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This age utilizes the face to face communication. This is also known as Acoustic Era, also known as Acoustic Space, which organic and integral perceived through the simultaneous interplay of all the senses. This age is dependent on auditory senses rather than optical senses. According to McLuhan, information is distributed through spoken words by the tribal people.

Age of Literact uses more of symbols in their communication and uses more their optical senses in communication than oral. Humans decided to have their own writing system and learned how to read and write. Words were used for both sight and sound. The rational or pictorial age is uniform, sequential, and continuous, resulting in a closed print age. The first paper that people used was the Guternberg press or movable type.

Print Media focused on the usage of books and papers. Layout and visual space were introduced to the public to show homogeneity. Logical thinking was also embedded on the print outs and newspapers were also introduced. This era is also known as Industrial Age for its utilization of gathering information.

Information dissemination evolved to the usage of social media, computer and internet. Digital Era commenced the mass information dissemination using various platforms.

In electronic age, the transition of pen and paper to computer-based outputs commenced. Introduction of computer to the society.

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