4 I Iprqfess not talk
all mfin have, ;
tf'they dare try, a ! g I o T 16 u s life, or ; grave.—-Herbert, \
each -main do his b\vw-l\! ;, L —Shakespeare.
YOL. IV—No. 4
•\ as second-class mail matter on January 27th, 1921, at at Omaha, Nebrabka, under the Act of March 3, 1879.
HARBOR WILL BE BUILT AT HAIFA, SAMUEL S S Haifa. (J. T. A.) The government of Palestine will soon commence waik on a harbor in Haifa, Sir Herbert Samuel declared when he arrived here on a tour of the country. The High' Commissioner visited the Board of Directors Hold Monthly nearly completed power house which is part of the Eutenberg electrificaMeeting; Discuss Revision tion plan. „ , • of Constitution.
,W elfare Federation
fand Heetmgft
le leM J ai^ry IS
RABBI. GOLDMAN OP CLEVELAND WILL BE SPEAKER The annual meeting of the Jewish' Welfare Federation will be held Wednesday evening, January 28, in ihe ballroom of the Fontenelle Hotel. This was decided at the " regular monthly meeting of the board of directors of the Jewish Welfare Fed•era;*«n, which met Monday evening at the Jewish Community Center. Harry A. Wolf, presided as chairman 1 of the meeting. The entire public is invited tp attend this meeting. A complete program is being arranged. Rabbi Solomon Goldman of Cleveland, Ohio, will be the principal ^ speaker of the evening. Rabbi Goldman, is one of the best known orators in the pulpit. He is at the head of the new Cleveland Jewish Center, . which was recently constructed at a „ cost of more than one million dollars. " ! Besides Rabbi Goldman, several mu" Bical lumbers will-appear on the program. Complete reptrts will be made u. "by'*^the superintendent, president, "f* chairman of the finance committee, '.i and other committees. . f\ flection of officers for the ensuing year will be held. _ Following the discussion of the; annual meeting; the constitution of'the Federation was revised and was unan; . t imWsly accepted by the board mem***. tiers. The superintendent's report was mqde and is published in this issue •!? of The Jewish Press. The board, members will finish the collection of unpaid pledges before the col was
Plan to Organize a "Y" Debating . League. The Y. M. and Y. W. H. A. members will hold regular meetings Monday evening at the Jewish Community Center.; The men will meet separately, as will the women. A joint meeting of the. - organization will be held; Monday evening, January 19th. Plans are rapidly being made for a "Y" debating team. Several requests for information have been received from neighboring communities as to when a debate would be possible. "If is'hoped that we shall .be able to organize a debating league, which would include, Omaha, Kansas City, Dea - Moines, and some other community,".;.said /William R. ,Blumenthal. A- call for tryouts for a "Y" debating team will soon be made. A large . silver loving ! cup . has already been offered by an Omaha merchant to the winning team. A challenge for debates has been sent to more than six of the neighboring communities. These communities have' large memberships and have excellent debating talent. Omaha "Y"'will attempt to display its talent sometime in early March.
Harry Wise Heeled Local L 1 . L President
assignedfive\TKSBQ€S.These members must; be /"..lid up before the annual Club's Second Anniversary Dance ' " • January. 25. year'book'goes to press. The following members of the hoard present:/ " " Harry Wise was elected to head the local Aleph Zadik Aleph Organizat, Alplrn Morris Milder AltachnJer A. J. Miller tion at their last regular semi-annual Sntn. Bebnr > Mrs. A. J. Miller NatUnn Bernstein election .of officers held Sunday afterHenry Monsky Katfbl J. M. Cnarlop S. Kavitz noon, December 28, at the Jewish X>avld -Feeler J. B. Kobinson Mrs. David Feder M. M. Rosenblatt Community Center. Jerome Dimond Harry Friedman Dr. A. S. Rubnitz X* IT. OoodznaD^. will be the club's vice-president; Dr. Philip Sher Nathan E. Green Mrs. Philip Sher Marion Graetz was elected to serve Wtn. GrodlnBky M. S. Sugarman Louis Harris as secretary; Harry Freed was elected IT. WiHnBky Wtn. li. Holzman Harry A. Wolf Carl C Katlcmnn treasurer; Louis Lipp was elected Mrs. H. A. Wolf Harry Lnpidua li. Wolt reporter; Simon Cohen, chaplain; and Sirs. Nathan Mantel Joe N. S. Yaffiee H. Marcus Sam .Minkin and Dave Fellman, sergeants-at-arms. Wise was elected president of the Aleph Zadik Aleph for the second time. He headed the organization when it was first organized two years Social Afternoon and Get-to-gether ago. He is also active in school activities, being president of the January 5. -Mathematic Club of Central High A social afternoon and get-to-gether School. He recently won a silver will be given the Jewish Women's medal for drill work and he is a memWelfare Organization Tuesday after- ber of the "Debating Team. The club .will hold its second annoon,' January 5, at the" Jewish niversary dance Sunday evening, Community Center, in celebrating January 25, et the Elks Club Ball their twentieth, anniversary. In conjunction with a program to Boom. Jerome Dimond is chairman he given, installation of officers re- of the committee in charge. cently elected will be held. The folCONSPIRATORS SENTENCED lowing numbers will be presented: TO DEATH IN BUDAPEST A paper sent by Mrs. L. Richards, of Budapest. (J. T. A.) A verdict in San Jose, Cal., non-resident honorary president, will be read. A talk by the trial of the artti-Semitid\bonib . Mrs. Nate Mantel, followed by a conspirators - which threw Hungary " musical number. A synopsis of the into a political crisis two weeks ago, playlet "Romance" will be given by was rendered. December 14. Joseph Mrs. H. S. J&amen, and the first act Marffy, 24 years old, bank official of the. play will be given by Mrs. and ex-secretary of the Awakening Magyars and, and Karl Mordsi, 24 B. It. Boasberg. years old, druggist, were sentenced to death. COUNCIL OF PEOPLES' COMJoseph Rado, 17 year old druggist MISSARS RATIFIES CHARTER apprentice, was sentenced to ten .Moscow, (J. T. A.)—The charter of years' imprisonment. Jogeph Horthe Society for the Support of Jew- vatch Halas, 23 years old, factory ish Landsettling in the Union of employee, and Joseph Szass, 21 years Soviet Republics was ratified today old, court clerk, were sentenced to Joy the Council of the Peoples' Com- six months' imprisonment. Frank missars. Vargha, 23 years old, clerk, was senAccording to information received tenced to five months' imprisonment". here from Ukramia,' the registration They were charged with commitof Ukrainian Jews who wish to settle ting the following crimes: Throwing on the land will be completed in a bomb at the Orthodox Jewish Syn-r January. As soon as the data are agogue in. Neupest on November 24, collected, the settlers will be enabled 1923; throwing a, bomb at the French to .settle on. the land, which was al- Embassy' November 16, 1923;. throwd for this purpose. The majority ing a bomb at the Czechian Embassy those who registered are forming October- 1923:-throwing a hand greecial companies for the purpose of nade into the office of the newspaper, in collective farming:Az Est,; throwing a bomb at the j In the districts of Chafkow .and residence of Deputy "Rassey February Ekaterinoslav only 3,000 Jewish fam- 20, 1923; throwing a bomb at the ilies will^be given land this year. A court building' in Budapest on AugCotl4i<?ors %;impo"sed upon the settlers ust "22, •"1923; installing a machine - - -'•"* " niust invest' part of the bomb in" the Ellzabethstadt Club in themselves. April,.1922, -• -. " _ . :_..-. _\_.
Jewish Women's Welfare Celebrates 20th Anniversary
Y.1 And Y f J L l Groups to Hold Meetings Monday
TOOTIN': OUR OWN HORN OMAHA, Nebr., Dec. 26, 1924. Mr. Nathan E. Greenj Editor, Jewish Press Publishing Co., City. DEAR NATHAN:— For the past year : I-have been watching the devel-
readers know this and, appreciate ii During the past year as, .chairman of the finance Committee of the Jewish Welfare Federation, I have had the opportunity. of coming into closer touch" with yourself and the "Jewfigh Press,'/. I can truly say that "The Jewish Press" is one of the most important factors in the community. I believe that the* Jewish'Welfare.-Federation, the Jewish Community. Center Building drive and other causes owe its success in.a good measure to the wonderful support giv^n it by "The Jewish Press". Exposed 'you will find my check to pay my subscr7tion for-1925. I wish you continued success. ..Yours truly, "•V, JOE L. WOLF.
Federation O^ers Another President Will Approve Bill Scholarship to Local Youth to Admit Stranded Refugees /,'.
One Scholarship Already Accepted Johnson Promises to Consider Possible by Local Boy: • '',] Amendment. Chicago, Dec. 22. (J. D. B.) There There is one more scholarship being offered at the Jewish Welfare Fed- is hope thatwthe immigrants now eration to any Omaha boy who is stranded in European 'ports, will be desirous of entering t h e ' National admitted to America, according to a Farm School. One scholarship has statement made to a representative of already been accepted fey a local the J ewish Telegraphic Agency by Herman Elenbogen, one of a commityouth. „ ; Any boy between the. age's of 16 tee sent by Chicago Jews, to Presiand 21 who is desirous of entering dent Coolidge. Mr. Elenbogen, and A. D. Messer, the Farm School and who has the required grade school work, can do were received by President Coolidge so by applying to William R. Blu- on Friday. They appealed t o i l m for menthal, superintendent of the Fed- a special act that the immigrants at Southampton and other, port^ should eration. '• The National Farm School is a be admitted over the ijuota^"if their Jewish institution and is one of the American, relatives have taken out leading Farm Schools in the country. their rst citizen papers. The PresiThe school has repeatedly won honors dent promised that hp-would not be in many branches of agriculture and against such - an act- 11 Congress par-'es ' stock raising. "The Jewish Welfare Federation is Chicago. Dec. 22. (J. D. B.) "Since always looking for the possibilities conferring with Louis Marshall and of the local youth," said William R. myself, last -week, Albert Johnson, Blumenthal. We are • offering "this chairman of the House Immigration scholarship to any young man- in committee, is inclined to amend the Omaha." The Farm School is" located c a t immigratic law in favor of wives Doylestown, Pa., and is rapidly grow- and children stranded at European ing in size. "The Back to the Farm ports," Congressman Sabbath declarMovement" created by sopie of Amer- ed on his return from Washington. ica's leading Jews, has stimulated the '*?ohnson asked for a few weeks time desire of many of the city youths t- consider what he coul' do toward having an amendment passed by to apply for enrollment. Congress," Congressman Sabbath further stated.
Talmud Torah ParentsTeachers Meeting Sunday Young Israel Synagogue •-Held Father-Son Banquet The Parents-Teachers' Meeting of the City Talmud Torah will [ be held this Sunday evening, January 4, at the Talmud-Torah Auditorium. The directors of the Talmud Torah and parents present at . the last Parents-Teachers meeting organized to work for the enrollment of new pupils. A C h a n u c k a program which consisted of playlets and musical -numbers was given by the children of the Talmud Torah last Sunday afternoon £t the Talmud Torah Auditorium. POLISH GOVERNMENT RECONSIDERS BILL FOR WITHDRAWING CONCESSIONS Warsaw, (J. T. A.)—The decision adopted by the Polish Government regarding withdrawal of concessions on ^monopolized articles is not to be considered the last step in the matter, according to information received by the Jewish .Telegraphic Agency representative from a highly authoritive source. The protests of the Jewish members of Parliament, supported by Polish Merchants -Organizations, seem to have had an effect on the government and the measure is now being reconsidered. An official statement by the Minister of Trades is expected.
A Kosher Fathers-Sons Banquet was held by the Young Israel Synagogue Sunday evening, December 28, at the Talmud Torah Auditorium.' The program consisted of talks by Rabbi J. M. Charlop, Dr. A. •Eornm, and Mr. E. Block. A violin selection was given by Selma Werber accompanied on the piano by Betty Fellman, followed by a dialogue by Abe Fellman and Haskell Cohn. A Jewish monologue was given by Tobie Flax, and then a violin selection by Irene Hirsh concluded the program. The Young Israel Synagogue was organized about six mofiths by a number of young men from the age sixteen and over and now they have a'membership of over fifty. They hold Hebrew study classes every Tuesday and Saturday evenings.for the purpose of familiarizing the young Jewish men with .the Jewish and Hebrew languages and customs.
TWO ANTI-SEMITIC BOMB URGES ABANDONMENT OF ANTI-JEWISH POLICY , IN HUNGARY Budapest. (J. T. A.) Thomas Kallay, member of the Government Party, during the discussion on the budget, urged the Hungarian politicians to abandon their anti-Jewish attitude and revise the policy of restricting the number of Jewish students at tlie PtfOSS, HEBREW WRITER, * DIES IN WARSAW Hungarian universities. Warsaw. (J. T. A.) Moses Mordecai Pross, known under the nom de FORMES TURKISH CALIPH plume, Ish Yehudi' Saffro," died here PROCEEDS TO MECCA December 15 at the age of 67. Mr. Cairo, (J. T. A.>T-Abda! Mejid, the Pross was a writer of note in the former Turkish Caliph, proceeded to "nineteenth century Hebrew press and Mecca to attend the Moslem World literature, being a frequent contribut- Congress, convened by Ibn Saud, Sulor to the then widely read Hebrew tain of Nejd. Dailies, HaTmeiietz and Ha'zefirah. Abdul Mejid hopes to be proclaimed He was President of the Society of again. Caliph of the Faithful Moslems Lovers ot the Hebrew language. at UIIE conference. .._
THOU- •' . SAND JEWS IN BRAZIL British EeeiGitist. : TWENTY-SEVEN' Rio -de Janerio. -(J. T-i A.) The number of Jews in Brazil is estiMarvels at. Great" mated to be ;not more than 27,000, to statistics published In one of the local papers. The growth "; "Work-ef-KoneeK according of the Jewish colony in Brazil is slow
I ItPSIl iMP 1 tivstLvt
"New Word of Power" Ex- because the majority of Jewish immi- Program Describing History of grants to South America settle in pected to Issue from Midst «Y» to- Be Given Away. . Argentina. : of Palestine Jewry.
SPIRITUAL; I N T E N S I T Y OBTAINS EVERYWHERE "A': new word of power," a "nevr type of thought ' and feeling," a "new channel ' along ' which, the stream of human hope and pity and reverence may flow," may again come from Palestine, is the view of. Graham Wallas, the celebrated British economist and publicist, which he sets forth in a remarkable article entitled "Palestinian Pioneers," in a recent issue of the London Nation and Athenaeum. Mr. Wallas describes these pioneers as he saw them at work on the buildings of the Hebrew University on Mount Scopus, looking "like a group of students" ih their "youthfulness and confident will power." He describes them at their athletic games,. but he stopped long to -observe them in their most significant task, in the agricultural ' settlements of the Valley' of Esdraelon. He was impressed with their uniqueness and great spiritual promise. ••••
er ©f CJil Ceiicerss To Continue Operations Under Name of U. S. Oil Works. The merger of the Northwest Petroleum company and the Home Appliance Corporation with the U. S. Oil Works was announced yesterday by Morris Milder, president of the Oil Works. ' •
Mr. Wallas goes on to point 'out the results already apparent of the impact between* Palestine • and western scientific > methods and standards which these pioneers have brought—a. marked improvement', in the health and agriculture of the land. MORRIS MILDER Describing the work of the AgriThe new merger will continue to cultural Institute, he saj-s: "Every have the name of the U. S. Oil Works, success under the similar climatic and the capitalisation will be increased conditions of California or North Africa in growing. bananas and aX- t a $500,090, according to Mr. Milder. the plowing of dry soils, or selection of seed, is known at once in the Jewish technical school at Haifa or the admirable agricultural research station at Tel Aviv. And if the colonists succeed in growing three tons ' of produce where their Arab neighbors grew only one, the influence of that fact will spread more irresistably than a new form of government or art." But what interests him even more than the improvement of agriculture and health are the "deeper and more subtle results" which he sees likely to issue from the great adventure of these pioneers. Mr. Wallas speculates on the political chances . to which, the Palestinian experiment is subject, but like one of the chalusdin whom he quotes, he too has faith in British doggedness—die englische Geduld. "In Palestine," he says, "the things of the mind and the spirit have a tang of reality which those who leave it tell me they miss in London or Paris or New York." He concludes with the hope that these Palestinians mil "work conscientiously in the dear Palestinian air toward a message which can be preached ta the whole world."
Self $800 : ' FOP -Palestine' Meiical Aid The Omaha Cahpter of Hadassah recently sent $800 to the National Hadassah Headquarters in New York for the Medical Institute in Palestine, according to Mrs. A. Roinm, president of .the local Hadassah Organization. PAYS-FINE FOR ATTEMPT- " ING TO BAIL OUT JEW ,ARRESTED-.ON ; YOM RIPPUE Berlin* (J. T. A. Mail Service.)— A nominal fine was imposed by the Police Court upon Langermann, the leader of the Jewish congregation on Grenadierstrasse, for attempting to bail out a fellow member who was arrested last Yora Kippur on a charge of disturbing the peace. •„. Sergeant Berr.er arrested liefeermann because he stood outside the synagogue taking a breath of air before the final services, Neilah. Langermann followed the officer and Ms prisoner, asking for his release «n bail. He was thrown out of the police station and proceedings were started against him for disturbing the peace. Police authorities have started an inquiry concerning the behavior of Sergeant Berner, • .
The third annual "Y" show will bt held Sunday evening, February 8, at the Brandeis theater. Tickets for the show will go on sale within the ten days, according to tlie in charge. The members of'the nu'ttee have been working daily to make this show the "best ever. Dailf; the actors and entertainer*- K » rehearsing their parts to perfection* A novel creation will be the T'e orchestra which will appear to thte show under the direction ©f Katey Robinson. Many of the memfe®s§ cf the orchestra have played local audiences befor® e» . numbers. "The" Menorah," a drama of on* act, written by Mrs. Herman Auer: bach. and coadied by Mrs. B. : E, Boasberg, will be one of the leatur* acts. The parts for this play hav« already been filled. The following' members will tatee parts: . - - Mrs. Sarah Schloss........Eoge Las&ra* Mr. Sam Schloss. Hynian Browm David Schloss (son) ....Hubert -Kapla* Mother.,... Mrs. H. Q. Marc Fanny Jeanette Levinsoia Besides the "Menorah," 'there' "wfll be two other features With "Higlt Lights and Y -Extravaganza"...- , •A novel program introducing th*> actors, writers, and management of the showj vn\\ be a very novel BOUvenir. This program will contain ^a short sketch of the work of the "Y r and the new Jewish Center, which will be the home of the <'Y".
January 1. The new company should do 000 worth of business, according to plans already outlined for 1925. The new plans call for the establishment of twenty-five bulk stations in various Delegates Elected .For Annual "Cfln« vention. parts of Nebraska. Three years ago in a small oneSioux City, Is,—At the annual elecstory room at 1717 Douglas Street, 6 tion of officers Tuesday night, Morris the U. S. Oil Works was started. It has developed rapidly, and today em- Pill was elected president ©f th© ploys one hundred persons. It has a Independent Order of B'Nai B'Rith, lubricating p>ant and general office Mr. Pill served ES vice president du2> • building at Seventeenth and Nicholas ing the past year. Other officers elected were: Ah® and a large tank farm at Eleventh and Seward Streets. The tank farm Brodlsey, vice president; Herman has a storage capacity of 900,000 gal- Slotskyy corresponding secretarj'; Eli lons. The U. S. Oil Works also pur- Robinow, treasurer; William Goodchases under contract the complete site, recording, secretary; Ben Boroutput of the Omaha Refining Com- shevky, warden, and Mayer Bergsrn, pany with a storage capacity of 6,- guardian. The following were elected membsrs of the board of trustees; 000,000 gallons. Ten filling stations, located on Michael Skalovsky, Abe Davidson md prominent corners of the city, are ArcKie D. Horsitz. Delegates to the annual district conalso controlled by the U. S. Oil Works. vention, to be held in Peoi'ia, III., in. According to Mr. Milder, the company's gross sales totaled approx- 1925, v-'CiT elected as foHov-s: J» VJ. imately one and a half million dollars Levin, pii?t president; P. A. Grenrgtone, S. A. Rich, Barney Baron, Edin 1924. ward K. Baron, and Eshbi Isadora The Home Appliance Corporation is Ideated at 204 South Twenty-Fourth '{saac&on. The. annual infcugrural banStreet and sells oil burners. The quet will be held in >3anunry. company deals in oil burners that heat any structure from a five room UEFER TO "PROTOCOLS" bungalow to a twenty story bnilding. IN WARNING AGAINST It was one of the first companies to MASOMC LODGES introduce oil burners in this city, and Jerusalem, (J. T. A.)~-Palestiin« has already tdaced 1,400 burners in Arabs should nc-i join .lodges of the Omaha homes and buildings. Masonic oraerf according to & warn* After Mr. Milder retired from the ing published in ih* Arab papers^ Eldorado Refining Company of Eldo- "Falaslin" v,vA Kakib Sinn". rado, Kansas, eight years ago, he orThs pap?rs caution their Arafe ganized the Northwest Petroleum readers fur&inst joining Masonic Company. This company deals with lodges, because they are dominated the jobbing oil trade and sells oil by JeVr. As evidence, they refer ta only by tank cars. It has had as high the infamous falsification, *'Proioc<iJt as 36,000,000 gallons in gross sales of the Elders of 7,ion," in one year, according to Mr. Milder, TM? appeal is u, remit of the rectal "Omaha lias the possibilities of be- formation of % Free Slasott I/odg« fife: coming a great oil jobbing center," Palestine, which invited Jcwfc, Mosl«>nc said Mr. Milder. "It has an excellent Slid Christir.ns to join for the location, being in'the central part of of fostering fraternity in the the United States and close to the oil bearing regions. The general VIENNA JEWISH PBILAN\ headquarters of our company will ' THROPIST LEAVES ENTIRE remain in this, city," j ESTATE TO CHARITY Mr." Milder was a nevsbcy in | Vifinna, (J. T. A.)—A stim rane-nis; Omaha, and is now associated with from fifteen to twenty billions kronen men in various civic organizations to (approximately $300,000) constituting whom he once sold newspapers. Ke the entire estate of the late Jewish has had a meteoric rise in the oil leather manufacturer Albert Kaisch<fer$ •schc disd recently at the age of STS in the national association of oil was left for Jewish welfare purjjogo^ The Jewish Women's League for dealers. Protection in Old Aj?e, the Firms advertising in "The Jewish Institute for th& Blind, the Press" deserve your patronage—It is Institute for th$ Deat and Dumb &n«! TO YOUR INTEREST to support th« Jewish Sodletv for the Suppac^ of Onshsns were the boneficiai-iesw^ ther* •
Morris P I Presieit
Published tjvers 1'haraday at qiuaba. fjBtjraeSa. 0 ;
ZIONIST CONStanley Kolish. and Milton Bolstein Commission id Investigate ^GERMAN VENTION TO DISCUSS University of Wisconsin; Leon Galin' • NECESSITY OF REFORMS | sky, University of Chicago; Joe Bain Situation ofJews in Russia Berlin, (J. T. A.)—The question of: and Herman Sheir, Northwestern
introducing necessary reforms into; University; Dorothy Pickus, Nebras Conference Lays Emphasis on Agree- the Zionist World Organization will' ka University; Lestei Davidson and ment with J. D. C. 1925 be the main subject of discussion a t ; Ruth Davidson, University of Mich.$2.50. Subscription Price, one, year... , -.~~~~~ Fast of Tebeth — _ Tuesday, January 6 the Twentieth Annual Conference of j igan. Moscow, Dec. 26. (J. T. A.)—A the Federation of German Zionists, | Rosh Chodesh Shebat. —Monday, January 26 Advertising >rates furnished on application. •3Rosh Chodesh Adar. Wednesday, February 25 commission for the purpose of inMrs. D. R. Ellman and son have left which will be held in Wiesbaden e s RRive both the old and new address: it Purim ..._ « Tuesday, March 10 i voui on me vestigating the economic situation of arVand Rive for Chicago, 111., after spending tw0 December 28 to December 31. Rosh Chodesh Nissan ...............—.........Thursday, March 2G the Jewish population in the Union weeks visiting relatives and friends. The Jewish Press ia supplied to the J§wi»f» TelegHiphie Agency (Jewish 1st Day Fessgch ..—... „....„..._„.._ Thursday, April 0 Mr. Abraham Goldberg, member of of Soviet Republics was decided upon Corrggfegnilence fiurean» itftjj tabled %p$ telegrjBnh}& Jewish ne^s. m addition 7th Day Pessach............................—.".„...., Saturday, April 15 the Administrative Committee of the Miss Alice Schulien left Friday for at a governmental conference held tq fgifjjrg articles ant) correspondences from ait Important Jewish centres. Rosh Chodesh lyar...^— Saturday, April 25 Zionist Organization,, will present his Chicago, where she will spend "New Inquiries re>jardi'nR 'news Items""credited to this Agency will be gladly Lag b'Omer. —....... .Tuesday, May 12 last Monday to consider the possibiliRosh Chodesh Sivan Sunday, May 24 answered if afMreq§§d |o -i|ewisb. Telegraphic Agenpv, 114 FU^i A ties for settling Jews on the land views on this subject. Mr. Goldberg Years. New Vork City. ' ' Shabuoth. - t _..• —.Friday, - May 29 will sail for New York on the steamer ia Russia. Rosh Chodesh Tammu^..,......, Tuesday, June 23 Mr. and Mrs. Louis Fat;:, of ChicaFrance from Havre on January 3. Fast pf Tammuz : Thursday, July 9 • Representatives of the various go, have arrived to visit at the home JEWS Rosh Chodesh Ab Wednesday, July 22 central governmental departments of Mrs. Patz' parents, Mr. and Mvs Fast of Ab .Thursday, July SO Suppose some one ..should come to you for help for a sick were present. The head of the CenM. Blank. Rosh Chodesh Ellul Friday, August 21 & Suppose you leajned. that the child was stricken with a. tral Department of Statistics subAll Holy Days begin at sunset of preceding day. Mr. L. Weinberg returned recently dread "disease. Suppose you.found out that the parents were Dr. George Leikin left last Thursmitted data on the agricultural movepoor, that the father earned barely enough to keep his little day evening for Minneapolis, Minn., ment among Jews before and since from a trip to New York City. for a short visit with Mr. and Mr?! famijy provided with food, and. .that undernourishment, bad hous-; the revolution. The representative The Maccabaean Chapter of Young j H. Haligman. ing, and all the evils of poverty were threatening this child's life, -. - '« ••"' ' •' ' , .I 11 of j-j^g j o 5nt Distribution Committee Judaea held their regular meeting Suppose you were asked to' bring back the roses to its faded •- •• • •' — made a complete report of the The Zionist and Hadassah Organizalast Monday evening at the ComGreeks 'and the sunshine to its saddened eyes. What would Jewish History Recalled 'present condition of the Jewish tions held a Chanucka entertainment munity Center. you do? "" Uil \nmnritnn V ^ t Tn Samuel colonies in Soviet Russia ^embers at the Jewish Community Center last, &y aurnuruuil V ISIZ 1 O aarflUtl j Central Executive Suppose some one should tell you of a girl, with dimpled of t h e ConiTnun st Mrs. J. Arkin and son, of Artesian, Sunday evening:, December 21. Violin eheeks and sparkling eyes and all the fire of youth, who was Jerusalem. (J. T. A.)—Pictures of ered connections with further Jewish Committee and a delegate of the So. Dak., have arrived to spend New selections were rendered by Mbs i\\st gjFowing into young1 womanhood. Suppose you heard that ancient; Jewish history fchrpugh the religious development. | Peoples' Commissar for Agriculture g there was trouble in KeF home between her parents and herself periqds of Assyrian, Persian, Roman, Although living in the center o f |jj rPp h Years with Mrs. Arkin's parents, Mr. Frances Fribourg. e p O r t e d o n t h e steps taken by the and Mrs. M. Brodkey. aiid that she was getting, further and further beyond her parents medieval and modern times came to The Mt. Sinai Temple Sisterhood considering Mount Gerizim I government with regard to organcontrol. Suppose you Iqjew that the spark of beauty that was ife vividly when Sir Herbert Samuel, Palestine, gave a dancing party at the Temple. The Mt. Sinai Temple Brotherhood in. the vicinity of Nablus as their holy , Nation of the Jewish Back to Land her soul was being buried under the weight! of bad companions ritish High Commissioner of Pales- place, where they erected their tem- j movement and the formation of Will hold its first annual Fathers-Sons' Social. Center last Tuesday evening and evil habits. What would you dp? ine, today received in audience Jsaac pies, they were in constant political: ti nal village Soviets in such locali- Banquet at the Temple Social Center for the younger group including the na O Arnram, the Hjgh Priest of th& and religious strife with the Palestine -Suppose you were to hear.tQnight of a fa.rn.ijy iji distress; students, who are home for their t i e s w here the Jewish Minority is in on Monday evening, December 29. the father out of work,, disheartened and dis.cqura.ged, the mother Samaritans. vacation. Jews. The sect, in the course of its;t h e majority. Particular emphasis sickr. the ehUdren cold-arid hungry, the re.ijf u^pa.id, The Samaritans, an Israelitish sect history, gradually diminished and is; The outstanding social function w a s p i a e e d on the agreement recently Mr. Ben Davidson left last Monday empty, the closets bax& What would you do? whiph came into existence in the now reduced to one hundred and fifty concluded between the Soviet Gov- given New Year's Eve was the Ivre eighth, century B. 0., following the souls, living in and near Nabmlus. What would you do? eminent and the Joint Distribution Club's annual formal party which was for Miami, Fla., where he will spend Weulel you sit back comfortably ajid ftt e§se ip your co?y separation of Israel from Jttdah, were Characteristic of the Samaritans is Committee. held at the West Hotel in the Marble the winter. comprised partly of Palestinian nalieme,, Burrounded by ypur wife ar arm children, y the t happy ppyfaces erfypu d that they still believe in the offering In referring the matter to the Room. More than thirty-five couples PROBATE NOTICE. partly of Assyrians' cplp- of sacrifices, which, they perform on especially created investigating com- attended. The committee who were "Oh, those people thechild die; tives and say 11 ?1?»? l& In the matter o{ the estate ot Dora Wine, y "Oh, p p l donrt interest t s ??TT l the-child clc«'ease<I. l t th i l go wrong llet t th th elUldreji lUld let the girl those othep be cold ld A h nized by Shalmane^er, King of Passpyer on Mount Gerizim on the« mission, the conference recommend- in charge were, H. Goldblatt, chairNotice is hereby giver,: That the ctediof snid deeeuseil will meet (lie execuand uncared for. I have my happiness here." Assyria, in Samaria, in 722 B. C. site of their former temple. ed it to take as a basis for in- man, L. Heeger, E. Robinson, L. tors tor of snid estate, hi'fore me. County Judge Because the vicinity in which they \yith long white beax-d, crimson IT|B£ti&atioT j t h e figures obtained Agranoff, and John Levine. Would you say that? Could you. say that? of Douglas County, Mcbraskn. at the County Court Itooui. in sajd County, on the 2(liU Scores of cases like the above aare handled a d d each e a h y§$ by the settled wag frequently attacked by headdress and flowing black robe,' t h r o u g h .l a s t y e a r ' s census with re(lily of February, l!)2.i, nncl on (lie 23n! tiny Among the students who are spend- oi April. 1!>25, nt i) o'clock A. M., each flay, ih W lf F d t i Q h J E f d d of f individuals lions, they accepted the Teligjon of Ippking like an Old Testament patri-1 g a r d t p t h e n u m b e r , profession and J/ewi§h Welfare Federation off Qmaha. JEfimdreds for tlie purpose of presenting their claims examination, ntljnstment niu! nllov.£r§ helped. Bodies and souls are saved. Misery is relieved- the country. Since then they were arch, Isaac Ben Amram, High P r i e s t ' a g e o f t h e j e w i s n peQ ple in Ukrainia ing their school vacation here are Ed- for nr.cp. Three months are nlloweti for the win Baron, Abe Bass, Morton Goldknown in Jewish religious history as of the Samaritans, petitioned the and White Russia. $P-is driven away." Life and hope are restored. creditors to present their- claims, from the day of .Tannnry. 1!i J3. the "lion proselytes". High Commissioner for permission to It is expected that the commis- stein, Ben Brodkey, and Carl Saltz- lTUiBRVCE CEAWFOED, County Juilpe. You should be present, at the anim&I meeting of the Jewish While retaining the principles of prpceed to London, where he intends s } o n w i l l c o m p l e t e its investigation man, University of Iowa; Ben Pill, l-S-25 Welfare Federation on,Wednesday evening, January 28 at the the Jewish religiqn, the "lion prose- to conduct research work m the Brit-; bgfore the beginning of the next recoKniaed only the five books bopte jsh ish Museum for the purpose of w r i t - Lagricultural ^ . ^ ^ u , , ^ , «,„«,„„ Fonten^lle Hotel. You should know vyha.t trie Federation is doing. lytes" recognised season. it§ work, is really work,, and is merely y you? y d the th Federation dt meely of Moses and refused to accept the rring the history of the Samaritian nt A ki th j b di teachings of the prophets, - sect. agent. you working on the job; are you doing your Office? 681
^eatreBmldine-rrTelep^pnei Atlantic 1450 NATHAN $. GREEN, M
No one else
ed a d i s a g
do I t for-
Herod's Wonderful Temple
you paid your
enlist the continued interest of the students themselves.. Hence i t is essential that the work be carried on during otherwise vacant periods of the uncy Baldwin, Assistant sphool day . . . . Professor in the Department:-of Eng•'yihe m.oney necessary to finance a lish &t..tb,e University of Illinois, is prpgra.ni of religipus edupation in any .--i-epr/esented in the Jajauary-issue Q£ community rnust he raised by VPlvro, the B'nai B'rith Magazine" by an tary contributions, since tax fun^i article entitle'd "A Suggested'Program are not available for religipus educa 1 of Ethical Education, ' In" tli$ a.rtjcle tion. Money pq ra,jsed ?s plappd in h,e sa.ys: "A belated realization of the tha"h.an,d.s pf a Bpard pf Religious jrjped pf d.evelop4pg a ?np,rgfly educated ^ cpmppsed of selected repcitizenship hag already resulted in resentatives of the cQopersting rel| b •tlift egfebli§^en^ ? feftft Christians i gTQHPg ?°nWbat5Pg. In ajl and Jews of rejjgipnjt centers at some cities twhere the yfafk h,as been suc of our state universities where stu- cespful it has bee|^ catjied pn as ethjcal nity enterprise. i pf those pla.ce:» where i\i> sclieme ftap worked effectively during V i?. b^yoqd question seypral ye^rs are ,Cfary, Indian^ l f t in dev^opin^ reUgiquj Tojedp, Ohio; Wichita, Kansas; Oak Ieaderahip. I expeq^ tP ^Pe it Ill|np|s, and Jtfew Yprk. Only 4ur4jig the till the latter city, no far as I am p | th,e larger u.niver- §Wftre, have . Jews cooperated with i Christians in carrying1 it out. In mn on* wopien ^fto p Yprl? oye? ejghty percent of the pupil W th? t^qyght at $wMkm. in the training cq-p,rd.inateJ5 pn will be ^ their secular- $chopl work ar and indgej}
Prof: Baldwin Urges Religious Eidueatipa
declares that there is no reason for the Jewish deputies to become excited over the matter. The entire protest movement against the order is an exaggeration he states. The concession will be given to war invalids. The Jewish Telegraphic Agency representative learns that the withdrawal of concessions will come into effect soon..
JN Vienna. (J. T- A.) Twenty Jewg were seriously wounded during antiSemitic riots which were organized by members ot fha Awakening Magyars in Mistake?. The Jewish people were attacked in the streets. They were knpeked doyn and trampled uponby their assailants, It was stated that the riots were perpetrated in revepge of the defeat suffered by the Awakenieg Magyars during the by-eleptions held recently in that city.>-
. Herod's temple, a structure of white CONFERENCE APPEALS marble, -vras built by Herod the Great TO JEWISH WRITERS TO at Jerusalem on the site of the Teav HELP FUND ACQUIRE LAND pie of ZerubbabeL Work -was begun IN PALESTINE in 19 B. C, and in nine years end a Jerusalem, (J. T. A.)—-An appeal to] half the temple was ready for use. The " buildtag, says the Detroit Jewish writers and intellectuals all News, was much larger than the preover the world to assist the Jewish National Fund in acquiring Land in ceding ope and measured 100 cubits in length, and.70 cubits in breadth and Palestine was decided upon at a con- 100 cubits In height. The stones comference of Hebrew writers called by posing this edifice were of large dithe: head^uartefs. of the Jewish Na- meJisioiis,;,some of thero,being 25 cutibnaT -Fund aril held' yesterday in bits'" long,'8 cubits "high'and 12 cubits thick. The temple, "which rose like Dilb.
M- M. Ussishkin, the director of the a mount of gold and SBCW," was total,Fund, in a speech lasting two hours, J?^ destroyed by the jjealt ^ith the land problem in Pales-j Sites in 70 A. D. The site is now occupied by the Mosque of Omar. tine and described the past-achieve-J ments and the tasks still confronting Age of Alligators the Jewish JJational Fund. The conThe Department of Agriculture says ference adopted a resolution pledging the age < j f an alligator can only the writers to work for the fund. A be determined by one who has had exspecial committee was elected. perience with these reptiles. Alliga-
STEIGEB ILL IN PRISON; DATE OP TRIAL NOT DETERMINED Lemberg, (J. T. A.)—Stanislaw Steiger, who is still in prison on the R\BBI COOK TELLS HIGH accusation of having thrown a bomb at the Polish president, WojciechowAMERICAN ski, is seriously ill. The prison Jerusalem, <*;*. A.)-The tetej^ authorities have refused to release him on bail, in spite of his illness. I the the rebuilding of Palestine main points of discussion between! & ™* first ^expected t h a t / t h e . Rabbi A! I. Cook and Sir Herbert s e c o n d t n a l ^ o u l d t a k e 5 l a c e l n F e b ' Samu.e^j 'wh0 received the Chief Rabbi
i?:•V',. '
the respect of the y involves the. 3£$u,r|ng of thoroughly trained mi\ adepa«t EsBerienos haa -shown d g iaB8 i n t s «8V never succeed* In ^ y ss large, ^ny usielss.fti is cQtrelRted.tq,
ft i
worfe p t ^fa
jean Jewish life.' 'fbe question of the AGE > OF LOCAI4 FD3MS Jewish Community Ordinance was Jaffa, (J. T. A,)—The Government also discussed. The Rabbi made his of Palestine ought to patronize local proposals regarding the rights of the . in making purchases of supplies. Rabbinate under the Community's This demand was forwarded to the Ordinance. Government in a memorandum sub'mitted by the Jewish Chamber pf Commerce of Jaffa. Government and ROUMANIAN STUDENTS SMASH army officials recently ceased orderWINDOWS OF JEWISH SHOPS. ing goods from. Palestine firms and Bucharest. (J. T. A.) Anti-Semhave, instead, been receiving their itic riots carried on.by students ocsupplies from Crown agents. ' curred again in Claysenburg, where Jews were assaulted in the streets and beaten. The windows of Jewish PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS stores were smashed. The situation became so critical that a company of infantry had to be to restore order. The troops surrounded the rioters, of which
of our entire Fall and Winter Stocks of Quality
tors grow very slowly and It Is estimated that at fifteen years of age they are only two feet long; therefore, a 12-footer may reasonably be presumed to be seventy-five years of age. The rate °* growth varies with anirn«ls in their wild state and those kept in captivity, and it is also governed by the amount as well as the type of
as this woris at tha •however, it w onlS 9, part fifths eduS' " i cational program which- (})e Qr^er NEEDLE TRADE UNIONS PLAN APARTMENT HOUSES in my opinion, plsa t a parry At best it re.aq}je§ 9x\]f a Something iaus£ be America. fan the.eth^al training Of *b e York needle trade unions are conThe High Commissioner was partemplating an initial Expenditure of ^ body of Jewish $mth Q lieyer $1,000,000 on a block of model apart- ticularly interested to learn from JAFFA CHAMBER OF COMi : educa- ment houses as part of a general Rabbi Cook his impressions of Amer-, raach th^ 'university, \ - ;MERGE DEMANDS PATRON i tional advantages end with, the hjgh housing scheme to furnish comfortschool or even with, h able end up-to-date homes for the • "For mpeting the need of moral families of -workers in the needle and religipu^ tfSWnffln thft «ase trades. The unions are the Interi>oy% and. givla »f Beaonda.iV schoolnational Ladies Garment Workers' § the 8p-p§Ued fGary plan,' or a Union, the Amalgamated Clothing of, ft, has been Workers of America, the Furriers' y - in Union, and the Cap Makers' Union. §eams admirably, .adapted The financial factors in the proposed ^ the plai> involves! plan are the International Bank, instruction by owned by the Garment Workers, and t h e giving of - find, parried, teacherp tq the Amalgamated Bank, owned by the Pf Clothing Workers. m m giyon pn SPhPQl .days The unions in the needle" trades gnd. iforing schflorhp-urs^ but outa}4« represent about 150,000 workers in fifiJte«3l buildings, ^ d pnljf to- s y ? this city, most of whom live in pupils a s expreps a wish to revive jt, Harlem, the Bronx, the east side 6f Manhattan,' WiUiatnsburg, Browns^ reUgjou§ each ville and East New York. These famf . yeHgtons ilies live in the old type of tenement, a tb§ kind of ?e.\igiD.u> in^rpeti It is estimated that the undertak| y SbiWf§n ph&ll receive. ing will permit rentals of between $8 '.'The reaeonableness-of pro-; a.nd $10 a room. The plans will make Visions is auffiqiently qbyjoyg. use of the maximum space possible detailed explanation, p $B for light and air. Gardens, children's should be eiriplpyei}, because playgrounds and play space will be the tea,chlr>e "will neither provided.
Continuing into the /Veto Year Our %8th Semi-Annual
FOR RENT Furnished Room for one or two persons. Private family. — West Farnam District. References. Call m o r n i n g s , Walnut 6815.
at Rea Our entire stock of High f Grade Diamonds and P!atlnu?n fe Jewelry ..for your selection
I At a Great Rawing * I *
After December 25, we will be • in our new wholesale and retail sales offices, 214-15-16 City National Bank Bldg.
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IVE Nebraska patrons a Keal New Year's value treat—sell these wonderful values in fresh new clothes now—sell thei» at rock bottom prices— demonstrate that "as we buy, so we sell'." That's the spirit of this store—The Nebraska's buying advantages are immediately passed on to Nebraska's patrons.
Standard Quality
Standard Tailored
forty were arrested and order was nally restored.
TEACHERS STRIKE ENDS IN PALESTINE Jerusalem, (J. T, A,)—The strike in tlie Hebrew scb.oo.1 system in Palestine, proclaimed by the Hebrew TeachJewish Deputies Exaggerate "I ers Association, ended. , today when Protest Against Withdrawal of the Zionist; Executive 'granted the Concessions, Polish Minister demands of the association. Declares. ' Warsaw. (J. T. A.) The protests DR. CBTA3ES. CHIEF RABBI,OF of the Jewish deputies in the - Palish VIENNA, LEAVES FOR EUROPE N,ew York, (J, T. A.)-r-Drr Zev* fiejm, against-the law passed by the ^government- ta- withdraw the Chajes, Chief Rabbi of Vienna, who concessions on monopolised articles, -arrived here on December 2, is ieavcapgedthB 5oKah rniutstet"4Ctf finance ing tomorrow, on the steamer-Albert to issue a statement in which he Ballin for Europe.. ^_^_- r —_,
From BOY Overcoats to
From Young Men'f Uj
sorrative Suits. Almost
Ulsters — Every
Wanted Sfvlp Is Featured
Model and
PAGE S—THE JEWISH PRESS—THURSDAY, JANUARY 1, 1925 Miss Yetta Levy, who is teaching | and -second prize was won by Mrs. ' A regular meeting of the Torati •will be held: next at Gibbon, Neb., is visiting relatives'. Charles"Poska. College students who have been home for the mid-winter vacation are and friends in this city. -evening, January 6, at eight o'clock. Miss Harrietts Nefsky entertained at the synagogue. leaving the latter part of this week to resume their school gtudies. Rabbi Eisenburg of New York con- at a theatre" party Friday afternoon Following are the students and the Universities or Military Academies they are returning to: Benjamin College—Rosaline Goldstein; Ferry Hall— ducted the services at the Tif ereth ] in honor of Miss Helen Eliscu of St.' Miss Riith Shyken, daughter of fc-and Mrs. S. Shyken/ entertain^: . Bernice Ferer; Vassar College—Ethel Gladstone; Northwestern College— Israel Synagogue for Friday evening J Joseph. twenty - guests- a t a-theater p»vtv Ethel Reuben; Chicago Art School—Lillian Hubenstein; Chicago University— and Saturday morning. He is also Saturday afternoon in honor of h"~: Mildred Cohn; University of Michigan—Reva Kulakofsky, Lester Slosberg, having a play and program Sunday COUNCIL BLUFFS twelfth birthday.''""After tine" p)irvJoseph Bushman, Myron Blotcky, and Max Guttman; University of Illinois—r evening. refreshments were served at Louis Somberg; Kemper Military Academy—Hubert Sommer, Samuel Somr Mrs. Reuben Brown was hostess at Mr, Morris Friend entertained at cards last. Sunday. A buffett lunberg; Notre Dame University-rrEdvfard Levinson; Nebraska University— The Chevra B'nai Ylsroei So.-i-"t' Estelle Lapidus, Kate Goldstein, Fanny Levipspn, Ljllian Margolin, Sara the Lincoln Hotelfor his friends and cheon followed. relatives at.-a dinner and egrd party will hold a. regular', meeting v.t*i. Somberg, Gertrude Konim, Edwin Rosenthal, Oscar Weinstein, Lester Simon, WEDDINGS before his departure to Florida and Wednesday evening, January 7, fit ;.!•'* A large crowd attended the Chanuka An announcement of social interest David Sher, Bennett Cohn, Harry Cohn, Joe Linsman, Ben Ravitz, and Joe St. Louis for a vacation, BRODKEY-KULAKOFSIiY synagogue, play whicj^was presented by pupils Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Kulakofsky was made this week by Mr, and! Mrs. Stern; Ames-^David Chesno; Iov?a~Leo Eonecky. of the Talmud Torah and Sunday Miss Jeannette Gilinsky and b-'sr Mrs. Lewis Ellis entertained the announce the marri-gis of their A, P. Alpirn pf the engagement of Sunday afternoon at the K. P. sister, Mrs, P, Sherman of Sioux C5t-•. Miners Bridge Club at j daughter, Bernice, to Mr. Abe IJ. tLeir daughter, Eva Renee, tp Mr. Mr. and Mrs. J, Fall? entertained Earl Ooodbinder, Edward Weiner, Hall. entertained at bridge Sunday s.f^:''~Brodkey, son of Mr- and Mrs. Max Irving Bernstein, son pf Mr. and Mrs. seventeen guests at bridge at their Joseph (Silver-man, Robert Swartz, home Wednesday, Dec 17. Prizes j noon at the home of the former if; 'Mr. Isaac Solzman, son of Mr. and were won by Mrs. Jacob Davidson and Albert Fpgel, David Bernstein, and Brodkey, of Sioux City, la. The young Simon. Bernstein, of Des Moines, la. home Thursday evening. Mrs. Sydney Shostak. The out-of- Mrs. Nathan Solzman, has the leading honor of Miss Gertrude Goopcff * couple were married in Kansas City, No date has been set for the wedJake Rasnick. Miss Bess Handler has as her-guest ; town .guests were Mrs. N. Dworsky, role in the Senior Class Play of the January bride-to-be. <Mo.", by Rabbi Herman M. Cohn, a ding. Mr. and Mrs. Simon Bernstein, Miss Sara Krechefsky, of" Lincoln, Mrs. P. Sherman and dangh'tev <>f of Minneapolis, Minn., and Miss University of Iowa. Mr. Solsman is Mr. and Mrs, Charles Bernstein, and cousin of the bride. Neb. • . • • ' > Sioux City, Iowa, left Sunday cvetsin.c Jeanette Pitlor, of Omaha. Mrs. Eli! w spending his vacation with his no The young coupje will make their small daughter, Rita, and Mr. Irving Evnen will entertain the club at the parents, but returns to Iowa City for her home after spending the pm'< Bernstein arrived Wednesday to be home in Sioux City, la. Mrs. S, L. Shostalf and little daughThe marriage of Miss Sara Fogelr two weeks with her parents,"Mr, ««•'•' the guests for New Years of Mr. and ter, Marjorie, of Lincoln, returned $o son and Mr. Jack Dorbin takes place next meeting. Sunday afternoon.' Mrs. A. Gilinsky. KLAVER-ROITSTEIN Mrs. Alpirn. In their honpr Mr, and their home after haying visitedI here Thursday evening.in the presence of Mrs. Lewis Ellis entertained Tues- The Junior Council will hold a BusiMr. and Mrs. S. Roitstein apnounce Mrs. Alpirn are entertaining a famlast week with Hvs, Shostak's sister, the immediate family. Rabbi Starrels day afternoon, December 23, in honor ness roeeting' Sunday afternoon, Firms advertising' ift' "The Jewish- the marriage cf their daughter, Anne, ily group at the Highland Country will perform the ceremony and a Mrs. A. Theodore, and family. of her sister, Miss Sarah Sirinsky, in January 4, at the home of the Misses • Preiss" deserve your patronage—TJ, to Mr. Sam E. Klaver, of this city. Club New Year's Eve dinner dance, at ception will be held from 8 till 10. honor of her thirteenth birthday. Sophie and Lillian Steinberg, 1428, TO YOUR INTEREST to The ceremony was solemnised Sunday the Blackstone hotel. AMah Jongg party will be given T H wil, b ea t h o m e a t galin West Broadway. i them. evening, pecember 21, at the home of by the Temple Israel Sisterhood MonMr, Jacob Davidson left for New Kansas, after a short wedding trip. the brjfie'p parents before the presence The engagement of Miss Mary day afternoon, in the Vestry Room of York on business. of only the immediate relatives. Lasher, of New York City, to Mr. the Temple. . Misses Juljette Eliscu and Helen Mr. Harold Oestreicher, who is atRabbi J. M. Chariop officiated. Eliscu were the guests from St, Joe Mayer Gorelick, of this city, son of Miss Regina Stolz, of Chicago, 111., at the home of Mrs. Albert Speire, tending the Chicago University, is Mr. and Mrs. Klaver are now mak- Mr. and Mrs. Solomon Gorelick, was visiting with his parents. ing their home at 3536 Hamilton St, announced this week. No date has who was the house guest of Miss Mildred Cohn, left Wednesday for Miss Henrietta Asbyll is visiting in Paston Block "The Store of Individual Shops" 16th & E'arnain been set for the wedding. Mrs. Carl Sirinsky returned last Des Moines, la., where she will visit. Omaha this week. She is the guest Friday from Chicago, HI., where she of Miss Gertrude Romm • Hostesses for Miss Gertrude Cooper, Mrs. Ferdinand Adler was hostess visited with her son, Koby, who is j daughter of Mr» and Mrs. D, Cooper, at a. luncheon and IVJah. Jongg party .Mrs. Sadie Maher was hostess at a The Daughters of Israel" gave a studying the violin under Professor luncheon at the Fontenelle Hotel last who will be married to Mr. Abe at the Brandeis 'Tea Rooms Tuescard party at the Ivre Club rooms Diamond. Saturday afternoon. Mozer, qf this city, son of Mr. and day afternoon. Tuesday evening. Prizes were given Noto in Progress Mrs. M. U Mpser, pf Lincoln, SunMr. and Mrs. Sam Goldfein anat each table and refreshments were day evening, January 11, gre enterMrs. M. Tatjt and daughter, Gernounce the birth pf .a-son born Deserved, Buy Your Winter taining her at luncheons, bridge trude, returned Tesday evening from cember 19. Mrs. Goldfein was formerparties, and dinner-dances. Those St. Joseph, Mp-i wftere they were visThe Ladies' National Progressive Mr. Fleishman of Omaha was' in ly Miss Ruth Kefsky. Coat Here Now who have already been her hostesses iting with Mrs. Tatle's daughter, Mrs. Club gaye a ChanuckS Banguet Mpn- Lincoln Tuesday. y Mr. Nathan Zolat hap returned are Mias Reub,en, th,e M Misses Joseph W, Leibcjwitz, and.Mr. Leibo- day evening, December 29, at th.e and Save— Miss Bernice Diamond who is teach- from a business trip to' Salina, Kans. Swedish Auditorium. A resume of Bella and Dorothy Singer, Miss Helen witz. the year's work giveii after which ing at Julian, Neb., will spend a few Robinson, the Misses Celia and Lillie Mr. D. Nefsky, a student'at Ann Coats of the haridMr. I. Feinstein and daughter, the.-following program was given: a days in Omaha. lfooper. This week's entertainments Arbor, Mich, is home for vacation with somest materials, in the were given by Miss Bessie Snitzer Florence, of St. Paul, Minn., who violin solo by Mrs. Ben Minkin acDr. Hinman of the Nebraska Uni- his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Nefsky.'. beautiful colors of the were visiting here with Mr. and Mrs. companied by Miss Vera Berry; an versity spoke a t the Temple B'Nai who entertained eix couples las season, unusually smart J. Rosenberg, left Sunday for Hollyoriginal selection by Benzion GerMrs. I. Rehmer entertained at a Thursday evening. Saturday after eshuran Friday evening, .His subin line and trimmings. noon, Miss Sadie Levey entertained wood, Cal.i where they will spend the shater; a poem by" J. Morgenstern, iect'was Imanuel Kant, "Ethics of S bridge party Wednesday afternoon. Reduced to— and then the principal address of the he Day", First prize was won by Mrs. Levy at bridge, Mrs. Philip Sherman and winter. evening by Mr. J . Segal, of New Miss Jeanette Gilinsky were hostesse Rose Goldfein of Fremont is a guest at bridge and Mah Jongg at the Miss Dorothy Pickus, of Sioux City, York, who is touring the country in latter's home Sunday afternoon la., is the week-end guest of Miss the interest of the National Work- at the home of her son and daughter-, MARIE r in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Goldfein. Sunday evening, Mjss Beulah Mittle- Kate Goldstein. They are both leav- ers' Alliance. CORSET SHOPPE inan wa.g hostess at a dinner-dance ing Sunday to resume their studies at the Nebraska University. Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Grossman an204 AQCILA COCBT The regular meeting of tfie Jewish and bridge party honoring Miss nounce the birth of a daughter, born Fhona ATIantlo E79B Cii?ture' League will be held Sunday .Cooper and her fiance. Covers were Miss Fanny Levinson is entertain- afternoon, January 4. A- Jewish December 25th at the Lincoln SaniOmaha. Ncbr. laid for twenty guests. ing at her home today, honoring Miss folk-lore will be given by Mr. H.tarium. J touts in Styles That Please Faye 3rd Fiopr Bondarin followed by a musical KRASNE—HORN program. Mr. HaroJd Ostricher, a student of Attendants for the wedding of Miss Arm 3Jp*n, daughter,jf Mrjjand Mrst_ the University of Illinois, impending The annual election of officers of ^ who will be- married to the week-end in Omaha- ~* the Junior Hadassah will be held We specialize In the originations and designings o£ ladies gowns, coats and scits , son of Mi', and Mrs. joe Thursday evening, January 8, at the at moderate prices, Miss Nellie Ferer left Thursday for Jewish Community Center. M. I^i'arne, of Council Bluffs, Iowa, 230 Aquila Court ATlantic 4382 haye b£tn chmen, For her matron St. Louis, Mo., where she will visit An election of officers of the relatives for a. week. of, honor Miss Horn will have Mr;-, Hatikvoh Girls will be held Sunday Lawrence Krasne, of Council Bluffs, Miss Eamona Nanette Slosburg afternoon at the Jewish Community T'Jiss Begs JJqrn, the bridf/s Will be her niaid-of-hpnpr, and entertained the Bluebird Club at her Center. the Misses Ba.ylja Freiden, Ann R*- home last Tuesday at a pne o'clock binovitz, Ruft l£yasne, nnd Patsy luncheon. Covers were laid for twenty Organizations that are interested the luncheon a in Jewish Colonization i a Soviet Rosenthal will be bridesmaids. -Mr. children. Following 1 Krasne's heetman will be rIie bride's; business meeting of the club was held Russia are requested to send delbvc.th.er, Mr- Fred Horn. Messrs, after which gameg and dancing fol- egates to the conference which is called for Sunday afternoon, January Sam Horn, Roy Rosenthul, .C'y4e lowed. We are now giving 11, at three o'clock at the Labor Krasne, -mcl Albert Rabinovitz will away, free, the beauMiss R.ose Fromkin, of Milwaukee, Lyceum.. Joseph Radinowski is tenv be the grroomsmen, and. th»* usljers Wis., arrived last week to visit with porary secretary. $2.50 to $4.50 tifully colored Maswill be Messrs. Jarvis Frieden, .and •win uc iucaaiOi u u i y i o i. Liwuciu -CHILI " — — - . field Fairish calenFred Levey. Ftomkin, and An open meeting of the Shfeba? y Little Miss Harriett j *M «r s brpther Mr.3 nMax d t h h e r ^ r Club will be held Sunday afternpon Phyllis Levine, niece of the bride, dars with each purG 0SS e ringbearer. Little Miss Lor; 'part ! of; this January 11, at the Jewish Comtliase of imurty Center. A program is being rame Krasne will be flpwer-girl, and » «*urKjjng the wee for her ho Little Miss Edith Krasne will be planned. * Miss Ida E. Minkin left Saturday trainbearer. Main Dining Room—Orchestra The Montifoire Club, a club newly • Those who ha,ve been hostesses afternqon to visit, with friends and Indian Grill—Informal for Miss Ann Horn are Miss relatives in St. Joseph and Kansas organized by boys ranking from the Ruth Krasne, who entertained City, Mo« WM9 & Kansas City, she' a g e s of 16 to 18. Thejast regular at an • evening bridge at her will be bridesmaid at the wedding of meeting of the club washejd Sunday home, Miss Esther Brown wa.s her cousin, Miss Sadie Parleman, on December 28, at the - Jewish Comhostess at her home Sunday, Decem- Sunday, January 4. ^ munity Center. ber 21. On Tuesday afternoon, The purpose of this club is to interMrs. I. Katz" and "daughter, Sylvia, est the young Jewish men to help tha December 23, Mrs. Lawrence Krasne enteii;ained in hohor 'of Miss Horn, of Kansas City,' Mo., arrived Sunday Jewish causes which arise 'occasionally §1.50 to $3.50 Thursday afternoon, December 25t to visit for a fvw weeks with Mr. and and to participate in all athletic Mrs. Harry Crounse. Miss Horn was honored at an afterevents. The officers of this club are, Cafeteria Never Closes noon bridge when Miss Anne Ra- . Mr. and M?st Ben H. Miller left for Abe Winer, president; Ben "Wine Since we liave only 1,500 of tlieso binovitz was ' hostess. Mis» Sadie St. Joseph, Mo., where they will be secretary; Nathan Ferer, treasurer. this offer is good tmtil.the' supply is Levey entertained at her home the guests of Mr. Joe Miller and f am- and the other' members of the club Saturday afternoon, December 27,1.. a n d a l g Q are, David Hoberman, Louis Kuhlberg, ed. !CIicse calendars, which are lithographed guests of Mr. Ste. PhUip Sherman and. MJ^s ^ te f K n fe g .•reproductions of Maxfield Parrish^g boajiti•Jeanette Gihnsky entertained at the -,. ' -" ful and well known painting, contr.in'four-.iatter-'s h°nie Sunday afternoon, ^t ' ' ENROLL YOUR CHILDREN teen colors. * Mrs. S, Rips was hostess at two an afternoon bridge. Miss Patsy in theRosenthal entertained Tuesday after- tables of bridge a t her home last' noon at her home at bridge, and Tuesday •afternoon. Prizes were' won; FOR Miss Esther Brodkey is entertaining by the Mes,danies L.. Albert and B , ! YOU at a Tea Simday at her home,. Perleman. Clear White
Students Return To School This Week
• •
FO NTENELLE Luncheon 75c
Worth of Lamps
Jaime Hebrew and EcSuca tioaal School
Miss Ann Minkin entertained the Mr. and Mrs. Nate Mantel are entertaining a"numb7r" of'ouT-of-to^mHajobls Weekly Bridge Club, a t ; h e r . ntertainiiig >faa number of out-of-town guests •a t a house party until after home last Tuesday evening. Prizes,
New Years. Those who are their were won by the Misses Hannah Sara Igeman Filvin and Jlo§e are MJss and Mr. -Manuel Iseman, of Nebraska Marvin Treller,' who is connected City, Nebr.,- Mr. Albion Spier and with the Bedell[s _ Store at Chicago, L y andd .little littl Levy, Mr and Mrs, E 111., will visit with his parents, Mr. i daughter, jeannie May, «£ Lincoln, and Mrs, E. Treller, this week. His Nebraska. friends entertained at a surprise Sfr, M, E. Cha.praan left for New party at th,e Highland Country Club Party New Year's Eve in his honor. York City pn'a i lips Anne Zajk left Wednesday for MFS. Ben Binder, of New York, es - Moines, Iowa, where she will and Miss Alice Adler, who is attendisit - with her sister, Mrs. Leonard ing school in the East, arrived Monockenberg. She is expected • to day-to yisjt with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Adler. return home Monday.
Miss Anne Finkel has as her house Messrs." Melvin Jacobs and Jerome Invest, Miss Bess Weinstein, of Siftux Kocji, of Chicago, 111., are the house guests of Miss Sylvia Adler. i Iowa.
4962 Dodge Street J. L. WOLFSON, Instructor For enrollment call Walnut 8755, or Jackson 3967.
Mazda B Lamps
You can make sure of saving $1,000 or more by making sma.II monthly deposits under our new Assured Sys-^ tematic Saving Plan, and at the same time provide a guarantee of this amount being paid, in addition to your-savingsin the event you dp not live.
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LOUIS A. FREIBERG, Rep. • Pays 6% Quarterly 18th and Harney, Omaha, Neb.
Occidental Bldg. & Loan Assn., ISth and Harney, Omaha, Xel>. Utl I'leasq SH?n4 me, -without obHgatjaa, -your pamphlet entitled ?1,000 for you."'
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home with Kdi$on M a z d a
laaips. {The long .winter nights are here. However, important sure that' light is u s e d properly in Jspth home and offlee*
PAGE 4^-THE JEWISH PRESS—THURSDAY, JANUARY I, 1925 Firms advertising in "The Jewish | cess of the plan agoinst disability and made; a .National-Institution -out-of ment of Information and Statistics on Jewish events and publishes its Press" deserve your patronage—It is ! accidental dca'.h.) what at first appeared a . 3ocal findings annually in the American hospital As a, means. of building an estate TO YOUR INTEREST to support Jewish Year Book. Another of; its for your family, this plan cannot be them. Leo N. Levi Hospital, Hot publications is the Monthly Summary Report to the Bbair4 of Directors of the Jewish Welfare The Occidental Building and Loan excelled. Its practicability and suc- Springs '• f ' of Events of Jewish Interests. The ,.,--'.•, Federatlohi pecemlber 29th, 1924 The Hospital was organized in Bureau is an indispensable source Association has opened a new depart- cess'have already been assured and 1911/ under the auspices of the B'nai of information on Jewish affairs to ment, which, we are sure, is of spe- the Occidental Building and Loan AsB.BLUMENTHAL, Superintendent. By B'rith. . Its budget is • $(£,000 per organizations and individuals. / cial importance to the readers of sociation's repudation for integrity j year, with a reported deficit of $20,t h i s r paper. This department' is and fair dealing stands as a guarantee \ Certified Pubiic Accountants Finances 000. The Hospital treats Blood and Audits Systems Since this is the last regular meet-' we see it, in the words, of the Prophet other diseases for •which •• the hot Our financial problems, like the handling the ~new Assured Systematic for this plan. investigations ing o f the fiscal year^T shall dwell is to bring back the hearts of ' the j springs' have a splendid reputation Poor we have with us always. Our Saving Plan, which is becoming more iS4 to Ml) I'pfprs J'ro^t Mr. Louis A. Freiberg has been apbut briefly, on each of our constituent children to the parents and that of for cure. Four patients were sent Annual Meeting is to take place popular daily.; organizations and on. the national the parents to the children. Happily by us to that Hospital during the earlier than usual this year, so that pointed special representative for this One is: enabled by this plan to save institutions to ..which we contributed our "Y" is approaching that goal. it will be necessary for us to bend department and will be pleased to expast year. * - <• any amount from $1000 to $5000, by A fuller, report, together with recall energies towards the collection of City Talmud Torah plain the plan to all interested. Ee National Farm School ' . ommendations will be submitted.to Harry Kononovitch outstanding subscriptions. Although, making small monthly payments, on The Parent-Teacher Association can be reached at the Association ofOrganized in 1896, this institution you at our Annual Meeting which, we have still outstanding approxi' a s planned by the Executive Com- meetings recently re-introduced in the has a school and farm in Bucks mately $7,500, we will have enough which the Occidental pays interest at fice, 1806 Harney, by calling AT lantic I - • .jnittee, is'to be held Wednesday, Jan- City Talmud Torah, have been meet- County; Pennsylvania, for training of money to take care of our Relief the rate of 6% payable compounded 6374. Sfodi —2UJ Cronnsp Blk. uary 28th. Rabbi Goldman of Cleve- ing expectations/ A recent change agriculturists. Through the,'courtesy Department work till the Annual quarterly. This high rate of interest Barney M16 land, head of the largest' Community "n the curriculum has been effected of that organization, we are now Meeting, but doing that will leave us greatly enhances the . value of the Bowing for Advnnced I'upUg. n .keeping with modern standards: Center in America, will address our offering a free scholarship at the no money for the last half of 1924 new.plan making it most desirable ,' • Annual Meeting on Federation , and that .is.the method of teaching Ivrith school to an Omaha boy who desires appropriations to the National InB'ivrith" and appears to be meeting from-jan! investment standpoint. ; • Community Center problems and engaging in i t ' a s life ; work. " We stitutions. ••••.• : Gate City Furniture Co. -ideals.- The Annual Meeting will with general' approbation. Of inters have several requests from those who Furiherroore, the Association has I desire t o recommend t o this Board take place, as in, years past, in the est also to those interested in mod- desire to take advantage, of the Every Known Kind and this plan underwritten, so that the "Ball Room of the Fontenelle.Hotel.' ern teaching, is the organization of opportunity offered by this scholar- inauguration of a H a p p y D a y F u n d , death ipf the. saver will not render, the of Insurance commemorating t h e celebration;. jj$£ Globe Van & Storage Co. a special class for girls, now 30 in Since there is but four weeks.' left ship "and we will shortly announce'the Various happy occasions; A contribu- plan inoperative. On the contrary owned nnrt operated by before that important event, 'may number, between, the ages of. 13 and one selected. 209 W. O. W. Bldg. JA. 3944. tion made t o t h e Federation on such the family of tJre participant of the I urge the members of the Board 16. That class is under the guidance GKOSSMAN & SONS occasions would n o t only b e a n addiof an expert woman-teacher and reNational Desertion* Bureau to keep that date constantly* in mind 520-22 Nn. Iflth St. plan will receive the amount originaltional source of income, b u t a sults are already beginning to show. At. 0230 Jrt. 4338 and to urge as many members of the Organized 14 years ago, has assist- medium t o register generosity. A ly set as the goal to be saved plus the Federation as possible to attend.' . ed Jewish relief organizations in the number of t h e Federations of t h e balance- in" the account. (Provision Home for the Aged handling of 14,000 desertion cases. Since the improvements recently It is doing incalculable good in country t h a t have h a d H a p p y D a y has also been made to insure the suc., , Federation Bpoklet - { Olgtribators ot F u n d s f o r a considerable time testify made/ the Home for the Aged is in Our office has received comments first-class physical condition. The prosecuting offenders, .and. uniting to i t s success. Western Bond—and High F. 8. UOKBV. Prop. on our recently published Federation old folks are being given the usual families, thereby helping maintain Grade Stationery A n o t h e r recommendation t h a t I Office Pbone JAcfcsoa S128 pamphlet from cities in' all" sections good care. With the admission of Jewish Moral Standards. • - * Phone Webster 0820 Omaha. Nebraska. wish would b e given thought p r e p a r of the.country, from New York and a patient from across the river, the JOHN FELDMAN THE LAUNDK1' THAT Bureau of Jewish Social Research atory t o t h e Annual Meeting is t h e San Francisco;' as well as from our Home has now become an interEVERYBODY LIKES. The Bureau was organized, in 1919, establishment of a n Endowment Fund, Clothier neighbors in Des Moines and Kansas state institution. as a merger of various phillanthropic t h e principal t o b e derived from City, Local citizens -who are not Fail Dress Suits and Tuxedos research bureaus. It is' supported by legacies, bequests a n d from life i n members of the Federation ba.ve also Wise Hospital Moved from US No. !6tb St. to provided by the American Jew- . surance policies, taken out with the 203 Ksrbarh Block, 15th & Douglas Sts responded. To be sure it is not the As you have heard read this eve- funds OMAHA NEBI1. ish Committee, by the~ New York'*?„«!«»„+!„„ v««««-,;««,» Federation as beneficiary. amount subscribed by these new ning, the Executive Committee has • members that is the important thing. recommended an increase to $5,000 Foundation and by • Federations of Spiritual Values O t R rKUATMKSCjL- tVIIJL - Their interest; in our communal prob- per year in the annual appropria- Jewish Philanthropies throughout the CONVINCD VOt « t ©UK These are more or less dry words country. Its purpose is research into lems '.and willingness to share our tion to the Hospital. That is indeed SINCKIUTT. and figures, material entities, but out problems of Jewish social and com-. WASH AND KEEP WELL mutual responsibilities is the impor- gratifying. Trust f munal life in America and in other 1 °, these grow spiritual values. At Sai>ty Deposit ' ' tant thing. A RULE OF HEALTH A r . The,habits of many years cannot enters of Jewry throughout thej+1the Meeting next month we *" Annual ' * ~" -* — - ^— be changed over-night. Some folks world. shall present to the entire commu; Relief Department It has recently made special FRONTIER TOWEL SUPPLY There has been an increase of- 60 are still using other hospitals as long surveys of Jewish Communities and nity these spiritual values, show their as they have funds and use our own significance to the cause of Judaism, 1819 California Street. 1307 Howard St. At. 8S2S per cent in the relief budget' for the Jewish Community problems in Philapresent month, principally due to the Hospital only when their money is delphia, Brooklyn, St. Louis, Cleve-I to the fair name of the Jew, and Omaha, Nebr. EFFICIENT B.nd KESI'OKSIBI^E severe winter weather. The _ chief exhausted. We are co-operating with land, Los Angeles, San Francisco, show the part Federation plays in the Hospital authorities to change E.AVJSPRT. - items of expenditures are for neces- conditions. Our Hospital . is still Detroit^ Milwaukee, Newark .and a the cause of good citizenship and Where yonr clothes come hom«? enligthened humanity. sities of life, such as coal, rent and being used by -some as a boarding number of smaller communities. 'The cleaner end last I oncer. food. While these remedial"matters house for patients who are not well Bureau's budget at present is $50,000 m. Sr-07-U &K>k*OB St. &Tt»nt • are important, we have not over» enough to work, but too well to be. per year, and if its contemplated H JAPOBBKRGF.H, F WHOLESALE Firms advertising in "The Jewish I T Service r» r « will •_ * n * V * ' carried .. . -, •.-;* -, ,t • ••_.*.„. looked wherever possible the reftabili- in a Hospital. Such practices mate- T-I« Field be into ! „ • „ , . -,, " -" tation of persons and families, go rially increase the cost of Hospital effect, and Stationers the *„,»,«,«• budget will be ir>mvasf>A increased ~fr~nt. +!,„ win "ho Press" deserve your patronage—It is that they might be in position to maintenance, and should be dis- to $70,000. Omens ©ffl<-e; 1518 Uoncfae «0!-iC3-S03 gontb tOtb tstrrtt I TO YOUR INTEREST to support! Omaha Phonr Atlantic help themselves. The greatest cause couraged. KesUJrncr, I34Z s o . 25tb Pt. The Bureau maintains a Depart- them. Tel. ATlantir 6637 of dependency and necessity for relief Ford Transfer & Storage Co. The Free Loan Society, Social Place of itasinpKs, 2415 Cnmlne St. is still unemployment and I must R. A. FORI>. Service Work, Boy Scouts and the Tel. ATlantic 8831. again refer to its. serious'nature and President tind Genero) Msnasrer, .serious consequences, unless every Jewish - Women's Welfare OrganizaCouncil BlnlTs <Jovra) Offlc* possible effort is made to provide tion will be reported on at the AnJIM) So. IWRIIJ Mtmpt. , . work for those who are eager- arid nual Meeting. Call us for good able to labor for their daily bread. National Institutions 1 •. And now. a few words about each Transients of the national institutions, to whom Our transient problem has in large we are contributing: MICKLIN LUMBER CO. CCHJNCI!.- BI-L'bTB. IA. measure been solved, and although " The Hias was organized in 1001, we are now . doing less. extensive the facilitate 24th & Burdette Sts. WE. 5555 entry of Jewish --•Service is Om Motto work, we are devoting our energies immigrants to the various., ports in the to more intensive work; Instead ,of' United States, to provide them temSafe Deposit. Boxes few Ront. passing on the young boys to other porary assistance, to prevent their cities, we are endeavoring to get in becoming public charges and to dis-. touch' 'with their1 parents and make •'"""arrangements to send them to their Courage their settling in congested cities. The New Immigration Laws, homes. instead of decreasing the work of Meeting in Chicago the Hias, has temporarily increased ; 1 V,-.^;--:^v.pf:A.-sp(^' *natare ;j8--ttMs-;;'1iansient-' its work. The chief reason is that 'One of America's Great Hotels' 7\;v'.:.ii>rpblem- that it was; one of the; cWef Jhero are many more details to be 1 j ' reasons for the call of ^meeting :* of attended to in dealing with Jewish. ';: •/:•:: the 'Executives of the various ;. JiJid- Immigrant cases. These call for ' PAXTON HOTEL ;H - ^West- ^Welfare Federations, to meet extra care and supervision. Also iXH^ in Chicago on January Jlth and l^thi the hew law is so .intricate, that • TUKKISH BATHS :t I'..-.; Your 'Superintendent hais -been/ »r- its various clauses must constantly oow operated cp V •-;.' gently requested to: attend- that ?Coii- be interpreted and subjected to PAXTON HOTEL When Thinking of Mens' Hats siS: ference, because' Omaha is 'iri; a closest scrutiny. Because of postSteam, Turkish, find Electric Baths. Or Furnishings te;: :i strategic position to co-operate -with. war conditions, the Hias established A!) M o d e r n E i t REMEMBER ~i; other communities invtoM respect. offices in Europe, 'which are still * v:;: However, due to the stress of'work maintained. This is due to the large - s h i n : our- office and especially ini view number' of immigrants stranded in 1421 DOUGL.AS S T . Any -way you fret them in any package ?• y fi of:?the preparations that, have to f be the various European ports, awaitTOE V. W O L F SAM N. : ing their "next", which in many in&ffi;;;m^e^for;^.:aimual; &etin&'y(iur. ft .• t s Superintendent has felt it • necessayy stances will not-be called in years. are B-o-o-d eating for everybody. '^-.;*'.-'.^-to^decline. the invitation : to attend The ilias contribtites $100,000 to the : $500,000 now- beiiig raised by the Ask yonr grocer for ITEX CRACKERS g;{. /-;: the-Vmeeting,;.: -'' .r :• ]' •'•;K:--:,'.'.>'/-'l/v ; r i THE JBKINN & JENSEN CO. : c ; :; Committee on Jewish by name always. Get the genuine and •• |S-;i.v;:;>: ^. j^-:i: Office iForce ^? "f'.•";:'• C Emergency •' Wtiolisale pajfer be satisfied ail ways! NI Refugees C i^V V . : ^"We' ar^;doinffidur utmost: to,;keiep distributors for ^;:::lV'{-;^b-''ojeratmgt'.€^ensesT.pf^the'.''Ceiir' Jewish Orphan Home, Cleveland Northern Toilet Tissue ^^i, 3 tral office^^ down ^o*: the -barest That institution was organized 'ii ^ixuninram,; butv tiie volume > of, -work, U12 Barney Street sS'it pertaining ;tp relief,:social«?ervice^ under the auspices- of the B'nai AT-Santic 6409 B'rith and is. still largely maintained '& ^ a n i educatibn'r-^lias been; increasing'; by District 2 and 6 of that Lodge. : 0 rt'to" such an extent ttat we have" to; |ft;:\|Jceep? our- staff workings night an^ The Home has 420 children in its «i-^-\ day. ^More and.anore the -Federation care, 23 or nearly 5% of whom are PAXTON-MITCHELL CO. from our own city. The Orphan K^v is : becoming va communal; ^clearinK n t h t»n«J SSardia Sts, HA. 166S is planning a new set of buildSg> i ;3ibuse^: the" very hub of every; sort; Home, Slanofaetorrrs o? Brass, :: iny* outside of city limits, on the tlomlimm nntt Soft iitny tron JISS:ot^communal'activity. • t~-\y-^v..:•' --;: VOB ape assnrpd o t soft cartings, so pdividual cottages plan. The health, K-e tnacliSn*' somr from e^ery h«»t In iS^^y^--:':;'---vK':.':' - 'Books.7:ir '/P". .''>;.;';•'.;/• ;V jducation and recreation facilities of list own ahop. StsnrtBrd siz<» cast Iron and b r o i w ylfe-ii; ^h<e growtli in the number of our^ the _ Cleveland Home are second to *n«hln^f5 in stock. none in the country, and we are | ^ i ^;ti«st? fuhdi iani the increase:|n; the v fortunate indeed to have such a |k|ft';^yoW^e: :of;;our^:accpunts{Afia^-';nece^ ./,..'J.A ekson 1862 1 Home for- our children. . SSsi;;KJ'sitat«dL Vthe ^intrpductipn ; of a& im:; &h ; ;*-proved•-';'• systeni-^ of ';•• bootkep|)in|^;;tpNational Jewish Hospital. Denver SS^H: provide "a better accpuntiiig :sjrstem.v in 1899 under the aegis * ; Through^ the courtesy Of; Mr.* Bupbeii' ofEstablished the B'nai B'rith. N. J. H. has . Pepper, VSe Hi Brown, who; isi offering :hi^ ser-^ cared for 5.0CO patients since its UNCLE SAM ISKEAEFASX W. 6. Vn, s >€.: vices gratis,' we are installing: a organization.. Its budget for the curFOOD CO. l^setpf; books , beginnings the •first;iof; rent year is $300,000. Its bed capac•I'^ihe-iyear.-^ .;.'::•- ;:,- v ././;.;.:;, •^r;'::.,t\.:i^'^.ity is 128 to 189 of whom are resihis own* • • • : dents of Omaha. The Hospital still WfM: ^Tlmr-ahd^Yi-W;HH.>A^': fff J; has a long waiting list for admission. COMPLETE STOKE ANB : ^ ^ u r ^ ' * ;will^ OFFICE OUTb'lTTKRS * iiiuaj ^how Sunday evening, ^Febrqaty; A now building, the Infirmary, now in ^J^tKfa^the Brandeis Theater," inTwjuicn'r the course of erection, is to house 100 - W e e c c o p y • •• • patients in its 100 rooms. Omaha |tf^tlO "boy^'-and girls, yonrigj jmen i arid «TET TC.OJTO HCIGEBW has written a . bright page in its y*;iyounig;:wbmei will t4ke; part. -The BUTTEK fflnri fleucia* HtreetS. ;Kj|-^ef feature of %atiprbaQctioh ^\?^ history by the fine support given to Oouncsl Bluffs. !a. Jlnckrmti y ?|^1li<&^intrpdilctiori of "Jewish, itheiflea the erection of that building. OHAHA.'MSB. |j%i^iid*the- porfcrayal of Jewish; Iifei a$ Jewish Consumptives Relief Society, S?5#ell;i as the appeal ; tovthfe • finery^tfie; Denver • @2gftpbles^:ah"dy;mpre" artistic-;f; sides ;-?of.: The Hospital was organized in 111jSttm^^ature; * Altogether; inclutling 1904, to take care of tuberculars in T H E J E W I S H PRESS, DR. FEED B. BROWN : :^:^oi(&;:1serViHg; :";on/.v the*" variousirjcpfe all stages of the disease, and parti: : DR. CELIA R. BROWN C81 Brandeis Theatre Bldg.—AT lantic 1450. |SiiHS^?h-pn/ the:. programi,fl50i;:pf^ those who were not admis§|3ir'l|^rs Vsoid^girla 'will,, take^ila'rtiin <^<his: cularly CHIROPRACTORS "Manufactured its Omaha" sable at the National Hospital. Its slUjapdufctipir-;and .will timst be. trailed. 4B6«rt » a BitH>k : : income last year was $420,000 and ^^i^nd-^idiSciplined^for:. s^ryice>^to ' '^tHe its bed capacity is 260. The Hospital H o u r s . 10 &.. &1. to 6 P. M. I THE JEWISH PRESS, BAKEK'ICE MACHINE CO. I'iione. Atlantic S7SI9. .community... l}fis successfully experimented in BesSdence: Morris Apts.. Pbone At. S230 I 681 Brandeis Theatre Bldg^ ' Nor is the Y" neglecting the vocational therapy. During the past * purely Intellectual functions of the twenty years, J. C. R. S. report shows ••••;• .. • "..-•'.' O m a h a , N e b r . •;•''•".";;• : " - . " ' ; "• ' '[ '; -•;.; •-. organization. The "Y" is planning that 31 Omaha residents have been ' Gentlemen: Attached hereto is cliec^ for $2^0, for for a. debate in March on a general treated in its' Sanitarium. j which send THE JEWISH PRESS every week for one Jewish or. Jewish Cultural subject," I ; ' vy e a r ; t o ' . ' . - ; ' : ' •;.':-'- • . ' v ; ; . ' ; ' • ' • - " X .' •.'"'..- •' I t has invited the " Y ' " s and kindred < Ex-Patients Tubercular Home, Upholstering and Furniture RepairDenver { Name _—...__.~ " orgsadzatiorss of Minneapolis, - '• St. ing Mattresses Renovated. This institution was organized in iPaaV Des Moines, Sioux City, LinBox Springs. coln and Kansas City, to meet our 1908, to provide a- home for patients Street Address. «*XM in debates. Former "Y" mem- who are .discharged-from tubercular %T-Santte 8618 1012 Binrth i6Sh St. ' bers, who are .now studying at Lin- hospitals, and who are as yet unable " cokn, have expressed ^heir desire to to care for themselves * There are at City „„ State i . iiarti&pate in these ' debates,' ©nd present two Omaha residents in that : ; /; : return -to their Omah*# Alma Mpter institution. ' fat' tbe occasions To stimulate iater- Jewish Consumptives Relief Asso"«st in this debate-and to reward • , ciation, Los -Angeles Bieritoriotis work, a-gentleman'jotoThe Hospital established in 1922, ested & the " I P , who ^ the present has a capacity, of 116 beds. The ina t ieasfc desires that!.his .name ,be ilux'.ih. recent years of Jewish poor withheia/ offers * / cap. as a. trophy ."from, all parts of .the country into to tW--winners.' V « , i <«v* J\? Southern California has per force 'iWskief; Junction-of ? « e f ^ *•
OccileiteUII|. aid Urn.
The Federatifia's'Constituents and Beneficiaries •
Carpenter Paper\Co.
E. E Bruce & Co.
"The Mohl
The Jewish Press aids the Jews to keep in touch with what their fellow Jews are doing in city, state and nation, besides informing them on the problems of the. \ Jews in Europe and the World • over.
Made With Milk
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