS PAXTON HOTEL " I i appears* weekly in every language W. - When a t the heicht of its power oy name always. Get the genuine and relates. Rufus, the son of William spite of this it is not difficult to con- "So, under Dodge Brothers policy, TURKISH BATHS be satlsflea all ways! Nl, It had well over 100,000 members re- federation, except the Jewish. Four the Conqueror, called a convention of vince the average automobile buyer the buyer pays ONLY for his car. Uo» operated By PAXTON HOTEL icruiifid" .from the United * Stfctes, issues of "The Contmunist' were pub- Habbis and bishops in London for the that paid service is usually prefera"Under the so-called free' service Steam, Turkish, and Electric Baths. Canada and .Mexico.- * This organiza- lished in Yiddish, and then dropped •purpose of holding a dispute between ble to so-called "free" service, acpolicy, every owner pays a mainteout entirely. All Modern Equipment. . tion, it was alleged, formed.a Pfirt of Judaism and Christianity. cording • O'Brien-Davis Auto Co., • F 8. MORBV Prop i, the great Jewish conspiracy. Yet "A report which I have in- my posRufus is reported to % have sworn hc\\ Dod^. Brothers dealer. ! Phone Webster 0820 " a list of its leaders: Vincent session of the financial situation of that if the Rabbis wirr the dispute he "Doubtless we are helped material-' THE LAUNDRY THAT the Communist organization for the St. John, William p., Haywood, Tom would embrace Judaism. The dispute, ly," he added, "by the fact that Dodge. EVERYBODY LIKES, Mooney,;John Hill, E, Vorney and J. months of September and October, however, was declared a tie. Brothers have publicly announced re-'j livery Known Kind "Whitehead. A' noble " collection of 1920, shows that the organization was Rufus was always a close friend of peatedly that they do not believe in then a t the peak of its prosperity. the Jews. With the crusades perse- so-called 'free' service! It is not sim- 'One of America's Great Hotels' of Insurance Jews! ^ "The Communist organization-itself But in September, when all other cution-of the Jews started until they ply a local policy of our own, but a 209 W. O. W. B!dg. JA. S944. Is made up of smaller, minor groups units of the party were contributing were finally expelled from England Sn principle laid down by headquarters OC» nstSATMJEN* WILL .known as language federations: each hundreds' and thousands of dollars, 1290 by King- Edward. They were and adhered to, I believe, by every CONVINC* VOt OI* O13R Gel&tros Upholstering Co. SINOEKITS. 'group is. composed of persons speak- the Jewish organization contributed again invited to settle in England by dealer in the United States. The pubTrust OpoartnjpBt. ing a particular language; these not one centt For the month of Oc-Cromwell. Carpenter Paper Co. lic, has learned that Dodge Brothers Upholstering ami Furniture RepairDeposit ISoxea. groups are' divided into sub-groups, tober the Lithuanian federation coning Mattresses Renovated. Distributors of conduct their business along sound " the sub-group accountable to th& lan- tributed TS1.073.60; the Russian, $992; Western Bond—and High Jerusalem _ (J. T._ A.}. Major. Gen- lines and that anything they do benBox Springs. guage federation and the1 federation the Ukrainian, $551. And the Jewish eral Sir George Fletcher MacMunn efits the purchaser as much as-it.does %T-lant1«» 9618 Grade Stationery IQIS North 16th St to tho executive committee of the federation turned in $501" OrnaD* Nehru efea. at presen. British Quartermaster Gen- the factory.

Came To England The Jews And Radicalism Jews Before Th ^glisli, Is Communist party* Within the Com» connection: of J&wp fritl


So-Called "Free" Service Costs Customer Money


Emerson Laundry




ernment by the Arab Executive. RABBI A. I. COOK iUUUlUUinnUIHUUUHHHHUHIUIUHUIIIHHIHIIIUIllUIHlUHHHUUUIiniUHUHUHUiniUHnilHHHIlUlHUIIIHIHIIIIHI^ Arab members of Beisan are prepar.RECEIVED BY BRITISH COLONIAL SECRETARY ing, to hold a peaceful protest demLondon. (J. T. A.)—The audience onstration. • in connection with the • •. which -was to be. granted by King incident. George to Rabbi A. I. Cook, Chief Rabbi of Palestine, could - not take IBN SAUD'S MECCA place because of the King's absence CONFERENCE A FAILURE from -Buckingham Palace. Cairo. (J. T. A.)—The conference Rabbi Cook was received by thecalled by Ibn Saud to Mecca for the new British Colonial Secretary, the purpose of discussing the plan to Rt. Hon. Leopold Amery, today. create a Moslem' League of Nations Rabbi Cook is leaving for Palestine will, as it now appears, be nothing today; short of a failure. Nearly all the Moslem countries have refused to send representatives to the confer.? FOUR JEWS WILL BE • ence. ( = MEMBERS OF MESOPOTAMIAN PARLIAMENT Bagdad. (J. T. A.—At. least four ARABS ARRESTER ON -Jews-and four Christians will be • . MURDER SUSPICION members of the first Mesopotamian Jerusalem, (J. T. A.)—-Two. Arabs parliament, the elections to which were arrested in connection .with the started today, -it is estimated.-. murder., of the young Jewish colonist, The interests of tho National Fisher,. who was found dead -night Minorities in Mesopotamia are safe- before last near Rechobat. • guarded by " a clause in tho Anglo Mesop^tscmian Treaty vfnich guar- . Farmers and businessmen are The Jewish Press aids the Jews to antee? to them .full representation in looking forward to a successful keep in touch with what their the legislative, body. season. There is no sign of decrease in the building activity, in spite of fellow Jews are doipgr in city, PALESTINE LOOKthe approaching rainy season. Th6 state** and nation, besides informING FORWARD TO BUSY silicate iactory is employing1 a second ing them on the problems of the WINTER SEASON shift in order to supply the demand Jerusalem. (J. ,T. A.) ^Winter in for bricks for the new.houses. Jews in Europe and the World Palestine, usually the dullest; season, The price of almonds is rising over. this year.will, witness manifold activ- considerably,, the average price, being ities in agriculture and industry. seventeen and. a half shilling's per kantara instead of eleven as in ARABS: PROTEST AGAINST previous years. The orange crop is . AFULEH INCIDENT very good and brings seventeen In our judgment, it is the, sacred duty of. our - Jerusalem. (J. T. A.)—A formal shillings per case. The activities of . protest against, tho incident at Afu- the Sheirien Oil and Soap Company readers to help bring this paper into Every leh. where JO-WB and Arabs clashed are in full sying. The flour mill "over tho right of the Jewish work- in Haifa ia working on three shifts. Jewish Home. We ask for nofinancialasmen t o plough land there, w^s subjnittel, today -to the Palestine QQV- PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS;sistance of any kind, but merely urge the Jew


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