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Super Sunday Leadership Team By Marianne Bazydlo A team of returning and new leaders are working to make this year’s Super Sunday on January 26 a success. The 2014 Super Sunday co-chairs are Orit Antosh, Joel Friedman, Jacki Goldberg, Myrna Koldin, Andrew Koldin, Diane Kuppermann and Cindy Stein. The Super Sunday co-chairs agreed that “the theme of this year’s Campaign is ‘touching people’s lives in Central New York and around the world... from your heart to their hands.’” They explained, “Responding to the call on Super Sunday is an opportunity to help those in need here in Syracuse, as well as throughout the world. Our community is like a large family and, like a family, we have to look out for one another. So please, answer the phone when your Jewish community calls you on Super Sunday and continue

the tradition of preserving Jewish identity and helping those in need with a pledge to the 2014 Annual Campaign.” Joining the team this year is Andrew Koldin, an attorney with the Wladis Law firm whose practice is focused primarily on commercial and environmental litigation. He is on the Board of Directors of the Sam Pomeranz Jewish Community Center and serves on the Elder Abuse Committee at Vera House. New Co-chair Stein is a member of Temple Adath Yeshurun and an active volunteer for Fayetteville-Manlius High School. She has served on the Sam Pomeranz Jewish Community Center Board and chaired numerous fund-raising events for the community. Antosh served on the boards of the Syracuse Hebrew Day School, Temple Adath See “Sunday” on page 2

Super Sunday teen co-chairs’ mitzvah project to help children By Marianne Bazydlo The 2014 Super Sunday teen co-chairs are organizing a community mitzvah project, along with helping coordinate the event and volunteering. This year’s teen co-chairs are David Antosh, Laurin Goldberg, Leah Kuppermann, Emma Stein and Corey Stein. During Super Sunday on January 26 at the Sam Pomeranz Jewish Community Center of Syracuse, the teenagers will The 2014 Super Sunday teen co-chairs will help collect items for the students in collect items for charity on January 26 at the Sam the McCarthy @ Beard program Pomeranz Jewish Community Center of Syracuse. of the Syracuse school district. L-r: Teen co-chairs Laurin Goldberg, David Antosh Through trustees Sheldon and and Emma Stein. Not pictured: Leah Kuppermann Mateele Kall, the Pomeranz, and Corey Stein. Shankman and Martin Charitable Foundation has made a donation to support team and is a member of the National Honors the project. Society and Spanish Honors Society. Antosh Beginning her first year as a teen co-chair volunteers at Make-A-Wish Central New is Emma Stein, a Fayetteville-Manlius High See “Mitzvah” on page 2 School sophomore. She attended the Syracuse Hebrew Day School and is a graduate of Temple Adath The McCarthy program is an alternative school serving Yeshurun’s confirmation 50-70 students in kindergarten through 12th grade. The proclass. She is on the Teen gram provides specialized services for students with social, Funders Committee of the emotional, behavioral and academic concerns that require Jewish Community Foun- resources beyond those of regular schools. At the end of each dation of Central New week, students at McCarthy @ Beard attend an assembly York. She is the coxswain and choose an item from various levels on a cart as a reward on the varsity F-M crew for achieving goals in a corresponding level in the program. and is active with Com- Last year, the Super Sunday teen co-chairs delivered the gift munity Connections. She items and attended the weekly assembly. has attended Camp Ramah They said, “Visiting the McCarthy @ Beard School, for six years. meeting the students and sharing in their accomplishments New to the team this was very meaningful to us. We were happy to make a posiyear is Corey Stein, a junior tive difference in their lives and we look forward to helping at Fayetteville-Manlius them again this year.” High School who attended Various items were specifically requested by the teachers the Syracuse Hebrew Day at McCarthy @ Beard for their students, including: School. He is also on the Hair accessories such as scrunchies, headbands or barTeen Funders Committee rettes in bright colors of the JCFCNY. He is on Children’s toothbrushes or toothpaste with sports themes the F-M varsity volleyball or child-friendly characters and varsity lacrosse teams, Hair brushes and combs and is a member of Link Bottles of body wash or hand sanitizer Crew, a peer mentoring Shampoo and conditioner gift sets program. Hand and body lotion This is the sixth year Coloring books, boxes of crayons and colored pencils Antosh has volunteered at Colored chalk Super Sunday, and his third Packs of cards and card games year as a teen co-chair. He Craft kits (friendship bracelets or “loom band” bracelets) is a senior at Jamesville- Board games or puzzles DeWitt High School and Gift cards or movie tickets the president of his class, a Balls in all types and sizes, made of foam or rubber, position he has held all four especially footballs and basketballs years of high school. He is T-shirts and sweatshirts in all sizes, from small youth-adult captain of the Jamesville- large, especially those with Syracuse University logos. DeWitt varsity basketball

About McCarthy

The 2014 Super Sunday leadership team posed with Jewish Federation of Central New York President/CEO Linda Alexander. Seated (l-r) Orit Antosh, Jacki Goldberg and Cindy Stein. Standing: Joel Friedman, Diane Kuppermann, Alexander and Andrew Koldin. Not pictured: Myrna Koldin.

JCC and synagogues joint venture

Speak up! By Nick Finlayson Syracuse area synagogues are teaming up with the Sam Pomeranz Jewish Community Center of Syracuse to find out how to best serve their 20-30-yearolds. There will be a light breakfast at the JCC to begin this communitywide brainstorming event on Sunday, January 19, at 10 am. The purpose of the gathering will be to find out how to increase this age group’s participation in local Jewish community activities. The program will be an opportunity for this population to have an influential voice in events. The idea is in the early planning

stages, but organizers hope the effort will provide numerous programs that appeal to young people professionally and socially, while creating “something for everyone.” The think tank is meant to encourage people “to speak up, and propose ways to best serve this group.” The main goal of the initiative will be to have people in their 20s and 30s meet socially. Howard Weinstein, Temple Adath Yeshurun president and JCC board vice president, said, “This program is designed to be a meeting of singles and couples, with or without children.” See “Speak” on page 2


January 10................4:31 pm..........................................................Parasha-Beshalach January 17................4:39 pm.................................................................. Parasha-Yitro January 24................4:48 pm........................................................ Parasha-Mishpatim


Teen program

Congregational notes

Local synagogues announce their The Epstein High School will Loc al synagogues announce Tu B’Shevat celebrations and offer teens a program on the programs for youth and adults; services. Kindertransport. lectures; trips; and more. Story on page 2 Story on page 3 Stories on page 4

PLUS Small Business Profiles........... 6 Calendar Highlights.................. 6 D’Var Torah.................................. 6 Obituaries.................................6-7


JEWISH OBSERVER ■ january 9, 2014/8 SHEVAT 5774

Tu B’Shevat around the community

Congregation Beth SholomChevra Shas Congregation Beth Sholom-Chevra Shas will holds its annual Tu B’Shevat seder on Saturday, January 18, following services. It will be led by CBS-CS Rabbi Emeritus Rabbi Daniel Jezer and his wife, Rhea. The seder is a program of songs and readings, four courses of nuts and fruits, as well as wine or juice. The event will be open to all ages. Hebrew and English songs, more than 20 varieties of different foods and an exploration and appreciation of the natural world will be part of the celebration. In addition, this year, during the same weekend, there will be an exhibit of bonsai plants that have been nurtured by Iris Cohen. Tu B’Shevat is one of the four New Years enumerated in the Mishnah and is the official birthday of the trees. For the past several hundred years, but especially recently due to raised ecological consciences, it has been celebrated worldwide. In Israel, school children and others celebrate the festival by

Mitzvah York and is on the JCFCNY Teen Funders Committee. He attended the Syracuse Hebrew Day School. Serving a third time as teen co-chair is Goldberg, a graduate of the Syracuse Hebrew Day School and a senior at Fayetteville-Manlius High School. She is a board member of the TAY chapter of United Synagogue Youth and is on the JCFCNY Teen Funders Committee. She competes on the F-M varsity tennis team and plays soccer on her travel team. She is a graduate of the TAY confirmation class. This will be Kuppermann’s third year as a teen co-chair.Ajunior at Fayetteville-Manlius

Speak Participants do not have to be affiliated with a synagogue or the JCC to participate in the meeting. Weinstein continued, “The idea is twofold: for young Jewish people to meet other young people they probably didn’t know in the community, and involve them in programs offered at all the synagogues and the JCC. Instead of isolating themselves at individual synagogues, they can have a choice of things that may appeal to any of the synagogues.” Organizers hope that this forum will encourage participants to ask questions about

Sunday Yeshurun, Jewish Federation of Central New York and the Sam Pomeranz Jewish Community Center. For the past five years, she has co-chaired the Yom Ha’aztmaut (Israel Independence Day) community celebration. Seven years ago, she and her family started a family tradition of picking up and delivering breads and baked goods from Panera Bread once a week to the Samaritan Center soup kitchen in downtown Syracuse and Cathedral Emergency Services. She is an active volunteer in the Jamesville-DeWitt school district. This year, Antosh started an initiative empowering women in El Salvador. She chaired Super Sunday with her husband for two years and this is her 10th consecutive year as co-chair. She is the recipient of the 2006 JCC Kavod Gadol Award and the Jewish Federation of Central New York Esther and Joseph Roth Award for Jewish Community Leadership. Friedman joined the Super Sunday team last year. He is a licensed funeral director at Birnbaum Funeral Service and a member of Temple Adath Yeshurun. Friedman serves on the boards of the Jewish Federation of Central New York and the Sam Pomeranz Jewish Community Center, and is a member of the Federation’s Yom Hashoah Planning Committee. Goldberg served as past president of

planting trees and growing forests. For more information, contact the CBS-CS office at 446-9570 or office@ Temple Adath Yeshurun Temple Adath Yeshurun will celebrate Tu B’Shevat on Saturday, January 11, at 10:30 am, with a Mishpacha Shabbat, including junior congregation for school-aged children and Torah Tots for toddlers and preschool students and their families. There will be age-appropriate activities, including stories, songs and the tasting of fruits and nuts from Israel. Children in the TAY Religious School will participate in a Tu B’Shevat seder on Wednesday, January 15. For more information, contact Alicia Cafarchio Gross, director of programming, at or 445-0002. Temple Concord By Judy Fixler Temple Concord will celebrate the birthday of the trees, Tu B’Shevat, with a seder on Wednesday, January 15, from Continued from page 1

High School, she graduated from the Syracuse Hebrew Day School and is a member of the JCFCNY Teen Funders Committee. The teen co-chairs said, “We invite members of our community to volunteer on Super Sunday. We need you to make phone calls and help with the various jobs that make the day run smoothly. Also, think about bringing in a donation to help the students at McCarthy @ Beard succeed. On Super Sunday, we plan to raise a lot of money for our Jewish community and all the various Jewish organizations and programs that the Federation supports. We want everyone to see the importance of tzedakah on Super Sunday.”

6-7 pm. Unique to the Tu B’ Shevat seder, an ancient ritual that has seen a renewal in recent years, is the consumption of different types of fruits and nuts, as participants celebrate the abundance of fruit, the four seasons and the environment. The Jewish New Year for the Trees comes when the earliest blooming trees in Israel appear after their winter sleep and begin a fruitbearing cycle. In the 16th century, Jewish mystics

known as Kabbalists reinvigorated Tu B’Shevat by creating a seder with songs, readings, wine and all kinds of fruit. The Tu B’Shevat seder is similar to the Passover seder because they both use experiential learning, have four cups of wine or juice, and special foods. There will be a small fee for the seder, which is not a full meal, and reservations may be made by contacting the TC office at 475-9952.

JCC Inter-generational Shabbat Luncheon By Nick Finlayson Every Friday, the Sam Pomeranz Jewish Community Center of Syracuse welcomes Shabbat with meals for seniors. At the other end of the building, the JCC’s Jerome and Phyllis Charney Early Childhood Development Program also welcomes Shabbat, but in the classroom. A new initiative has brought these two departments together to create a multigenerational event, the JCC inter-generational Shabbat luncheon. The first was held on November 22 and almost 100 people were served. Participants recited the blessings over the Shabbat candles, while enjoying a full Shabbat meal. The children arrived prepared to sing and welcome the Sabbath bride.

For the event, grandparents and guests were also invited to the JCC’s Anne and Hy Miller Family Auditorium to welcome Shabbat, along with the seniors who regularly attend the lunch program. Tiffany’s Catering prepared a traditional Shabbat meal. ECDP Director Jo David said, “Celebrating Shabbat is what makes the JCC special. It’s who we are, and it’s part of our mission statement – to enrich the Jewish life of the total Jewish community by developing and implementing programs for the recreational, educational, cultural, physical and social needs of the community. What better way to meet the mission statement than to bring these two departments See “Luncheon” on page 8

Continued from page 1

the local Jewish community and how their ideas could be implemented. Some of the programs already being considered include “Breakfasts with Babysitters,” “Grown-Up Lunches” and numerous dinners and cocktail parties. Free babysitting services, by reservation, will be provided to encourage parent participation in these programs. For more information, contact the JCC at 445-2360. Reservations have been requested so appropriate plans can be made. Organizers hope that this will be only the first of many events planned by the group.

Continued from page 1

the Auxiliary of Menorah Park and currently serves on the Executive Committee of Temple Adath Yeshurun. She graduated from the Federation’s Young Leadership Program. Goldberg is a board member of the Syracuse Stage Guild and will co-chair the Syracuse Stage gala in June. She is an active volunteer for Make-A-Wish, the Fayetteville-Manlius school district and numerous other organizations. Goldberg joined the Super Sunday committee in 2012. Myrna Koldin serves as an aging services specialist with Onondaga County Department of Adult and Long Term Care Services. An active member of the Jewish community, this will be her sixth consecutive year as a co-chair of Super Sunday. She is a life member of National Council of Jewish Women and Na’Amat, and is involved with the Sisterhood board of Temple Adath. This will be her eighth year serving on the Super Sunday leadership team. Kuppermann is president and CEO of Make-A-Wish Central New York and serves on the Executive Committee of Temple Adath Yeshurun. She is an active volunteer in the Jewish community and received some of her leadership training through Federation’s Young Leadership Program. Kuppermann has been on the Super Sunday team since 2008.

Adults and children from the Sam Pomeranz Jewish Community Center of Syracuse Early Childhood Development Program attended an inter-generational Shabbat luncheon at the JCC. Seated, clockwise from the left: Meredith Cantor-Feller, Sydney Cantor-Feller, Dennis Feller, Addison Cantor-Feller, Phyllis DiStaola, Emma Besaw, Mark Kasowitz and Rose Scheer.

of Central New York

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JANUARY 9, 2014/8 SHEVAT 5774 ■



AROUND CENTRAL NEW YORK Menorah Park of Central New York receives $75,000 from the Walmart Foundation

By Stewart Koenig Menorah Park of Central New York has received a $75,000 contribution that will be used to improve its kitchen facilities and provide nutritious food to residents of the organization’s Jewish Health and Rehabilitation Center, also known as the Jewish Home of Central New York. The grant was awarded to the non-profit organization through the Walmart Foundation’s State Giving Program. Walmart East Syracuse store manager Brandi Whorall presented a $75,000 donation to Menorah Park to improve kitchen and nutrition at the Jewish Rehabilitation and Health facility. L-r: Foundation at Menorah Park Vice President Victoria Kohl; Menorah Park board member Steven Sisskind; Whorrall; Menorah Park CEO Mary Ellen Bloodgood; Menorah Park Board President Jeffrey Scheer; and Sybil Nord, Menorah Park advocate.

Menorah Park CEO Mary Ellen Bloodgood said, “We cannot thank the Walmart Foundation enough for this generous donation. With the majority of our frail and elderly Jewish Home residents in long-term care receiving government assistance through Medicaid, this grant will provide a degree of ‘food equity’ through improved facilities and additional nutrition guidance. We’re proud to become a partner of Walmart and help them advance their food and

Epstein School Kindertransport program The Rabbi Jacob H. Epstein High School of Jewish Studies has invited Central New York teenagers to learn about the Kindertransport rescue movement and its place in the history of the Holocaust. The school is held this year at Congregation Beth Sholom-Chevra Shas. As part of Epstein’s regular school year, two Syracuse University Spector/Warren Fellows, mentored by Professor Emeritus Alan Goldberg, director of the Regional Holocaust and Genocide Initiative at Syracuse University, will teach on Tuesdays, January 21 and 28, from 6:30-8:30 pm, about the Kindertransport. While incorporating multiple learning modalities, including video and break-out groups, the guest teachers will endeavor to expand the seventh-12th grade students’ understanding of the Kindertransport and place it in a larger context. The Kindertransports primarily took place from

December 1938-January 1939, and sent nearly 10,000 children, without their parents, to safety away from wartorn Europe and the Nazi regime. Goldberg and Cantor Paula Pepperstone, director of the school, recognize the value of teaching of the Holocaust while also understanding that Holocaust education can be “overwhelming in its scope and horror.” With these two trained educators teaching about the Kindertransport on its 75th anniversary, Central New York teenagers can learn about this period in Jewish history. The Epstein School is appreciative of a grant from the Jewish Foundation of Central New York Teen Funders for this program. Those wishing to sponsor future Epstein programs should contact Pepperstone at EpsteinCNY@ or 766-0442.

Sam Pomeranz Jewish Community Center senior dining menu January 13-17 Monday – beef calzone Tuesday – seafood chowder and potato pirogues Wednesday –sesame chicken Thursday – eggplant Parmesan Friday – corned beef January 20 - 24 Monday – grilled salmon Tuesday – soups and salad bar Wednesday – Salisbury steak Thursday – honey lime chicken Friday – roast beef au jus The Bobbi Epstein Lewis JCC Senior Adult Dining

Program, catered by Tiffany’s Catering Company at the Sam Pomeranz Jewish Community Center, offers kosher lunches served Monday through Friday at noon. Reservations are required by noon on the previous business day and there is a suggested contribution per meal. The menu is subject to change. The program is funded by a grant from the Onondaga County Department of Aging and Youth and the New York State Office for the Aging, with additional funds provided by the JCC and United Way of Central New York. To attend, one need not be Jewish or a member of the JCC. For more information or to make a reservation, contact Leesa Paul at 445-2360, ext. 104, or

hunger eradication agenda.” Bloodgood also noted that although Menorah Park welcomes and serves people of all ethnic and religious See “Grant” on page 6


The local chapter of Na’amat U.S.A. has planned a “triple-play” day for Wednesday, January 22. Community members who want to learn more about the chapter’s activities and socialize will be welcome to join current members for a day of food, music and art. The group will meet at the DeWitt IHOP at 10:30 am for a pay-as-you-go brunch together, and then carpool to the Everson Museum for a 12:30 pm Civic Morning Musicals concert. Stephen Pikarsky, piano soloist, will play Chopin, Beethoven and Balakireff. Following the concert, Everson docent Dotty Pearl will guide group members through some exhibits in the museum’s permanent exhibits collection. Reservations have been requested by Wednesday, January 15, and may be made by contacting Co-President Karen Roberts at 446-2306 or

TAY and TC dinner

More than 170 congregants from Temple Adath Yeshurun and Temple Concord attended a joint Shabbat dinner and musical service led by Rabbi Charles Sherman, Rabbi Daniel Fellman and TAY Baalat Tefilah Esa Jaffe on December 20. The adult choirs of both congregations performed.

L-r: JoAnn Grower, Mikayla Mizruchi, Elaine Meltzer, Bruce Gentry and Marcia Mizruchi helped set tables for the joint Shabbat dinner between Temple Adath Yeshurun and Temple Concord.



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JEWISH OBSERVER ■ january 9, 2014/8 SHEVAT 5774

congregational notes Congregation Beth SholomChevra Shas

Youth Programs Congregation Beth Sholom-Chevra Shas will offer a range of activities for its youth During the weekends of January 10-12 and 17-19. The second Shabbat Hadorot service of the year will be held on Friday, January 10. Children in third-seventh grade will lead all parts of the Kabalat Shabbat service, with teenagers providing support and taking the lead during Ma’ariv. For the next day, Saturday, January 11, children younger than kindergarten age and their parents and siblings have been invited to enjoy the monthly Tot Shabbat lead by CBSCS Director of Youth and Education Julie Tornberg. The program will begin at 10:30 am in the school wing. Attendees in the main sanctuary will watch the children join the Torah procession as it is returned to the ark. Later in the evening on January 11, members of USY – high school students – will be wait staff at the annual CBS-CS Chinese dinner. Fifty percent of the tips earned by the teenagers will go to tzedakah. Rabbi Andrew Pepperstone will continue his series of sessions with sixth and seventh grade students and their parents as part of their b’nai mitzvah preparation on Sunday, January 12. This year, the program is in transition from being a seventh grade program to being a sixth grade program to prepare pre-b’nai mitzvah families for the year ahead. Also on January 12, CBS-CS teens will continue their renovation of the USY Lounge in the school wing of the building. They have already primed the walls and have said they are “looking forward to giving the room a new look.”

The following weekend will begin with Kids Sharing Shabbat for children in kindergarten and younger, as well as their parents and siblings, on Friday, January 17, at 5:30 pm. Stories, songs, prayers, challah and juice will help bring in Shabbat. The next day, on Saturday, January 18, at 10:30 am, children from kindergarten-fourth grade and their families will experience Shabbat together. A siddur, as well as songs, stories and a snack, will be included. Families will then join the entire congregation for the annual congregational Tu B’Shevat seder celebrating the New Year of the Trees. For more information about these events or any of CBS-CS’Youth programs, contact Julie Tornberg, director of youth and education, at 701-2685 or CBS-CS Hazak to present MAGGID Jim Brulé Congregation Beth Sholom-Chevra Shas Hazak will present Maggid Jim Brulé, who will share Jewish spiritual stories from around the world and lead participants in discussions on Sunday, January 19, at 10:30 am. The stories he has selected center around topics such as healing, mysticism and humor, and have been called “an indelibly Jewish mixture that transcends the stories’ countries of origin.” “Maggid” is the traditional title for a Jewish inspirational speaker or “preacher.” Some people confuse a maggid with a storyteller. Instead, a maggid often fills a religious role to draw people closer to God. Storytelling is only one way to accomplish the maggid’s goal of inspirational speaking in the form of preaching. Leading Torah See “CBS-CS” on page 7

Congregation Beth Sholom-Chevra Shas teenagers and their advisor, Michael Smith, made a meal at Ronald McDonald House on December 8 for families staying there whose children were hospitalized in Syracuse.

At left, l-r: Noah Cabrey, Josh Ovadia and Lily Pierce sang several songs at the CBSCS Religious School elective presentation on December 15 under the direction of Cantor Paula Pepperstone.

The Hazak chapter of Beth Sholom-Chevra Shas presented the screenplay “Marriage Before Love,” written by Mickey Lebowitz, president of CBS-CS, on December 8. The cast featured members of the synagogue who read their parts. L-r: Mickey Lebowitz, Carrie Berse, Lisa Levens, Debra Sikora and Liza Rochelson. The event was attended by 85 people.

Temple Adath Yeshurun USY Temple Adath Yeshurun United Synagogue Youth will go snow tubing at Four Seasons in Fayetteville on Sunday, January 26, from 1-4 pm. There will be a cost to attend. The program will be open to all Jewish teenagers in grades eight-12. If there is no snow, there will be an alternate program during the same time at the synagogue. December began with a game night at the synagogue, when the teenagers brought canned goods that were donated to a local food pantry. Participants played “old-fashioned” games such as “hide and seek” and “sardines.” There was also the monthly gathering at Moe’s in DeWitt. Once a month, the teenagers gather at a restaurant to socialize. The month ended with a baking session to make desserts for a future bake sale. Temple Adath USY is also working to plan the regional convention that will be held locally in February. The convention is

being hosted jointly by the Temple Adath and Congregation Beth Shalom-Chevra Shas congregations. More than 80 teenagers from all across upstate New York will visit Syracuse to celebrate Shabbat from Friday-Sunday, February 7-9. The convention will be called “Sprinter,” after two long-standing winter and spring conventions were combined many years ago. The convention is a program of the Tzafon Region of USY that encompasses all of upstate New York, from Poughkeepsie to Buffalo. The teenagers will arrive in Syracuse in the afternoon on February 7 and spend Shabbat at Temple Adath. The teenagers will have a program at CBS-CS on February 8, and then return to host homes to sleep. The convention will end on February 9, in the morning at CBS-CS, with social action and tikkun olam programs. See “TAY” on page 7

More than 25 Temple Adath Yeshurun Hazak members watched a video that showcased moments in Syracuse University basketball on December 22. Among those cheering were (l-r): Phil Schwartz, Bill Tucker, Leo Eisner, Arlee Baskin, Jeff Baskin and Joanne Greenhouse.

Temple Concord Trip to the south Temple Concord Rabbi Daniel Fellman will hold an informational meeting on Sunday, January 12, at 11 am, for a trip to the southern part of the U.S. Fellman has been teaching a year-long course on American Jewish communities. The exploration will continue with a trip led by Fellman through the Jewish south from April 27-May 4, with a pre-trip event from Thursday-Sunday, April 24-27. Participants will fly toAtlanta, GA, onApril 27 and visit the Breman Jewish Heritage and Holocaust Museum in Atlanta the next day. The museum “celebrates Jewish culture, embraces diversity and promotes social justice.” In Birmingham, AL, trip participants will visit the Birmingham Civil Rights Institute, a center for education and research discussion about civil and human rights issues. They will then go to the Rosa Parks Library and Museum in Montgomery, AL. The trip will also include visits to small towns, a walk across the Selma Bridge, a visit to the historic battlefield at Vicksburg and a chance to celebrate Shabbat in Natchez, MS. There will also be a civil rights tour to the Medgar Evers home, the only house on the street with no front door as the family thought it would be safer if the

door were adjacent to the carport. There will also be a stop at the BB King Museum in the heart of the Mississippi Delta. The trip will end with the group spending an evening in New Orleans during the last days of the Jazzfest. For more details, contact Kate Adler 475-9952. TC Adult Learning Beginning in January, there will be several opportunities for adult learning. Temple Concord will offer a class called “Beyond Bagels” from 7-8:30 pm on Tuesdays, January 28 and February 4 and 18. Rabbi Daniel Fellman will help participants “discover the beauty of Judaism” and answer their questions. Fellman’s year-long course on American Jewish communities will continue on Sunday, January 26, when attention will turn to the Southwest and the hidden Jews of New Mexico. The focus will shift on Sunday, February 2, to the West and a look at Southern California, including the Reform and Conservative seminaries, Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion and the University of Judaism, respectively. The class will meet on Sundays at the synagogue from 11 am-noon. See “TC” on page 8

U.S. Representative Dan Maffei visited Temple Concord on December 8. Front row (l-r): Talia Salomon, Eli Gramet, Emma Waldman, Tyler Stanton, Sydney Bergquist and Zachary Fellman. Back row: Maffei, teacher Leesa Paul, Mike Ovadias and Ally Muller.

JANUARY 9, 2014/8 SHEVAT 5774 ■


JCC Battle of the Bands By Nick Finlayson The Sam Pomeranz Jewish Community Center of Syracuse 12th annual Battle of the Bands will be held on Saturday, January 18, at The SPOT, The Syracuse Project 4 Our

Teens, in the Sears wing of ShoppingTown Mall. The JCC’s Battle of the Bands is the biggest and most-attended high school battle of the bands in the Central New York area. Each year, up to 10 local high school

JCC Senior-Connect Program by Nick Finlayson The Sam Pomeranz Jewish Community Center’s senior program has begun a new program to bring people together. JCC Director of Adult and Senior Programming Leesa Paul wanted to set up a Skype session for a new program. The idea is to connect one of the JCC’s senior members with a relative through the use of a video camera and Internet forum. Longtime JCC member Shirley Kay turned 95-years-old on November 25, and Paul decided to hold her first “senior connect” session via webcast with Kay on her birthday, saying, “Skype is an excellent way to socialize with your loved ones. There are many potential benefits to using this program. For seniors, it adds the benefit of seeing family. For the family, it is a chance to check on their loved ones’ overall well-being.” With Shirley Kay living in Syracuse, and her son, Jon, living on Long Island, it’s geographically difficult for them to see each other often. JCC senior program organizers feel that most people probably know someone that they would like to see more often, but cannot do so due to the distance. They are now making an effort to work around this barrier. The Internet connection was done in conjunction with Kay’s birthday event in

As the first participant in the Senior Connect program, Sam Pomeranz Jewish Community Center member Shirley Kay Skyped with her son and daughter-in-law. the Anne and Hy Miller Family Auditorium with some of her friends and family present. A kosher birthday lunch was sponsored by her two sons, Jeremy and Jonathan, who both live far away. It had been two years since she had seen Jon. Speaking to someone on the computer in front of Kay was said to have “added another element to the bonding experience.” For scheduling and pricing questions about the program, contact Paul at the JCC at 445-2040, ext. 104, or

bands gather to compete. This will be the second year the event will be held at ShoppingTown. The SPOT is one of the few venues for teenagers in the area that can accommodate this many competing high school bands, as well as the members’ family and friends. Each year, the skills demonstrated by the bands are said to become “more and more sophisticated and competitive.” This year, the JCC is preparing for the event to be “bigger than ever.” Panel judges, chosen from the local music scene, will include Jeremy Johnson, owner and engineer at SubCat Recording Studios; Ryan Gorham, co-owner of Gorham Brothers Music; Christopher Baker, music writer for The Post-Standard; and Scott Dixon, radio personality and host of the “Local Only” radio show on 95X. The bands will be scored on stage presence, musical skill, audience response and overall talent. There will also be a “fan favorite” vote, where each attendee will have the opportunity to cast their vote for the winner. The winning band will receive a $200 cash prize from the JCC, six hours of recording time at SubCat Recording Studio and bragging rights for the year. Last year’s winning band, Kill the Lights, is already registered, and the band’s members hope to take home the grand prize again.

Each participating band will have the stage for up to 30 minutes. Tickets will be available at the door for a modest fee. Snacks will also be available for purchase. To help continue the growth of the local music scene, the JCC will again donate $1 of every admission to the music department of each attendee’s choice. To register a band, contact Katie Sutliff at 445-2360, ext.133, or e-mail thespot@ The registration packet can be downloaded on the JCC homepage at www., or picked up at the JCC, 5655 Thompson Rd., DeWitt.


Deteriorating Sharon in critical condition

The life of former Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon “is definitely in danger,” according to the medical director at the Chaim Sheba Medical Center near Tel Aviv. Sharon’s condition has been classified as critical, Zeev Rotstein confirmed to reporters on Jan. 2. The Israeli media were reporting that Sharon, 85, who has been in a coma-like state since he had a major stroke in January 2006, has only days to live. He was suffering from the failure of multiple organs.

Why be strong? By Joe Yager After the New Year, people routinely come into the Sam Pomeranz Jewish Community Center’ Neulander Family Sports and Fitness Center trying to improve their overall health and make goals to become and stay healthy. Some people just want to become stronger. Three months ago, Rick Welsh came into the Center Sam Pomeranz Jewish Community Center Neulander asking for help in becoming Family Sports and Fitness Center member Rick Welsh physically stronger. When (left) worked with trainer Joe Yager (right). asked why, he said, “It’s just fun, because everything is easier.” Since may slow down a little throughout the years, first coming in three months ago, Welsh’s but muscles can still be built. The JCC aims strength levels have skyrocketed. He is to help people “get it done in a comfortable, barely middle aged and had been away cost-effective and convenient way.” from the gym for a while, so he needed not The JCC Neulander Family Fitness only some hard work, but also consistency Center has more than 30 weekly scheduled in his routine. classes, ranging from yoga, to Zumba, to People can get stronger at any age. They the gym’s new spin bikes.

Oaks holiday open house

The Oaks held a holiday open house on November 20, with four local artists participating. Included were Cynthia Cameron, of Unique Jewelry Designs; Ginny Spina, who made decorated Japanese silk scarves; watercolor painter Lucie Wellner; and Jean Soper, who sold Longaberger baskets. Residents gathered for a social hour with music provided by Ted Holmes.


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JEWISH OBSERVER ■ january 9, 2014/8 SHEVAT 5774

Calendar Highlights

d’var torah


To see a full calendar of community events, visit the Federation's community calendar online at Please notify of any calendar changes.

Sunday, January 12 Temple Concord Brotherhood lox breakfast at 9:30 am Women of Reform Judaism trip to Matilda Gage House at 10 am Tuesday, January 14 TC scholar series at 6 pm Wednesday, January 15 TC Tu B’Shevat seder at 6 pm Congregation Beth Sholom-Chevra Shas Board meeting at 7:30 pm Thursday, January 16 B Tu B’Shevat Foundation at Menorah Park board meeting at 5:30 pm Women of Reform Judaism dinner at Dolce Vita at 6 pm Temple Adath Yeshurun board meeting at 7 pm Saturday, January 18 Jewish Community Center Battle of the Bands at The SPOT at 7:30 pm Sunday, January 19 TAY Hazak adult magic show at 1 pm CBS-CS hosts Jim Brulé telling Jewish stories from around the world Monday, January 20 Early deadline for the February 13 issue of the Jewish Observer Tuesday, January 21 Jewish Community Center Executive Committee meeting at 6 pm, followed by board meeting at 7 pm TC Cinemagogue at 7 pm Sunday, January 26 Federation Super Sunday TC presents Rogers Puppet Theater at 1 pm

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By Jim Brulé This week we look at the portion Yitro, found in Exodus 18:1-20:23. There are many familiar parts to this portion, but this time, I’d like to share some midrash about one of the most famous parts – the Eternal One speaking to us from Sinai. Specifically, I am interested in wrestling with “And the Eternal spoke all these words, saying...” – to those there – and those not there. (Exodus 20:1) There are lovely Chasidic tales about Rav Levi Yitzhak of Berdichev, who grew so excited whenever someone read Torah and recited the familiar “Vay’daber Adoshem,” that he would bounce around, writhing in excitement at the very notion that the Eternal One had actually spoken. The sages wondered about this, as well – do we really mean to say that human speech was used by the Eternal? If so, you might expect that the words at Sinai were spoken in Hebrew. However, the midrash tells us, “It was one voice that divided itself into seven voices, and these into 70 languages.” There is great cause for celebration there – especially since the notion at the time was that there were only 70 languages! In other words (so to speak), the Eternal One speaks to all people in their own language, which would seem to add credence to the idea that you may hear something very differently from me, and yet, we both can hear the Divine Word. The treat is, of course, that the midrash doesn’t stop there. It goes on to say that “[the Voice] had no echo.” What could this possibly mean? Think about echoes – what relationship do they have to their source? They sound similar, but are diminished in power and ultimately fade. They also “bounce” off solid objects and seem to come to us from a very different direction than the source. So, it seems to me, it is with the Eternal One’s wisdom. It is never diminished, encounters no obstacles and never comes from the “wrong” direction. And, as the same midrash reminds us elsewhere, it speaks “with the single voice from which all wisdom and prophecy is received.” In the end, we all are able to hear wisdom in our own language and on our own terms, if only we listen carefully,

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and not allow ourselves to be distracted from the Source. As we pray, just Shema. Jim Brulé is a maggid, a traditional Jewish storyteller and preacher. A member of Temple Concord, he regularly shares his work with congregations across the Syracuse community and the U.S.

obituaries Saul Berkman

Saul Berkman, 93, of Fayetteville, died on December 24 at home from cerebellar ataxia. He was a 1939 graduate of Syracuse University. He served in World War II and was a former member of Temple Adath Yeshurun and the Jewish War Veterans Onondaga Post 131. He was an oceanographer at the U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey. He is survived by his wife, Geraldine; his daughters, Louise (William Oserin) Berkman and Lydia Gray; one granddaughter; three great-grandchildren; and his sisters, Jane Feld and Gertrude Shapiro. Burial was in Frumah Packard Cemetery. Birnbaum Funeral Service had arrangements. Contributions may be made to the National Ataxia Foundation, 2600 Fernbrook Lane N. Ste. 119, Minneapolis, MN 55447-4752 or the Central New York Food Bank. 

Herbert W. Freeman

Herbert W. Freeman, 81, of DeWitt, died on January 2 at Iroquois Nursing Home in Jamesville. He attended Morrisville College and served in the U.S. Navy. He was one of the founders and a past president of Congregation Beth Sholom-Chevra Shas, a past master with the Mount Sinai Masonic Lodge and was self-employed. He was predeceased by his brother, Arnold. He is survived by his wife, Zelda Freeman; his sons, Wayne (Kathleen) Freeman of Clay, NY, Gary (Deborah) Freeman of Jamesville, and Steven Freeman of New York City; and five grandchildren. Burial was in the Beth Sholom section of Oakwood Cemetery. Birnbaum Funeral Service had arrangements. Contributions may be made to Congregation Beth Sholom-Chevra Shas, P.O. Box 0271, DeWitt, NY 13214 or the ASPCA, 5878 E Molloy Rd, Syracuse, NY 13211. 

Herbert C. Goldbloom

Herbert C. Goldbloom, 90, died on January 1 at Crouse Hospital. A life resident of Syracuse, he was a World War II U.S. Army veteran and participated in the invasion at Normandy. He retired from the New York State Department of Labor, where he was a senior claims examiner. He is survived by his brother, Irwin (Margaret); his sister, Betty Westerman; five nieces; and eight grand-nieces. Burial was in Frumah Packard Cemetery. Sisskind Funeral Service had arrangements. 


Continued from page 3 backgrounds, it is a kosher facility, saying, “This grant, while serving everyone, specifically allows us to elevate the quality of our kosher kitchen, thereby helping to preserve our organization’s more than 100-year-old Jewish identity, which is our historical core.” The grant was given on December 19 during a presentation ceremony held at Menorah Park by Brandi Whorrall, Walmart’s East Syracuse store manager, who said, “The Walmart Foundation State Giving Program strives to award grants that have a long-lasting, positive impact on communities across the U.S. Walmart and the Walmart Foundation are very pleased to be supporting the Jewish Home of Central New York, and are committed to helping those in need in the communities where we serve. Through this grant, we are confident that Jewish Home residents will live more nutritious and healthier lives.” Walmart has donated more than one billion meals to those in need across the country. To learn more about Walmart’s giving, visit Menorah Park of Central New York, established in 1912, offers a continuum of care in its facilities throughout the campus on East Genesee Street in Syracuse, including the Jewish Health and Rehabilitation Center; The Oaks, independent senior living; The Inn, supportive living; Rothschild Adult Day Services; the Beit Tikvah Group Residence; Syracuse Jewish Family Services; Menorah Park Home Care Agency; and the Fink Institute for Applied Research on Aging. For more information, visit www.

JANUARY 9, 2014/8 SHEVAT 5774 ■

obituaries Mildred Kaplan Kay

Mildred Kay, of Syracuse, died on December 14. Born in Brooklyn, NY, she moved to Syracuse in 1947, when she married Sol Kay. She received her bachelor of business administration from Hunter College in New York City, and a bachelor of Jewish pedagogy from the Jewish Theological Seminary. While attending college, she worked summers with children at Cejwin Camps in Port Jervis, NY, first as a counselor and later as a division head in charge of more than 100 children. In Syracuse, she taught students at Young Israel, Temple Beth El and Temple Adath Yeshurun, where she prepared them for the New York state Hebrew Regents exam. With her husband, she established and operated the Merit Press printing business. Later, she worked in sales in the jewelry business with Wilson Jewelers, Finlay Jewelers and Littman Jewelers. She was a member of Young Israel, later known as Shaarei Torah Orthodox Congregation of Syracuse. After her husband’s death, she joined Temple Adath Yeshurun as well. She was predeceased by her husband of 56 years, Sol, in 2003; her sister, Ada Kaplan Kagan; her brother, Ken Kaplan; and her sister, Fay Dorfman. She is survived by a nephew, Stuart Dorfman; a niece, Debby (Ken) Demers; a great-niece, Rebecca; and a greatgreat-nephew, Jayden. Burial was in the Shaarei Torah section of Oakwood Cemetery. Birnbaum Funeral Service had arrangements. Contributions may be made to Shaarei Torah Orthodox Congregation of Syracuse, 4313 E. Genesee St., DeWitt, NY 13204; or Temple Adath Yeshurun (Minyan Fund), 450 Kimber Rd., Syracuse, NY 13224. 


study and even one-on-one conversations are other means. Brulé travels around the country in the tradition of itinerant maggidim of centuries past, offering a variety of programs to groups, synagogues and communities. The stories that Brulé has selected will come from a range of places, including Babylonian and Jerusalem Talmuds, as well as India, Afghanistan, the Balkans, Germany and eastern Europe – only some of the many places Jews have lived and thrived. Some stories will be 1,500-years-old, others approximately a century old and most will be in between. The free program will be open to the community. Refreshments will be served. For more information, contact the CBS-CS office at 446-9570 or Sisterhood Shabbat The CBS-CS Sisterhood will hold its annual Shabbat service on Saturday, January 25. CBS-CS women of all ages will lead the service, read Torah and be called up for various honors. Services will be followed by a kiddush luncheon prepared by Sisterhood, with last-minute preparations and serving done by members of the Men’s Club. Sisterhood Shabbat is being organized by Deb Sikora. The CBS-CS Sisterhood is a group where women can connect, socialize, learn about their Jewish heritage, share ideas, develop new interests and skills and have fun. It is dedicated to “keeping alive the ideals of Conservative Judaism” through a variety of educational, cultural, religious and



Continued from page 4 social programs, and is affiliated with the Women’s League for Conservative Judaism. It supports the cornerstones of “commitment and observance,” consistent with the halachah of the Conservative movement: Shabbat and yom tov, Jewish study, kashrut, tzedakah, synagogue and Israel. This year, the CBS-CS Sisterhood scheduled a full range of programs, from R-rated Tanach discussions with Rabbi Andrew Pepperstone to a yoga retreat, a joint ski day with Men’s Club to weekly brunches at the Eggplant and biweekly walks around Green Lakes. Other events include Israeli-style self-defense lessons, movie nights, Zumba and craft night. There will also be Sisterhood’s annual programs, such as its fall symposium, co-sponsored with the Jewish Community Center; baking thousands of hamantashen for the synagogue’s mishloach manot fund-raiser; catering congregational simchot; and holding rummage sales to raise money for Jewish camp scholarships for congregational children. Sisterhood also runs the synagogue’s Judaica shop. For more information about Sisterhood Shabbat, contact the CBS-CS office at 446-9570 or


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Shirley Nadel Saiger

Shirley Saiger, 90, of Syracuse, died on December 21 at the Jewish Home of Central New York. She was the head bookkeeper for the Educational Film Library at Syracuse University and was a member of Temple Beth El. She was predeceased by her first husband, Marvin Bernstein, and her second husband, Moses Saiger. She is survived by her son, David (Blylee) Bernstein, of New York City; her daughter, Eileen (Stanley) Israel, also of New York City; and one granddaughter. Burial was in Beth El Cemetery. Birnbaum Funeral Service had arrangements. Contributions may be made to the Foundation at the Jewish Home, 4101 E. Genesee St., Syracuse, NY 13214. 

Judge Morris Schneider

Judge Morris Schneider, 99, of Delray Beach, FL, died on November 26. Born in the Bronx, he lived in Syracuse for 60 years. He was the last surviving child born to Julius and Sarah Schneider. He graduated from St. John’s University and Fordham Law School while serving in the U.S. Army as a staff sergeant. He was stationed in France during World War II as a tank commander. He later served as commander of the Onondaga County, NY, Jewish War Veterans Post. He had a distinguished career in law in firms in both New York City and Syracuse. He was a senior district attorney for Onondaga County and was elected to the bench as a family court judge, from which he retired in 1984. He moved with his wife from Syracuse to Delray Beach, FL, in 2003. He was predeceased by his wife of 64 years, the former Edythe Hayman, in 2007. He is survived by a son, Donald (Carol) Schneider, of Boca Raton, FL; a daughter, Joanie Schneider (Jerry) Tempesta, of North Reading, MA; two grandchildren; one great-granddaughter; and a niece, Marilyn (Arnold) Manheim, of Syracuse. Burial was in Florida. Sisskind Funeral Service had local arrangements. Contributions may be made to Temple Adath Yeshurun, 450 Kimber Rd., Syracuse, NY 13224, or Employee Christmas Fund, c/o Abbey Delray Health Center, 2000 Lowson Blvd., Delray Beach, FL 33445. 

Ginsburg - Maloff Funeral Home Ginsburg-Maloff Funeral Home has been proudly serving the Jewish community in Central New York since 1987. We pride ourselves on kindness, compassion, understanding your needs and attention to detail. We never encourage our families to purchase unnecessary goods or services and will work closely with your Rabbi and religious beliefs to ensure proper customs are observed. Complete funeral, including a quality hardwood casket and visitation for an hour prior to the service at your place of worship or funeral home; ONLY $4995.00* Please let us review your prepaid funeral arrangements at no obligation. Transferring your funeral trust is easy and may save you thousands.

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Continued from page 4 For more information, contact Esa Jaffe or Alicia Gross at Temple Adath at 445-0002. Registration for the convention will end on Friday, January 24.

Hazak Hazak’s next program will be Hal Schulman’s magic show on Sunday, January 19, at 1 pm. There will be a trip to Syracuse Stage on Sunday, February 2, for the 2 pm performance of “The Whipping Man.” For more information, contact JoAnn Grower at 463-9762, or Joanne Greenhouse at 446-3592.

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JEWISH OBSERVER ■ january 9, 2014/8 SHEVAT 5774

JCC of Syracuse gets spin upgrade The Sam Pomeranz Jewish Community Center of Syracuse Neulander Family Sports and Fitness Center recently purchased 11 new “Keiser m3” indoor spin cycles. There are day and newly slotted evening classes to accommodate mem-

bers. The aim is to appeal to all levels of personal fitness abilities. The new cycles will be housed in a dedicated spin room with a “state-of-the-art” sound system. For more information, contact the center at 234-4522.

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L-r: Jewish Community Center Fitness Center trainer Joe Yager took notes while Linda Quinn, master trainer April Wright, Maria Randazzo and Paula Pacini tried out the new Keiser m3 spin bikes at the Jewish Community Center Neulander Family Sports and Fitness Center.


Google, Israeli government to cooperate on technology

Google and Israel signed a memorandum of understanding in which the tech giant agreed to provide technological services to the Israeli government. Under the agreement signed on Dec. 31 by Finance Minister Yair Lapid and Google Israel CEO Meir Brand, Google will help improve e-government services and open government, as well as support Israeli start-ups. Israel reportedly will share ideas and information with the company. Google also will sponsor a scholarship program with Ben-Gurion University for engineering, computer science and public policy students.


together to celebrate the most significant Jewish holiday, Shabbat?” The JCC staff continues to look for ways to improve the Shabbat experience and invite family members to become involved in their programs. In order to make the event happen, David teamed up with Director of Adult and Senior Programming Leesa Paul to create “a cultural bonding experience” for all. Before being served lunch, participants shared Shabbat songs and blessings.


Adult Hebrew classes are offered in cooperation with Congregation Beth SholomChevra Shas. Hebrew II meets on Mondays from 7-8 pm, starting on January 13, and ending in early May. The class introduces vocabulary, Hebrew roots, reading proficiency and siddur comprehension. Those who can pronounce the aleph-bet and want to expand their knowledge can attend the class. The textbook will be “Aleph Isn’t Enough,” which can be ordered online. Hebrew III, which will be held on Tuesdays, from 7-8 pm, starting in late January and running until early May, will continue to build vocabulary, basic grammar, Hebrew roots and a study of biblical passages. Conversational Hebrew will teach phrases and basic Modern Hebrew vocabulary. The class will be held Fridays, from 9-10 am, beginning in early January. Conversational Hebrew is held at Temple Concord and Hebrew II and III are held at CBS-CS. Returning students and “snowbirds” who will be away for some of the time will be welcome to participate. Both classes have a minimum enrollment to run. For more information, contact Stephanie Marshall at 475-9952 or Temple Concord Scholar Series: Michael Barkun Syracuse University Professor Emeritus Michael Barkun will explore the culture of conspiracy theories, which have always existed in the U.S., on Tuesday, January 14, at 6 pm. He maintains that there has never been a period like the present, when conspiracy theories have grown so rapidly. He is professor emeritus of political science in the Maxwell School at Syracuse University and the author of “A Culture of Conspiracy:

Continued from page 2 Organizers considered the event such a success that the JCC will offer the program to the 3-year-olds and their grandparents in the spring. The inter-generational Shabbat luncheon will be added to the ECDP and senior adults’ yearly calendar. For more information on the ECDP at the JCC, contact David at 445-2040, ext. 120. For more information on adult and senior programming, contact Paul at 4452040, ext. 104. Continued from page 4 Apocalyptic Visions in American Society,” recently published by the University of California Press. Cinemagogue The TC film series Cinemagogue will present “Numbered,” a film about Holocaust survivors and family members dealing with the serialized numbers the Nazis tattooed onto people’s forearms in concentration camps, on Tuesday, January 21, at 7 pm. Also discussed will be the new trend of survivors’children and grandchildren tattooing themselves with a loved one’s number to honor their legacy and to remind younger generations about the Holocaust. Regina F. Goldenberg Cultural Series: Robert Rogers Puppet Theater The Famous Chelm Players from the Robert Rogers Puppet Company will perform “Mendel, who treasured the Sabbath” on Sunday, January 26, at 1 pm. Specializing in productions for young people since 1980, the troupe has created and utilized hundreds of string, hand and rod puppets for performances in theaters, concert halls, museums, festivals and schools throughout the United States and internationally. Women of Reform Judaism and Brotherhood The Woman of Reform Judaism and Brotherhood jointly hosted U.S. Representative Daniel Maffei on December 8. The program began with a breakfast, followed by a question-and-answer period. After spending an hour with the adults, Maffei moved into the sanctuary to meet with the students. He gave them a brief description of what his job entails and then took questions.

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