Jewish Voice Today, Jan/Feb 2013 - UK Edition

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Volume 47 | Number 1




January/February 2013 | Tevet/Shevat/Adar 5773 | rda/hay/ZAH

God’s plan will be fulfilled in His timing.

Will you be part of it? F

ew topics captivate our minds, or fill our hearts with fear, like the End Times. Books and sermons on the book of Revelation are plentiful. Yet uncertainty and misunderstanding continue to abound. Now, with a perspective that is both startling and hopeful, Rabbi Jonathan Bernis, a prominent leader in the Messianic Movement, unpacks the mysteries of this cryptic time. Jonathan's surprising insights, drawn from both Old and New Testaments, will challenge almost everything you thought you knew about the End Times—and show how you can actually help to usher in God’s Kingdom. “Everything in reference to end times centers around the Jew and Israel. This is why it takes a Messianic Jewish rabbi to clearly see the end times from God’s perspective.”—Sid Roth, host and president, It’s Supernatural “I can’t imagine a more exciting perspective on the Last Days than from a Messianic Believer. What a time to be a Believer!”—Janet Parshall, nationally syndicated talk show host, In the Market with Janet Parshall

A RABBI LOOKS AT THE LAST DAYS This revised and expanded edition unpacks surprising and life-changing insights on Israel, the Last Days, and the Messianic hope of every Believer. Hardcover.

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2 | January/February 2013



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M]L[ SHALOM Dear JVMI Partners and Friends,

We made it! All the hype from the Mayan calendar and the "prophetic voices" claiming the world would end in 2012 have been put to rest. We are still here . . . and God is still in control! There is still so much work to be done and as watchmen on the walls, we continue to watch and pray. We must have our ear to the ground and our eyes fixed toward heaven as world events accelerate toward Yeshua’s soon return.

With that in mind, this first issue of 2013 answers the question that is on everyone’s mind. As the tiny nation of Israel still hangs in the balance, and we move ever so close to a final showdown in the Middle East, we can’t help but ask, “Now what?” To help us answer this question, we have once again brought together the best of the best. Prophetic voices like Jonathan Cahn, Mark Hitchcock, Joel C. Rosenberg, Jack Kinsella, and Bill Salus, plus our finger-on-the-pulse Washington Correspondent Bill Koenig will shed light on the dawning of a new, extremely important year. I also give a brief overview of what I see in Scripture must still happen before Yeshua can return. May we each be like the sons of Issachar, discerning the signs of our times. I invite you to the first step of our journey in 2013. Thank you for your partnership over the past year and for standing with us in 2013 as we begin our most ambitious year of outreach we have ever undertaken as a ministry. Your continued support and prayer is more vital now than it has ever been! May God’s shalom (peace) that passes all understanding continually be upon you as you look to Him for the strength and wisdom to stand unshakeable in an increasingly unstable world.

Jonathan Bernis, President & CEO Jewish Voice Ministries International

Jewish Voice Today





On Topic 7 Up Front The Restoration of All Things: What Still Must Take Place Before Jesus Can Return?

Regulars 18 washington update The U.S. Presidential Election and What to Watch in 2013 By William Koenig

By Jonathan Bernis

10 Perspective America Hanging in the Balance: ‘The Harbinger’ Is Actually Coming True By Jonathan Cahn



20 Perspective Revelation: What's It All About? By Mark Hitchcock

3 Shalom By Jonathan Bernis

5 noteworthy 6 praiseworthy 16


22 Perspective En Route to a New World Order By Norm Franz

12 Perspective The End of the World as We Knew It

24 Perspective Is America 'Babylon'?

By Jack Kinsella

14 Perspective Why the World Won't End Until at Least 2024! By Bill Salus

4 | January/February 2013

By Joel C. Rosenberg

Where to Watch! 30 Broadcast guide

Join us monthly for our 90-minute live, interactive webcast, and get your questions about Israel, Bible prophecy, current events, and theology answered on the show. Please visit for the latest information.

NOTEworthy Though the world around us may be reeling with uncertainty, our hope is “in the living God, who is the Savior of all people, and especially of those who believe” (1 Timothy 4:10). December 21, 2012 may (or may not) be remembered as yet another failed doomsday prophecy, similar to all the others—from 960 A.D. when German theologian Bernard of Thuringia calculated the end—to 2011, when Harold Camping pasted billboards throughout America declaring May 21 as “Judgment Day.” Although the world as we’ve known it has changed in recent years, offering very little stability, we who believe in Yeshua, our Messiah, can live and enjoy peace in Him. We can even be beacons of light to an ever-darkening

Todah Rabah, thank you, to: Publisher

Executive Editor Jonathan Bernis Director of Communications Mary Ellen Breitwiser

world that remains confounded and confused by current events. As we witness Syria and Israel firing rockets at each other for the first time since 1973, we might wonder, “Now what?” In this important issue of JVT, we have tried to address this question with truly relevant information from the contemporary prophetic voices of our day, like Jonathan Cahn, Mark Hitchcock, Joel C. Rosenberg, Jack Kinsella, Bill Salus, and Washington Correspondent, William Koenig. Our own Jonathan Bernis provides a brief overview of what Scripture says must still take place before Yeshua’s return. God’s Word tells us that we can discern the times and the seasons. Let us do so… beginning right now!

Jewish Voice Ministries International P.O. Box 31998 Phoenix, AZ 85046-1998 USA 602-97l-850l 800-299-YESHUA Jewish Voice Ministries Canada P.O. Box 476 Maple Ridge, BC V2X 3P2 855-7-YESHUA

Art Director Evie Kriegbaum

Jewish Voice Ministries UK Admail 4224 London W2 4UN 855-9-YESHUA

Graphic Designers Evie Kriegbaum Jennifer Nelson

Magazine questions or comments:

Assoc. Ed./ Social Media Specialist Laura Peck

Production Supervisor Kathleen Johnston

About This Issue

Unless otherwise noted, all Scripture is taken from the New International Version ©1984.

About The Cover JVT’s premier issue of 2012 asked the question, “Is this the end?” It featured a huge question mark over-arching a globe—a world in turmoil. Some believed that, by now, at the dawn of the new year, global turmoil would settle and life would return to “normal.” It did not. The “new normal” can be defined by 2 Timothy 2:1-5. Look it up! Our 2013 cover is the 2012 cover twisted as though wrung out like a wet towel, and another question is posed: “What now?” JewishVoice jewishvoicetoday jewish_voice


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Comments from Our Readers

We thought these responses would encourage you, our reader. Enjoy! Praise for Our Ministry “My heart longs for sweet fellowship with my Jewish brothers and sisters. I am but grafted onto the vine and consider myself blessed that Jesus loved me enough to consider me worthy to be His child and part of His kingdom. Thank you.” — P.H., West Virginia, via Facebook “Great ministry to support!”

— B. R., California, via Facebook

“God bless you, Jonathan, for all you do to spread the Gospel.” — D.G., Maryland, via Facebook

Praise for Our TV Show “I’m watching from South Africa. God bless you now from God TV.” —M. S., South Africa, via Facebook “Thank you for showing us the truth. Loved seeing Kevin Freeman, writer of Secret Weapon, which reveals the truth about our economy's disaster [8/20/12 show]. Would love to have this revealed to many. Thank you and God bless you for your show and your belief in Yeshua as the Messiah.” — S.R., Florida, via Facebook “My husband and I watched your show today [10/22/12 show with Dr. Frank Seekins]. Love learning what the Hebrew words mean. God bless you and all that you are doing.” — P. R., via Facebook “I think your show is fantastic.”

— L. F., New York, via Facebook

“Thank you for your uplifting programs. Blessings for all the work you do in serving the ill and unfortunate peoples in other third world countries; it is a real blessing to have the medical help for those folks. Keep up the good work, and keep your inspirational programs on Sky Angel coming. We appreciate all that you do.” — D. W., via Facebook

Praise for Our Magazine “I received the latest magazine [Nov/Dec 2012]—and I was VERY impressed with the content.” — D.P., via email

6 | January/February 2013

up f r o n t | J o n atha n b e r n is

The Restoration of All Things: What Still

Must Take Place

Before Jesus Can


Jewish Voice Today


“Therefore, repent and turn to God, so that your sins may be erased; so that times of refreshing may come from the Lord’s presence; and He may send the Messiah appointed in advance for you, that is, Yeshua. He has to remain in heaven until the time comes for restoring everything, as God said long ago, when He spoke through the holy prophets.” — Acts 3:19-21 (Complete Jewish Bible)


ell, it is now 2013 and despite Harold Camping spending millions of dollars on billboards predicting that Judgment Day would be May 21, 2011, or ancient Mayan astronomers predicting the world would end in 2012, here we still remain. Lest we forget, Jesus Himself admonished us to “be ready, because the Son of Man will come at an hour you do not expect Him” (Matthew 24:44). As to the actual time of Yeshua's return, “no man knows”—not even Jesus knew that during the time He was here on the earth. We are not to predict dates. Though we can’t know the exact hour, God wants us to know the season . . . to be wise as the “men of Issachar, who understood the times . . .” (1 Chronicles 12:32). There are, indeed, many clear signs that we are in the last of the Last Days. The ones you likely hear the most include the ten-nation confederacy, the Antichrist’s emergence and identity, the mark of the beast, the rebuilding of the Third Temple, and the final showdown between Israel and Russia. Although important, I am not an expert in these areas, so I will leave these to others to expound on. There are, however, other prophetic signs that we are in the Last Days that are clear and being fulfilled before our very eyes. I will mention just a few below:

1) The Restoration of Israel and Jerusalem Almost all teachers on the Last Days agree that the restoration of the Land of Israel in 1948 after almost 2,000 8 | January/February 2013

years was the moment the End-Time clock began to tick. Then in 1967 Jerusalem came back under Jewish control after a miraculous victory in the Six Day war. This was a direct fulfillment of Yeshua’s statement in Luke 21:24, “Jerusalem will be trampled on by the Gentiles until the times of the Gentiles are fulfilled.” These two events, including Israel becoming an agricultural phenomena and the revival of the Hebrew language in Israel, had to happen before Jesus could return. They are now fulfilled and are clear signs that the end is near and the return of the Messiah to the earth is imminent.

2) The Rising Tide of Anti-Zionism and Anti-Semitism Anti-Semitism is once again rapidly spreading throughout the world at an alarming rate and is at an all-time high since the Holocaust. Sixty percent of all Europeans regard tiny Israel as the greatest threat to world peace; a third of those surveyed in Europe and America regularly attribute to the Jewish People “excessive power and influence.” At its core, it is Satan who is fermenting “the world’s deepest hatred”–both against the Land and People of Israel. While some would try to make a distinction between anti-Zionism and anti-Semitism, as one noted historian remarked: “It’s distinction without a difference.” Think about it: Israel is the only state on the face of this planet that such a large number of disparate people wish to see disappear. The new carriers of this demonic hatred are fanatic Muslims who see Israel and the Jews as a dangerous cancer that must be wiped off the earth. Islamic leaders like Mahmoud Ahmadinejad have vowed to destroy Israel as soon as they acquire the means to do so. This scenario was predicted thousands of years ago. The prophet Zechariah declared that all nations would turn against Israel in the Last Days: “On that day, when all the nations of the earth are gathered against her, I will make Jerusalem an immovable rock for all the nations. All who try to move it will injure themselves” (Zechariah 12:3). Jesus describes the conditions immediately preceding His return as a time of great conflict and tribulation (see Matthew 24 and Luke 21). The good news is those who seek to destroy Israel will fail. Israel, with Jerusalem as her capital, is here to stay.

3) The Re-gathering of the Jewish People Back to the Land of Israel Not only did God promise to restore the Land of Israel in the Last Days, He also declared He would re-gather the “outcasts of Israel” from all the nations where He scattered them (see Isaiah 11:11). This aliyah, or return of the Jews to their biblical homeland, is yet another important sign that the Messiah’s return is approaching. It is no coincidence that over the last 20-plus years, the largest immigration in Israel’s short history has come from Russia and the republics of the former Soviet Union. Amazingly, Jeremiah 16:14-15 predicted that the mass return of the Jewish People would begin from the north. He was not speaking about North America but the land directly north of Israel, the former Soviet Union. More than one million Russian-speaking Jews are now in the Land of Israel, and just as Jeremiah prophesied, they are now returning from the south (more than 130,000 Ethiopian Jews now live in Israel) and all the countries where the Jewish People have been scattered. Still, more Jews remain outside of Israel than inside Israel. We at Jewish Voice are committed to finding and helping Jewish communities in remote areas of the world. Since 1999, we have been conducting free medical, dental, and eye clinics in Ethiopia to help the Beta Israel and Beta Avraham communities that remain there. There are still more than 60,000 there that need our help. For the last six years, we have been providing the same clinics for the Bnei Menashe in Manipur and Mizoram, India. Recently, 7,000 of the Bnei Menashe were permitted to make aliyah. Just this year, we held our first clinic in the remote bush of Zimbabwe to help the Lemba tribe. I invite you to read the February and August 2012 editions of our Connections newsletter to learn more about this amazing “lost tribe” of Israel.

Other tribes that claim to be decedents of ancient Israel contact us regularly for help. The Yiber tribe of Somaliland, the Igbo tribe in Nigeria, and the Abuyudaya tribe of Uganda are just a few examples. The identification and eventual restoration of these lost communities of Israel is fulfillment of End-Time prophecy most hear little about, but it is one of the clear signs that we are in the Last Days.

4) The Gospel Proclaimed to the Nations Another End-Time restoration that must take place is the Gospel must be proclaimed to all the nations of the earth. In fact, this may be the clearest statement in Scripture about what must happen before Jesus can return. He, Himself told us, “And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come” (Matthew 24:14). Thanks to modern technology, it is now possible for the Gospel to be preached to “all nations” or, more accurately, ethnos—which actually means “a race,” “a tribe,” or “a people group”—in the remotest areas of the planet. We must understand this requirement in the light of Romans 1:16, however, that the Gospel must go to the Jew first. This is a precedent, a biblical mandate and order that is just as true today as it was when it was written. This means the Gospel has to be proclaimed to every Jewish community in every nation where they have been scattered. And this has not yet happened. In addition, around 350 million people still need the Bible translated in their own language. This must happen before the end will come.

(Continued on page 26)

It is no coincidence that over the last 20-plus years, the largest immigration in Israel’s short history has come from Russia and the republics of the former Soviet Union. Jewish Voice Today


P E R S P E C T I V E | J O N AT H A N C A H N

America Hanging in the Bal

‘The Harbinger’ T

he year 2012 was surrounded with an aura of mystery concerning the Mayan calendar, which was supposedly to foreshadow the end of the world. But the world didn’t end. However, that doesn’t mean we are not living in a critical time—We are.

The message of The Harbinger and 2012 go hand in hand. Just before the January release of The Harbinger, I appeared on the Jewish Voice with Jonathan Bernis television show. Before we parted that night, Jonathan Bernis told me that he believed the book would “go through the roof.” From the week of its release until now, The Harbinger is topping Christian and secular listings. The DVD version of the message, The Isaiah 9:10 Judgment, has become the bestselling faith video in the world. The message is spreading across

America, and I don’t believe the timing is an accident. The Harbinger is a shofar call, the sound of an alarm.

The Growing Alarm America is continuing to progress toward judgment. Behind this progression, behind 9/11, and behind the collapse of the American economy is an ancient Scripture and mystery. The mystery is that of judgment. In the last days of ancient Israel, before its destruction as a nation, nine harbingers—nine prophetic signs, warnings of national judgment—appeared in the Land. Those same nine harbingers of judgment are now reappearing on American soil in specific detail and progression; some involve the highest leaders of the land. We’re now receiving continual

10 | January/February 2013

reports of repentance, salvation, prayer, and revival, and even reports from members of Congress, senators, and representatives who have read The Harbinger or have seen the DVD and are taking it seriously. At the same time, America’s mainstream culture has progressed further away from God. As with ancient Israel, America continues to offer up millions of its unborn children to death. As with ancient Israel, we increasingly call what is evil good, and good evil. And as with ancient Israel, America continues to drive God out of its national life.

The Harbingers Continue As America’s apostasy has continued, so too has the mystery of judgment and the harbingers continued to


The only answer to judgment is salvation. In Hebrew the word salvation is the name of Jesus, Yeshua. But it’s not enough to be safe; we must also save. In Messiah, we are the light of America. Revival begins with us—or it doesn’t begin at all. It is time to rise to our calling. It is time to boldly shine. And it is time to live in a manner worthy of those highly called for such a critical hour and such a time as this.


s Actually Coming True manifest—coming true since the book and DVD came out.

that led the nation of Israel to its judgment and destruction.

In the summer of 2012, months after the book came out, President Obama was taken to Ground Zero to the rising Tower, the “Fourth Harbinger,” and the one that is still very evidently in progress.

At least three other signs have been foreshadowed in the book that are coming true now. One sign concerns a tree and a biblical sign of national judgment linked to that tree. Another involves a Scripture that was hidden in Ground Zero that connects with the mystery of The Harbinger, and still another involves the ancient mystery of the Tower of Babel.

A steel beam set to be the final and highest beam of the rising Tower was presented to him. Obama was asked to put words on the beam that would crown the Tower, so he sat down and wrote the words of the ancient vow, in modern English: “We rebuild. We come back stronger.” The Tower will be the highest object ever to stand on American soil. And that tower, at its highest elevation, will be crowned by the words of national defiance, pride, and arrogance, the vow of the harbingers, and the same words

There is neither time nor space here to explain what is revealed in The Harbinger or what has been coming true from the book. It is enough to say this: As the nation continues on its course of apostasy, the harbingers of judgment continue to manifest. It is time to live soberly, righteously and with holiness, and to once and for all be the light to this nation. It’s time for prayer, for repentance, and for revival.

Jonathan Cahn is the author of The Harbinger, The New York Times Best Seller, and The Isaiah 9:10 Judgment, the No. 1 Faith Video in the world. He leads the Jerusalem Center in Wayne, N.J., and Hope of the World Ministries. To get in touch with Jonathan or the ministry, go to

The Harbinger Before its destruction as a nation, ancient Israel received nine harbingers, prophetic omens of warning. The same nine harbingers are now manifesting in America with immediate ramifications for End-Time prophecy. Hidden in an ancient biblical prophecy from Isaiah, the mysteries revealed in The Harbinger are so precise that they foretold recent American events down to the exact days. The revelations are so specific that even the most hardened skeptics will find it hard to dismiss or put down. It sounds like the plot of a Hollywood thriller with one exception... IT'S REAL.

Order #9102 | $18.00 gift

Jewish Voice Today


P E R S P E C T I V E | jack ki n se l l a

The End of the World

as We Knew It W

ell, December 21 came and went and we're all still here. Of course, that was to be expected.

Nobody talked much about it, but earlier in 2012 an archeological team found another hidden chamber near the chamber where they found the Mayan calendar that ended its Long Count at December 21, 2012. But since so many people booked rooms in Central America to await the end of the world, they didn't have the heart to reveal what they found there. It was a new calendar that picked up where the old one left off. Oh well. What was it about the 2012 Mayan calendar that sparked such serious and intense interest? People who knew nothing about Mayan culture or Mayan history and especially Mayan astrology were completely sold out to the Mayan 'prophecy.'

This entire issue is dedicated to the proposition that the Mayan prophecy failed. It wouldn't be if it hadn't have been taken so seriously by so many people. And yet, when you look at it, the entire 12 | January/February 2013

theory was based on the ending date to a calendar. That’s like believing it is the end of the world on December 31 just because that's when the calendar ends. Yet that is what happened. Call it "The End of the World as We Know It" syndrome or its acronym, TEOTWAWKI. It is an all-pervading sense that the clock is winding down and that we are running out of time. That sense of impending doom is shared across the board by Christians, humanists, secular futurists, scientists, fiction-writers, Muslims, Jews, Rastafarians, Zoroastrians, Buddhists, Hindus, the Baha’i, and several Native American tribal religions, including those of the Hopi, Lakota, and Mayans. “The End of The World as We Know It” is a film genre in Hollywood. From the Omen trilogy to the Seventh Sign, Rosemary's Baby, Arnold Schwarzenegger's End of Days, and 1991's Messiah-bashing The Rapture to the apocalyptic series Mad Max, “The End of The World As We Know It” has been a consistent box office winner. Among religious Jews in Israel, the Messianic expectation is expressed by banners and signs festooning Israel welcoming the Messiah. Islam believes that TEOTWAWKI will begin with a massive all-out Muslim assault on the non-Muslim world. That war will spark the return of the twelfth Imam (the Mahdi) who will lead the Muslim forces to victory, institute Islamic rule on the whole world, and usher in a period of Islamic peace and harmony.

all life on earth. Scientists estimate that there is between one chance in 1,000 and one chance in 10,000 that a “doomsday” asteroid collision will head toward earth during the 21st century. Everybody shares the same instinctive sense of the times, whether secular, humanist, religious, or scientific. You never have to crack a Bible to know in your heart that humanity's clock is winding down. It's hard NOT to notice. This instinctive understanding that this is the generation of “The End of The World as We Know It” is like an elephant in the living room that nobody wants to talk about, but can't quite ignore. No matter how hard you try to look around it, it is still there. All of these various perspectives see almost the same outcome; an existential threat to humanity that, barring the intervention of a savior, will bring about Doomsday at some time in the not too distant future. Does this sound familiar? Not one of these theories discussed above has its roots in the New Testament. These are secular assessments derived from collating all the known variables as they become known and calculating the probabilities. But they all point to the end result, and all follow the same formula: Judgment is coming, mankind needs a savior, or all is lost.

Humanists, environmentalists, That is EXACTLY what Yeshua and secular scientists have preached 2,000 years ago—the You never have to crack also developed an apocalyptic exact same formula with the a Bible to know in your worldview as scientific exact same conclusion being knowledge continues to heart that humanity's clock reached by the secular world increase at exponential levels. today. But He uniquely named is winding down. It's hard The humanists envision Himself as the Savior to those a nuclear apocalypse as a NOT to notice. who put their faith in Him, so consequence of war between nothing is lost. nations. They preach globalism and the elimination of the nation-state as the only prescription for humanity's survival The year 2012 is behind us, 2013 has just begun . . . and we and preach the UN as savior of the world. are still here. One more year to proclaim the soon return of the Messiah! One more chance to bring Yeshua to the lost. Environmentalists forecast impending doom as a Until He comes. consequence of human damage done to the planet by its mere existence. They preach that man is a cancer on the “Even so, when you see these things happening, you know earth and that cancer must be slowed or stopped by limiting that the kingdom of God is near. Truly I tell you, this human activity and production. Only global intervention generation will certainly not pass away until all these things can save mankind, and they preach the UN as savior of the have happened” (Luke 31-32). world. Jack Kinsella is the founder and publisher of the Omega Letter (www.omegaletter. com). Jack is head writer of The Hal Lindsey Report television program and former Secular astrological scientists are combing the known head writer for This Week in Bible Prophecy. Jack is the author of more than two universe for an impending asteroid strike that will destroy thousand columns on current events and Bible prophecy. Jewish Voice Today


P E R S P E C T I V E | b i l l sa lus


2012 2014 Why the World Won’t

2022 End Until at Least 2023





2018 2016 2013 2017 A

stute Bible prophecy believers weren’t surprised when they woke up on December 22, 2012, and discovered that the Mayan Mesoamerican Long Count calendar was inaccurate. All the hype about the end of the world occurring on December 21, 2012, was baseless to them because they recognized that this present world

wouldn’t end until seven-years of tribulation passed upon the earth.

The seven-year “Tribulation Period,” as it is commonly referred to in many Christian circles, is a major eschatological theme in the Bible. Other associated biblical tags for this period are “Daniel’s Seventieth Week,” “The Day of the Lord,” “The

14 | January/February 2013

Time of Jacob’s Trouble,” and several more. According to Daniel 9:26-27, this period commences when the Antichrist confirms a seven–year covenant with “many,” including the nation of Israel. We recognize Israel’s participation in this treaty from Isaiah 28:15 and 18, and Daniel 9:24. Isaiah’s verses inform us that Israel

at the time is extremely concerned with some “overflowing scourge” that is sweeping through the world. The Israeli leadership believes that partaking of this future treaty, which Isaiah calls a “covenant with death,” enables the Jewish State to avert destruction. Daniel 9:24 clarifies that seventy weeks are determined for the Jews and the holy city of Jerusalem to accomplish seven important spiritual feats. There are many portions of Scripture that split this seven-year period of tribulation into two parts. It is commonly taught among Bible prophecy teachers that the first threeand-one-half years present Israel with a period of peace, but that peace is abruptly interrupted at the mid-point when the Antichrist enters into the coming third Jewish temple, and fulfills the Daniel 11:31 and 12:11 prophecies Yeshua warned about in Matthew 24:15.


This abominable act of the Antichrist is commonly called the “Abomination of Desolation.” From that point forward, the Antichrist attempts a final genocide of the Jews during the last three-and-one-half years of tribulation, which is often referred to as the “Great Tribulation” period. During the Great Tribulation, Zechariah 13:8-9 warns that twothirds of the Israelis will be killed, but fortunately the other third will survive and become a faithful, believing remnant.


The glaring point of all this mindboggling prophetic information is that the Antichrist has not confirmed this seven-year covenant with Israel yet. Therefore, the end of this present world can’t come for at least seven more years. In fact, I explain in my book Revelation Road, Hope Beyond the Horizon why there is probably a minimum of eleven-and-one-half years remaining on the End Time’s clock. Below is a quote from the

pertinent section of Revelation Road, but first here is an important preface.

EZEKIEL 38-39 GOG OF MAGOG INVASION PROBABLY A PRE-TRIBULATION EVENT In fifty-two highly descriptive passages, the prophet Ezekiel predicts that nine populations named Gomer, Meshech, Tubal, Persia, Magog, Togarmah, Put, Libya, and Cush will invade Israel in the “latter years.” The general consensus among many End Times experts today is that these ancient populations identify the modern-day countries of Russia and its Southern Steppes, along with Turkey, Iran, Tunisia, Morocco, Libya, Ethiopia, Sudan, and Somalia. This is a prophecy that many Bible prophecy teachers are expecting to find final fulfillment in the near future.

possessed by the Ezekiel 38 invaders into fuel. Israel appears to utilize these weapons for fuel and energy consumption for a period of seven years. This will be no problem during the peaceful first half of the tribulation, but not likely during the perilous second half, because Jews will be fleeing for their lives, rather than harnessing this energy.

The glaring point of all this mindboggling prophetic information is that the Antichrist has not confirmed this sevenyear covenant with Israel yet. Therefore, the end of this present world can’t come for at least seven more years.

Fortunately, the Lord intervenes on Israel’s behalf and divinely defeats this formidable Gog of Magog coalition according to Ezekiel 38:18-39:6. Subsequently, the nation of Israel embarks upon a national campaign to harness the energy from the weapons of these defeated enemies. With this in mind, the quote from Revelation Road reads as follows: “Ezekiel 39:9-10 suggests Israel will possess the know-how to convert the weapons of mass destruction

“Therefore, many scholars suggest that Ezekiel 38 must conclude, not commence, no later than threeand-one-half years before the sevenyears of tribulation even begins. This allows the Jews seven full years to burn the weapons before they begin fleeing for their lives. Realistically, it will probably take approximately a year to even collect, dismantle, and convert the weapons cache prior to that.

“Here’s how this could break down incrementally in real time. Allow about one year for the Ezekiel 38 battle to occur and the weapons to be converted. Remember, assembling a coalition and mobilizing an invasion of the scope described in Ezekiel 38 is no twenty-four hour undertaking. Then consider an additional sevenyear span to burn the weapons. And lastly, add in the final three-and-onehalf years of Great Tribulation, for a total of eleven-and-one-half years. “If this hypothesis is correct, this

(Continued on page 27) Jewish Voice Today


RESOURCES Dead Sea Scrolls Poster The Dead Sea Scrolls discovery is one of the most important finds to confirm that the Bible was translated accurately. Many people believe (wrongly) that the Dead Sea Scrolls were the originals of the Bible. They are actually the oldest copies we have of portions of the Old Testament. This chart includes the story of how the scrolls were discovered, maps, a time line, and photos of the caves and scrolls. (2-sided)

order #9890 | $15.00 GIFT

The End The End explains the foundational issues of biblical prophecy (such as the interpretation of prophecy, the biblical covenants, and key prophetic passages), main events, important players, and chronology of End Time events. After the foundation is laid, the End Times are unfolded chronologically.

order #9115 | $25.00 GIFT

The Harbinger Before its destruction as a nation, ancient Israel received nine harbingers, prophetic omens of warning. The same nine harbingers are now manifesting in America with immediate ramifications for End-Time prophecy. Hidden in an ancient biblical prophecy from Isaiah, the mysteries revealed in The Harbinger are so precise that they foretold recent American events down to the exact days. The revelations are so specific that even the most hardened skeptics will find it hard to dismiss or put down. It sounds like the plot of a Hollywood thriller with one exception... IT'S REAL.

Order #9102 | $18.00 gift

Implosion Bestselling author and international political expert Joel C. Rosenberg tackles this question: Is America an empire in decline or a nation poised for a historic Renaissance? America teeters on a precipice. Implosion helps readers understand the economic, social, and spiritual challenges facing the United States in the 21st century, through the lens of biblical prophecy.

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The Isaiah 9:10 Judgement (DVD) In this stunning new documentary The Isaiah 9:10 Judgment, Rabbi Cahn unravels the mystery behind this seemingly innocuous biblical verse, and shows that ancient harbingers of judgment are now manifesting in America, just as they once did in Israel. This fascinating new DVD asks the question, “Is God sending America a prophetic message of what will soon be?� and Rabbi Cahn provides the answer through mounting evidence: "yes." 16 | January/February 2013

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Isralestine The Ancient Blueprints of the Future Middle East, boldly unveils significant Bible prophecy that has eluded the discernment of today’s great scholars.

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Money & Wealth in the New Millennium Money and Wealth in the New Millennium is an easy-to-read biblical expose' about the global economic problems of the Last Days and how God plans to deliver His people.

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Prepare for more financial crisis (DVD) The second round of the financial crisis is about to hit Main Street with crashing retail sales, mammoth unemployment, massive personal and corporate bankruptcies, recordsetting foreclosures, plunging real estate prices, and more. In preparation for this next installment of intense economic shaking, this financial update lays out six immediate steps for protecting your finances.

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Revelation Road Best-selling author Bill Salus has crafted an extraordinary and chilling, fast-paced novel with his apocalyptic thriller, Revelation Road.

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The U.S. Presidential Election and What to watch in

2013 B

illy Graham, David Jeremiah, and many other respected pastors across America spoke of the importance of voting biblical principles and supporting the nation of Israel in the November 6 U.S. Presidential election. Rev. Graham urged people to vote for those who protected the sanctity of life and supported the biblical definition of marriage between a man and a woman. Christians throughout America and from abroad spent many months praying for a leader who would honor biblical values.

18 | January/February 2013

Election Day In the 2008 U.S. Presidential campaign, there were concerns over who the “real Obama” was, but in 2012 there was much more known about him. I observed firsthand in the few months prior to the election that the Obama supporters were staunchly loyal, no matter what they knew about him and his agenda. Additionally, despite the questions about Obama’s true identity, college applications, passport applications, and the like, these issues didn’t affect his support either. Furthermore, it didn’t stop 6.4 million American Evangelical Christians from voting for Obama again. America re-elected Barack Obama, President of the United States, despite his history, the deception in his campaign, and his immoral same-sex agenda. This was a very sad day for many Americans. Jewish Support in Israel and the United States The last poll from the Israel Democracy Institute and Tel Aviv University showed Mitt Romney with a 35-percent lead over Barack Obama in Israel, 57 percent to 22 percent. The Hill, a congressional newspaper, wrote that the gap is especially marked among self-described rightwingers—70 percent of whom preferred Romney—while Obama garnered three times more support from Arab Israelis, 45 percent versus 15 percent. Preliminary exit poll results showed that American Jews gave Obama 70 percent of their vote—within the margin of error of the Jewish Democratic vote performance in 2008,

when Obama received 74 percent of the Jewish vote, according to the nonpartisan Solomon Project. The American President who spoke to the Muslim world on June 4, 2009, from Cairo, Egypt, with false statements and deceptive comments on Islam . . . who equated in his speech the plight of the Palestinians with the horrific Holocaust . . . who has thrown wide open the doors of America to Islam . . . who has promoted the Arab Spring and reached out to the Muslim Brotherhood that has led to danger for Israel on her borders with Egypt and Syria, and for American assets and allies in the Middle East . . . who pressured Israel to make peace with the Palestinians and treated Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu disrespectfully . . . is the same President that Jewish voters in key Electoral States pushed to victory. As Jerusalem Post journalist Caroline Glick said, “The Muslim Brotherhood is the most popular movement in the Islamic world. It is also a totalitarian, misogynist, anti-Jewish, anti-Christian, and anti-American movement. It seeks Islamic global supremacy, the genocide of Jewry, the subjugation of Christianity, and the destruction of the United States.” God’s Prophetic Clock Has Leaped Forward With the re-election of Obama, God’s prophetic clock has leaped forward. Here are a few items we will be watching with much interest and prayer in 2013: • There will be new pressure on Netanyahu by the White House and the European Union to make peace with the Palestinians and give up large parts of Judea, Samaria, and East Jerusalem.

will continue to harass and threaten Israel. • Iran is nearing the threshold of having a nuclear weapon; will the United States and Israel work to stop this, or will Israel be forced to act alone? • Russia and China are continuing to support Assad in Syria and are stopping any meaningful sanctions, while helping Iran maintain its influence there. • Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton accelerated the Arab Spring, the radical Islamic takeover of the Middle East, and will continue to support it as it leads to more ominous times in the Middle East. • The possibility of a worldwide recession is growing in Europe and in the United States. This could have global implications. The U.S. dollar and the Euro will be under much pressure. To say the least, the United States and the world are moving into a very serious period of time. “It is better to take refuge in the LORD than to trust in man. It is better to take refuge in the LORD than to trust in princes” (Psalm 118:8-9). William Koenig is the director of “Koenig International News” (, an Internet news service with readers and e-mail subscribers in 50 states and 105 countries, and has been a White House correspondent since January 2001. Koenig publishes an online weekly news report called “Koenig’s Eye View from the White House” that focuses on biblically relevant world news and White House news from a Christian perspective. He has authored Eye to Eye: Facing the Consequences of Dividing Israel, which is in its 14th printing, and published the book in Hebrew.

• Iran, Turkey, Egypt, Hezbollah, Hamas, and other terror groups Jewish Voice Today


P E R S P E C T I V E | ma r k hitchcock


he primary purpose of the book of Revelation is to give the advanced history of how Yeshua HaMaschiach [Jesus, our Messiah] receives the Kingdom and takes the throne by means of judgment. The book of Revelation can be supremely confusing. It contains its share of interpretive challenges, but there is a clear, overarching goal that the book builds toward. Revelation crescendos in chapters 19–20. These two chapters can help us understand its central purpose and theme—the authority of Jesus over the whole universe. The key to the book in many ways is the heavenly scene in Revelation 5. After presenting the “Lordship of Messiah [Christ]” in Revelation 1 and the “Letters of Messiah” in chapters 2–3, the book shifts from earth to heaven in Revelation 4 where the focus is on God’s throne. Then, in chapter 5, Yeshua—the Lamb who is a Lion—takes the seven-sealed scroll from the hand of the Father. He is the only one found worthy to open it. There are many interpretations of the contents of the seven-sealed scroll, but the only document that was sealed in this way in the first-century Roman world was a last will and testament.1 When a will was executed, seven witnesses were present to seal it. The will would become a seven-sealed document. That’s what we have in Revelation 5. The seven-sealed scroll represents the messianic kingdom that was promised in the Old Testament (Psalm 2:8; Daniel 7:14). By receiving the scroll, Yeshua is receiving His inheritance—to be king over his Kingdom. This is the ultimate goal and meaning of history. “If the scroll is not opened, then [there is] no protection for God’s children

20 | January/February 2013

in the hours of bitter trial; no judgment upon a persecuting world; no ultimate triumph for believers; no new heaven and earth; no future inheritance.”2 When Jesus opens the scroll, He unrolls history and begins to reign as king. Chuck Swindoll describes the scene: “Only one Person in heaven and earth was found worthy to take that scroll, to open its seals, and to begin the step-by-step process of snatching control of the world from evil and forever vanquishing sin and death: Yeshua the Messiah [Jesus Christ]. The steps necessary for preparing the world for His kingdom on earth, however, involve a period of unparalleled judgment.”3 With Revelation 6, the main action of the book begins. Yeshua, the Lord of the future, begins to open the seals one by one—each one a judgment. The first six seals are ominously opened. These judgments pave the way for the inheritance of the Kingdom. When the seventh seal is opened in Revelation 8, it appears that the scroll will be fully opened, but the seventh seal contains seven more judgments—called the seven trumpets. Each succeeding trumpet is blown, and more dire judgment falls. Finally

in Revelation 11, the seventh trumpet sounds, containing seven bowls of God’s wrath. These are poured out in rapid succession just before the second coming of Messiah to earth (Revelation 16). When He comes to earth, Yeshua [Jesus] defeats the armies of the Antichrist gathered at Armageddon, judges the living on earth, and takes the throne. At this point, the seven seals have been broken, the scroll is fully opened, and Yeshua’s inheritance is fully realized. David J. MacLeod says, “Only when they are all broken, that is, only after the judgments have taken place, is the scroll opened, and the will read. The will contains the inheritance of God’s people. . . . The breaking of the seals is preparatory to God’s people entering the promised inheritance, namely, the future one-thousand-year rule of Messiah Yeshua [Christ] on earth.”4 Yeshua takes rightful possession as king. The Kingdom He was promised by the Father has come, but it comes only after the world under its final leader, the Antichrist, has been defeated and judged. The Kingdom comes, but it is attained by means of severe judgment upon the earth. All of history is moving toward this grand climax—the Kingdom of God on earth. That’s what Revelation is all about. Messiah coming to inherit the Kingdom. Revelation shows us that all of history is under God’s control, that history is headed somewhere, and that it is all tied to the person and work of Yeshua, our Messiah. There

“is a simple but profound biblical truth here which cannot be overemphasized: apart from the person and redeeming work of Yeshua [Jesus], history is an enigma. . . . Messiah Yeshua [Christ Jesus], and He alone, has the key to the meaning of human history. . . . Apart from the victorious return of Yeshua, history is going nowhere.”5 Taken from The End by Mark Hitchcock. Copyright © 2012 by Mark Hitchcock. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc. All rights reserved. 1. David J. MacLeod, “The Lion Who Is a Lamb: An Exposition of Revelation 5:1-7,” Bibliotheca Sacra (July-September 2007): 325-30. 2. William Hendriksen, More Than Conquerors (Grand Rapids: Baker, 1967), 109. 3. Charles R. Swindoll, Insights on Revelation (Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2011), 109. 4. MacLeod, “The Lion Who Is a Lamb,” 328-29. 5. George Eldon Ladd, A Commentary on the Revelation of John (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1972), 82.

Mark Hitchcock, author of more than twenty books on End Times Bible prophecy, is a leading Bible prophecy expert, senior pastor, and adjunct faculty member of Dallas Theological Seminary. Visit Mark online at

The End The End explains the foundational issues of biblical prophecy (such as the interpretation of prophecy, the biblical covenants, and key prophetic passages), main events, important players, and chronology of End-Tme events. After the foundation is laid, the End Times are unfolded chronologically.

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Jewish Voice Today


PERSPEC TIVE | norm franz


here is nothing new under the sun (Ecclesiastes 1:9-10). History simply repeats itself—it just comes in a little different package each time. Consequently, we must be like the sons of Issachar who understood the times and knew what God’s people should do (1 Chronicles 12:32).

Tower of Babel Established

Globalism and the Mystery of Babylon The god of this world (Satan) has always desired to create a one world political, financial, and religious order under the auspices of a single ruler under his control. This quest began at the Tower of Babel, when Nimrod established the first satanically inspired world system on the plains of Shinar (Genesis 11:4). The three elements of a world empire are (1) a global government, (2) a global economy, and (3) a global

religion. Nimrod’s Babylon was a mysterious blend of all three that came together to form mankind’s first “New World Order” (NWO). This original “Mystery of Babylon” served as a launch pad for what we call “Globalism” and has been the driving force behind every world empire since. History of Global Transition Nimrod’s attempt at globalization was so dangerous to mankind that

En Route World empires spread globalism Egypt (ruled by the pharoahs Later Babylon (Dynasties IV-XI) mede-persians (cyrus & darius) Greece (Alexander the Great) Rome (ruled by the caesars)

22 | January/February 2013

the LORD Himself felt it necessary to come down and confuse their language so they could no longer communicate this plan to one other on a global level (Genesis 11:5-9). Even though this act dispersed mankind across the face of the earth, the spirit of globalism never died. It simply continued to manifest in successive world empires throughout history: • Nimrod’s Babylon (Original Mystery of Babylon) • Egypt (Ruled by the Pharaohs) • Later Babylon (Dynasties IV-XI) • Greece (Alexander the Great) • Rome (Ruled by the Caesars) Every world leader, from Nimrod (the original sun god) to the Caesars of Rome, deified themselves just like the Antichrist will do during his rule over the last Babylon (1 Thessalonians 2:3-4, Revelation 13:13-18).

to a

Financial crisis combined with war have always been the major catalysts whenever the nations transitioned from one world empire (world system) to the next. However, after Rome fell, the spirit of globalism continued to manifest among the nations as an erratic series of financial crises and war that continued until the late 1700s, when a small group of political, financial, and religious elitists began to postulate their plan for a New World Order. Since then, these elitists have continued to propagate their NWO religion through financial crisis and war just as their ancient predecessors did. Financial Crisis and World War I The first modern-day example of this modus operandi was the “1907 Banker’s Panic” that all but collapsed America’s financial system (banks,

trusts, and stock markets) and spread financial chaos throughout much of the world. This led to World War I (1914-1918), when Germany made a unilateral attempt at conquering Europe. Their defeat at the hands of the global elite led to the creation of the League of Nations, which was the first modern-day attempt at creating a Nimrod-style world government. Financial crisis and war moved the nations one step closer to a New World Order. Financial Crisis and World War II The financial bubble of the 1920s then led to the collapse of the U.S. stock market in 1929 and the global depression of the 1930s. World War II (1939-1945) ensued, when Adolf Hitler began his personal campaign

(Continued on page 28)

New World order

Financial crisis and world war i

Financial crisis and war on terror

Financial crisis and world war ii

Jewish Voice Today


P E R S P E C T I V E | joe l C . r ose n b e r g

Is America ' Babylon' ? N

umerous authors and teachers over the years have insisted that the United States—and/or New York City—is the Babylon mentioned in the book of Revelation. But the prophecies in question, together with events happening today, indicate to me that the “Babylon” found in End Times Bible prophecy

24 | January/February 2013

really refers to the nation of Iraq and the actual ancient city of Babylon, which was once the thriving and powerful capital of the nation of Babylon (also known in history as Babylonia in Mesopotamia). Babylon is not the United States or New York City or Rome or Moscow or any of the many other speculations people have made over the years.

Prophecies found in Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, and Revelation indicate that Babylon the country and Babylon the city will, in fact, be resurrected and rebuilt in the last days, much as Israel and Jerusalem have been resurrected and rebuilt in recent decades. Indeed, the Bible indicates that the city of Babylon will not only be fully rebuilt but will actually become the wealthiest and most powerful—and eventually the most corrupt and wicked— city on the face of the planet. That may be difficult for many to picture or accept, but it was also difficult for many to picture the “dry bones” of Israel being rebuilt until it happened in the twentieth century. What’s fascinating to me is that such prophecies are already beginning to come to pass in our lifetime. In my 2006 book, Epicenter, I wrote an entire chapter on Saddam Hussein’s efforts in the 1980s to begin rebuilding the ancient city of Babylon and on the new Iraqi government’s plans to continue and dramatically expand the work that Saddam set into motion. I quoted a story that appeared on the front page of the New York Times on April 18, 2006, saying that “Babylon, the mud-brick city with the million-dollar name, has paid the price of war. It has been ransacked, looted, torn up, paved over, neglected, and roughly occupied. . . . But Iraqi leaders and United Nations officials are not giving up on it. They are working assiduously to restore Babylon, home to one of the Seven Wonders of the World, and turn it into a cultural center and possibly even an Iraqi theme park.”1 I also cited my interview with then– Iraqi finance minister Ali Abdul Ameer Allawi, who told me, “Cultural, religious, archaeological, and biblical tourism is a big opportunity

for Iraq. I think rebuilding Babylon is a wonderful idea, as long as it is not done at the expense of the antiquities themselves.”2 Since Epicenter was published, much more has been done to rebuild Iraq and establish peace and security in the once and future Babylon. I have had the opportunity to travel to and minister in Iraq four times since the fall of Saddam Hussein, and each time the country was safer and more prosperous than the time I went before. Just as remarkable is that more steps have been taken to rebuild the actual city of Babylon as well, even with American assistance.

tourism, with help from experts at the World Monuments Fund (WMF) and the U.S. embassy,” reports the Reuters news agency. “‘The Future of Babylon’ project launched last month seeks to ‘map the current conditions of Babylon and develop a master plan for its conservation, study, and tourism,’ the WMF says. ‘We don’t know how long it will take to reopen to tourists,’ said Mariam Omran Musa, head of a government inspection team based at

the Bible indicates that the city of Babylon will not only be fully rebuilt but will actually become the wealthiest and most powerful— and eventually the most corrupt and wicked— city on the face of the planet. the site. ‘It depends on funds. I hope that Babylon can be reborn in a better image.’”3

On February 14, 2009, I wrote a blog post under the headline “U.S. to Help Rebuild City of Babylon in Iraq.” The government of Iraq is moving forward with plans to protect the archaeological remains of the ancient city of Babylon, in preparation for building a modern city of Babylon. . . . The Obama administration is contributing $700,000 toward “The Future of Babylon” project through the State Department’s budget. “Officials hope Babylon can be revived and made ready for a rich future of

Two years later, in January 2011, I pointed readers of my blog to another New York Times story, headlined “A Triage to Save the Ruins of Babylon.” “The Babylon project is Iraq’s biggest and most ambitious by far, a reflection of the ancient city’s fame and its resonance in Iraq’s modern political and cultural heritage,” the article reported, noting that “in November, the State Department announced a new $2 million grant to begin work to preserve the site’s most impressive surviving ruins.”4 The article also reported that “the American reconstruction team has

(Continued on page 29) Jewish Voice Today


(Continued from page 9)

Harness The Power of Speaking God's Word

For Your Healing

5) The Blindness Coming off of the Eyes of the Jewish People The final (and, I believe, most important) “restoration of all things” that must yet take place is the national salvation of Israel. There’s no doubt that we’re witnessing the beginning of the day when “all of Israel will be saved” (see Romans 11:25-26). More Jewish People have recognized Yeshua as their Messiah in the last 30 years than in the last 20 centuries! But while Jewish People are coming to saving faith in Yeshua in record numbers, we have not yet seen the “national” salvation of the Jewish People.

Confessing the Hebrew Scriptures The first of the series is Adonai (Jehovah Rof•e•cha), The Lord Your Healer. This first workbook is a compilation of healing Scriptures that contain the English, Hebrew, and transliteration from the Hebrew. Each workbook is also filled with beautiful pictures and an accompanying CD with every Scripture recited in Hebrew by a native Israeli, so you hear the correct pronunciation. Order #8685 | $40.00 Gift



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Think of it this way: Every time a Jewish person accepts Yeshua, we move that much closer to Messiah’s return. This means that if you’ve doubted your purpose in life—why you are alive at this exact point in time—doubt no more! History is indeed “His Story”—a story that we who are alive “for such a time as this” have the awesome privilege—and responsibility—of hastening to its Final End.

(Continued from page 15) means that at least (underscore at least because it’s probably going to be longer) from the time the Ezekiel 38 invasion begins until the second coming of Yeshua HaMashiach to set up His kingdom, there will exist

In fifty-two highly descriptive passages, the prophet Ezekiel predicts that nine populations will invade Israel in the “latter years.” The general consensus among many End Times experts today is that these ancient populations identify Russia, Turkey, Iran, Tunisia, Morocco, Libya, Ethiopia, Sudan, and Somalia. approximately eleven-and-one-half years. I could be more technical on the timing, because Daniel 12:1112 adds an additional seventy-five days to the equation. His infamous ‘Seventieth Week’ ends, and then the two-and-one-half month interval kicks in, at which time the sheep and goat judgment of Matthew 25:32-46 seemingly takes place.”

In conclusion, according to the Bible prophecies listed in this article, the present world appears to survive at least until the year 2024! This is not a prediction, but rather an educated prophetic observation. Quote taken from Revelation Road, Hope Beyond the Horizon, page 248 under the subtitle of “Why Ezekiel 38 is Probably Pre-Trib.”

Bill Salus is an author, researcher, lecturer, and radio talk show host of the popular Prophecy Update Radio program. In his book Revelation Road: Hope Beyond The Horizon, Salus combines fiction with nonfiction and focuses on the prophetic relevance of current Middle East and world events, revealing biblical truth concerning God’s Chosen People and the Last Days.

Harness The Power of Speaking God's Word

For Your Peace

Confessing the Hebrew

Isralestine The Ancient Blueprints of the Future Middle East, boldly unveils significant Bible prophecy that has eluded the discernment of today’s great scholars.

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Revelation Road Best-selling author Bill Salus has crafted an extraordinary and chilling, fastpaced novel with his apocalyptic thriller, Revelation Road.

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The second of the Confessing The Hebrew Scriptures series is Adonai—Jehovah Sha•lom (Hoo Sha•lom), The Lord Is Peace. Like volume one, this workbook is a carefully selected collection of Scriptures that contain the English, Hebrew, and transliterated Hebrew words for peace. Beautiful photographs and an accompanying CD features every Scripture recited in Hebrew by a native Israeli, so you can hear the correct pronunciation.

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Jewish Voice Today


(Continued from page 23) to conquer the world. However, the global elite put down Hitler’s satanic delusion of a “Thousand Year Reich” and established the United Nations system in 1948. In other words, the real globalists used Hitler’s attempt at globalization to move their plans for a NWO one giant step closer to fruition. God used this global transition to reestablish Israel as a nation in fulfillment of End Time Bible prophecy. Many theologians believe this marked the generation that would see “all things fulfilled” including the return of Yeshua the Messiah (Matthew 24:32-34). If that is true, and I believe it is, then the next transition most likely takes us into the End Time New World Order of Mystery Babylon (Revelation 13 and 17).

Accordingly, we must prepare ourselves by embracing God’s command to “come out of her [Babylon]” (Revelation 18:4) and return to walk in all His ways. This process will establish God’s Kingdom in our lives and transform us from glory to glory into His image until the day we hear God’s trumpet call us home. Norm Franz is a pastor and Bible teacher with noted authority on what the Bible says about money from an End Times prophetic perspective. He is the founder of the Denver-based Ascension Ministries International, which seeks to minister the Gospel of Yeshua from a Hebraic perspective. For more info, go to www.

Financial Crisis and the War on Terror When you look at today’s global financial crisis and the War on Terror, it is pretty easy to conclude that the overthrow of our current world order and the global transition to a New World Order is well underway. What is about to take place is not the end of the world and the return of Yeshua the Messiah, but simply the last global transition that gives rise to the “Ten Horns (Kings) of the Beast” (Daniel 7) and reestablishes the original Mystery of Nimrod’s Babylon under the control of the End Time Antichrist. Consequently, it really does not matter who is president of the United States or any other country, because this course is locked into Bible prophecy and both liberals and conservatives are part of its fulfillment.

Prepare for more financial crisis (DVD) The second round of the financial crisis is about to hit Main Street with crashing retail sales, mammoth unemployment, massive personal and corporate bankruptcies, recordsetting foreclosures, plunging real estate prices, and more. In preparation for this next installment of intense economic shaking, this financial update lays out six immediate steps for protecting your finances.

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Watching the Signs Although I believe Messiah is coming soon, it is obvious that another painful global transition is coming first. This is why estimations of where we are in Bible prophecy must be based more upon End Time geopolitical events rather than defective timelines based on carnal interpretations of faulty calendar dates.

28 | January/February 2013

Money & Wealth in the New Millennium Money and Wealth in the New Millennium is an easy-to-read biblical expose' about the global economic problems of the Last Days and how God plans to deliver His people.

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(Continued from page 25) refurbished a modern museum on the site, as well as a model of the Ishtar Gate that for decades served as a visitors’ entrance. Inside the museum is one of the site’s most valuable relics: a glazed brick relief of a lion, one of 120 that once lined the processional way into the city. The museum, with three galleries, is scheduled to open this month, receiving its first visitors since 2003. And with new security installed, talks are under way to return ancient Babylonian artifacts from the National Museum in Baghdad.”5 Clearly, Bible prophecies are coming to pass. Babylon is rising again. Excerpt taken from Implosion © 2012 by Joel C. Rosenberg. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc. All rights reserved. Joel C. Rosenberg is a New York Times bestselling author with more than 2.5 million copies in print. An evangelical Christian, he is the cofounder and president of the Joshua Fund, providing humanitarian relief in Israel. To visit Joel’s weblog or to sign up for his free weekly “Flash Traffic” emails, please visit

3. Joel C. Rosenberg, Flash Traffic, “U.S. to Help Rebuild City of Babylon in Iraq,” February 14, 2009, See also Khalid al-Ansary, “Babylon’s Future Written in its Ruins,” Reuters, February 11, 2009, http://uk.reuters. com/article/2009/02/11/us-iraq-babylon-idUKTRE51A0MM20090211. 4. See Steven Lee Myers, “A Triage to Save the Ruins of Babylon,” New York Times, January 2, 2011, http://; Joel C. Rosenberg, Flash Traffic, “Iraqi Efforts to Rebuild Babylon & Draw Tourists to Hebrew Prophet Ezekiel’s Tomb Focus of New York Times Article, Videos This Week,” January 6, 2011, 5. Ibid. See also Steven Lee Myers, Stephen Farrell, Shiho Fukada, “A Tour of Iraq’s Ancient Sites,” New York Times, January 2, 2011,

Implosion Bestselling author and international political expert Joel C. Rosenberg tackles this question: Is America an empire in decline or a nation poised for a historic Renaissance? America teeters on a precipice. Implosion helps readers understand the economic, social, and spiritual challenges facing the United States in the 21st century, through the lens of biblical prophecy.

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1. Jeffrey Gettleman, “Babylon Awaits an Iraq Without Fighting,” New York Times, April 18, 2006. 2. Ali Abdul Ameer Allawi (Iraqi finance minister), interview with the author, April 26, 2006.

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Join us as for we minister e the first tim to the Gefat tribe in ia, iop Hosanna, Eth one of the world's most impoverished Jewish . communities No medical training necessary!

r e t t e L e v o L s ’ d o G Be ! d l r o W e to th 3/13 opia | 2/22/13 - 3/ Addis Ababa, Ethi | 4/26/13 - 5/5/13 Hosanna, Ethiopia 23/13 - 6/3/13 Manipur, India | 5/

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c /outrea h is w e .j w w w it is tion, v For more informa ESHUA. or call 800-299-Y



Are you interested in joining us as a member of our live studio audience? We tape in the studio every month at the JVMI Messianic Media Center in Phoenix, Arizona. Please contact our Events Department at 800-299-YESHUA or email for more information and to reserve your seat! Jewish Voice Today


Alaskan CRUISE



July 13 - 20, 2013

Join Jonathan Bernis and his family on a Summer 2013 Alaskan cruise with teachings, praise and worship and beautiful, breathtaking scenery! Don’t miss it!

For more information, visit our website at, email, or call 800-299-YESHUA.

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