October 10, 2019 issue of Jewish Observer Newspaper

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Gail Gordon to speak about legacy giving BY BARBARA SHEKLIN DAVIS The Jewish Community Foundation of Central New York and the Jewish Federation of CNY invite community members to a presentation by Gail J. Gordon, senior director of planned giving and endowments of the Jewish Federations of North America, on Wednesday, October 30, from

7-8 pm, in the Anne and Hy Miller Family Auditorium of the Sam Pomeranz Jewish Community Center, 5655 Thompson Rd., Syracuse. There will be no solicitation. Gordon will explain how to create a permanent legacy gift, demonstrating belief in the continuity of Jewish life for generations to come. Regardless of age,

wealth or affiliation, participants will learn how to help sustain a vibrant Central New York Jewish community now and in the future. Everyone is invited for this educational forum. Light refreshments will be served. The informational meeting will provide an opportunity to see old friends and make

new ones. The theme for the evening is “Endowments are not just for the rich – they are the means by which anyone can make extraordinary, impactful gifts.” For more information, or to reserve a seat, contact Kathie Piirak at 315445-2040, ext. 106, or kpiirak@jewishfederationcny.org.

Grant applications requested by Teen Funders BY MICHAEL BALANOFF The Teen Funders Committee of the Jewish Community Foundation B’nai Mitzvah Program, led by Teen Funder Coordinator Jeffrey Scheer, is accepting grant applications from local charitable organizations. Grant recipients will be announced by the Teen Funders following their November 10 meeting. All applicants must be legally recognized charitable organizations. Grant applications must be received no later

than Monday, November 4, by the Jewish Community Foundation B’nai Mitzvah Program, 5655 Thompson Rd., DeWitt, NY 13214. Grant requests may be for funding up to $1,000, and applicants must provide details of the proposed project and explain how it promotes the organization’s mission. For grant application information, contact Kathie Piirak at 315-445-2040, ext. 106, or kpiirak@jewishfederationcny. org.

The B’nai Mitzvah Program at the Jewish Community Foundation teaches the core Jewish value of tzedakah through hands-on participation. More than 130 B’nai Mitzvah Funds have been established over the past 13 years. A B’nai Mitzvah Fund requires a minimum $250 donation from the teen at the time of bar/ bat mitzvah. These donations are matched by the Pomeranz, Shankman and Martin Charitable Foundation for an opening balance of at least $500. The teens may

advise to which charities their funds may be distributed. All B’nai Mitzvah Fund holders are invited to join the Teen Funders Committee meeting. At the teen funders meetings, the teens are asked to contribute some of their fund money to a pooled fund to be distributed by the group. In the past year, 10 organizations received funds totaling $4,948.90. Since the spring of 2009, the teens have distributed $55,000 to 93 Jewish and non-Jewish non-profits.

Owen Pell to speak on the prevention of genocide On Thursday, November 14, at 7 pm, the Jewish Federation of Central New York will present Owen Pell, president of the Auschwitz Institute for Peace and Recon-

ciliation, at Temple Adath Yeshurun. He will speak on “Confronting the Problem of the ‘Other’ – Building a World that can Prevent Genocide.”

Pell’s efforts are focused on the pursuit of the belief that atrocities – against Jews and all peoples – need not only be reacted to, but anticipated and prevented.

The entire community is invited to attend this free event. For more information, contact Colleen Baker at 315-445-2040, ext. 102.

November 6 Sisterhood Symposium to look at antisemitism presentation, attendees will BY WILLIAM WALLAK break into small groups where Antisemitism is one of the they will have the opportunity oldest hatreds. Yet there is to discuss the nature of today’s considerable confusion about antisemitism and ways in which how it should be defined and it can best be combated. what counts as antisemitic Elman is currently on leave expression or action. This and from Syracuse University, where more will be explored during she is an associate professor of the upcoming 10 th annual political science at the MaxSisterhood Symposium titled well School of Citizenship and “Today’s Antisemitism: How Public Affairs. At the Maxwell Does It Affect You?” The event School, she has been a research will be held on Wednesday, Miriam Elman director in the Program for the November 6, at 6:30 pm, at the Advancement of Research on Conflict Sam Pomeranz Jewish Community Center, and Collaboration (or PARCC) for over a 5655 Thompson Rd., DeWitt. The program will feature guest speaker decade. Elman received her Ph.D. in politMiriam Elman, Ph.D., executive director of ical science from Columbia University and Academic Engagement Network (or AEN), completed her B.A. in international relations a DC-based nonprofit that combats campus at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. She antisemitism, champions academic freedom is the editor and co-editor of six books, and and free speech, and seeks to promote a the author and co-author of more than 65 better understanding of Israel at American articles and book chapters on topics related universities and colleges. Following Elman’s to international and national security, the

The Nostalgia Issue

Look inside for stories about “old” Jewish Syracuse… the businesses, the people, the history.

interface between religion and politics, and the Middle East. Her latest books include “Democracy and Conflict Resolution: the Dilemmas of Israel’s Peacemaking” and “Jerusalem: Conflict and Cooperation in a Contested City.” The Sisterhood Symposium was started in 2010 by Nancy Belkowitz. Since then, it has tackled various timely topics – all

from a Jewish perspective – that include stem cell research, social media and relationships, caring for aging parents and views of the afterlife. Last year, Ruth Stein took over as the event’s coordinator. The symposium is presented by the Sisterhood of Congregation Beth Sholom-Chevra Shas and the JCC of Syracuse,

See “Symposium” on page 2

Follow the Jewish Federation of Central New York for the latest updates! @Jewish-Federation-Of-Central-New-York @JewishFederationOfCNY C A N D L E L I G H T I N G A N D P A R AS H A

October 11....................... 6:11 pm.................................................Parashat Haazinu October 13....................... 6:07 pm...........................................................Erev Sukkot October 14.............. after 7:06 pm................................................................... Sukkot October 18....................... 5:59 pm........................... Sukkot-Shabbat Chol Hamoed Octobe 20........................ 5:56 pm...........................................Erev Shemini Atzeret October 21................afer 6:55 pm.............................................. Erev Simchat Torah October 25....................... 5:49 pm.................................................. Parashat Bereshit

INSIDE THIS ISSUE Lighting the way


Sacred texts online

A new solar plant is a step toward Local congregations announce A new online resource explores Israel’s goal of a future powered their Sukkot and Simchat Torah the British Library’s collection of celebrations; recipes. by renewable energy. ancient sacred texts. Story on page 4 Story on page 2 Story on page 9

PLUS Small Business Profiles.....6-9 Calendar Highlights............. 10 D’var Torah............................. 10 Obituaries................................11



The power of a dream: Israel’s new solar plant lights the way to a bright future

BY DEBORAH FINEBLUM (JNS) – Driving along the long stretch of Highway 6, deep in Israel’s Negev Desert, you could easily think you are seeing

A view of the Ashalim solar-power station in the Negev Desert on June 19, 2018. (Photo by Miriam Alster/Flash90)


and is open to the community. It will include a full-course dinner. The cost is $30 per person. Table sponsorships are available and include recognition in the printed program.

a mirage: thousands of giant mirrors all facing the sun. But what you are witnessing is Israeli ingenuity – the future of Israeli energy and the fulfillment of many dreams. These half-a-million concave mirrors catch the heat of the sun – something the Negev has in abundance – to power the new 121-megawatt Ashalim Solar Thermal Power Station. Just four months into operation, the 4,000-acre solar-energy plant, with a price tag of roughly NIS 4 billion (more than $1.13 billion), is the largest renewable-energy project in Israel and among the largest in the world. The joint venture of the Shikun and Binui Group, Noy Fund and Spanish engineering provider TSK already serves the energy needs of some 70,000 Israeli households. With nearly 1 percent of Israel’s energy expected to be generated here, the plant represents a step toward realizing Israel’s goal of a future powered by renewable energy. It is composed of some 16,000

Continued from page 1

Reservations may be made online by Friday, October 25, at http://tinyurl. com/cbscs-symposium or by contacting the CBS-CS office at 315-446-9570 or manager@cbs-cs.org.

Hebrew Interest-Free Loan

The Jewish Federation of Central New York has instituted the Hebrew Interest-Free Loan program to help Jewish people get past a temporary financial need. To learn more about the program or to see if you qualify, visit the Federation’s website, www.jewishfederationcny.org.

MAKE THE GIFT OF A LIFETIME AND CREATE A LEGACY Endowments are not just for the rich — they are the means by which anyone can make extraordinary, impactful gifts.

parabolic troughs and about 500,000 concave mirrors that convert solar energy into steam used to generate electricity. However, one of the most singular features of the plant is its ability to produce power at night, when the sun isn’t shining. The power station uses a thermal-energy storage system, based on molten salt, which allows the plant to operate for approximately an extra 4.5 hours daily at full power after sunset. “It was exactly six years ago, in September of 2013, that I stood on this hill and had a vision,” said Didi Paz, CEO of Negev Energy, which, as a subsidiary of Shikun and Binui, runs the plant. “I thought of [former Israeli prime minister] David Ben-Gurion, Israel’s founding father, and his dreams for the Negev, and how he would be extremely proud.” Also on hand to welcome a cadre of international journalists for a tour of the new facility was Israel’s Energy Minister Yuval Steinitz. “We know that public health is as important an issue as providing energy for Israel’s homes and industries,” he told the group. The country is already making the shift from such polluting energy sources as coal and diesel, he noted, with coal already down from 65 percent to less than 30 percent, and with planned closures of the nation’s coal-burning turbines. Steinitz said the ministry “used every possible means to increase the scope of renewable-energy production, and by doing so, expects to meet the government goal of 10 percent by the end of 2020.” He added that “alongside natural gas, renewable energy is of paramount importance in reducing air pollution for the benefit of public health.” It’s a policy, he said, reflected in “Plan 2030,” designed to stop the country’s dependence on polluting fuels. As part of this initiative, Israelis can look for more solar plants of various sizes to be built in coming years. Such progress relies on such factors as financial backing, of course, but also on the support of the locals. “It’s really been a community effort,” said Eran Doron, mayor of the Ramat HaNegev Regional

of Central New York

Syracuse Office

The Jewish Community Foundation of CNY and the Jewish Federation of CNY cordially invite you to a presentation by Gail J. Gordon, Senior Director, Planned Giving and Endowments, of The Jewish Federations of North America. She will explain how to create a permanent legacy gift, demonstrating your belief in the continuity of Jewish life for generations to come. Regardless of age, wealth, or affiliation, learn how to help sustain a vibrant Central New York Jewish community now and in the future.

Join us for this educational forum. Light refreshments will be served.There will be no solicitation. This informational meeting will provide you the opportunity to see old friends and make new ones.

Wednesday, October 30 7 to 8 p.m.

Miller Auditorium of the Sam Pomeranz Jewish Community Center Please contact Kathie Piirak for more information or to reserve a seat: 315-445-2040 Ext. 106 or kpiirak@jewishfederationcny.org

Bette Siegel Syracuse Editor Publisher Jewish Federation of Central New York Inc. Ellen Weinstein Chair of the Board Michael Balanoff Federation President/CEO Alan Goldberg Vice President for Communications Editorial 5655 Thompson Rd. DeWitt, NY 13214

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Jewish Federation of Central New York Inc. Web site: www.jewishfederationcny.org

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Council. Though the project met with some early resistance, he reports that locals are now nearly universally onboard with hundreds of them working as employees at the plant. “It took everyone cooperating – thousands of permits were needed every step of the project – but we all realized this plant is a step toward making Israel greener and cleaner.” “Further privatizing of the industry will help grow Israel’s solar industry, as will the current drop in solar-energy startup costs,” adds Paz. “What’s going on here is just the beginning of a real revolution in Israel’s energy field.” Also on hand was Naty Saidoff, the majority owner of Shikun and Binui, as well as the incoming chairman of the Israeli American Council. He described the project as “meeting the needs in terms of sustainability and environmental See “Solar” on page 10

A machine cleaning the parabolic mirrors at the Ashalim Solar Thermal Power Station. (Photo courtesy of the Ashalim Solar Thermal Power Station) All articles, announcements and photographs must be received by noon Wednesday, 15 days prior to publication date. Articles must be typed, double spaced and include the name of a contact person and a daytime telephone number. E-mail submissions are encouraged and may be sent to JewishObserverCNY@gmail.com. The Jewish Observer reserves the right to edit any copy. Signed letters to the editor are welcomed: they should not exceed 250 words. Names will be withheld at the discretion of the editor. All material in this newspaper has been copyrighted and is exclusive property of the Jewish Observer and cannot be reproduced without the consent of the publisher. Views and opinions expressed by our writers, columnists, advertisers and by our readers do not necessarily reflect the publisher’s and editors’ points of view, nor that of the Jewish Federation of Central New York. The newspaper reserves the right to cancel any advertisements at any time. This newspaper is not liable for the content of any errors appearing in the advertisements beyond the cost of the space occupied. The advertiser assumes responsibility for errors in telephone orders. The Jewish Observer does not assume responsibility for the kashrut of any product or service advertised in this paper. THE JEWISH OBSERVER OF CENTRAL NEW YORK (USPS 000939) (ISSN 1079-9842) Publications Periodical postage paid at Syracuse, NY and other offices. Published 24 times per year by the Jewish Federation of Central New York Inc., a non-profit corporation, 5655 Thompson Road, DeWitt, NY 13214. Subscriptions: $36/year; student $10/ year. POST MASTER: Send address change to JEWISH OBSERVER OF CENTRAL NEW YORK, 5655 Thompson Road, DeWitt, NY 13214.

The Jewish Observer is a member of the American Jewish Press Association.

OCTOBER 10, 2019/11 TISHREI 5780 ■



AROUND CENTRAL NEW YORK JCC and Syracuse International Film Festival to present Israeli films October 12 and 13 BY WILLIAM WALLAK The Sam Pomeranz Jewish Community Center will sponsor four films to be shown on Saturday, October 12, and Sunday, October 13, as part of this year’s Syracuse International Film Festival. “Picture of His Life” (2019, Israel), by award-winning Israeli film-makers Dani Menkin and Yonatan Nir, will be screened on October 12, at 7:15 pm, at the Redhouse Arts Center, 400 South Salina St., Syracuse. On October 13, the Redhouse will feature “Liberating Amnon” (2019, Israel), by Greg DeHart, and “The Starfish” (2019), by Tyler Gildin, starting at 1 pm. Also on October 13, the film “Shoelaces” (2018, Israel), by Jacob Goldwasser, will be shown at 3 pm as part of the festival’s Imaging Disability in Film Showcase at Syracuse University’s Shemin Auditorium in the Shaffer Art Building. Tickets for the screenings are $10 each, or choose full-day admission on Saturday and Sunday for $25 and $20, respectively. Purchase tickets online via the festival’s website www.syrfilm.com. In “Picture of His Life” (October 12 at 7:15 pm)

world-renowned wildlife photographer Amos Nachoum has one final photographic dream remaining – to photograph a polar bear underwater, while swimming alongside it. The film follows Nachoum in the Canadian Arctic as he prepares for his ultimate challenge. As the journey unfolds, so does an “intimate and painful” story of dedication, sacrifice and personal redemption. Menkin is a “good friend” of the JCC and no stranger to Central New York. In 2012, he filmed “Is That You?” in Syracuse over a four-week period, with several local actors and production staffers, while using the JCC as his “home base.” He returned in the fall of 2014 for the Syracuse International Film Festival’s screening of “Is That You?,” which was sponsored by the JCC. Menkin’s latest visit was in fall 2016 for the Syracuse International Film Festival’s showing of his film “On the Map,” which the JCC also sponsored. The documentary “Liberating Amnon” (October 13, at 1 pm) captures the journey of Amnon Band, a second-generation Holocaust survivor, as he tries to gather the missing pieces from his family’s past. At 61, he has

Kids yoga class for preschoolers starts October 16

and finding contentment in everyBY WILLIAM WALLAK day life. The class will be taught by The Sam Pomeranz Jewish Bridget Langstaff, an experienced Community Center’s Jerome and yoga instructor specializing in Phyllis Charney Early Childhood children’s yoga. Development Program will offer Registration for Kids Yoga a weekly children’s yoga class for will continue through the first 3-5-year-old children on Wednesclass. The cost is $100 ($90 days, from 1:15-2 pm, starting for JCC members). Spots are October 16. The eight-week class limited and early registration is runs through December 11 and recommended. Children do not will meet in the upstairs classroom need to be enrolled in the JCC’s at the JCC Fitness Center, 5655 Thompson Rd., DeWitt. Hannah Grabowsky held a pose during Early Childhood Program and JCC membership is not required Kids Yoga is a child-friendly a JCC Kids Yoga class last year. to take the class. yoga class designed to help children For more information and to register, stop by the build concentration, strength, flexibility, self-control and balance. Organizers say the children will embark on a Early Childhood office, call 315-445-2040, ext. 120, or calming journey and begin to understand mindfulness visit www.jccsyr.org.

Sam Pomeranz Jewish Community Center senior dining menu OCTOBER 14-18 Monday – Sukkot – closed Tuesday – Sukkot – closed Wednesday – beef stew over egg noodles Thursday – vegetable soup, tuna sandwich on wheat Friday – salmon with dill OCTOBER 21-25 Monday – Shemini Atzeret – closed Tuesday – Simchat Torah – closed Wednesday – stuffed cabbage Thursday – meatloaf Friday – birthday celebration – stuffed flounder with lemon

shaped his life from the family tales of his heroic Uncle Ephraim, now 91, who escaped the Nazis while being transported to the Auschwitz concentration camp and has been mostly silent about his past. “The Starfish” (October 13, at approximately 2 pm) is the true story of a German Jewish boy whose life was forever altered at the age of 10 when his parents sent him and his two older sisters to live with non-Jewish families in Sweden to escape Nazi persecution. After living in Sweden for two years, Herb Gildin and his sisters journeyed across Russia and the Pacific to be reunited with their parents as refugees in America. Focused on building his lighting business rather than dwelling on the past, decades went by before Herb told his wife and children about his childhood, resulting in one last journey back to Sweden to attempt to reunite with the remaining family members who had taken him in 60 years earlier. “Shoelaces” (October 13, at 3 pm) is the story of a complicated relationship between an aging father and his special needs son whom he abandoned while he was still a young boy. Reuben’s (60) kidneys are failing and his son Gadi (35) wants to donate one of his own kidneys to help save his father’s life. However, the transplant committee objects to the procedure, claiming that Rueben, acting as Gadi’s sole legal guardian, does not have the right to authorize such an invasive procedure. Gadi, who recently lost his mother, is afraid of losing his father as well. He feels he finally has the chance to do something meaningful; to become a man and stand on his own. He’s furious with the committee’s decision and sets out to fight for his right to save his father’s life. The film’s portrayal of a relationship full of love, rejection and codependency manages to shed some light on and question the importance of human life, human connection and if life is even possible without either one of them. For more information on these screenings and all of this year’s Syracuse International Film Festival’s October 12-13 events, visit www.syrfilm.com or e-mail info@syrfilm.com.

S E N I L D A DE Deadlines for all articles and photos for the Jewish Observer are as follows. No exceptions will be made.


Monday, October 7, early............. October 24 Wednesday, October 23............... November 7 Wednesday, November 6........... November 21 Wednesday, November 20........... December 5

The Bobbi Epstein Lewis JCC Senior Adult Dining Program at the Sam Pomeranz Jewish Community Center offers Va’ad Ha’ir-supervised kosher lunches served Monday through Friday at noon. Lunch reservations are required by noon on the previous business day. There is a suggested contribution per meal. The menu is subject to change. The program is funded by a grant from the Onondaga County Department of Aging and Youth and the New York State Office for the Aging, with additional funds provided by the JCC. To attend, one need not be Jewish or a member of the JCC. For further information or to make a reservation, contact Cindy Stein at 315-4452360, ext. 104, or cstein@jccsyr.org.

“Moral Responsibility Toward Animals as Reflected in the Major Religions of the World” Short film, speaker, followed by discussion. Mon. Oct. 21 at 7 p.m. at Onondaga Free Library, 4840 W. Seneca Turnpike, Onondaga Hill. Free and open to the public. Sponsored by People for Animal Rights. Questions? (315)488-PURR, people4animalrightscny@gmail.com



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CONGREGATIONAL NOTES Congregation Beth Sholom-Chevra Shas At left, l-r: Shayna Nellis and Myah Pettiford displayed their hand-painted apple bags while apple picking with Congregation Beth SholomChevra Shas at Abbott’s Farm on September 8.

Sukkot and Simchat Torah around the community Congregation Beth SholomChevra Shas CBS-CS CELEBRATES CNY AT SUKKAH HARVESTFEST Experience local foods, beverages and music on Tuesday, October 15, from 8-10 pm. All community members over the age of 21 are welcome. To RSVP, e-mail director@cbscs.org. There is a $10 per person cover charge. DINE(R) IN THE SUKKAH On Saturday, October 19, from 8-9:30 pm, rock around the clock with a diner-themed vegetarian evening in the sukkah including a lulav shake. Participants are urged to come in ‘50s attire. Reservations are requested and may be made by e-mailing director@cbscs.org. Suggested donation is $10 per person. CELEBRATE SIMCHAT TORAH WITH CBS-CS On Tuesday, October 22, at 5:45 pm, Congregation Beth Sholom-Chevra Shas will celebrate Simchat Torah with a Torah service, which will start with singing and dancing with the CBS-CS Torahs, accompanied by the CBS-CS Simchat Torah Band. All participants are encouraged to sing and dance with the Torahs. Appetizers will be served between the hakafot, dances. After the seven hakafot, participants will return to the main sanctuary, where the congregation will read the conclusion of the Torah, the Seven Days of Creation from the beginning of the Torah, and the beginning of the Book of Joshua. The service is open to the community. For more information, contact CBS-CS at 315-446-9570 or manager@cbscs.org.

Sha’arei Torah Orthodox Congregation of Syracuse

Simchat Torah festivities will begin on Monday, October 21, with Mincha at 5:55 pm. Maariv and hakafot will begin at 7:05 pm. On Tuesday, October 22, Simchat Torah morning service festivities continue at 9 am, with the hakafot at 9:45 am. All Simchat Torah celebrations will consist of singing, dancing and rejoicing with the Torah with ruach. Students from Yeshiva University’s Torah Tours, sponsored by Selma Radin in memory of her husband, Sherwin Radin, and in honor of her family, will join in the festivities and share brief words of Torah . Refreshments – especially chocolate – will provide energy. After a pizza party, NCSY will go to Menorah Park to engage the residents with more singing and dancing.

Temple Adath Yeshurun BY SONALI MCINTYRE Temple Adath Yeshurun will offer its

members a variety of free programs for all ages for Sukkot and Simchat Torah on Sunday-Tuesday, October 13-22. On Sunday, October 13, the Tots and Family Dinner in the Sukkah will take place from 5-6:30 pm, when participants can decorate the sukkah and eat dinner. This program is funded by the Edward and Marilyn Steinberg Family Fund for Tiny Tots and Preschool Children’s Programming. For more information or to make a reservation, contact Alicia Gross at alicia@adath.org. On Monday, October 14, at 10 am, there will be a Sukkot service for school-age and young children, followed by Sundaes in the Sukkah, with make-your-own ice cream sundaes. Reservations are requested and may be made by contacting Cantor Esa Jaffe at school@adath.org. On Saturday, October 19, following Shabbat morning services, TAY invites members to Slices in the Sukkah. Reservations are requested and may be made by contacting the TAY office by Thursday, October 17, at 315-445-0002 or by e-mail at info@adath.org. On Monday, October 21, at 6 pm, there will be a Tots’ Simchat Torah service in addition to the evening services. At 6:30 pm, everyone will come together for the Simchat Torah family celebration with refreshments. Reservations are requested and may be made by contacting the TAY office by Friday, October 18, at 315-4450002 or info@adath.org. During the 9:15 am service on Tuesday, October 22, two special aliyot will be awarded. The kalat or hatan Torah marks the last aliyah in Deuteronomy and the kalat or hatan Bereshit marks the first aliyah in Genesis. The two aliyot are considered to be special honors. TAY will award these honors to two members for their service to the congregation. For more information about Temple Adath Yeshurun and its programming, call 315-445-0002, e-mail info@adath. org, or visit www.adath.org.

Temple Concord

On Wednesday, October 16, at 6:30 pm, “Sushi Under the Stars” will be hosted by Cantor Kari Siegel Eglash. On Saturday, October 19, at 7 pm, Rabbi Daniel Fellman will host “Scotch in the Sukkah.” The event is open to those over 21. Participants will be able to taste a variety of Scotch whiskey brands and enjoy snacks to complement the Scotch. Both events are casual and open to the public. There is a fee of $15 per person. Contact the TC office at 315-475-9952 or sign up using the TC online calendar templeconcord.org.

Temple Concord CINEMAGOGUE PRESENTS “DEFYING THE NAZIS” BY CHANA MEIR “Defying the Nazis: the Sharps’ War” will be screened at Temple Concord on Saturday, October 12, at 7:30 pm. The documentary tells the story of Waitstill and Martha Sharp, an American minister and his wife, who left their children and home to risk their lives rescuing political dissidents, refugees and Jews in Czechoslovakia years before America became engaged in World War II. Although the film was directed by Ken Burns, famed for long documentaries such as “The Civil War” and “Baseball,” this is a more intimate story, co-directed by the Sharps’ grandson, Artemis Joukowsky. It draws on a wealth of family and survivor interviews, juxtaposing reminiscences of the Sharps’ mission with footage of Nazi rallies and battlefield scenes for historical perspective. The movie features Tom Hanks and Marina Goldman, reading letters the Sharps wrote to one another. Cinemagogue events are free and open to the public, and donations are welcome. Candy and snacks are available. For more information, contact Temple Concord at 315-475-9952 or office@ templeconcord.org. TONY TRISCHKA AND HIS BANJO Temple Concord’s Regina F. Gold-

enberg Series will again present Tony Trischka and his band. A Syracuse native considered among the most influential banjo artists in the world, Trischka will perform at Temple Concord on Saturday, October 26, at 7 pm. A graduate of Nottingham High School, Trischka has toured globally for 45 years. He was nominated for two Grammy awards, performed in the 1984 feature film “Foxfire,” and has authored 15 instructional books and a DVD series on banjo playing. He also produced Steve Martin’s Grammy-nominated “Rare Bird Alert,” which features performances by Paul McCartney, the Dixie Chicks and the Steep Canyon Rangers. Joining Trischka will be guitarist Michael Daves and fiddler Avery Merritt, both well-known in the bluegrass music world. Goldenberg Series Chair Vicki Feldman said, “This is truly world-class entertainment. We look forward to welcoming Tony home to Syracuse and he will no doubt put on a phenomenal show.” General admission to the show is $25 and tickets can be reserved at 315-475-9952, or purchased at the TC office or in the Events section of www. templeconcord.org. Tickets purchased for the original show date will be honored for this performance.

Sukkot: The harvest festival and arrival of autumn BY ETHEL G. HOFMAN (JNS) – We are twice blessed. Sukkot, the harvest festival – and sometimes called the “Jewish Thanksgiving” – takes place this year in the middle of October, and a little over a month later, Thanksgiving in America is a holiday that many Jewish families have made their own, celebrating the good fortune to live in freedom and peace in the United States. During the eight-day observance of Sukkot (seven days in Israel), an abundance of fall produce can be found at farm stands, farmer’s markets and general grocery stores (yes, all things “pumpkin spice” have arrived). Now is the best time to buy organic, as tomatoes, corn, squash and more has to go before the coming of the cold weather. Sukkot starts on the evening of Sunday, October 13, this year. Sukkot is the plural of the Hebrew word sukkah (meaning “booths” or “tabernacles); hence, other name for the holiday is the “Feast of Booths” or “Feast of Tabernacles.” It must consist of at least three walls with a roof covered with schach (palm leaves, pine boughs, bamboo or other natural vegetation that lets the light shine through). Feasting in the sukkah is the keynote throughout the week, with some Jewish families eating all meals in these temporary huts. The traditions or mitzvahs of the holiday include taking the Four Species or Four Kinds – an etrog (citron), a lulav (palm frond), three hadassim (myrtle twigs) and two aravot (willow twigs) – and reciting a blessing over them and then waving them in six directions: right, left, forward, up, down and backwards. Of course, there is a real emphasis on food, family, friends and the great outdoors. Guests (ushpizin) for all these meals are welcome and encouraged. If you have time, desire and help, prepare ingredients the old-fashioned way: peel, core, chop and dice. Otherwise, many of the items, which stress fruits and vegetables, come prepared for you, with much of the labor already been done. Some dishes can be made ahead of time. All recipes serve

four to six people. Golden Vegetable Vichyssoise (Dairy) 2 yellow bell peppers, seeded 4 yellow tomatoes, cut up 4-5 cups vegetable broth 2 Tbsp. extra-virgin olive oil 1 3 / cup frozen chopped onion ½ tsp. bottled minced garlic 1 Tbsp. rice vinegar 6 basil leaves, shredded Pinch of dried thyme ¾ cup plain yogurt In the food processor, pulse the peppers and tomatoes until coarsely chopped. In a large saucepan, heat the olive oil over medium heat. Stir in the peppers, tomatoes, 4 cups vegetable broth and all the remaining ingredients, except the yogurt. Simmer for 5 minutes until vegetables are softened. Cool slightly. Whisk in the yogurt. If too thick, add a little more broth. Serve chilled or warm. Tip: Use scissors to shred fresh herbs. Tomato Bread Salad (Pareve) My first meal in Tunisia, then I was hooked! 2 beefsteak tomatoes, cut in ½-inch chunks 1 medium yellow tomato, cut in ½-inch chunks ½ cucumber, peeled and cut in ½-inch chunks 1 green zucchini, cut in ½-inch chunks ¼ red onion, thinly sliced ½ cup or more snipped mint 1½-2 cups pareve bread, torn in ½-inch pieces 1 3 / cup bottled vinaigrette dressing Salt and freshly ground pepper to taste Place all ingredients except dressing, salt and pepper in a large bowl. Toss to mix. Pour dressing over. Toss again. Season with salt and pepper to taste. Tip: A ripe red tomato has a deep color and gives just a tiny bit when squeezed gently. Keep in a cool, dark place (not the fridge) and use within two to three days. See “Sukkot” on page 12

OCTOBER 10, 2019/11 TISHREI 5780 ■


Fall events – NCJW and JMAC

On September 16, Cantor Esa Jaffe received this year’s National Council of Jewish Women’s Hannah G. Solomon Award. The award is given to women who have demonstrated exceptional service to the Jewish community and the community-at-large.


Rabbi Yaakov Rapoport helped Sam Elman make a shofar at JMAC. The community’s rabbis joined in the celebration at the annual Jewish Music and Cultural Festival on September 15. L-r: Temple Adath Yeshurun’s Rabbi Yehoshua Zehavi, Hillel’s Rabbi Joel Goldstein, Temple Concord’s Rabbi Daniel Fellman, Sha’arei Torah Orthodox Congregation of Syracuse’s Rabbi Evan Shore and Congregation Beth Sholom-Chevra Shas’ Rabbi Andrew Pepperstone.

JCC flu shot clinic coming October 23 Past recipients of the Hannah G. Solomon Award.

BY WILLIAM WALLAK The Sam Pomeranz Jewish Community Center of Syracuse will host a flu shot clinic on Wednesday, October 23, from 11 am-2:30 pm, at the Center, 5655 Thompson Rd., DeWitt. Medicare

and most insurances will be accepted. The clinic is being held in conjunction with Wegmans Pharmacy. Reservations are requested, although walk-ins are welcome. For more information, call 315-445-2360.

Some of the gifts collected and purchased by the Greater Syracuse Section At-Large of NCJW. Guests were asked to bring children’s items to donate to McCarthy@ Beard, a program run by the Syracuse City School District.

Your ad could be HERE! Contact Bonnie Rozen at 800-779-7896, ext 244 or bonnie@thereportergroup.org


Visit the JO online at jewishfederationcny.org and click on Jewish Observer



SYRACUSE’S OLD JEWISH COMMUNITY Jewish Community of the 15th Central New York Jewish cattle Ward Facebook group dealers BY BARBARA DAVIS Robin Meltzer and Lin Epstein are cousins. Robin grew up in Syracuse, but Lin was raised in the Bronx. Nonetheless, they share an interest in their common family history and, by 2011, they had assembled a comprehensive family tree chart with lots of names and dates. “But there was something missing,” Robin recalls. The tree lacked “the context of what it was like for our ancestors, recent immigrants from what is now Belarus, to carve out new lives in a new country, to start businesses, raise children, and reinvent themselves as Americans.” Lin is a certified archivist and she was convinced it was time for field research. When Robin told her that the “old neighborhood” was gone and there was no Syracuse Jewish archive or museum, Lin suggested starting a Facebook group for Syracuse Jewish genealogy. On December 11, 2011, they went live as “Jewish

At left: Certified a rc h i v i s t L i n Epstein suggested starting a Facebook group for Syracuse Jewish genealogy.

Community of the 15th Ward, Syracuse, New York.” At the beginning, they posted family photos and recipes from the 1964 Syracuse Hadassah cookbook, which proved very popular. People started joining, posting family photos, graduation programs, class pictures and World War I memorabilia. “We were careful to get each photo properly identified, so the site would be name- and keyword-searchable,” Robin notes. “We did record lookups for people, found their

See “Facebook” on page 8

At right: Epstein’s cousin, Robin Meltzer, served as associate producer on two film documentaries covering nearly 200 years of Jewish life in Syracuse: “Stories from the Syracuse Jewish Community” in 2014, followed by “People and Places of the Syracuse Jewish Community” in 2016. Both were produced by 15th Ward group member Jay Lurie, a photojournalist and documentary producer, and funded by the Judaic Heritage Center of Central New York, a beneficiary agency of the Jewish Federation of Central New York.

Barks & Rec

Specialty: Doggie daycare, hotel and self-service washand-go Location: 8098 Brewerton Rd. Cicero NY, 13039 Name: Maria Phone: 315-214-8122 E-mail: barksandrec@ymail.com Website: http://www.barksandrec.biz/ Facebook: www.facebook.com/BarksRec Hours: Mon.-Fri. 6:30 am-6:30 pm, Sat.-Sun 9 am-2 pm; 24/7 dog hotel “Here at Barks & Rec, whether your four-legged friend is here for daycare, boarding, grooming, or the Do-it-Yourself wash, we make it our priority to ensure that every one of our guests are as comfortable as possible during their stay,” says owner Maria. “Between the fenced-in woof-less Puppy-PlayPlace and the indoor Leash-Free-Lounge, our veterinarian recommended facility includes a multitude of amenities so that we can accommodate guests of all shapes and sizes. It can be real ruff staying home alone all day, waiting for your best friend to come home from work, so bring your furry friend down to Barks & Rec and we’ll turn that sad howl into a smile from the jowl!”

Serving CNY for your Real Estate needs...

BY BARBARA SHEKLIN DAVIS Juxtaposing the words “Jewish” and “cattle dealers” is unusual enough, but when you add the words “Central New York,” it almost seems highly unlikely; but Central New York Jewish cattle dealers were very much a real thing. A big thing, actually. Between 1815 and the eve of the Civil War, two million Germans emigrated to the United States. Among them was a contingent of German Jews, originating primarily from the backward southern and western regions of Germany. Barred from normal trades and professions, they were compelled to earn their livelihoods through other means. Most American Jews today are completely unaware of any Jewish connection to cattle dealing; but the fact is that in 19th century Germany, the trade and procurement of livestock (except hogs) in all rural areas was the exclusive province of Jews. They were called “brokers” and they sold produce and livestock in the countryside. In fact, according to the website German History in Documents and Images (germanhistorydocs.ghi-dc.org): “At a time when rural areas still had neither newspapers nor farmers’ associations, almost every sizeable estate had its own so-called ‘estate Jew,’ who organized all purchases and managed the buying and selling of livestock. The great confidence that these estate Jews enjoyed among farmers was

C21 Arquette Properties

Specialty: Residential real estate in the Fayetteville, Manlius, Jamesville, DeWitt and surrounding Syracuse areas, working for buyers and sellers Name: Barbara T. Miller, Licensed Associate Broker Location: 104 Salt Springs Rd. Fayetteville, NY 13066 Cell Phone: 315-382-3409 Office Phone: 315-256-9117 E-mail: bmiller@c21arquette.com Hours: Seven days a week Barbara T. Miller has more than 23 years’ experience as a full-time Licensed Associate Broker specializing in residential real estate in the Fayetteville, Manlius, Jamesville, DeWitt and surrounding Syracuse areas. She has been trained as a relocation specialist and has successfully helped countless families and professionals move in and out of the Syracuse area. Barbara is a multi-million dollar producer and has won the GSAR Silver Achievement Award. “Whatever your needs, when you work with me, you can expect the highest quality professional real estate services available,” notes Barbara. “I welcome the opportunity to bring buyers and sellers together using my strong negotiation skills, knowledge and unrelenting commitment to help your achieve your goals... your dreams.” Please support our advertisers and tell them you saw their ad here in The

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Laurie Kushner

Licensed Real Estate Salesperson HUNT Realestate ERA 7650 Highbridge Rd., Suite 210 Manlius, NY 13104 Laurie.kushner@huntrealestate.com 315-420-2668 Cell 315-682-7197 Office 315-672-8914 Fax RealestatebyLaurieKushner.com

Wishing you a Happy New Year!

Residential/Commercial 6340 Danbury Drive Jamesville, NY 13078-9729 (315) 446-0966 Fax (315) 446-1555 Email:LMPainting@aol.com

L-r: Alex and Jack Lyon often passed down for generations.” But being a livestock dealer was not without its downside. In Germany, if a young Jewish man wanted to get married, he not only had to purchase an expensive matrikel or registration certificate, but also had to prove that he was engaged in a “respectable” trade or profession. Cattle dealing, like peddling, was consider “unrespectable.” “Facing an endless bachelorhood,” writes Howard Sachar, “many preferred to try their fortunes See “Cattle” on page 11

Cheryl E. Schotz – Howard Hanna R.E. Services

Specialty: Real estate in the Manlius/Syracuse area Location: 102 W. Seneca St. #110 Manlius, NY 13104 Name: Cheryl E. Schotz Phones: 315-682-9500, ext. 329 315-447-4062 E-mail: cherylschotz@howardhanna.com Website: cherylschotz.howardhanna.com No one knows more about the opportunities in Syracuse and the surrounding areas than Cheryl E. Schotz, “The Manlius Specialist – Making All the Best Things Happen!” Cheryl is a licensed associate real estate broker with Howard Hanna R.E. Services. She has been a full-time agent since 1981, focusing on Fayetteville-Manlius, Pompey, Jamesville, DeWitt, Syracuse East, Cazenovia and Skaneateles. She specializes in several areas of real estate – listing agent, buyer broker, new construction, relocation, first-time buyer and senior residential specialist. Cheryl continues to upgrade her education, people skills and computer skills, giving her a competitive edge among real estate professionals. She is on the Jewish Federation, Jewish Community Foundation of CNY and the Greater Manlius Chamber of Commerce boards, and was the recipient of the 2018 Hanna G. Solomon Award. Cheryl is always available to assist you at 315-447-4062 or cherylschotz@howardhanna.com.

OCTOBER 10, 2019/11 TISHREI 5780 ■

Old Syracuse Can you identify these Jewish places? What were they then and what are they now? Send your answers to Jewish Observer Editor Bette Siegel at jewishobservercny@ gmail.com or call 315-445-2040, ext. 116.

Fashion Exchange Consignment Clothing

Specialty: Women’s consignment clothier Location: Lyndon Corners 6903 E. Genesee St. Fayetteville, NY 13066 Name: Jean Daily Phone: 315-251-0414 E-mail: Feconsignment@gmail.com Hours: Mon.-Fri. 10 am-6 pm, Sat. 10 am-5 am Fashion Exchange Consignment Clothing is located at Lyndon Corners in DeWitt. The shop offers gently used as well as new upscale boutique women’s clothing sized 0-24. Labels include Bryn Walker, Lilith, Gucci, Carlisle and Chico’s. Fashion Exchange provides a large selection of clothing, handbags, jewelry and more. New items arrive daily and consignors provide goods from all over the world! Come in for a truly a unique shopping experience. Fashion Exchange accepts consignments by appointment only and is always looking for designer clothing and handbags. Stop in and see what’s new! Gift certificates are available.

Howard Hanna Real Estate Services

Specialty: Residential real estate Location: 102 W. Seneca St. Suite 110 Manlius, NY 13104 Name: Beth R. MacCrindle, Licensed Real Estate Salesperson Phones: 315-682-9500, ext. 354 315-299-7794 (cell) E-mail: bethmaccrindle@howardhanna.com Website: howardhanna.com Hours: Mon.-Fri. 8 am-5 pm, also available nights and weekends “My priority is completely satisfied clients who want to refer me,” says Beth R. MacCrindle, an Associate RE Broker at Howard Hanna Real Estate Services. “My clients work directly with me throughout the entire process. I encourage them to contact me anytime, even after their house has closed. I want to thank community members for entrusting me with their real estate needs for over five years.” Beth’s strengths include understanding color, space and design, as she taught art for many years. “My creative abilities extend into marketing and negotiating the best deal for you,” says Beth. “I will work hard for you in every detail and step of the way. I also have sophisticated photographic equipment to help show off the features of your property! Consider ‘interviewing’ me if you’re thinking of buying or selling your home.”


Visit the JO online at jewishfederationcny.org and click on Jewish Observer






long-lost cousins, located their parents’ passenger manifests. People shared their stories, recollections about how neighbors and friends supported each other through the rigors of adjusting to a new country, the crises of the Great Depression, and the upheavals of World War II. This sharing was not limited by geography – people with roots in Jewish Syracuse signed up from Florida, California, Alaska, Tel Aviv, Paris and Wales.” Today the 15th Ward Facebook group has 1,245 members. People can join by going to the site, https:// www.facebook.com/groups/15thward, clicking the “Join Group” button, and answering three brief screening questions. Robin says that people use the group to find living people – friends, neighbors and relatives. “Sometimes they are trying to confirm a memory or find out someone’s name. Most often, the group is a reunion, a place where people can go to find others who remember the same things they do. With both the 15th Ward and the Jewish landmarks of East Fayette-Croly essentially erased, the Facebook group is a virtual town square, the place where former neighbors can still meet on common ground. “People who are pursuing Syracuse Jewish genealogy will find no better place than the 15th Ward Facebook group,” Robin adds. She is an administrator of Tracing the Tribe: Jewish Genealogy on Facebook, a Jewish genealogy Facebook group of more than 30,000 people from all over the world. Whenever she spots someone joining with a Syracuse connection, she steers them to the 15th Ward page, as well. “Big online groups are great at finding and interpreting records,” she says, “but I can introduce you to your cousins, and 15 th Ward members can put so much in context for you.” The 15th Ward group also has a substantial online archive of family and professional photos, most of which are fully identified. The group is searchable by name or keyword, so it is easy to find photos of relatives. Robin also has access to a lot of material that is not online, including a 1919

Continued from page 6

Syracuse City Telephone Directory, Dau’s Blue Books, synagogue annuals and programs from Jewish community events. The group also serves as a resource on local Jewish history. When the Syracuse JCC celebrated its 150th anniversary in 2013, 15th Ward group members supplied historical information and memorabilia for exhibits and articles. Recently, a member of the Safe Haven Museum board joined the group so she could locate the headstones of two Jewish refugees buried in Syracuse, and have other refugees’ headstone inscriptions translated into English. Martin Birnbaum located the Syracuse headstones and Robin translated the Hebrew inscriptions. Lin is involved with the 15th Ward reunions that take place in the Civic Center in Delray Beach, FL. Bert Maloff, z’’l, started the Florida reunions in 2012 and there have been three such get-togethers since then. Rick Snyder has now taken the helm of the Hilbert Maloff Reunions, named for their founder. There is always a good turnout and people enjoy getting together and reminiscing. Syracuse transplants to the Sunshine State, as well as snowbirds, are invited to join together for food, conversation and shared memories of Jewish life in Central New York. Another outgrowth of the Facebook group was the creation of two documentaries covering nearly 200 years of Jewish life in Syracuse: “Stories from the Syracuse Jewish Community” in 2014, followed by “People and Places of the Syracuse Jewish Community” in 2016. Both were produced by 15th Ward group member Jay Lurie, a photojournalist and documentary producer, and funded by the Judaic Heritage Center of Central New York, a beneficiary agency of the Jewish Federation of Central New York. Inspired by what he saw on the Facebook page, and the answers he received about his own family’s history, Jay interviewed dozens of people who had called Syracuse home, traveling to New York City, Philadelphia and Florida to record those precious memories. As Robin

says, “People were clamoring to tell their stories, share their memorabilia, to preserve the legacies of their parents and grandparents.” Robin served as associate producer. Another unique feature of the group is the weekly Shabbat greeting accompanied by a work of art that reflects the theme of the week’s parasha. Robin, the sender, says that the weekly greeting grew out of a page in the 1964 Syracuse Hadassah cookbook with ads for the kosher grocery stores on East Fayette Street. “I remember going to all of them with my mother on Thursday afternoon, how crowded it was and how everyone would wish each other ‘Good Shabbos.’ So I tried to give people an opportunity to continue that.” When they began the group, Lin said, “Neither Robin nor I had any idea of what it would become.” Her favorite part of the project, besides the old photographs, is the many family connections people discover. “If the rest of the world has six degrees of separation, Syracuse Jews have one, two at the most,” she says, adding, “I’ve learned a lot about the Jewish community, both past and present. I mourn the loss of our elders, even if I didn’t know them growing up. Through the page, I have become part of the community and I have been welcomed in with open arms.” Robin reminds everyone that “each of us has a role in preserving Syracuse Jewish history, and that stories unshared will ultimately be lost.” But sometimes people are reluctant to share because their mementos are so personally meaningful and valuable that they are reluctant to part with them, even briefly. The beauty of the Facebook page is that you can upload photos and other memorabilia and never let them out of your possession. Thanks to two inspired and dedicated volunteers, the Jewish Community of the 15th Ward Facebook page has become an invaluable community resource for remembering and sharing our heritage.

Judy Winslow – HUNT Real Estate ERA

L-M Painting

Specialty: Licensed associate real estate broker Location: 7650 Highbridge Rd. Suite 210 Manlius, NY 13104 Name: Judy M. Winslow, ABR, CRS, SRES Phone: 315-682-1950 E-mail: judy.winslow@huntrealestate.com Website: www.judywinslowrealtor.com Hours: Always open Judy Winslow’s real estate career started more than 30 years ago in New York City selling commercial real estate. Today, she is repeatedly one of the top producing associate real estate brokers for HUNT Real Estate ERA. “Every single client gets my undivided attention. And all of my clients benefit from my professionalism,” says Judy. “My negotiation skills, creative marketing and conflict resolution abilities are what get deals done. Contact me today and get your house sold! I love serving as your professional CNY realtor. I sincerely believe Central New York is a great place to live!”

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Specialty: Quality interior/exterior residential and commercial painting with a personal touch Name: Larry Metzger Location: 6340 Danbury Dr. Jamesville, NY 13078-9729 Phone: 315-446-0966 Fax: 315-446-1555 E-mail: LMPainting@aol.com Serving Central New York for 38 years, L-M Painting provides professional, quality and personalized service to its many satisfied customers. Owner Larry Metzger takes the time to discuss every project’s details, assisting customers in color selection with a variety of samples. Larry often works alongside his crew – when the job’s complete, your home or workplace will be left immaculate. The company repairs water-damaged ceilings and walls, and can do other minor repairs. Wall covering removal, and interior and exterior painting are among the services offered. Larry is a longtime member of the Painting & Decorating Contractors of America and serves on its Executive Board as treasurer of the Central New York chapter. L-M Painting is rated a 5-Star Contractor by The Home Depot and Angie’s List. L-M Painting is fully insured and offers free estimates.

Laurie Kushner – Licensed Real Estate Salesperson

Specialty: Residential real estate in Central New York Location: 7650 Highbridge Rd., Suite 210 Manlius NY 13104 Name: Laurie Kushner Phone: 315-420-2668 E-mail: laurie.kushner@huntrealestate.com Website: RealEstatebyLaurieKushner.com Laurie Kushner is a licensed Real Estate Salesperson working for HUNT Real Estate ERA in Manlius. She received the 2017 Rising Star Award for new agents from Hunt Manlius and is now part of the House2Home Team. “I am excited to be working in the real estate industry with this amazing company!” says Laurie. “I have lived in Manlius for the last 30 years and have raised my children here. I am proud to call Central New York my home! As a certified personal trainer, Cancer Exercise Specialist, and a fourth degree black belt in Tae Kwon Do, I know what commitment and hard work entail. I am ready to work hard for you to find the home that is the perfect fit!”

OCTOBER 10, 2019/11 TISHREI 5780 ■


Israeli researchers unveil face of Denisovan girl, an extinct humanoid cousin BY JNS STAFF (JNS) – A team led by two Hebrew University of Jerusalem researchers unveiled on September 19 the first reconstructed anatomical profile of a group of archaic humans called Denisovans. Professor Liran Carmel and Dr. David Gokhman said their team produced reconstructions of these ancient relatives over a three-year period based on patterns of their ancient DNA methylation, or chemical changes that affect a gene’s A portrait of a female Denisovan activity, but not its underlying DNA teenager. (Photo by Maayan Harel) sequence. Denisovans lived in Siberia and

Eastern Asia before going extinct approximately 50,000 years ago. Since researchers made their first discovery in 2008, the entire collection of Denisovan remains includes three teeth, a pinky bone and a lower jaw. The team proved their model to be about 85 percent accurate by using the same methodology to create anatomical models of Neanderthals – another group of archaic humans who went extinct in Europe about 40,000 years ago – and chimpanzees. Commenting on the accuracy of the Denisovans’ profile, Carmel said, “One


of the most exciting moments happened a few weeks after we sent our paper to peer review. Scientists had discovered a Denisovan jawbone. We quickly compared this bone to our predictions and found that it matched perfectly. Without even planning it, we received independent confirmation of our ability to reconstruct whole anatomical profiles using DNA that we extracted from a single fingertip.” Many mysteries about Denisovans remain and Carmel acknowledged that “there is still a long way to go to answer these questions.” But, she said, “our study sheds light on how Denisovans adapted to their environment, highlighting traits that are unique to modern humans and which separate us from these other, now extinct, human groups.”

New online resource explores British Library’s collection of ancient sacred texts BY JNS STAFF (JNS) – The British Library, the largest national library in the world by number of items catalogued, has made available its collection of 250 of the most rare and ancient religious texts online, many available to the public for the first time. According to the September 24 press release, the online collection, titled “Discovering Sacred Texts,” is accessible online for free from around the world at www.bl.uk/projects/discovering-sacred-texts. It includes access to an “incredible range” of texts, videos and

curated articles, including one of the only copies of the Talmud that escaped public burnings suffered by most of the other Jewish law books during the Middle Ages. Also in the collection are the first complete printed text of the Mishnah; the Gaster Bible, one of the earliest surviving Hebrew biblical codices, created in Egypt around the 10th century C.E.; the Johann Gutenberg Bible, probably the most famous Bible in the world and the earliest full-scale work printed in Europe using moveable type; the earliest surviving copy of the complete New Testament, Codex Sinaiticus, which dates from the fourth

century; and the Ma’il Koran, one of the very earliest Korans in the world, dating back to the eighth century. The project was supported by Dangoor Education and Allchurches Trust, among other donors, with the goal of providing access to the “richness and diversity of the texts from the world’s great faiths.” According to the press release, the online catalogue was designed for religious education students, teachers and lifelong learners to learn about Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Buddhism, Hinduism, Sikhism, Jainism, the Baha’i faith and Zoroastrianism.

Malara Eyecare & Eyewear Gallery

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William M. Tucker, M.D.

Specialty: “Professional Eye Care With A Personal Touch” Locations: Fayetteville and Liverpool offices Names: Dr. Richard Malara and Dr. Matthew Durkin Phones: 315-622-3500 (Liverpool) 315-445-9856 (Fayetteville) Faxes: 315-622-3522 (Liverpool) 315-445-9802 (Fayetteville) E-mails: liverpool@drmalara.com fayetteville@drmalara.com Website: www.DrMalara.com Hours: Evenings and Saturday appointments available in both offices Dr. Richard Malara has been providing “Professional Eye Care With A Personal Touch” to the people of Central New York since 1992. He has been involved in numerous “Gift of Sight” community service projects, as well as many overseas medical missions projects. Dr. Malara is a Syracuse native who has chosen to locate his practices here to give back to the community he was raised in. Dr. Matthew Durkin grew up in Central New York and has been practicing in this area for over 15 years. He loves to take the time to educate his patients throughout the exam process. The experienced and friendly doctors and staff provide state-of-the-art eye care while keeping your individual needs and concerns as their primary focus. “We’re your local Eyecare and Eyewear Gallery.”

Specialty: Investment advisory services and products Location: 34 Aspen Park Blvd. East Syracuse, NY 13057 Name: Brett S. Kuppermann, Financial Advisor Phones: 315-671-1865 – office 315-727-2888 – cell E-mail: brett.kuppermann@nm.com Website: www.brettkuppermann.com Brett S. Kuppermann offers investment advisory services and products through Northwestern Mutual Investment Services: bonds, cash management, CDs, money market funds, mutual funds, stocks, treasury bills and UITs. Life insurance can ensure that your loved ones have the financial security to live out their dreams, whether it’s paying off the mortgage, funding college or leaving a legacy. Individual disability insurance can protect your ability to earn an income, as most group plans cover only a portion of your income. Most people hope to enjoy a long life as long as it’s on their own terms, including living independently. Life doesn’t always happen accordingly. An unexpected accident, illness or injury can change your life. Having a plan for long-term care may be the most important step you can take to ensure the future financial security of you and your family.

See “Online” on page 10

Specialty: Ophthalmology Location: 4000 Medical Center Dr. Ste. 207 Fayetteville, NY 13066 Name: William M. Tucker, M.D. Phone: 315-637-1010 Fax: 315-315-2010 E-mail: office@tuckereyecare.com Website: www.tuckereyecare.com Hours: Mon.-Thurs. 7:30 am-5 pm, Fri. 7:30 am-12 pm Dr. William Tucker, born and raised in Syracuse, graduated from Nottingham High School, Swarthmore College, University of Virginia Medical School, University of Rochester (Strong Memorial Hospital) Residency in Internal Medicine and Pediatrics, and University of Washington Residency and Research Fellowship in Ophthalmology. He achieved board certification in Ophthalmology as well as Internal Medicine, a rare combination. Dr. Tucker has practiced ophthalmology in the Syracuse area since 1988, treating patients with many eye diseases, including cataracts, glaucoma, dry eye and macular degeneration. He specializes in dry eye care, running an accredited dry eye center. He provides eye care to patients of all ages, especially patients with emergency eye problems. Dr. Tucker’s family taught him the importance of helping others. Carrying on his family tradition, he supports numerous community charities and the Dalai Lama.

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Sukkot – zman simchateinu – season of our joy BY RABBI DANIEL FELLMAN Our Jewish tradition loves names. Each of us carries not only our own names, but the names of our parents, as well. Most of us are named for someone, adding another layer to the richness. And even our holidays have multiple names. Rosh Hashanah is called hayom harat olam – the day the world began. Pesach is called chag hamatzot – holi-

Calendar Highlights

To see a full calendar of community events, visit the Federation's community calendar online at www.jewishfederationcny.org. Please notify jstander@jewishfederationcny.org of any calendar changes.

Monday, October 7 Early Deadline for October 24 Jewish Observer Saturday, October 12 Temple Concord Cinemagogue presents the film “Defying the Nazis: the Sharps’ War” at 7:30 pm Sunday, October 13 Erev Sukkot Monday, October 14 Sukkot day 1 Federation and JCC offices closed Tuesday, October 15 Sukkot day 2 Federation and JCC offices closed TC Talmud class with Rabbi Daniel Fellman at 12:30 pm Epstein School at CBS-CS at 6:30 pm Wednesday, October 16 JNF/Arava Institute “The Dialogue Project” environmental peacebuilding in the Middle East in SU’s 220 Eggers Hall from 6-7:30 pm Community Hebrew School at Temple Concord from 4-6 pm CBS-CS board meeting at 7:30 pm TAY board meeting at 7:30 pm TC Sushi in the Sukkah with Cantor Kari Siegel Eglash at 6:30 pm Saturday, October 19 CBS-CS Dine(r) in the Sukkah at 8 pm Sunday, October 20 TC Brotherhood at 9:30 am TC Sisterhood at 9:30 am TC gan program at 10:30 am Syracuse Jewish Family Service film/discussion series: Views on Aging, “Monsieur Ibrahim” at Menorah Park at 3 pm CBS-CS Lost in Our Books at 10:30 am Monday, October 21 Shemini Atzeret – Federation and JCC offices closed Tuesday, October 22 Simchat Torah – Federation and JCC offices closed CBS-CS Simchat Torah Celebration at 5:45 pm Wednesday, October 23 Community Hebrew School at Temple Concord from 4-6 pm CRC meeting 4:30-6 pm Thursday, October 24 Foundation Board meeting at 4:45 pm Saturday, October 26 TC Regina F. Goldenberg Series presents Tony Trischka (rescheduled from January) at 7 pm. Tickets available at templeconcord.org or call 315-475-9952. Sunday, October 27 TC Red Cross blood drive starting at 9 am TC Intro to Judaism at 11 am CBS-CS Lost in Our Books at 10:30 am Monday, October 28 CBS-CS Talmud class with Rabbi Andrew Pepperstone at 12 pm and 7 pm CBS-CS Torah Trope class at 8:15 pm Tuesday, October 29 Epstein School at CBS-CS at 6:30 pm

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day of unleavened bread. Shavuot is called zman matan Torah – the day of the gift of Torah. And Sukkot, which we will soon celebrate, is known as zman simchateinu, season of our joy. Each of those names tells of some special aspect of the holiday. The odd name among the whole batch is the alternate name for Sukkot; for almost any holiday in the Jewish calendar could be called a time of joy. So why does Sukkot earn the title? On a simple level, Sukkot celebrates the major harvest of the year. By the time the holiday is celebrated, the heavy work of harvesting has been completed. Sukkot’s eight days of celebration mark a time to relax, exhale, enjoy the bounty of the harvest. On a deeper level, the joy of Sukkot reminds us of the overwhelming hope and optimism of the Jewish people. Sukkot is a time of gathering with our friends and loved ones, a time to come together and realize our many blessings. Sukkot reminds us that the hard work of agriculture – and the hard work of Rosh

Hashanah and Yom Kippur – have real value. All the effort finds a reward sitting at the Sukkot table with family and friends. As we sit in the sukkah, a reminder of the harvest and the impermanence of all life, we might naturally drift toward pessimism – thinking all things will fade away. But the holiday’s rituals turn us instead toward hope and eternity. We welcome guests – both real live guests and the ushpizin, the holy visitors to our sukkah. We shake a lulav and etrog – reminders of the harvest and our eternal bounty. And we share time and food with others – connecting, sharing, seeing the goodness which surrounds every one of us. Sukkot, with its reminders of the temporary and impermanent in life, seems like the least likely candidate to nurture hope. Yet our gatherings do just that – building optimism among us as we look back and ahead, celebrating with guests, enjoying the bounty of the natural world. What could possibly give more joy?! Rabbi Daniel Fellman is the rabbi at Temple Concord.

Pittsburgh Jewish community reflects on past year, discusses future plans BY JNS STAFF (JNS) – Members of Pittsburgh’s Jewish community convened a press conference on September 20 to talk about the October 27 synagogue massacre almost a year


European court: Holocaust denial is not protected by human-rights law

Holocaust denial is not a form of freedom of expression protected under the European Human Rights Convention, a top European court ruled on Oct. 3 in regards to a case from nearly a decade ago. German right-wing extremist Udo Pastoers, who suggested in a 2010 speech that the Holocaust never happened, was convicted in 2012 under Germany’s law against the intentional defamation of Jews. He filed a complaint against the conviction with the European Court of Human Rights in 2014, claiming that his statements were protected by Article 10, which protects freedom of expression. ECHR judges ruled unanimously that his complaint was “manifestly ill-founded and had to be rejected,” given that he “had intentionally stated untruths in order to defame the Jews and the persecution that they had suffered.” The judges also rejected his complaint that he was denied a fair trial in Germany. In Pastoers’ speech, he said “the so-called Holocaust is being used for political and commercial purposes,” and also referred to a “barrage of criticism and propagandistic lies” and “Auschwitz projections.” The court said his speech “was a qualified Holocaust denial showing disdain to its victims and running counter to established historical facts.” “[He] intentionally stated untruths in order to defame Jews and the persecution that they had suffered,” the court explained, adding that such statements “could not attract the protection for freedom of speech” offered by the European Convention on Human Rights “as they ran counter to the values of the Convention itself.”


Continued from page 2

protection, on the one hand, and, on the other hand, in and of itself a profitable project, which has created jobs for many members of the Negev communities.” Personally, he added, he’s “proud to be given the opportunity to build meaningful mega-projects in Israel and abroad, and plan to promote similar projects in the future.” Yosef Abramowitz, solar-energy activist and CEO of Energiya Global, which develops non-polluting energy sources in Africa, is pleased to see new developments in the field. “We need as many of these plants as possible as soon as possible to get rid of the use of fossil fuel,” he said. “It’s also a very good thing they’re diversifying between the solar technologies that use heat versus light.” So how do Israel’s 21st-century energy challenges differ from other countries’ issues? “We are isolated here in that, if we experienced an energy crisis, we could not rely on our neighbors to help us out,” Steinitz told JNS. “We know we have to balance the need for energy security, which is a high priority, with the critical need to create sources of renewable healthy energy. Israel needs them both.”

ago and their plans moving forward. At the Jewish Federation of Greater Pittsburgh, a panel of leaders from the three congregations housed in the Tree of Life*Or L’Simcha Synagogue building discussed how their members have been coping in the aftermath of the attack, and the struggle of taking care of their congregants and themselves. Rabbi Jeffrey Myers from Tree of Life said, “I live with October 27 every minute of every hour of every day, and I will for the rest of my life. Each of us finds the strength and the courage to integrate what happened into our beings, to move forward. I refuse to let the perpetrator make me another full-time victim. I won’t let it happen. I refuse.” Stephen Cohen, co-president of the New Light synagogue, said his congregation is “committed to moving back to the Tree of Life building,” but he expects that process to “take many years.” He also called for a discussion with state and city officials on how to memorialize the deadly shooting. Details were also revealed regarding the “Remember. Repair. Together” program (pittsburghoct27.org/), complete with planned volunteer opportunities and Torah study. The Jewish Family and Community Services said therapists would be on site during High Holiday services for congregants affiliated with Tree of Life*Or L’Simcha, Dor Hadash and New Light, with additional clinicians being provided to other congregations upon request. The Center for Victims also planned to continue to offer support through the High Holidays, and at all public and private commemoration events.


Continued from page 9

“I am delighted to be involved in such an important and innovative project, which will bring to the public for the first time some of the world’s oldest and most sacred texts,” said David Dangoor, head of the Dangoor Education fund. “These texts form the bedrock of our human civilization and when compared and contrasted by their viewers will demonstrate that our sacred texts all speak a similar language of humanity, compassion and the norms of a fair and equitable society. They all have much to teach us and it is extremely welcome that they are now more accessible.”

Image of the first complete Mishnah. (Photo courtesy The British Library)

OCTOBER 10, 2019/11 TISHREI 5780 ■


Continued from page 6

abroad.” In the first decades of the 20 century, some 27,000 German Jews left their homeland for the greener pastures and greater freedom of America. Many of them were cattle dealers. An even more dire situation arose with the rise of Nazism. Jewish cattle dealers frequently loaned money to those with whom they dealt, and were frequently accused of greed and usury. “Nazis to Bar Jewish Cattle Dealers,” the Jewish Daily Bulletin reported in 1933, explaining that it has been “reliably learned that within a week orders will be promulgated prohibiting Jews from engaging in the cattle trade…. The order prohibiting Jews from engaging in the cattle trade will be based on the pretext that Jewish dealers are deceiving and underpaying German peasants. It will affect hundreds of Jewish cattle-dealers whose families have engaged in the trade for generations.” At first, there was resistance to the prohibition. “German municipalities tried to promote Judenfrei cattle markets, but many farmers boycotted them – not because of philo-Semitism, but because ‘Aryan’ prices were deemed too high. For a time, German farmers prohibited the distribution of the Nazi newspaper Der Stürmer at their cattle auctions because it kept Jewish cattle dealers away,” reported journalist Daphna Berman. But within a short period of time, Der Stürmer began to publish the names of German farmers who continued to do business with Jews, branding them enemies of the state. Berman interviewed Germans living today in the towns where Jews used to exist. The neighbors recalled that “Jews had no soil. They didn’t milk cows. They only traded. People looked at Jews as if they didn’t work.” The aging farmers Berman interviewed told her that it never occurred to them that the Jews couldn’t own land. “They saw trading as part of the Jews’ nature,” she wrote. Against this background, many more Jewish cattle dealers fled. Between 1938 and 1940 about 75,000 German Jewish refugees arrived in the United States, to join those who had come before them. Unlike the immigrants from Eastern Europe who settled in urban areas and worked as peddlers or in sweatshops, remaining connected to larger Jewish communities, the German Jewish cattle dealers settled in rural areas to reinvent the lives they led in Germany prior to the rise of Nazism. They were comfortable living in small towns and villages with few co-religionists. In this they were very different from the German Jews who founded the first synagogue in Syracuse, who returned from their peddling routes each Friday to observe the Sabbath together. Rhonda F. Levine, author of “Class, Network, and Identity: Replanting Jewish Lives from Nazi Germany to Rural New York,” writes that the Jewish cattle dealers had little difficulty leading Jewish lives in predominantly non-Jewish areas, adding, “This is not to argue that a Jewish community was unimportant but that their larger concern was simply to return to cattle dealing.” Within a few decades, approximately 90 percent of the cattle dealers in South Central New York were German Jews, who controlled most of the cattle-dealing business from the early 1950s through the late 1970s. Wives also played a big role. “Women’s economic activities help their families return to the self-employed, middle-class lifestyle they once enjoyed in Germany,” notes Levine. “Whether it was through sweat equity earned from working on the farm or profits gained from running summer guest houses, women’s primary accumulation contributed to the initial capital that enabled their husbands to develop their cattle-dealing business.” The family names may be familiar to those whose roots go back: Greenhouse, Naistadt, Levy, Meltzer, Hodes, Spevak, Fox, Talent, Grinsky. Locally, one of the most prominent dealers was Alex Lyon, who purchased a farm and property in Bridgeport. The Alex Lyon Livestock Company primarily handled negotiations of cattle and farm machinery, ultimately becoming one of the largest dealers in New York state. Its reputation for quality grew with its sales volume. th

But cattle-dealing had attracted Jews because it was an occupation that did not require them to own land; they didn’t generally own cows; they were traders and bankers and dealers. Free from the occupational restrictions of life in Germany, most children of the dealers followed the pattern of second-generation immigrants and went to college and into the professions. But the descendants of those original cattle-dealers were also free to continue the trade or turn it into something different. For example, Jack Lyon, Alex’s son, expanded their cattle auction business into what is today a worldwide heavy construction equipment auctioning company. Lou and Gary Davis started the G & L Davis Meat Company in 1946 at a plant on Syracuse’s north side. They purchased veal calves at regional auctions and shipped the animals to their plant for processing. Today, Lou’s son, Steve, heads the Gianelli Sausage Company, a major brand famous throughout the Northeast. Lillian Hess, whose late husband, Fritz, was the East Syracuse Minoa School superintendent, recalls that his family came to the United States around 1938. “The family required a sponsor to assure that they would not become dependent,” she recalls. “His father, Herman, worked any job that he could get. Fritz recalled how red and sore his hands became washing dishes many hours in order to put food on the table for the four young boys. Rosa, the mother, rented rooms in the apartment to help too.” Eventually, the family “scraped enough money together in order to buy a small farm in Willet, NY. It was an extremely primitive abode. Water had to be obtained from an outside pipe.” When World War II started, Walter and Harry were inducted to serve in the U.S. Army. Walter fought through the Battle of the Bulge and Harry fought in the jungle of Burma; Fritz served two years in the Army after finishing college. When the boys came home after the war, the Hess family bought another farm in Killawog. Elaine Hess Green grew up there, in an area between Marathon and Whitney Point. She recalls that there were other Jewish families in the area, but there was not a significant Jewish community. The Hess family carried on the cattle-dealing tradition. “The family was well-liked in the community and participated in village and school activities where Walter was president of the Marathon school board, both men were in the Masons,” noted Lillian. The family business prospered. Today, Hess Livestock is still very much in business in Marathon. Other families used their cattle-dealing skills to move into auctioneering, trucking and car sales. The story of the German Jews who came to this country to work as cattle dealers is a fascinating chapter in New York Jewish history. While not well-known, it is illustrative of the ways in which Jews took full advantage of whatever opportunities they were given, and through ingenuity and hard work, managed to become successful. This column is sponsored by Bernie and Ona Cohn Bregman.

To advertise, please contact Bonnie Rozen at 800-779-7896, ext 244 or bonnie@ thereportergroup.org


Ruby Diamond, 101½, died on September 19 in Delray Beach, FL. Born in New York City, she lived in Syracuse from 1937 until retiring to Florida in 2000. She worked with her late husband, Abraham, in their family business, Ajax Window Cleaning Co. She will always be remembered for her wonderful Monday night family dinners and her fierce competitiveness at the poker table. She was predeceased by her husband, Abraham and their son, Gerald. She is survived by her sons, Martin (Sharon), Sheldon (Sandy) and daughter-in-law Sandy; grandchildren, Tammy (Ted), Alan, Michelle, Arthur (Lisa), Meg, Tracy and Scott; and nine great-grandchildren. Burial was in Beth El Cemetery. Sisskind Funeral Service had arrangements. Contributions in her memory may be made to a charity on one’s choice. 


Michele Anne Tremont Kruth, 70, died on September 26 at St. Joseph’s Hospital. She was a life resident of Syracuse, a graduate of St. Patrick’s High School, a member of Pulaski Puritan Chapter Order of the Eastern Star, a friend of the Pulaski Library, and a past member of Temple Adath Yeshurun. She was a stay-at-home mom who devoted her time to her children as a leader of their Brownies, Cub Scouts and Boy Scouts troops. She was honored to have been a unit commissioner for the Boy Scouts of America. She will be remembered for her love of cooking shows, online shopping and being the bubbe who showered her family, and especially her grandchildren, with special gifts she knew they would love. She is survived by her husband of 47 years, Norman; their children, Aaron (Cindy), Joshua and Rachel; her granddaughters, Hannah and Natalyn; and her brothers-in-law Sheldon (Karen), Marc (Tina) and Louis (Marianne). Burial was in Beth El Cemetery. Sisskind Funeral Service had arrangements. Contributions in her memory may be made to a charity of one’s choice. 

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Homeless man pleads guilty to synagogue fire in Duluth




NEWS IN BRIEF A homeless man pleaded guilty on Sept. 24 to accidentally setting fire to a historic synagogue in Duluth, MN, on Sept. 9 that destroyed the building and caused a firefighter to be hospitalized. Matthew James Amiot, 36, confessed that he tried to stay warm when he lit a small fire that spread out of control and affected the 118-year-old Adas Israel Congregation. Accelerants were not detected at the scene, and authorities have said there is “no reason to believe that this is a bias or hate crime.”


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U.S. downgrades participation in summit geared to raise money for P.A.

The United States downgraded its participation in the recent biannual meeting related to foreign assistance for the Palestinian Authority, known as the Ad Hoc Liaison Committee. The 15-member committee, which has existed for the past 25 years, meets in New York in the fall and in Brussels in the spring. “We limited our participation to working-level observers only,” U.S. special envoy Jason Greenblatt told The Jerusalem Post the week of Oct. 4. “We specifically chose not to speak at the event, or participate at a higher level, because we have previously made our position very clear on this,” he added. “It’s time for people to recognize that the conventional approach has brought us no closer to a comprehensive peace agreement, and the trajectory of Palestinian lives continues downward. It’s high time to demand more of the Palestinian leaders.” The development exemplifies the Trump administration’s posture toward the Palestinian Authority, halting American assistance as a result of its “play to slay” program that financially rewards terrorists and their families. Ahead of the economic workshop in Bahrain in June, as part of the rollout of its Mideast peace plan, the Trump administration released a 40-page document detailing a $50 billion, 10-year investment plan for the Palestinian Authority, Jordan, Egypt and Lebanon. Along with the United States, Russia, Japan, Saudi Arabia, Canada, Jordan, Egypt, Tunisia, the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund and the United Nations participate in the AHLC.

Report: 130,000 Sephardic Jews file citizenship applications in Spain

A total of 130,000 applications for Spanish citizenship were submitted by descendants of Spanish Jews expelled from the country in 1492, the Spanish Justice Ministry said on Oct. 1, which was the deadline for applications. Jews living in Mexico topped the list with about 20,000 requests, followed by Jews in Venezuela and Colombia. During the Spanish Inquisition, Spain’s Catholic monarchs forced practicing Jews to convert or leave the country. Historians believe that about 200,000 Jews lived in Spain before their expulsion, the BBC reported. In 2015, Spain passed a law permitting the descendants of Spanish Jews who were expelled from the country to apply for citizenship. Applicants had to prove a family connection with medieval Spain, get their Sephardi origins certified by a solicitor in Spain, get tested on Spain’s culture and constitution, and show


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competence in Spanish or the Judeo-Spanish variant Ladino. Those applying for Spanish nationality were allowed to keep their current nationality (though Spain generally does not allow dual citizenship), and if their application is approved, they are not required to move to Spain. The naturalization ceremony can also be performed at a Spanish consulate in other countries. The Oct. 1 deadline follows a year-long extension for submitting applications, according to Haaretz. Portugal is currently offering a similar opportunity for citizenship.

Israeli documentary wins Emmy

An Israeli documentary won an Emmy for Outstanding Nature Documentary at the 2019 News and Documentary Emmys, which were announced in NewYork earlier the week


Israeli Salad, “My Way” (Pareve) A chunky vegetableherb salad. ½ cucumber, unpeeled and cut in ½-inch chunks 2-3 ripe tomatoes, each cut in 12 wedges 1 red or orange bell pepper, seeded and cut Israeli Salad “My Way.” in ½-inch chunks ½ cup corn kernels (Photo by Ethel G. Hofman) 1 cup fresh basil leaves, lightly packed and shredded 1 cup fresh dill, lightly packed and shredded ½ green onion, thinly sliced 3 Tbsp. extra-virgin olive oil 2 Tbsp. fresh lemon juice Salt and freshly ground pepper to taste Place all ingredients in a bowl. Toss to mix and season to taste. Serve chilled. Tip: Squeeze juice from 5 or 6 lemons. Pour into six sections on an ice-cube tray and freeze. Remove a cube as needed. Heat in a small glass dish in the microwave to thaw, about 18 seconds. Caramelized Parsnips and Carrots (Pareve) Parsnips and carrots with their high sugar content caramelize easily. 5 parsnips (about 1½ pounds), peeled and sliced about ¾-inch thick 12 baby carrots, cut in half lengthwise 1½ tsp. dried thyme 4 Tbsp. extra-virgin olive oil 2 Tbsp. honey, warmed Kosher salt and freshly ground pepper Preheat oven to 425°F. Spray a rimmed baking sheet with nonstick cooking spray. Place parsnips and carrots on prepared baking sheet. Pour the olive oil and honey over. Sprinkle with thyme, salt and pepper. Toss vegetables to coat. Spread in one layer. Drizzle 2 tablespoons water over top. Bake in preheated oven for 20 minutes. Remove from oven, turn with a spatula and bake 1520 minutes longer, or until tender and golden. Tips: Buy peeled baby carrots. Line a baking sheet before spraying with aluminum foil for easy clean-up. Spicy Mashed Pumpkin (Pareve) 2 pounds diced pumpkin or squash ½ cup corn kernels 1 tsp. minced garlic 2 tsp. powdered cumin 2 tsp. za’atar (spice) 2 Tbsp. extra-virgin olive oil Freshly ground pepper Spicy Mashed Pumpkin. Pumpkin seeds to gar- (Photo by Ethel G. Hofman) nish (optional) Place pumpkin or squash in shallow microwave dish. Drizzle with 3 tablespoons water. Cover loosely with wax paper. Cook on high for 8-10 minutes or until soft. Test with a sharp bladed knife. It should slip out easily. Drain off any liquid. Mash with a fork. No need to be smooth. Add the corn, garlic, cumin, za’atar and oil. Mix well. Season to taste with pepper. Serve at room temperature with pumpkin seeds scattered over top (optional). Tip: Or buy 2 packages frozen mashed squash. Microwave according to package directions. Then proceed as above. To cook pumpkin from scratch: Cut in half, remove seeds and place cut side down in microwave safe dish. Pierce several times with sharp knife. Pour about 1/3 cup water around. Cover and cook on high for about 12 minutes or until tender. Peel and use as above.

of Oct. 4. “Trophy” examines the controversial sport of animal hunting, breeding and wildlife conservation industries in the United States and Africa, and discusses whether the industry can ensure the survival of endangered species, according to The Jerusalem Post. The documentary was produced by Israeli cable network, YES Docu, in association with other companies, and was distributed by CNN. It was co-produced by Alon Schwarz, the brother of the film’s Israeli co-director, Shaul Schwarz, and edited by Halil Efrat. YES previously won Emmy documentary awards for “Google Baby” in the Outstanding Science and Technology Programming category in 2011 and “Forever Pure,” about the Beitar Jerusalem soccer team’s extremist fans, for Outstanding Politics and Government Documentary in 2018. Continued from page 4 Leek-Lemon Pilaf (Pareve) 1 Tbsp. extra-virgin olive oil 1½ cups sliced leeks 1 package (6 ounces) rice pilaf ¼ lemon, coarsely chopped ½ cup snipped parsley In a medium saucepan, heat the oil over medium heat. Add the leeks and sauté until softened, about 5 minutes. Add 1¾ cups water and bring to boil. Stir in the rice and spice sack (included in pilaf mix). Return to a boil. Cover and reduce heat to low. Simmer for 20-25 minutes, until liquid is almost absorbed. Stir in lemon and parsley. Fluff with a fork. Let stand for 5 minutes before serving. Tip: Sliced fresh or frozen leeks are available in the supermarket. If using unsliced fresh, pull apart the leaves and rinse thoroughly in cold water. Use the white part only. Note: May be made the day before, covered and refrigerated. Zap in microwave to heat through. Sweet-and-Sour Salmon Salad (Pareve) ½ cucumber, peeled and thickly sliced ½ green bell pepper, seeded, cut in chunks ½ yellow or orange bell pepper, seeded, cut in chunks ½ apple, unpeeled, in chunks 1 Tbsp. sweet pickle relish 12 ounces fresh-cooked salmon, flaked with a fork* ¼ to cup rice vinegar Freshly ground pepper to taste Place cucumber, bell peppers and apple in food processor. Pulse a couple of times to chop coarsely. Transfer to a bowl. Add the pickle relish, salmon and enough rice vinegar to moisten. Toss to mix. Season with pepper to taste. Serve chilled. May be made ahead of time. Tip: To serve, heap salad in a bowl. Arrange thinly sliced cucumbers around the sides. *May use canned pink or red salmon, instead of fresh-cooked. Wine-Steeped Figs (Pareve) ¾ cup red wine, such as Merlot 3 Tbsp. frozen orange-juice concentrate 2 Tbsp. honey ½ tsp. vanilla extract 8 fresh figs 1 blood orange or seedless orange, cut in Wine-Steeped Figs. (Photo wedges by Ethel G. Hofman) In a medium saucepan, mix the wine, frozen orange-juice concentrate, honey and vanilla extract. Warm over medium heat, stirring to blend. Reduce to a simmer. Prick each fig 2 to 3 times with a fork. Place in saucepan, spooning wine mixture over top. Simmer for 1 to 2 minutes. Transfer to a serving bowl. Arrange orange slices around. Serve chilled. Tip: any leftover red wine may be used, even flat champagne. No figs? Substitute cubed cantaloupe or honeydew melon. For a dairy meal: Top figs with a scoop of chocolatestudded ricotta (recipe below). Or sprinkle with crunchy granola. Chocolate-Studded Ricotta (Dairy) 1 cup whole-milk or part-skim ricotta cheese 1-2 Tbsp.confectioner’s sugar or to taste ¼ cup miniature chocolate chips or chopped semisweet chocolate In a small bowl, combine all ingredients. Serve chilled. May be made ahead of time. Ethel G. Hofman is a syndicated Jewish American food and travel columnist, author and culinary consultant.

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