2020 Q2 Connections Newsletter

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Job # Litho Ver

Newsletter: 21” x 11”, 4cp/4cp, with bleeds, 40498 on 70# matte text; fold to 8.5” x 11”, then letterfold to fit OE; 2 print versions, 8 plates change.


Three important ways you can change lives as part of our Medical Outreaches. Pray, Give, GO! Our first Medical Outreach of 2020 just happened last month. Once again, it was a great blessing to the men, women and children God brought to us and also to our Outreach Partners. They were able to minister through medical, dental and eye care and had many opportunities to pray for people in need and share the Gospel. We have three more Medical Outreaches this year:

God to bring each person He wants to be there, whether they come with medical or spiritual needs. Thank you!

Chitsungo, Zimbabwe: July 16th – 26th Garamwera Buhera, Zimbabwe: September 3rd – 13th For more information, please go to: Ethiopia: October 22nd – November 1st jvmi.org/go. Or call 800-424-0408. Would you prayerfully consider joining us as an Outreach Partner in Africa? We need medical professionals, prayer counselors and others to help meet the daily needs of treating as many patients as we can. There is a cost. These Outreaches are possible because God provides through friends like you. He encourages some of you to GIVE. And some of you to GO. Would you prayerfully consider how God wants you to be involved?

Personalization Type Colors Notes None


Shalom Partner Pitch US and Canada

QUARTER 2, 2020


If joining us is not an option for you right now, I hope you’ll consider a financial gift to support our Medical Outreaches. You’ll help provide Jewish people and their neighbors in Africa with needed medical, dental and eye care. Plus the opportunity to hear about the hope of Yeshua (Jesus) and receive lifechanging prayer. Just return the enclosed reply form with your gift today. Thank you!

Just return the enclosed reply form with your gift today. Can I ask you to also be praying for these upcoming Outreaches? Many details must come together for each one, so please pray for God to lead and guide us through it all. Please also pray for

3 easy ways to bless a Jewish person today! Your gift can bring healing and hope to people like Samuel (pictured here holding a crutch).

Man gives God the glory for healing his shattered leg BY MAIL



Return your gift along with the accompanying reply form in the envelope provided.

Put your gift to work even faster at jewishvoice.org/donate.

Call the appropriate toll-free number listed below and use your credit card.

Jewish Voice Ministries International PO Box 31998 Phoenix, AZ 85046-1998 Phone: 1-800-299-9374 40498-Newsletter.indd 1

Jewish Voice Ministries UK Admail 4224 London, W2 4UN Phone: 1-855-993-7482

Jewish Voice Ministries Canada PO Box 476 Maple Ridge, BC V2X 3P2 Phone: 1-855-793-7482

One moment Samuel* was on a ladder repairing his hut, the next he was writhing on the ground in pain. The ladder had collapsed. His left leg was shattered.

our prayer tent at our Medical Outreach in Inchini, Ethiopia, last year. He struggled over to the tent, dragging his injured leg, then sat down and asked for prayer.

He couldn’t put any weight on it and was forced to use a crutch to walk. Even then it was difficult just to get around. He was unable to work to provide for his family.

As Kevin, one of our Outreach Partners, began to pray over him, Samuel got very excited. Kevin asked, “What happened?”

That’s why Samuel, who is a Believer, came to

Samuel told Kevin, “When you started praying for Continued inside . . .

*Name has been changed to protect his privacy.

www.jewishvoice.org/newsletter 3/10/20 10:25 AM


Job # Litho Ver

Newsletter: 21” x 11”, 4cp/4cp, with bleeds, 40498 on 70# matte text; fold to 8.5” x 11”, then letterfold to fit OE; 2 print versions, 8 plates change.

Man gives God the glory

Continued from front . . .

again and started jogging around the tent!

not only walk but now he was walking and jogging and squatting!

Now he had the attention of everyone in the tent. Samuel was praising the Lord and getting more and more confident on his leg. To everyone’s surprise, he started doing squats!

Healing leads to sharing of the Gospel

Right there in the tent, Samuel was healed by the Lord through His mercy and loving-kindness! me, I felt a fire enter my stomach and shoot down my leg.”

Samuel felt the prayer And then Samuel stood up and tentatively put some weight on his injured leg. Previously, if he did that his knee would pop out, his leg would give way and he would fall to the ground. Samuel said, “I can put pressure on this leg!” Kevin called over more team members and they continued to pray because it was clear the Lord was ministering to Samuel. As they prayed for provision for his family and for the Lord to continue to touch Samuel’s life, he stood up


Our team encouraged him to go tell the crowd what had just happened because they were very curious.

Through the healing of Samuel’s leg, the Lord’s truth was being proclaimed and this large crowd was excited. Our team spent some time sharing about the healing and inviting anyone who didn’t yet know the Messiah to put their hope in Him.

Word started to get out about Samuel’s healing and more people As Samuel proclaimed to them how crowded into the tent so our team great Jesus is, many shouted out did a second presentation of the “amen” in response. Gospel. Truly God was glorified as people came to know Jesus and Believers were strengthened and Two witnesses testify encouraged in their faith! And then two of his neighbors who Samuel’s story is just one happened to be in the crowd stood example of the difference you up and with tears in their eyes make through your partnership. recounted the story of Samuel’s injury and how he couldn’t walk for six months. Because he couldn’t even squat on his own, these men You help make stories like had helped him with even basic things like going to the bathroom. Samuel’s possible through These two witnesses were now testifying how their neighbor could

your generous giving and faithful prayers.

Personalization Type Colors None



How you proclaim the Gospel by meeting critical physical needs Together, we are reaching out to Jewish people and their neighbors, no matter where they live around the world, to meet important needs like these. Thank you for your partnership!

DENTAL IMPACT Many Holocaust survivors have dental problems because of malnutrition and forced labor. And many can’t afford dentures – or even address any type of dental needs. But through your support, thousands of people worldwide (including Holocaust survivors in Israel) will receive lifechanging dental care.

MEDICAL IMPACT During our four Medical Outreaches in Africa this year, your support will help us minister to thousands and thousands of men, women and children – from simple check-ups to treating people with significant injuries and illnesses.

WATER IMPACT Countless Jewish men, women and children around the world living in poverty have no other option than to drink dirty, unsafe water. They run the risk of sickness, disease and even death. Your support helps provide personal water filtration devices that provide clean, life-giving water.

EYE CARE IMPACT In addition to medical care during our Medical Outreaches, your support helps provide eye exams and even eye surgeries to restore the vision of thousands of Jewish people and their neighbors in Africa. In some cases, you are making it possible to bring sight to the blind!

SALVATION IMPACT The core of everything we do is the Gospel. It’s the greatest blessing you can give to the Jewish people – or anyone – to introduce them to Jesus, the Messiah. Your faithful giving makes it possible to share the Good News with Jewish people and their neighbors around the world!

Don’t miss our upcoming broadcasts of Jewish Voice with Jonathan Bernis! To find the channel and broadcast dates and time in your area, go to jewishvoice.org/tvguide.

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In April and May, join us for: A visit from Eric Metaxas. “It’s Not Over Until You Win” with Marilyn Hickey. “The Rabbi, the Secret Message and the Identity of Messiah” with Carl Gallups. “What Should We Think About Israel” with Randall Price. And Many More! 3/10/20 10:25 AM


Job # Litho Ver

Newsletter: 21” x 11”, 4cp/4cp, with bleeds, 40498 on 70# matte text; fold to 8.5” x 11”, then letterfold to fit OE; 2 print versions, 8 plates change.

Man gives God the glory

Continued from front . . .

again and started jogging around the tent!

not only walk but now he was walking and jogging and squatting!

Now he had the attention of everyone in the tent. Samuel was praising the Lord and getting more and more confident on his leg. To everyone’s surprise, he started doing squats!

Healing leads to sharing of the Gospel

Right there in the tent, Samuel was healed by the Lord through His mercy and loving-kindness! me, I felt a fire enter my stomach and shoot down my leg.”

Samuel felt the prayer And then Samuel stood up and tentatively put some weight on his injured leg. Previously, if he did that his knee would pop out, his leg would give way and he would fall to the ground. Samuel said, “I can put pressure on this leg!” Kevin called over more team members and they continued to pray because it was clear the Lord was ministering to Samuel. As they prayed for provision for his family and for the Lord to continue to touch Samuel’s life, he stood up


Our team encouraged him to go tell the crowd what had just happened because they were very curious.

Through the healing of Samuel’s leg, the Lord’s truth was being proclaimed and this large crowd was excited. Our team spent some time sharing about the healing and inviting anyone who didn’t yet know the Messiah to put their hope in Him.

Word started to get out about Samuel’s healing and more people As Samuel proclaimed to them how crowded into the tent so our team great Jesus is, many shouted out did a second presentation of the “amen” in response. Gospel. Truly God was glorified as people came to know Jesus and Believers were strengthened and Two witnesses testify encouraged in their faith! And then two of his neighbors who Samuel’s story is just one happened to be in the crowd stood example of the difference you up and with tears in their eyes make through your partnership. recounted the story of Samuel’s injury and how he couldn’t walk for six months. Because he couldn’t even squat on his own, these men You help make stories like had helped him with even basic things like going to the bathroom. Samuel’s possible through These two witnesses were now testifying how their neighbor could

your generous giving and faithful prayers.

Personalization Type Colors None



How you proclaim the Gospel by meeting critical physical needs Together, we are reaching out to Jewish people and their neighbors, no matter where they live around the world, to meet important needs like these. Thank you for your partnership!

DENTAL IMPACT Many Holocaust survivors have dental problems because of malnutrition and forced labor. And many can’t afford dentures – or even address any type of dental needs. But through your support, thousands of people worldwide (including Holocaust survivors in Israel) will receive lifechanging dental care.

MEDICAL IMPACT During our four Medical Outreaches in Africa this year, your support will help us minister to thousands and thousands of men, women and children – from simple check-ups to treating people with significant injuries and illnesses.

WATER IMPACT Countless Jewish men, women and children around the world living in poverty have no other option than to drink dirty, unsafe water. They run the risk of sickness, disease and even death. Your support helps provide personal water filtration devices that provide clean, life-giving water.

EYE CARE IMPACT In addition to medical care during our Medical Outreaches, your support helps provide eye exams and even eye surgeries to restore the vision of thousands of Jewish people and their neighbors in Africa. In some cases, you are making it possible to bring sight to the blind!

SALVATION IMPACT The core of everything we do is the Gospel. It’s the greatest blessing you can give to the Jewish people – or anyone – to introduce them to Jesus, the Messiah. Your faithful giving makes it possible to share the Good News with Jewish people and their neighbors around the world!

Don’t miss our upcoming broadcasts of Jewish Voice with Jonathan Bernis! To find the channel and broadcast dates and time in your area, go to jewishvoice.org/tvguide.

40498-Newsletter.indd 2

In April and May, join us for: A visit from Eric Metaxas. “It’s Not Over Until You Win” with Marilyn Hickey. “The Rabbi, the Secret Message and the Identity of Messiah” with Carl Gallups. “What Should We Think About Israel” with Randall Price. And Many More! 3/10/20 10:25 AM


Job # Litho Ver

Newsletter: 21” x 11”, 4cp/4cp, with bleeds, 40498 on 70# matte text; fold to 8.5” x 11”, then letterfold to fit OE; 2 print versions, 8 plates change.


Three important ways you can change lives as part of our Medical Outreaches. Pray, Give, GO! Our first Medical Outreach of 2020 just happened last month. Once again, it was a great blessing to the men, women and children God brought to us and also to our Outreach Partners. They were able to minister through medical, dental and eye care and had many opportunities to pray for people in need and share the Gospel. We have three more Medical Outreaches this year:

God to bring each person He wants to be there, whether they come with medical or spiritual needs. Thank you!

Chitsungo, Zimbabwe: July 16th – 26th Garamwera Buhera, Zimbabwe: September 3rd – 13th For more information, please go to: Ethiopia: October 22nd – November 1st jvmi.org/go. Or call 800-424-0408. Would you prayerfully consider joining us as an Outreach Partner in Africa? We need medical professionals, prayer counselors and others to help meet the daily needs of treating as many patients as we can. There is a cost. These Outreaches are possible because God provides through friends like you. He encourages some of you to GIVE. And some of you to GO. Would you prayerfully consider how God wants you to be involved?

Personalization Type Colors Notes None


Shalom Partner Pitch US and Canada

QUARTER 2, 2020


If joining us is not an option for you right now, I hope you’ll consider a financial gift to support our Medical Outreaches. You’ll help provide Jewish people and their neighbors in Africa with needed medical, dental and eye care. Plus the opportunity to hear about the hope of Yeshua (Jesus) and receive lifechanging prayer. Just return the enclosed reply form with your gift today. Thank you!

Just return the enclosed reply form with your gift today. Can I ask you to also be praying for these upcoming Outreaches? Many details must come together for each one, so please pray for God to lead and guide us through it all. Please also pray for

3 easy ways to bless a Jewish person today! Your gift can bring healing and hope to people like Samuel (pictured here holding a crutch).

Man gives God the glory for healing his shattered leg BY MAIL



Return your gift along with the accompanying reply form in the envelope provided.

Put your gift to work even faster at jewishvoice.org/donate.

Call the appropriate toll-free number listed below and use your credit card.

Jewish Voice Ministries International PO Box 31998 Phoenix, AZ 85046-1998 Phone: 1-800-299-9374 40498-Newsletter.indd 1

Jewish Voice Ministries UK Admail 4224 London, W2 4UN Phone: 1-855-993-7482

Jewish Voice Ministries Canada PO Box 476 Maple Ridge, BC V2X 3P2 Phone: 1-855-793-7482

One moment Samuel* was on a ladder repairing his hut, the next he was writhing on the ground in pain. The ladder had collapsed. His left leg was shattered.

our prayer tent at our Medical Outreach in Inchini, Ethiopia, last year. He struggled over to the tent, dragging his injured leg, then sat down and asked for prayer.

He couldn’t put any weight on it and was forced to use a crutch to walk. Even then it was difficult just to get around. He was unable to work to provide for his family.

As Kevin, one of our Outreach Partners, began to pray over him, Samuel got very excited. Kevin asked, “What happened?”

That’s why Samuel, who is a Believer, came to

Samuel told Kevin, “When you started praying for Continued inside . . .

*Name has been changed to protect his privacy.

www.jewishvoice.org/newsletter 3/10/20 10:25 AM

T ha nky ouf ora ns wer i ngt hec a l l t ohel pJ ewi s hpeopl ea ndt hei r nei ghbor sl i v i ngi nAf r i c at hr oughy ourgi v i nga ndy ourpr a y er s . Y ouma deal i f ec ha ngi ngdi ffer enc ef ors oma nymen, women a ndc hi l dr en. Peopl el i k eS a muel , whoy ou’ l l r ea da bouti nt hi s i s s ueofConnec t i ons . Weneedy ourpa r t ner s hi pt or ea c hev enmor eJ ewi s h c ommuni t i eswi t hhea l i nga ndt hehopef oundi nY es hua ( J es us ) . E v er y$30y ougi v ewi l l hel pmeett heneeds ofoneJ ewi s hper s oni nAf r i c a . T ha nky ou!

T ogi ve , pl eas eCL I CKHERE orc al l 8002999374.

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