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Combined Federation-Day School-Epstein School annual meeting The Jewish Federation of Central New York will hold a combined 2018 annual meeting with the Syracuse Hebrew Day School and the Rabbi Jacob H. Epstein School of Jewish Studies on Wednesday,

June 6, in the Anne and Hy Miller Auditorium at the Sam Pomeranz Jewish Community Center of Syracuse. The evening will begin with refreshments at 6:30 pm.

Presiding over the Federation’s 100th annual meeting will be Federation Board Chair Ellen Weinstein. A dessert reception will be catered by JCC chef Donna Carullo under the supervision of the Va’ad Ha’ir.

The combined annual meeting is free and open to the community. Reservations are requested and may be made by contacting Kathie Piirak at 315-445-2040, ext. 106, or

The Tzofim Friendship Caravan will perform at the Syracuse JCC on July 18 BY MELINDA GREENMAN This summer’s Tzofim Friendship Caravan will travel around New York state and down to Virginia, presenting Israeli culture and goodwill through music and dance in English, Hebrew and Yiddish. A full schedule of performances will be announced in a future edition of the Jewish Observer. Since 1985, the Central New York Chapter of Friends of Israel Scouts has been

welcoming the Tzofim Friendship Caravan to the local area. It has been coming to America for 45 years and this year Israel will be celebrating 70 years of statehood. This summer’s caravan is named Yanai. All three caravans coming to the U.S. are being named after the beaches of Israel. Beit Yanai beach is considered to be one of the best beaches in Israel and is a paradise for water-sports such as kite surfing, surfing and waterskiing. It is located about

20 minutes outside of Tel Aviv, north of Netanya and south of Caesarea. Returning to Syracuse is Caravan leader Tair Atias, who was part of the 2011 Tzofim Friendship Caravan. He felt his interaction with the American Jewish community was fun and interesting and said, “It introduced me to a different way of Jewish life. Traveling around far from home and my family was both challenging

See “Caravan” on page 6

“Defiant Requiem,” a film about Terezin musicians, rescheduled for May 16 at JCC

The feature-length documentary film “Defiant Requiem” will be shown on Wednesday, May 16, at 7 pm, at the Sam Pomeranz Jewish Community Center, 5655 Thompson Rd., DeWitt. Conductor Murry Sidlin, president and creative director of the Defiant Re-

quiem Foundation, will introduce the film and lead a discussion afterward, including addressing the arts and humanities as practiced by the Terezin prisoners. The event is free and open to the public. The Jewish Federation of Central New York and InterFaith Works of Central

New York are sponsoring the film and subsequent discussion. Sidlin learned about the story from Terezin inmates, created the concert version of the “Defiant Requiem” and brought orchestra, chorus and former prisoners back to Terezin to perform it.

Students, activists disrupt talk by Israeli ambassador at Syracuse University BY SHIRI MOSHE This article is reprinted with the permission of The Algemeiner. Some 20 protesters disrupted a speech by an Israeli ambassador at Syracuse University in New York on April 24, raising concerns about efforts to chill free speech on campus.

Dani Dayan, Israel’s consul general in New York, began addressing around 100 audience members during an event exploring the future of the Middle East when a group of protesters situated outside the lecture hall started chanting loudly in an attempt “to drown out the talk,” Miriam Elman, an associate professor of political

science at Syracuse, told The Algemeiner on April 25. Elman, who attended and helped organize Dayan’s lecture, said the protesters – among whom were both students and professional activists – had assembled in advance underneath the windows of the event room, holding posters claiming “Zionism = Racism,” “Judaism Rejects Zionism,” and endorsing the boycott, divestment and sanctions campaign against Israel. “They were quiet,” she noted. “They talked to people who came by. Nothing wrong with that.” But the chanting started as soon as the event commenced at noon – and escalated

The 2018 Tzofim Friendship Caravan will perform locally starting July 17.

2018 Federation Annual Campaign For more information, contact Colleen Baker at 315-445-2040, ext. 102, or Goal: $1,300,000


1,169,745 as of May 7, 2018

See “Disrupt” on page 8


May 11............................. 7:59 pm.................................. Parashat Behar-Bechukotai May 18............................. 8:06 pm................................................Parashat Bamidbar May 19.................... after 9:15 pm..................................................................Shavuot May 20.................... after 9:17 pm..................................................................Shavuot May 25............................. 8:13 pm.......................................................Parashat Naso

INSIDE THIS ISSUE Shavuot services

At the JCC

Congregational notes

Local congregations announce The JCC will host an ice cream Temple Concord will show the film their Shavout ser vices and social on May 15; weekly senior “The Kind Words”; Chabad will hold dinners will begin on June 18. celebrations. a challah-baking event. Stories on page 3 Story on page 2 Stories on page 4

PLUS Women in Business.............4-6 B’nai Mitzvah........................... 6 Calendar Highlights............... 7 Obituaries................................. 7


JEWISH OBSERVER ■ MAY 10, 2018/25 IYAR 5778

Shavuot around the community

Congregation Beth Sholom-Chevra Shas (USCJ affiliated), 18 Patsy La. off Jamesville Rd., DeWitt, 315-4469570. For youth programs, call 315701-2685. Shaarei Torah Orthodox Congregation of Syracuse (Orthodox, affiliated with the Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations of America) ,4313 E. Genesee St., DeWitt, 315-446-6194. Temple Adath Yeshurun (USCJ affiliated), 450 Kimber Rd., Syracuse, 315-445-0002. Temple Concord (Reform, affiliated with Union for Reform Judaism), 910 Madison St., Syracuse, 315-475-9952. Chabad House at SU. All services at Chabad House, 825 Ostrom Ave., 315424-0363.

Congregation Beth SholomChevra Shas

On Saturday, May 19, Congregation Beth Sholom-Chevra Shas will celebrate Shavuot and honor the synagogue’s many volunteers. The evening will include a dinner catered by Sisterhood and a theatrical tikkun presented by Achla United Synagogue Youth. This year’s theme for volunteer recognition is “Which is the Right Door for You?” The dinner will be a dairy Italian feast

starting at 6 pm. To make a reservation, contact CBS-CS Manager of Congregational Services Daryl Weiss at manager@ by Friday, May 11. The CBS-CS Kadimaniks and USYers will present a marathon of “sedra scenes” (short plays about each parasha) to serve as the tikkun. Between each play, USYers and Rabbi Andrew Pepperstone will present what they hope will be thought-provoking questions and drama games. Members of all ages may participate. For more information about the performances, or to volunteer theatrical or artistic talents, e-mail CBS-CS Program Director Melissa Harkavy at Shavuot services will be held on Sunday, May 20, and Monday, May 21, at 9:30 am. First day services will be led by Cantor Paula Pepperstone, who will also lead the second day Yizkor service. The community is welcome to join the congregation to celebrate Shavuot. For more information, contact the CBSCS office at 315-446-9570 or office@

Shaarei Torah Orthodox Congregation of Syracuse

On Saturday, May 19, erev Shavuot,

JCC preschoolers celebrate community helpers BY ANKUR DANG What do a doctor, a policeman and a librarian have in common? They are some of the most easily recognizable community helpers, and they are all preschoolers of Classroom 2 in the Jerome and Phyllis Charney Early Childhood Development Program at the Sam Pomeranz Jewish Community Center. The students celebrated community helpers on April 19 by dressing up like them and discussing why they are so important. “They keep us healthy and safe,” said “Dr.” Inri Stitt, 4. “Doctors help us when we get the flu, police arrest people who want to hurt us, and firefighters… well, they fight fire!” This discussion about the roles played by community helpers also included a visit by a police officer the next day. Officer Brittany Mangano of the town of DeWitt Police Department spent the morning of April 20 with the ECDP children. She showed them the various components of her belt and what she does with them. She also had the children memorize the emergency number 911, in addition to the basic rules of staying safe while playing outside and riding in a car. “Can you use your cell phone when you’re driving?” Mangano asked the children. “Only if you’re a passenger,” came

one response. An uncoordinated chorus of “no” came from the rest of the class. “Yes, See “JCC” on page 4

there will be a class at 6:55 pm, followed by Mincha at 7:55 pm. Candle lighting will be at 9:13 pm from a pre-existing flame, with Tikkun Leil Shavuot following. On Sunday, May 20, the first day of Shavuot, morning services will begin at 9:30 am. Mincha will be at 8:05 pm, with candle lighting at 9:13 pm from a pre-existing flame. On Monday, May 21, the second day of Shavuot, there will be a Chumash class at 8 am, followed by morning services at 9 am, Yizkor and a luncheon after services. The luncheon will feature a talk at 12:30 pm, “Standing Together to fight Antisemitism and Anti-Zionism in Schools and Summer Camps” by Miriam Elman, associate professor of political science at Syracuse University’s Maxwell School. She has written about the trend to turn campers, as well as elementary and high school students, against Israel. The talk is part of the Orthodox Union’s Women’s Initiative inaugural event, “Standing Together at Sinai,” which partners with synagogues across America to create programming featuring woman scholars. Child care will be available and there is a fee per adult (12 and over) for the dairy luncheon. Reservations should be made by Tuesday, May 15, via the STOCS website, www.stocsyracuse. org under events, or by contacting the STOCS office at info@stocsyracuse. org, or 315-446-6194. Mincha will be at 8:05 pm, followed by Havdalah at 9:14 pm.

Temple Adath Yeshurun BY SONALI MCINTYRE Temple Adath Yeshurun will hold a Tikkun Leil Shavuot on Saturday, May 19, at 9:15 pm, following the 8:20 pm evening services. A traditional dairy dessert will be served. Rabbi Paul S. Drazen said, “On Shavuot, we celebrate receiving Torah. This Shavuot, we will have the opportunity to hear from TAY members about their way of living and understanding Torah.” On Sunday, May 20, services will be at 9:15 am and will feature a program, “Roll Out the Torah.” To celebrate the giving of the Torah at Sinai, an entire

of Central New York

Syracuse Office

A group of girls in the JCC’s Early Childhood classroom 2 dressed up as doctors to learn about community helpers. Seated (l-r): Inri Stitt and Reilly Cadaret. Standing (l-r): Isabella Gingold and Grace Kelly.

Bette Siegel Syracuse Editor Publisher Jewish Federation of Central New York Inc. Ellen Weinstein Chair of the Board Michael Balanoff Federation President/CEO Alan Goldberg Vice President for Communications Editorial 5655 Thompson Rd. DeWitt, NY 13214

Binghamton Office

Rabbi Rachel Esserman Executive Editor Diana Sochor Layout Editor Ilene Pinsker Assistant Editor Jenn DePersis Production Coordinator Bonnie Rozen Advertising Representative Kathy Brown Bookkeeper Production and Management The Reporter 500 Clubhouse Rd. Vestal, NY 13850

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Jewish Federation of Central New York Inc. Web site:

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Torah scroll – approximately 150 feet – will be unrolled, highlights will be reviewed and portions will be read aloud. “Roll Out the Torah” will offer learning opportunities for participants of all ages. Mishpacha Shavuot, a program for young children from birth to 5 years beginning at 10:30 am, will also feature “Roll Out the Torah.” Evening services will be at 5:30 pm. On Monday, May 21, the second day of Shavuot, morning services will begin at 9:15 am. Yizkor will be said during morning services. Evening services on May 21 will begin at 8:40 pm. For more information about Temple Adath Yeshurun and its programs, contact the TAY office at 315-445-0002 or info@, or visit

Temple Concord

Temple Concord will celebrate its 135th confirmation class on Shavuot, Saturday, May 19, at 7 pm. Natalie Eisenson, Nicole Engel, Anthony Fischer, Sara Garrow and Jennie Seidberg have studied with Rabbi Daniel Fellman for the past year, strengthening their Jewish identity. As part of the confirmation program, the confirmands wrote essays as part of the TC Brotherhood’s essay competition. This year’s essay question was: Our Jewish community in Syracuse continues to grow and change. What do you see as our greatest strengths, and what are our greatest challenges? How can you best use your voice as an emerging Reform Jewish adult? Prior to the ceremony, parents of the confirmands will host a dairy dinner in their honor at 6 pm. All events are open to the public. Reservations are requested and may be made by contacting the TC office at 315-475-9952 or office@ The ceremony is open to the public and will be followed by a dairy oneg. At approximately 9 pm, there will be a Tikkun Leil Shavuot study group led by Rabbi Daniel Fellman and synagogue members on the theme “Israel at 70.” A Shavuot festival and Yizkor service will be held on Sunday, May 20, at 11 am. All articles, announcements and photographs must be received by noon Wednesday, 15 days prior to publication date. Articles must be typed, double spaced and include the name of a contact person and a daytime telephone number. E-mail submissions are encouraged and may be sent to The Jewish Observer reserves the right to edit any copy. Signed letters to the editor are welcomed: they should not exceed 250 words. Names will be withheld at the discretion of the editor. All material in this newspaper has been copyrighted and is exclusive property of the Jewish Observer and cannot be reproduced without the consent of the publisher. Views and opinions expressed by our writers, columnists, advertisers and by our readers do not necessarily reflect the publisher’s and editors’ points of view, nor that of the Jewish Federation of Central New York. The newspaper reserves the right to cancel any advertisements at any time. This newspaper is not liable for the content of any errors appearing in the advertisements beyond the cost of the space occupied. The advertiser assumes responsibility for errors in telephone orders. The Jewish Observer does not assume responsibility for the kashrut of any product or service advertised in this paper. THE JEWISH OBSERVER OF CENTRAL NEW YORK (USPS 000939) (ISSN 1079-9842) Publications Periodical postage paid at Syracuse, NY and other offices. Published 24 times per year by the Jewish Federation of Central New York Inc., a non-profit corporation, 5655 Thompson Road, DeWitt, NY 13214. Subscriptions: $36/year; student $10/ year. POST MASTER: Send address change to JEWISH OBSERVER OF CENTRAL NEW YORK, 5655 Thompson Road, DeWitt, NY 13214.

The Jewish Observer is a member of the American Jewish Press Association.

MAY 10, 2018/25 IYAR 5778 ■



AROUND CENTRAL NEW YORK Jewish Community Center of Syracuse announces slate of officers/directors The Sam Pomeranz Jewish Community Center of Syracuse Nominating Committee announced its slate of officers and directors for election at this year’s Jewish Community Center annual meeting and gala to be held on Sunday, June 3, at 11 am. Debbie Goldwein chaired the Nominating Committee, which consisted of MaryAnne Gillson, Ben Gnacik, Roy Gutterman, Michael Klein, Mark Levy, Alan Lipsy, Joanne Maloff, Ilene Mendel, Sarah Pinsky, Phillip Rubenstein, Steven Sisskind and Howard Weinstein. The JCC thanked them for their hard work in helping put the slate together. Nominated are president, Sisskind; vice presidents, Rubenstein, Weinstein and Goldwein; treasurer, Sara Temes and secretary, Gutterman. Nominated as directors for the term ending in 2019 are Gillson and Ann Goldstein. The directors nominated for the term ending in 2020 are Nan Fechtner and Peter Hall. Directors nominated for the term ending in 2021 are Shira Boschan, Gnacik, Scott Loeb, Maloff, Helen Marcum, Davia Moss and Steve Wladis. In addition to electing board officers and directors, the JCC’s gala event will feature a presentation of 11 awards recognizing outstanding service given to the JCC and the local community. The Hall of Fame Award, which honors those who have dedicated themselves to the Syracuse Jewish

community and advancing the JCC, will be given to Sheldon “Shelly” Kruth, CPA, managing partner with the public accounting firm D’Arcangelo and Co., and Marilyn Pinsky, former commissioner of Onondaga County Department of Aging and Youth. A total of six Kovod Gadol awards will be presented this year. The award, which translates to highest honor or great honor in Hebrew, will be presented to those who were instrumental in keeping the JCC safe – both during, and after, last year’s bomb threats. This year’s recipients include Susan DeMari, community security liaison; the Federal Bureau of Investigation; New York

State Police; Onondaga County Sheriff’s Office; town of DeWitt Police Department; and Centro. Receiving the Kovod Award, which signifies honor and importance, will be longtime JCC volunteer Donna Lipton and JCC board member Lynne Pascale. The Leslie Award, which recognizes outstanding commitment and service to the JCC and the local community by young up-and-coming leaders – the qualities which the award’s namesake, Leslie London Neulander, personified – will be presented to Carolyn Weinberg, coordinator of PJ Library® in Central New York, a JCC of Syracuse program.

JCC ice cream social to be held May 15 BY WILLIAM WALLAK The Sam Pomeranz Jewish Community Center’s After School Program will hold its annual ice cream social and raffle fund-raiser on Tuesday, May 15, from 4-6 pm, at the JCC, 5655 Thompson Rd., DeWitt. This springtime tradition is open to the public and everyone is invited. All proceeds will directly benefit the JCC’s After School Program, which serves children in kindergarten through seventh grade. “This is such a fun event and an enjoyable way for us to celebrate spring each year with our program’s families

and the community,” said Pam Ranieri, director of children’s programming. “We really appreciate all of the great support that we receive, especially from local businesses who have generously donated items for our raffle.” The JCC’s After School Program serves more than 130 families and children from more than 10 different schools, including the Jamesville-DeWitt, Syracuse City and Fayetteville-Manlius districts, as well as private schools such as the Syracuse Hebrew Day School. For more information about the JCC’s ice cream social, call 315-445-2360.

JCC’s senior kosher dinners start up again June 18 BY ANKUR DANG Each weekday at noon, seniors come to the Sam Pomeranz Jewish Community Center to have lunch. Some of them do so after sweating it out in the JCC’s gym or attending a group exercise class. As an Onondaga County-designated senior nutrition program, the kosher meals satisfy one-third of the FDA’s recommended daily nutritional requirements. The menu, which changes every month, regularly features a variety of dishes, including meatloaf, brisket, Cornish hen and more. The JCC’s Dr. Morton and Mrs. Libby Maloff Summer Senior Dinner program will be serving a well-balanced kosher dinner every Monday starting June 18. The weekly dinners start promptly at 5 pm and a variety of live entertainment will

be included each week as a part of the meal program. This summertime tradition will run through August 28. The summer dinners are open to seniors aged 60 and older. There is a nominal suggested contribution per person. The JCC’s weekday senior lunches will continue at noon Tuesdays through Fridays during those weeks the summer dinners are held. Registration is required by the Wednesday before each dinner and may be made by calling 315-445-2360. “We are excited to be kicking off our summer dinner program for seniors next month,” said Marci Erlebacher, JCC of Syracuse executive director. “The dinners have become very popular and offer a wonderful outlet for seniors to socialize while enjoying a delicious kosher meal.” The JCC’s Bobbi Epstein Lewis Senior Adult Dining

Sam Pomeranz Jewish Community Center senior dining menu MAY 14-18 Monday – tuna salad on rye Tuesday – hamburgers with sautéed onions Wednesday – chicken fried rice Thursday – mac ‘n cheese Friday – birthday celebration – turkey with stuffing MAY 21-25 Monday – closed for Shavuot Tuesday – crispy teriyaki chicken Wednesday – spinach cheese quiche Thursday – egg salad on rye Friday – honey glazed baked chicken The Bobbi Epstein Lewis JCC Senior Adult Dining Program at the Sam Pomeranz Jewish Community Center offers Va’ad Ha’ir-supervised kosher lunches served Mon-


day through Friday at noon. Lunch reservations are required by noon on the previous business day. There is a suggested contribution per meal. The menu is subject to change. The program is funded by a grant from the Onondaga County Department of Aging and Youth and the New York State Office for the Aging, with additional funds provided by the JCC. To attend, one need not be Jewish or a member of the JCC. For further information or to make a reservation, contact Cindy Stein at 445-2360 ext. 104 or

Program is the only senior nutrition program available outside of New York City serving kosher meals five days per week. The program is funded in part by the Onondaga County Department of Aging and Youth and the New York State Office for the Aging and Administration for Community Living. For more information, and to register for a lunch or dinner, call 315-445-2360.



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JEWISH OBSERVER ■ MAY 10, 2018/25 IYAR 5778

CONGREGATIONAL NOTES Congregation Beth Sholom-Chevra Shas

Temple Concord CINEMAGOGUE PRESENTS ISRAELI FILM “THE KIND WORDS” ON MAY 26 BY CHANA MEIR Temple Concord’s Cinemagogue series will present the Israeli comedy-drama “The Kind Words” on Saturday, May 26, at 7 pm. Dorona (Rotem Zisman-Cohen) and her brothers, Natanel (Roy Assaf) and Shai (Assaf Ben-Shimon), face a mystery when the man they think is their father confesses to Dorona that he is not. With their mother suddenly dying, the three siblings set out to learn the truth on a journey

Chabad to hold challahbaking event on May 15

L-r: Congregation Beth Sholom-Chevra Shas Achla United Synagogue Youth members Elise Beckman and Danielle Downie volunteered at the Ronald McDonald House on April 15.


and that is why you must tell your mommy and daddy to not use the phone or to use it hands-free when they are driving. It is not good to hold the phone in your hand while driving.” “My mommy does that all the time,” said one child. “Mine, too,” added another. Between trying to control her laughter

L-r: JCC ECDP students Logan Bisnett and Rose Braga dressed up as firefighters for their classroom’s activity on celebrating community helpers.

Continued from page 2

at the kids’ honesty and answering their questions, Mangano had a “great time.” She said, “They are so cute, but sometimes I forget how little they are when they ask such intelligent questions. It’s a good thing Town of DeWitt they are learning P o l i c e O f f i c e r how to be good Brittany Mangano citizens at such a answered questions fromJCCpreschoolers young age.” And the students during her visit to seemed to agree. classroom 2. As they started to line up to go outside to play, one of the “policemen” had taken it upon himself to make sure no one broke the line. He was serious about being a good police officer, even if he wasn’t in uniform anymore.

from Jerusalem, to Paris, to Marseille. The family drama is lightened with wry humor as the trio encounters a seller of funeral packages and engages in a march through a Paris graveyard. The New York Times named “The Kind Words” a 2016 Critic’s Pick. The movie was written and directed by Shemi Zarhin. Cinemagogue events are free and open to the public, and candy and snacks are available. Donations are welcome. For more information, contact the TC office at 315-475-9952, or office@

Chanie Rapoport, coordinator of the Chabad challah-bake event, wants everyone to “get their hands in the dough” on Tuesday, May 15 (Rosh Chodesh Sivan), at 7:30 pm, at the Chabad Fayetteville location, 511 East Genesee St. Participants will be able to share in the mixing and kneading of the challah dough, then shape their own challah and take it home to bake. The evening will give participants the opportunity to learn how to make challah and hear about the history and heritage of this traditional food. Rapoport said, “Nothing tastes quite as good as homemade

challah, especially when you are cutting into it around your own Shabbat table.” Registration is necessary as space is limited to the first 15 people who sign up. The program is open to participants over the age of 12. Registration may be made by contacting Rapoport at chanie18@ or 315-424-0363 and leaving a message, or visiting There is a charge to participate. All participants will take home a specially-designed souvenir apron, along with their challah. To sponsor this event in honor or in memory of someone, contact Rapoport.


Israel to end its bid for seat on U.N. Security Council

Israel announced on May 4 that it would end its long-shot bid to secure a seat on the United Nations Security Council. “After consulting with our partners, including our good friends, the state of Israel has decided to postpone its candidacy for a seat on the Security Council,” said a statement from Israel’s Permanent Mission to the United Nations. Israel is a member of the Western Europe and Others Group in the world body.

Fashion Exchange Consignment Howard Hanna Real Estate Clothing Services Specialty: Women's consignment clothier Location: Lyndon Corners 6903 E. Genesee St. Fayetteville, NY 13066 Name: Jean Daily Phone: 315-251-0414 E-mail: Hours: Mon.-Fri. 10 am-6 pm, Sat. 10 am-5 am Fashion Exchange Consignment Clothing is located at Lyndon Corners in DeWitt. The shop offers gently used as well as new upscale boutique women's clothing sized 0-24. Labels include Bryn Walker, Lilith, Gucci, Carlisle and Chico's. Fashion Exchange provides a large selection of clothing, handbags, jewelry and more. New items arrive daily and consignors provide goods from all over the world! Come in for a truly a unique shopping experience. Fashion Exchange accepts consignments by appointment only and is always looking for designer clothing and handbags. Stop in and see what's new! Gift certificates are available. Please support our advertisers and tell them you saw their ad here in


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MAY 10, 2018/25 IYAR 5778 ■


Community Yom Ha’atzmaut celebration On April 19, the Syracuse Jewish community celebrated Israel Independence Day, Israel’s 70th anniversary, at Temple Adath Yeshurun. The celebration brings the Syracuse Jewish community together to celebrate Israel’s anniversary with music, festivities, fanfare, shopping and food. The Israel Independence Day celebration was presented by the Sam Pomeranz Jewish Community Center and funded by the Jewish Federation of Central New York through the Philip L. Holstein Community Program Fund; Pomeranz, Shankman and Martin Charitable Foun-

dation; Selma Radin; Rabbi Vicki and Cantor Robert Lieberman; Rachel Chait; Linda and Robert Davis; Jack Lyon; Joan and Norman Poltenson; Dr. Stephen and Marsha Rothenberg; Elaine Rubenstein; Judith Stander; and the Arnold and Mimi Weiner Fund. It is supported by ChabadLubavitch of Central New York; Congregation Beth Sholom-Chevra Shas; Rabbi Jacob H. Epstein School of Jewish Studies; Shaarei Torah Orthodox Congregation of Syracuse; Syracuse Community Hebrew School; Syracuse Hebrew Day School; Temple Adath Yeshurun; and Temple Concord.

Caricaturist Mike Carter drew Rose Scheer and Isabel Weinberg.

Kitchen volunteers prepared the meal

PJ Library ® Coordinator Carolyn Weinberg

An Israeli dinner was available.

Judy Winslow – HUNT Real Estate ERA

Specialty: Licensed associate real estate broker Location: 7650 Highbridge Rd. Suite 210 Manlius, NY 13104 Name: Judy M. Winslow, ABR, CRS, SRES Phone: 315-682-1950 E-mail: Website: Hours: Always open Judy Winslow has been in the real estate business for more than 30 years. She started her real estate career in New York City selling commercial real estate. Today, she is a top producing associate real estate broker for HUNT Real Estate ERA. “I love helping people buy and sell homes,” says Judy. “ I sincerely believe Central New York is a great place to live!” Judy is a representative for home buyers and a marketing agent for home sellers. Every client benefits from her professional experience and philosophy: Integrity is essential to good relationships; communication begins with listening; and negotiation is about setting priorities. Negotiation skills, creative marketing and conflict resolution abilities are what get deals done, and have led to an impressive track record of home sales for Judy’s clients.

In front, l-r: Cantor Robert Lieberman, Ba’al Tefillah Esa Jaffe, Cantors Paula Pepperstone and Kari Siegel-Eglash.

L-r: Shira Shenberger, Linda Chait Davis, Rachel Chait and and Orit Antosh.

Symphoria, Syracuse Pops Chorus and adult and children’s choirs performed at Yom Ha’atzmaut.

Laurie Kushner – Licensed Real Estate Salesperson

Specialty: Residential real estate in Central New York Location: 7650 Highbridge Rd., Suite 210 Manlius NY 13104 Name: Laurie Kushner Phone: 315-420-2668 E-mail: Website: Laurie Kushner is a licensed Real Estate Salesperson working for HUNT Real Estate ERA in Manlius. She received the 2017 Rising Star Award for new agents from Hunt Manlius. “I am excited to be working in the real estate industry with this amazing company!” says Laurie. “I have lived in Manlius for the last 30 years and have raised my children here. I am proud to call Central New York my home! As a certified personal trainer, Cancer Exercise Specialist, and a fourth degree black belt in Tae Kwon Do, I know what commitment and hard work entail. I am ready to work hard for you to find the home that is the perfect fit!”

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JEWISH OBSERVER ■ MAY 10, 2018/25 IYAR 5778


Shavuot – giving and receiving BY RABBI DANIEL FELLMAN On Shavuot, we celebrate the giving of Torah at Sinai. Our ancestors, newly freed from generations of slavery in Egypt, came together as a people after crossing the sea. Moses was called to the top of Mount Sinai, and in an extraordinary meeting with God, received Torah. Some of us Jews believe that Moses received the Torah at Sinai. Some of us Jews believe that Moses received all of Torah – not just the five books, but the prophets, writings and all other sacred literature at Sinai. Some of us Jews believe that Moses received just the Ten Commandments at Sinai. And some of us Jews believe that Moses did not receive anything at all at Sinai. On Shavuot, we usually hear about matan Torah, the giving of Torah. This view holds that God gave a precious gift to us at Sinai, the Torah filled with God’s sacred commandments. But what if we have the focus in the wrong direction? Instead of focusing on the giving end, perhaps we should instead focus on the receiving end. An extraordinary event happened at the base of Si-

B’NAI MITZVAH Caroline Wells

Caroline Wells, daughter of Allison and Joshua Wells of Skaneateles, became bat mitzvah at Temple Adath Yeshurun on April 21. She is the granddaughter of Marjorie and Louis Guth of Jupiter, FL, and Richard Wells and Valerie Crabtree, and the late Portia Wells of Cazenovia and Fayetteville, NY. She attends the TAY Religious School and the Syracuse Community Hebrew School and is a student Caroline Wells at the Skaneateles Middle School. She enjoys skiing and soccer and playing the violin.

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nai: Jews came together in agreement! Our ancestors accepted the Torah, accepted that the way of mitzvot and commandments produces a good and worthy life. The Israelites joined their lot – each agreeing that living as part of a community, relying on each other and being responsible to and for each other could make their world elevated and sacred. Imagine if our Jewish community – or any Jewish community – could come together in shared understanding to the degree our ancestors did so long ago at Sinai! Surely differences in world view and outlook occurred

Menorah Park Auxiliary’s Comedy Cabaret – Joel Chasnoff At right, l-r: Cantor Paula Pepperstone and Melissa Fellman, along with Rabbis Daniel Fellman and Andrew Pepperstone, had a few laughs before the Menorah Park Auxiliary’s Comedy Cabaret featuring Joel Chasnoff at the Jim and Arlene Bistro at Menorah Park on April 22. Continued from page 1 Caravan and enjoyable. Ever since I came back to Israel, I knew

Building customer connections (NAPSI) – According to a study by the Rockefeller Foundation, 68 percent of customers will leave a business if they do not feel cared about or appreciated. Start with these three tips: Exceed expectations. Ask yourself what more you could be doing to go above and beyond for your customers. People want value in what they buy and they want to be valued by you. This could mean giving something to customers without seeing an immediate return for your business. Prioritize customer service. When asked what keeps them loyal to one brand over another, nearly a third of survey respondents said they valued customer service over incentives. Focus on improving service by encouraging responsiveness and solution finding. Use the digital landscape. Social media is arguably the most powerful way to engage customers and online tools can help you prioritize your customer’s needs. Remember, people want to hear from you, so don’t be afraid to engage directly on multiple channels to show them you care. Be authentic – you may be amazed at the results.

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back then just as they do today; but how much better could our world be if we could avoid the usual divisions and battles of turf, and instead focus on what we share? Perhaps this lesson is Shavuot’s most precious gift – a reminder to not let our divisions define us. Shavuot reminds us of the power of coming together, the power of sharing, the power of collective destiny. This year, let’s focus on the receiving of Torah – and the coming together of our people – which makes Sinai so central to who we are as Jews. Rabbi Daniel Fellman is the rabbi at Temple Concord.

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I would want to come back as a leader and now, seven years later, I got the chance to do it!” Joining Atias will be Chen Halevy. After high school, she volunteered in Haifa, where she was responsible for a local Tzofim troupe which she found inspiring. She held several commander positions in the IDF Air Force and ended her service as a lieutenant. She said, “I’m excited to meet all of you this summer.” The Caravan Girl Scouts are Avishag Baram, Hila Bodner, Omer Pick, Shir Zohar and Omer Ettinger. The Caravan Boy Scouts are Chen Kessler, Liron Tesler, Matan Ben Ami, Yoav Komissar and Nir Hamou. To become part of the Friendship Caravan, the Tzofim must go through a four-tier elimination process. They are selected based on personal interviews, their knowledge of Israel, English communication skills, general group interaction and leadership abilities. After the Scouts are selected to be part of the caravan, the young people rehearse weekly over several months in Tel Aviv, under the direction of entertainment professionals. By the end of the rehearsal period, they have attained the level of a professional entertainment troupe. The caravan’s choreographed song and dance routines are charged with natural enthusiasm and energy. Audiences are encouraged to dance, sing and enjoy the spirit of Israel. These shows are made possible with funds provided by the State and Local Partnership Program of the New York State Council on the Arts, through its decentralization initiative administrated locally by CNY Arts. Organizers would like to thank the Jewish Federation of Central New York, the Pomeranz, Shankman and Martin Charitable Foundation and individual donors for making the programming possible. To become a sponsor for a performance, make a donation, host a Scout or for more information, contact chairmen Melinda and Bud Greenman at 315-457-7201.

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MAY 10, 2018/25 IYAR 5778 ■

Antisemitic and white supremacist posters hung near Duke campus BY JTA STAFF (JTA) – Antisemitic and white supremacist posters were removed from downtown Durham, North Carolina, near the Duke University campus. City workers removed the posters on April 30, the local Herald Sun newspaper reported. One of the posters showed a silhouetted man pointing a gun at an image of a bearded man with a long nose wearing a kippah, with tentacles wrapped around the earth. The poster reads “Right of revolution. Your ancestors threw off foreign oppression, time for you as well.” Other posters read “Greedy Jews” and “End Zionist Oppression.” The posters said they were sponsored by the neo-Nazi group National Socialist Legion, which according to

Calendar Highlights

To see a full calendar of community events, visit the Federation's community calendar online at Please notify of any calendar changes.

Wednesday, May 9 Deadline for May 24 Jewish Observer Wednesday, May 23 Deadline for June 7 Jewish Observer Sunday, May 13 Mother’s Day Monday, May 14 Syracuse Hebrew Day School Board of Directors meeting at 7 pm Tuesday, May 15 Sam Pomeranz Jewish Community Center Executive Committee meeting at 6 pm, followed by board meeting at 7 pm Epstein School at Temple Adath Yeshurun from 6:30-8:30 pm Wednesday, May 16 Defiant Requiem screening at the JCC at 7 pm Temple Adath Yeshurun Board of Directors at 7 pm Syracuse lunch and learn at Menorah Park 12 pm Syracuse University honors Alan Goldberg at JCC from 5:30-7 p.m. Thursday, May 17 SHDS picnic and academic fair from 5 – 7 pm Friday, May 18 SHDS Grandparents and Special Friends Day, starting at 9:30 am Saturday, May 19 Erev Shavuot Temple Concord confirmation ceremony at 7 pm TC Tikkun Leil Shavuot at 9 pm CBS-CS Shavuot celebration and volunteer recognition dinner at 6 pm Sunday, May 20 Shavuot – Day 1 TC Torah-Tastic Shavuot and Yizkor service at 11 am Monday, May 21 Shavuot - Day 2 Shaarei Torah Orthodox Congregation of Syracuse Shavuot learning luncheon featuring Miriam Elman at 12:45 pm Tuesday, May 22 Epstein School graduation at Temple Adath Yeshurun at 6:30 pm Thursday, May 24 Menorah Park Shining Stars at 5:30 pm Friday, May 25 CBS-CS Shabbaton at the Asbury Retreat Center Saturday, May 26 TC Cinemagogue presents “The Kind Words” at 7:30 pm CBS-CS Shabbaton at the Asbury Retreat Center Sunday, May 27 Syracuse Jewish Family Service presents the movie, “Up” at 3 pm Thursday, May 31 SJFS presents “Old People in Training,” a Wisdom Circle led by Rabbi Evan Shore and SJFS Director Judith Huober from 5 – 6 pm Federation board meeting at 6:15 pm

the newspaper broke away from the white supremacist Vanguard America organization. The group’s Twitter account has been suspended. Less than two weeks ago, the Durham City Council approved a resolution directed at Israel barring its police department from taking part in “military-style training” programs abroad. Duke Professor Gavin Yamey reported seeing the antisemitic posters near the East Campus and contacted the campus rabbi and other officials, according to the student newspaper, the Duke Chronicle. “It’s not subtle – it’s violent antisemitic imagery, so I take this obviously very seriously,” Yamey told the student newspaper. He told the Herald Sun: “I was deeply disturbed and, to be honest, frightened. I’m Jewish and these vile antisemitic threats, including the image of a gun pointing to a Jew, really rattled me. ...I lost family to pogroms and in the Holocaust. Seeing incitements to shoot Jews in my hometown is not something I ever imagined.”


Flavor-maker Frutarom sold in secondlargest “exit” in Israeli history

In the second largest sale, or “exit,” of an Israeli company to date, the American firm International Flavors and Frangrances Inc. is acquiring Israeli flavor and ingredient producer Frutarom in a deal worth approximately $7.1 billion. Only one deal in Israel’s history surpasses the Frutarom exit – the sale of Israel’s Mobileye, makers of vision-based advanced driver-assistance systems, for $15.3 billion in 2017. Frutarom is based in the coastal city of Haifa, and develops and manufactures primarily natural food, flavor, fragrance, pharmaceutical and cosmetic ingredients. It currently employs 2,700 employees around the world and sells more than 70,000 products to 30,000-plus clients in more than 150 countries. The company anticipates topping $1.6 billion in sales in 2018, with that number expected to increase to $2.25 billion by 2020. IFF said it intends to maintain an operating base in Israel, but the headquarters will remain in New York.

IDF hits Gaza military targets in response to flaming kites

The Israeli army struck military targets in Gaza in response to repeat attempted arson attacks across the Gaza-Israel border. Palestinian terrorists have been flying burning kites loaded with fuel into Israel in the attempt to start large brush fires at the start of Israel’s dry summer season. On such kite on May 4 started a fire close to Kibbutz Kissufim. On May 2, dozens of acres of grasslands and agricultural fields were destroyed.

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Gerald H. Levy, 92, died on April 29 in Palm Beach, FL. Born in Syracuse, he graduated from T. Aaron Levy High School and then Syracuse University College of Art and Sciences in 1947. Following college, he entered the United States Army in 1944 and served through the end of World War II. He began his career in the insurance business in 1949 with Shimberg and Gerber, where he became partner. Shimberg and Gerber was acquired by Alexander and Alexander in 1976. He served on the first Board of Directors of the Metropolitan National Bank of Syracuse, which was acquired by the Bank of New York. In 1980, following his retirement, he relocated to San Mateo, CA, to join his son in the acquisition and marketing management of Beepercall, a radio-telephone utility licensed by the FCC and regulated by the state of California. Beepercall was subsequently acquired by PageNet, a nationwide radio paging and cellular telecommunications company in 1981. He served on the board of various civic organizations in Syracuse and was twice named as president of the Syracuse branch of the Jewish Welfare Federation. He also served on the board of the first Coastal Preservation Organization of Palm Beach County. He was predeceased by his wife, the former Jeanne Shimberg. He is survived by his son, M. Jeffrey Levy, of San Miguel de Allende, Mexico; two grandsons; three great-grandchildren; and his 18-year “sweetheart and companion,” Gladys Alpert, of Palm Beach, FL. Burial was in the Temple Concord section of Woodlawn Cemetery. A private memorial service will be held in Palm, Beach, FL. Birnbaum Funeral Service had arrangements. Contributions may be made to the Trustbridge Hospice Foundation, 5300 East Ave., West Palm Beach, FL 33407. 


Ira I. Mitchell, 97, of Syracuse, died on April 29 at Menorah Park. He served with the U.S. Army as a 2nd lieutenant in Italy during World War II. After the service, he became a businessman, first in retail furniture sales, then as the owner of the Seneca Shop, a women’s apparel store in Geneva, NY. While in Geneva, he was very involved in the community and served in many committee leadership positions. He enjoyed playing golf at the country club, fishing and boating. Later in life as a senior citizen, he became “quite the ladies’ man” at Menorah Park. He is survived by his wife, Lynn Mitchell; daughter, Francine (Barry) Berg; sons, Alan Mitchell and Andrew (Faye) Mitchell; and two granddaughters. Burial was in the Temple Concord Section of Woodlawn Cemetery. Birnbaum Funeral Service had arrangements. Contributions may be made to Menorah Park, 4101 E. Genesee St., Syracuse, NY 13214 or the Salvation Army, 677 S. Salina St., Syracuse, NY 13202. 

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JEWISH OBSERVER ■ MAY 10, 2018/25 IYAR 5778

In rare move, German Palestinian group slams Abbas’ claims that Jews brought Holocaust on themselves

BY JTA STAFF (JTA) – In an unusual move, the main Palestinian lobby group in Germany condemned what it called “antisemitic” remarks by Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas about the Holocaust. The German-Palestinian Society, or DPG, in a statement on May 1 said it “dissociates itself clearly and unequivocally” from the remarks by Abbas. Speaking on April 30 in the West Bank city of Ramallah, Abbas said that Jews caused the Holocaust with their “social behavior,” such as money lending. He also said that Jews do not have a historical connection to the land. His remarks earned condemnation from across the political spectrum. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and members of the Trump administration blasted the remarks. Liberal Jewish groups like J Street and American Friends of Peace Now said his remarks were incendiary and offensive. The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum issued an unusually strong statement. “Abbas’ self-titled

Thou Shalt Ride

Members of Thou Shalt Ride will attend the 2018 Ride to Remember in Cleveland, OH, on Thursday, June 21, through Sunday, June 24. They will join riders from 40 other clubs around the world who are associated with the Jewish Motorcyclist Alliance. Funds raised by the JMA will support the Maltz Museum of Jewish Heritage in Cleveland. For more information, and/or to donate to this cause, visit

‘history lesson’ was anything but,” said Museum Director Sara J. Bloomfield. “Rather than expose Palestinians to accurate information about the Holocaust and the antisemitic persecution Jews faced for centuries in Europe, Abbas distorts the history to advance an agenda that lies about the Holocaust and Jews’ connection to Israel.” The statement by the German Palestinian group called Abbas’ address a “speech riddled with antisemitic remarks. ...To suggest that Jews in some way share a responsibility for the Holocaust is a grotesque distortion of historical facts,” DPG wrote in its statement. “The claim that the Jewish people have no roots in the Holy Land is equally erroneous.” Allegations of antisemitism against Abbas by key allies in Europe are rare. The Holocaust is a sensitive issue in Germany, whose Nazi leadership masterminded and led the genocide during World War II. The DPG’s open rebuke of Abbas may also reflect growing discomfort with his increasingly radical rhetoric among allies stating the case for Palestinian rights in liberal societies. On May 2, the European Jewish Congress called on European leaders and officials to cease all contact with the Palestinian leader until he apologizes for his outrageous antisemitism and Holocaust denial. “For far too long European leaders have given Mahmoud Abbas the benefit of the doubt over his repeated incitement against Israel, the Jewish people and his denial of the Holocaust,” Moshe Kantor, the European Jewish Congress president, said in a statement. “This must come to an end and he must be treated like any racist or antisemite, and contact with him must cease until he apologizes.” Also on May 2, the European Union’s diplomatic service joined in the condemnation of Abbas’ remarks. Stopping short of calling them antisemitic, the EU External Action service in a statement said they were “unacceptable” and


Members of Thou Shalt Ride (Central New York) with members of Riders of the Covenant (Toronto) at the Touro Synagogue in Providence, RI, during the 2017 Ride to Remember.

about three minutes into Dayan’s speech, when Ariel Gold, a campaign director for the far-left activist group Code Pink who sat among the audience members, stood and unfurled a banner reading, “Free Palestine.” “Dani Dayan, you have blood on your hands,” Gold shouted at the ambassador, according to video footage. “Israeli settlements are entirely illegal under international law,” she continued. Dayan is a former chairman of the Yesha Council, which advocates on behalf of Israeli settlements in the West Bank. Gold was promptly removed by campus security, but her chants were echoed seconds later by Ursula Rozum, a member of the anti-war Syracuse Peace Council’s Justice for Palestine Committee. “Free Palestine, end the bloodshed in Gaza,” shouted Rozum as she was escorted out. “Sanctions now, Dayan is an international criminal.” While the room settled down shortly afterward, the chanting outside the lecture hall intensified.


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“will only play into the hands of those who do not want a two-state solution.” The EU said it “remains committed to combat any form of antisemitism and any attempt to condone, justify or grossly trivialise the Holocaust.” German Foreign Minister Haiku Maas said in response to Abbas’remarks that his country was responsible for “one of the worst crimes in history. ...Therefore,” he said, “we must respond resolutely to any antisemitic expression.”


Iran will not “renegotiate or add onto” nuclear deal, its foreign minister says

In a message aimed at President Donald Trump and the United States, Iran’s foreign minister released a video statement saying that Iran will not “renegotiate or add onto” the nuclear deal it signed with the world powers in 2015. On May 3, Mohammad Javad Zarif published the five-minute video, in which he speaks in perfect English, on YouTube and Twitter. Zarif accused the U.S. of violating the deal, particularly by “bullying” others to prevent them from doing business with Iran. “In the last year or so, we’ve been told that President Trump is unhappy with the deal, and it now appears that the response from some Europeans has been to offer the United States more concessions from our pocket,” Zarif said. “This appeasement entails promises of a new deal that would include matters we all decided to exclude at the outset of our negotiations, including Iran’s defensive capabilities and regional influence. But please understand on both issues, it is Iran, not the West, that has serious grievances and much to demand.” Trump has said he will decide by May 12 whether the U.S. will remain part of the deal known formally as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action. Continued from page 1

“It was still disruptive and hard to hear Dayan,” Elman recalled. The chanting continued increasing in volume until the protesters, led by Gold and Rozum, had entered the building and continued their demonstration directly outside the event room. Associate Dean of the Maxwell School Carol Faulkner, who introduced Dayan, took the opportunity to ask the protesters to civilly join the event and ask questions at its conclusion. “They shouted in her face,” Elman said. Gold was then forcibly removed from the building by a Syracuse safety official, and the protesters followed. Despite the disruptions, “the talk was well received [and] there were tough questions,” Elman noted. Dayan took pictures with students and wrote on Twitter that he had “excellent meetings” earlier in the day with Syracuse deans. Nonetheless, the incident disturbed some members of the campus community. “A few of the Jewish students who had also gone to the public talk… told me how ‘shaken up’ they were by what had happened,” Elman shared. “They were really upset that the talk was disrupted and also by the level of vitriol. One student especially mentioned the signs that were held during the protest – he said it wasn’t really protesting Israel’s policies, but was anti-Zionist and even anti-Jewish.” She expressed hope that the university would publicly recognize that while peaceful protests of campus events are legitimate, they would not be tolerated “when they descend into disruptions aimed at silencing speakers and intimidating students.” Elman pointedly observed that Syracuse hosted a public screening and workshop with Palestinian director Mai Masri on campus the week before, which was not “shut down or disrupted in any way.” “We can disagree over the content of speech and there is a process for voicing that disagreement on campus – and pro-Israel students follow and adhere to those rules,” she said. “But yesterday, anti-Israel students did not.” Jewish and pro-Israel campus groups have frequently complained that anti-Zionist students disrupt their programs with vocal protests meant to shut down dialogue. A September report published by the Israel on Campus Coalition advocacy group on the 2016-2017 academic year found that BDS activists repeatedly engaged in “hostile disruptions of pro-Israel events, deliberately interfering with lectures and educational activities. “On several campuses,” the report noted, “protesters shouted down Israeli speakers and other guest lecturers, attempting to silence pro-Israel voices.” This article can be found online at https://www.

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