2018 Q4 Connections Newsletter

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Job # Litho Ver Personalization Type Colors

Newsletter: 21” x 11”, 4cp/4cp, with bleeds, 30679 on 70# matte text; fold in 4” flap, fold to 8.5” x 11”, then letterfold to fit OE; 2 print versions, 8 plates change.

With deep gratitude for your gift today! For your gift of $35 or more . . .

The Lost Tribes of Israel coffee-table book A captivating mystery, the “Lost Tribes of Israel” have fascinated historians and biblical scholars for centuries. But what happened to these Jewish people? This beautiful photobook reveals their ancient story, what their lives look like today, and how your support of Jewish Voice has brought them help and hope. Soft cover.


Lost Tribes Map See where communities of people from the “Lost Tribes of Israel” have been identified today and see where your support of Jewish Voice serves Lost Tribes. Suitable for framing, this beautiful map is sure to be a conversation piece. Measures 36 by 24 inches.


2019 Jewish Voice Wall Calendar This 12-month calendar features beautiful full-color photographs of the work you make possible through your support. The calendar notes U.S., Canada, U.K., Israel, and biblical holidays. It also marks the Hebrew months and years that span 2019. Each month provides you with an inspiring verse of Scripture. (Item # 2081)

More gifts on the other side . . .

For more gift options, visit shop.jewishvoice.org 30679-Newsletter.indd 1

Kit AB




QUARTER 4, 2018

Please give now . . .

God promises to bless you when you bless the Jewish people


In Genesis 12:3, God makes an astonishing promise to the Nation of Israel that He has kept – and will continue to keep:

When you bless God’s people, you’ll be blessed in return!

“My desire is to bless those who bless you.” We hope you’ll consider that as you give to provide health and hope for Jewish people today. Few suffer the relentless grip of poverty more than Jewish people in Africa’s poorest communities.

You provided lifesaving treatment for an Ethiopian Jewish boy. Here’s what happened . . .

But with every $30 you give now, you’ll provide medical care for one Jewish person or a neighbor, PLUS give them the opportunity to hear about Jesus and His love.

You can imagine . . . desperation can drive sick and injured people to do just about anything to get treatment.

We’ll say thank you for your generosity with a gift!

And desperate certainly describes many of the Jewish people (and their neighbors) we care for at our Medical Clinics. Sadly, many struggle mightily just to survive in the most poverty-stricken lands of Africa. They often have no access to health care. So they must sometimes go to extreme lengths to get help.

3 easy ways to bless a Jewish person today!

Obvious pain




Return your gift along with the accompanying reply form in the envelope provided.

Put your gift to work even faster at jewishvoice.org/donate.

Call the appropriate toll-free number listed below and use your credit card.

Jewish Voice Ministries International PO Box 31998 Phoenix, AZ 85046-1998 Phone: 1-800-299-9374

Jewish Voice Ministries UK Admail 4224 London, W2 4UN Phone: 1-855-993-7482

Jewish Voice Ministries Canada PO Box 476 Maple Ridge, BC V2X 3P2 Phone: 1-855-793-7482

At a recent Medical Clinic in Ethiopia, one of our team members briefly stepped outside a locked entrance to accept a delivery of food. While waiting, he noticed a boy standing across the street who was in obvious need of medical care. Because the boy’s pants were way too short, our staffer could see that his ankles and legs were terribly infected. Bleeding scabs were clearly visible, and he was in

Continued inside . . . www.jewishvoice.org/newsletter 9/17/18 9:51 AM


Job # Litho Ver Personalization Type Colors

Newsletter: 21” x 11”, 4cp/4cp, with bleeds, 30679 on 70# matte text; fold in 4” flap, fold to 8.5” x 11”, then letterfold to fit OE; 2 print versions, 8 plates change.

Kit AB




Your support brings healing and hope to Jewish people struggling in poverty! (Continued from front)


What’s your role in the End Times?

obvious pain. Our team member was so concerned, he walked over and talked to the boy. He learned that the boy had come the day before, but we’d been unable to treat him because his parents were not there to give consent.

One of the questions Believers ask often is, Can I play a role in God’s End Times plan? We can learn a lot from the words of Jesus Himself: “We must do the work of the One who sent Me, so long as it is day! Night is coming when no one can work. While I am in the world, I am the light of the world” (John 9:4-5, TLV).

Thankfully, we got the necessary consent. Our dermatologist cleaned his wounds and prescribed antibiotics to fight the horrible infection. Our doctor later said the infection was so advanced that, without the immediate treatment he received at the Clinic, the boy would have actually lost his legs.

God’s timing . . . God’s providence One of the most difficult challenges at our Clinics is how to help all of the people who come to us. There are so many, we have trouble treating them all. While we hope and pray God will put those with the greatest need before us, it’s hard to watch people leave untreated. It was certainly a case of God’s timing and providence. The Lord put this boy at that side entrance on purpose.

Your gifts transform – and even save – lives through medical, dental and eye care clinics in some of Africa’s most poverty-stricken communities.

Your support brings healing and hope All of this is made possible by partners like you who pray for this ministry and give to multiply our efforts so that even more Jewish people can be reached with help, healing and hope. Thank you!

What Jesus is saying here is that we’re living in a very intense period of history. The forces of evil are turning against God’s people in a dramatic fashion. While we may be tempted to just say everything is fine, we need to look around us and understand what’s happening – here in the West,

Blessings on YOU!

By Jonathan Bernis

and certainly in Israel. The end will come suddenly. God’s Word assures us of that. But if we’re complacent, we won’t be ready. And worse, we won’t fulfill the destiny He has prepared for us. If these truly are the Last Days – and I’m convinced they are – we’re approaching the crescendo of history. We need to be prepared, obedient and active witnesses to the Good News. Personally, I don’t want to be on the sidelines, so I will continue to do all I can to ensure that as many of God’s chosen people as possible hear this message. But let’s never forget: The end is a good story. Because we will prevail. The victory has already been won. The Bible warns us to understand and pay attention to the signs of the times, because we who endure to the end will be saved!

Let us say THANK YOU for your gift today! For your gift of $60 or more . . .

The Expanding Kingdom booklet and CD Ever wonder how to use your gifts and abilities more effectively for the Lord? This booklet and CD, featuring Rabbi Jonathan Bernis, reveal how you can use God’s blessings in your life to experience even greater fruitfulness and abundance! (Item # 2082)


• The Lost Tribes of Israel coffee-table book • Lost Tribes Map • 2019 Jewish Voice Wall Calendar

By Jonathan Bernis

One of the important areas of focus for Jewish Voice Ministries is helping non-Jewish Believers in Yeshua (Jesus) better understand the Jewish roots of our faith.

For your gift of $150 or more . . .

Ethiopian Tallit (Prayer Shawl)

But many Christians today don’t recognize the full extent to which our religious experience is built on a foundation of the Jewish faith. They often forget that the earliest Christians were Jewish . . . that they heard the Good News preached by Jesus Himself . . . and that most of the Bible was written by Jewish men. As we approach the wonderful season of Chanukah, why not remind non-Jewish Believers that this observance commemorates not just the rededication of the Temple in Jerusalem 2,200 years ago, but also God’s miraculous rescue of the Jewish people from certain annihilation at the hands of Greek invaders? Without the miracle of Chanukah, you could argue that there literally would be no Jewish Messiah! In the 22 centuries since, God has consistently shown He has a plan for His chosen people. And I want to thank you for joining me to serve non-Jewish Believers by supporting teaching on the Hebraic roots of Christianity, as well as the Church’s responsibility to carry the Good News to Jewish people. What a blessing you are!

30679-Newsletter.indd 2

Continued from other side . . .

The Prayer Shawl, or Tallit, has long been part of Jewish worship. This finely crafted shawl is handmade by weavers from the Beta Israel Tribe in Ethiopia. It is a great reminder of how your support helps people in need. Measures 70 by 25½ inches, colors vary. (Item # 2083)


With Chanukah coming soon, you can enjoy your own Chanukiah, the nine-branched candelabra of Chanukah. This original design, with its Star of David and wheat stalk logo, is a Jewish Voice exclusive. Metal with pewter- and gold-toned accents. Request yours on the accompanying reply form.

• The Expanding Kingdom booklet and CD • The Lost Tribes of Israel coffee-table book • Lost Tribes Map • 2019 Jewish Voice Wall Calendar

Jewish Voice’s Staff Evangelist, Rabbi Jack Zimmerman, is available to speak at your congregation about the Jewish foundations of the faith.

Call 800-299-9374 for more information.

9/17/18 9:51 AM


Job # Litho Ver Personalization Type Colors

Newsletter: 21” x 11”, 4cp/4cp, with bleeds, 30679 on 70# matte text; fold in 4” flap, fold to 8.5” x 11”, then letterfold to fit OE; 2 print versions, 8 plates change.

Kit AB




Your support brings healing and hope to Jewish people struggling in poverty! (Continued from front)


What’s your role in the End Times?

obvious pain. Our team member was so concerned, he walked over and talked to the boy. He learned that the boy had come the day before, but we’d been unable to treat him because his parents were not there to give consent.

One of the questions Believers ask often is, Can I play a role in God’s End Times plan? We can learn a lot from the words of Jesus Himself: “We must do the work of the One who sent Me, so long as it is day! Night is coming when no one can work. While I am in the world, I am the light of the world” (John 9:4-5, TLV).

Thankfully, we got the necessary consent. Our dermatologist cleaned his wounds and prescribed antibiotics to fight the horrible infection. Our doctor later said the infection was so advanced that, without the immediate treatment he received at the Clinic, the boy would have actually lost his legs.

God’s timing . . . God’s providence One of the most difficult challenges at our Clinics is how to help all of the people who come to us. There are so many, we have trouble treating them all. While we hope and pray God will put those with the greatest need before us, it’s hard to watch people leave untreated. It was certainly a case of God’s timing and providence. The Lord put this boy at that side entrance on purpose.

Your gifts transform – and even save – lives through medical, dental and eye care clinics in some of Africa’s most poverty-stricken communities.

Your support brings healing and hope All of this is made possible by partners like you who pray for this ministry and give to multiply our efforts so that even more Jewish people can be reached with help, healing and hope. Thank you!

What Jesus is saying here is that we’re living in a very intense period of history. The forces of evil are turning against God’s people in a dramatic fashion. While we may be tempted to just say everything is fine, we need to look around us and understand what’s happening – here in the West,

Blessings on YOU!

By Jonathan Bernis

and certainly in Israel. The end will come suddenly. God’s Word assures us of that. But if we’re complacent, we won’t be ready. And worse, we won’t fulfill the destiny He has prepared for us. If these truly are the Last Days – and I’m convinced they are – we’re approaching the crescendo of history. We need to be prepared, obedient and active witnesses to the Good News. Personally, I don’t want to be on the sidelines, so I will continue to do all I can to ensure that as many of God’s chosen people as possible hear this message. But let’s never forget: The end is a good story. Because we will prevail. The victory has already been won. The Bible warns us to understand and pay attention to the signs of the times, because we who endure to the end will be saved!

Let us say THANK YOU for your gift today! For your gift of $60 or more . . .

The Expanding Kingdom booklet and CD Ever wonder how to use your gifts and abilities more effectively for the Lord? This booklet and CD, featuring Rabbi Jonathan Bernis, reveal how you can use God’s blessings in your life to experience even greater fruitfulness and abundance! (Item # 2082)


• The Lost Tribes of Israel coffee-table book • Lost Tribes Map • 2019 Jewish Voice Wall Calendar

By Jonathan Bernis

One of the important areas of focus for Jewish Voice Ministries is helping non-Jewish Believers in Yeshua (Jesus) better understand the Jewish roots of our faith.

For your gift of $150 or more . . .

Ethiopian Tallit (Prayer Shawl)

But many Christians today don’t recognize the full extent to which our religious experience is built on a foundation of the Jewish faith. They often forget that the earliest Christians were Jewish . . . that they heard the Good News preached by Jesus Himself . . . and that most of the Bible was written by Jewish men. As we approach the wonderful season of Chanukah, why not remind non-Jewish Believers that this observance commemorates not just the rededication of the Temple in Jerusalem 2,200 years ago, but also God’s miraculous rescue of the Jewish people from certain annihilation at the hands of Greek invaders? Without the miracle of Chanukah, you could argue that there literally would be no Jewish Messiah! In the 22 centuries since, God has consistently shown He has a plan for His chosen people. And I want to thank you for joining me to serve non-Jewish Believers by supporting teaching on the Hebraic roots of Christianity, as well as the Church’s responsibility to carry the Good News to Jewish people. What a blessing you are!

30679-Newsletter.indd 2

Continued from other side . . .

The Prayer Shawl, or Tallit, has long been part of Jewish worship. This finely crafted shawl is handmade by weavers from the Beta Israel Tribe in Ethiopia. It is a great reminder of how your support helps people in need. Measures 70 by 25½ inches, colors vary. (Item # 2083)


With Chanukah coming soon, you can enjoy your own Chanukiah, the nine-branched candelabra of Chanukah. This original design, with its Star of David and wheat stalk logo, is a Jewish Voice exclusive. Metal with pewter- and gold-toned accents. Request yours on the accompanying reply form.

• The Expanding Kingdom booklet and CD • The Lost Tribes of Israel coffee-table book • Lost Tribes Map • 2019 Jewish Voice Wall Calendar

Jewish Voice’s Staff Evangelist, Rabbi Jack Zimmerman, is available to speak at your congregation about the Jewish foundations of the faith.

Call 800-299-9374 for more information.

9/17/18 9:51 AM


Job # Litho Ver Personalization Type Colors

Newsletter: 21” x 11”, 4cp/4cp, with bleeds, 30679 on 70# matte text; fold in 4” flap, fold to 8.5” x 11”, then letterfold to fit OE; 2 print versions, 8 plates change.

With deep gratitude for your gift today! For your gift of $35 or more . . .

The Lost Tribes of Israel coffee-table book A captivating mystery, the “Lost Tribes of Israel” have fascinated historians and biblical scholars for centuries. But what happened to these Jewish people? This beautiful photobook reveals their ancient story, what their lives look like today, and how your support of Jewish Voice has brought them help and hope. Soft cover.


Lost Tribes Map See where communities of people from the “Lost Tribes of Israel” have been identified today and see where your support of Jewish Voice serves Lost Tribes. Suitable for framing, this beautiful map is sure to be a conversation piece. Measures 36 by 24 inches.


2019 Jewish Voice Wall Calendar This 12-month calendar features beautiful full-color photographs of the work you make possible through your support. The calendar notes U.S., Canada, U.K., Israel, and biblical holidays. It also marks the Hebrew months and years that span 2019. Each month provides you with an inspiring verse of Scripture. (Item # 2081)

More gifts on the other side . . .

For more gift options, visit shop.jewishvoice.org 30679-Newsletter.indd 1

Kit AB




QUARTER 4, 2018

Please give now . . .

God promises to bless you when you bless the Jewish people


In Genesis 12:3, God makes an astonishing promise to the Nation of Israel that He has kept – and will continue to keep:

When you bless God’s people, you’ll be blessed in return!

“My desire is to bless those who bless you.” We hope you’ll consider that as you give to provide health and hope for Jewish people today. Few suffer the relentless grip of poverty more than Jewish people in Africa’s poorest communities.

You provided lifesaving treatment for an Ethiopian Jewish boy. Here’s what happened . . .

But with every $30 you give now, you’ll provide medical care for one Jewish person or a neighbor, PLUS give them the opportunity to hear about Jesus and His love.

You can imagine . . . desperation can drive sick and injured people to do just about anything to get treatment.

We’ll say thank you for your generosity with a gift!

And desperate certainly describes many of the Jewish people (and their neighbors) we care for at our Medical Clinics. Sadly, many struggle mightily just to survive in the most poverty-stricken lands of Africa. They often have no access to health care. So they must sometimes go to extreme lengths to get help.

3 easy ways to bless a Jewish person today!

Obvious pain




Return your gift along with the accompanying reply form in the envelope provided.

Put your gift to work even faster at jewishvoice.org/donate.

Call the appropriate toll-free number listed below and use your credit card.

Jewish Voice Ministries International PO Box 31998 Phoenix, AZ 85046-1998 Phone: 1-800-299-9374

Jewish Voice Ministries UK Admail 4224 London, W2 4UN Phone: 1-855-993-7482

Jewish Voice Ministries Canada PO Box 476 Maple Ridge, BC V2X 3P2 Phone: 1-855-793-7482

At a recent Medical Clinic in Ethiopia, one of our team members briefly stepped outside a locked entrance to accept a delivery of food. While waiting, he noticed a boy standing across the street who was in obvious need of medical care. Because the boy’s pants were way too short, our staffer could see that his ankles and legs were terribly infected. Bleeding scabs were clearly visible, and he was in

Continued inside . . . www.jewishvoice.org/newsletter 9/17/18 9:51 AM

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