January 8, 1925

Page 1

X profess not talking-—onjy t&s, let ' each man do his hest,

s life* Herbert.



Entered as second-class mall matter on January 27th, 1921 at postofflce at Omaha, Nebraska, under the Act of March 3, 1879.


JEWISH MESSENGER BOY INHERITS MYance Tickets for i LITHUANIAN EigtilaEd Coimty Cleb $250,000 FROM UNCLE (J.-T. A.) The sunless TMrfAimellSiiow! skiesKovno. Plans Activities aid of a New Year's day in snowy Lithuania appeared extremely bright Mow Placed 01 Sale- Gotz, to the twelve -year old Jewish boy, improvements lor Year a messenger in a dry goods

"Bigger and Better Than Ever*' is Motto of This Year's Show store in the city of Chaulen, when Plan to Build Large Dancing fortune smiled at him and the postPavilion man brought him a New Year's, surACTORS REHEARSING DAILY TO PERFECT PARTS prise contained in a letter, stating GOLF COURSE WILL BE that he is heir to 50,400 pounds left IN PERFECT CONDITION him by an uncle in Africa.

Ralpt Cohii l e i t e i Local


LEADING POLISH JEWISH MANUFACTURES VICTIM OF TAX BURDEN Warsaw. (J. T. A.) The mansion of Eugeniusz Posnansld, the Polish Jewish industrialist and leading textile manufacturer in Poland, was confiscated by the Polish Treasury Department for his failure to pay hisRecommei?ds.tlon Te Be taxes. To B'nai F'rith Executive The mansion, which is one of the Commi tt-e€. finest in the country, will be sold at auction to defray the taxes, which SAM BEBEB, GRAND PEESIamount to €20,000 Zlotys. BENT; TO VISIT

Tickets are now on sale for the third "annual Y.. M. and Y. W. H. A. The stockholders of the Highland show, which will be held Sunday evenCountry club will meet Friday noon ing, February 8, at the Brandeis theto discuss plans of the club. At this ater. These tickets are to be remeeting plans will be made to ratify C«iiitee$ to Ser?e for served at the box office at a later the sale of bonds, thus saving the date. members from -extra assessments. The show is rapidly rounding into The club plans many improvements form. All parts have been filled ar.d Fourteen Boys Are Charter Members for the coming year.'. Plans are now Fifty New Candidates Initiated Into the actors have been working every being made to enlarge the club house. of New Chapter. Local B'nai B'ritli Lodge. day rehearsing their parts to perfec"We are planning on building a l^rge tion.- The show this year will be dif- OMAHANS WILL ATTEND IN- dancing pavilion adjoining the .presCOMMITTEES-TO-BEGIN ACTIVE ferent from any ever given by any ent dance floor," said A. Herzberg. ^STALLATION. WORK. organization in the.city. There will The present dance floor will be made be three acts, all written and directed More than one hundred members atThe Order of Aleph Zadik Aleph the dining room. by Omahans. "By early spring we will,have" the tended the first meeting of the year has formed another chapter in this The. Y extravaganza, directed by district. The new chapter will be entire nine holes Teady so that we of the local B'nai B'rith lodge. The Miss Mary Maizel and Miss Grace formally installed at Sioux City, la., can begin our golf contests," said Ed. officers elected were installed at this Abbott, will be one of the feature Sunday afternoon. The chapter is Treller, president of the-club. If is meeting. The following "officers were acts of the show. More than thirty under the supervision of Sioux City hoped that our tennis-courts will be installed: I. F . Goodman, president; people will take part in this gala lodge of" the B'nai B'rith. erected some time during the spring. Jake Malashock, vice-president; Meyer revue. There will be dance'rs and It is planned that in the large danc- Alfred Mayer Elected Secretary at Basketball Team Defeats All Stars Beber, secretary; Harry Freidman, The installation of the chapter will singers. Members of the Boy Scouts, be held in the Jewish Community ing .pavilion dancing will probably- be treasurer; Nathan E. Green, warden; National Conclave. in Close Gaise. under the direction of their leader, Center rooms. Members of Omaha held twice a week during the summer Herbert Goldstein, guardian; Maurice Ralph Cohn, are now rehearsing for and Des Moines degree teams will months. The local Chapter of the Pi Tau Micklin, Ben Civin, and William AlA regular meeting of tbe Thorpetheir special act. This Boy Scout have charge of tlie work. Charles At a recent affair of the Highland Phi Fraternity elected Mr. Ralph ian Athletic club was held Wednesday berts, trustees. troop has won many honors in scout- Shane, Grand Aleph Godol, and Louis Country club, New Year's Eve, more Cohn president at its last regular Fifty new candidates for memberevening, January 7, 1925^ at the Jewing and will have a clever act. Williams of Des Moines, and Myer than one hundred and seventy-five meeting, held at the Blackstone Hotel ish Community Center club rooms. ship were initiated into the order. The The Y. M. H. A. 3azz orchestra, Freeman and David Fellman of reservations were made. "This is a Sunday afternoon, December 4. Mr. The election of officers was as fol- following men were in charge of the under the leadership of Harry Robin- Omaha, will be the members in wonderful showing, since th'e affair Ronald Gladstone'%as elected vice lows: President, Abe Meyer; vice initiatory work: Arthur Rosenbhnn, son, will play at the end of this act. •charge of the -initiatory work. Other was for members only,'' said Meyer president; Mr. Beaikict Klein, secrepresident, Ben Kubby; secretary, I. Dr. A. Greenberg, Irvin .Stahnaster,The orchestra is composed of ten Omahans who will go to City a r e : Speisberger. According to'the mem- tary; Mr. Stanley'dFeiier, treasurer; Levine; treasurer. I. Sokolof; athletic Max Fromkin, • Jake Mslashock, 32. pieces, many of. the members having I, "F. Goodman, Nathan E. Green, and bers, this New Year's'Eve affair was and Mr. Joseph Feller, associate. ^director, Leon Mendelson;- reporter, Monheit, MasSoni&i played in orchestras in the city. The annualBatlaaal conclave was Dave Kubby; sports promoter, Shoal the best given by the club. Irvin Stalmaster.I. F. Goodman, newly elected presir The High lights, a song cycle of The committee in charge of the this year held ia jllempHs. Term., Freed; 'sergeant-at-arms, Louis Saeks dent, appointed the committees fox 'The advisors of the Sioux City life's episodes in six acts, written by chapter No.-12,-A. Z. A. are Sam A. entertainments has outlined a full when the following national officers and J. Friedee; and trustees, J. La- the ensuing term, The committees Mrs. Isidor Ziegler, who is coaching Greenstone and Joe- M. Rice. The program of activities for the mem- were elected: National president, I. zero-vritz, S. Green 'and J. Sokolof. will begin active work immediately. the play, assisted by Miss Cecelia following members are charter mem- bers during the coming spring and Ed. Konkon, of Portland, Ore.; Eu- The club basketball team defeated The work of the B'nai B'rith for the Feiler, will be another one of the bers of the new chapter: Ephriam summer. The following men are mem- gene Lerner, of Memphis, Tenru, vice the Anderson All Stars in a fast and coining terns will be' the campaign for main acts.. .. - ; ~ , Baron,- Leon Dabrofsky, Harold -Em- bers of the entertainment committee: president j -Alfred. -Ifgyer* Omaha, na- exdtfhg.-game.at the -Y.'^L. C. -A;-by -a"ste&dy.'increase ..in- •meBobershlji «ZK£ " T S all there'will be.' two ana^ s Eatf lier, Mike Grneskin,- Archie Herzoff, Meyer Speisberger, Sidney Manley, tional secretary; Mas -Good, NEW OP-' the score of 19 to 10. ' finances of the lodge. leans*. La^ national treasurer; Roy hours "of Joyful entertainment dis- Ben Herzoff, Emanuel Henoff, Her- Dave Federand Paul Schaye. The following' committees were apA large crowd attended the annual Rosenthal, Seattle, Wash., national played by our own talent. man Herzoff, Isadore Horlau, Max pointed: Thorpeian New Year's Eve dance at editor; Forrest Berg, Seattle, Waslu, The Menorah, a. play written espe- Kroloff, Isadore Mosow, Bernard Membership Committee junior counsellor; and Alfred AuerT the Rome Hotel ball room, and a v. cially for this show by Mrs. Herman Rocklin, Isadore Rocklin, Isadore Young Israel Synagogue good time was had by all. There Herbert Goldstein, Vice-Chairman national historian. .Omaha delegates Auerbach and coached by Mre. B. R.Rubinow.. a number-of surprises given at Joe Greenberg Fred Greenberg to Campaign for Members to this condave were Messrs. Irving were -'Boasberg, will receive approval of the Harry Kobicson . Sam Swarte the dance. KJein and Alfred-Mayer.; ./. Abner Kaiman Shoal entire community. Beginning Sunday, the Young. IsEobert Kooper I>aTid Thirty. Chapters of. the Pi Tau Phi "The advance tickets will be pnt on Leon Bakst, Russian rael Synagogue will campaign for Finance Committee sale for the convenience of the purNathan ~E. Green, Chairman new members in order to double their Fraternity will be represented at the A. Z. A. JkiwersEFy Disce Jewish Artist, Dies conclave tobe held in Omaha from chaser," said Louis Freiberg. "These Sam Wolf, Vice-chairman tor. N. MuskLE Dr. A. Steinberg Paris. -iJ. T. A.) Leon Bakst, the membership. Messrs.' Dave Fellman, December 27 to December SO, 1925. J 2 5 t h , &t Elk tickets must later be exchanged for Maurice MJcklin Harry Trnstln Simon Cohn and Israel Wise are memRussian Jewish painter, died here at Sam Green R. Gerelict the theater tickets." bers of the committee in" charge of Mr. Leslie Burkenroad was elected to Alberta Jack Alberts the age of 57. The Local Aleph Zadik Aleph are Wm. serve as chairman in charge of the Ben StieSer Bakst, a scion of one of the well this drive which will last for twoconclave, and those who will assist giving its second anniversary dance Social Service Committee known Russian- Jewish families, be- weeks. Membership applications are him will be Messrs. Irving Klein, Ed. Sunday" evening,; January 25, at the tor. Philip Sher, Chairman obtainable from any member,of this Elks' Club Ballroom. The committee Henry aionsky came one of the most famous artists Wirshafter and Ronald Gladstone. m . Blnmenthal X>r. A. Greenberg in charge of the dance have secured TRabbi which Russia has given to the West- organization. Fred. Cohen Irrin Stslmafrter Eabbi J. M. Charlop Leo Eosenthal The Young Israel Synagogue was Randall's Royal Orchestra. Novel ern World. He was an international WEIZMANN GROUP Delegates Elected For Annual Con- figure in the world of art and thefirst organized about six months ago and entertaining stunts are being preIntellectual Advancement Committee VICTORIOUS AT POLISH vention. Jcfce Malashock Abner Kaimnn theatre. He gained particular fame for the purpose of furthering the ZIONIST CONVENTION pared. Sans -Beber Harry SilTermen for his decorative work in the pro- work - of Judaism among the young Tickets for this dance can be s=e- Fred White Martin Sngarman Warsaw. (J. T. A.) The WeizThe Council Bluffs Lodge No. G88 duction of Maeterlink and D'Annun- men of Omaha. Services are- held mann group under the leadership of cared from any member of the organ- Arthur KoseBbloom Kathan Bernstein of t h i B'nai Brith' held an election zio's dramas. He was also very pop- every Saturday morning at nine Dr. Gottleib, known as the 4"Eth Liv- isation. . . • By-Z.aws Committee Sam Beber. Chairman of officers Tuesday evening, Decem- ular in America where an" exhibition o'clock at the Talmud Torah,. and noth? group, were victorious over the Nathan Bernstein Hurry Silverman ber S?>, 1924, at the Danish Hall. The of his work was held in. 1902. every Tuesday and Saturday evening Greenbaum group, known as the "Al lk>UIS WILEY, NEW YORK Publicity Committee following were elected: t President, Leon Bakst.was born in Petrograd at 7:30 they hold Hebrew Study Ha'mishmai" group, with a vote of Jack iSarer, Chriirninn TIMES BUSINESS MANAGES, Xathnu E. Green Allen Kohsn Sam J. Steinberg; vice president, in 1868. In 1903 he married the Classes at the Talmud Torah Building. 83 to 53, at the convention of, Polish DECORATED BY JUGGO SLA VIA Joe Jacobs Maurice Gilinsky; . recording secre- daughter of Tretiakoff, the governor Washington. (J.- T. A.) The ComZionists. Deputy Greenbaum reDenver Hospital tary, Harry Z. Eobby; financial sec- of Petrograd. He graduated from the mander's Cross of'the'Order of St. Harry LBPKIUE, signed as president of the Federation. Chairman PARTIES FIGHT WHEN retary, Ben I. Seldin; treasurer, Max Petrograd University and studied at . Dr. A, GreeEbeTg The newly elected Central Commit- Stava was conferred upon. LO'JIS Wi- Joe I t Wolf VIENNA KEHILLAH CONVENES "VVm. Grodinsty Kathan S. Xaffee Steinberg; monitor, O. Hochman; as- the art school in that city. ley, the-business manager of the New tee consists of Lewite, Gottlieb, HinVienna. (J. T. A.) Representatives sistant monitor, Philip Friedman; Initiation Committee of all the Jewish parties urged the des, .Ffildschtein, Heftman, Balaban, York Times V Dr..A. Tresicli Pa- Sara I>on, Chairman M." Ittjmneit guardian, Nathan Adler; and trustees, ARAB EXECUTIVE acceptance of their .respective pro- Korngruen, Seideman, Bychowski, vicbich, Jug-o Slavic minister to the Arthur KoseBbloom Irvin Stsimaster J. A. Chernaick, Leo E. Krasne and ISSUES PROCLAMATION United States, for. services rendered grams as the'program of the newly Braude, Sdawiff and Rosenblatt. Committee" Herman Meyerson. ON ECONOMIC SITUATION elected Kehillah of Vienna at its* .first by Mr. Wiley to the. Serbian Relief VTIB. Holzman, Chairman Delegates for the next District Hurry Wolf Henry y Jerusalem. - (J. T. A.) A proclama- meeting held here December 30. POLISH CABINET ACCEPTS I Fund' during the War. „ Morrig Milder 3. Slosburg, Jr, Convention, which will be held in Pe- tion dealing with the economic situaJames W. Gerard,, formerly AmerJL0U3&. HU3 Professor Pick, Assimilatdonist, was WITHDRAWAL OF CONCESSIONS} oria, 111., who were elected, are tion of the Arabs in Palestine was elected president. Dr. Loewenherz, Warsaw. (J. T. A.) The Polish j •ican Ambassador to Germany, was Memorial Hospital Committee Messrs. O. Hochman and J. A. Cher- issued to the Arab population by the cabinet confirmed the decree concern- decorated with the. Grand Cordon of A. B. Alpirn, Chairman Zionist, and Mr. Ehrenstein, Assimniack; alternates elected were Messrs. Executive of the Christian Moslem Or. I'hilip Ijprey Kuben Brown ilationist, were elected vice presidents. ing the withdrawal of concessions on the Royal Order of St. Stava by Dr.Vr. Nathan Baiisky Dr. JL Grodinsty. Leo E. Krasne and Louis H. Katle- Association. '" Tresich Pavichiek. Five Assimilationists, two Zionists monopolised articles. Orphan Home Committee ihan. The proclamation deals with what and one neutral member -were elected Harry Trastin, Chairman 7 .• The installation of officers will- be it terms a "critical^ situation" and to the Board of Governors. Max Promkin. L-ouiB Simon Solomons Verdict Reversed By Rabbi Who Br. A. Komm Ed Treller held nest Wednesday evening, Jan- urges measures to cope with the probA declaration read in behalf of the '• Awards Child to Its Aunt in Similar Problem uary 14, at eight o'clock a t the Dan- lem.' "Increased production is necesReselntlons Committee Zionist members of the Kehillah deWfeSte, Chairman ish Hall. sary. For this purpose, we need manded that the Kehillah be transVilna. (J. T.' A.) A problem re- having been awakened, she decided to Fred i>ave (ireenberg J. .J. Friedman funds, but 'these funds do not exist in formed into a Voelksgemeine, which sulting from one of life's bitter trag- reclaim her child. Her sister, the Central Council Committee "NEW YEAR OF TREES," the country. The Arab Executive has should participate in. the reconstruc- edies, resembling the problem brought widoTsr, refused to return the-child Maurice Mickliu. Chairman ANCIENT FESTIVAL, TO BE Sehryn .Tncol'S studied the problem and has decided tion work of Palestine. Representa- before King: Solomon, which brought because she had cared for it and Ben Civiii CELEBRATED IN PALESTINE that there is only one way to solve tives of the Assimiiationists urged him recogniuon as the wisest of men, loved it. Both the mother arrd xh" Dr. I'iiilij) Eomanek A. TUeoaore - Jerusalem. (J. T. A.) The "New it. and this is to-establish co-oper- the preservation of its previous char- was presented to one of the rabbis aunt decided to submit the case to Boose C«nusitt<w Mm "VVezelsnan, Chairnian Year of Trees," the ancient festival ative associations and savings boxes acter as a congregation. The repre- here. a rabbi. KETTJ- Ad'jlson Joe -SaUomzs JK celebrated in Palestine for many cen- in the towns and . villages." The sentative of the Agudas Israel laid In a nearby village two sisters seThe rabbi, having before him s?B. Ko-ricy * turies, will be held on the 15th ofproclamation points out that in Nab- emphasis on the religious foundation cretly concluded an agreement six precedent the famous' judgment of Bnflget Cra»aoi«e«> Shevat, February 9, 1925, in and out- lus there are thirty Arab0 co-opera- of the Kehillah. The Mizrnchi rep- years ago. One of the sisters was King Solomon, after carefu'lv con- Karry Malashock, Cnalrmao IjLiiidua l. f. side of Palestine. Opportunity is to tive and saving associations along resentative criticised the separatist married, but had no children; the sidering, derided to take an opposite iijirry Saiu Lei.n be given -the Jews in the Diaspora to these lines. A promise is also made tendencies of the Agudah. other was unmarried, but was about course of justice. His verdict wa? enjoy fruits from Palestine as a re- that the subject of co-operative orto become a mother. Upon the sug- that the child should bs left with its COMSIISSIONEE -PSAiSES . • suit of the dispatch-to its represent- ganizations will be seriously considgestion of the married sister, a solu- aunt and not returned to its mother. JEWISH-.'IHJHIGBANTS atives by the Jewish-National Fund ered at the seventh Arab congress. BOOKS FROM JEWISH. tion to the situation was found in an In exploring ths motive of his ver- Jerusalem. (J. T. A.) Eobert Morof consignments of almonds from the NATIONAL LIBRARY arrangement whereby the-unmarried dict, the rabbi stated: "The mother wil, loader of the Keren Hayesod work -^Jewish colonies. In Poland and Rou- BOX MANUFACTURE TO ARRIVE IN PALESTINE sister was to register in one of the showed cxtreise egotism. For herin Detroit, Midi., .was received by the mc the. almonds with, other PalesCOMMENCE IN PALESTINE Jerusalem. (J. T. A.) The numer- Vilna hospitals under the name of her ow!:i personal convenience she re- High Commissioner. e fruits will be sold in small packJerusalem. (J. T. -A.) A new in- ous books which the late Dr. Joseph married si&tar, and when the child nounced the child, atid f*r her "'The else* ©f Jewish immigrants Jtits, while in other countries the al-dustry will be added to the ^ indus- Chazonovitch, the fouridero f the Jew- was born It should be declared the convenience she would row who arrive la Palestine is better than it, even at the. risk of revealing: the those to any otKer country1," Sir Hermonds will form a gift to loyal Zion- tries of Palestine, according *to the ish National Library, collected and •child of the married sister. " - - ."•* workers. decision of the Jewish National Fund which were in Bialystok, Poland, have ' After sis years the married sister illegitimacy of the child. The aunt bert Samuel declared. The High to manufacture-the-pence boxes in arrived in Jerusalem. "The Friends became a widow. The other having in acted with extreme unselfishness ir. Cornnsissioner also expressed his grat.The .Jewish Press is the family the' country. Four hundred thousand of Hebrew University "Society"- in the meantime been married to - a taking the child .and in cszing for It. itude for- American .>JewB for their therefore. s!haU belong: to paper. It should be in YOUR home. are' distributed annually throughout Warsaw arranged the transportation •wealthy man, revealed her secret to The ehOd, 1 «&-©;peratie3s ia "the T^reuldiiyr ©f ; its aunt.' of tils books. - Send in your; subscription. her husbsjui. "Her maternal feelings

A. Z. A. Chapter No. 12 Will Formally Be Installed At Sioux City, Sunday


The annual book of the Jewish Welfare Federation containing all the names of the subscribers is to be published shortly. These lists must positively close on January 19 in preparation for the annual meeting which mEI^be held Wednesday, January 28. Those I who have overlooked paying balances due on their accounts are kindly asked to have their remittances in the Federation office before January 19. The Welfare Federation is in.need of the money which is still outstanding to continue the good work done during the past year. The Federation is handicapped with the cold weather and with winter conditions. More money is needed for our own poor. You caxrbegin the new year right by remembering those who .are dependent upon the Jewish Welfare Federation for support. "If you have not mailed in your unpaid pledges, please do so now as our need is great," said Joe L. Wolf. chairman of the Finance Committee.


Tierpeki (M'Elects 'Officers for'Ensuing

Council Bluffs B'nai B'rith Elects Officers For Next Year

r,s=r-v .



The Order of Aleph Zadik has made a rapid growth dsrfag the past year. Organized in Omaha but a little more, than a year ago, the order now has twelve chapters in..^ practically ,everj- district of the B'nai B'rith order. There are many communities vrho have applied for membership- into the order of A. 2. A. The order of Aleph Zadik Alepk organized in' Omaha, later received the endorsement of the District No, 6 of the B'nai B'rith at its last convention held in Sioux City, la. Tlw A. Z. A,1 chapters in every comttitmity- are sponsored by the local B'n&i B'rith lodg-es. Plans are now being" made to seek national endorsement from the constitutional grand lodge and from the esecutire committee of the B'nui B'rith order, to make the A. Z. A. thfe only official organization for boys under supervision of the B!nai B'rith, Sam Beber, grand present of the Order A. 'Z, A., will leave Saturday night for GMcag'o -where he will personally present the appeal for the A, Z. A. to the. executive .committee of the B'cai B'rifh which meete iv. CMeagsj, Jaffuary. 12 and 18, "I -hope that the (committee -vc-ili pass the resolution recommending the (sponsorship of the A. -Z. A.", said Sam Beber, "This Trill jaafee the A; Z. A. the Only oSci&I boys* organisation endorsee .Omahans now attcjiding the committee- meeting of District No. f in Chicago will help the A, S. A. Harry H. Lapidus, Sam J. Lies, and Henry Monsky are attending the meetings. While is Chicago, Mr. Beber will organize several A. Z. A. chapters. and will gts to Gary, Ind., to visit with that chapter* .' f


i t .•••• '":"

laiasstl IMm Skwer The Local Hsdassah's Annual.Iin« en. Shower will be given this y^&t Thursday afternoon, January .22, at two o'clock at the Muse Theatre. An •unusual number OE the program will be: an address to be given by Mr. Louis Lipsky, of St. Louis, «ne of the well known Zionist leaders in the country. Another feature of the program will 'be a one-set alegorical play-let, "Every Jew," written by Mrs. H. Q. Marx. Mssicat and other entertaining numbers are being1 prepared by Mrs, H. Q. Marx, who U< in charge of the program. She is being assisted fey Mrs,: J. Rosenberg, . linens contributed at this shower are sent to the hospitals and other charitable 'organizations in Palestine. HeBdreds of liaen articles are contributed at this annual event.

JEWISH • WORKERS' ALLIANCE TO GIVE BALL The «3wenth. annual ball of the Jewish National -Workers .Alliance, B-raacfc K«, 54, will be held Sunday evwuna January 31, at KelpineV Dancmg Aeaidemy. The ball will be a masquerade. Prizes will be awarded to the mar. and voman hatdag tli» ,best costun'ie. The proceeds of this dance'will gro towards the cfempsign of the Workers Alliance for the National Culture L-eRpufi. The caxmnitiee ir< charge consists of I. Forbes, .T. Feldrasn, J, S st-ern and A. P. Goldware.

After January 10 we will be in ma larger and new -offices, ?^0 SKOTdera-Keniawfy Bldg. Osr Telephott« is ATlsvticttSt. Jewish PPB^S


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• ' " * _ ' . \


Move Jewelry Establishment to New Quarters

5S4J88JPOLNDS KEREN uary 2, was buried January 4 at the turned from their wedding trip. Mrs. HAYESOD AGRICULTURAL Orthodox cemetery. Rabbi S. E.Davidson was formerly Miss Jeanette OUTLAY IN ONE MONTH Starrels conducted the sen-ices. Pitlor of Omaha. i'odlisbed-' avers I'bursanj at (Junto. Nebraska t>r Jerusalem. (J. T. \ . ) A total of ' V TBh; JfcWlSB PKESS PUBLISHING CO51PANY. Mrs. Gabe Ellinger died at. her home 56,288 pounds was expended up to Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Levy and Office: 68t Brahdeis' I'faeatre Building—Telephone: AT lantic 1450 daughter, Jeannie May, returned from Sunday evening. The funeral will be the month ©f October by the ColonNATHANfciGUEEN Manager. a short visit in Omaha at the home held Tuesdav. ization Department of the Palestine 42.50. Subscription Price; one year. Zionist Executive from the funds of Mr. and Mrs. Nate Mantel. Advertising rates furnished on application. Mr. Marvin Dates Schulman of Chiplaced at its disposal by the Keren cago, 111., returned Sunday evening Pleas* stive both (be old and oew address: At the Friday night services of the CUANUE Ob' Hayesod for the supply of draft anibe purt ind el»e -voui name from a visit -with his parents. He will mals, machinery, seeds, cattle and Temple, Rabbi Starrels' subject was continue with his school. "The Attitude of the Jew Toward the The lewish Press is supplied by the Jewish Telegraphic Agency (Jewish poultry in the forty odd co-operative Correspondence Bureau* with cabled and telegraphic lewish news in addition and individual holding settlements Non-Jevr." His subject next Friday Henrietta AsbyU. who spent ttT feature articles and c«rresporKtences from alt itnpttttant Jewish centres. night will be "Palestine and the Jew." a Miss founded by the fund. week in Omaha as the guest of Inquiries regarding news items credited to this Agency will be gladly an8*erea if addressed to Jewish telegraphic Agency. 114 Fifth Avenue. This huge outlay approximating Misses Louise and Helen Wessel of Miss Gertrude Romm, returned SunNew Vcrfc City half of the total Keren Hayesod Ag- Nebraska City spent Friday in this day evening. ricultural budget of 25,000 pounds is, city. Rabbi Eisenburg has been called to HOW TQ FACE THENEW YEAR of course, unusual and is made only fill the vacancy of the pulpit at the Mr. Duke Nefsky returned to Ann once a year, at the beginning of the To the ears of discerning listeners, the bells and horns and Tiferth Israel Synagogue. He will Arbor University of Michigan after a new agricultural season when most of \yhistles that brought forth merriment but a week ago played start his duties in June. visit -with his parents, Mr. and Mrs, the preparatory work must be comboth a doleful and a mirthful melody. It was a dirge to.those menced a little in advance of, or im- Samuel Nefsky. who looked to the past with its record of disappointments and HARRY MALASHOCK mediately after the first rains. sorrows, with its experience of pain and losses, with its broken One of the most beautiful jewelry David Rosenberg, the youngest son In this month it is necessary to of Mr. and Mrs. I. Rosenberg, celepledges arid blasted hopes. I t was a jubilation hymn to those shops central -west has been place at .the disposal of the Zionist brated his Barmitzvah at the Tifereth who can dry the tear of regret in order that they might the opened inbythe JAK- MALASHQCK Harry and Jake Malashock better see the sky, the flowers, the rivers and mountains and at 214-15-16 National Bank building. formity with the other rooms. Beau- settlers the necessary animals and Israel Synagogue. busy human beings that make up a beautiful, though at times, The firm of Malashock Jewelry Co. tiful velour drapes are used to drape machinery. Misses Elsie Poska, Sadie Samuels, saddened world* The shouts of the multitudes and the shrieks has had a long record of service in the windows of the entire suite. SpeRebecca Poska, Tillie Nefsky, Ann of the horns, interpreted aright, were proclaiming the death of the community as a retail store, but cially designed electric lighting fix- HEBREW WRITERS Sandlowitch and FannjTe Nefsky asthe old year, with, the world's farewell to the sorrow and has now increased its business to both tures have been installed. ASSOCIATION ASKS AID in the serving at the Fogelsonsufferings of the past, and at the same time heralding the new retail and -wholesale. OF KEREN HAYESOD sisted "We are now our own importers," Dorbin wedding. Miss Ida Ruth Boyear with a glad welcome to all its blessings, opportunities, Jerusalem. ( X T . A.) At the last triumphs. The din that rose to the very heights above was The new shop consists of a beauti- said Harry Malashock. "In our new meeting of the Central Committee of gen had charge of the gift room, and mankind's attempt to drown out the groans, the shrieks, the ful suite of rooms artistically designed quarters we are amply able to serve the Hebrew Writers Association, it Mrs. I. Bogen received guests. murmurings that haunt the hearts of "men like hungry wolves with the latest ideas. This suite of our patrons to their best satisfaction, was decided to establish an Aid Fund Mrs. Gus Friend entertained rooms contains two of • the most up guaranteeing them absolute privacy for writers who are in need and to that must be fed. friends and relatives at a dinner at and personal attention. We invite our to date attractive diamond parlors in We fool ourselves when we 'imagine that the- old year died the central west. These parlors are patrons to visit us in our new quar- demand that visas should be sent to her home Sunday evening-. and the new year was born a t midnight. The old year that furnished writers now abroad. in solid mahogany, in uni- ters." Mr. Harry Sherman, formerly of stretches into the past for millions of years has never pulled A special resolution required that Omaha, spent the week-end in Linout its roots from the lives of men, nor have its influences, assistance should be given to the As\z Connie's back! coln. He returned to the University survivals, memories ceased, to act a t critical as well as afor t the Jews all over the world—in Omatian'sWill Appear in sociation from the funds of the Keren p r e ading of Chicago. insignificant occasions* And so the new year, with its uncertain- the presentation of Col. Kisch,—is Hayesod. again Concert at Tabor, Iowa ties, intangibles, incompleteness, cannot be expected at any given indeed a sound basis for expecting showMiss Sara Friend is leaving for time to begin its career. All time belongs to one continuous, still greater and more rapid develop- Mr. Harry- Kononovitch, local vioing just howNew York to visit her uncle, Mr. S. ! unceasing, immeasurable process of being, an unbroken experi- ments. funny rolinist, will appear in concert at the M. SELICOW REOPENS Friend, -who is celebrating his ninemance can be I ence of consciousness. HIS TAILOR SHOP tieth birthday. As to the Arabs, it would be in- Tabor College at Tabor, la., on It is just a little harmless trick we play on ourselves when correct to suggest that there are Mr. M. Selicow has re-established Mrs. Walter Wessel and daughter, we bid farewell to the old> and give welcome to the new, year. among the Arabs no opponents to the Oh! Baby! his tailor shop at 4005 Farnam street. Louise, of Nebraska City, spent last Yet it is a convenient and a rather helpful arrangement for the development of the country by Jews. •J"& Some Mr. Selicow was formerly in the la- week in Lincoln. guidance of human affairs, Such opponents however, are to be • Night! dies' tailoring business, but has now x We need some basis of comparison between periods of time found in the limited sphere of the Mrs. M. Frosb. returned from a increased his business to cleaning and in order to* check up on our progress, to refresh our memories, more or less provincial Arabs. The two -weeks' trip to Denver, Colo. pressing of both men and -women's Arab peasants who form the bulk of to renew our loyalties and to refine our characters. clothes. -**• But there is no occasion to lament the old, any more than the population are associating in Mr. and Mrs. S. Wessel and Miss He has been in the tailoring bus- Adele Aach are expected to arrive in we need to acclaim the new year. The first day of January is .close relationship with the Jewish iness in Omaha for the last seventeen New York City Friday after a six a conventional day that cannot automatically introduce for all settlements. Economic cooperation, years. "We will give guaranteed months' trip over Europe. even between those who are politicof us a change in timeservice to our customers," said Mr. Each of us has a special New Year, each of us speeds the ally opposed, is a matter of fact. Selicow. "We are properly equipped Miss Sara Friend -will leave Friday old, and welcomes the new period in his life:not when the The presents of Col. Kisch and the to handle all tailoring work." for New York City, where she sirens and shouts announce another calendar year. Strictly rebuilding of Palestine -will bbing visit her uncle, Mr. Leon Friend. speaking, whenever we renounce bad habits, surrender evil conviction of greater weight even to thoughts, crush selfish inclinations and control the irresponsible those who are skeptical. Mrs. Alta Davidson held a receptongue, then the old year is dead. The New Year begins, the tion at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Samuel Nefsky entertained at Mrs. Wishnow, in honor of Mr. and year of nobler strivings, thinking and speaking long enough Yott have probably read on many a bridge luncheon Tuesday. Prizes Mrs. Dean Davidson, who just reto act r i g h t s occasions recently abptl the Monday •were won by Mrs. Perlman and Mrs. Saek-ah era msg-bogm fQr-eafi&of-AXs,^ many times..during Gp3rs~-€!abcr3iiejMonday Club haa Lew Polsky. Mrs, J. Shapiro was the HARRIET ABEAHAMS PEOBATE NOTICE. the calendar year as we may raise ourselves to ^higher "planes of in reality no connection with anyguest of the club. In the matter of the estate of Bora Wine, thought, feeling and act. For such changes within'the inner life thing specifically Jewish. Its interest Thursday evening, January 15. Litdeceased. is hereby given: That the crediof the individual we should constantly aspire. Out of the multi- in the ^retentions to the Russian tle Miss Harriet Abrahams, daughter Miss Fern Oshedow is the guest of torsNotice of said deceased «"ill meet the executor of said estate, before me. County Judge tude of such hppes the very essence of our civilization is built. throne, made it of Jewish interest. of Mr. and Mrs. Max Abrahams, a her fiance in Salina, Kas. of Douglas County, Nebraska, Bt the Ccmn- i Let the bells and the noise of New Year Eve remind us to ask You have not, however, heard of student of' Kononovitch, will appear ty Court Room, in snid County, on the 2<)lb ! It's Full of the Stuff Yon Love Mrs. Charles Simon just returned day of February, li)2~>. and on the 2Cr<3 rtsy j Ourselves the question whether we are prepared and eager for a the "Thursday Gernara Club." This with him in this concert. of April. 1925. nt 9 o'clock A. M., each Any, iiXt New Year to begins - Only our inner spirit can tell.. Both have appeared on programs from a visit with her parents, Mr. for the piirpose of presenting their claims club, as is obvious, has quite a strong for examination, ndjnstrnent and ollovrand Mrs. Levy, of Salina, Kas. .ince. Three months are allowed for the affiliation with Jews» It- ought to be creditors to present Their claims, from the !8®&D9t/GlASg f 'aturitay Mr. and Mrs. Meistroff of St. Joe, 17th day of Jnnimry. l!i2T>. I Orthodox, come to the surface. Of more widely known in other cities. Mo., were the guests at the weddingEKYCE CRAWFORD, County Judge. i the three Orthodox Judaism, repre- A number of Jewish business men, iSrs of Miss Sara Fogelson to Mr. Jack professional men, leaders, (mind you, i'sentntive of the newer generations of Dorbin. I American Judaism, was until recently not rabbis) have formed a, club which too much in the background. Lack of is to be knokn under the name Miss Helen Robinson of Omaha is effort for self-preservation and adapt- "Chavrutha." Chavrutha is an Araexpected to arrive in Lincoln to be with her fiance and Mr. and Mrs. J. $800,000 for .Orthodox College.— tion to environment, demonstrated by maic word equivalent to our fashionCol. Kiseh, New Type of Jfewiah complete lack of orgaiznation and table society. It is indeed an interShapiro. .Palestine Leader.—-"Chavnutha", dependence upon other sections of the i esting society. Its function is dining a~ Thursday Gcmara Club. Mr. and Mrs. Dorbin and daughter, community, have been the outstand- once a month together. No rabbis, no Ruth, of St. Joe, Mo., were the guests Women admitted. No lectures, no ing charged. The vigorous attempt By WILLIAM Z. SVIBGEtMAN. of their son, Mr. Jack Dorbin's wedspeeches are delivered. Nevertheless, now made by the leaders of the ding to Miss Sara Fogelson. The turning point in the history of Yeshivah College will, no doubt, be the functions held so far proved to the American Jewish Community greeted Joyfully by all those who be very successful and stimulated inMrs. Openheimer celebrated her seems to have arrived. The sum of have the interests of the Jewish terest in Jewish problems and social 76th birthday Wednesday at a recep?80O,O0O was pledged amidst an learning, coupled with systemized problems in general. tion at the home of her son, Mr. J. atmosphere of enthusiasm and readi- secular education at heart. The "tired American businessman" Openheimer. ness for generous action, Eft a small is proverbial. The tired American gathering at the Astor Hotel on the Mrs. Simon Levine, who died JanCol. Frederick H. Kisch, political Jewish business man in New York is occasion of celebrating thefirsteverepresentative of the Zionist ExeCa- searching for his salvation. The ning of the Feast of Lights. • tive in Palestine, English diplomat, Chavru'ha stems to be a good start HARRY KONONOVITCH This sum is a part of the nve arriving in this country, depicted in in the direction towards creating 1 million dollar campaign for the pur- a very descriptive manner, in a con-Jewish intellectual entertainment for presented by the various Jewish Or• pose of erecting a large and magnifi- versation with a. representative of the exel- *f «! groups. The Chavrutha is ganizations here. Little Miss Abracent structure in one .of -the most press, both the political and economic exclusive. No official announcement hams played at the Thorpeian CarniLet us bid on your prQhiinent sections of New York for development in Palestine during' re- has y'tt{been made as to its ionsm- val held November 16. Printing Work lion. The officers may resent any the purpose of housing what is term- cent years. ALL WORK GUARANTEED ed a "Yeshivah-College." • -• r Col. Kisch, a British Jew, enlisted indiscretion* FOR SALE The Yetishivah, "under "the presi- in the service of rebuilding Palestine 5-Roont House, practically new, dency of Mr. Nathan Lamport, is now by Dr. Weizmann, is the most conat big sacrifice; real bargain. housed in one of the poorly equipped vincing proof of how far the rebuild- Constance Talmadge Must sell. — 3029 Lincoln SCHOAL FREED, fflgr. - buildings on East Broadway. The ing of Palestine has advanced and Boulevard. Hits Laugh Record 1320 Dodge St. AT lantic 38S2 sudden transfer from East Broadway become an actual task to be delt with to Amsterdam Avenue is significant, in a businesslike and efficient Way— Constance Taimadge's latest First although not so very sudden. The in a way that is dictated by the inter- National comedy, "Her Night of Rostabilization of Jewish life in this ests of a country and community, mance," is the funniest she ever made. country, is a process which-has been though the country and community Accept that statement as the belief going' on for many years, and will are only growing. of Sidney Franklin, who directed it. take a good numbet of years before When listening to Col. Kisch, one The story was written by Hans Kraly, it will reach the desired, height. Or- feels that the problems presenting noted European screen -writer, and thodox Judaism has been- for many themselves for solution are not to be shows Constance in a love tangle with 1 II> centuries, the reservoir of foyce and looked upon as insurmountable ob- an English lord as a result of her efmental energy for all the movements stacles, but as difficulties to be The Nebraska's most wonderful special purchase forts to dodge fortune hunters. Roselling of world's standard overcoat -makers, afld lines of thought that spring up fought against and overcome.- In the land Colman, a young British actor, superbly styied, fresh new Overcoats is most em•*? ,' •within, the Jewish fold. , fluency of language that only British is Constance's • leading man in this phatically the great fearing opportunity of the GIVEN B Y T H E Attacked by every movement under diplomats know how to make use of, picture, which will be shown at the year—at all circumstances, Orthodox Judaism the situation appears to be substanti- Strand Theatre, starting Saturday. withstood all, even though at times ally smooth, and if not entirely so, the battle was nope too mild. The possible to be smoothefed out. WARSAW RABBIS SEND history of the reform movement in Two million pounds have been CONDOLENCES ON DEATH Germany, Austria, Hungary- and inbrought annually in . the past four OF RABBI MAZE "Give our patrons the benefit of the greatest overcoat pur-France would would justify /one to years through various Jewish organ- Warsaw. (J. T. A.) Condolences chase we ever made. Sell these wonderful values as we expect a similar strife in the Amer- izations and. enterprises into - the on the death of Rabbi Jacob Maze, bought therci— at record breaking low prices. Pass our " ican Jewish Community. ' This seems, country. An" increase of 50% in the leader of Russian Jewry, were ex<good fortune along to our customers—make Nebraska's overcoat selling the talk of Omaha." That's the idea back of however, not to be the case in this Jewish population in the last four pressed in a telegram sent by the this migbtly value-giving. - country. Through the smoothening years, h a s : been witnessed, without Warsaw Rabbinate to the Jewishinfluence of the environment and the causing any. serious disturbances in community of Moscow. 25th and Farnam Streets , - broader vie* as dictated by the spirit the structure of the economic fabric. wf democracy, the contours of a con- An influx bi 2,400 immigrants in the Firms advertising in "The Jewish '. eolvdated Jewish -copuminal life, n m - monthly average. The opening of Press" deserve your patronage—=Jt is Good Musi? Admission 50c a person 7»iijg peacefully along three-parallel the Hebrew University Tcith its pos- TO YOUR INTEREST to support CORRECT APPAREL FORCES AKD WOMEN r-V sibility, to. become the spiritual center thenC • •-. .. t / hi&fefeW&& GW8WTO&SBL_ .-and iti&r?





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.. OUR :



J. N. W. A. Branch 54

Sunday, January l'Jfh, 1925

KELPINES'ACADEMY Valuable Prizes GiVen to Best Masks



3—THE JEWISH PRESS—THURSDAY, have organized ourf classes to teach Mr, and Mrs. A. Poska have moved frora the home of J . Friedman, 724 .day and Wednesday afternoon of this Sisterhood to Entertain at Mah Jong and Dancing Party English to the immigrants -who areinto their new home at 118 North West Broadway, Eabbi J. Charlop of week. Monday the honored guests

not able to speak, read or write the Thirty-eighth street* .. Omaha, - officiating. Burial -was in•were Miss? Ann Horn of Omaha and English language. Oak Hill cemetery. Miss Sara Eiseman, of Elk Creek, Mr. Morris Goetz left last week for -Forty foreigners are enrolled; in Nebr. Nebr., where he will re-enter ] Mrs. J. Mendelson entertained at a these classes which are under -the in- Lincoln, iI TTt Nebraska. ~" *-*""of ' """""• " * * dinner party at her home isst ThursMiss Jivib Krasne had as her struction of Mrs. S. Nathan and Mrs. the." University day in hcvnor of Miss Eobinson of j.guests for the week-end the H. Q. Marx. . Omaha, who -Rill be married January! Minnie Friedman and Yetta Kaplan Mr. and Ilrs. Michael - Katleman 18th. I of Des Moines, la. are entertaining at a farewell supper One hundred and seventy-five were :d Krapne left Sunday dance at the Brandeis Tea Rooms Sat- guests.of the T. E. D. club at its Mrs, H. Maduff entertained twenty] for Ann Arbor, Mich., vhrre he Miss Fredia . Weiner entertained urday evening in honor of Miss Sara first annual winter dance given De- guests at a bridge party followed by Jis a Senior at the University of MichRubin, of Ansonia, Conn., who hascember 30 at the Kelpine Academy. a midnjigrht supper at her home last I twenty couples at a New Year's Eve been their house guest for the past j Chaperons of the dance were Messrs. Thursday Eight. party at her home. six weeks and who is leaving for her and Mesdames N. S. Rothenberg and ENGAGEMENTS I WEDDINGS Mr. and Mrs. Charles Canfield enMr. Philip Krasae left Saturday! tertained fifteen children aad their Announcement has heen made durMiss Bertha Abranis entertained home next Tuesday. k Before the presence of more than A. Pradell. night for Ann Arbor, Michigan, to three, hundred; guests, Miss Fanny ing the past -week by Mr. and Mrs.the members of the Hajobls Weekly The next meeting of .the club will resume his studies at the university.! parents at a birthday party New Mrs. B. M. AcMenberg and daughDavid Alperin of the engagement, of Bridge club at her home Tuesday Brodsky, daughter; of Mr. and Mrs. Year's night in honor cf th'Mr daufrh • ter, Beat-ice, and son, Irving, of Kan- be held Sunday afternoon,' January N. Brodsky, became the bride of Mr.their daughter, Fanny, to - Mr.-lzidot ^evening. Prizes were won by thesas City, Mo., who were visiting here 11, at- the home of Miss Ida Fine at Miss Tillie jMarkovdtz returned ter, Helen's, fourth binhd'ay. A bufFrederick Welcher, son of Mr. andI. Levinson, son of Mr. and Mrs. N.Misses Lucille Stein and Titlie Sos- for ten days with Mrs. Achtenberg's 2772 Webster, street. home Saturday night after spending fet luncheon was served following i l r s . J. Welcher,. of Chicago, HI., on Levinson, of this city. No date as yet kin. Miss Ann Cutler was hostess to parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. Robinson, the past -week in Shenandoat, Iowa, i cards played- hy the older guests and the club at her home Tuesday, DeThe election of the Y. M. H. A. s played by the c Thursday evening, January 1, at the has been set for the -wedding. cember SO. Miss Bernice Stein won left Sunday for their home. Mrs. Juniors was held Tuesday evening-, with her sister, Mrs. Julius Barron. j Blackstone'.Hotel.., The ceremony was From Sioux City comes the an-the prize at bridge. Achtenberg was extensively enterBULGAEFAN PARLIAMENT Eoleainked.at 7:30^.Eatibi Frederick nouncement made by Mr. and Mrs. E tained during her visit here. Mr. and January 6, at the Jewish Comnvurntv Miss Eeva Cross returned to LinFOR MINORITY CLAUSES Center. Morris Reiss was elected Cohn officiating', f'receding the cer- Baird of the engagement of their Messrs. Morris Steinberg and Ro-Mrs. Sidney Robinson, of Walthill, president; Samuel Epstein, vice coln, Nebr., Sunday to resume her Sofia.(J. T. A-> The Bulgarian emony, .Mr.- and Mrs. Brbdsky enter- daughter, Rosaline, to Mr. Ben Ellis, berg Glazer, of Fort Dodge, la., vis- Ne"br., visited at the Robinson home studies at the University. Parliament has ratified the Getwa president; Hershel Soskin, secretarytained the immediate family at a din- of Lincoln, formerly of Omaha, son ited with friends in Omaha during during the past week. Mrs. Ben Harding entertained at a Protocol • containing the clauses for reporter; Max Altsohuler, treasurer: :ner party at their homeland folia-wing of Mr. and Mrs. A. Ellis, of Omaha. the past week-end. the ceremony'they entertained at a Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Weinman have and Hyman Goldman, serge&nt-at- series of bridge parties-at her apart- the protection of 'National Minorities reception at the;y^iei. Mrs. Max C. Word has been received from MinFour hostesses will entertain at the moved to Kansas City, Mo., where axins. The club entered their bas- ment in the Oakland Court on Mon-in Bulgaria, ketball team in the senior division of Brodsky%as the'bTide's matron-of- neapolis, Minn., by Mr. and Mrs. Nate January Card Party. *of the Omaha they will make their future home. the Sunday School Class. They were ivT~] honor, and her bridesmaids were Miss Kort of the engagement ofKGss •Sel- Chapter of Hadassah Monday after-y^1.^^ Mr. Ben Ravitz spent the past T# the champions of this division last Esther Kaplan, of Des Moines, la., ma Doodeward, of that city, to Mr.noon, January 12, at the home of Mrs. the Misses Josephin e, iWilma and Ida Ted Wender, also cf that city, but E. Meyer, at 2919 North Twentieth week-end in Omaha, returning home year. ; Stern, and /Miss Sadyei Holland, of formerly of Omaha. The announce- stTeet. Those to assist Mrs. Meyer from the Zeta Beta Tau annual conChicago. Mr. Ben Welcher, of Chi- ment -was made New Tear's Eve and will be the Mesdames H. Hirschman, clave held in Virginia. He is now at The Ladies' Auxiliary of the South the University of Nebraska at Lin-Side Synagogue are giving a public cago, brother of the groom, was best is of interest here, as Mr. Wender J. Hahn and E. A. Meyer. card party Monday afternoon, Jancoln, Nebr. man, and Mr. Max -C. Brodsky, broth- was well known here before leaving uary 19, at the Odd Fellows' Hal] at for Minneapolis two years ago. Miss Esther Brodkey left Tuesday er of the hride, vras groomsman. We announce the opening of our new display and sales "Religion in 1925" will be Rabbi 4731 South Twenty-fourth street. evening for Chicago, III., where she ? Mr. Welcher and his bride left imFrederick <3ohn s-sermon subject Friroom in connection with our wholesale jewelry offices Mrs. Sam Berkowitz and small will visit with Mrs. A. L. Koolish. day evening, January 9, at Temple mediately on: a three weeks* honeyThe City Sunday School -will raise at 214-215-216 City National Bank Building, where we moon trip to West Baden and French daughter, Mildred, left Sunday even- She will be gone for several weeks. Israel. Saturday morning his topic $10 to contribute to the Palestine will be pleased to serve your needs. 't :: Lick and from there to the Niagara ing, January 4, for California, where Penny Fund. An appeal to aid this Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Kohn had as will be "The Grand Climax." Falls, and after Fehruary 1 -will he they will spend the remainder of itha fund was made to the Sunday School their guests last week their daughter, In the selection of Diamonds. Platinum. White Gold, or at home at the Common-wealth Hotel winter. Mr. A. Oestreicher, of Lincoln, Children by Rabbi J. M. Charlop. Mrs. Walter Fleisher, and children, Silverware of finer qualities, the relationship of conin Chicago.^ .._';."•'''. spent Sunday visiting here. He reES5 Ont-of-to-wn guests present at the The Misses Pearl LLndenbaum and Nancy and Herbert, of Philadelphia, turned with his son,, Harold, who fidence between buyer and seller becomes of -utmost -wedding "-were the groom's parents,. Ethel Maisel left Saturday for Kan- Pa. The visitors returned to their spent the past week in Omaha. importance. sas City, Mo., where they attended home last Saturday, | Mr. and Mrs. J v Welcher, his "brother, Miss Estelle Lapidus.is expected to MRS. BESSIE FRIEDMAN Ben /Welcher, iGss Esther Kalpan, of the -wedding of Miss Sadye Pearlman Trusting' that in years past we have merited the faith Mr. Leon Weiss, of St. Paul, Minn., arrive from the University of Ne- Mrs. Bessie Friedman, widow of the to Mr. Philip Katz. They will be Des. Mpines, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Slosky, who -was the guest last week of Mr. and good-will of OUT clientele. v . TVfiss Sad/e Holland and' Miss Rose gone for several weeks visiting 'with and Mrs. M. E. Chapman, left Sun- braska today to spend the week-end late Frank Friedman, who died in in Omaha with his parents, Mr. and relatives there. 1916, died at the Wise Memorial hosNomberg, all of Chicago. day evening for Ms home. Mrs. Harry Lapidus. pital of Omaha Thursday night, JanWe invite you to visit us . Miss Esther Katleman, returned ^ MOZER-COOPER. uary 1. She was 79 years of age Rabbi L. Album, representative of home Monday morning after visiting in our new quarters. Miss Ethel Epstein had as her house '•;.*';'- :Maid-of-honor for the -wedding of and had lived in Coimcil Bluffs since the Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Seminary, Miss Gertrude hooper, daughter of for the" past two weeks in Kansas of New York, will be the principal guest., during the past week, Miss 1901. She is survived by six sons: Mr. and Mrs. David Cooper, to Mr.City, "Mo., with her brother, Mr. Abe speaker at the Deborah Society regu- Edith Rosen thai, of Lincoln, Nebr. Sam Friedman, Jake Friedman, PhilAbe .Mozer, son of Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Xatleman, and Mrs. Katleman, and lar meeting Tuesday afternoon, Jan- Miss Rosenthal returned to her home lip Friedman, Don Friedman, all of Li: Mozer, of-Lincoln, -will be the in Des Moines, la., with. Mr. -anduary 18, at twp o'clock, at the Jewish Monday, this city; and Louis Friedman of bride's cousin,, Miss' Jeanette Gilin- Mrs. Leonard Hochenberg. Community Cbnter. Other numbers Kansas City, Mo., and Abe Friedman Twenty-five friends and relatives of ^.sTry, of-Council Bluffs. Mr. Nathan Mr. and Mrs. J . J. Slosburg en- are also "being; prepared and business Mr. and Mrs. Frank Jacobs attended of Mount Pleasant, Iowa; all of; MozefV of Lincoln, brother of the tertained sixteen guests at a M; of importance] will be transacted. 214-215-216 City Nat! Bank Jackson 5619 the silver wedding' anniversary cele- whom attended the funeral. Funeral .. groom,-will he. his best man. Uibbon Jong and dancing party at their home *?? •.-» stretchers will be the Masses^ Euth Friday evening in honor of Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Schaefer and bration Sunday evening at their home services were held Friday afternoon Denver7will spend next] a t 2418 Parker street. -*>-': Dorhin, of St. Joseph, Mo.; Euth Mrs. Ed. Solomon, who left Saturday 'gKogntjLijiii.-i • • Grossman^ ofvvLincoln^ Elinor Hor- ta mate, their future home in Mem- ..Monday. in- Omaha as the- guests of; Mr. and'Mrs. Harris "Goldstein, of MARIE ^ -• •wichi • Ethel..-JhibeSi,-.Sara and Maepliis, Tenn.* Mr- Solomon was for-Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lapidus. Mr. X ^Tucker, and /Harriett Wolsky. ThoJ merly: connected with the J. L. Bran- Schaefer is en route to Louisville, New York City, formerly of Omaha, CORSET SHOPPE 7; ^* cereiHOny "Will be solemnized... this deis Stores here, and is now associ- Ky., in the Interests of the National are now visiting with their daughter, 204 AQUELA COUKT Suadpy Evening a t the Beth Hame- ated "with the Bryblock Mercantile Jewish Hospital for Consumptives, Mrs. M. A. Prisch, and Mr. Prisch Phone A T lsntie StBS and son, Herbert Goldstein. •drbsli Hagodcl Synagogue, followed Co., of Memphis. and Mrs. Sehaefer will visit her parOmalia. Nebr. T»y a /wedding-dinner at the home of ents in. Cincinnati for several weeks. Mr. and Mrs. William Herzoff and theTiride'5 parents for only the i_emMr. and Mrs. Carl Furth had as This couple made hundreds of friends hersof«the immediate family. Rabbi their guests for several days this in Omaha during the four and on<?J.;-Bi.«Ch.arlop;'.'wffl; officiate: week, Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Colin, of half years that Mr. Schaefer was su-Hostesses for Miss Cooper during Stockton, Calif. perintendent of the local Jewish. Welthe past wee^S-ere' Mrs. M. L. Horfare Federation. They will leave for Mr. and Mrs. Harris Levey left last the East Monday night. •wich, -who entertained at a one o'clock week to visit in Boston, Mass., with luncheon, followed by bridge, at her their daughter, Sadie, who is at "endMr. and Mrs. Michael Cohn an• •- home Wednesday. Last Saturday afting the New England Conservatory of nounce the girth of a baby son, born ernoon Miss-Anne ipreenberg enter-; Just a few weeks more — then we close. | fj tained at bridge at -the Brandeis Tea Music They -will be gone for two or Wednesday, December 31, at the Tiiese final weeks will losig be ressaeailaered | Methodist Hospital. Mrs. Cohn was Eooms,, arid oh the : -folio-wing after- three weeks. I wish .to inform my friends in 1 formerly Miss Ann Winer, of this as tibe ciim&x of value giving. O«r quality «r ' noon Miss Esther Weinberg -was hos- Miss Ruth Zolat, of Lincoln, Omaha-and vicinity that I have recently ' .• .-•• tess a t -bridge at her home. : who was visiting with Miss Martye city. standard is maintained — we are selling ' established the Weinstein last week, left Sunday for Mrs. J. P. Cohn is chairman of the SHAPIRO-ROBINSON only "OUT regtilar «tock.f* I her home. Hospital Committee of the Council. One of the "winter's fashianable : weddings: "will be solemnized - at the Miss Lucille Goldstrom left This committee meets every Friday ':; Blackstone" Hotel Sunday evening, Wednesday for California, where she at the home of Mrs. Cohn to make •' January 18,. -when Miss Helen.. Eobin- will spend the winter with her aunt, masks and aprons for hospitals. Park and Wool'wortli Avenues. •"; son, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Mrs. D. A. Sampson. While.en route The Americanization Department Eobinson,; becomes -the /bride of Mr. to California she will sfop off at Kanof the Local Council of Jewish Women Max Shapiro, of LincomY .Nebr. Sliss sas City, Mo. 'A. new laundry equipped throughout with Lillie Kooper, cousin of the bride, <H the most modern laundry machinery for , -will be .•her maid-of-honor, and 1 the Mr. M. H. Lipp left Sunday even•u. •• Misses Sadie Lipschutz, of Sioux ing for Los Angeles, Calif., where doing wet-wash, semi-flat, air-dry, and .. City* Ia^ Irene Adelson, of Lincoln, he will' visit with his wife, who is rough-dry, all in a manner that will iLl^anX 'R.nt'JTjggplan.-gill "be -her bridas- spending the winter there. He will ; = ^lease^ maid^. The groonvTTOiIi HayTl ffis also visit for a short time in SacraAnd Many Garments Are Closing brotherj Mr. Ben Shapiro, of Lincoln, mento, Calif., "with his brother, Dr. Tailoring Establishment •as Ms bestman, and Messrs. Bobeit Michel Lipp, formerly of Omaha. Mr. H A . 7545 and let us show you H.; Hooper, Milton Masldn, of Sioux Lipp will be gone for about two a new kind of service in laundry work. City, Harry Eobinson, brotiier of tfie weeks; bride, and Ed Solig, of Kansas City, : Mo.> formerly of Omaha, -will be Miss Janet Borsky, of Los Angfoonismen. Little Miss Euth Falk geles, Calif., arrived last week to : ; -Ndll he floWer-glrl, and master Sain- visit -with her mother, Mrs. Sara Bor"Guaranteed Service" and other relatives here, She uel Davidson,, of. Lincoln, the ring'•••.". b e a r e r . . : " ' y •';•':•'•'.; .'•••:• ..-:'. .. "^ ' . . will visib here for ten days. Sales are Kisny, anil, w» t^aiiss© tkat, In order tt». .^During the past month.Miss Eobclose out quickly, we mutt offer the vefy bmt Miss- Belle Eosenthal will.be hosCleaning and Pressing ;: - inson. has. been -busily : entertained. Among her recent hostesses were tess to the P. A. L. Bridge club at garments for the price* and we're doing it every Remodeling FOR '..'•;;:rMisii''Av-.-Bbnjmj her- mother,>Mrs. L her home Sunday afternoon, January day at YOU ;B. Ebbinsbn,;. Miss . Sara : Segelman, 18. ; :; - and llliss Sadie Levey.' During the You can make sure of saving §1,000 or more by making Little Miss Isobel Rita Katleman, ' -past -vveek Mrs. Sam Sohinson enter- four year old daughter of Mr. and small monthly deposits under our new Assured Systained, honoring tbj^ bride-to-be. Last Mrs. Michael Katleman, entertained tematic Saving Plan, and at'the same time provide a guarantee of this amount being paid, in addition to V Friday; afternoohj; Mrs. Sam Leon was twenty-five children last Saturday your savings in the event you do not live. ^'^ostess at the, Brandeis Tea_ Booms. nfternoon from three to five at 'hex 4005 Farnam St. We vrill gladly send details if you will clip and mail :V "Saturday' afternoon, Miss Ida Telpnef home in honor of her birthday. Phone HArney 1606. attached coupon or call AT lantic 6374. ^ - ; entertained; for'.; Miss vRobinson. Sun.% -.; day .-afternoon, Mis. H.- Ebthkop '!wa& Miss Bess Horn "was hostess to sixteen guests. at • a luncheon, f ollovred Seserre V: :'{fibStes5^at:'-h^;itome.-l^M3re.V:;O.r,.C. by Mah Jong, at the Brandeis Tea Assets Fund yi:;; ^GpVShex^honoredj Mss Bohinson '$£• .'-aRoos Tuesday afternoon complimentENROLL YOUR CHILDREN $ 14,406,000 "Closing 1455,000 N'-i; • \luncfeebn :V?BdnesBay afternoon at\ her ary to her sister, Miss Anne Horn, in the Out '0.};hf>iiife;\A:?tea:i^m;;-three :tb^'fiyeiiKai who is to be married Sunday to Mr. ,^:si^rt]gfi^;^t}^;"SOTd^ay:r;-.aftECT Sale** LOUIS A. FREIBERG, Hep. Joe Krasne, of Council Bluffs, at the ; : . . - . . . • ••; ' raj's 6% Quarterly ;s;;%j3Ess^LiIlie" KoopeV;at'l'er honiey ^on- Blackstone Hotel. A dancing party :: , 18th and Harney, Qnsalsa, Neb. 3^j''cous^( ; Mlss^Fohinsbn.f• r '/ honoring the couple prior to their •Smart W*#r^ Occidental BJflg. & Loan A s s a ^ ' i S t h a n d H n r n e y , Omalsa, 2v •wedding yrzs given Thursday evening Gentlemen: ^ • 4962 Dodge Street :jand^^s^H.;:M.;^Lev^;an4.::Ilit-f by Miss Baylia Freiden and Mrs. M. Please -send o e , -reitfcofit obligation, y o u r entitleil 4SO,000 foe son," . . . . Gilinsky, of Council Bluffs, at the J. L. WOLFSON, Instructor ; X ' ' E-fJia«* • ii*';;'visiting| |8t- ^the liome ;^of :;:Mxs.i Hanscom Park Pavilion. For enrollment call Mrs. James J . Lefkovitz, cf KanIi?§lf^^-"W3^ 5?ife^KiraSn^rHbrii ^ JweddiRg ft'Sahday sas City, Mo., is visiting here' with Walnut 8753, or Jackson 39S7. her moths*. Mrs: M. Kevnaan. One of the first -winter season's social events to be given this year by the Sisterhood of Temple Israel will be a public Mah Jong and Dancing Party at the Blachstone Hotel Wednesday evening, January 14. Mrs. Max Sommer is in charge of the affair.


Jewelry Co.





Men's aid Women's Tafloring Work Deae

Max S. Kaplan, Owner

of original • selling prices



alf Price

and Less

Jabne Hebrew and Edae tiosal School

1521 Farnam Street


PAGE^-THE JEWISH PRESS—THURSDAY, JANUARY 8, 1925 vantage by the lacquer finish in transmission lock and automatic wind- appointments, not to mention the Bund, is anti-Bolshevist and has Been Max Kaplan Opens Dodge Brothers blue, with a body shield wiper. The tatter is controlled proven dependability of the chassis, persecuted with all the * malevolence of which;Lenin and Trotzky were castripe of cartouche j*ellow. Shroud by a valve en the instrument board make it difficult to believe that this Laundry Establishment and pable. One may .even say that it is belt are black- and the artillery and is regarded as unusually effi- coach could be ^o!d for f 1,005 f. o. b. astonishing that there are not more Mr. Max S. Kaplan has recently Wheels are blue. Doors and windows cient. The windshield is of the one- Detroit," he said. Bolshevist Jews in Russia, since there opened a laundry establishment are exceptionally affording a piece, self-ventilating type and caris not one among them that owns a Jewish Question in-Frmvoe Enters a New Phase of Dis- plot of ground, and among the indi- known as the National Laundry, dear vision on allIarg"e, sides and permit- ries a fixed visor. vidual owners of the soils are found which is located at. 1333 Park ave- ting passengers to enter and leave interested and Objective Inquiry. Equipped with balloon tires and a! the most natural and determined op- nue. The laundry is equipped with the car with the greatest ease. Each non-rumble roof, and built on Dodge { By PIEKRE M1LLE. ponents of communism. That the Copyright 1025 by Seven Arts' Feature Syndicate. of the two doors is equipped with a Brothers standard chassis, i t rides I Jewish, laborers of Russia became 350 Rooms—350 Baths Bolshevists, is not at all surprising; pull-to handle on the molding, greatly smoothly and comfortably over any j they did as their Gentile comrades. Bates $2.50 to $4.50 simplifying the. closing. The car isroads. Pierre MiUe, the French Rudyanl with /them. Finally,' •whether you The Jewish intellectuals of Russia locked by a high-grade lock on the There is every reason to believe, Kipling, and one of the keenest mluds were anti-Seiniti cor philo-Semitlc, or are divided on the question of Bolof contemporary France, discusses in ! right door. according to O'Brien-Davis Auto Co., thJs article a topic of interest 'to the even indifferent—if anyone could re- shevism, just like the Gentile intel"the two front seats tilt forward, Dodge Brothers dealer, that demand | Jews the world over. A nonrJew him- main so—youinevitably asked your- lectuals. This is, I believe, the real Harry Ivononovitch I Belt, he sees the Jewish problem with situation; but whatever, a Jew does, adding further to the convenience of for the Coach will quickly reach ex-"French eyea. That is why this con- splf the question: ; "After all, who is noticed. If my child digs its fintribution is of characteristic siguJcance. arelthe Jews' We/speak of them all occupants. The rear seat is spacious ceptional proportions. Paris has become the center and the lime, we fight against or with' ger into his nose, I do not see it. If and comfortable, affording ample "The sturdy- construction and refuge of the European Jewish stu- them;/but'we do not know them." : , it is that of my neighbor, I say it is ' Studio—20" Cfonnsp Blk. dent. How does France stand on' the Hnrney 8476 room for three adults. The upholbadly brought up. smartness of the lines and interior i Jjeit us 'imagine—if Wei take the Jewish Question?—The Editor. Bowing For Advnnced .Pupils. Finally, whether one wants stery is dark brown, attractive and anti-Semitic point ofview—an invasThough i t may be . bad form to of rats., . Grocers and housekeep- not, the Jewish Question i s ^ - g of'excellent wewaring qualities. speak of one's self at the lieginning ion ers 'will .at first content themselves ning in France to enter upon IT period The equipment also includes a rub- Office Phone JAcfcson S1ZS of an article, I mast begin by: relat- with? at- the rats devastating of most:disinterested, most objective Gate City Furniture Co. ing a personal'experience, because it their swearing JOHN FRLDMAN ber mat in the forward section and provisions, and clamor for their, inquiry through our literature. It seems to throw a light upon the in-extermination. anc! should be stated that it is also a carpet on the rear floor, dome light, Clothier • Then, after a certain teresting literary fact which I w.duld interyal—r-if x only : through' literary means that the Giofcse Van & Storage Co. to devise better foot rest, mechanical window lifters, Foil Dress Suits and Tuxedos bring into prominence. ihetiods^for their exterminatiori-^- French bourgeoisie came to know the owned nnd operated by Moved trom 109 No ICih St. to It is more than twenty years, about they- will inquire into the part of thelabor question; for under the merce4113 Karbach Block, 15th £ Donirla* Sts. GROSSMAN & SONS 1900, if I am not mistaken, that I' world, from which theycame; into nary July monarchy the reigning OM&HA KKBtS. 520-28 ISO. lfith St. had the great joy of- "discovering" their tphysiogriimy, their habits. classes considered the workers in the 4338 At. 0230 WASH AND KEEP WELL ZangwilTs "Children of tfie Ghetto" :: In; a similar manner—though per- gteat industries as mere" savages A EULE OF HEALTH and ^'Dreamers of the! Ghetto." It haps/in an opposite sense—people who without regard for creed or law. It - seemed to me as if a new world -were Have fought beside anyone against is the novels of Victor Hugo and Eu- all modern machinery for wet and FRONTIER TOWEL SUPPLY - revealed to me. The : undisputable the same r adversary, will desire by, gene Sue who idealized them, and dry washing. suggestive power of the author had sympathy better to knoWitheir part- those of the naturalist school, who 1818 California Street. F. 8. MO REX Prop. "Good service and good work shall - something- to do with it, but there was ner in the same cause,. will watnt to described them as far more brutal Phone Webster 0820 something more: For the first, time. Icriow. the. country he came; from, his than they are in "reality, that made always be the aim of the National I, who had never dealt with the Jew- beliefs, ideas on life, death and mar- them known to those classes. . This Laundry," said Mr. Kalpan, the proTHE LAUNDKV THAT ish question and Jewish literature in riage, and .even inquire into what he knowledge was still quite superficial j prietor. EVERYBODY LIKES. any other way-than. did the, majority «ats. This, happened "with the Sene- yet it was of some use to the "Fourth Mr. Kaplan has been in the launof my compatriots, which as quite galese. Since they <*ame /to''fight with Estate," since it has succeeded in# beWHOLESALE superficially, saw the Jews'painted by us against the:Germans, many more coming a part of "the" state. Liter- dry business for a number of years, the Jew. I learned where tfiey came people-in ^France than hefprebecame ature has undoubtedly hastened the and is thoroughly acquainted with the Druggists and Stationers from,' what they thought; .their reli- ^Interested; in the Sengalese. . . development of the Jewish Question necessities for this business. ISOT Howard St. At. 8028 «Ol-*H5-4OS 8nntb tOtb Stmrt gious creed and the ritual KH that •''" This> is what happened; aftet the in France. Omaha, Nebr. OKI* XlitiATlffiEM' WI1JL creed were revealed to me.' I wit-Dreyfus affair. And. the war of 1914 (Copyright, 1925, by Seven Arts FeaCQNVINW V«»»: VV OViR nessed the dramatic conflict of hered-,| has" defined the problem o m st stillm more ture Syndicate.) ^ ^ conceptions „„«„„, which ^ui^ they A - , , i. vv»l l a j Bolshevism Trust I>ppnrtro<"nt. ifcarjr brought Bolshevism, which which Safety OponBtt Hox»s. that followed ,it. ,it. The Thewar ar showed s 'i^fwm^'<^ent^jEbrope'%wi^'.bu^,;Pcciri"l •followed The Jewish Press is the family dental'conceptions, according to which' there w\yas as large a proportion off h EXPERT ACCOUNTANTS religion is^a purelyin&yidual- mat-. Jews as of Christians capable of giv- paper. It should be in YOU.H home. Every Known Kind INCOME REPORTS An attractive new Coach has been ••'"• ter.'- In th'e Orient a man, whether-he'' ing their life for a national, territorial V " Beff-a Christian; Jew or-Moslem, bW cause- And not for a racial cause, Send in your subscription. added to Dodge Brothers line of pasof Insurance ^ Jongs first to his religious < confession;whether . in France,' Germany, Aussenger cars and is on display for the EFFICIENT Bi!<J Kf-;sr«5KBIBI.»K 209 W. O. W. Bldg. JA. 3944. v: and only after that, in an- accessory; tria, England, Italy or even in Russia. 403 Karbach Block r h o n e AT. 1882 first time at the New York automo;; nianner, geographically to the nation This made at least those Frenchmen JEWISH EMIGRANTS . your elorhps come ]}i- of which he is a part owing'to! his think, who had no strong anti-Semitbile show. - LEAVING ROUMAJ/IA FOR (Meaner and last ionsret. 4 T i » n B t <SWi. »r,ir;-:s Jackson Si, birth within a certainterritory.; £.1* ic prejudices. Moreover, if the Union "Characteristically Dodge BrothSOUTH AMERICA H A. J&O0EE3EGEE. 1'rgfc though the phenomenon' dates back ni': Sacree has vanished as a political asKishineff. (J. T. A.) A group of ers," is the comment most frequently Carpenter Paper Co. later than two centuries, exactly.'the sociation, something of it has surDistributor* oJ Certified Public Accountants ; opposite is true ili Occidental Europe,' vived in the habits of-thought. It is Jewish emigrants W& this week for made by persons examing it. Careful regard for quality as well Gmatie OStfe: 81S POUKIBR Ktrvet. Western Bond—-and High /.where a man feels himself first a difficult to entertain two hatreds in Brazil through th« Jewish EmigraAudits Systems OnwhB PHrciw AtfantiP Ssae : Fienchman, Englishman, Gernian "or the same heart: The hatred of the5 tion Bank here. jV. second group of as beauty is evident in. every detail Grade Stationery Investigations • Italian, arid then only: a Catholic, Pro-, German has ottenuated the hatred of seventy Jewish eioigrants is-leaving of. construction and appointment. Ford Transfer & Storage Co. Omaha. Nebraska. 431 to 140 l>tPrf Trnst ttidg. /.'•/ testant or/Jew. ;"••;;->-;-.y;:y :;^;-r the Jew; and it is felt that Justice is n <SSS, 435-4. R. &. FOUR The graceful lines are set off to ad: here on the 15th fi>r Peru and Chili. -President end Genera! Manages, ; ^ ~i A AD this struck me as peculiar.-• I due to, the parents and to the sons : > wrote to Mr. Zarigwilt wh'oigraicipujsly of Jews who died for France. Conwi! BInfTp (Iowa) Offjpe :•:.' trusted ine-with the task of-making- '•On the- other hand, a greater numDR. FRED S. BROWN ;; •• his * work iriown in France, SaV I ber of non-Bolshevist Russians has DR. CEL1A R. BROWN .translated ^Children of^^ the Ghetto;'' denounced the important—they even CHIROPRACTORS >: Then with the' ingenuqusness of youth say "leading"—part of Jews in BolW6-4<V! a x ^ ; I i took the translation to the' Revue shevism. "It is not surprising," they H o u r s . 10 &.. M.. t o (3 P. K. •:-":'. dgs Deux MondesV I t was; iretdrnedsay. "The Jew has no country, no Phone, Atlantic 8700. .'".• ^ "Withoutla;: shadow of hesitation^, anef national feeling. He has to become, Residence: Morris Apts.. Phone A t 3H0 • ^the comment: "We could riot offer quite naturally, the ardent and conService is Out Motto ~ our ^readers a ^work^isa decidedly;; phil- vinced propagandist of international Ssle Deposit SJoseis ror Kent. :: - osemiticV': Thisr did not 'discourage communism. Besides, he finds in >»ej-r«e-fiie^•contrary, I felt rsuwcof Bolshevism the means of satisfying success* " I piresented" the rnanuscript his- rancors." to ~:anpiie]^'Tevie"wv a sort jbf riyat iof , But even the conflict between these Upholstering and Fnraitnre Repairthe Revue des Deux Mondes, thjnlans tvro contradictory impressions leads ing Mattresses Renovated. t h a t ' i t would addresiy itself?ito:- a the public towards the beginning of Bos Springs. group of: readers,'with cfifferent opin-' objective ^reasoning. ions, and- differerit-;tastes. - 1 jvas-jjot k- The average Frenchman does not VT-IantS* SB1B 1012 Nortb 16th St. rnistakeriihut only on this one pqjnt, understand more than this. Or, at ; f orVthe .reply"; read: ^What are you least,. he understands only that the Hiiliiftl ;.:tJitnkin^'Qf.2-ir\,We.:.haye'.-TOaji'y_''Iwael>i Jewish problem is far more compli? IteVreadets. '• How: canowe publish a cated .than it appeared. story itt whfcto^ the Jews are ^escrihed The. French are less inclined than trothfuTIy, vsomeMnies rather^; hunjqrr the.English and the Germans, to be :ojis]y, and in^^ which^-this is the inosi? swayed by motives, either of immedi"The Mohl" When Thinking of Mens' Hats serious^ objection—it i | shown where ate material interest or simply moResidence, 1342 So. 25th EC. or Furnishings - they: came fronij and that .in maJiy: tives of sentiment. They live by T«-l. ATIsnfir <><!$?. RE&1EMEER cases itns only; a Short *ime ago when heredity in an atmosphere of logic Place of BnsSnPsg, S4U6 Ccmmg 8*. ^hey were not; French. Our? Jew^ - in and analysis. They are like" their TPI. ATlantlP SS31. \^rarice prefer to forget the past 4,nd language. They have made their lan1421 DOUGLAS ST. do riot care to -haye; it recalled 'tq guage, and their language has made JOB L. WOLF SAM N. WOtiF French' Christians."' v ; l v : : ; . ; . / ; : . them. They have left behind, as far CalL us for good • I t was-thus everywhere. The.mari- as the Jew is concerned, the meta:uscriptAof ^^Children of %-Ghettqy physical period. So they have come The Jewish Press aids the Jews to made theb circuit r6t all reviews, rail •to the point of wanting to know what THE BKIMN & JENSEN CO. papers^ aU^ publishers of .'France, ^t, a Jew is, what the Jews stand for. keep in touch with what their MICKLIN LUMBER CO. VFlioSjiSflie paper even crossed the frontier- in an e|fort They no longer say to themselves: distributors for 24th &• Burdette Sts. WE. 5555 i t o ' approach ,La Bibliotheque tlniyer- "The Jews must be banished from our fellow Jews are doing in city, Northern Toilet Tissue selle, a Swiss review, wwith :np ibetter community- for the sake of a national. state and nation, besides inform;:snccess.; fit these wanderinga;it,'e|veii" pr Christian ideal." Nor do they cry j 1112 Hnrney Street 5 ut: "The Jew Jew7 iniist must he be defended in in ' ~" lpst'some^ pages wMch; I .was forced j'outi'j^The PASTON BOTEL ing them on the problems of the AT-lantic 6409 ^iater: to rewrite. Much lafer^yery the 'name of. the principles of the deer TURKISH BATHS : Jews in Europe and the World -niuch later! : For i t was twenty.,years laTatiqn of the Rights of Man." Each now operated D* " after that'. iriy rfriend, *the":publisher of thfese opinions has its adherents; PAXTON BOTEL over. it depends of course" upon the nature PAXTON-MITCH ELL CO. Steam, Turkish, and Electric Baths. ; ieasbri-to beKeye, had nq> ^causev to • of t h e ^ i n d anithevinoraland, intel&H Modern Equipment. MA. Kits !7tb end Martha M P . .^Sregretifc"-'''•-•••:>•••-: ••.^:.";:-.^/]f.::^^::.•- lectual formation as t<>. wliich of the Manufacturers <tf Brass, two attitudes' a Frenchman irill, take. jgNow' this iis; the ^question; %whjch Mnminatn ant! tinit <»re foo 8?P aflPMnrred <sf so ^arises: T-: How ;is^^ it-that:':-a^^ work.stfjqut But today/ underneath•••'and:>bove iall : «?« fTOwtWJir ««mi«> from «vprsr ;ttej-Jews,^3hpt* Jfewfeh^ psyc]Hiqlqpy,: this reasoning, -appeai:syaf geriuineI'ifief way yon get tbem la any • itr own shfi|s. In our judgment, it is the sacred duty of our nj wy y g •j^oTO^^sqcial'cqnditiijri of therjewsi "siretb-know the realfty'rbf the^ ohjeet Standard MSW east lr«n ana /;^w&;^rejected, by••"all??the^/publishers^ Studied. "l.-"-.-The" Frenchman begins;: to ; ENS .GRAHAM .GRAHA ..CRACKEIS ITEN'S '% y^J^& ec&ifiTs «f :alf re^ewafabqpt a,^wish^to be 'fmfornted." . : readers to help bring this paper into Every are K-o-o-d. eating for everybody. d ; >qttaitej*:,«f'a century:RgQiundtftiljted- •.vi-Itf is this, which has led to 'the read-, Ask yocr grocer for ITES CB.ACKEBS •gljpfdi: "goodrsasqnsir atleast: comriier- irig - of Zarigwiirs "Children of the= by niame always. Get the genuine sng * Jetyish Home. We ask for no financial asi-<Sal freasons^ and vthafc at-tiiis Jhour^it Ghetto"-and "Dreamers of the Ghet, t e satisfied all waj-sj M18 '':" -findi; a^Mumerqus public 1 %• Nq^-ijnlyto ;" of the. stories by Perets as well K ( ^liat pariac^ar:w6rl^to sistance of any land, but merely urge the Jew as of; the ^novels about the' Jews of UNCLE SAM BKKA&FAS1' i ;able;;Jewish ncfvels h y ' the,^rpthets ^5alicia by the Tharaud brothers. The Si'Tharaud,:;=the stories; of; i»eretSi jarid i'Trcis Fenjriies" and the "Nocturnes" to co-operate in furthering interests that are :• FOOU co. ^£#any qthers,iii6t^to meritiqn^tii^one; %.Imariri and still other works,,for I OMAHA ISKKKANKA. - i&? which I"am i^ponsibiej and quite dp;-nbt-intend to ejchaust the list, are ":'•• receritjy toe'^Nocturries^? of:M.:Bn-beingiread with great'interest. Ob; his own. i a n n ^ - ' - ' ~".:-,~ -•: ••-r----;- •-•;•-•;:!•.-v>-r.- ;-,•.;.?. scurely,;?h6weveri even the; least in?&«• ^is,-Biriiply this:-;The^ attitude^pffqijnedr^iader applies himself to solv?H^thS Ereadh: public: toT^dsthe^Jewfsh ihg the /question as; to" how niucli ;;;i;Ques^nV"^as;v.v<Aarig^d^:i?:':;lt::b credence he can give to, these works, ffiiciangea'ji as could kbe vexpected^hy a' lie reasons that the: works of ZangBU'WEK and ECtfiS iiSprocess ,riatura^ to Hhe , h^trianr-mindf wilt arid Perets may be partial to the Sifjroiri^Qie! subjetth^ to'th© Tjbjejetiye>-«•'•• nioraiitisr or to the virtues, of their Goancil Bluffs, la. ^ & ^Th^ Jewish-Questibn^arosie^ first In; coreligionists because they are Jews. f^wrSdc^sbroe' tiuriy yea^s ago through :But he feels that these book's are e ^ igf^h^;-ftamphlets of Drumqntv- B?;was act chronicles; with regard to the Jewl JAcksoa 1862 5|^ieiaprqw period^ of^isuhjective apti-r •ish; custorris, 'Jiieligiqus; Sites>. and the whol6V JewishV:/jnodusv viyendi. And when tiae Frerichman reads^^ the^BrothT H E J E W I S H PRESS, SliFrenchmeri^ fjn firs, neither Jews «i%s%Kr-"V"f K;lsqi|^ discoye^d^ ]OT, believed ^to# hjive; hpr\ Tl?ajraud,"^hq;are G81 Brandeis Theatre Bldg.—AT lantic 1450. "Manufactured in Omaha" he will have;to #©8. Pepper. VteePreelfl s|^i^psBee4 that-they^ wiereFpnlike^Hs, admitrevblutioriists, ^e^; hig^ i rank wwhich Jewish . XT. O. Bra, . Secretary, di^^iit'sffaw^ ^iifficient fqrVthent to %dd: Idealisrit^hplds in the world; BAKER ICE MACHINE CO. Clip Out, F THE. JEWISH PRESS, Omaha Fixture <§b ^X With/ Iiftann/arid his. VNocturries" A "Sl^inMaiate^JSbriost"phySical *reactiqifc •we approach the-ptheripoint of view Supply Co, 681 Brandeis Theatre Ij^tfiatjof anJ'x>ld;S orggnjsni |irid:/the/riwst'delicaiel; M. Imattnhas Attach ; ; ^ ^e^ s6ri^fiorii %ofe viyictiy -|riuchr taleritf / h'e: kiiows how/toi ^orii^ Omaha, Nebr. GOMPi-ETE STORE AKB a|S|feJiitBy|iaii!s exacerbated inatiOTi^^cbjij? /pose^rarb^ok :and/present;,his! clvai'aCr Your Check OFFICE OUTFITTERS Gentlemen: Attached hereto Is check for §2.50, for : : *"'°''^ousi^s;t ;JEvery:riatJ.qriali^^ We occrcpy SSg^^Miiat6ti^edsflT;nii^: th)ei 19th ;|ei-si/Besides^/he'seems; to l ^ e neither which send THE JEWISH PRESS every week for one And Mail I year to lisjm^^jfcff'c^ntatJes: - it: ijros itiri^ritibt-:;; democracy, nor parliamentarism, nor :•> Co SSa^j^n^is^riefiessary^Q ^«iwai^fe the Jews. He has seen them in Gea n ^ iionftap streets I Name This Coupon neva during the war: the Jewish colony, - the most numerous of all that a^^gl^sBr^l^e^W'stK^^s^^the fte NT5Bhad emigrated to 'Switzerland, and Now OT&^SS|^^«Tlie5'i^suIt^*itJ'^s; ; * Street Address. frinv ,which Lenin emerged in 1917. &^|^fi^e^rals jyears!f thi&fe Jewish; S»ipap^first|ip^ito:^ He,spoke of them without sympathy. As You «sssr^^j^*ies^j^fsj^^enfei iqf the: Nevertheless, 1he, too, helped to make ADVO COFFEE , Mgi^feis6^eSf|rf;;f|r|t; us .know them . He was among those Think Of It •who are persuaded that all Jews are at least all- Russian Jews'ADVO JELL ADVO FOODS higof^3^nchriieri'^wno'ipe« Bolshevists, "Phis is incorrect. However little we ihay'kno of the history of contemporary -Russia, still .very, much conm .fused to our. eyes, we do know that iiimiiiHHiMimiUHiuMmiiiiiHiHiiiimm the, most numerous Jewish $arty, the


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