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JCC Early Childhood Development Program to be called the Jerome and Phyllis Charney ECDP By Marci Erlebacher and Bette Siegel The Sam Pomeranz Jewish Community Center of Syracuse recently announced that the Early Childhood Development Program will now be known as the Jerome and Phyllis Charney Early Childhood Development Program. The Charney family has a history of supporting local causes throughout the years. Phyllis was born in Haverhill, MA, and came to Syracuse, where her grandparents lived, at a very young age. Jerome moved to Syracuse from Minneapolis because his father had the opportunity to open a business. Jerome and Phyllis met in grade school and married in 1942. They raised their daughter, Karen, and their son, Mel, in Syracuse. Phyllis remembers attending the JCC on Cedar Street. In 1953, Jerome, Phyllis and Jerome’s father, Harry, opened Charney’s “Mens and Boys” Clothing Store

in Eastwood. Within a couple of years, they opened more stores on the west side of Syracuse. Throughout the years, there have been various store locations. The current two stores are on Erie Boulevard and in Clay. Charney’s has always been a family business and, in 1963, when Mel joined the business, three generations were working together. Phyllis continues to work in the business and can be found there every day. The Charney Foundation was created in 1994 in memory of Jerome. Through this foundation the family found a way to help their community. The Charney Foundation supports several projects at the JCC, the Jewish Federation of Central New York and Menorah Park. Among the other community agencies that Phyllis finds important to support are Hospice of Central New York, On Point for College, Contact Community Services, cancer research, the Heart Association and the Golisano

Children’s Hospital. Her tradition of giving has continued through her children, Mel and Sarah Charney, and Shelly and Karen Kruth. Her children maintain that she “truly instilled in them the values of volunteerism and community service” and that “she exemplifies the true meaning of tzedakah. She sees a need, gives quietly and does not ask for kavod.” The Charney family has always been connected to the JCC. Not only did Phyllis spend her early years at the JCC, but her children, her grandchildren and now her great-grandchildren have done so as well. She said, “The JCC Early Childhood Education Program is an exceptional program that is essential to our community. It gives every child an opportunity to begin their education with a solid foundation and for many, an introduction to the traditions of Judaism.” See “Charney” on page 5

The Sam Pomeranz Jewish Community Center of Syracuse Early Childhood Development Program will now be known as the Jerome and Phyllis Charney Early Childhood Development Program, due to a gift from the Charney family.

Syracuse Lions of Judah “roar with pride” By Marianne Bazydlo The Jewish Federation of Central New York held a Lion of Judah event on November 11 at the Cazenovia Lake home of Robin Goldberg. The group of 21 women gathered to socialize, network and make future plans for a “reinvigorated” Lion of Judah group in Syracuse. Goldberg said, “It is wonderful getting together with all of you as the Lion of Judah ‘pride’ of our community. We should all feel proud to be part of a wonderful sisterhood. I feel a bond amongst us, and I look forward to that bond increasing in strength as we go forward. Thank you for all your support and the difference you make in our community!” See “Lions” on page 5

Sara Alexander presented Mateele Kall with a Lion of Judah pin that had belonged to Sara’s mother-in-law, Paula Alexander.

More than 20 women gathered on November 11 for a Lion of Judah celebration. Lion of Judah is Federation’s group of women who commit at least $5,000 to Federation’s Annual Campaign.

C A N D L E L I G H T I N G A N D P A R AS H A November 29...........4:14 pm............................................ Parasha-Chanukah-Miketz December 6..............4:12 pm............................................................Parasha-Vayigash December 13............4:12 pm.............................................................. Parasha-Vayichi

INSIDE THIS ISSUE Congregational notes

Aiding Philippines


Area shuls announce upcoming Israeli disaster relief teams are Chanukah celebrations will be held speakers, youth activities, concerts in the Philippines aiding typhoon at local synagogues; the JCC plans victims. holiday fund-raising programs. and more. Story on page 6 Stories on pages 8 and 10 Stories on page 4

PLUS Personal Greetings.................8-9 Calendar Highlights................10 B’nai Mitzvah............................10 Obituary..................................... 11


JEWISH OBSERVER ■ november 28, 2013/25 KISLEV 5774

First person

On Israeli religious reforms, Naftali Bennett still figuring out road map

Trip to Israel By Ruth and Joel Stein Ruth Stein is vice-chair of the Federation Board and Communications Committee. She and her husband, Joel, recently traveled to Israel for a family celebration. Some families find it easy to get together to celebrate holidays and special occasions, but our family has exceptionally far distances to travel. During the 1930s, the Waldeck brothers and sisters fled Germany and began new lives and families in the United States, Palestine and Argentina. Their children and grandchildren still keep in contact and meet periodically to observe family simchas. To celebrate my cousin Tirza and her husband’s 50th wedding anniversary, we all came to Israel from the United States, Canada, Argentina and Uruguay. We all stayed in Moshav Ram-On, near Afula, where Tirza and Gali live. They were among the founders 51 years ago. We had a family dinner together on Friday night and a luncheon with singing and skits in Hebrew and English the next day. On Sunday, we all boarded a small bus hired by Tirza and Gali. As it was the first trip to Israel for some of the cousins, Tirza and Gali had planned a sightseeing trip that included many famous places, and they were our tour guides. On the first day, we rode up the Mediterranean coast and visited Caesarea, which was originally built by Herod the Great and included a palace and amphitheater for chariot races. We ate lunch under an aqueduct that originally brought water to Caesarea. In the afternoon, we drove to Haifa and had a view of the city;

went to Akko, where we walked through an escape tunnel that led to the Mediterranean; and spent the night in Nahariya. The next day, we went to Rosh Hanikra, where we saw the remains of the railroad that the Haganah had destroyed in 1947 to prevent attacks on the new state of Israel. From there, we drove along the IsraeliLebanese border to Metulla. We had a tour of Tel Hai, where Joseph Trumpeldor and other defenders made a heroic stand. On our third day, we crossed the Hula Valley and drove up to the Golan Heights. From the rest stop at Café Annan, we could see Syria and were only 40 miles from Damascus. On day four, we drove to Masada and took the cable car to the top, where we saw the ruins of Herod’s two palaces, storage areas, the mikvah and a synagogue. We then drove to Jerusalem, where we stayed at the Fuchsberg Center Guest House. Throughout several days in Jerusalem, we went to the Western Wall, toured the tunnel under the Old City, visited the Israel Museum and toured the Supreme Court and Knesset. The Israel Museum had a special exhibit on Herod, whose handiwork we had just visited. It also has a permanent archeological exhibit that begins with the Stone Age and ends in the modern era. The hustle and bustle of Jerusalem with tourists from every country on earth and remarkable archeological finds created a wonderful atmosphere. We reluctantly and wearily returned home.

By Uriel Heilman NEW YORK (JTA) – Naftali Bennett doesn’t like to waste time. In the eight months since he took over three Israeli ministries – religious services, economy, and Diaspora and Jerusalem affairs – Bennett has pushed through legislation to give Israeli couples more freedom in choosing which rabbi officiates at their wedding, worked with coalition partner Yair Lapid to lop $11 billion off Israel’s budget and fasttracked a resolution to the showdown over women’s prayer at the Western Wall. On this last achievement, Bennett managed an end run around the debate over a controversial compromise proposal by Jewish Agency Chairman Natan Sharansky by ordering the construction of a platform for egalitarian services adjacent to Robinson’s Arch, an archaeological site at the southern edge of the wall. “The guy came and said, ‘Well, let’s bring it to government for approval.’ I said, ‘No, just go build the thing,’” Bennett recalled. “Within six days, it was up and now we have an egalitarian pluralistic plaza. Everyone can go, no questions asked.” But on some of the other issues considered crucial to American Jewish advocates of religious pluralism in Israel – establishing civil marriage, granting state salaries to nonOrthodox rabbis, and recognizing Reform and Conservative conversions – don’t expect Bennett to rush into things, if at all. “When you talk about marriage, when you talk about conversion, it’s much more sensitive,” Bennett told JTA. “I do want to set expectations: I won’t go all the way. It’s going to be a fine line of balancing everyone’s positions. These are very, very delicate issues. It’s going to be a very slow process.” In a wide-ranging interview on November 15 at JTA’s offices in New York, Bennett, who leads the Jewish Home party, talked about his plans for religious reforms, what sort of Iran deal Israel might be willing to accept and how Israel’s “start-up nation” ethos could be extended into good works projects overseas. He also described how his approach to religious pluralism was influenced by his personal experience. The Israel-born son of American immigrants from San Francisco, Bennett, who is Modern Orthodox, moved

of Central New York

Syracuse Office

Joel Stein in front the building that houses the Dead Sea Scrolls on the grounds of the Israel Museum.

Ruth (pictured) and Joel Stein stayed a weekend at the Yitzhak Rabin youth hostel and guest house in Jerusalem.

letters to the editor Make the effort to preserve our heritage To the Editor: The Pew Research Center Survey of the Jews of the Jews of the United States is certainly a wake-up call to Jews who care about the survival of our people. The trend of almost complete disappearance will accelerate in the next generations, and then will be recalled nostalgically. Jewish words and expressions will linger on as part of the American language. The key is the reduction and elimination of what is called Judaism, remembered only in the spring of the year with delicious dinners, some songs (mostly in English) and again in the autumn of the year with some meal-skipping and gatherings to pay tribute to the stories of flights to freedom. We can see it happening in our area now. Synagogues with few members, mostly advanced in age, merge with more vibrant ones. The latter can look forward to similar trends in their congregations. A majority of our younger people are

leaving here for better opportunities. The core of our Jewish observers practice Judaism with old ways and ceremonies that are not understandable. With prosperity, Judaism has become less important. When Israel is threatened, Jews come together with moral support and money. But now the Jewish spirit is wavering. The act of Jews coming together is decreasing. Getting together as Jews is for the youngest among us, and then only occasionally at entertainment events. I am told that there are Jews here who are neither affiliated with synagogues nor connected with Jewish activities or Jewish life. However, they support Jewish causes in limited ways. It is time for our professional and lay leaders and those who care about our history, our contributions to society, our support of universities and our America, to make the effort to preserve our heritage. Hecky Alpert

Bette Siegel Syracuse Editor Publisher Jewish Federation of Central New York Inc. Cantor Francine Berg Chair of the Board Linda Alexander Federation President/CEO Ruth Stein Vice President for Communications Patricia Puzzo Advertising Representative Editorial 5655 Thompson Rd. DeWitt, NY 13214 Advertising Sales 750 W. Genesee St. Syracuse, NY 13204

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to New York in 2000 shortly after marrying his “totally secular” Israeli wife, Gilat. It was in Manhattan that Gilat first began attending synagogue – a beginner’s service at Kehilath Jeshurun on the Upper East Side. “We had to fly to New York from Israel for my wife to get closer to Judaism,” Bennett said. “Here’s an area that I think Israel can learn a lot from American Jews. This no-questions-asked approach – I loved it,” he said. “I want to import it, albeit cautiously.” Bennett says his approach to religious reforms is governed by three considerations: the changes must be good for Israel, done in discussion with the relevant constituencies and cannot contravene Jewish law, or halachah. Some Orthodox rabbis say merely enabling egalitarian prayer, as Bennett did by building the Kotel platform, violates halachah. Bennett said he’s still figuring out where his red lines are. “Any move by any Jew that gets him closer to Judaism, to our heritage, is a good thing,” Bennett said. “At the same time, there is a value – notwithstanding the disagreements – there is a value of having, on an official level, let’s say, lines that we don’t cross.” It’s not clear how much wiggle room that leaves Bennett on such issues as nonOrthodox conversions or Conservative and Reform weddings that do not conform to halachah. He has made clear he opposes civil marriage legislation, though he says he wants to find some kind of solution for couples who have no ability to marry under Israeli law, such as interfaith couples. “This is perhaps one of the most sensitive issues that we’re only starting to learn and map out what we can do,” he said. “What we don’t want to do certainly is encourage couples that can get married according to halachah and encourage them to get married in a different way.” Bennett said he met for the first time two weeks ago with coalition partners Lapid, Tzipi Livni of the Hatnua party and Avigdor Liberman of Likud-Yisrael Beiteinu to discuss areas in which they can push religious reforms. Bennett already is promoting a bill that, as with marriage, would make it easier for Israeli non-Jews to convert to Judaism by enabling them to choose any rabbinical See “Reforms” on page 11 All articles, announcements and photographs must be received by noon Wednesday, 15 days prior to publication date. Articles must be typed, double spaced and include the name of a contact person and a daytime telephone number. E-mail submissions are encouraged and may be sent to The Jewish Observer reserves the right to edit any copy. Signed letters to the editor are welcomed: they should not exceed 250 words. Names will be withheld at the discretion of the editor. All material in this newspaper has been copyrighted and is exclusive property of the Jewish Observer and cannot be reproduced without the consent of the publisher. Views and opinions expressed by our writers, columnists, advertisers and by our readers do not necessarily reflect the publisher’s and editors’ points of view, nor that of the Jewish Federation of Central New York. The newspaper reserves the right to cancel any advertisements at any time. This newspaper is not liable for the content of any errors appearing in the advertisements beyond the cost of the space occupied. The advertiser assumes responsibility for errors in telephone orders. The Jewish Observer does not assume responsibility for the kashrut of any product or service advertised in this paper.

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The Jewish Observer is a member of the American Jewish Press Association.

NOVEMBER 28, 2013/25 KISLEV 5774 ■

AROUND CENTRAL NEW YORK “The Different Faces of Special Needs” By Barbara Davis “The Different Faces of Special Needs” will be the second in the series of parenting workshops, “Navigating Your 21st Century Family.” A panel of experts will address this topic on Thursday, December 12, at 7 pm, in the Jewish Community Center auditorium. The program will be open to the public at no charge, due to a Community Program Fund grant from the Jewish Federation of Dr. George Starr Central New York. A group of Jewish educators and leaders has been working to implement a Jewish Parenting Resources program for the community, funded by this grant from the 2012 Community Program Fund of the Jewish Federation of Central New York. Features of the program – described as “exciting, timely and innovative” by Jo David, director of the Early Childhood Development program at the JCC – will include a workshop series that will run throughout the year, a library of resource materials for parents and a resource room where parents can read, relax, learn and meet with peers and teachers. Barbara Davis, co-head of the Syracuse Hebrew Day School; Marci Erlebacher, executive director of the JCC; Stephanie Marshall, director of congregation learning at Temple Concord; and Lori Tenenbaum, co-head of SHDS; are the leaders of the project. Corinne Smith is professor of teaching and leadership,

and the former dean of education at Syracuse University. She is the author of a textbook on learning disabilities and co-author of a parent handbook on learning disabilities. She will address the issue of interventions that can help parents push schools to provide “given long-term data on what skills or behaviors of a child are the most important to nurture for the sake of long-term adjustment.” Smith Corinne Smith, stressed that “Social skills are a huge piece of the curriculum, often more SU education important than the actual grade level professor and former dean of of reading, writing, etc.” Pediatrician George Starr will adeducation dress strength-based approaches that can be used in conjunction with current deficit-based therapies for children with special needs. He said, “The current explosion in autism diagnoses is driven in large part by the need for a diagnostic label to get insurance and school system funding for services. Many of the children labeled today have milder issues and will often outgrow the diagnosis with reasonably normal functioning. Unfortunately, their parents may not recover and will continue to think of their child as damaged goods.” Starr is associated with Upstate Medical University and has worked in many school settings. Glenda Criss, M.S.Ed., is the parent-to-parent of New York State regional coordinator and habilitation services See “Faces” on page 10

Sam Pomeranz Jewish Community Center senior dining menu December 2-6 Monday – spaghetti and meatballs Tuesday – grilled cheese sandwich Wednesday – honey mustard chicken Thursday – Chanukah celebration – brisket Friday – baked stuffed haddock December 9-13 Monday – apricot chicken Tuesday – hot roast beef with roasted tomato on panini Wednesday – chicken cacciatore Thursday – fried fish Friday – Italian roast chicken The Bobbi Epstein Lewis JCC Senior Adult Dining Program, catered by Tiffany’s Catering Company at the Sam Pomeranz Jewish Community Center, offers kosher lunches served Monday-Friday at noon. Reservations are required by noon on the previous business day and there is

a suggested contribution per meal. The menu is subject to change. The program is funded by a grant from the Onondaga County Department of Aging and Youth and the New York State Office for the Aging, with additional funds provided by the JCC and United Way of Central New York. To attend, one need not be Jewish or a member of the JCC. For more information or to make a reservation, contact Leesa Paul at 445-2360, ext. 104, or

”Jake’s Place”


By Bette Siegel Arnold Rubenstein will speak about his recent book, “Jake’s Place, From One Man’s Passion to a Corporation,” on Thursday, December 12, from 4:30-6:30 pm, at the Onondaga Historical Association. The talk will be free and open to the public. The story is the history of the Rubenstein family’s company, beginning when his father landed at Ellis Island. His father wanted to be considered an American, not an immigrant. The story will explore the Rubenstein family as well as the business, since the two are interconnected. Rubenstein said, “Our daughter, Mara, had been after me to write the story of United Radio, our family business, for quite a while, and I finally relented.” The presentation will chronicle Jake Rubenstein’s business endeavor, which grew from a neighborhood to a national business, as it was fueled by technology and Jake’s belief in treating people fairly and with respect. Today, Phillip and Mara, Jake’s grandchildren and the third generation of Rubensteins, are guiding the company into the future. United Radio just celebrated 90 years in business. There will be refreshments and participants may purchase the book at the presentation. For more information on the talk, contact the OHA at 428-1864, ext. 312.



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JEWISH OBSERVER ■ november 28, 2013/25 KISLEV 5774

congregational notes Congregation Beth SholomChevra Shas

Hazak to present screenplay “Marriage Before Love” The Congregation Beth Sholom-Chevra Shas chapter of Hazak will present a reading of scenes from the screenplay “Marriage Before Love,” by Mickey Lebowitz, on Sunday, December 8, at 2 pm. The screenplay for a full-length feature film is a romantic comedy about Benny and Sam, two aged Jewish uncles who offer to make an arranged marriage for their favorite niece – against her wishes. As the two uncles secretly attempt to find “Mr. Right,” their niece has an experience that shapes her values. The story focuses on relationships and how one really knows when they are in love or are loved. For more information, contact the CBSCS office at 446-9570. Rabbi Jules Gutin to be scholar-in-residence Congregation Beth Sholom-Chevra Shas will host Rabbi Jules Gutin, the senior education advisor for the United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism, from Friday-Sunday, December 13-15. He was the director of United Synagogue Youth from 1991-2012. Gutin will teach Friday evening during services and at a Shabbat dinner afterward. Kabalat Shabbat and Ma’ariv will feature the leadership of many of the CBS-CS Jewish summer campers. The dinner will be aimed at families with USY and Kadima (middle school) children, as well as others. He will deliver the d’var Torah and of-

fer a lunch-and-learn during kiddush on Saturday morning. Finally, he will spend time with the religious school children on Sunday morning. Another purpose for Gutin’s visit is to help the congregation develop ideas Rabbi Jules Gutin for Israeli programming. He has been involved in programming in Israel for his entire career and can educate congregations on “how to make Israel real” to its members. There will be a parlor meeting the evening of Saturday, December 14, to share stories about Israel and learn how other congregations create programs about Israel from differing points of view. Anyone interested in participating should contact Rabbi Andrew Pepperstone at 446-5125 or Kripalu Retreat Unites and Inspires By Karen Beckman During the weekend of November 1, 24 women from the Congregation Beth Sholom-Chevra Shas Sisterhood celebrated Shabbat at the Kripalu Yoga Retreat Center in Lenox, MA. The program began with Friday night candle lighting and Shabbat celebration. The resort offered many activities, including meditation sessions, yoga classes of all levels, See “CBS-CS” on page 8

Temple Adath Yeshurun United Synagogue Youth The Temple Adath United Synagogue Youth teen board, a group of seven teenagers in 10-12th grade, has planned events for December. Each teenager will be responsible for a portfolio, ranging from social action and religious programs to membership and communication responsibilities. To celebrate Chanukah, the USY participants will hold a game night on Saturday, December 7, from 7:30-10 pm, at the synagogue. There will be board games, old-style children’s games and other entertainment. Chanukah snacks will be served. The event will be free, but the teenagers should bring a non-perishable food item to the event to be donated to a local food pantry. All TAY USY events will be open to any Jewish teenager in the community. The teenagers will also hold another Teen Shabbat in the Round on Friday, December 13, at 7 pm. These services began last spring and are held every other month. The service will be followed by an oneg Shabbat. The program will end at 9 pm. The musical service was created for the teenagers with Shabbat melodies and popular songs. It is led by Esa Jaffe, ba’alat tefillah, and is modeled after summer camp Shabbat experiences and the TAY regular Shabbat in the Round service. It will be open to all Jewish teenagers in eighth-12th grade. For more information, contact Jaffe at 445-0002.

Samuel D. Gruber to speak By Sonali Eaton Temple Adath Yeshurun’s adult education chavurah will present its third and final speaker of the fall Sunday morning lectures on December 8 at 9:30 am. The program will begin with a light breakfast, followed Samuel D. Gruber by “Arise and Build: American Synagogues and Jewish Identity,” a talk by Samuel D. Gruber, American art and architectural historian. The program will be free and open to the community. Gruber has been a lecturer in Jewish studies at Syracuse University since 1994, where he teaches courses on Jewish art and architecture. He is the author or editor of numerous articles and survey reports about Jewish monuments, and is a frequent public lecturer in the United States and Europe. He has also taught at Temple, Binghamton, Cornell and Colgate universities. He was trained as a medievalist and architectural historian, and is considered to be an expert on medieval urbanism, especially Italian medieval towns and cities. He has written extensively on the architecture of the synagogue and is an expert and See “TAY” on page 9

Temple Concord Regina F. Goldenberg Cultural Series Temple Concord will present Syracuse University faculty members Harumi Rhodes, violinist, and Steven Heyman, pianist, on Tuesday, December 3, at 7 pm. They will perform an all-Beethoven program featuring the composer’s Fourth, Fifth and Seventh sonatas.

Cinemagogue’s “My Mexican Shiva” Cinemagogue will present the movie “My Mexican Shiva” on Tuesday, December 17, at 7 pm. In the film, a man’s death elicits a celebration of his life, as two angels fight over who will accompany the man’s soul. Throughout the shiva, his family and friends See “TC” on page 9

The Congregation Beth Sholom-Chevra Shas chapter of Hazak presented a Jewish music concert featuring the Keyna Hora Klezmer Band and vocalists from the congregation on November 10. L-r: Violinist Ernie Wass; vocalists Aveeya Dinkin and Lois Weiner; pianist Jonathan Dinkin; and vocalists Cheryl Wolfe, Mark Wolfe, Marty Miller and Hanita Blair. Seventy people attended the event.

Front (l-r): Anthony Fischer, Sam Griffiths, Adam Thompson and Ella Kornfeld. Rear: Aaron Thomson, Cal Jacowitz, Esther Rubinow (mostly obscured), Natalie Eisenson, David Fixler and Shayna Myshrall. Not pictured: Nicole Engel, Geo Engel and Alana Jacowitz.

Bishop Robert J. Cunningham and the People of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Syracuse Greet our Jewish Friends and Neighbors in Your Holy Season

May Our Friendship be a Blessing for All May We Give Our Common Voice to the Ancient Promise of Shalom

NOVEMBER 28, 2013/25 KISLEV 5774 ■



The Oaks tour local TV studio JCC senior birthday luncheon at the JCC Residents from The Oaks at Menorah Park had an in-depth guided tour of WSYR’s Bridge Street facility on October 30. The group had front row seating for Channel 9’s noon news show and watched anchor Carrie Lazarus and weatherman Jim Teske report. Evening anchor Rod Wood also greeted The Oaks residents and staff. L-r: Marilyn Nord, Roz Gingold, Patricia McGregor, Doug Millar, Teske, Judy Cramer, Lazarus, Morris Gilman, Sylvia Gilman, Rozalind Bodow, Louise Koppelman, Dolly Weiss, Fay Tucker and Doris Gambacorto.

JCC Corvette Club donation

L-r: Larry Rothenberg, of the Syracuse Corvette Club, presented a donation of $1,000 to Sam Pomeranz Jewish Community Center of Syracuse Executive Director Marci Erlebacher and JCC President Steven Sisskind on November 7. The club raises more than $10,000 annually at the Vettes at the Beach event at Sylvan Beach. It is the largest one-day Corvette club show in the Northeast. The JCC was one of nine local nonprofit organizations presented with a check at the club’s annual presentation meeting.


Phyllis and Jerome have been called “quiet but significant benefactors” to the local Jewish community. Their endowment for the program far into the future has been called “a testament to their commitment, concern and love for their Jewish heritage, and their understanding of the tremendous importance of Jewish education and values.” JCC Executive Director Marci Erlebacher said, “This is not only a wonderful gift for the JCC; but it is a also significant gift to the entire local Jewish community. It ensures the


Lion of Judah recognizes a commitment of at least $5,000 to Federation’s Annual Campaign. These donors receive a 14-karat gold lion pin. Each year that a woman sustains her $5,000 gift, she is eligible to have a small diamond set into the pin. Federation President/CEO Linda Alexander said, “We thank Robin Goldberg for inspiring our group of Lions to come together. She has taken on the role of Lion leadership with a vengeance, and a ‘roar.’” The Federation presented Mateele Kall with a Lion pin in appreciation for her support of the Jewish community. The pin belonged to Paula Alexander, who was a Lion of Judah and endowed her gift to the Annual Campaign. The pin was donated in Paula’s memory by Sara Alexander to be given to a woman who “represents the spirit of Lion of Judah” in the community. Linda Alexander added, “Mateele and her husband, Sheldon, are generous philanthropists in our community, not just through their role as trustees of the Pomeranz, Shankman

L-r: Joel Friedman and Elaine and Marty Birnbaum sponsored the senior birthday luncheon held on November 8 in the Anne and Hy Miller Family Auditorium at the Sam Pomeranz Jewish Community Center of Syracuse. More than 40 people attended and received gift bags made by Elaine. The Birnbaums and Friedman thanked everyone for their trust and loyalty throughout the last 80 years.

Continued from page 1 continued success of our Early Childhood Development Program for many years to come. We are extremely grateful to the Charney family for recognizing the importance and value of this great program.” Phyllis added, “The JCC Early Childhood Development Program worked so well for our family that we want to make sure that others have the same opportunity.” Erlebacher said, “A finer example of l’dor v’dor, ‘from generation to generation,’ cannot be found.” Continued from page 1 and Martin Trusts, but as major gift donors in their own right.” Goldberg and Alexander invited the women to join them at the 2014 International Lion of Judah conference to be held Sunday-Wednesday, September 7-10, in New York City. The conference will bring together women from around the world, feature many speakers and offer opportunities for service projects. “I wear my Lion pin every day and I hope to see other Lions wear their pins – and not just at Federation events,” said Alexander. Almost 17,000 women worldwide are Lions of Judah. Created in 1972 in Miami by Norma Kipnis-Wilson and Toby Friedland, the Lion of Judah program has brought together all kinds of women in order to support social justice, healing the sick, feeding the hungry, preserving human dignity and building Jewish identity. For more information about Lion of Judah or the Annual Campaign, call Marianne Bazydlo at Federation at 445-2040, ext. 102.

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JEWISH OBSERVER ■ november 28, 2013/25 KISLEV 5774

In the typhoon-ravaged Philippines, Israel brings its experience in disaster relief

Merin, a cardiac surgeon and deputy director of the morning of November 15, about seven hours Shaare Tzedek Hospital in Jerusalem, says the Israelis after the team arrived on the island. The parents also have performed surgeries in the local hospital of the first baby delivered by the Israeli team that in concert with local doctors “to give them some of first morning named him Israel in gratitude to the our knowledge.” volunteers. Despite the death toll of more than 3,000, which Established adjacent to the local hospital in Bogo is expected to climb thousands higher, and the nearly City, the Israeli field hospital is the only one located two million displaced, Merin says the wounded are not in a region of about 250,000 residents, Merin says. wandering the streets like he saw in Haiti following Representatives of other countries have visited to the 2010 earthquake. He also was part of the Israeli view its operation. The 125-member Israeli team has team that traveled to Japan in the aftermath of its 2011 been seeing about 300 patients a day who were either tsunami; the Japanese infrastructure was better able injured in the typhoon or unable to care for chronic to withstand a disaster, Merin said. conditions, such as heart disease or diabetes, due At about 4 am, a man who had been stabbed in the to lack of running water or electricity. Others with chest was brought to the Bogo City field hospital by untreated diseases, including those with advanced friends. Doctors put in a chest drain, which Merin says cancer, also have made their way to the facility. was beyond the capabilities of the local hospital. “I Some 22 members of the team are medical doctors, am not sure what would have happened if we had not 15 are nurses and the rest are technicians, lab workers been around,” he said. and members of the Homefront Command who are Mobilizing and operating the field hospital has coordinating logistics. The delegation brought 100 Israeli military pers-onnel are assist-ing survivors of the typhoon that ravaged the Philippines on November 8. cost Israel millions of dollars, Merin says, as well tons of equipment and supplies. as lost manpower. The medicines and much of the Merin says the local officials and residents, as warmly. We are working hand in hand with the Filipino equipment brought in will remain when they leave in about well as the medical staff of the local hospital, “greeted us people,” he said. two weeks, he adds. Merin, who is volunteering, believes the IDF is able to mobilize so quickly in the wake of natural disasters because it operates as an army unit, sending an advance team that By Lori Tenenbaum allows the unit to deploy quickly upon arrival. Members of Club 56, the fifth and One of the logistics officers left with the team for the sixth grade students of the Syracuse Philippines two days after his wedding, despite being on Hebrew Day School, went with leave from the army for the occasion. Rabbi Evan Shore and Steven SisIsraelis, Merin says, are “ready to drop everything and skind of Sisskind Funeral Services come and assist anywhere in the world that we need to be.” to the Temple Beth El Cemetery on His team in the Philippines, he adds, is “really treating [the November 4. They buried boxes of patients] with all their heart.” prayer books and other materials (TheLocated Jewish Federations of North in Fayetteville Square behindAmerica, Friendly’s Union that are accorded respect because for Reform Judaism and American Jewish Joint 511 East Genesee Street • Fayetteville they contain the name of God. The Distribution Committee are collecting donations to help Men’s, Women’s, Children’s students helped carry many boxes the survivors.) that were placed in a grave and then Hems & Repairs Done While You Wait joined Shore in reciting a chapter Zippers • Formals • Coats • Suits, Linings Take-Ins & Takeouts • Dresses, Skirts • Drapes • Repairs from the Book of Psalms. Dry Cleaning • Leather Co-head of school Barbara DaDrop Off On Way To Work, SHDS fifth and sixth grade students went with Rabbi Evan Shore (second from right) vis said, “It’s all about caring and Pick Up On Way Home! respect. Our tradition teaches us to and Steven Sisskind (far right), of Sisskind Funeral Services, to the Temple Beth Mon-Fri 7:30am-6pm, Sat 8am-12noon 637-5505 care for the world in many ways. We El Cemetery on November 4 to bury boxes of prayer books and other materials Participants stretched a deer hide to make a piece of treat both animate and inanimate that are accorded respect because they contain the name of God. parchment for a Torah scroll at the Bread and Torah prothings with respect because they have meaning. This was a unique experience for the members of Club 56 and we know that they will always remember gram brought to Syracuse by SyraJews, a social network what they did today. This is a part of who we are as a school. for young Jewish professionals in Central New York and an Today Club 56 buried prayer books. On Memorial Day, they affiliate of the Sam Pomeranz Jewish Community Center program was made possible by a complant flags on the graves of Jewish War Veterans. We do these of Syracuse. LocatedThe in Fayetteville Square behind Friendly’s program grant Street from the Jewish Federation things for others, especially for those who cannot do them munity fund 511 East Genesee • Fayetteville New York. For more information on SyraJews, for themselves. Club 56 will help at the Temple Concord of Central Men’s, Women’s, Children’s join the group on Facebook. food pantry for the same reason. Club 56 exists to allow Hems & Repairs Done While You Wait the children to do acts of loving kindness in many different Zippers • Formals • Coats • Suits, Linings ways, with no expectation of praise or reward.”

SHDS ritual burial

SyraJews Bread and Torah

Take-Ins & Takeouts • Dresses, Skirts • Drapes • Repairs Dry Cleaning • Leather


Drop Off On Way To Work, Pick Up On Way Home! Mon-Fri 7:30am-6pm, Sat 8am-12noon



SU., Brandeis suspend ties to Al-Quds U.

Syracuse University became the second school in a week to suspend its relationship with the Palestinian Al-Quds University in Jerusalem following a Nazi-style rally at Al-Quds, The Jerusalem Post reported on Nov. 22. The school’s Institute for National Security and Counterterrorism halted ties with Al-Quds. Brandeis University had suspended itsAl-Quds partnership after a statement by Al-Quds on the rally that Brandeis considered “unacceptable and inflammatory.” The statement by Al-Quds President Sari Nusseibeh highlighted “vilification campaigns by Jewish extremists” against the university, rather than exclusively addressing the Nazi-style rally.


Located in Fayetteville Square behind Friendly’s

511 East Genesee Street • Fayetteville

Men’s, Women’s, Children’s Hems & Repairs Done While You Wait Zippers • Formals • Coats • Suits, Linings Take-Ins & Takeouts • Dresses, Skirts • Drapes • Repairs Dry Cleaning • Leather Tiferet Zimmern-Kahan helped stretch a section of

deer hide Rabbi Linda Motzkin, of Saratoga Springs, Dropheld Off Onby Way To Work, Pick Up On Way Home! were (l-r) Brendan Rose, Howie NY. Also helping Mon-Fri 7:30am-6pm, Sat 8am-12noon 637-5505 Greenhouse, Ellyn Roloff and Aaron Gross.

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Happy Chanuka

Drop Off On Way To Work, Pick Up On Way Home! Mon-Fri 7:30am-6pm, Sat 8am-12noon


NOVEMBER 28, 2013/25 KISLEV 5774 ■




JEWISH OBSERVER ■ november 28, 2013/25 KISLEV 5774

Chanukah around the community

Congregation Beth Sholom-Chevra Shas Congregation Beth Sholom-Chevra Shas will hold an “Eighth Night Chanukah Extravaganza” on Wednesday, December 4, at 5:30 pm. The event will feature Chanukah music. Snacks will be available for the younger children until the 6:30 pm dinner. In addition to the traditional Chanukah dinner, there will be games, crafts and a silent auction, with the event concluding with a Ma’ariv service and adult study. The program will be open to adults and children. Participants have been encouraged to bring their own menorah and candles to light prior to dinner. Reservations for the dinner have been requested. A “Meshuganah Madness” silent auction will raise money for the American Jewish World Service Hurricane Haiyan Relief Fund. Attendees have been asked to bring a wrapped gift for the auction, with a hint as to its contents, of a value of between $5-10. Those bringing gifts will receive three tickets for bidding on a gift. Additional tickets will be available for purchase.

Among the games to be played that evening will be Texas Hold ‘Em and traditional dreidel. Craft projects will include decorating kippot as Chanukah gifts for the religious school and home, and decorating mugs to be filled and donated during the CBS-CS Mitzvah Day activities on Wednesday, December 25. The CBS-CS children’s chorus, under the direction of Cantor Paula Pepperstone, will also perform. After dinner, Ma’ariv will be recited at 7:15 pm, followed by adult study on the topic “Do we really believe in miracles?” The 50th anniversary membership directory will be distributed during the evening. For more information or to make dinner reservations, contact the CBS-CS office at 446-9570. Shaarei Torah Orthodox Congregation of Syracuse Shaarei Torah Orthodox Congregation of Syracuse will hold its annual Chanukah dinner on Tuesday, December 3, from 6-9 pm. The dinner committee, co-chaired by Rachel Chait and Linda Davis, is planning a chicken

dinner. There will also be entertainment. Reservations have been requested and may be made by contacting the synagogue at 446-6194 or Temple Adath Yeshurun Temple Adath Yeshurun will hold a Chanukah dinner on Wednesday, December 4, at 6 pm, immediately following religious school and evening services. Participants will light the eighth Chanukah candle, sing Chanukah songs and dine on pizza and sufganiyot (jelly doughnuts). There will be a modest cost for the meal and reservations have been requested. They may be made by contacting or the TAY office at 445-0002. Temple Concord Temple Concord will celebrate Chanukah “deli style” on Friday, November 29, at 6 pm, followed by Shabbat services at 7:30 pm. The joint celebration of Chanukah and Shabbat will include latkes to go with the deli meat. The Kenesseth Shalom Singers will perform during the services. For more information, call the TC office at 475-9952.

JCC holiday fund-raising programs By Nick Finlayson With the holiday season approaching, the Sam Pomeranz Jewish Community Center of Syracuse will offer several shopping opportunities aimed to make the gift-giving holidays easier by providing shoppers a variety of options. Orders may be placed anytime at the JCC and they will be delivered to the buyer in time for the holidays. The program’s proceeds will be given to the JCC. The annual gift card fund-raiser will be held in time for Chanukah. Gift cards will be available from a variety of vendors and can be purchased at the JCC’s Thompson Road location. The JCC might be able to custom order special denominations or from vendors not listed. American Express gift cards are available without the activation fee, with each gift card contributing between 1-20 percent of its value back to the children’s department and Early

Childhood Development Program. The order deadline is Thursday, December 12, for delivery by Friday, December 20. Order forms are available in the JCC program guide, at or at the JCC main office. Director of Children and Teen Services of the JCC Amy Bisnett said, “We offer this program year after year as a service to our community. Holiday shopping can be stressful and time consuming and we can ease much of the local community’s hassle and chaos. This is a crucial service that many participate in year after year, and we hope to continue this service for them and the community-atlarge.” All proceeds will benefit the JCC’s Early Childhood Development Program and after school program. “Got Challah?” t-shirts in adult and youth sizes will be available, as well as the “I’m Gaga for Gaga at the JCC” shirts in youth sizes only.

The Early Childhood Development Program is continuing its year-round sale of car wash vouchers for Delta Sonic. Buyers may choose from the Super Kiss car wash or the Super Kiss car wash with interior cleaning. Other gift options will benefit the JCC’s teen center, The SPOT. The teen department is selling movie tickets to Regal Cinema, which can be purchased at the JCC or at The SPOT. “FitCertificates” are also available for many activities within the JCC’s Sports and Fitness Center, including personal training, memberships and massage packages. Information about these, as well as their purchase, may be obtained at the JCC’s main office.

L-r: Max Standish, Ilana Jaffe and Jonah Sahm presented a “Got Challah?” t-shirt, which is one of the holiday gifts available at the Sam Pomeranz Jewish Community Center of Syracuse. All proceeds from the t-shirts will benefit the JCC’s after school program.

CBS-CS Ruth & Joel Stein

Jeffrey, Abby, Sophie, Rachel & Rose Scheer

May your Chanukah be filled with the miracles of the holiday Bonnie Rozen, Advertising Representative

May you and your family be blessed during the holiday and throughout the year! Georgina, Paul, Joshua, Aaron and Gabriel Roth

Wishing the community a Happy Chanukah! Rabbi Rachel Esserman

Continued from page 4 lectures and seminars. The sessions encouraged participants to discover methods for “creating inner peace” and “seeing challenges as opportunities for personal and spiritual growth,” as well as training in relaxation and message techniques. In addition to the available activities, participants had the opportunity to experience the outdoors on an autumn weekend in the Berkshire Mountains. The CBS-CS women also brought their own group activities, games and snacks, and shared a large, dormitory-style room. A Havdalah service was also held to begin the new week. The meals provided by Kripalu were vegetarian, organic and gluten-free. One participant said, “The meals were warm, delicious and satisfying. It was refreshing to have such excellent quality meals in a large setting.” The weekend retreat was a result of the creation of Z’havah, a sub-group of Sisterhood that fosters participation from the under-40-year-old Sisterhood members, though the entire Sisterhood was encouraged to participate. Organizers felt the attendees enjoyed the Shabbat rest in the natural setting and the yoga classes. “The weekend provided the opportunity for the women to bond,” said a program representative.

From Our Families to Yours,

Happy Chanukah! Sidney, Kristen, Anna, Elise and Noah Comminsky

Twenty-four CBS-CS women participated in a weekend retreat at the Kripalu Yoga Retreat Center in Lenox, MA, in November.

NOVEMBER 28, 2013/25 KISLEV 5774 ■


activist in the documentation, protection and preservation of historic Jewish sites and monuments. In 1990, he organized and chaired the first international conference on the preservation of Jewish historic sites for the World Monuments Fund. He has participated and assisted with the organization of many related conferences and seminars in locations around the world, including Paris, Prague and Bratislava. He was recently the keynote speaker at an art and architecture symposium at Temple Beth El in Springfield, MA, which was designed by Percival Goodman. For more information, call the TAY office at 445-0002 or, or visit Learners’ minyan TempleAdathYeshurun will hold its second learners’minyan of the year on Saturday, December 14, at 10:15 am, during the regular Shabbat morning service. The learners’ minyan is led by Esa Jaffe, the TAY ba’alat tefillah. The learners’ minyan was created to give people the chance to learn about the prayers within the context of a regular Shabbat morning service. At each service, different themes and prayers will be highlighted. The theme of the December 14 service will be kedushah (holiness). The meaning of the prayers and their

Bess Greenberg (left) and Barbara Blumberg (right) were among the nearly 40 Temple Adath Yeshurun Hazak members who attended the “Protecting Yourself from Scams and Safety on the Streets” program presented by Matthew Ware (center), a retired U.S. Marine and former Manlius police officer.

Continued from page 4 significance to the service will be explored. Prayer mechanics will also be explored, as the rituals and practices of the service are explained. The learners’ minyan is intended for anyone interested in learning more about why Jews say the various prayers; what the prayers mean; where they come from and how the service is structured. An extended kiddush will follow the service. The learners’ minyan will be open to the community. For more information, contact the TAY office at 445-0002.


PJ Library®


At right: Dean Bratslavsky displayed his Thanksgiving and Chanukah coloring during the TAY Shabbat Experience program held on Fridays at 10 am for children from birth-5-years-old.

Pre-kindergarten and kindergarten classes bought gifts at Hazak’s second annual Chanukah bazaar. L-r: Eric Kozlowski, Noah Mowers, Lilah Levy and Sydney Kanter. In the background: Ruth Borsky.

Megan Sykes and her daughter, Olivia, made challah at the most recent PJ Library ® Playdate event. For more information about PJ Library in Central New York, contact Alicia Cafarchio at pjcny@jccsyr. org. The PJ Library of Central New York, a Jewish Community Partnership, provides free monthly books and community programming for local Jewish children from 6-months-8-years-old. The PJ Library playdate events provide an opportunity for children and their families to create connections. The PJ Library is a program of the Harold Grinspoon Foundation of Western Massachusetts and is run locally by the JCC of Syracuse. Local sponsors include the Sam Pomeranz Trust, the Jewish Federation of Central New York, Congregation Beth Sholom-Chevra Shas, Shaarei Torah Orthodox Congregation of Syracuse, Temple Adath Yeshurun and Temple Concord.

Wishing you a Healthy, Happy and Peaceful New Year

Wishing you a Happy Cheryl & Irv Schotz Chanukah! Mark & Susan Field TAY Religious school fifth grade students braided challah dough at the all-school community program, “Bread and Torah,” hosted at Temple Adath Yeshurun.


Continued from page 4 reflect on their love for him. TC Scholar Series: Eric Kingson Eric Kingson, a Temple Concord member and Syracuse University professor of social work, will speak on “The Political, Economic and Moral Context of Social Security” on Tuesday, December 10, at 6 pm. He will examine the politics and economics of population aging, Social Security policy, the baby boom cohorts, cross-generational obligations and distributional effects of retirement age policy. TC Youth- Shopping for a Cause By Kathy Scott Members of the synagogue’s high school group, TYCon, and middle school group, JYG, and their friends shopped at Wegmans in DeWitt on November 3 for an annual event to help the Temple Concord food pantry. The participants discussed strategies for getting the types of items needed and looked at sales for the products. The were divided into teams based on their groups. All members donated money to shop for the Food Pantry, and the money was divided evenly between the groups. The end result was two full grocery baskets and more than 160 items collected for donation. Esther Rubinow, of TYCon, told her fellow team members, “You are lucky to have me on your team this year; because I am an experienced shopper!” JYG memberAlana Jacowitz said, “I can’t believe all the food items that we were able to collect when we work together.” During the program, an unidentified shopper made an anonymous donation to the cause, surprising the group participants.

A Chanukah wish to all of our readers and advertisers... May Chanukah fill your heart and home with special joy and lasting happiness. Patricia Puzzo Jewish Observer Advertising Executive

Wishing the community a Happy Chanukah!

From Our Family to Yours,

Happy Chanukah!

Sydney Tenenbaum & Deidre Zehner,

Steven and Linda Alexander

Issac, Sadie , lori and Abe Tenenbaum

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JEWISH OBSERVER ■ november 28, 2013/25 KISLEV 5774

d’var torah

b’nai mitzvah

The light of Chanukah

Logan Tyler Allsop bar mitzvah

By Rabbi Daniel J. Fellman It is no coincidence that Chanukah comes at the darkest point of the year. Nor is it any coincidence that light shines as the first thing created in the opening verses of the Torah. Nor is it any coincidence that other traditions recognize

Calendar Highlights To see a full calendar of community events, visit the Federation's community calendar online at Please notify of any calendar changes.

Monday, November 25 Deadline for the December 12 issue of the Jewish Observer Friday, November 29 Temple Concord Thanksgiving dinner Tuesday, December 3 Shaarei Torah Orthodox Congregation of Syracuse Chanukah dinner at 5:30 pm Temple Concord Regina F. Goldenberg Cultural Series concert at 7 pm Wednesday, December 4 Temple Adath Yeshurun Hazak meeting at 8:45 am TAY Chanukah dinner at 6 pm Sunday, December 8 TAY Adult Ed. Chavurah at 9:30 am TC Brotherhood and Women of Reform Judaism host Dan Maffei at 9:30 am Congregation Beth Sholom-Chevra Shas presents the play A Marriage Before Love@ at 2 pm Tuesday, December 10 TC Scholars Series, presenting Eric Kingson, at 6 pm Thursday, December 12 Sam Pomeranz Jewish Community Center, Syracuse Hebrew Day School and Temple Concord special needs program at 7 pm Saturday, December 14 Middle school youth bounce program at 7:30 pm at the JCC Sunday, December 15 Adult program at 9 am Monday, December 23 EARLY deadline for the January 9 issue of the Jewish Observer

the power and sanctity of light, and even celebrate light at this same time of year. Our tradition gives precious little reason for the lights of Chanukah. Talmud describes a disagreement on the order of lighting the candles, but the reasons for creating light in darkness are not to be found in law. Instead, they are the realm of midrash, storytelling and human experience. Chanukah lights have come to symbolize all that is good for us as American Jews. Chanukah lights shine as beacons of freedom, as reminders of peoplehood and individuality in an ever-increasing world of assimilation and following others. Chanukah lights shine in dark nights to remind us to be true to ourselves, our heritage and our beliefs. On those cold dark nights when it is easy to feel lonely and disconnected, Chanukah lights link us to each other and our history. Chanukah lights add brightness as we think of generations gone and yet to be. Light has that special power. Light lifts the soul; light makes all other things possible. In creating light, God recognizes that nothing can move us from tohu vavohu, nothingness and void, to order and understanding quite like light. The very first ingredient of order, of life itself, is light. And in sharing this season of light with others, we recognize shared bonds. Yes, our faiths may be different, our practices different, our beliefs different; but our humanity remains the same. We all have the need for some level of order. We all have the need for light. We all benefit from shining light in especially dark times. Chanukah reminds us of our connections – to light, to our past, to others, to God. In kindling the Chanukah candles, we celebrate our bright heritage, and in celebrating the light, we renew our commitment to carry on, to bring light to children and grandchildren yet to be. Chanukah’s gift of light, so simple and so essential, provides light for our souls and hope for all. Chag sameach! Rabbi Daniel J. Fellman is the rabbi at Temple Concord and Hillel campus rabbi and the Jewish chaplain of Syracuse University.


Continued from page 3 supervisor at Exceptional Family Resources. She will provide information on the services available through the Office for Persons with Developmental Disabilities for families that have a member with a qualifying diagnosis. Among these services are respite, modifications to their home and community habilitation services. Criss said, “Many families are unaware of the supports and services that can help their family member learn new skills and/or provide funding to assist with meeting their needs.”

Logan Tyler Allsop, son of Wendy Wandner Allsop, of East Syracuse, and David Allsop, of Jamesville, became bar mitzvah at Temple Adath Yeshurun on November 16. He is the grandson of F. Ruth and the late Burton Wandner, of Fayetteville, NY, and David and the late Barbara Allsop, of Big Pine Key, FL. He attends the Pine Grove Middle School and the TAY Religious School. He enjoys cooking, skateboarding, listening to music and drawing.

Logan Tyler Allsop

Michale Bess Schueler

Michale Bess Schueler, daughter of Fran Ciardullo and Timothy Delos Schueler, of DeWitt, became bat mitzvah at Congregation Beth Sholom-Chevra Shas on November 9. She is the granddaughter of the late Marion D. and Michael Ciardullo, of Norwalk, CT, and Helen and John Schueler, of Phoenix, NY. She is a graduate of the Syracuse Hebrew Day School and is in the Michale Bess eighth grade at Jamesville-DeWitt Schueler Middle School. She attends the Rabbi Jacob Epstein High School for Jewish Studies and is in her fourth year as a member of the Syracuse Children’s Chorus. She enjoys singing, musical theater, reading, creative writing, travel and political debates.

Jadah Tsounis

Jadah Tsounis, daughter of Rena and George Tsounis, of Cicero, became bat mitzvah at Shaarei Torah Orthodox Congregation of Syracuse on November 3. She is the granddaughter of Karen and Herb Roberts, of DeWitt. She graduated from the Syracuse Hebrew Day School. She is a student at Gillette Middle School in Cicero and the Rabbi Jacob Epstein High Jadah Tsounis School of Jewish Studies. She has done volunteer work at Shaarei Torah Orthodox Congregation of Syracuse and has pledged to contribute 10 percent of her gifts to tzedakah. She enjoys math, science and taking bike rides.

Jewish Student of the Month Music plays an important role in Sarah Young’s life. She plays the oboe in the Jamesville-DeWitt High School band, the pit orchestra, the pep band, the full orchestra, and the greater Syracuse area honors youth wind ensemble and symphonic band. Last summer, for the fourteenth time, she attended Klezkanada, a klezmer camp where she attends classes and serves as a junior counselor for the children’s program. However, music alone does not define Sarah. She competes on the JDHS mock triall and school math teams and is president of the school’s Acceptance Coalition, a club focused on promoting the acceptance and celebration of different groups that have traditionally been ps, marginalized by society, including, and especially, different cultural and racial groups, women and the LGBTQ community. Judaism also plays a large role in her life. She is the religious education vice president for the ACHLA OF CEN chapter of United Synagogue Youth and has attended r fo meone To nominate so Camp Ramah in New England for the past eight years. f nt o e d tu S h is She said, “I attend SHUL and religious school, go to a w e J nth, Jewish camp, where I have met so many friends, and I the Mo please e-mail am a member of USY and Kadima before that. I also om l.c ai erCNY@gm work at the CBS-CS Religious School because I want JewishObserv -2040 x116 or call (315)445 the younger members of our synagogue to have Sarah Young is shown with Matan Pepperstone after positive experiences with their Jewish learning. in the “Shave Your Head e participating Additionally, through my synagogue, I have been able to participate for Children with Cancer” program in the St. Baldrick’s head-shaving twice, raising around $2,000 for pediatric cancer research. Judaism has helped me have good values and taught me many important lessons.” INC. TRAL NEW YORK,

Asked what motivates her to do all these activities, she replied, “What I would say drives me to succeed is a desire to learn and to help. When I am older, I want to be a lawyer and hopefully have something to do with politics so that I can help people more directly.”

RAV Properties, locally-owned investment and management firm is proud to support the Jewish Observer by spotlighting Jewish youths who are making a difference in Central New York. For more information:, 315-403-9000

NOVEMBER 28, 2013/25 KISLEV 5774 ■

obituaries Blanche Lazarus

Blanche Lazarus, 85, died peacefully on November 13 at Crouse Hospital. Born and raised in Brooklyn, NY, she met her husband when she was 16. She worked as a fashion coordinator for a menswear company in Manhattan. She was one of the few women of her generation who juggled a career with motherhood. She and her husband moved to Syracuse 25 years ago to be near their daughter. She loved decorating, collecting antiques, and being close to the ski mountains in winter and golfing in summer. She was predeceased by her husband of 62 years, Joe, in 2010; and her sister, Pearl, last summer. She is survived by her sister, Betty; her two granddaughters; her son-in-law, Dave Birchenough; and her daughter, Carrie Lazarus. Burial was in Woodlawn Cemetery. Sisskind Funeral Service had arrangements. Contributions may be made to the Manlius Library, 1 Arkie Albanese Ave., Manlius, NY 13104. 




Reporter at Nuremberg donates transcripts to U.S. Holocaust museum

A former reporter for the U.S. Army donated a transcript

of radio coverage of the Nuremberg war crimes trials to the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum. Harold Burson, 92, who covered the trials of Nazi leaders in 1945 and 1946 for the American Forces Network, gave the never-published transcript to the Washington museum on Nov. 19.

Mom: Your life will always inspire us, and your memory is our blessing. We love you. Remembering Inge S. Grundel… R a short film by Jay M. Lurie Productions


Continued from page 2 court in the country for their conversion. Though he leads Israel’s fourth-largest political party, Bennett is a relative newcomer to the Israeli political scene. Following his army service in the elite Israeli Defense Forces unit Sayeret Matkal and law school, Bennett became a successful software entrepreneur. The technology company he founded in his 20s, Cyota, was sold for $145 million when Bennett was 33. Bennett said his combat experience during the Second Lebanon War of 2006 changed his career trajectory, propelling him into politics. He worked as Benjamin Netanyahu’s chief of staff for a couple of years, returned to the world of technology to run another company (Soluto, which was sold recently for approximately $100 million), led the Yesha Council of Israeli settlers and decided to run for the Knesset. Stunning the Israeli political establishment with his meteoric rise, Bennett transformed what had been a moribund political party with three Knesset seats and a constituency that was mostly Orthodox – a legacy of Jewish Home’s origins as the National Religious Party – into a broader-based nationalist party that captured 12 seats in last January’s elections. Bennett quickly formed an alliance with Lapid, the other rising star in Israeli politics, whose newly founded Yesh Atid party captured 19 Knesset seats. Together, the two forced their way into Netanyahu’s coalition government, sidelining the haredi Orthodox parties, which were left in the opposition for the first time in years. “This was a tactical alliance, but it grew into something that today is more profound,” Bennett said of his relationship with Lapid, who is now finance minister. On their work together cutting Israel’s budget, Bennett said he and Lapid jumped off the proverbial cliff together, like “Thelma and Louise.” Bennett says economic issues occupy 60 percent of his time, with the balance divided between his other two ministerial portfolios, being a member of the inner security Cabinet, politics and life. Bennett, 41, has four children under the age of 10. One of his main economic projects is getting haredi Orthodox Israelis to work. Bennett is promoting a bill that would grant a four-year reprieve from the military draft to 50,000 haredi Israelis if they enter the workforce. He wants to complement this with a $142 million program to train the haredim for the labor market, incentivize them to work and employers to hire them. Bennett wants to do something similar for Israeli-Arab women, who have relatively low participation rates in the labor force. Though Bennett maintains a hard line on Palestinian issues – he opposes Palestinian statehood – he says it hasn’t really come up much. Few in the current Israeli government seem to believe the U.S.-brokered peace talks between Israel and the Palestinians will bear significant fruit. The primary regional issue that preoccupies Bennett is Iran. He recently spent time in Washington lobbying U.S. lawmakers against easing sanctions pressure on Tehran during the current negotiations, arguing that only economic pressure will prompt the mullahs to agree to a deal. “We need to create an either-or situation,” Bennett said. “Either you have an economy or you have a nuclear program.” He also praised the Obama administration for being a “very good friend of Israel” and hailed what he called a “quality leap in defense ties” between the two countries. But what Bennett seems most excited about is what he views as a historic opportunity for the current Israeli government to tackle domestic issues. “I call it the 70-70 rule: Seventy percent of Israelis agree on 70 percent of the issues, but we spend most of our time on the 30 percent,” he said. “So this time, no, we’ll do the 70 thing.”

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JEWISH OBSERVER ■ november 28, 2013/25 KISLEV 5774

To Brighten the Festival of Lights

ailable Where Av


5.2 OZ.


In Our Kosher Meat Dept. 10-22 Lb. Avg. Wgt.



Empire Kosher Frozen Turkey


In Our Frozen Meat Dept. 33 oz.•In Marinara Sauce

Meal Mart Meat Balls

In Our Frozen Meat Dept. Meal Mart•32 oz.

Fun Shapes! Chicken Nuggets In Our Produce Dept. U.S. #1•2 1/4" Minimum

Fresh McIntosh Apples In Our Kosher Seafood Dept. 12 oz.•In Sour Cream or

10 99 9 99 8 99 2 99 5 4$ /3


Tam Tams

Manischewitz Gravy

1.00 OFF


In Our Kosher Grocery Dept. .53 oz•Milk or Dark Chocolate

Manischewitz Chanukah Gelt In Our Kosher Grocery Dept. Goodman’s•2.75 oz.

Onion Soup & Dip Mix In Our Kosher Frozen Dept. 13 oz.•6 Pack•All Varieties

Manischewitz Cheese Blintzes In Our Kosher Grocery Dept.•32 oz.•Beef, Vegetable, Reduced Sodium Chicken or

Manischewitz Chicken Broth


Buy 4 Get

1 4$ /1 4$ /5 2$ /5 2$ /4

In Our Kosher Grocery Dept. 12 oz.•All Available Varieties




Manischewitz 2 $ In Our Kosher Grocery Dept. 9.6 oz.•All Varieties


In Our Kosher Grocery Dept.•12 oz.•Fine, Medium, Wide, Extra Wide or Yolk Free


Any Variety of Manischewitz Brand Egg Noodles 12 oz.

RETAILER: We will reimburse you for the face value of this coupon plus 8¢ handling, provided you and the consumer have complied with the offer terms. Coupons not properly redeemed will be void and held. Reproductions of this coupon is expressly prohibited (ANY OTHER USE CONSTITUTES FRAUD). Mail to: The Manischewitz Company, CMS Dept. #72700, 1 Fawcett Drive, Del Rio, TX 78840. Cash value .001¢. Void where taxed or restricted. LIMIT ONE COUPON PER PRODUCT PURCHASED. ©2013 The Manischewitz Company MAY NOT BE DOUBLED OR TRIPLED

In Our Kosher Frozen Dept. 15 oz.•All Varieties

Tabatchnick Soup

In Our Kosher Dairy Dept. 8 oz. Tub•Salted or Unsalted

Breakstone’s Whipped Butter In Our Kosher Dairy Dept. 8 oz.

1.00 OFF

/3 2$ /4

Temptee Whipped Cream Cheese In Our Kosher Dairy Dept. 8.5 oz.•White or Red

Farmers Horseradish

In Our Kosher Grocery Dept. 9 oz.•Vanilla Marshmallow Twists or

Joyva Raspberry Ring Jells


1 2$ /3 99 2 25 1 99

In Our Kosher Grocery Dept.•6 oz.•Regular, Sweetened, Reduced Sodium or Homestyle

Manischewitz Potato Pancake Mix



Buy 2 Get

$ ®


2$ /


Buy 2 Get


Kineret Potato Latkes


Manischewitz Thanksgivukah Celebration

In Our Kosher Frozen Dept. 21.16 oz.•10 Ct.


2$ /

Nathan’s Herring Snacks in Wine Sauce Manischewitz Egg Noodles

In Our Kosher Grocery Dept. 25.4 oz.•Peach, Blush, Catawba or


Empire Kosher Ready Roast Chicken


Kedem Concord Sparkling Juice


In Our Meat Dept. 48 oz.•BBQ or Garlic & Herb


1.00 OFF


Any Variety of Manischewitz Brand Broth 32 oz.


RETAILER: We will reimburse you for the face value of this coupon plus 8¢ handling, provided you and the consumer have complied with the offer terms. Coupons not properly redeemed will be void and held. Reproductions of this coupon is expressly prohibited (ANY OTHER USE CONSTITUTES FRAUD). Mail to: The Manischewitz Company, CMS Dept. #72700, 1 Fawcett Drive, Del Rio, TX 78840. Cash value .001¢. Void where taxed or restricted. LIMIT ONE COUPON PER PRODUCT PURCHASED. ©2013 The Manischewitz Company MAY NOT BE DOUBLED OR TRIPLED

Any Variety of Manischewitz® Brand Potato Pancake Mix 6 oz .

RETAILER: We will reimburse you for the face value of this coupon plus 8¢ handling, provided you and the consumer have complied with the offer terms. Coupons not properly redeemed will be void and held. Reproductions of this coupon is expressly prohibited (ANY OTHER USE CONSTITUTES FRAUD). Mail to: The Manischewitz Company, CMS Dept. #72700, 1 Fawcett Drive, Del Rio, TX 78840. Cash value .001¢. Void where taxed or restricted. LIMIT ONE COUPON PER PRODUCT PURCHASED. ©2013 The Manischewitz Company MAY NOT BE DOUBLED OR TRIPLED

Prices effective Sunday, November 3 thru Saturday, December 7, 2013 in our CT, MA, NH, NY PA & VT stores only. All items and varieties may not be available in all stores. We reserve the right to limit quantities and substitute items. Not responsible for typographical errors.

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