Jewish Voice Today, JulyAug2012 - UK Version

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July/August 2012 lwla/ba/zwmt Tamuz/Av/Elul 5772

Jewish Voice Today Volume 46 | Number 4

Your Ticket to Global Missions!

Latin America

Mexico City, Mexico

Hear O’ Israel! Festival of Jewish Music & Dance It's not too late to come!

Mexico City


exico City is home to one of the largest Jewish communities in Latin America, numbering more than 75,000 Jewish People. Come and minister to those who do not yet know that their Messiah has come by joining our evangelistic street outreach team, our altar and intercessory prayer team, and so much more during the three-night Messianic concert event. Be a part of history as God inspires these Jewish hearts through a celebration of Jewish history and heritage and challenges souls through the heart-changing Gospel of Yeshua. It’s a celebration of culture that is guaranteed to change a life – maybe even yours!


August 31 - September 9, 2012 For more information or to register, visit or call 1-800-299-YESHUA. 2 | July/August 2012


shalom M]L[ Shalom, my friends!

This issue of our magazine is focused on our Hear O’ Israel! International Festivals of Jewish Music & Dance. This highly effective form of outreach has been one of our primary strategies for directly reaching out to the Jewish communities of the world. Since 1993, we have organized and hosted 26 Festivals (This year makes 27!) in 10 countries. Festivals have taken place in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Siberia, Moldova, Latvia, Hungary, Argentina, Uruguay, and even India! More than 560,000 people have attended our Festivals with millions more participating via television. Thousands have responded to our altar calls— about one third of those have been Jewish. Dozens of new Messianic Jewish congregations have been birthed through these outreaches. These Festivals are vibrant celebrations filled with pageantry, color, and life. We use the most professional staging, sound, and lighting available at our concerts. Well-known Messianic Jewish singers, dancers, and musicians from America, Israel, and Europe entertain the predominantly Jewish audience. I follow these talented performers with a presentation of my testimony and a clear and simple Gospel message presenting the Jewishness of believing in Yeshua. We close each evening with an opportunity to respond to our message and receive prayer for specific needs for participants. Hundreds of volunteers from around the world participate in these Festivals, serving in street outreach, intercessory prayer, and administration—everyone working together in harmony.

We need your help! Our Mexico City Festival begins August 31. It will be one of the largest Festivals that Jewish Voice has hosted in many years. We have secured the largest indoor venue in the city with a seating capacity of 10,000. Our Global Outreach team has worked diligently to mobilize volunteers for key Festival roles. Do you enjoy street outreach? Do you like to intercede? Do you like to pray for people? It’s not too late to join us. Call 1-800-299-YESHUA. It’s your ticket to global missions!

Jonathan Bernis, President & CEO Jewish Voice Ministries International Jewish Voice Today




7 On Topic 7 Up Front A Celebration of Jewish Culture: Birth of a Vision By Jonathan Bernis

Regulars 22 On Topic 2012 Festival Outreach in Mexico City

3 S halom By Jonathan Bernis

5 noteworthy

By Jonathan Gannon

By Jonathan Gannon

12 Guest author The Times of the Signs By Jack Kinsella

16 Festival Q&A A Virtuoso Inspires Decisions for Messiah An interview with Maurice Sklar

18 Festival Q&A Ushering in Yeshua’s Presence An interview with Dennis Abrams

26 On Topic A Stadium-Sized Dream


By Jayden A. Levitt

Where to Watch! 25 Broadcast guide

14 reso urces

20 Middle East Update A Tale of Two Committees By Bill Koenig Join us monthly for our 90-minute live, interactive webcast, and get your questions about Israel, Bible prophecy, current events, and theology answered on the show. Please visit for the latest information.

4 | July/August 2012

NOTEworthy W

ith the exception of the first century, large-scale Jewish evangelism has been extremely rare, if not non-existent. With the collapse of the Soviet Union in the early 1990s, Jonathan Bernis, compelled by the Ruach HaKodesh (the Holy Spirit), resigned leadership of his Messianic congregation in upstate New York, and moved to Russia with a burden and God-sized outreach strategy to reach a vast and spiritually destitute Jewish community. Soviet Jews had been spiritually deprived under the suffocating grip of Communism. The result of decades-long forced atheistic indoctrination fostered a Soviet Jewish community uniquely open to the Good News of Yeshua. The moment was a providential window in history and prophetic realization of the restoration of Israel. With a supernatural measure of faith, Jonathan Bernis began renting stadiums in Russia, Ukraine, and other former Soviet nations. The Hear O’ Israel! Festival of Jewish Music & Dance produced a celebratory worship atmosphere where Jewish life, history, and culture were honored amidst genuine Messianic worship. The tens of thousands in attendance came to the Festival hoping for two hours of great music and dance. None were disappointed, and in addition to an amazing concert, they were allowed to encounter an amazing God. As a result, the Festival outreaches yielded tens of thousands of salvations.

continued to lead international Festivals of Jewish music and dance. This unique and radical evangelism strategy has resulted in more than 560,000 people attending 26 Festival outreaches from Russia to Argentina. The fruit of the outreaches extends beyond the thousands of those who have prayed to receive Yeshua as Messiah and Lord. Dozens of Messianic congregations and fellowships have been established in the wake of the Festivals. For almost 20 years, street outreach teams, performers, administrators, and prayer warriors have followed Jonathan Bernis into countries and Jewish communities that desperately needed a contextual presentation of the Gospel. This great outreach tradition continues today. This year Jonathan Bernis will lead a Festival team to Mexico City—one of the largest Jewish communities in Latin America. This issue will feature the testimonies of many of the festival leaders over the past 19 years of outreach. You will also read the personal account of world-renowned violinist Maurice Sklar. You will be delighted to learn how the Lord has used his violin to touch the hearts of tens of thousands of Festival attendees. Our prayer is that as you read these accounts, you will be encouraged and compelled to believe God for even greater years of spiritual harvest through Festival outreaches!

For the past 19 years, Jonathan Bernis and Jewish Voice have Todah Rabah, thank you, to: Publisher

Executive Editor Jonathan Bernis Director of Publications Mary Ellen Breitwiser

Jewish Voice Ministries International P.O. Box 31998 Phoenix, AZ 85046-1998 USA 602-97l-850l 800-299-YESHUA Jewish Voice Ministries Canada P.O. Box 476 Maple Ridge, BC V2X 3P2 800-299-YESHUA

Art Director Evie Kriegbaum

Jewish Voice Ministries UK Admail 4224 London W2 4UN 800-299-YESHUA

Graphic Designers Evie Kriegbaum Jennifer Nelson

Magazine questions or comments:

Assoc. Ed./ Social Media Specialist Laura Peck

Production Supervisor Kathleen Johnston

About This Issue

Unless otherwise noted, all Scripture is taken from the New International Version ©1984.

—Jonathan Gannon, Director of Global Outreach jewishvoicetoday jewish_voice


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Comments from Our Readers

Dear Jonathan Bernis, Please give a moment of your precious time. I need to share something important. Without knowing it you have answered a prayer for a debt I owe the Lemba and Ngono Tribes in what was then called Rhodesia. Seven of them—actually eight— gave their lives for me on 9th April 1977. While working with the security forces, one of my jobs was to treat anyone ill in the different kraals, from Belingwe, Gwanda, and Zaka districts. On this day, I was helping an elder who was going to die, when a group of terrorists entered the area. The old man leapt from his bed, covered me in animal skins, and started acting like a madman. The terrorists ignored him and took seven other men from the tribe and slaughtered them. Not one of these men or their families gave me up. They died to keep me hidden. The old elder died a short while later.

injuries sustained in the war. My body may not work, but my mind has never stopped. Last year when you sent out the letter about the Lemba, my heart jumped because now I can pay a little toward medical help for someone; maybe, just maybe one of them who comes to you will be a child or grandchild of one of those very brave men. I continue to pray for all of you while the opportunity to reach the lost is still open. May your blessings increase, Norma, U.K.

This is a debt I know I can never repay, and I have lived with the pain and tears all these years. Later I became disabled from

Jewish Voice Institute for Messianic Studies

Online Equipping Ministry Announcing Six New JVIMS Courses in 2012: • • • • • •

Traditional Jewish Life and Religion Modern Jewish Values and Yeshua Yeshua and the Spirit of Prophecy Christian Zionism and Yeshua Fall Festivals: New Year to Tabernacles Spring Festivals: Passover to Pentecost

Learn online through video sessions No quizzes or reading required

Only $39 per course To be notified by email as courses become available, contact

Dr. Raymond L. Gannon at:

u p fr o nt | J o n at h a n b e rn i s

A Celebration of Jewish Culture:

Birth of a Vision A

s a child growing up in a typical American Jewish family, I did not know much about Jesus, other than He was the god of Christianity. I’d been taught to believe He and His followers did not like Jewish People and that many atrocities had been committed against us Jews in His name. It was not within my worldview to believe in Jesus and still be a Jew. During my teenage years, I began to develop a singular ambition—to become a successful businessman before I turned 30. Jesus did not figure in my plans. However, in 1980, while a Business major at the University of Buffalo (in preparation to fulfill my dream), my entire life was turned upside down. Through a series of events, Jesus broke into my life.

God had a better plan

Needless to say, the direction of my life changed radically and all my life goals shifted! I abandoned business for a call to the ministry. Upon completing a degree in Jewish Studies and Early Christianity, I started a Messianic Jewish congregation called Congregation Shema Yisrael

in my hometown of Rochester, New York. I happily did this for almost nine years until God sovereignly called me to a groundbreaking work in the former Soviet Union following a fact-finding trip I took there in 1990.

With the fall of Communism, a land long held in darkness captured my attention. I reactivated a ministry I had started for college students in 1994 called Hear O’ Israel! Ministries to facilitate this new call. After numerous trips and small outreaches, the work grew and by 1993, we were holding large-scale Festivals of Jewish music and dance and tens of thousands of people were responding. What’s more—the great majority were Jewish! The overwhelming response to these Festivals was clearly a phenomenon. In some cities, like Odessa, Ukraine and Kishinev, Moldova, we were renting and filling entire soccer stadiums—up to 60,000 people at a single event! In 1996, Chira Kaplan traveled to one of the Festivals we were conducting in Kishinev, Moldova, to cover the event Jewish Voice Today


Scattering good seed around the globe

The apostle Paul declared, “I am not ashamed of the Gospel, because it is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes: first for the Jew, then for the Gentile” (Romans 1:16). This is the reason that Jewish Voice goes wherever Jewish People are and shares the truth of God’s Word with them, no matter how remote their location is! I have been privileged to hold Festivals of Jewish Music & Dance throughout Eastern Europe, India, and South America for close to two decades. Here are some highlights from several of our key Festival outreaches.

In some instances, we were renting and filling entire soccer stadiums—up to 60,000 people at a single event! for Jewish Voice. It was there that Chira first approached me about entering into a closer relationship with Jewish Voice and even to consider the possibility of taking over the ministry when Brother Louis Kaplan retired. My friendship with both Chira and Louis grew quickly in the months following that event. Within a short time, our two ministries entered into a strategic partnership to produce evangelistic television programs for Russia and Ukraine. I assumed leadership of Jewish Voice in 1998, and then on January 1, 2001, Jewish Voice Broadcasts and Hear O’ Israel! Ministries merged into one ministry, renamed Jewish Voice Ministries International.

Evangelistic explosion

Since our small beginnings in 1993, more than 560,000 people have crowded into stadiums, concert halls, and coliseums from St. Petersburg, Russia, in 1993 to Rosario, Argentina, in 2011—that’s 26 total Festival outreaches to date—to attend our vibrant Hear O’ Israel! Festivals of Jewish Music & Dance. Millions more have participated by television broadcasts. Tens of thousands have responded to altar calls, including thousands of Jewish People. Amazingly, more than a dozen new Messianic Jewish congregations have been birthed in the former Soviet Union through these outreaches, and many more have since spun off from the original groups. 8 | July/August 2012

St. Petersburg, Russia 1993

14,000 in attendance I will always recall our very first Hear O’ Israel! Festival in St. Petersburg, Russia. What an awesome move of God! Some 14,000 attended the threenight event, and of those who attended, more than 10,000 responded to our altar calls. A large percentage of those who responded to my invitation to accept Yeshua as Messiah were Jewish. The success of our initial St. Petersburg Festival caused the Festival outreach to expand the following year in Moscow, Minsk, and Kiev. We planted one of the first Messianic Jewish congregations in the former Soviet Union as a result of this Festival and my decision to leave my comfortable life in Rochester, New York. The living conditions in Russia in the early 1990s were challenging; hot water and electricity were erratic, and KGB operatives were following us. Yet words can’t describe our overwhelming joy as the crowds literally ran down the aisles when we gave an altar call. The Spirit of God was moving in their hearts and many of them were Jewish!

Odessa, Ukraine 1995

60,000 in attendance This was our second largest Festival to date, only superseded by our Festival in Vijayawada, India, in January 2000, which brought 70,000. Some 30,000 people in Odessa, nearly half the Festival attendees, were Jewish. We rented Odessa's football (soccer) stadium and filled it! At least 45,000 stood to repent of their sins and commit their lives to Yeshua. I stood up and prayed over the crowd, “I ask, Father, for Your healing power to flow through this stadium. Restore the bodies of all who are sick. Thank You for Your mercy.� God answered in a bold and dramatic way as instantaneous healings took place throughout the stadium.

Vijayawada, India 2000

70,000+ in attendance India is a botttomless pit of need, but the receptiveness of the Indians to a 'Jewish Gospel' is amazing! In the past, the Gospel was presented to these people from the mainstream church's perspective, which was filtered through a Gentile understanding. But when I preached the Good News each evening from a Jewish perspective, Believers and unbelievers alike were astonished with this new message of salvation in a Jewish Messiah. Young and old came with a spiritual hunger, in need of a miracle to survive. Blind eyes were opened. Deaf ears were suddenly able to hear. The Spirit of the living God had made His presence known!

Krasnoyarsk, Siberia 2004

9,000 in attendance This area in Central Siberia is home to Jewish war prisoners who were sent here from Moscow in the early 1600s to colonize the area and strengthen the Moscow principality. Exiled Jews would continue to be the main reason for growth of the Jewish community in Krasnoyarsk, as well as all over Siberia. We were blessed to showcase the talents of music and dance team Kol Simcha and singing sensation Victor Klimenko at our Festival in Krasnoyarsk in August 2004. Plus, one of my dear friends, Sid Roth, was instrumental in providing humanitarian aid and good will to a local orphanage there. Despite initial opposition from a local rabbi, who was trying to intimidate Festival attendees by taking photos of them as they entered the stadium, and despite the fears of many locals that Jewish Voice was there to brainwash them, God did exceedingly above what we could ask or imagine. The stadium was packed, and you could just sense the enthusiasm as attendees anticipated a great night of worship and the chance to come to know and be healed by Messiah Yeshua through our prayer team.

Rosario, Argentina 2011

9,500 in attendance At the close of the 2010 Montevideo, Uruguay, Festival, which brought 8,790 attendees and the planting of our very first Messianic Jewish congregation there through the instrumental work of JVMI friends Jorge and Marcela Goldstein, the Lord placed the great nation of Argentina on my heart once again. I had conducted Festival outreaches in Argentina twice in the last decade; first in Buenos Aires in 2000 (22,000 attendees), and then in Cordoba in 2009 (12,100 attendees).

Since we began the Festivals in 1993, more than 560,000 people have crowded into stadiums, concert halls, and coliseums from St. Petersburg, Russia, in 1993 to Rosario, Argentina, in 2011.

Jewish Voice Today


It seemed God was speaking to me about the city of Rosario, 190 miles northwest of Buenos Aires. Argentina is home to more than 250,000 Jews, many of whom are in the process of making aliyah. Current estimates in Rosario number the Jewish community at 20,000. It was the right place and right time to bring the Good News of Yeshua to these precious people.

Mexico City, Mexico 2012

August 31-September 9 Yeshua said in John 9:4-5, “As long as it is day, we must do the works of him who sent me. Night is coming, when no one can work. While I am in the world, I am the light of the world.” The work continues and we are anticipating even greater fruit for God’s Kingdom this year!

800-299-YESHUA or emailing As we set our focus on the glorious future God has in store for us in these Last Days, let us be ever mindful of the words of the apostle Paul: “Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up” (Galatians 6:9). And, oh, what a harvest it will be!

God is calling us to Mexico City, one of the largest Hispanic Jewish population centers in the world and home to more than 21 million people in its metropolitan center.

God is calling us to Mexico City, one of the largest Hispanic Jewish population centers in the world and home to more than 21 million people in its metropolitan center. You can still join our team as a street evangelist, prayer warrior, and more, so be sure to sign up for the trip by calling Israel Smith, one of our International Coordinators, at

All of history hangs on the answer to one question:

Who is Jesus of Nazareth? a rabbi looks at jesus of nazareth With warmth and transparency, Jewish Voice’s own Messianic Rabbi Jonathan Bernis shares a compelling case—with overwhelming evidence that can be traced to the Torah itself—for Jesus as Messiah. And then he provides Christians with the knowledge and tools they need to effectively share Yeshua with their Jewish family and friends in a loving and sensitive way. 240 pages, hardcover.

Order #9090 | $25.00 GIFT


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Hear O' Israel! Festivals of Jewish Music & Dance

History Location



St. Petersburg, Russia

May 1993


Moscow, Russia

May 1994


Minsk, Belarus

August 1994


Kiev, Ukraine

October 1994


Moscow, Russia

May 1995


St. Petersburg, Russia

June 1995


Odessa, Ukraine

August 1995


Kishinev, Moldova

August 1996


Ukrainian Tour

May/June 1997

Zapporoshye, Ukraine

39,000+ 8,000

Zhitomyr, Ukraine


Vinnitsa, Ukraine


Donetsk, Ukraine


Riga, Latvia

August 1997


Budapest, Hungary

August 1998


May 1999


January 2000


May 2000


Buenos Aires, Argentina

August 2000


Guntur, India

January 2002


Nizhny Novgorod, Russia Vijayawada, India Novosibersk, Siberia

June 2002


Lviv, Ukraine

August 2003


Krasnoyarsk, Siberia

August 2004


Cordoba, Argentina

Oct/Nov 2009


Montevideo, Uruguay

August 2010


Rosario, Argentina

August 2011


Berdyansk, Ukraine

Jewish Voice Today


On To p i c | J a c k K i ns e ll a


Times of the


"Who has heard such a thing? Who has ever seen such things? Can a country be born in a day or a nation be brought forth in a moment? Yet no sooner is Zion in labor than she gives birth to her children" (Isaiah 66:8).


he prophet Jeremiah predicted that the Jews of the Babylonian captivity would be restored after seventy years—and the book of Daniel records that prophecy was literally fulfilled after the Babylonians fell to the Persian Empire. But there was also a second ingathering prophesied for the Jews of Israel by the Prophet Ezekiel, one specifically identified by the prophet as concerning the "latter days" (Ezekiel 38:16).

At that time, said the prophet, the Jews will again inhabit the Land of Promise, which the prophet specifically identifies geographically as "the mountains of Israel." It is this second ingathering that constitutes the most overtly miraculous work of God since the First Advent. The modern State of Israel stands as a living monument to the unbreakable Word of God; vibrant and living evidence of God's existence and His continued involvement in the affairs of mankind. The manner of her restoration is both overtly miraculous and historically fortuitous. It shouldn't exist. But in order for any of the prophecies of the Bible for the Last Days to have any contemporary context, it must exist.

12 | July/August 2012

Without the existence of a literal, politically viable Jewish State known as "Israel," none of the prophecies concerning the Last Days and the coming judgment of the nations find any historical context. Whatever is happening on the global stage would then serve no particular prophetic agenda, and we could draw no particular confidence from seeing it unfold. But, since there is such a historical entity as Israel, a nation 'born in a day' as a Jewish State, against all the odds, we can know that the events that are unfolding in our lifetimes are following a particular script. The current worldwide economic crisis has a prophetic context only because there exists a Jewish State called "Israel." Until the restoration of Israel in 1948, there was no prophetic context into which one could place the Crash of 1929. We can see the prophetic context now, thanks to historical hindsight, but the context is that the Great Depression was among the factors that caused the World War that resulted in the fulfillment of the prophecy of the restoration of Israel in the Last Days. Looking forward or backward, in terms of Bible prophecy, the temporal frame of reference that matters is May 14, 1948. Israel is at the heart of every conflict; the question of the final status of Jerusalem is as important to America or Russia or Europe as it is to Tel Aviv. The Bible records that Yeshua was asked by His disciples, "What shall be the sign of Your coming and of the end of the world?" His reply is recorded in the three Synoptic Gospels and is known collectively as the Olivet Discourse. Among the signs He gave is this one, recorded in Luke 21:24: "Jerusalem will be trampled on by the Gentiles until the times of the Gentiles are fulfilled." The signs of the times mean we are now living in the times of the signs. And the biggest sign of all is the Star of David flying over Jerusalem. What a time to be alive! Jack Kinsella is the founder and publisher of the Omega Letter (www. Jack is head writer of The Hal Lindsey Report television program and former head writer for This Week in Bible Prophecy. Jack is the author of more than two thousand columns on current events and Bible prophecy. Jewish Voice Today


RESOURCESNew! JVMI 2013 Wall Calendar JVMI Boxed Cards Set Bless your friends and family with a personal note written on our unique selection of note cards. Our 3”x5.5” cards feature high quality photographs of scenes from our Jewish Voice humanitarian/medical missions & Festival events. These lovely cards are a distinctive way to express your love for Jewish Voice and what we are doing to reach Jewish People around the world with the Gospel of Yeshua. gift of $20.00 #3250

Revelation Road Best-selling author Bill Salus has crafted an extraordinary and chilling, fast-paced novel with his apocalyptic thriller, Revelation Road.

Pray for Jewish Voice outreaches while knowing you support a ministry that provides the love of Yeshua and medical care to the precious Lost Tribes of Israel! Our stunning full-color calendar captures the land, culture, and complexity of these precious Jewish People in Africa and India. Our Sunday start calendar includes Jewish feast days, plus American, UK, and Canadian holidays. gift of $15.00 #9649 Size: 12"x12"

Star of David Wheat Lapel Pin This beautiful silver and gold-plated lapel pin features the Jewish Voice logo, and is a great conversation starter—a way to open the door to speak to someone about your faith. (Dimensions: 1 1/16” sq. inches) Gift of $45.00 #2851

gift of $23.00 #9089

Jesus “Star of David” Necklace



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14 | July/August 2012

(Dimensions: 1 1/16” sq. inches) Silver.

Gift of $25.00 #9788

Festival Resources Hear O’ Israel! Festival Videos Since 1993, these Outreach Festivals have reached more than 500,000 people in Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, Moldova, Latvia, Hungary, Siberia, Ethiopia, India, and Argentina. Thousands of nationals from these countries, including large numbers of Jewish People, have accepted Yeshua (Jesus) as their Messiah. Each DVD: gift of $15.00

Revival in Argentina Revival in Russia Revival in Russia Revival in Russia Revival in Russia Buenos Aires moscow Riga St. Petersburg Odessa Order #6003 Order #6004 Order #6006 Order #6007 Order #6005

Hear O’ Israel! Festivals of Jewish Music & Dance: Light and Life Come to the Nations This 80-page, soft-cover photo book is filled with history and vibrant photos of the Festivals that have taken place around the world—from Eastern Europe to India to South America!

Gift of $23.00 #8661

Set of 5 DVDs:

gift of $60.00 #1334

Set of 5 DVDs plus Festival Photo Book:

gift of $75.00 #1344

Desert Rain Recorded live on the desert banks of the Dead Sea, this vibrant worship experience features Paul Wilbur and 5,000 worshipers who gathered together to sing for the nation of Israel. Gift of $20.00 #8235

Hebrew Melodies If you have a heart for Israel and the Jewish People, you will truly love Hebrew Melodies, a beautiful collection of Jewish music by Maurice Sklar and Hugh Sung.

Gift of $20.00 #8325


F e st i va l Q & A | M au r i c e S k l a r

A Virtuoso Inspires Decisions for Messiah An interview with Maurice Sklar, Festival Violinist

How and when did you get involved with Jewish Voice Hear O’ Israel! Festivals? I first learned of Jonathan Bernis’ ministry through Ulf Ekman and Word of Life Bible Centre in Uppsala, Sweden. If I am remembering correctly, I first met Jonathan at Benny Hinn’s church, the Orlando Christian Center, in Orlando, Florida, in the early 1990s. Jonathan asked me to join him in Moscow, Russia, for his Russia Jewish Music Festival in 1994.

What have been your roles at our Festivals? I have been a performer during all these Festivals, and it is so rewarding. I help prepare a spiritual, prophetic platform for Jonathan before he ministers. The music breaks through barriers and demonic opposition, and connects with the hearts of the audience so that they can respond to the Gospel message.

Why do you enjoy volunteering in this role with Jewish Voice? Impacting thousands at each Festival through music, bringing the people that attend the Festivals closer to the Lord, and seeing thousands come to the Lord is the most rewarding part about the Festival.

Why are you still involved with JVMI Festivals? I believe in Jonathan’s and Jewish Voice’s vision for the Jewish People and will always support him and Jewish Voice. My wife, Devorah, and I just love him!

How has God blessed and/or pleasantly surprised you because of your involvement with JVMI Festivals? I have always been amazed at how God uses my violin to open hearts and remove spiritual barriers so that both Jews and Gentiles alike can receive the Good News of the Gospel. 16 | July/August 2012

I have a different anointing when I play for Jonathan than when I play anywhere else, and it is a great joy for me. Of course, I was amazed at how many Jewish People were born again, particularly in Russia and Eastern Europe. Also, the staff and volunteers are an inspiration. I have been treated so professionally and so well every time. I just love all of you!

Tell us about a key moment from one of the Festivals you attended that really touched your heart. Sometimes you don’t know if you are impacting the audience that comes, but when you see hundreds of people streaming up to the front for prayer, it moves you. The greatest moment for me was in Moscow when I played “Nigun” by Ernest Bloch in the Olympic Stadium. In those days, I didn’t have a soundtrack for it . . . it was just the solo violin. You could hear a pin drop it was so quiet. Everyone knew the piece and listened with such reverence. That was a musical and spiritual height for me that has never been equaled. That was one of the greatest moments of my whole life.

What truths/principles has God taught you as a participant at our Festival? It is the power of the Gospel to the Jew first. The greatest harvest of Jewish souls in all history—not since the book of Acts have so many Jews come to faith in Yeshua at one time . . . making history; careful planning; great sound, thank God; the best use of strategic music and dance/performing arts for this purpose that I have ever known; excellence in ministry in every detail; and the best treatment by Jonathan’s staff of any ministry I have ever worked with. In fact, after nearly 20 years, I have not one negative memory concerning my Festival partnership with Jonathan Bernis and his team. Thanks for that. You guys are the best!

What type of person should consider coming on this kind of outreach? Anyone who wants to see souls saved, who loves the Jewish People, and who has a helping heart should consider joining a Festival outreach. It is a lot of work, but it is so rewarding. A Festival volunteer should be a mature Believer who does not complain, prefers others before him or herself, is willing to work out on the streets, and is willing to do the dozens of other necessary things that need to be done. Only because of the work and labor of love of these hundreds of volunteers can our jobs as performers be fully used for these events. A volunteer should also have a special love for the Jewish People who are still scattered throughout the earth, as well as the heart of an evangelist that loves the lowest of people with the love of God and is patient and kind with those around them.

What can a new Festival volunteer expect or hope to gain from joining a JVMI Festival outreach? You will experience great camaraderie, team spirit, and overwhelming satisfaction when that one person you met during street ministry shows up and comes to know the Lord. It is a great way to minister to thousands in a short amount of time. Plus, we have a fabulous time! There is great food, great fellowship, and loads of joy that comes only this way! You will be amazed at how the Holy Spirit anoints you for this great task!

Pray for the Peace of

Jerusalem: May they prosper who love you. Psalm 122:6

JVMI Speakers Will Equip & Inspire You Invite a Jewish Voice speaker to your church congregation, camp, conference, or special event. Jewish Voice Ministries International brings doctrinally sound, unique, and insightful presentations 
to help equip your congregation to build up the body of Messiah (Ephesians 4:12).

Sample Topics • The Palestinian Myth: Whose Land Is It Anyway? • The Truth about Islam • Passover Seder and much more. . .


Jewish Voice Ministries International Church Relations Department 800-299-YESHUA | 602.288.5424 Jewish Voice Today


F e st i va l Q & A | D e nn i s A b r a ms

Ushering in Yeshua’s Presence An interview with Dennis Abrams, Festival Volunteer Veteran

How and when did you get involved with Jewish Voice Hear O’ Israel! Festivals?

thousands of people accepting the Lord and turning back to their Messiah. It has been an absolute blessing in my life.

In 1996 a large part of the youth group from Congregation Beth Yeshua in Philadelphia went to the Festival in Moldova, and my wife, Doris, and I were asked to go along as chaperones since we were the youth leaders.

How has God blessed and/ or pleasantly surprised you because of your involvement with JVMI Festivals?

What have been your roles at our Festivals? My first two years of the Festivals, I was in charge of the ushers in the stadium. After that, I was put in charge of both outreach and the ushers in the stadium. At the last several Festivals, I have been in charge of the outreach teams, the usher teams, and the altar call ministry at the end of each Festival night.

Why do you enjoy volunteering in this role with Jewish Voice? I love to serve in this capacity, because I am able to interact with people and I can support the volunteers as they minister. Many volunteers who come for the first time have limited experience in street outreach, ushering, and altar ministry. It gives me great joy to introduce them to those ministries, to teach them what I can, and to train them into the roles that God has for them at the Festival.

Why are you still involved with JVMI Festivals? Working at a JVMI Festival is one of the most exhausting processes I have ever been involved with. However, it is such an amazing blessing to be a part of

At this point, my son is coming with me on most of the Festivals, and he is becoming involved in the ministry. Not only does he join me on street outreach, but at the last two Festivals in Argentina, he has performed on stage—once with the dance troupe and the second time with the Klezmer band. It is a joy to see him raised up early in ministry.

Tell us about a key moment from one of the Festivals you attended that really touched your heart. There are absolutely too many key moments for me to count. Each time I hear a Festival volunteer tell me that they just led someone to the Lord for the very first time, that is a moment no one can put a value on. To see fellow laborers empowered and encouraged in their walk with the Lord while they are ministering to others is something I witness every day during the Festival.

What truths/principles has God taught you as a volunteer at our Festival? Never doubt God. Time and time again, something has happened that would place the entire Festival in doubt, and time and time again God has intervened.

18 | July/August 2012

The Festivals have been an overwhelming success. I also have grown to understand how important this ministry is as it ministers to Jewish People and ministers to Gentiles and it brings them together in one place at one time to worship the same Lord.

What type of person should consider coming on this kind of outreach? I do not believe there is a type of person qualified to participate in our outreach. Rather, I think that anyone, if they want to serve the Lord, can be equipped by God to work on these outreaches. If you cannot walk great distances, which is a requirement for the street ministry, the prayer room is available for an outreach of a different kind. There is something for everyone on these Festivals. There is no reason for anyone to stay home!

What can a new Festival volunteer expect or hope to gain from joining a JVMI Festival outreach? Without a doubt, your faith will be strengthened. You will gain a boldness and desire for sharing the Lord that you never had before. You will know that when your time comes to go be with the Lord, one of those occasions where He will look at your track record and say, “Well done, faithful servant” will be serving as a volunteer at a JVMI Festival. I say that with all respect and humility, because the Festivals are all about reaching God’s people for God’s purpose in God’s time. To be a part of that process means you are aligned with God’s will.

Called to Full-Time

Jewish Ministry?

The Jewish Voice Messianic Career Institute (JVMCI) May Be Your Answer! The JEWISH VOICE MESSIANIC CAREER INSTITUTE (JVMCI) is a two-year, full-time Phoenix-based program designed to fully equip and send these “called-out ones” into the Jewish harvest! Whether you are university age, an early retiree, or preparing to change careers in order to fulfill this call on your life, the MESSIANIC CAREER INSTITUTE could be the answer to your prayers!

ACADEMIC TRAINING As a student in the Messianic Career Institute, you will be equipped with a high-level Messianic Jewish Education with SIX COURSES IN EACH OF THESE SUBJECTS: Tanakh (Hebrew Bible) Brit Chadashah (New Testament) Jewish and Christian History and Culture


Practical Theology Hebrew: Modern, Biblical, and Liturgical

As part of the JVMCI educational experience, students will be engaged in Practical Messianic Ministry.

Jonathan Bernis

During the week, students have opportunities to serve

JVMCI President

within the various departments of Jewish Voice Ministries International (Outreach, Media, Publications, and more). On the weekends, students will also be connected with opportunities for ministry within local Messianic congregations.

Raymind L. Gannon Full-tuition scholarships are available!

Vice President for Academic Affairs

For more information, call the JVMCI at 602.288.9891, visit, or write to Dr. Raymond L. Gannon at Jewish Voice Today


M i ddl e E a st Upd at e | b i ll k o e n i g

A Tale of Two Committees Two opposing forces in the Jewish community pertaining to Israel: Neither will support the biblical or strategic rights to Judea and Samaria


oday, there are two opposing forces in the Jewish community pertaining to Israel. There is the 50-year-old American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), “America’s proIsrael lobby,” and the four-year-old J Street group, which claims to be proIsrael, pro-peace movement, and an advocate for peace in the Middle East.

As usual, there was significant security at the AIPAC conference—metal detectors, security wands, and many security personnel—which were increased even more during President Barack Obama and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s addresses. All attendees went through security, and employees went through security and background checks.

There were 13,000 attendees at AIPAC’s Annual Policy Conference at the Washington Convention Center from March 4-6. There were 2,500 attendees at J Street’s “Making History” conference at the Washington Convention Center from March 24-27.

There were no metal detectors, security wands, etc., at J Street. There were only a few security personnel in attendance, and you had to look to find them. I guess if you actively back a Palestinian state, you aren’t concerned about being a victim of terror.

20 | July/August 2012

At AIPAC, there were many breakout sessions on the major risks Israel faces internally, on its borders and throughout the Middle East. This complements the frequent news and commentary posted at their website. J Street had two meetings: “What If Israel Attacks Iran?” and “The Impact of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict on America’s Interests: A Military Perspective.” Both focused on the impact on the United States and the world community, but not Israel. J Street brought in Arab members of the Israeli Knesset and Palestinians who don’t represent the Palestinian people in their parliament. None

of these people has a political say in Palestinian politics, nor was there a mention of the Hamas-led Palestinian Parliament (they hold 74 of 132 seats)—which doesn’t acknowledge Israel’s right to exist. J Street seems to be well intentioned, but it is unable to fully comprehend the enormous threats Israel faces in the country, on the border, and across the Middle East. Jews and Arabs may get along at the J Street conference, but this is a false picture, since these people have nothing to do with Israel living in peace and security—and they won’t be the ones negotiating a peace deal. Neither group has publicly committed to the biblical boundaries of the nation of Israel and has stated that this is not a biblical issue but a practical one. Most on both sides of the debate have no interest in discussing Israel’s biblical right to the Land, specifically Judea, Samaria, and East Jerusalem. AIPAC doesn’t want to oppose the Israeli government’s position, which was forced on it by the United States and the international community. AIPAC has built enormous support on Capitol Hill for ensuring Israel’s peace and security but will not challenge Congress’ two-state position. AIPAC won’t make a public statement that Judea and Samaria are of strategic importance because it doesn’t want to oppose the Israeli government or possibly jeopardize financial support for Israel through Congress. AIPAC knows quite well the strategic importance of Judea, Samaria, and East Jerusalem. At its conference, it has many briefings on the threats that Israel faces on the inside, on the borders, and throughout the Middle East. J Street acts as if there is no threat to Israel—or underplays it. It believes the threat would diminish greatly if Israel would give up what it calls “Occupied Land” in a peace deal. It doesn’t attempt to connect the security dots. In reality, not standing for the biblical rights of the Promised Land or the strategic importance of Judea, Samaria, and East Jerusalem is leading the Middle East to the future wars spoken of in Ezekiel 38-39, Zechariah 12-14, Psalm 83, Isaiah 17:1, Mathew 24, Revelation, and many other Scriptures.

Medical Volunteer s Needed

Medical, De Optical, O ntal, B/G YN

Upcoming Medical Clinic Outreaches Gondar, Ethiopia 9/28 - 10/7/12 Manipur, India 10/26 - 11/4/12 Woliso, Ethiopia 2/22 - 3/3/13 Reach out to the Lost Tribes of Israel with the tangible love of Yeshua! For more information, contact JVMI's Global Outreach Department at:

800-299-YESHUA or email:

William Koenig is the director of “Koenig International News” (, an Internet news service with readers and e-mail subscribers in 50 states and 105 countries, and has been a White House correspondent since January 2001. Koenig publishes an online weekly news report called “Koenig’s Eye View from the White House” that focuses on biblically relevant world news and White House news from a Christian perspective. He has authored Eye to Eye: Facing the Consequences of Dividing Israel, which is in its 14th printing, and published the book in Hebrew. Jewish Voice Today


On To p i c | J o n at h a n G a nn o n

2012 Festival Outreach in

Mexico City


he 2012 outreach year will be crowned by one of the most epic international outreaches ever organized by JVMI. For several years the Lord has stirred the heart of Jonathan Bernis and this ministry to bring the Good News of Messiah Yeshua to the largest Jewish population center in all of Central America—Mexico City. Residing primarily in the Polanco District, the Jewish community has assimilated successfully into the very nationalistic culture of Mexico. With estimates as low as 75,000 and some as high as 200,000, this largely secular Jewish community is spiritually lost and eternally hopeless without Yeshua. After years of prayer and planning, the doors for JVMI have finally opened! The Lord has emphatically confirmed the timing, the team is prepared, and we are forging ahead! Mexico City was originally built by the Aztecs in 1325 on an island of Lake Texcoco. Tenochtitlan was eventually

22 | July/August 2012

conquered by conquistador Hernán Cortés following his defeat of the Aztec emperor Montezuma in 1520. The city was later named Mexico City in 1585. Mexico City is a sprawling city and boasts a population of more than 12 million residents. Some consider Mexico City the “New York City” of Central America. The city’s impressive international airport, performing arts presence, museums, universities, and sporting arenas exemplify the strength and modernity of the city. However, although the city is more than 90 percent Catholic, Mexico City is extremely pluralistic. The famous national cathedral of Mexico City (Metropolitan Cathedral of the Assumption of Mary) was built by Spanish conquistadors on the site of an Aztec temple (Templo Mayor).

(Continued on page 24)

Your Ticket to Global Missions!

India Manipur In India’s mountainous northeastern sector, thousands of Bnei Menashe (“Children of Manasseh”) live as part of the Hmar and Mizo tribal communities. We live in one of the greatest moments in Bible prophecy as God continues to gather His scattered People back unto Himself! Some 7,000 of the Bnei Menashe have been approved to make aliyah to the Land of Israel. In the meantime, these precious people need medical, dental, and eye care – as well as the life-changing message of Yeshua. Reach them with the tangible love of Yeshua! Come and serve this Lost Tribe in one of the most remote parts of the world through our medical outreach clinic!


October 26 - November 4, 2012

For more information or to register, visit or call 800-299-YESHUA. Jewish Voice Today


(Continued from page 22) Following the defeat of the Aztecs, the cathedral was constructed over the site of the temple to consolidate Spanish power. The church was built with the very stones of the Aztec temple, an architectural personification of the pluralistic nature of the city. To this day, Aztec priests can be seen performing rituals just beyond the gates of the cathedral . . . while non-Catholic Believers in Jesus are legally prohibited from engaging in evangelism in the same area! The site remains one of the most spiritually oppressive areas in Mexico with demonic manifestations and satanic cultural representations in abundance. Only the light of Yeshua can pierce this ancient darkness!

hungry Jews who encountered Yeshua as Messiah. Many tens of thousands of Jews and Gentiles came to faith. The legacy of this great outreach model has continued over the years and will yield abundant spiritual fruit in Mexico City as it has throughout South America and Eastern Europe. The dates for this outreach are August 31-September 9, 2012. My most sincere hope and prayer is that you begin preparing to join us on this amazing outreach. We need 150-200 people to partner with JVMI on the streets of Mexico City, sharing the Good News of Yeshua, and inviting people to the Festival outreach. Together we can make a difference for the King of Kings! See you in Mexico. Go to for more information about our Festival outreaches.

We need 150-200 people to partner with JVMI on the streets of Mexico City, sharing the Good News of Yeshua, and inviting people to the Festival outreach.

The Hear O’ Israel! Festival of Jewish Music & Dance is a very unique outreach model. Jonathan Bernis was led to employ this outreach system nearly 20 years ago in Russia and filled stadiums and concert halls with spiritually

The Power of Speaking God's Word Confessing the Hebrew Scriptures The first of the series is Adonai (Jehovah Rof•e•cha), The Lord Your Healer. This first workbook is a compilation of healing Scriptures that contain the English, Hebrew, and transliteration from the Hebrew. Each workbook is also filled with beautiful pictures and an accompanying CD with every Scripture recited in Hebrew by a native Israeli, so you hear the correct pronunciation. Order #8685 | $40.00 Gift Gift pricing includes shipping & handling.

To 24 | July/August 2012


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Where to Watch!

J e w i s h V o i c e w i t h j o n at h a n b e rn i s | b r o a dc a st g u i d e

Jewish Voice with Jonathan Bernis


GUIDE NATIONAL TV STATION TIME PERIOD El Paso, TX KSCE-TV 38 National Angel One National TCC-Church Channel National NRB Network National Cornerstone National TCC-Church Channel National Angel One National TBN Orlando, FL WTGL National WHT National NRB Network National Angel One National Daystar National NRB Network KSCE-TV 38 El Paso, TX Orlando, FL WACX-TV 9 WGGN-TV 52 Cleveland, OH National GEB GEB National

Mon 2:00am (CST) Mon 4:00am (EST) Mon 4:30am (PST) Mon 3:30am (EST) Mon 7:30am (EST) Mon 7:30am (PST) Mon 8:00am (EST) Mon 10:30am (PST) Mon 1:30pm (EST) Mon 7:30pm (EST) Mon 10:00pm (EST)

National WHT National Angel One National NRB Network National GEB National Cornerstone TCC-Church Channel National National Angel One Phoenix, AZ KPAZ-TV 21 National GEB National Daystar National Cornerstone National NRB Network National Angel One National Daystar El Paso, TX KSCE-TV 38 Orlando, FL WACX-TV 9 National Cornerstone WTGL Orlando, FL Orlando, FL WACX-TV 9

Wed 1:30am (EST) Wed 8:30am (EST) Wed 5:30pm (EST) Wed 1:00pm (CST) Wed 7:00pm (EST)

Tue 8:30am (EST) Tue 10:00am (CST) Tue 7:30pm (EST) Tue 7:30pm (CST) Tue 9:00pm (EST) Tue 7:30pm (EST) Tue 5:00pm (CST) Tue 7:00pm (CST)

Thu 8:30am (PST) Thu 8:30am (EST) Thu 9:30am Arizona Thu 11:00am (CST) Thu 12:30pm (CST) Thu 5:30pm (EST) Fri 3:00am (EST) Fri 8:00am (EST) Fri 8:00am (CST) Fri 8:30am (CST) Fri 11:00am (EST) Fri 11:30am (EST) Fri 12:30pm (EST) Fri 3:00pm (EST)


Orlando, FL WACX-TV 9 National Angel One Orlando, FL WTGL Angel One National Philadelphia, PA WFMZ National Cornerstone National TCC-Church Channel Orlando, FL WACX-TV 9 El Paso, TX KSCE-TV 38 National WHT Orlando, FL WTGL National NRB Network National Angel One Cleveland, OH WGGN-TV 52 National GEB

Sun 12:30am (EST) Sun 1:30am (EST) Sun 7:00am (EST) Sun 10:00am (EST) Sun 9:30am (EST) Sun 12:00pm (EST) Sun 3:00pm (PST) Sun 4:30pm (EST) Sun 5:00pm (CST) Sun 12:00pm (EST) Sun 7:00pm (EST) Sun 6:00pm (EST) Sun 8:30pm (EST) Sun 9:30pm (EST) Sun 12:30pm (CST)

Canada Canada Canada Canada Canada Canada Canada Canada UK UK


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India/Asia/Israel International Global International Global Russia Russia Russia Russia South America & SE Texas

Miracle Net (MNET) God TV (US) God TV Global God TV (US) God TV Global CNL Russia LIFE TV Russia LIFE TV Russia LIFE TV Russia La Familia/Nacion

Wed 7:30am India Tue 12:00pm Tue 12:00pm Thu 12:00pm Thu 12:00pm Sun 11:55am Tue 8:00pm Wed 12:00pm Wed 3:00am Various | Check with your local service provider for the most current information. Jewish Voice Today


On To p i c | J ayd e n A . L e v i tt

A Stadium-Sized Dream Have you ever dreamed what it would be like to personally witness thousands of Jewish People embrace Jesus as their Messiah and Savior?


magine the scene: In some far-flung spot on the globe, thousands of sons and daugthers of Jacob of all ages stream into a stadium or orchestra hall where they know they’ll hear the Gospel. Their lives are difficult. “There must be something more,” their empty eyes seem to say, “and maybe it has to do with this curious ‘Yeshua.’” Many have little understanding of what it means to be Jewish, and hope to learn more. Some come driven by desperation so great, they’ve literally knocked down the doors, crashing through glass walls, to get a seat inside the arena. Others, sensing a date with destiny, willingly endure an entire day outside in the icy cold (or sweltering heat), waiting for the doors to open. They come, even though, like in the book of Acts, fanatical fringe Jewish groups opposed to the Gospel (“anti-missionaries”) may try to stop them. Of course, many Gentiles are present as well; they’re just as interested as their Jewish neighbors in a God who loves, forgives, and heals.

The praise and worship of Yeshua begins, and His Holy Presence— feeling at first both strange yet soothing—tenderly touches their hearts. Something deep inside the Jewish soul resonates to the arrival of the Ancient of Days. Soon children are dancing, crowds are clapping, and tears are splashing. It’s as if God has thrown a grand party to welcome home His prodigal Jewish People. Jonathan tells them about the Sovereign Source of the peace and joy that changed his life and can change theirs. And they listen, intently. Finally an altar call is given, and literally multitudes jump at the chance to express faith in Israel’s Messiah. Many, including the sick and cancer-afflicted, are miraculously and instantaneously healed. Precious Jewish People leave visibly changed, filled with hope, health, and most importantly, heaven in their hearts. In the book of Acts, the apostle Peter preached in Jerusalem one day, and

26 | July/August 2012

3,000 Jews turned to Yeshua. To the glory of God, and as He promised, He is doing even greater works in these Last Days. God has been using these Festivals to build bridges between Gentiles and Jews in unusual ways. For example, many of the cities in which we hold Festivals have been blood-stained by centuries of anti-Semitism. The large-scale outreach imparts a new appreciation of Jewish culture—and Jewish People. Over and again we hear, usually between heaving sobs, these words from local Christians impacted by our ministry: “I repent of the Jew-hatred in my heart. May God forgive me, and may He show me how to love and help the Jewish People.” In these days of mounting anti-Semitism all over the world, we trust God will. —Jayden A. Levitt, Former Festival Participant

Your Ticket to Global Missions!

Africa Gondar, Ethiopia Minister in the epicenter of Ethiopian Jewry – Gondar, Ethiopia. This city is where the Jewish Community of this nation actually originated. Through a recent landmark change in Israeli policy, aliyah has opened for many over the next several years, and thousands are scheduled to return to Israel. Come and minister to these Jewish outcasts with us as we bring free medical, dental, and eye care, and allow the Lord to use you to facilitate physical and spiritual healing in the lives of these precious children of Abraham. No medical training required. Bonus excursion to Fasilidas’ Castle!

Gondar September 28 - October 7, 2012 For more information or to register, visit or call 800-299-YESHUA. Jewish Voice Today


Israel Tour


November 30 - December 11, 2012

My family and I invite you to join us for the experience of a lifetime in the Land where Yeshua walked!

Reserve Your Spot Now! Call: 800-299-YESHUA Email: Web:

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