Jewish Voice Today, Nov/Dec 2012

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SITUATION November/December 2012 ZAH/ELQK/OEYG Cheshvan/Kislev/Tevet 5773

Jewish Voice Today Volume 46 | Number 6

God’s plan will be fulfilled in His timing.

Will you be part of it? F

ew topics captivate our minds, or fill our hearts with fear, like the End Times. Books and sermons on the book of Revelation are plentiful. Yet uncertainty and misunderstanding continue to abound. Now, with a perspective that is both startling and hopeful, Rabbi Jonathan Bernis, a prominent leader in the Messianic Movement, unpacks the mysteries of this cryptic time. Jonathan's surprising insights, drawn from both Old and New Testaments, will challenge almost everything you thought you knew about the End Times—and show how you can actually help to usher in God’s Kingdom. “Everything in reference to end times centers around the Jew and Israel. This is why it takes a Messianic Jewish rabbi to clearly see the end times from God’s perspective.”—Sid Roth, host and president, It’s Supernatural “I can’t imagine a more exciting perspective on the Last Days than from a Messianic Believer. What a time to be a Believer!”—Janet Parshall, nationally syndicated talk show host, In the Market with Janet Parshall

A RABBI LOOKS AT THE LAST DAYS This revised and expanded edition unpacks surprising and life-changing insights on Israel, the Last Days, and the Messianic hope of every Believer. Coming January 2013.


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2 | November/December 2012

shalom M]L[ Shalom, JVMI Partner and Friend!

No sooner had the angels left them and gone back into heaven than the shepherds said to one another, “Let’s go over to Beit-Lechem and see this thing that has happened, that Adonai has told us about.” —Luke 2:15 The Complete Jewish Bible

We are about to complete our most active year yet at Jewish Voice Ministries International, my friends. Your prayers and generous support have sent me and our Global Outreach Team around the world since February. We have been to Addis Ababa, Woliso, and Gondar in Ethiopia; Zimbabwe; Mexico City (for the largest Festival of Jewish Music & Dance we have ever hosted in our history); and our team is in Manipur, India, conducting a medical clinic right now. We have much to be thankful for in 2012! You have stood with us on the frontlines of the battle to reach the Jew first and also the nations with the life-giving message of Yeshua. It has been wonderful! Thank you and bless you for your abiding faithfulness! As 2012 comes to a conclusion, we are particularly privileged to offer special articles about how to understand the current Middle East situation from dear friends, Israel expert Bill McKay, end-times prophet Bill Salus, Washington correspondent Bill Koenig, economist Kevin Freeman, and former PLO terrorist Walid Shoebat, along with our own Rabbi Jack Zimmerman, who helps us understand why a Messianic Jewish rabbi celebrates Chanukah. I know you will benefit from every powerful article, including my own article to help you sort through all of the events taking place in our world. As we honor the traditional anniversary of Yeshua’s birth, I encourage you to read the Gospel of Luke. Luke beautifully details the birth of our Messiah, speaking of life and light, peace on earth and goodwill toward all people. Jewish Voice will continue to carry the Light of the World to all the people of the world for as long as the doors to the world remain open. With your prayers, more opportunities will be opened to us.

With your love and support, we will answer the call to reach the Jew first and also the nations. Happy holidays!

Jonathan Bernis, President & CEO Jewish Voice Ministries International

Jewish Voice Today




12 On Topic 7 UP FRONT Is Peace Possible? By Jonathan Bernis

10 GUEST AUTHOR Israel's Perpetual Existential Threat By Bill McKay

12 GUEST AUTHOR Was the 2008 Collapse the Result of a Financial Jihad? By Kevin Freeman

14 GUEST AUTHOR The Muslim Brotherhood's New Egypt By Bill Salus

18 GUEST AUTHOR Israel, the United States, and Iran By Bill Koenig

Regulars 20 GUEST AUTHOR Syria and the 'Sudden Terror' By Jack Kinsella

22 GUEST AUTHOR Turkey: Israel's Greatest Threat By Walid Shoebat

Jewish Holiday & Observance 24 JEWISH HOLIDAY Why I Celebrate Chanukah

3 SHALOM By Jonathan Bernis

5 NOTEWORTHY By Laura Peck




Where to Watch! 30 BROADCAST GUIDE

By Jack Zimmerman

Join us monthly for our 90-minute live, interactive webcast, and get your questions about Israel, Bible prophecy, current events, and theology answered on the show. Please visit for the latest information.

4 | November/December 2012

NOTEworthy A

s instability in the Middle East continues to be a daily reality not just for our beloved Israel but also for those who still support her, it is becoming more and more crucial to know where we as Believers stand should the world spiral into a crisis of mammoth proportions.

About This Issue

go deeper and speak more boldly in this issue to bring you the truth, so that you will both be prepared for what may come, and react with a Believer’s discerning yet

trusting heart and a mind that is at rest in the Lord. Hope you enjoy this jam-packed issue . . . and be sure to share this with your friends.

What should our perspective be with so much at stake and with so many unknowns? Does the Bible speak prophetically about the state of our world and what we might expect as the global stage is set for the Last Days? How can we know the truth and not fear what may come? We at Jewish Voice Today have brought together some of the best minds, the top experts in their fields to speak on our current crisis in the Middle East. Contributors like Bill McKay, Walid Shoebat, Bill Salus, Kevin Freeman, Bill Koenig, and more

Todah Rabah, thank you, to: Publisher

Executive Editor Jonathan Bernis Director of Communications Mary Ellen Breitwiser

Jewish Voice Ministries International P.O. Box 31998 Phoenix, AZ 85046-1998 USA 602-97l-850l 800-299-YESHUA Jewish Voice Ministries Canada P.O. Box 476 Maple Ridge, BC V2X 3P2 855-7-YESHUA

Art Director Evie Kriegbaum

Jewish Voice Ministries UK Admail 4224 London W2 4UN 855-9-YESHUA

Graphic Designers Evie Kriegbaum Jennifer Nelson

Magazine questions or comments:

Assoc. Ed./ Social Media Specialist Laura Peck

Production Supervisor Kathleen Johnston

Unless otherwise noted, all Scripture is taken from the New International Version Š1984. JewishVoice jewishvoicetoday jewish_voice


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f you haven’t searched our newly updated website, now is the time to see what we have done to improve your online experience.

Our cleaner design and easy-to-find navigation makes it that much simpler to locate just what you are looking for. Plus, we have some great new features–our Hebrew Word of the Day, answers to your frequently asked theology questions from Rabbi Jonathan Bernis, a wonderful new Prayer section, a fantastic Messianic Education section, and more! So take a look, familiarize yourself with the Jewish roots of your faith, sign up for an outreach, watch our weekly television show, and join us in a ‘Round-the-Clock Prayer event. It’s faith . . . at your fingertips.

We Remember... A

s Director of Partner Relations at Jewish Voice, I have the tremendous blessing of visiting many of our partners in all parts of the country. It is always exciting for me to meet someone for the first time. In 2006, I had the privilege of travelling to the Cypress area of Houston to meet our partners Mildred and Lawrence Lieder at their steel fabrication shop. When I first met Mildred, I asked how she was doing, “Blessed, redeemed, and highly favored of the Lord” was her quick reply . . . and as I soon learned, her signature response. And blessed she was! She and Lawrence spent a lifetime laboring together to build a very successful business, Tex Fab, building the steel tanks that refine gasoline. Mildred was the secretary/treasurer and office manager, but she still made time to raise and nurture four children, 11 grandchildren, and 18 great-grandchildren. Their pictures

adorned the walls of their modest Cypress home. (Lawrence’s grandparents had homesteaded the land in the late 1800s.) She and Lawrence were faithful members of their church and strong supporters of Christian education. Mildred, I learned, had a wonderful voice and loved singing in the choir; even recording her own CD. My favorite memories of Mildred included the humorous political emails we frequently passed back and forth—she was not shy about her conservative political convictions—and the tearful mid-morning calls I would receive when she was watching Jewish Voice Today with Jonathan Bernis while she was getting ready for work. She had a soft heart for those who were hurting, especially the children of Ethiopia, and on more than one occasion, she called (after

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consulting Lawrence) with a significant gift to the ministry. When I would thank her, she would always defer, telling me it was all to the glory of God. I shared many meals with the Lieders over the years, and when Jonathan Bernis was in town, he would join us. They loved Jonathan and developed a lasting friendship. Mildred especially loved Jonathan’s wife, Elisangela, and oldest daughter, Liel, and asked about them often. Even after successful knee surgery that slowed her down a bit, she and Lawrence, now in their early 80s, continued to work every day.

(Continued on page 28)

U P F R O N T | J O N AT H A N B E R N I S

Is Peace Possible? O

ne of Israel’s greatest prime ministers, Golda Meir, once said, “Peace will come when the Arabs love their children more than they hate us.” Since Israel’s statehood in 1948, they have endured repeated wars and attacks. They have constantly faced the threat of a hostile Muslim world that wants them wiped off the map. Thousands of their young soldiers have been killed in this struggle for their survival and thousands more civilians have perished in terrorist attacks and suicide bombings. Jewish Voice Today


Despite decades of negotiations and numerous accords and agreements, things have not changed all that much between Israel and the Palestinians over the last 40-plus years. In fact, the prospect of peace today seems further away than ever. Israel presently has no viable partner with whom they can seriously negotiate. A Hamas-led Palestinian government is certainly not an option. The Obama administration is clearly no longer able to play the role of “impartial” mediator in this conflict now that a demand to return to the pre-1967 borders has been announced, an option that is indefensible and places Israel in peril.

Great Britain and the United States have recently shifted position and taken a more adversarial role toward Israel.

The rise to power of radical Islamic groups like the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, the instability in Syria, the growing anti-Israel position of Turkey, and, of course, the looming threat of Iran completing their development of nuclear weapons to launch against Israel have created the greatest threat to Israel’s continued existence since the Yom Kippur War of 1973. In addition, long-time allies such as

Israel is a tiny nation—the entire country could fit inside the borders of Lake Michigan with room to spare. Surrounded by enemies on every side and greatly outnumbered by her Arab neighbors, the survival of Israel from 1948 to the present is surely a result of Divine Providence and staggering sacrifice on the part of generation after generation of Israelis.

Clearly, Europe is not going to intervene beyond their anemic sanctions imposed on Iran, and the Obama administration has sent a final warning to Israel that they are on their own if they attack Iran. The White House has refused missile backup—both operationally and to cover Israel defensively in the event of a counter strike. Still, Israel will be forced to strike to prevent Iran from completing a nuclear warhead if something doesn’t change. And time is running out!

As you hear and see Israel being land for peace, keep in mind to date have only been met with resulted not in peace but

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As you hear and see Israel being pressed to make concessions of land for peace, keep in mind that all of the concessions made to date have only been met with demands for more, and have resulted not in peace but in continued hostility. If the Palestinians truly wanted to live in peaceful co-existence with Israel, then Gaza—turned over to them in 2005—would today be engaged in trade with Israel and living in friendship side by side. Instead, Gaza has become a staging ground for almost daily missile attacks launched against nearby Israeli towns. Why would we expect anything different if Israel gives over the entire West Bank? The lessons of the last century should have taught us that appeasement never works, but it appears that our generation is intent on relearning that lesson at Israel’s expense. Truth be told, it is highly unlikely if not impossible that any plan for peace engineered or imposed by man will succeed. The only viable plan for peace that will succeed is God’s peace plan, and that plan is through

the Prince of Peace, Yeshua—Jesus, the Messiah. Only when He is invited in and hearts are changed can Arab and Jew, Israeli and Palestinian live in true peace with one another.

How Should We Respond? It is important as Bible Believers that we always remember that this is a spiritual issue, not a political issue. Our understanding of this conflict and how we should respond must be rooted in the Word of God. What God says matters far more than what man says or thinks. We must turn to the Scriptures and align ourselves with God’s perspectives on such issues. In Genesis 15:8, God promised the Land of Israel to Abraham and his descendants as an everlasting possession. “On that day the LORD made a covenant with Abram and said, ‘To your

(Continued on page 26)

pressed to make concessions of that all of the concessions made demands for more, and have in continued hostility.

Jewish Voice Today



Israel’s Perpetual Existential

Threat T

he American Pulitzer Prizewinning syndicated columnist Charles Krauthammer carefully articulated in a Washington Post op-ed published on August 23, 2012, “Everyone wants to avoid military action, surely the Israelis above all. They can expect a massive counterattack from Iran, 50,000 rockets launched from Lebanon, Islamic Jihad firing from Gaza, and worldwide terror against Jewish and Israeli targets, as happened last month in Bulgaria. Yet Israel will not sit idly by in the face of the most virulent genocidal threats since Nazi Germany. The result then was 6 million murdered Jews. There are 6 million living in Israel today. Time is short. Last-ditch negotiations in Istanbul, Baghdad and Moscow have failed abjectly. . . . All options are bad. Doing nothing is worse.”

From the very first anti-Semitic rants (calling for the utter destruction of all of the Jewish People) out of the mouth of Haman, to the most immediate threats to annihilate the state of Israel by the Iranian head of state, there is a common thread. There is a common author. There is a common purpose. What each of these threats has in common is this: The Accuser of the Brethren. The “Accuser” has been diligent in his multi-millennial effort to destroy the “Chosen People.” All of this effort has been put forward to make the Lord out to be a liar, in terms of His promise to Abraham.


Today, modern Israel is likely preparing for the mother of all wars. As one who has studied the wars of Israel—from the War for Independence in 1948 to the Lebanon War of 2008—I can state, with a degree of certainty, that this pending war is, by its very nature, potentially existential.

In late summer, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad announced, "Israel is a malignant cancer" and an "insult to humanity" and said, "the black stain of Zionism must be removed." Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei stated, "Israel will disappear from the map." And a prominent Iranian general, Amir Ali Hajizadeh, proclaimed, "Israel must be destroyed forever."

Here are the implications. The direct threat is a nuclear Iran. If Israel and the West allow Iran to become nuclear, it will become the dominant power in the Arab world. This will give Iran immediate blackmail power over its Arab neighbors and defacto control over the Straits of Hormuz and thereby the oil bound for the West. Iran’s ability to manipulate the politics of Europe would be extraordinary, to say the least. Iran could force Europe’s hand to implement the “South African solution,” an economic boycott of Israel. Europe would have only two



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options: a) wage an all out nuclear exchange with Iran, or b) capitulate to Iranian demands to strangle Israel economically. Given the pacifistic strains of Europe, its present economic crisis, and the loss of Arab oil, it is my considered opinion that Europe will economically boycott Israel, without much hesitation. This will leave America standing alone in its support for Israel. Thus, the election in November will determine whether America will protect Israel, at all costs.


Now comes the question of Egypt and the much-vaunted Arab Spring. Will the recently installed Muslim Brotherhood maintain the peace treaty, as set forth in the Camp David Accords, or will the Brotherhood abrogate the treaty if war breaks out between Israel and Iran? In the past decade, I have spoken publicly and privately regarding the “enemies of Israel;” and I have predicted that the Camp David Accords would eventually be breached in favor of another war between these ancient enemies. As I read of the recent military actions in the Sinai by the Egyptians toward Israel in recent days, it appears quite probable that Egypt would join with Iran and selected Arab countries on a mission to try to wipe it off the face of the earth. This is wholly consistent with the history of the Muslim Brotherhood doctrinaire.


What about Syria and Hezbollah,

directly north of Israel in Lebanon? At the moment, Syria is embroiled in a massive civil war and does not appear to be in a position to join with its long standing ally, Iran. However, Syrian President Assad has control of weapons of mass destruction and could be tempted to use them if his very existence is threatened. Furthermore, he could seek to ameliorate the tension of the civil war by calling on all Syrians to go to war with Israel, as prescribed by the Arab axiom: the enemy of my enemy is my friend. Since the defeat of Hezbollah in the Lebanon War of 2008, Nasrallah has been building up huge stockpiles of weapons and rockets. In recent weeks, Nasrallah has been continually threatened to rain hell and wrath on the Israeli civilian population.



This leaves the last actor in the Middle East Theater, Hamas. Hamas in its founding charter has called for the extinction of Israel and has never deterred once from its founding commitment. So, it is safe to bet that Hamas would relish the pending war with Israel, should Iran call the Arabs to an all out war to try to perpetuate the second Holocaust and fulfill its founding mission: the promise to destroy every living Jew. What is critical to factor into the great question of Iran’s intentions is whether Iran is bluffing war or is deadly serious. At the core of this question is whether the mullahs of Iran believe that a war with Israel will accelerate the coming of the Twelfth Imam (what Christians and Jews look for in the Messiah). As the teachings of the mullahs go, and as it is applied to war with its avowed enemy, Israel, should a nuclear war begin and Tehran is wiped off the earth, it would only

act as a cause agent for the coming of the Twelfth Imam. In this theological construct, Iran is in a “no lose” proposition. Many in the West have argued that a nuclear policy, like the one we had with the Soviets, could well apply to the Iranian situation. During the Cold War, the nuclear doctrine was defined as Mutually Assured Destruction or its acronym, MAD. To the credit of our military strategists, MAD worked and we avoided a hot nuclear war with the Soviets. The underlying rationale for the MAD doctrine was that the Soviets were evil but rational. As it relates to the Iranians, I would postulate that it would be a strategic error to assume that they are rational. My analysis is that the Iranians, based on their publicly proclaimed theology, are not only evil but also irrational. And this could make for a lethal nuclear cocktail. Having just returned from Israel in late summer, the sense is that war is imminent. Many experts that I spoke with suggest that the actual window for war is prior to the American election, as it will force Obama to tacitly support Israel for fear that he will lose American Jewish support in the upcoming election. Therefore, we Christians have but one task in front of us: Stand with the Jewish People, no matter the cost.

OUR CALL TO ACTION Isaiah 40:1 is a prophetic call to the Bible-believing Christians everywhere in the world to comfort the Jewish People. It is clear to me, as I read this ancient prophetic call that Isaiah is not speaking to the secular humanists. Furthermore, he was not speaking to

(Continued on page 26) Jewish Voice Today


G U E S T AU T H O R | K E V I N F R E E M A N

2008 Collapse the Result of a

Was the


o many strict Muslims, Western free market capitalism is contrary to the divine plan of Allah as revealed in the Quran.1 The major objection is based on the concept of interest known as riba, which is considered forbidden to a Muslim.2 Capitalism is considered greedy, unjust, and corrosive. In response, Islamic economic principles were adopted into an approach known as Shariah Compliant Finance (SCF) in the early 20th century.3 One of the fastest growing forms of finance in the world today, Shariah Compliant Finance was largely

architected in its modern form by Muslim Brotherhood founder Hassan al Banna who “designed political, economic, and financial foundations to enable Muslims to fulfill a key form of jihad mandated by the Quran— financial jihad.”4 According to Yusuf Qaradawi, an Egyptian Islamic theologian and host of ash-Shariah wal-Hayat (“Shariah and Life”) on Al Jazeera—a show with an audience of 60 million spanning the globe—“I like to call it Jihad with money, because Allah has ordered us to fight enemies with our lives and our money.”5 Besides the issues of greed and interest, Jihadists also despise capitalism because of its ability to fund Western military might. Monin Khawaja, convicted of participating in a bomb plot in Great Britain, wrote, “We have to come up with a way that we can drain their economy of all its resources, cripple their industries, and bankrupt their systems in place, all so that they are forced to withdraw their troops, so they cannot afford to go to war. . . . We need constant economic [jihad], blow after blow, until they cripple and fall, never to rise again.”6 These thoughts were echoed by Osama bin Laden in his so-called “Letter to the American People”: I will talk briefly and concentrate on the need to continue the jihad action, militarily and economically, against the United States. . . .

12 | November/December 2012

The Chinese book described the process of financial warfare by causing a stock market crash following the techniques of George Soros.11 Soros is a well-known, multi-billionaire hedge fund Traditional manager known for dramatic financial movements and a terrorism strongly leftist philosophy. and financial The Chinese authors likened warfare, would him to a “financial terrorist,” produce a presumably for his success in breaking the British pound “supra-domain and possibly attacking the combination” Asian economies.12 My team that would be has reason to suspect that far more lethal bin Laden himself not only than a direct read but also followed the directions of the Unrestricted military strike. Warfare manuscript. In its The conflict between Shariah Finance and Capitalism is almost universally understood in the Islamic world. In 2002 pages bin Laden was mentioned 21 times, mostly in close then Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad founded proximity with mention of Soros. In fact, the Chinese authors even made the point that linking the approaches the Islamic Financial Services Board (IFSB) to develop a of bin Laden and Soros, traditional terrorism and financial “universal Islamic banking warfare, would produce a “supra-domain combination” that How would the system” with the purpose of would be far more lethal than a direct military strike.13 abolishing the “slavery” of the financial Jihad 8 monetary system. be carried Western We the people have reason to suspect that the stock market In a PBS interview in July out? The 2001, Mohamad observed, crash in 2008 may have been triggered as an act of Financial answer can “In the old days you needed Jihad. Circumstantial evidence certainly seems to fit with that hypothesis. According to George Soros, the economy be found in a to conquer a country with collapsed after the failure of Lehman Brothers.14 He also force, and then you Chinese book, military said that it was clear that Lehman Brothers was destroyed by could control that country. published by Today it's not necessary at all. a financial attack known as a “bear raid”: the People’s You can destabilize a country, “. . . it's clear that AIG, Bear Stearns, Lehman Liberation make it poor, and then make Brothers and others were destroyed by bear raids it request help. And [in Army in 1999. in which the shorting of stocks and buying CDS exchange] for the help that mutually amplified and reinforced each other.”15 is given, you gain control over the policies of the country, and when you gain control over the policies of a country, So who was conducting the bear raid? As it was happening effectively you have colonized that country.”9 in September 2008, Barry Ritholtz’s Big Picture Blog (quoting Joe Besecker of Emerald Asset Management) Mohamad, bin Laden, Khawaja, Qaradawi, and al Banna raised a frightening possibility: represent various countries and Islamic backgrounds. But they all agreed on the principles of Shariah Finance and The bear raids on the banks and brokers were NOT recognized the role of Jihad with money. The only question a case of piling on by U.S. based hedge funds. And is how would the financial Jihad be carried out? My team from what he was seeing and hearing about in terms believes that the answer can be found in a Chinese book, of order flow, the vast majority of the financial published by the People’s Liberation Army in 1999 under short selling the past week or so were being done the translated title Unrestricted Warfare: overseas. It appears that the lion’s share of shorting was coming out of overseas bourses such as London “Financial warfare has become a ‘hyperstrategic’ and Dubai. It may not be a coincidence that the weapon . . . This is because financial war is easily financial short selling ban is both here and in manipulated and allows for concealed actions, and 10 London. is also highly destructive.” The economic bleeding is continuing to date, but it requires further strikes. The young people should make an effort to look for the key pillars of the U.S. economy. The key pillars of the enemy should be struck, God willing. They shook America's throne and struck at the U.S. economy in the heart. . . . This is a clear proof that this international usurious, damnable economy—which America uses along with its military power to impose infidelity and humiliation on weak people—can easily collapse. Thanks to Almighty God, those blessed attacks, as they themselves admitted, have inflicted on the New York and other markets more than a trillion dollars in losses. . . . It is very important to concentrate on hitting the U.S. economy through all possible means.7

(Continued on page 27) Jewish Voice Today




gypt was one of the first Arab countries to be affected by the Arab Spring of 2011. At the time, liberal pundits in America sincerely believed that the social networks of Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter were providing the affected Arabs a genuine glimpse outside both the confines of seventh century Islam and state-censored media into life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. As a result, they speculated that Western-style democracies would spring up like tulip gardens throughout the Middle East. Almost two years later, it is safe to say that the opposite has occurred. Nobody is tip-toeing through the tulips in the Fertile Crescent. In fact, the Arab Spring is beginning to look more like an Arab Apocalypse. Arabs are revolting against each other in Syria, deadly chemical weapons have come out of Syrian armories, Sunnis and Shiites are experiencing power struggles in certain Arab states, Hezbollah has tens of thousands of rockets aimed at the Jewish State from Lebanon, and last but not least, Egypt is under the rule of the Muslim Brotherhood. When it comes to Egypt, there is a familiar expression that says, “As goes Egypt, so goes the

Middle East.” Considering Egypt is the most populated Arab country in the world, with about 80 million residents, it’s safe to suggest that this age-old adage still holds true. So who is the Muslim Brotherhood and how will they reform Egypt? The Muslim Brotherhood is the Arab world's most influential and largest Islamic movement. As such, it’s the largest political opposition organization in many Arab states. It was founded in Egypt in 1928 as a Pan-Islamic, religious, political, and social movement by the Islamic scholar and school teacher Hassan alBanna.1

Some of the Muslim Brotherhood popular credos are as follows: • Islam is the solution. • Allah is our objective. • The Quran is our law. • The Prophet (Mohammad) is our leader. • Jihad is our way. • Death for the sake of Allah is the highest of our aspirations. Contrary to liberal pundit expectations, none of the above reflects the political ideologies of any Westernstyle democracy; yet all of the slogans above sound very similar to several tenets contained in the Hamas Islamic Resistance Movement’s charter. This is probably because Hamas was the political arm founded in the Gaza by the Muslim

The Muslim Brother


14 | November/December 2012

Brotherhood in 1987.2 The Hamas Charter formed in 1988 states: 1. Israel will exist and continue to exist until Islam will obliterate it. 2. The land of Palestine is to be Islamic consecrated to future Muslim generations until Judgment Day. 3. There is only one solution to resolve the conflict, and that is Jihad. With tenets like these, is it any wonder why the U.S. State Department Bureau of Counterterrorism recognizes Hamas as a terrorist organization?3 Moreover, it is a well-known fact that Hamas refuses to recognize Israel’s right to exist as the Jewish State and has lobbed thousands of rockets into Israel since 2006. Hamas’ repeated aggression against Israel erupted into a twenty-two day conflict commencing on December 27, 2008 called Operation Cast Lead. Does this suggest that Hamas’ political parent, the Muslim Brotherhood, will also turn against Israel? It’s important to note that Egyptian President Mohammad Morsi of the Muslim Brotherhood included the liberation of Gaza

as an integral part of his presidential campaign. At a May 2012 campaign rally, Egyptian Cleric Safwat Higazi launched Morsi’s presidential campaign with a rally attended by thousands calling for a “United States of the Arabs” with Jerusalem as its capital. Cleric Higazi shouted to chanting crowds while Morsi sat on the stage near the podium soaking it all in, “Tomorrow Morsi will liberate Gaza,” . . . “Yes, we will either pray in Jerusalem or we will be martyred there.”4 Liberate Gaza from what? The obvious answer to this question from Hamas’ perspective is from Israeli occupation. Since Hamas doesn’t recognize Israel’s right to exist, they believe Israelis are trespassing on Palestinian land. If Morsi makes good on a campaign promise to liberate Gaza and possess Jerusalem, then he either needs to get rid of Hamas or change their charter, or otherwise eradicate the Jewish State and conquer Jerusalem. Egypt presently has a treaty with Israel that was

confirmed in 1979; will the Muslim Brotherhood honor this peace pact? The probable outcome of the new Egypt’s precarious predicament is that the Muslim Brotherhood will not honor this pact but will violate it and war against Israel. There is a modern historical precedent established for military conflicts between Egypt and Israel. Wars between these two countries occurred in 1948, 1956, 1967, and 1973, and a future concluding conflict between these two nations seems to be predicted in the Bible. As Isaiah 19 informs, Egypt experiences civil unrest that evolves into a civil war, and ultimately burgeons into a regional conflict with Israel. In the process, the Egyptian economy

(Continued on page 28)



Jewish Voice Today




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16 | November/December 2012

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REVELATION ROAD Best-selling author Bill Salus has crafted an extraordinary and chilling, fast-paced novel with his apocalyptic thriller, Revelation Road. ORDER #9089 | $23.00 GIFT

SECRET WEAPON Kevin D. Freeman unveils how all the evidence—including motive, means, and opportunity—points to America’s foreign enemies as deliberately pushing our economy over the brink.

ORDER #9112 | $30.00 GIFT



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G U E S T AU T H O R | B I L L K O E N I G

Israel, the United States, and Iran O

ver the past six months, the Obama administration pressured Israel to not attack Iran before the Nov. 6 election. Moreover, someone in the White House leaked critical security information to the U.S. and Israeli media. This is totally inexcusable and greatly endangers Israel's security now and in the future.

18 | November/December 2012

National Security Advisor Tom Donilon, Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta, and Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Martin Dempsey have not only visited Israel numerous times to show U.S. support but also to let Israel know they don't want any surprises and that Israel must give the sanctions time to work. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton traveled to Jerusalem in July to deliver the same message.

Panetta said in February he had come to the conclusion that there is a growing likelihood Israel could attack Iran sometime in April, May, or June. In March, Foreign Policy magazine wrote that senior U.S. intelligence [officials] were increasingly concerned that Israel's military expansion into Azerbaijan

complicated U.S. efforts to dampen Israeli-Iranian tensions, according to the sources.

red line from the international community’ to cease its drive to the bomb."

Then on Tuesday, Aug. 16, Gen. Dempsey and Panetta spoke to reporters at the Pentagon.

"This is a brutal regime that is racing ahead with its nuclear program. It doesn't see the necessary resolve and determination from the international community," Netanyahu said. "The greater the resolve and the clearer the red line, the less likely we'll have conflict."

"I might not be aware of all their capabilities, but I think it is a fair assessment that [Israel] can delay but not destroy Iran's nuclear capabilities," Dempsey said during the joint press briefing with Panetta. The refusal by the Obama administration and leaders at the Pentagon to fully grasp Iran's apocalyptic commitment to ushering in the Twelfth Imam and world domination leads to flawed thinking and conclusions, and further endangers Israel and U.S. interests in the Middle East.

NETANYAHU'S CLEVER MANEUVERING During this process and despite enormous pressure, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has very cleverly maneuvered the United States into establishing red lines in trade for waiting on an Israeli attack on Iran's nuclear development program. The Times of Israel wrote, "Speaking to an American delegation from the Heroes to Heroes Foundation, Netanyahu said that the biggest threat Israel faces is ‘Iran's plans to develop nuclear weapons capability,’ but Tehran ‘doesn't see a clear

Additionally, a unilateral attack on Iran by Israel would be extremely complicated, so having the United States with its sophisticated weapons, aircraft carriers, stealth bombers, and troops assisting would be an enormous advantage for Israel. The Center for Strategic & International Studies’ (CSIS's) comprehensive "Study on a Possible Israeli Strike on Iran's Nuclear Development Facilities" shows how difficult this could be.1


– 72 percent of Israelis said yes, 14 percent said no, and 14 percent had no opinion. • Do you support Israel taking action if the U.S. declined? (The Jerusalem Post, April 29, 2012) – 45 percent said yes, 40 percent said no, and 15 percent had no opinion. •

Do you agree that the Iranian threat constitutes an existential threat to Israel? (JCPA, March 26, 20122) – 77 percent said yes, and 21 percent said no.

• Do you think that if Iran develops nuclear weapons, the Palestinians and Hezbollah will grow more belligerent toward Israel? (JCPA, March 26, 2012) - 75 percent said yes, and 21 percent said no. • Do you agree or disagree with the statement that the Israeli home front will suffer equally whether Israel attacks Iran or the United States does? (JCPA, March 26, 2012) 63 percent said yes, and 29 percent said no. • Do you agree with the

Israelis realize that a strike on Iran has its significant risks, but they are also well aware that an even greater risk is a nuclear weapon in the hands of a country whose leaders continue to call for the elimination of Israel. Here are the results of recent polls: • Would you back an international strike against Iran's nuclear facilities? (The Jerusalem Post, April 29, 2012)

(Continued on page 28) Jewish Voice Today


G U E S T AU T H O R | J A C K K I N S E L L A


and the

‘Sudden Terror’ T

here are reports that Iran's president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, is making preparations for retaliatory strikes against both the United States and Israel in the event that either country launches an attack against Iran's nuclear facilities hidden in various places around the country. But Ahmadinejad sees Syria as his "ace in the hole." Ahmadinejad knows

20 | November/December 2012

Israel is the greater threat. America would likely only defeat Iran. Iran could hurt America, but not defeat it. Israel would have no choice but to annihilate Iran before Iran annihilated Israel. So from both Iran's and Israel's perspectives, Syria is the key player. Iran's war plans call for Syria to take out Israel, while Ahmadinejad coordinates his forces for attacks against American targets via sleeper agents already in the United States or concentrated in various locations throughout Central and South America. Unless Israel steals his whole card by taking out the Syrian threat first. Which brings us to Damascus. The prophet Isaiah predicted the utter and overnight destruction of Damascus at Israel's hands. Isaiah notes that, while the multitude of nations will rise up to object, God will rebuke them "like tumbleweed before a gale" (Isaiah 17:13). Isaiah prophesied it will "no longer be a city but will become a heap of ruins" (Isaiah 17:1).

qualify as a land of unwalled villages, except the one offered by Isaiah 17:14: “In the evening, sudden terror! Before the morning, they are gone!” Something happens to change the theme from that of constant war with her Arab neighbors to that of becoming a land of unwalled villages. But with the entire Arab Middle East rapidly morphing into a Muslim Brotherhood caliphate, even if the details of how it will unfold are a bit murky, the direction events are leading us is crystal clear. What this demonstrates is the continuing trend of events conforming the nations into the exact configuration that the Bible forecast would exist in the Last Days of the Church Age.

“In the evening, sudden terror! Before the morning, they are gone!”

One of the hallmarks of the Last Days, apart from the very existence of Israel, is the fact that at the end, she stands utterly and completely alone. She has no friends, according to Ezekiel, Isaiah, and Zechariah.

This prophecy was never fulfilled in ancient times. Damascus is the oldest continually inhabited city on earth, an important crossroads and economic and cultural center for some five thousand years.

The Bible says that at that point, when Israel has nowhere else to turn, God will deliver Israel from her enemies. "And so I will show My greatness and My holiness, and I will make Myself known in the sight of many nations. Then they will know that I am the LORD" (Ezekiel 38:23).

In addition, the manner of Damascus' prophesied destruction was never possible at any time prior to this generation, except by some miraculous act of God—"in the evening, sudden terror! Before the morning, they are gone (Isaiah 17:14)!"

The prophets got the alignment of nations right and they got the time frame right (imagine compressing all these events into a single generation, somewhere in time, to the exclusion of all others, let alone naming all the participants). The only part that is not yet clear are some of the details.

Certainly no Israeli army of history could have fulfilled this prediction of the utter and overnight destruction of Damascus. Clearly, it remains a future event. But it would appear to be a near future event.

Look closely at the Big Picture and see it for what it is. It is evidence that the Bible is true, God is real, His Plan is unfolding before our eyes, and that this is the generation that will see His return.

According to Daniel 9:26-27, Israel in the Last Days is pictured as being in a state of constant war until such time as ‘a prince of the people that destroyed Jerusalem’ (Daniel 9:26) confirms a covenant with ‘the many.’ After that time, Israel is depicted as a land of unwalled villages, living in a period of false peace and safety (Ezekiel 38:11).

A lost and sin-sick world sees only chaos and moans despairingly, 'What is this world coming to?' God has entrusted us with the answer to that question. Be confident despite the chaos, and be ready to give reason for the hope that is in you as the dark days approach.

There is no guarantee possible, or even imaginable, that could ensure to Israel’s satisfaction that it is safe enough to

Jack Kinsella is the founder and publisher of the Omega Letter (www.omegaletter. com). Jack is head writer of The Hal Lindsey Report television program and former head writer for This Week in Bible Prophecy. Jack is the author of more than two thousand columns on current events and Bible prophecy. Jewish Voice Today




urkey cannot be ignored; it was the center of the Grecian Kingdom, the cradle of Christianity with its Seven Churches, as well as the eastern leg of the Roman Empire. It is a hub between East and West and the number-one candidate in peace negotiations in the region. When it comes to animosity toward Israel and the Church, Turkey is the epicenter with more Christian blood on its hands than any other nation. But such a view has been lost, etched in the annals of ignored history. Many distinguished theologians and early Church fathers, like Cyril of Jerusalem in his Divine Institutes and those before the advent of Islam, pointed to Turkey as the Antichrist’s kingdom. Christians today fail to see that Daniel 7 was strictly speaking of

superpowers arising out of “the Great Sea” (Daniel 7:2). The “Great Sea” is the Mediterranean in every verse in Scripture. This is not a light argument one can easily dismiss. All the literal nations mentioned by name in End-Times scenarios being Islamic today would encompass only the Middle East and Asia Minor as the key players in the coming conflict with Israel. For nearly two decades we have sounded the alarm, and today Turkey is no longer being ignored as the region’s superpower. Yet it stealthily plays the peace card with its “zero conflicts” policy and its so-called moderate “Turkish Model” of Islam. The Arab Spring nations are towing the “Turkish Model,” hoping to grow further, while Israel and the West hone in on saber-rattling Iran. Syria is becoming the bone of

22 | November/December 2012

contention between Iran on the one hand and the entire Muslim Sunni world on the other. That, with the United States yielding their foreign policy in the region to Turkey, is causing a unifying spirit to hover across the Mediterranean region, which is creating a new Sunni Muslim block against Israel more powerful than just Iran. It does not take a rocket scientist to see why Turkey, Saudi Arabia, and Qatar desire to break down Iran’s control in Syria. With the Arab Spring turning into an obvious Islamic Sunni takeover, the new emerging superpower is the arising sick man of Europe coming back to life under the Turkish Neo-Ottoman revival. Looking like a lamb with two horns, and speaking like a dragon, the Islamic Turkish-Iranian dragon with its two horns will create a pincer against Israel with Iran’s horn from

Israel’s Greatest THREAT the east and a Turkish-Syrian horn from the north. This is a much more dangerous scenario for Israel than Arab nationalism, since Turkey holds the second strongest army in NATO after the United States, and Islam can add non-Arab Muslim nations to the mix of new enemies. With Western pressure to establish peace, Turkey will lure Israel with a seven-year covenant of death (Isaiah 28:14-22) and a treaty will be signed in Egypt. Many will think Turkey is preserving the Egypt-Israel Camp David Accord. By this “peace,” Turkey will deceive many and Islam will appear as “a peaceful religion.” Escalating the situation is the fact that Iran threatened to even attack Saudi Arabia for meddling in Shiite Syria. Throughout history, Turkey and Iran have been steeped in their hatred not only toward Israel, but

Saudi Arabia as well. It is Saudi Arabia that really sparked antiSemitism with their Wahhabi brand of Islam. Though it will no longer see Israel as a threat while it stands by when Turkey invades Israel, Arabia (Sheba and Dedan) will eventually be demolished by Iran (Isaiah 21) and Mecca and Medina will go up in flames (Isaiah 34). A Muslim Block is already arising, led by the deceptive Turkish Islamic model, and Hamas is rejoicing with Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood. The Palestinian Authority sees the writing on the wall, hoisting the Turkish flag to welcome the new virulently anti-Israel super dog on the block. Westerners ignore a golden rule with their stand on the Arab Spring; Middle East turmoil is never about freedom or democracy but a continual struggle by an underdog

against one form of tyranny to simply replace it with another. Erdogan of Turkey took advantage and snubbed Israel at Davos and threatened Israel’s and Cyprus’ right to explore in the Mediterranean. They support the millions of Muslims from Egypt to Tunisia who are crying out, “to Jerusalem we march martyrs by the millions.” Zechariah 12 and 14 seem closer than ever, and Christians in the West fail to see how all this mimics what the Antichrist does in Daniel 11, that “Egypt, with the Libyans and Nubians” will follow the Antichrist “in submission” (Daniel 11:43). Erdogan already visited Egypt, Libya, and Somalia last year with crowds hailing him as the new Saladin and the rising future caliph. But in the end, it’s good news.

(Continued on page 29) Jewish Voice Today


J E W I S H H O L I D AY | J A C K Z I M M E R M A N

Why I Celebrate

Chanukah (or, What Causes Potato Pancakes to Stick Together?)


, the aroma of potato pancakes frying in oil. This can mean only one thing—Chanukah has again arrived! It’s that special time of year when we Jews celebrate the fact that when the Second Temple was desecrated around 164 B.C. by Antiochus and his troops, there was only enough oil to last for one day in the lampstand at the re-dedication ceremony. Miraculously, the oil lasted for eight days, and—voila!—there you go . . . instant Jewish holiday! Growing up in Brooklyn, New York (the other Holy Land), I have memories of lighting another candle each night on the traditional Chanukah menorah. One day, however, the Zimmerman family took note that electricity had indeed been discovered, and that small screw-in bulbs rather than candles were much easier to use and didn’t

drip like the candles did. One year at Chanukah, we had a Chanukah bush. This is basically the Jewish version of a Christmas tree. On steroids. Our response to the traditional Douglas fir at Christmas was a multi-colored metallic frilled bush, which could also be used to give you better reception on your television set, long after the holiday had ended and long before the advent of cable. But perhaps my fondest memory of Chanukah was finding out from a highly reputable source (my fourth grade friend Scott Diamond), that while the Christian kids got one present for Christmas, we got eight presents, one for each day of Chanukah. Armed with this valuable news, I rushed home one day from school to excitedly announce this to my Mother.

24 | November/December 2012

The gist of the conversation went as follows:

Mom: Yes. But he could have caught pneumonia!

Me: Mom, I just found out I get eight presents at Chanukah; one for each day!

That pretty much ended the conversation.

Mom: It’s raining and you went out without an umbrella?! You could catch a cold! What if you got pneumonia? You know, your Uncle Manny once went out in the rain without an umbrella, and do you know what happened to him? Me: He got wet?

Many years later, though, I realized that the festival was much more about presence than presents. While Chanukah is normally regarded as solely a Jewish holiday, it has always been a Yeshua Holiday! John 10:22-24 records that Yeshua Himself acknowledged and observed this festival, and it goes without saying that this Festival of Lights for me, always was, is, and always will be about the Light of the world. . . And umbrellas. Jack Zimmerman is a staff evangelist at Jewish Voice, and an ordained Messianic Jewish rabbi. To invite Rabbi Jack to speak at your church, congregation, or event, please visit


Cheese Latkes By Elisangela Bernis (Serves 3-4) INGREDIENTS 3 eggs 
 1 cup milk 
 1 cup cottage cheese, drained 
 1 1/2 cups flour 
 1 teaspoon baking powder 
 1/2 teaspoon salt 
 5 tablespoons sugar 
 1 teaspoon vanilla extract 
 vegetable oil for frying DIRECTIONS 1. Place all the ingredients except oil together in a large bowl. Mix until smooth. 
2. Heat 1 cup of oil in a skillet. Using a large spoon, drop the batter into hot oil. Fry 2 to 3 minutes on each side until lightly browned. Continue until batter is used up, adding oil when necessary.
 The latkes may be served topped with sour cream, applesauce, or maple syrup. Jewish Voice Today


(Continued from page 9)

(Continued from page 11)

descendants I give this land, from the Wadi of Egypt to the great river, the Euphrates.’” God confirmed that promise through Moses when the Children of Israel were ready to enter the Promised Land. Deuteronomy 1:8 says, “See, I have given you this land. Go in and take possession of the land the LORD swore he would give to your fathers—to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob—and to their descendants after them.”

the enemies of Israel. He was issuing a singular call to those who claim the Name of the Lord. Those of us who have been grafted into the “Jewish Olive Tree” are uniquely qualified to fulfill the call. We can do this by calling on the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob to protect the armies of Israel and her civilian population. As we pray, we can invoke the language of young David when he spoke to the uncircumcised Philistine, Goliath, and said: “We come against you in the name of the Lord of hosts.” And, as we pray, we can petition the Lord to “open the eyes” of the Israeli People, as He did for Elisha’s servant, that they [the Israelis] might see the armies of heaven encamped around Jerusalem to protect them.

Support for Israel does not mean we believe God loves Jews more than Arabs or Israelis more than Palestinians. It is simply a recognition that God, in His sovereignty, chose to give this Land to the Children of Israel. It is their inheritance, regardless of their spiritual condition. That purpose has not changed; indeed, it cannot be abolished by the will or actions of men. Psalm 122:6 in the KJV exhorts us to “pray for the peace of Jerusalem: they shall prosper that love thee.” We should pray for those who hate Israel and the Jewish People to be thwarted in their efforts to bring death and destruction. We should pray that God opens the eyes of world leaders to understand the Word of God and to stand with Israel. We should pray for Israel’s leaders, for wisdom and divine revelation. We should pray for their salvation and the salvation of all Israel—that the day will come when they cry out, “Blessed is He who comes in the Name of the Lord” (Psalm 118:26). Is peace possible in the Middle East? Yes, it is possible and will surely come. But only through God’s peace plan, Yeshua, the Prince of Peace. Only through Him will this troubled Land dwell in true peace and security.

Remember this: “Our weapons are not carnal” [i.e.: F-16 Jet Fighters, stinger missiles, or nuclear warheads] but “mighty, through God, to the pulling down of strongholds.” The specific stronghold in this case is Iran and the Prince of Persia. You may be a widow living alone in Omaha, feeling powerless, as you watch these potentially powerful events occur on your television set. Or you may be a schoolteacher in Tupelo, thinking, What can I do to support Israel? The weapons we possess are related to prayer. They are indeed mighty and should be actively deployed as the possibility of war approaches. We can affect change in the heavenly realm through this powerful weapon we call ‘prayer.’ We can alter the course of human events by moving the “arm of God.” And, finally, you can call your Congressman, your pastor, and the people that the Lord has placed in your life to stand with Israel. This is our duty and privilege as Christians! We must stand with Israel

26 | November/December 2012

in Her hour of need. Bill McKay has for more than thirty years thrived as an author, filmmaker, and researcher. As founder of American Trademark Pictures, McKay has produced and written countless television specials, documentaries, radio programs, and docudrama films. In 2006‐2010 his docudrama series Against All Odds: Israel Survives became an international television hit.

AGAINST ALL ODDS: IN SEARCH OF A MIRACLE Completed in 2006 and as timely as today’s headlines, Against All Odds: In Search of a Miracle is a powerful and uplifting spiritual journey through Israel’s turbulent history.

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AGAINST ALL ODDS: THE COMPLETE FIRST SEASON Meet the actual people who lived through what can only be described as miracles of biblical proportions, and share their remarkable stories in this 13-episode series. 6 DVD set of the First Complete Season as seen on television. Not Rated.

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(Continued from page 13) Then there is another coincidence: The huge increase in shorting of the financials occurred on the anniversary of 9/11. And on top of that, the same institutions attacked on 9/11/01 were the ones suffering in recent days. Joe asked the question: Is anyone investigating whether this is a case of financial terrorism? He wanted to know if someone was at least looking into this question ( Joe is buds with Jim Cramer, and mentioned it to him, who then omitted to cite in his column that this was Joe’s theory, not his own). Anyway, it’s an interesting theory, one that seemed kinda out there—until last night’s emergency action. Nothing else really explains the insanity of banning short sales—except for Joe Besecker’s questions.16 In answer to Mr. Besecker’s question, the Pentagon hired me to investigate, and the findings were most troubling. The data was clear but not totally conclusive that financial terrorism played a role in the collapse. I reported those findings in a book published earlier this year by Regnery titled SECRET WEAPON: How Economic Terrorism Brought Down the U.S. Stock Market and Why It Can Happen Again. For more information, visit http:// 1. Clancy N. Childs, “A Comparative Analysis of Capitalist and Islamic Economic Systems,” Final Paper, AAPTIS 331 – Section 3, April 22, 2002, dlc/2rd/01/other/1.2.pdf (accessed January 2012). 2. Ibid. 3. Mohammad Nejatullah Siddiqi, “Shariah, Economics and the Progress of Islamic Finance: The Role of Shariah Experts,” SEVENTH HARVARD FORUM ON ISLAMIC FINANCE, Cambridge, Massachusetts, April 21, 2006, Shariah_Experts.htm (accessed January 2012). 4. Rachel Ehrenfeld and Alyssa A. Lappen, “The Fifth Generation Warfare (5GW) Shari`ah Financing and the Coming Ummah,” published in “Armed Groups: Studies in National Security, Counterterrorism, and Counterinsurgency,” chapter 28, US Naval War College, June 2008, pdf (accessed December 2011).

5. “Panorama: Faith, Hate and Charity,” BBC, July 30, 2006, http:// panorama.shtml (accessed August 2011). 6. Matthew Levitt, “TERRORISM SALON: Matthew Levitt on Al Qaeda’s Economic Warfare,”, July, 30, 2008, salon_29/ (accessed September 2011). 7. Osama Bin Laden, FBIS translated text of message carried on AlJazeera satellite channel television, December 27, 2001, http://groups. (accessed March 2009). 8. Gamal Essam El-Din, “A financial jihad,” Al-Ahram Weekly, November 21-27, 2002 (Issue No. 613) eg/2002/613/ec2.htm (accessed June 2009). 9. Commanding Heights interview with Dr. Mahathir bin Mohamad conducted July 2, 2001 for PBS, commandingheights/shared/minitext/int_mahathirbinmohamad.html (accessed September 2011). 10. Col. Qiao Liang and Col. Wang Xiangsui, Unrestricted Warfare (Panama City, Panama: Pan American Publishing Company, 2002), 43, 40, 127. 11. Ibid, 16, 39. 12. Ibid, 36. 13. Ibid, 163. 14. George Soros, “Does the Euro Have a Future?,” The New York Review of Books, September 15, 2011, http://www. (accessed August 2012). 15. George Soros, “One Way to Stop Bear Raids,” The Wall Street Journal, March 24, 2009, SB123785310594719693.html (accessed August 2012). 16. Barry Ritholtz, “Terror Attack on US Financials? Details of SEC Short Ban,” The Big Picture, September 19, 2008, http://www.ritholtz. com/blog/2008/09/terror-attack-on-us-financials-details-of-sec-shortban/ (accessed August 2012).

Kevin D. Freeman, CFA, is the author of the New York Times bestseller Secret Weapon: How Economic Terrorism Brought Down the U.S. Stock Market and Why It Can Happen Again ( He also is the CEO of Freeman Global Holdings, LLC. Considered one of the leading experts on financial terrorism, he has been called to brief a variety of agencies including the Pentagon, FBI, DIA, CIA, SEC, as well as members of the U.S. House and Senate. He authors a blog at


Kevin D. Freeman unveils how all the evidence—including motive, means, and opportunity—points to America’s foreign enemies as deliberately pushing our economy over the brink.

ORDER #9112 | $30.00 GIFT

Jewish Voice Today


(Continued from page 15)

(Continued from page 19)

collapses and a cruel master governs the people. The regional conflict involving Egypt appears to be described in the ancient Psalm 83 prophecy.

statement that if Iran develops nuclear weapons, it will use them against Israel? (JCPA, March 26, 2012) - 61 percent said yes, and 34 percent said no.

The details and outcomes of both prophecies are described at length in Bill Salus’ book Revelation Road: Hope Beyond the Horizon. 1. Information gathered from Wikipedia, (accessed August 22, 2012). 2. Council of Foreign Relations website, (accessed August 23, 2012). 3. The U.S. State Department list of terrorist organizations, des/123085.htm (accessed August 23, 2012). 4. This campaign rally, (accessed August 22, 2012).

Bill Salus is an author, researcher, lecturer, and radio talk show host of the popular Prophecy Update Radio program. In his book Revelation Road: Hope Beyond The Horizon, Salus combines fiction with nonfiction and focuses on the prophetic relevance of current Middle East and world events, revealing biblical truth concerning God’s Chosen People and the Last Days. 1. Center for Strategic & International Studies, March 14, 2009, 2. A survey of 505 Jewish Israelis conducted in March 2012 by Prof. Camil Fuchs of Tel Aviv University

REVELATION ROAD Best-selling author Bill Salus has crafted an extraordinary and chilling, fast-paced novel with his apocalyptic thriller, Revelation Road. ORDER #9089 | $23.00 GIFT

for the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs,

William Koenig is the director of “Koenig International News” (http://watch. org), an Internet news service with readers and e-mail subscribers in 50 states and 105 countries, and has been a White House correspondent since January 2001. Koenig publishes an online weekly news report called “Koenig’s Eye View from the White House” that focuses on biblically relevant world news and White House news from a Christian perspective. He has authored Eye to Eye: Facing the Consequences of Dividing Israel, which is in its 14th printing, and published the book in Hebrew.

(Continued from page 6) Earlier this spring, I received a heart stopping call from Lawrence. Mildred had been taken to the hospital after suffering a massive stroke and the prognosis was not good. Jonathan called immediately and prayed with Lawrence. A few days later, Lawrence called again, telling me that Mildred was not responding to treatment . . . and then the call that Mildred had gone to be with the Lord. Jonathan cleared his schedule and the two of us flew to Houston to join the celebration of the life of this remarkable “saint.” As we gathered in the sanctuary of Salem Lutheran Church, a beautiful modern church that Lawrence and Mildred helped to build, I was blessed to see such a large crowd gather for Mildred’s home going. Many were family and extended family, but scores more were those who had been 28 | November/December 2012

touched my Mildred’s life, including firefighters from the CyFair Volunteer Fire Department where Mildred volunteered, girls from the LSS New Life Girls Center, church members, students, and employees. The program highlighted a page from Mildred’s Bible with her own notes taken from Psalm 91: “Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the Lord, ‘He is my refuge and my fortress,’ my God in whom I trust.” Rest in Peace, my precious friend. Rest in Peace. ­—By Bill Mustard

(Continued from page 23) Perhaps sharing a few verses from the volume of prophecies of Jesus’ wars during the Great Tribulation can convince the ardent skeptic. Jesus Himself insisted that Pergamum (Turkey) in Revelation 2:12-13 was the seat of the Antichrist. It is on the “Day of the Lord” that Cush (Sudan, Somalia) and Put (Libya, Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco, and Mauritania) and Lydia (Turkey), Egypt and all Arabia including Syria will fall by the sword (Ezekiel 30-32). This theme continues all the way into Ezekiel 39. We must never isolate Scripture.

The Power of Speaking God's Word

Of those steeped in traditional interpretation, few focus on the biblical text. Zechariah 9 confirms the final battle between Israel and Yavan (often translated as Greece), which is Asia Minor (see Jamieson-Fausset-Brown Bible commentary). Messiah will head that direction of Turkey (v14) and defeat it, and victory will be the Lord’s. Amen and Amen. Walid Shoebat was born into a prominent Arab Muslim family in Bethlehem. His grandfather was a Muktar (Arab Chieftan) and good friend of the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, a notorious friend to Adolf Hitler. Walid was raised to hate Jews and the Western world. He joined the PLO and was involved in numerous acts of terror, including the attempted lynching of an Israeli soldier. He immigrated to the United States where, upon a challenge to discredit the Bible in order to convert his wife, he found the truth and became a Believer in the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob in 1993. 
 His life has been dedicated to exposing the danger and deception of Islam, and spreading the Good News of Israel’s Messiah at great personal risk through speaking engagements, on television, radio, and the web, and through the production of books, CDs, and DVDs, such as God’s War on Terror: Islam, Prophecy, and the Bible, offered here.

GOD'S WAR ON TERROR: ISLAM, PROPHECY, AND THE BIBLE God's War on Terror is Walid Shoebat's journey and his journal of studying the ancient Bible predictions that convinced him to leave Islam. This fascinating study, with utmost respect to the rules of Hermeneutics, will unlock the mysteries in the Bible from Genesis to Revelation, offering answers to questions like these: How are Muslims set up to follow the Antichrist? Who is "Mystery Babylon"? What is the "Mark of the Beast"?

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Angel One NRB Network GEB Cornerstone

Cleveland, OH WGGN-TV 52 National TCC-Church Channel National Angel One Phoenix, AZ KPAZ-TV 21 National GEB National Daystar National Cornerstone Orlando, FL WTGL National NRB Network National Angel One El Paso, TX KSCE-TV 38 National Cornerstone Orlando, FL WTGL


Mon 12:00am (EST) Mon 4:00am (EST) Mon 4:30am (PST) Mon 3:30am (EST) Mon 7:30am (EST) Mon 7:30am (PST) Mon 8:00am (EST) Mon 10:30am (PST) Mon 1:30pm (EST) Mon 7:30pm (EST) Mon 9:00pm (PST) Mon 10:00pm (EST) Tue 8:30am (EST) Tue 10:00am (CST) Tue 10:30am (CST) Tue 1:00am (EST) Tue 5:30pm (CST) Tue 7:30pm (EST) Tue 7:30pm (CST) Tue 9:00pm (EST) Tue 7:30pm (EST) Tue 5:00pm (CST) Tue 7:00pm (CST) Wed 8:00am (EST) Wed 5:30pm (EST) Wed 1:00pm (CST) Wed 7:00pm (EST) Thu 8:00am (EST) Thu 8:30am (PST) Thu 8:30am (EST) Thu 9:30am Arizona Thu 11:00am (CST) Thu 12:30pm (CST) Thu 5:30pm (EST) Thu 9:00pm (EST) Fri 3:00am (EST) Fri 8:00am (EST) Fri 8:30am (CST) Fri 11:30am (EST) Fri 12:30pm (EST)

30 | November/December 2012




Orlando, FL WACX-TV 9 National Angel One Orlando, FL WTGL National Angel One Orlando, FL WACX Philadelphia, PA WFMZ National Cornerstone National TCC-Church Channel Orlando, FL WACX-TV 9 El Paso, TX KSCE-TV 38 National WHT National NRB Network National Angel One National INSP Cleveland, OH WGGN-TV 52 National GEB

Sun 12:30am (EST) Sun 1:30am (EST) Sun 7:00am (EST) Sun 10:00am (EST) Sun 9:30am (EST) Sun 9:30am (EST) Sun 12:00pm (EST) Sun 3:00pm (PST) Sun 4:30pm (EST) Sun 5:00pm (CST) Sun 12:00pm (EST) Sun 6:00pm (EST) Sun 8:30pm (EST) Sun 8:30pm (EST) Sun 9:30pm (EST) Sun 12:30pm (CST)

Canada Canada Canada Canada Canada Canada Canada Canada UK UK UK Europe Europe Europe

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India/Asia/Israel Miracle Net (MNET) International God TV (US) Global God TV Global International God TV (US) Global God TV Global Global God TV Global Russia CNL Russia Russia LIFE TV Russia Russia LIFE TV Russia Russia LIFE TV Russia South America & SE Texas La Familia/Nacion


Thu 12:30pm London Thu 1:30 pm UTC Fri 10:30pm London Mon 10:30am (GMT) Sun 1:00am (GMT) Sun 5:30pm (GMT) Wed 7:30am India Tue 12:00pm Tue 12:00pm Thu 12:00pm Thu 12:00pm Fri 7:00pm Sun 11:55am Tue 8:00pm Wed 12:00pm Wed 3:00am Various


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rg /outreac .o e ic o v h is w e .j w tion, visit ww For more informa ESHUA. or call 800-299-Y



Are you interested in joining us as a member of our live studio audience? We tape in the studio every month at the JVMI Messianic Media Center in Phoenix, Arizona. Please contact our Events Department at 800-299-YESHUA or email for more information and to reserve your seat! Jewish Voice Today


Alaskan CRUISE



SUMMER 2013 Dates and details to come!

Join Jonathan Bernis and his family on a Summer 2013 Alaskan cruise with teachings, praise and worship and beautiful, breathtaking scenery! Don’t miss it!

For more information, visit our website at, email, or call 800-299-YESHUA.

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