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Federation allocates more money in 2017 than ever BY BETTE SIEGEL Due to the efforts of Campaign Chair Mark Wladis, his Campaign cabinet, Campaign solicitors and the donors, Federation has been able to allocate more dollars to its beneficiary agencies than in years past. As part of the allocation process, the Allocation Committee – composed of Marc Beckman, Adam Fumarola, Mickey Lebowitz, Todd Pinsky, Jef Sneider, Ruth Stein, David Temes and Steve Volinsky, and chaired by Ellen Weinstein and Cheryl Schotz – communicated with and listened to the professional and lay leadership of Federation’s beneficiary agencies. The degree to which Federation is able to respond to the needs of its beneficiary agencies is directly related to the dollars raised. Through the results of the Campaign, the Allocations Committee was able to make recommendations thought to be in the best interests of the community as a whole and “truly responsive” to those needs as articulated by the beneficiary agencies. Having approved the committee’s recommendations, Federation announced a 10 percent increase over last year’s allocations to each of the major beneficiary agencies: Hillel at Syracuse University, the Sam Pomeranz Jewish Community Center of Syracuse, the Syracuse Hebrew Community School, Rabbi Epstein School of Jewish Studies and the Syracuse Hebrew Day School. These same

five agencies are receiving supplements in amounts of between $5,000-$15,000 due to the success of the Campaign. Additionally, other organizations receiving increased allocations include JMAC, Yom Ha’atzmaut Committee, Menorah Park Group Residence and Syracuse Area Jewish Educators. An extra dedicated allocation to the JCC will enable the agency to fill in the gap left by United Way’s defunding of the JCC’s senior lunch program. Federation also continued its support of many other programs in the community (see sidebar). Recognizing that security is “a communitywide concern,” and noting that the community fund previously established years ago was “somewhat depleted,” the committee recommended and the board approved an additional allocation of $15,000 to be used for the benefit of the entire community’s security needs. Reflecting upon its fiduciary duty to not only look at the immediate needs of the community, as well as remarks from those whose children do not come back to Central New York and a reported interest in attracting people of all ages to Central New York, the committee recommended and the board approved setting aside an unallocated sum of $22,834. While the committee members realized that they do not have the answers yet as to why children from the area do not return, or how to attract more people to Central

Federation allocations

The following is a list of Federation allocations for fiscal year 2017-18. There is $50,000 in supplemental grants and $22,834 in unallocated money. Total local allocations equal $543,647. Hillel at Syracuse University – $25,523 (which includes an increase of 10 percent and a supplement of $5,000) Jewish Community Center – $182,431 (which includes an increase of 10 percent and a supplement of $15,000) Syracuse Hebrew Community School – $26,500 (which includes an increase of 10 percent and a supplement of $10,000) Rabbi Epstein School of Jewish Studies – $23,389 (which includes an increase of 10 percent and a supplement of $5,000) Syracuse Hebrew Day School – $136,104 (which includes an increase of 10 percent and a supplement of $15,000) InterFaith Works – $2,000 Mikvah – $1,500 New York, or how to involve more people who are living here, committee members felt the money will be needed for any initiatives that address the issue. The Council of Jewish Organizations, which includes all segments of the local Jewish community, is also looking toward the

Foundation Teen Funders give grants

The Jewish Foundation of Central New York Teen Funders allocated money to various organizations in May. Kneeling in front (l-r): Colby Porter, Peri Lowenstein and Sophie Scheer. Standing: Caleb Porter, Nathan Sonnenfeld, Hadar Pepperstone, Michael Bratslavsky, Ella Kornfeld, Sarah Kornfeld, Rachel Scheer, Rebecca Blumenthal and Edwin Hirsh. Missing from the photo, but also contributing to these grants, were Natalie Alweis, Eric Antosh, Elise Beckman, Rachel Beckman, Max Charlamb, Aaron Costanza, Sophie Craig, Rachel Elman, Ben Koss, Sarah Miller, Jacob Moskow, Maya Pollock, Adena Rochelson, Alethea Shirilan-Howlett, Julie Silverman, Timothy Berse Skeval, Abe Stanton and Annie Weiss.

BY REBECCA BLUMENTHAL AND BETTE SIEGEL Under the direction of Linda Alexander and Teen Funder Coordinator Jeffrey Scheer, the Jewish Community Foundation Teen Funders met on May 7 to consider grant requests to charities from a pooled fund. Throughout the past five years, the Teen Funders have made grants of more than $30,000. After consideration and negotiation, they distributed a total of $4,790. Rebecca Blumenthal is one of the Jewish Foundation of Central New York Teen Funders. She said, “I’m so proud to be a member of the Teen Funders. This past meeting on May 7, we received many grant requests from charities local and abroad, and I’m confident that we made great, impactful decisions.” The award grantees decided at the May meeting include: Friends of AKIM USA Inc. – $490. This organization is committed to integrating the Israeli Defense Forces for young adults with developmental disabilities.

JMAC – $3,000 (increased allocation) Friends of Israel Scouts – $1,000 Jewish Cemetery Association – $1,500 Judaic Heritage Center – $1,500 Yom Ha’atzmaut – $5,000 (increased allocation) Group Home of Menorah Park – $11,000 (increased allocation) Syracuse Jewish Family Service (Kosher Meals on Wheels) – $25,000 Kol Chai (SJFS) – $10,000 PJ Library (JCC) – $7,500 Yachad (JCC) – $7,500 JCC Senior Lunch program (JCC) – $10,000 (This is a new grant.) Community Security – $15,000 (This is a new grant.) Va’ad Ha’ir – $4,000 Hillel at Syracuse University Spring Break Alternative – $5,000 Matzah Factory (Chabad) – $2,500 SAJE – $6,000 (increased allocation) Jewish Observer – $20,000

future and brainstorming along these same lines, whether it is job fairs, community passport memberships, networking, business development or a Jewish chamber of commerce. For the ideas presented that were found “intriguing” and “worthy,” Federation wants to be in a position to say, “Yes, that’s a great idea, let’s get it done together!”

2017 Federation Annual Campaign Goal: $1,200,000 $1,224,820 as of June 19, 2017 our goal! d e d e e c x e e W

T hank you! To make a pledge, contact Jessica Lawrence at (351)445-2040 ext. 102 or

See “Teen” on page 5


June 23............................. 8:30 pm.....................................................Parasha-Korach June 30............................. 8:30 pm...................................................Parasha-Chukkat July 7................................ 8:28 pm........................................................Parasha-Balak

INSIDE THIS ISSUE Annual meetings

Hava Nagrilla

JCC summer camp

The Federation, SHDS, Epstein Three synagogues will join for The Sam Pomeranz Jewish School and JCC have held their Hava Nagrilla, a traditional kosher Community Center has received a barbecue, on June 30. annual meetings. naming gift for its summer camp. Story on page 3 Stories on page 2 Story on page 5

PLUS Home & Real Estate............... 6 B’nai Mitzvah........................... 6 Calendar Highlights............... 7 Obituaries................................. 7


JEWISH OBSERVER ■ JUNE 22, 20176/28 SIVAN 5777

Jewish Federation of Central New York, SHDS and Epstein School combined annual meeting

BY BETTE SIEGEL The Jewish Federation of Central New York held its 99th annual meeting, in conjunction with the Syracuse Hebrew Day School (57 years) and the Rabbi Jacob

Epstein School of Jewish Studies (47 years), on June 7 at the Sam Pomeranz Jewish Community Center of Syracuse. Among the business items at the meeting was the election of the board

At left: The Syracuse Hebrew Day School Chai Lights chorus performed several Hebrew songs.

Linda Alexander is retiring!

Save the date of Wednesday, September 6, for a celebration of Linda Alexander’s “legacy of leadership.”

and officers, as well as the presentation of several awards. Israel scholarships were presented to several youth and a special President’s Award was given to Alan Goldberg for his role in raising awareness of, and contribution to, Holocaust education. Ruth Federman Stein received the Esther and Joseph Roth Award in recognition of outstanding Jewish community leader-

ship. Federation’s President/CEO Linda Alexander, who presented Stein with the award, said, “Ruth is such a deserving recipient of this, our community’s most prestigious award for Jewish community leadership. She has been Federation chair of the board for the past three years. It has been my personal pleasure to partner with her in leading the Federation.”

Ruth Federman Stein received the Esther and Joseph Roth Award in recognition of outstanding Jewish community leadership.

Alan Goldberg received a special President’s Award for his role in raising awareness of and contribution to Holocaust education from Corinne Smith.

JCC throws biggest and most successful annual meeting and gala BY WILLIAM WALLAK The Sam Pomeranz Jewish Community Center of Syracuse held its 154th annual meeting and gala on June 4 at Owera Vineyards in Cazenovia. More than 230 supporters came out to celebrate the JCC and help honor its award recipients, who were recognized “for all that they’ve done for the JCC and the community.” JCC Executive Director Marci Erlebacher said, “The wonderful show of support that our gala received this year was truly phenomenal. It was so touching to celebrate another fantastic lineup of honorees and their selfless accomplishments. After all that the JCC has been through at the start of this year, we are humbled by the outpouring of generosity from our sponsors, donors and guests for this year’s event.” This year’s gala theme, “Flavors of the Mediterranean,” featured a Va’ad-supervised brunch catered by Donna Carullo, the JCC’s chef. Following a brief JCC Board of Directors’ business meeting, the honorees were recognized. Six awards were to be presented this year, although five were ultimately handed out, as Robert and Diane Miron were unable to attend. They will be presented with their award sometime in the future

L-r: Hall of Fame Award honoree Linda Alexander, Sam Pomeranz Jewish Community Center of Syracuse Executive Director Marci Erlebacher and JCC Board President Steven Sisskind.

for their longtime support of both the JCC and the local Jewish community. Before the awards were given, two JCC donors were acknowledged for their “particularly kind generosity” recently. The Wladis Companies, represented by Steve Wladis, was announced as this year’s gala-naming sponsor. They have been called “solid supporters” of the JCC’s annual meeting and gala for many years. Additionally, Joe and Lynne Romano “The Leslie” Award was presented this year were presented with a plaque recog- to Todd Pinsky. L-r: JCC Board President nizing their JCC contribution, which Steven Sisskind, Sarah and Todd Pinsky and resulted in the renaming of the JCC’s JCC Executive Director Marci Erlebacher. summer camp to the JCC Camp Joe and Lynne Romano. The Romanos, of the nearly four decades. The Hall of Fame longtime local business Romano Motors, Awards were then presented to Linda are said to have been “very generous with Alexander and posthumously to Phil Holtheir support” for the JCC and throughout stein. The award recognizes individuals who have dedicated themselves to the the local community. The first award, the Kovod Award, which Syracuse Jewish community and to the signifies “honor and importance,” was pre- advancement of the JCC. Holstein’s widow, Alyse Holstein, said, sented to Amy Sumida, a JCC board member for the past five years, gala committee member and then committee co-chair. The Kovod Gadol (Great Honor) Award (considered the JCC’s highest honor) was of Central New York presented to Howard and Ellen Weinstein, Binghamton Syracuse who have been involved with the JCC for Office Office

L-r: Sam Pomeranz Jewish Community Center of Syracuse Executive Director Marci Erlebacher, Kovod Award recipient Amy Sumida and JCC Board President Steven Sisskind at the JCC’s 154th annual meeting and gala on June 4.

Bette Siegel Syracuse Editor Publisher Jewish Federation of Central New York Inc. Ruth Stein Chair of the Board Linda Alexander Federation President/CEO Mark Field Vice President for Communications Editorial 5655 Thompson Rd. DeWitt, NY 13214

Rabbi Rachel Esserman Executive Editor Diana Sochor Layout Editor Michael Nassberg Assistant Editor Jenn DePersis Production Coordinator Bonnie Rozen Advertising Representative Kathy Brown Bookkeeper Production and Management The Reporter 500 Clubhouse Rd. Vestal, NY 13850

Billing Office 500 Clubhouse Rd., Vestal, NY 13850 1-800-779-7896

Jewish Federation of Central New York Inc. Web site:

Call for... One of this year’s Hall of Fame Award honorees, Phil Holstein, was recognized posthumously for being an “incredibly selfless individual and true philanthropist.” His family accepted the award on his behalf. L-r: Sam Pomeranz Jewish Community Center of Syracuse Executive Director Marci Erlebacher; Holstein’s wife, Alyse, and his children, Erin and Greg; and JCC Board President Steven Sisskind.

Address Changes........... 315-445-2040, ext. 116 Local Articles and Announcements ......................................315-445-2040, ext. 116 ..... or e-mail Advertising:.....Bonnie 1-800-779-7896, ext. 244 ...........or e-mail Advertising Billing only............1-800-779-7896

Ellen and Howard Weinstein addressed the gala’s attendees upon accepting the Sam Pomeranz Jewish Community Center of Syracuse’s Kovod Gadol Award. “In addition to caring about every aspect of the Jewish community, Phil cared about the whole community. He was a compassionate peacemaker, always wanting everyone to be included and feel engaged.” This year’s Leslie Award, the second to be given since being introduced last See “JCC” on page 8 All articles, announcements and photographs must be received by noon Wednesday, 15 days prior to publication date. Articles must be typed, double spaced and include the name of a contact person and a daytime telephone number. E-mail submissions are encouraged and may be sent to The Jewish Observer reserves the right to edit any copy. Signed letters to the editor are welcomed: they should not exceed 250 words. Names will be withheld at the discretion of the editor. All material in this newspaper has been copyrighted and is exclusive property of the Jewish Observer and cannot be reproduced without the consent of the publisher. Views and opinions expressed by our writers, columnists, advertisers and by our readers do not necessarily reflect the publisher’s and editors’ points of view, nor that of the Jewish Federation of Central New York. The newspaper reserves the right to cancel any advertisements at any time. This newspaper is not liable for the content of any errors appearing in the advertisements beyond the cost of the space occupied. The advertiser assumes responsibility for errors in telephone orders. The Jewish Observer does not assume responsibility for the kashrut of any product or service advertised in this paper. THE JEWISH OBSERVER OF CENTRAL NEW YORK (USPS 000939) (ISSN 1079-9842) Publications Periodical postage paid at Syracuse, NY and other offices. Published 24 times per year by the Jewish Federation of Central New York Inc., a non-profit corporation, 5655 Thompson Road, DeWitt, NY 13214. Subscriptions: $36/year; student $10/ year. POST MASTER: Send address change to JEWISH OBSERVER OF CENTRAL NEW YORK, 5655 Thompson Road, DeWitt, NY 13214.

The Jewish Observer is a member of the American Jewish Press Association.

JUNE 22, 2017/28 SIVAN 5777 ■



AROUND CENTRAL NEW YORK Three synagogues join for Hava Nagrilla BY BARBARA S. SIMON Temple Adath Yeshurun, Congregation Beth Sholom-Chevra Shas and Temple Concord will join for Hava Nagrilla, a traditional kosher barbecue, on Friday, June 30, at 6:15 pm, at Temple Adath Yeshurun, 450 Kimber Rd., Syracuse. Rabbi Paul Drazen said, “Hava Nagrilla has become a summer tradition for Syracuse’s progressive congregations. To paraphrase Psalms, ‘How

wonderful for us to join together in harmony.’” Dinner will be followed at 7 pm by a musical Shabbat in the Round service. Due to the proximity to Independence Day, July 4, the service this year will have a Fourth of July theme. Rabbi Daniel Fellman said, “What better way to celebrate our national union than uniting three congregations to join together to celebrate Shabbat? E Pluribus Unum for the

JCC senior dinners JCC’S SENIOR KOSHER DINNERS START UP AGAIN JUNE 26 BY WILLIAM WALLAK The Sam Pomeranz Jewish Community Center of Syracuse provides a place for seniors to enjoy a kosher meal on Mondays at 5 pm all summer. The JCC’s Dr. Morton and Mrs. Libby Maloff Summer Senior Dinners will begin on June 26. A variety of live entertainment will be included each week as part of the dinner program. The JCC summer tradition will run through August 21. The JCC’s summer dinners, open to seniors ages 60 and older, are offered for a suggested modest per-person contribution. Reservations are required by the Wednesday before each dinner, and can be made by calling 315-445-2360. “We’re delighted to get our senior dinner program going again this summer,” said Marci Erlebacher, JCC

executive director. “It offers seniors a very warm and inviting social atmosphere to enjoy a delicious kosher meal in the company of friends.” The JCC’s weekly summer dinners are an additional component to the Bobbi Epstein Lewis Senior Adult Dining Program. The program’s weekday senior lunches will continue at noon, Tuesdays-Fridays, during the weeks when the summer dinners are held. The lunch program offers seniors ages 60 and older “a nutritious and well-balanced kosher meal” for a modest suggested contribution. The JCC Senior Adult Dining Program is said to be the only senior nutrition program available outside of New York City serving kosher meals five days per week. The program is funded in part by the Onondaga County Department of Aging and Youth and the New York State Office for the Aging and Administration for Community See “Dinners” on page 5

Sam Pomeranz Jewish Community Center senior dining menu JUNE 26-30 Monday – dinner at 5 pm – Teriyaki fresh salmon Tuesday – spinach cheese quiche Wednesday – chicken rollatini Thursday – macaroni and cheese Friday – pineapple-glazed chicken JULY3-7 Monday – dinner at 5 pm – Independence Day Celebration – stuffed flounder Tuesday – closed for July 4 Wednesday – spaghetti and meatballs Thursday – meatloaf Friday – salmon with dill JULY 10-14 Monday – dinner at 5 pm – Moroccan brisket Tuesday – imitation crab cakes Congregation Beth Sholom-Chevra Shas Wednesday – chicken fried rice seeks a Principal (Part-time) to lead our Thursday – hot corned beef sandwich Friday – chicken Marsala wonderful Religious School, supervise our JULY 17-21 teaching teamatand curricula Monday – dinner 5 pmoversee – honey-roasted turkeyand breast Tuesday – beef stew over noodles curricular integration into the Wednesday – seafood strudel Syracuse Community Hebrew School. Thursday – grilled hamburgers

For detailed job description: CBS-CS-principal.pdf. Queries & applications to Heather Engelman at

Friday – roast chicken with baharat The Bobbi Epstein Lewis JCC Senior Adult Dining Program at the Sam Pomeranz Jewish Community Center of Syracuse offers Va’ad Ha’ir-supervised kosher lunches served Tuesday-Friday at noon. Dinners are served on Monday at 5 pm throughout the summer, due in part to the Dr. Morton and Mrs. Libby Maloff Summer Senior Dinner program. Reservations for dinner are required by the Wednesday before each dinner. Lunch reservations are required by noon on the previous business day. There is a suggested contribution per meal. The menu is subject to change. The program is funded by a grant from the Onondaga County Department of Aging and Youth and the New York State Office for the Aging, with additional funds provided by the JCC. To attend, one need not be Jewish or a member of the JCC. For more information or to make a reservation, contact Cindy Stein at 445-2360, ext. 104, or DONATE YOUR CAR TO BETH SHOLOM, CONCORD, OR THE JCC, THRU C*A*R*S (a locally owned Manlius company)

“giving to your own” MIKE LESSEN 315-256-6167 Charitable Auto Resource Service in our 17th year of enriching the religious sector

Syracuse Jewish community and for the United States!” The service will be held outdoors, weather permitting, and will be led by Rabbi Drazen, Rabbi Fellman and Rabbi Andrew Pepperstone. Music will be led by TAY Ba’alat Tefillah Esa Jaffe and TC Cantor Kari Siegel Eglash. Families with young children can participate in a Tot Shabbat program from 5:30-6:15 pm in the Syracuse Jewish Community Garden at TAY. Young children and their families will have an opportunity to usher in Shabbat in this outdoor setting. Gardening activities will be followed by Shabbat songs and blessings. The families will then be welcome to join Hava Nagrilla at the conclusion of Tot Shabbat. Reservations will be required. There will be a charge for the dinner, and vegetarian options will be available upon request at the time of registration. Members of the participating congregations should make reservations through their respective synagogue offices. Community members are welcome to attend. Reservations have been requested by Friday, June 23, to either TAY at, CBS-CS at, or TC at Rabbi Pepperstone said, “Coming together as a community to celebrate Shabbat with food, prayer, learning and song is one of the most beautiful things we can do together. I hope that this coming together for Shabbat inspires other collaborative moments for the Syracuse Jewish community.”



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JEWISH OBSERVER ■ JUNE 22, 20176/28 SIVAN 5777

The Bistro at Menorah Park to offer a variety of kosher food

BY STEWART KOENIG The Jim and Arlene Gerber Bistro, set to open later this summer, will be kosher, open seven days a week and is located in the middle of Menorah Park’s new Abraham Shankman Pavilion, housing the Center for Healthy Living. The bistro will serve kosher meat menus seven days a week and include breakfast, lunch, dinner, Sunday brunch, Shabbat dinners and snacks. It will have a full bar, large screen televisions and seating. “The Center for Healthy Living will

become the ‘town center’ of Menorah Park and the Bistro will be its focal point,” said Menorah Park CEO Mary Ellen Bloodgood. “This is an opportunity for our residents, their family and friends, and the entire community to relax, engage, get reacquainted, watch a game and eat great food in a beautiful new venue. We’re also encouraging groups – community organizations, clubs, businesses, etc. – to use the bistro for meetings, events and private parties.” Furnishings have been selected to add

CONGREGATIONAL NOTES Congregation Beth Sholom-Chevra Shas At left: Members of Congregation Beth Sholom-Chevra Shas and RISE (Turkish Cultural Center) participated in an Iftar dinner, breaking the daily Ramadan fast. The meal was jointly prepared in the CBS-CS kitchen.

to the atmosphere of two themed seating areas within the bistro, including “Fox’s Den,” a sports and piano bar. Programming to help make the bistro a destination for Menorah Park visitors and the entire community will include happy hours, karaoke nights and “celebrity” bartenders. The bistro will employ five additional workers, including two chef managers who will oversee the operation. It is part of “phase one” of the Center for Healthy Living, a fully-funded $1 million project that aims to place a “high value on the

integration of mind, body and spirit” to achieve health and wellness. Bloodgood thanked the family of Jim and Arlene Gerber, who provided the support of the Arlene and Jerome R. Gerber Family Foundation. “The support of the family and foundation is overwhelming and we are forever grateful,” said Bloodgood. The exact date for the bistro’s opening will be announced soon. For more information or to discuss booking the bistro, call Lisa Stuttard, catering manager, at 315-446-9111, ext. 255.

Temple Concord TEMPLE CONCORD TO HOLD FOUR OUTDOOR SHABBAT SERVICES BY STEWART KOENIG Continuing a summer tradition, Temple Concord will hold four outdoor Shabbat services this year. Rabbi Daniel Fellman said he and the congregation “look forward” to these services. He added, “Experiencing prayer in the beauty of the natural world is truly special.” Services will be held on Fridays, including on July 14 at the Highland Forest Community Shelter, 1254 Highland Park Rd., Fabius, with a barbecue dinner; on July 21, at the Mill Run Whorrall Pavillion, 110 Mill St., Manlius, with a pizza dinner; on August 4, with the venue and dinner See “TC” on page 7

Members of the Congregation Beth Sholom-Chevra Shas 2017-18 Board of Trustees posed after their election at the congregation’s annual meeting on May 17.

Temple Concord confirmands Shayna Myshrall (left) and Emma Clardy joined Cantor Siegel Eglash and Rabbi Daniel Fellman on the bima. At left: May 19 was education Shabbat at Temple Concord, which was led by Director of Education Cantor Kari Siegel Eglash. The Shabbat teachers, students, madrachim and their accomplishments were recognized. L-r: Among them were madrichah Natalie Eisenson and third grade students Talia Salomon, Emma Waldman and Isaac Choseed. Standing behind them is Cantor Eglash, with Rabbi Daniel Fellman seated in the background.

Temple Adath Yeshurun SISTERHOOD BOOK CLUB Temple Adath Yeshurun’s Sisterhood will hold a discussion of the book “And After the Fire” by The New York Times bestselling author Lauren Belfer on Sunday, July 16, at 10:30 am. The novel, which is inspired by historical events, intertwines the stories of two women, Sara and Susanna, and their families throughout a period of 250 years. The story moves back and

forth from the 18th century through the Holocaust, from New York City to Berlin. The book is a 2016 Jewish National Book Club Award winner. The discussion will be led by Carol Lipson in the Muriel and Avron Spector Library. The community has been invited to participate. MEN’S CLUB The Temple Adath Yeshurun Men’s Club will help paint the interior of Hab-

itat for Humanity’s ReStore on Sunday, June 25, from 9 am-noon. Lunch will be provided. Men’s Club President Jeffrey Joseph said, “Many of Habitat for Humanity’s projects take place on Shabbat. This Sunday volunteer opportunity helps us be involved in a social action project with the larger Syracuse community.” To volunteer or for additional information, e-mail

HONEY SALE BY JOAN LOWENSTEIN Temple Adath Yeshurun is participating in the ORT “Honey from the Heart” campaign. Proceeds from honey purchases will directly support TAY youth programs, with the funds raised benefitting TAY teenagers and tweens through USY and Kadima programming, including religious, social and tikkun olam activities.

See “TAY” on page 7

JUNE 22, 2017/28 SIVAN 5777 ■


JCC summer camp receives naming gift BY WILLIAM WALLAK The Sam Pomeranz Jewish Community Center of Syracuse has received a naming gift for its summer camp. The donation from Joe and Lynne Romano, founders of the Romano Auto Group, has prompted the renaming of the JCC’s summer camp to the JCC Camp Joe and Lynne Romano. The new name was announced at the JCC’s annual meeting and gala on June 4. “We are incredibly appreciative of the Romanos’ very generous gift to benefit our summer camp program,” said Marci Erlebacher, JCC executive director. “This naming is ushering in an exciting new era for our summer camp and will help extend the Romanos’ legacy of selfless support and generosity throughout our community.” The JCC Camp Joe and Lynne Romano summer day camp serves hundreds of children each year from ages 6-weeks-10th grade and will be held weekdays for eight weeks starting on Monday, June 26. The early childhood camp is for children 6-weeks-old through entering kindergarten; school-age camp is for children entering grades one-six; and the SyraCruisin’ teen travel camp

is for young teenagers entering grades seven-10. Each camp day begins and ends at the JCC, 5655 Thompson Rd., Syracuse. Depending on the camp, some campers may go off-site for scheduled field trips and activities. Early and late care options are available for all campers. “We feel that it is necessary to support the JCC to ensure the future of this community center for our children, grandchildren and generations to come,” said Lynne Romano. For more information about JCC Camp Joe and Lynne Romano, or to request a camp program guide, call 315445-2360 or visit

L-r: Lynne Romano, Sam Pomerance Jewish Community Center of Syracuse Executive Director Marci Erlebacher and Joe Romano posed at the JCC’s 2017 annual meeting and gala on June 4. The Romanos were recognized for their contribution, which resulted in the renaming of the JCC summer camp to the JCC Camp Joe and Lynne Romano.

The 2017 Tzofim Friendship Caravan comes to Central New York

BY MELINDA GREENMAN The Central New York Chapter of Friends of Israel Scouts is once again bringing the 2017 Tzofim Friendship Caravan to Central New York. The Sam Pomeranz Jewish Community Center of Syracuse will showcase the Tzofim Friendship Caravan in a free communitywide concert on Wednesday, July 26, at 7 pm, at the JCC, 5655 Thompson Rd., Syracuse. The caravan members will spend the entire day at the JCC. They will teach the day campers about Israel through activities, games and educational programming. The caravan will perform a private, hour-long show for the day camp and will interact with the seniors during their lunch program, where they will sing songs. The caravan will perform its first show in the region on Tuesday, July 25, at 7 pm, at the Utica Jewish Community Federation of the Mohawk Valley, 2310 Oneida St., Utica. The caravan will perform on Thursday, July 27, at 7 pm, at the Binghamton Jewish Community Center, 500 Clubhouse Rd., Vestal. The caravan’s last performance will be held on Friday, July 28, at 2 pm, at Menorah Park, 4101 E. Genesee St., Syracuse. The first caravan came to the United States in 1973, with the first to perform in Syracuse arriving in 1985. Organizers will dedicate this summer’s performances to the memory of Shirley Rifkin, who founded the local chapter. She died earlier this year. Rifkin was the chair of the organization from its foundation in 1985 until 1996.


The caravan “aims high and wants to work towards a better society so that there is a strong connection between the people of Israel and America.” Through song and dance, conversations and activities, organizers hope that the caravan will “warm audiences’ hearts” and “bring a piece of Israel to you.” Each teenager is said to bring his or her life experiences to the show. Audiences have found the stage show “filled with enthusiasm that is palpable and contagious.” Organizers hope that the show will take viewers on a “voyage of sounds and images that represent Israel’s people, cultures, heritage and landmarks.” After the show, caravan members will socialize with the audience to provide further opportunities for faceto-face interaction, exchange of ideas and friendship. Organizers said they are “delighted” to share this experience within the Central New York region. The shows are made possible through funds provided by the State and Local Partnership Program of the New York State Council on the Arts, through its decentralization initiative administrated locally by CNY Arts. Organizers expressed thanks to the Jewish Federation of Central New York; the Pomeranz, Shankman and Martin Charitable Foundation; and individual donors for making the programming possible. To become a sponsor for a performance, make a donation or for more information, contact Chairs Melinda and Bud Greenman at 315-457-7201.


Continued from page 3

Living. For more information or to register for a lunch or dinner, call 315-445-2360. VOLUNTEERS NEEDED FOR THE JCC’S SENIOR DINNERS The Sam Pomeranz Jewish Community Center of Syracuse is seeking volunteers to help serve its Monday evening senior kosher dinners starting on June 26. Volunteers age 13 and older will be welcome and should be available starting at 4:45 pm. Flexible weeks are available. Students seeking to fulfill community service requirements will receive confirmation of volunteer hours served. For more information or to sign-up, call 315-445-2360.

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Continued from page 1

Fayetteville-Manlius A Better Chance Program Inc. – $500. The program sends at-risk high school students to Fayetteville-Manlius High School and provides what is said to be “a much safer environment so that they have a better chance to succeed.” Museum of Science and Technology – $500. The funds are intended for a program directed to Syracuse city school students to foster an interest in science and “STEAM” – the STEM subjects science, technology, engineering and math, as well as art – that they might not have otherwise. Arise Inc. – $700. Funds were granted for a trip to Highland Forest for Syracuse children with ADD, ADHD, depression, anxiety, adjustment disorders and more. The trip gave them the opportunity to have fun at an outdoor retreat with other children with similar experiences. Vera House – $800. Vera House provides a safe place for victims of abuse and their families. The money the Teen Funders gave will go toward the construction of a children’s waiting room. Blumenthal said, “What these children have had to go through is unimaginable, so it’s great that we can provide them with a room catered toward them where they feel safe and happy.” Leket Israel – $1,000. Leket Israel is an Israeli food program. The teens’donation will supply 7,000 pounds of food. Blumenthal added, “We gave $800 to On Point for College, one of my personal favorites. It’s a group that provides general support to at-risk Syracuse students who want to go to college, but might not necessarily have the resources. On Point for College provides supplies, dorm room essentials, advice, college counseling, rides to campus and more.” She concluded, “I’m so lucky I was able to allocate so much to some truly inspiring organizations through the Teen Funders, and I look forward to continuing my participation.”



Binghamton Area Two parcels to be auctioned by New York State. Cathedral style church with some original finishes. School building with space suitable for classroom or office use. Open house dates and times: 6/26 at 1:00 PM to 3:30 PM. 6/27 at 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM. For information, call the New York State Office of General Services at 518-474-2195 or access Minimum bid: $10,000

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B’NAI MITZVAH Benjamin Noah Orbach

Benjamin Noah Orbach, son of Louis Orbach and Anastasia Urtz, of Cazenovia, became bar mitzvah at Temple Concord on June 3. Benjamin is the grandson of John and Eileen Urtz, of Lee Center, and Hyman and Terry Orbach, of Chicago, IL. He is a student at the Cazenovia Middle School. He plays first base and pitcher on the Cazenovia Middle School Benjamin Noah Orbach modified baseball team, goalie on the soccer team, trumpet in the band and piano in the studio of Laine Gilmore. He has climbed 20 of the Adirondack High Peaks and seeks to become a “46-er” by the time he graduates from high school. His bar mitzvah project included volunteering in, and collecting food for, the Temple Concord Food Pantry.

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D’VAR TORAH Questioning authority: use and misuse BY RABBI DANIEL JEZER There are many stumbling blocks toward the attainment of freedom. As such, authority needs to be continually and continuously questioned. Close questioning mitigates the tendency of authority to aggregate more and more power, as power leads to both the disenfranchisement of the general populace and the corruption of authority. These are stumbling blocks toward impeding the attainment of freedom. The section Korach of Bamidbar (the Book of Numbers) is a very disturbing story of what should have been legitimate questioning that went awry, leading to a runaway populism that resulted in the death of thousands. As the story opens, Moses faces a legitimate crisis of leadership. The population is frustrated and angry. The spies that Moses commissioned to survey the land of Israel have returned, and for the most part, have given a report that the already two-year trek in the hot desert had been

worthless. The majority report of the spies was that the land of Israel was unconquerable, that the inhabitants were too strong: “We were like grasshoppers to ourselves, and so we must have looked to them,” they said. The populace lost faith in Moses’ leadership, rebelled against him. As a result, God decreed that no one over the age of 20 would live to see the entrance to the Promised Land; they would all die and be buried in the desert sand, in the wilderness. If there had been a Gallup poll, Moses’ approval rating would have been perhaps 15 percent. He promised them freedom; they were trapped in the desert already for two years; and were now told they would wander for 38 more years and would not have a better life. Certainly, the people had a right and an obligation to question Moses’ leadership. Their future, and the future of their children, were at stake. Unfortunately, a brash blustering populist leader, Korach, using demagogic See “Authority” on page 7

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JUNE 22, 2017/28 SIVAN 5777 ■

Calendar Highlights

To see a full calendar of community events, visit the Federation's community calendar online at Please notify of any calendar changes.

Monday, July 3 EARLY Deadline for July 20 JO Sunday, June 25 Jewish Music and Cultural Festival fund raiser concert at 4 pm Thursday, June 29 TAY annual meeting at 7 pm Friday, June 30 Tot Shabbat with Congregation Beth Sholom Chevra Shas, Temple Adath Yeshurun and Temple Concord at 5:30 pm, followed by Hava Nagrilla dinner at 6:15 pm, then Shabbat in the Round at 7 pm - all at Temple Adath Yeshurun Wednesday, July 12 Chat with Rabbi Drazen at 7:30 pm Saturday, July 15 Temple Concord Cinemagogue Series - “The Farewell Party” at 7:30 pm Sunday, July 16 TAY Sisterhood book discussion on “And After the Fire” by author, Lauren Belfer, at 10:30 am Wednesday, July 19 TAY Hazak trip to Seneca Lane from 9 am - 6 pm Tuesday, July 25 Israel Scouts/Tzofim Friendship Caravan at Utica JCC at 7 pm Wednesday, July 26 Israel Scouts/Tzofim Friendship Caravan at Sam Pomeranz Jewish Community Center of Syracuse at 7 pm Thursday, July 27 Israel Scouts/Tzofim Friendship Caravan at Binghamton JCC at 7 pm Friday, July 28 Israel Scouts/Tzofim Friendship Caravan at Menorah Park at 2 pm Sunday, July 30 Sam Pomeranz Jewish Community Center of Syracuse wiffle ball tournament starting at 11 am in the JCC lower baseball fields


Continued from page 6

language, stepped to the forefront. He assembled a coalition of those who felt disenfranchised: those who were jealous of Moses and Aaron and some Levites, who felt they should have been priests, together with members of the Tribe of Reuben – members who felt they were descendants of Jacob’s first-born and therefore should have the leadership. Ignoring the facts of their history, they revised the experiences of the people and said, “You have brought us from [Egypt], a land flowing with milk and honey.” In their speech, “slavery” now becomes “milk and honey.” Some of the populace, dispirited as they were, willfully forgot the trials, travails and tribulations they suffered in Egypt, and were willing to fall for this calumny. In the narrative, Moses invites them to a test, wherein God will determine whose leadership is correct. Korach does not accept the invitation, rallies a crowd against Moses and even puts Moses’ life in jeopardy. With impudence, they refuse to appear; with impudence and unmitigated chutzpah, they accuse Moses of dishonesty. The results are tragic and catastrophic. First, Korach and his immediate followers are killed, and then close to 15,000 Israelites perish as a result of the rebellion. Authority must be questioned – continually and continuously. The populace had good reason to question Moses’ leadership. The situation in which the Israelites found themselves was not good. Their own dreams had been dashed, as only their children might achieve the promised freedom. Thirty-eight more years of wandering in the desert certainly was a stumbling block toward the achievement of their goals. In the pursuit of freedom, there were, and always will be, stumbling blocks in the quest to reach the Promised Land. Questioning leadership is necessary. However, we need to be careful how this questioning and challenging is done. Demagoguery, impudence and arrogance subvert legitimate concerns, and ultimately lead to the tragedy of Korach and his followers. It becomes the stumbling block to the attainment of freedom. Keep questioning; questioning wisely. Rabbi Daniel A. Jezer is rabbi emeritus at Congregation Beth Sholom-Chevra Shas. He is also an adjunct assistant professor at Le Moyne College and immediate past president of the Le Moyne College Adjuncts’ Association.





Martin Staller, 93, died on June 7 at Crouse Hospital. Born in Hempstead, he had been a resident of Central New York since 1951. He practiced dentistry in Minoa for 40 years until retiring. He was a captain in the USAF during the Korean War. He was an adventuresome, curious person, who read voraciously in psychology, religion, archaeology and classic literature. He was a licensed pilot who owned several planes throughout the years, and he enjoyed scuba diving, photography, skiing and tennis. He was a certified ski instructor at Song Mountain, and at Copper and Keystone Mountains in Colorado. He was predeceased by his first wife, Dorothy, in 2004. He is survived by his sons, Joshua (Jane), Jud (Donna) and Jonah (Katty); his wife Genie and her children, Laurie Deapo and Gary Dibble; 11 grandchildren; one great-grandson; and his siblings, Erwin (Freddie) Staller, Joyce (William) Niles and Corinne (Steve) Pollan. Sisskind Funeral Service had arrangements. 


Continued from page 4

to be determined; and on August 18 at Onondaga Lake Park with a barbecue dinner. Shabbat services are open to the community. There will be a moderate fee for the dinners and reservations will be appreciated. They can be made by contacting the TC office at 315-475-9952 or “THE FAREWELL PARTY” COMES TO TEMPLE CONCORD CINEMAGOGUE JULY 15 A summer Temple Concord Cinemagogue presentation of “The Farewell Party” will be held on Saturday, July 15, at 7 pm. The story involves Levana and Yehezkel, a married couple living in a retirement home, who love being together until a pair of challenges suddenly threaten to divide them. Cinemagogue events are free and open to the public. Donations are welcome. For more information, contact Temple Concord at 315-475-9952 or e-mail office@ CONFIRMATION SERVICE Temple Concord celebrated its 134th confirmation service on Shavuot, May 30. The synagogue’s two confirmands, Shayna Myshrall and Emma Clardy, completed a year of study with Rabbi Daniel Fellman and led the service. As part of the confirmation program, both young women wrote essays for the TC Brotherhood’s essay competition, reflecting on many of the topics studied throughout the past year. The two young women explored the Ten Commandments and explained their understanding of these mitzvot. They shared the “Best Confirmand” award and the synagogue celebrated their accomplishments at an oneg following the service.

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Susanne Nemerow Tecler, 77, died on May 27 at Menorah Park. Born in Syracuse, she was a resident of Mohawk, where she and her late husband raised their family. She was a member of Temple Beth Joseph of Herkimer, where she taught Hebrew school and music; and Temple Emanuel, of Utica. She was a literacy volunteer for many years. She is survived by her children, Ben (Jessica) and Cynthia; four grandchildren; her sister, Karen Krassenbaum, of Fayetteville; and her sister-in-law, Elaine Tecler. Burial was in the Temple Beth Joseph section of Oak Hill Cemetery in Herkimer. Sisskind Funeral Service had arrangements. 


Continued from page 4

TAY Rabbi Paul Drazen said, “Your honey purchase brings together two sweet traditions: starting the New Year with honey and supporting the youth program at TAY.” Sisterhood President Alison Bronstein said, “Our future as a congregation and community is in the hands of our youth; they are our leaders of tomorrow. This is a perfect opportunity to send loved ones a wish for a sweet New Year while performing a mitzvah.” The eight-ounce jars of kosher honey will be sent with a personalized Rosh Hashanah message. Orders going to addresses within the United States ship for free when submitted online by midnight on Monday, July 24, or by mailing an order form with a check to TAY by Friday, July 14. To send a Rosh Hashanah gift to loved ones, visit or click the link on the TAY website at Anyone unable to submit an order online should contact the TAY office at 315-4450002 for an order form. For more information, contact Joan Lowenstein at

Patricia Friedberg, author of “21 Aldgate,” autographed a copy of the book for Susan Miller, winner of the door prize. More than 30 Hazak members attended Friedberg’s book review and discussion on June 4 at Temple Adath Yeshurun.

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JEWISH OBSERVER ■ JUNE 22, 20176/28 SIVAN 5777

Menorah Park hosts Red Cross blood drive June 26

As the need for blood is said to rise during the summer, Menorah Park will host a blood drive on Monday, June 26, from 11 am-4 pm, at Menorah Park, 4101 East Genesee St., DeWitt.

To schedule an appointment, the community has been encouraged to call 1-800-Red-Cross or enter “MENORAHPARK” at Donors will receive a free Red Cross blood donor t-shirt while supplies last.

JCC entry to require membership card Sam Pomeranz Jewish Community Center of Syracuse members will soon need to use their membership cards to enter through the Center’s new secured entrance to the main lobby. Construction on the new entry should be completed by July and is intended to add another layer of security to the security measures already in place. Visitors will still be able to enter the building after signing in at the front desk. For more information, call the JCC at 315-445-2360.

Shining Stars event a success

With more than 270 attendees assembled to honor the 2017 Menorah Park “Shining Stars,” Co-chairs Robin and Steve Sisskind shared a moment with the honorees. L-r: Co-chair Robin Sisskind, Samantha Villarreal, Lattoya Clarke Lydford, Lee Cagwin, Eleanor Munzel, Co-chair Steven Sisskind, Michael Sagar, Ronda Hegeman, David Elias and Vikki Curry.

Syracuse Community Hebrew School celebrates last day of school year BY DIANE WLADIS The last day of school for the Syracuse Community Hebrew School was May 17. The afternoon’s special activities began with a school-wide game of Family Feud. Using the results of their completed surveys, grade levels faced off against each other by guessing the most common replies to questions about Hebrew prayer and ritual. For example, when 67 SCHS students were asked, “What is your favorite part of Mincha service?” the third-ranked answer was Aleinu; the second answer was Ashrei, and the top answer was the end of services. After the seventh grade students won, the students then returned to their respective classrooms for concluding lessons, review and games. For the conclusion of the day, the classes congregated in the ballroom for commencement ceremonies. SCHS Education Director Shannon Small led the program by thanking the clergy, synagogue education directors, TempleAdathYeshurun, donors, board members and teaching staff. Awards were given to students with 85 percent or better attendance records. Seven students had perfect attendance records. Cantor Paula Pepperstone, the Rabbi Jacob H. Epstein School director,


year, was presented to attorney Todd J. Pinsky, president and managing partner of the law firm Pinsky and Skandalis, P.C., which was founded by his grandfather, Norman Pinsky, in 1935. “The Leslie” recognizes outstanding commitment and service to the JCC and to the local community, the qualities which the award’s namesake, Leslie London Neulander, was said to have personified throughout her volunteer pursuits.

Different members of the clergy and education directors asked “Family Feud”-style questions as part of the Syracuse Community Hebrew School’s last day of school activities. Pictured: Epstein School Director Cantor Paula Pepperstone asked the fourth grade team a question. led the seventh grade commencement by welcoming the students to their next level of Jewish studies. Special education teacher Andrea Speer presented Small with an endof-year gift, and then all of the students lined up for a make-your-own sundae. Continued from page 2

The JCC’s annual meeting and gala is considered to be the Center’s largest and most important annual fund-raiser. This year’s event proceeds, as in the past, will provide funding for scholarships to individuals in the JCC’s early childhood, after school, summer camp and senior programs. For more information about the JCC, call 315-445-2360 or visit www.

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