December 18, 1924

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1 "profess not talk- 1 ing—-on% ibis, let . each man do Ms T?e * —-Shakespeare. / .*-J

VOL. TV-;No. 2

y dare'try.

life, OTJ crave.—Herbert.

"is eerond-elaas mail matter on January~-27th. 1D21, at at Omaha. Ketira&ka, nadei tie .Act-of Slnreh S. 1673.


18, 1324



COMMUNIST GOVERNMENT CLUES OF JSSIPTIAN J&FOIXDS FACII,TT1£S FOE MUJSDER POINT TO -JEWISH XAKD SETTLING PALESTINE AEABS Moscow. (J. T..A.) Colonization nf I Jerusalem, (J. T. A. Clues in the Editor, Jewish Press: who live in TJussian Armenia i murder of "General X-ee Stack, ••which ISinclly -print the enclosed letter from Mr. Sol Brodkey, acwas .made possible by a decree issued resulted ir. the .present -political crisis companying check for §500.00 to ihe Jewisii Community Centex by the Armenian Communist GovernSildi F d Perhaps Ph Suilding Fund. your readers ynH be interested in being- .ia .Egypt, indicate that some Palestine ment. "Jews who Tvimt to settle on reminded that it wasatjffr. Sol Brodkey's home that our-.present .Arabs are connected -with this affair, Pate of Ticket Sale Will Be the land should !be provided with sufThe police searched "Che houses of Americas* -Jewish 'Committee Pact With England Does Not Jewish Community Center "was- first born. It was Mr. .Erodkey's ficient land," the decree states. COI & Soon. >-.Aid. 'Thousands -of enthusiasm and Touch Subject of Jewish The conference of Jewish iandsetf i s c a t e a doCT3nents fc •Refugees. oth< few others .that made possible, the -putting over of ihe splendid 1 connection ; Homeland. tlers, -which -was held in "Minsk recentMEMBERS S!E HJ e project.. • —.. • • • • ' "* Egyptisri crane. ly, has closed. The ronference adoptJLOLYTEO COMPLETE The -Arab"-paper, Falastin, in xe- OMAH.CKS SEND MESSAGES "We need mare =561 13rodkeys. ed a number of resolutions -urging CONFERS PRIVILEGES OF PERFECTION. j-porting that the irouses of the Arab" TO CONGRESS. LEAGUE MEMBERS. .intensified activities .in agricultural . Sincerely, S officials 'hsd'hssn Eeaxciied, expressed On Sunday evening, ^February 8, and cultural work among the Jews of I its belief-that- this m i l lead t o no The American "Jewish •••••••' • TTAgRY A . WOLF, London, (J. T . A.)—The Angloall Omaha Je-wry -will be treated t o Soviet ^Russia. The conference was , :ss the persons con- i -fchrougrh i t s representatives Chairman, Collection Committee, : one of the best theatrical -per- held in the building which was for--American Treaty, giving American ?ewlf?h CornTTnraity <lgrrfcpfr '^nilrffrtg; J . eemsfl s r s .not ..involved iin poiitkal .-oat tire . cssmtry, are ettempiang •'to Jarmances trrjer staged -when they merly "the Great .Synagogue of Minsk. citizens the same rights in Palestine -Tactivitiss. . KSEist. -the ibOQsands of Jewish as are accorced nationals of countries •witness the "third annual T . "M. rand -Omaha, Nebraska, December IS, 1924. -gBes vihn 'sse -stranded '.ia .the ' .which are members of the l e a g u e of T . "W. H. A. -vaudeville show a t the European ports with no .place 'to;ffe. Mr. Harry A. Wolf, '.Nations, was signed yesterday "by Urandeis theater. Tliere are .mare than "S,600 off them Chairman-Collection Committee. : United States Ambassador Kellogg immigrants in -tlhiba today. The show this year Tvill be Tai^ger Jewish Coittmanity Center Building Fund, • and Austen Chamberlain,-British POTand better than' ever*. The jjersons "These imiBi|rrar«te .have left eign Secretary. The treaty i s sub- Omaha, Nebr. "taking "part in "the jerfurmances a r e Theodore Pritsch Said Ttlax Warburg, ject t o .the ratification of both Engcoxnitry-'wiHi.proper-visas &n Pear Mr. Wolf.: Cbab Orchestra ^ tilg * 3-^*3,^1,^ o f the quotas ttsx rehearsing daily to make this a.great Before leaving lor my ihome in California, I am happy JBrother of. Paul Warbarg, Was land and -the United States. Will Play. this country, -the? were unableto«*~ success. The present jrooms in t h e to ha^^e the privilege and pleasure of ianding yoxiiny check '•Playing Behind the Back." t e r s n d -were taken to the ctesast pert for five hundred dollars (|500.00) for one half of iny pledge Jewish Community Genter ace the Washington, (J. T . A.)—The The annual B'nai B'rith aance -mil j hy i h e ^pphlE companies," arid of §1,080.00 to the Jewish Community Center Building: Fund. resemblance of a large theatrical Hamburg. (J. T . A.)—Theodore visions of the Pali^stine Handate nf be held Thursday -evening-, December j It is my understanding that yon have thus far called for tmiy company, -with jrrmips of singers, Fritsch; German author -anS leader the League of .Nations Tagarding ihe 25 per cent of the -pledges but I am liappy to give you now 25, in the ban room.of -tin 3Sasonie j ^ e r i c ^ * 3ewilh dancers, and actors, all under the of "thB .anti-Seiriitic movement, Tyas establishment of a Jewish -national TernplE. Complete arranpeniBiits nave j The American Jewish supervision of Experienced directors sentencfid to-lhree months' imprison- home are given in the preamble of fee 50 per cent so s s to help the good, -work along. I t is a source of happiness to inovr that our dream of a teen made to sisfe; tL!s dsnee the) pBtitioned •congTEBS "fee -pass -m working so that the large audience ment in libebaction after a sensation- treaty "with GTeat Britain signed in big-gest -ever pven by the local 'B*nai 1 generatioB is now fast becoming a reality, and that the new vrhich iprtmiieg -ws will be -pleased •with t h e performance. al trial, .in which Ulnx "Warburg &nd Xondon today, according: t o a statejnagnificent buflding soon to appear "rail be a prize not only B'rith lodge. The dance eomroittee! mejisare to -permit iimsmThe children -who i a v e parts in thethe "banker Helchior, Germany's finan- ment issued by the State Department to the Jews of Omaha but ±0 those of the entire country in has secured ."Edwin'Ushii and Ms "FieW [ immigrants -who 1 show Trill meet Friday afternoon .at cial experts a t the Peace Conference, today. The scope of the treaty, howChib orchestra to -play f or this oc- j enter this coantrj:. .A special, showing what a little big Jewish Community like Omaha 3:30 TOT their rehearsals and on Tues- -were "the complainants. ever, is limited to defining the rights casion. j is being -made by -s large -mamiber of. can do. . : day Evening the other persons taking' Fritsch had jpublished a number of of the American government and its 1 The ball xoom -will i e -beaati&alljr While .I will be in person far away .•from you I cannot decorated for this dance, -according' t oi ' leading citizens, botii Jews and I'MW>part will meet. articIeF in the anti-Semitic paper, citizens in Palestine and does not j Jevrs, to wge congress U> pmr- th'm divorce myself from the more lhan forty years that 2 lived "The show this year •will be better Hammer, and issued leaflets in which touch further upon the subject of tlie menrbers of the committee. "There msasare. A .number of Onsshsis, in Omaha and the friends I have in this city. My thoughts -j-ihan ever/ there is mare enthusiasm," he claimed that "Warburg and ULel- Jewish national home. of -thera. Tkov^ews, have and good will shall always be witih you. I am happy that I 3 1 8 5 b e e i 1 s said HHFS Gelia 'JFeiler, musical chior, -vvhile Tepresenting Germany a t The treaty has been under negotiadance," said I . F . Goodman, chair man ] to Ke! can still do my bit for Omaha Jewry. director. Versailles, betrayed their country in tions for moxe than two years, t h e of the dance couasittse. The -rnein- •urging thtcni to -vot% for tliie "With best wishes ever The show Trill consist of three favor of -America and the allied •gov- delay in signing it, it is xmdexstaod, ..bers cf the emmnxttse .'report that r grncy Tnciizurc.. Mtimffiv, -playlets and several - .five-minute ernments. I n his .argument before the being due principally to the changes large •rmr'ier -of "mEiribeTs from Tiir-: A ppo;iul 35 f>ernpr entertainments of dancing and court, Attorney Jacobsen, counsel for in the "British government. (Signed) SOL EEOBKEY, coin lodge and Biosx City lodp? cf iihrouphnat ihr cnuTittr *.t: r.kl singing. the defense, 'delivered an anti-Semitic The treaty, in its principal pro•&S ,'B*nai 3'riSi -will ise i n Omaha fci .'imraiifrantF irpoj;'ival. The first play will be "The 3Ieno- .speech in Tvhieh 'he stated that the visions, is similar to _ the treaty althis -fiance. • ' "TTiicre •S.TC fc-c-p,; rah," a drama in one act, -written •complainants "belong to the Jewish ready concluded with France regardThe coinmiites is uaiikiiig arranpe- j in t h r especially l o r this occasion by U r s .high finance circles vdiich "exercise ing Syria and 'Lebanon, which has enfor several .feature -aiewQticE • Rxtirtp ior s. ci Herman .Auerhach, and directed and their influenca onfall-states and rrsre tered into effect and which -provides :o ±he» -.puh- ! responsible for ;the "World IVar. that "the United States -and i t s nacoached .by JMTS. -E. £B. Boasberg. I" have pleaded .the last lew -weeks ior prompt payThe second play will - be "High Theodore Jmtseh, An his explana- tionals .shall enjoy "all rights and -privSmall scnmadT -programs are ijeins:; ^ ^ h.,, rmTr4 e ment of' subasripHoiis "is* Ihe. Ifecisb. "Welfare ^Federation fLigfftsj*1 •sCTs.ang ' •cycle of Ii£e!s Jepi-idoss, jcoold ^io± nffar anjr iieges'-jiesured -tcrthe Statjs "who s r e j inted J T 'TOBi e sh-en t o <™Tf 5,0^ so-that when, coia weat&er' "T yodes, -written and directed .by _3Irs. snppoit the eharsas he had made in members of the League of Nations. Tisfefe-fsr-fee dsnee-em > ^ Thr 2 VmmftTHE .POOS" comes xrpotj. us we willhaTO the available I3idor Ziegler. ise tajtainsd from a s y tnsmasT of ths s t K ? ^ hn?>in! .. ihit%his articles and leaflets. H e merely The treaty also provides that, subject funds to provide, fooS, fuel, clothing, and shelter for t e e ' Tlio "third play -will be the * 1 -Ex- expressed .his "conviction" thuVWar- to the -provisions of local law for the committee. T5ie -folfoifHig Tnesiiberr ntemfeerr / .,„,.,. .1E.^!; p p i h a l t h p s c ad•deserving needy poor .hi oirr midst. travaganza of 1025." "Zippy, .peppy barg is annually -training 500 Russian maintenance of public order .and pubI-are cm the coirasittee: 1. "F. G o o e - i ^ l l i r thi({ vaudeville lievue, arranged by 3Iiss- -Jews a s hank officials and iuture lic morals, Tiationais .of the United Now -we are face to face Trith HEAL WINTER I man, rfiainasn; Dr. A. Greenhers;. ilary HXaizsll. States will be permitted to establish . WEATTHEE, ana -our TUNDS are ."ESHAUiS'iifcaD.; Some I ."Nathan "E." Green, Jake Malssliaei., diplomats. The ticket sale for the show -will i a v e listsBflS to my appeal, but a number hsve as -yet I Save Gzeenbezgv B « i Civin, -Sas: 2VIa3; Warburg submitted data on and maintain educational, philanbe announced a t a later date. "The the part Tie played during the "Ver- thropic and religious institutions. Wolf .and .'Eezbert -Gfovfetein. paid J$D ATTENTIQIv. tickets vdll again h& put Dn sale as sailles Peace Conference. The his- The statement authorized by the I sppsal to ^nou that no tmSiie suffermg Tsefall the before," said Irvin Stalmaster, one tory of Germany,-he said, has -proved 'State Department -with "regard to the nBfartnnate because of your jQfigieeting your, saerefl BaskcthsTI T c of the business directors ^Everyone the fact that the Jews were good signing of the treaty leads as xolobHgation — TfOUB COKTRISIinON to the JEWISH should make preparation t o attend advisors for the state in times of lows: GBAE this years show on "February £." Tlir. Tiiorpciai: Athletic €h.ii:; teara. emergency, a s is evidenced m t h e "It will be recalled "that the terri"ALL TOGETEEE." flood ihe FstLeratlDB office lost xl'v, ecccnu pamp ttf case of Uleichroeder, t h e German tory of Palestine is now being adCantor 'Joseph ISslck and "his gaoir; *' -with your TUSTAL .PAYMENTS so, lliat we tnay'. disto,4' ilie OEUiln I.Nilotic Club l«isteBt»Jewish banker, -who advised Bismarck ministered by Great Britain, pursuant ] be .presented .'in a Chamiciffi COD; burse"your moagy to .-give others .NECESSITIES and v -team by i\\rFCO«? Of34 tn ••&, on jfinancial matters, l i r . Warburg to the terms of a mandate approved i cert Btmdsy 'evening, D^etnljer 2 1 , bs.1! TOT3E.SELT SAPPINESS. Jjt tJ«5 X . There vT,1 W stated .that he had irot been in ccsm- by t h e league of !<ations, which enj a t eight o'clocit a t ihe Wnsi Israel JOE Xi. WOLF, Chairman, Tinance -Gommittee. I-I. Z. A . 71CT^. 'irppt rtur<ra 'with his brother, Paul tered into force on September 29, Congregation. Eighteentli ..and ChiraWarburg, .American banker, during 1223. For my T.'S. let m? dose with a letter just received Large Orchestra Will .Play for Thi3 tht* Foasoi-s will be the time of the war, nor did he "The treaty between the 'United from a former Omahan now residing- in Ghattanooga,— JV£fair. see President Wilson Avhen the Pres- States and Great Britain in its-princiHere i t i s : ident "was .in Prance. pal provisions is similar to the treaty The Highland' Countrj* club -will CHATTANOOGA, Tenn., Dec. lo. 1924. already concluded by this government hold its annual INew Year's "Eve party A with .France with respect t o the man2Sr. Joe L. Wolf, appointed Cantor »f tlie at the Gladstone Hotel. The como clock date for Syria and the Lebanon, which •Byoagogas. His -choir consists of a*' onittee in charge -is making arrange'. Omaha, Jvebraska. • to the ir. the j Iras entered into effect. The Palestine ; ments to make this event "the best Omaha "boys. ' dancs? wl UEAE-JOE,;— " . - .' ±' •'' •ncx mandate treaty provides that the ever'held. Only members nf the .club TEOGHA^TM The Omaha Chapter of Aleph Zadik •will bo I have read your "very iirgHnt appeal for 'funds Tears tn and oat of tov/n guests will "be per- Aleph will ionor their former club United States .and its :natiora!s shall in rhe Jewish "Press" "this morning, -and although enjoy in the -mandate territory all the mitted to .attend this .year's :party. .., -firnto? Ulalefc ET.II Orchestra ad-riser, Sam Beber, a t a banquet not being a resident of Omaha any longer, and a to r^TOns'., thr ansrer caas. do -pedal rrangements are being .Sunday evening, December 21, a t the riglits and -privilejres assurel to States Cxvttrr MaJelc. Quoir. ~3mil Orefe*nstrr contributor t o clxarities in fhfi mty^ where I now sc I T making- rescmetumR t© A1 who are members of t h e "League of •4. "HaiSkroTi CimtoT •SIa1> k. made to sec::re a larg<- orchestra to !Elks Dining Eoom. preside, I .cannot refrain from answering your sEpeaL ,i T2; ?r,titii Ifith St. trail A "Nations under the terms of -the .man"play i o r this might's-entertainment. WSai 'is" "Members of t h e Supreme .Advisory I ain, therefore, enclesmg'ja small, check, and trust '•We are -planning on one of the Council of the Aleph Zadik Aleph will date. I t also -provides that, subject it wiH .help .some 'needy :family. planraiig' s fo*"-in*: live dancing to t h e -provisions of local law for the best times -that can be held SOT a also he guests ut this banquet. 'visit to Omaha :in ite-•very -near future, and trust • by Haxtet-D S a a b ;mainten2nce of public order and-public Hew Sear's Eve party," said TSIayer 3Ir. Harry Trustin is the present that I will see you when iiiei-e. Speisber1—. chairman of the enter- .adviser of t h e local Aleph "21adik morals, nationals of the United States With idndest xegards i o everyone, I am CXH«? orchestras* i»will be permitted freely to -establish tainment .committee. "We "will have Aleph. • • ' ' • • • • • . ' • • • " Y o u r s Fpecial m k far this and --maintain educational, phflsnHouvenirs "for all." Cantor Ma3r-S:, Qiwlr aiifl - firetattrt i or " The organization initiated six .new tropic and religious institutions." " • • • • ; ' . .-(Signed) • 11. Violta Solo—__T>orofhy 3<t5StiBirS.'»ri . » The eomrdittee^n charge "is: Tttayer .members u t their regular meeting Awwrnp-aTsSetl S>y Ida X.T3stEKrs3ejs : proTQiPfa scvcraJ. a hcr Mr. Qmahan Resident, ask yoursslf, *^Ef .Van outsider • Bpeisberger, .chairman; :Sidney TVIan- . Sunday -afternoon, December 14, a t X2. "WaEFer-J^lnth''"—Sitiliert: shows such spirit, haw :shtmld I .answer the .appeal?" | . ,. ley, Dave SPeder and -Paul Schaye. •the Jewish Community Center- The Acrtreapaniefi TIT SXTTS 'Brarirtfff : ' . • • " . j . - i . - - w . ; - - - . - . - . '•••••• following were initiated: 3>avid .PotB t C t Mlfe g On the-Job till'the camjmign's;overt Orchestra a a d AaSlaEcc j dinaffl" TCjICSTaLiOIIF T3ttfit man, Sol Glazer, ILeo Milder, ."Herbert JR "—; ) December 2S. JForman, Barn-Bender and:Hvniie ".MilThe Congregation of Israel, South der. Side, will give a ienef it ball Sunday CELEBSATIOK OF A clubto "be kno-wn^is the ''Hebrew The -nest meeting of the club will evening, TebiuaTy.l, a t the city audiBADASSAH KCKSES Speaking Cliib" "was organized "Tues- be held Sunday, December .28, a t the SCHOOL day evstninj?, ^December 16, .at'.the City Jewish Community Center. Election torium. The proceeds of this affair will go toward the building fund of The a r a a i 3erusatem. f J, T, A.> Tabnud Torah. of officers vrill be smong t h e bus-the synagogue. The South Side Synhi Fund Drive Trill he held all day • titro of the fourth irradmtien of This .dub was organized for t h e:"iness t o be transacted. agogue structure has been in need of Stmdav. Bp-csiacr £1. Workear vrHl i Hadaasaii Training School Sor J Berlin. (J. A romance be- so that she reramsd ihe nest purpose. of furthering ihe speUdng of repairs, according to t h e committee meet z.t nine o'clock Sondar morninj; \ vnm held Bt the Scvnv'n Boye* Bchwt, and 13ie next, She Eought t-o disgsise the Hebrew 'language. ' 32a£b"i X HL JeTUsaTejn. (3. T . A.) The.iirst in charge. The money obtained from Princess Juliana, the fifteeris.t th-o Ta.Iir.-ud Torah iox final ir>~', Sir TeJibort and Led;- BsaiasL .herself as a -pious Jewish £irl and Chaflop -addressed -&e -iwenty mem- Pree "Masonic Xodge, comprised of this ""ball Trill be used to jebuild the j M slaughter o£ Qussn Wiliieliiii; Heron, Pircciar oi ihe fieoith i to intercept the canter -when strnctioits. bers present or. "language .anflland." Jewish, "Moslem and Christian mem- foundation and other parts of • the ' n a Hollsnd, and the young 3evdsh , services -srere over. She told him h^vMr. M. Brsradc Is tei5"flors.rj' tresj^-; ment, and many pwests were .3 The -Bate x*f the next meeting, -when bers, was established here-^for the building. of the drive this recr. Those • i l r s . K. 3£os?eitso:n pr*sifted cantar of sn Amsterdam syna^ogis, jj fcis T o i c e had been KT. inspiration t r an election of officers will "be heia, purpose of promoting unity and IzaThe conanittee reports the ad-ranee •who -desire to -work for ihis drive eati; .ternity -among the inhabitants of ZPalwas made will be atmounced "later. here. .Although ihe j tier. eatine. The lodge will be conducted sals of tickets for this nfcair lias stary -eras coiamon kncrKledge in jxol- i The zeszsr. didn't believe the sn-caJ; S E T O T £??". for farther vsrdcv-'- roci, CoL ivis-Jb s«d M i " bean good. _A large ordiestra will be laad for some time, no ne-srspnpsr "in 1 tlnisiastk gis! was J^irish cr»d recogprincipa! of tJw'; the Jerusalem. (J. T. A.) Colonel F . according to Scottish "Bite. obtained to play for ttis occasion Fei>- that coimtry dared to print it. r 7!T£"lU""£5>. rizad H. 'JSSsix, IDirector cf the Political Dcj Scheoi. from SIX t>vramied tnp di»innut i o ifcft Princess Juliana liad grone to Am-) He ccjaacaicatsd vdi± "Ths -parroient of -the Pale^tir^ Zionist -Ex- • Xondon. « . T . A.) Ben Spoor, JEWISH IMMIGK ^'NTS dnriiig her holidav irosi Court eiEissades tot)Ti Princess i -sterdam ECative, lias .accepted :ihe invitation to ^eh'ief *>rgaiiizer of i h e British l a b o r . "T. A.) Bif "Herbert school, tuxocipaaied by a lady-m- j ana home. BAT} isimn m T&shrpvi; One «* iws r.-il^STIXE IN visit tiie United Straws in -±hB Jn+er- T^soty, -is leaving 3or iEeypt and Tat- .. Jerusalem. :for .the. .purpase of obtaining Eaistael •will"leave Palestine m April; £he escaped from hen- sheep- \ She -protested that wie aau Jeru^ulern. <J T, A.'S Thsrsday,"[ stes aiwwered with a tj*t?eh ©f' .o£ Hit! situation Governor Sonald BtorrF the ^restest dsy 1 sssfi Rr. Salkiad, fhc Ad;tn{r ^Hwete"t" he Act- sron snd -VTErrtdsxed into a ?TTUI alone must hcip the stady so Becsmber 111&, in 3?ales£ine, accorflrag tn .an ,-Ths ]LabQY.Eaxty's ing High Cat ion! of -'Sadassab JJcslicfil Orpanntstti«ft» sioEsr unifi -cf {{ fest a-n.ff?r Caruso rmipki fas plvea to |in ihe history cf ar- where Gabriel Alare, a ntrnneement ^xade here.. -rtgiresentaiive -will visit .AlesanHria, of the .fhxrtv CoimriiHsicner, SiS" iaindted sod i sandndeil -with & sr&xh Bst Qtssaa sxpeefa :to leave j into j chndren,-KBs -chanting j 'tire s to a xcpo-rt-published, in i h s | iiie jserrkes. j-plstred her under the sarreiSsmce cS I •3-e^Mt Jkmwgx&iiis ar-ltlss. work a'f tb1? Badss-tell cemfcer .uad ~w3L Treteni Has. "beginning Jaffa, 3erosaieiK r 3eiaat and tfae-Jevirlah colonies'in Palestine. -was: thrilled, so xsndi j-tstcis. 1 tm-tfant & * •


Jew-Baiter, "Who Accessed Warburg, Gets Three Ho

Please listen to My- Appeal!

HigMand Chantry Gab Sew Year's Party at Slactstose

In Honor 0! former Mvisor

fifibrew .Speaking

South Side Csngrsgsiknto Give k


By Faffing In .Lore WMi tm&Qt of Jewish


















PAGE 2—THE JEWISH PRESS—THUKSDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1924 Jewish actress, died December S in thousands of miles away, Jim had felt climax, this shattering of all his fond Viands Have Many Names Imaginings In other lands, Jim turned the Impulse to write to this man. The wiseacre says thet the expres Denver, Colo., according to word reBut when Chester Turton faced Jim away, Upa moving. Inarticulate words sion "Welsh rabbit" is a perversion o* ceived here by the Jewish Actors' «'very~-rt»arstlay at Uuiaba. Nebraska, by he didn't recognize him. There was flying thereon. Club. Madame Sniegova was well THE JEWISH PKESS PUBLISHING.COMPANY. He waited back to the depot slow- Welsh rarebit, but this Is a mlstafee. known on the Jewish stage. She died a hurt look in Jim's gray eyes ag he The man who first made this suggesOfBce: 681 Brandeis Theatre Building—Telephone: AT- lantic 1450 ly. vLfijte one in a dream he boarded passed on. tion had no sense of humor. after a prolonged illness and her hus:>,;•! ••"' NATHAN E. GKEEN Manager. fils heart leaped—there was. Dlb- ,a;:trjUlt)i,He must get away—far away! As a matter ef fact, the table furband, who was filling an engagement In 'New-York he crossed the gangway ney across the road. Dlb would reSubscription Price, one year _~__.$2.50. many examples of names of in Chicago, was summoned to her member him, anyway. Jim walked of a pt«Rnjer. Came days end weeks nishes Advertising rates furnished on application. tluriijg wnjch he sailed over n great viands which have an alias of the bedside. over. humorous description as Welsh CHANUH Otr ADDHB^S-Pleas* sJse botb the old and new address: "/Low, Steel," escaped Dibney in ocean. Somewhere. CndeJ* the. south- same t>* BUTf QltQ cive vour name rabbit.* Sailors, for instance, call a mild surprise. "Where, d'you come ern Cross he landed on an fsJ&ad. Up shark TKOBATE NOTICE. steak "Folkestone beef, and [ ThP Jewish Press is supplied by the~Jewish Telegraphic Ajr^ncy (Jewish from? . 'Scuse me, I got to hurry." a white" road he went, to a beautiful I n tlip m a t t e r of t h e r s t n t e of l>or» Wine, fisher folk, commonly cell smoked herbungalow in a Tast cocostst-plantaCorrespondence Bureau) with cabled and telegraphic Jewish* news, in addition ARABS SEND PROTEST 4l<>«-euKMi. And he was gone. riisg "Digh$ chicken.** Notice i s lipreby Riven: Tlint t h e credito feature articles and correspondence* from all iinp«it-ant Jewish centres The sadness In Jim Steel's eyes tion, A woman lying in a Gloucester B:IU1 deceased vviil meet t h e execuON AFULEH INCIDENT TO hammock on the veranda saw him A Similar Instance to Welsh rabbit tt oo rr s ofofsaid .Inquiries rejrarding newa Items credited to this Agency will be gladly ostnSe, before me, County .Judge deepened to settled gloom. Unfa-' COLONIAL OFFICE Is provided by poSched egg on toast answerert if, addressed to Jewish Telegraphic Agency. 114 Fifth Avenue. of DOUEUIS C o u n t y , N e b r a s k a , at t h e Councoming up the path—a woman with miliar faces appeared everywhere. t y Court Room, snitl C o u n t y , on the i u t u New York City. Jerusalem. (J. T. A.) A protest There was a chili bite in the October coal black hair sprirfkled lightly now being known ss "Seotels woodcock," d a y of F e b r u a r y ,mllKii, ami on t h e 2ortJ diiy I and sa Australian leg of mutton ns with touches of gray. She threw of April, 10'JT), u(: !> o'cloek A. M., enoh da?', tgainst the attitude of th.e Palestine air. He buttoned hjs thin coat about l o r t h e p u r p o s e of p r e s e n t i n g their elniuin Government, with regard to the inci- him, shivered and stood Irresolute a down her book snd rushed toward alia, "Colonial goose."-—London Times. for exmuitusfion, niljuntinent a n d nllowTOWARD A BETTER UNDERSTANDING OP JEWS arms outstretched. nuce. T h r e e m o n t h s a r e . n l l o w e i l for tlio dent at Afuleh, was sent to the Brit- while. . . . c r e d i t o r s to present t h e i r claims, from the Time does generate wisdom and envolve saner and sounder ish "You all right, Mamie?" Jim asked Colonial Office by the Arab Ex17th <lny of .Tnnnnry. 1!>25Presently with a sigh, he turned, STUDENTS CAUSE ANTI, programs for the guidance of men. To all the problems of life, ecutive. , anxiously. "And the kids? Gosh! EUVCE C11AWF0KD, Count j - J u d g e wandered up School street as though SEMITIC DISTURBANCES 1 • it is becoming increasingly clear to* all of. us that we need only drawn by some irresistible magnet, It's good to be home again. Feels to apply common sense, courage and sincerity end we can solve In its memorandum^ the Arab Ex- yet feared something. His steps were like as if Vd been away six months. Bucharest. (J. T. A.) Anti-Semitic .most of our difficulties to,the joy and profit of all concerned. ecutive demands protection of the halting, the slight stoop of him had Say, Mamie, it's no use us thinking disturbances occurred again at Jassy settling in the old place back home. University on Wednesday, December ENROLL YOUR CHILDREN No matter how old the'entanglement, or complicated the situa- Arab villagers and the "disarmament become more pronounced. He was of Everything's so altered there you of Jews in Palestine." 10. In view of the serious situation, weary, physically and in spirit, and tion, it will yield to heroic • treatment, if the right attitude and in the hungry. The cold didn't worry him— wouldn't know i t " the Senate issued an order to suspend the light action rule the world. Take, for example, the problem much. He paused casually outside the all activities at the "University. Dem.of anti-Semitism, a name that connotes from the Jewish side: Proud Man Alone Knows window of a little store. That, at Marvel of Accuracy onstrations were made in Bucharest such a diversified list o l pains, disappointments, handicaps, suf ' Not Value of Fasting least, hafin't changed materially. anti-Semitic students, but they ferings, struggles, slanderous charges and libelous incriminations Used by Astronomers by knows that wild creatures of Candy and peanuts and pencils and were suppressed with the assistance iRat need many volumes to record and.many tears of regi'et and theManforest magazines ami pen-knives. These An astronomer'studies the stars by and plain at times go 4962 Dodge Street sorrow to eraser From the Christian point of view, the problem through 48 empty hours without mak- things flooded his memory. Genera- pulling their light to pieces. This of military detachments. of anti-Semitism" suggests a wide category of injustices, aggres- ing a kill. He knows, also, that cer- tions of kids had been passing that process enables him to discover their J. L. WOLFSON, Instructor In qnest of those things jnst composition. sions, vanities, autocrasies that have both startled and saddened tain peoples fast at times as a re- doorstep MADAM SNIEGOVA, ligious duty, and this without In any as he, In his boyhood, had walked in Two methods are used to break up the world immeasurably.' For enrollment call with his treasured dimes. But the star light The older is to pass the JEWISH ACTRESS, DEAD Most reassuring to all thoughtful peopje, whether they; look way impairing their health. Finally, portly, cheery-faced Mrs. Floyd, who light through a triangular glass New York. (J. T. A.) Madame Esbe knows that Individuals have done Walnut 8755, or Jackson 3967. at th^s most serious question from the Jewish or the Christian •without food in any form for weeks in othsr days had presided In that prism. The other, which Is In sosse ther Sniegova, well known Russian point of view, is the. resolution of the Federation of Churches in and paradip* was there no longer; over have gained rather than lost by a superior method, is to emits. fifth, quadrennial'Convention in Atlanta, Georgia, "to combat the experience, says the Baltimore the pile of envelopes, In the window respects ploy' a "diffraction grating," a plttte Jim could see a stranger weighing out the rising tide of an'ti-Semitis,m in the United States by promot- Sun. candy, The spirit of things was bro- of glass ruled with an enormous numROOM FOR KENT ing in concrete ways better understanding and appreciation beHis love for food la so deeply In- ken here as everywhere. Two chil- ber of fine, accurately-spaced lines, tween Christians and Jews." says London Tlt-BUs. grained, however, that when his mule, dren were flattening their noses in all modern home. Call at The ruling of the lines is the most This is a brand n£w approach in organized form by a great cow and dog refuse to eat, his wits ngainst the window. He wondered if 563 South 35fh-St. . Christian institution, to crush the injustice from which Israel at once cease to function. He reasons It was the identical piece of glass delicate work imaginable. , It Is found Let us bid on your that gratings ruled with about 15,000 In this way: "When these creatures has suffered thousands of years. It is the only proper way to were well they ate heartily. Now that against which he had flattened his lines to the Inch give the best results. Printing Work attack an evil which has done as much harm to the Christians they refuse to eat, they must be 111. If nose with similar longing 'way back This is dene by a marvelously conALL WORK GUARANTEED through the years. as it has done to the Jews, the direct victims of the world's I am to make them well again. I must trived machine. It consists of a carFOR RENT—The Harlan Apts., Hatred and misunderstanding. All too long organized Christian by some means force them to eat." His bands were in his pockets. A riage which Is moved along by a tiny 2301 Sherman Ave. Beautiful f-ity- has hesitated or delayed bringing humility, sympathy -and So It is when man himself is indis- few loose coins jingled there. Mostly screw. This screw Is probably the five room apartment; ali modwisdom to the solution of a serious problem, which in the strictest posed by reason of some Indiscretion, nickels. Jim emitted a sound which most accurate in existence^ Attached SCHOAL FREED, Mgr. em; |65. Call Jackson 3884, He does not wish to eat. The very resembled a laugh crudely. He drew to the carriage is a cntting instrument sense is wholly a Christian and not a Jewish problem. or evenings, WEbster 4774. tS20 Dodge St. AT lantic 3832 For courage and sincerity of faith, for our devotion to duty thought of food is an abomination. But out Rie chicken feed and pressed It carrying a diamond point. Each time Into two warm grubby hands. They bis wife, whose love is greater than the carriage passes across the work and resolution to live as witnesses of God,- as teachers and preachreason, says to him: "Honey, you might just as well have It. It wasn't the diamond scores a line in the glass. ers of the moral law, we have often been visited with the world's her simply must eat In order to keep up much use to him row. Then the kids The screw Insures the perfect spacing antagonism and,hatred. We should have received the world's your strength, and I have prepared n went across the doorstep that had of the lines, which Is essential to the praise and gratitude. That we were unjustly treated is not our number of dishes you like in order to once been Mrs, Floyd's. success of the grating. fault, nor is the continuance of the world's misunderstanding and tempt your appetite." Jim ambled on up School street, deThe diamond point which cats ths misrepresentation our problem. The responsibility for clinging The Uttle will that remains to him pression taking a firmer grip on him lines must be perfectly formed, for to .false notions and adopting violent methods in furthering any after one glance at the table urges at every shuffling Ftep. W&ere was should it develop the slightest chip ths cause, rests upon those who have the right and freedom to choose him to flee, but his greedy palate pre- the glad reunion of old friends? Where work would be ruined. The machine vails and he eats heartily. The result the hearty hand-shaking, the warm- must be kept at a constant temperatheir way in life. Is thr* his overburdened system, striv- hearted questions, the wishes that he ture, and for this reason ft Is Installed r We do welcome, most heartily and commend most enthusi- ing with all its cunning to get him had come back to stay? underground. astically the decision of the Federation of Churches to" try to back to normal, must quit Its task for At the end ' of School street he combat anti-Semitism and "to promote friendly relations between ,a while nnd take care of the new turned with growing and obvious unAlzvays Paid Fee to Myth - Christians and Jews." If the decision will be sincerely and cour- cargo he has shoveled aboard. Nature easiness down Pine avenue. The wind In classic mythology Charon was knows its business, but is badly handiageously #nd persistently carried out, without any direct or inat the corner cut through his coat; the soti Erebus anfl Nox. It was direct attempt to convert Jews, but will be based on the preserve capped when those It desires to save it always had been an uncomfortably his duty of to convey the shades of th« persist in their madness. cold corner. One glance along the Judaism as a precious -heritage, we confidently expect in the near buried dead across the rivers.of the avenue and his depression grew worse. lower future a decrease of hatred, a diminution of suspicion, a reducworld, eaja the Detroit News. TJiprp wprp ppw buildings everywhere. t i o n of violence which hithei'to have kept the world in a constant For tb!s servico he exacted an oblonse, Or rather buildings- that had once and accordingly a coin of this value turmoil, of excitement and agitation; ~ The mere presentation of been new since he left. Now they was always placed in the dead. perthe resolution is a most promising sign of the better understand•were growing shabby; and that dilapi- son's mouth. To neglect rite ing that will ultimately bind Jews and Christians together in dated little house on the left was was to doom that unhappy this shade to friendly co-operation, The hope of such a consummation is where he first went to a kids' party, wander along the shores of thirty-—no, thirty-five years ago. But Acheron,restlessly .. enough t a excite our gratitude to God for so guiding the peoples since Charon refused to its character bad changed horridly. ferry any across who did not of the world as to make them discover the joy and profit of pay Ws at Scrawny chickens were scratching fee. applymg wisdom and courage to;: the problems that perplex us about on the spot which In other days Charon is generally represented as had been a neat lawn. an old man. with unkempt beard and INSUFFIENCY OF LAND , ish armies and amassed millions. He The place which drew him was fur- filthy clothes. By HENRY HOLT < ther down, on the right. His pulse BINDERS JEWISH CdLONIZlater played an important role in the quickened oddly as he came near. Ye3. ATION IN WHITE RUSSIA negotiations between Germany and (©, Doubleday, Pace & Co.) the house Was still there. It stood Soviet Russia. Moscow. (J. T. A.) "The problem twenty feet back from the roadway. TRAIN steamed Into the depot of settling Jews on the land in White of the little town and a man Mamie's home! There had been a Mr. and Mrs. Morris Turner Russia, is a most; difficult one be-CONSTITUTE "COURT" who got down looked" around garden there with old world flowers, cause White Russia has not sufficient refpiest the honor of your presence dully. H« was clean, but the and shady trees under which be had AND CONDEMN POLES at the Bar SrUrrah of their son land £or.this purpose," -Pristshepoff, FOR SELLING TO JEWS cult he wore was threadbare. Even sat with his love. He could now rehead of the .White Russian Agricul- Cracow. (J. T. A.) Defiance of the the light grip he carried contained member one June evening when they > •'. •lingered, there after the setting of the tural 'Commissariat, declared^ at the principle of equality guaranteed by very little. sun, after the shadows had gathered jlle was" tall, spare, perhaps forty• Conference of Jewish- land settlers the Polish constitution to all citizens and the confirmation of their and become an enchanted fairyland three ; life had carried Jim Steel over which is-being held in Minsk. of the Republic, found expression in some rough places during the twenty where he and his black-haired Mamie There are now thirty thousand Jew- what is termed "a verdict of citizens years since his feet last rested on that were the only things left in the world. ish applicant? for land, which would court" in the Galician resort, Zako- platform. But what tragic disillusion! It was .require o etrjp of land, of not less pane. Twenty years! How many hundred row a plumber's pl^eev -There was a Saturday, I>ecember the wooden shed for the vandal plumber's than 31,600 desiatin, while- the amount seventh A -group of Poles, constituted as a. tinies had he pictured this moment! bench and" tools, right In the spot i 5« available is limited to 2,500 desiatin Citizens court, issued a verdict of con- Back to the old home town! He had Nineteen Hundred and twenty-four Jim had once sat reading poetry >vhich can be..cultivated and 1,500 demnation on six Polish landowners, lain on the veldt in Africa staring up where to Mamie and holding her hand. at the 24tU Street Synagogue - -which must be,improved before culti- because.-they sold their .property, to, nt the stars arid yearned for the sight of It. Once,-adrift in an open boat He shivered again. And while he 24th ana NicUolns Streets vation. The-rest, must-be obtained by Jewsr The 'Verdict"" of the court the South seas, when death had was there, staring at the lost world, melioration, which requires much cap- reads as follows: "To submit to pub- in hovered very close, his vision of the the plumber's wife, an over-plump at 9:30 a. m. ital." and work. The White Russian lic opinion,and to condemn this-unpa- place was extraordinarily clear. Portuguese, came out to bans wet Omaha, Nebraska Government hopes to be table to in- triotic- .disgraceful arid treacherous He passed out; of the depot .and no* washing on a line. crease the amount of land foe-Jewish action,"- . - . ' Stung to the core by this antltlo«d tho newly crowding buildings." land settling to 10,000 desiatin during Tliere wns a field hereabouts in his r the coming year. • ; - Warsaw. :(J. T. A.) . In connection day, a field with A path town tue Bide \- The- Conference adopted ,a jresolu* wjth the approaching .Christian holi- of it, leading to an old five-barred tion criticising .the "efforts of, the day seasbn, the Dwa Grosze, the or- sate. By__ that old-gate the question Zionists to distract the.attention, of gan of the Polish National Democratic of his hopes and fears, had been set• She had a sort of bluish sunJewish peasantry from- agricultural Party started' agitation against the tled. bonnet on;. be. remembered her Jet •work in Soviet Russia -by fantastic Poles purchasing from Jewish, Great Special Purchase black .hair peeping, out beneath. . Be talesTof Palestine," According to the Keepers, • had loved her, that" day, passionately, recent statistics the Jewish-populadevotedly; -had been ready to enter tion in White Russia reaches -the f igT Zito life-long serfdom at her behest. . Even now—ho passed a hand ovfr . -ure'of 371,808, o f which -189,540 are PICTURE OF TOWER OF DAVID OF NEW Ms eyes wearily—even now he knew city dwellers and 20,000 are peasants. " PALESTINE STAMPS that'he still loved he'r." Twenty years! $2.50 to $4.50 The jrest live-in the smaller towns and Jerusalem. (J. T. A.} Palestine It was a ]«.ng .test. And yet love such . Tillages. will'shortly have a new series of per- as his was a thing upon which a woman might depend for all time. lier manent postage stamps to replace the wondered exactly where sh& was nov. ; PABVUS, ROMANTIC . temporary- stamps now in use. exactly what she was doing. JIamlei 'A Wonderful Selling of Newly OF EUROPEAN The stamps of the new series will Mamie of the jet black hair; Manila SOCIALISM, DIES have pictures of Palestine, views and of tho deep, ever-ready understandArrived Overcoats, at ''-Berlin. • (J.- T. A.) Helshand Par- monuments; /one of the series will i n g ; Mamie of the sweet, swift sinile. • Main Dining Room—Orchestra -vus, the romantic figure of the sor bear the picture of the Tower of Da- Distance and time,' "Wliat of such Indian GriH—Informal things as these where real love wa;cialisk movement in-Europe, died here vid, another of the City of Tiberias. concemed? . ' rDeceinber 15-at'ihe age of 57. Ha walked dozedly past the blatantParvus, who-was a much-discussed j TEN THOUSAND PARTICIPATE ly now post oflice, his mind cHcklnp OPENING NEW STREET "figure in various European countries, backward , like a reversed "movie." IN JERUSALEM He-stared-nbont'to-jhe right nnd loft, " Jiad/3-great number of friends and Jerusalem. {J. T. A.) Ten thousand walking up the Jittle main street. Br His^ctivitieR embraced Russia Warmth! Comfort! Style! al Prices .and Turkey. During the' inhabitants of.the Holy'Xity partici- Here and there, wei:e signs of the old That Set a Smashing Valv-c Pace < $1.50 to $3.50 1005, h«j wasjpated in-ft huge celebration on'the days. A comer grocery store survived. Gilpin's store. Shucks! He ^ j f f S j j t e t r of the Workingmen's Caun- occasion 0 the opening of King George hadn't thought of the name for a fifth Cafeteria Never Closes i> *<stt j»~tW.City of jPetrperaa., ife later avenue. of a century. ^ ' ^ t W <?«*waii3r>here he w'as'prom- Representatives roj£ all religions, the A man came, otit i>fi n doorway, consuls, of- foreign countries and lo- loomed up on the;, glanced jRwyemn "there.-'"- _ \ • : cal officials, headed by Sir Herbert directly nt dim. It was Chester Tur.Oncenr>f:n a tijno they-both v.-ont G9REJSCT,APPAjateL FOR MEN AND WOMEtf W r;pq^«*war.he was-in charge Samuel, attended-the-function. "The ittn. to school togpthor. • Occasionally, opening <i King George avenue is a & J t y *«* the German and Turfc-


symbol of Pale$tine becoming a progressive state. This process of progress will continue if peace prevails n the country. Jerusalem will soon have a population of 100,000," Sir Herbert declared in his ppening speech. Nashashibi, the mayor of Jerusaem, stated that the avenue is two kilometers long and twenty meters •wide.

Jabne Hebrew and Ednca-


Thursday Evening* December 25







Edwin Kahn and his Field Club Orchest re:


FONTENELLE Luncheon 75c

vercoat Value Demonstration and


- j

PAGE S—THE JEWISH PEESS—THURSDAY, DECEMBER IS, 1924 Mrs. Sam Coin, of Denver, Colo., officers will be held at the next meet- ents,- Mr. and Mrs. A. Oestereicher, the Supreme Moslem Council not to'sian .universities orrder Casristie is the guest of her aunt -and uncle, ing, which will be held Tuesday even- and is arriving in Lincoln Thursday. proceed with the settlement of the 5 regime, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Marx. ing," December SO, 1D24. question relating to the Wakf land in I Mrs. M. Fresh and daughter,-Max- the neighborhood and until this matMiss Blanch Newman, of Los An- Mrs. I. Fonarow will entertain her jne, are leaving Friday for a two geles, Calif., is visiting with her sis- Afternoon Bridge club at a Luncheon Peeks' visit ia Denver, Colo., with ter is settled no sale is possible. The "Falastin" declares that the A] ter, Mrs, Jess Block, and family. Mrs. David Jacobs, vrho was formerly Amari family has already received Bridge at her home Monday. Miriam Frosh. 3,000 pounds sterling: in advance from! Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Brookstein reTi m cly Prcscn tat ion Mr. Nathan Adler has returned turned the early part of this week home after spending a -creek in New Miss Norma Fresh is spending the the Jews, on condition, that if the j of Exclusive land is not transferred to the in- i from Chicago, 111., where they spent York. next two weeks in Lincoln. tending purchasers by the date fixed, i their honeymoon. Mrs. Brookstein Miss Eeva" Gross, a student at Ne- the Al Amari family is to pay 15,000 was formerly Miss Lillian Harris. Mrs. Lawrence ISfesne is entertaining at a series of afternoon parties at braska University, is spending the pounds sterling in default. "As the' Affairs of Ypunger Set to Fill holiday vacation with her parents, Mr. sale has not been completed in time,"', her home at 146 Vine street. Just received from our New ana Mrs. S. Gross, Co-andl Bluffs, Ia. the '•'Falastin" declares, "the Al AmSocial Calendar During School Vacation York representative ari family will now have to psj' the Lazar Kaplan was elected president I Mrs. Fineburg and children of 15.000 pounds forfeit money, which it LINCOLN Teas, Luncheons, and Dancing Parties, "will be numerous during the I Grand Island are the guests of her is unable to do. This will mean that next two -weeks for the younger set that -will be home for the annual two of the A. Y. A. club, the recently organized Jewish club for-boys between parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chapman. Ben Eavitz to Attend week's winter school vacation. The social calendar will again be busily octhe land will come up for auction and the ages of thirteen and sixteen. Juc u p i e d by the younger set. Z. B. T. Convention Miss Dorothy Diamond entertained as there are no purchasers in the Lincoln, Nebr.—Pians for spending: the Fadarmyth club Sunday afternoon market but Jews, the lane will fall to _Miss Pauline Herzberg, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. Herzberg, who ius Frohm -was elected vice president; is attending Mount De Chantal College at Wheeling, W..Va, will not spent Harold Katelman, secretary; Isadore the Christmas holidays by members at a bridge party. High score -was the Jews in any case." her vacation here bat -will go to New York City, where she will visit with Horblund, reporter; and the following of the Lincoln chapter of Zeta Beta won "by Miss Sara Solmberg and secrelatives; Miss Sadie Levey, who Is attending the New England Conservatory were elected on the membership com- Taa point to all directions of the ond prize was won by Hiss Ida Kutn of Music a t Boston, Mass., will spend her vacation in the east -with friends; mittee: Julius Frohm, Alfred Fiedler, country, Ben Ravitz of Omaha, pTes- Bogen. The out of town guest was CELEBRATE FIFTIETH ident of the chapter, will attend the Miss Ann Eosenblatt, who is attending Wheaton College in Connecticut, will Isadpr Horbund. ANNIVERSARY OF JEWISH The A. Y. A. meets every Saturday national fraternity convention at Nor- Miss Blanch •Altman of Omaha. not spend her vacation at home but will be with a schoolmate at Baltimore, STUDENTS' FUND evening at seven o'clock at the City folk, Virginia. Most elaborate plans Miss Sara Krechefsky entertained j Riga. (J. T. A.) The fiftieth an. at a bridge party Sunday afternoon in jniversary of the Jewish Students' -Several classmates of Omaha students will be here to spend their Talmud Torah. All b,oy3 desiring are being made for this assemblage, membership in this club are invited at which several hundred Z. B. Tls honor of. her week-end ' vacation. '. _ . . •: •'. • -.. '•' . '._.. ^__:.'.• •. ' ~ • guest. Miss Fund at Dorpat University Vvas celeFollowing are the students and the schools they are coming from: to attead this meeting. Rabbi J. M. from all -over-the United Statesand Fannie Ackerman. brated by the Jewish students of the \ Benjamin College—Rosaline Goldstein; Lake Forest College—Bernice Ferer; Charlop -will lecture on "Channcka." Canada -will be present. Two special Miss Lilian Seidman entertained at University and the Jewish eofcinaniVassar College—Ethel Gladstone; Northwestern College—Ethel Eeuhen; The election of officers of the Z. B. T. boats have been chartered, a party in honor of her guest, Mrs. ty. The fund was a great factor ia. Chicago Art School—Lillian Eubenstein; Chicago University—Mildred Cohn, Daughters of Zion will be held at one to leave from New York City and Jewish student life in Russia, in view and she -will be accompanied by two classmates, Miss Regina Stol?; and their regular meeting Monday i.fter- sail down the coast to Norfolk, and i Cohen of Omaha. of the' fact that the Dorpat UniverMISF Beth Silberman, both of Chicago, who will be Miss Cohn's house guests uoon, December 22, at the Adass Ye- the other to Jeave from Baltimore and The Junior Congregation lield a sity was the center for Jewish acadaring the two week's, vacationi University of Michigan—Eeva Kulakofsky, shuren Synagogue, Twenty-fifth and cruise down the Cheasepeake Bay. d&Ece Thursday evening in the vestry demic vouth barred from other ROEDelegates will meet at either New of the Temple. • Lester Sloeberg; Myron Blotcky, and Mas Guttman; University of Illinois— Seward streets. York or Baltimore and proceed from Louis Somberg; Semper iMilitary Academy—Hubert Sommer, Samuel SomThe Ladies' Free Loan Society places by boat to Norfolk. The con- Miss Jeanette Pitlor of Omaha is • berg; Notre Dame University—Edward Levinson; .Nebraska University— Estelle Lupidus, Kate Goldstein, Tanny Levinson, Lillian Margolin, Sara Dance will be given Sunday evening, vention will consume four doys, hav- the guest of her fiance, Mr. Dean A brilliant collection of Somberg,? Edwin Rbsenthal, Oscar Weinstein, Lester Simon, David Sher. December 28, at Xelpine's Academy. ing for its grand finale a New Years Davidson. Evening Gowns, copied exOur entire stock of High Eve ball. Ravitz will visit in PhiladelBennett Cohn, Harry Cohn, Joe Iinsman, Ben Eavitz, and Joe Stern. Mrs. J. Schneider entertained at clusively for GoldsteinThe Ladies' Labor Lyceum club will phia, New York, Washington, CinGrade Diamonds and Platinum Chapman Co. from the Jewelry for your selection give a dance Sunday evening, Decem- cinnati and Chicago before returning her home complimentary to Miss PitMiss Lucille Stein was hostess to Miss Tanny. Aekermann spent the ber 21, at the Labor Lyceum Hall. lor of Omaha, whose wedding is to original models of leading home. At a Great Saving the Hajobls club, a newly organized past -week-end in Lincoln visiting with take place this month. Paris makers;. The opporCarl Gugenheim of Thermopolis, After DeceiRber 25, we will be weekly bridge club, jat her home Sw> Miss Sara Krechef sky. The Auflebung club will entertain tunity of the season to obin our new wholesale and retail Mr. Harry Garson will leave'the day afternoon. Prizes were won by at a dance Sunday evening, Decemb°r Wyoming, plans to leave Friday eventain an Evening Gown at sales offices, 214-15-16 City Nathe Misses Bertha Abrams and Ann Miss Gertrude Rasnick left last 21, at the Jewish Community Center, ing to spend the vacation period at city next week for New York City, to tional Bank Bldg. a price which is considerable week for Cleveland, O., where she will in the Arthur building. Mr. Oscar his home there. Leland -Goldberg: of be with Ms "brother and family. He lower than original. Shenandoah, Iowa, and Barney Olanvisit with her aunt and uncle. expects to be -gone two weeks. Taub was elected assistant secretary Srd Floor, Mr. Ben Binder, of Earrishurgh, sky of Dubuque, Iowa, Herman Krupp 1516 Dodge St. Jackson 5618. at the last meeting of the organisaMiss Pearl Bratman, of PhiladelThe Nioma Sewing club will meet Pa.? spent -the week-end here "with of Fremont and Manuel Iseman of tion. Mrs. Binder's parents, Mr. and Mrs.phia, Pa., who was making her homi Nebraska City'all will journey home December 31 at the home of Mrs. Saul J. Adler, and family. /Mrs. Binder here during ^the past year, returned The . Jewish Culture League will for the holiday season, all, however, Poska. was formerly Miss: Adler of this city. Monday' to Philadelphia, where sh hold a regular meeting Sunday, after- planning to spend part of their time Mr. and Mrs. Harry Garson were will make her future, home. Miss noon at three o'clock at the Labor visiting with friends in Omaha. The the host and hostess at a family reHannah Filvin: was hostess at a fare Historical Jesus" RabTHE EVENT OF EVENTS Lyceum. A musical and literary pro- Omaha members and pledges are ex- union held at their home -Monday bi-Frederick Cohn^s sermon topic this •well party Saturday afternoon at th gram has been prepared. pected home Friday evening. They evening. Friday evening, December 19, at the Brandeis Tea Rooms, honoring Mis: are Joe Stern, Jack Newman, Lester Temple. On Saturday morning, De- Bratman.' Simon and David Sher. MOSLEM. SUPREME COUNCIL cember 20, he "will lecture on '^KeepCOUNCIL BLUFFS ENDEAVORS TO PREVENT Miss Blanch Altaian was the weekRabbi Mannheimer, pf Des Moines, ing Sheep With His Brethren." . SALE OF LAND IN PALESTINE , end guest;in Lincoln of the Misse; The T. T. Sunday School will pre- Ia., who. lectured at Nebraska UniThe Twentieth Anniversary celebra- Estelle Lapidus and Sara Somberg., sent a Chanucka program Sunday aft- versity Convocations Tuesday and Jerusalem. (J. T. A.) The negotion and Social Get-Together of the Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bonoff re- ernoon, December 28, at the X P. Wednesday, had dinner at the Zeta tiations which have been going on Jewish Women's Welfare Organizaregarding the sale of land to Jews at turned home last Thursday from New Hall, 400 West Broadway. An inter- Beta Tau House Tuesday evening. tion-will he held Tuesday afternoon. Aglil and Al Haram have been susesting program has been arranged, Miss Dorothy Pickus, v/ho attends pended, owing to the intervention ol January's, at the Jewish Community York City, where they spent their and everyone is invited to attend. Nebraska University, is spending the the Supreme Moslem Council, states Center. The committee in charge axe honeymoon. They have taken s The.Jnniox:Council will hold a Sor vacation -with her parents, Mr. andthe.."Falastin^'. the official organ cf plans for as profram-and in-, apartment at the Kay Apartments: • •' at the the Palestine Arab Executive. The '« stallation of officers that were re- •wliefe"" fKey~ witT Shake" their home. cial meeting Sunday afternoon, De- •Mrs. S. Pickus, at Sioux City. Mrs. Bonoff was formerly Miss Sara cember 21, at the home of the Misses suspension is dae to the decision o cently elected. 'r Reva gnyder, of Council Bluffs, la- Lillian and Sophie Steinberg, 1428 Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Oestereicher are spending Sunday in Omaha and Miss Gertrude Tatle is leaving SunMr, and Mrs. Arthur Rosenblum West Broadway. Council Bluffs. day morning for St. Joseph, ^M have as their guest Miss Rae Veta, Wednesday Evening, December 31, 1B24 MARIE The Ladies' Auxiliary of the Tal•where she "will visit for a .week with of Cheyenne, Wyo. . Mr. N. Zolat is now in.Salina, Kas., mud Torah will hold a meeting next her sister, Mrs. Joseph W. Leibowitz, Dancing from 8:80 to 2:00. Many Surprises. CORSET SHOPPE Of interest -was the announcement Tuesday afternoon at the home of where he is opening an Army Store. and Mr. Leibowitz, ; 204 AQCITA COURT made recently of the approaching Mrs. B, Saltzman.. Mr. Harold Oestreicher of the UniPhone AT (antic 8703 Mr. Morris Fromkin and Mr. Alfred Triarriage.of Miss SeJma;Stein, daugh(They Are Bed Hot) Omaha. Kebr. Strelzin, of Milwaukee, Wis., kspent ter, -of: Mr. and Mrs. Harry Stein, of r Mr. and Mrs. Sol Gilinsky; of Tren- versity of Illinois is spending the holiday vacation in Lincoln with his parton, -N J-, who have been visiting for the past week-end in Omaha; visiting, Kansas, City, Mo., to Mr. Howard Dance Admission Dinner Reservation with..'Mr., and Mrs. Mas Fromkin. Green, formerly of Omaha, vrho is the past week here with their uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. A. Gilinsky, Sunday evening," Mr. and Mrs. H. $ 1 X 0 per Couple • $2:00 per Plate now residing in Kansas City. The are leaving Thursday evening for "Weinstein entertained at dinner a.t j ceremony MAKE DINNER RESERVATIONS their home complimentary to these day, December 24, at six o'clock, at their home. to MR. A. MEYER, 722 So. 16th St. AT lantic 3268 out-of-town visitors. We specialize In the oricinations and designings of laSies gow-ns, rents anct suits the home of the bride's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Balahan announce at moderate prices. Mr. Green was well known among the hirth of a daughter, horn Monday, t Several affairs were given this 230 Aquila Court AT lantic 4532 week for Miss Bertha Mosenson, of the younger set while residing here December 15, at the Edmundson HosNew York City, *who is the guest of several years ago. He is a member pital. Mr. and Mrs. H. Wohlner. Last Tues- of the Missouri Chapter of the'Zeta Mrs. L. S. Braunstein entertained ! E day Miss Minnie Eisenstatt was hos- Beta Tau Fraternity, and is a gradat bridge at her home Sunday even- i = uate of the University of Missouri. tess at bridge at her home, honoring Miss Stein is also a graduate of the ing. this visitor. Thursday evening Mrs. H. Eochman entertained at her home Missouri University. Mrs. Nathan Adler entertained at = complimentary to Miss Mosenson. Mr. The. P. A. L. Bridge club will be seven tables of bridge at her home '. S and Mrs. Louis Wohlner entertained entertained by Miss Margaret Riekes last Wednesday evening, December 2 Monday evening at bridge at their at her home Sunday afternoon. 10. Prizes were won by the Mes- ' -E home, and on Wednesday evening Mr. dames F. B. Cherniss, I. Fonarow and Dr. Philip Sher is returning home Philip Friedman, and the Messrs. Sam s and Mrs. Louis Albert entertained at four tables of bridge at their home Friday morning from a ten days' visit H. Katelman, Philip Friedman and L. 5 followed by dancing. with relatives in Reading, Pa. H. Cohen.


a w .

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• • . • • • - . .

Rome Hotel Ballroom


Mrs., M. Solomon left .for Chicago 3Iiss Dorothy Forman left.Tuesday Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Cohen enter- 5 for Sioux City, Ia., where she will to visit her daughter, Mrs. Morton tained at bridge at their home Tues- ss visit fo rtwo weeks with Miss Rose Katz, for several weeks. Afterwards day evening. she will go> to Cleveland to visit her Baird. Mrs. Philip Sherman and baby daughter, Rae Bercu, and sons: TheT. E. D. club will be enter- Messrs. S. and J- Bercu. daughter, of Sioux City, Ia., arrived = tained by Miss Rebecca Segal at her Monday to visit with Mrs. Sherman's = Mrs. Sam Altschuler is visiting parents, Mr. and Mrs. Abe Gilinslry. | ~ home Sunday afternoon, December 21. with relatives and friends in NewDaughters of Israel Aid Society York City. She is expected to reThere will not be any B'nar B'rith 5 meeting Tuesday afternoon, Decem- turn home within a month. .. meeting next week.' An election of- ! = ber 30,, at Old Teople's Home." Rabbi J. M- Charlop will speak.. Rose Steers will give a recitation, and 'Ben Steen a song number. Miss Ruth Greenberg will be hostess at a luncheon Sunday afternoon at her home, honoring Miss Flora Bienstock, a bride-to-be, and Mrs. M. Kogan, of Minneapolis, Minn., ^vho is the house guest of her daughter, Mrs. A. Greenberg, and Dr. -Greenberg.

| |


Rev, Cantor Joseph and Ms Choir

Hiss Sara Slobodisky returned home Sunday from a seven weeks' visit in California. She visited with relatives in Los Angeles, San Francisco, and other California cities. Eabbi Frederick Cohn will be the principal speaker at the Junior Hadassah open meeting and Cbanucka entertainment this evening at the Jewish Community Center. There win be also musical-and vocal numbers on the"- program. Eabbi Cohn will talk on "Chanucka."

Tickets $1.00 -Ti


, '-^Vi

PAGE 4—THE JEWISH PRESS—THURSDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1924 at present. Should conditions change, Gaon, author of "Cheifez Haim," r.nd however, I will not hesitate to in-the Rabbi of Chortkow, Polaix?,. .-will troduce necessary ; legislation," the shortly settle in Palestine. Thr well Home Secretary stated. known Rabbi of Gura, Kalwirja, vail visit Palestine for the third time. ADGLPH JOFFE APPOINTED • . ; • / - • •••: VIENNA' AMBASSADOR ; Moscow.(J. T. A.) Adolph Joffe, (foldstrom Upho!stermg Co. Soviet'diplomat and negotiator of the and Furniture RepairRiga, Peace Treaty between Poland Upholstering ing Mattresses Renovated. and Soviet Russia, was appointed AmBox Springs, bassador to Austria.

, . . ' ; :'The;SiQttjlpf~a Chanukah during the \ Revolutionary War ,'• ' .By EUIA EHBLICHISVINGEE. CoWright. 1024,. by aujiior.

• ' Enos Phillips shivered and drew his fit of despair which seemed about to Tagged blanket a little closer about crush him to the earth. He knew him. Mid-winte* in the Pennsylvania there were other Jews in camp, but valds is never a cheerful season, even shrank from appealing to them. They •with plenty of firewood, blankets and would not care to light their sacred good, thick flannels. To a soldier in tapers before the ridicule of their Washington's army," hungry, shivering, comrades. Either they would laugh in his rags, his feet frost-bitten, bis at him ifor a sentimental fool or their FAMOUS RABBIS fingers blue with cold, Valley Ftorge despair would only make his the heavseemed little less terrible than a ier. And he did- not need them to SETTLE IN PALESTINE frozen Hell. Enos Phillips, like so tell him that the God of the MaccaJerusalem. ( J. T. A.) The famous many of his fellows, Bhut his eyes bees was surely dead or had forgotResolutely, seeking in his dreams a ten! ' little of the warmth and comfort his . Ere he was aware he had wandered PAXTON HOTEL waking hours no longer knew. from the. road into a clump of trees TURKISH BATHS just a little beyond the Commander's He. muttered a - curse as someone i now o|>erMeo iij entered.the hut, shrinking before the [Barters.- Looking down up-the white PAXTON HOTEL blast of icy wind ^which poured waste at his feet, now palely illumSteam, Turkish, and Electric Baths. through the open door. "I was al-inated by the rising moon, he was All Modern BauHniient. most asleep—and forgetting," he murr surprised "to see' footprints leading inured. "Pity you couldn't come in still further into the timber. WonON THE PLATFORM OF THE NATIONAL KEREN HAYESOD CONFERENCE AT THE ASTOR quieter, Thomas Burton;" he grum- dering who had come to this desolate HOTEL, NEW YORK: In.the center, Nathan Straus and Samuel IJntermyer shaking hands; seated left to bled, sitting up as though, despairing spot, he advanced softly, pushed back : rights Dr. David-Yellin, President of the Representative Assembly of Palestinian Jews: Henrietta Szold, of the sleep he had wooed so'desper- ;he pins branches, glittering with snow crystals, then, stood motionless President of Hadassah,-Morris Rothenberg, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Keren Hayesod, ately before. and Rev. H. Masliansky, noted orator. Left insert, D r. Schmarya Levin; right insert, Louis Marshall. The newcomer, a'lank Yankee farm- with astonishment at. the sight before Every Known Kind er, in the faded and patched blue of him. of Insurance the Continental soldier, laughed good- On the frozen ground knelt General naturedly. "You'll be. glad enough to Washington, his powdered head bare, Departments in all their proceedings. Government of Palestine is responsi- sary at present," he declared. "There 209 W. O. W. Bldg. JA. 3944. sit,up and take notice whe# you seehis face upturned to the stars. His It has replaced the Turkish: language ble for this injustice and for theis no need to establish boards before .•what. I've brought," he promised. He Etern lipa moved and Enos knew that of the old regime. What then is the barring of Moslems from public po- whom all aliens would appear on a drew a small packet from the breast xe prayed prayed not ajone sitions," the paper concludes. given date and prove that their resiof his coat, "Our old neighbor, Mat to the God of the Christians, but todifference between the past and the •present? The Government might exdence is not against the interests of Tyson, has just come back to camp," the God of "the Jews, Jehovah of BatCarpenter P&per Co. he said, "and he brought me this from tles, the God who. had blessed the plain that if it employed Arabic it BRITISH HOME SECRETARY British citizens. There is no stream (Msrrtbotore o* home*" untying „ the greasy clpth. banner of the Maccabees that they would provoke protests from the Tews of alien labor flowing into England ADVISES AGAINST NEW Western Bond—and High "Loot," he gloated, ."two beautiful might go forth to victory in Hisand, if it used Hebrew, it would ALIEN LEGISLATION Grade Stationery pork pies and • just in time name. . London. (J. T. A.) Sir Joynson Omntia Nebraska. . Enos bowed his head and the tears arouse the wrath of the Arabs. ThereCall us for good for.Enos, Christmas." Phillips could" not control a ran down his cheeks; suddenly he felt fore it uses English. Such an apology Hicks, British Home Secretary and and no longer lonely or afraid. George is worse than a fault, sponsor of the anti-alien movement, grimace. "Pork, pie Christmas," he repeated a .trifle soiir- Washington, this iron man, he who "Disregarding the expenses in- modified his tone in speaking in ParOffice l'hone JAcfeson S12S would indeed save them from the yoke ly, apd turned on his side again. ' Again Burton laughed his hearty, of England, had his "hour of despair curred • in employing translators in liament on the proposed new alien JOHN FKLDMAN MICKLIN LUMBER CO. deep-chested laugh. " I . was forget- also, even as Enos did, and even like Government office's, we must consider registration. Clothier ting that you Hebrews have no taste Enos felt the need of a greater than the more serious point of the ap- "No new alien legislation is neces- 24th & Burdette Sts. WE. 5555 he to lead him into the paths of Full Dress Suits and Tuxedos for pork and Christmas," he roared, pointment of new officials. A knowlMoved Crora IO» No. ieth St. t o "and it's; a pity, with a beautiful pork safety. No hero, no splendid figure edge of English is the first require203 Karbarh Block, 15th & Donetae Sts pie awaiting to be eaten." He swung upon horseback, just a bewildered, OMAHA. NKISK. toward the door. "I'll be fetching in humble man, praying in the solitude ment for appointment to a post in, the Jim and Bob, and maybe Seth, and to the God who had listened to an-Government offices. This destroys we'll have a drop before the fire and other soldier in the wilderness and the chances of Moslems who were eat our pies and sing some Christmas guided him aright. Judas Maccabeus trained in Turkish schools ?.nd have Residence, 1X43 So «5tb St. . . George Washington, both songs together." The man's twinkWASH AND KEEP WELL Tel. ATlantic 0637. no knowledge of any European lan'One of America's Great Hotels' ling eyes grew dim. "I thought may- fighting against fearful odds, both Plare of itnstnpKs. 441ft Cai&tnc St. A RULE OF HEALTH be this Christmas eve I'd be home on trusting their lives and their honor guage, except a little French. The Tel. ATlnntii- 3831. my own place and see ,my little Mary to the God who would not forget. FRONTIER TOWEL, SUPl'Ll twining the evergreen over the fireScarcely daring to breathe lest California Street. place and hear the neighbor boys Washington hear him and know that singing their waits," he said wistful- he, was discovered—and Enos knew ly. Then he- flung back his wide instinctively that, like himself, the shoulders and laughed again Virginian felt a sort of shame in his a- blast of icy air- through the open devotion—he tiptoed back to the road door and he was gone. and returned the way he had come. The Jewish soldier impatiently But now he no longer felt the stingthrew off his blanket and rose to-his ing coldj for his heart glowed with a Druggists and 'Stationers feet; his somber, heavy-lidded eyes new warmth and .courage. roamed wearily over thespot which "God is with me and I fear naught," tOS-403-4115 fcoctb Stre*4 had been his home since the defeat he chanted under the marching stars as the soldiers of the fugitive Maccaof Washington's army at the Brandywine, and Germantown had driven the bees might have done centuries ago troops into their winter quarters at among the mountains of their native Gate City Furniture Co. Valley Forge: a bare, little room, land. and scarcely as large as his cow stable at It was Chanukah—the first night home, small windows, sloping roof, of Chanukah—on this night of all Globe Van & Storage Co. bare dirt floor on which he knelt to nights, how could a Jew despair? owned isnd operntejl by feed the fire in the stone fireplace, Did not he fight in the army of a GROSSMAN & SONS seeing in the flames a picture very brother to the Maccabee and was not 520-S2 No. IFth St. .Sri- «3SS different from the one his comrade, the God of Israel his defender and at. Burton, had described—and yet not sohis shield? very different after all. "•"* Enos felt he must do something to For although the Jew. somehow quiet his madly beating heart, now Harry Ivononovitch could not speak to his Gentile friend throbbing with a strange, warm joy of his .own feast days, a great wave under his threadbare coat. It was of, homesickness swept over him also Chanukah It was Christmas Stodin—3(11 Crounsr Blk. .as. he visualized his little Mirian_ in a time of joy for Jew and KoriH\v »4*P their Pennsylvania farmhouse .moving Christian alike for Advnnred Pupils. a his promise, about the big, clean kitchen, helping somehow, of freedom for newher mother prepare for Chanukah. He found country,- where little Miriam could smell the pot of soup on theand her children after her would live stove in the corner, see his old mother in security and peace. For what busy with the pancakes which'he as availed the tyrant Antiochus of olden The Jewish Press aids the Jews to a boy had always declared were fi days, or the tyrant King Georjje IH Certified Public Accountants for a hundred Syrian kings to feast across the seas . . . passing Audits Systems keep in touch with what their on,-his wife spreading out her best shadows while the candle of freedom Investigations cloth and placing on it the tin me burned on undimmed through the cenfellow Jews are doing in city, tSi tt> 440 norah which had been his own fath- turies! Plionrs. ..f 431R. $314. state and nation, besides informer's before him. Then little Miriam Fumbling in his pockets, Enos drew would light the first candle for theout a bit of candle, the last of the ing them on the problems of the first night. \ . . scanty store doled out to. him by the 1 nrtT &. t*pWn». J w W Jews in Europe and the World Enos sprang to his feet, hurt by hii hard-driven quartermaster; but he SOB. Peeper. Vice President. % memories. Never since joining the shrugged with magnificent indifferW. 6 . Cre, PwKetanr over. colonial army had he felt so utterly ence. Better go for a night or two in Omaha Fixture & desolate and alone.- His Gentile com- darkness till new candles were issued rades were seemingly without the than to allow the first night of ChaSupply Co, prejudice which had forced his an nukah to pass without proper cere'COMPLETE STORE AKB • epstors to flee from their homes in mony. He found a fallen tree log— " Portugal. Here in America all lesser a small hole in the bark—inserted the OFFICE OUTFITTERS In our judgment, it is the sacred duty of our hates seemed swallowed up in hate candle stump with cold-stiffened finWe occupy for England and her blundering king gers—fumbled with his stubborn tinr c m 70,GflQ ftcuert fees gouthwent Corna* .Yet tonight-he felt an alien among derbox—lighted the first, candle for readers to help bring this paper into Every strangers, a bedraggled, frost-bitten the first night of Chanukah. Elevensf) sort ()wicta> Streets. son of the Maccabees, unheroic and The little taper shone forth bravely P»vo«*: VschKon £134 Jewish Home. We ask for no financial asdiscouraged in a strange land. CM I K A MOB. —steadily-i-a tiny spark in the darkHe felt he could not wait to fact ness_ To Enos it-seemed a symbol s ance an •^ ^ of V kind, but merely urge the Jew •Burton and his friends, could not s{of little Israel facing the Syrian foe, by as they sang their Christmas car^ the men- of Washington's army ote/and shared their scanty holiday against the troops of Great Britain, to co-operate in furthering interests that are fare. Pulling his knitted scarf tight the eternal struggle of the enslaved er about his throat—the red scarf and the enslaver, the light against his own. . •. . , Miriam had knitted him with clumsy the darkness. -And though his heart loving fingers—1he slammed himsel yearned for his own fireplace where out into the frozen night. little. Miriam kindled the first of the Above him the stars twinkled cru- Chanukah tapers in the old menorah, ^ ; elly and frosty.; beneath his feet th he • felt comforted and full' of hope. ice- crackled and snapped; from th "Blessed art. Thou Who commandest huts - of his, companions,. half-sunkei us.; to - kindle the Chanucka light," in the. snowdrifts, tiny rays of lighi prayed Enos as he watched the flickstole out upon the snow. Again h ering candle. thought of the Chanukah candles &' home, and, lowering, his head befor the piercing, wind, plunged on more ARAB PAPER COMPLAINS JAcksoa 1862 doggedly than ever as though he AGAINST THREE LANGUAGE 1 would leave his torturing: thoughts T H E J E W I S H PRESS, SYSTEM IN PALESTINE far behind him. . * 3&1 Brandeis Theatre Bldg.—AT lantic 1450. DR. FRED B. BROWN Jerusalem. (J. T. A.) Complaint At last he paused l o r breath befor DR. CFAAA a house of bricks, very grand by con against the three language system in R. BROWN trast. to the makeshift dwellings 01 Palestine, and the dominance of EngClip Out, 1 . THE JEWISH PEESS, CHIROPRACTORS the soldiers, the home of the Com Pnxfnn R'nrfc - mander-in-Cbief. The .bitterness thai lish, is voiced by the Arab paper, AIj" 681 Brandeis Theatre Bldg.,, 30 A. M. t o ts p. &i. Attach Jezirah.. "It is a fact," the paper had filled the Jewish soldier's heari I'boue. Atissntjc STisO, Omaha. Nebr. ResSdenee: Morris ApTS.. Phone a t . 8210 for the last hour now seemed to ris states, "that the official language in Your Check into a hard lump in his throat, almost Palestine is neither the language ' Gentlemen: Attached hereto is check for $2.50, for choking him. Here was he torn from spoken,by the majority nor that of I which send THE JEWISH PRESS every week for one And Mail his own, fireside to freeze and starve the Jewish minority, but English, the i year to away from his wife and tittle Miriam language of our imperialist rulers. This Coupon } Name "on this festal night of his people, . while' the Commander and his officers The proportion of Arabs who know x Now I Street Address. doubtlessly sat over their hot brandy the, English, language is not over one in their warm quarters, welcoming per thousand." Hebrew is .spoken by As You \si$lr songr and jest a holiday • that only 10.per cent of the Palestine could never be his. He felt a sudden • City State | ~ ^ojatempt'for them all,-pagan revelers :Jews. Anyone .living among- the Jews Think Of It may see for himself that Palestine •wjtta knew not Israel. -* ' He felt as lonely in that great whit has become a Tower of Babel, where /•wilderness as Israel among the na they speak every language .but He- tions. ns. , ,. , brew, which they aye now icarriins in " Th ;, The Jes? pushed his way throng. special evening .schools. •the Wishivering-' despondent^ sic tmiHiiiiffiiHBimnmiiaifmmi^^ hearty "If-he could find only one is the only language used i





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