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JHC film screening The Judaic Heritage Center, in partnership with the Sam Pomeranz Jewish Community Center of Syracuse and the Jewish Federation of Central New York, will host a free showing of “People and Places of the Syracuse Jewish Community,” a new video by Jay Lurie, on Sunday, October 30, from 2-4:30 pm, in the Hy and Anne Miller Auditorium at the JCC. The video is the culmination of a two-year project by Lurie. As in his

first video, he explores the stories of the Syracuse Jewish community. Through interviews, he presents stories of the people and families who helped Syracuse, and its Jewish community, “grow and prosper.” Included in the video is one of the last interviews with basketball star Dolph Schayes. There will be free refreshments after the showing and copies of the new video will be available for sale. The whole

community has been invited to attend the event. The current project of the Judaic Heritage Center is to establish a permanent Jewish exhibit at the Onondaga Historical Association Museum in downtown Syracuse. Working with OHA and the Jewish Federation, the JHC, under the project leadership of Michael Moss, is in the process of collecting pictures and stories of the Syracuse Jewish community – including

businesses, entertainers and athletes – to be put into an exhibit that will include interactive touch-screen computer displays. The goal of the exhibit is to show visitors the Jewish community’s contributions to the development of Syracuse and Central New York. The JHC is always looking for volunteers to work on its projects. For more information or to become involved, contact Howard Port at 449-1200.

JDC aiding Hurricane Matthew victims in Haiti ( – The American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee humanitarian group mobilized its partners to provide medical relief and supplies to victims affected by Hurricane Matthew, which devastated parts of Haiti on October 4. JDC will focus on the hardest hit areas in the south of the island where reports of torrential rains, flooding and strong winds accompanied damage to homes, farming

stock and land, and infrastructure such as bridges, the group said in a statement. “Our hearts go out to the people of Haiti and the wider region, in the wake of Hurricane Matthew’s devastation,” said Alan H. Gill, JDC’s CEO. “All too familiar with the acute needs facing Haitians, JDC activated its network of international and local partners and is mobilizing relief efforts in an expression of humanitarian solidarity and Jewish values.”

The organization is working with local and NGO contacts and long-term partners “to assess needs and ensure the most vulnerable victims are cared for in an expedient manner,” it said in a statement. Hurricane Matthew also impacted Jamaica, Cuba and the Dominican Republic. Florida and South Carolina authorities began evacuations that week as the hurricane was moving closer to the U.S. JDC also provided relief and rebuild-

ing assistance during the 2010 earthquake in Haiti, as well as many other natural and manmade disasters in as many as 70 countries. The United Nations said the Hurricane Matthew is the worst humanitarian crisis to hit Haiti since the 2010 earthquake left more than 200,000 people dead and tens of thousands homeless in the country. The U.N. estimates there are 2.3 million people impacted by Hurricane Matthew.


Deborah Lipstadt provides free speech lessons to Rachel Weisz for “Denial” role

University, had criticized BY BEN SALES Irving’s falsification of HoloNEW YORK (JTA) – caust history in her 1993 book Before the most dramatic “Denying the Holocaust.” In episode of her professional 1996, Irving sued her for libel life became a movie, Deborah in British court, where the Lipstadt had some work to do. burden of proof lies with the No, she didn’t have to make defendant. The movie depicts some last-minute changes how Lipstadt won the case, exto the script or take a crash posing Irving as an intentional course in acting. Her job: To falsifier of Holocaust history. teach Oscar-winning actress Lipstadt acknowledged Rachel Weisz how to talk like D e b o r a h L i p s t a d t a Jewish woman from Queens. (Photo courtesy of to JTA that she had thought about the trial’s cinematic Weisz, who grew up in Emory University) potential. Still, when producLondon, portrays Lipstadt, ers first approached her about “Denial” in a Holocaust historian, in the forthcoming 2008, she laughed – the same reaction, she film “Denial,” which hits select theaters on September 30. The film tells the story of Lip- recalled, that she had when she found out stadt’s dramatic win in British court against Irving was suing her. “When you sign over a Holocaust denier, David Irving. It was a a book, you are essentially giving them high-profile case that made the Holocaust control over your story,” she said. “You’re front-page news in 2000, and unequivocally not going to be able to say, ‘No, that’s not refuted Holocaust denial at a time when the right, I don’t like that, don’t include this.’ So what I kept querying them about is, this tragedy was fading from living memory. But before Weisz donned a red wig and is a movie about truth. Do you understand delivered striking defenses of the Holo- you have to stick to the truth?” The finished product, Lipstadt says, caust and free speech, she had to learn to sound just like Lipstadt. “She would call hews closely to the truth. The story me and say, ‘Record for me how you say heightens her tension with her lawyers ‘I’ll call you.’ Record for me how you say and combines a string of meetings with Holocaust survivors into one encoun‘goodnight,’” Lipstadt recalled. Weisz’s attention to detail paid off. “She ter. But the courtroom scenes are taken verbatim from the record, and dramatic got my accent,” Lipstadt said. Lipstadt, a professor of modern Jewish scenes – from Irving ambushing Lipstadt history and Holocaust studies at Emory at a lecture to a tense Shabbat dinner with

British Jewish leaders – happened more or less as they play out on screen. Decades ago, Lipstadt said she playfully imagined Meryl Streep portraying her in a movie. But she was very happy with how Weisz captured her character and interactions – from her forthright confidence to the culture clash with her lawyers. The orange scarf Weisz wears in the film’s promotional poster is the same one Lipstadt wore on a recent Friday in New York. As a child of Holocaust refugees, Weisz had a personal connection to the movie. And because she is Jewish, Lipstadt said, it was easier for Weisz to slip into Hebrew when the script called for it. “She was unbelievable,” Lipstadt said of Weisz. “She’s a professional’s professional. I think she would have brought to this the same professional quality even if she hadn’t been the child of two refugees because she’s such a great actress.” The movie’s title, Lipstadt told JTA, refers both to Holocaust denial and to the self-denial she had to practice when she

refrained from testifying. Standing on the side of a set of a movie about your life, she said, didn’t feel that different. “Everybody has a job – big, little, it’s all important,” she said. “I didn’t have a job. It was my story. It’s similar in the trial. Everybody had a job. I didn’t have a job. It was learning how to be to the side, learning to let others speak for you in the trial and act for you.” The movie keeps the drama alive by focusing much of the plot on Lipstadt’s conflict with her lawyers. Throughout much of the film, Lipstadt attempts to coax her reserved British legal team to allow her and Holocaust survivors to take the stand. “There were moments that I wish had gotten more play in the movie,” she said. “The movie I would have made would have been three and a half hours, maybe four hours.” At times, filming felt almost too spot-on for Lipstadt. A central scene takes place at Auschwitz, where Lipstadt and one of her lawyers meet to gather evidence. The See “Role” on page 7

C A N D L E L I G H T I N G A N D P A R AS H A October 14...............6:05 pm.......................................................Parasha-Haazinu October 16...............6:01 pm............................................................... Erev Sukkot October 17...............after 7 pm....................................................................Sukkot October 21...............5:53 pm................. Parasha-Sukkot-Shabbat Chol Hamoed October 23...............5:50 pm............................................... Erev Shemini Atzeret October 24...............after 6:50 pm......................................... Erev Simchat Torah October 28...............5:43 pm....................................................... Parasha-Bereshit


“On the Map”

Congregational notes

The Syracuse Community Hebrew The JCC will sponsor a showing of Local synagogues announce School has kicked off its second “On the Map,” part of the Syracuse upcoming holiday celebrations, International Film Festival. year. talks and more. Story on page 3 Story on page 2 Stories on page 4

PLUS Small Business Profiles........ 5 Calendar Highlights............... 6 B’nai Mitzvah........................... 6 Obituaries................................. 7



Syracuse Community Hebrew School begins the school year

BY DIANE WLADIS The Syracuse Community Hebrew School welcomed back students on September 14 for their first day of the second year of the joint venture of Congregation Beth Sholom-Chevra Shas, Temple Adath Yeshurun and Temple Concord. The rabbis from all three synagogues were joined by their cantors and ba’alat tefillah, along with their respective education directors, to talk to the students about what makes a prayer community. Shannon Small, SCHS education director, began the opening tefillot service by asking the children, “What makes a minyan?” She went on to demonstrate through an interactive lesson that a minyan is not a service, but 10 people together. Rabbi Daniel Fellman, Rabbi Andrew Pepperstone and Rabbi Paul Drazen followed with a collective explanation about the new kippot policy,

L-r: Rabbi Daniel Fellman, Rabbi Andrew Pepperstone, Rabbi Paul Drazen and Syracuse Community Hebrew School Director Shannon Small spoke to students on the first day of school. which will require boys and girls to wear a kippah for tefillot service every week. Additionally, a new siddur will be used for the SCHS tefillot service. Rabbi Pepperstone led the writing of the new prayer guide for SCHS, with input and edits from all participating clergy.

L-r: Cantor Paula Pepperstone, Ba’alat Tefillah Esa Jaffe and Cantor Kari Siegel Eglash led prayer services on the first day of the Syracuse Community Hebrew School.

Small said her goals for this school year include standardizing the curriculum and using student assessments to guide the teachers in their practice. She said, “Our first year was a successful year and I am looking forward to continuing to make changes and improvements so that our

school continues to be a success in the years to come.” The students reportedly appeared excited as they gathered in the chapel for the start of the new year. SCHS parent Amy Gilbert said, “My daughter was very excited to see her friends she missed all summer.”

Sisterhood Symposium explores hidden wisdom of Judaism BY WILLIAM WALLAK The seventh annual Sisterhood Symposium drew 130 attendees on September 20 at the Sam Pomeranz Jewish Community

Center of Syracuse. This year’s program, “Kabbalah: The Hidden Wisdom of Judaism,” featured speakers Eitan Fishbane, associate professor of Jewish thought at

At left, l-r: Marci Erlebacher, executive director of the Sam Pomeranz Jewish Community Center of Syracuse, and Nancy Belkowitz, Sisterhood Symposium committee chair, welcomed guests to the soldout event.

the Jewish Theological Seminary in New York City, and Rabbi Andrew Pepperstone, spiritual leader of Congregation Beth Sholom-Chevra Shas. The presentation included an overview of Kabbalah, its origins and the practice of mystical Judaism. The event began

with a full-course, Va’ad-supervised dinner. Natur-Tyme in DeWitt donated gift bags of various health and beauty items that were given to each attendee. The event was presented by the Sisterhood of Congregation Beth Sholom-Chevra Shas and the JCC.

SJFS drumming event “How did you feel during this event?” asked DrumQuest’s Jimbo Talbot at the close of the program, eliciting words such as “invigorated,” “relaxed,” “inspired,” “freed” and “focused.” Deborah Ellis (at right) was among the participants.

L-r: Eitan Fishbane, associate professor of Jewish thought at the Jewish Theological Seminary, and Rabbi Andrew Pepperstone, spiritual leader of Congregation Beth Sholom-Chevra Shas, listened to a question from an audience member during the question-and-answer portion of this year’s Sisterhood Symposium.

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Call for... Syracuse Jewish Family Service drew more than 20 participants on September 18 to “Empowerment Drumming for Health and Wellness” with Jimbo Talbot, to begin the program “Family Time with the Family Service” being held this fall at the Sam Pomeranz Jewish Community Center of Syracuse. The 10-event series will continue on Sundays, October 9, with family yoga, and October 16, with painting for all. For more information about future events, call 446-9111, ext. 234, or visit Syracuse Jewish Family Service on Facebook or at

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OCTOBER 13, 2016/11 TISHREI 5777 ■



AROUND CENTRAL NEW YORK JCC and Syracuse International Film Festival to present “On the Map” BY WILLIAM WALLAK Before there was the “miracle on ice,” when the U.S. beat the Soviet Union in the 1980 Winter Olympics hockey semi-finals, an Israeli basketball team defeated the four-time defending Soviet Union team in 1977. The Sam Pomeranz Jewish Community Center of Syracuse will sponsor a free screening of award-winning director Dani Menkin’s latest film, “On the Map” (2016, 78 minutes), on Sunday, October 23, at 2 pm, at the JCC, 5655 Thompson Rd., DeWitt. “On the Map” recounts the story of the 1976-77 Maccabi Tel Aviv basketball team, considered the underdog, that defeated the Soviets. The screening is part of this year’s Syracuse International Film Festival, which will run from Wednesday-Sunday, October 19-23. A question-and-answer session featuring Menkin will follow the film. “I am thrilled that the JCC is once again sponsoring one of Dani’s films in the festival,” said JCC Executive

Director Marci Erlebacher. “With so many diverse and imaginative films being presented, this year’s festival looks to be another blockbuster hit.” During the 2014 Syracuse International Film Festival, a screening of Menkin’s film “Is That You?” was sponsored by the JCC. “Is That You?” was filmed in Syracuse during a four-week period in 2012 using several local actors and production staffers. In the 1970s,the state of Israel had experienced tense times, including the murders of Israeli athletes at the 1972 Munich Olympics, followed by the 1973 Yom Kippur War, the 1976 raid on Entebbe and multiple political scandals. The national mood was said to be gloomy. “On the Map” chronicles how on February 17, 1977, throughout Israel, streets emptied and restaurants went dark. The entire nation was said to be gathered in their homes to watch, on Israel’s only TV channel, the European League semi-finals against the Soviet Union.

After Israel defeated the Soviets, they went on to defeat Italy in the finals, and won the historic European Cup Basketball Championship title. When the team returned to Israel, 200,000 fans celebrated in Tel Aviv to welcome them home. Leading the Maccabi Tel Aviv team was University of Illinois All-American and captain Tal Brody from New Jersey. Alongside him were American Jews Lou Silver, Bob Griffin and Eric Minkin; as well as Idaho-born Jim Boatwright, the team’s top scorer; and Aulcie Perry, a 6-foot 10-inch center whose stalled pro career in the U.S. led him to Israel. “On the Map” features interviews with the American and Israeli athletes. The JCC’s sponsorship of “On the Map” is funded in part by a grant from the Jewish Federation of Central New York. For more information on this screening and all of the Syracuse International Film Festival’s October 19-23 events, call 671-2188 or visit

Orit Antosh receives 2016 Hannah G. Solomon Award BY VICKI FELDMAN Orit Antosh was the 2016 recipient of the Hannah G. Solomon Award on September 27, at Justin’s Grill in East Syracuse. Presented by the National Council of Jewish Women, Greater Syracuse Section At-Large, the award is named for the founder of NCJW and given to women who “have demonstrated exceptional service to

This year, the National Council of Jewish Women group continued its annual Mitzvah Project, asking guests to bring items from a list provided by the Syracuse City School District’s McCarthy @ Beard program. L-r: Orit Antosh posed with Robin Goldberg, the project’s chair.

the Jewish community and the community-at-large.” Cantor Francine Berg, NCJW Syracuse president, welcomed guests and gave some history about Hannah Solomon and the award named for her. Antosh was introduced by her husband, Mark Antosh, who echoed praise for Orit for her involvement in the Syracuse Jewish community. “I am deeply moved and honored to have been chosen as this year’s Hannah Solomon Award recipient,” said Orit. “It was truly wonderful to have my family and so many join me on such a special occasion, and an incredible honor to be part of an amazing group of women who have been past honorees.” This year, the group continued its annual Mitzvah Project, asking guests to bring items from a list provided by the Syracuse City School District’s McCarthy @Beard program. The school supplies and other donated items will benefit the program, which provides specialized services for students with social, emotional, behavioral and academic concerns. In addition, NCJW, Greater Syracuse Section, once again received a Pomeranz Trust Grant to purchase staple necessities for foster children in Onondaga County’s Children’s Division. NCJW is a grass-roots organization of volunteers and advocates who are said to “turn progressive ideals into See “Award” on page 6

Sam Pomeranz Jewish Community Center senior dining menu OCTOBER 17-21 Monday – closed for Sukkot Tuesday – closed for Sukkot Wednesday – chicken rollatini Thursday –hot corned beef sandwich Friday – fresh salmon croquettes OCTOBER 24-28 Monday – closed for Shemini Atzeret Tuesday – closed for Simchat Torah Wednesday – tomato soup and grilled cheese sandwich Thursday – meatloaf Friday – honey-glazed chicken The Bobbi Epstein Lewis JCC Senior Adult Dining

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Program at the Sam Pomeranz Jewish Community Center of Syracuse offers Va’ad Ha’ir-supervised kosher lunches served Monday-Friday at noon. Lunch reservations are required by noon on the previous business day. There is a suggested contribution per meal. The menu is subject to change. The program is funded by a grant from the Onondaga County Department of Aging and Youth and the New York State Office for the Aging, with additional funds provided by the JCC. To attend, one need not be Jewish or a member of the JCC. For more information or to make a reservation, contact Cindy Stein at 445-2360, ext. 104, or

L-r: National Council of Jewish Women, Greater Syracuse Section, President Cantor Francine Berg; 2016 Hannah G. Solomon award recipient Orit Antosh; and 2015 recipient Barbara Davis.

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CONGREGATIONAL NOTES Congregation Beth Sholom-Chevra Shas SIMCHAT TORAH Congregation Beth Sholom-Chevra Shas is moving the entire daytime Torah and haftarah readings for Simchat torah this year, to Tuesday, October 25, at 5:45 pm, so that people can participate. The congregation will honor certain members of CBS-CS with the traditional Simchat Torah honors of hatan and kallatTorah (groom and bride of the conclusion of the Torah) and hatan and kallat Bereshit (groom and bride of the beginning of the Torah). At 5:45 pm, the congregation will begin the Torah service for Simchat Torah by taking the Torahs from the ark, and sing and dance with them, accompanied by the CBS-CS Simchat Torah Band and all those present. Members of the congregation have been invited to lead the singing of one of the seven hakafot. Participants will be

encouraged to sing and dance with the Torahs. Between the hakafot, savory and sweet courses will be served. After the seven hakafot, participants will return to the main sanctuary where the congregation will read the conclusion of the Torah and honor Hecky and Ettarae Alpert, founding members of CBS-CS as hatan and kallat Torah (veteran CBS-CS leaders). Hecky was the congregation’s first president and has provided advice to all the presidents who have followed. Ettarae was an early Sisterhood president and has served on the congregation’s board several times, including now. Those present will also read about the seven days of creation from the beginning of the Torah; and honor Ben and Becca Greenblatt as hatan and kallat Bereshit. The Greenblatts See “CBS-CS” on page 6

Shaarei Torah Orthodox Congregation STOCS HOSTS LAHAV HARKOV AS SCHOLAR-IN-RESIDENCE BY RICHARD D. WILKINS Shaarei Torah Orthodox Congregation of Syracuse hosted Lahav Harkov, Jerusalem Post senior Knesset reporter, on September 17 as its latest scholar-in-residence. She spoke to audiences at the post-service luncheon and later in the afternoon at a question-and-answer session moderated by Syracuse University Professor Miriam Elman. Harkov’s “Knesset 101” presentation covered basic information of how the Knesset operates; ongoing inter- and intra-party dynamics, and some of its “more striking” personalities. With regard to Israel-Diaspora relations, Harkov noted that these disparate communities tend to focus on their more parochial concerns. For Israelis, that might be the cost and availability of baby formula, or the high cost of housing. Though

Temple Adath Yeshurun TOT SHABBAT AND DINNER IN THE SUKKAH Temple Adath Yeshurun will hold the first Tot Shabbat and dinner of the school year for young children and their families on Friday, October 21, starting at 5:30 pm, in the sukkah at the synagogue. There will be a family Shabbat dinner and an interactive, musical Kabalat Shabbat service for young children. The program will be free and funded by the Edward and Marilyn Steinberg Family Fund for Tiny Tots and Preschool Children’s Programming. Reservations will be required and must be made by Wednesday, October 19. To register and for more information, contact Alicia Gross at or call 445-0002. PIZZA IN THE HUT AND DANCING WITH THE SCROLLS As part of the High Holiday celebrations, Temple Adath Yeshurun will host its annual Pizza in the Hut and Dancing with the Scrolls events. Pizza in the Hut will be held on Monday, October 17, following morning services, which will begin at 9:15 am. The Dancing with the Scrolls family celebration will be held on Monday, October 24, at 7 pm, following the 6 pm service.

Both programs will be open to the community and there will be no charge. The programs will be appropriate for all ages. For more information, contact the TAY office at 445-0002 or SISTERS IN THE SUKKAH BY SONALI WIJESURIYA In celebration of Sukkot, the TAY Sisterhood will host Sisters in the Sukkah on Wednesday, October 19, at 7:30 pm. It will feature “fall-inspired” drinks and hors d’oeuvres. Sisterhood President Alison Bronstein said, “It will be a fun evening of connecting as women, as we fulfill the mitzvah of gathering to share a meal in the sukkah. Most of us have heard of the tradition of inviting the seven guests, ushpizin, when our founding fathers are welcomed into our sukkah. There is a newer tradition, uspizot, which invites our seven female prophets into the sukkah. We will use this new tradition as a talking point, along with what it means to be an egalitarian congregation.” The event will cost $10 per person, and a donation of a canned good or nonperishable item for the food pantry See “TAY” on page 7

At right: Jerusalem Post senior Knesset reporter Lahav Harkov was the recent scholar-inresidence at Shaarei Torah Orthodox Congregation of Syracuse. She explained the operation of the Knesset and more. BDS agitation is said to roil the Diaspora, Israelis are little concerned about it, except when their Orange cellphone provider exits the country, or the Palestinians push to have Israeli football teams barred from international sporting competitions. Harkov is also a writer. In her career, she has written approximately 3,000 articles. Many consider most of her writings on the Israeli scene to be “positive, but truthful.”

Approximately 30 people attended the Temple Adath Yeshurun Hazak program “The Peacetime Draft During the Cold War” on September 7. Among the participants were (l-r): Richard Gingold, Mel Rubenstein, Mady Rubenstein, Linda Stone and Leni Jacobs. The program, presented by Mel Rubenstein, included stories of veterans during the period between the Korean and Vietnam conflicts.

Temple Concord OCTOBER EVENTS The Temple Concord Brotherhood will present Rabbi Daniel Fellman on Sunday, October 16, at 9:30 am, who will talk about his summer studying, touring and living in Israel. On the same day, Temple Concord Sisterhood will tour the WCNY studios at 10 am. Additionally, Gan, the TC toddler and preschool program for ages 2-5, will celebrate and teach about Sukkot and Simchat Torah at 10:30 am. These programs will be open to the public. For more information, contact the TC office at 475-9952 or CINEMAGOGUE BY CHANA MEIR The Cinemagogue film series at Temple Concord offers a variety of films with Jewish themes, Israeli filmmakers and Jewish-American stars. Next up, on Saturday, October 29, at 7 pm, will be “Deli Man,” the story of Ziggy Gruber, of Houston, a third-generation deli man who has built what some people call the “finest delicatessen restaurant in the U.S.” The film explores how Jewish tradition is linked to the deli. The film series got its name in 2010, when Rabbi Daniel Fellman was touring the remains of an ancient synagogue in Northern Israel. The guide, stumbling over the word “synagogue,” came out with “cinemagogue,” and Rabbi Fellman turned to a companion and said, “I think I just found the name for our new film series!” Cinemagogue events are free and open

to the public. Donations are welcome. For more information, contact the TC office at 475-9952 or ISRAELI MEZZO SOPRANO TO PERFORM AT TEMPLE CONCORD BY CHANA MEIR Naama Liany, considered by some to be one of today’s “most promising young singers,” will return to Syracuse to perform at Temple Concord’s Regina F. Goldenberg Cultural Series on Monday, October 31, at 7 pm. Born in Israel, trained in New Naama Liany York City and currently living in Paris, Liany has previously performed at the Sam Pomeranz Jewish Community Center of Syracuse and the Everson Museum of Art. She has performed at Carnegie Hall, and has worked with Maestro Alberto Zedda, Madame Cecilia Bartoli and Silvana Bazzoni. She is the recipient of first prize in the Buchman-Heiman competition. She has also received eight consecutive years of scholarships from the Ronen Foundation. The event will be free and open to the public. Donations will be welcome. For more information, contact the TC office at 475-9952 or

OCTOBER 13, 2016/11 TISHREI 5777 ■



Supreme Court opens new term on Rosh Hashanah without Jewish justices (JTA) – The Supreme Court’s three Jewish justices missed the start of the new term due to Rosh Hashanah. Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Stephen Breyer and Elena Kagan were not present on the opening day on October 3. Federal law

requires the court to open on the first Monday in October. The session lasted only about five minutes and consisted largely of admitting new attorneys to the Supreme Court bar, according to the Associated Press.

A fourth seat also was empty on October 3 – the one held by Antonin Scalia, who died in February. The seat likely will not be filled until after the November 8 presidential election.

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Dr. Matthew Durkin




A time for action

BY JEANETTE POWELL As explained by Rabbi Michael Gold, Congregation Beth Torah, of Tamarac, FL, writes, “On Sukkot we are commanded to dwell in the sukkah, a temporary booth with naturally growing plants for the roof. Jews try to eat their meals in a sukkah, and some will sleep and try to live there. Each day, except Shabbat, Jews take four plants – an etrog (or citron), lulav (or palm branch), willows, and myr-

B’NAI MITZVAH Peri Dana Lowenstein

Peri Lowenstein

Peri Dana Lowenstein, daughter of Lon and Joan Lowenstein, of DeWitt, became bat mitzvah at Temple Adath Yeshurun on September 3. She is the granddaughter of Bess Greenberg, of Syracuse. She is a student at Jamesville DeWitt Middle School and is a student at the TAY Religious School. She enjoys attending Camp Ramah, art and swimming.

Calendar Highlights

To see a full calendar of community events, visit the Federation's community calendar online at Please notify of any calendar changes.

Monday, October 10

EARLY deadline for October 27 issue of the Jewish Observer Sunday, October 16 Temple Concord Brotherhood meeting at 9:30 am TC Sisterhood tour of the WCNY-TV studio at 10 am Jewish Community Foundation of Central New York Teen Funders meeting from 3-4:30 pm TC GAN program from 10:30 am-noon Syracuse Jewish Family Service painting program at 12:45 pm Teen Funders meeting from 3-4:30 pm Erev Sukkot Monday, October 17 Sukkot - day one Federation and JCC offices closed Tuesday, October 18 Sukkot - day two Federation and JCC offices closed Epstein students join the Pepperstones at their sukkah at 7:30 pm Wednesday, October 19 TAY Sisterhood B Sisters in the Sukkah at 7:30 pm Congregation Beth Sholom-Chevra Shas board meeting at 7:30 pm Thursday, October 20 Epstein School at Wegmans Café at 7 pm Temple Adath Yeshurun board meeting at 7 pm Saturday, October 22 Federation presents Judy Gold at the Marriott Hotel Downtown/Hotel Syracuse at 7:45 pm Sunday, October 23 Sam Pomeranz Jewish Community Center of Syracuse presents “On the Map” film screening at 2 pm Syracuse Jewish Family Service drumming circle at 12:45 pm Erev Shemini Atzeret Monday, October 24 Shemini Atzeret JCC and Federation offices closed Erev Simchat Torah in the evening Tuesday, October 25 Simchat Torah Federation and JCC offices closed Wednesday, October 26 Deadline for November 10 issue of the Jewish Observer Syracuse Community Hebrew School meets at TAY at 4 pm Thursday, October 27 Epstein School at Wegmans Café at 7 pm Saturday, October 29 TC Cinemagogue Series at 7:30 pm Sunday, October 30 SAJE teacher training from 8:30 am-2:30 pm at Congregation Beth Sholom-Chevra Shas Syracuse Jewish Family Service yoga program at 12:45 pm at the JCC Judaic Heritage Center presents program on the “People and Places of Syracuse” at 2 pm at the JCC

tles – hold them together, and wave them in six directions, symbolically saying that God is everywhere. We also march around the synagogue each day except Shabbat, holding the lulav and etrog and singing Hoshanna, ‘God save us.’ On the seventh day we march around the synagogue seven times, reminiscent of Joshua marching around the walls of Jericho. This day is known as Hoshana Rabba.” Rabbi Gold then goes on to formulate points of discussion as follows: “The Torah can command actions – but can it command feelings? Can we be joyous if we do not feel joyous? In general, do we have control over our feelings and emotions? One answer: How would a joyous person behave? Even if our hearts are not there, we can act as if we were joyous. We behave in a certain way, and the heart follows. If we can sing a little, dance a little, smile a little, clown around on Simchat Torah, the inner feeling will follow. This is a profound teaching from our tradition. Actions come first, and inner feelings often follow actions. What can we learn from this?” Gold added, “Here is one area where the biblical outlook is at variance with some contemporary values. In our contemporary world, many people feel that motivation must come before behavior. You feel love in your heart, and then you act in accordance with that love. I hear so often, ‘I don’t love them; it would be hypocritical to act as if I do.’ In the Bible it is the other way around. We act or behave in a certain way, and the inner feelings of the heart come later. When the Israelites received the Torah at Mount Sinai, they said, ‘We shall do and we shall understand’ (Exodus 24:7). First came the action, then the inner feeling. Can actions change feelings?” What do you think as you read this? I think we can encompass both feelings and action. Sometimes our feelings set off actions, which may set off some new learning and experience. All of our Jewish holidays are here for a purpose. The lessons of these holidays can have a significant bearing on our lives and the lives of all humanity today. We are celebrating a holiday by forgoing in small measure our comforts of home. This is to remind us of the hardships that the Israelites endured. We also celebrate the harvest, a plentiful supply of food for the coming year. We wave the lulav and etrog to remind us that God is all around. Yet what does this mean for so many people all over the world who live in abject poverty and do not have enough food or shelter? Can they see that God is all around? How can we best celebrate a holiday knowing others are starving and without shelter either as refugees or in poverty in a land of plenty such as ours? Sukkot may be a time of learning for us. We need to know what is causing poverty and lack of food. We know that there is increasing inequality with a large percent of the world’s goods owned by the top few percent of people. What does this say about us when the only goal of most corporations is profit only? There is nothing wrong with making a good profit in a business. The problem comes when all the profits go to the top. I maintain that with the amount of profit in many of these businesses, there is room for “trickle down” moneys for better salary and wage systems without adding to price. As we talk about food systems, we know that the owners of large food chains are millionaires and the migrant labor that harvests food live in hovels and sometimes even under the stars. That deprivation is all-encompassing, not like our little celebrations that actually deprive us of nothing. At this harvest time, we also need to know that there is enough food produced on the planet to feed everyone well. It is not distributed well and food waste is an abomination. Learn more about the issues of this inequality. Watch “Food Chain,” a movie dealing with one area of migrant labor and their efforts to gain even one penny more per basket of food.


action.” Inspired by Jewish values, NCJW “strives for social justice by improving the quality of life for women, children and families, and by safeguarding individual

Articles in newspapers and magazines and the Internet about the many good efforts going on to deal with the scandal of food waste appear almost every day. Pay attention to them and read them for action you might take. There is currently a huge effort to try to move food that is not optimal in appearance, but safe and nourishing, to markets to alleviate the plight of persons who cannot afford good food. Many supermarkets, restaurants, health departments and the FDA are looking at the ability to move expired food – but food that is still safe to eat – to areas of real need – areas such as soup kitchens and food pantries to increase the amount and diversity of food. A good action to take would be to vow to read at least seven or eight articles on this subject, one for each day of the festival. Would that action help us see the poor in a different light? Can we look at this complex problem and do our best to understand it? It is complex with many economic factors and layers contributing to the injustice. Each of us can look at what we contribute to food waste. How much do we throw away because we have not planned well? What organizations are trying to address the issue? How can we help them? In our community we have Alliance of Communities Transforming Syracuse, which is working on dealing with food access in areas of the county where there are no stores selling fresh food. Let us make this major Jewish holiday of Sukkot a time to learn. As we give thanks for our many blessings, let us resolve to help others. There are many ways to contribute to making this a more just society. Let us be part of that and let the spirit of this holiday strengthen our resolve to do more. Jeanette Powell holds a master’s in religious studies from Canisius College, and is a chaplain and retired mental health services administrator. She is a member of Congregation Beth Sholom-Chevra Shas.


Continued from page 4

have served as vice presidents of youth and education, as well as of ritual. Both are credited with finding time to lend their time and expertise in a variety of ways throughout the year. Congregants will also read the beginning of the Book of Joshua in English with trope. All programs and services of CBS-CS will be open to the community. For more information, contact CBS-CS at 446-9570 or SUKKOT Congregation Beth Sholom-Chevra Shas will celebrate Sukkot with a potluck dinner on Sunday, October 16, at 5 pm. Participants have been encouraged to bring dishes made with fresh, locally-harvested ingredients made in accordance with the congregation’s kosher potluck policy, as well as healthy beverages or paper goods. Weather permitting, organizers hope that diners will be able to eat in the congregation’s sukkah, but the social hall will be available. The sukkah will be built that day at 9:45 am, following the Syracuse Conservative daily service, and decorated at 12:15 pm, after religious school. CBS-CS will hold Sukkot services at 9:30 am on Monday and Tuesday, October 17 and 18. The following Shabbat, during Chol Hamoed Sukkot, the monthly Shabbat Spot will feature a Sukkot-themed quiz. On Shabbat Spot Saturdays, a light lunch is served to allow people to stay longer to socialize, learn and have fun together. The Syracuse Conservative daily service, held at CBS-CS on Sundays, will celebrate Hoshana Rabba on October 23. It will include the beating of aravot (willow branches), which is done in conclusion of Sukkot. Services and programs are open to the community. For more information, contact the CBS-CS office at 446-9570 or Continued from page 3

rights and freedoms.” For more information about the NCJW Syracuse chapter, contact Berg at songberg@

The Hannah G. Solomon award recipients posed with Orit Antosh, the 2016 recipient (center, front row).

OCTOBER 13, 2016/11 TISHREI 5777 ■


Marvin Davis, 95, died on September 25 at Crouse Hospital. A life resident of Syracuse, he was a U.S. Army veteran and had served in the European theater during World War II. At the age of 56, he attended the Syracuse University School of Fine Arts. For many years, he was an independent sales representative of women’s apparel, and also was the proprietor of the Baron’s Frozen Yogurt of ShoppingTown. He is survived by his wife of 70 years, Frances; their daughters, Janet (Mark) Shriro and Jeri (John) Byrne II; four grandchildren; five great-grandchildren; and his brother-in-law, Alan (Barbara) Goldberg. Burial was in the Adath Yeshurun Cemetery. Sisskind Funeral Service had arrangements. Contributions can be made to the Auxiliary of the Jewish Home of Central New York, 4101 E. Genesee St., Syracuse, NY 13214. 


Philip L. Holstein, 62, died at home on September 22. He was selfless and always put everyone else first. A philanthropist, community and business leader, as well as an outdoorsman, he had a deep love for the Adirondacks. One of his proudest accomplishments was becoming a 46er at the age of 13. He is survived by his wife, Alyse; their children, Gregory and Erin; his parents, Chuckie and Alex Holstein; his brother, David (Jeanne) Holstein; his sisters, Carol (Ronald) Killian and Elizabeth (Louis Sardelli) Holstein; a large and loving extended family; and many friends. Burial was in the Holstein family plot, in the Temple Concord section of Woodlawn Cemetery. Sisskind Funeral Service had arrangements. Contributions can be made to the Philip L. Holstein Memorial Fund at the Jewish Community Foundation of Central New York, 5655 Thompson Rd., DeWitt, NY 13214; the Pancreatic Cancer Action Network in memory of Philip L. Holstein at; or the Adirondack Foundation, in memory of Philip L. Holstein, at 

First military Chasidic wedding in Syracuse at Chabad House Chabad House at Syracuse University hosted the wedding of Specialist Chaim Slomiuc to Elisheva Friedman on September 13 at the Sorkin Chabad House at Syracuse


Continued from page 4 will be appreciated. To RSVP, e-mail Bronstein at or contact the temple office at 445-0002 by Tuesday, October 11. BABY GROUP AT RECC AT TAY A baby group has started meeting on Thursdays from 10-11:30 am for infants from birth-18-months and their caregivers. The group is an initiative of the Rothschild Early Childhood Center and is held in the library at Temple Adath Yeshurun. The goals of the group are to create a community, provide activities specifically for infants, and to be a resource and support in raising children. The group is free for RECC and TAY families and is open to the public at a small cost. For more information, contact Alicia Gross, director of RECC, at 445-0049 or

At left: Hazel Green explored pine cones with her mother, Olivia Odom Green, at the first session of the TAY Rothschild Early Childhood Center baby group.


Myrna Rubenstein, 86, died at Menorah Park, in Syracuse, on September 19. Born and raised in Syracuse, she lived most of her life in Syracuse, until moving to Boca Raton, FL, and Fayetteville later in life. She was a graduate of Syracuse University. She dedicated her life to her family and was active in Jewish organizations. She was a philanthropist and gave generously to the Jewish Home of Central New York, St. Jude’s Hospital for Children, Wildlife Foundation and many other charities. She is survived by her brother, Lawrence Greenhouse; her son, Marc (Mary) Rubenstein; five grandchildren; and many nieces and nephews. Burial was in the Adath Yeshurun Cemetery. Sisskind Funeral Home had arrangements. Contributions can be made to Menorah Park, 4101 E. Genesee St., Syracuse, NY 13214. 


Peter Townsend, 85, died on September 19 at University Hospital. Born in Germany, he had been a resident of Syracuse for most of his life. He was a family practice physician in Syracuse for his entire career; and was a lifetime member of Temple Adath Yeshurun. He is survived by his wife of 55 years, Sandra; their daughters, Margo (Nevin) Zimmermann and Ruth (Jeffrey) Colbus; three grandchildren; and his sister, Gaby Kuvin. Burial was in the Adath Yeshurun Cemetery. Sisskind Funeral Home had arrangements. Contributions can be made to Temple Adath Yeshurun, 450 Kimber Rd., Syracuse, NY 13224. 


University. Rabbi Yaakov Rapoport officiated under the chuppah; while Rebbetzin Chanie Rapoport oversaw all preparations for the ceremony and wedding dinner. Slomiuc returned from a seven-month tour in Afghanistan on September 12. He is going to Ranger School soon, so he wished to get married “without delay.” Slomiuc grew up in the Viznits community in Monsey and maintains his ties to the Chasidic community. His brothers, Dovid and Yaakov, and a close friend, Sruly (Yisroel) Gelbman and his wife, Raizy, were able to make the trip to the wedding. The chuppah was followed by a traditional wedding meal.

Rabbi Yaakov Rapoport (right) officiated at the chuppah of Elisheva Friedman and Chaim Slomiuc.

Chaim Slomiuc (center) posed at his wedding celebration with his brothers Dovid (on left) and Yaakov (right). The shtreimel (fur hat) is worn on Shabbat, yom tov and at the wedding of a close relative. First grade students at the TAY Religious School read “What a Way to Start a New Year: A Rosh Hashanah Story” by Jacqueline Jules. Counterclockwise from left: Teacher Rachel Socia with Lilah Levy, Jocelyn Stadin, Jordynn Shapiro, Mia Grabowsky, Andrew Packard, Sam Sevak and Madrich Edwin Hirsh.

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Continued from page 1 filming caused Lipstadt to relive some of the experiences, which felt “very strange, and I tried to stay as far out of sight lines as possible.” But the movie’s central message, she said, is about the need to affirm historical truth, uncomfortable as it may be. And in an age where Lipstadt says antisemitism is again rising, she is grateful to have played a role in preserving Holocaust memory. “I got a chance to be out there on the front lines,” she said. “I got a chance to fight the good fight, and I know so many people – Jews, African-Americans, gays, people who have faced prejudice, but certainly Jews – who would want the chance to fight the good fight. And I feel very lucky.”



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