2017 Q4 Jewish Voice Connections Newsletter

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Job # Litho Ver Personalization Type Colors

Newsletter: 17" x 11", 4cp/4cp, with bleeds, on 70# matte text; fold to 8.5" x 11", then letterfold to fit OE; 2 print versions, 4 plates change.


Kit AB




Bring help, healing and hope to Jewish people! 2017


Jewish Voice Medical Clinics are a wonderful way to reach the poorest of the poor with medical, eye and dental care. Even more than that, these Clinics open the door for us to present the Gospel of Yeshua to Jewish people just waiting to hear the Good News of eternal life! With your gift today, you’ll provide:

Volunteer Bob Aiken forged an eternal connection with his new brother in Yeshua, Meseret.

• Treatment for illness, disease and injury • Eye exams and eye surgeries to preserve sight • Repair of teeth damaged by a lifetime of neglect So please give now to bring healing, health and hope to a Jewish person or their neighbor in need.


Put your gift to work faster at jvmi.org/newsletter

Thank you for your compassion and care!

Let us say THANK YOU for your gift today! For your gift of $35 or more . . .

Lost Tribes of Israel Wall Map and Photo Book The Lost Tribes of Israel have fascinated historians and biblical scholars for centuries. This beautiful photo book and 36x24" wall map reveal the ancient story of the Lost Tribes and show how Jewish Voice is coming alongside many of them today with the love of Yeshua (Jesus). (Item # 1830) For your gift of $60 or more . . .

Lost Tribes of Israel Wall Map and Photo Book PLUS The Expanding Kingdom Booklet and CD

This amazing story was captured by one of our dedicated volunteers, Bob Aiken, at a recent Jewish Voice Medical Clinic in Debre Birhan, Ethiopia. It demonstrates how your generous support is impacting lives for Yeshua (Jesus).

I found out that he grew up as an Orthodox Believer and lives in Debre Birhan. His name is Meseret Geta. He’s 23 years old and a student.

Lost Tribes of Israel Wall Map and Photo Book, The Expanding Kingdom Booklet and CD, PLUS Handcrafted Ethiopian Tallit (Prayer Shawl)


The prayer shawl, or tallit, has long been part of Jewish worship. This finely crafted shawl is handmade by weavers from the Beta Israel tribe. It’s a great reminder of how your support helps people in need. Measures 70x25.5", colors vary. (Item # 1917)

As I looked out over the long line of anxious people waiting to be treated at the Clinic, I saw a young blind man being led to the waiting tent. I was immediately overcome with a feeling that I should talk to him, so I went over and struck up a conversation.

As we worked our way through the Clinic, we talked. I asked if he came with anyone. He said he was alone. He needed help only from the road to the Clinic site, and someone had offered to guide him. He’d walked on his own all the way from home.

Ever wonder how you can experience greater abundance and blessing in your life? This booklet and CD, featuring Rabbi Jonathan Bernis, unveils a truth of God’s Kingdom that will change the way you read the Scriptures. (Item # 1916) For your gift of $150 or more . . .

Jewish Voice Ministries International PO Box 31998 Phoenix, AZ 85046-1998 Phone: 1-800-299-9374 28847-Newsletter.indd 1

Lives touched by Yeshua— thanks to your partnership!

Jewish Voice Ministries UK Admail 4224 London, W2 4UN Phone: 1-855-993-7482

Jewish Voice Ministries Canada PO Box 476 Maple Ridge, BC V2X 3P2 Phone: 1-855-793-7482

ebre Birhan, located in central Ethiopia, means “mountain of light.” God certainly focused His light into my life on this day, one I’ll never forget . . .

He gets around with a long stick to guide his way.

Meseret told me he was a shepherd boy, blinded when he was 4 years old. He remembers trees, mountains, and the color red. He said he could tell I truly cared for Continued inside . . .

www.jvmi.org/newsletter 9/13/17 4:45 PM


Job # Litho Ver Personalization Type Colors

Newsletter: 17" x 11", 4cp/4cp, with bleeds, on 70# matte text; fold to 8.5" x 11", then letterfold to fit OE; 2 print versions, 4 plates change.




Continued from front

I asked Meseret if he wanted to go to prayer counseling, and he said yes. There, he heard the Gospel and prayed to Yeshua (Jesus) to save him. All of us prayed for him afterward. He kissed everyone’s hands and hugged me. After that moving time in the prayer tent, we walked hand in hand back to the road, where he got a ride home in a horsedrawn buggy. “Well,” Meseret said to me, “This will be the last time we will see each other.” “No,” I answered. “We will see each other in heaven.” We hugged, expressed our love for each other, and

Ask the Rabbi by Jonathan Bernis

Q: Did Yeshua (Jesus) fulfill all of the promises and prophecies about the Messiah in the Hebrew Scriptures? A: The answer is no, but He eventually will. Messianic prophecy basically falls into two categories—those that speak of a suffering messiah who will be rejected and cut off for transgression (atone for our

28847-Newsletter.indd 2

parted ways as brothers in Yeshua. I was deeply moved by Meseret’s genuine love. Later, I was told what his names means in the local language. Meseret means “foundation,” and is usually given to a firstborn child. Geta means “Lord.” How appropriate that this wonderful young man, embarking on a new life of faith in Yeshua, carries a name that honors our Lord.

Your gifts support Medical Clinics where people like Meseret can come to find help. And as we demonstrate our compassion in Yeshua’s name, we have the opportunity to share His story. Thank you, and God bless you for your partnership.

sin), and those that reveal a ruling messiah who will destroy the enemies of God and usher in an age of peace on the earth. The ancient sages studied these seemingly contradictory prophecies and concluded there must be two messiahs. The first they called messiah ben Joseph (the son of Joseph). Like the patriarch Joseph, he would be despised and rejected by his brothers and suffer. This "suffering servant" would eventually die. The second, messiah ben David (son of David), would come in power and, like the great King David of old, would reestablish the Nation of Israel to its former


Unleashing God’s abundance in your life

Thanks to you . . . him, and that he loves me like his mom and sister—in other words, as a family member; a father figure. And I feel the same way about him. We truly made an immediate and significant connection.


glory. According to this teaching, messiah ben David would resurrect messiah ben Joseph and the two would rule and reign over a Messianic kingdom of peace. While this may seem off base to you, they were actually not that far off. But instead of two messiahs each coming once, we now know in hindsight through the revelation of the New Testament that one messiah had to come twice. The prophecies of Messiah begin with His first coming, as the Lamb of God to provide atonement for our sins. They conclude with His return, as the Lion of the Tribe of Judah to usher in His millennial reign on the earth.


of God’s rule over the enemy’s foothold in our lives. And so on.

However, the very next verse is often overlooked. “Of the increase of His government and peace there will be no end” (Isaiah 9:7).

This principle also works with your finances. You take that ten percent tithe and yield it to God’s rule and reign. Somehow, and don’t ask me how, the remaining 90 percent goes further than the original 100 percent ever would have! And if you think that works, try giving away 20 percent!

ne of the best-known prophecies in the Old Testament is Isaiah 9:6: “Unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given, and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.”

Because death and sin are now a part of our world, the natural order is decay, decomposition and breakdown. But God’s order is always growth and increase! Whenever or wherever God is ruling and reigning, when He is present, there is always life, and there is always growth. We see this principle in the salvation experience. Faith starts as a prayer from our hearts, and as the Word of God begins to take root and grow, it expands in us and tranforms us. Over time, as we yield to the Spirit’s control in our lives, we are changed into the image of His Son. The apostle Paul said, “For those God foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the likeness of His Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brothers” (Romans 8:29). That happens as we submit ourselves to the rule or the manifest presence of God. We can see this principle everywhere in His Word when we understand this truth. Healing is the expansion of God’s rule or control over the sickness in our body. Deliverance is the expansion

Remember the little boy in John, chapter 6? He had only two fish and five loaves of bread. But he yielded what he had to the Kingdom of God—by turning it over to Yeshua. That simple lunch of two fish and five loaves became a buffet for 5,000 people. And there was a 12-basket doggie bag left over. That’s the principle of expansion at work. I could give you many more examples but I think you get the point: where God’s presence is manifest, life, growth and expansion always occur. This is the opposite of what happens when we submit to the rule of the world, which yields decomposition, decay and ultimately death. Indeed, the nature of God’s Kingdom is that it is always in a state of perpetual growth and expansion. Tie into this reality, submit yourselves to the manifest presence of God and watch this truth take hold in every area of your life! Adapted from The Expanding Kingdom, by Jonathan Bernis. (Get the booklet and CD teaching as one of your thank you gifts to learn more)

9/13/17 4:45 PM


Job # Litho Ver Personalization Type Colors

Newsletter: 17" x 11", 4cp/4cp, with bleeds, on 70# matte text; fold to 8.5" x 11", then letterfold to fit OE; 2 print versions, 4 plates change.




Continued from front

I asked Meseret if he wanted to go to prayer counseling, and he said yes. There, he heard the Gospel and prayed to Yeshua (Jesus) to save him. All of us prayed for him afterward. He kissed everyone’s hands and hugged me. After that moving time in the prayer tent, we walked hand in hand back to the road, where he got a ride home in a horsedrawn buggy. “Well,” Meseret said to me, “This will be the last time we will see each other.” “No,” I answered. “We will see each other in heaven.” We hugged, expressed our love for each other, and

Ask the Rabbi by Jonathan Bernis

Q: Did Yeshua (Jesus) fulfill all of the promises and prophecies about the Messiah in the Hebrew Scriptures? A: The answer is no, but He eventually will. Messianic prophecy basically falls into two categories—those that speak of a suffering messiah who will be rejected and cut off for transgression (atone for our

28847-Newsletter.indd 2

parted ways as brothers in Yeshua. I was deeply moved by Meseret’s genuine love. Later, I was told what his names means in the local language. Meseret means “foundation,” and is usually given to a firstborn child. Geta means “Lord.” How appropriate that this wonderful young man, embarking on a new life of faith in Yeshua, carries a name that honors our Lord.

Your gifts support Medical Clinics where people like Meseret can come to find help. And as we demonstrate our compassion in Yeshua’s name, we have the opportunity to share His story. Thank you, and God bless you for your partnership.

sin), and those that reveal a ruling messiah who will destroy the enemies of God and usher in an age of peace on the earth. The ancient sages studied these seemingly contradictory prophecies and concluded there must be two messiahs. The first they called messiah ben Joseph (the son of Joseph). Like the patriarch Joseph, he would be despised and rejected by his brothers and suffer. This "suffering servant" would eventually die. The second, messiah ben David (son of David), would come in power and, like the great King David of old, would reestablish the Nation of Israel to its former


Unleashing God’s abundance in your life

Thanks to you . . . him, and that he loves me like his mom and sister—in other words, as a family member; a father figure. And I feel the same way about him. We truly made an immediate and significant connection.


glory. According to this teaching, messiah ben David would resurrect messiah ben Joseph and the two would rule and reign over a Messianic kingdom of peace. While this may seem off base to you, they were actually not that far off. But instead of two messiahs each coming once, we now know in hindsight through the revelation of the New Testament that one messiah had to come twice. The prophecies of Messiah begin with His first coming, as the Lamb of God to provide atonement for our sins. They conclude with His return, as the Lion of the Tribe of Judah to usher in His millennial reign on the earth.


of God’s rule over the enemy’s foothold in our lives. And so on.

However, the very next verse is often overlooked. “Of the increase of His government and peace there will be no end” (Isaiah 9:7).

This principle also works with your finances. You take that ten percent tithe and yield it to God’s rule and reign. Somehow, and don’t ask me how, the remaining 90 percent goes further than the original 100 percent ever would have! And if you think that works, try giving away 20 percent!

ne of the best-known prophecies in the Old Testament is Isaiah 9:6: “Unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given, and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.”

Because death and sin are now a part of our world, the natural order is decay, decomposition and breakdown. But God’s order is always growth and increase! Whenever or wherever God is ruling and reigning, when He is present, there is always life, and there is always growth. We see this principle in the salvation experience. Faith starts as a prayer from our hearts, and as the Word of God begins to take root and grow, it expands in us and tranforms us. Over time, as we yield to the Spirit’s control in our lives, we are changed into the image of His Son. The apostle Paul said, “For those God foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the likeness of His Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brothers” (Romans 8:29). That happens as we submit ourselves to the rule or the manifest presence of God. We can see this principle everywhere in His Word when we understand this truth. Healing is the expansion of God’s rule or control over the sickness in our body. Deliverance is the expansion

Remember the little boy in John, chapter 6? He had only two fish and five loaves of bread. But he yielded what he had to the Kingdom of God—by turning it over to Yeshua. That simple lunch of two fish and five loaves became a buffet for 5,000 people. And there was a 12-basket doggie bag left over. That’s the principle of expansion at work. I could give you many more examples but I think you get the point: where God’s presence is manifest, life, growth and expansion always occur. This is the opposite of what happens when we submit to the rule of the world, which yields decomposition, decay and ultimately death. Indeed, the nature of God’s Kingdom is that it is always in a state of perpetual growth and expansion. Tie into this reality, submit yourselves to the manifest presence of God and watch this truth take hold in every area of your life! Adapted from The Expanding Kingdom, by Jonathan Bernis. (Get the booklet and CD teaching as one of your thank you gifts to learn more)

9/13/17 4:45 PM


Job # Litho Ver Personalization Type Colors

Newsletter: 17" x 11", 4cp/4cp, with bleeds, on 70# matte text; fold to 8.5" x 11", then letterfold to fit OE; 2 print versions, 4 plates change.


Kit AB




Bring help, healing and hope to Jewish people! 2017


Jewish Voice Medical Clinics are a wonderful way to reach the poorest of the poor with medical, eye and dental care. Even more than that, these Clinics open the door for us to present the Gospel of Yeshua to Jewish people just waiting to hear the Good News of eternal life! With your gift today, you’ll provide:

Volunteer Bob Aiken forged an eternal connection with his new brother in Yeshua, Meseret.

• Treatment for illness, disease and injury • Eye exams and eye surgeries to preserve sight • Repair of teeth damaged by a lifetime of neglect So please give now to bring healing, health and hope to a Jewish person or their neighbor in need.


Put your gift to work faster at jvmi.org/newsletter

Thank you for your compassion and care!

Let us say THANK YOU for your gift today! For your gift of $35 or more . . .

Lost Tribes of Israel Wall Map and Photo Book The Lost Tribes of Israel have fascinated historians and biblical scholars for centuries. This beautiful photo book and 36x24" wall map reveal the ancient story of the Lost Tribes and show how Jewish Voice is coming alongside many of them today with the love of Yeshua (Jesus). (Item # 1830) For your gift of $60 or more . . .

Lost Tribes of Israel Wall Map and Photo Book PLUS The Expanding Kingdom Booklet and CD

This amazing story was captured by one of our dedicated volunteers, Bob Aiken, at a recent Jewish Voice Medical Clinic in Debre Birhan, Ethiopia. It demonstrates how your generous support is impacting lives for Yeshua (Jesus).

I found out that he grew up as an Orthodox Believer and lives in Debre Birhan. His name is Meseret Geta. He’s 23 years old and a student.

Lost Tribes of Israel Wall Map and Photo Book, The Expanding Kingdom Booklet and CD, PLUS Handcrafted Ethiopian Tallit (Prayer Shawl)


The prayer shawl, or tallit, has long been part of Jewish worship. This finely crafted shawl is handmade by weavers from the Beta Israel tribe. It’s a great reminder of how your support helps people in need. Measures 70x25.5", colors vary. (Item # 1917)

As I looked out over the long line of anxious people waiting to be treated at the Clinic, I saw a young blind man being led to the waiting tent. I was immediately overcome with a feeling that I should talk to him, so I went over and struck up a conversation.

As we worked our way through the Clinic, we talked. I asked if he came with anyone. He said he was alone. He needed help only from the road to the Clinic site, and someone had offered to guide him. He’d walked on his own all the way from home.

Ever wonder how you can experience greater abundance and blessing in your life? This booklet and CD, featuring Rabbi Jonathan Bernis, unveils a truth of God’s Kingdom that will change the way you read the Scriptures. (Item # 1916) For your gift of $150 or more . . .

Jewish Voice Ministries International PO Box 31998 Phoenix, AZ 85046-1998 Phone: 1-800-299-9374 28847-Newsletter.indd 1

Lives touched by Yeshua— thanks to your partnership!

Jewish Voice Ministries UK Admail 4224 London, W2 4UN Phone: 1-855-993-7482

Jewish Voice Ministries Canada PO Box 476 Maple Ridge, BC V2X 3P2 Phone: 1-855-793-7482

ebre Birhan, located in central Ethiopia, means “mountain of light.” God certainly focused His light into my life on this day, one I’ll never forget . . .

He gets around with a long stick to guide his way.

Meseret told me he was a shepherd boy, blinded when he was 4 years old. He remembers trees, mountains, and the color red. He said he could tell I truly cared for Continued inside . . .

www.jvmi.org/newsletter 9/13/17 4:45 PM

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