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Political analyst and television journalist David Gregory addressed Jewish community BY COLLEEN BAKER The Jewish Federation of Central New York welcomed political analyst and television journalist David Gregory at Temple Adath Yeshurun on October 22. The CNN correspondent spoke to more than 400 members of the community following the Major Gifts dinner honoring the major donors to the 2018 Federation Campaign. Mark Wladis, the 2018 Jewish Federation Campaign chair, emphasized the importance of relationships within the Jewish community over the past few years as a way to bring the community together. The idea then, as it is now, was to give people more than just a request for money and to allow the Jewish community to become reacquainted. In the past few years, this has included well-attended events such as the talk by Ambassador Dennis Ross, which was attended by 350 people; the Chanukah parties attended by more than 250 people; and an evening of laughter and comradery held at the Marriott Downtown Syracuse, featuring comedian Judy Gold – an event attended by more than 200 people. Last year, the Jewish Federation of Central New York raised a record $1,263,462, compared to $957,842 in 2013. Local

David Gregory and outgoing Federation President/CEO Linda Alexander. beneficiary agencies received a total of $543,647 – $220,180 more than what was given away five years ago. Wladis noted that the five agencies that receive the most money from the Federation – the Sam Pomeranz Jewish Community Center, the Syracuse Hebrew Day School, the Rabbi Jacob Epstein School of Jewish Studies, Hillel at Syracuse University and the Syracuse Community Hebrew School – received a 10 percent increase, plus an additional $50,000 supplemental allocation that was divided among the five agencies. He also noted that the Federation

L-r: Jewish Federation of Central New York President/CEO Michael Balanoff, Federation Chair of the Board Ellen Weinstein, CNN correspondent/political analyst/television journalist David Gregory, Federation Campaign Chair Mark Wladis and Jack Lyon at Gregory’s presentation to the community on October 22. provided new allocations this year to the JCC Senior Kosher Meal program and $15,000 for community security. Wladis said, “A growing Federation serves to strengthen the Jewish community.” Gregory spoke about his experience as a political insider, weaving accounts of his upbringing, family and spiritual journey throughout the conversation. Raised by a Jewish father and Catholic mother, he told

how he was inspired to pursue a deeper association to his Jewish beliefs in part by former President George W. Bush. The former moderator of NBC News’ “Meet the Press” served as chief White House correspondent for NBC News when the former president asked him, “How’s your faith?” The evening culminated in an open question-and-answer forum where guests could meet Gregory after the event.

Four Jewish things you need to know about Catalonia BY CNAAN LIPHSHIZ (JTA) – After simmering for decades, national aspirations in the region of Catalonia in northeast Spain plunged that country into a major crisis with far-reaching international implications. The current crisis began earlier in October when federal police clashed with voters over an illegal referendum on independence. But it came to a head on October 24, when the region’s parliament in Barcelona passed a motion declaring independence from Spain despite the federal government’s warning to desist. Madrid dissolved the regional government in a bid to block secession. But the independence project appears to be more popular than ever now among Catalans – a distinct ethnic and cultural group whose language is closer to Portuguese than Spanish – now that separatists have come closer to independence than they had in centuries. As Europe studies this potential test case for nationalism and separatist projects across the continent, the developments in Catalonia are dividing Spaniards – including Jews. And because of Israel’s approach to it, the crisis is also underlining the Jewish state’s growing willingness to diverge with other Western countries on key foreign policy issues. Here are four takeaways from the unfolding crisis in Catalonia.

Catalonia has a (relatively) large Jewish community. With approximately 15,000 members, the Jewish community of Barcelona matches that of Madrid in size and prominence. Spain has a total of about 45,000 Jews, with the third not in the two major cities spread out across the country’s other 15 semi-autonomous regions. In Barcelona, the issue of independence is considered divisive in general and in Jewish circles, leading the Jewish community there to adhere to a policy of neutrality. “It’s a matter of ‘shalom bayit,’” Victor Sorenssen, the president of the community, told JTA in October, using the Hebrew expression which means maintaining the peace at home. The umbrella of Jewish communities of Spain, of which Barcelona is a member, also had a policy of neutrality, which it abandoned on October 24 when it came out in support of a unified Spain and against Catalan independence. Historically, Catalonia was a major hub of Jewish settlement before the Inquisition of 1492. Prior to the expulsions that followed this Church-led campaign of religious persecution, a Jewish presence in Catalonia was first documented in 890 C.E. That’s more than a century before Jews were documented for the first time in Britain. But it is widely believed that Catalonia saw some of the

very first Jewish settlers in Spain, who came there after the Romans destroyed the Second Temple in Jerusalem 2,000 years ago. The town of Gerona, situated 50 miles north of Barcelona, was considered the undisputed capital of Jewish life in Catalonia and a hub of Jewish Sephardic learning. Moses ben Nahman, the 13th-century Jewish philosopher known as Nachmanides, was born and raised there. Israel is on the fence. Israel is among a handful of Western

nations that have remained silent on the dispute. Madrid received public support against Barcelona from the European Union, the United States, Canada, Japan and Mexico, among other international players. This divergence is part of a policy of nonalignment under Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who has remained neutral also on the Ukraine-Russia conflict, the civil war in Syria and on the vote in Britain to leave the European Union – all See “Catalonia” on page 2


November 10.................. 4:27 pm........................................... Parasha-Chaye Sarah November 17.................. 4:21 pm...................................................... Parasha-Toldot November 24.................. 4:16 pm....................................................Parasha-Vayetze

INSIDE THIS ISSUE Campus antisemitism

Federation grants

Congregational notes

Miriam Elman, a political scientist The Federation’s Philip L. Holstein Local synagogues announce a film and SU professor, examines trends Community Program Fund is showing, interfaith Thanksgiving accepting grant applications. celebration and more. of antisemitism on campus. Story on page 3 Stories on page 4 Story on page 2

PLUS Home and Real Estate........4-6 Calendar Highlights............... 7 Obituaries................................. 7 Classifieds................................ 8



Political scientist examines trends of antisemitism on campus FROM THE DESK OF THE


FEDERATION PRESIDENT/CEO MICHAEL BALANOFF I am honored to have been chosen president/CEO of the Jewish Federation of Central New York and the executive director of the Jewish Community Foundation of CNY. I wholeheartedly look forward to continuing the outstanding progress we have made under the extraordinarily capable and imaginative leadership of Linda Alexander. The Federation and Foundation are best served by having one person act as their professional leader. That creates coordination, collaboration and cooperation in advancing the missions of the two organizations. The Central New York area is a wonderful place to raise a family and maintain a satisfying and wholesome life style. For Jews living here, a thriving Jewish community enhances that life style while strengthening the bonds that make us unique. And we are all about community. This year, our Foundation contributed more than $185,000 to the Federation Campaign. That helped us increase our allocations to local agencies by 40 percent more than was allocated in 2012. As the Foundation grows through the foresight and generosity of its donors and the hard work of its exceptional board members, perpetual endowments that add to our financial growth will


issues on which other Western countries have taken clear-cut positions. Observers say the policy is designed to reduce friction with potential allies at a time when the United States – under President Donald Trump as well as his predecessor, Barack Obama – has appeared less insistent than in the past on its allies toeing its line. But Israel has potential dividends to gain – and risks to run – depending on who it supports in the Catalan dispute. Nonalignment gives Israel an ace up its sleeve. Spain is a generous financier of some organizations that are deemed anti-Israel and of others that are merely highly critical of Netanyahu’s policies in the conflict with the Palestinians. As long as Netanyahu remains noncommittal on Catalonia, he may leverage Israel’s position on the issue to influence Spanish policies on Israel. The United States, which has a naval base in the southern Spanish city of Rota, is bound to support Spain, as is the European Union, in which Spain is a member state. But Israel is unbound by such considerations and its neutrality may be a good beginning to a relationship with what could very well become Europe’s newest country within the foreseeable future. Spain supports Palestine – but not unconditionally. In the wake of the Catalan crisis, some supporters of Israel suggested that Spain is in no position to credibly object to Catalan unilateralism because of its own inconsistencies on this issue abroad – for example, when its federal congress unanimously voted in 2014 for a motion favoring Palestinian statehood. Or as Washington Examiner columnist Michael Rubin put it in a recent op-ed, “Spain gets what it deserves on Catalonia’s separatism.” Yet as JTA reported at the time, unlike similar motions that passed that year in France and Britain, the Spanish motion

be used to provide more services and quality programs to our community. For me, community is paramount. Increased funding for Federation’s Annual Campaign, which so many people support, will be among my top priorities. How we maintain the viability of our Jewish institutions, expand Jewish education, improve the quality of Jewish life at home and abroad are also priorities. I will be addressing issues which disparage Jewish life on college campuses regarding antisemitism and anti-Israel biases. I want our college-bound students to know how to handle what may be a less friendly attitude toward Jews on some campuses. I will support our Community Relations Committee to help assure the continued cooperation of faith groups, media, law enforcement and government officials in our community. I look forward to working with our boards of directors who bring wisdom, talent and commitment to their roles. I also look forward to my ongoing partnership with Chair of the Federation Board Ellen Weinstein and Chair of the Foundation Board Neil Bronstein. Together, I am confident that our collaboration will improve the quality of services for the present and future security of our community.

A second trend Elman disBY LINDA B. GLASER cussed is that Jewish students “A new wave of anti-Israel and are increasingly being ostracized antisemitic activism is emerging and shunned from progressive on campuses across the U.S.,” causes on campus. “The reality is said political scientist Miriam Jews now face a litmus test – only Elman in an October 25 talk at certain Jews are being invited Cornell University organized by to join: those willing to noisily Cornell Hillel. Elman drew from declare their anti-Zionism, or research for her presentation on at least not make too much of a “Anti-Zionism and Antisemitism on Campus: Current Trends, Miriam Elman big deal about this part of their Jewish identity,” said Elman. Challenges, and Solutions.” To illustrate the “disturbing new Students are expected not merely to trends,” Elman summarized some recent criticize Israeli policy or politics, but incidents, including student activists at the “to stand opposed to the core of Israel’s University of Illinois at Urbana-Cham- existence. They want students to reject paign, and said, “There’s no room for political Zionism – a quintessentially fascists, white supremacists or Zionists liberal movement of liberation and a life-raft for a persecuted people. at UIUC.” “Anti-Zionism as a liberal, social jusThe incidents show the growing effort by anti-Israel activists to portray Israel tice stance is now widely accepted, and as a “white supremacist country” and people are doubling down on it. It’s a trend to link Israel to accusations about white that’s only getting worse.” Another trend Elman highlighted is supremacist activity in the U.S. This effort is inherently hypocritical, said Elman, the increasingly blunt effort of anti-Israel since about 70 percent of Israelis are from activists to re-define Judaism for Jews. African or Middle Eastern countries and “Central to the identity of most Jews on thus most Americans would consider them the planet is a love of Zion. Jewish liturgy, the life cycle, holidays and celebratory people of color. Elman quoted an Atlanta rabbi who life moments in Judaism, you name said, “Black lives matter, but not if they it – all of it revolves around the central come from Ethiopia and speak Hebrew.” motif of a people attached to a land… Anti-Israel activists continue to hijack [but] anti-Israel activists want to erase progressive causes, said Elman, “from the very notion of Jewish peoplehood. women’s rights, and LGBTQ rights, to They tell us that Judaism is merely a set BLM, prison reform, climate change, even of religious practices.” Elman quoted Omar Barghouti, one of activism against date rape – you name the progressive cause and you’ll invariably the leaders of the Boycott, Divestment and find anti-Israel faculty and student groups Sanctions movement, who said in 2014 See “Campus” on page 7 trying to insert themselves.” Continued from page 1

stipulates that Spain will recognize an independent Palestinian state only if its creation is agreed upon in negotiations with Israel. This is essentially Israel’s policy on the issue, too. Spain has also remained noncommittal on Western Sahara, a former colony of Spain that is currently under disputed Moroccan control, which some local groups seek to replace with an independent Western Sahara. In March, Spanish Foreign Minister Alfonso Dastis stopped short of supporting Saharawi independence, calling only for “a just political solution” to end the conflict there. Catalonia supports Israel – up to a point. Jewish and pro-Israel supporters of Catalan independence sometimes suggest that Israel is more popular in the region than elsewhere in Spain. Opponents underscore Spain’s own overtures toward Israel and partnership with it, including a recent judicial fight against antisemitism and discriminatory boycotts of Israel. But neither argument is clear cut, according to Yigal Palmor, a former senior spokesman of the Israeli Foreign Ministry who has served in Spain. Catalans have traditionally been more “open to Europe” than the rest of Spain, he said. Arguably, this European affinity has inoculated some Catalans to the medieval antisemitism that persists to this day in some parts of the country. In the country’s north, for example, some people say “kill a Jew” in toasting at traditional feasts. “These phenomena disappeared in Europe but not in Spain, which has not had a large Jewish presence since the expulsion,” Palmor said. But Catalans were less isolated from the rest of the continent than other regions in Spain, which spent much of the 20th century under the isolationist dictatorship of Francisco Franco. This, and the Catalan longtime national aspirations, created an affinity to Zionism and Judaism in Catalonia, Palmor said, “where there traditionally has been a lot of

respect for the kibbutz movement, the revival of the Hebrew language and Zionism generally across the political spectrum.” But in the 1990s, he added, the Catalan left wing grew closer to its “anti-globalist, Third World-oriented” counterparts in Madrid, introducing the campaign to boycott Israel in a big way to Catalonia, Palmor said. At least five of the approximately 50 Spanish municipalities that declared

of Central New York

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their support for the boycott of Israel are in Catalonia. Last year, a leader of a left-wing Catalan political party called a leader of the Jewish community, who is not Israeli and has no foreign nationality, “a foreign agent.” And earlier this year, the mayor of Barcelona ignored protests by Jewish groups over the hosting in her city of a Palestinian terrorist, Leila Khaled. All articles, announcements and photographs must be received by noon Wednesday, 15 days prior to publication date. Articles must be typed, double spaced and include the name of a contact person and a daytime telephone number. E-mail submissions are encouraged and may be sent to The Jewish Observer reserves the right to edit any copy. Signed letters to the editor are welcomed: they should not exceed 250 words. Names will be withheld at the discretion of the editor. All material in this newspaper has been copyrighted and is exclusive property of the Jewish Observer and cannot be reproduced without the consent of the publisher. Views and opinions expressed by our writers, columnists, advertisers and by our readers do not necessarily reflect the publisher’s and editors’ points of view, nor that of the Jewish Federation of Central New York. The newspaper reserves the right to cancel any advertisements at any time. This newspaper is not liable for the content of any errors appearing in the advertisements beyond the cost of the space occupied. The advertiser assumes responsibility for errors in telephone orders. The Jewish Observer does not assume responsibility for the kashrut of any product or service advertised in this paper. THE JEWISH OBSERVER OF CENTRAL NEW YORK (USPS 000939) (ISSN 1079-9842) Publications Periodical postage paid at Syracuse, NY and other offices. Published 24 times per year by the Jewish Federation of Central New York Inc., a non-profit corporation, 5655 Thompson Road, DeWitt, NY 13214. Subscriptions: $36/year; student $10/ year. POST MASTER: Send address change to JEWISH OBSERVER OF CENTRAL NEW YORK, 5655 Thompson Road, DeWitt, NY 13214.

The Jewish Observer is a member of the American Jewish Press Association.

NOVEMBER 9, 2017/20 CHESHVAN 5778 ■



AROUND CENTRAL NEW YORK Philip L. Holstein Community Fund grants offered BY MARK FIELD The Jewish Federation of Central New York announced a funding opportunity through its annual grant award program that is now available and open for applications. All eligible local beneficiary and Central New York non-beneficiary Jewish agencies, synagogues, organizations and entities having IRS Section 501(c) (3) status may apply. Ellen Weinstein, chair of the Federation board, said, “This annual grant award program has been renamed the Philip L. Holstein Community Program Fund of the Jewish Federation of Central New York in honor of

our dear friend and colleague, who is greatly missed. Phil’s insight and effort served as the genesis for this fund, which aims to foster collaboration and cooperation among the local Jewish institutions, both existing and emerging. This fund honors Phil’s dedication. We are excited to announce that we have available funds totaling more than $47,000. We will award grants at a variety of levels, not to exceed $7,500.” Each agency or organization may submit only up to two RFPs (request for proposal). However, an agency or organization may submit one additional RFP if submitted in collaboration with another organization. The intent is to

give preference to RFPs that present innovative and/or collaborative ideas.All eligible agencies and organizations may apply individually or jointly with any other organization. While it is “strongly encouraged” to collaborate between beneficiary agencies and organizations, it is not required. The RFP application is available through Kathie Piirak at the Federation office (KPiirak@JewishFederationCNY. org). The application deadline is Monday, December 18. The Allocations Committee headed by Mark Field will review the applications and make recommendations to the Federation board. It is expected that the grant fund awards will be announced on or about January 28, 2018.

Fall happenings with PJ Library The PJ Library® in Central New York had a busy October full of mitzvot, hammering and some a capella music. When the country was struck by natural disasters in September, PJ Library started a Hurricane Harvey Book Drive to send books to those families and institutions affected by Harvey in Houston, TX. The book drive took place in communities throughout the country, with Syracuse participating as well. In one week’s time, local residents donated more than 300 of their old PJ books to PJ Library in Central New York. Those books were then sorted by age and content, and divided into packages of 12 books per age group. Syracuse sent 288 books to Houston, which was the equivalent of a year’s supply of books for 24 different children. With the help of PJ communities throughout the country, Houston has collected enough books for at least 75 children in every age range (6 months to 8 years old) to receive a year’s supply of books. These books are intended to replace books that families and institutions lost in the flooding due to Hurricane Harvey. PJ Library thanks everyone locally who contributed books for this cause. PJ Library in Central New York is always collecting extra PJ Library books. Anyone interested in donating their books for future needs should contact Carolyn Weinberg at On October 9, PJ Library in Central New York and the Sam Pomeranz Jewish Community Center vacation camp children partnered with Home Depot for a mini-sukkah building event. School-age children had the opportunity to use a hammer, nails and glue to build their own little sukkah, which they could then take home. More than 30 local families participated in the event, and the children

had the opportunity to use real tools and then decorate their sukkahs to their liking. PJ Library thanks Mike Stermer at Home Depot for helping make the event possible and successful. Sukkot is a holiday that lasts eight days and people traditionally build life-size huts with three walls outside the home to welcome guests. The roof is made of something that was once living and people should be able to see the sky through the roof. Traditionally, families can eat and sometimes sleep outside in their sukkahs throughout the holiday. The Jewish a capella group Six13 performed at Temple Adath Yeshurun for the entire community on October 15. Prior to the performance, all the local synagogues’ religious schools came for a combined school program. Students in pre-kindergarten and kindergarten joined PJ Library for a program. Participants talked and sang about the 613 commandments, and read a PJ Library book about mitzvot. After reading the book, the children created their own placemats like the character in the book does. This follows the mitzvah of making something more beautiful, and the children created artwork that they could then bring home to use. Following the program, the PJ Library participants joined the rest of the community for the performance by Six13. On Sunday November 12, there will be a PJ Our Way planning party for 8-11-year-olds from 2-3:30 pm at the Community Library of DeWitt and Jamesville. On Sunday, December 10, from 2-3 pm, there will be a Build-A-Bear donation party in Destiny USA. Families are asked to purchase bears in advance that will then be completed at Build-A-Bear in Destiny USA and donated See “PJ” on page 7

Sam Pomeranz Jewish Community Center senior dining menu NOVEMBER 13-17 Monday – vegetable soup and mac ‘n cheese Tuesday – crispy teriyaki chicken Wednesday – hot corned beef sandwich Thursday – meatloaf Friday – birthday celebration – herbed rubbed chicken NOVEMBER 20-24 Monday – split pea soup and turkey sandwich Tuesday – imitation crab cake Wednesday – Thanksgiving celebration – roast turkey Thursday – closed Friday – closed The Bobbi Epstein Lewis JCC Senior Adult Dining Program at the Sam Pomeranz Jewish Community Center offers Va’ad Ha’ir-supervised kosher lunches served

Monday through Friday at noon. Lunch reservations are required by noon on the previous business day. There is a suggested contribution per meal. The menu is subject to change. The program is funded by a grant from the Onondaga County Department of Aging and Youth and the New York State Office for the Aging, with additional funds provided by the JCC. To attend, one need not be Jewish or a member of the JCC. For further information or to make a reservation, contact Cindy Stein at 445-2360, ext. 104, or

On October 9, PJ Library in Central New York and the Sam Pomeranz Jewish Community Center vacation camp children partnered with Mike Stermer at Home Depot for a mini-sukkah building event. More than 30 local families participated in the event, and the children had the opportunity to use real tools and then decorate their sukkahs to their liking.



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Wednesday, November 8........... November 23 Tuesday, November 21, early..... December 7 Wednesday, December 20............... January 4 Wednesday, January 3................... January 18

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CONGREGATIONAL NOTES Shaarei Torah Orthodox Congregation “MAMELE” “Mamele,” a musical-romantic comedy/drama starring Molly Picon, will be shown at Shaarei Torah Orthodox Congregation of Syracuse on Sunday, November 19, at 2:30 pm. Picon was 40 years old when she played the role of a teenager who had to care for her unappreciative young

siblings after the death of their mother. The movie was made in Poland in 1938 on the cusp of the Nazi invasion in 1939. The film, which has been restored by the National Center for Jewish Film and has English subtitles, is set in Lodz and features what became Picon’s trademark song, “Abi Gezun.”

Congregation Beth Sholom-Chevra Shas ANNUAL JOINT THANKSGIVING CELEBRATION On Sunday, November 19, at 4 pm, Congregation Beth Sholom-Chevra Shas will hold its annual joint Thanksgiving celebration with Pebble Hill Presbyterian and the Islamic Society of Central New York. The celebration will be held at CBS-CS. This year’s theme is gratitude. Congregants will explore the concept of gratitude through reflections, sacred texts and songs from each religious tradition.

The CBS-CS Sisterhood and United Synagogue Youth will lead a social action program where participants can learn about the work of Vera House and make cards for survivors of domestic violence. Participants are asked to bring gift cards from Target and Walmart for the Vera House residents. The program allows survivors to shop for their children’s needs. Music from the Kenya Hora Klezmer band will top off the event.

Temple Concord “MAJESTIC NATURE AND THE MAGIC OF MUSIC” BY CHANA MEIR “Majestic Nature and the Magic of Music,” a collaboration between pianist Maryna Mazhukhova and stained-glass artist Robert Oddy, will be the next offering in Temple Concord’s Regina F. Goldenberg Cultural Series on Tuesday, November 14, at 7 pm. A native of Belarus, Mazhukhova has performed in North America and Eastern Europe, in venues such as Carnegie Hall, Steinway Hall and Borden Auditorium in New York. She is the recipient of a number of national and international awards, and has donated her talent to several joint Belarusian/American musical events to raise funds for humanitarian causes. For the last several years, she has been active as a soloist and collaborative artist throughout New York state. Oddy has a bachelor’s degree in mathematics and a master’s degree in computing from the University of Durham, England, as well as a Ph.D. in information retrieval from the University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, England. A self-taught artist, he left a full professorship at Syracuse University in May 1997 to devote himself to the art of stained glass. Although he has created many objects in stained glass, he is known for his nature-themed windows.

The program will consist of selections from Debussy, Scriabin and Beethoven, performed by Mazhukhova, and accompanied by a slide show of Oddy’s artwork. Goldenberg Series events are free and open to the public. Donations are welcome. For more information, contact Temple Concord at 315-475-9952 or office@ OPEN-LIBRARIES WORKSHOP AT TEMPLE CONCORD TO PROMOTE COORDINATION BY MICKI COOPER On Sunday, November 19, from 9-11:30 am, at Temple Concord, in a workshop sponsored in part by a 2017 grant from the Philip L. Holstein Community Program Fund, Temple Concord’s Lois Arnold Gale Memorial Library will host a free workshop for those guiding the libraries at Syracuse’s synagogues and Jewish organizations. Organizers hope that the workshop will bring together those who are responsible for, and who volunteer at, the libraries to discuss ideas in a workshop format. Topics will include patron engagement, library volunteers, collection policies and procedures (including cataloging, acquisitions and weeding), Shabbat sign-out strategies, library software and coordination among the libraries. See “TC” on page 8

Temple Adath Yeshurun

L-r: Congregation Beth Sholom-Chevra Shas “Kadimaniks” Lily Pierce, Julianna Hall and Shaynah Sikora enjoyed creating Mount Sinai out of ice cream for the Kadima “Ice Cream Challenge.”

More than 50 people attended Temple Adath Yeshurun’s Hazak’s annual paid-up membership lunch on October 22. Among the new members of the group are (l-r) Brenda Hamernik, Danielle Reboux, Barbara Arnow and Sandra Roth.

Four ways to prepare your house for the cold

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(NAPSI) – You can be better able to keep your home cozy and comfortable when it’s cold outside when you consider these four tips from Drain outdoor water sources: Before the next big freeze, make sure to drain all hoses, outdoor faucets and irrigation systems of any remaining water and cover exposed areas with some form of insulation. Leftover water can expand when it freezes, causing pipes to burst. Clean your gutters: Branches, leaves and debris have likely been falling onto your

roof and making a permanent home in your gutters. It’s important to keep gutters free of debris so water drains properly. Blocked gutters can create ice dams, letting water leak back into the house and cause roof damage. Inspect the furnace: The last thing anyone wants to deal with when colder weather arrives is the furnace not working. Get your furnace inspected every autumn to check functionality and efficiency. A proactive inspection also keeps you safe from allergens and excess levels of carbon monoxide. See “Cold” on page 6

NOVEMBER 9, 2017/20 CHESHVAN 5778 ■

Lions of Judah Sixteen Lions of Judah welcomed two new members to their “pride” on October 16 at a luncheon in their honor at The Oaks at Menorah Park. Euni Balanoff and Nan Fechtner recently became Lions with a major gift commitment to the 2018 Federation Campaign. Longtime donor Libby Rubenstein was also presented with her Lion pin and was recognized for her 20 years of leadership and giving to the Jewish community. Each woman makes an annual donation to the Jewish Federation Campaign that reflects her capacity to give. In Central New York, the threshold commitment is $5,000 per year. The Lions of Judah, led by Robin Goldberg, is a group of 41 philanthropic women who care “deeply” about the Jewish future and demonstrate their dedication to the community by

contributing their time and resources toward the goal of creating social justice, aiding the vulnerable, preserving human dignity and building Jewish identity.

Robin Goldberg pinned Euni Balanoff, one of the two most recent “Lions.”


JCC receives proceeds from donated car

BY WILLIAM WALLAK The Sam Pomeranz Jewish Community Center recently received a vehicle donation via Charitable Auto Resource Service in Manlius, even though no one at the JCC was able to test drive – or even see – the vehicle. That’s because CARS handles all aspects of vehicle donations to benefit designated local nonprofits. CARS solicits vehicle donations, takes in the donated vehicles, sells them and then passes on the proceeds to nonprofit organizations as specified by the donor. This recent donation via CARS netted the JCC $507.50.


L-r: JCC of Syracuse Executive Director Marci Erlebacher accepted the JCC’s check from Mike Lessen, with CARS, on October 17. For more information about donating a vehicle to benefit the JCC, contact CARS at 315-256-6167 or

Young Leadership

Libby Rubenstein was pinned by Robin Goldberg for her “20 years of leadership and giving to the Jewish community.”

L-r: Outgoing Jewish Federation of Central New York President/CEO Linda Alexander pinned a Lion of Judah pin on Nan Fechtner.

The local group of Lions of Judah at a luncheon in their honor on October 16.

On September 17, the Young Leadership Committee (with spouses and friends) joined together to sweat and ring in the new year at Orange Theory Fitness.

De-stress your move (NAPSI) – Although moving is one of the most stressful life events – according to the Employee Relocation Council – it doesn’t have to be. If you’re one of the 40 million people estimated to move this year, these five steps from can make moving easier: 1. Build a To-Do Timeline – Start by making a list of everything you need to do and when you need to do it. Include tasks such as budgeting, decluttering, hiring movers, purchasing supplies, and updating important medical and financial records.

2. Create a Moving At-A-Glance List – Put all your critical move-related names, phone numbers and addresses on one document to carry with you and store in your smartphone. Be sure you can easily access your moving contract, real estate and mortgage documents, and info on local utilities, banks and schools, too. 3. Pack a First-Night Survival Box – After you’ve arrived at your new home, you don’t want to have to hunt for the must-have items, such as box cutters, tools, device See “Move” on page 6

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A matter of life and death BY JUDITH S. HUOBER Have you, like many of us, ever wondered what people would say about you at your funeral? Do you wish you could know how others think of your life, but find it too macabre – or needy – to actually ask them to eulogize you before your time? The oddly named parasha, Chaye Sarah, approaches that problem from an interesting angle. The title purports to speak of “Sarah’s Life,” but only to announce, at its outset, that that life has ended. Rather than discuss Sarah’s life, the parasha continues the tale of it, going on from

B’NAI MITZVAH Tyler Nathan

Tyler Nathan, son of Amy Nathan and Charles Ettridge, of Fayetteville, became bar mitzvah at Temple Adath Yeshurun on October 21. He is the grandson of Mary Jane and Stephen Nathan, of Fayetteville. He is a student at Wellwood Middle School and attends the TAY Religious School. He enjoys playing lacrosse and basketball, skiing and snowboarding, and plays the saxophone.

Tyler Nathan

Thou Shalt Ride

the statement of her death to her husband’s mourning and burial arrangements for her, to her son’s courtship and marriage, and so on. You might say, as many scholars have pointed out, that instead of being about the life of Sarah, the parasha is about her death. But, there is no eulogy, no remembering of anecdotes, characteristics or other details that might seem to connect better with the life she lived. There is only a mathematical summation, “And Sarah’s life was a 127 years, the years of Sarah’s life” (Genesis 23:1), and then history continues, with only a brief hiccup as she falls out of it, “And Sarah died.” (Genesis 23:2) How sad to promise the life in the title and leave only the death in the tale. Would you feel cheated, if you attended your own funeral and heard only that? The point, as many d’var writers before me have said, is that Sarah’s life is best seen from the perspective of its outcomes, of the manifold events and lives detailed in the remainder of the parasha. Our first matriarch, the parasha’s title tells us, can be seen to have engendered all that came after her: not just Isaac’s marital arrangements, but Abraham’s further marriage and offspring and death (Genesis 25:1-4); Ishmael’s lineage and death (Genesis 25:12-18); and Isaac’s lineage right through Esau’s spurning of his birthright (Genesis 25:19-34). Not the events she lived, but those she gave birth to are summarized in the parasha, under the title of Sarah’s life. Her life is extended into our day in the foundational events of our people, and we are grateful to our great matriarch for them. I cannot quite countenance it, or aspire to it, for myself. For my part, I do not wish my life to be seen only from all that happens after me, or even because of me. Don’t get me wrong, I love the idea of having a legacy.

I love the idea of living on after my death in the lives and deeds of those whose lives I gave birth to or support. But while I am alive, I try to live my life for itself, in the moment and for the moment. And just so, I hope that my life’s meaning will be at least partially gleaned from those very particulars, from the minutiae of those moments of my life. I hope that I will be remembered for my laughter, as I remembered Sarah in naming my own son Yitzchak in honor of her mirth. I pray that I will be remembered for courage and loyalty to a world-spanning family, as Sarah is for her amazing journeys as she accompanies her itinerant, God-called husband. I am even willing for my jealousies to be known to my grandchildren, as Sarah’s of Hagar are known to us, her offspring. These names, stories and episodes, these are the stuff of what I want to be recounted at my funeral. I know of no better message to those who will mourn me, or greater legacy to teach, than to help them see that in matters of life and death, it is the details of life that must rise up and be embraced, not the statements of death. I know I don’t get to choose how they will recall me after my death. I just hope that they choose the instances of my life, and not the fact of my death, as the source after which they name – and live – their own chapters. Judith Huober is director of Syracuse Jewish Family Service and founding director of IMPARA: the Rodney and Marjorie Fink Institute at Menorah Park for Applied Research on Aging. She has more than 30 years of experience in for-profit and not-for-profit management and strategic development; communications; community organizing; education; and technology/health care. Huober was editor and then, executive editor, of the Jewish Observer of Central New York for seven years.

The Bistro at Menorah Park is open

Thou Shalt Ride, a member of the Central New York motorcycle club affiliated with the Jewish Motorcycle Alliance, recently stopped at Raquette Lake while enjoying a fall foliage ride in the Adirondacks. The club’s goals include fellowship, scenic rides and support for Holocaust education. At their annual Ride to Remember, participants raise funds for the local Holocaust education center. For more club information, contact Joel Stein at L-r: Dave Feldman, Joel Stein and Ken Bell.

BY STEWART KOENIG The Jim and Arlene Gerber Bistro, located in the former Menorah Park café area, opened on October 24. The centerpiece of the new Abraham Shankman Wellness Pavilion, the Bistro serves three meals a day, seven days a week. Along with the Bistro, the adjoining Fox’s Den Sports Bar and Dr. Irving and Dorothy Goldman Piano Lounge have opened, as well. “Menorah Park residents, their visitors and anyone looking for delicious food that happens to be kosher are welcome to the Bistro,” Menorah Park CEO Mary Ellen Bloodgood said. “You can also watch a game and have a beverage at Fox’s Den Sports Bar and we’ll be having great musical programs in the piano lounge. Everything is designed to enhance our residents’ quality of life and there’s something for everyone here. We also welcome groups – organizations and businesses – to have their meetings and gatherings here.” Bistro hours are 8 am-10 am for breakfast, 11 am-2 pm for lunch and 4-7 pm for dinner. For group bookings or more information, call Megan Schultz at 315-446-9111, ext. 255. To view the menu, visit www.

Staff welcomed customers on opening day at the Jim and Arlene Gerber Bistro (l-r): Megan Schultz, catering manager; Daniel LaJoie, Bistro manager; Hope Murphy, Bistro cook; and Daetwan Reed, Bistro cook.



Continued from page 4

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Continued from page 5

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Continued from page 2

that “Jews are not a people, and the U.N. principle to self-determination does not apply to them.” Elman listed three challenges to countering these trends. First, that Jews are often leaders of anti-Israel activism on campus, such as through the Jewish Voice for Peace, which provides cover for antisemites and actively works against Jewish interests. For example, said Elman, JVP is against any security measures in Israel, even the Iron Dome self-defense system, which protects against missiles from Gaza and elsewhere. Though “this is an ostensibly Jewish organization,” said Elman, “what it’s saying is that Jewish Lives Don’t Matter.” A second challenge, according to Elman, is that when Jews point out antisemitism, they’re viewed as complainers who just don’t like criticism of Israel. This is in stark contrast to what happens when other minorities identify bigotry, which is usually met with sympathy and support. When Jews call out hate speech on campus, they’re told to stop being paranoid and oversensitive. A final challenge, said Elman, is that the problems extend beyond the student body. Students get their cues and information from faculty, and professors who are ardent supporters of BDS create a hostile environment for Jewish students. She cited a new study by the AMCHA initiative, which found that faculty advocacy of BDS

Calendar Highlights

To see a full calendar of community events, visit the Federation's community calendar online at Please notify of any calendar changes.

Wednesday, November 21 EARLY Deadline for the December 8 Jewish Observer Thursday, December 20 Deadline for the January 4 Jewish Observer Sunday, November 12 Temple Adath Yeshurun Sisterhood book discussion of “The Bridal Chair” by Gloria Goldreich at 10:45 am Temple Concord GAN program from 10:30 am – noon PJ Library® Our Way party at the Jamesville DeWitt Community Library from 2 – 3:30 pm Shaarei Torah Orthodox Congregation of Syracuse Tea and Torah at 3:30 pm Monday, November 13 Congregation Beth Sholom-Chevra Shas Lunch and Learn at SU Hillel at noon Tuesday, November 14 Temple Concord Goldenberg Series presents “Majestic Nature and the Magic of Music” at 7 pm Sam Pomeranz Jewish Community Center Executive Committee meeting at 6 pm, followed by the Board of Directors at 7 pm Wednesday, November 15 TAY Executive Committee meeting at 6 pm, followed by the Board of Directors at 7 pm CBS-CS downtown Lunch and Learn at Bousquet Holstein law offices at noon Thursday, November 16 CBS-CS Rabbi Andrew Pepperstone presents a class on “End of Life” issues at 10:30 am Friday, November 17 CBS-CS Shabbat dinner at 6 pm followed by Shabbat HaDorot (services led by the children) at 7:15 pm Saturday, November 18 TC Tot Shabbat at 9 am CBS-CS Lunch and Learn with Rabbi Andrew Pepperstone at 12:15 pm Sunday, November 19 TAY Chanukah party bazaar with the religious school at 10 am CBS-CS joint Thanksgiving program with Pebble Hill Presbyterian Church and Islamic Society of CNY at 4 pm STOCS presents the film, “Mamele” at 2:30 pm Thursday, November 23 Federation and JCC offices closed Friday, November 24 Federation and JCC offices closed Sunday, November 26 STOCS Tea and Torah at 3:30 pm Monday, November 27 CBS-CS Lunch and Learn at Hillel at SU at noon Tuesday, November 28 Federation Board meeting at 6:15 pm TC presents Sam Gruber speaking on “The Art of Jewish Symbols” from 6:30 - 8:30 pm


poses a serious threat to Jewish students. “In general, the threat from the right is coming onto campus from the outside. The much more dominant form of antisemitism on campus is coming from the far left… [but] antisemitism on the left and right both trade in the same tropes and the very same tendentious conspiratorial framings of Jewish power and privilege, moneyed interest, secret, behind the scenes global control and influence,” Elman said. Elman offered four suggestions for countering anti-Israel sentiment on campus: Demand viewpoint diversity in classes and speaker series. Find allies. Join with other groups being marginalized and ostracized. Encourage dialogue. Advocate for dialogue and coexistence efforts. Stand up to campus bullies. Demand that antisemitism be treated by administrators the same as racism against any other group. Elman is associate professor of political science and the Robert D. McClure Professor of Teaching Excellence at Syracuse University’s Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs. She is also a research director in the Program for the Advancement of Research on Conflict and Collaboration, and co-editor of “Jerusalem: Conflict and Cooperation in a Contested City” and “Democracy and Conflict Resolution: The Dilemmas of Israel’s Peacemaking.” Linda B. Glaser is the writer and publicist for the Cornell University College of Arts and Sciences.


Continued from page 3

to children at Upstate Golisano Children’s Hospital in Syracuse. For questions and further details about any of the upcoming PJ Library in Central New York events, contact Carolyn at PJ Library® (PJ for pajamas) is a nationally-acclaimed literacy program started by the Harold Grinspoon Foundation that gives free Jewish bedtime stories, CDs and DVDs to families raising Jewish children. The PJ Library in Central New York chapter is a program of the JCC of Syracuse and is supported by the Pomeranz, Shankman and Martin Charitable Foundation, Jewish Federation of Central New York, Congregation Beth Sholom-Chevra Shas, Shaarei Torah Orthodox Congregation of Syracuse, Syracuse Hebrew Day School, Temple Adath Yeshurun and Temple Concord. The PJ Library in Central New York serves children from 6 months to 8 years old in Cortland, Madison, Onondaga and Oswego counties. For more information and to sign up, visit or e-mail

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Marilyn Kamp, a longtime resident of upstate New York, and a more recent transplant to South Florida, died on October 31. She and her late husband, Bernie, were both pilots and founded their family business, Kamp Airport, in the 1970s. She was one of the only women at the time to own an airport. Their business drew the attention of Dunn and Bradstreet, who interviewed them on how they created a full-service airport. She was one of the first female pilots of her time and was an active member of the Ninety-Nines, an all-female pilots non-profit organization founded in 1929. She travelled to the Soviet Union in the late ‘80s with an all-female pilots association and met with female cosmonauts. She extended her visit to find her family’s roots and final resting places. She spearheaded the Sky Watch program, an organization of female aviators who searched for and rescued lost and injured people; and was one of the earliest protectors of the environment in reporting pollution violators from the cockpit of her plane. An active member and past president of Hadassah, she committed her life to the advancement of women, traveling all over the world to promote women’s scholarship and education. She opened her door to everyone in need of a meal or companionship. She loved golf, tennis, museums, plays and socializing. She was predeceased by her husband, Bernie; her daughter, Phylissa Britan; her sister, Rosie Rosoff; her brother, Joey Spector; and her parents, Fanny and Philip Spector. She is survived by her daughters, Susan Kamp, Marsha Kamp (Stephen) Rothenberg and Bonnie Kamp; her sister, Bess Greenberg, and four granddaughters. Burial was in the Adath Yeshurun Cemetery. Sisskind Funeral Service had arrangements. Contributions may be made to a charity to support women’s causes.

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Six13 a cappella concert a hit with audience

BY WILLIAM WALLAK On October 15, the a cappella group, Six13, presented by Temple Adath Yeshurun, the Sam Pomeranz Jewish Community Center, Syracuse Hebrew Day School, Syracuse Community Hebrew School and the Rabbi Jacob Epstein School for Jewish Studies put on a show that was made possible by a grant from the Philip L. Holstein Community Program Fund of the Jewish Federation of Central New York. Thumping beats, harmonies and a sprinkling of humor rounded out the Six13 a cappella concert at Temple Adath Yeshurun. Five hundred people came out for the free hour-long show by the six-man a cappella group anchored by their Jewish

identities. The music was said to be full of Judaic themes and imagery, which was enjoyed by the very young and seniors in attendance as many “bopped in their seats” and danced in the aisles. For the encore, Six13 brought all the children in attendance up on stage to help perform a “Jewish” infused version of Taylor Swift’s hit “Shake it Off.” With more than eight million views on YouTube, Six13 is becoming an Internet sensation. The group has been featured on “The Today Show” and “The View,” and in The Huffington Post and Time Magazine. The group is a three-time casting finalist for NBC’s a cappella show “The Sing-Off.”

Six13 performed an encore, Taylor Swift’s “Shake it Off,” along with local children during the a cappella group’s free concert on October 15 at Temple Adath Yeshurun.

JCC preschoolers celebrate Fire Safety Week BY AMY BISNETT Firefighters from the DeWitt Fire Department visited the Sam Pomeranz Jewish Community Center’s Jerome and Phyllis Charney Early Childhood Development Program on October 10. The visitors came in their fire trucks to celebrate Fire Safety Week with the children. The firefighters gave demonstrations to the preschool and pre-kindergarten classes in their suits, and taught the children about fire safety and what to do if there’s a fire at home.

“Getting young children more comfortable with firemen in their full suits and masks is crucial in case they ever wind up in a situation where they need help from them,” said Pamela Ranieri, ECDP director. “We want to expose the children so they know firemen are there to help.” All of the Early Childhood Program’s children checked out the fire truck, visited with the firemen and took home their own fire helmet.


Israel hosts eight nations in largest-ever air force exercise

The Israeli Air Force the week of Nov. 5 launched the “largest and most complex” aerial exercise in the Jewish state’s history, involving combat pilots and support crews from the U.S., Greece, Poland, France, Germany, India, Italy and an unidentified eighth country. The drill, dubbed “Blue Flag,” is a biennial event originally launched in 2013. This year’s exercise involves more than 1,000 participants. In addition to four new nations joining the exercise, officers and attachés from 40 other nations were expected to attend in an observational capacity.


Children in the Sam Pomeranz Jewish Community Center’s Jerome and Phyllis Charney Early Childhood Development Program posed for a photo after checking out a DeWitt Fire Department fire truck. Continued from page 4

Sally Cutler, TC first vice president and Library Committee chair, said, “The ultimate aim of the Open-Libraries Project is coordination among our community’s libraries for the benefit of all.” Over the past several years, Temple Concord has been revitalizing its library in a variety of ways. The library will shortly be transitioning from a spreadsheet-and paper-based system to an online catalog and automated sign-out and tracking system. Cutler added, “We are eager to share and compare ideas with our colleagues at the other Judaic libraries in Syracuse.” To sign up and for more information, contact Cutler at or 315-626-2918. SERIES ON THE ART OF JEWISH SYMBOLS BY CHANA MEIR Temple Concord congregant Sam Gruber, often regarded as an internationally-recognized expert in art, architecture and historic preservation, will deliver the second part of his series on “The Art of Jewish Symbols” on Tuesday, November 28, from 6:30-8:30 pm, at the synagogue.

Titled “Tent, Tabernacle, and Temple,” Gruber’s talk will continue investigating the origins, popularity and changing meanings of some of the most widespread and recognizable symbols used in Jewish art and architecture that he discussed in his November 7 class on “The Menorah.” His third and final class, “Tablets of the Law/Ten Commandments,” will be held on Tuesday, December 5, also from 6:30-8:30 pm. Since 1994, Gruber has been a parttime faculty member in the Jewish Studies Program at Syracuse University and is presently visiting associate professor in Jewish studies at Cornell University. He also directs Gruber Heritage Global, a cultural heritage consulting firm, and is president of the not-for-profit International Survey of Jewish Monuments. No preparation is needed to attend classes, but related books are available in the Lois Arnold Gale Memorial Library at Temple Concord. The community is invited to attend. To register online, go to www.templeconcord. org and click on the calendar tab; go to


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November 28, click on “The Art of Jewish Symbols” and then follow the “Go to Event” link; or contact the TC office at 315475-9952 or SU CHANCELLOR TO SPEAK AT TEMPLE CONCORD BY CHANA MEIR Syracuse University Chancellor and President Chancellor Kent Syverud will address the congregation of Temple Concord at a Shabbat service on Friday, December 1, at 7:30 pm. “To my knowledge, this will be the first time an SU chancellor has spoken at a local synagogue. Chancellor Syverud’s visit marks an exciting step forward in Temple Concord’s ongoing efforts to strengthen bonds with SU, our close neighbor,” TC Rabbi Daniel Fellman said. Cooperation and collaboration between Temple Concord and Syracuse University have increased in recent years. The rabbi has served as advisor to Hillel at Syracuse University; SU students have volunteered at the synagogue’s food pantry and with its youth groups; and students have attended services and holiday celebrations. In 2015,

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Temple Concord and SU hosted a joint “Let My People Go Orange” seder at the Dome, an event that Fellman says will likely be repeated. Syverud, a native of Irondequoit, NY, began his position as SU’s 12th chancellor in January 2013. He earned a bachelor’s degree at Georgetown University, and a law degree and master’s degree in economics from the University of Michigan. Among his many accomplishments, he has served as law school dean at Vanderbilt University and Washington University, and clerked for U.S. Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O’Connor. During his time at SU, and speaking out against the Department of Defense’s policy barring transgender individuals from serving in the U.S. military and the repeal of the DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals) program, Syverud has defended what he called in a July 2017 message, “Syracuse University’s values of access, and of inclusion.” The Shabbat event is open to the community. For more information, call the TC office at 315-475-9952.

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