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人群是面紗,熟悉的城市隱於其後,如同幻影燈般召 喚著漫遊者的目光。都市在其中化為風景,化為房室 空間。

"The crowd was the veil from behind which the familiar city as phantasmagoria beckoned to the flâneur. In it, the city was now landscape, now a room." — 巴黎,19 世紀的首都 班雅明 Paris, the Capital of the 19th Century, Walter Benjamin

城 市是我們和他 人相遇 的地方,城 市中心 被 認 為是 社會 活動交 換 的地方,而且城 市中心 總是被 認 為是 顛覆性力量、決裂的力量,以及遊戲的力量作用與相 遇的空間。

The city, essentially and semantically, is the place of our meeting with the other... the city centre is felt as the place of exchange of social activities... Better still, the city centre is always felt as the space where subversive forces, forces of rupture, ludic forces act and meet. — 羅蘭巴特 Semiology and the Urban, Roland Barthes

財團法 人忠泰建 築 文化 藝 術基金 會由台灣忠泰 集團成立於 2007 年,陸續舉辦「明日博物館」系 列展覽、國際建築論壇、藝術進駐計畫等活動, 以藝術展演及文化教育推廣為主要宗旨。 透過建築師、藝術家和文化工作者的立體面向整 合,並以深度扎根及廣度拓展為基本發展依據, 本 基金會 希冀結合 母體 企 業 於建 築領域之專業 知識,應用於都市居住環境文化之發展與關懷, 延伸至 藝 術、創 意 產 業 及 文化 的 活化 與 創 新 能 量,以展覽、競賽、講座、出版計畫,具體落實於 日常生活中,藉由跨領域合作,激發並提 升大眾 對生活空間美學的想像與實踐,使藝術與文化的 發芽滋長,在以建築為本的基礎上,獲得相互滲 透感染與多方位面向推進的互動與行動平台。


1. 明日博物館 第一檔展覽│ theFLOWmarket / 2007 第二檔展覽│ HAPPY LIVING / 2007 第三檔展覽│晴耕雨讀 / 2007 第四檔展覽│垂直村落 / 2011 第五檔展覽│風帶來光 / 2010

2. 忠泰建築學院 系列一 大師演講 系列二 建築教育 系列三 建築的另一種型式

3. 都市果核計畫 計畫 I 城中藝術街區 2010-2012 計畫Ⅱ 中山創意基地 URS21 2011-2013

About JFAA JUT Foundation for Arts and Architecture (JFAA) was founded by JUT Group in 2007. The series of exhibition "Museum of Tomorrow," international architecture forum, art recruiting, etc., have been organized in order to practice the principle of promoting architecture, art, culture, quality living space creation, art exhibition and performance, and cultural education. By coordinating the professionalism of architects, artists, and cultural professionals, rooting and broadening the scope of art, we hope to apply the professional architectural knowledge of mother enterprise on the development of urban environment and cultural development. We will extend and create the energy into art, creative industry through organization of exhibition, competition, seminars, and publication in order to bring art into daily life. By the cooperation of multiple disciplines, the imagination and practice of living aesthetics of the general public will be stimulated, and art and culture will thus

be nurtured and grown up. On the basis of architecture, art and culture will be integrated, and the interactive platform of multi-aspects will be reinforced. Project

1. MUSEUM of TOMORROW (1) theFLOWmarket / 2007 (2) HAPPY LIVING / 2007 (3) Rice for Thoughts / 2007 (4) TheVerticalVillage / 2011 (5) The Wind Brings Light / 2010 2. JUT Architecture Academy Series Ⅰ Master lecture Series Ⅱ Architecture Education Series Ⅲ Alternative of Architecture 3. Project UrbanCore Project I Chang Chun Arts Block 2010-2012 Project II Chung Shan Creative Hub URS21 2011-2013

我們相信,城市的建立不 在一夕之間,而城市的 改變也不是。它的每個世代呈現不同的面容,但 必有核心的基因代代存續,而這樣的基因慢慢成 長與散播,記憶在城市的智性裡,同時更不斷蛻 變創新,於是,城市能夠在故事與文化底蘊之上 恣意新生,而城市的發展更能夠確實回應自身的 精神本質。 忠泰建築文化藝術基金會從 2010 年起開始推動 〈都 市果 核 計 畫〉(Project UrbanCore),整 合 城市中閒置的舊有空間,讓原被遺忘的角落,成 為藝文創意領域工作者的培養皿。藉著新的養分 澆灌下,觸發城市新一代的創意益發茁壯,如同 藝術種子成長,更帶來源源不絕的生命能量。

〈都市果核計畫〉是一個遊移式的長期藝文耕耘 計畫,利用富群聚 性、啟發 性、輻 輳 性 的閒置 空 間,鼓 勵藝術、設計、建 築 及相關創意 工作者 進 駐 或合 作,打造 利 於創 作 能 量 匯 集 與 交 流 的 平 台。透過基地的轉換,希望使這樣的能量跳脫有 形建 物 的 生命期 限 及 空 間 侷 限,連 結 更多 參 與 者,持 續地向前滾 動蔓 延,讓每 個城 市角落,都 能透過微小的種子結出風采各異的果實。 計畫名稱與執行時間: 計畫 I 城中藝術街區 2010-2012 計畫Ⅱ 中山創意基地 URS21 2011-2013

About Project UrbanCore

We believe cities weren't built in one day, and neither can the change of a city occur in merely one day. A city may look different in appearance from generation to generation, yet its core – the "gene" of the city, is passed down for generations to come. This "core" grows and is dispersed to become a part of the heart of the city. At the same time, the "core" is continuously transformed and renewed. As a result, cities continue to grow based on its foundation of old stories and cultural roots while its essence is manifested through development. JUT Foundation for Arts and Architecture launched Project UrbanCore in 2010, transforming forgotten, dilapidated idle space in the city into a petri dish to incubate artists. With injection of new "nutrients" into a city, the creativity of a new generation of artists is released, while the seeds of art are sown to generate limitless vitality.

Project UrbanCore is a long-term mobile arts and culture cultivation project. Various idle venues are used as a hub to encourage and inspire professionals in fields including art, design, architecture, etc. As residents or as partners in the project, artists gather together to generate even more energy and also exchange ideas with each other. Further, creative energy is further generated through the change of venues, as artists are no longer bound by the limits of space or tangible architecture. It is hope that by connecting artists, we will continue to move forward and sow small seeds of art in different corners of the city, and one day reap beautiful fruits in return. Project title and time: Project I Chang Chun Arts Block, 2010-2012 Chung Shan Creative Hub URS21, 2011-2013 Project II 

中山創意基地 URS21

2011 年,忠泰建 築 文化 藝 術基金 會 透 過 臺 北市 2011 年 9 月至 2013 年 6 月之間,以「都市再生」、 都 市更 新處「都 市再生前 進 基 地 計 畫」(URS, 「在地鏈結」、 「文創產業群聚」為三項推動主軸, Urban Regeneration Station),獲 得「台 灣 省 希望藉由歷史空間的活化,打破舊有空間性格與 菸 酒 公 賣 局中山 配 銷 處」兩 年 的 空 間 經 營 權, 社區之間的藩籬,透過與社區網絡、城市生活之 中 山 配 銷 處 於 是 成 為〈都 市 果 核 計 畫 Project 間的串連,為台北打造一處體現在地觀點的設計 UrbanCore〉新基 地。建 於 1972 年 的中山 配 銷 與創意的交流平台。 處鄰近捷運雙連站,見證台灣菸酒公賣制度的建 立與 變革,前身為台灣省菸酒公賣局配送、零售 「中山 創 意 基 地 URS21」以 蘊 涵 設 計、建 築、創 倉庫,於 2002 年隨專賣制度的廢止而閒置至今。 意能量為目標規劃了展 覽空間、互 動教 室、設計 大隱於市的她承接了兩個時代的交替、新舊混血 進駐工作室等,為強調與城市生活之間的串連, 的地區紋理、公領域與私領域的空間界標,而「中 透過與社區網絡的緊密連結,成為台北設計新據 山創意基地 URS21」是她的新名字。 點。 「 中 山 創 意 基 地 URS21」是〈 都 市 果 核 計 畫 Project UrbanCore〉的 第 二 個 創 意 跳 島,在

About Chung Shan Creative Hub URS21

T h e his tor y of Chung Shan Creati ve Hub URS21 can be traced back to 1972 when the Zhongshan Distribution Site was built. The space once belonged to "Taiwan Tobacco and Liquor Corporation Distribution" as its retail storehouse, witnessing the establishment and the development of the tobacco and liquor monopoly system in Taiwan. In the year of 2002, the abolishment of the monopoly system also closed the door of the Zhongshan Distribution Site. Though it has been gradually forgotten by the public, the space still recorded the transition of two eras while it marked the boundary between the public and the private property. Now, Chung Shan Creative Hub URS 21 becomes its new name.

Close to Taipei MRT shuanglian station, Chung Shan Creative Hub URS21 is the second creative hub of "Project UrbanCore," a two-year project from the September of 2011 to the June of 2013. Following its three major ideas – urban regeneration, local connectivity, and the cluster of cultural & creative industries, we hope to regenerate the historical spaces and connect it with the community which lives within. Connecting the community network to the urban life, we will build up an international communicational platform for cultural & creative industries.

昔日 Past


歷時近百年,見證時代變遷,從倉庫到文創據點, 從拆除到重建,在成為中山創意基地 URS21 前, 此地已轉換過多種風貌:

1921 年 台灣 (offset) オフセット印刷株式會社 成立於此 (宮前町 363 番地 ),負責酒標、菸盒的印刷製作。

2002 年 菸酒專賣制度廢止,公賣局改制為台灣菸酒股份 有限公司。

2010 年 臺北市都市更新處啟動「都市再生前進基地計畫 (URS)」。

1947 年

2011 年

印刷株式會社搬遷,此地成為台灣菸酒公賣局中 山配銷處,作為菸和酒的倉庫。

重新開幕,名稱正式改為「中山創意基地 URS21」 由忠泰建築文化藝術基金會營運,引動周遭的創 意能量。

1972 年 原地重建,成為現有水泥三層建築物。

1999 年 精省後公賣局改隸中華民國財政部,建築物開始 閒置。

䝊旼 Present

Our History Over the past few decades, the site has undergone a facelift, turning from a storage house into a cultural center. It has undergone a series of transformation before becoming the Chung Shan Creative Hub URS21 today.

1999 The site and building became idle after Taiwan Tobacco and Wine Monopoly Bureau became h ea d e d by t h e M inis t r y o f Finan ce a f te r streamlining of the Taiwan Provincial Government.

1921 Taiwan Offset Printing Corporation established, responsible for the production of wine labels and printing of cigarette boxes.

2002 Monopoly system of tobacco and liquor abolished, Taiwan Tobacco and Wine Monopoly Bureau reorganized as Taiwan Tobacco and Liquor Corporation.

1947 Taiwan Offset Printing Corporation relocated. The site became the Taiwan Tobacco and Wine Monopoly Bureau distribution center and storage house.

2010 Taipei City Urban Regeneration Office launches "Urban Regeneration Station" project.

1972 Building reconstructed to become the current three-story cement architecture.

2011 Reopened and officially renamed as Chung Shan Creative Hub URS21, operated and managed by JUT Foundation for Arts and Architecture, generating creative energy in the area.





藝術合作 中山創意基 地 URS21 持續推 動藝術合作 計畫, 內容係以空間本質作為核心價值,作為場域特定 藝術 (site-specific art) 發表。合作藝術家包括 透 過 畫筆 為廢 棄的中山配銷廠 房 召喚守護 神的 顏忠賢、以基地空間為創作切入點的 AhdiaOne 與 Candy Bird、與 社區學員 共同合 作 剪紙接 力 的吳耿禎、從《虹 牌油漆》展 覽延伸出新作品的 周育正、以建築物作為發想概念的飛飛飛等。基 地作為新生代設計與藝術展演平台,希望能藉由 藝術合作計畫傳遞生活美學,並在與藝術家合作 的過程中,提出能融合社區環境與歷史記憶的藝 術展示。

b 顏忠賢/壞迷宮 散布於基地各區域/紅色油漆 c 周育正/百合白或白 280 x 140 cm 2 幅/複合媒材 d Candy Bird /無題 400 x 600 cm /水泥漆 e Ahdia One / Life Like Rain 400 x 600 cm /噴漆、水泥漆 f 飛飛飛/中山微笑基地 187 x 305 cm /便利貼 g 吳耿禎/草原剪紙教室 2011 370 x 250 cm 3 幅 /卡典西德



Site-Specific Art Chung Shan Creative Hub URS21 has been dedicated to the promotion of art, with a focus on space and advocating site-specific art. Chung Shan Creative Hub URS21 has partnered with numerous artists. Artists and their work with Chun Shan Creative Hub URS21 included: Yan Chunghsien, who evoked a guardian angel for the deserted Chung Shan distribution center through painting; AhdiaOne and Candy Bird, who focus on the geographical location of the hub; Jam Wu, who has led a paper-cutting relay event; Chou Yucheng, whose work was inspired by the Rainbow Paint exhibition; and Flyflyfly, an artist inspired by the building. As a platform for young designers and artists, the creative hub hopes to showcase the beauty of art in daily life. At the same time, by partnering with artists, we hope to showcase art that takes into consideration the surrounding environment as well as the larger historical context.

b Yan Chung-hsien/Bad Maze Spread out throughout the hub/red paint c Chou Yu-cheng/Lily White or White

280 x 140 cm , 2 pieces/complex material d Candy Bird/untitled

400 x 600 cm/masonry paint e Ahdia One/Life Like Rain

400 x 600 cm/spray painted, masonry paint f Flyflyfly/Chung Shan Smiling Hub 187 x 305 cm/post-its g Jam Wu/A handmade life 2011 370 x 250 cm, 3 pieces /cutting sheet

空間平面圖 Floor Map 1.


7. 3.





6. 10.

11. 12.






2F 3. 6.

5. 1.

4. 3.






3F 1



8 S308





9 S309





10 S310

Conference Room Conference Room

HAN Gallery PiliWu-Design




想 建築工作室 + 生態系統城市設計

Think Archi Studio + ESD



a.m ideas

11 N301


S305 305 實驗室

12 N302




13 N303




14 N304





studio if

2F 1






KEV Design Studio

Taiwan Designers' Web Qiao Design studio

Afterain Design Studio


Project Space 展區

Project Space 忠泰建築文化藝術基金會 辦公室

JUT Foundation for Arts & Architecture Office

1F 服務台

5 S1





警衛 / 收發室

7 N1



8 A101


Information Corridor

Security / Mail Room


Lecture Room




Project Space 藝青會

Taipei Youth Art Center


Public Spaces

S1 教室 | N1、S2、N2 展區 場地使用資訊請洽忠泰建築文化藝術基金會網站。

Please access to www.jut-arts.org.tw for more details.


Information 諮詢 Consultation │ 配合展場開放時間,提供本館各項諮詢服務。

We provide various kinds of consultation services during opening hours. 寄物 Lockers │ 備有寄物櫃,提供民眾寄放物品之服務。

Visitors may deposit their belongings here. 導覽 Guided Tours │ 開放團體預約導覽,請上基金會官網申請。

Group guided tour services are available and can be arranged from our website.


1F 2011 年 10 月,MOT/KITCHEN 以 KITCHEN Light 為名,進駐在承襲新舊時代接軌,蘊含歷史記憶的 中山創意基地 URS21,提供輕飲食與樂活空間,推廣 一 種 易 緻 生 活 學。 取 當 代 建 築 與 藝 術 人 文 作 底蘊,結合展覽講座、市集表演,與當令新鮮食材 的 創 意 養 分,MOT/KITCHEN Light 替 整 座 城 市 打造一處姿態輕緩的停頓點,以慢活步調,讓輕度 飲食哲學貫徹都會生活,豐富味蕾及心靈體驗。

Located by an immense meadow and in a neighborhood rich in history since 2011 Oct., MOT/ KITCHEN Light is stationed in Chung Shan Creative Hub URS21 to spread LOHAS and dainty lifestyle, also get a close access to a plenty of art and architecture exhibitions, lectures, performances, and creative markets that the hub has to offer. Being a relaxing space in urban life, MOT/KITCHEN Light rich taste and spirit experience by Light philosophy.


The Field 靜落於中山創意基 地 URS21 後 方綠意盎然的戶 外草原,昔日是三排四層樓高的菸酒公賣局員工 宿舍。在整體基地園區重新整頓後,荒廢的宿舍 建 築 隨時 代 更 迭 走 入 歷 史,此區塊 改 以 亮 眼 的 大草原面貌現身。草原對大眾開放,無論是在地 居民或過 路旅客,都可在此漫步抒心,深吸一口 自然清新的空氣。

Sitting in the back of the Chung Shan Creative Hub URS21 is a lush green field, where three rows of four-story dormitory of the Taiwan Tobacco and Wine Monopoly Bureau used to be located. The lush green field has become the new face of the hub as the outdated dormitories were removed. The field is open to the general public, so residents from the neighborhood or those who pass by can take a stroll and enjoy the atmosphere as well as a breath of fresh air at the Creative Hub.


教室 Lecture Room S1 教室位於主建物南棟一樓入口服務處之後方, 與餐廳相連。可由此進 入 戶外草原區,並讓餐廳 及廣場區的參訪者有機會走進教室。

S1 教 室 26 坪,可 容 納 約 60 至 90 人,為 小型 的 講座研討空間,適合各種小規模短時間的演講、 課程、講座、交 流等活動。亦可與 其他 場地 聯 合 租借使用。

1F S1 lecture room locates on the first floor of the south main building, behind the information desk at the entrance and next to the restaurant. It also serves as the passageway to the outdoor turf area. Its location encourages visitors in the plaza and restaurant to walk enter S1. The size of S1 is about 86 square meters with the capacity of 60-90 people – a perfect size for conferences in a smaller scale, including speeches, courses, forums, communicational events, and etc. Users are welcome to reserve S1 together with other spaces if needed.


展區 Project Space N1 展區位 於主建物之 北 棟一樓。全展區內並無 隔間,開放彈性使用。

N1 展區 空 間 75 坪,可 容 納 約 100-150 人。可供 各類型及短中長期的靜態展覽使用,或可為短期 戲劇音樂演出、記者 會、派對等各種活動發生。 亦可與其他場地聯合租借使用。

1F N1 project space locates on the first floor of the north main building. There is no partition in N1, offering unlimited possibilities for its space arrangement. The size of N1 is about 248 square meters with the capacity of 100-150 people. We welcome exhibitions which last for weeks or months, as well as one-day or two-day events such as theatre performances, concerts, press conferences, parties, and etc.


展區 Project Space S2 展區位 於主建 物之南棟 二樓。全 展區內並無 隔間,開放彈性使用。 S2 展 區 空 間 150 坪,可 容 納 約 200-300 人。適 合中長期的靜態展覽或短期的動態表演。亦可與 其他場地聯合租借使用。

2F S2 project space locates on the second floor of the south main building. There is no partition in S2, offering unlimited possibilities for its space arrangement. The size of S2 is about 496 square meters with the capacity of 200-300 people. We welcome exhibitions which last for weeks or months, as well as one-day or two-day events such as theatre performances, concerts, press conferences, parties, and etc.


展區 Project Space N2 展區位於主建物之北棟二樓。

2F N2 project space locates on the second floor of the north main building.

N2 展區 空間 75 坪,可容納約 100-150 人。適合 中長 期 的 靜態 展 覽 或 短 期 的 動 態 表 演 用。亦可 與其他場地聯合租借使用。

The size of N1 is about 248 square meters with the capacity of 100-150 people. We welcome exhibitions which last for weeks or months, as well as one-day or two-day events such as theatre performances, concerts, press conferences, parties, and etc.


Participant Teams






HAN Gallery 致 力探 索傳 統 文化,選 擇 具保存 價值的文化概念,賦予設計概念及手法,藉由精 湛工藝及限量製作,呈現作品的原創性、獨特性 與收藏價值。

PiliWu-Design 吳 氏 設 計 由 吳 孝 儒 創 立,作品 曾於義大利,日本、德國、法國、大陸、香港展出, 亦與各地藝廊合作推出限量設計作品。PiliWuDesign 所 追 求 的,不是 放 在 博 物 館 的 東 方 文 化,而是 眼 界 所及、台灣 最 直 接 的 生 活態 度 與 智慧。

HAN Gallery draws inspiration from its cultural tradition, and creates exiting objects that fuse the boundary between the eastern and the western, the historical and the contemporary. Beyond mere nostalgic way of thinking, we preserve valuable ideas from the Chinese history, and translate them into contemporary contexts by giving meanings from design perspective.

PiliWu-Design was founded by industrial designer Pili Wu (b. 1986) In 2008. Focusing on furniture design, Pili Wu has participated in various Taiwanese and international creative projects. In his work, the designer reflects the visual and sensual experience of his life in Taiwan.

HAN Gallery




GEARLAB www.store.gearlab.com.tw

器 研 所成 員在 設 計 服 務 上有 豐富 的 經 驗,舉凡 3 C產品、家用精品和戶外 運 動產品,皆有 突出 的 表 現 和 亮 麗 的 得 獎 記 錄,而 器 研 所成 員 除了 設計服務之外,亦開始自行研發生產自有品牌, 以本身同時是獨木舟運動愛好者的角度,將傳統 木製的格陵蘭式槳為底再予以改良,設計並量產 出以玻璃纖 維和碳 纖 維 為主要材質的新 型格陵 蘭式獨木舟槳。 器 研 所 將自身定位 成一 間 產 品設 計 能 力 優 異 且 經 驗 豐富 的 公司,在 以 設 計 研 發 的 同 時已做 好市場調查和消費者行為研究,針對市場所需, 設計出符 合 合作廠 商需求及能促 進 消費者購買 的產品。

Gearlab is a design firm founded by a group of outdoor enthusiastic industrial designers with the belief of "usable design". Gearlab believe that usable designs could lengthen product lives and ultimately reduce waste created. Gearlab works closely with various industries, including IT, house ware, outdoor...etc., and has proven to deliver and transform the design value of "usable design" into commercial values. Gearlab now also offering kayak paddles and other kayaking accessories designed and developed by Gearlab.


305 實驗室 Lab-305 田田圈文創 www.tientiencircle.org 遇見秋天 silvercorner.pixnet.net/blog 我們希望透過對都市的探索,提出城市再生及永 續發展的公共議題,藉由建築或空間的創作及藝 術策展的方式,使一般民眾了解並親身體驗由創 作所引發的一連串活動。並期望透過異業合作, 以資源最大化的整合方式來進行策略規劃設計, 從不同的角度重新思考人們所生活的空間。 我們是一群跨領域的設計工作者,基於對創作的 熱情與對土地人文的關懷,進而整合組成的工作 團隊:蔡明穎建築師事務所、巨集設計顧問有限 公司、田田圈文創工作群、遇見秋天。

Through the exploration of the city, we bring up the public issues about urban regeneration and sustainable development while we organize art exhibitions or demonstrate artworks which are related to the architecture and the space. Our main idea is to offer an opportunity for the public to experience a series of activities triggered by art practice. Meanwhile, we believe that it is possible to integrate organizations/corporations of various fields in order to maximize the resources. Based upon such a strategic design, we provide another perspective to reexamine the space we are living within: MY.Tsai Architects GT Consulting Planners Tien Tien Circle Creatives November studio


HIS MAJESTY w w w.zeigarniq.com HIS MAJEST Y 是 由 ZEIGARNIQ / 覃 康 寧 & PAULIZATION/ 蓬 萊 雜 訊 所 組 成 的 服 裝 影 像 設計團隊 : ZEIGARNIQ / 覃康寧源 於俄國心 理 學 家 BLUMA ZEIGARNIK 所 發 現 的 心 理 效 應 ZEIGARNIK EFFECT,即人在進行新工作的時候, 往往會心懸於之前那些未完成的,也可對應於日 語「 殘 念」一 辭。而 PAULIZATION / 蓬 萊 雜 訊 則 是 一 位 創 作 者 本 身 個 人「化」之 聯 想(PAULIZATION),任由自我 永 遠 地向任 何幻變 形式敞 開的過程。

HIS MAJEST Y 屬於中間狀 態的服裝品牌 概 念, 融合服裝和視覺藝術為導向的計畫,有別於一般 的產品定位,其概念伴隨著創作內容不斷轉換而 發展出更多樣性的商品內涵。

HIS MAJESTY is a fashion/visual design studio assembled by ZEIGARNIQ and PAULIZATION. HIS MAJESTY is of an in-between brand concept, a project combining fashion and visual arts. Opposed to other products orientation, the content of HIS MAJESTY is constantly transforming with its flowing experiments and ideas.



studio if www.studio-if.com

studio if 為產品及互動設計之工作室,旨在發現 人們與生活中的物件之間的新關係與互動方式, 尤 其 是 把 科 技 當成 素 材,讓 它 透 過 設 計在 人們 生 活 中 扮 演 新 的 意 義。studio if 於 2011 年 由 設 計 師 李 佳 穎 所 創 立,其 畢 業 於 Interaction Design Institute Ivrea, Italy,曾任 Pega Design & Engineering 資深設計師。作品曾於各大設計展 展出,包含 Solone del Mobile Milano, Maison

& Objet Paris, 100% Design Shanghai, Tokyo Design Week, Taiwan Designers' Week。

In "studio if" we explore new possibilities of interaction/relation between objects and people, a lot of times it involves the crossover between design and technology. We cherish the moments when the meaningful meets the unexpected, and try to present them in well-crafted forms. "studio if" is funded by designer Chia-Ying Lee in 2011. She is a graduate from Interaction Design Institute Ivrea, Italy and was a senior designer in Pega Design & Engineering. Her works has been shown in various cities in the world, including Salone del Mobile Milano, Maison & Objet Paris, 100% Design Shanghai, Tokyo Design Week and Taiwan Designers' Week.



a.m ideas w w w.amideas.com

從 不 同 地 域 人們 的日常生 活 所 需 中,我 們 發 現 愈 傳 統、愈 在 地 的 文化 產 品,愈 是 懂 得 學 習以 友善的方 式來對 待人 與環境。我們期許,工作室 所設計開發的產品,能保有傳統手工 業的故事, 以小量 客 製 的 心意,從 製 造 過 程中 減 少 對 環 境 的破壞,利用可回收的資 源,尊重 且善 待 我們的 地 球。

People in the world live in different kinds of environments. We have discovered that the most traditional and the most localized cultural objects indeed treat human beings and the environment in the friendliest way. Therefore, a.m ideas wishes to provide products which carry the stories of the traditional handicraft industry. A huge quantity of each product is not what we pursue. On the contrary, we hope to reduce the damage to the environment through the customized products and to cherish the Earth by using recyclable materials.




成 立 於 2011 年,結 合了 建 築 及 產 品 設 計 的 跨 領 域 團 隊,每 位 成 員 以 不 同 的 背 景 共 同 參 與 設 計、發 展 到 施 工 的 一貫 性 創 作,相 互 刺 激 想 法 並 提 供 不同觀 點,為了做 能 令自己「感 動」的 作品。 共 同 創 業 來自於 對 環 境 的 想 法,對 我 們 來 說, 不論哪類設計,皆源於平日的生活觀察、美學基 礎、專 業 角度、以 及丟開包袱 並保 持自由度,由 大到小,由小到大,創意是 運用不同的角度去思 考、重新解讀或開發新型態。

Founded in 2011, our multidisciplinary team consists of designers with backgrounds in architecture and product design. All members participate in every step of the design process, from concept development to construction. This diverse team inspires each other and creates entirely new points of views. The desire to create this company came from the ideas we have about our surroundings. All categories of design originate from observations of the environment around us, no matter how normal, how big or how small.


想 建築工作室 + 生態系統城市設計 Think Archi Studio + ESD w w w.studioesd.com 想 建 築 工作 室 + 生 態 系 統 城 市 設 計 是 一種 獨 特 的 經 驗,把複 雜 的 資訊 跟 衝 突 條 件重 新 組 織 起來,用空間的方式解套,建築成為一種腦力活 動,以思考觀點屏除形式的成見。 想 建 築 工作 室 + 生 態 系 統 城 市 設 計 也 是 一種 單 純 的 欲 望,依 著 直 覺 的 方 向 發 展 建 築 行為, 保 持 適 應 變 數 的 彈 性,又 能 從 一 而 終,呈 現 出 風 格 與 態 度。本 工作 團 隊 將 透 過 國 內 外 建 築、 城 市 規 劃 的 多方合 作 與 業 務 落 實,為 人 文 空 間 注入行動與思考活力。

Think Archi Studio + ESD provides you with a unique experience by reconnec ting the complicated information and the conflicting situation while it solves the problem with "space." Architecture thus becomes a brain exercise, through which we might be able to adopt another perspective and to ignore our prejudice. Think Archi Studio + ESD also signifies a simple desire. Following our instinct, we construct the behavior or architecture concept which is flexible enough to be fixed into various situations but yet full of consistence to demonstrate a unique style.



KEV Design Studio w w w.yujuichou.com KEV 的 意 義 是 Create Every Value,希 望 可 以 藉 由 設 計 的 專 業,幫 不 同 的 產 業 創 造 出 新 的 價值。從 消 費 性 的 電子產 品 到已 經 沒 落 的 傳 統 工藝,從使用者觀察到趨勢分析,都是我們工作 的 領 域。將 來 並 希望 朝 向 建 立 設 計品 牌 之 路, 讓想法概念能夠更直接的與消費者溝通。

KEV stands for Create Every Value. Our goal is to create new values via design for industries. We do design services for a varied range, from consumer electronics to hand-made crafts, from concepts to products. The next task for us is to build a design brand, to communicate our ideas with our consumers more directly.



Taiwan Designers' Web www.designersweek.tw 台灣設計師連線於 2006 年由台灣跨領域、跨公 司團隊等設計相關工作者自發性組成,主要藉由 舉辦概念性展覽的形式,創造一個分享設計創意 的交流平台,並向民眾 呈現台灣設計成果,進而 將台灣設計推向國際舞台。 自 2007 年 起,台 灣 設 計 師 連 線 開 始 籌 備 舉 辦 台 灣 設 計 師 週(Taiwan Designers´Week), 參 考其他國家的設計週,開創性地加入了「主 題 設計」聯展區塊,強調設計美學 與 概 念,號召各 領域設計師共同策想年度主題,意圖提供長期為 高科技產業服務的設計師們,一個自由揮灑個人 創意的平台。

Initiate d in 20 0 6, Taiwan D esigners' Web was organized by a group of crosscut ting designers, design companies and design groups spontaneously. The mission of TWDW is to establish the platform and stage for Taiwan designers to show their creativity and present the relationship between design and its cultural contexts. From year 2007, Taiwan Designers' Web started to organize Taiwan Designers' Week (TWDW), which has become one of the most remarkable design events in Taiwan, and also the biggest annual design exhibition organized by non-governmental sector.



Qiao Design studio w w w.qiaodesign.com 「竅」是關鍵、重點、方法,更是一種頓悟的境界。 Qiao 的 發 音 來自於 台 語 的「竅」,這 是 台 語 裡 形容聰明的獨特用語。 竅門設計成 立 於 2009,由王俊隆 與何忠堂兩位 設計師所 創立。曾經帶 領 過 美商 Zoe Design、 Do Design、Dell、The One 異 數 宣 言、tittot 琉 園 的 設 計 團 隊。我 們 一直 致 力 於 尋 找 台灣 的 新 設 計 觀 點,嘗 試 在台灣 的常民 文化 裡 重 新 發 現 感 動,讓 台灣 的 設 計 創 作 在 國內 外 指 標性 的 大 展 中 持 續 發 聲。我 們 相 信 設 計 有 著 許 多 的 面 向,每 個 面 向 都 是 獨 一 無 二 的,只 要 真 心 去 擁抱它,有一天終將長出美麗的花朵。

The Chinese word "Qiao" means a key solution to solve a problem. It also means a sudden understanding. It is a word derived from Taiwanese – a term to describe "cleverness." Qiao Design studio was founded by two designers Wang Chun-Lung and Ho Chung-Tang in the year of 2009. It has cooperated with various design teams, including Zoe Design from the US, Do Design, Dell, The One, and tittot. We have been searching for a new design concept in Taiwan, while the traditional culture of the local people here provides the greatest inspiration, which also motivates many Taiwanese designers to show their talent in major exhibitions.



Afterain Design Studio w w w.afteraindesign.com 天晴設計事務所是由台灣設計師李尉郎及 易瑋勝於 2008 年創立,致 力於台灣設計師品牌 推 廣 及 提 升 設 計服務產 業 的 價值性,業 務 範 疇 包括產品外觀、平面視覺、品牌形象策略規劃等 設 計 開 發。我 們 形 容 設 計 是 一 個 長 長 的 雨 天, 唯 有經 過 紊 亂 思 緒與 想 法,才 能 讓 五 感 體 驗 為 風 格定位,最 終 獲 得「天 晴」的 美 好 結 果。2011 旗 下 設 計 師 品 牌 為 李 尉 郎、易 瑋 勝、邱 建 基、 林 定 芊,行 銷 全 球,透 過 設 計 師 創 作 商 品 化, 讓每個人都能擁有設計師創作收藏!

Afterain Design Studio was established by Yi Wei Shen and Lee Wei Lang in 2008. There are 4 designer-brand under Afterain, they are Yi Wei Shen ,Lee Wei Lang, Chiu Ken Kie and Lin Ting Chien. Four of them are rich experienced in design field, they use their design to communicate with consumers, and to advance Taiwan design living.




Taipei Youth Art Center 2012 年 4 月,藝青會進駐中山創意基地 URS21, 由馬特 音樂 及 煙花宇宙代 表執行,以 DJ 教學與 投 影實驗 VJ 為 宗旨,定 期於空間內舉 辦街頭 藝 文 講座、教學 與 展 演,並 於基 地內每月舉 辦「街 坊派對」。 「街坊派對」邀請基地鄰居來聽歌、點歌,甚至自 己放歌,現場設 置 創意塗鴉牆,由藝術家每月更 新噴作,也開放空間讓民眾報名桌椅市集,將藝 術帶進生活中,期望帶給社會與眾不同的街頭藝 術新想像。

The Taipei Youth Art Center became a partner of Chung Shan Creative Hub URS21 in April, 2012. On behalf of the Taipei Youth Art Center, DJMart Multimedia and Endospace Digital Sound Visual Lab organizes and executes cultural programs, courses and performances on a regular basis to promote deejaying and experimental visual projection programs. Every month, a "street party" is also held by the Taipei Youth Art Center at the hub. The"Street Party" invites residents around the neighborhood to enjoy music, to request songs, or even to play songs themselves. Artists showcase new graffiti work every month in the party. Besides, the flea market is organized to the general public so that art is brought into their daily lives while those who participate will surely see street art in a different light.

中山創意基地 URS21 屬於臺北市都市更新處 URS 計畫之一

Chun Shan Creative Hub URS21 is a part of the URS project organized by Urban Redevelopment Office, Taipei


Urban Regeneration Station (URS) URS 21

URS 155



Chung Shan Creative Hub

Cooking Together

URS 127

URS 27


Design Gallery


The Grand Green

URS 44 大稻埕故事工坊

Story House

URS 27W 城市影像實驗室

Film Range

URS 13 南港都市再生前進基地

Revived Vanguard

URS=yours 你的,我的,大家的 一個城市的生命力,需要活水般不斷的注入文化 創意灌溉滋養。摩天大樓的高度、經濟建設的發 展程度就如同城市的表象,或許會隨著年齡而改 變、衰老,但城市內心卻會隨著時光的流逝而更 顯風韻。都市再生前進基地(URS)正是為了讓舊 社區注 入新文化活水而誕 生。在台北,目前預計 有七 座 URS 概 念 基 地在各 個角落生根發 芽,茁 壯成既可為城市製造創意氧氣,又可美化城市文 化景觀的大樹。臺北市都市更新處於 2010 年開 啟了 URS 推動計畫,由政府單位提供地點,鼓勵 民間單位進駐,讓民間單位得以自由展現創新力 量,將文化創意的種子埋進這些老舊街廓中。

The vitality of a city requires the non-stop irrigation of culture and creativity. Urban Regeneration Station (URS) is one of the projects to bring in new flowing water to an old community. There are seven URSs in Taipei now, scattered around the whole city. They not only serve as the "oxygen of creativity" for the city, but also grow into a beautiful cultural landscape. In 2010, Urban Redevelopment Taipei City started the URS promotion project, providing spaces for private organizations so that they can plant the seeds of cultural creativities into these ancient streets.

更多資訊,請見台北村落之聲網站 :

For more information, please access: www.urstaipei.net



URS 127

URS 21

URS 44

URS 13

URS 155

URS 27

串聯新與舊,動與靜 一個充滿活力的創意基地

經營單位 Organizer


02-2562-1617 02-2562-5101 jfaa@jut-arts.org.tw 台北市中山區民生東路一段 21 號

No. 21, Sec. 1, Minsheng E. Rd., Zhongshan Dist., Taipei City 104, TAIWAN 交通指南 Transportation 捷運 MRT ︱ 雙連站 2 號出口左轉,步行約 8 分鐘

Taipei MRT Shuanglian Station, EXIT 2. Turn left when you go out and walk about 8 minutes. 公車 BUS ︱ 華泰飯店站 46、226、227、261、290、518、811、紅 33

Take Bus 46, 226, 227, 261, 290, 518, 811, R33 to Gloria Hotel. 服務時間 Open Hours 週二至週日 10:00-18:00, 週一休館

10:00-18:00 (Closed on Monday)

民生 東路 一段


中山北路二段 93 巷

永盛公園 地下停車場


凱瑟琳 婚紗

往捷運雙連站 二號出口


P1 馬偕醫院

永固 停車場 富邦銀行





活動資訊請見 For event information, please access


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