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Temple Concord to hold “Concord Cares” awards dinner November 2 at the Hotel Syracuse

Alex and Chuckie, who have been married for 71 years. Organizers feel they continue to leave a decades-long impact not only on Syracuse, but the world, independently and together. Among her many accomplishments, Chuckie recently retired as executive director of FOCUS Greater Syracuse, a citizen engagement and action organization she co-founded. She also co-founded Leadership Greater Syracuse; is an honorary vice president of the American Jewish Committee; served for 13 years as chair of Loretto;






Chuckie and Alex Holstein


BY STEWART KOENIG Temple Concord is combining its “Mensch of the Year” awards with a party at the Marriott Syracuse Downtown (formerly the Hotel Syracuse) grand ballroom at a fund-raising event, “Concord Cares,” on Thursday, November 2, at 6 pm. Four community members will be honored, and cocktails and dinner will be served, followed by dancing to the tunes of Nik Lite, part of the Rochester band Nik and the Nice Guys. Ten percent of the funds raised will be donated to InterFaith Works. Vickie Feldman, event co-chair, said, “We’re gathering November 2 to recognize the best of our community; and while we’re at it, we can all let loose with a great celebration in the spectacular grand ballroom of what most of us know as the Hotel Syracuse. We want to make a difference outside the temple as well; and we can’t think of a finer organization that helps the truly vulnerable than InterFaith Works.” The four “Mensch of the Year” honorees are Alex and Chuckie Holstein, Winnie Greenberg and William Magnerelli.

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Alex has spent his life participating in civic, cultural, educational and religious affairs in the local, state and national communities. His community activism includes serving as a board member of Crouse Irving Memorial and later, the Crouse Health Foundation; director of the Hospital Association of New York State; chair of the New York State Hospital Trustees Advisory Board; and the National Congress of Hospital Governing Boards. Assemblyman Winnie Greenberg William Magnerelli He is a co-founder of an early interfaith dialogue group seeking peace in the Middle East; former chair of the was awarded honorary degrees from Le Everson Museum; and former board Moyne College and Syracuse Univer- member of the Jewish Federation and sity; and has been awarded countless Temple Concord. See “Awards” on page 4 other awards and honors.

Israel looks to send $1M in aid to flooded Houston Jewish community BY JTA STAFF JERUSALEM (JTA) – Israel’s Diaspora Affairs Ministry is advancing a plan to send $1 million in emergency aid to Houston’s flood-hit Jewish community. In announcing the plan on September 4, Diaspora Affairs Minister Naftali Bennett called it an “unprecedented” opportunity for Israel to repay world Jewry, which has helped the Jewish state in times of need. “The Jewish state is measured by its response when our brothers around the world are in crisis,” Bennett said in a statement. “For years, the Jewish communities stood by Israel when it needed their help; now it is our turn to stand by Houston’s Jewish community.” Bennett’s office said the plan would be finalized in “the next few days” and presented for Cabinet approval first thing the week of September 11. The money would be transferred through Israel’s consulate in Houston and would go toward repairing and rebuilding local schools, synagogues and Jewish community centers damaged by tropical storm Harvey. “From talks we’ve had over the past week with the heads of the community and Israel’s Consul General, we learned the damage [to the Houston Jewish community from the storm] is vast, and the rehabilitation will take years,” Bennett said. Harvey, which made landfall in southeast Texas on August 25, caused massive

flooding in Houston and small surrounding towns, killing dozens of people and displacing tens of thousands. Houston’s Jewish community was said to be “particularly hard hit.” The local

See “Flooded” on page 7

2017 Federation Annual Campaign Goal: $1,200,000 $1,263,462 as of September 11, 2017 t ighes H r u O ever!

To make a pledge, please contact Colleen Baker at (315) 445-2040, ext 102 or


September 15.................. 6:56 pm................................. Parasha-Nitzavim-Vayelech September 20.................. 6:47 pm........................................... Erev Rosh Hashanah September 21......... after 7:45 pm....................................................Rosh Hashanah September 22.................. 6:43 pm...................... Rosh Hashanah/Parasha-Haazinu September 29.................. 6:31 pm............................................Parasha-Yom Kippur

INSIDE THIS ISSUE Together again

Israeli aid for FL

High Holidays

To foster a sense of community, Israel is sending rescue teams to Local High Holiday services are all classes in the Epstein School southern Florida to provide aid in announced; children’s books; the aftermath of Hurricane Irma. recipes; and more. will meet on Tuesday nights. Story on page 7 Story on page 2 Stories on pages 6, 8, 9, 11,14

PLUS Community Institutions.......... 6 Healthcare Greetings.......10-11 Personal Greetings..........12-13 Calendar Highlights............. 14




Federation fund-raising goal surpassed open. We’ve met the goal, but BY MARK WLADIS not the need... yet. Every addiOn behalf of everyone tional donation received means connected with the Jewish our funded partner agencies can Federation of Central New help more people. York, including board, staff and The Federation board and volunteers, we wish to send a staff pledge to reinvest donated sincere thank you to our supdollars wisely to support more porters and volunteers. than 25 effective local programs The Federation’s fund-raisthat make our community a ing campaign is successfully better place to live for all who Mark Wladis winding down, and this positive call Central New York home. accomplishment is made possiFunding allocation decisions are made by a ble thanks to the efforts and generosity of group of dedicated community volunteers individuals, work places, private businesswho carefully review partner agency budes and corporations in Central New York. Your donation to the Jewish Federation gets; participate in site visits; and closely of Central New York is a meaningful gift critique programs and outcomes. Federation means being a part of the that gives back to the community. Your support provides help for agencies locally, community and working together to pool in Israel and around the world, and brings resources to maximize impact. Strong comthe community together to address our munity support makes it possible for more to be done collectively to improve the quality of Jewish priorities. The fund-raising goal set for the life for thousands of within our community. Thank you to all Federation supporters 2017 Campaign was $1.2 million. We have passed that amount and, as of now, for the time, commitment and resources donations total more than $1,263,000. contributed to making the 2017 Campaign However, the current Campaign is still a success.

Epstein School brings all grades back together All classes at the Rabbi Jacob H. Epstein School of Jewish Studies will be meeting at Temple Adath Yeshurun, 450 Kimber Rd., Syracuse, on Tuesday evenings this year. Leaders hope that having all grades meet on the same night will foster greater community among students; create leadership opportunities for juniors and seniors; and make transportation easier for families and carpools. Students through 10th grade meet for two different courses from 6:30-8:30 pm. Grades 11 and 12 will have a special schedule as well. There will be space for studying and socializing at 6:30 pm, and classes will begin at 7:30 pm. The year will start with Rabbi Evan Shore, and later will include “Packing for College,” a mini-course focusing on making choices as students begin adulthood. Epstein’s opening night was September 12, where students met each other, their teachers, and chose electives. Classes will begin on September 19. One of the Epstein School’s mottos is “Jewish learning is life-long learning,” so students are always welcome to attend, even if they need to begin the year late; or if they’ve taken a year off

from Epstein. To begin the year, eighth grade students will engage in debates about ethical choices with Rabbi Evan Shore. In the fall, ninth grade students will explore the Torah with a (hopefully) deeper, young-adult lens with Rabbi Andrew Pepperstone, and the 10th grade class will explore “key shifts” and “transformative moments” in Jewish history with Scott Miller. Four electives will be offered the first semester. “Modern Hebrew I” is for students who attended the Syracuse Community Hebrew School, and will be taught by Maria Carson. Mishnah, the first layer of commentary on the Torah, will be taught by Ora Jezer. Mussar, Jewish character development, including self-reflection and examination of one’s actions, is a pilot curriculum taught by Jessica Lemons. The Haggadah, with all four local congregational rabbis, will explore the text in depth, with an eye toward the students contributing to the seder and becoming the leaders in the future. Students can register at EpsteinCNY. org. For more information, e-mail Cantor Paula Pepperstone, Epstein’s director, at

Jewish summer camps are reopening to host Houston victims BY BEN SALES (JTA) – In early August, Lauren Laderman left Camp Young Judaea-Texas after serving as the unit head for 14-year-olds this summer. Then Hurricane Harvey hit the Texas coast, and Laderman was back at camp, this time preparing the cabins for evacuees in need of a place to live. On August 29, families began moving into the 180-acre facility outside of Austin.

“I want to keep the families in high hopes, knowing that they’re going to go back to Houston and [have to] figure things out,” said Laderman, 23, a recent college graduate who grew up in Houston. “But we can give them a few days of relaxation knowing they’ll have somewhere to sleep and good food.” As Tropical Storm Harvey continued to barrage the Texas coast – deluging the Houston area, destroying property and

filling convention centers with evacuees – Jewish summer camps were mobilizing to aid families by sheltering them or supervising their children. At least 10 people had died as a result of the storm, a number expected to rise, and more than 3,000 have had to be rescued. Young Judaea emailed parents and alumni on August 28, three days into the storm, opening its doors to families that had evacuated Houston, about a three-hour drive away. Ten families were expected to arrive starting August 29, and more were anticipated once families were able to leave the flooded city, where the roads were closed.

of Central New York

Syracuse Office

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“We don’t have a lot of money; but we have a great staff, so we said, ‘Let’s open it up,’” said camp director Frank Silberlicht, who had evacuated his Houston home after living two days without power. “For people to have some kind of normalcy, that’s what camp provides.” Greene Family Camp, a Reform overnight camp north of Austin, also offered space for families to stay. But staff realized that families would be better served by an impromptu day camp for kids in Houston, freeing up their parents to go back home to survey property damage. As of August

See “Camps” on page 4

All articles, announcements and photographs must be received by noon Wednesday, 15 days prior to publication date. Articles must be typed, double spaced and include the name of a contact person and a daytime telephone number. E-mail submissions are encouraged and may be sent to The Jewish Observer reserves the right to edit any copy. Signed letters to the editor are welcomed: they should not exceed 250 words. Names will be withheld at the discretion of the editor. All material in this newspaper has been copyrighted and is exclusive property of the Jewish Observer and cannot be reproduced without the consent of the publisher. Views and opinions expressed by our writers, columnists, advertisers and by our readers do not necessarily reflect the publisher’s and editors’ points of view, nor that of the Jewish Federation of Central New York. The newspaper reserves the right to cancel any advertisements at any time. This newspaper is not liable for the content of any errors appearing in the advertisements beyond the cost of the space occupied. The advertiser assumes responsibility for errors in telephone orders. The Jewish Observer does not assume responsibility for the kashrut of any product or service advertised in this paper. THE JEWISH OBSERVER OF CENTRAL NEW YORK (USPS 000939) (ISSN 1079-9842) Publications Periodical postage paid at Syracuse, NY and other offices. Published 24 times per year by the Jewish Federation of Central New York Inc., a non-profit corporation, 5655 Thompson Road, DeWitt, NY 13214. Subscriptions: $36/year; student $10/ year. POST MASTER: Send address change to JEWISH OBSERVER OF CENTRAL NEW YORK, 5655 Thompson Road, DeWitt, NY 13214.

The Jewish Observer is a member of the American Jewish Press Association.

SEPTEMBER 14, 2017/23 ELUL 5777 ■



AROUND CENTRAL NEW YORK Grant applications requested by teen funders BY LINDA ALEXANDER The Teen Funders Committee of the Jewish Community Foundation B’nai Mitzvah Program, led by Teen Funder Coordinator Jeffrey Scheer, is accepting grant applications from local charitable organizations. Grant recipients will be announced by the teen funders following their Sunday, October 8, meeting. All applicants must be legally recognized charitable organizations. Grant applications must be received no later than Monday, October 2, by the Jewish Community Foundation B’nai Mitzvah Program, 5655 Thompson Rd., DeWitt, NY 13214. Grant requests can be for funding up to $1,000.Applicants

must provide details of the proposed project and explain how it forwards the organization’s mission. For grant application information, contact Kathie Piirak at 315-445-2040, ext. 106, or The Jewish Community Foundation B’nai Mitzvah Program teaches the core Jewish value of tzedakah through “hands-on” participation. More than 100 b’nai mitzvah funds have been established throughout the past 10 years. A b’nai mitzvah fund requires a minimum $250 donation from the teenager at the time of their bar or bat mitzvah. These donations are matched by the Pomeranz, Shankman and Martin Charitable Foundation for an

opening balance of at least $500. The teenagers may advise to which charities their funds can be distributed. All b’nai mitzvah fund holders are invited to join the Teen Funders Committee meeting. At the teen funders’ meetings, the teenagers are asked to contribute some of their fund money to a pooled fund to be distributed by the group. In 2016, 12 organizations received funds totaling $4,754. Since spring 2009, the teenagers have distributed $46,104 to 88 Jewish and non-Jewish non-profits. For more information, contact Piirak at 315-4452040, ext. 106, or Linda Alexander at lalexander@

Jewish Federations of North America report on Hurricane Harvey in Houston

The Jewish Federation of Central New York is part of the national effort of the Jewish Federations of North America in collecting monetary donations for the victims of Hurricane Harvey. To make a donation, visit the Federation website (www.jewishfederationcny.

org) and click on the tzedakah box to make a payment using a credit card or PayPal; or mail a check to Jewish Federation of Central New York, 5655 Thompson Rd., DeWitt, NY 13214 (note “Houston” on it); or call Kathie Piirak at 315-445-2040, ext. 106; or drop off a check at

Sam Pomeranz Jewish Community Center senior dining menu SEPTEMBER 18-22 Monday – Rosh Hashanah celebration – salmon with dill sauce Tuesday – spaghetti and meatballs Wednesday – spinach quiche Thursday – closed for Rosh Hashanah Friday – closed for Rosh Hashanah SEPTEMBER 25-29 Monday – stuffed cabbage Tuesday – baked ziti Wednesday – chicken rollatini Thursday – seafood strudel Friday – brisket The Bobbi Epstein Lewis JCC Senior Adult Dining Program at the Sam Pomeranz Jewish Community DONATE YOUR CAR TO BETH SHOLOM, CONCORD, OR THE JCC, THRU C*A*R*S (a locally owned Manlius company)

Center of Syracuse offers Va’ad Ha’ir-supervised kosher lunches served Monday-Friday at noon. Lunch reservations are required by noon on the previous business day. There is a suggested contribution per meal. The menu is subject to change. The program is funded by a grant from the Onondaga County Department of Aging and Youth and the New York State Office for the Aging, with additional funds provided by the JCC. To attend, one need not be Jewish or a member of the JCC. For more information or to make a reservation, contact Cindy Stein at 445-2360, ext. 104, or

Don’t miss the boat...

“giving to your own” MIKE LESSEN 315-256-6167 Charitable Auto Resource Service in our 17th year of enriching the religious sector

advertise! To advertise, contact Bonnie Rozen at 800-779-7896, ext. 244 or bonnie@

the Federation offices at 5655 Thompson Rd., DeWitt. The following are excerpts from a letter sent by Mark Gurvis, executive vice president of the Jewish Federations of North America, to Federation executives around the country. The Jewish community is heavily concentrated in a few zip codes – 75 percent of Jews in Houston belong to just See “Houston” on page 7



Deadlines for all articles and photos for the Jewish Observer are as follows. No exceptions will be made.


Wednesday, September 13........September 28 Wednesday, September 27............ October 12 Monday, October 9, early............. October 26 Wednesday, October 25............... November 9

Congregation Ahavath Achim will observe its annual Cemetery Memorial Service Sunday, September 24, 2017 at 11:30 a.m. rain or shine. Rabbi Evan Shore will officiate.

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CONGREGATIONAL NOTES Congregation Beth Sholom-Chevra Shas APPLE PICKING Congregation Beth Sholom-Chevra Shas will kick off its fall programming on Sunday, September 17, at 1 pm, for apple picking at Abbott Farms, 3275 Cold Springs Rd., Baldwinsville. The community has been invited welcome to participate in the intergenerational event. In addition to apple picking, there will be fall crafts and stories planned for the children. For more information, contact Program Director Melissa Harkavy at HIGH HOLIDAY YOUTH PROGRAMMING – “THE KIDS ARE ALL RIGHT” – EXPLORING RESILIENCE IN HIGH HOLIDAY PROGRAMMING In a world considered to be “increasingly changing and interconnected,” people have asked how to respond as a community to stressors, both at home and far away,

as well as how to talk to children about change and adaptation, and how Judaism prepares people for inevitable hardship. These are some of the questions CBS-CS will explore in its holiday programming in the main sanctuary and the youth wing. Rabbi Andrew Pepperstone and Program Director Melissa Harkavy have crafted what they hope are “meaningful and thought-provoking experiences” for congregants. Children in the youth wing will explore themes of resilience through the lens of teshuvah (return), tefillah (prayer), and tzedakah (righteous acts), all three of which are referenced in the poem, “Unetaneh Tokef” (“Let Us Cede Power”),which adults will encounter in the main sanctuary. For more information about CBS-CS holidays, contact or 315-446-9570.

Temple Concord GAN PROGRAMMING Temple Concord will offer a toddler and preschool program of learning through art, movement, stories and music on Sunday, September 17, at 10:30 am. The program meets monthly on a Sunday. The new gan teacher, Rebbecca Oppedisano, will be at the first class, whose theme will be Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur.

Awards Greenberg said she is proud to be a native Syracusan and a member of the Syracuse Jewish community. She has been involved in National Council of Jewish Women for more than 50 years and is a Hannah G. Solomon Award recipient. She is a lifelong member of Hadassah, has been on the Menorah Park board for many years, contributes to UJA, and is a Lion of Judah. Her support of local organizations includes the Everson Museum, Symphoria and Syracuse Stage. Greenberg and her family are in the process of establishing a scholarship for a Syracuse University student athlete in her husband, Sidney’s, name. Magnerelli has been a New York State Assembly member for the 129th district since his election in 1998. He has focused his efforts on bringing more jobs to Central New York, lowering taxes, providing students with a better educa-

ADULT EDUCATION CLASS ON ISRAEL WITH RABBI FELLMAN TC Rabbi Daniel Fellman will present a series of talks about Israel at Temple Concord, on Wednesdays at 10 am. The class will meet on September 6 and 27, October 11, November 9 and 29, March 14, April 11, May 2 and 23, and June 13. For more information, contact the TC office at 315-475-9952.

Continued from page 1

tion at every level, improving access to healthcare, keeping families safe and supporting veterans. A Syracuse native, Magnerelli attended Syracuse University Law School, graduating with honors in 1973, after which he entered the Army Reserves, serving for six years and rising to the rank of captain. Feldman said, “We encourage the entire community to come out and experience the beauty of the renovated Syracuse Downtown Marriott, honor our menschen and dance the night away.” Parking options will include street parking, valet parking at the main hotel entrance for a fee and self-parking in the Harrison Garage for a lower fee. Advance reservations will be required. To purchase tickets, or for more information on sponsoring Concord Cares, call Temple Concord at 315-475-9952 or visit

Temple Adath Yeshurun

Ashley Lavine, of the Temple Adath Yeshurun Sisterhood, offered a step-by-step, guided painting class at the synagogue. The women painted and had desserts and wine while relaxing with friends. Posing with their finished paintings were (kneeling, l-r) Reggie Adler, Alison Bronstein, Abby Gross-Hager and Alicia Gross, as well as (standing) Carolyn Weinberg, Joan Siegel, Jennifer Jordan Hirsh, Paula King, Norene Lavine, Joan Lowenstein, and Rena Cantor.

Camps 29, the camp was looking for space at dry Jewish institutions in the area and aimed to open on August 31. The camp also provided canned goods and clothes to those in need, and a few families have taken shelter at the overnight camp, where there was staff to care for them. “We’re going to do everything we can to support them emotionally as well as physically, keep them occupied and try to take their minds off of what’s going on,” said Loui Dobin, the Greene Family Camp’s executive director. In both cases, the camps hoped to re-create the “fun, relaxed atmosphere” they provide each summer. Dobin expected a couple of hundred kids to attend the day camp once it opened, where they would receive meals and do activities like relay races or movie time. He hoped to arrange a pickup point for families so they didn’t all have to figure out how to maneuver to the camp. Young Judaea housed families in private guest rooms that usually serve as space for retreats or conventions. The camp had bed linens, towels and about a week of food for 100 people – it’s far enough from the flooding to buy more. In addition to beds, the camp has provided the families three meals a day and snacks. Camp staff also met families’ special requests, from portable cribs to a few sets of dry clothing, and was planning to open a business center with computers and an internet connection. When families were not eating or sleeping, counselors like Laderman put on programing for kids and adults, from

Continued from page 2

sports and trivia games to swimming and – given the right instructor – a ropes course. “Families will be there, but they can come and go,” Silberlicht said. “People there, they want to participate. So people can help set the table, clear the tables, help in the kitchen. People want to feel useful as well.” Jewish institutions were damaged by the flooding, and the Houston Jewish federation estimated that the vast majority of local Jews lived in affected areas. The federation is raising relief funds and coordinating Jewish service agencies. Meanwhile, Chabad is importing certain kosher foods that had become scarce due to the flooding; and IsraAid, an Israeli relief agency, was preparing teams to deploy to the area. A few families had taken shelter at the Robert M. Beren Academy Orthodox Jewish day school. Both the Greene and Young Judaea camps have sheltered families in previous floods and storms, and expected to remain open at least until September 5, the earliest date that Houston schools might reopen. School was slated to begin August 28. Neither camp knew how many people would need help; but they hoped to provide safe haven, physically and emotionally, at least for a few days. “It was hard for us to watch it from afar, so now we can be proactive and help families,” said Julia Paeglis, the director of year-round programs for Young Judaea-Texas. “We want to provide a relief and escape a little bit before they have to go back and deal with their houses.”

SEPTEMBER 14, 2017/23 ELUL 5777 ■



NCJW continues its community work with Mitzvah Project BY VICKI FELDMAN At the Hannah G. Solomon luncheon on Monday, October 9 at noon, which will honor Ellen Weinstein, the Greater Syracuse Section At-Large of National Council of Jewish Women will continue its efforts on behalf of youngsters in Central New York. NCJW is asking members and luncheon guests to bring items to donate to McCarthy@Beard, a program run by the Syracuse City School District. Anyone who wishes to donate, but is unable to attend the luncheon, may contact Robin Goldberg at 315-9528059 or In addition, NCJW, Greater Syracuse Section AtLarge, announced that it has again been the recipient of

a $2,000 challenge grant from the Pomeranz, Shankman and Martin Charitable Foundation. The section was challenged to raise $1,000, which organizers believe will be met thanks to tributes in honor of Weinstein. The purpose of the grant has been to purchase children’s winter clothing for the County Child Protection Services’ Foster Care Program. For the past few years, Children’s Division has been NCJW’s named Mitzvah Project. Jackie Miron, trustee of the Pomeranz Shankman Martin Foundation, has sent the NCJW Greater Syracuse Section a check for $1,000 and asked that the organization purchase diapers for the CNY Diaper Bank. This will be a yearly grant for this purpose. The Hannah G. SolomonAward luncheon will take place

at Justin’s Grill, 6400 Yorktown Circle, East Syracuse. To send a tribute card honoring Weinstein, contact Marlene Holstein at 315-446-7648 or The Hannah G. Solomon Award is a national award presented by individual sections of NCJW. The award is named for the founder of NCJW and is given to women who have demonstrated exceptional service to both the Jewish community and the community-at-large. The National Council of Jewish Women is a grassroots organization of volunteers and advocates who seek to turn progressive ideals into action. Inspired by Jewish values, NCJW strives for social justice by improving the quality of life for women, children and families, and by safeguarding individual rights and freedoms.

JCC enrichment classes for preschoolers start October 3 The Sam Pomeranz Jewish Community Center of Syracuse’s Jerome and Phyllis Charney Early Childhood Development Program will offer two classes for preschool children starting in early October. The weekly classes will run for four weeks at the JCC, 5655 Thompson Rd., DeWitt. Bricks 4 Kidz, for children ages 3-5, will be held on Tuesdays, starting October 3, from 1-1:45 pm. Or-

ganizers hope that the children will have fun building a different LEGO animal each week while taking a virtual trip to the zoo. The children will build a LEGO camel, elephant, giraffe and kangaroo. Each class will start with circle time and a book about each animal. A second session of the four-week Bricks 4 Kidz class will begin on November 7. The Kids Yoga class for 3-5-year-olds will run on

DO YOU KNOW? Your Federation dollars at work – Syracuse Community Hebrew School trains madrichim BY JACKIE MIRON The Allocations Committee of the Jewish Federation of Central New York awards Philip L. Holstein Community Program Fund Grants each year in addition to the annual allocations made in the spring. Based on the success of the 2016 Annual Campaign, community program grants are available to all Jackie Miron Jewish organizations, agencies, and synagogues in the Central New York community. The Allocations Committee reviews the grant requests and makes recommendations to the board, which votes on the recommendations. Madrichim, teenagers who work with students at the different religious schools on Sundays and at the Syracuse Community Hebrew School on Wednesdays, enter the classroom with varying levels of experience and confidence in student instruction. The Jewish Federation of Central New York has provided funds for a 10-week course for teens to learn to assist and teach in a Jewish education setting. Course objectives include equipping interested teens with appropriate skills, knowledge, strategies, and tools to assist the head teacher. In addition, the teens will be able to plan


a lesson when needed, and become more comfortable and confident in the classroom. The teens complete a portfolio organizing what they have learned in the course to be referenced when needed, or used for future interview purposes to pursue a job in Jewish education. Most importantly, the course encourages more teenagers to stay involved in the synagogue and community during the post bar/bat mitzvah years. The course is open to all Jewish teens in the area. Currently, the madrichim in each school are briefed by the respective school directors at the beginning of the school year; but they would benefit from the additional course training provided by an experienced religious schoolteacher, who is aware of what is needed in the classroom. It will help the teenagers learn to teach and review the Hebrew letters, provide methods to teach phonetic reading, vocabulary words, common greetings and phrases, Jewish holidays and the calendar. There will also be instruction in creating lesson plans, playing Hebrew games, and employing culturally-related activities about Israel. The Jewish Federation of Central New York recognizes the importance of Jewish education for children, while keeping teenagers involved in the teaching and shaping of their younger peers. Both play a vital role in the future of the Jewish community.

Wednesdays from 1:15-2 pm, starting on October 4. Kids Yoga is a child-friendly yoga class designed to help build concentration, strength, flexibility, self-control and balance. Children will “embark on a calming journey” and be taught “mindfulness and finding contentment in everyday life.” A second session of the four-week Kids Yoga class will begin on November 1. There will be a fee to register for each class. JCC members will receive a discount. Places for the classes are limited and early registration has been recommended. Children do not need to be enrolled in the JCC’s Early Childhood Program and JCC membership is not required to take the classes. For more information, call the JCC’s Early Childhood Program at 315-445-2040, ext. 120, or visit www.

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High Holiday Services – 2017

Congregation Beth Sholom-Chevra Shas (USCJ affiliated), 18 Patsy Ln., off Jamesville Rd., DeWitt, 315446-9570. Call Melissa Harkavy for youth programs at 315-701-2685. Shaarei Torah Orthodox Congregation of Syracuse (Orthodox, affiliated with the Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations of America), 4313 E. Genesee St., DeWitt, 315-446-6194.

Temple Adath Yeshurun (USCJ affiliated), 450 Kimber Rd., Syracuse, 315-445-0002. Temple Concord (Reform, affiliated with Union for Reform Judaism), 910 Madison St., Syracuse, 315-475-9952. Chabad House at SU. All services at Chabad House, 825 Ostrom Ave. For information, call 315-424-0363. Sephardic minyan at the Jewish Community Center,

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5655 Thompson Rd., DeWitt. For more information, call Judy Habib Contente at 315-439-9504. Hillel – Winnick Hillel Center for Jewish Life at Syracuse University Campus, 102 Walnut Pl., Syracuse 315-422-5082 or 315-443-4836. All services are at Winnick Hillel unless indicated otherwise. Reservations are required for meals and may be made at

Congregation Beth Sholom-Chevra Shas

Services are open to the community. For more information, guests and visitors should contact the Congregation Beth Sholom-Chevra Shas office at 315-446-9570 or There is no fee for attending High Holiday services; nor are there tickets. Donations are welcome. This year, after a year off, there will be a space in the back of the social hall to meditate, read and study, or do yoga, “providing multiple paths to the work of the High Holidays.” For youth programs, let Program Director Melissa Harkavy know if children will be participating at or 315-701-2685. WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 20 Erev Rosh Hashanah Rosh Hashanah services 6 pm Candle lighting 6:24 pm THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 21 Rosh Hashanah day one Shacharit and Musaf 8:30 am Babysitting for first grade and younger 8:30 am-1:30 pm Youth programs for second-fourth grade 10 am-1:30 pm. There will be a short age-appropriate service at 1 pm. Programming for pre-teens and teenagers: fifth-eighth and ninth-12th grade 10 am-1 pm These pre-teen and teen-centered experiences will explore the themes of the High Holidays as they relate to one’s life. Fifth-12th grade students are expected to be in the main sanctuary if they choose not to participate in these programs. Candle lighting after 7:44 pm FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 22 Rosh Hashanah day two Shacharit and Musaf 8:30 am Babysitting for first grade and younger 8:30 am-1:30 pm Youth programs for second-fourth grade 10 am-1 pm Ice breakers and learning the shofar calls will be followed by time in the main sanctuary to participate in the shofar service on Rosh Hashanah, the procession to return the Torahs to the ark and experience Yizkor. Snacks and activities on the theme of resilience will follow. There will be a short age-appropriate service at 12:30 pm. Programming for pre-teens and teenagers: fifth-eighth and ninth-12th grade 10 am-1 pm These pre-teen and teen-centered experiences explore the themes of the High Holidays as they relate to life. Fifth-12th grade students are expected to be in the main sanctuary if they choose not to participate in these programs. Candle lighting after 7:44 pm FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 22 Shabbat Shuvah Maariv 6 pm Candle lighting 7:42 pm SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 23 Shabbat Shuvah 9:30 am Havdalah 7:40 pm SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 24 Tashlich at Jamesville Beach at 9:30 am Cemetery visitations Beth Sholom 1 pm Upper Beth El 1:30 pm Lower Beth El 2 pm Chevra Shas 2:30 pm FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 29 Erev Yom Kippur Mincha at 6 pm, followed by Kol Nidre at 6:15 pm Babysitting for children 7-years-old and younger 5:30-9:30 pm Candle lighting 6:29 pm SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 30 Yom Kippur Shacharit and Musaf 8:30 am In addition to the service, there will be areas for yoga and meditation within the main sanctuary. Babysitting for first grade and younger 8:30 am-2:30 pm Holiday programming at 11 am Youth programs for second-fourth grade 10 am-1:30 pm Ice breakers and learning the shofar calls will be followed by time in the main sanctuary to participate in the procession to return the Torahs to the ark and experience Yizkor. Snacks and activities on the theme of resilience will follow. Programming for pre-teens and teenagers: fifth-eighth and ninth-12th grade 10 am-1 pm See “Services 1” on page 10

SEPTEMBER 14, 2017/23 ELUL 5777 ■


Israeli rescue teams deployed to South Florida BY JNS STAFF ( – Israeli emergency rescue teams departed the night of September 9 for Miami ahead of Hurricane Irma’s arrival in Florida that weekend. The delegation, coordinated by the umbrella organization Israel Rescue

Coalition, includes Israel’s United Hatzalah emergency response group. They will deploy search-and-rescue teams, as well as EMS and psychotrauma units in South Florida where the hurricane hit hard. “Our job as volunteers will be to help

At left: Members of United Hatzalah and the IRC trained for disaster response scenarios in Israel. (Photo by United Hatzalah)

the community and deal with the situation as best we can in the absence of American officials, until they arrive,” said Moti Elmaliah, a spokesman for the IRC, reported Yediot Achronot. Hurricane Irma made landfall in Florida on September 10 as a Category 3 storm near Naples. It was downgraded to tropical storm as of the morning of September 11 and has left millions without power. It comes on the heels of Hurricane Harvey, which wreaked havoc in Texas, including severe flooding for Jewish families and institutions in Houston. Florida is home to the third-largest Jewish community – an estimated 655,000 people – in the U.S. Many Jewish residents evacuated in advance of the storm.



Continued from page 3

five synagogues. Several pockets of the Jewish community were disproportionately impacted by the storm. For example, 700 homes belonging to members of one shul with 850 families are under water. On August 31, the first national Federation ground team arrived in Houston and got to work supporting the local federation and community. Their immediate focus was on building a comprehensive picture of needs, among which were: moving quickly on the highest priority issues; developing a system for the barrage of volunteers already descending on the city. General impressions Spirits are generally high in the community. Houston has been through floods before; so they have a handle on what to do and a can-do attitude. However, events are moving slowly as they are overwhelmed, exhausted. The one functional space at the Jewish Community Center, their tennis center, has been reorganized as a major collection and distribution center for donated goods and there is a steady stream of donations being dropped off – any kind of household goods that people might need – and a steady stream of people in need carrying stuff away. A major volunteer day was planned for September 3 to match people who want to help muck out flooded houses with people who need that help. Jewish Federation of Greater Houston President and CEO Lee Wunsch was “very

emotional” upon learning the first $500K in funds had been wired to their account. These are some of the major problems: B’nai Jeshurun Conservative Day School building wiped out – the major Conservative synagogue, which also houses the day school, is totaled. The school is a total loss. They are scrambling to find a place to relocate the school to open. JFNA is working with the community to identify alternative places to operate. JCC preschool badly damaged – The JCC preschool is in a similar situation, and we are working here too to find an alternative place for them to open in a week. Day camps – schools were not opening last week, so there is a desire to extend the day camps that are operating now so children have a place to be and parents can do what they need to do. Home Damage Assessment – There is no count on how many homes in the Jewish community were flooded. There are some distinctively Jewish neighborhoods that were very hard hit. There is one Orthodox synagogue where 90 percent of the congregants were flooded out. This is a crucial piece of info JFNA is trying to nail down during the next days. The costs are going to mount quickly beyond the kinds of funds raised so far. There is a need to focus on escalating the response. After Hurricane Katrina, the Federation system generated more than $30 million.

Jewish Federation l said 71 percent of the city’s more than 60,000 Jews, including 12,000 seniors, live in areas that were flooded. Some of their houses were submerged in as much as eight feet of water, she said. The local Jewish Family Service said dozens of Jewish families were either evacuated or moved to the second floors of their homes due to flooding. The Evelyn Rubinstein Jewish Community Center of Houston, the city’s only JCC, was flooded with 10 feet of water, and Jewish schools remain closed, with some experiencing major flooding. Israeli groups last week joined local Jewish institutions on the ground. The

Ahead of Irma’s arrival, Israel’s Foreign Ministry issued a warning to Israelis residing in areas expected to be hit by the hurricane, and evacuated its diplomats from the region, as the massive storm approached the Florida Keys and the entire state of Florida. As of September 11, Irma’s path is expected to cause heavy storm surges in Georgia and South Carolina as well. Additionally, Israel’s Foreign Ministry said on September 10 it would send aid to Mexico after an 8.2-magnitude earthquake – the strongest to hit Mexico in a century – struck 75 miles off the country’s Pacific Coast on September 7, causing “tremendous damage” and killing at least 90 people.

Continued from page 1

Israeli humanitarian group IsrAID rushed to Texas to provide supplies, remove debris and lead stress relief and recreational activities. United Hatzalah, a volunteer emergency service, sent its psychological first aid unit. According to a recent report issued by the Diaspora Affairs Ministry, American Jews give more than $2 billion to Israel every year, accounting for nine percent of donations to the Jewish state. They contribute about another $12 billion through investments, exports and tourism, the report said. The U.S. government provides Israel $3 billion in annual military assistance.

Houston residents and rescuers made their way out of a flooded neighborhood after it was inundated with rain following Hurricane Harvey on August 29. (Photo by Scott Olson/Getty Images)


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Five new kids’ books for the High Holidays

BY PENNY SCHWARTZ (JTA) – A challah-baking Jewish giant, a young baseball champ and an endearing boy in a pumpkin patch are among the stars of five new books for kids published just in time for the High Holidays. This year’s crop includes new stories by two of the country’s most prominent children’s book writers, David A. Adler and Eric A. Kimmel, who have entertained and informed decades of young readers. Three of the books are set during the holidays – Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year; Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement; and Sukkot, the seven-day fall harvest festival. Two others are uplifting, kid-centered stories about good deeds and repairing

the world – themes that reflect the spirit of the holidays as a time for reflection as well as renewing commitments to do better in the year ahead. “BIG SAM: A ROSH HASHANAH TALL TALE” BY ERIC A. KIMMEL; ILLUSTRATED BY JIM STARR (APPLES & HONEY PRESS; AGES 3-8) Samson the Giant, known as “Big Sam” to his friends, sets out to make a giant round challah in preparation for Rosh Hashanah. Big Sam begins by digging a big hole – the Grand Canyon – to use as a mixing bowl. Step by massive step, Big Sam crisscrosses the U.S., filling his bowl with a mountain of flour, a lake of oil, thousands of eggs and more. For water,

Thou Shalt Ride

Thou Shalt Ride, a member of the Central New York motorcycle club affiliated with the Jewish Motorcycle Alliance, recently took a trip to Watkins Glen, Hornell and Canandaigua, stopping for a photo op in Waterloo. The club’s goals include fellowship, scenic rides, and support for Holocaust education. At their annual Ride to Remember, participants raise funds for the local Holocaust education center. For more club information, contact Joel Stein at L-r: Gary Stevens, Dave Feldman, Stein, Dave Channin and Ken Bell.

Life-long learners start here.

“Big Sam: A Rosh Hashanah Tall Tale” (Photo by Apples and Honey Press) he dams up the Colorado River and then whittles a giant California redwood into a spoon for stirring. But before he can celebrate the holiday, two bald eagles caution the giant that he’s caused an awful lot of damage to the environment – flattening hills and threatening habitats. In the spirit of the holiday, Big Sam considers his misdeeds and sets about to make things right. When he’s finally ready to dig in to the huge challah, Big Sam welcomes in Rosh Hashanah with his American tall-tale pals – Paul Bunyan and Slue Foot Sue among them. “YOM KIPPUR SHORTSTOP” BY DAVID A. ADLER; ILLUSTRATED BY ANDRE CEOLIN (APPLES & HONEY PRESS; AGES 4-8) The story opens as a young boy named Jacob makes the winning catch in the last inning of his Little League game. If they win the next game, they’ll be the champions – but the final game is on Yom Kippur. After reminding Jacob that Yom Kippur is an important holiday, Jacob’s father says,

“Yom Kippur Short-stop” (Photo by Apples and Honey Press) “Think about what you want to do.” Over the course of the next few days, Jacob does just that. Will he go to the game or spend the day at synagogue with friends and family, observing the holy Jewish day? No spoilers here, but Jacob eventually realizes that he’s part of many teams: his family, friends, his people and Little League. This relatable, deftly told story taps into the reality facing many American Jewish families today – the conflicts between Jewish holidays and the secular calendar of school, sports, recitals and other activities. The story is, of course, inspired by the Jewish baseball legend Sandy Koufax, who sat out the opening game of the 1965 World Series because See “Books” on page 9

Catering by The Oaks kosher food completes its second year at the NYS Fair BY STEWART KOENIG Catering by The Oaks, headquartered at Menorah Park, sold kosher food at the recent New York State Fair. It is the first and only kosher food booth at the fair and this was its second year there. The Syracuse Post-Standard said the Catering by The Oaks booth offered “healthy and tasty alternatives.” Catering at the Oaks general manager Jarrod Charsky said, “This was another successful State Fair appearance, serving a wide range of delicious kosher foods. We look forward to next year’s fair.” At right, l-r: Catering by The Oaks General Manager Jarrod Charsky and head chef Keith LeBlanc helped staff the Catering by The Oaks booth New York State Fair.

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SEPTEMBER 14, 2017/23 ELUL 5777 ■


A holiday menu rich with flavor and color BY MEGAN WOLF (JTA) – Two things are especially important to my holiday dishes: ease of preparation ahead of time and, of course, appeal to crowds. When time is short – and really, when is it not short? – make things as simple as possible. This menu fits the bill while offering a combination of flavors, textures and colors. The grilled challah Caprese salad is one

of my favorite dishes and is elevated with a super flavorful – and incredibly easy to make – balsamic glaze. The challah can be grilled ahead of time and set aside in a covered container for up to two days. Israeli couscous cooks very quickly and has a simple flavor profile, allowing the grain to take on bolder flavors like the toasted sesame oil and dried fruit. The salmon dish is perfect roasted, pan



seared or grilled. The spinach and walnut chimichurri sauce is versatile; try it on chicken or other varieties of fish. It also lasts a few days in the fridge, so it can be made ahead of time. For those who don’t care for spicy flavors, skip the red pepper flakes. See “Menu” on page 12

At right: Grilled Challah Caprese Salad (Photo by Megan Wolf) Continued from page 8

it was Yom Kippur. In his author’s note, Adler introduces the Hall of Fame pitcher to his young readers. “THE BEST SUKKOT PUMPKIN EVER” BY LAYA STEINBERG; ILLUSTRATIONS BY COLLEEN MADDEN (KAR-BEN; AGES 4-9) Micah can hardly contain his enthusiasm for picking pumpkins at Farmer Jared’s pumpkin patch. He and his family join others from their synagogue who are helping the farmer pick the last of the season’s pumpkins to donate to a soup kitchen. Micah, however, thinks he’s searching for the perfect pumpkin to decorate his family’s sukkah, the temporary hut Jewish families build to celebrate the fall harvest festival of Sukkot. In this warm tale, Micah learns about generosity – he picks many more “perfect” pumpkins, turning them over to Farmer Jared to use to help feed the hungry. But what about Micah’s own sukkah? As the day at the farm comes to an end, Micah is unexpectedly delighted when he discovers that a pumpkin headed to the compost pile offer up seeds he can plant for next year’s “perfect” Sukkot pumpkin. “MOTI THE MITZVAH MOUSE”


BY VIVIAN NEWMAN; ILLUSTRATED BY INGA KNOPP-KILPERT (KAR-BEN; AGES 2-5) Moti, a busy little mouse with a big heart, lives under the sink at the Bermans’ house. When the Berman kids – and the family cat – are asleep, Moti secretly wanders the house finding ways to be helpful. Each page finds Moti doing a mitzvah: He feeds the fish, he puts away misplaced toys, he collects loose coins left around and puts them in the tzedakah box. Lively illustrations make this an engaging, interactive read that kids will want to

read again and again. “IT ONLY TAKES A MINUTE” BY BRACHA GOETZ; ILLUSTRATED BY BILL BOLTON (HACHAI PUBLISHING; AGES 2-5) A young boy in a haredi Orthodox family discovers that small acts of kindness can make a big difference – when he remembers to do them, of course. Throughout the book, the boy learns “it only takes a minute” to do good deeds,

such as saying “thank you” or to thoughtfully say a bracha – a blessing – even when he is rushing for the school bus. At a soccer game, he takes a minute to appreciate the nature around him. While aimed at traditional religious families, the narrative touches a universal chord: that even young kids can, and should, make the effort to do what is right.

“The Best Sukkot Pumpkin Ever” (Photo by Kar-Ben)

“Moti the Mitzvah Mouse” (Photo by Kar-Ben)

“It Only Takes A Minute” (Photo by Hachai Publishing)

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Services 1

Continued from page 6

These pre-teen and teen-centered experiences explore the themes of the High Holidays as they relate to life. Fifth-12th grade students are expected to be in the main sanctuary if they choose not to participate in these programs. Study session and meditation 4 pm Mincha 5 pm Shofar 7:15 pm Maariv, Havdalah and break fast YOUTH SERVICES AND INFORMATION Babysitting for infants and children will be available for both days of Rosh Hashanah, as well as KOL NIDRE and Yom Kippur. For details and to make reservations, call CBS-CS Youth Director Melissa Harkavy at 315701-2685. Teenagers are expected to worship in the sanctuary, as well as participate in the teen program for Rosh Hashanah both days and for Yom Kippur from 10 am-1 pm SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 24– CEMETERY VISITATION APPROXIMATE TIMES Beth Sholom 1 pm Upper Beth El 1:30 pm Lower Beth El 2 pm Chevra Shas 2:30 pm To visit a grave at the Beth Israel or Anshe Sfard cemeteries, contact the CBS-CS office at 315-446-9570 or

Shaarei Torah Orthodox Congregation of Syracuse

Services are open to the community. No tickets are necessary. For more information, contact WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 20 Erev Rosh Hashanah Selichot 6:45 am Erev Tashvillin Candle Lighting 6:47 pm Mincha 6:50 THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 21 Rosh Hashanah day one Babysitting will be available both days of Rosh Hashanah from 10 am-1 pm Morning services 8 am Shofar 10 am Junior Congregation will be held immediately at 11

am after the shofar service. Tashlich Mincha 6:45 pm Candle lighting 7:53 pm FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 22 Rosh Hashanah day two Morning services 8 am Shofar 10:30 am Junior Congregation will be held at 11 am immediately after the shofar service. Mincha 6:45 pm Candle lighting 7:51 pm Babysitting will be available both days of Rosh Hashanah from 10 am-1 pm SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 24 Tzom Gedaliah Fast begins 5:27 am Selichot 7:45 am Morning services 8:15 am Mincha 6:25 pm Fast ends 7:24 pm FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 29 Erev Yom Kippur Morning services 6:45 am Mincha 3:15 pm Candle lighting 6:31 pm Kol Nidre 6:45 pm SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 30 Yom Kippur Chumash class 8:15 am Morning services 9 am Yizkor 11:45 am Mincha 5:10 pm (approximately) Havdalah 7:37 pm

Temple Adath Yeshurun

Individuals and families new to the Syracuse area may join the TAY community for High Holiday services. To reserve tickets, contact the synagogue at 315-446-0002 or HIGH HOLIDAY CHILDREN’S SERVICES Temple Adath Yeshurun will offer a variety of young children’s programs this year for the High Holidays. Young children’s services are available for children from birth-seventh grade on both days of Rosh Hashanah and on Yom Kippur. Beginning at 10:30 am, the junior congregation

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service will be held in the Miron Family Chapel. It is a child-centered service created to “engage and inspire” children in kindergarten-seventh grades, with a focus on prayers and the music of the holidays. Junior congregation is followed by a High Holiday interactive program that will provide children with an opportunity to learn about important Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur themes. Then the children will break up into smaller groups for holiday activities and a light kiddush snack. For children from birth-5-years, there will be an “upbeat” service with age-appropriate prayers, stories and songs. The program will run from 10:30-11:30 am and will be geared toward young children. Yom Kippur will end with the children participating in the Havdalah service with the TAY traditional flashlight walk and the blowing of the shofar to conclude the holidays. Babysitting will be available for children 6-years-old and younger for both days of Rosh Hashanah and on Yom Kippur. WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 20 Erev Rosh Hashanah Mincha 6:15 pm Candle lighting 6:46 pm THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 21 Rosh Hashanah day one Morning service 8:15 am Shacharit, Torah service, Musaf, Blessing of the newborns Tashlich 5:30 pm Evening service 6:30 pm Candle lighting 7:25 pm FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 22 Rosh Hashanah day two Morning services 8:15 am Shacharit, Torah service, Musaf Evening service 6:30 pm Candle lighting 6:42 pm SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 23 Shabbat Shuvah 9:15 am Mincha, Maariv, Havdalah 6:42 pm SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 24 Cemetery memorial service 11 am FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 29 Erev Yom Kippur/Kol Nidre Morning services 7:30 am Mincha noon Kol Nidre 6:30 pm Candle lighting 6:30 pm SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 30 Yom Kippur Morning services 9:15 am Shacharit, Torah service, Yizkor, Musaf Study, Mincha, Neilah 4 pm Evening service, Havdalah, shofar approximately 7:15 pm

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Services are open to the community. Guests and visitors should contact the Temple Concord office at 315-4759952 or for guest passes and parking information. There is no fee for attending High Holiday services; although donations are welcome. CHILDREN’S PROGRAMMING AND BABYSITTING Babysitting is available during all adult services in the first floor babysitting room. There will be programming for children in grades kindergarten-four during the first day of Rosh Hashanah services, Thursday, September 21, and the Yom Kippur morning service, Saturday, September 30. Participants can engage in “creative, age-appropriate” activities centering around the themes of the holiday, including a short service designed for them. Kindergarten-four children participating in the morning programming should be dropped off in a few upstairs classrooms. They should be dropped off and picked up in the school wing. They will be brought into the sanctuary and invited onto the bima for the shofar blowing. For babysitting, children should be brought directly to the babysitting room on the first floor. Call the TC office at 315-475-9952 with children’s names and grades so children can be included in the appropriate age group programming. WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 20 Erev Rosh Hashanah (Office closes at noon) Evening service 8 pm THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 21 Rosh Hashanah day one Morning service (office closed) 10 am Children’s program 10 am Children’s service 11 am Tashlich at the pond near Barry Park 4:30 pm See “Services 2” on page 11

SEPTEMBER 14, 2017/23 ELUL 5777 ■



Ethiopian Rosh Hashanah blends unique customs with a yearning for Jerusalem BY ADAM ABRAMS Despite relative isolation from their

Jewish brethren around the world for millennia, Ethiopian Jews have coveted the same dream of celebrating Rosh Hashanah

At left: Ethiopian Jews were greeted by family members as they arrive at Israel’s Ben Gurion Airport, as part of an aliyah flight arranged by the Jewish Agency for Israel and sponsored by the International Christian Embassy Jerusalem, in June 2017. (Photo by Miriam Alster/Flash90)

Services 2

Sephardic Minyan at the Jewish Community Center WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 20 Erev Rosh Hashanah 6:45-8:30 pm THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 21 Rosh Hashanah day one Morning services 8:30 am-2:30 pm No Mincha or Maariv FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 22 Rosh Hashanah day two Morning services 8:30-2:30 pm No Mincha or Maariv FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 29 Kol Nidre service 6:30-9 pm SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 30 Yom Kippur – 8 am, all day Havdalah – 7:30 pm All services and meals take place at Chabad House, 825 Ostrom Avenue, Syracuse WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 20 Erev Rosh Hashanah Candle lighting 6:47 pm Services 6:40 pm Dinner 7:30 pm – reservations required THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 21 Rosh Hashanah day one Services 9:15 am Shofar 11:45 am Lunch 1:30 pm – reservations required Tashlich 6:45 pm at Thornden Park Rose Garden – meet in the garden Candle lighting 7:45 pm Services 8 pm Dinner 8:30 pm – reservations required FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 22 Rosh Hashanah day two Services 9:15 am Shofar 11:45 am Lunch 1:30 pm – reservations required Holiday ends 7:57 pm Look for “Have shofar, will travel” around campus both days of Rosh Hashanah FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 22 Shabbat Shuvah Candle lighting 6:44 pm Services 7 pm Dinner 7:30 pm – reservations required


other Jewish communities meant many Ethiopian Jews, up until about 20 years ago, lacked some basic knowledge about major episodes in Jewish history.) In 1991, at age 15, the aliyah for Malessa and her family officially began when Israel’s Mossad intelligence agency privately smuggled the family out of Ethiopia’s capital city to the Jewish homeland by way of Italy. The family arrived in Israel just a month before the Mossad conducted a massive clandestine airlift operation, dubbed “Operation Solomon,” which saw some 14,000 Ethiopian Jews secretly airlifted out of Ethiopia aboard 35 non-stop flights See “Ethiopian” on page 12

Continued from page 10

FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 22 Rosh Hashanah day two Morning service (office closed) 10 am FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 23 Shabbat service 6 pm SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 24 Woodlawn Cemetery memorial service 12:30 pm FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 29 Kol Nidre 8 pm SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 30 Yom Kippur Morning service (office closed) 10 am Children’s program 10 am Children’s service 11 am Study session 1 pm Afternoon service 3 pm Havdalah and break fast 6:30 pm

Chabad House

“next year in Jerusalem.” Though unique, the Jewish New Year festivities in Ethiopia bear many similarities to the holiday’s observance in the broader Diaspora. Limor Malessa and five of her siblings were born and raised in a small Ethiopian village near the Jewish community of Gondar. She left the village at age 13 and traveled to Ethiopia’s capital of Addis Ababa, along with her parents and five siblings, in anticipation of emigrating to Israel – the “promised land” that Ethiopian Jews longed to return to for thousands of years, unaware that the holy temple in Jerusalem had long since been destroyed. (Gaps in access to modern technology and their distance from

SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 23 Shabbat Shuvah Services 10:30 am Torah reading 11:45 am Lunch 1 pm – reservations required FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 29 Erev Yom Kippur/Kol Nidre Candle lighting 6:31 pm Fast begins 6:45 pm Kol Nidre 7 pm SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 30 Yom Kippur Services 9:30 am Yizkor memorial service 12:30 pm Mincha 5:15 pm Neilah closing service 6:15 pm Shofar 7:25 pm Break fast 7:35 pm

Hillel at Syracuse University

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Reservations are required for all meals. Visit to make a reservation before September 13. For more information, contact Rabbi Leah Fein at lfein@ or 315-443-4836. WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 20 Erev Rosh Hashanah Combined community services 6:15 pm, Hendricks Chapel Dinner 7 pm, Winnick Hillel Center, reservations required by Thursday, September 10 THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 21 Rosh Hashanah day one Combined community services 10 am, Hendricks Chapel, Main Chapel Services 6:30 pm, Hendricks Chapel Main Chapel Dinner 7 pm, Winnick Hillel Center, reservations required FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 22 Rosh Hashanah day two Combined community services 10 am, Winnick Hillel Center, Lender Auditorium Tashlich 4 pm. Meet at Hillel and walk to the pond in Thornden Park. Hillel will supply the bread. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 22 Shabbat Shuvah services and dinner 5 pm, Winnick Hillel Center, regular Shabbat service reservations required FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 29 Pre-fast dinner 5:30 pm, Winnick Hillel Center, reservations required Kol Nidre service 6:30 pm, Hendricks Chapel, combined community service (service features the annual faculty d’var Torah, given this year by Dr. Irving Raphael) SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 30 Yom Kippur Services and Yizkor 10 am, Hendricks Chapel, Main Chapel Mincha text study and singing 6 pm, Winnick Hillel Center Neilah service 7 pm, Winnick Hillel Center Break fast – 7:30 pm – Winnick Hillel Center – free, no reservations required

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to Israel in 36 hours. Malessa has now lived in Israel for more than 30 years, building a family of eight children in the city of Ashdod and becoming thoroughly integrated into Israeli society. Due to the small size of Malessa’s village in comparison to other Jewish Ethiopian townships, not many “kessim” – elder religious leaders with knowledge of oral Jewish law and the equivalent of rabbis – resided in her home village. This “would make my childhood memories of Rosh Hashanah less vivid than of those who grew up with many kessim in their villages,” Malessa told in Ethiopian-accented Hebrew. The Ethiopian villagers were entirely dependent on the verbally disseminated wisdom of the elders, who were the only people in the village capable of reading Jewish texts written in the ancient Ge’ez dialect. “The kessim would instruct everyone in the villages on how to prepare for the holiday… Villages that had more of the religious leaders would have a much deeper understanding of the holiday and its laws,” Malessa said.

Continued from page 11

In Amharic, which is rooted in the Ge’ez dialect and is the official language of Ethiopia, Rosh Hashanah is called “Brenha Serkan,” which essentially means “the rising of the dawn,” said Malessa. In keeping with the meaning of holiday’s name, the kessim “would rise before dawn on the holy day, to begin the first prayer service of the day before sunrise,” she said. In Ethiopia, Rosh Hashanah was – and still is – observed during the course of one day, in contrast to the two days observed in the rest of the Jewish Diaspora and in Israel. The Ethiopian Rosh Hashanah is comprised of three prayer services: before dawn, in the afternoon and in the evening. There are four prayer services in the broader Jewish world for Rosh Hashanah, and none begin before sunrise. “The holiday also has another name, ‘Zikir,’ which is similar to the Hebrew word for remember, ‘zachor,’” Malessa said. Similar to the custom in other diaspora Jewish communities, “everyone in the village wears new clean white clothes” for Zikir, she said, while it is “also customary for

affluent people in the village to have very large feasts and invite others in the village to join in the festivities.” The festivities are meant to remind people of the day’s holiness, and to “make sure that during the holiday not a single Jew is left without food and enjoyment,” according to Malessa. “People serve lamb – the most expensive meat available – and have special meals to observe the mitzvah of feeding their Jewish brothers and sisters,” she said. Malessa’s mother, Esther Lakau, who lives in the Israeli coastal city of Ashkelon, said she “remembers hearing the kessim sound the shofar on the holiday.” “Everyone in the village prepared the food for the holiday a day in advance,” Lakau told “The kessim would read from the holy scripts in Ge’ez and tell the history of the Jewish people,” she said. “They would speak of Abraham, Yitzhak and Yaakov, our great patriarchs and matriarchs, and the lessons we could learn from them in the present… Most importantly, the kessim would emphasize our long-held aspiration to celebrate Rosh Hashanah ‘next year in Jerusalem.’”


Continued from page 9

GRILLED CHALLAH CAPRESE SALAD 2 cups diced challah 2½ cups cherry tomatoes 1½ cups mozzarella balls ½ cup balsamic vinegar 3 Tbsp. olive oil plus more for grilling Kosher salt to taste 1. Heat a cast-iron grill pan or traditional grill until very hot. 2. Toss challah with olive oil and place on grill pan, cook until all sides are grilled or slightly charred, and set aside. 3. In a large bowl, combine tomatoes and mozzarella, and set aside. 4. Immediately before serving, heat a small saucepan over medium heat and reduce balsamic vinegar until thick. 5. Add grilled challah to tomato mixture and drizzle with reduced balsamic vinegar, olive oil and top with kosher salt to taste. 6. Serve immediately. Note: The balsamic glaze can it is overcooked Passover Greetings toharden you ifand yours or taken off the heat and left to rest. Reduce immediately before you are ready to serve. ISRAELI COUSCOUS WITH DRIED FRUIT 1 cup water 1 cup vegetable stock 1 cup Israeli couscous

¼ cup each: golden raisins, traditional raisins and cranberries 2 Tbsp. toasted sesame oil Salt to taste 1. In a large saucepan, boil water and vegetable stock, then add couscous and reduce heat to low. Israeli Couscous with Dried 2. Cook couscous un- Fruit (Photo by Megan Wolf) til the liquid has almost fully absorbed, about 8 minutes, then add dried fruit and continue cooking until all liquid is absorbed. 3. Toss couscous mixture with sesame oil, season to taste with salt and serve immediately. Note: The couscous can clump if it is cooked and left untouched. Serve as soon as possible after cooking, or toss with a touch of olive oil to help loosen the clumps. SPICY SPINACH AND WALNUT CHIMICHURRI SALMON 2 cups raw baby spinach ¼ cup parsley 1 tsp. dried oregano ½ cup olive oil, plus more for fish ¼ cup balsamic vinegar

2 Tbsp. honey ½ tsp. red pepper plus more to taste ¼ cup toasted walnuts Salt to taste 4 5-ounce salmon filets 1. Preheat oven to 425°F. 2. To make the chimichurri sauce: In a blender or food processor, combine spinach, parsley and oregano until finely chopped. Drizzle olive oil and balsamic vinegar, then blend to combine. Add honey, red pepper and walnuts, pulse until combined, then season to taste with salt and set aside. 3. Pat dry each salmon filet, lightly brush salmon with olive oil and roast 6-8 minutes, or until the fish is cooked to your liking. 4. Top with chimichurri sauce and additional red pepper flakes, and serve hot.

At right: Spicy Spinach and Walnut Chimichurri Salmon (Photo by Megan Wolf)

Cantor Francine & Barry Berg New Year Greetings to you and yours

Wishing you and L’Shanah your family Tovah peace, health and happiness this Pesach

A dollop of honey and a dollop of sweetness for the upcoming year!

The Cominsky & Gatesy Families

Cantor Francine & Barry Berg

youyours a Chanukah GreetingsWishing to you and Cantor FrancineHealthy, & Barry Happy Berg and Peaceful New Year

Cheryl & Irv Schotz

Ona & Bernie Wishing you Bregman May the lights

and your family of Chanukah peace, health shine in your and happiness May thehearts new year this Pesach

forever be the start of only the & Fredda Sacharow Steve Stern sweetest things!

Bonnie Rozen, Jewish Observer Advertising Executive

May you be inscribed in the Book of Life for good health, peace and prosperity.

The Cominsky & Gatesy Families May the lights of Chanukah shine in your hearts Steve forever Stern &

Rabbi Rachel Esserman

Mildred Siminoff

Wishing everyone a happy, healthy and sweet New Year!

Fredda Sacharow

Neil and Debbie Rosenbaum

SEPTEMBER 14, 2017/23 ELUL 5777 ■


How a Korean-Jewish entrepreneur uses food to empower immigrants BY JOSEFIN DOLSTEN NEW YORK (JTA) – Several times a month Jeanette Chawki welcomes a handful of strangers into her Brooklyn home. There, the visitors learn about life in her native Lebanon, talk about their own backgrounds, and eat food – lots of it. Among the dishes visitors tried on a recent Saturday include freshly baked cheese-stuffed bread, tangy labneh with zaatar, chopped fattoush salad topped with fried pita bread and smoky babaganoush. Chawki, a mother of three who moved to the United States in 2006, is one of nine instructors employed by the League of Kitchens, a New York-based business that offers cooking workshops taught by immigrant cooks. She hopes that people come away from her class both with the ability to cook at least one new dish – and a greater awareness of Lebanese culture. “I want [them] to know how Lebanese people are very generous, very friendly. I want to explain how we have [such a] wonderful country, it’s very nice, very good place to visit, and I would like to explain more about our food,” Chawki said. The League of Kitchens, whose name is a play on the League of Nations, was itself inspired by a family’s immigration story: Founder Lisa Gross’ father’s family

is of Hungarian Jewish heritage and moved to felt like “both insider and outsider in two the United States in the late 19th and early 20th cultures. centuries, while her mother emigrated from “There was a little bit of a feeling of Korea in her 20s. ‘I don’t really fit totally in either one,’” “The fact that I grew up moving between she said. “Obviously within a typical two cultures – moving between American Ashkenazi American Jewish community, Jewish culture and Korean culture – also I look a little Asian – that’s become more underlies this whole project. That gave me and more common, especially for younger a certain comfort and understanding how kids, but for my generation [it wasn’t]. to move between cultures, and connect beI definitely didn’t fit into the Korean/ tween cultures, and that’s really what we’re Lisa Gross hopes the Korean American community, which in a lot of ways is very homogeneous and doing here, creating these opportunities for League of Kitchens also they’re Christian.” cross-cultural learning and exchange,” Gross can challenge told JTA. Still, that didn’t stop Gross from being Gross, who founded the business in people’s perceptions involved in the Jewish community. At the 2014, said providing ways for people to o f i m m i g r a n t s . urging of her mother, who converted to interact with immigrants has taken on an (Photo by League Judaism prior to marrying her father, Gross added significance following the election of Kitchens) attended a Jewish day school through the of Donald Trump, who campaigned on a promise to age of 13. And the family would go to her fathers’ build a wall on the border with Mexico and restrict parents to celebrate the holidays and eat traditional Muslims from traveling to the U.S. “An interesting Jewish food. side effect of the election has been a growth of inGross hopes her workshops can provide a way to terest in our business. I think people feel like not reverse preconceived notions both about immigrants and only is this a cool and fun experience, but it’s taken chefs. “[T]he immigrant, instead of being the displaced on political significance of supporting a company person in the inferior position, in this situation the imthat is very much about recognizing and celebrating migrant is the teacher, the expert, the host, and they are immigrants,” Gross said. people with incredible knowledge and expertise, and Workshops are taught by instructors from coun- the students are really excited to learn from them and tries including Nepal, Mexico and Afghanistan, to hear their stories,” Gross said. And though it wasn’t intentional, all League of Kitchcost between $110 and $175 per person and run between two and a half to five and a half hours. ens instructors are women. “In our contemporary food Instructors receive 40-50 hours of paid training media landscape, so often it’s the white male celebrity prior to teaching, are paid $25 per hour for the chef who is recognized and celebrated, when most cookworkshops, including preparation and clean-up, ing around the world is done by women. And here are and are compensated for ingredients. women who are immigrant women, who people might “I could really see and understand the immigrant pass them and not think twice, but they have something experience in very personal way,” said Gross, 35, a really special to share. Creating a way for them to share former food writer who founded the urban agriculture that is really exciting,” she said. Chawki, who has worked for League of Kitchens project Boston Tree Party. “It’s so clear to me how much our country is built by immigrants, and the immigrants since its launch, said she has had people visiting from who come here bring so much expertise, energy and around the United States and the world – including EnA Joyous Passover passion, and they contribute so much to our culture gland, Canada, Switzerland – to attend her workshops. To All and society and to our food culture... American food “People are coming from different countries, faraway, is immigrant food.” just to eat my food, to have class with me. This really During her childhood in Washington, DC, Gross mean[s something] to me,” Chawki said.

Wishing the community Jeanette Chawki, far right, taught a League of KitchensChanukah! Happy workshop participants how to cook Lebanese food. (Photo by Josefin Dolsten)


Wishing peace, health and happiness to all this Passover

Mark & Susan Field Elihu & Iris Cohen

L ’ Sh a nah Tova h

Best wishes for a sweet New Year!

Sydney Tenenbaum & Deidre Zehner

Mark & Susan Field

Elihu & Iris Cohen

L’Shanah Tovah Wishes for aChanukah! Wishing you a Happy Healthy and Happy New Year!

L’Shanah Tovah

Sydney Tenenbaum & Deidre Zehner Ruth & Joel Stein

Mayyou the and new year be May your family the start of only the have a joyous sweetestPesach things!

Mark & Susan Field

Neil and Robin Goldberg Seth and Leah, Abe and Harry Shira and Jared, Danya and Eliana Adam and Amira Miriam


Georgina, Paul, Joshua, Aaron, Gabriel and Laima Roth

Sydney Tenenbaum & Deidre Zehner

Let the New Year be the start of only the sweetest things! Georgina, Paul, Joshua, Aaron, Gabriel and Laima Roth

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Rosh Hashanah – a time to return to our highest selves BY RABBI DANIEL FELLMAN Rosh Hashanah usually calls us to return to our highest selves; to return to our Jewish selves; to return to our best selves. Each of these challenges finds a home in the liturgy of the holidays, and each rings with the urgency of the shofar’s call. The year just ending, and the year just beginning, are like no other year in recent history. The calls we hear

Calendar Highlights

To see a full calendar of community events, visit the Federation's community calendar online at Please notify of any calendar changes.

Wednesday, September 27 Deadline for October 12 JO Saturday, September 16 Selichot - contact individual synagogues for schedules Sunday, September 17 Menorah Park auxiliary brunch and fund-raiser 11:15 am – 2pm at Menorah Park. Reservations to Lisa Stuttard at 315-446-9111 ext. 255. Temple Concord GAN - Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur at 10:30 am Congregation Beth Sholom-Chevra Shas apple-picking at Abbott Farms at 1 pm Tuesday, September 19 Temple Concord Adult Education: Pirkei Avot/ TELEPHONE (315) 474-3326 High Holiday preparation with Rabbi Daniel FAX (315) 476-8058 Fellman – 12:30 pm Sam Pomeranz Jewish EMAIL: Community Center Executive Committee at 6pm, followed by board of directors meeting at 7 pm CBS-CS adult Hebrew class at 7 pm SERVICE, INC. PLACEMENT Wednesday, September 20 Agency Erev Rosh Hashanah - (see schedule in this JO) “the right person for the job” Thursday, September 21 Rosh Hashanah, Day 1 120 E. WASHINGTON ST. SUITE 201 M SIMINOFF ILDRED JCC and Federation offices closed SYRACUSE, NY 13202 Friday, September 22 Rosh Hashanah, Day 2 JCC and Federation offices closed Sunday, September 24 CBS-CS Tashlich service at Jamesville Beach at 474-3326 9:30 am TELEPHONE (315) FAX (315) in 476-8058 Happy CBS-CS cemetery visitations (see schedule CBS-CS schedule) EMAIL: Passover! TC cemetery service at Woodlawn Cemetery Friday, September 29 Erev Yom Kippur/Kol Nidre (see schedule in this JO) PLACEMENT SERVICE, INC. Saturday, September 30 Agency Yom Kippur (see schedule in this JO) “the right person for the job” Monday, October 2 Diaspora dinner at King David’s120 in E. Fayetteville with WASHINGTON ST. Rabbi Daniel Fellman SUITE 201 M ILDRED SIMINOFF SYRACUSE, NY 13202 Thursday, October 5 Sukkot, Day 1



Happy Rosh Hashanah!

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CareerGuide PLACEMENT SERVICE, INC. “the right person for the job”

Jonathan Dinkin

Local composer and musician Jonathan Dinkin recently was informed that oySongs negotiated a license deal for his audio track of “Shalom Chaverim” from his CD “Naches.” A new website devoted to Jewish food, called the Jewish Kitchen, will use the song as background music for one of its short videos. The website owner listened to the whole oySongs catalogue and chose Dinkin’s song. Dinkin also has a new CD out, “Live in Liverpool with Jonathan Dinkin and Klezmerecuse.” It was recorded live at the Liverpool Library and features a group of musicians that includes Ken Frieden on clarinet, Aveeya Dinkin on vocals, Ethan Urtz of Symphoria on trumpet, Bob Alexander on accordion and Ryan Zawel on trombone, tuba, and percussion. In 2016, Dinkin recorded a CD with Cantor Robert Lieberman, “Honorable Mentshn” which had the prayer “Adon Olam” that the Conservative Movement put on its most recent “Spirit of Song” recording.

Profiles of SHDS alumni – Stephanie Rabin Scherr of treating everyone with respect and dignity. BY BARBARA SHEKLIN DAVIS Our teachers truly cared about us and our Stephanie Rabin Scherr, of Syracuse Hebrew well-being, both in and outside the classroom. Day School class of 1996, earned her bachelor We were taught to look out for, and take care of science degree from Cornell University and of, each other in times of need. All of these her Ph.D. in clinical psychology from Drexel values are central to my work as a psychologist University. She lives in Philadelphia, where she and the way I try to approach my relationships has a private practice specializing in cognitive with family and friends.” behavioral therapy for patients with Obsessive She noted, “The Judaic education I received at Compulsive Disorder, anxiety disorders, tics SHDS was priceless. It led me to become more and body-focused repetitive behaviors. involved in my own synagogue. As I grew up Rabin Scherr said she “loves” what she does: “I have always had a strong interest in Stephanie Rabin and met new Jewish friends at camp or other science and research, and after taking several Scherr, Syracuse activities, I felt comfortable going with them to fascinating psychology classes in college and Hebrew Day School other synagogues and celebrating holidays with their families, even if their level of observance being a research assistant in a psychology lab, I class of 1996 was different from mine. I felt ready to take on found a great mentor at Cornell who gave me very helpful new learning opportunities because I had a solid foundation advice.” What she finds most rewarding is “getting to know my patients and seeing them improve over time.” of Jewish education.” She values her friendships from her She credits the day school for giving her a good start. day school years, commenting that “many of us remained See “Scherr” on page 15 She said, “SHDS always emphasized the Jewish values


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CareerGuide PLACEMENT SERVICE, INC. “the right person for the job”



remains a lofty goal for us as Jews and as Americans. And seeing in the other some semblance of holiness remains the task for all of us as Jews and as Americans. While the issues of the day may have lowered our discourse, we need not allow them to diminish our Jewishness. Two Jews can have completely opposing views – and yet, both are offering words of the Holy God. Talmud describes such occurrences – this one and that one, as opposite as they may be – as both the words of the Living God. When hatred and bigotry and racism and antisemitism reared their ugly heads this past year, we Jews faced a challenge: respond, respond with vigor, or ignore. Each option has good Jewish backing; each has historical precedent. But none of the options include allowing the animosity of the day to cover our deeply-held beliefs in one God; in the holiness of humanity; or in our sacred covenant with the Almighty as we work to repair and heal the world. We Jews must respond to the current ugliness with an ever-stronger resolve to make the world more whole; to listen to “the other;” to act as God’s hands and feet in fulfilling the mitzvot and bending the arc toward a more just world. If we are to emerge in the new year in the form of our best selves, we must take an account of how we missed the mark in the year just ending, and we must consciously create new avenues for justice. Our best version of our community includes a pluralistic embrace of our differences. Our best selves exhibit a drive for cooperation and co-existence beyond mere tolerance. We are called to embrace our heritage, ourselves and our neighbors. We are called to bring light where darkness resides, to give hope where none endures, to provide humanity where none exists. The shofar, our world, our nation, our community call out this Rosh Hashanah. How will we answer that sacred sound as we begin a new year? Rabbi Daniel Fellman is the rabbi at Temple Concord.



Happy Chanukah!

this Rosh Hashanah are tinged with fear and bitterness; with anger and frustration; with discord and distrust. The call we hear from the shofar this year is not just a call to return. In some ways, it is a call of comfort; a call of regular-ness in an otherwise topsy-turvy world; a call we desperately need to answer. Throughout the past year, so many of us have engaged in debates and arguments and conversations with those we consider “the other.” While we may have thought we were on the moral high ground, the end result was no reflection of our highest selves. Too easily we allowed ourselves to sink to the gutter, to demean instead of dignify the difference we encountered. Instead of seeing virtue, we saw and heard vitriol. The healthy exchange of ideas defines who we are as Jews and as Americans. Engaging in civic discourse



Happy New Year!

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SEPTEMBER 14, 2017/23 ELUL 5777 ■





Evelyn (“Evi”) Daar Barenholtz, of Syracuse and Clearwater, FL, died at home in Syracuse on September 2 after a long illness. Born in Brooklyn, she moved to Syracuse in 1960 and worked for Bristol-Myers Squibb as an executive secretary. After retiring, she had a second career organizing tours throughout the world for Bristol-Myers Seniors. She was an active member of Syracuse community organizations, serving as president of the Jewish War Veterans Ladies Auxiliary; treasurer of the Syracuse Cinephile Society; the Jewish Community Center; and Meals on Wheels. A life-long Democrat, she assisted Franklin D. Roosevelt, Jr., in his 1966 gubernatorial campaign. She was active in community theater for many years and appeared with William Bendix in “The Father of the Bride.” She was an animal lover and a life member of the Rosamond Gifford Burnet Park Zoo, as well as PETA, Best Friends and other animal protection organizations. She was a talented knitter and donated her hand-knit afghans to charitable organizations. She also enjoyed reading, crossword puzzles and baking. With sons, Jan and Paul, she founded the Steve Barenholtz Family Fund, a charitable foundation, in memory of her son, Steven, who died in 1999. She is survived by her partner of 42 years, John Sciuga; sons, Jan (Teddi Van Winkle) and Paul (Celia Goldwag); four grandchildren; brother Alan; one nephew; and two great-nephews. Burial was in Beth David Cemetery in Elmont. Birnbaum Funeral Service had arrangements. Contributions can be made to the Steve Barenholtz Family Fund at the Jewish Community Foundation, 5655 Thompson Rd., DeWitt, NY 13214; or Hospice of Central New York, 990 Seventh North St., Liverpool, NY 13088. 

Report: 15,000 people attended largest Israeli cultural festival in Europe

Donald A. Harris, 69, died on September 1 at Crouse Hospital. Born in Burnt Hills, he lived most of his life in Syracuse. He was a graduate of Jamesville-DeWitt High School and Central City Business Institute. He was always involved in merchandising and management in the retail trade. He was a member of the Men’s Garden Club of Central New York. He is survived by his wife of 37 years, Susan; his sister-in-law, Lori (David) Chrismer; in-laws, William and Gloria Delaney Jr.; two nieces; and a cousin, Joel (Barbara) Friedman. Burial was in White Chapel. Sisskind Funeral Service had arrangements. Contributions can be made to Helping Hounds, 6606 Kinne Rd., Syracuse, NY 13214. 




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The largest Israeli cultural event in Europe, TLV in LDN, attracted some 15,000 people to the four-day event to celebrate Israeli culture and diversity in London. The Israeli Ministry of Strategic Affairs and Public Diplomacy, the British Jewish community and the British Embassy in Israel hosted the event Sept. 8-11. Some of Israel’s top female singers, including Ethiopian-Israeli Ester Rada, performed for hundreds of locals during the Sept. 10 celebration, under the theme “Woman in Power,” at the historic Roundhouse Music Hall in London. Rada opened the evening before a soul music performance from Maximilian Blumin. Israeli-Arab singer Mira Awad also performed and sang in English, Hebrew and Arabic, with Yemenite-Israeli trio A-WA concluding the three-hour show with their performance. The festival saw some 15,000 Londoners revel in Israeli culture, fashion and cuisine. Locals enjoyed culinary workshops provided by Israeli master chefs, as well as performances from an eclectic group of 120 Israeli vocalists, and an LGBT party over the weekend. The festival encountered some opposition, and saw some anti-Israel BDS protestors demonstrate at the event. An “unusual scene” unfolded when Israeli chef Shaul Ben Aderet handed out sweets to the protestors, which had originally been prepared for festival attendees.

Israeli movie “Foxtrot” wins second place prize at Venice Film Festival

The Israeli film “Foxtrot” won the second-place Grand Jury Prize at the Venice Film Festival on Sept. 9 and drew strong criticism from Israel’s Minister of Culture Miri Regev for its purported negative portrayal of the IDF. “It’s outrageous that Israeli artists contribute to the incitement of the young generation against the most moral army in the world by spreading lies in the guise of art,” Regev said in a statement the night of Sept. 9. The minister also

Israel hosting life sciences conference

Some 1,600 molecular life scientists from more than 34 countries are gathering in Jerusalem Sept. 10-14 for the 2017 Federation of European Biochemical Societies Congress. The conference, brought to Israel by Prof. Azem Abdussalam and the Israeli Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, is slated to cover the entire spectrum of molecular life sciences with lectures on topics such as cancer biology, chromatin structure and epigenetic modifications, among various other subjects. “The aim of the FEBS conference is to bring leading researchers from all aspects of molecular life sciences together, and we are very excited to host this year event in Jerusalem,” said Prof. Michal Sharon, a vice president of ISBMB and a member of the FEBS organizing committee. “We hope to offer unique opportunities for scientific interactions, which will facilitate the initiation of friendships, collaborations and joint projects,” Sharon said. Some of the field’s leading experts who were set to address the conference include Nobel laureate Robert J. Lefkowitz (Duke University), Patrick Cramer (Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry, Göttingen), Carol Robinson (University of Oxford), Marcelo Rubinstein (University of Buenos Aires), Jonathan Weissman (University of California) and Feng Zhang (Massachusetts Institute of Technology).

Continued from page 14 The Palestinians are reportedly preparing to gain full friends throughout middle school, high school and college. membership in the World Tourism Organization (or UNEven if we went years without seeing each other, we always WTO), a U.N. agency, at the group’s upcoming meeting. knew we had that connection from SHDS. I still think it’s According to The Jerusalem Post, the PalestinianAuthority’s of Tourism applied membership for “Palestine” pretty cool that one of my SHDS classmates (Josh Abraham) We are stillMinistry family-owned and for operated. the organization last year, and the item is on the agenda and I went to the same school every year from kindergarten into“After 83 years” UNWTO’s general assembly in China the week of Sept. through college graduation!” Providing unparalleled servicefor to the Jewish community throughout Central New York. Asked what she would say to a family who is consid- 11. To gain membership, the Palestinians must secure two1909 East Fayette St., Syracuse, NY 13210 • 315.472.5291 • 1.800.472.5182 ering SHDS, she replied, “Deciding on a school for your thirds approval in a vote at the UNWTO assembly. Martin J. Birnbaum* child is a huge decision. I would encourage prospective Elaine R. Birnbaum email: M. Friedman families to visit the school andJoel talk to students, alumni * Also Licensed in Florida (FORMERLY GROSKIN MEMORIALS) and parents of kids who have attended. You will hear MONUMENTS, MARKERS, CEMETERY LETTERING, about how SHDS is such a special place to the students, PLANTINGS ARRANGED teachers and parents who are part of its community. I Established 1970 Call for appointment 697-9461 am so grateful that my parents chose SHDS for me.”


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To advertise, please contact Bonnie Rozen at 800-779-7896, ext. 244 or bonnie@

We are still family-owned and operated. “After 83 years” Providing unparalleled service to the Jewish community throughout Central New York. 1909 East Fayette St., Syracuse, NY 13210 • 315.472.5291 • 1.800.472.5182 Martin J. Birnbaum* Elaine R. Birnbaum Joel M. Friedman * Also Licensed in Florida


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accused the film of giving the anti-Israel BDS movement and “haters of a Israel around the world” a “tailwind.” The film is partially influenced by director Samuel Maoz’s own military experience in the IDF. It details the story of an affluent Tel Aviv couple informed that their young son, a soldier, has been killed in the line of duty at an isolated roadblock in Israel’s Negev desert. “If I criticize the place I live, I do it because I worry. I do it because I want to protect it. I do it from love,” Moaz told reporters. Foxtrot’s second-place prize comes eight years after Maoz’s debut feature film, the critically acclaimed “Lebanon,” won the festival’s Golden Lion prize, the highest award at the event.

ings frtoo gain full ver blessattempt oPalestinians s s a P membership in second m U.N. agency


We are still family-owned and operated. “After 83 years” Providing unparalleled service to the Jewish community throughout Central New York. 1909 East Fayette St., Syracuse, NY 13210 • 315.472.5291 • 1.800.472.5182 Martin J. Birnbaum* Elaine R. Birnbaum Joel M. Friedman * Also Licensed in Florida

To advertise, please contact Bonnie Rozen at 800-779-7896, ext 244 or



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