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Federation to host ADL speaker on May 16 BY JUDITH STANDER The Jewish Federation of Central New York will present Evan R. Bernstein, the Anti-Defamation League’s New York Regional Director, for an interactive discussion about the current rise of antisemitism and the spread of hate in all forms. The event will be held on Tuesday, May 16, at 7:30 pm, in the Anne and Hy Miller Auditorium of the Sam Pomeranz Jewish Community Center of Syracuse, 5655 Thompson Rd. There will be no charge for admission to the presentation and no reservations will be required. Organizers hope that Bernstein’s expertise will help give Central New York Com-

of experience, including funcmunity members an understanding of what affects the current tioning as executive director of issues of hate and antisemitism Migdal Ohr in America, and sitby presenting details of “diverse ting on its senior management and timely” initiatives that can team in Israel. He has served help combat hate. He will discuss as the state director for AIPAC how communities can work in Arizona and as a director together to educate students of the CCS Consulting Firm. and others about diversity His academic credits include and respect for everyone; and a master of liberal arts degree he will address the issues of from Harvard University and a antisemitism and anti-Israel Evan R. Bernstein bachelor of arts from Western biases on college campuses. Connecticut State University. In addition to his current post as the Bernstein sits on the New York City director of the ADL’s New York regional Public Advocate’s Hate Crime Task Force office, Bernstein has more than 19 years and heads the New York ADL Law Enforce-

ment Advisory Council. He has worked collaboratively to forge partnerships with multiple elected officials, school administrators and intergroup leaders across New York state. He has also testified in front of the New York City Council on various topics, including anti-BDS legislation and public school bullying. The Jewish Federation of Central New York will present this speaker in an effort to create an understanding of and strengthen knowledge of how one should act in the face of antisemitism, anti-Israeli sentiments and hate. The program is considered appropriate for teenagers, young adults and adults.

JCC Annual Meeting and Gala to be held June 4 BY WILLIAM WALLAK The Sam Pomeranz Jewish Community Center of Syracuse is preparing to hold its 154th annual meeting and gala, which will be held on Sunday, June 4, from 11 am-2 pm, at Owera Vineyards, 5276 E. Lake Rd., Cazenovia. The event, considered to be the JCC’s “biggest and most important” annual fund-raiser, will feature an awards ceremony recognizing a range of service in support of the JCC and the community. The theme of this year’s gala will be “Flavors of the Mediterranean,” and will begin with a cocktail hour followed by brunch. Following a brief business meeting, the awards will be presented. In addition, the JCC will announce a major naming gift for its summer camps. “We are thrilled to honor such a superb slate of award recipients again this year,” said JCC Executive Director Marci Erlebacher. “Through their selfless giving to both the JCC and the local community, they have achieved so much while inspiring and touching so many along the way. “I am also extremely excited that we’ll be announcing the generous naming gift that we recently received for our summer camps. This is going to be big. It will give our camps a huge boost and further advance our efforts in creating a wonderful summer camp experience for hundreds of children each year.” As in previous years, the gala’s proceeds will provide funding for scholarships to individuals in the JCC’s early childhood, after school, summer camp and senior programs. Due to last year’s support, the JCC was able to grant more than $40,000 in scholarship requests, serve more than 6,000 meals to seniors and offer fitness classes at a discount to those in need. Six awards will be presented this year. The honorees are said to represent “a

range of dedication and support” and will receive a personalized plaque or statue as a token of their award. This year’s Kovod Award, signifying “honor and importance,” will be presented to JCC board member Amy Sumida. She has been on the JCC board for five years, served on the Gala Committee in 2012 and then as committee co-chair from 201316. Sumida also currently chairs the Linda Alexander Phil Holstein Jamesville-DeWitt Middle School staff appreciation luncheon, manages Ellen is a former JCC board member. She the J-D little league snack shack, and has worked in early childhood and elementary been a Junior League of Syracuse member education before becoming an attorney. since 2000, serving in various capacities She is the chief clerk of the Onondaga for the organization, including as sus- County Surrogate’s Court and was previtainer vice president from 2013-15. Past ously a partner in the law firm Pinsky and service includes volunteering with Meals Skandalis, P.C. She is vice president of on Wheels, Person-to-Person Citizen the New York State Association of Chief Advocacy and serving as co-chair of the Clerks of Surrogate’s Courts, a former Everson Museum’s Teddy Bear Tea and president of the Onondaga County Bar Association and former vice president of Festival of Trees. The JCC’s highest honor, the Kovod the Onondaga County Bar Foundation Gadol Award, which translates as “great board. She also serves as vice president honor,” will be presented to Howard and and Allocation Committee co-chair for the Ellen Weinstein, both of whom have been Jewish Federation of Central New York, involved with the JCC since arriving in and is on the boards of Advocates Inc., Central New York in 1978. Howard was a Menorah Park, Menorah Park FoundaJCC board member in the late 1990s and tion, Syracuse Jewish Family Service and then rejoined the board in 2012 as a vice Syracuse Hebrew Day School. This year’s Hall of Fame Award will president and Executive Committee member. He is a practicing physician at Upstate be given to Linda Alexander, Robert and University Hospital’s Community Cam- Diane Miron, and posthumously to Phil pus and the hospital’s division chairman, Holstein. The award recognizes and celdepartment of obstetrics and gynecology; ebrates individuals who have dedicated president of the Upstate Medical Univer- themselves to the Syracuse Jewish comsity’s medical staff; a clinical professor munity and to the advancement of the JCC. Linda Alexander is president/CEO of of obstetrics and gynecology at Upstate Medical University; and director of the the Jewish Federation of Central New York residency training and medical student and founding and current executive direcprograms at the Community campus. He tor of the Jewish Community Foundation is president of the Syracuse Community of Central New York. The JCC Board of Hebrew School and on the board of Advo- Directors decided in late April to honor cates Inc. He also served as president and Alexander as a Hall of Fame recipient this co-president of Temple Adath Yeshurun. year, not only because of her many ac-

Todd Pinsky

Amy Sumida

complishments in the Jewish community, but also because she is retiring from her current local Jewish community positions and moving out of the area to be closer to family. Alexander has been called “a See “JCC” on page 6

2017 Federation Annual Campaign Goal: $ $1,200,000 1,178,000 as of May 8, 2017

To make a pledge, contact Jessica Lawrence at 445-2040 ext. 102 or


May 12.................................. 8 pm........................................................ Parasha-Emor May 19............................. 8:08 pm................................... Parasha-Behar-Bechukotai May 26............................. 8:14 pm.................................................Parasha-Bamidbar


Ellen and Howard Weinstein

Diane and Robert Miron (©2016RonTrincaPhotography)



Local synagogues announce their Shavuot learning programs and sevices. Story on page 2

B’nai Mitzvah........................... 6 Calendar Highlights............... 7 Obituaries................................. 7 Women in Business................ 8


JEWISH OBSERVER ■ MAY 11, 20176/15 IYAR 5777

A MATTER OF OPINION Good news about the Campaign and Foundation I love sharing good news! And good news is what we can now report as our 2017 Campaign winds down. We are now at $1,178,000, just $22,000 short of our highest goal ever, $1.2 million! The hard work of our Campaign Chair Mark Wladis and his Campaign Cabinet has paid off. But that is not only the secret to our success. Did you notice how much the Campaign jumped a lot just since our

2017 Federation Campaign. That’s another $71,000. So the Jewish Community Foundation gave a $188,000 boost to the 2017 Federation Campaign! That is the difference. I am so proud of the success of the Foundation, just about to celebrate its “Sweet 16 Anniversary.” There is a very symbiotic relationship between the Foun-


last Jewish Observer was published two weeks ago? The difference is our Jewish Community Foundation of Central New York. At its recent quarterly meeting, the Foundation board announced that more than $117,000 was being distributed to the 2017 Federation Campaign from the Foundation’s PACE Funds. PACE stands for Perpetual Annual Campaign Endowment. Donors who set up PACE Funds at the Foundation understand that their fund will supplement the Federation’s annual Campaign each year into perpetuity. In addition, the Foundation board voted to distribute five percent of the Unrestricted Endowment Fund to the

dation and the Federation – the success of one leads to the success of the other. That was one of the original missions of the Foundation, and we can now see it has come to fruition. I encourage anyone who would like to join our effort to help sustain future Federation Campaigns to speak to me or Neil Bronstein, our Foundation president, about setting up a PACE Fund. Congratulations to both organizations, the Federation and the Foundation, for their great success! And we’re not done yet! There are still a number of community members who have not made their 2017 pledge. Remember, pledges made now are not due until December. Join our community Campaign.

JNF representative returns to Syracuse to talk about diversity of programs present a program to the young BY JUDY SCHMID students about how JNF works The Jewish National Fund, with Israeli firefighters. By the founded in 1901, is thought time she left, they had started a to be best known for planting fund-raiser to help the firefighttrees in Israel and its blue and ers themselves. white tzedakah boxes. The trees After meetings with Syraare still being planted, and the cuse University students about boxes are still being handed out. JNF’s “Caravan for DemocCurrently, however, JNF does racy” program, which sends more, including conducting non-Jewish students to Israel, efforts to connect young AmerMaura Koenig Koenig finished her Syracuse ican Jews to Israel through a tour at Congregation Beth Sholom-Chevra variety of programs. JNF Israel ProgramsAdmissions Director Shas, where she met the teenagers of the and Educator Maura Koenig recently spent Rabbi Jacob H. Epstein School of Jewish two days in Syracuse meeting with Jewish Studies. There, she spoke and showed a See “JNF” on page 8 leaders and youth to raise awareness and interest in JNF programs. Koenig lives in New York City, but is from Syracuse. She graduated from Nottingham High School and SUNY Oswego, and was raised as a Temple Concord congregant. Koenig started her trip by meeting with Temple Concord’s Rabbi Daniel Fellman to discuss how she could bring JNF to the synagogue. The organization offers a speakers’ bureau, bringing experts on different aspects of Israel. It also has educational programs for religious schools that are either presented by a JNF representative or come packaged for use by organizations. JNF also collaborates with theAlexander Muss High School in Israel, which offers semester-abroad programs. As part of her job, Koenig recruits for AMHSI throughout New York state. She then visited the Syra- Students at the Syracuse Hebrew Day School played cuse Hebrew Day school to Jewish National Fund “Firefighter Bingo.”

Shavuot around the community Congregation Beth Sholom-Chevra Shas (USCJ affiliated), 18 Patsy La. off Jamesville Rd., DeWitt, 315-446-9570. For youth programs, call 315-701-2685. Shaarei Torah Orthodox Congregation of Syracuse (Orthodox, affiliated with the Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations of America), 4313 E. Genesee St., DeWitt, 315-446-6194. Temple Adath Yeshurun (USCJ affiliated), 450 Kimber Rd., Syracuse, 315-445-0002. Temple Concord (Reform, affiliated with Union for Reform Judaism), 910 Madison St., Syracuse, 315-475-9952. Chabad House at SU. All services at Chabad House, 825 Ostrom Ave., 315424-0363. CONGREGATION BETH SHOLOMCHEVRA SHAS Congregation Beth Sholom-Chevra Shas will begin the celebration of Shavuot on Tuesday, May 30, with the evening learning program “Life-Changing Torah.” Ma’ariv services will start at 7:30 pm, when CBS-CS will present its yearly Service Star awards, which recognize those who have led services, read Torah or chanted haftarah at least three times since the previous Shavuot. Following services, there will be a dairy dessert followed by several hours of learning led by members of the congregation, including Rabbi Andrew Pepperstone. The leader of each session will be asked to reflect on and teach about a portion of the Torah that has had “an important impact” on his or her life. Shavuot services will be held on Wednesday, May 31, and Thursday, June 1, at 9:30 am. Second day services will include Yizkor and will be led by Cantor Paula Pepperstone. The community will be welcome to join the congregation to celebrate Shavuot. For more information, contact the CBS-CS office at 315-446-9570 or SHAAREI TORAH ORTHODOX CONGREGATION OF SYRACUSE Morning services will be held on Tuesday, May 30, erev Shavuot, at

of Central New York

Syracuse Office

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6:45 am. Candle lighting will be at 8:18 pm. Mincha service will be held at 8:20 pm, with a Tikkun Leil Shavuot following. Morning services on Wednesday, May 31, will begin at 9:30 am. Mincha will be at 8:20 pm, with candle lighting at 9:24 pm from a pre-existing flame. On Thursday, June 1, there will be a Chumash class at 8 am, followed by services at 9 am, which includes a Yizkor service. Services will be followed by a Shavuot lunch. Mincha will be at 8:20 pm with Havdalah at 9:25 pm. TEMPLE ADATH YESHURUN Temple Adath Yeshurun will hold a Tikkun Leil Shavuot on Tuesday, May 30, at 8:40 pm. The program will consist of a series of short study sessions, including a session led by Rabbi Paul Drazen on “Synesthesia at Sinai.” A traditional dairy dessert will be served. Services on Wednesday, May 31, will begin at 9:15 am and will feature a program on “Roll Out the Torah.” To celebrate the giving of the Torah at Sinai, an entire Torah scroll – approximately 150 feet – will be unrolled. Highlights will be reviewed and portions read aloud. “Roll Out the Torah” will offer learning opportunities for all ages. Services on Wednesday night will be at 5:30 pm. Morning services on Thursday, June 1, will begin at 9:15 am. Yizkor will be said during morning services. Evening services will begin at 8:45 pm. For more information about Shavuot services and programs, visit www.adath. org or contact the TAY office at 315445-0002 or TEMPLE CONCORD Temple Concord will have its confirmation service on Tuesday, May 30, at 8 pm. There will be a Yizkor service on Wednesday, May 31, at 11 am. For more information, contact the TC office at 315-475-9952 or office@ All articles, announcements and photographs must be received by noon Wednesday, 15 days prior to publication date. Articles must be typed, double spaced and include the name of a contact person and a daytime telephone number. E-mail submissions are encouraged and may be sent to The Jewish Observer reserves the right to edit any copy. Signed letters to the editor are welcomed: they should not exceed 250 words. Names will be withheld at the discretion of the editor. All material in this newspaper has been copyrighted and is exclusive property of the Jewish Observer and cannot be reproduced without the consent of the publisher. Views and opinions expressed by our writers, columnists, advertisers and by our readers do not necessarily reflect the publisher’s and editors’ points of view, nor that of the Jewish Federation of Central New York. The newspaper reserves the right to cancel any advertisements at any time. This newspaper is not liable for the content of any errors appearing in the advertisements beyond the cost of the space occupied. The advertiser assumes responsibility for errors in telephone orders. The Jewish Observer does not assume responsibility for the kashrut of any product or service advertised in this paper. THE JEWISH OBSERVER OF CENTRAL NEW YORK (USPS 000939) (ISSN 1079-9842) Publications Periodical postage paid at Syracuse, NY and other offices. Published 24 times per year by the Jewish Federation of Central New York Inc., a non-profit corporation, 5655 Thompson Road, DeWitt, NY 13214. Subscriptions: $36/year; student $10/ year. POST MASTER: Send address change to JEWISH OBSERVER OF CENTRAL NEW YORK, 5655 Thompson Road, DeWitt, NY 13214.

The Jewish Observer is a member of the American Jewish Press Association.

MAY 11, 2017/15 IYAR 5777 ■



AROUND CENTRAL NEW YORK Claire D. Selzer bequest to help those in need BY BETTE SIEGEL At the end of March, the existence of the Claire D. Selzer bequest was brought to the attention of the Jewish Federation of Central New York Finance Committee. The mission of the fund is to provide money for programs for poor children and families in need of assistance in the Greater Syracuse area. A letter was sent to area rabbis alerting them of the fund, as Federation leadership thought they would have the most knowledge about congregants in need

and for whom they might have been using their discretionary funds. Selzer, who died in 2001 at the age of 86, was born in Vienna, Austria, where she received her undergraduate and medical degrees. She retired in 2000 as a psychotherapist in New York City. She was on staff at Mount Sinai Hospital and taught at Cornell Medical Center and Downstate Medical Center. She lectured and consulted throughout Europe. Selzer was a member of the American Medical Association. She

was predeceased by her brother, Adolph E. in 1991. At the time of her death, she was survived by two sisters-in-law, Inge Selzer, of Liverpool, and Clara Selzer, of Brooklyn. She was buried in the Frumah Packard Cemetery in Syracuse. All fund requests must be in writing (e-mails are accepted) to the rabbis. Upon approval, the funds will be sent directly to the synagogue for the intended recipients. For more information, those interested should contact their rabbi.

Sam Pomeranz Jewish Community Center of Syracuse announces slate of officers/directors BY ERIN HART The Nominating Committee of the Sam Pomeranz Jewish Community Center of Syracuse announced its slate of officers and directors for election at this year’s annual meeting and gala, which will be held on Sunday, June 4, at 11 am, at Owera Vineyard, 5276 E. Lake Rd., Cazenovia. The Nominating Committee is chaired by Debbie Goldwein. Members include MaryAnne Gillson, Ben Gnacik, Roy Gutterman, Michael Klein, Mark Levy, Alan Lipsy, Ilene Mendel, Sarah Pinsky, Phillip Rubenstein, Steven Sisskind, Howard Weinstein and Steve Wladis. Nominated officers include Steven Sisskind, president; Wladis, Gutterman and Rubenstein, vice presidents; Sara Temes, treasurer; and Goldwein, secretary. Nominated as director for a term ending in 2018 is

Weinstein. The director nominated for the term ending in 2019 is Ilene Mendel. Directors nominated for the term ending in 2020 are Kathleen Davis, Kay Habib, Levy, Jessica Malzman, Lynne Pascale, Kevin Rosenberg, Melissa Schulman and Sue Sloane. In addition to electing board officers and directors, the JCC’s gala will feature a presentation of six awards recognizing “outstanding service” given to the JCC and the local community. The Hall of Fame Award, which honors those who have dedicated themselves to the Syracuse Jewish community and advancing the JCC, will be given to Linda Alexander, president/CEO of the Jewish Federation of Central New York and executive director of the Jewish Community Foundation of Central New York; Robert and Diane Miron; and Phil Holstein (posthumously).

Sam Pomeranz Jewish Community Center senior dining menu MAY 15-19 Monday – tuna salad on rye Tuesday – hamburger with sautéed onions Wednesday –chicken fried rice Thursday – macaroni and cheese Friday – birthday celebration – brisket MAY 22-26 Monday – tomato soup and grilled cheese Tuesday – crispy teriyaki Wednesday – spinach-cheese quiche Thursday – egg salad on rye Friday – pineapple-glazed baked chicken The Bobbi Epstein Lewis JCC Senior Adult Dining Program at the Sam Pomeranz Jewish Community Center of Syracuse offers Va’ad Ha’ir-supervised kosher lunches served Monday-Friday at noon. Lunch reservations are required by noon on the previous business day. There is a suggested contribution per meal. The menu is subject to change. The

program is funded by a grant from the Onondaga County Department of Aging and Youth and the New York State Office for the Aging, with additional funds provided by the JCC. To attend, one need not be Jewish or a member of the JCC. For more information or to make a reservation, contact Cindy Stein at 445-2360, ext. 104, or

The JCC’s highest honor, the Kovod Gadol Award, which translates to “great honor,” will be presented to Howard and Ellen Weinstein. Receiving the Kovod Award, which is said to signify “honor and importance,” will be JCC board member Amy Sumida. The Leslie Award, which recognizes outstanding commitment and service to the JCC and the local community – qualities which the award’s namesake, the late Leslie London Neulander, was said to personify – will be presented to attorney Todd Pinsky, a partner with the local law firm Pinsky and Skandalis.



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JEWISH OBSERVER ■ MAY 11, 20176/15 IYAR 5777

CONGREGATIONAL NOTES Temple Adath Yeshurun TAY SCHOLAR-IN-RESIDENCE RABBI REUVEN HAMMER BY SONALI MCINTYRE Temple Adath Ye s h u r u n w i l l host Rabbi Reuven Hammer as a scholar-in-residence from Friday-Sunday, June 9-11. The weekend will offer several learning opportuniRabbi Reuven ties to members of Hammer TAY and the larger Jewish community. Rabbi Hammer was born in Syracuse and grew up at Temple Adath Yeshurun. He was the first person from Syracuse to receive a rabbinic ordination and doctorate of theology from the Jewish Theological Seminary in New York City. He went on to earn a doctorate in special education from Northwestern University. He wrote the book, “The Other Child in Jewish Education,” which was the first work of its kind in its field and is still used today as the basic text for Jewish education programs serving children with special needs. Following his education, Rabbi Hammer served as a chaplain in the Air Force, and then as a congregational rabbi for 15 years before he and his family made aliyah. He taught and worked for several years in the special education field at the Hebrew University, David Yellin College and other institutions, and he served as an advisor to the Israeli Ministry of Education. For nearly two decades, Rabbi Hammer oversaw the Israel programs of the JTS in Jerusalem. He was the founding director of the Institute for Jewish Studies, today known as the Schechter Institute, which serves as the school for the training of Masorti (Conservative) rabbis and educators in Israel. He has been a professor of rabbinic literature at Schechter and also taught rabbinics at Oranim College, the Hebrew University Rothberg School, the Seminario Rabbinico Latino Americano and the Moscow State University of the Humanities. Rabbi Hammer is one of the founding members of the Masorti Movement in Israel. He was a member of its Committee on Jewish Law, the Masorti representative on the Neeman Commission of the State of Israel concerning conversion, and the president of the Rabbinical Assembly of Israel. For many years, he was the head of the Rabbinical Court for Conversion. He is currently the Masorti representative on the board of the Joint Institute for conversion, and is a member of the Committee on Jewish Law and Standards of the Rabbinical Assembly.

Rabbi Hammer’s writing often appears in the Israel press, The Jerusalem Post and many other Hebrew and English venues. His books, “Sifre, a Taanaitic Commentray on Deuteronomy” and “Entering the High Holy Days,” were awarded the National Jewish Book Council prize for the best book of scholarship in their respective years. Rabbi Hammer’s most recent books are “The Torah Revolution: Fouteen Trughts That Changed the World” and “Akiva: Life, Legend, Legacy.” In 2003, he was awarded the Simon Greenberg Award for Lifetime Achievement in the Rabbinate by the Ziegler Rabbinical School of the University of Judaism, and was named one of the “Forward 50,” which lists the most influential members of the American Jewish community. The Forward wrote that Rabbi Hammer is “arguably the most important religious leader in the (Conservative) Movement.” In 2013, he was honored by the Jewish Theological Seminary. Rabbi Paul Drazen said, “Susie and I first met Rabbi Hammer when we were in college. The impact of his teaching then, and through the years since, continues to explain and inspire. Millions have come to a deeper understanding of Jewish life and prayer through his works. We are excited to bring someone of such high caliber to Temple Adath Yeshurun.” The scholar-in-residence weekend will begin on June 9 with Shabbat services at 5:30 pm, followed by dinner. After dinner, at approximately 7:45 pm, Rabbi Hammer will speak about “From Temple Adath Yeshurun to Temple Mount.” This will be followed by an oneg. A “Brunch and Learn” will be held on Saturday, June 10, during Shabbat morning services. Rabbi Hammer will lead the study session “The Status of Non-Jews in Jewish Law and Lore Today.” Rabbi Hammer will also give a talk on June 11 at 10:30 am, on “Akiva: The Man and the Myth” based on his newest book, “Akiva: Life, Legend, Legacy.” The scholar-in-residence weekend will be open to the community. For more information, visit, contact the TAY office at 315-445-0002 or e-mail PAUSE BUTTON AND MISHPACHA SHABBAT AT TAY Temple Adath Yeshurun will hold a Pause Button and Mishpacha Shabbat on Saturday, May 13. There will be services for every age, from tots and school-age to adults. Shabbat morning services will start at 9:15 am. Pause Button will begin at 9:45 am and offers snacks, study and singing, after which participants will return to complete the service. See “TAY” on page 6

Congregation Beth Sholom-Chevra Shas “PORGY AND BESS” GLIMMERGLASS TICKETS STILL AVAILABLE Tickets are still available for the congregation and community members to attend a matinee performance of the American opera “Porgy and Bess” by George Gershwin on Tuesday, July 18, at 1:30 pm, at the Glimmerglass Festival, 7300 State Highway 80, Cooperstown. Included in the price is a “Behind the Scenes” tour and a preview performance at a private indoor lunch with food provided by The Oaks, as well as snacks and transportation on a chartered Onondaga Coach. The trip will be hosted by the Sisterhood of Congregation Beth Sholom-Chevra Shas. For more details or to make a reservation, contact Norma S. Feldman at or 315-474-3208. CBS-CS AT AGE 55 CELEBRATES WITH JAZZ Congregation Beth Sholom-Chevra Shas will present a birthday concert at the synagogue on Monday, May 22, at 7:30 pm, featuring Jose Antonio Bowen, president of Goucher College and a jazz musician. He first wrote Jewish music for a Shavuot service for Beth Am, a congregation in California, after his college years. He is said to be motivated to compose by what he wants people to feel. He has written a klezmer service and believes that synagogue music brings meaning to people’s lives. Bowen holds degrees from Stanford University in chemistry, music composition, humanities and a joint doctorate in musicology. He has been an educator for more than 20 years, is a writer of many scholarly articles and was nominated for the Pulitzer Prize in music in 1985. He has performed jazz music domestically and abroad. The concert will also honor the CBS-CS families who founded the synagogue in 1962: Hecky and EttaraeAlpert; Saul z”l and Helen z”l Braverman; Seymour z”l and Hannah z”l Dushay; Herbie z”l and Zelda Freeman; Louis z”l and Beverly z”l Glazier; Sanford and Honi LeVine; Melvin z”l and Marion z”l Rifkin; Bruce z”l and Mickie Rumaner; Mike and Lois Schaffer; Murray z”l and Joan z”l Steinberg; Arthur and Anita z”l Stockman; and David z”l and Sue Yaffee. The event will be free and open to the community. Donations will be accepted at the door. For information, or to make

reservations by Wednesday, May 17, contact Bernie Bregman at 315-430-5249 or, or Ona Bregman at 315-430-1350 or CBS-CS HAZAK PRESENTS SANDRA CHAI Sandra Chai will compare two Jewish artists in her presentation, “Marc Chagall and R.B. Kitaj: from Modernism to Postmodernism,” on Sunday, May 21, at 3 pm. She will discuss two artists who are said to be “at opposite ends of the modernist spectrum,” Marc Chagall (1887-1985) and Ronald Brooks Kitaj (1932-2007). The artists are considered to be closely linked by their mutual interest in their Jewish heritage as a source of subject matter, and by Kitaj’s borrowing of stylistic elements from Chagall, while at the same time forging his own artistic identity. Chagall’s art is has been called “among the most distinctive and recognizable” of the early European Modernists who worked primarily in Paris. The work of Kitaj (pronounced “kit-eye”), an American ex-patriot who lived and worked in England, is less well known to the general public, but said to be “no less important artistically.” The Russian-born Chagall first relocated to Paris, the center of the early modern art world, in 1910, and would live there during three different periods of his life and career. He belonged to the “School of Paris,” a loose group of artists from many European countries, including Amedeo Modigliani and Jacques Lipchitz, among others. Chagall has been recognized as “a pre-eminent Jewish artist and modernist” whose work could not be categorized, since he incorporated many different styles. TheAmerican-born Kitaj relocated to England in 1957. He, too, became a “member” of a group of six postmodern painters known collectively as the “School of London.” Four of the six artists were Jewish, the other three being Lucian Freud, Leon Kossoff and FrankAuerbach. Together, they represented a full or partial return to figuration after the mid-20th-century emphasis on abstraction. Although he was American, Kitaj is better known in England than in the United States. Chai taught for more than 25 years at Syracuse University in the Department of Fine Arts, which was renamed the Department of Art and Music Histories See “CBS-CS” on page 7

Temple Concord LAG B’OMER OUTDOOR FAMILY HAVDALAH PROGRAM Temple Concord will hold a Lag B’Omer Havdalah program on Saturday, May 13, at 6 pm, outdoors at the Highland Forest Valley Camp, 1254 Highland Forest Rd., Fabius. The program will begin with an old-fashioned bonfire, followed by games, singing and “cookout” foods. Participants can also join in the annual kickball game. Attendees should bring flashlights, as it will get dark during the celebration. They can also opt to bring chairs for comfortable sitting by the fire. Reservations have been requested and can be made by contacting the TC office at 315-475-9952 or visiting and clicking on the event, which will open an online reservation form. GAN PROGRAM Temple Concord’s summertime gan program will be held on Saturday, May 14, from 10:30 am-noon. The whole family can share Shabbat, which will feature learning experiences using “art, motion, stories and music.” The program will be open to families with toddlers and preschool students, regardless of affiliation. There will be no

charge for attendance or participation. CINEMAGOGUE PRESENTS “EINSTEIN IN THE HOLY LAND” BY CHANA MEIR Next up in Temple Concord’s Cinemagogue series, on Saturday, May 20, at 7 pm, is “Einstein in the Holy Land.” Based on a diary that Einstein kept while traveling in Palestine with his wife, Elsa, in 1923, it is said to offer “glimpses of the very human man behind the genius intellect.” The diary was never intended for publication, so Einstein is said to have written “freely and honestly” about his impressions of the emerging Jewish state, as well as those he met in his travels. His writing shows “dismay” at the commotion, poverty and filth of Jerusalem at that time, surprise at seeing Jews engaged in manual labor and his appreciation for beautiful women. The movie also provides insights into Einstein’s pacifist and humanist leanings, and his discomfort with the military parades and nationalistic sentiment he encountered. Cinemagogue events are free and open to the public. Donations are welcome. For more information, contact Temple Concord at 315-475-9952 or office@

MAY 11, 2017/15 IYAR 5777 ■



Yom Hashoah event honors Safe Haven survivor and Ruth Gruber BY JUDITH STANDER The Jewish Federation of Central New York held the 2017 annual Yom Hashoah Memorial Observance at Temple Adath Yeshurun on April 23. This year’s event not only recognized the importance of remembering the six million Jews who died during the Shoah, it also reminded those in attendance of the millions of other people who were degraded and slaughtered at that time. Liberators of the death camps were honored as well at the ceremony, and it was noted that General Dwight D. Eisenhower had been careful to order all of the concentration camp liberations to be filmed and documented in case there was ever a question that the atrocities were not real. Hundreds of names that are printed in the Federation’s Book of Remembrance were read aloud. Families and friends have recorded the names in the book to assure that at least once a year they will be read aloud to “keep their memories alive.” Names can be added at any time by contacting Judith Stander at 315-445-0161, ext. 114. Child survivor Elfi Hendell was the guest speaker. She was rescued from Europe and brought to Ft. Ontario in Oswego. She shared her experiences in 1944 when she, along with her parents and her sister, Marion,

Local cantors were also involved in the ceremony. L-r: Cantor Marvin Moskowitz, Ba’alat Tefillah Esa Jaffe, Cantor Kari Siegel Eglash and Cantor Paula Pepperstone.

traveled aboard the USS Henry Gibbons troopship from Italy to the United States. She told the audience of the approximately 300 people through her observations and experiences while residing in Oswego, and explained how she handled the stress of these new experiences at the same time as learning a new language and culture, and attending school for the first time. She said that she believes that her war years were “instrumental” in her choice of profession. She maintains a private mental health practice dealing with marital, family

relationships, depression, anxieties and abusive situations. Ruth Gruber was recognized as a World War II special assistant to Secretary of the Interior Harold L. Ickes who was assigned the secret mission to bring up to 1,000 Jewish refugees to the U.S. There was a presentation by several youth from the community, who performed a dramatic reading called “Ruth Gruber: In Her Own Words.” It was written by Ryan Howlett and performed by Rebecca Blumenthal, Alethea Shirilan-Howlett, Eden Shirilan-Howlett, Yuval Kelchner and Sofia Liaw.

At right: Local rabbis participated in the Yom Hashoah memorial. L-r: Rabbi Leah Fein, Rabbi Daniel Fellman, Rabbi Daniel Jezer, Rabbi Andrew Pepperstone, Rabbi Irvin Beigel, Rabbi Evan Shore and Rabbi Paul Drazen.

Barbara Davis to sign latest book, “100 Jewish Things to Do Before You Die,” on May 21 BY WILLIAM WALLAK Local author Barbara Sheklin Davis will hold a book signing and talk on her latest book, “100 Jewish Things to Do Before You Die,” on Sunday, May 21, at 1 pm, at Barnes and Noble, 3454 Erie Blvd. East, DeWitt. The book is a compilation of 100 things to put on a “Jewish bucket list.” Some of the cultural activities in the book, such as eating a knish or gefilte fish, are considered to be quick and simple to complete. Other items

on the list involve Jewish traditions and laws, such as fasting on Yom Kippur, comforting one who mourns or learning the Shema. A percentage of the book’s purchases, as well as online purchases at using Bookfair ID 12122248 at checkout, will benefit the Sam Pomeranz Jewish Community Center of Syracuse. For more information, contact the JCC at 315-445-2040, ext. 108, or

Obituary for Morton A. Berger Morton A. Berger, 83, passed away at his home in Fairfax, Virginia, Saturday, March 25, 2017, after a long battle with heart disease.

L-r: Jordan April and Archie Shurtliff, students at Oswego County High School who stood up against a teacher’s assignment that asked students to argue “for or against” the Jews’ extermination, were recognized at the Yom Hashoah observance.

Mort was born in 1934, son of Mollie and Max Berger of the Bronx, New York (in the shadow of Yankee Stadium, as he would say). Mort was a Boy Scout for many years, and attended summer camp at Ten Mile River, Camp Ranachqua. He was Assistant Scoutmaster and then Scoutmaster for Troop 131. He graduated Bronx High School of Science and then City College of New York in 1956. As a senior, he was honored by his selection to be in “Who’s Who in American Colleges and Universities”. Shortly after graduation, Mort married Toby Joyce Israel on June 23, 1956. They lived in Valley Stream, where daughter Marcy was born, for a brief time before moving to Syracuse, New York in 1958. Son Scott was born in 1960 and son Ira in 1967. Sadly, Ira passed away in 1969. Mort worked for General Electric for 16 years as a technical writer and was on their bowling league. He then worked for Atlantic Research Corporation, also for 16 years. Mort was also a flight instructor and the treasurer of the Syracuse Flying Club for many years. He taught his son, Scott, to fly; Scott soloed on his 16th birthday, ultimately became a pilot with American Airlines. Mort and Toby were early members of Congregation Ner Tamid before moving from North Syracuse to DeWitt in 1968, where they were members of Temple Beth El.

The Yom Hashoah program ended with a dramatic reading of “Ruth Gruber: In Her Own Words,” which was written by Ryan Howlett and performed by Rebecca Blumenthal, Alethea Shirilan-Howlett, Sofia Liaw, Eden Shirilan-Howlett and Yuval Kelchner. At left: Myrna Koldin helped program attendees light memorial candles at the beginning of the program.

Mort was a renowned and awarded photographer, having started that part of his career while he was in college. Mort was well known on the wedding circuit throughout the Syracuse area, often taking pictures at two or three weddings during weekends in the summer. He also continued to work with the Boy Scouts, as a merit badge counselor for many years, and as a member at large, associate member, committee member, and sustaining member of the Onondaga and Hiawatha Councils for 25 years. He was an instructor for the NYS Hunter Safety, DEC Hunter Safety, and NRA Hunter Safety Courses as well as the NRA Home Firearm Safety and Responsibility and Certified Rifle Marksmanship courses. Mort and Toby moved to Fairfax, Virginia, in 1984; Mort worked for UNISYS for about eight years before health concerns forced his retirement. However, Mort was even more active in retirement, volunteering with the local neighborhood watch, staying active with the Boy Scouts, and most dear to him, becoming a VIPS, a Volunteer in Police Service with the Fairfax County (Virginia) Police Department in 2002. Mort particularly enjoyed taking photographs, something he loved to do, of many aspects of the police department’s activities, and in 2008 had already racked up over 1,500 hours of service. He received several commendations for his work and received the President’s Council on Service and Civic Participation for his volunteer services; he also completed the Fairfax County Community Emergency Response Team Training in December 2005 and graduated from the Citizen’s Police Academy. Mort also loved cats, over the years adopting nearly a dozen strays found wandering in his neighborhood. Mort is survived by his wife, E-C Buckminster, Fairfax VA; his daughter Marcy Newman (Boylston, NY), her husband Sandy Johnson and daughter Shaina; his son Scott Berger (Newburyport, MA), his wife Beth, daughter Laura (Wilson, Wyoming), and son Joel (Boston, Massachusetts); sisters-in-law June Smoller (Delray Beach, FL) and Felicia Becker (Ann Arbor, MI); nieces, nephews, cousins, and hundreds of friends. He was predeceased by his wife Toby Joyce, son Ira Lawrence, brother Ira Leonard, and parents Max and Mollie Berger. Mort was loved by everyone and will be greatly missed.

Survivors present at the commemoration were recognized, including Mireille Goodisman.


A graveside service was held Wednesday, March 29, at Floral Park Cemetery in New Jersey. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to: VIPS, Fairfax County Police Department, 4100 Chain Bridge Road, Fairfax, VA 22030; the Ten Mile River Scout Museum c/o Steven Benini, BSA, Greater New York Councils, 350 Fifth Avenue Suite 7820, New York City, NY 10118; the Humane Society of Fairfax County, 4057 Chain Bridge Road, Fairfax, VA 22030; or the local animal shelter of your choice.

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JEWISH OBSERVER ■ MAY 11, 20176/15 IYAR 5777


Midrash, the truth and visiting the sick BY JIM BRULÉ As a maggid, I am often asked to tell a midrash, by which the person mistakenly means a spiritual story. While I am always ready to tell a spiritual story, it’s useful to understand what midrash means and what a midrash is. Midrash is one of the verb forms of darash, which means “to seek, study, or ask.” A midrash is an attempt to illuminate a part of scripture that is perplexing, confusing, intriguing or perhaps troubling. midrashim (plural) were recorded as early as the second century of the Common Era – 100-200 C.E. – but were certainly known and orally transmitted long before that. Many midrashim are stories, which is largely due to the fact that stories are probably the best way there is to tell a “Truth.” However, not all are stories: let’s take one from this week’s portion, Behar, as an example. Rav Huna, in commenting on Vayikra 25:25, said, “If a person visits the sick, a reduction of one-60th part of his illness is thereby effected.” They pointed out an objection to R. Huna: If that is so, let 60 people come in and enable


him to go down into the street? He answered them: “Sixty could accomplish this, but only if they loved him like themselves. But in any case, they would afford him relief.” (Midrash Vayikra 34:1) There are so many lessons in this midrash. One could dive into how the performance of one mitzvah affects another, wonder if one mitzvah requires another, speculate about the notion of magical cures and wonder about whether the 60th part is a part of the original illness, or simply a 60th of the current illness. Let’s focus on the simplest reading, though. Visiting the sick has a positive, if limited, effect on their illness. Significantly, that effect is all the more powerful if we visit them with an open, loving heart. Have you ever tried to visit someone you didn’t know well who was ill? It’s not easy. Another’s pain – whether physical, emotional or spiritual – can be quite uncomfortable. Being genuinely “present” in those uncomfortable encounters takes fortitude, persistence and training. It’s not just for show that hospital chaplains go through years of training to do what they do.

And yet, as we learn in Pirke Avot, it’s not necessary to do it perfectly. Our midrash reminds us, “But in any case, they would afford him relief.” Even a well-intended but incomplete visit can be worthwhile. Do I believe that simply visiting a person can cure them? No. But I believe that it can help in their healing, which is different than curing. To me, curing means restoring someone to the original, pre-illness state. On the other hand, healing means they are transformed into a new state that bears the “marks” of their illness, whatever that was. And I firmly believe that we contribute to another’s healing when we spend time with them – so long as it is for them and not for us. Consider trying the mitzvah of bikkur cholim – visiting the sick. You may very well find yourself transformed when you do. Jim Brulé is a maggid – someone who inspires through spiritual stories. He has an online school for multifaith spiritual storytelling at He is a member of Temple Concord. Continued from page 1

leadership pioneer” for local women, having served as president of Congregation Beth Sholom-Chevra Shas and the Federation’s chair of its Annual Campaign. She also received the United Jewish Communities’ Community Endowment Excellence Award. Among the honors from local community organizations in recognition of her leadership and efforts to make a difference are The Post-Standard Achievement Award, Temple Adath Yeshurun Citizen of the Year in 2006, the Esther and Joseph Roth Award for Outstanding Jewish Community Leadership in 1996, the Na’amat Woman of the Year Award and the Onondaga County Medical Society Alliance’s Community Service Award. Robert and Diane Miron are longtime Central New York residents and supporters of the JCC and the local Jewish community. Their children attended the JCC’s Jerome and Phyllis Charney Early Childhood Development Program when it was called the JCC Nursery School. Robert was on the nursery school’s board before joining the JCC board and serving as board president. After enjoying a 50-year career in broadcasting, and spending 44 of those years in the cable industry, he retired in 2010. He is currently a Crouse Hospital board member, Executive Committee member and chairs the Quality Committee; chair of Discovery Communications Inc.; and Syracuse University board member and life trustee. Robert is a former board member and board vice president of Temple Adath Yeshurun, and has been active in the Jewish Federation of Central New York. Diane retired from the Fayetteville-Manlius School District, where she taught for more than 20 years. She is a board member with the Onondaga Historical Association, a Syracuse University Library advisory board member,


Sam Kruth, son of Stacey and Karen Kruth, of Camillus, became bar mitzvah at Temple Adath Yeshurun on April 29. He is the grandson of Robert and Phyllis Kruth, of Leesburg, FL, and Richard and Susan Schader, of Jordan. He is a student at Camillus Middle School. He attends the TAY Religious School and the Syracuse Community Hebrew School. He enjoys playing soccer.

Sam Kruth

and has been active with her alma mater, Kean University in New Jersey, from which she will soon receive an honorary doctorate degree. The Mirons are credited with being “very generous” in their philanthropic giving. A small chapel at Temple Adath Yeshurun was named after the Mirons, and the couple’s gift to Crouse Hospital resulted in the 2013 naming of the cardiac care center to the Diane and Bob Miron Cardiac Care Center at Crouse Hospital. Last September, the Mirons were honored during the Crouse Health Foundation’s 40th annual tribute evening for their “community leadership and extraordinary commitment” to Crouse and the Central New York community. Phil Holstein, who passed away last fall after battling pancreatic cancer, was considered an incredibly selfless individual. A former Jewish Federation of Central New York board president, he was known as a true philanthropist, community and business leader, and outdoorsman. Holstein is said to have had the incredible gift of being able to bring together diverse parts of the community and approach sensitive issues with kindness and fairness. “In addition to caring about every aspect of the Jewish community, Phil cared about the whole community,” says his wife Alyse Holstein. “He was a compassionate peacemaker, always wanting everyone to be included and feel engaged.” Phil’s love for the outdoors and philanthropic ways have rubbed off on his and Alyse’s children, Erin and Greg. By the age of 13, Phil became a 46er by completing the Adirondack 46 High Peaks, considered one of the greatest challenges in the Adirondack Park. Shortly before he passed, Erin told her father that she would be hiking all 46 mountains in an effort to raise $46,000 for the Pancreatic Cancer Action Network. So far, she’s raised nearly half of this amount. “My dad had an immense influence on my life,” said Erin Holstein. “He was my hero, my adventure buddy. He showed me how to be an exemplary citizen. He always spoke up about injustice in the community and the rights of all people regardless of race, religion, or socioeconomic status.” Greg Holstein’s introduction to philanthropy came from his dad and indirectly from earlier generations. “My dad’s philanthropy was learned from his parents and grandparents,” said Greg. “I’d like to follow in his footsteps. He taught [my sister and I] how to serve in leadership positions and on nonprofit boards, and how to make a positive and meaningful difference in the community.” Those who know them say it’s easy to see how Phil was positively influenced by his parents, Alex and Charlotte

“Chuckie” Holstein. Both have had an impact on the local community by giving of their time and talents for many years, for which they were recognized by receiving the JCC’s Hall of Fame Award in 2014. “Phil had very strong Jewish roots and just loved bringing people together,” said Chuckie Holstein. “He was a very honorable and ethical person. He had tremendous integrity and was an extremely positive person. He always looked on the bright side and knew that there were two sides to every story.” This year’s Leslie Award, the second to be given since being introduced last year, will be presented to attorney Todd J. Pinsky, president and managing partner of the law firm Pinsky and Skandalis, P.C., which was founded by his grandfather, Norman Pinsky, in 1935. “The Leslie” recognizes outstanding commitment and service to the JCC and the local community, the qualities said to have been personified by the award’s namesake, Leslie London Neulander, through her many volunteer pursuits. Pinsky, who is said to be a proud member of the Jewish community, dedicates his time to several local Jewish organizations that serve children and seniors, and help strengthen the community’s culture and traditions. He is a board member of the Jewish Federation of Central New York, where he is on the Community Relations Committee, in addition to serving as the security liaison between the Federation and the JCC. He is also on the boards of Menorah Park, Syracuse Jewish Cemeteries Association and Temple Concord. He and his wife, Sarah, were active members of the Federation’s Young Leaders program when it was reintroduced in 2012. He was a member of the Leadership Greater Syracuse class of 2013 and was also named one of Syracuse’s 40 Under Forty by the Central New York Business Journal that year. Invitations for the JCC’s annual meeting and gala were recently mailed out. There are still corporate and individual sponsorships available, as well as program booklet advertiser spots, for anyone wishing to support the event. To purchase tickets, or for information on event sponsorships, advertising or to place a congratulatory message in the program booklet for any of this year’s honorees, contact Erin Hart at 315-445-2360, ext. 112, or The JCC, located on Thompson Road in DeWitt, was established in 1861 and is the second oldest JCC in North America. It offers a range of programs and services for all ages, including infant and toddler care, preschool, before and after school care, vacation camps for school-age children, summer day camps, teen programs, a sports and fitness center, outdoor heated pool, summer swimming lessons, adult programming and services for seniors, including a senior kosher meal program.

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Continued from page 4

The topic for May’s Pause Button is “Mothers in the Liturgy – Changes in the new mahzor.” Services for tots and school-age children will begin at 10:30 am. Tots (birth-5-years-old) will meet in the Muriel and Avron Spector Library and junior congregation (for first-fifth grade students) will meet in the Room 15 youth lounge. The focus of these programs will be Shavuot. A kiddush lunch will follow. For more information about the tots or junior congregation services, contact Alicia Gross at alicia@adath. org or Shannon Small at For more information about Pause Button, contact Rabbi Paul Drazen at

MAY 11, 2017/15 IYAR 5777 ■


Edith Grundel, of Syracuse and Utica, died on April 24 at home. Born in Szaszregen, Romania, she was a Holocaust survivor who met Rudolf, her late husband of 67 years, in a displaced persons camp in Europe following World War II. Although the horrors she experienced during the war could have overwhelmed her life, they did not prevent her and Rudolf from raising a family characterized by exceptional bonds of family devotion. Humor, love of nature, recognition and adaptation to human frailty, and common faith were used by Edith and Rudolf to cement the family bonds. She was known as “bubbe” and served as a grandmother to many who came to know and love her, whether or not they were related. She was a former member of Temple Beth El, as well as a life member of itsSisterhood, and a member of Shaarei Torah Orthodox Congregation, both of Syracuse, and of Congregation Zvi Jacob of Utica. She is survived by her children Erich and Judy, of Utica, and Ralph; five grandchildren; nine great-grandchildren; two brothers, Moshe and Chaim, both of Israel; a sister-inlaw, Margot, of England; and many nieces and nephews. Burial was in Beth El Cemetery. Birnbaum Funeral Service had arrangements. Contributions can be made to the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, 100 Raoul Wallenberg Pl. SW, Washington, DC 20024; or Hospice and Palliative Care of Utica, 4277 Middle Settlement Rd., New Hartford, NY 13413; or a charity of one’s choice. 

Calendar Highlights

To see a full calendar of community events, visit the Federation's community calendar online at Please notify of any calendar changes.

Monday, May 22 EARLY Deadline for June 8 JO Monday, May 15 Temple Concord Goldenberg Series - Seneca String Quartet at 7 pm TAY BIG THINK from 7:30 – 9:30 pm Tuesday, May 16 Sam Pomeranz Jewish Community Center of Syracuse Executive Committee meeting at 6 pm, followed by board meeting at 7 pm Epstein School meets at CBS-CS at 6:30 pm Federation presents program on antisemitism by the Anti-Defamation League at the JCC at 7:30 pm Wednesday, May 17 Syracuse Community Hebrew School at TAY from 4 - 6 pm Temple Adath Yeshurun Executive Committee meeting at 6 pm, followed by board meeting at 7 pm Temple Concord Board of Trustees meeting at 6 pm Congregation Beth Sholom-Chevra Shas board meeting at 6:45 pm CBS-CS annual meeting at 7:30 pm Thursday, May 18 Epstein School at Wegmans Café at 7 pm Saturday, May 20 CBS-CS Pearlman Award and Moving Up Shabbat at 9:30 am TC Cinemagogue presents “Einstein in the Promised Land” at 7:30 pm Sunday, May 21 Shaarei Torah Orthodox Congregation of Syracuse board meeting at 9 am CBS-CS Hazak program at 3 pm Monday, May 22 CBS-CS 55th anniversary honoring founding members and evening of jazz and Jewish music at 7 pm Tuesday, May 23 Federation board meeting at 6:15 pm Epstein Siyyum and graduation at 7 pm at CBS-CS Wednesday, May 24 Menorah Park Operating Board meeting at 6 pm Thursday, May 25 Menorah Park Shining Stars at 5:30 pm Tuesday, May 30 Erev Shavuot CBS-CS Shavuot evening of learning - “Life Changing Torah” and dessert at 7:30 pm Wednesday, May 31 Shavuot, day 1 – JCC and Federation offices closed for Shavuot Thursday, June 1 Shavuot, day 2 - JCC and Federation offices closed for Shavuot



Shirley Herman, 107, of Tamarac, FL, died on May 3. Born in New York City, she married Louis Herman in 1933. After he died, she met Sol Strassler, who she married in 1983. He died in 1986. She met Jessie Berk a few years later. They were together for several years and traveled and enjoyed life together. After he died, she said she was giving up men. After moving to Florida, she organized a group to provide transportation for people without cars so that they could get to doctors and go shopping. Another group was established to provide food for those in need. For her efforts, she was honored by the city of Tamarac at a luncheon for community volunteers. Her efforts to help the “old people” continued well past her 100th birthday. She was predeceased by her sisters, Frances and Lillian, and her brother, Sam. She is survived by her children, Miriam (Armin) Brown and Robert (Linda) Herman, of DeWitt; four grandchildren; and six great-grandchildren. Sisskind Funeral Service had local arrangements. Contributions can be sent to Congregation Beth Sholom -Chevra Shas, P.O. Box 271, DeWitt, NY 13214; or Menorah Park, 4101 E. Genesee St., Syracuse, NY 13214. 


Continued from page 4 a few years ago. This included three semesters at the Syracuse University London Centre. She taught the honors survey course twice a year, as well as upper-level and some graduate-level courses. Although she retired in 2012, she has been called back to teach three courses since then and is currently teaching a survey of Asian art. Her areas of expertise are Impressionism and Post-Impressionism, Dada and Surrealism, Modern British Art and Modern American Art. Her published papers include topics on Surrealism and Post-Impressionism, and on Vincent van Gogh in particular. The free event will be open to the community and refreshments will be available. For more information, contact the CBS-CS office at 315-446-9570 or

JACOB ON TRIAL Congregation Beth Sholom-Chevra Shas will present “The People vs Jacob” on Sunday, June 4, at 7 pm. For “the courtroom drama,” the Rosemary Pooler will preside. Syracuse attorneys Robert Barrer and Ed Menkin will litigate. Rabbi Daniel Jezer and Rabbi Andrew Pepperstone will serve as rabbinic paralegals. Peter Saulson will deliver the preamble. The audience will serve as jury and render a verdict. There will be light refreshments following the “trial,” which will be free and open to the community. Reservations will be requested by Wednesday, May 24, so as to ensure adequate seating. For more information or to make a reservation, contact Dotty Pearl at 315-445-0119 or

Your ad should be here! To advertise, please contact Bonnie Rozen at 800-779-7896, ext. 244 or bonnie@



Tzofim Friendship Caravan coming to Syracuse in July BY MELINDA GREENMAN This summer’s Tzofim Friendship Caravan will travel around New York state, down to Virginia and up to Canada, presenting Israeli culture and goodwill through music and dance in Hebrew, Yiddish and English. A full schedule of performances will be announced in a future edition of the Jewish Observer. This summer’s Caravan is named Zohar and is led The 2017 Tzofim Friendship by Dana Luzia and Caravan, Zohar. Tamir Bashi. The Caravan Girl Scouts include Mai Bandel, Noa Cohen, Noam Itach, Carmel Schreiber and Tali Uhlmann. The Caravan Boy Scouts include Asaf Ackerman, Gal Greenwald, Noam Kaplan, Aviv Rosenthal and Yali Stern. To become part of the Friendship Caravan, the Tzofim must go through a four-tier elimination process. They are selected based on personal interviews, their knowledge of Israel, English communication skills, general group interaction and leadership abilities. After they are selected to be part of the Friendship Caravan, the young people rehearse weekly for four months in Tel Aviv under the direction of entertainment professionals. By the end of the rehearsal period, they attain the level of a professional entertainment troupe. These shows are made possible with funds provided by the State and Local Partnership Program of the New York State Council on the Arts, and through its decentralization initiative administrated locally by CNY Arts. Organizers have thanked the Jewish Federation of Central New York; the Pomeranz, Shankman and Martin Charitable Foundation; and individual donors for making the programming possible. To become a sponsor for a performance or make a donation; or for more information, contact Chairs Melinda and Bud Greenman at 315-457-7201.


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JEWISH OBSERVER ■ MAY 11, 20176/15 IYAR 5777

Annual Menorah Park Open Golf Tournament Tees Off August 16

BY STEWART KOENIG The oldest golf fund-raiser in Syracuse, the Menorah Park Open golf tournament, will celebrate its 35 th anniversary with another day of golf on Wednesday, August 16, at Drumlins East, 800 Nottingham Rd., Syracuse. The event will feature golf, food by Pascale’s, local celebrities and a silent


Continued from page 2

video about Alexander Muss High School in Israel’s semesters abroad for high school students program. She said the students were “visibly excited” about the possibility of studying in and experiencing Israel first-hand. “It was wonderful to be home and spend time with my family,” Koenig said, “and so rewarding to share all the opportunities the Jewish National Fund offers young people. I hope this is the start of a long, mutually-beneficial relationship with these organizations and young people.” For more information on JNF and AMSHI programs, Koenig can be reached at

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Laurie Kushner

Licensed Real Estate Salesperson HUNT Realestate ERA 7650 Highbridge Rd., Suite 210 Manlius, NY 13104 315-420-2668 Cell 315-682-7197 Office 315-672-8914 Fax

auction with a variety of gifts intended to suit many people’s tastes. Menorah Park CEO Mary Ellen Bloodgood gave examples of how funds raised support the programs and facilities that comprise the Menorah Park continuum of care campus: $1,000 provides a year’s worth of Sunday resident entertainment. $750 brings Beit Tikvah residents to 10 local special events. $500 keeps the Menorah Park van running for 20 community activities. $250 covers the cost of weekly outdoor picnics at Adult Day Care. $100 serves monthly Kosher Meals on Wheels to one person. $50 provides the cost of “Happy Hour” for Menorah Park residents each day. Bloodgood said, “I guarantee golfers, sponsors and all who participate in the Menorah Park Open are helping people and families we know, and could someday very well help us, too.”

The Menorah Park Open will begin with lunch at 11:30 am, followed by “Captain and Crew” golf. Once again, sports and media celebrities will join the golfers on the course to drive a ball, sign autographs or just say hello. Among those scheduled to participate are “Voice of the Orange” Matt Park, basketball star Matt Roe, sportscaster NikoTamurian and many more. A cocktail reception will be followed by an awards dinner hosted by broadcaster Doug Logan, who will give a preview of the upcoming Syracuse University football season. A silent auction will feature local gifts and everyone will have a chance to win a prize. Foursomes and individual golfers will be welcome, and sponsorships are available. Donations of goods for door prizes and the auction have been encouraged. The dinner will be open to the public. For golf registration, donations and dinner reservations, visit or contact Susie Drazen, Menorah Park director of development, at or 315-446-9111, ext. 141.

Judy Winslow – HUNT Real Estate ERA

Laurie Kushner – Licensed Real Estate Salesperson

Specialty: Licensed associate real estate broker Location: 7650 Highbridge Rd. Suite 210 Manlius, NY 13104 Name: Judy M. Winslow, ABR, CRS, SRES Phone: 315-682-1950 E-mail: Website: Hours: Always open “I have been in the real estate business for more than 30 years,” says Judy Winslow. “My real estate career started in New York City in the 1980s selling commercial real estate. Today, I work with HUNT Real Estate ERA helping people buy and sell homes in Central New York.” Judy serves both as a representative for home buyers and a marketing agent for home sellers. Every client gets her undivided attention and all benefit from her professionalism: integrity is essential to all her relationships; communication begins with listening; and negotiation is about setting priorities. Negotiation skills, creative marketing and conflict resolutions abilities are what get deals sold. “My husband John and I love living in Manlius. We chose to move here and raise our family. I sincerely believe Central New York is a great place to live!” says Judy. Please support our advertisers and tell them you saw their ad here in The

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Residential real estate in Central New York Location: 7481 Armstrong Rd. Manlius, NY 13104 Name: Laurie Kushner Phone: 315-420-2668 E-mail: Website: Laurie Kushner is a licensed Real Estate Salesperson working for HUNT Real Estate ERA in Manlius. “I am excited to be working in the real estate industry with this amazing company!” says Laurie. “I have lived in Manlius for the last 30 years and have raised my children here. I am proud to call Central New York my home! As a certified personal trainer, Cancer Exercise Specialist, and a fourth degree black belt in Tae Kwon Do, I know what commitment and hard work entail. I am ready to work to help you find the home that fits your needs!”

Paola Kay Gifts Specialty: Location: Name: Phone: E-mail: Hours:

Gift shop 105 Brooklea Dr. Fayetteville, NY 13066 Wendy Lee 315-632-2192 Mon.- Wed., Fri. 10 am-5 pm; Thurs. 12-5 pm; Sat. 10 am-4 pm Welcome to Paola Kay, a little shop wedged in the heart of the historic district of Fayetteville, given the name Paola Kay after the owner’s great-grandmother, who she called Petie. In Paola Kay, you will find a balance of graceful and timeless pieces from Simon Pearce and Michael Aram mingled with items that will tease your need to nest and hunker down at home. There are sturdy articles for men and goods to please your hostesses and girlfriends with a flavor of vintage and local artisan work. The gift shop’s goal is to make gift giving creative and refreshing. Paola Kay prides itself on elegant simplicity and exceptional service, and strives to carry “Made in the USA” choices. Stop in today for all your gift-giving needs. A bridal registry is available.

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