December 25, 1924

Page 1

. I profess iiot talking—only, this, let each man do his best. —Siiakejspeure.

For all men i f . A e j dare try, & •

g l o r i o u s life, or grave.—Herbert.

terea aa « VOL. IV-No. S Postofflce gsgasgi-*>f at

w^^IU "T* *"* January 27th, 1921. at Nebraska, onder the Act.ol March 3. 187B.

Annual Y.M. and Y.W. E i Show February 8 Brandeis Theater



g* f SHAN AND MOSLEM HEINE WAS OF ARYAN RABBI OF BUJANT, g. 'AMILEES FIGHT WHEN RACE, GEBBIAN ANTICHASSIDIC LEADER, •< CABS COLLIDE SEMITIC WRITER CLAIMS ARRIVES IN NEW YOEK ' - '. isalem. <J. T. A.) Three ChristBerlin. (J. T. A.) Heinrich" Heine, New York. (J. T. A.) Eabbi Solo1. nd one Moslem -were wounded Germany's poet who during his lifemon Friedman, known ss the Sabb," i n ' a fight which developed between time and after death was declared to of Bujsnyr-and scion'of the Sadigors the Moslem family Dajeni and the be a Jew in spite ef his baptism, and rabbinical family, srrived on the MaChristians Stauri. Eight persons were was German Nationaljestic recently. He was greeted" at AH Parts Have Been Filled by arrested. . Leader of Zionist Organization ists, was not of Semitic origin,-but Any Local Boy May Apply for the pier by a delegation of his Chas- Delegates Elected to Represent; The Large Cast Selected. The figbt was the Tesult of a colof Aryan blood, according: to Dr. Paul sidim. Omaha at Next Can*. , ". j Admittance to.. Nations! lision of the automobiles of the two Escorted from Liner in Koerner who printed 'an article to this A special delegate was sent by the Tentioa. , \ Farm School. TICKETS WILL SOON BE families, when the Moslems insulted • Mayor's Boat by Wei- : effect in the varieds publications of BabbPs admirers to .meet Mm ®4 •GberPLACED ON SALE. the Christians. Christian and Moscoming Committee the anti-Semitic YafeBosche Party. feurg. The Sabfei of. Bujany is » lem passersby- participated in the According to- Br.; "Koerner, Heine NATIONAL'/FARM SCHOOL cousin of Eabbi Isaac Friedman, who JAKE MALASHOCE ELECT* Sunday, February 8, on this day fight. • • SPEAKS OF P A L E S T I N E was the natnral ssti of- a Prassion IS A JEWISH .INSTITUTION' died in New York last week. ED VICE-PRESIDENT OmahajJewry will be treated to one WITH MUCH EMOTION. aristocrat and a Jesdsh mother. To I. F. Goodman was elected president of the" best entertainments ever Ths Jewish Welfare Federation prove Ms thesis he quotes Heine as of Omaha Lodge No. S54, I. 'O. E. E^ staged by any theatrical' group in through the'.social service cenmuttee New York.—In the, grey dawn of speaking about his "deep native Ger•at its semi-BTiiiual election of officers the city. The members of t h e Y . a cold December morning a hundred man feelings,'.'- and ssy3 that every of the B*nai'B'rith is offering a free held Thursday evening at the Jewish' 1L and Y. W. H. A. Trill present of the leading Zionists of the country one'"even the bitterest opponent of scholarship to an Omaha boy who is Community Center. Goodman .wag desirous of entering the National their third annual show. Twice beassembled on a pier at the foot of the Jews finds in' Heine's work so Wes- Contributor to Many Periodicals; formerly vice-president. fore our local youth displayed their Was Active in 'Congress—Author of Manhattan and boarded a boat which, many references which give every Farm School. • • • Draft Bill. Member cf Faenlty'of-Hebrev Other officetF elected for the ensu*. talent "with approval of the large Any local i o y between, the ages vf after taking them far out into New Aryan heart a rars .and joyful purely in^ term are: Jake Mslashock, vice* audiences. IS and 21 who is desirous of ••nlering College York Bay, came to a stop alongside German sensation." president; Merer Bcbrr. socr^tarrj the Farm school and who has the reThe show -will be held at the Bran- . San Francisco. (J. T. A.) Julius a huge ocean liner. Despite the cold Kahn, for twenty-four years repreCincinnati, Ohio, Dec 16.(J. T. ,A.) Quired. grade school work, can. do so and the dusk, the men and women on deis Theater. Tickets' will soon go by applying to WB3iain R. Bhxraen- Dr. David Netanark, professor, cf on sale. Members of the various sentative to Congress for the Fourth California District, one of the leading ihal, superintendent'."of the Federa- Philosophy at. fee Hebrew Union local organizations vrill assist in the figures ol American Jewry, Chairman College, died last sight at the age tion. • ' • ticket sale. .Reservation for choice of the House Military Affairs Comof • fifty-eight. Death occurred'as s The National Farm School which is seats •will be made at the box office mittee and author of- the Draft Bill Part of Quota Already Sent to Cam- located at Doylestowne, Pa., is one cf result cf acute, appendicttes agEeverai days before the show. . during the war, died-December 18 at paign Headquarters, the most modern agricultural schools gravated by diabetes. The entire <ast has been chosen the age of sixty-three. in the country. The "Back to the Professor Neumark is survived by for the many •parts and for the Julius Kahn was born in KuppenFarm Movement" which was created his wife, two daughters, Selina and The special committeefor the camdifferent plays. These boys and girls heim, Granducby of Baden, Germany, &&4& by many of America's leading Jews Martha and a young son, Immanuel paign of ORT and the American are at the Jewish Community Center February 28, 1861. He was brought has stimulated the desire cf many of Kant. Emergency Committee on Jewish rooms every evening, Tehearsing their to America in 1866 when his parents Refugees reports that a large num- the city youths to attend the Farm Dr. David Neumark was born in parts to perfection. Under the perso- settled in San Francisco. After leavX ber of Omahans have already mailed School. There are a large number Szerer, Galida, in 1S56. He studied nal supervision of Mrs. B. It. Boas- ing school he went on the stage and at the Institute fur die Wissenschaft of vocational;-men now attending the their checks io-tfce local committee. berg, Mrs. Isidor Ziegler, Miss Mary acted wwith -Edwin Booth, Joseph The campaign is being carried on schooL Many..irien. who have grad- des Ju'dehtums, Berlin. Among his Maizel, and' Miss Celia Feller, the Jefferson and Clara Morris. In 1890 throughout the tosntry 1 to help those uated from the school and who have teachers were Steinthal, Lazarus, boys and girls are completing their he returned • to California where he immigrants who are stranded in the taken post-graduate work are nowNaybauia and Cassel. He received •f * r -. •, and in 1892 was elected many European ports. There are representatives * of the' many farm his Ph. D. in- 1S96 at' the University i - • •Tie members of the show com- to the California legislature. He was t, , more than 5,000 of these refugees industries.- Some are on their own of. Berlin and was appointed sucmlttis have been meeting every elected to the Fifty-sixth Congress on cessor to Professor: Moses Steinfarms. •. ..."'."-.. .. stranded in Cuba. Tuesday evening to discuss plans for the Republican ticket in 1899, when "The Jewish Welfare, Federation is sehneider at the Veitel Heine in The drive in Omaha is for §5,000. the success of the' show," said Sam his national activities began. A part of this has already been mail- always looking for the possibles of Berlin. He was editor of the "Otzar Wolf, chairman." He was 'honorary president of the the local youth,-" said Wm. Elumen- Hayehadath", and was for a time ed to the national chairman. The show will consist of three Zeta Beta Tau fraternity- and took AH those who have not yet mailed £hal. **We are offering this scholar- KabM of Eakonitz. He contributed playlets and several nve-mimjte an active part in its work. LOUIS LIPSKY their checks for this sause can .do so ship to any- young man in.- Omaha. namerpus articles to all, the im•* entertainments of dancing "and During the war ne went to Euby sending their check to Rabbi. Fred- All those desiring more informarion portant' Hebrew periodicals, particsinging. ularly-' to -the "Ha'sMosh". He wasEarry Frie&raaiw treasurer? Nathaa rope, as representative of Congress, board were in holiday spirit for they erick Cohn, 5105 Webster Street. can do so by caHfeig msf author of a very elaborate murk. in. E. Green, warden; Herbert <3oldsteln, The first play will bq "The Meno- and made a tour of the American were out to welcome home a leader Make checks payable to J . 2 . RobinThe Xstional "Taritt -school papils for whom they all entertained the son, treasurer. "Ths- reed is. great have won several first prizes in na-GennsB, "Gesckiclile..der. iadisehem .guardian; : 'Maurice "2ficiSin, Bea rali," a drama in one act, written Front; __fspecially, for^this occasion by Mrs.., _J5Jtaougb.jdevptsd. mainly- to nation- deepest affection and pride. They and we" nmsfe ssve-jts zuz&y lives as tional stock.«dhibitsB. They were re- PMloscpMe in*..Mittslalter",.the. fcst CS.vxa,..and WSllEm Alberts, trustees. f- whidi--«ppesreti: ;•-ia- ••••1307-.'•'Tiie-'officeTS •will-be.-Installed at the '""Sei-man['Auerbach, and directed^and" al politics, Julius Kahn took an ac-were' out to welcome' Louis' I3psky, -possible," said Rabbi -Cohn.- • ' - " •cently awarded ffrstr;prize . m~ t i e the Chairman of'the Zionist Organiza; Me seoojid ia 1812. .A ; 'third first meeting ia January -which v-ill coached by Mrs. B. R. Zoasberg. The following letter was received dairy stock •contest- for the. statS* of tive part in Jewish affairs. Twentyvolume is now" fa press. A- Hebrew be hdd January S End at which there The second play will be "High five years ago he was one of the tion of America on his return after by Rabbi Cohn from Rabbi Stephen Pennsylvania. - : translation of lie. first volume ap- ml! be a specially arranged propi-am. Lights," a song cycle of life's epi- charter-members who, with Rabbi Ja- a four months' stay in London as Wise, .chairman of the campaign member of the World Zionist Execupeared In 1S22 and a second volume Following' the election of officers for sodes, written and directed by Mrs. cob Voorsanger of Temple Emanu-el, committee: tive, and after his first visit to Palesis. in press. . Omaha-' lodge, the election of deleIsidor Ziegler. San Francisco, established the Jewish Rabbi Frederick Cohn, • ' . ' * gates T^as Jield. Omaha lodg-e elected The. third play will be the "Y Ex-Educational Society of San Francisco, tine. He was editor and founder .of the 5105 Webster Street, The Committee of Welcome, at M BiEe delegates to represent this chaptravaganza of 1925." Zippy, peppy -the.-first of its-.lrind on: the Pacific Omaha, Nebr. "Josrnsl ef' Jewish Lore y a-quarvaudeville Revue, arranged by Miss Coast.-- I a 191& he -was. a .member, whose disposal ^Mayor John F . Hylan Dear Rabbi: terly periodical, End was'one of the ter a t the district convention vrhich ,of New York placed one the municipal Thank you -very heartily for the Man- Maizell. together with" Henry Morgenthau, of boats, was' headed by Nathan Straus, remittance of $500 already- collect- Noted Authority oa Agriculture to editors of the annual published by •will be held ia Peoria, 111., w i : Jnnru the Hebrew Union College. " He was Sam J. Leon, first vice-president of the commission of Hie-Union of Amer- but Mr. Straus himself, owing, to his ed in Omaha for the .Emergency File Suit in Courts of a contributor to Bniiieroiss scientiSc; this district, and Harry H. Lapidus, ican Hebrew Congregations, which advanced age, was dissuaded -.from Committee. I am quite sure that Michigan. you will not flag in your efforts periodicals in Hebrew and German. member of the general cc!mTnilt(>e, attempted to have a universal reli- making the trip in the • early dawn. until the entire quota has been gious- liberty clause introduced into The other members of the Committee raised. Detroit,. Mich.. (J. T. A.) Aaros In the last issue of "Hatorem", pub- •were'imanimously chosen to rep resent Omaha - lodge. The other celebrates .the Covenant of the League of Na- included the leading Zionists.of the I want to urge you as strongly Sapiro, national, authority on co-op- lished by. Eeuben Brainen, he began elected were: Irvin-Stalmaster, Dr. A. a ' series of articles on the philoas I know how to continue these tions. erative marketing and one of the country and there was a special Greenberg, Harry Malasheck, J. J , Only the other, day we re- leaders of the movement in the United sophy of Hermann' Cohen. Dancing Until Morning — Excellent During his long residence in Wash- delegation from Chicago headed by efforts. ceived a radio from Berlin describGreenberg, Sam Beber, Abner Raiman, Entertainers. ington he was ever-Teady to serve Max Shulman. The Mayor's boat flew ing the condition of the refugees States, will file suit" against Henry Professor Neumark joined the and Nathan. Bernstein. faculty of the-Hebrew Union College any Jewish cause and occupied a po- the Zionist, flag and when it dropped as hopeless. Simultaneously, • we Ford in the courts of Michigan, acThe event of the social season this j sition similar to that of the late Si- anchor alongside the Aquitania there have a leiler from the Canadian cording to a' statement of Mr. Sapiro ia Cincrrroati in 1907, where he oc- The • announcement of the com1 Immigrant Aid Society describing year will be the annu^ Thorpeian |mon Wolf.- ' were cheers from the passengers who the terrible -condition of some five in sn address delivered before the cupied the chair of Jewish Philo- mittees that will serve for the coming Athletic Club New Year's Eve Dance lined the decks. A small committee hundred refugees, who did manage Men's Club of. Temple Beth-El here. sophy. Many distinguished rabbis of term will be made in a later issue of The Jewish Press. at the Hoteit Rome ballroom on left the Mayor's boat and eventually to get across. Many were so ill Mr. Sapiro's" decision to bring suit America were among Ms pnpils. Henry Monsky will attend Lhe eon-* that they could not continue on Wednesday, December 31. is the result of a series of articles succeeded in bringing Mr. lipsky from 9q o% pcq siai$o i.tatunof jraifl ventioii by virtue of Ms office as & The feature of this dance will be the liner to the small boat. "The latter removed from the trains and taken published in the Dearborn Independpast president of the district and as the dancing until the early hours of returned to the pier where large num- to hospitals, some have died. The ent in which it was charged that the a member of the executive conKsdttee, iif TeiB the morning. condition of' these indicate what co-operative • marketing movement ts Large Orchestra Wiil Play for This bers, who had waited since the early must be the condition of those who The hall will be decorated in a nothing but "a conspiracy of the Inmorning, welcomed Mr. Lipsky as he Affair. still remain behind. The Nebraska University Debating novel color scheme for this occasion. ternational Jewish, bankers to control stepped ashore. This emphasizes the importance agriculture in the United States. Team won from the Sophomore DeThe committee is planing some The Highland Country club will of prompt action and I feel that (Continued on page 2) novel stunts that are to be put on athold its annual New Year's Eve party "We will show that Henry Ford's bating Team by .a. score of S to 0 in this Committee may rely on Omaha twelve o'clock. There will be plenty at the Blackstone Hotel. The comin this emergency. attacks on the part that I have taken an 1inter-class debate held last ThursAppreciating your kind cooperaof noisemakers for everyone. in promoting co-operative marketing day evening at the University. mittee in charge is making arrangetion, I am to Organize a n . Inlcr-Gty# The orchestra for this New Year's ments to make this event the best among the farmers of this country •' David Sher, son of Dr. and Mrs. Sincerely yours, Philip Sher, is a member of the Debating League. mean but one thing," Mr. Sapiro statEve Dance will be Baxter's Radio ever held. Only members of the club Rabbi Stephen Wise, Chairman, Freshnisn Debating Team. . He is a ed, "that Ford "and his hirelings are Men, one of the fastest jazz orchestras and out-of-town guests will be perCampaign Committee. The Young Men and Young bent upon eliminating the Jew from June graduate cf tbe Omaha Central of the city. They have gained a mitted to attend this year's party. Has Taken Part in All Social High School, where" ne won honors i s Women's , Hebrew Association of agriculture. But little do these inen large following through their playA. Z. A; MEMBERS GIVE Special arrangements are being Work. Omaha has issued a, challenge to realize that the efforts exerted by debating. ' ing over the radio. The orchestra has made to secure a large orchestra to BANQUET SUNDAY neighboring communities t o n debate. those who would apply .to. agriculture planed some novel music for this play for this night's entertainment. . In the December 15 number of .the EVENING. The member of the local Y sre plan* the Eound methods which obtain in TEBfPLE ISRAEL-CHILDREN dance. "We" are' planning on one of the "Survey," well known magazine of so- Forty-five members of the Aleph ning on having one of the'best dsbatPRESENT CHANUCKA The admission to the dance will be best times that'can be. held for a cial work, an article of interest to our Zadik Aleph were present at the ban- modem " ,'^is van result in placing 'ing teams ia the country. _ • ' ' P R O G R A M . ••.. ?l.5O per couple. New Year's.. Eve "party," said Mayer readers appears, from which we take .quet given by the club Sunday eve- agriculture" ori-a basis ©f prosperity ] * Letters isave -already beei? sent to The Thorpeian Athletic Club in- Spiesberger, chairman" of the enter- the following excerpt: ning, December 21, at Elks cliib, in and productivity, -without wMdi it is The children of Temple Israel will vites everyone to come and enjoy tainment committee, "We will have "The middle-western conferhonor of Mr. Sam Bebcr, their "or- doomed. And these''malicious indi- present a, Chanaka. jsrogr&m Sunday Sioox.-City, Des Moirses,.'St. Tsui, viduals c^ not know, or do not wish afternoon at 2:S0 at the Temple. "The themselves until the wee hours of the souvenirs for all." ence of social -work took on a mer club advisor. Minneapolis, According to morning. The committee in charge is: Mayer ; new lease of life this autumn— The program opened with the to know, thai it was men like &e late program will bs given .in the followR.' Bltnnsnthal, SHpnrinten* ing order: South Dakota under the leaderSpiesberger, chairman; Sidney Manlighting of the -first Chanucka light David L-bin, a Califoraia Jew, whoChs^ru&a Service— incut of the Jcvrish Welfare Federalaid the foundation for a new and ship of Dr. Henry Kimball Warby Mr. William R. Blumenthal, and ley, Dave Feder and Paul Schaye. t i o n , ' i t is hoped tlwre vail be an Winner of Thorpeian ren, president of the Yankton assisted by Mr. I. F . Goodman. significant era in American farming." Justin Kobert Wolf. Alfred Fied- j inter-city debating; leaciie. College, and Nebraska through Other numbers on the program -were Sidt will be filed shortly by one of ler, Herraan Rosenblatt, Louise I Former EipiKhers of the Y who Sunday Schools, the eminent lawyers of Detroit. Ziegler, and Eelcr. Besson. Radio-Victrela Asrsimcea Pupils of the work' of Henry Monsky and as follows: Contribute to Hadassah j&re nov atiendinr universities,- after Ths Lighting cf tss S Candles— 1 Presentation of Charter I. T. GoocJmsB William R. Blumenthal. Mr. Julius Helphand, 314^ North Six- - Children of he City Sunday School, (having heard that the Y plans on Acceptance ol Charter Mas Glvot Arrsond Gilfsskj", Jans Bossnteenth street, was the winner of the the City • Talmu'a Torah, and the Monsky typifies the ideal of the Humorous Selection _ _ _ Samuel X. Wolf COUNCIL OF NATIONAL | having a debating team, expressed rtock, Eose Slalachoek, Jean Combination Radio and Victrola given Jabne Hebrew School are this week . layman in social work. As a MINORITIES TO BE j their irillingpess to come to Omaha Talfe Irvla gt&knsster Pepper, Myron Cohen, Sylvia aw young lawyer in Omaha, he be- Talk of Council Blaffs Chapter ay at the Thorpeian Athletic Club contributing ' Chanucka Money Gifts FORMED IN POLAND Eoss, Charles Bornstein, and j and attempt to take part in the 'tryJoyce TV. Friedcti came a director of the Jewish Carnival Sunday, November 16, at the to the "School Luncheon Fund", a Vilna. (J. T. A.) Jews, TFbite Xsdine Nafcn. jouts for the team. These trjroute Harry Trustln, Cit Charities and an officer of .the Tali is t t e present cfiTisor >' Auditorium. Mr. Helphand held fund which is under the auspices of i Vvill soon be held. o* tfce clsfe. So5mns, Lithuanians and Latvians Invocation -....Robert Stipfier Welfare Federation of the city Presentation of Gift to Mr. Beiier ^e seventh drawing number -which the Omaha Chapter of Hadassah. may be members of a special coisdl Violin Solo , Leon Katz w , Abe BabJor which is to be created by the Polisii (of which F. D. Preston is secreas Ko. 679L ,-Se was presented the Hold Registration of Pupils Talk • Sam Beber Piano Solo tary). For two years he" has Prize by Scbokr Fried, <jhairman of "DR. WEIZMANN HONORED Government for Eastern Prsviacss. at Jabne Hebrew && served as president' of the state % Carnival &Sd Joe Krestul, a memThis Vv-as inade knoiffii in connsctioa Kegistratsons are again open' iaosr AT BANQUET IN FRANCE bi —Herbert Sepias an-il Frsnees Kort conference and at this year's TO GIVE CHANUCKA PLAY * of the "Carnival Committee. wwith fee visit of Staaislaw Thugutt, enrollment in the Ssime Hebrew Paris. <J. T. A.) A banquet in meeting in Lincoln delivered a The pupils of the City Sunday Polish %riee-Premaer. The Vive-Pre- Tel-Aviv. {J. T. A.) The funeral School, tbe new Hebrew and "I wish ' to thank tne Thorpeian honor of Dr. Chaixn^Wemnann was presidential address which ,-was School -will give a ptzblic Chaanka mier vj£Jted the Catholic, Greek Or- of Dr. 21. M. Scheialdiv Zionist lead- Edacationa.1 School located at Athletic club for this prize, and I given 'Here..December JL7, a t which **& assure them that they will always' large.' saHscJlptiiass^iQadeito^tbfi _Ks- - unique -in ..its presentation .of a ' progTa^y^ j&is Sunday.' mossing?£hodo3c and Jewish schools and held er •who vrss Sdilsd sa a street csff'so* Dodge' Street. professional program for the .so- IOISO -at the" Steal IsneTSyiiagogtie. roafereaees mth ths reprEseatatsves esxLssk in Chicago* took .place here Children x&sqr be enrojle^, ^ t ®-t my hearty support a t -aayof their ^rea",fi8.ye3odJ Itepsty tor . cial worker and in .its inspiration - JMsss Hartye Weinstem is in coarse cf the Wfeite ™ e affairs;' said-Mr." Helphand neavBecciinber 15 ia tb.« presesce of 5,990 sdiool ^rith Mr. S. I * 'W<elf68% for the layman." M>£ the •program ins

Lipsky Gets Welcome on Retrira' From f destine Trip

Welfare Feieratipi Offers Seiareip. Local -Jewish .Boy

M u s Kahn, BriffiaBt Figure in American Jewry, Dead

to Raise $5,000 for Emergency Islief Committee

• I

Aaroi Sapiro" W I Bring " Suit Against l e a y . Ford

Thorpeian Club to Hold Feature New Year's Affair

! Highland Country Club Hew Year's Party at Bkckstone

New York Survey Magazine Praises Henry Monsky


' ••

PAGE 2—THE JEWISH PRESS—THURSDAY, DECEMBER 25, 1924 j his. will, disposing of a fortune of from twenty to forty million doHars were, made public, it was clear that ' ' ' ~ 'ftibiisbed everj rhorsdnj at Oineba. Nebraska by bis interest in racing surpassed all THE JEVVISH PKESS PUBLISHING COMPANY. 5685—1924-25 other interests. No sum of any conOffice: 681 Brand'ei? rheatre Building—Telephone: AT tantic 1450 siderable importance was bequeathed Eosh Chodesh Tebeth .— 1 —Sunday, December 2S NATHAN B. GREEN Manager. by him to any public fund. 1925 Subscription Pfice: one year..-.-.. .—~_™~— . _—$2.50. . The line of demarkation between Fast of Tebeth Tuesday, January 6 the Schoenberg family, from which Rosh Chodesh Shebat...—... . Monday, January 2G Advertising rates furnished on application. Rosh Chodesh Adar. — Wednesday, February 25 he descended, and the Rothschild famCHANGE OB" i D D U E i ^ I'least Klve both (be old and new address: Purim —. ~ .—~ Tuesday, March 10 be sure and Eire voni aome ily, whom his father represented in Rosh Chodesh Nissan...................................—Thursday, March 2G America, is distinctly drawn by the Ther Jewish Press Is supplied by the Jewish Telegraphic Agency (Jewish 1st Day Pessach .—.— —.—.. Thursday, April 9 Corret>H' «<«n<:e Bureau) with cabled and telegraphic Jewish news, in addition provisions of this will. 7th Day Pessach Saturday, April 15 to t'eaiure article? and correspondences from all impoitant Jewish centres. Rosh Chodesh Iyar..._.— ._ .Saturday, April 25 The sportsmanship of August Bel.Imiuine? regarding news items credited to'this Agency will be gladly Lag b'Omer. ........... , _ Tuesday, May 12 mont was much spoken of in the metanswered if addressed to Jewish Telegraphic Agency. Ji4 Fifth Avenue. Rosh Chodesh Sivan „ —,. Sunday, May 24 New York City ropolitan press. The sportsmanship Shabuoth , Friday, May 29 of Rabbi Isaac Friedman is less Rosh Cbodesh Tammuz.... ., Tuesday, June 23 Fast of Tammnz Thursday, July y known. A few paragraphs on the THE RICH-POOR MAN Rosh Chodesh Ab _ Wednesday, July 22 subject will be of interest. Fast of Ab '. -.. .Thursday, July 30 The following significant remark was made by a modest * * * Rosh Chodesh Ellul Friday, August 21 whole-souled gentleman, at a meeting of the local B'nai B'rith A drama of deep human concern All Holy Days begin at sunset of preceding day. lodge, recently, "I -am the poorest member of this lodge, but came to a tragic conclusion with the I am rich—lam richer—than the richest Jew in Poland." death on East Broadway of the young The speaker did not realize the magnificant eloquence and Sadagora Rabbi. the full significance of his statement. It was an utterance In the history of the Chassidic prompted by a heart filled with genuine sympathy for his people movement, the name, "Rabbi of SaYou, his nearest, will have no inheritin another part of the world, suffering the most horrible of dagora," is an outstanding one. ance taxes to pay. But he has left tortures. ' It was a reflection that came from the depths of a Chassidisra, originally a movement you, his very own, and you, his comsoul writhing with pain because of the pitable condition of of the common people with many elerades of the. cause, rich indeed. His the possessor's kin. ments of revolutionary attempt and work is done, neither to be done over Time was, when the Jewish soul in this country responded Mr. Morris • Jacobs .... § 30.00 protest against the stagnation of form Mr. Win, B. Blumenthal._. much more readily to the call of distress which came from across Mr. H. A. Wolf 10.00 nor to be undone. Great was his and contents in Jewish life of the pioneering ahievement; it is to be 60.00 Rabbi Frederick Cobn the deep, but unfortunately, misery and need, at first, evoking Dr. 33.00 honored not as a goal or ultimate eighteenth century, it based its conSher .... _.._-..__.„ our pity and stirring us- to action when long continued, seems to Mr. Win. 23.00 L. Holzmaii -. 1110.00 achievement, but as incentive and in- ception on simplicity of life and inJoe \Yol£ have little effect upon our emotions. This involves a serious in- Mr. __ 23.00 Mr. J. B. Kobinson spiration. How better summarize the sisted on once again introducing en'J5M Harry Weiner dictment against us. The need is as great, yes, even more urgent Mr. ._ 10.00 Mr. Louis Sommer „... life work.of Samuel Gompers than by thusiasm arid love into Jewish life. ;i#day than at any time heretofore, but our faculty for being Mr. H.1 MalnBhocfc «, 10.00 U3.00 reminding you that too long had men God has to be worshipped not in fear Mr. B. Shaftoa _, sympathetic and our ability to make sacrifice in the interest of Mr. A, Kohti 10.00 of punishment, but in admiration of humanity seems to have been diminished, if not exhausted. Can Doctor Greenberg 10.00 said before his day "now therefore ye 10.00 Messrs. 15. and H. RosenthnI are cursed, for none of you shall be His majesty, out of love for the Crethis'be true? It is difficult to believe it. Such a condition is Mr. M. Milder . „ r.5.00 . freed from being bondmen, -and ator, out of the feeling of nearness S. S. Jacobs contrary to our idea of all that goes to make up the Jewish Mr. 3« on hewers of wood and drawers of water of the omnipotent and omnipresent Mr. J. H. Kulakofsky „ -character. 50.00 Mrs. Morris Levy 25.00 in the house of my God." * Gompers Supreme Power. Mr. J. Slosberg But nevertheless, there "are thousands of men, women, and Mr. 25.00 K. N. Louis Insisting on freedom of social in3B.O0 so lived and- wrought and fought I. Fiedler children ;who are suffering throughout the country; Men, women, Mr, 15.03 that you, wwho now take up the task tercourse, on real fellowship and Kahn Brothers 10.00 and children lying in European ports, waiting to go someplace. Appleman-KoMnson Co. 10.00 and burden he laid down, shall yet brotherhood and joint, joyous worship, A. Koinui_. America has closed its doors. Think of these people who have Dr. 10.00 Mr. A. Ferer ... . Chassidism, at the time, introduced -_ 10.C0 behold it come to pass that all men C. C. Katleman already loft their homes, with proper visas and now because Mr, -_ 10.00 shall be blessed and all of them freed the cult of the leader, the power of Mr. N. Bernstein ___ _ 5.00 of our immigration restriction cannot enter this country. Mr. B. Iiobinsou personality. -The straggle which the 5,(iO from being bondmen, even the hewL. Harris A campaign is now being made throughout the country to Mr. 5.00 leaders of the Chassidic movement Mr. II, I'etv.r -„ 5.00 ers of wood and the drawers of water. Mr. J. Fell] man help these immigrants who are stranded. The American Jew- Mr. — 0.00 C. Nathan He had a high and honorable part in had with the old established Rabbin_ 5.00 ish Committee has asked Congress to help. This campaign needs Mr. A. Kosenbluru ical authorities soon brought about -„ 5.00 freeing men from being bondmen." Mr.. C. H. Goldner the help of every Jew. On this Chanukah, think of your own Mr, with our Chassidic leaders a drastic __ 3.00 A. Saxe When the coffin was lowered to the change; they drifted from simplicity .„ 23.00 Mr. H. Lapiilus - children. Would they not share just a little of their plenty Mr. _ 16.60 20.00 asphalt vault at the Sleepy Hollow Saul Levy ' •with their brothers and sisters abroad who are stranded? to asceticism. Mr. Sain Kobinson loloo cemetery at Tarrytown the Masonic Mrs. Minna Jacobs Israel Ryschiner, grandfather of Mr. B. F. Danbaum' 10.00 commitment service was delivered by Margolin Bros. 10.00 Rabbi Ieaac Friedman, and descendMr. Dave Ilosenstock THE LATE SAMUEL GOMPERS 10.00 the Very Rev. Oscar F. R. Treder, Temple Israel Sunday School 15.00 Dean o the Cathedral of the Incarna- ant of the founders of the Chassidic Samuel Gompers, whose death occurred at San Antonio, Mr. Win: Grodinsky T..00 Mr. J. M. Chariop 5.00 tion, Garden City, and Chaplain of movement, revolutionized Chassidic Texas, held the important office of president of the American Mrs. Martin Kaban 5.00 life.' Asceticism is not necessary for J. Lint2mau Federation of Labor for more than a generation. This would Mr. :.5O the New York. Grand Lodge of gaining happiness in this world, or A. S. Rubnita .... 5.00 Masons, assisted^ by Archie Ralph be a remarkable achievement for "any man, in view of the Mr, Martin L. Sugarman . 15.00 A. B. Alpirn Kerr, Past Master of St. Cecile Lodge nearness to the omnipotent power. diverse elements represented in ^that organization; for a Mr. 25.00 Mr. M. Fanger __«». 5.00 and. Grand Junior Deacon, and Win- Luxury is conducive to joy, joy is the person of Jewish birth it was as exceptional as it was significant, Sommer Brothers 5.00 state of mind necessary for real nearMr. E. V. Loric 5.00 eld C. Terry, Master of St. Cecile in that it shows how great ability and.strength of character may Esther B. Harris . „_ ness to G6d, was the theory he in, 5.00 Mr. Hugo G. Heyn _.. win recognition in the -face of difficulties that seem insurmount- Mr. 5.00 Lodge. Mr. Kerr and a committee troduced into practice. • Meyer Coren 3.00 represented Dawson Lodge of Masons able, Gompers was a man of tireless industry, of unimpeachable Kirschbrauu & Sons 100.00 A palace, surpassing the castles of S. Iliefcesintegrity, and he was a thorough-going "American. There are Mr. . fi.OO in Washington* in which Gompers Mr. Dave Bolker ..., 2.00 the Russian and Polish nobility in the H. S. Heavenrlch -• some who do not like labor unions who ."would claim that he was Mr. 10.00 had ^membership, . Mr. J. Simon vicinity was' erected in Ryschin, a _ 5.00 a radical and ..therefore opposed-to, American institutions/-The Mr. Ilarry-Greene „ _ _ _ . - , . 5.00 little town in Podol. A court in royal Mr. Sam Frolnn . . ^ _ _ _ entire record of the man was, however, in Harmony with" the Mr.— 5.00 David Feder . grandeur was maintained. "When the 15.00 touching declaration made by him on his death-bed, a prayer to Mr. Harry Azorln ._. -5.00 "Syschiner" had to journey, a courMr. M. M. Rosenblatt God for the welfare of the land he loved. __ 10.00 0.00 Mr. D . Blumenthal tage of sixteen horses was employed, That Samuel.Gompers was .sincere in this declaration his a luxury enjoyed by only the richest patriotic services. during America's participation in the great landowners and nobility in Imperial war, as well as on other, occasions abundantly show. His inRussia. The period being the time Five Jewish Men of Note Pass immediately after the French Revolufluence in the Federation was generally on the side of moderation. away—The Sportsmanship of We need not agree with all he did or advocated doing to appretion, the Russian Government, in fear August Belmont and the Sada- of a revolutionary movement, sensed ciate his patriotism and good intentions. He was in many gora Rabbi—Drama of Chassidic danger in the "m ;^.l behavior" of the respects one of the most influential Americans of his time, the HisUnf altering Courage and Love of Royalty Ends-^-Samuel Gompers* Chassidic Rabbi. Arrested, released Freedom Were Nurtured by His influence he exerted extending far beyond the four million Lifework a Continuation of Dis- and again arrested, the royal Rabbi Jewish Past, Speaker Says. members of the Federation. In the midst of a great deal of tinguished Record of Gompers succeeded in transferring his court * intrigue he kept his reputation clean. His was a stabilizing Family. influence on American labor. Mr. Gompers was a powerful New York, Dec. 19. (J. T. Agency.) and establishing his grandeur in Sa•speaker, and although denied the benefit of a good education by Representatives of the city, state and dagora, then Austria. reason, of. his poverty, he educated himself to an extent that en- nation, and representatives of many By WILLIAM Z, SPJEGELMAN. abled'him to hold his own in any company. He was not affi- foreign countries paid tribute 'to the .The American press carried the Sadagora, a small town, was soon liated with Jewish religious affairs, but his strong faith in his passing.- labor1 leader, Samuel Gom- names4of four Jewish men who passed famous as the seat of the Sadagora cause had m it much that resembled the fortitude of his ancestors. pers, late president of the American away within a fortningt: Samuel Court. The fate of many Jewish comFederation of Labor. The funeral Gompers, President of the American -and hopeful are not adequate to por- services were held ?.t the Elks Club Federation of Labor; Julius Kahn, tray the significance of that which is! on West Forty-third - street, where Chairman of the Committee of Forrevealed today in the Land which the tens of thousands lined the streets as eign Affairs in the House of Representatives; August Belmont, milJewish people are making their own the funeral cortege passed. Fifteen hundred seats in the lodge lionaire subway builder and sportsthrough-unbelievably hard labor and Let us bid on your sacrifice," We are prone to thing1 that room were reserved fop the honorary man; Dr. David Neumark, Professor K . (Contained from pa?, i.) • Printing Work words are magic and can tell of things pallbearers, comprising Governor of Jewish Philosophy at the Hebrew so beautiful that pure Beauty retires Smith, Mayor Hylan, Acting -Secre- Union College, Cincinnati, and a fifth. ALL WORK GUARANTEED The Zionist leader looked ever more abashed in their presence. But words tary of Labor E. J. Henning, Rear a stranger within our gates, Rabb: . -wiry and -vigorous than usual-and he are too poor to describe what Jews Admiral Charles P. Plunkett, Major Isaac Friedman, exalted king of the iiadn't lost any of his simplicity and done and are doing to reclaim General Robert Lee JBullard, and dis- Sadagora court. good humor. Undemonstrative by tem- that Land long held as a Promise, tinguish j ' 1 men from all elds of the SCHOAL FREED, Mgr. That August Belmont, although not perament he nevertheless spoke of and only today becoming the stage of nation's activity. a Jew in name was a Jew in origin, 1320 Dodge St. ATlantic 3832 Palestine with emotion. "Words," he Jewish Realities^ Rabbi1 Wise opened-the services by is known. When the provisions of said, "are too poor to describe what "The , Jewish people • are being reciting the Twenty-third psalm in Jews have done and are doing to rerecreated through labor, full-hearted Hebrew and then in English. He un» - claim the land long held as a promise and full muscled, for the Jewish land. folded an impressive eulogy. and only"; today becoming the stage of "Knowing Gompers as I did, I felt It is -a new genesis, with a ' long, Jewish realities." and feel that his idealism, his unfaltenacious memory. Later'in.the day he,issued the fol"Landless for generations, a new tering courage, his love of his fellowlowing statement: generation of young Jewish men and men, were nurtured by his Jewish ,--/7 "A'doable fear oppressed me on my 16TH, BETWEEN DOUGLAS AND FARNAM is recloiming a soil that had past, emerged out of that. back" way to Pile^tine. First, the' fear that, women 1 ground of centuries of high -moral Take Elevator to 2nd Floor r long fallen into disuse, and as acre • in. spite. of Faith'-that could not be purpose and unwithstandable spiritu after acre of land is reconquered, the ', otherwise^ the thing had not as yet al resolve, to which heritage he gave • been bovtf, that it was a strained wish physique and the psychology of these conscious loyalty. Who knows but young- men and women are being . translated into terms of Fact,' a transformed into the authentic per- that, ho might have been a steadfast anirage fondly accepted as Reality. sonality of the Jewish farmer. worshipper within tha walls of the Would my eyes register the . truth "Herding into the cities of ths synagogue, had he found within . jFrtfth had conceived ? ' church and synagogue alike loss of - . , "Again r The fear that, granted, my Galuth for generations, here we see social timidities and more of unquailJews making Palestinian cities, from , eye would behold a real thing and not the basic rock to the . comfortable ing dealing with industrial a mirage, would I not find' that the modern edifice. You see' them inequity and social oppression! --• visionaries had see^ it through. the Jaffa, building from the first stick to •© "Of Lincoln it was said that he '•" large end, of the telescope, and tha,t the last, stone a city that reflects their was such a man as freedom knows •when observed at close range by sober own genius, awkward, but being how to make. We name Samuel eyes of reality,, it would be revealed molded by self-criticism into the City Gompers such a man as America •. as pettjTand inconsequential. Beautiful of, the near future, You knew how to re-make, how to re-, V^"*! found that what the -early ,see them also in the other cities.. fashion ,to its lofty uses, America re-J'PreamersT saw^and. tolt{ of, what all "On the land, the peasant. In the made this immigrant lad even as . tbe'-meragiinr'Jiave .reported', what cities, thfe creative power of Jews with America has taken multitudes of ., those whO' have labored in the hard a ntew vision, seeking for self-expres immigrant sons and daughters and Afield pfiife have/told'us—the Rhapr slon.":; •. ^ ^ ^ ^ won them by virtue of its kindling -' sodists, $«*'Teachers, the Preachers,' genius and their eager hearts to the •'. the'\V<&WeK-the, Physician's',, the CseriuwH?. (j. .T..A.) Eight thou- uttermost devotion of service to '•-Economists \?rdstUng' Vfith > ' new, sand, -petsons, the. mojirity of whom American purposes. are jews/Veje";'stii'icken from the list "What romance ^and wonder in his of "ettiisns T>y*th'e city authorities story! It is in truth and American bravest words ppofcen, here. Their status, was declared to career, an American epic," Dr. Wise be that of aliens-. stated. "Gompers died a poor man.



Contributors to Emergency Relief Campaign

munities in Galicia and the provinces Holland, Czecho-slovakia, Austria and near the Austror-Russfen frontier was Hungary. This Gompers family en. dependent apon? thfe orders of the Sa- gaged in commerce and finance, was dagora "court."- Attacks of great in- successful and prosperous/ Aaron tensity were jjiade against the pres- Emrich Gompers was one of the fatige and power ef the Sadagora Chas- mous ^physicians and scientists of tlie sidic ruler, but Sadagora remained- in eighteenth century and was the teachpower. In fact, Sadagora, on the er and friend of Moses Menddsohn. death of Rabbi Israel, branched out Benjamin Gompers, born-in London into several sections, growing with in 1779, was a student of higher the number of descendants of the dy- mathematics and founder of several nasty. The World War checked this insurance companies. He was the unique development of Ciassidic roj?- first io compile scientific tables of alty. the duration of life, for use of inr Ten years after Austria's ultima- surance companies. tum to Serbia, the Rabbi of Sadagora Sanace! Gompers, in the words of dies on East Broadway in poverty, Dr. Stephen Wise, "emerging out oC and congregations seek arbitration the background of centuries of high before a Rabbinical court as to which moral purpose," remained true to hjj should be permitted to bury him, so familv tradition. that a number of nigh-prieed graves might be reserved. PRINCE LOTFALLAH # * * •• • • LOSES CASE London. {J. T. A.) The high court "His idealism, his unfaltering courage, his love of his fellowjnen, were jury in the trial of Prince Habib nurtured by his Jewish, past, emerged Lotfallah against Engineer Waiker A. out of that background of centuries Harper in the suit for the return of of...high ..moral purpose and unwith- 10,000 pounds invested by the Prince standable spiritual resolve, to which in the Westminster Construction Coniheritage he gave conscious loyality," i pany, rendered a decision stating that said Dr. Stephen S. Wise, eulogising the Prince had no ground for his claim. the late leader of American labor. That Gompers was one of those ADOLPH HITLER RELEASED. sturdy immigrant boys who grew to . Berlin. (J. T. A.) Adolph Hitler, their height in and for America is common knowledge. The story of his leader of the Bavarian "Putsch." who startling career a?> a cigarmaker only was sentenced to five years' imprisseveral blocks away from the Elks' onment, was among- a number of poClub where representatives of the litical prisoners who were granted Empire city, of the American nation their freedom in Munich by art ormesand of many other peoples paid trib- ty. His associate, Col. Kriebr:i. was ute to his name and life-work, need also released. not be dwelt on at length. Berlin. (J. T. A.) Three particiWas he a Jew? His forty years pants in the Bavarian Communist of active service in the American la- Revolution of 1919 were released. bor movement did not, perhaps, leave They are Gustav Landaner, Ernst him much time to engage in specific Toiler and Erich Muohsam, who is si Jewish activities, as such. This is, noted German poet and Paolei Zionperhaps, the reason why the fact of ist. He was an intimate friend of Gompers' Jewishness was not as pub- Kurt Eisner. licly known. Here, however, was the source of his remarkable life story. ENROLL • YOUR CHILDREN The Gompers family is the only Jewish family in recent centuries in the which can pride itself on its established geneological record. The history of the family, as recorded by Professor David Kaa?man and • Dr. U Max Freudenthai. goes back to the Judenmeister (Rabbi) Gbmpers of 4962 Dodge Street Cologne in the thirteenth century. J. L. WOLFSON, Instructor Over three hundred men, among whom were Rabbis, Gaonim, communal leadFor enrollment call ers, diplomats, scientists, financiers, have left distinguished records of Walnut 8755, or Jackson 3967. their activities in England, Germany,

Jake Hebrew and Efe


Dr. Wise Eulogizes Gompers, leader is Mourned by Nation


iipsky Gets Housing Welcome on Return From Palestine! Trip


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PAGE 3—THE JEWISH PRESS—THURSDAY, BECEMfeER 25, 1924 recent origin. He did not mean the will be established. Another resolu- OPERA CLUB DENIES naturalized aliens. He agreed with tion adopted by the conference «hr;es f• USING RUSSIAN FUNDS Parties among the High School Set will be as numerous as entertain- Lord Rothschild that the British-bom the Zionist Organisation to assird a FOE GRAND DUCHESS ments of the College Set during the school vacation. ' . . ' . ' . Jews of East London are patriotic fund for the purpose of building New York. (J. T. A.) The Monday The first of these parties -will be given Saturday evening, December 27, British citizens. cheap houses to accommodate the new Opera C-!ub has abandoned the intenfcy the Post-Confirmation Class of Temple Israel, -who are entertaining at a arrivals. tion of bringing' over the Queen of Kid Party". Sunday, December 28, Miss Rita Mantel -will be hostess at Roumania, a sister of the Grand DISAGREEMENT OF her .home. The following evening, a dancing party* will be given by Miss DuchessOyri!. BOLSHEVIST LEADERS POELEI ZION LEADER ' Ruth Kendis at her home. Tuesday evei Jug, December 30, the T. E. D. Club •' •;.•• '-CAUSES ANXIETY; Seveial members of the OrganisaHERE IN INTEREST OF will entertain at a, dancing party at Kelpine's Academy. A New Year's "Warsaw. (J. T. A.) Travellers who tion vigorously declared themselves to PALESTINE REBUILDING dancing party will be given by Miss Betty Furth at her home Thursday, have arrived recently from Ukrainia the effect that the Monday Opera New York. (J. T. A.) "Jewish January 1. ' • report that there is an increased nerv- labor leaders, even those who have I 'Club would continue as a place of Among those who are entertaining the "College Set" are Miss Sadie ousness felt among the Jewish pop- for a time been lured by radica lien- dancing and social relaxation, if it Levey, who will be hostess at a party at her home Saturday afternoon. Sunulation of Ukrainia on account of the deacies, have grown to realise the | continued at all, end was not to eonday afternoon, Miss Blanche Altman is entertaining at a tea from 3 to 5 LANGPELD-JBJOSENTHAL tension prevailing at present important place which Palestine will tiivue along the lines of an arbiter of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Riseman, of Elk Before the presence of the iromedi- i Creek, Nebr., formerly of thi3 city, at her home honoring her guest, Miss Ethel Steinberg, of Fort Dodge, la. among the Bolshevist rulers. The take in the life of the wowrking Jew- New York society, which was to be ate family, the marriage of Miss Bea- announce the engagement of their Aliss Ethel Gladstone is entertaining at -a dinner party at her home. Sunday disagreement "between Trotzky and ish masses," declares Berl Locker, Ex- divided into a "fastidiously selected trice Eosenthal, daughter of Mr. and daughter, Sara, to Mr. Millard' Kras- evening, December 28, Miss Rose Guttman will entertain at her home in the triumverate, and the resignation ecutive Secretary of the Poelei Zion Five Hundred." Mrs,- Henry Rosenthal, to Mr. Danifll ne, son of Mr. and Mrs. Herman honor of her brother, Max, who is home from the University of Michigan. of Trotzky as war minister, is con- World Federation, who has arrived In this connection, B statement was On Saturday evening, January 3,.Miss Florence "Wolf is entertaining at a Lafigfeld, son of Dr. and M m Millard Krasne, of Council Bluffs, la. sidered as a predecessor of a mttch here. issued by Ethan Allen, Treasurer of dancing party. A number of other affairs are being planned for to entertain Langfeld, of this city,- was solemgraver situation. Mr. Krasne trill graduate next June the school "crowd". Mr. Locker, who is in charge of the Monday Opera Club, denying that nized at 10:30 Friday morning, De- from the University of Michigan, ColThe Jews in Ukrainia who lave the central bureau of the Poelei Zion the organization had taken any part Mrs. Frederick Cohn will entertain Monday afternoon, December 29, at cember 19. Dr. Frederick Cohn per- lege -of Latr. suffered "under the intense anti-Se- in Berlin, recently visited Poland,1 in defraying the expenses of the her home honoring her daughter, Mildred, and her two house guests, the formed the ceremony. No date has as yet been set for the mitic tactics of the Soviet Govern- Austria and England and his observa- i Grand Duchess' visit. The statement Misses Regina Stolz and Beth Silbennan, of Chicago, 111. Mr. Langfeld and his bride returned wedding. ment in Ukrainia, who, in their at- tions have led him to believe that which was sent to the members said this week from their honeymoon and tempt to Ukrainize the entire admin- the constructive task which confronts nothing: as to the disposition of the the Talmud Torah gave a surprise istration hsrs ixerooved -even Jewish the Jewish working masses today, money that Lad been raised, which on Mr: and Mrs: A. Goldstein, 629 are making their home at 4709 Caliparty Tuesday afternoon honoring- communists from: their positions, are from which concrete results for the the other occasions of the Grand South 32nd Avenue, announce the fornia street. Mrs. A. Diamond, who recently ar- afraid «f catastrophic consequences, betterment of the Jewwish labor sit- Duchess' appearance at Sherry's was engagement of their daughter, The fourth annual ball of the rived from Europe. Helen, to Mr, Benjamin Drevich, son should the conflict between Trotsky uation will come, is the rebuilding of to be around $40,000. DAVIDSON—PITLOR of Mr. Mas Drevich, of this city. Ladies Free Loan Society will be and the other. Commissars reach a Palestine. The marriage of Miss Jeannette Miss Ada Gilinsky returned home No date has as yet been set for the given Sunday "evening, December 28, rKOBATK XOTICE. The purpose of Mr. Locker's visit Pitior, of this city, daughter of Mr. after several weeks visit with her critical state. at the Kelpines Academy. In the mntt<>r «f the estate <>E Ooia TTtne, wedding*. . The anti-Semitic feeling among the to the United States is to stimulate n j Herman Pitlor, Newark, N. J., to sister, Mrs. J. E. Schlank, at Los peasantry was never stronger than brosder interest in this work among J Notiot; iK lwrel>v civpii: That tlws Mr. Dean Davidson, of Lincoln, Neb., A meeting of the Junior Daughters Angeles, Calif. tnr of BnUT psinie, bi'fnre mo, Ootmty Judge now and, despite all harriers which the Jewish workinjrmen and to in- j •of Mr, and Mrs. Jacob Bernstein, 2S07 of Zion was held Sunday, December son of "Mrs. Alta Davidson, was T»<iuirInB County, Ncbrfiskn, fi> ti><> County Court Unom, in nnid County, on the UOth make emigration practically impossi•Miss Sara Kesselman left Wednescrease the number of American Jew-! (lay solemnized at five o'clock Tuesday "Wirt Street, announce the engage- 21, at the Jewish Community Center. of Fctirnnvv, T,rjr>. ",>>><? on the JJSri! «J«jr 1 of April, "t!S2."i, :it 0 oYIdi'k A. M.. eiu-b tiny, afternoon' before' the presence of only ment of- their niece, Miss Anna. Bern- Plans for the Chanuka and Installa- day evening for Kansas City, Mo., ble for Ukrainian Jewws who desire ish Palestine pioneers. for xiw purpose of prpspntinsr their claims to leave Russia, some have succeeded M r TrfK-Tera* tifatpri flint iho the immediate family. Rabbi Fred- stein, to Mr. Nathan Eelger, son of tion party were made to be given where she will visit with relatives. in reaching the Polish frontier. 2aon has setive branches in Poland, mice. Tlirpp months nr« sJIowpti for the erick Cohn performed the ceremony. Mr. and Mrs. M. Belger, of this city. Sunday, December 28, at the home rrprtif.nrK in present tti»ir claims, trotn the Germany, England, Roumania, ArgetsMiss Lbttfe Giventer, who was the Np date has as yet been set for the of Miss Ella'Altsular'at 930 North LORD ROTHSCHILD POINTS EEVCE Cn.4WFOi;i\' Comity PALESTINE JEWISH tina'and Palestine, 24th Street. The newly elected offibride's only attendant, was maid-of- wedding. TO JEWISH WAR RECORD CONFERENCE PROTESTS cer of the club who will be installed honor, and Mr. Dave Cohn was the IN REPLY TO PROPAGANDA The January Card Party of the AGAINST MANDATES REPORT are president, Sadie Drevick; vicegroom's bestman. London. (J. T. A.) Lord Nathaniel Omaha Chapter of Hadassah will be Jerusalem. (J. T. A.) A pro Mrs. Alta Davidson, mother of the given at the home of Mrs. E. Meyer president, Mildred Shrago; secretary, Rothschild, vice president of the groom, and Mr. Herman Krause, the at 2919 North 20th Street on Mon- Mary Claire Shames; treasurer, Syl- Board of Jewish Deputies, published against the attitude of the Pernanent groom's brother-in-law, both of Lin- day afternoon, January 12. Those to via Bernstein; reporter, Rose Sham- a letter in the London Times in reply Mandates Commission of the League of Nations -with regard to Je-wish imcoin, -were the only out-of-town assist Mrs. Meyer at the party will berg; and sergeant-at-arms, Sophie to the series of articles in which the migration; into Palestine vcas adopted Sbar. . guests present. naturalized English Jews were at- December 18 by the conference of be' the.Mesdames H. Hirschman and A meeting of the Club's Gym Class Mr. Davidson and his bride" left J. Hahn. tacked. representatives of the Je'wwish settlewill be held Tuesday evening, Decemimmediately after the ceremony for "Your correspondent treats natural- ments and communities in session in Mr. M. Seiner left Wednesday for ber 30, at the Jewish Community ized Jews and Brittsh-born children Chicago, 111., and Cleveland, Ohio, Tel-Aviv for the purpose of creating where they .will spend their honey- St. Louis, Mo., where he will visit Center. • of aliens living in East London as better facilities for t i e arriving immoon, and upon their return about with his son, Mr. J. C. Seiner, and aliens," Lord Rothschild stated in his migrants. January 1, they will make their home Mrs. Seiner. letter. "We contend that every BritTha conference also adopted a reso-""fy. pk, Lincoln, Nebr* ish subject has the same rights and lution demanding immediate abolition A baby girl was born, to Mr. and The. Talmud Torah. and Sunday duties. Naturalized Jews and Brit- of all restrictions on Jewish immiMrs. L Morgenstern at the Omaha "' Miss Bert Mosow, of Sioux City* Maternity Hospital. Mrs. Morgen- School children will be presented in a ish-born children of foreign Jews are gration for extending aid to the imy 3a., is the guest here of Miss Anne stern and the baby are expected to Chanucka program Sunday afternoon not below other British subjects. migrants, is being created, according "Gerelick. • be at home Saturday, December 27th. at 2:30 at 2:30 K. P. Hall, 404 West Their patriotism is.of great value to to a decision of the conference. A the: nation. Twelve thousand Jews \ Mrs,. Max Swartz, of Denver, Colo.j The regular monthly meeting of Broadway. A short playlet, several enlisted during the war, fifty thou- Central Bureau, -with'..local commitmusical numbers, readings, and the tees in the various towns snd c jeft Wednesday for her home after the Council of Jewish, Women will sand served and nine thousand were jhaving visited here for several weeks be .held this Monday' afternoon, De- Lighting of the Candles -will be among killed. with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hi cember 28th, at the Jewish Com- the numbers on the program. There will be no regular Sunday morning "There is no evidence that Jews .Gilinsliy. Mrs. Swartz was formerly munity Center.classes this Sunday morning. from East Europe have failed to be Miss Dorothy Gilinsky. assimilated, if assimilation means abOur entire stock of High In honor of-the barmitzyah of their V Miss Lucille Sternberg.-of Iincobv son', Max, and the confirmation oj. The semi-annual election of officers soTbing British traditions while reGrade Diamonds and Platinum !: of the B'nai B'rith will be held TuesThere-is ~m> I Jewetry for yow selection taining their .v?fefeTn -is""t3i3"~!aUest-'O£ her sister, .Mrs. their daughter, Jennie,' Mr. and' Mrs. day evening, December 30, at the justification in the report of a flood Adolph Cohen. JL Turner will entertain at the B'nai Danish HalL of alien immigration into England." Jacob Synagogue, Saturday morning, After December 25, ire will be Hr. and Mrs. Martin Kalian will The author of the series of articles Messrs. Phillip and Millard Krasne published a reply to Lord Rothschild's in our new wholesale and retail have as their house guests Mr. Ka- December 27th. sales offices, 214-15-16 Gty Naarrived home Saturday evening from lian's sister, Mrs. B. Mendelson, and Miss Ethel . Steinberg, of Fort Ann Arbor, Mich., where they are letter, stating that three-fifths of the • tional Bank Bldg. daughter, Dorothy, of Des Moines, Dodgej la., is arriving today to be population of Stepney, Whitechapel la., who "are arriving the latter part the guest of the Misses Blanch Alt- students at the University of Michi- and Mile End are of comparatively f of this week. Mrs. Kahan will honor man and Egtelle Lapidus. She will gan to spend the" school vacation,with 1516 Dodge St. Jackson 5619. their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Herman her guest at a one- o'clock luncheon, visit here until after January 1. Krasne. followed by bridge, at the Brandeis Miss Jean Krupp, of Fremont, Tea. Rooms Monday afternoon. Mr. Isaac Solzman returned> home Nebr., is arriving today to sp?nd the Miss Martye Weinstein is expecting day with Miss JEsther Brown. Mis& Saturday evening from the University 204 AQCTLA COtTRT Hiss Ruth Zolat, of Lincoln, Nebr., Rosella Verbin, of Fremon^ who just of Iowa to spend his vacation with Fhone AT lantlc 9TS9 and Miss Helen Undinger, of Mason returned from the University of Illi- his parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. Solzman. Omaha. City, la., next week to be her house nois, will also visit Miss Brown today; Thirty members of the Auxiliary of guests. Miss Esthee Blumenihal will be Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Treller are ex» hostess at a. Tea at her home Thurspecting their son, Marvin, from Chi- day afternoon. cago, 111., to spend New Year's with This afternoon Miss Jeanette IMarWe specialize In the originations and desIsninKB ot laOies towns, coats and enils them. cus Will be hostess at bridge to the, at moderate prices. 230. Aquila Court Mr. J. Lubkin, of Chicago, HI., is Ra Oth Society at her home. Miss AT lantic 4532 spending the week here with . his Flora Bienstock, a bride-to-be, -will be daughter, Mrs. Ed. Rosenstein, while the honored guesvFor Better Transportation v enroute to Kansas City, Mo., where Service and Satisfaction r Mr. Leon Weiss, of St. Paul, Minn., he will attend the wedding of his son, -will arrive Wednesday to be the New Dr. Samuel Lubkin. Year's guest of Mr.' and Mrs. M. E; "The. Omaha Chapter of Hadassah. Chapman. •will meet .Wednesday afternoon, De»Miss Faye Gerelick is visiting in eember 3i, at S:30 at the Jewish Com-Minneapolis, Minn., -with Miss Louise munity-Center. That The Bush. She- will be gone for-, two Miss Fanny Newinan, of Chicago, weeks. 111., is the guest of her aunt and Miss Edith Covich left Wednesday uncle, Mr. and Mrs.,Harold Bawn, We will make it possible riglit now by buying yoisr present y evening- for Des Moines, la., where is giving at tlie car at fist price tip to the amosml of $750* 1824 models only, up to and inMrs. Harry Goldberg, of Denver, she will attend the marriage of her cluding Dec. 24tL AM o&er models in proportiosiate liberal allowance. Colo., will arrive this -weeTc to "be the sister, Mary, to Mr. Leo Marcovis, of guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. that city. The marriage will take H. Gilinsky. place Sunday «venin£, December 2S. Mr. and Mrs. -S. Rohinson are hav- Miss Covieh expects to spend ten days ing as their- house guests theif daugh- in Des Moines.

Hostesses Bxisy Entertaining School Set







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ter, Mrs. Bl'WL Achtenberg-;-and children, Beatrice and Irving, of Kansas City, Mo., who arrived yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. Lotois Rosenberg1, of Kansas City, Mo., -who-are now visiting: in "Walthill, N«br.s with their daughter, Mrs. Sidney Robinson, are expected y h k in Omaha the latter part of the also to visit with Mr. and Mrs. Robinson. Miss Beatrice- Cohn will entertain the P. A, I. Bridge ctafc at her home Sunday afternoon, January 4Miss Anne Wintroup is leaving Saturday for Chicago, HI., and Milwaukee, WIs., where she will visit •with- relatives. In "Chicago she will visit with her aunt and unele, Mr. and Mrs. J. Rosen. have Mr. and Mrs. S. M. sis their house guests Mr. and .Mrs. A. B. Friedman, Mrs. L. M.' SciijlWn, and the=Misses ^Bertha Holjaad and Lucille aoBen'thal, all of Sioux City, T " :"

I - ^ KELPINE ACADEMY Sunday Evening, Dec. 28th, 1924 I Admission, §1.00 per couple. Prizes to Best Dancers. - The Ladies' MA of the South Side

Synagogue are giving a card party this Monday afternoon, December 29, at two o'clock' at Eagle's Hall, 28rd and N Streets. The. proceeds of the affair will go towards the reconstruction of the Synagogue. Miss Sadie Drevich is spending the week in Missouri Valley, Iowa, with Miss Sylvia Maskoritz, formerly of this city. On Tuesday afternoon, January 6, the Jewish Women's Welfare Organization are entertaining at a Twentieth Anniversary. Celebration. The newly elected officers will be ingtatted. An unique program is being prepared for that afternoon. Rabbi Frederick Cohn will preach a Chanuka sermon, ."The Conquering Jew," and the Temple quartet will reader special festival music Saturday morning at 10:30 his subject wiil be the "Lean Cows Swallowing the FtS'' " '" "

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PAGE 4-^-THE JEWISH PRESS—THURSDAY, DECEMBER 25, 1924 LONDON NATIONAL , Fifty-eight per cent of the Jewish the scene of another archaeological immigrants who come to Palestine are discovery made-by. the Franciscan OrAND POLITICAL CLUB SUPPOBST ARAB. EXECUTIVE in possession of financial means vrith dsf when E column of an old syna, Jerusalem, (J. T. A.) The Pales- which to establish themselves, accord- gogue bearing Hebrew inscriptions ;T)ie Social'JSaaperierices of an Undergraduate tine Arab Executive publishes a let- ing to a report submitted to the con- was excavated. ter sent fcy the National and Political ference. The sum of 342,000 pounds . i- . . .at Harvard .. Club of London to the President of was brought into the country by Jew- CLAYTON WILL BE INDUCED TO REMAIN IN OFFICF.; the Mandates Commission of the ish immigrants in the course of the . ,1 have written this'article for two when >people.are'prejudiced they are League of Nations. The letter which last six months. Pifty-three per cent BENTWISH WILL RETIRE treasons. First,- to show that preju-< prejudiced against a wholly undesira- was published in the Arab press reads of those who possess means come Jerusalem. (J. T. A.) Sir Gilbert dice in our larger educational insti- ble class of people, and their preju- as follows; from Poland. Clayton, Civil Secretary of the Paltutions, although it exists, can be dice springs from the ignorance of the Fifty thousand Jews have "The National and Political Club is estine Government, has left for Lonovercome without much effort, and, existence of an educated and cultured officially informed by the President the country since 1919, according to don. It was stated that the Colonial second, that a gentleman is always a class of JewB. of the Palestine Arab Congress that the report submitted. Office will endeavor to induce Sir gentleman whether he is a Jew, a Gilbert to remain in office fo ranother The revelation that I was a Jew this Congress has submitted its deGentile, or anything else. ^p term. caused little or no difference in the mands to the meeting of the Man- PALESTINE IS IDENTIFIED .1 went to Harvard from a large and way I was treated.' I had won their dates Commission for discussion. As WITH RISE OF CIVILIZATION Norman Bentwich, Attorney Generwell known prep school with about friendship, and they were loyalN and representative of a large portion of al of Palestine, who intends to retire, Jerusalem. (J. T. A.) The opinion ; sixty other men. Nearly all ot them honest enough, to' keep me fis one of the British Nation which conseders of the Prince of Wales on the im- will lecture on philosophy at Camwere Gentiles and only a few knew them. Had they known I was a Jew the contents of the Palestine Man- portance of recent developments in bridge University, according to a rethat I was not. 1 went out for foot- before I had "become one of them, the date a great injustice towards the Palestine is contained in a letter from port published in the "Yarmotik." tail .and- came in contact with Ihs chances are that I would always have Arab" inhabitants, an absolute viola- the Prince to Sir Herbert Samuel, cream of my class. . At Harvard near- been an outsider. A peculiar thing tion of pledges- given to them and an which was made public December 19 PALESTINE DEBT QUESTION ly everyone goes out fcr freshman obvious'transgression of Article 22 of SUBMITTED TO LEAGUE " football, regardless of thechance for happened' to me," liowever, which the Covenant of the .League, we have by the Palestine Government. slowly but surety' caused me to break BY GREAT BRITAIN ' In his" letter, Which was written on the team, just to meet the best men the honor to forward herewith a copy the occasion of the opening of thej Geneva. (J. T. A.) The Secretary away. I found out that I was not in the class. I was more fortunate of resolutions confirming this stand-than some of my classmates. and I quite at ease among them, though point,. We wish particularly to draw Palestine Pavilion at the Wcmbly E%-\ General of the League of Nations reposition, the Prince congratulates ceived a note December 18 from the they were my friends. Their friends remained on the squad. Nobody took your attention to the resolution adopt- "Palestine on the splendid manner in British Government, dated December were not mine, nor were their assozne for "a Jew. I am fortunate or uned by a" large numbes of Conservative which the history and the natural re- 15, in connection with the sums imfortunate, as the reader will, in that ciations mine. The clubs they spoke members of the British Parliament. sources of the country are represent- posed upon Palestine, Transjordania about from home were not the clubs I am not Semitic looking in the least. "Our opinion is that the violation ed in the Palestine Pavilion. Ihopei that my friends belonged to. ConConsequently, I soon fonnd myself one of a circle of very fine Gentile versation became a little less free of Article 22 of the Covenant of the the people of Palestine will receive a j Call us for good when I was around, and there seemed League .of Nations will prejudice the great practical advantage from the: fellows. to be an undercurrent of, not hard reputation and the influence of the Wembly Exposition. I am sure that; • -'• The fellows Iwent with are of fam- feeling, but a lack of unity that a League. It has already provoked sus- the people of England will, benefit ilies very well known in social cirpicion and distrust among many peo- from learning of the industries and. MICKl IN LUMBER CO. cles. I will not'mention any names, crowd should have. Then I started ple in Europe and in America." the history of Palestine which is idento break away. I did not do it sud24th & Burdette Sts. WE. 5555 but tKey were "Cabots" and "Lowtified with the ri?e of civilization," "ellsj" the Boston four humired. I was denly, but I saw less of them, and $ CONFERENCE TO AID the letter concludes. entertained by, them at their homes, began-to look around for a more conPALESTINE IMMIGRANTS genial crowd. I met their friends, and I went to ' MEETS IN TEL-AVIV I was terribly unhappy, as I did their parties. In fact,-there is .in Jerusalem. (J. T. A.) One hun- DISCOVER COLUMN OF CAPPER NAUM SYNAGOGUE -Boston a club which meets one even- not at once find the,crowd I wanted. dred delegates, representing all the - "The MohL" Residence, t 3 « fo tttb St. ing a week during the winter months It was hard to deuy myself of the Jewish settlements and communities (Jerusalem. (J. T. A.) Capper T>l. ATtuntir fifiar at which these boys gather to dance things I had been doing and not go in Palestine, participated in a confer- Naura, the Palestine village often TePlant of UnxtnFiia. J4U Cnming St. •with the sub-debutantes of Boston. I with the coterie that I had been so ence held December 15 in Tel-Aviv ferred to in the New Testament, was - TVI AThmtlr SS31. intimate with. And" it hurt a good bit •was a member of this club and went for the purpose of considering the regularly to its meetings. There I 0 see that once I did start to leave necessary measures to be. taken to "met the finest people in Boston. I they seemed relieved. Despite all assist new immigrants who are comPAXTON HOTEL knew them well, and was considered that, a surprising thing happened. I ing to Palestine. TllttlilSH BATHS one of them. I would like to add was approached by some upper class-, R e p r e s e n t a t i v e s o f t h e Z i o n 5 s t _ . PAXTON HOTEL right here that those people, of whom men one day about 5oimng an under- e c u t i v e - n P a l e s t i n e M d t h e V a a d so much fun is made because of their graduate club in my sophomore year. Leumi, the Jewish National Council Steam. Turkish, and Klectric Baths. 'One of America's Great Hotels' up-stage manners, are the aristocrats It was made quite clear to me, in a All Modern Equipment. of Palestine, were present. of America, It is not just money or most tactful, yet unmistakable way, just social standing that gives these that if I dropped my Jewish friends people their standing. They- have and kept my religion quiet, I would real culture, gentility, and a noblesse be able to become a member.. I talked oblige spirit. They are thorough-: for a "while and finally I said, "In brcdsr real bluebloods. other words, you are trying to say •• 1 v?as particularly close to one fel- that if I drop my friends, fellows I low in that crowd, and during the know and respect, you will take me fall month? I spent many Sundays at in?" . - Jiis lovely home in Brookline. "We were They hemmed and hawed, but finalsuch- good friends that I took it for ly admitted that was in, reality what granted be knew what my religion they had been driving at. But they was. " It was not until later that I said: "You see, vve like you, and we found out he hadn't known. It V?a.S don't mind your being a Jew, but we ab the same time that the rest of my don't want a whole bunch around, circle began to find out, or, to be even if,they are nice fellows." exact, t h a t ! began to tell them, It was not hard to see their point, for I did not want to" be one of them on false pretenses. It would invaria- but it did not take much consideration bly come about in the same way. We to refuse. That was all. They went would be sitting around in a room out, but I think they admired me more smoking and carrying on one of those for my stand than had I Joined. For a. long while I drifted, but then "bull sessions" which every college really man or graduate cherishes, in which I came into the crowd that was 1 the main topics Of discussion.are foot- my crowd. I went with the- fellows ball and the troubles of the world, -that 1 knew from home, fellows that and a distiussicn on religion or people had the same associations I did; whose would ari~3, and I would say immedi- people knew my people, whose clubs ately, "I wish you would be careful were my clubs, and whose traditions what you say when I am around.' I •were my traditions. It was then that The Jewish Press aids the Jews to I made a discovery that I shall al. am a Jew, you know." keep in touch with what their ways remember. I found that the fellow Jews are doing in city, At first my associates would not fellows I was going with were essenbelieve me and laughed heartily at tially no different from the "Lowells state and nation, besides informmy clever joke. After I had assured and the Cabots." Their-ideals were ing them on the problems of the '; them that I was in earnest, the an- as high, their manner as polished. Jews in Europe and the World ~ swer was always the same: "Oh, we They were just as cultured, just as don't mean your kind. You're not educated, just as fine in ever^ way. over. really a Jew. You don't look it, you The only difference was that their = don't act it, you don't believe in it friends at home wete my friends, and we had a common ground to meet on. £__ By Gosh, you're not one." ~" They really feel that a Jew can I found out then that a gentleman, no only be a dark, greasy, very Semitic- matter what his religion or race may In our judgment, it is the sacred duty of our looking person, loud, unclean and ab- be. I fou"hd that there were Jewish horrent. They do not realize the ex- bluebloods and thoroughbreds as well readers to help bring this paper into Every istence of another type of,Jew, and as Gentile.. I found out that culture when they meet one of another kind and refinement knows no race or Jewish Home. We ask for no financial asthey do not think of him as a Jew at creed. I was for the first time really alii I t is a peculiar situation) and happy.—American Hebrew. sistance of any kind, but merely urge the Jew






A committee was formed to disand Mesopotamia as their payment of the public debts of the former Otto- tribute reformation on agricultural man Empire. -: • • conditions in Mexico to prospective The British Government, in the immigrants and to begin a campaign note, informs the League of Nations to secure financial aid. that Palestine, Transjordsnia snd Mesopotamia are not satisfied with the sums imposed on them and anGoMstrom Upbo&tering Ce, nounces the intention of bringing anl appeal against this allocation before j UpholsterlBg end Furniture Repair* ing Mattresses. Renovated. an arbiter to be appointed fey the! Bos Springs, League's Council. 4T-!anft«> 2K18

FORM JEWISH AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY IN MEXICO Mexico City. (J. T. A.) One hundred and fifty Jewish farmers in and near Mexico City have formed the Jewish' Agricultural Society of Mexico for the purpose of devoting themselves entirely ' to * fostering Jewish agricultural colonization in that country.


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