£f -f-1 •**
Dedicated to the Ideals of Judaism
Entered as Second Class Mq rostoffice of Omaha,
In the Interests of the Jewish People
itter on January 21,1821, ot %iaer the Act of March 3, 1879
Vol. X—No. 36
nal Conclave Democrats Nominate Gov. Lehman by Acclamation
Outstanding Authorities /:/"/= ...Will Lead Discussions Public Is Invited To All Sessions
airmen Conference Chai
Buffalo, N . Y. CWJilS).—Governor Herbert H. Lehman became the first Jewish governor in American history to win his party's endorsement for a second successive term jwhen the Democratic state convention renominated. him by acclamation, former Govern o r Alfred E.~-Smith, ^Governor Lehman's political sponsor, placed . Ms name before the convention in a characteristic speech. . <:
BTSAIBRFfflPLAN FOR INSTITUTEOF JEWISH EDUCATION Dr. Phffip Sher Heads Group Working Oat Plans for Institute
A College OT Institute of Higher Jewish Education is being planned SATTRDAT, OCTOBER 6ih, at 8*50 p. m. - • in Omaha under the auspices of the local B'nai Brith lodge. All phases of Jewish FederaChairman, Philip M Klutznick Dr. Philip Sher, sponsor of the tion and social service work will Address of "Welcome—TVm L. Holzman, President," Jewish -Cam-' project, heads the committee apbe thoroughly discussed at the munity Center and Welfare Federation, Omaha." • ' pointed to work out plans for BUC'O. Plains-States Regional Conferan institute. Address of Welcome—Mayor Roy N, Towl, Omaha. ence of Jewish Community CenDefinite action was taken at the Introduction of Speaker by Henry Monsky, Omaha . • ; ters and Welfare .Federations, B'nai Brifli meeting Tuesday evewhich will be held in Omaha this Speaker—Dr. Philip L. Seman, general director"61 the Jewish ning at trie J. C. C , with Dr. Sher Peoples' Institute of Chicago " ' . „ - - . » week-end, Saturday evening and introducing the measure. Henry Monsky, who has been outall day Sunday, October 6 and 7. It is hoped that the institute will ... - Subject—"Community Organization and Jewish Leadership.**. " standing in civic, social and philanAll sessions -will be held at the be able to get under way by Novemthropic endeavors locally and nationReception. Jewish Community Center, and the ber. It will be held at the Jewish ally, "was -elected lass Friday _a&" a David Goldman, Philip M. Klutznick. public, both men and- women, are inCommunity Center. Chairman of the Omaha Committee General Chairman of the vited and urged to attend any or all 8U3TDAY, OCTOBER 7th The committee appointed to make on the Plains-States Conference. Plains-States Regional Conference of the sessions. There will be no adplans: Dr. Philip Sher, chairman; 9:30 a. m—Presiding Officer, I. S. Joseph, Minneapolis. mission charge for any of the sesRabbi Frederick Cohn, Rabbi David Subject—"The Federation as a Vital Factor in Communal Life." sions. A. Goldstein, Rabbi Uri Miller, Rabbi David H. Wice, Frank Ackerman, The program headliners: Speaker—Miss Blanche Renard, executive director, Jewish-Federal Sam Beber, Julius Bisno and A. . Dr. Philip L. Seman, general dition, St. Louis. , \ . '~'~ " ~. Katz. rector of the Jewish Peoples InstiDiscussants—Dr. Philip Hillkowitz, Denver; Louis Ehrlich, Kantute of Chicago, who will speak The purpose of the institute is to ' What do" American Jews think sas City; Sam Beber, Omaha. ,- • " i v' - ' , ~ . ' ~ .' inculcate a higher Jewish education Saturday, evening-on "Community :and-do "about the tragic situation and Jewish tradition. Tentative plans Organization and Jewish Leader11:00 a. m.—Subject—"The Family Welfare Program.in An of; German and other European call for a two-year course for young ship." Era of Transition." v :; . -~ •Jewry and about the future of men and women (though all would George W. Rabinoff, executive Palestine? : . Speaker—George W. Rabinoff, executive director,.National CounImportant Discussions Held at I be welcome) with a curiiculum which director of National , Council • of ^ How shall we develop and cil of Jewish Federations and Welfare Funds, New York. ] would include among other subjects Washington MeetJewish Federations and Welfare maintain adequate standards for the Bible and Biblical history, postDisscussants—Henry Monsky, Omaha; L g. Joseph, Minneapolis; ''. Funds, New York, who win speak ing the care of Jewish dependent Biblical history, Jewish literature, Professor A. D. Kaplan, Denver. • • - • • • .. Sunday morning at 11 a. m. on families; for the care of the aged Sam Beber, a member of the ex- Hebrew, the history of American "The Family Welfare Program in and dependent Jewish children? 1:00 p . m.—Luncheon—Business Session. . '. ., . ecutive committee of the Nations! Jewry, a beginning course in educaan Era of Transition." T--Should more thought and funds 2:50 p . nu—Presiding Officer, Rabbi F r i Miller, Omaha. . Council of Jewish Federations and tion. Classes, it is expected, will Dr. George, J.- Gordon, .Minneaporbe given to those activities (Jew- Welfare Funds returned Tuesday meet twice weekly. lis educator, who wflllead the dis• Subject—"A re-orientation in the Aims and Objectives of Jewish :ish Centers "and Jewish education from an executive meeting of the The local lodge is also making cussion Sunday afternoon on the Education." ' . ' movements) "which represent fun- Council held in Washington, D. C. progress in its plans for its share in topic of "A Re-orientation in the damental Jewish . interests and Speaker—Dr. George J. Gordon, Minneapolis. . . ,; . ' Saturday night and all day Sunday. the national membership campaign Aims and Objectives of Jewish which; depend" for their survival Discussants—Rabbi David Goldstein, Omaha; Rabbi David GrauFriday, Beber attended a meeting as well as the program for the fifEducation." xm Jewish money? • -I for the Mobilization for Human tieth anniversary of the local lodge. bart, Des Moines; Rabbi.GershonHadas,' Kansas City; Jesse" Calmen- • Babbi Ferdinand M. Issennan of '. • How : does r;lhe" Jewish "Federa- Needs, called in Washington by A city-wide banquet and open son, StrPaul; David Ries, St"Louis. ' tion; jmget .these: rrital, problems J ot Hewton D. BakeT. President . Frank- meeting November 4 will elMnax $io~ r -a" trip to Germany and Palestine, 4:00 p.itt*-r-Presiding Officer, Harry A. Wolf, Omaha. »ux:day?- - * - .-''"-:'..v::.-." -'•-.?.. - lin ,D. Roosevelt addressed the •open- drive aind the anniversary celebraChests-aad %ni' speak-iiMi *Tn.e^€ri8is>in ~€HT»'-'•What communal activities and ing session '~Sn~ the White House tion. The principal speakr and honSubject—"The Community "Center as A Morale Building Influence." Washington, D. C j rent Jewish Life" at the dinner programs are essential in the lawn. ored guest will be Alfred M. Cohen Sunday evening. ',' Speaker—Gilbert, Harris, S t Louis. " . • " " . Monsky was president of the Oma- j smaller . Jewish ' communities? .The sessions of the National Coun- of Cincinnati, international p^esl-"' This ioifeieiice brings into~focns ha Community Chest for two years. Discussants—Ellis Levitt, Des Moines;- 'Robert Lappen, Des How can we "help each" other cil of Federations and Welfare Funds dent of the B'nai Brith, to whom the' the need for an exchange-'• of opinHe has been a-member of the ex- maintain these activities? ". : Moines; Max Bretton, Kansas City; Rabbi David Wice,~ Omaha; Mrs. were held at the Mayflower Hotel and national membership campaign for ion and experiences on problems of ecutive committee of the Chest since! Milton Firestone, S t Paul. These are among the questions were attended by sixteen of the twen- 75,000 new members is dedicated. ^ community ' organization arid the its organization^ He was chairman of which will be discussed this week- ty members of the executive commit7:30 p . nv-^-Conlerence Dinner. . ' ^ functional needs and developments in On October 19 B'nai Brith servthe committee which drafted the: end,. Saturday evening and all tee. the social service structure of the ices will be held at the various local Presiding Officer—David Goldman, -Omaha,. . • - • . • original articles of incorporation day Sunday, October 6 .and 7,.'at The outstanding subject discussed, houses of worship. communities in this region. General and has. always been a guiding figToastmaster—William L Holzman, Omaha. _ > . — • the Omaha J. C. C , where the Beber reports, was the huge Jewish and Jewish social service problems A pep rally for the drive will be ure in -fhe" councils of the Community Plains States Regional confer- Welfare Mobilization progTam, a na- held October 21. Another will be held Invocation—Rabbi Frederick Cohn, Omaha. -'V will be discussed. Among the topics Chest. ' ence will be held. tional movement initiated by the Na- October 28, with Dr. A. L. Sachar to be taken up will be family welSpeaker—Rabbi F . M. Isserman, St. Louis.,- r . . ,"':. . His activities in social, civic and The public is cordially invited tional Council of Jewish Federations as speaker. fare, child care, care of the aged, Subject—"The Crisis in Current Jewish life." . ,"*"" •_. phQanthqpic work, both Jewish and! to attend any or all of the ses- and Welfare F u n d s , developed employment, vocational guidance, non-Jewish, have been many and through regv.lar groups such as the sions. problems in Jewish" education, and varied/ and ' in recognition • of his one here in Omaha, in order to asFederation and Community Center manifold services he -was' the recipisist local communities to do their programs. . ent Of Phi Beta Epsilon's "most out- | part on an equitable basis in raising Lay leaders will, give short, -point- in Chicago to develop ways and to 350, so all wishing to attend are standing Jewish citizen" award lastj urged to make their reservations immeans of utilizing the world's fair funds for national, foreign and local ed remarks, and questions will be January. mediately. •• . Jewish causes. asked by those attending the vari- grounds' and-the existing buildings. " Following Seman's address, a - The feature of-the dinner, meetHenry Monsky and. William L. ous discussions. Holzman of Omaha were named to In the neighborhood of. two; hun- reception will be held for the del*' ing wiDbe the address by Rabbi Ferdinand M. •Isserman of S t this Mobilization committee a few dred out-of-town delegates from the egates, with the Omaha community S. Ravitz was named president of months back. Louis, who will speak' on T h e :' . Dr. Morgenstern To Speak a t Jewish communities in this region as hosts. the Mizrachi at the annual election of Crisis in Current Jewish Life." The National Council expects to Testimonial Dinner Sunday Sessions. officers held last Saturday evening. Babbi Isserman has just returned organize Federations and Welfare October 21 The Sunday morning session "at from a lengthy trip to Germany Other officers: N. Levinson, vice- Funds in unorganized communities; 9:30 a. m. will be led by Miss and; Palestiiie'. and rwill" speak of Mrs. Mary Swartz, 65,' passed president; E. Bloch, secretary; M. also, to study the national agencies . A. congregational testimonial dinBlanche Renard, executive director ~in .these two countries away Saturday night at her home, Venger, treasurer. with regard to budgets, quotas and ner in honor of Rabbi Frederick The dinner meeting of the of the Jewish Federation I of . S t -conditions : 2050 North Nineteenth street, after A confidential report on Palestine programs, and endorse such national Cohn, who was recently elected rabbi • Plains States Regional confer- Louis. I. S. Joseph of Minneapolis, "with first4iand information.. i ' agencies as they find worthy of sup- emeritus of Temple Israel, will- be ence will be held Sunday evening, chairman of the program committee, ' 'David/^Goldman," chairman of the a brief illness. She had been a resi- was given by Rabbi Uri Miller. The meeting was in the form of a port. Omaha committee arranging for the dent of Omaha 47 years. October 7, at 7:30 p . m. The gen- will preside. held Sunday, October 21, 6 p. m. a t Surviving are • four • daughters, Succoth celebration, and was held in conference, will • preside at the dinThe executive committee of the the Temple. eral public is invited to attend. One of the most important discus-; ner. William li- : fiolzman will be Madeline of Omaha, Lillian of San the "Vaad sneeah at the B'nai Israel Council also laid plans for several : Reservations may •. be made by The principal address of the eve-' sions will be hell at the H o'clock other regional conferences such as ning will be delivered by Dr. Julian\ calling the Jewish Community session Sunday morning.' George W. toastinaster. The invocation will be Antonio, Mrs. Orah Hips of Hous- synagogue. ton and Mrs. Nathan Adelson of Los the one to be held in Omaha this Morgenstern, president . of the He-, Center. Rabinoff, executive director.. of the Angeles; two sons, John of Omaha, liquidating week-end. One will be held the end brew Union college at Cincinnati As l i e number for the dinner National Council of Jewish FederaiFajnily/. Welfare Agencies. and Arthur of Los Angeles. will be limited to 350, those wish- tions and Welfare Funds, will lead Brussels.—The Belgian relief com- of this month in Columbus, Ohio, and internationally-noted as a Jewish" ' A separate -sub-meeting is planned Services were held Wednesday mittee" for German Jewish refugees and another in Hartford, Conn. ing to' make reservations are 4;he discussion on the family, welfare scholar. • . of inqming at the residence, with Rab- announced that - the work ol • the A committee was appointed to con- Isidor Ziegler will be toastmaster.: urged :to do so early. Both men problems arising as a ;result of- :$je for Sunday^ </for j iflie I (.executives ; - welfare • jagencies - t o discuss bi 'Urilliller officiating.-Burial was group will be liquidated owing to lack sider the advisability of merging and women are welcome. transitional . period. Particular em- family Short addresses will be given .by" - - „•'***^•'*r^^--*j-*- ; wi'^•• • with the Bureau of Jewish Social William L. Holzman and Henry ini:G6lden Hill cemetery. of funds. phasis will be."laid on functional (Continued on Pagg 8.) Research. • « -_•' Rosenthal. are expected to attend. Preliminary fields of social work. ,; The annual meeting of -the NaThe business session of' this,jcon-; The committee in charge .of arto the. opening of the conclave, an tional Council will be held in New rangements for the dinner' include: executive meeting will be held Sat- ferenee will be in the ^ form of a York City January 12 and IS, 1935.Milton R. Abrahams, chairman^ urday evening. ; luricheon Sunday at l^p.,ni.,\. .. : , At the. early Sunday afternoon Louis Sommer, Dr. M. I. Gordon, ..-..';; • Saturday, Night.'-.;. session Jewish education will be disBen Silver and Joe Pepper. > - The. .keynote, j of ; £he '.'• conference, cussed. :. Leading* t h e ; discussion ^will It was ever thirty years ago—in will b e , y ^ c k jSatniiday . evening, be Dr. George X Gordon, of Muuiea-, March, 1904—that Rabbi Cohn b ^ - starting at 8:30 p. in."-, , polis, leader in Jewish education.; As came rabbi of Temple Israel. AH Philip Klutznick, general chairman director of the Minneapolis' Talmud but seven of his thirty-se\ren yeara^ A large crowd paid their final of Hie conference, will preside. /Ad- Torah, he has won national fecoghirespects Tuesday to Martin Trustin, in the rabbinate were spent at th«. dresses of welcome will be given by tiiin' in' Jewish educational circles.; 81, who passed away Sunday evening local Temple, the other seven at William L. Holzman, president of the Rabbi Uri Uri; MiBer of Omaha "'wil .Rabbi Millerof'Omaha Fort Wayne, -Ind. at a local hospital Omaha Federation, which is host to p r e s i d e , '."'"[ '::'/::.-.,;On the occasion of his twenty-fifth , : '•-,-.-' -•"-'"-•] Funeral services were held at the the conclave, and by Roy N. Towl, - A t ; 4 p ; m, Sunday, ,a. session will anniversary -in---the pulpit, .Dr. home of his son, City Commissioner mayor of Omaha. ':•[• be devoted'.to'lthe Community XZ&ar Cohn was elected rabbi for. life. On. Harry Trustin, with burial in GoldHenry, Monsky will introduce, the ter as a" morale-buiiding .influence. September 2 of this year he was. en Hill cemetery. speaker, Dr. Philip H Seman, who Gilbert Harris, director "of the St. Mr. Trustin rrad been a resident elected- rabbi emeritus, and Rabbi will speak' on "Community Organi- Louis Y. M." and Y. W; Hv *A: will of Omaha for 37 years. He retired David -H. Wice. was elected, rabbi-. J. zation and Jewish Leadership." In lead the discussion. " from the commission business twen-addition to his duties as general di- ^ Harry A. Wolf of Omaha .will : ;be ty years ago. He and Mrs. Trustin Greek Armj' Men Tector of the Jewish People's Insti- the presiding officer.. . reached their sixty-fourth wedding Reject Nazis tute of Chicago, Dr. Seman is a anniversary last month. ; Saloniki.—Officers and men of ^he'. .Conference Dinner. >v ,: : member of the faculty of the JewSurviving are his wife; one son, Greek military reserve corps, meetThe conference activities.; .win. ish Theological Seminary and NorthCommissioner Harry Trustin; six ing ~ in annual congress, rejected by western University, Hs a member of culminate in the conference dinner, daughters, Mrs. J. EichitSr, Mrs. ,1.an overwhelming majority m propo-, the advisory board of education of to be held at 7:30 p. m. Sunday Goldstein, and Mrs. J. Conn, of Chi- sal that their organization affiliate Chicago, vice-president of the Inter- evening. Reservations are being cago; Mrs. Leon Graetz, Mrs. Ar- with the EEE, t h e Greek Nazis. national Conference of Boys Work, taken now at the Jewish'Commuthur Cohn and Mrs. Jack Bramson, . Dr. Philip Seman, Rabbi Ferdinand M. fesennan. ' George W. Rabinoff, The Nazis suggested that the reand is a past president of the Na- nity Center for the dinner, which tional Association' of Jewish Social is also open to the public;. both Executive Director of National Coun- Director of Jewish Peoples Institute of St. Louis, who recently ratnrncri of Omaha; a sister, Mrs. Julius serve corps men tand officers disband Sherman of Omaha; 18 grandchil- their own association and come over from Germany and Palestine, of Chicago. cil of Jewish Federation* and Welwork. He was just Tecently appoint- men and women. dren and eight gTeat-grandchild en masse to the Nazi party. fare Funds, New York. ed the head of a planning committee The reservation list will be limited
Pay Honor to Henry |vIonsJcy
Public Is Invited to Conference Sessions
Dinner Sunday
To Lead Conference Discussions
Activities of J. C C. Athletic Department
frankness for the sake of brevity, but I know from ypur writings that you are a man who stands to the ssnse, not the form. • ...\, .
young Jew is exposed, to the influence of a society which has a s definite national tinge, which he respects and admires, from which he Fall gym and swim classes got receives his mental sustenance, and ON ANTI-SEMITISM to which he feels himself to belong; under way at the J. C. C. last WedNationalities of different races while on the other hand this society nesday. seem to have an instinct which pre- treats him, as one of an alien race, Physical director Lee Grossman revents .'them: from fusing. However with a certain contempt and hosports that the classes are "filling up much the Jews adapted themselves, tility. Driven by the suggestive in- By the Service Life Insurance in great shape," "We have classes for jin language, manners and to a great fluence" of this psychological superieveryone," he declares. "Now is the Company, Omaha extent even in the forms of religion, | ority rather than by utilitarian contime to take care of your health— to ; the European peoples among siderations, he turns his back on his don't delay until it is too late." If you live as long as you have whom theyy : lived, the feeling of people and his traditions, and choosAll parents are urged to send strangeness between the Jews and es to consider himself as belonging the right to expect to live, and if their children to the classes for boys By PROFESSOR ALBERT EINSTEIN your income continues unchanged their hosts never disappeared This e n t i r e i y to the others; the while he from year to year, how much money and girls in the afternoon after n t m t a n e n n a -feeling t o p l i n c is i a tthe h e uultimate ltimate!.^_••_••• • J » . » . »• . The collected papers of Albert Ein- feeling to the idea of God seems this notion, the establishment of a sspontaneous tries in vain to conceali from himself school. will be your eventually? stein were published, in this country mere childish absurdity. Jewish university in Jerusalem con- cause of anti-Semitism, which is and them the fact that the relation The moment a man proves his by' Coyici, Friede on October 2nd un- Is what I have described a distin- stitutes one of. the most important not to blend. A satisfactory state of is not reciprocal. Hence that pathe- ability to earn money, - a new value There will be a very important affairs can only be brought about by tic creature, trie baptized—Jewish Geder the title, "The World As I See guishing mark of Judaism? Is it to aims of the Zionist organization. comes into his life, a dollar-and-cents basket ball meeting Tuesday evening, well-meaning propaganda. NationaliIt." These views of the great -sci- be found anywhere else under an- For us Jews Palestine not just a heimrat of yesterday and today. In value •which represents wealth for October 9, to form the J. C. C. pretheir own path, [ m o s t c a s € S i t i s n o t p u s M u l n e s s a n d him as truly as houses, farms, stocks season league. All team managers entist represent papers and speeches other name ? In its pure form, it is charitable or colonial enterprise, but written by . him during the years nowhere to be found, not even in a problem of central importance for therefore not to be got rid of by lack of character that have made and bonds represent wealth. who are planning on placing a team from 1922 to the present. They were Judaism, where the pure "doctrine is the Jewish people. Palestine is not mutual toleration and respect. . him what he is but, as I have said, At all times, two dangers threaten in the loop are urged to be present. originally , published in Amsterdam obscured by much worship of the primarily a place of refuge for the the suggestive power of an environ- to cheat a man and his family of his J E W I S H tOMMUJNUY liy'.'QueridO'Verlag under the title, letter. Yet Judaism seems to me oneJews of Eastern Europe but the emment superior in numbers and influ- fortune which is scheduled to come The Center pre-season handball -Potion of our scattered Jew"Mem Weltbild.f They are translated of its purest and most vigorous man- bodiment of the re-awakening corence. He knows, of course, that many doubles tournament will start Octo them. There is physical disability from the original German by Alan ifestations. This applies particularly porate spirit of the whole Jewish f fo r community is a moral barometer admirable sons of the Jewish people which in a moment wipes away fu- tober 15. Entries close Wednesday, the political world. For what Harris. The book is divided into five to the fundamental principle of the nation. Is it the right amount for s u r e r n d e x o f * . political morality and have made important contributions to ture dollars; there is premature October 10. sections in which Porfessor Einstein, sanctification of life. this corporate sense to be awakened ! respect for justice can there be than the glory of European civilization; death which cuts off the family unburdens himself...on his personal It is characteristic that the animals and strengthened ? This is a quesAl Oruch, swimming instructor, is attitude of the nations towards but have they not all, with a few from the fortune. philosophy, politics;, and pacifism, were expressly included in the com-tion which I feel compelled, not mere- the defenceless minority, whose -,exceptions, done much the same as The answer is life insurance. For starting his junior boys' life savpe Germany, 1933, science and the Jews. mand to keep holy the Sabbath day, ly by m y . spontaneous feelings but a defenceless minority, whose p e ,h e life insurance is a bonded financial ing class Tuesday evening, October culiarity lies in their preservation of * The following i excerpts«are from the so strong was the feeling of the ideal on rational grounds, to return an unIn this case, as in many mental system which protects income 9, at 1 p. m. an ancient cultural tradition. I section -headed, "Judaism,"and : re- solidarity of all living things. The qualified 'yes.' . disorders, the cure lies in a clear against death and disability years The following boys have already The barometer is low at the prespresent Professor Einstein's views on insistence on the solidarity of all hu- Whatever we do for Palestine, we knowledge of one's condition and its before a man has lived to earn it, this topic so dear to him. The article man beings finds still stronger ex- do it for the honour and well-being ent moment, as we are painfully causes. We must be conscious of our thus assuring all the future dollars signed up for this class: Bernard Epstein, Morton Margolin, Daniel aware from the way we are treatis reproduced by special permission pression, and it is no mere chance of the whole Jewish people. Miller, Israel Katz, Ed Cohn, Leo ed. But it.is this very lowness that alien race and draw the logical con- to a man and to his family. of the American, publisher's of "The that the demands of Socialism were clusions from it. It is no use trying Through life insurance, earning Alperson, Leonard Lewis, Bob Cohn, confirms me in the conviction, that IN DEFENSE OF ZIONISM World As I See It,' Covici, Friede. for the most part first raised by it is our duty to preserve and con- to convince the others of our spirit- power overcomes .the double threat and Jack Saferstein. Dear Herr Hellpach —The Editor. ual and intellectual equality by arJews. If enough senior men and women I have read your article on Zion- solidate our community. Embedded guments addressed to the reason, of disability and premature death. How strongly developed this sense In the tradition of the Jewish peoare interested in life saving JEWISH IDEALS " of the sanctity of life is in the Jew-ism and the Zurich Congress and ple there is a love of justice and when the attitude of these others tion, a class will be formed. * The pursuit' of knowledge fop its ish people is admirably illustrated feel, as a strong devotee of the reason which must continue to work does not originate in their intellects own sake, an almost fanatical love of by a little remark which Walter Zionist idea, that I must answer for the good of all nations now andat all. Rather must we emancipate justice and the desire for .personal Rathenau once made to me in con- you, even if only shortly. in the future. In modern times this ourselves. We must have pur Stuindependence — ; these .are the fea- versation: "When a Jew eays that The Jews are a community bound tradition has produced Spinoza and dents' societies and adopt an attitude Miss Ruth Shapiro was unanimtures of the' Jewish tradition which he's going hunting to amuse himself, together by ties of blood and tra- Karl Marx. of courteous but consistent reserve to dition,, and not of religion only: the makes me thank my stars that I bethe Gentiles. And let us live after ously elected president of the C-2 he lies.' The Jewish sense of the attitude of the rest of the world long to i t our own fashion there and not ape club of the Conservative Synagogue, sanctity of life could not be more towards them is sufficient proof of JEWISH RECOVERY Workmen's Circle 173 will open its Those who are raging today against simply expressed. duelling and drinking customs which at a meeting September 27 at the The greatest enemies of the nathis. When I came to Germany fifJ. C. C. She succeeds Miss Sara winter season with a social and eduthe ideals of reason and individual teen years ago I discovered for the tional consciousness and honour of are foreign to our nature. It is pos- Batim. cational meeting for members and liberty and are trying to establish PALESTINE sible to be a civilized European and the Jews are fatty degeneration—by first time that I was a Jew, and a spiritless state slavery by brute their families and friends this eveWe must never forget what this which I mean the unconscionableness I a good citizen and at the same time force rightly see in us their irrecon- crisis has- taught us—namely, that I owe this discovery more to Gen- which come from wealth and ease— a faithful Jew who loves his race and To persevere in one's duty and be ning, October 5, at 8 p. m. at the ciliable foes. History has given us a the establishment of satisfactory re- tiles than Jews. and a kind of inner dependence on honours his fathers. If we remember silent is the best answer to calumny. Labor Lyceum, Twenty-second and difficult row to hoe; but so long as The tragedy of the Jews is that the surrounding Gentile world which this and act accordingly, the problem Clark. —Washington. lations "between the Jews and the we remain devoted servants of truth, they are people of a definite hishas grown out of the loosening of of anti-Semitism, in so far as it is justice and liberty, we shall con- Arabs is not England's affair but torical type, who lack the support the fabric of Jewish society. The bsst of a social nature, is solved for us. ours. We—that is to say, the Arabs tinue not merely to survive as the of a community to keep them to- in man can only flourish when he oldest of living peoples, but by crea- and ourselves—have got to agree on gether. The result is a want of solid loses himself in a community. Hence CHRISITIANITY AND the main outlines of an advantageous tive work to bring forth fruits which foundations in the individual which the moral danger of the Jew who has JUDAISM contribute to the ennoblement of the partnership which shall satisfy the amounts in its extremer forms to lost touch with his own people and If one purges the Judaism of the needs of both nations. A just solu- moral instability. I realized that salhuman race, as heretofore. tion of this problem and one worthy vation was only possible for the race is regarded as a foreigner by the Prophets and Christianity as Jesus of both nations is an end no less im- if every Jew in the world should be- people of his adoption. Only too oft- Christ taught it, of all subsequent IS THERE A JEWISH portant and no less worthy of our ef- come attached to a living society to on a contemptible and joyless egoism additions, especially those of the POINT OF VIEW? has resulted from such circumstances. priests, one is left with a teaching forts than the promotion of the work In the philisophical sense these is, of construction itself. Remember that which he as an individual might re- The weight, of outward oppression which is capable of curing all the .in my opinion, no specifically Jew- Switzerland represents a higher stage joice to belong and which might en- on the Jewish people is particularly social ills of humanity. ish point of view. Judaism seems to of political development than any na-able him to bear the hatred and the heavy at the moment. But this very It is the duty of every man of me- to be concerned almost exclu- tional state, precisely because of the humiliations that he has to put up bitterness has done us good. A re- good will to strive steadfastly in his with from the rest of the world. sively with the moral attitude in greater political problems which had vival of Jewish national life, such as own little world to make this teachlife and to life. I look upon it as to be solved before a stable com- I saw worthy Jews basely carica- the last generation could never have ing of pure humanity a living force, No. 1—38.40 Zero Dis- I the essence of an attitude to life munity could be built up out of tured, and the sight made my.heart dreamed of, has begun. Through the so far as he can. If he makes an tillate 7c GaL bleed. I saw how schools, comic pa- operation of .a .njjwlylawakened sense honest attempt in this direction with•which is incarnate in the Jewish groups of different nationality. No. 2—32.36 Zero Gas pers and innumerable other4'forces of of solidarity among the Jews, :the out being crushed and trampled unpeople rather than the essence of the Oil 6%c GaL i laws laid down.in the Torah and in- A, decade ,or two ago a group ; of the-;Gentile;majority; underminedthe h e m a ; o f J-'jgpSaJLzing'•', Palestine, der foot by his contemporaries, he No. 3—28.30 Zero Fuel * terpreted in the.Talmud. To me, thefar-sighted men, among whom the confidence' even ofVtheubesi:^of .njy launched ;"by aTiiaiilfSl;<>f ^devoted and may consider himself and the comOil 6«/2c Gal. \ conld judicious leade?s|jqtt'the.face. of ..ap- munity to whjch he belongs lucky. Torah and the Talmud are merely unforgetable Herzl stood out above feUowJfews,- and felt- that .-this", H 1 v the rest, came to the conclusion that not-be allowed to'e*ontinueii" "••: '\~' parently; insuperable^difficulties, has the most important evidence of the manner in "which the Jewish con- we needed a spiritual centre in or- Then I realized that only a' com- already prospered :So. far that I feel (Copyright, 1934, Jewish Telegraphic ception of life held sway in earlier der to preserve our sense of solida- mon, enterprise dear:to the heart.of no doubt about-ifcsi permanent sucAgency, Inc.) rity in difficult times. Thus arose Jew's :all over the . world..could, re: : times. the idea of Zionism and the work of store this: people to health.- It; was a c e s s v f . - . . ; v .-sl"-f-':'.-' '" ••..': • The essence of that conception settlement in Palestine, the successThe value pf | U s achievement for seems to me to lie in an. affirma- ful realization of which we have been great-achievement of Herzl's'tb have the:Jews everywhere is very gTeat. Private sincerity is a public weltive attitude to the life of all crea- permitted to witness, a t least in its realized and" proclaimed a t ' the. top of Palestine will be a 'centre of culture 'are.—Bartol. his.voice that,\.the traditional'attition. The life of the individual only highest promising beginnings. J.- tude of the Jews being -what it was, for all Jews, a refuge for the most has. meaning in so far as it aids in greviously oppressed, a • field of acmaking the life of every living thing Much remains to be done, but at the 'establishment :of a national home tion for the best among us, a unifynobler and more beautiful. life is least one of Herzl's aims has already or,-more accurately,; a centre in. Pal- ing ideal, and a means- of attaining Where Omaha Shops with Confidence sacred, that is to say, it is the su- been realized: the Palestine job has estine, was a suitable object on.•which inward health for the Jews of the preme value, to which all other val- given the Jewish people an astonish- to concentrate our efforts. whole world. •. ... ues are subordinate. ,The. hallowing ing degree of solidarity and the op- AH *hi,s yow - <*ft1i-.T»«tfnTi'aHg-mr and ; of the supra-individual life brings timism without which no organiza- there is something,in the accusation. ANTI-SEMITISM AND in its train a reverence for every- tion can lead a healthy life. But a communal purpose without ACADEMIC YOUTH thing spiritual—a particularly char- Our community is not, and must which -We can. neither live nor die in So long as we lived in the ghetto I • ••"•; : ' • - • •- • SIXTEENTH AT FARNAM acteristic feature "of the Jewish tra- never become, a political - one; that this hostile world can always be our Jewish nationality "involved us dition. is the only permanent source whence called by that ugly name. In any in material difficulties and someJudaism is not a creed: the Jewish it can draw new strength and the case, it is a nationalism whose aim times physical danger, but no social God is simply a negation of supersti- only ground on which its existence is not power but dignity and health. or " psychological problems. With If we did not have to live among in- emancipation the position changed, tution, an imaginary result of its eli- can be justified. mination. It is also an attempt to We nurse the hope of erecting in tolerant, narrow-minded and violent particularly for. those Jews who base the moral law on fear, a re- Palestine a home of our own na- people, I should be the first to throw turned to the intellectual professions. grettable and iscreditable. Yet it tional culture which shall help to over all nationalism in favor of uni- In school and at the university the Beems to me; that the, strong. moral awaken the Near East to a new versal humanity. tradition of" the Jewish nation has economic and spiritual life. The objection that we Jews cannot to a large extent shaken' itself free The object which the leaders of be proper citizens of the German from this fear: It is clear also that Zionism have before their eyes is state, for example, if we want to be 'serving God" was' equated -'. with not" a political but a social and cul-a 'nation', is based, on a . misunder'serving the living.' The best of the tural one. The community in Pales- standing of the nature of the state Jewish people, especially <~the Proph- tine must approach the social ideal which springs from the _ intolerance ets and Jesus, contended tirelessly of our forefathers as it is. laid down of national majorities. Against that for this. in the Bible, and at the same time intolerance we shall never be safe,, Judaism is thus no transcendental become a seat of modern intellectual whether we call ourselves a people religion; it is .concerned with life* as ife, a spiritual center for the Jews of ( o r n a t i o n ) o r n o t . • ' • - ' • ' • I have put all this with brutal we live it and as we can, to a cer- the whole world. In accordance with tain extent/ grasp it, and nothing else1. It seems to,me therefore doubtful j whether it can be called a reli(RUSSIA) gion in the accepted sense of the word, particularly as no *faith' but the sanctification of life in a supra-personal sense is demanded of the Jew. A Torgsin Order But the Jewish tradition also conbe highly appreciated by tains something e l s e , something your relatives in the So* which finds splendid expression in viet Union. many of the Psalms, namely, a sort Torgsin offers 15,000 of intoxicated joy and amazement at different domestic and the heauty and grandeur' of this imported articles of high world, of which man can form just a quality. Clothing, shoes, faint notion. This joy is the feeling foodstuffs and other merfrom which true scientific research chandise are for sale. . draws : its spiritual sustenance, but which also seems, to find expression Prices compare fain )the song of birds. To tack this
"Judaism —
by Prof. Einstefn
Ruth Shapiro Heads C-2 Club
Workmen's Circle To Meet Tonight
type of ell burner
Quick Service,Day or Night ?
Revival of Progress Sales
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$16.75 Values Sale Priced at
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Yiddish Play
The Jewish Operetta company will present a Yiddish play, "The Jew in Geiroany," at the K. of C. audito rium Sunday evening, October 7. Mr. Charles Stein is manager of "the* company, which "includes Dorothy • Zwaig, Abe - Zwaig, Isidor -Vienik, Adolph Terhinahoff, Jacob Frank, arid Lida Slava. • . '.. ' The • players will present a program over,station -KICK October 5 from 9:30 p. mi to 10 p. m. |
vorably with those, in the United States Far Torgsin orders ': M* <r«ar local tank o r Mttfaorisod t
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' Starting values . . . startling because each dress combines i beautiful fabrics . . . slim, slender lines . .• . newest fashion, accents. These frocks were made for the fashion lover, 5 consequently they're styled to flatter: Just the, right fur in just the right places. Fashionable metal trims. Smart tunics flat'slenderize. If you want frocks" that look twice their • price . . . HERE'S YOUR SALE! _ •• . •
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Third Floor General Representative in U.S.A kt AMTORG, 261 Fifth Aye.. N.Y.
'JiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniuiiiuiHiiiiitiiiiKiniiii^ position witl\the Non-Sectarian -Anti-]
Dinner Meeting of Vaad Men's Club
Conservative Auxiliary Build 2,000 Homes Installation of to Meet Wednesday Pioneer Women Outside Tel Aviv
"Nazis Have Sense of Nazi-league ."•;. . While "Elias Gins-* burg, once one of the masterminds of 1Z~Y ear-Old"—Wells this- Samuel Untermyer, outfit, now An outstanding program has been is in charge of the anti-Nazi exhibit arranged for the Conservative Synfrom London (WNS).— The anti-Semit- The opening meeting of the season The Pioneer Women will hold an sponstf/ed; by the Cpngress and sched- agogue Auxiliary's next meeting on Tel Aviv.(JTA).—A thousand small installation of officers on Saturday ism of the Nazis reveals them to have of the Vaad Men's club will be held uled for October. 20th . - . . JThe plan, Wednesday, afternoon, October 10, at houses ;and apartment houses to ac- evening, October 6, at 8 p. m.,' at the the -intelligence - of lS-year-old- chil- Thursday,- October IS, 6:30 -p.-m.-at we hear, is-to charge admission", to the Jewish Community _Center, Mrs. commodate another thousand families J. C. C. dren, raised in a -chawinistic spirit- the'B'nai Israel synagogue, in the according to H . G . Wells; world, fa- form of a dinner -meeting. 5 By PHlffEAS J. BIBON _E this exhibit,- which .is- supposed to ;A.. IK Frank,- chairman announces. will-be built on a site behind the fa•" A. musical program has' been arshow, - boycotters how, to find good A. board meeting at 1 o'clock7 is mous agricultural school at Mikveh ranged," and refreshments : will - be mous author, wflo-is discussing NazThe program includes several musubstitutes "for.-Nazi-made goods .••.;.. scheduled. . - . . - ism in a series of articles in the Lon- sical selections by Lawrence Finkel Israel, near here. The settlement will served. The public is invited. Is it expected., that the admission •Appearing on the program will be accommodate workers' families. and an address by Rabbi Uri MilThe delegates for the national-Pio- don Daily Herald, labor organ. MQSES—MOSES! will bring larger crowds to Mrs. Gertrude. White Solomon, pre"Germany," Wells says, "now pos-ler, on "Interviews with Famous Inflated land prices here have made neer Women convention in Chicago - Though, the -nomination of-Robert charge Spieg- senting a dramatic., reading "Hum- it mandatory to. buHd the workers' will leave for the conclave Saturday', sesses a generation that has. not out- Men." Moses for. the New York guberna- the exposition? . . . William Z SpiegThose - wishing to make reserva. torial "race still hangs in the- balance elman no longer is the associate pub- "eresque"; "Abraham Dansky i n . a settlement outside the city to make it October 13. Besides two official del- grown childhood." tions-are asked to call Sydney Katieegates, a large number of members as this is written,, we fell justified licity, director of the Congress . . . group of musical numbers; and Phil-, possible for low rentals. man, Webster 0135. The Lodzia textile factory, one of of the local group are planning to in pointing out that it was way back Those who have been wondering .why ip Klutznick, who is to speak on the Jewish Welfare Workers' conference Ezekiel Ttabinowitz is no longer the go. Anyone wishing to attend the the post-war industrial enterprises to . in "last-May "that we'mentioned Mr. be started in Palestine, will also' move convention is asked to call Mrs. J. . Moses as a very likely prospect for chief . executive of - the Non-Sectarian to be held here. Cmmil of Jewish Mrs. David Sherman, president, to -Mikveh Israel, having outgrown Feldman, ATlantic 14S8. - this Kepublican Empire State nom- Anti-Nazi League, will learn here that his "resignation, was ''accepted", bealso announces ' the congregational its Tel Aviv plant. - ination -. . ". Which reminds us' to Phi. Delta Epsilon, national medilie recently used some very un- dinner to" honor new members, on cal fraternity, held its first smoker . remind you that a year ago we told cause diplomatic language in telling a lady evening, October 17. of the year last Friday evening at you why this same Mr. Moses didn't committee member that she didn't Wednesday All members of the board of the New Auxiliary members are Mesthe.new fraternity house, 3866 Har- Council of Jewish Women are urged . become'a candidate for the City" Hall Brodkey, Jack Kaufman, job now held by Mr. La Gnardia — know beans about the proper way to | dames Fred to attend an important meeting of Mrs. Max Fromkin addressed the ney street. Abrahamson, H. •• Th P l ' J u t f u s Abrahamson H L. L Stienzig, Stienzig The Palescarry on a boycott Bridge was played during the eve- the board this afternoon, Friday, at : viz., the Moses nomination was Goldie Myerson club Tuesday eveStein, T. A. Tully, Moe A Venblocked, by a whispering campaign to tine Economic Corporation, which David 1:30 p. m. at the J. C. C. The Bikur . Cholim annual meeting ning at the J. C. C. Mrs. Dora Rich- ning, and refreshments served. ger, Herman Dansljy, William A. owns a substantial interest in the King \ the effect that he had been convertDr. Victor E. Levine, an alumnus, Mrs. A. D. Frank will preside. lin, sponsor, also spoke. and anniversary tea, September 25, at Levey, Donald Fischer, Harry Eached . . ". Officially, we understand, David Hotel of Jerusalem, doesn't ap- man, A." B: Alpirn; I. B. Ziegman, the J. C. C, was one of the most sucThe organization decided to meet!entertained the group,with anecdotes': Mr. Moses' religious affiliation is pear deeply concerned about the re- L I. Salzmah, Jack Orlikoff, Louis cessful affairs in the history of the or- weekly at the J. C. C. Any young mar- 'of his Alaskan epedition. Leonard! with the Ethical Culture Society, the cent dismissal, of all Jews from the Stalmaster, Leo Marcus, David ~ Bise- ganization, with more than 350 women ried woman interested in joiningg is EUenbogen and Maurice Steinber: "Perhaps, man, Hyman Osoff, William Polick, attending. founder of which was Dr. Felix Ad- staff - of the hostelry in charge of arrangements for asked to call the secretary, Mrs. ler, a Jew, while its membership in- however; it is -more perturbed by the Max' Davis, David B. Blumenthall, Rabbi Uri Miller spoke on his re- Meyer Levy, at the J. C. C. evening. j cludes numerous Aryans . . . Inci- rumor that the P. E. C. itself will Samuel L. Steinberg, Ben" Novak, cent trip to Palestine. Rabbi N. Feld25th and Leavenworth Sts. Mrs. David Raznick was appointed' dentally, Mr. Moses' patronymic has soon be forced to give up its share- Joseph Burnstein, Alec S. Walters, man gave a talk on the work of Bikur chairman " of the ways and means Poland Frees 32 Naras I c . - ^ ^ . .Atlantic - ^ E?.r.ns«;*«;r>s* 2574 • led at least one political cartoonist holdings in the hotel. . ' . ' . William E. " Pincus, and Sarah Cholim. The annual reports of the or- ! committee, to describe him as the logical person Warsaw—Polish officials released j I FunUtUTe KepUirUig, ganization's activities' were given, Frohm. . to lead the N: Y. Republicans out of ATJCOURANT showing a wealth of cheer unselfishly thirty-two Naras anti-Semites from 11 Reflfiishing and Mrs. Irvin Stalmaster, lias been given to the sick. Maurice Samuel's novel "Beyond the wilderness . . . isolation camps, where they had been '" named to succeed Mrs. Bernice NatWoman," out only last week, already Members of the Jewish Operetta | confined for two months for assaults New upholstered furniture made to is creating a furore in literary cir- elson as Sunday School chairman. MUSINGS company entertained, accompanied at against Jews. your individual taste. No extra cost Ludwig Lewisohn has told We are happy to note that the cles the piano by Al Finkel. Cakes and j At the nineteen same timeNaras a Polish court Ji | to have h fi d to t fit acquitted who were your furniture made The first Oneg Shabbos of the - New York Deutsches Volktheater has us that he considers it the brainiest succoth delicacies were served. Mrs. xritli demolishing demolishing a a court \ Y your home. Call AT-2?74 and Mr. Paris (WNS).—When Hitler gets cWo-^ year will be held Saturday, October charged with court novel ever produced in this country announced that it will not let its ofL. Neveleff, president, has expressed ;JSussman 1 1 will call and make sug. Lewisohn's own new book, "The 6, at the tome of Mrs. J. J. Greenberg, the organization's appreciation to the latest copies of the French news- room, when they appeared there on j | j ^ " ^ ferings be colored by political propapers he is likely to fire his press Mrs. Harry Silverman, chairman, has those making the refreshments, to the various charges. paganda and that at least one of the Permanent Horizon," is dedicated to announced. Mrs. Hyman Greenberg entertainers and to all who aided in attaches and insist that henceforth plays planned for production this Rabbi Stephen S. Wise, which won't will be co-hostess. every one seeking an interview with the success of the affair season is the work of an exiled Ger- prevent Dr. Wise from reviewing it Guests for the afternoon will be A regular meeting of the Bikur Viitn submit a complete pedigree to personally in an early issue of his man Jewish dramatist A hundred prevent any disguised Jews from slipDr. and Mrs. George I. Gordon of and two years ago, W. W. reminds son Jimmy's Opinion . . . Have we Minneapolis. Dr. Gordon is head of Cholim will be held Monday afternoon ping past the Nazi holy of holies. told you that Meyer W. Yeisgal is at the J. C. C. us., the Government of Lower Canada Paris papers are chuckling over the the Minneapolis Talmud Torah and now known as the Province of Que- now in Hollywood, hobnobbing with is here attending the Plain-States Introducing . . . the joke played on Hitler by M. Samuel, the great movie moguls and trying bec, set a precedent for all the rest French Jew, who is the Berlin corRegional conference. of the world by according complete to put over a deal that will again respondent of I/Intransigant. political emancipation to the Jews . . split the news columns wide open ? Salonica.—Governmental relief f j Knowing that Hitler refuses to reA justifiably indignant Baltimore . . . A new standard in social service 100 Turkish Jewish families, refugees j ceive Jewish newspapermen no matter publicity is being set by Aaron Fishreader has sent in a clipping of an what paper they represent, Samuel j Turkish Thrace, who were ousted ad from one of that city's papers man, Manhattan attorney, who has from obtained an interview with Der Fuehwhen Turkish authorities forbade created a.mag called Convalescence Berlin (WNS). — The 250-year-old wherein -the reader is - advised to to live within certain frontier Jewish community of Pless celebrated rer under the name of "Leumas" purchase a certain product because, and dedicated to the .wotk of the Jews areas, was promised here by Greek its 250th anniversary by officially liq- which is the reverse of Samuel. HitJewish Home... for . Convalescents at '.among other things, it is put out by Minister of the Interior Kyrkos. Grand View on the Hudson ; . . Have uidating itself. The act of liquidation ler received him cordially, discussed a hundred per cent Gentile concern yon seen the Penitence Seals sent but was in the form of the sale of the Franco-German relations and gave . . '. And one of Brooklyn's political him an autographed picture. by the Religious Reconstruction Comdrama was taken by Mr. Y, who community's synagogue. The commucandidates complains bitterly, about a I mittee-of the Union of "Orthodox Jewnity disposed of its synagogue because craftily invited his direct-acitonist whispering campaign that is making ish Congregations? . . . They sell at partner to his home—for a conference, since the advent of the Nazi regime headway against -him because "his -deYear. 'Round Comfort a penny a piece, and the funds ob- we presume—and when Mr. X naively the Jewish population of PI ess. has scent is pure German. and Chic . . . at tained from their sale are to be used accepted the invitation promptly had shrunk to such proportions that it is I*et me protect jronr Interests . . . I write IXSCBAXCE ol every description to advance the welfare of Jewish no longer possible to obtain a minyan. him arrested . . . Came the dawn, THIS WORLD CHANGES inclucliiisr IJXFE, ux strong, reliable companies OXLY . . . Let's talk it over. Our mid- arid Mr. X found himself before MagBernard G. Richards, former exe- spiritual institutions. City Finance & Insurance Co. cutive secretary of'"the American West correspondent tells us that istrate Z on a charge of having tried Benevolence is the tranquil habitaJewish Congress, now holds a similar Judg? Lewis Drucker of Cleveland, to kidnap his embryonic brainchild tion of man, and righteousness is his 1409 Farnam St. AT. 76G1; or IT A. 5150 once known as a confirmed bachelor, from its other parent . . . Fancy the straight path.—Menicus. is. about to marry Mitzi Harrison of embarrassment of Mr. Y, the comChicago . . . Stanley Bero wants us plainant, when the Magistrate re-1 aim ounces -the Te- TA-tell you that Henry Wallenstein fused to try the case on the ground A smart coat; designed in rn oval of Tiis law office from 534 In-and Isaac Goldsmith, both leading that, in addition to being a good Hollywood for a studio di\ surance "building t o : 313 -Patterson citizens of Wichita, Kansas, com- friend of the defendant, he was one rector . . . a style soon Block. He will -be -associated with memorate the death of Bernard Can- of . the sponsors of the kidnapped snatched np by movie stars, Davey 'and Hayes. ' tor, once the ..spiritual JLeade.r, of their volume , . . The curious case of the it rapidly spread eastward. community, by laying a laurel wreath booknapped "Who's Who" has now The back fullness fits very been'referred to another court, and in the fields on each Yahrzeit . . smoothly across the hips, Jewish-owned - Bloomingdale's, mam- just: how the matter will eventually b e c a u s e of the inverted be settled is unknown at this writmoth N.Yi department- store, refused pleat. Sizes 12 to 20. to. rehire old help unless they agree ing . . ' . All of which throws a most interesting .. light on what's what Classes in English and citizenship to work on Rosh Hashanah, we hear to foreign-born in Omaha and Ne- . . Y Another hirdie whispers; that -when it comes to the making of an Brown Oxford braska will be offered, with-an ap- Samuel Blitz, to whom credit is due American Jewish ."Who's Who". _ . Natural Copyright, 1934, by Seven Arts propriation by the FERA, through for-the success, of the. United JewFeature Syndicate.) the efforts of Charles . W.' . Taylor, ish Appeal's '^Night of Stars," may EKANDEIS—Second Floor state superintendent of public in- get a trip to Palestine as a "reward struction. . . . Down in Washington CongressEvening classes are already organ- man Sol Bloom is having a little war ized and starting at the YMCA and of his own with the local Board of Central High school. Definite infor- Education, which refuses to grant a mation as to the days and hours of permit for a concert by infant proinstruction may be obtained by tel- digy pianist Ruth Sclencznsky, while to see the ephoning Principal Masters at Cen- Mr. Bloom believes. a Capital auditral High or Mr. Wilson, educational ence should be given a chance to Women Who Demand Fashion at hear her . . . director of the YMCA. Home classes are also being or- j a Price Will Welcome This ganiied for people who cannot attend ) K I D N A P I N G ! these night schools. Any interested, This is the saga of the kidnapping may address Edith Martin, supsr- of an American Jewish "Who's Who" visor, care State Superintendent's of- . . . T w o gentlemen whom we will fice, Lincoln, Nebr. call Mr. X and Mr. Y are supposed to be partners. in putting out the forthcoming edition of this volume 9 It's a fact. Grunows are built "with from which you will be able to learn just who is who in Jewish affairs in At their next - to - the - last report the precision of the finest •watch, to As partners will, meeting during the two-^reek drive for this country give perfect living tone on broadnew. members, Y. M. C. A. campaign these two had a falling-out not long Remember,.. workers Monday reported 158 new ap-ago . . . Mr.-X decided to solve the casts from all over the World and plications, bringing -the total returns situation by kidnapping the as yet this greatest of all Expositions is Street Woolens! unborn "Who's Who", which feat he rap<dly approaching its finale. up to 269. "/ - - ' Afternoon Crepes! to give lasting satisfaction. Get a The campaign, under the leadership accomplished by caiting away all the laboriously collected data on who deSunday Night and of Irving Zerzan, closes with a final Grumm and you get the best. The Only $ luncheon at the "Y" headquarters Fri- serves to be known as Who; pi AmerEvening Frocks! day. The next step in the ican Jewry set shown is an amazing value.
Smoker Given by Phi Delta Epsilon
Successful Affair By Bikur Cholim
Women Board Meeting"
Goldie Myerson Club Will Meet Weekly
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1 tionary of Biography. Also among said to be praying , asking: him to you. The poison, of bigotry has affected your, thinking. This unthose to be etched in that cathedral come immediately as money must be warranted accusation is worse than the charge itself." work of American biography are found for the soldiers who are halfThe rebuke might be digested by many others besides AronJohnFaley, onetime editor of the old starving. Hot stuff! Haym Salomon, Tageblatt, a rather picturesome char- while fasting rushes to help the solaueiv - : Published every Friday at Omaha» Nebrasfea, by acter, the old Shomer, the Yiddish diers, who are fasting because there If a solution to anti-Semitism is to be found, the Jewish novelist, Winchevsky and Philip is no money for the commissary deTHE JEWISH PRESS PUBIJSHING COMPANY people must shoulder their share of the burden. The above incident partment. Kranz. Subscription Price, one year $2.00 By DAVID SCHWARTZ may be an extreme, but it serves to illustrate what we, as Jews, Rabbi Wise, who it is held by Abraham Goldberg is now doing Advertising rates tarnished on application some, "was partly responsible indirect- his bit in a Jewish hour on the ramust remove from our midst. ly for Roosevelt's accession to the dio. Some Zionists are arguing a lotPARDON OUR WINCHELL Editorial Office: 490 Brandela Theater Building. President, by reason of the fact that tery to raise money for Palestine acMANNER Sioux City Office—Jewish Community Center he urged Jews to vote for Roosevelt tivity. But the proposition will probThe Second Maccabiad DAVID BLACKER - - - - - - Business and Managing Editor Dear D. S.: for the governorship of New York, ably get no further than the talking FRANK R. ACKERMAN - - - - - - - - -.—• - - Editor The first international Maccabiad with its pageant of con- Harry Herschfield's story told at against Albert Ottinger, the Jew who stage . . Meanwhile Bernard Deutsch Night of Stars ought to help you was running on the Republican ticket vice-mayor of New York, was the FANNIE KATELMAN - - - Council Bluffs, Iowa, Correspondent tests between Jewish athletes of various countries was held in the ANN PIUi - - -. - -• r - - Sioux City, Iowa, Correspondent fill your column. The story about the for governor against Roosevelt, was only one in the New York Board of Palestine in the spring of 1932. At that time the United States German who -was dragged to court Print Shop Address: 1307 Howard Street the other day at a meeting to- Aldermen who refused to vote for a contingent numbered only thirteen young men and women, yet charged with having called Hitler a seen gether -with Ottinger, and the latter lottery for New York City, after a damn fool dictator. The German demotion had been made that a unantheir prowess earned for them second place in the athletic festival. nied the charge. "I said damn fool didn't seem to be at all sore with imous vote be recorded for the proIn the interim, the Maccabi movement has waxed much stronger dictator, but I was not referring to the Free Synagogue head. the original founder of ject. "Nothing doing," said Deutsch, in the United States, and the team from America to the Pales- Hitler. I was referring to Mussolini." theShomer, American Jewish Congress, who who is showing generally a great a lie," answered the prosetine games in April, 1935, will be far more powerfu land will num- "That's deal of guts in his new job. Which cuting cop. "You were referring to later departed sore at the Congress, speaks well for both himself and the ber a minimum of twenty-five. and who established something of Hitler. There's no other damn fool a reputation by his play and scenario American Jewish Congres, f r o m This fall a Maccabi campaign is being carried on in this coun- dictator." which he was projected into municiwritings, is said to be quite sick. The Regional Conference in Omaha try. The Maccabi Association is no longer merely a name; it is a And "what about Milton Belle's pal life. What would you think of a JewSocial work and the activities of the Jewish Community Cen- potent, growing Jewish American athletic organization. On the na- story about the man who was going paper published in English that A new anti-Semitic book is out ters and Welfare Federations must keep abreast of the times, if tional sports advisory committee are included such names as eighty miles an hour. "That's noth- ish had a circulation equivalent to that which contains many things that nosaid Berle, "think how fast Hitbody ever knew before. For instance, we are to continue to freshen the founts of communal progress. Benny Leonard, Harry Danning, Kit Klein, Charlotte Epstein, ing," ler would be walking if he were on of the New York Times. You would that the banker Jacob Schiff helped say, it carft be so. Well, it isn't so, The Plains-States Regional conference of Jewish Community Cen- Abel Kiviat, and Irv Jaffee, and other Jewish athletes who have Delancey street." Trotzky, when as a matter of fact, And speaking of something else, yet, relatively speaking of Germany, Schiff died before Trotsky was ever ters and Welfare Federations, which will be held here in Omaha blazed a championship trail to recognition in the atheltic world. that thing has occurred. The Jewish you might mention the hubbub creabout, and- Simon Wolf, of this week-end, serves such a purpose, and It is to the credit and The Maccabi Association today stands as a gigantic symbol ated by Jacob de Haas's book: "Pal- Rundschau, the leading Zionist paper heard Washington, is referred to as a bankpride of Omaha that we are the hosts to such a project. there has a circulation of 40,000 deof sportsmanship, fair play and unity. Throughout the world estine, the last 2,000 years." De Haas veloped since Hitler came into power, er, when the only thing he ever had being castigated from Dan to This conference emphasizes the need for an exchange of Jewish interest has grown in the Maccabis, and it is estimated is to do with banks was as you and I, Beershaba by the Weizmannites, "who and considering the fact that the to make an occasional deposit—and opinion and experiences on problems of community organizations that there will be over 5,000 participants in the next Maccabiad, charge that he deliberately under- German Jewish population is only beit couldn't have been very much, if and the functional necessities and developments in the various with over thirty-three countries entering teams in the competition. played the part of Weizmann, pass- tween five and six hundred thousand what ing him by with scarcely more than the Rundschau may claim to have true. ' I know about the family is communities. As the wheels of time grind out the years, social If the April atheltic carnival in Palestine is represented by most that he was there, -when they say, ac- achieved the equivalent of what I "am problems undergo many and varied changes. It would be ostrich- of the Jewish groups throughout the world—and indications point tually, Weizmann was most respon- iferring to. There are 4,500,000 And incidentally, did you know like on our part to ignore the metamorphosis and attempt to put to such an eventuality—a tradition will be created which will be sible for getting the Balfour Declar- ews in America and if a Jewish pa- that Maurice Samuel once wrote a ation. They say that after Weizmann ler got approximately ten per cent book in a week—and you complain a 1920 mechanism in a 1935 machine. We have gone through an a living symbol for young athletic Jewry. made a certain chemical discovery if the Jews as the Rundschau has, it about writing a column. O you lazyunusual era of transition, and there has been a particularly rapid which the Allies regarded as inval- ould have a circulation in excess of bones, you! Your girl, change in the relationship between the Jewish family agencies Hungary uable for their cause, he was asked, the New York Times. And the RundGut Shabbes. what reward he wanted. England of- schau has done that. and the Federal relief program. A new alignment, a new rapFrom the land of Hungary comes* the interesting bit of infered him two million pounds for the On the Main Stem, they are still (Copyright 1934, Jewish Telegraphic prochment has become necessary in this respect, as well as in Agency, Inc.) but he said: "Keep your ooking for a good play about Haym problems affecting employment, vocational guidance, child care, formation that Zoltan Mesko, leader of the Hungarian Nazis, has invention, want nothing money. I for myself. particularly since the great care of the aged, Jewish education and Community Center pro- been given a prison term for publishing anti-Semitic articles in But I want Palestine for the Jewish Salomon, success of the The House of Roth- 27,000 Jews Left Prussia his newspaper. people. You have probably heard the grams. according to Z. Tygel. They Berlin. — From January to June, This news is further confirmation that another country has main part of this story, but the two schild, A discussion of Federation work from the technical, lay and joined the many rejecting Hitlerism and its implications. It is million pound angle was new to me, ire looking despite the fact that four 1933, the first five months of the on the subject have been sub- Nazi regime, 87,000 Jews fled from professional viewpoints is healthy in vitalizing social service. more important in light of the fact that Hungary has a long tra- but there are those who insist that plays mitted. But none seem to quite hit Prussia, according to figures made Leaders from various parts of the country, experts on their sub- dition of anti-Jewish violence. Premier Goemhoes of Hungary, he was offered that amount and that the mark. And everyone of these, you public by the German Statistical ofknown because Weizmann may be sure, has that part in which fice. jects, will lead the discussions, and it will be a rare opportunity once a friend of Adolph Hitler and rabid in his anti-Semitic lean- itdidisnotnotwant the fact published at Robert Morris on Yom Kippur rushes The figures show that in 1925 there for the Jewry of Omaha to hear what is transgressing in the ings, announced some months back that he had completely elim- the time. soldier to the synagogue at Phila- were 404,446 Jews in Prussia and in realms of Federation progress. Justice Cardozo of the Supreme delphia where Haym Saloman was June, 1933, there were only 316,826. inated anti-Semitism from the planks of his program. That he Court, I hear, is a frequent visitor to was sincere is evident from that fact that it is apparently un- the White House. Roosevelt has a healthy to spread anti-Jewish propaganda in Hungary today. very warm feeling for him. You will In Politics that Roosevelt selected CarThe Nazi influence in New York, already spreading its sinis- Further, Premier Goemhoes recently re-wed his divorced Jewish recall dozo to swear in all the members of . ter shadow along a broader front, has taken a new, unwelcome wife. his cabinet. Regardless of the reason for Hungary's change of front, she Dr. Israel Shapiro of the Semitic driection. The German-American societies in the great metropolis, who some time back surrendered to the Nazis, have an- is welcomed into the family of nations opposing the spread of the Division of the Library of Congress was in and he was speaking of the nounced that they are organizing1 along politica llines, to instruct Nazi poison. number of Jews in the New Deal their membership how to vote for local, state and federal candiheadquarters and of the feeling of many Jews that it would be better, dates. Charge It To What? >-; if there were fewer Jews there. Since As might be expected, they deny that they arcNazified. But Despite periodic reports of ariti-Semitisin H*%ustria and the of course, if the New Deal is not a their organizations are controlled by avowed Hitlerites, and it feeling that the segregation of Jewish school chMren^in Vienna howling success, Jews will be blamed, logically follows that their political decisions will be in favor of seemed to indicate that the chancellorship of Kurt Schuschnigg as they are for everything except the milk the cat spilt, and the westthose fawning on Nazi principles. had every intention of carrying, out a complete aliti-Semitic pro- ern drougth. But aside from this danger, no racial group—be it German or gram, the Chancellor himself, speaking in Geneva, denied that And by the way, Dr. Shapiro is Irish or Jewish—should organize along political lines for political there is a bias in Austria against the Jews. In an exclusive in- responsible for the inclusion of many the Yiddish-speaking Jews, such power. Last March, it will be remembered, a group of Jews in terview with a Jewish Telegraphic Agency correspondent, the of as Naphtali Herz Imber, the. author Brooklyn organized for the purpose of effecting political strength. Chancellor denied these charges, claiming the reports do not co- of the Hatikvah, in the National Dic-
The Week in Review
Immediately, the Jewish press of, America—including those editorial columns—and the Jewish leaders of America blasted the idea in its infancy, deploring that any Jewish group should even consider such an alignment. The reasons why Jewish groups should not organize along racial groups for political reasons also apply to German groups. All true German-American citizens should recoil from the idea—it depends upon the wrong conception of American citizenship, it is undignified, unfair and un-American.
A Grave Error In seeking immediate relief, a mistake of grave seriousness may be made. Such is the case in Greece, where Senator Isaac Sciaky, Jewish member of the Greek senate, is reported to have said in an appeal to Greek statesmen that the Jewish people of Greece are willing to abandon their constitutional rights for an entire generation in order to put an end to the antiSemitic agitation in that country. ;. Such a course is near-sighted. In a case where human and civil rights are involved—rights won only after centuries of enlightening and centuries of blood and tears—we must fight to the last ditch to protect equality before the law. As human beings, we would be unloyal to civilization and unjust to those who follow us, if we took the linfe of; least resistance and submissively succumbed to the threats of barbaric hooligans and ignorant sadists. The attacks by anti-Semitic demagogues must be with renewed courage and far-sighted vision, without giving way even one millimeter.
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incide with the facts. Chancellor Schuschnigg said: "There is equality for all according to their outward and inward attitude toward the state and society. Thus reports of discriminatory treatment current abroad are not true. It is true, however, that the specific character of the Jewish question in Vienna is primarily due to the political conditions and to the post war naturalization system strengthened by the Jewish influx from Eastern Europe. As a consequence there has been a certain reaction, but the law protects all citizens equally if they are loyal." This statement leaves certain loopholes under which the cold pogrom, as charged, might be carried on against the Jews in a relentless fashion. The situation seems to be that Austrian Jews, for one reason or another, are losing government and semi-government positions. And the point seems to be that so many are in this unfortunate position that it can't all be charged to coincidence or disloyalty.
The Answer
Strengthen ye the weak hands and make firm the tottering knees. Say to them that are of a fearful heart: "Be strong; fear not." And everlasting joy shall be upon their heads; they shall obtain gladness and joy and sorrow and sighing shall flee away. Behold for my peace I had great bitterness, but Thou hast delivered my soul from the pit of corruption. The living shall praise Thee, as I do this day; the fathers shall xnak known Thy truth to the children. TALMUD Our Rabbis were taught {Deut. 15:16): Because he (the servant) with thee (the employer), This with you (the employer). This means that thou shalt not eat whiti bread, while thy servant eats black bread, that thou shalt not drink old wine while they servant drinks fresh wine, that thou shalt not sleep upon cushions while thy servan sleeps on straw. From this, remarked our Rabbis, we may infer that who ever buys a Jewish slave, it is as if he were buying a master over him
To many it may seem unusually strange that while the Jewish people in all climes prosecute most vigorously the boycott embargo against Nazi Germany, cold statistics reveal the seemingly unfathomable enigma that Palestine, the Jewish homeland, is a good Nazi customer. With German exports to foreign countries steadily decreasing, German export trade with Palestine is steadily increasing. During the first three months of 1934 Palestine imported sixty per cent more German goods than in the same period in 1933, and figures for the German exports to Palestine for the second quarter of 1934 are said to be even higher. * -:•••The reason for this is that the Nazi government will not al- self. Rabbi Chisda lauded the greatnes low the German Jews who are emigrating from the country to of R. Hamnuna before R. Huna. R A Daniel at Judgment The fantastic lengths to which suspicion of Nazi influence take their money with them. The German Jews who enter Pal- Huna said unto R. Chisda: "When get hold of R. Hamnuna, bring may go.was illustrated.last week in the New York court of Judge estine must either leave in Germany every material possession you him to me." When R. Hamnuna Jonah J; Goldstein, one of the most humanitarian jurists in the they have, or else they must export, through goods and mer- visited him, R. Huna noticed that h> New York courts and a leader in politics who never exploits his chandise to Palestine. Their view of the situation is that while it did not wear a marriage cloak would be heroic to sacrifice all rather than help German export "Why do you not wear the marriag religious connections. > > : cloak?" asked R. Huna. "Because Milton Aronauer, a twenty-year-old Bronxite, was brought trade, if they pursued such a course they would only be spiting am not married yet," came the reply. into court for failing to have a muzzle on his German police dog. themselves and helping the Nazis, since the Nazis would confis- Whereupon R. Huna turned his fac away, saying to him: "Thou shalt no' But Aronauer was not content to realize that he was caught in a cate all of their property as soon as they emigrated. see my. face until thou shalt marry.' net which has entrapped all dog-owners who fail to comply with Because R. Huna adheres to his own the law. to protect New Yorkers from stray dogs. Aronauer con- They opinion if one is twenty years old Say... ; and does marry, he will spew ceived it to be a special plot against him. He told the magistrate "Shoemaker, stick to your l a s t . . . . I'll tell it in the theatre.*' his daysj in.notthinking vanity. that hewas arrested solely because policeman Edward Kearney —Max Reinhardt, great German-Jewish produce^ whfft refusing i ftabbi; Juda' said:of"Anyone wh was "an anti-Semite." to answer questions on matters of European pbli^iial significance.* does not teach his child an occupation Bo*he shall be able to suppor , Asked by Judge Goldstein to explain why he suspected Kearhimself when he grows up is jusi ney of the prejudice,-Aronauer replied, "I can tell by looking at Wit of the Talmud as if he were instructing him ii J hmi and because he gave me the summons." burglary" *,',.* To deserve mercy, practice mercy. Rabbi Huna was careful not t Judge Goldstein, fined Aronauer ten dollars, but not before walk 4 yards bareheaded. "For," sai The fortune of this world is like a wheel with two buckets, he had applied this stinging rebuke: "There is as much justificahe, "the Shechina is above my head t and-now—can I walk bareheaded tion-for your charge as for calling the dog anti-Semitic if he bit the full becomes empty and the empty full
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Page &-THE JEWISH PRESS, HUDAI, OCTOBER 5, 1934 in Tionor of four brides-to-be, the Misses Sara Baum, Sophie Eoginsky, Bertha SftrtzMn, and EveKatzman. YISITS HEBE Samuel Hirsch. of Los Angeles, CaL, "was to arrive Thursday evening to visit a few days -with Mr. A. Hirsch and family. From here be will go to Chicago, where he will study for the rabbinate at the Jewish Theological Seminary.
Sisterhood Hard-Times TEKTAWE DATE SACHAR SUGGESTS Party on October 31st BOOK LIST AS AID SET FOR JEWISH The Temple Israel Sisterhood is TO HIS INSTITUTE sponsoring- a "hard-times" Hallo-
College Club to Start Its Activities
The College Club will begin its season of activity at Temple Israel Sunday afternoon, October 14, at Plans are progressing for the Jew- 4:30 p. m. ish Lecture series, sponsored by the The same program as was had last year will be followed this year. Junior Vaad groups. The tentative schedule of dates for All young people interested are inthe five lectures: November 21, De-vited to attend. cember 19, January SO, February 20. Deborah Society and March 20. AH lectures will be held at the Meeting Tuesday B'nai Israel synagogue, Eighteenth The first regular meeting of the and Chicago streets. Those who hare last rear's season season of the Deborah Society will ticket (on which the Moses Jung be held Tuesday afternoon, October lecture was cancelled) may hear Dr. 9, 2:30 p. m., at the J. C. C. Jung when he appears here this Ail members are urged to be presyear. The ticket will also be ex- ent, as many important matters will changable for any one of the other be presented. lectures, or may be turned in as partial payment on a series ticket for this year. A season ticket is one Service Quality dollar and fifty cents.
ween party on Wednesday evening, Advance ticket sales for Dr. Abram October 31, in the vestry room at Leon Sachar's Institute to be held the temple. at the Jewish Community Center the The circle headed by Mrs. Benjaweek-end of October 26 are very min Friedman, with Mrs. Gabriel brisk, according to Miss Grace Dan- Wertheimer, co-chairman, is in sky,chairman of the ticket commit- charge of this affair. PI LAMBDA PHI PLEDGES tee. Pi Lambda Phi, Creighton Univer- As preparation for a more com- There will be cards, keno, and sity national social fraternity, an- plete comprehension and discussion dancing. Prizes will be awarded for THEODORE-SIMONS NUPTIALS nounced at a smoker at the chapter of his five lectures, Dr. Sachar sug- the most original costumes. Tickets Miss Hose Simons, daughter of Yaad Auxiliary Card house Monday evening the pledging gests a brief list of volumes, includ- are fifty cents each, or one dollar Mr. and Mrs.. Abraham Simons, beper couple . Party on Wednesday of the following men: came the bride of Mr. Bernard Theoing: Lewisohn, "Israel," Last Days David D. Weinberg, St. Louis, of Shylock;" Zangwill "Dreamers of dore, son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Theodore, at the Simons home Wed- One of the highlights of the social Mo.; Lazier Kavich, Fremont, Nebr.; the Ghetto," "On a Mattress Grave;" nesday evening at 6:30 in the pres- calendar of the Vaad Auxiliary -will and Jerome Hirschman, Willard Liepmann "Murder Made in Gerence of members of the immediate be the card party to be held at the Smith, Harry Perelman, Leonard my;" Strachey "The Coming families only. Rabbi David A. Gold- Jewish Community Center Wednes- Hurwitz, and Harry Cohen, all of Struggle for Power;" Fleg, "Why day evening, October 10, 8 p. m. Omaha. The chapter also announces am I a Jew;" Samuel, "What Hapstein officiated. The Tuesday evening classes at Mrs. Theodore formerly resided in Table and door prizes will be the pledging of Morris Dansky of pened in Palestine, "On the Rim of Temple Israel will be expanded this Los Angeles, -where she -was a stu- given away. Special entertainment Omaha. the Wilderness;' Ellen Key, "Rachel dent at the University of Southern will be provided, and refreshments Last Sunday the fraternity held Varnhagen." year. an outing at Fremont. Horseback An interesting feature in connec- Beginning October 16, two classes California. Mr. Theodore attended served. the University of Nebraska and the Mrs, D. B. Epstein is chairman in riding, hiking, and a football game tion with the institute is l i e fact will be held every Tuesday evening. Sisterkood Circle •were on the program. charge; Chicago Art Institute. the week-end program held in From S to 9 p. m. a class will be Plans Bake Sale The annual costume party of the that presented in Jewish history. MemAfter a short honeymoon trip, the Omaha last year was the first ever Appetizingand tempting delicacies fraternity will be held Saturday, Oc- to be presented by Dr. Sachar in bers of the class will participate in couple -will make their home at the EASTERN TRIP will be offered at the bake sale to 27. Theodore Terrace. this manner. His lucid and cogent the discussion. Mrs. L. Aekerman left Tuesday tober be given by one of the Sisterhood Officers for the year are: MauFrom 9 to 10 p. m. Rabbi David evening for an extended visit in the rice Steinberg, president; Arthur discussions were so well received H. Wice will teach a class on "Anti- circles at the Brandeis Stores SatGIYOT-GOLDSTEDT MABBIAGE that it was decided to repeat the east. Before coming home, she will urday, October 13. The marriage of Miss Dena Gold- visit in Chicago, Philadelphia, New Kazlowsky," vice-president; Morton series this year, based on the topic, Semitism," b a s e d on materials Anyone wishing information conAdler, secretary; Murray Wintroub, worked out at the Hebrew Union stein to Mr. Max Givot will be sol- York and Wilmington. "The Jew in a World of TurmoiL" cerning the bake sale is asked to Phone AT-2815 2815 Farnam St. treasurer; Mel L. Sommer, pledge College during the past summer. emnized Sunday, October 1 at the master; Ben V. Smith, fraternity After his Omaha appearance, Dr. The public is invited to join these call Mrs. B. T. Friedman, WA 0713. home of Eabbi David A. Goldstein. HOUSE-WARMING and Joe GoldVare, Sachar is scheduled to give similar classes. They may choose either one or Mrs. A. Somberg, WA 5424. Following the ceremony, a recepMr. and Mrs. Nathan Simon were -correspondent; week-end institutes in the cities of or both of the classes. extension chairman. tion will be held at the Rome Hotel surprised Sunday at a house-warmSt. Paul, Minneapolis, Des Moines, THE in the evening. f) ing party by their immediate, rela- PHI BETA EPSILON PLEDGES Denver and Sioux City. tives at their new home, 5640 Herce The study group of the ConservaTo Seek Funds Phi Beta Epsilon, Creighton Unistreet. LINCOLlS'-GOLDEIfBEEG versity social fraternity, announced tive Synagogue, sponsors of Dr. A six o'clock buffet supper was the pledging of five men, at a ban- Sachar's institute, announce that no ENGAGEMEITE for "Ha Chalutz" Mr. and Mrs. Hyman Goldenberg served for eighty guests. The eve- quet held at the home of Harold complimentary tickets will be issued. "Tag Day" for the HaChalutz in announce the engagement of their ning's diversion was bridge. Bloch, last Monday evening. of Nebraska Women Palestine will be held locally next daughter, Heva, to Mr. Ed Lincoln, The guests presented Mr. and Mrs. Those pledged were William Gray, Sunday under the auspices of the son of Mr. and Mrs. David Lincoln. Simon with an occasional table and William Rosenbaum, Isadore Mittla- Daughters of Zion Try a Bag Today Pioneer Women. No date has been set for .the wed- lamp. man, Sam Weinstein, all of Omaha, HaChalutz trains young people for To Open Its Season ding and Mayer Raben of Council Bluffs. The Daughters of Zion will begin Palestinian life in various countries, IN NEW YORK The officers of the fraternity are: their year of activities with an open including the United States, GerVISITING HERE Miss Esther Levine hass been vis- Joe Solomonow, president; Max HesPoland, and the Ukraine. In Mr. Michael Stein and family, for- iting in New York for several nick, vice-president; Morris Koom, meeting and tea on Wednesday, Oc- many, the United States there are three tober 17, at 2 o'clock. Rabbi Uri Milmerly of Omaha and now of Lewis- months. secretary; Harold Bloch, treasurer; ler will give the main address. such training camps, one in each of ton, Maine, are visiting here at the and Bernard Fox, pledge master. the states of New York, New JerAll women interested in Palestine home of Mr. Stein's mother, Mrs. FROM LOS ANGELES sey, and Minnesota. are welcome. Mary Stein. Mr. and Mrs. A. IX Givot arrived IN PLACEMENT TESTS At this meeting the drawing wil Tuesday from Los Angeles, Calif., Seyeral Jewish students won high held fo? the silverware set. Those Dubno, Poland—Eabbi Mendel EoRETURNS FROM CHICAGO to visit their brother-in-law and sis- honors in the freshmen placement be having and stubs are urged senfeld, for sixty years the rabbi of Miss May Tucker has returned ter, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Garrop, and tests at Creighton University re- to bringtickets this city, died here. Kabbi Rosenfeld them. from a ten-day trip to Chicago, also to attend the marriage of their cently. was 109 years old and was thougct where she visited with, friends and son, Mr. Max Givot, this Sunday. William Rosenbaum ranked high- Jerusalem. — According to official to be the oldest rabbi in the worll. relatives. While there, she attended est in the mathematics tests in arts. figures made public by the Palestine the world's fair. In journalism college, Morris Ler- government, 3,595 immigrants, includENTERTAIN AT BRIDGE Mrs. Nathan Weinstein and Miss ner was second in both English and ing 3,445 Jews, entered Palestine in !IHII!llllll!I!l!llllllliliIIII!llli!!IU TO CALIFORNIA Ethel Stoller entertained at four ta- mathematics. In commerce, Kenneth August. Miss Dorothy Corenman left Tues- bles of bridge Sunday afternoon in Glicken and Harry Cohen were third day for California for a three months honor of their cousin, Mrs. Nellie and fourth in mathematics. stay. Unger of Brooklyn, N. Y., formerly Miss Nellie Goorevich of Omaha. Fleishman & Soskin Warsaw.—An average of eight per cent of Jewish enrollment is being (Formerly In the employ of I* Harris) Mrs. Unger has been visiting nere A.Z. A. 100 Initiates Twelve rears experience for the past month. She came to permitted in Polish universities, the Insurance with Reliable Companies Eleven New Pledges Omaha with Miss Stoller, who had 3aint, Yiddish daily, reported last Real Estate . . . . . Property Blanajrenicnt been visiting in New Yoxk-'all -sum- week, denying allegations -made in SIS So. XSifa St. mer. the Polish press that twenty-tiree per JA. ran At a special 'meeting of the A. Z. A. 100 chapter September 31, the Mrs. Unger plans to remain here cent of university entrants are Jews. following men were given the first several more weeks. degree initiation: Henry Malashock, Maurice Tatel- DINNER HONORING man, Phil Delrogh, Phil MalMn, BRIDES-TO-BE The C-2 club of the Conservative Mandel Simon, Bud Klein, Leo Izen- Synagogue a dinner at the stat, Harold Finkel, Joe Guss, Har- Conant Hotelgave Wednesday, October 3, old Habler, and Harry Fox. Advisors William Wolfe and Ralph Nogg addressed the pledges. In the evening a smoker in honor of new members was held at the home of Al Mohovitz. CLEANERS The regular meeting will be held this Sunday at the J. C. C. "NUF-SED'
We're Told... There's No Collection of
Meeting of Junior Vaad Held Tuesday The first meeting of the season of the Junior Vaad groups was held at the B'nai Israel synagogue Tuesday evening. The organization decided to hold a drawing with two prizes, instead of one as originally planned. After the business sessions, the boys and girls were entertained by Jack ' Temin, who gave a radio 'sketch,' Rabbi Uri Miller discussed the situation of the young Jewish people in Europe today.
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MRS." HAUPTMANN SEEKS PEACE—Declaring her husband, Bruno RicBard Hauptmann, innocent of the Lindbergh kidnaping, Mrs. Anna Hauptmann, with the couple's 10-month-old son, Manfred, left her home in the Bronx to take refuge at the home of a relative, Hans Muller, where this picture was taken.
UNAWARE—Playing with his teddy bear, and blissfully unaware of the shadow of the Lindbergh kidnaping hanging over his head, 10-mo.nth-old Manfred Hauptmann, son of Bruno Richard Hauptmann, held in the kidnaping,- is pictured here.
WHERE HAUPTMANN WORKED AS CARPENTER—A scene in the National Lumber company mill at 3541 White Plains avenue, New York City, where Bruno Richard Hauptmann, suspect in the Lind-» bergh kidnaping, worked as a carpenter, is shown above. Police say the ladder used in the kidnaping? was made from lumber traced to this milL
ITALIAN ROYAL FAMILY Members of the Italian royal family are shown as they appeared during a vacation at the summer palace near Rome recently. King Emmanuel and the queen are seated, second and third from left.
; LIKE GHOST OF OLD SHIP—Officers of the British cruiser Norfolk were amazed when the square rigger Bounty, gone from the seas fora century, sailed into view in Santa Barbara channel. But the belief they had seen a ghost ship was dispelled when they we're told in Los Angeles that a replica of the Bounty was being used v •. in the movies. The Bounty and the Norfolk are pictured. x,
GROW IN CAPITAL—Yes, bananas may be had in Washington, D. C, right off the stalk on which they grow. Miss Rose Dora Stone of the staff of the PanAmerican union, is shown with a bunch ready to pick from a tree growing in the patio of the union headquarters in Washington.
IT CAN COME DOWN ON LAND OR S E A - A new French amphibian plane that can come down on bod of sea is shown at Paris where it has been undergoing tests From the cockpit the pilot can control S e wheels so they disappear into the pontoons. The four-cylinder engine, developing 120 horsepower, whirls a propeller which is placed at the rear of the plane.
REPAIR MONUMENT — Workmen on the scaffolding erected on the towering Washington monument are shown at the work of repairing cracks in the famous shaft and giving it a bath. Lincoln memorial, white and clean, is shown at left in the backgronnd.
TIP FROM ST. PETE—Winter will come early if this picture of •wild ducks at St. Petersburg, FJa., is an'accurate omen.^ The fowl have arrived at one of their favorite southern haunts three months earlier than usuaL
• : ' . * •
Page "^-r
's Ra of The Goldbergs" BERNARD POSTAL
Hadassah'sjtfational Conclave Next Week The national Hadassah convention will be held in Washington, D. C, October 14, 15 and 16. Members or non-members who. are-contemplating a trip to the capital at .that time will be welcome -to attend the sessions. An interesting time is in store for them. Among, the first to raise their money fdf...the; ,Give-or-Get luncheon are the^"following: Mesdames Sam Theodore,: John Faier, Louis Alberts, Irvin; teviri, David JL Cohen, Ben Handler, i Julius Abramson. Mrs. Sol Kovitsky, chairman of the : Giye -or Get luncheon, requests those. ^?ho have raised all or part of their, money communicate with her. : The annual rummage sale will be latter part of October, the held exact date and place to be announced later. Mrs. L Grossman who has charge of the sale asks the members to have their bundles ready for collection. The public is asked to keep. in mind; t i e date of the semi-annual National Fund box collection, October 521 'find 22.
Religious Services Temple Services at Temple Israel will begin this evening at 8 p. m. Rabbi David H. Wice Trill deliver the sermon on1 "The Synagogue and Birth Control. * Services Saturday morning will brfgin at 10.30 a. m. Rabbi Wice \rill deliver a sermonette.
Form Auxiliary for Dr. Cohn to Speak Mt. Sinai Cemetery; in Council Bluffs Rabbi Frederick Cohn "will speak to the Benjamin Franklin ParentTeachers' association of Council Bluffs, Wednesday . evening, October 10, on "Ethics of the Ten Commandments and the Modern Child." On Thursday afternoon he will review for .the First Presbyterian Church of .Council Bluffs "The Cross of Peace" by Sir PTiflip Gibbs.
An auxiliary to aid in the maintenance and upkeep of th recentlyconsecrated Mount * Sinai cemetery was formed at an oi-ganization meeting held Wednesday afternoon at the Adass Yesburen synagogue. The officers elected were: Mrs. J. Finkel, president; Mrs. J. Eirshenbaum,- vi«e-president; Mrs. Dave Finkel, secretary; and Mrs. A. Eochrnan, treasurer. Another meeting will be held next Wednesday at 2 p. m. at the synagogue, Twenty-fifth and Seward.
It is five years since the "Gold- ;ue is part of the American epic, Bergs" become the;' most popular very family in America has* known family in the United States, via the the laughter, tears, loves, humor, gosJunior Hadassah radio. Mr. Postal gives us the story ip and home life of "The Rise of .the Vaad Tea Held Sunday of one of the most interesting au- Goldbergs.'* This radio serial is the Rabbi Uri Miller will speak on "In thor-actresses in the country. omestic life of the average American Junior Hadassah -entertained at a Chevra'Sh'a'as to the Beginning: Man or Ape," tonight THE EDITOR. :amily dramatized with rare" genuinebeautifully appointed tea at the Blackat regular Yaad s e r v i c e s , held ess, dramatic quality and humor. It Friday evenings at 8 p. m. at the stone Sunday :afternoori for' a large ••.•-. - M e e t W e d n e s d a y No industry has catapulted so many is these qualities that have endeared B'nai Israel synagogue. Rabbi Mil- gathering at the opening affair of the The first session of the ssason of people from complete obscurity to na- Molly and her brood to millions. ler will discuss the problem of evo- fall season. Miss Minnie Froom, pres- the Chevra Sha'as .will be held Wedtional and even international fame and - During its five year on the air "The ident, opened the program with a short , success with such dizzy rapidity as ise of the Goldbergs" became much 10, at 8 o clock at view. Cantor A. SchwaczkLa and his talk welcoming a number of ne^-mem-! Mt sh dea 3 BT -e t October radio broadcasting. Radio history is more than an entertaining and popubers into the organization. Rabbi Uri j i1_?ame,dr°shiHagodlc:1 syna" choir will chant the services. replete "with the amazing success ar sketch. It developed into the'most 19th and - Btsrt streets. Saturday morning Rabbi Miller Miller, who recently returned from a stories of struggling writers and ar- valuable means of building inter-religRefreshments will be served. All trip abroad, was the principal speaker will speak at the B'nai Israel synatists whose names overnight became ous and inter-racial good will. The members, are urged to attend the and honored guest. gogue. , household words through the medium universality of its appeal and its reA playlet, "Junior Haflassah Girls meeting. .Officers are: A. G. Weinstein, of the air waves. But none have had ined and restrained sympathy won on a Spree,' was presented under ihe Conservative a more sensational or dramatic as- or it a huge Christian audience that -direction'of Mrs. Mas Fromkin, spon- president;; S. Ravitz, vice-president; cent than Gertrude Berg and her tre-.had never, before listened in on a JewAt services tonight Rabbi David sor. Those taking part were the Misses S. Katleman, secretary-treasurer. mendously popular brain child, -"The ish program. Hundreds of letters from A. Goldstein will speak on "Many Mary Garfinkle, Goldie Seidman, Rose i Rise of the Goldbergs," which went Christian clergymen have assured Types o£ People That Make This Abramson, Ruth Swengil, Bora -Freshis nothing settled in manners, on the air just five years ago. World." the laws of behavior yield to the man, Freda Softer and Kalah Franktian-Jewish good will and amity. FarThe women of the congregation lin. A group of Imitations -of radio energy of the individual.—Emerson. Debating Group at Gertrude Berg Today "The Rise of the Goldbergs" mers* wives, Quaker women, lumberwill begin their Oneg Shabbos cele- stars was presented by Irving Eaicommands a radio following' second acks, art connoisseurs, physicians, Community Center brations ' tomorrow afternoon. Mrs. xnan. Miss Julia Zuker sang a group only to that of "Amos V Andy." Five eachers, sailors and chauffeurs have better understanding and friendship J. J. Greenberg will be hostess at her of popular songs, accompanied at the years ago this homely and realistic __ sjomoad o? suouuas ptresmotfl -B between Jews and Christians by givA debating group is being formed home, and Mrs. Hyman Greenberg -will piano by Miss Ruth Meyer. Tea_ was portrayal of the trials and pleasures Mrs. Bergg that she does more than'ing non-Jews an accurate picture of of a typical American middle-class written in by the hundreds of thou- how Jews live. The basis of the en- at the Jewish Community Center, be co-hostess. Dr. George J. Gordon, poured by the Misses Ida Fine" and j *W0EK THAT SATISFIES" Jewish family Tvas a daring" experito tell Molly of the pleasure tire good-will movement is education, with Samuel Zacharia as sponsor. one of the best-known Jewish educat- Evelyn 'Glazer. Assisting hostesses ors in the country, will be the guest of were the Misses Minnie Froom, Jean- , The first meeting of the group Oriental and Domestics jnent. "When Gertrude Berg first con- her sketch affords them. The theme of educating Christians to an apprecianette Resniek:, Fannie Katelman and; ceived the idea of a continuous radio thousands of letters is: "I didn't know tion of Jewish' ideals. It may be safe- will "be held Wednesday evening, Oc- honor 5116 Jiilitary Are. Walnut 5002 Sarah German. Btory dealing with the average Jewish the Jews were BO nice." And these ly said that through "The Rise "of the tober 10, at 7:30 p. m. at the J. C. C. Membership is open to all young The first regular meeting of the fall family she was told it couldn't be sentiments come from people who sel- Goldbergs," which has reached milJunior Congregation season, will be leld next Thursday done over the air. Radio executives dom meet Jews. Many weeks the fan lions of every faith in the "past five people interested in debating. The first services of the season The purpose of the organization for the Junior Congregation will be evening, October 11, at 8 o'clock at •were convinced that a Jewish dialect mail from Christians exceeds that years, Mrs. Berg has single-handed &LEEN-HEET program was impossible. They felt from Jews. To Gentiles "The Rise of waged an effective campaign for good- will be to study debating and to held at the B'nai Israel synagogue lie Jewish Community Center. that it would offend too many people the Goldbergs" is something different will which entitles her to the sou- stimulate participation in forensic Saturday morning at 9:15 a. m. The OIL BURNERS —Jews and non-Jews—and would ap- and appealing, something that gives briquet of "radio's ambassadress of activities. From the members of this Junior Congregation is sponsored by Junior Vaad Auxiliary body will be chosen a debate team the Vaad, in co-operation with the peal only to a limited audience. Un- them an entirely new slant on Jewish good-will." Olson Bros. fortunate stage and screen experiences life, a sympathetic and understanding Talmud Torah. Meeting Held Tuesday (Copyright, 1934, by Seven Arts to represent the Center. 2612 LeaTennrorth AT. 2360 with the offensive and vulgar humor view of the Jewish people who through Refreshments -will be served to Feature Syndicate.) all children. Prizes will be awarded. of Jewish comedians had made the the doings of the Goldbergs and their Far Saar All children are urged to be present. The Junior Vaad Auxiliary held j radio wary. No radio official had the circle become "just folks" to all Ameropening gun in the Berlin.—The Plans are being jnade for the first its first meeting of the year Tues-| I Paxton Mitchell Co. vision or understanding to foresee ica. Nazi press campaign to win the Saaf annual banquet of the Junior Con- day at the B'nai Israel Synagogue.; that millions of non-Jews as well as plebiscite was fired with a blast in gregation. The committees for the year and I Grey Iron, Aluminum and Jews would he captivated by Mrs. "Some good people come from the the VoelMscher Beobachter, Hitler's their chairmen "were announced by f Bronze Castings Berg's program, which was destined East Side," an oia lady from the own paper, in which practically everySouth wrote after hearing "The Rise Dora Freshman, president. to make radio history. I Wood and Metal Patterns Re-Im to Hold Open one who had anything to do with the of the Goldberps." Actually Gertrude Plans for a •membership affair I 2614 Hartha St. BA. R523 Saar problem was termed "an agent For months she tramped from one Berg is a total stranger to the East Meeting Thursday were discussed. Sarah Goldberg, asThe Council Bluffs Talmud Torah of Jewish atrocity propaganda." ; radio studio to another, presenting Side and the other Jewish millions : sisted by Ruth Marks, Anna Hahn, her sheaf of scripts and trying to she depicts so faithfully. Born in Har- Sunday School will open its fall seaThe Re-Im club will hold an open Rose Kirschenbaum, and Anne son-Sunday morning, October 7, at 10 NATIONAL break down the many objections; Time lem thirty-five years ago of an Engday, following a month's visit at the -meeting on Thursday evening, Oc- Green, will be in charge of arrangeand again she almost won. over radio lish mother and an American father, o'clock, at the Chevra B'nai Tisroel home of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Steinberg. tober 11, at 8:30 p. m. at the J. C. -G.ments for this affair. ACCESSORIES. Inc. executives, but after much delibera- she was educated at" Wadleigh . High synagogue at 618 Mynster street All with the public invited. Rabbi Uri Miller gave an interchildren between the -ages of five and EVERYTHING tion the answer was always a discour- school and Barnard college. After her Mrs Al Wolf and Mrs. Nathan VenJack Frieden will be chairman. A esting description of certain parts of For the Auto aging and firm "No." Ultimately she marriage to Louis Berg, a sugar tech- thirteen are urged to be at the syna- hoff of Chicago, 111, left for their prominent speaker •will give the ad- his recent trip. Jack Temin entergogue . Sunday .morning for registrareached the ear of one of the higher- nician, she spent several .years on a tion, 2031 Farnam AT. 5524 their classes. Mr. J. ZL Stad- home Sunday, following a month's vis- dress, and special entertainment will tained the group with several draups in the National Broadcasting Louisiana sugar plantation. She never lan isfor it at the home ol taejj brother-in-law be presented. Refreshments will be matic selections. principal in charge of the' SunCompany. This time the "No" becam< lived on the East Side. Her role of day School and sister, Mr. aad Mrs. Ben Seldin. served. a "Maybe." Finally she won a hesi- the Jewish mother is real, for she has The dub is preparing for an outtating and timid approval. She. was two children of her own, Gherney, 12, standing social - event, t i e Re-Im "The/Council Bluffs Lodge No. 688 of Torah society-told to select a cast and begin re- a^j Harriet, 7. election of of- -dance, to be held at the city audihearsals for -an audition. In the fall Starting to write almost as soon as the Independent Order of the B'nai ficers Wednesday afternoon, October torium on Sunday evening, October of 1929 Gertrude Berg's "The Rise of she could bold a pencil, she • rattled Brlth will hold a regular meeting next j3f a t the synagogue. Mrs. Morris Tu- 28.-Ben Soskin, general chairman of Monday evening, October 8, at 8:30 was elected president to suc- the fiance, reports that ticket sales the Goldbergs" went on the air. off poems, stories, plays and skits and o'clock at the Eagles nail. All mem-delson ceed Mrs. Abe GULnsky. Other officers have been progressing welL Radio experience has shown that it grew up with a passionate desire to bers are urged to attend. chosen were Mrs. Phil Saks, vice-presMembers of the dub practice every requires six weelts for any program write for the radio. Her first call on ident and chairman of the board; Mrs. to become firmly established over th a radio dignitary was to sell him a Approximately two nundred persons Herman Krause, recording secretary; Sunday morning in preparation for air. Anything that goes off the ether script. He liked her -voice but not the attended the "Simchath Torah" cele- Mrs. Abe Gilinsky, financial secretary, the pre-season basket ball league. /before that period has elapsed is sel- script, and offered her five dollars to bration at the Chevra B'nai Yisroel and Mesdames Herman. Meyerson, dom missed by its audience, if it has translate some Yiddish material for a synagogue on Monday evening. Fol- Harry Cohen, Dave Fox, O; Hochman, an audience. At the outset "The Ris gas company. Mrs. Berg next wrote lowing the reading of the Torah by Max Cohn and L. Cherniack, board of the Goldbergs" was given once a an Effie and Laura series, the trials Rev. A. Diamond, refreshments were members. • week without a sponsor. Mrs. Berg and tribulations of two salesgirls in served. They Six With the Best •wrote the script, Tehearsed the com-a big department~store. After a tryRegistrations are still open for the IDEAL BOTTLING COHPAIfT pany and played the part of Molly. out her skit was rejected. Then came The local Senior Hadassan will open new beginners' class in Hebrew at the 1808 So. 20th St. WE. 8043 By the end of the first month NBC her idea for "The Rise of the Gold- its fall season with a luncheon to be Talmud" Torah, and all parents are held-at the Hotel Chieftain on Wedcould not have dropped it even if they Dergs." urged at fhis time to send their chilnesday afternoon, October 17. An enhad wanted to. It was up in the Catskill mountains, tertaining program is being arranged, dren now, so that they can derive the Fan mail was coming in at the rate American Jewry's s u m m e r play- and all. members are urged to save full benefit of joining the Hebrew classes at the beginning of the new of 250 letters a week. People in all ground, where Tier father owned a hos- this date for this affair. term. Although there is a large-class •walks of life, of all races and creeds tel, that she first came in close conand from every section of the coun- tact with the Jewish type she has im- The Council Bluffs Talmud Torah of new pupils, more will be accepted. try were raving over "The Rise of th< mortalized in her radio sketch. Peo- society neld an election of officers at Registrations should be made with Goldbergs." In the radio world it was ple such as she writes about were a meeting held last Thursday evening Mr. J. Zi. Stadlan, principal, at the immediately recognized as a "natu- never her intimates, but her grand- at the synagogue. The same officers synagogue between, the hours of four Bdb the anemplored t j ral." Gertrude Berg had finally ar- mother, who is re-created in Molly were re-elected and will be installed and eight o'clock on "week days. buying Mazda Lamps from rived. When the sketch had been run- Goldberg, told her about them. Al- at a meeting to be held next Wednes1dm. The more lamps he ning for three months the studio re- ways revolted by the. manner in which day evening, October 10, at 8 o'clock Mils, the more money he ceived an amazing demonstration not Jewish characters were portrayed on at th synagogue. A group of stereoptiJOHN FELDMAN •win make. . only of the wide interest in the pro-stage and screen and in literature, she con slides will be shown by Mr. O. Is engaged in the business of sellgram but of Mrs. Berg's personal fol- put her writing talent and dramatic Hochman, and" all members and their ing all kinds of RELIGIOUS ARlowing. Illness had kept her out of genius into a radio sketch; which in- friends are cordially invited to attend. TICLES—Taleisim, Books, Jewish the. sketch for one episode and a sub- terprets the Jews as she has always Bibles in Hebrew and English. GL-2972 stitute played her part without any thought of them. With her.warm and Mrs. Martin E. Troutfelt entertained Ees.B09No.50thSt. preliminary announcement. From the vivid imagination she i a s managed to at a bridge party at the Monticello ENSURED CABS moment the sketch was over at 9:30 catch the spirit of everyday Jewish tearooms last Friday afternoon in pjn. until well past midnight thou- life, which she has translated into vi- honor of her sister-in-law, Mrs. George sands of telephone calls poured in brant and moving <Lrama without sac- Troutfelt of San Francisco, Cal., who from indignant listeners protesting rificing the rhythm and feeling of is leaving for her home today, followagainst the so-called attempt to fool Yiddish. In shunning the broken ^Eng- ing a-month's visit with relatives in them and demanding to know what lish dialect of Jewish comedians she Omaha and Council Bluffs. had happened to the real Molly. Three created something new -which she preThe Fresher, Finer years ago the program was taken over sented without gushing sentimentality Mrs. Rae Ross and her son, Ernest by a commercial sponsor. To test its or over-effusive friendliness.; •• Ross, returned home Tuesday from St. Flavored Butter popularity the sponsor asked the radio is, Mo, where they spent several that Costs No More. audience to write in on empty, tdoth-. Oddly enough, the ;fifth. anniver- days on a buying trip. paste tube cartons if they wished~ the sary of the radio debut of "The Rise unemployed man who calls at your door -will sketch to continue. The replies from of the Goldbergs" almost coincides Miss Frances Follman of Kansas •with t h e i i f t h anniversary of the fee able to tell you by charts he carries the correct City, Mo., returned to her home Sunnearly 1,500,000 fans swamped the emergence of the organized good-will size Mazda Lamps you need. studio. movement in America. Although Mrs. It is like carrying coals to New- Berg has made no-claim to the disLamps will be charged on your castle to describe a radio program fol- tinction, there is no doubt that she next electric service bill from lowed by millions. Heralded as the was a pioneer in the effort to Traild HeadTodav the Nebraska Power Co. if you "Abie's Irish Rose" of the air, "The Rise of the Goldbergs" is by no means wish. a radio "Abie's Irish Rose." There is no religious tangle to the radio sketch, Painting and Papering . ' BETTER LIGHT which is a tale of a family whose Responsible—Work jGnaranteea every day history is an almost exact • "BETTER SIGHT At tLotf Prices^ duplicate of the lives of thousands of families everywhere —- Jews as well Faulty eyesight is often caused as Gentiles. The kindly, matriarchal, by improper lighting. Check philosophical, patient and understand- 1919 Bnrt Street,. ~ AT-9892 ing .Molly Goldberg is no different your light-ng needs for Better from millions of other mothers. Jake Light—Better Sight Goldberg, the ambitious,1 climbing and practical father, is akin to millionsof other fathers, blessed, with the. same ^ Bug Mazda Lemtps . parental virtues and foibles. .Sammy is anybody's kid brother and Rosie is the classic kid sister. The saga of the Goldberg family from the East Side Phone HArn-ey 1226 -'.Farharn •arThirty.-ihircL, to the Bronx and then to-Park Ave-
Council Blum
Drink IDEAL BeYerages
Help the Unemployed
Jewish Community Plans for Gigantic Carnival
Sioux City News ; I
Miss ANNA PILL, Correspondent (O
Sisterhood Plate Dinner Wednesday
Shaare Zion
The first late service of the year will be held this Friday evening in Shaare Zion Synagogue, when Rabbi • Members of Mount Smai Temple Rabinowitz will speak oh "The DreySisterhood will sponsor a Plate Din- fus Case," commemorating the 40th - her next Wednesday evening, Octo- anniversary1 of this famous trial. The -•ber 10," in the Annex of the Temple. service will begin at 8 o'clock and The dinner, which will be opei to las^ until 9 o'clock. Cantor A. Plisth'a public, will be served at t'.SGkan '• and the synagogue choir will o'c'cck and will ue follo^/ed by a so- chant the ritual. cial- evening. Junior Congregation will meet to' Mrs. E. E.- Baron and Mrs. I Mil- morrow at 10:30 a. m. Rabbi H. R. ler are in charge of the. arrange- Rabinowiti will tell the children a '. merits. story,- and refreshments will; ba served. Mr. M. Satin is in charge of the refreshments for the children.
For the first time in the history of Sioux City Jewry the various Jewish organizations of the city have joined together as a single unit. for the purpose of soliciting funds and contributions for the maintenanca of tho individual: organizations under"
Jr. Poale Zion
Opening... their membership cain'paign, tha Junior Poale" Zion organ; ization will hold. an open meeting .and program Sunday afternoon, October Y,~ In tfie J. C. C. at 3 o'clock. . Appeknhg on the program will (; be Julia Bereskin, Rebecca Stillman,, Mr. * !Abe Stillman, Ruben' Ratner, '.Rosabelle Wigodsky, and E u d y Schindler, A musical program i be included.
Talmud Torah Childi-en*of the Talmud Torah and lte^ pupils will register for the new teirtn Sunday- morning, October 7, in] the' social hall of t}ie synagogue. Parents 4 r e urged to send their children t$: jregistet for'the term. ,
cipate, in the proceeds of this drive City in this drive in view of appreare as follows: A. Z. A., National ciation of the splendid support in W o r k e r s ' Alliance, Poale, Zion, the past Workmen's . Circle, Auxiliary of Following is a complete list of all Workmen's Circle, Senior H^adassah, committees and workers: Auxiliary of Beth Abraham Syna- Executive Committee: Jack M. Goldgogue, Auxiliary of Tepherath Israel Synagogue,.Hebrew Mother's Assi> ciation, Auxiliary of .Shaare Zion Synagogue, Mount Sinai Brotherhood, Mount Sinai Sisterhood, Pioneer Women, Community Center Building Fund The^ following organizations are .also working" oh the Jewish Carnival, but will not participate in the proceeds since'they :have not made "a practice of soliciting funds individually in the past: B'nai B'rith, Zionist Organization, .National Fund Council, Junior Hadassah, Ivre Club, Kadima, -Independent Farane, Cheving on a new Plymouth coach, which ra, "Kadisha,- Talmud Torah, Business Girl's Club,. Adas;Yeshurun. • ... '
Alliance Schools in Turkey Menaced
Istanbul—The French language schools maintained here by the Alliance Israelite Universalle for nearly sixty years may have to close down as a result of the Turkish govGeneva (WNS).—Lavish praise of ernment's to replace the work of James G. McDonald, all schools dsteimination operated by foreigners League of Nations High Commission- with national Turkish educational iner for German Eefugees and the adoption of a report recommending to the stitutions. There are some 27,000 Turkish Assembly that it should continue his children attending schools operated office featured the session of the sec- by the French, Germans, English and ond commission of the League of Na- Americans; -tions. SHOTVTEI,!,, MONSKV, GEODINgKY & Summarizing for .the commission •VAN'CK- and H A K K V B. COHEN • - Attorneys • the work cf the Refugee Commission, Omaha National Bank Bldgr. Geoffrey Shakespeare of the British delegation, pointed out that $5,000,000 Notice is hereby.!given that on the 28th of September, 1934, the total outstandhas been raised by Jewish organiza- day ing indebtedness hi JOHN VOLZ, INC., a tions, 25,000 refugees assisted in find- Nebraska corpora|tiou, .with its principal place of. business in Omaha, Nebraska, was ing a livelihood and the initial ad- $l,354.S0. -••.•' vance of the League to the Commis• •• H. B. COHEN, - President. sion repaid. . ; IT. B." COHEN A. GREENBERG He pointed out.that although Mc•. Majority of Directors. ' Donald's -job. is a stupendous one. the Attest: A. UKEENBEKG, .. - ••-. . . .; . Secretary. ; work of financing it has been carried exclusively by private organizations. FBADENBl'BC, '.BEBER -&- KIXTZNICK, He expressed fears that the forth- ?.• ' 650 Omaha- Attorneys. "National Bank Bldff. '. coming plebiscite in the Saar would NOTICE OF INCOKPOKATIOS OF add tremendously to the; number of "FONTTENEtXE DISTKIBt'TOKS, INC." refugees. • . : Notice is hereby given that the under-
signed have formed a corporation under the laws of the State of Nebraska. The name of the corporation shnll be Fontenelle. Distributors, Inc. with principal C. IJETIN. Attorney -place- of- business nt Omaha, Nebraska. 301 taectric Bid?.' The general nature of .the business to .be. transacted .shall' be to buy and sell nt : wholesale ana retail, live and dressed-poulNOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION try, butter, eegs and dairy products of iill In the County Court of Douglas County, kinds and descriptions; to dress and store Nebraska. poultry; to buy, sell, lease, own, acquire In the Matter of the Esiate of SAM MAR- nnd/or encumber real, personal property, GOLIN, Deceased. _ . nnd to do nil things necessary or proper All persons interested in said estate arc 1o effect the purposes and objects tor hereby iwtified that a petition has been which this corporation is created. The \ filed in said .Court alleging that said de- authorized capital stock shall be $5,000 ceased died leaving no last Mill and pray- and air of the paid stock shall be common ing for administration upon his estate, and and of the par value of ?100 per share Dr. H. M. Levin, that a hearing will be had on said peti- and shall be "fully paid up and non-astion before said court on the 20th day of sessable. It shall commence business upCar Drawing Chairman October, 1034, and that if they fail to ap- on filing of its articles with the County pear at. saia Court on the said 20th dny Clerk of Douglas County. Nebraska, nnd smith, Morey Lipshutz, E.'-N. Grue- of October. .1934. at 9 o'clock A. M., to shall contimie for a period of fifty years. skin, Si Krueger, Max Friedman, M. contest said petition, the Court may grant The highest amount of indebtedness shnll the same and grant ndminisi ration of said not exceed two-thirds of its capital stock, Skalovsky, Jack Robinson, J. Kalin, estate : to Jennie Rifkin or some other this restriction shall not include inA. M. Davis, Barney Baron, Mrs. suitable person ar.a proceed to a Bettle- but debtedness secured by mortgages or liens. Tnent thereof. The affairs shnll lie managed by a Board Rose Agranoff. of Dirctors, of not less than two members. BETCE CRAWFORD. The annual meeting shall be on the first Ad Committee: E. N. Gruesldn, 0-28-S4-3t. County Judge. Monday in January of each year at which chairman; Abe Pill, vice-chairman. meeting the stockholders shall elect a Board of Directors, nnd thereupon the FBADEXBCTtU, BEBEK & KLCTZNICK Car Drawing Committee:—Dr. H. Board shall elect a President, Vice-Presi• Attornej-s M. Levin, chairman; Jack Robinson! dent. Secretary and Treasurer. Any two 650 Omaha National Bank Bide. of said offices may be held by one and Omaha. Nebraska vice-chairman; - E. J. Fribonrg, vicethe same person; These articles may-be chairman. ... - -amended nt any regular or special meeting NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION of the stockholders by two-thirds vote or Publicity Committee: Milton Bolr To All Whom It Mar Concern: the outstanding stock. Notice is hereby given that the partnerstein, chairman. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties ship heretofore known as -MASON iilT/rXE hereunto subscribed their names thii Cafeteria Committee: Mrs. Sam COMPANY has been dissolved. Mason W*. have ISth day of September, itoi. little has succeeded to all of the assets of Mosow, chairman. DAVID KAPLAN. Mason Little Company -and has assumed HAROLD W. NELSON. Floor Arrangements Committee: J. all of the liab'aities of said company. The MAX FOX. undersigned has completely withdrawn In the presence of Kalin, chairman; A. J. Galinsky, from R. 3. HOLDSBEIIG and is no longer connected with or 9 2 1 ^ vice-chairman. interested in the said Mason Little Company. . Entertainment Committee: Mickey Dated at Omaha. Nebraska, this 15th day FRADENBCrtG, BEBER & KJLUTZCTCK, Gross, chairman"; Ephraim W. Baron, of September, 1934. Attornej-s. ALTS J. HEINLEN. €30 Omaha National Bank B i d e vice-chairman.' 9-2S-34-4t.
Society News
Jack Goldsmith, General Chairman Mr. Bernard Rocklin, who has been one gigantic drive. This fund raisTalmud Torah associated' with the Montgomery ing drive will be climaxed by a gala Dr. Theodore N. Lewis will speak Wa*d Store in Sioux City, has deon; the day and evening of this.evening on,"The Survival-of the parted for Des Mpines, Iowa, where carnival October Si at the city Auditorium. ; fittest." Services will begin at 8 he is' assistant manager of the Des General Chairman Jack Goldsmith o'clock. . .: ' Moines Montgomery Ward Store. expressed the fundamental purpose This noon, the Sisterhood will hoi j of the Jewish Carnival at the open ** • Its first luncheon meeting of the for workers recently held •year. The business meeting will fol- Honoring her daughter, Miss Bess meeting in the Jewish Community Center Zeligson, who will be married Nolow a one o'clock luncheon. "Mrs. A. when he said, "We are meeting to'I. Sacks arid ,Mrs.'.Sam. Mosow arc vember 11 to Sam Greenberg c night on a program similar to that in charge 'of the . luncheon arrange- Omaha, Nebraska, Mrs. J. Zeligson experienced by the United States ments. The program will include a entertained 24 friends at an evening when they first joined together in of bridge last Wednesday. A late 'short skit presented by Dr. Delia one unit, and the saying, "United w~ luncheon concluded the evening. Galinsky and Mrs. -A. H. Lazere. stand, divided we fall' is carried* Tuesday afternoon Dr: Lewis spoke down to this date. This same pro-^ .before, the Woman's .Club -at Correcgram is beginning to bring,, us out :tionvillej Iowa. His subject was "Hitof the depression under the ,Ne\r ler over EurSpe."; " D e a l arrangement:^ of President Friday: afternoon, .October. 12,. he Roosevelt's administration, namely, •will speak .over ,KSCJ .on the Conthe joining together of the two mastitution.' The program will be spon- New York (WNS).—Political cir- jor political ..parties .in one united cles-here see in the organization of a effort, which is symbolic of the ef-; sored .by the PTA Council. . , E. N.:Grueskin New members in the Temple con- political committee to obtain increas- fort of the Jewish organizations of; Ad Committee Chairman • gregation include "the following: N. ed representation for" German-Amer- Sioux City." -W-e'isberg, V.- Mazie,— Leo - Schlaif er, icans in city, state and federal offices There will be four methods by Heretofore, -each Jewish organizaDr.-Ar'H. Lazere, J. S. *Slate, L. D.a movement designed to wreak politi- tion in Sioux City bas "endeavored which tHe funds are planned to be cal vengeance on anti-Nazi officeSacks, S. Sigman, N Gorchow and " ' : ••*:: ' to carry on its activities as individual raised: M." Harrison: •: - v : . •- : .-. '• holders. Reuben units with individual enterprises 1. Program booklets to be dis- Ticket Committee: Mrs. The committee was created under . FKADEXBrRG. BEBEK & KI/CTZNICK the sponsorship of the" German-Amer- through their own workers, and have tributed to. 1,000 individual homes. Miller, chairman. Attorneys Executive Committee—A. AT. Davis B oll Mnx F n l k s l Greece Grants ExUes Haven j ican Conference of Greater New York. solicited the support of the public • 2. The sale of .tickets for a draw- 1u?f «50 Omaha National Bank B i d e '. » Krueger, Joe Kutcher' London—The Greek ' government Dr. Louis A. Ewald, chairman.of the and the merchants of Sioux City fov is now on display at the Williams 111 ise Jskalovsky, l'hil Sherman, L. Agran--". Abe X'ill, J. Lansburg, I. Singer, liorev NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION has granted provisional permission committee, emphasized that it is non- their upkeep. This duplication of ef- Motor Co., West'7th and PearL L^pshutz, Jake Kalin, Jack Kobfnson Al In the County Court of Douglas County, 'to. a group of 380 German Jewish partisan and bars pro-Nazi, grcups. forts on the part of these various 3. Admission tickets to the Carni- Schwartz, Morris Albert, Max Friedman, Nebraska. Ike Levin. Ben Kosenblnin, Milton Bol- In the Maiter of the Estate of JACOB ' u > ay . ;-.;••• refugees, to remain on the island of He also said that it "will work in organizations has created a -very un- val.- : •• : stel.u H . Miller, Wm. Uilinsfcr. Sam X ^ n , BEKXSTEIN. Deceased. Syra, pending a government decision harmony with all good citizens, ir- desireable attitude in the" minds of All persons interested in said estate are Moe Lazere. Lawrenca Baron, Max Der4. Drawing for^^ valuable merchan- vta, those who generally contribute to the E. E. Baron, Frank Margolin, Sovel hereby notified that a petition has been as to whether they will be permit- respective of creed .or nationality," dise which will.b'e>donated by retail filed in sa*d Conrt alleging that 8.iid deBam KrolofT, A. H. Baron \ . ted to settle permanently, the Lon-who,are interested in good govern- individual organizations, and i t has merchants and wholesalers doing Krueger, Mazie, Morris Satin, ?C. Elkin ReiilMHi ceased died- leaving no last will and prayMiller." Milton Mushkrn. Ell Seff. Sam Gut- injr for administration upon his eBtate, don Daily Telegraph reported. • ment To forestall the feeling that it also strained the workers of the or-business/in Siotix.cCity. terman, Morris Weiner, Leon Dobrofslcy and that a hearing -will be had on said is. intended to retaliate against public ganisations to successfully accom4 «!.'F ^ e r ee. n . M- Shiloff, M. XIanaker, petition before said court on the 20th Any Sponsorship. ' A. Tilevitz, Abe Stillman, M_ Mason B of October. 1934. nnd that if they fnll to officials known to be opposed to. Hit- plish their individual drives. appear at said Court on the said 20th dny Snindler, I.- stein, J. Shajpiro, Max La'seu- of 1034. at .41 o'clock a.m.. to conThe drive will be sponsored by the skjr. lerism, the committee.issued a stateWith the : thought of. eliiminating M. IJazriowicb, Mrs. K. Miller; Mrs. test.Octolwr. Said netitiott^tlre Court mny crant tlie Mosow, Mr. Ben Fish, Mr. B. Hosenment denying any such purpose. much 'of this antagonism: caused by 29 organizations'urjder, the supervi- Sam . me "and «rant" witminlstration of r^i'\ thal, Mr. M. Hill. Mr. H. Friedman, Mr" to Haroia Kelley .or some othor Among the members of the com-the duplication of efforts of thsss sion of the Executive Committes o ' \Ym. Mazie, Dr. «. Shulkin, Mr. Morris estate suitaUle person iand > proceed to a settleISoblnow, Mr. D. Hurwitz, Mr. Sam Snov- ment thereof. mittea is the United German Societies various organizations the Sioux City the Inter-Club Council, which con- sky. Mr. Archie Kantor. of Greater New, York which includes B'nai B'rith Lodge was instrumental sists of the presidents of the 29 or- Donating Committee—Mrs. E. E. naron 0-28-34-St County Judge. • Mrs. J. Kalin, Mrs. Leon sunlkin, Mrs. Ben in forming the Inter-Club Council ganizations. pro-Nazi groups.. Baron, Mrs. E. N. Grueskin, Mrs.'J. 11 last spring. This Inter-Club "Council The general chairman of the Jew- Oreenberg, Mrg. G. Friedman, Mrs.. Her- FKADENBLUG, BEBEK & KLUTZNlCK consists of one representative from iss Carnival is Jack M. Goldsmith. man Miller, Mrs. B. H. Epstein, Mrs.: Joe •- : . s , • .'- , • Attorneys •' Kutcher, Mrs. Henry Sherman,. Mrs.- i l a x Pasyolsky Appointment each of the 29 Jewish organizations ad and program committee is Mushkin. Mrs. Reuben Miller, Mrs; Joe - .; «SD Ornah* National Bank BldC. :: Washington, D.' C-—Announcement in the city, and through its efforts The Morey LlpslHitz,-Mrs. M. Mftrks, headed by-E; N. Grueskin. The au-Levin, Max Jriedman, Wm. Gilinsky>. Morris iAl- NOTtCE13 made, here that President Roose- this' united 'drive has .been launched, tomcbile "B-r- PCBtiCATION ON PETI1 drawmigis conducted by Dr. r o i t SKTTtEMENT OF FINAL velt has appointed Leo Pasvolsky, whereby a sufficient - amount 'of H. M. Levin;;-Tbe general, publicity Mrs' Ike Levin, Mrs. EU Sett. Sirs.- Bob' ", -IIONAWMINTSTJSATipN ACCOCKT writer and economist," as economist •money is hoped to be raised to di- will be under - the direction: of * Milton Sacks, Mrs. Moe Lazere,- Mrs. Mike Mush- In. the €»uuty Conrt"ibt (pouglas County, : Nebraska. " ..• ' . . of' the Bureau of foreign and domes- vide - among -these -organizations -in Bolstein.'. Cafeteria Committee—Mrs, Sani; Mosovr, In the Matter.of the Estate of WILLIAM Mrs. Reuben Miller will -Chairman, Mrs. 1'. Sherman, Mrs.Mai tic commerce. GOPQLA,. Deceased.'_: ,\". proportion to its fund raising abilcharge of the sales of admis- La8ensky, Mrs. A. I. Sacks, Mrs.' Max ' iAil. persons interested in said matter sre = Since 1922 Mr. Pasvolsky has bean ity on an average for the past fir; have; Mrs. Sam Llpman, Mrs; F, Gor« sion tickets. -. ' ' ; • - . ' • isrodkey, '.notified that, bh^fee 2uth <lay of chow, Mrs. A. W. Kaplan, Mrs. Max Mushi- hereby on. the staff of the Brookings Insti- years. Septermber, 18^; 13"osepb TJ. Fraaenburg . • . ' ' • kin. • ? • ' •: - ;1 ftied The' Jewish organizations of- Sioux a petition la'said.C»ucty Court, praytution. Floor Arrangements—J. KalinJ A. J , ing tllat Ms finn! ndlriiJijBtration account Organizations. City earnestly "Solicit" the co-opera- Oalinsky, P.- Bhermau, Bob Sacks, -E. 'N. filed, herein-be settled; imd allowed, and His duties will, consist of studies Crueskin, Margolin, A. M. Davis, that be be discharged from his trust as The organizations that will parti- tion"- of - the 'general-public of- Sioux Joe Givot, Frank in connection with forslgn trade reDr. Frank Epstein, Sam Ep- administrator and that-a henring will be stein, Morris Pill. ; lations-and the analysis of material bad on said petition before said Court on Dance Committee—A. Z. A. Eudolpli the ISKh day ol October, 19S4. and that if to; be furnished by the Department Shhuller, Chairman. you fall" to:appear, before said Court on "of Commerce to various government Ticket Floor Sales—Deborah Club, Young the Baifl 20th flay »t October, 1034, at 0 Judean Club, Bertha ltaskln. Bessie - Gs- o'clock A.fM., ^ud contest said petition, bureaus. drafting reciprocal trade wovitz, Edith Feinberg, Eva Ivelier. the Court may grant the prayer of siiid treaties. Entertainment Committee^—Mickey Gross, petition, enter a decree of t heirship, and
were alive today .. .
He wootd find; in the English • Village ot f Chicago's-1934 V» ond s jrair Hie Ok) Cvriosity . Shop whfch His wrihngs jhavo made .immortal, f his .year's fqir boasts fifteen foreign - • yjUoges.^—rjsee tthem -all: but '-' i start vodr fpu&ight By r&serv1 ing V room 'in fhe'Morruon.
- • Home of Tarrace Garden • Boston Oyster Honse
m i i
Chairman, Joe Levin, Bob Sacks, L. S. such, other nnd further orders, alGoldberg, Ike Levin, Sam Pickiis, M. A."make. lowances j»nd decrees, as to this Court may SA3ICEL ZACHARIA, Attorney Weiner, Dr. H. M. Ijevin, Lester Heeger, seem proper, to the end thiit all mntters John Levin, Lou Agranoff, Morey * - Lip- pertaining 768 Branrtels Theatre Building saia *ntate may be. finally (Continued fron Page 1) shutz. Aba Pill. Morris Pill. Frank Margo- settled; nud,"to NOTICE OF IlfCORFOBATIOy OF detennine<L , • _ ' • '' ' Berlin ,(JTA).---Xhe Nazis discovlin, Milton Bolsteln, Lawrence. Bfirori,"- Eph V CIA'DK J. M1L1.EK MOTORS r BBVCB CRAWFOKP, j Baron, I,on Dimstlale, E. ^ J. Fribpnrc. from a ,prvf"-\. • > technical ered Palestine last week. 'COMPANY' - ....;"• -Comity Judge. I Car Drawing—Mr. I. .Singer, ill. MT ghi-i 9-2SV34-J?t.'{ :• Notice is hereby given that the urder- viewpoint the problems of faA sudden curious interest in-the lott, Mr. M. Dervin, A. Tilevitz, J>. Hi Faltc, slgned hare associated themselves together In order to form a corporation under and case work and i•'.'"' * . iciief prob- Jewish National Home in the holy B. Itifkiu, J. Shapiro, M. -Manaker, Mi*. U. H. Emlein, Mrs. J. Sawislat Mrs, L. • by. virtue'of-tlic-laws *.of toe Btate of Ne- lems. . land, and speculation on the possibili- Agrnnoff, Mrs.'Joe Levin, Mrs. J, C. Levin; braska.-The name of this corporation shall Mrs. M. A. Weiner, Mrs. Levitain, Mr, A, lie.CI.YHE, J. MILLER MOTORS CO5Ity of Jjewish success in the Near East, Stillman, Conference Heads. Mr.'L. Shindler. Mr. M. Mason, I'ASX, nnd its principal place of transactled Propaganda Minister Goebbels to Mr. N: Wiclesky, Mr.N. "Elkin, Mr. g.'Kiat.' ing'business shnll be in the city of Omaha, Philip; M.; Klutzriick of Omaha is UaugUia county,.NehraRkn.-The general na; chairman; o£ tfh£ Conference and "Ja- dispatch the.besjt^writer^on the staff Her, Mr. Kpdy, ShiadleT, Mr. Al,-Hgyzplf, Mr. Sii BaumsteJn, Mr.- Max ZeUgsoo," HTS ; ture :of. the-business to lie transacted by •• Danv LeTldi,' Mr. Lester Lazriwieh, Mrs. JV the corporation shall be to act as diatrlbn- cob S." Pearistien of Omaha is sec-of Der Angriff"tS-Ipalestine. Gorchow, Mrs.. F. : Fish," Mrs.. i- JMirkin, *of3'nnd OealeM la." and to buy and 6ell at retary^ '... . \,.:.: :'_s .-' ' - ; . As a result Hoflthe?Jazi corresponr Mrs. ' •_ ._ ; J. Berg, Mrs. M. Lazrkvwlch,- Mrs.;-S. wholesale and retail, motor trucks, motor Katuer, Mrs. K. Levich, "Mrs. Greenstone; dent's ihvestigati^nir-a series of artil>usses,M automobiles, k aeroplanes, tractors The conference is being sponsored Mrs. S. Baron, Mrs. ~ri.- Merlin,* M*s. H. and -rotod machinery. new>and used, and cles pn Jewish Palestine appeared in Friedman, Mrs. F.- Gorchovr.-Mrs. jJH. M. ports and accessories pertaining thereto; by the National Council of Jewish Sherman. Mrs Joe KrigsteiDi Mrs. "Arthur Dr. Goebbels' paper..The conclusion to operate a. paint antl repair shop for re- Federatiohs': aiid Welfare ~ Funds'. Kaplan, Mrs. Ike.' Levin. Mrs: Reiiben" "Miliwlring. overhauling, rebuilding and painting",of automobiles, motor trucks, motor Sam^Beberis a member "of the na-of the first article is that not theler, Mrs. J. H. Mosow, Mrs. M.: Mushkin, Jews and not the Arabs, but England, Mrs. B. Baron. Mrs.; J. C tLevln, Mrs. liusBts. aeroplanes, tractors nnd rond ma- tional 'executivie committee. Morey Llpshntz, - Mrs -V.- Maiie, Mrs. L j-hinary ; -to opoxlite^ a garage and "ware"Mrs.- Ety Seff^Mrs".-S.- Jr Slotskyt house; for' the storage ajiil' maintenance of On the^ conference executive com- is holding Palestine," which the writer Menin, truPka and automobiles:-to buy. sell and mittee -areHhet-chairman and secre- characterizes as "the most unsafe cor- Mrs. E. K. Davis. Mrs. Harry Fish.,?Mrs, CFish," Mrs 'D.'-'GihsiMirir, .Mrs. P.- Hnrjleal Jn automobile mortgnges and securi•witz, Mrs.-Eli Jaeobson. Mrs.-M. Keir.-Mrgi ties. Tof .every, nature; and to buy, own, tary, Klutinick arid Pearistien, of ner of the Orient." lease. »nd .sell -any real-or personal propDisplaying an excellent knowledge J.-Kutcher,-Mrs.. M. Mushkin, Mrs.;Max erty .necessary or convenient in and about Omaha; Harry A. Wolf and David of-Palestinian "affairs and of the Zion- Rubin. Mrs. K. Sacks, Mrs. J-- Greeribers, Mrs. SI IUcli. Mrs. "Meyer ^larks.>Mrg. M. the conduct of the business of the corpora- [Goldman, Omaha;' Dr."' J. M. .Morns' Skalos?fifcc,-Mrs;."E:'E..Baron, Jlrs. A. 3.; tion,- with power to mortgage or. otherwise ist movement as a whole, the opening E. Galinsky. Mrs. W M . GillnsKiv Mrs. A;.-K11,* oncuniber any of its property, real or per- .and-Dr. -Lewis L..* Miller,' Denver, article .praised the .activities of the Mrs. Sam Cohen,' Mrs. H:-*lslif;B\l,.:Mrs,' sonal,. The 'authorized capital stock, of this .Colo.; Ellis'Levitt'and Joseph Brbdy," corporation shall be $10,000,00, divided into young, jews who go to Palestine to Herman SroFsky.-Mrs.^ L. -,Sletsky;: Mrs. one Siuudrcd shares of- tho par valne of Des Moines, 'la'.; "Jacob" Lorie '-and ?100.00 each. nlL of .which stock shall be .Louis Ehrlrch^,'Kansas City,' Mo.j;' work .on-the. land and at/hard phycommon - stock and when, Issued" shall be sical labor.—- . fully; paid for nnd non-assessable. T?he date Arthur Brin and • I. ^S".' Joseph, MinMrs.-1'. London.- Milfoil Bplstehv Art Berof the "commencement of this corporation neapolis, .Mihn.'^JRobert Mayer'*and' • -The Nazi .writer, however, derided Sen.-ReubenHftillerrMorris jKosenthal, Ben shall toe October I, 1034,1 had the* date of Tel -Aviv and "the cafes crowded with Sekti Pr. Dlmsfd.-ileT Stanley Jacobs. Mr. Ita termination shnll be October"!, 1084. Edwin,- 'B. .Meisner," St.:""L"ouis, Mo~.;~ U4 H,; Emlflin; Mr. M. Lazriowich. Mr. J. ; ladies "emulating the KurfuerstenThe highest amount of indebtedness or lin- Bernard Marx and "Mrs. Edwin Gortho-w,*Mr.~Jack Goldsmith, Mr. M. AlW l l t y t o wilch the corporation shall nt dam^ (chief Jewish street ,in Berlin). beit, Mr.* I. Stein. Mr."Max CDervln. Mr, Baer, St. Paul, Minn. . ^..„_— nny time subject itself shall not exceed an Kaplan; Mr. Max Friedixmn, Kate He" also"analyzed~ the" seriousness of B«n; amount equal- to "two-thirds 'of- its' capital Kaplan. :Mr/* ^Sam' Suovsky,.Mr.. -Lou I S. 'Joseph of Minneapolis Is tlie the. present conflict in the Palestine Stroiig-.li.-Mrs. .THCk SlQtsky. Mrs. A. Ag-: Btock.-The. business rfffairs of this -corporation shnll be conducted by a hoard of not chairman of the program committee*. off, Mrs. -Phil Sherman, Mrs.: Sam rich-; Jewish ^community between the work- ran Itfsa than two iior more than fire "directors, us, Mxs.'A. Batonrilr.-M.^BABinstein, Mrs.: <6 be:electfd-l)y. the stockholders-at the .Others . on-the program"- committee:. ers andjthe employers and between the iTarrr • Finsod. Mrs:" E. .T. Friboorg, .Mrs. annual meeting of the stockholders, which Mrs." J. H. Kulakofsky, Omaha; Rab-Laborites ind Revisionists. Palestine E.~ NT~Gmeskln, Si '"Krueger. : 'Mrs." St r.hall- he held on the second, Tuesday in Kiwger-. Mrs-ft; -Hr-Barom.* -Abe- K-eiin A. G. Minda, Minneapolis," Minn ; January.ofjtc/ilh.'.j'eay,. commencing with Jewish education resembles that of herg, Mrs. Jack London. Mrs". Wm. Lazere, .Tanuary, 1035.' Hie officers of the corpora- •Robert Lappen,,Des -Moines, la.; Dr. -Jack - Lnssman, Frank Margolin. Dr, the Soviets, the Angriff correspondent Mrs. tion, who shall be elected annually by the Frank Epstein. Sam Ensteln. Jack Cohen, Llewellyn Sale, • SC Louis, Mo.; Mildirectors. sh»ll b 4 s president, secretary said. Morey Lipshutz. Ben Fist, Ike Skalovsl^. nnd treasurer. Any two said offices may ton Firestone, St. Paul, Minn.; Miss B. Baron. Charlotte Rosenstock, Frances lie, held by on> and the same person; It Emlein, Elizabeth: Passman; Ehll Shermnn, shall not be i ecessary. however, for the Cornelia Harsfeld, Kansas City, Mo.; assisted by Frank Ackerman, Max Panllne Friedman. Esther Friedman. BeKecretnry.to be a stockholder or director Bichard Weil, St: Louis,-Mo.; Prof. Barfsh, Sam Beber, J. J- Greenberg, atrice Levitsky, Eernice Ij4vin. Unto FriedIn the corpornt'on. Serene Rarrent. Lucille Barrent, Rnth A. D. Kaplan, Denver, "Colo. -• • - CLXDK J.-MIIXSR Morris Jacobs, Ben Ka-zlowsky, Jack man. Rifkin. Evn Dvorkin, Jenny Shindler. Fern • David Goldman" heads the Omaha Marer, Al Mayer, William Milder, "Wolfson. Edytbe-Feinberg, Era ivener, ; H. ,Vu MORRISON LlbBy Dervin. committee in charge of arrangements and Harry Silveraan. 10-5-3t-4t. - Incorporator*.
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned havo formed a corporation under the laws of the State of Nebraska. Th« name of the corporation shall be Omaha Market, Inc. with principal place pi business at Omaha, Nebraska. The -general nature of the business to be transacted shall be to liny niid sell at" retnil and Wholesale ' ttnninodrMcs' of nil "kinds and nature iind particularly meats, groceries, food prodncts, fruits nnd vegetables; to buy, sell, lease, own, acquire and/or encumber Teal nnd-personal property, and to • do all things necessary or proper to effect the purposes for which this corporation is organized. The authorized capitnl "Stock shnll be ?30,000.00 nnd all of said stock shall be common nnd of the par value of $100.00 per share nnd shall be fully paid-up and non-nsspssnble. "It shall commence business upon filing of its nrtlcles "with tlie County Clerk of Douglas County, Nebraska," nnd shall continue for a period of fifty, years. The highest amount of indebtedness shnll not exceedttvo-thirds of its capital stock, but this restriction shall not include indebtedness secured by mortgages or liens. The affairs shall be managed by a Bonrd of Directors, of not less than two members. The annual meeting shall be on the first Monday of January of each year at which meeting the stockholders shall elect a Board of Directors, nnd thereupon the Board shall elect a President, Vice-Presi-. dent; Secretary and Treasurer. Any two of .said offices-may be held by one and the same person. These articles may be amended nt nny regular OT special meeting of the stockholders by two-thirds vote of the outstanding stock. IN "W3TXKSS. WHEREOF, the parties have hereunto subscribed their names this 18th day of September, 1934. MORTON. WHITEBOOK, : FRED ELIKAN. In the presence of R. J. HOLDSBERG. " 9-21-34-4t.
Rev. A. Diamond Recognized as PR UTICAL MOHEL Phone 1059 Conncil Blnffs, In.
at:JPriii0s. fmi
Tire Repairing
Carl Riekes Tire Service
815 No. 18th St
AT. 4550