Syr1205 December 7, 2017

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Federation at 100 BY BARBARA SHEKLIN DAVIS THE JEWISH FEDERATION OF CENTRAL NEW YORK WILL CELEBRATE ITS 100TH ANNIVERSARY IN 2018 Editor’s note: To mark this milestone, the Jewish Observer will print a series of 10 articles highlighting each decade of the Federation’s work with and for the community. We hope you will enjoy this look backward as we continue to work to ensure a thriving future. In the beginning…. The Talmud (Shevuot 39a) says “Kol Yisrael arevim zeh bazeh” – “All Israel is responsible one for the other.” This concept is the foundation of communal responsibility in Judaism. All Jews share an obligation to help their co-religionists and to ensure that their basic needs for food, clothing and shelter are met. So when Dutch Governor Peter Stuyvesant reluctantly acquiesced to allowing 23 Jews into New Amsterdam – “provided the poor among them shall not become a burden to the… community,” he really had no cause for concern. Jews take care of Jews. Jews came to Syracuse in the middle of the 19th century. Just as they founded synagogues, schools and communal organizations, they also created social welfare organizations to look after those who could

not look after themselves. There were many such organizations: widows’ and orphans’ funds, mutual assistance organizations, organizations to visit the sick, bury the dead, feed the hungry, lend to the poor. As B.G. Rudolph puts it in his invaluable history of Syracuse Jewry, “From a Minyan to a Community,” “every time a new need was discovered, another society was formed.” Rudolph noted that there was “much duplication and overlapping,” and in an age without telethons, social media or development professionals, solicitation was door-to-door. Eventually, there were so many requests for financial assistance from so many worthy entities, including national organizations and European yeshivot, that some citizens of means wearied of being constantly asked for donations and decided to attempt to bring order to the situation. In 1891, the United Jewish Charities of Syracuse was created with the aim of combining as many of the smaller organizations as possible, reducing the multiplicity of fund-raising requests and furthering the goal of Americanization by assisting “the Jewish immigrant to find his place in America.” The collective organization met with mixed success, as many leaders of small organizations chose not to give up their positions and some

of the needs of the more recently-arrived Eastern European immigrants (e.g., a mikvah, kosher food) were not shared by the now-established German immigrants who had preceded them and whose Jewish worldview was significantly different. World War I brought about a major change in the Syracuse Jewish community’s collective fund-raising efforts. Urgent appeals for funds from Europe and Palestine resulted in a redefinition of communal obligation and a restructuring of communal fund-raising. No longer was the goal of financial support either the integration of Jews into American society or their adaptation to it. A much larger goal became the unification of the Jewish community and the fulfillment of their talmudic obligation to fellow Jews throughout the world. In 1914, the United Jewish Charities of Syracuse changed its name to the Federation for the Support of Jewish Philanthropic Societies. By 1918,

the name was changed yet again to the Syracuse Jewish Welfare Federation. A new era had begun. “There is no finer page in the history of Syracuse Jewry,” writes Rudolph, “than the story of the Syracuse Jewish Welfare Federation. Unlike the building of the temples and synagogues, the educational institutions, and the charitable organizations which were undertaken by groups who nourished different ideologies, the Federation has acted as a leveling device. It brought together the Jews of German origin and the Jews from Eastern Europe, the Jews who adhered to Reform and the ultra-Orthodox, the professional and the day laborer. It brought out the finest of the men and women of each calling. Many people gave of their time and their means in behalf of the Federation with a devotion and fervor unmatched by any other institution in Jewish life.” See “Federation” on page 12

Jewish community mitzvah project to benefit Samaritan Center BY KATHY SCOTT The Syracuse Samaritan Center, located at 215 N. State St., Syracuse, is a local organization that serves the hungry and those in need in the community. The Center’s staff has requested donations of white socks, disposable hand warmers, and gloves or mittens for the Center’s adult guests. This collection is a combined community effort of Congregation Beth Sholom-Chevra Shas, Temple Adath Yeshurun and Temple Concord. Last year, the

collection totaled approximately 240 pairs of hand warmers and 135 pairs of socks. Volunteers will collect these items at local synagogues in designated collection areas. Donations can be accepted until Wednesday, December 20. They will be picked up and delivered to the Samaritan Center, and its staff members will distribute the individual gifts to their guests during the upcoming holidays. For more information about this project, contact Kathy Scott at 315-857-6620.


December 8..................... 4:12 pm................................................. Parasha-Vayeshev December 15................... 4:12 pm.................................. Parasha-Miketz-Chanukah December 22................... 4:15 pm..................................................Parasha-Vayigash December 29................... 4:20 pm.................................................... Parasha-Vayichi January 5.......................... 4:26 pm.................................................... Parasha-Shemot January 12........................ 4:34 pm....................................................... Parasha-Vaera

INSIDE THIS ISSUE Battle of the Bands

Epstein open house


The JCC is looking for entrants The Epstein School of Jewish Chanukah is celebrated yearfor its 16th annual Battle of the Studies will host an open house round in an Italian town; recipes; for teens on December 19 at TAY. children’s books; and more. Bands on January 13. Story on page 8 Story on page 3 Stories on pages 5, 9,-11, 14

PLUS Personal Greetings.......... 10-11 Healthcare Greetings......12-13 Calendar Highlights............. 14 Obituaries............................... 15



“Knowledge is power”: Gaucher initiative spotlights world of Jewish genetic testing

BY DEBORAH FINEBLUM Joseph Tessel doesn’t have any strong candidates – yet. But when he does meet the woman he wants to marry, he’s ready for her. In part, that’s thanks to the fact that, on October 17, this City College of New York student got himself tested on campus for a slew of Jewish genetic diseases. “I heard about the screening from our Hillel and thought, why not?” says Tessel. “I’ve always been curious about what genetic conditions my family and I are predisposed to, anything that could affect my children someday. When I heard that here was a

chance to take a pretty expensive test free of charge that would tell me that, I could think of absolutely no reason not to do it.” The recent testing campaign and others like it, often on campuses with high Jewish populations, are run by JScreen, an organization whose mission is to screen for and raise awareness about Jewish and other genetic diseases. Among the 200-plus diseases JScreen tests for, the most common among Jews is Gaucher disease. In partnership with the National Gaucher Foundation, JScreen ramped up efforts to raise awareness about Gaucher during October, designating the month as Gaucher Disease Awareness Month.

Gaucher occurs when there is insufficient glucocerebrosidase, an enzyme that breaks down a fatty substance called glucocerebroside. When the body can’t break down the enzyme, Gaucher cells get backed up in the spleen, liver and bone marrow. This can result in low blood counts (anemia), easy bleeding and bruising, fatigue, an enlarged spleen or liver, and bone problems. Though fairly rare in the general population (one in 40,000), Gaucher is far more common for Ashkenazi Jews – about one in 450, with one in 12 being a carrier; carriers do not show the disease’s symptoms. Many people who have the disease are

so minimally affected that they barely realize it, while early screening is reducing the damage that Gaucher inflicts. For those who are more symptomatic, a range of treatments is available when medically necessary. “We now have five FDA-approved treatments for Gaucher and more are in development,” says Amy Blum, who heads the National Gaucher Foundation. “And that’s unusual for such a rare disease.” Current research includes gene therapy, which is poised to enter clinical trials in the next year, as well as new forms of enzyme replacement therapy. An apparent See “Gaucher” on page 6

A MATTER OF OPINION LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Lower enrollment in day schools is endemic around the country – not just Syracuse To the Editor: All subjects require a matter of perspective. The French novelist Alphonse Karr once stated, “We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorns have roses.” A hallmark of each community that I have lived in, both domestically and internationally, has been the strength of the day school Jewish education that is available to those that wish to take advantage of it. From a purely common-sense perspective, any community that wishes

to attract individuals that value the inherent quality of a Jewish education must maintain a Jewish day school. For without it, professionals seeking a day school education for their children will choose to live in another location. It is no secret that virtually every Jewish organization in the Syracuse area, whether synagogues or Jewish communal institutions, have struggled not only to maintain – but increase – membership. Perhaps then, the difficulties facing the Syracuse Hebrew Day School, where


Perpetual Annual Campaign Endowment Your gift to the 2018 Federation Campaign DOES A WORLD OF GOOD.

Endowing your gift allows you to be there for the Jewish Community of Central New York forever. A perpetual Annual Campaign Endowment (PACE) is a permanent fund that endows your Jewish community Annual Campaign gift as a lasting legacy. A PACE fund will continue to make an annual gift in perpetuity on your behalf. To determine the amount needed to endow your entire campaign gift, multiply your current annual gift by 20. You can fund your PACE by adding the JEWISH FEDERATION OF CNY to your will, or by making the Federation a beneficiary of your IRA. All contributions to establish a PACE are tax deductible.

Let your name be remembered as a blessing. Endowments can be created through a variety of vehicles, some of which do not necessitate funding during your lifetime, yet still provide your estate with considerable tax benefits. They also enable you to perpetuate your commitment to the Annual Campaign in a way that best achieves your own personal financial and estate planning goals.

enrollment has seen a decline in the past several years, is not a reflection of the day school, but a reflection of the challenges facing the Syracuse Jewish community. In fact, the data also suggests that the Syracuse Hebrew Day School finds itself in a similar predicament to many other non-religiously affiliated day schools across the country and around the world. Many communities have had to shut the doors of once thriving day schools for a myriad of reasons. According to Dr. Barbara Davis in an excellent commentary in the July 12, 2017, issue of The Forward (, titled “The Funding Crisis in Our Day Schools,” she said, “The research is clear: Jewish day schools produce Jewish leaders – not alone, not exclusively – but in sufficient numbers to demonstrate their unequivocal value.” The Syracuse Hebrew Day School is a gem – not only because of the exceptional educational experience that it provides students – but because education is not,

of Central New York

Syracuse Office

Bette Siegel Syracuse Editor Publisher Jewish Federation of Central New York Inc. Ellen Weinstein Chair of the Board Michael Balanoff Federation President/CEO Alan Goldberg Vice President for Communications Editorial 5655 Thompson Rd. DeWitt, NY 13214

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nor should it be, isolated to books, curriculum or standards. Education should be considered as something which develops the entire child, not just their mind, but their heart and soul as well. This is evident when one walks through the doors of the Syracuse Hebrew Day School. I invite you to come and see for yourself the unique educational experience offered by SHDS. I urge all of those invested in the strength of the Jewish community in Syracuse to gain some perspective. The lower enrollment at SHDS is a reflection of lower enrollment in all of our Jewish institutions. The Syracuse Hebrew Day School is not an anomaly; rather, it is one of many markers that indicate to our local Jewish leadership that we have a lot of work to do in order to make Syracuse an attractive option for those wishing to be Jewishly involved in Central New York. Sincerely, Jodi M. Bloom Board Member Syracuse Hebrew Day School All articles, announcements and photographs must be received by noon Wednesday, 15 days prior to publication date. Articles must be typed, double spaced and include the name of a contact person and a daytime telephone number. E-mail submissions are encouraged and may be sent to The Jewish Observer reserves the right to edit any copy. Signed letters to the editor are welcomed: they should not exceed 250 words. Names will be withheld at the discretion of the editor. All material in this newspaper has been copyrighted and is exclusive property of the Jewish Observer and cannot be reproduced without the consent of the publisher. Views and opinions expressed by our writers, columnists, advertisers and by our readers do not necessarily reflect the publisher’s and editors’ points of view, nor that of the Jewish Federation of Central New York. The newspaper reserves the right to cancel any advertisements at any time. This newspaper is not liable for the content of any errors appearing in the advertisements beyond the cost of the space occupied. The advertiser assumes responsibility for errors in telephone orders. The Jewish Observer does not assume responsibility for the kashrut of any product or service advertised in this paper. THE JEWISH OBSERVER OF CENTRAL NEW YORK (USPS 000939) (ISSN 1079-9842) Publications Periodical postage paid at Syracuse, NY and other offices. Published 24 times per year by the Jewish Federation of Central New York Inc., a non-profit corporation, 5655 Thompson Road, DeWitt, NY 13214. Subscriptions: $36/year; student $10/ year. POST MASTER: Send address change to JEWISH OBSERVER OF CENTRAL NEW YORK, 5655 Thompson Road, DeWitt, NY 13214.

The Jewish Observer is a member of the American Jewish Press Association.

DECEMBER 7, 2017/19 KISLEV 5778 ■



AROUND CENTRAL NEW YORK Federation Chanukah party Organizers predict that the 2017 Jewish Federation of Central New York’s Chanukah party is set to be “the best one yet.” Event Co-Chair Rebecca Bronfein Raphael said, “Our incredible sponsors make this party happen and the generations of Syracuse families who come out to celebrate together make it a success.” This year’s sponsors include major sponsor Raymour and Flanigan and contributing sponsors Drs. Bradley and Irving Raphael, and the Cardiovascular Group of Syracuse. The communitywide Chanukah party on Sunday, December 17, will be held from 4-7 pm at the Milton J. Rubenstein Museum of Science and Technology, 500 S. Franklin St., in Armory Square, Syracuse. Reduced price tickets are available prior to the event

and may be purchased online at or by calling Colleen Baker at 315-4452040, ext. 102. Tickets purchased at the door will be more expensive. Free valet parking will again be offered. The ticket price also includes admission to the MOST and catering from The Oaks. In addition to the museum exhibits, a magician, balloon animals and photo booth will be available. Toddler Tango with Tamar Frieden will begin at 4:30 pm.

At right: Ari Gnacik and his mother, Jaclyn Sisskind, at Federation’s 2016 Chanukah party at the MOST. This year’s party is on Sunday, December 17.

Bands sought for 16th annual JCC Battle of the Bands BY WILLIAM WALLAK Calling all high school rockers. the Sam Pomeranz Jewish Community Center is once again seeking rock and other musical groups to enter and play in its Battle of the Bands concert. This 16th annual competition, exclusively for high school bands, will be held on Saturday, January 13, at 7 pm, at the JCC of Syracuse, 5655 Thompson Rd., DeWitt. The winning band will receive a $200 cash prize, eight hours of studio time at More Sound Recording Studio in Syracuse and the opportunity to play in a JCC 2018 Spring Showcase concert. The Battle of the Bands entry form is available online at and at the JCC’s main entrance reception desk. There is a registration fee per band and the deadline to enter is Friday, January 5. “Once again, we’re looking for bands of any musical

style to enter our 2018 competition,” said Mick Hagan, JCC director of children and teen services. “This year was one of our biggest concerts ever as we had a total of nine bands play. The event has grown tremendously over the past 15 years and has helped many bands get some valuable public exposure.” All bands entering the JCC Battle of the Bands competition are limited to a maximum of seven students and must have a majority of its band members enrolled full-time at a

The Sam Pomeranz Jewish Community Center’s Mick Hagan (far left), director of children and teen services, is pictured with 2017 Battle of the Bands winner, Posted, after the awarding of the $200 prize. L-r: Hagan; Dan Wrona, guitar; Nate Murphy, lead vocals; Sam Hayduke, percussion; Riley Burns, bass; and Josh Winoski, percussion.

Federation’s Community Calendar BY JUDITH L. STANDER The Jewish Federation of Central New York’s Community Calendar, located on the Federation website,, is a tool for the community – and it’s free. It lists events being held by Jewish organizations, synagogues and institutions in the local area. In addition, many outside events such as sporting events, concerts and other public events may be listed to help alert event organizers of other secular events occurring at the same time. The calendar is a planning tool and it is hoped that people will visit to avoid conflicts. Congregations also have event calendars on their websites that list activities and events that are specific to their own planning. When evening events


S E N I L D A E D Deadlines for all articles and photos for the Jewish Observer are as follows. No exceptions will be made.


for adults are scheduled, it is sometimes useful to know that there may be a “kids’ night out” program available. When a communitywide event such as the Jewish Music and Cultural Festival or an annual fund-raising event open to the entire community is scheduled, looking at the Community Calendar can help avoid “double-booking” or booking events that are “too close” to each other to allow members of the community to choose which events they can comfortably attend. Annual meetings can be spread out so those members of the community who want to attend more than one annual meeting may do so. While the Federation’s Community Calendar can be a scheduling tool for organizations and individuals in


Wednesday, December 20............... January 4 Wednesday, January 3................... January 18 Wednesday, January 17................. February 1 Friday, January 26, early............. Febraury 15


Syracuse Jewish Federation on a successful 2017! BRETT KUPPERMANN DONATE YOUR CAR TO BETH SHOLOM, CONCORD, OR THE JCC, THRU C*A*R*S (a locally owned Manlius company)

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See “Calendar” on page 8

Sam Pomeranz Jewish Community Center senior dining menu DECEMBER 11-15 Monday – vegetable soup and tuna salad on rye Tuesday – baked ziti Wednesday – chicken rollatini Thursday – meatloaf Friday – turkey, stuffing, cranberry sauce DECEMBER 18-22 Monday – tomato basil soup and grilled cheese Tuesday – Hawaiian chicken Wednesday – mac and cheese Thursday – stuffed cabbage Friday – brisket, potato latkes DECEMBER 25-29 Monday – closed Tuesday – teriyaki crispy baked chicken wings Wednesday – hot corned beef sandwich Thursday – split pea soup, hamburger on a bun with sautéed onion Friday – New Year’s Eve Celebration – honey-glazed Cornish hen JANUARY 1-5 Monday – closed Tuesday – chicken fried rice Wednesday – cheese quiche Thursday – hamburger on a bun with sautéed onion Friday – fresh salmon with dill The Bobbi Epstein Lewis JCC Senior Adult Dining Program at the Sam Pomeranz Jewish Community Center offers Va’ad Ha’ir-supervised kosher lunches served

See “Bands” on page 6


Jewish Community Hebrew School on a successful 2017!

Monday through Friday at noon. Lunch reservations are required by noon on the previous business day. There is a suggested contribution per meal. The menu is subject to change. The program is funded by a grant from the Onondaga County Department of Aging and Youth and the New York state Office for the Aging, with additional funds provided by the JCC. To attend, one need not be Jewish or a member of the JCC. For further information or to make a reservation, contact Cindy Stein at 445-2360, ext. 104, or

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Jewish Community Center on a successful 2017! BRETT KUPPERMANN (315)727-2888


Syracuse Hebrew Day School on a successful 2017! Visit the JO online at and click on Jewish Observer BRETT KUPPERMANN


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CONGREGATIONAL NOTES Congregation Beth Sholom-Chevra Shas KEEP UP THE TRADITION: CHINESE DINNER AND A MOVIE ON CHRISTMAS On Monday, December 25, Don and Bette Siegel and crew will prepare a mostly vegetarian family-style traditional Chinese dinner followed by a movie with Chinese dessert. Dinner will be served from 5-6 pm. There is a cost to attend and reservations are required. For more information or to make a reservation, contact the CBS-CS office at or 315-446-9570 by Friday, December 15.

ICE SKATING On Sunday, January 7, Congregation Beth Sholom-Chevra Shas will hold an intergenerational ice skating event from 2-4 pm at the Shove Park Recreation Center, 4600 West Genesee St., Camillus. CBS-CS will provide kosher snacks. There is an event cost, which includes skate rental. For more information or to make a reservation for the event, e-mail Melissa Harkavy at or contact the CBS-CS office at 315446-9570.

Lois Weiner did a reading at the 19th annual joint Thanksgiving celebration with Pebble Hill Presbyterian Church, the Islamic Society of Central New York and Congregation Beth Sholom-Chevra Shas.

Temple Adath Yeshurun CHANUKAH DINNER AT TAY BY SONALI MCINTYRE On Friday, December 15, the Temple Adath Yeshurun Sisterhood will host a Chanukah Shabbat dinner. TAY Sisterhood members invite the community to join them for a dairy dinner to usher in the fourth night of Chanukah and celebrate

Shabbat as a congregation. At 5:30 pm, Kabbalat Shabbat services will be held in the Miron Family Chapel, and Tot Shabbat will be held in the Muriel and Avron Spector Library. Tot Shabbat is a “high-energy,” musical Shabbat service for young children from birth to 5 years See “TAY” on page 12

On November 19, the TAY Hazak held its annual Chanukah bazaar, an intergenerational event where the religious school children could shop for small Chanukah-themed gifts. Front row, l-r: TAY Religious School students Hannah Grabowski, Gabriel Weinberg, Vivienne Tecler, Sophie Sevak and Eli Gnacik. Back row, l-r: TAY Hazak members Dolores Bluman, Joanne Greenhouse, JoAnn Grower, Marcia Mizruchi and Norene Lavine.

Temple Concord

Members of Pebble Hill Presbyterian and Congregation Beth Sholom-Chevra Shas danced to music by the Keyna Hora Klezmer Band at the 19th annual joint Thanksgiving celebration, which was held this year on November 19.

About the cover This year’s holiday cover was designed by Jenn DePersis, production coordinator of The Reporter Group, which publishes the Jewish Observer.

ah Happy Chanuk from

Fayetteville, New York • 637-7696

“THE ZOOKEEPER’S WIFE” AT TEMPLE CONCORD CINEMAGOGUE, DEC. 16, 7:30 PM BY CHANA MEIR Temple Concord’s Cinemagogue series will present “The Zookeeper’s Wife” on Saturday, December 16, at 7:30 pm. Based on The New York Times best-selling book by Diane Ackerman, the movie tells the true story of Jan and Antonina Zabinski, who saved more than 300 people during World War II by hiding them in the bombed-out cages at the Warsaw Zoo. The Nazis’ interest in the zoo stemmed from their obsession with “pure blood” and their intent to ship the zoo’s most prized animals to Berlin for safekeeping and, eventually, breeding. The 2008 winner of the Orion Book Award, the book has been described as a tale of “subversive acts of compassion.” The movie came out in 2017, was directed by Niki Caro and stars Jessica Chastain and Daniel Bruhl. The New York Times praised the “cool pictorial grandeur” of its portrayal of the Nazi invasion of Poland. Like the book, the movie explores

the courage and compromises good people engage in during dangerous times. Cinemagogue events are free and open to the public, and candy and snacks will be available. Donations are welcome. For more information, contact the TC office at 315475-9952 or SISTERHOOD AND BROTHERHOOD SCHEDULE The TC Sisterhood and Brotherhood will hold a joint meeting on Sunday, December 17, at 9:30 am, with a presentation about the synagogue’s recent trip to Eastern Europe. Breakfast will be served and a “White Elephant” auction/ fund-raiser will be held. On Sunday, January 7, at 9:30 am, Brotherhood will host Joe Eglash, who will do a presentation on the “State of Jewish Music Today,” and Sisterhood will have a presentation by Kathy Scott about nutrition. Sisterhood and Brotherhood meetings are open to the public. For more information, call the TC office at 315-475-9952. See “TC” on page 6

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Bishop Robert J. Cunningham and the People of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Syracuse Greet our Jewish Friends and Neighbors in Your Holy Season

May Our Friendship be a Blessing for All May We Give Our Common Voice to the Ancient Promise of Shalom

DECEMBER 7, 2017/19 KISLEV 5778 ■



JCC Winter Break vacation camp to be held Dec. 26-29 BY WILLIAM WALLAK The Sam Pomeranz Jewish Community Center of Syracuse will offer a winter break vacation camp for school-age children in kindergarten through seventh grade from 9 am-4 pm, on Tuesday, December 26, through Friday, December 29, at the JCC, 5655 Thompson Rd., DeWitt. Half-day programs and early/late care to extend the day from 7 am- 6 pm are also available. Organizers have arranged a variety of age-appropriate indoor and outdoor activities that are lined up each day to help keep the children busy, entertained and having fun. From sledding, snowman-making, arts and crafts,

sports and games to local field trips, it is hoped that there will be something for everyone to make this upcoming break from school enjoyable. Local field trips planned will be to the MOST and Bowl Mor Lanes. “We are thrilled to make this winter break fun and exciting for the children,” said Mick Hagan, the JCC’s director of children and teen services. “There are so many activities planned and some great field trips on the agenda to make each memorable.” All campers should bring winter clothing for daily outdoor activities, weather permitting, including waterproof pants, coats, hats and gloves. Sneakers are

required to play in the gym. The camp’s half-day options, when available, will run from 9 am-noon and 1-4 pm. Full-day campers are asked to bring a non-meat lunch. An afternoon snack will be provided. Early registration pricing and a discount for siblings is available through Friday, December 15. Registration is discounted for JCC members. Membership or JCC program enrollment is not necessary for a child to attend the winter break vacation camp. For more information and to obtain a registration form, call 315-445-2360 or visit

New Chabad Center of Fayetteville to hold menorah-making workshop In addition to its public Chanukah menorahs throughout Syracuse, Chabad will hold a hands-on Chanukah workshop whose goal is to involve children of all ages. The menorah-making “factory” will be a workshop where participants can wire their own mini-menorah. The program will be held on Sunday, December 10, at the Home Depot in DeWitt from 1-3:30 pm. This hands-on workshop and demonstration is what

the holiday of Chanukah is all about, as the root of the word Chanukah is chinuch, which means “education” and “training,” say organizers, who note that Chanukah is a time to dedicate oneself to Jewish education – which is true for those who are young in years, as well as in Jewish knowledge and experience. The event is a project of the new Chabad Center of Fayetteville. For more information, contact Rabbi Yaakov Rapoport at 315-727-0973 or

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DO YOU KNOW? Your Federation dollars at work – Why a Jewish camp experience? BY JACKIE MIRON Summer camp is a place to discover new skills and interests, and meet friends for life. Central New York Jewish youth have been experiencing Jewish camps funded through a collaboration between the Jewish Federation of Central New York and the Pomeranz, Shankman, Martin Foundation, as Jackie Miron a participating partner in the One Happy Camper’s National Program. One Happy Camper provides need-blind grants to firsttime campers at an overnight Jewish camp. Eligibility varies by community, and information about criteria for the camps and applying are easily found on the website, The website says, “Jewish camp weaves Jewish values, culture, and traditions into the fabric of camp, helping to connect to their own identity and the larger Jewish community.” Jewish and Israeli culture are learned, practiced, and celebrated, and Judaism is explored in a safe and non-judgmental, nurturing way. The site declares that studies have shown that children with a Jewish pivotal camp experience are “more likely to become adults who value Jewish heritage, support Jewish causes, and take on leadership roles in their communities.” One family received a grant for attending Camp Seneca Lake for a 10- and 8-year-old for their first-time

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overnight camp experience. The parents “wholeheartedly considered it a huge success.” They said that the children had a “wonderful time, loved every part of camp,” and are already registered for next year. Highlights were meeting new friends, trying new games, Shabbat, and learning after meal prayers. The children met children and counselors from Israel, and are keeping in touch during the school year with friends from different cities. The family plans to attend the January mid-year reunion party, and said the camp time “away from all screens” was at first a worry, but turned out to not be an issue. One part of the Jewish Federation of Central New York’s mission statement is to enrich educational, cultural, and social life in the Jewish community, and one way this is achieved is by providing assistance with camperships, along with the Pomeranz, Shankman, Martin Foundation and One Happy Camper Funding, which has been available for many years, and has helped dozens of Central New York youth. For more information, contact Judith Stander at Applications will be available at the beginning of 2018. Winter is upon us, but summer is around the corner.

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Longtime JCC exercise instructor retires

BY WILLIAM WALLAK On October 23, Donna Lipton taught her last group exercise class at the Sam Pomeranz Jewish Community Center’s Neulander Family Sports and Fitness Center. She has been a volunteer teacher for a class for seniors at the JCC for the past 15 years. Although the 81-year-old Lipton, a self-professed “exercise addict,” said that now is the time for her to retire from teaching at the JCC, she still plans on staying active. “I will continue working out here at the JCC,” said Lipton. “I take Tai Chi and other classes here. The people are just wonderful. I’ve made so many friends. I just love the people.” Lipton began volunteering at the JCC as an instructor with Onondaga County’s Fit for the Next Fifty exercise program. Back then, the county held its free classes at the JCC. When the classes relocated to another venue, the JCC continued to offer a free seniors class every Monday morning, which Lipton continued to teach. Even before she began volunteering at the JCC, Lipton taught exercise classes at the Manlius Senior Center, and

has continued teaching there all these years. She has been committed to staying fit for a long time. “When I was in my 30s, I started taking aerobics to be more physically fit,” said Lipton. “I got inspired so I started lifting weights and I’ve been active ever since.” At the end of her final class at the JCC, Lipton’s many students in attendance wished her well on this next chapter she’s embarking on. “Donna has truly been remarkable all these years – giving so much of herself to the JCC and to her students,” said Paula Pacini, JCC group exercise coordinator. “She’s been an inspiration and will be missed. Although we’re After volunteering at the JCC for the past 15 years, Donna Lipton, pictured lucky that we’ll still be able to see at the front of the class facing the camera, taught her last Senior Strength her working out here at the JCC.” and Balance class at the JCC on October 23.

Gaucher link of Gaucher to late-onset Parkinson’s disease is being studied by the Michael J. Fox Foundation, among others. Although the disease has a high prevalence in the Ashkenazi population, that applies mostly for type 1 Gaucher, which has far fewer devastating neurological symptoms than types 2 and 3, says Dr. Neal Weinreb, who teaches human genetics and hematology at the Univer-

Continued from page 2

sity of Miami’s Leonard M. Miller School of Medicine. “One of the mysteries is you can have two siblings with the same mutation with very different cases,” Weinreb, the southeastern U.S. regional coordinator for the International Collaborative Gaucher Group. “That’s why they need to be evaluated and followed by people who know about Gaucher.” To spread the word, JScreen and others reach out to rabbis and gynecologists to encourage engaged couples to be tested. Testing advocates say that even couples with mixed religious backgrounds need to be screened. Many couples in which both partners are carriers choose to undergo pre-implantation genetic diagnosis, followed by in vitro fertilization, thereby assuring that their children will be Gaucher-free. Paige and Alan Guy of Ocean, NJ, who both tested positive for the Gaucher mutation, are now in the midst of the IVF process and, despite its complexities, are “grateful that the testing and the technology exist to allow us to have healthy children,” Paige says.

“Knowledge is power,” says JScreen Executive Director Karen Grinzaid. “Whether you’re single, engaged, newlyweds or already parents, having the knowledge allows everyone to take steps and make informed decisions to have healthy children and live healthy lives.” “We got tested and turned out to be carriers for different things, but nothing overlapped,” says Yocheved Ferstenberg, who became a first-time parent four months ago along with her husband, Alex. “We know we are lucky.” It’s too soon for Tessel, the City College student, to know the screening results, which typically take a month to arrive. But it’s not too soon for him to think carefully about the conversation that he plans to have with his future wife. “To not talk about it would be not fair to either of us,” he says, “or to the children I hope we will have someday.”


Continued from page 3

local high school. Each band will have 30 minutes to play and “wow the crowd” on January 13. The Battle of the Bands concert has typically drawn up to 10 bands from all over Central New York. The shows are filled with quality talent and “get the house rocking.” Last year’s winner was classic rock band Posted from Marcellus Sr. High School. There is a modest admission fee and the event is open to the public. For every high school student admission, the JCC will donate $1 to his or her school district’s music department. For more information about the Battle of the Bands and registration, contact Hagan at 315-445-2040, ext. 129, or


Continued from page 4

GOLDENBERG CULTURAL SERIES FEATURES MOYUBA JAZZ, JAN. 9 The Regina F. Goldenberg Cultural Series will present Daryl Pugh and Moyuba Jazz on Tuesday, January 9, at 7 pm, at Temple Concord. Moyuba Jazz features seven musicians playing Latin/Afro-Cuban Jazz on conga drums, timbales, bongos, drums, trumpet, piano, saxophone, flute and bass. The group’s repertoire ranges from “Midnight Mambo” by Oscar Hernandez to “Caravan” by Juan Tizol. Listeners will also hear music composed by jazz pianists Thelonious Monk and Horace Silver. Admission is free and donations are encouraged. Free parking is available in the TC lot and on the street. In the event of questionable weather, check local TV stations or the Temple Concord Facebook page for information.

DECEMBER 7, 2017/19 KISLEV 5778 â–





Open house at the Epstein School on Dec. 19

The Rabbi Jacob H. Epstein School of Jewish Studies will host an open house for all potential students on Tuesday, December 19, from 6:30-7:45 pm, at Temple Adath Yeshurun. Students in seventh through 11th grades, as well as sixth grade students from the Syracuse Hebrew Day School, will attend classes of their peers, and then join the rest of the school for a break with snacks and games for Chanukah. This semester’s classes are ethics for seventh- and eighth-graders taught by Rabbi Evan Shore, and feature modern and perennial issues approached through a Jewish lens; Torah taught by Rabbi Andrew Pepperstone for ninth-graders, a course that looks at the narrative arcs of Jewish ancestors’ stories; and Jewish history for sophomores with Scott Miller, a course which focuses on transformative moments in Jewish peoplehood. Upperclassmen will examine contemporary issues with Rabbi Shore. This semester’s electives include mussar (Jewish character development) with Bonnie Leff; introduction to modern Hebrew with Maria Carson; Mishnah (early Torah commentary) with

Ora Jezer; and an in-depth look at the haggadah and the seder with the community’s rabbis. In addition to the Epstein School’s classes, features include special trips and programs; a subsidized bi-annual Teen Taste of Israel Trip made possible by a fund at the Jewish Foundation of Central New York; and eligibility for Shalshelet, Epstein’s partnership program for Epstein students who work or volunteer in one of Syracuse’s three Jewish Sunday schools and/or the Syracuse Community Hebrew School, a program made possible by a grant from the Philip L. Holstein Community Fund Grant of the Jewish Federation of Central New York. Students are always welcome to begin the Epstein School at any time and in any grade to continue their journey of Jewish life-long learning. Requested reservations for the open house and questions may be made by e-mailing For more information, call Epstein Director Cantor Paula Pepperstone at 315-7660442.

Teacher Scott Miller’s sophomore Jewish history class recreated the Jews’dispersion into the Diaspora at the Rabbi Jacob H. Epstein School of Jewish Studies.

JCC preschoolers celebrate local veterans BY WILLIAM WALLAK People often say that it’s never too early to teach young children about grown-up concepts such as honor and respect. On November 10, the Sam Pomeranz Jewish Community Center’s Jerome and Phyllis Charney Early Childhood Development Program’s preschoolers learned such lessons while celebrating local veterans during the JCC’s Veterans Day senior luncheon. The ECDP children made handmade

cards and decorations, which they brought to the lunch and passed out to the veterans in attendance. “The children were eager to show off their creative designs and the veterans were all smiles as they graciously accepted their gifts from the students,” said Pamela Ranieri, early childhood director. “Any time the JCC’s children visit the senior kosher meal program, the seniors’ faces light up as they interact with their little visitors.”

Epstein students learned about the semester’s elective options.

L-r: Army veteran William Goodrum, Sam Pomeranz Jewish Community Center’s Jerome and Phyllis Charney Early Childhood Development Program’s student Elouise Miller, ECDP teacher Emily Kronenberg, ECDP student Emily Anastasio and Navy veteran Jordan Tannenbaum during the JCC’s senior kosher luncheon celebrating Veterans Day on November 10. Goodrum and Tannenbaum are holding some of the children’s handmade cards that they received.

Calendar the community, it can also serve as an informational calendar. Scheduled items should be sent to Judith Stander at jstander@ Federation can work with organizations to avoid scheduling conflicts. Anyone responsible for scheduling events on the Community Calendar should pay attention to what is already scheduled before finalizing plans. People are encouraged to check the details of their event/activity for accuracy to help avoid duplication.

Happy Chanukah From Your Friends at:


Continued from page 3

If an event changes, contact Stander so she can make the necessary change. This sometimes frees up a date for another organization to use. To update any of the details about an event, send it along with the date so it is easier to locate and make the updates. Events can be sent to Stander directly by e-mail or by going to the Federation website and then go to Submit a Calendar Event and fill in information. The fax is 315-445-1559 and Stander’s direct number is 315-445-0161, ext. 114.

DECEMBER 7, 2017/19 KISLEV 5778 ■


It’s always Chanukah in this picture-perfect Italian town

BY RUTH ELLEN GRUBER CASALE MONFERRATO, Italy (JTA) – It’s always Chanukah in this picturesque town in northern Italy’s Piedmont region. Jews have lived in Casale Monferrato for more than 500 years, with the community reaching its peak of 850 members at about the time Jews here were granted civil rights in 1848. The town still boasts one of Italy’s most ornate synagogues, a rococo gem that dates to the 16th century. These days, only two Jewish families live in Casale. The synagogue, which is part of a larger museum complex, is now a tourist attraction – and not only because of its opulent sanctuary with huge chandeliers, colorfully painted walls and lots of gilding. The former women’s section has been transformed into a Judaica and Jewish history museum. And the synagogue’s basement, formerly a matzah bakery, is now home to the Museum of Lights. Chanukah here is commemorated nonstop with a yearround exhibit featuring dozens of menorahs, or chanukiyot, created by international contemporary artists. The collection has some 185 menorahs, according to Adriana Ottolenghi, whose husband, Giorgio, has been president of Casale’s Jewish community since the 1950s. There is no other museum in the world quite like it. “We receive more every year, and each year at Chanukah there is a public ceremony, where we light menorahs and welcome the new pieces,” she said. Only 30 to 40 can be displayed at a time in the vaulted underground chambers. The only time the collection was shown in its entirety was at Casale’s centuries-old castle, part of an event connected to the 2015 Milan Expo. The Museum of Lights’ chanukiyot come in a variety of shapes, sizes, colors and media. Many resemble traditional menorahs: a straight line of candles or a candelabra with eight branches, with a ninth branch for the shamash candle used to kindle them. Some of the menorahs can be lighted and used on the holiday. But other menorahs on display are more fanciful sculptural works created from the likes of metal, ceramic, plexiglass and wood. “Artists were given a completely free rein to create a functional object or a purely evocative one,” curator Maria Luisa Caffarelli wrote in the collection’s catalog. Each menorah is what designer Elio Carmi, who co-founded the collection in the mid-1990s with the non-Jewish artist Antonio Recalcati and other artist

Above: This menorah is part of the year-round display at the Museum of Lights. (Photo courtesy of Foundation for Jewish Art, History, and Culture at Casale Monferrato and in Eastern Piedmont - Onlus) At right: An inside view of the synagogue in Casale Monferrato, Italy. (Photo courtesy of Wikimedia Commons) friends, describes as an “homage to the story of Chanukah” and its message of the triumph of light over darkness. They conceived the project as a way to highlight Jewish culture as a source of artistic inspiration, promote creativity based in Jewish tradition and underscore the vitality of Jews in contemporary society. “The idea was born to show that Jews, though small in number, are determined,” said Carmi, who is the vice

president of the Casale Jewish community, “and to use interpretations of the Chanukah menorah to demonstrate, symbolically, the continuity of the community.” At Chanukah, Jews light menorahs for eight days to recall the defeat by the Maccabees of Syrian tyrants in the second century B.C.E. According to legend, when the Maccabees reclaimed the Temple, the eternal light

This is one of the nearly 200 menorahs at the Museum of Lights in Casale Monferrato (Photo courtesy of Foundation for Jewish Art, History, and Culture at Casale Monferrato and in Eastern Piedmont - Onlus)

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See “Italian” on page 15



Here are eight new children’s books for Chanukah

BY PENNY SCHWARTZ BOSTON (JTA) – Move over, potato latkes. Make room for dosas. The savory fried Indian lentil and rice pancakes take center stage in “Queen of the Dosas,” a gem of a new Chanukah book by the award-winning children’s writer Pamela Ehrenberg. It’s among eight new Chanukah books for kids – one for each night of the holiday – sure to kindle the flames of imagination in young readers. The bounty of this season’s books travel the globe, from city life to wooded forests, with engaging – and many humorous – stories and dazzling illustrations that reflect the diversity in how Jewish families celebrate the popular holiday. Old World traditions mix it up with new rituals taking root in today’s modern American Jewish families. These new reads showcase the many ways Jewish families from all walks of life celebrate the Festival of Lights, which this year begins on the evening of December 12. “Way Too Many Latkes: A Hanukkah in Chelm” by Linda Glaser; illustrated by Aleksandar Zolotic (Kar-Ben; ages 3-8) Oy vey! It’s the first night of Chanukah and Faigel, the best latke maker in the village of Chelm, forgot the recipe for her mouth-watering, sizzling potato pancakes, the traditional fried food eaten during the holiday’s celebrations. Her husband, Shmuel, races over to the village rabbi for advice. But what does the rabbi know about making latkes? This ticklishly fun adventure, set in the fictional Old World town of Chelm – the source of enduring Jewish storytelling – will have kids laughing as they wonder how Faigel and Shmuel solve their problem. Aleksandar Zolotic’s large format, animation-style illustrations are perfectly paired for the lively story, which echoes the

“The Itsy Bitsy Dreidel” (Photo courtesy of Simon and Schuster)

“Grover’s Eight Nights of Light” (Photo courtesy of Random House for Young Readers)

classic “Strega Nona” stories by Tomie dePaola about magical pots of pasta. “Little Red Ruthie: A Hanukkah Tale” by Gloria Koster; illustrated by Sue Eastland (Albert Whitman; ages 4-8) This uplifting spin on “Little Red Riding Hood” features a spirited young girl named Ruthie setting off on the eve of Chanukah to visit her bubbe, Yiddish for grandmother, so they can cook up potato latkes for the holiday. In the snow-packed forest Ruthie, bundled up in a bright red hooded parka, meets a not overly menacing-looking wolf. Ruthie summons her courage and smarts as she recalls the brave Maccabee heroes of Chanukah who fought for religious freedom for the Jews in ancient Israel. But will Ruthie’s clever schemes outsmart the hungry, but foolish, wolf, who has fun dressing up in bubbe’s colorful clothing? This is a perfect read-aloud for those wintry Chanukah nights, and Sue Eastland’s bright and humorous illustrations bring the warmhearted story to life.

“Queen of the Hanukkah Dosas” by Pamela Ehrenberg; illustrated by Anjar Sarkar (Farrar Straus Giroux; ages 4-7) In this humor-filled tale, an endearing school-age boy in a multicultural Indian-Jewish family can hardly contain his enthusiasm for his family’s special Chanukah celebration of making dosas, Indian fried pancakes made with lentils, called dal, and rice. But his younger sister, Sadie, who can’t resist her urge to climb on everything, may spoil the fun. Anjar Sarkar’s colorful, cartoon-like illustrations add giggles and put readers in on the action. The end pages are embellished with illustrations of Indian groceries, chutneys and spices that will tempt the family foodies. Recipes for Dosas and Sambar, a vegetable-based filling or dip for the dosas, are included. “The Missing Letters: A Dreidel Story” by Renee Londner; illustrated by Iryna Bodnaruk (Kar-Ben; ages 4-9) Wooden dreidels come to life in this heartwarming page turner. On the eve of Chanukah, in a dreidel maker’s shop, there are some bad feelings among the Hebrew letters painted on the four-sided spinning toy. The nun, hey and shin are jealous of the gimel, considered the favorite letter in the game of chance, and decide to hide all of them. But later they overhear the dreidel maker explain that all the letters play a special role in celebrating Chanukah, a holiday of religious freedom. Among Iryna Bodnaruk’s animated illustrations is a Passoverspread Greetings you and yours double-page that is liketo a puzzle; kids can follow clues to find where the gimels have been hidden. See “Books” on page 11

Cantor Francine & Barry Berg New Year Greetings to you and yours

“Queen of the Hanukkah Dosas” (Photo courtesy of Farrar Straus Giroux)

“The Missing Letters: A Dreidel Story” (Photo courtesy of Kar-Ben)

“Way Too Many Latkes: A Hanukkah in Chelm” (Photo courtesy of KarBen)

“Little Red Ruthie: A Hanukkah Tale” (Photo courtesy of Albert Whitman)

Wishing you a Healthy, Happy and Peaceful New Year

“Spies and Scholars” (Photo courtesy of Jewish Children’s Book Club)

“Hanukkah Harvie vs. Santa Claus: The Christmukkah Kerfuffle” (Photo courtesy of David Michael Slater)

Cantor Francine & Barry Berg

Chanukah Greetings to you and yours Cantor Francine & Barry Berg

Cheryl & Irv Schotz

May you and your family be blessed during the holiday and throughout the year! Mildred Siminoff

May the Alights of Chanukah Wishing you a shineChanukah in your Happy hearts Steve Stern & forever Fredda Sacharow

May you and your family be blessed during the holiday and throughout the year!

Wishing the community a Happy Chanukah!

Georgina, Paul, Joshua, Aaron, Gabriel and Laima Roth

Rabbi Rachel Esserman

May your Chanukah be filled with the miracles of the holiday Bonnie Rozen, Advertising Representative

DECEMBER 7, 2017/19 KISLEV 5778 ■


A Chanukah menu with a lighter touch BY MEGAN WOLF (JTA) – The holidays are a wonderful time to share meals with friends and family – but must they be heavy and calorie filled? For Chanukah, this simple and tasty Asian-inspired menu uses oil per the holiday tradition, but it’s low in calories and rich in flavors, colors and textures. My bet is, your guests won’t even know the difference between regular fried rice and your version of this cauliflower fried rice. Cauliflower, by the way, is an excellent standin for many popular carbohydrates – potatoes (mashed cauliflower), rice (as prepared here) and pizza crust (you’ll never believe how delicious cauliflower pizza is). Gochujang is a thick Korean sauce, similar to a spicy barbecue sauce. It’s wonderful on chicken, vegetables or here with meaty fish. It’s also lovely stirred into rice (or cauliflower rice) dishes to add an extra bite. It’s easily purchased at many Korean restaurants, Asian specialty markets or traditional grocery stores. Your guests will love to celebrate with you without worrying about derailing their healthy eating habits. I mean, why can’t we eat healthfully before January 1?

Want a little decadence? A little chocolate gelt never hurt anyone and would be a perfect way to round out this spicy and savory menu. CAULIFLOWER RICE 1 Tbsp. olive oil 2 cloves garlic, peeled and minced 1 tsp. minced ginger 1 onion, sliced 1 head cauliflower, cleaned and stems removed 1 cup chopped broccoli Cauliflower Rice (Photo 1 cup shredded carrots by Megan Wolf) 1 cup peas 1 egg 1 Tbsp. sesame oil 2 Tbsp. soy sauce Sesame seeds Pickled radish (I always purchase at a local Korean restaurant – they are easy to make, but even easier to buy.) 1. In a food processor or blender, pulse cauliflower florets to resemble rice. Do this in batches and set aside.


Continued from page 10

“Grover’s Eight Nights of Light” by Jodie Shepherd; illustrated by Joe Mathieu (Random House for Young Readers; ages 2-5) Young fans of Sesame Street enjoy a Chanukah party at Grover’s house along with their favorite Sesame Street characters. The book features lighting the menorah, eating latkes and playing dreidel. Stickers, Chanukah cards and a poster with a Chanukah party game are included. “Hanukkah Harvie vs. Santa Claus: The Christmukkah Kerfuffle” by David Michael Slater; illustrated by Michelle Simpson (Library Tales Publishing; ages 5-8) On the first night of Chanukah, Hanukkah Harvie oils up his steampunk-like machinery to produce all the gifts he needs and climbs aboard his flying Hanukkopter to deliver eight nights of presents to children. Placing one family’s presents next to their Chanukah menorah, Harvie bumps into a red-suited jolly Santa Claus piling gifts under their Christmas tree. Harvey and Santa go on to discover some other homes with both menorahs and Christmas trees, and get into a rollicking present-giving competition, out to prove that their holiday is the best. A young girl who spies them in action puts the

May you and your family a joyous Pesach

quarreling pair to shame, and let’s them in on the joy of celebrating the two holidays happening at about the same time each year – thus the Christmukkah mashup. Michelle Simpson’s colorful and playful animation-like illustrations match the story’s spirited humor. “The Itsy Bitsy Dreidel” by Jeffrey Burton and Chani Tornow; illustrated by Sanja Rescek (Simon and Schuster; ages 2-4) A delightful read-aloud board book for the youngest kids who will enjoy the playful rhymes as the lively little dreidel celebrates Chanukah. This is the latest in the upbeat Itsy Bitsy board book series that includes the “Itsy Bitsy Pilgrim,” the “Itsy Bitsy Snowman” and others. “Spies and Scholars” by Yehudis Litvak (Jewish Wishing youBook a Happy Passover! Children’s Club; grades 7-8) “Spies and Scholars” is the latest entry in the Chanukah-themed series – the first was “Swords and Scrolls.” The historical fiction adventure is set during the reign of the Greek King Antiochus in ancient Israel where the Maccabees are fighting the Greeks. The 200-page teen read is geared to Orthodox Jewish teen readers and published by Jewish Children’s Book Club in conjunction with Torah Umesorah-National Society for Hebrew Day Schools.

Mark & Susan Field

Wishing you a Sweet New Year! Happy Chanukah!


2. In a large nonstick skillet, heat olive oil and cook garlic, ginger and onions until soft and fragrant. 3. Add cauliflower, broccoli and carrots, stir and continue to cook until soft. Add water 2 tablespoons at a time if needed (this will help to steam the vegetables). 4. Add peas, then stir to combine. Make a well in the center of the vegetable mixture and scramble in the egg. 5. Add sesame oil and soy sauce. Stir to combine and season to taste. 6. Top with sesame seeds and sliced pickled radish. 7. Serve immediately. SPICY SEARED SALMON 2 Tbsp. olive oil 4 salmon filets 4 Tbsp. Gochujang sauce 1. In a large nonstick skillet with a lid, heat olive Spicy Seared Salmon oil until hot. (Photo by Megan Wolf) 2. While the oil heats, prepare the salmon by brushing each filet with Gochujang. 3. Place salmon sauce side down (skin side facing up) in the skillet. Immediately top with the lid. 4. Cook for about 2 minutes on high heat, then remove the lid and flip skin side down. Immediately top with the lid again. Turn down the heat. 5. Continue to cook until your desired temperature. In this preparation, I like my salmon cooked all the way through, which takes about 8 minutes, depending on thickness. 6. Serve immediately. Note: This sauce is spicy and wafts into the air. Always make this dish with your range’s fan on. TOASTED CASHEW ASPARAGUS 1 bunch asparagus ¼ cup salted cashews 1 Tbsp. toasted sesame oil Juice of 1 lime 1. Steam asparagus until bright green and tender, about 5 minutes. 2. While the asparagus steams, toast cashews over medium heat until warm and fragrant, about 3 minutes. 3. Top asparagus with ca- To a s t e d C a s h e w shews, sesame oil and fresh Asparagus (Photo lime juice. by Megan Wolf) 4. Serve immediately.

Wishing you a Happy Chanukah light • peace • love

Mark & Susan Field

d Debbie Rosenbaum Ona & Bernie Bregman

Warm Chanukah wishes to you and your family!

Ruth & Joel Stein

Wishing you a Happy Chanukah!

Michael Balanoff

Wishing the community a Happy Chanukah!


Mark & Susan Field

Neil and Debbie Rosenbaum


From Our Families to Yours, Happy Chanukah! The Cominsky & Gatesy Families

Sydney Tenenbaum & Deidre Zehner

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Bar mitzvah, Adam Koss, goes cross-country for charity BY ADAM KOSS In December, I will become a bar mitzvah. About a year ago, my parents asked me how I wanted to celebrate the milestone event in my life. My sister had a celebration for family and friends after her synagogue service. My brother celebrated by having his bar mitzvah in Jerusalem at the Kotel. I wanted to do something different. My parents were supportive and decided to give me the freedom to celebrate my bar mitzvah in a way that would be meaningful to me. The one thing they stressed was that I needed to come up with something that would fulfill the mitzvah of giving back to my community in some way. My mom also told me that a good mitzvah project involves something you are passionate about. I love baseball – a lot. I came up with the idea of taking a road trip and going to all 30 Major League Baseball parks in the U.S.A. and Canada. I did some research and found out that other people had done this trip in one summer. I read an article about two people who did the trip in college and reached out to them for some advice. They gave us some great ideas about planning and reaching out to the teams. They raised money for charity when they did their trip, which gave me the idea that I could do the same and connect it to my bar mitzvah. Their advice ultimately made this trip possible. I thought that instead of gifts for my bar mitzvah, I could ask friends and family to help me raise money and support charities that help kids. I chose three organizations that help kids with life-threatening illnesses. The first one was the Make-A-Wish Foundation of Central New York, which grants wishes to kids with serious diseases. Since this baseball trip was my wish, I wanted to help make another kid’s wish come true. The second organization I picked was the St. Baldrick’s Foundation, which raises money for research and cures for childhood cancer. My dad and I had shaved our heads as part of our synagogue’s team and raised money for it in the past. The last organization I picked was the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation of Central New York, which raises money to help create a world without Type 1 diabetes. My grandfather struggles with diabetes, and

Baseball fan Adam Koss, son of Andi and Lawrence Koss of Jamesville, will be called to the Torah this December in Syracuse. He celebrated his bar mitzvah by taking a family cross-country trip to 30 Major League Baseball parks to raise money for three charities that help children. He created a “Home Run Club,” where, instead of bar mitzvah gifts, friends and family could pledge a certain amount of money for every home run he witnessed on the trip. I hate seeing him go through it, and it was something I wanted to help cure. To raise money, I created a “Home Run Club,” where, instead of bar mitzvah gifts, friends and family could pledge a certain amount of money for every home run I witnessed on the trip. At the end of the trip, they would pick one of the organizations to donate their pledged amount. Based on averages, I knew there would be about 60-70 home runs in 30 games. I knew this could be a great way to raise money to help other kids. As we started planning, we created a website (www. that explained who I was and what I was doing. Then, we reached out to every MLB team and told them about my MLB road trip. The idea began to take on a life of its own as people started to

Federation Organization was considered the key to the new Federation’s success. The campaign was organized to last one week. Captains headed divisions of 10 workers and met daily for lunch to review their progress. On the final Sunday of the campaign, Federation officials H. Hiram Weisberg and David Holstein and attorneys Gerson Rubenstein and William Gerber hired a horse and buggy, and drove around the Jewish neighborhood. They stopped on the street corners and delivered their spiel, telling all listeners that all Jews should be members of Federation and contribute to the cause. At the end of

Continued from page 1

the day, they had garnered $3,000 for the cause. These funds were added to others solicited in less novel ways and at the end of the one-week campaign, a total of $32,771 had been raised from 1,731 donors, surpassing the original goals of $25,000 from 1,500 donors. The Federation began on a high note. Barbara Sheklin Davis is co-author, with Susan B. Rabin, of “A History of the Jewish Community of Syracuse,” published by Arcadia Press. This series of articles is being sponsored by Helen Marcum.

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“get it” – that this was so much more than a trip to see some baseball games. I was amazed that 22 out of 30 MLB teams hosted my family and me for a home game. We also decided to reach out to Hilton Hotels to see if they would help us out. Again, the response was great. In almost every city with an MLB ballpark, a Hilton brand hotel supported my fund-raising effort and made us their guests for the night. In many cases, they had bar mitzvah “gifts” of snacks, drinks and personalized items waiting for me in the hotel room. One manager said that he remembered secretly leaving his own bar mitzvah party to go check on the ball game scores. There were so many people I met who shared stories of their baseball memories and I realized there were a lot of baseball fans in this country. The trip itself was amazing. I successfully saw a game at every MLB park and we completed the trip in 60 days. I gave lots of interviews as we went around the country. People seemed really excited about the trip and fund-raising project. Several MLB players even donated. By the time the trip was done, I saw a total of 73 home runs and raised more than $20,000 for the three organizations. More than 200 people or families have donated so far. Many of them are family and friends, but almost half of them are people I met while we were on the trip. This trip was a great way to spend time with my family and see a lot of the United States in one summer. We recorded our experiences throughout the summer in a blog that is still available to view at my website, www. Even though the trip is over, we are still accepting donations and they keep coming in. Instead of a bar mitzvah party that lasted a few hours, I had a bar mitzvah experience with my family that lasted for two months with memories that will last a lifetime. I learned that the world is full of truly generous and amazing people. As I take my place as an adult in my community this fall, I realize that I have made a difference and it feels great.


Continued from page 4

old, and their families. For more information about Tot Shabbat, contact Alicia Gross at At approximately 6:15 pm, the Chanukah Shabbat dinner will begin in the ballroom. Because the dinner will begin after Shabbat has started, candles will not be lit at the dinner. There is a fee for the dinner. Reservations are required and may be made by going to for online registration or e-mailing TAY MEN’S CLUB HOSTS LATKES AND VODKAS EVENT BY SONALI MCINTYRE On Saturday, December 16, at 7 pm, the TAY Men’s Club will host Latkes and Vodkas, an evening for adults to celebrate the fifth night of Chanukah with their Adath Yeshurun family while enjoying Chanukah music and schmoozing. There will be latkes, a variety of vodkas and desserts. Non-alcoholic beverages will also be available. There is a charge to attend. For more information, e-mail Jeffrey Joseph at TAY MEN’S CLUB AND SISTERHOOD TO CO-SPONSOR BLOOD DRIVE BY SONALI MCINTYRE On Thursday, December 21, from 1:30-6:30 pm, the Temple Adath Yeshurun Men’s Club and Sisterhood will co-sponsor a blood drive through the American Red Cross. The event will be held in the carpeted foyer at TAY (450 Kimber Rd., Syracuse). Able and willing members of the community are encouraged to participate, as the Red Cross says there is a critical need for donors. There are two ways to register for an appointment: visit and use the sponsor code templeadath or contact Jeffrey Joseph at 315-885-0384 or Appointments are encouraged and preferred; however, walk-ins are welcome, but may have to wait for an available donor slot.

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DECEMBER 7, 2017/19 KISLEV 5778 ■




Israel-Europe gas pipeline deal to be signed Israel and European nations were to sign a memorandum of understanding on Dec. 5 to advance the construction of the world’s longest underwater gas pipeline, the financial news outlet Globes reported. The agreement will be signed in the Cypriot capital of Nicosia at an energy summit attended by Israel’s Minister of National Infrastructure, Energy and Water Resources Yuval Steinitz, along with his counterparts from Cyprus, Greece, Italy and the European Union. The gas pipeline was originally agreed upon with the signing of a joint statement during April’s EastMed Energy Summit in Tel Aviv. The pipeline will cost upwards of $5.5 billion to construct and will span 1,200 miles, running undersea between Israel and Italy. Estimates state that, when operational, the pipeline will deliver 12-16 billion cubic meters (424–565 billion cubic feet) of gas per year. The project is slated for completion by 2025. The pipeline is likely to significantly increase Israel’s natural gas export potential and strengthen the Jewish state’s position as an emerging energy powerhouse in the Mediterranean.

CIA directors: Israel, Saudi Arabia collaborating to fight terrorism Israel is collaborating with Saudi Arabia and other Sunni states to combat terrorism,

according to CIA Director Mike Pompeo as well as former CIA Director and Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta. “We’ve seen them work with the Israelis to push back against terrorism throughout the Middle East, to the extent we can continue to develop those relationships and work alongside them – the Gulf states and broader Middle East will likely be more secure,” Pompeo said at the Reagan National Defense Forum in California on Dec. 2. Also at the forum, Panetta urged Sunni states to form a military coalition with Israel, the U.S. and Turkey. “The U.S. can’t do it on our own, obviously the Saudis can’t do it on their own, these other countries can’t do it on their own,” said Panetta. “But together in some kind of coalition of countries – of Arab countries working with the U.S., working with Israel, working with Turkey, to build a strong coalition that can operate – frankly I think with a joint military headquarters that can…target the terrorists in that region, that can basically work together to try to provide stability where is necessary in these countries.”

Israeli gov’t hosts 130 travel agents amid record-high tourism Israel’s Tourism Ministry the week of Dec. 4 is hosting 130 travel agents from 17 countries for the “Israel Where Else” conference. During the seven-day conference, travel agents can choose to participate in a variety of government-facilitated tours of major sites and regions, including the Negev, the Galilee, Tel Aviv and Jerusalem. The number of tourists visiting Israel reached an all-time high of 739,000 in the first quarter of 2017.

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D’VAR TORAH Chanukah means celebrating eight sparkling lights of our community BY RABBI DANIEL FELLMAN It’s no coincidence that Chanukah and its shining candles arrive at the darkest time of year. When days are short and nights are long, we need the lights to remind us of our holiness and our continuing partnership with God and each other to make the world more whole. Here in Syracuse, we need those same reminders, too. So, in the spirit of Chanukah, let us celebrate this year eight sparkling lights of our community. In no particular order: 1. The new Syracuse Community Hebrew School shines as a wonderful example of community and education – two pillars of Jewish belief. The school, now in its third year, brings students together to learn and celebrate and create sacred community. 2. The Rabbi Jacob H. Epstein School of Jewish Studies, which has been communitywide for decades, unites all of our high school students in learning and growth. The school even includes a great trip to Israel. 3. The Syracuse Hebrew Day School provides rich Jewish learning for children in our community. SHDS combines top-flight academics with Jewish values to create engaged Jewish adults for the next generation. 4. Hillel at Syracuse University brightens the Hill with Jewish community and culture, helping college students develop stronger Jewish identities. 5. The four synagogues of Syracuse provide Jewish worship, study, community and so much more. At Adath, Beth Sholom, Concord and Shaarei Torah, you will be welcomed, valued and enriched. 6. The new bistro at Menorah Park provides a great place for a kosher meal and an even better place to interact with other members of the Syracuse Jewish community. 7. The Sam Pomeranz Jewish Community Center of Syracuse camps are bursting with Jewish pride all summer and during school breaks. Stop by and see the bright faces of our children shining as they enjoy themselves at the JCC. 8. Our wonderful community trip to Israel scheduled for October of 2018. Join together with fellow Jews from

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Profiles of SHDS alumni – Talia Zames BY BARBARA SHEKLIN DAVIS Talia Zames, a graduate of the Syracuse Hebrew Day school class of 2013, is a junior at Christian Brothers Academy. She has been on the high honor roll since seventh grade and this year is taking advanced placement courses in physics, chemistry and math in addition to her honors classes. She hopes to have a career in medicine and spent the past summer as a teen volunteer Talia Zames at Upstate Medical Center. Zames is a participant in the Junior Academy of the Global STEM Alliance. Last year, she worked on a challenge project with teammates from Scotland and a mentor from the United Kingdom, and they were finalists. As a result, they had the opportunity to go to New York City to make their presentation and meet Bill and Melinda Gates. Zames also performs with the All-County Orchestra, playing flute. At CBA, she participates in the peer mentoring and peer tutoring programs, and, this year, was accepted into the peer ministry program. She explains that her day school experience “taught TELEPHONE (315) 474-3326 me the study skills to reach my goals inFAX school. It helped (315) 476-8058 EMAIL: me explore Judaism and realize what being Jewish means to me. Furthermore, it provided me with greater connections throughout the Jewish community, both local and worldwide. Learning HebrewPLACEMENT at the day SERVICE, school opened INC. a whole new world of communication to me, especially Agency when I spent two life-changing weeks in Israel just recently. “the right person for the job” Despite the relatively small number of students that attend SHDS, I feel that I was very prepared life at Christian 120 for E. WASHINGTON ST. SUITE 201 Brothers MILDREDAcademy, SIMINOFF both socially and academically.” SYRACUSE, NY 13202 Her favorite activities at SHDS were the school plays. She said, “From finding the perfect costumes in the bottomless prop closet – to warming up with Mr. Kerr-Whitt on opening night – every single memory I have from the five Day School Players shows I was in are(315) nothing short TELEPHONE 474-3326 FAX (315) 476-8058 of outstanding.” writing short Happy In her free time, she enjoys EMAIL: stories and poems, and reading. She notes that “music has Passover! always been incredibly important to me. I love playing flute and cello, as well as participating in my school’s band. I also love spending time with my friendsSERVICE, and family.” PLACEMENT INC. Asked what she would say to a family that is considering Agency sending a child to SHDS, “It is evident that the “the right person for she theanswered, job” day school doesn’t have a huge student population; but the teacher-student ratio doesn’t get any better. The relationships 120 E. WASHINGTON ST. SUITE 201 MILDRED SIMINOFF that students form with their teachers last a lifetime, and SYRACUSE, NY 13202 are full of support and love. The academics at SHDS are outstanding, with many students receiving recognition from the presidential administration. When the day’s lessons have been completed, the fun activities that SHDS(315) offers are also TELEPHONE 474-3326 FAX (315) 476-8058 super fun. From color wars to the occasional animal week, Happy EMAIL: games and fund-raisers are a constant at the day school. Rosh Hashanah! Every year, the students themselves elect new members of the student council, including two class representatives for every grade. This ensures that yearly fund-raising goals PLACEMENT SERVICE, INC. are met and that students are having fun whileAgency working on“the tikkun olam. Rabbi classes teach students that right person forShore’s the job” being Jewish isn’t just about reciting the Shema; it’s about 120 E. WASHINGTON ST. helping one another, not leaving anyone behind. That’s why IMINOFF– it not only teaches studentsSUITE MILDRED SHDS is soSspecial why201 one SYRACUSE, NY 13202 plus one equals two. It shows them how they can change the world, one step at a time.”



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Syracuse as we shine our light in the Holy Land. We will travel all over eretz Yisrael together and bring back a heightened pride in our Syracuse Jewish community. Use Chanukah to see the brightness which is ours in Syracuse, and share the light for all to see. Rabbi Daniel Fellman is the rabbi at Temple Concord.

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Calendar Highlights

To see a full calendar of community events, visit the Federation's community calendar online at Please notify of any calendar changes.

Thursday, December 20 Deadline for the January 4 Jewish Observer (December 7 is the only issue in December.)

Sunday, December 10 Congregation Beth Sholom-Chevra Shas Oys and Joys at 10:30 am Temple Concord GAN program at 10:30 am Temple Adath Yeshurun Sisterhood hosts discussion on “The Beauty Queen of Jerusalem” by Sarit Yishai Levi at 10:45 am Syracuse Hebrew Day School celebration at the Syracuse Marriott Downtown from 2 – 4 pm PJ Library® Build-a-Bear party from 3 – 4 pm STOCS Tea and Torah at 3:30 pm

Monday, December 11 CBS-CS Lunch and Learn at SU Hillel at noon Tuesday, December 12 Sam Pomeranz Jewish Community Center Chanukah menorah lighting at 4 pm Epstein School at Temple Adath Yeshurun from 6:30-8:30 pm Wednesday, December 13 Menorah Park Chavurah Chanukah celebration in the Anne and Hy Miller Theater from 4 – 5:30 pm Sam Pomeranz JCC Chanukah menorah lighting at 4 pm STOCS Chanukah dinner at 6 pm CBS-CS board meeting at 7:30 pm Thursday, December 14 Sam Pomeranz JCC Chanukah menorah lighting at 4 pm Friday, December 15 TAY Chanukah Shabbat at 5:30 pm TC Chanukah Shabbat and dinner at 6 pm Sam Pomeranz JCC Chanukah menorah lighting at 4 pm Saturday, December 16 CBS-CS Chanukah “Around the World in Eight Days” dinner and celebration at 5:30 pm TAY Men’s Club hosts Latkes and Vodkas at 7 pm Sunday, December 17 TC Brotherhood and Sisterhood present a short meeting and presentation on synagogue’s recent East European trip Federation Chanukah party at the MOST from 4 – 7 pm Monday, December 18 The Oaks Lunch and Learn with Rabbi Andrew Pepperstone at noon Sam Pomeranz JCC Chanukah menorah lighting at 4 pm Tuesday, December 19 Sam Pomeranz JCC Chanukah menorah lighting at 4 pm Sam Pomeranz JCC Executive Committee meeting at 6 pm, followed by Board meeting at 7 pm Epstein School at Temple Adath Yeshurun from 6:30-8:30 pm Wednesday, December 20 Lunch and Learn at Bousquet Holstein law office at noon TAY Executive Committee meeting at 6 pm, followed by Board meeting at 7 pm Sam Pomeranz JCC Chanukah menorah lighting at 4 pm Thursday, December 21 CBS-CS Rabbi Andrew Pepperstone class on “Biblical Siblings not Chosen” at 10:30 am TAY Men’s Club and Sisterhood blood drive from 1:30 – 6:30 pm Tuesday, January 2 Epstein School at Temple Adath Yeshurun from 6:30-8:30 pm Wednesday, January 3 TC Board of Trustees meeting at 7 pm Thursday, January 4 TAY presents discussion on Jewish values at 7:30 pm Friday, January 5 CBS-CS Shabbat dinner at 6 with services at 7:15 pm Saturday, January 6 TC Tot Shabbat at 9 am Sunday, January 7 CBS-CS intergenerational ice skating at Shove Park Recreation Center at 2 pm TC Sisterhood and Brotherhood meet separately at 9:30 am Tuesday, January 9 Epstein School at Temple Adath Yeshurun from 6:30-8:30 pm TC Goldenberg Series at 7 pm

DECEMBER 7, 2017/19 KISLEV 5778 ■


OBITUARIES GERTRUDE RUTH BLOCK Gertrude Ruth Block, 93, of Syracuse, died on November 18 at Upstate University Hospital. Born in Schirwindt, Germany, she escaped the horrors of war and went to live with relatives in England as a young girl She later served in the British military, always thankful she survived the Holocaust. She was a fiercely independent woman and a member of Temple Concord. She was predeceased by her husband of 61 years, Seymour, in 2010. She is survived by her son, Richard Block; her daughter, Deborah (Lew) Lipka; and two grandchildren. Burial was in the Temple Concord section of Woodlawn Cemetery. Birnbaum Funeral Service had arrangements. Contributions may be made to the National Holocaust Museum, 100 Raoul Wallenberg Pl SW, Washington, DC 20024 or Temple Concord, 910 Madison St, Syracuse, NY 13210. 

miraculously burned for eight days rather than the expected one, symbolizing the survival of the Jewish people. Each menorah in the museum is a personal interpretation of the Festival of Lights and its symbolism. The Italian artist Stefano Della Porta, for example, used ceramics and steel to create a menorah that appears to be made from giant burnt matches. American-born artist Robert Carroll created his menorah from olive wood, red Verona granite and brass. It has a sinuous, trunk-like base that supports eight branches that open out like a flower, each supporting a candle. Carmi and his friends provided the first chanukiyot for the project – Carmi’s was a silver-plated metal bar with small cups for the eight candles and the shamash – and then reached out to others for contributions. Other artists – Jews and non-Jews, mainly from Italy but also from other countries – soon began making their

Continued from page 9 own menorahs and presenting them to the growing collection. All of the works are donated, most of them by the artists themselves. “It was like a chain of artists,” Carmi said. “And well-known artists began to be attracted.” Among those is Arnaldo Pomodoro, one of Italy’s leading sculptors. His menorah, presented in 2013, is a horizontal metal girder that supports the nine candles and is decorated with abstract symbols. “I tried to bring out a series of abstract, imaginary signs to create a story that would connect, on a general level, with the idea of thought, experience and memory; without, however, wanting to enter into the multi-faceted complexities of the symbology of the Jewish world,” Pomodoro describes in the catalog. Ultimately, Carmi said, the Museum of Lights is about “Judaism, art and identity.”


The Chinese e-commerce giant Alibaba has reportedly agreed to acquire the Israel-based start-up Visualead, which specializes in technology that generates personalized quick response (or QR) codes. Sources close to the deal told the Israeli financial news outlet Calcalist that the acquisition is worth tens of millions of dollars. Founded in 2012, the Herzliya-based company’s software creates unique QR codes that can be scanned with smartphones. Visualead’s codes incorporate the

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use of colors in their designs, differing from the industry’s standard black-and-white codes. Alibaba has not confirmed the deal, which would be its first acquisition of an Israeli company. The reported deal follows an announcement by Alibaba in October that it will open a research and development center in Israel as part of the company’s $15 billion plan to unveil a series of R&D centers worldwide.


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SIDNEY L. SHAPIRO Sidney L. Shapiro, 83, died on November 29 at Crouse Hospital. Born in Brooklyn, he was raised in Oswego. He had been a resident of Syracuse for more than 35 years. As a teenager, with his father, Leon, he began his lifelong work in the family business, Leon Shapiro Motor Sales of Oswego. He was a member of Kiwanis, Congregation Adath Israel of Oswego, Temple Adath Yeshurun, Congregation Beth Sholom-Chevra Shas and Temple Concord, and an active volunteer with Meals on Wheels. He was a competitive tennis player, a skilled poker player and a rabid SU basketball fan. He was predeceased by his wives, Helene, in 1967, and Lenore, in 2014; and his brother, Herbert. He is survived by his children, Peter (Beth), Michael (Sharon), Todd (Michele) and Joanna (Randy); seven grandchildren; his brother, Stephen; and his fiancée, Kitty Barrett. Burial was in the Congregation Adath Israel section of Riverside Cemetery in Oswego. Sisskind Funeral Service had arrangements. Contributions may be made to the Sam Pomeranz Syracuse Jewish Community Center, 5655 Thompson Rd., Syracuse, NY 13214. 

MICHELLE STILLMAN Michelle Stillman, 51, died on November 21. Born in Buffalo, she had been a resident of Syracuse since 2002. She had worked at the main branch of the Syracuse Public Library for more than 10 years. She will be remembered for her fierce independence, sweetness and kindness. She is survived by her brother, Alan (Mark Braiman) Stillman; and an extended family. Burial was in Frumah Packard Cemetery. Sisskind Funeral Service had arrangements. Contributions may be made to the Syracuse Public Library, 447 S. Salina St., Syracuse, NY 13202. 




Report: Chinese e-commerce giant Alibaba to acquire Israeli QR code startJANICE FRANK Janice Frank, 87, died November 20 at the Nottingham. up Visualead

She was born in Cleveland, OH, and, with her husband, raised their family in Syracuse. After raising her family, she pursued a professional career and returned to Syracuse University to earn a master’s degree in social work. After receiving her degree summa cum laude, she was in private practice and also worked for the Onondaga County Department of Mental Health. She eventually became a director of the department. She was a board member and actor with the Salt City Playhouse; a member of Temple Adath Yeshurun; the TAY building drive; a board member and actor with the Palm Springs Playhouse; and a board member of NIP-New Identity Process. She was predeceased by her husband of 60 years, Warren, in 2010; their son, Jeffrey, in 1981; her sister, Elaine Rosenfeld; and her brother, Chuck Glueck. She is survived by her children, Gary (Bonnie) Frank, Pam (John) Renock and Penny (Scott) Doubeck; six grandchildren; and four great-grandchildren. Burial was in Adath Yeshurun Cemetery. Sisskind Funeral Service had arrangements. Contributions may be made to the Alzheimer’s Association of CNY, 441 West Kirkpatrick St., Syracuse 13204-1361. 


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